Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon
Dec. 30th 2001.
The Moon is closely conjunct Jupiter in Cancer, opposite the Sun and Venus in Capricorn. Mars square Pluto is the tightest planetary aspect at the time of this eclipse. This aspect was starting to apply at the Solar Eclipse on Dec. 14th 2001. Here it dominates. Also Saturn is trine Neptune. This aspect will greatly influence the coming season. Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 08:25:24 UT Greatest Eclipse: 10:29:12 UT Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 12:33:06 UT
The final event of the year is a deep penumbral lunar eclipse visible from much of the Western Hemisphere. First and last penumbral contacts occur at 08:25.5 UT and 12:33.2 UT, respectively. Greatest eclipse occurs at 10:29.3 UT with a maximum penumbral eclipse magnitude of 0.9190. Observers will note subtle yet distinct shading across the southern portions of the Moon. The Moon's southern limb actually lies 3.5 arc-minutes north of the umbra at its closest approach. SKYPUB.COM
The Saros Series to which this eclipse belongs (series 144) started on 29th July 1749 at 16-31. The chart of this moment is set out below. We see a Full Moon in Aquarius. A massive watery trine exists involving Jupiter Neptune and Pluto. A fixed T-square with Venus tightly opposing Uranus squaring Saturn, confers on this series a potentially difficult mesh of energies. This Saros series is still in its infancy. It 'goes Partial' on March 28th 2146, and it 'goes total' on 4th July 2308.
The AstroCartography of the moment of maximum eclipse is shown below for Europe and Asia. pluto culminates and Uranus rises over the UK.
Chart of Saros 144