(2024 and 2025 are years of the Major Lunar Standstill)
Summer Olympics this year.
Feb 22nd 2024 The next Venus Mars conjunction following the ones in early 2022 is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees).
March 25th 2024
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Libra 07:13 GMT
April 8th 2024
Total Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Aries visible again from the USA 18:17 GMT. The path of totality passes right through Mazaffan in Mexico, Dallas, Indianapolis and Niagara.
April 21st 2024
Jupiter conjunct Uranus 22 degrees Taurus
May 25th 2024
Jupiter enters Gemini
June 28th 2024
Daylight lunar occultation of Neptune centred on the UK.
August 21st 2024
Lunar occultation of Saturn (visible telescopically from the UK).
Sept. 18th 2024
Partial Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Pisces 02:44 GMT
October 2nd 2024
Annular Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Libra visible from the southern tip of South America 18:45 GMT.
November 5th 2024
US election.
December 18th 2024 Daylight lunar occultation of Mars (visible telescopically from the UK).
Saturday December 21st 2024 Winter Solstice 09:21 GMT. Moon in Virgo rises mid evening (UK)
January 4th 2025
Lunar occultation of Saturn (visible from the UK in the late evening twilight).
January 5th 2025
Daylight lunar occultation of Neptune ( centred on the UK).
January 20th 2025
Inauguration of US president.
March 14th 2025
Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Virgo sets over the UK. Central eclipse 06:59 GMT
March 23rd and 24th 2025
A double-Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and Venus occurs at this time in early Aries.
This is where Mercury and Venus are directly between the Earth and the Sun. The last
time this happened was in 1991 (a pair three days apart, both in Virgo).
March 28th 2025
Six planets within 20 degree arc for two days in Pisces.
March 29th 2025
Partial Solar Eclipse 9 degrees Aries 10:48 GMT
March 30th 2025
Neptune first enters Aries
May 25th 2025
Saturn first enters Aries .
June 9th 2025
Jupiter enters Cancer
July 7th 2025
Uranus first enters Gemini
September 7th 2025
Total Lunar Eclipse 15 degrees Pisces rises over UK
September 19th 2025
Daylight lunar occultation of Venus (visible telescopically from the UK).
September 21st 2025
Partial Solar Eclipse 29 degrees Virgo 19:42 GMT
October 30th 2025
Uranus conjunct the Pleiades
December 10th 2025 Morning twilight lunar occultation of Regulus (visible from the UK).
Sunday December 21st 2025 Winter Solstice 15:04 GMT
The years around 2026 with Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini seem to be more rebellious times than 2012-2015.
Uranus was in Gemini at the time of the American Revolution, the Civil War and World War II. It will next transit Gemini from 2026-2033. [March 1995]"
"The next century will find the US in another war, one which will determine whether it continues to survive as a national entity. From 2026-2033, the astrological aspects that gave us WW II repeat themselves. Using certain planetary cycles . . .the year 2031 looks particularly menacing.
Jan 8th 2026
The closest linear alignments of Venus and Mars in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees).
Jan 17th 2026
Six planets within a 20 degree arc for two days in Capricorn
Jun. 30th 2026
Jupiter enters Leo
February 17th 2026
Annular Solar Eclipse 29 degrees Aquarius 12:12 GMT
Feb. 20th 2026
Saturn conjunct Neptune 1 degree Aries
March 3rd 2026
Total Lunar Eclipse 13 degrees Virgo 12:34 GMT
March 29th 2026
Daylight lunar occultation of Regulus (visible telescopically from the UK).
May 3rd 2026
Uranus conjunct the Pleiades.
July 4th 2026
250th anniversary of USA declaration of Independence
An amazing planetary picture called a BASKET involving the 5 outer planets forms in the sky. At the same time Pluto trines Uranus, sextiles Neptune (and Saturn) and opposes Jupiter. This is a very positive and optimistic astrological event. Possibly the most amazing in the 21st century.
August 12th 2026
Total Solar Eclipse 20 degrees Leo 17:46 GMT . The path of totality just passes through northern Madrid. A deep partial eclipse for the UK.http://eclipsewise.com/solar/SEgmap/2001-2100/SE2026Aug12Tgmap.html
Aug. 28th 2026
Partial Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Pisces 05:13 GMT
Today's lunar eclipse is the final eclipse before its Saros Series (Lunar Saros 138) turns Total. The last eclipse in the series (Auguat 16th 2008) was a memorable 'heavy partial eclipse'. The next one (September 2044) is a Total Lunar Eclipse. This series started with a penumbral lunar eclipse at the north pole on October 5th 1503.The Saros series 138 'went partial' in 1900. The series peaks with the longest Total Lunar Eclipse in the year 2369 and the series ends in 2982.
September 14th 2026
Daylight lunar occultation of Venus (visible telescopically from the UK).
Monday December 21st 2026
Lunar Occultation of the Pleiades visible from the UK between 20:52 GMTand 01:48 GMT.
Transiting Pluto is in hard aspect to the US Leo Node, in opposition from Aquarius, in 2027/2028. The US Uranus Return also occurs in 2028. Both of those aspects were around at the height of World War 11 in 1943/44.
Feb. 6th 2027
Annular Solar Eclipse 18 degrees Aquarius 16:00 GMT
February 21st 2027
Penumbral lunar eclipse 3 degrees Virgo 00:13 GMT
July 18th 2027
Penumbral lunar eclipse 26 degrees Capricorn 16:03 GMT
July 26th 2027
Jupiter enters Virgo
August 2nd 2027
Total Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Leo (maximum eclipse has a totality of 6m 23s!) 10:07 GMT. This eclipse passes close to both Tripoli and Mecca.
August 7th 2027
Asteroid 137108 1999 will pass within 388960 km of Earth.
August 17th 2027
Penumbral lunar eclipse 25 degrees Aquarius 08:14 GMT
September 30th 2027
Uranus stationary conjunct Aldebaran
Wednesday December 22nd 2027
Winter Solstice 02:43 GMT. preceeded by a last quarter moon rise just after midnight (UK).
Jan 12th 2028
Partial Lunar Eclipse 22 degrees Cancer 04:13 GMT
Jan 26th 2028
Annular Solar Eclipse 6 degrees Aquarius 15:08 GMT
March 21st 2028
Sun conjunction Mars in Aries.
Astrology's 'red hot chilli pepper'. Last occured April 18th 2013.
April 13th 2028
Saturn enters Taurus.
May 25th 2028
Lunar occultation of Venus (visible from the UK with a clear horizon just after Moonrise ).
June 7th 2028
Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus near Aldebaran.
June 22nd 2028
Mercury, Mars and Uranus conjunct Aldebaran on the day of New Moon.
July 22nd 2028
Total Solar Eclipse (5m 10s) 30 degrees Cancer 02:56 GMT passes right through Sydney.
Aug. 24th 2028
Jupiter enters Libra
October 26th 2028
Asteroid 35316 1997Xf11 will pass 580000 miles from Earth.
November 7th 2028
US elections.
Dec. 31st 2028
Total Lunar Eclipse 11 degrees Cancer 16:52 GMT rises over the UK (Quite a start to New Years Eve celebration)
There are a total of 6 eclipses in 2029
The FBI have permission to reveal top secret papers on the assasination of John F Kennedy this year.
NASAs New Horizons spacecraft will leave the solar system this year.
Jan 14th 2029
Partial Solar Eclipse 25 degrees Capricorn 17:13 GMT
March 30th 2029
Extra Super Full Moon. A super sized Full Moon rises at sunset. The biggest since March 2011.
April 13th 2029
During the early morning hours of April 13, 2029, observers in Asia and North Africa will have a chance to witness a rare celestial event as an asteroid, 99942 Apophis, passes within 20,000 miles of Earth.
"It's not gonna knock your socks off, and it certainly won't be the brightest object in the sky, but it'll be easily observable with the ," said Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Program.
The approach of an asteroid this large -- Apophis is more than 1,000 feet in diameter -- and this close to Earth occurs only about once every 1,500 years.
Scientists are awaiting the close flyby with mixed emotions: excitement at a unique scientific opportunity and uneasiness that it might be a sign of more ominous things to come.
In the accompanying diagram, the trajectory of the asteroid is shown as a blue line that passes near the Earth on 13 April 2029. Since the asteroid's position in space is not perfectly known at that time, the white dots at right angles to the blue line are possible alternate positions of the asteroid. Neither the nominal position of the asteroid, nor any of its possible alternative positions, touches the Earth, effectively ruling out an Earth impact in 2029. Based on albedo constraints by Andrew Rivkin and Richard Binzel (MIT), the diameter of the object is about 320 meters. At the time of the closest approach, the asteroid will be a naked eye object (3.3 mag.) travelling rapidly (42 degrees per hour!) through the constellation of Cancer.
Jun. 12th 2029
Partial Solar Eclipse 22 degrees Gemini 04:05 GMT
Jun. 26th 2029
Total Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Capricorn 04:22 GMT
July 11th 2029
Partial Solar Eclipse 20 degrees Cancer 15:36 GMT
September 22nd 2029
Today the Full Moon occurs on the day of the Autumn Equinox. A rare treat not witnessed since 2010.
September 24th 2029
Jupiter enters Scorpio.
December 5th 2029
Partial Solar Eclipse 14 degrees Sagittarius 15:03 GMT
December 20th/21st 2029
Total Lunar Eclipse(30 degrees Gemini) , the Sun on the 'cusp of destiny'December 20th 2029.
Central eclipse time 23-42 GMT.
Visible from the UK.
Winter Solstice 14-15 GMT on Dec.. 21st 2029.
The European Space Agency hopes to land humans on Mars 2030-2035.
Japan Aerospace manned Lunar Base project starts.
All New Zealand cars will be hybrid, bio-fuel or electric this year.
16th January 2030
Grazing lunar occultation of Uranus (visible telescopically from the UK).
11th March 2030
Lunar occultation of Uranus (visible telescopically from the UK at Sunset).
May 31st 2030
Saturn at this time is conjunct the Pleiades.
June 1st 2030
Saturn enters Gemini on the same day of an Annular Solar Eclipse 11 degrees Gemini 06:28 GMT. The ring of fire passes exactly through Tripoli, Athens, close to Istanbul, Ormsk and Sappero.
June 15th 2030
Partial Lunar Eclipse 25 degrees Sagittarius 19:33 GMT
September 19th 2030
Saturn turns direct near Aldebaran
October 22nd 2030
Jupiter enters Sagittarius
November 25th 2030
Total Solar Eclipse 3 degrees Sagittarius 06:51 GMT
December 9th 2030
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 18 degrees Gemini 23:28 GMT
The year 2031 looks particularly menacing.
The Space Elevator construction project due to start this year.
May 7th 2031
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 17 degrees Scorpio 03:51 GMT
May 14th to 17th 2031
Saturn conjunct Aldebaran
May 21st 2031
Annular Solar Eclipse 0 degrees Gemini 07:15 GMT. The 'ring of fire' passes just north of Daressalem and just north of Sri Lanka.
June 5th 2031
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 15 degrees Sagittarius 12:44 GMT
October 30th 2031
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 7 degrees Taurus 07:46 GMT
November 15th 2031
Jupiter enters Capricorn
November 14th 2031
Annular/Total Solar Eclipse 22 degrees Scorpio 21:07 GMT
April 12th 2032
Jupiter first enters Aquarius
April 25th 2032
Total Lunar Eclipse 6 degrees Scorpio 15:14 GMT
May 9th 2032
Annular Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Taurus 13:26 GMT
June 2nd 3032
Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Uranus close to the Crab Nubula.
June 7th to June 9th 2032
Seven planets clustered within a 20 degree arc in Gemini.
June 28th 2032
Saturn conjunct Uranus 28 degrees Gemini (last occurred 3 times in 1988, before that in 1942, next time will be in 2079)
July 14th 2032
Saturn enters Cancer
August 3rd 2032
Uranus first enters Cancer
August 17th to 21st 2032
The 'rather rare' tight opposition of Mercury and Mars to Pluto last occured on July 15th 2015. This particular configuration occured before tyhat on May 19th/20th 2000, 3rd/6th April 1983, and 21st/22nd March 1962. The 2015 event was by far the tightest of these. Curiously a cluster of Mercury and Mars opposite Pluto occurs in the 2030s. The next event is the 'wide' 17th-21st Aug 2032, then 4th-6th /Aug 2034 and 21-22nd July 2036. The only other event in the 21st century occurs on Sep 20th 2087.
October 18th 2032
Total Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Aries 19:03 GMT visible from Europe
November 2nd 2032
US elections.
November 3rd 2032
Partial Solar Eclipse 11 degrees Scorpio 05:33 GMT
Nov 13th 2032
Transit of Mercury over the disc of the Sun.. Transit starts 06:41 UT, mid transit 08:54 UT transit ends 11:07 UT
ESA Aurora programme will send a manned spacecraft to Mars.
February 4th 2033
Jupiter conjunct Pluto 15 degrees Aquarius
March 30th 2033
Total Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Aries 18:02 GMT
April 14th 2033
Jupiter first enters Pisces. Total Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Libra 13:53 GMT
Aug 18th 2033
We must wait until Aug. 18, 2033, for the next series of Aldebaran occultations to begin. Scandinavia will be in the best position to see that first event in the new series, but Canada and the United States will not get their next chance to see the moon hide Aldebaran again until Oct. 12, 2033.
September 23rd 2033
Partial Solar Eclipse 1 degree Libra
October 8th 2033
Total Lunar Eclipse 16 degrees Libra 11:55 GMT
March 20th 2034
Total Solar Eclipse 30 degrees Pisces 10:18 GMT passes through Lagos and N'djamena.
April 3rd 2034
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 14 degrees Libra 20:06
April 21st 2034
Jupiter first enters Aries
August 4th to 6th 2034
A 'rather rare' tight opposition of Mercury and Mars to Pluto occured on July 15th 2015. This particular configuration occured before that on May 19th/20th 2000, 3rd/6th April 1983, and 21st/22nd March 1962. The 2015 event was by far the tightest of these. Curiously a cluster of Mercury and Mars opposite Pluto occurs in the 2030s. The first was on 17th-21st Aug 2032, then 4th-6th /Aug 2034 and 21-22nd July 2036. The only other event in the 21st century occurs on Sep 20th 2087.
August 27th 2034
Saturn first enters Leo
September 12th 2034
Annular Solar Eclipse 20 degrees Virgo 16:18 GMT
September 28th 2034
Partial Lunar Eclipse 6 degrees Aries 03:47 GMT
November 25, 2034. 'An Extra Super Full Moon'. This Supermoon is special because it will be 'the closest full moon to date in the 21st century', This last occurred on Nov 14th 2016.
December 23rd 2034
Lunar Occultation of Aldebaran visible from the UK around 20:16 GMT
Feb 22nd 2035
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 4 degrees Virgo 09:05 GMT
March 9th 2035
Annular Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Pisces 23:05 GMT passes through Wellington New Zealand.
March 24th 2035
Jupiter conjunct Neptune 21 degrees Aries
April 29th 2035
Jupiter enters Taurus
July 23rd to 24th 2035
Mercury and Saturn conjunct the 'Beehive'
August 19th 2035
Partial Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Aquarius 01:11 GMT
September 2nd 2035
Total Solar Eclipse 9 degrees Virgo 01:56 GMT passes right through Beijing and very close to Tokyo.
January 8th 2036
Near Earth Object 2002AY1 will make a close approach to Earth.
Feb 11th 2036
Total Lunar Eclipse 22:12 GMT 23 degrees Leo visible from Europe
Feb 27th 2036
Partial Solar Eclipse 8 degrees Pisces 04:46 GMT
April 2036
METI message Cosmic Call 2 sent from Eupatoria Planetary Radar arrives at its destination HIP 4872 star.
April 13th 2035
Easter Sunday. Close approach by asteroid 99942 Apophis has a 1 in 45000 chance of hitting the Earth today.
May 9th 2036
Jupiter enters Gemini
July 21st to 22nd 2036
A 'rather rare' tight opposition of Mercury and Mars to Pluto occured on July 15th 2015. This particular configuration occured before that on May 19th/20th 2000, 3rd/6th April 1983, and 21st/22nd March 1962. The 2015 event was by far the tightest of these. Curiously a cluster of Mercury and Mars opposite Pluto occurs in the 2030s. The first was on 17th-21st Aug 2032, then 4th-6th /Aug 2034 and 21-22nd July 2036. The only other event in the 21st century occurs on Sep 20th 2087.
July 23rd 2036
Partial Solar Eclipse 1 degree Leo 10:31 GMT
July 24, 2036. The moon will occult three planets (Venus, Mars and Mercury) and one first-magnitude star (Regulus) in less than 24-hours. This will be the first time since September 18, 2017 (and before that March 5, 2008), that three planets have been occulted by the moon in less than one day.
August 7th 2036
Total Lunar Eclipse 15 degrees Aquarius 02:52 GMT visible from Europe
August 21st 2036
Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Regulus 29 degrees Leo 17:25 GMT
October 16th 2036
Saturn first enters Virgo
October 20th 2036
Saturn conjunct Regulus 1st pass.
January 16th 2037
Partial Solar Eclipse 27 degrees Capricorn 09:48 GMT visible from the UK.
January 31st 2037
Total Lunar Eclipse 13 degrees Leo 15:01 GMT
February 8th 2037
Saturn conjunct Regulus 2nd pass.
May 24th 2037
Jupiter enters Cancer
July 10th 2037
Saturn conjunct Regulus final pass.
July 13th 2037
Total Solar Eclipse 21 degrees Cancer 02:40 GMT passes through Alice Springs and Brisbane.
July 27th 2037
Partial Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Aquarius 05:09 GMT
September 8th 2037
Jupiter conjunct Uranus first of three 23 degrees Cancer
January 5th 2038
Annular Solar Eclipse 15 degrees Capricorn 13:46 GMT passes by Port-au-Prince and near to Monrovia.
January 21st 2038
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 04:49 GMT 2 degrees Leo
February 19th 2038
Jupiter conjunct Uranus second of three 21 degrees Cancer
March 30th 2038
Jupiter conjunct Uranus last of three 20 degrees Cancer
April 25th 2038
Easter occurs on its latest possible date. (Last time 1943)
May 21st 2038
Neptune first enters Taurus
June 12th 2038
Jupiter first enters Leo
June 17th 2038
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Sagittarius 02:44 GMT
July 2nd 2038
Annular Solar Eclipse 11 degrees Cancer 13:32 GMT, the north Africa eclipse.
July 16th 2038
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 24 degrees Capricorn 12:35 GMT
Nov 16th 2038
Jupiter first enters Virgo
December 11th 2038
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 20 degrees Gemini 17:44 GMT
December 26th 2038
Total Solar Eclipse 4 degrees Capricorn 00:59 GMT passes through Wellington New Zealand.
June 6th 2039
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 16 degrees Sagittarius 18:53 GMT
June 21st 2039
Annular Solar Eclipse 0 degrees Cancer 17:12 GMT passes close to Stockholm
Sept 5th 2039
Saturn enters Libra
August 6th 2039
Uranus first enters Leo
Nov 7th 2039
Transit of Mercury over the disc of the Sun. transit starts 07:17 UT, mid transit 08:46 UT, transit ends 10:15 UT
November 30th 2039
Partial Lunar Eclipse 8 degrees Gemini 16:55 GMT
December 12th 2039
Jupiter first enters Libra
December 15th 2039
Total Solar Eclipse 24 Sagittarius 16:23 GMT
May 11th 2040
Partial Solar Eclipse 21 degrees Taurus 03:42 GMT
May 26th 2040
Total Lunar Eclipse 6 degrees Sagittarius 12:45 GMT
September 6th 2040
Venus, Saturn and Mars will appear very close. They have not been this close since March 28th 2022
October 31st 2040
Jupiter conjunct Saturn 18 degrees Libra
November 4th 2040
Partial Solar Eclipse 13 degrees Scorpio 19:08 GMT
November 18th 2040
Total Lunar Eclipse 27 degrees Taurus 20:04 GMT
December 12th 2040
Jupiter and Saturn conjunct Spica.
Friday December 28th 2040
Moon rises (UK) 01:42 GMT Saturn emerges from an occultation of the planet 6 minutes later (UK) a clear horizon essential to view this amazing sight.
Jan 11th 2041
Jupiter first enters Scorpio
February 3rd 2041
Saturn stationary turning retrograde conjunct Spica.
April 30th 2041
Total Solar Eclipse 11 degrees Taurus 11:51 GMT tracks across central Africa.
May 16th 2041
Partial Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Scorpio 01:42 GMT
July 22nd 2041
Uranus conjunct the Beehive.
September 29th 2041
Saturn conjunct Spica.
October 25th 2041
Annular Solar Eclipse 2 degrees Scorpio 01:35 GMT. The 'ring of fire' passes very close to Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia.
November 8th 2041
Partial Lunar Eclipse 17 degrees Taurus 05:34 GMT
November 11th 2041
Saturn first enters Scorpio
Feb 8th 2042
Jupiter enters Sagittarius
March 24th 2042
Mars and Uranus conjunct the Beehive.
April 5th 2042
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 16 degrees Libra 14:29 GMT
April 20th 2042
Total Solar Eclipse 0 degrees Taurus 02:16 GMT
September 29th 2042
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 7 degrees Aries 10:45 GMT
October 14th 2042
Annular Solar Eclipse 21 degrees Libra 02:00 GMT
March 1st 2043
Jupiter first enters Capricorn
March 9th 2043
Pluto first enters Pisces
March 25th 2043
Total Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Libra 14:31 GMT
April 9th 2043
Total (non-central) Solar Eclipse 20 degrees Aries 18:57 GMT
September 19th 2043
Total Lunar Eclipse 01:51 GMT
October 3rd 2043
Annular (non-central) Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Libra 03:01 GMT
Feb 21st 2044
Saturn first enters Sagittarius
Feb 28th 2044
Annular Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Pisces 20:24 GMT
March 13th 2044
Total Lunar Eclipse 24 degrees Virgo 20:37 GMT
March 15th 2044
Jupiter first enters Aquarius.
May 18th 2044
Near Earth Object 2002 QF15 will make a close approach to Earth.
August 23rd 2044
Total Solar Eclipse 1 degree Virgo 01:16 GMT, an American eclipse passing through Helena.
September 7th 2044
Total Lunar Eclipse 16 Pisces 12:20 GMT Today's Lunar eclipse is a family member of Saros series 138. This series started with a penumbral lunar eclipse at the north pole on October 5th 1503. The Saros series 138 'went partial' in 1900. The last two eclipses in the series, August 2008 and August 2026 were heavy partial eclipses that almost reached totality. Today's eclipse is the first in the series to reach totality. The series peaks with the longest Total Lunar Eclipse in the year 2369 and the series ends in 2982.
October 1st 2044
Occultation of Regulus by Venus. (This last occurred on July 7th 1959 and will next occur on 21st Oct 3187 and possibly on October 6th 2271)
February 2nd 2045
Saturn conjunct Antares 1st pass.
February 16th 2045
Annular Solar Eclipse 29 degrees Aquarius 23:55 GMT passes again through Wellington NZ.
March 3rd 2045
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 14 degrees Virgo 08:42 GMT
March 26th 2045
Jupiter enters Pisces
April 12th 2045
Jupiter conjunct Pluto 4 degrees Pisces
May 19th 1945
Saturn conjunct Antares 2nd pass
August 12th 2045
Total Solar Eclipse (6 minutes 6 seconds) 20 degrees Leo 17:42 GMT. The path of totality passes through Pueblo US and George Town.
August 27th 2045
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Pisces 14:54 GMT
October 6th 2045
Uranus first enters Virgo.
October 11th 2045
Mars conjunct Uranus and Regulus
October 17th 2045
Uranus conjunct Regulus
October 31st 2045
Saturn conjunct Antares final pass
December 21st 2045
Winter Solstice 11:37 GMT followed by a lunar occultation of the Pleiades visible from the UK 14:48 GMT to 19:08 GMT
January 20th 2046
Uranus conjunct Regulus
January 22nd 2046
Partial Lunar Eclipse 3 degrees Leo 13:02 GMT
February 5th 2046
Annular Solar Eclipse 17 degrees Aquarius (maximum 9 minutes 16 seconds of a ring of fire! over Honolulu and the Pacific) 23:05 GMT
April 4th 2046
Jupiter enters Aries
July 18th 2046
Partial Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Capricorn 01:05 GMT
August 1st 2046
Uranus conjunct Regulus
August 2nd 2046
Total Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Leo 10:20 GMT
Jan 12th 2047 Total Lunar Eclipse 22 degrees Cancer 01:25 GMT all visible from the UK. A good reason to stay high and alive in order to observe it from the wintry hills of the UK. Mars is conjunct Pluto in Pisces at that time.
Jan 24th 2047
Saturn first enters Capricorn
Jan 26th 2047
Partial Solar Eclipse 6 degrees Aquarius 01:32 GMT
April 13th 2047
Jupiter enters Taurus
June 23rd 2047
Partial Solar Eclipse 2 degrees Cancer 10:51 GMT
July 7th 2047
Total Lunar Eclipse 15 degrees Capricorn 10:35 GMT
July 22nd 2047
Jupiter conjunct Neptune first of three 21 degrees Taurus on the very same day as a partial Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Leo 22:35 GMT
Nov 7th 2047
The closest linear alignments of Venus and Mars in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees).
Nov 16 2047
Jupiter conjunct Neptune second of three 20 degrees Taurus.
Dec 16th 2047
Partial Solar Eclipse 25 degrees Sagittarius 23:49 GMT
Asteroid 2007 VK184 has a 1 in 2700 chance of hitting the Earth this year.
Jan 1st 2048
Total Lunar Eclipse 11 degrees Cancer 07:53 GMT sets over the UK.
Feb 24th 2048
Jupiter conjunct Neptune final of three 19 degrees Taurus
February 29th 2048
Full Moon on Leap Years day. (Last time this happened was in 1972)
April 23rd 2048
Jupiter first enters Gemini
June 11th 2048
Annular Solar Eclipse 21 degrees Gemini 12:58 GMT passes right through Oslo.
June 26th 2048
Partial Lunar Eclipse 03:01 GMT 6 degrees Capricorn.
September 23rd 2048
Jupiter first enters Cancer
December 5th 2048
Total Solar Eclipse 15:34 GMT 14 degrees Sagittarius.
December 20th 2048
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 29 degrees Gemini 07:27 GMT preceded by an occultation of Jupiter and followed 23 hours later by the Winter Solstice.
May 7th 2049
Transit of Mercury over the disc of the Sun. transit starts 11:03 UT mid transit 14:24 UT, transit ends 17:44 UT
May 17th 2049
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 27 degrees Scorpio 11:26 GMT
May 31st 2049
Annular Solar Eclipse 11 degrees Gemini 13:59 GMT passes through Dakar and Douala
June 15th 2049
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Sagittarius 20:13
Sept 27th 2049
Jupiter first enters Leo
November 9th 2049
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 18 degrees Taurus 15:51 GMT
November 25th 2049
Annular/Total Solar Eclipse 3 degrees Sagittarius 05:33 GMT
Jan 21st 2050
Saturn enters Aquarius
May 6th 2050
Total Lunar Eclipse 17 degrees Scorpio 22:31 GMT visible from the UK.
May 20th 2050
Annular Total Solar Eclipse 0 degrees Gemini 20:42 GMT
October 18th 2050
Jupiter first enters Virgo
October 30th 2050
Total Lunar Eclipse 7 degrees Taurus 03:21 visible from the UK
November 14th 2050
Partial Solar Eclipse 22 degrees Scorpio 13:30 GMT.
Local Time: 13:10:09