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(Copyright:- The Daze 2006 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak. Astronomy by Sky and Telescope Magazine. News by BBC News CNN news..
David Cameron
Tony Blair in 2006. Gordon Brown in 2006Jupiter in Scorpio.
During most of 2006 Jupiter is in Scorpio. He will be in waxing square to Saturn in Leo on Dec. 17th 2005, June 22nd 2006, and October 25th 2006. These aspects represent points in time of civil and social crises.
Jupiter trines Uranus in Pisces, Nov. 27th 2006, May 5th 2006, Aug. 29th 2006. This watery arrangement can generate good and expansive feelings, the real nice side of Jupiter in Scorpio.
Jupiter squares Neptune in Aquarius Jan 28th 2006, Mar 16th 2006, Sept. 24th 2006. This one's not so easy, the September one especially challenging as it ties in with Saturn.
More immediate and acute, Mars retrograde in Taurus opposed Jupiter on Dec. 4th 2005 and will do it again in direct motion on 15th Jan 2006. These are 'event-prone' days, the astrological influence short and sharp! During January 2006 the Mars Jupiter opposition is squared by Neptune in Fixed T-square, this promises a bit of a punchy start to the year.
At the start of May 2006 (around the 5th) at the time of the Sun Jupiter opposition, a kite pattern forms involving these two, Mars and Uranus.
Saturn in Leo (opposite Neptune).
During the residence of Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn continues to make his journey through Leo and will reside there until September 2nd 2007. The last time Saturn was in Leo was the period September 1975 till July 1978 (for those who remember that period this coming two years may well be a higher octave and a challenge to what was started then. Prior to this Saturn was in Leo from August 1946 to September 1948).
More importantly Saturn will be in opposition to Neptune (in Aquarius) on 31st Aug. 2006, February 28th 2007 and June 25th 2007. The last time Saturn opposed Neptune was in April 1972, when Saturn was in Gemini and Neptune was in Sagittarius. Saturn and Neptune were conjunct in 1953 and in 1989. The opposition between Saturn and Neptune is the most difficult part of Saturn's sojourn in Leo and indicates potentially disturbing events on the world stage around the times mentioned .
Saturn is in trine aspect to Jupiter (then in Sagittarius) and to Pluto (also in Sagittarius) in 2007 before leaving Leo.
At the start of June 2006 the Venus Jupiter opposition forms another Fixed T-square with Saturn.
In the second half of September 2006 a more serious fixed square occurs as Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune hook in dangerous arrangement.
January 2006
During January 2006 the Mars Jupiter opposition is squared by Neptune in Fixed T-square, this promises a bit of a punchy start to the year.
Sunday January 1st 2006
Here's wishing all Daze readers a happy new year.
Russian has cut off gas supplies to Ukraine in an energy price dispute which has become a major political row.
Fireworks and street parties have taken place across the world as millions of people cheer in the start of 2006.
The year starts with a Void of Course Moon in Capricorn which entered Aquarius at 12-15 GMT and is conjunct retrograde Venus 11 minutes later.
Venus retrogrades into Capricorn 20-18 GMT
The Sun trines Mars 20-22 GMT.
Saturn (10 degrees Leo) 135 degrees waning to Pluto in Sagittarius 08:14 GMT. (2nd of three aspects, 1st Sept. 9th 2005, final one June 30th 2006)
Moon perigee 23-02 GMT
Monday January 2nd 2006
EU countries start to suffer knock-on cuts in gas imports as Russia axes supplies to Ukraine in a row over prices.
The infant, accelerating Moon in Aquarius, undergoing a hard time, forms a Fixed T-square with Mars and Saturn which peaks around 05-00 GMT. She is conjunct Neptune at 14-04 GMT.
Tuesday January 3rd 2006
Yesterday Russia vowed to increase gas supplies as EU countries reported a fall in pressure after Moscow cut Ukraine's supply.
The first meteor shower of 2006, the quadrantids , peaks on Jan. 3rd at 18:20 . The timing favours Japan and, to a lesser extent, Hawaii where dark-sky observers should see 40+ faint meteors per hour just before dawn (Tuesday morning in Hawaii, Wednesday morning in Japan). Space weather.com
The Moon reaches crescent phase 28 degrees Aquarius 09:14 GMT is void of course at 11-45 GMT, enters Pisces at 12-44 GMT and starts to apply to a fairly close conjunction with Uranus which peaks in the early hours tomorrow..
Mercury enters Capricorn 21-26 GMT, joining the Sun and retrogradeVenus in that sign. The immediate days ahead now pack a 'realistic' punch.
The fixed cross which has been dominating the skies over recent weeks still holds sway. By mid month Saturn fades out of the picture and Neptune's influence increases. All in all these are difficult days.
Today Rescuers are battling to find survivors as a collapsed German ice rink threatens to cave in completely.
Campaigning is under way in the Palestinian elections amid doubts about whether they will actually take place.
The global trade in caviar and other products made from the wild, endangered sturgeon fish is banned.
Wednesday January 4th 2006
The crescent Moon is conjunct Uranus (less than 2 degrees) 01-36 GMT.
The Sun is sextile Jupiter 08-16 GMT
Earth in perihelion (nearest the Sun in her yearly orbit) 15:30 GMT
Thursday January 5th 2006
Under a 'muddy' combination of Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Pisces yesterday, and with the continuing presence of a planetary fixed cross in the skies of earth (within which Neptune is playing an increasingly active role), a series of dismal news stories hit the wires. Scores of people are feared dead after more than 100 homes were buried by a landslide triggered by heavy rains in Central Java, Indonesia.
Families are distraught after it emerges that 12 US miners trapped underground had not all survived as reported.
At least 32 Iraqis died as a bomber targeted a Shia funeral in the north, amid a wave of deadly attacks across Iraq. Rescuers working in the rubble of a collapsed ice rink in southern Germany have recovered another body, that of a girl, raising the number killed to 14.
Better news reported that Russia and Ukraine have settled a row over gas prices which disrupted supplies to several European countries.
In the UK David Cameron said the NHS is safe in Conservative hands as he repositions his party's stance on health care.
We are today half way through the astrological month of Capricorn. The waxing crescent Moon is void of course in Pisces at 12-11 GMT entering Aries 14-45 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in cardinal signs. The dreamy almost vacant astrological atmosphere of the past couple of days gives way to a more urgent impetus from 14-45 GMT today.
Friday January 6th 2006
Yesterday dawn broke with the news that Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had suffered a serious stroke. As the day ended the news was that he is to remain on life support for at least 48 hours. Sharon has recently undergone Uranus passing over his natal Piscean Sun. The final passage occurred as he suffered a minor stroke on Dec. 18th 2005.
Also yesterday at least 110 people are killed in two separate suicide attacks in the Iraqi cities of Karbala and Ramadi.
A building collapsed in the Saudi city of Mecca, killing at least 15 people gathered for the Hajj pilgrimage.
Two teenagers in Turkey have died of bird flu, Turkish officials say, in the first cases outside South-East Asia.
Aid agencies have stepped up appeals for food in northern Kenya where some 2.5m people face severe shortages.
In the UK Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy called a leadership contest as he admits battling a drink problem.
These are tough times. As each day passes Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are tightening their grip in a planetary Fixed T-square. (Saturn holds the fourth point of the cross but his position is now diminishing). Mars is drawing closer and closer to his powerful opposition to Jupiter as each day passes. On Sunday the Moon aligns with Mars adding a blast of adrenaline to the difficult situation.
There may seem no way out at the moment. Pressures will continue to increase until Mars moves on in February 2006.
Today the Moon (in Aries) reaches cardinal first quarter phase at 16 degrees Aries 18:58 GMT. This is 'crisis in action' day, to be followed by a tense weekend.
Saturday January 7th 2006
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon yesterday had a successful emergency operation, but his condition remains critical.
The death toll from a hostel that collapsed in Mecca in Saudi Arabia rose to 53 as rescuers found more bodies.
Millions of people could face starvation in the Horn of Africa, warned the UN food agency.
Tests have confirmed that at least two of the three Turkish teenagers killed by bird flu had the deadly H5N1 strain.
A spacecraft has sent a laser signal to Earth from 24 million km (15 million miles) away in interplanetary space. The Messenger probe exchanged laser signals with a US ground station part way through its journey to the planet Mercury. Messenger blasted off in 2004 on a mission to map the surface of the nearest planet to the Sun. After arriving in 2011, the probe will orbit Mercury for a year to explore its atmosphere, composition and structure.
In the UK Charles Kennedy said he will not resign despite 25 of his MPs saying they will not work with him as Lib Dem leader. Saturn in Leo is currently making a fateful 150 degree aspect to the natal Mars/Neptune conjunction in the natal chart of the Liberal Democrats.
Today the waxing Moon is void of course in Aries at 14-34 GMT entering Taurus 19-09 GMT and starts applying to a tight conjunction with Mars in that sign. Serious issues of resentment and intransigence may emerge. We are in the midst of a very difficult astrological period.
Orange Mars shines left of the Moon early this evening (by about a fist-width at arm's length). Later in the night Mars is upper left of the Moon, as the wheeling of the sky carries them down toward the west.
Sunday January 8th 2006
Moon conjuncts Mars (closest astronomical conjunction 0.46 degrees separation 19:24 GMT. Zodiacal conjunction 19-05 GMT.)
The Moon and Mars are in a planetary T-square with Jupiter and Neptune which peaks around 23-00 GMT. This T-square could be seen as a kick start to the looming Mars Jupiter opposition which peaks on January 15th 2005 and dominates the coming week and the next Full Moon.
Retrograding Venus is making the second of three minor quintile aspects with Jupiter today. The first was on 27th Nov. 2005, the final one on March 6th 2006. Venus day stands on the Jupiter/Lunar Node midpoint making a quintile to them both.
Mars shines near the Moon this evening, as shown above.
The world news is pretty hard at the moment reflecting a tough astrological situation in the skies of Earth.
On Sunday two children and an adult tested positive for the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain in the Turkish capital.
Doctors treating Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will begin bringing him out of a coma on Monday.
A US helicopter crashed in northern Iraq, killing all eight passengers and four crew.
A strong earthquake struck southern Greece, including the capital, Athens, but there are no reports of injuries. The underwater quake, which measured 6.9 magnitude, shook buildings in the capital and was felt as far away as northern Greece, Jordan and Egypt. It struck at 1134 GMT on Sunday and lasted for several seconds.
A 14-year-old boy was among four cyclists killed after a car collided with them in north Wales.
Charles Kennedy who resigned on Saturday (15-00 GMT) has said that he hopes there is a contest to choose his successor as Liberal Democrat leader.
Monday January 9th 2006
Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces 03-37 GMT
The waxing Moon is void in Taurus from 18-56 GMT, she shines near the Pleiades this evening occulting a few of the Pleiades stars for parts of eastern North America.
Mercury moving direct in Capricorn will meet Venus moving retrograde in the same sign on 17th of January 2006. During this period of both planets in Capricorn we may well witness a time of pragmatic mentality and circumspect affection. The head rules the heart. Emotional responses are measured. Good planning is favoured.
Mars continuing on his seemingly endless sojourn in Taurus adds stability and unwavering will to the rather conservative planetary predicament. All this week as the Moon waxes to the full we see Mars tightening his grip on his opposition to Jupiter, exact next Sunday. Times stay tough. Pressures continue to mount.
Tuesday January 10th 2006
Five new human cases of bird flu were yesterday reported in Turkey as the virus travels across the country.
At least 28 people were killed in a suicide bombing at Iraq's interior ministry during a police parade.
The waxing Moon today enters Gemini 01-59 GMT. The static earthiness of the past two days gives way at that moment to restlessness and multiplicity.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 11:29 GMT at 5 degrees Gemini. Increased chatter and other forms of communication may be the manifestation (today and tomorrow) of inner psychological pressures reflecting the current planetary tensions. The procession to the Full Moon, an essentially emotional affair by the end of the week, adds momentum to an almost wayward astrological situation in place this month. Mars, Jupiter and (increasingly so) Neptune are the main source of this difficult energy. The influence of Neptune can be seen as the 'worrying fear of a bird flu pandemic' which highlighted news broadcasts in the UK yesterday, after the events taking place in Turkey.
The Moon appears to ride the northern hemisphere skies very high up tonight and over the next few nights. Just like last month, this high altitude Moon is the result of the current 'Major Standstill' in the 18 year Lunar Metonic cycle.
Wednesday January 11th 2006
The major news item manifesting yesterday was Iran's dispute with the UN and Western countries deepening after Tehran resumed nuclear research, defying pressure. This is obviously one to watch.
Ukraine MPs yesterday voted to sack the government over a gas deal with Russia but the president said that the move may be illegal.
Spanish police arrested 20 suspected militant Islamists thought to be linked to the Iraqi insurgency.
Jupiter, in this morning's sky, is 49 arcminutes north of the binocular double star Alpha Librae. This is the first of Jupiter's three conjunctions with the star this year. (Today's is the closest alignment of the three, the other two occur around 26th April and 12th September).
The high altitude Gemini Moon makes a solitary airy trine to Uranus 08-41 the only aspect today. This day continues in a similar vein to yesterday. The emphasis is on pressured communication and diversity. Tensions are steadily increasing as the Moon continues to wax to fullness, and Mars draws closer and closer to his tight opposition to Jupiter..
Thursday January 12th 2006
Yesterday the UK prime minister and the US said Iran is likely to be taken to the UN for resuming nuclear activities.
Bird flu could become endemic in Turkey and pose a serious risk to neighbouring countries, the UN yesterday warned. (Please see below how Saturday's Full Moon and the current Mars Jupiter opposition are both focused on Turkey, as is part of the path of totality of the Total Solar Eclipse in March).
A man wielding a knife stabbed nine people at a Moscow synagogue before being arrested.
Today the high altitude Moon is void 01-46 GMT entering Cancer 10-55 GMT. The communicative 'buzz' of the past two days now gives may to a much more emotional atmosphere which ensues right up to the Full Moon.
The tight Mars Jupiter opposition currently dominating the skies is also tightly square Neptune right now. The astrological temperature is very high.
This evening, look far lower left of the bright Moon for Castor and Pollux, as shown above.
Friday January 13th 2006
Yesterday at least 345 Muslim pilgrims died during the stone-throwing ritual at the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.
The UK, France and Germany call for the UN Security Council to deal with Iran's nuclear programme.
The Turkish gunman who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981 is released from a Turkish jail.
Norway plans to build a seed bank inside a mountain on an Arctic island to hold samples of the world's crops.
The Moon today draws to a gloriously high (northern hemisphere) fullness.
Mercury is active today trining Mars 10-40 and sextiling Jupiter 17-32 GMT. This is a good day to touch base.
Venus is at inferior conjunction 23-59 GMT, this represents a kind of 'New Venus', an impregnation of the goddess by the Solar energy, a birth of a new ideal, the secret birth of a new love. the moment is invisible, hidden and special. Light a love candle.
Castor and Pollux are much closer left of the Moon this evening, almost lost in its glare.
Saturday January 14th 2006
Full Moon 24 degrees Cancer at 09:49 GMT
The Moon is opposite Venus.
The Sun, Venus Earth and Full Moon are aligned.
Mars is opposite Jupiter and square Neptune. Mercury sextiles Jupiter, Jupiter trines Uranus. This is a complex, close knit, and highly charged planetary situation which indicates this to be a very dynamic lunation. The time is high and it may be wise to expect important events on earth to occur around this full moon.
At the exact moment of Full Moon, the Moon rises (and the Sun sets) at Darwin, Melbourne and Hong Kong. The Moon is setting (and the Sun rises) over Chile especially Santiago. The Moon is at lower culmination at Jerusalem (where it is local noon).
The Mars Jupiter opposition straddles the horizons of Los Angeles and San Diego, and straddles the Prime Meridian of Tokyo. Both the Sun Moon opposition and the Mars Jupiter opposition hit Turkey where Mars rises, Jupiter sets, the Sun is conjunct the MC and the Moon conjunct the IC.
Pluto rises at Boston USA, Uranus rises at London and Madrid, Saturn conjuncts the IC of Tehran.
This Full Moon is the penultimate one before the penumbral lunar eclipse of 14th March 2006. This lunar eclipse ahead of us belongs to the old, waning but dangerously still potent Saros series 113. As we draw closer to this eclipse, the energy of Saros series 113 will become more impressive. Today's Full Moon is 'under its spell'.
This Full Moon is in Cancer, the sign of great emotion. The high tide of lunar energy is essentially nationalistic, linked to the past, protectionist, defensive and instinctive. On personal levels Cancer is the sign of the family, the mother, the domestic situation and the economy. Expect tears and high drama.
The Moon is void from the moment of Fullness and enters Leo 21-31 GMT.
Although the high point of the Full Moon has then passed, the climax of the current planetary T-square between Mars Jupiter and Neptune is immediately ahead.
Sunday January 15th 2006
A capsule containing a teaspoonful of dust snatched from around a comet is set to parachute to Earth today. The capsule should land in the Utah desert at 0312 local time (1012 GMT).
Pakistan is protesting to the US after a missile attack targeting al-Qaeda's deputy leader kills 18 people.
Iran's president says Tehran does not need nuclear weapons but has a right to restart research.
Some flights to and from Alaska have been cancelled after a series of volcanic eruptions.
In the UK the education secretary faces questions after details emerge about a sex offender in a Bournemouth school.
Today is a gargantuan day of significant proportion. An uncompromising atmosphere prevails. Stand by.
Mars is opposite Jupiter 09-33 GMT (<34 minutes of arc)
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 15-11 GMT (<4 degrees)
Monday January 16th 2006
The capsule carrying dust particles from the tail of a comet yesterday parachuted to Earth. Scientists are eager to study the samples for clues about how the solar system formed.
A 12-year-old Turkish girl has died from suspected bird flu in the eastern city of Van, officials said on Sunday.
If all goes as planned, NASA will launch a space probe called New Horizons to capture the first up-close imagery of Pluto, its moons and a region of the outer solar system called the Kuiper Belt. Lift-off of the spacecraft atop a Lockheed Martin Atlas V rocket is set for 1:24 p.m. ET Tuesday from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
Four days now remain to the astrological month of Capricorn.
A very tight fixed cross forms in the skies of Earth today around 06-00 GMT involving the Moon in Leo, Neptune in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. This point in time could be considered the point of climax of the current astrological crisis.
The Moon in Leo is waning very slowly now. The combination today of the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo gives a very autocratic feel to today.
Mercury and Venus (moving backwards) are now both morning 'stars', both in Capricorn and are widely conjunct tomorrow. Heart and mind can be focused in a manner that is both pragmatic, practical, and geared to the future.
Mars, very much involved with today's planetary fixed cross, is applying in a 'crazy' square aspect to Neptune which peaks on Wednesday. Heart and mind may be synchronised right now, but actions may be way off the mark.
Tuesday January 17th 2006
As the current astrological crisis peaked yesterday a possible referral of Iran to the U.N. Security Council over the resumption of its nuclear research program moved closer after Britain, France, Germany say they will call for an emergency meeting of the U.N. nuclear watchdog.
At least 27 people have been killed in two suspected suicide bombings in southern Afghanistan, according to news reports.
A 12-year-old girl who died Sunday has tested positive for the lethal H5N1 strain of bird flu, health officials said, bringing Turkey's death toll from the virus to four and the number of its human cases to 20.
Today the very slow moving Moon is void of course in Leo from 00-35 GMT and enters Virgo 09-49 GMT reaching apogee (slowest all month) at 19:09 GMT.
Mercury is widely (8 degrees) conjunct retrograding Venus at 21 degrees Capricorn at 15-32 GMT.
This turns (by 09-49 GMT) into a very down to earth and practical day. There is good method to be found. The day favours detailed planing, careful meticulous work and sober judgement. The problem lies with premature action. Mars is applying in a waxing square aspect to Neptune, there are errant whirlpools of confused impulses to navigate. The best advice is to hold back and reconsider before acting.
Wednesday January 18th 2006
Yesterday the UK rejected an Iranian offer for more talks over its nuclear plans, while Russia and China sought compromise.
The US space agency Nasa have postponed the launch of their Atlas-5 rocket to Pluto until this evening.
The Sun and Moon are in earth signs for two days. The practical and methodical 'vibration' evident yesterday will ensue for today and tomorrow. On Friday both the Sun and the Moon will be in air signs.
Mars in Taurus today makes a waxing fixed square aspect to Neptune at 13-54 GMT. This aspect is part of the planetary T-square involving these two planets and Jupiter which is currently active and tight in the skies of Earth. Today has an eerie and even harmful potential.
The slow but now accelerating Moon reaches disseminating phase 13 degrees Virgo 12:52 GMT.
An earthy grand trine involving the Virgo Moon, Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Taurus starts to form at the end of this day, midnight (GMT), and intensify through the small hours of tomorrow. This 'loose' minor planetary arrangement lasts all night and may induce more affectionate overtures.
Thursday January 19th 2006
As Mars squared Neptune yesterday the main world news reported that at least four civilians were killed in clashes in Ivory Coast, as supporters of the president forced UN troops to flee.
Wall Street shares opened sharply down after market turmoil in Japan (during the early part of the GMT day) and poor results from Intel and Yahoo.
The US space agency, Nasa has again delayed the launch of its New Horizons mission to Pluto. They will try again today.
The earthy 'planetary grand trine' mentioned yesterday peaks around 08-00 GMT today, and then the Moon moves on slowly accelerating through Virgo, becoming void in that sign at 22-14 GMT and entering Libra at 22-50 GMT.
Venus (as if spurred on by the 'fertile' grand trine this morning) is now moving retrograde into the arms of an harmonious trine aspect to Mars which peaks next Monday. This one favours lovers and conception, although because of Venus's retrograde motion the connection is somewhat 'fated'. An interesting few days are forecast.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn. Most of the GMT day is a 'down to earth' practical affair with an emphasis on methodology, system, 'workings' and detail. Tomorrow is much different.
Friday January 20th 2006
Yesterday the US space agency, Nasa, successfully launched its New Horizons mission to Pluto. The probe lifted off at 1900 GMT aboard an Atlas 5 rocket on a 10-year journey to the planet, which lies more than five billion km from Earth.
Al-Jazeera aired a tape attributed to al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in which he warns of attacks on the US.
The UN Security Council condemned four days of unrest in Ivory Coast and called for an end to the violence.
At least 15 people were killed and 26 were wounded in two near-simultaneous bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad,
Some 24 people have died of exposure in Russia as freezing winter temperatures plunged to minus 30C overnight.
China has announced another rise in public disturbances in 2005, as rapid economic growth continued to spark social unrest, and on that note the astrological month of Capricorn ends.
Today the Sun enters Aquarius at 05-16 GMT, and a new month begins. We are sixty days from the vernal equinox. The Sun and the Moon are in air signs. Communication opens up, the seasons starts to change, the year moves forward.
The Moon accelerates and wanes in Libra. The day is defiantly social. after many days of industry and practicality the vibration today is distinctly heady and ethereal.
Saturday January 21st 2006
Yesterday Iraq's Shia-led United Iraqi Alliance won the country's parliamentary elections, but without an absolute majority.
Iran removed foreign exchange reserves from Europe as it faces the threat of trade sanctions.
Web giant Google is resisting an attempt by the US to force it to reveal what users are searching for.
Today the Moon sails on in Libra accelerating to her last quarter phase tomorrow. She occults the fixed star Spica around 22-12 GMT for observers in north central Asia. This occultation is the 6th out of 23 in the current series.
A social weekend is forecast. There is a promise of romantic love as Venus is falling backwards into an earthy trine relationship with Mars. (The aspect peaks on Monday). Her head may tell her to resist his advance, but the powers of fate at work here are stronger. The forces involved are irresistible.
Sunday January 22nd 2006
Mercury enters Aquarius 08-42 GMT, joining the Sun and Neptune in that sign. Mercury aligns with the Sun on this far side on Thursday. Their meeting , and the corresponding events on earth, are serious, as the alignment opposes Saturn. Mercury then moves on to a close alignment with Neptune six days later on February 1st. There are 'inspirational winds of change' at work here.
Today the Moon in Libra squares Mercury 08-55 GMT, is void from that time. She enters Scorpio 10-30 GMT and reaches 'fixed' last quarter phase at 2 degrees of that sign at 15:15 GMT.
Monday January 23rd 2006
On Saturday many countries' news reports included the 'London Whale' story. Despite a seven hour rescue attempt, an 18 ft (5m) northern bottle-nosed whale died on a barge which was trying to take it back to deep waters. The mammal suffered breathing problems and muscle spasms when it convulsed and died on Saturday evening. The 'voyeuristic and sentimental' episode occurred with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Libra. Venus and Mars are in earthy trine aspect.
Twenty-three people have been killed in a clash in Nepal, officials say. Six security forces and 17 Maoist rebels were found dead following an attack on an army patrol on Saturday night.
Yesterday Iraqi security officials found the bodies of 23 police volunteers kidnapped last Monday north of Baghdad.
Georgia's leader said that Russia is behind blasts on two gas pipelines that has completely cut off supplies.
A French woman who recently returned from Turkey is being tested in a Montpellier hospital for possible bird flu.
Evo Morales was sworn in as Bolivia's first indigenous president vowing to end "500 years of discrimination".
There has been heavy fighting between tribal militias and Pakistani security forces in the province of Balochistan. A tribal spokesman says at least 16 civilians in the town of Dera Bugti have been killed in the past two days.
Grey squirrels are to be culled across Britain to try to halt declining numbers of the native red squirrel.
Sir Menzies Campbell says the UK Lib Dems must unite after Mark Oaten resigned over claims of an affair with a rent boy.
The main astrological events this week will be firstly the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius opposite Saturn in Leo. This alignment occurs on Thursday and Friday. This one may induce several serious issues and challenges necessitating sober decision making. Secondly and longer lasting will be the fixed square of Jupiter and Neptune which has its first peak next Saturday. This first occurrence of the aspect, (two others occur in March and in September of this year) is the final outpouring of the fixed T-square which has been dominating the astrological sky over the past month. The nature of the square is excessive and subliminal, 'Strange days' is the song which springs to mind.
Today retrograde Venus in Capricorn trines Mars in Taurus at 10-21 GMT. This one has affectionate and romantic overtones. Mars has the upper hand here because of Venus's retrograde motion. When she finally 'gets herself together' (she turns direct in motion on Feb. 3rd), she will catch up and repeat this aspect in air signs on March 22nd 2006.
The accelerating last quarter Moon is today conjunct (less than 5 degrees) Jupiter in Scorpio at 17-50 GMT and is void of course from 21-54 GMT.
OK nothing will seem to give today, no change, no motion, an essentially static sort of day. People as fixed as ever in their mind sets. An intensity of purpose is evident, lightly sinister power plays in action. Jealousy is possible.
Tuesday January 24th 2006
Rescuers are desperately trying to dig out construction workers trapped under the rubble of a five-story collapsed building in Nairobi, Kenya, that killed at least four people and injured 60 others.
Russia's internal security service has accused four British Embassy employees of conducting a high-tech spying operation that included using an "advanced electronic spy gadget" in a fake rock, news agencies reported.
Today the Moon in Scorpio, accelerating and waning, is void of course all day until 18-39 GMT when she enters Sagittarius. Up until that point in time the day may appear to be going absolutely nowhere.
The evening (GMT) sees a change of fortune. A more positive outlook can be glimpsed. A 'wait and see' atmosphere prevails over the next two days.
Wednesday January 25th 2006
More than 4 million people in Georgia yesterday remained without heat for a third straight day after a series of blasts destroyed the Russian pipeline that supplied the country's natural gas. The crisis comes as the former Soviet republic battles the coldest weather it has seen in three decades.
Freezing weather has killed dozens of people across Europe and wreaked havoc on the roads in the past few days. More than 50 people have died in Russia since Arctic cold swept across the country last week. At least 50 have died in neighbouring Ukraine - 30 within just 24 hours, the health ministry said on Monday. Temperatures have also plunged to minus 30C in the Baltic republics and Czech Republic. Snow has spread as far south as Istanbul and Athens.
Canadians elected Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper as their next prime minister on Monday, but denied him the outright majority he would need to take any strong change in direction.
Today the Moon wanes and accelerates (and burns) in Sagittarius. Spirits and aspirations rise higher.
Mercury approaches Superior Conjunction on the far side of the Sun as they both approach opposition to Saturn over the next forty eight hours. Serious issues will begin to precipitate. This looming planetary alignment casts a shadow over the New Moon in Aquarius on Sunday.
Thursday January 26th 2006
Large numbers of Palestinians have voted in the first parliamentary poll for a decade, with the militant Hamas expected to do well.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says officials are still considering how to respond to the alleged UK spy scandal.
Google's launch of a new, self-censored search engine in China is a "black day" for freedom of expression, a leading international media watchdog says.
The UK is preparing to send another 3,500 troops to Afghanistan in April or May,.
An international team of astronomers find the smallest Earth-like planet yet outside our solar system. The newly discovered "super-Earth" orbits the star Gliese 876, located 15 light-years away in the direction of the constellation Aquarius. (Tropical sign Capricorn).
The Moon reaches balsamic phase 21 degrees Sagittarius at 07:44 GMT, conjuncts Pluto 15-25 and is void from this moment. The Moon is now accelerating towards New Moon which occurs on Sunday.
Mercury is at superior conjunction 21-34 GMT. Both the Sun and Mercury are opposite Saturn. This is an astrologically important day.
The Moon enters Capricorn 22-32 GMT initiating even more seriousness to the situation.
Friday January 27th 2006
Islamic militants Hamas have won a majority in the Palestinian parliament, preliminary results show.
Georgia's president has cut short his attendance at the World Economic Forum to grapple with an energy crisis at home.
The US president has welcomed a Russian idea to control Iran's nuclear fuel as a way out of the impasse.
The old, but fast moving, moon in Capricorn is accelerating towards New Moon phase on Sunday. Today and tomorrow are tough realistic empirical reactionary and pragmatic. (Deep down and dirty).
Mercury and the Sun are both directly opposite Saturn, Mercury at 13-04 GMT, the Sun at 22-49 GMT. This is 'serious issue' stuff. This is an important alignment with significant results, be aware.
Retrograding Venus in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio today at 19-07. This aspect will repeat on Feb. 17th and is really not moving much out of focus over the intervening period. This period and this aspect may be characterised by an expansive and positive love union. New directions, new contacts, new investments are all highlighted.
Read the Daze tomorrow and learn all about the Sunday's New Moon.
Saturday January 28th 2006
A massive underwater earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 has struck off the eastern coast of Indonesia, according to the US Geological Survey. The quake reportedly took place at 0158 local time on Saturday morning (1658 GMT on Friday) in the Banda Sea. There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
Global sea-levels could rise by about 30cm by the end of this century if current trends continue, a study warns. Italy has joined Russia in condemning Ukraine for allegedly stealing gas intended for Europe.
Jupiter in Scorpio is in waning square aspect to Neptune in Aquarius 01:29 GMT. (1st of three hits, the 2nd is March 16th 2006, final one September 24th 2006, the fixed square of Jupiter and Neptune which has its first peak today) is the final outpouring of the fixed T-square which has been dominating the astrological sky over the past month. The nature of the square is excessive and subliminal, these sure are intoxicating times.
The very old Moon is widely conjunct Venus in Capricorn 02-06 GMT. The Moon is void of course from 07-57 GMT entering Aquarius 23-10 GMT.
Sunday January 29th 2006
New Moon 10 degrees Aquarius 14:16 GMT
This New Moon is the penultimate one before the Total Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2006 and is under the sway of this future eclipse.
The New Moon is conjunct Mercury and opposite Saturn.
At the moment of New Moon the Moon rises at Baghdad, Kiev and Stockholm. The Moon sets and the Sun rises over the central areas of the USA especially Denver.
At this time Jupiter squares Neptune and Venus sextile Jupiter.
The Aquarian energy of this New Moon is held in check by Saturn in Leo. This is a 'serious' New Moon, times are tough and strange.
The fast moving 'new born baby Moon' is conjunct Mercury at 17-37 GMT
Monday January 30th 2006
Two accidents with high death tolls have occurred during the 'New Moon Weekend'. A state of mourning has been declared in Poland after a roof fell on pigeon enthusiasts, killing at least 66 people. A central section of the roof collapsed on Saturday at 1730 local time (1630 GMT). A second collapse came more than an hour later, during rescue operations.
Dozens of people are feared to have died after a train crashes in Pakistan on Sunday.
There's a long black gash on the sun, a 'solar filament' about 200,000 miles long, Also amateur astronomers are monitoring a big storm on Saturn which appears to be a lightening storm.
Today the very fast moving Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 02-03 GMT. Together these two form a Fixed T-square with Jupiter and Mars which is at maximum potency around 06-00 am.
The Moon is perigee 07:46 GMT. At this moment the Moon is the closest to Earth she gets all year.
The Moon is void 16-01 GMT and finally slips into Pisces at 22-32 GMT.
There is a 'different' feel about today, this is a day to go your own way The day favours independence and altruism. The energy of yesterday's new moon starts to get a grip.
Big tides in the seas and oceans will occur today and tomorrow because of the New Moon occurring around perigee.
The astrological highlight of the week ahead is the close conjunction of Mercury and Neptune in Aquarius on Wednesday. Imaginations may run wild this week, strange sensations in the cerebral cortex may arise, lots of glamour and lots of mind games around.
Tuesday January 31st 2006
Greenhouse gas emissions are rising at an "unsustainable" rate and the Greenland ice cap is at risk, scientists say.
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas yesterday said that he will continue pursuing peace with Israel, following Hamas' election win.
Last-ditch talks between EU officials and Iran in Brussels delivered nothing new according to a UK official.
An Iraqi Kurdish teenage girl has died of the H5N1 strain of bird flu, the Iraqi health minister has said.
State of the skies:- The fast moving young waxing Moon is today in Pisces and is conjunct Uranus 13-00 GMT.
Mercury is now astrologically an evening star in Aquarius applying to a close conjunction with Neptune tomorrow and squaring Jupiter on Friday.
Venus in Capricorn, a morning star rising ahead of the Sun, is still retrograding in that sign but will turn direct in motion on Friday 3rd Feb. She leaves Capricorn on March 5th.
Mars has been in Taurus since July 28th 2005 and will remain there until February 17th 2006. it may be a relief to some that this long sojourn is nearly over.
Today is an inert mixture of the elements air and water. There is a 'fizz' in the ether, people may be receptive, sympathetic, easily led and prone to wayward aberration and escape seeking.
Pay especial attention to your imagination, your vision and your dreams, a heady couple of days are ahead as Mercury aligns to Neptune.
February 2006
Wednesday February 1st 2006
February starts with Mercury and Neptune aligned on the far side of the Sun to tropical Aquarius (both square Jupiter). This calendar month has a potentially violent Full Moon on the 13th square Mars, a near exact alignment of Mercury and Uranus on the day after (Feb. 14th), a lunar occultation of the fixed star Spica on 18th, visible from some parts of Africa and the USA, and the month ends with a New Moon in Pisces closely conjunct Uranus on the 28th inaugurating the start of a new eclipse season.
Today the fast moving but now decelerating young Moon in Pisces squares Pluto at 16-06 and is void of course from that moment. She reaches crescent phase at 28 degrees Pisces at 19:09 GMT and enters Aries 22-46 GMT.
Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius with only 1.84 degrees separation at 20:57 GMT.
Thursday February 2nd 2006
Yesterday at a key meeting on Iran's nuclear program, a "troubling" briefing in Vienna has revealed new information that Iran may be pursuing nuclear weapons, according to the U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday angrily rejected international pressure on Iran over its nuclear ambitions hours after U.S. President George W. Bush vowed to prevent it making an atomic bomb
About 589 people died from the cold in Ukraine over a 15-day period of record-breaking low temperatures last month, the Health Ministry said Wednesday. The deaths occurred between January 16 and 31, the ministry said in a statement.
German astrophysicists have concluded a space body located in the outer reaches of the solar system is 435 miles (700 kilometers) larger than Pluto, the smallest planet. Their research puts more pressure on the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to classify the object as the 10th planet in our solar system."UB313 is decidedly larger than Pluto," said University of Bonn Professor Frank Bertoldi, whose team's findings will be published in today's journal Nature. The object, tentatively named 2003 UB313, (magnitude 19, in constellation Cetus, tropical 'sign' Aries), is an icy body that lies beyond the planet Neptune. The discovery team is informally calling the object and its moon Xena and Gabrielle, for the TV warrior princess and her long-time companion. The official names they will eventually get are still tied up in committees of the International Astronomical Union.
Today Mercury in Aquarius fresh from yesterday's close alignment with Neptune today makes a waxing fixed square aspect with Jupiter in Scorpio at 00-29 GMT. Bad judgement and overestimation are possible at the end of Wednesday and at the start of Thursday.
The waxing crescent Moon is decelerating in Aries. Ignition, citation, arrest, initiation, confrontation, challenge, impulse, urge, surge, temper and tantrum.. all words to describe the 'energy' today. The Sun and the Moon are in positive signs. This is possibly a fresh, welcome and spirited change in fortunes to many after the vacancy of the past two days.
Pluto, Uranus, Mars and Saturn occupy 4 points of a pentagon over the next week. The missing point is around 15 degrees Libra. There is something special about this arrangement, join me in watching the news very carefully during the period in question. There are some heavy weight performers here.
Friday February 3rd 2006
The international storm over cartoon drawings of the Prophet Mohammed published in European media has gathered pace across the Islamic world with angry demonstrations and gunman shutting down of the EU office in Gaza City. (Seems in keeping with yesterday's predictions of tantrums).
The International Atomic Energy Agency's board of governors ended their first session of talks on whether to delay reporting Iran to the U.N. Security Council amid threats by the Islamic state that it would start enriching uranium if its nuclear activities were sent to the council. This is the big one to watch I guess.
The Sun and Moon are today in combustible signs (Fire and Air), if yesterday did not set your world aflame, today might.
Today Venus in Capricorn turns direct in motion at 09-22 GMT. She has been in retrograde motion since Christmas Eve. From today the collective anima is 'on the move again', if female responses have been somewhat reserved of late, and if 'values' have held precedence over 'instincts', that is about to change, slowly at first it must be said.
The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Aries trines Pluto at 18-33 GMT and is void of course from that moment for six hours. The Moon shines far to the lower right of Mars this evening, and less far below the brightest stars of Aries.
Saturday February 4th 2006
Many people are feared to have died after an Egyptian ferry carrying about 1,400 people sank in the Red Sea. Dozens of bodies and at least 300 survivors were reportedly pulled from the water, as rescuers scoured the area in poor weather before darkness fell last night. The local times on the graphics above are 3 (for Saudi) and 2 hours (for Eqypt) ahead of GMT. The time of the sinking appears to be around 00-00 GMT at the start of February 3rd 2006. SEE tomorrow's comment for more astrological details on this tradegy.
Some four and a half hours later a strong earthquake registering magnitude 5.9 shook north-eastern Japan, but there was no danger of a tsunami, the Meteorological Agency said. The quake, which struck at 1:37 p.m. (0437 GMT) on Friday, was centred about 30 kilometres (19 miles) below the seabed in the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of Ibaraki prefecture (state), the agency said.
During the day that followed Muslims staged fresh protests in the row over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, as Denmark - where the row started - made a new bid to calm anger.
We are now at the mid point in time between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. 'Stirring' is underway in the northern hemisphere as summer starts to wane in the south.
The Moon approaching 'fixed first quarter phase' (tonight. Mars is the orange dot about a fist-width at arm's length to the Moon's upper left), enters Taurus today at 01-31 GMT. Her passage through Taurus over the next couple of days will be fraught, in addition Mercury in Aquarius is applying in a fixed square aspect to Mars, this one is indicative of anger, the aspect peaks on Sunday evening.
All in all the weekend looks a tough one.
Sunday February 5th 2006
At the exact moment of the Full Moon on January 14th 2006, the Moon was at exact lower culmination at Duba, the sea port on the Saudi Arabian Red sea coast where The al-Salam Boccaccio '98 set off on its fateful final voyage last Thursday night. It was local noon at that Full Moon moment, the Sun and the Full Moon straddled the prime meridian of the Port, Mars was rising and Jupiter was setting over Saudi Arabia and would shortly straddle the horizon of Duba. The moment stamped a mark of destiny for the month ahead on the sea port.
On Thursday night (February 2nd 2006) at 19-00 local time, (16-00 GMT) the roll on roll off car ferry is reported (BBC times) as setting sail for Egypt. At that time Mars was approaching culmination over Duba, locked tightly into a Fixed cross with the Local Ascendant, Mercury, Neptune and Jupiter. Mars was also globally conjunct the Saturn Uranus mid point, and let me emphasise conjunct the local MC (within 2 degrees) and square the local Ascendant (within half a degree).
There was also a strong fifth harmonic in the chart of the ferry's departure, this was a global phenomenon (mentioned in my column the previous day) involving Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto.
All of these significant astrological factors appear to have contributed to this awful shipping disaster which has taken at least 900 lives and is one of the world's worst. It is a manifestation of the potent planetary forces arrayed at this time.
Survivors yesterday said a fire burned for hours on the Red Sea ferry before it sank, leaving 1,000 people feared dead. (It must be remember that the Moon was in Aries).
Elsewhere yesterday Syrians torched Scandinavian embassies to protest against the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
The UN nuclear agency voted to report Iran to the Security Council, but Iran says it will resume uranium enrichment. The Iranian president has ordered his country's nuclear agency to halt snap United Nations checks of its nuclear facilities from today.
A stampede outside a sports stadium in the Philippine capital, Manila, has left at least 73 dead, many of them women, with more than 300 injured.
A district governor is among 25 people killed after a fierce battle between Afghan troops and Taleban fighters in Afghanistan, officials say.

The tough times continue. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are today in Fixed signs. Expect no let up to the world troubles just yet.
Asteroid 2006BM55 will pass within 2 million miles of the Earth today. I have no further details of this 'near Earth flyby'.
The Moon reaches first quarter phase today at 16 degrees Taurus at 06:30 GMT squaring the Sun and Neptune at that time. She moves on to form a fixed T-square with that duo and Jupiter peaking around 11-46 GMT .
Mercury squares Mars 20-09
The Moon conjuncts Mars 20-55, The Moon shines near Mars and the Pleiades this evening, as shown above.
The Moon occults the Pleiades tonight, visible from Hawaii and the west coast of North America.
The Moon finally squares Mercury and is void from 21-00
Monday February 6th 2006
Demonstrators yesterday set fire to the Danish embassy in Beirut, as protests against cartoons of Muhammad spread.
Families waiting at Safaga port vented their anger at the lack of news of relatives on the doomed Egyptian ferry. Today The Sun makes its annual conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius at 06-33 GMT.
The decelerating waxing Moon enters Gemini 07-33, the Sun and the Moon are then both in air signs, communication is again the watchword today.
The Sun squares Jupiter in Scorpio at 18-17 GMT.
Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius at 20-50 GMT.
All in all a busy and multitudinous day, with a larger than life feel to it..
Tuesday February 7th 2006
Protests against cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad are sweeping the world, leading to several deaths.
George W Bush yesterday outlined a $2,770bn budget, with more money for defence, but less for social areas.
A French woman (above) who had the world's first face transplant yesterday appeared before the media for the first time.
Astronomers finally have put some numbers on the physical characteristics of dark matter, the mysterious material that dominates the Universe, but which is invisible to current telescope technology and is one of the great enigmas of modern science. It looks like you cannot ever pack it smaller than about 300 parsecs - 1,000 light-years; this stuff will not let you. That tells you a speed actually - about 9km/s - at which the dark matter particles are moving because they are moving too fast to be compressed into a smaller scale. It comes in a 'magic volume' which happens to correspond to an amount which is 30 million times the mass of the Sun. These are the first properties other than existence that we've been able determine.
State of the skies:-
There are now fifty days remaining to the Total Eclipse of the Sun on March 29th 2006.
The decelerating but waxing Moon in Gemini forms a finger of fate pattern with the ongoing sextile between Venus and Jupiter at 17-00 GMT. The Moon will again appear very high in northern hemisphere skies over the next few nights because of the Lunar Major Standstill occurring this year.
Mercury (an evening star) is whizzing through late Aquarius and jet streams into Pisces on Thursday of this week. His next encounter is an exceptionally tight alignment with Uranus on Valentine's day (Feb. 14th).
Venus (magnitude 4.5,) is climbing into better view during dawn; look for her low in the southeast. She is moving in direct motion now, relationships can start to get 'back on the tracks', although her head rules her heart up to March 5th when she moves into Aquarius. (The way to her heart is through her mind). Having said that, she is currently locked into an affair with Jupiter, a longish sextile aspect which peaks on Saint Valentine's day! As mentioned above the Moon joins in (fatefully) with their dance today.
Mars has ten days left in Taurus. The end of his very long stay in this sign can soon be celebrated. (Time to move on young man). Before he leaves Taurus he will make a fateful and difficult 150 degree aspect to Pluto, this one occurs between now and the Full Moon next Monday, tighten your seat belt.
Jupiter in Scorpio is currently in a fixed square aspect with Neptune which covers all matters right now with a delusionary colouring, this one is simply the sign of the times.
Wednesday February 8th 2006
A team of scientists says it has found a "lost world" in an Indonesian jungle, home to dozens of new species.
In the UK yesterday Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri was jailed for seven years for inciting murder and stirring up race hate.
British reinforcements were sent to an Afghan town after riots over cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad.
Today the waxing and decelerating Moon in Gemini (with a very high altitude for northern hemisphere observers) trines Mercury in Aquarius at 13-04 GMT and is void from that moment until 16-34 GMT when she enters Cancer. From 16-34 GMT the restless multiplicity of the past couple of days gives way to a shrewd, instinctive and essentially more emotional vibration. Today we enter a brief vulnerable period dominated by Mars making a 'fateful' 150 degree aspect to Pluto, invoking all manner of deep emotions and actions, prior to a powerful Full Moon next Monday.
Thursday February 9th 2006
The deadly strain of bird flu was yesterday found for the first time in Africa in Nigerian poultry.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Iran and Syria are fuelling Muslim anger in the cartoon row.
The political leader of Hamas said the group is ready to talk to Israel but will not renounce violence.
International monitors praised the running of Haiti's general election, as vote-counting yesterday got under way. US aviator Steve Fossett has taken off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, in an attempt to make the longest non-stop flight in his Virgin GlobalFlyer plane. Fossett began his trip from Nasa's Kennedy Space Center at about 1220 GMT Feb. 8th 2006 (0720 local time), and plans to cover 41,978km (26,084 miles) in 80 hours.
New evidence from a Martian meteorite has re-opened the debate over whether Mars once had life.
Today Mercury enters Pisces 01-22 GMT and starts to draw to an exceptionally tight alignment with Uranus on Valentine's day (Feb. 14th). Mercury will remain in Pisces right up to April 16th 2006 (Easter Day). Deep thought forms emerge from the sea of universal consciousness, thinking and communication takes on a more mellow, wiser, unfathomable quality.
During this long residence in Pisces, Mercury will undergo his retrograde motion. This will result in him making three repeated watery trines to Jupiter, on Feb. 20th, March 16th and April 4th, (which offer further depth of though, grand visions and positive schemes), and three repeated mutable squares to Pluto, on March 1st, March 5th and April 14th (which can induce manic and megalomaniac thought forms). Make certain all current decisions, affairs, communications and travels are concluded within the next week. After about 17th Feb. the inertia of this planet as he approaches his station will induce 'drag' on all these issues.
The Moon today in glorious high altitude (in Northern Hemisphere skies) reaches gibbous phase 02:43 GMT at five degrees Cancer. The procession to the Full Moon begins in earnest today. There is much emotion to experience today and tomorrow.
Friday February 10th 2006
Today the slow moving Moon in Cancer opposes Venus in Capricorn at 01-40 GMT. The opposition is made easy by Jupiter.
After a long day with a 'community care' feel to it, the Moon finally becomes void of course with a sextile to Mars at 21-54 GMT. The Moon remains void for five hours. The tensions associated with the coming Full Moon are now greatly increasing.
Saturday February 11th 2006
The Moon enters Leo 03-45 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Saturn meeting him at 17-08 GMT.
This is a powerful and serious crescendo of resplendent energy being unleashed as the Moon slowly draws to her climax. Her conjunction with Saturn however is serious and sobering.
Sunday February 12th 2006
The nearly full Moon in Leo forms a very tight T-square with Neptune and Jupiter around 16-00 GMT. The massive build up to tomorrow's full moon is uncompromising. This is a day of big deals, and colourful displays. The emphasis is on 'play' and on 'self'. The lion roars.
Monday February 13th 2006
Full Moon 24 degrees Leo at 04:45 GMT
This is the last Full Moon before the Penumbral Lunar eclipse of March 14th 2006. As such the passing of this Full Moon heralds a new Eclipse Season. We are all about to enter a season of changes.
This Full Moon is a regenerating and transforming experience, brimming with power, surprise, and both difficulty and opportunity. The Full Moon is heavily square Mars and Jupiter (in fixed T-square arrangement) but thankfully trine Pluto. At this time Venus is sextile Jupiter, Mercury is moving to a near exact alignment with Uranus in Pisces, Jupiter is square Neptune. There is intoxication, glory, creativity, adoration, and universal extroversion embedded into this lunation.
Many cities world-wide are 'starred' at the moment of exact Full Moon. The Full Moon herself is on the local Mid heaven of Caracas and La Paz It is sunrise at Ankara. Uranus rises at Mecca and is on the Mid heaven of Soeul, Pluto rises at the Malvinas islands, and is (significantly) on the Mid heaven at Tehran. Jupiter is on MC of Rome and sets at Lahasa and Rangoon, Venus rises at Paris, Neptune rises at Istanbul and is at lower culmination at New York.
For the UK, it could be a somewhat grim affair. At London Capricorn rises with Saturn squaring the local Mid heaven and the Full Moon herself directly on the natal Saturn of the UK 1801 chart.
The Full Moon squares Mars at 11-49 GMT and the Moon then becomes void till 16-14 GMT when she enters Virgo..
Tuesday February 14th 2006
Iran has resumed some uranium-enrichment work at its Natanz nuclear plant, a first step in a process that can potentially yield either fuel for atomic reactors or bombs, diplomatic sources said on Monday.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Residents were digging out Monday from a winter storm that dumped more than two feet of snow on some parts of the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states, forcing travellers around the country to change their plans.
The Moon in Virgo reaches apogee (slowest all month) at 00:51 GMT.
The Moon opposes Mercury and Uranus in Pisces at 11-45 and 12-17 respectively.
Venus sextiles Jupiter 13-26 GMT
Mercury conjuncts Uranus in tropical Pisces 15.33 GMT 0.02 degrees separation. This is the closest planetary conjunction all year. Electrifying thoughts will arise, unseen circumstances may emerge and unexpected events may occur.
(Mercury acquires a taste for this conjunction, when he is in retrograde motion next month he almost make another but then turns direct again at the last minute and avoids it.)
Minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star Chi Leo approx. 19:52 to 20:53 GMT.
We are at the very start of a new eclipse season. As the next seven or eight weeks progress we can expect changes.
Wednesday February 15th 2006
The Sun sextiles Pluto 02-03 GMT
The slow but accelerating waning Moon at 05-00 (at 18 degrees) Virgo forms a midpoint picture with Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter at that time sextiles both. As the Moon reaches 27 degrees Virgo she forms a trapezium with Pluto, the Sun and Mars. (Time around 23-00 GMT). Between both of these times a day of critical discernment ensues.
Thursday February 16th 2006
Officials in Haiti have agreed to declare Rene Preval president after an election dispute which triggered big protests.
France for the first time has accused Iran of using its nuclear programme as a cover for military activity.
Today the Moon (very slow moving but accelerating) trines Mars and becomes void at 03-22 GMT.
She enters Libra 05-10 GMT.
The Sun and Moon are then both in air signs. The emphasis is now on 'balance'. It is a less 'critical' day than the previous two.
Three more days remain with the Sun in Aquarius, 41 days to a Total Solar Eclipse, and 27 days to a penumbral Lunar Eclipse (from an old Saros series), and 12 days to the next New Moon.
Friday February 17th 2006
The Moon reaches disseminating phase at 14 degrees Libra 08:27 GMT
The Moon at 19 degrees Libra (19-30 GMT) forms a complex tight planetary pattern with Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus.
Mars completes his very long sojourn in Taurus and at last enters Gemini 22-44, this is a momentous change after so long a time! He beckons to Venus to join him in air signs and will have to wait till March 5th when Venus does just that and enters Aquarius.
Saturday February 18th 2006
An entire village has been buried by a major landslide in the central Philippines following heavy rains. Nineteen people are known to have died and 83 have been found alive so far, but rescue officials said between 1,500 and 2,500 might be buried in the mud. This event occurred on Friday morning local time.
Egypt has detected its first cases of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus in several parts of the country.
Scientists meeting in the US predict there will be 100 million more hungry people across the world by 2015.
The Moon in Libra occults Spica at 04-56 visible to observers in central Africa, the far North East of USA and Canada. This is the 7th of 23 occultations in the current series.
For full details click here http://www.lunar-occultations.com/iota/2006bstar/0218zc1925na.htm
The Moon trines the Sun and becomes void of course at 17-00 GMT. Twelve minutes later the Moon enters Scorpio.
The Sun enters Pisces 19-26 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in water signs for two days. A much more emotional way of being can be expected than of late.
The start of the astrological month of Pisces is a difficult one as the Sun squares Mars tomorrow and probably spoils the day.
Sunday February 19th 2006
Observe how the Mercury Uranus conjunction at the moment of last week's Full Moon aligned to the MC of Southern Leyte where rescue work continues on the Philippines island where 1,800 people are feared dead following a huge landslide on Friday.
Today at 11-00 GMT the Moon in Scorpio forms a trapezium pattern with Venus in Capricorn, the Lunar Node in Aries, and Saturn in Leo.
The Sun at the first degree of Pisces squares Mars at the first degree of Gemini at 15-33 GMT. A difficult day is forecast.
Monday February 20th 2006
This morning, Monday, Feb. 20th, if you happen to be awake at the crack of dawn, look out the window. Jupiter and the Moon are having a pretty close encounter. The pair are so bright you can see them even after the sky turns morning blue
The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has continued to spread, with India, France and Iran becoming the latest countries to confirm the presence of the virus. In western India the strain was found among thousands of dead chickens at a farm, and health officials are testing eight people for possible infection. France and Iran also reported their first H5N1 cases, following tests carried out on dead birds. The strain has killed at least 90 people since it emerged in 2003. In the UK the public has been told not to panic over the threat of bird flu as the government has taken "all necessary measures", the defence secretary says.
State of the skies:- The Sun is now in Pisces. The vernal equinox is in four weeks. We are currently in the 'foothills' of an eclipse season, March 2006 will witness two eclipses. The immediate weeks ahead hold 'eclipse enforced changes'.
Mercury is an evening 'star' in Pisces and he makes a watery trine aspect to Jupiter at 04-03 GMT today, (a 'fair meaning' aspect) this aspect will repeat itself on March 14th and on April 5th because of Mercury's retrograde motion next month.
The waning and accelerating Moon in Scorpio is today conjunct Jupiter 06-15 GMT. At 10-03 GMT the Moon sextiles Venus and is then void of course for the remainder of the GMT day. Nothing of astrological substance can be expected after this time.
Venus is gathering momentum as a very bright morning 'star' in Capricorn. She will form a dalliance with Mercury (sextiling him over many days) before she enters Aquarius on March 5th. She has been in the doldrums for quite some time, her power and experimentation will increase as the season unfolds, right now she is in 'conservation mode'.
Mars is now freshly on course in Gemini. A real breath of fresh air. He is applying in a sextile aspect to Saturn (and the Lunar Node) reaching these aspects before the end of February. An application of effort in the field of human dynamics and communication would be in keeping with the times right now. Three days before the coming Lunar Eclipse next he will square Uranus striking a decisive and sudden blow at something.
In the outer planetary realms Jupiter in Scorpio is making a fixed square to Neptune in Aquarius. This one keeps us all guessing, a vast brooding uncertainty envelops us all. Take care.
Tuesday February 21st 2006
A fresher feel to today!
The Moon enters Sagittarius 02-38 GMT and forms a tight mutable T-square with Mars and the Sun at 06-30 GMT. She reaches last quarter phase at 3 degrees Sagittarius 07:18 GMT and then forms a fiery grand trine with the Lunar Node and Saturn around 12-42 GMT.
The Moon occults the fixed star Antares for of much of Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia around 19-40 GMT.
Wednesday February 22nd 2006
Yesterday at least 22 people were killed and 30 injured in an explosion at a market in Baghdad.
At least seven more people have been killed on the fourth day of the heaviest fighting seen in the Somali capital Mogadishu for several years.
Time is running out for 65 Mexican workers who are trapped underground after a blast in a coal mine in the northern state of Coahuila.
European shares hit a 4-1/2 year high yesterday, led by utilities, after Germany's E.ON trumped Gas Natural's bid for Spanish utility Endesa with a 29.1 billion euro ($35 billion) offer.
The briskly moving, accelerating and waning Moon today burns through Sagittarius. The Sun and the Moon (and Mercury, Mars, Pluto and Uranus) are today in mutable signs. Movement is the message.
Mercury in late Pisces is entering a fairly long lasting sextile aspect with Venus in Capricorn. The symbolism here is of heart and mind in harmony. The interplay between these two planets extends into the first week of March. An opportunity to put feelings into words and images is at hand. This aspect may be good for poetry, music, and art of all kinds.
Thursday February 23rd 2006
Before After
Yesterday six Sunni Iraqis were killed as thousands staged protests after a bomb attack on one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam. Dozens of Sunni mosques are reported to have been targeted. Civil war appears to be possible in Iraq right now.
At least 20 Nigerians died in two days of anti-Muslim attacks in a southern city as sectarian violence spreads.
Iran has offered to help finance the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority governed by the Hamas militant group The decision follows moves by the US and Israel to isolate a Hamas-led government with financial penalties.
Today the rapidly waning Moon is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 02-06 GMT and is void of course from that moment. The Moon enters Capricorn at 08-17 GMT and starts to make a series of astrologically pleasant aspects over the next couple of days.
Mars in Gemini today starts to sextile the Lunar Node (in Aries) and Saturn (in Leo) peaking in three days time. This aspect is conducive to effective intervention and positive action.
Mercury (in Pisces) sextiles Venus (in Capricorn) at 22-16 GMT, and remains in orb for over a week, this one is conducive to effective communications and the potential to win hearts and minds.
Friday February 24th 2006
This morning and tomorrow morning, the waning Moon shines in the dawn with bright Venus, as shown here.
Mercury is at greatest elongation, 18° east of the Sun in the evening twilight. Mercury occults the star 14 Piscium for Australia.
Yesterday more than 100 people were killed in the aftermath of the bomb attack on a key Shia Muslim shrine in Iraq.
Ugandan election officials started counting the votes after the first multi-party elections for 25 years.
At least 49 people were killed and nearly 30 injured as a market roof collapsed in Moscow
The city of Onitsha in south-eastern Nigeria is calm after two days of anti-Muslim riots left many dead. Nigerian human rights workers say they have counted 80 bodies following two days of reprisal attacks by crowds of 'Christians' armed with machetes.
A gang of armed robbers has stolen up to £50m from a security depot in Kent. These are the key events in what is thought to be Britain's biggest robbery.
Tuesday, 1830 GMT (Moon 9 degrees Sagittarius shortly to occult the fixed star Antares and applying in square aspect to Uranus). Two gang members posing as police officers with an unmarked car persuade the Securitas depot manager to pull over in his car at a lay-by on the A249 near Stockbury. One man speaks to the manager and convinces him to get into their vehicle, where he is handcuffed. At about the same time two more gang members, also posing as police, go to the manager's home in Herne Bay and tell his wife and eight-year-old son he has been involved in an accident.
Wednesday, 0100 GMT: ( Moon 12 degrees Sagittarius). The manager, his wife and son, are taken to the depot in Tonbridge. He is forced to let one of the gang into the premises.
Wednesday, 0215 GMT: (Moon 13 degrees Sagittarius applying in a sextile aspect to Neptune) After loading the money - new and used bank notes - into a 7.5 tonne white Renault truck, the gang drive away from the depot.
Today the rapidly waning Moon in Capricorn makes easy aspects all day and reaches balsamic phase 19:40 GMT at 21 degrees Capricorn. All day long she draws to a conjunction with Venus which peaks shortly after midnight tomorrow. The astrological vibration today is sublime and tends to the inert.
Saturday February 25th 2006
The balsamic and rapidly diminishing Moon conjuncts Venus 00-23 GMT, sextiles Mercury at 00-58 GMT and is void from that time. She enters Aquarius 10-15 GMT.
Around 19-00 GMT the Moon, then at 5 degrees Aquarius, is arranged with Saturn, Mars and the Lunar Node in a tight planetary picture.
Sunday February 26th 2006
At least 36 people were killed across Iraq as the authorities struggled to contain sectarian violence in which at least 165 have died this last week.
The French president Jacques Chirac has told consumers not to panic over the discovery of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu on a turkey farm.
Yoweri Museveni is declared Ugandan president for a third term, as his opponent rejects the result as rigged.
MORNING COMET: A new comet, Comet Pojmanski, is emerging in the morning sky. You can find it just east of Venus before sunrise: . A small telescope or binoculars are recommended. The 5th-magnitude comet looks like a fuzzy blue star with a short tail--very pretty. Spaceweather.com
Mars in Gemini today stands at the midpoint of Saturn and the Lunar Node and is sextile both. With the fast moving old Moon in Aquarius (conjunct Neptune 15-05 GMT) this looks to be a day of 'clear vision'. Planned activities should go well. A measure of temperance and good timing is there to be taken from this day.
Monday February 27th 2006
Yesterday a series of mortar attacks on a Shia district of Baghdad killed at least 16 Iraqis and injured more than 40.
Security forces reinforced positions around a high-security Afghan jail in the grip of a major uprising.
Since February 23, 2006 the astronomical community has been abuzz with activity following the closest long-duration Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) observed since 1998. Major telescopes on the ground and in space are being trained on the source. Research astronomers have high hopes that further study of this event will provide crucial details about the connection of long GRBs (extraordinarily powerful bursts of very-high-energy radiation that last several seconds to several minutes) to supernovae (the explosions of massive stars). NASA's detected the GRB at 3:43:30 Universal Time on February 18th. In less than 3 minutes Swift's Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope slewed to the correct coordinates, in the constellation Aries, and found the afterglow of the burst. Astronomers all over the world were alerted, and an armada of telescopes began to observe the fading afterglow. Sky and Telescope
Today the rapidly waning Moon in Aquarius on the last day before a New Moon sextiles Pluto 16-26 GMT becoming void at that time, is at perigee 20:37 GMT (fastest all month) and enters Pisces 21-56 GMT, joining the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in that sign.
As the day ends the Moon is just 32 minutes from being New.
Tuesday February 28th 2006
Yesterday, the day before a New Moon, Niger became the third African country to have confirmed cases of the deadly strain of bird flu
The European Union approved more than 120m euros in aid to meet the basic needs of the Palestinians.
New Moon 9 degrees Pisces 00:32 GMT
The New Moon is conjunct Uranus in Pisces. Mercury in Pisces (about to turn retrograde) is square Pluto in Sagittarius and sextile Venus in Capricorn. Mars in Gemini sextiles Saturn in Leo, Jupiter in Scorpio is square Neptune in Aquarius. This lunation is an 'awakener'. The planetary emphasis is on mutable water, (moving water), there are ripples in the ether, watery yet magnetic currents of events connections, transmissions. This new Moon is a herald of times to come. Magic is afoot.
At the moment of New Moon (00-32 GMT) the Sun, Moon and Uranus are rising over Calcutta, Dacca and Lhasa. The are on the Mid heaven of Northern New Zealand. They are setting over the central USA especially Denver and at Mexico City. The same three planets are conjunct the IC of Western UK, and Madrid
This is the final New Moon before the Total Eclipse of the Sun on March 29th. We are now deeply into an eclipse season with the next Full Moon on March 14th being a penumbral lunar eclipse.
Once the new Moon is over the slender baby Moon conjuncts Uranus at 02-40 GMT and then spends the rest of the day bringing the news to Mercury whom she meets in the small hours tomorrow. A deep and dreamy day is in store for us all. In quieter moments a far away look in people's eyes may be noticeable. During more raucous minutes there is a ground swell of collective emotions at work, following the shoal, following the tides.
Jupiter passes just 3 arc minutes north of the 5th-magnitude star Nu Librae this morning.
Mercury (about to turn retrograde) squares Pluto 14-35 and will remain in orb of this 'manic' square aspect for the next week and will make a third hit on April 14th..
Mars sextiles Saturn 18-21, Mercury sextiles Venus 22-07 GMT.
March 2006
Wednesday March 1st 2006
New Moon old headline-yesterday an attack on a Baghdad Shia mosque killed at least 15 people, hours after four other blasts claimed 35 lives.
Fighting resumed at Afghanistan's main prison, after talks with rioting inmates appeared to break down.
Thousands gathered in New Orleans for the climax of the first Mardi Gras since Hurricane Katrina.
A domestic cat in Germany has become the first European Union mammal to die of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu.
High and heavy ocean tides are predicted for the next two days around the coasts of the world.
Today the fast moving tiny new Moon conjuncts Mercury 03:56 GMT 0.6 degree separation. (Zodiacal conjunction 04-03 GMT). The Moon sextiles Venus at 04-14 GMT and is void from that point.
The infant Moon enters Aries 09-19 GMT, and make easy aspects from this moment up to 05-00 GMT Friday.
The Sun is conjunct Uranus 11-02 GMT.
More urgency may be apparent today. There is a flash of inspiration in the ether. Catch the flavour!
Thursday March 2nd 2006
A quiet news day occurred yesterday. Yesterday, like today, sees the very young Moon making 'kind' planetary aspects.
Today there are eighteen days to the Vernal Equinox, twelve days to a Lunar Eclipse, and twenty seven days to the Total Solar Eclipse. Day by day now we are becoming deeply immersed in an eclipse season. As we draw closer to each of the two eclipses so the potential for fateful occurrences (global, national and personal), induced by these astrological events, increases.
The young Moon rapidly waxes in Aries. She makes easy aspects today.
Mercury turns retrograde 20-29 GMT at 27 degrees Pisces square to Pluto. (He has been in square aspect to Pluto for a week now and will continue to be in orb for the next few days). He is retrograde for 23 days, turning direct four days before the Total Solar eclipse. The days ahead are bound to be coloured by the 'messenger of the Gods' in reverse motion. Much that has been done may be undone, much that has not been spoken may now be set right, fate has a habit of twisting and turning.
Friday March 3rd 2006
On January 2, 2006, Grzegorz Pojmanski at Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory in Poland noticed a 12th-magnitude comet on an image taken the day before in Chile for the ASAS sky survey. The comet was in the constellation Indus in the far southern sky. The time to look for it now is just as morning twilight begins at your location. Go out and scan low above the horizon to the left of dazzlingly bright Venus, as shown above. Note the shape of the triangle that Venus and Altair form with the comet's position. Sky and Telescope.
Yesterday the US and India finalized a controversial nuclear power deal during President George W Bush's visit to Delhi.
In the UK Sir Menzies Campbell was crowned Liberal Democrat leader.
Today The fast moving (but decelerating) Moon reaches crescent phase 06:14 GMT at 28 degrees Aries. She squares Venus 07-43 GMT becoming void of course at that moment before entering Taurus 10-23 GMT. The day from that point in time becomes 'rock solid', wills harden, inertia gathers. The rather 'subdued' feeling to the day may well extend right through to Sunday afternoon (GMT).
Saturday March 4th 2006
The crescent Taurean Moon makes reasonable aspects in the first half of the day but difficult astrological factors hijack the second half.
Jupiter turns retrograde 17-31 GMT.
At 18-21 GMT the Moon in Taurus forms a fixed T-square with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Aquarius.
To add insult to injury Mercury squares Pluto 22-32 GMT.
Sunday March 5th 2006
The Moon in Taurus is sextile Mercury at 08-15 GMT and is void of course from that moment.
Venus enters Aquarius 08-39 GMT. she has been having a bit of a hard time of it in Capricorn all year so far. From today she frees herself of her shackles. She meets with Neptune in Aquarius in three weeks time, three days before the Total Eclipse of the Sun.
The Moon occults the Pleiades (14-25 GMT) for central Asia, India and China before entering Gemini 14-38 GMT. From this point the Sun and Moon are in mutable signs, there is more give, more flow, more movement.
The Moon approaching first quarter (and then her eclipse in 9 days time) will ride at very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies over the next few days because of the current Lunar Standstill.
Monday March 6th 2006
Yesterday Iran threatened full-scale uranium enrichment if its nuclear work is referred to the UN Security Council.
The UN said immediate food aid is needed for 3.5m Kenyans to prevent many more starvation deaths.
Thousands protested in Bangkok, calling for Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to resign.
On March 6th and 7th, the near-Earth asteroid (also known as asteroid number 23187) will be flying by Earth, missing us by 2 million miles in the northern sky. The asteroid will be 12th magnitude those evenings as it races across the sky; users of 4- or 6-inch and larger telescopes should be able to see it creeping against the background stars if they know exactly where to look. Sky and Telescope
Today the Moon in Gemini tightly conjuncts Mars 0.44 degrees separation 06:04 GMT (zodiacal conjunction 05-55 GMT).
Moon first quarter 20:17 GMT 16 degrees Gemini. This is a 'Major first quarter Moon' in the current 'Lunar Standstill'. It will be very high in northern hemisphere skies.
Venus quintiles Jupiter today the final of three such aspects, the others were on 27th Nov. '05 and Jan 8th '06.
Tuesday March 7th 2006
Comet Pojmanski is in fine view this week for binocular observers in the Northern Hemisphere, glowing low before dawn. It's about magnitude 5½, with a small round head and a long, thin tail.
A giant crater made by a space impact millions of years ago has been found in Egypt's western desert. (Photo above)
The Hamas-dominated parliament yesterday revoked laws giving Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas more powers.
The sentencing trial began of the only person indicted in the US for playing a direct role in the 9/11 attacks.
Austria yesterday said it has detected the potentially lethal H5N1 strain of bird flu in several live cats.
State of the skies:- The Sun is now in the second half of Pisces. We are deeply into an eclipse season, with eclipses of the Sun and Moon occurring during this calendar month.
The Moon now past the first quarter phase and moving slower by the day, starts today in Gemini and forms a mutable planetary T-square with Pluto and Mercury peaking around 15-00 GMT. The Moon is opposite Pluto 16-10 GMT and is void of course from that time. She continues towards next Tuesday's Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at very high northern hemisphere altitude today. She enters Cancer 22-39 GMT and makes easy aspects for the following 60 hours from that time.
Mercury is moving retrograde in Pisces, passing between the Earth and the Sun in inferior conjunction on Sunday.
Venus having only two days ago sailed into Aquarius is now faced with the prospect of opposing Saturn on Saturday.
Mars like Venus is currently in an air sign (Gemini) and also like Venus is currently applying in difficult aspect ( a square with Uranus) on Saturday.
Jupiter is square to Neptune right now which is one of the major hallmarks of 2006.
It appears that as we enter the final week before the Lunar Eclipse we have a slight lull before the storm today and tomorrow, but from Thursday of this week the planetary pressures and tensions begin to tell their tale. Saturday looks especially difficult.
Wednesday March 8th 2006
Yesterday at least 15 people died in bomb blasts in the Indian city of Varanasi - one of the centres of Hinduism.
Iran called for compensation for suspending past nuclear activities as the UN nuclear watchdog mulls next steps.
A new study identified 20 regions in the world which may become extinction 'hot-spots' in the near future.
Researchers said that the next eruption of Mount Vesuvius could be more deadly than thought, putting 3m at risk
The Great Red Spot that has dominated Jupiter's cloud tops for more than 100 years now has a companion. (Photo above)
Today the blessed Cancerian Moon, waxing steadily and slowly to her eclipse next Tuesday, makes a solitary trine aspect to Uranus at 20-18. Both the Sun and the Moon are today in watery signs conferring an essential emotion flavour to the day. Sensitivity and protection are to the fore.
Thursday March 9th 2006
Yesterday gunmen dressed in police uniforms kidnapped 50 workers during a raid on a private security firm in Baghdad.
At least 20 people were killed after a church roof collapsed during a service in Uganda's capital, Kampala.
A child in south-east China has become the 10th person in the country to die of bird flu, state media has reported.
The bright, waxing Moon (in tropical Cancer) lines up between Saturn below it and Castor and Pollux above it this evening, as shown above. She is drawing us all with her towards eclipse next Tuesday. Pressure is now starting to increase. She makes 'easy' aspects today.
A tight planetary grand trine involving the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter forms around noon GMT today. There may be a potential at that time for breakthrough and success.
The Moon trines Mercury at 20-42 GMT and is void of course from that moment.
Friday March 10th 2006
The main world news yesterday appeared to be that of an armed ex-teacher taking 20 students and at least two adults hostage at a school in western France.
Condoleezza Rice said that Iran may pose a greater challenge than any other country to the US,.
Iraq hung 13 people for taking part in the insurgency, the first such execution since the US-led invasion.
Today the slowly waxing Moon enters Leo at 09-43 GMT, and spends all day applying in conjunction with Saturn which occurs at 19-42 (opposite Venus). The Moon reaches gibbous phase 19:59 GMT at 5 degrees Leo. The procession towards the climax of the lunar cycle commences. The pressure and intensity of next Tuesday's Full Moon and penumbral Lunar Eclipse will now start to bite.
Venus is applying in opposition to Saturn and Mars is applying in square aspect to Uranus. Both of these aspects are very difficult and the both peak tomorrow.
Tomorrow is very a intense day astrologically speaking.
Saturday March 11th 2006
An oil spill at Prudhoe Bay field is confirmed by US officials as the largest ever on Alaska's North Slope region.
Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has died in The Hague, Belgrade B-92 radio reports.
Tom Fox, one of four peace activists held hostage in Iraq, has been found shot dead in Baghdad.
The US space agency's latest Mars probe successfully places itself in an orbit around the Red Planet.
There is a net loss of ice to the ocean from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, a space-based survey suggests
Venus opposes Saturn 07-32, (within 2.7 degrees of exact linearity). The opposition is made easy by the Lunar Node.
Mars squares Uranus 16-49 GMT.
Around midnight the very slow moving Moon in Leo forms a fixed T-square with Jupiter and Neptune.
Sunday March 12th 2006
An oil spill of about one million litres at Prudhoe Bay field has been confirmed by US officials as the largest ever on Alaska's North Slope region.
Inferior conjunction of Mercury 02-44 GMT.
The slow Moon trines Pluto 15-39 GMT and is void from that time. She enters Virgo 22-24 GMT.
We are now within fifty hours of a Lunar Eclipse and fully under its 'pre-effects'.
Monday March 13th 2006
Moon apogee 01:48 GMT. She slowly and seemingly reluctantly approaches her eclipse tomorrow.
Pressure is full on.
All day long the Moon applies to a tight mutable T-square with Mars and Uranus peaking at 23-00 GMT.
Tuesday March 14th 2006.
Yesterday a 'low news day' saw world news reports dominated by intrigue and mystery concerning the death of Slobodan Milosevic.
Burma reported what is believed to be its first case of bird flu, in chickens near the city of Mandalay. At the exact moment of maximum eclipse today The Moon sets (and the Sun rises) at Mandalay.
The number of UK troops in Iraq will be reduced by 800 to 7,000.
Today (from 21-21 GMT) the Full Moon will pass through the penumbral shadow of the Earth. During the build up to the eclipse, the Moon opposes Neptune at 13-02 GMT, but the opposition is made easy by Jupiter.
Mercury in retrograde motion trines Jupiter 21-10 GMT, this is the 2nd of 3 such aspects, the first was on Feb. 20th, the final hit is on April 5th.
Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon 23-48 GMT at 24 degrees Virgo.
Timings of the Eclipse.
Penumbral phase starts 21:21:32 GMT
Geocentric Conjunction 22:40:12.4 GMT
Maximum eclipse 23:47:31.6
Penumbral phase ends (Tuesday March 15th) 02:13:32 GMT.
Saros series.
This eclipse belongs to an old Saros Series (number 113) which began on April 29th 888 AD. The central eclipse moment of that first eclipse was 18:43:45 UT (Universal time). At that time the eclipsed moon in Scorpio was opposite Pluto (today's eclipse is square Pluto) and square Saturn in Leo. That first eclipse in this Saros was harsh and difficult. There are echoes of that in today's eclipse.
This eclipse is number 63 of the 71 eclipses in the series. It is the first of the final nine penumbral eclipses. The last eclipse in the series is on June 10th 2150.
The previous eclipse in the Saros Series was on March 3rd 1988, and the one before that was on Feb. 21st 1970.
The state of the sky at the time of this eclipse.
The eclipse is square Pluto. Jupiter is square Neptune. Mercury in retrograde phase is trine Jupiter. Saturn is opposite Venus and Mars is square to Uranus. There are no planets in Cardinal signs and only one (the Moon herself) in Earth signs.
At the moment of maximum eclipse the moon is on the mid heaven of Eastern France, and follows a line from north to south across Africa from Algiers to Lagos.
It is exactly Moonrise at Chicago. The Moon is setting (and the Sun rising) at Rangoon and Mandalay. Venus straddles the MC at Tokyo and Darwin. Neptune rises at Karachi. Jupiter rises at Rio and Recife (Brazil), Mars is on the Mid heaven of Mexico City.
Wednesday March 15th 2006
The very slow moving Moon (senseless in post eclipse trauma) is square Pluto 04-33 and void of course from that moment.
She enters Libra 11-13 GMT, sobering up somewhat, and makes easy (and possibly pleasant) aspects for the next 60 hours.
There are NOW six days now to the Vernal Equinox which this year occurs in high eclipse season between eclipses of the Moon (yesterday) and the Sun (March 29th). The Sun squares Pluto on Friday and invokes poignant power plays.
Mercury in Pisces is retrograde and is now a morning star rising ahead of the Sun and inching closer to a conjunction with Uranus destined never to occur. Make no substantial plans or pronouncements at this time.
Venus is also a morning star but in Aquarius and is moving slowly towards a planetary arrangement with Jupiter, Mars and Neptune in ten days time. Her time approaches.
Mars is in Gemini, high, balmy, breezy and noncommittal. Venus influences his directions before the month is out.
We are now in a very special period between an eclipse and the equinox, the world moves on, these should be regarded as holy days, stay aware, alert and alive.
Thursday March 16th 2006
Tuesday's Lunar Eclipse coincided with street-level anger in Israel. Up to 18 people have been killed in violence in the central Iraqi cities of Balad, Baquba and Baghdad, including as many as 11 in a US raid. The Death of Milosevic (who had his natal North Lunar Node at the exact degree of Tuesday's eclipse) will also be linked to the eclipse by astrologers.
In the UK the strange news was that of six men in intensive care in hospital after taking part in a clinical trial for a new anti-inflammatory drug.
The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has been discovered in two wild ducks found dead in Sweden. The authorities in the western Indian state of Maharashtra say they have identified four cases of the strain
Today the slowly waning post eclipse Moon (still capable of invoking powerful events) glides smoothly through Libra. Her goal now is a union with the Sun in Total Eclipse in 13 days time.
Mercury in retrograde motion is within 5 degrees of a conjunction with Uranus which he will never consummate. He turns direct at the last moment. He remains within 5 degrees of Uranus till April 6th. This is a very 'jumpy' period.
Jupiter squares Neptune 07:02 GMT. (2nd of 3 aspects, 1st Jan 28th, final hit Sept. 24th)
A wide airy grand trine involving Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Gemini and the Moon in Libra rings out today from about 06-00 GMT to 15-00 GMT.
Friday March 17th 2006
The Sun squares Pluto 11-04 GMT. Power plays underway.
The slow moving but accelerating Moon in Libra, still making easy aspects occults Spica at 10-49 GMT for observers in the North West of South America.
The Moon is sextile Pluto at 16-31 GMT and is void from that moment, plunging into Scorpio 22-59 GMT.
Saturday March 18th 2006
The Moon slowly wanes (but accelerates) in Scorpio, applying to a conjunction with Scorpio which occurs tomorrow morning (GMT).
Both the Sun and the moon are in watery signs. Heavy emotional undercurrents at work today.
Mercury is applying to a very tense and critical square aspect with Mars which peaks in the early hours of tomorrow.
Not necessarily the brightest prospects today, but look for the waning Moon close to Jupiter in the skies of Earth around midnight local time.
Sunday March 19th 2006
The Moon now picking up speed reaches disseminating phase 13 degrees Scorpio 00:52 GMT .
Mercury retrograde squares Mars 01-09 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio 10-56 GMT
Monday March 20th 2006 .
The accelerating Moon is trine to the Sun 07-54 and becomes void of course. She enters Sagittarius 08-43 GMT.
She forms a fiery grand trine with the Lunar Node and Saturn around 17-30 GMT, just over an hour before the equinox moment.
From today retrograde Mercury is within 2 degrees of Uranus but will turn direct before the conjunction can occur. He remains within 2 degrees of Uranus up to April 2nd.
Spring Equinox 18:36:39 GMT
On this day of the Vernal Equinox, as the Sun crosses the equator and 'enters' Aries there is a predominance of planets in fiery and mutable signs. There are no planets in Earth signs, and a predominance of trine aspects.
The Moon in Sagittarius (close to Antares) forms a separating fiery grand trine and kite pattern with Saturn in Leo, The Sun and the Lunar Node in Aries. (Chiron conjunct Juno in Aquarius opposite Saturn completes the Kite).
Venus in Aquarius (exactly on the Sun Pluto midpoint) is applying in conjunction to Neptune and in trine to Mars in Gemini, and Mars applies trine to Neptune Aquarius.
Jupiter in Scorpio is square Neptune, retrograding Mercury applying to a conjunction to Uranus in Pisces, (exactly on the midpoint of Neptune and the Lunar Node), and squares Mars. At 18:36:39 GMT the exact moment of equinox the Sun rises at Southern Island New Zealand, and sets over Eire, and Portugal. It is local Noon at Dallas and Mexico City. Jupiter rises at Tehran, the Moon rises at Karachi where Mercury and Uranus straddle the IC of the city. Mercury and Uranus are rising at Brisbane and are conjunct the MC at Edmonton. Saturn rises at Washington DC and sets at Istanbul and Alexandria. The Lunar Node sets at London. Venus is on the IC of Moscow, and Neptune is on the IC of Baghdad.
There is some promise of easier astrological energies at work at this equinox but with the major planetary pattern separating and Mercury in retrograde motion, the message here is probably one of working with mistakes rather than embarkation into new directions. On the personal levels however with the building Venus, Neptune, Mars airy trines there is some optimism for illuminating communications.
Tuesday March 21st 2006
The run up to Vernal Equinox yesterday coincide with a powerful tropical cyclone hitting Australia's north-east coast, packing winds of up to 290km/h (180mph). Tropical Cyclone Larry smashed into Queensland at Innisfail, about 100km (62 miles) south of Cairns, making thousands homeless.
The US said it does not accept the results of elections in Belarus, already condemned by poll monitors.
Both the Sun and the Moon are now in fire signs.
Today the waning Sagittarian Moon occults the fixed star Antares for East South America and South Africa around 01-30 GMT on Tuesday 21st March. The Moon squares the Mercury Uranus conjunction during the GMT morning and opposes Mars 15-35 GMT (made easy by Venus and Neptune).
The next major astrological event is the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries one week tomorrow. In the build up to the eclipse we will experience an astrologically special arrangement this coming weekend involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune in Aquarius nicely trine to Mars in Gemini. Excitement and planetary stimulation are now on the cards.
Wednesday March 22nd 2006
The death of five people in Azerbaijan brings the world's bird flu human toll to 103 since 2003, the WHO says.
The streets of Nigeria's cities are quiet, as people stay at home to be counted in the first census for 15 years.
Authorities in Nepal say at least 36 policemen and Maoist rebels have been killed in clashes across the country.
Venus and Neptune at 15 degrees and 19 degrees Aquarius respectively are building to a trine aspect to Mars (currently 17 degrees Gemini) which peaks on March 26th.
Today the Moon is conjunct Pluto and becomes void of course at 09-47. She remains in this state for nearly six hours then enters Capricorn 15-36 GMT reaching last quarter phase at 2 degrees Capricorn at 19:12 GMT. This is a 'Major last quarter Moon' in the current 'Lunar Standstill'. It will be very low in northern hemisphere skies (and very high in the south). It is also the final last quarter moon before the Total Solar Eclipse one week from today.
Retrograding Mercury is within 1 degree of Uranus and will be for the next week, turning direct before the conjunction can occur. A very nervy period is forecast during this time.
Thursday March 23rd 2006
Yesterday Basque separatist group Eta announced a permanent end to its four-decade campaign of violence in Spain.
A fire broke out at a nuclear plant in western Japan, injuring two people but causing no radiation leak, officials say. The blaze took hold in a waste disposal facility at the Ohi power plant in Fukui, 380km (236 miles) west of Tokyo.
Initial tests on dead chickens suggest the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has spread to the Gaza Strip, Israeli and Palestinian officials have said.
"Things are getting weird around Jupiter's new red spot--Red Jr.," says astrophotographer Christopher Go. "A ring inside the spot is now more prominent, and there are 2 big white ovals just above it." Red Jr., in short, is looking a bit like Mickey Mouse. Spaceweather.com
Today the accelerating Capricorn Moon just past last quarter, and as if sensing the important Total Solar Eclipse next week today makes a series of significant aspects. She sextiles Uranus 12-37 GMT, sextiles Mercury 15-02 GMT, forms a 'finger of fate' planetary picture with Jupiter and Mars around 22-00 GMT, and finally sextiles Jupiter at 23-31 becoming void from that moment for the following 20 hours.
Venus is creeping up on Neptune, heavily and headily intoxicated by his glamour, and she senses a favourable and imminent contact with Mars, her suitor, locked into an planetary arrangement with Jupiter. This is high times material, and despite a rather forlorn day for most of tomorrow, there is planetary intrigue afoot.
Friday March 24th 2006
Yesterday a Briton and two Canadians were released in Iraq after being held hostage for almost four months.
More than 125 people are feared drowned after a boat capsized off Cameroon's coast.
Violence erupted in Paris as thousands of French students hold protests over a controversial labour law.
A jet engine that could reduce flight times between London and Sydney to two hours is ready for launch in Australia.
Today the waning Moon, accelerating towards total eclipse with the Sun next Wednesday, after a long 'void of course' period all day, enters Aquarius 19-22 GMT.
The day from that moment changes for the better, an astrologically interesting weekend awaits.
Saturday March 25th 2006
The fast moving waning Moon opposes Saturn 02-57 GMT, the opposition made easy by the Sun and the Lunar Node.
The Sun trines Saturn 07-04.
Venus squares Jupiter 12-10.
Mercury turns direct in motion 13-36 GMT.
Mars trines Jupiter 13-52 GMT
Sunday March 26th 2006
The Moon, Venus and Neptune are trine Mars.
The fast moving Moon is conjunct Venus 02-24, conjunct Neptune 02-40 and reaches balsamic phase 20 degrees Aquarius 05:01 GMT
Venus conjunct Neptune in Aquarius, separation 1.83 degrees at 11:16 GMT (the zodiacal conjunction is at 06-30 GMT).
The Moon sextiles Pluto 15-19 GMT and is void from that point in time. She enters Pisces 20-33 GMT
Monday March 27th 2006
During the weekend when Venus was aligned to Neptune, and Mercury to Uranus and a whole lot of other significant astrological stuff going off, clashes between US troops and Shia militants in Baghdad have left many Iraqis dead.
Ukraine has held parliamentary polls that may undermine President Yushchenko's "Orange Revolution".
Thousands of people have fled their homes to escape violence in the north of Central African Republic (CAR). Aid agencies estimate that more than 7,000 refugees have crossed the border into Chad in the past few weeks. TThis area is not exactly on the path of totality of wednesday's eclipse but people in that region will notice a large part of the Sun's disc 'missing' in two days time.
Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has survived a critical phase in its mission by parking itself in an elliptical orbit around the Red Planet.
The first computer circuit to be built on a single molecule has been unveiled by researchers in the US. It was assembled on a single carbon nanotube, a standard component of any nanotechnologist's toolkit
A study in the US journal Science suggests a threshold triggering a rise in sea level of several metres could be reached before the end of the century.
Today Venus in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini at 02-41 GMT.
The very fast moving ancient Moon in Pisces conjuncts Uranus (within 1.3 degrees) at 16-06 GMT. She conjuncts Mercury (within 2.3 degrees) at 18-03 GMT. She then has no planetary obstacles to engage before her union with the Sun on Wednesday in Total Solar Eclipse.
Tuesday March 28th 2006
(The Colonel gets ready for the Total Solar Eclipse
at maximum intensity over Libya on Wednesday morning).
Watching the world news very carefully now as Wednesday's eclipse draws near, yesterday the US military faced growing political pressure in Iraq over a raid on a mosque complex that left 20 people dead.
Ukraine's revolutionary rivals considered reuniting to block a pro-Russia party that seems to have polled most votes.
More than 200 prisoners in a South African jail began a hunger strike demanding free anti-retroviral drugs.
Libya started opening its doors to thousands of tourists for this week's total solar eclipse and says all nationalities are welcome - except Israelis.
Today on this day before Total Solar Eclipse the very rapidly moving and very old, wise and waning Moon in Pisces reaches perigee (fastest motion all month) at 07:06 GMT. She trines Jupiter in Scorpio, then squares Mars in Gemini, and finally squares Pluto in Sagittarius at 15-21 GMT. She is void from that time entering Aries some five hours later at 20-32 GMT. Today is so vacant and so open its as if the space time continuum has become deeply sensitive and impressionable. The future is like a new book waiting to be written and then read. Time is suspended, normal business will be resumed a soon as possible, a big astrological event approaches which changes us all.
Wednesday March 29th 2006
Yesterday about one million people protested against French labour laws as Paris police clashed with demonstrators. In the UK more than a million workers were striking over pensions, hitting transport and council services. Israelis went to the polls in a general election that is being called one of the most important in their history.
Sky watchers across the globe are preparing to watch a total eclipse of the Sun today. An area spanning 14,500km (9,000 miles), from Ghana to Mongolia, will see the Moon completely cover the Sun for several minutes.
The Total Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries is visible from Europe, Africa and west Asia. Totality is visible from central Africa, Turkey and Russia. Central eclipse time is 10-11-21 GMT.
The astrological chart for central eclipse, set for London.
Timings of the Eclipse.
First penumbral contact 07:36:48.4 GMT
First umbral contact 08:36:28.6 GMT
Full umbral immersion 08:56:28.6 GMT
Full penumbral immersion 09:44:37.2 GMT
Maximum Eclipse 10:11:17.6 GM
Geocentric Conjunction 10:34:22.5 GMT
End of full penumbral immersion 10:37:28.0 GMT
End of full umbral immersion 11:45:54.5 GMT
Last umbral contact 11:47:56.4 GMT
Final penumbral contact 12:45:40.6 GMT
The Global moment.
The eclipse is trine Saturn.
At the moment of maximum eclipse the shadow is on the Chad Libyan border. The Eclipsed Sun is on the MC of Istanbul, Alexandria and Johannesburg. The Sun is setting at Perth Australia and rises at Buenos Aires.
The Venus Neptune conjunction rises at Minneapolis and Dallas and sets at Karachi (where Jupiter is conjunct the IC 'starring' this city once again).
Saturn rises at Baghdad, Kiev and at Stockholm and sets at Denver and Bismark. Pluto is on the MC of Montreal and New York and is setting at Dublin and Toulouse. Jupiter is on the MC of Edmonton, the Mercury Uranus conjunction sets at Lhasa, Mars is conjunct the MC of Bangkok.
Pluto turns retrograde 10-19 GMT (eight minutes after central eclipse moment) as the umbral shadow shoots north and east over Libya.
Saros series
This eclipse belongs to Saros series 139. It is the 29th eclipse of a total of 71 eclipses. The first eclipse of the Saros Series was a partial Solar Eclipse in arctic regions on May 17th 1501 (central eclipse time 03:24:36 UT). The series finishes on July 3rd 2763 AD. This Saros series 'went total' in 1861 and today's eclipse is the 10th total eclipse of the series. The climax of this Saros is in 2186 AD, so this family of eclipses is currently in the prime of its life, strong vibrant and powerful and approaching fulfilment
The first eclipse of the series (back in 1501) was in Gemini, (with Saturn and Mercury) tightly square Uranus in Pisces , conjunct Saturn in Gemini and loosely opposite Pluto in Scorpio. The energy and tone of the entire series has a 'critical' edge. It invokes movement, communication and restlessness. The last two eclipses in the series were in March 1988, and March 1970.
After the eclipse is over the spanking new tiny infant Moon, still womb warm and hung over with birth trauma memory, waxes and decelerates in Aries, making no planetary aspects for the remainder of the GMT day but slowly draws to a series of sextile aspects which ring out tomorrow. Relax in the rushing flaming silences.
Thursday March 30th 2006
The day of the eclipse (yesterday) started with news of the Israeli election. Informal talks have begun in Israel on a new coalition government after the election victory of the Kadima Party.
Sky watchers around the world were held in thrall as they caught a glimpse of the 'ultimate astronomical show'.
Today the fast moving, but now decelerating, tiny baby new Moon (still in Aries) sextiles Neptune 03-10 GMT, Mars 07-16 GMT, Venus 09-46 GMT and finally trines Pluto at 15-42 and becomes void of course at that time. She enters Taurus 21-02 GMT. Its as if all the Gods of the ancient world are taking turns to take a peek at the new infant Moon. It could be a good day.
World news yesterday was luke warm, it takes time to adjust to the deep and momentous changes initiated by an eclipse, let us watch the world news carefully now in this 'sensitive' 72 hours or so after the event.
Big ocean tides will occur today and tomorrow all around the earth.
Friday March 31st 2006
The heat is on. Iran has 30 days to return to the negotiations or face isolation, foreign ministers from six major powers yesterday warned.
The day after the Total Eclipse over Turkey hundreds of Kurdish youths have clashed with Turkish police in the town of Batman, in a third day of street violence in south-eastern Turkey.
A major cyclone is crossing Australia's remote north-west coastal region as thousands of residents ride it out.
Women to the fore....Jamaica is to swear in its first female Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller. (Picture above left). Leaders from around the world are gathering in the Jamaican capital, Kingston, for Thursday's inauguration. The Pakistani Air Force (PAF) has inducted four women as fighter pilots for the first time. (Picture above right).
Rising flood waters have forced thousands to leave their homes in the southern Czech Republic, with warnings that other areas are under threat.
Today and Saturday the waxing young Moon decelerates in Taurus. Issues, circumstances, developments and changes 'take root'. Her next astronomical encounter is an occultation with the Pleiades tomorrow night (GMT).
April 2006
Saturday April 1st 2006
The Moon in Taurus forms a fixed T-square with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Aquarius around 04-00 GMT. She squares Venus at 15-53 GMT and is void of course from that moment. She reaches crescent phase at 27 degrees Taurus at 18:24 GMT, occults the Pleiades for the North east of North America and enters Gemini 23-50 GMT.
A pretty tough day is forecast, issues and personalities strongly immovable. The advice is to go gently and aim for the path least resistance.
Sunday April 2nd 2006
We are now starting to pull out of the current eclipse season.
The crescent Moon decelerates and waxes in Gemini. Both the Sun and the Moon are in positive signs today and tomorrow. A self- expressive couple of days are forecast, lots to do, and lots to talk about. Situations 'ignite and then disperse'. Five planets in mutable signs right now hence 'dispersion', 'transmission' and 'change' are the watch words.
Mercury is now gaining speed and motion in Pisces as a morning star, and currently applying in watery trine to Jupiter, optimism is on the crest of the immediate wave, the month ahead is one to push new ideas onto the world. The vision is to the future.
Venus in late Aquarius today makes a waxing sextile aspect to Pluto at 22-32 GMT. This is a day when affairs of the heart can be change for the better, take a chance, send out a love message.
Mars in Gemini, complementing the 'airy Venus' and the 'airy Moon' (not to forget the 'airy Neptune') awaits the approach of the post-eclipse Moon, and her new message. The Moon applies all day in conjunction with the red planet and will meet him tomorrow evening GMT.
Monday April 3rd 2006
(The crescent Moon and the Pleiades on Saturday night).
Condoleezza Rice (Sun sign Scorpio) and Jack Straw (Leo) yesterday called on Iraqi leaders to press ahead with negotiations on a new government.
Polling ended in Thailand's controversial election but it is unclear whether a government can be formed.
A boat which capsized off Bahrain (on Friday) with the loss of at least 58 lives was not licensed to sail as a pleasure cruiser, officials have said.
Physicists have confirmed that neutrinos, which are thought to have played a key role during the creation of the Universe, have mass. This is the first major finding of the US-based Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (Minos) experiment. The findings suggest that the Standard Model, which describes how the building blocks of the Universe behave and interact, needs a revision.
Today the decelerating and waxing crescent Moon is conjunct Mars 19-19 GMT in Gemini.
The next major planetary aspect is the opposition of Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Sagittarius which peaks next Saturday (8th April). There is always a health warning on this one. However despite the potential for violence this aspect can bring, the week as a whole has a mellower look.
The first quarter Moon, midweek, will be exceptionally high in northern hemisphere skies.
Tuesday April 4th 2006
Violent storms, with tornadoes and large hail, have swept several US states, killing at least 23 people. Tennessee was the hardest hit with 19 deaths reported. Three people died in Missouri and one in Illinois.
Things are heating up on the sun. The growth of sunspot group 865 continues; it now stretches more than 10 Earth diameters from end to end. The spot has a twisted and possibly unstable magnetic field that harbours energy for M-class solar flares. Meanwhile, flame-shaped prominences are dancing around the sun's limb. www.spaceweather.com
Today the Moon trines Venus and is void from 02-25 GMT. She enters Cancer 06-16 GMT.
The Sun and Moon are then in cardinal signs. The Moon slowing and approaching first quarter rises before noon local time and ascends to very high northern hemisphere altitudes.
Mercury trines Jupiter 15-26 GMT, the final of 3 over the past six weeks.
An instinctive day is in store.
Wednesday April 5th 2006
Yesterday the main news stories were:- Scientists successfully implant bladders grown in the lab from patients' own cells into people with bladder disease.
Former President Saddam Hussein is to be charged with genocide over a 1980s campaign against Iraqi Kurds.
Embattled Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra says he is stepping down after prolonged protests over his leadership.
Sudan stops top UN aid official Jan Egeland flying to Chad to visit Darfur refugees who fled there.
Polling is taking place in a Kuwaiti council by-election in which women are allowed to vote for the first time.
Today Saturn turns direct 12-33 GMT
The Moon slowing down reaches first quarter 12:02 GMT at 16 degrees Cancer. This is a 'Major first quarter Moon' in the current 'Lunar Standstill'. She will be very high in northern hemisphere skies.
Mercury trines Jupiter, the final of 3 such aspects, the other 2 were on Feb. 20th and March 14th. The moon joins in with these two today forming a watery grand trine around 16-23 GMT. At 17-20 the Moon becomes 'void of course' for the ensuing period of 23 hours.
Thursday April 6th 2006
A quiet day on the world stage yesterday where only the news of International singing star Gene Pitney, 65, dying in a Cardiff hotel midway through his tour of the UK seemed to grab the attention.
Today Venus enters Pisces 01-21 GMT. Softer, gentler love vibrations infuse the ethers.
The 'void of course' slow moving waxing Moon enters Leo 16-26 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in fire signs. The waxing Moon applies in conjunction to Saturn, appearing close in the evening skies and reaching him in the small hours (GMT) of tomorrow.
Mars tightens his grip on an opposition with Pluto, which peaks on Saturday.
Friday April 7th 2006
A swan found dead in Scotland on Thursday tests positive for the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu.
A third person is reported to have died of the deadly H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus in Egypt. The Egyptian news agency quoted an official statement as saying that the latest fatality was a 16-year-old girl from a province north of Cairo. The government says a total of 11 people in Egypt have caught the virus.
Today the slow moving Moon is conjunct Saturn in Leo at 01-10 GMT.
Mars is almost opposite Pluto.
Saturday April 8th 2006
Mercury is at greatest elongation, 28° west of the Sun in the dawn sky.
The Sun in Aries, Moon in Leo, Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Aquarius form a planetary trapezium around 07-18 GMT.
Mars opposes Pluto 08-17 GMT. A powerfully 'combustible' day is in store. Take care what you arrange for this morning.
The very slow moving Moon sextiles Mars and is void of course at 23-02 GMT.
Sunday April 9th 2006
The very slow moving Moon enters Virgo 04-59 GMT. The Sun sextiles Neptune 07-33 GMT. The Moon is at apogee 13:19 GMT and reaches gibbous phase 14:20 GMT 5 degrees Virgo
Monday April 10th 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun is two thirds of the way through Aries. There are 70 days to the solstice, (which from an astrological perspective is particularly important this year).
The gibbous Moon is very slowly waxing in Virgo and will reach the point of climax of full moon phase on Thursday. This full moon concludes the current eclipse season.
Mercury, a morning star rises ahead of the dawn,deep in the glow of sunrise, near the horizon far to the lower left of Venus still in Pisces where he has been since Feb. 9th, will align to Aries in six days time.
Venus, also a morning star, in Pisces, is applying in very tight 'near linearity' conjunction with Uranus, peaking in 8 days time.
Mars in late Gemini will 'enter' Cancer in four days time and is 35 degrees from a conjunction with Saturn which occurs three days before the aforementioned June 2006 Solstice.
Jupiter in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius the underlying 'slow release planetary aspect' of this season.
Tuesday April 11th 2006
The slow but now accelerating gibbous Moon, Mercury and Pluto form a mutable T-square around 08-00 GMT, the Moon then forms a similar pattern with Mars and Pluto around 13-00 GMT.
The Moon squares Mars at 14-59 and is void. She sails into Libra at 17-47 GMT and makes 'nice' aspects up to the full moon on Thursday.
Wednesday April 12th 2006
Under an opposition of Mars and Pluto last Friday, an apparent triple suicide bomb attack on a key Shia mosque in Baghdad left 85 people dead and 160 injured. The blasts happened as worshippers were leaving the Buratha mosque in the north of the city after Friday prayers. With an average of 35 deaths per day at the current time, the talk last weekend and right now is of the state of 'near civil war' which exists in that country.
Centre-left leader Romano Prodi narrowly wins Italy's election - but PM Silvio Berlusconi disputes the vote.
The United States has said Iran is "moving in the wrong direction" after its announcement yesterday that it has successfully enriched uranium. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran had become the latest nation with "nuclear technology".
Europe's Venus Express probe went into orbit yesterday around our nearest planetary neighbour after a five-month journey.
Today the accelerating Moon in Libra, waxing pleasantly to the full, makes a solitary sextile with Saturn 02-38 GMT.
Thursday April 13th 2006
Iran faces international pressure over its nuclear activities after saying it has enriched uranium.
Italy is facing weeks of political uncertainty, with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi refusing to accept Romano Prodi's election victory.
Is Iraq in a civil war or not? As sectarian killings continue, barely a day goes by now without someone fuelling the debate.
Full Moon 16:41 GMT 23 degrees Libra.
This is the first Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on 14th March.
The Full Moon occults Spica at 17-05 GMT for observers in he Middle and Far East and in Northern Australia.
Mercury squares Pluto 20-52 GMT, the final of three over the past six weeks.
The Moon sextiles Pluto at 22-42 GMT and is void from that point.
Venus is drawing close to a tight conjunction with Uranus which peaks on 18th April.
Friday April 14th 2006
Mars enters Cancer 00-59 GMT.
The Moon enters Scorpio 05-09 GMT.
The Moon rises tonight with bright Jupiter shining to its left, as shown above.
Saturday April 15th 2006
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio at 12-33 GMT.
The Moon in Scorpio is square Neptune and void of course from 18-29 GMT for a period of 20 hours.
Sunday April 16th 2006
At last Mercury enters Aries 12-20 GMT. He has been in Pisces since Feb. 9th
The Moon enters Sagittarius 14-20 GMT.
The Sun trines Pluto 19-32 GMT
A weak fiery grand trine involving the Moon, Mercury (and lunar node) and Saturn forms today around 20-00 GMT.
Monday April 17th 2006
On April 17th, 18th and 19th, Venus and Uranus are going to have a close encounter in the dawn sky. Simply look east before sunrise. As a guidepost, Venus can't be beat. It is so bright, people often think it's a landing airplane. Simply scan Venus with a pair of binoculars (or a small telescope) and you'll see Uranus right beside it. If the sky is very dark, you may be able to lift your eyes from the optics and see Uranus directly.
Note: Uranus and Venus are so close together, they are indistinguishable on the scale of this diagram.
On April 17th the pair will be separated by about one degree, the width of your pinky finger held at arm's length. On the 18th they'll be even closer together, 0.3 degrees. On the 19th the distance increases again to one degree. The view through a backyard telescope should be splendid. Diamond-bright Venus has phases, and at the moment it resembles a tiny half-moon. Uranus, meanwhile, is a little blue-green disk, clearly a planet. Set your alarm and see what the ancients missed. NASA
The Moon occults Antares for the southern half of South America, around 09-00 GMT.
The Moon squares the nearly climaxing Venus Uranus conjunction, Venus at 13-09 GMT, Uranus at 14-49 GMT.
Moon reaches disseminating phase 13:17 GMT 12 degrees Sagittarius.
Tuesday April 18th 2006
State of the sky :- A close Venus Uranus conjunction occurs today in Pisces, separation 0.29 degrees at 10:11 GMT, ecliptic conjunction occurs at 09-44. At the same moment Mercury is square to Mars at 09-56 GMT. The alignment is trine Jupiter. The waning Moon will occult Venus in Pisces next Monday. Extraordinary events are possible.
The Sun is in the last three days of the astrological month of Aries. Changes ring true from the weekend, an eclipse season behind us, sixty days then to the solstice.
The briskly accelerating disseminating Moon today conjuncts Pluto in Sagittarius at 15-12 GMT, then forms a trine aspect with the Sun at 18-41 GMT and is void from this moment, for a couple of hours. The Moon enters Capricorn 21-14 GMT, and is three days from last quarter phase. She then pulls to a sharp T-square which hits tomorrow 03-00 GMT. A day or so of adjustments are likely.
Mercury in Aries is in full direct 'flight' now, ideas, visions, plans and projections also in full flow at this time.
Mars in Cancer will form, over the next three weeks, a (lavish and overflowing) watery grand trine with the current dominant (and beneficial) major aspect of Jupiter trine Uranus. The wave approaching concurrent with this watery triangle of planetary forces, peaks during the period May 3rd to 9th, the days before the next full moon (Saturday 13th). One powerful, potentially positive, certainly global, wave to watch out for.
Wednesday April 19th 2006
The Danube flood wave has now reached the river's delta in Ukraine after hitting many Balkan communities. Ukrainian emergency teams are shoring up dykes and building sandbag barriers in the Odessa region. Several thousand people have been removed from their homes in Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria after floods caused by melting snow and heavy rain.
Oil hits a record price of $71.60 a barrel, above 2005's post-Katrina high, on fears of a nuclear standoff with Iran.
The moon at disseminating phase is today in Capricorn. The Sun and the Moon are in cardinal signs.
A tight cardinal T-square forms at 03-00 GMT involving the Moon, Mars and Mercury (with Lunar Node).
Mercury in Aries trines Saturn in Leo 21-09 GMT.
Thursday April 20th 2006
Nepalese security forces open fire on protesters in the capital, killing at least three people, hospital sources say.
There are fears of fresh violence in the Solomon Islands following the swearing in of a new prime minister.
The announcement of Snyder Rini's appointment this week sparked two days of rioting that has left parts of the capital, Honiara, in ruins.
Chinese President Hu Jintao has arrived in Washington for talks at the White House with US President George W Bush.
Scientists in Indonesia are continuing to monitor carefully the activity of a volcano which is threatening to erupt. The area around Mount Merapi in central Java has been put on the second highest level of alert, one below that needed to trigger a compulsory evacuation. For the past few days, Mount Merapi has been in an angry mood, spewing smoke into the air and rumbling ominously.
Earth is about to skirt the dusty tail of Comet Thatcher, and this will cause the annual Lyrid meteor shower. Forecasters expect 5 to 15 meteors per hour--modest, but pretty. The best time to look is during the hours before dawn on Saturday morning, April 22nd: . The Moon will also encounter the comet's tail on April 22nd,
Around 01-00 GMT the Moon hits the Venus/Jupiter midpoint sextiling them both. At 01-16 the Moon is void of course and remains in this state all day.
The Sun enters Taurus 05-26 GMT.
Venus is trine Jupiter 15-46 GMT.
Friday April 21st 2006
Nepal extends its shoot-to-kill daytime curfew to suppress new protests after a day of bloodshed in Kathmandu.
Troubled Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari says it is up to his political bloc to decide if he should stay on.
Nigeria will repay $6.4bn in debt on Friday, becoming the first African nation to reach a deal with its official lenders.
The Moon enters Aquarius 01-57 GMT and reaches fixed last quarter at 1 degree Aquarius 03:30 GMT.
The Moon forms a weak fixed T-square around 07-00 GMT involving Saturn and the Sun.
Saturday April 22nd 2006
Nepal's King Gyanendra yesterday called on the opposition to name a candidate for prime minister, trying to end mass protests.
Also yesterday to the tune of a brass band playing "Happy Birthday," a beaming Queen Elizabeth II joined throngs of loyal subjects at Britain's Windsor Castle to celebrate as she turned 80.
The Lyrid meteor shower should be at its peak in the hours before dawn Saturday morning. Most years this shower is weak but sometimes it brings surprises. The waning Moon will be in the sky but not shining too brightly.
Today is another day of Sun and Moon in fixed signs.
Around 11-16 GMT the Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius, forming at that time an unusual symmetric planetary arrangement involving the Sun in Taurus, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo, Venus in Pisces and Mercury in Aries.
The fast moving and waning Moon is sextile Pluto and void of course at 23-04 GMT.
Sunday April 23rd 2006
The rapidly waning Moon enters Pisces 04-44 GMT. She makes pleasant aspects today and accelerates to a conjunction with Uranus and an occultation with Venus tomorrow.
Monday April 24th 2006
With Nepal's seven-party political alliance soundly rejecting King Gyanendra's offer that they name a new prime minister, the stage is set for a showdown. The opposition says the king's offer does not address their central concerns, and opposition leaders have pledged to continue the protests, now entering a third week.
The authorities in Peru have declared a state of emergency around a volcano that has begun spitting ash and smoke after almost 40 years of inactivity. This is in addition to a volcano on Mount Merapi in central Java. The area around there has been put on a level of high alert.
Over the past weekend mortar bombs have killed at least six people in Baghdad, a day after parliament endorses a new prime minister.
Look low in the east-southeast during dawn Monday morning for the waning crescent Moon beautifully paired with Venus, as shown here.
The very fast moving Moon in Pisces is conjunct Uranus 03-07 GMT.
Moon conjuncts Venus 0.52 degrees separation 15:39 GMT (zodiacal conjunction 13-56 GMT). This conjunction is a daylight occultation for South America. Moon balsamic phase 12:29 GMT 19 degrees Pisces.
As these powerful lunar conjunctions sound out, the Sun applies all day in square aspect to the Sun tempering the day with leaden influence.
Tuesday April 25th 2006
A 'low news day' yesterday, as the old Moon aligned to Venus in Pisces.
Today the very fast moving Moon in Pisces squares Pluto and is void from 00-36 GMT for nearly six hours.
The Sun is square Saturn 01-33 GMT. Saturn is at quadrature, 90° east of the Sun in the evening sky. So this month and next, we're seeing the shadow of Saturn's globe cast farthest sideways onto the rings.
The old Moon storms into Aries 06-13 GMT and reaches perigee 10:32 GMT.
A fast moving day, premature even, whims and fancy, minor eruptions and ignitions are on the cards.
Wednesday April 26th 2006
At 17-15 GMT on Monday April 24th (BBC time) a triple bombing that has killed at least 23 people, mainly Egyptians, occurred in the Red Sea resort of Dahab. Three foreigners were among those killed, and some 62 people were injured in the blasts. The attack is the third strike against tourist resorts along Egypt's Red Sea coast in the past two years.
Yesterday a suicide bomb hurt Sri Lanka's army chief and killed eight, provoking air strikes against Tamil Tiger rebels.
Periodic comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 has broken into more than 30 different pieces as it approaches the Sun. This comet was discovered on May 2 1930.
Today the fast moving but now decelerating 'ancient' Moon is conjunct Mercury in Aries at 05-21 GMT. She continues to hurtle towards New Moon phase which occurs at 19.45 GMT tomorrow.
Thursday April 27th 2006
Yesterday, the day before the New Moon about 40,000 people fled Sri Lankan military strikes against Tamil Tiger targets, amid fears the cease-fire is at risk. at the moment of new Moon tomorrow Neptune rises on the local horizon of Sri Lanka.
A surge in violence in Sudan's Darfur region in recent months has forced some 200,000 people to flee their homes, according to the UN children's agency. The situation was deteriorating, the spokesman warned, with malnutrition on the increase and many cut off from aid. Mediators are trying to get the warring sides to reach a peace deal by Sunday.
China has secured four oil drilling licences from Nigeria as President Hu Jintao continues his week-long tour of Africa, his second in three years. In exchange China will invest $4bn (£2.25bn) in oil and infrastructure projects in Nigeria.
Only a few days ago, fragment B of dying comet 73P/Schwassmann Wachmann 3 split in two. One of those two pieces is now "in outburst," almost doubling in brightness since April 23rd. These false-color images show the pair yesterday:
Today the Moon in Aries trines Pluto and is void from 01-45 GMT. She enters Taurus 07-28 GMT. The day continues rather forlornly (like a wilted flower) as the lunar cycle fizzles out indescribably. The New Moon occurs some 18 hours later in that sign, and a new cycle begins.
New Moon 7 degrees Taurus 19:45 GMT
This New Moon in Taurus is the first to follow the Total Solar Eclipse of March 29th 2006.
The New Moon is sextile Mars in Cancer and square Saturn in Leo. Uranus is trine Jupiter. Venus in Pisces is square Pluto. Mercury in Aries is sextile Neptune and Mars trines Uranus. This New Moon looks to be 'promising'.
During the period of influence of this New Moon, Mars in Cancer will form, over the next two weeks, a (lavish and overflowing) watery grand trine with the current dominant (and beneficial) major aspect of Jupiter trine Uranus. The wave approaching concurrent with this watery triangle of planetary forces, peaks during the period May 3rd to 9th, the days before the next full moon (Saturday May 13th). One powerful, potentially positive, certainly global, wave to watch out for.
The astrocartographic map below shows the Sun and Moon setting as Jupiter rises over the UK at the moment of new Moon. The UK is 'starred' at this time.
Friday April 28th 2006
World news on the day of the new moon Iran's president remains defiant over the country's nuclear plans, a day before a key UN report on the crisis.
A night-time curfew has been imposed on the town of Trincomalee in Sri Lanka, after government air strikes aimed at Tamil Tiger rebels in nearby territory.
Hundreds more people in Romania have been forced out of their homes after the swollen Danube river again burst its banks at several spots.
UK news, labour government embattled, if 26 April 2006 was Blair's Black Wednesday, what words will be used to describe next Friday if Labour bosses' predictions of gloomy English local elections results come true. The party has long been braced for a poor set of results - even before Charles Clarke, Patricia Hewitt and John Prescott exploded onto the front pages.
Some 35,000 chickens at a Norfolk farm are culled after dead birds tested positive for a strain of bird flu.
Today the 'State of the skies':- The Sun is in the 9th degree of Taurus, and today applies in sextile aspect to Mars. Significant activity.
The brisk infant Moon also in Taurus opposes Jupiter (made easy by Uranus) around 08-06 GMT. Deliberate establishment of foundations, consolidation of purpose.
Mercury, a morning 'star', in Aries, is applying in sextile aspect with Neptune. Creative imaginings.
Venus, a morning 'star' in Pisces is applying in square aspect to Pluto. Salacious possibilities.
Mars in Cancer is drawing powerfully into a grand trine planetary picture with Uranus and Jupiter. This configuration will dominate the sky over the next couple of weeks. Important developments.
Saturday April 29th 2006
The young fast moving Moon in Taurus sextiles Venus in Pisces and is void from 01-32 GMT for very nearly 8 hours. The Moon in late Taurus occults the Pleiades for the East coast of China, Japan and the Philippines at dusk (local time) and enters Gemini 09-58 GMT.
The Sun sextiles Mars 09-33 GMT.
Mercury in Aries sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 13-56 GMT.
Looks to be a bit of a naughty Saturday night as Venus in Pisces squares Pluto.
Sunday April 30th 2006
The young Moon waxes and decelerates in Gemini, keep moving, keep talking!
Venus squares Pluto 07-45 GMT.
May 2006
Monday May 1st 2006
The Moon reaches crescent phase 07:38 GMT at 26 degrees Gemini moves on to square Venus at 11-14 GMT and is void of course from that moment. She enters Cancer 15-18 GMT.
Tuesday May 2nd 2006
Suspected militants yesterday killed at least 35 Hindus in the worst attacks in Indian-administered Kashmir for more than two years.
Immigrant workers in the US began a special day of protests to show how much they matter to the economy.
Watch the waxing crescent Moon cross Gemini in the western sky for the next few evenings, as shown above.
Comet Schwassmann- Wachmann 3 continues to crumble as it crosses the night sky. Its two main parts, now separated by several degrees, should be 7th or 8th magnitude this week, near the Keystone of Hercules high in late evening.
The Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Cancer. The vibration is essentially focused on 'hearth and home'.
The Moon is conjunct Mars in Cancer at 11-16 GMT and initiates a watery grand trine involving Mars, Uranus and Jupiter which will dominate the astrological sky right up to May 13th. The next 10 days or so are astrologically significant days.
Wednesday May 3rd 2006
Yesterday the main world news was that Silvio Berlusconi formally resigned as Italian prime minister, paving the way for Romano Prodi to take office.
In the UK as the local election week started with Home Secretary Charles Clarke under-fire. He will update Mps today about the freed foreign prisoners.
Just before the first light of dawn today, Uranus and the star 81 Aquarii are less than 1 arcminute apart. Southern Hemisphere observers are best placed. Sky and Telescope
Mercury in Aries trines Pluto in Sagittarius 10-15 GMT. A good time for forthright, powerful and truthful words
This day sees Mars, Jupiter and Uranus pulling together in tight watery grand trine. There are grounds over the next week or so for great optimism and invention.
Also today Venus enters Aries at 10-25 GMT and flashes through that sign in just 26 days. Affections will be unleashed, anima rising, instant ardour, love at first sight, forthright and impulsive expressions of admiration, all probable during this merry month. Remember though, Mars is in Cancer during this time, not a good response to the goddesses' overtures. Mars' energy is protective and defensive, the peak of contention between the heavenly pair is on May 17th when Venus and Mars are in square aspect.
The slow moving, decelerating, crescent waxing Moon in Cancer today squares Mercury and is void at 18-35 GMT.
Thursday May 4th 2006
A strong earthquake measuring 8.0 yesterday rocked the Pacific island nation of Tonga, but initial fears that it would trigger a tsunami receded. The US Geological Survey said the quake was centred some 16 km (10 miles) below the ocean floor about 160 km (100 miles) north-east of the capital, Nuku'alofa. It struck at 0426 local time (15:26 GMT May 3rd 2006)), the USGS said. There was no immediate word of damage or injuries. Tsunami alerts were issued across the region but were cancelled within hours. The earthquake was rated as the strongest quake of 2006 so far.
Bad weather is slowing recovery of the bodies of 113 people killed when a plane flying from Armenia to southern Russia crashed into the Black Sea. The Airbus A320 crashed at about 0215 local time (2215 GMT Tuesday May 2nd 2006)) as it made a second attempt to land at an airport near the Russian resort town of Sochi.
A suicide bomber has killed at least 15 people in the Iraqi city of Falluja by blowing himself up in a crowd of men waiting to join the police. The deaths are among dozens in the last 24 hours as insurgency and sectarian unrest grips the troubled country.
We are in the midst of an astrologically special few days. The skies of Earth are currently dominated by a planetary pattern called a 'Kite'. The Sun opposes Jupiter in Scorpio at 14-37 GMT today, forming a tight and powerful 'Kite pattern', with the ongoing 'watery grand trine', involving Jupiter, Uranus and Mars. This astrological arrangement will oversee the next two days.
The slowly waxing crescent Moon, approaching first quarter, enters Leo 00-18 GMT and is conjunct Saturn at 10-23 GMT. The Sun and Moon are in fixed signs, (together with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune).
The Sun in Taurus sextiles Uranus in Pisces at 12-19 GMT.
It may well be that shocks surprises and unusual news stories are in store for us all at this time. The earthquake yesterday maybe coincided with the start of this current astrological wave.
Friday May 5th 2006
Today we are midway between the vernal equinox and the June solstice.
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower should be at its peak before dawn around this date. The Eta Aquarids are mostly for tropical and, especially, Southern Hemisphere observers. Sky and Telescope
Jupiter in Scorpio makes a waning watery trine aspect to Uranus in Pisces 03:50 GMT. (This is the 2nd of 3. First Nov. 27th 2005, final hit Aug. 29th). This is a good-natured, big time aspect, invoking great vision, energy, optimism, invention and discovery. This aspects sounds out today but its influence covers the whole season.
The slow moving Moon forms a brief trapezium arrangement with Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun around 04-00 GMT and reaches first quarter phase at 15 degrees Leo at 05:14 GMT.
Mercury enters Taurus 08-28 GMT. He will whiz through this sign in just two weeks. These will be two weeks of very realistic and purposeful thinking.
The day is grand. This is a day for the young, and for childhood. There is play, theatre, art, and potentially generosity of spirit. We remain in the midst of very special days.
Saturday May 6th 2006
Sudan and the largest Darfur rebel group yesterday signed a deal aiming to end three years of conflict, but smaller groupings reject it.
The UK is starred as Charles Clarke was yesterday sacked as home secretary in the biggest Cabinet reshuffle of Tony Blair's career. Jupiter in Scorpio ( rising over the UK at the exact time of the new Moon one week ago, as the New Moon set over the UK), opposesd Blair's natal Sun in January, and in April this year and will do so again in September. Tony Blair has suffered a bad night in England's local elections with Labour losing more than 300 councillors.
(The big Total Solar Eclipse on 29th March in Aries was close to the Labour Party's natal Mars, 'it could stir up a hornet's nest within the party' daze2005 quote)
Today the very slow moving Moon in Leo, trines Pluto at 05-02 and becomes void of course. She tiptoes into Virgo at 12-20 GMT. Seriously critical attitudes and experiences then ensue.
During this weekend the current 'watery grand trine' planetary picture involving Mars, Uranus and Jupiter reaches the climax of its powerful influence. There is right now an essentially far reaching and optimistic planetary vibration. These are 'astrologically special' days, use them well.
Sunday May 7th 2006
The Sun and Moon (together with Mercury ) are in Earth signs. A practical day is in store.
Moon apogee ( slowest all month) 06:43 GMT
Mars in Cancer trines Jupiter in Scorpio at 09-14 GMT.
The 'critical', waxing, Virgoan Moon, sextiles them both Mars and Jupiter around 16-30 GMT. She opposes Uranus at 16-49 GMT forming at that time another brief kite pattern with the ongoing watery grand trine.
'Exactitude' is forecast for today.
Monday May 8th 2006
Iran's parliament yesterday threatened to force a withdrawal from a key nuclear treaty if a stand-off with the West is not ended.
Car bombs killed 14 people in Iraq as police found 43 bodies, believed to be victims of sectarian violence.
The UN's top humanitarian official called for UN peace keepers to be allowed into Sudan's Darfur region.
In the UK Tony Blair is the victim of a left wing plot to oust him as prime minister, Home Secretary John Reid yesterday said. About 50 Labour MPs are thought to have signed a letter calling for Mr Blair to name a departure date to end "debilitating" leadership speculation.
A powerful few hours are ahead of us.
Mars in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces 00-38 GMT.
Venus in Aries trines Saturn in Leo 02-57 GMT.
Mercury in Taurus squares Saturn in Leo 03-02 GMT.
The tense, critical, practical, industrial methodology of yesterday continues through today.
The slow moving but now accelerating Moon in Virgo squares Pluto in Sagittarius at 17-49 GMT and is void from that moment for the rest of the GMT day.
Tuesday May 9th 2006
For two days now, a solar wind stream has been buffeting Earth's magnetic field. This could spark geomagnetic storms and auroras over Alaska and Canada. Spaceweather.com
The head of U.S. intelligence says Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Scorpio Sun Sign born October 28th 1956) might be trying to influence a U.N. debate over Tehran's nuclear program by sending a letter to President George W. Bush. An Iranian government spokesman said the unprecedented letter proposed "new ways" to ease tension over Tehran's nuclear program, but it was unclear if it offered any compromise.
Today the rather slow moving Moon, waxing and accelerating, enters Libra 01-10 GMT and reaches gibbous phase 08:23 GMT.
The 'drawn out' build up and procession to the Saturday's Full Moon begins at the moment of the Moon reaching gibbous phase.
A fine balance of a day at its start, with a growing tendency to uncertainty, possible laziness, indecision and confusion as it progresses because of the Sun squaring Neptune tomorrow. Diplomacy in evidence.
Wednesday May 10th 2006
The Sun squares Neptune 14-03 GMT.
The Moon increasing in light and motion and approaching the full sails through Libra and approaches Spica, occulting the star for, Western African and Eastern US observers (see map below), around midnight tonight (GMT).
Jupiter shines left of the Moon this evening, as shown above. Alpha Librae below it is a nice, wide double star for binoculars.
Thursday May 11th 2006
Palestinian fuel supplies are set to be cut off over unpaid debts, hours after Mid-East mediators backed an aid plan.
Iraq's president yesterday called for an end to sectarian violence after figures showed it claimed 1,091 lives in Baghdad in April.
Britain's top government lawyer called for the closure of the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay.
The gibbous Moon in Libra occults Spica for observers in The North East USA and from most of West South Africa at 00-27 GMT. (This is the 10th of 23 monthly lunar occultations of Spica at the current time).
The Moon sextiles Pluto at 05-15 GMT and is void from that point.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 12-25 GMT, and approaching firstly Jupiter and then her full phase, dominates the night sky.
Mercury in Taurus opposes Jupiter in Scorpio at 23-20 GMT and the opposition is 'made easy' by Uranus in Pisces.
When the sun sets tonight, May 11th, go outside and look east. You'll see Jupiter and the Moon rising side by side--a beautiful pair. Jupiter is bright right now because it is unusually close to Earth
Friday May 12th 2006
Yesterday a sea battle between Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan government forces left at least 45 people dead, the navy says.
Many hundreds of residents of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, are fleeing their homes, as warlords and Islamist militias battle for control.
Indonesia's vice president has ordered the evacuation of some 17,000 people living near a volcano, which has been threatening to erupt for weeks.
A comet is delighting astronomers with a marvellous night-time display as it makes a near pass of the Earth. The ball of ice, rock and dust has broken up into more than 60 pieces; two of the larger fragments are visible through binoculars or small telescopes. At its closest approach this weekend, the comet will be some 10 million km (six million miles) from the Earth.
Today Mercury in Taurus sextiles Uranus in Pisces at 12-03 GMT.
The 'nearly Full' Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 13-14 GMT forming a third and final Kite pattern with the current watery grand trine which is overseeing all events during the first half of May 2006.
Tonight is the night of the 'Walpurgis' Full Moon. A glorious crescendo of lunar energy envelops the ecosphere.
Saturday May 13th 2006
Full Moon 22 degrees Scorpio 06:52 GMT (square Neptune).
This is the second Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of March 14th 2006, and the fourth Full Moon before the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 7th 2006.
The Full Moon is square Neptune, Mercury is sextile both Mars and Uranus and is opposite Jupiter. This is an intense lunation in which a measure of uncertainty may be seen to manifest.
At the exact moment of Full Moon, the Moon rises at Anchorage and Melbourne, where Jupiter rises also.
The Moon is on the MC of Denver, Mars rises at Athens.
For the UK this Full Moon falls on the natal Neptune of David Cameron and the natal Sun of Prince Charles, the Conservatory Party's MC and is square the Labour party's Sun Venus conjunction and square the UK's (1801) national chart.
The Moon becomes void of course from the moment of Full Moon (06-42 GMT).
The day ensues in full lunar 'voidness'.
She enters Sagittarius 20-57 GMT.
A minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star 2 Scorpio occurs tonight approx. 23:08 to 23:31 GMT.
Sunday May 14th 2006
The accelerating Moon in Sagittarius, (at very high altitudes in southern hemisphere skies) just past the full phase, occults the fixed star Antares for Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand around 14-00 GMT today.
Mercury, on the far side of the Sun aligned to the sign Taurus, sextiles Mars 04-05 GMT today and squares Neptune tomorrow. Mercury is at superior conjunction on Thursday.
Venus is a bright 'morning star' in Aries.
Mars in Cancer is creeping irresistibly towards a powerful conjunction with Saturn in Leo at the time of the June solstice.
This is a day to recover from the intensities of yesterday's Full Moon, but it is not a day of great clarity. The week ahead is astrologically 'quite quiet'.
Monday May 15th 2006
Mars is creeping rapidly eastward against the background stars of Gemini, while distant Saturn stands almost still. The scene above shows Mars' position tonight; watch it move with each passing day. Mars is creeping irresistibly towards a powerful conjunction with Saturn in Leo at the time of the June solstice.
At least 52 people are known to have died after two nights of attacks on police in Brazil's Sao Paulo state.
Fourteen Iraqis were killed yesterday in a double suicide attack near Baghdad's airport on a day of bloodshed in the capital.
An alliance of warlords and an Islamist militia have agreed a cease-fire in the Somali capital Mogadishu after more than a week of fighting.
The Sun has 6 days remaining in Taurus, there are 36 days to the northern hemisphere summer solstice. Mercury in Taurus squares Neptune in Aquarius 04-12 GMT.
Today the waning Moon in Sagittarius forms a 'finger of fate' pattern with the Sun in Taurus and Mars in Cancer around 06-00 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 20-16 GMT and becomes void of course for nearly 7 hours.
Tuesday May 16th 2006
The US is to take Libya off a list of terrorism sponsors and restore full diplomatic ties after more than 25 years.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has accused George W. Bush of committing genocide and said the U.S. president should be imprisoned by an international criminal court. Chavez was speaking at a news conference in London.
Criminal gangs yesterday staged more violent attacks in Brazil's Sao Paulo state where 70 people have so far been killed.
Activity on the Indonesian volcano Mount Merapi has intensified, with continuous clouds of ash, gas and rock fragments spewing from its crater.
Residents in south-east England will not be able to wash their cars after a drought order is imposed.
Today the Moon enters Capricorn 03-00 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then in earth signs ensuring a very 'grounded' sort of day, which favours order and 'jobs of work'.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 22:09 GMT 11 degrees Capricorn. She reaches very high altitudes in southern hemisphere skies
Wednesday May 17th 2006
World news right now appears reasonably tame as the accelerating Moon wanes in Capricorn.
The US yesterday released the first video of a hijacked plane crashing into the Pentagon on 9/11.
In the UK yesterday Tony Blair said building new nuclear power stations in the UK is "back on the agenda with a vengeance".
A killer typhoon spun closer to Hong Kong on Tuesday, forcing the city to urge small ships and fishing boats to seek shelter from the storm -- the strongest on record to enter the South China Sea in May.
Today another 'astrologically quiet' day is in store.
Thursday May 18th 2006
Yesterday world political news continued in 'tame' mode. However in the natural world Indonesia's Mount Merapi put on a fiery display as dawn broke on Wednesday, lighting up the early morning sky. (above)
More than 600,000 people have been evacuated from southern China as Typhoon Chanchu surges towards the Guangdong province.
A cholera epidemic in Angola has now killed more than 1,200 people in the past three months - the worst outbreak ever recorded in the country.
Five more people have died from bird flu in Indonesia, the World Health Organisation confirms.
Today the accelerating and disseminating Moon trines the Sun at 02-11 GMT and is void for just over 5 hours.
The Moon enters Aquarius 07-20 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in fixed signs, (together with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune). An intractable and static day is forecast, with hearts and minds frozen and unmoving. 'Fixed detachment' may appear to be the order of the day.
Mercury is at superior conjunction in Taurus at 20-02 GMT. Superior conjunction of Mercury is really a 'full Mercury' and symbolises an 'illuminated mind'. From this moment mercury is astrologically an 'evening star' setting after the Sun. Venus remains a morning star.
Friday May 19th 2006
Yesterday tens of thousands of Turks turned the funeral of a judge into a mass show of support for their secularist state.
Up to 100 people died as Afghanistan saw some of its heaviest fighting since the Taleban were ousted in 2001
Today the briskly moving Moon, approaching last quarter phase, is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 17-19 GMT.
Mercury enters Gemini 20-52 GMT. He will speed through this sign between now and June 3rd. The 15 intervening days will witness an overload of information, data, words, signals, chatter and fast communication. The 'universal mind' over the past couple of weeks has been realistic and pragmatic this now gives way to a multitude of connections, hunches and ideas.
Winds of change may start to blow from today.
Saturday May 20th 2006
The day starts and a deadly bomb hits a Shia area of Baghdad as parliament prepares to vote for a new government.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Taurus.
The fast moving Moon reaches last quarter phase 09:22 GMT at 29 degrees Aquarius and is void of course from this moment. She slips into Pisces 10-40 GMT.
Venus in Aries is sextile Neptune 18-13 GMT.
Sunday May 21st 2006
The Sun enters Gemini 04-32 GMT, and a new astrological month begins. The Sun and Moon are then both in mutable signs. We are now thirty days from the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.
The very fast moving Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces 1 degree separation 11:04 GMT.
Mars is 5° south of similar-looking Pollux now through to Thursday
Monday May 22nd 2006
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has vowed "maximum force" against terrorism, as fresh bomb attacks hit Baghdad.
Montenegro yesterday voted on whether to end its union with Serbia, in what could spell the final demise of former Yugoslavia.
The emir of Kuwait has dissolved parliament and set new parliamentary elections.
Today the very rapidly waning Moon in Pisces is square Pluto and void of course at 06-46 GMT.
Neptune turns retrograde 10-03.
The Moon enters Aries at 13-24 GMT
Moon perigee 15:26
Mercury sextiles Saturn 17-58 GMT.
"A comet is delighting astronomers with a marvellous night-time display as it makes a near pass of the Earth. The ball of ice, rock and dust has broken up into more than 60 pieces; two of the larger fragments are visible through binoculars or small telescopes. The closest approach of [Fragment C's] orbit to the Earth, 0.04 astronomical unit, occurs today May 22 at 20:00 UT. Thus the maximum of the meteor shower would be on May 22 or May 23, with a radiant of right ascension 208° [13h 52m] and declination +30° [in Canes Venatici, 12° north-northwest of Arcturus], and a geocentric velocity of 13.5 km/sec, which is quite slow." Unlike with many meteor showers, this radiant is highest in the sky as early in the night as 11 p.m. daylight saving time so the meteors would be visible any time from dusk to dawn.
If the shower does peak around 20:00 Universal Time May 22nd, that would be during evening on the 22nd for continental Europe, later at night for western Asia, and before dawn on the 23rd for Central and South Asia. But keep watch wherever you are; the shower, if any, could arrive many hours earlier or later than that.
Tuesday May 23rd 2006
An air strike by the US-led coalition in southern Afghanistan yesterday killed 16 civilians and 60 Taleban.
Rescuers in China say they now believe that an estimated 57 coal miners are trapped underground in a flooded mine in the northern province of Shanxi.
European shares yesterday tumbled nearly 3 percent to their lowest in five months, hit by weakness in oil and mining shares as some commodity prices fell and persistent concerns about inflation hit global markets.
Voters in Montenegro have decided narrowly to sever the country's union with Serbia, a move that breaks up the last two pieces of the former Yugoslavia, according to official preliminary results from the election commission.
Three medium-sized planets of roughly the same mass as Neptune have been discovered around a nearby sun-like star, scientists announced yesterday. The planets were discovered around HD 69830, a star slightly less massive than the sun located 41 light-years away in the constellation Puppis (the Stern), using the ultra-precise HARPS spectrograph on the European Southern Observatory's 3.6-meter La Silla telescope in Chile.
Today the very fast moving Moon reaches balsamic phase 17 degrees Aries 18:55 GMT and applies all day to a conjunction with Venus which is tightest tomorrow.
Venus in Aries makes a waning mutable square aspect with Mars in Cancer at 22-00 GMT.
The day looks combative with a series of challenges ringing out. Take care.
Wednesday May 24th 2006
Yesterday Serbia's president accepted the result of a referendum in which Montenegrins narrowly backed breaking with Serbia.
Fighter jets from Greece and Turkey collided over the Aegean Sea, killing the Greek pilot.
US stocks followed the European trend on Tuesday, bouncing back from falls amid further global market volatility.
Israeli PM Ehud Olmertnow meeting President Bush in Washington, with the West Bank high on the agenda.
Today the fast moving but now decelerating Moon is conjunct Venus in Aries at 05-36 GMT.
The Moon in Aries trines Pluto and is void of course from 09-16 GMT for seven hours.
She enters Taurus 16-01 GMT.
Thursday May 25th 2006
Yesterday Israel's prime minister used a speech to the US Congress to urge the Palestinians to be a willing peace partner.
As he spoke Turkish fire-fighters were tackling a huge fire that engulfed the cargo area of Istanbul's Ataturk International airport. (Photo above)
US shares and European markets slid further amid ongoing concerns about inflationary pressures.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) said it is extremely worried about a cluster of recent human deaths from the virulent H5N1 strain of bird flu. Seven people from the same family in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, died from the disease earlier this month.
All this was happening as the old Moon raced through the fire sign Aries
At dawn today forty eight hours remain to a 'constructive' New Moon and for the whole day the old Moon wanes in Taurus forming a fairly tight opposition to Jupiter at 11-28 GMT.
There is a jumpy edge to the 'feel' of today as Mercury zips in to square Uranus tomorrow. Expect enforced changes. The 'nervy' feeling will grow, till today becomes tomorrow afternoon (GMT). At the same time fate would have it that a powerful transformatory 'love influence' is also growing as Venus in Aries blossoms in a trine aspect to Pluto in Sagittarius.
Focus on the feelings rather than the words!
Friday May 26th 2006
Venus in Aries trines Pluto in Sagittarius 01-40 GMT.
The ancient 'whisper thin' Moon in Taurus sextiles Mars and is void at 10-39 GMT.
Mercury squares Uranus 13-48. The climax of the current awkwardness.
The Moon enters Gemini 19-19 GMT, and heads directly towards union with the Sun.
There is a measure of 'vision' to be glimpsed today of times ahead. Prophetic forces are at work.
Saturday May 27th 2006
New Moon 6 degrees Gemini 05:27 GMT (sextile Saturn)
This New Moon is the second following the Total Solar Eclipse of March 29th, and the 4th before the Annular Solar Eclipse on September 22nd.
The new Moon is tightly sextile Saturn. Mercury squares Uranus and trines Neptune. Venus trines Pluto and separates in square aspect to Mars. Jupiter is trine Uranus.
This new Moon has a harnessing quality, gathering and stabilising a plethora of new impulses.
At the moment of new Moon, the Sun and Moon in Gemini rise at Lagos. They are conjunct the local Mid Heaven of Rangoon and Mandalay. They are conjunct the IC of Atlanta and Havana.
Neptune is on the local MC of the UK, and Madrid. Neptune sets at Delhi.
Mars rises at Baghdad, Kiev and Stockholm.
Saturn is about to rise at Moscow.
Jupiter conjuncts the IC of Bombay, and Mars is on the MC of Sydney.
After the New Moon moment the day continues in vibrant and diverse ways. Communication becomes the main activity as the tiny infant Moon applies all day to a conjunction with Mercury now half way through Gemini. There may well be a real buzz to proceedings, lots of movement, lots of transmission.
Sunday May 28th 2006
The infant Moon is conjunct Mercury in Gemini at 02-21 GMT.
The Sun sextiles Saturn 04-49 GMT.
A similar vibration to yesterday is in store, there is much creative thinking and speaking going on, a veritable rush of new ideas and inspirations is underway.
The Moon sextiles Venus and is void at 23-23 GMT.
Monday May 29th 2006
A frantic search for survivors is continuing after a strong earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Java, killing more than 4,200 people. The quake hit at 0554 local time (2253 GMT Friday), six hours before the moment of the New Moon, around 25km (15 miles) south of the city of Yogyakarta.
Astrocartography maps set up for exact moment of the New Moon see Uranus setting exactly on the local horizon of the epicentre.
The New Moon has also 'brought about' Israel and Lebanon-based militants clashing across the border after an Israeli base was attacked, raising tensions.
Colombians yesterday voted in a presidential election surrounded - and dominated - by tight security.
State of the skies today:- The Sun is at 8 degrees Gemini, there are 22 days to the Solstice, (which is a particularly significant time this year).
The young waxing decelerating Moon today enters Cancer 00-34 GMT, rises just after the Sun and ascends to a high altitude placement in northern hemisphere skies. The next Full Moon is on June 11th and is midway between the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of March 14th in Virgo and the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 7th 2006. Because of planetary arrangements at the time it is astrologically a very powerful Full Moon.
Mercury, a fast moving 'evening star' in Gemini trines Neptune in Aquarius at 03-34 GMT.
Venus, a morning star, enters Taurus 12-41 GMT.
Mars in late Cancer is less than ten degrees from a conjunction with Saturn. He will enter Leo next Saturday and be conjunct Saturn in that sign on June 18th. The next three weeks is astrologically dominated by the build up to this conjunction.
It appears that we are in for a pretty turbulent month ahead.
Tuesday May 30th 2006
The young Moon makes a solitary trine to Uranus at 03-28 GMT. She reaches crescent phase 22:00 at 24 degrees Cancer and creeps up on Mars all day.
Mars is 9 degrees away from his conjunction with Saturn. The Moon is conjunct them both tomorrow.
Wednesday May 31st 2006
The Moon conjuncts Mars in Cancer at 04-42 and is void from this moment. She enters Leo 08-52 and is conjunct Saturn 22-37 GMT.
Jupiter in waning semi-square aspect to Pluto. (2nd of 3. First Dec. 7th 2005, final hit July 25th.)
June 2006
At the start of June 2006 the Venus Jupiter opposition (June 7th) forms a Fixed T-square with Saturn (June 4th 5th).
The Full Moon in Sagittarius (conjunct Pluto) on June 11th is a very powerful one.
Mars enters Leo on the 3rd June and is conjunct Saturn in that sign on June 18th.
An astrologically very significant Solstice occurs on June 21st.
A benevolent New Moon in Cancer occurs on the 25th and a quieter end to the month is forecast.
Thursday June 1st 2006
Yesterday the US said it would join talks with Iran on its nuclear programme if Tehran suspends disputed activities.
Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki declared a month-long state of emergency in Basra to arrest the city's slide into anarchy.
United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan criticised the lack of global progress in combating HIV.
Today Mercury in Gemini opposes Pluto in Sagittarius 05-14 GMT
The waxing crescent Moon in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius 23-47 GMT.
Friday June 2nd 2006
The Moon trines Pluto then sextiles Mercury at 17-35 becoming void of course at that time and entering Virgo at 20-18 GMT.
Saturday June 3rd 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun is at 13 degrees Gemini. Seventeen days remain till the solstice.
Mercury, currently an evening star, enters Cancer today at 11-21 GMT. Mercury will start his deceleration phase whilst in this sign. He will first leave Cancer on June 28th, turn retrograde on July 4th and then re-enter Cancer on July 10th. He will finally leave Cancer on August 11th. The entire period (except for the 'stationary' two week stay in Leo), may be witness to a shrewd and capricious thinking processes at work in all human minds. Economy and mental tenacity will be to the fore.
Mars (seven degrees from Saturn and chasing) today enters Leo 18-44 GMT. This ingress is very powerful. Mars will reside in Leo until July 22nd 2006. Mars is tightly conjunct Saturn on June 18th. The last time Mars was conjunct Saturn in Leo was on June 6th 1978. Before that the conjunction in Leo occurred on Nov. 11th 1947. The next six week will be characterised by bold, uncompromising and theatrical actions and events. 'Lavish' is the keyword most applicable to this period.
The very slow moving Moon reaches first quarter phase today at 23:07 GMT at 12 degrees Virgo.
The immediate planetary arrangement is a Fixed T-square involving Venus, a 'morning star' in Taurus, Saturn in Leo and Jupiter in Scorpio. This one will dominate the coming week's 'build up' to the climatic, and astrologically powerful, Full Moon, one week tomorrow.
Sunday June 4th 2006
Over the next three days Venus joins Jupiter and Saturn in a fixed T-square. Challenges ahead!
The very slowly waxing Moon in Virgo reaches apogee 01:32 GMT.
Beside the Fixed T-square, a mutable T-square forms in the skies of Earth at 01-59 GMT involving the Moon, the Sun and Uranus.
Venus squares Saturn 21-09 GMT, the dour one.
Monday June 5th 2006
The Nato commander in Afghanistan yesterday pledged new tactics to win the support of disenchanted Afghans.
The Islamic Courts militia took a key town near the Somali capital from one of the warlords it is fighting.
Peruvians are going to the polls in a run-off presidential election. Results are expected to be very close. Polls suggest ex-President Alan Garcia will win a narrow majority over nationalist candidate Ollanta Humala.
In China all 40 people on board a military transport plane were killed when it crashed on Saturday, the state-run Xinhua news agency has reported.
There are conflicting reports over the shooting of a man during Friday's anti-terrorism raid in east London. Mohammed Abdul Kahar, 23, is at Paddington Green police station for questioning after hospital treatment. His lawyer insisted he was shot in the shoulder by police in the Forest Gate raid on Friday. Police have not confirmed they fired the shot.
Today the slowly waxing Virgo Moon squares Pluto and is void at 00-30 GMT.
She enters Libra at 09-10 GMT and will make nice aspects for two days.
The Sun however is square Uranus at 10-52 GMT, and Venus is currently in difficult Fixed T-square arrangement with Saturn and Jupiter. The lunar 'back drop' is pleasant enough but the planetary emphasis is seriously challenging.
Also Mars is drawing ever close to Saturn in Leo. Hard hitting days ahead are forecast..
Tuesday June 6th 2006
Beating-heart. (Mars in Leo).
An Islamist militia says it has control of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, after weeks of bloody fighting.
At least 50 people have been kidnapped by unidentified gunmen in central Baghdad, Iraqi security officials say.
The world's desert ecosystems are coming under unprecedented pressure, according to a UN report.
Doctors have carried out the UK's first successful beating-heart transplant. The recipient, a 58-year-old man who received his new heart two weeks ago at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, is said to be doing "extremely well". The new technique involves keeping a donated heart warm and beating throughout the procedure, rather than packing it in ice for transport. (Photo above).
Today the slow but accelerating and waxing Moon is pleasantly aspected in Libra.
Venus in Taurus however is drawing to an opposition to Jupiter, square Saturn, indicating the probable manifestation of important issues for us all over the next few days.
Wednesday June 7th 2006
Today Venus in Taurus opposes Jupiter in Scorpio at 06-24 GMT. Saturn in Leo squares them both. This is the climax of the current planetary arrangement which has been building up over recent days.
The Moon in Libra, increasing in light and motion, occults Spica at 08-47 GMT. The occultation is visible from China and Japan. This is the 11th of 23 such monthly occultations in the current series.
The Moon sextiles Pluto and is void of course at 12-16 GMT.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 20-42 GMT
Thursday June 8th 2006
The accelerating Moon reaches gibbous phase 2 degrees Scorpio 00:48 GMT. The procession to the coming weekend's Full Moon starts in earnest.
The scorpionic Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 16-05 GMT, they are both opposite Venus around 18-00 GMT, the challenging point of the day. Jupiter shines above the bright Moon this evening, as shown above.
Friday June 9th 2006
The US and UK yesterday hailed news that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, had died in a US air strike.
Indonesia's Mount Merapi has been showing increasing activity, emitting large gas clouds and sending more than 15,000 villagers fleeing to safety.
Today the Moon, still increasing in light and motion, in Scorpio and approaching the full, is square Neptune and void of course from 10-11 GMT for the rest of the GMT day. Tensions are rising with the approach of a powerful Full Moon this coming weekend.
Mercury in Cancer trines Jupiter in Scorpio at 11-46 GMT. This 'watery trine' bestows a mellow optimism on the 'feel' of today.
The World Cup Football competition starts today under the beams of a void of course waxing Moon. Wayward energy in store! Mars, currently in Leo ensures a lavish display.
By the way Mars is now less than five degrees from his conjunction with Saturn. This hard hitting conjunction, which peaks on June 18th, is starting to 'bite'. A force of great magnitude and ferocity is about to be made manifest.
Saturday June 10th 2006
Hamas says it has hit Israel with rockets for the first time since a truce last year after a blast kills Gaza civilians.
Pakistani forces attack a militant hideout near the Afghan border, killing at least 15 guerrillas, the military says.
Haiti's new government, led by PM Jacques-Edouard Alexis, takes office after a gap of two years.
In the UK millions are expected to watch on television as England take on Paraguay in their opening World Cup match.
The 'nearly full' Moon enters tropical Sagittarius 05-06 GMT and accelerates towards an occultation of Antares (see below).
A weak fiery grand trine involving the Moon, her Node and Mars occurs around 12-00 GMT.
The Sun is trine Neptune at 18-03 GMT
The Moon occults Antares visible from East Brazil and South Africa.
(This occultation of Antares by the nearly full (99% sunlit waxing) Moon will be visible from much of Brazil, southern Africa, and the s.w. Indian Ocean on June 10 around 21:00 GMT. The southern limit graze path will pass over Sao Paulo, Brazil. The northern limit passes over parts of Namibia and Zimbabwe).
Look for Antares and other stars of Scorpius near the almost-full Moon tonight, as shown above.
Sunday June 11th 2006
Three detainees at the US base at Guantanamo Bay yesterday died in what officials call a joint suicide pact.
Thousands attended the funeral of seven members of a Palestinian family killed in an explosion on a Gaza beach.
This day starts with Venus in Taurus sextiles Uranus at in Pisces 01-55 GMT.
Full Moon 18:04 GMT 21 degrees Sagittarius.
This Full Moon (and the next one) are the 'major southern full Moons' for the current lunar standstill. It will be a very 'low' Full Moon for Northern hemisphere observers and very high for southern observers.
This Full Moon is powerfully linked into one of two strong planetary pictures operating at this time. The Sun and Moon form a T-square with Uranus which is a' mutable grand cross' with the local MC of London at the exact moment of Full Moon. Also Venus, Jupiter Saturn and Chiron form a 'Fixed grand cross' at this time. The Sun and Moon are strongly sextile Neptune and applying in conjunction to Pluto.
This Full Moon is midway between the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of March 14th in Virgo and the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 7th 2006.
Monday June 12th 2006
The Moon reeling and wheeling in Full extravagance, and accelerating, is conjunct Pluto at 02-35 GMT and is void of course from that time. She enters Capricorn 10-20 GMT and pulls all to order and command.
Mercury an evening star in Cancer trines Uranus 16-44 GMT today. Mercury's position in the evening skies is shown above. He turns retrograde July 4th.
Venus in Taurus is drawing to a fixed square aspect with Neptune, exact on Thursday, pulling together a Fixed Grand Cross in the skies right now, involving these two with Mars and Saturn in Leo, and Jupiter in Scorpio. (At the time of this year's momentous solstice, June 21st 2006, the Moon in Taurus forms a similarly powerful Fixed Cross, with Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter).
Mars is now less than three degrees from Saturn in Leo. The Full moon just past marks the mid point between the Saros Series 113 associated with the March 2006 penumbral eclipse giving way to the energy of Saros Series 118 associated with the partial lunar Eclipse on September 7th 2006. Both of these lunar Saros families are in their waning phase. Saros Series 118, the one now beginning to make itself felt, is less old, and hence more potent.
The current time is important, intense, lavish, uncompromising, heady even.
Tuesday June 13th 2006
Al-Qaeda in Iraq yesterday named Abu Hamza al-Muhajir to succeed Zarqawi, who was killed last week in a US air strike.
EU ministers reached a joint stance to start membership talks with Turkey, overcoming Cypriot objections.
Afghan and US-led forces have killed up to 37 suspected Taleban fighters in central and southern areas since Sunday, a top Afghan general has said.
Today at 13-00 GMT the fast moving waning Moon in Capricorn tightly opposes Mercury and is sextile Uranus.
The Moon rapidly moves on and trines Venus at 16-51 GMT and is void from that moment for nearly 22 hours.
Wednesday June 14th 2006
US President George W Bush yesterday paid an unannounced visit to Iraq - his first trip there since November 2003.
At least 48 people were killed in the India's Uttaranchal state when the truck they were in crashed.
Nine Palestinians, including two children, were killed and at least 30 hurt in an Israeli air raid in Gaza.
Jittery markets fell across Europe on Tuesday, echoing substantial losses in Asia, amid further fears about inflation and higher interest rates. The FTSE 100, France's Cac and the German Dax index were all down by about 2% at the close of trade. It came after Japan's Nikkei index closed down 4.1% at a seven-month low.
A fiery cloud of hydrogen gas, held together by magnetic force fields, is sticking out into space from the south-western edge of the sun right now. It's a beauty. Spaceweather.com
Today the 'long time void' but fast moving Moon enters Aquarius at 13-33 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in air signs. The day becomes 'lighter' from that moment.
Venus squares Neptune tomorrow. Aberrations and distractions abound.
Mars is now within two degrees of a conjunction with Saturn. Whilst in Aquarius the Moon will tomorrow oppose both planets.
Thursday June 15th 2006
Two butterfly species have been bred in the lab to make a third distinct species, the journal Nature reports. In a species, individuals need to be capable of interbreeding to produce fertile offspring. The study demonstrates that two animal species can evolve to form one, instead of the more common scenario where one species diverges to form two. The Heliconius heurippa butterfly appears to be the product of a process called hybrid speciation.
Today the very fast moving Moon in Aquarius opposes Mars 01-03 GMT and then opposes Saturn 03-47 GMT reaching disseminating phase 04:40 GMT at 9 degrees Aquarius, and squares Jupiter at 05-49 GMT.
Venus squares Neptune 07-05 GMT
Mars is in the middle of the Beehive star cluster this evening. Actually, of course, it only looks that way. Mars is 19 light-minutes from Earth this week, while the Beehive is 600 light-years in the background. The 'Beehive' is an 'open cluster' of hundreds of stars situated along the plane of the milky way galaxy in the opposite direction to the galactic centre.
The day ends with the Moon being conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 22-41 GMT
Friday June 16th 2006
A forest of beautiful prominences sprouted from the sun's western limb yesterday.
As this occurred and Mars, closing tightly on Saturn, aligned exactly to the open star cluster 'The Beehive 'from the Earth's perspective. At least 64 people - many of them children were killed in a mine attack on a Sri Lankan bus. Another 80 people were wounded in the attack in the town of Kabithigollewa, 200 km (125 miles) north of Colombo in Anuradhapura district. This all occurred on Thursday morning GMT.
The Hamas-led government offered to renew its cease-fire with Israel if the Jewish state halts what it calls "aggression" against Palestinians,
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake and multiple aftershocks shook the south San Francisco Bay Area at the same time.
Today the waning Moon in Aquarius sextiles Pluto at 08:24 GMT and is void from that moment. She slips into Pisces at 16-06 GMT and is perigee (fastest moving all month) at 17:00 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are from that time both in mutable signs.
Mars and Saturn are very nearly aligned in Leo. The photo above was taken two days ago.
Saturday June 17th 2006
Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces (0.91 degrees separation) 17:27 GMT (zodiacal conjunction 16-58 GMT).
The current Mars Saturn alignment in tropical Leo bites really hard today.
Four days remain to the Solstice.
Sunday June 18th 2006
Mars closely conjuncts Saturn in Leo 0.55 degrees separation 06:17 GMT.
A weak mutable T-square involving the Sun, the Moon and Pluto occurs around 13-00 GMT
Moon last quarter 14:09 GMT 27 degrees Pisces. The Moon is void at this moment and enters Aries 18-54 GMT.
A day of crisis and a time of growing momentum are underway. Avoid today's attraction to excesses.
Monday June 19th 2006
Uranus is stationary turning retrograde in Pisces at 05-13 GMT.
Mars in Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio 07-40 GMT.
The Moon in Aries makes trine aspects to both Mars and Saturn in Leo around 10-30 GMT.
We are then 50 hours from the Solstice moment. A fixed cross and a mutable/cardinal cross form in the skies on the very day of the solstice. Our hearts and minds are being prepared for these solstice cosmic impulses
Tuesday June 20th 2006
Norway is starting construction on a "doomsday vault" in the Arctic which is designed to house all known varieties of the world's crops. Dug into a frozen mountainside on the island of Svalbard, it is hoped the project will safeguard crop diversity in the event of a global catastrophe. More than 100 countries have backed the vault, which will store seeds, packaged in foil, at sub-zero temperatures.
Pro-whaling nations have won a vote for the eventual return of commercial whaling, in a move Japan calls "historic".
Today the waning Moon in Aries sextiles the Sun and is void at 21-21 GMT. She enters Taurus at 22-23 GMT
Mercury (see graphic above) is at greatest elongation, 25° east of the Sun in the evening sky. A kind of 'last quarter Mercury' and a warning of his retrograde motion July 4th to July 29th. A time to pull back, consolidate, repair, readjust and correct courses.
Wednesday June 21st 2006
Today is the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the south.
SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) -- The United States has moved its ground-based interceptor missile defense system from test mode to operational amid concerns over an expected North Korean missile launch, a U.S. defense official said Tuesday. South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon said on Tuesday that North Korea had put its long-range Taepodong-2 missile on a launching pad, but it was unclear if the missile was fully fueled.
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- At least 36 people, many of them children, have been killed and dozens were missing after flooding and landslides in Indonesia's South Sulawesi province, police and residents said Tuesday.
Astronomers on Earth will have ringside seats to a face-off between two of the biggest storms in the solar system. In one corner will be Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a behemoth of a tempest that is twice as large as Earth and whose 350 miles per hour winds have been whirling for hundreds of years. Its contender will be Oval BA, also known as "Red Jr.," a young six-year storm that is only half Great Red's size but whose winds are just as fierce. The two are approaching each other now and are expected to have their closest approach on the Fourth of July.
Summer Solstice 12:26:56 GMT
The Moon in Taurus opposes Jupiter and squares Mars and Saturn around 14-31 GMT, Chiron (and Neptune) are at the fourth point of the fixed cross. This is a very important Solstice.
Venus also in Taurus positions herself at the midpoint of Uranus and the Mars/Saturn conjunction. She is in quintile aspect to all three planets.
The Sun at zero degrees Cancer is square the Lunar Nodes and opposite Pluto in cardinal/mutable grand cross. This day is holy.
At the moment of Solstice many cities world wide are 'starred'. The Sun is exactly conjunct the local MC of Dublin and Rabat. The Mars Saturn conjunction is conjunct the MC of Moscow, Jerusalem and Nairobi. The same pair rise at Boston (USA), Montreal, and Brasilia. The pair set at Tokyo.
Mercury is conjunct the MC of Warsaw and he rises at Minneapolis. Neptune is almost at lower culmination at Baghdad, Jupiter is at lower culmination at Buenos Aires, Uranus is conjunct the IC of Kabul.
The following four days between today's Solstice and the new Moon in Cancer on Sunday are also very special.
The waning crescent Moon shines above Venus low in the east-northeast at dawn tomorrow, as shown below. Look too for the Pleiades.
Thursday June 22nd 2006
Solstice sunrise gathering Stonehenge UK.
Yesterday's Solstice witnessed President Bush saying he wants to close Guantanamo Bay and send many detainees to their home countries. He also told North Korea to abide by agreements it has made to avoid testing missiles. "This is not the way you conduct business in the world," the president said, adding that North Korean missile tests made people "nervous".
Gunmen abducted at least 80 Iraqi factory workers from a fleet of buses just north of Baghdad.
State of the sky today:- The Sun is at one degree Cancer. We are in the period midway between eclipse seasons.
The Moon in Taurus reaches balsamic phase 01:22 GMT 16 degrees Taurus and applies all day to a conjunction with Venus in that sign. The New Moon is on Sunday.
Mercury an evening star in Cancer is slowing down prior to his retrograde motion which starts on July 4th.
Venus is a 'morning star' in late Taurus and will enter Gemini on Sunday.
Mars near Aphelion, (furthest from the Sun in his orbit) and still shaky after his recent conjunction with Saturn is in Leo. He now moves on to oppose Neptune on July 5th.
Jupiter at 9 degrees Scorpio in exactly in waxing square aspect to Saturn in Leo at 18-46 GMT. (This is the 2nd of 3, 1st Dec. 17th 2005, final hit Oct. 25th 2006).
Both the Sun and Moon are in 'negative' signs today, the solar/lunar combination is supportive and nurturing. Energies are now domestically directed. Memories are made of this.
Friday June 23rd 2006
Yesterday Seoul dampened fears that North Korea is about to carry out a missile test, as the US warned of punishment if it does.
Somalia's government and the Islamic group that controls the capital agreed to end military campaigns.
Four days of heavy rains in Indonesia have triggered deadly floods and landslides, killing 200 people while another 130 are still missing.
The International Astronomical Union announced yesterday that the two recently discovered Moons of Pluto , formerly known as S/2005 P1 and S/2005 P2, will henceforth be called Nyx and Hydra. In Greek mythology, Nyx is the goddess of night while Hydra is a terrifying serpent with nine heads. These seem like good companions for Pluto, ninth planet and Roman god of the underworld. Spaceweather.com
Today the old and decelerating Moon is conjunct Venus in Taurus at 00-45, this is the softest of all encounters, and 'lunar void of course' follows. During this 'voidness' she occults the Pleiades for North East Africa at dawn.
At 02-49 GMT the Moon enters Gemini.
Saturday June 24th 2006
Very quiet world news right now.
Venus still vibrant from yesterday's positioning follows in the footsteps of the aged Moon and enters Gemini 00:31 GMT.
This is the day of the old Moon.
Clear out old stuff.
Sunday June 25th 2006
The ancient Moon in Gemini opposes Pluto at 00-03 GMT and is void of course until 08-48 when she enters Cancer.
The Moon makes nice aspects during this New Moon period.
New Moon 4 degrees Cancer 16:06
New Moon in Cancer trine Jupiter in Scorpio.
This New Moon is midway between the Total Solar Eclipse of March 29th and the Annular Solar Eclipse of September 22nd 2006. The 'strong vibrant and powerful and approaching fulfillment' energy of Saros series 139, to which the March 29th eclipse belongs. gives way to the 'younger' energy of Saros 144 the 'family of eclipses' to which the September eclipse belongs. We are at a karmic point of balance between eclipse seasons.
This New Moon appears benign.
Monday June 26th 2006
With yesterday's New Moon Palestinian militants kidnaped an Israeli soldier during a raid on an army post near the Gaza Strip
A shoot-out between South African police and armed robbers left eight gang members and four officers dead in Johannesburg,
Today the infant Moon in Cancer, providing great opportunity for being tender and caring, makes gentle aspects.
Mars at Aphelion 01:09 GMT.
Tuesday June 27th 2006
One of the great scientific experiments of our age is now fully underway. A German/UK team yersterday put the giant GEO 600 gravitational wave detector in a continuous observational mode. The Hanover lab is trying to detect the ripples created in the fabric of space-time that sweep out from merging black holes or exploding stars.
Today the decelerating but waxing young Moon in Cancer applies all day to a conjunction with Mercury in that sign, meeting him and becoming void at 16:02 GMT. She enters Leo at 17-10 GMT.
In the western twilight, the waxing crescent Moon is marching day by day past Castor, Pollux, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, and Regulus,
Wednesday June 28th 2006
The slow moving Moon is conjunct Saturn (within 3 degrees) at 12-22 GMT.
Mercury moving very slowly now enters Leo at 19-57 GMT, joining the Moon, Mars and Saturn in that sign.
The Moon is conjunct Mars (within 2.25 degrees) at 22-58 GMT.
Thursday June 29th 2006
Over the past 48 hours the main story on the world stage has been that of Israeli Tanks moving into the southern Gaza Strip, in the first big incursion since the Israeli withdrawal last year. Israel's prime minister has warned of "extreme action" to free a soldier captured by Palestinian militants.
The slow Moon today reaches crescent phase 13:37 GMT at 23 degrees Leo.
She trines Pluto and is void of course from 18-25 GMT
Friday June 30th 2006
The US administration has no authority to try Guantanamo suspects by military tribunal, the Supreme Court yesterday ruled.
Israel denied planning to use dozens of detained Hamas MPs as bargaining chips to get a captured soldier freed.
Measuring 25,000 miles across, almost as wide as the planet Neptune, sunspot 898 lumbered over the sun's limb yesterday. Spaceweather.com
Saturn (10 degrees Leo) today makes his final 135 degree waning aspect to Pluto in Sagittarius 01:24 GMT.
(Final hit of three aspects, 1st Sept. 9th 2005, 2nd Jan 1st 2006)
The slow moving Moon enters Virgo at 04-16 GMT. She sextiles the Sun and Jupiter at 22-24 and 22-28 GMT respectively.
The Sun trines Jupiter 23-22 GMT.
Potentially a careful and meticulous day. The devil is in the detail, but generally this day has optimistic potentials.
July 2006
July starts with a five day build up to Mars opposing Neptune. Mercury is retrograde 4th to 29th.
July 13th to 16th sees intense astrological energy at work. The quietest time of the month is 23rd to 26th.
Saturday July 1st 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun at the end of this day is at 10 degrees Cancer.
The very slow moving Moon at 14 degrees Virgo opposes Uranus 09-56 GMT, the only aspect today. The Moon is at apogee (slowest all month) 20:18 GMT.
Mercury at the start of Leo is approaching his station and is about to turn retrograde (July 4th).
Venus is an 'morning star' in Gemini. She makes a constructive sextile aspect to Saturn tomorrow.
Mars is in Leo and over the next few days will make a rather 'unhealthy' opposition to Neptune.
The weekend is a practical one. Jobs requiring an attention to detail are favored.
Sunday July 2nd 2006
The Moon squares Pluto and is void at 06-59. She enters Libra 17-07.
Venus in Gemini sextiles Saturn 18-05.
Monday July 3rd 2006
On July 3rd, asteroid 2004XP14 will fly past Earth barely farther away than the Moon. The 600-meter space rock, glowing like a 12th magnitude star, will glide through the Milky Way in only 4 hours, passing many stars and nebulae along the way
The Moon in Libra forms a finger of fate with Saturn and Uranus PM GMT.
Moon first quarter 16:38 GMT 12 degrees Libra
Earth at Aphelion 23:11 GMT
Tuesday July 4th 2006
The Libran Moon, now accelerating just past first quarter, eases the applying Mars Neptune opposition (which peaks tomorrow) at 07-00 GMT. The Moon occults Spica at 17-22. The occultation is visible from the south and west of Africa. Making smooth aspects today she finally sextiles Pluto 19-19 and is void from that time.
Mercury turns retrograde 19-28 GMT at 1 degree Leo.
This day sees Mars almost opposite Neptune, and Venus is almost square Uranus, with Mercury now retrograde we are all of a sudden in a rather 'astrologically troublesome' period.
Wednesday July 5th 2006
This is potentially a weird, intense, and emotional day!
The Moon enters Scorpio 05-14 GMT.
Mars opposes Neptune 12:47 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 22-42 GMT.
Mercury has just turned retrograde and Venus is about to square Uranus.
Thursday July 6th 2006
As Mars opposed Neptune yesterday World powers condemned North Korea for test-firing a series of missiles, including one thought capable of reaching the US. The seven missiles included a long-range Taepodong-2, which the US said failed shortly after take-off. The US called the tests "provocative", and urged a resumption of multilateral talks. Japan went on to announce a range of sanctions against Pyongyang. The UN Security Council has held an emergency meeting on the crisis. The ambassadors of the US, Japan and the UK said there had been widespread concern with not a single member of the council defending North Korea's actions.
Today Jupiter turns direct 06:51.
Venus squares Uranus 06-57 GMT
Around 09-00 GMT the waxing and accelerating Moon forms a watery grand trine with the Sun and Uranus.
Around 19-00 the Moon forms a fixed T-square with Mars and Neptune, and is void of course from 19-35 GMT.
The Sun trines Uranus 19-59 GMT.
Friday July 7th 2006
At least eight Palestinians died yesterday in fresh Israeli air strikes in the northern Gaza Strip,
North Korea defends its missile tests and promises more to come, but U.S. officials say that there are no signs that Pyongyang is preparing to launch another long-range Taepodong missile. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the international community must resolve its problems with Iran and North Korea through negotiation.
The possibility of sending more UK troops to Afghanistan is being considered urgently, the defence secretary says.
Giant sunspot 898 is splitting in two, sending shock waves through the sun's atmosphere and radio bursts toward Earth.
The long-awaited between Jupiter's Great Red Spot and Red Jr is underway. So far, both storms are holding their own: Closest approach should happen late next week. Spaceweather.com
Today the Moon increasing in light and motion starts the day void of course in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius 14-14 GMT and reaches gibbous phase 14:54 GMT at 1 degree of that sign, making a fiery grand trine with the Lunar Node and retrograde Mercury at that time. Try and use the time to your advantage.
The procession to the Full Moon commences in earnest from today. Emotional pressures ahead!
Saturday July 8th 2006
State of the sky:- The Sun is today at 16 degrees Cancer. The next Solar Eclipse is on September 22nd.
The waxing and accelerating gibbous Moon in Sagittarius occults Antares visible from New Zealand around 08:30 GMT. She forms a mutable T-square with Venus and Uranus early evening GMT. The Full Moon occurs in the early hours GMT of Tuesday. The next lunar eclipse is on September 7th.
Mercury appears to be moving backwards in early Leo. He reenters Cancer on Monday, reaching inferior conjunction with the Sun on July 18th.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Gemini and is applying in sextile aspect to Neptune. She then moves on to oppose Pluto next Friday.
Mars is in Leo applying to a conjunction with the fixed star Regulus which he meets in two weeks time and then enters Virgo. (Venus and Mars are in favorable aspect during the next week, the time is not bad for romance!)
Jupiter is applying in square aspect to Saturn at this time.
The next 12 days or so are 'astrologically hot'. The imminent Full Moon is followed by quite dynamic planetary configurations. Mercury is retrograde the whole period so the advice here is to refrain from making major decisions and commencing new initiatives. Best let the dust settle for a while.
Sunday July 9th 2006
Israel has rejected a call by the head of the Hamas-led Palestinian government for a cease-fire to end several days of fierce fighting in the Gaza Strip.
At the start of the GMT day the nearly full briskly moving and accelerating Moon in Sagittarius forms a finger of fate with Neptune in Aquarius and the Sun in Cancer. She is conjunct Pluto 10-32 GMT becoming void at that time.
She enters Capricorn 19-25 GMT and is moving emphatically towards her Full Moon climax.
A fanciful day in store as Venus dances in airy trine aspect with Neptune.
Monday July 10th 2006
The nearly Full Moon waxes to her climax in Capricorn.
Venus trines Neptune 03-36 GMT
Mercury retrogrades into Cancer 20-18 GMT.
Tuesday July 11th 2006
As today's Full Moon approaches world news reports that the most wanted Chechen rebel warlord, Shamil Basayev, has been killed, according to Russian media reports.
The trial of six top Serbian officials accused of war crimes against Kosovans gets under way in The Hague.
Italy's World Cup- winning squad have returned to Rome with the World Cup trophy. Zinedine Zidane, (Date of birth June 23, 1972), was born with his Cancerian Sun opposite natal Jupiter in Capricorn and square natal Pluto. As he head butted Marco Materazzi the Moon in early Capricorn was conjunct his natal Jupiter. Zinedine Zidane's agent says the France star head butted Materazzi because the Italian said something "very serious" (about his mother), for an astrologer that is quite an understandable (although not excusable) response from a Cancerian subject (with a natal Moon in Scorpio).
And so on to the current Full Moon.:-
Full Moon 19 degrees Capricorn 03:03 GMT
This Full Moon (and the last one) are major southern full Moons for the current lunar standstill. It will be a very 'low' Full Moon for Northern hemisphere observers and very high for southern observers.
The Full Moon opposes Mercury, quintiles Jupiter, and stands in 'finger of fate' pattern, with the current Venus/Mars sexy sextile. Fateful union.
This Full Moon is the penultimate before the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 7th. The 'Saros' energy associated with the September eclipse is 'doing its work', in increasing rate. With the passing of this Full Moon we become more and more under its Saros sway. Changes again are ahead.
The day that follows has all the quality of a 'hung over full moon', as she applies all day towards an opposition with Mercury
The Moon opposes Mercury 20:59 GMT becomes void at that moment and then enters Aquarius 21-46 GMT.
Wednesday July 12th 2006
This day was the first day of Israel's attack on Lebanon.
Yesterday, the day of the Full Moon, well over 170 people were killed by seven near-simultaneous bombs on the train network in the Indian financial capital Mumbai (Bombay).
The first explosion went off at about 1830 local time (1300 GMT), during the peak of the evening rush hour in the suburbs on the busy Western Railway.
The US military is to observe Geneva Convention standards for detainees worldwide - a major policy shift.
Fresh diplomatic efforts are under way to end the row over how to respond to North Korea's missile tests.
A new generation of nuclear power stations form one of the key elements of the UK's new long term energy plans.
Syd Barrett, one of the original members of legendary rock group Pink Floyd, has died at the age of 60 from complications arising from diabetes.
We are now in a period abounding with striking and strong planetary arrangements.
Today, for starters, the fast moving waning Aquarian Moon forms a Fixed T-square around 15-00 GMT with Jupiter and Saturn. Be aware of the challenges at that time.
Thursday July 13th 2006
The very fast moving, waning Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 05-14 GMT.
A strong Mystic Rectangle forms today involving the Moon, Mars, Venus and Pluto. The Lunar Void of Course moment is 14-23 GMT.
The Moon also forms a finger of fate with Pluto, Mercury and the Sun centered around that time.
The planetary arrangement is dominated by the looming Venus Pluto opposition which peaks tomorrow.
Mars is also in trine aspect to Pluto, an awful lot of power is available 'from the cosmos'.
Strong times, lots of energy, and a strange couple of days to follow.
Moon perigee 17:40 GMT
The Moon enters Pisces 23-00 GMT.
Friday July 14th 2006
Two rockets have struck the Israeli city of Haifa, hours after a threat by the militant Lebanese group Hezbollah. Hezbollah denied firing any rockets at the northern port city. There were no reports of injuries or damage. Haifa, Israel's third largest city, is more than 30km (18 miles) from the Lebanese border and was thought to be out of Hezbollah's range. Later, Lebanon's international airport was hit for a second time as Israel continued attacks by land, sea and air.
Iraq's British-controlled Muthanna province is handed over to local forces after a formal ceremony.
The strong planetary patterns of yesterday follow on into today and tomorrow. Astrological tides are high, and both the Sun and the Moon are today in water signs, indicating an emotional basis to proceedings. Tears may fall.
Mars in Leo trines Pluto at 07-03 GMT
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 10:15 GMT 7 degrees Pisces.
Venus opposes Pluto 17-26 GMT
The Lunar Node, and Mars dance trapezoidally about the climaxing Venus Pluto opposition.
This amazing day ends (GMT) with the Moon occulting Uranus time around 22-49 GMT. This occultation is visible from the extreme South of South Africa.
Saturday July 15th 2006
Israeli warplanes have begun a fourth day of air raids on Lebanon, targeting bridges and petrol stations in the south and east of the country. Hezbollah's al-Manar TV says three civilians were killed in an attack in Hermel, on the border with Syria. Meanwhile, Israel is searching for four servicemen, missing after their ship was hit by a missile believed to have been fired by Hezbollah. The Israeli air raids began after Hezbollah seized two Israeli soldiers. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had earlier promised "open war" on Israel in an address broadcast after his Beirut offices were bombed. More than 60 Lebanese have been killed in the offensive, which Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said will continue until Hezbollah releases the two captured Israeli soldiers and stops firing rockets at Israel.
This war like situation is occurring as the planets obligingly position themselves in intensely striking arrangements. The start of the 'war' coincided (on Wednesday) as the Moon hooked into fixed T-square arrangement with the ongoing Jupiter square Saturn. Since then the skies have been full of astrological geometry.
Venus sextiles Mars 04-50 GMT.
The Moon cements the current planetary arrangement by squaring the Venus Pluto opposition around 17-00.
The Moon trines retrograde Mercury and is void from 19-57 GMT.
Sunday July 16th 2006
The Moon enters Aries 00-39 GMT. She makes a solitary trine to Saturn at 21-04.
Monday July 17th 2006
Bloodshed continues in the Middle East. Israeli airstrikes continued to pound the southern suburbs of Beirut, ad Tyre, hours after a rocket attack on Haifa killed eight Israelis. The militant group Hezbollah claims responsibility for the attack on Haifa. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah says the battle against Israel is "just at the beginning", in his first televised appearance since the offensive
- Iran's foreign ministry denies Israeli allegations that it supplied missiles to Hezbollah and warns Israel it will incur "unimaginable losses" if it attacks fellow Hezbollah supporters Syria
- The Israeli military recovers the bodies of three sailors missing after their ship was hit by a Hezbollah missile on Friday, bringing the number of Israeli troops killed in the Lebanon offensive to 12
- Israel raises the rocket alert threat as far south as Tel Aviv
- European Union Foreign Policy chief Javier Solana arrives in Beirut for talks on the crisis
- G8 leaders call for the release of the Israeli soldiers seized by militants.
At least 115 people have been killed in floods and storms as Typhoon Bilis churns across China's south-east, state media reports.
State of the skies:- The Sun remains in Cancer for six more days.
The waning and decelerating Moon in Aries has a busy day reaching last quarter 19:14 GMT at 25 degrees Aries and then forming a fiery grand trine with Pluto and Mars in the final quarter (GMT) of the day.
The next New Moon is one week tomorrow, unaspected and in Leo.
Mercury is retrograde in Cancer and approaching Inferior Conjunction with the Sun tomorrow.
Venus is gliding, (hand in hand by sextile aspect to Mars), along in the pre-dawn skies in late Gemini. She goes into Cancer on Wednesday.
Mars in late Leo is aligning to Regulus later in the week, and will enter Virgo on Saturday.
Jupiter is applying to both a waning semi-square aspect to Pluto and to a waxing fixed square aspect to Saturn.
Saturn is slowly drawing to an opposition with Neptune.
Planetary symmetries are at work around 04-00 GMT today, and the medium term forecast in the light of the applying Saturn aspects is one of a gentle but firm warning.
The day ensues in dynamo fashion. The Moon in cardinal last quarter, a crisis in consciousness, and an impetus of activity is upon us.
Tuesday July 18th 2006
A major earthquake off the coast of Java and a tsunami that followed has killed at least 86 people, but the death toll is expected to rise as the search for victims moves ahead, witnesses and officials The International Tsunami Information Centre (ITIC) issued a tsunami watch after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 rumbled in the Indian Ocean 220 miles south of Jakarta. According to the U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center Web site, the quake hit at 3:19 p.m. (0819 GMT) on Monday July 17th 2006.
Early on Monday, Israeli air strikes targeted the northern city of Tripoli, Lebanon's second-largest city, and the nearby port of Abdeh. About 15 people died in these raids, and at least two in attacks on Beirut. The bodies of nine people, including six children, were also reportedly found in the rubble of a building in Tyre hit by Israeli missiles on Sunday. Israeli ground forces also entered southern Lebanon, but Israeli officials said it was not the start of a large-scale invasion. Lebanese officials say large numbers of people in the south have abandoned their homes and are trying to flee the Israeli bombardment. Some 2,000 foreign nationals have been evacuated from Beirut as operations gather pace to help them escape the escalating crisis in Lebanon.
Today the Moon in Aries sextiles Venus and is void from 01-34 GMT.
She enters Taurus 03-45 GMT, slowing up and steadying out as she does so..
Inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs 07-08 GMT at 25 degrees Cancer. Mercury passes through inferior conjunction today (i.e. it passes closest to our line of sight to the Sun). At Mercury's next inferior conjunction, on November 8th, it will transit right across the Sun's face as seen from the Americas, the Pacific, and eastern Asia. Today however sees one of the 'three a year' inferior conjunctions of Mercury. In astrology this corresponds to a kind of 'New Mercury', a subliminal 'seed moment' for new thought forms, ideas, plans and directions. It takes a few weeks for these thought forms to emerge into actual consciousness, but the moment is there today at 07-08 GMT to seize and savor.
The Moon grudgingly and carefully decelerates forward in Taurus and opposes at Jupiter 19-47 GMT.
Wednesday July 19th 2006
Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora yesterday said Israel is "opening the gates of hell and madness" on his country.
The number of people killed in Monday's tsunami on the Indonesian island of Java has risen to at least 339
President Bush vows to use his veto for the first time as the Senate is set to pass a bill on stem cell research.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot and Red Jr. are bumping into each other this week.
Today Venus enters Cancer 02-41 GMT. She will remain in this sign till August 12th. A more conservative and endearing 'love impulse' issues forth over this period.
The Moon in Taurus forms a finger of fate with the Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Sagittarius as this (GMT) day draws to a close.
The waning crescent Moon occults the Pleiades before dawn Thursday morning for eastern and central North America.
Thursday July 20th 2006
The Moon squares Mars and is void from 05-49, she occults the Pleiades visible from the east of North America and the North East of South America.
Before sunrise on Thursday, July 20th, the crescent Moon will have a beautiful close encounter with star cluster. In some places (the eastern and central USA), the Moon will pass directly in front of the cluster. Wherever you live, look east between 2 and 5 o'clock in the morning:
The Moon enters Gemini 08-39 GMT.
An astrologically quieter day or two will now follow after the traumatic planetary configurations of the last ten days.
Mars is about to align to Regulus at the end of Leo before entering Virgo on Saturday. (see graphic below)
Friday July 21st 2006
Two days remain with the Sun in Cancer.
The decelerating and waning Moon reaches balsamic phase 09:02 GMT 13 degrees Gemini.
Mars is aligned Regulus.
Just 'a day in the life'.
Saturday July 22nd 2006
The balsamic Moon in Gemini forms a planetary T-square with Pluto and the Lunar Node around 05-23 GMT.
She sextiles Mars at 15-18 GMT and is void from that moment till 15-29 when she enters Cancer at 15-29 GMT, joining Mercy, Venus and the Sun in that sign (briefly) and makes nice aspects for the next two days.
Mars enters Virgo 18-53 GMT. He will reside in that sign until September 7th, a period characterized by a very efficient and practical atmosphere. The remainder of the northern hemisphere summer is suited to 'jobs of work and repair'.
The Sun enters Leo 23-18 GMT.
As the (GMT) day ends the old Moon applies in conjunction to Venus in Cancer.
Sunday July 23rd 2006
This is now the 12th day of the Israeli campaign against Lebanon.
The current astrological situation for Israel (Written 23rd July 2006).
The astrological chart of Israel's Independence (May 14th 1948) is certainly under direct fire from the cosmos right now.
Transiting Pluto is directly opposite Israel's natal Uranus, exact on August 2nd 2006.
Transiting Saturn was exactly conjunct Israel's natal Pluto on July 20th 2006.
Israel's progressed Moon was conjunct Israel's progressed Mars on 17th July 2006.
On day one of Israel's attack on Lebanon (July 12th 2006) the Moon on that day formed a fixed T-Square with the current square of Jupiter and Saturn. This T-Square 'hooked into' Israel's natal Pluto.
These factors alone indicate that an 'irrevocable transformation' is taking place for this country. There is no going back from what is now taking place.
Israel has her second Saturn return on 19th August 2006, she is coming of age.
The next 'outer bodies conjunction' from Earth's perspective is the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on Dec 11th 2007 at 28 degrees Sagittarius. This conjunction is within a degree of Israel's natal Jupiter.
Despite the trauma and tragedy of the middle east situation, this weekend is an 'old moon weekend' and a relatively quiet start to the astrological month of Leo may be in evidence.
The aged decelerating Moon is conjunct Venus in Cancer 00-15 GMT.
The next astrological event is the New Moon in Leo in the early hours (GMT) of Tuesday morning.
For UK residents there will a powerful daylight occultation of Mars by the new Moon on Thursday. (To be 'felt' but not seen). Visible only telescopically, check out the details below.
Mercury will turn direct in motion next Saturday. Time will then soon be right to 'move forward'.
Monday July 24th 2006
The ancient Moon is conjunct Mercury 09-08 GMT and is void from that moment for the remainder of the day.
Tuesday July 25th 2006
Yesterday US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held talks with Lebanon's PM in Beirut at the start of a Middle East tour to discuss the regional crisis.
Tony Blair has said a plan is being drawn up to secure an "immediate cessation of hostilities" in Lebanon.
These developments have occurred as Mars has entered Virgo, hopefully sending a more humanitarian vibration about the earth then the uncompromising stance of Mars in Leo.
A star on the brink of exploding as a spectacular supernova has been glimpsed by international astronomers. The star flared up suddenly last February, briefly becoming 1,000 times brighter than normal. RS Ophiuchi is close to destroying itself in a nuclear explosion called a type 1a supernova, scientists report in the journal Nature. Soon, RS Oph could pass a tipping point - the nuclear flame will detonate from deep inside the star and blow it apart. How soon is not clear. "It could be tomorrow, but most likely it'll be 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 years from now," says Jeno Sokoloski.
Today the very old Moon enters Leo 00-26 GMT.
New Moon 2 degrees Leo 04:32 GMT
This New Moon is unaspected. It is the penultimate New Moon before the Annular Solar eclipse of September 22nd 2006.
State of the skies on this New Moon day:- Mercury is now a 'morning star' in Cancer. He will turn direct in motion on Saturday.
Venus is also a 'morning star' in Cancer, and will make a warm and benevolent watery trine aspect to Jupiter on Wednesday.
Mars is in Virgo and will be occulted by the young Moon on Thursday for UK residents.
Jupiter today is in a waning semi-square aspect to Pluto. (This is the final hit of 3 such aspects. The first was on Dec. 7th 2005, the 2nd was on May 31st. 2006). These two planets will be conjunct in Sagittarius on December 7th next year at 28 degrees Sagittarius.
Wednesday July 26th 2006
Yesterday, under the impetus of a new moon, and as attacks continued on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called for international military forces to help the Lebanese government stabilize the southern part of the country, Lebanese political sources say Israel said it will keep control over an area in southern Lebanon until an international force can be deployed.
President Bush said US troops will be redeployed to Baghdad to combat the deteriorating security situation.
The Cassini spacecraft has found possible evidence for lakes filled with liquid hydrocarbons on Saturn's moon Titan.
Typhoon Kaemi weakened into severe a tropical storm as it slammed into China's Fujian coast after lashing Taiwan.
Today the slow moving infant Moon in Leo encounters Saturn 02-20 GMT (within 3 degrees).
She spends the rest of the day decelerating in this sign drawing ever closer to an exact alignment with Mars which will be an occultation for UK and European residents tomorrow.
Thursday July 27th 2006
The Moon trines Pluto 00-33 GMT and is void.
Venus trines Jupiter 01-50 GMT.
The very slow Moon enters Virgo 11-37 GMT
The very slow moving infant Moon occults Mars at 3 degrees Virgo during daylight hours (UK), visible telescopically 17:56 to 18:12 GMT. This is the most powerful occultation of 2006 for UK residents. The occultation is also visible from Iceland, most of Europe and North Africa.
This evening the waxing Moon is a little higher and thicker after sunset, as shown above. Mars and Regulus are now to its lower right.
Friday July 28th 2006
The Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on July 28th. Go outside before dawn on Friday morning, look south, and you could see a meteor every five minutes or so.
Yesterday Al-Qaeda's deputy leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, said in a video the militant network will respond to attacks on Muslims in Lebanon and Gaza. The video was broadcast by Arabic television station al-Jazeera.
Today the wise young (but so slow moving) Moon in Virgo opposes Uranus in Pisces 16-11 GMT (eased somewhat by Venus in Cancer).
The weak, long-lasting Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower is at its maximum activity around this date.
Saturday July 29th 2006
Mercury turns direct 00-33 GMT 21 degrees Cancer.
The Moon crawling along reaches crescent phase 06:08 GMT at 21 degrees Virgo, at 06-15 she sextiles Mercury and forms a finger of fate with Neptune.
Moon apogee 13:03 GMT.
The Moon squares Pluto 13-06 ( and is mutable T-square with the Lunar Node) and is void from that time for the remainder of the GMT day.
Sunday July 30th 2006
Hezbollah representatives and Lebanese cabinet ministers have reached an agreement in general -- but with some major reservations -- on a proposal to end the crisis in the Middle East, high-ranking Lebanese government officials say. With the Moon now in Libra and Mercury at last in direct motion we hope diplomacy will be to the fore over the next couple of days.
The five permanent members of the UN Security Council have agreed on a draft resolution giving Iran until 31 August to suspend uranium enrichment.
KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo (AP) -- This massive nation at the heart of the world's poorest continent chooses a new leader Sunday in the first multiparty presidential elections here since independence nearly half a century ago -- a monumental exercise in democracy many hope will end decades of dictatorship, war and corruption.
Today the slow but now accelerating Moon enters Libra 00-28 GMT.
Venus in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces 18-20.
This day has pleasant social and diplomatic potential.
Monday July 31st 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun is at 7 degrees Leo, squares Jupiter this week and draws closer to a conjunction with Saturn which occurs in one week's time. 55 days remain to the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere. 38 days remain to a Partial Lunar Eclipse, and 54 days remain to an annular Solar Eclipse.
The slow but accelerating crescent Moon waxes in Libra, moving towards Spica which she occults tomorrow for the very south of South America.
Mercury in Cancer very dim and very low in the glow of dawn, below bright Venus, is now direct in motion will soon pick up speed. The portents will soon be conducive to 'getting things moving again'.
Venus also in Cancer is the "Morning Star" low in the east-northeast during dawn. Much fainter Pollux and Castor are off to its left. Mercury and Venus will appear close together for most of the month of August.
Mars in Virgo, sets in twilight. Using binoculars, you can try looking for it just above the western horizon 30 or 40 minutes after sunset.
Jupiter shines in the southwest as the brightest "star" of evening. The earlier in twilight you look, and the farther south you live, the higher Jupiter will appear in your sky
Saturn is lost in the sunset.
August 2006
All month Saturn in Leo applies towards his bleak opposition to Neptune. Mercury and Venus close together for most of the month join Saturn (and the Moon) on the 22nd, the day before a New Moon on the first day of Virgo. The calendar month of August is also noteworthy for the significantly serious Full Moon on 9th conjunct Neptune and opposite Saturn, an opposition of Mars and Uranus on 13th, and for a critically intense and potentially destructive Mars Pluto square on the 29th at the same time as Saturn opposite Neptune is ringing out.
Tuesday August 1st 2006
The Moon occults Spica at 01-18. The occultation is visible from the extreme south of south America. She sextiles Pluto at 01-34 and is void from that time.
The Moon enters Scorpio 13-08 GMT.
Mercury fresh from his recent direct station is being chased by Venus, they remain close all month, just five degrees of the sign Cancer separate then currently. Closest on the 7th August, he picks up speed and avoids the encounter.
Jupiter shines over the first-quarter Moon this evening, as shown above.
Wednesday August 2nd 2006
Moon first quarter 10 degrees Scorpio 08:47 GMT is conjunct Jupiter 08-59 GMT.
The Sun squares Jupiter 11-52 GMT.
The Moon forms a watery grand trine with Uranus and Venus which peaks around 19-00 GMT.
Thursday August 3rd 2006
Powerful explosions shattered the early morning peace in Beirut on Thursday -- air strikes which announced a resumption of attacks on Hezbollah strongholds in the city's southern suburbs.
Dozens of Tamil Tiger rebels infiltrated a small, government-held town during fierce fighting in northeastern Sri Lanka, and soldiers were trying to flush them out, a government spokesman said Thursday.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. commanders in Baghdad are focused on cracking down on Iraqi death squads responsible for killing hundreds of citizens in the capital in recent months, a military spokesman said Monday.
The Pentagon announced Wednesday that a combat brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, will deploy to Afghanistan late this year as part of the next rotation of forces. The deployment, to include the 82nd Airborne headquarters staff and various unidentified support units, will total about 11,000 soldiers, the Pentagon said
The Sun and Saturn are aligning together in Leo. Mercury and Venus, both morning stars are aligning in Cancer. Mars 'cuts' through Virgo.
The waxing and accelerating Moon trines Mercury at 09-08 and is void from that moment but has formed in the process another watery grand trine with the lunar node and Mercury.
She enters Sagittarius 23-14 GMT.
Friday August 4th 2006
The Moon, increasing in light and motion in Sagittarius all day occults Antares visible from South Africa around 17:00 GMT.
Both the Sun and the Moon (with Pluto and Saturn) are in fire signs.
Saturday August 5th 2006
The Moon in Sagittarius forms a finger of fate pattern with Venus and Neptune around 10-00 am.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto in at 19-22 GMT and then becomes void of course.
The day is set racy and adventurous.
Sunday August 6th 2006
As as a concluding phenomena from the current Lunar Standstill, a 'most southerly rising and setting' of the Moon occurs today. Moonrise occurs shortly before Sunset local time and Moon set occurs in the small hours (local time).
This accelerating Moon reaches gibbous phase 02:47 GMT 28 degrees Sagittarius. The procession to the full moon then seriously commences.
The Moon enters horny Capricorn 05-20 GMT.
The lunar pressure intensifies as her full climax approaches.
At 21-00 Jupiter (in Scorpio) stands on the Moon (in Capricorn) / Mars (in Virgo) midpoint sextiling them both.
Mercury and Venus are within 2 degrees of zodiacal conjunction. He will accelerate away over the rest of the month. Mercury and Venus (normally a very merry combination) will now not meet until November 7th 2006.
Today and tomorrow are 'hard hitting' days.
Monday August 7th 2006
Mercury is at greatest elongation, 19° west of the Sun. It's low in the dawn below brighter Venus, as shown below.
The pregnant Moon waxes to the full in Capricorn.
Pressures are on.
The Sun is conjunct Saturn at 11-55 GMT. The Sun today reaches the midpoint between the June Solstice and the September Equinox (15:42 GMT).
As midnight (GMT) approaches the nearly full, rapidly moving and accelerating, Moon opposes the 2 degree wide conjunction of Mercury and Venus at the end of Cancer.
Tuesday August 8th 2006
Mercury, brightening daily, hangs below brilliant Venus at dawn all week. They'll appear closest together on the 10th and 11th. Sky & Telescope
The fast moving Moon, approaching the Full, opposes Mercury at 01-44 GMT and is void from that moment.
The Moon enters Aquarius at 07-48 GMT. Universal extroversion is 'on the cards'.
Mars in Virgo sextiles Jupiter at 17-21 GMT.
Wednesday August 9th 2006
This is the day of a devastating Full Moon
The very fast moving Moon opposes Saturn 08-16 GMT and is conjunct Neptune 13-42 GMT. It is during this awesome period that the Full Moon peaks.
Full Moon 17 degrees Aquarius 10:55 GMT
The full moon is applying in conjunction to Neptune and is opposite Saturn, and square Jupiter.
Mars setiles Jupiter and opposes Uranus. Mercury and Venus are closely aligned at the end of Cancer.
Jupiter trines Uranus and Neptune opposes Saturn.
At the exact moment of this Full Moon The Sun, Moon, Saturn and Neptune aligned to the North Korean Chinese border, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Cape Town, Budapest, Stockholm, La Paz, Florida, Tennessee, Indianapolis and Winnipeg.
This Full Moon is conjunct the natal Saturn of the Israel Independence Chart.
This Full Moon is the ultimate before the partial Lunar Eclipse of September 7th. Its climax heralds in the start of a new eclipse season.
The Full Moon, delirious and raging and rapidly moving, and appearing huge in the sky, sextiles Pluto 22-59 GMT, forming at that time a finger of fate pattern with Mercury and Venus, then becomes immediately void of course.
Mars is now close to opposing Uranus, (peaking on Sunday). Sharp and sudden violence is associated to this aspect.
Thursday August 10th 2006
Mercury is now just 2.2° below Venus, the closest it will get to the brighter planet before starting to drop back down into the sunrise.
The 'hung over' Moon mercifully enters Pisces 08-11 GMT.
Forgiveness is 'on the cards', but watch out, Mars is about to oppose Uranus. This can only inflame emotions and actions. This wave peaks on Sunday.
Moon perigee (fastest all month) 18:36.
Strong tides will ravage the coast lines of Earth over this and the next couple of days around the world.
We are now in the 'foothills' of an eclipse season. The next Full Moon September 7th is a partial lunar eclipse, the New Moon following that on September 22nd is an annular Solar Eclipse.
Friday August 11th 2006
Mercury (still only two degrees ahead of Venus) enters Leo, joining the Sun and Saturn in that sign.
A slight change in the season may be discerned with this ingress.
The Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces 0.43 degrees separation 07:41 GMT. (Zodiac conjunction 06-08 GMT). The conjunction is a lunar occultation of Uranus for observers in South America. The con junction is opposite Mars and (hence the mercy) is eased by Jupiter in Scorpio.
The day drifts. Tenseness associated with the looming Mars Uranus opposition dominates the astrology of the sky right now.
The Perseid meteor shower should be at its annual peak late tonight and tomorrow night. Unfortunately the light of the waning gibbous Moon will wash the sky but the brightest of the meteors should still shine through. Lie back in a reclining lawn chair after about 11 or midnight, watch the darkest part of your sky, and you may see a Perseid every few minutes on average. Sky and Telescope
Saturday August 12th 2006
The Moon is trine Jupiter at 07-18 GMT and is void from that time.
She enters Aries at 08-23 GMT and despite the opposition of Mars and Uranus which dominates these few days, makes good aspects whilst there.
Moon disseminating phase 16:13 GMT 5 degrees Aries.
Venus enters Leo at 20-21 joining Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun in that sign. There are now 15 degrees between Mercury, Venus and the Sun. This triple conjunction now starts to tighten, peaking (with the Moon) in ten days time.
Sunday August 13th 2006
State of the world:- A cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah will begin early on Monday, (8 a.m. local time, 1 a.m. ET) , the UN Secretary General announced yesterday. Israeli forces are however currently expanding their ground operations in southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah must end attacks on Israel
Israel must end offensive military operations
15,000 peace keepers to enforce cease-fire
Lebanese troops to be deployed to south
Israel to withdraw troops as international force deployed
Government and Tamil Tiger forces clash in north and east Sri Lanka, as heavy casualties are reported.
Stringent security searches which have led to long delays and cancellations at Heathrow are not sustainable, airport operator BAA has warned. The high security status stems from Wednesday night / Thursday morning UK post full moon foiled terror plot (phantasm?).
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 20 degrees Leo. Forty days remain to the Autumn Equinox.
We are at the start of an eclipse season, the next Full Moon in Pisces on September 7th 2006 is a partial lunar eclipse.
The fast moving but decelerating Moon today happily wanes in Aries, forming a fiery grand trine with the Sun, Saturn (opposite Neptune) and Pluto around 18-30 GMT.
Mercury and Venus appear as 'morning stars' within three degrees of each other in early Leo. Mercury and Venus, close together for most of the month, align to Saturn (and the Moon) in 9 days time, the day before the New Moon on the first day of Virgo.
The Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are all in fire signs today.
Mars in Virgo is in opposition to Uranus in Pisces (within 2 degrees of exact linearity) at 12-51 GMT today.
Saturn is applying in his harsh opposition to Neptune. Correspondingly harsh conditions and events on Earth match this opposition right now.
Monday August 14th 2006
The rapidly disseminating Moon in Aries trines Pluto at 00-15 GMT and is void from that time.
She enters Taurus 10-01 GMT, and squares Venus and Mercury at 13-34 and 19-09 GMT respectively.
Seven bodies, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are in Fixed signs for two and a half days.
A UN-brokered cease-fire ending more than a month of fighting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group, Hezbollah, has come into force. Israeli air strikes continued until 15 minutes before the truce began, hitting areas in the east and south of Lebanon. Israel has said its troops will remain in Lebanon until an international peacekeeping force can take control. More than 1,000 Lebanese and 155 Israelis have been killed since the conflict began on 12 July. As the cease-fire came into effect at 0500 GMT, Israel said it would continue to maintain an air and sea blockade of Lebanon. It also said troops would return fire if they came under attack.
Astronomers are gathering in the Czech capital, Prague, hoping to define exactly what counts as a planet. The International Astronomical Union hopes to settle the question of Pluto, which was first spotted in 1930.
The terror threat to the UK is downgraded as a British Airways flight is turned back to Heathrow.
At least 214 people are now reported to have died as a result of Typhoon Saomai, which struck south-east China last week.
Tuesday August 15th 2006
The Taurean Moon, decelerating but quite rapidly approaching last quarter, forms a loose 'mystic rectangle' with Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus between 04-00 and 10-00 GMT.
Wednesday August 16th 2006
Moon fixed last quarter phase 01:52 GMT 23 degrees Taurus, and is void of major aspects.
Around 5-00 GMT she pulls together a trapezium picture with her Node, Pluto and the Sun.
The Moon occults the Pleiades from Hawaii and enters Gemini 14-08 GMT. For observers in Japan, eastern Siberia, and Alaska, the waning Moon skims the northern side of the Pleiades (within a few hours of 13:00 Universal Time August 16th), occulting some of the cluster's stars.
Thursday August 17th 2006
The number of planets around the Sun could rise from nine to 12 - with more on the way - if experts approve a radical new vision of our Solar System. An endorsement by astronomers meeting in Prague would require school and university textbooks to be rewritten. The proposal recognises eight classical planets, three planets belonging to a new category called "plutons" and the largest asteroid Ceres. Pluto remains a planet, but becomes the basis for the new pluton category. The plan has been drawn up by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) with the aim of settling the question of what does and does not count as a planet.
Trans-Neptunian Objects 2003 EL61 2005 FY9 Sedna Orcus Quaoar Varuna 2002 TX300 Ixion 2002 AW197
Asteroids Vesta Pallas Hygiea.
Astrology will have to take account of this new classification.
State of the skies today:- The Sun, with six days remaining in Leo, makes a waning fiery trine aspect with Pluto 04-59 GMT.
The decelerating and waning last quarter Moon, half way through Gemini forms a mutable T-square with Mars and Uranus around 17-00 GMT.
Mercury a 'morning star' in Leo is about to square Jupiter.
Venus is also a 'morning star' in Leo will make her square aspect with Jupiter next Tuesday.
Mars is in the middle of Virgo.
The first wave of the current Saturn Neptune opposition which has its first peak on August 31st 2006 is beginning to bite hard. Before that wave crashes however the period immediately ahead of us is dominated by the astrological events surrounding the New Moon on the first day of Virgo next Wednesday, when the Moon and four planets are concentrated within 20 degrees in Leo and Virgo. A correspondingly intense and concentrated week ahead is forecast.
Astrological services available from Michael Harwood.
Friday August 18th 2006
Several countries say they will offer troops for the expanded Lebanon peace force, following a UN call.
At least 18 million people have been affected by China's worst drought in 50 years, according to the state news agency Xinhua. The south-western region of Chongqing has been worst hit, but areas of Sichuan and Liaoning are also affected. In Chongqing there has been no rain for more than 70 days, and two-thirds of the rivers have dried up, Xinhua said.
Mercury squares Jupiter 09-30 GMT, beware erroneous judgements this morning.
The decelerating and waning Moon in Gemini sextiles the Sun and is void from 12-31 GMT for 8.5 hours.
She enters Cancer 21-04 GMT. The weekend ahead looks 'low key'. Domestic energy prevails.
Saturday August 19th 2006
WEAK IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection hit Earth yesterday at approximately 1630 GMT ( but the impact was weak. It did not spark a geomagnetic storm). spaceweather.com
Today's 'vibe' is low key with disturbing undercurrents, defensive, careful. The Cancerian Moon confers the 'worry'. Saturn opposite Neptune and Mars leaving its opposition with Uranus and now is about to square Pluto before the month's end
Only eight degrees now separate Venus, Mercury and Saturn in Leo. A climax is approaching.
Moon reaches balsamic phase 19:08 GMT 12 degrees Cancer. The vision is of a revealed future.
The decelerating Moon in Cancer forms a watery grand trine with Jupiter and Uranus for a few hours either side of 20:00 GMT. This looks to be a pleasant wave, I raise my glass to you, good luck!
Sunday August 20th 2006
Lebanon's defense minister threatens to halt the deployment of troops to the country's south after Israeli commandos yesterday carried out a raid deep inside the country. Israel says the operation was intended to stop weapons from Iran and Syria reaching Hezbollah.
Thousands of flood victims remain stranded in drastic circumstances in south-west Ethiopia, relief staff say. The River Omo burst its banks last weekend, causing huge floods. About 900 have died in floods in several regions of Ethiopia in the past two weeks.
For the next couple of mornings, the thin waning crescent Moon joins Venus, Saturn, and Mercury very low in the east-northeast as dawn grows bright; see the scene below. Bring binoculars. Sky and telescope
The balsamic Moon in Cancer sextiles Mars 07-07 GMT and is then void all day. A lull before the storm.
What is going on? well, Mercury makes a close (half degree) alignment with Saturn, on the far side of the Sun tomorrow (Monday) at 00:18. GMT. Since Saturn is currently nearly exactly opposite Neptune, Mercury too will oppose Neptune tomorrow (19:53 GMT). Today you may sense the somber edge to the conjunction and the ensuing craziness of the opposition. The Mercury Saturn conjunction is accompanied by attendants Venus and the Moon over the next 48 hours. Intense astrolgy, just watch the news.
Monday August 21st 2006
Mercury conjuncts Saturn 0.49 degrees separation 00:18 GMT (zodiac conjunction 00-43).
The slow old Moon, drifting towards the new, enters Leo 06-34 GMT, joining Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the Sun in that sign.
Mercury opposes Neptune 19-53 GMT (within 1.5 degrees of exact linearity).
From 23:48 GMT today the Moon and 4 planets are within 20 degrees in the skies for 3 days.
As the intense astrology of these next few days play out, Venus all the time draws steadily to her fixed square aspect with Jupiter. Serious times are at hand.
Tuesday August 22nd 2006
This is the last day of Leo.
The slow moving, ancient Moon conjuncts Venus 2.12 degrees separation 03:20 GMT (zodiac conjunction 11 degrees Leo 05-07 GMT)
This 'ancient beyond belief' Moon conjuncts Saturn 1.38 degrees separation 16:53 GMT (zodiac conjunction 17 degrees Leo 15-41 GMT)
Venus squares Jupiter 18-27 GMT.
The nearly spent, whisper of an old Moon conjuncts Mercury in Leo. (0.42 degrees separation 22:29 GMT, zodiac conjunction 22-44 GMT)
Wednesday August 23rd 2006
As the new moon approaches, some 400 extra European Union troops were yesterday flown into Congo's capital, Kinshasa, to quell raging gun battles.
A Russian passenger plane carrying at least 160 people crashed in eastern Ukraine.
The director of Egypt's railways, Hanafi Abdel Qawi, has been dismissed after a train crash outside Cairo on Monday that killed 58 and injured more than 140.
Several thousand tourists and local residents have been forced to flee a huge forest fire in northern Greece. The fire burned out of control on the Kassandra peninsula, threatening the resorts of Polychrono and Hanioti.
Today the slow moving and decelerating ancient Moon in Leo is trine Pluto 06-19 GMT and is then void of course.
The Sun enters Virgo 06-23 GMT, and a new astrological month begins.
The day continues (somewhat empty) under the sway of the void old Moon in Leo before the Moon enters Virgo 18-08. The New Moon occurs one hour later.
New Moon 1 degree Virgo 19:11 GMT
This New Moon occurs with a stellium of three planets, the Sun and the Moon occupying a mere 17 degree sector of the sky. The astrological energy is concentrated on Leo and Virgo at this time. The emphasis is on 'personal choice'.
Also there are some seriously strong aspects in operation right now. Jupiter is trine Uranus, Venus is square Jupiter and applying in conjunction with Saturn. Saturn is opposite Neptune and is squared by Jupiter. Mercury is trine Pluto and opposite Neptune. Mars is square Pluto. The Sun and Moon are quintile Jupiter at New Moon. There are no planets in cardinal signs and only one, Neptune, in an air sign. The New Moon falls on the Venus, Mars midpoint, opposes the Uranus/Neptune midpoint, and squares the Saturn Uranus midpoint. All in all this is a tense, powerful, purposeful and practical lunation with rather heavy and potentially disturbing overtones.
At the moment of New Moon the stellium of planets are rising over Japan and New Zealand, culminating over the western half of the USA and setting over the UK. It is Moonset at London, once again the UK looks 'starred' at this time.
This New Moon is ultimate one before the Annular Solar Eclipse of September 22nd. We are truly and deeply into another eclipse season now. Changes are at hand.
Thursday August 24th 2006
The Sun, slow moving infant Moon and Mars are in Virgo. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are in Leo. The Moon opposes Uranus around 20-50 GMT, the opposition is 'eased' somewhat by Jupiter.
For observers in Central Asia, Ganymede, Io, and Europa are bunched together east of Jupiter shortly after 13:30 Universal Time. Sky and telescope
Friday August 25th 2006
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad expresses strong opposition to the deployment of U.N. troops along his country's border with Lebanon, saying such a move would be "hostile" and create problems between the two nations.
Yesterday at the International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly in Prague, astronomers decided that the Solar System has eight planets, and Pluto is not one of them. Instead, Pluto is a "dwarf planet."
To be a planet, the assembly ruled, a world must meet three criteria:
(1) It must have enough mass and gravity to gather itself into a ball.
(2) It must orbit the sun.
(3) It must reign supreme in its own orbit, having "cleared the neighborhood" of other competing bodies.
My feelings on this matter reflect my observations on my own and other peoples lives when Pluto makes a strong transit to a 'personal' planet or point in an astrological birth chart. The 'effect' of Pluto transits appears to be overwhelming, transformatory and irrevocable. Not bad for a 'dwarf planet'!
Today the very slow moving young Moon conjuncts Mars 0.73 degrees separation 11:38 GMT (zodiac conjunction 13-12 GMT at 21 degrees Virgo).
The Moon in Virgo 'crawls' on and is square Pluto and is void from 19-00 GMT for the remainder of the GMT day.
Tomorrow sees a very tight alignment between Venus and Saturn in Leo, this is a serious weekend!
Saturday August 26th 2006
Moon apogee (slowest all month) 01:22 GMT
Mars is very close to being square to Pluto now, both planets square the Lunar Node. This configuration, with its violent overtones, dominates the remainder of August.
The Moon enters Libra 07-01 GMT and makes a few fine aspects whilst in that sign.
Venus very closely conjuncts Saturn 23:37 GMT separation 0.07 degrees. (position 17 degrees Leo), and both planets oppose Neptune.
As twilight fades, look low in the west for the waxing crescent Moon. Far to its upper left shines Jupiter, in the southwest. A little less than halfway from the Moon to Jupiter, can you still see Spica? This archetypal spring star is on its way out for the year. Sky and telescope
Sunday August 27th 2006
Venus opposes Neptune 12-19 GMT.
Mercury enters Virgo 19-31 GMT
Around 21-00 the Moon eases the Venus/Neptune opposition.
Moon crescent phase 20 degrees Libra 22:47 GMT
Monday August 28th 2006.
The Moon occults Spica at 08-06 GMT. The occultation is visible from southern New Zealand. She then is sextile Pluto (08:01 GMT) and becomes void of course for over 13 hours before entering Scorpio 21-56 GMT.
This evening the Moon is more or less between Jupiter and Spica, as shown above.
Tuesday August 29th 2006
State of the skies:- We are in an eclipse season with eclipses of the Moon and the Sun in 10 and 24 days respectively. There are 25 days to the equinox.
The Moon, young, slow moving but accelerating in Scorpio, is today conjunct Jupiter 22-05 GMT
Mercury and Venus are morning stars in Leo.
Mars is in Virgo and squares Pluto 23-24 GMT today.
Jupiter in Scorpio forms a waning watery trine to Uranus in Pisces this morning. (This is the final hit of this aspect. The first was on Nov. 27th 2005, the second was on May 5th 2006). Despite this 'fine' aspect the 'astrological skies' are heavily laden with difficult aspects at this time.
Wednesday August 30th 2006
A real tough day.
The Moon in Scorpio forms a strong and heavy fixed T-square with Saturn and Neptune at 07-00 GMT.
She sextiles Mars 20-42 GMT and is then void.
At 22-30 GMT she eases the Mars Lunar Node opposition.
Thursday August 31st 2006
The void Moon approaching pre-eclipse first quarter starts this day in somber Scorpio and enters wilder Sagittarius 07-00 GMT.
Saturn opposes Neptune.
Saturn in Leo will be in opposition to Neptune (in Aquarius) on 31st Aug. 2006, February 28th 2007 and June 25th 2007. The last time Saturn opposed Neptune was in April 1972, when Saturn was in Gemini and Neptune was in Sagittarius. Saturn and Neptune were conjunct in 1953 and in 1989. The opposition between Saturn and Neptune is the most difficult part of Saturn's sojourn in Leo and indicates potentially disturbing events on the world stage around the times mentioned . Some astrologers have related global pandemics ( e.g. Avian Flu) to it. Others connect it with terrorist (gas and chemical) attacks. I feel it may denote a time of global uncertainty (and glamour) and the period of its influence serves as a seeding ground for adverse events later on. During the last opposition (1971-1972), the Pakistan Indian War was in full sway, UK troops were heavily involved in Ireland, Iraq had started expelling thousands of Irani folk as a prelude to the war later in the decade. There was a massive Earthquake killing thousands in Iran. From the US, Nixon made historic visits to China and Moscow. It was the end of the Apollo space era, and a time of protests (in the UK) about Aldermaston, the government's chemical war research establishment. Not much fun there. 'Glam rock' was the big thing in the music industry at the time. That opposition was across Gemini Sagittarius.
The accelerating Moon reaches first quarter 22:58 GMT 8 degrees Sagittarius.
The Moon approaches Antares and occults that star early tomorrow visible from the southern tip of South America. She squares the Sun and Mercury at the end of the day.
September 2006
In the shadow of Saturn and Neptune in opposition September starts with Mars, the lunar Node and Pluto in mutable T-square.
A partial lunar eclipse occurs on September 7th
Mercury and Venus are tightly aligned on September 15th in Libra
In the second half of September 2006 a serious fixed square occurs as Jupiter, in Scorpio Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius hook in dangerous arrangement.
An annular eclipse of the Sun occurs on 22nd, the day before the Libran Equinox
Friday September 1st 2006
Iran has failed to heed its 31 August deadline to halt uranium enrichment, the UN atomic agency says.
International donors meeting in Sweden yesterday promised more than $940m in new money to help rebuild war-torn Lebanon.
At least 43 people are killed and 112 were wounded in a series of rocket and bomb attacks in Baghdad.
Today the Moon waxing towards eclipse, today in Sagittarius, occults Antares around 02:00 GMT. The occultation is visible from the southern tip of South America
Mercury at Superior Conjunction 04-50 GMT.
Venus trines Pluto 11-08 GMT.
Saturday September 2nd 2006
The Moon is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius 03-56 GMT. (squaring Mars and the Lunar Node).
The Moon squares Mars and is void from 07-50 GMT. She enters Capricorn 14-35 GMT
Sunday September 3rd 2006
Mercury opposes Uranus 09-22 GMT.
The Moon around 13-00 GMT, with Uranus, the Sun, and Jupiter form 4 points of a hexagon.
Mercury sextiles Jupiter 22-05 GMT.
Monday September 4th 2006
Yesterday at least 200 Taleban were killed by Afghan and Nato forces in a key offensive in Afghanistan.
Al-Qaeda's number two in Iraq - said to be behind the bombing of a Shia shrine was arrested.
In the UK Tributes are being paid and flags are at half-mast after 14 UK troops were killed in a plane crash in Afghanistan on Saturday.
Battle rages in UK political life over Tony Blair's refusal to name an exit date.
Europe's lunar satellite, the Smart 1 probe, ended its mission on Saturday by crashing onto the Moon's surface.
State of the skies today:- There are 18 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun in Pisces will oppose Uranus, an annual event, casting an erratic hue over the next two days.
Deeply in an eclipse season we are now 4 days from a difficult lunar eclipse. A tumultuous week is ahead of us. The fast moving and accelerating Moon today reaches gibbous phase 13:01 GMT at 27 degrees Capricorn. The final procession to Thursday's partial lunar eclipse then begins in earnest. She trines Mars in late Virgo at 14-25 GMT and is void of course until 18-15 when she enters Aquarius.
Mercury is now astrologically an evening star in Virgo, conferring an intensely analytical and hairsplitting and reflective approach to proceedings, while Venus remains an 'ardent' morning star in Leo. She enters Virgo on Wednesday of this week, adding to the climatic Virgo Pisces interplay and challenge of the approaching eclipse.
Mars will leave Virgo and enter Libra on Friday.
This current period is dominated by the bleak and sinister opposition of Saturn and Neptune. This is an uneasy season, with uneasy feelings, ask any astrologer.
Tuesday September 5th 2006
The Sun opposes Uranus 10-54 GMT, (made easy by Jupiter).
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 23-19 GMT.
Wednesday September 6th 2006
The Moon opposes Saturn 00-39 GMT.
Venus enters Virgo 06-15 GMT.
The Moon sextiles Pluto and is void at 09-30 GMT.
She enters Pisces 18-57.
Thursday September 7th 2006
Lunar Eclipse today .
(Animation of today's lunar eclipse try Larry Koehn of Nashville, Tennessee).
An Austrian teenager who was held captive in a basement for eight years yesterday described her dreams of freedom.
Israel will lift its sea and air blockade of Lebanon on Thursday evening, the Israeli government has announced.
Quote from the Daze Tony Blair Page' 'Blair's progressed Moon is now waning, the pinnacle of his influence and power on the world stage will now diminish. In 2006 his progressed Moon forms a T-square pattern with Uranus and Neptune in his chart. The influence of this arrangement may well speed up the inevitable breakdown and dissolution of his role. Jupiter opposes his natal Sun in January, April and September. Challenges to his ambitions appear inevitable at these times and oppose his natural Taurean instinct to persist as long as possible. Saturn goes on to square his natal Sun on 11th August before starting to apply in conjunction with natal Pluto on September 25th, June 15th 2007 and finally 25th Sept. 2007. This 'generational' aspect may well symbolise the end of his power. The year ends with Jupiter, newly arrived in Sagittarius, opposing natal Mars on Dec. 9th 2006. The main news in the UK on this day of lunar eclipse reports of the pressure growing on Tony Blair as seven government members yesterday quit over his refusal to name an exit date.
Today, at 17 hours before the eclipse the Sun in Virgo sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio 01-46 GMT. This sets a positive potential to a difficult eclipse. It remains to be seen how we deal with its energy.
The Moon in Pisces conjuncts Uranus 0.92 degrees separation at 14:51 GMT. This is visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus from Australia. It serves as an awakening call to the global population as to what lies ahead today.
Partial Lunar Eclipse 18:51 GMT at 15 degrees Pisces
The chart (set for London)
The Astrology
This eclipse is dominated and characterised by a 'mutable opposition' involving Virgo and Pisces. The eclipsed Moon in Pisces is conjunct Uranus, trine Jupiter, widely square Pluto and opposite the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in Virgo. (Venus and Mars are both in Virgo for only yesterday and today). Saturn opposes Neptune both squared by Jupiter.
At the exact moment of central eclipse the Moon rises with Uranus over the UK and Venus, Mars, Mercury and the Sun set. The UK is well and truly 'starred'. See astrocartographic map below.
(Eclipse astrocartography at work on the UK)
At the same time the Neptune Saturn opposition straddles the Prime Meridian of Tehran and the horizon of Seoul. Both of these places are sharply in focus at this time.
The Moon is conjunct the MC of Delhi. At Warsaw, Bucharest and Istanbul Jupiter sets forming a fixed grand cross with the local ascendant, Saturn and Neptune.
(Astrocartography for today's eclipse)
The Astronomy
The second lunar eclipse of the year is a rather small partial eclipse. The penumbral phase begins at 16:42 UT, but most observers will not be able to visually detect the faint shadow until about 17:30 UT. A timetable for the major phases of the eclipse is as follows:
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 16:42:23 UT
Partial Eclipse Begins: 18:05:03 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 18:51:21 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 19:37:41 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 21:00:20 UT
In spite of the fact that the eclipse is shallow (the Moon's northern limb dips just 6.3 arc-minutes into Earth's dark umbral shadow), the partial phase lasts over 1 1/2 hours. This is due to the grazing geometry of the Moon and umbra.
At the instant of greatest eclipse (18:51 UT), the Moon will stand near the zenith for observers in the central Indian Ocean. At that time, the umbral eclipse magnitude will be 0.190. The event is best seen from Africa, Asia, Australia and Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, none of the eclipse is visible from North America. NASA eclipse home page.
Lunar Saros 118
(Chart of Lunar Saros Series 118)
Today's eclipse is number 51 of 74 eclipses belonging to Saros 118. This 'family of eclipses' started on March 2nd 1105 and ends on May 17th 24211 AD. The chart set for the moment of maximum eclipse of that first family member is shown above, (set for London). Interestingly the Virgo Pisces polarity of today's eclipse is there in reverse. The chart is tense. Mars applying to Uranus is opposite Jupiter, and square Neptune The last eclipses in this Saros were on 27th August 1988, and August 17th 1970. The current eclipse is the 7th of 10 partial eclipses in the Saros series. Saros 118 is an old one. Its energy could be wayward and destructive.
After the eclipse is over the Moon starts to make difficult aspects well into tomorrow (Friday). The advice is to 'hold your horses', don't act or react at least until the waning Moon starts to make some positive aspects at the end of Saturday. All in all the eclipse is difficult and the times over the next few days are difficult too. We remain deeply in an eclipse season as we now face the Solar eclipse at the end of Virgo in two weeks time.
Friday September 8th 2006
The 'hung over' post eclipse waning Moon in Pisces is at perigee (fastest all month) at 02:53 GMT
Mars enters Libra 04-18 GMT. An interesting modulation of the collective animus (the masculine energy in us all) will coincide with this ingress. Venus recently arrived in Virgo, (pragmatic and earthy), is on the chase of Mars in Libra. She meets up with him on October 25th in Scorpio.
The Moon opposes Mercury 05-27 GMT, squares Pluto and is void from 09-03 GMT. She enters Aries 18-24 GMT.
The Moon then forms a very tight opposition (less then 0.3 of a degree of exact linearity) to Mars at 19-02 GMT.
This is a testing day to say the least.
Saturday September 9th 2006
The very fast moving Moon wanes in Aries.
Mercury squares Pluto 11-59 GMT.
Minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star Epsilon PSC. Approx.. 21:40 to 22:39 GMT. This occultation is repeated this year on November 3rd
Sunday September 10th 2006
The fast moving but now decelerating waning Moon in Aries trines Pluto and is void at 08-53 GMT. She enters Taurus 18-00 GMT.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 23:37 GMT at 3 degrees Taurus
Monday September 11th 2006
The Palestinian president says he is ready for talks with his Israeli counterpart, after meeting the UK's Tony Blair.
Nato and Afghan forces yesterday killed 94 Taleban in south Afghanistan, while in the east a suicide bomber killed a top official.
State of the skies:- We are currently in an inter-eclipse period. Last week's partial lunar eclipse is followed a week on Friday with an annular solar eclipse on the last degree of Virgo. The Autumn Equinox is the following day.
The waning decelerating Moon in Taurus forms a fixed T-square with Neptune and Saturn tightest around 21-00 GMT today and will occult the Pleiades tomorrow before moving into Gemini.
Mercury is a fast moving 'evening star' in Virgo, entering Libra on Wednesday and aligning closely to Mars in that sign on Friday. This close alignment mentioned above is the astrological highlight of the coming week, the Solar Eclipse then takes over the title.
Venus is still a 'morning star' now in (discrete) Virgo.
Mars is now in Libra and is being approached by Mercury and is awaiting his message from Venus.
The two weeks ahead are not conducive to new enterprise.
Tuesday September 12th 2006
Somber ceremonies were held yesterday in the US to mark five years since the 11 September attacks that killed 2,973.
Quote from the Daze September 20th 2001:- 'Much has been written in the astrological community over the past week about the recent events in the USA. The Saturn Pluto opposition across the US chart central axis is accepted by most authorities as the dominant astrological signature of the event. In addition, as I have already said, the Moon at the time of the events in New York and Washington on September 11th, was exactly on the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint. Both conjunctions either side of this event were very close. In the case of Saturn, there was an occultation over some parts of the USA (not visible from New York however) by the Moon on the day before the terrorist attacks. On the day after, the Moon almost occulted Jupiter'.
Today the waning Moon in late Taurus causes a lunar occultation of the Pleiades visible from Eastern Europe, the Middle East Asia and India around 20:00 GMT today.
A Minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star Atlas (in the Pleiades) occurs approx 20:44 to 21:33 GMT. The Moon trines Mercury and is void at 20-59. She enters Gemini 21-00 GMT.
Mercury enters Libra 21-08 GMT joining Mars in that sign and approaching a close alignment with the 'God of War' on Friday.
With both the Moon and Mars ingressing into Air Signs today the 'flavor' of the day which starts empirically moves by the day's end into social communication and exchange.
Wednesday September 13th 2006
'Low level' world news stories yesterday, The US thanked Syria for preventing an attack on its embassy in Damascus in which at least three gunmen died. A stampede at a presidential election campaign rally in Yemen killed and injured dozens of people.
Today we are 100 days from the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
The Moon is waning and decelerating in Gemini, riding exceptionally high in northern hemisphere skies and approaching Last Quarter. The Sun and Moon are both in mutable signs. There is much movement today.
The Mercury Mars alignment, exact on Friday in Libra is beginning to bite. Watch the news stories over the next three or four days for corresponding manifestations of this alignment.
Thursday September 14th 2006
The Moon reaches last quarter phase 22 degrees Gemini 11:16 GMT. This is a 'Major last quarter Moon' in the current 'Lunar Standstill'. It will be very high in northern hemisphere skies.
The Moon opposes Pluto and is void from 16-01 GMT.
Friday September 15th 2006
A Nasa satellite has recorded major changes to ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean between 2004 and 2005.
The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US over what it calls an "erroneous" report on Iran's nuclear programme.
Canadian police yesterday name the gunman who killed a young woman in a killing spree at a Montreal college. on Wednesday.
The distant planet whose discovery prompted leading astronomers to demote Pluto from the rank of "planet" has now been given its own official name. Having caused so much consternation in the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the object has been called Eris, after the Greek goddess of discord. Designated 2003 UB313, it is about 2,800km across - a world of rock and ice and somewhat larger than Pluto. Eris - initially given the codename "Xena" after a TV character - was discovered on 8 January, 2005, at the Palomar Observatory in California.
Highest Moons of the 21st Century
The northernmost moon of the 21st century will occur on September 15, 2006.
Many viewers will see the Moon climb unusually high in the sky; a few will see the Moon directly overhead.
This event will be visible in every time zone. For viewers in the Northern Hemisphere, north of the tropics, this moon will be the highest until 2024, with the Moon appearing directly overhead as far north as The Bahamas, Iran, Nepal, Delhi, and the southern ends of Morocco, Kuwait, and Tibet. In the US, the Moon will be overhead in Florida (Cape Canaveral) and southern Texas, and not quite as far north as the Louisiana Delta.
Observers in the Southern Hemisphere will see an unusually low Moon to the north. Observers below 60 south will see a very low moon or none at all. At all locations, the Moon will rise and set near its extreme northeast and northwest azimuths (unusually far NE/NW on the horizon). http://users.aol.com/JEBrown800/PressReleases/RecordHighMoon090406.html
Today this high Moon, just past last quarter phase and decelerating towards Eclipse over the Sun next Friday, enters Cancer 02-54 GMT. She forms a square aspect with the Mercury/Mars conjunction around 11-30 GMT.
Mercury tightly (less then 9 minutes of arc) aligns to Mars at 5 degrees Libra at 19-01 GMT.
Venus is applying in opposition to Uranus, and the Sun is applying in square aspect to Pluto.
Consequently today could be a volatile and potentially traumatic blend of planetary energies. A collective surge of adrenaline and emotional defiance is 'on the cards'. Touchy and jumpy!
Saturday September 16th 2006
In the deepest midst of this current eclipse season the waning Cancerian Moon forms a watery grand trine with Uranus and Jupiter at its strongest between 02-00 and 09-00 GMT.
In the midst of this Venus opposes Uranus 05-01 GMT.
Sunday September 17th 2006
The Moon sextiles the Sun and is void of course from 00-32 GMT.
The Virgo Sun squares Pluto 03-31 GMT.
The Moon enters Leo 12-15 GMT.
Monday September 18th 2006
At least 21 people yesterday died and 65 were hurt in several suspected suicide attacks in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk. A global day of action began calling for peace in Darfur, but Sudan's government says protesters are being "misled".
Astronomers have found a strange new world that has them pondering again the essential properties of a planet. This new object, designated HAT-P-1, orbits one member of a pair of stars 450 light-years away in the constellation Lacerta. Although HAT-P-1's radius is about 1.38 times that of our own Jupiter, it has a mass that is only half that of Jupiter. This makes it much bigger and lower in density than planets are usually, raising questions about how it formed. The mathematical equations describing planetary structure do not fit.
State of the skies:-The Sun reaches the Autumn Equinox next Saturday
Today the Moon reaches balsamic phase 08:36 GMT at 10 degrees Leo and at that time begins the final part of her decelerating movement to Friday's Annular Solar Eclipse. The week ahead is dominated by this approach. This is deep eclipse season territory. Stand, wait and observe.
Mercury is an evening star in Libra. The tight Mercury/Mars alignment in that last Friday appears to have coincided with a powerful Islamic response to Pope Benedict XVI causing offence to Muslims in a speech in Bavaria last week. Yesterday he added 'I wish also to add that I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims'.
(The Mercury Mars conjunction was opposite the Pope's natal Uranus and conjunct his natal Lilith!)
Venus demurely shining as a morning star from Virgo is tomorrow sextile Jupiter. The old Moon will occult Venus on Thursday for some parts of the Southern Pacific.
Tuesday September 19th 2006
Nato said on Sunday that at least 400 Taleban fighters had been killed in a two-week operation codenamed Medusa, the biggest offensive since Nato took over southern Afghanistan from US-led forces at the end of July. The deaths cannot be independently verified. Bombers in various parts of Afghanistan yesterday killed at least 17 people, including four Nato troops, and injure children.
An explosion outside Somalia's interim parliament yesterday killed 11 people but missed the president.
Iran's Supreme Leader condemned remarks on Islam by Pope Benedict, as protests continued around the world.
Today the Moon is conjunct Saturn, (opposite Neptune and square Jupiter), 04-10 GMT. Once this conjunction is over the slowly waning Moon has only to (closely) conjunct Venus on Thursday before aligning to the Sun at the last degree of Virgo on Friday forming an Annular Solar Eclipse.
Venus in Virgo sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio at 11-28 GMT casting something of a heavenly spell over all proceedings today.
The Moon in late Leo trines Pluto and is void from 12-16 GMT for nearly 12 hours.
Wednesday September 20th 2006
A faction of the Thai military led by the army chief yesterday said it has overthrown Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Thaksin Shinawatra himself-- speaking from U.N. headquarters in New York -- declared a state of emergency on Tuesday after members of the Thai military attempted to seize power in Bangkok. It is unclear who is in control in Bangkok, where tanks are surrounding government headquarters and the royal palace. There have been no reports of violence.
Today the old Moon very slowly wanes and enters Virgo 00-07 GMT. She applies to Venus in that sign all day.
Expect nit-picking and critical assertions today, but no matter, this is very much a waiting period as the aged balsamic Moon approaches first Venus tomorrow and then the Sun in eclipse on Friday.
Thursday September 21st 2006
Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin, leader of Thailand's military coup, yesterday vowed to appoint a new prime minister in two weeks. The army commander who seized Thailand's government Wednesday in a quick, bloodless coup also pledged to hold elections by October 2007, and received a ringing endorsement from the country's revered king. The astrocartography map set for the moment of Autumn Equinox on Saturday shows Uranus exactly conjunct the IC of Bangkok. The map set for the moment of central eclipse on Friday shows Mars just about to set at the Thai capital.
Today a lunar occultation of Venus occurs for observers in the South East Pacific and from the south of South America in daylight. The Moon is conjunct Venus 14-47 GMT.
From that moment the very slow moving ancient Moon in Virgo has an 'unobstructed' path to tomorrow's Solar Eclipse.
The day is special, there is foreknowledge and forewarning to be gleaned.
Friday September 22nd 2006
Moon apogee 05:24 (which is why today's eclipse is such a long one).
Very long Annular Solar Eclipse 7m 9s, at 29 degrees Virgo.
Central eclipse 11-40 GMT Visible from South America, West Africa, Antarctica [Annular: Guyana, Suriname, F. Guiana, s Atlantic]
(graphic http://www.hermit.org/eclipse/2006-09-22/
The Astronomy
The final eclipse of 2006 is an annular eclipse of the Sun. The track of the Moon's antumbral shadow begins in northern South America and crosses the South Atlantic with no further landfall. A partial eclipse will be seen from a much larger region including South America, the eastern Caribbean, western Africa, and Antarctica. The path of the annular eclipse begins in Guyana at 09:48 UT when the Moon's antumbral shadow meets Earth and forms a 323 kilometre wide corridor. Guyana's capitol city Georgetown lies just a few kilometres outside the path's northern limit. Here, a magnitude 0.920 partial eclipse will be seen at sunrise. On the central line 160 kilometres south, the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 31 seconds. Rushing east, the antumbra quickly enters Surinam where its capital city Paramaribo lies deep within the antumbral path. Maximum eclipse in Paramaribo occurs at 09:51 UT, the Sun's altitude is 5° and the duration of annularity is 5 minutes 1 seconds. Continuing into French Guiana, the capitol city Cayenne stands just 10 kilometres south of the central line. Maximum eclipse occurs at 09:53 UT as the Sun stands 8° above the eastern horizon during an annular phase lasting 5 minutes 42 seconds. The southern edge of the antumbra briefly clips the north coast of Brazil before spending the next three and a half hours sweeping across the South Atlantic. Greatest eclipse occurs at 11:40:11 UT. The annular duration is 7 minutes 9 seconds, the path width is 261 kilometres and the Sun is 66° above the featureless horizon of the open ocean. The central track runs south of the African continent and nearly reaches Kerguelen Island before ending at local sunset (13:31 UT). During its 3 hour 40 minute flight across our planet, the Moon's antumbra travels about 13,800 kilometres and covers 0.83% of Earth's surface area. Partial phases of the eclipse are visible primarily from South America and Africa. This is the 16th eclipse of Saros 144. The series began with the first of eight partial eclipses on 1736 Apr 11. The first central eclipse was annular in the Southern Hemisphere on 1880 Jul 07. The series will produce 39 annular eclipses the last of which is 2565 Aug 27. The series terminates on 2980 May 05 after 23 more partial eclipses. NASA eclipse homepage.
The Astrology
At the time of this eclipse the planet Neptune is square Jupiter, opposite Saturn and trine Mercury. Venus sextiles Jupiter, Saturn trines Pluto.
Both today's eclipse and tomorrow's equinox are dominated by a fixed planetary T-square involving Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter which is currently tightening more every day. This is a challenging time for us all.
At the exact moment of central eclipse the Sun and Moon are conjunct the MC of Paris, Algiers and Lagos. The pair are rising at Chicago and setting at Lhasa. Mars is aligned to Washington DC and the Neptune Saturn opposition is aligned to Afghanistan. Mars is just about to set at the Thai capital Bangkok.
The Saros
As mentioned above this eclipse belongs to a young Saros family which started in 1736. The most recent eclipses in the Saros were 11th Sept. 1988, 31st Aug. 1970 and Aug 20th 1952. That first eclipse in the Saros in 1736 in Aries formed a 'mystic rectangle' planetary picture with the heavy weights Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. A conjunction of Venus and Mercury in Pisces and a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius at that time adds to the 'spiritual and visionary' potential of this Saros. The next eclipse in this Saros family on October 2nd 2024 in Libra.
The wake.
Despite the current planetary tensions this eclipse can be considered 'potentially good' and offers new hope and ways of solution to recent problems.
The intervening hours between the end of the eclipse at 14:40 GMT today and tomorrow's equinox at 04:04 GMT can be considered extremely special even 'holy'.
The Moon is void from the moment of New Moon until 13-07 GMT when she enters Libra. Whilst in this sign she will be conjunct with Mars and Mercury and make pleasant aspects over the next couple of days.
Saturday September 23rd 2006
Autumn Equinox 04:04:27 GMT
At the moment of Equinox as the Sun crosses the equator and passes into Libra it is exactly sunrise at Bucharest. It is Moonrise at Jerusalem. It is local noon at Beijing. Pluto is conjunct the IC of Warsaw, Jupiter aligns to San Francisco, Uranus sets at London and the current Saturn Neptune opposition aligns to central India. Uranus is exactly conjunct the IC of Bangkok.
Photo from www.spaceweather.com
The place to be yesterday morning was Novotel Beach in French Guiana. There, the rising sun was a ring of fire:
Today after the equinox the Moon is conjunct Mars in Libra at 09-13 GMT (within 2 degrees of exact alignment).
Mercury trines Neptune 13-44 GMT casting a mystical hue on proceedings.
The very young Moon now is applying in conjunction with Mercury.
The weekend now sees the Sun, the slow moving infant Moon, Mercury and Mars in Libra. Almost unnoticed the energy has changed. Decision making is difficult, motivations mainly social, hard work not to be preferred.
The news on this equinox day is focused on Germany's chancellor saying she is shocked at the scale of the high-speed monorail crash that killed 23 people yesterday.
The US says Sudan is failing in its responsibility to protect its own citizens in Darfur and warns time is running out.
At least 23 people have been killed in a Baghdad bombing.. The explosion happened in Sadr City, a mainly Shia district, as Iraqi Sunnis observed the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
The Cassini spacecraft has revealed a faint, previously unknown ring around the giant planet Saturn.
Scientists have high hopes for Japan's Solar-B mission which has been launched from the Uchinoura spaceport. The spacecraft will investigate the colossal explosions in the Sun's atmosphere known as solar flares.
Sunday September 24th 2006
The Moon is conjunct Mercury 02-00 GMT. She then sextile Pluto and is void of course at 02-11 GMT for nearly 24 hours.
Jupiter squares Neptune 07:02 GMT. (Final hit. 1st Jan 28th, 2nd March 16th)
During her void period the slender infant Moon occults Spica centred on 14-06 GMT. The occultation (the 15th in the current monthly series of 23) is visible from north and central south America.
Monday September 25th 2006
The young, slow, but accelerating Moon enters Scorpio 01-55 GMT.
Venus in Virgo squares Pluto at 18-08 GMT. Potentially a dirty day. Corruption and low morals to the fore.
We are still in the throws of an eclipse season as September 2006 comes to an end. An intense couple of days ensue, maybe opening up somewhat on Wednesday afternoon (GMT)..
Tuesday September 26th 2006
The Pope yesterday said he has "total and profound respect" for the Muslim faith, as he attempted to defuse a row with Islam.
Saddam Hussein was thrown out of court for a second time, as defence lawyers boycotted the ongoing trial.
In the UK Gordon Brown made his pitch to be Britain's next PM, saying he would "relish" the chance to take on David Cameron. Under the scandalous aura of Venus square Pluto Downing Street has described as "untrue and rubbish" a report that Cherie Blair accused Gordon Brown of lying during this keynote Labour conference speech.
The main scientific news right now concerns Japan launching a spacecraft to study solar flares, huge explosions in the Sun's atmosphere.
Still in 'karmically sensitive days' following very recent eclipses we battle on!
Venus in Virgo is at this time square Pluto and opposite the Lunar Node.
The young accelerating Moon in Scorpio forms another fixed T-square with Saturn and Neptune from 12 noon GMT onwards. She is conjunct Jupiter 13-07 GMT.
The waxing Moon reaches crescent phase 14:31 GMT 18 degrees Scorpio.
This is one intense day. Murky waters and challenging situations.
Wednesday September 27th 2006
A new wide-field survey of the sky has made its first major discovery - two planets orbiting far-distant stars. The two extrasolar (outside our Solar System) planets, now known as Wasp-1b and Wasp-2b, are in the constellations of Andromeda and Delphinus. One is about 1,000 light-years from Earth; the other is about half that distance.
The world is the warmest it has been in the last 12,000 years because of recent rapid warming, a study suggests. Nasa climatologists said the Earth had warmed by about 0.2C (0.4F) in each of the last three decades.
Bulgaria and Romania yesterday got the green light to join the European Union, but under tough conditions.
The Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn fixed T-square is now at maximum intensity and dominating the skies of Earth. This is the most difficult planetary picture of 2006.
The waxing and accelerating Moon in Scorpio is sextile Venus and becomes void at 05-33 GMT today. This period of lunar 'voidness' lasts until she enters Sagittarius at 13-17 GMT.
As the Moon in Sagittarius approaches an occultation with Antares tomorrow, Mercury is aligned to Spica the 'witch star' tonight.
Thursday September 28th 2006
Iran's president vowed on Wednesday not to give up the right to nuclear technology, just as EU and Iranian diplomats met to see if Tehran might suspend uranium enrichment and avoid the threat of sanctions.
US President George W Bush is due to host a meeting between the Pakistani and Afghan presidents in an attempt to ease tensions between the two sides.
A team of French doctors yesterday said that they have carried out a successful operation on a human under "weightless" conditions in an adapted aircraft. The trial is being seen as a first step to performing surgery in space.
Today Mercury in Libra sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius at 03-25 GMT. The symbolism here is of powerfully charming oratory.
The crescent Moon accelerating to first quarter phase in Sagittarius occults Antares from New Zealand around 08:00 GMT.
The day that follows has astrological weather that is 'bright fun loving and excitement seeking',
Friday September 29th 2006
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 11-23 GMT
She squares Venus and is void of course from 20-46 GMT.
The Moon enters Capricorn 22-02 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon are then in cardinal signs.
Pragmatism and social diplomacy are finely balanced.
Saturday September 30th 2006
Venus glides gracefully into Libra 10-02 GMT.
Moon first quarter 7 degrees Capricorn 11:05 GMT. This is a 'Major first quarter Moon' in the current 'Lunar Standstill'. It will be very low in northern hemisphere skies. This is the last manifestation of the 2005-2006 Lunar Major Standstill. The next minor standstill will be in 2015
October 2006
As this month starts, September's difficult fixed T-square of Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter still holds sway. The power of the T-square finally fades from around 22nd October.
Currently 14 degrees separate Venus, the Sun and Mars all in Libra. This triple conjunction in Libra is the 'hallmark' of October 2006. Venus has caught the scent of the Sun and of Mars, she is on the chase. The three are closest from the time of the tightly packed New Moon at the very end of Libra on the 22nd October to the 26th of this month. The major issue corresponding on Earth is 'relationships'.
Mercury in a similar vein is chasing Jupiter. Mercury is slowing down all month as he approaches his retrograde period, this is not a month to launch new projects, its a 'bring it on sit back and take the cosmic punches' sort of month. The pair of Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct on 22nd, Mercury remains within a degree, turns retrograde on the 28th and is conjunct Mercury for a second time on October 31st. (Mercury completes his final (and closest) conjunct with Jupiter on Dec. 11th 2006 at 4 degrees Sagittarius).
The last 10 days of the month are 'astrologically very intense'.
Sunday October 1st 2006
The Moon increasing in light and motion waxes in Capricorn.
Monday October 2nd 2006
"There's a new comet in the night sky, Comet Swan. At present, it is too dim for the naked eye, but "the comet is a spectacular sight through binoculars or a small telescope," Spaceweather.com
World news:-Brazilians are voting in presidential elections with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva seeking a second term in office.
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 9 degrees Libra. There are 81 days to the northern hemisphere's Winter Solstice.
The Moon, increasing in light and motion, after a very brief voidness enters Aquarius 03-25 GMT. The sun and the Moon are in air signs today. Balmy sweet and visionary is the manner of the day.
The Moon will be fat and harvest full by Friday.
Mercury enters Scorpio 04-38 GMT today, chasing Jupiter. The 'collective mind' is tuned to the mysterious and the unfathomable. Serious considerations and penetrative judgements are to the fore. Mercury is slowing down all month as he approaches his retrograde period. Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct on 22nd Nov.. Mercury remains within a degree, turns retrograde on the 28th and is conjunct Mercury for a second time on October 31st. (Mercury completes his final (and closest) conjunct with Jupiter on Dec. 11th 2006 at 4 degrees Sagittarius).
Venus in Libra chases the Sun and Mars. She is on a love prowl.
Mars senses Venus' approach. He makes an airy trine to Neptune on Wednesday.
Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter are still locked in fixed planetary T-square.
As the moon waxes to her harvest Moon fullness this week so we pull out of eclipse season.
Tuesday October 3rd 2006
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 08-32 GMT.
The Moon sextiles Pluto and is void from 20-14 GMT.
Moon reaches gibbous phase 22:19 GMT 25 degrees Aquarius. The Moon already looking fullish and fat. Saturday's Full Moon is the largest looking one this year.
Wednesday October 4th 2006
North Korea said yesterday that she is to conduct a nuclear test "in the future".
US police investigated why a gunman killed five girls and injured seven at an Amish school in Pennsylvania on Monday.
Venus and Mars are converging on the sun. You can't see the event with the naked eye, but SOHO can. The spacecraft has a coronograph onboard able to block the sun's glare and reveal nearby stars and planets: Spaceweather.com
The three are closest from the time of the tightly packed New Moon at the very end of Libra on the 22nd October to the 26th of this month. The major issue corresponding on Earth to this triple conjunction in Libra is 'relationships'.
The fast moving gibbous Moon waxing to the full enters Pisces 05-34 GMT.
Mars in Libra trines Neptune in Aquarius 12-23 GMT.
The next three days are dominated by the crescendo of the Full Moon.
Thursday October 5th 2006
Tens of thousands of people have been driven from their homes by fighting in southern Afghanistan in recent months, the UN refugee agency has said.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday sought to boost beleaguered Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
China has appealed for calm following North Korea's announcement that it planned to test a nuclear bomb.
In the USA republicans are struggling to contain the scandal around ex-Congressman Mark Foley's e-mails amid new claims.
In the UK David Cameron said the NHS is his top priority as he brought the Conservative conference in Bournemouth to a close.
Another comet is discovered. COMET C/2006 T1 (LEVY): H. Levy of Tucson, AZ, reports his visual discovery with a 0.41-m reflector of a diffuse comet close to Saturn in the sky
Astronomers have discovered a new class of planets that take less than a day to whiz round their parent stars.
Today the Moon is conjunct Uranus in tropical Pisces 00-21 GMT seen from South Africa as an occultation.
The Moon squares Pluto and is void from 20-34 GMT.
This day witnesses a growing of full moon tension.
Friday October 6th 2006
This view is of Comet Levy on October 3rd at 12:17 Universal Time. Note the comet's very faint, short tail at '4 o clock'. Sky and Telescope
Russia says it is attempting to dissuade North Korea from carrying out its plan to test a nuclear weapon. The Full Moon tomorrow morning (GMT is aligned to North Korea.
An unprecedented treasure trove of marine reptile fossils has been found found in the Arctic by Norwegian scientists. BBC News
Today the huge harvest full Moon enters Aries 05-33 GMT and is at perigee 14:17 GMT.
This is an exhilarating and tempestuous day. Make the most of it and savour the magic.
The Moon, Earth and Venus align nearly exactly in a straight line at 18-02 to 18:10 GMT. Viewed from the Moon, Venus is very nearly occulted by the Earth. Be aware of the time, this is a special moment.
Saturday October 7th 2006
Huge Full Moon at 14 degrees Aries 03:14 GMT
This Full Moon is the first to follow the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 7th 2006. As such the events and experiences 'set up' at that time now start to manifest. Change is in the air, this full Moon is urgent and storming.
It is potentially an inspiring lunation (being sextile Neptune), however the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars with the Sun in Libra, opposite the Moon adds to a 'higher than normal risk' of earthquakes around this time.
This Full Moon in Aries favors 'spur of the moment' activities. Spontaneity, impulse, arousal, love at first sight, flare ups, ignition and combustion are 'on the cards'. At this time Mars is sextile Saturn and trine Neptune, Jupiter squares the Saturn, Neptune opposition. Mercury trines Uranus. All in all this is a 'heady mixture' of energy, invention, and outburst.
At the exact moment of Full Moon, the Moon and the Sun are aligned to Korea. At Mecca and Nairobi it is sunrise and the huge round full moon is setting. Venus rises at Moscow, Jupiter sets at Los Angeles, Uranus sets over the UK.
Later in the day the 'hung over' Moon forms a fiery grand trine with Saturn and Pluto around 18-00 GMT.
The Moon then quickly moves on to trine Pluto and becomes void at 20-05.
Sunday October 8th 2006
The Sun today reaches the half way point in Libra. This is traditionally the start of 'the darkened way' which inevitably leads to the sign of the Scorpion.
From yesterday only ten degrees separate the 'triple conjunction' of Venus, The Sun and Mars.
The fast moving Moon today enters Taurus 05-05 GMT.
This day in contrast to yesterday is deep rooted and robust.
Big sea tides will be in evidence over the next couple of days.
Monday October 9th 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun is at 16 degrees Libra. We are now 'pulling out' of the recent eclipse season.
The fast moving but decelerating waning Moon two days past the Full in Taurus today forms a fixed cross with Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune 13-30 GMT and at 17-08 the Moon in Taurus squares Saturn and becomes void of course. The Moon occults the Pleiades on Tuesday.
Mercury is an evening star in Scorpio and is slowing down. He is drawing to a conjunction with Jupiter on October 22nd, today 11 degrees separate them. Mercury will turn retrograde on October 28th prior to his transit of the Sun's disc on November 9th. Today Mercury is applying in watery trine aspect to Uranus.
Venus and Mars are separated by only 10 degrees, (in Libra) on the far side of the Sun. This triple conjunction (with the Sun) tightens over the next 11 days and is the 'planetary hallmark' right now. Venus and Mars are conjunct in Scorpio on October 25th.
The current emphasis on 'libran' energy focuses hearts and minds onto relationships. This energy modulates to Scorpionic intensity by October 24th.
Tuesday October 10th 2006
At the exact moment of the Full Moon on Saturday, the Moon and the Sun were aligned to the local prime meridian of north eastern Korea.
North Korea on Monday claimed it has performed a successful nuclear test, according to that country's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), a report that triggered worldwide condemnation. South Korean media said the test took place in Gilju in Hamgyong province at 1036 (0136 GMT).
The UN Security Council attacked North Korea's nuclear 'test' and is debating next steps amid calls for rapid action. China pulls the only real lever on North Korea, its supplies of North Korea's food and oil, the North's defiance will probably continue. China therefore holds the key. It warned against the North and has now called it "brazen", an unusually strong word.
Today the Moon occults the Pleiades from North and Central America around 07:00 GMT.
Minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star Electra in the Pleiades approx. 05:50 to 06:47 GMT
The Moon enters Gemini 06-06 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in air signs. (As are Venus, Mars, and Neptune). Communication is the issue.
The decelerating Moon reaches disseminating phase 2 degrees Gemini 09:23 GMT.
The Sun trines Neptune 14-05 GMT.
Mercury trines Uranus 14-07 GMT
Wednesday October 11th 2006
Today's (very busy) Moon around noon GMT forms an airy grand trine with Neptune and the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and the Sun.
Thursday October 12th 2006
US President George W Bush yesterday said North Korea will face "serious repercussions" over its claim to have carried out a nuclear test. Mr. Bush said Washington was working to confirm the claim, but would increase its co-operation with allies on ballistic weapons defense systems. The comments came as Japan imposed tough new sanctions on North Korea in response to its claim. The US is leading efforts to get the UN to impose separate measures.
Twelve people have been killed in a head-on train collision in northeastern France.
An estimated 655,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the 2003 US-led invasion, a joint US-Iraqi survey says.
Above is Solar and Heliospheric Obsevatory (SOHO) image taken yesterday by the onboard SOHO Coronagraph. Image blocks the sun's glare to reveal Venus, Mercury, Spica and a coronal mass ejection (CME), all crowded around the sun.
The triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Mars aligning to Spica mentioned above is now potent and astrologically active, peaking around the 16th, but lasting well into the time of the next New Moon on 22nd.
Comet Swan sky map below. Binoculars needed.
Today the Moon opposes Pluto and is void from 00-22 GMT. She enters Cancer 10-21 GMT.
Mars sextiles Saturn 10-39 GMT .
A 'getting things sorted' kind of day.
Friday October 13th 2006
The Moon in Cancer today forms a watery grand trine with Mercury and Uranus tightest around noon GMT.
By 23-00 GMT the Moon forms another striking planetary picture with Neptune and the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and the Sun.
With Venus trining Neptune tonight, 'enchantment' and 'magic' are almost inevitable.
Saturday October 14th 2006
The decelerating Moon reaches cardinal last quarter phase at 00:27 GMT 20 degrees Cancer.
Venus trines Neptune 02-35 GMT.
The (GMT) night wears on.
The Moon squares Mars and is void from 06-27 GMT for just over 12 hours.
Use the void well.
The Moon enters Leo 18-38 GMT.
Important times are ahead.
Sunday October 15th 2006
Mercury is now 5 degrees from Jupiter in Scorpio.
The triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and the Sun tightens to within 6 degrees. This triple conjunction aligning to Spica mentioned many times above is now potent and astrologically active, peaking over the next 100 hours, but lasting well into the time of the next New Moon on October 22nd.
Most of the astrological energy right now is focused onto 'relationships'. With the passing of this next New Moon in one week's time, in late Libra, the Sun, Venus and Mars join Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio. Things will get more serious and more involved.
Today Mars in Libra sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius 12:16 GMT
Mercury in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius 23:00 GMT.
Monday October 16th 2006
Around 06-00 GMT the Moon forms a fixed T-square with Neptune and the tightening Mercury Jupiter conjunction projecting us with awesome power into another week.
The Sun sextiles Saturn 07-29 GMT
The Moon is conjunct Saturn (within 2 degrees) at 23 degrees Leo at 15:48 GMT.
The Moon sextiles Mars and is void of course from 21:01 GMT.
Mars has been aligned to Spica over the weekend, it is the turn of the Sun tomorrow.
Tuesday October 17th 2006
An early-morning earthquake at sea knocked out power and toppled rock walls across the US state of Hawaii but there are no reports of deaths. US scientists recorded the 6.3 quake at 0707 (1607 GMT Sunday 15th 2006) six miles (10km) south-west of the coastal town of Puako on the state's southernmost Big Island. There was no report at all of any fatality.
At least 90 died yesterday in a Tamil Tiger suicide attack in northern Sri Lanka. At least 10 people have been killed in a bomb attack in the town of Suweira south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. These events occurred as the Leo Moon formed a difficult Fixed T-square with Neptune and the Mercury Jupiter conjunction.
Today the waning, slow moving and decelerating Moon enters Virgo 06:16 GMT.
The triple conjunction of Mars, Venus and the Sun is within 5 degrees, Mercury conjunction Jupiter within 3 degrees. Both conjunctions continue to tighten with corresponding tensions, events and experiences on Earth.
Wednesday October 18th 2006
There was a gaping black hole on the sun yesterday, shown above in an X-ray image from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite: The technical term is "coronal hole." It's a place in the sun's atmosphere where magnetic fields open up and allow solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this hole should reach Earth on Oct.. 20th, possibly sparking a geomagnetic storm. Sky watchers, be alert for auroras!
Spaceweather.comWorld news yesterday refocused on North Korea. The country has been warned against conducting a second test of a nuclear weapon, as the US said expectations of a new test happening were "reasonable". "It would not be a good thing for them, but it certainly would not be out of character," the White House said. There are now reports of new activity at last week's test site, and South Korea and Japan say they have intelligence of a possible second test being prepared.
Sri Lankan warplanes yesterday destroyed a Tamil Tiger radio tower in the north, a day after the country's bloodiest suicide bombing.
Sudan's army has suffered two major military defeats in its campaign against rebels in the Darfur region, the UN envoy to Sudan says.
Today the very slow moving Moon reaches balsamic phase 01:38 GMT at 10 degrees Virgo.
The Sun in Libra sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius 02:14 GMT
Venus in Libra sextiles Saturn in Leo 19:54 GMT.
Thursday October 19th 2006
The triple conjunction of Mars, Venus and the Sun tightens to within 3 degrees, Mercury Jupiter within 2 degrees. Venus is aligned to Spica.
The oh so slow, and oh so old Moon squares Pluto and is void from 08:19 GMT for 11 hours.
Moon apogee 09:36 GMT. At this moment the Moon is the furthest away from the Earth she gets all year.
The Moon enters Libra 19:20, joining the Sun, Venus and Mars in that sign and makes nice aspects for a couple of days.
Friday October 20th 2006
World news over the past two days has refocused on North Korea. Yesterday a Chinese envoy met North Korea's reclusive leader amid international efforts to stop another nuclear test. . As Condoleezza Rice makes her way to Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing to press for UN sanctions to be fully implemented against North Korea, the question everyone seems to be asking is: "Will he do it again?"
Today Venus in Libra sextiles Pluto 02:40 GMT.
The Moon makes nice noises in Libra as she draws on to the tight triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Mars.
From today and for the next two weeks a new planetary picture involving the Lunar Node, Saturn, the Mercury Jupiter conjunction and Pluto holds sway in the skies of Earth. The picture is tightest on 26th October.
Earth is about to orbit through the ancient tail of Halley's Comet, producing a mild but pretty shower of meteors called "the Orionids." The best time to look is before sunrise on Saturday, Oct.. 21st.
Saturday October 21st 2006
The slow and aged Moon in Libra occults Spica 20-09 GMT. The occultation is visible from the extreme south of south America.
Sunday October 22nd 2006
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 27 degrees Libra at 02:06 GMT.
New Moon 29 degrees Libra 05:15 GMT
This New Moon is the first to follow the Annular Solar Eclipse of September 22nd 2006. The 'young Saros energy' of that eclipse is, with the passing of this New Moon, starting to manifest and make its mark in world and personal affairs. There is spiritual vision and purpose entwined with this New Moon.
The New Moon is closely conjunct Mars and Venus, who are conjunct on Wednesday. The Major focus of this Lunation is 'relationships', especially what is to flourish and what is to fall. This is a seeding time for 'new relationships'.
At this time also Mercury is conjunct Jupiter, both square Saturn. Saturn is trine Pluto. Very great insights, discoveries, understandings and inventions may be linked to this time. Secrets will be 'outed', mysteries unraveled.
At the moment of New Moon 05:15 GMT. The stellium of the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Mars are all rising over Tripoli, Budapest, Warsaw and Riga. The same planets are culminating over Burma and under Havana and Atlanta.
The Mercury Jupiter conjunction rises at Baghdad, sets at Honolulu, culminates at Manila, Taipei and Shanghai and are at lower culmination at Buenos Aires.
The are no planets in Earth signs right now, there is a predominance of Air and positive energies. The meaning of it all is vision and discovery.
This is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra.
After the event of New Moon, the Moon is conjunct Mars at 29 degrees Libra at 05:59 GMT, and becomes void of course.
After two more hours the Moon enters Scorpio at 07:55 joining Mercury and Jupiter in that sign and paving the way for the Sun, Mars, and Venus to follow over the next two days
We stand on the edge. Truly amazing times are underway.
Mercury Jupiter conjunction 15:20 GMT at 23 degrees Scorpio. Mercury remains within a degree of Jupiter, turns retrograde on the 28th October and is conjunct Jupiter for a second time on October 31st. (Mercury completes his final (and closest) conjunction with Jupiter on Dec. 11th 2006 at 4 degrees Sagittarius).
Monday October 23rd 2006
The Sun is conjunct Mars at the very end of Libra at 06:46 GMT.
Mercury squares Saturn 10:07 GMT
The Sun enters Scorpio at 13:27 GMT, and a new astrological month begins.
Mars enters Scorpio at 16:38 GMT joining the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in that sign.
Venus is closing deliberately and certainly on Mars. Their union is now a matter of 48 hours away.
Intense Scorpionic energy at work in the ethers!
Tuesday October 24th 2006
A stream of high-speed solar wind hit Earth on Oct.. 20th. The impact did not cause an outright geomagnetic storm, but it was enough to spark auroras for two consecutive nights in Scandinavia and Iceland. Spaceweather.com
Yesterday Police used rubber bullets and tear gas to break up protests as Hungary marks 50 years since the anti-Soviet uprising.
The UN envoy to Sudan, Jan Pronk, left Khartoum, following the government's decision to expel him.
The world stage is open to mankind's response to the Scorpio energy now unleashed as a stellium of planets with the Moon and Sun are aligned to tropical Scorpio.
The day starts with the infant Moon conjunct Jupiter 05:44 GMT and Mercury 06:57 GMT. She is then void for nearly 12 hours.
In the meantime Venus enters Scorpio 09:58 seeking union, comsumation and conception with Mars, it has been a long chase.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 18:54 and sets the world alight.
Wednesday October 25th 2006
Venus and Mars conjunct (within 40 minutes of arc) at 06:11 GMT at 1 degree Scorpio.
Jupiter at 23 degrees Scorpio in waxing square aspect to Saturn in Leo. (Final hit, 1st Dec. 17th 2005, 2nd May 31st Oct..)
Thursday October 26th 2006
Comet Swan appears to have brightened, a fairly easy naked eye comet" Star map below. Spaceweather.com
President Bush yesterday said recent unrest in Iraq is a "serious concern" but warns that the war is vital to US security.
A North Korean reunification committee official warned the South of a "crisis of war" if it backs UN sanctions.
Chad said Sudan's authorities are arming rebels in Chad, as security is tightened in the capital, N'Djamena.
Today the accelerating and waxing Moon reaches crescent phase 04:36 GMT 18 degrees Sagittarius.
The planetary picture mentioned on October 20th today reaches maximum intensity as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and is void at 18:03 GMT.
Friday October 27th 2006
Scores of civilians have been killed in Nato raids against the Taleban in southern Afghanistan, officials say. Germany warned its embassies to tighten security measures on Thursday amid concerns that photos appearing to show soldiers desecrating a human skull in Afghanistan could harm its army's image abroad.
President Bush signs into law a new fence on the US-Mexico border, in a move to curb illegal immigration.
A Danish court rejects a lawsuit against a paper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
STEREO has left the planet. The twin spacecraft blasted off from Cape Canaveral Wednesday night on a mission to view solar explosions in startling 3D clarity
State of the skies:- The Sun reaches 4 degrees Scorpio today. There are 56 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
The crescent Moon enters Capricorn at 03:48 GMT and makes 'nice' aspects whilst waxing and accelerating in that sign over the next two days.
Mercury is about to turn retrograde (tomorrow) prior to his transit of the Sun's disc on November 8th.
Venus is at Superior Conjunction on the far side of the Sun at 4 degrees Scorpio at 17:50 GMT. A 'Full Venus'.
Only a few days ago you needed a telescope to see Comet Swan. Not anymore. The comet has suddenly brightened to naked eye visibility. The cause of the outburst: Probably, a crack has opened in the comet's nucleus, exposing a fresh vein of volatile ice to vaporising sunlight. To see the comet, go outside after sunset and look west. It is about halfway up the sky gliding through the constellation Corona Borealis.
Saturday October 28th 2006
The Moon waxes and accelerates comfortably in Capricorn towards first quarter.
Mercury turns retrograde at 25 degrees Scorpio at 19:09 GMT, returning into the bosom of Jupiter on Tuesday.
Sunday October 29th 2006
The Moon in Aquarius sextiles Mercury 01:31 GMT and is void in Capricorn.
Neptune turns direct 05:11 GMT
The Moon enters Aquarius 10:17 GMT
Moon first quarter 21:26 GMT 6 degrees Aquarius, at that time tightly and strikingly quintiling the Mercury Jupiter conjunction.
During the last 7 hours of the (GMT) day the Moon squares the Sun, Mars and Venus.
Monday October 30th 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun is at 7 degrees Scorpio, 53 days remain to the northern hemisphere's Winter Solstice.
The briskly moving first quarter Moon is conjunct Neptune 16:04 GMT. She is full next Sunday in Taurus.
From today at 18:53 GMT five planets (Mars, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury) are within 20 degrees of each other in Scorpio. This stellium remains up to November 16th.
Mercury is now retrograde in Scorpio until November 18th. He transits the disc of the Sun on November 8th 2006, a momentous astronomical event and an astrological experience of profound importance.
During the next month Mercury squares Saturn (a repeat of the Oct. 23rd aspect) on Nov. 1st and on Dec. 4th. He squares Neptune on the 8th and 29th Nov.. He is conjunct Mars firstly on Nov. 11th in Scorpio and (then having moved into Sagittarius on Dec. 8th) aligns very tightly to both Mars and Jupiter on Dec. 10th. This is on the surface a very 'troublesome' period. However the opportunity to 'work on what has been spoilt', and set to rights that which needs a 'mid course correction', is at hand.
Venus is now (like Mercury) an 'evening star' in Scorpio. The quality of the time leads us to 'reflection' and 'assimilation'. Two notable conjunctions ahead of us. Venus will be in conjunction with Jupiter in Scorpio on Nov.. 15th. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Sagittarius on Dec. 11th.
Jupiter and Saturn have now almost completed their fixed waxing square aspect which has been in operation most of this year, and most recently involving Neptune. One major 'effect' on the world stage has been a perceived conflict between world religions mainly Christianity and Islam. Although the Saturn Neptune opposition has still to run its course we can look forward to a more enlightened fiery trine aspect between Jupiter and Saturn in 2007.
Tuesday October 31st 2006
A bomb blast in the Iraqi capital Baghdad yesterday killed at least 26 people and wounded more than 60.
Protests erupted at a funeral for those killed in an air strike on a religious school the army says was used by militants.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been re-elected in a clear victory, polling more than 60% of the vote against rival Geraldo Alckmin.
Election officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo are counting the votes from one of Africa's most significant elections for many years.
Scientists have cracked the entire genetic code of breast and colon cancers, offering new treatment hopes.
Today Mercury is retrograde and conjunct Jupiter (03:02 GMT) for the second time in 10 days. The final conjunction in their current 'dance' occurs on December 11th 2006.
Around 05:00 GMT the Moon opposes Saturn and forms a Fixed T-square with Mercury and Jupiter.
At 05:31 the Moon sextiles Pluto and is void of course.
The Moon enters Pisces 14:11 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon are then in watery signs (together with Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus). The essential quality of the time right now is emotional in nature.
The waxing Moon once in Pisces draws to an occultation with Uranus tomorrow.
November 2006
The month starts with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter already well rooted in Scorpio. This concentrated Scorpionic energy begins to comes to an end on Nov.. 17th when Venus leads the way into Sagittarius. The Sun and Jupiter join her on 22nd and 24th of the month.
A strong and striking planetary picture involving Pluto, Saturn, Lunar Node and the current Mercury/Jupiter conjunction remains in orb right up to an intense New Moon on November 20th.
Mercury which starts the month in retrograde motion conjunct Jupiter, transits the disc of the Sun on November 8th.
Wednesday November 1st 2006
The fast moving, accelerating and waxing Moon in Pisces, four days from the a challenging full phase, occults Uranus visible from New Zealand at Dusk (around 08-32 GMT). The occulted planet is trine the triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Mars, and tightly quintile Saturn.
Mercury square Saturn 15:43 GMT.
Thursday November 2nd 2006
Fifty days remain to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Yesterday the White House said it has "mounting evidence" of a plan to try to bring down the Lebanese government.
At least 20 people have died in severe flooding across south-eastern Turkey, many swept away by deluges caused by overnight torrential rain.
Today Venus in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces 03:32 GMT.
The fast moving Moon reaches gibbous phase 07:12 GMT 25 degrees Pisces. Another huge Full Moon will be upon as the weekend approaches. The Moon trines Jupiter and is void from 07:55 GMT, entering Aries 15:47. Whilst in Aries over the next couple of days the climaxing Full Moon makes 'pleasant' aspects.
Friday November 3rd 2006
'There will be virtually no fish or other seafood from the oceans by the middle of the century, scientists conclude'. This was the main world news last night on the BBC web site. With the Scorpio Sun about to trine Uranus in the sign of the fish, this is a bit close to call.
Today the Sun trines Uranus 12:02 GMT. The day may well have more surprises in store.
The climaxing Full Moon fast moving (and still accelerating) is in Aries. There is a vast wave of lunar energy about to break on the shorelines of village Earth. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter are aligned to tropical Scorpio, the Full Moon is shortly to oppose them all from Taurus. There is change and transformation all around. The weekend ahead is powerful and exciting.
Minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star Epsilon Pisces. Approx. 19:39 to 20:36 GMT. This is a repeat of the occultation on September 9th this year.
Saturday November 4th 2006
Moon perigee (fastest all month) midnight GMT
At 08:04 GMT the Moon trines Pluto and becomes void. At that time the Moon peaks in fiery grand trine with Saturn and Pluto. Eight hours later the Moon enters Taurus and is nearly full.
Sunday November 5th 2006
As this Full Moon climaxes in Taurus World News is focused on the breaking news of Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (himself a Taurean) being sentenced to death by hanging by a Baghdad court.
Israeli troops have killed at least seven people including a 12-year-old girl on the fourth day of an offensive in Gaza.
Full Moon 13 degrees Taurus 12:59 GMT
This Full Moon is the second one to follow the partial Lunar Eclipse of September 7th 2006.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Stellium of planets in Scorpio is rising over the eastern half of the USA, Mexico and Canada. The same stellium is setting over western Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The Full Moon rises at Moscow.
This Full Moon is a challenging lunation.
During the course of this powerful day the Moon opposes Mars 01:47 GMT, and Venus 16:46 GMT.
Monday November 6th 2006
State of the skies:- The Sun is at 14 degrees Scorpio. The Sun is escorted by Mercury, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in this sign. We are currently in the midst of intense scorpionic energy.
The fast moving 'hung over' Moon just past the Full in Taurus opposes Mercury 00:26 GMT, and Jupiter 10:18 GMT, becoming void at that moment.
The Moon occults the Pleiades from visible from most of Asia, India and the Far East. She then enters Gemini at 16:47 GMT.
Mercury in Scorpio is retrograde and will align closely to Venus on Tuesday before making his transit of the disc of the Sun on Wednesday.
Venus in Scorpio applies in square aspect to Neptune today.
Mars is Scorpio is applying in trine aspect to Uranus, peaking on Wednesday.
Saturn is making a waning fiery trine aspect to Pluto.
The waning gibbous Moon rises near Beta Tauri this evening, as shown above. At magnitude 1.6, Beta Tauri (also known as Elnath) falls just short of being a 1st-magnitude star. Skywatchers in the U.S. will see the Moon skim just south of Beta Tauri later in the night. The Moon will occult (cover) the star late at night for observers in the Caribbean and northern South America. Sky and Telescope
Tuesday November 7th 2006
Thousands of Republican and Democrat activists made final appeals to US voters yesterday on the eve of the mid-term elections.
A round-the-clock curfew in Baghdad was partially lifted, a day after Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death.
UK scientists have applied for permission to create embryos by fusing human DNA with cow eggs.
Today Venus in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius 00:24 GMT. Confusing signals, mistakes and aberrations mark the start of the GMT day.
At 13:35 GMT today we are exactly midway between the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. There are 45 days to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere the season here is now 'fading'.
Mercury ( about to transit the Sun's disc tomorrow) is today conjunct Venus 16:51 GMT in Scorpio (within 1.25 degrees from exact linear alignment). Both planets are square Neptune.
This day is busy and confusing. There may be little peace to be found amid the swirling nonsense.
Wednesday November 8th 2006
Yesterday millions of US voters took part in mid-term elections for Congress, seen as a key test for the Bush administration.
Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki expects Saddam Hussein to be executed by the end of the year.
On this astronomically important day Mercury, 21 hours from the start of his transit of the Sun's disc, squares Neptune, casting an 'unworldly' astrological aura on the day.
The Moon opposes Pluto and is void from 11:16 GMT for eight and a half hours.
Mars in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces 16:23 GMT invoking emotionally charged activity today.
The Moon enters Cancer after the transit of Mercury has started at 19:46 GMT
Transit of Mercury
Links to live webcasts of the event can be found on spaceweather.com
Usually you expect to see planets at night. But in broad daylight on Wednesday, November 8th, the planet Mercury will cross the face of the Sun. It will be visible in silhouette through a telescope with a safe solar filter placed securely over the front. Mercury will "transit" the Sun for about five hours, looking like a tiny round sunspot creeping westward across the enormous surface of our home star. Transits of Mercury don't happen very often. The last was on May 7, 2003, and the next doesn't come until May 9, 2016. Sky and Telescope
The geocentric circumstances of the transit are shown in the diagram below. During the transit, the diameter of the Sun is 1937.5 arc seconds and that of Mercury is 10.0 arc seconds. In other words, the diameter of Mercury is 0.005 that of the Sun, making it look like a very small, rapidly moving sunspot. The whole transit lasts just under five hours.
Data above from HM Nautical Office
Mercury is at geocentric inferior conjunction 21:31 GMT
This is the second of 14 transits of Mercury to take place during the 21st century. Mercury's transits occur in May or November, but in no other month, because the planet's orbit plane is inclined 7° to that of Earth, and the geometry is then favourable for an exact line-up. During a November transit Mercury is near perihelion (closest to the Sun), and its diameter never exceeds 10.0".
Today's transit of the solar disk favours observers in Pacific Rim countries. This event takes place on the afternoon of November 8th in the Americas, and the morning of November 9th west of the International Date Line.
All transits of Mercury fall either in tropical Taurus, or Scorpio, within several days of 8 May and 10 November. The May transit is rarer. The dates of the phenomena (1970-2050) are listed below with the Date Time (GMT) and Separation in arc-seconds between the centres of the Sun and Mercury.
1970 May 09 08:16 114". 1973 Nov.. 10 10:32 26". 1986 Nov.. 13 04:07 471". 1993 Nov.. 06 03:57 927". 1999 Nov.. 15 21:41 963" (graze). 2003 May 07 07:52 708". 2006 Nov.. 08 21:41 423". 2016 May 09 14:57 319". 2019 Nov.. 11 15:20 76". 2032 Nov.. 13 08:54 572". 2039 Nov.. 07 08:46 822". 2049 May 07 14:24 512".
Astrologically this transit can be regarded as an eclipse of the Sun by Mercury. It represents a very important 'seed moment' in the life of the 'universal mind'. From the moment of 'deepest transit' 21:41 GMT a new 'cycle of the mind' begins. The moment is best suited to inner contemplation and meditation. It may take many weeks or even months to see how we can respond to the new mental impulse. Since the Sun, Mercury and Venus are today square Neptune, this event may pass as a very disturbing and confusing vibration. Clarity is not predicted.
After the transit the Moon reaches disseminating phase 22:11 GMT 1 degree Cancer.
Thursday November 9th 2006
(Senator Hillary Clinton, a Democratic contender for the presidency in 2008, was easily re-elected in New York.)
Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. Defense Secretary and architect for the Iraqi war, is quitting. Critics have lambasted his policies, and exit polls from Tuesday's election showed that nearly 60 percent of voters were unhappy with happenings in Iraq. "The timing is right for new leadership at the Pentagon," President Bush said yesterday. At the time of 'going to press' it appears that if the Democrats - who have already won control of the House of Representatives - maintain their narrow lead there, they will win control of the Senate. But with the vote considered too close to call, there is a possibility of a recount in Virginia. With Mercury and the Sun both square Neptune it is no big surprise to detect at least a modicum of confusion to the proceedings.
Yesterday Nepal's top Maoist leader declared an end to violence after 10 years of armed insurgency.
Yesterday scientists announced that cell transplants successfully restored vision to mice, leading to hopes people could benefit in the same way.
Today the Sun and Moon, (with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune) are now all in watery signs for a couple of days. Emotions are to the fore. The heart rules the head.
After the transit of Mercury yesterday that planet is now astrologically a morning 'star'. New ideas may now start to emerge.
The Sun in Scorpio squares Neptune 15:00 GMT.
The decelerating and waning Moon, which is now in Cancer and making benevolent trine aspects to the stellium of planets in Scorpio, today at 16:00 GMT forms a watery Grand trine with Mercury in Scorpio and Uranus in Pisces. There maybe some emotional harmony and significant creativity to be found today around that time amid the confusion of the Sun Neptune square.
Friday November 10th 2006
Comet SWAN is still in fine view for binoculars and telescopes in the western sky after dusk this week, though it's fading. Sky and Telescope
Yesterday US President George W Bush reached out to Democrats, as they look set to take control of both houses of Congress.
The bodies of 18 Palestinians killed by Israeli tank fire have been buried amid emotional scenes in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun.
Nasa is considering sending Mars rover Opportunity into a crater on the Red Planet with no escape route.
Today the Moon still forming sweet aspects from Cancer finally trines Jupiter 20:59 GMT and is them void of course for the remainder of the (GMT) day. This day like yesterday is essentially 'emotionally driven'. Mercury however is drawing to a tight alignment with Mars which peaks tomorrow. There may well be an increase in the intensity of it all.
Hang on in there! The current intense astrological energy will undergo a modulation in one week's time when Venus leads the way from Scorpio into Sagittarius. All the other planets currently in the tropical sign of the Scorpion will follow. Many 'doorways' will be opened from that day and it will be easier to 'emotionally breath' again. Watch out watch out!!
Saturday November 11th 2006
The Moon enters Leo 02:35 and will make challenging aspects over the next two and a half days.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are now in fixed signs. This is a very concentrated situation. All may appear immovable.
Mercury conjuncts Mars (less than two thirds of a degree from exact alignment) at 13 degrees Scorpio 15:16 GMT . This one is sharp, fast acting and to the point, watch out!!
Sunday November 12th 2006
The slow and decelerating Moon in Leo makes difficult aspects today.
Moon last quarter 17:46 GMT 20 degrees Leo.
Monday November 13th 2006
Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury are all crowded around the sun this weekend. The great conjunction is invisible to the human eye (too much sunlight), but SOHO can see it. The spacecraft's coronagraph is able to block the glare and reveal the planets. Spaceweather.com
Yesterday under a 'besieged' last quarter moon, thirty-five young men were killed in a double suicide attack on a police recruiting center in Baghdad.
The number of deaths in the conflict in Afghanistan has risen four-fold this year, a new report says.
Four UK troops died following an attack on a boat patrol in the southern Iraq city of Basra.
A typhoon which has caused major flooding in the northern Philippines is heading towards central Vietnam.
Typhoon Chebi, packing 120km/h (75mph) winds, is expected to strengthen as it moves westwards on Sunday.
Today Venus at 24 Scorpio squares Saturn 00:20 GMT
The slow moving and decelerating waning Moon is quite tightly conjunct Saturn 02:29 GMT in Leo (less than 1.5 degrees).
The Moon squares Jupiter and is void from 08:30 GMT, entering Virgo 13:20 GMT
Mercury retrograding in Scorpio again trines Uranus 17:27 GMT.
This day improves in quality and temperament.
Both Venus and Mars have invitations to attend conjunctions with Jupiter in the next month., Venus is very tightly conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio this Wednesday, and Mars is conjunct Jupiter (accompanied by Mercury) in Sagittarius, on December 11th.
Tuesday November 14th 2006
The Sun is today at 22 degrees Scorpio. There are 38 days to the solstice.
The Moon now past last quarter slowly wanes in Virgo.
Venus is approaching a near exact alignment with Jupiter on the far side of the Sun in tropical Scorpio. This conjunction (tightest tomorrow) symbolically represents a lavish concoction of passion and forthrightness. We need to watch its 'effect' on the world stage particularly with regard to financial matters over the next two days. Venus appears to 'rule' money as well as love.
Wednesday November 15th 2006
Venus aligns to Jupiter at 28 degrees Scorpio 20:36 GMT .
The very slow Moon sextiles the heavenly pair and is void from 22:42 GMT.
Moon is apogee (slowest all month) 23:28 GMT
Thursday November 16th 2006
President Joseph Kabila will win the run-off election in DR Congo, according to final nation-wide provisional results.
Small tsunami waves have hit northern Japan, about 390 km (240 miles) east of Iturup, known as Etorofu, at 2015 (1115 GMT), yesterday. A 40cm (16 inches) wave hit Nemuro port in Hokkaido island. The JMA initially expected a tsunami of at least two metres (6.5 feet) high after an 8.1 magnitude earthquake shook the Kuril Islands, north of Japan. A tsunami warning has also been issued for Russia's Pacific coast by the US Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.
Researchers in the US have outlined a system to transfer energy to electronic devices without the need for wires.
As Venus closely aligned to Jupiter yesterday evening European stock indexes closed within striking distance of a new 5-1/2 year high, boosted by strong technology stocks and signs or speculation of merger activity surrounding Volkswagen and Saint-Gobain.
Today the very slow moving, but now accelerating Moon enters Libra 02:15 GMT reaching balsamic phase 21:20 GMT at 9 degrees Libra.
The Sun at 24 degrees Scorpio is about to square Saturn in Leo. Serious considerations and sober reflections are emerging into the collective consciousness today.
Mercury has nearly completed his current retrograde period and will turn direct on Saturday. An 'upturn' or an 'about turn' can be expected in many areas of communication and social exchange.
Venus is at the very end of Scorpio and will tomorrow enter Sagittarius leading the stellium of planets currently in Scorpio to follow her over the next three weeks. A great modulation of energies is ahead of us.
Mars in Scorpio is about to square Neptune. There is a crazy edge to proceedings over the next 48 hours.
Saturn is making a constructive but heavyweight fiery trine aspect to Pluto.
Times are high, times are strange, changes are ahead.
Friday November 17th 2006
The old Moon slowly glides through Libra.
The Sun squares Saturn 05:59 GMT.
Venus enters Sagittarius 08:02 GMT
Mars squares Neptune 19:00 GMT
Saturday November 18th 2006
Mercury turns direct 00:23 GMT
The very old rasp of a Moon occults Spica centred on 03-07 GMT. The occultation (the 17th in the current monthly series of 23) is visible to observers in the south east of Africa.
The Moon sextiles Saturn and Pluto and is void at 17:42 GMT..
The Moon enters Scorpio 14:48.
Sunday November 19th 2006
The Moon and five planets are within 25 degrees of the sky over the next 3 days.
The Moon is conjunct Mercury at 9 degrees Scorpio 09:02 GMT.
Monday November 20th 2006
A Leonid meteor over Sweden. Photo credit: P.M. Heden
Early on Sunday the Israelis called off a planned air strike on a house in Gaza after Palestinians formed a human shield around it.
Asia-Pacific leaders in Vietnam expressed "strong concern" over North Korea's nuclear weapons test.
At least 22 people have died as a suicide bomber attacked a group of labourers in the Iraqi town of Hilla
The Sudanese government together with the Janjaweed militia have launched new attacks in northern Darfur, the African Union (AU) has said.
The British and Pakistani leaders have agreed to strengthen their ties in the fight against terrorism.
As today begins the Moon and five planets remain within 25 degrees approaching the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp
The Moon is conjunct Mars in Scorpio 03:40 GMT.
Uranus in Pisces turns direct 03:56 GMT.
The old Moon slowly accelerates towards union with the Sun. New Moon occurs 22:19 GMT.
New Moon 28 degrees Scorpio 22:19 GMT
This New Moon is the second one to follow the Annular Solar Eclipse of September 22nd 2006.
The New Moon is applying in conjunction to Jupiter and separating from a square to Saturn.
This New Moon could be seen to symbolise a 'release from bondage' and is a herald to the planetary modulation ahead of us over the next two weeks as one by one the stellium of planets in Scorpio move into Sagittarius joining Venus and Pluto already there.
Mercury is now direct in motion. It is time to move on.
At the exact moment of New Moon , the Sun, Moon and Jupiter are rising over far east countries including Korea, and Taiwan,
After the New Moon moment the Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 23:54 GMT and is void from that moment.
Yesterday as the old moon 'burnt out' in Scorpio, Palestinians in Gaza again gathered at a Hamas leader's home, following reports Israeli forces were about to attack it.
The Kremlin dismissed claims it was involved in the poisoning of a former KGB agent in the UK as "sheer nonsense".
Iran's president has invited his Iraqi counterpart to a three-way summit with Syria's leader to tackle Iraq violence.
Today is the first day after the New Moon and is also the last day of the astrological month of Scorpio.
The slow moving but accelerating 'infant' Moon enters Sagittarius 01:16 GMT joining Venus and Pluto in that sign. She is conjunct Venus at 11:08 GMT.
The day progresses on more cheerful notes than of late.
The Sun is conjunct Jupiter (an annual event) at the very end of Scorpio 23:16 GMT.
Wednesday November 22nd 2006
There are 30 days to the Solstice.
The Sun enters Sagittarius 11:02 GMT and a new astrological month begins.
Mercury trines Uranus (again) at 14:51 GMT.
An optimistic wave crashes.
Thursday November 23rd 2006
There are 100 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd 2007 visible from the whole of Europe and Africa.
The Moon increasing in light and motion today is conjunct Pluto 01:20 GMT and at that moment becomes void.
She enters Capricorn 09:26 GMT and makes nice aspects whilst in that sign over the next two days..
Friday November 24th 2006
Jupiter enters Sagittarius 04:43 GMT today, joining Venus, the Sun and Pluto in that sign. Jupiter will reside in that sign until Dec.. 18th 2007. Jupiter traditionally 'rules' Sagittarius and is 'very happy' to be here again. Living can be a 'land of wealth' when the 'King of the Gods' is in his own domain. The hard going emotional toil of Jupiter in Scorpio is over. Freedom, enterprise and adventure now call.
Jupiter was last in this sign in the period Dec. 9th 1994 to Jan 3rd 1996. During the forthcoming year Jupiter will square Uranus (both in mutable signs) on Jan 22nd 2007, May 11th 2007 and October 9th 2007. This aspect promotes 'movement through difficult awakening' and can have a distorting effect on the joviality of the Jupiter placement. Jupiter will make positive fiery trines to Saturn on Mar 16th 2007, and May 6th 2007 (the third trine in 2008 will be in earth signs). However the most important aspect of Jupiter's residency in Sagittarius will be when Jupiter is conjunct Pluto on Dec. 11th 2007. The last time that happened was on Nov. 10th 1758 and before that on 3 occasions in 1509 (Feb., May and Oct.), before that in 1260. We will return to this matter nearer the time.
Right ahead of us will be the very tight alignment of Mercury to Jupiter in Sagittarius on December 10th and the Mars conjunction with Jupiter the day after, Dec. 11th 2006. Expect these to be 'event-prone' days.
Moon reaches crescent phase 16:53 GMT 17 degrees Capricorn, making sound and safe aspects.
The weekend ahead is astrologically 'altered' by the mutable square between Venus and Uranus, which peaks on Saturday night. Expect deviancy, expect novelty, expect the unusual.
Saturday November 25th 2006
The Moon still increasing in light and motion sextiles Mars and is void 01:44 GMT
She enters Aquarius 15:41 GMT
Venus squares Uranus 22:56 GMT in wild love.
Sunday November 26th 2006
The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Neptune 22:10 GMT.
Monday November 27th 2006
The accelerating Moon approaching First Quarter Phase in Aquarius squares Mars, opposes Saturn, sextiles Pluto and is void from 13:00 GMT. She enters Pisces 20:21 GMT.
Tuesday November 28th 2006
Moon first quarter 6 degrees Pisces 06:30 GMT
The Moon occults Uranus from SE Asia and Indonesia around 15:00 GMT.
Wednesday November 29th 2006
Mercury squares Neptune 00:54 GMT
Mars squares Saturn 03:01 GMT
The fast moving Moon squares Pluto and is void from 16:29 GMT.
She enters Aries 22:30 and will make lovely aspects whilst in this sign over the next couple of days.
Thursday November 30th 2006
The month ends with the fast moving Moon in Aries making nice aspects.
December 2006
The road ahead up to the December Solstice on the 22nd sees a concentrated astrological formula of Sagittarian energy. At the start of this month, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto reside in that sign. Mars joins then on 6th and Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 8th, both seeking urgent and (in the case of Mercury) exceptionally tight alignment with Jupiter on the far side of the Sun, Mercury on the 10th, Mars on the 11th. On Dec. 8th though 11th, the planets Jupiter, Mercury and Mars will form a tight triangle in the early-morning sky.
The old Moon enters Sagittarius on the 18th, she is New on the 20th two days before the 'shocking' Solstice (shocking because Mars squares Uranus at the time).
Friday December 1st
In the UK experts investigating Alexander Litvinenko's death have found radioactive traces in 12 places, including two planes. This story started at the start of November with Mr Litvinenko complaining of feeling sick and being admitted to Barnet General Hospital, north London. (I ignored the news at the time seeing it as a minor and inconsequential 'spy story'). The hospital announced on Thursday night November 23rd that Mr Litvinenko had died in intensive care. Health experts now say they believe Mr Litvinenko was deliberately poisoned by radioactive matter, believed to be polonium-210. Police have found traces of radioactive material at the sushi bar and the hotel where the former spy had meetings on 1 November, and at his north London home. This very strange story has been unfolding as Pluto and Saturn have been in trine relationship coupled with a strong and striking planetary picture involving Pluto, Saturn, Lunar Node and (at the start of the affair) a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction which remained in orb right up to the intense New Moon on November 20th.
Yesterday Doctors were trying to find what has caused Russian ex-PM Yegor Gaidar to fall seriously ill on a trip to Ireland. (Any connection here?)
The human race must move to a star outside our solar system to protect the future of the species, physicist Professor Stephen Hawking has warned. He told the BBC that life could be wiped out by a nuclear disaster or asteroid hitting the planet. But the Cambridge academic added: "Once we spread out into space and establish colonies our future should be safe." Prof Hawking, 64, was speaking before receiving the UK's top science award, the Royal Society's Copley Medal.
Today Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune 03:22 GMT.
The very fast moving Moon reaches gibbous phase 24 degrees Aries at 16:04 GMT. The procession to next Tuesday's Full Moon will then begin. The Moon forms a fiery Grand Trine with Pluto and Saturn around 18:00 GMT. She trines Pluto and is void from 18:41 GMT.
Saturday December 2nd 2006
Hundreds of thousands of opposition supporters yesterday called on the Lebanese government to quit, at a mass rally in Beirut.
Italian Mario Scaramella, a contact of dead ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko, tested positive for polonium-210.
Rowdy scenes of protest broke out in Mexico's Congress, as Felipe Calderon was sworn in as president.
Hundreds are feared dead in the Philippines after a typhoon battered the north and centre of the country, triggering deadly mud slides.
Chadian rebels have attacked the eastern town of Guereda, neighbouring Sudan's war-torn Darfur region.
Fighting is reported to have lasted three hours with government forces clashing with the rebels.
Today the Moon is at perigee (fastest all month) at midnight.
The Moon enters Taurus 01:27 GMT.
This weekend's astrology is dominated by the very fast Moon approaching full phase on Monday. It is not an easy lunation, nor is this an easy weekend as the Sun makes an awkward square aspect to Uranus early tomorrow.
Sunday December 3rd 2006
The Sun squares Uranus 05:00 GMT.
The Moon at 24 degrees Taurus draws Mercury, Mars and Saturn into a Fixed T-square around 17:00 GMT
This evening, North Americans can watch the almost-full Moon skim the north side of the Pleiades star cluster.
Monday December 4th 2006
Venezuelans yesterday voted on whether to give President Chavez another term with voters deeply split over his policies.
Today the fast moving heavily waxing Moon opposes Mars and becomes void at 00:33 GMT. She enters Gemini 03:06 GMT.
This morning the Moon will occult the Pleiades from Europe and North America. The Moon occults Electra, Maia, Alcyone and Atlas (visible from the UK). This occurs between 03:37 and 05:25 GMT.
Saturn is tightly square Mercury and Mars. The Mercury square peaks at 20:08 GMT.
The day is totally dominated by the Full Moon energy.
Tuesday December 5th 2006
As today's full moon approaches and under pressure to change course in Iraq, President Bush met at the White House yesterday with Abdul Aziz Hakim, the Shiite leader of the largest bloc in Iraq's parliament. Not taking sides in the bloody sectarian battle, Bush plans to meet next month with Iraq's Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi.
British investigators were checking two more locations, including a London hotel, for possible radiation contamination in their probe of the fatal polonium-210 poisoning of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko.
Tony Blair has outlined plans to renew the UK's nuclear weapons, saying it would be "dangerous" to give them up.
Anti-American socialist Hugo Chavez says his claimed victory in the Venezuelan presidential election was "another defeat for the devil" after the bulk of returns shows him leading challenger Manuel Rosales by a wide margin.
Full Moon 00:26 GMT 13 degrees Gemini
This Full Moon in Gemini is midway between the Partial Lunar Eclipse (in Pisces) on September 7th 2006 and the Total Lunar Eclipse of March 3rd 2007 (in Virgo). The 'energy' of lunar saros series 118, to which the September 7th eclipse belongs, now gives way to the 'energy' of lunar saros series 123, of which the March eclipse is a member. This full moon symbolically represents a point in time of 'karmic balance'. The future, destiny, fate and freewill can all be considered to 'hang in the balance' at this time.
Unfortunately this Full Moon is a difficult lunation being square Uranus and quintile Saturn. Mercury is tightly squared by Saturn. Important and serious considerations are at hand.
At the exact moment of Full Moon (00:26 GMT today) the Moon has just risen at San Francisco and is setting over mainland China and east of India. She is conjunct the local MC of Lisbon and North West Africa. The Moon is conjunct the local IC of New Zealand.
After the Full Moon moment has passed the waning Moon moves rapidly through Gemini inducing a 'mixed bag' of planetary vibrations during today until she 'maniacally' opposes Pluto and becomes void 23:13 GMT.
Changes are ahead of us. Saturn is stationary, about to turn retrograde. Mars will enter Sagittarius tomorrow, hot on the chase of Jupiter. Mercury too is summoned to the 'great triple conjunction' in five days time. Times are strong.
Wednesday December 6th 2006
Yesterday Earth-orbiting satellites detected a major solar flare at 1035 GMT. The source: big, new sunspot 929, which is emerging over the Sun's eastern limb. GOES-13 captured this X-ray image above of the blast: Because of the sunspot's location near the limb, the flare was not Earth-directed. Future eruptions could be, however, because the Sun's spin is turning the spot toward Earth. Sunspot 929 will be visible for the next two weeks as it glides across the solar disk.spaceweather.com
Nasa yesterday said it will start building a permanent base on the Moon after astronauts return there in 2020.
US Defence Secretary nominee Robert Gates told his confirmation hearing the US is not winning the war in Iraq. At the same time at least 36 people were killed in shootings, mortar and bomb attacks in Baghdad.
Russia's prosecutor general said suspects in the Alexander Litvinenko case will not be extradited to Britain.
The coup in Fiji has brought international condemnation and the threat of suspension from the Commonwealth.
Today Saturn turns retrograde 02:01 GMT at 25 degrees Leo, evoking further trials and tribulations for another nine months for Leo Sun Sign people. Saturn finally leaves Leo on September 2nd 2007.
Mars enters Sagittarius 04:58 GMT joining Pluto, Venus, The Sun, and Jupiter in that sign. The planetary emphasis is now focused on enterprise and adventure. Mars is now 2.5 degrees from Jupiter and reaches him (with Mercury) in 5 days time. Mars will be conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius on Jan 13th 2007.
The fast moving, but now decelerating and waning, Moon enters Cancer 06:02 GMT. Emotional perspectives may surface today.
Venus, planet traditionally associated with love and finance, is three degrees from zodiacal conjunction with Pluto in late Sagittarius. This annual conjunction occurs early on Friday. She applies in trine aspect today to Saturn. Together these aspects favour serious proclamations of either 'formal commitment' or 'serious barriers' to commitment. The collective 'personal situation' over the next 48 hours may undergo a change.
Starting tomorrow morning, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter will fit in a 5° binocular field of view as they continue closing in on each other in tropical Sagittarius very low in the dawn. See below.
The next six days are astrologically very special.
Thursday December 7th 2006
An urgent overhaul of US policy on Iraq is needed to stop "a slide towards chaos", says a major report.
Small traces of a radioactive substance have been found at the British embassy in Moscow, the UK Foreign Office says.
Nasa says it has found "compelling" evidence that liquid water flowed recently on the surface of Mars. The finding adds further weight to the idea that Mars might harbour the right conditions for life. The appearance of gullies, revealed in orbital images from a Nasa probe, suggests that water could have flowed on the surface in the last few years.
Today the decelerating and waning Moon in Cancer trines Uranus and is void at 01:14 GMT for the remainder of the day.
Venus trines Saturn 07:18 GMT.
The void Moon forms a 'finger of fate' with Neptune and the Sun around 12:00 GMT.
This looks to be a 'long haul' sort of a day. However what makes it interesting is the conjunction of Venus and Pluto which peaks tomorrow. (See yesterday's comment).
Finally, a good reason to wake up early! Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are converging to form a tight triangle in the morning sky in tropical Sagittarius. Look for them, low in the east, beaming through the rosy glow of dawn.
Friday December 8th 2006
Man its all happening!
Yesterday US President George W Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair rejected early talks with Iran and Syria over Iraq.
The EU said Turkey's offer to admit Cypriot traffic could be an "important step" in reviving its EU membership bid.
In London buildings were wrecked and people were hit by flying debris when a tornado swept through several streets. (This occurred 'just before 11.00 GMT Thursday 7th Dec. 2006'. BBC news)
In space a radiation storm from the Sun is underway . Based on the energy and number of solar protons streaming past Earth, NOAA ranks the storm as 'strong'. Satellites may experience single-event upsets and astronauts should practice "radiation avoidance." see spaceweather.com
'Radiation storm underway'
Today as well as the strong radiation storm around the Earth, Venus is conjunct Pluto 03:49 GMT. (At that time the pair are both trine Saturn).
Mercury enters Sagittarius 05:52 GMT, and applies in a conjunction with Mars and Jupiter.
The Moon enters Leo 11:53 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are in fire signs, (together with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). The days right now are particularly 'volatile'.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 1 degree Leo at 14:24 GMT, and then goes on to trine Mars and Jupiter.
Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are at the end of Friday (GMT) are within 2 degrees of each other in Sagittarius. These are very important days.
Saturday December 9th 2006
Minor lunar occultation (visible telescopically) from the UK of star Gamma Cancer. Approx. 00:45 to 01:50 GMT.
Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are converging, and they can be seen in the eastern sky at dawn shining through the rosy glow of sunrise: Tunz Tezel took the picture above from Bolu, Turkey, on Dec. 7th. It merely hints at what is to come in the mornings ahead. On Dec. 9th the three planets will form a tiny triangle about 1o wide. And on Dec. 10th, the best morning of all, Mercury and Jupiter will be less than 0.25 degrees apart.
The Moon drifts along through Leo decelerating and waning.
The Sun sextiles Neptune 17:43 GMT.
Sunday December 10th 2006
Mercury is aligned to Mars at 3 degrees Sagittarius on the far side of the Sun at 02:28 GMT. The alignment is less than 1 degree from exact linearity.
The Moon in Leo occults Saturn from Greenland, Iceland, North Scotland in daylight, around 11:47 GMT. The Moon at that time is trine both Venus and Pluto.
Mercury is conjunct Jupiter (within 7 minutes of arc) at 16:59 GMT at 4 degrees Sagittarius. (Mercury thus completes his final (and closest) conjunct with Jupiter this season today).
The Moon trines Venus and is void at 20:36 GMT. She enters Virgo 21:32 GMT.
Monday December 11th 2006
Chile's former military ruler General Augusto Pinochet has died at the age of 91, a Santiago hospital yesterday announced.
Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese took part in a Hezbollah-led protest against the West-backed government.
After three days of intense storming last week, sunspot 930 on the face of our Sun has suddenly gone quiet. The sunspot's magnetic field has settled into a stable configuration and--for now--poses little threat for strong solar flares. spaceweather.com
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 19 degrees Sagittarius. There are 11 days to the solstice.
The slow moving and decelerating Virgo Moon approaching last quarter phase squares Mars, Jupiter and Mercury from 04:00 to 07:00 GMT.
Venus enters Capricorn during this bombardment at 05:33 GMT. A 'firming up' and 'formalising' of current relationships is now underway with the passing of this ingress. A change is to be witnessed today.
Mars is conjunct Jupiter at 4 degrees Sagittarius 16:12 GMT. (Both quintile Neptune). Always a fire cracker of an alignment.
Mercury and Mars now face square aspects to Uranus. (Mercury on Friday 15th Dec., Mars at the solstice early on Dec. 22nd). Jupiter does his square to Uranus next year.
Tuesday December 12th 2006
The slow moving and decelerating Moon reaches last quarter phase 14:33 GMT 20 degrees Virgo. At that time this Moon forms a mutable T-square with the Sun and the Lunar Node.
This is a quiet day, best suited to working methodically and precisely. What ensues is an 'astrologically reasonably quiet' period up to the next New Moon on Dec. 20th.
Wednesday December 13th 2006
The Arctic may be free of all summer ice by as early as 2040, new data from scientists suggests. In one NCAR simulation, September ice was seen to shrink from about 5.9 million sq km to 1.9 million sq km in just a 10-year period. By 2040, only a small amount of perennial sea ice remained along the north coasts of Greenland and Canada, while most of the Arctic basin was ice-free in September.
A suicide bomb attack on a Baghdad square yesterday is now known to have killed at least 70 and injured more than 230 people.
Ethiopia's Marxist former ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam was found guilty in absentia of genocide after a 12-year trial.
A Spaniard has become the first woman in the world to receive a double hand transplant. A team of surgeons at Hospital La Fe in Valencia carried out the pioneering operation.
In the UK the main news yesterday concerned the discovery of a total of five bodies by police investigating the murders of three prostitutes. A woodland area around the village of Levington, near Ipswich, in Suffolk, has been sealed off by officers. The time line for these murders began on October 30th when one woman was reported missing. By Dec. 2nd one body had been found. A second body was found on Dec. 8th. The third was found on Dec. 10th. Two other bodies were discovered on Dec. 12th.
Today the very slow moving Moon is square Pluto 02:32 GMT and becomes void of course from that moment.
She enters Libra 10:01 GMT and is at apogee (slowest all month) 19:02 GMT. The day mellows. Social considerations take over from the critical work ethic of the past two days. Prepare for some serious conviviality.
The Geminid meteor shower, possibly the year's best, should peak late tonight in the moonless dark sky. The best time should be from about 10 p.m. until moonrise before dawn. Bundle up very warmly, find a place with a wide-open sky view and no glary lights, lie back on the ground or in a reclining lawn chair, and watch the stars. The best direction to look is where your sky is darkest. Give your eyes at least 20 minutes to dark-adapt. You may see a meteor a minute on average. Sky and Telescope
Thursday December 14th 2006
State of the skies:- Five planets are concentrated right now in Sagittarius. The Sun is today at 22 degrees Sagittarius. He is applying to a trine aspect to Saturn which peaks at the weekend. There is constructive energy to be found here. There remain eight more days to the Winter solstice in the northern hemisphere (summer solstice in the south).
The waning Moon now past the last quarter phase, slow moving and accelerating, sails on through Libra. She makes reasonable aspects today and tomorrow. The Moon occults Spica tomorrow. The next New Moon in late Sagittarius is next Wednesday.
Mercury is 'a morning star' in Sagittarius. He is about to square Uranus conferring an agitated vibration on proceedings today and tomorrow.
Venus is 'an evening star' in Capricorn. She will make a 'pleasant' sextile to Uranus next Wednesday the day of the New Moon.
Mars is in Sagittarius and (like Mercury) will square Uranus a matter of minutes before the moment of solstice on Dec. 22nd.
Jupiter newly arrived in Sagittarius is making his impact in that sign. These are early days, but potentially a wave of spirited enterprise and fortitude is breaking on the shores of planet earth.
The year is burninmg out, the moon is burning out. Stay tuned to the daze during the days, months and years ahead.
Friday December 15th 2006.
A potentially disturbing day could be in store. The Moon occults Spica at 11-10 GMT visible to observers in southern south America. (This is the 18th of 23 in the current monthly series).
Mercury squares Uranus 15:03 GMT, the principal source of the disturbance..
The Moon sextiles Pluto at 15:33 and is void from this moment. She enters Scorpio 22:43 GMT. The day may have a sting in its tail.
Saturday December 16th 2006
The Moon reaches balsamic phase 10 degrees Scorpio 17:49 GMT.
Sunday December 17th 2006
The Sagittarian Sun trines Saturn 01:36 GMT.
The Scorpion Moon squares Saturn and is void from 23:32 GMT.
Monday December 18th 2006
Hamas will not participate in early elections, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas said Sunday, in a harsh verbal attack on President Mahmoud Abbas. The announcement came as fighting between the ruling Hamas movement and its Fatah rivals escalated.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Iraq on an unannounced stop in his Middle East tour and pledged his continued support for the new Iraqi government against those who seek to derail it. But as Blair flew to Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone on a military helicopter, news broke yesterday of yet another mass kidnapping, carried out by gunmen in Iraqi army uniforms at the office of the Iraqi Red Crescent.
Today the Moon enters Sagittarius 09:11 GMT joining Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, the Sun and Pluto in that sign.
The Sun is conjunct Pluto 14:37 GMT at 27 degrees Sagittarius.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 19:24 GMT at 5 degrees Sagittarius.
From 21:31 GMT today the Moon and four planets are within 20 degrees of each other for two days.
Tuesday December 19th 2006
The governing Palestinian movement Hamas yesterday said it will boycott early elections called by President Mahmoud Abbas.
Robert Gates was sworn in as US defence secretary in a private event at the White House.
In the UK Police investigating the murders of five prostitutes in Suffolk arrested a 37-year-old man near Felixstowe.
An energetic Solar storm has caused disruption to satellites and may have caused a glitch on the space station.
Today the very old Moon is conjunct Mars in Sagittarius at 02:24 GMT.
The Moon occults Antares from East Africa and Madagascar at dawn local time.
The Moon is conjunct Mercury 17:38 GMT.
Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 23:44 GMT.
A fierce and direct day is in store as the old year and the old Moon burn out. Truth is out there.
Wednesday December 20th 2006
Venus in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces 03:30 GMT.
The aged Moon is conjunct Pluto 10:30 GMT some three and a half hours before New Moon.
New Moon 29 degrees Sagittarius 14:02 GMT
This New Moon two days before the Solstice is conjunct Pluto and trine Saturn.
This New Moon is midway in time between the Annular Solar Eclipse on September 22nd 2006 and the Partial Solar Eclipse on March 19th 2007.
The 35 intervening hours between the moment of New Moon today and the moment of Winter Solstice on Friday are worthy of your respect and our awareness. This is truly a 'holy period'.
The tiny baby New Moon void from the moment of newness enters Capricorn 16:39 GMT joining Venus in that sign.
Thursday 21st December 2006
The new Moon yesterday coincided with a reasonably quiet day on the world stage, the exception being the 'heavy' fighting reported close to the Somali interim government base in Baidoa, during an EU envoy's peace mission.
US President George W Bush said the conflict in Iraq will require "difficult choices and additional sacrifices" in 2007.
Today we are posed between yesterday's New Moon and tomorrow's Solstice. A holy day, but possibly a little unnerving with Mars about to square Uranus, take care.
The infant Moon is conjunct Venus at 13 degrees Capricorn at 16:05 GMT.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is quintile to Neptune in Aquarius from today and over the Christmas period. Jupiter will be conjunct Neptune in Aquarius in 2009. The current aspect between this mystical pair is inspirational and potentially revelationary.
Use binoculars after sunset to pick up Venus and the eerily thin crescent Moon just above the southwest horizon, as shown above. Sky and telescope
Friday December 22nd 2006
Mars squares Uranus 00:18 GMT. A real shocker of a solstice!
Winter Solstice 00:23:11 GMT
At the height of the reign of the darkness the light is born. I wish you all a happy solstice day.
With the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn he joins the Moon and Venus in that sign. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto remain in Sagittarius.
At the exact moment of Solstice the Sun is rising over Burma. It is Moonrise over North Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. The Moon (in Capricorn) sets at La Paz Bolivia, and is at the local IC of Tripoli and Berlin. Mercury in Sagittarius is rising at Salem India. Venus in Capricorn sets at San Salvador. Jupiter in Sagittarius rises at Karachi (with Uranus there on the IC). Saturn in Leo culminates at Tehran and sets at Alice Springs. Uranus in Pisces, tightly square Mars, rises at Sydney and is conjunct the IC of Afghanistan.
At this moment Mars squares Uranus. Saturn trines Pluto, Venus sextiles Uranus, Mercury is sextile Neptune and trine Saturn. Jupiter is applying in square aspect to Uranus.
Five planets are residing in fires signs. Three in Earth. Five in Mutable signs and two in Fixed signs.
The Solstice is dominated by the shocking vibration of Mars square Uranus. In addition the new Moon is void of course.
Next year (2007) at this time a conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto near 0° Capricorn opposes Mars retrograde in the first few degrees of Cancer. That really will be a startling solstice.
Four years from now (2010) the Winter Solstice point will be closely preceded by a Total Lunar Eclipse. Two years after this (2012) the same Solstice Sun aligns exactly to the centre of the Milky way Galaxy, an alignment and a point in time of cosmic proportion, forecast and foretold by the Mayan astronomers and looked to as an epoch moment by many religious and mystical groups.
In 2029 the Winter Solstice is again closely preceded by another epic Total Lunar Eclipse.
Hope to be alive to experience all of these astrological events and more besides. Stay tuned to the Daze which is, by the way, seven years old today.
The Moon enters Aquarius 21:49 GMT.
Use the thickening crescent Moon, higher in the southwest after sunset than it was yesterday, to find Venus. The Moon points to it like a bow shooting an arrow. Bring binoculars for a good look at the lovely earthshine on the Moon's night portion. And as the sky grows darker, also look in on Alpha Capricorni, a wide orange double star for binoculars that's to the upper right of the Moon by about a fist-width at arm's length. See the illustration below.
A flurry of meteors may emerge from Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper) on Dec. 22nd between 18 and 23 hours UT when Earth runs into a filament of debris trailing comet 8P/Tuttle. Meteor forecaster Peter Jenniskens of the SETI Institute anticipates as many as 39 meteors per hour, best seen from Europe and Asia. Reference: IAU Electronic Telegram #773.
Saturday December 23rd 2006
The Aquarian Moon increasing in light and motion, sextiles Jupiter and Mars today.
Mercury in Sagittarius is about to make a waxing fiery trine aspect to Saturn in Leo. Creative thought forms and the harnessing of constructive vision is on the cards. Very positive vibes under the young waxing Moon beams.
Sunday December 24th 2006
The fast moving Moon reaches crescent phase 03:39 GMT 17 degrees Aquarius.
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 04:51 GMT at 18 degrees Aquarius.
Mercury trines Saturn 12:19 GMT
The Moon at 25 degrees Aquarius opposes Saturn at 16:42 GMT, the opposition is eased by Mercury and Pluto.
The Moon sextiles these two planets at 17:16 GMT and 20:10. From this point she is void of course.
Monday December 25th 2006
A big sunspot has appeared. It's on the far side of the sun: This spot is not sunspot 930, which caused so much activity in mid-December. It is genuinely new and its properties are a mystery. All will be revealed on Dec. 28th-30th when the sun's slow, 27-day spin turns the region toward Earth.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday insisted the West will have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran. He rejected UN Security Council sanctions against Tehran, insisting his country would press ahead with its nuclear programme.
Ethiopia said for the first time its forces are battling Islamist militiamen in Somalia, as violence intensifies.
Three members of an Egyptian family have tested positive for the virulent H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus.
Today the fast waxing crescent Moon enters Pisces unnoticed at 01:44 GMT
Mercury is conjunct Pluto 19:45 GMT at 27 degrees Sagittarius.
The Moon occults Uranus for the extreme North West of Africa around 21:12 GMT.
A strangely strange Christmas day.
Tuesday December 26th 2006
On Christmas day Ethiopian jets struck two of Somalia's airports in a widening operation against Islamist forces.
Today the Moon moving rapidly through Pisces waxes towards first quarter.
Quiet astrological days ahead.
Wednesday December 27th 2006
Yesterday a strong undersea earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck off Taiwan, followed by a powerful aftershock, according to the US Geological Survey. Tuesday's first tremor took place at 1226 GMT south-west of Hengchun on the southern tip of Taiwan, the island's Central Weather Bureau said - measuring it as 6.7 on the Richter scale.
An earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale also hit Dumfries in Scotland UK and the surrounding area. People living in and around Dumfries said they felt two tremors at about 1040 GMT on Boxing Day.
Iraq's Appeals Court upheld the death sentence passed last month against ousted leader Saddam Hussein.
More than 200 people died in an oil pipeline explosion in Nigeria's commercial capital.
Ethiopia says it has repelled Islamist militia threatening the seat of Somalia's transitional government in the town of Baidoa. PM Meles Zenawi said he hoped to pull out his 3-4,000 troops within a week, following days of heavy fighting.
Today the very fast moving Moon waxing in Pisces squares Mercury and is 'void of course' from 03:06 GMT.
She storms at a brisk pace into Aries 05:05 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon (together with Venus, and Mercury from tonight, are then in Cardinal signs).
Rising around Noon local time the Moon reaches first quarter phase at 6 degrees Aries at 14:49 GMT
Mercury enters Capricorn 20:55 GMT.
The 'wolfish' Moon sets around midnight local time.
Thursday December 28th 2006
The Moon is at perigee (fastest all month) 02:28 GMT and spends this day rushing through Aries.
Friday December 29th 2006
The Moon at 26 degrees Sagittarius forms a fiery grand trine with Saturn and Pluto around 01:00 GMT. She finally trines Pluto and becomes void at 02:55 GMT.
The Moon enters Taurus 08:09 GMT.
The Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus are now in Earth Signs.
The atmosphere now is practical. Realism and constructive enterprise are to the fore.
The news day reports Somalia's government is to take steps to assert control over Mogadishu, a day after its forces entered the city.
Lawyers for former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein say they have been asked to pick up his personal effects.
Scientists in China say they have developed a new way of predicting earthquakes - by observing erratic behavior in snakes. Experts at the earthquake bureau in Nanning, in southern Guangxi province, monitor local snake farms via 24-hour internet video links. Scientists said the serpents can sense a quake from 120km (75 miles) away, up to five days before it happens.
The UK's first deep-diving remotely operated vehicle is to trawl the depths of the Antarctic sea-bed.
Saturday December 30th 2006
Iraq's former leader Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging. (End of an era chart below).
Hundreds of people are feared dead after a ship sank in a storm off the Indonesian coast, reports say.
Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamad Ghedi yesterday entered Mogadishu, a day after Islamist fighters fled the city.
A giant ice shelf the size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's Arctic, scientists said. The mass of ice broke clear 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island but no one was present to see it in Canada's remote north. Scientists using satellite images later noticed that it became a newly formed ice island in just an hour and left a trail of icy boulders floating in its wake.
Saddam's execution chart
The end of an era. This chart is set for Baghdad 6.00am local time on 30th Dec. 2006. It is the moment of execution of Saddam Hussein. Pluto is exactly rising on the horizon of the city, symbolizing an irrevocable transformation of power.
Today the Moon rapidly waxes in Taurus.
Sunday December 31st 2006
Car bombs and a suicide bomber left at least 75 people dead and more than 100 wounded Saturday, the day former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was executed for crimes committed during his rule.
Spain has blamed a powerful bomb explosion at the country's busiest airport Saturday on Basque separatist group ETA, declaring it a violation of a nine-month cease-fire.
A crowded Indonesian ferry broke apart and sank in the Java Sea during a violent storm that sent towering waves over its deck, and the vast majority of the 600 passengers were still missing a day later, officials said yesterday. Raging seas have hampered rescue efforts and about 14 hours after the disaster, just 66 survivors had been found, many drifting in lifeboats, officials said. No bodies had been found, leaving more than 500 passengers unaccounted for.
This morning, the waxing gibbous Moon crosses the northern side of the Pleiades star cluster as seen from northwestern North America.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 01:23 GMT 24 degrees Taurus and the procession to another Full Moon begins.
The Moon trines Venus and is void from 02:38 GMT.
The Moon occults the Pleiades visible from the Far East, Japan and North West North America around 11:00 GMT.
The Moon enters Gemini 11:17 GMT.
Mars in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 13:05 GMT.
The year ends on a busy note.