Birthday 9th April 1954.

In the absence of a time and date of birth we present this brief synopsis of the day of his birth. the chart below is set for noon GMT in London. We then ask the question will this man be the next Prime Minister of the UK? Could such a question be answered by looking at the astrology based solely on the date of birth?

The Sun was in Aries, seize the moment, at a time midway between eclipse seasons, with the Moon in Cancer (all day), a deep vulnerability and a shell-like defensive mechanism. Venus in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio, a kernel of hardness. Mercury in Pisces, a dream chaser, and a pugnacious Mars in Sagittarius, a military leaning.

The chart is dominated by a Cardinal Cross involving his Aries Sun , his Cancerian Moon almost at first quarter, Neptune in Libra and the lunar node in Capricorn. This man generates energy of an ardent, emotionally controlled and pro establishment nature. There is also a looser mutable T-square there, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars. A challenge of judgement, determination and action.

What of Uranus in this chart? what of the vision this man holds? Uranus is there, near the Moon, in Cancer, tightly sextile the natal Sun, conjunct the south lunar node, the point of separation. Deep thoughts, intuitive, a tiny bit karmic.

We are presented with a nationalistic (Moon in Cancer), lover of traditional values, conservative, in the true meaning of the word (both traits symbolised by the Taurean Venus opposite a ruthlessly wilful Saturn in Scorpio), militaristic (Mars in Sagittarius square Mercury in Pisces, and successful 'polished' performer.

Transiting Jupiter is conjunct his natal Moon this year, offering success and opportunity. Saturn will be passing through Cancer within the next three year, a hint of serious responsibility or another presiding hopeful overseeing an inevitable Tory Party disappointment?

His Piscean Mercury absorbs and emulates, argument and debating skills may appear weak when compared to his predecessor, but there is a smoother image here. Both Duncan Smith and William Hague have Sun in Aries, both may follow a similar sudden rise and fall in public and political life, however this man's astrological chart wields a cardinal cross, there is more 'dynamite' here, more of an attractive force to power and position. We will return to his chart as the future unfolds. If Tony Blair runs for a third term of office this man may dent Blair's fortune... a trifle.
