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Astrotexts....personal astrology service to you by Michael Harwood.
(Copyright:- The Daze 2008 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak. Sky and Telescope Magazine.
BBC News UK Earthquake page CNN News.
Media services. Astroworld US Marjorie Orr
George Bush in 2008 David Cameron in 2008 Gordon Brown in 2008
January 2008
Tuesday January 1st 2008
2007 ended with scores of people being killed across Kenya after violence blamed on the disputed presidential election.
Yesterday Pakistan's election body delayed a ruling on whether to go ahead with January elections, after Benazir Bhutto's death
The US and Japan expressed disappointment that N Korea looks set to miss a year-end nuclear deadline.
Today the year starts in New Year party spirit, the Moon in Libra making very slow and easy aspects.
Wednesday January 2nd 2008
Diplomatic pressure mounts on Kenya's leaders to end violence over the country's disputed presidential election
Kenya received full independence from Great Britain at 00:00 GMT on 12th December 1963. The Kenyan independence chart is a well balanced, inspirational, earthy, essentially and constructive nativity.
The current troubles may have been triggered by the recent Full Moon on Dec. 24th 2007 which was opposite Kenya's natal Mars in Capricorn, and by the previous New Moon which was conjunct Kenya's natal Sagittarius Sun.
Jupiter currently in Capricorn, by transit, is conjunct both Kenya's natal Mars and Mercury in January 2008. Jupiter is also conjunct natal Venus in Feb, July, and Oct 2008. Uranus is square Kenya's natal Sun three times in 2008, March, October and December.
Kenya's independence chart has a progressed Moon currently in Gemini, she goes 'gibbous' in July 2008 and reaches progressed Full Moon in Dec. 2011. Kenya's previous progressed Full Moon (1982) and New Moon (1997) were eclipses so it might be said that in the long run the current cycle is as not as powerful as the times already seen in this nation's short life.
Pakistan's election body says a 8 January poll "looks impossible" but the decision will be made on Wednesday.
Smoking bans and fines come into effect in bars and restaurants in much of Germany and all of France.
On Dec.. 31st around 0110 UTC, something exploded just behind the sun's eastern limb. The blast unleashed a solar flare and hurled a bright CME into space. These events may signal the impending return of large sunspot 978, which has spent the past two weeks transiting the far side of the sun.
Today the very slowly waning Moon, now past last quarter in Libra , trines Mars in Gemini, is void from 00:34 GMT, and enters Scorpio 01:33 GMT.
The Moon with her Node and Mars then form a planetary kite pattern, with a watery grand trine on the backbone of the current Mars Pluto opposition. The pattern peaks around 05:30 GMT.
Mars opposes Pluto 22:34 GMT, eased by the Lunar Node over the next few days. This is the second time that this opposition has occurred during the course of the current Mars retrograde motion. The first was on September 20th 2007, the last will be on March 7th 2008. (Around the time of the first opposition, Uganda declared a state of emergency in the worst flood-affected areas of the country as humanitarian workers tried to reach villages that have been cut off by water).
Earth in perihelion 23:51 GMT
Thursday January 3rd 2008
Yesterday both sides in Kenya's disputed poll accused the other of violence amid diplomatic efforts to curb the crisis. Kenya's opposition leader insists a banned rally will go ahead, despite pleas for an end to post-election unrest.
Elections originally scheduled for 8 January in Pakistan will now take place on 18 February, (with Mercury stationary about to turn direct) polling officials say. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says a British team will help investigate the death of Benazir Bhutto.
The US justice department is to launch a criminal inquiry into the CIA's wiping of interrogation tapes.
A volcano has erupted in southern Chile, leading to some 150 people being evacuated from the immediate area. The Llaima volcano, about 650 km (400 miles) south of the capital, Santiago, produced a huge column of smoke, and threw out lava and ash.
Oil has traded at $100 a barrel for the first time. Violence in Nigeria, Algeria and Pakistan, the weak US dollar and the threat of cold weather have all raised prices after the new year break.
In the UK yesterday patients were moved after a serious fire breaks out at one of Europe's leading cancer hospitals in west London.
Today the Moon reaching apogee 08:04 GMT slowly wanes away in Scorpio. Venus is applying to a sobering square aspect to Saturn this coming weekend but the Sun is at the same time applying in sextile to Uranus, adding something out of the ordinary to confound the skeptics!
Friday January 4th 2008
Yesterday Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki said that he is ready to talk to opposition rivals, but only after the unrest ends.
Thousands of Benazir Bhutto supporters face riot charges after unrest in Pakistan, her party says.
The US presidential contest starts in Iowa, with Republican and Democratic races too close to call.
It was reported yesterday that astronomers have discovered a newborn planet in a solar system that is still in the process of forming - the first example of this ever found. The planet has nearly 10 times the mass of our Jupiter; and it circles TW Hydrae, a nearby young star which is only eight to 10 million years old. The planet orbits the star with a period of 3.56 days at a distance of about six million km (four million miles), inside the inner rim of the system's dusty disc. TW Hydrae is situated about 182 light-years away in the constellation Hydra.
Sky and Telescope
Today the slow and old Moon, sextile Mercury 00:31 GMT and becomes void of course at that time, hits her balsamic phase 28 degrees Scorpio 11:08 GMT, then enters Sagittarius 14:14 GMT, joining Venus and Pluto in that sign.
The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks. This is a short but strong display. Up to 100 meteors per hour might be seen after midnight on the 4th.
There is some brave and optimistic cheer to be found on this Friday night, but the Moon is old, Mercury is appearing to slow down, Venus is facing some heavy duty aspects ahead and Mars is opposite Pluto. This is mighty and mean. Take care, take courage.
Saturday January 5th 2008
At least 180,000 people have been displaced by unrest after last week's disputed Kenyan election, say UN officials.
US presidential hopefuls head to New Hampshire a day after the Iowa result threw the nominating races wide open. Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Republican Mike Huckabee emerged victorious there in the first contest of the 2008 US presidential election. For a good astrological review of the candidates try the link below.
Majorie Orr's passing thoughts on US Presidential Election.
Solar physicists have been waiting for the appearance of a reversed-polarity sunspot to signal the start of the next solar cycle. The wait is over. A magnetically reversed, high-latitude sunspot emerged yesterday: It marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24 and the sun's slow ascent back to Solar Maximum.
This is very much an 'old moon weekend'. Don't expect too much in the way of enchantment!
The slow, old but accelerating Moon is conjunct Venus in Sagittarius at 03:20 GMT.
The Moon moves on to square Saturn and Uranus during the day.
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs today at 10:09 GMT visible from South America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec.. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
The Sun is about to sextile Uranus, Venus is squaring Saturn, the Moon is badly besieged, all in all not an easy day.
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Sunday January 6th 2008
We are now half way through the astrological month of Capricorn.
The Sun sextile Uranus 12:10 GMT. Practical inventiveness is to the fore as this day starts.
Venus squares Saturn 13:39 GMT and will go on to square Uranus next Saturday. Venus is truly under pressure now and in the week ahead. Somber and sober responses can be expected today.
The old Moon in Sagittarius opposes Mars 21:35 GMT
Hell of a weekend!
Monday January 7th 2008
Yesterday international monitors said that Georgia's election, which President Saakashvili seems to have won, was democratic.
Pakistan's President Musharraf said Benazir Bhutto may have been shot dead, contradicting official accounts.
Iraqi soldiers were among eight killed by a suicide bomber in Baghdad in an attack during Army Day celebrations.
A powerful earthquake hit Greece, shaking buildings and waking people from their sleep. Greek geologists said the quake - measuring 6.5 - was centred 120km (75 miles) south-west of Athens in the southern Peloponnese region. But it was very deep, 51km underground, and there were no early reports of casualties or damage. Reports say the quake was felt over much of Greece, which is the most earthquake-prone country in Europe. The earthquake struck at 0514 GMT - 0714 local time - while many people were still asleep.
Today the ancient slow moving Moon is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius and is void of course at 00:28 GMT. She accelerates into Capricorn 01:43 GMT joining Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun. She is conjunct Jupiter (5 degree separation) at 10:27 GMT.
The Sun and the old Moon are in Capricorn. Tough as old boots and just as interesting, quite an apt day to return to work after Yuletide festivities.
Tuesday January 8th 2008
Yesterday it was reported that Iranian boats had harassed three US navy ships at the weekend with a threat to blow them up.
Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki invited opposition rival Raila Odinga for talks over disputed elections.
A former Taleban commander who switched sides was made governor of the Afghan town of Musa Qala.
Chad warplanes have bombed two villages in Sudan's Darfur province, leaving six people dead, according to the UN.
Today Mercury enters Aquarius 04:40 GMT and will reside in this sign for over two months. This period will be a very eventful time astrologically for the planet Mercury.
There is a lunar occultation of Mercury in Aquarius tomorrow. Mercury is conjunct Neptune within 17 minutes of arc at 21 degrees Aquarius on Jan 23rd just after the next Full Moon. Mercury turns retrograde on January 28th at 24 degrees Aquarius (just before attempting to make an airy trine with Mars), once more returning into the bosom of Neptune on Feb 3rd. Inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs on Feb. 6th. Mercury turns direct on the 19th Feb. at 8 degrees Aquarius. Mercury is conjunct Venus (1.2 degrees orb) on 26th Feb. at 11 degrees Aquarius. Mercury and Venus remain within 3 degrees of each other for over a month from that time. Another lunar occultation of Mercury (the second of 5 in 2008) occurs at 14 degrees Aquarius on March 5th. Mercury is again for a final third time, aligned to Neptune (within a degree this time) at 23 degrees Aquarius on March 9th. Mercury enters new territory on March 11th and finally leaves Aquarius hand in hand with Venus on March 14th.
The upshot on all of these is that from just five days from now we would be ill advised to begin or to launch new enterprises for the period right up to March 11th. The whole period is certainly a seeding ground for new 'future oriented' ideas. It is a period of vision. 'Independent thought' is favoured. During the period there will be so many modulations to the astrological energy of Mercury, about turns, twists of fate and fine tuning that the period is best regarded as a think tank.
With all this is mind we now face today's New Moon in Capricorn.
New Moon 18 degrees Capricorn 11:38 GMT.
This lunation is the ultimate New Moon before a Annular Solar Eclipse on February 7th 2008. With the passing of today's New Moon we are once again in an eclipse season. This 'pre-eclipse' New Moon makes a solitary separating sextile aspect to Uranus which suggests a rather low key lunation not however without some hope and inspiration for the future.
At this time Mars is still opposite Pluto and Venus is currently in a mutable T-square relationship with Saturn and Uranus. Jupiter is applying in trine aspect to Saturn, a good strong point in all of this. We are living in a very violent and problematic period right now. The impulse of this New Moon is to formulate and establish new international policy to respond to recent and future trouble spots. In more personal matters it is a matter of shielding and nurturing inner strength.
At the exact moment of this New Moon, both the Sun and Moon are rising over Panama, they are culminating exactly over Bern, Turin and Nice and are setting over NE India and Nepal. Jupiter rises at Washington DC, Pluto rises at Chicago, Saturn is conjunct the local MC of San Francisco. Saturn rises over Tokyo, Neptune sets at Shanghai and Beijing. Neptune in on the MC over Kenya and both Jupiter and Pluto culminate over Pakistan.
The Moon is void from the moment of New Moon and remains that way for nearly 24 hours.
Wednesday January 9th 2008
Yesterday the day of a new Moon (and a new wave sweeping America?) voters were streaming into polling stations in the key New Hampshire USA presidential primary, fuelling expectations of a record turnout. The state secretary, predicted that at least half a million people will cast their ballots. At the time of writing the first votes counted, and opinion polls, put Barack Obama and John McCain ahead in their respective races.
Today the tiny baby Moon enters Aquarius at 11:13 GMT (after a lengthy void of course period) and makes nice aspects over the next couple of days whilst there.
This new born baby moon is very closely aligned to Mercury (third of a degree) at 15:39 GMT. This alignment is visible as a lunar occultation of Mercury at 15:31 GMT observable from South America and Southwest Africa. This is the first of 5 lunar occultations of Mercury this year, Jan 9th, March 5th, Aug 1st, Sept 30th and Dec. 29th.
Venus is having an astrologically rough time in Sagittarius right now. Hardly having time to recover from her square with Saturn last Sunday, (the day of the Iran/US naval skirmish), she is now applying in square aspect to Uranus on Saturday. (Expect further unsettling events). Then she goes on to oppose Mars on January 20th and conjoin with Pluto on January 24th.
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Thursday January 10th 2008
Yesterday US President Bush said he is ready to pressure Middle East peace negotiators, as he made his first visit to Israel.
New Hampshire primary wins by John McCain and Hillary Clinton now leave the race for the White House wide open.
Heavy snow and bitterly cold weather have caused scores of deaths and major disruption in parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia and Pakistan. Some areas have seen snow for the first time in years, with people struggling to keep warm in sub-zero temperatures amid power shortages.
The young and tender Moon waxes and accelerates in Aquarius.
(Yesterday there was a lunar occultation of Mercury and tomorrow there is a lunar occultation of Neptune. Days like today, mid way between lunar occultations, can be important. The '9 11' Twin Towers episode occurred midway between lunar occultations of Jupiter and Saturn).
Friday January 11th 2008
Yesterday President Bush said Israel must cede occupied Arab land so a viable Palestinian state can be created.
Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke said that the outlook for the US economy in 2008 has worsened. His comments in Washington come after leading investment banks warned that the US was heading for a recession
Today the young Moon aligns to Neptune in Aquarius. An occultation occurs at 01:17 GMT for observers in Tasmania and New Zealand. This is the 8th of a monthly series of 20 occultations of Neptune at the current time. Geocentric conjunction is at 01:31 GMT.
The Moon sextile Pluto 17:52 GMT and becomes 'void of course' for 52 minutes, just enough to get 'in gear' for the weekend ahead. She enters Pisces (unnoticed) at 18:44 GMT.
The weekend ahead is dominated by Venus in square aspect to Uranus tomorrow. This aspect can invoke bizarre and unusual circumstances. Couple this with the moon in Pisces and you have a tendency for individuals to be swept along by errant mass emotion and by the will of the crowd. An inevitable 'impressionism' and 'absorption' is upon us.
Saturday January 12th 2008
The young but accelerating and waxing Moon reaches her crescent phase 6 degrees Pisces 06:23 GMT.
Life is a stage to project one's dreams.
The Moon, the Earth and Saturn are linearly aligned (within a degree) at 09:20 GMT. A critical start to the day.
Jupiter at 5 degrees Capricorn makes a 'one off' waning semi-square (45 degrees) to Neptune today at 11:57 GMT. This particular aspect is the forerunner to the conjunction of these two planets in Aquarius which occurs three times during May, June and December (21st) 2009.
(Jupiter was last conjunct Neptune on January 9th 1997 in late Capricorn. The 13 year planetary cycle which started then, hit first quarter phase in 1999, reached its peak opposition in 2003, its last quarter phase was early 2006, and today it has reached its balsamic phase). The meaning and purpose of this planetary cycle manifests essentially in religious, musical and artistic phenomena. Today we maybe gain a glimpse of future fashion and future artistic creation.
Venus in Sagittarius squares Uranus in Pisces 17:23 GMT. A kinky (at best) and or unsettling (at worst) vibration.
The Moon, the Earth and Uranus align (within 3 degrees this time) at 23:12 GMT. A potentially shattering ending to the day.
Sunday January 13th 2008
A dream boat Sunday on choppy seas.
Today continues in the same vein as yesterday.
Around 21:00 GMT the Moon forms a mutable T-square with Mars and Pluto. This one seems to spell mania.
The Pisces moon squares Pluto and becomes void at 23:41 GMT. She hurtles into Aries 43 minutes later. A 'different' day is on the cards for tomorrow.
Monday January 14th 2008
Yesterday President Bush called on allies to confront Iran "before it's too late", in a keynote speech in the Gulf region.
Scientific news reported that a giant hydrogen gas cloud will create new stars when it hits our galaxy in 20-40 million years' time.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 24 degrees Capricorn. The Sun enters Aquarius on Sunday. There are 66 days to the vernal equinox There is an eclipse of the Sun in 24 days time.
The accelerating and waxing Moon approaching her first quarter phase enters Aries 00:24 GMT. She forms a 'finger of fate' pattern with Mercury and Saturn around 18:34 GMT today. The next Full Moon a week tomorrow inaugurates the new eclipse season. There is a total eclipse of the Moon in 38 days time.
Mercury appears as a decelerating 'evening star' in Aquarius. Mercury is conjunct Neptune within 17 minutes of arc at 21 degrees Aquarius on Jan 23rd just after the next Full Moon. He turns retrograde on January 28th at 24 degrees Aquarius. Today Mercury is at the point in the zodiac he will return to during his forthcoming retrograde motion.
Venus is a morning star in Sagittarius. Venus is having an astrologically rough time right now. On Sunday January 20th 2008 Venus in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini. Venus is conjunct Pluto at the very end of Sagittarius on January 24th 2008 and enters Capricorn later that day. She then applies in conjunction to Jupiter. Today Venus is eighteen degrees from this brilliant morning sky conjunction with Jupiter at the start of February. The pair are closest together on the morning of Friday February 1st, with Venus about half a degree (about the diameter of the Full Moon) to the north of Jupiter. This will be a wondrous sight in the pre dawn skies at the end of January.
Mars is still retrograde in Gemini. He turns direct on January 30th. On March 4th 2008 he renters Cancer. He is never more than 6 degrees of celestial longitude from opposing Pluto over the coming weeks. The whole of the next two months is coloured by potential 'seething anger' and 'potential violence' there in the background. On March 7th Mars opposes Pluto (for the last time). During mid March Mars sextile Saturn (last time), and on April 4th Mars enters new zodiac territory at 13 degrees Cancer. On April 24th Mars opposes Jupiter (for the last time).
Jupiter trines Saturn next Monday, a much healthier situation. This is the 3rd of 5 such aspects (1st March 16th 2007, 2nd May 6th 2007, 3rd January 21st 2008, 4th September 8th 2008, final blast Nov 21st 2008).
Pluto first enters Capricorn on January 26th. More to follow on this momentous ingress.
The main astrological happening of the week ahead as the Moon grows to fullness, is the opposition of Venus and Mars next weekend. There is a very real challenge to the status quo here. The markets may be jittery and some dynamics (and fireworks) can be expected in all human relationships, especially between men and women.
Tuesday January 15th 2008
Yesterday under a 'bold and daring' crescent Moon in Aries, four heavily armed Taleban fighters attacked the Serena hotel in the Afghan capital, Kabul, the main hotel there for international visitors.
The diplomatic dispute between Russia and the UK intensified as Britain defied an order to close down cultural offices.
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators held what are described as positive talks on the most intractable issues.
The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent said that more rain could be "catastrophic" for flood-hit Mozambique and nearby countries, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Nasa's Mercury Messenger probe became the first spacecraft since 1975 to visit the innermost planet.
Today the fast moving and accelerating Moon reaches first quarter 19:47 GMT at 25 Aries.
The Sun and the Moon are in cardinal signs. This day 'generates' situations. The astrological weather is best described by the phrases 'go out and get it', 'shoot first talk later', and 'seize the day'.
Wednesday January 16th 2008
Yesterday Kenya's opposition won a key vote in parliament as bitter clashes marred the body's first meeting since disputed polls.
Eighteen Palestinians, including 13 militants, died in an Israeli raid in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
European and US shares fell sharply as poor economic and corporate news added to fears of a US recession.
Today the fast moving Moon starting the day in Aries trines Pluto and is void at 03:40 GMT.
She enters Taurus 04:13 GMT, and forms a constructive earthy grand trine with Saturn and Jupiter between 15:00 and 18:00 GMT. Solid vision.
This day, and the one that follows, have a steadier, more conservative and traditional astrological flavour than the first part of this working week. It will be interesting to see how the value of shares on the world money markets responds to today's earthy triangle in the skies.
Thursday January 17th 2008
Yesterday we saw the brutal side of the moon influence in Taurus as Kenyan police fired tear gas and bullets at opposition activists defying a ban on election protests.
Hundreds of militants overran an army fort in north-west Pakistan, killing or kidnapping many troops.
UK foreign secretary David Miliband warned Russia that "intimidation" of British Council officials is "completely unacceptable". The council is "deeply concerned" about its staff's safety after its employees were interviewed by security services and a director was detained by police.
The "darkest ever" substance known to science has been made in a US laboratory. The material was created from carbon nanotubes - sheets of carbon just one atom thick rolled up into cylinders. Researchers say it is the closest thing yet to the ideal black material, which absorbs light perfectly at all angles and over all wavelengths. The discovery is expected to have applications in the fields of electronics and solar energy.
Global shares fell yesterday amid growing fears of a recession in the US economy, and slowing corporate profit growth. The Dow Jones index however was rising as the day ended.
Today the fast Moon increasing in light and motion is in Taurus.
This waxing nearly gibbous Moon skims the northern fringe of the Pleiades around 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. EST Friday morning for skywatchers in North America. for the northern U.S. and Canada.
Friday January 18th 2008
Yesterday Opposition leader Raila Odinga said the police have turned Kenya into "killing fields of the innocent".
A bomber attacked an Iraqi mosque as Shias marked the festival of Ashura, killing at least eight people,
In the UK a passenger plane crash-landed short of a runway at Heathrow Airport, ripping off part of its undercarriage. All 136 passengers and 16 crew escaped from the British Airways flight BA038 from Beijing. The incident happened on the south runway at 1242 GMT, as Prime Minister Gordon Brown was due to leave Heathrow for China and India. His flight was delayed because of the incident.
Today the very fast moving Moon trines the Sun at 02:06 GMT and is void of course before entering Gemini at 06:30 GMT. From this moment the astrological weather modulates to 'divergence' and 'diversion'. The day becomes busier and faster moving. There is restlessness and multiplicity today.
Venus is about to oppose Mars in the skies of earth. A note of challenge and conflict is sounded today for the weekend ahead. This aspect evokes a very real 'dynamic' in all human relationships, it is exact on Sunday, but its presence may well be felt today.
- Saturday January 19th 2008
Yesterday at least 15 people were killed in clashes between police and members of an Shia cult in southern Iraq
Kenya's opposition vowed to boycott government-linked firms as a final day of protests claims at least five lives.
President George W Bush called on Congress to pass measures worth $145bn to shore up the US economy.
"Discoveries are at hand!" So say members of the MESSENGER science team after 500 megabytes of data have been safely downloaded to Earth following the spacecraft's Jan. 14th flyby of Mercury.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn and there are now a lot of astrological 'waves' about to break, things are building up to a series of climaxes.
Venus is about to oppose Mars. This opposition peaks tomorrow. It symbolises a challenge in all human relationships. Venus then moves on to a conjunction with Pluto on Thursday, this one rings out the music of the transforming power of love. If this is not enough Venus then begins to apply to a a visibly splendorous conjunction with Jupiter in Capricorn, shining brightly in the morning skies of Earth, at month's end.
Mercury is approaching a near alignment with Neptune in Aquarius. This occurs on Wednesday. Vision, imagination, magic, wonderment, illusion, deception, glamour, all of these experiences are on the cards.
The Moon reaches her gibbous phase today at 04:48 GMT at 13 degrees Gemini. The majestic procession to the candlemass Full moon can then begin. She is perigee 08:30 GMT today and is full on Tuesday.
The Moon opposes Venus at 23:14 GMT and occults Mars shortly after this today.
The Moon is conjunct Mars (within 1.2 degrees) at 23:36 GMT. This is visible in north Siberia and the arctic as a lunar occultation of Mars, one of four this year, Jan 19th, April 12th, May 10th and June 8th.
Standby and be alert. This is powerful astrological chemistry. After a rather low key start to 2008, events and new experiences are about to occur.
Sunday January 20th 2008
Venus in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini 03:11 GMT.
The Moon opposes Pluto 07:47 GMT, becomes void and enters Cancer at 08:06 GMT.
The Sun enters Aquarius at 16:44 GMT joining Chiron, Mercury, Neptune and the lunar node in that sign and a new astrological month commences.
Monday January 21st 2008
The weekend witneessed the main power plant in Gaza shutting down due to fuel shortages caused by Israel's border closures. Large parts of Zimbabwe are reported to also be without electricity after a major power failure on Saturday night.
The US presidential race saw important wins for John McCain in South Carolina and Hillary Clinton in Nevada. Serbians went to the polls in presidential elections, as tensions rose over the future status of Kosovo.
Cubans have also begun voting to elect a new National Assembly or parliament.
We are now in first full day of the astrological month of Aquarius, and we are 60 days from the Vernal Equinox. With the passing of tomorrows extrovert Full Moon in Leo we are in an eclipse season. The time right now is 'astrologically special'. Over the next few days as well as the Moon being full Mercury is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius and Venus is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius.
Adding a supreamly positive chord to all of this, Jupiter trines Saturn at 09:14 GMT today for the third time. (1st March 16th 2007, 2nd May 6th 2007, 3rd January 21st 2008, 4th September 8th 2008, final blast Nov 21st 2008).
Toda the swollen bellied, fast moving Moon is nearly full and in Cancer. She trines Uranus and becomes void at 10:57 GMT.
Today is pregnant with lunar energy. Tensions and emotions are high.
An important few days are upon us.
The week ahead sees Mercury slowing to a an apparent standstill prior to his retrograde motion starting next week.
Mars is also slowing to an apparent standstill prior to him turning direct in motion next week.
The cycle of the seasons and the year is changing, the wheel of destiny is turning.
Light a love candle tonight.
Tuesday January 22nd 2008
Yesterday world stock indexes, including the UK's FTSE 100, posted their biggest falls since 11 September, 2001. The intensity of the current astrological 'weather' coupled with yesterday's 'let's all worry about money' moon in Cancer vibration was responded to by frantic share selling.
Discoveries are at hand!" That's what members of the MESSENGER science team are saying after their spacecraft flew past Mercury on Jan. 14th at a distance of only 124 miles. The historic flyby netted 500 megabytes of data (now safely downloaded to Earth) and more than 1200 photos covering nearly six million square miles of previously unseen terrain.
Today the Moon starting the day void of course in Cancer, enters Leo 10:21 GMT. The 'Candlemass' Full Moon peaks some 3 hours later.
Once it gets going this is very much a full fun packed day. Lots of energy, drama, colour, theatre and courage are there for the experiencing. Enjoy the day if you can..
Full Moon 13:36 GMT 2 degrees Leo
Mercury is conjunct Neptune. Venus is conjunct Pluto. Mars opposes Venus and Pluto and trines Mercury and Neptune. The flavour of the time of this lunation is visionary and dynamic. The skies are infused with vision from the Mercury Neptune conjunction and with the transformation power of love from the Venus Pluto conjunction.
This 'Candlemass' Full Moon at the moment of her climax rises at Tehran. We could expect some sort of crisis occurring there over the next few weeks
Mars rises and Venus sets over the UK. Mercury and Neptune culminate over the UK.
This Full Moon could also signify an important time for the UK.
This Full Moon is the ultimate before the Total Lunar Eclipse on February 21st 2008 in Virgo. We are now into an eclipse season. This means that there are changes ahead.
This Full Moon directly falls on the natal Jupiter of David Cameron, and the UK (1801) National Chart. It also hits the natal Saturn of Bill Clinton, the natal Uranus of Bill Gates, the natal Moon of William Hague, the natal Mercury of Obama Barack and the natal Mars of Paul MaCartney.
After the event the full moon goes on to occult the star Upsilon Leo for UK observers approximately 20:49 to 21:34 GMT
Wednesday January 23rd 2008
The Full Moon has now climaxed and is now in her 'hung over' waning phase. In the wake of her climax Mercury is conjunct Neptune within 17 minutes of arc at 01:16 GMT at 21 degrees Aquarius. This near alignment fine tunes the energy of yesterdays full moon and represents an important moment to be followed by another important day.
Yesterday the United States Federal Reserve cut interest rates to 3.5%, as it tried to avoid recession in the world's biggest economy. It came after huge declines in shares across Asia and Europe on Monday, with London's benchmark FTSE 100 suffering its biggest one day fall since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, gripped by fears of a US recession.
Also yesterday Egyptian guards fired into the air to disperse Palestinians at the Gaza border as the UN meets to discuss the crisis.
Today continues in a resplendent manner although the edge of previous days has now been remove with the passing of the Full Moon. Remember however that Venus is about to be in conjunction to Pluto in Sagittarius and this aspect can renew rekindle and initiate many experiences involving both love adventures and money matters. These days continue to be astrologically strong.
The (GMT) day ends with the Moon, the Earth and Neptune aligning within a degree of exact linearity at 22:50 GMT.
Thursday January 24th 2008
Yesterday Egypt said it would not use force to return Palestinians who crossed from Gaza after the border was breached.
US and European stocks fell, with the UK's FTSE 100 index slumping as much as 3.9%, on global economic worries.
A peace pact was signed in Goma in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo by the government and armed groups.
An estimated 22,500 police officers marched in London in protest at the way their pay rise has been handled
Today the Moon, the Earth and Mercury align within a third of a degree of exact linearity at 00:14 GMT. This near exact alignment sharply focuses thought word and deed.
Venus is conjunct Pluto at the very end of Sagittarius at 06:56 GMT. This conjunction initiates a new cycle of love and change. We are now in the foot falls of a new eclipse season, change is now of the essence.
Venus so moved by the encounter enters Capricorn at 08:06 GMT joining Jupiter in that sign.
Venus will be in Capricorn until February 17th as a 'morning star'. Her residence in this sign is a healthy one. She makes a positive trine aspect to Saturn on January 30th, she is in conjunction with Jupiter on Feb 1st and she sextile Uranus on Feb 7th. Venus in Capricorn invokes commitment and stability in love and in financial matters. Her residence in Capricorn is brief but it is a time to consider the 'value' of both possessions and partnerships.
The Moon still 'hung over' from her full moon climax in Leo trines Pluto and is void at 14:44 GMT
A lunar occultation of the 'royal star' Regulus occurs around this time today. This is the 15th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star. After the last one on June 20th 2008 at the South Pole there are none then till Nov 21st 2016.
The Moon enters Virgo 14:49 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Saturn. The lunar energy modulates to a more refined state.
The recreation drama and flamboyant quality of the last few days is replaced by practicality, common sense, seriousness and efficient methodology form 14:49 GMT.
Friday January 25th 2008
Yesterday Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi resigned after losing a confidence vote in the Senate.
French bank Societe Generale said it had uncovered a huge fraud by a Paris-based trader, who has been suspended.
Kenya's president and main rival met for the first time since last month's disputed presidential poll.
A US team reported how it built in the lab the entire set of genetic instructions needed to drive a bacterial cell.
US shares closed higher as investors welcome a deal in Washington for a $150m economic stimulus plan.
In the UK Peter Hain resigned from his cabinet jobs after his deputy leader campaign donations are referred to police.
Venus is approaching a conjunction with Jupiter in Capricorn. This occurs one week from today.
In the last week of January and the first week of February the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, will be close together in the morning pre-dawn sky, forming a spectacular double. The two are closest together on the morning Friday February 1st, with Venus about half a degree (about the diameter of the Full Moon to the north of Jupiter).
Today starts with the Moon in conjunction with Saturn in Virgo within 3 degrees at 04:14 GMT.
This day continues with a precise and methodical atmosphere. Hair splitting and refinement are to the fore.
Today and tomorrow are work oriented and well suited to good planning and severe pruning. Thrift, economy and moderation rule the roost.
Saturday January 26th 2008
Pluto first enters Capricorn 03:45 to 04:22 GMT today, joining Venus and Jupiter in that sign.
Pluto will be in Capricorn till 2024 AD. However he will appear to swing back into Sagittarius from June 2008 only to re-enter Capricorn in November 2008.
This planetary ingress symbolises one really enormous astrological process at work in the world starting today. It's effect will be minuscule at first, hardly noticeable. Yet the outcomes and the transformationary energy unleashed to work out within the biosphere will bring world changing consequences.
The process of Pluto in Capricorn is one of reformation and reorientation. Pluto's (small but indomitable ice rock dwarf planet) principal is expressed as undiluted power, raw power, bereft of direction or moral standpoint. Capricorn's (horny steadfast sure footed surviving mountain goat) principal is expressed as physical endurance and structure, put them together and the resultant mixture is an overwhelmingly real and potent energy invoking change in governments, societies, and individuals.
What is going to occur over the ensuing 16 years is a tough and resolute adaptation in all structures of human society to meteoric changes of our human life on earth. Pluto in Capricorn is not visionary or inspired, it is instead ground root responses 'earthed' in practical structure.
Expect transformations in the structures of society, the institutions, the establishments, and the power centers.
Pluto enters Capricorn for the first time in 247 years. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during the U.S. revolutionary war. (Pluto was opposite this point, at 0° Cancer, during 1912-1915.) Mountain Astrologer.
Some small contemplation at breakfast this morning would be fitting to this important ingress.
The decelerating Moon today reaches disseminating phase 04:44 GMT 21 degrees Virgo.
The Moon squares Virgo and is void at 11:33 GMT.
This day is largely void. Jobs of service, repair, and selection are well suited.
tomorrow is however in contrast much more relaxed and convivial.
The Moon enters Libra 22:36 GMT, squaring both Pluto and Venus before sunrise tomorrow (GMT).
Sunday January 27th 2008
The Moon decelerates and wanes in Libra.
The Sun and Moon together with Neptune, Mars and Mercury are now in air signs. This is a very good day to socialize and simply communicate. If you followed the advice by working during Friday and Saturday then today is great for extreme laziness (with a fanciful edge).
Monday January 28th 2008
Yesterday at least nine people died as fresh fighting erupted in Kenya, this time in the town of Naivasha.
Israel said it will resume fuel supplies to Gaza, 10 days after stopping shipments in response to rocket attacks.
US presidential hopeful Barack Obama secured a decisive win in the South Carolina primary election, as he bids to be the Democratic Party's candidate.
An 800-foot-wide chunk of rock will pass less than a half million miles from Earth on the night of Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 28-29. And because asteroid 2007 TU24 is crossing the far-northern sky, it will be visible all night at mid-northern latitudes. Visit Sky and Telescope
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 8 degrees Aquarius. We are 52 days from the Vernal Equinox. We are now in an eclipse season with an annular eclipse of the Sun in 10 days time and a Total Eclipse of the Moon a further two week after that.
Today the decelerating and waning Moon in Libra is approaching her last quarter phase this week and she forms a fairly loose airy grand trine with Mars, Mercury and Neptune from 16:00 to 22:00 GMT. Today is excellent for communication matters.
Three planets are currently in Capricorn and three are also in Aquarius.
Mercury in Aquarius, shining as an 'evening star' turns retrograde today at 20:30 GMT, once more moving into the bosom of Neptune and being in conjunction with him for the second time in 10 days on Saturday.
Venus is also approaching a visually stunning 'morning sky' conjunction with Jupiter in Capricorn. She is positively aspected with Saturn on Wednesday but the conjunction with Jupiter on February 1st dominates the week ahead.
Mars in Gemini at last turns direct on Wednesday in Gemini.
Jupiter is in positive trine aspect to Saturn.
Pluto is starting to find his feet in Capricorn.
Today the Libran Moon trines Mars in Gemini and is void at 21:48 GMT.
Tuesday January 29th 2008
Yesterday police struggled to impose order in Kenya as riots and standoffs continued in Naivasha and other towns.
Five US soldiers were killed when their patrol was hit by a roadside bomb in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
Asteroid 2007 TU24 is approaching Earth and NASA radars have measured its size and shape: 250 meters wide and lopsided. There's no danger of a collision, but on today the space rock will be close enough (1.4 lunar distances) to photograph through small telescopes as it speeds through the constellation Cassiopeia glowing like a 10th magnitude star. (See yesterday's star map)
The Moon enters Scorpio 09:35 GMT and slowly moves towards her Last Quarter phase. The Sun and Moon together with Mercury and Neptune are in Fixed signs.
Mercury is now retrograde and we are in an eclipse season. Venus drawing close to her alignment with Jupiter on Friday, today is in waxing earthy trine relationship with Saturn. This is a steadying day to make clear (at least to yourself) personal resolution for the days and years ahead. These are not times to initiate action. Many changes of heart and mind will be revealed in the days and weeks ahead.
Wednesday January 30th 2008
Yesterday the former UN chief opened new talks between Kenya's government and opposition, to try to end mounting violence. Kenya appears to be the major trouble spot in the world at the moment. The Annular Solar Eclipse next week hits the country's natal Saturn.
The heaviest snow in decades is continuing to cause chaos across China ahead of the busy Lunar New Year holiday, state media report.
Today Venus in Capricorn trines Saturn in Virgo at 02:19 GMT. There is solid love here.
The very slow moving Moon reaches last quarter phase 05:04 GMT at 10 degrees Scorpio. This point in time represents a crisis in consciousness prior to the new 'solar impulse' of the Annular Solar Eclipse one week tomorrow.
The slow Scorpio Moon today draws out deep and intense behaviour patterns and thought processes.
Mercury is retrograde. The 'pull' of the universal mind draws our consideration towards its source. Willful action and power plays are strongly in evidence. Life is very much a battlefield today and tomorrow.
Mars at last turns direct 22:17 GMT and heads towards the future.
Thursday January 31st 2008
Sky and Telescope
A flyby by a Nasa unmanned space probe has revealed evidence of "widespread" volcanism on the planet Mercury.
Today the Moon is at apogee in the midst of Scorpio (slowest all month) at 04:19 GMT.
She squares the Neptune Mercury conjunction by 08:35 GMT and is void of course for nearly 14 hours.
Bleak and seemingly God Forsaken, this day crawls on with savagery. Mercury retrograding will bring on delays and cancellations, the deepening eclipse season will bring on inevitable change. Venus conjunct Jupiter brings on new commitments.
At the end of the (GMT) day the Moon enters Sagittarius at 22:08 GMT.
A welcome change at last, more optimism may follow, arrows of truth rain on us all.
February 2008
February 2008 starts with the Sun, retrograde Mercury and Neptune in Aquarius and with Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars quintiles Saturn, and Venus is about to conjunct Jupiter who is trine Saturn.
In early February two brilliant worlds Venus and Jupiter appear close together, low in the southeast at dawn. They're joined by the crescent Moon on the 4th. During the month Jupiter moves up and away from Venus, which is joined by Mercury at month's end.
February is an eclipse month. Two eclipses follow, one, an Annular Solar Eclipse, in Aquarius, visible only from the Antarctic, on Thursday 7th, and a more powerful Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo and conjunct Saturn, visible from Europe and the Americas, on February 21st.
Friday February 1st 2008
Yesterday a senior al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan, Abu Laith al-Libi was killed.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed John McCain as Republican candidate for US president.
The first consignment of seeds bound for the "doomsday vault" on Svalbard arrived in Norway.
Mercury is retrograding right now and it is no shock therefore to read about disturbances and interruptions to Internet services in south Asia and the Middle East continuing after undersea cable damage. In the UK HM Revenue and Customs extended the self assessment deadline after problems with its online service.
Today at 11:34 GMT Venus is conjunct Jupiter within 36 minutes of arc at 10 degrees Capricorn.
The Sagittarian Moon is square Saturn at the time.
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs today around 18:11 GMT visible from the tip of South America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec.. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
This day is a spirited affair. The woes of the past couple of days may have given way to a broader optimism, but these are pre-eclipse days with a retrograding Mercury and a potentially confusing conjunction of Mercury and Neptune looming tomorrow. The Venus Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn this morning invokes solid commitment, 'to death us do part' kind of thing.
Enjoy your day.
Saturday February 2nd 2007
Mercury is retrograding into another conjunction with Neptune. This conjunction peaks shortly after midnight (GMT) tonight. This is the second of three conjunctions of these two planets this season. The first conjunction which occurred on January 23rd coincided with the UK's FTSE 100 index slumping nearly 4% on global economic worries.
The Moon with 'nothing left to loose', wanes in Sagittarius making a wide opposition to Mars at 22:21 GMT and then becomes void of course.
This is a another spirited day, good for sport and adventure.
Sunday February 3rd 2008
Sky and Telescope
Around 00:48 GMT the Moon Mars opposition is eased by the Lunar Node.
At 00:56 GMT Mercury retrogrades into the bosom of Neptune at 21 degrees Aquarius.
Moon reaches balsamic phase 29 degrees Sagittarius 07:37 GMT.
Her slow pathway to Solar Eclipse on Thursday is now set made clear. The balsamic, prophetic vision is available to all.
The old Moon enters Capricorn 09:52 GMT and is conjunct Pluto in that sign for the first time in around 248 years at 10:21 GMT today.
This day is eminently rooted in practicality and earthy consideration.
Monday February 4th 2008
The view from Australia
Chadian forces used tanks and helicopter gunships over the past weekend to fight rebels besieging the capital's presidential palace.
At least 30 were killed and more than 300 hurt in a series of quakes in Africa's Great Lakes region.
The two most powerful occurred hours apart in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring Rwanda, with magnitudes of 6.0 and 5.0 respectively. The first earthquake hit yesterday February 3rd 2008 at about 0935 (0735 GMT), 20 km (12 miles from Bukavu). The second quake came just under three-and-a-half hours later, slightly closer to the town but in Rwandan territory. It was followed by two lesser tremors.
State of the skies today:- The Sun is at 15 degrees Aquarius. At 11:03 GMT today we stand midway between the December Solstice and the Vernal Equinox in March. In the northern hemisphere 'Stirring' is beginning, in the southern hemisphere Summer is ending. The year is turning. This is an important seasonal and calendar point in time. We are deep within an eclipse season right now with an Annular Solar Eclipse occurring on Thursday and a Total Lunar Eclipse occurring two weeks later on February 21st.
The waning and accelerating Moon is today conjunct Jupiter at 06:26 GMT at 11 degrees Capricorn. The Moon then is conjunct Venus at 12:30 GMT at 14 degrees Capricorn. She is unimpeded then as she approaches her eclipse with the Sun on Thursday. The way is clear. Finally she sextiles Uranus at 18:20 GMT and becomes void of course.
Mercury is currently a retrograding evening planet in Aquarius and is in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Wednesday. Mercury will resume direct motion on February 19th.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Capricorn. She enters Aquarius on 17th February.
Mars is now direct in motion in Gemini and reenters Cancer one calendar month from today on March 4th.
Five planets are currently in Earth signs, four planets are in Air, only one resides in Water and there are no planets in Fire. This all adds up to a very 'empirical' backdrop to the astrological weather right now.
Tuesday February 5th 2008
Photographer Robert B Slobins
Yesterday started with this beautiful celestial triangle gracing the pre-dawn skies of Earth. The day that followed saw civilians pouring out of the Chad capital, as the UN Security Council urged member states to help the government.
US presidential candidates were campaigning furiously as the key contests of today's 'Super Tuesday' approached.
Former UN chief called for a South African-style truth and reconciliation commission to help end Kenya's crisis.
Today the moving slow but accelerating old Moon, void of course for most of the day in Capricorn, enters Aquarius 19:10 GMT.
This is another potentially tough and pragmatic day. There is nothing to do but to work through it. The atmosphere clears a little as the pre-eclipse Moon enters Aquarius, joining the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in that sign. There is then a glimpse of the future, of a better way, on offer.
Wednesday February 6th 2008
The results and the implications of 'Super Tuesday' force themselves on the future.
Today is the day before an eclipse. The Moon applies to the Sun and to Mercury.
The ancient accelerating Moon approaching eclipse with the Sun 'fades out' in Aquarius.
Inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs at 18:19 GMT.
Symbolically this a day of seed ideas. This is a seminal day in time, one of prophetic wisdom geared to a new tomorrow. Don't act or initiate. Allow new thoughts, ideas and experiences manifest in their own time.
As the day ends Venus applies in sextile aspect to Uranus awakening new values.
Thursday February 7th 2008
Wecome to the Daze.
On this eclipse day the Sun, Mercury and the Moon lie within 1 degree of celestial longitude only 5 degrees from Neptune.
The Moon is conjunct Mercury at 17 degrees Aquarius at 02:18 GMT.
Venus sextiles Uranus 02:23 GMT
There will be a partial solar eclipse today over New Zealand, Antarctica and parts of Australia. Anyone in the area with a solar telescope can watch the mountainous lunar limb glide across the Sun's fiery surface while crescent-shaped sunbeams dance at their feet--a marvelous experience. The highlight of the eclipse occurs along an Antarctic "path of annularity" where the Sun and Moon combine to produce a vivid ring of fire.
Annular Eclipse of the Sun at 18 degrees Aquarius
Central eclipse 03-55 GMT
The 'ring of fire' visible only from Antarctica.
The Astrology of the eclipse.
At the time of this eclipse the Sun and Moon in Aquarius are conjunct Mercury, Chiron and Neptune. the eclipse is trine Mars. The astrological energy associated with this time has a focus on humanitarian ideals, the future, and scientific understanding.
The Astronomy and timings of the eclipse.
Penumbra first contact 01:38:29 (GMT hh:mm:ss)
First umbral contact 03:19:44
Full umbral contact 03:28:47
Central eclipse 03:55
End of full umbral contact 04:21:55
Last umbral contact 04:30:51
Last penumbral contact 06:11:53
The Saros Series of the eclipse.
Today's eclipse is member 60 of the 71 eclipses which make up Saros Series 121. This series is in its old age. The series started on April 25th in the year 944 AD. The chart of the central eclipse moment for this first eclipse in the series is displayed below.
Astrological chart for Saros Solar 121.
This chart is dominated by a planetary kite involving a fire triangle of Mars, Jupiter and Neptune and an exact Venus Mars opposition. The eclipse is conjunct a retrograde Mercury (like today's), and Saturn is conjunct Uranus. This Saros has a solid pioneering energy. This Saros wants to fly.
The Saros Series 'went Total' in the year 1070, the longest Total eclipse was in 1629 and the last Total eclipse in the series was in 1809. The previous eclipses in the Saros were Jan 26th 1990, Jan 16th 1972, Jan 5th 1954 and Dec. 14th 1917. Recent eclipses may have a connection with air crashes, storms and national independence struggles. After today's event there are only two more annular eclipses in the Saros. The next eclipse in the Saros is on Feb. 17th 2026. The series ends in 2206.
The Astrocartography of the eclipse.
At the moment of central eclipse today. The Sun and Moon rise at Baghdad and Mecca. The two bodies culminate over the Philippines, NE China and western Australia. They are at lower culmination 'under' Newfoundland.
Pluto in Capricorn rises at Toulouse, Cologne and Bremen and is on the IC at Denver,
Jupiter in Capricorn rises at Belgrade and is at lower culmination at Minneapolis.
Venus in Capricorn rises Bucharest.
Mars recently direct in motion in Gemini is in the IC at Kabul and sets at Prague and Munich.
Uranus sets at San Francisco.
Astrological contacts of the Eclipse.
This eclipse is conjunct Gordon Brown's natal Mercury (and opposite his natal Pluto).
It is conjunct the natal Venus of the UK chart, the natal Saturn (sadly very appropriately) of the Kenya chart.
It is conjunct the Mercury MC conjunction of the UK Labour party. It is conjunct Putin's natal Lunar Node, and the natal Mars of Condoleezza Rice.
It is exactly conjunct the natal MC of the Chad national chart, the natal Uranus of the Netherlands, the natal Saturns of Malaysia, Zanzibar and Singapore, the natal Mars of Mexico, and the natal Sun of Grenada.
At London the eclipse is well placed, but Uranus squares the local ascendant.
After the eclipse is over the Moon goes on to form a lunar occultation of Neptune in Aquarius around 10:32 GMT for observers in the Malvinas, southern South Africa and the Indian ocean. This is the 9th of a monthly series of 20 occultations of Neptune at the current time.
The Moon then goes on to make an airy waning trine aspect with Mars and is void of course from 15:51 GMT.
We are now in the 'Eclipse Fortnight' with a Total eclipse of the Moon in two weeks time.
How do these eclipses affect you personally? Sign up to Astrotexts by Michael Harwood.
Friday February 8th 2008
Pakistani police yesterday arrested two suspects in connection with the assassination of former prime minister and leading opposition figure Benazir Bhutto,
Chad's president claimed his government was in control of the entire country Wednesday, speaking to journalists for the first time since rebels tried to remove him from power.
Holograms could soon be helping monitor surgical procedures after a faster way to make the 3D images is discovered. The journal Nature reported yesterday the breakthrough by US researchers who developed a novel material in which holographs can be created in minutes. The images that the material can capture are almost as sharp as those broadcast on US television. The polymer can also be made into large screens opening up many more possible uses for the 3D images. Astrologers will quickly see the essential 'Uranus in Pisces' (high technology, image and impression) symbolism of this news story.
Today the young accelerating Moon slips silently into Pisces at 01:47 GMT.
A dreamy couple of days are ahead of us.
At 13:09 GMT the Moon, the Earth and Saturn are within a degree of exact linear alignment.
The day that ensues sees the Moon making a benevolent aspect to Jupiter.
The night following witnesses the Moon applying in conjunction to Uranus.
We are now deeply into the eclipse fortnight. The astrological ether is very sensitive to all thoughts, actions and deeds. A major reshaping of fate and fortune is underway.
Saturday February 9th 2008
The Moon is conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees Pisces at 07:50 GMT.
The day drifts dreams and absorbs a multitude of new impressions.
The Moon in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini and is void from 21:06 GMT.. From this point in time a tendency for escapism and 'herd mentality' may be in evidence.
Sunday February 10th 2008
The Moon rams into Aries 06:18 GMT.
A newer urgency is invoked.
The young faster moving Moon hits crescent phase 17:41 GMT at 6 degrees Aries.
All day the Sun applies in his annual conjunction to Neptune.
This is the great dream, the big vision. There is a move to push forward today.
Monday February 11th 2008
Barack Obama is closing the gap on Hillary Clinton in the race to become the Democrats' presidential candidate.
Europe needs convincing that Nato's Afghan mission is part of a wider war on terror, says the US defence secretary.
At least 12,000 refugees flee from Sudan to Chad after attacks on Darfur villages, according to the UN.
In the UK the Archbishop of Canterbury's comments about Sharia law have come under attack from his predecessor
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 22 degrees Aquarius and is conjunct Neptune at 02:04 GMT. There are 8 days remaining of the astrological month of Aquarius and there are 38 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are very deeply immersed in an eclipse fortnight with a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 21st.
The fast moving Moon waxes and accelerates in Aries.
Mercury is a retrograding 'morning star' in Aquarius. He turns direct in motion on Feb. 19th at 8 degrees Aquarius.
We are in a time period when new ideas and thoughts ripple upwards into our consciousness. To be in harmony with this 'season of the mind' is to refrain from initiating major plans and changes for a few more weeks.
Venus is also a 'morning star' but is still in Capricorn. Affections and values are currently 'establishment driven'. Venus enters Aquarius on Feb. 17th. Social and relationship matters then turn a little 'experimental'.
Mars is now moving in direct motion in Gemini. He is once again applying to an opposition with Pluto which peaks on March 7th three days after he (Mars) enters Cancer. The month ahead will be increasingly influenced by this very violent planetary combination which grows stronger day by day.
The week that follows is considerably coloured by the approaching Total Lunar Eclipse a week on Thursday, but is 'essentially quiet' astrologically speaking. The major aspect of the week ahead is a an invigorating trine aspect between the Sun and Mars on Thursday.
With such a lot of Aquarian energy right now we can regard these days right now as very 'future oriented'.
Tuesday February 12th 2008
Yesterday the Pentagon announced charges against six Guantanamo Bay inmates over the 9/11 attacks.
Pakistan's ambassador to Afghanistan has gone missing near the border and is feared kidnapped.
Paintings by Cezanne, Degas, Van Gogh and Monet worth $160m have been stolen from a Zurich museum.
Today the fast moving Moon starting the (GMT) day in Aries sextiles Mars 01:01 GMT and becomes void. She enters Taurus 09:35 GMT and accelerates towards her first quarter phase.
Today and tomorrow become very steady and resolute days.
Wednesday February 13th
Fighting in the volatile Sudanese region of Darfur has sparked a another wave of refugees into Chad and left a Red Cross employee dead, according to international agencies
East Timor declared a 48-hour state of emergency on Tuesday one day after assassination attempts on President Jose Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao.
Averting what could have been another gas crisis across Europe, Russia and Ukraine have fixed a price on natural gas for 2008 while Kiev has promised to pay its 2007 gas debts. However Russia also said it may target missiles at Ukraine if it joins Nato and deploys the US missile defence shield.
Today the very fast moving Moon waxes in Taurus towards her first quarter phase and towards a Total Lunar Eclipse in eight days time. Today the Moon makes mainly easy aspects.
Thursday February 14th 2008
Thousands are gathering in Beirut to mark ex-PM Hariri's death, just miles from a Hezbollah commander's funeral.
China says it regrets Steven Spielberg's decision to resign as an Olympics adviser over the Darfur conflict. Today the Moon is at perigee (closest to Earth) 01:08 GMT.
The Moon reaches first quarter 03:35 GMT 25 degrees Taurus.
The Moon trines Venus and is void at 05:06 GMT
The Moon enters Gemini 12:20 GMT
The Sun trines Mars 16:39 GMT
Friday February 15th 2008
Scientists are no nearer finding a vaccine against HIV after more than 20 years of research, a top expert has said.
Yesterday a gunman opened fire on students, killing five, at a university near Chicago, then shoots himself.
Australia has vowed to help safeguard democracy in East Timor after attacks on the president and prime minister
Today the Moon waxes and decelerates in Gemini applying to a conjunction with Mars which hits early tomorrow.
Saturday February 16th 2008
The Moon is conjunct Mars within a couple of degrees at 07:49 GMT at 26 degrees Gemini. Today is a day to get up, move and be done by the time the Moon enters Cancer this PM (GMT).
The Moon trines the Sun at 10:18 GMT and is void. She enters Cancer 15:13 GMT and immediately opposes Pluto.
From this time the emotional and 'homing instinct' power of the Moon takes over. You can sense the oncoming storm of next Thursday's Total Lunar Eclipse. The evening has a caring, protective, and very defensive atmosphere. There is a looming violent edge to proceedings.
Sunday February 17th 2008
Mars is now starting to strongly apply again to his opposition to Pluto.
Venus enters Aquarius joining the Sun Mercury Neptune and the Lunar node in that sign.
Moon gibbous phase 13:57 GMT 13 degrees Cancer, trines Uranus 21:14 GMT and becomes void 21.14 GMT.
Monday February 18th 2008
Kosovo's parliament yesterday unanimously endorsed a declaration of independence from Serbia, in an historic session. The declaration, read by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, said Kosovo would be a democratic country that respected the rights of all ethnic communities. Independence was declared in PRISTINA, Kosovo
at 15:23 Local Time?
A suicide bomb killed at least 80 people in the Afghan city of Kandahar in seemingly the deadliest attack since 2001
Incumbent Tassos Papadopoulos was knocked out of presidential elections in Greek-controlled Cyprus.
Security is high in Pakistan as voters gear up for crucial parliamentary elections overshadowed by violence and fears of rigging.
Machines will achieve human level artificial intelligence by 2029, a leading US inventor predicts.
State of the skies:- Today is the last day of the astrological month of Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces 06:50 GMT tomorrow. There are 31 days to the Vernal Equinox.
Today the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Neptune are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Pluto are in Capricorn. No planet is in a Fire sign right now, although the Moon enters Leo tonight).
The waxing and decelerating gibbous Moon spends most of today void of course in Cancer but enters Leo 18:52 GMT. There is a Total Lunar Eclipse on Thursday 21st February in Virgo which is conjunct Saturn. The three days ahead will witness a powerful intensity of emotion and experience as this eclipse approaches.
Mercury is a 'morning star' in Aquarius about to resume direct motion tomorrow. Mercury next turns retrograde on May 26th.
Venus is also a 'morning star' in Aquarius some seven degrees behind Mercury in the zodiac. She reaches a slow moving Mercury on February 26th. The pair remain within 3 degrees of longitude through most of March. Mercury finally catches up with her in the morning skies on March 24th in Pisces. The story does not end there for these two. Venus again catches up with Mercury (and the Sun) at 17 degrees Gemini on June 7th. Mercury overtakes her once more in evening skies on Aug. 21st in Virgo but Venus wins the year by finally overtaking Mercury again in evening skies, this time in Libra, on September 15th 2008. That is their last conjunction in 2008.
Mars is now picking up apparent speed in Gemini. He is once again applying to an opposition with Pluto which peaks on March 7th three days after he (Mars) enters Cancer. The next three weeks will be increasingly influenced by this very violent planetary combination which grows stronger day by day.
We are very deeply in an eclipse season right now. Feel the pressure increase as the Total Lunar Eclipse approaches.
Tuesday February 19th 2008
Yesterday recognition of Kosovan independence gained momentum with the US and EU nations pledging support.
Ballot counting was under way in Pakistan after a key election which it is hoped will help end the country's crisis.
A bomb in Afghanistan reportedly killed 35 civilians and injures many people, three of them Nato troops.
The main news item in the UK is that the Northern Rock bank is to be nationalised as a temporary measure.
Today Mercury is stationary turning direct 02:50 at 8 degrees Aquarius.
The Sun enters Pisces 06:50 GMT and a new astrological month begins.
The Moon, the Earth and Mercury are within half a degree of exact linear alignment at 09:27 GMT. this is the first of two pre-eclipse alignments. The other occurs tomorrow.
The Sun sextiles Pluto 22:45 GMT.
The Moon decelerates and waxes, almost reluctant to face the fiercesome Total Lunar Eclipse on Thursday.
Wednesday February 20th 2008
The news that Fidel Castro is stepping down as president after almost 50 years in power was the leading world news item yesterday.
The party of Pakistan's late former PM Benazir Bhutto - the biggest winner in Monday's election - says it is ready to form a coalition with the PML-N party.
Kosovo Serbs set two border crossings ablaze to protest against Kosovo's independence declaration.
Today is the day before a Total Lunar Eclipse. Karmic forces are very strong.
The Moon, the Earth and Neptune are within a degree of exact linear alignment around 09:50, the second of these pre-eclipse alignments which are not unusual at these times.
The Moon (having sextiled Mars at 17:53 and become void of course) pulls together a 'mystic rectangle' with the Sun, Mars and Pluto around 20:00 GMT today.
The tides are rising in our hearts and minds with the oncoming Total Lunar Eclipse. So far we have witnessed Kosovo and Cuba as the centres of change and energy at the current time. There may well be more to come in the hours and days ahead.
Thursday Feb. 21st 2008
Welcome to The Daze.
Yesterday Benazir Bhutto's widower ruled himself out as prime minister despite his party's success in Pakistan's election.
Barack Obama won the Wisconsin and Hawaii Democratic races, building on his lead over Hillary Clinton.
Thousands of people in Paraguay have been queuing for vaccines against yellow fever, after the first outbreak of the disease in 30 years.
On this day of Total Lunar Eclipse there is a pre-eclipse lunar occultation of the 'royal star' Regulus GMT today. This is the 16th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star. After the last one on June 20th 2008 at the south pole there are none till Nov 21st 2016.
The Moon enters Virgo 00:07 GMT and approaches a Total lunar Eclipse.
Total Lunar Eclipse (conjunct Saturn)
at 2 degrees Virgo 03-26 GMT
visible from Europe, America and west Africa.
Total Lunar Eclipse. Central Eclipse. Set for London UK.
The totally eclipsed Moon is separating from a trine aspect to Pluto and applying to a conjunction with Saturn.
The lesson of this powerful eclipse is a hard one. There is however great spiritual opportunity at this time.
Jupiter is sextile Uranus. Some of the positive energy of this season relates to this aspect which promotes conservation and invokes great artistic creations.
Mars opposes Pluto. There is a strong and very definite violent edge to this eclipse very much attributable to this aspect. Great care is advised in all undertakings.
Mercury is in conjunction with Venus in Aquarius. Thoughts, values, insights and instincts are very much 'future oriented'.
The planets at this time are mainly in Earth and Air signs. There are no planets in a Fire sign. An empirical and practical vibration pervades the days. There is a need for a little charisma. Today may well be perceived as a very tense and critical affair.
Timings of the Eclipse.(hh:mm:ss) GMT
Penumbral Eclipse starts 00:36:35 GMT
Umbral Eclipse starts 01:43:19 GMT
Total Eclipse starts 03:01:10 GMT
Central Eclipse 03:26:05 GMT
Total Eclipse ends 03:50:57 GMT
Umbra Eclipse ends 05:08:47 GMT
Penumbral Eclipse ends 06:15:39 GMT
Today's eclipse is conjunct Saturn. we can expect serious events to be occurring around this time.
Lunar Saros 133
Astrological chart for lunar Saros 133.
The 'family of eclipses' or Saros Series to which today's eclipse belong is Lunar Saros 133. The first eclipse of the series occurred on 13th May 1557 with a central eclipse time of 09:52 GMT. The chart for this moment is shown above. This Saros is a very dynamic one. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are arranged in hexagonal pattern. Mercury is conjunct Venus in Taurus.
The series ends on 29th June 2819 AD.
Today's eclipse is the 26th of 71 eclipses. The series 'went total' in 1917. Today's eclipse is the 6th of 21 Total Eclipses. The series peaks with its longest Total Eclipse in the year 2170 AD. Previous eclipses in the Saros were on Feb. 9th 1990, (Nelson Mandella released 2 days later), Jan 30th 1972, (The exact date of Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland), Jan 19th 1954, (First Nuclear Powered Submarine launched), Jan 8th 1936, (Completion of the world's first all glass building completed in Ohio, Dec 28th 1917, (Woodrow Wilson passed the Federal Possession and Control Act in order to make rail transport more efficient for the war effort). The next two in the series are on March 3rd 2026 and March 13th 2044.
This Saros Series seems to have a connection with civil rights and with the technology and transport of the military.
Astrological contacts of the eclipse.
Today's eclipse directly hits the natal Venus/Saturn conjunction of Gerry Adams (and the natal Mercury of Bertie Ahern). It hits the ascendants of Dick Cheyney and Michael Portillo, the lunar node of George Clooney and Robert Mugabe. It hits the natal Uranus of Johnny Depp, the natal Mars of Bob Geldof, the natal Jupiter of Julia Robert and the natal Pluto of both Madonna and the Iraq Republic chart.
The contacts today's eclipse makes with National horoscopes are the natal Sun in Uruguay and the Nato chart, the Venus in the Chad chart, the Mars in the Dominican Republic chart, the Jupiter in the Sudan chart, the Uranus in the Trinidad and Tabago chart and the Pluto in the Arab Federation chart and in the EEC chart.
The next Total Lunar Eclipse is on December 21st 2010. Stay tuned to The Daze
After the eclipse is over today, the Moon is conjunct Saturn 09:56 GMT at 5 degrees Virgo. This is a very serious and thought provoking time.
The day continues in an acutely tense and testy manner. It is now very much a time to 'pick up the threads' and 'work and repair on what has been spoilt'. Today is a busy day with a practical edge.
Friday February 22nd 2008
The Total Lunar Eclipse on Thursday Feb. 21st 2008 will most likely be remembered by astrological historians as being connected to the declaration of independence by Kosovo. Serbs yesterday set fire to the US embassy in Belgrade in protest.
As the eclipse was actually taking place the US Navy successfully hit their malfunctioning spy satellite 'USA 193' with a missile on the other side of the world over the Pacific Ocean. The strike occurred at 10:26 p.m. EST on Feb. 20th.
In the wake of the eclipse two positive news stories have emerged. Pakistan's two main opposition parties have agreed to form a coalition government after a strong election showing, and Ex-UN chief Kofi Annan has announced considerable progress in talks between Kenya's government and opposition aimed at ending the political crisis.
The effects for good or ill are not yet over. The effects of eclipses hold sway for three months or more but the immediate days before and after the eclipse are the most sensitive to the effects. We are still very much in this special time.
The 'final cut' in the form of a post-eclipse alignment, occurs today as the Moon, the Earth and this time Uranus, align within a degree of exact linearity around 08:44 GMT between the signs Virgo and Pisces.
Still a very critical time for all events. This has been a shattering week astrologically speaking and there is no real let up just yet.
This evening sees the 'wounded Moon' applying in harsh square aspect to Mars in Gemini.
Saturday February 23rd 2008
The Virgo Moon 'heady and hung over' squares Mars and becomes void at 02:15 GMT.
She (more gracefully) sails into Libra 07:45 GMT but is immediately involved in a dissociate T-square with Mars and Pluto. Once this lunar aspect is over the 'lunar situation' eases somewhat today.
The Sun however is today applying to his annual opposition to Saturn, emphatically reinforcing the events of the past few days with quite serious overtones.
This weekend does you may be pleased to read offer the possibility of a more relaxed atmosphere.
Sunday February 24th 2008
The Sun opposes Saturn 09:48 GMT
The Moon hits disseminating phase 23:51 GMT 21 degrees Libra, and starts to pull us out of another eclipse season.
Again this day is conducive to social gatherings and general relaxation.
Monday February 25th 2008
Yesterday at least 40 people were killed and scores more injured by a suicide bomber targeting Shia pilgrims in Iraq.
Cuba's National Assembly is choosing a new head of state, with Raul Castro tipped to succeed brother Fidel.
Pakistan has blocked access to the popular YouTube website because of content deemed offensive to Islam.
Japan yesterday launched a satellite designed to enable super high-speed data transmission in remote areas.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 6 degrees Pisces. There are 24 days to the vernal equinox.
The very slow moving Moon still dizzy in post eclipse imbalance wanes and decelerates in Libra. Around 13:30 GMT today the Moon forms an airy grand trine with Mars and the Lunar Node. Five minutes later she actually trines Mars and is void of course from that moment. She enters Scorpio 18:06 GMT.
Mercury and Venus are 'morning stars' in Aquarius aligning tomorrow. The pair remain within 3 degrees of longitude through most of March. Mercury finally catches up with her in the morning skies on March 24th in Pisces. The story does not end there for these two. Venus again catches up with Mercury (and the Sun) at 17 degrees Gemini on June 7th. Mercury overtakes her once more in evening skies on Aug. 21st in Virgo but Venus wins the year by finally overtaking Mercury again in evening skies, this time in Libra, on September 15th 2008. That is their last conjunction in 2008.
Mars is in Gemini. He is once again applying to an opposition with Pluto which peaks on March 7th three days after he (Mars) enters Cancer. The next two weeks will be increasingly influenced by this very violent planetary combination which grows stronger day by day.
We are now pulling out of the recent eclipse season. The week ahead however is astrologically quiet. We can rely Mercury and Venus to entertain us as they cruise together through morning skies and approach a mutual conjunction with Neptune on March 7th to 9th 2008 preceded by three lunar occultations on March 5th, the next astrological wave ahead.
Tuesday February 26th 2008
Yesterday the director of the UN's World Food Programme stated that the Programme may have to ration aid to the world's poorest because of rising prices and lack of funds.
The Turkish army said it has killed 41 more Kurdish rebels in the most recent clashes of its incursion in north Iraq.
Mercury and Venus are calling the shots right now. Closely aligned in Aquarius and remaining close for a month these two heavenly bodies offer a merry heady mixture of inspiration, vision and experimentation. Heart and mind can operate in union right now. Take a chance, exert your choice of option, taste and try so to speak.
In keep with the innovation on offer because of this planetary contact the New York Philharmonic orchestra yesterday arrived in North Korea, for a remarkable display of cultural diplomacy
Today the Moon and the Sun are in water signs. A more emotional 'atmosphere' prevails. The day harbors an intensity of feeling. The slow moving, waning Scorpio Moon squares both Venus at 16:17 GMT and Mercury at 16:22 GMT.
Mercury is conjunct Venus (1.2 degrees orb) 17:52 GMT at 11 degrees Aquarius. These 'merry two' remain within 3 degrees for a month. Venus and Mercury appear closest together Wednesday morning. As dawn brightens, use binoculars to spot Mercury just 1.2° above bright Venus very low over the east-southeast horizon; see the illustration below. Best time to look: about 45 to 30 minutes before sunrise.
Wednesday February 27th 2008
Yesterday talks to resolve Kenya's post-election crisis were suspended because of a lack of progress, mediator Kofi Annan said.
A Nigerian tribunal dismissed both petitions asking for President Umaru Yar'Adua's election to be re-run.
Baghdad condemned Turkey's incursion into northern Iraq and demands an immediate troop withdrawal.
US presidential candidate Barack Obama has been endorsed by one of his former rivals for the Democratic nomination, Sen Christopher Dodd. Mr Dodd said Mr Obama was "ready to be president" and called for party unity.
Leading dignitaries attended the opening ceremony of a 'doomsday' seed vault deep inside an Arctic mountain.
Today is another essentially emotional day. Watch out for the hidden agendas. Expect willfulness, cunning and power plays.
The very slow moving Scorpio Moon squares Neptune at 15:54 GMT and becomes void of course for the rest of the (GMT) day.
Thursday February 28th 2008
Yesterday four hostages were set free by Colombian Farc rebels, in a deal brokered by the Venezuelan president.
Russia said it may support more UN sanctions against Iran if it does not stop some nuclear activity.
The biggest earthquake in the UK for nearly 25 years shook homes across large parts of the country. People in Newcastle, Yorkshire, London, Cumbria, the Midlands, Norfolk and also parts of Wales, felt the tremor at 00:56 GMT. The local space chart, set for the exact time of the earthquake at the epicenter is shown below.
I have included this chart because it shows the fact that Pluto in Capricorn is almost due East at the epicenter and Uranus in Pisces is almost due North.
Globally Mars applies in opposition to Pluto by zodiac longitude, this is an aspect of violence. The Uranus Neptune midpoint is conjunct Saturn. The Sun opposes Saturn. Mercury and Venus are closely aligned in Aquarius which seems to alleviate the forces at work. No one was seriously hurt by this earthquake.
Locally the positions of Uranus and Pluto do seem to focus the violent global planetary potentials to the vicinity of the eastern UK. This is a long way however from being a 'forecastable' event using these techniques.
Check out the UK Earthquake Page for recent UK seismic events viewed from an astrological perspective.
Today the Moon is at apogee (slowest all month) at 01:19 GMT and enters Sagittarius at 06:23 GMT. She then slowly drags herself towards her last quarter phase which occurs tomorrow. The Sun and Moon are in mutable signs today and tomorrow and most of Saturday (together with Mars and Saturn). There is change and movement in the air.
Friday February 29th 2008
Yesterday Kenya's rival leaders signed a power-sharing deal mediated by Kofi Annan to end the country's post-election crisis
Four Palestinian children were killed in an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip.
Today the Moon reaches last quarter phase at 02:19 GMT at 10 degrees Sagittarius.
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs today at 02:31 GMT visible from the southern oceans. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023
The Sagittarian Moon sextiles the Mercury and Venus conjunction around Noon GMT invoking optimism and frivolity around that time, a real 'happy hour', and then moves on to square Uranus at 19:01 GMT.
This day and the evening invoke us to pull out of our shells, strike into new experience and adventure, and sample new emotions.
Check out the UK Earthquake Page for recent UK seismic events viewed from an astrological perspective.
March 2008
March 2008 starts with Mercury, Venus, Neptune and the Lunar Node in Aquarius. Mars is opposite Pluto.
Mercury and Venus remain within 3 degrees of each other all month.
In early March the crescent Moon passes Jupiter on the 2nd and 3rd, and parks itself next to Venus and Mercury on the 5th. During the afternoon of the 5th, the thin lunar crescent occults (hides) Venus for viewers in central Canada and most of the United States. It's a daytime event, so you would need a telescope to see it.
Saturday March 1st 2008
The slowly waning but accelerating Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in the small hours (GMT), and continues to apply in weak and ineffective opposition to Mars.
The Moon opposes Mars 16:54 and becomes void.
She enters Capricorn 18:33 GMT and is conjunct Pluto 20:18 GMT.
The remainder of the weekend witnesses the 'ground in energy' of the Moon in Capricorn
Sunday March 2nd 2008
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Capricorn making reasonable aspects today and applying to a conjunction with Jupiter. This is potentially a wholesome and hearty Sunday but of course the Moon in Capricorn does have the tendency to bring out the worst in some people. Nevertheless this could be a very constructive day.
Monday March 3rd 2008
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has suspended contact with Israel in protest at an assault on Gaza which has killed about 100 people. The suspension came amid angry demonstrations in Gaza and clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank. Israeli PM Ehud Olmert vowed to carry on the assault, which came in response to militant rocket attacks on Israel. The violence intensified on Saturday, when nearly 70 people were killed in one of Gaza's bloodiest days in years.
Yesterday Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks to the border with Colombia after it kills a rebel Farc commander.
Kremlin favourite Dmitry Medvedev will win Russia's presidential election easily, exit polls suggest.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received a warm welcome in Baghdad on the first ever visit to Iraq by an Iranian president. The visit marks the culmination of a process of normalisation between the two countries after the long war they fought in the 1980s.
State of the skies:- Today the Sun is at 13 degrees Pisces. There are 17 days remaining to the Vernal Equinox.
We are now pulling out of the recent eclipse season, a fact signaled by the New Moon on Friday of this week.
The slow but accelerating Moon today is conjunct Jupiter 01:44 GMT at 16 degrees Capricorn. She sextiles Uranus 06:16 GMT and is void of course for the rest of the day.
Mercury and Venus are 'morning stars' and closely aligned in Aquarius. The pair remain within 3 degrees of longitude through most of March. Venus leads the way. Mercury finally catches up with her in the morning skies on March 24th in Pisces. The story does not end there for these two. Venus again catches up with Mercury (and the Sun) at 17 degrees Gemini on June 7th. Mercury overtakes her once more in evening skies on Aug. 21st in Virgo but Venus wins the year by finally overtaking Mercury again in evening skies, this time in Libra, on September 15th 2008. That is their last conjunction in 2008.
There are lunar occultations of Mercury and Venus and Neptune on Wednesday. Venus is conjunct Neptune on Friday.
Mercury is now 'up to speed' after his recent retrograde motion. Now is a good time to consider beginning new enterprises especially after the New Moon on Friday.
Mars has one more day in Gemini and then enters Cancer tomorrow. Mars is applying to a seriously sinister opposition to Pluto which peaks early on Friday. The potential for violent outcomes in human affairs is strongly indicated in the week ahead although Saturn eases the opposition and offers a 'work out' solution to problems before they get too severe.
Within the outer body orbits Jupiter is sextile Uranus and Saturn is trine Pluto conferring a largely positive aura on current affairs.
This week is 'astrologically rippling'. With the triple lunar occultations on Wednesday, and then the New Moon (conjunct Uranus) on Friday accompanied by Venus conjunct Neptune and Mars opposite Pluto we can expect lots of fun.
Tuesday March 4th 2008
The UN Security Council yesterday voted to impose a third round of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme.
The big medical news at the moment is that skin secretions from a South American "shrinking" frog could be used to treat type 2 diabetes, researchers say.
The old waning Moon reaches balsamic phase 02:20 GMT 29 degrees Capricorn.
The Moon enters Aquarius 04:25 GMT joining Mercury, Venus. Neptune and the Lunar Node in that sign.
Mars re-enters Cancer 10:01 GMT. He is in opposition to Pluto on Friday of this week. A potentially violent and accident prone planetary vibration. He then applies in a constructive sextile aspect to Saturn which peaks on March 14th. He receives (very pleasant) watery trine aspects from Venus on March 16th and from Mercury on March 18th. Mars squares the Sun on March 30th. He enters new territory (following his recent retrograde motion) on April 4th receives a square aspect from Mercury on April 18th and opposes Jupiter on April 24th. Mars leaves Cancer and enters Leo on May 9th. The whole period is characterized by 'defensive and protective' activity. This placement is good for thrift and circumspection and for domestic projects. 'Home and garden' go with a real swing.
Today is the day before a rare 'triple lunar occultation'. The Moon, Venus, Mercury and Neptune are 'huddled together' in Aquarius. Something has to show, something has to give.
Wednesday March 5th 2008
Today is a very special day in the world of astronomy and astrology.
Wednesday, March 5th begins with a beautiful display of planets: Mercury, Venus and the slender crescent Moon will gather in a tight knot beneath the bright gaze of Jupiter. The quartet are easy to see (look southeast) as they beam through the rosy glow of dawn. The show continues even after sunrise. In broad daylight, Venus and the crescent Moon will converge until there is only a sliver of blue sky between them
Three lunar occultations occur today in tropical Aquarius!
A lunar occultation of Mercury is observable today at 14-01 GMT, at 14 degrees Aquarius, from South America and Northwest Africa. This is the 2nd of 5 lunar occultations of Mercury this year, Jan 9th, March 5th, Aug 1st, Sept 30th and Dec. 29th.
The next two occultations today are both observable from south California and west Mexico. A lunar occultation of Venus visible from the Pacific and central USA occurs today at 19:20 GMT, this is the first of 2 this year, the other is on Dec. 1st.
A lunar occultation of Neptune in Aquarius occurs at 21:40 GMT for observers in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. This is the 10th of a monthly series of 20 occultations of Neptune at the current time. The remaining 10 are all in the northern hemisphere.
The Moon is void after 21:47 GMT.
Thursday March 6th 2008
On the day the Moon occulted Mercury, January 9th this year, New Hampshire primary wins by Hillary Clinton opened up the race for the White House. The same thing happened yesterday, the day of the second lunar occultation of Mercury this year. The Democrats once again grabbed the headlines with another Hillary Clinton comeback, throwing her party's race wide open once again. Mrs. Clinton won in Rhode Island and in the much larger state of Ohio (which has an uncanny knack of voting for candidates who go on to be president) - and above all, she won the popular vote in Texas. The final occultation of Mercury this year is on August 1st.
Also yesterday George W Bush backed John McCain, who had sealed the Republican nomination to run for US president.
Thousands of Venezuelan troops took up position on Colombia's border,
In the UK MPs threw out a call to hold a UK-wide referendum on whether to ratify the EU's Lisbon Treaty.
Today the fast moving old Moon enters Pisces at 10:54 GMT today joining the Sun and Uranus in that sign.
Today is a deeply subliminal affair. Impressionability and remoteness are to the fore. however this is not a benign day, Mars is about to oppose Pluto, this aspect which has been building up for a few weeks, peaks tomorrow morning (GMT). There is a wave of violence and danger in the process of breaking. At the same time a rich and mystical blending of 'value' and 'dissolution' is ringing out, as symbolised by a tight conjunction of Venus and Neptune some nine hours before the Mars Pluto opposition peaks. This one speaks volumes in the financial world and in the personal sphere of romantic love.
Friday March 7th 2008
Yesterday as the Mars Pluto opposition built to its peak at least eight people were killed by a Palestinian gunman at a Jewish seminary in West Jerusalem.
At least 54 people died as two bombs explode in a shopping area in Baghdad, security officials say.
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega broke diplomatic ties with Colombia over its raid into Ecuador.
Today Venus is conjunct Neptune (within 35 minutes of arc) at 23 degrees Aquarius at 00:03 GMT.
Mars opposes Pluto 09:00 GMT. In the wake of these very powerful planetary aspects a New Moon follows.
New Moon 18 degrees Pisces 17:15 GMT
This the first New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on Feb 7th 2008.
This New Moon is in Pisces, is in conjunction with Uranus, and is sextile Jupiter. This New Moon will invoke surprising changes. Mars opposes Pluto, Venus and Mercury are conjunct Neptune, Saturn trines Pluto, Jupiter sextiles Uranus. This lunation is dynamic. The energy 'set up' at the last solar eclipse is now released in un-looked for ways. The time is important and vibrant.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon (and Uranus) are on the local MC of Washington DC, Ottawa, Medellin and Lima.
They are setting at Stuttgart and Capetown, and are on the IC of Lanzhu and Singapore.
The Mars Pluto opposition, tight in the skies at this time are aligned to Bucharest and Manila.
Venus and Neptune align to New Mexico.
The New Moon is closely conjunct the natal Uranus of Robert Mugabe and the natal Jupiter of Gordon Brown.
After the New Moon moment, the 'new born' Moon is conjunct Uranus at 19 degrees Pisces at 19:05 GMT and becomes void of course for some 19 hours.
Saturday March 8th 2008
The (GMT) day starts with the young Moon void of course in Pisces. The period upto 14:34 GMT is dreamy and subliminal. Things quickly change and pick up when she enters Aries at this time.
The weekend from this moment becomes more urgent and impulsive.
Around 16:30 GMT the Moon forms a cardinal T-square with Mars and Pluto. This is the danger point in the current 'atmosphere'. Flare ups, frayed tempers and sheer aggression could be expected around this time.
The Sun is conjunct Uranus 20:19 GMT adding an 'extraordinary' hue to the day. Something will wake us up.
It is the time for Mercury to align to Neptune now, (Venus did this on Friday). These are both inspirational and confusing planetary vibrations. Its as if whirlpools are occurring in the fabric of time right now. Strange, powerful and uncertain experiences are taking place.
Sunday March 9th 2008
Mercury is aligned to Neptune (within a degree) at 23 degrees Aquarius at 08:53 GMT.
The Moon continues to wax in Aries. The day has a brazen potential. There is a competitive, challenging, stimulating and provoking quality.
Monday March 10th 2008
The leaders of the two parties that won Pakistan's elections sign an agreement on a coalition government.
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert has backed a plan to build up to 750 new homes in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.
Europe's new orbital cargo ship was launched from French Guiana on a mission to resupply the space station. The Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) is the biggest and most complex spacecraft Europe has ever tried to put in orbit. The 20-tonne unmanned freighter left the Kourou spaceport at 0403 GMT on Sunday, riding atop an Ariane 5 rocket.
State of the skies:- Today the Sun is at 20 degrees Pisces. There are only ten days to the Vernal Equinox.
The young Moon is today rapidly waxing towards her crescent phase, starting the day in Aries. She sextiles Neptune, Mercury and finally Venus at 11:10 GMT and then becomes void of course. She enters Taurus 16:15 GMT, and reaches perigee (fastest all month) at 21:49 GMT. Around 22:15 GMT the Moon is arrayed in a fearsome 'planetary kite pattern' with Pluto, Mars and Saturn.
Mercury and Venus are both 'morning stars' in Aquarius. Only three degrees separate them all month. Venus swims into Pisces on Wednesday of this week, Mercury follows her on Friday.
Mars in now in Cancer and makes a 'heavy duty' practical and industrious sextile to Saturn on Friday . This is a real good week to 'get things sorted'.
The week ahead is colored quite considerably by a 'mystic rectangle' planetary pattern built around the oppositions of Mars and Pluto and of Venus, Mercury, the lunar node and Neptune opposite Saturn. This 'picture' lasts for five days starting on Wednesday. This is a powerful affair. Expect a multitude of events and experiences this week.
Today starts with a rush but modulates into something a little more serious.
Tuesday March 11th 2008
Yesterday, 'a low news day' saw five US soldiers killed by a suicide bomb in Baghdad, in one of the deadliest attacks on US troops there in months.
The price of crude oil hit an all-time high for the fifth time in six trading sessions. New York sweet light crude touched a new high of $108.21 a barrel, before edging down to trade at $107.93.
Today the very fast moving Moon reaches her crescent phase 01:57 GMT at 6 degrees Taurus.
She trines Jupiter and sextiles Uranus as midnight (GMT) approaches.
Today and tomorrow sees the 'potentially inert' combination of a Pisces Sun and Taurean Moon, providing a deep rooted and generally passive astrological backdrop to events and experiences. With Mars applying in sextile to Saturn this week there is an air of industry and power. These really are days to bring about realistic solutions to problems.
Wednesday March 12th 2008
Central banks around the world plan another set of co-ordinated action to ease financial market woes.
At least 24 people die in two bomb attacks - one at a key police building - in Pakistan's city of Lahore.
A tiny chemical "brain" which could one day control swarms of nano-machines is invented in Japan. Writing in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists say it could also be used to boost the processing power of future computers. Many experts have high hopes for nano-machines in treating disease.
Today the Moon continues on her speedy journey through Taurus. This is another steady and rather passive sort of day, right up to 17:55 GMT. After that moment things will inevitably change.
A powerful and slightly menacing 'mystic rectangle' based upon the Mars Pluto opposition and Saturn opposing Venus, Mercury, and Neptune is hanging in the skies from today. This planetary picture holds command in the skies for the next five days and will in my estimation generate a lot of events. The combination of these planets is challenging and demanding to say the least. These are, all of a sudden, very serious and important times.
The fast moving but now decelerating Moon squares Venus 17:27 GMT and becomes void of course.
The Moon enters Gemini 17:55 GMT. This lunar ingress is the herald of change and notification of further change to come.
Venus enters Pisces 22:51 GMT toady, joining the Sun and Uranus in that sign, and deliciously beckons Mercury to follow her, which he does on Friday. Venus sails, swims and slips through the sign of the fishes for only 25 days. Venus is opposed by Saturn on Saturday 15th March and is trined by Mars the next day. Mercury catches up with Venus on Monday 24th March (Easter Monday). On 28th March Venus is conjunct Uranus and sextile Jupiter. Venus leaves Pisces and enters Aries on April 6th. The next 25 days hold a Pandora's box of temptations, love adventures, imaginative and exotic experiences and deeply emotional and mystical feelings. This is a rich time to be young and in love (or not so young and in love). It is a time to follow your dreams.
Thursday March 13th 2008
Yesterday Nasa directed its Cassini spacecraft to make an ultra-close pass of the Saturnian moon Enceladus. The flyby took the probe through the plumes of icy particles emanating from the enigmatic cracks at the south pole dubbed the "tiger stripes". The cause of this activity has developed into the big scientific question of the flagship mission. The pass will allow Cassini instruments to directly sample the plume particles. This should help scientists address the tantalising issue of whether there is an ocean under Enceladus' icy crust.
On Earth we had another 'low news day'.
Today is day two of the mystic rectangle of planets in the skies of earth, mentioned yesterday.
The decelerating Moon waxes in Gemini towards her first quarter phase. The Sun, The Moon, Venus, Saturn and Uranus are now in mutable signs. This situation will not last for long but change, movement, mediation and modulation are now the very essence of the times we are living through.
Lots of conversation ensues today.
Friday March 14th 2008
Yesterday the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of the Iraqi city of Mosul who was kidnapped last month was found dead.
Chinese officials admitted that Tibetan monks have been protesting in the city of Lhasa this week
The price of gold hit new heights, trading at $1,000 an ounce for the first time, spurred by a weak US dollar.
Today is day three of the mystic rectangle. (See the note from Wednesday).
The Moon reaches her first quarter phase at 10:47 GMT 24 degrees Gemini. She trines Mercury 20:34 GMT and becomes void for only 4 minutes. She enters Cancer 20:38 GMT, and applies in conjunction to Mars.
The Sun and the Moon are then in watery signs, (together with Mars, Uranus and Venus). The superficial almost 'vampish' chatter of the last two days is now superseded by more urgent emotional concerns.
Press on there is work to do.
Mars sextiles Saturn 21:25 GMT, lending a hand to constructive and practical ends.
Mercury chases Venus into Pisces 22:46 GMT.
The weekend ahead sees Venus opposing Saturn and then moving on to trine Mars.
There is something big going on.
Saturday March 15th 2008
The Moon is conjunct Mars 03:04 GMT (within 1.66 degrees at 4 degrees Cancer), and adds her power to the mystic rectangle of planets in operation now for four days.
Mercury bathed in Piscean water sextiles Pluto in Capricorn 17:08 GMT.
Venus also in Pisces opposes Saturn in Virgo at 20:17 GMT (3 degree orb).
Today is astrologically intense. There are basically two things going off, one is a penetrative even telepathic potential to 'suss out' positive situations and solutions, the other is a harnessing and formalising of affection and value. This all amounts to a test and a challenge of a day.
Harmony can and does win out as the (GMT) day ends.
Sunday March 16th 2008
Day five of the mystic rectangle.
Venus in Pisces trines Mars in Cancer 08:21 GMT. A loving breakfast is the way to make the best of this aspect. This is the 'true love and affection' aspect. May it truly colour your whole day.
The Moon in Cancer trines the Sun and is void from 18:58 GMT
Monday March 17th 2008
The major world news item dominating newsreels over the past few days (coinciding with a 'mystic rectangle' hanging in the skies of earth over the entire period) is the Tibetan protests against Chinese rule which have spread to another part of China, after days of demonstrations and violence in Tibet's main city, Lhasa. Clashes between Tibetan protesters and police in Aba, Sichuan province, saw a police station and cars attacked. Rights groups said several people had been killed in the clashes, though this could not be verified. The violence came after exiled Tibetan leaders said a Chinese crackdown had killed at least 80 people in Lhasa.
At least 16 people have been killed in a missile strike near Pakistan's northern border, state television says.
Conservative candidates in Iran's general election have retained control of parliament, while reformists did marginally well.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 27 degrees Pisces. The Vernal Equinox is on Thursday.
Currently the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus are in Pisces.
The decelerating but waxing Moon enters Leo 01:04 GMT. She reaches gibbous phase 23:59 GMT 13 degrees Leo. The Moon is full in Libra on Friday of this week. The approaching Full Moon forms a cardinal grand cross with Mars and Pluto drawing a final measure of blood from the Mars Pluto opposition which has been casting a violent hue on world 'colours' recently. The Full Moon on Friday is a very dangerous affair.
Mercury, a morning 'star' in Pisces opposes Saturn within 4 degrees at 21:48 GMT today and trines Mars tomorrow.
Venus also a morning 'star' in Pisces recovering from amorous overtures from Mars yesterday gladly submits, and continues closely following Mercury. Only two degrees separate these two today and the situation continues for rest of the month.
Mars is in Cancer and the next aspect he makes is a square to the Sun on March 30th.
Today is the final day of the mystic rectangle which has been dominating the skies over the past five days.
The week ahead will witness a climaxing Full Moon on Friday and the Spring Equinox in the North and the Autumn Equinox in the South on Thursday.
Stay tuned to the Daze for the duration.
Tuesday March 18th 2008
Yesterday stock markets across the globe slumped in reaction to the emergency rescue of the USA bank Bear Stearns. The dollar hit another record low against the Euro amid continued fears over the state of the US economy. These economic downturns occurred as Mercury and Venus conjunct in Pisces are opposite Saturn in Virgo. Actually Saturn's ingress in Virgo on September 2nd last year coincided with the start of the financial crises occurring during the last few seasons. Pluto's ingress into Capricorn in January of this year has only made matters worse.
A female suicide bomber killed at least 42 people in the Iraqi city of Karbala, home to Shia Muslim shrines. Violence continues almost every day. Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn really doesn't do much to stem the tide.
Today Mercury trines Mars at 11:38 GMT as the gibbous Moon in Leo decelerates and waxes.
This aspect sheds a more positive astrological light on the first half of the (GMT) day.
Neptune, the Earth and the Moon are aligned within 0.75 of a degree at 18:39 GMT between the tropical signs of Leo and Aquarius. The Moon is void from this time.
No let up, no compromise, no release, as the Moon applies to an occultation of Regulus as the day ends.
Wednesday March 19th 2008
Yesterday the US central bank announced another deep cut in interest rates to calm nervous markets.
The Dalai Lama called for violence in Tibet to end and rejected China's claims he masterminded the unrest.
Afghan security forces sealed off the country's main high-security prison after days of unrest there.
A lunar occultation of the 'royal star' Regulus GMT occurs today around 07:30 GMT. This is the 17th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star. After the last one on June 20th 2008 at the south pole there are none till Nov 21st 2016.
The Moon enters Virgo 07:25 GMT and begins her monthly application to a conjunction with Saturn.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn at 13:33 GMT at 3 degrees Virgo.
The Moon opposes Mercury and Venus at 20:29 and 23:32 GMT respectively.
Today the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Uranus are in mutable signs. There is an atmosphere of anticipation and possibly agitation. All things are now 'on the move' and in flux. Today is the last day of Pisces, the day before the Vernal Equinox, a sort of 'tropical zodiac New years Eve'.
Tomorrow we have ignition and a renewal.
Thursday March 20th 2008
A carbon-containing molecule has been detected for the first time on a planet outside our Solar System. The organic compound methane was found in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting a star some 63 light years away. Water has also been found in its atmosphere, but scientists say the planet is far too hot to support life. The discovery, unveiled in the journal Nature yesterday, is an important step towards exploring new worlds that might be more hospitable to life, they say. Methane, made up of carbon and hydrogen, is the simplest possible organic compound.
Vernal equinox 05:49:23 GMT
The Vernal Equinox occurs today at 05:49 GMT as the Sun crosses the equator. Spring officially begins in the northern hemisphere and Autumn starts in the south. All over the world there are 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. The Sun 'enters' the tropical zodiac sign of Aries the Ram.
As the Sun bursts into Aries it is Sunrise over Belgium, France, Algeria and central west Africa. The rising Sun and the setting nearly full moon straddle the cities of Amsterdam, Brussels, and Marseilles. It is shortly to be local noon at Lhasa. Mars and Pluto focus in on Katmandu and Calcutta. Over the UK in the pre-dawn skies Uranus, Mercury and Venus rise as Saturn and the Moon set.
The planets at this time are mainly in earth and water signs with a distinct lack of planets in fire and air signs. Venus and Mercury are closely conjunct in Pisces, the Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter sextiles Uranus.
The slow gibbous Moon in Virgo applies in earthy trine to Jupiter in Capricorn.
This equinox is a very fertile affair with a degree of receptivity and capture. The moment however is an omen of a difficult transition, particularly so with the equinox Sun square Pluto. There is a critical poignancy to this day with the astrological energy tense and pregnant with the nearly Full Moon in Virgo preparing to make a near linear alignment with the Earth and Neptune later in the day. Nevertheless this is a day of holy celebration as are the intervening hours between the Equinox moment and the Full Moon climax tomorrow.
After the equinox moment the Moon opposes Uranus (within 1.25 degrees of alignment) at 19:29 GMT. The Moon is void of course for some 20 hours from this moment
Friday March 21st 2008
An astrologically difficult day follows as the full moon crashes in virulent climax.
The Sun squares Pluto 08:35 GMT invoking all manner of battles of will and power.
The Moon starting the day void of course and very tensely placed in Virgo decelerates almost reluctantly towards her full phase. The day correspondingly hobbles along in critical footfalls. The Moon enters Libra 15:45 GMT and immediately applies in square aspect to Pluto exact at 17:53 GMT.
The Moon has a very difficult voyage through Libra over the next two and a half days.
Full Moon 2 degrees Libra 18:41 GMT
This Full Moon is the first one following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on February 21st 2008, and the 5th full moon before the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 16th 2008
The Full Moon is tightly square Pluto. In fact the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto form a very powerful cardinal grand cross as this lunation climaxes. This Full Moon represents an astrological generator of energy and events. This one is powerfully and dangerously dynamic.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon is rising over western Scotland, north west Spain, eastern Portugal and the extreme north west of Africa. Pluto is almost exactly rising at Lhasa Tibet, the Moon sets over South Island New Zealand and the Moon is exactly on the local MC of Kanpur in India and is on the local IC of Mexico City where it is local Noon.
The ongoing Mercury Venus conjunction 'hits' San Diego and Melbourne. Mars is on the local MC of the UK and he 'hits' Madrid.
The zodiac degree area which this full moon occupies, closely aligns and affects the all important MC in the USA (Sibly) chart and the natal Uranus of the UK (1801 chart). It hits the natal Saturn of Gordon Brown, the natal Sun of actor Michael Douglas and musician Bruce Springsteen. It may hit the ascendant David Cameron and the natal Moon of 'Madeline' the English child who disappeared from Portugal. (However both of the birth times of these last two subjects are uncertain).
After the Full Moon moment is over the Moon applies in square aspect to Mars.
Do take care tonight.
Saturday March 22nd 2008
The 'hung over Moon' in Libra squares Mars at 04:15 GMT and continues to sail dangerous airs in Libra all day long.
Mercury is catching up Venus. The two planets having been in close conjunction all month are aligned within a degree on Monday.
Sunday, March 23rd 2008
Early Easter. Easter Sunday is defined as the first Sunday after the "Ecclesiastical Full Moon" (the Church's approximation of when a Full Moon will occur, generally within a day of the actual Full Moon) after March 20th, which was the date fixed by the Church as Equinox in 325 AD. In 2008, Full Moon occurs two days after March 20th, with Easter Sunday the next day. This will be the earliest Easter Sunday since 1913; the next time Easter falls on March 23rd will be 2160. The earliest possible Easter Sunday is March 22nd, this last occurred in 1818, and next in 2285.
The still 'hung over' Full Moon squares Jupiter at 04:35 GMT and then mercifully starts to apply in trine aspect to Neptune which occurs at 12:42 GMT The Moon is void from that moment.
Monday March 24th 2008
Yesterday many people died in a day of suicide attacks, shootings and rocket strikes across Iraq.
Final preparations were taking place in Greece for the lighting of the Olympic flame for the Beijing games. Cloudy skies meant the flame could not be lit in the traditional way - using the Sun's rays - at the final dress rehearsal on yesterday. If the weather fails to play its part in the ceremony on Monday, a back-up flame will be used to light the torch that will be carried to China. Activists say the ceremony will trigger protests over Tibet and other issues.
Gamma ray burst. (
March 21, 2008: A powerful gamma ray burst detected March 19th by NASA's Swift satellite has shattered the record for the most distant object that could be seen with the naked eye.
"It was a whopper," says Swift principal investigator Neil Gehrels of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. "This blows away every gamma ray burst we've seen so far."
Swift's Burst Alert Telescope picked up the burst at 2:12 a.m. EDT on March 19, 2008, and pinpointed the coordinates in the constellation Bootes. Telescopes in space and on the ground quickly moved to observe the afterglow. The burst was named GRB 080319B and registered between 5 and 6 on the visual magnitude scale used by astronomers. (A magnitude 6 star is the dimmest visible to the human eye; magnitude 5 is almost three times brighter.)Later that evening, the Very Large Telescope in Chile and the Hobby-Eberly Telescope in Texas measured the burst's redshift at 0.94. A redshift is a measure of the distance to an object. A redshift of 0.94 translates into a distance of 7.5 billion light years, meaning the explosion took place 7.5 billion years ago, a time when the universe was less than half its current age and Earth had yet to form. This is more than halfway across the visible universe.
The date of the Big Bang? The amount of dark matter? The nature of cosmic inflation? These things and more are refined by new results from the WMAP cosmology probe. Here's a full roundup.
State of the skies:- Today the Sun is at 4 degrees Aries. There are 86 days to the solstice.
The very slow moving, decelerating and waning Moon enters Scorpio 02:07 GMT and commences to make a series of favorable aspects over the next couple of days. This lunar 'situation' is something of a relief after the problems of the last few days. (The next New Moon is on Sunday April 6th in Aries, and is placed square a looming opposition of Mars and Jupiter. More challenges are to come. Neptune and the Lunar Node exactly rise at London at the moment of this New Moon).
Mercury is today conjunct Venus (within a degree) at 14 degrees Pisces at 01:29 GMT. Both of these 'morning star' planets will sextile Jupiter and make a conjunction with Uranus during this week. Mercury does this on Thursday, Venus on Friday.
Mars pulls on through Cancer. The next aspect he makes is a square to the Sun on March 30th
Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces on Saturday throwing a measure of 'comfortable optimism' onto proceedings.
The quality of the week ahead is seriously directed by Mercury (on Thursday) and Venus (on Frioday) making conjunction with Uranus in Pisces. This is indicative of a degree of excitement and even wonder this week.
Tuesday March 25th 2008
With NASA's high-energy Swift observatory in orbit, cosmic gamma-ray bursts just keep setting new records. The most powerful one yet in fact, the most violent event ever seen in the universe flashed into view on the morning of March 19th. While Swift caught it from orbit, ground-based cameras on the hunt for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) saw a flare of visible light from the burst that peaked around magnitude 5.6.
Yesterday New Pakistani PM Yusuf Raza Gillani said he will order the release of all judges detained under emergency rule.
The top US general in Iraq said he has evidence Iran was behind Sunday's attack on Baghdad's Green Zone.
The Olympic torch was lit in Greece, in a ceremony briefly disrupted by pro-Tibet demonstrators.
Around 3:00 a.m. on March 19, 2008, Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupted explosively for the first time since 1924.
Today the very slow moving Moon in Scorpio trines Mercury and Venus 09:00 GMT and then goes on to make favourable aspects with Jupiter and Uranus up to 17:14 GMT.
The later part of the GMT day is not so conducive to peace and clarity.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 20 degrees Scorpio 19:03 GMT
Wednesday March 26th 2008
Yesterday thousands of Iraqi troops battled with rival Shia in Basra, as clashes spread to other parts of the country.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he has not ruled out boycotting the opening of the Olympics.
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has threatened to force businesses to cut prices ahead of the 29 March elections. Prices have again shot up after Mr. Mugabe awarded huge pay rises to teachers and civil servants last month.
Today the very slow moving and still decelerating Moon is square Neptune and becomes void of course at 00:37 GMT
She enters Sagittarius 14:12 GMT and reaches apogee (slowest all month) at 20:18 GMT.
From 14:12 GMT the Sun and Moon are in fire signs. (Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus in water, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Earth, Neptune in Air).
This day starts in 'lunar void of course' mode, but spirits pick up dramatically with the ingress of the moon into Sagittarius. Coupled with the prospect of Mercury being conjunct Uranus tomorrow, the day ends on potential excitement and a degree of fortitude and optimism.
Thursday March 27th 2008
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs today at 10:20 GMT visible from the tip of South America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
Mercury in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Capricorn at 18:57 GMT
Mercury is conjunct Uranus (within 1.7 degrees) at 20:18 GMT.
Venus will be conjunct Uranus tomorrow.
Friday March 28th 2008
Tibetan monks yesterday disrupted a tour by the first foreign journalists to visit Lhasa since protests erupted.
The US said it killed four militants in an air strike in Iraq on Thursday morning, but Iraqi sources say dozens of people were killed. The southern Iraqi city of Basra saw a third day of heavy fighting between Iraqi forces and Shia militias.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy held talks with Gordon Brown on nuclear energy, on the second and final day of his state visit to the UK.
Zimbabwe's president warned opposition supporters not to protest if they lose elections this Saturday.
A jawbone and teeth found in Spain are from one of the oldest known humans in Europe, scientists say.
Today The Moon in Sagittarius squares Venus, Uranus and Mercury at 04:14 GMT, 06:06 GMT and 07:42 GMT respectively.
The Moon sextiles Neptune and becomes void 13:22 GMT
Venus sextile Jupiter 22:54 GMT.
Venus is conjunct Uranus (within 0.7 degrees) at 20 degrees Pisces at 22:58 GMT, electric lady land, and an electric flash of the collective anima will be evident tonight.
Saturday March 29th 2008
Jupiter sextile Uranus 00:13 GMT. This pleasant outer body aspect occurs three times in 2008 (today, May 21st Nov 13th) and is the forerunner to the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on the Pisces Aries border in 2010.
The Moon enters Capricorn 02:44 GMT and is conjunct Pluto 05:01 GMT.
This day is a practical and pragmatic affair.
The Moon reaches Cardinal Last Quarter phase at 21:48 GMT at 10 degrees Capricorn.
Tonight and tomorrow, Mars shines within 0.3° of 3rd-magnitude Epsilon Geminorum (a star that Mars spectacularly occulted 32 years ago!).
Sunday March 30th 2008
Voting has ended in Zimbabwe, where President Robert Mugabe faces a strong challenge from the opposition.
Not the easiest of days.
Around 00:30 GMT the Moon forms a cardinal T-square with the Sun and last quarter Moon.
The Sun in Aries is square Mars in Cancer at 07:21 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 20 degrees Capricorn (within 3 degrees) at 18:16 GMT
Monday March 31st 2008
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 11 degrees Aries. There are 79 days to the solstice.
The slowly waning but accelerating Moon, now past her last quarter phase, starts the day in Capricorn, sextiles Mercury at 04:55 GMT, becomes void and enters Aquarius 13:35 GMT. The Moon is New next Sunday.
Mercury and Venus are still within 3 degrees of each other in Pisces shining as 'morning stars'. Mercury leads the way now entering Aries on Wednesday and squaring Pluto on Thursday. Venus enters Aries on Sunday.
Mars is in Cancer and enters 'new territory' at 13 degrees Cancer on Friday of this week.
Mars is now starting to build up to an opposition to Jupiter which peaks on April 24th.
April 2008
After an 'astrologically quiet' start to the month, April 2008 evolves into an 'astrologically vibrant' period as the two weeks lead up to the Walpurgis Full Moon on Sunday April 20th. Mars opposing Jupiter on April 24th sets things into overdrive.
Saturn and Pluto are trine in earth signs. This pair form earthy grand trines with Mercury and the Sun around the Full Moon, and with Venus as the month ends, both ensuring a rich menu of personal practical and social opportunities. Read on, constant reader..
Tuesday April 1st 2008
Zimbabwe is standing on a "precipice" as official results from Saturday's general election start to trickle in, the opposition has said. The world awaits developments. Jupiter is today exactly square natal Pluto in the Zimbabwe National Chart. Robert Mugabe has transiting Saturn on his natal lunar node and Uranus is square his natal Mars.
The US Treasury yesterday revealed the biggest blueprint to overhaul the regulation of the financial sector since the 1930
The first dig inside the ring at Stonehenge in more than four decades hopes finally to resolve its mysteries.
Today the Moon wanes and accelerates in Aquarius on this 'astrologically very quiet' day.
Wednesday April 2nd 2008
Pluto turns retrograde 05:58 GMT at 1 degree Capricorn
A lunar occultation of Neptune at 23 degrees Aquarius occurs 09:15 GMT for observers in south America, much of Africa and the Middle East. This is the 11th of a monthly series of 20 occultations of Neptune at the current time. The Moon is void of course from this moment.
Mercury enters Aries 17:45 GMT. He resides in this sign until April 17th, undergoing a difficult and rapid transit of the sign. He squares Pluto on April 3rd, squares Mars on April 10th and squares Jupiter on April 14th. He is in superior conjunction with the Sun at 27 degrees Aries on April 16th. As he rushes into Taurus the next day both he and the Sun start to form an earthy grand trine with Saturn and Pluto.
Mercury is retrograde in Gemini from May 26th to June 19th 2008.
Moon balsamic phase 28 degrees Aquarius 18:02 GMT, enters Pisces 20:56.
Thursday April 3rd 2008
President Robert Mugabe's party has lost its majority in parliament, official results show. Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF party has so far taken 94 of the 210 seats, while opposition parties have won 105, the Zimbabwe Election Commission says. At the time of writing confusion, as to the future of the country, still reigns.
Morgan Tsvangirai has risen from working in a mine to becoming one of the most important political figures in Zimbabwe - even if his dreams of becoming president remain elusive. In the last week he has experienced Uranus exactly transiting his natal Sun. In the months ahead his progressed Venus will be conjunct his progressed Jupiter, and he has a series of other seriously important planetary conjunctions.
Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern announced he is stepping down from the post in May. Ahern has transiting Saturn conjunct his natal Mercury right now and during the last couple of weeks has had Uranus opposite his natal Sun.
Scientists have found a distant embryonic planet outside the Solar System that could be less than 2,000 years old.
Today at 01:07 GMT the accelerating Moon in Pisces opposes Saturn but is eased by Pluto.
Mercury, newly arrived in Aries, squares Pluto 08:53 GMT.
Friday April 4th 2008
Yesterday Nato member states said they will endorse controversial US plans for a missile defence shield based in Europe.
Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe is ready to contest a run-off presidential election, a ruling party spokesman said.
Greek and Turkish Cypriots reopened Ledra Street in the divided capital of Nicosia amid a new push for reunification.
Today Mars enters 'new territory' at 13 degrees Cancer after his recent period retrograde motion. There is much that is new, now, to be acted upon.
The rapidly waning old Moon is conjunct Uranus 07:53 GMT at 20 degrees Pisces and then accelerates on and is conjunct Venus at 28 degrees Pisces at 21:44 GMT. The Moon is void from that point in time.
The (GMT) day ends in drifts and dreams.
Saturday April 5th 2008
The very old and fast and accelerating Moon enters Aries 00:28 GMT joining Mercury and the Sun in that sign.
The very 'ancient' Moon is conjunct Mercury at 5 degrees Aries at 08:26 GMT.
Today is the day of the old Moon in Aries.
Amid the competitions, the urges and surges of today there is a vision of a new tomorrow.
The Sun, the old Moon and Mercury are in Aries invoking challenge and impulse.
Sunday April 6th 2008
New Moon 17 degrees Aries 03:56 GMT.
The New Moon is square Mars and Jupiter.
This is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on Feb 7th 2008, and the 4th before the Total Solar Eclipse which occurs on August 1st, (the Chinese Olympics Eclipse).
At the moment of today's New Moon, the Moon is rising on the eastern border of Zimbabwe, and is rising over eastern Europe, eastern Libya and southern Scandinavia.
Mars in Cancer is very nearly exactly on the local IC of Harare.
The Sun and the Moon are on the local MC of Shanghai, Taipei, Manila and western Australia.
Neptune and the lunar Node rise at London UK.
The Sun and the Moon are on the local IC of Buenos Aries and the Falkland Isles.
Saturn is on the local MC of Mexico City. Jupiter is about to culminate at Moscow.
This New Moon falls on the natal Ascendant of Gordon Brown and the natal Jupiter of Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe.
Shortly after the New Moon, Venus enters Aries at 05:36 GMT joining the Sun, the Moon and Mercury in that sign. Venus spends the rest of the month of April in Aries. She squares Pluto tomorrow. From April 21st to 25th she squares both Mars and Jupiter arrayed in tight cardinal T-square. After sextiling Neptune on April 25th she enters Taurus on April 30th forming at that time an earthy grand trine with Saturn and Pluto.
Today's New Moon is coloured somewhat by the imminent square of Venus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn. There can be something difficult and unwholesome about this aspect which can invoke manifestations and experiences of the seedier side of life. Nevertheless today in its bosom holds many secrets and initiations.
These are days which are future oriented, experiences and ideas are new and vital, the time is urgent.
The 'tiny new baby' but very fast moving Moon sextiles Neptune and is void of course 15:02 GMT.
Expect little after this moment. With the looming Venus Pluto square it could be rather a 'dark' night.
Monday April 7th 2008
Zimbabwean President Mugabe's party yesterday demanded poll results be delayed and recounted.
George Bush and Vladimir Putin signed a basic agreement on bilateral ties, without a breakthrough on differences.
Twenty people were reported killed in clashes in Baghdad between US forces and a Shia militia.
Renewed violence broke out in a Tibetan area of western China, with reports of several injuries. Xinhua news agency said rioters attacked government offices in Garze, Sichuan province, on Thursday evening, leaving one official seriously hurt. Tibetan exile groups say security forces fired on crowds of civilians, killing at least eight people. The violence comes weeks after unrest swept through Tibetan areas and Beijing responded with a security crackdown. In the UK arrests were made as pro-Tibet protesters and police scuffled along the Olympic torch route in London.
Flooding in north-eastern Brazil has killed at least 15 people and driven tens of thousands from their homes, civil defence officials have said. The victims drowned when the River Paraiba burst its banks and the walls of a medium-sized dam cracked in the normally arid state of Paraiba.
State of the skies:-The Sun is at 18 degrees Aries today. The Sun squares Jupiter on Thursday. There are 72 days to the Solstice
The very fast moving New Moon (yesterday) enters Taurus 01:20 and forms an earthy grand trine with Pluto and Saturn around 04:40 GMT The Moon is closest to Earth and fastest moving all month (at perigee) 19:40 GMT. The Moon occults he Pleiades tomorrow and Mars next Saturday.
Mercury is a 'morning star' rapidly moving through Aries and making a square aspect with Mars on Thursday and then going on to square Jupiter on Sunday.
Venus also a 'morning star' in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn 03:46 GMT
Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn and Mercury in Aries form a loose cardinal T-square from Wednesday of this week which extends right up to next Monday. Some 'spur of the moment' ideas and thought forms may be wide of the mark over that period. This is not a good time for accuracy and correct estimation. The 'astrologically quiet' start to April is superseded by this oncoming wave of challenging 'cardinal energy' later in the week.
Tuesday April 8th 2008
Yesterday French security officials cut short the Paris leg of the Olympic torch relay in the face of anti-China protests.
Nine Iraqis were killed and 65 others wounded in clashes lasting into Monday morning as U.S. and Iraqi forces took on Shiite militia members in Baghdad's Sadr City.
Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed due to the actions of paparazzi and driver Henri Paul, a jury has found.
Astronomers have discovered a planetary system orbiting a distant star which looks much like our own. They found two planets that were close matches for Jupiter and Saturn orbiting a star about half the size of our Sun. Martin Dominik, from St Andrews University in the UK, said the finding suggested systems like our own could be much more common than we thought. And he told a major meeting that astronomers were on the brink of finding many more of them.
The crescent Moon sneaks up on the Pleiades. During the evening of April 8th, observers in eastern North America are treated to a beautiful occultation of some members of the Pleiades Star Cluster by a thin crescent Moon. Three evenings later, sky gazers in western North America can see the first-quarter Moon pass a mere 1/4 degree above Mars.
The three-day-old Moon is always sublime thick enough to see easily but thin enough to be otherworldly. On the 8th the crescent is unusually high at dusk and right next to the Pleiades, the sky's finest naked-eye star cluster. Normally the Moon overpowers nearby stars, but not when it's this thin. Lucky viewers in eastern Canada and the northeastern US even get to see the Moon occult (cover) some of the northern Pleiades, starting around 9:45 p.m. EDT. The Moon's leading limb will be well lit by earthshine but still dim enough that it will be easy to watch the stars wink out.
Eastern Ontario is ideally placed, with the occultations starting when the Moon is high in a fully dark sky. Farther east, the Moon sets while occultations are still in progress. In the southern US the Moon passes north of the Pleiades, and on the West Coast, the closest approach takes place in broad daylight. But whether you see the Moon inside the Pleiades or just near them, it will be a magnificent sight. Sky and Telescope
The Moon in Taurus is conjunct the Moon/Jupiter midpoint at 11:00 GMT sextiling both. She goes on to square Neptune at 15:13 GMT and becomes void of course.
Today is very much a 'steady as she goes' sort of day.
Wednesday April 9th 2008
Yesterday the top US military leader in Iraq calls for troop withdrawals to be suspended to protect improved security.
Zimbabwe's opposition said its supporters have been attacked around the country since last month's poll.
The Olympic flame relay arrived in California amid heightened security, as it faces further protests.
Today the Moon enters Gemini 01:27 GMT and reaches her crescent phase 09:24 GMT at 5 degrees Gemini.
There is a bit of a buzz today coinciding with the Moon's ingress into Gemini.
From today and right up to next Monday, Mercury in Aries forms a loose wide cardinal T-square with Mars in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn. Caution in all decision making and action taking is advised during today and over the following five days.
Thursday April 10th 2008
Yesterday the IMF warned that the US economy is heading for a recession that will reverberate around the globe.
Gordon Brown said that he will not attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. Streets were sealed off in San Francisco as police tried to provide a smooth passage for the Olympic torch.
At least seven people were reported dead following a raid by Palestinian militants near an Israeli border crossing.
Archaeologists carrying out an excavation at Stonehenge say they have broken through to a layer that may finally explain why the site was built. The team has reached sockets that once held bluestones - smaller stones, most now missing or uprooted, which formed the site's original structure. The researchers believe that the bluestones could reveal that Stonehenge was once a place of healing.
We are now in the midst of a mildly difficult astrological situation. After a reasonably quiet start to the month of April the planets are starting to arrange themselves into a bit of an uncomfortable situation. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are in a wide cardinal T-square configuration. This picture generates tension which can manifest in actions and judgments being wide of the mark.
A particularly 'testy' couple of planetary aspects occur today.
This day has an awkward potential with bickering and blundering likely. The waxing Moon in Gemini adds a certain restlessness to proceedings.
The Aries Sun squares Jupiter in Capricorn 14:11 GMT.
Mercury in Aries squares Mars in Cancer 17:14 GMT. Mind and muscle are certainly not in harmony today.
Friday April 11th 2008
Yesterday it was reported that Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai will attend an emergency regional summit.
The US president said he will freeze the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, as requested by a top general.
The biggest US airline canceled 900 more flights, as hundreds of planes stay grounded amid safety concerns.
People in Nepal have completed voting in elections that will decide the future direction of the country. The polls are for an assembly that is expected to re-write Nepal's constitution and abolish its monarchy.
Today the Moon enters Cancer 02:43 GMT and starts to apply to a very close conjunction with Mars which occurs tomorrow (Saturday) morning (GMT) and to her first quarter phase which occurs later in that day.
Today is essentially emotional. There is an undercurrent of worrying misjudgment,feelings of insecurity and manifestations of ill advised strategy, all because of the ongoing cardinal planetary T-square involving Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. This T-square lasts till Monday.
The looming lunar occultation of Mars tomorrow morning colours Friday night with an aura of urgent expectancy.
Saturday April 12th 2008
The Moon is conjunct Mars at 16 degrees Cancer. This is visible in the north Atlantic and central Norway at 05:36 GMT as a lunar occultation of Mars, one of four this year, Jan 19th, April 12th, May 10th and June 8th.
This powerful conjunction is opposite Jupiter in Capricorn square Mercury in Aries and (happily) trine Uranus in Pisces. This cardinal cross dominates the day.
Take care.
The Moon reaches Cardinal first quarter phase 18:33 GMT at 23 degrees Cancer and becomes void of course.
Sunday April 13th 2008
The Moon enters Leo 06:29 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in Fire signs (together with Mercury and Venus). This is a sporting and enterprising day full of colour and drama.
The Sun in Aries is sextile Neptune in Aquarius at 07:31 GMT
Mercury squares Jupiter 17:49 GMT. Urgent hasty and competitive urges may arise today and severely cloud judgments.
Monday April 14th 2008
Yesterday Kenya's president announced a new power-sharing cabinet to end the nation's long-running political crisis.
Zimbabwe's opposition said it will mount a legal challenge against plans to recount 23 contested poll results.
Nepal's Maoist party did far better than expected as results for a new constituent assembly were declared.
Italians went to the polls in the first of two days of elections for a new parliament and prime minister.
State of the sky:-The Sun today reaches 25 degrees Aries, and resides in that sign with Venus and Mercury. There are 65 days to the Solstice, and the astrological month of Taurus begins on Saturday April 19th.
The planets are arrayed in a 'locomotive' arrangement in the skies. There is a lot of 'planetary momentum' currently. This is resulting in a lot of new experiences and developments.
The decelerating Moon waxing in the sign of Leo makes no major aspects today but forms a 'finger of fate' with Jupiter and Uranus around 21:30 GMT. The Moon slowly waxes to the Full phase this week and is exactly Full on Sunday 20th April at 10:36 GMT. This slow waxing to the full dominates and colours the week ahead.
Mercury a 'morning star' on the far side of the Sun and moving away from the Earth in Aries sextiles Neptune in Aquarius at 22:10 GMT today. Mercury is at superior conjunction with the Sun on Wednesday and enters Taurus on Thursday at 10:26 GMT.
Venus is also a 'morning star' in Aries. Personal matters are hot and urgent right now. Love kindles.
Mars in Cancer continues to apply in opposition to Jupiter in Capricorn which peaks on April 24th. Before that he makes a watery trine aspect with Uranus in Pisces on April 22nd. There is a growing tendency to excessive actions this week. The best way is to direct the Martian energy into invention and into new avenues of expression. Try something different this week.
Tuesday April 15th 2008
Yesterday Zimbabwe's High Court rejected an opposition legal bid to force the release of the presidential election results.
Centre-right leader Silvio Berlusconi looked set to win Italy's elections, early projections suggested.
Beijing's building sites will close three weeks before the Olympics to help clear the city's skies of pollution.
Today a tight Moon Neptune opposition (01:35 GMT) aligns within a half of a degree. The resulting confusion is eased by Mercury.
The Moon trines the Sun 04:57 GMT and becomes void of course for just over 8 hours.
Lunar occultation of the 'royal star' Regulus GMT occurs today around 13:00 GMT, visible from Antarctic regions. This is the 18th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star. After the last one on June 20th 2008 at the south pole there are none till Nov 21st 2016.
The waxing Moon enters Virgo 13:07 GMT. She is conjunct Saturn at 2 degrees Virgo at 16:45 GMT
The mood of this day changes with the lunar ingress. What starts off an essentially self centred atmosphere modulates to 'aggressive precision'. The Moon conjunct Saturn in Virgo is always serious and sets the tone for the next couple of days. With a powerfully dynamic full moon occurring on Sunday the next few days with most probably witness an increase in tension.
Wednesday April 16th 2008
Yesterday more than 70 people were killed in blasts at three cities in Iraq, in one of the deadliest days there for many weeks.
Zimbabwe's opposition leader said he could take part in a presidential run-off vote if it is free and fair.
Dozens died when an aircraft carrying about 80 people ploughs into buildings in Goma in the east of DR Congo.
Today Mercury is at Superior conjunction with the Sun at 27 degrees Aries at 07:24 GMT. This alignment can be considered to represent a 'Full Mercury' symbolising the illuminated mind and a climax in understanding and thinking. This occurs three times a year. From this point in time Mercury becomes an 'evening star', setting after the Sun in the evening and representing a mentality which is retrospective in nature.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 11:24 GMT 12 degrees Virgo. The glorious procession to Sunday's very dynamic full moon is then fully underway. Emotional tension will now be seen to increase in correspondence to the approaching full moon.
Today we may well experience exactitude and discernment in action. Method, common sense and practicality win out.
Thursday April 17th
Thousands of guests welcomed Pope Benedict XVI (81 years old yesterday) to the White House for his meeting with President Bush. Gordon Brown was also in town.
An Israeli air strike reportedly killed 11 Palestinians in Gaza after a Hamas attack which left three soldi