( The Daze was established Dec. 22nd 1999) by Michael Harwood .M.Ed, B.A.
An Astrological commentary on current events.
(Copyright:- The Daze 2003 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Astrological services click here.
Wednesday 31st Dec. 2003
Friday 26th Dec. 2003 Preliminary Report of Bam Earthquake
Mercury opposes Saturn square Mars.
A powerful earthquake rocks south-eastern Iran, causing many casualties and widespread damage.
Wednesday 24th Dec. 2003
In the US officials investigate the first suspected case of "mad cow disease", as countries begin a clampdown on US beef. This development occurred yesterday, on the day of the New Moon in Capricorn.
The infant Moon is in Capricorn making a solitary trine to Jupiter at 13-53 GMT then becoming void of course until she enters Aquarius on Christmas day at 08-14 GMT. High tech Christmas ahead.
Tuesday 23rd Dec. 2003
The main news today on this New Moon in Capricorn reports that eight Palestinians are shot dead in a raid by Israeli troops on a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, Palestinians say.
Yesterday hours before the New Moon there occurred one of the most powerful quakes to hit California in recent years. It was felt from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Major US cities have tightened security after the nation's terror alert was raised amid intelligence warnings.
The news from Libya has been an important world development over the time of Winter Solstice 2003.
The old Moon enters Capricorn at 07-56 GMT today. The New Moon in Capricorn is at 09-04 GMT. The 'special' period between the moment of Winter Solstice and this new Moon coincides with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher being taken to hospital after an incident at Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque. The UN watchdog says it may start inspecting Libyan nuclear sites next week, after Tripoli accepts spot checks. A Briton and four Israeli hostages are released by their Colombian rebel captors after three months. Major US cities have tightened security after the nation's terror alert was raised amid intelligence warnings.
Beagle 2 has been carried to the vicinity of Mars by the Mars Express mothership, and released successfully to go its own way for the final leg of the journey. The easy part is over. Beagle 2's atmospheric entry, descent and landing on Mars on Christmas Day will be the most worrying six minutes in the history of unmanned space exploration.
Following the New Moon, (the first lunation following the Total Solar Eclipse last month), the Moon goes on to conjunct Mercury in Capricorn and oppose Saturn in Cancer before midnight. Venus in Aquarius is applying in waning sextile to Mars in Aries, retrograde Mercury is applying square to Mars and opposite Saturn. Amid seasonal merriment there may well be something melancholy at work 'in the stars'.
Sunday Dec. 21st 2003.
Some 200 people may have died in landslides in the central Philippines, which officials partly blame on illegal logging.
Senior Libyan officials have met the head of the UN's nuclear agency to discuss the elimination of Tripoli's weapons of mass destruction programme. The talks in Vienna came just a day after Colonel Muammar Gaddafi revealed the programme - and promised to end it.
Delighted mission controllers separate Beagle 2 from its mothership and a Christmas day landing looks promising.
AURORA OUTLOOK: Earth is entering a solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the Sun. So far geomagnetic activity remains low because the near Earth is tilting north. Space Weather.com
The daze is now four years old. The moment of Winter Solstice (northern hemisphere) is on Monday 22nd December 2003 at 07-04 GMT.
At 06-33 GMT on Sunday Dec. 21st Venus enters Aquarius, the balsamic Moon enters Sagittarius at 08-16 GMT. The Sun is sextile Uranus as midnight approaches. Mercury in Capricorn is moving backwards towards his second opposition with Saturn. Today is less intense than yesterday but equally important, a slight shift of social orientation occurs. There is vision and originality coupled with serious judgement. This strange mixture of influences is woven into the 'fabric' of today.
Saturday Dec. 20th 2003.
The Moon speeding through Scorpio becomes balsamic in phase at 06-00 GMT. The Moon will be New in Capricorn on Tuesday. The days before that becoming potentially visionary, old cycles nearing completion, as the Sun ends his yearly zodiacal journey and the Moon burns out to New Moon. Mercury moving backwards opposite Saturn adds a heavy weight of deliberation to proceedings. Today may well be intense.
Friday Dec. 19th 2003.
Yesterday under a 'fair play' Moon in Libra we learnt that President Musharraf is ready to "put aside" the demand for a referendum to solve the dispute with nuclear rival India over Kashmir. The first civilian lawyer let into Guantanamo Bay said prisoners there are not being treated equally. Powers allowing foreign terror suspects to be held without trial indefinitely should be revoked, a committee says. Notice the 'Right Law' nature of these main News items.
Today is different, the Moon enters Scorpio at 07-20 GMT. The 'feeling' less altruistic and directed more to personal passion.
Thursday Dec. 18th 2003.
The waning Moon gliding through Libra. Mercury is retrograde. Astrologically quiet.
Aid agencies and government officials are battling with a ravaging malaria outbreak in Ethiopia.
In the UK serious concerns about background checks on people working in schools remain despite the Soham murders.
Holly and Jessica disappearance charts.
Wed. Dec. 17th 2003.
A series of dust storms could threaten the success of three space probes heading for Mars, astronomers warn. The scientists say some small storms are combining to obscure a large part of the planet's northern hemisphere. If they build into a global storm, which can happen, it could interfere with the solar panels the probes use to generate power for their instruments. On 25 December, Europe's Beagle 2 will land, followed by two US rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, on 3 and 24 January.
Five days remain till the Winter Solstice for the northern hemisphere. The Moon just past Last Quarter is in Libra today (from 03-47 GMT) and Thursday and is moving fast. There are no planetary aspects exact for several days ahead. Mercury hovers motionless turning retrograde at 15-54 GMT. The Sun and Moon are both in Masculine signs. As the Moon glides rapidly into Libra a more social orientation of our consciousness can be expected. Given the chance great peace and stillness of mind can be more easily obtained today as is often the case as Mercury is stationary.
Yesterday coinciding with Mars rampaging into Aries, we learnt that Iraqi militants ambushed a US convoy and demonstrations in support of Saddam Hussein in some flash point towns near Baghdad turned violent.
Tuesday Dec. 16th 2003.
President Bush said yesterday that the US will work with Iraqis to give the captured leader a trial that will stand international scrutiny. Stock markets rose around the world following the capture of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Car bombs exploded at two police stations in the Baghdad area, killing at least eight people.
At 06-44 GMT today the Last Quarter Moon stands conjunct Jupiter in Virgo. At 13-24 GMT Mars will enter Aries. (See note below). The Moon's Last Quarter Phase occurs at 17-43 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are now in mutable signs. Movement and crises of change are indicated. Mercury is now moving very slowly from the geocentric viewpoint and oppressingly is still closely opposite Saturn. There is however a great deal of staying power and organisational energy about. Attempt nothing new now, the best advice is to finish off, perfect and complete.
Monday December 15th 2003.
From just after 21-00 GMT on Sunday night the Moon is in Virgo accelerating towards the Last Quarter Phase which occurs at 17-43 GMT on Tuesday 16th Dec. Some 4.5 hours before this Mars will enter Aries. The red planet has been in the sign of the Fish since mid June this year (except for a few days in September). This ingress is the most important astrological development during the next few days, and may well coincide with a 'surge' of assertive energy world wide. Mars will remain in Aries until Feb. 3rd 2004.
Mercury turns retrograde on Wed. 17th Dec. and turns to face another opposition with Saturn. Plans, travel arrangements and communication in general may start to go awry from this point till Jan 6th 2004 when he turns direct once again.
Sunday December 14th 2003.
TIKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. forces have captured Saddam Hussein in a late night raid near his hometown of Tikrit, according to the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority."Ladies and gentleman, we got him," L. Paul Bremer announced Sunday. The announcement was greeted with cheers from the audience.
This development occurred with Mercury opposite Saturn, the Moon was in Leo.
The annual Geminid meteor shower is underway, and forecasters expect it to peak this weekend on Dec. 13th and 14th. Bright moonlight will diminish the show, somewhat, but plenty of shooting stars should be visible anyway. Go outside on Saturday night around 9:30 p.m. local time and watch the sky until midnight or so. During those hours the moon won't be too high or glaring, and you could see dozens of meteors. And if that doesn't work... visit Spaceweather.com and listen to echos of the Geminids using live audio links to meteor radars in Texas and New Mexico.
Friday Dec. 12th 2003
With Venus trining Jupiter in Earth signs yesterday it was of no surprise to see Wall Street's benchmark, the Dow Jones index of 30 leading shares, closing above the 10,000 points level for the first time since May 2002. News generally was rather weak however.
Today the Moon still quite Full but waning and accelerating starts the day in Cancer and enters Leo at 11-41 GMT. By 22-22 GMT the Moon's phase is disseminating. The Sun starts the day some ten days from the Winter Solstice point and conjunct Pluto. Mercury is nearly opposite Saturn. Increasing seriousness seems to be the state of 'play' later on.
Thursday Dec. 11th 2003.
As mentioned yesterday Mercury is currently slowly moving to an opposition with Saturn which is exact on Saturday December 13th. Mercury will turn retrograde next Wednesday (Dec. 17th) and begin another application to an opposition with Saturn which will peak on December 22nd 2003 the day of the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. Mercury turns direct on Jan 6th 2004 and makes his final opposition with Saturn on 22nd Jan. 2004, some few hours after the New Moon in Aquarius. The first opposition (the one next Saturday) is the tightest and therefore the most potent from an astrological standpoint. Intense seriousness can be associated with this aspect.
Venus is happily trined with Jupiter today which despite the mounting gloom of the Saturn Mercury opposition, offers opportunity to make amends. The Sun has its annual conjunction with Pluto tomorrow at 05-26 GMT. It all looks very complicated and involved at the current time.
Yesterday amid the square aspect between the Sun and Jupiter, an aspect associated with ill judgement, six more children were killed during US operations in Afghanistan - the second such incident to be reported in a week. In Liberia at least nine people were killed in the worst violence since the UN peacekeeping operation began in August.
Yesterday it was reported that astronomers have seen a trail of black holes scattered across space formed by a titanic collision between galaxies. They were detected in the NGC 4261elliptical galaxy observed by the orbiting Chandra X-ray telescope. (BBC graphic above)
Wed Dec. 10th 2003 .
A few astrologically interesting days ahead full of planetary aspects, some easy, some tough. Mercury is slowly building to an opposition with Saturn which peaks on Saturday. There is just a tinge of something sombre going down. The Moon today in Cancer couples with these two, conjuncting Saturn at 23-02 GMT. Prior to this the Sun squares Jupiter at 11-00 GMT today. Today looks to be a bit special.
Tomorrow it is the turn of Venus to make an earthy trine aspect to Jupiter. The advice is to take full advantage of the benevolent gracious sweet richness beaming down from the heavens.
The Sun is conjunct Pluto on Friday, by which time the Mercury Saturn opposition will be nearing its climax.
Yesterday in the wake of Monday's Full Moon in Gemini six people were killed in an explosion in Moscow, which is being described as a botched suicide bombing. An attack injured dozens of US soldiers and a helicopter makes an emergency landing after being fired on in Iraq. Britain's armed forces face a major overhaul in response to the threat of terrorism, says the UK's senior military officer.
Tues. Dec. 9th 2003.
The last Full Moon of 2003 occurred yesterday. En route to Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft has caught another glimpse of the ringed planet that is growing more detailed with time. Russia's parliamentary poll failed to meet democratic criteria, according to a democracy watchdog. The Commonwealth summit ends in recriminations after Zimbabwe's decision to withdraw from the body. The dollar has fallen to a record new low against the euro, before Tuesday's interest rates decision in the US.
Today the 'hung-over Full Moon' wanes and accelerates through Gemini making a couple of difficult aspects as it does so. The Sun is building to a mutable square to Jupiter. A waste of words may bombard ears hearts and minds today.
Dec 8th 2003
The Moon is Full in Gemini.
Local villagers in Afghanistan have contradicted US reports that the target of an air strike that killed nine children also died in the raid. The attack was carried out on Saturday in the village of Hutala, in a remote area of southern Ghazni province.
A disease which has wiped out thousands of trees in California has been found in a native British species for the first time.
Commonwealth leaders agree to keep Zimbabwe suspended from the body for an indefinite period.
Initial results from Russia's general election put the party supported by President Putin in the lead, as expected.
A new design of eye implant is being constructed by researchers at Stanford University that may replace a damaged retina. President George W Bush makes a political U-turn by repealing illegal tariffs on steel and avoids a trade war with Europe.
The astrological chart for the Full Moon, (Dec. 8th 2003), the first Full Moon after the Lunar eclipse of November 9th 2003, is shown below. This is a very dynamic lunation. Notice the mutable cross within the chart involving the Sun in Sagittarius, the Moon in Gemini, Jupiter in Virgo and Mars in Pisces. Notice also the 'mystic rectangle' at London, involving the Ascendant, a setting Neptune and the Sun and Moon. After the recent rather quiet period this Full Moon may just be the catalyst which speeds up changes.
Friday 7th December 2003
Seventeen days remain to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Moon is gibbous in phase in Taurus. (Full Moon is on Monday 8th see below). Venus in Capricorn is applying to a tight opposition to Saturn which peaks at 12-04 GMT on Saturday 6th December 2003. This opposition sees Venus on the far side of the Sun, the Earth and Saturn (this side of the Sun) within one degree of linear alignment. There is a fair measure of sobriety and 'tempering' associated with such an alignment. Hardship and melancholia may abound in some circles. Expect today, therefore, situations to be slow moving and generally decelerating.
Dec. 4th 2003.
The waxing Moon in Aries for most of the day enters Taurus 22-31.
Yesterday under a strange Neptune Sun sextile aspect, self-confessed cannibal Armin Meiwes told his trial in
Kassel Germany of a lifelong obsession that led to him eating a fellow human. With similar Neptunian strangeness Moscow contradicted a statement signalling it would not ratify the climate change treaty.
Europe's first solo mission to another planet, Mars Express, took its first image of the Red Planet. A senior Chinese official outlined on state TV the country's ambition to put a lander and then a man on the Moon by 2020.
Wednesday Dec. 3rd 2003.
Moscow said yesterday that it will not ratify a pact to tackle the effects of man-made global warming in its current form. US forces denied reports that they had captured Saddam Hussein's deputy Izzat Ibrahim during a raid in northern Iraq. Italy's Senate passed a controversial bill allowing Prime Minister Berlusconi to tighten his grip on the media. France was forced to shut two nuclear reactors on Monday as storms swept across the south of the country. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Azna vowed to keep troops in Iraq, just hours after the state funerals of seven Spanish intelligence officers killed in the country.
Today the waxing Moon moves slowly through Aries. The Sun today is sextile to Neptune, both planets forming a 150 degree aspect with Saturn. This powerful 'finger of fate' planetary picture will hold us in its sway over the next three days. Your attention is drawn to this configuration.
Tuesday Dec. 2nd 2003.
At 06-54 GMT today Mercury makes a waning positive sextile aspect with Uranus. This is the final aspect made from Mercury in Sagittarius, as by the end of this day he speeds into Capricorn. A time of great mental and emotional pragmatism is now upon us as Mercury and Venus, both evening stars, (evening stars...reflective and looking back), will by the end of today, be in tropical Capricorn. (see Sky and telescope graphic above).
At 11-57 the First quarter Moon enters Aries. Both the Sun and the Moon will then be in fire signs. The day possibly starts with some inspiration and later 'ignites' into much manifestation.
The main news yesterday concerned an ambush on US troops in Iraq's city of Samarra. It was a coordinated attack... on a convoy... delivering a significant amount of Iraqi currency. The number of Iraqis killed by US forces in Sunday's fighting had risen to 54 from 46, the US military says.
On International AIDS day a new plan was launched to ensure three million people with HIV get proper drugs by the end of 2005.
Astronomers say they have evidence for Earth-like planets orbiting a nearby star, making it more like our own Solar System than any yet discovered. The star, Vega, is one of the brightest in the sky, only 25 light-years away. It is three times larger than our Sun and, at 350 million years old, much younger as well.
Renewed concerns about imbalances in the US economy and the threat of terror pushed the euro to fresh heights against the US dollar also on Monday.
Mon. Dec. 1st 2003.
ElEleven died over the weekend in a series of ambushes by Iraqi insurgents at the end of the worst month so far for coalition casualties. Venezuela says it has closed parts of its border with Colombia to stop fraud in an campaign to force a referendum on President Hugo Chavez's rule.
The First quarter Moon in Pisces opposes Jupiter, squares Pluto and conjuncts Mars (20-00 GMT) today. This represents a real beseigement to the senses. Lots of minor movements and changes are on the cards. This is not an easy day.
Friday November 28th 2003.
The month of November ends on a quieter astrological note than has been experienced of late. We are now leaving the current eclipse season. news situations have been set up and we await the manifestation of the changes. Venus shines as a brightening evening star in Capricorn, casting rays of steadfast affection on personal affairs. Mercury also an evening star is racing through Sagittarius coaxing the collective mind to 'take on board' recent discoveries, new adventurous concepts and exploratory conjectures. Mars is speeding up in Pisces, strenthing the collective animus prior to significant rampant activity a few weeks ahead of us when he plunges into Aries. Things are on the move again.
On Sunday November 30th the Sun will stand 22 days from the Winter solstice, the Moon enters Pisces at 03-26 GMT and is at first quarter phase at 18-16 GMT. Both Sun and Moon are then in Mutable signs. The weekend may well be quiet.
On Saturday 29th November the Moon in Aquarius makes brief sextile aspects to Pluto and to Mercury before applying to a conjunction with Uranus at 01-47 GMT on Sunday.
On Friday 28th November the waxing crescent Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Neptune at 17-16 GMT.
On Thursday in the aftermath of the Mars square Pluto aspect more than 200 people died after a boat accident during a storm in the Democratic Republic of Congo about 400 kilometres (248 miles) north-east of the capital. At the same time more than 17,000 people were fleeing their homes in north-east India's Assam state to escape attacks on Hindi-speaking settlers by Assamese mobs and rebels.
Also on Thursday George Bush paid a thanksgiving holiday visit to troops in Iraq - the first to the country by a US president. In the UK the main news was about a man suspected of having al-Qaeda connections being arrested as police checked possible links to "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.
Thursday November 27th 2003.
Really quiet news! Waiting for the big one...it's as if the world does not know how to respond to the new energy of last Sunday's Total Solar Eclipse, but the heavens have to work out. The daze predicted an eventful week and at the time of writing no substantial news stories have emerged unless you consider Argentina saying it has received intelligence warnings of possible terror attacks against western interests, or Washington praising a resolution by the UN's nuclear watchdog censuring Iran over its atomic programme to be of significant proportion. On the scientific front it was announced yesterday that scientists have just found a way to mould plastics into shape without heating them, bringing large-scale recycling of polymers a step closer. Seven people have died in north-western Congo of Ebola after 11 died earlier this month, say health officials. The latest outbreak is believed to have started when a family ate a wild boar they had found dead.
Today the Crescent Moon is void of course from 04-52 till 22-48 when she enters Aquarius. Venus enters Capricorn at 02-08 GMT. It remains to be seen what unfolds after Mars squared Pluto late yesterday.
Wednesday November 26th 2003.
Astrological alert! Mars in Pisces makes a waxing mutable square to Pluto in Sagittarius on Thursday morning at 00-18 GMT. Prior to that potentially violent combination, we may be lulled into momentary pleasant sensation as Venus sextiles Uranus at 07-22 GMT today. However with the infant Moon in Capricorn (opposing Saturn at 17-28 GMT today) and the Mars Pluto aspect building up all day expect the worst. After today things may cool off a little as the Moon approaches and passes the first quarter phase, no immediate planetary aspects are on the horizon right upto Dec 7th.
Yesterday it was disclosed that a record number of people were infected with HIV around the world this year. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has not been invited to the Commonwealth summit meeting, to be held in Nigeria. The scientific news is that the highlands of Venus are covered by a "frost" of lead and bismuth, say planetary scientists from Washington University. It never was the place for a happy holiday even before this report of 'heavy metal mountains'. In the financial world the US recovery is even stronger than first thought, new figures show, powered by keen spending by both companies and consumers. In the UK digital jukeboxes offering customers a choice of two million tracks are to be fitted in thousands of pubs.
Tuesday November 25th 2003.
Today between 03-00 and 05-00 GMT Mercury, Pluto and the Moon are conjunct in the middle of Sagittarius.
At 18-57 today the Sagittarian Moon is aligned within two degrees to Venus. At 21-32 the Moon enters Capricorn.
Yesterday was a quiet news day in the wake of the previous day's Total Solar Eclipse. The next total Solar Eclipse will be in April 2005, when it will be visible only in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Monday 24th November 2003.
We are now in the very sensitive days following an eclipse. The major news story throughout the weekend has been about Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze resigning amid massive protests over disputed election results. He announced the move after opposition leader Mikhail Saakashvili gave him an ultimatum to go at talks mediated by Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. The news was greeted by jubilant scenes in the capital Tbilisi, where fireworks lit up the night sky
The week ahead looks to be very eventful as there are some important and 'hard hitting' planetary aspects
Mercury is square Mars at 04-14 GMT today. On Tuesday between 03-00 and 05-00 GMT Mercury, Pluto and the Moon are conjunct in the middle of Sagittarius. Venus is sextile Uranus on Wednesday and Mars is square Pluto at the start of Thursday.
Friday November 21st 2003.
Total Solar Eclipse.
Sunday November 23rd 2003.
Area of visibility shown on map below
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC
The final eclipse event of 2003 is a total solar eclipse visible from the Southern Hemisphere . The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins at 22:19 UT in the southern Indian Ocean about 1100 kilometres southeast of Kerguelen Island. Curving south, the 500 kilometre wide umbral path reaches the coast of Antarctica at 22:35 UT. The Shackleton Ice Shelf and Russia's Mirnyy research station lie in the path where the central line duration is 1 minute 55 seconds and the Sun stands 13° above the frozen landscape. Quickly moving inland, the elongated shadow sweeps over the desolate interior of the continent encountering no permanently staffed research stations for the next half hour. Greatest eclipse occurs in Wilkes Land at 22:49:17 UT. At this point, the duration of totality reaches its maximum of 1 minute 55 seconds at solar altitude of 15°. The duration and altitude slowly drop as the umbra's path curves from southwest to northwest. Just like May's annular eclipse, the November event features a lunar shadow moving in the "wrong" direction. Once again, the explanation lies in the deep southern track of the umbra coupled with the close proximity of the eclipse with winter solstice. As viewed from the Sun's direction, the shadow passes around the "back" side of the pole between Earth's axis of rotation and the terminator.
Timings of the eclipse.
(Sunday November 23rd 2003)
Penumbral eclipse starts 20:46:04.9
Umbral eclipse starts 22:19:20.6
Total Eclipse starts 22:26.2
Greatest eclipse 23:20:14.6
Total Eclipse ends 23:11:46.8
Umbral eclipse ends 23:18:52.7
(November 24th 2003)
Penumbral Eclipse ends 00:52:15.3
Greatest eclipse of 1 minute 57.3 seconds of Totality is at Latitude 88S23 Longitude 088E23.5
Saros series 152.
Saros member 12 of 70.
Solar eclipses of Saros 152 all occur at the Moon's descending node and the Moon moves northward with each eclipse. The series began with a partial eclipse in the southern hemisphere on 1805 Jul. 26. The series will end with a partial eclipse in the northern hemisphere on 3049 Aug. 20. The total duration of Saros series 152 is 1244.08 years. In summary:
First Eclipse = 1805 Jul. 26 06:14:03 UT
Last Eclipse = 3049 Aug. 20 17:26:38 UT
This eclipse is only the third Total Eclipse in the Saros, the first being in November 1967 and the second being in November 1985. The Saros peaks in 2328.
The Saros 'family' to which Sunday's eclipse belongs is still fresh, new and Vibrant. Think back to the previous two eclipses in the series 1967 and 1985 and you may remember 'boom' energy world wide at those times. We can maybe expect this one to follow suit with greater force. The first eclipse of the Saros, back in July 1805 occurred with a stellium in Leo, and a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Scorpio closely sextile Mars in Virgo. The Mars Jupiter aspect in Sunday's eclipse is a tight opposition. It all points to a resplendent recreational and colorful eclipse.
The astrological chart for the moment of maximum eclipse is shown below set for London.
From an astrological standpoint this appears to be a very dynamic and invigorating eclipse. With a stellium of planets in Sagittarius, a mystic rectangle and a mutable T-square there is much new energy released, and a promise of many changes at this time.
At the moment of greatest eclipse the Sun and Moon are exactly rising at Singapore. The pair are setting at New Orleans, Panama City and Kansas City, and are on the nadir of Prague and Berlin.
On Thursday when Mars opposed Jupiter the main news concerned attacks on the UK consulate and HSBC bank leaving at least 26 dead including the top UK official in Istanbul.
Police set pop star Michael Jackson a deadline to face an arrest warrant on child abuse charges.
Thousands of people marched through London to protest against the Iraq war, amid a huge security operation.
Thursday November 20th 2003.
With three days remaining of the astrological month of Scorpio and four days to a Total Solar Eclipse (see above) these are very special times. Yesterday US President George Bush defended the Iraq invasion and the war on terror during the first day of his UK state visit. Police in California issued an arrest warrant for pop star Michael Jackson on "multiple charges" of child molestation. The US dollar fell to an all-time low against the euro, amid fears over trade wars and reluctance by foreigners to finance the US trade deficit.
Today the Moon is in Libra, balsamic in phase from 18-30, and Mars opposes Jupiter at 14-58 GMT. This is destined to be a day of excesses and a very sharp preamble to Sunday's eclipse. These next few days are days of vision and prophecy. The advice given here is to exercise great care in all affairs, business, social, personal and spiritual.
Wednesday November 19th 2003.
George Bush has arrived in the UK for the first state visit by a US president amid some of the tightest security London has ever seen. American warplanes and ground forces have bombarded targets in central Iraq in the latest series of operations against suspected insurgents. A sobering list of species threatened with extinction by damaging human activities has been published by scientists, with a warning that some cannot be saved. Researchers find one of the basic building blocks of matter, but it does not fit with current particle theory.
The Moon accelerating towards Total Solar Eclipse next Monday, today moves from Virgo to Libra at 20-43. Venus is sextile Neptune today forming in turn a 'finger of fate' planetary picture in the skies with Saturn in Cancer. The indications are moving to the ominous. With Mars currently opposite Jupiter and the Sun applying in a fixed square with Uranus the situation can only be described as tense.
Tuesday November 18th 2003.
Yesterday Tony Blair insisted that the time is right for George Bush's trip to the UK as a £5m security operation gets under way. We can expect excessive protest movements in London this week. Movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger was sworn in as California's new Republican governor. Terror fears affected stock markets on Monday, with the Istanbul bombings and the threat of further al-Qaeda attacks causing jitters on world bourses.
Mars in opposition to Jupiter dominates all astrological charts set for any place on earth this week. This opposition which points quite simply to excessive behaviour is exact on Thursday. Friday sees the Sun squaring Uranus which promises a very difficult ending to this current week. The last quarter moon in Virgo today aligns to the Mars Jupiter opposition, conjuncting Jupiter at 19-54.
Venus is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius today at 02-49 GMT. This occurs at the same time that the following news is released. Astronomers have found a large object orbiting the Sun near Neptune's orbit. It was discovered on Friday by an automated sky survey project. The object is about 570 km across, making it one of the largest bodies of its kind found in modern times. The new body, made of rock and ice, is designated 2003 VS2. Re-examining past records, astronomers have found it in images taken as far back as 1998. The object is one of the largest yet found in the Kuiper Belt, a region of space littered with small rocky worlds orbiting the Sun. It is in a so-called resonance orbit with Neptune. This means that it completes two orbits of the Sun for every three completed by the eighth planet. Such orbits are stable as they allow the object to approach Neptune's orbit without any possibility of collision. Pluto, currently the most distant true planet, is in such an orbit. Because of the similarity, 2003 VS2 has been dubbed "Plutino", or "little Pluto".
Sunday November 16th 2003.
Yesterday under the outlandish aspect of Venus square Jupiter and under the beams of an uncompromising Moon in Leo, two US Black Hawks helicopters collided in Iraq, killing 17 soldiers, and a timetable for a faster transfer of power is unveiled. Turkish and Israeli officials launched a joint investigation into twin bomb attacks on synagogues in Istanbul. Tony Blair defends George Bush's controversial state visit to the UK as a chance to celebrate freedom and security. Not a good day for some.
The Moon reaches Last Quarter phase on Monday 17th November at 05-16 GMT and begins the final week before the Total Solar Eclipse next Monday by entering Virgo on the 17th at 15-37. Venus in Sagittarius is building to a planetary conjunction with Pluto exact on Tuesday morning. The week ahead ends on a challenging note as Mars opposes Jupiter and the Sun, at the end of Scorpio, squares Uranus. All in all the week ahead looks to be dynamic.
The Leonid meteor shower may be active very late Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The great Leonid displays of the last five years are presumably over; meteor specialists expect only a modest showing this year. Nevertheless, two meteor scientists' predictions range from "dozens" to 100 shooting stars visible per hour sometime between about 1:30 and 3 a.m. Eastern Standard Time Wednesday morning.
Friday November 14th 2003.
Mars is trine Saturn at 06-27 GMT today. The disseminating and accelerating Moon is in Cancer and is void of course from 14-40 GMT for the rest of the day. Sort out your deals and your agenda before this time. With Venus making a mutable waxing square to Jupiter the tendency for exaggerated emotional responses today is particularly pronounced. The Sun and the Moon are both in water signs which sets a 'deep feeling day'. Don't expect too much, and avoid wastes of money, time and emotion. It was under this watery Solar Lunar combination yesterday that President Bush announced that steps are being taken to speed up transferring power to Iraqis amid mounting casualties. The president of Serbia and Montenegro issued the first apology to Bosnia for the atrocities of the last war. More British troops however will be sent to Iraq if they are needed, UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw declared.
Astronomical flash:- Late Friday night, November 14-15, Saturn and its ring system will glide right in front of an 8.4-magnitude star in tropical Cancer. Observers with large enough telescopes -- ideally 8-inch or larger -- can watch in fascination as the star leisurely fades in and out of view behind the various rings, gaps, and the open space between the rings and the ball of Saturn itself. For a diagram of the star's apparent path behind Saturn and the rings, visit- http://SkyandTelescope.com/observing/objects/occultations/article_1102_1.asp
Just one day before it encounters Saturn this week, the same 8.4-magnitude star will be occulted by Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Bruno Sicardy (Paris Observatory) describes this event on his Web site:http://despa.obspm.fr/%7Esicardy/titan/titan.html. He points out that it may produce a "central flash" around 0:13 Universal Time on November 14th. Most likely to be seen from parts of South Africa, and lasting up to 10 seconds, the flash is a visible focusing of the star's light by Titan's atmosphere.
Thursday November 13th 2003
Forty days remain till the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Moon is conjunct Saturn in Cancer today at 21-06 GMT. This monthly event is always a sobering experience. Mars is currently making a watery trine aspect with Saturn which peaks tomorrow and today's tie up with the Moon aids practical activities right now. There may well be a conservative and thrifty 'vibration' at work today. Time to take stock and to tighten belts. We are still very much in an 'eclipse season' with a Total Eclipse of the Sun occurring on November 23rd/24th in early Sagittarius. This is never a sensible time to start new ventures, self reflection and careful meditation are more clearly in line with the purposes of eclipse seasons. The forthcoming eclipse has exciting potentials. More to follow on that.
Yesterday, as Mars squared Venus, at least 25 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack on an Italian police base in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriya.
In the UK the first of the former US navy ships at the centre of a legal and environmental row over their disposal moored on the River Tees in northeast England.
Scientists said yesterday that new data suggests that if there is ice at the Moon's poles then it is probably in the form of scattered grains rather than thick sheets,.
Wednesday November 12th 2003.
Three notable astrological events occur today. Mercury enters Sagittarius at 08-19. It is confession time, truth will out. Venus makes a waning mutable square to Mars at 18-27, long-standing feuds rekindled, and the disseminating Moon enters Cancer at 21-11, moody broody finales. Subtle changes of heart, antagonisms surfacing and a movement to instinctive emotion may be the way time flows today.
Under the Mercury Uranus square yesterday the US military in Iraq questioned about 20 people suspected of links with Osama Bin Laden's network. All UK citizens could be compelled to have some form of identity card by 2013, David Blunkett has said.
News also released yesterday reported that the British-built Mars lander, Beagle 2, is on schedule to reach the Martian surface on 25 December 2003. Also scientists have simulated a solar flare in the lab, recreating the explosions seen on the Sun's surface.
Tuesday November 11th 2003
The US Supreme Court is to hear appeals by Afghan war detainees who claim they are being held illegally. Iran says it is suspending its uranium enrichment programme and will submit to closer nuclear checks. Security is stepped up in the Saudi capital following Saturday suicide attack on a foreign workers' compound. This last event coincided with last weekend's Total Lunar Eclipse. There is suddenly a dearth of powerful news items. The observed eclipse at totality revealed a lighted lower limb to the coppery disc. The eclipse was 'transitional' that is to say the next eclipse in its saros series is not total. The lighted lower limb is the sign of its transitional status. Sunday's eclipse heralds a change in its Saros and in consequence may be a signal of change for us all. These days now can be regarded as a time to absorb and internalize the changes now emerging. Today may be quite eventful, with Venus sextiling Neptune, Mercury squaring Uranus and the waning Moon in Gemini expect there to be something to talk about.
The next eclipse in two weeks time is a Total Solar Eclipse is visible from Antarctica. (See graphic above).
Friday November 7th 2003.
Total Lunar Eclipse November 9th 2003.
Notice the hexagonal pattern of planets in the astrological chart below set for the moment of central eclipse. This chart is cast for London where Jupiter is rising. Saturn rises at New York. This 'mystic hexagon' would however be in the chart drawn for any place on Earth. This eclipse is the main astrological event at the current time, the energy is not necessarily easy to harness, but very interesting from the astrological viewpoint. Enjoy the weekend!
Total lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus. (November 9th 2003).
The timings of this eclipse are as follows:-
Saturday November 8th 2003.
Penumbral eclipse starts. 22:15:00
Partial Eclipse starts 23:32:21
Sunday November 9th 2003.
Total Eclipse starts 01:06:07
Maximum Eclipse 01:18:23
Total Eclipse ends 01:30:38
Partial eclipse Ends 03:04:24
Penumbral Eclipse ends 04:21:48
This second lunar eclipse of the year occurs six lunations after the first. It takes place at the ascending node of Luna's orbit in tropical Taurus. This time, the Moon is 1.4 days shy of apogee and appears 12% smaller (= 29.4 arc-minutes) than it was during May's eclipse. The Moon's trajectory takes it well to the south of the umbral shadow's central axis resulting in a total eclipse which lasts just 25 minutes. At mid-totality, the Moon's southern limb is a scant 0.6 arc-minutes from the umbra's edge. Even the northern limb is 23.4 arc-minutes from the centre of the shadow. Assuming that the transparency of Earth's atmosphere remains relatively unchanged, the November eclipse will be dramatically brighter than the May event because of the shallow umbral depth. Since different parts of the Moon will probe radically different portions of Earth's umbral shadow, a large variation in shadow brightness can be expected. The totally eclipsed Moon will appear to have a bright rim along its southern edge.
(Eclipse Predictions Fred Espenak).
Wednesday November 5th 2003.
World News appears to be 'heating up'. Rescue workers are searching for survivors of a flash flood on the Indonesian island of Sumatra which has left at least 80 people dead. Sri Lanka is reported as 'plunging into chaos'. Sri Lanka's prime minister has accused the president of trying to create anarchy and chaos in the country. The United Nations' top envoy in Iraq and its security chief are relieved of duties after criticism of safety precautions in the country. An American soldier has been killed in Iraq by a homemade explosive device - the latest loss for US forces. Explosions and smoke are occuring in Baghdad. In the UK Firefighters are taking unofficial industrial action in a row over a pay deal agreed earlier this year. A 14-year-old boy died and another student is arrested following a stabbing at a school in Lincolnshire.
The Sun's intense activity in the past week will go into the record books. Scientists say they have been amazed by the ferocity of the gigantic flares exploding on the solar surface. The past 24 hours have seen three major events erupt over our star, hurling billions of tonnes of superhot gas into space - some of it directed at Earth. (Photo above BBC News).
October was the FTSE 100's best month since April, but concerns over rising interest rates are starting to weigh on investor optimism.
Today the Moon is gibbous in phase, in Aries (from 06-03 GMT), decelerating in motion, and at Noon GMT makes a solitary fiery waxing trine aspect with Venus in Sagittarius. As the total Lunar Eclipse approaches so too Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron are waiting to receive the Sun and Full Moon in five points of a hexagonal arrangement in the skies of Earth. This planetary picture adds power and import to the Eclipse. Everything occurring in our lives and in the world at the present time is reaching a climax with this impending Lunar Eclipse.
Tuesday November 4th 2003.
More Solar Eruptions!
The sunspot complex known as Region 488, located just to the north of the power-house Region 486 that was responsible for the X17 and X10 flares last week, has joined the parade by producing its first major solar flare: a class X2.7 solar x-ray event at 01:29 UTC on 03 November (8:29 pm EST on 02 November). This was preceded about eight hours earlier by an even more powerful solar flare from neighboring Region 486. That event reached a class X8.3 x-ray intensity at 17:25 UTC on 02 November and blasted the Earth with an additional dose of high-energy protons at 17:35 UTC (only 10 minutes after x-rays reached their maximum intensity)! The X8.3 solar flare from Region 486 has been confirmed as a halo coronal mass ejection (perhaps a borderline partial halo event). This means that mass ejected from the region contains an Earthward-directed component. That component is expected to impact the Earth on 03 or 04 November, but with heaviest emphasis on the early UTC hours of 04 November. For updated information, visit: http://www.spacew.com/aurora/forum.html. For real-time plots of current activity, visit: http://www.spacew.com/plots.html or www.sec.noaa.gov. PLEASE REPORT OBSERVATIONS OF AURORAL ACTIVITY TO http://www.spacew.com/submitsighting.html. End of the AstroAlert Bulletin . AstroAlert is a free service of SKY & TELESCOPE, the Essential Magazine of Astronomy (http://SkyandTelescope.com/). This e-mailwas sent to AstroAlert subscribers.
From 07-36 GMT today the Moon is void of course in Pisces. She is void all day before entering Aries at 06-03 tomorrow (November 5th 2003). Today therefore may well be obscure and difficult to fathom. The Sun, now forty eight days from the Winter Solstice makes a watery trine with Saturn exact tomorrow. 'Working through it may well be the optimal course of action today. Tomorrow at twenty seven minutes after midnight, the Moon enters its final gibbous phase before the Full Moon and Total eclipse this coming weekend. Yesterday, under the beams of the Sun squaring Neptune, power shifts occurred in Moscow as Mikhail Khodorkovsky resigned as chief executive of Yukos, eight days after his arrest on fraud charges. In Afghanistan a long-awaited draft for a constitution set out a new political system but would not impose sharia law. In the UK the main news was the start of the trial of Ian Huntley for the murders of 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman both murdered on August 4th 2002.
Monday November 3rd 2003.
Today the Sun and the Moon are in water signs. There will be an essentially emotional 'feel' to the day. The Sun is square Neptune and the Moon is conjunct Mars in Pisces. There is a deeply subliminal, slightly crazy, and impressionable response to proceedings. Suffering is to the fore. The news reflects the skies. A helicopter taking US troops to Baghdad was brought yesterday down in the deadliest anti-US attack since the war. Israel mercifully allowed thousands of Palestinian workers to cross into Israel, more than a month after sealing the border.
Sunday November 2nd 2003.
The Moon grows in size and decelerates in motion towards her inevitable Total Eclipse next Sunday morning. She is conjunct Uranus in Aquarius at 17-51 GMT before plunging into the seas of Pisces at 19-52 GMT. Fifty minutes later Venus slips into Sagittarius. The Scorpio Sun builds to a fixed waning square to Neptune. The day moves from the 'electronic' to the 'subliminal'.
The chief US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, says he wants to accelerate the transfer of power to Iraqis. Russia scorns Western criticism of the investigation into the Yukos affair as 'tactless and disrespectful'. In the UK talks to end strikes causing chaos in the postal service step up a gear, as Royal Mail's chief executive joins the fray.
Saturday November 1st 2003.
A big political crisis is developing in Russia. Mikhail Kasyanov says he is 'deeply concerned' about the crisis enveloping the oil giant, which is pitting big business against the Kremlin. We observe with interest.
In the UK the Royal Mail closes post boxes in London, as talks aimed at resolving unofficial strikes continue.
Scientists are warning that the current spurt of dramatic solar activity may not be over yet. One astronomer described the two large gas clouds that reached the Earth earlier this week as 'unprecedented.'
The Moon is at First quarter phase at 04-25 GMT on Saturday 1st November. Over the next few days a watery grand trine involving, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Cancer dominate the skies, 'inducing' a wave of potentially positive and practical problem solving. The Mars Saturn trine arm of the triangle extends right up to the eclipse. This is a very 'getting things sorted' vibration.
Jupiter and Saturn are exactly sextile on Saturday with Mercury joining them in a tight configuration on that day, which again is potentially helpful. Venus makes a waning fixed square to Uranus early (GMT) on Sunday confering an'edge' to proceedings on Saturday night.
Thursday October 30th 2003.
A gas cloud from one of the largest flares ever seen on the Sun has reached the Earth causing a magnetic storm that erupted and then faded quickly. The disruption to the Earth's magnetic field was described as very severe. Aurora - northern lights - caused by the charged particles from the Sun have been seen at night all over the globe. The Sun is undergoing a surge of activity and currently has several large sunspot groups on its surface. More flares and disruption is expected.
The Moon, crescent now in phase and waxing towards Total Eclipse on November 9th, is today in Capricorn and will remain in this sign until 13-42 GMT on Friday 31st when she moves into Aquarius. All events and circumstances are leading to this 'transitional' eclipse. Times are important and building to a climax.
Against this background sky the International Committee of the Red Cross is to scale back foreign staff after its Baghdad HQ was bombed. Iain Duncan Smith was deposed as Tory leader on October 29th as MPs vote by 90 votes to 75 to spark a new leadership election.
Tuesday October 28th 2003.
The infant Moon is moving rapidly through Sagittarius and is conjunct Pluto at 15-14 GMT. Mercury is in watery trine to Mars. Billions of tonnes of charged particles ejected from the Sun may give Earth's magnetic defences a glancing blow.
A number of bomb blasts have gone off in Baghdad killing at least thirty four people and injuring more than two hundred. At least 13 people are now known to have died in firestorms sweeping southern California - the highest number of people killed in wildfires in the state for half a century. Prince William wants to meet Paul Burrell to explain why he is so upset about the former butler's book on Princess Diana, it is believed.
Monday October 27th 2003
The Earth has been buffeted by a cloud of superhot gas thrown off the Sun a few days ago. Scientists report it caused a moderate "geomagnetic storm". Charged particles affected electric utilities, airline communications and satellite navigation systems. Large quantities of a green mineral gemstone have been found on Mars. Rocky outcrops of the mineral olivine were spotted by a space craft orbiting the planet. On Earth, the mineral is known as peridot, a cheap gemstone used in jewellery. Calls for a confidence vote on Iain Duncan Smith grow as two Tory MPs insist he is not up to the job. Colin Powell admits the US did not expect to face so many attacks in Iraq after a well-guarded hotel comes under fire.
Friday October 24th 2003.
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs on Saturday 25th October 2003 at 12-51 GMT. The astrological chart for the New Moon, set for London, is shown above. This is the last New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on November 23rd 2003. This New Moon is very closely conjunct Mercury at Superior Conjunction on the far side of the Sun. The alignment of Earth, the Moon, the Sun and Mercury is very nearly perfectly linear. This is an intense Lunation. The New Moon and Mercury are trine Uranus. Jupiter Neptune and Saturn form a finger of fate or 'Yod' planetary pattern in the skies, a picture which has been building up all month. The energy of this pre-eclipse lunation is seriously creative, penetrative and all encompassing. Major events are now likely to occur on the world stage. Transformationary manifestations can be expected. There is a depth of fate here, a serious destiny, and a powerful wave of change about to crash onto the shores of the human affairs.
At the exact moment of New Moon (16 seconds and 51 minutes past noon GMT), the Sun, Moon and Mercury are on the MC of Iceland, Dakar, and the extreme north west of Africa. The same three planets straddle the horizons of Karachi, Afghanistan, central USA and Mexico. There are a vast number of close and exact planetary contacts with many world cities. The New Moon occurs on the natal Saturn of Robert Mugabe, and makes close contacts with important points in the chart of the French First Republic, the chart of Iraq, and the chart of Nepal.
At the end of the day, 22-49 GMT on Saturday, Saturn turns retrograde in Cancer, opening a fresh opportunity to set affairs to right.
On Sunday 26th October 2003 the Moon makes a very close (4 minutes of arc) linear alignment with Venus, again in Scorpio, at 19-54 GMT. This is truly one of the most important weekends of 2003.
Thursday October 23rd 2003.
At 9-38 GMT today the balsamic Moon enters Libra. At 20-09 the Sun enters Scorpio. At this time Mercury on the far side of the Sun makes a trine aspect to Uranus. There is a shift of energy, a transposition to a different frequency today. Further changes are immediately ahead of us as Mercury will enter Scorpio on Friday and will join the Sun and New Moon in that sign on Saturday.
Yesterday Delhi unveiled unexpected proposals to improve ties with Pakistan and is now seeking direct talks with Kashmir separatists for the first time. Israel however vowed to continue building a huge barrier in the West Bank despite UN condemnation of the project. Britain could face a water crisis if there is no significant rain in the next fortnight, the Environment Agency has warned.
Another active solar region has just rotated into view around the southeastern limb of the Sun. Beginning at about 19:30 GMT on Wednesday ( 48 minutes before an exact trine aspect between the Sun and Uranus) and while still behind the east limb of the Sun, this region produced a long-duration flare. As this region rotates toward the Earth over the next week, it may produce additional coronal mass ejections capable of producing stronger space weather storms and associated periods of stronger auroral activity ("Northern Lights").
Wednesday October 22nd 2003.
The fast balsamic Moon in Virgo, fresh from her conjunction with Jupiter at 01-58 GMT is void from 13-20 GMT today. The Moon is new in Scorpio on Saturday. The Sun today is trine Uranus at 20-18 and Neptune turns direct one hour later. The accent on this last day of Libra is still on 'inventive details'.
Iran's decision to sign up for tougher UN checks of its nuclear facilities is well received around the world. Crops in north Africa are under threat from swarms of locusts, says the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Outbreaks of locusts have been reported in Mauritania, Niger and Sudan and observers fear they could spread across the northern half of the continent. Northern Ireland's peace process is on hold as unionists demand clearer evidence of IRA decommissioning.
Tuesday October 21st 2003
There remain three days left of the astrological month of Libra. The Waning Moon enters Virgo at 06-02 GMT today and begins to draw to a conjunction with Jupiter which peaks tomorrow at 01-58. The Sun is applying to an airy trine with Uranus, the day is geared to precise inventiveness with the details not being overlooked.
Sunday's planetary arrangement coincided with the UK's prime minister's 'minor heart problem'. The event caused a 'shudder' in the UK with the Queen and deputy PM being informed as the day progressed. It's all past now. Tony Blair is "in good spirits and 100% recovered" after hospital treatment for an irregular heartbeat, his official spokesman says.
The news yesterday reported that The Israeli prime minister has promised to finish the security fence within a year as Israeli air strikes kill three in Gaza.
SIGNIFICANT NEW SOLAR ACTIVITY IS IN-PROGRESS. A new and powerful sunspot complex has materialized over the last 2 days capable of producing significant solar flare activity. The sunspot complex, known as active Region 10484 (or simply Region 484), increased its size by more than 5 times over the last 48 hours. It should now be easily visible to the unaided (protected!) eye. Region 484 produced a major class X1.1 solar x-ray flare at 16:51 UTC (12:51 pm EDT) on 19 October followed by several smaller but notable events. Growth has persisted despite this activity and additional major solar flares are expected. Thus far, the coronal mass ejections associated with the energetic flaring from Region 484 have not been directed Earthward, although there is a chance the Earth may see a weaker glancing blow within the next 24 to 48 hours. This is expected to change over the next several days. Over the next 4 days, Region 484 will rotate toward the central region of the Sun (as viewed from the Earth). It will therefore be more radially aligned and capable of producing more signifcant Earthbound coronal mass ejection impacts. These impacts could include proton bombardments capable of affecting high-latitude radio signal communications and enhancing space radiation conditions for satellites and astronauts, increased atmospheric drag on spacecraft, increased incidents of electronic anomalies on spacecraft, permanent degradation of spacecraft solar array electrical generation efficiencies, and unusual displays of auroral activity ("Northern Lights"), to name just a few. www.spacew.com/astroalert.html
Monday 20th October 2003.
The UK prime minister was admitted to hospital at lunch time on Sunday suffering from an irregular heart beat. Seven people are injured as a train carriage hits a tunnel wall, in the second derailment on London's Tube in 48 hours. Quarter of a million pilgrims witness an ailing Pope John Paul II bring the late nun close to sainthood. The presidents agree at a meeting in Bangkok to push for new six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear aims.
At 09-49 GMT today Venus makes a watery trine to Saturn, marking the culmination of yesterday's planetary arrangement which is still making its presence felt. Standby.
Friday 17th October 2003
An astrologically interesting weekend ahead!
On Sunday 19th October, at the start of the current eclipse season, and under the beams of a waning accelerating Leonine Moon there draws together in the skies a planetary arrangement involving the Moon, (in Leo), Neptune, (in Aquarius) Jupiter, (in Virgo), Venus (in Scorpio) and Saturn (in Cancer). All of these planets will be between 11 and 13 degrees of their respective signs. The arrangement peaks as midnight (GMT) approaches. The effects on events on Earth may be considerable and may well extend into Monday. This is a very pronounced and sharp arrangement.
On Saturday 18th Venus is very active making a square with Neptune at 03-42 (potentially chaotic) and a sextile to Jupiter (richly luxuriant) at 09-33. The Moon reaches Cardinal Last Quarter phase (generating a crisis in consciousness) at 12-32 GMT and at the very end of the day (22-42 GMT) enters Leo. There may be an underlying tenseness to all events with untoward emotional responses, as the day ensues.
On Friday 17th at 08-25 GMT Mercury is sextile Pluto. The day dawns with accompanying insight. The Moon in Cancer applies to a somber and sober conjunction with Saturn reaching him at 13-58 GMT. The moody broody 'vibe' continues augmented with the confusion usually associated with Venus squaring Neptune which peaks on in the early hours of Saturday.
Astronomical News from (SKY and TELESCOPE)
After eluding astronomers for 66 years, the long-lost asteroid Hermes has finally been retrieved. Early on October 15th, Brian A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search, Arizona) sent measurements of four CCD images obtained with the 23-inch Catalina Schmidt telescope to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. At the center, Timothy B. Spahr identified the suspect with other measurements submitted in the past seven weeks -- but not recognized as unusual -- by LONEOS and by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) project in New Mexico. In addition, quick action by James Young (Table Mountain Observatory, California) secured a confirmation just before dawn on the 15th.
A COMET APPROACHES. This will be Comet Encke's closest approach to Earth since November 1838. On the 25th October 2003 Northern Hemisphere observers will see the comet, at 10th magnitude, come close to caressing the northern edge of M31, the Great Andromeda Galaxy.
American investigators have begun questioning witnesses and crew about a ferry crash in New York that left 10 dead and 34 injured. The inquiry is set to focus on the condition of the ferry's pilot who is reported to have lost consciousness just before Wednesday's accident. The accident occurred as Mercury was in a cardinal square to Saturn. On Thursday North Korea said it will display its nuclear deterrent, in a statement ahead of President Bush's regional visit. The UN Security Council voted unanimously to back a revised US text on Iraq setting out its political and economic future.
Thursday October 16th 2003.
Yesterday President Bush called on Palestinians to rein in militants after a deadly attack on a US diplomatic convoy in Gaza. A vote on a US resolution on Iraq is due to go ahead in spite of lingering doubts by Security Council members. China's first man in space, Yang Liwei, returns to earth to a hero's welcome.
We move into the final week of the astrological month of Libra. The disseminating Moon enters Cancer today at 11-41 GMT. Mercury is applying in sextile to Pluto, exact tomorrow, Venus is moving into a relationship with Jupiter and Neptune, exact on Saturday. Today is a little lull before these 'minor storms'. Take care.
Wednesday October 15th 2003.
In the UK Iain Duncan Smith (last waltz above) faces a House of Commons investigation into claims surrounding the employment of his wife Betsy in his office. In the USA a suicide car bomb detonated Tuesday near the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad, the second such bombing in three days. But like Sunday's bombing near the Baghdad Hotel, security measures kept the bomber from reaching his target. A spokesman said embassy security was increased last week after an informant warned of a possible explosion being planned there.
The Moon continues to wane in Gemini today. There is an airy buzz to events and experiences, no planetary aspects today but Mercury in Libra is building to a sextile to Pluto exact on Friday. Some powerful plans and thought forms are being conceived. The Jupiter inconjunct Neptune aspect is nearly exact, forming as it does a finger of fate with Saturn for the remainder of October. Fateful days indeed.
Tuesday October 14th 2003.
Military intelligence has reported recent, "credible" sightings of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in a large area north of Baghdad, a U.S. Army spokeswoman said yesterday. News of the Saddam intelligence came as U.S. officials reported that three American soldiers were killed and 13 others wounded in a series of attacks that began on Sunday morning.
In the UK Westminster's watchdog will look into allegations about the running of the Tory leader's office, Iain Duncan Smith) as the party presents a 40-page rebuttal. Testing times for Iain and the Tory Party.
Michael Portillo's chart here.
The Moon is in Gemini today, disseminating in phase from 12-00 GMT. The Sun and Moon shine from air signs, the accent is on communication, but Mercury is in cardinal square to Saturn ( today at 14-49 GMT), hindering attempts to reconcile.
Monday October 13th 2003.
In the wake of Friday's Full Moon at least six Iraqis died yesterday as a suicide car bomber targeted a Baghdad hotel used by coalition and Iraqi officials. The homes of up to 1,500 Palestinians have been destroyed in a two-day Israeli raid, the UN estimates. Local officials in Nigeria say about 50 people have been rescued but others are still missing after a ferry went down in a remote eastern region on Friday after hitting a bridge. In the UK Iain Duncan Smith insists he did nothing wrong in employing his wife as an aide during his first year as Conservative leader.
The waning Moon is in Taurus. The day may see a slow 'hung-over' start. Mercury a morning star in Libra is trine Neptune at the start of this week. This same planet is square Saturn tomorrow and sextile Pluto on Friday.
Jupiter is applying sextile to Saturn, both planets inconjunct to Neptune all month, suggesting a fateful 'edge' to proceedings as the month ensues and as we enter a new eclipse season. Four weeks now remain till the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 9th. This is a rare 'transitory' eclipse in its Saros cycle. It is with anticipation that I look forward to viewing, experiencing and attempting to explain the meanings of this astronomical and astrological event. Stay tuned to the Daze.
Friday October 10th 2003.
On Saturday at 10-05 the Moon enters Taurus, where she remains for the remainder of the weekend. The Sun at this time is sextile Pluto. The weekend ahead flows on in a steadier post-Full Moon phase, the energy solid and robust, the mood positive and transformationary.
At 20-32 GMT on Friday Mars is trine Venus. Friday night is the perfect night for social and romantic episodes.
The chart for the Full Moon on Friday, drawn for London, is shown below. This is the last Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 9th 2003. As such it heralds the start of an eclipse season. The chart is dynamic. There is a cardinal cross involving the Sun, Moon, Saturn and Chiron. Many new situations may well be initiated at this time after the recent relative calm period in world news.
In the run up to the Full Moon the 'calm' news reports concerned President Bush insisting that the US is pursuing the right policy in Iraq, in a new White House drive to convince doubters. In the UK Iain Duncan Smith took on his Tory critics and launched a savage attack on Tony Blair in his conference speech. More seriously at least 54 people, most of them schoolgirls returning from a study trip to Bali, were killed after their bus collided with two other vehicles in Indonesia's East Java region. Despite this awful tragedy The Full Moon on Friday is set amid a pleasant aspect between Venus, newly arrived in Scorpio, being in watery trine to the ongoing conjunction of Mars and Uranus. The Full Moon itself is trine Pluto, conveying a mood for positive changes.
Wednesday October 8th 2003
Today as the Moon continues to wax towards its Full phase on Friday morning (GMT), she decelerates, void of course, in Pisces. The result is a dreamy heady inert mix of wayward currents and rudderless sailings. The day is totally aspect less.
On the fringes Venus in late Libra is building to a trine with Uranus, exact tomorrow, mysterious silky veils of ardor are ahead, twists and turns in sexual relationships are highlighted. Today is the half way mark in the astrological month of Libra. Today is the start of the 'darkened way', in the northern hemisphere calendar, which leads us into the sign of the Scorpion in fifteen days time.
Tuesday October 7th 2003.
Yesterday, under the somber square of the Sun and Saturn, the Turkish cabinet decided to send troops to Iraq in line with a US request - but parliament's approval is still needed. Candidates for the governorship of California, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, entered the last full day of campaigning ahead of today's poll. The US president says Israel's right to defend itself must not be restricted, a day after an Israeli air strike on Syria.
Today, with the gibbous moon in Pisces, waxing to the Full, the most important astrological event is the ingress of Mercury into Libra at 01-28 GMT. The news of day may demonstrate and reflect the potential good grace and abject indecision of the placement.
Monday October 6th 2003.
October 3, 2003 On Saturday, September 27th, a very small asteroid plunged past Earth well inside the Moon's orbit. Unseen, it passed just 78,000 kilometers (a fifth the Moon's distance) above Earth's surface before barreling back into interplanetary space. Judging by its faintness 18th magnitude when first picked up the next day it can't be any larger than 3 to 6 meters across. That's "SUV or room size," notes Edward L. Bowell, principal investigator for the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search (LONEOS) at Anderson Mesa, Arizona, where the first images were taken. Sky and Telescope.
The waxing Moon in Aquarius becomes gibbous in phase from 10-09 GMT today. At 13-07 GMT the Moon still in Aquarius is conjunct Uranus. The Sun at 14-41 GMT is square Saturn. The Moon enters Pisces at 14-21 GMT and conjuncts Mars at 15-39 GMT. All in all an interestingly 'full' day. The Moon is Full in Aries next Friday, after two planets change sign during the week, Mercury, an evening star, moves into Libra on Tuesday, and Venus, a morning star, moves into Scorpio on Thursday, and amid an 'outrageously' sexually charged watery trine between Venus and Mars.
The past weekend has been marked by an intensification of pertinent news stories coinciding with the tiny asteroid flyby (see above) and the Sun making aspects with Saturn and Neptune. In fact Jupiter Saturn and Neptune are forming a 'finger of fate' planetary pattern which will hold for all of this month.
The main story concerns the Middle East. United Nations is to meet in emergency session to debate an Israeli strike on an alleged militant base in Syria. The United Nations Security Council is to meet in emergency session within the next few hours (2000 GMT Sunday) to discuss an Israeli air raid inside Syria. Damascus demanded the meeting, warning that Israel was threatening security in the Middle East with its first attack on Syrian soil in more than 20 years. Israeli jets targeted a "Palestinian terrorist camp" near the Syrian capital in retaliation for a devastating suicide bomb in the northern port of Haifa on Saturday, which killed 19 people.
Continuing trouble in Iraq as two Iraqis have been shot dead in separate clashes between coalition troops and former members of the Iraqi army. One man was killed and many others wounded during a confrontation in central Baghdad between US troops and former Iraqi soldiers. And in the southern city of Basra, another Iraqi died in a similar clash with British forces. Saturday's violence comes a day after a US soldier was killed in Baghdad when a patrol was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fire.
Should be an eventful week.
Friday October 3rd 2003.
Courtesy NASA/JPL
October 2, 2003..... Albert Einstein still rules. His 1915 theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity, has just passed its most stringest test by far. Extremely precise measurements of the radio link between Earth and NASA's Cassini spacecraft, bound for Saturn, match general relativity's predictions extraordinarily closely. However, physicists suspect that even more refined experiments, planned for the near future, could turn up the first deviations pointing the way to a new and more complete theory of the basic forces of nature and the fundamental makeup of spacetime. The Cassini spacecraft will reach Saturn in July 2004 and should send the small Huygens probe into the hazy atmosphere of Titan in January 2005. On its way there, Cassini flew nearly behind the Sun from Earth's point of view two years ago, offering a chance for a highly precise test of general relativity..(Sky and Telescope).news release....
On Sunday October 5th the Moon is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius at 03-36 GMT and continues sailing along in this sign making a series of harmonious aspects. All day long however the Sun builds to a cardinal square with Saturn in Cancer, this aspect peaks tomorrow. Something starts to bite. Something a little austere surfaces.
Saturday October 4th :- On Saturday the Sun is trine Neptune at 03-22, the Moon enters Aquarius at 07-46. Sun and Moon are in air signs, the day is geared to the future, altruism may be detectable, equal easy measures of detachment and protest abound.
Friday October 3rd:- The Moon is waxing in Capricorn. She is void from 22-41 GMT. All day the Sun builds to an airy trine to Neptune add a splash of artistic inspiration and color to a potentially melancholic backdrop.
Yesterday US Congress was briefed on what is thought to be the so far fruitless search for banned weapons in Iraq. The archbishop of Vienna has said Pope John Paul II is "approaching the last days and months of his life". California candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger admits "offensive" behavior after allegations of harassment. In the UK the home secretary pledges to stamp out gun crime in the wake of the murder of jeweler Marion Bates.
October 2nd 2003.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 03-22 GMT today and is at first quarter phase at 19-10 GMT. Sun and Moon are today in cardinal signs. A minor crisis in activity may occur today, the expected response being reactionary and pragmatic.
The News stories are still rather weak, reflecting the current dearth of planetary aspects. Yesterday the Israeli cabinet agreed to extend its controversial fence hours after a militant leader is captured. News also released yesterday reports that observations made by the Hubble telescope provide the best evidence yet for the mysterious dark energy that pervades all space. Observations of distant supernovae - exploding stars - made by the Hubble telescope give new information on the so-called dark energy of the cosmos.
Tuesday September 30th 2003.
News stories were weak again yesterday. The Crescent Moon today is in Sagittarius. The background solar/lunar energy is Masculine. The atmosphere is combustible. Today is a day for stray sparks and dry tinder.
The week ahead sees the Moon at first quarter on Thursday and the Sun building to an airy trine to Neptune at the start of next weekend and a cardinal square to Saturn at the end. The next Eclipse, a Total eclipse of the Moon will occur five week from next Sunday. It is to that event we can cast our gaze.
Monday September 29th 2003.
The Moon from 10-03 GMT today is at waxing crescent phase and in Scorpio. Venus is sextile Pluto at 17-51 GMT today, this aspect adds a touch of the power of love and the power over death to the feel of the day. The negative manifestations of Mercury square Pluto yesterday evening (GMT) are now fading and correspondingly, electrical power is slowly returning to Italy after the worst blackout in its history, apparently triggered by a failure in Switzerland.
In the UK the prime minister, under difficult astrological transits and progression as this month ends, says it was right to go to war with Iraq as it emerges he will be spared the prospect of a conference defeat on the conflict. Friday September 26th 2003.
Following the New Moon early this morning (see chart and comment below) the weekend deepens and darkens. On Friday the infant Moon is sweetly conjunct Venus in Libra at 21-47 GMT.
On Saturday 27th at 07-48 GMT Mars at last turns direct in motion. The Moon still accelerating towards maximum velocity sails swiftly through Libra. The day continues in the smooth manner of Friday until 23-53 GMT when the Moon plunges headlong into Scorpio.
On Sunday 28th September at 16-29 GMT Mercury makes a waning mutable square to Pluto, with the Moon in Scorpio this day is the sting in the tail of the weekend, the day has manic potential.
Thursday September 25th 2003.
Today the Moon is void of course in Virgo and Venus is square Saturn. Looks to be a bit of a bleak one before a potentially beautiful New Moon on Friday.
The Moon today is very old and very fast in Virgo. The New Moon in Libra occurs tomorrow Friday September 26th at 03-10 GMT. This is the penultimate New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in November. The astrological chart for this new Moon, set for London, can be seen below. Mars is conjunct Uranus on the Aquarius Pisces cusp, echoing the Equinox chart from earlier in the week. Also in this chart Venus is square Saturn and Mercury sextile Saturn. Jupiter opposite Uranus is the major outer body aspect of this season. The new Moon itself is widely square Saturn and Chiron, the lunation is sweetly unthreatening. The purpose of the lunation may be said to be something of an 'adjustment' heralding the oncoming eclipse season and the accompanying changes.
At the moment of exact New Moon the Jupiter Uranus opposition and Mars straddle the horizon at London. It may be significant that Saturn is exactly on the MC at Tehran. The Sun and Moon rise at Mecca, and are on the MC at Darwin. Neptune is on the MC of Mexico city. Mars culminates at Quito. Jupiter culminates at Hanoi and Jupiter is at lower culmination under New York. An interesting sets of contacts!
As this harmonious Libran New Moon approaches, the main world news is that the US and German leaders say they have set aside differences on Iraq and will work to stabilise the country.
Wednesday September 24th 2003.
The Libran Equinox yesterday coincided with the news that the largest ice shelf in the Arctic has fractured, releasing nearly all the water from the freshwater lake it dammed. The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf is located on the north coast of Ellesmere Island in Canada's Nunavut territory. The huge mass of floating ice, which has been in place for at least 3,000 years, is now in two major pieces.
Today Venus is trine Neptune at 05-03 GMT. The Moon in Virgo is conjunct Jupiter at 06-23 and moves on to conjunct Mercury at 19-44. The 'vibe' today combines grace and precision, any activity which requires a combination of these two qualities must be a winner.
Tuesday September 23rd 2003.
Today is the Libran Equinox and the start of Autumn in the northern hemisphere and the start of spring in the southern hemisphere. The chart of the exact moment of equinox is shown below. What happens now is a very special few days between this equinox and the New Moon in Libra on Friday September 26th 2003 at 03-10 GMT. During these 3 days the Moon will accelerate through Virgo from 20-05 GMT today. Venus currently in Libra will make two important aspects during this time, a waning airy trine to Neptune on Wednesday, and a dour waxing cardinal square to Saturn on Thursday. Expect more events, personal and global, to occur for the remainder of the week than has been the case for the last 12 days or so.
As the Equinox approaches the main world news still centres on the Middle East, the reduced UN operation in Baghdad came under further pressure yesterday as another suicide bombing event occurs outside the UN headquarters in Baghdad, but diplomatic differences on Iraq narrow. The UN chief warns world leaders that the response to the HIV/Aids crisis has been woefully inadequate.
The chart for the Libra equinox chart, (10-47 GMT on September 23rd 2003) set for London is shown below. The chart shows Mars conjunct Uranus on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp, both retrograde and both opposite an old balsamic Moon in Leo. Mercury in Virgo is sextile Saturn, square Pluto. Venus in Libra is trine Neptune and square Saturn. The chart has a predominance of moving air. It is Sunrise at New York, it is Moonrise at Los Angeles, Saturn sets at Baghdad. Mercury is on the MC of London. Pluto rises at Warsaw. Mars and Uranus rise over Nepal where it is Moon set.
The chart symbolizes winds of change arising from an inevitable and uncompromising downfall of old structures. The chart has poise practicability and movement. The moment is creative and flamboyant.
Monday September 22nd Sept. 2003.
The Moon is in Leo, for this last day of Virgo 2003, balsamic in phase from 16-10 GMT today. American forces suffer fresh casualties west of Baghdad as the shattered economy is opened up to foreigners. A senior UN official says the security of African nations could be at stake if more is not done to combat HIV/Aids. In the UK David Blunkett hopes proposals for ID cards will be put before Parliament this autumn but Tories say the plans are ill-formed.
Friday September 19th 2003.
The autumn equinox approaches. The Moon is past Last quarter and accelerating towards a New Moon in Libra next week on Friday 26th September. Hurricane Isabel's powerful winds and rain lash the east coast of the USA, as people brace for power cuts and flooding. The UN's former chief weapons inspector says the UK used spin in its Iraq weapons dossier.
On Friday at 04-07 GMT the Moon enters Cancer. Sun and Moon are then both in feminine signs and the background solarlunar energy is modest and protective.
On Saturday at 03-53 GMT the Moon is conjunct Saturn casting a somber mood over planet Earth. Some four hours later Mercury is stationary turning direct in motion. From this moment communications ideas and transport can be considered to run in a forward, direct and unimpeded manner.
Thurs Sept 18th 2003.
Characteristically 'weak' news stories are emerging during the current lull in planetary aspects. Arabic TV airs an audio tape said to be from Saddam Hussein which calls on the US to withdraw from Iraq. More than 35 Maoist rebels have been killed in heavy fighting with Nepalese security forces. In the UK Royal Mail workers vote against a national strike in a dispute over pay and conditions. One slightly more powerful new report, at least for the USA, speaks of thousands of people fleeing US coastal areas as Hurricane Isabel nears, threatening storm damage and heavy flooding.
The Moon is at Last quarter in Gemini today at 19-03 GMT. Enjoy the lull.
Tuesday Sept. 16th 2003
The disseminating moon is slowly tracking through Taurus and she enters Gemini today at 15-32 GMT moving towards Last Quarter phase on Thursday. Mercury visible as a morning star is still retrograde (till Saturday). Venus is sweetly placed in Libra now. Mars will turn direct in motion on September 27th 2003. One week remains to the Libran equinox (10-47 GMT on Tuesday 23rd September 2003). These are astrologically quiet times.
Monday Sept. 15th 2003
Sun and Moon are now in Earth signs. Practicality and measure is the order of the day. However today is a day of subtle changes. At 03-44 the planet Uranus retrogrades into Aquarius. Old issues will start to reemerge and there may be opportunity during the remaining months of this year to at last find satisfactory solutions..before moving on. At 15-58 today Venus, now an evening star, enters Libra. After the rather 'testy times' of late this ingress may serve to lighten the social atmosphere globally. The waning Moon is very slow in Taurus.
The major news story of the past few days has been from Korea. Thousands of troops in South Korea have been searching for missing people after one of the most powerful typhoons to hit the country in a century killed at least 85 people. Yesterday Sweden decisively rejected the euro, in a referendum held four days after the murder of Foreign Minister Anna Lindh. The never ending middle east conflict rumbles on with an Israeli minister yesterday saying that killing the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is one of the options before the Israeli Government.
Thursday Sept. 11th 2003
Following in the wake of yesterday's Full Moon, Mercury is at inferior conjunction with the Sun today at 01-57 GMT. The moment symbolizes a release of new 'seed ideas' within the biosphere. The Moon, now waning, is void of course from 05-42 GMT today before entering Aries at 16-10 GMT. At 17-45 GMT Mercury squares Pluto. Because of this last aspect the day is not easy. However this is the last of the recent crop of difficult planetary aspects, the days between now and the Libran Equinox (in 12 days time), are astrologically quiet.
The major world event coinciding with the Full Moon in Pisces this year appears to focus upon Israel bombing the home of a Hamas leader, this of course follows the events in the region over the past few days as the Moon approached the climax of its monthly cycle. With a little help from the planets things may now calm down a little.
Wednesday Sept. 10th 2003
Today at 16-37 GMT the Moon is Full in Pisces. This is the penultimate Full Moon before the Total lunar Eclipse of November 9th 2003. As such the energy and purpose of this lunation can be considered as part of the preparation for this coming eclipse. This Full Moon is difficult being tightly square Pluto. Power struggles and uneasy shifts of emphasis in world affairs may be evident at this time. The difficulty can already be seen to be evident on the world stage as another suicide bomb, a blast at a bus-stop outside an army base near Tel Aviv yesterday, left six dead and dozens wounded. The seemingly endless cycle, in this part of the world, of promised retribution is wearisome.
At the moment of Full Moon, the Moon is exactly rising at Istanbul. At London, Mars Uranus and Jupiter square the local MC, this may well indicate severe problems for the UK capital and the UK in general over the next few weeks. This astrological chart for today's Full Moon, set for London is shown below.
Tuesday September 9th 2003
The burgeoning Moon enters Pisces at 08-08 GMT. Twenty three minutes later the Moon is conjunct Uranus and at 12-01 she is closely conjunct Mars. This conjunction is an occultation for observers in China and parts of Siberia. At 13-21 GMT the Moon is opposite Jupiter. As the peak of the Full moon approaches (Wednesday at 16-37 GMT) the Sun is square Pluto, this hard aspect casts a rather ominous shadow on proceedings today and tomorrow. All in all this a dynamic and profound day once it gets going.
Yesterday as Venus and Mercury were conjunct in Virgo, Ahmed Qurei, a Yasser Arafat loyalist, agreed to become the new Palestinian prime minister. George Bush asked Congress for $87bn to rebuild Iraq as he promises to do what is needed to make it secure. As the Pisces Full Moon approaches news that at least 100,000 people have been displaced by flooding in northern Nigerian after the River Kaduna burst its banks, reaches us.
Monday September 8th 2003.
As Mars opposed Jupiter yesterday Israel steped up security after Palestinian militants vowed to avenge the attempted killing of Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin. An American military plane was targeted by two surface to air missiles as it took off from Baghdad. A simulated chemical attack on London took place in a bid to test the city's ability to cope with a terrorist strike.
Today Mercury is conjunct Venus in Virgo at 05-35 GMT. Mercury is retrograde, the mood is tense and testy. These two planets will next be in conjunction on June 13th 2004, although they will be quite closely aligned in mid November 2003. The Moon today is gibbous in phase and is in Aquarius, void of course from 09-02 GMT. The Full Moon is on Wednesday at 16-37 GMT. Before that we have the generous spectacle of the Moon conjunct bright Mars (closest at 12-01 GMT tomorrow). Mars and Uranus in Pisces currently oppose Jupiter, the nearly Full Moon joins in with this alignment tomorrow. It should be an almighty wave for us all to ride.
September 5th, 6th 2003
On Sunday September 7th the decelerating gibbous Moon enters Aquarius at 02-16 GMT. Mars will oppose Jupiter in the evening. The weekend may well be geared to and dominated by the excesses symbolized by this planetary combination. The weekend is also greatly coloured by the alignment of Mercury and Venus which occurs first thing on Monday morning. Two things are going down this weekend one a curious union of repentant thoughts and dry emotion, the other an exaggeration of muscular impulse. Take care, the devil is in the detail.
On Saturday September 6th the Moon in Capricorn makes a pleasant trine aspect during the first half of the day, to the tightening Mercury Venus conjunction and then at 12-44 GMT becomes void of course for the remainder of the day. Making hay before this time is the best advice.
On Friday September 5th the waxing Moon is in Capricorn. At 09-29 GMT the Venus square Pluto aspect, which has been building up all week, peaks. Watch the markets, observe the feminine in us all, work to refine and perfect. at the time of writing as the Venus Pluto square aspect build a crisis of confidence is occurring as France and Germany say a draft US resolution on Iraq is inadequate, amid US calls for more foreign troops, and news has just been released that , scientists are saying that rapid melting of glaciers in parts of Kazakhstan in central Asia (graphic above) will affect the livelihoods of millions of people. Transformation indeed.
September 4th 2003
One of the major astronomical (and astrological) highlights of 2004 will be the transit of Venus, an event that last occurred in 1882. The complete transit is visible across Europe and most of Asia -- here's where you'll have to be in order to see it all: http://SkyandTelescope.com/observing/objects/planets/article_1021_1.asp The astrological significance of this celestial event will shortly be considered on this site.
Intense talks are set to begin on US proposals to cede some power in Iraq in return for more outside troops. The British embassy in Tehran comes under attack after the Iranian envoy to Britain flies home in a dispute. The first American to be executed for killing an abortionist doctor is set to die by lethal injection.
Today the first quarter Moon is in Sagittarius until 21-52 GMT when she enters Capricorn, what starts as a fast moving day becomes more 'ground in' and reactive by its end. The Sun and the Moon are then both in earth signs. Venus is nearly exactly square Pluto. The day is ripe for financial promiscuity. Mercury is falling backwards into the arms of Venus, and Mars is falling backwards in opposition to Jupiter. The Full Moon in Pisces next week is not an easy one, being square Pluto and opposite Mercury. Times may be a bit difficult right now, inward contemplation may the most useful occupation 'in tune' with the cosmic purposes of these weeks.
September 2nd 2003.
Today the crescent Moon is in Scorpio and is void of course from 10-19 GMT until entering Sagittarius at 18-32 GMT. This may well be a difficult passage through this sign over the next two and a half days from this point. A mutable T-square forms in the skies over the following few hours as the Moon squares the Mars Uranus conjunction and Jupiter. As Wednesday commences the Moon rapidly approaches First Quarter phase, and then has to square Venus and Mercury before Thursday is over. All the time this besigement of square lunar aspects hits us, inducing a multitude of crises, Venus is moving closer and closer to forming a waning mutable square with Pluto, the scandal mongering, sexual overtones, and obsessions, and may well be palpable as the week ensues.
Yesterday the main world news focused on the troubles in post war Iraq, an audio tape said to be from Iraq's ex-leader denied any involvement in the murder of a senior Shia cleric (graphic above). Libya is to pay compensation for the 1989 bombing of a French airliner, paving the way for an end to sanctions. In the UK, a crisis of another kind gained momentum as Dr Kelly's (the weapons inspector) widow Janice described his decline into despair as the pressure mounted in the run-up to his apparent suicide. As can be observed, apt words describing the 'atmosphere' right now are 'many mounting crises'.
September 1st 2003.
The fast moving waxing crescent Moon is in Scorpio from 16-00 GMT on the last day of August. Mars is applying in opposition to Jupiter, Venus is square to Pluto next weekend.
August 2003 will be remembered for, amongst other things, Computer Viral epidemics. The Daze was hit hard but hopefully these minor troubles are behind us.
Four bodies, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, (on the far side of the Sun), and Mercury (this side of the Sun), shine from the sign Virgo at the current time. Mars still shines close and brightly in the skies of Earth, still retrograde, and still in Pisces, moving this week to his opposition with Jupiter. (When the male principal is closest he is also weakest). Mercury too is now retrograde. The usual procession of communication and transportation delays can be expected for most of September. There are 18 days to the Libran Equinox. The powerful planetary tensions and climaxes of recent days and weeks are now truly behind us. We are entering the aftermath period of August's alignments. The strong Virgo emphasis suggests continuing trials, tests and tribulations but possibly less shocking in nature. We get the feeling that power blackouts and system breakdowns will play an increasing part in all of our lives. August 2003 also will be remembered for extreme temperatures in Europe. We are almost fully awake to the certainty of more of the same to come.
The final events of August occurred in Baghdad now witnessing anger and grief at the beginning of a funeral procession for the Shia Muslim leader killed in Najaf. The Russian navy holds a day of mourning for the crew of a nuclear submarine which sank in the Barents Sea. In the UK the 'New Labour' government is reeling after the resignation of Alastair Campbell. The departure of No 10's press chief does not signal the end of the spin doctor, says the Tory party leader.
August 31st 2003 1st 2003.
The fast moving waxing crescent Moon is in Scorpio from 16-00 GMT on the last day of August. Mars is applying in opposition to Jupiter, Venus is square to Pluto next weekend.
August 2003 will be remembered for, amongst other things, Computer Viral epidemics. The Daze was hit hard but hopefully these minor troubles are behind us.
Four bodies, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, (on the far side of the Sun), and Mercury (this side of the Sun), shine from the sign Virgo at the current time. Mars still shines close and brightly in the skies of Earth, still retrograde, and still in Pisces, moving this week to his opposition with Jupiter. (When the male principal is closest he is also weakest). Mercury too is now retrograde. The usual procession of communication and transportation delays can be expected for most of September. There are 18 days to the Libran Equinox. The powerful planetary tensions and climaxes of recent days and weeks are now truly behind us. We are entering the aftermath period of August's alignments. The strong Virgo emphasis suggests continuing trials, tests and tribulations but possibly less shocking in nature. We get the feeling that power blackouts and system breakdowns will play an increasing part in all of our lives. August 2003 also will be remembered for extreme temperatures in Europe. We are almost fully awake to the certainty of more of the same to come.
The final events of August occurred in Baghdad now witnessing anger and grief at the beginning of a funeral procession for the Shia Muslim leader killed in Najaf. The Russian navy holds a day of mourning for the crew of a nuclear submarine which sank in the Barents Sea. In the UK the 'New Labour' government is reeling after the resignation of Alastair Campbell. The departure of No 10's press chief does not signal the end of the spin doctor, says the Tory party leader.
Wednesday August 27th 2003.
A most significant day dawns on planet Earth today. Jupiter will enter tropical Virgo at 09-27 GMT today and builds to an opposition with Uranus on Saturday. Mars and Earth are about to pass closer together than at any time in almost 60,000 years. On Wednesday at 1051 BST (0951 GMT) the two planets will be 56 million kilometres (35 million miles) apart - about the closest they can get. Calculations suggest that the last time they were this close together was when Neanderthals roamed the planet, on September 12, 57,617 BC. Other significant encounters happened during the month of August in 1924, 1845 and 1766.
The New Moon in Virgo also occurs today at 17-27 GMT. The New Moon is conjunct Venus and Jupiter and opposite Mars and Uranus. This planetary alignment offers a tense and challenging atmosphere to this 'brittle' New Moon. The New Moon is midway between Solar Eclipses a sign that the new influences of this next eclipse are beginning to 'seep ' into play. Expect difficult births of new situations develop over the next few days.
The main world events over the last few days, as Mars approached his encounter with Earth, have been 'terrorist bombings'. On 19th August at 16-30 (Baghdad Local Time) a huge explosion destroyed the United Nations Building in Baghdad. On Monday 25th August various explosive devices went off in Bombay India. Delhi seeks suspects wanted for attacks prior to Monday's Bombay blasts, but Pakistan denies it is harboring them. These events have occurred during an astrologically tense period, dominated by Mars and Uranus directly aligned to Earth, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. Times are odd, systems appear shaky, power supplies shutting down, the Internet is under attack from Virus and Worms. Care and vigilance are required.
August 19th 2003.
Experiencing Virus and hardware problems here. Services may be temporarily suspended.
Amid increasingly powerful astrological alignments right now, street battles have continued for a fourth day in the southern Nigerian town of Warri between heavily armed gangs from two rival communities.
The Liberian Government and rebel groups agree to end 14 years of civil war and share power. Investigations into North America's worst ever power failure are focusing on an early warning system of telephone hotlines.
In the UK the 'Kelly Inquiry' continues, the government looks to be in 'deep water'.
The Moon is at Last quarter phase on Wednesday 20th at 00-49, and after squaring the Venus Jupiter Regulius conjunction in the following hours, goes on to enter Gemini at 07-41.
On Thursday at 10-23 the peak of the Venus Jupiter conjunction occurs.
The coming weekend looks especially intense. Hope to be able to upload more information about it.
August 18th 2003.
The Moon is approaching Last Quarter in Taurus. The next astrological event ahead of us is a very interesting tight grouping of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all on the Leo/Virgo cusp opposite Uranus and Mars in Pisces. This arrangement may be starting to make itself felt already. It completely dominates the astrological skies of earth, and the affairs of its peoples over the next 10 days right up to the New Moon in Virgo on August 25th 2003. During this time Mars is at its closest to Earth in recorded history, adding to the import of the time. After a relatively quiet time recently the second part of August looks to be an important and critical period of time.
Venus and the Sun, are conjunct tomorrow, and are hurtling headlong together to the triple conjunction with Jupiter and the star Regulius. Important issues are ahead of us. There are large scale matters at hand. (The detail can be regarded later). The vibe of today is one solidity and of preparing and implementing plans with purpose. The News reflects the stars in the sky. Key events are also at hand.
Astrological trends August 7th to August 17th 2003.
Sunday August 17th 2003.
The Moon enters Taurus at 18-53 GMT. Venus is very nearly at Superior Conjunction.
Saturday August 16th 2003.
The slow moving Moon is disseminating in phase in Aries.
Friday August 15th 2003.
The Moon enters Aries at 08-01 GMT.
Thursday August 14th 2003.
The Moon becomes void of course in Pisces from 10-30 GMT. During today the Moon completes a mutable T-Square with Mercury and Pluto.
Wednesday August 13th 2003.
The Moon enters Pisces at 01-20 GMT.
The Moon conjuncts Uranus at 02-39 GMT.
Mars is trine Saturn at 02-50 GMT.
The Moon conjuncts Mars at 16-02 GMT.
Mark these dates on your calendar: August 12th and 13th.It's time to get ready for the Perseid meteor shower.The Perseids are probably the best-watched of any annual meteor shower. They come in mid-August when it's warm and comfortable to be outside at 4 o'clock in the morning. They are bright, numerous, and dependable. This year the shower peaks on Wednesday, August 13th. When skies are dark and clear, observers often see as many as one hundred Perseids per hour--an impressive display. This year, however, skies won't be dark. A glaring full moon will wipe out many faint meteors and reduce by a factor of two or three the number you can see.Even so, it's worth planning a trip to the country or rearranging your camping schedule to be outdoors when the Perseids arrive." No matter where you live, the best time to look will be just before dawn on Wednesday morning, August 13th," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Space Environments Team at the Marshall Space Flight Center. At that time, the sky overhead will be tilted into the debris stream of Comet Swift-Tuttle--the source of the Perseid meteors. Furthermore, the moon will be low in the sky before dawn. You can stand in the shadow of a building or a hill or some other Moon-baffle to reduce its glare.
Tuesday August 12th 2003.
At 04-49 GMT the Lamas Moon is exactly Full. This Full moon is midway between the Lunar Eclipses of May 2003 and November 2003. as such it represents a balancing point in time between the influences of the two eclipses and the start of the influence of the November Eclipse. This next Lunar Eclipse, (a 'transitional eclipse', being the final Total Eclipse in its Saros Series), on November 9th 2003, occurs at a time when the Sun Moon combination is in hexagonal arrangement with four other heavenly bodies. We are looking forward to this 'mystic hexagon' in November.
Today's Full Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius is widely conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto and opposite Venus. The skies at this time are dominated by Venus trining Pluto in fire signs and Mars trining Saturn in water. Mercury in Virgo is in mutable square aspect to Pluto. At the exact moment of Full Moon The Sun is rising and the Moon is setting over the UK. The Full Moon is conjunct the MCs of Boston USA, La Paz Bolivia, and Santiago Chile, and Mercury rises at Moscow. Jupiter is exactly on the MC of Beijing.
This Full Moon is dynamic and potentially inspirational.
Monday August 11th 2003.
The Moon, almost Full, is conjunct Neptune 15-36 (GMT) in Aquarius. Venus is trine Pluto.
Sunday August 10th 2003.
At 08-39 GMT the Sun makes a waning fiery trine with Pluto. The Moon burgeoning to the Full enters Aquarius at 19-24 GMT.
Saturday August 9th 2003.
The gibbous Moon decelerating in motion, in Capricorn becomes void of course from 16-03 GMT.
Friday August 8th 2003.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 16-03 GMT, being then gibbous in phase.
Thursday August 7th 2003.
The Moon is in Sagittarius. Today she completes a fixed T-Square with the Mercury Mars opposition between 05-00 and 07-00 GMT. The Sun is half way through Leo, we are also half way between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. Venus, some three degrees from Superior Conjunction, is opposite Neptune at 16-18 GMT.
Wednesday August 6th 2003.
Yesterday Indonesia introduced tough new security measures after a devastating car-bomb attack in the capital, Jakarta. Also rebel and government fighters crossed the front-line and hugged as Nigerian peacekeepers continude to arrive in Liberia. Five more people have died in Portugal and Spain as blistering temperatures set records across Europe. The French summer has been declared the hottest since World War II, Slovenian temperatures are at their highest for a century and in Germany a record night-time high was registered on Monday. Fires were still burning in Spain on Tuesday, as villagers in some places beat desperately at the flames with branches to halt their advance. But Portugal remains among the worst affected by forest fires.
Mercury is opposite Mars today exact at 13-12 GMT. Saturn's position in Cancer 'eases' the opposition somewhat. The waxing Moon void of course from 05-22 GMT enters Sagittarius at 13-11 GMT
Tuesday August 5th 2003.
Yesterday residents of the capital, Monrovia, were jubilant as the first wave of West African peacekeepers arrived.
Check out the astrological chart for Liberia Click here.
The fast moving Moon is at First Quarter phase in Scorpio. Mercury sextiles Saturn. Mercury in Virgo is applying in opposition to Mars in Pisces, this aspect is exact tomorrow. Today is testy. Nothing is easy, but there is a note of constructional progress..
Monday August 4th 2003
Neptune is at opposition today (13-55 GMT), a once a year aspect, the Moon at First quarter phase tomorrow, enters Scorpio at 10-13 GMT. The week ahead has a few planetary aspects, three of which are challenging oppositions. Sun opposite Neptune today, a fateful day edged with uncertainty, Mercury opposite Mars on Wednesday, a day slow to start but bursting into fiery colours and dangerous consequences later, and Venus opposite Neptune on Thursday, a day of 'love in a mist'.
The world news is focused momentarily on Liberia, South Africa, Canada and Pakistan.
Liberia's UN envoy says President Taylor could lose the chance of escaping into exile if he delays his departure. A package of aid is on its way the war-ravaged country from the UK, organised by Save the Children.
Strong criticism of official treatment policy is expected at the first big forum dealing with Aids in S Africa.
Firefighters are struggling to contain forest fires that have caused thousands of people to flee their homes in the western Canadian province of British Columbia (photo above).
At least 52 people have been killed and 150 injured in a series of explosions in northern Pakistan, officials say. The blasts are believed to have been caused by explosives used for road building,
Sunday August 3rd 2003
The crescent Moon is reasonably well aspected today and is moving very swiftly through Libra. The Leo Sun is moving to an opposition with Neptune, exact tomorrow, but today appears to offer a pleasant opportunity for convivial experiences.
Saturday August 2nd 2003.
The crescent Moon enters Libra at 06-48, offering potentially a very relaxing and sociable weekend.
Friday August 1st 2003.
The young Moon is accelerating in Virgo, void of course from 09-02 GMT, and becomes Crescent in phase from 21-30 GMT. This a 'working-person's day' with not a lot happening astrologically
Thursday July 31st 2003
Residents flood the streets of the capital, Monrovia, as the fighting dies down with the arrival of 10 peacekeepers. Two American soldiers were killed and five wounded on Thursday in attacks in and around the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
The Moon enters Virgo at 02-27, adding to the 'testy' energy, and casting a hyper tense backdrop to events today. The Moon conjuncts Mercury in Virgo at 03-59 GMT, both these bodies are opposite Uranus, with Mercury exactly opposite Uranus at 18-24 GMT. Situations today could be considered very 'brittle'. The prediction is for shocks. The crescent Moon low in the west is your guide to finding Mercury and Jupiter down to its lower right. Look with binoculars soon after sunset.
Wednesday July 30th 2003
Mercury enters Virgo 14-06 GMT. The infant Moon conjuncts Jupiter 15-47 GMT, then is void of course for the rest of the day (GMT). The thin waxing crescent Moon forms a triangle with Mercury and Jupiter low in the west-northwest after sunset. Look for them with binoculars very early in twilight. Mercury is to the Moon's lower left (as seen from North America); Jupiter is farther to the Moon's lower right. Look too for faint Regulus barely to the lower right of Mercury. A subtle change of gear is in store today coinciding with the Mercury Ingress into Virgo. Precise and critical thinking is the way now.
Tuesday July 29th 2003
Venus enters Leo at 04-25 GMT. The New Moon in Leo occurs at 06-53 GMT. Mars turns retrograde at 08-01 GMT. Binoculars may show Regulus less than 1° from Mercury very low in bright twilight today and tomorrow.
New Moon in Leo July 29th 2003.
Five bodies in Leo dominate this lunation. The energy is fiercely bold, uncompromising and fixed, but possibly what it holds in purpose lacks direction. The energy is not well harnessed, the New Moon being widely opposite Neptune. This is the second New Moon following the annular eclipse of May 31st 2003, as such the new 'seeds' released at the time of the eclipse are now well established. At the moment of this New Moon, The Sun and Moon have recently risen over Liberia and Neptune is exactly setting there. Pluto exactly rises at Manila. (Both places very recently the foci of world news). The Sun and Moon are crossing the MC over central India and are at lower culmination over Mexico and central USA.
Monday July 28th 2003
The very old Moon, is in Cancer and is conjunct Venus at 19-26 GMT. The Moon enters Leo at 20-17 GMT. From this point in time the New Moon procession commences. The Delta Aquarid meteor shower should be at its peak sometime around this date, producing perhaps 5 to 10 slow meteors visible per hour between midnight and dawn.
Sunday July 27th 2003
The old Moon is in Cancer and applies all today and most of tomorrow to a conjunction with Venus at 19-26 GMT on Monday. Both bodies will tumble headlong into Leo, shortly after this endearing and sentimental union. This double Leo ingress occurs just before the New Moon in that sign on Tuesday.
The main new this past weekend, dominated astrologically by the Mercury Jupiter conjunction, reports that rebel fighters rejected a US appeal to withdraw to a demarcation line north of Monrovia as fighting rages in the Liberian capital. Rebel soldiers who seized a Manila shopping centre agreed to quit and return to barracks after a day-long siege. Five Americans have been killed and seven wounded in Iraq since early Saturday.
Saturday July 26th 2003
Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 03-17 GMT today. This conjunction occurs at 23 degrees Leo. The balsamic Moon is void of course all morning up to 11-24 GMT when she enters Cancer. She then applies to a somber conjunction with Saturn which occurs at 00-30 GMT tomorrow.
Saturn today reaches the perihelion (closest point to the Sun) of its 30-year orbit.
Friday July 25th 2003
From noon (GMT) today the accelerating Moon in Gemini becomes balsamic in phase. Around 9 pm tonight (GMT) this Moon makes a sextile aspect to the Mercury Jupiter conjunction which is at its tightest tomorrow morning. The Jupiter Mercury conjunction can be viewed very low in the west after sunset this evening. While twilight is still bright, use binoculars to scan for them just above the west-northwest horizon. They appear only ½° apart. Jupiter is the brighter of the two. (Sky and Telescope).
Thursday July 24th 2003.
The waning Moon is now some sixty degrees from New and is in Gemini. The Sun and Moon are both in positive signs. Mercury is three degrees from his meeting with Jupiter. Big deals and grand issues are ahead.
Three American soldiers died today in an attack in northern Iraq two days after Saddam's sons are killed by US forces.We are hearing of American casualties almost every day now. In Liberia supplies of safe drinking water have run out in most parts of the city, as the battle for control of Monrovia continues. The first of 2,000 foreign troops and police today landed in the troubled Solomon Islands, hoping to restore order.
Wednesday July 23rd 2003.
Yesterday's fiery trine between Pluto and Mercury coincided with the US military saying it is 'certain' its troops have killed Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay in a raid. Fears are rising of a humanitarian disaster as shelling and fierce fighting continued in Monrovia for a fourth day. Also on a fiery note, firefighters were battling blazes across Europe on Tuesday, as weeks of dry weather and soaring temperatures combined to create tinderbox conditions. Hundreds of blazes have broken out from Portugal to Russia's far east, and as far north as Sweden.
The Sun enters Leo today at 06-04 GMT. Mercury is moving to a close conjunction with Jupiter, in Leo, exact on Saturday. This is dominant planetary aspect over the next few days.
Tuesday July 22nd.
The Mercury Neptune opposition last Saturday fell head on Tony Blair's natal Moon, we should have seen that coming. Begilement, bewitchment, confusion, distress, all these could be seen on his face on Saturday.
What were the real reasons for going to war with Iraq? Oil ? Arms sales? Is it as simple as that? Yesterday in the UK pressure mounted to widen the inquiry into the death of Dr. David Kelly to examine how the case for war was made. World attention under the last quarter Moon was directed to Liberia as a mortar barrage killed many people in Monrovia (at least 60) as the US puts thousands of marines on standby to intervene.
The World Health Organisation new director-general vowed to provide key drugs for three million HIV and Aids patients in poor countries within two years. Doctors say they have carried out the world's first successful tongue transplant on a human. A 42-year-old man underwent the 14-hour operation at Vienna's General Hospital on Saturday, it is reported.
Today, the last full day of the astrological month of Cancer, sees the slow waning Moon crawling through Taurus. Mercury is in fiery trine to Pluto. The pressure for penetration to the whole truth is on.
Monday July 21st 2003.
The slow Moon is at Last Quarter phase in late Aries today at 07-02 GMT and then moves into Taurus at 10-49 GMT. The day really does grind to a near halt, a time to consolidate and conserve.
Mercury is applying in a fiery waning trine to Pluto. Creative changes of mind are to the fore today and tomorrow.
The main world news is focused on the troubles continuing in Liberia as rebels try a new, eastern route into Monrovia. They are fighting government forces for the capital. (Graphic above).
In the UK the main news, since Friday morning, has been the suicide of Doctor David Kelly, a weapons inspector connected with the Iraq weapons inspection prior to the recent war there. The BBC now discloses that he was the principal source for its controversial report that an Iraq weapons dossier was "sexed up". Tony Blair the British Prime Minister has Neptune applying to his natal Moon in early August as this News story works out. It remains to be seen the extent of the aftermath of this suicide and the effect on the destiny of Tony Blair.
Friday 18th to Sunday 20th July 2003.
The slow disseminating Moon enters Aries at 23-20 GMT on Friday and will amble on in that sign toward Last Quarter Phase on Monday. The times are astrologically quiet. This weekend is however dominated by an opposition between Mercury and Neptune which is exact on Saturday at 20-58 GMT. The 'effect' of this aspect is to beguile and confuse all human proceedings for a short time.
In the wake of Thursday's lunar occultation of Mars, the UK prime minister told the US Congress that the invasion of Iraq was right, even if no weapons of mass destruction are found. DR Congo rebel leaders were sworn in to key transitional government posts, despite clashes in the troubled east. Al-Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Abu Ghaith is in Iranian custody, said Kuwait's interior minister. The government in Gabon has made changes to the constitution which would allow President Omar Bongo to run for office as many times as he wishes.
Ahead of us now...Mercury trines Pluto on Tuesday 22nd July, the Sun enters Leo on Wednesday 23rd , Mercury makes a very close conjunction with Jupiter in Leo on Friday 25th , and the New Moon at six degrees Leo occurs on Tuesday July 29th. Mars in Pisces rises in the east-southeast around 11 p.m. daylight saving time, shining bright, fiery orange. It's fairly high in the south by dawn. Mars is now unusually large and is on its way to a record-breaking opposition in late August, when it will reach a diameter of 25 arc seconds. The first phase of this opposition will occur on the day of the Leo New Moon when Mars turns retrograde.
Thursday July 17th 2003.
The lunar occultation of Mars in Pisces at 8-01 GMT today (see details below), occurs just before the Moon is disseminating in phase. This is the important astrological and astronomical event of the week.
Mercury is now in Leo, and is applying in an opposition to Neptune exact on Saturday (19th July) evening (GMT). This is the next planetary aspect during this particularly quiet astrological period, and the portents are for some confusing arrogance over the next few days
The news has been correspondingly 'weak' during the last few days, the UK headlines being dominated by schoolgirl Shevaun Pennington who is now reunited with her family, as the US ex-marine she ran away with is held for abduction. Abroad a senior US general has described attacks in Iraq as guerrilla warfare as reports say morale among troops is low. Both Tony Blair and George Bush are under some pressure regarding the stated reasons for going to war with Iraq earlier this year. Hot temperatures in Europe have been reported and some of the worst storms to hit France in years have left at least four people dead and 70 injured, officials say.
There are now six days left of the astrological month of Cancer.
Monday July 14th 2003.
The next astrological event is a very close conjunction of the Moon and Mars this week on Thursday. This conjunction is actually an occultation for observers in some parts of the Americas. The area of visibility can be seen on the map below. The conjunction at 9 degrees Pisces peaks at 08-01 GMT.
During the pre dawn hours (local time) of Thursday, July 17th, the waning gibbous Moon will cover Mars for sky watchers in southeastern Florida, the Caribbean, and parts of Central and South America. Because the planet's disk is unusually large at the moment because of its closeness to the Earth, its disappearance on the Moon's dark limb will take almost a minute (or even longer where the Moon's limb approaches at a slant). The planet's reappearance will also be gradual.
Astronomical information of this event try www.lunar-occultations.com
The main news yesterday, as the Full Moon climaxed, focussed on a national governing council meeting for the first time in Baghdad, as US troops launched a new assault on anti-coalition elements. A major world Aids conference opened with calls for developed countries to do more to fight the epidemic. Condoleezza Rice said Iraq did seek uranium from Africa - but this should not have been in a presidential speech.
Today the waning Moon enters Aquarius at 10-38 GMT.
Friday 11th July to Sunday 13th July 2003.
The Full Moon in Capricorn this year occurs on Sunday July 13th 2003 at 19-21 GMT. This is the second Full Moon after the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 2003. As such the full implications of the events and experiences occurring at that time are now being firmly established. This Full Moon makes no major planetary aspect but is widely conjunct the asteroid Chiron and makes a minor semi-square aspect to Mars. The Chiron emphasis points to the 'potential for wounding and for healing' available at this time.
The astrological chart for the exact moment of Full Moon has a 'seesaw' shaping. This reflects a definite polarization in all areas of life, personal, civil and global, right now. There is a dominance of watery and cardinal signs. The heart rules the head, emotions are to the fore. This lunation is 'astrologically easy' no major conflicts of energy.
There are several trine aspects, many ongoing, involving, Venus trine Mars, Jupiter trine Pluto, Saturn trine Uranus and Mars trining Saturn. There may well be an ease of emotional expression.
The Full Moon is rising over Europe, including especially Italy and Germany, two countries currently involved in a tirade of 'spats and spits'. The Moon is conjunct the Mid heaven of Pakistan and she sets over Tokyo. At London Venus, Mars, the Ascendant and Mid Heaven form a 'kite' pattern indicating a certain strength to events here over the next few weeks.
On Friday 11th July at 07-28 GMT Venus is trine Mars. The gibbous Moon in Sagittarius makes pleasant planetary aspects until 15-53 when she becomes void of course.
On Saturday at 08-21 GMT the Moon enters Capricorn.
On Sunday at 12-10 GMT Mercury enters Leo and the final climaxing of the Full Moon occurs.
Thursday July 10th 2003
The waxing Moon enters Sagittarius at 06-49 GMT today becoming gibbous in phase at 11-27 GMT. Venus is trine Mars, the is opportunity for advancement in unifying relationships, peace is given a chance. The Full Moon is on Sunday. Yesterday tragic news (in the wake of the Venus Saturn conjunction) reported hundreds of people in Bangladesh missing, feared drowned, after a ferry capsized in the river Meghna. Also the centre of Burundi's capital, Bujumbura was shelled by rebels. At least two people are reported to have been killed as shells landed near the central bank and the main market area on the third day of rebel attacks on the capital.
The days ahead are dominated by the coming Full Moon on Sunday, full details tomorrow.
Stay tuned to the Daze!
Wednesday July 9th 2003.
Yesterday's conjunction of Venus and Saturn appropriately and sadly coincided with both the conjoined Iranian twins (picture above) dying during a marathon operation to separate them. There was a somber press conference following the deaths.
The fast Moon was and still is in Scorpio providing a serious and emotional backdrop to events and experiences right now. Venus is applying to a trine aspect to Mars, exact on Friday. Venus is astrologically the stronger by far as Mars is slowing in motion (geocentric), drawing very close to the Earth and residing in Pisces. Venus on the other hand is very much at home in Cancer. The result of this current situation is one of sublime masculine energy blending with emotionally-preoccuied female energy, a heady mixture indeed. This is the last planetary aspect before the next Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday. More to follow on that.
Tuesday July 8th 2003.
The fast moving First Quarter Moon enters Scorpio at 04-44 GMT. The dominant element in the charts of today is water. Feelings and intense emotions are well to the fore. Venus aligns to Saturn in Cancer within a degree at 08-31 GMT. (See comment below).
The rest of the day is dominated by a lovely watery grand trine involving the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Uranus. Venus continues to build to a waxing watery trine to Mars exact on Thursday.
Friday July 4th 2003.
Mercury in Cancer has been strongly aspected during the earlier part of the week now passing. It is the turn of Venus to be center stage as she is now applying to a close conjunction with Saturn, exact next Tuesday, and before that making an ingress into Cancer today (17-39 GMT) and a watery trine to Uranus on Sunday. All in all there is an opportunity to nurture relationships in the days ahead.
On Saturday Mercury is at Superior Conjunction the far side of the Sun in Cancer at 10-21 GMT. The symbolism is that of the illuminated mind. The potential revelation is one of caring and nourishment. The Moon after an early difficult square to Pluto (04-36 GMT) is void of course all day. The best advice is to work through Saturday with a view to relax if possible on Sunday.
On Sunday at 01-21 GMT the Moon, waxing to the Cardinal first quarter and very fast in motion, enters Libra, and proceeds to square the tightening conjunction of Venus and Saturn. Venus is trine Uranus on Sunday at 18-21. Sunday could be considered 'pretty'. The message here for the next two days (Monday and Tuesday) is one of serious relationship commitments. Something awesome and a little sobering is building up as Venus draws tightly to Saturn, (the young maiden encounters the old man, mightily important is their meeting). Watch the news stories closely as this one goes down.
Thursday July 3rd 2003.
Mars is in Pisces, correspondingly the sea has 'pushed' out the 12-metre-wide remains of a sea creature. The dead sea beast found by the Chilean navy is puzzling marine scientists, who think it may be a new species.
Good news was released yesterday as Mercury trined Mars and Jupiter trined Pluto, Palestinian police took up positions in the West Bank town after Israel surrendered security control. O little town of Bethlehem is now under Palestinian control. The World Health Organization has removed the Canadian city of Toronto from its list of Sars danger zones. The move means that Taiwan is the only remaining hot spot on the WHO list for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars).
Amid this little flurry of good news Iraq is still presenting the US forces there with many problems. President George Bush vows to deal harshly with militants who attack American troops there.
The waning crescent Moon is accelerating in Leo and enters Virgo at 20-17 GMT today.
Monday June 30th 2003.
Yesterday's New Moon occurred as the following news stories hit the wires. Hamas and Islamic Jihad jointly announce an immediate suspension of anti-Israeli attacks for three months.
Mercury is strongly aspected over the next few days. He is trine to Uranus today at 15-27 GMT. Mercury then moves on to a weighty conjunction with Saturn in Cancer on Tuesday at 01-14 GMT, and proceeds to form a trine to Mars early on Wednesday. Jupiter is trine to Pluto also on Tuesday.
The New Moon in Cancer June 29th 2003.
The New Moon at 8 degrees Cancer occurs at 18-40 GMT on Sunday June 29th 2003. This is the first New Moon after the Annular Solar Eclipse of May 31st 2003. As such we can expect the new 'seeds' released at the time of the eclipse now beginning to germinate. The events and circumstances already in embryonic form will at this time begin to manifest. The lunation makes a wide watery trine aspect with a separating conjunction of Mars and Uranus. This is not a dynamic New Moon. The energy of the time is nurturing and unchallenging in nature. Two long term aspects are still ringing out. Jupiter is trine Pluto. Saturn is trine to both Uranus and Mars. In fact trine aspects dominate the astrological chart of this moment. The element water features strongly. 'Ease of emotional expression' is an apt phrase for this time.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon and Venus are rising over Japan with Mars and Uranus culminating there, Pluto is setting. Mars and Uranus are rising over Iraq with Pluto culminating. Jupiter sets at Baghdad. The Sun and Moon culminate at Mexico City.
June 25th 2003.
(Tibetan flag).
Six British military personnel were killed yesterday and eight wounded in two separate incidents in southern Iraq. India and China achieved an improvement in relations, with a landmark agreement on the status of Tibet. The World Health Organization has lifted its warning against travel to the Chinese capital Beijing, because of the Sars virus. Beijing was the last area in the world still on the WHO travel alert list.
As these powerful events were taking place Mercury and Venus, still very close to each other in tropical Gemini, were opposite Pluto, and the Sun in Cancer was conjunct Saturn, both closely trine to Uranus.
Today the waning Moon is in Taurus. The next New Moon, in Cancer, will be on June 29th.
Summer Solstice 2003.
The Sun enters Cancer at 19-11 GMT on Saturday June 21st 2003. This is the moment of Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. This is symbolically the point of nature's climax and the release of the seed. The whirlpool of the past is opened. The gate of incarnation stands wide open. The descent to darkness begins.
The chart for this moment is shown below. The Moon is just past last quarter in Aries applying square to Saturn. Venus is conjunct Mercury in Gemini. Mars is conjunct Uranus in Pisces. The Sun in Cancer is applying conjunct to Saturn but trine to the Mars Uranus conjunction. the planets are arranged at this time in a classic 'locomotive' arrangement meaning there is great energy urgency and power embedded in the fabric of the time. There is temperance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit in this chart.
At London Sagittarius rises, Pluto has just risen, there is a 'Kite Pattern' in the skies involving the MC, a setting Venus and Mercury, Neptune, and Jupiter, and five points of a 'mystic hexagon' are energized. Mercury and Venus are rising at Seoul in Korea. Mars and Uranus are on the MC of Japan and are rising over Iran.
Wednesday June 18th 2003.
As Mars yesterday entered Pisces, (sign of the sea), news was released reporting that scientists believe the number of blue whales in the Antarctic may have risen threefold in a quarter of a century. Other good news surfacing yesterday speaks of Liberia's government and rebel groups signing a truce paving the way for peace talks after years of conflict. Whilst on the subject of peace the US secretary of state is to hold talks with Israel and the Palestinians to try to keep the roadmap on track.
The disseminating Moon continues to sail through Aquarius today. It is applying to a triple conjunction with Mars and Uranus which occurs tomorrow. It should be an interesting planetary 'ripple'.
Tuesday June 17th 2003.
The waning decelerating Moon enters Aquarius at 00-42 GMT today. Sun and Moon are then both in air signs. The emphasis is on communication. Mars enters Pisces at 02-26 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Uranus. Mercury is closing on to a conjunction with Venus, both in Gemini. Two things going off at once? Both conjunctions peak this coming 'solstice weekend'.
Tehran it says will not bow to international pressure to allow stricter inspections of its nuclear facilities. Abu Mazen arrives in Gaza for talks with Palestinian militant groups aimed at securing a cease-fire with Israel. The world whaling body votes for improved conservation amid fierce opposition from pro-whaling nations. The world's first offshore tidal energy turbine is launched off the southwest coast of England.
We're now more than three years past the peak of the Sun's magnetic-activity cycle, but our daytime star seems not to have noticed. This week the Sun has been particularly active, raising hopes among sky watchers at middle latitudes that they'll get a rare chance to see a display of the aurora borealis (northern lights). (Graphic and text from Sky and Telescope).
Friday to Sunday (June 13th to 15th) 2003.
Friday:-At 01-34 GMT Mercury enters Gemini, hot on the scent of Venus whom he reaches on the Summer Solstice day. Lots and lots of buzz will be experienced in the wake of this ingress. A certain restless multiplicity infuses our spirits. The burgeoning fast Moon surges through Sagittarius towards the Full. The day is packed with events, action, communication and bravery.
Saturday:- The Moon is exactly Full at 11-16 GMT. This is the First Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in May. The climaxes set up at that time are now made manifest. The skies are full of planetary aspects. This is a very dynamic lunation. The emphasis is on mutable air. Movement and change are the keynotes. Mercury is speeding to a square with Uranus, peaking at 22-04 GMT today, and at the exact moment of Full moon Mercury is on the MC of Monrovia, scene of much turbulence this last week. At 22-39 the Moon enters Capricorn.
Sunday:- The Moon now just past the Full in Capricorn makes a difficult opposition to Saturn in the early hours (GMT) and a sextile to Uranus at 03-13 GMT and then is void of course for the rest of Sunday and all of Monday. This may be experienced as a real 'comedown' after the wildness of Friday and Saturday. The week ahead as we move to the Summer solstice also sees Mars approaching a conjunction with Uranus. Times immediately ahead do seem 'acute'.
As I write on Thursday night Palestinian militant group Hamas pledges to destroy the Israeli state as Israeli attacks on Gaza City kill seven. A US helicopter is reportedly shot down in Iraq as American forces clash with Baath loyalists.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei tells student protesters to expect no pity from authorities.
Work has begun defining the new generation of powerful space craft that will roam throughout the outer Solar System.
Thursday 12th June 2003.
Yesterday was intense. News stories told of at least 17 people dying in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem, while Israel fired missiles at a car in Gaza. Two German passenger trains collided head-on, killing at least six people.
In the UK five people were killed after a transporter carrying armoured vehicles crashed on the M1 in Leicestershire. All these events can be linked to the Mercury Mars square aspect which peaked yesterday.
In Liberia President Charles Taylor said government troops will stop fighting, paving the way for peace talks to resume. An Indonesian human rights organisation investigated reports of a mass grave in the troubled province.
Today the planetary pressure on us all continues Venus is square to Uranus at 10-56 GMT. Watch the money markets, watch female responses, expected the bizarre, expect shocks, and expect the unexpected. At 22-13 the Moon approaching the Full phase enters Sagittarius and the procession begins.
Wednesday 11th June 2003.
Times are all of a sudden intense! The waxing Moon is in Scorpio, gibbous in phase from 06-00 GMT today and very heavily beseiged. At this time Mercury is in fixed waxing square to Mars. Venus is in mutable waxing square to Uranus at 10-56 GMT tomorrow. It all adds up to a couple of days of tension and upset followed by a Full Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Pluto. As if in perfect response to the acute planetary situation, increasing numbers of people have been fleeing the Liberian rebel advance on the capital Monrovia, (photo above), where up to 100,000 are now estimated to be living rough.
Israeli helicopters attack a car carrying Palestinians in Gaza in a second raid - hours after wounding a Hamas militant leader.
The US space agency launches the Spirit roving vehicle on a mission to explore the surface of Mars.
Tuesday 10th June 2003.
At 03-32 GMT today Venus (applying square to Uranus right now) enters Gemini. Mercury (applying square to Mars today) in late Taurus is in pursuit and will catch up, pass very close and overtake her on the day of the northern hemisphere summer solstice in 11 days time. A refreshing dalliance of superficiality flutters around us from today, coupled with this are some awkward and testy responses. The Moon is moving very fast through Libra and waxing heavily towards the Full this coming weekend. At 21-40 GMT today the Moon penetrates Scorpio, there may well be a sting in the tail of the day. The immediate vibration once the dilly dallying of today is over is one of 'vampishness'. Use the knowledge well.
As the somewhat tense square aspects mentioned above begin to bite, the news right now reflects the planetary tension. The failure to end violence against Israelis is threatening the creation of a Palestinian state, the White House says. Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai appears in court on fresh charges of treason after mass protests. Military helicopters evacuate Europeans, Americans and Lebanese from Monrovia, besieged by rebel forces. The United States has demanded that North Korea "fully and immediately" dismantle its nuclear weapons programme. Bad weather forces the US space agency to postpone the launch of its latest Mars mission for a second day.
Sunday June 8th 2003
The first quarter Moon enters Libra today at 19-31 GMT. Pluto is in opposition to the Sun tomorrow at 20-42 GMT. Crises and challenges emerging over today and tomorrow are concerned with the consequences to change.
Palestinian militants are shot dead after killing four Israeli soldiers in an attack that comes as a blow to the peace process. The authorities in Mauritania say they have put down an attempted coup. Tank and small arms fire was heard early today around the presidential building and at the airport near the capital, Nouakchott. Poland starts the second day of its EU referendum, after a low Saturday turnout threatens to invalidate it. Another Mars probe - the second of a series of three spacecraft designed to explore the Red Planet's surface - is due to lift off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, US, today.
Fiday/Saturday June 6th/7th 2003
The Moon enters Virgo at 14-52 GMT on Friday and is at is at first quarter in Virgo on Saturday 7th June at 20-29 GMT. Sun and Moon are both then in mutable signs. The weekend contains a lot of motion and transmission. The next planetary aspect is on Monday 9th June when the Sun is in opposition to Pluto. Venus and Mercury move into Gemini later next week as the Full Moon in Sagittarius approaches. Prepare yourself for a plethora of small adjustments and changes. Busy, buzzy and beckoning, that is the immediate future.
Thursday June 5th 2003.
The main astrological events of today are the conjunction of the accelerating crescent Moon and Jupiter in Leo at 08-37 GMT and Venus being exactly in fixed square to Mars at 23-53 GMT. The day is dynamic to say the least. The advice given is not to push to hard or to expect 'things' to perfectly gel.
The News yesterday reported that the Israeli and Palestinian prime ministers pledged their commitment to peace at a summit in Jordan with President Bush. A high-speed passenger train and a freight train collided and burst into flames on a single-track railway in central Spain killing 19. In the UK Tony Blair again denied that documents on Iraq's weapons programmes were changed to strengthen the case for war. All these uncomprimising events occurred with the young Moon, still fresh for solar eclipse was accelerating in Leo.
Wednesday June 4th 2003.
The ingress of Saturn into Cancer occurs today at 01-29 GMT. The world moves on. Times are in the process of new change. There are new realities to face up to from today.
The crescent Moon enters Leo at 07-26 GMT. The Sun in Gemini forms a waning sextile with Jupiter. The day, once it gets going is bold and possibly a little brash. Venus in Taurus is building up to a waxing fixed square with Mars, exact on Friday, the next planetary aspect in the skies. On earth interactions between male and female may be strained as Friday approaches.
Yesterday Arab leaders meeting in Egypt pledged to take measures to stop support for terrorist groups in the Middle East. France's president reaffirmed his belief that the Iraq war was illegal, despite a united G8 stand over Iraq's future. Opposition parties in Zimbabwe say they will continue strikes and anti-government protests despite police and army action on Monday against street demonstrations. In the UK Downing Street rejected public inquiry calls into its pre-war claims about Iraq's illegal weapons but faces a probe on its reasons for the conflict.
Tuesday June 3rd 2003.
World leaders warn Iran and N Korea against developing nuclear weapons, as France and the US patch up their quarrel over Iraq. Hundreds of former Iraqi soldiers demand their pay at a protest in Baghdad following the disbanding of the army. Europe's first mission to Mars began its half-year journey to the Red Planet when it lifted off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan at 1845 BST (1745 GMT) on Monday.
Mars will be very close to the Earth in late August this year (in tropical Pisces). The close perihelion of the red planet is one of the main astronomical and astrological events of this northern hemisphere summer. All eyes now to the many Mars missions planned. Hope we find life there before my generation passes away.
Today,( 18 days from the summer solstice), Jupiter makes it's final opposition to Neptune. Deception, delusion, being duped, confusion, sensationalism, intoxication, these are all words associated with this planetary combination, a sign of the times influencing the summer of 2002 and the present season, seems a good thing to us that after today the aspect fades. It peaks 02-55 GMT today. The Moon continues to wax in Cancer today making reasonably palatable aspects to Venus and Mercury.
This is the last day of Saturn's residence in Gemini. Tomorrow he enters Cancer and a whole new reality is introduced. Saturn in Cancer will be trining Uranus in Pisces, this wondrous combination last occurred at the start of the 16th century. Today then is all about preparing the mind, the body and the emotions to the 'watery' changes ahead.
Monday June 2nd 2003.
Anti-globalisation demonstrators clash with Swiss and French police as world leaders gather in Evian. Palestinians dismiss Israel's claim that travel restrictions have been eased in the West Bank and Gaza. People in Toronto may be "chained to a bed" if they break strict Sars quarantine rules, a top official warns. Live Aid campaigner Bob Geldof finds the food shortages in Ethiopia worse than he expected.
The infant Moon, fresh in the afterglow of recent eclipse, is now in Cancer. Its business as usual today. Jupiter is opposite Neptune tomorrow and Saturn enters Cancer on Wednesday. The Jupiter Neptune opposition reflects the confusion and apparent deceit from western governments over the extent of 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq prior to the recent war. Clare Short accuses Tony Blair of duping the public over the risks posed by Iraqi weapons but he pledges new evidence.
Thursday May 29th 2003.
Pre-eclipse daze! The Moon is conjunct Mercury at 00-57 GMT. At 03-57 GMT the Moon today passes within 8 minutes of arc of Venus These three bodies tightly packed in the middle of Taurus dominate the astrology of today. On Friday May 30th 2003 the aged Moon enters Gemini at 09-32 GMT. In this sign it will cause the solar eclipse on Saturday and remain in Gemini till late Sunday evening (GMT).
The last lunar aspect before the eclipse is on Friday at 16-11 GMT an indifferent square to Uranus.
The May 31st Solar Eclipse.
We are now in the astrological month of Gemini. Our attention is now turning to the very interesting eclipse on May 31st 2003 at ten degrees Gemini.
This eclipse which occurs on May 31st 2003 belongs to a Saros series which began on 12th Oct. 1624 with a brief partial solar eclipse at the north pole, and extends for 1424 years. The astrological chart for the moment of central eclipse of this 1624 eclipse shows the eclipsed Sun is conjunct Neptune in Libra and sextile Uranus. Jupiter makes an earthy trine to Pluto. Strangely enough the eclipsed Sun and Neptune were exactly on the MC of Baghdad at the time. (Mercury rose over the UK). The chart is very positive, the Saros therefore is rich, strongly social, and potentially wholesome. The most recent eclipse in this Saros series was on May 19th 1985 and I guess could be linked to the 'Live Aid' concert that summer, an event epitomizing the benevolent, sustaining and visionary nature of the Saros chart.
What is remarkable about the eclipse on May 31st 2003 is the fact that it is the first 'central' annular eclipse in the series. All eclipses in this Saros up till now, have been partial. The series will peak in 2291, with the longest annular eclipse, (the series has no total eclipses), and will finally end on Feb. 24th 3049. The even more remarkable geometry (the eclipse path runs westward for a time and describes a 'D' shape around Greenland) is covered on my 2003 eclipse page click here. The next eclipse in the series is on June 10th 2021.
The chart for the central point of the May 31st eclipse is a very strong chart. The eclipsed Sun sextiles Jupiter, trines Neptune and opposes Pluto. Mercury and Venus in conjunction form a tight fixed T-square with the Neptune Jupiter opposition. Saturn is trine Uranus and by curious coincidence Jupiter is trine Pluto as in the Saros 147 chart but this time in Fire signs.
All this adds up to a very special eclipse. Furthermore optically at Sunrise on May 31st the Sun rises as a 'ring of fire' over North West Scotland. There is great power of a positive challenge for change ringing out through this eclipse. The energy embedded in it is fresh, vibrant, newly maturing and clear. We await it and the days ahead with excitement and it is to be hoped, good grace.
Friday May 23rd 2003.
TheAlgerian Earthquake
On Wednesday 21st May at 18-45 GMT an earthquake struck Algeria. The epicenter was at Thenia. Over 500 are feared dead, it is the worst earthquake in that part of the world in 25 years. An astrological chart for the moment of the quake shows that the Lunar South Node, at the very start of the sign of Sagittarius, was exactly rising at Thenia square Uranus, the Sun was setting. The Moon was on the midpoint of Mars and Neptune, all three bodies packed in Aquarius, opposite Jupiter and square Venus and Mercury. This strong and tight fixed T-square dominates the chart. The chart of the May 31st Solar eclipse echoes this planetary pattern with Neptune on the MC and Jupiter on the IC of Algeria. This is an awful event of the present eclipse season.
Forecast for Friday May 23rd to Wednesday May 28th
Friday 23rd sees the Moon in Pisces at last quarter heralding a really strange run up to the eclipse on May 31st. Saturday sees the Sun square Uranus, a very jumpy vibe, also Mercury is square Jupiter adding to the propensity to 'excess'. Shocks are likely all day long. On Saturday Mars approaches a sextile with Pluto adding even greater energy to what is already an a dangerous situation.
On Sunday the day starts with Mars sextile Pluto and the waning Moon entering Aries. The astrological weather on that day looks to be 'urgent and fast', Mercury and Venus are almost exactly conjunct in Taurus.
Tuesday continues in the same vein, the conjunction of Mercury an Venus occurs at 00-04 GMT, both planets tightly square Neptune, the vibration is strangely strange, chaotic and full of 'astral glamour'.
Wednesday sees the very old Moon accelerating to solar eclipse in Taurus, resolutely on the trail of Venus and Mercury with whom she will meet early on Thursday. Wednesday looks to be a bit steadier.
Thursday May 22nd 2003.
On the first day of Gemini (yesterday) a taped message apparently by Bin Laden's deputy called on Muslims to attack Western and Israeli interests. Also nearly 200 nations commited themselves to curbs on tobacco marketing - the first global health measure ever approved. A national conference to choose a new government in Iraq was postponed by the US administrator. Also 'on hold' we heard that Inter-Korean talks in Pyongyang have been suspended after the North's warning that Seoul faced "unspeakable disaster" if it sides with Washington in the nuclear crisis. (Note Pluto is on the IC of Korea in the chart of the May 31st eclipse!)
Tuesday May 20th 2003.
Yesterday at least three people died in another suicide bombing, this time at a shopping mall in Afula, northern Israel - the latest in a spate of such attacks. News from Indonesia speaks of the army's comment that a large-scale offensive "will destroy" separatist Aceh rebels within six months. Europe formally starts the countdown clock for the launch of its Mars Express space probe from Kazakhstan on Monday, 2nd June 2003.
Today at 07-27 GMT Mercury turns retrograde and at 15-02 GMT the Moon enters Aquarius. Today is also the last day of the astrological month of Taurus. There is movement and there is change ahead. Today in fact could be the turning point.
Monday May 19th 2003.
It has been a weekend of terrorist suicide bombings in the wake of Friday's total Lunar Eclipse. At least 41 people have been killed and about 100 injured in suicide bomb attacks in Morocco's largest city, Casablanca, local officials say. The attacks on Friday night targeted a Jewish community center, a Spanish restaurant and social club, a hotel and the Belgian consulate. Five explosions occurred within 30 minutes of each other.
In Jerusalem Ministers meet to decide how to respond after two suicide bombings on Saturday which killed nine people, including the bombers.
Other traumatic news events (on Sunday) include reports from Sri lanka that more than 80 people are feared dead after some of the worst monsoon flooding for 50 years struck southern Sri Lanka.
The Sars crisis has deepened in Taiwan, where health officials have reported a record number of new cases for the second day in a row.
Indonesia's president puts Aceh province under military rule after peace talks with separatist rebels fail.
The waning Moon is now in Capricorn and today she makes no important aspects. This week the main event taking place in the skies is Mercury turning direct in motion on Tuesday, which would normally be an occasion for celebration indicating the end of communication and transport delays, but as Mercury is hovering exactly square in aspect to Jupiter all week, I'm afraid it looks to be a bit of an outlandish week with this aspect in tow. Judgments and calculations may indeed be a little skewed.
Our main focus now must be the Annular eclipse of the Sun on May 31st.
Friday May 16th 2003 - Sunday May 18th 2003.
Following the Total Eclipse of the Moon during the early hours of Friday morning we can now look to the immediate future. There may be some relief that this 'wayward eclipse' has now passed.
Venus enters Taurus at 10-58 GMT Friday. A time maybe to focus on those enduring friendships. The Moon enters Sagittarius 11-44 GMT also on Friday making it a something of a 'party night'.
On Saturday this Sagittarian Moon makes mainly positive aspects and conjuncts Pluto at 18-27 GMT, Saturday looks to be afar reaching, expansive and 'open' sort of day.
On Sunday after a potentially dreary opposition to Saturn in the morning (GMT) the Moon enters Capricorn at 12-04 GMT. Its very much 'down to earth' from this point. Venus sextiles Uranus also on Sunday providing some unusual occurrences possibly on that day.
Mercury will be square to Jupiter on Tuesday May 20th 2003 and he turns direct in motion.
The Sun enters Gemini on Wednesday and a new astrological month begins. It is breathtaking to realise we will then be only 30 days from the Summer solstice in the northern hemisphere on that day.
Amongst the many events which occurred during the run up to Friday's lunar eclipse one which caught our attention was a tragedy in which at least 38 people died in a fire on an express train in India's northern Punjab state. The fire started at 0345 on Thursday (2215 GMT Wednesday) after the express had left Ladawal, about 300 km (195 miles) north of Delhi. (BBC News timings).
Looking beyond these next few days we are looking forward to the 'ring of fire sunrise' off North West Scotland on May 31st 2003 (Annular Eclipse of the Sun, click here), the ingress of Saturn into Cancer in June 2003, and the extraordinary close opposition of Mars in late August 2003. The Daze will give some consideration to these astrological events in the weeks ahead.
Tony Blair in 2003. Click here
George W Bush in 2003. Click here.
Senator John Edwards. Click here.
Thursday May 29th 2003.
Pre-eclipse daze! The Moon is conjunct Mercury at 00-57 GMT. At 03-57 GMT the Moon today passes within 8 minutes of arc of Venus These three bodies tightly packed in the middle of Taurus dominate the astrology of today. On Friday May 30th 2003 the aged Moon enters Gemini at 09-32 GMT. In this sign it will cause the solar eclipse on Saturday and remain in Gemini till late Sunday evening (GMT).
The last lunar aspect before the eclipse is on Friday at 16-11 GMT an indifferent square to Uranus.
The May 31st Solar Eclipse.
We are now in the astrological month of Gemini. Our attention is now turning to the very interesting eclipse on May 31st 2003 at ten degrees Gemini.
This eclipse which occurs on May 31st 2003 belongs to a Saros series which began on 12th Oct. 1624 with a brief partial solar eclipse at the north pole, and extends for 1424 years. The astrological chart for the moment of central eclipse of this 1624 eclipse shows the eclipsed Sun is conjunct Neptune in Libra and sextile Uranus. Jupiter makes an earthy trine to Pluto. Strangely enough the eclipsed Sun and Neptune were exactly on the MC of Baghdad at the time. (Mercury rose over the UK). The chart is very positive, the Saros therefore is rich, strongly social, and potentially wholesome. The most recent eclipse in this Saros series was on May 19th 1985 and I guess could be linked to the 'Live Aid' concert that summer, an event epitomizing the benevolent, sustaining and visionary nature of the Saros chart.
What is remarkable about the eclipse on May 31st 2003 is the fact that it is the first 'central' annular eclipse in the series. All eclipses in this Saros up till now, have been partial. The series will peak in 2291, with the longest annular eclipse, (the series has no total eclipses), and will finally end on Feb. 24th 3049. The even more remarkable geometry (the eclipse path runs westward for a time and describes a 'D' shape around Greenland) is covered on my 2003 eclipse page click here. The next eclipse in the series is on June 10th 2021.
The chart for the central point of the May 31st eclipse is a very strong chart. The eclipsed Sun sextiles Jupiter, trines Neptune and opposes Pluto. Mercury and Venus in conjunction form a tight fixed T-square with the Neptune Jupiter opposition. Saturn is trine Uranus and by curious coincidence Jupiter is trine Pluto as in the Saros 147 chart but this time in Fire signs.
All this adds up to a very special eclipse. Furthermore optically at Sunrise on May 31st the Sun rises as a 'ring of fire' over North West Scotland. There is great power of a positive challenge for change ringing out through this eclipse. The energy embedded in it is fresh, vibrant, newly maturing and clear. We await it and the days ahead with excitement and it is to be hoped, good grace.
Friday May 23rd 2003.
TheAlgerian Earthquake
On Wednesday 21st May at 18-45 GMT an earthquake struck Algeria. The epicenter was at Thenia. Over 500 are feared dead, it is the worst earthquake in that part of the world in 25 years. An astrological chart for the moment of the quake shows that the Lunar South Node, at the very start of the sign of Sagittarius, was exactly rising at Thenia square Uranus, the Sun was setting. The Moon was on the midpoint of Mars and Neptune, all three bodies packed in Aquarius, opposite Jupiter and square Venus and Mercury. This strong and tight fixed T-square dominates the chart. The chart of the May 31st Solar eclipse echoes this planetary pattern with Neptune on the MC and Jupiter on the IC of Algeria. This is an awful event of the present eclipse season.
Forecast for Friday May 23rd to Wednesday May 28th
Friday 23rd sees the Moon in Pisces at last quarter heralding a really strange run up to the eclipse on May 31st. Saturday sees the Sun square Uranus, a very jumpy vibe, also Mercury is square Jupiter adding to the propensity to 'excess'. Shocks are likely all day long. On Saturday Mars approaches a sextile with Pluto adding even greater energy to what is already an a dangerous situation.
On Sunday the day starts with Mars sextile Pluto and the waning Moon entering Aries. The astrological weather on that day looks to be 'urgent and fast', Mercury and Venus are almost exactly conjunct in Taurus.
Tuesday continues in the same vein, the conjunction of Mercury an Venus occurs at 00-04 GMT, both planets tightly square Neptune, the vibration is strangely strange, chaotic and full of 'astral glamour'.
Wednesday sees the very old Moon accelerating to solar eclipse in Taurus, resolutely on the trail of Venus and Mercury with whom she will meet early on Thursday. Wednesday looks to be a bit steadier.
Thursday May 22nd 2003.
On the first day of Gemini (yesterday) a taped message apparently by Bin Laden's deputy called on Muslims to attack Western and Israeli interests. Also nearly 200 nations commited themselves to curbs on tobacco marketing - the first global health measure ever approved. A national conference to choose a new government in Iraq was postponed by the US administrator. Also 'on hold' we heard that Inter-Korean talks in Pyongyang have been suspended after the North's warning that Seoul faced "unspeakable disaster" if it sides with Washington in the nuclear crisis. (Note Pluto is on the IC of Korea in the chart of the May 31st eclipse!)
Tuesday May 20th 2003.
Yesterday at least three people died in another suicide bombing, this time at a shopping mall in Afula, northern Israel - the latest in a spate of such attacks. News from Indonesia speaks of the army's comment that a large-scale offensive "will destroy" separatist Aceh rebels within six months. Europe formally starts the countdown clock for the launch of its Mars Express space probe from Kazakhstan on Monday, 2nd June 2003.
Today at 07-27 GMT Mercury turns retrograde and at 15-02 GMT the Moon enters Aquarius. Today is also the last day of the astrological month of Taurus. There is movement and there is change ahead. Today in fact could be the turning point.
Monday May 19th 2003.
It has been a weekend of terrorist suicide bombings in the wake of Friday's total Lunar Eclipse. At least 41 people have been killed and about 100 injured in suicide bomb attacks in Morocco's largest city, Casablanca, local officials say. The attacks on Friday night targeted a Jewish community center, a Spanish restaurant and social club, a hotel and the Belgian consulate. Five explosions occurred within 30 minutes of each other.
In Jerusalem Ministers meet to decide how to respond after two suicide bombings on Saturday which killed nine people, including the bombers.
Other traumatic news events (on Sunday) include reports from Sri lanka that more than 80 people are feared dead after some of the worst monsoon flooding for 50 years struck southern Sri Lanka.
The Sars crisis has deepened in Taiwan, where health officials have reported a record number of new cases for the second day in a row.
Indonesia's president puts Aceh province under military rule after peace talks with separatist rebels fail.
The waning Moon is now in Capricorn and today she makes no important aspects. This week the main event taking place in the skies is Mercury turning direct in motion on Tuesday, which would normally be an occasion for celebration indicating the end of communication and transport delays, but as Mercury is hovering exactly square in aspect to Jupiter all week, I'm afraid it looks to be a bit of an outlandish week with this aspect in tow. Judgments and calculations may indeed be a little skewed.
Our main focus now must be the Annular eclipse of the Sun on May 31st.
Friday May 16th 2003 - Sunday May 18th 2003.
Following the Total Eclipse of the Moon during the early hours of Friday morning we can now look to the immediate future. There may be some relief that this 'wayward eclipse' has now passed.
Venus enters Taurus at 10-58 GMT Friday. A time maybe to focus on those enduring friendships. The Moon enters Sagittarius 11-44 GMT also on Friday making it a something of a 'party night'.
On Saturday this Sagittarian Moon makes mainly positive aspects and conjuncts Pluto at 18-27 GMT, Saturday looks to be afar reaching, expansive and 'open' sort of day.
On Sunday after a potentially dreary opposition to Saturn in the morning (GMT) the Moon enters Capricorn at 12-04 GMT. Its very much 'down to earth' from this point. Venus sextiles Uranus also on Sunday providing some unusual occurrences possibly on that day.
Mercury will be square to Jupiter on Tuesday May 20th 2003 and he turns direct in motion.
The Sun enters Gemini on Wednesday and a new astrological month begins. It is breathtaking to realise we will then be only 30 days from the Summer solstice in the northern hemisphere on that day.
Amongst the many events which occurred during the run up to Friday's lunar eclipse one which caught our attention was a tragedy in which at least 38 people died in a fire on an express train in India's northern Punjab state. The fire started at 0345 on Thursday (2215 GMT Wednesday) after the express had left Ladawal, about 300 km (195 miles) north of Delhi. (BBC News timings).
Looking beyond these next few days we are looking forward to the 'ring of fire sunrise' off North East Scotland on May 31st 2003 (Annular Eclipse of the Sun, click here), the ingress of Saturn into Cancer in June 2003, and the extraordinary close opposition of Mars in late August 2003. The Daze will give some consideration to these astrological events in the weeks ahead.
Thursday May 15th 2003.
The first eclipse of the year is a total lunar eclipse which is well placed for Western Hemisphere observers. The eclipse occurs just half a day after perigee so the Moon will appear quite large (33.4 arc-minutes). During this event, the Moon is low on the ecliptic in (Sidereal) Libra approximately fifteen degrees west of the first magnitude star Alpha Scorpii (Antares). The Moon's path takes it through the northern part of Earth's umbral shadow. Although the eclipse is not central, the total phase still lasts 1 hour 37 minutes. The eclipse begins at 01:05 UT with first penumbral contact. An hour later, the partial eclipse commences with first umbral contact at 02:03 UT. The total umbral eclipse begins at 03:14 UT and ends at 04:07 UT. The partial phase ends at 05:17 UT and the Moon leaves the penumbral shadow at 06:15 UT. The Moon's path through Earth's shadows as well as a map illustrating worldwide visibility of the event is shown in . At the instant of greatest eclipse (03:40 UT), the Moon will lie in the zenith for observers in southern Brazil near its western border with Bolivia and Paraguay
Wednesday May 14th 2003.
Can you sense the pressure rising as Friday's eclipse approaches? Hope you don't mind all these charts! Below is the astrological chart for the moment of central eclipse at 03-40 GMT on Friday May 16th 2003, set for London. The eclipsed Moon makes no major aspect in this chart (hence the diffuse nature of the event mentioned yesterday) and the chart is instead dominated by the conjunction of Mars and Neptune (today at 14-35 GMT) opposite Jupiter. This is the sign of the times. The times are confused and wayward.
The Moon enters Scorpio today at 12-14 GMT. What then follows will probably be intense and unwieldy. The news reaching us some 48 hors before the eclipse appears to center on Saudi Arabia. President Bush pledged yesterday to hunt down those behind the Riyadh suicide attacks, amid fears that a confirmed death toll of 29 may rise.
It is interesting to note that at the moment of central eclipse on Friday Uranus is exactly on the MC of Riyadh. News also reaches us of Iraqis unearthing thousands of bodies south of Baghdad in one of the largest mass graves found to date. A 24-hour national strike is taking place in France, in what is seen as the biggest challenge yet to the centre-right government of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
There will no doubt be more pre-eclipse news stories to follow. Take care!
Tuesday May 13th 2003.
Saros Series 121.
The Total Eclipse of the Moon on Friday 16th May 2003 belongs to the Saros Series of Lunar Eclipses number 121. This series began on September 25th 1029 with a brief penumbral lunar eclipse visible from the south pole of the Earth. The Saros has an eclipse every 18 years 11 days. Lasting for 1496.5 years this Saros will end with a brief eclipse at the north pole of the Earth on March 29th 2526. The 2003 eclipse is number 55 in the series of 84 eclipses. The series 'peaked' in 1660 with its longest Total Eclipse. The 2003 eclipse is the last but one Total eclipse in the series, the next one in May 2021 being the last Total Eclipse. The previous two eclipses in the Saros were on 4th May 1985 and before that on 24th April 1967.
This Saros series is now on the wane but can still deliver a 'punch'. The astrological chart below is set for the moment of central eclipse on the first eclipse in the Saros. The eclipsed Moon forms a cardinal cross with Pluto, Uranus and the Sun. This is a moment of great 'generation'. There is indeed vast power embedded into this Saros.
The Total Lunar Eclipse this Friday appears to be a more defuse affair. We will shortly look into this chart. With only three days to the eclipse news reaches us of a bomb-laden lorry raming into government offices in the war-torn Russian region of Chechen in an apparent suicide attack. A top scientist in Iraq alleged to have worked on weapons-grade anthrax has been taken into custody, US forces say. Taiwan sacks a hospital boss as it sees its highest jump in Sars cases - but officials say the rate of infection on the Chinese mainland is falling.
more later....
Friday May 9th 2003.
Today the Moon is at first quarter phase in Leo at 11-54 GMT. Both Sun and Moon are in fixed signs, all seems immovable, resolute and opinionated. A wonderful vibration for children however is evident as the Taurus Leo combination holds much potential for childhood play and creativity. Mars is now moving on to conjunct Neptune and of course the Moon is now waxing to a total eclipse in one week's time.
The effect of yesterday's planetary alignment can be seen by looking at the news stories hitting the 'wires' at the time. The US launched a concerted effort to end UN sanctions against Iraq, but a series of sticking points remain. The World Health Organization extended its travel warning over Sars as the number of confirmed deaths from the illness passes 500. US official Richard Armitage said that the recent thaw between Pakistan and India is encouraging, after talks in Islamabad. At least 33 people on a German tourist coach have been killed in a collision with a train in central Hungary. The deepest images ever taken of our Universe show that very distant galaxies have a violent life story.
The daze is now totally focused on next week's eclipse and will look at the event in some detail. Stay with us!
Thursday May 8th 2003
Another astrologically momentous day is in store. The Earth, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter align in the same plane in space today. The day starts with the Moon entering Leo at 01-47 GMT. This placement confers an uncompromising quality to the day. The Mars Jupiter opposition peaks at 17-36 GMT with the Moon conjuncting Jupiter and opposing Mars at 20-11 and 20-17 GMT respectively. The symbolism of the alignment suggests inflated and grandiose actions carried out with resolution. This is not a day to underestimate.
The World Health Organization fears poor sanitation could lead to a cholera epidemic in the southern city of Basra. A lorry found in northern Iraq was probably used as a mobile factory to produce biological weapons, the Pentagon has said.
Wednesday May 7th 2003.
A live web cast of today's 'Transit of Mercury' can be viewed by clicking here.
Astronomical notes about the transit can be viewed here.
During the twenty four hours prior to this transit world news stories. China imposes a quarantine on the city of Nanjing as the WHO warns the country's outbreak has still to peak. Pakistan says transport links with India will be restored shortly in a further sign of improving relations. It was reported that nearly $1bn in cash was taken from the vaults of Baghdad's central bank hours before the war began, the US says. The FTSE 100 index of leading UK shares pushes through the 4,000 level for the first time since January.
The central moment of the Mercury transit today is 07-52 GMT. This is the moment that Mercury passes closest to the center of the Sun's disc. The Moon in Cancer is rising over western Europe, including the UK, at the time. Mercury and the Sun are on the MC of a line which runs along the whole border between Iran and Afghanistan.
This is very much a 'New Mercury'. It is symbolically an impregnation of the 'universal mind' by the Solar 'seed Power'. The future manifestation of new ideas and mental conceptions, may be traced to this moment on this day. The vibration of the day is one of possible illumination amid an essentially domestic and nurturing environment. The two other planetary aspects which are dominating the day, a trine of Pluto to Venus and an opposition of Mars to Jupiter serve to confer extra regenerative power and 'tension' onto what is anyway an important day.
Tuesday May 5th 2003.
The core of an interim Iraqi government should be in place by mid-May, the US administrator Jay Garner says.
More than 20 people are feared dead as a series of tornadoes batter the states of Kansas and Missouri.
China blocks access to all Beijing's reservoirs, amid fears that Sars could reach the public water supply.
The Moon, now waxing crescent in phase and accelerating, enters Cancer at 16-42 GMT today where she will reside until 01-47 GMT on Thursday. It will be under this domestic 'atmosphere' of Sun in Taurus and Moon in Cancer that the Transit of Mercury will occur on Wednesday. This 'transit' is the next planetary events before us, quickly to be followed by Venus trine to Pluto (also on Wednesday) and an opposition of Mars to Jupiter and the Moon on Thursday.
Friday May 2nd 2003.
It appears that the 'driving forcefulness' (mentioned yesterday) associated with yesterday's New Moon found its focus and correspondence with an earthquake in Turkey. Across the affected region around 100 people are known to have died when the tremor struck at 0337 local time (0037 GMT May 1st 2003 some 12 hours before the New Moon) with a magnitude of 6.4 - its epicenter close to the city of Bingol. A frantic search is continuing for scores of children trapped under the debris. At the moment of New Moon Saturn (The 'Grim Reaper').
was on the MC of Eastern Turkey.
At 05-27 on Friday the very young Moon is conjunct Mercury and then is void of course in Taurus for the rest of the day. This day appears very slow and unforthcoming.
At 12-57 GMT on Friday Venus is sextile Neptune.
The infant Moon enters Gemini at 03-28 GMT on Saturday. From this point there may well be a little more movement and fluidity to proceedings.
The sun makes a fixed waxing square to Neptune on Sunday at 00-18 GMT.
The word 'bewilderment' springs to mind when considering the astrological atmosphere of the coming weekend.
The coming week looks to be very important with strong planetary aspects in the skies of earth and the transit of Mercury mid week. We are deeply into an eclipse season now. Changes are on the cards, new events and experiences in store for all of us.
Be back Monday!
Thursday May 1st 2003.
The New Moon is today at 12-15. The New Moon forms a fixed T-square with Mars and Jupiter. At the moment of New Moon both the Sun and the Moon are aligned to the West Country of the UK and Wales. This may symbolize some kind of focus on the British Isles. There is a driving forcefulness in this lunation which will not be easy to harness. Astrologically the impact of this last New Moon before the eclipse of May 31st may well build up to, and be released on the 8th May 2003 when Mars is opposite Jupiter.
As the New Moon approaches a long-awaited plan to end the bloodshed in the Middle East is presented to Palestinian and Israeli leaders. An Arabic newspaper publishes what it says is a letter from Saddam Hussein urging Iraqis to rise up. Relations between Blair and Putin appear to have turned sour ( from April 29th 2003). UK newspapers yesterday reported the Russian leader as saying 'we do not believe you and we are not with you'. The end of the Iraqi war is expected to be officially declared by George W. Bush today in a victory speech. Election season is underway from this point in time in the US. Local elections will shortly be underway in the UK.
An eclipse season is upon us. Expect changes ahead!
Wednesday April 30th 2003.
The very old, void of course, slow Moon enters Taurus at 14-27 GMT today. At 12-15 GMT on Thursday May 1st the Moon is new. This will be the last New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse on May 31st 2003. This New Moon, which is sextile Neptune, does not look to be particularly easy, forming as it does a T-Square with a Mars Jupiter opposition which is now building up to exactness on May 8th 2003, the day after the Mercury transit.
As we wind down to this New Moon we hear corresponding 'wind down' events taking place. The Palestinian parliament approves a new cabinet - a key step in the introduction of the US-led "roadmap" to peace. Washington signals a major shift in Gulf policy, agreeing to withdraw virtually all its troops from Saudi Arabia. The WHO withdraws its advice against travel to the Canadian business capital, where cases of Sars are now decreasing.
Tuesday April 29th 2003.
Sars may have peaked in many areas, but the infection rate in China is still rising, says the WHO. Iraqi leaders agree to meet again within four weeks to set up an interim government after talks with US officials. North Korea is offering to scrap its nuclear programme for major concessions, the US says. Pakistan's Prime Minister Zafarullah Jamali has invited his Indian counterpart Atal Behari Vajpayee to Islamabad in what is being seen as a breakthrough in relations.
There is a measure of good news here. Maybe the Venus trine Jupiter aspect in the skies of earth early today has something to do with it. By evening however the major influence is a square between the Sun and Jupiter. The word excess then springs to mind. The Moon continues to wane very slowly in Aries today before entering Taurus tomorrow.
Sunday April 27th 2003.
At 09-27 GMT today the Moon in Pisces becomes balsamic in phase and begins a long 'burn out' to New Moon on Thursday. The Moon enters Aries on Monday 28th at 01-55 GMT.
Troops in Iraq have reportedly found a possible mobile chemical weapons lab - but the Pentagon is cautious after earlier false alarms. China takes new measures to contain the virus as health ministers expand regional efforts against Sars.
The next planetary events occurs on Tuesday April 29th when Venus makes a fiery trine to Jupiter and the Sun a fixed square to Jupiter. There is a possibility of financial fiasco somewhere on that day.
A cautious and circumspect time is upon us. Actions may well be against the grain (Mars in Aquarius...go your own way) and love impulses may dominate personal spheres (Venus in Aries..go get it girl) but on the deeper and more universal planes the days ahead seem geared to asking the questions which have not yet been answered and musing over what has recently occurred. (Mercury retrograde in Taurus approaching his transit with the Sun).
Friday April 25th 2003.
The first reported cases of the Sars illness occurred in February 2003. At the exact moment of the Full Moon in February 2003, Mars was conjunct Pluto (opposite Saturn) and conjunct the MC of Hong Kong and Beijing, where the first case occurred. When Uranus enters Pisces in March 2003 two dominant world events in the headlines were the build up to the Iraqi war and the spread of the Sars Virus. Some are now talking of Sars as the 'new aids'. China yesterday brought in tough measures to try to curb the spread of the pneumonia-like Sars virus, as many fled the capital.
On Friday April 26th 2003 the Moon in Aquarius is void of course from 06-20 GMT today until 15-03 when she enters Pisces. The Sun and Moon are then both in negative signs posing a rather 'inert' background to proceedings over the next two days.
Mercury turns retrograde at 11-51 GMT on Saturday, a day of potential 'mental stillness'. Lots of unresolved situations and 'communication matters' may well have to be revisited over the next few weeks.
Thursday April 24th 2003.
An astrologically quieter time, with no planetary aspects in the skies of earth, now ensues for the next few days, The waning, decelerating Moon, past last quarter phase, is today in Aquarius.
China quarantines a 1,200 bed hospital in the capital in its latest move to fight the deadly Sars virus. Three more high-ranking officials in Saddam Hussein's regime are now in the hands of US forces in Iraq. One Israeli is killed and at least nine others injured in a suspected suicide attack, amid quickening peace moves.
Mercury in Taurus is slowing down, approaching stationary and turning retrograde on April 26th 2003. As Mercury swings between the Earth and the Sun this time he passes directly across the disc of the Sun causing a so called 'Transit of Mercury' on May 7th 2003. All transits of Mercury fall either in tropical Taurus, or Scorpio, within several days of 8 May and 10 November. The May transit is rarer. The dates of the phenomena (1970-2050) are listed below with the Date Time (UT) and Separation in arc-seconds between the centers of the Sun and Mercury.
1970 May 09 08:16 114". 1973 Nov. 10 10:32 26". 1986 Nov. 13 04:07 471". 1993 Nov. 06 03:57 927". 1999 Nov. 15 21:41 963" (graze). 2003 May 07 07:52 708". 2006 Nov. 08 21:41 423". 2016 May 09 14:57 319". 2019 Nov. 11 15:20 76". 2032 Nov. 13 08:54 572". 2039 Nov. 07 08:46 822". 2049 May 07 14:24 512".
We are looking forward to this first 'May transit' since 1970. We view these as 'Mercury Eclipses', indicating the commencement of Mercury/Sun cycles. The astrological charts for the transit of Mercury on May 7th 2003 ( 05-13 to 10-32 GMT) will be featured in the Daze shortly.
Wednesday April 23rd 2003.
Mars is newly arrived in Aquarius. The Moon too enters Aquarius at 06-59 GMT today, conjuncts Mars at 08-28 GMT, and is at Last Quarter phase at 12-20 GMT. The day is dominated by a loose fixed T-square involving the last quarter Moon, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter. The Moon at this phase is associated with 'a crisis in consciousness', and this day of 'new energy' looks to be quite important.
The virus thought to cause Sars is constantly changing form, say scientists - which will make developing a vaccine difficult. The virus is "expected to mutate very fast and very easily". Experts have warned that, once established, it could be particularly hard to stop the Sars virus causing problems. Sars appears to be caused by a new strain of a coronavirus which may have "jumped" from animals to humans in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The first reported cases were in February 2003.
Yesterday more than 100 people were killed in two separate ferry accidents in Bangladesh. In the first incident, 107 passengers - many of them children - died after a ferry capsized in a sudden storm on the River Buriganga in Narayanganj, a town near the capital, Dhaka. The fate of at least 50 passengers whose boat capsized in the same storm in Kishorganj district north-east of Dhaka is still unclear.
France calls for the immediate suspension of UN sanctions against Iraq - a significant diplomatic shift welcomed by the US.
Tuesday April 22nd 2003.
China says the Sars virus has killed 13 and affected 194 more people since Friday, as the deadly disease continues to spread. The latest figures - reported by China's official news agency - bring the death toll from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome to 92 in the country, with the total number of cases reaching 2,001.
The retired US general Jay Garner sent to lead an interim administration has begun assessing the damage the war inflicted on Baghdad, where large parts of the population are still without water or electricity. Jay Garner flew into Baghdad insisting he was a "facilitator not a ruler", but opposition appeared to be growing to the invading forces taking a leading role in the reconstruction.
In 2003 the Lyrids meteor shower peaks on April 22nd. The radiant will be highest then for observers in Japan on the morning of the 23rd and in Hawaii on the morning of the 22nd, but glare from the last-quarter Moon will reduce the numbers seen. The radiant point of this shower lies between the bright summer star Vega and the keystone pattern of the constellation Hercules.
Venus is now in Aries, Mars enters Aquarius tomorrow. The Taurean Sun shines today sextiling Uranus 12-57. A Capricornian Moon hangs in the sky at dawn, at last quarter phase on Wednesday.
Monday 21st April 2003.
The Moon enters Capricorn 03-21 GMT.
Venus is sextile Mars 09-50 GMT.
Venus enters Aries 17-18 GMT.
Both Venus and Mars are about to enter news signs. Corresponding changes in the sphere of personal relationships can be expected from today. A movement from earth and water to air and fire can only initiate a more combustible and creative period.
Sunday 20th April 2003.
The Sagittarian Moon conjuncts Pluto 10-07 GMT.
The Sun enters Taurus 13-03 GMT.
The Moon opposes Saturn 18-56 GMT.
A new astrological month starts today. The month ahead includes a transit of Mercury on May 7th ( 05-13 to 10-32 GMT ), and the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th.
Saturday 19th April 2003.
The waning decelerating Moon enters Sagittarius 01-52 GMT.
Expect a slightly 'fresher' feel to the day.
Friday 18th April 2003.
The Moon struggles through Scorpio.
The Sun squares Mars 02-55.
The Moon opposes Mercury 05-24.
Pressures ease a little as the day proceeds. If you're out as late as midnight tonight, you'll find the waning gibbous Moon shining in the southeast in the rising head of Scorpius. Look below the Moon for an early preview of the fire-orange summer star Antares.
Thursday 19th April 2003.
The Moon enters Scorpio 02-16 GMT.
Venus squares Saturn 07-52 GMT.
This day starts with a much more intense and sober atmosphere than of late. All day long a harsh cardinal waxing square between the Sun and Mars builds up. This is not a good time to push too hard, tempers may well be tested.
Wednesday 16th April 2003.
This is the day of the Full Moon. This is the final Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th 2003, and as such his day heralds the start of an eclipse season which extends past the Solar Eclipse on May 31st 2003. Immediately after the moment of Full Moon ( 20-36 GMT) the Moon squares Mars 21-22 GMT. From time we enter a rather difficult couple of days leading up to the weekend. A more subdued end to the day can be expected as Venus builds to a mutable square with Saturn. Mercury stands at greatest elongation this evening, positioned 20° east of the Sun. Look for it low in the western sky during twilight.
Tuesday 15th April 2003.
The Moon is approaching the Full. Today she makes pleasant aspects. There is news that the second gulf war is almost over. Yesterday US marines took control of Saddam Hussein's birthplace, as the Pentagon begins to withdraw forces from the Gulf. After the fall of Saddam Hussein, the United States is turning its attention to Syria. The British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says that Syria is not "next on the list" after Iraq.
The worrying news is the reported deaths of six previously healthy young Hong Kong patients from the Sars illness which has increased concern among doctors. The majority of victims up till now have either been elderly or had other underlying health problems which may have weakened them.
The Full Moon, is at 20-36 GMT on Wednesday 16th April 2003 and is at 26 degrees Libra, conjunct Spica the Witch Star, and is also trine Saturn and square Mars. A cardinal T-square dominates the skies. Venus is square Saturn at the time. Neptune conjuncts the IC of the UK at the moment of Full Moon. The Moon conjuncts the MC of Karachi. The Moon will be at Perigee (nearest to the Earth in its orbit) at this time, a huge Moon. It is not at all easy, but exceptionally high times appear to be upon us.
Monday 14th April 2003.
American marines backed by air power fight the remnants of the Iraqi army holding out in Saddam Hussein's hometown Tikrit. Seven American soldiers held in Iraq have been rescued by US forces pushing north from Baghdad. Early election results from Nigeria show strong support for President Olusegun Obasanjo's People's Democratic Party. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has indicated he is willing to remove some Jewish settlements in the West Bank for peace with the Palestinians. The spread of the mystery Sars virus has shown few signs of ending with more deaths reported across Asia and in Canada. At least 10 people are known to have drowned and 100 more are missing after a river ferry capsized in the north eastern Bangladeshi district of Kishoreganj.
All this news is coming in as the gibbous Moon waxing and accelerating in is Virgo. At 20-38 GMT today the Sun makes a sextile aspect with Saturn. This is an eminently practical day. The Moon, void from 18-38 GMT, enters Libra at 01-42 GMT tomorrow. The Full Moon 'procession' then commences.
Saturday 12th April l 2003
The Moon waxing heavily in Leo, void from 15-19 GMT. The Moon enters Virgo 01-07 GMT on Sunday. Venus builds to a mutable square with Pluto exact 07-01 on Sunday. A potentially lurid aspect. Also at this time, dominating the last part of the weekend, Mercury makes a mutable square with Neptune early Monday morning. A lack of clarity moves quickly through us.
Friday 11th April 2003
Moon in Leo passes 4 degrees above Jupiter 10-46 GMT, then moves on to oppose Neptune 19-14. A roar and a clamor, and a growing sense of power, purpose, and 'colorful times'.
Thursday April 10th 2003.
Yesterday Saddam Hussein lost control of the Iraqi capital, as looting breaks out amid scenes of jubilation at the US takeover. With the first quarter Moon in Cancer the statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled down.
Today the astrological energy moves 'up a gear'. The Sun trines Pluto, a positive movement to change, with no going back. Mercury is square Jupiter, situations and responses 'over the top'. The Moon enters Leo at 18-54 possibly coinciding with wave upon wave of creative and uncompromising situations. Sun and Moon then both in Fire signs, spirits high.
Check out the charts at these locations.
Iraq War: http://astrodatabank.com/NM/IraqWar.htm
George W Bush: http://astrodatabank.com/NM/BushGeorgeW.htm
Saddam Hussein: http://astrodatabank.com/NM/HusseinSaddam.htm
Wednesday April 9th 2003.
Both sun and Moon are now in cardinal signs. Cardinality means 'generating'. Things are really getting going. The accelerating waxing Moon is at first quarter in Cancer at 23-40 GMT today. The Sun, almost two thirds of the way through Aries, is applying in waxing fiery trine to Pluto. Mercury is applying in a fixed waning square to Jupiter, both aspects peaking tomorrow. Today is a broody instinctive sort of day with the unmistakeable feeling of change on the horizon and a certain inkling that something is not quite right. Worries and cares to the fore.
American troops say they are attacking Iraqi forces in Baghdad on three fronts, as hundreds of civilians try to flee the besieged city. There are calls for an inquiry after three more journalists are killed in Iraq, bringing the media death toll to 12. Experts have a new theory on how the Sars illness raced through an entire apartment block in Hong Kong. They believe that cockroaches may have carried the infection from flat to flat.
Tuesday April 8th 2003.
The Americans yesterday attacked Saddam Hussein's main palace in what the US called a 'show of force'. UK forces consolidated their hold in Basra, after an assault on the southern city in which three British soldiers died. The death toll from the pneumonia-type Sars virus is reported to have reached three figures worldwide. United Nations staff have been told that nearly 1,000 people were massacred in the Ituri region of north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo last Thursday.
The Moon enters Cancer at 09-36 GMT today and makes a series of 'pleasant' aspects as she approaches first quarter phase tomorrow at midnight (GMT).
Monday April 7th 2003.
Under a crescent Moon in Gemini The Iraq war moves on at a rapid pace now.
British troops bombard the local headquarters of Iraq's ruling party after sending thousands of troops into Iraq's second city. Intense fighting takes place on the outskirts of the Iraqi capital, which is also pounded by artillery and mortar fire.
At least 10 people are killed as a US warplane bombs a Kurdish convoy which included members of US special forces.
Nearly 1,000 people have been killed in attacks on a number of villages in the far north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a United Nations representative has said.
Astroworld (Political Astrology) Click here
Friday April 4th 2003.
Two 'subtle' astronomical events are taking place at this time. Jupiter is stationary, turning direct in motion in Leo today 02-34 GMT, and is passing in very close alignment with the 'Beehive' cluster of stars. The asteroid Vesta is at opposition to the Sun and is aligned to the center of the super galaxy and the star epsilon Virgo.
The Moon today is in Taurus, still new but increasing in both light and motion. At 14-38 GMT on Saturday Mercury enters Taurus. At 21-25 GMT on Saturday the Moon, then crescent in phase, enters Gemini.
At 08-27 GMT on Sunday Mercury is exactly sextile Uranus.
Friday and Saturday have a slow and consolidating feel to them. Sunday will be much faster moving.
US troops say they are now within a few miles of Baghdad - a claim dismissed by Iraq, which says it is winning the war. US Secretary of State Colin Powell confirms there will be a role for the UN in post-war Iraq, after a day of talks in Brussels. Efforts to stop a deadly pneumonia may not stop a global pandemic, says a leading health expert.
Thursday April 3rd 2003.
This day starts with The Sun, Mercury and the New Moon in Aries. At 08-21 GMT the Moon slips into Taurus. The day becomes 'slower', and situations feeling more 'solid'. Persistent stubborn resistance could also be on the agenda. There are no planetary aspects until Sunday, when Mercury having also entered Taurus on Saturday makes a brief sextile with Uranus. So, a 'relatively' quieter few days may well ensue. Within these astrological parameters US troops are pushing towards the Iraqi capital (photo above). The news reports yesterday were saying that they have destroyed the Baghdad division of the elite Republican Guard. On the day after the Aries New Moon stock markets in the US and Europe rose sharply after coalition troop advancing towards Baghdad raised hopes of a swift end to the conflict. There is some mystery regarding the whereabouts of Saddam Husein.
The World Health Organization advises against visiting Hong Kong or parts of China as a mystery virus spreads.
April 2nd 2003.
The map shows the situation around Baghdad at the time of the New Moon in Aries yesterday. News at that time reported that at least 11 members of the same family were killed in an air strike in central Iraq as US-led forces advance on Baghdad.
Hong Kong established quarantine camps as a deadly pneumonia virus claims more victims. Rescue workers are struggling to reach victims buried by a landslide in northern Bolivia which has left up to 50 people are missing.
Today Mercury sextiles Saturn and the Sun sextiles Neptune. The Moon moves to a conjunction with Mercury. The pace may well begin to quicken now as the Moon starts to increases in light and in motion.
April 1st 2003.
As the New Moon in Aries (today 19-20 GMT) approaches, US troops are reported advancing on Baghdad clashing with Republican Guard units as warplanes pound government buildings. Royal Marines are closing in on the southern city of Basra after making advances overnight. UK forces launched a massive offensive against Iraqi forces in the village of Abu al-Qassib and are now one mile from Iraq's second city. In the UK Tony Blair dismisses calls for an end to war as Geoff Hoon tells MPs it was always going to be a "dangerous" conflict.
Other world news stories at this time of New Moon....Hundreds of people are reported to be missing in northern Bolivia after a landslide buried about 400 homes. A mass of earth and rock broke away from Pucaloma mountain, engulfing a mining community at Chima - about 250 kilometres (155 miles) north-east of the capital La Paz, local reports said. An entire Hong Kong apartment block is sealed off as health officials battle to contain a deadly virus. The world's share markets are having another grim day as worries about the war in Iraq set in.
Monday March 31st 2003.
Binoculars will show the Beehive Star Cluster, M44, centered just 1° to Jupiter's side this week. Jupiter turns direct on Friday at 02-35 GMT.
A slow ancient Moon drifts through Pisces until 20-05 GMT today when she enters Aries facing New Moon union with the Sun tomorrow at 19-20 GMT. The coming New Moon is mildly benevolent, making 'easy' the broad opposition of Jupiter and Neptune. This is the penultimate New Moon before the 'Ring of Fire Sunrise'.
I am writing of the appearance of the Sun in annular eclipse which will rise over the north west British Isles on May 31st 2003 and will appear as a fiery ring. Before this a Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 16th 2003, and Mercury transits the Sun's Disc on May 7th, all will be, weather permitting, visible from the UK.
Times are ripe to really stop the war and apologize, protests are growing. However the commander of the US-led campaign to oust Saddam Hussein rejects criticism, saying 'remarkable' progress' has been made.
Sunday March 30th 2003.
The decelerating balsamic Moon sails on through Pisces today. Dreamy fogs of war descend on the battlefields, as everything 'takes stock' before the New Moon on Tuesday 1st April. Mercury is trine Pluto on Monday. The power of positive thought to the fore today and tomorrow.
Friday's Venus Uranus close conjunction coincided with carnage at al-Nasser market in Baghdad's Shula district. TV screens yesterday showed children in agony with blood-soaked bandages on their heads and faces. In the hospital corridors, wailing women were seen prostrate with grief. Iraqi hospital sources said 55 people had been killed, while Mr al-Sahaf told Lebanese television that 58 people were dead and he expected the death toll to rise. If the number of casualties is confirmed, it would be the largest single loss of civilian life since the war began.
Yesterday an Iraqi army officer killed four US soldiers in a suicide attack, a tactic Baghdad says it will start using regularly. Coalition forces again yesterday repeatedly pounded southern Baghdad.
The Troubles in Iraq are at this time occur as tense situations are developing in Zimbabwe, and in Kashmir.
Friday, Saturday, March 28th 29th 2003
President Bush says the US-led forces will press on for "however long it takes" to topple the Iraqi leader.
On Saturday 29th March Mercury is momentarily square Mars at 02-12 GMT, this could be a time of gross mis-timing, the Sun is trine Jupiter 05-42 GMT, surges of optimsism occuring. Venus hovers above the old crescent Moon in Aquarius at dawn, balsamic in phase, burning as incense for our souls, the Moon enters Pisces 09-26 GMT.
On the morning of the Friday 28th, with the Moon in Aquarius Uranus passes extremely close to Venus, especially for observers in western North America. The planets are closest -- 2.6 arc seconds apart -- at 12:46 a.m. GMT. Venus shines very low in the east-southeast as dawn brightens.
Thursday 27th March 2003.
Yesterday Coalition aircraft hit a huge convoy of Iraqi tanks heading southeast out of Basra towards the al-Faw peninsula. The US-British coalition says air strikes on Baghdad may have resulted in civilian deaths. Yesterday really did seem 'grim' from here. There must be doubts now as to the wisdom of such a military campaign as this. Severe sand storms in the desert, civilian causalities, reports of 1000 or more deaths on both sides already? Turkish troops invading from the north west of Iraq? What of Iran? Is all of this getting out of control?
The Moon today enters Aquarius at 00-51 GMT. At 17-37 Mercury sextiles Neptune, and Venus enters Pisces at 18-14 GMT. There will be a few adjustments today. A different perspective and an almost unworldly feel to situations may well arise. Venus in Pisces is inching closer to Uranus, exact tomorrow. There are indeed shocks immediately ahead of us.
Wednesday 26th March 2003.
Today is day 7 of the War. The last quarter Moon is void of course in Capricorn all day long (GMT). There are no planetary aspects. The 'state of the sky' is inert. It may well be a real slog today, with very little accomplished. Thursday may see a move to a less 'dense' atmosphere, and the close Venus Uranus conjunction, exact on Friday 28th March, may also by then start to 'kick in', resulting in more unexpected and fluctuating responses. Today though is far from this. Its more of this rough, tough, cardinality.
Day six of the Gulf War 2 yesterday was fought under this Capricornian Moon applying all day to a conjunction with Mars. Adverse weather disrupted the US-led advance towards Baghdad, but heavy bombing of Republican Guards went on. UK forces fired on the southern city of Basra in support of what they said was some kind of civilian uprising.
Tuesday 25th March 2003.
The Moon entered Capricorn at 18-49 GMT yesterday, and she is at last quarter phase at 01-52 GMT today. Mercury makes a fiery trine to Jupiter at 14-27 also today. The immediate astrological 'atmosphere' is very 'heavy going'.
What you can't detect optically in the graphic above, (or in the skies) is the close proximity of Venus to Uranus this week. The pair are almost exactly conjunct on Friday. The conjunction is certain to coincide 'the unexpected'.
Scientific American.
George W. Bush declared war on Wednesday March 19th 2003 10:15:30 PM in Washington, D.C. (Astroworld). Earlier on that same day US scientists observed and photographed the most detailed pictures yet of a gamma-ray burst and the evolution of its afterglow, the death of a star and the birth of a black hole. As above so below.
Sky and Telescope
On March 26th Vesta stands at opposition to the Sun (in tropical Libra) and can be observed throughout the night.
Monday 24th March 2003
As the fifth day of the Iraqi war draws to its close the news is typically somber. The Iraqi leader issues a rallying call to his people in a TV address as US-led forces advance closer to Baghdad. It appears that before us in time, starting on an uncertain date, is the inevitable 'taking of Baghdad'. In the initial stages of the War, under a waning decelerating Moon in Scorpio and Sagittarius, there have been US and UK fatalities, the progress of the invasion has not been as smooth as some commentators suggested it might have been.
Other news at this time reports the Indian prime minister is considering his response after gunmen kill 24 Hindu villagers in Indian-administered Kashmir.
The most significant planetary aspect this week is a conjunction (less then 3 minutes of arc from an exact linear alignment) involving Venus and Uranus in early Pisces on Friday 28th March 2003 at 12-44 GMT. The next New Moon on Tuesday April 1st 2003 is in Aries and is reasonably benevolently placed, being trine to Jupiter, and sextile to Neptune.
Saturday 22nd March 2003
The Moon is void of course in Scorpio on Saturday from 04-31 to 15-33. She then bursts into Sagittarius.
Sun and Moon are then in fire signs as are Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto.
Flames indeed from 15-33 Saturday. The vibe almost Churchillian.
Dreams of war and glory, on desert sands far away.
Mythological stories from history, back in two thousand and three.
The immediate astrological 'weather forecast' for the next few days or so, tells of a time from Tuesday of the coming week, with last quarter moon in Capricorn, when events crystallize the current glamour of these grave occurrences. The reality of it all, will hit hard and be realized at this time.
This forecast also contains notice of a very close planetary conjunction (less then 3 minutes of arc from an exact linear alignment) involving Venus and Uranus in Pisces on Friday 28th March 2003 at 12-44 GMT. With other aspects going off at that time and the balsamic Moon joining the pair on the following day, we alert daze readers to the 'unexpected' nature of events at that time. We look forward however to a time of peace.
Friday 21st March 2003.
Absolute hell fire from today. Sun and Mercury both bursting into Aries. Urgent vital force.
Primal impulse, action.
The Spring Equinox. 01-00 GMT. The astrological chart for the moment of Spring Equinox at 01-00 GMT shows a Scorpio Moon applying to a T-square pattern in fixed signs with the ongoing Neptune/Jupiter opposition. Venus is trine Saturn, and Mercury is conjunct the Sun. Significantly Neptune is rising and Jupiter is setting over Iraq. Pluto in Sagittarius is rising over the UK. The days under the beams of the Scorpio Moon would have been pretty intense anyway, even without a war, as things now stand there truly is a bad Moon rising just before the local midnight hour.
Mercury enters Aries. 12-16 GMT
The Moon is in Scorpio all day on Friday, disseminating in phase from 15-49. GMT.
Venus trine Saturn 18-31 GMT confers ray of hope that something good came come of this, spare a thought for the common good soldier. Spare a thought for his back breaking work.
Mercury conjunct Sun 23-35 GMT. (Superior conjunction). The mind illuminated, flaming bright in liquid fire.
Pluto turns retrograde 23-59 GMT, deep mysterious karmic forces binding connecting bonds beyond even death.
Live by the sword, die by the sword, blessed are the peace makers,
that is written down.
Thursday 20th March 2003.
Today is the last day before the Vernal Equinox. The waning Moon moves from Libra to Scorpio at 14-38 GMT. Utter seriousness with irrevocable consequences may be apparent from that time.
The masters of war yesterday were seen to be setting the military machine ready for action, amid Allah's dust storms in the Kuwait desert. France and Germany spoke out against war, UK school children took to the streets again, protesting against war, and TV cameras showed US-led forces moving into position for imminent assault on Iraq. Baghdad braces itself, and a world looks on.
Wednesday 19th March 2003
The Moon is at perigee, just past the Full, and is waning in Libra. As this day passes the 'Kite' Planetary pattern spoken of yesterday builds up, peaking in the first couple hours of Thursday (GMT). This time marks the end of the 48 hour deadline issued to Saddam Hussein by George.W.Bush. The Iraqi leader vows to repel any invasion, rejecting the US president's demand for him to go into exile. The US Government has warned of the increased danger of terrorist attacks as war on Iraq draws near.
In Zimbabwe Factories and shops close in response to an opposition strike, while the army is deployed after violence.
Today Venus makes a sextile aspect with an almost stationary (turning retrograde) Pluto at 08-27 GMT. Mercury is approaching superior conjunction with the Sun on the Pisces / Aries cusp. This is the moment before the storm, the day of peace before overwhelming changes of fate. Two days remain until the Vernal Equinox, which occurs at 01-00 GMT on Friday.
Tuesday 18th March 2003.
The Full Moon in Virgo is upon us, (peaking today at 10-35 GMT), coinciding with President Bush addressing the US people after efforts to secure UN backing for a war with Iraq have failed. UN inspectors have been ordered to leave.
At the same time health authorities around the world are struggling to contain a lethal form of pneumonia as air travelers spread it across three continents.
The fast Full Moon enters Libra at 14-43 GMT. A tiny suggestion of last minute diplomacy is briefly made.
Mars passes 1/2 degree above the globular star cluster M22 (in tropical Capricorn) today.
The Vernal Equinox is on Friday 21st March. An Airy Kite Pattern, based on the Saturn Pluto opposition (an opposition past its peak), will form in the skies just after the Full Moon period involving Venus, and the Moon. The Kite symbolizes great power, for good or ill, it will be under these omens that the Second Gulf War may well commence.
Sunday 16th March 2003.
The Full Moon is in Virgo at 10-35 GMT on Tuesday 18th March 2003. A mutable cross involving the Sun and Moon with Saturn and Pluto dominates the skies at this lunation. Mutability predominates. A wave of transmission and movement transfixes the days right now. This cross is the cross of the repentant thief. The energy is geared to change. There is a crisis.
This is the penultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th. At this special time Antiwar protesters have been holding rallies in a number of countries, as American-led military action against Iraq seems all but certain. The US president says there is "little chance" for peace, as he plans an emergency summit with allies while the military build-up continues. The World Health Organisation has taken the rare step of issuing an emergency travel advisory amid fears that a mystery virus which has infected scores of people in Asia may be spreading.
Friday March 14th to Saturday March 15th 2003.
The waxing Moon is in Leo from 10-07 GMT Friday. She is conjunct Jupiter 01-31 GMT Saturday, becoming gibbous in phase 40 minutes later, and then moves on to oppose Neptune (07-37 GMT), and Venus (13-11 GMT) during Saturday. Over the weekend Mercury moves to form a difficult mutable T-Square to Saturn and Pluto. This particular planetary pattern creates a tense and challenging vibration over what would otherwise be a resplendent weekend best suited to recreation, a little indulgence, and creativity. Alas there remains a troubled matter in the world right now over a possible war with Iraq. As we move towards the Full Moon in Virgo at 10-35 GMT on Tuesday, negotiations on a new UN resolution on disarming Iraq may continue until that time. Also at this time news reaches us of a global warning being issued about a virulent flu and pneumonia sweeping hospitals in Hong Kong and Vietnam.
The Vernal Equinox will occur on Friday March 21st at 01-21 GMT. Lots happening next week. We will examine both the approaching Full Moon and the moment of Vernal Equinox tomorrow. Stay tuned to the Daze.
Thursday March 13th 2003.
Venus was tightly conjunct Neptune yesterday and the world stock markets took another huge plunge. Billions of pounds were wiped off the value of (just) UK shares. Financial commentators seemed unable to explain fully the falls. It seems to us that Venus definitely does have a connection to 'value' or 'money', time and time again we witness Venus aspects in operation at the time of stock market movements. The other main news yesterday concerned the assassination in Belgrade of reformist Zoran Djindjic (pictured above). The Serbian Government says a former police commander organised the killing..
Today the Piscean Sun makes a waning mutable square to Saturn in Gemini at 11-38 GMT. The Moon waxes and accelerates in Cancer. Touchy is the word. Defensive mechanisms are to the fore, things a little dour possibly.
Tuesday March 11th 2003
The Sun Moon and Pluto are in mutable T-Square arrangement this morning (GMT). The Moon then makes a conjunction with Saturn at 11-25 GMT. From this point in time the Moon is 'void of course' before entering Cancer at 02-13 GMT tomorrow. The crisis of the past twenty hours or so will peak this morning, possibly resulting in a time of solemn pronouncement as the Moon conjuncts Saturn.
The crisis at the time of writing appears to focus on US and UK efforts to secure a UN resolution paving the way for military action on Iraq. The war effort seems to have suffered a further setback. In the UK the point of crisis has been epitomized by Tony Blair reacting to cabinet minister Clare Short's attack on his Iraq policy by saying he is working "flat out" for a new UN resolution. All the same, the time appears now to be very tense, and as the Moon waxes to Full next Tuesday, forming at that time a Mutable Cross in the skies, so now all tides and times are pulling us towards this next point of crisis. So too the money markets are reflecting the current uncertainties with a new 7 year low yesterday on the London Stock market. Venus is almost exactly conjunct Neptune tomorrow throwing an intangible web of intrigue on all events immediately ahead of us.
Monday March 10th 2003.
Uranus enters Pisces today at 20-55 GMT, where he will remain until September 15th 2003. Then he will retrograde back into Aquarius before the final ingress into Pisces on December 30th 2003.
On this momentous day of Uranus's ingress, Venus is opposite Jupiter (04-18 GMT), and the Sun is square Pluto (21-48 GMT). The Moon is at First Quarter Phase in Gemini on Tuesday at 07-16 GMT. It all seems to indicate a turbulent period for the world during the first phase of Uranus in Pisces.
Venus will be very closely conjunct Neptune on Wednesday which is the most important planetary aspect of this week.
The date set for a possible war against Iraq is now Monday March 17th 2003 which is day before the next Full Moon. The US secretary of state says there is a "strong chance" of a decisive UN resolution backing military action against Iraq. Other news stories report Israel defending the killing of a leader and founder of Hamas and warning that strikes against militants will continue. US chances of deploying troops in Turkey get a boost after a crucial by-election.
Friday March 7th 2003
A sea change? The UK suggests Iraq could be offered a fresh deadline to disarm in an amended draft resolution targeted at a deeply divided UN.
The Moon, waxing slow but accelerating, is now crescent phase in Taurus till 14-39 GMT on Sunday. Until that point in time all may seem slow and irrevocable, resolute and hard. Real bullish behavior can be expected.
Venus is applying in opposition to Jupiter, the Sun is applying square to Pluto, both aspects exact on Monday 10th March, announcing, as it were, the ingress of Uranus into Pisces, also on that day.
Thursday March 6th 2003.
Mars in early tropical Capricorn right now is passing between the Lagoon Nebula, M8, and the much dimmer Trifid nebula, M20. The Moon is in Aries, waxing but moving really slow. Mercury is in Pisces, Venus is in Aquarius. As these celestial placements occur a powerful bomb yesterday ripped through a bus in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa, killing at least 15 people. France, Germany and Russia threatened to block any second resolution authorizing war with Iraq after emergency talks in Paris. In the UK teenage school children take to the streets to protest against war in Iraq.
Wednesday March 5th 2003.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov says Moscow may use its UN Security Council veto to prevent war in Iraq, and will not abstain. Despite this opposition it looks as if the US and UK may 'go it alone'. Certainly UK TV screens are full of the preparations for war.
Mercury enters Pisces today at 02-24 GMT immediately making a waxing passive sextile to Mars. Thought and activity are momentarily in harmony. Astrologically things settle down after the 'subtle changes' of recent days. The next 'hot spot' is March 10th, the day Uranus enters Pisces, the Sun squares Pluto and Venus opposes Jupiter also on that day. Now we enter a brief lull, planetary speaking, under a waxing but slow moon.
March 4th 2003.
An astrologically interesting day is in store. The day starts with Mars teetering on the Sagittarius Capricorn cusp in sextile to Uranus. This sets off the day with action and surprise. The infant Moon enters Aries at 13-30 GMT providing an even greater impulse to proceedings. Later in the day Mercury is conjunct Uranus at the same moment as Mars enters Capricorn 21-17 GMT. The going from that point onwards can get really dirty. This is truly a potentially 'shocking' day.
The shocks have already started. The New Moon yesterday coincided with Six Iraqis reported killed in a US-British air strike that is being described as a shift in policy before a possible war. Also US bomber aircraft have now arrived in the UK. Stand by...
March 3rd 2003.
The New Moon is at 02-35 GMT today. As this lunation occurs many subtle astrological changes are underway, and these changes may well hold the secrets to the meaning of the new lunation cycle. Mercury will be conjunct Uranus at 21-17 GMT tomorrow. Venus (from yesterday) is in Aquarius, Mars (sextiling Uranus) moves into Capricorn tomorrow. Mercury speeds into Pisces on Wednesday. The New Moon early this morning is semi-sextile Neptune and inconjunct Jupiter. The New Moon in Pisces is midway between solar Eclipses. There may be a wealth of new situations to absorb and reflect upon this week. The week commences with a flash of insight corresponding to the Mercury Uranus conjunction, there is also some dynamism to draw upon with Mars sextiling Uranus. It appears as the week starts now that there is a fair measure of opposition both political and popular to the idea of a war with Iraq. This month of March 2003 will witness the ingress of Uranus into Pisces. There is a new wave coming. The next seven years may well witness a manifestation of an 'awakening of a universal mysticism' that will have repercussions in many fields ranging from art, music, recreation and finance through to spirituality, medicine, travel and astronomy. It is indeed sad that such a time of embryonic mysteriousness may be also a time of a start to a war. It seems that March 2003 will be a turning point, lets hope that the turn is for the better. Happy New Moon to you!
The News reports that officials are believed to have started questioning the suspected planner of the 11 September attacks. Six more al-Samoud missiles are being destroyed, Iraqi officials say, ahead of talks on anthrax and VX nerve gas. The Turkish Government is discussing whether to seek another vote on allowing US troops onto Turkish territory, a day after parliament rejected the long-awaited motion.
Friday 28th February 2003.
The balsamic Moon is in Aquarius until 03-26 GMT on Sunday when she enters Pisces. This is very much an 'old moon weekend'. Things could be finished off, old measures could be discarded, but the advice is not to commit to new things just now. The New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces is on Monday at 02-35 GMT.
Mercury trines Saturn today, a good 'ideas day'.
The Moon conjuncts Mercury on Saturday, and Uranus on Sunday. The three bodies are closely conjunct, this planetary alignment may well correspond with a flash of the unexpected and a touch of genius. And so, on to March 2003...
Thursday 27th February 2003
The Moon now balsamic in Capricorn conjuncts Venus at 12-58 GMT today, and then goes on to enter Aquarius at 19-25 GMT. Venus will follow the Moon into this sign on Sunday. The Moon is void of course all afternoon (GMT) up to the Aquarius ingress. This is a 'low' day, astrologically inert, reactionary, pragmatic, 'grass roots'.
From 19-25 GMT, observe the subtle changes, glimpses of alternatives may become available, thinking processes and emotions less turgid. The swing may be to greater clarity and to greater freedom.
Wednesday 26th February 2003
The Moon wanes and decelerates in Capricorn in long application to Venus (exact tomorrow). Both Sun and Moon are now in negative signs offering a self absorbed, self repressing feel to the day. Mercury sextiles Pluto and starts to apply in trine to Saturn over the next two days offering some opportunity to work through problems and difficult situations in a positive way.
Those naughty North Koreans misbehaved yesterday by firing a test missile into the sea to coincide with the visit of US Secretary of StateColin Powell to the inauguration of South Korea's new president. The US played down the missile launch but warned Pyongyang there will be no reward for "bad behavior".
In the UK Tony Blair said that Iraq has a last chance to avoid war and warns that inaction would lead not to peace but a bloodier conflict in the future.
Tuesday February 25th 2003.
The waning Moon conjuncts Mars in Sagittarius (within 2 degrees) at 04-28 GMT today and enters Capricorn at 13-11 GMT. We can expect situations to become particularly 'real' and waters particularly 'muddy' from that point in time..
The only planetary aspects this week involves Mercury easing the Pluto Saturn opposition tomorrow. The next New Moon is in Pisces on March 3rd 2003. Mercury during this next week starts to build to a conjunction with Uranus, exact on March 4th. March 2003 also sees the ingress of Uranus into Pisces, more to follow that one, suffice to say that this planetary placement last occurred during the 1920s. News yesterday reported Washington and London saying Iraq has missed its final chance to disarm in a draft UN resolution, as they seek approval for military action.
A huge rescue and relief operation began in north-western China after it was hit by an earthquake that killed more than 250 people. Rescuers are searching for survivors in the rubble of 1,000 buildings that collapsed during Monday (Feb 24th 2003) morning's tremor, which had a magnitude of up to 6.8 and was centred on Bachu County in the Xinjiang region. I have no exact time for this event.
Monday February 24th 2003.
After the difficult planetary aspects, and corresponding events, of the last couple of weeks this week looks to be a lot quieter planetary speaking. The Moon is today in Sagittarius at last quarter phase.
Friday February 21st 2003.
The Moon enters Scorpio 06-10 GMT today. Sun and Moon are then both in water signs until Sunday. At 06-51 GMT Mercury conjuncts Neptune. A strange vibration sounds out. The mood becomes deeper and more emotionally charged.
The intensity of feeling persists all day Saturday. Saturn is stationary turning direct 06-03 on Saturday adding karmic significance to that day.
At 08-46 GMT on Sunday the Moon enters Sagittarius, Sun and Moon are then both in mutable signs, things give again, movement is witnessed, the Moon becomes last quarter at 16-46 GMT that day.
Turkey demands written guarantees on aid in return for allowing US forces to use its bases in a war on Iraq. Deep snow and thick fog hinder efforts to retrieve bodies from the site of Iran's worst air disaster (see yesterday's note).
Thursday February 20th 2003
A red letter day. A disseminating close Moon in Libra oversees two planetary oppositions today Mars opposes Saturn 14-14 GMT. Mercury opposes Neptune 19-13 GMT. The standoff is unavoidable, the tension palpable.
Yesterday an Irani passenger plane crashed on a flight from the town of Zahedan to the central city of Kerman with about 250 people on board. The Antonov plane was on a flight between the town of Zahedan to the central city of Kerman when it lost contact around 1730 local time (1400 GMT). (BBC news).
Mercury goes on to conjunct (within 1.6 degrees) Neptune in tropical Aquarius at 06-51 GMT on Friday, under the beams of a Moon in Scorpio, and of course both opposite Jupiter. 'Heady' and serious stuff going down.
Wednesday February 19th 2002.
Yesterday a fire in an underground train in the city of Daegu in South Korea kills at least 120 people and injures many others in what officials say was an arson attack. The authorities say the fire was extinguished by 1300 local time (0400 GMT) - about three hours after it started.
Mars is applying to an opposition with Saturn. This one is beginning to bite hard. Mercury is zipping to a conjunction with Neptune and both are opposite Jupiter. All this happens tomorrow.
Today the Sun enters Pisces and the Moon enters Libra in the early hours GMT. There may be a sour taste to the start of this new astrological month as tomorrow's two oppositions build up. Expect a challenging 'midweek crisis'.
Monday February 17th 2003
The fast moving Moon, now past the Full, is waning in Virgo. Its 'business and work as usual'. The Sun with just two remaining days in Aquarius is conjunct Uranus today at 21-38 GMT. Mars is opposite Saturn on Thursday when also Mercury will be conjunct Neptune and opposite Jupiter. The news as I write reports that the European Union is holding an emergency summit aimed at healing divisions on Iraq, after Nato reaches a deal on military aid to Turkey. The US and South Korea are to hold annual military exercises in March, in a move likely to heighten tensions over the North's nuclear plans. Ivory Coast imposes a night-time curfew for two more weeks, as the rebels demand the implementation of a power-sharing deal.
Sunday February 16th 2003.
A planetary event is underway. Millions of people worldwide yesterday marched in demonstrations against a possible US-led war against Iraq.
Other news at this time... a suspected mass grave is found in Ivory Coast's western town of Man containing what is thought to be hundreds of bodies. Saddam Hussein tells Pope John Paul to make it his mission to tackle religious discrimination that has made his country a target.
The Jupiter opposite Neptune aspects peaks today at 09-12 GMT. This is the second of the three.
Mars is conjunct Pluto at 15-55 GMT. Forthright direct action is in sway.
The exact moment of this current Full Moon, is at 23-52 GMT today.
This 'Candlemas' Full Moon is midway between Lunar Eclipses. The influence of the next Lunar Eclipse ( a total in Scorpio on May 16th) could be said to be commencing.
At the exact moment of Full Moon, Mars is rising and Saturn is setting over Iraq, Moonrise is over central America, Tulsa and Santiago. Pluto rises at Cairo, Mars, Pluto and Saturn are aligned to Caracas, Jupiter Neptune to Vancouver, Jupiter to Monrovia. Mars is conjunct Pluto (opposite Saturn) and conjunct the MC of Perth, Hong Kong and Beijing. The Full Moon is conjunct the MC at Koln, Bern, and Nice.
Mars is now in zodiacal conjunction with Pluto. This potentially very violent conjunction peaks on Sunday 16th February. The position in the sky of this planetary conjunction happens to be a 'hot spot' in the astrological charts of several currently leading world 'players'. Mars and Pluto will conjunct Saturn in the Iraq republic chart, Mercury in the UK chart, Mars in Prince Charles' chart, Mars in Dick Cheney's chart, Mars in Robert Mugabe's chart, Saturn in Ariel Sharon's chart, and the Moon in the Inauguration Chart of G.W. Bush.
February 15th 2003.
The Moon enters Leo just after midnight (GMT) today. The last two days with a mostly void Moon in Cancer have been rather melancholy? Today the vibration changes to universal extroversion. Many planetary forces are at work as we approach the climax of Full Moon in Leo on Sunday night. this weekend could take us anywhere. The energy is uncompromising and resplendent. Rebellion is in the air, violence is never far away, fixity of purpose is paramount. As I write with, the Moon still in Cancer, the news is that the latest report by the chief UN weapons inspectors on progress towards disarming Iraq met a mixed response from the Security Council. The Palestinian leader says he will appoint a prime minister - meeting a key demand made by the international community. There is more to follow. The weekend is geared to recreation and protest.
Thursday February 13th 2003.
Anti-aircraft weapons are set up around Washington as the US and UK ramp up security amid warnings of imminent attacks. Work is under way on a UN new resolution on Iraq's disarmament, as Nato remains embroiled in a dispute over defending Turkey in a war. The UN's nuclear watchdog says Pyongyang (North Korea) has broken its international obligations and refers the issue to the Security Council.
The Moon is waxing in Cancer, a combination which can always be counted upon to act as a catalyst to fear , insecurity and paranoia. She becomes gibbous in phase at 10-44 GMT. Prior to that Mercury enters Aquarius at 01-00 GMT, reactions both of altruism and dispassion are set in motion. The mood now is deepening gloom, a planetary storm is brewing
Wednesday February 12th 2003.
Amid powerful astrological indications of conflict, opposition and growing threat of violence, (please see the comments of the past few days), the UK prime minister yesterday gave his personal authorization for soldiers to be drafted in to boost security in and around London Airport. US Secretary of State Colin Powell is warning that crunch time for Iraq is fast approaching, as Nato fails to resolve a rift over plans for war. US security chiefs say they have specific intelligence about al-Qaeda attacks in the US and Middle East as early as this weekend. (Is there an astrologer working for the 'US security chiefs'? The governor of Phnom Penh, Chea Sophara, is sacked two weeks after anti-Thai riots engulfed the Cambodian capital.
The waxing Moon continues to accelerate through Gemini, invoking a corresponding stream of words, clamor and general diversity of purposes. The Moon plunges into Cancer at 17-20 GMT invoking a more emotional response. Stay with it, stay cool, stay tuned to the daze.
Tuesday February 11th 2003.
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says planning for military action against Iraq will go ahead despite dissent within Nato.
The Sun is trine Saturn and this could make for some sound constructional dialogue. The Moon however is under beseigement today. She makes a strong opposition to Mars at 15-11 GMT and to Pluto at 21-16 GMT, as all day she approaches her monthly conjunction with Saturn which occurs tomorrow at 02-10 GMT. This is a day of challenge, opposition and finally sobriety. It aptly matches the dissent within Nato. Ideas, words and communications are to the fore in a frenzy of shallow and 'vampish' outpourings. The underlying flavor of the week, (see Monday's comment), remain one of impending violence.
Monday February 10th 2003.
There are 39 days to the Vernal Equinox. The slowly waxing Moon today enters Gemini at 06-46 GMT. Mars is within three degrees of a zodiacal conjunction with Pluto. This potentially very violent conjunction peaks on Sunday 16th February. The position in the sky of this planetary conjunction happens to be a 'hot spot' in the astrological charts of several currently leading world 'players'. Mars and Pluto will conjunct Saturn in the Iraq republic chart, Mercury in the UK chart, Mars in Prince Charles' chart, Mars in Dick Cheney's chart, Mars in Robert Mugabe's chart, Saturn in Ariel Sharon's chart, and the Moon in the Inauguration Chart of G.W. Bush. Next Sunday also happens to be the day of the Full Moon, and Jupiter will be opposite Neptune on this day. The week ahead therefore will tend to build in crescendo towards this point in time. At the start of the week the Sun is in airy trine to Saturn conferring a 'harnessing of energy' on events both today and tomorrow.
Sunday February 9th 2003.
The Moon is at first quarter phase today at 11-12 GMT in Taurus. All appears resolute and certain, mirroring the Sun Moon combination in fixed signs. The news too is fixed and hard. The United Nations chief calls for collective action over Iraq, as the top weapons inspectors begin last-ditch efforts to get Baghdad to co-operate. Pakistan describes relations with India as "extremely bad" following the tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions over Kashmir. Colombia's vice-president says that left-wing FARC rebels carried out the bombing of a Bogota nightclub which left at least 25 dead. Washington puts the country on the second-highest level of security alert due to an increased risk of terror attacks by al-Qaeda. A huge deployment of British tanks and armoured personnel carriers are being loaded on to ships from a base in Germany.
Next weekend has powerful astrological signatures with Mars conjunct Pluto, Neptune opposite Jupiter and the Full Moon in Leo opposing Uranus. More on this to follow.
Friday February 7th 2003.
The very slow Moon enters Taurus at 18-00 GMT today. The first quarter phase is on Sunday. The emphasis today is towards fixity and entrenchment. The Sun in Aquarius is robustly placed applying sextile to Pluto and trine to Saturn. Mars is starting its nine day application to an explosive conjunction with Pluto in Sagittarius. The pieces on the chess board are in place, there is stirring in the northern hemisphere and the start of another fall in the southern. World news hovers around Iraq and North Korea.
Thursday February 6th 2003.
On this day during the first 12 hours (GMT) a planetary pattern called a 'fiery kite' forms in the skies of earth. This pattern involves the crescent Moon, now in Aries, Mars and Jupiter forming an equilateral triangle, around the opposition of Jupiter and Neptune. Experience has taught that this such planetary arrangements are powerful indications of important events (for good or ill). It will be interesting to observe the corresponding events unfolding on earth as the kite forms and subsides. The main news items at the time of writing involves Colin Powell telling the UN that it cannot ignore evidence of Iraqi efforts to block arms inspectors, and France saying that more time is needed. Meanwhile in North Korea Pyongyang says its nuclear facilities - which the US says can make weapons-grade plutonium - are back "on a normal footing". This means that the site is reactivated. The day is 'combustible, events urgent and vital.
Tuesday February 4th 2003.
Under the beams of a 'cradled' New Moon sailing through Pisces the FTSE 100 index of leading UK shares staged a strong comeback yesterday following last week's heavy losses. The FTSE closed up 122 points, or 3.4%, at 3,689, its biggest rise in three months. With a surge of 'New Moon' impetus' the UK prime minister said that the world is "entering the final phase of a 12-year history of the disarmament of Iraq". Also in the UK all sides in the firefighters' dispute are meeting for the first time after union leaders emerged upbeat from government talks. In similar positive spirit the relatives of the astronauts killed in the shuttle disaster say space exploration must go on, as investigators search for debris and human remains.
The Moon continues today to sail on in Piscean seas of emotion and sensation. Venus enters Capricorn at 13-27 GMT today adding a note of realism to proceedings over the next few weeks but Mars right now is applying in fiery trine to Jupiter, this aspect peaks tomorrow and may be the 'cause' of continued high spirits and general optimism. Later in the week the Aries Moon will draw together the trining pair of Mars and Jupiter with Neptune in a powerful 'kite' pattern. There is something new building up. Stay tuned.
Monday February 3rd 2003.
0858 EST (1358 GMT) - Commentary: "Columbia continuing toward Florida, now approaching the New Mexico/Texas border, altitude 40 miles, speed 13,200 mph. Range to touch down 1,400 miles. The shuttle in a left-bank, with wings angled about 57 degs to horizontal."
0859 - Mission control: "Columbia, Houston. We see your tyre-pressure messages - we did not copy your last."
Columbia/Husband: "Roger... erm..." (Radio noise and crackling).
The astrocartography map below is set for the time of the event. The dominant planetary configuration at this awesome moment is the New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune opposite Jupiter applying to Uranus. All is concentrated on Texas, the 'infant' New Moon is rising, Jupiter is setting. Uranus is rising, Mars is on the MC.
Other world news hitting the airwaves this weekend ...At least 20 are reported killed and many injured in Lagos as an explosion devastates buildings, but the cause is not yet known. More than 30 people die as a fire sweeps through a hotel in the north-eastern Chinese city of Harbin, state media have reported. Hundreds of rioters fight with police in the city of Abidjan after the discovery of a body believed to belong to an opposition supporter. Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy is taken into custody at Bangkok airport following anti-Thai riots in Phnom Penh.
Today the New Moon is in Pisces. We are exactly half way between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal Equinox.
Friday January 31st 2003.
The Sun is conjunct Neptune. Will and sublimation combine. The very old Moon enters Aquarius today at 12-45 GMT. President Bush says the US is entering the final phase of consultations over Iraq - which will last weeks, not months. Tony Blair tells the world to steel itself for possible action against Iraq as the UK calls up 4,500 extra reservists in readiness for war. Brazil's new leftist president, known as Lula, launches a major programme to bring cash aid to the country's poorest families.
In North Korea Pyongyang describes remarks in the US president's State of the Union address as a declaration of aggression.
The New Moon occurs tomorrow in Aquarius at 10-49 GMT. This is the second New Moon after the Solar Eclipse of November 2002. This New Moon is conjunct Neptune opposite Jupiter and sextile Mars. Venus is sextile Uranus and Mars is trine Jupiter. There are a large number of planets in Fire and Air signs. Mars, Venus and Pluto reside in Sagittarius. The Sun, the Moon, Neptune and Uranus are in Aquarius. This lunation occurs at a time of great zeal and 'astral glamour'. The energies are forthright and 'progressive'. There is a welling up of self expressive and forthright projections. Mass begilement and intoxication are both dominant themes at this time of new beginnings.
At the moment of New Moon, significantly, the Sun and Moon exactly rise at Caracas, Venezuela, and they set at Saigon. Saturn is rising and Pluto is setting over the horizons of Iraq, an ominous portent for that country. Mars sets at Cairo, Mercury sets at Kabul.
Wednesday January 29th 2003.
The crop of news events occurring under the current (and at the time of writing still applying) Venus Saturn opposition speak of Russia warning its stance could harden if Baghdad hinders weapons inspections, as the US says it may reveal intelligence information. Israeli election officials predict the lowest turnout in the history of the state, as Ariel Sharon looks set to return to power. American and coalition forces fight Afghan rebels in what US military officials say is the largest-scale fighting for nine months. Venezuela's 58-day-old strike by right-wing business groups and unions to remove the country's democratically elected president appears to be waning.
Today the balsamic and decelerating Moon enters Capricorn at 07-30 and commences a long application to a conjunction to Mercury. Today is more 'down to earth' than recent days, but the times remain serious and critical.
Tuesday January 28th 2003.
Iraqi officials have failed to fully account for banned weapons programs and have resisted arms inspections, U.N. inspectors reported yesterday. U.S. spokesman John Negroponte reacted to the report by saying Iraq was failing to comply with U.N. disarmament demands and calling on the U.N. to 'face its responsibilities'.
Sky and Telescope.
Serious stuff indeed. All day long Venus moves to a grim opposition to Saturn, which is exact 00-13 GMT on Wednesday 29th January. The Sagittarian Moon, becoming balsamic at 20-09 GMT, also moves to conjunct Pluto, conjunct Venus and oppose Saturn during the day. The Sun Moon combination is very combustible, airy and fiery. The Sun is moving to a conjunction with Neptune and an opposition to Jupiter at the weekend, around the time of the New Moon. As above so below, the planetary pressure is on, be not mistaken, and the news reflects the astrological weather. What ever is going on in our personal lives, the ever present and growing threat of war is both upsetting and seemingly unavoidable.
Sunday January 26th 2003.
On the morning of January 26th, about 01:35 GMT, European observers can watch asteroid Vesta (magnitude 7.1) pass 0.2 degrees south of the 3.4-magnitude star Delta Virginis. The Moon, now waning past last quarter phase, is today in Scorpio. The Sun makes a waxing positive sextile aspect to Mars at 05-26 GMT today giving a momentary boost to proceedings. The next planetary event is an opposition of Venus and Saturn shortly after midnight GMT on Wednesday 29th January 2003. The Moon will make conjunctions with Mars (within 0.5 degree), Pluto, Venus and Mercury over the next few days. The New Moon in Aquarius occurs next Saturday at 10-49 GMT conjunct Neptune and opposite Jupiter. An eventful week is predicted.
Yesterday, under the Venus Pluto conjunction, UN arms inspectors failed to get private access to scientists as the US said other countries would support a military strike against Iraq. Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo agreed to a peace deal to end the four-month civil war in the country, and a new prime minister was chosen. An attack by malicious computer code dramatically slowed Internet traffic - and South Korea's web services were shut down. In the UK more than 30 people are in hospital after a Tube train carrying 800 people derailed and hit a tunnel wall in central London.
Saturday January 25th 2003.
Today is very special. Venus is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 17-57 GMT. The Moon is at last quarter phase in Scorpio. There is passion, intensity, crisis and profound eventuality in store. As the Venus Pluto planetary conjunction approaches Spain's prime minister says police have thwarted a "major terrorist attack", following the arrest of 16 suspected al-Qaeda militants. Global unemployment has reached 6.5% of the labour force and there has also been a rise in the number of working poor. The White House warns that what it calls Baghdad's refusal to allow UN inspectors to interview Iraqi scientists in private is "unacceptable". The Financial Times Share Index has fallen for a record ten days in a row. Times may well become very serious now. Stay tuned to the Daze.
Thursday January 23rd 2003
Yesterday morning 02-00 GMT an earthquake occurred in Mexico. A state of emergency has been declared in several towns on Mexico's Pacific coast, where the powerful earthquake hit overnight, killing at least 23 people. The quake's magnitude was a massive 7.8. Jupiter had shortly risen. The Moon was square Pluto. Later on in the day still under a fast disseminating Moon in Virgo, France and Germany vowed to co-operate against an Iraq war, as President Bush gave further signals that confrontation may be nearing. India expelled four members of the Pakistani mission in Delhi - Pakistan said it will further increase tension between the two countries. Thousands of students went on the rampage in Nairobi in the first social unrest since the new government took office last month.
The Moon today is in Libra. This is a day where war and peace are in the balance. Mercury turns direct at 01-02 GMT. New projects, applications and plans can be successfully set in motion from now. The Sun and Moon are today in air signs, communication is to the fore.
As has already been said, this week is astrologically quiet. Next week however is different. Venus will conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius on Saturday 25th January. There may well be a heightened intensity of emotional purposes at this time. Venus and the Moon will oppose Saturn late on Tuesday 29th January. This purports to be an intensely serious time and it coincides with the UN weapons inspector's report to the UN council about Iraq. The next New Moon on Saturday Feb. 1st is conjunct Neptune opposite Jupiter. There is potential at that time for serious bewilderment and mass deception.
Tuesday January 21st 2003.
Today the Moon is rushing through Virgo. Venus, Mars and Pluto are in Sagittarius, Mercury is retrograde but approaching its direct station in Capricorn. These are really 'realistic talking' times, with a dash of 'going for it' thrown in for good measure. With Venus trine Jupiter, there is some scope for benevolence today.
Meanwhile the News reports that the UK says it will send up to a quarter of its army to the Gulf, as Baghdad promises better cooperation with weapons inspectors. Also in the UK a stun gun, a replica firearm and a CS gas canister were among the items seized in a raid on a London mosque, police reveal as they quiz seven suspects.
Monday January 20th 2003.
Astrologically a quieter week is in store. The only planetary aspect this week is a fiery trine between Venus and Jupiter on Tuesday. The Sun enters Aquarius today at 11-53 GMT. The Moon enters Virgo at 18-33 GMT.
Yesterday UN weapons inspection chiefs met Iraqi officials in Baghdad to demand more active cooperation, a week before they submit a key report. The United States says it is prepared to offer economic cooperation to North Korea in its latest effort to defuse nuclear tensions. Canberra's worst bush fires in decades claim four lives and destroy hundreds of homes, as emergency teams warn of fresh outbreaks.
Sunday January 19th 2003.
Yesterday's Full Moon presided over a day of worldwide protests against a looming US-led war on Iraq culminating in giant peace rallies in Washington and other US cities. The head of the UN's atomic agency voiced concern about documents - apparently nuclear-related - found in an Iraqi scientist's home. A state of emergency was declared around Canberra as troops joined the battle to contain the worst bushfires in 50 years. The first West African peacekeepers arrived in Abidjan, as the Ivorian peace talks in Paris showed signs of progress. A UN envoy warned of a growing humanitarian crisis as Russia maked moves to ease tensions over North Korea's nuclear programme. At least 33 people were killed as mudslides triggered by torrential rain devastated homes in south-east Brazil. US special forces started training troops in troubled oil-rich Arauca, the first direct American involvement in Colombia's 39-year civil war.
The Full Moon has passed now. She wanes and accelerates in Leo, conjuncting Jupiter at 16-33 today, both trining Venus. This is the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn. It looks quite a nice one.
Saturday January 18th 2003.
The Moon will be exactly Full today at 28 degrees Cancer at 10-48 GMT. The astrological chart of the event is shown below. This is the second Full Moon after the Lunar Eclipse of November 2002. The Full Moon is trine Mars. Venus is sextile Neptune and trine Jupiter. This lunation could be a benevolent occasion. At the exact moment of Full Moon, it is Moonrise over Cambodia, and Moonset over Venezuela. The Moon is conjunct the MC of Honolulu.
Friday January 17th 2003.
The Moon will occult a star called 'Epsilon Gemini' in the early hours of today. The occultation is visible from the UK. Disappearance occurs around 02-49 and reappearance occurs around 03-48.
Mars enters Sagittarius at 04-22 GMT today. Times are changing.
Venus makes a positive waning sextile to Neptune at 10-35 GMT. This is the only planetary aspect this week. At 10-55 the gibbous Moon makes a very close linear opposition with Mercury.
Thursday January 16th 2003.
The Moon enters Cancer at 07-56. There is a strong and growing emotional undercurrent today.
Today the news was issued that UN weapons inspectors found a dozen empty chemical warheads while searching an ammunition storage depot in Iraq.
Wednesday January 15th 2003.
The Moon in Gemini is opposite Pluto at 10-41 GMT and is conjunct Saturn (within 3 degrees) at 19-29.
With each day that passes now the proximity and certainty of a war with Iraq appears to grow. Yesterday the US declared that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has little time left to disarm, as both the EU and the UN urge restraint. Weapons experts in Iraq have reportedly found large quantities of illegally smuggled materials, but it is not yet clear if they are related to weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear bombs or chemical warfare
Tuesday January 14th 2003.
The Moon in Gemini opposes Venus at noon GMT. The Moon becomes gibbous in phase from 16-00. This day might be a little lighter and breezier in atmosphere after the hard going nature of the past two days.
In the UK however police are questioning three men after an officer was stabbed to death and four others injured during a counter terrorism operation in Manchester. The incident occurred in the early evening (GMT).
Monday January 13th 2003.
The tense Mars Pluto square mentioned below is further accentuated today as the Moon in Taurus forms a T-square with the pair between 15-54, when she squares Uranus and when she opposes Mars (in pretty close linear alignment) at 17-44 GMT. Yesterday and today have a static and troublesome quality about them.
Yesterday, under the Mars Uranus square aspect, Israeli helicopters opened fire in the Gaza Strip during what Palestinians said was a botched attempt to assassinate Hamas militants. The oil producers' cartel increased production to try to stabilize world oil prices which have soared because of Venezuela's strike. The US ordered its second major deployment of troops in 24 hours, as it began to build a force for a possible attack on Iraq. The opposition mayor of Zimbabwe's capital is to be charged with assault and holding an unauthorized rally, police say.
Saturday January 11th 2003
North Korea pulls out of a crucial nuclear arms treaty due to "hostile US policy" but the US insists it will not reward "bad behavior". Prime Minister Abdullah Gul approves a US survey of Turkish ports and air bases, as part of preparations for war against Iraq.
The Inferior Conjunction of Mercury in Capricorn occurs today at 20-02 GMT. A fixed waning square between Mars and Uranus occurs at 04-47 GMT tomorrow, With the waxing accelerating Moon entering Taurus today mid morning (GMT), we expect a tough and potentially violent weekend on the world stage. Venus in Sagittarius is at greatest elongation, 47° west of the Sun in the dawn sky will herald this important day.
Thursday January 9th 2003.
The Moon is very slow in motion but waxing to her first quarter phase in Aries at 13-15 GMT tomorrow. The next two planetary aspects are the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury in Capricorn at 20-02 GMT on Saturday 11th January, and a potentially shocking, brutal and violent fixed waning square between Mars and Uranus at 04-47 GMT on Sunday 12th. News reaching us tells of South Korea and Japan hailing Washington's readiness to talk to North Korea over its nuclear programme, but North Korea keeps up anti-US rhetoric. 72 people aboard a Turkish domestic flight are feared dead after it crashes in the south-east, reportedly in heavy fog. The Israeli prime minister dismisses reports that he received an improper loan as "despicable political libel" three weeks before elections.
Wednesday January 8th 2003.
Britain and France put their forces on alert for a possible war with Iraq, as the US sends ships and thousands of soldiers to the Gulf. Anti-terrorist police are holding six North African men after finding traces of the highly toxic poison ricin at a London address. Apparently the arrests were made last Sunday Morning. Tony Blair says it is vital that the UK stands alongside the US to tackle Iraq in the face of "real and present" threats to global security.
The Crescent Moon, hanging beautifully in the evening skies of Earth, enters Aries at 21-15 GMT today. Retrograde Mercury is sextile Mars. Stillness before the storm. Prepare for ignition later in the day.
A minor grazing lunar occultation will occur tonight, just visible from the UK. The Moon will occult a faint star 30 PSC from 18-13 to 18-28 GMT. Worth a look, worth a thought.
Tuesday January 7th 2003
The main astrological issue today is the ingress of Venus into Sagittarius at 13-08 GMT. After an incredibly long residence in Scorpio, Venus will be in Sagittarius for only one month. Things may well be a little more spirited, forthright and 'in the open' during this time. Dates to look out for in the immediate future are when Venus will sextile Neptune on Jan 17th, conjunct Pluto on Jan 25th, oppose Saturn on Jan 28th, and sextile Uranus on Feb. 2nd. Venus will enter Capricorn on Feb. 4th 2003.
Monday January 6th 2003.
The crescent Moon enters Pisces at 10-57 GMT today. The day becomes unfathomable, responses sublime and emotional. The Sun is halfway through Capricorn, the darkest month in the northern hemisphere is over. Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, expect continuing delays in communications and related transport problems. Venus has one more day in Scorpio, entering Sagittarius tomorrow at 13-08 GMT. On Friday, the first quarter Moon in Aries will form a fiery grand trine with the current Jupiter, Pluto aspect, this day appears the most dynamic of the week.
Yesterday at least 17 bystanders were killed and many more injured in a double suicide bombing in a busy area of Tel Aviv. Moscow said it will try to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear programme, but also called on the US to show flexibility. The doctor who says she has produced two cloned babies in the past weeks told the BBC that three more will be born by February.
Sunday January 5th 2003.
The Crab Nebula.
As I write a rare astronomical event is occurring. From 11-00 GMT yesterday Saturn began a retrograde transit over the deep space 'planetary nebula' called the Crab Nebula. The transit will finish at 20-00 GMT today. The Crab Nebula is in fact a super nova remnant, the remains of a giant super nova within our galaxy. My calculations indicate that this event will not occur again until 14th Aug. 2208 AD. On the night of 24th-26th July 2002 Saturn grazed the Nebula. (This was a time of a brief, sudden and unsustained share price 'hike' on world markets.) Before that a transit occurred during the 6th, 7th and 8th Aug. 1943. (Just before Winston Churchill's final talks with the US prior to D-Day landings). That was the first transit after 1800 AD. I have not yet found the previous transit. Astronomers with telescopes are not certain what they will be able to see of this event. As an astrologer I can only draw people's attention to the rarity of the event and make some suggestion as to the possible meaning of the exact alignment of this piece of cosmic structure with Saturn. It seems probable that the manifestations on earth which could be corresponded with this phenomenon are to 'disturb' and to 'abberate'.
Closer to home, the Moon is waxing and decelerating in Aquarius. Mercury is sextile Venus, both forming a loose 'finger of fate' pattern with Saturn. News reaching us as these cosmic events occur report that the group which says it has produced the first cloned human being announces that a second such baby has been born. Weapons inspectors are heading for the Iraqi city of Mosul where they are to base themselves to expand and speed up operations in the north. Police in Zimbabwe are using tear-gas and baton charges to disperse a riot in Bulawayo at a grain depot, Zimbabwe media reports.
Any thoughts on these ideas? E-mail me here.
Saturday January 4th 2003.
During the night of January 4-5 2003, a rare astronomical event will occur. Saturn will transit the face of M1, the Crab Nebula. The passage of a planet across a nebula is so rare that few observers have ever witnessed such an event. Saturn will be in the middle of its traverse across the Crab at roughly 23:00 GMT. As above so below, we will be looking for correspondences in earthly events.
The young Moon today is in Aquarius from 03-57 GMT and will conjunct Neptune at 21-23 GMT. Retrograde Mercury is sextile Venus. The year crawls onward, the future beckons, an inventive and connective sort of day.
Day after day now news stories continue to point towards war in the middle east. Yesterday the American president rallied US troops, telling them that if Iraq refuses to disarm they will not be conquerors but liberators. In Venezuela security forces moved in to try to separate opponents and supporters of President Hugo Chavez as they demonstrated in Caracas.
Friday Jan 3rd 2003.
The Moon is New in Capricorn. She conjuncts Mercury at 00-56 GMT on Saturday. Venus is square Uranus today at 20-38 GMT. An unusual day may well be in store.
The New Moon coincided with news of a new contender for the democratic party presidential nomination for the 2004 USA election. His mane is Senator John Edwards. His date of birth is June 10th 1953. I have been unable to ascertain his time of birth. He was born just before a New Moon in Gemini. See his Noon Chart here.
Other news stories coinciding with the New Moon energy involve Iraq's deputy prime minister saying Washington is preparing an invasion to seize control of oil resources, as more US troops head for the region. Turkey sharply criticises the Turkish Cypriot leadership, signaling its determination to end the 30-year stalemate over the divided island. News of a possible revival in manufacturing sparks gains for US equities as investors try to forget a dismal 2002.
Jan 1st 2003.
The year starts with a very old Moon in Sagittarius becoming New tomorrow in Capricorn. (Chart below). The New Moon makes no planetary aspects but is conjunct Chiron. Venus is square Uranus making this a very 'nervy' lunation. Mercury turns retrograde shortly before tomorrow's New Moon.
The year started a little low key in London and there is a certain gloomy vibration across the UK with the prospect of war on the cards. Millions of Europeans turned out on the continent's streets to see in the New Year despite tight security to combat the threat of terror attacks. US President George Bush says America is involved in a diplomatic showdown with North Korea, not a military one. Concern is mounting for the safety of 2,000 inhabitants of two Pacific islands that have been devastated by a cyclone.
Please feel free to stay with The Daze during 2003, and to pass on our Web address to others.