Glass Nebula by Joy Day
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(Copyright:- The Daze 2005 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak. Astronomy by Sky and Telescope magazine. News by BBC News CNN News.
George Bush. Tony Blair in 2005. Gordon Brown. Michael Howard.
Further astrological thoughts on the great Earthquake.
For such a significant event as the Boxing Day earthquake to occur with the huge loss of life over so wide an area, without clear corresponding astrological signatures, is to render astrology quite feeble as a predictive tool. Science however was unable to predict this event, and no astrologer as far as I am aware foresaw it.
My vision is that astrology will one day provide a means to anticipate such calamitous events, or at least to indicate a 'probability' of such an event occurring at a given place and time. My own instincts drive me to examine eclipses of the Sun and Moon to search for astrological signatures of disasters.
The previous eclipse of the Sun occurred on October 14th at 21 degrees Libra. At the moment of 'central eclipse' (02-59-18 GMT) the local situation can be seen below.
(Astrocartography map for solar Eclipse October 14th 2004)
At that time Venus was culminating on the meridian of the epicentre of the future earthquake. Pluto was rising on the horizon of Sumatra and would very shortly rise at the epicentre.
The solar eclipse in discussion here was a partial eclipse belonging to Saros Series 124, a 'family' of eclipses which began on March 6th 1049. Looking back to that first eclipse of the series we find that the dominating aspect of the time is the 'symbolically violent opposition' of Mars opposite a conjunction of Pluto and Chiron. At the central moment of that eclipse this opposition was indeed clearly focused on this same part of the world. The astro-geographic situation of this first Saros eclipse is shown below.
(Astrocartography map for start of Saros Series 124)
You can see Mars is very close to the MC of the epicentre opposite Pluto and Chiron on the IC.
The potential of violence was maybe 'set up' in 1049 AD. This potential was indicated or activated at the central eclipse time of the immediate previous solar eclipse, October 2004.
The previous New Moon to the earthquake on December 12th 2004 set for the epicentre region shows Chiron rising in Capricorn opposite Saturn setting in Cancer focused again on Sumatra. This is shown on the map below.
(Astrocartography map for the moment of New Moon Dec. 12th 2004)
Turning our attention now to the moment of the first great quake as given by the US Geoseismic Centre (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqinthenews/2004/usslav/) as Sunday, December 26, 2004 at 00:58:50 (UTC). 3.298°N, 95.779°E, we can construct the astrological horoscope for the time and place.
The earthquake chart (below) has a similar orientation as the New Moon (Dec. 12th 2004) chart. As if to emphasise the point the epicentre region shows Chiron rising in Capricorn opposite Saturn setting in Cancer focused again on Sumatra. The Full Moon is some eight hours away, Mars had entered Sagittarius some eight hours previously. The Lunar South Node is conjunct the epicentre MC.
(Earthquake chart Dec. 26th 2004)
(Local astrocartography for the earthquake chart)
There are many 'hard angles' in this earthquake chart. To see these the eighth harmonic of this earthquake chart is shown below.
(8th harmonic of Earthquake Chart)
Here again we see Mars opposite Pluto forming a fixed grand cross with Venus, the Sun and the local MC.
The second harmonic chart of the earthquake moment is also set out below.
(Second harmonic of Earthquake Chart)
Here we see Mars opposite Uranus ( a pre-echo of the Mars square Uranus aspect on 31st Dec. 2004, across that same one degree Leo/Aquarius axis seen in the Saros chart Mars Pluto opposition). Here too we see Chiron and Saturn again with the South Node stellium all opposite the local MC and squaring a Venus, Mercury conjunction.
Two further astrological charts might have drawn our attention to the event before it occurred. Below is the Winter Solstice 2004 Astrocartography Chart.
(Moment of Winter solstice 2004)
Here we see Jupiter almost exactly on the IC of the epicentre and Chiron, the Moon's Node, the Moon and Saturn all focused on Sumatra.
Finally a glance at the moment of Full Moon on Boxing Day 2004, the day of the Earthquake we find the Mars on the epicentre IC and Uranus setting over Sumatra.
(Moment of Full Moon 26th Dec. 2004)
The major astrological theme of the time we are living in around this awesome event is a cardinal across involving Saturn in Cancer, Chiron in Capricorn with the Moon's Nodal axis across late Aries/Libra. This cross is in all charts set at this time.
Sets of coincidences or a cosmic connection? That's all to say right now on this matter. Lots of computing time and research time is required to attempt to use astrology as a tool to predict earthquakes.
Scientists had predicted the great Earthquake Click Here (Thanks to Jim Shawvan for this link).
NASA scientists studying the Indonesian earthquake of Dec. 26, 2004, have calculated that it slightly changed our planet's shape, shaved almost 3 microseconds from the length of the day, and shifted the North Pole by centimeters The devastating megathrust is the fourth largest 'quake in one hundred years. The quake also affected Earth's shape. Chao and Gross calculated that Earth's oblateness (flattening on the top and bulging at the equator) decreased by a small amount--about one part in 10 billion. They also found the earthquake decreased the length of the day by 2.68 microseconds.http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2005/10jan_earthquake.htm
Two weeks on, the Earth is still vibrating from the massive undersea earthquake off Indonesia that triggered the tsunami, Australian researchers said on Sunday.The Australian National University (ANU) said the reverberations were similar in form to the ringing of a bell, though without the sound, and were picked up by gravity monitoring instruments.
I wish we could use astrology to help save lives.
Back now to the daily daze.
Thursday December 30th 2004
The Moon in Leo trines Mercury and Venus in the early hours (GMT).
Venus and Mercury sextile Jupiter, Venus at 10-19 and Mercury at 21-08.
The Moon is void from 14-55 and disseminating in phase 18-24 GMT at 24 degrees Leo.
The day starts fair enough but we may sense the mounting tension of Mars squaring Uranus which peaks tomorrow.
Friday December 31st 2004
A devil of a day to end the year 2004.
Mars in Sagittarius is square Uranus in Pisces at 07-49 GMT
The Moon enters Virgo at 05-34 and moves on to form a tight mutable T-square with Uranus and Mars, peaking around 13-00 GMT.
January 2005
Saturday January 1st 2005
Mercury (magnitude 0) is very near bright Venus low in the southeast during dawn left of Venus early in the week, and above it by week's end as shown here. They're separated by only a finger's width or less at arm's length. Look about 45 to 60 minutes before sunrise; binoculars will help. Sky and Telescope
The year starts with a Virgo moon squaring the ongoing conjunction of Mercury and Venus at 19-43 and 21-27 GMT respectively.
Sunday January 2nd 2005
The UN believes more than 150,000 died in Asia's tsunami waves after an earthquake almost a week ago.
Total amount of international contributions reaches more than $2 billion, U.N. says. Aid begins to reach tsunami victims in remote areas of Indonesia, where toll is 80,000 Flash floods could hamper relief efforts in eastern Sri Lankan provinces
Today the waning accelerating Virgo Moon is void of course at 06-24 GMT and then enters Libra at 16-20 GMT and starts to approach firstly the last quarter phase and then a close conjunction with Jupiter.
Mercury and Venus continue to shine in alignment from Sagittarius and are both applying to a conjunction with Pluto.
Monday January 3rd 2005
State of the skies:- The current astrological situation is dominated by two themes. The first theme features a close conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Pluto underway in Sagittarius. Venus is conjunct Pluto today and it is the turn of Mercury tomorrow. Mercury will overtake Venus on January 14th 2005 in Capricorn.
The second theme is a 'cardinal cross', involving Saturn in Cancer, Chiron in Capricorn and the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra, in the skies, which has been applying for several weeks and will grow stronger from the second half of January 2005, as first the Sun and then Venus and Mercury complete the cross. Hitherto I have not paid much attention to Chiron, and the lunar nodal axis but since the astrology of great Earthquake shows such strong links to these astrological factors, it is time to use them with more insight and respect.
The astrological community is currently considering the role Sedna, the newly discovered planet, played in the great wave. Situated at 18 degrees Taurus, a wide 'finger of fate' involving Sedna, Jupiter and Pluto is currently in operation. Sedna is the goddess of tsunamis in Eskimo mythology.
Today the accelerating Moon reaches last quarter phase at 17-47 GMT at 13 degrees Libra and is applying to a very close conjunction with Jupiter.
Venus is conjunct Pluto 23-31 GMT.
Tuesday January 4th 2005
Sky and Telescope
President George W Bush and two of his predecessors call on US citizens to aid the Asian tsunami's victims.
At least 16 Iraqis, mainly soldiers and police, die in fresh attacks, a day after a car bomb kills 23.
In the UK Tony Blair has returned to Downing Street amid criticism for failing to end his holiday in Egypt early to deal with the Asian tsunami crisis. Tony Blair in 2005 Click here.
During the first three months of 2005, observers in the southwestern corner of Australia will have three opportunities to watch the Moon hide the giant planet Jupiter. The first occultation, on January 4th, will be
the most difficult to view as it takes place during daylight hours with the last-quarter Moon low in the sky (or setting, depending on your observing site).
Get ready for two of the strangest hours in the history of space exploration. That's how long it will take the European Space Agency's Huygens probe to parachute to the surface of Saturn's largest moon Titan on January 14th. Huygens will sample Titan's atmosphere, photograph its bizarre terrain, listen for alien sounds and, possibly, splash down in a liquid methane sea.
Today the Moon is conjunct Jupiter within 20 minutes of arc at 18 degrees Libra at 01-24 GMT.
The Moon is void at 14-21 GMT
Mercury is conjunct Pluto 17-56 GMT
Wednesday January 5th 2005
A contingent of U.S. Marines is arriving in Sri Lanka, charged with Herculean humanitarian tasks left in the wake of last month's devastating tsunami. Today between 900 and 1,200 Marines will be in Sri Lanka, along with heavy-lifting helicopters, bulldozers, generators and tons of food, water and medical supplies. The UK chancellor presses the G8 to freeze all debts owed by countries hit by the Asian tsunami disaster.
While the world's attention has been on the disaster in Asia, the situation in Iraq has deteriorated so much that the insurgency has developed into near-open warfare. Yesterday Gunmen assassinated the governor of Baghdad as at least 10 people died in a blast in the Iraqi capital.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 00-00 GMT today and will reside in that sign, waning and accelerating, today and tomorrow. These are a purposeful and serious couple of days.
Thursday January 6th 2005
The waning Moon (accelerating towards Mars then Pluto and the ongoing conjunction of Mercury and Venus on Sunday, all in Sagittarius), is today void of course in Scorpio at 18-30 GMT.
The astrology of the skies of Earth in these early days of 2005 is especially important. The recent great Earthquake has been a 'planetary event', affecting the consciousness of billions of people. It is still dominating all newscasts. Yesterday Millions of people in the UK and Europe observed a three-minute silence for the Asian tsunami dead at 12-00 GMT. Germany, the UK and Australia increased aid for states hit by the tsunami.
In Iraq at least 25 died in the latest attacks in Iraq, as PM Iyad Allawi says the insurgents will not stop this month's poll.
Astronomers are monitoring a gigantic 'dark filament' on the Sun. Filaments are ribbons of relatively cool gas held suspended above the sun's surface by magnetic forces. This one stretches more than 250,000 miles from end to end--about the distance from Earth to the Moon. Spaceweather.com
In the moonless evening skies of the northern hemisphere Comet Machholz continues to grow in visibility and has zodiac co-ordinates of 27 degrees Taurus right now. See the star map below.
Friday January 7th 2005
Lots going on in the morning twilight skies and Comet Machholz in evening skies is approaching the Pleiades.
Comet Machholz
The comet will be at its best, glowing at about magnitude 3.6 or 3.8, for the first half of January as it moves across Taurus and Perseus. It passes just 2° west of the Pleiades on the evening of January 7th, making for a delicate naked-eye pairing. Sky and Telescope
Yesterday World leaders promised an Indian Ocean tsunami early warning system after being urged to honour cash pledges.
Today the fast moving Moon enters Sagittarius at 03-45 GMT and reaches balsamic phase 07-13 GMT at 2 degrees of that sign.
(Balsamic phase...burn your soul as incense for a loving God who regards your predicament and grants you your petition.)
From 16-01 today the Moon, Mars, Pluto, Mercury and Venus lie within 20 degrees of each other for two days.
At 18-36 GMT the Moon is conjunct Mars.
This day is dominated by the Sun applying in a waxing cardinal square to Jupiter (peaking early tomorrow) and an old fast moving Sagittarian Moon conjunct Mars and moving to align with three other closely packed planets. We are dealing here with concentrated one-pointed energy. There is a tendency to exceed and to misjudge. Many many impulses, discoveries and initiations. A strange time.
Saturday January 8th 2005
Sky and Telescope
As the Capricorn Sun squares Jupiter in Libra, tensions re-emerged yesterday between rebels and governments in the two countries worst hit by the Indian Ocean tsunami. Outlandish events in the middle east occurred as a chief candidate in Sunday's Palestinian election was barred from East Jerusalem after his arrest by Israeli police. Two trains collided near Bologna in northern Italy, killing around 18 people and injuring many others, and in the UK Northern Ireland's chief constable said the IRA was responsible for the multi-million pound bank robbery in Belfast.
The Sun is square Jupiter at 02-12 GMT. As the influence of this 'outlandish' aspect subsides we become increasingly under the influence of the New Moon in Capricorn which occurs on Monday.
Today Saturn crosses the ascending node of its orbit today, to remain north of the ecliptic until 2020.
The fast moving Moon is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 17-05 GMT
Sunday January 9th 2005
The UN says it is optimistic that none of the survivors of the Asian tsunami will lose their lives due to hunger. Palestinians say travel restrictions imposed by Israel are undermining the run-up to voting in today's elections. A US nuclear submarine grounds south of the Pacific island of Guam, injuring several - one seriously.
The Swift space telescope sees its first gamma ray bursts - the massive cosmic explosions it was built to study. (Photo above).
The old but very fast Sagittarian Moon hurtling towards New Moon tomorrow conjuncts Mercury at 01-49 GMT and conjuncts Venus at 03-32 GMT. At 04-11 GMT the Moon enters Capricorn. Venus follows the Moon into Capricorn at 16-56, Mercury follows suite tomorrow. In these pre-New Moon hours we are witnessing and experiencing a modulation of astrological energy from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Events and experiences are going to change. A sense of organisation and structure may dawn in our heats and minds. At last we can take stock of recent events and deal with the here and now in a more practical and realistic manner. The wildly expanding and seemingly never ending suffering and wildness of the past weeks is now brought to down to earth, and it must be said, close to home.
Monday January 10th 2005
Yesterday Mahmoud Abbas claimed victory in the Palestinian presidential election as exit polls show him well ahead of his rivals. We have not been able to ascertain his date of birth. He was born in Palestine in 1935.
Hurricane-strength winds have lashed Sweden, Denmark and the north of England, leaving at least 10 people dead and thousands without power.
Today the day of the New Moon, Mercury enters Capricorn 04-09 GMT joining the Moon, the Sun and Venus in that sign.
Moon perigee (closest to Earth and swiftest in movement in her monthly cycle) at 10-04 GMT
New Moon 12-04 GMT 20 degrees Capricorn
We are once again at the New Moon which is midway between Solar Eclipses. The energy associated with the partial Solar Eclipse of October 14th 2004 (Saros series 124) gives way to the energy of the forthcoming rare hybrid Annular/Total eclipse on April 8th 2005 (Saros series 129). This New Moon can be viewed as a 'karmic point of balance' between these Saros families of eclipses.
This New Moon forms a cardinal cross with Saturn and Jupiter and the Lunar Nodes. This is essentially a 'challenging' lunation, one which will 'get things moving'. Mercury is still closely conjunct Venus, but they are both now in Capricorn, Venus and Mercury are applying in sextile aspect to Uranus, Mars is applying in similar aspect to Neptune. Pragmatism, sincerity, invention and aspiration are also embedded in the symbolism.
At the moment of New Moon (12-04 GMT) Uranus culminates at Baghdad, Pluto sets at Moscow. Mercury and Venus are setting at Tehran. Mars is about to rises at Los Angles. Pluto rises at Denver. The Sun, Moon and Chiron rise and Saturn sets over Cuba and central America, north of Panama. The Sun and Moon culminate over Algeria, Paris and eastern England. Eerily Saturn rises and Chiron sets near the epicentre of the great Earthquake. (Enough!)
After the event the Moon is opposite Saturn at 17-58 GMT and is then void of course for the rest of the day.
Huge spring tides will occur around the coasts of the world over the next couple because of the proximity (perigee) of the Moon at this time of New Moon.
Tuesday January 11th 2005
Yesterday's New Moon appears to have passed reasonably quietly. In Iraq however Baghdad's deputy police chief was shot dead, the second senior Iraqi official to be killed in less than a week. In Thailand authorities say victims of the tsunami disaster will be DNA tested to avoid confusion over their identity.
The Cassini spacecraft's flyby of Saturn's moon Iapetus has revealed a bizarre feature of the moon in its images: a bulging ridge at its equator. Experts have deciphered the complete DNA sequence for one of the most infectious bugs known to man. The Francisella tularensis bacterium is regarded as a possible bioterror weapon because it takes as few as 10 microbes to bring on disease in humans.
In the UK the major political issue at this time surrounds the Tony Blair/ Gordon Brown relationship which is reported as being at a new low. (Moon Saturn opposition in their astrological 'relationship chart' becomes exact by progression this season).
Today the fast moving slender infant Moon enters Aquarius at 03-07 GMT. 'Working within the community', an apt phrase maybe for the vibration today.
Wednesday January 12th 2005
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday to congratulate him for winning the Palestinian presidential election, the latest sign that the two sides are eager to restart peace efforts after years of stalemate.
Pledges of aid by the international community must be turned into actual cash to keep tsunami relief efforts going for the next six months, the U.N.'s emergency relief coordinator says.
Rescue crews on Tuesday searched for as many as 22 people who may be trapped in Southern California mudslides that have already claimed three lives.
Today the Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Neptune at 01-31 GMT and is void of course in that sign from 15-44 GMT. Mercury and Venus are approaching the final close alignment of their current 'dance' which has been going on since well before Christmas. With the Sun moving to oppose Saturn tomorrow before us is a couple of astrologically special days.
Thursday January 13th 2005.
U.S. inspectors ended their search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in recent weeks, a U.S. intelligence official told CNN yesterday. The search ended two years after U.S. President George Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq, citing concerns Saddam Hussein was building WMDs.
The two spacecraft of NASA's Deep Impact mission, dubbed Flyby and Impactor by their makers, launched yesterday afternoon atop a Boeing Delta 2 rocket, their mission: To unlock the inner secrets of comets. Deep Impact lifted off from Launch Pad 17B at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 1:47 p.m. EST (1847 GMT). If all goes well, the mission's two spacecraft will tag team Comet Tempel 1 on July 4, with Impactor set to slam into the icy wanderer while Flyby looks on.
The unimaginably big of today has its explanation in the fantastically small of 13 billion years ago. Astronomers have just shown how the present pattern of galaxies in the cosmos grew from tiny fluctuations in the density of matter just after the Big Bang.
On the largest scales, matter is organised into filaments and sheets
Today there is a lot going on. The decelerating waxing Moon enters Pisces at 02-51. The mood changes, subtle but true. Venus sextiles Uranus at 05-59 GMT, Mercury sextiles Uranus at 08-33 GMT. (Lots of scientific discovery going on right now). The Moon is conjunct Uranus at 10-07 GMT and immediately sextiles Venus at 10-17 GMT and Mercury at 10-30 GMT.
Moon reaches crescent phase 17-02 GMT at 9 degrees Pisces.
The Sun is in opposition to Saturn at 23-06 GMT Saturn is at opposition: opposite from the Sun in the sky as seen from Earth. This means it rises at sunset, is highest in the middle of the night, and sets at sunrise. In fact, Earth is so exactly between Saturn and the Sun at this opposition that an observer at Saturn would see tiny Earth transiting across the face of the tiny Sun! This unusual phenomena starts at 18-14 GMT today and lasts until 05-54 GMT tomorrow. It is a consequence of Saturn being placed at his ascending node on the ecliptic. This will next occur in 2020.
Comet Machholz currently has zodiac (ecliptic) co-ordinates of 20 degrees Taurus. Directly overhead in the evening skies for northern hemisphere observers, it is at its very best for viewing. Star map below.
Friday January 14th 2005
The current Mercury Venus conjunction in early Capricorn was exactly conjunct young Prince Harry's natal Jupiter yesterday as his fancy dress antics hit the world's press. Uranus will shortly oppose his natal Mercury.
The main world news yesterday appears to come from Iraq. A representative of Iraq's top Shia Muslim cleric was assassinated along with his son and four bodyguards.
The Huygens spacecraft is ready to make history as it heads for its rendezvous with Saturn's smog-shrouded moon Titan. Today Huygens will dive through Titan's atmosphere taking images and readings on the way. Its scientific investigation of this mysterious world could yield clues to how life first arose on Earth. The robotic lab will hit Titan's atmosphere at 0907 GMT. If all goes well, it will be the furthest from Earth a spacecraft has been landed. Ground controllers may get the first signal from Huygens as early as 1130 GMT, from sensitive radio telescopes which will be listening for the 319kg robotic lab.
Today there is a close planetary conjunction (within 22 minutes of arc) at 02-36 GMT of Mercury and Venus at 4 degrees Capricorn. The decelerating crescent Moon is void of course at 20-22 GMT in Pisces. Five days remain with the Sun in Capricorn.
Saturday January 15th 2005
Sky and Telescope
As Mercury and Venus align from an Earth perspective, and the Sun, Earth and Saturn are exactly linearly aligned the greatest scientific experiment of all time reaches its conclusion.
The first image from the surface of Saturn's largest moon Titan shows a rock-strewn plain stretching toward a distant horizon in pictures released by NASA. The only picture released by the ESA shows the moon, from high altitude, with what appear to be drainage channels and a shoreline. Jean-Jacques Dordain, director general for the European Space Agency, declared the image "magnifique." Huygens reached the surface of Saturn's largest moon on Friday around 7:45 ET.
Back on Earth yesterday Israeli PM Ariel Sharon froze relations with the Palestinians following an attack which left six Israelis dead.
The Moon enters Aries today at 05-27 GMT. Cardinal urgency permeates the biosphere.
Mars in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in Aquarius at 10-40 GMT. Deft actions in tune with visionary ideals.
The Moon sextiles Venus at 18-56 GMT and Mercury at 19-34 GMT. Cause for spirited activities!
Sunday January 16th 2005
Images from Titan, Tangerine seas and marmalade skies.
From the earth, our Moon is today waxing and decelerating towards First Quarter phase in Aries. It may be astrologically a little quieter now than it has been of late.
Mahmoud Abbas was yesterday sworn in as Palestinian president, as fresh violence rocked the Gaza Strip. Thousands joined Nelson Mandela at the funeral of his son Makgatho, who died of Aids recently.
Monday January 17th 2005
AURORA ALERT: Two coronal mass ejections are heading toward Earth and they could spark strong auroras when they arrive on January 16th and 17th. These clouds were blasted into space by solar explosions above giant sunspot 720 on Jan. 15th. Spaceweather.com
The decelerating Moon reaches first quarter phase 06-59 GMT at 27 degrees Aries, and is then void of course until 12-07 GMT when she enters Taurus. The Sun and Moon are then both in Earth signs for these last two full days of the astrological month of Capricorn. An 'astrologically quiet' week is before us as the slowing Moon builds to the (Candlemass) Full phase in eight days time.
This year (and 2006) the Moon will be at her 'Major Standstills' in her 18.6 year Metonic Cycle. The Full Moon on 15th December 2005 is the 'high point' for the Northern Hemisphere, and the Full Moon on 22nd June 2005 is one of two high points for Southern Hemisphere viewers. More on these events later. Suffice to say that they are the most prominent observable lunar events after the lunar phases and lunar eclipses. The megalithic stone circles built 3000+ years ago were aligned to these events.
Tuesday January 18th 2005
A Catholic archbishop in the northern Iraq city of Mosul was kidnapped, yesterday on a day of violence across Iraq.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas ordered Palestinian security forces to stop attacks by Palestinian militants on Israelis. The move comes after a Palestinian attack last Thursday on the Gaza-Israel border that killed six Israeli civilians.
From the USA we heard the news yesterday that the Bush administration has been carrying out secret reconnaissance missions to learn about nuclear, chemical and missile sites in Iran in preparation for possible airstrikes there, (apparently journalist Seymour Hersh said so on Sunday).
A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress after one (and possibly two) coronal mass ejections hit Earth's magnetic field yesterday morning. Giant sunspot 720 has now unleashed another big solar flare. The explosion peaked at 0950 GMT on Jan. 17th and hurled a Coronal Mass Ejection in our direction. The incoming CME will hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 18th or 19th, possibly energising another geomagnetic storm. Spaceweather.com
Today the Moon decelerates and waxes, now past the first quarter phase, in Taurus. After pleasantly making earthy trine aspects to the ongoing (but now separating) Mercury Venus conjunction around 10-00 GMT, inducing a 'feelgood factor' for some; she forms a powerful 'finger of fate' or 'yod' pattern with Mars and Jupiter centred around 22-00 GMT today. This is indeed potentially a fateful time, and one to be aware of.
Wednesday January 19th 2005
On a quiet news day yesterday the world's largest passenger plane, the Airbus A380, has been unveiled in an elaborate ceremony in France.
Today a long, potentially slow moving, astrologically quiet and gently unforthcoming day is in store. The slowly waxing Moon is in Taurus and is void of course at 22-20 GMT entering Gemini at 23-25 GMT. The Sun meanwhile enters Aquarius at 23-22 GMT and a new astrological month begins. The Sun and Moon tumble from both being in earth signs to both being in air signs at that time. The comet Machholz is hovering at about 25 degrees Taurus. Mercury and Venus are still within two degrees in the middle of Capricorn. Mars is rushing through Sagittarius and is applying in a sextile aspect to Jupiter, the only planetary aspect at work over the next few days. This aspect favours expansive projects (such as the mighty over budget airbus above!)
Thursday January 20th 2005
Auroras over Tromsoe, Norway on Jan. 18th. Photo Credit Bjorn Jorgensen
A geomagnetic storm is underway, producing auroras over Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia. These auroras might descend to lower latitudes if, as expected, a coronal mass ejection hits Earth's magnetic field in the hours ahead.
On the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn (yesterday) car bomb attacks killed 26 people in the Iraqi capital. Indonesia's health ministry put the number of people killed by the tsunami at more than 166,000. Israel lifted a ban on contacts with the new Palestinian leader, paving the way for talks between officials.
Today is the first day of the astrological month of Aquarius. There are 60 days to the vernal equinox. The slow waxing Moon today sails through Gemini, and reaches her full phase in Leo next Tuesday. The Sun and Moon are now in air signs. There is a new 'buzz' today, and much to talk about. The accent is on communication. Please get in touch!
During the month ahead there are three times which stand out as astrologically significant. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 24 degrees Sagittarius on January 28th, (this is three days before the elections start in Iraq). On February 7th and 8th a close planetary grouping (within 20 degrees) of the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Neptune (a stellium) occurs in Aquarius. A close conjunction of Venus and Neptune occurs on February 15th 2005 at 16 degrees Aquarius.
Friday January 21st 2005
US President George W Bush was sworn in for a second term yesterday promising to help "democratic movements" in the world. For the record the chart for his second term is shown above. The potentially sinister Mars Pluto applying conjunction opposite an vacillating Gemini Moon indicates potentially a lot of changes. Chiron on the MC of Washington in Cardinal Cross with the Nodes and Saturn alerts us to major and dynamic forces at work. The saving grace of the chart is the airy grand trine involving the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter, there are high ideals woven into the moment.
Today the slow moving moon reaches her gibbous phase 07-09 GMT at 16 degrees Gemini, she moves on to oppose Mars and trine Jupiter around noon GMT. Mars is sextile to Jupiter at 14-54 GMT. The Moon is void at 21-27 GMT.
Saturday January 22nd 2005
The slow gibbous moon drawing to the Full enters Cancer at 10-43 GMT. All day long Mercury and Venus are applying to a waxing cardinal square aspect to Jupiter. The Mercury component peaks tomorrow shortly after midnight, the Venus square peaks on Monday. This is the stuff of 'wide of the mark' judgements and 'over the top' speculations. Risk taking, invoked by the lingering vibration of yesterday's Mars Jupiter sextile, is not recommended under these square aspects.
Sky and Telescope
Comet Machholz
Sunday January 23rd 2005
Mercury at 19 degrees Capricorn is square Jupiter in Libra at 00-25
The Moon in Cancer is apogee (slowest and furthest from the Earth in her monthly cycle) at 18-52 GMT. Emotional pressure will be seen to be increasing today as the heavily laden Moon draws very slowly to her monthly alignment to Saturn (tomorrow) and then on to the climatic full phase on Tuesday.
Monday January 24th 2005
Over the weekend as the Moon waxed in CancerViktor Yushchenko was sworn in as Ukraine's new president, ending a bitterly fought election marathon. Palestinian militants denied a claim by an Israeli minister that they had agreed a cease-fire. US authorities have warned people to stay at home as parts of the north-east and Midwest are battered by snowstorms and blizzard-like conditions.
The slow but now accelerating Moon conjuncts Saturn at 09-18 GMT and is then void of course for 14 hours.
Venus squares Jupiter at 16-10
The Moon enters Leo at 23-22 GMT
Comet Machholz is at perihelion (1.2 astronomical units from the Sun).
Tuesday January 25th 2005
The very quiet news story day yesterday (GMT) came as no surprise as the Moon was 'void of course' for most of the time. It remains to be seen what will be brought to the surface as the 'Wolf Moon' climaxes in her Full phase today.
Moon Full 10-33 GMT 6 degrees Leo.
This Full Moon is midway between the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 28th 2004 in Taurus and the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on April 24th 2005 in Scorpio. The powerful Saros 'energy' of the former gives way to the younger and weaker Saros influence of the April eclipse.
This is a difficult and very challenging lunation. There is a preponderance of 'square' planetary aspects at this time. Mercury and Venus are opposite Saturn, and square Jupiter. Mars is conjunct Pluto. The Full Moon in Leo herself makes difficult aspects to Pluto, Neptune, Mars and Uranus. The whole season is dominated by Saturn and Pluto forming a 150 degree aspect.
The degree of the Full Moon (5 degrees Leo) is that of Dick Cheney's natal Pluto, Prince Charles' natal Ascendant, the natal Moon of the Israeli National chart, and the Pope's natal MC.
Following the Full Moon Mercury at 23 degrees Capricorn opposes Saturn at 18-04 GMT.
Wednesday January 26th 2005
Yesterday's difficult Full Moon coincided with up to 300 Hindu pilgrims dying and hundreds being injured during a stampede at a Hindu festival in India. The stampede happened during a pilgrimage to the remote Mandhar Devi temple in western Maharashtra state. Officials say thousands panicked during a religious procession after a fire broke out in roadside stalls. Many pilgrims were crushed and burned to death as the fire forced crowds into a narrow stairway leading to the hilltop temple. The stampede occurred near the village of Wai, more than 200km (125 miles) south of Mumbai (Bombay), where pilgrims congregate every year at the temple to venerate a Hindu goddess.
The Moon is now waning but accelerating in Leo. She trines the looming Mars Pluto conjunction between 20-06 and 22-39 GMT adding ease of flamboyant expression to this rather gregarious day. The time now however is dominated by the Mars Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius which peaks on Friday, and a very tight planetary alignment tomorrow.
The Moon is void of course from 22-39
Thursday January 27th 2005
Yesterday a helicopter crash in Iraq killed 31 US soldiers, as President Bush hailed Sunday's poll as a "grand moment". A a major climate prediction report issued yesterday suggested that global temperatures could rise by as much as 11 degrees Celsius. Ten people died and up to 200 are injured in a crash involving three trains and a car during (morning) rush hour in Los Angeles.
Today the accelerating and waning Moon enters Virgo at 11-25 GMT. The Earth, Venus and Saturn are almost in linear alignment at 20-53 GMT. Critical precision are the words here. Fine tuning, split second timing, delicate adjustment, tense appraisals, minute adjustment, lists, targets, objectives, rationale are others. Behind all of this a powerful planetary conjunction is reaching its peak. Mars and Pluto are nearly conjunct by ecliptic co-ordinates in tropical Sagittarius. An application of power and change is underway.
Friday January 28th 2005
Yesterday World leaders and Holocaust survivors gathered at Auschwitz, 60 years after the death camp was liberated. When the Red Army liberated Auschwitz 60 years ago, the Moon was Full and conjunct Pluto in Leo. Mercury and Mars were in near linear alignment and the Moon had aligned exactly with the Earth and Mercury the previous day.
Iraq yesterday began sending ballot boxes to the provinces for Sunday's election, as new violence killed at least 12. Some 100 people have been killed in an air raid on a village in Sudan's Darfur region, say military observers, who fear a major upsurge in violence.
The Moon today wanes and accelerates in Virgo. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 24 degrees Sagittarius at 17-42 GMT. This aspect last occurred on 16th Feb. 2003, mass popular protests around the world against the proposed US and UK War with Iraq were taking place. Before that the aspect coincided with the height of the Foot and Mouth outbreak in the UK in March 2001.
Giant sunspot 720 is gone and the sun is quiet again.
Saturday January 29th 2005
Mars was conjunct Pluto yesterday. This conjunction coincides with the start of the Iraqi elections. Extra security measures are being introduced in Iraq ahead of Sunday's election - the first since the US-led invasion nearly two years ago. An extended curfew has begun to be followed by border closures and movement restrictions today. Insurgents, who have urged a boycott, killed four civilians in a car bomb in Baghdad on Friday as well as attacking polling stations across the country. Expatriate Iraqis were allowed to start early voting in 14 countries on Friday.
European scientists yesterday confirmed what is thought to be the first known case of "mad cow" disease in a goat. Procter & Gamble struck a deal to buy Gillette for $57bn, creating the world's biggest stable of consumer brands.
Today the Moon is square the separating Mars Pluto conjunction at 09-56 and 10-52 respectively. this will most likely be a difficult time. The accelerating Moon is disseminating in phase 11-56 GMT at 25 degrees Virgo, and is void of course in that sign from 21-07.
The Moon enters Libra at 22-13. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in air signs.
Sunday January 30th 2005
Mercury enters Aquarius 05-57 and starts to apply to a conjunction with Neptune meeting him on February 8th 2005. This ingress adds more 'air' to the present situation invoking increased social, community and civil activity. The Libran Moon applies all day to Jupiter reaching him tomorrow.
Today attacks and explosions are mounting as Iraqis go to the polls in the first multi-party elections for half a century. At least four people are killed when police raid a suspected militant hideout, state television reports. There have been violent clashes in northern Germany after around 7,000 demonstrators turned out to oppose a rally by a far-right party.
Monday January 31st 2005
State of the skies:- The rapidly waning Moon at last quarter on Wednesday aligns within a degree of Jupiter at 19 degrees Libra at 10-09 GMT today. The Sun now less than fifty days from the Vernal Equinox is applying to Neptune in mid Aquarius meeting him on Thursday. Mercury is now in Aquarius and moving away from Earth on the far side of the Sun. Venus will follow Mercury into Aquarius on Wednesday. Mars will enter Capricorn next Sunday. The Moon will occult Antares on Friday morning visible from most of Europe but not the UK.
February 2005
Tuesday February 1st 2005
The news yesterday as the Libran Moon sailed by Jupiter, reported that ten UK troops were confirmed missing, presumed dead, as video said to show their plane being shot down was aired. Pop icon Michael Jackson arrived in court as jury selection begins in his child molestation trial. (Uranus is opposite his natal Sun at the moment). US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton collapsed during a public appearance in Buffalo, after feeling unwell, (Mars was exactly opposite her natal Uranus yesterday). Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi urged Iraqis to work together for a common future after Sunday's historic election.
Today the accelerating Moon approaching Last Quarter Phase is void of course in Libra at 03-22 GMT entering Scorpio at 06-51 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in fixed signs. Corresponding reactions on the earth over the next two days will be unwavering and wilful.
Wednesday February 2nd 2005
Yesterday Nepal's king sacked the government and declared a state of emergency, plunging the country into turmoil. Zimbabwe's President Mugabe set the general election for 31 March as the opposition nears a decision on a boycott. The UN has chosen former US President Bill Clinton to be its tsunami relief envoy, reports say.
Today Jupiter turns retrograde at 01-45 GMT. The fast moving Moon reaches fixed last quarter phase at 07-28 GMT at 14 degrees Scorpio. A crisis in consciousness is the hallmark of this phase.
Venus enters Aquarius at 15-43 GMT, joining Mercury, the Sun and Neptune in that sign. The collective anima responds, her head rules her heart.
The Moon is void of course at 22-57 GMT at 22 degrees Scorpio.
Watch out for the 'bad moon rising', in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
Thursday February 3rd 2005
The last full Moon was conjunct the natal MC (and his natal Neptune) of the Pope John Paul II. Remember reading that in 'the Daze' (Jan 25th 2005)? He hit the news yesterday. His medical condition is stabilised after treatment but he will stay in hospital for now, the Vatican says.
Yesterday Nepal's king named a new cabinet - a day after sacking the government and imposing a state of emergency.
Today the Sun is conjunct Neptune at 07-29 GMT at 15 degrees Aquarius. We are now midway between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox.
The fast moving waning Moon enters Sagittarius at 12-22 GMT. As she wanes she is busy. She occults the red star Antares early on Friday (GMT), she forms a 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Neptune later on Friday and goes on to make zodiacal conjunctions with Pluto and Mars over the following hours. Correspondingly there may well be lots going on from 12-22 GMT today, lots of significant activity.
Friday February 4th 2005
The crescent Moon occults the red star Antares on Friday morning for much of Europe. Map of occultation zone is shown below. When the Moon rises in the UK around 4-00 GMT Antares will appear almost to touch the lower limb of the Moon.
The fast moving Moon waning in Sagittarius then moves on to forms a loose 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Uranus towards the latter part of the day (GMT). Possibly a Friday night of 'risk taking'. Watch the news!
The weekend ahead appears astrologically quiet and precedes a tight grouping of planets in Aquarius prior to the New Moon in that sign on Tuesday.
Saturday February 5th 2005
Sky and Telescope
The Moon is conjunct Pluto at 04-29 GMT. She moves on to be in conjunction with Mars within 5 degrees at 13-08 GMT and is then void of course for only an hour and a half. She enters Capricorn at 14-32 GMT.
The moon is at balsamic phase 17-51 GMT 2 degrees Capricorn.
An Afghan passenger jet with 104 people aboard that went missing during a snow storm Thursday has been found southeast of Kabul. There is no immediate indication of any survivors, but an ISAF rescue and recovery team has been airlifted to the crash site, according to an ISAF officer.
Radar observations taken at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico on January 27, 29, and 30 have significantly improved our estimate for the orbit of asteroid 2004 MN4 and changed the circumstances of the Earth close approach in 2029. On April 13, 2029, the predicted trajectory now passes within 5.7 Earth radii (36,350 km or 22,600 miles) of the Earth's center - just below the altitude of geosynchronous Earth satellites. However, an Earth collision in 2029 is still ruled out. The asteroid's motion subsequent to the 2029 Earth close approach is very sensitive to the circumstances of the close approach itself and a number of future Earth close approaches will be monitored as additional observations are received. However, our current indicates that no subsequent Earth encounters in the 21st century are of concern. Based on albedo contraints by Andrew Rivkin and Richard Binzel (MIT), the diameter of the object is about 320 meters. At the time of the closest approach, the asteroid will be a naked eye object (3.3 mag.) traveling rapidly (42 degrees per hour!) through the constellation of Cancer. On average, one would expect a similarly close Earth approach by an asteroid of this size only every 1300 years or so. NASA
Sunday February 6th 2005
Mars (magnitude +1.3, in Sagittarius) glows in the south-east in early dawn and follows the Moon and enters Capricorn at 18-32 GMT.
Mars will remain in Capricorn till March 20th 2005 leaving the sign just before the Vernal Equinox. The most important aspect which occurs during this period is his tough opposition to Saturn on March 7th 2005 (forming a dynamic Cardinal cross with Jupiter and the Moon's Node at that time). The whole period from today (18-32 GMT) to the spring equinox in March has the potential for real industrious activity. A time to establish and to build. Use it well!
Monday February 7th 2005
The very fast moving Moon is void of course at 22 degrees Capricorn at 01-48 GMT and remains void for 13 hours. During that time the Sun is trine Jupiter at 12-04 GMT.
From 12-37 today the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Neptune and the Sun lie within 20 degrees of each other for two days.
The Moon hurtles into Aquarius at 14-27 GMT joining the other four bodies in that sign. Concentrated Aquarian energy is the hallmark of these next days.
Moon perigee 22-24 GMT
Tuesday February 8th 2005
On this New Moon day the news reports that Israeli and Palestinian leaders will sign a truce ending four years of fighting today. The US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, has been in the region meeting leaders from both sides to push them towards an agreement.
On the day prior to this at least 25 people have been killed in two separate insurgent bombing attacks in Iraq targeting the police force. The Vatican has announced that Pope John Paul II will stay in hospital "for a few more days". Togo's new President Faure Gnassingbe has been sworn in despite international protests at his appointment. In the world of Science tiny single-celled creatures, many of them new to science, have been found at the deepest point in the world's oceans, almost 11 km down.
Today is an astrologically special day. The Moon, three planets and the Sun are concentrated within half of the sign of Aquarius.
The very fast moving Moon conjuncts Venus at 01-06 GMT, Mercury conjuncts Neptune 10-10 GMT. The Moon conjuncts Neptune at 14-32 GMT and Mercury at 15-05 GMT. The Moon finally reaches her New phase at 22-29.
New Moon 22-29 GMT 20 degrees Aquarius.
This is the penultimate New Moon before partial Hybrid Solar Eclipse of April 8th 2005. It serves as an 'introduction' to the energy of that forthcoming eclipse.
The Sun and Moon are on the Venus/Uranus midpoint form a tight trine aspect with Jupiter. Four bodies reside in Aquarius. Mercury is conjunct Neptune both trine Jupiter. Jupiter is square Saturn.
The astrological energy of this lunation is 'future proof' it is forward looking, hopeful and at its best altruistic.
There is vision and a promised glimpse of world peace to be experienced. This New Moon strikes a deep chord.
At the exact moment of New Moon over the UK Jupiter rises and Saturn is conjunct the MC. Saturn is on the Lunar Node/Local Ascendant of London. The New Moon is conjunct the UK Labour party MC. The signs are that this is an important New Moon for the British Isles.
The Sun and Moon both set at Washington.
Wednesday February 9th
Yesterday the Palestinian leader and Israeli prime minister declare a truce amid hopes of a "new era of peace".
The new US secretary of state tried to heal rifts with Europe in her first key speech since being appointed. At least 21 people were killed as a suicide bomber blew himself up near an Iraqi army recruitment centre in Baghdad. The Briton Ellen MacArthur became the fastest person to sail solo non-stop around the world when she finished on Monday in 71 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds.
Today the fast moving but now decelerating infant Moon is void of course at 24 degrees Aquarius at 04-19 GMT. She enters Pisces at 14-00 GMT and makes a conjunction with Uranus at 23-28 GMT at 6 degrees Pisces. The energy of the day becomes deeply and dreamily subliminal. Following yesterday's New Moon we are now entering a fairly quiet period for a few days.
Thursday February 10th 2005
A quiet news day seemed evident yesterday.
UK scientists have released images of the ocean floor near the epicentre of December's giant Asian earthquake. They were obtained by the Royal Navy's hydrographic survey ship HMS Scott. (graphic above)
Today under dreamy (fairy tale infant) Piscean Moonbeams, Mercury at 19 degrees Aquarius forms a waxing airy trine aspect to Jupiter at 10-43 GMT. This aspect induces and promotes 'vision'. This is an 'ideas day' for potential grand schemes. A day to fashion dreams into new ideas. A 'wait and see' sort of atmosphere.
Friday February 11th 2005
Solar Eclipse wedding.
The Palestinian leader yesterday sacked top security commanders in Gaza after militants violated a truce deal with Israel. World leaders condemned North Korea for pulling out of talks and pledging to boost its nuclear arsenal.
Pope John Paul II returned to the Vatican in his "popemobile" after treatment for throat spasms.
The Prince of Wales is to marry long-term partner Camilla Parker Bowles, Clarence House announced. The wedding is to take place on April 8th 2005 the day of the next (unusual 'hybrid') Solar Eclipse, a bit like the wedding! Best wishes to all marrying on that day.
Today the decelerating, young, and waxing Moon is void of course at 05-14 GMT in Pisces, entering Aries at 15-22 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then in positive signs, conferring 'universal self expression' on human responses. The Friday evening becomes 'hot and urgent'. The planetary 'music' inflames temperament.
Saturday February 12th 2005
Moon reaches her crescent phase at 06-11 GMT at 9 degrees Aries.
The Sun sextiles Pluto at 15-28 GMT. This looks to be potentially a wholly positive day with a feeling of change in the air. As the day ends (GMT) the Moon draws to a challenging configuration with Saturn and Jupiter. This is a dynamic arrangement possibly leading to new events experiences.
Sunday February 13th 2005
The Moon forms the cardinal T-square with Jupiter and Saturn around 02-30 GMT.
Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius at 10-37 GMT. Deep and penetrating insights abound.
The Sun stands at the midpoint point of the Moon and Pluto sextiling them both.
The Moon is void of course in Aries at 10-55 GMT.
She enters Taurus 20-19 GMT
Monday February 14th 2005
No big news stories arose over the past weekend. A Shia-dominated coalition won nearly half of the 8.5 million votes in Iraq's election, provisional results yesterday showed . Israel has approved a list of 500 Palestinian prisoners to be released in coming days, under terms agreed at last week's Middle East summit in Egypt. Tony Blair said over the weekend that he still has the same hunger to be prime minister as when he first entered 10 Downing Street.
Today the Moon waxes and slows in Taurus. The Sun has four days remaining in Aquarius.
Mercury is at superior conjunction at 10-50 GMT. This represents a sort of 'Full Mercury', the illuminated mind. Venus is today drawing to an almost exact alignment to Neptune in mid Aquarius, this tight conjunction is interesting, watch the markets. The flavour of this 'steady' day is subtle and strong, not much forthcoming, but generally an industrious period.
Tuesday February 15th 2005.
Yesterday two violent Middle East events occurred under a brutal Taurean Moon. Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was killed as a massive explosion ripped through west Beirut. At least 30 people died and about 200 were hurt as fire swept through a packed mosque in Iran's capital.
A close planetary conjunction of Venus and Neptune at 15 degrees Aquarius occurs at 00-48 GMT.
The (brutal) Taurean Moon decelerating to her First Quarter phase squares Neptune and Venus around 01-20 GMT. Venus will move on to trine Jupiter on Thursday.
Mars at 6 degrees Capricorn forms a waning sextile aspect to Uranus in Pisces at 12-31 GMT. Mars will be conjunct Uranus in Pisces on May 15th.
Looks to be a day to apply ingenious force at the correct moment. Things may get moving tomorrow. Today like yesterday has a strong (hard-going) 'flavour'. Movement however is ahead.
Wednesday February 16th 2005
The Kyoto Protocol, which aims to slow global warming, has come into force seven years after being agreed.
Lebanese have flocked to the streets of Beirut as the shocked nation prepares to bury former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
Today the decelerating moon is at first quarter phase at 00-17 GMT 27 degrees Taurus. She is void of course at 03-09 and enters Gemini at 05-19 GMT, building all day to a 'nervy' square aspect with Uranus (peaking 17-39 GMT). Mercury enters Pisces at 17-46 GMT.
Changes and movement are highlighted today. The astrological energy over the next two days undergoes a modulation to 'mutability'. Transmission is the keyword here.
Thursday February 17th 2005
The US says it has "an increasing list of problems" with Damascus, after Syria forms a new "front" with Iran. Unrest in Iraq is providing Islamist militants with training and contacts which could be used in new attacks abroad, the head of the CIA has warned.
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aquarius.
Mercury now whizzing through Pisces is tightly conjunct Uranus in that sign on Sunday. This is the next astrological event, and is associated with flashes of invention and changes of mind.
Venus at 18 degrees Aquarius today trines Jupiter at 10-10 GMT invoking some optimism.
The slowly waxing Moon in Gemini forms an illuminating airy grand trine with Jupiter, Venus and Neptune around 18-00 GMT.
At 20-01 GMT Saturn and Uranus sesiquadrate aspect (a waxing angle of 135 degrees between them, 2nd of 3 such aspects, the first Aug. 7th 2004, the last on June 12th 2005). This is an uneasy vibration.
Friday February 18th 2005
As this day dawns, Swiss DNA and explosives experts are set to arrive in the Lebanese capital of Beirut to help investigate the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri. Israel allows 16 deported Palestinians back to the West Bank in a further bid to restart the peace process. Weeks of formal negotiations are set to begin on the formation of a new government in Iraq.
The slow moving Moon is void in Gemini from 05-24 GMT today for nearly 12 hours. The early morning newscasts reflect this void of course period.
The Sun enters Pisces 13-32 GMT during this lengthy 'void' period and a new astrological month begins. Thirty days remain to the vernal equinox. Mercury is approaching an alignment to Uranus on the far side of the sun peaking on Sunday.
The Moon 'crawls' into Cancer 17-13 GMT and begins to apply to a conjunction with Saturn also peaking on Sunday.
The Moon shines high to the upper right of the Castor-Pollux-Saturn arc this evening, as shown below.
Saturday February 19th 2005
Yesterday bombs struck mainly Shia Muslim targets in Iraq, killing at least 29 people ahead of a Shia festival. Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe says he will hold elections in 60 days after intense regional pressure.
Astronomers say they have been stunned by the amount of energy released in a star explosion on the far side of our galaxy, 50,000 light-years away. The flash of radiation on 27 December was so powerful that it bounced off the Moon and lit up the Earth's atmosphere. The blast occurred on the surface of an exotic kind of star - a super-magnetic neutron star called SGR 1806-20. If the explosion had been within just 10 light-years, Earth could have suffered a mass extinction, it is said. We figure that it's probably the biggest explosion observed by humans within our galaxy since Johannes Kepler saw his supernova in 1604," Dr Rob Fender, of Southampton University
There is a different feel to things now. The Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer are now in water signs. Essentially emotional reactions can be expected today and tomorrow. Mercury is closing into a tight alignment with Uranus peaking tomorrow. These two planets and the Sun are now all in Pisces
The very slow moving Moon in Cancer opposes Mars at 11-27 GMT tonight forming a quadrilateral with Castor, Pollux, and Saturn. The Moon applies to Saturn. Mercury applies to Uranus.
Sunday February 20th 2005.
Sky and Telescope
The very slow Moon reaches gibbous phase 02-46 GMT 17 degrees Cancer. She is at apogee 04-57 GMT.
Close planetary conjunction (less than 1 degree from exact linear alignment) of Mercury and Uranus
at 7 degrees Pisces 05-44 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 12-07 and is then void of course for nearly 18 hours.
Jupiter is ¼° from Theta Virginis, magnitude 4.4, late tonight and tomorrow night.
Monday February 21st 2005
Over the weekend Suicide bombers in Iraq targeted Shia Muslims marking the festival of Ashura, killing at least 30 people. West African governments imposed sanctions on Togo over the refusal of its army-appointed president to quit. A powerful offshore earthquake has struck Indonesia's eastern Sulawesi region, sparking panic in seaside communities. The tremor was of magnitude 6.5, No injuries have been reported, but officials say sea levels rose by up to four metres (13ft). The US Geological Survey said the tremor was on Saturday just after 0800 (0000 GMT) was 10km (six miles) beneath the sea bed. A clear majority of Spaniards yesterday voted in favour of the EU constitution in a referendum, an exit poll suggests. The US president is in Brussels at the start of a visit to Europe to mend ties strained over the Iraq war. A ferry has sunk in Bangladesh, with 82 people so far confirmed dead.
The decelerating gibbous Moon enters Leo 05-55 GMT. We are locked into the approaching Full Moon which peaks at 04-55 GMT on Thursday of this week. Pressure is building. Venus at 24 degrees Aquarius today sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius at 23-58 GMT and stands at the Pluto/North Node midpoint, making sextile aspects to both points. A dynamic 'love action' aspect. Life is a dramatic stage today.
Tuesday February 22nd 2005
Severe weather reports right now, more than 100 people have died and scores are missing in Indian-administered Kashmir's worst snow for 20 years. At least 19 people have been killed and more than 100 are missing following a landslide in Indonesia.
The US and French leaders call for Syria to withdraw from Lebanon, as Mr Bush pushes for a new era of transatlantic unity.
Mercury in Pisces sextiles Mars in Capricorn at 21-24 GMT. A punchy 'no holds barred' atmosphere prevails. Mind and muscle in effective harmony.
Emotional tension is increasing as the Moon in Leo draws and decelerates to her full phase.
Wednesday February 23rd 2005
Yesterday an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 hit south-eastern Iran. The quake struck at about 0230 GMT (BBC News). The 6.4-magnitude quake was centred near Zarand in Kerman province, 740km (460 miles) from the capital, Tehran. Heavy rain and snow has hampered the emergency effort in southern Iran where an earthquake is estimated to have killed more than 500 people.
Strangely Venus was almost exactly rising at Zerand at that time, not so strange was that Venus was very tightly sextile Pluto (within 8 minutes of arc) and both planets formed a finger of fate with Saturn. Uranus squared the local MC. The local ascendant was exactly conjunct the Neptune/Uranus midpoint.
A huge, frozen sea lies just below the surface of Mars, a team of European scientists announced yesterday.
Cold weather on both sides of the Atlantic and the weak dollar force crude oil prices above $50 a barrel.
Today the Moon is void of course in Leo at 09-48 when she opposes Venus, but forming at that time a kite pattern with Pluto and the Moon's Node. She enters Virgo at 17-44 GMT and completes her Full phase 11 hours later. Looks to be a a tense and wearisome day as the moon staggers for most of the day in void deceleration. From 17-44 this 'feeling' may give way to a clearer and more sharply defined focus.
Thursday February 24th 2005
President Bush and Chancellor Schroeder put aside differences yesterday over Iraq and are seeking unity on Iran.
Pope John Paul II (today's Full Moon is conjunct his natal Saturn), has launched a new book in which he controversially compares abortion and the Holocaust. Memory and Identity, the pontiff's fifth book, says both are the result of governments clashing with divine law.
Our planet's murky deep sea sediments are a buzzing hotbed of life, according to a new report in Nature magazine.
Astronomers say they have discovered an object that appears to be an invisible galaxy made almost entirely of dark matter. (Photo above). The team, led by Cardiff University, claimed it is the first to be detected. A dark galaxy is an area in the Universe containing a large amount of mass that rotates like a galaxy, but contains no stars. The object is aligned to the Virgo super cluster of galaxies.
Full Moon 04-55 GMT 6 degrees Virgo opposite Uranus.
This is the penultimate Full Moon before the penumbral lunar eclipse (of a young Saros) on April 24th 2005.
Today's Full Moon is a tense and brittle affair with seriously practical consequences. The Full Moon is opposite Uranus, conferring an unsettling atmosphere on all situations. At the moment of Full Moon, the forthcoming opposition of Mars and Saturn (exact on March 7th) straddles the horizon of the UK, suggesting a difficult national immediate future.
The Full Moon is conjunct the natal Saturn of Pope John Paul. It is also conjunct a very sensitive point in natal charts of some members of the British royal family, the natal Saturn of Prince Charles, the natal Mercury of prince Harry and the natal Pluto of the late Diana Princess of Wales.
The ensuing day in the wake of the 04-55 GMT full Moon is a curious and critical journey. The (GMT) day ends with the Sun almost conjunct Uranus almost ensuring that elements of the unexpected will arise.
There are now only 24 days to the Vernal Equinox. The next two weeks between today's Full Moon and the next New Moon look to be astrologically important and significant. The Mars Saturn opposition on March 7th, mentioned above, is a dominant feature. The close conjunction of Venus and Uranus on March 4th is another.
Exciting times ahead!
Friday February 25th 2005
Sky and Telescope
Yesterday's Full Moon in Virgo was conjunct the natal Saturn of Pope John Paul. (Mentioned in TheDaze before the event). The main world news yesterday reported that the Pope was readmitted to hospital yesterday only weeks after he was treated there for flu-related breathing problems. Doctors may perform an operation on him which could help him breathe more easily
Also yesterday US President Bush told Russian leader Vladimir Putin of his "concerns" about Russian democracy. Their meeting in the wake of the Full Moon appeared to be icy. Syria is to move its troops in Lebanon closer to its own border.
Today the Sun is conjunct Uranus in Pisces at 06-33 GMT. There is something of a shock to be lived through around that time.
After the climax of the Full Moon and this morning's conjunction of the Sun and Uranus (a yearly event), the weekend ahead is envisioned as easier. A much calmer astrological situation prevails.
The Moon is void of course in Virgo 17-00 GMT on Friday evening, and remains that way for the remainder of this day. Not a great deal to be gained as this day ends.
Saturday February 26th 2005
The Moon sails into Libra at 03-59 GMT, and starts to draw to a conjunction with Jupiter, which peaks on Sunday. This is a weekend to recuperate and socialise.
Venus slips unnoticed into Pisces at 15-07 GMT. She aligns closely to Uranus next Thursday morning, when we can expect further flashes of the unexpected.
The collective female response (the universal anima, symbolised by Venus, now in the sign of the fishes), is subliminal submissive and sensitive. The collective male response, (represented by Mars, currently in Capricorn) is practical, constructive and conservationist. These two work well together.
Sunday February 27th 2005
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Libra at 13-46.
Mercury trines Saturn 21-51 GMT. A day to pull ideas and people together. Harmony and relaxation should be your goals today.
Monday February 28th 2005
Three new moons discovered around Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft have been given provisional names. The discoveries were made last year, not long after Cassini had arrived in orbit around the ringed planet. Two moons detected in August have been given the names Methone and Pallene, while another found in October has been provisionally named Polydeuces. Three more candidate objects are still awaiting confirmation as moons. Methone and Pallene circle Saturn between the orbits of two other Saturnian moons, Mimas and Enceladus. They were discovered by Sebastien Charnoz at the University of Paris, France. (BBC News)
Over the weekend a leading insurgent and half-brother of Saddam Hussein was captured, Iraq's government says. Israel's prime minister threatened to halt peace efforts with Palestinians unless they destroy militants. The Pope made a surprise appearance at his hospital window after the Sunday blessing was read for him.
Singer Michael Jackson's child abuse trial will start in earnest with the opening statements today.
Today the Moon is void of course in Libra from 01-49 reaches disseminating phase 02-21 GMT at 25 degrees Libra. She enters Scorpio at 12-21 GMT . It looks to be a good ingress, the Moon then trines Venus, Uranus and the Sun over the following 20 hours.
Comet Machholz should be 6th magnitude this week as it nears Polaris and tonight, the sky is once again free of moonlight if you look right after dark.
March 2005
Jupiter trines Neptune all month, peaking on March 14th. This will be the second of three blasts from this visionary pair. These two in harmonious airy trine invoke the better aspects of humanity, altruism, music, vision, art, to name just a few. Feeding the world, banishing poverty and saving Africa seem like good ideas to me. Lets see what happens during the month ahead. The first week of this calendar month however has other more difficult planetary aspects dominating the astrological scene. Read on!
Tuesday March 1st 2005
Yesterday Lebanon's PM said he and his Syrian-backed government are resigning amid growing opposition pressure. At least 114 were killed by a car bomb in the town of Hilla - one of the deadliest rebel attacks in post-Saddam Iraq.
As the month starts Mars is within 4 degrees of opposing Saturn. The opposition is beginning to bite. It peaks on March 7th. The first week of March looks to be astrologically very 'busy'. Not an easy time to undertake important activities.
Mercury (applying in vain to opposition with Jupiter) is today square Pluto at 21-37 GMT. The accelerating Moon wanes in Scorpio, conferring an intensity to everything. This is a darkly difficult day and a herald of more difficult days to follow. Manic emotional elements at work today.
Wednesday March 2nd 2005
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas yesterday told an international gathering in London that the Palestinian Authority has made a final decision to unify its patchwork security services, a move called for by the United States and Israel. The 23-nation conference was hosted by British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
A jet plane piloted by US adventurer Steve Fossett, aiming to make the first solo non-stop flight around the world without refuelling, has taken off. Virgin GlobalFlyer took to the skies from Salina in Kansas, US, at 0050GMT on Tuesday morning. The single jet engine aircraft is loaded with more than four times its own weight in fuel for the challenge, which is expected to last 80 hours.
Today the Moon is void of course from 10-26 and enters Sagittarius at 18-30 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in mutable signs as the Moon accelerates to her last quarter phase tomorrow
Mars in Capricorn, Saturn in Cancer and Jupiter in Libra are starting to form a cardinal T-square at this time which will carry us over the next five days. There are planetary forces pushing us to excess, overestimation and exhaustion. In addition to the cardinal cross, Venus is drawing to a close alignment with Uranus, peaking on Friday, this may mean more planetary pressure and more unsettling vibrations. To top it all a lunar occultation of Antares occurs tomorrow. Just don't push too hard right now.
Thursday March 3rd 2005
Yesterday Lebanese opposition leaders demanded the withdrawal of Syrian forces and the immediate resignation of Lebanese security chiefs. They said the moves had to precede any talks with Syrian-backed President Emile Lahoud on forming a government.
Tehran was told it must be more transparent about its nuclear programme in a united call by the US, Europe and UN.
Today Mars in Capricorn forms a waxing cardinal square to Jupiter 10-15 GMT. This aspect adds weight to the ongoing wide cardinal cross in the skies (involving the lunar nodal axis, Jupiter and Saturn) which astrologically characterises a great deal of 2005. Today is in fact 'very 2005ish'.
The Moon in tropical Sagittarius occults Antares. (approx. 12-00 GMT to 13-00 GMT)
The waning Moon occults (covers) bright Antares early Thursday morning as seen from North America. The star's reappearance from behind the Moon's dark limb should be spectacular. This event happens in darkness as seen from the mountain states and the West, in twilight for the Midwest and much of the South, and in daylight for the East.
As above so below, each astronomical event (such as occultations, eclipses, comets and even exploding neutron stars on the other side of the galaxy) have a correspondence on earth. Regard carefully the time of the occultation. Is anything lost or hidden at that time? Watch the news as well as your personal environment.
UK residents have only to wait to Wednesday October 21st 2009 to undergo a visual occultation of Antares, but that is not to suggest that today's occultation on the other side of the Atlantic has no correspondence in Europe or elsewhere.
The Moon reaches last quarter phase at 17-37 GMT at 13 degrees Sagittarius. A crisis in motion and action is the paramount experience of the day.
Venus is moving to a close alignment to Uranus in Pisces which peaks tomorrow. An unsettling and erratic vibration may well be increasing in intensity all day. This is a day of 'flux' and movement. Excitement is on the cards!
Friday March 4th 2005
Quiet news days recently but yesterday US adventurer Steve Fossett soared into the record books as the first person to fly solo, non-stop around the globe.
Close planetary conjunction (within a degree) of Venus and Uranus at 8 degrees Pisces at 08-44 GMT today.
The fast waning Moon is conjunct Pluto 12-41 GMT, she is void of course at 21-46 GMT and promptly enters Capricorn 22-12 GMT. A 'rough and tough' weekend is upon us. Mars in Capricorn (now joined by the waning Moon) is almost opposite Saturn in Cancer. This rings out a challenge and a conflict. These are not easy days.
Saturday March 5th 2005
Mercury enters Aries 01-34 GMT today, igniting many new situations. Mercury will undergo his retrograde period whilst in Aries this year and this results in a very lengthy residence in this sign. Mercury will be in Aries until May 12th 2005. The major aspect he undergoes during this period is an opposition to Jupiter at the end of April. Mercury in Aries invokes 'impulse' and 'spur of the moment' thought forms. Look before you leap is good advice for these next two months.
The Moon racing through Capricorn applies all day to a conjunction with Mars which peaks tomorrow. This could be an industrious weekend if you can harness the energy, but we expect a real humdinger of a conflict to emerge.
The Sun today is half way through Pisces. Fifteen days remain to the Vernal Equinox.
Sunday March 6th 2005
The fast moving Moon conjuncts Mars 04-77 GMT and sets off on going cardinal T-square.
The Moon is void at 08-30 GMT, entering Aquarius at 23-50 GMT.
Not a lot of joy to behold today. This is potentially hardhearted stuff. Mars in Capricorn is almost opposite Saturn in Cancer, this is not the substance of easy street, this is a hard incline. Expect difficulties! The height of the current tension will be reached tomorrow.
Monday March 7th 2005
An Italian reporter shot by U.S. forces in Iraq after being freed by insurgents disputes their account of the incident in which she was wounded and a security agent protecting her was killed.
BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) -- Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and Syrian leader Bashar Assad will meet today in Damascus to discuss details of a pullback of Syrian troops in Lebanon, Lebanese and Syrian government officials said on Sunday.
The very fast moving Moon reaches balsamic phase 02-28 GMT 2 degrees Aquarius and commences her 'burn' towards New Moon on Thursday.
Mars at 21 degrees Capricorn opposes Saturn in Cancer (less than one degree from exact linear alignment) at 16-16 GMT. This day sees a climax of frustration and constriction as symbolised by this opposition.
Mercury is moving towards Earth, on this side of the Sun, easily visible as an evening object and worth a look. Mercury 'Hesperus' (as he is called in this phase) symbolises a 'reflective mentality'.
Mercury (magnitude 1) is having its best evening apparition of 2005. Look for it low in the west in evening twilight, as shown above. It's there all week.
Tuesday March 8th 2005
At least 140 inmates have been killed after a prison riot led to a fire in the Dominican Republic, officials say. They said clashes between rival gangs in the prison in the eastern town of Higuey began late on Sunday night.
The White House insists that Syria pull its troops out of Lebanon, saying promises are not enough.
The Moon, rushing towards her New Moon phase on Thursday, is today conjunct Neptune 02-15 GMT. She is at perigee (fastest in her monthly orbit) at 03-30 GMT. After making rather pleasant aspects during the day she becomes void of course from 15-29 until well after midnight. Conclude, therefore, all your important business prior to 15-29 GMT.
Wednesday March 9th 2005
Hundreds of thousands of people yesterday gathered in Lebanon's capital, Beirut, to applaud Syria's role in the country and reject Western "interference". "We are here to thank Syria which has stayed by our side for many years," the head of the Syrian-allied Hezbollah group told cheering supporters. (We need to take a look at the astrological chart of the Lebanon).
Also yesterday Russian forces said Chechnya's separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov has been killed in a special operation.
China announced the first details of a controversial law that would allow it to use force against Taiwan. Legislator Wang Zhaoguo said such means would only be used as a last resort, if peaceful reunification efforts failed.
The fast (but now decelerating) old Moon slips into Pisces 00-34 GMT, joining Venus, the Sun and Uranus in that sign. She is conjunct Uranus 12-43 GMT, and conjunct Venus at 23-45 GMT.
This is the last day before a New Moon, which is itself the last New Moon before an eclipse. The ebbing tides of fate are about to flow. This is a deeply subliminal day, rich in emotional response, a day to absorb and to impress.
Tomorrow's new Moon is a good one. A time to 'start again' and get a constructive hold on situations..
Thursday March 10th 2005
A strange and grim collection of worlds news stories hit the wires yesterday as the old Moon in Pisces sped towards her new phase. Italy's PM Silvio Berlusconi said an agent's account of a hostage negotiator's death contradicts US reports. Some 42 South African miners are trapped underground following an earthquake south-west of Johannesburg. The bodies of at least 20 people who were shot dead were found near the western Iraqi town of Qaim. One of the dead had an Iraqi police identity card and others may have been national guards. In the capital, Baghdad, a suicide car bomb attack reportedly carried out by a group linked to al-Qaeda killed three and injured more than 20 people.
Today there is a New Moon.
New Moon 09-12 GMT (20 degrees Pisces trine Saturn).
This is the last New Moon before the Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2005. It is welcome. The New Moon is in watery trine to Saturn and in sextile to Mars. The opportunity offered by the cosmos from today is one of new beginnings and concrete progress with old difficulties.
With the passing of this New Moon we are into an 'eclipse season', a period (occurring every six months for a duration of about seven weeks) open to the influences of the two forthcoming eclipses. This is a time of new developments.
The Moon is void in Pisces from 16-45 GMT.
The Sun is trine Saturn at 23-54.
Friday March 11th 2005
On the day of a new Moon in Pisces CNN led with the news that pajama-clad Michael Jackson arrived late for his trial -- after the California judge trying the pop star's child abuse case said he would issue an arrest warrant if he was not in court within an hour. Earlier in the day, an attorney said Jackson was in a hospital with a "serious back problem."
Michael (Virgo Sun Sign) was born on the day of a Full Moon in Pisces. Currently Uranus in Pisces is hooked into this Virgo Sun opposite Full Moon in Pisces. Never never land indeed. Astrologically for him the worst is yet to come as Uranus is still to conjunct his natal (Full) Moon.
A suicide bombing at a Shiite Muslim funeral procession killed 26 people yesterday in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
Today the fast and decelerating infant Moon enters Aries at 02-04 GMT. She is conjunct Mercury at 18-08 GMT. This conjunction is well worth seeing in the evening skies about 50 minutes after Sunset. (See graphic above).
Saturday March 12th 2005
The Moon in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra at 06-36 GMT, and the opposition is made easy by Neptune in Aquarius.
Mercury is still a good evening sky object. The bent bow of the crescent Moon points down to Mercury during twilight tonight as if shooting an arrow at it, as shown above. Mercury itself is at greatest elongation, 18° east of the Sun. He is moving to oppose Jupiter for the remainder of the month but he turns retrograde before the opposition peaks. Certain issues will just have to wait.
The Moon is void in Aries from 20-14 GMT.
Sunday March 13th 2005
One week remains to the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere.
The Moon enters Taurus 06-06 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in feminine signs.
The Moon reaches her crescent phase at 21-17 GMT at 8 degrees Taurus
A minor Lunar occultation (visible from UK) of star Delta Aries occurs today at approx. 21-33 to 22-18 GMT. This star is occulted again by the Moon, visible from the UK on July 2nd 2005.
Monday March 14th 2005
The Pope yesterday returned to the Vatican after more than two weeks recovering in a Rome hospital from throat surgery.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was upbeat as he meets the Israeli PM on his first visit to the region in four years.
Experts predict bird flu will mutate with human flu leading to a pandemic. The UK government says its plans to tackle an outbreak - which include stockpiling antiviral drugs - are comprehensive. Bird flu has killed at least 47 people in South East Asia over 15 months and there are suspected cases of the virus being passed between humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) fears 100 million people could be killed worldwide
Today at 07-45 GMT Jupiter is trine Neptune (2nd of 3, the first Nov. 29th 2004, the final one Aug. 17th this year).
The waxing Moon stands at the midpoint of Venus and Saturn, sextiling them both 21-15 GMT.
The Sun is square Pluto 23-13 GMT and this is the sting in the tail of this 'colourful' day.
This week sees Mercury in Aries slowing and turning retrograde some 12 hours before the moment of Vernal Equinox next Sunday.
Venus in Pisces makes a trine aspect to Saturn tomorrow and a difficult square aspect to Pluto on Friday.
Mars is in Capricorn for one more week only, entering Aquarius on the day of the equinox.
Tuesday March 15th 2005
Taiwan says a new Chinese law giving Beijing the right to use force against the island seriously undermines security. Taiwan has condemned the law giving Beijing the legal right to use force against the island if it moves towards declaring formal independence.
Melting Himalayan glaciers could lead to catastrophic water shortages, a conservation group warns.
Illness and hunger alone may have claimed 180,000 lives in Darfur over the past 18 months, the UN reports.
Nearly one million opposition protesters gathered in Beirut yesterday, a month after former PM Rafik Hariri's killing.
Today Venus trines Saturn 00-11 GMT.
The slow moving and decelerating waxing Moon is void in Taurus from 06-11 till 13-45 GMT when she enters Gemini. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in mutable signs as the lunar first quarter phase approaches.
Wednesday March 16th 2005
We are now four days from the Vernal Equinox and twenty three days from a Solar Eclipse. Mercury is about to turn retrograde. Venus and Mars are both shortly to change signs. All in all we are entering a period of change and reorientation.
A 'buzzy' day with the hum of impending germination is on the cards for today. Lots of talk and lots of movement are inevitable.
The slowly waxing crescent Moon in Gemini today forms an airy grand trine with Jupiter and Neptune. This arrangement peaks at 21-30 GMT, and may coincide with a time of positive and inspirational communications.
Over the next few days the Moon will rise in her most northerly position and culminate very high in northern hemisphere skies. This phenomena will occur at monthly intervals over the next 12 months because of the current 'Lunar Standstill' in the 18 year Lunar Metonic cycle.
Thursday March 17th 2005
Something exploded on the sun on Tuesday. We couldn't see the blast itself because it happened behind the sun's eastern limb. But we could see the hot magnetic cloud it hurled into space. Witness this picture from Gary Honis.
All day long today Venus in Pisces draws to a waxing mutable square aspect to Pluto in Sagittarius. The aspect peaks shortly after midnight tomorrow. Salacious responses, sexual power plays and sinful or financial scandals may be invoked today.
The 'high' Moon (see yesterday's comment) in Gemini reaches first quarter phase at 19-20 GMT today at 27 degrees Gemini. At this time she forms a mutable T-square with Pluto and Venus, drawing their aspect to a head. She is also void of course from this time for the remainder of the day. During this void period the Moon occults a star called 136 Tau (visible with binoculars from UK) occurring approx. 22-28 to 23-31 GMT. It looks to be an interesting time.
Friday March 18th 2005
A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole.
Europe's Mars Express probe sees evidence of "recent" flowing water, active volcanism and large glaciers.
Crude oil prices set new records on Thursday Brent crude topped $55 a barrel for the first time, moving from $55.53 in early London trade to hit a record $56.15 a barrel in afternoon dealing. Venus in Pisces (traditionally associated with oil) was square Pluto.
Israel's prime minister welcomes a pledge by Palestinian militants to extend a halt in attacks.
Today the very slow moon enters Cancer 00-44 GMT and very slowly draws over the following 42 hours to a conjunction with Saturn. She sails very high in northern hemisphere skies.
Venus squares Pluto 06-12.
The Sun and Moon are now both in water signs. Emotional reactions are certain today. Care and defence the expected responses
Saturday March 19th 2005
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 17-53 GMT.
Moon apogee 23-02 GMT.
She forms a cardinal T-square with Mercury and Jupiter
Sunday March 20th 2005
Mercury appears to hover stationary turning retrograde 00-07 GMT AT 14 degrees Aries. Nothing is guaranteed to go to plan for the period up to April 12th 2005.
Mercury turned retrograde before he had had time to complete his opposition to Jupiter. This opposition must now be delayed until April 28th. Many recent matters which had seemed to be drawing to their climax and resolution will simply have to wait till the end of April for their true conclusion.
On this day of Spring Equinox the main world news reports that more than 30 have died in a bomb attack at a shrine in Pakistan's south-western province of Balochistan.
Vernal Equinox 12:34:29 GMT
The Equinox moment is dominated by the Moon in late Cancer opposing Mars in late Capricorn at 12-59 GMT.
The opposition is 'made easy' by the Vernal Equinox Sun and Venus.
The very slow Moon is void of course from 12-59 till 13-17 when The Moon enters Leo.
The Sun and Moon are then both in Fire signs.
Mars enters Aquarius 18-02. He will meet Neptune in a close alignment in Aquarius on April 13th 2005.
This day ended with another bombing incident. An investigation begins into a suicide car bombing in Qatar that killed a British man and injured 12 other people.
Monday March 21st 2005
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday arrived in Beijing for talks over North Korea's nuclear ambitions.
Today a 'fiery' day is in store. The Sun now in Aries and the Moon in Leo together invoke impulse, action and primal urge.
The slow but accelerating Moon in Leo (Full next Friday) reaches her gibbous phase today at 22-14 GMT at 16 degrees Leo.
Tuesday March 22nd 2005
It was very much a 'weak news day' yesterday.
Today Saturn turns direct 01-34 GMT and begins the last part of his 'long hall' in tropical Cancer. He leaves this sign, (much to the relief of Cancerian people!), and enters Leo on July 16th 2005.
Today the slowly accelerating and waxing gibbous Moon is void in Leo at 14-20 GMT and remains in this state for the remainder of the day (GMT).
Venus enters Aries 16-25 GMT. The collective anima erupts and arises. 'Assertive femininity' rules the waves from today up to April 15th. Mars now in Aquarius nicely compliments this position. Expect excitement and dynamism in human romantic affairs.
Look for Regulus to the right of the bright Moon this evening.
Wednesday March 23rd 2005
Low news days these. The US main news over the last two days has been about a US teenager who shot dead nine people - seven of them in a rampage through a school that ended when he apparently killed himself. In the UK six men on fraud charges walked free yesterday after one of Britain's longest trials, costing £60m, collapsed at London's Old Bailey.
The gibbous accelerating Moon enters Virgo 01-10 today. A tense couple of days ensue as the Full Moon approaches.
The Full Moon herself in Libra on Friday night (GMT) is ten degrees from a conjunction with Jupiter in that sign and trine to Mars in Aquarius. Friday looks to be a good night for social occasions.
Thursday March 24th 2005
Relatives of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo are appealing to the US Supreme Court as they fight to restore her feed tube. The story appears to have gripped the collective imagination of the USA
TB has reached alarming proportions in Africa, while in Europe resistant strains are emerging, experts are warning.
A huge explosion at an oil refinery in Texas has killed at least 14 and injured more than 70. The blast took place at a facility owned by British-owned company BP in Texas City.
The Moon approaching the Full phase is today waxing and accelerating in Virgo.
A practical and efficient day endowed with a crescendo of energy and activity is envisaged for today.
Friday March 25th 2005
The main world news as the Libran Full Moon approaches concerns an opposition leader being swept to power in Kyrgyzstan by Thursday's protests. He promises fresh elections in June. A small, mountainous, rural country, Kyrgyzstan became independent with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Mr Bakiev told a crowd in the capital Bishkek that parliament had picked him as president and prime minister. Russia's President Vladimir Putin has criticised the "illegal" overthrow and offered asylum to Mr Akayev, whose whereabouts remain a mystery.
Eleven Iraqi special police commandos die in a suicide blast at a checkpoint in Ramadi, the US military says.
Monaco's Prince Rainier is in a "worrying" condition, and the prognosis is "uncertain", says the palace.
Moon void of course 00-36.
Venus sextiles Mars 08-42
The Moon enters Libra 11-00
The Moon opposes Venus 18-12
Full Moon 21-00 GMT at 5 degrees Libra trine Mars
This is the last Full Moon before the faint penumbral eclipse on April 24th. With the passing of this Full Moon we are deeply into an eclipse season.
Saturday 26th March 2005
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 15-01.
Pluto turns retrograde 23-38.
Jupiter shines above the Moon this evening. Look for Spica much closer to the Moon.
Sunday 27th March 2005
The Moon is void in Libra at 08-31 entering Scorpio at 18-30 GMT
Monday 28th March 2005
The Moon is in Scorpio.
Tuesday March 29th 2005
A major earthquake in the Indian Ocean has hit the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, just over three months after last year's tsunami. It struck just before midnight (Monday) local time, with an estimated magnitude of 8.2, and caused widespread panic. But three hours after the tremor, officials across the region said fears of another major tsunami were receding. There were unconfirmed reports of dozens killed by the tremor on the Indonesian island of Nias. The quake struck between the Sumatran cities of Padang and Medan at around 2315 local time (1615 GMT Monday 28th March 2005) and lasted up to three minutes, according to Indonesia's Meteorological and Geophysics Office. Its epicentre was located at about 200km (125 miles) off the Sumatran mainland
Other news preceeding the quake reported Kyrgyzstan's new parliament confirming Kurmanbek Bakiev as prime minister amid signs the power struggle is easing. Israel's parliament rejected an attempt by opponents of the planned Gaza pullout to force a referendum.
State of the skies:-The Sun in Aries is eleven days from a strange 'Hybrid' Annular/Total Eclipse. (Big changes ahead). The waning Moon is today largely 'Void of Course' (not much on today) but is accelerating to meet the solar alignment. The Moon tomorrow occults Antares (visible from Japan but can be felt everywhere!). The Moon is today void from 07-07 GMT and reaches disseminating phase (pulling things to bits) at 13-19 GMT at 24 degrees Scorpio. Mercury in retrograde motion, on this side of the Sun, is conjunct Venus, on the far side, at 9 degrees Aries, at 22-30 GMT. These two planets and the Sun are applying in opposition to Jupiter. Venus opposes Jupiter late (GMT) on April 2nd, the Sun opposes him some 17 hours later. Mercury after turning direct on April 12th opposes Jupiter on April 28th. Mars in Aquarius is nicely placed in relation to the Sun, Mercury and Venus right now. This excellent relationship hits a high tomorrow (Wednesday).
We are in the midst of pre-eclipse days with a retrograde Mercury. This is a time of yielding to fate, (bending like a willow tree in the wind). These days are infused with strong destinies and subtle purposes. Today it may seem a little heavy, tomorrow we can break free.
The Moon today enters Sagittarius at 23-57 GMT.
Wednesday March 30th 2005
The waning disseminating Moon occults (covers) Antares after sunrise for observers in Hawaii. In Japan the occultation happens after midnight on the morning of the 31st local date. Peak of the experience is around 15-48 GMT today. These occultations of Antares occur at monthly intervals at various places around the world for a period of five years followed by a period of around 13 years of inactivity. Todays occultation is the 4th in the prescent crop of around 60.
Mars sextiles the Moon on his one hand and sextiles the Sun, Mercury and Venus on his other.
Thursday March 31st 2005
Yesterday's lunar occultation of Antares is the last one before a European visible occultation which ends at the UK at moonrise on April 26th 2005.
We look forward to the occultation of Antares visible by telescopic from the UK during the mid-afternoon of 21st October 2009. That occultation will be the last but four of the sixty or so over a five year period of monthly occultations of this vast red star.
These occultations of Antares occur at monthly intervals at various places around the world for a period of five years followed by a period of around 13 years of inactivity. Yesterdays' occultation was the 4th in the present crop of around 60.
We look forward also to this grand 'mystic' hexagon or 'Grand Sextile' arrayed in the skies of Earth on Monday July 29th 2013 involving Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, the Moon in Taurus, Jupiter and Mars in Cancer and Venus in Virgo. The hexagon is formed in feminine (Earth and Water) signs of the tropical zodiac.
Astrological Chart set for London below.
This time was first pointed out to me by Derekdjwilliams@aol.com. (Astrological researcher into 'Grand Sextiles').
Some news broadcasts yesterday led with the item 'Human activities are causing irreversible damage to the natural world', a major study finds.
Search and rescue teams are slowly reaching survivors of an earthquake that killed 1,000 in Indonesia.
Pope John Paul II is being fed through a nasal tube to aid his recovery, the Vatican revealed.
Today the Superior Conjunction of Venus occurs at 03-30 GMT at 11 degrees Aries.
Mercury sextiles Mars 08-07.
The swiftly disseminating Moon conjuncts Pluto at 18-25 GMT and is then void of course in Sagittarius.
April 2005
We are now deeply into an eclipse season with two eclipses on the cards this month, a strange 'hybrid' Solar eclipse on the 8th and a weak penumbral lunar eclipse on the 24th. Mars in Aquarius applies in airy trine to Jupiter, exact on the day of the Solar Eclipse April 8th, and a conjunction with Neptune on April 13th. The 23rd of April looks interesting. A complex symmetric planetary picture is arrayed in the skies of Earth on that day.
Friday April 1st 2005.
The month starts with the news that the Pope has a very high fever caused by a urinary tract infection.
Polls in Zimbabwe's parliamentary election have closed following a day of voting which saw none of the violence of previous ballots.
The US media and national mass consciousness appears locked into the death of Terri Schiavo, the US woman at the heart of a bitter legal dispute, who died yesterday 13 days after her feeding tube had ben removed.
In Europe Prince Charles voiced his dislike of facing the media at a photo call during his annual winter skiing holiday.
A paralysed US man becomes the first person to benefit from a brain chip that reads his mind.
US scientists have managed to measure the mass of a cluster of xenon atoms at just a few billionths of a trillionth of a gram - or a few zeptograms. The record measurement is in the mass range of individual protein molecules, and the detection was made using sensitive scales developed at Caltech.
The swiftly moving Moon enters Capricorn today at 03-49 GMT.
The Sun and Moon are now both in 'Cardinal' signs, as the Last Quarter phase approaches, the final one prior to Solar Eclipse one week from today.
The Moon is badly besieged from 18-39 GMT today. From this moment today and through tomorrow the hours may be enfused with a 'galvanising effect' (stemming from a challenge) in personal, civil and global perspectives.
Saturday April 2nd 2005
The fast Moon reaches last quarter phase 00-51 GMT 12 degrees Capricorn.
She forms a cardinal T-square with the Sun and Jupiter peaking around 03-00 GMT.
The still accelerating Moon continues in besiegement all day.
At 23-52 GMT Venus is opposite Jupiter.
This is a difficult day.
Sunday April 3rd 2005
Pope John Paul II, one of the longest-serving pontiffs in history, died yesterday at the age of 84.
The Pope died at 2137 local time (1937 GMT) in the Vatican on Saturday following a series of worsening health problems including heart failure.
Yesterday saw a manifestation of a cardinal cross in the skies of Earth involving the Capricorn Moon opposing Saturn and squaring Venus and the Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Libra.
Look Southeast during dawn Sunday morning for Mars glowing to the left of the waning Moon, as shown here. Alpha Capricorni, well above them, is a nice double star for binoculars.
The very fast Moon leaves besiegement by entering Aquarius at 06-32 GMT, joining Mars and Neptune in that sign, and things move on.
A climax of sorts occurs today as Jupiter is at opposition to the Sun. This 'Full Jupiter' is an annual event.
Once today's Jupiter opposition and Moon Mars conjunction are over there are 'easy' astrological aspects immediately ahead of us on these last five days before the eclipse.
That's what is really important right now, we are so close to another eclipse.
The Sun opposes Jupiter 15-30. The Moon is conjunct Mars 23-48 GMT.
Monday April 4th 2005
Mars is at the Moon's upper right in the dawn Monday morning, as shown above.
The Sun is half way through Aries.
The Moon is perigee (fastest) 11-11 GMT in Aquarius and in her haste makes nice aspects today. She is void 23-32 GMT.
Mars is applying to a airy trine to Jupiter (exact on the day of the Solar Eclipse) April 8th, and a conjunction with Neptune on April 13th.
Tuesday April 5th 2005
The Pope will be buried under St Peter's Basilica on Friday, officials announce, as pilgrims wait to view his body.
The fast moving but now decelerating Moon enters Pisces 08-46 GMT and is at her balsamic phase 09-58 GMT at 1 degree Pisces. The final passage and procession leading to Friday's eclipse begins at this moment.
Venus sextiles Uranus 10-11 GMT.
Moon conjunct Uranus 23-44 GMT
Wednesday April 6th 2005
Mercury (now rising ahead of the Sun as a 'morning star') is still retrograde and this fact alone finds its correspondence in the 'enforced' even 'jinxed' amended wedding date for UK Prince Charles' second wedding (postponed for 24 hours because of a clash with the Pope's funeral). Mercury turns direct next Tuesday.
One date which now cannot be changed is the day of the next UK general election. Tony Blair yesterday confirmed May 5th 2005 as the day. His birthday is the day after. His 52nd Solar return occurs at Sunset in London on election day. The astrological community failed en-mass to forecast the outcome of the 2004 US election. Forecasting this one may be a little easier.
The Sun in Aries sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 21-49 GMT.
The fast moving old Moon sails through Pisces towards union with the Sun in two days time.
Thursday April 7th 2005
Yesterday at least 16 people are killed in the worst crash the US has suffered in Afghanistan since toppling the Taleban. Cardinals will meet on 18 April to begin the process of electing a new pope, the Vatican says. Iraq's parliament yesterday chose Jalal Talabani (a Kurd) as the country's new president, ending weeks of political deadlock. Monaco's Prince Rainier, Europe's longest-reigning monarch, has died at the age of 81, after spending several weeks in hospital. The prince, who had ruled the tiny Mediterranean principality since 1949, died at 0635 (0435 GMT) on Wednesday April 6th 2005, the royal palace said.
The decelerating Moon in Pisces squares Pluto at 02-04 and from that moment is void of course until 11-29 when she enters Aries, the sign of the impending eclipse. The Moon is conjunct Mercury in that sign (within 3 degrees) at 23-44 GMT.
In addition to the impending eclipse two other vibrations are sounding out, one, Mars in airy waxing trine to Jupiter is energetic, forthright and active, the other, Venus in waning cardinal square to Saturn, melancholy sombre grievous. These two aspects peaks in the first eight hours of tomorrow, the day of a 'hybrid' eclipse.
Friday April 8th 2005
On this important and powerful eclipse day more than 200 world leaders and millions of pilgrims join Pope John Paul II's funeral in St Peter's Square Rome, Italy.
Mars trines Jupiter 05-32 GMT.
Venus squares Saturn 07-46 GMT.
The Moon in Aries opposes Jupiter and the opposition is made easy by Mars around 10-31 to 10-50 GMT.
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak.
A rare hybrid (annular-total) eclipse of the Sun at 19 degrees Aries , centred on 20:36 UT will be across the South Pacific including New Zealand, most of South America, all of Central America, and the southern half of North America. However, most of these regions will see a partial eclipse; the region of angularity touches land only in northern South America at sunset.
Totality occurs at sea and at maximum lasts a mere 42 seconds.
A hybrid (annular-total) eclipse of the Sun at 19 degrees Aries
This is the 51st eclipse (of 80) of Saros series 129. The series began with 20 partial eclipses, the first of which was on 1103 Oct. 03. The first annular eclipse occurred on 1464 May 06. The series continued to produce annular eclipses until the hybrid eclipse of 1987 Mar 29, (the most recent eclipse in this Saros). Another hybrid will occur in 2023 Apr. 20. The following events will all be total eclipses. The series ends with 19 partial eclipses, the last of which occurs on 2528 Feb. 21.
A hybrid eclipse is a unique type of central eclipse where parts of the path are annular while other parts are total. This duality comes about when the vertex of the Moon's umbral shadow pierces Earth's surface at some points, but falls short of the planet along other portions of the eclipse path. The curvature of Earth's surface brings some geographic locations along the path into the umbra while other positions are more distant and enter the antumbral rather than umbral shadow. In most cases (like in 2005), the hybrid eclipse begins annular, changes to total for the central portion of the path, and then converts back to annular towards the end of the path. However, some hybrid eclipses may be annular only at the beginning (e.g. - 2013 Nov 03) or at the end (e.g. - 2386 Apr 29) of the path.
This is a powerful eclipse. It is the middle one of three 'hybrids' in Saros series 129. Readers may remember the previous one in late March 1987. That one appeared to have a 'cleansing by fire' quality to its nature.
This eclipse occurs on the natal MC of Russia's Premier Putin and it is conjunct the natal Jupiter of Mr Tsvangirai, leader of the opposition movement in Zimbabwe.
Astrocartography map showing the lower culmination of the eclipsed Sun at the exact moment of central eclipse 'under' Tehran.
The full timings of today's eclipse are below.
(All times GMT).
17:51:17 First external tangency of penumbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
18:53:24 First external tangency of umbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
18:53:54 First internal tangency of umbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
20:04:49 First internal tangency of penumbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
21:07:08 Last internal tangency of penumbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
22:17:47 Last internal tangency of umbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
22:18:22 Last external tangency of umbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
23:20:27 Last external tangency of penumbra shadow with Earth's Limb.
Saturday April 9th 2005.
The New Moon a few hours old has an exact alignment with Venus at 22 degrees Aries at 00-51 GMT.
The Moon is void in Aries at 06-00 GMT and enters Taurus 15-50.
Second marriage of Prince Charles UK. Strange wedding, strange eclipse.
Mars is now applying to a conjunction with Neptune exact on April 13th.
Sunday April 10th 2005
Yesterday militants killed 15 Iraqi soldiers south of Baghdad as thousands marked the fall of the city with an anti-US rally.
Protesters smashed windows at Japan's embassy in Beijing during a rally about Japan's war-time past. In the UK the wedding of Charles and Camilla was blessed in a ceremony at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle.
Europe confirms its intention to try again to land on the Red Planet, with a mission touching down in 2013.
The Sun is square Saturn 10-36 GMT. The Moon in Taurus squares Mars and Neptune at 19-27 and 23-01 respectively.
Monday April 11th 2005
A strong earthquake has struck near the Indonesian island of Sumatra, say seismologists. The epicentre of the quake, which had an estimated magnitude of 6.7, was about 120km (75 miles) south-west of the city of Padang, officials said. The latest tremor struck at struck at 1729 local time (1029 GMT) on April 10th 2005, and was felt as far away as Singapore.
Also yesterday anti-Japanese protests spread to south China, in a second day of rallies sparked by a Japanese school (history) textbook.
Today the Moon is void at 21 degrees Taurus at 05-37 GMT and remains that way for over 17 hours.
Venus in Aries makes a waxing fiery trine aspect to Pluto at 09-03 GMT.
Look west after dusk for the Pleiades, arranged like a tiny dipper, glimmering near the waxing crescent Moon, a lovely sight. Sky and Telescope
The Moon finally enters Gemini at 22-55 GMT.
Tuesday April 12th 2005
Yesterday India and China signed an agreement in Delhi aimed at resolving a long-running dispute over their Himalayan border. US President George W Bush told Israeli PM Ariel Sharon to halt the expansion of West Bank settlements. At least 18 people were killed and about 150 are feared trapped in a building collapse in Bangladesh.
Today Mercury turns direct 07-40 GMT
The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase at 13-39 GMT at 8 degrees Gemini. The following few days once again see (for Northern Hemisphere residents) the Moon rising in the far north, culminating very high in the south and setting in the far north west. This visible phenonmenum is due to the current 'Lunar standstill' in the 18 year ' lunar metonic cycle'. The standstill will visibly climax with the next Full Moons in Gemini and Cancer in December 2005, and January 2006.
Mars is today moving towards a very close alignment to Neptune in Aquarius which climaxes tomorrow. This conjunction occurs every 18 months. Since the Daze has been in operation two conjunctions have occurred. They were on November 5th 2001, and on May 14th 2003. The first date coincided with powerful hurricane Michelle on Cuba, the second with a nasty fire on an express train in India killing 38. It may be that an 'ignition of sharp and small scale disaster' is the common theme here. Lets see what tomorrow brings. The next conjunction of Mars and Neptune is in 2007 on March 25th. Each successive conjunction is currently tightening in alignment. The near 'exact alignment' of these two planets occurs on Dec. 7th 2018. More on that another day.
Wednesday April 13th 2005
Yesterday scientists said that Meat and dairy products from cloned cattle are safe for human consumption. (No thanks).
The Sun has one week remaining in Aries.
The slow Moon decelerating in Gemini trines Mars and Neptune at 07-40 and 07-59 respectively. Inspirational?
Mars is conjunct Neptune at 17 degrees Aquarius. The alignment is within 1.25 degrees at 13-12 GMT. (See yesterday's comment.)
At 22-03 GMT the Moon opposes Pluto and is made easy by the Sun and Venus.
We are still in the midst of an eclipse season, with a weak penumbral eclipse of the Moon just 11 days away.
Thursday April 14th 2005
Jupiter is at aphelion, its farthest from the Sun in its orbit. This make it about 12 percent farther from Earth, and thus 12 percent smaller in apparent diameter, than it will get around the time of its perihelion in 2011.
At 05-01 GMT the Moon becomes 'sweetly void'.
At 06-48 the Sun is trine Pluto
The Moon enters Cancer 09-03 GMT.
The Moon this evening shines to the lower right of the Saturn-Pollux-Castor arc, as shown below.
Friday April 15th 2005
Yesterday a double suicide car bombing in central Baghdad killed at least 15 people.
The French president went on TV in a bid to boost the faltering Yes campaign for the EU constitution.
French and Italian scientists announced the birth of the world's second horse clone, a copy of a world endurance champion.
Wednesday's Mars-Neptune conjunction apparently passed without significant corresponding event. In fact this has been a quiet news week all in all.
Today the slowly waxing Moon is 'high' in Cancer and is approaching a conjunction with Saturn, as she reaches her first quarter phase. Both the Sun and the Moon are now in cardinal signs, it is a time of crisis in action and 'generation'.
Venus enters Taurus 20-37 GMT.
Saturday April 16th 2005
Thousands of Chinese protesters take to the streets of Shanghai in the latest in a series of anti-Japanese rallies.
Ecuador's president fires the Supreme Court and declares a state of emergency in the capital, after mass protests.
In the UK redundancy notices are being sent to around 5,000 MG Rover workers, following the collapse of the company photo above).
Mercury in Aries is currently buried deep in the glow of sunrise.
Venus now in Taurus is hidden deep in the glare of sunset.
The very slow moving Moon is conjunct Saturn at 03-03 GMT at 21 degrees Cancer. She reaches first quarter phase 14-39 GMT at 27 degrees Cancer, and is void of course from that moment till 21-18 GMT when she enters Leo.
Moon apogee (slowest in her monthly cycle) 18-47 GMT
Sunday April 17th 2005
The Moon waxes and accelerates in Leo, both the Sun and Moon are in fire signs.
Monday April 18th 2005
China's foreign minister yesterday rejected Tokyo's demand for an apology for damage to Japanese diplomatic missions in violent protests, telling his Japanese counterpart that Beijing has nothing to apologise for.
Indian Premier Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf met for two-and-half hours longer than expected on Sunday in an attempt to negotiate a solution to the conflict in the disputed region of Kashmir.
Cardinals had a few last hours to confer with aides Sunday or pray with faithful before they were required to check-in at a top-security hotel in Vatican City, where they will be sequestered in secret sessions in the Sistine Chapel to elect the next pope.
A weak kite pattern forms in the skies today as the waxing and accelerating Leonine Moon opposes Mars (and Neptune), simultaneously sextiling Pluto and the lunar node. This 'loose' arrangement lasts most of the GMT day.
This week sees the Moon waxing to fullness and a penumbral eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday. With the finger of fate dominating all horoscopes cast for this week it looks to be a climatic time.
Tuesday April 19th 2005
Black smoke yesterday billowed from the Sistine Chapel, signifying that Roman Catholic cardinals have failed to elect a pope. A billion Roman Catholics world-wide await to see who will lead them in the 21st century.
European stocks are widely lower on Monday, hit by a number of negative factors and the after-effects of Wall Street's Friday falls.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Aries.
Mars in Aquarius forms a finger of fate with Pluto in Sagittarius and Saturn in Cancer over the next four days, this is a dangerous planetary picture, one to be alert to. As Sunday's Scorpio lunar eclipse approaches it may be wise to consider the nightmarish combination of these three planets in such an arrangement.
The Moon today starting in Leo is briefly void of course from 08-13 GMT to 09-28 GMT when she enters Virgo.
The Sun enters Taurus at 23-38 GMT.
Wednesday April 20th 2005
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, 78, was yesterday chosen to succeed John Paul II as Pope.
He will be known as Benedict XVI. He was born into a traditional Bavarian farming family on April 16th 1927.
His astrological horoscope is shown below.
His father was a policeman. His studied at the seminary were interrupted during the war when he was drafted into an anti-aircraft unit in Munich. His supporters say his experiences under the Nazi regime convinced him that the church had to stand up for truth and freedom. But his critics say he stands for suppressing discussion within the church. Other news yesterday concerned germ warfare experiments during World War II which triggered new tensions in the dispute between China and Japan.
Today the Virgo Moon reaches gibbous phase 16-07 GMT at 16 degrees Virgo, and the final dramas of the procession towards Lunar Eclipse on Sunday begin.
Thursday April 21st 2005
As Sunday's penumbral lunar eclipse approaches, and under a potentially violent planetary arrangement called a finger of fate (involving the 'malefics' Mars, Saturn and Pluto) news stories are appearing to gain momentum.
An iceberg the size of Luxembourg has smashed into another vast slab of ice that juts out from Antarctica. The 115km-long B-15A iceberg broke off a 5km-long section of the Drygalski ice tongue when it collided with the prominence in the Ross Sea. The iceberg itself so far appears unaffected by the smash-up. More of the B-15A iceberg still has to pass by Drygalski, so the ice tongue may be in for even more punishment in the coming days, experts have said.
Yesterday the bodies of more than 50 men, women and children were found in the River Tigris south of Baghdad.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi yesterday resigned, but plans to quickly form a new centre-right coalition.
At least 46 workers were killed and several others were injured in a blast at an explosives factory in Zambia. The explosion occurred at about 0900 GMT (Wednesday April 20th 2005) in a workshop at the Chinese-owned plant which supplies explosives to local copper mines.
Also yesterday, the first day of the astrological month of Taurus, saw Benedict XVI celebrate his first Mass, vowing to strive for the unity of all Christians.
Bright Jupiter tonight shines lower left of the Moon at dusk, as shown here. Look a little above Jupiter for 3rd-magnitude Gamma Virginis, or Porrima. Although it's famous as a fine double star for small telescopes, Porrima this spring appears single! Its two stars are passing through the periastron (minimum separation) of their highly elliptical 169-year orbit. Sky and Telescope
The Moon today is void of course in Virgo at 08-45. She sails into Libra at 19-28 GMT and starts to apply to a conjunction with Jupiter (peaking tomorrow at 17-07 GMT).
Today looks a bit of a rough ride, (Sun and void Moon in Earth signs) until the Libra ingress at 19-28 GMT. The 'energy' modulates at that moment from an industrious and vigilant nature (prevalent over the last two days) to a more social focus which lasts well into the weekend.
Tonight the skies are blessed by the annual Lyrid meteor shower ( max. either 21 / 22 Apr. ) with its radiant near the star Vega.
Friday April 22nd 2005
Apologies to Daze readers for giving incorrect birth data of the new Pope. The correct data is below.
Source of data http://www.astrodatabank.com/NM/PopeBenedictXVI.htm
Yesterday a commercial helicopter crashed near Baghdad, killing all 11 foreigners on board, including six Americans.
Today the Moon in Libra, heavily full and accelerating towards lunar eclipse on Sunday, is conjunct Jupiter in Libra at 17-07 GMT. The emphasis today is intensely social. Decision making is difficult, distraction is pleasant and easy.
Saturday April 23rd 2005
On this day before a lunar eclipse, the nearly Full Moon obliges us by joining in a geometric planetary arrangement with Mars, Pluto and Saturn, (all traditionally malefic planets). Looks to be a very dynamic situation. Great care in all earthly dealings is advised today as this heavenly planetary arrangement rings out.
Mars sextiles Pluto 07-05. Venus sextiles Uranus 16-42.
The Moon is void of course from 16-47 GMT.
Sunday April 24, 2005
The Full Moon enters Scorpio at 02-26 GMT.
The Venus sextile aspect which peaked yesterday is forming a 'finger of fate' with Jupiter today.
A faint penumbral eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio, centred on 09:55 UT, (at 4 degrees Scorpio), will occur for observers in the western half of North America, the Pacific region, New Zealand, and the east coast of Australia.
A penumbral eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio
This eclipse belongs to a 'young' Saros Series which began on 25th August 1608 at 19-18 GMT. The series will 'go partial' in 2041 AD, 'go Total' 1n 2167 AD, become partial again 1n 2636 AD and the series will end in 2906 AD.
Timings for the eclipse are:-
Start of penumbral eclipse 07-49-58 GMT
Greatest Eclipse 09-54-53.3 GMT
Moment of Full Moon (Geocentric conjunction) 10-51-18 GMT
End of the eclipse 11-59-55 GMT
The astrological chart (above) set for the moment of central eclipse carries it with 2 'fingers of fate' planetary pictures. One involving Mars, Pluto and Saturn, (potentially invoking all manner of nightmares), the other involving Venus, Uranus and Jupiter (offering more exciting possibilities). Mercury applies in opposition to Jupiter, clear judgement and realistic evaluation is not easy at this time.
The Moon herself is in watery trine to Uranus, this offers a fair measure of positive and inventive intuition. Jupiter is trine Neptune, a wonderful time for humanitarian and altruistic enterprises. The chart has a preponderance of fixed, water and air signs, suggesting a time of emotional and intellectual activity.
At the moment of central eclipse the Moon is on the MC of Anchorage, she rises at Vladivostok and is on the IC of Lusaka and Harare. (It is interesting to note in connect with this last point that the eclipse falls on the natal Saturn of Robert Mugabe).
After the eclipse is over the Moon opposes Venus at 22-15 GMT and is 'made easy' by Uranus.
Monday April 25th 2005
The 'hung over' but fast moving Moon is in Scorpio. An astrologically 'quiet but intense' day is in store.
Mercury in Aries was very nearly in opposition to Jupiter in Libra on March 20th this year but he turned retrograde before the opposition was consummated. Now again the opposition draws near, 04-37 GMT on Thursday of this week to be precise. Overestimation generally and ideas wide of the mark specifically may well manifest this week in all areas of human endeavour.
Tuesday April 26th 2005
The hybrid Solar eclipse on April 8th 2005 coincided (amongst other events) with the death of the old Pope in Italy and a royal wedding in the UK. The penumbral lunar eclipse on Sunday 24th April 2005 may well be remembered by astrological historians in connection with three specific events (so far). These are described below.
Rescuers at the scene of Japan's worst rail crash in 42 years are continuing the search for survivors. Several people were feared trapped in the wreckage of the train's front carriages, which derailed and slammed into an apartment block near Osaka. At least 53 people died and over 400 were injured when the commuter train derailed at Amagasaki, 410 km (255 miles) west of Tokyo during rush hour. The crash happened at 0920 (0020 GMT), shortly after the morning rush hour, some 12 hours after the eclipse.
A young teacher who was fighting for her life after being stabbed in the neck as she pushed her 21-month-old son in his buggy in Surrey has now stabilised. Abigail Witchalls, 26, was attacked on Wednesday afternoon (April 20th 2005, less than 100 hours before the eclipse). Stab victim Abigail Witchalls is now giving a statement to police officers using her facial expressions.
Police in Togo have fired tear gas at stone-throwing opposition supporters, who claim Sunday's presidential election (the day of the eclipse) is being rigged. There were also clashes on Sunday and three bodies were seen by diplomats.
Today Mercury is at greatest elongation, 27° from the Sun in the morning sky. Easily visible for southern hemispheres observers but very difficult to see with binoculars in the glow of northern hemisphere sunrises.
The fast and accelerating Moon is today void at 00-25 GMT, entering Sagittarius at 06-47 GMT.
The Sun in an Earth sign and the Moon is in fire. This is a welcome (spirited) change from the intensity of the last few days.
As the Moon rises late tonight over the UK she is occulting Antares. This moonrise occurs (depending on your UK location) around midnight (BST). Antares disappears at 22-06 (GMT), Moonrise (midlands) is 22-56 GMT, Antares reappears 23-03 GMT. Given a clear horizon this will be a superb moonrise to patiently observe.
Wednesday April 27th 2005
Yesterday Syria said it has pulled all its troops out of Lebanon after 29 years as a military band sees off the last soldiers.
Opponents built burning barricades in Togo's capital as the son of the former leader won the presidential poll.
Today the fast moving waning Moon reaches disseminating phase 21-17 GMT at 23 degrees Sagittarius, and is conjunct Pluto 23-53 GMT.
The building Mercury Jupiter opposition is made easy by the Moon as the day (GMT) starts.
Thursday April 28th 2005
Yesterday another train crash event occurred. A passenger train slammed into a packed bus on a closed level crossing in Sri Lanka, leaving 35 people dead and 33 injured, hospital sources said. The crash happened near the town of Polgahawela, 80km (50 miles) north-east of Colombo at 0830 (0230 GMT) on the main line between the capital and the central hill city of Kandy.
Iraq's Prime Minister-designate submitted plans for a new government, as insurgents killed a woman MP in Baghdad.
The world's largest passenger plane, the Airbus A380, landed safely, having completed its maiden flight.
Russia's president arrived in Israel on the first visit there by any Kremlin leader.
Today Mercury is at last opposite Jupiter at 04-37 GMT. The very fast moving Moon is void in Sagittarius at 06-03, moving into Capricorn at 09-33 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in Earth signs. A very practical day is forecast.
Friday April 29th 2005
The Moon (reaching maximum monthly velocity) in Capricorn forms a T-square with Mercury and Jupiter peaking at 05-00 GMT.
Moon perigee 10-14 GMT
The Moon is void of course at 22-01 GMT. Within this voidness Venus draws to a fixed waxing square aspect with Neptune, an urge for escapism, fantasy and sensation (glamour) may well simply end in an experience of confusion as the day ends.
Saturday April 30th 2005
Venus squares Neptune 00-33 GMT
The Sun sextiles Uranus 04-35 GMT
The fast moving but now decelerating and waning Moon enters Aquarius at 11-54 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in Fixed signs.
May 2005
Sunday May 1st 2005
Mars enters Pisces 02-58 GMT
There is a finger of fate planetary pattern involving the Sun Uranus and Jupiter in the skies of Earth today.
Moon last quarter 06-25 GMT at 11 degrees Aquarius. This last quarter phase signals the ending of the eclipse season we have just lived through over the past few weeks.
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 17-28 GMT
Monday May 2nd 2005
The world's nuclear powers face demands to disarm faster as an atomic arms treaty review opens in New York.
The humanitarian crisis in Sudan's Darfur region is set to continue until late 2006, a top UK aid agency warns.
The Moon is void of course 04-47 until 14-43 when she enters Pisces. The Moon aligns within three degrees of Mars at 16-40 GMT
Venus Saturn and Pluto are forming a finger of fate planetary pattern over the next three days.
The Moon today forms a similar pattern with Pluto and Saturn.
The Sun is at 12 degrees Taurus. Venus an evening star is also in this sign and is in sextile aspect to Uranus. The Moon, Mars and Uranus are from 14-43 today all in Pisces. Mercury is a morning star is in Aries is applying in sextile aspect to Neptune.
Tuesday May 3rd 2005
Yesterday a massive explosion at an illegal ammunitions store in northern Afghanistan kills 28 people.
The Moon in Pisces is conjunct Uranus at 07-56 GMT. Venus sextiles Uranus 16-11 GMT. Mercury sextiles Neptune 17-55 GMT. Looks to be a very heady mix of sensation and surprise today.
Wednesday May 4th 2005
As yesterday started something exploded on the other side of the sun's eastern limb. The blast hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space, but probably not toward Earth. www.spaceweather.com
At least eight died yesterday in a blast as Somalia's prime minister held a rally on his first trip to the capital since being appointed.
An explosion of gas cylinders in the basement of a building in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore killed at least 26 people.
Today the Moon is void of course in late Pisces at 08-22 GMT remaining in this void space for ten hours. She reaches her balsamic phase 17-27 GMT at 29 degrees Pisces. She enters Aries 18-36 GMT. From that point in time we are hurtled into urgency and impulse. This vibration will colour the collective mood tomorrow in the UK general election.
Thursday May 5th 2005
Al-Qaeda's alleged number three, Abu Faraj al-Libbi, was yesterday arrested in Pakistan.
More than 50 people were killed and dozens wounded in a massive blast in the Kurdish city of Irbil.
Astronomers have discovered 12 new moons orbiting Saturn, bringing its number of natural satellites to 46. The moons are small, irregular bodies - probably only about 3-7km in size - that are far from Saturn and take about two years to complete one orbit. All but one circles Saturn in the opposite direction to its larger moons - a characteristic of captured bodies. Jupiter is the planet with the most moons, 63 at the last count. Saturn now has 46. Uranus has 27 and Neptune 13.
Indonesian authorities have confirmed a second case of polio, a day after announcing they had discovered the first case for almost 10 years.
The eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on May 5th and 6th. The best time to look, no matter where you live, is during the hours before local sunrise on both days.This is mainly a southern hemisphere shower, but northern observers can see it, too. In the United States, for example, observers far from city lights might see 5 to 10 meteors per hour. In Australia or South America, rates are better, between 15 and 60 meteors per hour.This year (2005) the eta Aquarid meteors will be streaming from a point in the sky coincidentally close to Mars. The red planet, which is approaching Earth for a close encounter in October 2005, is already eye-catching. Northern observers, step outside before sunrise, face east, and this is what you'll see:
Today we are at the midway point between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
The old moon is in waning and decelerating in Aries. The only aspect she makes is an opposition to Jupiter at 12-47 GMT although she is applying in a conjunction to Mercury which occurs tomorrow morning (GMT).
UK General Election.
Tony Blair's birthday is tomorrow, his Solar Return moment is at 19-10 GMT today, shortly before Sunset.
Friday May 6th 2005
Tony Blair acknowledges the Iraq effect but urges unity as he wins a third term with a greatly reduced majority.
On the day of the UK general election (yesterday) at least 23 people died in attacks in Baghdad amid a wave of violence surrounding the new cabinet's formation.
Seventy people have been killed over the last three days in two clashes in southern Afghanistan, the Afghan and US authorities say.
Also yesterday New York police were looking for clues as to who set off two explosive devices outside the building that houses the British consulate in Manhattan.
Today the Moon is conjunct Mercury at 07-45 GMT at 21 degrees Aries. She is void of course in that sign at 13-22 GMT for the remainder of the day GMT.
Saturday May 7th 2005
The Moon joins the Sun and Venus in Taurus from 00-01 GMT. Looks to be a tough old day with a sombre start as Mercury squares Saturn at 05-55 GMT
The Moon in Taurus forms yet another finger of fate planetary pattern involving Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter in Libra peaking today at 18-00 GMT.
Mars is now starting to apply to a conjunction with Uranus peaking in nine days time. That one usually delivers a 'bolt out of the blue'. The New Moon in Taurus is tomorrow after this potentially uneasy and 'out of focus' day.
Sunday May 8th 2005
The Sun is square Neptune 01-26 GMT.
New Moon 08-47 GMT at 18 degrees Taurus.
Mercury trines Pluto 11-59 GMT
The Moon forms a 'finger of fate' pattern with Saturn and Pluto at 18-00 GMT
Monday May 9th 2005
President Bush has arrived in Moscow to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin and attend a Red Square military parade marking 60 years since the end of World War II. Talk of democracy is expected to be high on Bush's agenda. Bush's arrival in Moscow follows stops in the Netherlands and the ex-Soviet republic of Latvia.
In the UK Labour MPs have begun to call on Tony Blair to quit Downing Street long before he completes a full third term at Number 10.
The slow moving infant Moon is today conjunct Venus at 29 degrees Taurus at 05-16 GMT and is then void until 07-29 GMT when she enters Gemini. The waxing crescent Moon shines above Venus in early twilight, as shown below.
Very 'high' Moon days ensue for northern hemisphere observers. On a regular monthly schedule this year and next, the Moon at the height of its 18.6 year metonic cycle, rises and sets in her most northerly positions. For the next few days observers in the northern hemisphere can observe a young moon doing just this.
All of this week sees Mars drawing to a close alignment to Uranus in Pisces. This conjunction peaks next Sunday. Mars (magnitude +0.5, in Aquarius) glows orange low in the southeast in early dawn. Mars will get higher in the dawn in the coming months, will enter the evening sky by the end of summer, and will blaze brilliantly during a close pass by Earth next October and November.
Tuesday May 10th 2005
Yesterday more than 50 world leaders, including President Bush, honoured the Soviet Union's World War II sacrifice.
The Indonesian official handling the reconstruction of tsunami-hit Aceh said work has hardly begun.
Israeli PM Ariel Sharon confirmed a three-week delay in plans to withdraw troops and settlers from Gaza.
Iran said it will resume uranium enrichment activities within the next few days, in a move which could put talks with Europe in jeopardy.
Very 'high' Moon days ensue for northern hemisphere observers. On a regular monthly schedule this year and next, the Moon at the height of its 18.6 year metonic cycle, rises and sets in her most northerly positions. For the next few days observers in the northern hemisphere can observe a young moon doing just this.
Today Venus follows the Moon into Gemini at 04-15 GMT.
Looks to be a day with a restless spirit to it.
Wednesday May 11th 2005
Insurgents in Iraq yesterday seized the governor of Anbar, demanding the US ends an operation against rebels in the west.
State of the skies (today):- We are now forty days from the northern hemisphere summer solstice.
The very slow moving young waxing Moon, approaching her crescent phase, is void of course in Gemini at 14-59 GMT and enters Cancer at 17-21 GMT. Mercury is a morning star rising ahead of the Sun and has one day left in Aries. Venus is an evening star in Gemini. Mars is in Pisces applying to a conjunction with Uranus exact on Sunday.
Today is another restlessly spirited day with the accent on discussion and small changes. Something quite 'explosive' is building up (as symbolised by the approaching Mars Uranus conjunction).
Thursday May 12th 2005
Yesterday scores of people were killed and more than 100 injured in Iraq's bloodiest day of violence since February.
Four died in Afghanistan in protests sparked by reports the Koran was placed on toilets in a US military jail.
Former child star Macaulay Culkin took the stand to deny claims that Michael Jackson molested him.
The White House and Congress building were briefly evacuated when a light aircraft entered the no-fly zone over Washington DC. Staff from Congress were seen running out of the Capitol, after the alert was given just before noon (1600GMT).
North Korea has moved to "increase its nuclear arsenal" by removing fuel rods from a nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, according to an official statement.
It seems that tension is rising in keeping with the looming Mars Uranus conjunction.
The slow moving Moon reaches her Crescent Phase at 06-28 GMT at 7 degrees Cancer today. The Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Cancer. This is the caring, home cooking sort of day! People's responses may well be instinctive and defensive. The collective mood emotional but potentially productive.
Mercury enters Taurus at 09-14 GMT. What your senses experience is what is. A time of down to earth thoughts. Money talk.
Mars in Pisces, approaching Uranus, today stands at the midpoint of the Sun and Pluto making an exact quintile aspect to each. Something strong is on the cards for today.
Friday May 13th 2005.
World news yesterday led with reports that a U.S. Senate committee probing the U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq alleges that UK MP George Galloway (left) and French ex-minister Charles Pasqua received millions of dollars worth of oil allocations from Saddam Hussein's regime. Both men have denied the allegations.
A car bomb yesterday exploded in a market in eastern Baghdad, killing at least 12 people, as a relentless anti-US insurgency swept through the country.
On May 11th, around 2040 UT, an explosion near sunspot 758 hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. The cloud might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 13th. Sky watchers in Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia should be alert.
Today the Sun in Taurus forms a 'finger of fate' planetary pattern with Saturn in Cancer and Pluto in Sagittarius in the skies of Earth today, peaking mid afternoon GMT. The very slow Moon simultaneously is conjunct Saturn at 14-44 GMT. The Moon is void of course in Cancer from 15-05 GMT.
Another day geared to emotional reaction is forecast. The Moon Saturn conjunction and the finger of fate confer a seriousness on all experiences.
Saturday May 14th 2005
Violent responses around the world in troubled hot spots erupted yesterday as Mars tightened his conjunction with Uranus in Pisces (exact on Sunday).
Troops stormed a rebel-held building in the Uzbek city of Andijan, in a day of violent protests.
Thousands fled clashes between US troops and insurgents in the west of Iraq.
At least nine more people - including civilians and policemen - were killed in a fourth day of anti-US protests in Afghanistan.
Today the Moon enters Leo at 05-18 and is at apogee (slowest in her monthly cycle) at 13-43 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in Fixed signs as the Moon approaches her first quarter phase. Despite the violent overtones around the world, in more peaceful situations this is a wonderful day for childhood, recreation, fun and games.
Uranus is 1.1° northwest of Mars. Look with binoculars or a wide-field telescope just before the start of dawn Sunday morning.
Sunday May 15th 2005
At 11:02 GMT Mars and Uranus 1°06 apart at 10 degrees Pisces.
The single world event which seems to correspond with this cosmic fire cracker is the thousands seeking to escape the violence in the Uzbek town of Andijan and clashing with police near the Kyrgyz border. It is not clear how many died, but some residents report seeing hundreds of bodies. Thousands of protesters reappeared on the streets of Andijan on Saturday, despite the bloodshed. (Photo above)
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has (suddenly) arrived in Irbil, Iraq as attacks claim lives in Baghdad and Baquba.
Monday May 16th 2005
The very slow moving but accelerating waxing Moon reaches first quarter phase in Leo at 08-58 GMT at 26 degrees Leo, and she is then void of course from this time. She enters Virgo 17-48 GMT.
Love lights shining today as Venus in Gemini applies today in waning airy trine with Jupiter in Libra.
Tuesday May 17th 2005
The US said yesterday that it is "deeply disturbed" by reports that troops in Uzbekistan shot at unarmed protesters.
The Sun and Moon are now both in earth signs. Only four days remain of the astrological month of Taurus.
The Moon in Virgo forms a mutable T-square with Mars, Uranus and Venus peaking today at 16-00 GMT.
Venus trines Jupiter at 20-34 GMT, but she immediately starts to apply with Uranus in a brittle waxing mutable square aspect. Expect the weird and the crazy to manifest.
An 'astrologically busy' few days these.
Wednesday May 18th 2005
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan -- An Uzbek opposition leader says her party has compiled a list of 745 people allegedly killed by government troops in Uzbekistan. Nigara Khidoyatova, the head of the Free Peasants party, told The Associated Press that 542 people had been killed in Andijan and 203 people in Pakhtabad, another city in the Fergana Valley. However, the country's top prosecutor put the death toll in the eastern town of Andijan at 169.
In the UK the Prince's Trust has cancelled its annual Party in the Park concert in London to make way for a possible Live Aid II event. Live Aid organiser Bob Geldof has so far denied there would be such a concert, billed as Live 8. But the BBC said it was in "discussions" with Geldof to screen the concert from Hyde Park on 2 July. Acts linked with the concert include U2, the Rolling Stones, Sir Paul McCartney and Joss Stone.
On July 2nd 2005 the balsamic Moon is in Taurus and Gemini. The Sun in Cancer is in trine aspect to Uranus in Pisces. A good day to use music and technology to banish poverty.
Today the Moon continues to wax and accelerate in Virgo. Painstaking work is the best way to survive today.
Mercury in Taurus, Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter in Libra form a finger of fate planetary pattern. Something is in jeopardy. Great care is required.
Mercury sextiles Uranus 12-47 GMT.
Venus squares Uranus 16-36 GMT.
A complex planetary 'knot' is tight today. A lot of unravelling will follow this most strange day.
Thursday May 19th 2005
The UN's top human rights official is calling for an inquiry into last week's bloody crackdown on a protest in Uzbekistan.
The waxing Moon is today void of course at 01-00 GMT entering Libra 04-31 GMT.
She aligns to within a third of a degree of Jupiter at 9 degrees Libra 22-07.
Neptune turns retrograde 20-24 GMT.
A smoother, more social, less critical day is on the cards.
Friday May 20th 2005
We are now in the last day of the astrological month of Taurus. The year is turning, times passing by and destinies unfolding. We are rushing toward the solstice.
The Moon hits gibbous phase 07-31 GMT at 14 degrees Libra. We are in the sway of another full moon.
Mercury in Taurus sextiles Mars in Pisces at 10-02 GMT. (An application of mind and muscle!)
A loose airy trine involving the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune peaks around noon GMT today. What a wonderful planetary combination. Collective emotional surges world-wide.
The Sun enters Gemini 22-48 GMT.
Tonight the Moon shines near Spica, as shown above.
Saturday May 21st 2005
The main news at this time could well be the following item which has surfaced over the past two days. South Korean scientists say they have made stem cells tailored to match the individual for the first time. Each of the 11 new stem cell lines that they made were created by taking genetic material from the patient and putting it into a donated egg. The resultant cells were a perfect match for the individual and could mean treatments for diseases like diabetes without problems of rejection. The study, published in Science, has been hailed as a major advance.
Today is the first day of the astrological month of Gemini. We are thirty days from the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.
A planetary pattern involving the Moon, her node in Aries, Pluto in Sagittarius and Saturn in Cancer occurred in the early hours GMT today.
The Moon void of course from 00-41 GMT enters Scorpio 11-49 GMT
The asteroid Ceres glides just 1 arc minute south of Delta Librae this evening (GMT).
The Full Moon occurs on Monday 20-19 GMT.
Sunday May 22nd 2005
More patterns in the skies! This time involving the Moon and four planets.
Mercury squares Neptune 08-20 GMT
The Moon the Earth and Mercury align within a degree of linearity at 20-15 GMT.
Monday May 23rd 2005
Yesterday German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said he wants an election within months, after his party suffered a key defeat.
Today Venus in Gemini squares Mars in Pisces 01-21 GMT.
The Moon is void of course at 04-55 GMT in Scorpio entering Sagittarius 15-39.
Full Moon 20-19 GMT at 3 degrees Sagittarius.
This is the first Full Moon following the penumbral Lunar eclipse on April 24th 2005. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon rises over the UK. The Full Moon is sextile Chiron and sextile Jupiter. Venus squares Mars and trines Neptune.
This is a vibrant, dynamic and multifarious lunation
Tuesday May 24th 2005
As the Full Moon climaxed yesterday two car bombs exploded in the northern Iraqi town of Tal Afar, causing heavy loss of life.
Five teenage girls were killed in a school bus crash in County Meath in the Irish Republic.
China has sent three million doses of bird flu vaccine to western Qinghai province after migrating wild geese were found there killed by the virus. (Graphic above).
Almost 10,000 people have been arrested since Wednesday in a police operation in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare.
Today the main astrological event occurs at 21-00 GMT when the Moon in Sagittarius, Venus in Gemini and Mars in Pisces form a mutable T-square. The Moon Venus and Neptune are in easy opposition at the same time.
Wednesday May 25th 2005
Yesterday in the wake of the Full Moon separate bomb attacks claimed the lives of seven US troops, as dozens of Iraqis die in two days of insurgency violence. The Netherlands sued aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres over a ransom paid for a hostage. US talk show host Jay Leno told the Michael Jackson trial he was suspicious of the star's accuser. Physicists dealt a blow to the theory that wormholes could be used for time travel. An international team of astronomers has found a planet which, at about 15,000 light-years from Earth, is one of the most distant yet detected.
Today the very fast moving waning Moon starts the day in Sagittarius.
Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Cancer are in waning sextile aspect at 12-03 GMT and form a finger of fate with the Moon conjunct Pluto at 06-52 GMT.
The Moon is void of course from this time. The Moon enters Capricorn 17-11 GMT.
Thursday May 26th 2005
Oil is to flow directly from the Caspian to the Mediterranean for the first time after the opening yesterday of a $3.6bn pipeline.
Hundreds of US troops yesterday swept through the Iraqi town of Haditha, searching homes and seizing suspected insurgents.
Today the Moon is perigee (fastest in her monthly cycle) in Capricorn at 10-42 GMT.
We are 25 days from the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. Venus is starting to apply in opposition to Pluto. This aspect peaks on Sunday.
Today looks like it will be a very empirical and pragmatic sort of day.
Friday May 27th 2005
The fast Moon reaches disseminating phase at 03-21 GMT at 21 degrees Capricorn and is void at 16-22 GMT entering Aquarius at 18-10 GMT.
Saturday May 28th 2005
UN chief Kofi Annan is heading to Sudan's Darfur region to witness the humanitarian crisis there.
Twin bombs exploded this morning in a market on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, killing at least 19 people.
Supporters and opponents of the new EU constitution are holding final rallies across France ahead of Sunday's poll.
The Moon in Aquarius, the Sun in Gemini, and Jupiter form an airy grand trine peaking 07-34 GMT.
Mercury enters Gemini 10-44 GMT, joining Venus and the Sun in that sign.
This is a day with the planetary emphasis to the element air. Communication is the key.
The fast moving but now decelerating, waning Moon is in Aquarius and is conjunct Neptune 23-16 GMT
Sunday May 29th 2005
The Moon is void of course 09-19 GMT
A trapezium pattern involving Pluto, the Moon, her node and Venus occurs today.
Venus opposes Pluto 09-29 GMT
The Moon enters Pisces 20-10 GMT
Monday May 30th 2005
Last-quarter Moon (exact at 11:48 a.m. GMT). The Moon shines near Mars before and during dawn Tuesday morning, as indicated here. (Sky and Telescope)
The Sun trines Jupiter 07-23 GMT.
The Moon is in Pisces with Mars and Uranus for the second time this month.
Moon last quarter 11-48 GMT at 9 degrees Pisces.
The Moon is in conjunction with Uranus 14-23 GMT
Tuesday May 31st 2005
The Moon is within 0.64 degree of an exact linear alignment with Mars at 22 degrees Pisces, at 09-39 GMT both bodies tightly square Pluto.
The Moon, Venus and Pluto are in mutable T-square 15-00 GMT.
The Moon is void 17-53 GMT.
The next two days are astrologically difficult.
Wednesday June 1st 2005
The month starts with Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Gemini. Mars is square Pluto and the Sun is square Uranus.
The Moon enters Aries 00-08 GMT.
The Sun squares Uranus 01-58.
Mercury trines Jupiter 14-11 GMT
The Moon opposes Jupiter 17-00 GMT and the opposition is made easy by the Sun and Mercury.
Thursday June 2nd 2005
Mercury squares Uranus 09-18 GMT.
The Moon makes an acute planetary arrangement with her node, Saturn and Pluto, again the 'hot moment is 17-00 GMT.
Mars squares Pluto 19-23 GMT.
Friday June 3rd 2005
Moon balsamic phase at 28 degrees Aries 01-56 GMT is void of course from 05-25 and enters Taurus 06-20.
Superior conjunction of Mercury 09-12 GMT. Both Mercury and Venus are now 'evening stars' setting after the Sun.
Venus enters Cancer 15-18
This last week passing under turbulent planetary skies saw much uncertainty concerning the future of the European Union as the populations of firstly France and then Holland voted 'NO' in national referenda, to the proposed EEC constitution.
Bob Geldof on Tuesday unveiled plans for a repeat of 1985's Live Aid concert, called Live 8, to highlight the ongoing problem of global poverty and debt. The free event will be held in London's Hyde Park on 2 July with concerts in Philadelphia, Paris, Rome and Berlin.
On Thursday Police in the UK questioned five children over the suspected attempted murder of a boy aged five found with ligature-type marks around his neck. The children, all aged 11 or 12, and including two girls, were arrested by detectives in West Yorkshire.
Saturday June 4th 2005
The US military gives details of how copies of the Koran were mishandled at Guantanamo Bay.
Jurors in the Michael Jackson trial retire to consider their verdict after hearing closing arguments from both sides.
Mars in Pisces trines Saturn in Cancer at 21-44 GMT
The old Moon decelerates and wanes in Taurus.
Sunday June 5th 2005
The Moon at 27 degrees Taurus is on the Mars /Saturn midpoint sextiling them both around 06-30 GMT, void from that time before entering Gemini 14-36.
Mercury trine Neptune 11-49.
We are now just 15 days from the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Monday June 6th 2005
The International Criminal Court is to investigate alleged war crimes in the Sudanese region of Darfur.
US troops yesterday uncovered a huge underground complex used by Iraqi insurgents, with furnished living areas.
Polls closed yesterday in southern Lebanon, in the first election in 30 years to be held without Syrian troops in the country.
Today starts with the old Moon, the Sun and Mercury in Gemini. Venus is in Cancer and Mars is in Pisces.
New Moon 16 degrees Gemini 21-56 GMT conjunct Mercury and trine Neptune.
This is the second New Moon following the hybrid Solar eclipse on April 8th 2005.
Tuesday June 7th 2005
As the New Moon approached yesterday world news reported that at least 38 people were killed in a suspected rebel land mine attack on a bus in southern Nepal. Violence broke out in Syria as police clashed with protesters angry at the murder of a prominent Kurdish cleric. Jurors in Michael Jackson's child abuse trial began their first full day of deliberations. London was praised for its bid to stage the 2012 Olympics in a crucial report - but Paris still leads the race. Scientists reported first successful tests on animals of vaccine against the deadly Ebola and Marburg viruses. The US space agency's Mars rover Opportunity finally broke free of the sand trap that has had it bogged down on the Red Planet for five weeks.
The annual Arietid meteor shower peaks this week on June 7th and 8th. It's a strong shower, but the meteors are difficult to see because the sun is up when the shower is most intense. The Arietids are a rare daytime meteor shower. Space weather.com
Today the new Moon is conjunct Mercury in Gemini at 08-17 GMT
The Moon opposes Pluto 11-44 GMT and is void of course from 18-51 GMT. Mercury is himself applying in opposition to Pluto. Lots on the cards today! Slightly manic overtones combined with intellectual inspiration. A heady mix, take care.
Wednesday June 8th 2005
George W Bush yesterday, the day after a New Moon, pledged $674m in food aid to Africa - but will not commit to the UK's development goals. Several bombs went off around the restive Iraqi town of Hawija, killing at least 18 people. US car giant GM plans to cut some 25,000 jobs in the US as it tries to recover from recent heavy losses. Bolivian President Carlos Mesa has offered to resign amid mass protests demanding the nationalisation of energy and a reform of the constitution. Ethiopian police have clashed with students protesting over last month's elections for a second day in the capital, Addis Ababa.
Today the Moon enters Cancer 00-47 joining Venus and Saturn in that sign. Sentimental days to follow.
Mercury is opposite Pluto 03-42
The Sun trines Neptune 04-52 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 6 degrees Cancer 12-36 GMT, so sweet and homely.
The thin crescent Moon shines above Venus in twilight this evening, as shown below.
Thursday June 9th 2005
Ethiopia yesterday put opposition leaders under house arrest after 22 people died in clashes with police.
Google overtook Time Warner to become the world's biggest media company by stock market value.
The slow and still decelerating infant Moon today is in Cancer making no aspects but just drawing slowly to a sombre conjunction with Saturn exact in the small hours (GMT) of tomorrow.
Friday June 10th 2005
The really slow moving Moon is conjunct Saturn 03-41 GMT.
She is void of course from 10-19 GMT, enters Leo 12-40 GMT and reaches crescent phase 23-04 GMT.
Mercury squares Mars 21-18, Venus squares Jupiter 23-39 GMT.
After the Moon/Saturn conjunction in the early hours GMT and the associated sombre start to the day, the collective mood of the day 'bottoms out' during the lunar void period. From 12-40 GMT both Sun and Moon are in positive signs and the energy is more resplendent and creative. However the two difficult planetary squares in the evening indicate problems of bad timings and judgements. This is not an easy day.
Saturday June 11th 2005
There are changes ahead, both Mercury and Mars change signs over the coming weekend. Both of these 'ingresses' are from mutable to cardinal signs. The symbolism here is a modulation in energy from dissipation to generation.
The waxing crescent Moon in Leo is at apogee 06-08 GMT.
Mercury enters Cancer 07-03, joining Venus and Saturn in that sign.
Looks like a weekend geared to 'play'.
As the day dawns, finance ministers from the world's richest nations are meeting in London amid signs of a deal on debt reduction.
Ethiopia's PM defends a security operation that left 26 dead, as opposition parties agree to an election probe.
Bolivian protesters have started lifting roadblocks and ending the occupation of oil fields after a new interim president took office.
Most businesses are open as normal in the Zimbabwe capital, Harare, on the second day of a strike in protest at the demolition of illegal homes.
The American Deep Impact spacecraft is on course to fire a probe into the heart of a comet on July 4.
Sunday June 12th 2005
Mars enters Aries 02-30
03-22 GMT Saturn sesiquadrate (105 degrees) Uranus, final aspect of three, first one Aug. 7th 2004.
Venus trines Uranus 10-42 GMT
The Moon around noon GMT forms a fiery kite pattern with her node and Pluto, as the Sun Pluto opposition rings out. She is void of course for the rest of the day.
The star below the Moon this evening is Regulus.
Monday June 13th 2005
The World Bank president praises plans to cancel up to $55 billion in debt owed by some of the world's poorest nations. But Paul Wolfowitz urges G8 nations to extend the relief package to Nigeria, Africa's biggest debtor, while others want far more countries to benefit. South Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu, meanwhile, says close monitoring is needed to ensure funds are not diverted by corrupt leaders.
The bodies of 20 men were found buried southeast of Baghdad, Iraqi police said Sunday, the latest in a series of such discoveries.
The death toll of a flash flood which engulfed a school in north-east China has risen to 91, the state media says Eighty-seven of the victims were children at the school in Shalan, a town in Heilongjiang province, while the others were local villagers. Twenty-five more people are said to be in hospital, Xinhua news agency said. Some 350 children aged 6-14 and 31 teachers were in the school when the floods caused by heavy rain hit the building on Friday.
US scientists create the world's smallest brushes, with bristles more a thousand times finer than a human hair.
The American Deep Impact spacecraft is on course to fire a probe into the heart of a comet on July 4.
The slow moving but accelerating waxing crescent Moon today enters Virgo 01-23 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon are in mutable signs.
Tuesday June 14th 2005
Yesterday Singer Michael Jackson was found innocent on all 10 charges of child abuse at the end of his trial.
New film was released yesterday showing the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein being questioned by magistrates, the first footage of him in almost a year.
Italy's referendum on fertility treatment appears invalid after a Vatican-backed boycott and apathy.
We are now one week from the solstice.
The Moon is today approaching first quarter phase in Virgo.
The Sun is opposite Pluto 03-12 GMT, an annual event.
Uranus turns retrograde in Pisces at 20-40 GMT.
Wednesday June 15th 2005
Yesterday South Africa's President Mbeki sacked his deputy, Jacob Zuma, following corruption claims.
A bomb in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk killed at least 22 people queuing to get their wages at a bank.
The head of the UN's nuclear watchdog urged Iran to allow inspectors back into a key military site.
Chilean President Ricardo Lagos has cut short an overseas trip after at least eight people were killed in a powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Chile. The earthquake struck at 6:44 p.m.(Local Time) Monday 13th June 2005, (the opposition of Pluto and the Sun was climaxing at the time) , and was centred in an unpopulated Andean area, about 940 miles north of Santiago. It was also felt in several cities in southern Peru and Bolivia, but no victims or damage were reported in either country. In the Bolivian capital of La Paz, many people took to the streets in panic.
Today the accelerating Moon reaches first quarter phase at 24 degrees Virgo at 01-23 GMT forming a mutable T-square with Pluto at that time. This is the first planetary crisis of the day.
At 05-25 GMT she is void. At 12-59 GMT she enters Libra and starts to draw close to Jupiter. The Sun and the Moon are then both in air signs. The mood and focus of the day swings to sociality and communication.
Mercury in Cancer squares Jupiter in Libra at 19-42 GMT. This is the second crisis, one of wrong decision and misjudgement.
This evening the Moon is near Spica, as shown below.
Thursday June 16th 2005.
Two suicide bombings killed at least 33 Iraqi security personnel yesterday as an Australian hostage was freed in a raid.
At least five inmates of a Sao Paulo prison were decapitated and their heads displayed on the roof during a riot.
Japan and France are to work together to develop a successor to the supersonic jet Concorde, Japan's trade ministry confirms.
Sky watchers should be alert for auroras on June 16th when a coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The CME was propelled into space on June 14th. Spaceweather.com
The waxing Moon is today within half a degree of Jupiter at 8 degrees Libra 06-32 GMT standing on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint in quintile aspect to them both.
Mercury in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces at 16-36 GMT.
Mercury now is hot on the chase of Venus. The pair are just over 5 degrees apart in Cancer, meeting on June 27th 2005 at the start of Leo. Their conjunction on that day is the tightest planetary conjunction of 2005. This conjunction dominates the approaching Solstice and Full Moon.
Friday June 17th 2005
As the Moon passed in close alignment to Jupiter yesterday, a two-year-old Canadian boy was killed at a school in Cambodia, after gunmen took dozens of children hostage. That news dominated the world stage as the day began. By sunset over the UK the main news had refocused on Germany demanding all sides in the EU to give ground as a EU summit was overshadowed by the bloc's budget woes . In the US Democrats were investigating a UK memo suggesting President Bush decided on the Iraq war eight months in advance.
Indonesia yesterday confirmed its first case of bird flu in humans. A farm worker in South Sulawesi has tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the virus, although he has shown no outward symptoms of the disease.
Today the accelerating waxing Moon is void of course in Libra at 15-03 GMT.
She enters Scorpio 21-24 GMT.
Today starts smoothly enough but before it ends the 'energy' swings to more serious and purposeful hues.
The Moon is drawing to the Full and the solstice is approaching. This coming weekend is a special but an intense couple of days.
Saturday June 18th 2005
A wilful day! Be certain what you want from it. The evening looks especially good for spontaneous and inventive communications. Many new contacts made and unexpected precipitations can be expected.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase at 13 degrees Scorpio at 19-59 GMT, forming a watery grand trine with Mercury and Uranus peaking at the end of the day (GMT).
Sunday June 19th 2005
Today has a similar vibration to yesterday. The northern hemisphere is approaching its summer solstice climax. Mid winter is occurring in the south. Both the solstice and a huge Full Moon occur together on Tuesday and Wednesday. We are all blessed by this holy combination.
The Moon becomes void of course today at 20-07 GMT but during her void condition there is a Lunar occultation (telescopically visible from UK) of star 42 Lib. Approx. 22-24 to 23-33 GMT.
Monday June 20th 2005
The nearly full Moon enters Sagittarius 01-45 GMT. There is a real buzz to this day. It may be difficult to settle and difficult to stop moving but easy to open out and to expand awareness.
The summer solstice moment is tomorrow at 06-47 GMT.
Sky watchers in much of Asia can see the waxing gibbous Moon occult Antares tonight.
Tuesday June 21st 2005
As the solstice approaches South Africa's ex-Deputy President Jacob Zuma, who was sacked last week, is to be charged with corruption. Lebanon's anti-Syrian opposition bloc clinches a majority in parliament,
A solar sail spacecraft launches on Tuesday, to demonstrate an elegant new way to power interplanetary probes.
The Cosmos-1 mission is privately funded - half the money will come from a TV studio - and lift-off will be from a Russian submarine in the Barents Sea.
In the UK on Sunday evening flash floods struck North Yorkshire as several inches of rain fell in a couple of hours, massive clean-up operations are now underway.
Summer Solstice 06-47-12 GMT
The Sun enters Cancer and joins Mercury, Venus and Saturn in that sign. The astrological chart for the moment of the solstice (set for London) is shown above.
The planetary emphasis at this time is in cardinal signs. Many new beginnings are symbolised here.
In fact a loose cardinal grand cross is manifest involving the Sun opposing Pluto and Mars opposing Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter straddle the horizon of central USA. This is a very powerful time.
Mercury is conjunct Venus in Cancer, rising over sub Saharan Africa at the moment of solstice.
There is a predominance of planets in water signs but a complete lack of planets in Earth.
The almost Full, fast and huge Moon is in Sagittarius conjunct Pluto is sextile Neptune. The song remains the same but there is renewed energy here. This is exciting, electric, fearless and focused.
Mars and Jupiter align to the prime meridian of the UK. This little island is centre stage. With Live 8 shortly to occur there is magic afoot. The nature of all this Cancerian energy is of course caring and concerning. Feed the peoples, banish poverty, rock and roll will save the planet.
After the solstice there are just over 22 incredibly special hours before the Full moon climaxes.
The almost Full Moon is conjunct Pluto 15-35 GMT and is void of course from that time
Wednesday June 22nd 2005
Yesterday's solstice saw the arrests of 50 Palestinians overshadowing Israeli PM Ariel Sharon's talks with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
Jurors convicted a former KKK member of manslaughter over the mob killings of three civil rights workers in 1964.
Full Moon 1 degree Capricorn at 04-15 GMT.
This Full Moon is the second one following the penumbral lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 24th 2005.
The grand Cardinal cross manifest in yesterday's Solstice chart is today made stronger by the involvement of the Full Moon. This is a very potent lunation and one which 'grounds' the expansive urgent and nurturing quality of the solstice theme. The energy in this chart could get tanks, battleships and battalions moving, not to wage war on people but instead to wage war on poverty and repression.
The Moon appears very big because this Full Moon coincides with her perigee position (closest to Earth in her monthly cycle).
The day following is tough and 'down to basics'. The energy has modulated over the past three days from exuberance to practicality. The year is turning.
Venus, Saturn, and Mercury now officially form a trio, three celestial objects that fit within a 5° circle. The trio will continue through June 29th. Sky and Telescope
Thursday June 23rd 2005
Moon perigee 11-47 GMT.
Mars is applying to oppose Jupiter. Mercury is very closely aligned to Venus and Saturn, all on the far side of the Sun, in late Cancer.
During the last eight hours of the day the Moon opposes the Mercury, Venus and Saturn triple conjunction. This triplet is within 4 degrees from today right up to the month's end and dominates the next week. (see graphic below).
Now that the Solstice and the Full Moon are over, this triplet is the most important astronomical and astrological event taking place right now. It is not one to be ignored and may well be associated with many events and experiences over the next week or so. Conjunctions of Mercury and Venus can be quite 'merry' affairs but when Saturn is involved life changing circumstances can occur. What must also be born in mind is the climaxing Mars Jupiter opposition which peaks on Sunday. Certain readjustments will have to be made by us all.
The Moon is void today at 22-05 GMT.
Friday June 24th 2005
The Full Moon at perigee in Capricorn rising at St Petersburg on Wednesday night.
Three 'world stage' players made three speeches yesterday encapsulating the three dominant news stories right now. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (Scorpio Sun sign) has urged African leaders to speak out against forced evictions in Zimbabwe and other alleged human rights abuses. She urged the African Union to speak out over the "tragic" events.
Donald Rumsfeld (Cancer Sun sign) told senators the US is not "losing the war" and refuses to set a timetable for withdrawing troops.
The EU faces a "crisis in political leadership" and must change to win public support, Tony Blair (Taurus Sun sign) told Euro MPs.
In the world of sciences sponsors of an experimental spacecraft designed to use sunlight to power space travel concede it is probably lost.
Venus, Saturn, and Mercury have now gathered to within 2½ of each other in bright twilight, as shown here.
The Moon enters Aquarius 02-37 GMT and 'makes easy' the intensifying Mars/Jupiter opposition (which peaks on Sunday) around 17-00 GMT today. The Sun is in Cancer the Moon is in Aquarius focus your personal energy on 'Care in the Community' and you will be in tune with the solar/lunar energy today.
Saturday June 25th 2005
Summer floods in China have killed 536 people and forced over one million from their homes, the government has said. Torrential rains in much of the country have left southern China submerged beneath muddy waters in the deadliest early floods for a decade.
The African Union has rejected calls from the UK and the US to put pressure on Zimbabwe to stop its demolition of illegal houses and market stalls.
Crude oil prices hit a record $60 a barrel for the second day on Friday, amid concerns that strong demand will continue over the coming months.
This evening and tomorrow evening, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn fit within a circle 2° across. Steve Albers of Boulder, Colorado, calculates that this is the best trio of bright planets until at least 2030, taking into account brightness, tightness, and ease of visibility. Don't miss it! Sky and Telescope
The waning and decelerating Moon is conjunct Neptune at 06-18 GMT in Aquarius. She reaches disseminating phase at 08-56 GMT 19 degrees Aquarius.
Mars in Aries is standing opposite Jupiter in Libra. Expect excesses, over optimism, lack of dexterity and red herrings.
Sunday June 26th 2005
Mars is opposite Jupiter 01-02 GMT.
This day also sees the peak of the triple conjunct of Venus, Mercury and Saturn in late Cancer. Two close planetary alignments today at 27 degrees Cancer.
Venus conjunct Saturn closest alignment 02-38, zodiacal conjunction 02-59
The Moon enters Pisces 03-04 GMT
Mercury conjunct Saturn closest alignment 12-20, zodiacal conjunction 10-59
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 20-52 GMT
Monday June 27th 2005.
Iran's newly elected hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says his government will carry on with the country's nuclear programme. (Anyone have his date of birth?)
US officials have held talks with Iraq insurgent leaders in an effort to open dialogue.
18:39 GMT Mercury and Venus in close zodiacal conjunction. This is the closest planetary conjunction of 2005 and occurs today at 29 degrees Cancer.
The story is not over yet. Mercury will pull ahead of Venus over the next few days but there is unfinished business, she has not completed her affairs with him. As he draws near to his retrograde period which starts on 23rd July he slows down in geocentric motion giving Venus the opportunity to overtake him on July 9th 2005. The pair remain very close in Leo over the next 20 days or so.
Tuesday June 28th 2005
In a surprise ruling the US Supreme Court yesterady declared file-sharing firms liable for the piracy on their networks. Tens of thousands demonstrated in South African cities over job losses.
Above Mercury, Venus and Saturn in late Cancer photographed on Sunday.
A 'change of gear' occurs today as Mercury and Venus enter Leo. Saturn will follow in 18 days time. The Moon also around the same time moves from a watery sign into fire. A crisis of a day! 'Hey babe the sky's on fire'.
Mercury enters Leo 04-02. (He will remain in this sign right up to September 4th.)
The Moon trines Venus 05-52 GMT and then instantly the Moon enters Aries. One minute later Venus enters Leo. ( She will be in Leo till July 23rd)
Moon last quarter phase 18-25 GMT at 7 degrees Aries.
The Moon and Mars in Aries form a cardinal T-square with Jupiter in Libra and the Sun in Cancer at the end of the GMT day.
Wednesday June 29th 2005
A heat wave in Italy has put the health of one million people at risk and the government has warned the situation could be even worse than the summer of 2003 when 20,000 people died due to soaring temperatures.
An undersea cable carrying data between Pakistan and the outside world has developed a serious fault, virtually crippling data feeds, including the Internet.
President Bush marks the anniversary of the U.S. handover of sovereignty to Iraqis with a speech at 8 p.m. ET Tuesday (0000 GMT today) before a military audience at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Today the decelerating and waning Moon is conjunct Mars in Aries at 02-22 GMT.
Thursday June 30th 2005
Jewish settlers yesterday blocked the main road into Jerusalem on a day of protests against the planned Gaza withdrawal.
The European Commission said Turkish membership talks should start in October with accession as the objective.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon is void of course in Aries from 07-58 GMT. She enters Taurus 11-46 GMT and squares Venus and Mercury at 17-26 GMT.
The Sun applies to a waning cardinal square aspect with Jupiter which peaks tomorrow. This day does not look too promising and the 'centre of gravity' leads inevitably to domestic concerns. A good evening to 'eat in'.
July 2005
Friday July 1st 2005
On Thursday US troops found 13 bodies at the site where a helicopter is believed to have been shot down in Afghanistan.
President George W Bush said the US will double its aid to Africa by 2010, in a speech ahead of the G8 summit.
Sky watchers at high latitudes should be alert for auroras on July 2nd when a solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field.
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft is approaching Comet Tempel 1 and, on July 4th, it will blast a hole in the comet's icy, rocky nucleus. At the-moment, the comet is a faint 10th magnitude fuzzball, but it could brighten considerably, perhaps to naked-eye visibility, when Deep Impact strikes. NASA
The astrological skies are dominated right now by the close zodiacal pairing of Venus and Mercury in Leo. She (Venus) will overtake him (Mercury) on July 9th.
Mercury is fading, though 'he' remains close to Venus. Saturn, meanwhile, is getting harder and harder to see as it sinks down near the bright twilight horizon Sky and Telescope
The Sun is square Jupiter 17-11 GMT.
Saturday July 2nd 2005
Lunar occultation (visible from UK) of star Delta Aries. Approx. 01-57 to 02-51. This is the second of two lunar occultations of this star in 2005 visible from the UK. The first was on March 14th.
The Sun trines Uranus 10-40.
Moon balsamic phase 12-11 GMT at 26 degrees Taurus, she is void of course in that sign at 17-03 GMT, entering Gemini at 20-27 GMT.
Live 8 occurs on a day in which the astrological energy will aid the principal. The Sun in Cancer is trine to Uranus. The psychedelic war lords and ladies (Geldof, Ure, McCartney etc. etc.) and assorted holy rock musicians can utilise the power of the media and the satellites (Uranus) to spread the message of care and love and responsibility (Sun in Cancer) with good grace and efficiency. The Moon although now old and decelerating provides the vision of the new. The low period of the day is the 3 hours 24 minutes of lunar 'voidness' between 17-03 GMT and 20-27 GMT. The energy after this redelivers the message in a million new ways. Have fun.
Sunday July 3rd 2005
Yesterday Music stars united in concerts around the globe to put pressure on political leaders to tackle poverty in Africa.
Pink Floyd played in London.
Business as usual as US planes bombed a suspected Taleban hideout close to where US servicemen are missing reportedly killing 25. The Moon is old, waning, and prophetic.
Today the slowing ageing Moon in Gemini sextiles Venus and Mars at 08-26 and 10-33 GMT respectively.
After Live 8 there follows three astrologically quiet days of an old Moon burning out at the end of her cycle followed by a New Moon in Cancer on the day of the G8 summit in Scotland.
Live8 has coincided with Mercury and Venus aligning in Leo. The story is not over. There is more to come.
We stand by the making of poverty history.
Stand by.
Tonight, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft is going to blast a hole through the crust of Comet Tempel 1. At the moment of impact (July 3rd at 10:52 p.m. PDT, July 4th at 0552 UT) the comet might brighten so much that sky watchers on Earth can see it through binoculars or even with the unaided eye from dark-sky sites.
Monday July 4th 2005
Check out what astrologer Jonathon Cainer has to say about Sir Bob's natal horoscope.
What any astrologer could add is that Pluto is exactly conjunct Sir Bob's natal Ascendant right now, and Jupiter is conjunct his natal Sun. With such heavy weight planets aligned to such essential points in his natal horoscope it is difficult to see his venture not meeting its goal.
On the day after Live8 the US rescued a special forces soldier missing in Afghanistan since last week, officials say.
Egypt's ambassador to Iraq was taken hostage in Baghdad, just weeks after arriving in the country.
Today the old and slow Moon is void in Gemini at 16-36 GMT.
As this hour of 'lunar voidness' is reached the main world news concerns the probe from the US Deep Impact spacecraft which crashed into a comet to reveal secrets about the Solar System.
Tuesday July 5th 2005
The ancient and slow moving Moon enters Cancer 07-08 GMT. Today is the last day before a New moon.
Wednesday July 6th 2005
Yesterday delegates at the African Union summit in Libya were calling for the cancellation of all debt for all African nations. Indian police killed five gunmen who attacked a flashpoint religious site in the northern city of Ayodhya.
Live 8 leader Bob Geldof has arrived in Edinburgh by train ahead of today's Final Push gig, saying he is confident of a "breakthrough" at the G8 summit.
Today Jupiter sextiles Mercury 05-52 GMT
New Moon in Cancer
12-04 GMT.
Chart set for London.
The New Moon today forms part of a Cardinal T-square with Mars and Jupiter. As such it is not an 'easy birth' but it certainly serves to effectively generate new beginnings. A new birth it really is. This lunation, although not smooth, is a 'kick start' or a 'bump start' to new energy and vibrant vision.
With this lunation we are midway between the unusual Hybrid Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2005 and the more 'usual' Annular Solar Eclipse on October 3rd 2005. The Saros energy of series 129 gives way to the Saros energy of series 134. We are at a point of 'karmic balance' in time. Momentous changes of direction could be the outcome of events now taking place.
This New Moon coincides with two important events happening in, and involving, the UK. The G8 summit meeting is planned to commence on this day, and the result of the 2012 Olympic Games bid, of which London is a key player, is due to be announced.
As if to recognise this the planets oblige in an awesome array of energy and angularity focused on these UK islands.
At the moment of New Moon (12-04 GMT Wednesday July 6th), Jupiter is exactly rising on UK horizons. The Sun and New Moon in Cancer are aligned to the Mid Heaven of the United Kingdom. A mystic rectangle involving the current and ongoing conjunction of Mercury and Venus (in Leo) at one vertex, Neptune (in Aquarius) at the opposite vertex, and the local horizon of the UK with Jupiter rising and Mars setting, completing the rectangle, dominates the skies. This pattern is compounded with a 'finger of fate' pattern as Uranus provides a focus for the tight Mercury Venus conjunction sextile Jupiter and UK Ascendant.
No apologies to non-astrologers reading this, the technical detail supports this writer's conviction that this is a 'magical' time. This little island is leading the way. Our rock stars have now moved to a position 'beyond sainthood'. The good music and the golden vision starts here. This astrological credo is also 'part of the scene', as vital now as the rock and roll, another conscious raising experience to complement the global forces of care and concern invoked by Live8, to enhance our understanding of what is going down right now, and to help us all on our way.
After the New Moon, Venus tightens on an optimistic sextile aspect with Jupiter peaking today at 18-52 GMT.
Thursday July 7th 2005
London celebrates after winning a dramatic vote to host the 2012 Olympic Games.
Live 8 campaigner Bob Geldof tells UK leader Tony Blair to stand firm on winning aid for Africa from the G8 summit.
Mars sextiles Neptune 07-00 GMT
The very slow moving struggling infant Moon is conjunct Saturn at 16-55 GMT (for the final time in Cancer) and becomes void of course at that time, entering Leo 19-11 GMT joining Mercury and Venus in that sign.
Friday July 8th 2005
At 07-51 GMT yesterday the first of a series of terrorist bombs were detonated in central London. An intense police hunt is under way in Britain for the terrorists behind the string of bombings on London's transport system that killed at least 37 people and wounded 700 early yesterday. Investigators have not yet said whether they believe the bombers left explosives on three trains and a bus or mounted suicide attacks.
Wednesday's New Moon was 'focused' on the UK. We have been the centre of world attention all week. The New Moon was a tough affair but one of great promise.
Globally as the bombs went off the very young slow Moon applied to a conjunction with Saturn. Mars had just sextiled Neptune fifty minutes earlier and was locked into a rectangular pattern with Jupiter and the tight Venus/Mercury conjunction. In London as late Leo was rising, Pluto in Sagittarius was positioned opposite a fearsome triplet of 'local midpoints' namely Mars/Ascendant, Saturn/MC and Node/Ascendant. The symbolism here invokes images of violent force and sorrow affecting a lot of people.
The local MC of London at the time of the first bomb exploding in Taurus was on the midpoint of the tight Venus/Mercury in Leo conjunction and Neptune in Aquarius.
For the record a copy of the locations and timings of the other explosions is shown below, on this day of 'seven-seven'. (July 7th 2005)
Today the Moon in Leo is at apogee (slowest) 17-39 GMT.
The Moon after this point is accelerating and waxing and she conjuncts Venus and Mercury at 21-18 and 21-36 respectively. Venus and Mercury are conjunct tomorrow, these two planets will not meet again January 17th 2006.
Mercury is at greatest elongation, 26° east of the Sun.
Saturday July 9th 2005
Mercury conjunct Venus at 13 degrees Leo at 09-43 GMT. The Moon is void of course at 16-39 GMT.
Sunday July 10th 2005
More than 20 people have been killed by suicide bombings in the Iraqi cities of Baghdad and Kirkuk. (It happens everyday in Baghdad!)
Suspected Taleban guerrillas are blamed after an Afghan police convoy is ambushed and six police are beheaded.
More than one million people in the southern US leave their homes as Hurricane Dennis approaches. (Photo above)
Up to 20,000 people were evacuated from Birmingham city centre on Saturday night. They faced a "real threat" police have said.
The seven astronauts who will fly on the Discovery space shuttle this week arrive at Nasa's Florida spaceport.
State of the skies:- The Sun has twelve days remaining in Cancer and is busy applying in a tough cardinal square aspect with Mars in Aries, (exact on Tuesday). The Moon today enters Virgo 07-57 GMT and reaches crescent phase at 2 degrees Virgo at 14-57 GMT. A couple of practical days ensue, ones in which the energy is 'earthed', industrious and constructional projects are favoured.
Mercury and Venus continue in their long standing conjunction, currently in mid Leo, they are both about to enter into an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius. This opposition is the next astrological 'wave' just two days ahead of us.
Mars is in mid Aries and is close to making a fiery trine with Pluto, adding a powerful and transformatory influence onto the planetary scene, 'changes for the better' (exact on Friday).
Saturn will (thankfully) leave Cancer and enter Leo in six days time where he will reside for over two years.
An astrologically busy week is ahead of us all.
9-11 and 7-7 :- One of the major astrological signatures to '9-11' was (to my mind) the fact that at the time of the New York bombings the Moon (in Gemini) was midway between lunar occultations of Saturn in Taurus and Jupiter in Cancer. The Moon at the time of the events in New York and Washington on September 11th 2001 , was exactly on the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint. Both conjunctions either side of this event were very close. In the case of Saturn, there was an occultation over some parts of the USA (not visible from New York however) by the Moon on the day before the terrorist attacks. On the day after, the Moon almost occulted Jupiter.
The major astrological signature to '7-7' has been a difficult New Moon totally focused on the UK (i.e. conjunct the Mid-Heaven of the UK at the exact moment of New Moon) on Wednesday 6th July, the day before the outrages in London.
Mercury and Venus in close alignment have overseen the UK's 'joyful' side to the past week. The Live8 concerts and the UK 2012 Olympic Games successful bid have occurred under the conjunction's 'influence'.
Monday July 11th 2005
The Moon waxes and accelerates in Virgo.
A constructive, practical, 'precision work', selective and 'value for money' kind of day is upon us.
Tuesday July 12th 2005
Yesterday hundreds of victims were buried in a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre.
Nine workers died in Iraq after being arrested on suspicion of insurgent activity and left in a metal container.
The first victim of the London bombs were named, as the confirmed number of dead reached 52.
Today Venus is opposite Neptune 04-46 GMT (less than 2 degrees from linearity). Mercury will follow suit tomorrow.
The day is as practical and productive as yesterday but there is an troublesome 'edge' today as the Sun squares Mars. This is not a day to push too hard.
The Moon is void of course in Virgo from 19-12 GMT
The waxing and accelerating Moon enters Libra 20-09 GMT
The Sun in Cancer is square Mars in Aries at 23-00 GMT
Wednesday July 13th 2005
Police now believe that at least one of the four suspected London bombers died in last Thursday's blasts.
Another suicide bomber killed two and injured at least 30 people yesterday at a shopping centre in the Israeli town of Netanya.
Space shuttle Discovery is still on course for a today's launch, despite some unresolved issues, mission managers say.
Venus and Mercury start today to form a fiery grand trine with Mars and Pluto. This dynamic configuration extends over the next five days and promises much excitement.
Mercury is opposite Neptune 11-12 GMT (1 degree from exact linear alignment). Because of Mercury's imminent retrograde period this aspect will be repeated another two times over the next six weeks, once on August 2nd and finally on August 26th. Best to steer clear of pronounced confusion abroad today.
The waxing Moon in Libra, approaching her first quarter phase is conjunct Jupiter 17-46 GMT today.
Thursday July 14th 2005
Crazy, tragic and confusing events around the world coincided with the opposition of Mercury and Neptune yesterday. At least 26 Iraqis, mainly children, were killed by a car bomb in Baghdad as US troops were handing out sweets. Three passenger trains collided in southern Pakistan, killing at least 132 people and injuring hundreds more. Around 30,000 people marched in the Philippines capital Manila, calling on President Gloria Arroyo to quit. The US space agency called off the launch of space shuttle Discovery, because of a faulty fuel-tank sensor.
Prime Minister Tony Blair has expressed his shock that the four men believed to have carried out last week's deadly terrorist attacks on London's transit system were British nationals.
The little star near Jupiter is Gamma Virginis, also known as Porrima (as shown here). It's is a famous double star that used to be easy to split in small telescopes. But this year it's at the closest separation of its 169-year orbit and appears single! Take a good look at it at high power during this historic time. Sky and Telescope
The Moon this morning forms a powerful 'mystic rectangle' with Pluto, Mercury and Venus, and Neptune.
The Moon opposes Mars 14-15 GMT and reaches first quarter phase 15-21 GMT at 22 degrees Libra and is sextile Pluto 15-36 GMT. Venus and Mercury are in a fiery grand trine with Mars and Pluto. This dynamic configuration extends over the next four days, raising the 'planetary temperature'. Expect many events and experiences.
Friday July 15th 2005
Kenyans are fleeing the area where a massacre was carried out in the north-east village of Turbi in which 76 people died, fearing further attacks. Some 6,000 people have gone to the nearest large town, Marsabit, a Kenyan Red Cross official said.
The Moon is today void of course at 05-32 GMT, entering Scorpio 05-51 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon are now in water signs. Emotional concerns manifest.
Mars trines Pluto 16-32 GMT, energy and power available today.
An astrologically wonderful weekend ahead. Mars, Venus and Pluto all trine in fire signs with a passionate waxing Moon in Scorpio.
Saturday July 16th 2005
Saturn enters Leo 12-31 GMT today. Saturn has been in Cancer since 2003. This change of sign represents a big change in both personal and global affairs. The change is from protectionism to expansionism.
Saturn will remain in Leo until September 2nd 2007. The last time Saturn was in Leo was the period September 1975 till July 1978 (for those who remember that period this coming two years may well be a higher octave and a challenge to what was started then. Prior to this Saturn was in Leo from August 1946 to September 1948).
During the intervening time between today and September 2007, Saturn will be squared by Jupiter in Scorpio (17th Dec. '05 and Oct. 25th'06).
More importantly Saturn will be in opposition to Neptune (in Aquarius) on 31st Aug. 2006, February 28th 2007 and June 25th 2007. The last time Saturn opposed Neptune was in April 1972, when Saturn was in Gemini and Neptune was in Sagittarius. Saturn and Neptune were conjunct in 1953 and in 1989. The opposition between Saturn and Neptune is the most difficult part of Saturn's sojourn in Leo and indicates potentially disturbing events on the world stage around the times mentioned .
Saturn is in trine aspect to Jupiter (then in Sagittarius) and to Pluto (also in Sagittarius) in 2007 before leaving Leo.
Today the Moon waxes and accelerates in Scorpio.
Venus trines Pluto 17-10 GMT. Powerful and potentially positive emotional manifestations. Good for lovers.
Sunday July 17th 2005
The Moon is void of course in Scorpio at 02-15 GMT entering Sagittarius 11-35 GMT.
Venus in Leo trines Mars in Aries 20-27 GMT today.
The dark edge of the waxing gibbous Moon occults (covers) the 1st-magnitude star Antares tonight for much of the southern and western United States, as well as Central America and northern South America. Sky and Telescope
Fresh bombs in the Iraqi capital have killed at least eight people, hours after dozens died in a suicide attack.
In southern Baghdad, a car bomb killed two police commandos and a civilian and injured 13, including nine policemen.
Another bomb in the west of the city killed a commando and wounded three civilians. Four policemen more died in another two bomb attacks in the city.
On Saturday, a suicide bomb in Musayyib, south of Baghdad, killed 71 people and injured another 156.
Monday July 18th 2005
Moon gibbous phase at 11 degrees Sagittarius 05-47 GMT sextiles both Jupiter and Neptune at 07-10 and 15-51 GMT respectively.
Tuesday July 19th 2005
The fast moving heavily waxing Moon conjuncts Pluto in Sagittarius and forms a fiery planetary grand trine with Mars in Aries and Mercury and Venus both in Leo.
The Moon conjuncts Pluto at 01-00 at the vertex of this fiery grand trine. She trines Mars and Venus around 04-40 GMT, is void of course at 06-04 and finally enters Capricorn at 13-27 GMT. From that point in time the exhilaration of the past two days gives way to more practical concerns. It will be difficult to ride out the impending Full Moon without incurring some emotional injury, take care.
Wednesday July 20th 2005
China evacuated more than one million residents along its south-eastern coast as a typhoon that devastated Taiwan hit the mainland on Tuesday. Taiwan's Centre for Disaster Relief said at least four people had died since Typhoon Haitang battered the island a day earlier.
Nearly 25,000 civilians have been killed since the start of the Iraq war, according to a group that tracks the civilian death toll from the conflict.
Israeli police attempted Tuesday to head off a confrontation as thousands of Israeli protesters made plans to march from Kfar Mayon to Gaza in protest of plans to pull out of the territory.
The moon is very nearly full and is moving very quickly. Once again this month's full moon, the second in succession in Capricorn will appear huge. A difficult lunation is forecast.
Thursday July 21st 2005
The sunspot (on the far side of the Sun) might be the source of a far side explosion on July 17th that hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) over the sun's limb. We'll learn more about this active region on July 25th when the sun's rotation turns it toward Earth. Stay tuned. Spaceweather.com
As the full moon approaches her climax in the skies of Earth the news looks rather weak. Iraqi officials promise the new constitution will be ready on time, despite the killing of politicians drafting it.
President Mamadou Tanja visits Niger's famine-hit south as the UN criticises world response to the crisis.
Full Moon 29 degrees Capricorn at 11-01 GMT today opposite Saturn and square Mars.
This Full Moon is the second one in Capricorn this year. It a tough affair because of the positions of Mars and Saturn. At the moment of Full Moon Jupiter is rising over south east England . The Moon at that moment rises over South Korea and Indonesia.
This Full Moon is midway between the lunar eclipses of April 24th 2005 and October 17th 2005. At this 'karmic point of balance' the 'strongly waxing' energy of Saros 141 gives way to the 'younger waxing' energy of Saros 146. Simply put we start to be affected by the eclipse ahead of us.
The Moon is immediately void of course after the moment of Full Moon. She enters Aquarius 12-56 GMT and is at perigee 19:55 GMT.
Mars is now starting to apply in square aspect to Saturn. This toilsome aspect will tighten its vice like grip over the days upto July 31st 2005 when it peaks.
We are now in the last two days of the astrological month of Cancer. The Sun enters Leo tomorrow and is conjunct Saturn in that sign for the first time in 28 years on Saturday.
Venus is approaching the end of her stay in Leo. She passes very close in alignment to the star Regulus (see graphic below) and enters Virgo on Saturday. Mars also moves from a fire sign to an earth sign on Thursday when he leaves Aries and enters Taurus.
Changes ahead.
Friday July 22nd 2005
Two weeks to the day after the July 7 London bombings, attackers yesterday tried -- and failed -- to set off explosive devices at three Tube stations and on a double-decker bus. Police said on Thursday that evidence left behind in the attempted bombings has given them what they say may be a "significant breakthough" in their investigation. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair told reporters the intention of the terrorists "must have been to kill" and that some of the devices failed to explode.
News of the incidents first came at 12:38 p.m. (11:38 a.m. GMT). This is only 37 minutes after the exact moment of full moon. At 12:45 p.m., a call came in from Warren Street.
Also yesterday Algeria's top diplomat and an aide were abducted in a western district of Baghdad.
The US secretary of state said that Sudan's government has a "credibility problem" on ending the Darfur crisis.
China revalued its currency for the first time in a decade after US complaints that it was undervalued.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 15-04 GMT.
The Sun enters Leo 17-41 GMT, and a new astrological month begins.
The Moon, the Earth and Mercury (almost stationary and about to turn retrograde) align in a straight line (within 1 degree) at 21-05 GMT.
Saturday July 23rd 2005
On this first day of the astrological month of Leo at least 49 people are killed in a string of explosions in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. The blasts came within minutes of each other, shortly after 0100 local time today, (2200 GMT Friday July 22nd 2005), when the bars and markets were busy with tourists.
In the UK a police manhunt is continuing for four men wanted over Thursday's failed bomb attacks on London's transport system.
Venus enters Virgo 01-01 GMT today.
Mercury turns retrograde at 21 degrees Leo today at 02-55 GMT. Mercury will be retrograde until the 17th August 2005. Mercury opposed Neptune on July 14th, he will repeat this opposition on August 2nd and on August 27th. He will square Mars on 15th August and on the 28th August.
When Mercury is retrograde we can expect all manner of transport and communication delays. Matters and minutes become suspended, postponed or lost. Holding back on all new projects is advised at this time.
The waning and decelerating Moon is void of course 07-34 entering Pisces 12-13 GMT.
The Sun is conjunct Saturn in Leo at 17-01 GMT for the first time in this sign for 28 years.
Sunday July 24th 2005
A man shot dead by police hunting the bombers behind Thursday's London attacks was a Brazilian electrician unconnected to the incidents. The man, who died at Stockwell Tube on Friday, has been named by police as Jean Charles de Menezes, 27.
Egyptian security forces arrest 35 people after three bomb blasts in Sharm al-Sheikh kill at least 88.
An earthquake has struck the Japanese capital, Tokyo, shaking buildings and injuring at least 18 people. The quake, which had a magnitude of six, was the strongest to strike the city for more than 10 years. Tokyo's airport was briefly closed, and some rail services, including bullet trains, were suspended.
The seven astronauts who will crew the Discovery shuttle return to Kennedy Space Center for Tuesday's launch attempt.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon in Pisces is conjunct Uranus at 04-36 GMT and reaches disseminating phase 15-26 GMT at 17 degrees Pisces.
Monday July 25th 2005
Two suicide bombers have attacked police checkpoints in central Baghdad, killing seven people.
A strong earthquake has hit the Nicobar Islands in India but there are no reports of major damage or casualties
A Red Cross team has left Bristol with the first British aid for Niger, where millions face starvation because of famine.
The waning and slowing Moon is today void of course 00-20 GMT entering Aries 13-24 GMT.
The Moon in Aries forms a fiery trine with Saturn and the Sun in Leo around 17-00 GMT.
Tuesday July 26th 2005
The Moon today wanes towards last quarter phase and decelerates in Aries.
State of the skies:- Mercury is retrograde in Leo, making 'backtracking' noises. A brief positive arrangement with the Moon and Pluto occurs in the small hours (GMT) on Wednesday but overall the picture becomes cloudier and confusing as he slowly draws to his second opposition to Neptune on August 2nd. Expect cancellations and double crosses.
Venus is in Virgo applying in opposition to Uranus in Pisces, exact next Saturday, this is crisis prone and crisis driven.
Mars enters Taurus on Thursday and is applying in a square aspect with Saturn, exact next Sunday. The is a heavy chord of entrenchment sounding out with this one.
Difficult aspects are building, the moon's light and speed diminish as the week progresses. Correspondingly it is a bit tough going this week.
Wednesday July 27th 2005
The Moon forms a fiery grand trine with retrograde Mercury and Pluto around 02-00 GMT. She applies in conjunction to Mars reaching him at 17-24 GMT and becomes void. She enters Taurus half an hour later at 17-55 GMT.
Mars almost occults the 7th-magnitude star SAO 110214 around 19:27 Universal Time; best viewed from the Far East. Sky and Telescope
Thursday July 28th 2005
The number of people killed in record monsoon rains in and around the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) passes 400.
The space shuttle is to be inspected for damage as Nasa announces the suspension of all shuttle flights.
The US agrees a surprise deal with five Asia-Pacific states on greenhouse gas which falls outside the Kyoto Protocol.
UK transport police go on a precautionary high alert, as nine more arrests are made in south London.
Japanese scientists have unveiled the most human-looking robot yet devised - a "female" android called Repliee Q1. (Photo above)
A big active sunspot group is lurking just behind the sun's eastern limb. How do we know? It keeps exploding and throwing clouds of hot magnetized gas into space. Spaceweather.com
The Moon is at 'fixed' last quarter phase 03-20 GMT at 5 degrees Taurus.
Mars enters Taurus 05-12 GMT today. This is a major ingress. Mars will remain in Taurus until February 17th 2006. During his lengthy residence in Taurus he will appear to turn retrograde (October 1st to December 10th 2005) as he approaches a close encounter to Earth in November, being opposite to the Sun on November 7th 2005. During this period Mars will appear as a bright object in the skies of Earth.
Mars in Taurus will square Saturn this weekend, and repeat the tough aspect on November 18th 2005 and on December 28th 2005.
Mars will oppose Jupiter in Scorpio on December 5th 2005, and on January 15th 2006, these are repeats of the Mars Jupiter opposition which occurred across Libra Aries on 26th June 2005.
This lengthy residence of Mars in Taurus will engender activities concerned with 'building foundations' and the establishing of long term and substantive constructions. Let us watch the manifestations together.
Friday July 29th 2005
Astronomers have found a large object in the Solar System's outer reaches. It is being hailed as "a great discovery". Details of the object are still sketchy. It never comes closer to the Sun than Neptune and spends most of its time much further out than Pluto
Authorities in India fear outbreaks of disease as the death toll from a monsoon climbs to 700.
In the UK residents last night camped out in two sports centres overnight in Birmingham after their homes were damaged by a tornado. Time of tornado reported by local news at 14-30 BST.
The Moon is today void of course at 05-00 GMT in Taurus and remains in this state for the rest of the (GMT) day. Tense planetary aspects are building up as the weekend approaches
Daze 2006 under construction here
Saturday July 30th 2005
The Moon enters Gemini 02-03 GMT.
She forms a mutable T-square with Venus and Uranus around 20-39 GMT
Sunday July 31st 2005
British police are questioning four suspects held over failed bomb attacks in London as Italian officials start extradition proceedings against another of the suspected bombers, above.
The discovery of more bodies pushed the death toll from this week's monsoon floods in Mumbai, (Bombay), to more than 850 on Saturday, with officials warning it will likely rise to around 1,000.
A group of astronomers announced Friday that an object they discovered in the distant reaches of the solar system is large enough to be classified as the 10th planet -- a claim likely to reignite a debate over just how many objects should really have the title of planet. No name has been given to it as yet! Its orbit is highly inclined to the ecliptic (the zodiac). It is observable in a large telescope in the constellation of Cetus the whale. Its position projected onto the tropical zodiac puts it in Aries right now. It was first observed in 2003 but not recognised as a body orbiting our sun at that time because of its very slow movement and its highly inclined position.
Its discovery as a 'planet' occurred at the same time as the unveiling of 'the most human looking robot ever' a 'female' android named 'Repliee Q1' (see above) by Japanese scientists. Could there be a connection between this planet and the world of robots, androids and artificial intelligence? Just a thought.
Today Venus opposes Uranus 08-09 GMT. By synchronistic coincidence the Moon in Gemini at the time of this opposition stands on the midpoints of Mars/Saturn (both is square aspect), Lunar Node/Mercury and Jupiter/Neptune (both in trine to each other).
Mars squares Saturn 14-00 GMT
The slow Moon is void from 21-10 GMT
If things (both personal and global) appear a bit on the grim side right now then it may be because the planets are harshly arrayed at the moment. Mars in fixed square to Saturn is gloomy at best . Venus opposite Uranus is unsettling and disturbing.
Mercury retrograde is annoying enough but over the next few days he is opposite Neptune who in turn is dynamically positioned with the lunar node and Jupiter in what astrologers call a mystic rectangle. That expression sounds inspiring but the whole arrangement is based around two oppositions which of course are bringers of conflicts and climaxes.
If its any compensation next weekend looks a lot better.
August 2005
Monday August 1st 2005
The slow moving Moon reaches balsamic phase 24 degrees Gemini at 0-44 GMT. She enters Cancer 14-53 GMT.
Tuesday August 2nd 2005
Mercury opposes Neptune at 10-52 GMT. This is a repeat of the aspect on July 14th only this one is nowhere near as close to linearity as the first.
From today a 'mystic rectangle' planetary picture involving Mercury (and the Sun), Neptune, Jupiter and the Lunar Node forms in the skies and lasts way up to August 10th 2005. This rectangle binds together a loose hexagonal arrangement of planets which are dominating the astrological skies right now and up to the New Moon on Friday.
The very slow moving aged Moon is void in Cancer for a period of 33 hours starting at 18-00 GMT today.
Wednesday August 3rd 2005
The very slow moving and very old Moon is void of course in Cancer all day. There are no exact planetary aspects today just the continuation and tightening of the ongoing rectangular arrangement of Jupiter, Neptune, Lunar Node and Mercury.
Thursday August 4th 2005
The ancient Moon enters Leo at 03-10 GMT. She is conjunct Saturn in Leo for the first time in 28 years. at 08-03 GMT.
Moon apogee (slowest in her monthly cycle) 21-45 GMT.
Friday August 5th 2005
New Moon 13 degrees Leo 03-06 GMT. The New Moon is locked into the current 'mystic rectangle'. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury at 07-54 GMT.
Wake up to the new energy of this event.
This is the penultimate New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 3rd 2005.
The New Moon is conjunct Mercury in Leo and tightly sextile Jupiter in Libra..
At the moment of New Moon the Moon is rising over Eastern Europe Western Turkey, Cairo the Gulf of Suez and the East of Africa near Mogadishu.
Mercury sextiles Jupiter at 14-40 GMT. The Moon is void at 23-44 GMT.
World news at this time of the New Moon in Leo reports Israel stepping up security after a teenage gunman kills four Israeli Arabs on a bus and is lynched by a mob.
George Bush says the US will stand its ground in Iraq, despite threats of escalating violence from al-Qaeda.
The Russian navy has launched an operation to save seven crew members of a deep-sea diving vessel trapped on the ocean floor in the Russian Far East.
The US space agency says the shuttle Discovery is safe for re-entry, due for Monday, despite a torn thermal blanket. Hopes of finding hydrocarbon oceans on Saturn's smoggy moon, Titan appear to be dashed, scientists say. (Photo above)
Saturday August 6th 2005
The Moon is 'void of course' in Leo as midnight (GMT) sounds.
The inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs at 14 degrees Leo at 01-36 GMT today.
New thoughts, new ideas, new imaginings emanate at this time of 'New Mercury'. Let the thought forms rise and spread (as ripples), but avoid acting on them till Mercury has turned direct. (August 17th 2005 onwards)
The Sun in Leo is sextile Jupiter in Libra at 02-08.
The infant Moon, slow but accelerating, enters Virgo 15-54 GMT. Precision and method take over.
Soon after sunset, use binoculars to start searching for the very thin waxing crescent Moon hanging just above the western horizon. It's well to the lower right of Venus. (See sky and telescope graphic below).
The EU has yesterday handed Iran a set of proposals aimed at persuading it to freeze its nuclear activities.
Russia is involved in a race against time to rescue seven sailors from a trapped submarine. Under a Leo Sun and Moon the UK's RAF is assisting the Russians. It is good to see the co-operation allowed this time.
Sunday August 7th 2005
At least 13 people were killed yesterday after a Tunisian plane made an emergency landing in the sea off the coast of Sicily.
Tributes have poured in from across the political spectrum for UK ex-foreign secretary Robin Cook, who has died aged 59.
All seven crew are alive as a Russian mini-sub trapped underwater for three days is brought to the surface.
Astronauts on the shuttle Discovery undock from the International Space Station and start their journey home.
We are today midway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere.
The Moon accelerates and waxes in Virgo.
Venus and the crescent Moon form a beautiful pair very low in the west in bright twilight. The crescent Moon shines at dusk between Venus to its lower right and Jupiter to its upper left, as shown above .
Sky and TelescopeThe Moon occults Venus for parts of Alaska shortly before sunset local time.
Tomorrow's occultation serves as a reminder and forerunner of the next planetary conjunction involving Venus and Jupiter in Libra on September 1st 2005. 26 degrees separate the pair today. This beautiful conjunction is one to look forward to.
Monday August 8th 2005.
Sky and Telescope
The Moon within a half a degree of Venus at 19 degrees Virgo at 06-57 GMT. (visible as an occultation from Alaska.) The first of two such close encounters this year, the other one is on September 7th.
The Moon is void in Virgo from 12-10 GMT today for sixteen hours.
The timing of this lunar occultation of Venus coincided with the delay of space shuttle Discovery's return to Earth by over a day due to bad weather.
Rescuers are working against time to reach 102 miners trapped in a flooded mine in southern China.
The Sun is opposite Neptune at 18-11 GMT . (The opposition of Neptune occurs once a year).
Tuesday August 9th 2005
The Moon enters Libra at 04-09 and reaches crescent phase at 05-37 GMT
The waxing Moon shines near Jupiter and much fainter Gamma Virginis this evening, as shown above.
Nasa celebrates the first successful landing of a space shuttle since the loss of Columbia in 2003.
Wednesday August 10th 2005
The accelerating and waxing crescent Moon is conjunct Jupiter (within 1.25 degrees) at 09-08 GMT.
Venus in Virgo is square Pluto in Sagittarius at 10-52 GMT.
The Moon is void in Libra at 23-11 GMT.
This evening the Moon is close to Spica.
(Next update Sunday August 21st 2005)
Thursday August 11th 2005
The Moon enters Scorpio at 02-35 and immediately becomes besieged up to her first quarter phase tomorrow.
Two days of the Moon undergoing difficult aspects (beseigement) are upon us. Both Sun and Moon are in fixed signs.
The Perseid meteor shower should be at its best late tonight and late tomorrow night. Best viewing is after midnight. Sky and Telescope
Friday August 12th 2005
The besieged Moon in Scorpio opposes Mars in Taurus (<1 degree from linear alignment) at 06-07 GMT.
The besieged Moon continues to increase in light and motion as she moves towards fixed first quarter phase.
Mars is joining forces with the Perseid meteor shower for a lovely sky show.
Saturday August 13th 2005
Moon at first quarter 02-40 GMT at 20 degrees Scorpio. She is void of course from 21-42 GMT in that sign, and enters Sagittarius at 21-48.
The Sun and the Moon are then both in fire signs for two days.
Sunday August 14th 2005
Mars in Taurus sextiles Uranus in Pisces at 14-45 GMT.
The Sun in Leo trines Pluto in Sagittarius at 17-00 GMT.
Monday August 15th 2005
The fast waxing Moon is void of course in Sagittarius at 22-44 GMT.
Tuesday August 16th 2005
Mercury turns direct in motion 05-44 GMT and remains in direct motion untill November 14th 2005.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 01-14 GMT and reaches her gibbous phase 13-39 GMT at 9 degrees Capricorn.
Wednesday August 17th 2005
The heavily gibbous and fast moving Moon is void of course in Capricorn 03-03 GMT. She remains in this state all day today
Venus enters Libra 05-05 GMT joining Jupiter in that sign and approaching her conjunction with him in sixteen days time.
Jupiter in Libra trines Neptune in Aquarius at 19-38 GMT. Last one of three, first one was Nov. 29th 2004.
Thursday August 18th 2005.
The fast moving and very nearly Full Moon enters Aquarius 01-39 GMT
The Moon opposes Saturn 08-16 GMT and opposes Mercury 15-02 GMT.
Friday August 19th 2005
Moon conjunct Neptune 02-44 GMT, perigee 05-27 GMT
Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius 17-54 GMT. Perigee occurs at Full moon, the result a huge Moon in the sky.
This Full Moon is the penultimate one before the partial lunar eclipse of October 17th 2005 in Aries.
The Full Moon makes a separating sextile aspect to Pluto.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon rises at Tripoli. The Moon is conjunct the MC of Tibet.
The Moon is void of course immediately following the Full phase at 17-54 GMT.
Saturday August 20th 2005
The 'hung-over' Moon hurtles into Pisces 00-53 GMT.
She is conjunct Uranus in that sign at 15-31 GMT.
Sunday August 21st 2005
Over the past two weeks the withdrawal of Israeli settlements from Gaza has been the most significant news item on the world stage. The event occurred as Jupiter made his final airy trine aspect to Neptune and is in keeping with the high ideals of this aspect. It is to be hoped that it sets the scene and the foundations for eventual and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. It is noteworthy that peace seems finally to have broken out in Northern Ireland during span of this Jupiter Neptune waning trine.
Concerns over Iran persisting with the development of their nuclear programme could be considered the secondary issue over the past couple of weeks, there may well be further consequences of this.
State of the skies:-The Sun has two days remaining in Leo. The Libran equinox is some 32 days away.
The fast moving but decelerating Moon just past the Full is void of course in Pisces from 11-46 GMT, remaining in this state for the remainder of the day. A dreamy day going nowhere is the likely outcome.
Mercury, now direct in motion and shining as a 'morning' star is positioned applying opposite Neptune (for the third and final time this season) and square Mars. This planetary pattern tightens over the next week charging these days with a potentially chaotic and confusing atmosphere. Issues not sorted out earlier in the (northern hemisphere) summer are forced back into focus awaiting and demanding resolution.
Venus is in Libra and approaching a close alignment with Jupiter on September 1st. She makes a waxing sextile with Saturn in Leo at 00-28 GMT today. She remains in Libra until September 11th. Make the most of this elegant wave.
Mars trudges on in Taurus. Mars entered Taurus on July 28th 2005 and will remain in Taurus until February 17th 2006. During his lengthy residence in Taurus he will appear to turn retrograde (October 1st to December 10th 2005) as he approaches a close encounter to Earth in November 2005, being opposite to the Sun on November 7th 2005. During this period Mars will appear as a bright object in the skies of Earth.
Monday August 22nd 2005
A series of images indicates the paths of the two asteroids orbiting Sylvia.
An asteroid known to astronomers for more than a century has now been found to harbor two small satellites.It is the first asteroid trio ever discovered.And there may be more than three.The main asteroid, named 87 Sylvia, is one of the largest known to orbit the Sun in the main asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. It is potato-shaped, about 175 miles (280 kilometers) in diameter and 235 miles (380 kilometers) long. It was discovered in 1866.The first moon was found four years ago and the second one was announced today. Sky and Telescope
Yesterday Israeli bulldozers demolished empty settlers' homes in the Gaza Strip as the eviction operation neared the end.
Pope Benedict XVI warned against secularism and do-it-yourself religion, as his German visit drew to a close.
Portugal has called on the EU to help extinguish the wildfires that have destroyed 140,000 hectares of forest and farmland across the country.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon enters Aries at 01-02 GMT on this last day of the astrological month of Leo. The Sun and Moon are in Fire signs for the last time until November 22nd 2005.
Tuesday August 23rd 2005
Iraqi negotiators have been given three more days to reach agreement on the draft of a new constitution.
Sunspot 798 exploded twice yesterday, August 22nd, and hurled a pair of coronal mass ejections toward Earth. Geomagnetic storms are possible when the clouds arrive on August 23rd and 24th. Sky watchers, particularly those in Alaska and Canada, should be alert for auroras. Space weather.com
The decelerating Moon reaches disseminating phase 00-01 GMT at 15 degrees Aries.
The isolated Sun enters Virgo 02-46 GMT and a new astrological month begins.
The Earth, the Moon and Jupiter just 1 degree from exact linear alignment 05-15 GMT, a day to rise early.
The Moon is void of course in Aries at 13-46 GMT.
Venus is now drawing to a close alignment with Jupiter in Libra which peaks on September 1st. (Visible low in the evening skies). Both planets are in the same area of the sky where the fixed star Spica shines. (Venus on September 6th and Jupiter on September 27th). Jupiter was last aligned in the vicinity of Spica in mid October 1993.
At the same time as the Venus Jupiter conjunction is building up, we have to navigate ourselves around the difficult configuration of Mercury drawing to an opposition to Neptune both squared by Mars in Taurus which dominates the skies over next three days. A beguiling time is upon us.
Wednesday August 24th 2005
As Mercury opposes Neptune (which he has been doing three times in the last month) a Peruvian passenger plane carrying 100 people has crashed in a jungle a few kilometres short of its planned destination at Pucallpa's airport, killing at least 37 people.
Four other crashes this month, during Mercury's retrograde period, have already made August 2005 the worst month for aircraft losses in more than three years, according to a major insurance broker. The most expensive loss was the Air France Airbus A340-300, which crashed and burst in flames after landing at Toronto on August 3, although all crew and passengers survived. Also this month, a Helios Airways Boeing Co. 737 plane crashed into a mountain near Athens, a West Caribbean Airways MD-82 airliner crashed in Venezuela near its border with Colombia and a Tuninter ATR regional plane crashed off the coast of Sicily. These crashes have made August the highest (insurance) loss month since May 2002. Mercury was retrograde during the second half of that month too.
INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP) -- Rescue workers piled sandbags to hold back surging floodwaters and evacuated hundreds of people from alpine valleys Tuesday, as heavy rains and landslides battered central and southern Europe.
On Tuesday in the UK, a Staffordshire farm which breeds guinea pigs for medical research said it is to stop after intimidation by animal rights activists.
Today the Moon enters Taurus 03-58 GMT and draws to an alignment with Mars which peaks tomorrow morning 05-42 GMT. (See graphic above)
Both the Sun and the Moon are now in Earth signs. A difficult couple of days are ahead of us.
Mercury is at greatest elongation, 18° west of the Sun. Look for it very low in the dawn
Thursday August 25th 2005
Tough news for tough days. Emergency services struggle to cope with floods that have caused havoc across Europe, killing up to 34 people.
At least 17 people been killed and dozens injured as gun battles erupted in the Iraqi capital following a suicide car bomb attack on police.
Good vibes from United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan who pledges Niger all the aid it needs to cope with the current food crisis.
Today the Moon makes a wide conjunction with Mars in Taurus at 05-42 GMT forming at that time a fixed T-square with Mercury and Neptune.
The decelerating and waning Moon approaching Last Quarter is void of course from 08-14 GMT for a period of 26 hours.
During that time Mercury tightens in the fixed T-square with Neptune and Mars.
Venus is eight days and eight degrees away from a conjunction in Libra.
All in all these are tough and testy days. Tonight (GMT) looks especially difficult.
Friday August 26th 2005
Mercury in Leo is square Mars in Taurus at 03-30 GMT. (Heads and hands not in sync).
The Moon enters Gemini 10-43 GMT, (Plenty to chat about)
Moon last quarter phase 15-19 GMT at 3 degrees Gemini.(Indicative of a crisis going on).
Mercury in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius (less than .25 degree of linearity) at 22-26 GMT and rings out for two days. (Is this love or just confusion?)
The 'mystic rectangle' which manifested during the first week in August reforms from today (without the Sun).
Saturday August 27th 2005
The Moon is busy in Gemini and forms an airy grand trine with Neptune and the Moon, and a kite with the Mercury/Neptune opposition. This loose planetary picture lasts all day and offers some solace on a day that has great potential for crazy scenes as Mars tightens on his square with Neptune
If you're up before dawn tomorrow, you'll see the Moon in Gemini shining high in the east amid a preview of winter stars: Capella to the Moon's upper left, Aldebaran and the Pleiades to the Moon's upper right (with Mars beyond), Gemini with Castor and Pollux to the Moon's lower left, and Orion to its lower right.
Sunday August 28th 2005
A suicide bombing rocks a bus station in the Israeli city of Beersheba - the first since the Gaza pullout began.
The final text of the draft constitution is set to go before Iraq's parliament despite Sunni objections.
Opponents of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez clash with his supporters during a march to demand electoral reform.
The decelerating waning Moon is void of course in Gemini from 04-49.
Mars in Taurus squares Neptune in Aquarius at 09-31 GMT
Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Libra at 12-29 GMT
The Moon enters Cancer 20-57
Monday August 29th 2005
Hundreds of thousands of New Orleans residents leave the city or take shelter, as deadly Hurricane Katrina nears.
Katrina is expected to hit land at about sunrise today (1100 GMT).
Forecasters say Katrina has grown to a Category Five - the scale's highest, and it will hit the city with winds of up to 160mph (260km/h).
Today the slow moving waning Moon is in Cancer, sextiling the Sun and trining Uranus.
Tuesday August 30th 2005
Find Saturn below the Moon at the start of dawn tomorrow morning, as shown here. They're less than a fist-width at arm's length apart. Sky and Telescope
More than 50 people are reported dead as Hurricane Katrina lashes the US Gulf coast with violent wind and rain.
Indonesia launches its largest ever polio immunisation campaign targeting 24 million children.
Seven die in a fire in a building used by immigrants in Paris, just days after a similar blaze killed 17 Africans.
The price of oil remains close to record levels as Hurricane Katrina batters the US southern coastline.
The slow waning Moon is today void 09-23 GMT in Cancer and hits balsamic phase 15-48 GMT at 22 degrees Cancer.
Venus in Libra is trine Neptune in Aquarius at 10-50 GMT
Venus and Jupiter in Libra form a cardinal T-square with the lunar Node in Aries and the Moon in Cancer.
Wednesday August 31st 2005
The recent hurricane Katrina coincided with a planetary T-square involving Mars in Taurus squaring an opposition of Neptune in Aquarius and Mercury in Leo. (I have noticed a connection between the square of Mars and Neptune aspect with the 'natural disaster' of an erupting volcanoes before). A huge rescue operation is under way along the US Gulf Coast after the hurricane killed up to 80 people in a single county and swamped New Orleans.
It now appears that Katrina is one of the worst natural disasters ever in the USA.
Rising sea levels also seem indicative of Mars squaring Neptune.
The highest ever crude oil costs are of course also symbolically connected with this harsh Neptune aspect.
Today looks to be a little more astrologically positive than recent days have been. Despite an aged, slow and 'burnt out' moon applying in a conjunction to Saturn all day, an intellectually creative Mercury aspect sets a good vibration at the start of this day (GMT).
(Unfortunately this vibration was not enough to 'prevent' the horific loss of life in Baghdad today, the power of the T-Square held sway. Both Baghdad and New Orleans were focus of attention right now. See Thursday's comment)
On a lighter (airy) note it remains to be seen what the impending close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Libra 'brings'. I am wondering if the billions of bras at the centre of a textile dispute between Europe and China are indicative of this aspect. The dispute has left millions of goods, including trousers and bras, stranded at European ports after China breached annual quota levels introduced in June. No doubt a diplomatic solution will be the outcome.
Mercury is trine Pluto 03-23.
The very slow moving Moon enters Leo 09-15 GMT and is conjunct Saturn 21-00 GMT.
September 2005
Thursday September 1st 2005
Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction as shown here. Much dimmer Spica stands 6° off to their left.
Trampled, crushed against barricades or plunging into the Tigris River, about 700 Shiite pilgrims died on Wednesday when a procession across a Baghdad bridge was engulfed in panic over rumours that a suicide bomber was at large. Most of the dead were women and children. It was the single biggest confirmed loss of life in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion. At least 695 were killed and 180 were injured.
This terrible event occurred under three major astrological significators. Mars, Mercury and Neptune were still in harsh Fixed T-square, (the difficult planetary pattern that has also 'overseen' the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina). Venus and Jupiter are tightly aligned in Libra, (a planetary compulsion to join together in large 'social' groupings) and (hitherto overlooked by myself) were inconjunct (150 degrees) from Mars in Taurus and applying in inconjunct aspect to Pluto in Sagittarius, an arrangement known as a finger of fate. The Virgo Sun was in opposition to Uranus, an annual event which simply added to the tensions.
Flood-stricken New Orleans is overwhelmed by looting, rising waters and increasingly desperate people.
In the UK Ken Clarke insists that at 65 he is still young enough to be the next leader of the Conservative Party. Date of birth: 2 July 1940 Job: Former chancellor, currently on the back benches Education: Nottingham High School; Caius College, Cambridge Family: Married, one son, one daughter
Today the Moon is at apogee (slowest in her monthly cycle) at 02-35 GMT
Sun opposition Uranus is exact at 03-03 GMT.
The month of September 2005 starts with the Leo Moon forming a fixed T-square with Mars and Neptune, peaking around 16-00 GMT, also at this time the Moon completes a mystic rectangle with the lunar Node, Neptune and the Venus/Jupiter conjunction.
Venus conjunct (within 1.25 degrees) with Jupiter at 19 degrees Libra at 23-31 GMT quintile Saturn and trine Neptune.
These are very important and critical days leading up to the New Moon in Virgo on Saturday. Standby.
Friday September 2nd 2005
At the climax right now of a tight planetary alignment between Venus and Jupiter in Libra, world news continues to be headlined by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the city of New Orleans.
The skies have been and continue to be dominated by a planetary 'Fixed T-square' involving Neptune, Mars and Mercury, and a 'finger of fate pattern' involving the tight Venus/Jupiter conjunction with Mars and Pluto.
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin yesterday issued a "desperate SOS" for thousands of people stranded with no food or water at the city's convention centre.
Looting and lawlessness is widespread in flood-stricken New Orleans as people made homeless by Hurricane Katrina grow increasingly desperate. There are reports of shootings, carjackings and thefts across the city, where a full evacuation is under way. Medical evacuations from the Superdome stadium have been disrupted after a gun shot was fired at a rescue helicopter. President George W Bush, who will visit the disaster area on Friday, called for "zero tolerance" against law-breakers.
Today Pluto is stationary turning direct 05-46 GMT. Fate moves on.
The waning, slow moving, yet now accelerating Moon is conjunct Mercury in Leo at 13-45 GMT and is then void of course.
The point is made crystal clear today.
The very old Moon enters Virgo at 21-57 GMT.
This day ends at the final death throws of the current lunar cycle. The Moon is New tomorrow.
Saturday September 3rd 2005
New stuff later on today as a brand New Moon occurs today in Virgo at 18-46 GMT, but for now let us look back on the last Full Moon on August 19th 2005. That Full Moon was the penultimate one before a Partial Lunar Eclipse on October 17th this year. At the exact moment of Full Moon on August 19th it was almost exactly local noon in downtown New Orleans. The Moon and Sun at the moment straddled the MC/IC axis of the city, our attention (or that of a machine) might have been drawn to that region of the Earth.
Had we looked (forward) to the (nearest) Lunar Eclipse chart (October 17th 2005) we would have observed that at the moment of central eclipse it will be almost exactly Sunrise at New Orleans and that the partially eclipsed Moon will be setting on the horizon of the city, the eclipse will be straddled across the local horizon of the city. Our (or the machine's) attention might have been further enthralled.
Had we then looked at the moment of central eclipse of the original eclipse of the Saros Series to which this lunar eclipse belongs (16:50 GMT July 11th 1843 GMT) we may have been struck by the fact that at New Orleans the Lunar Nodal Axis straddled the prime meridian, the Descending Node or 'Dragon's tail conjunct the MC of the self same city, and Uranus was exactly setting there due west.
We could conclude that a repetitive significant and pertinent astrological influence might be involved there, and that further examination of probabilities and possibilities might have been warranted. The mechanism involved in the diagnosis would have been essentially Lunar and Saros.
Today's New Moon has no enthralling connection to New Orleans, although the symbolism of the event does point to a constructive influence at work (New Moon in earthy trine to Mars).
The scenes and events in third world New Orleans right now look pretty bad to us here. We see a US president in impotent crisis. Today's New Moon is conjunct G.W.Bush's natal Mars, hopefully it will get him moving (actually Saturn gets you moving, Mars gets you a bloody nose).
The Moon is new today at 11 degrees Virgo 18-46 GMT
This is the final New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 3rd 2005 which tracks across Europe.
It is special because of the close Venus Jupiter conjunction at this time, an awesome 'finger of fate' and a constructive applying earthy trine of the new moon to Mars in Taurus.
The start of a new eclipse season occurs today, faint at first but certain in its manifestation.
Sunday 4th September 2005
Very low in the dawn Sunday morning, binoculars will show Regulus 1.1° to the lower right of brighter Mercury.
The Moon is void of course in Virgo at 15-40 GMT
Venus in Libra sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius at 15-43 GMT
Mercury enters Virgo at 17-53 GMT joining the Sun, the Moon in that sign.
Monday 5th September 2005
Rescuers are scouring New Orleans for the last survivors of Hurricane Katrina after what has been called the largest emergency airlift in US history. Up to 40 aircraft operating around the clock finally cleared thousands from squalid conditions at the Louisiana city's Superdome and convention centre. Survivors have been telling harrowing tales of violence inside the complex. President George W Bush has ordered thousands of extra troops to the area, amid criticism of the rescue effort.
At least 54 people have died in China because of flooding and landslides triggered by Typhoon Talim.
At least 14 people have been killed and 15 others injured in the third deadly fire in Paris in less than two weeks.
A suspected land mine blast in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh has killed 24 paramilitary police, media reports and officials say
For the third day in a row, a high-speed solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. Sky watchers in Alaska, Canada and northern Europe should remain alert for auroras .
Today the slowly accelerating infant Moon enters Libra at 07-53 GMT and will make easy aspects whilst in this sign over the next 2 days. She immediately applies to a conjunction with Venus and Jupiter. The astrological vibration during this period favours social encounters and cultural activities. Politeness, precision, grace, good manners and diplomacy wins the day.
Tuesday 6th September 2005
Residents are returning to suburban New Orleans to inspect hurricane damage as an appeal for funds is launched. Life goes on, especially under the beams of an infant Moon.
At least 143 people died yesterday when a plane crashed near the Indonesian city of Medan, but some passengers survive. Survivors said the Jakarta-bound Boeing 737-200 started shaking when it reached an altitude of about 100 yards before tilting sharply and smashing to the ground at 9:40 a.m( presumably local time)
The EU and China have signed a deal to end the strife over textile quotas that has left more than 75 million Chinese garments piled up in European ports. The diplomacy associated with the Moon in Libra won the day.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Libra at 22-18 GMT today and moves on to closely conjunct Venus ten hours later. This is the major astrological influence at work today, and it is by no means insignificant.
Wednesday September 7th 2005.
US President George W Bush says he will lead an inquiry into how the Hurricane Katrina disaster was handled.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin denies any plans to change the constitution to secure a third term.
Thirty-one people were killed yesterday in a fire in a theatre south of Cairo, apparently caused by stage candles.
Volcanic cones discovered at the North Pole of Mars suggest the planet could still be geologically active, scientists say.
Today we are half way through the astrological month of Virgo there are 15 days to the Libran Equinox.
The young, slow but accelerating Moon is aligned within a degree of Venus at 24 degrees Libra at 08-34 GMT today. This is second of two such encounters this year. The first was on August 8th. The Moon is void after this moment.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 18-11 GMT.
The Moon reaches her crescent phase at zero degrees Scorpio at 18-36 GMT
Thursday September 8th 2005
Yesterday UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said he takes personal responsibility for the failures of the oil-for-food programme. New Orleans police were told to remove anyone trying to stay in the flooded city, as health fears grew. Egyptians voted in the first ever multi-candidate presidential poll, with the incumbent expected to win.
In the UK Petrol and diesel prices are still rising with the average cost of a litre of unleaded petrol at 95.1p.
Today the crescent Moon waxes and accelerates in Scorpio applying all day in a close opposition to Mars which peaks tomorrow.
Mercury in Virgo is today applying in opposition to Uranus in Pisces which also peaks tomorrow.
This day increases in potentially disturbing tension as the hours progress.
Friday September 9th 2005
The US president yesterday declared 16th September a day of prayer and remembrance for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko sacked his government after resignations and corruption claims.
UK scientists got permission to create a human embryo that will have genetic material from two mothers. (Graphic above)
SOLAR FLARE: On Sept. 7th at 1740 UT (1:40 p.m. EDT), Earth-orbiting satellites detected a major solar flare coming from the sun's eastern limb: . The blast caused a complete blackout of HF radio transmissions on the daylit side of Earth. Space weather
Today Mercury opposes Uranus 05-22 GMT.
The waxing accelerating crescent Moon in Scorpio is opposite Mars in Taurus at 07-32 GMT (within .5 degree of linearity) and is then void for the rest of the day.
This is not too easy a day. There is an underlying intensity which is largely leading nowhere.
Saturn in Leo today makes his sesiquadrate (waning 135 degrees aspect) to Pluto in Sagittarius at 23-34 GMT. This is the first of three such aspects. The second one is on Jan 1st 2006, and the final hit is on June 30th 2006. This a challenging aspect with a particular connection to existing 'social power structures'. As this is the first 'blast' of the this long lasting aspect we may at this time start r to get a 'feel' for the consequences of its effect.
There are 25 days to an Annular Solar Eclipse. As each day passes now we are getting deeper into the current Eclipse season. Changes are ahead.
Saturday September 10th 2005
The accelerating and waxing Moon approaching first quarter enters Sagittarius at 02-04 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon are then in mutable signs (as are Mercury, Uranus and Pluto). You may experience a 'wind of change' today with this amount of mutability. Lots of exposure and observation are in store. Don't miss a trick.
Although a more stimulating day (then the previous two) is on the cards, the Moon forms a loose mutable T-square with Mercury and Uranus around 20-00 GMT. This time may coincide with a brief crisis of sorts which is not conducive to smooth interactions. This is a 'jumpy' and 'nervy' T-square.
Sunday September 11th 2005
The accelerating Moon is at first quarter phase 11-38 GMT at 19 degrees Sagittarius.
Venus enters Scorpio 16-14 GMT. Venus will remain in this sign till October 8th 2005. On September 18th (next Sunday) the day of a powerful Full Moon she is squared by Saturn and trined by Uranus. She squares Neptune on September 24th but her primary contact is a very tight opposition to Mars on October 2nd the day before the Solar Eclipse. The next month will be coloured by an intense and mysterious quality. Intensely sexual issues can be expected as can complex power and financial transformations.
George Bush has Saturn right on his ascendant at this time. This is a very powerful contact. It may be that he will never recover his credibility as a good leader after the recent events in the USA. Saturn is at waning 135 degrees with Pluto (see Friday's comment), his grasp on power has changed for ever, right on time. Watch as Venus slips into Scorpio how Hillary Clinton (Sun in Scorpio) gathers public popularity.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto at 16-53 GMT and is then void of course.
Monday September 12th 2005
Solar activity is very high. Earth-orbiting satelites have detected seven solar flares in recent days, including an X17-class on Sept. 7th. NOAA forecasters say there's a 75% chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours, possibly causing radio blackouts and radiation storms.
The fast moving waxing Moon enters Capricorn 06-57 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are both in Earth signs.
Today has a pragmatic and wilful quality. The day is a good one for hard work and constructive projects.
Tuesday September 13th 2005
Yesterday US emergencies chief Michael Brown resigned following criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina.
Jubilant Palestinians have taken control of Gaza following the withdrawal of Israeli troops after more than 38 years.
Disney yesterday opened a $1.8bn theme park in Hong Kong, the firm's biggest foray into the Chinese market so far.
The head of Iran's nuclear programme is holding talks in Moscow on expanding co-operation with Russia.
Community leaders in Northern Ireland must back the forces of law, Secretary of State Peter Hain has said. He was speaking after a weekend of rioting in the city that left 50 police officers injured.
Astronomers have witnessed the most distant cosmic explosion on record: a gamma ray burst that has come from the edge of the visible Universe. Gamma ray bursts are intense flares of high-energy radiation that appear without warning from the cosmos. They can release as much energy in a few minutes as the Sun will emit in its 10-billion-year lifetime. The blast was observed by the Swift space telescope and by a number of ground-based observatories. The latest, record gamma ray burst was detected on 4 September 2005 and lasted about three minutes. It probably marked the death of a massive star as it collapsed into a black hole.
Astronomers have just produced a new colour map of the most distant planet in the Solar System - Pluto.
World Governments have just signed a new global declaration aimed at saving the great apes of Africa and Asia from extinction.
A lot seems to be going on as the Capricornian Moon waxes in the skies of Earth.
Around 18-00 today the Moon (rapidly moving and still accelerating in Capricorn) forms a tight earthy grand trine with Mars in Taurus and the Sun in Virgo, an excellent vibration for solid construction, solid vision and solid love.
The Moon (gaining in light and motion) is void from 18-22 GMT. Make the most of this earthy energy whilst it lasts!
Wednesday September 14th 2005
Still the aftermath of Katrina dominates USA news."To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush said yesterday he went on to say that Katrina's floodwaters may have ruined 160,000 homes. 45 bodies have been found in New Orleans hospital. The Levee at Mississippi River and Gulf outlet is virtually gone.
In the UK two issues were dominating the news The first concerned England's triumphant cricketers who were feted by a massive crowd as they paraded through central London to celebrate winning back the Ashes from Australia in an epic Test series. (Photo above).The other highlighted fuel suppliers declaring that they are struggling to cope with demand for petrol after filling stations saw a week's worth of demand in a single day.
A geomagnetic storm is underway, and it could spark auroras at night over Canada, Alaska and northern-tier US states from Maine to Washington. Keep an eye on northern skies! The ongoing storm, which is relatively mild, follows an intense magnetic disturbance on Sept. 11. On that night auroras were photographed as far south as Arizona. Spaceweather.com
Today the fast moving Moon enters Aquarius 09-03 GMT and reaches gibbous phase 20-38 GMT at 7 degrees Aquarius. The Sun is square Pluto 14-18 GMT.
This day has a sharp edge to it, (because of the Sun Pluto waning mutable square-a particularly destructive and manipulatory aspect and the 'cutting' influence of the solar/lunar combination of Virgo and Aquarius), make sure you do not get hurt.
A crescendo of energy leading to a climatic Full Moon at the weekend is underway.
Thursday September 15th 2005
Jupiter will appear closest to Spica at the end of September. (Graphic above).
Before the Moon left the sign of Capricorn yesterday morning a series of bomb attacks killed more than 100 in Baghdad and gunmen shot dead 17 in a nearby town.
By the end of the day with an Aquarian Moon overseeing events and a more altruistic feeling in the ethers the UN secretary general appealed to world leaders to persevere on UN reforms and take bolder steps on poverty.
At the same time conservation scientists met in Washington DC to discuss an action plan aimed at stemming the global decline in amphibians.
AURORA ALERT! A coronal mass ejection (CME) is racing toward Earth and it could spark a severe geomagnetic storm when it arrives--perhaps tonight (Sept. 14th and 15th). People everywhere should be alert for auroras. Spaceweather.com
Today the very fast moving Moon in a kaleidoscopic carnival racing towards the Full phase is void of course in Aquarius from 20-23 GMT .
Friday September 16th 2005
Jupiter in Libra, Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Sagittarius are currently in a 'finger of fate' formation and right now the formation is at its most tightest. The earthly news reflects the heavenly tensions At least 26 policemen are killed in further bombings in Baghdad, a day after multiple attacks. UN plans to end general food distribution after next month's harvest could be a disaster, an aid agency warns. Talks on North Korea's nuclear ambitions appear to have stalled.
Today Mercury in Virgo on the far side of the Sun forms an earthy trine aspect with Mars in Taurus at 03-06 GMT
Mercury in Virgo squares Pluto in Sagittarius 06-21 GMT
The void of course Moon waxing in excessive fullness hurtles into Pisces at 09-25 GMT and is at perigee (nearest the Earth and at her fastest) at 13-55 GMT.
The day is blisteringly energetic, mass consciousness is highly impressionable, glamour, emotional sensitivity, escapism and otherworldliness are to the fore. The wave will pass and fade after the weekend but today it is full on.
Saturday September 17th 2005
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and election rival Angela Merkel prepare for a final day of campaigning.
US President Bush rules out raising taxes to pay for the cost of the recovery effort on the hurricane-hit Gulf Coast.
Diplomats discuss a Chinese attempt to break the deadlock in talks on North Korea's nuclear programme.
The almost full Moon waxes in Pisces.
In the river of night she leads and dominates all life in the biosphere drawing us all to a cosmic fulfilment.
Sunday September 18th 2005
A powerful day!
The Moon, Earth, Mercury and the Sun are aligned in an almost straight line at 02-00 GMT.
Full Moon 02-02 GMT at 25 degrees Pisces.
Astrocartography map for the moment of Full Moon today showing the Full Moon rising as the Sun and Mercury set over California USA (see comment below).
Jupiter sextiles Pluto 03-40 GMT
Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Leo 08-34 GMT.
The Moon races into Aries 09-43 GMT
Venus in Scorpio makes a watery trine with Uranus 16-31 GMT.
From today we are deeply into another eclipse season.
Monday September 19th 2005
Yesterday's Full moon coincided with two elections. Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats failed to secure a ruling majority in Germany's election, exit polls suggest. Gerhard Schroeder rejects challenger Angela Merkel's claim of a mandate to form a new government after Sunday's elections and says he intends to remain Germany's chancellor.
Voting also ended in historic parliamentary polls in Afghanistan, after a campaign marred by violence.
Yesterday's Full Moon appeared to focus on California, (see Astro-Cartography map above), no news stories have emerged from there yet but an article posted on CNN News on Thursday (September 15th 2005) stated :-
'As many as 18,000 people dead. More than $250 billion in damages. Hundreds of thousands of people left homeless.That's not the latest estimate of Hurricane Katrina's toll on the Gulf Coast. That's a worst-case scenario if a major earthquake were to hit Los Angeles.The figures are hypothetical, from a model published in May by government researchers studying the Puente Hills fault under the city. Scientists warn that there's little doubt a major quake will hit California in coming years or decades, though many scenarios are not as disastrous as Puente Hills. As was the case with Katrina, experts say the federal government hasn't done enough to prepare.
The most serious world news right now appears to concern Iran who yesterday warned the UN's nuclear agency that referral to the Security Council could lead it to start uranium enrichment
Four days remain till the Libran Equinox. Two weeks remain to an annular eclipse of the Sun in Libra.
Today The waning and decelerating Moon in Aries tightly opposes Jupiter in Libra (<.33 degree) 22-36 GMT and is void from this point in time.
Tuesday September 20th 2005
We are truly into an eclipse season, the next New Moon (on October 3rd 2005) is an annular solar eclipse, the next Full moon (Monday October 17th 2005) is a partial lunar eclipse. Changes are ahead of us.
Right now Germany braces herself for weeks of political negotiations as the weekend's full moon elections give neither main party a clear majority.
The heat is on over Iran. The US envoy in Vienna says the UN nuclear watchdog must report Iran to the Security Council.
The US space agency, Nasa, yesterday announced plans to send astronauts to the Moon by 2020.
The UN's nuclear watchdog has called for immediate access to North Korea following the country's promise to give up all nuclear activities.
Tens of thousands of tourists and residents have been ordered to leave the Florida Keys as Tropical Storm Rita heads toward the US chain of islands.
The fast moving decelerating waning Moon starts today void of course in Aries and enters Taurus 11-48 GMT. From that point both the Sun and the Moon are in Earth signs. A more sober and conservative vibration than of late envelops us all.
Mercury enters Libra 16-40 GMT. His residence in this 'smooth talking but indecisive' sign is brief (18 days). He will overtake Jupiter in this sign on October 5th and enter Scorpio three days later.
Wednesday September 21st 2005
Hurricane Rita strengthens to a Category 2 storm as it pounds the Florida Keys with heavy rain and strong wind. Thousands of residents have moved to safer territory but officials say those who remain should not try to leave now.
British forces in Iraq are patrolling a tense city after UK armoured vehicles crashed into a detention centre in Basra and later rescued two undercover troops apparently held by Shiite militia.
North Korea said Tuesday it would begin dismantling its nuclear program only if the United States provides a light-water reactor for civilian power.
Today the Moon in Taurus, decelerating and waning, reaches disseminating phase at 11-29 GMT at 14 degrees Taurus, and applies all day long to a conjunction with Mars and a minor occultation (visible from the UK) in the small hours (GMT) of tomorrow.
Thursday September 22nd 2005.
Yesterday Houston residents were told to leave as the approaching Hurricane Rita is upgraded to a Category Four storm.
More than 50 people have been killed and many are unaccounted for in fierce storms and flooding that have hit the Bay of Bengal since the weekend.
An astrologically special day is upon us.
A Lunar occultation (visible from UK) of star Zeta Aries occurs. (Approx. 02-08 to 03-13 GMT. Happens again on Nov. 15th 2005).
The Moon is conjunct Mars 03-46 GMT in Taurus. She is void of course from 16-42 GMT and enters Gemini 17-07 GMT.
The moment of Autumn Equinox occurs tonight at 22:24:14 GMT. At this moment the Sun is directly overhead at the equator. Spring begins in the southern hemisphere. Autumn in the north.
The astrological horoscope for the equinox moment (set for London) is shown below.
Friday September 23rd 2005
As the autumn Equinox moment approached yesterday hundreds of thousands of people in Texas and Louisiana headed inland as Hurricane Rita moved toward the Gulf Coast. But many Texas residents trying to flee the storm ended up stalled in traffic.
One of England's most endangered birds has made a remarkable comeback. The stone-curlew had suffered a spectacular collapse in numbers during recent decades, reaching a low of around 160 breeding pairs in 1985. But a national conservation programme means it has reached a recovery target five years ahead of schedule. The bird's current population now stands at over 300 pairs, according to English Nature, which runs the conservation project with the RSPB. (Photo above).
This is the first day of the astrological month of Libra. Sun and Moon are in Air signs.
This month is graced by two eclipses. Read ahead, lots more to follow on their significance in the days ahead. Needless to say eclipses auger changes.
At 04-55 GMT today Jupiter in Libra is sesiquadrate (waning 135 degrees aspect) with Uranus in Pisces, a one off aspect. This is start of the 'disseminating phase' of the current Jupiter/Uranus cycle which began with their conjunction in 1997 in Aquarius. Their next conjunction is on June 8th 2010 in Aries. The Jupiter Uranus 'combination' corresponds, in modern astrology, (in the sociological sphere of life) with invention and adventure. There is much talk right now about future space adventure (Nasa has just announced plans a 2020 mission to the Moon for example). This point in their cycle actually suggests 'taking stock' and reviewing past successes and solidifying future proposals.
Today the Moon wanes and decelerates in Gemini drawing inevitably nigh to the annular eclipse of the Sun one week on Monday. The forces of fate are currently very strong.
Saturday September 24th 2005.
The Moon is void in Gemini from 12-58 GMT for 13 hours. Lots of social chatter.
Venus in Scorpio is in a waning square to Neptune in Aquarius 19-16 GMT. Bizarre 'vibrations' predicted.
Lunar occultation (visible from UK) of star 136 Tau. Approx. 22-05 to 22-44 GMT. (This also occurred on March 17th this year, exciting scientific discoveries were reported at the time...see the Daze report on 18th March 2005).
Sunday September 25th 2005
The slow moving Moon enters Cancer 02-11 GMT.
Moon at cardinal Last Quarter phase 06-42 GMT at 2 degrees Cancer. The final important last quarter phase before next week's eclipse commences.
Mercury in Libra sextiles Saturn in Leo 10-59 GMT. An aim to seek good balance and positive perspective at this time is in harmony with the cosmos.
A warm welcome extended to all new readers of this astrologically inspired web site.
Today is a good day to sort out all pressing domestic issues.
The Moon tonight will appear to ascend to extremely high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies.
Monday September 26th 2005
The 'high flying' Moon slowly decelerates and wanes in Cancer, making a solitary trine aspect to Venus.
Quieter astrological factors today.
Tuesday September 27th 2005
Yesterday it was reported that the Irish Republican Army has scrapped its weapons after more than three decades of armed struggle against British rule, the chief disarmament monitor for Northern Ireland Gen. John de Chastelain said "very large quantities of arms, which we believe include all the arms in the IRA's possession have been put beyond use".
Gunmen in Iraq killed five school teachers - all Shias - at a school near Iskandariya, south of Baghdad.
Rescuers were hunting for survivors of Hurricane Rita, two days after the storm devastated parts of the US Gulf coast.
Today the very slow moving 'high' waning Moon is void in Cancer from 01-25 GMT. She enters Leo at 14-03 GMT and commences to apply in conjunction with Saturn.
Wednesday September 28th 2005
A powerful typhoon has slammed into northern Vietnam, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate inland. Typhoon Damrey, which left 16 people dead on China's island province of Hainan, brought torrential rain and 100km/h (60mph) winds. Homes and rice crops in Vietnam's Thanh Hoa and Nam Dinh provinces have been flooded after sea dykes were breached (Once again Saturn in Leo is coinciding with breached dykes, broken levys and broken dams). Nearly 300,000 people were moved from the Vietnamese coast before the typhoon hit on Tuesday morning, one of the largest such operations ever undertaken.
A group of Sudanese militia has crossed into Chad, attacking villages in the east of the country and killing 36 people, says the government in Chad. (Next Monday's Annular Solar Eclipse reaches its maximum point over Sudan).
Astronomers are monitoring a gigantic prominence on the sun-. Two days ago it bent into an arch large enough for the whole planet Earth to slip through. Spaceweather.com
Today the slow and waning Moon is conjunct Saturn in Leo at 07-36 GMT, very much a serious issue to start the day.
Imagination and creativity may infuse the astrological atmosphere today, although the tendency to seek the easy (and lazy) option may prevail. Potentially a warm, generous, and socially orientated couple of days are upon us.
The Moon reaches apogee (slowest in her monthly cycle) at 15-23 GMT and from this moment starts to accelerate to align with the Sun in next Monday's annular solar eclipse.
Thursday September 29th 2005
At least eight people were killed yesterday in the first attack by a female suicide bomber during Iraq's insurgency.
The area covered by sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk for a fourth consecutive year, according to new data released by US scientists. (Graphic above)
Today Mercury in Libra makes a waning airy trine to Neptune in Aquarius at 08-38 GMT. This aspect invokes imagination.
The slow but now accelerating Moon reaches balsamic phase 09-15 GMT at 21 degrees Leo. The start of the lunar balsamic phase initiates the final 'burning out' of the old Moon prior to 'union' with the Sun at the time of Solar Eclipse on Monday. In the skies the 'old moon in the new moon's arms' reflects the prophetic nature of these next few days.
This 'aged wise, dying but visionary Moon is void of course from 15-13 GMT.
Friday September 30th 2005
(An example of an annular eclipse of the Sun (Photo credit: Hans Coeckelberghs of Scotland, May 2003).
At least 60 people were killed yesterday in three co-ordinated car bombs in the Iraqi city of Balad.
Moderate conservative John Roberts was voted in as the youngest US Supreme Court chief justice in 200 years.
A slow start to voting is reported in Algeria's referendum which is meant to end a decade-long civil war that left 100,000 dead and thousands missing. (Algiers lies within Monday's eclipse shadow's trajectory (09:05 UT) and will experience an annularity (ring of fire) of 03m 51s.)
A new study has found a virus very like Sars in Chinese bats, indicating they were the likely source of the 2002 outbreak.
In the UK Tory leadership rivals David Davis and David Cameron launch their campaigns ahead of next week's conference.
Today the pre-eclipse balsamic, accelerating Moon enters Virgo 02-45 GMT. Exactitude, precision, hair splitting, nano, detail, resolution, practice, perfection and crisis are words true to life today.
Mars trudging along in Taurus (there for the duration!) is about to turn retrograde. Venus in Scorpio is ready to challenge and oppose him. Sexual conflict and tension are on the cards right now.
Mercury in Libra at this moment adds poise and balance to the verbals. Saturn in Leo is the dam (levy and dyke) buster, his opposition to Neptune is the near future and is very sinister, more to follow on this. Uranus in Pisces is symbolic of (amongst other things) universal communication through the Internet, we all get the news instantly, and the feelings go so deep. Neptune in Aquarius is the beatific vision, but the real challenge will be his opposition to Saturn.
Pluto in Sagittarius is the suicide bomber with nuclear material strapped to her chest.
Jupiter meanwhile is closely aligned to the fixed star Spica during this current eclipse season, his closest approach to 'the witch star' is this weekend. This omen heralds a 'weekend before' Monday's powerful eclipse. The next three days are particularly sensitive 'seeding' hours. Exercise great care in all matters especially with relationships which are the focus of the forthcoming Libran eclipse.
October 2005
Saturday October 1st 2005
The old pre-eclipse Moon is in Virgo.
Mars turns retrograde 22-16 GMT almost as if in vary anticipation of the Solar Eclipse on Monday.
From today for one week the Sun opposes the lunar Node and the opposition is made easy by Neptune.
Sunday October 2nd 2005
The ancient Moon is void in Virgo from 01-23 GMT.
The Sun in Libra sextiles Saturn in Leo 02-24 GMT
Venus is opposite Mars (within 6 minutes of linearity) 02-45 GMT.
The 'fated' Moon enters Libra 14-25 GMT joining the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in that sign.
Monday October 3rd, 2005
Yesterday, the day before the eclipse, the news was dominated by the report that suicide bombers had carried out the attacks on three Bali restaurants (on Saturday). In the attack, the authorities had said that 26 people were killed. They now believe the number of dead to be 22 - including the three suspected bombers. More than 100 people were wounded, 17 of them seriously.
EU foreign ministers were making a last-minute attempt to break the deadlock over Turkish membership.
El Salvador's highest volcano, Ilamatepec erupted, killing two people and forcing thousands to flee the area.
A typhoon is heading towards China after it swept across Taiwan, injuring more than 30 people and leaving half a million homes without power. Wind speeds reached 137km/h (85mph) as Typhoon Longwang lashed the eastern part of the island.
The African Union has accused Sudanese government forces of supporting Arab militiamen targeting civilians in the troubled region of Darfur. Sudan is the principal focus of today's eclipse, maximum eclipse occurs there.
Today the annular eclipse of the Sun, centred on 10:32 UT, will be visible as an annulus (a' ring of fire') from Spain and various countries across north-eastern Africa including Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia. Greatest eclipse occurs in the desert skies over Sudan.
It will be visible as a partial Solar eclipse from all of Europe (including the UK) and most of Africa, the Middle East and India. (see map below).
This is the 43rd eclipse of the 71 eclipses which make up Saros series 134. The series began with the first of ten partial eclipses on 1248 Jun. 22. The first eight central eclipses were total, which were then followed by sixteen hybrid events. The first purely annular eclipse occurred on 1861 Jul. 08. After the last of thirty annular eclipses (on 2384 May 21), the series will produce seven more partial eclipses before ending on 2510 Aug. 06.
The last eclipse in this Series occurred in September 1987.
We are dealing here with a Saros Series which is still very much in the throws of its most potent phase. This eclipse is a strong one.
Eclipse sequence begins with partial phase starting at 07:36:39.5
Partial phase starts over the UK (Birmingham) 07:48:55
The path of the annular eclipse begins in the North Atlantic at 08:41
The ring of fire is over Madrid 08:56.
Maximum eclipse over the UK (Birmingham) 09:00:08.8
Algiers lies within the shadow's trajectory (09:05)
Eclipse ends over the UK (Birmingham) 10:16:17.9
The antumbra sweeps across central Sudan where greatest eclipse occurs at 10:31:42
The antumbra engulfs much of Lake Rudolf Kenya (11:10).
Southernmost Somalia is the antumbra's final landfall (11:30)
The annular phase ends across the Indian Ocean where the path at local sunset (12:22).
Eclipse sequence ends 13:28:57.7
The Eclipse in Libra is in tight sextile aspect to Saturn in Leo both forming a 'finger of fate' picture focused on Uranus in Pisces, and both forming a mystic rectangle with the Lunar Node and Neptune. Mercury is applying in a conjunction to Jupiter both also forming a 'finger of fate' with Pluto and Mars. This complex and highly pronounced planetary arrangement adds 'force for change and adjustment' to the influence of the eclipse.
The Libran nature of this eclipse places great emphasis on relationships both at a personal and at an international level. Venus is in opposition to Mars. Conflict and readjustment are the major outcomes. War and Peace are in balance. Many new relationships will have their 'moment of conception' around this eclipse season, and many old ones may have his season as the start of the end.
This is the fourth annular eclipse of the 21st century. The next total solar eclipse is on 29 March, 2006. It will traverse equatorial West Africa, the Sahara, the western Mediterranean, Turkey and Russia.
After the eclipse Mercury sextiles Pluto at 16-18 GMT and begins to draw to a conjunction with Jupiter, the next astrological event, exact on Wednesday of this week.
Tuesday October 4th 2005
Yesterday's eclipse coincided with the following news stories.
The Turkish government accepted the conditions set by the European Union for membership negotiations.
Sudan's government and two rebel groups met face-to-face for the first time since they resumed talks to end the crisis in Darfur. (Sudan was at the focus of central eclipse)
More than 14,000 people have been arrested in Zimbabwe's capital in the past two weeks in a new police crackdown.
The astronomers who in July announced the discovery of a "10th planet" in our Solar System yesterday said the object has a moon.
These are but the first 'effects' of this eclipse. Most astrologers agree that the influence of eclipses lasts for a longer period of time after (and before) the actual day. Stay tuned for more information.
Lots of Libran energy today! Plenty of opportunity for social conviviality.
The Moon in Libra fresh and tender from solar eclipse conjuncts Mercury in Libra (11-30 GMT within a degree) and Jupiter in Libra at 15-16. The Moon is void in Libra from this point in time.
Mercury and Jupiter are aligned in this sign tomorrow.
Wednesday October 5th 2005
Chip designer Arm yesterday unveiled the latest generation of processors that will power future mobile phones. Processors built with the Cortex A8 design will have more than one billion transistors on board and will be many times more powerful than current ones. Phones using A8 chips will be able to play high-quality video or handle speaker-independent voice recognition. Arm said it expected handsets and other gadgets using the chip design to appear in large numbers in 2008.
French transport and other industries yesterday experienced major disruption in a one-day protest against privatisation.
At least 39 people across Central America have been killed in flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rains brought by Tropical Storm Stan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair have held talks over greater co-operation between Russia and the European Union.
Today the Moon enters Scorpio 00-45 GMT providing a more intense back cloth to the next couple of days.
Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 26 degrees Libra at 09-40 GMT today. This conjunction occurs roughly once a year. It is interesting to review earthly events occurring around the days that this conjunction has occurred over the past few years since The Daze has been in operation.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Libra September 29th 2004 A strong earthquake shook the state Tuesday from Los Angeles to San Francisco
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Leo July 26th 2003. The main news this past weekend, dominated astrologically by the Mercury Jupiter conjunction, reports that rebel fighters rejected a US appeal to withdraw to a demarcation line north of Monrovia as fighting rages in the Liberian capital.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Cancer July 20th 2002. Astronomers are carefully monitoring a newly discovered 1.2-mile-wide (2 km) asteroid to see whether it is on a collision course with Earth. Initial calculations indicate there is a chance the asteroid known as 2002 NT7 will hit the Earth on February 1, 2019. (This Later proved to be negative)
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini July 12th 2001 Gemini. News stories are forming on the world newsreels. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf arrives in Delhi, at the start of his summit with the Indian Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee. Talks are also taking place aimed at breaking the political stalemate in Northern Ireland and entering enter what is expected to be their final day, with little sign of a deal. Beijing was handed the 2008 Olympic Games. Michael Portillo will fight this weekend to prevent himself being squeezed out of the Tory leadership race by presenting himself as the only candidate who can keep the party together. The world's third known set of sextuplets were in intensive care in a Washington hospital yesterday after being born late on Thursday night.
Mercury (retrograde) conjunct Jupiter June 18th 2001 in Gemini. Iain Duncan Smith and David Davis join the race for the Conservative party leadership, but a bitter Ann Widdecombe drops out. The mother of Liverpool toddler James Bulger says his killers' identities will inevitably be revealed if the parole board releases them.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini May 16th 2001 Yesterday, as Mercury aligned to Jupiter, the main world news again involved the worsening Middle East crisis. Israel unleashed a helicopter attack on the Palestinian police station at Jabalya in Gaza. The main news in the UK, as the General Election campaigns continued, reported that major political figures were yesterday verbally accosted by members of the general public.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Taurus May 8th 2000. Sierra Leone continues to dominate world news. Escalating anarchy, chaos and brutality appear to be the hall marks of this country at this time. British paratroops are assisting the evacuation of nationals. Rebel forces attacking government troops, reports of unimaginable horror and inhumanity reach our ears.
With the UK conservatives currently starting to elect a new leader it is amazing to see two of these conjunctions coinciding with recent (futile) leadership wrangles! The common theme emerging in all of these times is to my thinking the 'mind blowing' and 'risk taking' nature of the events.
Lets see what's in store today.
Thursday October 6th 2005
Yesterday British officials said that Iran is directly linked to the killing of all eight British troops who have died in Iraq this year.
The US Supreme Court was hearing its first case under new leadership, on the issue of assisted suicide.
A gay couple held a traditional marriage ceremony in Pakistan, prompting death threats from tribal elders.
Yesterday it was announced that recent research shows that the Spanish flu virus that killed 50 million people in 1918-19 was probably a strain that originated in birds.
The young Scorpio Moon, accelerating and waxing, squares Neptune in Aquarius at the start of the GMT day, opposes Mars in Taurus at the end, and then draws to an alignment with Venus in late Scorpio tomorrow. We are now deep in the midst of the turmoil and transitions of an eclipse season. The Moon is gaining light and motion and drawing us to her own Partial Eclipse in 11 days time. Changes are ahead as autumn's hold strengthens in the northern hemisphere and spring permeates the south. Life's energy flows, the planets direct the changes, all beings having to respond to the mighty rearranger.
Friday October 7th 2005
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 05-52 GMT and is void from this point in time. She reaches crescent phase 05-47 GMT at 29 degrees Scorpio, and enters Sagittarius 07-28 GMT. The Sun in Libra together with the Moon in Sagittarius is a volatile and exhilarating combination, enjoy the next couple of days!
The Moon is near Antares at twilight.
Saturday October 8th 2005
The Moon waxes and accelerates in Sagittarius.
Venus enters Sagittarius 01-00 GMT. She will be in this sign until November 5th, squaring Uranus on Oct. 14th, trining Saturn on the 17th, sextiling Neptune on 21st and conjuncting Pluto on 29th.
During this period personal relationships will take a turn for the adventurous. 'Bold as love' is the phrase which springs to mind. A time of exploration into new relationship situations is predicted. Some excitement is on the cards.
The Sun (today halfway through Libra) makes a waning trine aspect to Neptune 02-29 GMT and forms a 'planetary trapezium' with the lunar node and the Moon.
When the Sun hits this 'halfway house' in Libra he enters the 'darkened way' of the zodiac which of course leads to the sign of the Scorpion.
Mercury enters Scorpio 17-17 GMT. He will whiz through this sign and leave it on October 30th, trining Uranus on 13th, squaring Saturn on 15th, squaring Neptune on the 18th. Mental processes will operate in deep and penetrative ways. Intense thought forms will effuse the collective mind. The time around the 15th to 18th looks especially heavy going.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 23-02 GMT.
Subtle modulations occur today as both Venus and Mercury change signs.
Sunday October 9th 2005
The accelerating Moon, approaching the first quarter phase, is void of course in Sagittarius at 06-20 GMT before entering Capricorn 12-44 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in cardinal signs, exposing us all to dynamic expression and crisis.
Monday October 10th 2005
The past weekend has been dominated by news of a powerful earthquake in Kashmir.
Pakistan says 18,000 people are now believed to have been killed by Saturday's devastating earthquake.
The earthquake, which hit at 0350 GMT on Saturday, (time by BBC News), was felt as far away as the Afghan capital, Kabul, and India's capital, Delhi. Several aftershocks followed. It is thought to be the strongest earthquake to hit the region in a century.
An astrological chart set for the time of the first shock at the epicentre shows Pluto due East, 150 degrees from a setting Mars exactly square the local Mid heaven. The Sun, Neptune, the Moon and the Lunar node were in trapezoidal arrangement.
Globally the Moon was in Sagittarius (some 112 hours after a Solar eclipse) and had just left the Venus/Pluto midpoint (all three bodies in Sagittarius) and was applying to tighten the 'trapezium pattern' in the skies. More importantly there were also some very tight and powerful midpoint contacts underway world wide. Mars was on the Saturn/Uranus midpoint, (23 minute orb,) Saturn was on the Mars/Jupiter midpoint, (6 minute orb), Pluto was on the Mercury/Neptune midpoint (8 minute orb). Uranus was on the Mars/Pluto midpoint, (11 minute orb). All of these global aspects were tied in by midpoint contacts with the local Mid heaven or the local Ascendant. With Scorpio rising and the forthcoming opposition of Neptune and Saturn 'starting to show' across the chart we are faced with awesome destructive powers of nature, much death, much suffering, much despair and much need for help. As the Sun set on the apocalyptic scene, Pakistan's president sought international help to cope as the death toll from a massive earthquake nears 20,000.
Another natural disaster is occurring, a tropical storm has left more than 500 confirmed dead in Guatemala alone, with fears for over 1,000 more.
Turkish authorities have slaughtered up to 2,000 poultry in a north-western province in an effort to control an outbreak of bird flu, reports say.
Today the Moon reaches her first quarter phase in Capricorn at 19-01 GMT. We are in-between eclipses, we are witnessing and living through extreme events in this period of transition and turbulence.
Tuesday October 11th 2005
(In addition to what appeared in this column yesterday), the Kashmir Earthquake occurred on Saturday October 8th 2005 during an eclipse season. At the exact moment of central eclipse of the Sun (5 days prior to the quake at 10:31 GMT)) Uranus squared the Midheaven of Muzaffargarh (the town at the epicentre) and Mars squared the Ascendant there. (Both aspects applying with a 2 degree orb).
At the moment of central eclipse of the partial lunar eclipse on October 17th 2005, (9 days after the quake 12:03 GMT), the eclipsed Moon is shortly to rise over the region, (3 degrees 36 minutes below the horizon of the epicentre). As the Moon rises over Muzaffargarh on that day she will be partially eclipsed. The Lunar Node axis straddles the East/West axis of the epicentre (within 5 degrees of azimuth).
The astrology of this earthquake is complex and of little comfort or meaning to the thousands of people currently suffering from its aftermath. All astrologers look forward to the day when their art is able to warn of such impending catastrophes in advance of their happening. It is to be hoped that the observations made on this site contribute in a small way to this noble vision, and maybe spur othesr on to further research. This earthquake seems to have been astrologically indicated by strong midpoint contacts and incidental eclipse phenomena.
Other news stories yesterday as trucks carrying food and medicines started to arrive in the Kashmiri city worst hit by the devastating earthquake.
Angela Merkel (Sunsign Cancer, Moonsign Aquarius) is to become Germany's first woman chancellor under a deal between the main parties.
Officials in Guatemala call for their villages to be declared mass graves after they were engulfed by landslides.
Duncan Wingham, the chief scientist on Europe's lost Cryosat satellite, says the ice monitoring mission is so important it needs to be rebuilt. This occurred on Saturday (the day of the quake). Cryosat fell into the Arctic Ocean shortly after Saturday's blast-off. It was riding atop a Rockot vehicle from Russia's Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia. Early investigations indicate a failure with the onboard flight-control system. The Esa satellite was launched at 15-02 GMT, but mission controllers failed to make contact with the spacecraft as planned some two hours later. Pretty strange!
Today the fast moving Moon in Capricorn is void of course from 10-43 GMT. She enters Aquarius 16-05 GMT. From that point in time both the Sun and the Moon are in air signs emphasising increased communication, less heart and more head.
Wednesday October 12th 2005
Yesterday hailstorms hindered relief efforts and brought a new threat of mudslides on steep mountainsides as the estimated death toll from the huge South Asia earthquake soars above 42,000. Nearly 3 million people are living outside amid freezing conditions, having been left homeless.
A suicide car bomb killed 30 people Tuesday in a busy marketplace in the northern city of Tal Afar, the worst in a series of attacks four days before the referendum on Iraq's constitution.
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) -- Liberian voters yesterday waited in snaking queues at churches, schools and empty, long-shuttered bank buildings, hoping Tuesday's presidential balloting would mark an end to a quarter century of coups, despotic rule and fighting that killed tens of thousands
Today the fast moving and still accelerating, waxing Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 17-00 GMT. There is a vibration of compassionate detachment around today.
The next planetary aspect on the horizon is tomorrow's watery trine between Mercury and Uranus which holds promises of a more favourable change of fortune and unexpected twists of fate.
Thursday October 13th 2005
Yesterday Indian soldiers crossed the Kashmir frontier to help Pakistani forces as quake aid efforts eased traditional rivalry
Syria's Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan has committed suicide, the official news agency in Damascus says.
At least 30 people were killed in the second major attack on the Iraqi town of Talafar in two days.
China has successfully launched its second manned spacecraft, carrying two Chinese astronauts into orbit. TV pictures of the two astronauts were seen by millions of people across China, as the rocket blasted off at 0900 local time (0100 GMT) on 12th Oct. 2005.
Today Mercury in Scorpio makes a waning watery trine Uranus in Pisces 13-20 GMT.
The very fast moving Moon is void at 13-35 entering Pisces 18-06 GMT
Five days now remain to the partial eclipse of the Moon next Monday. The Moon is rushing to this eclipse and under the vibrations of Mercury trining Uranus today, and squaring Saturn on Saturday, Venus squaring Uranus tomorrow, and a fiery planetary grand trine manifesting on Sunday, it is sensible to assume that the next five days will be very eventful and energetic.
Look far below the Moon this evening for the lonely Autumn Star, Fomalhaut.
Friday October 14th 2005
The news is not so good. Nearly one week after the Asian Earthquake and terrible images and sounds of the young wounded in Kashmir and Pakistan are still reaching our TV sets.
At least 60 people, most of them gunmen, are reported killed in a co-ordinated attack on a Russian Caucasus city.
EU states are urged to stockpile anti-viral drugs as a strain of potentially deadly bird flu is found in Turkey and Romania.
Guatemalan officials and the Red Cross have called for a Mayan town devastated by Tropical Storm Stan to be evacuated amid fears of further mud slides.
Today the very fast moving Moon reaches gibbous phase at 03-51 GMT at 6 degrees Pisces and is conjunct Uranus 06-07 GMT. This lunar phase initiates the 'procession' to Monday's partial lunar eclipse.
Moon perigee (fastest in her monthly cycle) 14-01 GMT
Venus squares Uranus 15-17 GMT.
From today a complex planetary pattern involving Venus (in Sagittarius), Mercury (in Scorpio), Saturn (in Leo) and Uranus (in Pisces) is active in the geocentric skies. It is initiated as the Moon conjuncts Uranus this morning and it lasts over the next two days. As well as approaching the climax of the current eclipse season we are now also in the midst of a very 'busy astrological period'. Tighten you seat belts and stand by for a planetary roller coaster ride over the next few days. Today with Venus squaring Uranus dominating the field we might expect the money markets to feel the jitters, as well as aberrations in personal and sexual relationships to manifest.
Saturday October 15th 2005
The Moon is void in Pisces 06-56 GMT
Mercury is square Saturn 09-44 GMT
The Sun sextiles Pluto 14-02 GMT
The Moon enters Aries 19-40 GMT
Sunday October 16th 2005
The Moon in Aries is nicely aspected on this day before a lunar eclipse.
A grand trine in fire signs involving Venus in Sagittarius, the Moon in Aries (and her node), and Saturn in Leo occurs around noon GMT.
As evening twilight fades, look low in the southwest for brilliant white Venus with orange Antares twinkling just 1.6° to its lower left. That's about a finger's width at arm's length.
Monday October 17 2005
Venus is trine Saturn 06-25 GMT
A partial eclipse of the Moon in tropical Aries (24 degrees), centred on 12:03 UT, will be from most of North America, the Pacific region, all of Australia, and much of the Far East. The Moon barely dips inside the northern edge of the Earth's umbra, and the partial eclipse lasts for only an hour.
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 09:51:25 UT
Partial Eclipse Begins: 11:33:59 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 12:03:18 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 12:32:26 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 14:15:08 UT
This eclipse is the 10th of 72 eclipses of Saros Series 146. This Saros began with a penumbral Lunar eclipse in 1843 on Jul. 11 at the North Pole. Maximum eclipse for this first one was at 16:49:47 UT. The astrological chart set up for this moment shows a laboured eclipsed Moon in Capricorn applying in conjunction to Saturn and square Pluto. This is a rather grim situation. However Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Gemini and are both trine Jupiter which complements the essential harsh nature of the Saros family with touches of gaiety, and merriment. A real heady mixture.
Lunar eclipses of Saros series 146 all occur at the Moon's ascending node and the Moon moves southward with
each eclipse. The series will end with a partial eclipse south of the Ecliptic on 3123 Aug. 29. The total duration of Saros series 146 is 1280.14 years.
The Saros will 'go Total' with First Total Eclipse on May 25 2366
The Saros reaches its height with Longest Total Lunar Eclipse (in Aquarius) on Aug. 8th 2492
The previous three eclipses in this Saros occurred on:-
Sept. 15th 1951 in Pisces, Sept. 25th 1969 in Aries, Oct. 7th 1987 in Aries.
Today's eclipse is the first 'partial' eclipse in the Saros series following the first nine penumbral eclipses. As such it a 'special' eclipse, the Saros series 146 today 'goes partial'. What is unusual is that although it is the first partial eclipse, the partial phase lasts a lot longer (an hour) than one would expect at such a point in a Saros series. There is some unusual celestial geometry involved with this eclipse, (see the Nasa Eclipse Site for a little more detail).
I have already made a connection between today's eclipse, the first eclipse in its Saros cycle, and the Full Moon two months ago, with the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans area in late August 2005. I repeat below what I first wrote at the time.
'let us look back on the last Full Moon on August 19th 2005. That Full Moon was the penultimate one before a Partial Lunar Eclipse on October 17th this year. At the exact moment of Full Moon on August 19th it was almost exactly local noon in downtown New Orleans. The Moon and Sun at the moment straddled the MC/IC axis of the city, our attention (or that of a machine) might have been drawn to that region of the Earth.
Had we looked (forward) to the (nearest) Lunar Eclipse chart (October 17th 2005) we would have observed that at the moment of central eclipse it will be almost exactly Sunrise at New Orleans and that the partially eclipsed Moon will be setting on the horizon of the city, the eclipse will be straddled across the local horizon of the city. Our (or the machine's) attention might have been further enthralled.
Had we then looked at the moment of central eclipse of the original eclipse of the Saros Series to which this lunar eclipse belongs (16:50 GMT July 11th 1843 GMT) we may have been struck by the fact that at New Orleans the Lunar Nodal Axis straddled the prime meridian, the Descending Node or 'Dragon's tail conjunct the MC of the self same city, and Uranus was exactly setting there due west.
We could conclude that a repetitive significant and pertinent astrological influence might be involved there, and that further examination of probabilities and possibilities might have been warranted. The mechanism involved in the diagnosis would have been essentially Lunar and Saros.
If there is a significant connection between Katrina's rape of New Orleans and today's eclipse it would be well not to underestimate the power of what to the astronomical community is a minor astronomical event.
This eclipse falls directly on the natal Midheaven of George W Bush. It falls on the natal Mercury of Tony Blair. At the moment of central eclipse (12-03 GMT) Saturn culminates over New York, Jupiter culminates at London. This looks to be an important eclipse for the USA and the UK.
The eclipsed Moon culminates over Wellington New Zealand, sets at New Orleans and rises over Northern India.
World events which have occupied the front pages over the past couple of days include the US singing praises for the Iraqis for turning out to vote on the new constitution. Romania introduced new measures after tests confirmed an outbreak of bird flu which has killed more than 60 in Asia.
Six Pakistani soldiers on an aid mission died in a helicopter crash as bad weather hit quake relief efforts. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met Prime Minister Tony Blair at Chequers for talks over Iran.
Relief workers are warning of a race against time to help Asian quake victims as bad weather hampers relief efforts.
Three Israelis were yesterday killed in an attack in the West Bank and a Palestinian militant is shot by Israelis in a shootout.
China's Shenzhou VI spacecraft begins its return to earth, with touchdown expected early today.
In theUK the conservative party is about to elect a new leader. Nominations for the leadership closed on Thursday, with the first round of voting by Tory MPs on Tuesday. The candidate with the lowest number of votes drops out. There is then a further round of voting on Thursday until two candidates are left. There is then a postal ballot of Conservative Party members, with the candidate getting the most votes becoming the new party leader. A result is due on 6 December.
The conservative party chart here.
David Cameron (October 9th 1966)
Kenneth Clarke (July 2nd 1940)
David Davis (23rd December 1948)
Liam Fox (22nd September 1961)
Today after the eclipse the Moon 'hung over and intoxicated' from her eclipse is opposite Jupiter (within a quarter of a degree of linearity) at 18-59. She is void from this moment until 22-05 GMT when she enters Taurus.
Tuesday October 18th 2005
Bird flu is confirmed in Greece
This was the major news story (from the European perspective) which coincided with the Partial Lunar Eclipse yesterday. Greece has become the latest country to report a case of bird flu as the virus appears to spread across Europe. The country's agriculture ministry said a form of the virus had been found in a turkey on a farm on the Aegean Sea island of Oinouses. Twelve swans have also tested positive for bird flu in a second cluster in Romania. And the European Commission has ordered urgent tests on dead birds found in Croatia.
There are not enough tents in the world to house S Asia quake refugees as winter nears, a top UN official yesterday warned.
The US military yesterday said it has killed 70 insurgents in west Iraq, although witnesses say most were civilians.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon in Taurus forms a trapezium pattern with Saturn in Leo, Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces during the early afternoon GMT.
Mercury in Scorpio is in waning fixed square aspect to Neptune in Aquarius at 18-41 GMT.
With the Taurean Moon evoking great solidity and will power, and with the manifestation of tight planetary arrangements so shortly after an eclipse, there is today some potential of significant events occurring with far reaching consequences. This is not a clear thinking day and as it ends (GMT) there is an increase of tension as the Moon locks into the Mercury/Neptune square.
Wednesday October 19th 2005
Monday's partial lunar eclipse. (Photo Dan Bush)
The first reports of Avian flu occurred in the Far East at the end of 2003. The solar eclipse of 24th November 2003 could be seen as the initiating astrological event. At the moment of central eclipse on that day both the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius were rising over many of the countries first hit by the outbreak.
The outbreak first came to my attention the day after the New Moon in January 2004 and an entry in
The Daze 2004 can be referenced. EU ministers said yesterday that an international co-ordinated response is needed to tackle the threat of a global bird flu pandemic.
President Musharraf yesterday said that Pakistan and India should open Kashmir's de facto border to help quake
In the UK ex-chancellor Ken Clarke has been eliminated from the race to become the next leader of the Conservative Party.
As today starts, at midnight (GMT), the waning and decelerating Moon in Taurus forms a very tight and intense fixed T-square with Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Aquarius.
The Moon then moves on to a conjunction with Mars at 21 degrees Taurus at 10-51 GMT and is then void of course for the remainder of the (GMT) day.
Thursday October 20th 2005
Hurricane Wilma, which has swelled into a dangerous Category Five storm, is the strongest hurricane ever recorded, the US National Hurricane Centre says. It says the storm's barometric pressure - a measure of its strength - was the lowest on record in the Atlantic basin. Its winds of near 175 mph (280km/h) and heavy rains are threatening Cuba, Mexico and the Cayman Islands. At least 11 people in have been killed in Haiti by floods and landslides associated with Wilma. Forecasters say the hurricane presents a "significant threat" to Florida, which it is expected to hit this weekend. Officials in the vulnerable Florida Keys island chain have ordered visitors and non-residents to leave.
China has announced a fresh outbreak of bird flu, saying 2,600 birds have died from the disease in Inner Mongolia.
Solar activity is very low. Flares and auroras are unlikely this week.
The Moon enters Gemini 02-45 GMT. From that moment both the Sun and Moon reside in air signs.
The Sun has only three days left in Libra, and will be in conjunction with Jupiter on Saturday at the very end of that sign.
Friday October 21st 2005
UK folk celebrate the 200th anniversary of the battle of Trafalgar. On this day in 1805, a stellium of 5 'planets' gathered in Libra, this included a tight conjunction of Saturn and Uranus. Mars was conjunct Neptune in Scorpio and Venus was conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius.
There are some minor but tight astronomical and astrological events occurring over the next couple of days. Around 06-00 GMT today a 'kite pattern' involving Venus, Saturn, the Lunar Node and the Moon manifests in the sky. At the same time the Neptune, Venus, the Moon and her Node form four points of a hexagon.
The Moon today reaches disseminating phase 11-29 GMT at 13 degrees Gemini.
Venus is sextile Neptune 15-19 GMT
Saturday October 22nd 2005
The Moon is void at 09-08 GMT entering Cancer 10-42 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in Cardinal signs.
The Sun is conjunct Jupiter (and Spica) at the end of Libra 12-54 GMT.
Mercury (in Scorpio), the Earth and Mars (in Taurus) are aligned in a straight line (within 0.75 degree) at 16-56 GMT.
Sunday October 23rd 2005.
The news that Avian Influenza had arrived in the UK (with a dead parrot in quarantine) 'hit the wires' (with the Moon in Gemini) on Friday night (GMT).
Prior to that the UK news centred around the two Davids, Cameron and Davis in contention for the Conservative Party Leadership.
Lunar occultation (visible in binoculars from the UK) of star 49 Auriga. Approx. 00-28 to 01-36.
The Sun enters Scorpio 07-43 GMT and a new astrological month begins. It starts with both the Sun and the Moon in watery signs. This confers a more emotional quality to the next two days.
Monday October 24th 2005
All the passengers and crew of a Nigerian plane that crashed on Saturday are feared dead, officials say. Hurricane Wilma leaves Mexico after pounding its Gulf coast for more than 48 hours - claiming at least six lives. Brazilians are voting in a referendum on outlawing the sale of guns, linked to 36,000 deaths every year.
Today the Moon is void in Cancer at 09-17 GMT entering Leo at 21-49 GMT.
From now through mid-November, Mars is closer, brighter, and appears larger in a telescope than it will again until 2018! The so-called Red Planet (actually bright yellow-orange) is a real eye-catcher blazing high in the east by late evening, as it awaits your telescope.
Tuesday October 25th 2005.
Suicide bombers yesterday killed 17 in explosions outside Baghdad hotels used by foreign media and contractors.
Hurricane Wilma struck Florida with winds of up to 125mph (200km/h) before moving out over the Atlantic.
Quarantine measures in the UK are to be reviewed after a parrot died from a potentially deadly strain of bird flu. It is thought the parrot, from South America, was infected by another bird from Taiwan which was in the same quarantine compound in Essex. A further outbreak of bird flu has been confirmed in Russia as European experts consider new measures to stop the spread of the disease.
Today the slow moving Moon reaches Fixed Last Quarter phase 01-18 GMT at 2 degrees Leo. She is conjunct Saturn in that sign at 19-14 GMT. A sobering day with the Moon applying to Saturn for most of it.! The Sun and Moon are now both in Fixed signs.
Wednesday October 26th 2005.
Jupiter enters Scorpio today.
(Image from ringfilm.prohosting.com/. ../pics/apoleo.jpg)
Saturn is to the right or upper right of the Moon in the early-morning hours of Wednesday.
Iraq's new constitution yesterday won majority backing, referendum results show, despite Sunni attempts to block it.
Syria angrily refuted the findings of a report implicating its officials in the murder of a former Lebanon PM.
A fourth Indonesian has been confirmed to have died from bird flu, as China reported a new outbreak of the virus among poultry.
Europe's first mission to Venus should be cleared for lift-off by the end of the week, says the European Space Agency.
Telecoms firm Marconi agrees to sell most of its assets and its trademark name to Ericsson in a £1.2bn deal.
Ministers seek to sort out differences over plans for a smoking ban in English pubs, ahead of a new bill.
Mars is about to make its closest approach to Earth for the next 13 years. Date: Oct. 30th. Distance: 69 million km.
Jupiter leaves Libra (where he has been since September 25th 2004) and enters Scorpio 02-50 GMT today.
Jupiter will leave Scorpio on November 24th 2006.
During his year long residence in Scorpio he will be in waxing square to Saturn in Leo on Dec. 17th 2005, June 22nd 2006, and October 25th 2006. These aspects represent points in time of civil and social crises.
Jupiter trines Uranus in Pisces, Nov. 27th 2006, May 5th 2006, Aug. 29th 2006. This watery arrangement can generate good and expansive feelings, the real nice side of Jupiter in Scorpio.
Jupiter squares Neptune in Aquarius Jan 28th 2006, Mar 16th 2006, Sept. 24th 2006. This one's not so easy, the September one especially challenging as it ties in with Saturn.
More immediate and acute, Mars retrograde in Taurus opposes Jupiter Dec. 4th 2005 and again in direct motion on 15th Jan 2006. These are 'event-prone' days, short and sharp!
During the residence of Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn continues to make his tragic and difficult opposition to Neptune and completely colours the whole period, hits are on Aug. 31st 2006, February 28th 2007, June 25th 2007,
During January 2006 the Mars Jupiter opposition is squared by Neptune in Fixed T-square, bit of a punchy start to the year.
At the start of May 2006 (around the 5th) at the time of the Sun Jupiter opposition, a kite pattern forms involving these two, Mars and Uranus.
At the start of June 2006 the Venus Jupiter opposition forms another Fixed T-square with Saturn.
In the second half of September 2006 a more serious fixed square occurs as Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune hook in dangerous arrangement.
Today the slowly waning Moon in Leo is slowest in her monthly cycle (apogee) 09-32 GMT
Neptune turns direct 18-17 GMT
Thursday October 27th 2005
There has been widespread condemnation of a call by Iran's president for Israel to be "wiped off the map".
At least 11 people die and 15 are injured in a fire at a detention centre at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport
Israeli military planes launch air strikes in the Gaza Strip hours after a five Israelis die in a suicide bombing.
Today the Moon is void in Leo at 02-24 GMT entering Virgo 10-29 GMT.
The next astrological event is a conjunction of Venus and Pluto in Sagittarius in the early hours of Saturday.
Friday October 28th 2005
The slow moving but now accelerating Moon wanes in Virgo.
Saturday October 29th 2005
Venus is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius 02-12 GMT. The Moon squares this planetary duet at 08-20 GMT.
Moon balsamic phase 09-15 GMT at 21 degrees Virgo. This is the final phase of the current eclipse season.
The Moon is void at 21-07 and enters Libra 22-15 GMT.
Mars passes its very closest tonight, around 11:24 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. It is then 69,422,823 kilometers (43,137,342 miles) from Earth (measured center to center). See our on the fine Mars apparition.
Sunday October 30th 2005
The conjunction of Venus and Pluto which peaked yesterday was conjunct the natal South Lunar Node of George W. Bush and opposite his natal Uranus. Saturn at this time is conjunct his natal Mercury. It is no surprise therefore to hear of the wrangles and scandals occurring in the White house and in Washington right now.
Security is tightened in the Indian capital Delhi after three explosions on Saturday which killed at least 61 people.
Nicaragua orders the evacuation of a coastal city as Hurricane Beta threatens to become category Three.
India and Pakistan have agreed a landmark opening of Kashmir's de facto border to help quake victims.
The uncertain reaction of world leaders and organisations to the outpourings from the President of Iran has been a pressing concern.
The Scorpio Sun today trines Uranus in Pisces at 07-07 GMT offering a few crumbs of comfort.
Mercury enters Sagittarius 09-02 GMT today. The rhetoric can really begin. Mercury will be turning retrograde on November 14th whilst in Sagittarius, he will re-enter Scorpio for sixteen days beginning November 26th.
Monday October 31st 2005
State of the skies:- We are at the very end of an eclipse season which has been dominated by the massive Asian Earthquake. The Sun today is at 8 degrees Scorpio and is 'pulling' the planets to a Fixed cross over the next couple of weeks squaring Saturn, squaring Neptune and opposing retrograde Mars in Taurus. The times are going to be tough, a lot of fixed energy about, the image of the 'unrepentant thief' springs to mind.
The slow but accelerating old moon sails and wails and wanes in Libra drawing close in alignment with Jupiter on Tuesday and then with the Sun in a dynamic and difficult New Moon on Wednesday.
Mercury and Venus are both evening stars in Sagittarius, both drawing towards the Earth, and both approaching their retrograde phases. Mercury turns retrograde on November 14th, Venus on December 24th.
Mars continues his retrograde slow, long lasting and close (to the Earth) motion in Taurus. He shines bright in northern hemisphere skies. He stands opposite the Scorpio Sun in one week's time.
Jupiter is now in Scorpio (see Oct. 26th comment), and Saturn continues in Leo, their fixed first quarter 'square' aspect draws near. Saturn is drawing ever closer to his sinister opposition to Neptune, an aspect which lasts well into 2007. All in all the 'state of the skies' is tense and becoming more tense. Stay tuned!
November 2005.
Tuesday November 1st 2005
Yesterday the United Nations Security Council demanded that Syria co-operate fully with the UN probe into the killing of Rafik Hariri.
The Indian PM hinted that Pakistan-based militants were involved in Saturday's deadly bombings in Delhi.
UK mobile phone group O2 agreed to an £18bn take-over offer from Spanish telecom firm Telefonica.
The 8 October South Asian earthquake killed at least 17,000 children when their schools collapsed, the UN children's fund, Unicef, says.
A US military air raid in western Iraq has caused many deaths, reports from Iraq say. The US military said it had targeted what it called an al-Qaeda cell leader in an air strike near Karabilah, on the border with Syria. Also on Monday, the US military reported that six US soldiers were killed in two separate incidents. The US military last week reported its 2,000th fatality in Iraq since the invasion of the country.
Today the ancient but accelerating Moon enters Scorpio 07-29 GMT, joining the Sun and Jupiter in that sign, and is conjunct Jupiter 10-02 GMT. Today is the last day before a New Moon
Mercury in Sagittarius is quintile Neptune in Aquarius 21-07 GMT, an aspect which will be repeated on November 23rd because of Mercury's retrograde motion which starts in two weeks time. The advice here is to conclude current business if at all possible before Mercury turns retrograde on Nov. 14th
(Mars is in astronomical Opposition to the Sun - 20 arc secs. Mag -1.8 today, the Zodiacal opposition is in six days time. Mars shines really bright in the night sky).
Once it gets going this day will be a deeply intense affair coloured by the old Moon and the Sun both in Scorpio. The same vibration ensues tomorrow but there is always a 'surge' of energy just after a New moon and tomorrow may just feel somewhat better than today does.
Wednesday November 2nd 2005
Syria says a UN team investigating Rafik Hariri's death can question two relatives of President Assad.
The US military says it believes a rocket-propelled grenade was fired at an aid helicopter in Kashmir.
North and South Korea agree to compete as a single team in the 2008 Olympics, a South Korean official says.
The Hubble Space Telescope has spotted two possible new moons around Pluto, the ninth planet in the Solar System. If confirmed, it would bring Pluto's tally of satellites to three; Charon, the only known moon of Pluto, was discovered by astronomers in 1978. All the candidate moons seem to orbit Pluto in an anti-clockwise direction. The candidate moons, given the provisional names S/2005 P1 and S/2005 P2, are between 45 and 160km (30 and 100 miles). By comparison, Charon's diameter is about 1,200 km. Observations suggest they orbit Pluto at at least twice the distance Charon does. P2 stays about 49,000km from the planet, P1 lies even further away at 65,000km. The two new moons are circled in red, alongside Pluto (white) and Charon (blue) in the photo above.
New Moon 01-26 GMT at 10 degrees Scorpio
The New Moon in Scorpio is trine Uranus and is locked into a fixed grand cross with Mars, Saturn, and Neptune.
This is the first New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 4th 2005 and the fifth New Moon before the Total solar Eclipse on March 29th 2006. It is a dynamic lunation and it offers a taste of what lies ahead. With harsh fixed square aspects dominating the chart we can expect trouble.
This New Moon is conjunct the natal Venus of Putin of Russia, it is conjunct the natal Moon (and is opposite the natal North Lunar Node) in the Sovereignty chart of Iran. The New Moon is opposite the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the natal chart of US Vice President Dick Cheney. It is opposite Mars in the UK (1801) chart, and it is opposite Mercury in the (possible) natal chart of Osama Bin Laden. It will be interesting to see if any of these people or countries react to this astrological 'contact' in the next couple of weeks.
At the moment of New Moon both the Sun and Moon are (weirdly) rising over the recent Asian Earthquake region to the North and East of Islamabad. It seems to 'lock' the Asian Earthquake event into the mechanics of this New Moon and the October 4th eclipse, as to the meaning of why 17000 children had to die for the cosmos to 'work itself out' in this manner is a matter beyond my understanding right now.
The Sun and Moon are conjunct the MC of Brisbane. Mars rises at San Francisco.
Once the New Moon is over the infant Scorpio Moon at 17 degrees of that sign is opposite Mars at 14-06 GMT and is void of course from that time for nearly 24 hours. This is not an easy day.
Thursday November 3rd 2005
On the day of the New Moon in Scorpio there had been rioting in Paris over the last six nights. France's prime minister yesterday cancelled a trip to Canada in order to tackle spreading violence in poor Paris suburbs and soothe a public row between his ministers over the government's response.
There has been trouble in Ethiopia at least 23 people have been shot dead in a second day of violence in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa as hundreds of heavily armed police and troops were deployed yesterday across the city as the sounds of heavy machine guns and loud explosions reverberated. At the exact moment of New Moon yesterday the South Lunar Node was exactly rising over the city.
In the UK David Blunkett yesterday admitted making mistakes over his business affairs as he resigned from the Cabinet for a second time. David Blunkett's birth date is June 6 1947. Yesterday's New Moon in Scorpio made a fairly tight planetary T-square with his natal Mars in Taurus square his natal Pluto in Leo.
Today the Sun is square Saturn 07-21 GMT. The infant Moon, starting the day void of course in Scorpio, enters Sagittarius 13-55 GMT, joining Mercury, Pluto and Venus in that sign, and is conjunct Mercury 22-42 GMT.
There is a 'fixed cross' building up and tightening in the skies right now. The cross features the Sun in Scorpio, Neptune in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Leo. It reaches maximum intensity over the coming weekend. To add to the planetary tension Mercury will square Uranus as Saturday ends. Tighten your seat belts again.
Today, starting grim and sober with the Scorpion Sun squaring Saturn, 'opens up' as the Moon enters Sagittarius. The song lyrics 'freedom is another word for nothing left to lose' spring to mind. There is courage and rashness abounding. Focus and ambition may see us through, not to mention intrigue, romance and adventure. This life is golden.
Venus and Mercury are both at their greatest elongations, 47° and 24° east of the Sun respectively, low in evening twilight.
Friday November 4th 2005
Yesterday French PM Dominique de Villepin held emergency talks after a seventh night of rioting in Paris suburbs.
The build-up of Ethiopian and Eritrean troops near their common border could lead to open conflict, the UN warned.
Lewis Libby, the former White House aide, pleaded not guilty to charges related to the leak of a CIA agent's identity.
Three more people have been killed in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in a third day of clashes between opposition supporters and the police.
Today the waxing and accelerating Moon is in Sagittarius. Today the fixed cross set up at the time of New Moon on Wednesday intensifies.
The crescent Moon is about midway between Venus and Mercury in bright twilight, as shown above.
The weak Southern Taurid meteor shower is active for a number of days around this date.
A solar wind stream will hit Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 4th or 5th, possibly causing a geomagnetic storm. Sky watchers in Alaska and Canada should be alert for auroras.
Saturday November 5th 2005
The Moon conjuncts Pluto 05-58 GMT and becomes void.
Venus enters Capricorn 08-11 GMT.
Moon at crescent phase 15-24 GMT at 28 degrees Sagittarius, following Venus into Capricorn 18-17.
The Moon is conjunct Venus 19-03 GMT.
The current fixed cross in the skies of Earth involving, Saturn, Mars, the Sun and Neptune peaks today.
Look southwest in twilight for the beautiful pairing of Venus and the crescent Moon, as shown above.
Sunday November 6th 2005
Mercury squares Uranus 00-20 GMT. This aspect will be repeated on November 21st when Mercury is retrograde and again on Dec. 19th.
The Moon is void at 20-18 at 15 degrees Capricorn.
Monday November 7th 2005
France is suffering its heaviest riot damage yet as police warnings failed to deter arsonists for a 10th night. Jupiter is currently making a 'return' in the France 1st republic chart (opposite Saturn).
Azerbaijan is holding parliamentary elections, seen as test of democracy in the oil-rich former Soviet republic.
A powerful tornado has killed at least 11 people and injured dozens of others in the US state of Indiana.
Today we are midway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice.
The Sun squares Neptune 04-11 GMT.
The fast moving Moon is 'increasing in light and motion' but is 'void of course' in Capricorn for most of the GMT day.
The Sun opposes Mars 07-58 GMT. Mars squares Neptune 18-32 GMT.
The Moon enters Aquarius 21-31 GMT
Tuesday November 8th 2005
The events in France are now dominating world news. At least 1,400 vehicles have been burnt out and 395 people arrested in France's latest rioting, while the unrest has apparently claimed its first fatality.
Jean-Jacques Le Chenadec, 61, who fell into a coma after being beaten by a hooded man last week, has died.
In Sunday night's violence - the worst so far - 36 policemen were injured, including two who were shot in Paris.
The mayor of Paris suburb Raincy has declared a curfew for Monday night, France's first in 11 days of unrest.
Looking again at the astrological chart set up for the French First Republic we can see
1) Jupiter had his exact return yesterday. (This occurs every 12 years).
2) The south lunar node right now is conjunct Venus in the republic chart. (This occurs every 18 years)
3) The Solar eclipse on October 4th was conjunct (within 2 degrees) the same Venus position.
4) The Lunar eclipse 3 weeks ago formed a finger of fate with the republic charts Mars in Scorpio sextile Lunar North Node in Virgo. (Points 3 and 4 make this a unique situation).
5) On the afternoon of 26th October 2005, the day before the first night of rioting, Mercury was conjunct the Mars/ MC conjunction in Scorpio in the republic chart. On the first night of the rioting the Moon was conjunct the Mercury/North Node conjunction in the republic chart. These contacts appear to have coincided with the ignition of the current turmoil.
6) In the long run it is interesting to see that the progressed Moon in the French 1st republic chart hit 'gibbous phase' earlier this year. France will experience a progressed Full Moon in 2009 which may be the 'high water mark' of the current situation.
Today Venus sextiles Jupiter 05-46 GMT ,
The fast moving Moon in Aquarius, rapidly approaching First Quarter, opposes Saturn and squares Mars at 21-00 GMT and is conjunct Neptune 22-44 GMT. Another tough day is forecast, there is still a strong and tight planetary 'Fixed Cross' in the skies of Earth. During the second half of today the Moon joins in with the alignment. I guess more trouble in on the cards, there is no give at this point, we had better watch out, there are some hard lessons to learn.
Wednesday November 9th 2005
France (please see yesterday's comment) has invoked a curfew law in the face of continued riots, while a plan is announced to help deprived areas.
Europe is all set to send a probe to Venus, the first mission to our nearest planetary neighbour in a decade. Venus Express will launch on a Russian Soyuz rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 0333 GMT today
Inmarsat-4 F2, one of the largest and most powerful communications satellites ever built, has successfully launched from a floating pad in the Pacific. The six-tonne UK-built craft was carried aloft by a Zenit-3SL rocket at approximately 1345 GMT on Tuesday.
If you're watching the night sky this week, don't be surprised if you see a fireball. Earth is orbiting through a swarm of pebble-sized meteoroids; when one hits the atmosphere, it disintegrates in a spectacular blaze of light. These fireballs are part of the annual Taurid meteor shower. Spaceweather.com
Today the very fast moving Moon reaches first quarter phase 01-58 GMT at 17 degrees Aquarius and then applies all today in sextile to Pluto. She reaches this point and is then void in that sign from 21-31 GMT.
Mercury will turn retrograde in 5 days time, seal the deal quickly, and then take a breather
The planetary 'fixed cross' which is overseeing all events and experiences at the moment is still strong and active in the skies of Earth. This one continues to be a bit of a tough one to negotiate. I guess we are all getting used to it. Just for the record, these could be considered hard times.
Thursday November 10th 2005
Thousands of opposition supporters in Azerbaijan took to the streets yesterday to demonstrate against the results of Sunday's parliamentary elections. The elections, won by the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, were criticised by international observers.
The French interior minister ordered the expulsion of all foreigners convicted of taking part in two weeks of riots.
In the UK Tony Blair said his authority is intact despite suffering his first defeat as prime minister over a key anti-terror law.
Today the very fast moving waxing Moon enters Pisces 00-23 and is at perigee 00-30 GMT. She is conjunct Uranus at 12-01.
Today and tomorrow are two quieter astrological days than of late and the planetary fixed cross dominant in the skies over the last week is now dissolving.
Friday November 11th 2005
The rapidly waxing (but now decelerating) Moon squares Pluto 14-34 the only aspect today.
Saturday November 12th 2005
Moon enters Aries 03-23 GMT and is at gibbous phase 12-18 GMT at 5 degrees Aries.
Venus sextiles Uranus 10-28 GMT.
The Moon forms a fiery grand trine with Mercury and Saturn around 22-00 GMT.
Potentially a very spirited day, seize it!
The Great Square of Pegasus floats above the Moon early this evening.
Sunday November 13th 2005
The Moon is void of course in Aries from 21-09 GMT
Mercury is about to turn retrograde depriving him of a grand trine relationship with Saturn and the Lunar Node. He will have to await December 21st 2005 to reform this grand trine and consummate the arrangement.
Mars shines far lower left of the Moon early this evening, as shown above, and directly left of the Moon later in the evening.
Monday November 14th 2005
Mercury at 11 degrees Sagittarius turns retrograde 05-35 GMT today. He will resume direct motion on December 3rd after having been at Inferior Conjunction on November 24th 2005.
The Moon enters Taurus 07-04 GMT.
The bright Moon and bright Mars accompany each other across the sky all night.
Tuesday November 15th 2005.
The French cabinet has asked parliament to extend state of emergency powers into 2006 as suburban rioting continues. (France republic chart)
Germany's main political parties yesterday voted to accept a grand coalition headed by conservative Angela Merkel.
The almost Full Moon is conjunct Mars in Taurus at 04-44 GMT. The day draws us to a climax of will, sensation and acquisition.
Uranus turns direct 21-43 GMT.
Lunar occultation (visible in small telescopes from UK) of star Zeta Aries (see 22nd Sept.) Approx. 21-29 to 21-52 GMT.
Wednesday November 16th 2005
Full Moon 00-59 GMT at 24 degrees Taurus
This Full Moon is the first following the partial lunar eclipse of October 17th 2005.
Mercury is retrograde and is in trine to Saturn. Mars is square Saturn. Venus is in earthy trine to Mars. Jupiter trines Uranus, Saturn opposes Neptune. The Moon is inconjunct (150 degrees) from Pluto. This is a mixed bag of influences.
The Moon is void from the Full Moon moment, for 20 hours entering Gemini 21-11 GMT. Once the Full Moon has peaked the day may well be a bit of an anticlimax.
Thursday November 17th 2005
The Full Moon has passed by reasonably uneventfully. Five days remain with the Sun in Scorpio and there are thirty five days to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Iraq is investigating the US use of white phosphorus as a weapon in Falluja.
China has confirmed that a woman has died of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu - one of its first two cases of the disease.
The first stage in the installation of a tsunami early-warning system yesterday got under way off the Indonesian coast.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon in Gemini forms a mutable T-square with retrograde Mercury and retrograde Uranus during the first 6 hours of the GMT day. This is a very brittle vibration, jumpy and jerky, take care!
The Moon is appearing to culminate very high in northern hemisphere skies over the next few days because of the 'Lunar Standstill' which is occurring this and next year. Next month's Full Moon will be climatic in this respect, rising far to the Northeast, culminating at very high altitudes in the south and setting far to the Northwest.
Venus in Capricorn today makes an earthy trine aspect with Mars in Taurus 16-23 GMT. This beautiful aspect attempts to colour the day with a 'planetary hue' ideal for lovers. The trouble is that Mars is retrograding and applying in square aspect to Saturn, there is some pretty heavy karma at work preventing blissful union.
Mercury transits across the face of the Sun today for observers on Venus! The time of this event is around 15-28 GMT. A transit of Mercury visible from Earth will happen next year on November 8, 2006 (for observers in the Americas, the Pacific, and the Far East).
A massive Sunspot on the face of the Sun called 822 is currently crackling with solar flares. So far the explosions have not affected Earth, but this could change in the days ahead. The sunspot is turning to face our planet, increasing the chances of an Earth-directed eruption
Friday November 18th 2005
The Moon is void 07-02 GMT entering Cancer 19-43 GMT.
Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Leo 20-28 GMT
Saturday November 19th 2005
A series of suicide bombings yesterday killed at least 80 at two mosques in eastern Iraq and in the capital, Baghdad. Despite this awful event things appear a lot calmer right now.
A crucial UN Internet summit ended in Tunis marred by controversy over censorship and who runs the net.
Sri Lankan premier Mahinda Rajapakse has won the presidential election by a narrow margin.
In the UK yesterday the main news was about a female police officer who was killed and another seriously injured after being called to a robbery in Bradford.
The decelerating Moon today hits disseminating phase 19-54 GMT at 13 degrees Cancer making many aspects in that sign today. The Sun and Moon are both in water signs this weekend, expect an essentially emotional time.
The waning gibbous Moon forms a triangle with Castor and Pollux in mid- to late evening, as shown above.
Sunday November 20th 2005
The Moon in Cancer makes no aspects at all today. Make the most of the planetary inertia. Watch out though for Mercury in Sagittarius retrograding into an awkward mutable waning square with Uranus in Pisces, ( the 2nd of 3 such aspects of late), exact in the early hours GMT tomorrow.
Monday November 21st 2005
State of the Skies:-The Sun has one more day in the sign of Scorpio.
The slow moving waning Moon is void of course from 04-04 GMT entering Leo 06-10 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in Fixed signs. All day long today the Moon draws to a conjunction with Saturn in Leo which peaks in the early hours of tomorrow. Saturn will turn retrograde two hours after tomorrow's conjunction with the Moon. Saturn shines to the right of the Moon very late this evening.
Mercury (retrograde in Sagittarius) today makes a mutable square with Uranus in Pisces at 06-18 GMT for the second time this month. The first was two weeks ago. The third and final such aspect is on December 19th. Mercury is sliding in between the Sun and the Earth, being at inferior conjunction on Thursday. There are two weeks left of his retrograde motion.
Venus is now slowing down in Capricorn, shining bright in evening skies as she pulls towards the Earth. She too will turn retrograde soon, but not until Christmas Eve when she will have entered Aquarius.
Mars in Taurus has been in retrograde motion since October 1st. He will turn direct on December 10th
Despite the sound of 'retrograde blues' drifting over the planetary landscape the good news right now is the tightening watery trine of Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Pisces which first rings out loud and clear at the end of this week. This one brings the best out of everything.
Tuesday November 22nd 2005
The very slow moving waning Moon is conjunct Saturn 04-51 GMT forming at that time a complex planetary picture with Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury.
The Sun enters Sagittarius 05-15 GMT.
Both the Sun and the Moon are then in Fire signs for the first time since August 22nd 2005.
Saturn turns retrograde 07-24 GMT
Wednesday November 23rd 2005
The first day of the astrological month of Sagittarius (yesterday) saw Angela Merkel (Sun in Cancer Moon in Aquarius) sworn in as Germany's first woman chancellor at a ceremony in parliament in Berlin. Nestle ordered the recall of baby milk from four countries after tests suggest chemical contamination. In the US Jose Padilla, a US citizen held as an enemy combatant for three years, was charged with planning "violent jihad". In the UK it is believed that Tony Blair is convinced over the need for nuclear power to tackle the UK energy crisis.
Today the very slow Moon in Leo inching towards Last Quarter phase is void of course from 05-25 GMT, reaches apogee (slowest speed all month) at 06-12 GMT, and after a long day of 'voidness', enters Virgo at 18-42 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in mutable signs and the Moon reaches exact last quarter phase at 22-12 GMT at 2 degrees Virgo. The day turns 'critical'. Mistakes and oversights are soon laid bare.
Mercury (retrograde) quintiles Neptune today, the second of three such aspects, the first was at the start of this month.
Thursday November 24th 2005
Quiet news at the moment. In the UK we are still observing police who are hunting two prime suspects wanted over the killing of a policewoman in a robbery in Bradford last Friday. Pubs and clubs will be able to serve alcohol round the clock when new laws come into force today from midnight. In Europe new German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday called for stronger ties with the US on her first full day in office.
Today the slow moving (but accelerating) last quarter Moon in Virgo, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Pisces form a 'mystic rectangle' around 08-00 GMT. An interesting start to the (GMT) day is predicted.
Mercury is at inferior conjunction with the Sun at the start of Sagittarius at 15-43 GMT. This is the equivalent of 'New Mercury', an impregnation of the universal mind by the solar impulse, a really deep experience, true, new and inspirational.
A day of 'critical movement' is forecast.
Friday November 25th 2005
Yesterday at least 30 people were killed by a car bomb in the town of Mahmudiya, south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
A huge swathe of toxic water has reached the north-eastern Chinese city of Harbin after drifting down the river which is the city's main water source. Massive amounts of the chemical benzene were released by a blast 12 days ago ( as Mercury, Saturn and the Moon's node were in a fiery grand trine pattern, an arrangement which will repeat in December) at a plant in Jilin, about 380km (230 miles) further up the Songhua river.
A state of emergency is being imposed in the city of Khabarovsk in Russia's far east, as a toxic spill heads towards the Amur River from China.
New evidence from the Antarctic ice shows current levels of greenhouse gases are unprecedented.
King Abdullah of Jordan urged his new prime minister to wage a relentless war against Muslim extremists.
Today the ageing Moon wanes and accelerates in Virgo and is void in that sign from 18-09 GMT.
An important planetary wave is approaching. Mars, coming to the end of his retrograde period in Taurus, is applying in opposition to Jupiter. Mars retrograde in Taurus opposes Jupiter in Scorpio (very tightly!) on Dec. 4th 2005 and will do it again in direct motion on 15th Jan 2006. These are 'event-prone' days, the astrological influence short and sharp! (During January 2006 the Mars Jupiter opposition is squared by Neptune in Fixed T-square, this promises a bit of a punchy start to the new year). During the remainder of this year Uranus 'eases' the blow of the opposition, the energy is given a creative and inventive outlet.
The immediate weekend is outstandingly good for relaxed social activity.
Saturday November 26th 2005
The Moon enters Libra 06-58 GMT.
Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio 11-54 GMT today, remaining a total of 16 days. He will 'about turn' on December 3rd and re-enter Sagittarius on December 12th.
Sunday November 27th 2005.
Jupiter trine Uranus 11-56 GMT. First aspect of three, the second May 5th 2006, the final one Aug. 29th 2006.
Moon balsamic phase 23-19 GMT at 21 degrees Libra.
Venus makes a minor quintile aspect with Jupiter which is repeated on Jan 8th and March 6th 2006 because of Venus's retrograde motion which begins on December 23rd.
Monday November 28th 2005
In early dawn Monday and Tuesday, look for the waning crescent Moon passing Jupiter in the southeast, as shown here.
Yesterday at least eight people were killed and villages were badly damaged as a 6.1-magnitude quake hit south Iran.
Running water was turned back on in Harbin, China, five days after being cut because of a chemical spill.
Charges that human rights abuses are as bad now as under Saddam Hussein are dismissed by Iraq's president.
The old balsamic Moon accelerating (towards New Moon Phase early (GMT) on Thursday) is today in Libra and is void of course from 04-38 GMT, entering Scorpio 16-33 GMT and then starts to apply in conjunction to Jupiter, hooking into the current tightening opposition between Mars and Jupiter, and preparing for a fixed cross arrangement tomorrow.
The Mars Jupiter opposition is within 2 degrees and one week of exactness.
Tuesday November 29th 2005
Key climate talks yesterday began in Montreal with the US opposing new greenhouse gas reduction targets.
The trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein heard its first witness - video testimony from a dying witness.
A blast which ripped through a colliery in north-east China is now known to have claimed 134 lives, with 15 miners still trapped underground. The explosion was reported at about 2100 local time (1300 GMT) on Sunday, the provincial coal mine safety administration told the Xinhua news agency.
A deal that will see Venezuela supplied with military hardware by Spain goes ahead despite US opposition.
Later this week, on Dec. 1st or 2nd, Earth will enter a high-speed solar wind stream, possibly sparking a geomagnetic storm. Sky watchers in Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia should be alert for auroras.
Today the Sun in Sagittarius makes his annual waning square to Uranus currently in Pisces at 01-18 GMT.
The ancient Moon in Scorpio is conjunct Jupiter 05-56 GMT and opposes Mars 09-11 GMT. She squares Saturn 13-14 GMT and squares Neptune 20-14 GMT. This a hell of a day, intransigence, will and deep emotion may seem to rule.
Wednesday November 30th 2005
Under unpleasant 'moonbeams' yesterday Arabic TV broadcast a video of four Western nationals taken hostage in Iraq by a previously unknown militant group. Up to 60 passengers were killed in DR Congo as they were swept off a train's roof as it went over a bridge. A tropical storm lashed the Canary Islands, killing at least seven people and leaving a trail of destruction.
Today the very old Moon, still in Scorpio and accelerating towards her New Phase tomorrow, is better aspected than she was yesterday and is void of course from 15-17 GMT when she is conjunct retrograde Mercury. The day up to this point is best spent attempting to sort out communication matters be they electronic, paper or oral formats.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 22-33 GMT and sets her sights on her union with the Sun at 15-10 GMT tomorrow. The day before a New Moon is always a bit of a tough one. Prepare yourself for fresher energy tomorrow evening (GMT). By the end of today Mars and Jupiter are within 1.25 degrees of their current opposition. This aspect dominates tomorrow's New Moon and the weekend ahead. Expect events! These two planets almost always 'invoke' happenings when they are in opposition or conjunction. The peak of their aspect is next Monday.
December 2005.
From the very start of the Month Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo, and Uranus in Pisces are arrayed in a planetary pattern which lasts right up to Christmas Eve. The Sun and infant Moon link into the grouping on December 3rd.
Mercury and Venus remain in close sextile aspect for the first week of the month.
Thursday December 1st 2005
Yesterday as the old Moon applied to a conjunction with retrograde Mercury surgeons in France carried out the first face transplant. The woman had lost her nose, lips and chin after being savaged by a dog.
A full day earlier than expected, Earth has entered a high-speed solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun. Sky watchers in Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia should be alert for auroras.
This month commences with a dynamic New Moon in Sagittarius.
New Moon 15-02 GMT at 10 degrees Sagittarius.
This is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar eclipse on October 4th 2005. The skies right now are dominated by a tightening close opposition between Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio which peaks at the very start of next Monday.
Friday December 2nd 2005
Today the sparkling New Moon in Sagittarius moving fast, and accelerating, is conjunct Pluto at 15-17 GMT, the focus in time of the day, and is void from that moment. Mars retrograding and slowing, is applying in tight alignment opposite Jupiter. The opposition is squared by Saturn and Neptune, forming a fixed cross in the heavens. This one is sharp edged and powerful, the opposition peaks at the start of Monday 5th and the fixed cross lingers right up to and beyond the Winter Solstice in 19 days time.
Saturday December 3rd 2005
During twilight, look far to the lower right of bright Venus for the thin waxing crescent Moon, as shown here. Tomorrow the Moon and Venus will shine close together at dusk.
The fast moving young Moon enters Capricorn 01-43 GMT. The Sun is in fiery trine to Saturn at 06-42 GMT. The Moon is 'hot' from 13-00 to 16-00 GMT. The Sun, the Moon, four planets and the Lunar Node are arranged in a dynamic configuration today.
All day long the Moon applies in conjunction to Venus. Endearments and love tokens to the fore!
Sunday December 4th 2005
Mercury turns direct in motion 02-24 GMT. (Thank goodness).
The very fast moving Moon (increasing in light and motion) conjuncts Venus 18-55, she sextiles Mercury 18-57 and is void from that moment.
Mercury sextiles Venus 20-07 GMT. This particular aspect has been building up over the last few days. As Mercury is now direct in motion, we can prepare ourselves for Venus turning retrograde in three weeks time. Venus and Mercury will be conjunct on Jan 16th 2006, and two other sextile aspects between these two occur on Feb. 22nd and March 6th 2006.
Monday December 5th 2005
Tens of thousands of people have taken part in a march in Hong Kong to demand a fully democratic political system.
Today the Moon reaches crescent phase 00-13 GMT at 28 degrees Capricorn
Mars opposes Jupiter 00-50 GMT (within 10 minutes of arc of exact linearity).
The crescent Moon races into Aquarius at 03-37.
Moon perigee (fastest moving all month) 04-29 GMT
The Moon in Aquarius forms a tight fixed T-square with Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio at 17-50 GMT.
Venus (magnitude 4.5, in tropical Capricorn) is the dazzling white "Evening Star" in the southwest during and after dusk. Venus is currently the highest and brightest it will appear in the evening sky during 2005 and 2006.
Tuesday December 6th 2005
Yesterday a powerful earthquake hit eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, near Lake Tanganyika. The quake hit with a 6.8 magnitude at 1219 GMT, the US Geological Survey said. This quake occurred 12 hours after a near exact geocentric opposition of Jupiter and Mars. The epicentre of the quake was about 13km underground, the USGS said, some 975km south of Nairobi. Damage is uncertain as I write.
Russia has confirmed a deal to sell surface-to-air missiles to Iran, insisting they are for defence only.
Today the fast moving Moon, now decelerating in Aquarius, is conjunct Neptune 05-02 GMT. She is void of course from 21-59 GMT. The next Full Moon, on December 15th, will reach very high altitudes in northern-hemisphere skies as a consequence of the 'lunar major standstill' at this time.
At the end of the day we are half way through the astrological month of Sagittarius. Fifteen days remain to the Solstice.
Wednesday December 7th 2005
Yesterday,( in the wake of the current Mars Jupiter opposition see below), was a very news worthy day.
More than 100 people were feared dead in Iran after a military plane crashed into a block of flats in Tehran.
At least 36 Iraqi police officers were killed by two suicide bombers at a police academy in Baghdad.
The UK government announced it is to invest 108m euros (£73.2m) in Europe's next mission to Mars
David Cameron was elected as the new Conservative leader, beating David Davis in a ballot of Tory members 'just after 15-00 GMT'.
A cat-sized mammal which appears to be new to science has been spotted in the forests of central Borneo.
Today the crescent, waxing (and now slowing down) Moon enters Pisces 05-45 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon are in mutable signs for two days. To and fro goes the way. Movement is inevitable.
The Sun sextiles Neptune 07-30 GMT, giving an almost magical start to the (GMT) day.
The Piscean Moon is conjunct Uranus 17-41 GMT, unforeseen kinetics abound maybe.
Jupiter (still tightly opposite Mars and square the Saturn/Neptune opposition) is today semi-square Pluto 23-37 GMT. The semi square aspect is waning, this is the start of the 'balsamic phase of this 'big power' combination of planets. Shifts and changes to the power structures of society are forecast. This is the first of three such aspects, the repeat is on May 31st 2006, the final one July 25th 2006. Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct in late Sagittarius on Dec. 11th 2007.
Thursday December 8th 2005
Moon at first quarter 09-37 GMT at 16 degrees Pisces
Friday December 9th 2005
Other than news of a suicide bomber killing at least 30 people and wounding 25 others on a bus in Baghdad Thursday was a quiet day news wise.
Today the waxing Moon is void of course in Pisces at 04-18. She enters Aries 09-30. The Sun and the Moon are then both in Fire signs. Good lunar aspects follow during today. This is potentially a blaze of a day. Lots of eruptions, ignitions, urges and surges.
Saturday December 10th 2005
Mercury is emerging into a fine showing in the dawn, rapidly brightening to magnitude 0 by late in the week as shown here. Look for it very low in the east-southeast about an hour before sunrise, well to the lower left of brighter Jupiter. A line from Spica through Jupiter points to it.
Mars turns direct in motion 04-00 GMT. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Venus in Capricorn at 22-00 GMT.
Sunday December 11th 2005
The Moon in Aries is square Venus at 10-51 and is void from that time till 13-45 when she enters Taurus.
A fire is continuing to blaze at a fuel depot in Hertfordshire after a series of large explosions sent black smoke drifting across south-east England.A fire chief described the incident at the Buncefield fuel depot near Hemel Hempstead, after 0600 GMT on Sunday 11th December 2005, as possibly the largest in peacetime Europe.
Moon gibbous phase 22-43 GMT at 5 degrees Taurus. Mars appears just a few finger-widths from the Moon tonight.
Monday December 12th 2005
Relatives of more than 100 people who died in a plane crash in Nigeria on Saturday have been gathering at mortuaries to try to identify victims. The pilot of Bellview Airlines flight 210 sent a distress signal just after taking off from Lagos for the Nigerian capital, Abuja, in stormy weather at 1945 GMT on Saturday.
Ministers at Montreal's climate change conference agreed over the past weekend to long-term talks on measures to cut gas emissions.
There are now 10 days to the Solstice.
The week starts with the slow gibbous Moon and Mars (now direct in motion) aligning to within half a degree at 7 degrees Taurus. Their zodiacal conjunction occurs at 04-33 GMT. Following the conjunction the Moon draws together a fixed cross with Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius. This lasts all day. Tough cookies. Mars shines well to the right of the Moon this evening.
Mercury is now a morning star. He enters Sagittarius 21-20 GMT today and is at greatest elongation, 21° west of the Sun, nicely visible low in the dawn.
Venus is a very bright evening star 12 days from her retrograde phase.
Tuesday December 13th 2005.
Lebanese PM Fouad Siniora yesterday called on the UN to investigate attacks against anti-Syrian figures, after an MP was killed.
Fresh violence broke out in Sydney, despite PM John Howard's condemning the weekend's race riots.
US President Bush said he is encouraged by the decision of more Sunni Arabs to take part in elections on Thursday.
In the UK fire crews continued all day to tackle the blaze at a Hertfordshire oil depot .
The Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America so fast that it could end up in Siberia within 50 years, scientists have said. The shift could mean that Alaska will lose its northern lights, or auroras, which might then be more visible in areas of Siberia and Europe. (Graphic above)
The slowly waxing gibbous Moon is void in Taurus from 18-47 to 20-00 GMT when she enters Gemini. The procession of the Full Moon can then begin. Small and Full and very very high in the sky she will sail over the next few nights. The Moon is approaching her 'Major Standstill' Full phase. This week is literally the 'high' point in the 18 year Lunar Metonic cycle. In northern hemisphere skies the Full Moon this coming week will reach very high altitudes. The 'fateful' Full Moon is on Thursday.
All Night Geminid meteor shower peaks around Dec. 13-14. Radiant near Castor. The 2005 Geminid meteor shower peaks on Dec. 13th and 14th. Bad timing. The glaring almost-full Moon will be out on those nights, wiping out all but the brightest meteors. There is, however, one hour when the shower can be seen in full force. This will be the hour after the Moon sets just before morning twilight.
Wednesday December 14th 2005
The nearly Full Moon waxes in Gemini This evening the bright 'very high altitude' Moon shines not quite halfway from Aldebaran, off to its right, to Capella, which is off to the Moon's left.
Today is a vibrant and bustling day. Lots of movement and vacillation.
Thursday December 15th 2005
Full Moon 16-17 GMT at 24 degrees Gemini
This is the second Full Moon following the partial lunar eclipse on October 17th 2005.
The Full Moon is opposite Pluto indicating strong clashes of will and opinion at this time.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon rises at Madrid.
The Sun, Moon and Pluto straddle the prime meridian of Hong Kong.
Venus now moving very slowly and approaching her retrograde phase enters Aquarius at 15-58 GMT.
She will only be in Aquarius for 16 days as she re-enters Capricorn on January 1st 2006.
The Moon is opposite Pluto at 17-11 GMT and is void from that time.
According to folklore, tonight's full moon is the "Long Nights Moon," so-called because it occurs near the winter solstice, the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. Tonight's moon also happens to be the highest-soaring full moon in 18 years. As seen from most parts of North America and Europe, it will be above the horizon for more than 15 hours--a long night indeed.
Friday December 16th 2005
During the day of the Full Moon yesterday Iraqis voted in large numbers for their first full-term government since the US-led invasion in 2003. EU leaders opened a key summit in Brussels aimed at thrashing out a deal on the bloc's next budget. It was announced by scientists in Britain that this year, 2005, has been the warmest on record in the northern hemisphere.
Today the Moon enters Cancer 04-01 GMT and is nicely aspected all day. The Sun is conjunct Pluto 04-09 GMT. The Moon forms a watery grand trine with Uranus and Jupiter as the GMT day ends. Today can be expected to be more mellow and circumspect than recent days have been.
Five days remain to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, and to the Summer Solstice in the south.
Saturday December 17th 2005
The slow, decelerating waning Full Moon in Cancer is void from 00-33 GMT all day.
Jupiter in Scorpio makes a waxing square aspect to Saturn in Leo at 05-17 GMT today. This is the first of three such aspects. The second is on June 22nd 2006, and the final one is on October 25th 2006. This first one is of course hooked into the current 'Fixed Cross' arrangement with Mars in Taurus and Neptune in Aquarius.
Nine hundred anti-WTO protesters were "rounded up" on Saturday in Hong Kong after the worst unrest there for 16 years. Daze readers may recall the fact that the Sun, Full Moon and Pluto straddled the prime meridian of Hong Kong (MC/IC) at the exact moment of Full Moon on Thursday, less than 50 hours before the unrest there.
European leaders today said they are satisfied with the deal reached on the EU budget, after two days of tense talks.
Depending on where you live, the Moon will line up more or less exactly with Castor and Pollux tonight.
Sunday December 18th 2005
The slow waning still fullish Moon enters Leo 14-18 GMT and starts to apply to a conjunction with Saturn in that sign. The day sees Mercury applying in a difficult 'nervy' mutable square aspect with Uranus.
Monday December 19th 2005
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 77, was yesterday taken to hospital after suffering a minor stroke. Uranus is conjunct his natal Sun on December 22nd 2005 for the third (and final) time this year. Last night's Mercury square Uranus aspect in the sky seems to have 'set this one off'.
US Vice-President Dick Cheney - on his first post-war trip to Iraq - was praised by the Iraqi president as a hero.
In Hong Kong a deal was reached to end farm export subsidies by 2013 but the goal of a global free trade treaty remains some way off.
Scientists have pieced together part of the genetic recipe of the extinct woolly mammoth, (above), revealing its relationship to modern elephants.
Today Mercury squares Uranus 01-14 GMT , the final of three such aspects recently (Nov. 6th and Nov. 20th). Mercury (magnitude 0.4) is having a good apparition in the morning sky. Look for it low in the southeast in early dawn, about an hour before sunrise, far lower left of bright Jupiter. A line from Spica through Jupiter points nearly to it. Late in the week, binoculars may show fainter Antares emerging into view to Mercury's right or lower right.
The very slow moving Moon now in Leo is conjunct Saturn at 11-31 GMT. She reaches disseminating phase 15-59 GMT at 13 degrees Leo. The Sun and the Moon are both in fire signs today. The Leo Moon hooks into the fixed cross for most of the day today. Bat carefully, a highly charged 'spirited' day is in store.
Mars opposed Jupiter on Dec. 4th 2005 and is now moving direct in Taurus will oppose Jupiter again on 15th Jan 2006. The opposition is starting to apply (and bite) now. It and will dominate skies over the Christmas and New year period. The opposition joins with the current Jupiter/Saturn square and Neptune in a fixed cross arrangement. We are all under the effect of this fixed cross over the next month. There is a potential for clashes of will and challenges to the status quo.
Venus (magnitude 4.5, in tropical Aquarius) is the dazzling white "Evening Star" low in the southwest during twilight. She is getting lower every day now. She turns retrograde on Christmas Eve.
Tuesday December 20th 2005
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has banned Western and "indecent" music from state-run TV and radio stations.
Floods in southern Thailand have killed 27 people over the past two weeks, officials have said.
The very slow disseminating Moon wanes in Leo and is more of a benign force today than it was yesterday.
This is the last full day of the astronomical year, the Capricorn Solstice is tomorrow.
Wednesday December 21st 2005.
Moon void in Leo at 01-09, apogee (slowest all month) at 02-43 GMT enters Virgo 02-39 GMT.
Lunar occultation (visible from UK) of star 37 Leo. Approx. 04-19 to 04-42 GMT.
Mercury trines Saturn 11-28 GMT forming a fiery grand trine with the Lunar Node, a planetary picture which 'tried to form' on 14th Nov. just before Mercury turned retrograde.
The Capricorn Solstice occurs today under a waning Virgo Moon which forms a loose Earthy Grand Trine with the Sun in Capricorn and Mars in Taurus, and which applies towards an even more powerful 'Mystic Rectangle' with Jupiter, Uranus and Mars.
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune hang over this Solstice day in fixed cross arrangement like a celestial crucifix.
These planetary pictures provide a productive and potentially fruitful omen for this deep moment in our earthly calendar.
Five years from now (2010) the Winter Solstice point will be preceded with a Total Lunar Eclipse. Two years after this (2012) the same Solstice Sun aligns exactly to the centre of the Milky way Galaxy, an alignment and a point in time of cosmic proportion, forecast and foretold by the Mayan astronomers and looked to as an epoch moment by many religious and mystical groups.
In 2029 the Winter Solstice is again closely preceded by another epic Total Lunar Eclipse.
Hope to be alive to experience all of these astrological events and more besides. Stay tuned to the Daze which is, by the way, six years old today.
Winter Solstice 18:36:01 GMT
Thursday December 22nd 2005
The Moon is in Virgo and forms a 'mystic rectangle' with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus at 02-13 GMT.
The slow moving but now accelerating Moon is drawing to Last Quarter phase tomorrow.
The Sun and Moon are now both in earth signs. During this astrological month of Capricorn (which started at the moment of Winter Solstice yesterday) we are in a period which is midway between eclipse seasons.
Friday December 23rd 2005
World news appears (mercifully) at a low ebb at the moment.
The Moon today in Virgo is void of course from 04-31 GMT and enters Libra at 15-27 GMT. She reaches last quarter phase 19-37 GMT at 2 degrees of that sign.
The next astrological event of note is a lunar occultation of Spica on Christmas day.
Saturday December 24th 2005
Egyptian opposition leader Ayman Nour receives a five-year jail term after being found guilty of fraud.
Authorities have secretly been monitoring radiation levels at Muslim sites in the US, the government confirms.
An Azerbaijan Airlines passenger plane has crashed after taking off from the Azeri capital, Baku, killing all 23 people on board, officials say. Russia's Ria news agency said the plane took off at 2119 (1819 GMT) (yesterday) but fell off radar screens 20 minutes later.
Venus turns retrograde today at 09-35 GMT. She will be in retrograde motion until Feb. 3rd 2006. This is a period when values can become stronger than instincts. Love stories encompass a 'simple twist of fate'.
The Moon now past Last Quarter phase and in Libra is accelerating towards mid-eclipse New Moon phase next Friday. Her first appointment however is an occultation with Spica tomorrow. (See below).
Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are in tight fixed T-square arrangement over the Christmas period. There could be a hard edge to proceedings, although the lunar 'weather' is especially social and relaxed today and tomorrow..
Sunday December 25th 2005
Mercury sextiles Neptune 05-25 GMT.
We're not sure what an astrologer might make of the symbolism here, but on the morning of Christmas Day 2005 when kids are getting up to thoughts of presents, the waning crescent Moon will blot out Spica, the brightest star of Virgo. (Sky and Telescope)
The occultation is 'visible' over the USA. For UK residents the timing of the occultation (to be felt not seen) is approximately 14-30 to 15-20 GMT today, Christmas day. This occultation is the fifth out of the twenty three in the current series of monthly lunar occultations of Spica. Sadly none of them can be observed from the UK. We here on this island will have to wait until the autumn of 2013 (September 8th) to see one.
The Moon today is void in Libra from 15-53 GMT. Laziness and indolence may then take over.
Monday December 26th 2005
Countries devastated by the 2004 tsunami are commemorating one year since the disaster struck.
Libya's supreme court overturns death sentences imposed on foreign medics for infecting children with HIV.
Quiet, low and Capricornian days these, no major stories surfacing on the world stage his morning.
The slow and accelerating waning Moon today entered Scorpio 02-04 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Jupiter in that sign. A much more deliberate and calculating edge to today's proceedings is forecast. Mars is starting to pull to exact square aspect with Saturn, exact early on Wednesday. There exists some hard heartedness building up.
Tuesday December 27th 2005
The bodies of suspected Shia rebels killed by Saddam Hussein are found in a mass grave.
In the UK the government is urged to tighten up anti-hunting laws after thousands turn out at Boxing Day hunts. The first test spacecraft for Europe's satellite-navigation system will be sent into orbit on Wednesday.
A solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on Dec. 28th or 29th possibly triggering a geomagnetic storm. Northern sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 01-20, void of course from 07-27 and reaches balsamic phase 16-51 GMT at 21 degrees Scorpio. A difficult day is maybe in store.
Wednesday December 28th 2005
Mars squares Saturn 00-11 GMT
The ancient accelerating balsamic Moon enters Sagittarius 08-45 GMT.
That was a harsh feeling aspect last night. Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and to some extent Neptune are still hooked into a planetary fixed cross, dominating the days up to and beyond the New Moon in the early hours of Saturday morning.
The first test spacecraft for Europe's satellite-navigation system was launched this morning from Baikonur, Kazakhstan.
Palestinian gunmen occupy election offices in Gaza ahead of the January parliamentary poll.
High doses of vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing some cancers by as much as 50%, US scientists say.
Israeli warplanes have bombed what the army says is a Palestinian militant base in Lebanon hours after rocket attacks on two Israeli border towns.
At least 22 people have been killed in a collision between a long-distance coach and a lorry in the western Indian state of Gujarat.
Scientists are delaying the start of the new year by adding the first "leap second" in seven years. The Paris Observatory said an extra second would be added to clocks world-wide at the stroke of midnight on 31 December. Leap seconds are required every so often to keep our clocks in sync with solar time used by astronomers. "Enjoy New Year's Eve a second longer," said the researchers at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology.
In the UK campaigner Bob Geldof is to become a consultant to a new Tory policy group on global poverty.
Thursday December 29th 2005
Indonesia withdraws a final batch of troops from Aceh province in a step toward a major peace deal.
At least 30 people are dead and many more are missing after a landslide destroyed a mountainside village in Yemen, government officials have said.
The Capricorn Sun sextiles Uranus in Pisces at 06-07 GMT. The old balsamic Moon, in Sagittarius (with Mercury and Pluto), accelerating towards the new phase is conjunct Mercury 23-26 GMT today and Pluto 03-02 tomorrow.
Friday December 30th 2005
The very old accelerating Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts Pluto at 03-02 GMT and is void at that time. She enters Capricorn 11-36 GMT and prepares to align in New Moon phase tomorrow. Mercury is applying in a conjunction with Pluto which peaks 8 hours after tomorrow's New Moon.
Tonight is the 'darkest night of the year' for the northern hemisphere.
Saturday December 31st 2005
New Moon 03-13 GMT at 10 degrees Capricorn.
This New Moon is exactly midway between the Annular Solar Eclipse in October 2005 and the massive Total Solar Eclipse of March 29th 2006. The energy of Saros series 134 once again gives way to the (higher magnitude) energy of Saros 139. This New Moon plays out a kind of karmic balancing point between the two.
At the moment of New Moonthe Sun and Moon are rising on the horizon of Daressalem. Both bodies are at lower culmination at Belem and Brazilia.
Mars and Jupiter straddle the horizons of the English Channel between Dover and Calais. The Mercury Pluto conjunction is conjunct the Midheaven of both Bejing and Perth.
Mercury is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius 11-17 GMT.