Copyright:- The Daze 2004 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC
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To start at the end of the old year, and to tell of the daze of the new,
and the passing of seasons, read on....
Tuesday 30th Dec. 2003
A planetary T-square involving the First Quarter Moon in Aries conjunct Mars at one point, Saturn in Cancer at the second point and the Sun in Capricorn at the third is dominant in the geocentric skies at this time. On this day the planet Uranus finally enters Pisces at 09-18 GMT. A crisis can be expected today. It really is an astrologically special day.
The First Quarter Moon occurs at 10-04 GMT. At 17-19 GMT Venus is conjunct Neptune. Finally Mercury retrogrades into Sagittarius at 19-53 GMT.
Ayatollah Khamenei vows to rebuild Bam after the quake which destroyed the historic city, killing at least 25,000. Libya was years away from making a nuclear bomb, the head of the United Nations nuclear agency confirms.
Wednesday 31st Dec.. 2003
Aid workers from the US have joined efforts in Iran to help people affected by Friday's devastating earthquake. Israel says it plans to double the number of Jewish settlers in the occupied Golan Heights over the next three years. Europe's Mars Express probe makes a crucial orbit change to improve its chances of contacting the Beagle 2.
As the year ends the sky is full of a planetary picture known as a Cardinal T-square between Mars, the Sun and Saturn. The Sun Saturn opposition peaks today at 20-58 GMT. The Mars Saturn square peaks on New Years Day. A rather grim 'New Year' is envisioned. The slow waxing Moon is in Aries today.
The whole of the world news, during this recent week, has been overtaken by the Earthquake in Iran on Friday 26th Dec.. 2003. The estimate of the death count in now put at 50000. Both the Cardinal T-square mentioned above, (involving retrograde Mercury on the day of the quake), and an applying waning mutable square aspect between Jupiter and Pluto were (and are still) active in all astrological horoscopes set at this time. Jupiter will turn retrograde on Jan 3rd 2004 and we will have to wait until August 2004 to experience the 'one off' peaking of his square with Pluto.
January 2004
Thurs. Jan. 1st 2004
The New year starts with the main world news being that five people have been killed and others hurt after a car bomb blast tears through a Baghdad restaurant. Israel's plan to increase the number of settlements in the Golan Heights sparks international condemnation.
The waxing decelerating Moon enters Taurus at 05-03 GMT. Mars in Aries is in waning Cardinal Square aspect to Saturn at 20-23 GMT. This is a hard start to the year 2004. Not a good day to push too hard. The best course today is real gentleness. Welcome to the slight change of format to THE DAZE. Scroll down to the future, and a Happy New Year to all readers.
Ahead of us the first 2 weeks of the new year see Venus in Aquarius moving to a close conjunction with Uranus on 15th Jan. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 7th Jan is conjunct Saturn and represents the climax of the current Cardinal T-square planetary arrangement in the sky. These two influences 'feed' innovation and direct challenge. A punchy start to 2004 is indicated.
Fri. Jan. 2nd 2004
A quieter day. The Sun and Moon both in Earth signs. The Moon in Taurus squares Venus and Neptune before 12 Noon GMT today and is void of course by 19-21 GMT. This void state will continue until 17-59 GMT on Saturday. Expect rather gloomy responses.
Yesterday on a hopeful note, a Pakistani airliner arrived in Delhi from Lahore, reviving commercial air links between the countries after two years. Beagle 2 is due to begin automatic transmissions which could increase the chances of it being found. The first US rover - called Spirit - is due to arrive at Mars at 0435 GMT on Sunday. The "robotic geologist" will be followed down in late January by its twin, Opportunity.
Saturday Jan 3rd 2004
Venus in Aquarius.
This futuristic car went on display yesterday at a Taiwanese motor show in Taipei.
The 'void of course' Moon in Taurus is gibbous in phase from 12-50 GMT. She enters Gemini at 17-59 GMT reaching her slowest motion this month (apogee) at 20-21 GMT. Jupiter is stationary, turning retrograde, at 19 degrees Virgo at 22-55 GMT. The day is correspondingly slow and unforthcoming. The emphatic procession towards Wednesday's Full Moon starts today.
The main world news yesterday reported British Airways cancelling a flight to Washington for the second day running because of fears of a terror attack. North Korea reportedly agreed to let US experts visit its top nuclear facility. Iranians began planning how to rebuild Bam from the ruins of last week's earthquake as the US eased some sanctions.
As I write Nasa's Stardust probe is closing in on Comet Wild-2 to collect dust particles for return to Earth. The craft has been racing through space for five years to get itself into a position on Friday where it will be within 300 km of the "dirty ice-ball". Stardust will photograph the object and grab particles streaming away from its nucleus for return to Earth in 2006. Scientists believe the samples will reveal a great deal not only about the construction of comets but also about the early history of the Solar System.
Sunday Jan 4th 2004
An Egyptian charter plane has crashed into the Red Sea, killing all 148 passengers and crew on board, Egyptian aviation and airline officials say. The plane, belonging to Egypt charter company Flash Airlines, crashed shortly after take-off at 0244 GMT on Saturday Jan 3rd 2004 from the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Pluto was near the horizon of that part of the world at take off and the local ascendant was forming a 'finger of fate' with Neptune and Saturn. Hard aspects in the skies right now, Sun, Saturn and Mars in cardinal T-Square, retrograde Mercury and a difficult Full Moon approaching. The astrocartography map below is set for the moment of take off. Notice the Pluto on the horizon line passing right through the Red Sea just off Sharm el-Sheikh.
The Quadrantid meteor shower is due to peak during the early-morning hours of Monday Jan 5th for eastern North America and western Europe. The "Quads" are a brief shower, lasting just a few hours; the peak is due around 6 a.m. GMT January 4th. This can be one of the best annual meteor displays if you're watching at the right time! However, this year the light of the waning gibbous Moon will interfere for all but about an hour before the first light of dawn.
The slowly waxing gibbous Moon is today in Gemini, making an interesting contact with Mars and Neptune, a planetary pair in sextuple aspect tomorrow. There is a bit more of a buzz about today. New ideas, words, associations and connections could be made.
Monday Jan 5th 2004
With the gibbous Moon in Gemini, Mars is sextuple to Neptune 09-06 GMT. By the end of the day the Sun will stand half way through Capricorn. Mercury is a morning star approaching its station and about to turn direct in motion. Venus is coasting in Aquarius moving to Uranus. Mars burning through Aries and the Moon moving to the Full. Bit of a 'stir' to be experienced today.
Afghanistan's grand assembly finally adopted a constitution that aims to stabilise the war-ravaged nation. The thaw between Pakistan and India gathers pace as their prime ministers meet during a regional summit. A Nasa space probe has sent back its first images of Mars within hours of arriving on the planet. The Spirit rover survived the perilous plunge through the Martian atmosphere after a seven-month voyage from Earth.
A solar wind stream has been buffeting Earth's magnetic field this weekend and causing mild geomagnetic storms.
An occultation of 5th magnitude star (125 Tau) by the Moon, occurs tonight from around 20-34 GMT to 21-51 GMT. This occultation is a very minor affair, the star being on the edge of visibility (from the UK), but worthy of our attention.
Tuesday Jan 6th
The nearly full Moon is in Cancer from 06-39 GMT, and as can be seen from the graphic above applies all day long to a conjunction with Saturn, reaching him at 01-04 GMT tomorrow. Mercury turns direct again today at 13-41 GMT. Venus is applying to a sextuple with Pluto. It looks to be a tense day as the climax of this emotional Full Moon approaches. Tears and fears, defence and protection, worry and concern dominate all situations. There is a serious side to today, increasing in intensity as the Moon approaches Saturn.
The World Health Organization confirms China's first case of Sars in six months, prompting fears of a resurgence. Most travellers to the US will have their fingerprints checked and photographs taken under new regulations.
Wednesday Jan 7th
The robotic probe Spirit has sent back its first colour images of Mars, (above).
A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) is en route to Earth today. It was hurled into space by an explosion near sunspot 536 on January 5th at 0345 UT. Sky watchers should be alert for possible auroras on January 6th or 7th when the CME sweeps past our planet. Sunspot 536 is big, about six times wider than Earth. Space
Yesterday Pakistan and India said they will discuss the bitterly divisive issue of Kashmir in talks due to start next month. Eight schoolchildren were amongst at least 13 people killed in a bomb blast in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar. Lisbon joined Denmark and Sweden in rejecting US calls to post armed guards on international flights. The UK's top policeman will examine whether the crash that killed Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed in 1997 was suspicious, as the inquest was opened.
Full Moon 17 degrees Cancer 15-41 GMT. Jan 7th 2004.
Astrological chart set for London.
This is the second Full Moon after the Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov.. 9th 2003. The Full Moon, widely conjunct Saturn, is sextuple Jupiter and square Mars. Venus is sextuple Pluto. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon and Saturn rise over the UK (almost exactly at Dublin Eire). The Moon is on the MC of Seoul.
Thursday Jan 8th 2004.
The Moon just past the Full is now void of course in Cancer until 17-38 GMT when she enters Leo. The Sun in Capricorn and this Moon in Leo is a very 'autocratic' combination. There are however no planetary aspects today although the Sun is applying all day to an earthy trine aspect with Jupiter which peaks tomorrow.
As the Full Moon peaked on Wednesday three good news news items emerged. The US-led coalition in Iraq is to release more than 500 prisoners, with the first batch to be freed today. The government and southern rebels signed an agreement to share wealth, this is seen as a major step towards final peace. Turkey and Syria have agreed to bury their differences, ending decades of frosty relations.
The Mars Express orbiter failed however to contact Beagle 2 in what was thought the best chance of finding the missing probe.
Big sunspot 536 has unleashed a series of strong M-class solar flares this week, two of them almost reached the most powerful category: X-class. The sunspot has a "delta-class" magnetic field with enough stored energy for an X-class blast. Forecasters estimate a 20% chance of such an explosion today. Stay tuned to for updates.
Friday Jan. 9th 2004.
The waning Moon is accelerating in Leo. The Sun is in an earthy trine aspect with Jupiter at 19-00 GMT. The day has a 'generous' and benevolent potential. We are now in an astrologically quiet period until Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The news yesterday reflected this rather inert period. A US military helicopter made an emergency landing near the town of Falluja, killing all nine people on board. A 56-year-old man was pulled alive from the rubble 13 days after the Bam earthquake. In the UK the Queen officially launched the Queen Mary 2, the largest cruise liner built.
As the Sun made his earthy trine aspect with Jupiter today so the US president made a declaration of American intent to build a colony on the Moon within the decade. This was the main news item. Obviously an election sweetener but it may well happen. Such a grand plan could only be released on a fine a day as this.
Saturday Jan 10th 2004.
A quiet day geared to recreational and constructive ends, the Moon is in Leo and is void of course from 22-00 GMT. Tomorrow will be much more conducive to hard work. The predominant astrological wave now building is the conjunction of Venus and Uranus which climaxes next Thursday. As we draw towards this moment the wave now building unfolds swirls of something suprisingly 'electric'. This is a new one to us, and one to watch out for.
Sunday Jan 11th 2004
The accelerating Moon enters Virgo at 02-38 and is disseminating in phase from 13-08 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are in Earth signs conferring an air of precise practicality on the next two days.
Monday 12th January 2004.
At 13-19 GMT the disseminating Moon passes 3 degrees north of Jupiter in mid Virgo. A very 'work oriented' day is predicted. All week Venus, in late Aquarius, is applying to a close conjunction with Uranus in Pisces. Venus enters Pisces on Wednesday, and catches up with Uranus on Thursday, which appears to be astrologically very interesting.
Yesterday British Prime Minister Tony Blair back from his holidays, suggested that Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction may never be found in Iraq as unrest continued in the British-run southern part of the country. Two years to the day after the United States opened its controversial Guantanamo Bay jail in Cuba Tony Blair said the fate of nine Britons held there would be resolved in weeks. Iran was plunged into a major political crisis after powerful conservatives moved to disqualify massive numbers of reformists from standing in next month's crucial parliamentary elections, a move one MP branded a "coup d'etat". South African President Thabo Mbeki launched the election campaign of his party, which has governed for a decade since the end of apartheid, saying it was the only one with a "proven track record" in improving people's lives.
Tuesday Jan. 13th 2004.
At 09-38 GMT today the accelerating Moon enters Libra. She is at Last Quarter phase on Thursday. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in Cardinal signs, indicating a generation of new issues and crises. For the two and a half days the Moon is in Libra many astrological events will occur and although today may be predicted as 'quiet', the scene set today will provide the 'backdrop' for important events on earth immediately ahead.
Yesterday, with the Moon still in Virgo, we saw Syrian officials dismissing an invitation by Israel's president to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to come to Jerusalem for peace talks. U.S.-sponsored peace talks between Israel and Syria collapsed you may recall in 2000 over the issue of returning to Damascus the Golan Heights, which Israel took during the 1967 Six-Day War.
In the UK, on what also appeared to be a quiet news day, the main news centred around a report which stated that Child porn crimes rose 1,500% in 15 years and Internet mobile phones could make things worse.
This is the lull before the changes ahead. Astrological events are all about changes in consciousness, get yourself ready.
Wed. Jan 14th 2004
UK Lunar Occultation of 3rd magnitude star 29 Gamma Virgo occurs today. This is the most significant occultation of a star visible in 2004 from the UK, by the Moon. The occultation starts around 02-15 GMT (depending on you UK location) today and finishes just after 03-00 GMT. Mercury re enters Capricorn 11-02 GMT, Venus enters Pisces 17-16 GMT. Venus is very close to Uranus. The Moon is rapidly approaching Last Quarter phase in Libra.
Yesterday Harold Shipman, Britain's most prolific serial killer, was found hanging in his cell at Wakefield Prison. It would have been his birthday today.
Abroad there were warnings from Iran that the government may quit if the row between conservatives and reformists is not resolved. In Afghanistan a female singer appears on television for the first time in more than a decade, another step towards liberalisation.
Thurs. Jan 15th 2004
Possibly the most important day this month. The Moon starts the day in Libra and is at Last Quarter Phase 04:47 GMT. Venus is conjunct Uranus at 07-23 GMT, with less than 1 degree of separation between them, both sextuple Mercury. The Moon enters Scorpio at 14-43 and then the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Uranus are in hexagonal planetary arrangement in Earth and Water signs. This is an eventful day both fruitful and fertile. Expect the unexpected and the unusual.
Friday Jan. 16th 2004
Yesterday Thousands of Shia Muslims gathered in Basra Iraq to show their opposition to US plans for the transfer of power. The US probe that arrived on Mars 11 days ago moved off its lander and on to the surface. The next planetary aspect is a fiery trine between Mars and Pluto next Tuesday, the day before the New Moon. This is a particularly energetic aspect with potentially beneficial 'effects'. The next four days which lead up to this important aspect are 'quiet', with a fast waning Moon rushing to its New phase. Today this Moon, now past the Last Quarter is speeding through Scorpio. Expect entrenched reactions today. The Sun has only five days left in Capricorn, Mercury is favourably observable as a morning star, also in Capricorn, our minds are now thinking practically about constructive future plans, (or should be if you wish to be in tune with the cosmos!). Venus shines brilliantly as the evening star in Pisces, our hearts opening to new sensations of unity, romance and luxury. However it is Mars in Aries with its applying trine to Pluto which most strongly colours the immediate days ahead. At best this aspect can be a healing influence, make the most of the time.
Saturday Jan. 17th 2004.
The Moon is in Scorpio, void of course from 11-49 and then she enters Sagittarius at 17-19. This fast Moon then makes a square aspect to Venus and Uranus before midnight (all times GMT). Three stages to the day. Will power to the fore first thing, lack of direction in the afternoon (GMT), a difficult and potentially awkward evening.
Sunday Jan. 18th 2004. The Moon is balsamic in phase at 14-27 GMT. As the old Moon burns out we are treated to a quick moving yet astrologically quiet day. Mercury is now starting to apply to its third and final opposition to Saturn, Mars is applying to a trine with Pluto. Practical optimism abounds.
Monday Jan. 19th 2004.
The old Sagittarian Moon is perigee (closest to earth and fastest this month) at 19:34 GMT and void of course today from 03-59 to 18-25 when she enters Capricorn.
This astrology coincides with the main news that yesterday a suicide bomber detonated explosives outside coalition headquarters in Baghdad and may have used eight unsuspecting Iraqis in the back of his truck to disguise his intentions. At least 23 people were killed and 60 wounded in the attack.
In the US opinion polls indicate the upcoming Iowa race has tightened into a statistical four-way tie between Dean, Edwards, Gephardt and Kerry. An Arctic front buffeting the north-eastern United States is forcing temperatures in some parts down to a 50-year low.
In the UK the Conservatives have stepped up their attack on the controversial plans for student top-up fees.
Tuesday Jan. 20th 2004
Yesterday Iraqi Shias marched against coalition proposals for a transfer of power, as the US seeks UN backing for the plan. Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai testifies for the first time in his 11-month treason trial. Internet users are warned to look out for the Bagle virus which has started spreading rapidly.
At 03-38 the very old Capricornian Moon is conjunct Mercury.
At 09-56 GMT Mars is in Fiery trine to Pluto.
At 17-43 the Sun enters Aquarius and a new astrological month begins.
Wednesday Jan 21st 2004
The Moon is in Capricorn until 19-12 when she enters Aquarius and is New at 21-06 GMT.
Venus makes a watery trine aspect to Saturn at 10-04 GMT.
New Moon 1 degree Aquarius 21-06 GMT
This is the second New Moon after the Solar Eclipse in November 2003. Mercury is opposite Saturn. Venus makes a trine with Saturn, Mars is trine Pluto, Mercury sextuple Venus, and Saturn is in wide trine to Uranus. The New Moon is unaspected except for a wide weak square to Mars. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are rising at Darwin, they are conjunct the IC of Iraq. Jupiter rises over south west England.
This is not a powerful New Moon chart. Rather the energy of the moment is conducive to serious thought, careful and realistic planning and circumspection. There is, because of the fiery Mars Pluto trine, a certain expansive component of the forces at work, but overall the theme is consolidation, more of the same type of events set up at the eclipse in late November 2003.
As the old Moon burns out and the New Moon approaches, the main world news seems to be focused on the president making a robust defence of his policies - including the Iraq war - in his State of the Union address yesterday. A businessman is charged with offering bribes to the Israeli PM, Ariel Sharon, who is suffering politically from the scandal. China is in motion, as a fifth of humanity prepares to celebrate the lunar New Year holiday season.
Thursday Jan 22nd 2004
At 04-59 GMT Mercury is opposite Saturn for the final time. Much that has been hanging around could be 'sorted' today. The infant Moon is decelerating in Aquarius. Altruism, the New age, and reactivity are to the fore. The News reflects the 'rush' following the New Moon.
As I write new news stories are emerging around the world in the wake of the New Moon yesterday. A top US scientist who visited North Korea says he left "unconvinced" it could develop a nuclear bomb. Three people are being tested for avian influenza in Thailand, amid fears the disease is spreading across Asia. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says he has no intention of standing down over a corruption case. It is interesting to note that the New Moon yesterday was conjunct Sharon's natal Mars and Mercury. Nasa's Mars Rover Spirit has delivered its first data on the minerals present in the soil of the Red Planet.
In the UK the Conservatives say they would reverse a relaxation of cannabis laws if they come to power, as a campaign begins to highlight the changes.
Friday Jan 23rd 2004
Nasa's Mars rover Spirit has stopped sending useful data and mission scientists are unable to send it commands. Senator Sagittarian John Kerry emerges as the Democrats' front-runner ahead of a TV debate in New Hampshire. Historic Kashmir tals bring hope as India's government and moderate separatists reach agreement that all violence in the region should stop.
The infant Moon in Aquarius is void of course from 09-34 GMT, before entering Pisces at 21-30 GMT and being conjunct to Uranus in that sign at 23-30 GMT. The Moon then starts to apply to a sweet conjunction with Venus exact at 18-49 GMT tomorrow. (See graphic above).
The weekend ahead looks to be astrologically quiet.
Sat. 24th Jan 2004.
The slender and dreamy infant Piscean Moon is very well aspected today and is finally conjunct Venus at 18-49. Looks to be a day to be impressed by, a day to enjoy, a day to daydream, and a day to follow the flow and the shoal. We are now in the midst of a momentary lull in the cosmic forces, before a planetary flourish, during the last three days of the month, focused around Venus, Jupiter Pluto and Mercury.
Sun. Jan 25th 2004.
The decelerating Moon in Pisces becomes crescent in phase at 08:41 GMT today. She is void of course from 11-10 GMT. A day of peace before the storms?
Watch Tony Blair in the politically important days ahead (in the UK) as Mercury buffets his natal Uranus and Mars conjuncts his natal Mercury during the next few days, lots of fiery emotion there!
Stay tuned to THE DAZE. E-mail here
The second of two Nasa rovers successfully lands on the Martian surface, where it will search for signs of water on the planet. Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has admitted that his government suspected an outbreak of avian flu about two weeks ago.
Monday Jan 26th 2003.
The waxing crescent Moon enters Aries at 03-07 GMT. Sun and Moon are then both in 'male' signs.
Thailand warns that the death toll from bird flu could be as high as six, amid fears about the virus' spread. The Russian president says no problems are too great, as Colin Powell sets out a thorny agenda in Moscow. Tony Blair is to meet Labour MPs in an effort to bolster support for top-up fees ahead of a vote which No 10 says remains "too close to call".
Tuesday Jan 27th 2004
(Tony Blair has Mars conjunct his natal Mercury at 12-20 on 28th Jan 2004).
The crescent Moon is slowly waxing and approaching Mars in Aries. Venus in Pisces is approaching an opposition to Jupiter in Virgo which is exact on Thursday. This is the major planetary aspect this week . A time of excesses in many spheres can be expected. The opposition is made more complex with the involvement of Mercury in Capricorn and Pluto in Sagittarius. All in all we can expect a series of complications and 'twists of fate' in the remaining days of January 2004.
Wednesday Jan. 28th 2004
Yesterday two CNN employees were killed in a drive-by shooting on the southern outskirts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
World health experts called for a SARS-like response to a bird flu pandemic as two more Asian nations reported outbreaks of the disease. Laos and China are the latest to have reported instances of the rapidly spreading virus that has now killed at least eight people and forced the slaughter of tens of millions of chickens.
Nasa scientists have discovered what might be the most compelling evidence yet of rocks formed in water on Mars.
The Moon is conjunct Mars in Aries today at 05-00 GMT. The very slow Moon enters Taurus at 12-47 GMT and is at first quarter phase tomorrow. Both Sun and Moon are from 12-47 in Fixed signs. There will not be a great deal of 'give' from this point through to Saturday, intransigence will be to the fore. The immediate crisis is one of stand-off.
Mars shines about a fist-width to the Moon's lower right this evening. The same distance to the Moon's upper right, you'll find the brightest stars of the constellation Aries.
The main world news today shows Democrat John Kerry winning decisively in New Hampshire's primary, boosting his bid to challenge George W Bush. At least eight Palestinians are killed during an Israeli army raid on the Gaza Strip. In the UK Lord Hutton says he believes Dr David Kelly killed himself as he unveils his findings on the scientist's death.
Thursday Jan 29th 2004
The Moon is at First Quarter in Taurus today at 06-04 GMT.
Venus and Jupiter are in opposition today, square Pluto, and made easy by Mercury.
Mercury is in earthy trine to Jupiter at 18-10 GMT.
A 'Kite' planetary pattern forms in the sky today involving the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. These patterns nearly always add great power to the time in which they manifest. The peak point in time of this Kite pattern occurs during the first three hours (GMT) of Friday 30th Jan.
As this astrologically important day dawned at least 10 people were killed this as a suicide blast ripped apart a bus in west Jerusalem. Two aircraft flew into Germany from the Middle East as part of an exchange of prisoners between Israel and Hezbollah. A new strain has emerged of the malicious e-mail worm, Mydoom, which is continuing to multiply across the net. The U.S. military is planning a spring offensive against remnants of the Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan, a senior Defence Department official has said.
Friday Jan 30th 2004
The astrological chart of John Kerry, US democratic hopeful is here. This chart is very dynamic, full of movement and energy. The Moon is two hours from being exactly Full in Gemini and applying to a conjunction with Saturn, and square the MC of Denver.
The Full Moon was the penultimate one before the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on February 9th 1944 in mid Leo. As this man stirs our consciousness in 2004 as the leading democratic contender for the 2004 US election it is fascinating to note that his progressed astrological chart has recently 'arrived' at the time of this lunar eclipse. John's third progressed Full Moon, this eclipse, occurred in his astrological chart in August 2003. At this 'high tide' point in his life we meet the man.
Four planets in Gemini dominate the chart of this Sagittartian soul born shortly after Sunrise with Sagittarius rising. There is a predominance of mutability in the chart. Hence the movement and transmission. This man transmits energy. There is here, fearlessness, (Sun rising in Sagittarius), pragmatism, (Mercury in Capricorn), diversity, (the stellium in Gemini), agility (Mars in Gemini), passion (Venus in Scorpio), and an eye for detail (Virgo on the MC), quite a mixture.
At the time of this chart, Uranus was setting at Denver, his birth place. The Full Moon was rising at Moscow and Tehran as he took his first breath. Mars rose at Baghdad, Pluto was aligned to Jerusalem, Mercury was setting at Kabul and was on the MC of London. Pluto was aligned to Hong Kong, Jupiter to North Korea and Venus to Beijing. There is enough information here to warrant further investigation!
John Kerry's progressed Moon is still in Leo in the immediate wake of the eclipse mentioned above in early 2004. This Moon enters Virgo on July 10th 2004 and will be immediately besieged squaring Uranus in Dec. 2004, and squaring Mars in May 2005. A tough and brittle time will ensue, testing the spirit and mettle of this man.
At the time of the US election on November 2nd 2004, Jupiter is sextuple natal Pluto, and Pluto is square his MC. Let us say no more at this point (Jan 30th 2004) until we see if he gets the democratic vote to run for president.
Today the very slow waxing Moon in Taurus fresh from the ' Kite Pattern' is void all day from 02-05 GMT. The astrological weather is set 'solid' today. We are now fifty days from the Vernal Equinox.
Saturday Jan. 31st 2004
Sky watchers should be alert for auroras on Jan. 31st when Earth runs into a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun.
The Moon enters Gemini at 01-18 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then in air signs. The Moon is at Apogee (furthest from Earth in her monthly cycle and slowest) at 14-01 GMT. Mercury is sextuple Venus at 11-08 GMT. This day looks to be a great deal more diverse and open. A day to move, and a day to really talk.
The Moon shines high overhead this evening, forming a nearly equilateral triangle with bright yellowish Saturn and bright yellowish Capella. Much closer to the Moon (on the opposite side of it from Capella) is fainter orange Aldebaran. Sky and Telescope.
Venus is applying to a waxing mutable square to Pluto, the word 'debauch' could be an apt one for this Saturday Night!
February 2004
Sunday Feb. 1st 2004
As the month commences a Mutable Square is forming in the skies of planet Earth involving the Jupiter Pluto Venus and the Moon. The planetary pressure is high. Expect important events to occur.
The News reaching us as this planetary arrangement forms reported a blast outside a police station in Mosul killing at least nine people and three US troops dying in an ambush. British Airways and Air France cancelled a number of US flights amid fears al-Qaeda may be targeting them. China has slapped poultry export bans on three more areas amid a World Health Organisation warning that the chance of controlling the outbreak is slipping. Israeli troops have for the second time in two days launched a brief incursion into the West Bank town of Bethlehem.
Venus squares Pluto 12-54 GMT.
The Mutable Square involving the Moon in Gemini, Pluto in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo and Venus in Pisces peaks around 18-00 GMT today.
Monday Feb. 2nd 2004.
Yesterday's Mutable Cross in the skies coincided with some desperately intense and sorrowful events on Earth. Nearly 250 people were trampled to death near Mecca during the annual Muslim pilgrimage. Suicide bombers killed at least 56 people - including Kurdish leaders - in crowded offices in Irbil, northern Iraq. Health experts are examining the possibility that bird flu may have passed between humans for the first time in the current outbreak in Asia.
In addition to these main news items a third airline grounded a flight to the US for security reasons. Continental Airlines cancelled Sunday's 1215 GMT flight 17 from Glasgow to Los Angeles via Newark, New Jersey.
Today the Sun is conjunct Neptune at 09-29. The Moon starting the day in Gemini is at gibbous phase from 09-50, and enters Cancer at 14-03 GMT. The week ahead sees this gibbous Moon accelerating towards the Full.
Tuesday Feb. 3rd 2004
At 04-35 the gibbous accelerating Moon in Cancer is conjunct Saturn. The mood today encompasses a variety of responses, at best 'care within the community', and at worst 'a crescendo of emotion'. As the Moon grows to fullness so a corresponding tenseness may be sensed to be building up over the next three days.
Mars enters Taurus at 10-05 today and will reside in this sign until March 22nd 2004, colouring these next few weeks with a long-lasting, wilful and purposeful hue to all actions and activities.
Yesterday the UK government announced that it is preparing to outline plans for an inquiry into the intelligence used to justify the Iraq war following the lead set at the weekend by the US administration.
The Israeli prime minister provoked anger by saying he has ordered a plan to move all Jewish settlers from Gaza.
Wednesday Feb. 4th 2004.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Three Senate office buildings were closed Tuesday after the discovery of what Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said was identified by early tests as the deadly toxin ricin. Other officials were awaiting more test results.
Democrats in the "Super Seven" voted for a challenger to US President George W Bush in November. Iranian students say they have been banned from holding a demonstration to support reformist candidates barred from this month's election. John Kerry has some pretty heavyweight Jupiter transits right now, and the coming Full Moon is nicely placed to his Natal Full Moon. This could be his time.
We are now exactly half way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This day marks the start of 'stirring' in the Northern hemisphere and the very beginning of another Fall in the South. A day to contemplate the turning of the seasons.
The almost Full Moon in Cancer makes an opposition to Mercury at 18-00 GMT today made easy by a trine to Venus. Hearts and minds in powerful unison? Almost.
Thursday Feb. 5th 2004.
Yesterday Senator John Kerry, buoyed by a near-sweep of the first nine Democratic nominating contests, set his sights on the delegate-rich state of Michigan as the next big stop in his drive for the presidency. Animal health experts were finalising guidelines for countries fighting bird flu as the disease claimed more victims and continued to spread in Asia.
The Moon enters Leo shortly after midnight (GMT). The last day before this 'intoxicating' Candlemass Full Moon will not be easy, the day starts with the Moon squaring Mars in Taurus and then applies all day to the opposition to Neptune in Aquarius. The energy of this Leo Full Moon tends to evoke universal extroversion.
'Beware the power of Moons'. As this current one approaches a land mine blast kills four Indian soldiers in Indian Kashmir in the worst attack since peace talks last month. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan's best-known nuclear scientist, shocked the nation on Wednesday, when he went on television and confessed to leaking nuclear secrets. He said he took full responsibility for proliferating nuclear weapons to Iran, Libya and North Korea. In the UK Tony Blair still looking beleaguered from all quarters has said he was unaware the 45 minute claim over Iraq's WMD meant only battlefield weapons when he urged MPs to vote for war in March last year.
The sun is peppered with small spots today. One of them, sunspot 551, is growing fast. It has quadrupled in size in only 24 hours and merits watching as a possible source of solar flares.
Friday Feb. 6th 2004.
The Moon is full at 17 degrees Leo at 08-48 GMT. (Chart for the Full Moon moment set for London is below).
Mars is sextuple Uranus at 09-23 GMT .
This Full Moon falls midway between the Total Lunar Eclipse of November 9th 2003 and the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 4th 2004. We are at that time again where the influence and effect of the former eclipse gives way, and we start to come under the sway of the future eclipse. Both eclipses are total, but the November one was a transitional eclipse belonging to a Saros series whose next member eclipse is partial, whilst the eclipse ahead of us in three months time belongs to a Saros series which is still approaching its climax. It is a longer and presumably more potent eclipse. This Full Moon brings to head a modulation of energy. The nature of the change may be unclear at first and we may well become intoxicated by the glamour and illusion embedded into the time by the lunar opposition to Neptune. Today's Full Moon at 17 degrees Leo is indeed opposite Neptune. Mars sextiles Uranus. Mercury sextiles Venus and squares Mars.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon is rising at Seoul and at Brisbane. The Moon sets over Edinburgh and Rio de Janerio. The Moon is on the IC of Tehran. At London Jupiter sets and Venus is shortly to rise.
At the height of this Full Moon at least 22 people were killed and 30 injured when a blast ripped through a train car on the Moscow subway during the busy morning rush hour, rescue officials told AFP.
Other news reports are that President George W. Bush and heavy-hitters in his administration are cranking up a counter-offensive against charges they "played politics" with US security and doctored intelligence to justify war with Iraq. The death of a six-year-old girl has taken Vietnam's death toll from bird flu to 13, as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says the disease had been detected in pigs in the capital and its environs.
The major News event in the UK at Full Moon concerned nineteen people thought to be Chinese illegal workers dying when they were caught by racing tides while digging for shellfish on treacherous mud flats off the northwest coast of England.
Saturday Feb. 7th 2004.
In the aftermath of yesterday's Full Moon the Moon today in Virgo from 09-03 makes an opposition to Uranus in Pisces made easy by a trine to Mars.
Look west at dawn and you'll see the lowering Moon now over Regulus, as shown above, with Jupiter well to its upper left. Mercury is deep in the glow of dawn. You can scan for it with binoculars a little above the southeast horizon about 30 minutes before sunrise.
Mercury enters Aquarius today 04-20 GMT.
During evening the Moon shines above bright Jupiter and to the lower left of Regulus.
It look to be a much more 'work oriented day' and weekend once the Moon enters Virgo. With two planets changing signs this weekend the planetary emphasis moves to positive signs. The days ahead may well witness people being more assertive and self expressive than they have been of late.
This morning another powerful earthquake has hit Indonesia's Papua province, a day after an earth tremor left 23 people dead. Geologists monitoring the remote region said the latest quake had a magnitude of up to 7.1. On Friday, up to 600 people were feared injured and hundreds of homes destroyed in the province after a 6.9 magnitude tremor hit the town of Nabire. Indonesia's meteorological bureau said the latest earthquake, which struck around 0942 (0242 GMT), had a magnitude of 6.2.
Sunday Feb. 8th 2004.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 15-31 in the middle of Virgo.
Venus is the brilliant white "Evening Star" shining in the west-southwest during twilight and early evening. Every week now it's getting a little higher and brighter. Today Venus enters Aries at 16-21 GMT.
Two main world news items emerge as the Moon applies to a conjunction with Jupiter. Senator John Kerry won easy victories in the latest state caucuses yesterday to find a Democrat challenger to President Bush. Sri Lanka's president dissolved parliament in a bid to win full power back from her bitter rival, the prime minister.
Monday Feb. 9th 2004.
The fast waning Moon enters Libra at 15-13 GMT. Mercury makes a waxing fixed square to Mars today, this is a 'testy' aspect, not good for hand eye co-ordination, spur of the moment decisions should be given a wide birth. The news as this planetary square manifests reports that the UN says more than six million North Koreans will go without emergency food aid until April. The Supreme Court begins a hearing on the legality of the Israeli barrier being built in the West Bank.
Tuesday Feb. 10th 2004.
The fast moving Moon in Libra is at disseminating phase at 01-13 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are now in air signs. The astrological weather is set fair for all aspects of communication. Not a lot going on though, this is now an astrologically quiet period.
Wednesday February 11th 2004
Yesterday at least 50 were killed by an apparent suicide bomb attack outside a police station in Baghdad on recruiting day. Yesterday was seriously violent in Iraq, one of the worst days since the war. Earlier an Iranian plane had crashed near Sharjah airport in the United Arab Emirates, killing at least 43 people. The Kish Airlines flight was coming in to land after flying from the Iranian Gulf island of Kish at about 1100 local time (0700 GMT).
In the UK it was announced that Tony Blair is set to meet Libyan President Colonel Gaddafi, some hint of Moon in Libra reconciliation there at least.
The Sun in the last decant of Aquarius makes a sextuple aspect today with Pluto at 10-54 GMT. Winds of change? The Moon is void of course from 05-43 GMT until 19-58 GMT when she enters Scorpio and speeds towards a Fixed Last Quarter phase exact on Friday. A largely 'void' day is on offer with the customary 'sting in the tail'.
Thursday February 12th 2004
A car bomb yesterday killed up to 47 people in Baghdad - bringing to nearly 100 the number of Iraqis killed in two days. On both days the Moon was in Libra. The Moon has now moved on into Scorpio. The 'atmosphere' now more resolute and positively purposeful may hold secrets as to silver linings in Iraq.
The Sun and Moon are now in Fixed signs.
Another Kite Planetary Pattern manifests in the skies today for a few hours around 06-00 GMT today involving the Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Taurus, Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Cancer. As always with these patterns, power is embodied into the time they occur.
As this Kite manifested in the skies the news wires were buzzing with the news that South Korean scientists have cloned 30 human embryos to obtain cells they hope could one day be used to treat disease. Seoul National University's Woo Suk Hwang, and colleagues, took the genetic material from normal cells in women donors and combined it with their eggs.
Sky watchers should be alert for auroras on February 12th when the Earth encounters a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun.
Friday February 13th 2004.
Rather a crisis filled day. The Moon is at Last Quarter in Scorpio at 13-41 GMT today and then is void of course before entering Sagittarius at 23-36 GMT. Under this rather non-moving backdrop today, ripples of astrological 'energies' are accumulating in the ether. Mercury is drawing to an alignment with Neptune in Aquarius which peaks on Sunday, and Saturn is about to be sextiled by Mars and squared by Venus tomorrow. There is heavy duty almost 'industrial' energy to be harnessed today.
Venus and Mars are in fact almost 30 degrees apart right now, Venus is on the chase to Mars, but will never catch him, well not this time anyway, as she will turn retrograde in mid May, before reaching him, and turn to a more important meeting with a transit across the Sun on June 8th.
Saturday February 14th 2004.
Mars sextiles at Saturn at 00-50 GMT, this is the 'source' of the driving power maybe being experienced right now.
Venus is in waning Cardinal square to Saturn at 09-58 GMT. Not really a Saint Valentine's aspect! This aspect casts a dour shading, on love responses.
The Moon in Sagittarius forms a 'Finger of Fate' pattern with this morning's Mars Saturn Sextile around 12-00 Noon GMT. Watch the news! Fateful incidents expected today. Take care.
Mercury draws closer to his conjunction with Neptune all day, real consciousness expanding stuff.
Sunday February 15th
The Moon is tearing through Sagittarius, conjunct Pluto at 12-33. Mercury, still a morning star and moving away from us on the far side of the Sun, is conjunct Neptune at 13 degrees Aquarius at 17-43. The atmosphere is racy and adventurous. A day for breaking 'New Ground'. Deeply imaginative thought forms, drawing science to higher truths, and invoking art to fantastic sciences, are released.
Well at least an interesting day may be in store.
Monday February 16th.
Emergency workers digging through the wreckage of a collapsed Moscow swimming pool (this occurred on Saturday) have now given up hope of finding more survivors, with at least 25 people confirmed dead and up to 13 bodies believed to be still in the ruins.
At least 51 people have been killed in a fire at a department store in north-east China, officials say. The fire broke out in the five-storey Zhongbai Commercial Plaza on Sunday at around 1120 local time (0320 GMT) in the city of Jilin.
Senior officials from Paakistan and India today begin their first formal talks in three years in Islamabad, with Kashmir high on the agenda.
More than 40 police officers are injured in a riot sparked by the death of an Aboriginal teenager.
The very fast Moon enters Capricorn 02-15 GMT today.
The Moon is at perigee (fastest) at 07-40 GMT and at balsamic phase at 23-23 GMT.
A cardinal T-square forms in the skies today involving The Moon in Capricorn, Saturn in Cancer and Venus in Aries. The afternoon is the strongest time. Mars in Taurus makes the Moon Saturn focus a little 'easier' to handle. A real test of our relationships is on the cards today.
Tuesday February 17th 2004
The farthest object in the Universe yet detected has been seen by scientists using the Hubble and Keck telescopes. It is so distant its light must have set out when the Universe was just 750m years old to reach the Earth now. (Graphic above).
Anti-government rebels strike another town as they seize control of two key roads out of the Haitian capital. India and Pakistan hold a second day of talks - their first formal discussions for nearly three years.
The old (but fast) Capricornian Moon is void all day from 05-01 GMT. This is the 'low day' of the week.
Wednesday February 18th 2004
At 04-28 the very old Moon enters Aquarius for this last day of the Month of Aquarius. All day long this 'burnt out Moon' (together with her burnt out dreams and misconceptions) applies to Neptune. This day looks to be somewhat easier to breath on, than yesterday was, this could be seen as a 'clearing out day' before the concentration of events immediately ahead.
Thursday February 19th 2004
Nearly 300 people are now known to have died yesterday in Iran when a train carrying fuel and chemicals exploded. (Above)
The Moon is conjunct Neptune at 03-13. From that moment, four planets and the Moon are within a 20 degree arc for today and tomorrow. This is the tightest and closest planetary packing all year.
It is under the influence of this 'tight packing' that The Sun enters Pisces today at 07-50 GMT. A new astrological month begins. There are 30 days to the Vernal Equinox.
At 13-46 the Moon is conjunct Mercury in Aquarius. From 17-34 this now 'ancient' Moon is void of course. In the remaining hours before the New Moon the opportunity exists for vision and for prophecy of the times ahead.
Friday February 20th 2004
The Moon enters Pisces 07-27 GMT.
New Moon 1 degree Pisces at 09-19 GMT.
This New Moon is the penultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse at the very end of Aries on 19th April 2004. As such it is a forerunner and herald of much that lies ahead of us.
The New Moon, (which is decelerating) is applying to a conjunction with Uranus in Pisces. This is the first blast of this particular mixture of New Moon and Uranus in Pisces. It is a heady and powerful mix. We can expect to experience the start of a 'New Wave' from today embodying the symbolism of the principals involved. Needless to say these principals involve shocks and dissolutions.
Double sextiles, Venus sextile Neptune and Mercury sextile Pluto dominate the skies at the time of this New Moon. The Neptune Venus sextile forms a 'finger of fate' planetary pattern with Jupiter in Virgo. This emphasises the serious and fateful nature of this time.
The chart for the moment of New Moon has a preponderance of planets in mutable signs, and of trine aspects. There is a certain ease of expression, a kind of new movement and fluidity associated with this lunation, the changes need not be difficult to cope with if we are prepared to bend, and 'go with the flow'. The most significant feature is the close packing of the Sun, Moon, Uranus, Mercury and Neptune. These is a 'concentrated time'.
The New Moon is conjunct the Natal Sun of Robert Mugabe, it is his 80th birthday tomorrow, (time to step down Bob?), conjunct the Natal Mercury of Ariel Sharon, (another opportunity for a farewell speech?), conjunct Natal Pluto in the UK chart (1801), watch this space carefully, and conjunct the Natal Neptune of the Liberia national chart.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun, Moon and Uranus are shortly to rises of central Brazil, Argentina and the Malvinas islands (Falklands). It will be interesting to see if any new sparks are kindled regarding the much disputed ownership of these rocky outposts.
The same three bodies are positioned on the Mid Heaven of Madagascar, (a focus of the forthcoming Solar Eclipse), Mogadishu, Baghdad and Gorkij. Baghdad is actually straddled by the Moon and Uranus at this New Moon.
Mars rises over the UK, Pluto rises over Denver and sets at Tehran. Saturn rises at Moscow, Jupiter is on the MC of San Francisco and Venus is exactly on the IC of Dallas. Haiti is featured in both the astrocartography of this lunation and the previous Full Moon All in all a special New Moon!
At 12-08 GMT the Moon is conjunct Uranus. The 'close packing' of the five bodies then starts to widen, the effect now over.
Saturday February 21st 2004
Sun and Moon in Pisces with teeth.
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, a ferocious, carnivorous South American piranha has been fished out of London's River Thames, environmental officials say.
The infant Moon is decelerating in Pisces, void of course from 22-10 GMT.
Astronomers have found a large world of ice and rock circling the Sun beyond the most distant planet, Pluto. Preliminary observations suggest it may be up to 1,800 km across, making it the largest body other than a true planet to be discovered orbiting the Sun. Designated 2004 DW, it was found on 17 February by an automated sky survey telescope in California. Since 1992 some 800 bodies have been found in the outer Solar System, five could be larger than 1,000 km across. Large orbit 2004 DW was detected by the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking survey (Neat), the same team that discovered Quaoar in 2002. With an estimated size of somewhere between 840 - 1,800 km it may be larger that Quaoar, which is 1,000 - 1,400 across. If it is at the upper end of the uncertainty range then 2004 DW is larger than any other object found circling the Sun since Pluto was discovered in 1930 (Pluto is 2,300km across). 2002 DW could even be larger than Pluto's moon, Charon which is 1,300 across. It has an orbit that is much larger than Pluto's, being, on average, 2.4bn km further out. Astronomers believe that there are many more so-called "Kuiper Belt Objects" awaiting discovery in the cold, dark, outer reaches of the Solar System.
COMET 2002 T7
Comet LINEAR (C/2002 T7) is currently glowing at 7th magnitude, just barely detectable in binoculars in the west right after dusk. It's a couple of degrees south-southwest of Gamma Pegasi, the left-hand star of the Great Square of Pegasus. It stays near there as it descends into the sunset during the next few weeks while gradually brightening.
Sunday February 22nd 2004
The Piscean Sun is conjunct Uranus at 02-07 GMT. This has been the dominant planetary aspect so far this weekend. As the aspect applied World News was focused on the early results from general elections in Iran, which suggested that supporters of clerical rule are heading for a sweeping victory.
The New Moon enters Aries today 12-45 GMT, injecting vitality and impulse to awaken and invoke events and experiences.
Mars, currently in Taurus, is moving towards a conjunction with Saturn in Cancer on May 24th 2004. In the meanwhile, during the week ahead, Mars is 'active' making a fixed waxing square with Neptune on Tuesday, energising a blistering amount of confusion in the world, and a waning earthy trine to Jupiter on Thursday, providing a healthy practical atmosphere. This week looks to be astrologically a very busy one, for as well as the Mars aspects, Mercury applies all week to a conjunction with Uranus, the Sun trines Saturn in water signs on Wednesday and Venus makes a play with Pluto on Friday, both bodies in fiery trine. All of this is overseen by a slowy waxing and decelerating Moon reaching First Quarter Phase next Saturday.
Monday February 23rd 2004
Venus and the nearly crescent Moon form a beautiful pair during twilight and early evening They'll be a real eye-catcher in the west-southwestern sky. The decelerating young Moon is conjunct Venus in Aries at 21-53.
As the above alignment occurs in the evening skies of Earth Israel's controversial West Bank barrier goes before the International Court of Justice despite objections. Flames rip through India's main space centre, killing at least six people and injuring several more. In Haiti armed gangs who seized the second largest city say they will march on Port-au-Prince to oust President Aristide. A suicide car bombing has killed 10 people at a police station in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk.
Tuesday February 24th 2004.
The Moon is crescent in phase from 01-47 GMT. The Moon this evening is positioned between bright Venus (to its lower right) and faint Mars (to its upper left).
The Moon enters Taurus at 21-30 GMT.
Mars is in a waxing fixed square aspect to Neptune at 21-32 GMT. This aspect is usually associated with chaotic events, which give rise to confusion, glamour and deception.
At least 229 people have been killed in a powerful earthquake in Morocco, and the number of dead is expected to rise. The US Geological Survey measured the quake as having a magnitude of 6.5. European agencies put at 6.1 to 6.3. It struck at 0227 GMT, on Tuesday February 24th 2004 the USGS said. (BBC News report..note CNN reported the time as 06-28 GMT...hence no chart yet for this disaster). see TOMORROWS COMMENT.
What is clear is that as Mars tightens its square aspect with Neptune, correspondingly bizarre and awesome events are starting to occur around the globe.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has sacked his government in a live TV broadcast which took the country by surprise. Astrologers will not be surprised to read that Uranus is exactly square Putin's natal Moon today, and that Venus today is exactly square his natal Uranus.
Government supporters in Haiti have set up roadblocks at key points in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and erected barricades at the presidential palace. Police are said to be abandoning their posts as rebels seeking to overthrow President Jean-Bertrand Aristide said they would move on the city.
Stand by, doubtless there will be more to follow, this will be a very eventful week.
Wednesday February 25th 2004
The Astrological chart for yesterday's Moroccan Earthquake is very striking. At the exact moment of the February 2004 Full Moon, Jupiter was exactly setting (square Pluto) at the epicentre of yesterday's quake.
At the moment of the first massive shock yesterday Pluto had just risen (square Jupiter). The MC was tightly square Saturn. Uranus was conjunct the Mars Pluto midpoint (a global aspect) but was also conjunct the Ascendant/Node midpoint, and the Mars/Ascendant midpoints, (both local contacts). The IC of the location was conjunct the Mars Uranus midpoint. Mars was opposite the Ascendant/Mid heaven midpoint. We are always so wise after the event but there are enough earthquake like connotations in the above symbolism to connect the time and the place with an earthquake. This connection could surely have been established in advance by software.
Morocco's death toll rises sharply, with 564 people now known to have died in Tuesday's earthquake.
Mercury enters Pisces at 12-59 today, and starts to move to a an alignment with Uranus, exact on Friday. Real surprises are in store, real ripples of inspiration are now on tap. The Sun makes a waxing watery trine to Saturn at 16-15 GMT. The Moon shines quite close to Mars tonight. Venus is far to their lower right. The background astrological weather is stable and receptive. Many things are in ferment.
Protesters in northern Uganda have attacked the homes of the ethnic group they blame for a massacre. At least one man - believed to be an ethnic Acholi - has been stoned to death by the mob in the town of Lira. There are also reports that the security forces have shot dead at least one protester. Rebels of the largely Acholi Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) are accused of killing 200 people in a refugee camp north of Lira at the weekend. The dominant astrological aspect last weekend was the Sun being conjunct Uranus.
Thanks for visiting this site.
Thursday February 26th 2004
The slow crescent Moon is aligned to Mars (within a degree) at 02-05 GMT. The Moon is then void of course for the rest of the day. Mars makes an earthy trine to Jupiter at 15-13 GMT.
Law and order is breaking down in Port-au-Prince as gangs loyal to the president prepare for a rebel assault.
Negotiators are completing a second day of talks on North Korea's nuclear plans but no details have yet emerged.
X-FLARE: Big sunspot 564 unleashed an solar flare at 2:03 GMT on Feb. 26th. We don't know if the blast hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth, because SOHO images are not yet available. A s t r o A l e r t
Sun-Earth Alert
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch
26 February 2004
A major solar flare has been observed from the sunspot complex known asRegion 564. This sunspot complex is large enough to be seen with the unaided(but protected!) eye. It is currently slightly west of the central solar meridian and will not rotate behind the western limb of the Sun and out ofview for approximately another 6 days. It's persisting growth also bodes wellfor possible periods of enhanced northern lights activity over the coming week. Today's major class X1.1 solar flare occurred at 02:03 UTC on 26 February. It was not a particularly spectacular event, but its position is excellent for ejecting mass toward the Earth. The Earth stands a good chance to see a minor coronal mass ejection impact within the next 2 to 4 days. An accurate assessment is not yet possible due to an inadequate amount of
available data. Once additional data has been received, forecasts will start appearing on the various web sites (,, etc). The likelihood of a large impact capable of producing significant auroral activity is fairly low. Nevertheless, a middle latitude aurora watch will probably be issued within the next 24 hours (don't expect any enhanced auroral activity from this event within the next 36 to 48 hours). If a watch
is issued, another Astroalert will likewise be sent out. Sunspot complex 564 may be capable of supporting an additional major solar flare.
** End of the AstroAlert Bulletin **
The United States intercepts two ships packed with Haitian refugees as President Bush warns he will turn back anyone attempting to flee the violence by sailing to America.
A plane carrying President Boris Trajkovski crashes in Bosnia-Hercegovina, killing him and eight others on board.
Friday February 27th 2004
Mercury, hidden in the glare of the Sun, is conjunct Uranus (within half a degree) at 06-22 GMT.
The very slow Moon decelerating and waxing is approaching First Quarter and enters Gemini at 09-23 today.
Venus trines Pluto at 16-32 GMT.
There may well be quite a 'buzz' to this day. It augers well for 'love plays' as well as for meaningful communications, head and heart working in unison.
The main news in the UK this morning is about ex-minister Clare Short claiming the UK intelligence services bugged the offices of UN chief Kofi Annan prior to the Iraq War last year. Tony Blair appears again to be under much pressure. World wide news shows Haiti as the focus of attention right now.
The sunspot, mentioned yesterday, apparently has a 'tangled magnetic field' which could erupt again soon; NOAA forecasters estimate a 20% chance of another X-flare during the next 24 hours.
Saturday February 28th 2004.
The Moon is at mutable First Quarter phase in Gemini at 03-25 and is at apogee (slowest) at 10-43 GMT. All appears in motion, moving air, moving waters, moving words.
Sunday February 29th 2004.
Mercury makes a watery trine with Saturn at 01-23 GMT.
The Moon is void of course from 10-09 and then enters Cancer at 22-12.
Earth will run into a solar wind stream on or about Feb. 29th, and that could spark auroras. The best displays will be at high latitudes--e.g., Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia.
In Haiti Rebels pause their attack on Port-au-Prince, as the White House blames President Aristide for the crisis. Haiti's President Aristide goes into exile, bowing to foreign pressure and a three-week rebellion.
In the UK the government denies military chiefs put pressure on the attorney general to strengthen his advice on the legality of war in Iraq. Tony Blair will experience Uranus squaring his natal Mars this week, a difficult transit to manage at the best of times.
The world's biggest democracy India will vote in a "historic" electronic election starting on 20 April.
March 2004
Monday March 1st 2004
A small group of U.S. Marines landed late Sunday at the airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, hours after President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's resignation broke a political impasse that brought a bloody rebel insurgency to the capital. According to Christian-Aime Ndotah, Aristide's plane landed at 7:14 a.m. and he is meeting with government officials.
Both the Sun and the Moon are now in water signs. Emotions rule. The Moon is conjunct Saturn in Cancer at 10-53.
Comet LINEAR (C/2002 T7) is currently glowing at 7th magnitude, barely detectable in binoculars in the west right after dusk. It's a few degrees southwest of Gamma Pegasi, the left-hand star of the Great Square of Pegasus, and getting lower every day.
Tuesday March 2nd 2004
Twenty days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Moon is in Cancer. Feelings may well be to the fore today, especially feelings born of memories.
Two astrological events are approaching. The Moon is waxing to the Full this week with the climax being on Saturday night (GMT) at 23.15. Before that there is an alignment involving the Earth, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the first few hours (GMT) of Thursday morning. Both events add power to this week.
This day started with the news that several explosions have rocked Karbala in Iraq as tens of thousands of Shia Muslims mark the climax of the Ashura festival. More than 140 Shia Muslims died.
Europe's Rosetta spacecraft has launched successfully and is now heading into space on its daring journey to chase and land on a comet.The £600m probe lifted off at 0717 GMT today from its launchpad in Kourou, French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket after being delayed for two days in a row.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The polls are open in eight of the 10 states holding contests on Super Tuesday -- the biggest day in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Wednesday March 3rd 2004
The Moon starting the day in Cancer becomes gibbous in phase at 05-25 GMT and enters Leo 09-18 GMT.
Jupiter in Virgo quincunx (150 degrees) Neptune in Aquarius. This is the 2nd of 3 such aspects the first being in October 2003.
The Earth, the Sun, Mercury (on the far side of the Sun), and Jupiter (in that order) are moving to an alignment between Virgo and Pisces, which peaks in the first five hours of tomorrow. A very special day is in store today.
John Kerry is to become the Democratic challenger in the US presidential election this November after winning nine out of 10 "Super Tuesday" states.
Thursday March 4th 2004
Mercury is at Superior Conjunction at 01-43 GMT. Mercury is opposite Jupiter 03-36. The Sun is opposite Jupiter 05-06 GMT. The slow Moon waxes and accelerates in Leo. Tension and pressure from both today's planetary alignment and the forthcoming Full Moon grip our souls today.
Ten thousand staff from France's railway company SNCF are scouring the country's rail network for bombs. The search was ordered after the French authorities received letters from a group saying it had planted 10 bombs. The group, known as AZF, said it would explode the 10 devices unless a ransom of $4m and 1m euros (£2.8m) was paid.
Russia is preparing to launch an operation to rescue a group of scientists, after the sinking of their North Pole research base.
Friday March 5th 2004
The almost Full Moon starts the day in Leo and enters Virgo at 17-19 GMT.
This annual 'Full Moon in Virgo' is always a tense affair. Much that has been 'bottled up' recently is let out in a climax of a crisis. The weekend may well witness many changes.
Venus enters Taurus 18-13 GMT, bringing the collective anima to a 'to have and to hold' baseline. Mars too is currently in this sign, there is a lot of 'earthy resolution' about.
Saturday March 6th 2004
The Full Moon in Virgo conjuncts Jupiter at 17-19
Full Moon 17 degrees Virgo 23-15 GMT.
This is the penultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 4th 2004. The Full Moon in Virgo, is conjunct Jupiter and opposite Mercury, and square Pluto. Mercury is sextile to Mars and square Pluto. Venus is sextile to Uranus. Experiences from the ingenious to the traumatic are indicated. This Full Moon could take us anywhere.
Sunday March 7th 2004
The 'hung over' Full Moon is void of course from 08-50 GMT until 22-32 GMT when the Moon enters Libra. During this 'void' period Saturn is stationary and turns at direct 6 degrees Cancer at 14-49 GMT.
Mercury now an 'evening star' in Pisces is sextile Mars and square Pluto.
Monday March 8th 2004
The waning Moon is accelerating in Libra. Mercury is square to Pluto at 09-51 GMT. Venus is sextile Uranus and sextile Saturn during most of this week. Looks to be a delicate start to the week, news stories seem a little dilute right now.
In Haiti at least six people are killed when alleged supporters of ousted leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide fire into crowds.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A barrage of 11 small rockets damaged a hotel Sunday evening in central Baghdad, but fell short of the conference centre where Iraqi Governing Council members were expected to sign an interim constitution Monday, a senior coalition official said. The Iraqi Governing Council is to meet again amid promises a delayed signing of the interim charter will go ahead.
An interim constitution laying the foundations for a democratic future for Iraq is finally signed in Baghdad today.
Greece's conservative party sweeps back to power and acts quickly to dispel fears over Olympic preparations.
Sky watchers should be alert for auroras on March 9th or (more likely) March 10th when Earth runs into a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun. The best displays will be at high latitudes--e.g., Alaska, Canada and northern-tier US states like Wisconsin and Minnesota
Tuesday March 9th 2004
Venus in Taurus is sextile Uranus in Pisces at 02-38 GMT. Silky smooth vibrations.
The Moon is in Libra, void of course from 12-44 GMT. Enjoy the day, the remainder of the week looks to be more intense than today.
Five British men detained by the U.S. military in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, (photo above) will head home within the next 24 hours, according to UK Home Secretary David Blunkett.
The trial is beginning in Belgrade of six Serbs charged with killing some 200 civilians from Vukovar in 1991. Good timing with the Moon in Libra today the sign of justice.
The House of Lords has defeated government hopes of pushing through plans to set up a supreme court.
Wednesday March 10th 2004
The Hubble Space Telescope has obtained the deepest view of the cosmos, detecting the youngest and most distant galaxies seen by astronomers.
The fast moving Moon enters Scorpio at 02-02 GMT and is disseminating in phase at 10-55 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are in water signs today and tomorrow. Emotions again to the fore.
Ten days remain to the Vernal Equinox.
A 'Watery Kite pattern' involving the Moon Venus, Saturn and Uranus is manifest in the skies of Earth today. This pattern peaks around 11-00 GMT. Power and import are woven into the fabric of the day.
At least two people are killed and several hurt in a suspected suicide attack in Istanbul.
Thursday March 11th 2004
Venus (in Taurus) is in waning sextile to Saturn (now direct in motion in Cancer) at 11-44 GMT. A good time to settle deals and make feelings known.
The very fast Moon is in Scorpio confers notes of seriousness and depth to proceedings.
A string of deadly blasts has hit three Madrid train stations during the rush hour, killing at least 180 people. Police cars raced to the Atocha train station in the heart of the Spanish capital, where an explosion destroyed carriages of a suburban train. Two other train stations were also hit by the near simultaneous explosions. Spain's government has blamed Basque separatist group Eta for the attacks which come ahead of Sunday's elections. The blast at Atocha happened at about 06-30 GMT as a train was pulling into the station, which lies in the heart of Madrid. The atrocity occurred when Pluto was on the Mid Heaven over Madrid as the Sun was rising on this fatefully dark day for Spain.
The last Full Moon last Saturday March 6th 2004 was conjunct the natal Saturn in the Spanish National Astrological Chart. (Book of World Horoscopes).
Friday March 12th 2004
Moon perigee (Fastest) 03-56 GMT, enters Sagittarius at 04-58 GMT. The day opens up wild and free.
Both the Sun and Moon are in mutable signs. Much movement, energy and transmission. A day to make motion.
Mercury enters Aries 09-45 GMT. New thoughts arise, sudden inspirations and inflammation.
The Sun makes a waxing mutable square with Pluto at 10-55 GMT. An underlying power play at work, not entirely wholesome.
Saturday March 13th 2004
General synopsis ...The Sun is in Late Pisces, The Moon is at Last Quarter phase in Sagittarius 21-02 GMT. Mercury, now an evening star, is in Aries, Venus (slowing down in apparent motion as she moves around the Sun swinging back towards the Earth), is chasing Mars, both planets in Taurus but destined not to meet. The astrology of the day promises openness, distance, adventure and direction.
Sunday March 14th 2004
The Moon enters Capricorn at 07-52 GMT. Stone ground words, more 'inert' than yesterday's bustle. More practical, a 'get things done' sort of day.
Police recover a video allegedly from al-Qaeda hours before Spaniards go to the polls in a general election. It appears that there may be a link between them (al-Qaeda) and the explosions.
The last Full Moon last Saturday March 6th 2004 was conjunct the natal Saturn in the Spanish National Astrological Chart. (Book of World Horoscopes). Also Madrid features strongly in the forthcoming Spring Equinox Chart.
President Vladimir Putin looks set to secure a landslide victory - but low turnout may invalidate the poll.
Monday March 15th
Earthy grand trine involving the Moon in Capricorn Jupiter and Venus. This brief phenomenon peaks at 3-00 GMT.
Mercury squares Saturn in cardinal signs 15-58 GMT.
Five weeks remain to a Partial Solar Eclipse.
Spain's general election winner Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (above) says he intends to withdraw Spain's 1,300 troops from Iraq. Spain was a major ally of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq.
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Vladimir Putin has pledged to open up Russian politics and the media to divergent voices after an election campaign criticized as unfair and one-sided.
Israeli forces carry out air strikes hours after the deaths of 10 Israelis in a double suicide bombing.
A new space telescope has detected what could be the Solar System's 10th planet, named Sedna. This discovery was made on Feb 17th 2004 and reported in The Daze on Feb 21st 2004.
Tuesday March 16th 2004
The waning and decelerating Moon enters Aquarius 11-11 GMT. The dominating astrological influence is the building up of Venus trine Jupiter. Take advantage of this luxurious vibration today.
Wednesday March 17th
Yesterday Spanish police identified six Moroccans they believe to have carried out the Madrid bombings. At least seven were killed as soldiers hunting al-Qaeda suspects near the Afghan border clash with tribesmen.
The distant object that some astronomers think could be the Solar System's 10th planet may have a moon. The new planetary candidate, which has been named Sedna, rotates more slowly on itself than expected, suggesting it may have a satellite orbiting it.
Venus makes a waning earthy trine to Jupiter at 02-00 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 12-08 GMT.
Three days remain to the Vernal equinox.
All relatively quiet right now. Not to last for long!
The US military says at least 27 people died and 45 were injured when the Mount Lebanon hotel in Baghdad was blown up by a 450-kilo (1,000-pound) car bomb.
Thursday March 18th 2004
The Moon is balsamic phase at 08-03 GMT.
At 09-48 GMT the Sun is sextile Mars.
At 15-26 GMT the Moon enters Pisces.
Newly-discovered asteroid 2000FH is going to fly by our planet today (Mar. 18th, 2200 GMT) only 43,000 km from Earth's surface. There's no danger of a collision, but it is close. For comparison, satellites orbit Earth at an altitude of 35,800 km, only six or seven thousand km below the asteroid. 2004 FH's point of closest approach with the Earth will be over the South Atlantic Ocean. (Space
Confusion and drift increasingly to the fore today.
Friday March 19th 2004
At 03-02 Venus square Neptune
The old Moon sails onward through Pisces.
Lots of fermenting news stories under this dreamy vibration of the Sun and Moon in late Pisces.
Taiwan's president and vice-president are injured on the eve of elections, but neither is badly hurt. UN staff withdraw from the tense town of Mitrovica in Kosovo where inter-ethnic clashes have left 31 dead. The first batch of an extra 750 UK soldiers being sent to Kosovo to help stem ethnic bloodshed arrives. Pakistani troops backed by helicopters attack positions held by Muslim militants near the Afghan border.
Its all change from tomorrow, with greater changes ahead.
Saturday March 20th 2004
At the start of this momentous day the very old Moon is in Pisces.
At 01-22 GMT Mercury sextiles Neptune setting a potentially surreal scene to the day.
This is an astrologically important day.
The spring equinox occurs about fifteen hours before the New Moon.
A day of serious magic.
Spring Equinox 06-49 GMT
The astrological chart for the moment of Equinox is shown above. This chart is set for London. The very old Piscean Moon is square Pluto. This moment carries within it a troubled and difficult message from the past, the chart is reflective and immersed in the 'pre-glow' of the impending New Moon, not yet manifest. The chart contains ghosts of the future, it can be viewed as burning incense, purifying, sanctifying and preparing the immanent passage of the New Moon.
With the moment past, the Moon slides onward towards union with the Sun. The day stretches out long and weary. This ancient Moon enters Aries at 21-29 GMT. The New Moon occurs one hour and thirteen minutes later.
New Moon 1 degree Aries at 22-42 GMT
The chart immediately above is set for the exact moment of this New Moon at London. The Moon now is applying in a wide cardinal square to Saturn. This New Moon is the last one before the partial Solar Eclipse on April 19th. As such it is very much a herald of much that is yet to occur. It prepares the way for the eclipse. Occurring on this Spring Equinox day this lunation will most likely cause 'ignition' and 'germination' of many new situations. The search is for the spark.
Protests against the Iraqi War were held worldwide and dominated news reports on this equinox day.
Sunday March 21st 2004
Mars enters Gemini. This ingress coincided with thousands demanding a recount in Taiwan's election which was narrowly won by President Chen Shui-bian. Nato troops in Kosovo are on alert as funerals are held for two ethnic Albanian boys whose deaths sparked clashes.
Monday March 22nd
Mars entered Gemini yesterday and will reside (with some difficulty) in that sign till May 7th 2004. Mars is conjunct Saturn in Cancer on May 24th and all progress by Mars over the next couple of months is directed to this union. Mars is right now building to a mutable square with Uranus on March 28th, a mutable square to Jupiter on April 6th, an airy trine to Neptune on April 13th, and a climatic opposition to Pluto on April 24th.
Today the infant decelerating Moon in Aries is conjunct Mercury at 07-49 GMT. She is void from 15-14 GMT to 06-10 GMT tomorrow (Tuesday) when she enters Taurus. The Moon's passage through the skies this week is a very eventful journey, as can be seen from the diagram below.
Look low in the west (far below bright Venus) as twilight fades tonight to pick up the beautifully thin crescent Moon. Look to its lower right and there's Mercury.
Tuesday March 23rd 2004
Yesterday's world news was dominated by Palestinians expressing grief and outrage as they buried Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, (Head Spiritual Leader of Hamas), who was killed by an Israeli missile in the morning. Much aggression has been unleashed in that part of the world. Later militant group Hezbollah fired missiles at Israeli military outposts on the Lebanese border.
Love your enemy, people.
Let the planet party begin! This week you can see the five brightest planets after sunset: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Step outside tonight when the sun goes down and look toward the western horizon. Mercury lies just below the crescent Moon. From Mercury, trace a line upward through brilliant Venus, dimmer red Mars, yellow Saturn, and behind your back, Jupiter.
The Moon makes fairly favourable aspects today. This decelerating waxing crescent Moon shines from Taurus below bright Venus in the west this evening, offering a foretaste of their beautiful conjunction tomorrow. The energy from the New Moon on Saturday can today take root and 'bed in'. With Mercury slowly pulling to a fiery trine to Pluto, (exact tomorrow), this is very much a 'seeding process' day for the mind.
Wednesday March 24th
Israel says all Palestinian militant leaders are in its sights, a day after killing Hamas founder Sheikh Yassin. The US special envoy to the Middle East has arrived in Tripoli as the first high-ranking US official to visit Libya in more than 30 years. The flagship of Russia's northern fleet has been ordered back to port, prompting a scare over the safety of the ship's nuclear reactor.
Pluto turns retrograde 22 degrees Sagittarius at 11-58 GMT. This symbolises forces majeure in a direction change.
Mercury is trine Pluto 20-39 GMT. This one adds depth and power to mental processes.
Moon crescent in phase (in Taurus) at 20-27 GMT, conjunct Venus 22-29 GMT. This one is sweet.
During the evening of March 24th, Venus and the crescent Moon will make a spectacular pair in the west after sunset. Venus is readily visible in the evening sky until late May during this most favourable apparition of its
eight-year cycle.
Another chance tonight to see all five visible planets and the Moon in the evening starlight. If you are looking for inspiration, take a look.
Thursday March 25th
The slow Moon is void of course all day in Taurus until 17-35. At that time the Moon enters Gemini and moves to within 7 arc-minutes of Mars 23-37 GMT. This is the closest lunar conjunction of 2004.
During the late afternoon of March 25th, telescope users in Alaska can watch the 5-arcsecond-diameter disk of Mars slide behind the crescent Moon. As seen from Anchorage the planet will disappear at 1:42 p.m. and
reappear at 2:46 p.m. Alaska Standard Time; Juneau, 2:02, 2:42; Fairbanks, 1:49, 2:55; Nome, 1:38, 2:46.
In Reykjavik, Iceland, this event takes place in a dark sky. There Mars will be covered at 0:16 Universal Time on March 26th and will reappear at 1:08.
More information about other lunar occultations that will take place during 2004 can be found here:
This is a special celestial event and a correspondingly special day on earth. (As it is in heaven).
Friday March 26th
The UK prime minister began controversial talks with the Libyan leader in a tent on the outskirts of Tripol yesterday. At the same time security forces sealed off Abidjan to thwart opposition plans for a protest march as several deaths were reported.
Today the slow Moon is in Gemini and the Sun in Aries is square Saturn at 23-15 GMT. Steady reason, slowly deliberated is the driving force today. Intellectual seriousness increasing in intensity and 'temper' as the day progresses. This day and the weekend ahead are astrologically difficult.
The planet party continues! Tonight Saturn, the Moon, faint Mars, brilliant Venus, and low little Mercury form a big, ragged, diagonal line in the western sky, in that order from upper left to lower right. Meanwhile, Jupiter shines brightly high in the east-southeast.
Saturday March 27th
Moon at apogee (slowest) 06-57 GMT.
The very slow Moon waxing, and now accelerating, in Gemini, approaching first quarter, is opposite Pluto at 14-41 GMT.
Another planetary wave follows, Mars is nearly square Uranus, this is a scary mixture of adrenaline and Uranium, be prepared for heavy violence, shocks and unexpected responses. An uneasy, slightly nervy, vibration reigns today, with dust storms gathering.
The Moon now pairs up with Saturn, which shines to the Moon's left in early evening. Look below them for the bright constellation Orion.
Sunday March 28th.
The Moon enters Cancer 06-24.
Mars is square Uranus 17-40 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn at 19-56 GMT and is at First Quarter 23-49.
This is astrologically a difficult and serious day.
Monday March 29th
The Moon moves slowly through Cancer today.
Both Venus and Mercury are at their eastern elongations today, 46° and 19° from the Sun, respectively, in the western sky after sunset. This corresponds to the 'Last Quarter phase' as each planet now swings back between the Earth and the Sun over the following weeks. It symbolises a 'return to the source' for heart and mind. What follows is a reflective and introspective period.
No major news stories this morning, and nothing as yet appears to have precipitated in the wake of yesterday's harsh Mars aspect. A strange quietness in the media is apparent.
The left-wing opposition humiliates President Chirac's centre-right party in the final round of French regional elections.
Tuesday March 30th
The Moon now 'increasing in light and motion' starts the day in Cancer, becomes void at 16-01 GMT and enters Leo at 18-08 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are then both in fire signs.
We are now in an astrologically quieter period during the run up to the next Full Moon on April 5th. This lunation is 'easy'. Mercury is approaching his station on April 6th when he turns retrograde. The advice given is to conclude business in the next few days.
Wednesday March 31st
The Moon is in Leo makes reasonable aspects for most of the day. The day is astrologically 'fiery'. Creative and recreational projects should do well.
Donors gather to discuss aid to Afghanistan, amid UN warnings that the country could slip back into chaos.
In the UK anti-terrorism officers continue to question eight men as they investigate an alleged bomb plot.
April 2004
Thursday April 1st 2004
Mercury enters Taurus 02-28 GMT but will turn retrograde and remain only for 12 days in that sign on this occasion. The Moon continues to grow and accelerate in Leo.
The Moon gibbous in phase from 22-13 GMT.
Venus has been gradually closing in on the Pleiades star cluster. For the next few days, Venus and the Pleiades will appear especially close, as shown here. Binoculars give a wonderful view. Look for bright Jupiter below the gibbous Moon in the southeast this evening. Look for fainter Regulus much closer to the Moon's right or lower right.
'Mild' news stories continue.
Greek and Turkish Cypriots will vote on 24 April on a UN plan to reunify the island after 30 years of division.
The US condemns the killing and mutilation of four American security workers in the flashpoint town of Falluja.
The latest bid to capture war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic ends without success.
Friday April 2nd 2004.
The gibbous Moon enters Virgo at 02-46 GMT. She goes on during this 'tense and picky' day to form a mutable T-square with Jupiter, Uranus and Mars. Not at all a problem free day. Expect all sorts of breakdowns and a need for repair and reassessment. At 21-41 GMT the Moon shines 3 degrees above Jupiter.
Voting starts to elect a new parliament, amid uncertainty about a fragile truce with the Tamil Tigers.
Human Rights Watch accuses government troops of targeting civilians in Darfur region.
Top U.S. officials in Baghdad Thursday decried the killings of four U.S. security contractors in Fallujah, vowed to hunt down the perpetrators and promised to pacify the restive anti-U.S. hotbed. The US death toll in Iraq since the start of the Iraq War is now in excess of 600 service men (and women). Most of these deaths have occurred since the 'end of hostilities'.
Astronomers will next month begin using a network of telescopes scattered across the globe to search for planets like our Earth circling other stars.
Saturday April 3rd
The Moon in Virgo makes a 'finger of fate' pattern with the Sun and Neptune around 06-00 GMT then staggers on rather uneasily towards the Full, void of course from 18-24 GMT. The Sun draws to a sextile aspect with Neptune.
As today's finger of fate formed more explosives were being discovered on the Spanish Railway system
Venus enters Gemini today at 14-57 GMT. She will remain in this sign until August 7th 2004, a long time for Venus to be in a sign. Affections during this season will be light, fickle, oscillating and bipolar.
Sunday April 4th 2004
The nearly Full Moon enters Libra at 07-53 GMT. At this time the Sun, midway through Aries, is sextile Neptune. After the tenseness of the previous two days, this one could well be a much smoother ride to the climax of Full Moon tomorrow.
Venus and Mars are now within eight degrees of each other in Gemini and closing. For the next two weeks she will make ground on him but she is destined to loose the chase.
Monday April 5th
Full Moon 16 degrees Libra 11-04 GMT.
This accelerating cardinal Full Moon is made easy by Neptune, but dominated by a mutable square aspect between Mars and Jupiter which tends to draw things to excess.
This is the final Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 4th 2004. It symbolism contains 'equilibrium' 'balance' and 'adjustment'.
Tuesday April 6th
With the passing of yesterday's Full Moon we are now fully into an 'eclipse season'. This day appears to be astrologically quite important.
Mars square Jupiter 05-16 GMT.
The fast Moon enters Scorpio 10-25 GMT.
Mercury turns retrograde 20-18 GMT at 2 degrees Taurus. A moment inner stillness.
A watery grand trine forms in the skies of Earth today involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus which peaks around the time of Mercury's station.
Wednesday April 7th.
The Moon is moving swiftly in Scorpio and is void of course from 11-07 GMT for the following twenty four hours. The seriousness of this day in the current eclipse season may well be apparent. With Mercury now moving retrograde expect all manner of back-tracking over the rest of April 2004.
The main world news since the Full Moon has been further fierce clashes breaking out between US-led forces and Iraqi insurgents in both Sunni and Shia areas. In the flashpoint town of Falluja, Troops have sealed off the town, but witnesses speak of shelling and blasts and the use of helicopter gunships. Four US troops died in Anbar province on Monday, but the military did not say whether they were killed in Falluja. The US has vowed to "pacify" Falluja, where four American security guards were killed and mutilated last week.
Thursday April 8th
The very fast void of course Moon is at perigee 02-18, enters Sagittarius at 11-51, ands is disseminating phase from 18-53. The Moon forms a mutable T-Square with Venus and Uranus as the day ends. The day invokes 'racey flashpoints' take care, a couple of strange days follow. We are very deeply into the current eclipse season and Mercury is retrograde. These days are not good to start new ventures, allow things to work themselves out.
Friday April 9th
The Sun and Moon reside in Fire signs. The days are 'imflamable'. The tiniest spark will set things alight.
A minor UK Lunar (telescopic) swift Occultation of 5th magnitude star '22 I Scorpio' occurs from around 03-28 GMT to around 04-11 GMT. A small readjustment amid greater greater changes takes place.
It is the turn of Mars and Jupiter to link up with the Moon in mutable T-Square today, peaking around 06-00 GMT.
Venus is in mutable square to Uranus at 09-51 GMT.
Saturday April 10th 2004
The UK says the coalition in Iraq is facing its worst threat in a year as a truce in Falluja fails and Shia unrest burns on.
Casualties are reported as fighting breaks out in north-east Sri Lanka between rival Tamil Tiger groups.
Some 30,000 people have fled their homes after reports of renewed fighting near the Burundi capital Bujumbura, officials say.
All week, brilliant Venus and dimmer orange Mars and Aldebaran (to its left) form a triangle in the west at dusk.
The fast but now decelerating Moon is conjunct Pluto at 00-30 GMT, and is void of course until 13-34 GMT when she enters Capricorn.
Venus and Mars now within 6.5 degrees of each other.
A day deeply within eclipse season to 'touch base' and reconect with inner needs and outer constraints.
Sunday April 11th 2004
The Sun in Aries is in fiery trine to Pluto in Sagittarius at 17-32 GMT. The Moon eight days from solar eclipse wanes in Capricorn.
As if in perfect response to the positive Sun Pluto aspect today an uneasy peaceful truce is agreed upon in Falluja Iraq.
Monday April 12th
The decelerating Moon is at last quarter phase at 03-47, and is then void of course until 16-33 when she enters Aquarius. Venus Jupiter and Uranus are in weak mutable T-square today.
For the record, the main world news today had three strands all about Iraq. One of US military calls for more troops to go to Iraq. The second strand the continuing uneasy peace and peace talks in Falluja. Three, the taking of hostages in the country.
Tuesday April 13th
Retrograde Mercury re-enters Aries 01-23 GMT.
A finger of fate planetary pattern occurs today involving the Moon in Aquarius, Saturn and Jupiter peaks around 07-00 GMT.
Mars makes an airy trine to Neptune at 22-02. GMT.
News of Iraq hostages, and strikes in UK.
Wednesday April 14th 2004
At 08-57 GMT Venus is square Jupiter.
At 21-24 the decelerating waning Moon enters Pisces.
Ariel Sharon meets with George W Bush in the US.
Thursday April 15th 2004
The Moon is in Pisces is conjunct Uranus at 07-26 GMT.
Moon balsamic phase from 17-27. From this point in time the procession of the pre-eclipse begins, the times deeply under its influence.
This last week in Iraq, as the Moon waned (as if to exhaustion in a pre-eclipse daze), has been the most violent since the end of the War.
Friday April 16th
At 13-43 the old Moon is void of course, she wanes and decelerating in Pisces.
Mercury is also 'old' as he moves towards Inferior Conjunction.
Under these 'old cycle ending' planetary omens, Tony Blair and George W Bush meet up in the Whitehouse Rose Garden.
Saturday April 17th 2004
Under a Piscean Moon the Inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs 01-05 at 27 degrees Aries, symbollically a 'New Mercury', a time of 'Seed Ideas' in the deepest stratum of being.
The very old and decelerating Moon enters Aries at 04-25 GMT.
Pace, will, ignition, inspiration then ensue and provide the background atmosphere of the Solar eclipse now 48 hours away.
Its very close now.
Sunday April 18th 2004
OK then, a wealth of astrological events lie ahead of us.
But firstly remember Mercury is retrograde up to the end of April. He is now in 'new phase' rising just ahead of the Sun in the morning skies. These are days of inspiration not action. The test is one of waiting and regrouping.
Two eclipses are immediately ahead of us. We are currently dwelling in the midst of an eclipse season,
Eclipses appear to set-up and 'percolate' events. The time of an eclipse seasons is important, special, sensitive, strange, and natural.
In this current season two comets are revealing themselves in the same area of the sky, best observed from the southern hemisphere. Auspicious portents for special times..
Venus and Mars now within five degrees of each other in the evening skies. Both are creeping up on Saturn for the next four weeks. Before Mars reaches Saturn on May 25th, both Venus and Mars oppose Pluto on April 24th and May 2nd respectively,, this powerful influence has a 'no going back' property, and it colours the astrological weather over this forthcoming pair of eclipses. Each day which follows will reveal its effects.
The ancient, all but 'dead', Moon in Aries today makes a series of easy aspects, moves towards Mercury, and the Sun, on this day before the eclipse.
The main world news on this day before the Solar Eclipse, Sun and Old Moon in Aries, was of continuing military conflicts and deaths in Iraq. There appears trouble in a number of locations in the country.
Monday April 19th
The Moon conjuncts retrograde Mercury at 26 degrees Aries at 05-32 GMT. This conjunction initiates this day of eclipse.
A partial eclipse of the Sun, visible today to observers in Madagascar and the southern third of Africa, heralds the opening of a new treasury of events and experiences.
The Saros Series to which this eclipse belongs is in the last tenth of its cycle.
The events percolated by this eclipse at this time can be viewed as 'fall out' as the great Saros Cycle it belongs to wanes and fades.
The recent member eclipses of this 'Saros Series 119' together with the Series 131 (its accompanying Lunar Saros and Total Lunar Eclipse member on May 4th 2004) were in April 1986, before that in 1968, 1950, 1932 and 1914. All noteworthy dates from global perspectives.
So to a lesser degree 2004 will be remembered for the events having at their source this and the forthcoming lunar eclipse.
The Astrological Horoscope for the moment of greatest eclipse, set for London, is shown above.
This eclipse occurs at the very end of Aries. No planetary aspect occurs between the time of central eclipse and the ingress of the Moon into Taurus which actually occurs during the course of the eclipse. Later the ingress of the Sun into Taurus occurs before Sunset (UK). This zodiacal position of this eclipse symbolises triumph and recent glory, a terminus of experience, the ecstatic moment before the start of a 'rooting-in period'.
'New' Mercury is retrograde, this is not a time for new beginnings, rather a period of repair and consolidation, the thought forms surfacing at this time are new and significant, their time of fruition however is not easily reached.
Venus and Mars are five degrees apart in Gemini, this is the closest they get during their current 'dance'. Venus too will be retrograde within a month. The extent of the 'inward turning quality' of this time is demonstrated with this planetary situation.
The New Moon enters Taurus 14-43 GMT.
The Sun enters Taurus at 17-51 GMT.
As this day of eclipse started News was released that within hours of taking office the New Spanish President ordered the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq.
In the UK the Government declares that, contrary to policy, a referendum about the 'European Constitution' will be held.
Tuesday April 20th 2004
Venus and Mars are now at their very closest. Less than 4.5 degrees lie between them. Mars' apparent speed is now greater than that of Venus and he starts to draw away from her. The union will have to wait until early December 2004 when these two finally meet in Scorpio. In the immediate future, before the end of this month, both Venus and Mars will be opposite Pluto. Serious times for personal relationships are indicated during this time.
The baby-new Moon is 'slowing but growing' onwards to an awesome Total Eclipse, and is void of course in Taurus from 19-36 GMT.
Over 670 million people start voting as the world's biggest democracy embarks on a four-week election marathon. Tony Blair is set to explain for the first time his decision to hold a referendum on the new EU constitution.
Einstein's laws of Gravity are being tested today A satellite that will put Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity to the test has been delayed until today.
Wednesday April 21st 2004
The slow infant Moon is void of course in Taurus all day as if dazed by self knowledge as to what lies ahead.
Venus is in earthy trine to Neptune at 14-17 GMT.
Thursday April 22nd
In the wake of Monday's eclipse a series of bomb attacks yesterday in the Basra area of southern Iraq has killed at least 68 people and injured many more.
The first blasts - apparently suicide bombings - occurred outside three police stations in Basra city centre during Wednesday's morning rush hour. Many of the dead and injured were children travelling in passing buses on their way to school. A fourth attack south of Basra is said to have killed three Iraqis and wounded five UK soldiers. Elsewhere in Iraq, the restive central city of Falluja has seen fresh clashes between insurgents and US troops. Meanwhile, the Danish foreign ministry says a Danish man kidnapped in Iraq last week has been found dead.
A suspected car bomb also exploded in the capital, Riyadh, leaving at least nine people dead and 60 injured.
The Lyrid meteor shower peaks on the morning of April 22nd. Observers who wake up at, say, 3 a.m., and watch the sky until dawn can expect to see a few dozen meteors (5 to 20 per hour). The Lyrids are a northern hemisphere shower
Today the slow and decelerating young Moon enters Gemini at 01-11 GMT joining Venus and Mars in their movement towards an opposition to Pluto in that sign. A veritable babble of chatter for two and a half days.
The Moon squares Jupiter and Uranus, planetary pressures are building, making today not especially easy to concentrate and perform, but providing plenty to talk about.
Friday April 23rd 2004
A North Korean Red Cross team is on its way to the scene of an explosion at a train station, which some news reports estimate has left thousands dead or injured. South Korean officials say they suspect a truck or train carrying flammable gas caused the massive blast at Ryongchon train station. Pyongyang has yet to release an official statement on the explosion. Up to 3,000 people are thought to have been killed or injured, with some being taken to hospitals in the nearby Chinese city of Dandling and other areas, Yonhap reported officials as saying. A satellite picture taken 18 hours after the explosion is shown below.
The trains, carrying petrol and liquefied gas, crashed at about 1300 local time (0400 GMT) on Thursday, South Korea's official Yonhap news agency said.
A very significant couple of days are upon us, as Mars opposes Pluto tomorrow further violent challenges are on the cards.
The very slow Moon in Gemini is crescent in phase from 15-12. She links up with Venus 10-35 and Mars 20-31 in Gemini all opposite Pluto, at the end of the day (GMT), but made easy by Mercury.
Saturday April 24th 2004
At 00-19 the Moon is at apogee (slowest), from that moment growing in light and also in motion towards certain and absolute Total Lunar Eclipse one week next Tuesday. She continues the journey by entering Cancer at 13-57 GMT. The day and the weekend turn more defensive, instinctive, nationalistic, and domestic. The grip tightens all day
Mars is opposite Pluto 18-09.
Sunday April 25th 2004
The Moon in Cancer conjuncts Saturn at 06-55 GMT easing up the current Jupiter Uranus opposition .
An important day follows. 'Healing feeling'.
The Sun sextiles Uranus, retrograde Mercury sextiles Mars and trines Pluto.
Monday April 26th 2004
Coalition officials in Iraq have warned that a "dangerous situation is developing in Najaf," the holy Shiite Muslim city controlled by wanted radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Iraq's main oil export terminal is still shut after it was targeted in a suicide boat raid, the oil minister says. Chinese aid has crossed the border into North Korea to the town devastated by a massive explosion last Thursday. More than 160 people died and 1,300 were wounded in the train blast at Ryongchon, near the Chinese border.
The Moon approaching First Quarter is void of course in Cancer from 09-57 GMT.
Tuesday April 27th
Moon enters Leo at 02-15 GMT and is at first quarter phase at 17-34.
One week remains to the Total Lunar Eclipse.
US forces say they have killed dozens of supporters of anti-US cleric Moqtada Sadr near the Iraqi city of Najaf. President Mbeki is sworn in for a second term as South Africans celebrate 10 years of multi-racial democracy. Muammar Gaddafi makes his first official visit to the EU in 15 years as part of his rehabilitation.
Wednesday April 28th
The Sun is sextile Saturn 14-53 and trine Jupiter 22-54.
Neptune, the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are in hexagonal arrangement.
A fiery kite planetary picture forms today involving the Moon in Leo, Mercury, nearly stationary and about to turn direct, and Pluto.
Venus and Mars shine dimly in evening skies opposite Pluto.
Violence dominates world news as these powerful astrological alignments are manifest.
A US flying gunship has pumped shells into suspected militant positions in the Iraqi city of Falluja in one of the heaviest attacks since the siege began. (Graphic above)
Security forces repel waves of machete-wielding militants in the largely Muslim south, with more than 95 reported killed.
Four people have been killed in an unprecedented clash between Syrian police and a team of bombers in the Syrian capital Damascus.
Thursday April 29th.
From 02-09 the Moon, which is waxing to Total Eclipse, accelerating and fast, is void of course in Leo and enters Virgo at 13-01.
Astronomers say there could be three comets visible to the unaided eye in the night sky in a few weeks' time. Comet Bradfield (picture above) has just rounded the Sun and is heading for the dawn sky.
Comet Linear, too, is promising and should be seen at northern latitudes in the morning sky on about the same date. Finally, Comet Neat may be visible though experienced observers say it will be a week or two before it is known how bright the object will be.
The appearance of a Comet has always been associated with significant events on Earth. Currently we have three!
Friday April 30th
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 04-32 and moves on to forms a mutable T-square with Venus and Pluto in the early hours GMT of tomorrow.
Mercury turns direct in motion 13-00.
Mercury sextiles Venus as if to mark the import of the day.
World newsreels today were dominated by degrading photographs released yesterday of Iraqui soldieres being tortured by US troops.
May 2004
The Month of May 2004 is profound from an astrological perspective. The month starts with a 'powerfully wayward' Total Lunar Eclipse, (May 4th). Venus turns retrograde on May 17th and The Moon occults her on May 21st, (herald to Venus's transit across the Solar Disc on June 8th), but most importantly Mars is conjunct Saturn in Cancer on May 25th. All month long this conjunction builds up to a 'planetary thunderclap'.
All of this activity takes place as three comets Linear and Neat and Bradfield grace our skies.
Saturday May 1st 2004
The Moon enters Libra 13-03.
Jupiter is sextile Saturn. This is the 2nd of three such aspects. The first was in October 2003.
Moon gibbous in phase from 11-50. Bad party night.
Ten new countries today joined the European Union swelling the membership total to 25.
Sunday May 2nd 2004
Venus opposite Pluto 06-01. This is aspect repeats itself on June 3rd (the day of the Sagittarian Full Moon) and on July 24th this year. Love's lessons to be learnt here and there.
The Moon heavily pregnant with eclipse fever sails on in Libra.
Monday May 3rd 2004
Mars now within 11 degrees of Saturn. A powerful Total Lunar Eclipse is almost on us.
At 20-39 the almost Full Moon enters Scorpio.
Tuesday May 4th 2004
We are now midway between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice. (Northern hemisphere).
The Moon forms a watery grand trine with Uranus and Saturn and a Kite pattern with Jupiter around Noon GMT.
At 17-43 Mercury trines Pluto.
square Neptune.
on the night of May 4th to 5th.
The total lunar eclipse is visible from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Totality lasts for 76 minutes, with mid eclipse occurring at 20:30
This eclipse occurs as its Saros Cycle (131) is nearing its height. Its origin lies in the Spring of 1447 when the first eclipse of this Saros occurred.
This eclipse is a long event, powerful and intense.
The eclipsed Moon in Scorpio is tightly square Neptune.
There may something bizarre and deadly confusing about the nature of this time.
At the moment of central eclipse the ailing Moon is exactly aligned to Tehran. It rises over the Malvinas and sets just east of Seoul, Korea. The current tight Venus Pluto opposition forms a mutable T-square with the MC of London.
Wednesday May 5th 2004
Jupiter turns direct 9 degrees Virgo at 02-15 GMT. Now all planets are direct in motion for 13 days, only Venus is rapidly decelerating.
The Sun make a fixed square aspect with Neptune 12-49.
The rapidly moving 'hung over Moon' is void of course in Scorpio before entering Sagittarius 21-08.
Thursday May 6th 2004
The Moon in Sagittarius at perigee 04-23 forms a mutable T square with Uranus and Jupiter, peaking around 09-00 GMT, and spends the rest of the day applying to a conjunction with Pluto exact tomorrow at 08-00 GMT.
Friday May 7th 2004
This is the first Daze dispatch since the Total Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse coincided with bombs going off in Athens just 100 days before the 2004 Olympic Games were due to open. The other main news story at this time concerns the continuing revelations of abuse, murder and degradation by US troops to Iraqi Prisoners Of War in a Baghdad prison, in recent months. Considerable damage to the standing of the USA and to the election prospects of George W Bush has been done. The US defence secretary faces a grilling by Congress after President Bush says "sorry" for US troops' actions.
Mars enters Cancer at 08-46 GMT, now nine degrees from Saturn. This ingress marks a change in time to a more circumspect period.
The Moon enters Capricorn from 21-17 opposing Venus, Mars and Saturn between Noon today and Noon tomorrow.
After a rather difficult and intense week the forthcoming weekend, from Noon (GMT) tomorrow, looks set to 'Earth' most of the current tensions.
Saturday May 8th 2004.
The fast but decelerating Moon is disseminating (from 01-51) in Capricorn for most of this weekend. The Sun and the Moon both in Earth signs.
One calendar month to the Transit of Venus.
Comet NEAT (C/2001 Q4) should be at its brightest and best in the evening sky this week! This should be especially true late in the week, when the comet gets higher in the western sky right after dusk for Northern Hemisphere viewers. Use the finder chart at the top of this page. Bring binoculars; Comet NEAT was glowing at about magnitude 3.4 as of May 5th, nearly a magnitude fainter than predicted, and it isn't going to get much brighter. NEAT also remains in fine view for observers in the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere. (Sky and Telescope).
Sunday May 9th 2004.
Pro-Moscow Chechen leader Akhmad Kadyrov dies this morning in an explosion in Grozny along with at least 30 other people.
Peru begins rationing water to its capital, following one of the worst droughts in a decade.
The Cassini-Huygens mission returns its first images of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
The Moon enters Aquarius 22-47 GMT.
Monday May 10th 2004
The Sun is isolated at 20 degrees Taurus. Forty days to the Solstice. The Moon decreasing in light and motion in Aquarius moves to Neptune reaching him 01-07 GMT tomorrow.
Mercury now accelerating in direct motion sextiles Venus again 23-47 GMT.
Tuesday May 11th 2004.
The Moon in Aquarius is at Fixed Last Quarter phase 11-05 GMT. The News is still being punctuated by a seemingly never ending series of exposures of abuses to Iraqi prisoners of war by US soldiers.
Wednesday May 12th 2004.
World News leads with America vowing to catch the killers of Iraq hostage Nick Berg who filmed themselves cutting off his head.
In the UK a search is continuing for survivors of the explosion in Glasgow which has killed seven people and seriously injured many more. The explosion which destroyed the four-storey building in Grovepark Road, Maryhill, occurred shortly after 1200 BST on Tuesday. (BBC News)
The decelerating Moon enters Pisces at 02-53 and is conjunct Uranus at 14-30, opposite Jupiter 19-07 made easy by a sextile with Saturn 20-54
Mars now only four degrees from Saturn. Mars in Cancer is testing our personal defence structures. This is a more sensitive period then of late.
Both the Sun and Moon are in negative signs, indicating a quieter couple of days.
Thursday May 13th 2004.
The Moon sails on silently through Pisces.
The historic first image of a planet circling another star may have been taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The "planet", 5-10 times the mass of Jupiter, is orbiting a small white dwarf star about 100 light-years away. (Photo above)
The Piscean Moon today dripping wet with water and 'oil' coincides with members of oil producers' cartel Opec still having to decide on whether to increase output as the price of crude climbs to record levels.
Friday May 14th 2004.
Yesterday Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee resigned as his governing BJP heads for a surprise election beating. India's Congress party, led by Sonia Gandhi, starts work on forming a coalition after its shock general election win.
The US defence secretary made a surprise visit to the Iraqi jail at the heart of the continuing row over abuse. At least 11 Palestinians were killed in Israeli missile attacks on a refugee camp in southern Gaza.
The Moon today is void of course (nothing doing) in Pisces from 02-15, enters Aries 10-03 and makes a 'splash' with a square to Mars in Cancer at 18-58 and to Saturn 05-37 tomorrow. A difficult day is envisaged.
The tension of the current Mars Saturn conjunction, now eleven days away, is increasing in strength. After a rather inert couple of days, today and the next two days may produce more forceful and direct experiences. Nevertheless the Moon is growing old, the current pre occupations are stale. Venus is almost stationary, this planetary tide is 'on the turn', affections and associations are in the melting pot. The days up to the next New Moon witness are 'colourful', especially next Monday, many 'about turns', and many endings can be expected.
Saturday May 15th 2004
The slow 'groggy' Moon is balsamic in phase at 04-29 in Aries. She shines east in the pre-dawn skies of Earth symbolically heralding the Sunrise and the changes ahead. We are coming to the end of the current eclipse season. During dawn tomorrow, Mercury appears lower left of the crescent Moon very low in the east, as shown above.
Comet NEAT is at perihelion, its closest to the Sun (0.962 astronomical units). It was closest to Earth (0.321 a.u.) on May 6th.
Sunday May 16th 2004
Mercury re-enters Taurus 06-55. The Moon is void of course in Aries at 12-18, entering Taurus 19-58, and making a conjunction with Mercury at 1 degree Taurus 21-12 GMT. A day to bring issues to light and utilise deliberate and real communication.
Monday May 17th 2004
Today is a dynamic day, planetary speaking, against the backdrop of an old Moon slowly moving in Taurus.
Neptune turns retrograde 15 degrees Aquarius.
Venus turns retrograde 26 degrees Gemini.
Mars and Saturn are trine Uranus and sextile Jupiter.
Uranus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter form half a hexagon in the skies.
The week ahead is important. Tuesday may well be inert but with the impulse of a New Moon on Wednesday we are projected towards a triple conjunction of the Moon, Mars and Saturn in Cancer next Saturday with a lunar occultation of Venus the day before.
Tuesday May 18th 2004.
Last day before a New Moon. The slow old Moon is in Taurus.
Israeli troops move into part of the Rafah refugee camp after overnight missile strikes kill 11 Palestinians.
Sonia Gandhi has met the Indian president to discuss a new government as shares rise after their worst-ever fall.
Two lesbians are among the first same-sex couples to get married in the US state of Massachusetts.
The sun is peppered with spots today--most of them bigger than our entire planet
Wednesday May 19th 2004.
New Moon 29 degrees Taurus 04-53 GMT.
This first New Moon following the Solar Eclipse of April 19th 2004 occurs at the very end of Taurus.
The Astrological chart for the moment at London is shown above. The New Moon is unaspected. The chart contains a wealth of trine and sextile aspects which promote an ease of expression of the energies at this time.
Mars is conjunct Saturn and this conjunction dominates the chart. It is well aspected to Jupiter and Uranus. Venus is retrograde opposing Pluto.
Notable astro-geographical indications reveal the Mars Saturn conjunction rising over Iraq with Saturn exactly on the horizon at Baghdad. The Sun and Moon are conjunct the nadir of New York.
The New Moon goes on and enters Gemini at 07-48, moving on to square Uranus and Jupiter.
Mars and Saturn now within 2.5 degrees, and the Moon slowly moves to join them on Saturday.
Thursday May 20th 2004.
The Sun enters Gemini 16-59, a start of a new astrological month, and a very special two days to follow..
Yesterday's New Moon curiously coincided with the world's first stem cell bank being officially opened in the UK. Also yesterday doctors claimed to have uncovered new evidence that tiny life forms known as "nannobacteria" do indeed exist and may cause a range of human illnesses.
India's prime minister-designate Manmohan Singh has said he wants to push the peace process with Pakistan.
US TV broadcasts new pictures showing guards at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison smiling over a dead body.
In the UK Commons security is to be tightened after protesters threw purple flour bombs at Tony Blair. Wednesday's alert during the prime minister's weekly question and answer session has given a fresh urgency to a £5m review of security at Westminster. Mr Blair was hit on his back by the harmless substance prompting an evacuation by MPs.
Friday May 21st 2004
The Moon occults Venus at 26 degrees Gemini. Europeans see the Moon hide Venus beginning around 11:00 GMT.
Now Venus, the Moon, Mars and Saturn are forming a stellium of 15 degrees girth.
The Moon is at apogee (slowest) at 12-01, and is void of course from 12-14, entering Cancer at 20-35.
Two news stories, world news reports that Iraq's Governing Council is preparing to discuss its response to a raid on the home of one of its most prominent members.
UK news reports that more Britons could be harbouring the human form of BSE than previously thought, say scientists.
Further graphic accounts of US abuses in an Iraqi prison have emerged in an American newspaper.
A special weekend ahead.
Saturday May 22nd 2004.
The Moon Mars and Saturn align to Cancer. An omen of import.
Mars sextiles Jupiter 03-05.
The Moon, now 'growing in light and motion' is conjunct Mars 16-15 and Saturn 18-58.
Sunday May 23rd 2004.
The Moon, void of course all day, is crescent in phase from 08-06 at 18 degrees Cancer.
May 23rd to 25th Mercury trines Jupiter, sextiles Saturn, sextiles Mars.
Mars is now very nearly conjunct Saturn in Cancer, the conjunction which has been building up all month peaks on Tuesday. All astrological charts set at this time are dominated by this planetary conjunction, which appears to be imparting and invoking a purge of past misdeeds. The re-election prospects of both the US and UK premiers, Blair and Bush, now appear to be bleak, in the wake of this purge.
The major astrological events ahead of us are the next 'huge' Full Moon on June 3rd and the majestic transit of Venus across the Sun's disc on June 8th. More to follow on that one.
Monday May 24th 2004
Mercury trines Jupiter 00-52. The Moon enters Leo 09-08. The full fury of the climaxing Mars Saturn conjunction is upon us. There are no holes barred today. A purging and uncompromising planetary wave is breaking powerfully on the shores of our destiny.
The Israeli army pulls back from Tel Sultan in the Gaza Strip, after six days that left 40 Palestinians dead.
The world's biggest oil producer offers to up its output following concerns that soaring oil prices are hurting the global economy.
A technical inquiry will be launched on Monday into the collapse of a walkway at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport, which killed five people.
Mars is 1.6° to the upper right of Saturn this evening and tomorrow evening.
Tuesday May 25th 2004.
The Mars Saturn union is upon us. Mars conjunction Saturn at 11 degrees Cancer 05-40 GMT.
Mercury sextiles Saturn 08-39 and sextiles Mars 10-33.
The infant Moon slowly accelerates and grows in Leo. A day of no compromise is forecast. The heat is on. The Sun and Moon are in positive signs.
At least 130 people died yesterday on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola after torrential rains cause heavy flooding.
President Bush on prime time TV yesterday evening said the US is committed to creating a democratic Iraq and proposes to demolish Abu Ghraib prison.
Wednesday May 26th 2004.
The Mars Saturn conjunction coincided with torrential rains leaving more than 500 dead and hundreds missing in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Terrible events are taking place in those countries.
A number of U.S. officials say intelligence indicates terrorists are planning a "major attack," possibly before November elections in the United States, in a bid to affect the outcome.
The US secretary of state insists America will keep command of its troops in Iraq after a hand over of powers. In contrast Tony Blair yesterday declared that British Forces will be under political command of the new Iraqi 'government'. This is the first sign of an apparent 'split' between the US and UK policy, occurring as it did on the day of the Mars Saturn conjunction.
The Moon is void of course 09-42, moves into Virgo 19-52.
The Moon makes a nice triangle with Jupiter and Regulus this evening.
Abruptness and tensions abound today as the Sun applies to a mutable waxing square with Uranus, exact tomorrow. Uneasy vibrations.
Thursday May 27th 2004.
The major News story this week which astrologers will connect with the Mars Saturn conjunction on Tuesday has been the floods and mud slides in the Caribbean.
Today the Virgo Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 14-09, and is at First Quarter Moon 07-58, forming a mutable T-square with the Sun and Uranus, who are in square aspect at 16-44.
A rather tense and brittle day with confusing undertones is envisaged. This is due to the combination of a mutable- square between the Sun, Moon and Uranus today and a fixed square between Mercury and Neptune (peaking tomorrow).
Friday May 28th 2004.
As many as 1,000 people are feared dead in a remote town, which remains submerged after recent floods in Haiti. (BBC Photo above). The floods and mudslides occurred as Mars was conjunct Saturn in the sign of Cancer on Tuesday of this week. Rescue teams are scrambling to get food, water and first-aid kits to flood-hit Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Now that the pressure of the Mars Saturn conjunction is fading, readers of the Daze may be interested to know that Mars moves on to conjunct Jupiter very tightly in early Virgo on 27th September 2004. This particular conjunction nearly always coincides with powerful events of both personal and global nature.
Nasa's Spitzer telescope has just found evidence for a planet around a distant star that may be less than one million years old.
Today Mercury is square Neptune at 01-14 GMT. The Moon in Virgo forms a mutable T-square with Venus and Pluto in the afternoon (GMT), just like one month ago. At that time the Iraqi prisoners abuse pictures started to dominate world news.
The Moon is void in Virgo from 16-17 GMT.
Saturday May 29th 2004.
The Moon enters Libra 03-23.
Twenty two days remain till the Summer solstice. Ten days remain till the transit of Venus across the Sun's disc. Before both events a huge Full Moon will hang in the skies of Earth illuminating all affairs of mankind.
This weekend may provide a brief respite.
Not a good time for hard work.
Comet LINEAR (C/2002 T7) is emerging into binocular view for observers at midnorthern latitudes. Scan for it above the west-southwest horizon in twilight, as shown here.
For skywatchers in the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere, LINEAR is in much better view, high in the west-northwest after dark.
Sunday May 30th 2004.
The Moon is void of course in Libra from 19-10 and is gibbous in phase at 22-28.
Beware wastefulness of time and money. The urge to overdo is strong today.
Monday May 31st 2004.
The Sun at 10 degrees Gemini squares Jupiter 00-34. The Moon enters Scorpio 07-09.
A penetrating edge to the quality of the day is forecast.
June 2004
Tuesday June 1st 2004.
The Month starts with a two day build up to a Full Moon which will appear unusually large in the night sky owing to her near perigee position. Today the Moon is in Scorpio, void of course from 21-16.
Wednesday June 2nd 2004
Following terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia on oil production plants over the weekend the vulnerability of the west's oil supply has been exposed. The price of oil on the world's markets reached new highs yesterday. Petrol in London was on sale at one pound Stirling per litre.
Wild Thyme. Venus is retrograde opposite Pluto, the close, fast Moon is almost Full, huge sea tides will occur around the world over the next three days.
The nearly Full Moon enters Sagittarius at 07-53
UK telescopic Lunar Occultation of 5th magnitude star 22 Scorpio from around 22-26 to 23-15, depending on your locality. A full fat and fast Moon in tropical Sagittarius blinks out a little star on the edge of visibility.
Thursday June 3rd 2004
Venus is opposite Pluto 01-30 GMT.
Full Moon 13 degrees Sagittarius 04-21 GMT.
This Full Moon, the first after the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 4th 2004, forms a tight mutable T-square with Jupiter in Virgo, and a loose mutable cross involving Jupiter and Uranus. The Sun and Venus are in Gemini, Mars and Saturn in Cancer and Mercury is in Taurus.
The Moon is at perigee 13-14, and void of course from 17-13 when she is conjunct Pluto.
Oil producers are meeting in the Lebanese capital Beirut to discuss fresh moves to lower the soaring price of oil. In the UK this has been the primary News issue over the Full Moon period this week. UK Civil servants are preparing "for all eventualities" as talk of fuel protests grow, the transport secretary says.
Friday June 4th 2004
The Moon enters Capricorn 07-13 GMT.
With this ingress we are back to Earth with a bump after the potential high jinx of the past week.
Saturday June 5th 2004
The Moon in Capricorn is void of course from 12-29 GMT
Mercury enters Gemini 12-48 GMT.
The Sun is now halfway through the sign Gemini. Fifteen days remain to the Summer Solstice.
At 13-40 GMT today the Sun makes an airy trine to Neptune casting some inspiration over what looks to be an astrologically 'drab' backdrop.
Sunday June 6th 2004
Moon enters Aquarius at 07-11 and is disseminating in phase from 08-47 at 1 degree Aquarius. She makes 'easy' aspects whilst in this sign. The Sun and the Moon are both in air signs. Venus is retrograding slowly towards the Sun, the Transit now only 48 hours away. Today looks to be easier to breath and to communicate.
Monday June 7th 2004
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 08-28 in Aquarius. She becomes void of course from 20-10.
The UN Security Council makes progress on the future of Iraq, with signs of a vote on a new resolution on Tuesday.
A BBC cameraman is killed and a correspondent is stable following hours of surgery after an attack near Riyadh in Saudi Arabia..
The cabinet of Israeli PM Ariel Sharon endorses a revised Gaza withdrawal plan, but with tough new conditions.
Tuesday June 8th 2004
The Moon enters Pisces 09-39.
Inferior conjunction of Venus 18 degrees Gemini.
No one alive today has seen this sight, and it happens only twice this century. For the first time since 1882, Venus will glide across (transit) the face of the Sun on June 8th, taking 6 hours 12 minutes to complete its journey. The entire transit is visible from Europe, Africa (except the far west), the Middle East, and Asia (except the far east).
The chart above is set for the central time of the Venus Transit at London.
This astronomical and astrological event may well set the world stage for the rise to power over the next few years and decades of more female world leaders. A black skinned female United States president? A female head of the United Nations, a woman walking on Mars? The fact that Venus at the time of this current transit is opposite Pluto serves to emphasise the 'rise to power' of Woman.
The event is historically powerful, at the time of the last one 1882, the personalities of Queen Victoria of Britain, and Florence Nightingale shone brightly over world developments. With photography just invented it provided an opportunity to make precise astronomical measurements and hence refine the measures made at the time of the previous pair of transits in the 18th Century. Those two coincided with the first co-ordinated international measurements in order to calculate the Earth Sun, and Earth Venus distances using a parallax method.
These transits come in pairs, with eight years between. There is another one in 2012 then a long wait till 2117.
Today's transit will be visible to a huge number of people on Earth. It will be strongly featured in the media thereby raising mass consciousness to the nature of the planet Venus, its physical and mythological connections, and to astronomical history in general. The mass 'mood' of people, with the Moon slipping silently into Pisces during the course of the transit, will be largely receptive.
Safe viewing!
At 21-35 the Piscean Moon is conjunct Uranus and at that time forms a mutable T-square with Jupiter and Mercury.
The transit of Venus is now complete. Millions were made aware of the event by media coverage. The Earth now moves on, the news following the transit reports that France and Germany have backed amended coalition plans for Iraq's future while Russia and China broadly have welcomed them. Gunmen have kill a foreigner - said to be an American - in Riyadh, in the second such attack this week. Saudi Arabia is now increasingly becoming the focus of terrorist incidents.
Italy arrests a man thought to be linked to the Madrid bombings as part of a co-ordinated operation in Europe.
Wednesday June 9th 2004
The Moon is at Last Quarter today at 19 degrees Pisces at 20-03, and is void from 23-38 GMT.
The next astrological event is the very close conjunction of Venus and Mercury in the middle of Gemini next Saturday. What is often a 'merry meeting' planetary speaking, is somewhat tainted this time by the 'after-shadow' cast by an opposition of the Sun to Pluto the day before. Venus of course is retrograde in motion, giving Mercury the 'upper-hand'. Mind is stronger than heart on this occasion.
All good news? Under the influence of yesterday's transit of Venus the adoption of a US-UK resolution on Iraq's future, after weeks of disagreement, received a general welcome. (Photo above).
The US vision for a democratic Middle East is high on the agenda of the G8 summit opening today in the US. Residents in the eastern town throng the streets to welcome Congolese soldiers after dissident troops flee.
Thursday June 10th
Under the beams of the last quarter Moon in Pisces World leaders yesterday agreed a watered-down version of a US proposal on democratic reforms in the Middle East.
Eleven Chinese aid workers building a road died when gunmen launch an attack in Kunduz in Afghanistan.
Today people in Britain and the Netherlands have begun voting in elections for representatives to the EU parliament.
Uranus turns retrograde at 7 degrees Pisces today at 13-12 GMT.
The Moon starting this day void of course enters Aries at 15-50 GMT.
Mercury, rapidly moving to a close alignment with Venus, is today square Jupiter at 23-51.
Overestimation and bad judgements made too quickly may well colour events and circumstances today. There appear clouds on the horizon. Power challenges may accompany the climaxing Pluto opposition, exact tomorrow.
Friday June 11th 2004
The Sun is opposite Pluto today 12-23. This aspect is an annual event. Last year, 2003, the focus of world news was, at the time of this opposition, on Zimbabwe, North Korea and Palestine. In 2002 under the same aspect it was Kashmir and the West Bank. In 2001 Katmandu and in 2000 Fiji.
The decelerating and waning Moon is in Aries. Conflict urgency power plays and struggle look to be inevitable today.
The Pakistani army says it has attacked the hide-outs of suspected foreign militants in troubled South Waziristan.
G8 leaders seek to promote Middle East reform and reduce African debt, as talks end in a show of unity.
Labour suffers badly in English and Welsh local elections losing more than 200 seats and control of seven councils.
The Cassini spacecraft, on its final approach to Saturn before it enters orbit, is to make a close pass of its mysterious moon Phoebe. Phoebe (Nasa photo above) is only 220km across and has never been seen in detail. Cassini's images will be twice as good as those obtained by Voyager 2 in 1981. Already tall sunlit peaks and deep shadowy craters have been seen in the approach pictures. Today Cassini will sweep past Phoebe at a distance of about 2,000km.
Saturday June 12th
The slow waning Moon decelerates in Aries. Retrograde Venus in Gemini trines Neptune 17-08.
At 23-25 GMT Mercury is conjunct Venus at 15 degrees Gemini, (less than 1.5 degrees from exact linear alignment), both planets trine Neptune. A truly inspirational and 'merry' meet is envisaged. A good day for creative artistic and musical activities.
Sunday June 13th
Mercury trines Neptune 01-05. The Moon enters Taurus 01-37 and is balsamic in phase from 17-32.
Today draws to a potentially gentle pace. With just over one week to the Solstice, today looks good for wholesome and real estate activities. Steady as she goes.
Monday June 14th 2004
The Moon slowly pulls the tides from Taurus.
Early results show setbacks for many governing parties across Europe, after disappointing turnouts.
Several people are reported killed as a blast rips through Baghdad, a day after a deadly bombing in the city.
Tuesday June 15th 2004
The slow old Moon is void of course from 02-45, enters Gemini 13-45, joining Venus, Mercury and the Sun in that sign.
Mercury in Gemini opposes Pluto 15-06 GMT. Many words issuing forth today. Some with manic or slightly fanatic overtones.
Wednesday June 16th
The very old and very slow Moon inches through Gemini making a sweet 'fizzy' conjunction with Venus at 16-13 GMT.
News stories right now:- An Islamist web site threatens that a US citizen held in Saudi Arabia will be killed within 72 hours, unless militants are freed by the authorities.
The authorities blame Farc left-wing rebels for killing 34 peasants on a coca farm in a north-eastern province of Columbia.
The security chief for the oil fields in northern Iraq is gunned down, in the latest attack on Iraqi officials.
The first request by British scientists to clone a human embryo goes before a panel of experts despite opposition from other scientists.
Thursday June 17th
At least 25 people have been killed and many more injured in a car bomb attack at an Iraqi army recruitment centre today.
EU leaders are meeting in Brussels to try to hammer out a constitution for the 25-member bloc.
At least 14 people died and 115 were injured when a train derailed during heavy monsoon rains in western India, officials say. The passenger train came off the tracks as it crossed a river near the Konkan coast in western Maharashtra state at around 0610 local time (0140 GMT).
The Moon in Gemini is at apogee (slowest) at 16-00.
The New Moon occurs today at 27 degrees Gemini at 20-27 GMT. The Moon is immediately void of course.
Opportunity for hitting the nail on the head. A 'punchy' New Moon is forecast.
This New Moon is the second after the partial solar eclipse on April 19th 2004. As such, the energies released and the events 'setup' at that time are now, with this lunation, and during the weeks that follow it, made manifest.
The New Moon is opposite Pluto and Quintile Jupiter. A 'power edge' may be the most apt metaphor for the nature of the lunation.
At the exact moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon in Gemini are rising at Beijing. a hell of a buzz is abroad that city and country.
The same heavenly pair are at lower culmination 'under' Tehran. An midnight moment is in sway there. Moon set is occurring in Argentina, Brazil and North West Europe. No words serve after Moonset.
We are now in a special 'holy' period of three days between a New Moon and the Solstice.
A time to make contact with one's source and make peace with the universal spirit.
Friday June 18th
The very New Moon enters Cancer 02-37 and immediately is well aspected.
The Superior conjunction of Mercury occurs at 28 degrees Gemini at 21-34 GMT. This symbolises the 'Full Mercury', a climax of mental accomplishment.
Saturday June 19th
The day starts with the Cancerian Moon, now increasing in size and motion, conjunct sombre Saturn at 07-38 GMT. (A steady start to the day is certain,)
Retrograde Venus squares Jupiter 09-29. (but guard against squandering resources.)
Mercury, now an evening star, enters Cancer 19-50.
A 'trapezium planetary pattern' forms in the skies of Earth today involving the Moon and Saturn in Cancer, Uranus in Pisces, Jupiter in Virgo and the Moon's node in Taurus.
Watch the News stories!
The crescent Moon shines close to Pollux in the west-northwest in twilight.
Sunday June 20th
The accelerating slender-infant Moon conjuncts Mars in Cancer at 10-46 GMT and then is void of course until 15-05 when she enters Leo. At that time an emotionally sensitive couple of days give way to a more ardent expression of personality and issue, and within these richly vibrant beams we approach the Solstice.
The main world News over the last few days has focused on Saudi Arabia. The beheading of an American engineer on Friday by Al Kyhida on Friday was followed by the shooting of the terrorists by Saudi Police on Saturday.
Saudi Arabia looks as if it could be the new flash point in the Middle East.
Looking to the Astrocartography maps for the Full Moon on June 2nd 2004 we find Mars and Saturn in Cancer rising over Saudi Arabia. At the exact moment of New Moon on Thursday 17th June 2004, Pluto was culminating over Riyadh the capital. At the exact moment of Summer Solstice there tomorrow Venus is rising.
Monday June 21st 2004
in the Northern Hemisphere,
in the South.
The astrological chart for this solstice, set above for London, shows a young Moon in Leo, applying in long sextile aspect to Venus. Venus herself is square Jupiter, square Uranus and trine Neptune.
This powerfully aspected Venus, fresh from recent union with the Sun, rises at Riyadh at the moment of Solstice.
The energy of the moment worldwide is resplendent formative creative and 'colourful'.
For three days only now there are four bodies in Cancer The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Saturn.
Moon crescent phase starts 22-34.
Tuesday June 22nd 2004
The slowly waxing crescent Moon, accelerating in Leo, is void of course from 07-54 all day and shines near Regulus this evening. The day too may have a 'void'even lazy feel to it. Mercury making a watery trine to Uranus at 22-11 GMT may promote some positive mental responses and provide a creative outlet to counteract the void emotion of the day.
Yesterday's Solstice witnessed UK diplomats holding talks with Iran after the seizure of three British naval craft and their crews in a waterway shared with Iraq. Iran said the boats had entered its part of the Shatt al-Arab waterway without permission on Monday morning and were duly impounded.
The UN's nuclear chief says it is a "race against time" to prevent terrorists from acquiring nuclear materials
Heavily armed gunmen attack targets in Ingushetia, leaving at least 30 dead in the region close to Chechnya.
Earth is heading for a cloud of dust shed by Comet Pons-Winnecke in the 19th century. An encounter with the cloud might produce a meteor shower before sunrise on Wednesday, June 23rd. Or not. Forecasters aren't sure. If a shower materializes, sky watchers in western parts of North America are favored to see it. (
SpaceShipOne has flown into the history books as the first non-governmental manned craft to reach space.
Wednesday June 23rd 2004
The Moon enters Virgo 02-10 GMT, shining close to bright Jupiter this evening. Both the Sun and the Moon are in negative signs. The energy today and tomorrow is self repressive. Thrift, efficiency and painstaking effort are to the fore.
Mars enters Leo 20-51 GMT. Mars will remain in Leo until August 10th 2004. During the period from 10th July to August 4th he will ride in a long-lasting positive 'sexy' sextile aspect with Venus in Gemini. He will be overtaken by Mercury on July 11th, opposed by Neptune on July 18th and trined by Pluto on July 25th. It looks potentially to be lots of fun.
The common denominator in the News today appears to be aggressive posturing. South Korea's president says he will send more troops to Iraq despite the beheading of a hostage. The US defence secretary approved the use of aggressive interrogation tactics at Guantanamo Bay.
The next astrological event is a fairly close conjunction of Mercury and Saturn on the far side of the Sun in the sign Cancer early on Sunday. A sense of serious and structured thought and deliberation may start to build up today as these two bodies align.
Thursday June 24th
The crescent Moon is conjunct Jupiter (three degrees separate them) at 12 degrees Virgo at 01-58.
The Moon is void of course from 17-20 GMT for the rest of the evening.
Saturn quinquncx Neptune. (Last of 3 blasts of this unseemly mixture. First Sept. 2003, 2nd Dec. 2003. )
Another exacting and circumspect day is 'on the cards'. Mercury has an important role to play over the next few days. He is drawing to a 'finger of fate' arrangement tomorrow with Jupiter and Neptune and he is also rapidly moving to a conjunction with Saturn in Cancer early on Sunday. Under a cardinal first quarter Moon a crisis of some sort seems inevitable.
In Iraq this morning several people are reported dead in a number of attacks by gunmen in the Iraqi towns of Ramadi and Baquba.
Friday June 25th 2004
(England football supporters please note Wayne Rooney had Mars in Leo square his natal Scorpio Sun at the time of his ankle injury on Thursday night).
The Moon starting the day today void of course in Virgo enters Libra at 10-50 GMT, picking up speed and increasing in light all the time.
The Sun and Moon are then both in cardinal signs. Cardinal signs 'generate' energy and event.
Mercury sextiles Jupiter 16-48. Both planets form a finger of fate 'Yod aspect' with Neptune. Potentially a fateful day or two are in store.
The Moon is at First Quarter phase at 5 degrees Libra at 19-09 GMT.
Today is 'crisis time' (see yesterday's comment). A fateful day is in store. It has already started, the news this morning (GMT) is set out below.
The US has admitted that it faces a serious problem with the insurgency in Iraq, just days away from the 30 June hand over of power.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell was speaking after ferocious militant attacks on Thursday left about 100 people dead in five Iraqi cities.
Scores of people have died after a petrol tanker crashes into a group of buses in south-east Iran.
North Korea has threatened to test a nuclear weapon if Washington does not accept its proposal to suspend its nuclear program, U.S. officials say.
Saturday June 26th
The accelerating Moon sails on through Libra void from 23-42. The day is geared to 'shared events'. A social and diplomatic edge to proceedings. A certain seriousness of plan, thought and purpose is manifest as Mercury draws closer to an alignment with Saturn. This is the dominant 'feel' to today. 'Shared seriousness'.
The general synopsis, Mars has been in Leo now for three days, the collective animus (maleness) of all people on Earth is now strong forceful uncompromising and dominant. Venus still retrograde in Gemini compliments this with the collective anima (female side), now vibrant and diverse yet backtracking and difficult to pin down. Mercury, the collective mind, rushing through Cancer...pragmatic shrewd and tenacious.
The star near the Moon this evening is Spica. Look very high above them for brighter Arcturus, one of the two brightest stars of summer. The other is Vega, very high in the east.
Email me:-
Sunday June 27th 2004
Mercury conjunct Saturn (aligned within three degrees) at 00-08 GMT in the middle of Cancer, both planets sextile Jupiter. The day starts difficult with the Void Moon and the Mercury Saturn hangover.
The immediate days ahead are more emotional.
The void but fast Moon enters Scorpio 16-14 GMT. Both the Sun and Moon are then in water signs conferring an essentially emotional quality to the time. A watery grand trine starts to form this evening in the skies of Earth. A free release of emotion and passion can be expected as nightfall (GMT) occurs.
Monday June 28th 2004
The Sun trines Uranus 00-55.
The heavily waxing and fast Moon in Scorpio forms a grand trine in water signs with the Sun in Cancer and with Uranus in Pisces. The grand trine peaks with maximum intensity around 03-45 GMT.
With the suddenness and surprise of the Sun trine Uranus aspect the hand over of power in Iraq is being brought forward from 30 June to today, the foreign minister says.
Al-Jazeera television broadcasts a tape showing what it says is a US marine held hostage in Iraq. The now all too familiar image is shown above.
Tuesday June 29th
The fast moving Moon void of course in Scorpio from 00-58 gibbous in phase from 06-37 enters Sagittarius at 18-16, still accelerating, still waxing.
We are now under the sway of the forthcoming Full Moon. Today the energy like the Moon, is void until 18-16 when it all opens up with a flourish of activity and words.
Aldebaran remains within 1½° to the lower right of Venus, low in the eastern dawn, from tomorrow morning through July 8th.
Wednesday June 30th 2004
At last Venus turns direct today at 20 degrees Gemini. Venus has been in Gemini since April 3rd this year and will remain there till August 7th 2004. She has been retrograde since 17th May 2004. Now an accelerating and direct morning star she waxes in power and influence. Affections are geared to the future but may still be bipolar and diverse.
From today Venus, as a morning star, can resume her chase of Mars which reaches a climax on Decrmber 5th 2004 (in Scorpio). During most of July, Venus will be in (sexy) sextile to Mars. The weeks ahead favour a romantic chase1. Before the conjunction of Venus and Mars in December, Venus has to encounter Saturn in Cancer at the end of August, (a grave aspect) and Jupiter in Libra (a real 'wedding reception' of a planetary aspect) in early November.
Today the huge Moon belts through Sagittarius, rushing to its Fullness on July 2nd. The red star Antares is about a fist-width at arm's length to the Moon's upper right this evening.
The Cassini space probe is all set to begin its four-year mission to Saturn - to study the ringed planet and the many moons that move under its influence. Cassini will pass through a gap in those famous rings before making an engine burn to slow it down enough to enter an orbit around the gas giant. The burn starts at 0336BST on 1 July, with the probe's main engine turned towards the direction of travel. The breaking manoeuvre ends at 0512BST, with Cassini in an elliptical orbit. (Graphic and words..BBC News).
July 2004
The calendar month of July 2004 starts with a vibrant and fateful Full Moon.
The main astrological event of the month is a very close conjunction of Mercury and Mars in mid Leo on the 10th. The Moon joins with this pair on 19th July.
The month ends with another Full Moon on the 31st conjunct Neptune.
Thursday July 1st 2004
The 'nearly Full' fast moving Moon starts this day conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 02-53 and is then void of course until 18-02 when she enters Capricorn. She is at perigee 23-10 .
After a seven year journey, NASA's Cassini probe has become the first spacecraft ever to orbit the giant, ringed planet Saturn. The probe shot through a gap in Saturn's rings and then fired its engine in a critical maneuver to enter the planet's orbit.
Saddam Hussein and 11 high-profile members of his regime are to be arraigned today before an Iraqi judge, with a top Iraq official saying they will be facing charges stemming from "a long list of crimes" and will eventually be brought to justice in "the trial of the century."
Eight British servicemen claim they were "forcibly escorted into Iranian territorial waters" before being taken captive, the defence secretary has said.
Friday July 2nd
Full Moon 11 degrees Capricorn 11-10 GMT.
This is the second Full Moon after the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 2nd 2004. The climax of 'lunar expression' reached at that time is now broadly manifest.
This Full Moon is a powerfully fateful affair with a predominance of sextile aspects forming 'fingers of fate' or 'Yod' aspects. The Moon herself forms such a planetary pattern with Mars and Uranus. The Sun (applying to Saturn) forms one with Jupiter and Neptune. The Moon in Capricorn is trine Jupiter sextile Uranus and opposite Saturn.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon rises (Sun and Saturn setting) at Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong and Shanghai. The Moon is conjunct the IC of Berlin and Tripoli.
The zodiac position of this Full Moon (11 degrees Capricorn) is conjunct the Sun in the UK National chart (1801), Saturn in the Congo National Chart, the Ascendant in the natal chart of Prince Harry of Britain, the Mercury Venus conjunction on the natal chart of Sophie Countess of Wessex and the natal Sun of Tiger Woods.
This Full Moon will shine large and low in Northern Hemisphere skies.
Saturday July 3rd
The Capricorn Moon is void of course from 14-26. She enters Aquarius at 17-23.
The Hubble Space Telescope may have discovered as many as 100 new planets orbiting stars in our galaxy. Hubble's harvest comes from a sweep of thousands of stars in the dome-like bulge of the Milky Way. If confirmed it would almost double the number of planets known to be circling other stars to about 230. The discovery will lend support to the idea that almost every sunlike star in our galaxy, and probably the Universe, is accompanied by planets.
Sunday July 4th
Mercury enters Leo 14-52 GMT, and starts a chase of Mars.
The Moon, waning now in light and motion, is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 17-16.
Monday July 5th 2004
The Moon is void of course in late Aquarius from 02-16, is disseminating in phase at 16-44 and enters Pisces at 18-27.
The Sun makes a sextile aspect to Jupiter from the middle of Cancer at 18-59.
Looks to be an astrologically quiet week ahead with the proviso that the Sun is conjunct Saturn in cancer on Thursday and Mercury, now in Leo will be in almost exact linear alignment with the Earth, and Mars next Saturday. This conjunction builds up all week. An increase of mental and muscular activity may accompany this alignment.
Rescuers are battling against Taiwan's worst floods in 25 years, which have killed at least 19 people and stranded 10,000 villagers without fresh water and electricity in mountainous areas, officials said.
In Indonesia a new president is being chosen in direct elections for the first time, with a high turnout expected. The former Yugoslav president Milosevic is to present his defence against charges of genocide and war crimes in the Balkans.
Tuesday July 6th 2004
At 05-34 GMT the Moon in Pisces is conjunct Uranus.
The Sun and Moon are now both in water signs rendering an essentially emotional flavour to the quality of time today and tomorrow.
The world news this morning (GMT) is tepid.
An announcement is due on how the ex-Yugoslav leader's war crimes trial will proceed amid concerns over his health.
Returns in Indonesia's first direct presidential election deal a blow to Megawati Sukarnoputri, with a September runoff likely between the incumbent and her former security chief.
The Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn spies what appear to be clouds and a large impact crater on the planet's largest moon Titan (Graphic above).
Wednesday July 7th 2004.
The Moon is void of course in Pisces from 05-30. Dreams, memories, feelings, the past, the home, the family, all things near and dear now to the fore of the mass mind.
The Sun is moving to a conjunction with Saturn, (tomorrow). Mercury is rushing to a conjunction with Mars. Two 'things' building up simultaneously. One formative vital and creative, the other sombre serious and related to the past.
The Moon enters Aries 23-04 GMT today.
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- Democratic White House hopeful John Kerry on Tuesday tapped a Senate colleague and former rival Tuesday to be his running mate, calling John Edwards "a man who understands and defends the values of America." A mixture of 'statemanship and sparkle'? Can't wait to check out their astrological relationship chart. Should be available here before sunset!
On July 5th and 6th, an unseen explosion on the far side of the sun hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. This CME won't hit Earth, because it's heading directly away from our planet. It might, however, reach Saturn ... sometime next month. If so, the Cassini spacecraft will be there to see what happens.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has told the opening of the African Union summit that a "catastrophe" was looming in Sudan's Darfur province.
Thursday July 8th 2004.
The Sun is conjunct Saturn in Cancer at 16-38 GMT. This annual aspect invokes a serious and somewhat sombre note.
However the decelerating Moon in Aries approaching the crisis of Last Quarter actually makes pleasant aspects today, which help to ease the pain. Pain however in Sudan (largely ignored by most News agencies).
KHARTOUM, Sudan -- Fighting between Arab and African tribes has killed at least 70 people and displaced thousands more this week in the Darfur region of western Sudan, a member of parliament for the area said Wednesday. Khalil Ahmed Abdullah told Reuters the clashes had escalated from a dispute between individuals to a tribal conflict which had displaced 35,000 people from an area in the south of Darfur over the past four days.
Still working on the 'dream ticket' US presidential hopefuls Kerry/ Edwards relationship chart. Click here.
Friday July 9th
Shockwaves from the a solar storm (see July 7th note) are travelling across the solar system. They've been detected by spacecraft at Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and beyond. In April 2004, a coronal mass ejection (CME) swept past Voyager 2 nine billion km from the Sun! Soon, the disturbance will reach the very edge of our solar system. What will happen when it gets there? Stay tuned. (Space
Moon is at last quarter phase 17 degrees Aries at 07-35 GMT. She is void of course in that sign from 12-52 GMT.
The main planetary 'thing' going off today is the rapid approach of Mercury to an alignment with Mars in Leo which peaks tomorrow (Saturday). An impetus of muscle and mind infuses our beings.
The world court's verdict on the legality of the West Bank barrier is due, as leaks suggest it will criticise Israel.
Saturday July 10th
The Moon enters Taurus at 07-51 GMT
Mars and Mercury pass within 0.2° of each other at dusk.
Mercury conjunct Mars 11 degrees Leo . Closest planetary conjunction of 2004.
Their geocentric conjunction occurs at 23-50 GMT.
From this weekend a long lasting (4 weeks) 'sexy sextile' of Venus in Gemini and Mars in Leo commences.
A twilight challenge: As shown above, Mercury and Mars have a close conjunction, appearing only about 0.2° apart, deep in the glow of evening twilight. Use binoculars to look for them low above the west-northwest horizon 40 or 50 minutes after sunset. They're far to the lower right of bright Jupiter. Mercury is the brighter of the two, on top. Also, look for Regulus halfway between Jupiter and the Mercury-Mars pair. (Sky and Telescope)
Sunday July 11th
The Moon squares the tight Mars/Mercury conjunction around 05-30 GMT.
Mercury sextile Venus 20-30.
The Moon is void from 23-29 GMT.
UK news stories yesterday revealed that 'during June' Tony Blair had to be persuaded by cabinet colleagues not to step down from the job of Prime Minister. Tony had transiting Saturn squaring natal Venus on June 24th 2004, very much a low self esteem point in time. Piscean Gordon Brown flaps fins in the wings (big fish?) must look at his astrological chart. Certainly Blair has an important political week ahead. The punchy and astronomically very tight Mercury Mars conjunction is directly opposite his natal Moon today, that's maybe the 'cause' of all the unsettling (for him) talk. His astrological week ahead looks powerful and not all bad dominated by the expansive effects of Jupiter trining natal Sun.
Times are indeed interesting. Do you think the future UK/USA governments will be led by Brown and Kerry? That would be Sun signs Sagittarius and Pisces, compared to the current Taurus Cancer blend of Blair and Bush. Replacing hard nosed protective nationalism with expansive fluidity maybe.
Monday July 12th 2004
The Moon is void of course all day in Taurus before entering Gemini at 19-45 GMT.
A quiet start in the news to this day. The very slow waning Moon void for most of the GMT day suggest a rather inert astrological time. Mercury first and then Mars will oppose Neptune this week. Some chaotic situations may well arise during the days ahead. The New Moon in Cancer is on Saturday.
Tuesday July 13th
A Lunar Occultation of star 37 A Taurus on the edge of visibility from the UK occurs today starting around 01-36 and ending 02-31. The star involved is a large old red star, its astrological energy could be considered difficult to handle.
At dawn Tuesday morning the waning crescent Moon shines above Venus and Aldebaran, as shown above.
Mercury is opposite Neptune 11-32 GMT. (1.3 degrees from exact linear alignment).
The very slow Moon is balsamic in phase at 6 degrees Gemini 08-30 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 22-11.
Wednesday July 14th.
The very slow and old waning Moon is void of course in Gemini from 12-33 and is at apogee (slowest) 21-10 GMT.
The Moon shines left of Venus and Aldebaran at dawn Wednesday morning.
A car bomb kills at least four people near the main entrance to the Green Zone, home to the US embassy in Baghdad..
Bulgaria says it will not pull out of Iraq, despite a hostage death, but the Philippines is ready to withdraw.
In the UK the official inquiry into the intelligence used to send British troops to war in Iraq reports today.
Thursday July 15th 2004
The very old and very slow Moon enters Cancer at 08-41. Both the Sun and the Moon are in Cancer as the New Moon approaches.
Venus, in Gemini and strongly sextile Mars in Leo and trine to Neptune in Aquarius, shows its greatest illuminated extent and blazes at its peak brilliancy, magnitude 4.5, low in the east during dawn. These strong Venus aspects coupled with the Moon in Cancer provide an endearing quality to the next two days.
World News stories are (mercifully) low key right now. The US president says he will carry on trying to make homosexual marriages illegal in the US after being rebuffed in the Senate. A suspected car bomb in the Iraqi town of Haditha kills three officers and injures several other people. In the UK prime Minister Tony Blair is looking at ways to improve intelligence procedures after criticisms made in the Butler report.
Mars is now applying to his opposition to Neptune, Mercury underwent the same aspect earlier in the week,. The Mars aspect is more dynamic. We can expect strange goings on.
Friday July 16th
X-FLARE! Earth-orbiting satellites detected a powerful solar flare at 0140 UT on July 15th (6:40 p.m. PDT on July 14th). The explosion, which came from sunspot 649, did not hurl coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth.
Latest news on this
Gordon Brown's chart is here. He was born on the day before an unusual and astronomically rare 'end of ends' eclipse.
The ongoing and long lasting Venus Mars 'sexy' sextile peaks today at 16-46. These could be good weeks for blossoming romances! This aspect is repeated on July 27th 2004 as Venus picks up speed.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn in Cancer at 20-46 today. A few hours of relative sobriety as this moment approaches can be relied upon, however...
Mars is opposite Neptune 22-26 GMT. A potentially weird day may be store. This rather wayward aspect is made easy by Venus trining Neptune at 23-36 GMT.
This day before the New Moon is fraught with confusion, romance, art, and danger. Take care.
Talks have begun in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, (under the beams of a caring Moon and Sun in Cancer) between the government of Sudan and rebels from its troubled Darfur region. The talks are aimed at alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Darfur by fully implementing a shaky cease-fire agreed in April. The conflict has been described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Pro-government Arab militia have forced more than a million people from their homes and killed thousands.
Saturday July 17th
Mercury trines Pluto 06-24.
New Moon 25 degrees Cancer 11-25 GMT.
This New Moon is mid way between the partial Solar Eclipse on the 19th April 2004 at the end of Aries and the partial Solar Eclipse on October 14th at 21 degrees Libra. The transition from the ageing Saros Series 119, (to which the earlier eclipse belongs), to the still youthful Series 124, (the family of eclipses to which the October eclipse belongs), is reached today. This represents a point of karmic balance in time and a good moment to reflect upon current life directions.
This New Moon is separating from Saturn and otherwise is aspect less. It has a rather benign quality.
The Moon is then void of course before entering Leo at 20-57.
As the New Moon approaches Palestinian security services in Gaza are placed on a state of alert after a day of kidnappings. Police have arrested the head teacher of an Indian school after nearly 90 of its pupils were killed in a fire. Reports say Pulavar Palanichamy may be charged with negligence over the blaze at the school in southern Tamil Nadu.
A new sunspot is emerging over the sun's eastern limb, and it's big, Sunspot 652 photographed on July 16th is shown above. (
Sunday July 18th 2004
The young Moon accelerates gently through Leo.
Monday July 19th 2004.
The Moon is conjunct Mars at 16 degrees Leo at 04-25 GMT and is conjunct Mercury at 18-51 at 23 degrees of that sign.
Tuesday July 20th 2000
The slow but accelerating young Moon enters Virgo 07-45 GMT, and begins to move towards Jupiter.
Venus in Gemini makes a waning mutable square with Jupiter in Virgo at 08-58. The energy of these next two days is geared to thrift, precision work, and industry.
Jupiter in mid Virgo is itself now within four degrees of a square to Pluto in Sagittarius. This 'one off' aspect is exact on August 6th 2004. The effects of this outer body 'major' aspect are dominating our lives right now and over the time up to the coming Full Moon and beyond. There is a crisis of tension, civil and political in nature which is likely to manifest during the days and weeks ahead.
Mercury in late Leo is aligned towards Regulus later this week.
Wednesday July 21st
This is the last day of the astrological month of Cancer. It is best suited to methodology and completion.
The Moon at crescent phase 14 degrees Virgo 10-34 GMT is conjunct Jupiter at 15-39 GMT. The Moon squares Venus and Pluto during the rest of the day. The Moon is void from 21-49.
Thursday July 22nd
The Moon starts the day void of course in Virgo.
The Sun enters Leo 11-50 GMT and a new astrological month begins.
The Moon enters Libra at 16-40 GMT.
A slight change of gear occurs today. The astrological weather changing from efficiency and economy to a more genial and recreational atmosphere.
Today (after the Sun and Moon had changed signs) 37 people were killed after a fast train travelling from Istanbul to Ankara was derailed.
In the UK Peter Mandleson was named as Britain's new European commissioner.
Friday July 23rd 2004
The Moon sails on through Libra.
A potentially pleasant and playful day.
The only cloud on the horizon is Venus moving to its third and final opposition to Pluto this year. This occurs early Sunday morning (GMT). The first one (May 2nd) occurred when hostage taking in Iraq was starting to dominate news stories. The second one, (June 4th) when Venus was moving backwards, coincided with worries in the media about oil prices and oil supply. The current opposition building up is made somewhat easier by the position of Mars in Leo which is in sextile relationship to Venus and in fiery trine relationship to Pluto.
Saturday July 24th 2004
The Moon is void of course in Libra from 21-55, she enters Scorpio 23-09. The day is overwhelmed by the climaxing 'Venus opposite Pluto aspect, made easy by mars. Expect some significant activity!.
Sunday July 25th
Mercury enters Virgo 01-59. This placement lasts a month and sees Mercury turning retrograde at 9 degrees Virgo on August 10th and re-entering Leo two weeks later. The next month is tempered by this fastidious and painstaking vibration.
Venus opposes Pluto 02-56. Last of three such oppositions this year. The next one is in the summer of 2006
Moon first quarter phase 3 degrees Scorpio 03-38 GMT.
Mars trine Pluto 09-57.
An 'edge of resolution' and a crisis of action to this wilful and playful day.
Monday July 26th 2004
AURORA ALERT: A strong geomagnetic storm sparked auroras last night (July 24-25) in the United States. The storm began hours after a weak coronal mass ejection hit Earth's magnetic field and continued, fitfully, for 12+ hours. More auroras are possible tonight if, as expected, another coronal mass ejection (CME) sweeps past our planet. GIANT SUNSPOT: The source of the ongoing geomagnetic activity is giant sunspot 652. Wider than the planet Jupiter, the active region has a twisted magnetic field that harbors energy for powerful solar flares. It's so big you can see it without a telescope, but don't look directly at the blinding sun.
A coronal mass ejection hit Earth's magnetic field on July 26th and sparked a severe geomagnetic storm.
The accelerating and fast waxing Moon is void of course in Scorpio from 10-49 GMT.
The Sun and Moon are in Fixed signs.
This last week in July in dominated by the Moon rushing towards the Full.
Tuesday July 27th
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks before dawn Tuesday morning. This is usually the best meteor shower of the year for Southern Hemisphere observers. But little or none of it can be seen from midnorthern latitudes; its radiant is too low.
The fast moving Moon enters Sagittarius at 02-49 GMT. The Sun and the Moon are now in fire signs. A correspondingly fast moving and spirited day is forecast.
Venus in Gemini sextiles Mars in Leo again at 08-30 GMT.
Mercury is at greatest elongation from the Sun (27°) in the evening twilight but it was highest above the horizon for midnorthern observers nearly two weeks ago.
Wednesday July 28th
The fast Moon is gibbous in phase at 21 degrees Sagittarius from 13-04 GMT.
At 15-07 GMT the Moon, Earth and Venus are within 1 degree of an exact linear alignment. From this point in time the Moon becomes void of course.
Thursday July 29th 2004
Yesterday at least 68 people died and dozens are injured in a car bomb blast outside a police station north of Baghdad.
In the USA senator John Kerry arrived in Boston hours ahead of a vote by delegates to the Democratic National Convention to ratify him as the party's presidential nominee. Kerry's running mate, John Edwards, will later address the convention.
The General Synopsis:- The very fast Moon rushing towards the full enters Capricorn today at 03-58 GMT.
The background astrological energy today invokes autocratism, security and control.
In the News at this time we can focus on Sudan and Bangladesh as places where serious disasters are in sway. SSudanese militias have burned civilians alive in the Darfur region, say African Union military observers. 'Men rode into a village on horseback, looted the market and chained people up before setting them on fire, they say. They are "believed to be Janjaweed" - the pro-government militias accused of ethnic cleansing against non-Arabs.
The UN has warned of a humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh where floods have claimed more than 300 lives. The Bangladesh state news agency said the deaths were the result of drowning, disease and snakebite. High tides in the Bay of Bengal are a major concern, says the UN World Food Programme, as they could stop flood waters flowing into the sea. Officials say more than two-thirds of Bangladesh is inundated. Monsoon floods also continue to hit parts of India
Friday July 30th
The gibbous moon is at perigee in Capricorn at 06-14 GMT. She is void of course from 11-22 for the rest of the day.
A mystical mid saros full Moon (conjunct Neptune) approaches.
The day motors on.
Saturday July 31st 2004
As this Full Moon approaches peaks and passes, Mercury is decelerating in Virgo as he draws towards Earth on this side of the Sun. Thinking processes are critical, conservative and methodical.
Venus, a morning star, moving away from us, is still in Gemini on the far side of the Sun. Correspondingly emotions and affections are multi dimensional light and superficial.
Mars (still in tight sexy sextile with Venus) is in final decant of Leo chasing Jupiter in mid Virgo, between them some twenty six degrees of the zodiac or two calendar months in time, and closing. After the summer (end of September) an acute and powerful astrological alignment will occur. Possibly the cosmic fire-cracker for 2004.
Three outer body aspects are occurring at this time. Saturn is 150 degrees from Pluto, (exact on today the day of the Full Moon), Jupiter is in waning square to Pluto (Aug. 6th), and Saturn is in waxing 135 degrees from Uranus, (Aug. 7th). All of this is 'heavy weight stuff', a strong manifestation of serious situations and powerful events can be expected.
The Moon enters Aquarius today at 03-54 GMT.
Saturn is in waning quinqunx (150 degree ) aspect to Pluto. This is the first of three such aspects.
Full Moon 9 degrees Aquarius
18-06 GMT applying to a conjunction with Neptune.
This is the 'blue moon' of 2004. It is the second Full Moon in July.
This Full Moon is placed at the midpoint in time between the Total Lunar Eclipses of May 2nd 2004 and October 28th 2004. At such it is a pivotal moment between the effects of Saros series 131 and Saros series 136. From this moment the influence of the former eclipse gives way to the influence of the forthcoming October Eclipse. This is a karmic point of balance and a moment of contemplation of personal and global destiny.
August 2004
Sunday August 1st 2004
The fast Moon wanes and decelerates in Aquarius, and is void of course from 20-52 GMT.
The climax of the Lammas Full Moon is over. A tense atmosphere still exists as Mercury is opposite Uranus 10-50 GMT. (1.5 degrees from exact linear alignment, This is the first hit of three, get used to it!).
Mercury will remain opposite Uranus for most of August and promotes a 'nervy critical tension'.
Monday August 2nd 2004
The Moon enters Pisces 04-35 and heralds a significantly difficult week.
The Moon Uranus conjunction 14-13 GMT today in Pisces is opposite Mercury.
Mercury is slowing down and will turn retrograde in 8 days time.
Tuesday August 3rd 2004
The Moon in Pisces today forms a mutable T-square with Jupiter and Pluto. The pattern peaks around 13-00 GMT.
Wednesday August 4th 2004
The Piscean Moon is disseminating in phase from 02-49 GMT, void of course 9 minutes later, and enters Arirs 08-00 GMT.
The sexy sextile between Venus and Mars over the last 3 or 4 weeks is now dissolving.
Thursday August 5th 2004
The Sun Neptune opposition, peaking tomorrow, is made easy by the Moon in Aries today.
Friday August 6th 2004
The Sun Neptune opposition occurs at 03-08 GMT.
The Moon is well aspected in Aries until becoming void at 13-59, and entering Taurus 15-26.
Jupiter in a waning mutable square to Pluto at 21-15 GMT. A one off aspect.
Saturday August 7th
As Jupiter squared Pluto US forces said yesterday that they have killed 300 Shia militiamen in Najaf, amid clashes in several cities across Iraq.
France's defence minister appeals for greater world involvement to help refugees from Sudan's Darfur region.
The Sun today is half way through Leo at 04-19 GMT. We are at the midpoint in the year between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.
Saturn sesuiquadrate Uranus, both planets direct, a one off aspect.
Venus enters Cancer 11-02 GMT. At last Venus moves out of Gemini, she has been in that sign since April 3rd this year. A modulation to a more sensitive and nurturing period is heralded by this ingress.
Mars in late Leo on the far side of the Sun is at Aphelion 23-31 GMT. (This occurs every 2 years)
The Moon in Taurus is at Last Quarter phase at 22-02. A Fixed T-square involving the Sun, the Moon and Neptune peaks at that time. Both the Sun and the Moon are now in Fixed Signs.
Sunday August 8th 2004.
Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi announces a 30-day amnesty as part of efforts to quell the violent insurgency.
The slowly waning and decelerating Moon is in Taurus. The day has a wholesome 'solid' feel about it.
Venus changed signs yesterday, moving into Cancer, Mars too is moving into a quieter feminine sign (Virgo) on Tuesday. He is on the chase of Jupiter whom he tightly aligns too in late September.
Mercury is slowing to a standstill also in Virgo. In the UK a vaccine containing Mercury given to babies eight weeks old is to be scrapped amid fears over autism.
The current and immediate astrological energy is drawing us 'inward' to a more reflective, circumspect and practical motivation.
Monday August 9th
Yesterday the News Stories were tame, Iraqi politics dominating the game.
Wake up to the Moon entering Gemini at 02-33 GMT, squaring Uranus at 13-42 and squaring an almost stationary Mercury at 20-16. This mutable T-square casts a nervy and disruptive shadow on the day. Thought forms grinding to a halt as Mercury hovers, geocentrically motionless.
Eighty days to a Total Eclipse of the Moon.
Tuesday August 10th
Under the tense astrological atmosphere of yesterday and with a radical Shiite Muslim cleric vowing to fight Americans to the death, U.S. Marines took command of coalition operations in Najaf, Iraq. Najaf is the site of one of the holiest sites in Shiite Islam, where fighters loyal to anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr are holed up.
Global oil prices rose to new record highs yesterday following fresh outbreaks of violence across Iraq.
After the Iraqi militant cleric Moqtada Sadr rejected calls for an end to the fighting, the price of US light crude ended the day up 89 cents to $44.84. That is even higher than the previous 21-year high of $44.77 on Friday.
Mercury turns retrograde 00-27 GMT today. He will remain retrograde until September 2nd this year. Retrograde Mercury always brings change of minds, and changes and disruption to travel and communication. Not a good time during this period to enter into contractual agreements.
A very slow waning Moon today inches through Gemini. A good day to talk about what appeared to go wrong yesterday.
Mars enters Virgo 10-14 today, joining Mercury and Jupiter in that sign. Mars will remain in Virgo until the 26th September this year. The tides of fate turn to a methodical, industrious, and dextrous practicality during this period. A time to practise and to perfect. Significantly Mars in Virgo is opposed by Uranus in Pisces in eight days time. No doubt some of the 'attention to detail' energy will be directed to evil actions. Shocks and disturbances go hand in hand with this aspect. Mercury too is opposite to Uranus for most of August. It all spells out an unsettling astrological weather front.
Visibly bright Venus, in the first degrees of Cancer, shines beneath the crescent Moon at dawn tomorrow morning, as shown below. As August wears on Venus in Cancer is drawing to a conjunction with Saturn which peaks on August 31st 2004. Serious love issues may also be well to the fore during this time.
The Perseid meteor shower is underway. Every hour, 10 or so meteors are streaking from the constellation Perseus, and that number will increase 3- to 5-fold on Wednesday night, August 11th, when the shower peaks. (
Wednesday August 11th 2004
The Perseid meteor shower should be at its peak late tonight. The best time to watch is from about 11 p.m. until the first light of dawn Thursday morning. (See starmap below).
The very old and slow void of course Moon in Gemini is at apogee at 09-33 GMT. She enters Cancer 15-21 GMT today, and is then well aspected. The Moon is conjunct Venus in Cancer at 23-30 GMT.
The Sun is building to a fiery waning trine to Pluto, which peaks tomorrow. This adds power and colour to the day.
Thursday August 12th 2004
The Sun now in the last ten degrees of Leo is in fiery trine to Pluto at 00-16 GMT
The Moon is balsamic in phase at 5 degrees Cancer at 00-46 GMT.
Mercury is moving backwards in Virgo moving slowly to meet Mars in that sign next Wednesday, when both planets will be opposite Uranus. A minor planetary crisis is building up, and dominates the astrological weather over the New Moon period ahead of us.
Clashes intensify in the Iraqi city of Najaf as US and Iraqi troops step up operations against Shia militiamen.
UN medical experts say 22 people have died from an outbreak of Hepatitis E in the Darfur region of Sudan.
Two passenger trains have collided in Turkey, killing at least six people and injuring about 70 others in the third major rail accident in a month.
Friday August 13th 2004
The old balsamic Moon, slowly accelerating towards the Sun, shines amid Saturn, Pollux, and Castor before sunrise on Friday morning. A seriously heady emotional mixture! She is conjunct Saturn in Cancer 10-18 GMT, and then becomes void of course.
Venus is in watery trine to Uranus 10-57 GMT.
This is a day best directed to affectionate sincerity. The astrological background under the balsamic moonbeams is essentially emotional. Comfort, security and reassurance are on tap amid turbulent planetary waves
Saturday August 14th 2004
The old Moon enters Leo 03-31 GMT and approaches the Sun in that sign. The planetary weather is tense with Mercury and Mars in Virgo drawing to an opposition with Uranus in Pisces. This opposition peaks next Wednesday and Thursday. The New Moon is early (GMT) on Monday. Acts with no comprimise can be expected although ideally this old Moon weekend could be geared to games and recreation.
Sunday August 15th 2004
Retrograde Mercury makes a sextile aspect to Venus at 14-10. Some breakthroughs promised.
The Sun and 'burnt out' Moon are in Leo. This last day before a New Moon serves as a good clear out of no longer useful or relevant notions.
Delegates meet in Baghdad today to set up an Iraqi assembly as peace hopes fade in the Shia stronghold of Najaf.
PUNTA GORDA, Florida (CNN) -- yesterday thirteen deaths have been blamed on Hurricane Charley, a Florida official said Saturday.
Monday August 16th
New Moon 24 degrees Leo
01-25. GMT
This New Moon is the penultimate New Moon before the partial solar eclipse of October 14th 2004. It's quality and purpose is to set the stage, albeit an uneasy and anxious stage, for the energy and events corresponding with this next eclipse in Libra.
This New Moon in Leo occurs at a tense time planetary speaking. Retrograde Mercury applying to a conjunction with Mars in Virgo are opposite Uranus in Pisces. This configuration invokes the tension. Venus is some 14 degrees from a conjunction with Saturn in Cancer, this one sounds a serious note. A sense of something 'chilly'.
The New Moon is void of course from the moment of Newness (01-25) before entering Virgo at 13-50. The Moon joins Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in that sign.
The Moon then conjuncts Mars (within 3.5 degrees) at 4 degrees Virgo at 21-40, and opposes Uranus at 23-49.
Quite a lot going on now.
The asteroid Vesta, magnitude 6.5, is very close to the 5th-magnitude star 3 Ceti tonight. They're no more than a few arcminutes apart.
Tuesday August 17th
Yesterday's New Moon coincided with the following events. President George W Bush announced plans for a major realignment of US forces stationed abroad. Iraq's national conference is sending a team to try to end a stand-off between US-led forces and Shia militants. Former US President Jimmy Carter has endorsed official results showing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won Sunday's vote to remain in office. In the UK a major incident was declared by rescue services in north Cornwall after a huge wave crashed through a coastal village during heavy flooding. Heavy storms on Monday afternoon caused 6cm (2ins) of rain to fall in two hours in the Boscastle area.
Venus is at greatest elongation, 46° west of the Sun in the morning sky.
The Moon is conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo at 02-15 GMT.
Jupiter sextile Saturn at 17-35 GMT (the last of 3 such aspects).
A practical, important, and hard hitting day may be in store.
Wednesday August 18th
A strange and curious day.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 22 degrees Virgo at 07-16, and then is void of course for 15 hours..
Mars is opposite Uranus (a fairly tight alignment) at 14-14 GMT
Retrograde Mercury conjuncts Mars 5 degrees Virgo 19-47 GMT. (2nd hit of three).
The day ends with the Moon entering Libra 22-10 GMT.
Thursday August 19th 2004
The Moon is crescent in phase at 12 degrees Libra at 20-30 GMT.
Retrograde Mercury opposes Uranus 01-01 GMT. (2nd hit of 3)
In the UK we have been experiencing extreme weather events during this astrologically difficult week. A clear-up operation is under way after landslides trapped 57 motorists on a busy tourist route in central Scotland. Thousands of tonnes of mud and debris were swept down the hillside and onto the A85 in Glen Ogle north of Lochearnhead on Wednesday afternoon.
A few of the Boscastle villagers driven from their houses by Monday's flash flood (occuring shortly after the New Moon) have been allowed to return home. (Photo above).
New fighting is reported today in the holy Iraqi city of Najaf hours after a new warning is given to cleric Moqtada Sadr.
The Mercury Mars conjunction opposite Uranus has coincided with strange and wonderful scientific news. Physicists have carried out successful teleportation with particles of light over a distance of 600m across the River Danube in Austria. Long distance teleportation is crucial if dreams of superfast quantum computing are to be realised.
Five new satellites - and one candidate moon - have been discovered orbiting the giant planet Neptune, bringing its tally of moons to 13. Two orbit in the same direction as the planet rotates, while the orbits of the others are opposite to Neptune's spin. The tiny outer satellites are probably captured asteroids, astronomers say. Cataclysmic events connected to the capture of Neptune's moon Triton were thought to have destroyed any outer satellites the planet once had. The new moons, named S/2002 N1 to N4 and S/2003 N1, are in eccentric, tilted orbits. They are all between 30km and 50km in diameter.
Friday August 20th 2004
Three days remain with the Sun in Leo. A brief 'quieter weekend' can be expected now after the intense planetary activity of the past week.
The waxing accelerating crescent Moon today sails on through Libra shining in the west-Southwest as twilight fades. To its lower right, by less than a fist-width at arm's length is Spica. High to the Moon's upper right shines brighter Arcturus.
Saturday August 21st 2004
The Moon in Libra is void from 01-40, entering Scorpio at 04-37, and making pleasant aspects for the rest of the day.
Sunday August 22nd 2004
The Sun enters Virgo 18-54 GMT.
The New astrological month starts with Mercury, Mars and Jupiter as well as the Sun in Virgo.
The Moon in Scorpio is void of course from 20-54.
Monday August 23rd 2004
We now 30 days from the northern hemisphere's Autumn Equinox. The Sun and three planets are in Virgo.
The Moon enters Sagittarius at 09-09 GMT and is at mutable First Quarter phase 10-13 GMT at 1 degree Sagittarius.
Inferior Conjunction of Mercury occurs today at 1 degree Virgo at 20-51 GMT.
Tuesday August 24th 2004
The Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct Pluto at 18-20 GMT shines above the tail of Scorpius right after dark between Antares to its right and the Teapot of Sagittarius to its left.
Venus is seven degrees from a conjunction with Saturn in Cancer, (magnitude 4.3, in Gemini) she shines brightly high in the east before and during dawn, a bright Morning Star. Dimmer Saturn is closing in on it from the lower left day by day. Off to Venus's right is Orion.
Rebel groups and Sudan's government begin talks yesterday to try to end the conflict in the troubled Darfur region.
Wednesday August 25th 2004
Mercury fresh from Inferior Conjunction on Monday re-enters Leo 01-33 GMT. It will be in this sign for only 16 days, a time to reassess the 'grand plan'.
The fast Moon in Sagittarius is void from 11-13 GMT and enters Capricorn 11-47. The Sun and Moon are then both in Earth signs, and the times move to solid practicality and 'hard work'.
Three astrological events approaching now. Firstly the opposition of Uranus (an annual event), on Friday. The Full moon on Monday looks to be a tense affair, and on Tuesday Venus will be conjunct Saturn, which already can be 'felt' as a cosmic signature of earnest seriousness.
The news reflects this deepening seriusness. US tanks and Iraqi soldiers are said to be moving into position closer to the Imam Ali shrine in the Iraqi city of Najaf. The UK foreign secretary touring a refugee camp urges Sudan to do more to make the Darfur region safe. Africa could be on the verge of a major polio outbreak, the World Health Organization has warned.
Thursday August 26th 2004
The fast moving Moon is gibbous in phase at 19 degrees Capricorn at 18-54 GMT and moves to oppose the Venus Saturn conjunction in Cancer as the day ends. The bright star very high above the Moon this evening is Altair, 17 light-years away.
Friday August 27th 2004
The Moon is void in Capricorn from 02-58, is at perigee (fastest) 05-31 GMT and enters Aquarius, at 13-08 GMT.
Iraqi Shia militants in Najaf have been instructed by Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani the prime marja, or spiritual reference, for Shia Muslims everywhere to lay down their arms and leave a holy shrine as part of a peace deal to end three weeks of fighting. Loudspeakers at the Imam Ali shrine - Shia Islam's holiest - broadcast the call shortly before the fighters were due to leave under the agreement.
Cuba has severed ties with Panama after it pardons four Cuban exiles accused of plotting to kill Fidel Castro.
Russian investigators are working to decode the flight data recorders from Tuesday's mystery twin air crashes which killed 89 people.
The Sun is opposite Uranus at 18-41 GMT. Expect a few shocks today, but also expect an 'air' of detachment and refinement in people's responses.
Saturday August 28th 2004
The fast moving but decelerating Moon is conjunct Neptune at 13 degrees Aquarius at 11-07 GMT. Far to the lower left of the Moon is Fomalhaut, the Autumn Star, already on the rise.
The Moon is nearly Full. Venus is nearly conjunct Saturn. An important couple of days follow.
Sunday August 29th 2004
The almost Full Moon is void of course in Aquarius from 09-23 and then enters Pisces at 14-34 GMT.
Polls open in an election for a new Chechen president, three months after the last one was killed by a bomb.
Australian leader John Howard calls a general election for 9 October, seeking a fourth term in office.
The French prime minister calls a crisis meeting to discuss the kidnapping of two French journalists in Iraq.
Monday August 30th 2004
Full Moon conjunct Uranus and opposite Mars at 7 degrees Pisces 02-23 GMT. This is the penultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 27th 2004.
Pluto turns direct 13-45 GMT at 19 degrees Sagittarius.
Tuesday August 31st 2004
The Moon in Pisces is void from 14-34 GMT.
Venus conjunct Saturn 23 degrees Cancer (within 2 degrees of exact linear alignment) 16-08 GMT.
The Moon enters Aries 17-46 GMT.
September 2004
Wednesday September 1st 2004
Yesterday's conjunction of Venus and Saturn coincided with at least 16 people dying in simultaneous explosions on two buses in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba. Photo above. Also twelve Nepalese hostages were killed by Islamic militants in Iraq in what Nepal calls a "barbarian act". At least eight people died in a possible suicide bombing outside an underground train station in Moscow.
The Sun and Mars are within of 5 degrees of each other in Virgo. Their conjunction occurs on September 14th 2004 at the time of an energetic New Moon in Virgo.
Mars is now within 12 degrees of a conjunction with Jupiter, that conjunction occurs on September 27th and is joined by Mercury during the last few climatic days of this new calendar month.
The Moon decelerates and wanes in Aries all day indicating a typically brash efficiency to the quality of time today.
Thursday September 2nd
Yesterday we heard news of a school siege in Russia. This is that country's latest terror attack. Wednesday was the first day back for millions of children across Russia and parents also attend what is traditionally a day of celebration. The attackers stormed the secondary school in Beslan at around 0930 local time (0530GMT), shortly after a ceremony welcoming in the new school year. At the moment of Full Moon on Monday of this week, the Moon and Uranus had just set and the Sun was just about to rise at Beslan. This might have drawn our attention to this location. At the time of the storming of the school, the Aries Moon had set. The ascendant was Libra (exactly trine Neptune) and the MidHeaven formed a finger of fate with Mars and Neptune.
Other news stories yesterday, all in the shadow of the Venus/Saturn conjunction, Israel has vowed to hit Hamas leaders "wherever they are" and accelerate work on its West Bank barrier after the deadliest suicide bombings for months. A new United Nations report says Sudan has not disarmed Arab militias in Darfur or stopped attacks. Nepal's prime minister has appealed for calm following violent protests in the capital against the killing of 12 Nepalese hostages in Iraq.
Today Venus sextiles Jupiter 07-15 GMT, giving a glimmer of hope for diplomatic solutions.
Mercury turns direct 13-00 GMT (and begins to emerge into view very low in the east during dawn. Late in the week, look for it glimmering far to the lower left of bright Venus about 45 minutes before sunrise. Binoculars will help.) Now we can move forward (tentatively) with the implementation of plans with some measure of confidence.
The Moon decelerating and disseminating in phase at 25 degrees Aries at 15-52 GMT is void of course in Aries from 18-18 GMT.
Friday September 3rd.
Yesterday was a day of watching and wasting outside the Russian school. Hostage-takers freed 32 women and infants from a school in south Russia, but they are still holding more than 300 people, among them many children. Officials said they were working to maintain contact with the attackers, with the crisis well into a second day. Authorities ruled out using force to end the siege in North Ossetia, and Russian President Vladimir Putin said the hostages' safety was paramount.
The Moon enters Taurus 01-17 today. Sun and Moon are then in earth signs. Solid practicality and common sense rule the next two days. We could expect some resolution to the Russian school crisis from that time.
The brutal stubborn and defiant side of Moon in Taurus manifested instead of common sense.
At least 100 bodies have reportedly been found in a school in southern Russia where Chechen separatists had been holding hundreds of hostages. Heavy gunfire and loud explosions were heard throughout the morning as Russian troops stormed the school, in the town of Beslan in North Ossetia. There is confusion as to why the Russian forces went in, as the operation seems to have been unplanned. Hundreds of children were freed in the seizure, though some are badly injured. Russian officials confirmed that some dead had been found inside the school, while a correspondent for the Interfax news agency put the number at more than 100.
Saturday September 4th.
The Moon, waning and slowing is in Taurus.
The free world is staggering and is shocked by the horror of the events in Russia yesterday. Ghastly images of dead children and distraught parents reverberate around the planet.
The Astrology of the situation is as follows.
At the moment of Full Moon on Monday of this week, the Moon and Uranus in Pisces had just set and the Sun was just about to rise at Beslan. This might have drawn our attention to this location.
The attackers stormed the secondary school in Beslan on Wednesday 1st September at around 0930 local time (0530 GMT), (BBC NEWS TIMES), shortly after a ceremony welcoming in the new school year.
At the time of the storming of the school, the Aries Moon had just set. The ascendant was Libra (exactly trine Neptune) and the Mid Heaven formed a finger of fate with Mars and Neptune. The chart for this moment is below.
The chart is dominated by the shadow of Venus conjunct Saturn in Cancer shortly to culminate over Beslan. Grief and tragic sorrow are symbolised by this combination. The setting Moon was in Aries aiding 'storming' and 'aggressive' events.
The Libran ascendant offered hope for a diplomatic solution, but Mars closely sextiled the MC of the chart (localising the event) and formed a scary finger of fate with Neptune. The combination indicates suddeness and force.
It all turned out to be such a mess of carnage and grief. Maybe we should now turn our attention to Putin's Chart.
The other news yesterday reported that Former US President Bill Clinton was sent to hospital for a heart bypass operation after suffering chest pains.
Sunday September 5th.
The Moon is void of course in Taurus from 06-57 GMT before entering Gemini at 10-25.
Monday September 6th 2004
The slow Moon is at last quarter phase at 14 degrees Gemini at 15-12 GMT.
Venus enters Leo 22-10, joining Mercury in that sign. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are in Virgo.
This week's hot spot is Friday when Mars squares Pluto. Not a gentle combination. The Sun is closing on Mars now only three degrees separate them. Mars is closing on Jupiter, nine degrees separate them. So under a slow waning Moon this coming week sees planetary pressure building.
Tuesday September 7th 2004
The slow moving Moon at the start of today (GMT) forms a mutable T-square with Pluto and the Sun Mars conjunction. She is void of course from 18-09 GMT, and enters Cancer 22-25 GMT.
We are now half way through the astrological month of Virgo and fifteen days from the Autumn Equinox.
Planetary pressure is building with the Sun drawing to an alignment with Mars. The mutable T-Square mentioned above has invoked harsh news today.
President Putin faces growing questions over the school siege as more families prepare to bury their dead. Jupiter is exactly square his natal Mars right now. Beware of using excessive force Mr Putin.
Clashes between US forces and Shia insurgents across Baghdad's Sadr City leave at least 34 people dead.
At least 14 people die as Israel strikes a field it says is used by Palestinian militants for training in Gaza City.
At least 100 people have died in China as a result of heavy rains which have also put the massive Three Gorges hydroelectric system on flood alert.
Big changes are ahead of us from the end of September. Jupiter will ingress to Libra with Mercury and Mars. A time of justice, retribution and cosmic reckoning approach. Have faith!
Wednesday September 8th 2004
The Moon apogee at 02-34 GMT and is in Cancer all day.
Mercury in Leo reaches greatest elongation (18° west of the Sun) low in the dawn tomorrow morning. This corresponds to a 'first quarter Mercury' and symbolises a moment of crisis in active thought.
Thursday September 9th 2004.
Yesterday a Nasa space capsule carrying captured particles blown off the Sun has crashed back to Earth in the Utah desert after its parachutes failed to open.
The waning crescent Moon shines left of Venus and Saturn in the dawn tomorrow morning, as shown here. Also, look for Mercury passing very close to Regulus down near the horizon (binoculars help).
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 23-48 GMT at 24 degrees Cancer. A sombre glow and a mounting tension are the hallmarks of today.
A difficult few days are ahead of us all. The Sun and Mars in Virgo make a harsh waning square to Pluto during this time. The Moon in Cancer adds a feeling of vulnerability to the potentially violent brew. Mercury is accelerating to a third opposition to Uranus peaking just after the weekend. Sudden shocks and upsets need to be faced.
The news reflects the skies. As above so below. At least six have been killed today after a huge explosion outside Australia's embassy in the Indonesian capital. North Korea says the South's admission that its scientists enriched uranium could fuel a regional arms race. At least 12 people are killed as Hurricane Ivan sweeps through the south-eastern Caribbean islands.
Friday September 10th 2004
UK scientists using the Cassini probe find a new ring and one, possibly two, new objects orbiting Saturn.
Yesterday a British Army Air Corps Lynx helicopter crashed in the Czech Republic. Time given by BBC News 1204 BST.
In the first on-camera statement from al Qaeda in more than two years, Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant says the defeat of U.S.-led forces in Iraq and Afghanistan is inevitable.
The Sun and Mars are square Pluto. (Mars squares Pluto at 04-01 GMT).
The Moon is void in Cancer at 04-42 GMT.
Mercury re-enters Virgo 07-39.
The Moon enters Leo 11-07 GMT, is balsamic in phase at 3 degrees Leo at 17-43 GMT, and is conjunct Venus at 19-23 GMT.
A tense geocentric planetary situation is upon us. The weekend is a difficult one. In the remaining four days before the New Moon on Tuesday all of us are under the influence of tense, potentially violent, and shocking vibrations. This is a weekend to tread with extreme caution. The Sun and Mars are conjunct in Virgo squared by Pluto in Sagittarius. Mercury also in Virgo is opposite Uranus. The Moon and Venus in Leo add an uncompromising air to a critical situation.
Saturday September 11th 2004.
The Moon is in Leo. The thin crescent Moon is positioned above Mercury and fainter Regulus (which are now drawing apart) low in the east as dawn brightens on Sunday morning.
Sunday September 12th 2004.
The Sun is square Pluto 00-21.
The Moon is void of course in Leo from 01-23, and enters Virgo 21-17 GMT.
Use binoculars on Venus before the first light of dawn for the next few mornings, and you'll see that it's passing 2° or 3° south of the Beehive Star Cluster. (Sky and Telescope).
Monday September 13th 2004
Over the weekend Hurricane Ivan lashed the Cayman Islands en route to Cuba as its Caribbean trail of destruction goes on. Although downgraded to a category four hurricane, Ivan with its winds of nearly 155 miles per hour is ripping up homes and causing extensive flooding. However the hurricane is expected to strengthen yet again. A massive clean-up operation is under way in Jamaica after Ivan - and intense rain afterwards - wrecked the island. In the Caymans, some 45,000 residents were hiding in homes and shelters as the hurricane unleashed ferocious winds, rain and waves of up to 20ft (six metres) while cutting off power lines, uprooting trees and scattering debris.
Nearly 40 people die in widespread fighting in Iraq between militants and American-led forces.
The United States and South Korea have played down suggestions that a massive explosion in North Korea last week was caused by a nuclear device. The blast in Yanggang Province, close to the Chinese border, is said to have happened on Thursday as the Stalinist state celebrated its National Day.
An solar flare erupted near sunspot 672 today. The long-duration blast probably hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space, and possibly toward Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for on Sept. 13th and 14th.
The Moon in Virgo today is conjunct Mercury at 03-49 and opposite Uranus 05-10.
Mercury opposite Uranus 15-54 GMT. Final hit.
This is last day before the New Moon and looks to be a critical day, both tense and exacting..
Tuesday September 14th 2004
New Moon 22 degrees Virgo at 14-30 GMT conjunct Mars.
This is the last New Moon before the partial Solar Eclipse of October 14th 2004. As such the energy of this lunation is geared to this next eclipse and to the future.
The New Moon is conjunct Neptune in the USA chart (Sibly), suggesting the possibility of an air of uncertainty as to the future administration of that country, conjunct Mercury in the charts of Yasser Arafat, expect some new dictat from him, and the French (First Republic) chart, one to watch.
At the exact moment of New Moon, the Sun, Moon and Mars are all setting over Iran and Saudi Arabia. The same three are conjunct the IC of Japan and Indonesia. The trio culminate over Brazil.
Mercury sets and Uranus rises at Mecca and Beslan, (a warning too late in the day). Neptune is exactly rising over Istanbul.
The tiny New Moon is conjunct Mars (within 2 degrees of exact linear alignment) at 15-05.
With this New Moon we begin to enter an eclipse season. These are times of cosmic flux, changes and release of karmic forces.
Eight days remain to the Autumn Equinox.
Wednesday September 15th
Yesterday witnessed another day of carnage in Baghdad. The head of the British Army has said national elections in Iraq are still on track for January, despite violence which killed dozens on Tuesday.
The infant Moon ia within one degree of Jupiter at 00-56 and then is void of course in Virgo, before entering Libra at 04-54.
The Sun conjuncts Mars 23 degrees Virgo at 12-55.
Jupiter sesuquadrate Neptune 21-50. A one off aspect.
Two million people are urged to leave their homes along the southern US coast, as Hurricane Ivan approaches.
Sky watchers in Scandinavia, Canada and Alaska should be alert for auroras tonight. Earth's magnetic field is being buffeted by a high speed solar wind stream, which could spark a high-latitude geomagnetic storm.
Thursday September 16th
Yesterday Pakistan's president declared he will stay on as head of the army despite an earlier pledge to stand down by January. Two million people are urged to leave their homes along the southern US coast as Hurricane Ivan approaches. In the UK five protesters burst into the Commons and force Parliament to be suspended as MPs debate a ban on hunting.
Today the young Moon is in Libra, a potentially nice vibration while it lasts.
Friday September 17th
The Autumn Equinox is in 5 days. The ingress of Jupiter into Libra occurs in 8 days time. A significant triple conjunction of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter at the very start of Libra occurs at the very end of this month. The year of 2004 is about to undergo a big change.
Today the Moon in Libra is void of course from 01-32. She enters Scorpio 10-25 GMT. The mood of this day modulates to 'depth and penetration', a full bodied vintage.
The Virgo Sun is sextile Saturn 13-32, engendering stability and organisation.
Saturday September 18th
An interesting and seriously strange day!
The fast moving Moon is crescent in phase at 11 degrees Scorpio 05-01 GMT.
She forms a fixed T-square with Venus and Neptune peaking around 08-30 GMT.
Venus, the Earth and Neptune are nearly linearly aligned today 17-50 GMT.
Mars at 25 degrees Virgo is sextile Saturn 18-33.
Sunday September 19th
The still tight Sun Mars conjunction is at the midpoint of a trine between the Moon and Saturn 06-08 GMT.
The Moon is void in Scorpio at 12-24 but enters Sagittarius 14-40. The strange intensity of the weekend gives way to movement and expansion of expression from 14-40 GMT.
Monday September 20th 2004
The fast Moon is in Sagittarius and is approaching first quarter phase. The Sun and Moon are both in mutable signs evoking much movement, kinetics, and transmission today
Yesterday Iran said it will not agree to halt uranium enrichment, despite a call by the UN to suspend all such activities.
Tony Blair and Iraq's interim leader vow to defeat insurgents operating in the "crucible of global terrorism". This follows a terrible week in Iraq last week, (as the Sun and Mars were conjunct in Virgo), when hundreds of Iraqi citizens and several US soldiers lost their lives in that country. Hurricane Ivan (the terrible) also coincided with this conjunction.
This week sees the Autumn Equinox on Wednesday (more to follow), and the final countdown to the ingress of Jupiter into Libra, closely followed by Mars and Mercury. Times ahead look to be very special.
The small Earth-crossing asteroid 4179 Toutatis is fast heading our way, and it has already brightened to 11th magnitude! It's currently in sideral (!) Capricornus in the evening sky, visible in amateur telescope check out Sky & Telescope,
Tuesday September 21st
Yesterday an Islamist website has published a video purportedly showing the execution of a US hostage in Iraq.
US presidential candidate John Kerry launched his most outspoken attack on President Bush over the Iraq war.
Flooding in Haiti kills at least 250 people in the wake of tropical storm Jeanne, with others missing.
New data showing overlap in patterns of water and methane in Mars' atmosphere may have implications for the idea that life exists there.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Virgo. The day starts with movement and ends with stoneground 'earthiness'.
The very fast Moon at first quarter phase 29 degrees Sagittarius at 15-55 GMT. (A crisis in action and in movement). Twenty five minutes later this Moon squares Jupiter and is then void of course until 17-36 GMT when she enters Capricorn. The Sun and Moon are then both in Earth signs for twenty one hours, the last time this side of the Winter solstice.
The Sun conjuncts Jupiter 23-48 at the very end of Virgo. Mars is also in tow.
Earth and Uranus are having a close encounter this month; the two worlds are "only" 2.9 billion km apart. Shining like a 6th magnitude star, Uranus is barely visible to the unaided eye. Look for it in the constellation Aquarius around 10 o'clock at night, but don't bother unless you have very dark skies. Sky and Telescope
Wednesday September 22nd 2004
Autumn Equinox
16-30 GMT.
The astrological chart for the moment of Autumn Equinox today has a 'locomotive shaping' with all planetary bodies and the Sun and Moon contained within two thirds of the wheel. With a preponderance of planets in mutable signs, these omens of the suggest a weighty movement of mind, destiny and energy at this time and in the weeks ahead. The chart shows a very fast first quarter moon in Capricorn (The Moon perigee today at 20-53 GMT), in earthy trine to Mercury. Speed and power are hand in hand here.
However the most important message in this chart is delivered by the position of Jupiter and Mars at the very end of Virgo. Both planets and Mercury will, before the month's end, enter Libra. The hour of retribution, justice and reckoning is almost at hand. A kind of astrological judgement day in immediately ahead of us, a re-addressing and subsequent re-balancing of issues, deeds and misdeeds is in sight. This is the most important sign of this time and of this equinox.
The tightest aspect is a square between Mercury and Pluto, (Mercury squares Pluto today 23-03 GMT), injecting a parting shot of fanatical thought forms before the overwhelming tide of cosmic justice and a release of karma.
At the exact moment of equinox, as the Sun crosses the equator, the Mars Sun and Jupiter conjunction makes contacts with Warsaw, Kratov, Budapest, Belgrade, Capetown, Boston (USA), and Santiago. The UK is especially highlighted at this time with the Moon and Neptune rising and with Saturn and Venus setting there. Saturn also sets exactly over Buenos Aries.
This is a special hour and a special day. The energy is very real. Stand true and hopeful.
Thursday September 23rd .
The major crisis this week so far has been the effect of Hurricanr Jeanne on Haiti. Yesterday U.N. peacekeepers fired into the air to keep a hungry crowd at bay as aid workers handed out bread, the first food in days for some in this city devastated by floods that have killed more than 1000 people in Haiti.
As I write the life of a British worker hijacked in Iraq hangs in the balance. A video posted on an Islamist website purportedly shows him pleading for his life.
Today the Moon in late Capricorn trines both Mars and Jupiter (19-41 GMT) before entering Aquarius at 20-10.
Friday September 24th
The US defence secretary suggests Iraq may be able to hold January elections only in more peaceful areas.
Relief agencies in Haiti are struggling to hand out aid amid the devastation caused by tropical storm Jeanne.
In the UK Jack Straw says the UK is doing all it can to help free Iraq hostage Kenneth Bigley, as his family appeal for mercy.
Scientists have decoded the complete sequence of all DNA in the bacterium responsible for potentially deadly Legionnaires' disease.
Today the waxing fast but decelerating Moon is in Aquarius.
Venus trines Pluto at 18-05 GMT. Looks like a nice loving day from here.
Saturday September 25th 2004
ASTEROID FLYBY: Asteroid 4179 Toutatis is flying past Earth this week. The
weirdly tumbling space rock is close enough (4 lunar distances) and bright
enough (9th magnitude) to see through backyard telescopes. For the next
few days it will scoot through the constellation Capricornus where amateur
astronomers worldwide can find it. By Sept. 29th, when Toutatis is
closest to Earth, it will be visible mainly from the southern hemisphere.
Observers there can see it passing not far from the bright star Alpha
Centauri. Follow the links at to sky maps and detailed
Jupiter enters Libra today at 03-25 GMT. A general modulation in the symphony of time is ushered in from today. Jupiter will reside in this sign until October 27th 2005. This is a good residence for the gas giant. The most significant aspect he will make to the outer planets during this is a waning trine to Neptune, a real 'other worldly experience'. Jupiter will make his airy trines to Neptune on Nov. 29th this year, March 14th 2005 and August 17th 2005.
The Jupiter into Libra INGRESS just hours away and trhe main News on BBC News :- Indian premier Manmohan Singh hails "historic" talks with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in New York.
. The fast but now decelerating Moon is gibbous in phase at 17 degrees Aquarius 01-24 GMT. She then moves to an easy opposition with Pluto and Venus which peaks at 05-27 GMT. The Moon is then void until 22-56 when she slips into Pisces.
Jupiter is now in Libra. Venus sings from Leo. Mercury analyses in Virgo, Mars approaches his close alignment with Jupiter on the far side of the Sun. The peaking of the current transitional energy is on Wednesday.
The Harvest Moon is Full on Tuesday.
Tides are high, hanging on. (The Dark Tower by Stephen King has arrived ),
Sunday September 26th
Mercury sextiles Saturn at 06-38.
Mars enters Libra 09-16 GMT.
Monday September 27th 2004
Mars is now in Libra, aligned almost exactly to Jupiter, both on the far side of the Sun. Mercury is rapidly moving to join the alignment, the Moon is almost Full.
The US Secretary of State says the insurgency in Iraq is worsening - but elections will be held across the country. Palestinian militant group Hamas blames Israel as a car bomb in the Syrian capital kills one of its leaders. One of Pakistan's most wanted al-Qaeda suspects has been killed, Pakistani officials say.
Mars within 10 arc minutes of Jupiter at zero degrees Libra at 00-17 GMT today.
The Moon Full at 13-10 tomorrow in Aries, sails on through Pisces today. We are being blasted with waves of 'New Energy'. The week ahead looks really interesting from an astrological standpoint.
Tuesday September 28th
The Moon in Aries opposes Jupiter at 04-08 GMT and opposes Mars 05-03.
Full Moon
6 degrees Aries 13-10 GMT.
This is a very dynamic Full Moon which ushers in an Eclipse Season, being the last Full Moon before eclipses of the Sun and Moon next month. The accent at this time is on Cardinality, this chart symbolises a time of substantial, ardent and powerful generation of 're-polarising' energy.
The Full Moon is opposite a very tight alignment of Mars and Jupiter in Libra and Mercury in late Virgo. All of these planets form a separating sextile to Saturn.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon rises over Pakistan and Afghanistan where the triple conjunction of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter set. These same three are rising over California at the same time. Neptune rises at Ankara, Pluto rises at Rio de Janeiro. Saturn hits the MC of Chicago.
One hour and three minutes after the peaking of the Full Moon, Mercury enters Libra (14-13 GMT). Then the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are in Libra, gracing the potential of this new eclipse season.
Wednesday September 29th 2004.
US crude oil prices ease slightly from 21-year highs hit over the Full Moon period amid concern about disruption of supplies from Nigeria.
Two Italian female aid workers held hostage in Iraq for three weeks have been released in good health, officials say.
Two British soldiers died yesterday after their convoy was ambushed near Basra, the Ministry of Defence says.
Asteroid Toutatis is passing just four Earth-Moon distances from Earth, the closest it will get, but you'll have to be far south to see it. Observers in Australia and New Zealand can watch the 10th-magnitude speck passing within 1° of Alpha Centauri by using the finder chart in Sky and Telescope. .
Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter are hidden deep in the glow of dawn. They're very tightly grouped, and in fact they'll fit in a circle 1° in diameter for a while on September 29th. But they'll be only 5° from the Sun at the time, so not visible! Mercury within 36 arc minutes conjunction with Jupiter 01-21 GMT. Mercury within 0.75 degree conjunction with Mars. 19-21 GMT. We have been looking forward to this auspicious day for a long time.
The slowing and waning Moon is in Aries providing an 'inflammable' backdrop to this astrologically important day. We remain alert to developing news stories. Standby.
Thursday September 30th 2004.
A strong earthquake shook the state Tuesday from Los Angeles to San Francisco. There were immediate reports of any injuries from the 6.0-magnitude quake and its more than 160 aftershocks.The quake was centered about seven miles southeast of Parkfield, a town of 37 people known as California's earthquake capital. The town is one of the world's most seismically active areas, located on the San Andreas Fault. The quake struck at 10:15 a.m. PDT and was felt along a 350-mile stretch, as far north as Sacramento and as far south as Santa Ana, southeast of Los Angeles. The center was about halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
At least 14 people have been killed in Japan after tropical storm Meari buffeted the nation, with a dozen missing and 70 others wounded.
The U.S. Geological Survey issued a volcanic advisory Wednesday for Mount St. Helens (graphic above) with officials warning of a heightened possibility of a small to moderate eruption.There was no immediate timetable for when an eruption could occur.
Britain says it is doing all it can to free UK hostage Kenneth Bigley, but rules out deals with Iraqi militants.
Russia appears set to approve the Kyoto climate change treaty, which could lead to its adoption worldwide.
Todaythe Moon is void of course in Aries from 01-54 entering Taurus 09-25 GMT.
October 2004
October 2004
Friday October 1st 2004.
The still full harvest Moon was shining in Taurus yesterday demonstrating the brutal side to that sign as violence claimed more victims in the Iraqi capital and elsewhere. Dozens of children died in blasts in Baghdad and Israel stepped up its thrust into Gaza's Jabaliya refugee camp as at least 21 Palestinians and three Israelis died in clashes. So the month of September 2004 ended.
The Month of October 2004 is dominated astrologically by two eclipses, a partial solar in Libra on the 14th and a blistering Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th.
The slow Moon in Taurus today forms a powerful 'mystic pentagon' in the skies of Earth with Saturn in Cancer, Uranus in Pisces, Pluto in Sagittarius and the conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in Libra. This pentagon peaks in its 'tightness' around 15-07 GMT. Only Venus in late Leo, near the regal star Regulus, and Neptune in Aquarius, are not involved in this arrangement. Such a tie up of so many planets promises important energy and correspondingly powerful events.
Saturday October 2nd 2004
The lumbering Moon void of course 04-35 is disseminating in phase 08-06 GMT at 24 degrees Taurus and enters Gemini at 18-56 GMT. This looks to be a stolid, slow moving, slightly inert, sort of day until that is the lunar ingress into Gemini at 18-56. Then both the Moon and the Sun are in air signs initiating a veritable babble of news ideas opinions thoughts and movement.
Sunday October 3rd 2004.
Israel's prime minister says a military operation in Gaza will continue until Palestinian rocket attacks are stopped.
A US air strike hits the rebellious city of Falluja, as the Iraqi government says it is now in control of Samarra.
At least 15 people are injured in a blast in Assam, a day after bombs and gun attacks left at least 56 people dead. The really slow and still decelerating Moon, Neptune and the Sun/Mercury conjunction form an airy grand trine peaking around the time of Venus's entry into Virgo at 17-20 GMT. A more positive day is forecast, the Moon is well aspected.
The entry of Venus into Virgo reminds us of the long chase that Venus has been making on Mars for most of this year, less than 35 degrees separate them now. She reaches him on December 5th 2004 in late Scorpio. From this afternoon (GMT), she becomes circumspect, determined and methodical in her love chase. Her head rules rather than her heart, she has her value and of course her price. Before this, however, she has an appointed with Jupiter, an extremly close conjunction, in Libra on November 5th, three days after the 2004 US presidential election.
Monday October 4th 2004
Today the very slow Moon in Gemini opposes Pluto at 10-28 GMT and then is void of course all day. It looks to be a rather bleak and shallow Monday.
Two powerful car bombs kill at least 16 people and injure dozens more in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
A boat sailing to Italy sinks off Tunisia killing at least 17, as a row grows over Rome's moves to send migrants back.
US Election November 2004
The astrology of the November 2004 US election is very interesting. Senator Kerry appears to have the astrological edge to the situation.
On October 5th 2004 Bush's progressed Moon, approaching First Quarter, enters Sagittarius after nearly 30 months residence in Scorpio. Kerry's progressed Moon, waning but still Full and charged with the wake of a lunar eclipse is besieged, (having a difficult time) in Virgo.
President Bush is in the midst of his second Saturn return. Its a hard period for him. Saturn hits his natal position on October 8th 2004, Dec. 8th 2004 and June 18th 2005.
Before this election are two eclipses. The first is a Solar Eclipse on October 14th at 21 degrees Libra. This one is beneficial to both candidates, being on Bush's IC nicely aspecting natal Venus and close to his Moon and Jupiter in Libra. For Kerry it locks well into his natal Full Moon Saturn and Sun. It gives him organisational energy. He gets a grip.
Jupiter is conjunct the MC of Kerry's chart in Libra on October 21st 2004. By curious chance this is the position of Bush's natal Neptune. Something is passing away for Bush, something rides high for Kerry.
On October 24th 2004 Mars is conjunct Bush's natal Jupiter. Expect serious activities at this time.
The Total Lunar Eclipse on October 28th is another matter. This is adverse to both. The eclipsed Moon squares Bush's ascendant, it trines Kerry's Mercury but it sets off his natal Venus square Pluto, it is easy to see some scandal (real or imagined) arising prior to the election. The eclipse is conjunct Senator Edward's natal Venus.
On the day of the election, Tuesday November 2nd 2004, a slow waning Moon moves through Gemini.
Venus sits on Kerry's Mid Heaven, conjunct Bush's Neptune, Mars sits on Bush's IC squaring his natal Saturn.
Venus has an appointment with Jupiter, an extremely close conjunction, in Libra on November 5th, in the morning skies of Earth, three days after the 2004 US presidential election. This conjunction is on the Libran Mid Heaven of John Kelly. This fortunate conjunction, sextile his natal Pluto, drops the bottom out of his world and seals his fate.
Tuesday October 5th 2004
A 'void of course' Moon Occults the faint star 136 Tau from 04-21 to 05-09. Visible telescopically from the UK.
The Moon then enters Cancer 06-55 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then in Cardinal signs moving us all to a 'crisis in consciousness' symbolised in astrology by the Last Quarter Moon tomorrow. A more emotional day is in store today.
Sun trine Neptune 14-59 GMT, offering vision art and music in its highest level.
Mercury is superior conjunction 18-20 GMT. This is the 'Full Mercury', the illuminated mind.
Moon at Apogee (slowest all month) at 22-18 GMT
Wednesday October 6th 2004
Yesterday it waqs reported that US scientists David Gross, David Politzer and Frank Wilczek have won the 2004 Nobel Prize for physics. They have been honoured for their insights into the deep structure of matter - the materials that build atoms and the forces that hold them together. Their theory successfully explained why quarks (graphic above) tended to group in threes. It also explained why, paradoxically, the "colour charge" weakens as the quarks move together and strengthens when they move apart.
The slow but now accelerating moon is today at last quarter phase at 13 degrees Cancer at 10-13 GMT squaring both the Sun and Mercury.
Venus is opposite Uranus 15-23 GMT.
Looks to be a quirky kind of day. Some tears, some fears, some chops some changes.
Thursday October 7th 2004
The slow waning Moon drawing towards a partial Solar Eclipse in one week's time conjuncts Saturn today at 12-14 GMT at 26 degrees Cancer and is then void of course until 19-23 GMT when she enters Leo. The day has serious overtones till the evening (GMT) and then modulates to a more recreational vibration, give the opportunity.
These old Moon pre-eclipse days are very important.
World news this morning concerns a key US report saying Saddam Hussein had no WMD intensifies debate on the justification for war with Iraq.
At least 38 people are reported dead after two bomb blasts at a Sunni gathering in the Pakistani city of Multan.
Cambodia's King Sihanouk has announced his wish to abdicate, his son tells the country's National Assembly.
US crude oil prices rise to yet another record high in overnight Asian trade amid worries over possible global supply shortages.
Friday October 8th 2004
At least 21 people are killed after a series of explosions at Egyptian resorts popular with Israeli tourists.
A week-long effort to immunise 300 million children in Africa and Asia against polio starts on Friday.
A bomb has exploded at the Indonesian embassy in Paris, injuring up to 10 people including embassy staff.
The aged Moon is accelerating in Leo towards Partial eclipse next Thursday. We are deeply into eclipse season now. This period is devoid of important planetary aspects but is embryonic of future events. A time of contemplation is upon us as new energies and thought forms arise within the biosphere.
Saturday October 9th 2004.
The waning crescent Moon passes Venus and Regulus in early dawn during the next few days, as shown below.
The Sun is halfway through Libra. We once again enter the 'darkened way' which leads us to the month of Scorpio.
The Moon in Leo makes a trine aspect to Pluto at 10-42 GMT, and is then void of course all day.
Mercury sextiles Pluto 21-48 GMT.
Sunday October 10th 2004.
The Moon has three conjunctions to make before she joins with the Sun in Partial Solar Eclipse on Thursday. Today she is conjunct Venus in Virgo at 23-52 GMT. On Tuesday at 22-21 GMT she is conjunct Jupiter in Libra (within 1.5 degrees of exact alignment), and at 11-10 GMT on Wednesday she is within 1.2 degrees of an exact alignment to Mars.
The Moon starts the day void, enters Virgo 06-00 GMT and becomes balsamic in phase 2 degrees Virgo at 10-42. This Moon then conjuncts Venus at 21-52 GMT.
Jupiter in Libra is in waxing quinquncx to Uranus in Pisces. This is the first of three such aspects. The 2nd one is in May 2005, the last one in July 2005. A fateful combination of civil disturbance and mass intoxication is potentially on the cards.
The main news today reports that two bomb attacks killed up to 18 people in Baghdad, as US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visits Iraq.
Monday 11th October 2004
The Virgo Moon only makes a single square aspect to Pluto 19-24 GMT. Pre-eclipse gloom likely to descend.
During dawn tomorrow, look just above the horizon due east to catch the hairline waning crescent Moon above Jupiter, as shown above.
Tuesday 12th October 2004
Yesterday Poll organisers in Afghanistan asked the UN to investigate alleged voter fraud in the presidential election. The EU lifted sanctions against Libya and ended an arms embargo, under strong Italian pressure. Shia militiamen in Baghdad begin handing in weapons under a deal with the interim Iraqi government.
MOUNT ST. HELENS, Washington (AP) -- Mount St. Helens gave off more steam Monday morning, with a small cloud drifting up from the snow-dusted crater
Today the old balsamic Moon is void of course in Virgo from 07-32 GMT. She enters Libra at 13-32 GMT and is conjunct Jupiter (1.5 degrees apart) at 20-21 GMT. A low ebb start to the day with distractions pleasant or otherwise) arising later.
We are now within 48 hours of an eclipse. Great and important events can occur in the world during these times.
Wednesday October 13th 2004
Iraq's interim government seeks to play down concerns over the disappearance of materials from nuclear sites. A car bomb exploded near the convoy of a Palestinian security chief, Moussa Arafat, reports from Gaza City say. The Sun Spot index has plummeted to zero this week, first time since 1997--a sign that the solar minimum is coming.
Today the Sun sextiles Pluto 01-07. Power plays in action.
The Moon is conjunct Mars at 11 degrees Libra at 09-10 GMT, the alignment is just over one degree from exact. A rush of planetary adrenaline is injected into proceedings
Mercury squares Saturn 23-14 GMT. A sombre pre-eclipse atmosphere is presented, hard hearted and dour. Don't be fooled, there is new positive energy available from tomorrow
The stage is set for tomorrow's partial eclipse.
Thursday October 14th 2004
The astrological horoscope for central eclipse
(set for London)
A partial solar eclipse occurs in western Alaska at sunset on October 13th and across Japan, the north-eastern tip of China, and eastern Russia on the 14th. Greatest eclipse occurs in Alaska, west of Anchorage, where more than 90 percent of the solar diameter is obscured as the Sun sets.
This Solar Eclipse starts at 00-54-38 GMT today, peaks at 02-59-18 GMT and ends at 05-04-17 GMT.
Today's eclipse shows a strongly Libran influence with a stellium of planets in this sign. The planetary shaping is 'locomotive', charging the moment with power and momentum. The eclipsed Sun is sextile Pluto, adding a transformatory potential to the mixture. Mercury is square Saturn, indicating hard choices, and Mars is in airy trine to Neptune adding sensation and motion.
At the moment of maximum eclipse the Sun and Moon are rising just East of Baghdad, a 'positive sunrise moment' there, and at Djibouti and at Dares- Salam. The Sun and Moon are on the MC of Darwin, (a place contact also high-lighted in the Saros Series chart below), and Vladivostok. The Sun and Moon are on the IC of Brasilia and Belem. Mars in Libra rises at Moscow, Saturn contacts Tehran, Pluto contacts Quito and Jupiter contacts Bucharest. At London the Mars Neptune trine is 'completed' by the local MC, this looks to be a significant eclipse for the UK.
Saros series 124
This eclipse is member 54 of 73 eclipses in Saros series 124. This family of eclipses started on March 6th 1049 with an eclipse in Pisces conjunct Venus. The series peaked in 1734 AD and is now old and beginning its final partial phase. This eclipse is the first of these final partial eclipses. The last eclipse of the Saros series was in October 1986 which was a 'hybrid' eclipse, the one before that in September 1968 which was the last of the Total eclipses in the series.
The nature of this Saros, as defined by time of this first eclipse, (chart above), is geared to determining faith. The chart has a tight 'mystic rectangle' involving Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Difficult planetary oppositions are given positive focus, rendering a 'healing' potential. This is strongly 'polarised' chart invoking opposing forces. Struggle and sacrifice and dissolution are interwoven into its fabric. Each of the 73 eclipses in this Saros have this fundamental frequency and underlying character.
The message of today is justice and retribution, and re-balance.
After the eclipse today the 'infant' Moon in Libra is conjunct Mercury at 14-22 GMT (only 9 minutes of arc separate them). The Moon is the void of course before entering Scorpio at 18-11.
A sting in the tail at the end of it all.

In Hawaii yesterday, just before sunset, the New Moon glided in front of the sun, producing a partial solar eclipse. On the beach at Honolulu, Erick Salituro ( took this picture of the sun--with a bite taken out of it--about to sink beneath the waves.
The World News during the eclipse concerned George W Bush and John Kerry clashing over security, taxes and health care in their final presidential debate. A little-known son of King Sihanouk is set to be chosen by a special council as Cambodia's new monarch. Ballots are being counted in Afghanistan, after delays created by irregularities in Saturday's elections.
Always a lull in news stories at this time, just after a major astrological event, like an eclipse. Its as if we, humanity, take a little time to assimilate and acclimatise to the new energy before responding to it.
One important piece of medical news appeared shortly after the eclipse. Scientists reported that they have pinpointed a protein they believe holds the key to hearing, and maybe new treatments for deafness.
Eight people were killed in two blasts in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone.
Friday October 15th 2004
Still in the immediate wake of a partial solar eclipse.... Taiwan -- A large earthquake centered off Taiwan's eastern coast shook buildings in the capital of Taipei.There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage from Friday's quake which struck after noon local time (12 a.m. ET).The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake as measuring 6.7 in magnitude while Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau put the tremblor at 7.0. The weather bureau said the temblor was the strongest to hit the island since a 7.6-magnitude earthquake hit central Taiwan in 1999, causing more than 2,300 deaths.
US forces launch fresh air attacks on the rebel-held Iraqi city of Falluja after the collapse of peace talks.
A judge in Harare is expected to deliver his verdict in the treason trial of opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.
The Moon increasing in light and motion towards a big Total Eclipse in two weeks time, is today and tomorrow in Scorpio. A determinable change to deeper involvements and more penetrating insights can be expected.
Mars makes an airy trine to Neptune at 20-03 aiding ease of muscular and mental expression. The astrological energy induces synchronised transformations, exacting and vibrant displays and demonstrations, subtle and graceful power plays.
Mercury enters Scorpio 22-57. Even a greater depth of penetration can be expected in the days ahead.
Saturday October 16th 2004
The fast moving infant Moon fresh from solar eclipse continues to accelerate and wax in Scorpio passing close to Antares as the day ends. She is void of course from 15-43 GMT and enters Sagittarius at 20-58 GMT.
Sunday October 17th 2004.
The fast moving Moon is crescent in phase 12-52 GMT at 9 degrees Sagittarius. This is a good day to move into new territory.
Mercury in Scorpio makes a watery trine to Uranus in Pisces at 21-30. This is a very creative and imaginative planetary aspect.
Could be a good one.
Monday October 18th 2004
Moon in Sagittarius at Perigee (closest to Earth and fastest in her monthly eliptic cycle) 00:00 GMT.
She is conjunct Pluto 06-41.
She is void of course 15-47, before entering Capricorn 23-08 GMT.
Tuesday October 19th 2004
Today looks to be hard work, with turbulent undercurrents.
Conservative elements in Burma's military junta have today ousted Prime Minister Khin Nyunt and put him under house arrest, Thai officials say. "Khin Nyunt was removed from his position," Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra told reporters. In recent months diplomats have spoken of a power struggle between Khin Nyunt, number three in Burma's hierarchy, and the hard-line Senior General Than Shwe. The dispute appears to be more about business than politics, analysts say.
US warplanes again pounded targets in the Iraqi city of Falluja overnight, as a campaign against militants continues. The US military said it struck several buildings linked to the network of wanted militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The US presidential rivals head to Florida to campaign in this key state, as early electronic voting begins.
Wednesday October 20th 2004
The Sun makes a waxing cardinal square to Saturn at 01-26 GMT.
The fast moving Moon is at first quarter 28 degrees Capricorn at 22-00 GMT, and is then void of course.
Venus makes a waning mutable square to Pluto 21-25 GMT.
Take stock!
The fast moving Moon at First Quarter, waxes and decelerates in Capricorn.
The Sun has three days left in Libra.
Mercury in early Scorpio right now will turn retrograde on the last day of November 2004.
Venus currently in mid Virgo, will conjunct Jupiter on November 5th 2004, and will catch up with Mars on December 5th 2004.
The looming Venus Jupiter conjunction can be clearly seen in the pre-dawn skies of earth.
There is a big Total Lunar Eclipse on October 28th 2004. This is our next astrological encounter.
Thursday October 21st 2004
Aid agency Care International stops work in the wake of the kidnapping (on Tuesday) of Margaret Hassan in Baghdad (photo above).
Indonesia's new president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is sworn into office in the capital Jakarta.
The United Nations food agency says it is considering diverting food aid for Haiti via the Dominican Republic, due to continuing unrest in the capital.
On Thursday morning, Oct. 21st, pieces of Halley's Comet will spray out of the constellation Orion. Meteors will fly past Venus and Saturn, Sirius, Castor and Pollux. Don't miss the show! Space
The fast moving but decelerating Moon today enters Aquarius 01-39 GMT, and is conjunct Neptune 23-10 GMT.
Both the Sun and Moon are now in air signs. The Moon now past her first quarter phase is sailing on to Total Lunar Eclipse, one week away. All events and experiences are now geared to a climax of intensity and purpose at the time of the eclipse. Whatever is occurring now will reach its fruition in one week's time.
Friday October 22nd 2004
Venus square Pluto takes its toll.
Search and rescue teams are still scouring devastated areas of Japan for survivors of typhoon Tokage, which has killed 57 people. Another 300 people have been injured in the worst storm to hit Japan in a decade. As of 7.00 a.m. (2300 GMT Wednesday 20th October) the weakening typhoon was located in the Pacific some 60 km (37 miles) east of Inubo Cape, just east of Tokyo. Venus was square Pluto at the time this one hit.
At the same time a gas explosion at a coal mine in central China has killed at least 60 people and left 88 others missing. It is one of the worst mine accidents in recent years, and officials said the chances of the finding anyone still alive were slim.
Today the waxing decelerating Moon past first quarter phase is void of course in Aquarius from 12-21 GMT. This void of course period lasts for 17 hours. So the astrological month of Libra ends.
Tomorrow sees a change in the astrological energy from Air to Water. All happenings, (including the disasters mentioned above) can now be linked to the forthcoming Total Lunar eclipse less than a week away. Expect more powerful associated events in the days ahead. Eclipses tend to cast shadows in time before and after the actual time they occur. Such is their nature and the quality of the eclipse season we are currently locked into.
Saturday October 23rd 2004
The Sun enters Scorpio 01-49.
The waxing Moon, five days from Total Eclipse, enters Pisces 05-14, and is conjunct Uranus at 10-32.
Mercury in Scorpio makes a fixed waning square to a stationary Neptune in Aquarius at 22-20 GMT.
The astrological month of Scorpio starts today. The astrological energy modulates from the element air to water. Both the Sun and Moon are now in water signs. A deeply emotional vibration can be felt today. Tears may fall in the confusion and uncertainty of the difficult Mercury square Neptune aspect which flows out tonight.
There is a big one coming.
In the UK, pardon the aside, young Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, has Mars conjunct his (sociable) Libran natal Venus today. Jupiter squared his natal Jupiter two weeks ago, as allegations of exam cheating were made by his former art teacher, and he is currently in the news. A paparazzi was involved in a scuffle with Prince Harry outside a London night-club claiming the prince "lashed out" at him without warning.
As this day dawns the main UK news is that Care International is appealing on Arabic television for the release of its Iraq director, Margaret Hassan. In the USA US presidential candidates George W Bush and John Kerry tour states seen as important to win November's poll. Elsewhere Kosovo votes in the second assembly elections since the province came under UN control in 1999.
Sunday October 24th 2004
Powerful Earthquakes yesterday in Japan. The first quake struck at 1756 local time (0856 GMT). Intermittent aftershocks included a 5.9 quake which hit 16 minutes later.
At least 16 people died as bombers strike an Iraqi military base, and four more are killed in a checkpoint attack.
Iran insists it will continue enriching uranium despite a European offer of trade concessions and technology.
The powerful build up to Thursday's Lunar Eclipse continues.
Neptune turns direct 12 degrees Aquarius at 06-30.
Moon gibbous in phase 16 degrees Pisces 09-58 GMT. From this point in time the 'procession' towards Thursday's Total Eclipse takes full control.
Monday October 25th 2004.
Yesterday within 100 hours of Total Lun ar eclipse, world news was dominated by horror stories from Iraq. The bodies of more than 40 Iraqi army recruits were found dead near Baquba, and a US diplomat was killed in Baghdad.
Venus and Jupiter (magnitudes 4.0 and 1.7, respectively) are the two bright "morning stars" shining in the east-southeast before and during dawn. Watch them closing in on each other this week! They'll have a close conjunction, only about 2/3° apart, on the morning of November 5th, three days after the US Election.
The slowing gibbous Moon waxing towards Total Eclipse is void of course in Pisces at 05-18. She enters Aries 10-26. This ingress invokes courage, action, adventure and romance to the agenda. A day for the novel approach. Much inspiration to be found.
Tuesday October 26th.
Nearly 350 tons of explosives are missing (reported yesterday) from a former military complex in Iraq. Former US President Bill Clinton speaks alongside John Kerry in a bid to boost the Democrat's campaign. Ariel Sharon insists settlers and troops must leave Gaza as a stormy debate begins in Israel's parliament.
The Sun makes a watery trine to Uranus 01-49 GMT. Venus sextiles Saturn 04-49.
This day favours constructive organised and original happenings. Get it together!
The Moon in Aries, the Earth and Mars in Libra are in linear alignment (within 2 degrees) at 22-49 GMT. This is a mini eclipse in itself. Look on it as a 'midcourse correction' before the big burn.
The sad news came through regarding the death today of John Peel, British radio DJ.
Wednesday October 27th.
The Moon is void in Aries at 12-25 GMT.
Mars in Libra makes a sextile aspect to Pluto in Sagittarius at 17-12 GMT. Their energy drives us on to the eclipse.
The Moon enters Taurus 17-38 GMT. Time then to stop moving!
Thursday October 28th 2004.
The second total lunar eclipse of 2004 is visible from the Americas, Europe, most of Africa, and western Asia on the night of October 27/28. Canada and the continental US will see all of totality (weather permitting), but Hawaii will experience only a partial eclipse, as the Moon rises after totality has ended. At 9:14 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on the 27th the Earth's umbra touches the left side of the Moon. The dark notch grows until it covers the entire lunar surface at 10:23 p.m. Since the envelope of air surrounding our planet bends some of the Sun's light into the Earth's shadow, the Moon will probably remain visible during totality. If our atmosphere is relatively clear, the Moon will be bathed in the reddish glow from sunrises and sunsets around the world. But if the air is thick with clouds, the Moon may look dull grey and dim.
Timings of the Eclipse
(Universal Time. Very nearly GMT).
Penumbral eclipse starts 00:05:32
Umbral eclipse starts 01:14:23
Totality starts 02:23:26
Greatest eclipse 03:04:04
Geocentric conjunction 03:19:25
Totality ends 03:44:41
Umbral eclipse ends 04:53:42
Penumbral eclipse ends 06:42:43
At the time of this eclipse Mars sextiles Pluto, Venus sextiles Saturn, The Sun trines Uranus, Jupiter trines Neptune, Mercury squares Neptune. There is power, organisation, and a heady mix of clear vision and crazy glamour at this time.
The Moon forms a 'finger of fate pattern' with Uranus and Jupiter. Danger at every junction!
The Moon is conjunct the Saturn Neptune midpoint and opposes the Mercury Mars midpoint. Extreme care is required lest fate takes over from destiny.
Some very tight and poignant midpoints are active in this eclipse chart. Saturn is on the Moon Mars midpoint, Mars is on the Sun Jupiter midpoint, Mercury is on the Mars Pluto midpoint, Pluto is on the Jupiter Uranus midpoint, Neptune is on the Moon Mercury midpoint. Its all indicative of far reaching events and high astrological tension
At the time of central eclipse the Sun is rising and the eclipsed moon setting at Nairobi, Iran and SE Iraq.
The Moon is conjunct the MC of Brazil. Pluto is conjunct the IC of the UK. Mars is rising at Ankara, Moscow and Cairo. Saturn rises over New York. Jupiter aligns to the IC of Washington.
This is a dynamic and powerful eclipse.
Saros series 136
Saros series 136 started on April 13th 1680 with a penumbral eclipse in Libra at the North Pole. The chart set for the central eclipse moment of this first eclipse is shown above. The chart is set for the UK.
The series lasts for 1280 years, ending in 2960. The series went Total in 1950, today's eclipse is the 4th Total Eclipse in the series and it is the 19th of the 72 eclipses in the series. The Saros peaks in 2293 AD. The last eclipse in the series was in October 1986, before that it occurred in the Autumns of 1968, 1950, 1932, and 1914(!).
The 'root' Saros chart for this series of eclipses has the volatile combination of Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Cancer. Saturn is also in Cancer. Looks to be a bit of a brute to me!
Once the eclipse is over, the Moon remains decelerating in Taurus. The advice here given is to 'stand your ground' don't rush off into anything if at all possible.
More astrological magic ensues in the early hours tomorrow.
Friday October 29th 2004
Venus enters Libra 00-39 GMT joining Mars and Jupiter in that sign. A change of energy occurs facilitating social interaction. Time to pretty up I guess.
A 'mystic pentagram' forms in the skies today involving the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. This brief and tight planetary picture peaks around 03-00 GMT.
The slow Moon is void in Taurus at 17-38.
Saturday October 30th 2004.
The slow Moon enters Gemini 03-11 GMT.
She makes airy trines with Venus 06-06, and Jupiter at 17-57.
Venus and Jupiter are less than 6 degrees apart in the morning sky in Libra. Their conjunction is six days away.
This is the day to move things on again.
Surfacing after the Lunar Eclipse. World news has been mercifully weak over the eclipse period.
US President George Bush and his Democratic rival John Kerry condemn a new video message by Osama Bin Laden.
Rome agrees to withdraw its controversial nominee to the EU Commission, after a new constitution is signed.
The US space agency says it hopes shuttle flights, suspended since the Columbia disaster, can begin next May. Returning to the US election it now appears that Kerry has a slight lead in some opinion polls.
Sunday October 31st 2004.
A big double sunspot has emerged over the sun's eastern limb. The two pieces of are each about twice as wide as Earth. They're connected by magnetic lines of force that harbor energy for solar flares. This 'spot is easy to see, but never stare at the blinding sun.
The slow Geminian Moon forms a loose airy Grand trine with Jupiter and Neptune, peaking around 01-30 GMT.
The Moon trines Neptune at 04-05 GMT. Looks to be an OK day.
The tension of Thursday's eclipse now subsides. The energy of the coming Venus Jupiter conjunction is taking hold.
November 2004
Monday November 1st 2004.
Look for auroras from around midnight on Halloween when one or more coronal mass ejections (CMEs) might sweep past Earth. The CMEs were blasted into space by a series of explosions near sunspot 691 on Oct. 30th.
The Iraqi prime minister says talks to avert a major conflict in the city of Falluja are in their final phase.
Presidential candidates George W Bush and John Kerry are targeting key states during the day ahead of the US election.
Three United Nations workers seized by militants in Afghanistan appear in a video shown by Arabic TV.
State of the skies.
The Sun is approaching 10 degrees Scorpio. There are 50 days to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Mercury, an evening star, swinging back towards the earth, is decelerating in late Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on November 4th, turning retrograde on 30th November. The retrograde period is over before Christmas.
Venus a morning star in Libra is very close to a conjunction with Jupiter on Friday of this week. This planetary aspect may dominate the US election result.
Venus is also some 19 degrees from a very close conjunction with Mars, a deeply serious and intense astrological union, on December 5th.
Mars is in Libra right now near the star Spica, and enters Scorpio on 11th November.
The major outer body aspect 'singing out' in the skies this season is an airy trine between Jupiter in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius.
There is hope in all of this.
Today the very slow Moon in Gemini trines Mars in Libra and is void from 01-22.
The Moon opposition Pluto is made easy by Mars in Libra.
Moon disseminating phase 02-53 GMT 24 degrees Gemini, enters Cancer 14-53.
The Sun and Moon are then both in water signs. The mood of the day changes from restless multiplicity and diversity to a more emotional manner of dealing with situations.
Tuesday November 2nd 2004
Yesterday a US citizen was among four people reported kidnapped at their office in the Mansour district of Baghdad. At least four people died as a teenager suicide bomber attacks a market in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv.
Today the really slow moon inches through Cancer and is at apogee (slowest) 18:13 GMT.
The Moon is shining well up in the east by about 11 p.m., with Pollux and Castor to its left and brighter Saturn below it.
The US Election is today. It occurs as Venus closes in onto a conjunction with Jupiter in Libra, exact in three days time, visible now in the morning skies (see graphic below). Also Mercury is trining Saturn at 17-02 GMT today and the Sun is applying in a fixed waning square to Neptune, exact in 2 days time. The Venus Jupiter mix is the good news, and looks to favour Kerry. (Although there is some uncertainty in the astrological community regarding the reliability of his birth time, the chart given in this site may not be completely accurate). The Moon today is in Cancer, Bush's Sun sign.
News reports are that this election will be a very close affair. The world awaits. Astrologers await to see what the response of the American public will be to the Venus Jupiter conjunction.
Wednesday November 3rd 2004
The slowly waning and disseminating Moon is today in Cancer conjunct Saturn at 22-08 GMT.
The Moon is also conjunct the natal Saturn of George Bush at the same time. Before this the Moon makes hard aspects to George Bush's natal chart. Mars is badly placed for Bush being square his natal Saturn and opposing his natal MC.
John Kerry has Venus today in trine aspect to natal Uranus at 06-13 GMT (what ever hour his birth was). Jupiter is exactly sextile his natal Pluto tomorrow. If we have his correct birth time Venus and Jupiter are today conjunct his natal MC.
Venus and Jupiter appear nearly as close together in the morning as on their official conjunction date on Friday. If the sky is clear, don't miss this chance! (Sky and Telescope).
This beautiful pre dawn view heralds the importance of this time. Hold steady and standby.
Thursday November 4th 2004
Yesterday Democratic challenger John Kerry admitted defeat in the US election, giving George Bush a second term in office.
US share prices rose sharply as George W Bush prepared for a second term in the White House.
Earth is approaching a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun. Sky watchers at high latitudes, e.g., in Canada and Alaska, should be alert for auroras tonight when the stream buffets our planet's magnetic field.
The slow but accelerating Moon approaching Last Quarter phase is void of course 02-00 GMT. She enters Leo 03-32. Both the Sun and Moon are then in Fixed signs.
Mercury enters Sagittarius 14-40. He goes through his retrograde phase in this sign and will reside there until January 10th 2004.
The Scorpio Sun makes a fixed waning square with Neptune in Aquarius at 17-35.
Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets, are in conjunction before and during dawn tomorrow, appearing only about 2/3° apart.
Friday November 5th 2004.
Many astrologers world wide attempted to predict the outcome of the 2004 US election. Most looked at the planetary transits to the two contender's natal charts on the day of the election. All of these astrologers, including myself, agreed that John Kerry had the 'easier' transits on the day and suggested a Kerry victory.
In the end it appeared that the Moon in Cancer on November 2nd 2004 had the most powerful influence. The mass consciousness of the American people responded to this Cancerian influence by turning out in record numbers and the majority voting for the known, homely, folksy, cancerian Sun sign George W. Bush. They instinctively looked for the safety and security of the 'known quantity'.
The rest of the world reels in the shock of the situation. It is difficult to understand the strongly conservative and evangelical nature of the majority of US population. We astrologers have learned a great deal from the situation. The planetary dance goes on, but it is a long time to wait to the next US election in November 2008.
Yesterday under the chaotic vibration of Sun square Neptune, confusion existed regarding the state of health of Yasser Arafat. At one point his death was announced and then withdrawn.
In the UK the major issue was the deployment and activities of the UK troops in central Iraq.
Today the accelerating Moon is at Last Quarter phase at 05-54 GMT at 13 degrees Leo.
We are now at the end of the current Eclipse Season.
Venus Jupiter are in very close conjunction at 9 degrees Libra 02-11 GMT.
Saturday November 6th 2004.
U.N. head Kofi Annan has warned America, Britain and Iraq against launching a major assault on Falluja, as Iraq's prime minister says that time is running out. The assault seems imminent.
At least 23 people are killed in triple car bomb attacks in Samarra, north of Baghdad, Iraqi police say.
Yasser Arafat continues to fight for his life as Palestinian leaders gather to discuss who might succeed him if he dies.
A new UN draft resolution on Sudan calls for agreement on peace accords, and offers promises of aid.
Scientists are none the wiser about what awaits the Huygens space probe on Saturn's moon Titan when it lands, despite a close flyby by Cassini. (graphic above)
Scientists are baffled by a mysterious power boost to one of its two robotic rovers on Mars.
The weekend ahead looks to start creatively and recreationally, and then to modulate to a highly critical and tense atmosphere on Saturday. Crises of all sorts can be expected as Mars squares a stationary Saturn early on Sunday. Not easy! Take care.
The Moon is void in Leo at 08-45 GMT. She enters Virgo 15-00 GMT.
The Moon then joins with Uranus and Mercury to form a mutable T-square. Mercury is square Uranus 15-18.
Sunday November 7th 2004
Mobs in Ivory Coast's main city burn French schools after clashes sparked by the killing of French peace keepers.
Gunmen have stormed a police station in western Iraq, disarmed 21 officers and shot them dead, Iraqi police say.
In the UK six people have died and seven are seriously injured after a high-speed train hit a car on an unmanned level crossing on Saturday evening. All eight carriages of the 1735 First Great Western service from Paddington to Plymouth were derailed in the accident near Ufton Nervet, Berkshire. The train, which was carrying about 300 people, hit the car some 500 yards from the A4 at around 1815 GMT on Saturday.
The astrological chart for the departure time in Paddington is dominated by the global mutable T-square (mentioned in yesterday's dispatch), involving Mercury, Uranus and the applying Moon. Locally Saturn was exactly 45 degrees form the Ascendant of Paddington, and Pluto was in similar aspect to the MC of Paddington. Mars was square Saturn globally and 135 degrees from the local ascendant. Neptune crossed the MC six minutes later as the train was speeding along west of London. At the moment of the crash Mars exactly opposed the Uranus/Ascendant midpoint of the crash location.
Today the Moon is in Virgo. Mars squares Saturn 05-03 GMT.
The Sun is half way through Scorpio and we are now at the midpoint in the seasons between the Libra Equinox and the Capricorn Solstice.
The week ahead is dominated astrologically by three close encounters between the waning Moon and Jupiter 16-23 GMT on Tuesday, visible as an occultation in western USA, Venus 01-32 GMT on Wednesday, visible as an occultation in Australia, and Mars 04-03 GMT Thursday. The New Moon in Scorpio is on Friday. Looks to be an eventful week.
Monday November 8th 2004
During daytime tomorrow morning, the crescent Moon occults Jupiter, an event you may be able to watch in a telescope. The occultation happens northeast of a line from Florida to the Dakotas. Elsewhere Jupiter and the Moon perform a near miss.
Sky watchers in Europe and Asia should be on the lookout for a flurry of shooting stars, Nov. 8th around 2330 GMT. That's when Earth is expected to plow through a 1000-year-old stream of dust from comet Tempel-Tuttle--the parent of the Leonid meteor shower. Forecasters say the meteor rate could reach 50 to 100 per hour.
Venus trine Neptune 10-58 GMT.
Moon void from 19-33 GMT. She enters Libra 23-23.
Saturn turns retrograde 27 degrees Cancer.
Tuesday November 9th 2004.
US-led forces yesterday began a full-scale attack on the insurgent stronghold of Falluja in central Iraq. The move, which had been expected for weeks, came after interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi gave the go-ahead.
The international medical relief organisation, Medecins Sans Frontieres, has called for urgent action in northern Uganda. Over 1.6 million people have been displaced by conflict and live in squalid conditions where mortality rates are high.
An extreme geomagnetic storm began around 5 p.m. EST on Nov. 7th. At its peak, the storm produced Northern Lights as far south as Oklahoma and California in the United States: . More auroras are possible tonight or tomorrow when a coronal mass ejection (CME) is due to hit Earth's magnetic field. Stay tuned!
The thin waning crescent Moon will occult the second-brightest planet (Jupiter) as seen from much of North America on Tuesday, November 9, 2004. The catch is that it will happen in broad daylight, in a bright blue sky (assuming the weather cooperates!).
The occultation happens around midday or late morning, with the Moon and Jupiter generally being a little higher than the Sun and fairly far off to its right. Jupiter will disappear behind the Moon's sunlit limb, with the Moon requiring a minute or more to inch its way across the giant planet's face. Jupiter will reappear from behind the Moon's dark edge up to an hour or more later; again the process will be gradual. Sky and Telescope
The accelerating Moon is balsamic in phase at 03-08 GMT at 2 degrees Libra. In the UK she moves on to be within 15 minutes conjunction of an alignment with Jupiter. This is the closest Moon Jupiter alignment during current crop. For USA observers the Moon covers Jupiter beginning about 16:00 GMT today November 9th.
This is a very eventful week in the skies, and correspondingly eventful news reels on Earth can be expected. The old Moon will occult Venus some nine hours after today's Jupiter occultation.
Wednesday November 10th 2004
The accelerating old Moon is closely conjunct Venus and Mars over the next two days.
Observers in Australia and New Zealand see an occultation of Venus today starting at approximately 01:00 GMT (noon in Sydney, Australia).
Venus is conjunct Moon in Libra at 01-32 GMT.
Mercury is passing 2° north (upper right) of Antares. Use binoculars to scan for them just above the southwest horizon about 30 minutes after sunset. Mercury is the brighter of the two.
We are in the midst of a series of three close alignments involving the waning Moon with Jupiter, Venus and Mars all in Libra. It remains to be seen what events occur on Earth during this intensely Libran set of 'injections'of astrological energy.
World News yesterday during the Jupiter occultation was dominated by US and Iraqi troops saying that they had seized much of Falluja from rebels, on the second day of a full-scale assault. Officials revealed more about Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's health and said that he has a brain haemorrhage. The Sudanese government and rebel leaders from Darfur agreed to sign two accords on the crisis in the region.
Also during the Jupiter Moon occultation yesterday A moderate geomagnetic storm was underway following the arrival of a coronal mass ejection (CME) on the Sun at approximately 0930 UT on Nov. 9th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Space
The Libran energy currently in sway gives way tomorrow as both the Moon and Mars join the Sun in Scorpio. Changes are ahead.
Thursday November 11th 2004
The fast moving ancient moon conjuncts Mars within 0.5 of a degree at the very end of Libra at 04-03 GMT. Three minutes later the Moon enters Scorpio, and the energy changes. Mars follows the Moon and enters Scorpio 05-10 GMT. Mars will remain in this sign until Christmas day. The most notable event during this residence is his conjunction with Venus on Sunday December 5th. Less than 15 degrees separate Venus and Mars today. She is hot on his scent.
Mercury sextiles Jupiter 16-31 GMT.
Uranus turns direct 3 degrees Pisces 16-39 GMT.
Yasser Arafat died of multiple organ failure at 0230 GMT on Thursday 11th November 2004- as the Moon applied to a close conjunction to Mars.
The battle for Falluja is supposed to be the beginning of the end.
After three days of strong storming, geomagnetic activity has subsided.
It has been a hectic news-packed week as the Moon made its three close alignments to Jupiter, Venus (photo above) and Mars. Now as Mars is in Scorpio and the New Moon in that sign is upon us.
Friday November 12th 2004.
An earthquake of magnitude six has shaken an island in eastern Indonesia, killing at least six people, according to officials. The quake struck around Alor island, about 1,600km (1,000 miles) east of the capital Jakarta, at 0526 local time (2226 GMT Thursday). Several people are said to have been injured in the quake, but the extent of the damage is unclear. Indonesia is one of the world's most earthquake-prone regions. This quake occurred six hours after Uranus had turned direct in motion.
A state of emergency has been declared in parts of Colombia where floods caused by torrential rains have killed at least 14 people, officials say. They say thousands of people in several states have been forced to flee their homes after weeks of heavy rains.
Japan is to formally protest to China after saying a submarine it tracked in its waters was Chinese.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is buried in the West Bank town of Ramallah amid chaotic scenes.
At least 10 people have been killed and more than 115 others injured when a train plunged into a deep ravine in the Philippines, officials say.
All of the above events were reported before today's New Moon.
New Moon 21 degrees Scorpio 14-28 GMT.
This is the first New Moon after the partial eclipse of October 14th 2004.
(The New Moon makes a watery grand trine with Saturn and the Ascendant at London).
The function of the first post eclipse New Moon is to make manifest the 'Solar Impulse' released at the time of the eclipse. This New Moon looks to be packed with 'easy' energy. There is a predominance of sextile and trine aspects. The New Moon is in wide trine aspect to Saturn (fully focused at London) offering the 'harnessing' potential to use the energy constructively.
Mercury in Sagittarius is sextile to Jupiter in Libra, aiding an ease of expression, and is sextile to Neptune in Aquarius, blending deep collective emotion with forthright thought and speech.
Mars trines Uranus in water signs, giving rise to innovative activity.
Venus in Libra sextiles Pluto adding, at its highest expression, significant grace.
At the exact moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are conjunct the MC of Rio de Janiero, the pair rise at Los Angeles, they set over Mecca, Jerusalem and Cairo, and they are conjunct the IC of Tokyo.
This looks to be an interesting lunation. The Moon is moving rapidly, events and changes induced by it may well happen quickly.
Saturday November 13th 2004.
The very fast infant Moon is void at 01-35, then enters Sagittarius at 05-57 GMT joining Mercury and Pluto in that sign.
At 21-19 GMT Mercury is sextile Neptune.
This is a 'zip' of a day. The tiny infant Moon hurtles through Sagittarius towards yet another close planetary encounter this time with Mercury at 03-08 GMT tomorrow. Look just above the southwest horizon in bright twilight for the very slim crescent Moon and little Mercury just above it. Binoculars will help.
A day to be to bright and breezy.
Sunday November 14th 2004
The young very fast Moon aligns within 1 degree to Mercury 03-08 at 13 degrees Sagittarius. She is Perigee 13-58 GMT.
She is conjunct Pluto 15-58 and then is void of course for the rest of the day.
A first aid convoy enters Falluja as Iraq's interim government says fighting in the city is all but over.
The Palestinian prime minister called for new peace efforts with Israel, a day after Yasser Arafat's burial.
A Dutch mosque is badly damaged by fire in what may be the latest attack on the Muslim community.
Trees and plants are to be cut down in woodland near Redruth in southwest England after the discovery of a new disease.
Monday November 15th 2004
The Sun has seven days left in Scorpio this year.
Venus sextiles Pluto 06-08 GMT.
The young Moon enters Capricorn 06-34 GMT.
At 11-12 GMT the Moon exactly sits of the midpoint of Mars and Uranus, sextiling both planets.
Mars in Scorpio is in watery trine to Uranus in Pisces 12-59 GMT
The fast moving Moon is at crescent phase 20-55 GMT at 9 degrees Capricorn.
Venus is now less than 12 degrees from Mars whom she will meet on December 5th. As the Moon waxes over the next 11 days this Venus Mars conjunction will start to dominate the astrological skies.
Tuesday November 16th 2004
'Weak news' yesterday. US Secretary of State Colin Powell announced his resignation, saying he intends to return to a private life. Falluja saw more intense fighting as US forces step up their assault to defeat insurgents in the city.
Today the crescent waxing Moon continues to rush through Capricorn squaring both Jupiter at the start of the day (GMT) and Venus at the end.
The Leonid meteor shower should peak early Wednesday morning, but this year the shower is expected to be quite weak.
Potentially this day could be a bit drab. Hard work and resolution may well be in abundance.
Wednesday November 17th 2004
Yesterday under a hard hitting Capricorn Moon the US military began a big operation to secure police stations seized by Iraqi rebels in the northern city of Mosul.
President Bush has chosen Condoleezza Rice (her birthday was on last Sunday, her Solar return has the Moon closely conjunct Mercury) to replace Colin Powell as secretary of state.
India says it is to begin a pull-out of some of its troops based in the disputed state of Kashmir today.
The waxing decelerating crescent Moon is void of course in Capricorn at 03-08 then enters Aquarius at 07-40 GMT. From this point in time both the Sun and Moon are in fixed signs.
Clearer vibes, less turgid atmosphere, a far seeing 'crystal vision' day. The Scorpio Sun is applying to a watery trine to Saturn over the next few days, good practical feelings.
Venus is closest to Spica (3.8°) before and during dawn today, worth a few shivers.
Thursday November 18th 2004
The waxing and decelerating Moon approaching First Quarter is conjunct Neptune at 13 degrees Aquarius at 05-05 GMT.
Friday November 19th 2004
Weak news again. The Red Cross says it has serious concerns about the plight of civilians in the Iraqi city of Falluja. Afghanistan could become a "narco-state" after opium cultivation rose two-thirds this year, the UN warns. Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac seek to draw a line under disagreements over Iraq at their talks in London. In the UK a ban on hunting is expected to be forced through using the Parliament Act after opposition from peers.
The Sun has only three days remaining in Scorpio and is today in a watery trine aspect to Saturn.
Venus is applying in cardinal square to Saturn, some hard-headedness around today. Mercury applies to a conjunction to Pluto. Jupiter is applying in an airy trine to Neptune. All of this 'application' suggests a building up of new circumstances and events.
Mercury in Sagittarius is at greatest elongation, 22° east of the Sun. Look for it just above the southwest horizon in bright twilight. He is now pulling back between the Sun and the Earth and will turn retrograde on November 30th.
Moon at Fixed First Quarter 05-51 GMT at 27 degrees Aquarius and is then void of course. A minor crisis in action today, preparing the way for the next Full Moon in exactly one week's time.
The Sun makes his watery trine to Saturn at 05-33 GMT.
The Moon enters Pisces at 10-38 GMT. From this time the Sun and Moon are in water signs. Emotions to the fore!
The Moon is conjunct Uranus at 15-42.
Saturday November 20th 2004.
Venus in Libra is square Saturn in Cancer at 07-13 GMT.
The Moon in Pisces squares Mercury and Pluto as midnight approaches.
Sunday November 21st 2004
The last day of the astrological month of Scorpio.
Mercury conjunct Pluto 21 Sagittarius 05-21 GMT. This is first of three such conjunctions over the next few weeks.
Over the next few days the Mercury Pluto conjunction stands at the midpoint of the current Jupiter Neptune trine aspect.
The Moon forms a watery grand trine with Saturn and the Sun, peaking around 13-30 GMT.
The Moon is void of course in Pisces from 15-36 until she enters Aries at 16-12.
The Sun enters Sagittarius at 23-22 GMT.
Monday November 22nd 2004
As the week starts the main world news highlights Ukraine's opposition candidate alleging vote-rigging in a presidential poll and calls for peaceful protests.
The US secretary of state is visiting the Middle East to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.
This is the first day of the astrological month of Sagittarius. There are 30 days to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
The Moon Jupiter opposition at 14-00 GMT is made easy by Neptune at 15-55 GMT.
Venus enters Scorpio 13-32 GMT and is hot on the chase of Mars. This chase has been going on most of this year and reaches its culmination in two weeks time on December 5th. Venus will reside in Scorpio until the 16th Dec. 2004.
The decelerating Moon is gibbous in phase at 21-43 GMT at 16 degrees Aries. The build up to Friday's Full Moon is the dominant astrological theme this week.
Tuesday November 23rd 2004
The Moon is void of course in Aries from 18-47 GMT.
Tomorrow looks to be an interesting day, both difficult and easy astrological energies to contend with.
Wednesday November 24th 2004
The sun is dotted by several small 'spots today. How small are they? As big as Earth! Even tiny sunspots are planet-sized. They only look small compared to the enormous diameter (1,390,000 km) of the sun.
Opposition protesters thronged the Ukrainian capital for a second day, rejecting Sunday's election result. (picture above).
Three UN workers captured in Afghanistan last month are freed, but it is unclear if they were rescued or released.
Some 13,000 new marine species have been discovered in the past year by an international survey project. Quite an apt manifestation of Uranus in Pisces!
The slow gibbous Moon enters Taurus 00-16 GMT, setting a strong, direct and forceful backdrop to a very 'full' day. She opposes the tightening Venus Mars conjunction in Scorpio, Venus at 04-03 GMT and Mars at 17-33 GMT. This day long opposition may well bring many things to a head.
The Scorpio Sun makes a waning mutable square with Uranus 21-19 GMT. This one is uneasy and uncertain. A 'jumpy' vibration inducing sudden and uncharacteristic changes.
Venus in Scorpio makes a watery trine to Uranus at 22-46. This is the emotional anchor to the day.
Thursday November 25th 2005
Pressure is steadily building as the slow burgeoning Moon is approaching the Full phase. She is today decelerating in Taurus.
Less than seven degrees separate Venus and Mars, both in Scorpio and ten days from their planetary union. This is a climatic time for all relationships.
The major world news story as the Full Moon draws near concerns Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko (above) calling for a general strike as he rejects the presidential poll result. At the moment of Full Moon tomorrow (20-08 GMT) Mars is very close to the IC of Kiev. At the exact moment of the last New Moon two weeks ago it was Saturn that was conjunct the IC of Kiev.
Also the UN is sending extra troops to eastern DR Congo amid reports of an imminent attack on rebels by Rwanda.
Hold steady, a dynamic lunation is before us!
Friday November 26th 2004
Ukraine's top court halts publication of the election result until it considers an opposition appeal. The current volatile situation in the Ukraine seems to be drawing in Moscow in dispute against European and US alliances. This is the dominant news story as the Full Moon approaches.
Jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti may run in the upcoming presidential elections, aides say.
Troops searching Falluja say they have found enough arms to support a nationwide rebellion.
Iran's suspension of its uranium enrichment programme is not yet complete, the UN's chief nuclear inspector has reported.
One million copies of the new Band Aid single will be sent to record shops in time for its UK release on Monday. This coincides with Jupiter trine Neptune (See below).
Today the Moon starting the day in Taurus sextiles Saturn in cancer at 04-37 GMT. She is then void of course until 10-25 GMT when she enters Gemini. The 'buzz' of this Full Moon then can commence. At 16-16 GMT the Moon squares Uranus. This is an awkward time. It is within the 'hangover' of this disorienting vibration that the Full Moon peaks almost four hours later.
Full Moon 5 degrees Gemini 20-08.
This is the first Full Moon after the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 28th 2004.
The Sun Moon opposition forms a mutable T-square with Uranus, but is applying to an airy grand trine with Jupiter and Neptune, who are in tight waning trine aspect at this time. (See below). Mars in Scorpio is square Neptune, Venus closing on Mars is trine Uranus. Mercury almost stationary and about to turn retrograde is
conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius.
This is not a time to make plans. Minds will change. Rather it is a time to join with friends and lovers for celebration and union. The Gemini Full Moon is always vibrant, and this vibrancy is coloured this season with the presence of Venus and Mars in Scorpio conferring a deeper hue of intense love, power and sexuality upon the time.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon is on the MC of Iran. Venus and Mars straddle New York and Washington, Mars is conjunct the IC of Kiev, Uranus sets at Moscow. It appears that the world is locked into a drama involving these places at the current time.
Saturday November 27th 2004
The Full Moon wave breaks, and the adept astrological surfer rides this positive and powerful vibration with correct thoughts words and deeds. The slow and decelerating Moon in Gemini forms a tight airy Grand trine with Jupiter in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius, peaking around noon GMT. Be aware of the moment and use it well. Once this passes mundane difficulties may well arise as the Moon moves very slowly on to oppose Mercury and Pluto tomorrow.
Sunday November 28th 2004
The slow Moon is void in Gemini from 15-04 until 22-11 when she silently slips into Cancer. The wave ends.
Monday November 29th 2004
Four degrees now separate Venus and Mars in Scorpio. As she gains on him over the next week the culmination is marked of their planetary dance which has been going on all year. Correspondingly a climax is reached in the personal affairs of us all.
Mercury is about to turn retrograde and with his turning so we can expect delays in travel and communication in the run up to the Capricorn solstice now three weeks away.
Jupiter is in waning airy tine to Neptune today at 08-23 GMT. This is the first of three such aspects. The 2nd is in March 2005, last one in the summer of 2005. Jupiter was last conjunct Neptune in January 1997 in late Capricorn. The Jupiter Neptune cycle is concerned with 'idealism and humanity within society and civil structures'. The waxing trine occurred on July 27th 2000, Dec. 9th 2000 and April 5th 2001, in air signs.
Looking back at THE DAZE during these times we can see that at the time of the first trine President Clinton was bringing together Barak and Arafat at the now famous Camp David meeting. This event is totally in keeping with the 'idealism and humanity' of this cycle. The second trine aspect occurred as America was involved in talks with North Korea, the first in fifty years. The final waxing trine occurred in April 2001.
Today as Jupiter trines Neptune in waning phase, one million copies of the new Band Aid single will be released for sale. 'Feed the World' must be the ultimate Jupiter Neptune ideal.
The next Jupiter Neptune conjunction is in late Aquarius on 27th May 2009.
The very slowly moving waning Moon is nicely aspected in Cancer today.
Tuesday November 30th 2004
Yesterday World News was focused on Ukraine's outgoing President Leonid Kuchma saying that the nation could hold a new vote to settle the escalating crisis over the presidential election.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A car bomb exploded Monday near the central Iraqi city of Ramadi, killing at least six people and wounding at least eight others, Iraqi health officials said.
AHOBARTBEIJING, China (CNN) -- More than a day and a half after a deadly gas explosion ripped through a coal mine in northwest China, rescuers are losing hope of finding 141 people still trapped underground.
Hobart Tasmania, Australia (AP) -- More than 100 whales and dolphins have died after swimming onto a beach on a southern Australian island on Sunday, a government official said
In the UK Tony Blair backed David Blunkett amid claims he misused his position to do favours for his ex-lover.
Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has described his groundbreaking first meeting with the head of Northern Ireland's police force as "useful". (Some glimpse of the Jupiter Neptune trine operating here).
Today the Moon it at her Apogee (slowest this month) at 11:24 GMT, and is waning in tropical Cancer shining amid Saturn, Pollux, and Castor tonight. She approaches her monthly conjunction with Saturn meeting him at 04-29 GMT tomorrow.
Mercury turns retrograde 27 degrees Sagittarius at 12-09 GMT.
Mars in Scorpio makes a fixed square with Neptune at 15-25 GMT.
The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 22-52 GMT at 24 degrees Cancer.
This is a strange day. Expect tragic confusion and 'about turns'. There is an emotional background to intensely irrational proceedings. The crazy going-ons can be traced to the Mars Neptune square. The emotion to the Cancerian Moon. Take care.
December 2004
Wednesday December 1st 2004
A gusty solar wind stream was buffeting Earth's magnetic field yesterday. There's a dark gash across the sun. It's a relatively cool and dense ribbon of gas held together by solar magnetic fields. (Space
On the last day of November under the sunshine and the disorienting vibrations of Mars square Neptune, Ukraine's parliament failed to pass a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych.
(Kiev photo above).
Simultaneously millions of Italian workers took part in a one-day general strike against $8bn in government spending cuts.
US President George W Bush arrived in Canada for his first official visit to the US' northern neighbour.
In the UK David Blunkett repaid Parliament for a train ticket he gave to his ex-lover and apologises for a "genuine mistake".
In the art and entertainment world Animated film The Incredibles has taken $44.3m (£23.4m) on its first weekend on release outside the US and Canada.
Today the slow but accelerating and disseminating Moon is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Cancer at 04-29 GMT, and is then void until 10-50 when she enters Leo. From this point in time the Sun and the Moon are in fire signs. Venus is drawing to a square with Neptune, now its her turn. More confusion, deception, uncertainty are on the cards. This is not an easy week.
Thursday December 2nd 2004
Venus and Mars now 2 degrees apart in Scorpio are square Neptune.
The Moon in Leo forms a T-square with them and Neptune. Moon squares Venus 11-39, she opposes Neptune 13-09 and squares Mars 15-48 GMT. The events of the week reach a crazy climax today. There is no holding back and little clarity to be witnessed.
Friday December 3rd 2004.
State of the News:- The EU yesterday started its largest peacekeeping operation, taking over from the Nato force in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma flew to Moscow for talks as his country's election stand-off continues. The Philippines prepare for a powerful typhoon, days after another storm left more than 400 people dead.
State of the skies:- The Sun has nineteen days left in Sagittarius. Mercury is retrograde also in Sagittarius reaching his Inferior Conjunction with the Sun in one week's time. Venus in Scorpio is hot on the scent of and very close to Mars, and today she squares Neptune at 02-22 GMT. This conjunction dominates all astrological horoscopes at this time. Their conjunction is on Sunday. Jupiter in Libra is trine Neptune in Aquarius. The waning Moon approaching her last quarter is today is void of course at 14-53 GMT, entering Virgo at 23-01 GMT.
The 'energy' today after a nebulous start favours expression and recreation. The weekend looks potentially a more refined affair.
Saturday December 4th 2004
A better day to sort out the aftermath of the confusion of the last few days. A day to work on what has been spoilt. A day for repair and healing
In early dawn tomorrow, Mars is only 1¼° south (lower right) of bright Venus, and the fine binocular double star Alpha Librae is only 1° to 1½° from the two planets. The best view will be right around the start of morning twilight. Sun sextile Neptune 21-32.
Sunday December 5th 2004
Moon at last quarter 00-54 at 13 degrees Virgo.
The Moon sextiles the Venus Mars conjunction at 05-40 and 06-28 respectively.
The Sun is sextile Jupiter 18-58 GMT.
Venus conjunct Mars 17 degrees Scorpio at 22-14 GMT. (The alignment is within 1.25 degrees).
Monday December 6th 2004.
Yesterday Egypt freed an Arab-Israeli man jailed on spying charges in a prisoner swap which may herald better relations. Insurgents killed 21 Iraqis, mostly civilians working for the US military, in separate attacks across the country. Millions of paper birds were dropped on Thailand's Muslim south in a peace bid after a surge of violence.
Today the accelerating waning Moon is void of course in Virgo at 02-29. She enters Libra at 08-47 and begins to draw to an exact alignment with Jupiter in Libra which occurs tomorrow.
Also retrograde Mercury is approaching a second conjunction (of three) with Pluto, again exact tomorrow. The first such conjunction occurred two weeks ago just as the recent troubles in the Ukraine first hit 'the wires'.
Tuesday December 7th 2004
Yesterday under waning Libran Moonbeams at least seven people were reported dead after gunmen stormed the US consulate in the Saudi city of Jeddah. Also seven small bombs exploded across Spain, following warnings from the Basque separatists Eta. The pan-European security body wants to send more monitors for the re-run of the Ukrainian election. The Huygens probe is on target and all set for its encounter with Titan, the mysterious large moon of Saturn. The 2.7m-wide robot lab has passed its final systems check-out and scientists have confirmed the rendezvous can go ahead on 14 January as planned.
Moon closely conjunct Jupiter half way through Libra at 10-55 GMT, visible as an occultation of Jupiter for North America. Beginning about 3:45 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on the morning of December 7th, the Moon occults Jupiter for observers from the Rocky Mountains eastward in North America.
Mercury conjunct Pluto 22 Sagittarius at 23-05, 2nd hit of 3. The first such conjunction occurred two weeks ago just as the recent troubles in the Ukraine first hit 'the wires'.
Wednesday December 8th 2004
At exactly the time that Jupiter was being occulted by the Moon (Photo above) for North American observers yesterday, CNN news was reporting that Hamid Karzai was taking the oath to become Afghanistan's first elected president amid tight security in Kabul.
Also yesterday US Secretary of State Colin Powell rejected Russian claims that the West wants more influence in Ukraine.
In Europe hundreds of carabinieri police rushed into two poor districts in Naples in an operation to crush a wave of Mafia killings.
Today the accelerating and waning Moon in Libra sextiles Mercury and Pluto in Sagittarius at 00-20 and 00-27 respectively. She is void of course in Libra from 08-42
The Moon enters Scorpio joining Venus and Mars in that sign at 14-45. She reaches her balsamic phase at 18-12 GMT at 2 degrees Scorpio.
This balsamic Scorpio Moon shines high in early dawn tomorrow morning, with Spica to its upper right and the unequal Venus-Mars pair far to its lower left, as shown here. Watch Mars shift position with respect to Venus every morning. Binoculars will help in spotting it.
The following forty eight hours are dominated astrologically by the Moon being conjunct with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, and the inferior conjunction of Mercury in Sagittarius. Lots of new impulses, compulsions and new ideas surfacing during this period.
Thursday December 9th 2004
Ukrainian MPs yesterday approved electoral and constitutional changes, paving the way for a re-run of the presidential poll. In the UK progress to restore Northern Ireland devolution has been "remarkable but is not yet complete", Tony Blair says.
All day long today the old balsamic Moon less than 50 hours from the 'New' accelerates to a conjunction with Mars at 19 degrees Scorpio (within 2 degrees of exact linear alignment) at 23-23 GMT.
Four hours later she has a conjunction with Venus. The image is one of deep, rich and mysterious sexuality oozing from the very fabric of planetary time and space.
Friday December 10th 2004
The Moon conjuncts Venus at 22 degrees Scorpio at 03-32.
Mercury is at Inferior conjunction at 08-22 at 19 degrees Sagittarius. This is symbolically a 'New Mercury' as the messager of the gods passes directly between the Sun and the Earth. A day for inner contemplation.
The Moon is void of course at 11-04, and she enters Sagittarius at 16-55 GMT.
Saturday December 11th 2004.
The main news yesterday was Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi being cleared of corruption charges after a four-year trial.
There is a new comet in our skies. Comets are heralds of change.
Comet Machholz
Comet Machholz was glowing at magnitude 5.3 on the morning of December 8th when Adam Block Sky and Telescope took its picture. See December 14th's comment.
The very fast moving ancient Sagittarian Moon, hurtling towards New Moon in the early hours of tomorrow, makes sextiles to Neptune and Jupiter today at 14-12 and 16-46 respectively. She moves on to conjunct retrograde Mercury at 19-33 GMT. After that time she is well and truly 'burnt out'.
Sunday December 12th 2004
New Moon 20 degrees Sagittarius 01-30 GMT conjunct Pluto.
This is the second New Moon following the partial Solar Eclipse of October 2004.
After the New Moon moment this tiny infant Moon is conjunct Pluto at 04-03 GMT and is void of course from this time.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 16-42 GMT.
The Moon is Perigee (fastest in her monthly cycle) at 21:40 GMT.
Monday December 13th 2004
Eight days remain to the Winter Solstice. Mercury is now a morning star rising ahead of the Sun, still retrograde for another week. We have a comet to meditate upon and a meteor shower tonight.
Venus in Scorpio, also a morning star, will move into Sagittarius on Thursday of this week and then will begin an approach to Mercury. This approach and 'dance' will dominate astrologically the Christmas and New year period this year. Meetings of these two planets, especially in Sagittarius are considered quite 'merry'.
Mercury and Venus will be conjunct on December 28th 2004 in the middle of Sagittarius. The two remain very close together in the skies as we move into the New Year 2005. Mercury finally overtakes Venus on January 14th 2005, at the time when Saturn is in opposition to the Sun.
The Christmas period also coincides this year with the next Full Moon, a fairly benevolent lunation (trine Uranus) on December 26th.
The 2004 Geminid meteor shower is due to peak today Dec. 13th. The moon is almost-new and skies will be dark, revealing dozens to hundreds of bright meteors. Stay tuned for details.
Retrograde Mercury sextiles Jupiter at 00-47 GMT.
Venus makes a watery trine Saturn at 16-27.
Sun conjunct Pluto 22 Sagittarius at 17-02 GMT.
It looks to be an interesting day, and a potentially favourable period over the mid winter holiday.
Tuesday December 14th 2004
The Cassini spacecraft made one last flyby of Titan yesterday before it despatches the Huygens probe for a rendezvous with the Saturnian moon. It will give engineers a final chance to obtain detailed information on the behaviour of the satellite's atmosphere This data will be essential if Huygens is to have a fighting chance of surviving its 6km/s entry into Titan's thick "air" on 14 January next year.
A car bomb exploded at a US checkpoint yesterday in the Iraqi capital on the first anniversary of Saddam Hussein's capture.
Russia's defence minister is in China for talks aimed at further developing military and technical co-operation between the two countries.
The new Comet Machholz, C/2004 Q2, will never exactly become bright; in fact it may never crack naked-eye visibility in most people's skies. But for Northern Hemisphere observers, it will almost certainly be a nice target for binoculars and telescopes as it moves beautifully high across familiar evening constellations from December through the coming winter. The comet was heading south, but by late November, it was returning back north into view from midnorthern latitudes and glowing at 7th magnitude. By late December the comet should be 5th magnitude as it crosses the heart of Eridanus not far from where it was discovered. January is when the comet should really shine, remaining 4th magnitude as it sails across Taurus, Perseus, and Cassiopeia. Comet Machholz passes just 2° west of the Pleiades on the night of January 7th and 8th, making for a notable sight in binoculars, and hopefully a delicate naked-eye pairing under Moon-free dark skies. Around this time the comet is at its closest to Earth (0.35 astronomical unit), so it will most likely appear fairly large with low surface brightness. Nine days later, on January 16th and 17th, Comet Machholz passes less than 2° east of 2nd-magnitude Algol, Beta (b) Persei. It will be circumpolar during February, March, and April as it fades from magnitude 5 to 9. The comet will be within 6° of Polaris itself for more than a week around March 11th. (The chart above will be updated in early January.) Comet Machholz stays out of trouble with twilight and with the dusk and dawn horizons because it never gets near the Sun. In fact, its entire orbit lies outside Earth's; perihelion on January 24th finds the comet 1.2 a.u. from the Sun. Sky and Telescope.
Today The fast moving young Moon, now decelerating, is void of course in Capricorn from 11-44 GMT.
Retrograde Mercury sextiles Neptune at 13-46.
The Moon enters Aquarius at 16-10.
Wednesday December 15th 2004
Yesterday for the second day in a row, as the infant Moon resided in Capricorn, a car bomb exploded near a checkpoint into Baghdad's Green Zone, killing at least two people and wounding 13, hospital and U.S. military officials say. On Monday, a suicide bomber killed at least eight people in the same area. A deadly head-on collision between two passenger trains in India's northern Punjab state has killed at least 27 people Chile's former military ruler remains free as his lawyers appeal against murder and kidnapping charges.
Today the rapidly waxing Moon reaches her crescent phase at 06-03 GMT at 9 degrees Aquarius. She is conjunct Neptune at 13-45 GMT.
Thursday December 16th 2004
Yesterday the pace of news stories increased after the recent lull.
An explosion rocked Iraq's holy city Karbala killing seven people as campaigning started for January's election.
As I write Albanian gunmen are still holding hostages on a bus in Athens, more than 12 hours after a hijacking began.
In the UK David Blunkett quit as home secretary after it emerged a visa for his ex-lover's nanny had been fast-tracked.
Mercury emerges into view very low in the east-southeast during dawn late this week. Starting around December 16th, look for it just above the horizon to the lower left of bright Venus about an hour before sunrise. Binoculars help. Sky and Telescope
The Moon is void of course in Aquarius from 08-33 GMT for nearly nine hours today.
Venus enters Sagittarius 17-10 GMT joining the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in this sign. She immediately begins to apply to a waning mutable square to Uranus which peaks on Sunday.
The Moon slips into Pisces 17-24 and is conjunct Uranus 23-09. From today the 'wind of change' may be detected as both the Moon and Venus move into mutable signs.
Friday December 17th 2004
The Moon sails through Pisces towards first quarter phase.
The main world news this morning is that EU leaders have agreed at a summit in Brussels to begin membership talks with Turkey in October next year.
Five days remain till the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Venus is now in Sagittarius applying square to Uranus. Mars is applying in trine to Saturn.
Not much world news right now but plenty to occupy the personal planets.
Saturday December 18th 2004
lots of astronomy and astrology going on!
The EU and US reach a compromise after marathon talks over post-Kyoto steps to combat climate change.
The Moon in Pisces forms a tight watery grand trine with Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Cancer peaking around 13-46 GMT.
The decelerating Moon reaches First Quarter Phase at 16-40 and is void of course in Pisces from that time.
UK Lunar Occultation of 5th magnitude star 27 PSC. This minor telescopic event visible from the UK occurs today approximately from 19-26 to 20-24 GMT.
The Moon enters Aries at 21-52
Have you spotted Comet Machholz yet in the evening sky? It's a lovely sight in binoculars, large and diffuse, glowing at about magnitude 4.5 pale greenish gray. This week it's about 13° west of Rigel and the southern part of Orion's Shield, moving north. It's now well up in the southeast by 9 p.m. See our article and finder chart in the January Sky & Telescope, page 84, or the shorter version Machholz will be an easy binocular target climbing higher in the evening sky from now through January. Right now it's running a little brighter than originally predicted, suggesting that it will peak at magnitude 3.6 around New Year's Day. In a dark sky, the comet is already being called "easily" visible to the naked eye. On Friday evening the 17th, after pinning down its position with binoculars, I repeatedly glimpsed it naked-eye from a fairly light-polluted suburb of Boston. Basically, if you can see the Andromeda Galaxy, you can see Machholz. It's sure to be remembered as the highlight of this observing season! Sky and Telescope.
Sunday December 19th 2004.
Both the Sun and the Moon are in Fire signs.
There is less than 60 hours to the Winter Solstice.
The decelerating Moon waxes in Aries.
Mercury turns direct tomorrow.
Venus in Sagittarius makes a waning mutable square to Uranus at 11-54 GMT.
Mars makes a watery trine to Saturn at 14-11 GMT.
Monday December 20th 2004
Yesterday under highly charged astrological skies dozens of Iraqis died as car bombs hit Najaf and Karbala, while three election staff were shot dead in Baghdad.
With dawn and sunrise coming very late at this time of year, we've got a fine chance to keep watch on three dawn planets. Venus is gaining on Mercury hovering stationary, both planets in Sagittarius, Mars moving in late Scorpio.
Mercury today turns direct 10 degrees Sagittarius at 06-25.
The Moon continues to wax in Aries.
Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice.
Tuesday December 21st 2004
The Moon is void of course at 05-16 GMT in Aries.
She enters Taurus at 05-52, providing an earthy backdrop for the Winter Solstice moment, when the Sun enters Capricorn at 12-42 GMT.
Winter Solstice.
12-42-40 GMT.
The moment of Winter Solstice occurs at 12-42-40 GMT today. At this point in time the Earth in its yearly orbit around the Sun has the northern hemisphere tilted away from the Sun at maximum inclination. The shortest day occurs in the north and the longest day occurs in the south. The moment is traditionally said to sound out the fundamental note and quality of the year ahead.
The chart above is set for this moment at London. The waxing and decelerating Moon is in Taurus exactly sextile to Uranus. Applying aspects include Mercury now direct, sextile Neptune , the Sun sextiles Uranus and Mercury is conjunct Venus. Separating aspects include Mars trine Saturn, Venus square Uranus and Jupiter trine Neptune.
There is a forthright, practical and constructive timbre to this chart. It sounds out a positive note. It is down to earth yet inspirational and containing a measure of spirit.
On this day of Winter Solstice, as over the past week or so, world news is not especially strong. UK-based charity Save the Children is pulling out of Sudan's troubled Darfur region after the killing of two workers. Fresh allegations of serious abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Guantanamo emerge in newly released US documents.
Having personally seen the new comet through binoculars as a 'smudge' in the night sky, its presence has truly entered my consciousness. Comets herald change. Comet Machholz's current zodiacal coordinate is at the very start of tropical Gemini and is moving retrograde into Taurus over the next few days. It will be poised between the 4th-magnitude stars Omicron-1 and Omicron-2 Eridani, which are just 1.2° apart on December 22nd. It passes just 2° west of the Pleiades on the night of January 7th and 8th, under Moon-free dark skies. Around this time the comet is at its closest to Earth (0.35 astronomical unit), so it will most likely appear fairly large with low surface brightness. Nine days later, on January 16th and 17th, Comet Machholz passes less than 2° east of 2nd-magnitude Algol, Beta (b) Persei. It will be circumpolar during February, March, and April as it fades from magnitude 5 to 9. The comet will be within 6° of Polaris itself for more than a week around March 11th.
The Daze is five years old today.
Wednesday December 22nd 2004
President Bush says a deadly attack on US forces that left at least 22 dead will not derail plans for Iraqi elections.
In the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is holding talks with his Israeli counterpart Ariel Sharon on a renewed drive for peace.
Detectives investigating the theft of more than £20m from a Belfast bank are examining a burnt out car.
The Moon today makes a solitary square aspect to Neptune at 08-06 GMT and becomes gibbous in phase 12-59 GMT at 16 degrees Taurus.
This evening (for the time zones of the Americas) Comet Machholz is poised between the 4th-magnitude stars Omicron-1 and Omicron-2 Eridani, which are just 1.2° apart. Zodiac co-ordinates for the comet are now 29 degrees Taurus, moving slowly retrograde.
Thursday December 23rd 2004
COMET Machholz
The three dawn planets in Scorpio and Sagittarius are shifting their pattern daily. In early dawn tomorrow morning, bright Venus is now 6° north (upper left) of Antares, 2½° to the right of Mercury, and 10° lower left of Mars. Look low in the southeast. Binoculars help.
The slowly waxing gibbous Moon is void of course in Taurus at 13-41 GMT before aligning with the comet and then entering Gemini at 16-33.
Mercury conjunct Venus will astrologically dominate the Christmas and New year period this year. Meetings of these two planets, especially in Sagittarius are considered quite 'merry'. Mercury and Venus will be conjunct on December 28th 2004 in the middle of Sagittarius. The two remain very close together in the skies as we move into the New Year 2005. Mercury finally overtakes Venus on January 14th 2005, at the time when Saturn is in opposition to the Sun. The Christmas period also coincides this year with the next Full Moon, a fairly benevolent lunation (trine Uranus) on December 26th.
Friday December 24th 2004
The slow moving Moon in Gemini approaching the Full, opposes a conjunction of Mercury and Venus. The Venus opposition peaks at 11-54 GMT, the Mercury opposition, the tighter of the two, occurs at 16-11 GMT. 'Astrological pressure' is on the cards during this first part of today.
The Moon in Gemini later forms a loose airy Grand Trine with Jupiter in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius peaking around 23-00 GMT, and releasing some of the anxiety .
Saturday December 25th 2004
The Sun makes a sextile aspect with Uranus at 02-51 GMT. A fine start.
The heavily full Moon, moving slowly, is void of course in Gemini from 13-31 GMT.
Mars enters Sagittarius at 16-04 GMT joining Venus, Mercury and Pluto in that sign. Immediately he faces a heavily charged application to a square with Uranus which peaks on New Year's Eve.
This day may well be a nervy/merry mixture of a day. A rich 'injection of change', provided by Mars' Sagittarian ingress, confers something of a baptism by fire on this Christmas day.
Sunday December 26th 2004
We woke up to the news this 'Boxing Day' morning that a huge earthquake has triggered surging sea waters across a wide area of south and east Asia, swamping villages and killing more than 500 people. More than 400 people died in Sri Lanka and at least 150 were killed in India. Deaths have also been reported in coastal Thailand and on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, believed to be near the centre of the powerful tremor. The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.9, making it the biggest in 40 years and the fifth strongest since 1900. It is enough to know that the Moon is full.
Time and Place-( Sunday, December 26, 2004 at 00:58:50 (UTC). 3.298°N, 95.779°E.
The pregnant Moon, full, heavy, high and slow enters Cancer 04-39 GMT
Full Moon 5 degrees Cancer 15-07 GMT.
This Full Moon is made easy by her sextile aspect to Uranus. We have a 'hellfire bundle' of planets in Sagittarius. This emotionally charged lunation invokes all manner of craziness.
This Full Moon is the second Full Moon after the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 28th 2004.
Monday December 27th 2004
Yesterday's massive earthquake occurred with Chiron rising in Capricorn opposite Saturn in Cancer setting at the epicentre. This is a repeat of the local situation at the moment of the last New Moon (December 12th 2004) at the epicentre, also at that time Jupiter was conjunct the MC. Other indications from recent astrological events which might have alerted us to this massive geological event are set out below.
At the last Solar Eclipse Pluto was rising and Venus was conjunct the MC of the epicentre, at the last Lunar Eclipse Venus was again conjunct the epicentre MC. At the moment of Winter Solstice Jupiter was conjunct the IC of the epicentre.
The Moon's Node was conjunct the IC at the moment of the quake, locally Saturn was 135 degrees from the Node/Ascendant midpoint (within 4 minutes of arc), and globally Jupiter was exactly the same angle from the Node/Sun midpoint. The Sun, again globally was exactly 45 degrees from the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint.
Today Mercury and Venus are both sextile Neptune. Mercury at 05-35 GMT and Venus at 16-32 GMT.
Moon Apogee 19-12. A seriously meaningful day, with the Moon still very full in Cancer applying to a conjunction with Saturn.
Tuesday December 28th 2004
The slow but now accelerating Moon is conjunct Saturn in late Cancer at 07-35 GMT, and then is void for nearly ten hours.
The Moon enters Leo at 17-15 GMT
Mercury is conjunct Venus 15 degrees Sagittarius at 18-23 GMT.
Wednesday December 29th 2004
Aid agencies and Western countries are stepping up efforts to help survivors of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster, which has killed about 60,000 people. The US has more than doubled its pledge of funds to $35m. Two flotillas of US warships with 15,000 troops are carrying relief supplies to the region. Many governments and organisations - including Canada, Australia, the EU and the UN - are also sending aid. The UN has warned disease could double the death toll from Sunday's quake. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake happened just off the coast of the large Indonesian island of Sumatra early on Sunday, and set off huge waves that reached as far as Africa. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand are among the countries worst hit.
Terrible disasters and comets go hand in hand? Comet Machholz is finally out of the moonlight back into a dark sky if you look for it during the rather brief interval between the end of twilight and moonrise. This window gets about an hour longer every evening from now on.
Today the Moon wanes in Leo. She opposes Neptune and the opposition is made easy by the Venus, Mercury conjunction.
Thursday December 30th 2004
The Moon in Leo trines Mercury and Venus in the early hours (GMT).
Venus and Mercury sextile Jupiter, Venus at 10-19 and Mercury at 21-08.
The Moon is void from 14-55 and disseminating in phase 18-24 GMT at 24 degrees Leo.
The day starts fair enough but we may sense the mounting tension of Mars squaring Uranus which peaks tomorrow.
Friday December 31st 2004
A devil of a day to end the year 2004.
Mars in Sagittarius is square Uranus in Pisces at 07-49 GMT
The Moon enters Virgo at 05-34 and moves on to form a tight mutable T-square with Uranus and Mars, peaking around 13-00 GMT.
Further astrological thoughts on the great Earthquake.
For such a significant event as the Boxing Day earthquake to occur with the huge loss of life over so wide an area, without clear corresponding astrological signatures, is to render astrology quite feeble as a predictive tool. Science however was unable to predict this event, and no astrologer as far as I am aware foresaw it.
My vision is that astrology will one day provide a means to anticipate such calamitous events, or at least to indicate a 'probability' of such an event occurring at a given place and time. My own instincts drive me to examine eclipses of the Sun and Moon to search for astrological signatures of disasters.
The previous eclipse of the Sun occurred on October 14th at 21 degrees Libra. At the moment of 'central eclipse' (02-59-18 GMT) the local situation can be seen below.
(Astrocartography map for solar Eclipse October 14th 2004)
At that time Venus was culminating on the meridian of the epicentre of the future earthquake. Pluto was rising on the horizon of Sumatra and would very shortly rise at the epicentre.
The solar eclipse in discussion here was a partial eclipse belonging to Saros Series 124, a 'family' of eclipses which began on March 6th 1049. Looking back to that first eclipse of the series we find that the dominating aspect of the time is the 'symbolically violent opposition' of Mars opposite a conjunction of Pluto and Chiron. At the central moment of that eclipse this opposition was indeed clearly focused on this same part of the world. The astro-geographic situation of this first Saros eclipse is shown below.
(Astrocartography map for start of Saros Series 124)
You can see Mars is very close to the MC of the epicentre opposite Pluto and Chiron on the IC.
The potential of violence was maybe 'set up' in 1049 AD. This potential was indicated or activated at the central eclipse time of the immediate previous solar eclipse, October 2004.
The previous New Moon to the earthquake on December 12th 2004 set for the epicentre region shows Chiron rising in Capricorn opposite Saturn setting in Cancer focused again on Sumatra. This is shown on the map below.
(Astrocartography map for the moment of New Moon Dec. 12th 2004)
Turning our attention now to the moment of the first great quake as given by the US Geoseismic Centre ( as Sunday, December 26, 2004 at 00:58:50 (UTC). 3.298°N, 95.779°E, we can construct the astrological horoscope for the time and place.
The earthquake chart (below) has a similar orientation as the New Moon (Dec. 12th 2004) chart. As if to emphasise the point the epicentre region shows Chiron rising in Capricorn opposite Saturn setting in Cancer focused again on Sumatra. The Full Moon is some eight hours away, Mars had entered Sagittarius some eight hours previously. The Lunar South Node is conjunct the epicentre MC.
(Earthquake chart Dec. 26th 2004)
(Local astrocartography for the earthquake chart)
There are many 'hard angles' in this earthquake chart. To see these the eighth harmonic of this earthquake chart is shown below.
(8th harmonic of Earthquake Chart)
Here again we see Mars opposite Pluto forming a fixed grand cross with Venus, the Sun and the local MC.
The second harmonic chart of the earthquake moment is also set out below.
(Second harmonic of Earthquake Chart)
Here we see Mars opposite Uranus ( a pre-echo of the Mars square Uranus aspect on 31st Dec. 2004, across that same one degree Leo/Aquarius axis seen in the Saros chart Mars Pluto opposition). Here too we see Chiron and Saturn again with the South Node stellium all opposite the local MC and squaring a Venus, Mercury conjunction.
Two further astrological charts might have drawn our attention to the event before it occurred. Below is the Winter Solstice 2004 Astrocartography Chart.
(Moment of Winter solstice 2004)
Here we see Jupiter almost exactly on the IC of the epicentre and Chiron, the Moon's Node, the Moon and Saturn all focused on Sumatra.
Finally a glance at the moment of Full Moon on Boxing Day 2004, the day of the Earthquake we find the Mars on the epicentre IC and Uranus setting over Sumatra.
(Moment of Full Moon 26th Dec. 2004)
The major astrological theme of the time we are living in around this awesome events is a cardinal across involving Saturn in Cancer, Chiron in Capricorn with the Moon's Nodal axis across late Aries/Libra. This cross is in all charts set at this time.
Sets of coincidences or a cosmic connection. That's all to say right now on this matter. Lots of computing time and research time is required to attempt to use astrology as a tool to predict earthquakes.
I wish we could use astrology to help save lives.
Back now to the daily daze.