Welcome to 'The Daze 2002'
( The Daze was established Dec. 22nd 1999) by Michael Harwood .M.Ed, B.A.
An Astrological commentary on current events.
(Copyright:- The Daze 2002 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Astrological services click here.
Eclipse charts May June 2002. CLICK HERE
Winter Solstice chart 2002. (Sunday December 22nd 2002. 01-15 GMT) Click here.
Latest update:-Sunday December 29th 2002.
The waning Moon, Venus and Mars are aligned within 3 degrees of celestial longitude in tropical Scorpio during the first 8 hours GMT of tomorrow December 30th 2002. We may witness a certain seriousness in situations as this triple conjunction approaches.
The next new moon, the first after the Solar Eclipse on Dec. 2002, is on Jan 2nd 2003. This new Moon in Capricorn is aspect less.
Yesterday's 'excessive' Mars square Jupiter aspect 'drew out' a claim of human cloning and North Korean nuclear capabilities.
Friday December 27th 2002.
Photo BBC
The UN nuclear watchdog says North Korea has moved 1,000 fuel rods to a reactor which could be used to produce plutonium. - a situation it describes as "very worrying". There is mounting international concern that North Korea could restart the Yongbyon reactor, which had been sealed up for eight years under a deal with the United States. It all makes the Iraq 'affair' seem a bit tame. The waning Moon is now moving fast in Libra at Last Quarter phase. Mars is square Jupiter.
Thursday December 26th 2002.
The Moon is in Virgo, entering Libra 15-54 GMT today, and will be at last quarter phase at 00-32 GMT on Friday 27th Dec 2002. Venus was square to Jupiter early on Christmas Day, and Mars will make a similar fixed square to Jupiter, from Scorpio, on Saturday 28th at 07-22 GMT. The current planetary situation is suggestive of a corresponding propensity to overindulge and overestimate. The News on Christmas Day under these aspects saw Pope John Paul II making a Christmas plea to avoid a war in Iraq, warning of the "ominous smoldering of a conflict". Church leaders in England and Wales echoed this sentiment and used their Christmas messages to warn against plans for a possible war with Iraq. An upsurge in rebel fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee their homes. Afghanistan's rebel leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, threatens to step up a holy war in order to force foreign troops out of the country. South Korea says that Washington is sending an envoy to talk about North Korea's decision to reactivate a controversial reactor. In Venezuela opponents and supporters of President Chavez took to the streets, as a four-week-long general strike continues to cripple the economy.
Tuesday December 24th 2002.
Reports from North Korea say Pyongyang is taking more steps which will allow it to produce weapons-grade plutonium. UN nuclear experts interview key Iraqi scientists, as the US military says Iraq shot down one of its unmanned spy planes.
Monday December 23rd 2002.
The Sun and Mercury are in Capricorn. Venus and Mars are in Scorpio. The waning Moon shines from Leo and forms a conjunction with Jupiter at 14-07 GMT today. Venus makes a fixed square to Jupiter early (GMT) on Christmas Day, the only planetary aspect before the week ends. Tides of war reach our ears as we pass into the early days of Northern hemisphere winter. The Daze enters its fourth year.
News on the Winter Solstice 2002.
Iraq dismisses allegations that it is hiding weapons material as "baseless", but the US says Baghdad must prove this. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez vows to regain control of the country's oil industry, by sacking and prosecuting striking workers. The Palestinian leadership postpones holding general elections until Israeli forces withdraw from Palestinian areas. South Korea leads international protests against Pyongyang's decision to remove UN monitoring devices at its nuclear facilities. President Ravalomanana is set for a landslide victory, as the party of former President Ratsiraka complains about irregularities.
Saturday December 21st 2002.
It looks more and more like the crunch date for a decision on a US-led war on Iraq campaign will be the 27 January 2003. This is the day on which the chief United Nations weapons inspector, Hans Blix, will make a full report to the Security Council on Iraqi co-operation. Adopted on 8 November, UN Security Council 1441 specified that the inspectors had to report on their work within 60 days of the start of the first substantive inspection on 27 November. (BBC news).
Friday December 20th 2002.
The Moon is Full but now waning and in Cancer. A change of gear may be experienced today. The 'vibration' is instinctive and protectionist. The responses defensive and the outpourings more emotional. The last hours before the Capricorn Solstice Point are upon us. A day to gather together.
New Comet.
Early on the morning of December 14th 2002, Japanese amateur Tetuo Kudo was searching the skies with his giant 20 x 120 binoculars. While scanning the constellation Hercules, he spotted something new a fuzzy 9th-magnitude glow moving slowly east-southeast. The comet was announced on International Astronomical Union Circulars 8032 and 8033, and has been officially named Comet Kudo-Fujikawa.
Looking now towards the year 2003. This year has a very full and exciting astrological agenda. My comment at this stage is brief. There are four 'big' eclipses and a 'transit of Mercury'(see below), all but one visible to the UK sky gazers. Two Total Lunar eclipses occur across Taurus/Scorpio, one in the spring , one in the Fall, and a most unusual annular Solar Eclipse, in Gemini, 'a ring of fire sunrise' visible from north west Scotland on May 31st 2002. The unusual geometry of the Solar Eclipse of May 31st results in the eclipse shadow traveling westward. This eclipse is the first in its Saros to be 'a central eclipse'. We are still learning and noting this phenomena. It is a new concept to us.
The Transit of Mercury 2003.
On Wednesday, 2003 May 07, Mercury will transit the Sun for the first time since 1999. The entire event will be widely visible from the Europe, Africa and Asia . Japan Australia, and New Zealand will witness the beginning of the transit but the Sun will set before the event ends. Similarly, observers in western Africa, eastern North America and eastern South America will see the end of the event since the transit will already be in progress at sunrise from those regions.
(All text from http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/TSE2002/TSE2002.html)
May 16th 2003. Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Scorpio.
The first eclipse of the year is a total lunar eclipse which is well placed for Western Hemisphere observers. The eclipse occurs just half a day after perigee so the Moon will appear quite large (33.4 arc-minutes). During this event, the Moon is low on the ecliptic in (Sidereal) Libra approximately fifteen degrees west of the first magnitude star Alpha Scorpii (Antares). The Moon's path takes it through the northern part of Earth's umbral shadow. Although the eclipse is not central, the total phase still lasts 1 hour 37 minutes. The eclipse begins at 01:05 UT with first penumbral contact. An hour later, the partial eclipse commences with first umbral contact at 02:03 UT. The total umbral eclipse begins at 03:14 UT and ends at 04:07 UT. The partial phase ends at 05:17 UT and the Moon leaves the penumbral shadow at 06:15 UT. The Moon's path through Earth's shadows as well as a map illustrating worldwide visibility of the event is shown in . At the instant of greatest eclipse (03:40 UT), the Moon will lie in the zenith for observers in southern Brazil near its western border with Bolivia and Paraguay
May 31st 2003. Annular Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Gemini.
The first solar eclipse of 2003 is a very unusual annular eclipse which takes place in the Northern Hemisphere (. The axis of the Moon's shadow passes to the far north where it barely grazes Earth's surface. In fact, the northern edge of the antumbra actually misses our planet so that one path limit is defined by the day/night terminator rather by the shadow's upper edge. As a result, the track of annularity has a peculiar "D" shape which is nearly 1200 kilometres wide. Since the eclipse occurs just three weeks prior to the northern summer solstice, Earth's northern axis is pointed sunwards by 22.8°. As seen from the Sun, the antumbral shadow actually passes between the North Pole and the terminator. As a consequence of this extraordinary geometry, the path of annularity runs from east to west instead of visa versa. As a member of 3, this is the first central eclipse of the series. The event transpires near the Moon's ascending node in central (Sideral) Taurus five degrees north of Aldebaran. Since apogee occurs three days earlier (May 28 at 13 UT), the Moon's apparent diameter (29.6 arc-minutes) is still too small to completely cover the Sun (31.6 arc-minutes) resulting in an annular eclipse. The Moon's antumbral shadow first touches down on Earth at 03:45 UT in northern Scotland about 100 kilometres north of Glasgow (). The antumbra quickly extends northward as it travels on a northwestern trajectory. In Scotland, the Northwest Highlands, Loch Ness, the Isle of Lewis (Outer Hebrides), Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands all lie in the annular track where maximum eclipse occurs at or shortly after sunrise. Several minutes later, the shadow's edge reaches the Faeroe Islands (03:51 UT) where annularity lasts 03 minutes 08 seconds with the Sun 4° above the northeastern horizon. By 03:59 UT, the leading edge of the antumbra arrives along the southeastern coast of Iceland. Traveling with a ground velocity over 0.5 kilometres per second, the shadow sweeps across the entire North Atlantic nation in eight minutes. The shadow is so broad, that the duration of the three and a half minute annular phase varies by less than 5 seconds across all of Iceland. After traversing the Denmark Strait, the highly elliptical antumbra bisects Greenland where over a third of the enormous island lies within the track. Crossing the ill-named land mass, the path width rapidly shrinks as the grazing antumbra begins its return to space. Just before reaching Baffin Island, the shadow leaves Earth in the Davis Strait (04:31 UT). From start to finish, the antumbra sweeps over its entire path in a little under 47 minutes. The central line of the eclipse forms a short C-shaped curve which begins south of Iceland and crosses the country near Reykjavik. Greatest eclipse4 occurs at 04:08:18 UT about 200 kilometres northwest of the Scandinavian island nation. At that point, the duration of the annular phase lasts 3 minutes 37 seconds with the Sun 2.9° above the northeastern horizon. The central line ends near Greenland after running its complete course in twelve minutes Partial phases of the eclipse are visible from much of Europe (except Spain and Portugal) and the Middle East where the event occurs at sunrise, as well as from central and northern Asia (excluding most of China, South East Asia and Japan). In the Western Hemisphere, the partial eclipse is visible from northern Canada and Alaska during the afternoon of May 30.
November 9th 2003. Total lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus.
The second lunar eclipse of the year occurs six lunations after the first. It takes place at the ascending node of Luna's orbit in Sideral Aries. This time, the Moon is 1.4 days shy of apogee and appears 12% smaller (= 29.4 arc-minutes) than it was during May's eclipse. The Moon's trajectory takes it well to the south of the umbral shadow's central axis resulting in a total eclipse which lasts just 25 minutes. At mid-totality, the Moon's southern limb is a scant 0.6 arc-minutes from the umbra's edge. Even the northern limb is 23.4 arc-minutes from the centre of the shadow. Assuming that the transparency of Earth's atmosphere remains relatively unchanged, the November eclipse will be dramatically brighter than the May event because of the shallow umbral depth. Since different parts of the Moon will probe radically different portions of Earth's umbral shadow, a large variation in shadow brightness can be expected. The totally eclipsed Moon will appear to have a bright rim along its southern edge.
November 23rd 2003. Total Solar Eclipse at 1 degree Sagittarius.
The final event of 2003 is a total solar eclipse visible from the Southern Hemisphere . The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins at 22:19 UT in the southern Indian Ocean about 1100 kilometres southeast of Kerguelen Island (). Curving south, the 500 kilometre wide umbral path reaches the coast of Antarctica at 22:35 UT. The Shackleton Ice Shelf and Russia's Mirnyy research station lie in the path where the central line duration is 1 minute 55 seconds and the Sun stands 13° above the frozen landscape. Quickly moving inland, the elongated shadow sweeps over the desolate interior of the continent encountering no permanently staffed research stations for the next half hour. Greatest eclipse occurs in Wilkes Land at 22:49:17 UT. At this point, the duration of totality reaches its maximum of 1 minute 55 seconds at solar altitude of 15°. The duration and altitude slowly drop as the umbra's path curves from southwest to northwest. Just like May's annular eclipse, the November event features a lunar shadow moving in the "wrong" direction. Once again, the explanation lies in the deep southern track of the umbra coupled with the close proximity of the eclipse with winter solstice. As viewed from the Sun's direction, the shadow passes around the "back" side of the pole between Earth's axis of rotation and the terminator.
Please feel free to stay with The Daze during 2003, and to pass on our Web address to others.
Thursday December 19th 2002.
The Moon is exactly Full, at 28 degrees Gemini, today at 19-10 GMT. The Moon will conjunct Saturn at 14-53 GMT. This is the first Full moon following the Lunar Eclipse on November 20th 2002 and because of this lunation's conjunction with Saturn we can be almost certain that serious issues will abound.
UK warships will set sail towards the Gulf next month ready for possible war - as the UK foreign secretary accuses Iraq of lying about its weapons. Small numbers" of al-Qaeda terrorists are operating in the UK with a "high probability" of an attack sooner or later, says a Whitehall source. More than 80 people are missing, feared dead, after a passenger ferry with more than 300 people on board sinks in northern Brazil.
Wednesday December 18th 2002.
Yesterday's Sun Saturn opposition coincided with the following news stories. Al-Qaeda 'still poses big threat', the network remains a global threat and is believed to have set up new training camps, a report by experts monitoring al-Qaeda says. The US president orders the first deployment of anti-missile defences, and requests the use of facilities in the UK and Denmark.
Today the Moon is very Full in Gemini (exact tomorrow 19-10 GMT) . There are a general 'buzz' in the air. The Jupiter Pluto aspect peaks today. Theres is much positivism to be unearthed. Power shifts are taking place.
Tuesday December 17th 2002.
Mars (and Venus) square Neptune coincide with two collisions in the English Channel last weekend!
The gibbous Moon enters Gemini today at 13-43 GMT. The Sun is opposite Saturn at 17-28, and sextile Uranus at 19-50 GMT. This day, from 13-43 bursts open into a frenzy of movement, challenge and surprises. Expect masses of news stories 'bubbling up'. The main one may well concern the matter spoken of yesterday by US Secretary of State Colin Powell that there are "problems" with Iraq's weapons declaration. He anticipates a US response this week.
Saturday December 14th 2002.
Venus is square Neptune as I write this (07-18 GMT). Mars squares Neptune tomorrow. This powerful double square dominates the weekend with potentially crazy scenes. After this barrage subsides an opposition of Saturn and the Sun, an annual event, is the next astrological event to occur. This aspect peaks on Tuesday.
The waxing Moon past first quarter is in Aries all day. The next Full Moon, the first after the recent eclipse season, is on Thursday. There are eight days remaining to the Winter Solstice. (Northern hemisphere.)
European leaders celebrate what they say is a historic agreement on bringing 10 new states into the EUA, after last minute deals are struck. Two outer body aspects peak in the skies in the coming week as this bit of history occurs, Saturn is trine Uranus in air signs, Jupiter is trine Pluto in fire. The simultaneous peaking of these transits coincides with this 'historic agreement',
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez says he is ready to use foreigners to re-start oil production, paralysed by a general strike. The main rebel group in Ivory Coast says it is ready to fight French peacekeeping troops, as Paris sends in reinforcements. Zimbabwe's president threatens retribution towards the white community if foreign pressure on his government continues. And so the story continues...
Thursday December 12 th 2002.
'Weak' news stories abound this week. The US releases a ship carrying 15 Scud missiles and warheads to Yemen after protests from the Yemeni Government. Weapons inspectors widen the scope of their work in Iraq, as their chief tries to calm a row between UN Security Council
In the UK Tony Blair defends his wife in her dealings with a convicted fraudster as the Tories say the government has lost public trust in the affair. Firefighters' leaders call off the eight-day strike due to start on Monday, but set a new date for a January walk-out.
Today the slow waxing Moon enters Aries at 12-59 GMT. Sudden urgency is in store from this moment.
Wednesday December 11th 2002.
Iraqi officials have accused the United States of "unprecedented blackmail" for obtaining an unedited copy of Iraq's weapons dossier and say the U.S. wants to "manipulate the U.N. documents to find a cover for aggression against Iraq." White House officials called the statement "ludicrous."
The Moon, slow but waxing, is at first quarter phase at 15-49 GMT today in Pisces. A minor crisis is in action. A day of movement and dispersion is in store. Deep wells of emotion can be tapped. Other-worldliness can be observed in others. Strange fish.
Tuesday December 10th 2002.
The crescent moon enters Pisces at 01-37 GMT and moves on to make sweet and harmonious aspects to Venus and Mars during the day which follows. The Sun is in fiery trine to Jupiter. The day has positive omens.
Yesterday experts scrutinized Baghdad's 12,000-page arms declaration as divisions among permanent UN Security Council members started to reappear. Oil production in Venezuela is practically at a standstill, as the national strike against President Chavez enters its second week.
Monday December 9th 2002
The main UK news story yesterday was a major fire in Edinburgh's historic Old Town which may not be fully extinguished for another two days, fire chiefs have said. The blaze, which broke out at about 2015 GMT on Saturday December 7th 2002 took fire crews more than 18 hours to bring under control.
The main world news yesterday reported that Baghdad challenges the United States to prove that Iraq still has weapons of mass destruction, as its detailed dossier is delivered to the UN.
Today the Sun is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 16-54 GMT. The Crescent Moon is conjunct Uranus in Aquarius at 17-03 GMT.
Sunday December 8th 2002.
The Moon is now in Aquarius and is a waxing crescent. The first phase of last week's eclipse influence is now over. Venus and Mars are conjunct in Scorpio, the Sun is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius. The Moon today conjuncts Neptune at 10-00 GMT. Mercury swaggers into Capricorn at 20-21 GMT. All in all a remarkable and potent combination of influences, this time of the three conjunctions.
Friday December 6th 2002.
If the going seems tough today, and material challenges abound, then there are two possible sources of astrological significance. Firstly the Moon is void of course all day in Capricorn, a notorious combination of labour, matter, and pragmatism. Secondly the Earth, Mercury and Saturn are almost linearly aligned at 13-36 GMT. This planetary alignment emphasizes a serious edge to proceedings.
Yesterday's news centered on Venezuela where President Chavez ordered the military to protect oil installations, as strikes hit key operations in one of the world's largest oil exporters. Saddam Hussein said the UN inspections are an opportunity to disprove US allegations that Iraq is developing weapons of mass destruction. Eyewitnesses speak of bodies littering the streets of Man in western Ivory Coast as a government offensive continues. The mass of a planet orbiting another star has been measured accurately for the first time.
Thursday December 5th 2002.
We are in that very 'sensitive' period following an eclipse when we await to see what events occur in the hours and days after such an astrologically huge event.
Yesterday UN inspectors in Iraq should 'pursue their searches more aggressively', the White House said as it increased pressure on Baghdad. In Argentina protesters aimed to raise hundreds of thousands of kilograms of food for schoolchildren amid a worsening hunger crisis. In the UK thousands of students protested against increases in uni fees, but the prime minister said parents won't pay thousands up front. The British High Commission in Kenya closed because of a "specific threat" in the wake of the Mombassa hotel bombing.
Today the new Moon in Sagittarius closely conjuncts Mercury at 04-11 GMT. This event is an occultation, it is significant and as such deserves a mention. The Moon enters Capricorn at 13-40. Mercury is sextile Uranus at 19-09 GMT. This could be a very special day with an unexpected twist at its close.
Eclipses Nov/Dec 2002 page Click here.
Monday December 2nd 2002. Yesterday Mars's ingress into Scorpio coincided with the following global news stories.
*B-52s went into action as fighting between warlords underlined Afghanistan's instability on the eve of a peace conference.
*At least 47 people died, many of them from inhaling toxic smoke, as fire swept through a crowded nightclub in Caracas.
*A huge slick of fuel oil from the sunken tanker Prestige started to wash up on the Galician coast - bringing more environmental devastation.
No planet now obstructs the balsamic moon as she applies to the Sun to form Wednesday's Total Solar Eclipse. Today the Moon sails and wanes through Scorpio. It is 'battlefield status'. A tough mix of resolute will and penetration pervades the 'ethers'.
The total solar eclipse on Wednesday December 4th is visible from a narrow corridor that traverses the Southern Hemisphere. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in the South Atlantic, crosses southern Africa and the Indian Ocean and ends at sunset in southern Australia. A partial eclipse will be seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of Africa, western Australia and Antarctica. The eclipse starts at 05:57 GMT. The umbral shadow sweeps across Angola , Zambia Namibia Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique South Australia. The instant of greatest eclipse occurs at 07:31:11 UT. The eclipse ends at 09:12 GMT. See link above for more details.
Sunday December 1st 2002.
This astrologically important day starts on a high note with the Sun sextiling Neptune and Jupiter trining Mercury. The Moon passes 2.5 degrees north of Mars at 11-07 GMT. Nine minutes later the Moon enters Scorpio. Mars follows in that selfsame sign at 14-26 GMT. Thirteen minutes later the Moon passes less than 2 degrees north of Venus.
Friday November 29th 2002.
Huge astrological wave approaching. There is a big Solar Eclipse next Wednesday. Mercury is conjunct Pluto. Venus recently turned direct in motion, is flirting dangerously close to Mars. The News builds on the astrology. At least 15 people die in a suicide bombing at an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa, as missiles just miss an Israeli jet leaving the city's airport. UN arms experts go to two more sites near Baghdad, a day after resuming their hunt for suspected weapons of mass destruction. The Moon enters Libra 09-54 GMT. Smoothly does it.
Thursday November 28th 2002.
Under a Moon in Virgo conducive to thoroughness and precision, United Nations weapons inspectors say the Iraqis gave them full access to two sites yesterday during their first field visit for four years. The leader of Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels states for the first time that he is ready to settle for less than full independence. In the UK, a huge increase in borrowing - rising to £20bn this year - is signaled by Chancellor Gordon Brown in his pre-Budget report. The Fire Brigades Union and their local authority employers are to sit down again to explore ways of ending the dispute. In the world of science researchers have confirmed the existence of a so-called "eclipse wind", often reported anecdotally during a solar eclipse. Three planetary events approach. Mercury is drawing to a conjunction with Pluto in Sagittarius which peaks on Sunday. Mars is drawing closer and closer to Venus, tightest also on Sunday but never actually an exact conjunction as Venus accelerates away. The union is not consummated, at least not until December 2004. Thirdly a total eclipse of the Sun approaches and occurs next Wednesday.
Wednesday November 27th 2002.
More women are now infected with HIV/Aids than men and over 40 million people are now living with the disease, latest figures reveal. The moon enters Virgo at 06-42 GMT today and is at last quarter phase at 15-46 GMT. Mars is trine Saturn. There is much movement and dissection today. There may well be a very practical edge to proceedings. Twenty five days remain to the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Tuesday November 26th 2002.
The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are in Sagittarius. Mars is in late Libra within four degrees of Venus in Scorpio. The disseminating Moon in Leo conjuncts Jupiter at 09-31 GMT today and then moves to form a 'Kite' planetary pattern with Mars, Uranus and Saturn. This planetary arrangement spills over into Wednesday (GMT), and will 'influence' events greatly. Today could well be dramatic and creative. There is an uncompromising quality to the mood and experiences of these next 24 hours.
Sunday November 24th 2002.
A curfew is in force in the city of Kaduna after another day of violence sparked by the country's attempt to host the Miss World beauty contest. The US president embraces future Nato partners in Romania and the Baltic states and rallies them for a possible military campaign against Iraq. The government faces increasing pressure from the UK's biggest trades unions to bring a swift end to the fire dispute.
Friday November 22nd 2002
The Sun's ingress into Sagittarius is at 11-54 GMT today. The Moon conjuncts Saturn in Gemini at 12-07 GMT and enters Cancer at 16-48 GMT. Mars is applying in an airy grand trine with Uranus and Saturn, a real surge of 'energy' will be experienced today.
Thursday November 21st 2002.
The Full Moon ' rattles' through Gemini. Duality. Two issues it appears are finely balanced. The first with the weapons inspection in Iraq, the second with the Firemen in the UK. The US asks dozens of allies for military backing as it prepares for conflict in Iraq, though UN inspectors say war can still be averted. In the UK a continuing firefighters strike would seriously undermine any possible military action against Iraq, according to the UK's most senior military chief.
We are deeply in an eclipse season. Times are strange, histories being written are profound. Today is a real 'bustle'. Myriad thought forms arise as Mercury hurtles through Sagittarius. Mars in late Libra pushing hard into a dynamic airy trine with Uranus and Saturn dominating the week ahead. Mars also pushing intent on a conjunction with Venus, which will be denied at the start of December, as she turns in direct motion today. All of this precedes the Total Solar Eclipse on December 4th 2002.
Wednesday November 20th 2002.
As this morning's Lunar Eclipse approached a tanker carrying thousands of tons of fuel sinks after breaking apart off the coast of Spain, raising fears of an environmental catastrophe. Demonstrations in Venezuela against a military takeover of the Caracas police force resume after earlier protests became violent.
Today the Moon enters Gemini at 06-26 GMT and immediately (well 09-14 GMT) opposes Mercury who arrived in Sagittarius yesterday. There is a real buzz today. Many small changes and adjustments may abound. Venus is about to turn direct in motion (sensing the approach of Mars), the Sun has only two days left in Scorpio.
Tuesday November 19th 2002.
The Moon undergoes a penumbral eclipse tonight in the sign of Taurus. First and last penumbral contacts occur at 23:32 GMT (Nov. 19th) and 04:01 GMT (Nov. 20th), respectively At greatest eclipse (01:47 GMT), the penumbral shadow magnitude reaches its maximum value of 88.6% of the Moon's disc. Click on the link above for more detail of this astrological and astronomical event. This penumbral lunar eclipse occurs at 27 degrees Taurus. The Sun Moon opposition is squared by Uranus, which on first inspection appears to suggest a difficult and slightly shocking 'atmosphere'. Further analysis reveals a wealth of trine aspects allowing some ease of expression. Jupiter is trine Pluto (in Fire signs), and Saturn is trine Uranus (in air signs). Venus is trine Saturn and Mars is applying in trine aspect to Uranus. The eclipsed Moon is conjunct the natal Sun of Israel and also conjunct the natal Moons of the Pope, Vladimir Putin and Ariel Sharon. The Moon is conjunct natal Jupiters in both Tony Blair astrological chart and that of the the UK Labour Party. This particular eclipse belongs to a Saros Series which is itself past its peak and is waning.
In the UK national chart (1801) progressed Moon in Sagittarius is square progressed Neptune in Pisces. A disturbing picture emerges as we ponder on the recent terrorist threat. With transitting Pluto shortly to conjunct the nation's natal Mercury and the forthcoming eclipses forming powerful planetary pictures at London, we may be wise to consider the coming weeks and months as very important for the UK. During next week's lunar eclipse, at the time of maximum eclipse in London, the Sun and Moon form a 'mystic rectangle' with the local Ascendant and Mid heaven. At the moment of greatest eclipse of the Total Solar Eclipse on December 4th 2002 at London, where Sagittarius rises, Mercury and Saturn form a mutable T-square with the Mid Heaven. The Sun and Moon are exactly on both the Uranus Mid-Heaven midpoint and the Mercury Ascendant midpoint of London. The more astrological 'pointers' the greater the effect. We will be watching the skies and the news stories very carefully. Stay tuned.
Monday November 18th 2002.
Watch the Leonid meteor. The time to be watching will be the early morning hours of November 19th. North America and Europe are favored. There Moon is waxing and bright, but even so astronomers say that many meteors may show through the moonlit sky.
The Moon is nearly Full in Taurus. Two very 'full' days follow in which the Moon sails on towards a deep penumbral eclipse.
November 17th 2002.
Three days to the lunar eclipse. the Sun is square Uranus. The Moon in late Aries forms a kite pattern with Saturn, Uranus and Venus. Mars is chasing Venus, ten degrees separate them today. By the end of the month they will be within a degree of each other, but Mars is destined not to overtake her this time. The Moon enters Taurus at 18-24 GMT. Bit of a shocker possibly today, lots of planetary tensions abound. Take care.
News stories around the globe report tales of arrests and charges. Indonesian police release images of six more suspects in the Bali bombing case, including the alleged leader of the group. Security officials arrest a man said to be a senior member of Osama Bin Laden's network as a statement warns of fresh attacks. Three men are arrested on terror charges in London amid reports of a plot to target the city's underground. Moors murderer Myra Hindley died in hospital from a serious chest infection following a suspected heart. The moment of her death according to BBC news was 16-58 GMT on Friday at Bury St. Edmunds England.
Saturday November 16th 2002.
Mercury squares Uranus at 07-03 giving an edgy and jumpy start to the day. The Moon surges through Aries making positive 'trine' aspects to Pluto and Jupiter. The build up to Wednesday's eclipse continues. The Sun today applies in a hard square aspect to Uranus releasing yet another series of shocks to the system. This aspect is exact at 12-34 on Sunday. This may well be a tense and powerful weekend.
Friday November 15th 2002.
The waxing Moon forges into Aries at 05-39 GMT today. She makes no aspects to any planet until 22-38 GMT when a lunar sextile with Neptune occurs. One minute later the Moon's phase becomes gibbous and the final chapter before Wednesday's deep penumbral Lunar eclipse begins.
Beware, Mercury is applying today to a waxing fixed square with Uranus, which is exact tomorrow morning. As the day proceeds impetus gives rise to possible shock and deviation.
Thursday November 14th 2002.
At 04-40 GMT today Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Scorpio Sun. The universal mind is illuminated. The Moon is in Pisces, both the Sun and the Moon are in water signs, there is an underlying emotional nature to events and experiences today.
Iraq says it has accepted the terms of the new UN Security Council resolution calling on the country to disarm. US President George Bush says threats made by a taped voice thought to be that of Osama Bin Laden have "put the world on notice". In the UK the first national fire strike in 25 years begins, (at 18-00 GMT yesterday) with the armed forces providing fire and rescue cover during the 48-hour stoppage.
Tuesday November 12th 2002.
Yesterday's planetary fixed T-square coincided with a bundle of serious news issues, stories and warnings. Abroad, a senior Iraqi official told the country's parliament to reject the tough new UN resolution on weapons inspections. Violent storms in the USA killed dozens of people and left more missing and injured in a trail of wreckage as hundreds of homes were wiped out. The Red Cross appealed for aid as the prime minister of Ethiopia warned of a famine worse than that of 1984 which killed nearly one million people. In the UK Tony Blair warned of a terrorist attack on the UK. Strike action seems likely to go ahead after the Fire Brigades Union reacted angrily to suggestions of a "derisory" 11% pay rise.
The first quarter Moon enters Pisces at 17-43 GMT today.
Monday November 11th 2002.
Three bodies, Mercury Venus and the Sun are in Scorpio, the first quarter Moon, Uranus and Neptune are in Aquarius. Today a fixed T-square involving the Sun, Mercury, the Moon, and Jupiter is in operation in the geocentric skies. It is one week to a deep penumbral eclipse of the Moon, the times are mysterious and magical.
Sunday November 10th 2002.
The crescent Moon enters Aquarius 08-27 GMT today. She arrives at first quarter phase on Monday. Mercury makes a fixed square aspect to Jupiter tomorrow, and Mars sits on the Jupiter Pluto Midpoint today and tomorrow. The astrological weather is geared to the future, thoughts and ideas may well be settled with a 'wait and see' solution.
News stories right now are 'moderate'. Arab ministers say they will ask Iraq to accept the new UN resolution on disarmament, at today's Arab League meeting in Cairo. The Togolese president will seek to bring rebels back to the Ivory Coast peace talks, after the killing of one of their leaders caused a walkout
Friday November 8th 2002
The Sun is now half way through tropical Scorpio and is applying in a waxing fixed square to Jupiter, we are midway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. The Moon is in crescent phase in Capricorn from 02-59 GMT today. Mars in halfway through Libra. Yesterday was a quiet day in world news.
Anyone in the UK interested in Ian Duncan Smith's little 'tantrum' on Monday, might not be surprised to read that the Mercury Venus conjunction in the sky that day was exactly opposite his natal Taurean Venus. His apparent dour 'quiet man' countenance and general lack of good fortune at the moment does seem to correspond well with transiting Saturn conjunct his natal Jupiter and opposite his natal Mars during this season.
Thursday November 7th 2002.
Yesterday Republicans gain control of the US Senate and retained their House majority, giving a major boost to President Bush's legislative agenda. Both Jupiter and Pluto are making positive sextile aspects to Bush's natal Moon at the moment. The UN Security Council began debating a new draft resolution against Iraq, with American officials confident of a deal. A plane crashed in thick fog near Luxembourg airport, killing 20 of the 22 people on board. The Luxair Fokker-50 turboprop plane crashed and caught fire in a field at about 1015 (0915 GMT) on Wednesday as it was coming in to land. The Moon yesterday and today is still very young in Sagittarius. The next Full Moon is an eclipse, (see the link above), the current planetary 'sway' is now geared to deliver us to this astrologically climatic event.
Tuesday November 5th 2002
Yesterday's New Moon and Mercury Venus conjunction coincided with The Israeli Government withstanding three no-confidence votes, as an explosion in a shopping mall causes heavy casualties. The Islamist-based AK party wins an overwhelming victory in Turkish elections, but faces court battles to secure its grip on power. Democrats and Republicans woo voters on the final day of a frenzied mid-term US election campaign, with President Bush fighting hard. The most powerful earthquake of 2002 strikes a remote part of Alaska, causing damage and an oil pipeline shutdown but no casualties.
Today Mercury is square to Neptune (22-38 GMT), and this suggests a lack of clear focus in thought processes. This is followed by no planetary aspect 'hits' until Saturday when the Sun will be square Jupiter.
Monday November 4th 2002.
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs today at 20-35 GMT. The chart set for this moment at London is shown below.
Some ten hours before the New Moon, the old Moon aligns to a conjunction of Mercury and Venus. This conjunction impregnates this lunation and this day with a bracing union of heart and mind. Mars stands at the midpoint of a tight trine between Jupiter and Pluto.
It remains to be seen what events will occur on this day but as it dawns Moscow announces a fresh military offensive in Chechnya, as another Russian helicopter is shot down by rebels. Former Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu says he will accept an offer to become foreign minister - but only if early elections are called.
Saturday November 2nd 2002.
The balsamic Moon is in Libra and makes three conjunctions with Mars (19-57 GMT today in Libra), Mercury and Venus both closing on each other and in conjunction some ten hours before the New Moon in Scorpio which occurs at 20-35 GMT on Monday 4th November. This new Moon is the last before the Total Solar Eclipse next month.
Mercury Venus conjunctions can be quite merry affairs but the one on Monday is tempered by the fact that it occurs in 'serious' Scorpio and that Venus is retrograde in motion.
Italy has been the focus of News events over the past three days. Another strong earthquake has hit the southern Italian village of San Giuliano di Puglia, just a day after 29 people - 26 of whom were children - died when a school collapsed due to a tremor on Thursday. Venus and the Sun were square Neptune at the time.
The Italian Government has declared a state of emergency in parts of Sicily, after a series of earthquakes accompanying the eruption of Mount Etna forced about 1,000 people flee their homes. Satellite image below
shows the plume of Etna's smoke.
In the UK the main news concerns the sudden halting of the trial of Princess Diana's former butler, Paul Burrell, and puts the spotlight on the Queen and the investigation.
Important asteroid occultation.
On November 2nd the faint asteroid 431 Nephele occults a 5.9-magnitude star in Taurus near the Hyades for observers from Newfoundland through southern and central New England to northern Texas. The star is a spectroscopic (unresolved) binary; during the occultation it could drop by several magnitudes, perhaps in two steps, or by only about 0.7 magnitude, not very obvious visually. The occultation, which could last up to 9 seconds, should come within a few minutes of 8:48 p.m. EST for New England, and two minutes later (7:50 p.m. CST) for Texas.
The USA (Sibly chart) is in the midst of Uranus conjunct natal Moon (2002) and will shortly encounter Pluto conjunct the ascendant (2002-2003). The US progressed Moon is just past first quarter in Gemini, and the progressed Sun is in the last two years of residing in Aquarius. The interpretation here is that very great forces are at work driven by a high technology and a dispassionate view of the global situation.
George W Bush has Neptune opposite his natal Mercury in 2002. Foreign policy created under general confusion and deception? Jupiter makes conjunctions with his ascendant, Mercury and Pluto in September 2002. Opportunistic endeavors. His progressed Moon is crescent in phase in Scorpio making a long application to a square with Pluto. Not an easy time for him.
Tony Blair progressed Moon (full in 2005) enters Sagittarius from August 2002. Pluto will make a positive aspect to his natal Venus. This chart is about to open up a surge of climatic energy taking this man to 2005.
Iraq has Pluto conjunct natal Saturn at the end of 2003. The progressed Moon is gibbous in Aquarius approaching progressed Full Moon in 2004 and is opposite Uranus in September 2002. (The progressed Moon was new in 1990 in Leo). Very climatic events are approaching for this country.
Three aspects dominate the skies of Earth during the second half of this year (2002). Saturn is trine Uranus in air signs. Jupiter is opposite Neptune (exact on September 11th) and Jupiter is trine Pluto in October.
Very interesting times indeed are upon us. Iraq's future does indeed seem to hold great climaxes. Bush does appear to be fueled on confusion (the hidden enemy). Blair may well be 'open and up for it'.
October 31st 2002
The Moon is waning past Last quarter and in Virgo from Midnight (GMT) today. Venus is in inferior conjunction with the Scorpio Sun today, both bodies making a hard waning fixed square aspect with Neptune.
Easy to get lost today amid a tidal wave of confusing detail.
Talks to prevent the collapse of Israel's fragile coalition government fail, prompting the resignation of senior Labor party ministers.
Bowing to Western pressure Russia reveals that the gas used in the Moscow theatre siege was based on fentanyl, a fast-acting opiate narcotic.
In the UK the IRA suspends its contact with the international decommissioning body following the suspension of NI devolution. The biggest manhunt since the Yorkshire Ripper murders is under way after a serial rapist strikes for the tenth time.
Tuesday October 29th 2002
The New York Sniper, the Russian theater siege assault, and the 'worst storm for a decade' across the UK and northern Europe all have occurred as Jupiter trined Pluto in fire signs in the skies of Earth.
As the Moon today in Leo hits the Last quarter phase at 05-28 GMT, we can take stock of what has occurred during the first few days of the astrological month of Scorpio.
Last quarter 'Fixity' rules today.
Monday October 28th 2002
Russia holds a day of mourning for those who died in the theater siege assault, as the authorities are accused of botching the rescue mission. Thousands celebrate as opposition leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva takes 60% in the presidential run-off election.The big clean-up has begun after storms battered the UK on Sunday leaving seven dead.
Friday October 25th 2002
At 09-31 GMT today the Moon in Gemini becomes disseminating in phase. There are no planetary aspects over the weekend but Monday appears to be important. (More to follow). The start of the astrological month of Scorpio has coincided with the following news stories. Heavily armed Chechen rebels holding some 600 people hostage in a Moscow theatre release seven people as the siege enters its third day. Bullets fired by the Washington sniper match a gun found in the car of two detainees named as suspects in the killings, the FBI says. In the UK Hopes of avoiding a firefighters' strike are raised as John Prescott prepares to meet union leaders for a second time.
Wednesday October 23rd 2002
News right now centers around a bus driver dying after being shot in the American state of Maryland, in what may be another attack by the sniper terrorizing the area. The White House tells the United Nations its patience is running out, as Russia and France voice objections to a new draft resolution on Iraq.
A ship carrying some 50 people capsizes in the Caspian Sea, say officials in Azerbaijan, with many of those on board feared dead.
The Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Scorpio today at 14-18 GMT. The waning Moon remains in Taurus. Two sextile aspects ripple out today. Mercury stands at the Jupiter Pluto midpoint, sextiling Jupiter at 02-21 and Pluto at 08-28. Momentous changes are underway. Transformation, resolution, and penetration hold sway as the Scorpio month commences.
Tuesday October 22nd 2002.
Yesterday an explosion ripped through a bus in northern Israel, reportedly killing seven people and wounding at least 20.
Police searching for a mystery sniper in the Washington area reportedly arrested two people in connection with the shootings.
In the UK the planned firefighters' strike is "wrong and dangerous", Tony Blair's spokesman said, urging other unions to help prevent it. Greater Manchester has been hit by a series of earthquakes and after shocks. The first earthquake, measuring 3.2 on the Richter scale, shook the area at 0845 BST on Monday. This occurred some 24 minutes after the maximum point of yesterday's Full Moon. Four hours later it was followed by an earthquake 11 times more powerful which shook buildings across the city. There were then powerful aftershocks.
Monday October 21st 2002
The Full Moon occurs at 07-21 GMT today. This is the final Full Moon before the penumbral eclipse of the Moon on November 20th 2002. As such it initiates an eclipse season and serves both to herald new conditions and to finalize the 'old cycle'. This particular Full Moon is very significant. It occurs at a point in the zodiac in late Aries which is on the midpoint of the current trine aspect in the skies of Earth between Saturn and Uranus. As such a 'Kite' planetary picture is manifest at this time, conferring a great deal of energy onto the period for good or for ill.
Saturday October 19th 2002.
Four days remain to the astrological month of Libra. The Moon is in burgeoning fullness in Aries. There is energy, impetus and approaching climax.
Friday October 18th 2002
As mentioned below, today is a bit special. The Piscean Moon approaching her Full phase on Monday creates a deep and soulful background to what could be a creative, suprising and inspirational day. The Moon enters Aries at 23-14 GMT.
Thursday October 17th 2002
At 16-34 GMT today Venus makes a fixed waxing square to Jupiter. The waxing Moon is in Pisces becoming gibbous in phase from early in the day. The 'state of the sky' is interesting because two other planetary aspects occur tomorrow Friday. At 10-46 GMT Mercury makes an airy trine to Neptune, and at 14-09 GMT the Sun makes a similiar trine to Uranus. These three planetary aspects coming so close together may well induce a series of subtle changes to events and experiences
Autumn equinox 2002 chart. Click here.
Eclipses Nov/Dec 2002 page Click here.
Winter Solstice chart 2002. Click here.
Earthquakes in the UK Click here.
Tuesday October 15th 2002.
Al-Qaeda and allied local militants are accused by Indonesia's defence minister of involvement in the Bali attack that killed at least 188 people. In the UK the power-sharing assembly is to be suspended at midnight, after what the Northern Ireland secretary calls a "regrettable loss of trust". From 17-38 GMT today Mars enters Libra to join the Sun and Mercury in that sign. Mars will reain there until December 1st. The waxing Moon is today in Aquarius.
From Sky and Telescope:- For North American observers, the brightest star predicted to be occulted by an asteroid this year is 4.9-magnitude Zeta Arietis, and it happens on 16th October 2002. The faint asteroid 3171 Wangshouguan will blot out the naked-eye star for up to 5 seconds as seen from a 50-kilometer-wide path that is currently predicted to cross Spain, Portugal, central Canada, and northwest Washington State; this is a change from earlier predictions. The event should happen within a few minutes of 4:30 or 4:35 Universal Time October 16th in North America.
Monday October 14th 2002
The US president calls for global action against the menace of terrorism after at least 187 people die in a bomb attack in Indonesia. The explosion occurred 'around Midnight local time' at the start of October 13th 2002. (BBC News). Mars is squaring Saturn in the chart (see speculative chart below) of all events during these couple of days. A hard and bitter event with possible catalytic properties to speed up the 'war against terrorism'.
Give peace a chance.
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse November 20th 2002.
This penumbral lunar eclipse occurs at 27 degrees Taurus, (the Halloween Full Moon). The Sun Moon opposition is squared by Uranus, which on first inspection appears to suggest a difficult and slightly shocking 'atmosphere'. Further analysis reveals a wealth of trine aspects allowing some ease of expression. Jupiter is trine Pluto (in Fire signs), and Saturn is trine Uranus (in air signs). Venus is trine Saturn and Mars is applying in trine aspect to Uranus.
At the time of maximum eclipse in London the Sun and Moon form a 'mystic rectangle' with the local Ascendant and Mid heaven. Once again this year it appears that the UK is in major focus in world events during the period. The eclipsed Moon rises over Pakistan. Neptune is at lower culmination at Baghdad, Mars rises at Ankara and Cairo. Saturn risen at Aspen USA.
The eclipsed Moon is conjunct the natal Sun of Israel and also conjunct the natal Moons of the Pope, Vladimir Putin and Ariel Sharon.
The Moon is conjunct natal Jupiters in both Tony Blair astrological chart and that of the the UK Labour Party.
Saturday 12th October 2002.
The Moon is in Capricorn, making a solitary sextile aspect to Venus today. The Sun, Mercury are in Libra. Venus is retrograde in Scorpio. This is a rather tough-going, pragmatic, reactionary yet industrious weekend. Mars in the last degrees of Virgo is applying to a waxing square aspect with Saturn, exact on Monday morning at 06-57 GMT. This aspect casts a deepening shadow on all events and experiences this weekend. The Moon is at first quarter phase at 05-33 GMT on Sunday 13th October. The next Full Moon is on October 21st in Aries.
Friday October 11th 2002.
Mercury enters Libra 05-57 GMT. Saturn turns retrograde 11-57 GMT. The Moon under a lot of planetary pressure and approaching first quarter enters Capricorn at 17-45 GMT. Difficult and beguiling days ahead.
The UK prime minister vows to address Moscow's economic concerns over a potential conflict with Iraq, as he arrives in Russia. Police say the killing of a man at a Virginia petrol station is "consistent" with eight other sniper attacks in the region.
Thursday October 10th 2002
The crescent Moon is in Sagittarius. Venus is stationary turning retrograde at 18-24 GMT. A twist to events can be expected. The day is volatile, horizons are broad. There may be new openings.
The main news is the European Union's historic eastward enlargement is on course, as 10 candidate countries are judged fit to join by 2004.
The Daze looks forward to the next eclipse just 41 days away.
Wednesday October 9th 2002.
The Dance of Mercury and Mars.
The major planetary aspect this week is a near geocentric conjunction of Mercury and Mars. These two bodies make true conjunctions every two years. The last one was on 25th July 2002 at 8 degrees Leo. The one before that was on August 11th 2000 at 7 degrees Leo The next one is in July 2004 at 11 degrees Leo. However since the most recent conjunction, Mercury has been recently 'struggling' in retrograde motion, allowing Mars to almost catch up with him. On Thursday of this week Mars stands only 2.25 degrees from Mercury, in late Virgo, as seen from earth. This is the closest he gets, because from this point Mercury accelerates away. The two will be in 'first quarter aspect' on March 29th 2003, they will be in opposition in August and September 2003, and at 'last quarter phase' on 23rd November 2003 at a time of New Moon when Jupiter aligns in opposition to Mars. Looking carefully for correspondences on earth during this week as Thursday approaches. We may witness events and connections which appear to be certain and predictable but which prove be denied at the last moment.
Tuesday October 8th 2002
The young Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Venus in that sign at 14-42 GMT today. The Sun half way through Libra is sextile Pluto. Mars is closing on Mercury in late Virgo but will fail in his attempt to reach Mercury as the winged messenger accelerates away. The two are closest on Thursday. The day is rich with an intoxicating heady mood involving sex, power and intention.
Palestinian militants say they will launch new suicide attacks inside Israel after a dawn raid on a Hamas stronghold leaves 14 dead. Yemeni officials maintain that the explosion on a French super tanker was an accident, but the owners stick to the theory of terrorist attack. In the UK Tory Party chairman Theresa May tells her party conference that they must change or face their third crushing election defeat in a row. The Democratic Unionist Party is to withdraw from the power-sharing executive at Stormont, following allegations of IRA intelligence gathering.
Monday October 7th 2002
The owners of a French oil tanker on fire off the coast of Yemen say they believe it was struck by a vessel, before exploding into flames. In Ivory Coast, government troops and rebel soldiers exchange gunfire, as President Laurent Gbagbo refuses to sign a ceasefire agreement. In Ireland Police charge a senior Sinn Fein member with possessing information likely to be of use to terrorists following raids on the party's Stormont offices.
The planet Mercury is now direct in motion, but he has been in mutable square to Saturn from Virgo for several days now and will continue to be tempered by the ringed planet's influence for several more. The young Moon enters Scorpio today at 13-58 GMT. Both Venus and Saturn are approaching their stations towards the end of this week.
Thursday October 3rd 2002.
The New Moon in Libra this year is on Sunday and it is the penultimate New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th. This particular lunation can be considered a little easier than recent New and Full Moons. A predominance of trine aspects exists at this time. The New moon at 13 degrees Libra is on the Jupiter Pluto midpoint, almost exactly sextile Jupiter, and sextile Pluto. Mercury is retrograde and as he approaches his station he is forming a long standing brittle 'mutable square' aspect with Saturn. As well as Jupiter trining Pluto in fire signs at this time, two other outer planets Saturn and Uranus are in airy trine.
At the exact moment of this New Moon, Pluto is rising in Sagittarius over the UK. The Sun and Moon are rising over Cuba and Florida. Over Eastern Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Neptune rises.
This New Moon falls on the natal Saturn of the US chart (Sibly) and on the same planet in Henry Kissinger's chart. It is conjunct Neptune in the Israeli chart and conjunct Venus in the French (1st republic) chart. Most significantly it falls on the Sun/Neptune conjunction in Gerry Adams' chart and on the natal Sun in Vladimir Putin's chart.
Sunday's New Moon almost promises a fair chance of success in all ventures diplomatic and social. The only weak spot in the moment is retrograding Mercury square Saturn, which serves to hinder and delay what are potentially very positive initiatives.
Tuesday October 1st 2002.
The waning accelerating Moon starts the day 'void of course' in Cancer and enters Leo at 11-59 GMT. Four hours later the Libran sun makes a waning airy trine aspect to Neptune. The day has interesting potential. Over the next five days the Moon wanes to New Moon phase on Sunday. The New Moon ahead is remarkably positive, see the Daze tomorrow for a full report.
Yesterday Washington brushed off criticism by Moscow of its bombing of Iraq, as "progress" was reported in talks on UN weapons inspections. In the UK Tony Blair was overwhelmingly defeated at the hands of his own conference over the use of private cash to run public services
Monday September 30th 2002
Yesterday the Palestinian leader left his compound following the easing of Israel's 10-day siege, but said troops should withdraw completely. French and US troops plucked more than 300 foreigners out of rebel-held territorial Ivory Coast as regional leaders discuss the crisis. The Moon is today in Cancer making gentle aspects to Venus and Mars.
Some three hours after the asteroid Clarissa (should be renamed Edwina!) occulted a star for 5 seconds in triopical Aries (John Major's Sun sign) on Saturday morning, visible from the south of England, news broke about the sexual history of an ex UK Prime Minister. In consequence yesterday two magazines against which John Major issued a libel writ over claims of infidelity may take legal action following his admission of adultery.
Saturday September 28th 2002.
Hundreds of people are feared dead after a Senegalese passenger ferry yesterday, with a disseminating Moon in Gemini, sank off the coast of Gambia in a violent storm, the time of the event has not been given by BBC News. Also yesterday the French president said he remains opposed to a draft UN resolution that would threaten military action against Iraq. Police in Washington arrested around 500 people as anti-globalisation activists protest at IMF and World Bank meetings taking place there.
The Moon is at last quarter on Sunday in Cancer at 18-04 GMT. Mercury has passed inferior conjunction and is now a morning star, rising ahead of the Sun in Libra. The next planetary aspect is a pleasant airy trine between the Sun and Neptune on Tuesday 1st October. Mercury still retrograde will be square Saturn from late Virgo at the start of next Friday.
Wednesday September 25th 2002.
World news reports yesterday stated that Indian troops besieged a Hindu temple in Gujarat state where unidentified gunmen have reportedly killed at least 23 people.
Iraq dismissed UK claims that it has a growing arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, offering "unfettered access" to UN inspectors. Markets around the world tumbled once again, as fears over Iraq and the US economic recovery hit sentiment. US troops are heading to Ivory Coast to rescue American children trapped in heavy fighting between the army and rebel soldiers.
On the night of September 2728, minor planet 302 Clarissa passes in front of a 9.4-magnitude star in tropical Aries (about 12 degrees), cutting off its light for up to 5 seconds. This event may be seen using optical aid, in a 40-kilometer-wide path across northern France, southwestern England, and then from southern New Jersey all the way to western Texas and northwestern Mexico. The exact time and path are slightly uncertain, but the occultation should take place within a few minutes of 4:42 GMT on 28th September.
The Moon today continues to wane in Taurus. A certain inertia may well be in the atmosphere. The next planetary aspect is the inferior conjunction of Mercury in early Libra on Friday.
Tuesday September 24th 2002.
The waning Moon enters Taurus at 05-55 GMT today. Venus forms a square in fixed signs with Jupiter at 07-54. this difficult Venus aspect is coinciding once again with stock market falls.
French troops have reached the Ivory Coast's capital, Yamoussoukro, as they seek to protect French and other foreign nationals caught up in a coup attempt which began on Thursday. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder starts his second term in office with the job of repairing his country's "poisoned" relations with the US. Fears over the US economy and a thumbs-down from investors for Germany's election result send shares sharply lower.
On Friday, September 20th, amateur astronomer Katsumi Haseda (Aichi, Japan) found a 5th-magnitude starlike object on a routine patrol photograph of the rich Milky Way field around 12 degrees Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. It turns out to be a Nova in our galaxy.
Monday September 23rd 2002
Earthquake hits the Midlands of UK.
The Harvest Full Moon had passed in a quieter manner than was anticipated, before news of the quake! The chart for the epicenter is shown above. The quake occurred, shortly before local midnight and shortly before the moment of Autumn Equinox, with the Sun forming a very tight mutable T-square with the MC of the epicenter and Saturn. Pluto was due west at the time. The astrological chart for the moment is very complex.
Globally there were three square aspects within 1.5 degrees of exactitude. Mars was square Pluto, Venus square Jupiter and the Sun was square Saturn. The Moon still very full and high in the UK skies formed a fiery grand trine and Kite pattern with Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune. Further power is embedded into the time and place with the local ascendant forming a finger of fate pattern with the Sun and Uranus. The Mercury/Mars midpoint was almost exactly (8 mins of arc) conjunct the local MC.
Earthquakes in the UK Click here.
The autumn equinox occurs today at 04-56 GMT. The waning Moon is in Aries.
The White House describes Israel's destruction of the Palestinian leader's HQ in Ramallah as "unhelpful". France acts to protect the international community in its former colony Ivory Coast, as unrest continues after an apparent coup attempt.
In the UK around 400,000 people from across the country have marched through central London to highlight the needs of rural communities (photo above). Surrey Police have received 350 phone calls since the body of missing schoolgirl Amanda "Milly" Dowler was discovered last Thursday, officers have revealed. The remains of the child were discovered around 13-00 GMT on Wednesday 18th September.
Monday September 16th 2002.
This week sees the build up to a difficult Full Moon on Saturday 21st September, followed very suddenly by a potentially violent Mars square Pluto aspect on Sunday 22nd September and the Autumn Equinox on Monday 23rd September. The coming Full Moon is a difficult and dangerous one. The time is serious. Important implementations are underway. There is a meticulous quality to the nature of actions at this time, but plans and policies may go astray as Mercury is retrograde. The Sun and Moon are tightly square Saturn, this confers a harshly testing vibration on all events. At the exact moment of Full Moon,Venus forms a 'fixed T-Square' with Jupiter and Neptune, suggesting very willful and possibly 'over the top' responses. Saturn sets at London and Jupiter culminates at Washington DC. Pluto culminates at Baghdad. Uranus rises at Jerusalem. Hold tight.
The Moon today is in Capricorn, 'void of course' from 05-58 GMT, entering Aquarius at 18-55 GMT. Today world and UK news seems to revolve around the now 'unavoidable' war with Iraq and terrorism in general. Five US citizens of Yemeni descent are charged in New York state with providing "material support" to the al-Qaeda network. One of Saddam Hussein's top officials says Washington is fabricating reasons to attack and that its ultimate aim is Iraqi oil wells. (No surely not?). In the UK foreign Secretary Jack Straw says that unless Saddam Hussein dismantles any weapons of mass destruction - his regime will have to end.
Expand your mind! On May 7th 2002 Mercury transits the Solar disc, one of the many astronomical events of next year we will be examining. Also Uranus enters Pisces early next year, what does this mean? Stay with and support the daze. Check out the state of the sky. Link to this non profit making site. Are there any media people out there reading this...please get in touch!
Friday September 13th 2002
At 18-09 GMT today the Moon in Sagittarius is at first quarter phase. This phase always corresponds with a 'crisis in action' of some sort. Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow, the usual astrological advice at this point is to expect delays and hindrances in communications and travel over the next few weeks.
The US president tells the UN that "action is unavoidable" unless Saddam Hussein ends his weapons programme - but Iraq remains defiant.
President Putin warns the UN Security Council that Russia will defend itself if Georgia fails to deal with Chechen rebels on its territory. The Zimbabwe Government plans to change the law, making it easier and quicker to evict white farmers, state media reports. In the UK a nationwide walkout by firefighters is increasingly likely after a special meeting of their union approves a ballot for strike action. Downing Street names 24th September as the day it will publish its promised dossier on Iraq, hours before Parliament is recalled. Venus is square Jupiter that day with the Moon in Taurus, it will not necessarily be a pleasant day.
Thursday September 12th 2002.
The crescent Moon enters Sagittarius today at 05-45 GMT inaugurating a 'lighter' couple of days than of late, and a week ahead of reduced planetary pressure. Certainly the next Full Moon on 21st September 2002, two days before the Libran equinox, is harshly square Saturn and may well be tough and require great diligence, but a little relief can be expected today once it gets going.
Yesterday President Bush pledged to win the war on terror as the victims of the September 11 hijackings were honored around the world one year on.
Wednesday September 11th 2002.
The crescent Moon is now in Scorpio. One year on from the attacks on the USA and today Jupiter is exactly opposite Neptune in fixed signs. The global mood is fixed, resolute, hardened and willful. Mercury is approaching its geocentric station, the usual astrological advice at this point is to expect delays and hindrances in communications and travel over the next few weeks.
At least 69 people have been killed after a luxury Delhi-bound passenger train derailed on a bridge in the eastern Indian state of Bihar near Rafiganj station, about 510 kilometres (315 miles) from its starting point in Calcutta, sending at least one carriage plunging into a river. As yet I have not been able to ascertain the time of the event, but it may well have occurred as the Moon applied to Venus in early Scorpio..
The US increases its state of alert and warns of a heightened threat of action by al-Qaeda against US interests abroad.
Iraq calls on Arabs to strike back at American lives and property if the US launches a military attack against Baghdad.
Monday September 9th 2002.
The infant Moon is today in Libra. She will enter Scorpio tomorrow and form a T-square with Jupiter and Neptune.
Tony Blair returns from a meeting with US president Bush resolute on taking action over Iraq but facing mounting opposition at home. A former senior UN weapons inspector says a US attack on Iraq cannot be justified, but he urges Baghdad to let inspectors return.
Venus has entered Scorpio and she resides in that sign until January 7th 2003! The Jupiter Neptune opposition is exact on Wednesday September 11th. Much planetary 'pressure' is being applied by the configurations over the next few days.
September 7th 2002. New Moon in Virgo.
This New Moon is midway between Solar eclipses. As such it represents a 'destiny point of balance' between Saros cycles. It is a very difficult and dynamic lunation. The New Moon is tightly square Pluto. This suggest a potentially traumatic time and a struggle to confront and harness a new impulse of change. The chart is also dominated by Jupiter opposing Neptune which impregnates this time with much disillusion and glamour.
At London this opposition squares the MC, indicating powerful releases of karma.
As the New Moon 'takes effect' Washington's efforts to secure support from the UN Security Council for a campaign against Iraq hits tough opposition from Russia, a crucial ally. Also Seventeen people are detained in Afghanistan after a failed attempt on the life of President Karzai.
The chart for the New Moon can be viewed here.
Thursday September 5th 2002.
The airy grand trine of Venus, Saturn and Uranus which has been in operation all week is at its tightest today. The old balsamic Moon is in Leo and Venus is trine Saturn at 14-26 GMT today. Storm clouds of war appear to be gathering. We can expect some sort of 'minor climax' today, and further turbulence in the money markets. US President George W Bush says he will consult Congress and various world leaders before launching a new war against Saddam Hussein. Protesters target the United States as the World Summit in Johannesburg draws to an acrimonious close with a watered-down action plan. On a more positive note Sri Lanka announces it is lifting its ban on the Tamil Tiger rebels, paving the way for peace talks between the two sides.
Ahead of us is the difficult and dynamic New Moon in Virgo, tightly square Pluto, on September 7th Click here for the chart and a brief report. Venus then enters Scorpio on 8th Sept, residing in that sign for several weeks. The Moon forms a T-square with Jupiter and Neptune on 10th Sept., and the Jupiter Neptune opposition is exact on September 11th. There is much planetary turbulence woven into these times.
Stay tuned to the daze. Thank you.
Wednesday September 4th 2002
The issue of a war with Iraq will just not go away. Yesterday the British PM pledged to unveil evidence against Saddam Hussein, as Iraq says it may start co-operating with UN weapons inspections. Iraq's deputy PM says his country could re-admit arms inspectors as part of a wider deal, but says Baghdad is also preparing for a US attack.
The international aid agency Oxfam says the World Summit on Sustainable Development has been a tragedy for poor people and a triumph for greed.
At 02-37 GMT today the balsamic Moon enters Leo. Some eleven ours later the Moon is conjunct Jupiter (see graphic below) as Mercury makes an airy trine with Neptune. Today is formative and creative. Imagination surges.
September 3rd 2002
Venus trines Uranus today 15-41 GMT. On a personal level the energy of the day is stimulating, uplifting and seeks to draw together. Also expect the unexpected and keep an eye on both the money markets and the world news today. the potential is for unusual twists and turns.
The Moon waning in Cancer hangs in the morning skies as Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe defends his controversial land reform policies at the world summit in Johannesburg. More than 100 people are feared dead after the Korean peninsula suffered its worst typhoon in 40 years. In Russia foreign Minister Igor Ivanov says a US strike against Iraq could undermine stability in the Middle East.
September 2nd 2002.
Mercury makes a waxing positive sextile to Jupiter at 07-54 GMT today. The week begins with a fleeting vision of the 'big plan' against the defensive and emotional back drop of the Moon in Cancer, hanging high in northern hemisphere morning skies. There are twenty days to the autumn equinox. Jupiter is aligning opposite to Neptune, and an airy grand trine dominates the days right now. Golden days, special times, meticulous works, charm, decorum and practicality are the hallmarks of the times.
September 1st 2002.
A planetary arrangement know as a grand trine is forming in the skies of Earth. As the Moon just past last quarter phase in Gemini conjuncts Saturn at 16-55 GMT today, she binds the three planets, all in air signs, into powerful potential. As the arrangement occurs in the heavens, on Earth the news is that ten Palestinians die in 12 hours at the hands of the Israeli army, during a weekend of violence in the West Bank. South Korea mobilizes all available military personnel for emergency work after the worst typhoon in 40 years batters the peninsula.
Security officials in Sweden try to establish whether the man suspected of planning to hijack an airliner bound for the UK had accomplices on board.
As the next few days follow, the three planets, Venus, Saturn and Uranus continue to tighten in airy trine. The Moon enters Cancer at 21-14 GMT today. The next New Moon is on September 7th and is at the midpoint between eclipse seasons.
Saturday August 31st 2002.
An airy grand trine involving Venus in Libra, Uranus in Aquarius and a conjunction of the last quarter Moon and Saturn in Gemini, is trigged by the Moon placement on Sunday September 1st 2002. The Venus/Uranus trine is exact on Tuesday. The planetary pattern without the Moon's influence peaks on Thursday. As this 'wave' approaches the world development summit in Johannesburg "approaches meltdown" as delegates try to reach agreements before leaders arrive on Monday. A man being held on suspicion of intending to hijack a plane to Britain denies knowing a gun was in his luggage.
Today the Moon is at last quarter in Gemini. An air of movement and interchange pervades the biosphere. Lots to talk and think about.
Saturday August 31st 2002.
An airy grand trine involving Venus in Libra, Uranus in Aquarius and a conjunction of the last quarter Moon and Saturn in Gemini, is trigged by the Moon placement on Sunday September 1st 2002. The Venus/Uranus trine is exact on Tuesday. The planetary pattern without the Moon's influence peaks on Thursday. As this 'wave' approaches the world development summit in Johannesburg "approaches meltdown" as delegates try to reach agreements before leaders arrive on Monday. A man being held on suspicion of intending to hijack a plane to Britain denies knowing a gun was in his luggage.
Today the Moon is at last quarter in Gemini. An air of movement and interchange pervades the biosphere. Lots to talk and think about.
The USA (Sibly chart) is in the midst of Uranus conjunct natal Moon (2002) and will shortly encounter Pluto conjunct the ascendant (2002-2003). The US progressed Moon is just past first quarter in Gemini, and the progressed Sun is in the last two years of residing in Aquarius. The interpretation here is that very great forces are at work driven by a high technology and a dispassionate view of the global situation.
George W Bush has Neptune opposite his natal Mercury in 2002. Foreign policy created under general confusion and deception? Jupiter makes conjunctions with his ascendant, Mercury and Pluto in September 2002. Opportunistic endeavors. His progressed Moon is crescent in phase in Scorpio making a long application to a square with Pluto. Not an easy time for him.
Tony Blair progressed Moon (full in 2005) enters Sagittarius from August 2002. Pluto will make a positive aspect to his natal Venus. This chart is about to open up a surge of climatic energy taking this man to 2005.
Iraq has Pluto conjunct natal Saturn at the end of 2003. The progressed Moon is gibbous in Aquarius approaching progressed Full Moon in 2004 and is opposite Uranus in September 2002. (The progressed Moon was new in 1990 in Leo). Very climatic events are approaching for this country.
Three aspects dominate the skies of Earth during the second half of this year (2002). Saturn is trine Uranus in air signs. Jupiter is opposite Neptune (exact on September 11th) and Jupiter is trine Pluto in October.
Very interesting times indeed are upon us. Iraq's future does indeed seem to hold great climaxes. Bush does appear to be fueled on confusion (the hidden enemy). Blair may well be 'open and up for it'.
Thursday August 29th 2002.
Saudi Arabia underlines Arab opposition to military action against Iraq, amid growing signs that the US is preparing a campaign.
There is progress on the delicate issues of trade and aid at the summit in Johannesburg, but differences on energy issues persist.
Wednesday August 28th 2002
The graphic above( skypub.com), showing the early evening skies of earth at this time with Venus in Libra aligned to 'the witch star' Spica. Venus will spend a great deal of time in Scorpio in the season ahead as she wings around in her orbit between Sun and Earth. But right now both planets, Venus and Mercury, reside in Libra.
Weighing up opposites a dominant preoccupation. The decision as to make war or not currently tough as President Bush attempts to drum up support from Saudi Arabia for action against Iraq as Egypt's president says Arabs are united in opposition. The path to war may seem difficult at this time.
The disseminating Moon is today in Taurus, at last quarter phase in Gemini on Saturday. Mars enters Virgo on Thursday. The weeks ahead favor carefully dexterous, practical and precise activities.
Tuesday August 27th 2002.
Spain's parliament votes for a total ban on the party it regards as the political wing of ETA - earlier a judge banned the party for three years. The World Development Summit begins, with South Africa President Thabo Mbeki calling for greater solidarity with the world's poor. FBI agents searching in Oregon for two teenagers find two bodies, in another case of young kidnap victims to attract wide coverage.
The disseminating Moon is in Aries. She enters Taurus 23-31 GMT today. Mercury is now in Libra, and Mars will enter Virgo on Thursday. An astrologically quieter time now ensues. There are no important planetary aspects this week.
Friday 23rd August 2002.
The Full Moon climaxed at 22-30 GMT on Thursday. The Moon then entered Pisces at 23-11 GMT where she will remain for two days. The Sun enters Virgo at 07-17 GMT today. A new astrological month and a new chapter to the story now begin.
Mars is opposite Uranus at 09-28 tomorrow and almost simultaneously Mercury makes a square aspect with Saturn. Saturday truly has the potential for hard and violent events.
On Sunday 25th August the Moon enters Aries at 10-48 GMT and on Monday 26th August Pluto is stationary turning direct at 04-43 GMT.
Thursday 22nd August 2002
A mass evacuation is under way in Hunan province, where Lake Dongting is threatening to burst its banks.
Wednesday 21st August 2002
Pakistan's military ruler Pervez Musharraf details sweeping constitutional changes which strengthen his position and extend his term in office.
A state of emergency is declared in central China where a huge lake is in danger of overflowing, despite efforts to shore up flood defences.
Sixty-five people are feared dead as a huge landslide caused by monsoon rains engulfs a village in eastern Nepal.
Tuesday 20th August 2002
In the UK police investigating the deaths of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman have confirmed two bodies discovered in remote woodland at the weekend are those of the schoolgirls.
School caretaker Ian Huntley has been charged with the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman.
The 28-year-old was also sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983 in the early hours of Tuesday and moved to Rampton high security hospital in Nottinghamshire.
His girlfriend Maxine Carr, 25, a classroom assistant, has been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. Her charge was announced just before 2200 BST on Tuesday,
Jupiter is moving to oppose Neptune. Saturn is trining Uranus in air signs.
A difficult full Moon aligned to a Mars Uranus opposition is approaching on Thursday night (GMT). Spectacular events may well be in store for us all over the next week.
The opposition is made somewhat 'easier', the tension partially relieved, by Saturn's current placement in Gemini, trine the Full Moon-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius, sextile the explosive Mars - Sun conjunction in Leo. The role of Saturn is to point the 'way out' of the current difficulty. Words spoken and written at this time hold importance. Deeds of grandeur are possible, the practical application of caution and preservation, in thought, word and deed, are possible ways around the approaching confrontation of planetary energies.
Also during the coming weeks, Jupiter is opposite Neptune, in fire and air signs, exact on September 11th 2002. A powerful 'force' comprised of 'mass glamour' and bewilderment is underway. The world's media is 'blitzing out'. Events such as the murder of two English ten year old girls holds the world's attention. transforming it into almost a planetary event, affecting the emotions of millions. Unfathomable meanings, ridiculous events, outrageous and uncompromising deeds. From Zimbabwe to Baghdad events taking place appear unwieldy.
Standby.....stay high and dry if you can.
Monday August 19th 2002.
UK NEWS :- Holly and Jessica. The important moments in this tragedy recorded.
Flood waters from the swollen Danube and Elbe rivers are continuing their path of devastation through Hungary and eastern Germany respectively. Levels are expected to peak in Budapest in a matter of hours, and while waters in historic Dresden are receding, other German cities remain under threat. Thousands of soldiers and volunteers in Hungary's capital work to protect the city from what looks likely to be its worst flood in 100 years.
Sunday August 18th 2002.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 05-00 AM.
Saturday August 17th 2002.
Waxing moon in Sagittarius. We are now starting to be under the sway of a very difficult Full Moon this week. A planetary kite pattern involving the Moon Venus, Pluto and the lunar Node occurs on the day before the full Moon. More to follow on that one. On Saturday night an asteroid will pass close enough to Earth to be easily spotted in small telescopes
Friday August 16th 2002.
A much nicer day. Possibly the best of the week. The Moon is in Sagittarius again making 'easy' aspects. Venus is in airy trine Neptune. There may be sweet words and music to hear for those who are able to listen.
Thursday August 15th 2002.
The Moon is at first quarter phase, squaring Mars. Mercury is in a brittle waning mutable square aspect to Neptune. The hardest day of the week. Life's struggle.
Wednesday August 14th 2002.
An intense Scorpionic Moon approaching first quarter phase. Surges of intention, fixity, will, resolve, courage, sex and savagery.
Tuesday August 13th 2002.
The waxing Moon is in Libra until 19-00 GMT when she enters Scorpio. The inevitable 'sting in the tail' at the end of the day. Grace gives way to resolution and fixed wills.
Monday August 12th 2002.
The potential is for sweetness. A crescent Libran Moon making 'easy' aspects to Venus, Neptune and Pluto. We expect intense diplomatic activity. War and peace finely balanced
Sunday August 11th 2002.
The young Moon is in Virgo moving on into Libra around 6PM GMT. Still Mars and the Sun are aligned to Leo, still a few planetary punches to be felt, but this wave is now passing. A quieter week is ahead of us.
The Perseid meteor shower is noticeably active by now The later at night you watch the better. The shower should peak late on Sunday and Monday nights (the early morning hours of Monday and Tuesday).
Saturday August 9th 2002
Thursday August 8th 2002.
Today is the day of the New Moon in Leo. New Moon conjunct Mars August 8th 2002 CLICK HERE
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein says Iraq is ready for dialogue but warns that an attack on his country would be doomed to failure.
Yasser Arafat's cabinet agrees in principle to an Israeli plan for phased troop withdrawals - despite fresh moves against Palestinian militants. The first UK minister to visit Libya in nearly 20 years is holding talks with Colonel Gaddafi on terrorism and economic ties.
In the UK two 10-year-old girls have gone missing from their homes in Cambridgeshire. Best friends Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, both from Soham, were last seen at about 1830 BST on Sunday August 4th 2002. The girls had been playing together but when parents went to check on them at 2030 BST they had vanished. (Times from BBC News). Click here for the chart set for the last sighting of the girls.
Wednesday August 7th 2002.
Sorry for the interruption to service. This has been due to technical problems with our web hosting service.
We are at the midway point in time between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. The Moon is New tomorrow in Leo and is conjunct Mars. Mars is on the far side of the Sun and the alignment after a long build up is exact on Saturday 10th August 2002. Mercury is now in Virgo, and Venus from today is in Libra. There are changes in the 'air'. We wait to see what the New Moon brings. The Moon enters Leo today at 15-30 providing some relief from the inertia of the past two days.
At least 13 people are killed in Indian Kashmir, 10 during a suspected Islamic militant attack on Hindu pilgrims.
The White House and senior members of the US Congress have dismissed an Iraqi invitation to send a Congressional team to Baghdad to search for evidence The General Assembly calls for an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian towns as Israel's defense minister proposes a phased pull-out.
Summer in the Northern hemisphere has an uneasy quality to its nature this year. Amid all news stories within the international arena the single issue is the question regarding the future involvement of the US and the UK in a war against Saddam Husein and Iraq. Looking briefly at the astrological horoscopes of the USA, George W Bush, Tony Blair, the Republic Chart of Iraq, and planetary aspects at work during the coming months, we are able to gain some perspective on this burning issue.
The USA (Sibly chart) is in the midst of Uranus conjunct natal Moon (2002) and will shortly encounter Pluto conjunct the ascendant (2002-2003). The US progressed Moon is just past first quarter in Gemini, and the progressed Sun is in the last two years of residing in Aquarius. The interpretation here is that very great forces are at work driven by a high technology and a dispassionate view of the global situation.
George W Bush has Neptune opposite his natal Mercury in 2002. Foreign policy created under general confusion and deception? Jupiter makes conjunctions with his ascendant, Mercury and Pluto in September 2002. Opportunistic endeavors. His progressed Moon is crescent in phase in Scorpio making a long application to a square with Pluto. Not an easy time for him.
Tony Blair progressed Moon (full in 2005) enters Sagittarius from August 2002. Pluto will make a positive aspect to his natal Venus. This chart is about to open up a surge of climatic energy taking this man to 2005.
Iraq has Pluto conjunct natal Saturn at the end of 2003. The progressed Moon is gibbous in Aquarius approaching progressed Full Moon in 2004 and is opposite Uranus in September 2002. (The progressed Moon was new in 1990 in Leo). Very climatic events are approaching for this country.
Three aspects dominate the skies of Earth during the second half of this year (2002). Saturn is trine Uranus in air signs. Jupiter is opposite Neptune (exact on September 11th) and Jupiter is trine Pluto in October.
Very interesting times indeed are upon us. Iraq's future does indeed seem to hold great climaxes. Bush does appear to be fueled on confusion (the hidden enemy). Blair may well be 'open and up for it'.
Stay tuned to the Daze.
Friday August 2nd 2002
Venus makes a waxing mutable square to Saturn today at 16-11 GMT. Potentially dour and brittle against the backdrop of the last quarter ' intractable' Taurean Moon. Iraq says UN weapons inspectors are welcome to visit Baghdad for talks, while the US insists that Saddam Hussein must go. Israeli tanks and troops enter the centre of the Palestinian city of Nablus, two days after a bomb attack in Jerusalem killed seven people. Mobs loot shops in the Uruguayan capital as the country is paralysed by a strike in protest at continuing economic turmoil.
The Moon enters Gemini tomorrow 03-37 GMT, and Mercury sextiles Saturn later in the day. Whip lash verbals.
Thursday August 1st 2002
The Moon will be at last quarter in Taurus today and Jupiter will enter Leo. Neptune is at opposition to the Sun, forming a fixed T-Square with the last quarter Moon today, and Venus is in mutable square to Saturn on Friday. Potentially a difficult couple of days are in store.
Iraq has stepped up its programme of developing weapons of mass destruction, a former UN arms inspector tells a US Senate hearing. Five foreigners and two Israelis died in a bomb blast at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, it has emerged.
Wednesday 31st July 2002
The Moon will be at last quarter in Taurus tomorrow and Jupiter will enter Leo. Neptune is at opposition to the Sun and Venus is in mutable square to Saturn on Friday.The Moon entered Taurus today at 16-17 GMT
The US secretary of state holds a brief informal meeting with North Korea's foreign minister after several months of uneasy relations. Congo and Rwanda have signed a landmark treaty aimed at ending an African war which has left two million people dead.
Monday July 29th 2002
The Sun is at 6 degrees Leo. The disseminating Moon is in Aries from 03-30 GMT today. Mercury makes a fiery trine aspect with Pluto. The Moon will be at last quarter in Taurus on Thursday when Jupiter will enter Leo. Neptune is at opposition to the Sun and Venus is in mutable square to Saturn on Friday.
Today is hot urgent productive and positive. A day to go for it. The week starts with urgency and impetus, mellows out to great fixity from Wednesday and ends on Friday on a more testing note.
Asteroid 2002NT7 (below) will not collide with the Earth in 2019. Orbital calculations have now ruled it out. In the US amid uncertainty over foreign policy directions, especially over Iraq, worry about the stock markets and continuing fears of terrorism, a symbol of hope emerged yesterday after hours of drilling and agonizing setbacks, nine miners from a flooded coal mine in Pennsylvania emerged early on Sunday to scenes of jubilation from rescuers and crowds gathered nearby. (Photo above).
Asian stock markets climb at the start of the week, raising hopes that a sustained recovery will end months of turmoil around the world. British troops are given a low-key sendoff as they withdraw from Sierra Leone after a mission to help end the country's civil war.
Friday July 26th 2002
Astronomers are carefully monitoring a newly discovered 1.2-mile-wide (2 km) asteroid to see whether it is on a collision course with Earth. Initial calculations indicate there is a chance the asteroid known as 2002 NT7 will hit the Earth on February 1, 2019. But calculations are preliminary and the risk to the planet is low. The object was detected on July 9 It orbits the sun every 837 days, and NASA scientists predict its path could intersect with the Earth's orbit.
US stock markets have headed higher within minutes of opening, wiping out the effects of a minor morning plunge in Europe. At 1505 GMT today, London's FTSE 100 index was up 34 points to break up through the 4000 barrier, having fallen as much as 100 points early in the day. The New York Dow Jones industrial average, which went on a wild ride on Thursday, had risen 20 points to 8206 by the same time.
Friday July 19th 2002
The Scorpionic Moon makes 'easy' aspects during the course of today to the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. The Moon then enters Sagittarius at 18-03 GMT providing something of an 'electric backdrop' to an astrologically significant weekend. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter at 02-19 tomorrow. At 16-24 GMT also on Saturday Mercury is conjunct Jupiter. On Sunday at 01-47 GMT Mercury is at superior conjunction with the Sun. The situation may well become very dynamic and open.
Thursday July 18th 2002
More serious developments as the Moon waxes in phase in Scorpio. Morocco says Spain must immediately withdraw its troops who have seized control of the disputed island of Perejil. US stocks struggle to hold onto early gains despite a rally in Europe, in a sign that investor confidence remains fragile. Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein says that his government will not be unseated, as the US continues to seek backing for possible military action.
The Moon is in Scorpio, Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun in Cancer, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Leo. All in all a potent mixture of uncompromising defensive manoeuvrings.
Wednesday July 17th 2002
Yesterday seven Israelis were killed and many others were injured when suspected Palestinian militants attacked a bus in the West Bank.Turkey's coalition government leaders agreed to hold elections on 3 November, after losing their majority in parliament. On that day Mercury is conjunct Venus in Scorpio, and the very old Moon is then in Libra. US shares fell again yesterday and European markets struggled to make gains.
Today the Moon is at First Quarter phase in Libra at 04-48. (Crisis in action). She enters tropical Scorpio at 14-13 GMT. The sting is in the tail of the day. The 'energy' of the day changes emphasis from poise to potency. In addition Mercury is approaching Superior Conjunction on the far side of the Sun. Both bodies are aligned to distant Jupiter. The alignment peaks on Saturday, and it is at that time that the 'wave' now building up actually breaks.
Tuesday July 16th 2002.
The waxing crescent Moon in Libra hung in the skies of Earth as stock markets continued to fall yesterday. The dollar and the euro reached equal value for the first time in more than two years, as investors flew from corporate America. In a more diplomatic gesture than of late Senior Pentagon official Paul Wolfowitz says no decision has been reached on action against Iraq, but Washington will deal with Saddam Hussein.
Indecision, parity and balance, it is all perfectly in keeping with the symbolism of the Libran Moon approaching first quarter phase tomorrow.
Monday July 15th 2002.
During this next week Mercury approaches Superior Conjunction on the far side of the Sun (Full Mercury). Both bodies are aligned to distant Jupiter. The alignment peaks next Saturday.
The crescent Moon enters Libra at 11-39 GMT today.
Mars is now in Leo until August 29th 2002. He opposes Neptune on 29th July, trines Pluto on August 6th, sextiles Saturn and opposes Uranus on August 25th. Mercury races into Leo on July 21st chasing Mars and catching him up on July 25th, just after the next Full Moon. The Sun also aligns with this Leonine Mars on August 11th. The New Moon in Leo is on August 8th conjunct Mars. The planetary emphasis is and has been on Cancer but the dominant theme of the Northern Hemisphere summer will be on the energy of the sign Leo.
Yesterday French police arrested a man after an apparent attempt to assassinate President Jacques Chirac during the Bastille Day parade in Paris. Tension mounts again between Pakistan and India. India's foreign minister blames Pakistan for an attack by gunmen in Kashmir who killed at least 27 Hindu civilians in a shanty town near Jammu.
Sunday July 14th 2002
Mars entered Leo yesterday. Leo sun sign British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw yesterday condemned the killing of 27 people, mainly women and children, in Indian Kashmir by suspected militants.
Tibet's longest-serving political prisoner entered the US after being freed by the Chinese authorities on health grounds.
Also yesterday the test of a scale model of a new Japanese passenger plane failed as it spiralled out of control and exploded in the Australian desert.
Saturday July 13th 2002
The young Moon is in Leo and enters Virgo at 09-41 GMT today. There is much work to be done.
France and the UK announce the controversial Sangatte refugee camp will be shut down by March next year. A Pentagon report to be released shortly calls into question China's commitment to a peaceful settlement with Taiwan.
Thursday July 11th 2002.
An odd set of news stories coincided with yesterday's New Moon. In the UK cannabis is to be reclassified as a less dangerous drug to give police more time to focus on harder drugs, says Home Secretary David Blunkett. A seven-million-year-old human-like skull found in Chad is being described as the most important find of its type in living memory. The number of children orphaned by Aids will almost double to 25m by the end of the decade, experts predict.
Planetary speaking we are in a quieter period now. The next astrological event occurs on Saturday July 20th as Mercury, the Sun and Jupiter align in late Cancer, followed by them all tumbling into Leo. A richness of events and experiences is characteristic of these short term trends.
Wednesday July 10th 2002.
Today is the day of the New Moon in Cancer. It occurs at 10-36 GMT. The symbolism is that of a seed moment in time releasing an emotional message of protection and defence. Venus enters Virgo at 21-09 GMT indicating a modulation of astrological energy to refinement and perfection of matter and spirit. It should be a special day.
Yesterday was relatively quiet in terms of news stories. US President George W Bush wants longer jail sentences for corporate fraudsters and calls for higher ethical business standards. Turkey's ailing PM Bulent Ecevit names new ministers and insists he will not step down, as senior colleagues resign leaving him isolated.
Tuesday July 9th 2002
The Moon is New tomorrow( click here for chart )at 10-36 GMT. Venus is opposite Uranus today at 09-38 GMT and the old balsamic Moon is today in Cancer. Today is prone to upset and drama. A sudden fury of emotional energy is at large.
News stories surfacing as we approach the Cancerian New Moon report that investigators are saying the Russian airliner which hit a cargo plane over Germany last week was given conflicting instructions seconds before impact. A new crisis has hit the government of ailing Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit after his deputy and at least two ministers step down. Scientists have given details of a potential vaccine and announce the biggest-ever trial at an international conference on Aids.
Monday July 8th 2002.
Yesterday with the Moon in Gemini and Venus applying to her opposition to Uranus, dozens of police officers were injured during clashes after a controversial Orange Order parade in Northern Ireland was barred from a nationalist area. Thousands pay their respects as Afghan Vice-President Abdul Qadir, who was assassinated, is buried in his home town Jalalabad.
Saturday July 6th
The main news today concerns a document leaked to the New York Times has detailing the logistics of a possible all-out invasion of Saddam Hussein's Iraq. This leak occurs against the astrological backdrop of a waning Taurean Moon and Mercury trine Uranus (exact today 13-42 GMT) . The Moon enters Gemini at 19-01 today and the graphic below illustrates is passage over the next three days.
US and European share prices ended yesterday (with the Moon in 'stable' Taurus) sharply higher, partially recouping hefty losses earlier this week.
Friday July 5th 2002
The Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Taurus. A very domestic combination, nurturing and preserving. Under this sun Moon combination yesterday and amid independence day celebration in the US a strange event occurred in that country. Three people have been shot dead at Los Angeles International airport and a number wounded by an unidentified gunman.
Thursday July 4th 2002.
Mars was aligned to Jupiter as shares around the world continued to slide yesterday as a crisis of investor confidence showed no sign of abating. Swiss air traffic controllers say an automatic system which might have predicted Monday's mid-air collision over Germany was switched off. The US is on a world-wide security alert as she celebrates independence day.
The Moon today enters Taurus at 08-17 GMT today, inaugurating two days with a more stable 'atmosphere'. Mercury is late Gemini is applying to a waxing airy sextile with Uranus, exact on Saturday, adding a touch of the unexpected and a flash of genius to proceedings over the next three days. The next New Moon (on July 10th 2002) occurs as Venus opposes Uranus, it could be asomewhat intense time, especially so in the world of finance.
Wednesday July 3rd 2002
There has been a spectacular eruption from the Sun's surface. It occurred at 1319 GMT on Monday and was imaged by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The giant prominence at the bottom left of the image is more than 30 times the Earth's diameter. Researchers say that this particular explosion was directed away from Earth.
Mars is conjunct Jupiter at 13-25 GMT today. The last quarter Moon is in Aries. Venus is sextile Saturn at 10-14 GMT. The day is swift and direct. A day of tribulation, tests and targets.
Tuesday July 1st 2002.
German officials believe an air collision which killed 71 people was caused when the pilot of a Russian jet failed to follow air traffic control instructions. The crash happened over the town of Ueberlingen at 2343 (2143GMT) on Monday, with the debris of the Tupolev scattered across woods and farmland, and the Boeing crashing into Lake Konstanz. The Tupolev, Flight BTS2937, had been flying from Moscow to Barcelona, carrying schoolchildren of varying ages from Bashkortostan in the Ural Mountains.
The Pentagon is to investigate an incident in Afghanistan in which a US laser-guided bomb apparently killed dozens at a wedding party.
A tight conjunction of Mercury and Saturn occurs today at 11-35 GMT. With the Moon at last quarter in Aries at 17-20 GMT this is potentially a day of serious crises in consciousness. Simultaneously Jupiter and faint Mars appear closest this evening, 0.8° apart. Aligned to tropical Cancer on the far side of the Sun this combination may well correspond to initiatives and events connected with security matters. There are already waves of threats and reassurance in the news stories. Fears that thousands of US peace keepers could be pulled out of Bosnia are denied by American diplomats. Palestinian officials warn of chaos and anarchy after Washington says it will no longer deal with Yasser Arafat. South Korea says its policy of improving ties with the North will not change after a naval clash, though the South may soon let its navy fire first.
Saturday June 29th 2002
Today the Moon enters Pisces 09-01 GMT.
Friday June 28th 2002.
Today is special. Mercury, Pluto and Venus form what is called in astrology an 'easy opposition'. The Moon is disseminating in phase in Aquarius. At best there could be a pleasant change, at worst over exposure.
A positive note was sounded yesterday as leaders of the world's richest nations unveiled a development plan to promote stability and prosperity in Africa. A warning was issued by the UN who said that unless China takes drastic action, it faces an Aids epidemic of massive proportions.
Thursday June 27th 2002
Further planetary blows seem to be unleashed on the US as President Bush expresses outrage over the multi-billion dollar fraud at WorldCom, a scandal that has shaken the world's markets. Share prices yesterday hit fresh lows, and the euro is surging against the dollar, as investors come to terms with fraud at the telecoms firm. The US president also yesterday urged Palestinians to heed his call for change or face the loss of foreign investment. It is interesting to note that Monday's lunar eclipse was opposite Venus in the US national chart, we have witnessed a series of unfortunate news stories from the US since Monday. (See yesterday's comment).
Today the waning Moon is in Aquarius. Mercury is forming an opposition to Pluto, made easy by Venus, exact on Friday. There is excitement to be found right now.
Wednesday June 26th 2002
The Moon in late Capricorn opposes Mars and Jupiter this morning (GMT) before becoming void of course from 07-38 and entering Aquarius at 22-37 GMT tonight. Friday is the important day this week, plan something beautiful. In the world yesterday, the day after Monday's lunar eclipse, it seemed that the USA was besieged with bad luck.
The Palestinian leader dismissed a call by President Bush for a new Palestinian leadership, insisting he was democratically elected. US space agency Nasa grounded its shuttle fleet after small cracks were found in the Atlantis and Discovery shuttles. President Bush surveyed the devastating impact of wildfires raging across hundreds of miles of Arizona forcing 30,000 people from their homes.
Tuesday June 25th 2002.
Two events from last week:-
1) Astronomers have revealed that on 14th June 2002, an asteroid the size of a football pitch made one of the closest ever recorded approaches to the Earth. The last time such an object is recorded to have come this close was in December 1994.
2) On Monday 17th June 2002 Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) made a beam of light disappear in one place and reappear in another a short distance away. Teleportation - the disembodiment of an object in one location and its reconstruction in another - has been successfully carried out.
As the Full Moon yesterday was eclipsed in Capricorn by the grazing shadow of the Earth the following news stories arose. A passenger train crashed in a remote area of central Tanzania, leaving at least 200 people dead and many others injured. Thousands of families are made homeless and more than 50 people die as floods hit Russia's North Caucasus region. The Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemns Israel's military blockade of West Bank towns, as a helicopter strike in Gaza kills six Palestinians. Palestinian officials describe President Bush's call to replace Yasser Arafat as "unacceptable" as Israeli forces push into Hebron.
In the UK the parents of missing UK schoolgirl Amanda Dowler speak of their anguish over having to mark her 14th birthday without her.
In the aftermath of yesterdays eclipse the Moon in capricorn today makes no aspects and there are no planetary aspects. Mars is applying to a conjunction with Jupiter exact on July 2nd, which is now the next important planetary aspect. On Friday of this week Venus makes a fiery trine to Pluto and Mercury will be opposite to Pluto. It looks to be an interesting day.
Monday June 24th 2002.
Iran Earthquake (June 22nd 2002)
There have been more than 20 aftershocks since the earthquake struck at 0730 local time (0300 GMT) on Saturday, and seismologists have warned of the risk of more tremors over the next few weeks. Red Crescent officials said about 25,000 people were left homeless by the earthquake, which measured at least 6.0 on the Richter scale and was centred around the town of Bou'in-Zahra, in Qazvin province. The Iranian Red Crescent now says that 222 people died as a result of the tremor.
Jupiter in Cancer was exactly rising at the moment of the initial shock. The chart for the moment has a strong hexagonal arrangement of planets in fire and air signs involving Mercury Neptune Venus and Pluto and the Midheaven of the epicentre. The disaster has occured less the 70 hours before today's lunar eclipse.
Eclipse charts June 2002. CLICK HERE
In the US the Arizona town of Show Low is evacuated as two massive fires continue to spread, threatening to merge into one huge blaze.
Saturday June 22nd 2002.
The Sun is now aligned to Cancer. The Moon is gibbous and enters Sagittarius at 11-42 GMT today. Venus opposes Neptune. Mercury trines Neptune, the Full Moon then in Capricorn is eclipsed by the weak penumbral shadow of the Earth on Monday. An important weekend is upon us.
The Israeli army admits error as at least three Palestinians are killed by tank shells in a West Bank marketplace. European leaders meeting in Seville look set to drop a controversial plan to punish countries that do not stop the flow of immigrants. In the UK the main news yesterday concerned football with ten-man Brazil ending England's World Cup hopes with a 2-1 win, elsewhere in the competition Germany held off a valiant USA..
Thursday June 20th 2002.
The Sun reaches June solstice at 14:24 a.m. GMT on Friday 21st June , marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere (and winter in the Southern Hemisphere). The chart for this moment at London is here.
Seven people are killed and more than 30 others injured by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem, as Israeli helicopters fire on targets in Gaza. European flights suffer major disruption as air traffic controllers strike in protest at EU restructuring plans.
The Moon enters Scorpio 08-43 today, where she will reside at this time of solstice. The sun, the Moon and Uranus form an airy grand trine during the morning (GMT) of today. The flavour of the day is serious and intense, the conversation deep, the pronouncements have an edge. There is also surprise.
Wednesday June 19th 2002.
The Moon continues to wax past last quarter phase in Libra. Mercury and Venus are in sextile aspect, the Sun is trine Uranus and Venus is opposing Neptune. Despite these generally favourable conditions we hear in the news that the Israeli cabinet approves the reoccupation of some Palestinian towns after a suicide bomber kills 19 Israelis, including several children. Air travellers across Europe face major disruption on Wednesday as air traffic controllers strike against EU restructuring plans.
Tuesday June 18th 2002.
The first quarter Moon enters Libra today at 06-11 GMT.
South Africans who suffered under apartheid seek billions of dollars in damages from foreign companies. The Palestinian leader accuses Israel of "apartheid" for building a security fence to keep out West Bank militants. Internet users react angrily to the closure of Beijing's cyber cafes following a deadly fire in one of the city's internet cafes. A vote on UK Government plans to extend surveillance of private telephone and e-mail records is postponed amid growing opposition. The row over Tony Blair's role at the Queen Mother's lying-in-state continues, with Downing Street rejecting calls for a Commons statement.
These appear quieter times. Today and tomorrow with the Sun and Moon in an airy combination may well promote much social and political communication.
Sunday June 16th 2002
The waxing crescent moon enters Virgo 03-24 GMT today, first quarter in phase in that sign on Tuesday June 18th 00-30 GMT. After passing through Libra for the second part of the week the Moon is in Scorpio for the Summer Solstice (Northern hemisphere) on Friday 21st June. All is now leading up to the penumbral lunar eclipse late (GMT) on Monday 24th June. We are in the sway of an eclipse season as the solstice point is reached. The sun is applying trine to Uranus. Venus moves to oppose Neptune, interesting under currents of excitement, glamour, mass deception may arise. Expect fast moving shallow but precise minutae today. Dry as dust.
Friday June 14th 2002.
We are now one week from the northern hemisphere's Summer Solstice. The days over this next week are astrologically quiet. The Moon is in Leo today, and she becomes crescent in phase (also today) from mid afternoon (GMT) . The next Full moon is a very weak penumbral eclipse, in Capricorn, the third and final of the current eclipse season.
The News stories right now, correspondingly quiet, report that Catholic bishops meet in Dallas to agree on ways of dealing with the wave of sex abuse accusations which have rocked the Church. Votes are being counted in the election for Afghanistan's next head of state, with interim leader Hamid Karzai expected to be chosen.
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says he is sure Pakistan would deal with al-Qaeda militants if they were found operating in Kashmir. The United Nations food summit ends in Rome without taking any firm action to end global hunger after donor countries stayed away.
Tuesday June 11th 2002
The new Moon fresh from yesterday's solar eclipse after an astrologically quiet day enters Cancer today at 18-16 GMT.
sky and telescope
Over the next few days this slender New Moon will make conjunctions in Cancer with Mars (12-01 GMT on Wednesday), Jupiter (04-29 GMT on Thursday) and Venus (21-45 GMT on Friday).
Nationalism and political swings to the right are the hallmarks of this time we are now living in. Share prices around the world stock markets have fallen to low levels. The astrological emphasis is now focusing on Cancer. Protectionism, economy, safety, nourishment and tenacity are the keywords to describe the energy. In the immediate wake of yesterdays eclipse world news stories reflect this energy. US Attorney-General John Ashcroft says a plot to attack the country using a radioactive "dirty bomb" has been prevented. India reopens its airspace to Pakistani civilian over flights in a conciliatory gesture welcomed by Islamabad after months of tension. The US president voices support for Israel's latest incursion into Ramallah, after holding talks with Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. World leaders meet in Rome to discuss the fight against global hunger, but hopes are undermined by the absence of most Western leaders.
JUNE 10th 2002
This eclipse is totally dominated by its conjunction with Saturn. The eclipse is conjunct George W Bush's natal Uranus. It is also conjunct the Moon Venus conjunction in the Republic chart of Iraq, in the UK it is conjunct the Labour Part's natal Pluto and it is conjunct Jupiter in Ian Duncan Smith's natal chart.
Tonight's eclipse starts at 20-52 GMT. The whole event finishes at 02-37 GMT on Tuesday 11th. The moment of greatest eclipse is 23-44 GMT today. A partial eclipse of the Sun occurs late this afternoon for much of North America; only the East misses out. The partial eclipse is also visible from Japan, Korea, China, and parts of Southeast Asia, where the local date will be the morning of June 11th. The eclipse is annular along a narrow track crossing the Pacific.
This 'ring of fire' annular eclipse belongs to a Saros Cycle which began on May 25th 1389. The complete Saros lasts for 1244 years and finishes on June 28th 2633.
As we approach this powerful eclipse, for the record the following news stories hold the headline attention. President Pervez Musharraf says the chances of war with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir have diminished in the past week. Football fans go on the rampage in Moscow after a surprise defeat for the national team, reportedly killing one man.
When the eclipse is over the new Moon then in Cancer faces conjunctions with Mars, Jupiter and Venus over the next few days. The conjunction with Venus on June 13th is close.
Thursday June 6th 2002The waning Moon is in Aries today becomes balsamic phase in Taurus 02-27 GMT tomorrow Friday . Pluto is in opposition to the Sun 04-42 GMT Friday 7th June. The Sun is conjunct Saturn 11-24 GMT on Sunday 6th June. An Annular eclipse of the Sun occurs on Monday 10th June (late GMT). (Map of visibility of the eclipse from
Sky and Telescope above).Tanks roll into the West Bank town of Jenin after a suicide bomber kills himself and 16 others in a rush-hour attack on a bus. Britain and the US tell their nationals to leave India and Pakistan amid a continuing threat of war over Kashmir. Stock markets fall in the wake of the Venus Jupiter conjunction.
Today is fierce and ardent, there is an atmosphere of seriousness corresponding to the Sun aligning over the next few days to the Saturn Pluto opposition. This all concludes with next Monday's eclipse.
June 2nd 2001
The Moon is at Last Quarter in Pisces at 00-06 GMT on June 3rd. Crisis in action, moving targets. Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Cancer 23-12 GMT the same day, heart felt climaxes. The Moon enters Aries 11-52 on Tuesday 4th, the dreaminess turns to impulse. The Sun is applying to a conjunct with Saturn, serious times, Saturn is opposite Pluto, very serious indeed, the last quarter Moon heralds an Annular Solar Eclipse approaching us now on June 10th. The time is ripe for everything.
Friday May 31st 2002.
Serious issues confront the world right now. Don't forget Saturn is still in a pretty tight opposition to Pluto. We are deeply in an eclipse season, and as mentioned all this week, Venus is closing on Jupiter in tropical Cancer, (see Sky and Telescope picture above). US President George W Bush is sending Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to India and Pakistan to try to defuse tensions over Kashmir. Turnout in Algeria's parliamentary elections is reported to be low as many ethnic Berbers observe a call to boycott the poll. The president of Zambia - one of the countries worst hit by the southern Africa famine - says four million of his people face starvation. Madagascar's political crisis deepens as military forces clash with soldiers demanding pay from both rival political camps.
Thursday May 30th 2002.
At 13-35 GMT today the disseminating Moon enters Aquarius. Although the Sun and the Moon are then aligned to 'air' signs there may well be now a more emotional response to events and experiences than would normally be expected with this Solar-Lunar combination in sway. This is on account of Venus and Mars now drawing close to Jupiter in the 'watery' sign of Cancer. Today from 13-35 we can rely on a more detached and intellectualising way of dealing with events, but beneath the surface there is a reservoir of emotional energy seeking to manifest and materialise.
As above so below, there is a grave need in the news today. The United Nations adds its voice to fears that 10 million people in southern Africa face starvation unless aid donors respond quickly.
Wednesday May 29th 2002
At 11-46 GMT today the waning Moon becomes void of course in Capricorn after opposing the current Venus Jupiter conjunction during the preceding few hours. The Moon will remain void for over twenty six hours.
World News yesterday was a little 'dull'. Today we expect a similar uneventful world stage.
India and Pakistan continue to sabre rattle, Bush and Putin continue to sign arms reduction deals and at home a UK minister resigns. In the skies of earth Venus continues to close in on Jupiter, the Sun starts to build to an airy trine with Neptune, exact on Saturday June 1st.Tuesday May 28th 2002
In the wake of Sunday's eclipse the following developments occurred yesterday on the world stage. President Musharraf said that Pakistan will not initiate war with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir, but will fight back if necessary. A bomb exploded in a shopping centre in the Israeli town of Petah Tikvah, near Tel Aviv, wounding at least 20 people. The US and French presidents paid tribute to thousands of American WWII dead, as Mr Bush rallies support for his war on terror.
The Moon enters Capricorn 06-54 GMT today opposing Mars who in turn enters Cancer at 11-43 GMT today. Venus Mars and Jupiter are then all in Cancer, with Venus in close conjunction with Jupiter on June 3rd and Mars aligned to Jupiter on July 2nd. The former conjunction is dominating evening skies right now.
Monday May 27th 2002.
Yesterday's eclipse coincided with the following array of news stories. Vast areas of water-ice are detected on Mars by a Nasa probe, boosting the search for alien life and possibly bringing forward a manned landing. The Vatican suggests the Pope's failing health may force the cancellation of his planned trips to Latin American countries in July. Pakistan defies international opposition with a second missile test, while across the border the Indian PM issues a rallying call to his nation. In the Congo witnesses report 200 deaths in reprisal killings carried out by death squads following a mutiny in the city of Kisangani.
Today Mercury is at inferior conjunction at 07-10 as the now waning Sagittarian Moon conjuncts Pluto and opposes Saturn. Today's energy is restless and diverse.
Sunday May 26th 2002
Today's eclipse timings GMT
first contact 10-13
maximum eclipse 12-03
last contact 13-54
A plane disaster and a train disaster occured yesterday. India and Pakistan on the brink of war. The US president is in Russia. These events are occurring around this time of a deep penumbral eclipse of the Moon today. Officials now say about 200 people are dead and many injured after a train accident in Mozambique that President Chissano called a national tragedy. Officials say there is little hope of finding survivors after a Taiwanese airliner carrying 225 people crashed into the sea on its way to Hong .
Saturday May 25th 2002
Pakistan says it has test fired a ballistic missile, amid growing concern over the potential for war with neighbouring India over Kashmir. The US defence secretary insists Iran is getting help in developing nuclear weapons - a point of discord between Russia and the US.
A China Airlines flight carrying 222 people has disappeared off radar screens and is believed to have crashed.
Friday May 24th 2002
The US president arrives in Moscow for a summit with his counterpart Vladimir Putin at which they will sign a landmark nuclear arms treaty. India's prime minister says there can be no talks on the crisis in Kashmir until Pakistan fulfils its promise to rein in Muslim militants.
The burgeoning Moon enters Scorpio 01-39 GMT today. Saturn is approaching the climax of its opposition to Pluto. An eclipse of the Moon occurs on Sunday. Venus is inching in on Jupiter dazzling westward evening skies. Today and Saturday 25th are intense and penetrative.
Thursday May 23rd 2002
From 04-00 GMT today the Moon in Libra is gibbous in phase, building up to penumbral lunar eclipse on Sunday. The following two eclipses after this one, both in June, coincide, at their respective moments of maximum eclipse, to Neptune straddling the Mid Heaven of India and Pakistan. The major danger area on the whole planet is this part of the world. A million troops and scores of nuclear missiles are amassed. The Neptune alignment suggests intense whirlpools of chaotic pychic energy unleashed on that area, a strange brew indeed. All events personal and global, now underway can be corresponded to the impending trio of eclipses. Can you sense the rising planetary tide?
Wednesday May 22nd 2002
A leading separatist was shot dead in Indian-administered Kashmir, yesterday, just as Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee lands in the disputed region. The greatest concentration of troops and fire power on the planet is now assembled on the Indian Pakistan border. At 00-19 GMT today the Moon enters Libra. An opportunity for dialogue and diplomacy may arise.
Tuesday May 21st 2002
The Sun enters Gemini today at 05-29 GMT. The Moon just past first quarter is waxing towards penumbral eclipse on Sunday, and is today in Virgo. Both the Sun and the Moon are aligned to 'mutable signs'. There is movement and change. Today is good for 'splitting hairs'. This solar lunar 'vibration' promotes dexterity, mental agility and 'transmission. Venus in cancer is now 'building' to a conjunction with Jupiter, exact on June 3rd. These two planets dominate the western skies of Earth after sunset. There is a wealth of feeling associated with this combination. Interesting times.
Monday May 20th 2002.
East Timor yesterday became the world's newest nation, as a declaration of independence ends 450 years of foreign rule. I have not been able to find an exact time.
photo BBC
Amid and under a first quarter Moon in Leo opposite Uranus the world news yesterday showed trouble from many places. A suicide bomber attacked a market in the Israeli resort of Netanya, killing at least two people and injuring about 40. Suspected militants killed four Indian soldiers in the second major attack within a week, as India and Pakistan trade fire over their disputed border. The US vice president said a new attack on America is "almost certain" as the security services warn of increased activity by al-Qaeda cells. Thousands are made homeless in southern Sudan, as Uganda's army fights rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army on Sudanese territory. Red Cross officials report that civilians in western Nepal are being caught in crossfire between Maoist rebels and security forces. West Africans leaders call for an immediate ceasefire in Liberia and offer to mediate in the war between the government and rebels.
This is the last full day of the astrological month of Taurus. The waxing Moon is in Virgo. Venus enters Cancer 13-27 today. This week leads us to a lunar eclipse on Sunday, Mercury is retrograde. Today may be so precise and practical, yet there may remain an unmistakable feeling that something special and powerful is underway as the eclipse draws near.
Saturday May 18th 2002
Mercury in retrograde motion traditionally in astrology corresponds to delays in communication and transport. Mercury is retrograde right now. In the UK Thousands of air passengers face disruption because of a computer problem at the National Air Traffic Services Centre in southern England.
In the US President George W Bush defends his administration's handling of warnings issued before the 11 September attacks. George has Jupiter exactly on his Cancerian Sun right now. We wonder just how serious this news story is.
Today the Moon is in Leo. Tomorrow looks important. The Moon at first quarter forms a tight T-Square with Uranus. Venus is trine Uranus. Sudden surprises may be in store.
Friday May 17th 2002.
The Moon continues to wax in Cancer entering Leo today at 17-53 GMT. Venus is applying to a trine with Uranus, exact on Saturday 18th, and on Sunday 19th the first quarter Moon, one week from penumbral eclipse, forms a tight fixed T-square with the Sun and Uranus. Mercury is retrograde. We can interpret all these 'signs' by viewing ourselves in a period of 'twists and turns', what may appear to be done could be well undone, there are important changes ahead.
Yesterday Senior US politicians demanded answers from the White House over its admission that it had warning of a Bin Laden hijack plot before 11 September. In the Netherlands Pim Fortuyn's party chooses a new leader, as it eyes a place in government after a dramatic swing to the right in Wednesday's vote.
A heat wave sweeping the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has killed 450 people in less than a week, state relief officials say. The Belgian parliament has passed a law partially legalising euthanasia, the second country to do so after the Netherlands.
Thursday May 16th 2002
Yesterday the Netherlands general election showed a swing to the right. Political trends across Europe seem to be moving to the right at this time. Eighteen British soldiers serving in Afghanistan are struck down with an unidentified fever, two are "seriously ill".
Five days remain of the astrological month of Taurus. The Summer Solstice is thirty five days away. The crescent Moon sails through Cancer today making a solitary conjunction with Jupiter at 12-38 GMT. An astrologically quieter couple of days now follow. Today is 'close' even 'comforting'.
Wednesday May 15th 2002.
The thin waxing Moon enters Cancer today at 11-35. Mercury is stationary turning retrograde at 18-43. The 'mood' may well be domestic and protective.
Yesterday under a series of lunar occultations (see yesterday's comment) the United Nations Security Council voted in favour of reforming sanctions against Iraq to release more humanitarian aid. Nato and Russian ministers met to form a joint council - a move termed historic by Nato Secretary General Lord Robertson. At least 30 died as suspected Kashmiri militants targeted an Indian army camp - the bloodiest attack in the region this year. Voting was underway in Sierra Leone with electors eager to cast their ballots after a brutal 10-year civil war.
The UK Government plans up to 15 asylum seeker "villages" across the country - despite an angry response in areas chosen for three pilot centres.
We are now in an eclipse season. This eclipse season comprises one, 'blazing ring of fire over the Pacific Ocean', Annular Solar eclipse on June 10th heavily conjunct Saturn flanked between two penumbral lunar eclipses, the first one on May 26th a member of an old Saros cycle, the final one on June 24th only the second member of a very new Saros. Saturn opposes Pluto (the 'Sept 11th aspect') across the skies of Earth as these three eclipses unfold, dominating this season at a globally 'nervy' time in world history, this 'heavy' aspect finally peaks at the time of the May 26th eclipse. The last time these three Saros cycles were eclipsing was the period May/June 1984.
1) PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius MAY 26th 2002 This eclipse occurs when Saturn and Pluto are at opposition. The eclipsed Moon is opposite Mercury. Mars is trine Uranus,
2) ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini JUNE 10th 2002 This eclipse is totally dominated by its conjunction with Saturn. The eclipse is conjunct George W Bush's natal Uranus. It is also conjunct the Moon Venus conjunction in the Republic chart of Iraq, in the UK is conjunct the Labour Part's natal Pluto and Jupiter in Ian Duncan Smith's natal Jupiter.
3) PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE JUNE 24th 2002 in Capricorn This eclipse occurs with Mars applying to a conjunction with Jupiter, Mercury trines Neptune and sextiles Venus. Venus in turn is trine Pluto. This is a very short eclipse, the accompanying aspects are potentially beneficial.
Tuesday May 14th 2002.
New Moon in Taurus May 12th 2002 CLICK HERE
Yesterday the US and Russian presidents agreed cuts in their nuclear arsenals which they say will clear the way for a new era in relations. Click here for the Bush Putin relationship chart
Yasser Arafat toured the West Bank for the first time this year, but abandoned a visit to Jenin's refugee camp because of fears for his safety.
Today the waxing newly crescent Moon occults three major planets as seen from different parts of the Earth (all times are approximate). At 08-00 hours GMT Saturn is occulted for observers in the United Kingdom, (low and difficult to see) western Scandinavia, and parts of Northeast Alaska. At 1900 GMT Mars disappears behind the Moon as seen from nearly all of South America. Finally, Venus is occulted at 23-00 GMT for anyone who happens to be in the South Pacific Ocean. Today has the potential to hold many significant and important events. We will be watching the news stories very closely.
Monday May 13th 2002
The New Moon in Taurus yesterday coincided with a sickeningly brutal event in the UK as police launch a murder investigation following a house fire in which five young sisters and an adult were killed in northern England. The fire was apparently started some ten hours before the moment of New Moon.
Abroad Israel demobilised army reservists called up for a planned attack in the Gaza Strip as the prime minister faces a key policy battle. A hundred thousand people march through the Venezuelan capital Caracas to call for a new president.
The New Moon enters Gemini at 03-05 today facing conjunctions and occultations with Mercury, Saturn, Mars and Venus over the next two days (see star map above). The present grouping of planets in the skies of Earth is now at its tightest.
Sunday May 12th 2002.
Seven people have died after a passenger train on Friday travelling from London to Norfolk crashed at Potters Bar railway station in Hertfordshire. (The major UK news story right now) Ambulance service officials say 9 more casualties have life-threatening or serious injuries. There are up to 76 walking wounded. Railtrack confirmed that three of the train's four carriages derailed in the accident which happened just before 1300 BST.
The Astrological Chart for the moment is below. Uranus was setting, it was exactly local noon, the MC hitting the Moon Saturn midpoint. Venus and Mars very closely conjunct, both opposite Pluto. Occurring forty eight hours before the New Moon, and this New Moon itself the last lunation before an eclipse season.
Friday May 10th 2002.
Today is the day of the very close linear alignment of Venus and Mars from our Earth's perspective. At exactly 1956 GMT today Venus and Mars align to tropical Gemini. The old Moon in Aries for the earlier part of the day enters Taurus at 16-32 GMT. The Moon is new in that sign on Sunday 12th May.
Yesterday Israel called up reservists amid signs a military strike in the Gaza Strip may be imminent, and there is new talk of a deal on the Bethlehem siege. The US Federal Reserve says it has found traces of anthrax on 20 pieces of mail, in preliminary tests during a routine screening.
Thursday May 9th 2002
Violence and misadventure occurred around the world as Mars opposed Pluto yesterday. The following News stories surfaced. Violence against Israel occurred as 16 people die in a suicide attack near Tel Aviv. Ariel Sharon returns prematurely from USA. In Pakistan the president describes the suicide attack on a bus in Karachi, which killed 15 people, as international terrorism. China Northern Airlines say all 112 people on board one of its jets died when it crashed into the sea near Dalian in north-east China. Reports from Nepal say intense fighting between Maoist rebels and security forces has left heavy casualties on both sides. Another bout of communal violence in the western Indian state of Gujarat claims 16 lives as soldiers fight to quell pitched street battles.
Venus is opposite Pluto today at 18-15 GMT, and almost exactly aligned to Mars tomorrow at 19-56 GMT. The old balsamic Moon is today in Aries. This next forty eight hours is one of the most critical periods of the year. The nature of the 'cosmic energy' is intense and transformatory.
The times really are extraordinary at the moment.
Wednesday May 8th 2002
Yesterday the Dutch Government decided that the country's general election will be held on 15 May, despite the murder of right-winger Pim Fortuyn. An EgyptAir plane crashed in foggy weather near Tunis airport, reportedly with more than 60 people on board. The astrological weather yesterday under a Piscean Moon and the Venus Saturn conjunction could have been described as foggy and austere.
Today the Moon enters Aries at 04-22 GMT today. This sets an explosive background atmosphere against which the potentially violent events of today will happen . The Moon becomes balsamic in phase from 10-00 GMT. This in turn adds a strange 'end of the cycle' feel to proceedings. Mars is opposite Pluto 22-10 GMT, this is the crunch.
Tomorrow it is Venus's turn to oppose Pluto. The planetary pressure is building to 'breaking point'.
Tuesday May 7th 2002.
In Burma pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi pledges a renewed campaign after being released from nearly 20 months of house arrest. Dutch right-wing politician Pim Fortuyn dies of his injuries after being shot several times in the head and neck. Israeli troops kill four Palestinian gunmen, as an agreement to end the siege at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem draws close. The man declared the winner of the disputed presidential poll is sworn in for a second time, despite his rival's opposition. More than 200 people died when the passenger ferry they were travelling on sank in Bangladesh last Friday, the authorities say.
At 12-11 today Venus stands in ecliptic conjunction with Saturn, the Moon is void of course in Pisces from 02-11.
The atmosphere today blends seriousness and encounter. Ahead of us now is a veritable tidal wave of planetary challenges, the first being a violent Mars opposite Pluto aspect late (GMT) tomorrow Wednesday 8th, Venus is opposite Pluto on Thursday 9th, a very close liner alignment of Venus and Mars occurs on Friday May 10th, and a New Moon in Taurus on May 12th. Saturn is applying to its final opposition to Pluto (exact on May 26th) rendering a potential sinister dimension to what is essentially a positive and vibrant time ahead. May 26th also is the date of the next eclipse. Stand by
Monday 6th May 2002 d
The next conjunction in the current cluster is of Venus and Saturn at 12-11 GMT tomorrow. Merry can be the meeting of the maiden and the old man. Today the waning Moon is in Pisces, a dreamier softer day may be in store. We are now half way between the Vernal equinox and the Summer Solstice. Summer is almost with us in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter almost in the South. Some good news follows.
Yesterday French voters deal a crushing blow to the presidential hopes of far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, re-electing Jacques Chirac by a large majority. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators seek to finalise a deal to end the siege of the Church of the Nativity, as the Israeli PM heads for US talks.
Sunday May 5th 2002
Mars conjunct Saturn yesterday coincided with the following news stories. Israeli soldiers continued to surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, despite intensified diplomatic efforts to resolve the stand-off. In Nigeria a plane crash occurred in the northern city of Kano, in which at least 150 people are now believed to have died. In Columbia conflicts and heavy fighting between rebels and paramilitaries left at least 100 dead.
Today with the Moon in Aquarius until 15-46 GMT, the French General Election is underway. It is seen by many as less a show of support for favourite Jacques Chirac than a rejection of far-right Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Friday May 3rd 2002
Thousands of Palestinians greet their leader as he emerged yesterday from his Ramallah headquarters after Israeli troops call off their siege. The US president rules out any early meeting with Yasser Arafat,
The Mars Saturn conjunction tightens its grip. Venus is chasing them both, all are opposite Pluto. The Moon approaching Last Quarter enters Aquarius at 04-44 GMT today. Sparklingly serious days ahead.
Thursday May 2nd 2002
Yesterday, amid the building up conjunction of Mars and Saturn, six Palestinians wanted by Israel left Yasser Arafat's besieged Ramallah compound in the custody of US and UK guards. May Day rallies in France saw more than a million people join protests against far right presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen. Two car bombs exploded near the Real Madrid stadium but the crucial European Champions League semi-final against Barcelona went ahead.
Today the disseminating Moon is void of course in Capricorn. There are no planetary or lunar aspects today, only the Mars Saturn conjunction continues to concentrate to its peaking on Saturday.
Wednesday May 1st 2002
The Sun and the Moon are in earthy signs, the Sun is square Neptune and sextile Jupiter, Mars is applying in conjunction to Saturn, both opposite to Pluto. Hard news and disenchantment may arise in the next few days.
World news at a low point? A UN mission intended to study events at the Jenin refugee camp during the Israeli offensive looks likely to be abandoned, officials say.
The immediate future is dominated by the Mars Saturn conjunction in Gemini on Saturday. As this aspect begins to grip and tighten (with potentially violent consequences as they oppose Pluto) we find Zimbabwe once again in the news in the news (as was the case at the last Mars Saturn conjunction, when white farmers were being killed and their land taken. See the Daze for April 2000). This time around we hear that the Zimbabwean Government yesterday declared a state of disaster as food shortages threaten widespread starvation. Expect dangerous times, stay attuned to the planetary vibration. Stay with the DAZE.
Monday April 30th 2002
Mercury enters Gemini at 07-16 GMT today joining Venus, Mars and Saturn already aligned to that sign. A multiplicity of thoughts words and events are bubbling up ahead of us. At 21-03 GMT the Moon in its disseminating phase enters Capricorn. The Sun applies to a fixed waxing square with Neptune and a 'feminine' waning sextile aspect with Jupiter both exact on May 1st. A simple twist of fate.
American and UK security experts are due in Ramallah as part of a deal to ease the siege on Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's headquarters. Yesterday in Madagascar the government of Didier Ratsiraka dismissed a recount that declares his political rival Marc Ravalomanana president of the country. Argentine banks reopened after a ten-day shutdown aimed at staving off financial collapse.
Monday April 29th
All week Mars is applying to a conjunction with Saturn which peaks next Saturday. Venus too is applying to Mars. The planets are amassing in tropical Gemini. Following the Full Moon which has just passed there is only one New Moon on May 12th before we enter another eclipse season.
The forthcoming eclipse season comprises one, 'blazing ring of fire over the Pacific Ocean', Annular Solar eclipse on June 10th heavily conjunct Saturn flanked between two penumbral lunar eclipses, the first one on May 26th a member of an old Saros cycle, the final one on June 24th only the second member of a very new Saros. Saturn opposes Pluto (the 'Sept 11th aspect') across the skies of Earth as these three eclipses unfold, dominating this season at a globally 'nervy' time in world history, this 'heavy' aspect finally peaks at the time of the May 26th eclipse. The last time these three Saros cycles were eclipsing was the period May/June 1984.
1) PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius MAY 26th 2002 This eclipse occurs when Saturn and Pluto are at opposition. The eclipsed Moon is opposite Mercury. Mars is trine Uranus,
2) ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini JUNE 10th 2002 This eclipse is totally dominated by its conjunction with Saturn. The eclipse is conjunct George W Bush's natal Uranus. It is also conjunct the Moon Venus conjunction in the Republic chart of Iraq, in the UK is is conjunct the Labour Part's natal Pluto and Jupiter in Ian Duncan Smith's natal Jupiter.
3) PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE JUNE 24th 2002 in Capricorn This eclipse occurs with Mars applying to a conjunction with Jupiter, Mercury trines Neptune and sextiles Venus. Venus in turn is trine Pluto. This is a very short eclipse, the accompanying aspects are potentially beneficial.
Sunday April 28th 2002.
Full Moon rages through Scorpio. In Germany thirteen teachers, two students - a 15-year-old boy and 14-year-old girl - and one policeman were shot by an ex pupil who had been expelled from the school several months earlier. More than 100,000 people throng the streets of French cities in opposition to far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. Iraq celebrates its leader's 65th birthday with giant cakes, statues, and a dramatisation of his novel, but some are keen for change. At least 12 people are killed by Muslim extremists in a major test of the peace deal which has brought relative peace to the Molucca Islands. Full Moon in Scorpio. 27th April 2002. Click here for the chart.
The Moon enters Sagittarius today at 17-14 GMT. Mercury is squaring Uranus tomorrow 01-03 GMT. Mars applies to a trine with Neptune at 20-26 GMT tomorrow. We forecast a 'jumpy' ending to this day, and a far reaching and far seeing Monday with a possible air of optimism replacing the intensity of the weekend.
Friday:- April 26th 2002
Yesterday under a planetary Grande trine in air signs, Saudi leaders held talks with the US President at which they demanded tougher American action to restrain Israel. An explosion which caused a building to partly collapse, injuring at least 50 people, was probably an accident, officials say. The biggest rallies yet against far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen swept France and more are planned for the weekend.
The Gibbous Moon today is in Libra and is void from 13-30 GMT. She enters Scorpio at 16-16 GMT. The Moon is exactly Full on Saturday April 27th 2002 at 03-01 GMT.
Thursday April 25th 2002
As Venus squared Uranus yesterday morning news flashed around the UK that a female body had been found in the River Thames near to the location that missing school girl 'Milly' was last seen (see March 29th 2002 entry). As the aspect peaked the News was released that the body was not hers. A very odd ongoing story.
Hot on the scent of Mars, Venus enters Gemini at 17-57 GMT today in pursuit. She reaches him in just sixteen days time. What follows during that time is characterised by a divergent and multidimensional nature. Relationships, news stories, art forms and events in general will have a speedy and potentially frivolous duality.
Around noon (GMT) today the gibbous Libran Moon forms a grand trine in air signs with Saturn and Neptune. Today is a bit special. The forthcoming Full Moon is beginning to take hold, there is a crescendo underway.
Wednesday April 24th 2002
Looking at the French (First Republic) Astrological chart over the last few days as the nation has reeled over their election of far right candidate Le Pen, I notice that transiting Mars has just opposed the republic natal Moon, the Sun has locked into the republic chart Saturn Jupiter opposition and transiting Venus has opposed republic Mars. These are short term effects. What is of greater importance is the fact that the progressed Sun of the republic chart begins a thirty year sojourn in Taurus this year conjuncting the Natal Saturn. A new chapter is starting for this country. What we are witnessing now may well be a manifestation at the end of an old chapter.
Today Venus is square Uranus at 06-32 GMT, could be a shocker at the start of the day, the Gibbous Moon enters Libra 16-23 GMT. The Full Moon is on April 27th, a 'mystic hexagon' is manifest at London at the moment of the Full Moon. Venus will glide into tropical Gemini tomorrow. A balmier breezier time may ensue.
This astrological month this year is dominated by the close visible grouping of the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the evening skies of earth. As the month starts these bodies are spread from the start of Taurus through to the middle of Cancer. Throughout April and May these five planets will form conjunctions with one another as they move against the background of tropical Gemini.
From an astrological perspective the concentration of planetary energies will undergo a modulation from Taurus to Gemini. What appears immutable, certain and intransigent will give way to movement. There is no single date of a "great planetary alignment," though all five of them (plus the Moon) will be clustered within 33 degrees of sky on the evening of May 14th 2002. Other notable dates in the forthcoming weeks include an airy planetary grand trine on 25th April, the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 27th, Mars conjunct Saturn both opposite Pluto on May 3rd, a very close liner alignment of Venus and Mars on May 10th, and a New Moon in Taurus on May 12th. Saturn is applying to its final opposition to Pluto ( exact on May 26th) rendering a potential sinister dimension to what is essentially a positive and vibrant time. May 26th also is the date of the next eclipse. (More to follow on that!)
Such gatherings of the naked-eye planets are relatively rare, occurring roughly every 20 years when slow-moving Jupiter and Saturn appear close together from Earth's perspective. A similar grouping occurred in May 2000, (see the Daze 2000) though it was hidden in the Sun's glare. The last compact and widely visible five-planet array was in February 1940, (in late Aries), and astronomers calculate that another good one won't take place until September 8, 2040 (in Libra).
Tuesday April 23rd 2002
The parties of defeated leftist candidates in France's presidential election have called on voters to support incumbent Jacques Chirac in the second round against far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Click here for the National chart of France.
The Moon today is in Virgo. Venus is applying to a fixed waxing square to Uranus. (Exact tomorrow 06-32 GMT). Consequentially there is today an element of brittleness to proceedings. Sudden hard shocks, a flash of the collective anima and a resurgence of the unusual may accompany today's events and news stories.
Sunday April 21st 2002
Violence flares in the Gaza Strip, as Israel withdraws from most of the West Bank town of Jenin - scene of recent fierce fighting. Israel promises no constraints as the UN decides to send a fact-finding team to look into Israeli military action in Jenin.
The Sun entered Taurus at 06-21 GMT yesterday. The Moon is just past first quarter in Leo.
Fixity is the keyword here.
Friday April 19th 2002
Yesterday a small tourist aircraft has hit a skyscraper in the northern Italian city of Milan. At least one person has been reported killed and many were injured in the crash. The crash occurred at 1730 local time (1530 GMT), when many people working in the building had already left. The chart for this event is shown below. Initial news reports are that this event is an accident.
The astrology of the moment globally is dominated by Mercury in a tight fixed waxing square to Neptune. The midpoint of this aspect is three degrees from the ascendant. This aspect is traditionally associated with confused judgements. The Sun is sextile Uranus making a finger of fate with the Virgo Ascendant at Milan. The Jupiter Pluto midpoint is also on the local ascendant, and the Jupiter Lunar Node midpoint is conjunct the MC of Milan.
There is power, surprise, uncertainty and fate entwined within this chart.
Thursday April 18th 2002
Two days remain of the astrological month of Aries. The Moon at first quarter on Saturday enters Cancer at 06-02 GMT today. Mercury makes a fixed waxing square to Neptune today at 17-13. A lack of clarity may be a feature of events and news stories today. The News as I write reports 'US President Bush insists that Colin Powell's peace mission was not a failure, as Israel begins to pull troops out of Jenin and Nablus. A huge security operation is under way as Kabul awaits the arrival of former King Zahir Shah, who is flying home after nearly 30 years in exile. Four Canadian soldiers are killed and eight injured when a US jet accidentally drops a bomb during a training exercise near Kandahar.'
Wednesday April 17th 2002
The Palestinian refugee camp at Jenin saw some of the heaviest fighting during Israel's offensive in the West Bank. The extent of the damage is only now, (as the Moon occults Saturn), becoming clear as aid workers are allowed to enter. Some terrible things may well have been perpetrated here by the Israeli forces, the truth has been hidden. The corresponding Lunar occultation of Saturn takes place as the world looks on Jenin, there will be a reappearance of the truth as to what has happened.
The US secretary of state holds a final round of talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, as fierce fighting breaks out in Bethlehem. A general strike, the first in 20 years, brings crowds on to Italy's streets and paralyses services as workers protest at government plans to alter labour laws.
Tuesday April 16th 2002.
Yesterday the main news concerned an air crash in South Korea. The details of the incident (BBC graphic) and the astrological chart of the moment it occurred are shown below.
The astrological chart shows a curious collection of tight semi-square aspects. Saturn is semi-square the local Ascendant, Mars and Uranus are both semi-square the local MC, the Sun is semi-square Saturn This is a cruel moment and a tragic loss of life.
Tonight there will be a visually spectacular (for European observers) occultation of Saturn by the Moon, details and timings are below. Needless to say we believe that this a serious and important moment in time worthy of your awareness to events both personal and global.
Monday April 15th 2002.
A complete detailed map of the human genome will be finished by next year, a leading scientist said yesterday at a conference in China. Also yesterday the US secretary of state held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, after meeting the Palestinian leader in Ramallah. Ousted Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is reinstated, only two days after being forced out by the country's military. American-led forces in Afghanistan say they have killed several al-Qaeda members in the most serious battle for more than a month. Budapest was filled with supporters of the beleaguered ruling coalition in what could be the biggest ever rally in Hungarian history.
The Moon remains in Taurus today entering Gemini tonight 20-57 GMT and conjuncting Mars at 23-56 GMT. Astrologically a 'still' but momentus day until the Gemini ingress. The major astronomical event this week is tomorrow's occultation of Saturn by the crescent Moon.
There is an occultation of Saturn on April 16th visible from the UK. There will be a spectacular lunar occultation of Saturn in northern Europe on the evening of Tuesday April 16th, with a southern-limit graze visible over southwestern Ireland, southwestern England, northern France, southwestern Switzerland, and northern Italy. On the 16th the Moon will be a thin, 15 percent sunlit crescent. This will be the last night-time lunar occultation of Saturn for many years.
For northern Europeans, the crescent Moon will cause Saturn to disappear and later reappear at these :
Amsterdam, 20:54, 21:29;
Berlin, 20:49, 21:30;
Bern, 21:12, 21:24;
Brussels, 20:59, 21:28;
Copenhagen, 20:42, 21:28;
Dublin, 20:57, 21:22;
Helsinki, 20:30, 21:22;
London, 21:00, 21:25;
Paris, 21:10, 21:22;
Prague, 20:54, 21:31;
Stockholm, 20:34, 21:25.
Meanwhile, observers in Hawaii have a pretty occultation to look forward to the following night. On the evening of April 17th, numerous faint stars of the open cluster M35 in Gemini, the Twins, will slip behind the dark limb of the crescent Moon around 10 p.m. Hawaii time.
The forthcoming eclipse season starts in May 2002. The eclipses which occur on May 26th, June 10th and June 24th 2002 are preceded by a remarkable tight visible stellium of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Gemini over the next few weeks. These planets are being joined by the New Moon right now, but they are at their tightest in the first half of May. Venus and Mars are in very close conjunction on 10th May at 18 degrees Gemini, Mars and Saturn are conjunct on May 3rd. the final occultation of Saturn occurs visible from the UK on 14th May also on that day the Moon passes within a degree of Mars in Gemini.
Sunday April 14th 2002.
The New Moon has coincided with the following news stories. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemns Friday's suicide attack in Jerusalem, and is now expected to meet Colin Powell today.
Interim Venezuelan president Pedro Carmona promises a swift return to democracy, but other Latin American leaders express deep disquiet.
It has emerged that both Nepalese security forces and rebels have suffered heavy losses in fighting that has left more than 130 dead.
At least five are reported killed in fresh clashes as forces loyal to Madagascar's two would-be presidents battle to control the key town of Fianarantsoa.
Two British army patrols come under fire while carrying out peacekeeping duties in the Afghan capital, but capture seven of the assailants.
Saturday April 13th 2002.
The Moon and Mercury plunge into Taurus simultaneously at 10-00 GMT today. Mars enters Gemini 17-36 GMT .
A waxing quintile (72 degree aspect) between Uranus and Pluto is now building up to its peak on 24th April 2002.
This is a day which augers changes. Certain realities and resolution grip our souls.
The array of five planets will provide a planet watching opportunity that will not be repeated for 100 years.
Similar groupings will occur in September 2040 and July 2060 but the planets will not be as close together or as visible to the naked eye.
Astrological trends
for the period
Saturday April 6th to Saturday April 12th 2002.
Friday April 12th 2002
Mercury sextiles Uranus at 08-46 GMT
The New Moon in Aries is at 19-21 GMT today. It is square Jupiter indicating a time of adjustment to new criteria, but it is sextile Uranus and loosely trine Pluto giving a generally optimistic flavour to the period. This New Moon is the last but one lunation before the June 10th 2002 annular solar eclipse, (conjunct Saturn in Gemini, in mid Saros, visible from the Pacific Ocean).
At the exact moment of this New Moon the Sun and Moon are setting off the west coast of Ireland, the extreme North West Africa at Dakar, they are at lower culmination at Kabul, and rising between New Zealand and Australia. Mars exactly culminates at New York, and is at lower culmination 'under' Saigon. Uranus sets at La Paz Bolivia. Pluto rises at Baghdad.
The New Moon is conjunct the natal Mars of the Iraq Republic chart, the natal MC of George Bush's chart, the natal Sun of Ian Duncan Smith and the natal Venus of Michael Portillo.
Thursday April 11th 2002.
The Moon is in Aries.
Last day before the New Moon, sun and very old Moon in Aries, very much a burning 'fag end' of a day.
Wednesday April 10th 2002.
Mars is square Uranus at 09-04 GMT. The old Moon enters Aries 21-41 GMT.
This day is potentially explosive, if the violence associated with the Mars square Uranus in fixed signs does not manifest before or during this day, something may well erupt tonight as the moon changes signs this evening.
Comet Ikeya-Zhang is also visible in early April
Tuesday April 9th 2002
Venus is square Neptune at 22-51 GMT, with the balsamic Moon in Pisces, and Mars building up to a square with Uranus. This could well be a hard going day with 'suffering' on the agenda. Prepare for some sudden news of violence in world affairs.
Monday April 8th 2002.
The nearly balsamic Moon enters Pisces 08-58 GMT. Initially a sweet vibration but this is the start to rather a difficult week dominated by a harsh aspect on Wednesday and a strong New moon in Aries on Friday.
Sunday April 7th 2002.
Superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun, both exactly trine Pluto, dominates the day. The Moon is in Aquarius. Venus is sextile Jupiter. Potentially a very positive, forward looking day.
A one kilometre-wide chunk of space rock could strike the Earth in 2880, say astronomers. The asteroid, designated 1950 DA, has a one in 300 chance of colliding with our planet, according to calculations. The situation will become clearer once more precise data on the rock's orbit in the Solar System are obtained.
Saturday April 6th 2002.
The Moon is in Aquarius conjunct Neptune 18-05.
Friday April 5th 2002
The US President demands Israel and the Palestinians end the current spiral of violence and announces plans for a high-level peace mission. Palestinian and Israeli officials welcome new US calls for action to end bloodshed, as the UN urges a speedy Israeli withdrawal.
Angola's army has signed a cease-fire agreement with the Unita rebel movement aimed at ending 26 years of civil war. The Moon void of course for most of the day enters Aquarius 21-08.
The accord - signed by the commanders of the Angolan armed forces and Unita's rebel army - marks the culmination of talks that began after government forces killed Unita leader Jonas Savimbi six weeks ago.
Comet Utsunomiya
On March 18, just as newly found comet Ikeya-Zhang was making its closest approach to the Sun and wowing observers around the Northern Hemisphere, yet another Japanese observer discovered another new comet. This second comet has an outside chance of also becoming visible to the unaided eye later this month. The International Astronomical Union reported on March 20 the discovery by Syogo Utsunomiya of a comet in twilight. Utsunomiya made his find using 25x150 binoculars. He initially described the comet as a tenth magnitude glow in the constellation Pegasus. Several days later, a preliminary orbit for the newly named comet Utsunomiya indicated it would reach perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun, on April 23 at a distance of approximately 43 million miles (69 million kilometers). At that time, the comet could reach magnitude 5.5, theoretically making it bright enough to be glimpsed with the unaided eye.
Thursday April 4th 2002.
Mark Thursday, April 4th, on your calendar. That evening, weather
permitting, look low in the northwest after sunset to spot Comet
Ikeya-Zhang very near the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). The view through
binoculars or a small telescope should be especially rewarding, as these
two celestial spectacles crowd into the same field of view. skypub.com
The Moon is exactly at her last quarter phase in Capricorn at 15-30 GMT today.
The planets are visibly amassing in evening skies, as
More than 100 armed Palestinian police and militia are surrounded by Israeli tanks after taking refuge in the Church of the Nativity.
Wednesday April 3rd 2002.
Yesterday Israel's forces and Palestinian gunmen fought fierce battles in Bethlehem and Ramallah as Israeli tanks are poised to launch new raids.
The first batch of British combat troops arrive in Afghanistan to start a mission against remaining al-Qaeda and Taleban forces.
The Moon enters Capricorn 12-00 Noon GMT today. The Sun and Mercury pass over the midpoint of Saturn and Neptune, sextiling both planets. Stay alerted!
Tuesday April 2nd 2002
Two planetary aspects peak today. Saturn is trine Neptune and Mercury is square Jupiter. The Moon at Last Quarter in Capricorn on Thursday is today disseminating in Sagittarius. This could be a far reaching day.
Yesterday Israel stepped up its offensive against Palestinian militants but, as tanks occupied several towns, Jerusalem was rocked by another bomb blast. The Netherlands becomes the first country in the world to give terminally ill patients the right to die, as a controversial new law comes into force. Tony Blair will meet US President George Bush to discuss possible action against Iraq but will be back for the royal funeral.
Blair Bush relationship chart.
Bright Jupiter, yellow Saturn, faint orange Mars, and brilliant Venus form a huge, diagonal line across the western sky in late twilight this week, in that order from upper left to lower right. Watch them pull closer together during the next few weeks. They're on their way to forming a grand bunching of planets in early May.
Monday April 1st 2002.
Venus enters Taurus at 07-40 GMT today and is chasing Mars who is already at 17 degrees of that sign, a subtle more circumspect change to proceedings may be detected. The Moon enters Sagittarius nine minutes later. Both Sun and Moon are today in fire signs, expect active expansion of all ongoing situations.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says Israel is "at war" with terrorism after two more suicide bombings yesterday kill 17 people. A powerful earthquake has shaken Taiwan, killing at least four people and injuring more than 200. Vice Premier Lin Hsin-i said on the evening of March 31, 2002, that the 6.8 magnitude earthquake, which hit the Taiwan area in the afternoon, caused damage in some areas; however, overall, the damage was minor and has not affected local industries and economic activities.
Sunday 31st March 2002
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, has died in her sleep at the age of 101, Buckingham Palace announces
Israel tightens its grip on Ramallah and other Palestinian areas in the West Bank as a suicide bomber strikes in Tel Aviv.
The Moon is in Scorpio, these are intense times, bolts out of the blue are to be expected.
Full Moon in Libra March 28th 2002
The orbit of the Comet Ikeya Zhang takes it in a close alignment with the big sister of the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy on April 5th. The Comet's position right now projected onto the ecliptic is at 29 degrees Aries
Copyright © 2002 by Wally Pacholka / AstroPics.com
Friday March 29th 2002.
The Moon just past the Full is in Libra. Mercury enters Aries today at 14-14 GMT. Venus is applying sextile to Uranus. Could be a good day, perfect for relaxation and fun, initiating peace keeping and making a start to ending conflict! There is something a bit unusual at work.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat says he is ready to work for an immediate cease-fire, as a gunmen kills three in a Jewish settlement. Relief efforts gather pace in the areas hardest hit by Monday's earthquake, as Afghans observe a day of national mourning. The first ever direct commercial flight between India and China landed in Delhi yesterday hailed as a milestone in improving ties.
UK schoolgirl 'Milly' disappearance chart.
Thursday March 28th 2002.
As the Full Moon approached yesterday a day of two separate incidents occurred involving deliberate and seemingly crazy killings of innocent people. Israeli police say 15 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a crowded lobby in a hotel in the resort of Netanya. Eight people died and 19 others were injured, at least five seriously, when 33-year-old Richard Durn opened fire on a council meeting in the western suburb of Nanterre. T
This Full Moon is midway between Lunar Eclipses of Dec. 2001 and June 2002. The Moon is in Libra, near the fixed star Spica, and in close square to Jupiter. The Moon forms an airy grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. Mars forms an inconjunct aspect to Pluto. Venus sextiles Uranus. This lunation has a dynamic quality indicating celebration and fortitude. An essentially social occasion. The Full Moon at 8 degrees Libra falls on the UK National Chart Ascendant. A change in the perceived 'identity' of the nation may be seen to stem from this time. The Astrocartography map set for the exact time of this lunation shows Mars (in Taurus...Sadam Hussein's sunsign) exactly setting over Baghdad, and Mecca) (symbolising the warrior resting!), and Saturn exactly setting over Kabul, Pluto sets at Islamabad, and the Moon (rising just west of the UK) is applying to the MC of Khatmandu.
Wednesday March 27th 2002
More than 2,000 people are feared dead after a series of earthquakes struck Afghanistan's remote northern province of Baghlan. The quakes began in the Hindu Kush mountains on Monday at about 1930 local time (1500 GMT), rocking the Nahrin and Burqa districts of Baghlan. ( Map and timings from BBC News.)
The chart set for the first quake above is very complicated, there is a strong hexagonal emphasis in positive signs involving the Ascendant, Moon, Lunar Node, Venus (exactly setting), Uranus and Pluto. Mercury forms a 'finger of fate' pattern with the Moon sextile ascendant aspect, Mars is fixed in a similar fateful arrangement with the Ascendant sextile Pluto aspect. Other news stories yesterday appear insignificant to this one.
Today the Moon almost full in Virgo is accompanied by a Sun square Jupiter aspect at 13-24 GMT.
Tuesday March 26th 2002
Amid a day of low key news stories, with the Moon in Leo, yesterday President Bush pressed Israel to allow Yasser Arafat to attend an Arab summit, where he wants leaders to "seize the moment" for peace. In the UK, the transport secretary defended his rail rescue package to MPs and was accused of performing a 180 degree policy turn.
The Moon enters Virgo 06-44 GMT today. During the two days of the Moon's stay in Virgo, building up to the full phase on Thursday evening, the Sun makes a waning cardinal square to Jupiter (13-24 GMT Wednesday). Expect over today and tomorrow a tense time, critical, exacting, and at times fraught, and beware of a tendency to overestimate and over invest, hold fire, the mood of the week changes as the moon enters Libra at 06-05 GMT on Thursday. Read more about this FULL MOON here.
Monday March 25th 2002
Three Palestinians are shot dead in Gaza, as US-mediated ceasefire talks resume between Israel and the Palestinians. The Moon in Leo is Gibeous in phase from 14-10 today.
Sunday March 24th 2002.
Today the waxing Moon enters Leo at 05-13 GMT. The memories of yesterday are blasted away by the Sun and Moon in fire signs. Recreation may go well. Urgent emphasis could be directed now on children, the world, facing the big issues, the Afghanistan deployment, Iraq, Sadam Hussein, the environment. No compromise may well be the message of today and on Monday.
Yesterday at least one million people bring the centre of Rome to a standstill in an anti-terror demonstration organised by Italy's biggest trade union.
President George W Bush has arrived in Peru on his first visit to South America amid unprecedented security, only days after a car bomb killed nine people near the US embassy in Lima. Mr Bush's visit - the first to Peru by a sitting US head of state - was intended to give backing to President Alejandro Toledo's democratic and pro-market government.
Saturday March 23rd 2002
photo BBC.
England cricketer Ben Hillock has been killed in a car crash, driving in Perth, Western Australia. Received this sad news as Mercury squared Pluto, the Moon is in Cancer, void of course today from 10-18 GMT. Quieter days now up to the next Full Moon on Thursday. Don't expect much today. Sunday's purpose has greater fortitude.
Friday March 22nd 2002
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer, which is what occurs today at 02-28 GMT, symbolises a time of crisis in domestic and national situations. Today is especially interesting because of Venus trining Pluto at 06-20 GMT, the Moon passing in very close alignment with Jupiter 11-38 GMT and Mercury squaring Pluto at 21-09 GMT. This combination of planetary influences may give rise to a heady mix of emotional reactions and compulsive mind sets. The News yesterday, rather low key stories, reported that a Palestinian suicide bombing in a busy area of Jerusalem killed at least three people, prompting Israel to call off truce talks. US President
George W Bush will go ahead with plans to travel to Peru this weekend - despite a car bomb attack near the American embassy that killed nine people. Transiting Saturn is sextile his natal Mercury this weekend, this is the peak of a current 'exacting' time for the president.(The Comet Ikeya Zhang is now at 28 degrees tropical Aries).
Thursday March 21st 2002.
The Sun in now in Aries. The Moon, approaching first quarter phase, is in Gemini, becoming void of course at 18-14 GMT for the rest of the day. This Aries/Gemini combination invokes 'hot and urgent' verbals. Venus is applying in a fiery trine with Pluto and Mercury applies in a mutable square also with Pluto. This is a unique day, there is ardour in the air, impulse too and brooding compulsion, a very troublesome combination. The mood tomorrow will be quite different, today is mental, tomorrow more instinctively emotional, today's words prelude tomorrow tears.
The News as the Vernal equinox occurred yesterday focused on the story that Zimbabwe's main opposition leader is formally charged with treason, for allegedly plotting to kill President Robert Mugabe. The UK prime minister defends the decision to deploy 1,700 UK troops into battle to "mop up the remnants of al-Qaeda and Taleban forces.
Wednesday March 20th 2002
VERNAL EQUINOX 2002 Chart Click here.
MARCH 2002 NEW MOON in Pisces Click here.
Today is the Spring Equinox. An Antarctic ice shelf that was 200 metres thick and had a surface area of 3,250 square kilometres has broken apart in less than two months.
In the UK we are wondering what is behind the decision announced on Monday with a deliberate Moon in Taurus that a big deployment of British troops are being sent to Afghanistan. Defence secretary Geoff Hoon has called the Afghanistan deployment "a powerful force - up to 1,700 strong." He added: "We will be asking them to risk their lives they may suffer casualties." Mr Hoon said that al-Qaeda continued to pose a threat to countries including the UK.
At this time Robert Mugabe's government is suspended from the Commonwealth's councils for one year, after an election "marred by violence".
This is a dynamic equinox with a Moon, ten hours after an occultation with Saturn in Gemini, (09-40 GMT), approaching last quarter, (Friday 02-28 GMT), applying sextile to Venus, forming a mutable T-Square with Mercury and just turned retrograde Pluto. (A difficult time in world history has just past, there is courage, intelligence and optimism woven into this moment). Mercury sextiles Mars, (a time for incisive action), Venus trines Pluto, (a time for transformation in alliances). Saturn holds the Mars Jupiter midpoint, (a testing situation). Uranus conjuncts Mercury Neptune midpoint, (a new impulse of art and science). Mercury hits the Saturn Pluto midpoint, (grievous news and implications). Saturn is trine Neptune, (the hope of healing).
At the exact moment of equinox (19-16 GMT), as the Sun crosses the equator, Pluto rises at Kabul, Jupiter rises at Utan Bator, capital of Mongolia, he sets over LA. California. Uranus rises at Tokyo, where Saturn is lower culmination, Uranus sets at Belem and at Rio. it is Moonset at Madagascar. Neptune rises at Vladivostok and over South Korea. In the UK the there is a tight 'finger of fate' planetary picture involving Mercury, Mars and the Ascendant.
Sunday March 17th 2002
Today the Moon is applying to a conjunction to Mars in Taurus, both bodies square Neptune, Mercury squares Saturn at 21-29 GMT. The day is difficult. It started with the News that at least five people - including two Americans - are killed in a grenade attack on a church in a diplomatic area of Islamabad.
Top Israeli and Palestinian officials will meet US envoy Anthony Zinni on Sunday, with the aim of reaching a cease-fire, it remains to be seen. Yesterday EU leaders agreed a range of measures to strengthen their economies, as thousands of demonstrators gather for a final protest, media reports are that Tony Blair was not supported in all resolutions.
With the Moon in Aries yesterday we hear of two horrible 'fire' stories. Saudi Arabia's religious police are accused of stopping schoolgirls leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing Islamic dress, and a fire at an Islamic girls' school in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, killed at least seven and leaves 15 seriously injured.
Saturday March 16th 2002
The Moon is in Aries all day entering Taurus at 04-01 GMT on Sunday. Mercury is applying in waning mutable square to Saturn exact 21-29 also on Sunday. The dynamic planetary aspects of the last day has coincided with a reported mood of 'optimism' in woven into the leading news stories.
European leaders start their final day of talks on economic streamlining in confident mood, despite security concerns over demonstrations. US Middle East envoy Anthony Zinni is optimistic after finding Israelis and Palestinians "committed" to finding an end to continuing The United States successfully carries out the latest test of its National Missile Defence system, opposed by Russia and China.
Today may well precipitate less optimism with the building up of tomorrow's harsh Mercury Saturn aspect.
Friday March 15th 2002
The Moon is in Aries applying in conjunction to Venus, (10-02 GMT) today, Comet Ikeya Zhang, (around noon Saturday) and Mars (03-12 GMT Monday). Three major planetary aspects occur today, (see yesterdays comment) and one occurs (Venus sextiles Neptune) tomorrow. These are, suddenly, an astrologically 'hot' few days.
Thursday March 14th 2002
As the New Moon occurs the following news stories dominate world stage. The Defeated opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai says Zimbabwe's presidential election was rigged and calls the result "daylight robbery".
Israeli troops tighten their control of the West Bank and Gaza after the UN Security Council backs an independent Palestinian state.
The Angolan Government orders its armed forces to halt all offensive action against Unita rebels, raising hopes for an end to the long civil war.
US Vice President Dick Cheney prepares troops for the "next phase" of the battle against terrorism while Iraq warns of a nightmare scenario.
After the New Moon at 02-03 today the Moon is void of course in Pisces until 15-35 GMT when she enters Aries. During her two and a half day stay in Aries she presides over an astrologically colourful period. Friday 15th March 2002 has a great potential for notable events as three planetary aspects ripple out in the skies of earth. Venus sextiles Saturn, both positive signs, commitments and deals secured, Mercury trines Jupiter in water signs, announcement and news on a grand scale, and Mars squares Neptune, in fixed signs, irreverent actions of unfathomable meaning.
Wednesday March 13th 2002.
The Moon is very old in Pisces. The New Moon is at 02-03 GMT on Thursday. A day for clearing out the old and the no longer useful. A quiet, possibly dull day, awaiting new impregnation.
Israel is engaged in a massive new offensive. Up to 30 Palestinians and six Israelis are killed as the Israeli army mounts its biggest ground offensive for 20 years.
Tony Blair says no decision has been taken yet on how to tackle the "threat" posed by Iraq, after meeting US Vice-President Dick Cheney.
Ethnic violence breaks out in the east of Madagascar, as a national unity government is proposed to resolve the political crisis.
Tuesday March 12th 2002.
Mercury is now in Pisces. The old Moon enters Pisces 02-58 GMT today and is conjunct Mercury 03-27. Venus in Aries is square Jupiter in Cancer at 18-06 GMT today. The 'vibration' of the day is deep and subliminal. The propensity is to overdo, exaggerate and seek escape in glamour and intoxication. There is an awareness of suffering and a sense of soulfulness and acceptance. The 'energy' is now highly Piscean.
Two men, both Pisceans, both born with Full Moons in Virgo, are seeking to be President of Zimbabwe. Mugabe was born the day after a Total Lunar Eclipse, his time of high office is associated with seemingly appalling human right infringements. Both charts are shown below. Click on the images to view the Zimbabwe page
Looking out to the western skies in England after Sunset last night I observed the comet Ikeya Zhang with the aid of binoculars and the map below. At nearly 20 degrees Aries (tropical zodiac) it is yet to enter the consciousness of the general public. Nevertheless we watch with interest its brightening visibility and we wonder at the events on earth which will 'coincide' with the reappearance of this heavenly apparition.
Monday March 11th 2002.
Zimbabwe's High Court has ruled that the bitterly fought presidential election should continue for a third day. Mr Tsvangirai the opposition leader was fifty years old yesterday. He was born with a nearly Full Moon in Virgo. Venus is conjunct his natal Mercury right now, the comet Ikeya Zhang is conjunct his natal Jupiter at 17 degrees Aries, his progressed Moon is square progressed Saturn. With the Moon in Aquarius at the time of this election we wonder if the democratic will of the people will work out.
Israeli fighter planes attack Palestinian targets, as the US insists a mission by its special envoy will not be deterred by violence from either side.
The Moon is balsamic in Aquarius. Mercury will enter Pisces at 23-34 GMT on Monday 11th March 2002 and will be in conjunction with the old Moon in that sign some four hours later. Venus is applying in a square aspect to Jupiter, exact on Tuesday at 18-06 GMT the same day. The New Moon then occurs on Thursday at 02-03. Friday of this week has the most colourful planetary aspects, more on that later. In the meantime details are below of how to spot the comet.
Sunday March 10th 2002
Israeli missiles devastate the Palestinian leader's Gaza headquarters, after a suicide bomber kills 11 people at a cafe in Jerusalem. Lengthy queues build again as Zimbabweans wait to vote in the presidential poll, prompting the opposition to renew calls for the ballot to be extended. Downing Street plays down reports that the US has requested 25,000 UK troops to join a possible attack on Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.
Saturday March 9th 2002
Yesterday as the Sun squared Pluto and the Moon was in Capricorn, it was no surprise to us to hear that 50 people had died in fighting between Palestinians and Israelis - the highest toll in a single day since the current Palestinian uprising began. Hard feelings, hard times.
In addition to these items there are reports from various news sources that George Bush is seriously considering making war on Iraq. President Mugabe calls his challenger Morgan Tsvangirai a "British puppet", as final rallies are held for this weekend's election. The election in Zimbabwe occurs with the balsamic Moon in Aquarius from 14-58 GMT.
Today Mercury aligns to Uranus 09-52 GMT (within 1.2 degrees), and Mars sextiles Jupiter at 17-46 GMT. Expect many interesting developments.
Thursday March 7th 2002
OK, things may start getting tough again. A change of sign as Venus enters Aries 01-42 Friday 8th March 2002, hearts and minds further inflamed with ardour and passion, suddenly manifesting. One potentially intense and hard aspect with the sun squaring Pluto, 08-26 GMT, power struggles and wilfulness, also on Friday 8th March, and a close conjunction of Mercury and Uranus, indicating unexpected shocks and surprises at 09-52 on Saturday 9th March. These three astrological events occur as the Moon 'crawls' through Capricorn from 04-49 today, giving a particularly rough edge to proceedings. Brace yourselves.
Wednesday March 6th 2002
Photo BBC News
Yesterday Israeli helicopters raided Palestinian security targets in the West Bank and Gaza Strip after militants killed five Israelis in separate attacks. Police and soldiers in Zimbabwe say they are being forced to cast postal ballots for President Mugabe ahead of the 9-10 March election. US-led forces met heavy resistance as they continue their ground assault against al-Qaeda and Taleban positions near Gardez. These events occur as the Moon burned through Sagittarius.
The continuing violence on the West Bank appears to have no solution in sight. As each day passes and with each planetary change, the hatred, the suicide missions, and the retaliation spirals upward. Ariel Sharon seems intent on 'Palestinian destruction' George Bush seems to be leaving them all to it. Mars is in Taurus now, Venus soon to enter Aries may only serve to inflame the heart even more.
Today the last quarter decelerating Moon is in Sagittarius and conjuncts Pluto at 05-37 GMT.
The next New Moon on March 14th is midway between the Solar Eclipses of Dec. 2001 and June 2002. As such it is the turning point in time between the effects of these eclipses. Here we see a New Moon in late Pisces making no tight major aspects only a tight minor aspect, a 'hard' semi-sqaure to Mars in Taurus. Saturn is trine Neptune with Venus in Aries on their midpoint.
The AstroCartography map shows the Sun and Moon rising over Afghanistan, and the same two bodies at upper culmination over south west Australia. Uranus culminates over Seoul, (once again highlighted) and the planet Uranus rises at Harare, the New Moon occurring four days after the Zimbabwe general election. Click here for the New Moon chart.
Tuesday March 5th 2002
The Moon is in Sagittarius and is at last quarter 01-26 GMT Wednesday. The Sun, applying square to Pluto, is 15 days from the Vernal Equinox. (We will presently examine this Equinox chart). Mercury is in Aquarius applying to a conjunction with Uranus later in the week. Venus is passing through the last few degrees in Pisces, entering Aries on Friday. Mars now in Taurus is beginning to show his effect as share prices are rising world wide, and a shared confidence in a more robust material future prevails.
Yesterday, with the Moon in Scorpio, at least seven US soldiers lost their lives in Eastern Afghanistan after one army helicopter was shot down and another was hit.

A comet discovered on February 1st 2002 by Kaoru Ikeya and Daqing Zhang is a return of a comet of 1661, an old friend! Reports in the astronomical press (Sky and Telescope) are that it has already been seen as a naked eye object from Poland. In the spirit of 'As above so below' one wonders what this comet will 'bring'. Bearing in mind the state of Europe in 1661, the time of the comet's last visit, a continent ravaged by bubonic plague, we await its return with heightened consciousness and interest. It will pass closest to the Sun, (perihelion), on March 18 at a distance of 47.1 million miles (75.8 million km). After rounding the Sun, the comet will continue moving toward Earth, making its closest approach to our planet, (perigee), on April 28, when it will be 37.6 million miles (60.5 million km) away. FULL STORY HERE:- http://www.space.com/spacewatch/anew_comet_020219.html.
The comet is at 13 degrees (tropical) Aries right now. It path will take it into almost exact alignment with the Andromeda Galaxy.
Star map supplied by:- http://skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/comets/article_477_1.asp
Monday March 4th 2002
The Moon today is in Scorpio entering Sagittarius at 21-56 GMT. The Sun sixteen days from the Vernal Equinox is applying in waxing mutable square to Pluto, Mercury is applying to a conjunction with Uranus. Both of these aspects occur later in the week, both will give an intense and surprising hue to the week's 'colour'.
Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon's security cabinet meets to decide on further action, after Palestinian attacks which left more than 20 dead.US forces and their Afghan allies press ahead with a second day of assaults against a stronghold of Taleban and al-Qaeda forces.
Sunday March 3rd 2002
The Moon is disseminating in phase, at last quarter on Wednesday 5th March, decelerating in motion, and in Scorpio. We expect an intense 'atmosphere' today and tomorrow followed by quieter period planetary speaking in the days leading up to the New Moon on 14th March.
It has been a terrible week in the West Bank. Palestinian attacks there and in the heart of Jerusalem have left at least 20 Israelis dead and dozens wounded.
Commonwealth leaders meeting in Australia look to be on a collision course over whether to take action against Zimbabwe, where elections are immanent.
Hindu-Muslim violence in India moves from the towns and cities of Gujarat to rural areas, as more troops are sent into the riot-torn region.
Saturday March 2nd 2002.
The most significant world news concerns India. At least 30 more Muslims were burned to death yesterday in the Indian state of Gujarat as troops struggle to quell the worst sectarian violence in 10 years. Mercury is the transiting planet heavily aspecting the Indian Independence chart this week, opposing the natal stellium of planets in Leo. The Progressed Moon of the chart is just past last quarter, in late Cancer approaching its natal position, there appears to be deep rooted sectarian forces at work here. The recent events in this country seem to have begun almost exactly at the time of the Full Moon earlier this week.
TO VIEW THE INDIAN CHARTAt least five Palestinians die in a West Bank refugee camp as an Israeli army offensive against suspected militants continues for a second day.
Leaving these heavy earth bound events for a moment we learn that the planet Mars holds vast stores of water ice right near the surface and away from the permanently frozen south polar ice cap. Scientists said this yesterday in announcing first major science findings from NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The discovery makes it all the more possible that life may have once existed on Mars or could still be supported.
Friday March 1st 2002.
The Moon, waning but still quite full, is in Libra. Jupiter is stationary turning direct 14-03 GMT today. Mars enters Taurus 15-05 GMT for a six week long stay in that sign. Today is astrologically auspicious.
Terrible stories are emerging from India in the wake of the Full moon. More than 40 people died in Gujarat state yesterday, including 22 Muslims burned to death in one home, in riots triggered by the train arson attack on February 27th 2002.
About 100 of the al-Qaeda and Taleban suspects held by the US in Cuba are refusing to eat.
Continuing disturbances are reported in Madagascar as President Didier Ratsiraka declared martial law in the capital, Antananarivo, yesterday, after weeks of opposition protests.
Latest update:- Saturday March 2nd 2002.
The most significant world news concerns India. At least 30 more Muslims were burned to death yesterday in the Indian state of Gujarat as troops struggle to quell the worst sectarian violence in 10 years. Mercury is the transiting planet heavily aspecting the Indian Independence chart this week, opposing the natal stellium of planets in Leo. The Progressed Moon of the chart is just past last quarter, in late Cancer approaching its natal position, there appears to be deep rooted sectarian forces at work here. The recent events in this country seem to have begun almost exactly at the time of the Full Moon earlier this week. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE INDIAN CHART
At least five Palestinians die in a West Bank refugee camp as an Israeli army offensive against suspected militants continues for a second day.
Leaving these heavy earth bound events for a moment we learn that the planet Mars holds vast stores of water ice right near the surface and away from the permanently frozen south polar ice cap. Scientists said this yesterday in announcing first major science findings from NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The discovery makes it all the more possible that life may have once existed on Mars or could still be supported.
Friday March 1st 2002.
The Moon, waning but still quite full, is in Libra. Jupiter is stationary turning direct 14-03 GMT today. Mars enters Taurus 15-05 GMT for a six week long stay in that sign. Today is astrologically auspicious.
Terrible stories are emerging from India in the wake of the Full moon. More than 40 people died in Gujarat state yesterday, including 22 Muslims burned to death in one home, in riots triggered by the train arson attack on February 27th 2002.
About 100 of the al-Qaeda and Taleban suspects held by the US in Cuba are refusing to eat.
Continuing disturbances are reported in Madagascar as President Didier Ratsiraka declared martial law in the capital, Antananarivo, yesterday, after weeks of opposition protests.
Thursday 28th February 2002
Yesterday, the day of the Full moon, witnessed at least 57 people die when an angry mob torched a train carrying Hindu activists in India.
US advisers and helicopters are in Georgia - despite Russian objections - in what is seen as a possible new front in the war against terror.
Violent clashes have broken out in Madagascar between supporters of the government and the opposition.
Spike Milligan was born April 16, 1918 Prince Charles leads the tributes to comic and author Spike Milligan, who died yesterday aged at his Sussex home. A chart set for noon of his birthday is set below. We see an isolated Aries Sun sextile Uranus, a Taurean Mercury closely sextile a Piscean Venus. A complex chart, and a sad passing here in the UK.
The calendar month is also passing, there are changes ahead tomorrow with Mars entering Taurus and Jupiter turning direct. Slowly over the next two days a planetary airy grand trine pattern is forming. Stand by.
Wednesday 27th February 2002.
As Jupiter stations exactly square the UK Labour Party Mars right now we hear of a parliamentary rumpus involving Transport Secretary Stephen Byers and his top civil servant. Both meet with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, hoping to "draw a line" under the spin row.
As the Moon peaks in full phase a suspected outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease has been discovered at a farm in Yorkshire in northern England
Abroad world leaders give their backing to a Saudi plan aimed at persuading Israelis and Palestinians to end violence and return to negotiations.
Two more senior figures from Zimbabwe's main opposition party are charged with treason over an alleged plot to kill President Robert Mugabe.
Madagascar's self-declared president appoints a prime minister to run a parallel government in the latest twist in the dispute over elections.
The Full Moon rising over Korea at the exact moment of fullness ( click here to see this map) coincides with South Korea's "illegal" public-sector strikes as tens of thousands of private-industry workers down tools.
The comet discovered on February 1st by Kaoru Ikeya and Daqing Zhang not only seems to have a bright future but possibly a most interesting past. This is, in fact, a likely return of a comet of 1661, an old friend!
Star map supplied by:- http://skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/comets/article_477_1.asp
The comet IKEYA ZHANG (see below) is in the tropical sign ARIES at the moment. (Around 12 degrees). We will keep an eye on its celestial position.
The newly discovered comet, now approaching the Sun and Earth, could develop into a relatively bright naked-eye object in coming weeks, researchers say. The best views of the comet may be reserved for those under dark skies far from bright lights, but even city dwellers should be able to spot it. Kaoru Ikeya of Japan and Daqing Zhang from China first sighted the comet in the constellation Cetus, the Whale, on Feb. 1. Both described it as a weak, condensed glow in their telescopes with no mention of a tail. The comet is called Ikeya-Zhang. The latest orbit calculation indicates it will pass closest to the Sun, a point called perihelion, on March 18 at a distance of 47.1 million miles (75.8 million km). After rounding the Sun, the comet will continue moving toward Earth, making its closest approach to our planet, called perigee, on April 28, when it will be 37.6 million miles (60.5 million km) away. FULL STORY HERE:- http://www.space.com/spacewatch/anew_comet_020219.html
Tuesday 26th February 2002.
The Moon is nearly full. She enters Virgo at 19-47 GMT today, after opposing Uranus (12-47) and trining Mars (16-30) from Leo during the day. The Sun is in watery waning square to Saturn at 03-54 GMT tomorrow. The Full Moon is exact at 09-17 GMT tomorrow. This day has the potential to be hard and tense. Human emotional tides, like the moon, are full. Events potentially over the top.
World news yesterday continued to centre around seemingly never ending Middle Eastern clashes. Two Israelis are killed and about 10 are injured in separate Palestinian attacks in Jerusalem and the West Bank. In Zimbabwe, where the general election is immanent the principal opposition party leader Morgan Tsvangirai says he faces high treason charges following accusations that he plotted to assassinate President Robert Mugabe.
Monday 25th February 2002.
The gibbous Moon is in Leo. She opposes the Mercury Neptune conjunction around noon GMT. Venus is building to a waxing mutable square with Pluto, (exact 00-44 GMT tomorrow). Debauch goings on are possible today, serious big time financial, power, and sexual struggles are underway, take care.
The Palestinian leadership has angrily cancelled all security meetings with Israel after Ariel Sharon's coalition government voted to keep Yasser Arafat confined to Ramallah. Italian police discover holes near the US embassy which they believe were intended to be used by terrorists planting a bomb.
Ingrid Betancourt - a candidate in Colombia's presidential elections in May - is kidnapped by rebels after travelling into their former safe haven. (photo BBC).
The next full Moon is on February 27th 2002. This is the second Full Moon following the Lunar Eclipse of 30th December 2001. It occurs at 09-17 GMT on Feb. 27th 2002. This tense Full Moon in Virgo is tightly square Saturn. Pluto's position forms a loose mutable cross. Saturn trines Neptune, Venus squares Pluto. It can be considered to be a difficult Full Moon. At the exact moment of Full Moon the Sun and Moon align to the MC / IC axis of Baghdad, and to the Ascendant / Descendant axis of Seoul, (the Full Moon rises here). It is exactly Moon set at Brasilia. Saturn rises over Madagascar, Kenya, Athens, and Prague.
Click here for the chart set for London. Here Taurus rises with Uranus tightly square the Ascendant. Also on this page you can view the AstroCartography maps showing the planetary alignments to Iraq and to Korea.
Sunday 24th February 2002
The Sun is in waning watery trine to Jupiter at 11-16 GMT today. Optimism may prevail. Mercury closely conjuncts Neptune at 15-59 GMT, vision and invention may manifest. The gibbous Moon enters Leo at 19-37 GMT.
Today the main world news reports that international leaders are calling on Angola for renewed efforts to end one of Africa's longest-running civil wars, following the death of rebel leader Jonas Savimbi.
In Madagascar thousands of opposition supporters have erected barricades in the capital in support of Marc Ravalomanana, who has declared himself president. The Madagascar National chart can be viewed here. This chart undergoes a progressed Full Moon (in Aquarius square Neptune and square progressed Ascendant) in the middle of 2002.
Israeli leaders are to decide whether to end Yasser Arafat's virtual house arrest as talks aimed at reducing violence resume.
In the UK there is fresh controversy at the UK department of transport after claims Stephen Byers wrongly announced his press chief had quit. Transport continues to be a dominant theme in the UK. Pluto continues to conjunct the UK national chart Mercury.
Saturday 23rd February 2002.
Concurrent with the Jupiter occultation overnight the following news stories have emerged.
In Madagascar President Didier Ratsiraka has declared a state of emergency after opposition leader Marc Ravalomanana declared himself president. (Photo above).
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl increases his resolve to fight terrorism.
South African election observers in Zimbabwe are attacked by militant supporters of President Mugabe.
Angolan authorities say they will provide evidence that troops have killed rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, a key figure in one of Africa's longest wars.
In Columbia soldiers, backed by massive air strikes, have taken control of the main town in the FARC rebel enclave in the south of the country.
Today Mercury forms an airy trine with Saturn at 13-52 GMT. Amid an essentially emotional atmosphere, there is a potential for constructive ideas and developments. Tomorrow a close conjunction of Mercury and Neptune occurs in Aquarius at 15-59 GMT. This is the last of three conjunctions of these two planets that have occurred this year, Jan 9th, Jan 26th were the other two occasions. The weekend has prospects for vision and invention.
Friday 22nd February 2002
Hot on the heels of the Saturn occultation, another lunar occultation is about to occur. This time of Jupiter by the Moon, in Cancer, ('visible' from the UK). It occurs on Saturday February 23rd 2002 from around 02-54 to 03-30 GMT. The Moon occults Jupiter for much of Europe. The Saturn occultation two days ago seemed to coincide with the terrible Egyptian Train Crash and escalating violence between Israel and Palestine. It is to be hoped that the Jupiter occultation coincides with more benevolent occurrences.
Some times (GMT) of this grand event: Amsterdam, 2:50; Berlin, 2:46; Bern, 2:58; Brussels, 2:53; Copenhagen, 2:42; Dublin, 2:53; Helsinki, 2:31; London, 2:54; Madrid, 3:20; Paris, 2:57; Reykjavik, 2:33; Stockholm, 2:35.
Today the Moon enters Cancer at 16-16 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in water signs for the weekend indicating, at a personal level, an emotionally receptive mood.
Yesterday's international news reported that the Sri Lankan Government and the Tamil Tigers agreed to a permanent cease-fire as part of a Norwegian initiative to end nearly 20 years of conflict. (A good start to the Jupiter occultation build up), Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat reiterates his call for a cease-fire, as Israeli PM Ariel Sharon prepares to address the nation.
In the UK the health Secretary Alan Milburn said that taxes need to go up to fund a better NHS - and opposition Tories conceded that might be the case. Commuters across many parts of the UK are facing further disruption as train and tube staff announce a fresh wave of strike action.
CLICK HERE for next Full Moon. (Both Baghdad and Seoul are in focus).
Thursday February 21st 2002.
Some twelve hours before the occultation of Saturn, (see yesterday's comment), a terrible Train Crash occurred in Egypt. Egyptian authorities say a gas stove used by a passenger on board a packed commuter train started a fire which killed at least 373 people. It was the worst rail disaster in the country's history. The accident is reported (by the BBC) to have occurred around 01-00 local time on 20th Feb. 2002 as the train was nearing Al-Ayyat, south of Cairo. Saturn was setting at the scene of the event.
Photo BBC
Also in the hours which led up to the occultation Israel pounded Palestinian targets after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon approves intensified attacks following the killing of six Israeli soldiers.
Today the first quarter Moon in Gemini forms a mutable T-square with Venus and Pluto. This one has an element of 'mania' about it. There will be much movement and much agitation.
Wednesday February 20th 2002.
Tonight the Moon, in Gemini (from 08-51 GMT), at first quarter (12-02 GMT), occults Saturn as viewed from the USA, for the rest of the world it is a very close conjunction. The conjunction occurs at 00-22 GMT (early Thursday). Whilst astronomers point their telescopes at the occultation, astrologers and the general public should maybe focus their attention on the world news reports as well as the celestial view. Needless to say we expect corresponding events on earth as the occultation occurs.
Map of the area of 'visibility' for the occultation is shown below.
Tony Blair in 2002 click here.
George W. Bush in 2002 click here.
Lunar Eclipse Dec. 30th 2001 click here.
Afghan Government 'swearing in' chart click here.
Argentina National Chart click here.
Vladimir Putin in 2002 click here.
Winter Solstice 2001 click here
NEW MOON January 13th 2002 click here
Click here for FULL MOON 22-51 GMT Monday January 28th 2002.
Tuesday February 19th 2002.
Yesterday on the last day of the month of Aquarius as Venus squared Saturn, the European Union imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe and pulled out its election team, after the expulsion of the head of its observer mission.
The Sun is now in tropical Pisces, we are 30 days from the Vernal Equinox. The Moon today is waxing crescent in phase, and is in Taurus. All day long she applies in square aspect to Uranus. A rather slow day, intractable and moody. Make the most of the peace, we have astrologically 'hot' events ahead.
Monday February 18th 2002.
This is the last day of the month of Aquarius 2002. Venus squares Saturn today, bit of a sour, dour and potentially frustrating ending to the month. (see yesterday's comment)
The Government has suffered during the last week, the
New Moon (Feb. 12th 2002) certainly coincided with much trouble for the UK Labour Party. The UK government dismisses claims of a cover-up over a £70m European Bank loan for a Labour Party donor as "hysteria overload".As the Venus Saturn square began to bite, yesterday Israeli police stopped an apparent bombing attempt in the town of Hadera, killing two Palestinian militants, as the cycle of violence goes on.
Gruesome tales from the US a man is released on $25,000 bail, as the hunt for dozens of bodies dumped in the grounds of his Georgia crematorium resumes.
Serious developments in Zimbabwe as the European Union's chief election observer condemns his expulsion from the country, as the EU prepares to consider sanctions against the country.
Sunday February 17th 2002
The Moon is conjunct Mars in Aries at 04-09 GMT today. At 21-51 GMT the Moon enters Taurus. The passing of time between these points can be described as 'astrologically easy', however as we approach the final two days of the month of Aquarius 2002, the time is influenced by a 'sour' planetary aspect, that of Venus in waning mutable square to Saturn, (this conjures up images of disappointments and demands on personal integrity), hitting us tomorrow 13-14 GMT 18th February. The Sun enters Pisces seven hours later at 20-14 GMT on that day.
Developments in world News right now, include worrying statements declaring US policy concerning Iraq and Korea. Similarly pessimistic events occurred yesterday as Venus trined Jupiter, (an aspect offering opportunity of great peace, benevolence and optimism!), instead of this we had:-
An explosion at a Jewish settlement in the northern West Bank yesterday reported to have killed three people and injured about 20 more.
British peacekeeping troops yesterday coming under attack for the first time at an observation post in Afghanistan.
Zimbabwe having ordered the head of the EU's election observer mission to leave the country, risking sanctions.
Saturday February 16th 2002
In the UK, it has been a difficult week for the Government. The New Moon has 'brought with it' the news that Spin doctor Jo Moore and transport department press chief Martin Sixsmith have both quit their jobs. The double resignation came shortly after Downing Street called on Transport Secretary Stephen Byers to get the continuing Whitehall spin row "sorted out". (Transport is the important word here. Pluto is conjunct the UK National Chart natal Mercury). Talk abroad is that the US 'has support for Iraq attack'. US Vice President Dick Cheney has said any future "aggressive action" against Iraq would be backed by the international community.
Today the accelerating Crescent Moon in Aries forms easy aspects. To compliment this Venus forms a watery waning trine to Jupiter at 18-18. The advice from here is to make the most of this potential sweetness.
For an hour starting at 23-00 GMT tonight, Jupiter has a 6th-magnitude star just 5 arcminutes to its south and a 7th-magnitude star just 2 arcminutes to its north. Binoculars should show the first one; a small telescope will show both, looking like extra, out-of-place Jovian moons. They remain near Jupiter for the rest of the night. skypub.com
Thursday February 14th 2002.
The waxing Moon is void in Pisces all day from 07-44 GMT today. She enters Aries tomorrow at 11-44 GMT.
Wednesday February 13th 2002
The New Moon is in Pisces, the ethers are deep, the moods subliminal. The Sun is conjunct Uranus today at 17-06 GMT, an unusual day is forecast. Mercury enters Aquarius at 17-20 GMT, the universal mind once more sharply focused. The day may see the release of the 'unexpected' suggested by yesterday's lunation.
Yesterday prosecutors accuse the ex-Yugoslav leader, Milosevic, of the "worst crimes known to humankind", as the landmark war crimes trial ends its first day.
Attorney General John Ashcroft pleads for help from the public to seize the men the FBI says are planning a new attack on US targets. There is reportedly a tenseness in the USA.
Tuesday February 12th 2002
Venus enters Pisces 01-18 GMT today, setting the scene for the New Moon in Aquarius, six and a half hours later. The moment of New Moon is at 07-42 today. At that moment the Sun and Uranus are rising on the UK with the Moon shortly to rise. Pluto is exactly on the MC of the UK. The same three planets (Sun, Moon and Uranus) straddle the Afghanistan MC. The lunation opposes the natal Venus of George W Bush, and opposes the UK (1801 National chart) natal Saturn. The UK does seem to be the focus of some of the energy of this New Moon. Its conjunction with Uranus once again suggests some shocking experience. We shall see. This New Moon is the second New Moon after the partial solar eclipse of December 2001. Mars is separating from a waxing fiery trine with Pluto. There is a lot of energy for change and for development around.
The New Moon forms a conjunction with Uranus at 10-22 GMT and then becomes Void of Course until entering Pisces at 20-54. She immediately applies to a conjunction with Venus at 23-11 GMT, ending this important day on a note of potential softness.
In the UK Flying Squad officers are hunting two men after $6.5m in cash is stolen during a raid yesterday morning on a security vehicle inside Heathrow Airport. At the time of the 'slick' raid, (06-40 GMT), in morning twilight, before the rising of the Moon and the Sun, Aquarius was rising.
Argentina's currency falls sharply on the foreign exchange markets as people rush to the banks to convert their cash into dollars. Click here for Argentina's National Chart. It is not suprising that today's New Moon joins Uranus on the natal Saturn of the Argentina chart. This country really is in crisis. Check the chart out!
Nearly 40 people are injured in Israeli air raids in Gaza City, launched in retaliation for Palestinian rocket and gun attacks.
Monday February 11th 2002.
On this 'Old Moon in Aquarius day' The asteroid 3 Juno is at opposition, glowing at magnitude 8.4 in Hydra near Leo. Mars trines Pluto 18-30 GMT today.
News from the Midle East, shortly after Bush and Sharon shake hands BBC photo above, warplanes attack Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's security compound in Gaza City hours after gunmen kill two outside an Israeli army base. Iran closes down the offices of a hardline Afghan faction leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, in a gesture of support to the authorities in Kabul.
Sunday February 10th 2002
The next New Moon is in tropical Aquarius on February 12th 2002. Click here for chart, and maps. It looks to be a shocker!
The old Moon enters Aquarius at 09-16 GMT today and conjuncts Neptune at 02-58 GMT on Monday. Prince Charles leads tributes to Princess Margaret, his aunt, who has died "peacefully in her sleep" at the age of 71. The Princess was born with Venus in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries square Jupiter, Pluto and the Moon in Cancer. Victim of an intolerant age, there is an unfulfilled chapter to her story. Natal Saturn in Capricorn completed the wide Cardinal cross in her chart.
Tony Blair becomes the first UK Prime Minister to visit Senegal, after flying in from Sierra Leone on the final leg of his west Africa tour. Algerian security forces are reported to have shot dead the head of the Armed Islamic Group, blamed for many civilian massacres.
Saturday February 9th 2002
I write on the eve of the commencement of the Winter Olympics.
'Forget an ounce of prevention. Think tons. Vault-like. Whatever conjures images of impenetrability or extreme defenso, the Pentagon has provided it in Salt Lake City, Utah, to make the Winter Olympics as safe as possible.CNN
The Moon makes just one solitary square to Mars (04-44 GMT) today and builds slowly to a conjunction with Mercury, just turned direct in motion, at 06-51 GMT on Sunday. A very solid day, tough and tenacious.
Friday February 8th 2002
The Venus Uranus conjunction in defiant Aquarius, yesterday coincided with a few industrial strike threats in the UK. The threat of a UK nation-wide postal strike is growing after workers voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action. Members of the biggest teachers' union in the greater London area are being balloted on a one-day strike. It is interesting to note that the conjunction was opposite the UK National (1801) chart natal Saturn. Also in the UK media news about the child vaccine MMR continues to ripple out. Abandoning the controversial MMR jab would be like playing "Russian roulette" with children's health, says one of the UK's top medical advisors.
Elsewhere a Uruguayan national is overpowered by the crew of a United Airlines flight to Argentina after trying to enter the plane's cockpit.
Today the slow balsamic Moon staggers through Capricorn making a solitary opposition at 11-18 GMT to Jupiter. Mercury turns direct at 17-22 GMT. Times ahead of us now aid the initiation of new plans and schemes. Today is brutally basic, slow and orthodox. Time to look ahead to the New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Uranus on Tuesday. Stay tuned!.
Thursday February 7th 2002
Venus aligns almost exactly to Uranus today at 15-23 GMT. Venus is often associated in astrology with money, and we have a massive monetary fraud story in the news right now.
Allied Irish Banks calls in the FBI to hunt for John Rusnak, the trader at the centre of a suspected $750m fraud at its US operation. Other news stories at this time involve CIA Director George Tenet warning that al-Qaeda may be planning more attacks on the US and its allies. The UK Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday urged parents to ignore media "scare mongering" about the controversial measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Today the Moon, now balsamic, makes pleasant aspects from Sagittarius until 12-39 GMT when she becomes void of course before entering Capricorn at 23-09 GMT. Saturn is stationary turning direct in Gemini. this evening.
This day is astrologically eventful. Expect the unexpected, the unusual, and the ingenious.
Wednesday February 6th 2002.
The waning Moon 'burns' through Sagittarius applying to a conjunction with Pluto at 22-54 GMT today. The Sun forms a positive waxing sextile with Pluto at 02-42 GMT. Venus edges closer and closer to near linear alignment with Uranus (exact on Thursday). Today has exciting potential. Changes for the better may lie ahead, a courageous and human optimism prevails. There is however a potential for unexpected twists and turns.
Yesterday news stories continued to ripple out in a rather 'tame' manner. A US Congressional committee votes unanimously to order former Enron boss Kenneth Lay to give evidence about the energy giant's collapse.
Tuesday February 5th 2002.
We are now just past the half way point between the Winter Solstice (northern hemisphere) and the Vernal Equinox. Nature is stirring in the northern lands, the year turns to early autumn in the south. Mercury is retrograding in Capricorn (where it will be for ten days, turning direct on Friday). A pragmatic, 'putting things to rights' potentially grips our spirits. Mars continues to forge a trail through its 'own' sign Aries, passion, impulse, suddenness and impetus colour our souls. Venus is applying to a close conjunction with Uranus, (exact on Thursday), this is the major aspect of the week, dominating events over the next few days, with an unexpected twist of fate, a flash of the collective anima. The last quarter decelerating Moon enters Sagittarius today at 15-22, the immediate mood after a brooding start to the day is for direct action.
The News abroad yesterday seemed to focus on President Bush's proposed big rises in military spending and tax cuts to stimulate the economy in his budget for 2003. The news yesterday generally seemed pretty static as the Moon crawled through the 'fixed sign' Scorpio.
Monday February 4th 2002
Last quarter Moon in Scorpio today 13-33 GMT.
An earthquake registering 6.0 on the Richter scale struck western Turkey yesterday with latest reports saying that more than 40 people have been killed. The quake centred on the town of Bolvadin in Afyon province, and was felt as far away as Istanbul, 500 kilometres (300 miles) to the north-west. The earthquake struck at about (0711 GMT) on Sunday. (Times and graphic from BBC). Click here for the Earthquake chart. The chart shows Mars in Aries rising over Eastern Turkey. Mars is almost exactly on the Sun/Saturn
Sunday February 3rd 2002
The Kite planetary pattern focused on a Moon / Mars opposition yesterday coincided with angry storms around the UK and angry people within the country. Rescue teams carry out dramatic sea rescues as storms leave boats in trouble, ferries stranded and two men missing, feared dead. The UK's trade unions react angrily to a minister's warning that the fight for public services is between "reformers and wreckers".
Abroad police are out in force to protect the World Economic Forum, as anti-globalisation protesters rally for long-awaited protests.
Today starts with a void of course Moon in Libra entering Scorpio at 10-35 GMT and moves towards her last quarter phase in that sign on Monday. If anger ruled yesterday then it may well be that revenge will rule today.
Saturday February 2nd 2002
As Venus sextiled Pluto yesterday gale-force winds of more than 80 miles per hour battered western areas of the British Isles. More gales are forecast for the weekend. The Moon in Libra forming a kite pattern in the skies today making this day potentially a special one. Furthermore Venus is slowly building to a close conjunction (42 minutes of arc from linear alignment) with Uranus in Aquarius on February 7th 2002. This conjunction may well confer a 'twist of fate' on the days ahead.
Friday February 1st 2002
The disseminating Moon enters Libra 08-45 today, and begins to draw together a 'kite' planetary arrangement tomorrow. Venus makes a waxing positive sextile to Pluto at 16-53 GMT today. After an industrious couple of days the emphasis today and this weekend is largely social. The planetary 'kite pattern' in the skies on Saturday may well precipitate (or at least correspond with) interesting events. Diplomacy, communication and creativity may play an important role right now.
The UK prime minister promises solidarity to Afghan leader Hamid Karzai but will not commit extra British troops to the peacekeeping force. Zimbabwe's parliament votes to approve a law limiting the freedoms of the independent and foreign press ahead of March presidential elections.
Wednesday January 30th 2002
Mars is on the midpoint of Saturn and Neptune today, making sextile aspects to both planets. The waning Moon enters Virgo at 08-40 GMT. An astrologically quiet and circumspect two days are ahead of us. The emphasis is on refinement of application, precision and clarity.
The next noteworthy planetary arrangement occurs on Saturday February 2nd 2002, as the Moon, then in Libra forms a 'kite pattern' centred in air signs, with Mars, the Sun, Neptune and Saturn.
Tuesday January 29th 2002.
The Full Moon yesterday coincided with the following crop of news stories. Explosions at a weapons dump in the Nigerian city of Lagos leave hundreds dead, many of whom drowned as they fled headlong into canals.
Seven people have died and many rail services are crippled because of severe gales sweeping northern Britain. An Ecuadorean passenger plane on an internal flight with 92 people on board crashes across the Colombian border. The EU says it will impose targeted sanctions on Zimbabwe if it fails to allow election observers into the country by 3 February. At least half a million supporters of Madagascar's opposition presidential candidate Marc Ravalomanana have held a street protest in the island's capital.
Today the Moon roars on through tropical Leo, with Mars making an industrious sextile aspect with Saturn early tomorrow (Wednesday 02-35 GMT). A day today for the 'grand scene' and the 'big view', very much a Full Moon hangover sort of day.
Monday 28th January 2002.
The Full Moon is upon us. It occurs at a degree in the zodiac very sensitive to George W. Bush. (His natal Mercury, Pluto and Ascendant conjunction are here). The Pope (Full Moon conjunct natal Pluto), Tony Blair ( Full Moon on natal South Lunar Node), and Prince Charles (Full Moon conjunct natal Ascendant) may also be directly affected by this lunation.
A truly amazing lunation chart this. The Candlemass Full Moon opposite a Mercury Neptune conjunction, forming a complete mystic hexagram in Air and Fire signs with Mars, Saturn, Pluto, and the Ascendant (at Westminster UK) and the ongoing quadruple conjunction in Aquarius.
As the Full Moon climax approaches we hear (Sunday) that at least two people are killed and dozens are injured after a suicide bombing (apparently carried out by a woman) in Jerusalem, which Israel blames on Yasser Arafat. Also A series of large explosions have rocked the outskirts of Lagos - Nigeria's largest city.
Sunday 27th January 2002.
The planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune) are amassed in Aquarius, the underlying essential quality of this time embraces altruism and consciousness of injustice. Mars is surging through Aries, passions are seen to be surging and sudden. A heavily gibbous Moon which today is void in Cancer is tomorrow exactly Full in Leo. The astrological ether is heavy. Mercury is at inferior conjunction today, both the Sun and Mercury making a constructive trine to Saturn in Gemini. Today is fertile for new beginnings, a seeding day for the mind.
The recent lunar occultation of Saturn coincided (in the UK) with a focus on health service issues. Yesterdays lunar occultation of Jupiter seems to have coincided (amongst other stories) with a focus on the Australian Government's refusal to back down in the face of growing protests by asylum seekers angry at being held in detention camps, and a strange event in the US. Clifford Baxter, former vice chairman of the bankrupt US energy giant (ENRON), died from a self-inflicted gunshot to the head, an autopsy confirms. It appears he has been a major financial contributor to the George W.Bush election machine. What ever the significance of this suicide may become, we must remember the occultation of Jupiter at its outset.
Wednesday 23rd January 2002
Saturn makes its airy trine with Neptune at 08-18 GMT today. Amid the potential tribulations of the current months this one rings out true, harnessing dreams and inspiration into practical creativity and artistic creation. To complement the day the Sun is sextile Mars at 12-26 GMT today, adding a dash of zest to an otherwise similarly static day to yesterday. Two lunar occultations, a triple conjunction of planets in Aquarius and a blistering Full Moon are immediately ahead of us. This next few days is one of the hot spots of 2002. Be aware!
Maps showing the areas on the world's surface from where the approaching Lunar Occultations of Saturn (15-38 GMT Thursday 24th January) and Jupiter ( 19-04 GMT Saturday 26th January) can be observed are shown below. These maps are obtained from http://www.lunar-occultations.com/iota/planets2002/planets2002.htm. The Jupiter occultation will be visible as a 'grazing occultation' from Southern England. These impending astronomical events may by the 'Law of Correspondences' occur simultaneously as events on earth. We will observe carefully.
Tuesday 22nd January 2002
Ground in astrological energy is evident today with the Taurean Moon making waxing fixed square aspects with the applying retrograde Mercury/ Neptune conjunction. It may all seem very static today, indeed world News appears 'quiet' right now. Five planets are now in Aquarius, wait and see, be prepared for the plethora of energies to be unleashed as the week draws to its ending and the Moon draws to the Full.
Monday 21st January 2002.
Ahead of us is a very interesting week. (See Saturday's notes). Today starts with a void of course Moon in Aries which enters Taurus 14-48 GMT and is at first quarter exactly three hours later. The day starts 'empty and burnt out' and later becomes 'grounded in'.
Yesterday's news on the first day of the month of Aquarius reported that photographs of al-Qaeda and Taleban suspects at the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay prompted new protests about conditions there. An American military helicopter with seven marines on board crashed in a mountainous region of northern Afghanistan, killing two. China has reportedly released a Tibetan music scholar who was serving an 18-year prison term on spying charges, in a move seen as a bid to improve relations with Washington.
Saturday 19th January 2002.
World news focuses on the plight of the citizens Goma in the African country of Congo. (See yesterdays notes).
We are now in the last day of the month of Capricorn. Venus makes a waning positive sextile to Mars today shedding ripples of sexual and pychic disturbances within the biosphere. With the Moon in Aries today expect a 'hot' urgent day full of the potential of eruptions and flare ups.
Venus (newly arrived in Aquarius) is on the trail of Mars (newly arrived in Aries) catching up with him in a conjunction on May 10th 2002 in Gemini. The immediate encounters ahead of her are a conjunction with Neptune on 25th January 2002 and then a tight alignment with Uranus on February 7th 2002.
The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius tomorrow 06-02 GMT. The Moon in Aries today approaches first quarter (in Taurus) on Monday. On Wednesday Saturn trines Neptune. Later in the week the waxing Moon makes occultations with Saturn (on Thursday January 24th) and Jupiter (on Saturday January 26th).
During this eventful period Mercury (newly turned retrograde) reapproaches Neptune and Venus in Aquarius making a triple conjunction next weekend all opposite the candle mass Full Moon at that time.
We are certainly in the midst of a blistering array of planetary energies. We can expect a correspondingly complex series of events on earth over the coming week or so.
Friday 18th January 2002.
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo -- A river of molten rock continued to pour from a volcano in Congo on Friday, a day after it erupted, killing 45, swallowing buildings and forcing hundreds of thousands to flee the city of Goma. We have no timed data for this event. Pluto was nearly conjunct Venus in the Congo National chart. By progression the two are exactly conjunct now, mid January 2002. Transiting Saturn is exactly conjunct the Congo natal Mars.
Loads of planetary changes in the next few hours. Intense changes ahead, expect all manner of eruptions.
Mercury stationary 20-47 GMT.
Mars ingress into Aries 22-54 GMT
and tomorrow..........
Moon enters Aries 02-36 GMT
Moon conjunct Mars 02-50 GMT
Venus ingress into Aquarius 03-42 GMT
Thursday January 17th 2002.
The crescent Moon is accelerating in Pisces towards a conjunction with Mars on Saturday at 02-50 GMT. Shortly before this time the Moon and Mars will enter Aries, and Mercury will turn retrograde. Venus will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius one hour after the Moon Mars conjunction. Today is the calm before these storming planetary changes.
News reports yesterday told that US Secretary of State Colin Powell called on India and Pakistan to resume talks to resolve their tense border stand-off. The commercial capital, Lagos, and provincial areas were brought to a standstill as Nigerian workers protest over a rise in fuel prices. Industrial action planned for next week on South West Trains is delayed for talks, but a union warned of new strikes in the south of England.
Wednesday January 16th 2002.
The slender Moon (see graphic above) conjuncts Uranus 00-26 GMT today and is then void of course until she enters Pisces at 14-01 GMT. Nothing astrologically of note occurs in our skies until Friday 18th January when Mercury will turn retrograde and Mars will enter Aries. We have three days ahead of relative inertia. The astrological weather may well be deep dreamy and subliminal. (Strange fish).
George W Bush has the Sun and Venus exactly opposite his natal Saturn today.
Tuesday January 15th 2002.
A £67bn plan to revive the
UK's ailing rail network is hailed as an "agenda for action", but commuters and opposition MPs are sceptical. (Pluto is conjunct the UK's national chart Mercury right now).Violence has erupted again in the West Bank as Palestinian militants take revenge against Israel for allegedly killing one of their leaders in a bombing.
US President George W Bush goes ahead with his planned schedule after fainting and falling after choking on a snack. The choking incident occurred on Sunday as the New Moon, squared this natal MC and opposed his natal Saturn, transiting Mars sextiled his natal Saturn. The New Moon and Mars (notice the blood red face) formed a loose 'finger of fate' planetary with his natal Venus. An odd event!
The waxing accelerating Moon in Aquarius conjuncts Neptune at 04-44 GMT today and conjuncts Uranus at 00-26 GMT on Wednesday. The mood is similar to Monday's 'weather', detached opinionated and future orientated.
Monday January 14th 2002
Venus is at Superior conjunction at 11-52 GMT today. From that point in time until Halloween 2002 she will be an evening star (Venus Hesperus). A period of ten months of 'backward' reflections and glances lies ahead of us. The New Moon enters Aquarius at 02-42 GMT today. The Moon is conjunct Neptune at 18-00 GMT, and conjunct Mercury 04-44 GMT on Tuesday. In contrast to backward glances a day 'geared to the future' is upon us, a wait and see atmosphere prevails.
Prince Harry is focus of media attention right now in the UK as stories of his drug and alcohol taking last summer (2001) hits the headlines. His chart is set below. Last summer his progressed Moon just past first quarter in Capricorn was applying square natal Venus, Uranus squared his natal Moon all year. Right now Pluto is about to begin a transiting conjunction of his natal Mars. This transit will dominate his horoscope for over a year. It appears that greater transformations are ahead of him.
Astrological chart of Prince Harry. (Click on chart for magnified image)
Sunday 13th January 2002
This first New moon since the Solar Eclipse of December 12th 2001 occurs today and coincides with Mercury closely conjunct Neptune in Aquarius. At the exact moment of New Moon (13-28 GMT ) these two planets are on the MC of the UK, where Saturn will have just risen. The same two planets are setting over Kashmir. The Sun. Moon and Venus rise over the US and Mexico. All three bodies interestingly are exactly setting over Tehran.
News stories report that US Marines are transferring the first al-Qaeda prisoners from Kandahar to cages at the remote US naval station in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Amnesty International has expressed concern regarding the conditions of custody. In a televised address to his nation, Pakistani leader General Musharraf condemned Islamic fundamentalists and announced a series of measures to crack down on terrorist and extremist groups.
A Catholic postman has been murdered in a sectarian killing north of Belfast. Loyalist paramilitary group, the Red Hand Defenders have claimed responsibility and later warned that all Catholic teachers in north Belfast would be considered 'legitimate targets'. Generally a bleak set of News stories as the Moon, the Sun and Venus align to 23 degrees Capricorn.
Saturday 12th January 2002.
The Zimbabwean Government - under a growing threat of international sanctions - begins crucial talks with the European Union. The world's second largest carmaker shuts five North American plants, taking the total job losses to over 35,000 in two years. The old, old Moon makes a solitary opposition to Jupiter at 10-34 GMT today and then begins its crawl to New Moon on Sunday. Possibly hard going today, awaiting deliverance? Patience and hard work are the secrets to success today, indulgence and materialistic craving the lowest common denominator. Stay tuned.
Friday 11th January 2002 .The balsamic Moon is in Sagittarius and will be New on Sunday in Capricorn conjunct Venus. The Moon today enters Capricorn at 17-18 GMT. Shortly after the New Moon, Venus will move from Aquarius to Pisces, Mars from Pisces to Aries and Mercury will turn retrograde. It appears that there are many changes ahead.
Thursday January 10th 2002.
Pentagon says Marine Corps KC-130 refuelling plane has crashed near Quetta Rescue teams on the way to crash site, no word on passengers
Zimbabwe's military says it will not support the opposition, as President Mugabe announces elections will be held in March.
Israel says it will retaliate after Palestinian gunmen kill four Israeli soldiers in southern Israel, shattering three weeks of relative calm.
Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith says UK transport policy "has descended into farce" under the stewardship of Stephen Byers. There are reports of widespread strike action on UK railways.
All these events occur on the day that Mercury aligned to Neptune, the first of three such alignments in the early months of this year.
Wednesday January 9th 2002
Mercury is conjunct Neptune today. Rational logic and dreamy mystic musings combine to provide a potential to make real the fantastic. The balsamic Moon enters Sagittarius 09-58 GMT some two hours before the Mercury Neptune conjunction. There is definite scope to harness ideas today, making them substantial and practical. The Mercury Neptune conjunction is trine Saturn. The news reports speak of tens of thousands of Afghans in remote areas of the country facing starvation as aid agencies struggle to bring them food.
Zimbabwe's opposition blocks one of three controversial bills, which are seen as a key part of President Mugabe's election strategy.Tuesday January 8th 2002

An asteroid discovered just a month ago is making a close approach to the Earth. Although there is no danger of collision with it, astronomers say that its proximity reminds us just how many objects there are in space that could strike our planet with devastating consequences. Moving closer to the Sun, the asteroid is passing less than twice the Moon's distance from us - just 830,000 kilometres (510,000 miles) away on 7 January, which is close in cosmic terms. The Moon continues to wane and to decelerate in Scorpio, Mercury, also decelerating (geocentrically) inches closer to its alignment with Neptune on Wednesday 9th January at 11-56 GMT.
Monday January 7th 2002.
The Moon enters Scorpio today at 04-41 GMT. We have on our hands a very mysterious and brooding astrological atmosphere. There is a certain intensity 'in the air'. We cannot now ignore the very serious situation regarding Kashmir. Talk of 'a limited nuclear exchange' as been reported in some news stories. Britain and India yesterday signed a joint declaration condemning terrorism, but a fresh incident on the border has fuelled military tensions over Kashmir. Other news yesterday involved US investigators trying to establish why a 15-year-old took off in a light aircraft on Saturday without authorisation and flew it into a skyscraper.
Sunday January 6th 2002
The Moon is at last quarter phase today in Libra at 03-55 GMT. The next planetary aspect ahead of us is a conjunction of Mercury and Neptune in Aquarius on 9th January 2002.
The most intense concentration of military might in the whole world is presently being assembled on the disputed borders of Kashmir in Northern India. The build up continues, so it is reported, despite political and diplomatic activity. India's leader grudgingly accepts a friendly overture by the Pakistani president, but tensions between the two countries continue to run high.
As the Mercury Neptune conjunction tightens (the first of three such conjunctions as Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th January), we await, with some serious concern, the unfolding of this episode.
The major planetary aspect building up right now involving the outer planets is a trine between Saturn and Neptune which occurs on 23rd January 2002, the final peaking is on April 1st 2002. Yesterday as the Moon formed a grand trine with this pair as news was released that researchers in Japan have succeeded in growing the world's first artificial eyeball. They said the process could help develop treatments for people with eye problems. The scientists at Tokyo University have been experimenting with tadpoles in an effort to develop treatments for the blind. We forecast that this planetary aspect may coincide with a rich variety of scientific breakthroughs. However the first peaking of this aspect in June 2001 coincided with the Peruvian Earthquake.
The next New Moon is on 13th Jan 2002 conjunct Venus. We will examine this lunation shortly.
Stay tuned!
Saturday January 5th 2002
Yesterdays mutable planetary T-square coincided with a plethora of news items. An accord is signed on deploying peace keepers, as the US military loses its first fighter to enemy fire in a gun battle near Khost.(Saturn conjuncts the US natal Uranus right now and the Sun today squares natal Saturn). Tony Blair arrives in India where he is expected to spell out his belief that Britain can be a force for good in the 21st Century world.
Pakistani police arrest large numbers of Islamic activists in what appears to be a major operation against militant and sectarian groups.
Animal rights campaigners are calling for stricter controls on cloning following the news that Dolly the sheep has arthritis. A second team of scientists produces a litter of cloned pigs with organs designed for human transplants. UK newspapers displayed front page pictures of the newly born piglets as Venus opposed Jupiter on Thursday 3rd January 2002.
The Moon is in Libra approaching last quarter phase, forming an airy grand trine with Saturn and Neptune today (see yesterday's comment). The day ( which is exactly half way through the astrological month of Capricorn) has the potential for pleasantness and diplomacy. War and peace are in the balance.
Drop me a line tell me who and where you are!
January 4th 2002
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair urges calm between nuclear neighbours India and Pakistan as he starts a visit to the region. He is currently undergoing reasonably benevolent planetary transits. Afghanistan frees more than 260 Taleban fighters as the former Taleban envoy in Pakistan is reported arrested. The Moon disseminating and decelerating in Virgo forms a mutable T-square with Mars and Pluto around 06-00 GMT today. This planetary picture may well herald something of a 'wake up call' after the astrologically 'quiet' period in the world news since the eclipse. For the rest of the day the Moon is 'void of course' until entering Libra 01-24 tomorrow. This Libran Moon tomorrow (Saturday) forms an airy grand trine with Saturn and Neptune between 14-00 and 17-00 GMT, this is the first of several similar grand trines on a monthly basis during the first half of 2002, and provides a basis for diplomatic, artistic and scientific advances.
January 3rd 2002.
Earth is about to enter a stream of dusty space debris
that gives rise each year to the Quadrantid meteor shower. In 2002 the
Quadrantids will peak during a few-hour period around 1800 UT (10 a.m.
PST) on Thursday, January 3rd. The shower peaks during daylight hours over
the Americas. Pre-dawn observers in Japan and other Asian countries around
the Pacific Rim will have the best view of the outburst. Early-evening sky
watchers in Europe might see it, too. This year's display will be
diminished by glare from the Moon. Nevertheless, well-placed spotters will
likely count a dozen or so bright meteors each hour during the shower's
maximum. www.spaceweather.com
The Moon enters Virgo at 23-35 GMT on 2nd Jan 2002. An emphasis on practicality, refinement and detailed planning can be expected over the next two days. In addition Venus, the Earth and Jupiter are linearly aligned (within half a degree) today at 12-22 GMT, we can expect that this alignment will correspond with some exaggerated responses. Later in the day Mercury enters Aquarius at 21-38 GMT and starts applying to a triple conjunction with Neptune which occurs with increasing intensity over the next seven weeks as Mercury turns retrograde on 8th Jan and dances back over Mercury. A time of imagination and ingenuity are ahead of us. Whilst in Virgo the Moon forms a mutable T-square with Mars and Pluto around 6-00 GMT on Friday 4th Jan. heralding something of a 'wake up call' after the quiet period in the world news since the eclipse.
January 2nd 2002.
Police fire rubber bullets and tear gas to quell riots outside Argentina's parliament, as MPs debate the election of a new president. The bush fires encircling the Australian city of Sydney break through into one of its northern suburbs. Indian officials say they have no immediate plans for talks with Pakistan despite the fears of war between the two nuclear powers.
A brief look at some of the main cosmic firecrackers in 2002 is undertaken below.
Jan 1st 2002. European leaders hail the forthcoming launch of the euro notes and coins as the dawn of a new era in European history.
This new year opens on an opposition of Jupiter to the Sun at 6-00 GMT today. Venus undergoes the same opposition on January 3rd 2002. The Moon is in Leo. The astrological vibration today is flamboyant, 'big time' and autocratic. Saturn is busy applying to an airy trine to Neptune, exact Jan 16th 2002, this aspect dominates the skies this month, conferring a harnessing of creative and artistic energies on the universal mind.