The Daze 2007
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(Copyright:- The Daze 2007 -All rights reserved, National chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes, All times quoted are GMT, Tropical Zodiac used throughout.)
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak. Astronomy by Sky and Telescope Magazine.
BBC News UK Earthquake page CNN News.
George Bush in 2007 Tony Blair in 2007 Gordon Brown in 2007
January 2007
January 2007 starts with Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius and Mercury, the Sun and Venus in Capricorn.
Mars starts the month some 10 degrees from Pluto. Their conjunction is on 13th January 2007 at 27 degrees Sagittarius. The Moon joins the pair in Sagittarius on 16th Jan.
Jupiter in Sagittarius forms the first of three waning mutable square aspects to Uranus in Pisces on 22nd of this month. This one may well invoke sensational and shocking world events.
The year 2007 is one cram packed with lunar occultations. The planet Saturn is closely aligned to the fixed star Regulus for most of the year. By a curious geometry, the plane of the lunar orbit this year is orientated to this alignment resulting in an almost monthly 'double occultation' involving both these astronomical bodies. The year 2007 kicks off with such a double occultation next weekend. On Saturday 6th Jan 2007 the Moon exactly aligns to Saturn at 17:44 GMT. This conjunction is visible as an occultation from the Arctic. This is the 2nd occultation of Saturn in the current series of 12 monthly occultations. On Sunday 7th January a lunar occultation of Regulus occurs at 05:21 GMT visible to observers in North Siberia. This Regulus occultation is the 1st of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star. This last one from anywhere on Earth occurred in October 1995.
That's two lunar occultations within 12 hours! The whole philosophy behind this web site is a recognition that every 'bit' of celestial event has a corresponding 'effect' and 'response' here on Earth. It remains to be seen what occurs next weekend, and during the course of this year of plentiful 'lunar occultations' .
Monday January 1st 2007
The year starts with the climaxing of a Full Moon on Wednesday.
The nearly Full Moon decelerating in Gemini forms a mutable T-square with Mars and the lunar node around 20-09 GMT.
This evening the Moon shines close to the nearly 1st-magnitude star Beta Tauri. The Moon occults the star as seen from northern South America and the southern Caribbean.
Tuesday January 2nd 2007
An Indonesian passenger jet carrying about 100 people that sent a distress signal after losing contact with flight controllers probably crashed, transport officials said on Monday. Rescue teams were searching for the Adam Air Boeing 737-400 aircraft that went missing in bad weather between the islands of Java and Sulawesi. Setyo Rahardjo, chairman of Indonesia's National Transport Safety Committee (NTSC), said the plane took off from Surabaya, on Java Island, at 2:07 p.m. (0707 GMT) and was supposed to land in Manado at 3:15 p.m. He said he suspected the plane crashed.
Blue-and-gold EU flags fluttered across Bucharest and fireworks thundered through the sky at midnight in Romania and Bulgaria as the two Balkan nations became the latest countries to join the European Union.
The U.S. military on Sunday announced its 3,000th fatality from the Iraq war. The identity of the 3,000th military death could not be precisely determined as the exact times of deaths late last week were not immediately available. On Monday, the military said two soldiers were killed Sunday in an explosion in Iraq's Diyala province, north of Baghdad, bringing the death toll to 3,002.
Today the 'nearly full' Moon in Gemini opposes Pluto 10-07 GMT and is void from that moment. The opposition is made 'easy' by Saturn. She enters Cancer 15:15 GMT.
After a 'busy buzzy' start the day will witness the climaxing full moon drawing emotion, melodrama and instinct to the fore.
Wednesday January 3rd 2007
Yesterday, the day before the Full Moon, Somalia's Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi said that rival Islamic fighters have been scattered, and he does not expect any more major fighting. His key Ethiopian backer said he would withdraw his troops within weeks.
Rescuers in central Indonesia were yesterday trying to locate the wreckage of a missing passenger jet, despite reports from aviation and transport officials that the crash site -- and survivors -- had been found.
Full Moon 13 degrees Cancer 13:59 GMT.
The Full Moon is trine Uranus and opposite Mercury. A reasonably positive affair. This Full Moon is the penultimate before the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd 2007.
Interestingly this Full Moon hits George W. Bush's natal Sun head on.
The Moon becomes void of course at the moment of fullness and will remain void for 31 hours.
Thursday January 4th 2007
Yesterday's Full Moon was conjunct George W. Bush's natal Sun. President Bush and Democratic leaders in Congress traded jabs over the budget in what could be an indication of partisan fights to come. A minor affair to the rest of the world but interesting from the astrological standpoint.
Other world news as the Full Moon climaxed reported that a guard at Saddam Hussein's execution was being questioned over unofficial filming of his hanging.
Kenya shut its border with Somalia and said it will not allow any refugees fleeing conflict to enter the country
A British 14-year-old boy arrived in Antigua to become the youngest person to cross the Atlantic single-handed. Michael Perham, (photo above), from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, ended his 3,500-mile voyage when he sailed into Nelson's Dockyard at 1400 GMT. According to his own website he was born on 16th March 1992. He is of course Pisces sun sign, (the fish and the sea), Neptune (of course!) is currently 3 degrees from a conjunction with his natal Mars in Aquarius. Yesterday Mercury, Mars and Jupiter were making strong transits to their own positions in his natal Chart.
Today the Moon is void for most of the day, so don't expect too much to take off before 21:15 GMT.
Venus moves into Aquarius 03:32 GMT. This ingress is important. It may lighten the load somewhat, and free up affections. Venus will be conjunct Neptune in Aquarius on Jan 19th, the day of the next New Moon. On the road to that conjunction she (Venus) will make an expansive, positive and waxing sextile to Jupiter on Jan 12th.
Mercury sextiles Uranus 05:20 GMT. This aspect may well invoke inventiveness and unorthodox ideas which work, go with them!
The Moon enters Leo 21:15 GMT and begins to draw to a 'double barreled' occultation with both Saturn and Regulus in that sign at the weekend, the next astrological impulse. Mars also is drawing to his conjunction with Pluto. Stay tuned.
Friday January 5th 2007
Democrats yesterday took control of the US Congress, with a woman at the helm of the House for the first time. Nancy Pelosi - the new leader of the House has published a manifesto for the Democrats' first 100 hours. It includes a promise to raise the minimum wage and to clean out corruption.
Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) is plunging toward the Sun. It won't hit, but at closest approach on Jan. 13th it will be only 0.17 AU away--much closer than Mercury (0.38 AU). When the hot comet emerges later this month it could be brighter than a 1st-magnitude star. Or not. No one knows what will happen.SPACEWEATHER.COM
Today the decelerating Moon wanes in Leo and all day moves to form a 'finger of fate' planetary pattern with the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn and Uranus in Pisces around 22:00 GMT. This is a potentially dangerous time fueled by possible lack of compromise and unexpected responses, take care.
The Moon, Saturn, and Regulus form a line in the eastern sky this evening, in that order from top to bottom.
Saturday January 6th 2007
Two occultations within 12 hours! (This sort of thing happens again on April 14th 2007, and three occultations occur within 34 hours of each other on June 20th/21st 2007).
Jupiter conjunct Antares
The Moon exactly aligned to Saturn 17:44 GMT. This conjunction is visible as an occultation from the Arctic. This is the 2nd occultation of Saturn in the current series of 12 monthly occultations.
At this time the Moon and Saturn are trine the building Mars Pluto conjunction.
The waning gibbous Moon shines near Regulus tonight for North America, below brighter Saturn. The Moon occults Regulus for northeastern Europe (around 05-21 GMT tomorrow). This is the first of 20 occultations of Regulus over the next 20 months and the first since October 1995.
Sunday January 7th 2007
Somalia's interim government on Saturday indefinitely postponed plans to forcibly disarm Mogadishu, as hundreds of people burned tires, looted vehicles and said they wouldn't give up their guns. Two people were reported killed and at least 17 people were wounded.
A black hole has been found inside a compact group of ancient stars known as a globular cluster. Astronomers say the discovery is interesting because many doubted black holes could exist in such locations. The black hole is located in a globular cluster associated with a galaxy named NGC 4472, some 55 million light-years away.
Bright Comet Near the Sun. There's a very bright comet in the sky right now, but there's a catch! It's very near the Sun so it can be seen only through bright twilight close to the horizon, as shown at right. The time to look is about 30 minutes after sunset. Sky and Telescope
Today the waning Moon trines Pluto at 00:56 GMT and becomes void, entering Virgo 06:19 GMT.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 05:21 GMT from North Siberia. This is the 1st of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star. This last occurred in October 1995.
Mercury is at Superior Conjunction 06:05 GMT
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 12 degrees Virgo 09:39 GMT.
With the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Earth signs, this day and the next two are well 'grounded'. A practical, no nonsense atmosphere will prevail.
Monday January 8th 2007
The executions of two aides of ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein will go ahead this week, the government has said.
Activists and police clashed in Bangladesh on Sunday, injuring at least 50 people at the start of a three-day transport blockade aimed at derailing upcoming elections.
State of the sky:- The Sun is approaching 18 degrees Capricorn. There are 72 days to the vernal equinox.
The slowly waning Moon today forms a mutable T-square with Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter in Sagittarius during the first six hours of the (GMT) day. She will make an earthy trine with the Sun and Mercury conjunction in Capricorn at 18:11 GMT and 20:19 GMT respectively. The Moon undergoes a Total Eclipse visible from Europe on March 3rd in 53 days time.
Mercury was at Superior conjunction with the Sun yesterday in Capricorn and is now astrologically an 'evening star'. He will turn retrograde on Feb.. 14th 2007.
Venus is also an 'evening star' in Aquarius and will be conjunct Neptune in that sign in 11 days time.
Mars in Sagittarius now 4 degrees from his zodiacal conjunction with Pluto today trines Saturn in Leo at 18:05 GMT. Mars is conjunct Pluto next Saturday. This conjunction will continue to tighten all week and is the main astrological feature of the next six days.
In the 'outer solar system' Jupiter is square Uranus, and Saturn is opposite Neptune.
A very practical and constructive day is upon us.
Tuesday January 9th 2007
Dark matter model (see below).
When Venus was conjunct Pluto in December the major news story in the UK involved the serial murders of several prostitutes. An awfully tragic story but astrologically very fitting to this planetary conjunction. This month it is the time of Mars to be in conjunction with Pluto and we await with interest to see the corresponding events on earth.
Right now there is a smell! (and the symbolism of this is Neptune not Pluto, Venus is now applying to a conjunction with the current Neptune Saturn opposition), authorities evacuated buildings and shut down some trains as they looked for the source of a mysterious gaslike odor that stretched across a large part of Manhattan and into New Jersey.
Russia has cut oil supplies to Poland, Germany and Ukraine as a Moscow-Belarus trade row is escalating, (more Neptunian symbolism).
Police in China yesterday killed 18 people in a raid on an alleged Islamic militant camp in the western region of Xinjiang.
At least 37 people in Brazil have been killed in mud slides and floods caused by days of heavy rains.
Astronomers have mapped the cosmic "scaffold" of dark matter upon which stars and galaxies are assembled. (See graphic above).
The Andromeda galaxy, our largest galactic neighbour, may be five times bigger than previously thought.
Comet McNaught is so bright, it shines right through the evening twilight: see 'Sunday' above.
Today the very slow moving Virgo Moon squares Mars at 07:01 GMT and Pluto at 12:51 GMT. She is void from this moment for over five hours then enters Libra 18:15 GMT and starts her slow crawl to last quarter phase on Thursday.
This day progresses in three stages, the first up to 12:51 downright tough! The second from this moment 'till 18:15 rather empty and vacant. The day then turns social.
Wednesday January 10th 2007
Yesterday U.S. helicopter gunships attacked suspected al Qaeda terrorists hiding in Somalia,. The operation came a day after U.S. Special Operations forces launched at least two air attacks against suspected al Qaeda members in this restive Horn of Africa country.
At least 30 Turkish workers have been killed and two others injured in a plane crash near an airport north of Baghdad, Turkey's foreign ministry told CNN. The plane, reported to be an Antonov-26 operated by a company based in Moldova, went down in heavy fog on Tuesday morning about two and a half kilometers (1.6 miles) northwest of Balad, the ministry said.
Astronomers have found the first example of a triple quasar, the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle has heard.
Mars is now 2 degrees from his conjunction with Pluto.
The Moon in Libra makes nice aspects today.
Moon apogee (slowest all day) 16:30 GMT.
Thursday January 11th 2007
Comet McNaught is plunging toward the sun, and the heat is causing it to brighten dramatically. A few days ago, it was barely visible in evening twilight, but now it pops into view while the sky is still glowing blue. Only Venus is brighter. This is possibly the brightest comet in 30 years, and it is heading for its own destruction in the Sun.
The slowly waning but now accelerating Moon in Libra reaches cardinal last quarter 12:46 GMT. A minor crisis in consciousness occurs with the last quarter Moon.
A lunar occultation of the star Spica occurs today at 19:43 visible from Antarctica.
Friday January 12th 2007
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said that Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is living "on borrowed time", but that she is confident he can give Iraq security. Ms Rice was testifying to a Senate hearing about President Bush's new Iraq strategy, announced on Wednesday. Democrats and some Republicans in Congress have criticised the plan, with one senior Democrat, Senator Joe Biden, calling it a "tragic mistake". As part of the plan, Mr Bush will boost US troop numbers by more than 20,000.
Bangladesh's president yesterday resigned as interim leader and declared a state of emergency as disputed polls are put The 200-year-old mystery of where one of the world's largest flowers sit in the botanical family tree has finally been solved by scientists. To their surprise, the plants, which have a one-metre-wide, blood-red, rotten-flesh stinking flower, belong to a family of plants bearing tiny blooms.
Two nearby galaxies - long thought to be true companions of the Milky Way - may instead be drifters, passing through the cosmic neighbourhood. Astronomers say the Magellanic Clouds may be moving too fast to be gravitationally bound to our galaxy.
In the days ahead, Comet McNaught will pass the sun (temporarily disappearing in the glare) and emerge in good position for southern hemisphere viewing later this month. Meanwhile, solar heating will continue to puff up the comet, causing it to brighten even more. It could become one of the brightest comets in centuries, visible even in daylit skies.
Today the Moon in Libra sextiles Mars and Pluto at 00:00 GMT and 01:56 GMT respectively. She is void from this latter moment. She enters Scorpio 07:08 GMT.
The 'astrological back drop' of this day is then intense and static. However to the fore Venus in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius at 12:45 GMT. A good vibration this one, a positively social wave of conviviality crashes on the shores of village Earth, use it well! At the same time Mars draws to his conjunction with Pluto which has been building up since Christmas and peaks tomorrow. This one is powerful and full of energy, maybe destructive, maybe difficult to handle but nevertheless very real.
Saturday January 13th 2007
The waning Moon in Scorpio presides over what can only be described as a strange day, with strange astrological and planetary patterns.
Mars conjuncts Pluto 09:58 GMT 27.5 degrees Sagittarius.
Watch the news carefully.
Sunday January 14th 2007
The Moon in Scorpio sextiles Mercury 15:50 and is void from this moment. She enters Sagittarius 18:12 GMT joining Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in that sign.
Monday January 15th 2007
Surprisingly low-key news surfaced as Mars was conjunct Pluto on Saturday. The US is committed to reviving the Middle-East peace road map, Condoleezza Rice yesterday told Palestinians.
France's governing UMP party elected Nicolas Sarkozy to run for president, but less convincingly than expected. India's Ganges river has been flushed with fresh water to improve bathing for millions of Hindus at a key festival.
The Sun reaches 25 degrees Capricorn today. There are 65 days to the vernal equinox.
Mercury enters Aquarius 09:25 GMT joining Venus and Neptune in that sign. The Moon and the Sun will enter Aquarius next weekend. The astrological energy right now therefore is modulating from Capricorn to Aquarius. Mercury is slowing down over the next month as he approaches his retrograde period starting on Feb. 14th once again. Mercury aligns to Neptune on Jan 26th.
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs 05:21 GMT today visible from north Siberia. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb.. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
The Moon reaches balsamic phase 10 degrees Sagittarius 13:09 GMT is conjunct Jupiter 15:11 GMT at 11 degrees of that sign.
Venus aligns to Neptune (1.35 degree orb) early on Friday of this week which is also the day of the New Moon.
Mars spends his last day in Sagittarius today. Changes ahead!
Tuesday January 16th 2007
Mars enters Capricorn 20:54 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 21:29 GMT and is void from that moment.
Three degrees separate the Moon, Mars and Pluto.
Wednesday January 17th 2007
The Moon enters Capricorn 01:50 GMT and spends the rest of the day applying in sextile aspect with Uranus.
Thursday January 18th 2007.
Experts assessing the dangers posed to civilisation have added climate change to the prospect of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind. As a result, the group has moved the minute hand on its famous "Doomsday Clock" two minutes closer to midnight
Fourteen UN aid agencies working in Sudan's troubled Darfur region have warned that their relief operations will collapse unless security improves.
The very old Moon in Capricorn makes no major aspects today as she accelerates to her New Moon phase in the early hours (GMT) tomorrow.
Venus is today drawing to a close alignment with Neptune in tropical Aquarius which peaks at the time of the New Moon tomorrow.
This day is an interesting mix of practicality and far reaching vision. A day maybe to harness and make real your dreams.
Friday January 19th 2007
Two rather important days are ahead of us. A tight alignment of Venus and Neptune is followed by a New Moon, a lunar occultation of Mercury and a lunar occultation of Venus.
Venus aligns to Neptune (1.35 degree orb) 02:43 GMT
Venus is conjunct Neptune 02:48 at 19 degrees Aquarius.
New Moon 29 degrees Capricorn 04:02 GMT.
The New Moon makes no major aspects. It occurs at the end of Capricorn. The lunation is dominated by the conjunction of Venus and Neptune. Jupiter is square Uranus and this New Moon is on their midpoint. Venus and Neptune are applying in opposition to Saturn.
It is the penultimate New Moon before the partial Solar Eclipse on March 19th in late Pisces.
At the exact moment of New Moon, it is Moonrise at Tehran, Sunrise at Mecca and both the Sun and the Moon rise at Lusaka.
The Moon is void from the moment of 'newness'. She enters Aquarius four hours later at 06:16 GMT.
It really will feel like a New Moon day by then.
This fast moving newly born Moon is conjunct Mercury 18:57 GMT at 7 degrees Aquarius. This conjunction is a Lunar occultation of Mercury visible from Antarctica and the first of four such events in 2007.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn.
Saturday Jan 20th 2007
All of a sudden we are set amid a swirling mass of Aquarian energy.
The Sun enters Aquarius 11:01 GMT joining the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune in this sign. This is the start of a new astrological month.
The fast moving Moon is conjunct Neptune 14:03 GMT.
The Moon aligns to Venus within a degree at 17:19 GMT. This is visible as an occultation from the southern oceans at 16:53 GMT. There is one other lunar occultation of Venus in 2007 on June 18th.
Sunday January 21st 2007
The very fast moving Moon in Aquarius is sextile Pluto and void of course at 05:01 GMT. She slips rapidly into Pisces at 08:49 GMT and all day long she draws to yet another lunar occultation, this time with Uranus early tomorrow. Each occultation (and there are very many in 2007) serves as a 'mid course correction', and an opportunity to realign our current life pathway. Every bit of cosmic structure and cosmic event has its correspondence on earth
Venus fresh from her conjunction with Neptune is today drawing to her opposition to Saturn tomorrow. A somber note is sounding out.
An unfathomable depth of spiritual expression and experience is 'available' today.
Monday January 22nd 2007
The main news over the weekend has been about Hillary Clinton finally announcing that she is considering running for president in 2008 - a declaration anticipated for the past six years that puts a heavyweight contender into the race.
Yesterday Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas held talks with the exiled Hamas chief in Syria to try to end months of violence
The first wave of extra US troops arrived in Baghdad to boost security, as twin bombs killed seven people in the city.
Germany's Angela Merkel urged Russia to improve communications with the EU after the latest energy crisis.
The New Horizons probe is bearing down on Jupiter and a flyby that will swing the spacecraft out to Pluto.
Sunspot 939 burst onto the scene on Saturday, growing from an invisible speck to a Neptune-sized active region in less than 24 hours:
Today the very fast moving Moon at 12 degrees Pisces aligns to Uranus within a third of a degree 05:24 GMT. This is visible as an occultation of Uranus from the 'East Indies'.
Moon perigee 12:32 reaches crescent phase 17 degrees Pisces 13:24 GMT.
Venus opposes Saturn 15:39 GMT.
Mercury sextiles Jupiter 16:13 GMT
Jupiter is making a waning mutable square aspect to Uranus. 1st 22/1/07, 2nd 11/5/07, final Oct. 9th 2007,
Tuesday January 23rd 2007
As Venus opposed Saturn and the Moon occulted Uranus yesterday at least 100 people died in attacks on Baghdad and Baquba in one of Iraq's bloodiest days this year.
Today the fast moving piscean Moon squares Pluto at 07:12 GMT, and is void from that moment. She enters Aries 10:53 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in positive signs (together with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto). The next two days correspondingly evoke self expression and impetus. The 'vibe' is not so easy for more reserved personalities but it is a barrel load of excitement for the more colorful characters.
The next astrological wave is caused by Mercury in Aquarius aligning closely to Neptune on Friday and opposing Saturn on Sunday. The waxing Moon forms fixed T-squares with these three through Friday night to Saturday morning. Tough times!
Wednesday January 24th 2007
Mercury in Aquarius, closing on an alignment to Neptune on Friday, today sextiles both the Moon and Jupiter around 09:00 GMT. The day continues with an urgent and an intrepid impetus.
She eases the Neptune Saturn opposition between 18:00 and 23:59 GMT allowing brief respite to this heavy weight doom laden opposition which peaks for the second time in February.
Look above the Moon tonight, by more than a fist-width at arm's length, for the main stars of Aries. They're lined up almost vertically.
Thursday January 25th 2007
Yesterday a US Senate panel rejected President Bush's Iraq plan, a day after he asked Congress to give it "a chance".
At the same time Iraqi forces backed by US helicopter gunships fought insurgents in the Sunni-dominated Haifa Street area of the capital, Baghdad.
Today The waxing Moon starting the day in Aries trines Pluto at 09:51 GMT becoming void from that moment. She enters Taurus 13:30 GMT. The Moon will have a very rough ride over the next two and a half days.
The Sun and Moon will both be in fixed signs for the next couple of days, (together with Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune). The astrological energy now invokes stubbornness, intransigence and permanence. The advice is not to push too hard.
The Moon reaches fixed first quarter phase at 6 degrees Taurus 23:02 GMT
Late tonight the 6.3-magnitude star 32 Lyncis will be occulted (blacked out) by the faint asteroid 372 Palma along a 120-mile-wide path from Delaware to northern California. This is the best asteroid occultation predicted for North America in 23 years," says David Dunham of the International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA).
Friday January 26th 2007
Yesterday Lebanon's army imposed a curfew after students from rival factions clashed in Beirut, reportedly leaving two dead.
Something exploded on the farside of the sun Thursday, hurling a coronal mass ejection over the sun's eastern limb.This means a new, active sunspot may be lurking just around the corner. If so, it should appear in a few days when the sun's rotation carries that part of the sun into view from Earth. Stay tuned for updates.
Today Venus in late Aquarius sextiles Pluto in late Sagittarius at 10:57 GMT . This aspects 'generates' strong romantic action.
Mercury aligns to Neptune (orb 1.36 degrees) 14:39 GMT. A 'mystical', 'cosmic' and visionary alignment is upon us.
The Moon however has a 'heavy duty' role tonight (GMT) squaring Neptune and Mercury at 22:06 GMT and 23:18 GMT respectively. As this night progresses the waxing and decelerating Moon in tough cookie Taurus continues to wreak havoc as she also squares Saturn and forms a potent and dangerous Fixed T Square around 03:00 GMT tomorrow. A real powerful few hours. Take care!
Saturday January 27th 2007
Around 03:00 GMT the Moon, Saturn and the Mercury Neptune conjunction form a fixed T-square.
The day progresses with the waxing and decelerating Moon building to a square with Venus. She squares Venus at 16:09 GMT and becomes void at that time. She enters Gemini 17:10 GMT.
Things may ease from that moment. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune are in air signs. A 'lighter' atmosphere prevails dissipating the astrological trauma of the night before.
However Mercury still continues to build to his opposition with Saturn which peaks tomorrow.
Sunday January 28th 2007
Venus slips gently into Pisces at 03:32 GMT and will reside there until February 22nd. A subtle receptivity now starts to pervade our spirits leaving us a little more open to new impressions. Venus applies in conjunction to Uranus in Pisces, reaching him on Feb.. 7th in fairly tight alignment. Some shocks and surprises may well be in store for us at that time. That aspect I guess is the major event of her residence in Pisces.
Around 16:00 GMT today a strong mutable T-square forms involving the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus.
Mercury opposition Saturn 18:07 GMT. This day throws up serious thought forms and circumstances.
Monday January 29th 2007
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 24 degrees Gemini 11:52 GMT. The procession to another Full Moon begins in earnest from this moment. This Full Moon will dominate the working week ahead. The climax of this powerful lunation cycle is early on Friday.
The Moon today opposes Pluto 18:41 GMT, becoming void of course at that time before entering Cancer 22:17 GMT.
Tuesday January 30th 2007
Officials in Iraq say at least 200 militants were killed on Sunday during clashes with US-backed Iraqi troops ahead of a major Shia Muslim festival.
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir is again bypassed in his bid to become African Union chairman because of Darfur.
As scientists meet for crucial climate talks in Paris, new data shows glaciers are shrinking ever faster.
Today the waxing but decelerating gibbous Moon in Cancer makes a watery trine aspect with Uranus at 21:31 GMT and becomes void of course for the remainder of this calendar month! She reaches a powerful Full Moon climax in Leo early (GMT) on Friday. Pressure of 'experience and event' will increase all week.
From today Mercury currently traveling through late Aquarius enters territory which he will have to cover two more times because of his retrograde motion starting on February 14th.
January 31st 2007
At least 40 people died yesterday in attacks across Iraq at the climax of the Shia Muslim religious festival of Ashura.
The first all-female unit of United Nations peace keepers, from India, arrived in Liberia to help train local police.
Archaeologists say they have found a huge ancient settlement used by the people who built Stonehenge.
The skeletal remains of human "Hobbits" found in Indonesia belong to a new branch of our family tree, a study says.
Mercury in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces pictured above are actually at their closest in the zodiac on Feb. 6th at which point Venus starts to pull away from Mercury's approach. Mercury turns retrograde on Feb. 14th. He will try again in June to meet up with her to no avail. He finally catches up with her in August.
Today the decelerating and waxing gibbous Moon remains void of course all day in Cancer. Heavy emotional undercurrents are possible today. Care in the community is to the fore. General intensifying humdrum abounds.
February 2007
This month is astrologically 'reasonably quiet'. Once we have passed the powerful Candlemass Full Moon on Feb. 2nd we are however into another eclipse season. (The Moon on Saturday March 3rd 2007 will undergo a Total Eclipse visible from Europe), and Neptune and Saturn form the second of their current difficult oppositions on Feb. 28th. The month of February however starts with the Sun, Neptune and Mercury in Aquarius, Venus applying in conjunction to Uranus in Pisces, peaking on Feb. 7th, Mars in Capricorn and the nearly Full Moon in Leo.
Mercury slows down in Pisces and turns retrograde on Feb. 14th. He retrogrades into Aquarius on the last but one day of the month.
Thursday February 1st 2007
Yesterday Venezuela's assembly approved giving President Hugo Chavez new powers to "transform the country".
A Lagos woman was the first person in Nigeria to have died with the deadly H5N1 strain of avian flu.
At least 30 suspected Taleban fighters have been killed in a ground and air attack by Nato-led forces in southern Afghanistan, local police said.
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Pluto 02:31 GMT
The nearly full Moon enters Leo 05:15 GMT.
Universal extroversion abounds. A high day. Climatic energy as the power of this Full Moon reaches its crescendo.
Friday February 2nd 2007
Watch out world this could be a big one.
Full Moon 13 degrees Leo 05:46.
This Full Moon is trine Jupiter and conjunct Saturn, she forms a dangerous and fairly tight 'finger of fate' picture with Mars and Uranus.
Jupiter is square Uranus, Mercury is sextile Pluto. Saturn is opposite Neptune.
At the moment of Full Moon the Moon is conjunct the local MC of Havana and is setting at Athens.
Mars rises at Madrid. Jupiter sets at Hong Kong. The Saturn Neptune opposition is aligned to a number of cities including Washington, New York, Lima, Montreal, Singapore, Saigon, Hanoi, Medellin and Ulan Bator.
This Full Moon is conjunct the natal Moon of Gordon Brown, the natal Pluto of George Bush, the natal Mars/Pluto conjunction of Hillary Clinton, the natal Mercury Uranus conjunction of the Iraq republic chart (1958), the natal Pluto of the Israel chart and the ascendant of Putin's chart.
With the passing of this Full Moon we enter another eclipse season. Today's lunation is the ultimate before the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd 2007.
The Full Moon aligns to Saturn (0.18 degree orb) 22:48 GMT, zodiacal conjunction 23:34 GMT. This is an occultation from arctic latitudes. This is 3rd of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn.
Saturday February 3rd 2007
The main world stories arising over the Full Moon period:-
Human activity is likely to increase global temperatures by 1.8-4C over the next century, scientists warn.
Sporadic gun battles continue in Gaza between the rival Hamas and Fatah factions, despite a renewed truce.
Rescuers in Florida search for survivors after storms and a tornado kill at least 19 people in the US state.
All Italian matches are called off indefinitely after a policeman is killed during violence at the Catania-Palermo derby.
Up to 160,000 birds may be culled as experts try to identify which strain of bird flu killed 2,600 turkeys in Suffolk.
Today Mars in Capricorn sextile Uranus 10:41 GMT.
The Moon trines Pluto and is void of course from 10:55.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 13:41 GMT from Canada, Alaska and Greenland. This is the 2nd of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
She enters Virgo 14:34 GMT and opposes Mercury, Venus and Uranus over the next two days.
The Sun sextile Jupiter 15:48 GMT
Sunday February 4th 2007
Minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of star Rho Leo approx. 02:43 GMT.
The slow moving Moon opposes both Venus and Uranus from 06:00 to 18:00 GMT today. A challenging day is forecast.
At 06:20 GMT we reach the midway point between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal equinox as the Sun hits 15 degrees Aquarius. 'Stirring' begins in the northern hemisphere.
A Full Moon, two near occultations of Saturn, Regulus and the star Rho Leo over the last 48 hours and the major UK news Government is that vets have been working through the night at a poultry farm in Suffolk to contain an outbreak of the deadly H5N1 Asian strain of bird flu. A cull of nearly 160,000 turkeys has begun at the plant near Lowestoft.
Also in the wake of this powerful Full Moon Iraq's PM has vowed to put an end to attacks like Saturday's deadly truck bombing in Baghdad, which he blamed on followers of ex-leader Saddam Hussein. The vehicle blew up in the mainly Shia al-Sadriya district in central Baghdad, killing more than 130 people and injuring at least 300.
Torrential rain in Indonesia's capital Jakarta worsens flooding, leaving nine people dead and 190,000 homeless.
Terrorism, global warming and pandemics hit the headlines. Saturn is applying in his square to Neptune.
Monday February 5th 2007
The two most important astrological events this week are 1) the close conjunction of Venus and Uranus in Pisces on Wednesday. This one adds a touch of astrological electricity to the week. Sudden affections in personal affairs, and unlooked-for ripples in the world of finance are possible manifestations, and 2) the Sun aligning to the current Neptune Saturn opposition. The Sun is conjunct Neptune on Thursday. This one is more serious.
The slow moving, decelerating and waning Moon in Virgo today makes a solitary square to Pluto at 22:37 GMT and is void from that moment.
Tuesday February 6th 2007
Generally bad news ensued yesterday. U.S. and Iraqi forces on Monday were preparing to launch a major security crackdown in Baghdad to curb sectarian bloodshed as a wave of bombings pushed the country's death toll to more than 1,000 in seven days.
Floodwaters have forced more than 270,000 Jakarta residents from their homes, as the death toll from the natural disaster climbed to 25 Monday, according to the capital's flood crisis center.
Russia and Japan banned British poultry imports as Britain pressed ahead with a cull of 160,000 turkeys after the nation's first outbreak of a deadly strain of bird flu in farmed poultry.
Workers wearing white protective suits, black gloves and masks loaded the turkeys into crates to be gassed following the discovery of the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of avian flu on a farm at Holton in eastern England run by Europe's largest turkey producer, Bernard Matthews
Today the very slow moving Moon enters Libra 02:15 GMT and reaches disseminating phase at 2 degrees Libra at 06:28 GMT.
The Sun and Moon (together with Neptune) are now both in air signs. After the rather 'matter of fact empiricism' of the last two days communication and social events are now favored.
Venus is closing on her alignment with Uranus, tightest tomorrow. We are in the 'foothills' of an eclipse season. There is a total lunar eclipse 3 weeks on Saturday and a partial solar eclipse on March 19th. Eclipse seasons herald changes and adjustments.
Wednesday February 7th 2007
The biggest science facility to be built in the UK for 30 years - the Diamond Light Source synchrotron - yesterday opened its doors for business. The vast machine, which covers the area of five football pitches, generates intense light beams to probe matter down to the molecular and atomic scale.
When the sun sets tonight, go outside and look west. You'll see Venus and Mercury beaming through the glow of sunset. This is a great week to enjoy the two planets together. Mercury reaches its maximum elongation (apparent distance) from the sun on Feb. 7th, making it unusually easy to see and a charming companion for always-bright Venus.
Mercury in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces pictured above are actually at their closest in the zodiac on Feb. 7th at which point Venus starts to pull away from Mercury's approach. Mercury turns retrograde on Feb. 14th. He will try again in June to meet up with her to no avail. He finally catches up with her in the evening skies of August.
Today the very slow moving Moon lazes in Libra reaching apogee (slowest all month) 12:39 GMT and then starts to accelerate towards an occultation of the fixed star Spica which occurs tomorrow.
Venus aligns to Uranus (0.67 degrees) 19:14 GMT (zodiacal conjunction at 13 Pisces 18:48 GMT). Stimulating eccentricities, shocks and surprises are on the cards. Interesting developments in the field of human relationships are most probable. The whole emphasis today is on 'relationships and communication'. Once the alignment is over Venus moves on to square Jupiter on Friday. Stimulation and surprise moves on to excess and indulgence.
Thursday February 8th 2007
Heavy snow falls are forecast for us here. Power outages and interruptions to The Daze may be a consequence.
Over the next three days the Sun 'hooks into' the current building Saturn Neptune opposition firstly by being in conjunction to Neptune today and then opposing Saturn on Saturday. The Moon squares the opposition on Saturday morning. All in all this is a challenging few days.
A lunar occultation of the star Spica occurs today at 03:51 GMT visible from Antarctica.
The Moon in Libra sextile Pluto at 11:39 GMT then is void of course for three and a half hours before entering Scorpio 15:10 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon (together with Saturn and Neptune) are now in fixed signs.
The Sun conjuncts Neptune 15:53 GMT at 19 degrees Aquarius.
An intense night of excess and intransigence is forecast.
Friday February 9th 2007
Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah yesterday agreed to form a national unity government.
The first day of six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear programme ended with signs of progress from diplomats.
Mozambique's army has been ordered to evict some 2,500 people who refuse to leave their homes despite the floods.
Scientists have captured a beam of light and make it reappear elsewhere, potentially leading to advances in computing.
Today the slow moving Moon wanes and accelerates towards fixed last quarter phase in Scorpio.
Venus in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius 11:31 GMT.
A day of excess is followed by a time of serious reckoning..
'Crystallization of purpose' is made manifest right now.
Saturday February 10th 2007
The Moon forms a Fixed T-square with Saturn, Neptune and the Sun peaking around 10:00 GMT.
Moon last quarter 21 degrees Scorpio 09:52
Moon squares Saturn and is void from 10:40 GMT.
Saturn is opposite the Sun 18:42 GMT. This month is the last time for several years that Saturn will be as bright as magnitude 0.0, since the planet is heading out toward the aphelion (farthest point from the Sun) of its orbit and, in addition, its ring tilt will be closing for the next few years.
Three weeks now to the Total Lunar Eclipse.
Sunday February 11th 2007
Yesterday Democratic Senator Barack Obama formalised his bid for the White House, calling for US troops to leave Iraq. His astrological horoscope (no birth time available in the astrological community) is shown below. The Daze will examine his birth date in the future. In the meantime see below.
The astrological horoscope of Barack Obama
Russia's president yesterday said that America's "almost uncontained" use of force is fueling a nuclear arms race.
Security forces in Guinea yesterday killed at least seven people protesting against the president's choice of PM.
State of the skies:- Today the Sun is at 22 degrees Aquarius. We are 38 days from the vernal equinox. We are currently in an eclipse season being now 20 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo and 36 days from a Partial Solar Eclipse in Pisces.
The waning and accelerating Moon now past last quarter enters Sagittarius 03:02 GMT joining Jupiter and Pluto in that sign for a couple of days. Both the Sun and the Moon (together with Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are in positive signs).
Mercury, Venus and Uranus are currently in Pisces. Mercury is slowing down and turns retrograde on Wednesday. Venus in Pisces is sextile Mars in Capricorn on Tuesday.
A Lunar occultation of Antares occurs today at 22:17 GMT visible from the southern oceans. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
Monday February 12th 2007
Saturn is exactly conjunct the natal Venus of George Bush.
The waning Moon conjuncts Jupiter 09:17 GMT at 16 degrees Sagittarius.
Tuesday February 13th 2007
Iran's President Ahmadinejad (Scorpio Sun sign) yesterday warned the US that any attack on his country will be "severely punished".
At least 76 people were killed in a series of bomb attacks in market areas of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
Inflation hit a record annual rate of 1,593.6% as Zimbabwe's economy faces chronic food and fuel shortages.
Today the accelerating but waning Moon is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius at 08:46 GMT. After three hours of a 'void of course' state she enters Capricorn 11:43 GMT.
Venus in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn 22:47 GMT.
Mercury is about to turn retrograde, plans and projects will correspondingly change direction.
Wednesday February 14th 2007
Iraq will close its borders with Iran and Syria for up to three days as part of its new security plan for Baghdad.
The US Secretary of State yesterday welcomed a deal with North Korea over its nuclear programme as a "good start".
Two bombs exploded minutes apart near the Lebanese capital, killing three people and wounding 20 others.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has insisted that Tehran is open to talks on its nuclear programme. Speaking to US TV network ABC, he said he opposed any increased nuclear proliferation, but said Iran's rights must be safeguarded.
Sorry about the error with the timing of the lunar ingress into Capricorn yesterday. Caught myself out!
In early dawn Wednesday morning, look low in the southeast to find the waning crescent Moon. Look to the Moon's left by 8° or 9° (a bit less than a fist-width at arm's length) for dim, distant Mars. Binoculars will help. The red planet is still in the early stages of an apparition that will bring it to a bright opposition in the evening sky next December. Sky and Telescope
Mercury is stationary turning retrograde 04:39 GMT.
The accelerating Moon reaches balsamic phase 10 degrees Capricorn 06:01 GMT.
As each day now passes we are getting deeper into an eclipse season. We are currently in an eclipse season being now 17 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo and 33 days from a Partial Solar Eclipse in Pisces.
Thursday February 15th 2007
Yesterday seemingly a Moon in Capricorn 'low news day', European lawmakers condemned member states which turned a blind eye to secret CIA prisoner flights.
President George W Bush insisted an Iranian military force is linked to some attacks on US forces in Iraq.
Today the briskly moving Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Mars 02:22 GMT. She sextile Venus 03:26 GMT and is void from that moment for 13 hours.
The Moon enters Aquarius 16:36 GMT joining Neptune and the Sun in that sign. From that moment the astrological lunar energy after a rather tough going day changes to the chic and the impersonal.
Friday February 16th 2007
The old but fast moving Moon 'burns out' in Aquarius and makes no major aspects today. All astrological energy is geared now to the New Moon tomorrow and the Total Lunar Eclipse which follows two weeks after.
Saturday February 17th 2007
The fast moving Moon is conjunct Neptune 01:48 GMT and is opposite Saturn 03:58 GMT.
The Sun sextile Pluto 13:04 GMT and offers some promise of renewal.
The Moon sextile Pluto at 16:02 GMT and reaches New Moon phase 13 minutes later.
New Moon at 29 degrees Aquarius 16:15 GMT.
The new Moon is quintile Jupiter and sextile Pluto. Saturn is opposite Neptune. Venus is applying in square aspect to Pluto. Jupiter squares Uranus. Mercury is retrograde. The astrological energy associated with this New Moon is potentially visionary and inspiring. It is wise to bear in mind Mercury's retrograde motion, and the forthcoming eclipse and refrain from major undertakings and new ventures. Rather this is a time of mediation on what now is and what may be at hand.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are on the local MC of Manaus, the pair set at Prague and at Zagreb. Saturn rises and Neptune set over the eastern part of the UK, and Paris. Neptune straddles the prime vertical of La Paz and Caracus. Jupiter is on the local IC of Baghdad.
The Moon is void from the moment of fullness. She enters Pisces 18:31 GMT, joining Mercury, Uranus, Venus and the Lunar Node in that sign.
We are now deeply into an eclipse season with a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse due in two weeks time.
Sunday February 18th 2007
The New Moon in tropical Aquarius yesterday occurred as people across China are celebrating the arrival of the Lunar New Year - China's most important festival which is seen as particularly auspicious this year. The year of the pig is supposed to bring good luck and prosperity. But this time it is a golden pig year, which happens once in six decades.
Four people, including three teenagers, have been killed in London this month. The teenagers were all shot dead in south London - two of them in their own homes. And on Saturday, a 28-year-old man was shot dead in Hackney, east London, while three men are in hospital after being shot in two separate attacks in the Moss Side and Longsight areas of Manchester.
The US and Israel will shun a Palestinian unity government unless it recognises Israel, Ehud Olmert says.
The US-led coalition says one of its helicopters has crashed in south-east Afghanistan after reporting engine failure.
A Nasa mission to study the phenomenon known as the northern lights blasts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Aquarius.
The very fast moving Moon is conjunct Mercury 08:44 GMT
The slender infant crescent Moon occults Uranus (visible telescopically at moon set from the UK around 17:53 to 18:46). The occultation starts with Uranus being occulted by the dark edge of the tiny moon at only 6 degrees of altitude (mid UK). A moment to savor. It ends a few minutes after Moon set.
Nova Scorpii 2007 wasn't a big deal when two Japanese nova hunters, Yuji Nakamura and Yukio Sakurai, independently discovered it at 9th magnitude on February 4th. But that was then and this is now. The nova has brightened all the way to about magnitude 4.0 as of Saturday the 17th.
That puts it in fairly easy naked-eye view if you don't have a too-badly light-polluted sky. Binoculars will show it very well from anywhere. .
Monday February 19th 2007
The Sun enters Pisces 01:09 GMT and a new astrological month starts.
Moon perigee 09:34
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 28 degrees Pisces 15:44 GMT.
She squares Pluto at 16:44 GMT and is void of course from that moment.
The Moon enters Aries 19:07 GMT.
Tuesday February 20th 2007
Survivors and witnesses have described the horrific scenes which followed two explosions on an Indian passenger train early Monday that killed at least 67 people. India and Pakistan say the train bombing will not disrupt their peace process.
On Sunday more than 60 people have been killed and 131 injured in three car bombs in Shia districts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Yesterday a number of bombings and mortar attacks in Iraq have left more than 20 people dead and many wounded. The violence comes despite an intensified security operation in the capital, Baghdad, and across Iraq.
SAN FRANCISCO, California (Reuters) -- An asteroid may come uncomfortably close to Earth in 2036 and the United Nations should assume responsibility for a space mission to deflect it, a group of astronauts, engineers and scientists said on Saturday. Astronomers are monitoring an asteroid named Apophis, which has a 1 in 45,000 chance of striking Earth on April 13, 2036. Although the odds of an impact by this particular asteroid are low, a recent congressional mandate for NASA to upgrade its tracking of near-Earth asteroids is expected to uncover hundreds, if not thousands of threatening space rocks in the near future, former astronaut Rusty Schweickart said.
Today Venus in late Pisces squares Pluto in late Sagittarius at 03:54 GMT.
The very fast moving Moon reaches crescent phase 17 degrees Aries at 22:34 GMT
Wednesday February 21st 2007
Iran's president yesterday rejected calls to suspend uranium enrichment, a day before a UN deadline runs out.
A tanker carrying chlorine gas exploded on Tuesday morning outside a restaurant in the Iraqi town of Taji, killing at least six people, an Interior Ministry official said. At least 105 other people were either injured by the blast or poisoned by the fumes
Venus enters Aries 08:22 GMT today sharing the residency of this sign with the Moon for 12 hours. Venus will be in Aries on her own until March 17th when she enters Taurus. Venus in Aries invokes love at first sight, love impulses and passion. The most important time of her residency in Aries is the period from March 6th when she forms a fiery grand trine (a love triangle!) with Saturn and Jupiter over the following few days up to March 11th.
Today the crescent Moon waxing towards total lunar eclipse (now 10 days away) trines Pluto 17:42 and becomes void of course from that moment. She enters Taurus 20:04 GMT.
We are deeply in an eclipse season right now. Mercury is retrograde and approaching inferior conjunction on Friday. This time is special. It is a period of waiting, and watching. It is a time to open to the new impulses but not to start new major projects.
Thursday February 22nd 2007
The decelerating waxing moon makes benevolent aspects from Taurus today. The astrological atmosphere today is passive, solid, 'rooty', submissive and subliminal.
Friday February 23rd 2007
Iran has boosted its nuclear research, defying the latest UN deadline to halt the work. Tension is rising it now seems.
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano held crisis talks after the resignation of Prime Minister Romano Prodi.
Chimpanzees have been observed making and using wooden spears to hunt other primates.
A laser developed for military use is close to hitting a power threshold necessary to turn it into a battlefield weapon.
A tropical cyclone has struck central Mozambique with strong winds destroying houses and uprooting trees and pylons.
Today Mercury is at inferior conjunction with the Sun 04:46 GMT. A deep 'conception moment' of the mind, a 'New Mercury' is underway. New ideas and plans may surface into consciousness over the next few days and weeks.
The Moon forms a fixed T-square with the now tight Saturn Neptune opposition around 06:00 GMT.
The Moon trines Mars at 19:47 GMT and is void of course from that moment.
She enters Gemini 22:42 GMT and starts to make difficult aspects whilst in that sign over the next two and a half days.
A minor lunar occultation occurs centered on the UK of star Maia approx. 23:13 GMT.
Saturday February 24th 2007
State of the sky:- The Sun today is at 5 degrees Pisces. There are 25 days to the vernal equinox.
The waxing and decelerating Moon in Gemini squares the Sun and Uranus today. The Moon reaches first quarter phase at 5 degrees Gemini at 07:57 GMT. She is now one week from a Total Lunar Eclipse. We are currently deep in an eclipse season with next weekend's Total Lunar Eclipse being followed by a partial eclipse of the Sun occurring on March 19th.
Mercury is now a 'morning star' in Pisces, rising ahead of the Sun but still in retrograde motion.
Venus is a brightening 'evening star' in Aries.
Mars has less than 50 hours remaining in Capricorn. He will enter Aquarius on Monday.
Saturn is tightly opposite Neptune. Jupiter squares Uranus.
Today is a 'crisis in action day'. The astrological atmosphere is nervy and jumpy.
Sunday February 25th 2007
Around 03:00 GMT the Moon in Gemini forms a mutable T-square with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces.
Today has a similar 'feel' to it as yesterday. Restlessness and movement are on the cards.
Monday February 26th 2007
Iran insists it will continue its controversial nuclear programme, ahead of UN talks on possible new sanctions.
A combination of rocket and bomb attacks -- the worst taking place at the entrance to a university yesterday killed more than 50 people and wounded dozens of others in Iraq.
Today the Moon is opposite Pluto and is void of course from 01:21 GMT.
Mars enters Aquarius 01:33 GMT. Mars in Aquarius brings out the independent streak in us all. This is a time now to do your own thing. The most significant and important time of his residence in this sign is when he hooks up with the current Saturn Neptune opposition between the 22nd and the 26th March. Mars leaves Aquarius on April 6th.
At the current time then as Mars finds his feet in Aquarius Venus continues with her 'hot love' in Aries. This is a heady mixture of animus and anima energies and does indicate an exciting period for human relationships.
The Moon today enters Cancer 03:48 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in water signs, (with Mercury and Uranus). The 'astrological energy' today is essentially emotional. Pressures will be on the increase as we draw towards Saturday's Total Lunar Eclipse.
Tuesday February 27th 2007
The UN's top court yesterday cleared Serbia of genocide in the 1990s Bosnia war but says it failed to prevent the Srebrenica massacre.
At least three French nationals are shot dead in Saudi Arabia in what police regard as a terrorist attack.
The main news in the UK yesterday was the report that a set of points near the site of the Cumbria train crash was defective and caused a Virgin London to Glasgow service to crash at Grayrigg, near Kendal, on Friday February 23rd at 2015 GMT, at about 95 mph.
Today Mercury retrogrades into Aquarius 03:01 GMT and will reside in that sign for only 20 strange days. Mars and Neptune are already in that sign. Take care not to make your mind up about important decisions during this period, wait at least until Mercury turns direct in motion on March 8th, or better still until the current eclipse season is over, towards the end of March.
The Moon, four days from her Total Eclipse and three days from occultations with Saturn and Regulus is today trine Uranus and becomes void of course at 06:04 GMT for an unwieldy 29 hours.
The immediate days ahead are important and full of astrological energy. Today is odd, a strange lull before the storm.
Wednesday February 28th 2007
Although it's only been in interplanetary space for a year, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is already well on its way to reaching Pluto in July 2015. The probe is heading outward at 43,000 miles per hour, and it'll get an additional 9,000-mph boost when it encounters Jupiter today February 28th.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 24 degrees Cancer 00:13 GMT. The final phase and procession towards Saturday's amazing Total Lunar Eclipse begins in earnest.
The Moon enters Leo 11:30 GMT. The energy is resplendent and powerful. She starts to draw towards Saturn and will occult this planet (as viewed from the UK) in the early hours of Friday morning.
Saturn opposes Neptune 12:02 GMT (1st 31/08/06, 2nd, 28/02/07, final 25/06/07).
Mercury sextile Pluto 13:13 GMT.
March 2007
In contrast to February 2007, March 2007 is astrologically dynamic. As the month starts Saturn is opposite Neptune, (the second of the three blasts of this 'sinister' alignment) and this opposition forms the planetary 'backbone' of many planetary pictures during the month.
As the month starts we are deeply into an eclipse season being on the verge of a huge Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo which occurs on Saturday 3rd. The Moon occults Saturn and Regulus on the day before this eclipse.
Mercury completes and concludes his retrograde motion turning direct on the 8th.
Jupiter is in fiery trine aspect to Saturn, exact on 16th. Venus joins them to form a fiery grand trine and kite from 5th to 12th, peaking on the 9th
The Solar Eclipse on 19th is harshly placed squaring Pluto. The vernal equinox (dominated with Mars drawing to the Saturn Neptune opposition) occurs two days later.
Mars in Aquarius is applying to Neptune, reaching the 'old mystic' on the 25th having opposed Saturn 3 days earlier.
Breathless the month ends with Mercury almost conjunct Uranus.
Thursday March 1st 2007
The nearly full moon in pre-eclipse rapture trines Venus and Jupiter today.
Friday March 2nd 2007
What a week it has been as the Moon has waxed towards Total Lunar Eclipse on Saturday March 3rd and Saturn has been exactly opposite Neptune in the second of three of this 'sinister' aspect.
During the long lunar void of course period on Tuesday and Wednesday stock markets around the world were wobbling in response to human insecurity and lack of confidence. A drop in US markets yesterday, Thursday, pushed global markets lower for a third day, fanning fears of a sustained sell-off.
Today the nearly Full Moon aligns exactly to Saturn 02:48 GMT (zodiacal conjunction 02:12 GMT). This is an occultation from the UK, and northern Europe. The Moon opposes Neptune 02:33 GMT. This is 4th of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar Occultations of Saturn
The Moon trines Neptune 19:03 GMT and is void.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 20:39 GMT from Siberia. This is the 3rd of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
Burgeoning in fullness she enters Virgo 22:32 GMT and approaches her eclipse.
We are bathed in pre-eclipse energy. Stand firm.
Saturday March 3rd 2007
A warm welcome to theDaze on this special day. Please visit again!
A most 'socially accessible'
Total Lunar Eclipse
visible for all of Europe and Africa
obligingly occurring on a Saturday evening and night.
Total Eclipse of the Moon 13 degrees Virgo,
visible from Europe.
Central eclipse 23:21 GMT.
The Astronomy
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak
The first of two total lunar eclipses in 2007 is unique in that it is partly visible from every continent around the world. The eclipse occurs at the descending node, 3.2 days before apogee and 1.9 days after the Moon occults Saturn (northern and eastern Europe). During the eclipse, the Moon is in southern Leo, about 13º east of the 1.3-magnitude star Regulus (alpha Leo). The Moon's orbital trajectory takes it through the northern half of Earth's umbral shadow. Although the eclipse is not central, the total phase still lasts 73 minutes. The timings of the major phases of the eclipse are listed below.
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 20:18:11 UT
Partial Eclipse Begins: 21:30:22 UT
Total Eclipse Begins: 22:44:13 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 23:20:56 UT
Total Eclipse Ends: 23:57:37 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 01:11:28 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 02:23:44 UT
At the instant of greatest eclipse (23:21 UT) the Moon will lie in the zenith for observers in Nigeria and Cameroon. At this time, the umbral magnitude peaks at 1.2331 as the Moon's southern limb passes 2.4 arc-minutes north of the shadow's central axis. In contrast, the Moon's northern limb will lie 6.9 arc-minutes from the northern edge of the umbra and 32.2 arc-minutes from the shadow centre. Thus the northern sections of the Moon will appear much brighter than the southern part, which lies deeper in the shadow. Since the Moon samples a large range of umbral depths during totality, its appearance will change dramatically with time. It is not possible to predict the exact brightness distribution in the umbra. The entire event will be visible from Europe, Africa and western Asia. In eastern Asia, moonset occurs during various stages of the eclipse. For example, the Moon sets while in total eclipse from central China and Southeast Asia. Western Australia catches part of the initial partial phases but the Moon sets before totality. Observers in eastern North and South America will find the Moon already partially or totality eclipsed at moonrise. From western North America, only the final penumbral phases are visible.
Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak.
The Astrology
Chart set for the moment of central eclipse at London.
At the moment of central eclipse the Moon is on the local MC of Rome and Copenhagen. It is Moonrise over Peru, Equador, Columbia and. Panama where Uranus sets and Jupiter reaches lower culmination . The eclipsed Moon is opposite Uranus. A highly charged atmosphere of potential sudden shocks and surprises may be evident.
The Saros
Today's eclipse is number 52 of 73 in lunar saros series 123. This series lasts for 1298 years.
The first eclipse in this saros occurred on August 16th 1087 AD. Central eclipse moment for that first eclipse was 21:05:57. The chart set at London for this first eclipse is shown below.
Lunar Saros Series 123
This Saros has an eminently positive and constructive vibration about it. Mars, Mercury and Saturn are in Earthy grand trine. Saturn sextile Uranus easing a testy Mercury/Uranus opposition. That moment so long ago saw Jupiter exactly aligned to Jerusalem and Tokyo. Neptune aligned to what would be Washington DC and the eclipsed Moon in Aquarius exactly aligned to the local MC of Baghdad.
The saros series peaked in September 1736, with its longest Total Lunar Eclipse in the series, and will end at 05:24:24 UT on Oct. 19th in year 2385. Today's eclipse is the 4th from last of 25 Total eclipses in the saros series.
The last five eclipses were on Feb. 20th 1989, Feb. 10th 1971, Jan 29th 1953, Jan 19th 1935 and Jan 8th 1917. The next one will be on March 14th 2025. Having lived through the previous two eclipse family members of this series I can personally recall the essential 'motivation to cause practical changes for the better' nature of the saros.
This is a momentous eclipse. Although its essential nature is constructive and purposeful the energy released at such a time can be unwieldy. Expect important developments.
Sunday March 4th 2007
The slow Moon having opposed Uranus at 02:29 GMT goes on and forms a mutable T-square with Jupiter and Uranus for from 03:00 GMT to 12:00 GMT peaking around 10:30 GMT.
In almost manic post eclipse trauma the Full Moon wanes and decelerates, applying in a long slow square aspect to Pluto all day. Very much a day to dab the wounds.
Monday March 5th 2007
In the run up to Saturday's total lunar eclipse we experienced world stock market falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and a spate of typhoons in the southern US states early Friday. On Saturday before the eclipse the main UK news was the kidnapping of several British tourists in Ethiopia.
State of the skies:- At the end of today (GMT) we are half way through the astrological month of Pisces.
We are now in immersed in deepest eclipse season straddled in time between Saturday's total lunar eclipse and the partial solar eclipse of the Sun on March 19th.
The slow moving Moon in Virgo squares Pluto and is void from 07:57 GMT. She enters Libra 09:26 GMT.
The Sun is conjunct Uranus 15:40 GMT.
Mercury is still retrograde for 3 more days.
A grand trine and 'planetary kite' in fire signs involving Venus in Aries , Jupiter in Sagittarius and the Saturn (in Leo) opposition to Neptune (in Sagittarius) is beginning to bite and build. The climax to this planetary picture is on the 9th March but the picture holds sway over the next week. This is a 'hot bed' and 'seeding ground' for new human relationships. Go with it!
Less than 16 degrees separate Mars and Neptune in Aquarius.
Tuesday March 6th 2007
The coppery eclipsed moon on Saturday night was clearly visible across much of Britain
Taking stock of world events in the wake of Saturday's Total Lunar Eclipse the following news stories dominate the stage. Nine Afghan civilians have been reported killed in US bombing, hours after President Karzai condemned earlier deaths. US and North Korean envoys are due to start talks in New York aimed at normalising relations. A search party looking for five missing Britons in northern Ethiopia has found three damaged vehicles. Global markets have endured another session of heavy losses Monday, following Japan's Nikkei 225 index which fell for a fifth day in a row in reaction to the strengthening value of the yen, wiping 8.6 percent off the value of shares since hitting a seven-year high a week ago. Police closed several major Toronto streets Monday after huge slabs of ice started skidding off skyscrapers in the city's downtown core.
Today the Moon very slowly wanes in Libra. She opposes Venus 18:49 GMT forming briefly at that time a' kite' pattern with Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Venus forms a fiery grand trine (a love triangle!) and planetary kite with Saturn and Jupiter over the next few days. This is potentially an important time for human relationships.
Wednesday March 7th 2007
Yesterday up to 90 Shia pilgrims were killed and dozens were wounded in a double suicide bombing in central Iraq.
A powerful earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra, flattening hundreds of buildings and killing at least 70 people. The 6.3 magnitude quake struck close to the city of Padang in the west of the island, at 1049 local time (0349 GMT) March 6th 2007.
China will launch its first unmanned mission to the Moon later this year, a senior space official has confirmed.
A lunar occultation of the star Spica occurs today at 11:00 visible from Antarctica.
Moon apogee (slowest all month) 03:35 GMT. She makes pleasant aspects, finally sextiling Pluto at 19:52 GMT, becoming void of course at that time and entering Scorpio 22:18 GMT.
Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are currently in 'fiery grand trine' relationship, forming an equilateral triangle in the skies of earth. Constructive and creative potentials especially in relationships are to the fore.
Mercury is almost (apparently) stationary in late Aquarius turning direct tomorrow. Things will 'pick up' and get moving again soon.
We are now 12 days from a partial solar eclipse.
13 degrees now separate Mars and Neptune. The pair are in conjunction on March 25th.
Thursday March 8th 2007
Yesterday a suicide bomber killed more than 30 people in an attack on a cafe in a town north-east of Baghdad.
Investigators arrive to examine the wreckage of a jet which crash-landed in Indonesia, killing 22 people.
A giant space rock whizzed past the Earth on Monday under the close scrutiny of astronomers. The mountain-sized object had been classed as a "potentially hazardous asteroid", but scientists said it posed no danger to Earth. The asteroid 2004 XP14, as it is has been designated, was visible through good amateur telescopes. Its closest approach to Earth, above the west coast of North America, occurred at 0444 GMT. At this time calculations suggested it was about 432,709km (268,873 miles) from the Earth, only 1.1 times the planet's distance from the Moon.
Today the very slow moving but now accelerating Moon reaches disseminating phase 2 degrees Scorpio 02:38 GMT. The Sun, the Moon (together with Neptune) are now in water signs. There is an essentially emotional basis to the 'astrological weather' today and tomorrow.
Mercury is now stationary, turning direct 04:38 GMT at 25 degrees Aquarius.
Venus in Aries trines Jupiter in Sagittarius at 11:16 GMT. Both planets form a fiery Grand Trine and 'planetary kite' with Saturn and Neptune over the next few days. These are important and powerful days for relationships, best described as constructive, expansive and magical. The Sun is about to form a waxing square aspect with Jupiter, this adds a hue of 'excess' to the experiences. Care as always is advised!
Friday March 9th 2007
The kite planetary picture manifesting in the skies of Earth over these three days involving Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus is now at maximum strength.
Venus trines Saturn 08:41 GMT.
The Sun squares Jupiter 14:19 GMT.
The Moon at 21 degrees Scorpio hooks into the grand trine and kite around 17:00 GMT.
Another important and potentially far reaching day is in store.
Saturday March 10th 2007
The Scorpionic Moon squares Mercury 01:53 GMT and becomes void.
Around 07:00 GMT Mars is conjunct the Lunar/Venus midpoint, sextiling both.
Venus sextile Neptune 03:42 GMT.
The accelerating and waning Moon enters Sagittarius 10:38 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Jupiter.
From this time the Sun and the Moon (together with Jupiter and Uranus) are in mutable signs. 'Winds of change' may be blowing.
Sunday March 11th 2007
Lunar occultation of Antares occurs 06:15 GMT visible from the southern oceans and the south of South America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb.. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 23:22 GMT.
Monday March 12th 2007
Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was arrested yesterday along with several colleagues as they tried to hold a rally.
Two bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, left at least 29 people dead, among them a group of Shia pilgrims.
People from Scandinavia to Alaska should be alert for auroras on March 13th and 14th. A solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth, possibly causing geomagnetic storms at high latitudes.
For the third day in a row, the eastern limb of the sun is putting on a fantastic display.
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 21 degrees Pisces. There are 9 days to the vernal equinox.
We are one week from a difficult partial eclipse of the Sun in Pisces.
Mars, Mercury and Neptune are in Aquarius, the Sun, Uranus and the Moon's north node are in Pisces, the Moon, Jupiter and Pluto are in Sagittarius.
The accelerating and waning Moon reaches Last quarter phase at 03:55 GMT at 21 degrees Sagittarius.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 18:27 GMT and is void. She enters Capricorn 20:35 GMT.
Mercury is a 'morning star' in late Aquarius. He is starting to pick up speed after his recent retrograde motion but is still slow. He will return into Pisces on Sunday.
Venus is a very bright 'evening star in Aries. She will enter Taurus on Saturday.
Mars continues to apply in conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius. Nine degrees separate the pair today. They are conjunct on March 25th. As this conjunction approaches expect a heady rush of adrenaline and glamour.
Jupiter is in the process of making a waxing fiery trine aspect to Saturn offering the prospect spirited and constructive enterprises at the time.
The week ahead is astrologically quiet. The days lead to the solar eclipse. That is our fate.
Tuesday March 13th 2007
The Moon in Capricorn accelerating towards Solar Eclipse in six day's time makes no aspects today.
Wednesday March 14th 2007
Zimbabwe's opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was yesterday taken to hospital after appearing in court with cuts and bruises following two days in police detention. He was taken from Harare magistrates court with several other activists, many of them bandaged. They were badly beaten in custody after being detained at an opposition rally on Sunday, supporters said. One person was shot dead as riot police broke up the meeting, called to pray for the political and economic crisis.
A group of British embassy workers were released "in good health" 12 days after being kidnapped in Ethiopia.
Today the accelerating and waning Moon in Capricorn squares Venus in Aries and is void of course from 20:22 GMT.
We are now 5 days from a partial solar eclipse. Today is similar to yesterday. Achievement comes from effort.
Thursday March 15th 2007
Yesterday Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said his beating by police should be an inspiration for the struggle.
Wall Street followed a stocks sell-off in Europe as concerns about the US economy and mortgage industry continue to reverberate. London's FTSE 100 index slumped 160.6 points, or 2.5%, at 6,000.7. French and German markets were also hit.
Today the old Moon enters Aquarius 02:53 GMT. Four days remain to the partial solar eclipse.
The Moon reaches balsamic phase 10 degrees Aquarius at 19:52 GMT. Six planets are now amassed in Aquarius and Pisces. The astrological energy is visionary and prophetic. Thoughts and dreams are attuned to the future. The advice given here is 'wait and see'.
Friday March 16th 2007
Zimbabwe's President Mugabe said on Thursday that critics of his rule can "go hang", in response to accusations of beatings.
Ambassadors from six major powers announced an agreement on Thursday to impose new sanctions on Iran for its nuclear programs and sent the text to the 15-nation U.N. Security Council for a vote.
Clouded leopards found on Sumatra and Borneo represent a new species, research by genetic scientists and the conservation group WWF indicates.
Nasa's Cassini probe has found evidence for seas, probably filled with liquid hydrocarbons, at the high northern latitudes of Saturn's moon Titan.
A global geological map of the Jovian moon Europa is helping scientists understand the history of the icy moon.
During the following three days leading up to a partial eclipse of the Sun at 28 degrees Pisces there will be a 'barrel load' of astrological events. Follow the progress of the old but fast moving Moon as she make close conjunctions with Mars, and Neptune and occultations with Mercury and Uranus. Sense the ingresses of Venus into Taurus and Mercury into Pisces. Generally positive planetary aspects line this 'avenue' to a difficult eclipse at the very start of Monday. Each astrological event over the next three days 'fine tunes' our destiny in cosmic preparation for the coming eclipse.
The Moon is conjunct Mars (within 2 degrees) at 14 degrees Aquarius at 02:26 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 14:19 GMT at 21 degrees Aquarius.
Jupiter makes a waxing trine Saturn 22:45 GMT. ( This is the 1st of 5 such aspects. The first two are in fire signs, the last three in earth signs), 1st 16/03/07, 2nd 6/5/07, 3rd 21/1/08, 4th 8/9/2008 5th 21/11/08. This is a really good aspect inducing all sorts of positive reforming developments within society and within the global community over the next 2 years.
Mercury in late Aquarius sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius at 23:30 GMT. This one attempts to clear and open minds. New ideas may emerge, take a chance.
Saturday March 17th 2007
A plethora of astrological ripples occur during the first quarter of this pre-eclipse day (GMT).
Venus trines Pluto at 00:15 GMT.
Mercury sextile Venus 01:23 GMT
Moon conjuncts Mercury at 29 degrees Aquarius (within 1.25 degrees) at 03:56 GMT. This is an occultation visible from the Antarctic at 03:07 GMT, the 2nd of 4 this year. The Moon sextile Venus 04:02 GMT and is void.
The old rasp of a burnt out Moon slithers snake like and unnoticed enters Pisces 04:02 GMT.
Venus enters Taurus 10:31 GMT
Sunday March 18th 2007
On this day before the difficult solar eclipse, the Moon almost exactly aligns to Uranus 06:06 GMT, (exactly at Sunrise for the UK). This is an occultation of Uranus from North Africa and Western and Northern Asia.
Mercury enters Pisces 09:35 GMT.
Monday March 19th 2007.
The main world news yesterday was centered on Zimbabwe. Four representatives of Zimbabwe's main opposition party were arrested as they tried to leave the country, including one who was badly beaten,
The US decided to have contact with some ministers in the new Palestinian national unity government.
At least three students were killed in an attack on an Islamic school in southern Thailand.
Partial solar eclipse at 28 degrees Pisces 02-32 GMT.
The first solar eclipse of 2007 occurs at the Moon's ascending node in Pisces and is visible from eastern Asia and parts of northern Alaska. Greatest eclipse takes place at 02:31:56 UT when the eclipse magnitude will reach 0.8754. The penumbral contact times with Earth are listed below.
Partial Eclipse Begins: 00:38:26 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 04:25:00 UT
Solar Saros series 149
This event is the 20th partial eclipse of Saros series 149. After one more partial eclipse, the series will produce its first total solar eclipse on 2043 Apr. 09. The first eclipse in this 'family of eclipses occurred on Aug. 21st 1664 at 08:58 GMT. The chart above is set for this time at London.
An animated view of Saros 149 can be seen here.
The Moon squares Pluto during the eclipse and is void from 03:59 GMT.
At the moment of maximum eclipse he Sun and Moon are rising over Saudi Arabia and Iran just to the east of Tehran. The Sun and Moon are on the local MC of Eastern Australia. This eclipse is potentially very difficult being tightly square to Pluto. The experience could be regarded as a 'difficult birth'. The young Saros series it belongs to however is generally positive. What ever befalls at this time may well in the long run work out for the best.
After the eclipse the very fast moving baby new Moon enters Aries 05:42 GMT and reaches perigee 18:49 GMT.
The Sun is square Pluto 22:11 GMT.
Five degrees now separate Mars and Neptune (both opposite Saturn).
As the (GMT) day ends we are only 24 hours from the Vernal Equinox.
Tuesday March 20th 2007
Yesterday's partial solar eclipse taken with India gate in foreground.
A methane explosion at a coal mine in Siberia has killed at least 61 people, Russian officials say. They said 88 miners, several of them injured, had been rescued after the blast at the Ulyanovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region. The officials said at least 168 miners were underground at the time of the blast. Dozens still remain trapped. The blast at Ulyanovskaya happened at about 1030 Moscow time (0730 GMT).
President Bush says it will take months to bring stability to Iraq, as the war enters its fifth year.
An international team of mathematicians has detailed a vast complex numerical "structure" which was invented more than a century ago. Mapping the 248-dimensional structure, called E8, took four years of work and produced more data than the Human Genome Project, researchers said.
After yesterday's hard eclipse today flows out in sweet contrast.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Pisces. Tomorrow is the vernal equinox.
The Moon forms pleasant aspects from Aries forming a fiery grand trine with Jupiter and Saturn around noon GMT. Despite this Mars is opposing Saturn and drawing to his conjunction with Neptune in five days time.
Wednesday March 21st 2007
A fairly weak news day yesterday, the last day of the astrological month of Pisces.
More than 50 people were killed in fierce fighting between rival militants in Pakistan..
A genetically modified (GM) strain of malaria-resistant mosquito has been created that is better able to survive than disease-carrying insects.
Today is the Vernal Equinox.
The Vernal Equinox 00:08:30 GMT.
The Sun crosses the equator and enters Aries at 8 minutes and 30 seconds after midnight GMT today. At that moment the Sun is about to rise at Calcutta. The Sun sets at Guatamala. It is local midnight at London where Mercury squares the Ascendant and Pluto squares the MC. Venus is at its lower culmination at Harare, Mars is conjunct the local MC of Tokyo. Pluto rises at Zagreb. Jupiter rises at Venice. Neptune, Mars and Saturn planetary lines straddle the Iran Afghan border. Jupiter is on the local MC of central India including Delhi, Bhopal and Hyderabad.
Jupiter is in trine to Saturn, the Sun squares Pluto, Mars is conjunct Neptune and opposes Saturn. The young Aries Moon applies in fiery trine to Pluto.
This equinox is a spirited and optimistic affair. The moment is youthful and energetic. Hard work and trouble may lie ahead but they will be met with courage and fortitude.
The Moon trines Pluto and is void from 03:34 GMT.
The Moon enters Taurus 05:16 GMT.
The day takes on a different hue with this lunar ingress.
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 4 degrees Taurus at 12:12 GMT. This combination of the Moon and Venus in Taurus can be especially gentle if allowed. However as the day follows through the harsh opposition of Mars and Saturn which peaks tomorrow gains the upper hand. The gentleness is short lived.
Thursday March 22nd 2007
This is potentially an eventful and difficult day.
The advice given here is not to push too hard.
The fast moving but decelerating waxing Moon reaches crescent phase 16 degrees Taurus 07:33 GMT
This waxing crescent Moon locks into yet another planetary quadrilateral today involving Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune. The peaking climax of this planetary pattern occurs around 17:00 GMT.
The precise timings of the day are as follows The Moon squares Mars at 11:16 GMT and squares Saturn at 11:43 GMT. The Moon squares Neptune and is void at 15:12 GMT.
Mars opposes Saturn 19:35 GMT.
Friday March 23rd 2007
Yesterday UN chief Ban Ki-moon was shaken but unhurt as a live news conference in Baghdad was rocked by a mortar attack.
Jamaican police questioned Pakistan's entire cricket squad over the shock death of coach Bob Woolmer.
There has been heavy shooting in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, between the opposition leader's guards and the army.
Six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear programme have ended without progress after its chief negotiator flew home amid a row over money.
A leading Zimbabwean cleric said on Thursday he was ready to face bullets in the street amid international condemnation of Robert Mugabe's regime and fears of a renewed wave of repression.
Today the waxing crescent Moon enters Gemini 06:07 GMT. From that time both the Sun and Moon (together with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are in positive signs. The next two days are astrologically energetic.
Mars at 20 degrees Aquarius sextiles Jupiter at 20 degrees Sagittarius 16:02 GMT. This is a good day to communicate and keep on the move. There may be lots to talk about. A real buzz of energy may well be perceived.
The major astrological factor right now as we pull out of the current eclipse season is a close conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Aquarius on Sunday. There is vision, direction, motion and calling in this astrological wave. High ideals couple with dynamism. It should be an interesting weekend.
Let your magic tortoise go!
Saturday March 24th 2007
With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Gemini we have a vibrant and diverse day in store.
The waxing and decelerating crescent Moon in Gemini today forms a mystic rectangle with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune. The Moon opposes Jupiter at the same moment as she squares Uranus and the Lunar Node. The peak of this energy 'burst' is around 14:30 GMT.
All day long the astrological energy associated with tomorrow's planetary conjunction of Mars and Neptune intensifies.
Sunday March 25th 2007
The waxing and decelerating Moon in Gemini opposes Pluto 07:57 GMT and is void of course.
She enters Cancer 09:49 GMT. The mood changes.
Mars is zodiacally conjunct Neptune (within a degree) at 21 degrees Aquarius at 17:18 GMT.
First quarter Moon 18:17 GMT at 5 degrees Cancer.
The Moon makes pleasant aspects after the first quarter phase is reached.
Monday March 26th 2007
An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 has struck off the west coast of Japan's largest island, Honshu. Meanwhile, two quakes - measured at 7.2 and 6.0 by the US - hit near Vanuatu in the southern Pacific Ocean. There were no reports of damage or casualties. The larger quake struck at 0040 GMT Sunday, and was followed 28 minutes later by the magnitude 6.0 quake. Both were centred 335km (210 miles) south-east of the capital, Port Vila.
Iran's detention of 15 Royal Navy personnel is "unjustified and wrong", Prime Minister Tony Blair says.
At least 150 people have been killed in gun battles between government troops and militiamen in the Democratic Republic of Congo's capital, Kinshasa.
Leaders from the 27 EU nations adopt a declaration calling for institutional reforms within two years.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday it is important for Israel and the Palestinians to establish a "common agenda" to move forward on creating a Palestinian state.
The Pakistani cricket team arrived in London on Sunday after being permitted to leave Jamaica following further questioning of individual members about the death of coach Bob Woolmer.
State of the skies:- The Sun is a 5 degrees Aries. We are 85 days from the June solstice.
We are now coming to the end of the current eclipse season. The next Full Moon on April 2nd is the first since the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd 2007.
The Moon today waxing past first quarter is decelerating in Cancer. She trines Uranus and is void at 14:37 GMT for the following 27 hours.
Mercury is accelerating as a morning star in Pisces.
Venus is a bright evening star in Taurus.
No sooner is the Mars Neptune conjunction (which was exact yesterday) over, that another planetary conjunction starts to bite. Mercury is within 8 degrees of Uranus and closing. This conjunction occurs on April 1st.
The week ahead sees the Moon waxing to the Full. There is a lunar occultation of Saturn on Thursday, and a lunar occultation of the star Regulus on Friday.
Tuesday March 27th 2007
Britain and Iraq are increasing pressure on Iran to release 15 British sailors and marines seized in what Tehran insists were its territorial waters.
Northern Ireland's major Protestant and Catholic parties yesterday hailed a deal to form a power-sharing government as a "new era of politics" to end three decades of sectarian conflict in the British province. Monday's breakthrough followed the first face-to-face talks between the Protestants of Ian Paisley's hard-line Democratic Unionist Party and the Roman Catholics of Gerry Adams' Sinn Fein.
Aftershocks jolted the west coast of central Japan on Monday, keeping residents on edge a day after a strong earthquake killed one person, injured nearly 200 and flattened homes.
For most of today the Moon waxes in a 'void of course' state in Cancer.
The energy modulates as the Moon enters Leo 17:05 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in fire signs (together with Saturn and Jupiter).
Wednesday March 28th 2007
Up to 600 people may have been killed in last week's clashes in the Democratic Republic of Congo's capital, Kinshasa, European Union diplomats say.
Insurgents yesterday blew up two trucks in the northern Iraqi town of Talafar, killing 48 people and injuring 100.
The UK government is trying to "discreetly talk" to Iran about the seizure of 15 navy personnel,
Today the Moon decelerates and waxes in Leo, applying all day towards occultations with Saturn (tomorrow) and with Regulus (on Friday).
Thursday March 29th 2007
A captured British female sailor was shown on Iranian state TV saying "we trespassed" in Iran's waters.
At least 70 Sunnis were yesterday shot dead in a north Iraqi town, in apparent reprisal for bombings in a Shia area.
Zimbabwe's main opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was detained in a raid on his headquarters, his party says.
A petrol tanker explosion has killed at least 98 people in a remote village in north-western Nigeria.
An odd, six-sided, honeycomb-shaped feature circling the entire north pole of Saturn has captured the interest of scientists with NASA's Cassini mission. NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged the feature over two decades ago. The fact that it has appeared in Cassini images indicates that it is a long-lived feature. A second hexagon, significantly darker than the brighter historical feature, is also visible in the Cassini pictures. The spacecraft's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer is the first instrument to capture the entire hexagon feature in one image. "This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides,".
Today the slowly waxing Moon in Leo exactly aligns to Saturn 05:22 GMT. (Zodiacal conjunction 04:56 GMT at 19 degrees Leo). This is seen as a lunar occultation of Saturn from northern Scotland and Norway. The Moon opposes Neptune 10:04 GMT reaching gibbous phase 24 degrees Leo 14:40 GMT and opposes Mars 15:46 GMT.
The astrology of this day in keeping with current news stories indicate troublesome times.
From today we are in the procession towards another Full Moon which peaks next Monday.
Mercury is rapidly drawing to a conjunction with Uranus in Pisces which peaks on Sunday. This conjunction adds more than a touch of 'the unexpected' to the power of the coming Full Moon.
Friday March 30th 2007
The US Senate yesterday backed a March 2008 date to withdraw troops from Iraq, defying a presidential veto threat.
African leaders gave South African President Thabo Mbeki the task of mediating in Zimbabwe's political crisis.
Iran may delay its plan to release the only woman among 15 captured Royal Navy crew because of the UK's "incorrect attitude", an official has said.
Today the slowly waxing Moon trines Pluto and is void in Leo from 01:25 GMT.
There is a Lunar occultation visible from the UK of Regulus approx. 03:28 GMT. The Moon immediately enters Virgo.
The day continues in tense 'crisis ridden' fashion.
There are three astrological events about to take place, the first is the conjunction of Mercury and Uranus which peaks on Sunday and the second is an nuastere square aspect between Venus and Saturn first thing on Monday morning and the third is the approach of a dynamic and richly eventful Full Moon on Monday. The weekend ahead is dominated by these three 'waves'.
The evening has a 'pleasantly unusual' feel about it. The devil however is in the detail.
Saturday March 31st 2007
Another day with a tense and brooding feel in the ether!
Venus in Taurus sextile Uranus in Pisces 01:25 GMT.
The slowly waxing Moon in Virgo opposes Mercury at 07:56 GMT and Uranus at 11:43 GMT.
She then trines Venus 12:05 GMT.
Pluto turns retrograde at the very end of Sagittarius at 20:06 GMT.
Mercury is almost conjunct Uranus.
April 2007
April 2007 starts with Mercury aligning to Uranus on the 1st of the month, the Moon aligning to Uranus on April 14th and ends with Mars aligning even more tightly to Uranus on the 29th.
The month is astrologically dynamic and largely positive with several helpful and inspiring planetary pictures. There are also more challenging T-squares both in Fixed and Mutable signs at the month's end.
The month commences with the Moon nearly full, and a 'trapezoidal planetary pattern' in sway involving Venus, Saturn, Mercury conjunct Uranus, and Jupiter. This dissolves by the 5th, only to be replaced with a mighty strong and benevolent Saturn, Jupiter, Sun in fiery grand trine. Peaking on the 8th, the grand trine then orientates itself more strongly onto the Saturn Neptune opposition morphing to a Kite planetary pattern by the 12th.
As the wave breaks the Moon draws Jupiter and Saturn to fiery grand trine briefly on the 16th, the day before a good New Moon. It is then the time of Mercury to complete a fiery Grand trine with Jupiter and Saturn on the 22nd.
A mutable T-square then follows peaking on the 25th and tightening to a grand mutable cross with the Moon towards midnight (GMT) at the end of April 27th.
The month ends harshly and electrically with Mars aligning to Uranus squaring a Jupiter Venus opposition in fixed signs.
Sunday 1st April 2007
The slow moving Moon squares Pluto from Virgo and becomes void of course at 13:39 GMT. She enters Libra at 15:45 GMT. From this point in time the tenseness of the last couple of days gives way to the more socially orientated nature of the imminent Full Moon in Libra.
This day has an errant nature to it. Shocks and unexpected events are 'starred'.
Mercury aligns to Uranus (within 2 degrees) 17:16 GMT. Zodiacal conjunction at 16 degrees Pisces at 18:30 GMT.
Venus squares both Saturn and Neptune over the next few days. The T-square is in fixed signs.
As the day progresses and the Venus Saturn square aspect, the forerunner to tomorrow's Full Moon, bites hard. There is a touch of austerity amid the generally tumultuous feel of today.
Monday 2nd April 2007
Iranians on Sunday protested at the British embassy in Tehran against the "illegal entry" into their waters of UK navy personnel.
Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert invited Arab leaders to attend a regional peace conference.
Fifty-two people have been killed in fresh fighting between foreign militants and local tribesmen in Pakistan, the interior minister says.
Homes and businesses in Sydney turned lights out across the city to try to raise awareness of global warming. (Photo above).
Venus squares Saturn 07:01 GMT
The day begins with this hard square aspect.
The slow climax to today's Full Moon has then maximum momentum.
Full Moon 13 degrees Libra 17:16 GMT.
This Full Moon is the first following the Total Lunar Eclipse of March 3rd 2007. As such the changes and events initiated with that eclipse now begin to make themselves apparent. This is a climax of new beginnings.
This Full Moon is a dynamic affair with several astrological and planetary patterns manifest in the skies of Earth. These involve a 'mystic rectangle', and a fiery grand trine and a kite formation. The Full Moon herself in the 15 hours following the peak of the Full Moon will form a 'finger of fate' picture with a tight Venus and Mercury sextile.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus, Venus squares Saturn, Jupiter trines Saturn, Mars sextiles Pluto. This spells energy, temperance, action and event.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon is rising over eastern Europe, the toe of Italy, the Balkans, Poland and Finland. The Moon is conjunct the local MC of Bangkok and the local IC of Panama and is setting at Los Angeles. Saturn is, most significantly, conjunct the local MC of Tehran.
This is very much a 'Full' day and may be a little exhausting.
After the moment of Full Moon she makes pleasant aspects.
Tuesday April 3rd 2007
On this day after the Full Moon, this very slow moving Moon in Libra forms a finger of fate with Mercury and, Uranus in Pisces and Venus in Taurus at 08:15 GMT. A fateful start to the (GMT) day is forecast.
The Moon reaches apogee (slowest all month) at 08:40 GMT.
The day has lazy, convivial and social potential. Diplomacy wins through.
A lunar occultation of the star Spica occurs today at 17:19 GMT visible from Antarctica. This is the penultimate lunar occultation of Spica in the current series. There is one more on the last day of this month. The next one after that is in April 2012.
Wednesday April 4th 2007
Pluto is conjunct the Moon/Mars midpoint, sextiling them both at 00:39 GMT.
The slowly waning Moon sextiles Pluto and is void of course at 02:31. She enters Scorpio 04:37 GMT.
This day has a razor edge, sharper and less diffuse than yesterday.
Mercury squares Jupiter 07:18 GMT.
Venus squares Neptune 18:16 GMT.
Thursday April 5th 2007
State of the skies:- The Sun is today half way through Aries. The slow moving but now accelerating Moon wanes in Scorpio. We have now left the eclipse season.
Mercury is a 'morning star' in Pisces.
Venus is a bright 'evening star' in Taurus.
Mars at the very end of Aquarius sextiles Pluto 00:17 GMT. Mars enters Pisces tomorrow.
The Sun is building to a wondrous fiery grand trine with Saturn and Jupiter which dominates the skies of Earth over the next week with great positive potential.
Friday April 6th 2007
Jupiter at 20 degrees Sagittarius turns retrograde 00:29 GMT
At 02:55 GMT the Moon on the point of voidness forms a fixed T-square with the Venus in Taurus and Neptune in Aquarius.
Mars enters Pisces 08:50 . Mars will reside in this sign until May 15th 2007. The major event during this residency will be his alignment to Uranus on April 29th 2007.
Moon reaches disseminating phase 2 degrees Sagittarius 20:14 GMT
At 16:57 GMT the Moon enters Sagittarius.
Saturday April 7th 2007
The world's poorest people will be hardest hit by climate change, experts at a summit on Thursday on global warming warned.
At least 27 people were killed yesterday in a suicide bombing in the city of Ramadi, as clashes erupted in southern Iraq.
The head of the Royal Navy defended the actions of 15 UK personnel seized by Iran (released on Thursday) and operations in the Gulf.
A solar wind stream is heading for Earth. Sky watchers from Scandinavia to Alaska should be alert for auroras when it arrives on April 9th A similar solar wind stream hit Earth on April 1st, causing the display shown above. "At one point the whole sky was covered in fantastic swirling arcs," says photographer Steve Faulkner of Lake Myvatn, Iceland.
Lunar occultation of Antares occurs 12:41 GMT visible from SE Australia and south America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb.. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
Mercury sextile Venus 16:10 GMT.
The fire trine involving the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn tightens all day.
Sunday April 8th 2007
The Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are in fiery grand trine.
The Moon is involved as she is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 07:52 GMT.
The Sun trines Saturn 11:56 GMT
Monday April 9th 2007
The planetary grand trine metamorphoses into a planetary kite in the skies of Earth over these next three days across the Saturn Neptune axis.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto and becomes void of course at 01:35 GMT. She enters Capricorn 03:36 GMT.
Tuesday 10th April 2007
The Sun trines Jupiter 00:07 GMT
Mercury squares Pluto 07:23 GMT
Moon last quarter 20 degrees Capricorn 18:05 GMT
Mercury enters Aries 23:07 GMT
Wednesday April 11th 2007
The Moon checks out in trine aspect to Venus 09:57 GMT, becomes void and enters Aquarius 11:23 GMT.
The Sun sextile Neptune 19:33 GMT
Thursday April 12th 2007
Water has been detected for the first time in the atmosphere of a planet outside our Solar System. The planet, known as HD 209458b, is a Jupiter-like gas giant located 150 light-years from Earth in the constellation Pegasus. China's prime minister has used a landmark address in Japan's parliament to urge Tokyo to face up to its wartime past. A blast on a bridge in Baghdad has killed at least eight people, sending cars toppling into the River Tigris below.
Today Venus enters Gemini 02:15 GMT This evening Venus is directly left of the Pleiades (as seen from mid-northern latitudes).
Mercury is now in Aries, Venus is in Gemini.
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Aquarius.
Friday April 13th 2007
The Moon is conjunct Neptune at 01:18 GMT. She is sextile Pluto 13:50 GMT and void.
She slips into Pisces 15:39 in an ungainly fashion squaring Venus.
The Moon then applies in tight conjunction to Mars and Uranus tomorrow.
Saturday April 14th 2007
A day of a double occultation!
The fast moving waning Moon aligns to Mars within a quarter of a degree 01:11 GMT at 6 degrees Pisces, (visible as an occultation from Somalia, the Indian Ocean, India and the Far East).
The Moon reaches balsamic phase 9 degrees Pisces 06:35 GMT.
She then almost exactly aligns to Uranus 20:24 GMT at 17 degrees Pisces, visible as an occultation from Japan, NE Asia, Alaska and Northern Canada.
Sunday April 15th 2007
The fast moving Moon squares Pluto and is void at 15:02 GMT.
She pushes into Aries 16:47 GMT and makes nice aspects over the new moon period.
Monday April 16th 2007
At least 35 people died in a series of bomb and suicide attacks yesterday in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
The BBC voiced concern at reports that reporter Alan Johnston is dead, but stresses there is no verification
Voters in Ecuador are deciding whether to back the president's call for moves towards a new constitution.
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 26 degrees Aries. There are 64 days to the solstice. The Sun enters Taurus on Friday.
The very old but very fast moving Moon is conjunct Mercury at 9 degrees Aries 07:09 GMT. The next New Moon is tomorrow. This is the first New Moon after the partial solar eclipse on March 19th. As midnight (GMT) approaches today the Moon forms a fiery hot grand trine with Jupiter and Saturn.
Mercury is now a rapidly moving 'morning star' in Aries. He will be at 'superior conjunction' on the far side of the Sun on May 3rd. During the next week he will form a fiery grand trine with Jupiter and Saturn.
Venus is a bright evening star in Gemini.
Mars is in Pisces less than 10 degrees from his close conjunction with Uranus which occurs on April 29th.
The week ahead is coloured by tomorrow's strong New Moon and the positive grand trine in fire signs involving Jupiter and Saturn and Mercury. This really is a time to push ahead with all projects.
Tuesday April 17th 2007
Under the influence of an old Moon in Aries yesterday a lone gunman killed at least 21 people and wounded at least 29 more on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, before shooting himself,
Powerful spring storms battering the eastern US have claimed at least eight lives and caused widespread flooding and damage to property. A state of emergency has been declared in West Virginia and New Jersey, while 3,200 National Guards were deployed in the worst-hit areas of New York.
Today the old Moon is at perigee 05:50 GMT. At this moment the Moon is closer to the Earth than at anytime between 2005 and 2010.
'Close' New Moon 27 degrees Aries 11:37 GMT trine Pluto.
This is the first New Moon after the partial solar eclipse on March 19th. The New Moon in Aries is strongly trined by Pluto. Big positive changes are inaugurated from today's lunation.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun and the Moon are culminating at Amsterdam, Holland, Belgium, Eastern France, Algeries. Both bodies are setting over Mongolia, central China and western Thailand. The pair are rising over central USA. At Baghdad Mars sets and Venus culminates. Saturn is exactly rising at Munich.
The New Moon occurs on the natal Mercury of Tony Blair, and is within 3 degrees of the natal Mid heaven of George Bush.
The newborn baby moon trines Pluto and becomes void 14:27 GMT.
She enters Taurus 16:12 GMT
Under the beams of an infant Moon it is now the turn of Mercury to take advantage of the Jupiter Saturn trine. Another fiery grand trine builds up over the next five days.
Wednesday April 18th 2007
Police have named a student who shot dead at least 30 people at a US university as Cho Seung-hui, from South Korea. Immigration records show that he was born in South Korea on 18 January 1984 and had moved to the US in 1992, when he was eight. Astrologers will be interested to learn that on the date of birth of this man, the Moon was full in late Cancer square a Mars Pluto conjunction in early Scorpio. Yesterday's new Moon squared Full Moon position of his birth date.
Today the young Moon rapidly waxes in Taurus.
The Sun in late Aries applies in fiery trine to Pluto..
Mercury is in tightening grand trine relationship with Jupiter and Saturn. These next few days are good times to promote positive and assertive ideas and proposals Optimistic thinking strikes a common chord.
We can expect strong tides around the coasts of Earth today and tomorrow because of yesterday's New Moon at perigee.
Thursday April 19th 2007
At least 170 people were yesterday killed in a string of attacks in Iraq's capital, Baghdad - the worst day of violence since a US security operation began. In the deadliest incident, some 120 people were killed in a car bombing in a food market in Sadriya district. A witness said the area had been turned into "a swimming pool of blood".
The student who killed at least 30 people at a US university was admitted to a mental health unit in 2005. The student was born on the day of a Full Moon. (See yesterday's comment).
The UK pound has climbed well past the $2 mark, surging to a 26-year high against the troubled US currency.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Aries.
The fast moving Moon in Taurus squares Neptune in Aquarius and is void of course at 02:30 GMT
The Sun trines Pluto 07:32 GMT.
The fast moving but now decelerating Moon enters Gemini 15:52 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction with Venus. The Sun and Moon (together with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are now in positive signs.
Saturn turns direct 21:02 GMT today and begins the final phase of his residence in Leo which ends on September 2nd 2007 when he enters Virgo.
Mercury continues tightening in grand trine relationship with Jupiter and Saturn.
These are expansive days full of opportunity.
Friday April 20th 2007
Last year Earth's gravity apparently captured a tiny asteroid that ventured too near our planet. But this "second Moon" will only hang around until June, when it'll get shoved back out into interplanetary space.
Twenty-four Taliban fighters were killed during a seven-hour battle with Afghan and coalition forces at nightfall Wednesday in southern Afghanistan, the U.S.-led coalition command said yesterday.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Iraq yesterday after a bloody 24-hour stretch in Baghdad that left more than 200 people dead. The announced visit came as another car bomb exploded in the Iraqi capital, killing 12 people.
The long-dormant Nevado del Huila volcano in southwest Colombia erupted late Tuesday and early Wednesday, provoking avalanches and floods that swept away houses and bridges and prompted thousands to evacuate." There were no reports of deaths or injuries. The volcano's eruption at 10:37 p.m. (presumably local time) Tuesday was its first on record since Colombia was colonized by the Spanish 500 years ago. A second eruption occurred at 2:57 a.m. Wednesday. Experts did not rule out more eruptions.
George W. Bush's progressed Moon enters Capricorn today.
Today the decelerating Moon is conjunct Venus at 10 degrees Gemini at 07:28 GMT.
The Sun enters Taurus 11:07 GMT and a new astrological month commences.
The Moon reaches crescent phase 15 degrees Gemini 16:50 GMT
Mercury is now in tight grand trine relationship with Jupiter and Saturn. Despite an essentially violent week in world news in the wake of the New Moon in Aries on Tuesday, there maybe a new optimism today invoked by this fiery grand trine. Use it well.
Saturday April 21st 2007
The days starts bin a busy and buzzy mood.
The planetary grand trine involving Mercury in Aries, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Leo climaxes today.
Mercury trines Saturn 07:10 GMT
The crescent Moon in Gemini opposes Pluto 15:53 GMT and becomes void.
This waxing but decelerating Moon enters Cancer 17:51. The mood of the day changes. A more 'retentive' but still optimistic atmosphere prevails.
The Sun and Moon are now in negative signs.
Mercury trines Jupiter 22:40 GMT.
Sunday April 22nd 2007
The Moon waxes in Cancer. The background astrological atmosphere is homely and nourishing today but Venus is about to square Mars so conflicts between the collective anima and animus will be likely. This one is not good for personal relationships.
Monday April 23rd 2007
State of the skies:- The Sun is at 3 degrees Taurus. There are 57 days to the solstice.
The decelerating Moon squares Mercury and is void at 09:12 GMT. She enters Leo 22:39 GMT and approaches first quarter phase. The next Full Moon is in Scorpio and occurs on Wednesday May 2nd 2007.
Mercury in Aries is an 'morning star' (although visibly lost in the glare of the sunrise) on the far side of the Sun, he is moving quickly and today is sextile Neptune at 04:12 GMT.
Venus, a very bright 'evening star' in Gemini squares Mars 05:30 GMT, and makes a square with Uranus in Pisces and an opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius over the next week.
Five degrees now separate Mars and Uranus in Pisces. This is the next planetary wave to engulf us. This one climaxes next weekend.
French voters yesterday flocked to the polls in high numbers for the most unpredictable presidential poll in decades.
Nigeria's biggest election monitoring group says Saturday's poll was so flawed it should be re-run.
More than 60 people have been killed in a fourth day of heavy fighting between Ethiopian troops and Islamist militia in Somalia's capital of Mogadishu.
Tuesday April 24th 2007
Yesterday Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin, who oversaw the demise of the Soviet Union, died aged 76.
Ruling party candidate Umaru Yar'Adua is declared the winner of Nigeria's controversial presidential poll.
The top two candidates in the first round of the French presidential election are beginning intense campaigning for the run-off on 6 May.
Twin Nasa spacecraft have captured 3D images that will aid the study of solar explosions capable of causing havoc on Earth.
Environmental officers have begun an assessment of the effects of a major sewage leak into the Firth of Forth (UK).
The Moon reaches first quarter phase at 4 degrees Leo 06:37 GMT today and appears to move steadily towards Saturn to which she almost exactly aligns tomorrow.
With the Sun and Moon in Taurus and Leo receptively (both fixed signs) we can expect a lavish and resplendent mixture of cosmic energies today and tomorrow. A fine time for children.
Wednesday April 25th 2007
Hundreds of people yesterday gathered to pay respects at a Moscow church, where the body of Boris Yeltsin lies in state.
An attack by gunmen in eastern Ethiopia has left 65 Ethiopians and nine Chinese oil workers dead.
Ethiopian tanks are pounding parts of the Somali capital, stepping up a week-long campaign against insurgents and fighters from the Hawiye clan.
Kryptonite is no longer just the stuff of fiction feared by caped superheroes. A new mineral matching its unique chemistry - as described in the film Superman Returns - has been identified in a mine in Serbia.
The discovery of a vast fossil forest hundreds of metres underground has provided an extraordinary picture of some of Earth's earliest plants.
Today the Moon aligns to Saturn in tropical Leo within a degree at 11:03 GMT. This is an occultation of Saturn from Alaska. This is 6th of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn. The Moon then trines Jupiter at 12:13 GMT and opposes Neptune at 17:18 GMT.
The following few days are astrologically dynamic. The major aspect is an alignment of Mars and Uranus in Pisces which peaks on Sunday. This alignment is hooked into a 'mutable T-square' with Venus and Jupiter which holds sway right up to the Full Moon on May 2nd. The period ahead is also dotted with occultations by the Moon of Saturn, (today), Regulus, (tomorrow), and Spica (next Monday). Fasten your seat belts Ladies and Gentlemen we are going on a ride.
Thursday April 26th 2007
Astronomers have found the most Earth-like planet outside our Solar System to date, a world which could have water running on its surface. The planet orbits the faint star Gliese 581, which is 20.5 light-years away in the constellation Libra. Scientists made the discovery using the Eso 3.6m Telescope in Chile.
The Dow Jones, America's main share index, yesterday passed the 13,000 mark for the first time in its history.
From today Venus in Gemini , Mars in Pisces, Uranus in Pisces and the Lunar Node in Pisces and Jupiter in Sagittarius arrange themselves in a mutable T-square. This is an astrologically dynamic configuration which may well 'induce' important events on the world stage and in our personal lives over the next few days.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 08:37 GMT from North West America and the Arctic. This is the 4th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
The slow moving waxing Moon in Leo at 07:03 GMT forms a fiery grand trine with Mercury and Pluto, she is then void of course, entering Virgo 09:25 GMT. From that moment the Sun and the Moon are in earth signs.
Mercury in Aries is trine Pluto in Sagittarius at 17:05 GMT.
Minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of star Rho Leo approx. 21:46 GMT.
Astrological pressure is now on the increase. Today may start on an positive note but could end awkwardly as Venus and Uranus hit their square aspect and 'set off' the mutable cross. There is a potential for aberration and critical mistakes as night falls (GMT).
Friday April 27th 2007
We are now in the midst of a very strange and special few days.
Venus squares Uranus 03:21 GMT.
Mercury enters Taurus 07:16 GMT.
What follows in the second half of this day is fairly remarkable. The Moon, the Earth, Mars and Uranus all align within a couple of degrees.
The slow moving Moon opposes Mars (within 1.5 degrees) at 18:13 GMT.
Venus sextile Saturn 20:07 GMT.
The Moon opposes Uranus 20:19 GMT within half a degree, and then squares the Venus Jupiter opposition.
At 22:45 GMT the Moon transforms the ongoing and tightening planetary T-square to a very tight Mutable cross around 18/19 degrees of the mutable signs.
Uranus appears less than 1° south of Mars on Saturday and Sunday mornings. On Saturday morning (for the Americas), 1st-magnitude Mars, 4.4-magnitude Phi Aquarii, and 6th-magnitude Uranus form a nearly straight little line 0.9° long, in that order from right to left. On Sunday morning, Mars is below the two faint dots. Try looking with binoculars or a telescope about 75 minutes before sunrise, depending on the clarity of the air.
Saturday April 28th 2007
This weekend is astrologically 'notable'.
Mars aligns with Uranus tomorrow. This planetary conjunction occurs every couple of years. It is an explosive mixture of planetary energies which usually inflames existing conflicts and initiates new ones. The entry into the theater of war in Afghanistan of 1000 US marines on Monday 26th November 2001 coincided with a conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Aquarius. On June 23rd 2003 the same conjunction in Pisces coincided with some of the first British military deaths in southern Iran. The last conjunction was on May 15th 2005. In The Daze 2005 of the time...I quote myself here. 'At 11:02 GMT Mars and Uranus 1°06 apart at 10 degrees Pisces. The single world event which seems to correspond with this cosmic fire cracker is the thousands seeking to escape the violence in the Uzbek town of Andijan and clashing with police near the Kyrgyz border. It is not clear how many died, but some residents report seeing hundreds of bodies. Thousands of protesters reappeared on the streets of Andijan on Saturday, despite the bloodshed. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has (suddenly) arrived in Irbil, Iraq as attacks claim lives in Baghdad and Baquba. The Daze 2005
The next (and final) conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Pisces occurs on April 15th 2009. The following five after that occur in Aries.
At the present time the Mars and Uranus conjunction is 'hooked into' a mutable cross with Venus and Jupiter. This add more power to the current situation.
Today as the current Mars Uranus conjunction draws to its climax so the slow moving Moon reaches gibbous phase 23 degrees Virgo 06:47 GMT. The procession towards her monthly climax then also commences.
Venus in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius 12:44 GMT (eased somewhat by Saturn in Leo). There is an excess of energy associated with this arm of the planetary T-square. Remember today is potentially 'critically excessive'.
The Moon squares Pluto and is void at 19:15 GMT. The Moon enters Libra 21:46 GMT.
Sunday April 29th 2007
Mars aligns to Uranus (0.69 degree orb) 04:26 GMT at 17 degrees Pisces.
The Moon very slowly waxes to the full in Libra.
Monday April 30th 2007
An earthquake of at least 4.3 magnitude hits parts of Kent, on Saturday 28th April damaging homes and leaving thousands without power. The British Geological Survey said the tremor, which occurred at 0818 BST, was the largest British earthquake since one in Dudley, West Midlands, in 2002. The chart above set for the epicentre is that of the time of this UK earthquake. UK Earthquake page
Today the Moon in Libra reaches apogee (slowest moving all month) at 10:57 GMT, she then sextiles Saturn and Jupiter 11:00 to noon GMT, and goes on to form an airy grand trine, this time with Venus and Neptune, tightest around 18:30 GMT.
Mars (and Uranus) square Jupiter 22:22 GMT and are also square Venus.
A lunar occultation of the star Spica occurs today at 23:25 visible from southern polar regions. This is the last lunar occultation of Spica until April 2012.
As midnight approaches the Moon in airy Grand Trine with Venus and Neptune forms a weak kite across the Venus Jupiter opposition.
May 2007
May 2007 is astrologically reasonably quiet once the Full Moon on May 2nd is over. The UK however is subject to three daylight lunar occultations. The first on May 12th is of Uranus. The next is of Saturn on the 22nd and the last is of Regulus on 23rd.
Tuesday May 1st 2007
Venus trines Neptune 01:34 GMT
The nearly Full Moon sextile Pluto and is void from 08:07 GMT.
She enters Scorpio 10:42 GMT.
Wednesday May 2nd 2007
Turkey's constitutional court yesterday annuled a presidential election but the government vowed to hold a new vote.
At least 30 civilians were killed in the latest Nato-led offensive in Afghanistan.
Cuba's leader Fidel Castro did not appear at the annual May Day parade, fuelling speculation over his health.
Computer models of climate change have underestimated the pace of Arctic melting, a study concludes.
The peak of the next sunspot cycle is expected in late 2011 or mid-2012 -- potentially affecting airline flights, communications satellites and electrical transmissions. But forecasters can't agree on how intense it will be.
Today is the day of the Full Moon in Scorpio.
The nearly full Moon is opposite Mercury 08:00 GMT
Full Moon 12 degrees Scorpio exactly full 10:10 GMT
This (Walpurgis) Full Moon is the second following the Total Lunar Eclipse of March 3rd 2007 and the fourth one before an even deeper Total Eclipse on August 28th 2007. As such the events and energies 'set up' at the time of the March Eclipse are now made fully manifest.
This Full Moon is opposite Mercury. The major challenge at this time is one of communication and understanding. The quality of this lunation is intense and concentrated. At this time Jupiter is in fiery trine relationship to Saturn and in mutable square aspect to Uranus. There is great opportunity for spiritual growth here.
At the moment of the climax of this Full Moon (10:10 GMT today) the Moon is rising over Korea, the Philippines and Indonesia. It is Moonset and Sunrise over central America central South America and the Caribbean. The Sun and Mercury rise at Washington DC. The Moon is on the IC of Bucharest, Western Russia and Finland. Saturn is exactly rising at Budapest and Copenhagen. Neptune has just set over Western Turkey.
This Full Moon is conjunct the natal Venus at Vladimir Putin and is also conjunct the natal Saturn of the UK's Prince Harry.
From 23:00 GMT today the Moon arrays in tight geometric relationship with Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Uranus. The pattern holds sway up to the time of the superior conjunction of Mercury tomorrow.
Thursday May 3rd 2007
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni yesterday said she has told Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to resign. Olmert is facing increasing pressure to quit after an interim report blamed him for rushing into last year's war with Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.
Turkey's ruling AK Party on Wednesday proposed to bring forward a parliamentary election to June 24 to ease tensions after an increasingly bitter standoff between the Islamist-rooted government and the secular elite.
Small moons are acting as shepherds using their gravity to herd dust and boulders in Jupiter's faint rings, NASA scientists report. The finding is one of several discoveries made from images captured in late February by the New Horizons probe. (Jupiter's 'big red spot' graphic above).
The Superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun occurs today at 04:06 GMT. This point in time symbolically represents a 'Full Mercury', a climax of thought processes revelation and objectivity. This occurs three times a year. After this moment Mercury is astrologically an 'evening star' and as such invokes a more reflective and 'backward looking' universal mentality.
The slow moving but now accelerating 'hung over' Moon in Scorpio today squares Neptune and is void of course from 06:42 GMT.
A long day of lunar 'voidness' ensues with the Moon eventually entering Sagittarius 22:48 GMT.
Friday May 4th 2007
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met Syria's foreign minister on Thursday in the first high-level talks between the two countries in years. The meeting came hours after the chief U.S. military spokesman in Iraq said Syria had moved to reduce "the flow of foreign fighters" across its border.
Tens of thousands of protesters streamed to a central Tel Aviv square after sundown Thursday, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert because of a scathing inquiry report about the way he ordered and handled last summer's bloody, costly but inconclusive war in Lebanon.
Turkey's Parliament on Thursday approved July 22 as the date for early general elections, which were called to resolve a government crisis over sharply rising tension between the pro-secular military and the Islamic-rooted government.
Both French presidential candidates claimed victory Thursday after meeting in a fiery and combative debate, the only face-to-face encounter between the two before the second round of voting on May 6.
Prime Minister Tony Blair led his beleaguered Labour Party into electoral combat for the final time Thursday in local and regional elections that, amid his unpopularity, could put Scotland on the road toward independence from the rest of Britain.
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Sagittarius.
A Lunar occultation of Antares occurs at 18:25 GMT today visible from S.E. Africa and New Zealand. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec.. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
The weekend ahead (especially Saturday) is a far reaching and exploratory affair. Travel is favored.
Saturday May 5th 2007
The annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks before dawn Saturday morning; it's observable from the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere. But even there this isn't a good year for the Eta Aquarids, what with the bright moonlight. Sky and Telescope
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 11:04 GMT. From this time she inaugurates a trapezodial pattern of planets (Mars and Uranus in Pisces, Sun and Mercury in Taurus, Saturn in Leo and Jupiter in Sagittarius) which hold sway in this relationship and dominate the astrology of the next 5 days.
At 21:20 GMT today we reach the midpoint in time between the Aries Equinox and the Cancer Solstice. In the northern hemisphere late spring is in full sway, in the south the autumn is fading.
Sunday May 6th 2007
The Moon is conjunct Pluto and void of course from 06:46 GMT.
Jupiter makes a waxing trine aspect to Saturn. 07:09 GMT. This is a good vibration inducing all sorts of positive reforming developments within society and within the global community over the next 2 years
( This is the 2nd of 5. The first two are in fire signs, the last three will be in earth signs, 1st 16/03/07, 2nd 6/5/07, 3rd 21/1/08, 4th 9/9/08 and 5th 21/11/08).
The Moon enters Capricorn 09:21 GMT and reaches disseminating phase 1 degree of that sign 10:23 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon, (together with Mercury) are now in earth signs. The astrological energy today harnesses the movement and directions set out yesterday. Deep roots are established.
Monday May 7th 2007
Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy has won France's presidential election, and his rival concedes defeat.
Date of Birth 28 January 1955, Paris. Astrological horoscope below.Astrotheme
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 16 degrees Taurus. There are now 44 days to the Solstice.
The Moon is waning and accelerating in Capricorn.
Venus an 'evening star' in Gemini opposes Pluto in Sagittarius 02:03 GMT today. Venus enters Cancer tomorrow.
Mercury is now also an 'evening star' in Taurus and today squares Neptune in Aquarius at 14:29 GMT. Mercury 'zips' into Gemini on Friday of this week.
Mars is in Pisces will square Pluto next Sunday and then enter Aries a week tomorrow.
A fixed T-square involving the Sun in Taurus, Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius will dominate the skies up to the 14th May.
Tuesday May 8th 2007
Scientists have discovered that Mercury's core may be partially molten, making it a little more Earth-like than once thought. "Essentially, our radar observations have shown that the innermost planet Mercury has a molten core," said Cornell University's Jean-Luc Margot, who led the research published in the journal Science on Thursday. Using radar and telescopes, Marmot's team measured the spin rate of Mercury and discovered that it wobbles too much to have a solid core.
Today Venus enters Cancer 07:28 GMT. She will reside in this sign until June 5th 2007.
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Mars and is void of course from 07:35 GMT for 10 hours. She enters Aquarius 17:48 GMT.
The Sun in Taurus sextiles Uranus in Pisces 20:25 GMT.
A fixed T-square involving the Sun in Taurus, Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius grips the skies from today up to the 14th May.
Wednesday May 9th 2007
Northern Ireland's major Protestant and Catholic parties came together Tuesday to form a power-sharing government, marking a "new era of politics" and an end to three decades of sectarian conflict in the province
An Israeli archaeologist on Tuesday said he has found the tomb of King Herod, the legendary builder of ancient Jerusalem and the Holy Land -- a potentially major discovery that capped a 35-year quest for the researcher.
France's defeated Socialists called for an end to post-election violence Tuesday after anti-Sarkozy protesters took to the streets for a second night, leaving cars burned and store windows smashed in Paris as well as unrest elsewhere.
Scientists have just released images of the brightest stellar explosion recorded. The supernova, known as SN 2006gy, was believed to be about 150 times as massive as the sun. The explosion could help astronomers better understand how the first generation of stars in the universe died."This supernova stands out as the brightest supernova that's ever been observed," said Nathan Smith, astrophysicist at the University of California at Berkeley. "The reason we're so excited is because it was so powerful we think it may require a new type of explosion mechanism that we've never observed before," said Smith at a news conference from NASA headquarters in Washington. A supernova is a rare and often dramatic phenomenon that involves the explosion of most of the material within a star. Supernovas can be very bright for a short time and usually release huge amounts of energy. A graduate student using a robotic telescope that was part of the Texas Supernova Search project first detected SN 2006gy on September 18, 2006. For about 70 days it got brighter, peaking with a brightness comparable to 50 billion suns, much brighter than most other supernovas. Supernovas are usually bright for a couple of weeks at most. Astronomers captured the star's demise using NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory, and ground- based telescopes at the Lick Observatory in California and the Keck Observatory in Hawaii. The explosion was estimated about 238 million light years away from Earth.
Today Mercury in Taurus rapidly sextiles Mars in Pisces 00:39 GMT.
The Moon wanes and accelerates towards last quarter phase in Aquarius. The Sun and Moon, (together with Mercury, Saturn and Neptune) are in fixed signs today. General intransigence dominates the next two days.
The Sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Leo 12:05 GMT. This square aspect forms one part of the current T-square between these two planets and Neptune. This one has just got to be gone through. It's not easy and turbulence follows in its wake. Nevertheless it will pass.
Thursday May 10th 2007
British Prime Minister Tony Blair is expected to announce his intention to step down as Labour Party leader today, ending weeks of speculation about his departure and setting the clock ticking on the final weeks of his 10-year premiership. Blair's official spokesman said the prime minister would set out his intentions to Cabinet colleagues this morning. He is then expected to travel to his Sedgefield constituency in northern England to make a public announcement.
Election workers began counting votes yesterday in East Timor's presidential race, with both candidates confident of victory in a contest that could sharpen bitter political rivalries in Asia's newest and poorest nation. The winner will have to heal deep divisions in the struggling nation, where many people are disillusioned eight years after voting for independence from decades of brutal Indonesian rule in a U.N-organized referendum. Wednesday's vote took place without violence, observers said, and full results were expected by tomorrow.
Today the Moon reaches last quarter phase 19 degrees Aquarius at 04:28 GMT. She is conjunct Neptune 09:27 GMT.
The accelerating and waning Moon squares Mercury and is void from 21:48 GMT.
She slips into Pisces at 23:32 GMT joining Mars, Uranus and the north Lunar Node in that sign.
These days are dominated by a fixed T-square involving the Sun, Saturn and Neptune (see yesterday's comment).
Friday May 11th 2007
Turkish MPs yesterday backed the election of the president by popular vote amid political tensions over Islamic influence.
Thousands gathered at a stadium in Sao Paulo to hear Pope Benedict XVI after he meets Brazil's president.
Military officers from North and South Korea have given the go-ahead for the first train crossing over the heavily fortified border in more than 50 years. (Attentive Daze readers may recall that at the exact moment of the last Full Moon, May 2nd, the Full Moon was rising over Korea).
Tony Blair announced he will stand down as UK prime minister on 27th June.
Today Jupiter in Sagittarius makes his second waning mutable square aspect to Uranus in Pisces at 03:32 GMT today. The first was 22/1/07, the final hit will be on Oct.. 9th 2007. This aspect is one of the hallmarks of 2007 and may well be remembered for invoking sensational and shocking world events.
Mercury enters Gemini 09:17 GMT today and will speed through the sign in just 18 days. He opposes Jupiter and squares Uranus on May 20th. During the last week of May, Mercury sextiles Saturn trines Neptune and opposes Pluto. These next 18 days will witness very fast moving events and communications. We may get carried away with a multitude of ideas and communications. Mercury will leave Gemini on May 29th, and turn retrograde in Cancer on June 15th. He will not however be retrograding into Gemini.
The weekend ahead has difficult astrological aspects. Mars squares Pluto on Sunday, there are no aspects potentially more violent than this one, I guess, and earlier that day, the 'Sun square Neptune corner' of the current T-square rings out. Serious aberrations there I feel.
Monday may well be quite a relief!
Saturday May 12th 2007
The swift moving but waning crescent Moon occults Uranus ('centred' on the UK) . This 'daylight occultation' is a 'grazing occultation' (for mid latitudes UK) with Uranus touching the lower limb of the crescent Moon around 06-29 GMT. This is the last lunar occultation of Uranus anywhere on earth until 2011.
The Moon then rapidly draws all day long to a conjunction with Mars which hits at 23:02 GMT.
The Moon desperately squares Pluto at 23:54 GMT and is then void.
These days are dominated by a fixed T-square involving the Sun, Saturn and Neptune.
Sunday May 13th 2007
The Moon enters Aries 02:20 GMT.
The Sun squares Neptune 02:56 GMT
The fast moving Moon reaches balsamic phase 7 degrees Aries 14:33 GMT.
Mars squares Pluto 15:11 GMT. Not nice.
Monday May 14th 2007
At least 55 people were yesterday killed and dozens wounded by two separate bombings in Iraq.
The Taleban's military commander in Afghanistan was killed in what Nato says is a "serious blow" to insurgents.
At least seven people died in new Karachi clashes, a day after Pakistan's worst political violence in years.
Rewards totaling £2.5m have been offered to anyone who can help with information leading to the safe return of Madeleine McCann from Rothley in Leicestershire. Madeleine disappeared from her parents' Portuguese holiday apartment on 3 May. Her disappearance has captured the hearts of UK citizens and dominates all UK news reports at this time. Her 4th birthday was on Saturday. Neptune and Saturn both square her natal Sun this season (and everyone's born on her birthday). Her disappearance occurred the day after the last Full Moon in Scorpio which formed a tight fixed cross with her natal Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. The major tightest aspect ahead of her solar chart (in the absence of a birth time) is Saturn trine natal Pluto at the end of May. Mars enters Aries tomorrow, lets hope this planetary ingress forces the issue and she is found alive.
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 23 degrees Taurus. There are 37 days to the Solstice. The Sun has one more week in Taurus.
The fast moving and accelerating old Moon makes conciliatory aspects from Aries today. The next New Moon is on Wednesday. This lunation looks to be a 'difficult birth' but one which frees us from confusion.
A grand trine in fire signs occurs today at 08:00 GMT involving the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter. This has the power to blast away the negativity of the past weekend.
Mercury is a very fast 'evening star' in Gemini.
Venus is a decelerating 'evening star' in Cancer.
The week ahead is dominated by the New Moon in Taurus on Wednesday.
Tuesday May 15th 2007
Yesterday the Palestinian Authority mobilized all its security forces and called for order, after an upsurge in factional fighting.
A strike in Karachi paralysed the city after 41 people die in two days of violence in the Pakistani city.
A Nigerian satellite, expected to boost broad band Internet services in Africa, was launched by China.
Today the very fast moving Moon in Aries trines Pluto and is void of course from 00:25 GMT.
She enters Taurus emphatically at 02:50 GMT, her path to the New Moon phase tomorrow in this sign is unhindered.
Mars spearheads himself into Aries today at 14:07 GMT. He will remain in this sign until June 24th. On Monday June 4th 2007 Mars trines Jupiter. One week later on June 11th Mars trines Saturn, he sextiles Neptune two days later. On Thursday 21st June 2007, the solstice day, Mars trines Pluto 13:32 GMT. The whole period will be characterized by an impulsive urgency in all activity. This is an exciting and productive period starting today.
Moon perigee (fastest all month) 15:11 GMT.
This is very much an 'old Moon day'.
Wednesday May 16th 2007
The US will not let Russia veto its missile defence plan in Europe, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday.
Hundreds of Fatah loyalists entered Gaza after special training in Egypt, on a bloody day of factional fighting.
Astronomers have found one of the best pieces of evidence for the existence of dark matter, a mysterious quantity that pervades our Universe. They have identified what appears to be a ghostly ring in the sky which is made up of this enigmatic substance. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, the scientists have established that the ring formed long ago after a colossal smash-up between two galaxy clusters. Details of the research are to appear in the Astrophysical Journal.
All day long today the rapidly moving but 'ancient' Moon approaches her new phase by squaring Saturn at 08:40 GMT and squaring Neptune at 13:50 GMT. This is the difficult part of the day. The New Moon occurs at 19:28 GMT.
New Moon 26 degrees Taurus 19:28 GMT.
(The New Moon is tightly quintile the Lunar Node and separates in square aspect from Neptune).
This New Moon is the second following the partial Solar Eclipse of 16th March 2007, and the fourth before the partial solar eclipse on September 11th 2007. The positive young 'Saros energy' of the March eclipse and the changes it induced are now becoming manifest.
This New Moon is separating from a square with Neptune and Saturn. This is a difficult New Moon but 'one which may free us from confusion'.
At the exact moment of New Moon the Moon is rising over Japan, north east China and eastern Russia. It is Moonset over Western Europe. The Moon is on the local MC of Calgary. The Moon has just past lower culmination at Karachi. The UK is 'starred' as the Lunar Nodal axis aligns itself to this country and forms a mutable cross with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Mercury in Gemini. There may be much 'movement' here.
The Moon is void of course from the moment of New Moon, and remains that way for the remainder of the (GMT) day.
Thursday May 17th 2007
As yesterday's New Moon approached at least 17 people were killed as violence worsened in Gaza, with factional fighting and Israeli air strikes.
At least 32 people have been killed and 50 injured in a suspected chlorine bomb in Iraq's Diyala province. The attack happened in an open-air market in the village of Abu Sayda at about 1600 GMT on Tuesday.
The 'new born' Moon starting the (GMT) day void of course in Taurus enters Gemini 02:35 GMT. All day long she draws to a conjunction with Mercury at 13 degrees of that sign peaking at 23:32 GMT.
This day is a tentative start to the new lunar cycle. Its focus could be said to be on the re-establishment of communication.
Friday May 18th 2007
Yesterday Israeli aircraft struck a number of targets in Gaza, including a Hamas office, in response to rocket fire.
Gordon Brown was selected unopposed to succeed Tony Blair as prime minister.
The Moon today makes busy noises from Gemini. Firstly around 07:00 GMT she forms a mutable T-square with the current Jupiter Uranus square and then makes 'easy' the Saturn Neptune opposition. She ends the (GMT) day however drawing to an opposition with Pluto.
Saturday May 19th 2007
The Moon opposes Pluto and is void from 00:58 GMT
She ingresses Cancer at 03:39 GMT.
The Sun in late Taurus and the Moon in Cancer today confer an endearing and domestic quality on the day. Home cooking is in tune with this vibration.
Venus pairs up with the crescent Moon to create a head-turning spectacle high in the west during twilight.
Sunday May 20th 2007
This is the last day of the astrological month of Taurus. It's 'feel' will be similar to yesterday. The astrological energy will change tomorrow but today the 'homely' and 'conserving' atmosphere prevails. As the day progresses and Mercury tightens in square aspect to Uranus, there may be a 'nervy feel' to proceedings.
The young but decelerating Moon aligns to Venus within half a degree at 01:50 GMT and reaches crescent phase 14 degrees Cancer 03:08 GMT
Mercury opposes Jupiter 05:31 GMT. These two planets and the Earth are linearly aligned within 1.5 degrees at that time.
Mercury squares Uranus 23:26 GMT.
The planetary picture involving Mercury, Jupiter Uranus and Saturn lasts for three days.
There are 100 days to another Total Eclipse of the Moon. (Not visible from the UK)
Monday May 21st 2007
At least 37 people were killed yesterday in fighting between Lebanese troops and gunmen from a Palestinian refugee camp.
Israel's security cabinet backed plans to step up Gaza operations in response to Palestinian rocket attacks.
Tens of thousands of Turks maseds in the city of Samsun in the latest demonstration supporting secularism.
The waxing but decelerating crescent Moon enters Leo 07:57 GMT and start to apply to an occultation with Saturn which peaks tomorrow evening (GMT) and to an occultation with the fixed star Regulus which occurs on Wednesday.
The Sun enters Gemini 10:12 GMT and a new astrological month begins. The Sun and the Moon are then in positive (self expressive) signs together with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. This will suit extrovert personalities.
Mercury in Gemini sextiles Saturn in Leo 10:48 GMT conferring a 'constructively intellectual' vibration on the day. He speeds on to make a trine aspect to Neptune on Wednesday, who on hearing the message Mercury brings, turns retrograde on Thursday.
The week ahead looks to be astrologically more pleasant than last week.
Tuesday May 22nd 2007
Troops and Islamist militants battled at a refugee camp in Lebanon, with nine civilians reported dead on Monday.
A deal on immigration reform heads to the US Senate for debate amid signs of continuing opposition.
Thousands of villagers in China rioted over fines for having too many children, reports say.
The major astronomical and astrological event today is a lunar occultation of Saturn. The waxing crescent Moon in Leo occults Saturn in daylight (visible telescopically from the UK).
Make a note of the GMT times, and take a look around you as the occultation occurs. The times are 19:08 GMT to 20:12 GMT. (45 degree altitude for mid UK latitudes). This is 7th of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn.
Wednesday May 23rd 2007
A truce declared by the militant group Fatah al-Islam in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon ended soon after it was announced Tuesday, when a U.N. relief convoy in the camp came under fire.
Researchers have planted a tracking beacon on a two-billion-tonne block of ice floating off the Canadian Arctic coast. For 3,000 years, this colossal block of ice was securely fixed to the coast as part of the Ayles Ice Shelf - but now it is drifting free. Its current location is about 600km (400 miles) from the North Pole, in what is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth.
The Ayles Ice Island calved off the Ayles Ice Shelf in August 2005 (In that month Jupiter was in airy trine to Neptune).
The calving event was the largest in at least the last 25 years
A total of 87.1 sq km (33.6 sq miles) of ice was lost in this event
The largest piece was 66.4 sq km (25.6 sq miles) in area
This made the slab a little larger than Manhattan
Ayles Ice Island has moved some 50km (30 miles) since calving
Today Mercury in Gemini trines Neptune in Aquarius 07:48 GMT
The Moon in Leo trines Pluto and is void from 13:09 GMT. During this period of voidness the Moon in Leo occults Regulus (daylight grazing occultation 'centred' on the UK around 35 degree altitude around 15-09 GMT).
The Moon enters Virgo 16:27 GMT and reaches 'mutable' first quarter phase 21:04 GMT 2 degrees Virgo. From that moment the Sun and the Moon (together with Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus) are in mutable signs. There will be more 'movement' in many earthly circumstances over the next couple of days.
Thursday May 24th 2007
Photograph of yesterday's lunar occultation of Saturn. Last night, the Moon passed directly in front of Saturn, producing a rare lunar eclipse of the ringed planet visible from Europe, parts of Africa and the Middle East:
Iran has not only ignored a U.N. Security Council deadline to stop uranium enrichment activity but expanded it, according to a confidential International Atomic Energy Agency report obtained by Reuters yesterday.
Tony Blair yesterday said that new nuclear power plants are needed to cut carbon emissions and provide secure supplies in the UK.
Today the Moon decelerates and waxes in Virgo.
Neptune at 22 degrees Aquarius turns retrograde.
Venus currently in Cancer makes an endearing watery trine aspect with Uranus in Pisces early (GMT) tomorrow. Today is a good day to take full advantage of this 'pleasant surprise' vibration.
Friday May 25th 2007
The coming months in Iraq will be critical to the success of US strategy, warned President George W Bush yesterday.
Heavy gunfire erupted at a refugee camp in Lebanon where Islamist militants are defying Lebanese troops.
Underwater footprints reveal that some dinosaurs were capable of swimming, scientists yesterday reported.
Two nights ago a geomagnetic storm sparked bright auroras over Antarctica. On May 19th at 12:52 Universal Time, a magnetic filament erupted on the sun. The blast sent shock waves billowing through the sun's atmosphere; those waves, in turn, generated strong solar radio emissions. The sun has been remarkably "radio-active" lately.
Today the slowly waxing and decelerating Moon very tightly opposes Uranus at 04:46 GMT. The Moon, Earth and Uranus are almost in a straight line at that time.
Venus trines Uranus 06:42 GMT.
Fastidious movement today. Inability to see the wood from the trees. Drowning in moving air and sand. Choose your direction with great care.
A weak mutable T-square involving the Virgo Moon, Mercury in Gemini and Pluto in Sagittarius is in operation from 19:00 GMT for six hours. The Mercury opposite Pluto component of the T-square peaks on Sunday and cast a slightly manic air on proceedings which would otherwise be graceful and social this coming weekend.
Saturday May 26th 2007
The very slow moving Moon squares Pluto at 00:44 GMT and is then void.
She gracefully swans into Libra at 04:17 GMT. The Sun and Moon (with Mercury, and Uranus) are then all in air signs again. Social communication binds us in shared crisis.
The Moon, Earth and Mars are linearly aligned within a degree at 21:38 GMT.
Sunday May 27th 2007
Lazy Sunday afternoon? (well the Moon is in lazy Libra). Plenty cause to worry? (Mercury opposes Pluto 15:11 GMT). Keep it light and airy if you can.
Moon at apogee (slowest all month) at 22:08 GMT and reaches gibbous phase 21 degrees Libra 23:24 GMT.
The procession to the next Full Moon then begins in earnest.
Monday May 28th 2007
Iran and the US are holding their first bilateral talks in almost three decades to discuss Iraq.
Afghan police shoot dead at least five supporters of notorious Uzbek leader General Dostum, reports say.
Spanish police arrest 14 suspected Islamists allegedly involved in recruiting jihadi volunteers.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 7 degrees Gemini. There are 23 days to the Solstice.
The very slow moving but now accelerating gibbous Moon starts the day in Libra trines Mercury and is void of course from 16:17 GMT. She enters Scorpio 17:12 GMT.
During the week ahead this Moon slowly waxes to her Full phase in Sagittarius. The time of exact fullness is on Friday at 01:05 GMT. The coming Full Moon is a very exciting lunation mid way between Total Lunar Eclipses. The Full Moon forms a planetary 'fire kite' pattern at that time and at the exact moment of fullness Uranus in Pisces rises in the UK. Electric fish rising for the UK I say.
Mercury is an evening 'star' in late Gemini, entering Cancer tomorrow. He is now decelerating and will turn retrograde on June 15th. Its that time again, reflection with backward glances flows the river of our thoughts.
Venus is also an 'evening star' but already in Cancer. She too is decelerating, as she draws to her close conjunction with Saturn in Leo on July 1st. (Mighty stuff this) It's as if she senses her doom. She turns retrograde on July 27th meeting Saturn again (in Leo) on August 13th and again (finally) on October 14th (in Virgo). Serious love lessons are ahead of us all. This union of the 'young maid' and 'the old man' (merry is their meeting) will cast a memorable hue on all events over the forthcoming months. Already they can be seen inching closer in the evening sky!
Mars fights and storms his way through Aries. The time is urgent. Shoot first, palaver later.
Saturn opposes Neptune on June 25th for the third and final time. This malediction has one more fateful dose for us all.
Sheer poetry. Stay tuned to TheDaze!
Tuesday May 29th 2007
Yesterday the US called on Iran to stop arming militants in Iraq following their first direct talks for almost 30 years.
Today Mercury enters Cancer 00:56 GMT, joining Venus in that sign, (who will leave Cancer on June 5th). Mercury will reside in Cancer until Aug.. 4th, a long time, and his retrograde 'loop' will occur during that period. He is now decelerating and will turn retrograde on June 15th. The 'collective mind' during this period will deal with situations shrewdly and instinctively. Thrift, circumspection, and tenacity are the hallmarks of thinking processes right now.
The Moon waxes to fullness in Scorpio and makes no major aspects today. There is an intensity about today which will only increase as the week unfolds. We are all now hooked into the approaching full moon which triumphantly climaxes early Friday.
Wednesday May 30th 2007
Four British bodyguards and their British client were yesterday kidnapped from the Iraqi finance ministry.
Umaru Yar'Adua was sworn in as Nigeria's new president, as opposition activists held small protests.
US President George W Bush announced fresh sanctions on Sudan over the four-year conflict in Darfur.
Russia has test-launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile, Russian military officials say. The launch took place at the Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia at 1420 (1020 GMT) on Tuesday.
Twenty-eight new planets orbiting stars beyond our Solar System are detected by an international team.
Today a weak fixed T-square involving the gibbous accelerating Moon in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius is in effect from 07:00 GMT to 14:00 GMT.
The Moon then ardently trines Venus in Cancer at 17:12 GMT and becomes void of course for 12 hours.
Pressures are building. 'the full moon is coming, the fever is high..'
Thursday May 31st 2007
President Bush and President Vladimir Putin will meet July 1 and 2 in Kennebunkport, Maine, administration officials said on Wednesday. Venus will align to Saturn in Leo and oppose Neptune at that time, it looks to be a newsworthy event.
Don't miss the two innermost planets shining after sunset in Gemini and watch them moving rapidly from day to day. (The blue 10° scale is about the size of your fist held at arm's length.) Sky and Telescope
Mercury and Venus appear closest on June 2nd but then Venus pulls ahead to leave Mercury to his retrograde motion. Mercury will eventually catch up with Venus in Leo on August 16th.
Mercury today is at the point in the zodiac (3 degrees Cancer) that he will return to in retrograde motion turning direct on July 10th. Many earthly matters pertaining to a multitude of decisions during the period between today and July 10th will be have to be revisited.
The almost full moon enters Sagittarius at 05:07 GMT. The Sun and Moon (together with Jupiter and Uranus) are now in mutable signs. Today will be broadly expansive. Adventure, enterprise, and direct approaches are favored. Seize the day.
June 2007
Once the current dynamic full moon is over, June 2007 will be astrologically 'cool' although there are some rather punchy points in time. Three lunar occultations occur within 34 hours of each other! On June 18th The Moon occults Venus at 12 degrees Leo (daylight occultation visible telescopically from the UK around 14-00 to 15-18 GMT). The next day waxing crescent Moon then aligns exactly to Saturn at 06:53 GMT, seen as an occultation from Eastern Europe and central Asia. On June 20th the Moon occults Regulus from most of North America around 00:21 GMT
On the solstice day, the Moon, the Earth and Uranus are in near exact linear alignment (one minute of arc out) at 13:10 GMT.
Mercury turns retrograde at 12 degrees Cancer on June 15th. He is in inferior conjunction with the Sun on June 28th. He regains direct motion on July 10th and enters new territory on July 25th.
Venus an 'evening star' in Cancer, enters Leo on June 5th. She too is decelerating, as she draws to her close conjunction with Saturn in Leo on July 1st. She turns retrograde on July 27th meeting Saturn again (in Leo) on August 13th and again (finally) on October 14th (in Virgo). Serious love lessons are ahead of us all. This union of the 'young maid' and 'the old man' (merry is their meeting) will cast a memorable hue on all events over the forthcoming months. Already they can be seen inching closer in the evening sky.
Mercury and Venus appear closest on June 2nd but the Venus pulls ahead leave Mercury to his retrograde motion. Mercury will eventually catch up with Venus in Leo on August 16th in Leo.
Mars fights and storms his way through Aries. The time is urgent. Shoot first, palaver later.
Saturn opposes Neptune on June 25th for the third and final time. This malediction has one more fateful dose for us all. We are pleased that this is the last dose.
Friday June 1st 2007
A Lunar occultation of Antares occurs 00:35 GMT visible from South America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
Full Moon 10 degrees Sagittarius 01:05 GMT
Uranus rises over the UK at the moment of Full Moon.
The Full Moon occults Antares 30 minutes before the climax of this full moon. The Moon is applying in a conjunction with Jupiter and forms a planetary 'fiery kite' pattern involving Saturn and Mars.
This Full Moon is a very exciting lunation situated mid way in time between the Total Lunar Eclipses of March 3rd and Aug.. 28th. Karmic forces are balanced, this is a special time.
At the exact moment of fullness it is Moonrise across central north America exactly at Toronto, Nashville and Mexico City. The Moon is on the local MC of Dakar and she sets over Tehran.
Pluto is rising at New York and is conjunct the local MC of Algiers and Paris.
Saturn is conjunct the MC of San Francisco.
Mars rises over central Europe and Africa exactly at Capetown, Tripoli, Rome and Munich, and is the local MC of Jakarta and Ulan Bator.
Uranus in Pisces rises in the UK. A sudden twist of fate, I wonder.
This Full Moon is energetic, exploratory and open. The energy wild and free. Expect many events and developments worldwide.
Once the Full Moon moment is over the Moon continues to accelerate in Sagittarius towards Jupiter.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 11:19 GMT. She then applies in conjunction to Pluto whom she 'meets' tomorrow.
This day is very much dominated by a 'wildly hung over' full moon, take care.
Saturday June 2nd 2007
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 11:29 GMT and is void of course from this point.
She enters Capricorn 15:10 GMT, and the astrological energy modulates to more earthy and grounded avenues of expression. This is the start of a rough ride. The Moon has to oppose both Mercury and Venus and square Mars during the next couple of days.
Sunday June 3rd 2007
At the start of the day the Capricorn Moon is square Mars. She accelerates and wanes. The day is a bit of a slog.
Around 18:00 she is opposite Mercury.
Sunday night blues can be heard playing in the ether.
A fire trine between Mars in Aries and Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius invokes vocal and muscular responses. A day and a night to push forward
Monday June 4th 2007
Violence broke out yesterday at a second Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, this time in the south of the country.
Russia may point missiles at Europe if the US goes ahead with its missile defence plans, President Vladimir Putin said.
State of the skies today:- The Sun is at 13 degrees Gemini. There are now 17 days to the Solstice.
The accelerating waning Moon hits disseminating phase 21:12 GMT 29 degrees Capricorn. She opposes Venus 21:45 GMT and is void. She enters Aquarius 23:16 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in air signs. The next New Moon occurs a week on Friday and is exactly rising over the UK at the exact moment of New Moon. There are 85 days to the Total Eclipse of the Moon (not visible from the UK) which occurs on August 28th 2007.
Mercury is an 'evening star' at 7 degrees Cancer is now appearing to slow down. He turns retrograde at 12 degrees Cancer on June 15th.
Venus is also an evening 'star' in Cancer. She enters Leo tomorrow. She too is decelerating, as she draws to her close conjunction with Saturn in Leo on July 1st. She turns retrograde on July 27th meeting Saturn again (in Leo) on August 13th and again (finally) on October 14th (in Virgo).
Mars in Aries makes a waxing fire trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius at 14:58 GMT. Mars is approaching Earth and will brighten considerably over the coming months.
Jupiter is at opposition to the Sun tomorrow. Jupiter is currently retrograding in the middle of Sagittarius will be conjunct Pluto on December 11th 2007
Saturn is opposite Neptune for the final time on June 25th 2007. Saturn is conjunct the 'royal star' Regulus at the end of August and will enter Virgo on September 2nd 2007.
The week ahead is astrologically quiet.
Tuesday June 5th 2007
Nato yesterday condemned Russia's threat to aim weapons at Europe over the planned US missile defence shield. President Vladimir Putin's threat to target missiles at Europe indicates that the hostility between Russia and the West is more than a passing phase. It has become a permanent part of world diplomacy.
Putin was undergoing transiting Mars in Aries opposing his Libran Sun when he made the statement on Sunday. The current opposition of Saturn and Neptune is aligned to the MC/IC axis of his astrological chart. Furthermore his progressed Moon has recently slipped into Gemini and reaches progressed Full Moon phase in Sept. 2008. I have not been looking at Putin's chart for a few years, this has crept up on us! All hail the new cold war.
Kurdish rebels yesterday killed at least seven Turkish soldiers in a raid on a military outpost in eastern Turkey,.
A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field and causing mild geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
The Sun and Moon are both in air signs today. There is a need for no nonsense communications.
Today the Sun in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius 23:13 GMT. Jupiter is at opposition, opposite the Sun in our sky. So it rises at sunset, is highest in the middle of the night, and sets at sunrise. This is also just about when Jupiter is closest to Earth. Sky and
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Aquarius.
Venus enters Leo 18:00 today. A new story begins. The story of Venus now involves her retrograde phase and her three encounters with Saturn over the next 4 months. The timetable of her story is below.
June 22nd Venus passes the point in the zodiac she will later return to.
July 1st Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo, first shot.
July 14th Venus enters Virgo
July 27th Venus stationary, turning retrograde
Aug. 9th Venus reenters Leo.
Aug. 13th Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo for the second time.
Aug. 18th Inferior conjunction of Venus with the Sun in Leo.
Sept. 8th Venus stationary turning direct
Oct. 8th Venus reenters Virgo
Oct. 14th Venus conjunct Saturn in Virgo, Venus enters new zodiac territory at this time.
Wednesday June 6th 2007
A major new particle accelerator is to be built at Hamburg, Germany, that is capable of producing super-brilliant, ultra-short flashes of X-ray light. The intense beam made in the 3.4km-long (2.1 miles) machine will probe how matter is pieced together atom by atom. The properties of the X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) should make it possible, for example, to film the very moment a chemical reaction occurs. Construction of the 986m euro (£668m) facility will begin later this year.
US President Bush yesterday said Russia "derailed" democratic reforms, as a row over missile defence stokes tensions.
A huge landslide has destroyed a large part of the Valley of the Geysers, one of Russia's greatest natural wonders.
Today the accelerating waning Moon in Aquarius opposes Saturn in Leo 11:45 GMT and is conjunct Neptune 15:10 GMT within 1.5 degrees.
Thursday June 7th 2007
The G8 summit opened yesterday in Germany amid discord over climate change and a rift between Russia and the West
A German man tried to jump into Benedict XVI's popemobile during a general audience at the Vatican.
UK researchers have published the results of the largest ever study of the genetics behind common diseases.
The Moon in Aquarius sextiles Pluto 01:48 GMT and is void. She enters Pisces 05:25 GMT.
The Sun and Moon are then both in mutable signs (with Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus). Venus and Mars now both in fire signs (together with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto).
There is a different 'feel' to today but these are quiet news days. Vacancy, movement, and mediation pervade all human affairs.
Friday June 8th 2007
Putin sun sign Libra, Merkel and Bush sun sign Cancer.
U.S. President George W. Bush tries to calm rising tensions with Moscow over a planned missile defense system ahead of a meeting (Thursday) with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the world's richest nations.
Today the fast moving Moon reaches last quarter phase at 17 degrees Pisces at 11:44 GMT and then moves on to align with Uranus (orb 0.73 degrees) at 15:07 GMT.
This day dreams, bubbles sparks and drifts.
The weekend ahead somewhat more tempestuous is punctuated with a difficult Sun square Uranus aspect on Saturday evening. (GMT).
Saturday June 9th 2007
The fast moving and accelerating Moon squares Pluto 05:53 GMT and becomes void.
She hurtles herself into Aries 09:28 GMT. A more urgent emotional response is invoked with this lunar ingress.
The Moon hits her balsamic phase 6 degrees Aries 20:35 GMT .
The Sun squares Uranus 20:08 GMT. Ouch!
Sunday June 10th 2007
The fast moving Moon applies all day to a conjunction to Mars in Aries at 18:25 GMT.
The Sun and Moon (together with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are in positive signs. Today the mood is racy and assertive.
After a reasonably 'quiet astrological period' over the past week we are about to be launched into a bustle of astrological energies which deliver us to almost to the middle of July. Read ahead my friend.
Monday June 11th 2007
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 20 degrees Gemini. There are now only 10 days to the Solstice. The Sun sextiles Saturn 19:40 GMT.
The very fast moving old balsamic Moon starts the day in Aries trines Pluto and is void from 07:58 GMT. She enters Taurus 11:30 GMT. The Moon is New on Friday.
Mercury is slowing down in Cancer and will turn retrograde on Friday just after the New Moon.
Venus in Leo is 15 degrees from the first of three conjunctions with Saturn. This first one occurs on July 1st.
Mars in Aries trines Saturn 22:43 GMT
The Sun, Mars, Saturn and Neptune, are currently forming 4 points of a hexagon.
Neptune is opposite Saturn for the final time on June 25th.
Tuesday June 12th 2007
The old Moon in Taurus is perigee (fastest moving all month) 17:13 GMT. She squares Saturn 21:07 GMT and squares Neptune 23:18 GMT and is then void of course.
Wednesday June 13th 2007
The Sun trines Neptune 07:30 GMT
The aged Moon breezes into Gemini 12:25 GMT.
Mars sextile Neptune 20:36
Thursday June 14th 2007
The Askariya Mosque -- one of Iraq's holiest Shiite shrines -- has suffered devastating damage in an attack by insurgent bombers that destroyed the Samarra site's minarets.
Gaza is 'ablaze' inter faction strife. Watchdog group says some violence in Gaza amounts to "war crimes"
Attack on Fatah compound comes as Hamas declares control over northern Gaza
Peace protester, relief workers among 70 killed in three days of factional fighting
President Mahmoud Abbas may abandon unity government if "madness" goes on
Today the old Moon 'dries out' in Gemini. We have arrived at the last day before a vibrant (and healing?) New Moon.
Friday June 15th 2007
Heavy fighting continues in Gaza City, with reports that Hamas now virtually controls the whole Gaza Strip.
In the small hours (GMT) a remarkable new Moon occurs.
New Moon 24 degrees Gemini 03:14 GMT
Moonrise occurs over the UK at the moment of New Moon
This lunation is situated midpoint in time between the partial solar eclipse of March 2007 and the partial solar eclipse of Sept. 11th 2007. This latter eclipse is a member of a very young 'Saros sequence' of eclipses. Consequentially from today we start again to become increasingly under the effect of this young Saros for the first time since 1989.
This is an energetic and startling new moon. The New Moon is opposite Pluto but eased powerfully by Mars in Aries. Saturn is opposite Neptune but this opposition is also eased by Mars. Mars is trine Saturn. Saturn is opposite Neptune.
At the exact moment of New Moon the following array of 'astrocartographic' alignments are occurring.
The New Moon in Gemini is rising with Jupiter setting over the UK and France. Venus in Leo is at lower culmination at these places. The New Moon is aligned to the local 'Mid heaven's' of Darwin, Vladivostok and Yakutsk.
It is local midnight at Belem. Mercury in Cancer and about to turn retrograde rises at Baghdad, Pluto sets at Jerusalem, Venus in Leo rises over India, Mars in Aries culminates at Kabul, Uranus in Pisces is on the MC of Moscow.
The Saturn Neptune opposition, now nearly peaking for the final time, is aligned to Quito, Rome, Copenhagen, Rangoon, Tripoli, and Mandalay.
This New Moon is a seeding ground for new ideas. Mercury is about to turn retrograde so the advice given here is to hold back on direct action at this time.
The New Moon directly falls on the natal Uranus of Hillary Clinton and the India and Israel independence charts. It also falls on the ascendant of the UK labour party.
Once the New Moon moment is passed we enter a 'holy celebration period' between it and the solstice which occurs in 6 days time.
Later on in the day the new infant Moon opposes Pluto 09:59 GMT and is then void of course.
The tiny baby moon enters Cancer 13:46 GMT setting a 'domestic agenda' for the weekend ahead.
Nearly ten hours later Mercury turns retrograde 23:34 GMT at 12 degrees Cancer. He is in inferior conjunction with the Sun on June 28th. He regains direct motion on July 10th and enters new territory on July 25th.
We are now at the start of a 25 day period of potential delays in travel and communication. Expect about turns.
Saturday June 16th 2007
The young Moon is conjunct retrograde Mercury in Cancer 09:21 GMT. The astrological basis to the day is essentially emotional.
Sunday June 17th 2007
The Moon in Cancer squares Mars in Aries 07:40 GMT and is void.
The Moon parades into Leo 17:25 GMT. This ingress sets a back drop for an astrologically special few days.
Monday June 18th 2007
Three lunar occultations now occur within 34 hours of each other!
The thin waxing crescent Moon occults Venus today at 12 degrees Leo in daylight for northeasternmost North America and most of Europe. The occultation happens spectacularly in twilight for parts of the Middle East, and after dark for Pakistan and India. (14-00 to 15-18 GMT).
At this time the Moon reaches exact crescent phase (45 degrees ahead of the Sun) 15:07 GMT at 12 degrees Leo
Tuesday June 19th 2007
Wow what a day!
The waxing crescent Moon now aligns exactly to Saturn at 06:53 GMT, seen as an occultation from Eastern Europe and central Asia. This is 8th of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn.
The Sun opposes Pluto 06:46 GMT.
The Moon opposes Neptune 09:22 GMT.
A 'kite pattern' forms today. Mars, Pluto, the Moon and the Sun obligingly arrange themselves in the Kite centering around 18:00 GMT.
The Moon sextile the Sun at 21:22 GMT and is then void.
Venus trines Jupiter 22:48 GMT.
Wednesday June 20th 2007
The Moon occults Regulus from most of North America around 00:21 GMT and enters Virgo 00:46 GMT.
Thursday 21st June 2007
On this solstice day, the Moon, the Earth and Uranus are in near exact linear alignment at 13:10 GMT.
Mars trines Pluto 13:32 GMT
The Cancer Solstice 18:07:30 GMT
The Solstice moment is 30 seconds and 7 minutes past 6 PM GMT. At this instant the Sun enters Cancer and the climax of the year in the northern hemisphere is reached. In the south it is the mid winter moment.
We are hurtled into the whirlpool of the past. The door of incarnation stands wide open. The moment is holy and special and sets the tone for the months ahead.
The chart for the summer solstice, set for London, is shown above.
The solstice this year is dominated by the difficult tight opposition of Saturn and Neptune which forms the 'backbone' of a planetary kite pattern involving Saturn Pluto and Mars in fire signs. Planetary kites bring bear titanic planetary force (for good or bad) onto earthly situations. This kite invigorates inflames and consolidates. This solstice is a mighty mixture of the astrological elements fire and water. There is urgency and sensation at this time amid a profoundly dangerous world stage. The Moon in Virgo adds a critically sharp edge to the situation.
Friday June 22nd 2007
The Sun is now in Cancer and the Moon waxes in Virgo.
Moon squares Pluto 06:50 GMT and is void. She enters Libra 11:44 GMT and arrives at first quarter phase 1 degree Libra 13:16 GMT.
Saturday June 23rd 2007
Venus is now applying in conjunction to Saturn peaking on July 1st.
Uranus turns retrograde 12:29 GMT.
Sunday June 24th 2007
The Moon forms a 'finger of fate' pattern with Saturn and Uranus around 08:00 GMT. She then makes pleasant aspects during the day till she finally sextile Pluto 19:23 GMT and becomes void of course 19:23 GMT.
Mars enters Taurus 21:27 GMT.
Moon apogee 14:28 GMT
Monday June 25th 2007
An Iraq court on Sunday sentenced three former aides to Saddam Hussein, inlcuding the man known as "Chemical Ali" to death by hanging for their role in a 1980s genocide campaign that that killed up to 100,000 Kurds.
Pakistani officials Sunday continued to search for survivors a day after heavy rains collapsed buildings and brought down power lines in Karachi, killing more than 230 people, provincial health and police officials said. The storm cut electricity to most of Karachi's 13 million residents, compounding the heat from temperatures that have soared above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 C) in recent days.
Gordon Brown vowed to change Britain to meet new priorities as he took over leadership of the Labour Party from Tony Blair on Sunday, days before he becomes prime minister.
The Treasury chief, who will succeed Blair as British leader on Wednesday, pledged sweeping reforms to tackle poverty and improve health care and said he recognized global extremism would not be defeated by military force alone.
The Moon enters Scorpio 00:27 GMT.
Saturn opposes Neptune today at 15:56 GMT. 1st 31/08/06, 2nd, 28/02/07, final 25/06/07.
A loose grand trine in water signs involving the Moon, her node and Mercury peaks around 20:30 GMT.
Tuesday June 26th 2007
Moon gibbous phase 20 degrees Scorpio 16:01 GMT. She squares Neptune 20:08 GMT and Saturn 20:24 GMT, becoming void of course at that time..
Wednesday June 27th 2007
The Daze web site is still experiencing technical problems.
Our internet connection is faulty.
Apologies for the lack of continuity.
Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon.
A consequence of our recent experience of poor telecommunications is that The Daze may be hosted on another domain in the near future.
Please note that the URL will continue to automatically connect you to this site. If you use this address on your browser no adjustment we be necessary.
This astrological commentary has been in existence since 1999. I believe it was the world's first daily astrological commentary, if not the first and longest running 'Blog' in the world, although I dislike the word. This site is nonprofit making. The Daze will continue.
Today, if all goes to plan, Gordon Brown becomes the Prime Minister of the UK. At the moment of the last New Moon on June 15th the New Moon was rising at London. This I guess is the start of a new era in the destiny of the UK.
The nearly full Moon enters Sagittarius 12:25 GMT today. We are hooked into the slip stream of another climaxing Full Moon which peaks on Saturday at 13:50 GMT. The good news is that whilst The Daze has been 'off the air' the Saturn Neptune opposition with all its sinister symbolism and connotations and which has been dominating world events for nearly a year now is over. Its final peak was on Monday.
Mars is now in Taurus (until early August) and brightens all the time, Venus is drawing to her close alignment to Saturn in Leo (and opposing Venus) once the full Moon is over, Mercury is of course retrograding in Cancer and is at inferior conjunction tomorrow.
Come on folks, better times are coming.
Thursday June 28th 2007
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs 07:49 GMT visible from Western Australia and South America. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb.. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
The slowly accelerating gibbous Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 12:10 GMT.
Mercury is at inferior conjunction 18:40 GMT . This is a 'New Mercury'. New thought forms will begin to emerge in consciousness over the next few weeks, make a point of recognizing the moment today. Stay high dry and thoughtful.
Friday June 29th 2007
Our technical problems now being sorted out.
The accelerating and burgeoning full Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct Pluto at 17:09 GMT and is then void. Take a deep breath.
The day leaves us breathless.
The Moon is nearly full.
Venus and Saturn are about to align in Leo, both planets opposite Neptune in Aquarius.
The UK has been plagued with floods all week occurring as Saturn opposed Neptune for the final time and as a new British Prime Minister took up his responsibility.
The weekend ahead is astrologically significant.
The Moon enters Capricorn 22:06 GMT
Saturday June 30th 2007
The Moon opposes Mercury 08:54 GMT within a degree of exact linear alignment. The Full Moon occurs some 5 hours later.
Full Moon 8 degrees Capricorn 13:50 GMT
This Full Moon is the fourth Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd 2007 and the penultimate Full Moon before the even deeper Total Lunar Eclipse on August 28th 2007. The Saros energy of this later eclipse is, from the moment of this current full moon, making itself felt ever more strongly.
At the time of this Full Moon, the Moon herself is separating in opposition to a retrograde Mercury. Venus and Saturn are tightly opposing Neptune. Mercury is sextile Mars. This is a tense tough and confusing lunation, dominated by the Venus Saturn alignment opposite Neptune configuration. There are hard lessons of love and life here.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon rises over north and east India. Venus and Neptune are aligned to the horizons of Hong Kong, and Jakarta. They are aligned to the prime vertical of Cape town where also Jupiter rises. Jupiter has also just risen at Tehran. Venus, Neptune and Saturn are closely aligned to Cincinnati, Augusta and Savannah in the USA.
This Full Moon hits the natal Sun of the UK (1801 chart). It is conjunct the natal Uranus of the UK Labour Party. It is conjunct the natal lunar Node of Condoleezza Rice.
Once the lunation is over the time is held in ultimate confusion by Venus opposing Neptune at 15:31 GMT.
Once the Sun has set look for the alignment of Venus and Saturn in the western twilight skies as the Full Moon rises in the East. See below
July 2007
July starts with Venus and Saturn conjunct in Leo and Saturn opposite Neptune. Mercury is retrograde.
July 2007 is marked with a another set of lunar occultations and the tight planetary alignment when Venus aligns to Saturn on the first day of the month.
Sunday July 1st 2007
The waning accelerating 'hung over' Moon sextiles Uranus at 08:46 GMT and is void of course all day.
The 'hung over' full moon stumbles and bumbles void of course in Capricorn.
Venus aligns to Saturn (orb 0.66 degree) 09:44 GMT at 22 degrees Leo. Zodiacal conjunction 14:39 GMT. This is the first of three conjunctions of Venus and Saturn this year. The next is on August 13th also in Leo and the final parting shot is on October 14th in Virgo. Love's lesson has to be learnt.
Mercury retrograding in Cancer sextiles Mars in Taurus 19:08 GMT
Monday July 2nd 2007
The Full Moon in Capricorn over the past weekend has coincided with foiled terrorist attacks in the UK. The country remains on 'critical alert'.
Israel has begun releasing tens of millions of dollars in frozen tax funds to the Palestinian Authority's President Abbas. Russian President Vladimir Putin is heading to the US for talks with President Bush aimed at easing tensions.
A mysterious chamber has been found inside the Chinese imperial tomb guarded by the famous Terracotta Army.
Hong Kong's red flag was raised into a cloudy blue sky on Sunday as the former British colony marked the 10th anniversary of its hand-over to China and bid farewell to a rocky decade of financial woes, disease outbreaks and economic recovery
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 10 degrees Cancer. There are 80 days to the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere
The waning and accelerating Moon enters Aquarius 05:25 GMT. The Moon is in massive Total Eclipse (visible from the Pacific areas) in 56 days time. The next New Moon, a reasonably benign lunation in Cancer, is in 12 days time.
Mercury is in retrograde motion as a 'morning star' rising ahead of the Sun in Cancer. Mercury resumes direct motion in just 8 days time.
Venus is an 'evening star' slowing down in late Leo and turning retrograde on July 27th.
Mars is a brightening object in Taurus.
It looks like a quieter week ahead.
Tuesday July 3rd 2007
Authorities suspect the two men who rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into Glasgow's airport on the day of the Full Moon (Saturday) are the same people who parked two car bombs in central London a day earlier. A bomb disposal unit yesterday performed at least two controlled explosions on a suspicious device at a hospital where one of the suspects in Saturday's Glasgow airport attack is being treated.
Today the accelerating Moon in Aquarius occults Neptune at 19:23 GMT from the Antarctic. This is the first of 20 such events over the next 20 months. The last occultation of Neptune anywhere on Earth was on September 19th 2002.
The Moon is zodiacally conjunct Neptune 20:08 GMT. She opposes Saturn 21:53 GMT
Wednesday July 4th 2007
Police in the Pakistani capital yesterday clashed with radical Islamist students outside a controversial mosque.
Eight people arrested over failed car bombings in Glasgow and London all have links with the NHS.
The death toll from flooding and severe rains that have swept through Pakistan in recent days has risen to some 240, relief officials say. Another 200 people, mainly in Balochistan, are missing.
British prime ministers by Sun sign, (including Gordon Brown):- (Ben Schott, The Times June 27th 2007)
Aries 11.5%
Taurus 9.6%
Gemini 9.6%
Cancer 5.8%
Leo 5.8%
Virgo 7.7%
Libra 11.5%
Scorpio 7.5%
Sagittarius 3.8%
Capricorn 5.8%
Aquarius 7.7%
Pisces 9.6%
Only two Sagittarians, Winston Churchill and Benjamin Disraeli.
Harold Wilson and Neville Chamberlain were the previous two Pisceans before Gordon Brown.
Today the accelerating and waning Moon in Aquarius opposes Venus in Leo 00:22 GMT, reaches disseminating phase 27 degrees Aquarius 05:25 GMT and sextiles Pluto 06:03 GMT, becoming void of course at that moment.
The Moon briskly enters Pisces 10:53 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon are then both in water signs (together with Mercury and Uranus).
The astrological 'pressure' is now reduced, these are quieter times.
Thursday July 5th 2007
BBC reporter Alan Johnston has said it is "just unimaginably good to be free" after 114 days in captivity in Gaza. He said his ordeal felt like being "buried alive", and was "sometimes quite terrifying". Mr Johnston, 45, was handed over to the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza City yesterday. Britain said the group had played a key role in his release. The reporter said he had not been tortured by the Army of Islam group which seized him on 12 March.
The terror threat level to the UK has been downgraded to "severe", from "critical", the home secretary says.
Today the fast moving Moon at 19 degrees Pisces aligns to Uranus within 0.59 degree 19:16 GMT.
Friday July 6th 2007
The fast moving and still accelerating Moon in Pisces squares Pluto in Sagittarius at 10:09 GMT and becomes void. She blazes into Aries 14:57 GMT, and makes her approach to her cardinal Last Quarter phase.
Saturday July 7th 2007
All 7s today 7th of the 7th 07.
We are exactly midway through the astrological month of Cancer.
The Moon rapidly hits last quarter phase 15 degrees Aries at 16:55 GMT. A New Moon in Cancer (trine Uranus and tightly inconjunct Neptune) occurs next Saturday.
Sunday July 8th 2007
A truck bomb yesterday devastated a market in northern Iraq, killing 105 people and injuring 240 others.
A senior Pakistani soldier was shot dead in fresh clashes with Islamist students inside an Islamabad mosque.
A star-studded concert in New Jersey ended the day-long Live Earth series of gigs to highlight global warming.
Today the Moon in Aries, Venus in Leo and Pluto in Sagittarius form a tight fiery grand trine centred on 12:30 GMT. The Moon is void from 13:00 GMT.
The very fast moving Moon enters Taurus 17:54 GMT
Mercury in early Cancer will turn direct on Tuesday.
Venus turns retrograde in 19 days time.
These are astrologically quieter days.
There are 50 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse.
Monday July 9th 2007
Venus in Leo trines Pluto in Sagittarius 01:04 GMT
The very rapidly moving Moon is conjunct Mars at 10-11 degrees Taurus at 11:67 GMT
Around 21:00 the Moon forms three points of a pentagon with Jupiter, Neptune and the Sun.
Moon perigee 21:43 GMT
Tuesday July 10th 2007
A three-year-old British girl was yesterday reunited with her parents after being freed by kidnappers in southern Nigeria who had held her for four days.
Pakistan's president has sets up a negotiation team to try to end a week-long stand-off at a radical mosque in Islamabad. A special meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, approved the return of inspectors to North Korea.Boeing launches its new 787 jet, billed as the most environmentally-friendly plane ever built.
Mercury turns direct 02:10 GMT today at 2 degrees Cancer. He will pick up speed over the next few weeks entering new territory on July 25th, and entering Leo on August 4th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from October 12th 2007 to November 1st 2007.
This recent retrograde period of Mercury has coincided with technical problems here at the Daze. We will be changing providers shortly. Both url addresses and will connect you to this site. There will still be some interuptions in the publication of this site until the changeover is complete. Many thanks for your continued support.
The fast moving waning Moon in Taurus, Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius form a loose fixed T-square from 06:00 to 09:00 GMT. Expect no let up in people's intransigence.
The fast old Moon squares Venus 16:54 GMT and becomes void of course.
The Moon enters Gemini 20:10 GMT
Wednesday July 11th 2007
Up to 50 Islamic militants died as security forces attacked a controversial Islamabad mosque early Tuesday. Loud explosions and gunfire were heard coming from the mosque area as the assault began at about 0400 (2300 GMT Monday).
At least six people have been killed and 20 hurt in a suicide bombing in south Afghanistan.
More than 8,000 villagers have been evacuated from the slopes of a volcano erupting in east Indonesia.
The fast moving but now decelerating towards her new Moon phase on Saturday reaches her balsamic phase at 3 degrees Gemini 01:55 GMT today
The Sun in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces 05:33 GMT.
The Moon opposes Jupiter and squares her nodes at 14:35 GMT
Thursday July 12th 2007
Research suggests that changes in the Sun's activity (e.g. Sunspots) cannot be responsible for modern-day global warming.
Today the old Moon in Gemini is busy decelerating towards New Moon phase on Saturday before sextiling Venus at 21:13 GMT and becoming void of course from that moment. She enters Cancer at 22:40 GMT.
This evening and tomorrow evening, Venus is passing only about 1.7° below Regulus. Look low in the west at dusk. Saturn is now 6° off to their right.
Venus is at greatest brilliancy.
Friday July 13th 2007
Astronomers say they may have detected the light from some of the earliest stars to form in the Universe. They have pictures of what appear to be very faint galaxies that shone more than 13 billion years ago, a mere 500 million years after the Big Bang.
Today is very much a 'Day of the old moon'.
The very old Moon conjuncts Mercury 03:34 GMT at 3 degrees Cancer, a time for comforting words.
This ancient cancerian Moon forms a finger of fate with Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Sagittarius around 21:00 GMT. Emotions to the fore, ghosts of the past, old money.
Saturday July 14th 2007
New Moon 22 degrees Cancer 12:05 GMT
This New Moon is the fourth New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse on March 19th 2007 (in Pisces) and the penultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse on September 11th 2007 (in Virgo).
The Full force of this lunation is focused on the local MC of South East England, France, NE Spain and Algeria. The UK has been 'starred' repeatedly over the last few lunations. This period has coincided with a New UK Prime Minister being installed.
At the New Moon moment the New Moon is rising at Mexico City, Vancouver, Pendleton, Monroe, and Anchorage.
Saturn rises at Boston (where Mars culminates) and Montreal. Saturn is on the local MC of Ankara. Neptune sets at New York, and is on the IC of Kiev and Odessa.
Venus shines brightly on the MC of Moscow. The Sun sets at Rangoon.
This New Moon directly hits the USA national natal Mercury, and the UK natal Moon. (The 'special relationship about to be recharged by the Bush Brown relationship I wonder?) The New Moon is conjunct the natal Sun in the Iraq republic chart, the MC in the Israeli chart and the natal Moon in the chart of Madagascar.
This New Moon is widely conjunct the natal Jupiter and Uranus of Nicolas Sarkozy, and the natal Moon of the late Princess Margaret of UK, (did we hear something about her will last week?).
This New Moon occurs with Mercury recently direct in motion sextile to Venus, and Mars sextile Uranus. The Moon herself is trine Uranus and tightly inconjunct (150 degrees) Neptune. There is enough positive and healing energy here to carry us through this last fateful inconjunction.
The Moon is void of course from the New Moon moment for the remainder of the day.
Six hours after the New Moon today Venus enters Virgo (18:24 GMT).
On July 27th Venus appears stationary, turning retrograde. On Aug.. 9th Venus re-enters Leo. On Aug.. 13th Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo for the second time. (The first hit was July 1st). On Aug.. 18th the inferior conjunction of Venus with the Sun occurs in Leo. On Sept. 8th Venus turns direct and she re-enters Virgo one month later on October 8th. On Oct. 14th Venus is conjunct Saturn in Virgo a third time, she enters new zodiac territory at this time. Venus finally leaves Virgo on November 8th. This whole period is one where personal love and personal values undergo profound changes. This period is love's clearing house.
Sunday July 15th 2007
The following news stories were hitting the wires as the New Moon in Cancer occurred yesterday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended the application of a key Cold War arms control treaties. In a statement, the Kremlin said the choice was due to "extraordinary circumstances" affecting security. Russia has been angered by US plans to base parts of a missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic.
A team of UN monitors arrived in North Korea to supervise the planned shutdown of its main nuclear reactor.
Eight Pakistani soldiers died in a suicide attack amid fears of reprisals for the Red Mosque assault.
The infant tender Moon enters Leo 02:44 GMT and commences a 44 hour application to her occultation with Saturn tomorrow.
Monday July 16th 2007
Pro-Taleban militants in Pakistan end their truce as three attacks in two days kill more than 50, mostly troops.
Tokyo bracies itself for a deadly storm that has killed three people and forced thousands from their homes. Typhoon Man-yi has now been downgraded to a tropical storm but still carries gusts of up to 162km/h (101mph). Man-yi struck the southern islands of Kyushu and Shikoku on Saturday and is moving up the eastern coast.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 24 degrees Cancer. There are 67 days to the Libran Equinox. The astrological month of Leo starts next Monday.
UN inspectors have begun verifying that North Korea has really closed down its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, the top US nuclear envoy has said.
The very young decelerating Moon at 24 degrees Leo aligns to Saturn (0.7 degree) 22:43 GMT. (Zodiacal conjunction 22:33 GMT). This is an occultation visible from west and central South America and is 9th of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn. The Moon occults Regulus tomorrow.
Mercury, a 'morning star' rising ahead of the Sun, is now direct in motion and picking up speed in early Cancer. Mercury enters new territory on July 25th, and enters Leo on August 4th.
Venus a bright 'low evening star' is now slowing down in Virgo as she pulls in towards the Earth on this side of the Sun. On July 27th Venus appears stationary, turning retrograde.
Mars in mid Taurus also drawing closer to Earth is this week sextile Uranus, next week square Neptune, and the week after square Saturn. With both 'personal planets' Venus and Mars now in earth signs these are constructive and fertile days with regards to romantic relationships. The head rules the heart.
Saturn is now applying to a 'one off' fire trine aspect to Pluto.
Tuesday July 17th 2007
A strong earthquake has damaged a nuclear power plant in Japan, reportedly causing a leak of radioactive material.
The following preliminary information is available for this earthquake:
DATE : 16 July 2007
ORIGIN TIME : 01:13 28s UTC
LAT/LONG : 37.57° North / 138.44° East
DEPTH : 55 km
LOCALITY : Near west coast of Honshu, Japan
Latest reports indicate that two people have been killed and more than 150 others injured. Several buildings have been damaged, especially in the Niigata area where some wooden buildings have been destroyed. A tsunami warning was issued, but it was later lifted, though waves with estimated heights of up to 50 centimetres were observed along the coastline. Yesterday morning's earthquake is located approximately 65 km southwest of Niigata, Honshu, 240 km NNW of Tokyo, Japan, and 325 km south of of maginitude 7.7 earthquake that occurred on 26 May 1983 and killed 104 people.
Globally the Moon in Leo was applying into a Fixed T-Square with Chiron and Mars, locally Mercury was about to culminate the local MC of the epicentre and Pluto was just past lower culmination of the epicentre at the time given above.
Japan, recently subject to a typhoon and now this earthquake, was especially 'starred' by astrocartographic alignments at the time of Saturday's New Moon, the recent summer solstice and the previous Full Moon.
The UK yesterday expelled four Russian diplomats after the refusal to extradite the suspect in the Litvinenko murder.
Bomb attacks in the northern Iraqi oil city of Kirkuk killed at least 85 people and wounded more than 180.
Today the waxing young Moon in Leo trines Pluto and is void from 03:55 GMT.
The Moon occults Regulus ( daylight occultation 'centred' on the UK 07:44 to 08:22 GMT), and enters Virgo 09:40 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Venus in Virgo at 11:41 GMT. (Healing feeling).
Wednesday July 18th 2007
Families of Libyan children infected with HIV yesterday dropped demands for six foreign medics to be sentenced to death.
At least seven died in a suicide attack on a rally which was to be addressed by Pakistan's top judge.
Hundreds of Ukrainian villagers are at risk from a giant toxic cloud formed when a freight train caught fire.
Officials at a Japanese nuclear power plant have reported 50 malfunctions caused by Monday's strong earthquake near the town of Kashiwazaki.
Russia's deputy foreign minister has said Britain's expulsion of four diplomats from London could jeopardise co-operation on counter-terrorism.
An astrological analysis of the Brown Putin relationship chart coming soon to thedaze.
Brown/Bush relationship click here
Today the slow moving and decelerating Moon at 8 degrees Virgo forms a mutable T-square with Jupiter and the north lunar node at 02:00 GMT.
The Moon reaches her crescent phase at 10 degrees Virgo 05:11 GMT
The day continues with a circumspect, diligent and 'fine tuning' atmosphere pervading all matters.
Today and tomorrow favor all jobs of work where care and attention to detail are imperative.
Thursday July 19th 2007
A passenger plane crashed and burst into flames at Brazil's busiest airport, in the heart of Sao Paulo, killing up to 200 people. After touching down on the main runway at 1850 local time (2150 GMT) (BBC timings) on Tuesday, the jet began to skid and then dropped down a steep slope at the end of the runway. Investigators are now searching the wreck of the Brazilian jet.
At least 17 Pakistani soldiers were yesterday killed in an attack by militants near the Afghan border.
Democrats failed to force a vote on a US troop withdrawal from Iraq, following an all-night Senate debate.
Today the slowly waxing Moon in (practical and complaining) Virgo squares Pluto 13:45 GMT and is 'then void of course' for six hours.
The Moon enters Libra 19:54 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon are then both in cardinal signs (together with Mercury). The day has two chapters, the first hair splitting and methodical, the second generating new social opportunity.
A couple of interesting planetary arrangements occur over the next couple of days.
Friday July 20th 2007
Britain became separated from mainland Europe after a catastrophic flood some time before 200,000 years ago, a sonar study of the English Channel confirms. The images released yesterday reveal deep scars on the Channel bed that must have been cut by a sudden, massive discharge of water. Scientists tell the journal Nature that the torrent probably came from a giant lake in what is now the North Sea. Some event - perhaps an earthquake - caused the lake's rim to breach at the Dover Strait, they believe.
Footage of the plane that crashed in Brazil on Tuesday killing up to 200 seems to show it landing at high speed. At the time of the disaster globally the Moon was opposite the (very violent) Mars/Pluto midpoint. At Sao Paulo Chiron (again!) was rising in Aquarius in fixed T-Square arrangement with Mars and the local MC.
More and more trouble in Pakistan yesterday where at least 33 people were killed in two separate bomb attacks amid growing insecurity in the country.
Today the slow moving 'gracefully growing' Moon in Libra, the Sun in Cancer, Mars in Taurus and the lunar node in Pisces form 4 points of a regular pentagon pattern around 15:10 GMT. The 'missing point' is 22 Sagittarius. This is a fairly uncommon planetary arrangement so watch events carefully.
Mars in Taurus sextiles Uranus in Pisces 22:13 GMT. Very inventive, genius at work!
This day has interesting possibilities of a social nature. War and peace are in the balance.
Saturday July 21st 2007
A unit of peacekeepers in Ivory Coast is suspended as the UN investigates claims of serious sexual abuse.
Brazil's President Lula promises to improve air safety, after Sao Paulo's air crash that killed nearly 200 people.
Pakistan's president says he will abide by a court ruling to reinstate the chief justice, a vocal opponent.
Political campaigning has ended in Turkey ahead of Sunday's general election, seen as one of the most important in the nation's history.
A new moon has been discovered orbiting Saturn - bringing the planet's latest moon tally up to 60. The body was spotted in a series of images taken by cameras onboard the Cassini spacecraft. Initial calculations suggest the moon is about 2km-wide (1.2 miles) and its orbit sits between those of two other Saturnian moons, Methone and Pallene. The Cassini Imaging Team, who found the object, said Saturn's moon count could rise further still.
A severe dust storm is underway on Mars, causing an energy crisis for NASA's Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. This storm began in late June and quickly spread around the entire planet.
Two fairly unusual planetary pictures today.
At 09:30 GMT the very slow moving libran Moon forms a 'finger of fate' picture with Mars in Taurus and Uranus in Pisces.
At 23:30 GMT the Moon, approaching her first quarter phase, is in trapezoidal arrangement with the Sun, Mars and Neptune.
Sunday July 22nd 2007
Pratibha Patil (Date of Birth: December 19, 1934) has won India's presidential election and will become the country's first female president. She was born about 40 hours before a Full Moon in Gemini. Powerful outer body aspects dominate her astrological birthchart, Jupiter in Scorpio was exactly sextile her Virgo Neptune, Uranus in Aries in was square Pluto in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius was sextile Uranus.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Cancer. The very slow moving Moon reaches first quarter phase 29 degrees Libra at 06:30 GMT.
She is void of course from that time up to when she enters Scorpio at 08:19 GMT. The Moon is at apogee 08:40 GMT.
From 08:19 GMT the Sun and the Moon (together with Mercury, the Lunar Node and Uranus) are in water signs. One day only of this particular mixture because of the Sun's ingress into Leo the Lion tomorrow.
On Sunday evening, Comet LINEAR (C/2006 VZ13) passes within kissing distance of the great globular star cluster Messier 3. At closest approach, around 23:30 UT on July 22nd, the centers of the bodies will be slightly more than 20' apart, and the halos may appear to overlap. European observers are best placed to view this event. But the celestial pair will still fit together into a low-power telescopic field several hours later when they become visible in the Americas. Sky and Telescope
Monday July 23rd 2007
Afghan forces yesterday surrounded Taleban fighters holding 23 South Koreans, as the body of a German hostage was found. Intensive efforts are under way to free the 23 hostages held by the Taleban in Afghanistan.
The people of Turkey voted in a general election seen as a key test of the country's secular tradition.
An unfinished skyscraper in the Gulf state of Dubai has become the world's tallest building, its developers say.
Rescue teams have been dealing with the aftermath of severe flooding which has wreaked havoc across England and Wales. This flooding in certain parts of the UK followed the New Moon in Cancer on July 14th which was aligned to this country.
At 03:00 GMT the very slow (but now accelerating again) Moon at 9 degrees Scorpio forms a weak watery grand trine with her node and Mercury, this pleasant picture tries to off set the long and loose Fixed Grand Cross which follows over today and tomorrow (and the inevitable pain associated with such a planetary configuration).
The Sun enters Leo 05:00 GMT joining Saturn in that sign and a new astrological month begins.
The Sun, the Moon are now both in fixed signs (together with Mars, Saturn and Neptune).
Mars in Taurus is about to make his waxing Fixed Square to Neptune in Aquarius. This aspect peaks tomorrow and draws the Moon into a really difficult set of aspects tomorrow. Wednesday however is different, and a more exhilarating and freedom loving atmosphere may well be evident as next weekend approaches.
Venus appearing to move very slowly and drawing to a standstill this week turns retrograde on Friday.
The Full Moon in Aquarius is one week today.
An astrologically difficult night and day now ensue.
Tuesday July 24th 2007
US President George Bush's top adviser on HIV/Aids warns that the world is losing the battle against the virus.
Turkey's re-elected leader says he will continue reforms, and vows to respect the country's secular tradition.
Police in India say they have found nearly 30 bags full of babies' body parts in a rubbish tip in Orissa state.
In the UK up to 350,000 people are losing their water supply in Gloucestershire, (graphic above) and floods continue to swell the Thames.
A hard day is in store today.
The Moon opposes Mars 01:44 GMT squares Neptune 02:59 GMT and Squares Saturn 10:32 and is void from that moment. She enters Sagittarius 20:31 GMT.
Mars squares Neptune 23:10 GMT.
Tonight, sometime after sunset, step outside and look south. Clouds permitting, you'll see a bright triangle in the sky with the Moon, Jupiter and red giant star Antares as vertices. It's nothing special, just very pretty.
Wednesday July 25th 2007
Six medics jailed in Libya for infecting children with HIV yesterday arrived in Bulgaria and were pardoned by the president.
President Mugabe told MPs that strict price controls will continue as Zimbabwe battles its worst ever economic crisis.
In the UK people in flood-hit areas were urged not to panic as massive efforts begin to get drinking water to those stranded.
Today Mercury enters new territory today after his recent retrograde motion. Expect new business., This is an expansive day.
A Lunar occultation of Antares occurs around 16:04 GMT visible from the southern oceans. (Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from DEC. 2004 to Feb.. 2010. There are none then till July 2023).
The Moon 'increasing in light and motion' is conjunct Jupiter at 10 degrees Sagittarius 16:27 GMT.
Thursday July 26th 2007
French President Nicolas Sarkozy went to Tripoli yesterday to boost EU-Libya ties, after the release of six foreign medics. The next Full Moon on Sunday is positioned on his natal Aquarius Sun.
Britain is to get a "unified border force" to boost the fight against terrorism.
Fresh floods yesterday hit Oxford as communities further along the Thames were warned they are also at risk.
In Europe a heat wave is believed to have contributed to up to 500 deaths in Hungary, record-breaking high temperatures kill 12 in Romania and a fast-moving brush fire has forced people in Italy to run for their lives.
Today the Moon reaches gibbous phase 18 degrees Sagittarius 07:31 GMT. Her slow acceleration to the next Full Moon is now underway in earnest, and dominates the coming weekend.
Around 13:30 GMT the Moon at 21 degrees Sagittarius forms a trapezium pattern with Neptune, Saturn and Mars.
This is a day to be alive, wild and free.
Friday July 27th 2007
Full Moon a coming!
The Moon increasing in light and motion is conjunct Pluto 00:14 GMT and void of course from that moment.
She enters Capricorn 06:23 GMT.
Venus turns retrograde 17:25 GMT today and appears to move backwards in the skies of earth for 43 days. On Aug.. 9th Venus re-enters Leo. On Aug.. 13th Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo for the second time. (The first hit was July 1st). On Aug.. 18th the inferior conjunction of Venus with the Sun occurs in Leo. On Sept. 8th Venus turns direct and she re-enters Virgo one month later on October 8th. On Oct. 14th Venus is conjunct Saturn in Virgo a third time, she enters new zodiac territory at this time. Venus finally leaves Virgo on November 8th. This whole period is one where personal love and personal values undergo profound changes. This period is love's clearing house.
Saturday July 28th 2007
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 5 degrees Leo, there are 55 days to the Libra Equinox.
The accelerating Moon waxes heavily to the Full. Today she is in Capricorn, and that usually means 'tough cookie'. With the passing of Monday's Full Moon in Aquarius we enter an eclipse season, with eclipses of the Moon and the Sun on August 28th and September 11th respectively. Eclipse seasons invoke changes.
Mercury is an accelerating 'morning star' in Cancer. He trines Uranus early tomorrow and enters Leo on August 4th. This is a good time to plan new projects, inventiveness and enterprise are to the fore.
Venus is an 'evening star' in Virgo and is now retrograde. See yesterday's comment about love tests.
Mars is in Taurus and is applying in fixed square to Saturn exact on Tuesday. This one is a bit like 'driving with the brakes on', something overheats, take care. Mars enters Gemini on August 6th.
Saturn is applying to a one off waning fiery trine to Pluto. This is a powerfully constructive aspect which peaks on August 6th.
Sunday July 29th 2007
Polls open in Japan for upper house elections that could see Prime Minister Shinzo Abe forced from office. His birthdate is September 21, 1954.
Gordon Brown reaffirms the UK's close relationship with the US on the eve of his visit to see President Bush.
Click here to read about the astrological relationship of Bush and Brown.
The Lammas Full Moon is upon us.
The 'fast' and burgeoning nearly Full Moon in Capricorn trines Mars and is void at 02:24 GMT.
Mercury in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces 03:26 GMT.
The Moon enters Aquarius 13:14 GMT.
Universal extroversion.
Monday July 30th 2007
Full Moon 7 degrees Aquarius 00:49 GMT
This is the ultimate Full Moon before the massive Total Lunar Eclipse on August 28th 2007.
At this time Saturn is in trine aspect to Pluto, Mars is square Saturn, Mercury is trine Uranus and the Sun is trine Jupiter. The Full Moon in Aquarius applies in a waxing sextile aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius.
This Full Moon is freedom loving, independent and opportunistic. Go with it!
The Full Moon at its peak is aligned to the local MC of extreme SW Ireland, SW Morocco, Guinea, Liberia and Mauritania, in particular the city of Monrovia.
The Sun rises (and the Moon sets) over Afghanistan.
The Moon rises over SE and Central East USA, Niagara and Toronto.
Neptune rises at New York. Pluto rises at Vancouver.
This Full Moon directly 'hits' the natal Suns of Nicolas Sarkozy and Nick Mason (Pink Floyd), also the natal Venus of model Kate Moss and the natal Jupiter of actor George Clooney.
With the passing of this full moon we are once again in the 'foothills' of another eclipse season.
Tuesday July 31st 2007
In the wake of Monday's full moon,the US president and new UK prime minister yesterday pledged to work together on key global issues, at their first formal talks.
Today the fast moving Moon in Aquarius occults Neptune at 01:27 GMT. This is visible as an occultation from the Antarctic. This is the 2nd of 20 monthly events up to DEC. 2008
The Moon, Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Leo form a fixed T-square from 09:30 to 10:30 GMT.
The Moon sextiles Pluto at 11:56 GMT and becomes void of course six hours.
The Moon enters Pisces 17:41 GMT.
Mars squares Saturn 23:59 GMT stamping an emphatic full spot on July 2007.
August 2007
This is the final month of Saturn wreaking havoc in Leo, and wreak havoc he will as he draws to an alignment with the royal star Regulus 'the heart of the lion' at month's end. This month is full of alignments and occultations. We are also deep in an eclipse season with a massive Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug. 28th.
Saturn will enter Virgo on September 2nd 2007.
On Aug.. 6th Saturn makes a one off waning fiery trine to Pluto. A powerfully constructive (in the long run) aspect.
Venus is moving in retrograde direction all month. On Aug.. 9th she reenters Leo. On Aug.. 13th Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo for the second time. (The first hit was July 1st). On Aug.. 18th the inferior conjunction of Venus with the Sun occurs in Leo.
On Aug.. 12th the very old moon aligns to Mercury 0.36 degrees 16:35 GMT some seven hours before a rather disturbing New Moon opposite Neptune. The Moon Mercury conjunction is directed as a daylight occultation to North America.
The day after the New Moon on Aug.. 13th the infant Moon aligns to both Saturn and Regulus.
On Aug.. 18th Mercury aligns to Saturn with only a 0.46 degree orb.
On Aug.. 22nd Jupiter and the Moon are conjunct Antares.
On Aug.. 23rd at the start of the astrological month of Virgo Mars is opposite Jupiter and the opposition is squared two days later by Mercury.
On Aug.. 28th the Total Lunar Eclipse occurs at 5 degrees Pisces 10-37 GMT.
Wednesday August 1st 2007
A quiet start to the month of August with the fast moving waning Moon in Pisces.
Thursday August 2nd 2007
US presidential hopeful Barack Obama yesterday said he would order a strike on al-Qaeda in Pakistan without Pakistan's consent.
(BARACK OBAMA Born 4 Aug. 1961 in Hawaii Studied law at Harvard Worked as a civil rights lawyer in Chicago Elected to the US Senate in 2004)
At least 67 people were killed yesterday and some 100 wounded in two bombings in Baghdad.
Oil prices have climbed to a record high of $78.71 a barrel amid worries about whether oil supplies can meet global demand.
Reasonable astrological weather over the next few days is forecast.
The very fast moving Moon aligns to Uranus 0.64 degrees 00:19 GMT (zodiac conjunction 00:35 GMT) and reaches disseminating phase 25 degrees Pisces 12:00 GMT.
The Sun in Leo is trine Jupiter in Sagittarius 15:13 GMT.
The Moon sextiles Mars 15:37 GMT and becomes void.
She races into Aries 20:43 GMT.
Friday August 3rd 2007
A key road bridge over the Mississippi river in the US state of Minnesota collapsed in the evening rush hour on Wednesday killing several people. At least 60 were injured when part of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis gave way at 1805 (2305 GMT) on Wednesday August 1st 2007. The astrological chart for the event is shown below.
Mars in Taurus and square Saturn, is opposite the MC / ASC (conjunct Pluto) midpoint in Scorpio.
Globally the Moon in Pisces applies to a very tight conjunction with Uranus opposite this local Sun / MC midpoint in Virgo.
A tight 'finger of fate' involving the local MC , Mars and Pluto was in operation.
Mercury is square the MC
The tight localised, 'shattering, breaking and fracturing' energy, severing transport, is aptly described by this symbolism.
Southern Europe has suffered some of the worst forest fires on record in the last month, EU figures show.
Explorers yesterday planted a Russian flag on the seabed below the North Pole to further Moscow's Arctic claims.
Today (Friday) Mercury in late Cancer sextiles Mars in late Taurus at 09:53 GMT.
The Moon is perigee in Aries (fastest all month and nearest the Earth) 23:54 GMT.
Saturday August 4th 2007
Hundreds of people have died and millions have been left homeless across South Asia since the start of the annual monsoon season in mid-June.
US officials yesterday ordered a nationwide bridge review two days after a Minnesota bridge collapsed, killing at least five people.
Nasa is to launch a spacecraft on a nine-month journey to Mars, where it will dig below the surface for clues to the existence of past or present life. The Phoenix probe is scheduled to lift off on Saturday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, atop a Delta II rocket. It will have one opportunity to launch at 0526 EDT (1026 BST) followed by a second chance at 0602 EDT (1102 BST).
We are taking the annual family holiday from today for a couple of weeks.
The Daze will be back live on Sunday August 19th with the arrival of Mercury in Virgo.
This week Jupiter is passing by omega Ophiuchus,45 times more luminous than the Sun, dimmed to 4th magnitude by distance: 186 light years. giving the impression of an extra moon.
Today the Moon in Aries is racing towards her last quarter phase.
Mercury enters Leo at 17:15 GMT joining the Sun and Saturn in that sign. He races through this sign in just 15 days, a very busy and uncompromising period. His superior conjunction with the Sun is on August 15th. Mercury makes a wide conjunction with Venus at 25 degrees Leo on August 17th. Mercury aligns to Saturn 0.46 degree orb on August 18th and enters Virgo the next day.
Between 17:00 and 17:31 today the Moon forms a tight fiery grand trine with Jupiter and Pluto. The Moon is then void from 17:33 entering Taurus 23:16 GMT.
Sunday August 5th 2007
The Moon is at fixed last quarter 13 degrees Taurus, in this early eclipse season, and wanes rapidly through that sign all day.
Monday August 6th 2007
State of the skies:- The Sun is in the 14th degree of Leo. There are 46 days to the September Equinox.
The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are in Leo.
We are now in an eclipse season being some 22 days from a Total Eclipse of the Moon (not visible from the UK).
The Moon, now past her last quarter phase decelerates and wanes in Taurus. She is new on Sunday.
Mercury is a 'morning star' newly arrived in Leo and approaching superior conjunction with the Sun on August 15th.
Venus is retrograde all month, currently in Virgo and making a 'grinding and grating' square aspect to Mars tomorrow. On Thursday she reenters Leo. On Aug.. 13th Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo for the second time. (The first hit was July 1st). On Aug.. 18th the inferior conjunction of Venus with the Sun occurs in Leo.
Mars is in the last degree of Taurus and will enter Gemini tomorrow.
Saturn today makes a fiery trine aspect to Pluto at 10:10 GMT. A one off positive aspect, dominating all charts at this time.
Tuesday August 7th 2007
The Moon and Mars align to the Pleaides around 01:00 GMT, worth a look.
Minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of star Electra and Maia starting approx. 00:08 GMT
Jupiter turns direct 01:14 GMT. Jupiter now can recommence his pathway to his conjunction with Pluto at 28 degrees Sagittarius on December 11th 2007, a one off conjunction and stamping the astrological hallmark of late 2007. Previous conjunctions of these planets were in DEC. 1994 (in Scorpio), Nov. 1981 (in Libra), and Oct. 1968 (in Virgo). The one after is on April 5th 2020 in Capricorn, occurring 3 times in that year. The most recent conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius occurred in 1758, 1509 (occurring 3 times), 1260, 1023, 1010 and a triple in 774 AD.
The Moon is conjunct Mars at the very end of Taurus 01:50 GMT and becomes void.
The Moon enters Gemini 02:02 GMT.
Mars follows her into Gemini 06:02 GMT.
Mars will be in Gemini for 52 days, he enters Cancer on September 28th 2007. His main aspect while residing in Gemini is Mars opposite Jupiter on August 23rd 2007. This alignment of Mars, the Earth and Jupiter on that day is less than 1.6 degrees from exact linearity. The energy of Mars is Gemini is to promote multiplicity.
At 21:32 GMT today we are exactly half way between the June Solstice and the forthcoming September Equinox.
Venus retrograding squares Mars disapprovingly from Virgo at 23:27 GMT.
Wednesday August 8th 2007
The Moon decelerates and wanes in Gemini.
Thursday August 9th 2007
At 01:00 GMT Venus retrogrades into Leo desperately seeking the Sun, Saturn and Mercury in that sign. She will encounter them all in the following 9 days.
The Moon meanwhile sextiles Venus 05:28 GMT, becomes void enters Cancer 05:37 GMT and reaches balsamic phase 1 degree Cancer 08:01 GMT. The Moon makes comforting aspects for 30 hours or so.
Mercury in Leo trines Jupiter in Sagittarius 15:37 GMT
Friday August 10th 2007
The Moon in Cancer trines Uranus at 12:58 GMT and is void from that moment for nearly 22 hours.
Saturday August 11th 2007
The old Moon enters Leo 10:42 GMT.
As the new Moon in Leo approaches, a peaking and tightening stellium of planets is amassed in Leo.
Sunday August 12th 2007
From 02:03 GMT today the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, Saturn and Venus lie within 20 degrees to 13:07 GMT on Tuesday.
The Moon aligns to Mercury 0.36 degrees 16:35 GMT. This conjunction would be visible as a daylight occultation from North America if they were not so closely aligned to the bright glare of the Sun.
Almost the whole GMT day pans out in pre-new Moon radiance.
New Moon 20 degrees Leo 23:04 GMT
This ultimate New Moon before a partial solar eclipse on Sept. 11th 2007.
This New Moon is born within a stellium in Leo, and accompanied by a retrograde Venus conjunct Saturn. Serious love issues, money issues, commitment issues are to the fore.
This New Moon is opposite Neptune. This is potentially a 'disturbing' quality.
Mars is applying in opposition to Jupiter, still 10 days away but drawing out a polarisation of energy.
With the passing of this New Moon we are deeply in an eclipse season.
This New Moon hits the natal Pluto of Blair, Brown, Geldof, Putin and Tsvangirai, the natal Sun of the Indian and the Pakistan independence charts, the Congo national chart, the natal Venus of George Bush, the natal Saturn of Hilary Clinton, the natal Mercury of the national chart of Liberia, the natal Uranus of Madagascar, and the French first republic chart, and the UK Labour Party's natal lunar node.
At the exact moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon rise at Bangkok, Singapore, the Moon precisely rises at Perth (Australia).
The forthcoming Mars Jupiter opposition is aligned to the UK. Mars rises there, Jupiter sets.
Jupiter rises at Vancouver.
Venus and Saturn both exactly setting over south Peru, rise over Vietnam.
It is local midnight, Moon lower culmination and Neptune upper culmination at Sweden, Poland, Chec republic and Zagreb.
Monday August 13th 2007
A beast of a day starting with a meteor display.
The tiny new Moon then occults Saturn, conjuncts Neptune, and occults Regulus. Neptune is in opposition. Venus aligns to Saturn.
An immense agenda.
Got a calendar? Circle this date: Sunday, August 12th. Next to the circle write "all night" and "Meteors!" Attach the above to your refrigerator in plain view so you won't miss the 2007 Perseid meteor shower.
"It's going to be a great show," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center. "The Moon is new on August 12th--which means no moonlight, dark skies and plenty of meteors." How many? Cooke estimates one or two Perseids per minute at the shower's peak.
Just over an hour after the New Moon moment the Moon herself opposes Neptune 00:32 GMT.
The baby-new moon aligns to Saturn 0.68 degrees 12:25 GMT . This is visible as an occultation from the northern part of South America and South Africa. This is 10th of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn.
The Moon is widely conjunct Venus 13:35 GMT and becomes void.
The Sun opposes Neptune 18:26 GMT in chaotic disarray.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 17:48 GMT from the USA and the north of South America. This is the 9th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
The Moon then enters Virgo 19:04 GMT..
Venus piles on the agony by being in conjunction to Saturn, on the far side of the Sun at 19:16 GMT at 28 degrees Leo. The 2nd of 3 Venus Saturn conjunction this year. The first was on July 1st. The final one is on October 14th.
Tuesday August 14th 2007
Jupiter is conjunct Antares in the skies of earth. An omen of triumph.
The slow moving and decelerating Moon in Virgo squares Mars and Jupiter around 07:30 GMT symbolising a hard start to a curious day.
Wednesday August 15th 2007
Venus trines Pluto 13:49 GMT.
Mercury is in superior conjunction to the Sun at 23 degrees Leo at 19:57 GMT.
The slow moving Moon squares Pluto and is void from 21:03 GMT for 8 hours.
Thursday August 16th 2007
On Thursday, August 16th, Earth will cross the equator and ring plane of Uranus, and astronomers all over the world will be on watch. The unusual geometry offers a unique view of the planet's atmosphere, satellites and ring system. "This won't happen again for a long time," says planetary researcher Heidi Hammel (Space Science Institute, Colorado). "We don't know what we're going to see. It's exciting."Uranus's orbital period of 84 years means that we get ring-plane crossings only every 42 years. During the last one, in 1965, little was known about the distant planet, the ring system hadn't been discovered, space telescopes sounded like science fiction, and the 5-meter Hale telescope on Palomar Mountain was the world's largest. "To study Uranus, you need big telescopes," says Hammel. "This is really the first time we can do these kind of observations."Because of Earth's own orbital motion, our planet actually crosses the Uranian ring plane three times in succession: on May 2, 2007, August 16, 2007, and February 20, 2008. The August event is by far the most favorable; Uranus will be less than a month from its opposition to the Sun (on September 9th), so it will be visible almost all night (in Aquarius). Another interesting fact is that December 7, 2007, is the date of Uranian equinox, when the Sun will cross the planet's equatorial plane.
The slow moving Moon enters Libra 04:05 GMT and makes nice aspects.
Moon crescent phase 9 degrees Libra 21:13 GMT
Friday August 17th 2007
Mercury makes a wide conjunction with Venus at 25 degrees Leo at 05:27 GMT.
Mercury trines Pluto 17:21 GMT
Saturday August 18th 2007
Venus is in inferior conjunction with the Sun at 03:41 GMT.
The Moon sextile Saturn and is void at 12:22 GMT.
During the period of lunar 'void of course' Mercury aligns to Saturn 0.46 degree orb 13:51 GMT
The Moon moving very slowly enters Scorpio 16:14 GMT.
Sunday August 19th 2007
The Daze is now back live.
World stock market turbulence over the past week or so has coincided with retrograde Venus being conjunct Saturn.
An Earthquake in Peru struck on Wednesday August 15th at 1841 local time. The 8.0-magnitude earthquake was centred just off the coast of Peru killing at least 337 people and injuring hundreds more. Two tectonic plates clash at this region, the Nazca plate and the South American plate. There is about 7-8cm (3in) movement between the plates a year
State of the skies:- The Sun today has reached 26 degrees Leo, the astrological month of Virgo starts on Thursday of this week. There are 34 days to the Libran Equinox. We are deeply in an eclipse season with a Total Lunar Eclipse occurring in 9 days time and a Partial Solar Eclipse occurring on September 11th. We are entering a period of astrological flux. Change is inevitable.
The very slowly waxing Moon approaching her first quarter phase in Scorpio reaches apogee today (slowest all Month) at 03:21 GMT.
Mercury an 'evening star' enters Virgo 13:01 GMT. He rapidly moves through this sign in only 17 days. Whilst in Virgo Mercury will form a loose mutable grand cross with Jupiter, Mars and Uranus from August 25th to August 29th, the time of the forthcoming Lunar Eclipse. This is a 'critical' time. Looking ahead, Mercury turns retrograde again on October 12th at 9 degrees Scorpio.
The Leo Sun trines the Sagittarian Pluto 18:11 GMT. This adds a very optimistic flavor to today.
Venus now a 'morning star' in Leo is retrograding for another 20 days.
Mars opposes Jupiter quite tightly on Thursday, the opposition colours the week ahead and adds energy and events to all proceedings.
Jupiter himself is 18 degrees from his 'one off' conjunction with Pluto in early December, a aspect which colours the season ahead.
Its good to be back on line, stay tuned to the Daze.
Monday August 20th 2007
Above: The eye of Hurricane Dean, photographed from the ISS.
Jamaica is bracing for what could be a devastating storm as Hurricane Dean blows in from the Caribbean Sea. The island sits right in Dean's path and meteorologists warn the storm could have "potentially catastrophic" results, dumping 20in (50cm) of rain. Low-lying areas are being evacuated and schools and churches are being converted into emergency shelters for those with nowhere else to stay.
French FM Bernard Kouchner is in Iraq, the first ministerial visit since France opposed the 2003 US-led invasion.
Today the slow moving moon waxes and accelerates in Scorpio. Correspondingly this day is rather static. The moon reaches her first quarter 28 degrees Scorpio 23:55 GMT. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in fixed signs right now.
The Total Lunar Eclipse ahead of us and the looming opposition of Mars and Jupiter define this week ahead as one of increasing import and bearing.
Tuesday August 21st 2007
Hurricane Dean moves towards Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula after battering Jamaica. The space shuttle begins its return to Earth a day early, amid fears Hurricane Dean could threaten Mission Control.
Today Jupiter and the pre-eclipse Moon conjunct Antares.
Lunar occultation of Antares occurs 00:34 GMT visible from the southern oceans. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from DEC. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
The waxing and accelerating Moon squares Saturn 01:35 GMT and is void of course for just over three hours.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 04:45 GMT.
The Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto are then in fire signs.
The day that follows is rich and expansive. There is an exaggerated 'feel' to events as Mars applies to his close opposition to Jupiter which peaks on Thursday and of course we are irrevocably drawn to the very real build up to next Tuesday's Total Lunar Eclipse.
The Moon opposes Mars 23:14 GMT.
The Sun is conjunct Saturn 23:29 GMT
Wednesday August 22nd 2007
Hurricane Dean ploughs into the coast of Mexico near the border with Belize but loses some strength over land.
Astronomers have spotted a space oddity in Earth's neighbourhood - a dead star with some unusual characteristics. The object, known as a neutron star, was studied using space telescopes and ground-based observatories. But this one, located in the constellation Ursa Minor, seems to lack some key characteristics found in other neutron stars. Details of the study, by a team of American and Canadian researchers, will appear in the Astrophysical Journal. If confirmed, it would be only the eighth known "isolated neutron star" - meaning a neutron star that does not have an associated supernova remnant, binary companion, or radio pulsations.
Today the Moon increasing in light and motion towards next Tuesday's Total Eclipse is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 01:08 GMT.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Leo.
Mars aligns to the fixed star Aldebaran tonight.
Last day of play.
Thursday August 23rd 2007
On Wednesday a US helicopter crashed in northern Iraq in an apparent accident, killing 14 US troops.
Supporters of Burma's military junta broke up protests in Rangoon, held despite the arrest of 13 activists.
Google has launched an add-on to its 3D mapping tool which allows star gazers to explore images of millions of stars.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto at 08:24 GMT.
The Sun enters Virgo and a new astrological month begins 12:08 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon together with Mercury are now in Earth signs.
There are 30 days to the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere.
The Moon trines Saturn 12:55 GMT and becomes void. She enters Capricorn 15:20 GMT and makes wholesome aspects from this sign today and tomorrow.
Mars opposes Jupiter 16:03 GMT. This alignment of Mars, the Earth and Jupiter is less than 1.6 degrees from exact linearity. This is the most significant planetary alignment this week.
Friday August 24th 2007
Pre Total Lunar Eclipse events are starting to manifest. Pakistan's Supreme Court yesterday lifted the exile imposed on former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, ousted by current Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf in a 1999 military coup. The ruling could clear the way for Sharif to run for office in elections scheduled for later in the year.
Bangladesh's army-backed interim government briefly relaxed a curfew on Thursday, allowing residents of the capital the chance to stock up on essentials and those stranded at airports and elsewhere to return home. The Home Ministry ordered the curfew, imposed on Wednesday to end days of violence, to be relaxed for three hours from 4 p.m. (1000 GMT).
In the UK we have been all daunted by the news story of an 11-year-old boy dying after being shot in the neck in the Croxteth area of Liverpool. The incident happened at about 1930 BST on Wednesday in a pub car park. Witnesses said a youth on a BMX bicycle, who had his face covered with a hood, rode up to the car park and fired three shots.
Today there is an 'earthy feel' to the day. No time for flights of fancy, this one is hard hitting.
The Moon reaches her gibbous phase 16 degrees Capricorn 21:55 GMT.
The powerful procession to next Tuesday's climatic Total Lunar Eclipse is then in full sway.
The Moon makes a sextile aspect to Uranus at 23:41 GMT becoming void at that moment for almost 24 hours.
Mercury, will now form a loose mutable grand cross with Jupiter, Mars and Uranus over the next four days as the Lunar Eclipse culminates.
Saturday August 25th 2007
Some 37 bodies are discovered as emergency services battle raging forest fires in southern Greece.
Three British troops have been killed in Afghanistan by so-called friendly fire, the Ministry of Defence has said. The MoD said the soldiers, from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, were killed at around 1830 local time (1500 BST) on Thursday.
The Bangladeshi authorities detain four senior academics as a curfew is relaxed after student riots.
Security forces in Chechnya kill Rustam Basayev, one of the last remaining rebel figures, Russian officials say.
Astronomers have captured remarkable new images of the rings of Uranus. The rings are currently edge-on to Earth, in an event that only happens every 42 years.
A wayward day, crazy, uncertain, mistimed and misdirected!
The accelerating Moon waxes to the full, 'void of course' in Capricorn.
Mercury squares Jupiter at 01:04 GMT and squares Mars at 15:59 GMT.
Venus retrograding in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius 21:49 GMT.
Pandora's box opens.
The Moon enters Aquarius 22:35 GMT.
Sunday August 26th 2007
The Moon rushes towards total lunar eclipse in Aquarius.
All beings in the biosphere are energised, in a different way to yesterday. The 'feel' today is more refined, more detached, more removed.
Uranus, magnitude 5.7, is passing within 1/4° of the yellow-orange star Phi Aquarii, magnitude 4.2. They're well up in the southeast by 11 p.m. Uranus will remain within 1/2° of the star until September 5th.
Monday August 27th 2007
After six weeks of hunkering down during raging dust storms that limited solar power, Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity have resumed driving. The storms, albeit not over, are abating and sunlight is beginning to stream through the clouds.
Astronomers have found an enormous void in space that measures nearly a billion light-years across. It is empty of both normal matter - such as galaxies and stars - and the mysterious "dark matter" that cannot be seen directly with telescopes. The "hole" is located in the direction of the Eridanus constellation and has been identified in data from a survey of the sky made at radio wavelengths. The discovery will be reported in a paper in the Astrophysical Journal.
On August 27th, around 3 o'clock in the morning local time, Mars will rise in the eastern sky alongside the red giant star Aldebaran. The two red lights side-by-side will resemble two eerie, unblinking eyes. This is worth waking up for!
Today is the day before a Total Eclipse of the Moon.
The Moon in Aquarius opposes Venus 08:51 GMT and occults Neptune at 09:17 GMT visible as an occultation from the Antarctic. This is the 3rd of 20 monthly events up to DEC. 2008. The zodiac conjunction is timed at 10:01 GMT.
The lunar climax is nearly upon us.
Tuesday August 28th 2007
The Moon in Aquarius opposes Saturn 01:24 GMT and is void for only one hour.
She enters Pisces 02:35 GMT.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.
The Astronomy and timings of the eclipse
The penumbral phase of August's eclipse begins at about 07:54 UT (GMT), but most observers will not be able to visually detect the shadow until about 08:30 UT. A timetable for the major phases of the eclipse is listed below.
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 07:53:39 UT
Partial Eclipse Begins: 08:51:16 UT
Total Eclipse Begins: 09:52:22 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 10:37:22 UT
Total Eclipse Ends: 11:22:24 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 12:23:30 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 13:21:01 UT
The Total Lunar Eclipse of August 28 2007 will be visible over the Americas, the Pacific, eastern Asia, and Australasia.
The penumbral eclipse the least exciting, and hardest to see part -- will begin at 07:52:11 UT and end at 13:22:29 UT. It will be visible from the Americas when it begins around Moonset, the Pacific, and eastern Asia and Australasia as it ends at around Moonrise.
The partial eclipse will begin at 08:50:57 UT and end just over 3½ hours later at 12:23:50 UT, and will be visible from a slightly smaller area. The total eclipse lasts for 1½ hours; it begins at 09:52:00 UT and ends at 11:22:45 UT, with the moment of greatest eclipse at 10:37:22 UT. It is visible over Australasia, far eastern Asia, including Japan, the Pacific, most of North America (apart from the north-east), and western South America.
In the Pacific coast of the US, the begins at 02:52:00 PDT and ends at 04:22:45 PDT, with the moment of greatest eclipse at 03:37:22 PDT.
The total eclipse should be a spectacular sight; the Moon will be well within the Earth's shadow, the umbral magnitude being 1.481, and should be deeply coloured by the Earth's atmosphere. Don't miss it!
From start to finish, August's lunar eclipse lasts about three hours and thirty-three minutes (not including the penumbral phases which are very difficult to see). The partial eclipse begins as the Moon's eastern edge slowly moves into the Earth's umbral shadow. During the partial phases, it takes just over an hour for the Moon's orbital motion to carry it entirely within the Earth's dark umbra. The colour and brightness of the totally eclipsed Moon can vary considerably from one eclipse to another. Dark eclipses are caused by volcanic gas and dust which filters and blocks much of the Sun's light from reaching the Moon. But since no major volcanic eruptions have taken place recently, the Moon will probably take on a vivid red or orange colour during the total phase. After the total phase ends, it is once again followed by a partial eclipse as the Moon gradually leaves the umbral shadow.
The Astrology of the eclipse.
The astrological chart below is set for the moment of maximum eclipse at London.
The Total Lunar Eclipse occurs in Pisces conferring an 'otherworldly', deeply impressionable, essentially emotional momentum onto the world stage today.
This eclipse occurs as a mutable cross holds sway in the skies involving Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Jupiter. The Mercury opposition Uranus component of the cross is particularly strong and peaks later in the day. This planetary configuration adds a note of crisis to the essentially unsettling nature of a strong eclipse. It will be difficult to surf the winds and waves of time. The chart above has excessive mutability, there is much movement, transmission and change at this time.
In addition Venus (still retrograde) opposes Neptune and Mars opposes Jupiter. These two oppositions add more disturbance, exaggeration and challenge to the already tense planetary situation.
Saturn too has an important part to play right now being almost conjunct Regulus at the very edge of the Leo Virgo cusp. Did I mention momentum?
At the instant of mid-totality (10:37 UT) the Moon will stand near the zenith for observers in French Polynesia.
At that same moment the Moon is on the IC of Moscow, Belgrade, and a line right through central Africa right down to Cape Town.
The totally eclipsed Moon sets at Washington DC, Toronto and Niagara. It is Moonrise at Hong Kong.
Pluto rises at Tehran, Jupiter rises at Jerusalem.
The tight Mercury Uranus opposition is aligned to Ankara, Cairo, Khartoum, Harare, Georgetown and Seoul.
The Saros.
Today's eclipse belongs to the 'family of eclipses' know as Saros series 128. The Saros began on June 18th 1304, central eclipse time 09:15 UT. In 1430 the first Partial Eclipse in the Saros occurred, the Saros 'went Total' in 1845. The Saros peaked with the longest Total Eclipse in 1953. The last Total Eclipse in the Saros series occurs in 2097 and the Saros ends on Aug. 2nd 2566. Today's eclipse is the 10th of the 15 Total Eclipses in the series and overall it is the 40th of 71 eclipses in the Saros. The previous five eclipses in Saros 128 occurred on August 17th 1989, Aug.. 6th 1971, Jul. 26th 1953, Jul. 16th 1935 and Jul. 4th 1917. The next one in the Saros is on September 7th 2025.
So then, today's eclipse occurs in the midst of the all powerful mid cycle of its Saros. This eclipse, like that of the previous few and the proceeding couple, serves to aid the strongest delivery of the essential message of the Saros.
The chart below is set for the central eclipse moment of the first eclipse in Saros 128 in 1304 AD.
Astrological chart for Saros 128. (Set for London).
This chart shows the character of Saros series 128 to which today's eclipse belongs. The eclipsed Moon in the chart is sextile Neptune and square Saturn. The chart is dominated by an airy grand trine involving Mars, Uranus and Pluto. This Saros is invigorating positive and replenishing.
Today's eclipse is a bit of a ' strong and wayward bad penny' from an essentially good family of eclipses. It is interesting to note that the Mercury Uranus opposition tightly arranged in the skies today is on the nodal axis of the Saros chart, there is I think, is an element of great import here.
Eclipse hits.
The eclipse today falls on the natal Pluto of the UK national chart, and the Saturn of the UK Labour Party. If I have correct birth data it also falls on the MC of Hillary Clinton and the natal Moon of Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin world tour next year?).
The eclipse falls on the natal Suns of Nepal and Orange Free State national charts, the natal Venus of Ghana, the natal Mars of Kampuchea, the natal Saturn of Malawi, the natal Neptune of Denmark, the natal Ascendant of Lithuania and the nodal axes of El-Salvador, Guatemala and Peru.
Enjoy today's eclipse even if (as in Europe) no part of it is visible. This can be very much a 'felt but not seen' experience.
The most authoritative site for eclipses is Fred Espanak's eclipse site.
Thanks for visiting please return soon!
E-mail Michael Harwood here.
The next Total Lunar Eclipse is Feb. 21st 2008 and is visible from the UK.
The one after that is Total Lunar Eclipse is DEC 21st 2010.
After today's eclipse is over Mercury opposes Uranus 19:39 GMT. The opposition is within 2 degrees of linearity. This one is a little jumpy to say the least. The 24 hours following this eclipse are astrologically powerful.
The Moon squares Jupiter 20:26 GMT
Minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of star Lambda Aquarius approx. 21:44 GMT
Wednesday August 29th 2007
We are totally at the mercy of the wake of yesterday's eclipse. Today is another powerful day.
The Moon still in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini 01:19 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus (within 2 degrees) at 07:16 GMT.
The Earth Mercury and the Moon are within 2 minutes of arc of exact linearity at 08:53 GMT. This is a mini eclipse itself.
The Moon finally squares Pluto 22:22 GMT and is void of course.
The bright asteroid 4 Vesta, currently magnitude 7.2, is 0.4° north of dazzling Jupiter this evening
Thursday August 30th 2007
The Moon rushes into Aries 04:25 GMT and mercifully makes really nice aspects over the next two days.
The cycle has peaked, the sting been taken, there is a rush of relief in nature today and tomorrow waiting to be discovered.
Friday August 31st 2007
The Moon at perigee (fastest all month) 00:04 GMT.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 23 degrees Aries 18:03 GMT.
The weekend ahead looks astrologically stable. The major event is the ingress of Saturn into Virgo on Sunday.
September 2007
September is astrologically 'reasonably quiet'. Saturn enters Virgo on the 2nd of the month accompanied with a devilish alliance of a manic Mercury squaring Pluto and a turbulent Mars squaring Uranus the next day.
There is, on September 11th, an 'awkward' Partial Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Virgo 12-31 GMT. The month starts with us still deeply immersed in the period between eclipses of the Moon and the Sun.
Saturday September 1st 2007
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches nine degrees Virgo. There are 21 days to the Autumn Equinox.
The waning Moon rushing through Aries trines Saturn at 05:19 GMT and then is void of course. She enters Taurus 05:36 GMT.
Mercury is an 'evening star' in Virgo. Mercury squares Pluto on Monday. He turns retrograde again on October 12th at 9 degrees Scorpio.
Venus is a 'morning star' and still retrograde in Leo. Venus resumes direct motion on September 8th after receiving an encouraging sextile aspect from Mars on Monday. On Oct.. 8th Venus reenters Virgo. On Oct.. 14th Venus is conjunct Saturn in Virgo, Venus enters new zodiac territory at this time.
Mars is midway through Gemini. He is drawing closer to Earth by the day approaching his opposition to the Sun in December and outshining all the stars in the sky at that time. He enters Cancer on September 28th 2007.
Jupiter is now less than 16 degrees from his 'one off' conjunction with Pluto in early December.
The seasons are changing and are here traced for you.
Sunday Sept.. 2nd 2007
UK space scientists and engineers have designed a mission to investigate a potentially hazardous asteroid. The 300m-wide (980ft) rock, known as Apophis, will fly past Earth in April 2029 at a distance that is closer than many communications satellites. Under the proposal Apex would rendezvous with Apophis in January 2014 and spend three years sending data back to scientists and engineers on Earth. From the data, orbit modeling would enable an accurate prediction of the risk of collision with our planet.
Apophis facts
Orbits the Sun every 324 days, crossing Earth's orbit twice
Not spherical, diameter of 300m; a mass of 27m tonnes
Name: Ancient Egyptian god Apep ('The Destroyer')
Discovery: In 2004 by a University of Hawaii team
The total Lunar Eclipse last Tuesday seems to have created a 'news vacuum'. In the five days following the event world news stories have been 'diluted'.
Ex-PM Benazir Bhutto yesterday vowed to return to Pakistan soon, despite failing to reach a deal with the president.
Today the Moon wanes and decelerates in Taurus. Both the Sun and the Moon (together with Mercury) are in Earth signs (as they were yesterday) this Sunday will evoke a 'no-nonsense' practicality
Today Saturn at last departs from Leo and enters Virgo 13:47 GMT. He will finally leave this sign July 21st 2010, although he will venture into Libra and then return to Virgo between Oct.. 29th 2009 and April 7th 2010.
During his residence in Virgo the major aspect he will make is a series of five oppositions to Uranus in Pisces on Nov.. 4th 2008, Feb 5th 2009, Sept.. 15th 2009, April 26th 2010 and finally July 26th 2010 (across Libra Aries). This opposition last occurred (5 times) in the period April 1965 to Jan 1967, Saturn was then in Pisces and Uranus was in Virgo. Before that it occurred during the period Oct. 1918 to June 1920.
The Total Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 21st 2008 will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo. Mars will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo on Jul 10th 2008. Mercury and Venus will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo during the period Aug 14th to Aug 16th 2008. On August 30th 2008 the New Moon will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo. The Full Moon on March 11th 2009 will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus and the New Moon on September 18th 2009 will be conjunct Mercury and Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. On May 23rd 2010 Jupiter then in Pisces and drawing close to Uranus will oppose Saturn in Virgo. All of these points in time will serve to accentuate the crystalline Saturn in Virgo vibration.
Saturn was last in Virgo from Nov.. 17th 1977 till September 21st 1980 except for the period from Jan to July 1978 when he backsteped into Leo.
Saturn in Virgo initiates a wave of health, efficiency, and performance regimes. The wave is both critical, conservative, (Margaret Thatcher was elected to power in the UK under Saturn in Virgo), industrious and it invokes tempering effects. The lesson to be learnt is one of conservation and effectiveness. These are no easy lessons for the mutable Sun sign people during the next two and a half years, Virgo Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius have difficult lessons in store.
Today is the start of a whole new chapter for us all, and its start is accompanied by difficulties caused by Mercury squaring Pluto and Mars squaring Uranus tomorrow.
Saturn will next enter Virgo in October 2036.
Monday September 3rd 2007
The ingress of Saturn into Virgo coincided with the following news stories yesterday.
Iran says it has met its target to have 3,000 centrifuges enriching uranium for its nuclear programme.
Lebanon's army says it has full control of a refugee camp where Islamist militants have been holed up since May.
North Korea agrees to declare and disable its nuclear facilities by the end of 2007, a top US official says.
The 550 UK troops based in Basra have begun their pull-out from their base at Basra Palace.
In the UK there is rumour of an autumn 2007 general election.
Today the fast moving but now decelerating Moon in Taurus trines Mercury in Virgo 00:48 GMT and is void of course. A difficult day follows.
Mercury himself squares Pluto 05:02.
The Moon enters Gemini 07:31 GMT. The Sun and the Moon (together with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto) are then in mutable signs.
Mars squares Uranus 20:09 GMT.
Venus in Leo, still retrograding, sextiles Mars in Gemini 23:37 GMT.
Very much a 'to and fro' sort of day. Much movement and restlessness. Difficult to settle, difficult to see clearly and judgement is comprimised.
Tuesday September 4th 2007
In the UK yesterday the prime minister Gordon Brown insisted the withdrawal of troops from their last remaining base in Basra city is not a defeat.
He has refused to rule out an early general election amid continuing speculation about an October poll.
US President George W Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq for talks with senior officials on the impact of the surge.
One person was killed during angry clashes between police and protesters in South Africa, police say.
N Korea said the US has agreed to remove it from a list of nations supporting terrorism, following talks.
An international team of scientists have discovered the first gene that influences a person's height.
Today the Virgo Sun squares Jupiter 00:05 GMT.
AT 01:00 the Moon in Gemini forms a mutable T-square with Jupiter in Sagittarius and the Virgo Sun.
The Moon reaches last quarter phase 02:33 GMT at 11 degrees Gemini.
The Moon is conjunct Mars in Gemini 13:07 GMT. (Both sextile Venus and square Uranus).
A similar astrological vibration to yesterday can be expected today, full of multiplicity but less threatening.
Wednesday September 5th 2007
Subtle changes and modulations are predicted for today.
The Moon forms another mutable T-square with Mercury and Pluto weakly around 05:00 GMT.
The Moon at the very end of Gemini squares Mercury at the very end of Virgo 11:02 GMT and enters Cancer 11:09 GMT. This is the first modulation.
Mercury enters Libra today at 12:03 GMT. This is the second.
Mercury will reside in Libra until the 27th of September 2007. During this very short time he sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius on September 13th, sextiles Venus in Leo on the 17th, trines Neptune in Aquarius on the 19th, sextiles Pluto in Sagittarius on the 24th, and finally trines Mars in Gemini on the 26th. This constitutes a 'smooth pathway' through Libra. Take the opportunity to make all your communications pleasant and harmonious. Don't however expect people to make important decisions. This is a period of wavering. Mercury in his retrograde phase reenters Libra and resides there for the period Oct.. 24th to Nov... 11th 2007. The time for adjustments then follow.
Thursday September 6th 2007
Yesterday Germany detained three men suspected of planning a "massive" terrorist attack on US targets.
The US Air Force has launched an investigation after a B-52 bomber flew across the US last week mistakenly loaded with nuclear-armed missiles. The flight took place on 30 August, from the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to the Barksdale Air Force Base, near Bossier City, in Louisiana.
In the UK Regulators have agreed in principle to allow human-animal embryos to be created and used for research.
Five days remain to the Partial Solar Eclipse.
The Moon, decreasing in light and motion in Cancer, trines Uranus at 17:05 GMT and is void from that moment for 24 hours.
This day is supremely humdrum.
Friday September 7th 2007
News stories yesterday were especially low key. In the UK the main news was reporting Portuguese detectives re-interviewing the mother of missing Madeleine McCann as a witness. Meanwhile the US headlines reported that rescuers were searching across 10,000 square miles for signs of missing adventurer Steve Fossett.
A minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of star Kappa Gemini occurs this morning approx. 04:03 GMT.
Pluto turns direct at 26 Sagittarius 10.53 GMT today. He is now unimpeded as he irrevocably moves towards Capricorn. Pluto in Sagittarius has brought us, among other things, suicide bombers, masses of people with mobile phones, masses of people using the Internet and very cheap air travel. Pluto in Capricorn (starting January 2008) looks like bringing us mass DNA testing and compulsory 'loyalty cards' in supermarkets, both to gather personal information about us all to be put on the 'one database' for government perusal. Take a brief look ahead at some of the planetary alignments and arrays during the 2010 to 2012 period on the future Daze.
(There are no plans to make it compulsory for everyone in the UK to be on the national DNA database, the UK government said on Thursday. The comment came after a senior judge called for all UK residents and visitors to be required to provide a DNA sample to help police solve crimes.)
Today the void of course Moon hits balsamic phase 30 degrees Cancer 16:24 GMT and begins the final run up to the partial Solar eclipse which occurs next Tuesday. She enters Leo 17:00 GMT.
From today for four days up to the Solar Eclipse, Mars in Gemini Uranus in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo form a mutable T-square. These are 'testy' and 'testing' days, potentially mildly shattering to the nerves!
Tonight however is a good time to pull out all the stops, to play, and to have some fun.
Saturday September 8th 2007
Americans should "embrace Islam" to stop the Iraq war, says a video from al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
The UK news gripping our attention yesterday reported that Portuguese police had named both parents of Madeleine McCann as formal suspects in her disappearance. Gerry McCann was officially given "arguido" status about 12 hours after his wife Kate. They had been questioned separately for more than 24 hours. No bail conditions or charges have been imposed and both deny any involvement in Madeleine's disappearance on 3 May. On the day in question the Moon was just past the Full, void of course, in Scorpio. Activities done at such a time can remain 'hidden' for ever. The astrology could suggest 'we may never know'.
Voters in Sierra Leone are going to the polls in the decisive second round of a close presidential election.
'This is the weekend before a partial solar eclipse'.
Mark your calendar and set your alarm. On Saturday morning, Sept.. 8th, "morning star" Venus reaches its greatest brilliancy of the year as the slender crescent Moon glides by--a beautiful ensemble! Look east just before sunrise:
Venus today (like Pluto yesterday) also turns direct 16:19 GMT. The Moon wanes very slowly in Leo and is conjunct Venus 23:48 GMT.
A positive rush of energy (associated with these planets) is released as they turn direct. The energy here is of course 'true love', bring it on I hear you say.
Another night to have a ball.
Sunday September 9th 2007
Mars trines Neptune 04:06 GMT.
A tense morning after. Sticky patches ahead.
The Moon trines Pluto and is void from 18:06 GMT.
The Sun opposes Uranus 18:46 GMT, breakages.
Monday September 10th 2007
Yesterday Pakistan detained supporters of Nawaz Sharif, his party says, as the exiled PM prepares to fly home.
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann returned to the UK saying they are "heart-broken" to have left Portugal without their four-year-old daughter.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 00:54 GMT from China and the Pacific. This is the 10th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
The old slow Moon enters Virgo 01:11 GMT.
The Moon occults Saturn at 03:33 GMT, (zodiac conjunction 02:59 GMT) visible from Western Australia. This is the last but one of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn. This is the first time that the Moon has been conjunct Saturn in Virgo since September 1980.
A very tense, a bit strange and a very curious 'day before an eclipse'.
It is best dealt with by being busy and efficient. Good day to 'cut off loose ends' and complete 'unfinished business'.
Tuesday September 11th 2007
Yesterday Pakistan's ex-PM Nawaz Sharif was arrested and deported to Saudi Arabia within hours of his return from exile.
In the UK Gordon Brown defended his decision to hold down public sector pay rises as strike action is threatened.
A pair of moderate earthquakes rocked an eastern Indonesian town early on Monday, damaging buildings and causing panicked residents to flee their homes. Several people hurt themselves trying to run outdoors.The temblors with preliminary magnitudes of 4.5 and 4.9 struck Situbondo, 600 miles east of Jakarta, said Suhardjono, a meteorologist at the government's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency.
The slow Moon, the Earth and Uranus are linearly aligned within 4 minutes of arc at 09:19 GMT setting an awkward and slightly upsetting start to this day of a partial solar eclipse.
Partial Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Virgo 12-31 GMT
The astronomy and timings of the eclipse.
The last eclipse of 2007 is a partial solar eclipse at the Moon's descending node in southern Leo. Its visibility is confined to parts of South America, Antarctica and the South Atlantic. Greatest eclipse takes place at 12:31:21 UT when the eclipse magnitude will reach 0.7505. The penumbral contact times with Earth are as follows:
Partial Eclipse Begins: 10:25:46 UT
Maximum eclipse 12:31:21
Partial Eclipse Ends: 14:36:33 UT
The local circumstances for important cities on the track of today's eclipse are shown below. The three times (GMT) given are the start, maximum and finish times for each city. ('r' means the Sun is rising already in eclipse)
Palmer Station 11:38 12:47 14:00
Buenos Aires 10:42 11:49 13:02
Córdoba 10:36 11:39 12:48
Rosario 10:39 11:44 12:56
San Justo 10:43 11:49 13:02
La Paz r 11:11 12:01
Belford Roxo 10:43 11:37 12:35
Belo Horizonte 10:41 11:30 12:24
Brasília 10:36 11:19 12:05
Campinas 10:38 11:34 12:35
Cava 10:43 11:37 12:35
Curitiba 10:37 11:37 12:42
Goiânia 10:34 11:20 12:09
Japeri 10:42 11:36 12:35
Mesquita 10:43 11:37 12:35
Nova Iguaçu 10:43 11:37 12:35
Pinheirinhos 10:40 11:35 12:34
Porto Alegre 10:41 11:45 12:56
Queimados 10:42 11:36 12:35
Rio de Janeiro 10:43 11:37 12:36
Salvador 11:06 11:21 11:37
Santos 10:39 11:37 12:39
São Paulo 10:39 11:35 12:37
Santiago r 11:40 12:48
Asuncion 10:31 11:30 12:36
Lima r 11:08r 11:41
Montevideo 10:44 11:51 13:05
The astrology of the eclipse.
This eclipse is opposite Uranus. It is a critical and mildly tense affair serving as a sort of 'mid course correction'.
Mars is trine Neptune, Mercury is sextile Jupiter, Venus opposes Neptune and Saturn trines Pluto.
September 11, 2007: The solar eclipse at 18° 25' Virgo opposes Uranus at 16° 38' Pisces, all activating the degree of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid 1960s. Saturn enters Virgo. Pluto is at the degree of the Galactic Center. (Mountain astrologer).
Eclipse hits.
At the moment of maximum eclipse 12:31 GMT the Sun, Moon (opposite Uranus) are on the MC of western Ireland, Lisbon and north west Africa.
They are rising (Uranus setting) across central USA. They set with Uranus rising over Nepal, east central India and Sri Lanka and are on the IC of south island New Zealand. Mercury rises at Washington DC and Panama city. Pluto rises at Rome, Vienna and Warsaw. Neptune rises over western Afghanistan, Jupiter rises at Berlin. At London Saturn in Virgo squares the local Ascendant and Pluto squares the local MC.
This eclipse directly hits the natal Pluto and Uranus conjunction of UK conservative party leader David Cameron and boxer Mike Tyson. It hits the natal Venus of the Liberia independence chart and the natal Venus Pluto conjunction of actress Julia Roberts. It hits the natal Mars Saturn conjunction of tennis star Venus Williams, and the natal lunar node of the Madagascar national chart.
The Saros
This eclipse belongs to Saros series 154. It is number 6 of a family of 71, so the Saros to which it belongs is still in its very young (and energetic) phase. This saros family is 'just finding its feet'.
The last eclipse in this Saros family was on August 31st 1989 and before that on August 20th 1971 and August 9th 1953, Jul 30th 1935, and the first eclipse in this Saros visible at the South Pole was at 26 degrees Cancer on Jul 19th 1917 central eclipse time 02:42:42 GMT. There is one more partial eclipse in 2525 and then in 2043 the first of 17 annular eclipses occurs. The series 'goes Total' in 2404.The series peaks with its longest Total Solar Eclipse: Jul 25 2530 Duration = 04m50s The Last Eclipse in the series, visible at the North Pole is in 3179 on Aug 25 at 03:02:28. The duration of Saros 154 is 1262.11 Years.
The astrological chart for the central moment of the first eclipse in Saros 154 is shown below.
Solar saros series 154
This Saros started during an occultation of Saturn by the planet Mercury in tropical Leo as the first partial eclipse was taking place. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune were conjunct in Leo within 1.25 degrees. The Sun and Moon were rising over eastern Europe and Scandinavia and were on the local MC of the far east especially Tokyo. (Pluto was rising over the UK). The nature of this eclipse (which took place in the first world war) is essentially that of a rescue mission. The strong and striking planetary mixture of Cancer and Leo is both protective and inspiring. On the negative side it may serve to evoke both nationalistic and self-centred energy. This Saros 'leads the way'. Its as if the Gods are implored to help. This Saros requires careful scrutiny over its 1200 year life.
Today's eclipse occurring on 'nine eleven', 6 years to the day after the terrorist attacks on the USA, imparts a jittery feel to the anniversary.
After today's eclipse the new born infant Moon in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini at 18:42 GMT and goes on to square Pluto early tomorrow morning (GMT). This is not an easy end to the day.
Wednesday September 12th 2007
Yesterday's partially eclipsed sun in Virgo rising over the slopes of the Pichu Pichu volcano:
A few hours before the eclipse yesterday at least 69 Israeli soldiers were injured when a rocket fired from Gaza exploded in an army camp in southern Israel.
The UK news reported Portuguese prosecutors handing over the files on the missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann to a judge
Also in the UK unions voted for "co-ordinated industrial action" against the government over its below-inflation pay settlement.
State of the skies:- On this day after a partial solar eclipse the Sun is at 19 degrees Virgo. There are 11 days to the Libra Equinox and 100 days to the Winter Solstice. We will now start to pull out of the current eclipse season.
The slowly moving 'baby new' Moon squares Pluto 04:14 GMT and is void of course for just over 7 hours. She enters Libra 11:32 exerting pleasant aspects over the next couple of days.
Mercury is a fast moving but decelerating 'evening star' in Libra about to sextile Jupiter.
Venus is a very bright 'morning star' in Leo. She now moves in direct motion in Leo.
Mars, brightening all the time is in Gemini. He enters Cancer on September 29th.
Once the Moon today enters Libra (11:32 GMT) and starts to apply to Mercury it may feel like a breath of fresh air. The tenseness of recent days yields a more relaxed potential to activities. An astrologically more quieter time lies immediately ahead.
Thursday September 13th 2007
Lots of 'new stuff' manifested yesterday in the wake of Tuesday's partial solar eclipse.
Yesterday President Putin nominated Victor Zubkov, a relative unknown, to take over as the new Russian PM. Born in 1941 but no date of birth available as yet..
A powerful 8.4-magnitude earthquake hit off the west coast of Indonesia, sparking fears of a tsunami. Wednesday's main earthquake struck at 1810 (1110 GMT), about 30km (18 miles) under the sea, some 130km (80 miles) south-west of the city of Bengkulu, the US Geological Survey said.
In the UK a new case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed 10 miles from the site of the August outbreak in Surrey.
The surviving members of legendary rock group Led Zeppelin are to reform for a star-studded tribute concert in London. Singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page and bassist John Paul Jones will play at the show to remember the late Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun. The one-off concert, the trio's first performance for 19 years, will take place at the O2 arena on 26 November. is born. Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Today Mercury sextiles Jupiter 10:44 GMT.
The slow moving infant Moon is conjunct Mercury 11:30 GMT
Soon after sunset, use binoculars to pick up the thin waxing crescent Moon very low above the west horizon. To its right is Mercury. To its upper left is Spica. Don't wait too long or they'll set! Sky and Telescope
Something new begins to grow.
Friday September 14th 2007
A key Iraqi Sunni ally of the US, who met President George W Bush last week, was killed yesterday in a bomb attack.
Relief teams are assessing the damage on Indonesia's island of Sumatra, after it was hit by two massive earthquakes.
The UN Assembly has adopted a non-binding declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples after 22 years of debate. The treaty sets down protections for the human rights of native peoples, and for their land and resources. It passed despite opposition from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. They said it was incompatible with their own laws.
In the UK initial tests suggest the latest foot-and-mouth outbreak in Surrey is the same strain found in the area last month.
Today the very slow moving young libran Moon sextiles Pluto at 16:10 GMT and is then void of course.
She enters Scorpio 23:37 GMT.
Today continues in a relatively convivial mood. The seven hour lunar 'void of course' period from 16:10 GMT then gives way to a more intense vibration (which prevails over the whole of the coming weekend) as the young Moon reaches Scorpio. . Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Saturday September 15th 2007
The young Moon reaches crescent phase 7 degrees Scorpio 14:34 GMT, and is at apogee (slowest all month) 21:10 GMT.
Sunday September 16th 2007
The slow moving Moon waxes and accelerates in Scorpio. She sextiles the Virgo Sun 23:41 GMT and becomes void of course.
A tight 'finger of fate' planetary picture involving Mercury in Libra, Venus in Leo focusing on Uranus in Pisces holds sway today and tomorrow. This one has a surprise up its sleeve. Take care.
Also from today and lasting for one week over the equinox period the Sun in Virgo Mars in Gemini and Pluto in Sagittarius form a mutable T-square.
Monday September 17th 2007
At least 61 people died yesterday as a budget airliner crashed on landing in the Thai resort of Phuket.
Protests took place in 30 countries to bring attention to the growing crisis in Sudan's Darfur region.
Bombings and shootings claimed at least 22 lives in Iraq, a day after militants pledge Ramadan attacks.
Severe flooding across Africa has wrecked hundreds of thousands of homes and left many people vulnerable to water-borne diseases.
A computer model of the early Universe indicates the first stars could have formed in spectacular, long filaments.
A fabled Arctic shipping route from the Atlantic to Pacific is now open due to ice loss, Europe's space agency says.
All this week Mars is applying to an opposition to Pluto, exact next Saturday, the first of three over the next six months. The Virgo Sun squares this dynamic opposition at the current time. Enforced changes are likely. This is a brutal one.
Today the waxing crescent Moon leaves its void passage in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius 12:21 GMT. Both the Sun and the Moon are then in mutable signs (along with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto). That's a lot of mutability, movement mediation dispersion and restlessness are on the cards. Today has mixed blessings.
The Sun squares Mars 20:50 GMT.
Mercury sextiles Venus 21:28 GMT. . Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Tuesday September 18th 2007
Iran responded angrily yesterday after France's foreign minister warned of possible war over Tehran's nuclear programme.
The Greek Prime Minister, Costas Karamanlis, has been asked to form a new (centre right) government after his party won Sunday's parliamentary poll. (Saturn in Virgo beginning to bite, invoking conservative responses?)
The main news in the UK yesterday reported the government saying it will guarantee all deposits with the Northern Rock bank, as its shares fall heavily. (Again, maybe Saturn in Virgo corresponds with controls on credit, the major cause of this crisis.)
Today the Moon in Sagittarius occults Antares occurs 08:23 GMT visible from the southern oceans. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from DEC. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
This waxing crescent Moon approaching first quarter phase is conjunct Jupiter 13:34 GMT.
Wednesday September 19th 2007
The main news as of 19:00 GMT yesterday was the Federal Reserve deciding to cut US interest rates by 0.5%, more than had been expected. It looks as if the world money markets are having to adjust to the powerful vibration of Saturn in Virgo which arrived in that sign some 17 days ago..
A typhoon expected to be the most powerful storm to hit China in a decade churned toward the densely populated coast on Tuesday with 165 mph wind gusts, and the government evacuated 1.8 million people.
Mars today reaches the point in the (25 degrees Gemini) to which he will return in retrograde motion on January 30th 2008. His agenda for the next seven months is laid out below.
Mars in opposition 2007-2008 agenda.
Aug 24th Mars opposed Jupiter (first time) This aspect corresponded with the terrible fires in Greece.
Sept. 22nd Mars opposes Pluto. (first time) This aspect is building up this very week (currently square the Virgo Sun). The Thai aircraft disaster on Sunday could be related to the potential violence of Mars opposite Pluto.
Sept. 29th Mars enters Cancer. Domestic energy a go-go.
Oct. 9th Mars sextiles Saturn (first time). Hard and productive homely energy.
Nov.. 15th Mars turns retrograde 13 degrees Cancer. Crisis point.
Dec 9th Mars sextiles Saturn (second time)
Dec 24th Mars in opposition to the Sun. The brightest 'star' in the night sky at Christmas.
Dec 26th Mars opposes Jupiter (second time, but across Cancer Capricorn this time)
Dec 31st Mars retrogrades into Gemini
Jan 2nd Mars opposes Pluto (second time)
Jan 30th Mars turns direct
early Jan-Feb 2008 Mars in quintile aspect to Saturn
March 4th Mars reenters Cancer
March 7th Mars opposes Pluto (last time)
mid March Mars sextile Saturn (last time)
April 4th Mars enters new territory 13 degrees Cancer.
April 24th Mars opposes Jupiter (last time)
Today Mercury in Libra trines Neptune in Aquarius 02:01 GMT.
The Sun in Virgo squares Pluto in Sagittarius 15:56 GMT.
The Moon reaches first quarter phase 16:49 GMT at 26 degrees Sagittarius and is void of course from this moment.
The Moon enters Capricorn 23:52 GMT.
All in all this is a typical first quarter Moon 'crisis in action day'. Mars continues to apply in opposition to Pluto. The heat is on with much movement and change in the air.
Thursday September 20th 2007
Yesterday the Israeli security Cabinet declared Hamas-controlled Gaza a "hostile entity" in response to continued Palestinian rocket attacks. Thousands of monks marched through several Burmese cities in a new wave of protest against the ruling junta.
Peru's official government news agency reported yesterday afternoon that scientists which went to the town of Carancas in the Region of Puno, Peru, have confirmed that the glowing object which fell from the sky on Saturday afternoon was indeed a meteorite. Volcanologist for Peru's Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute (INGEMMET), Luisa Macedo, confirmed that a chondrite meteorite had caused the 17 meter (55 foot) wide and 5 meter (16 foot) deep crater when it landed on earth. It was reported that with the help of the Desaguadero Municipality, the water would be drained out of the crater to establish the exact size of the hole that was made by the chondrite meteorite. Macedo explained that the chondrite was not radioactive and did not have any toxic gases or substances which could be harmful to peoples health. On the other hand, Macedo stated that it had not yet been established if the water supply in the province of Chucuito had been contaminated or not. Aside from the analysis Macedo is performing, the National University of Altiplano, Peru's Nuclear Energy Institute, the National Institute of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health and a Bolivian university are all taking part in the analysis of the area.
Today is a hard hitting 'very basic' day.
When the going gets tough...
The Moon waxes in Capricorn.
Mars in late Gemini is almost opposite Pluto in Sagittarius. Something strong and violent is about to peak. Be aware.
Friday September 21st 2007
Uganda declared a state of emergency Thursday in the worst flood-affected areas of the country as humanitarian workers tried to reach villages that have been cut off by water. Uganda is among the nations hit hardest by floods that have swept across 17 countries in Africa in recent weeks. At least 200 people have been killed across the continent, and hundreds of thousands displaced.
Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden called on Pakistanis to rebel against President Pervez Musharraf in a new recording released on Thursday, saying his military's siege of a militant mosque stronghold makes him an infidel.
Today the Moon increasing in light and motion make heavy weather in Capricorn. Nothing is easy.
Mars opposes Pluto 08:33 GMT. Ouch!
Venus, not to be undone, opposes Neptune 20:03 GMT. Potentially very crazy Friday night scenes.
Saturday September 22nd 2007
This is the last day of the astrological month of Virgo, tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the south.
The Moon trines the Sun 06:16 GMT and becomes 'void of course'.
The Moon enters Aquarius 08:18 GMT introducing a fresher feel to proceedings and setting a more independent and forward looking atmosphere for the equinox immediately ahead..
A minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of the star Lambda Aquarius occurs in evening twilight approx. 18:41 GMT.
Sunday September 23rd 2007
Yesterday Burma's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi greeted Buddhist monks protesting against the military junta.
Today the Moon occults Neptune visible as an occultation from the Antarctic. This is the 4th of 20 monthly events up to DEC. 2008
The Libran equinox moment 09:52:18 GMT
On this day of Equinox the skies are dominated by a majority of planets in Fire and Air signs. Mars opposite Pluto stands as the focus of both a loose ' airy kite pattern' involving Neptune and Mercury, and a mutable T-square involving the Sun. The day is one self expression. This Equinox has an inflammatory quality invoking all manner of schemes, visions and social excitements. The is a surge of activity, that is both multiple and willful in nature. Confusion and forcefulness are in equal proportion. The fast moving Moon three days from the Full is in Aquarius and is sextile Jupiter. At the moment of Equinox she is rising over Eastern Nepal, NE India, Western Mongolia, Eastern Siberia, and Sri Lanka.
The tides of fate are today drawing to a high point.
The fateful Moon pulling us rapidly out of eclipse season reaches gibbous phase 15 degrees Aquarius 11:11 GMT.
The three days which now follow between today's equinox moment and the Full Moon in Aries on Wednesday can be considered holy and special. In the south, spring has arrived, in the north, the harvest can be celebrated.
The Moon is conjunct Neptune 21:09 GMT.
Monday September 24th 2007
The astrocartographic map above shows Venus setting on the horizon Mandalay at the exact moment of central eclipse during the Total lunar Eclipse on August 28th 2007. Burma's largest anti-junta protest in nearly two decades took place yesterday in Rangoon, led by Buddhist monks and nuns.
Some 4,000 people have arrived at a UN camp in the eastern DR Congo, many fleeing rebel forces.
Bluetongue disease, a virus that has killed livestock across Europe, has been found in the UK for the first time - in a cow at a farm in Suffolk.
There have been nearly 3,000 cases in Northern Europe since July, which had fuelled fears of its UK arrival. Cattle, sheep, goats and deer can be infected, but the insect-borne virus is not thought to pose a risk to humans.
Gordon Brown yesterday refused to rule out a snap general election, insisting he is simply "getting on with the job". The Full Moon on Wednesday falls on the UK labour party natal Mars but is square Gordon Brown's natal Uranus. We get the impression that Gordon is dithering on the 'election decision', a victim of the current Libran energy!
State of the skies:- The Sun is today at 1 degree Libra. We are situated (in the northern hemisphere) in a brief few days cosmic interlude between the Autumn Equinox (yesterday) and a Harvest Full Moon (on Wednesday).
Around 09:00 GMT today an airy grand trine involving Mars in late Gemini , the Moon in late Aquarius and Mercury in late Libra, and the kite pattern focused on the current Mars Pluto opposition, dominate the skies, this morning's events may well be noteworthy..
The fast moving Moon trines Mars 09:15 GMT and is void of course for nearly four hours.
She enters Pisces 12:56 GMT. Things quickly move on. She opposes Saturn 17:30 GMT (less than 2 degrees from exact linear alignment).
Mercury currently 'an evening star' in Libra sextiles Pluto 10:53 GMT.
(This is the 1st of 3 such aspects this season). He is starting to slow down again. Currently he is at the point in the zodiac to which he will return in retrograde motion on November 1st. He enters Scorpio on Thursday of this week and turns retrograde on October 12th.
Venus 'a brilliant morning star' still in Leo is starting to pick up speed. Honey flows. She re-enters Virgo on October 8th and is conjunct Saturn on October 14th. Venus is drawing to a conjunction with the star Regulus and the planet Saturn which reaches its climax in the morning skies on October 7th and 8th.
Mars will enter Cancer in five days time. On Sept. 29th Mars enters Cancer. Domestic energy then reigns supreme. On Oct. 9th Mars sextiles Saturn for first time this invokes hard and productive homely energy. On Nov.. 15th Mars turns retrograde at 13 degrees Cancer, this is the crisis point for all activity..
The final of three Jupiter Uranus square aspects occurs on October 9th.
The 'exhilarating' week ahead is dominated by Wednesday's Full Moon. . Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Tuesday September 25th 2007
Burma's military junta says it is ready to "take action" against monks in mounting protests, state media report.
Tensions associated with tomorrow's Full Moon will be evident today.
The nearly full Moon in Pisces, accelerating rapidly to her consummation, aligns to Uranus within 0.41 degrees at 15:23 GMT. (Zodiacal conjunction 15:45 GMT.)
Wednesday September 26th 2007
Yesterday Burma's military junta issued a dusk-to-dawn curfew in Rangoon and Mandalay, the scene of escalating protests.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon opened the 2007 general assembly by warning world leaders of "daunting challenges" ahead.
Gamers across Europe will get their hands on Halo 3 at midnight, one of the most hyped titles in history.
Today is the day of the Full Moon in Aries.
Around 12:00 noon GMT the rapidly waxing full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces hooks up with Mars and Pluto in a mutable T-square eased by Mercury. The is both tension and energy at this time. Remarkably, the opportunity to direct and dissipate this tension through dialogue and diplomacy will exist. There is hope here.
The Moon squares Mars 12:32 GMT and becomes void of course.
Two hours later at 14:23 GMT the Moon bursts into Aries. The full fury of the Aries Full Moon is unleashed onto the biosphere.
Mercury trines Mars 17:53 GMT. Words are the weapon. Stronger than swords, words rule supreme today. This aspect will be repeated in the weeks ahead in Mercury's forthcoming retrograde period.
Full Moon 3 degrees Aries 19:46 GMT
This full moon the first one following the Total lunar Eclipse of August 28th 2007. It forms no tight major aspects. Mercury is trine to Mars.
At London Mercury square the MC and Saturn squares the Ascendant.
The Full Moon falls on the natal MC of Bill Gates, on the Moon of Nicolas Sarkozy, on the natal Mercury of Zimbabwe opposition leader Tsvangirai, near the natal Uranus of Pope Benedict XV1 and near the UK labour party natal Mars.
At the moment of exact Full Moon the Moon is rising over the mid Atlantic Ocean, she is on the local MC of the whole of the Iran Afghan border and the local IC of Los Angeles. Jupiter rises at San Francisco, Neptune exactly sets at Saigon, Venus and Neptune align exactly to the local horizon of Caracas.
This Full moon, although not harmless is accompanied by an essentially encouraging vibration. This atmosphere is heady and hearty. Impulses arise and subside. Gather your harvests in the north and celebrate with friends. Announce and dispatch your commands in the south.
North and south, a new astrological service now exists for you, take a look at . Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Thursday September 27th 2007
Yesterday on the day of the Full Moon, thousands of monks and civilians march against Burma's military rulers amid tear gas and live bullets. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is to send a special envoy to Myanmar amid reports of several deaths in clashes between security forces and thousands of protesters led by Buddhist monks. Unconfirmed opposition reports put the death toll at five. "A statement from the main Buddhist organization leading the demonstrations said five monks have been killed,"
Also yesterday coalition forces in Afghanistan said that at least 160 Taleban fighters had been killed in clashes in the south.
Strong ocean tides, during the next few days, around the coastlines of Earth, will accompany the wake of yesterday's Full Moon (which occurred within 36 hours of being at perigee). Next month's Full Moon will produce even higher tides.
The very fast moving 'hung over' Moon now wanes in Aries. Today is a little less tense than yesterday but the Full Moon still hangs large and rampant.
Mercury enters Scorpio 17:18 GMT today. He turns retrograde in 2 weeks time having almost reached 9 degrees of this sign. This ingress represents a modulation of energy from air to water. Collective mental processes will take on a penetrative nature. Thinking will 'get below the surface'. Serious consideration can be summoned. Another such modulation occurs tomorrow when Mars enters Cancer. A dampening down of the recent 'combustible energy' will be evident.
There is a minor lunar occultation, visible from the UK, of the star Maia starting approx. 22:53 GMT.
Friday September 28th 2007
Nine people were killed in Burma yesterday during a violent crackdown on protests against the regime, state media says.
The US secretary of state urged leaders of the world's top polluting nations to agree on tackling climate change.
A Nasa spacecraft began an eight-year mission to explore the two biggest asteroids in the Solar System. The US spacecraft, which will visit the small worlds of Ceres and Vesta, blasted-off at 1134 GMT (1234 BST) from the Cape Canaveral Airforce Station. Dawn will reach Vesta in 2011 before going on to visit Ceres in 2015.
Today the Moon is at perigee (nearest the Earth this month) at 01:44 GMT.
At 05:00 GMT the Moon in late Aries forms a fiery grand trine with Venus in Leo and Pluto in Sagittarius. More than a loving spoonful.
The Moon sextiles Mars and becomes void 14:00 GMT. She races into Taurus at 14:18 GMT and sets the scene for an essentially 'rooted' weekend.
Mars enters Cancer 23:51 GMT. This is the start of a long voyage through the sign of the crab. Hard and productive homely energy will be the hall mark of the period of his residence in Cancer. On Nov.. 15th Mars turns retrograde at 13 degrees Cancer. On Dec. 31st Mars retrogrades into Gemini. On March 4th 2008 Mars reenters Cancer and on April 4th Mars enters new territory at 13 degrees Cancer. Mars will finally leave Cancer and enter Leo on Friday May 9th 2008.
Saturday September 29th 2007
Yesterday British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he believes the loss of life in Burma has been "far greater" than that reported by the authorities. He was speaking after holding talks by phone with US President George W Bush and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.
Today the Moon decelerates and wanes in Taurus. With Mars now in Cancer and Mercury in Scorpio both turning retrograde this season, we today find ourselves in the midst of more emotional and reflective astrological energy. We are now in a time of taking stock. We now have to decide what is to live and flourish and what must be put to rest. All is in the balance. Thrift and economy will take the reigns of our thinking. This weekend especially has a conserving and steadfast consistency. Traditional activities are favored, at least up to the lunar ingress into Gemini 14:35 GMT tomorrow which spices things up a little.
Sunday September 30th 2007
The Moon disseminating phase 21 degrees Taurus 00:44 GMT and then forms a 'fixed T-square' with Venus and Neptune around 01:30 GMT.
The Moon squares Venus 05:11 GMT and becomes void of course.
The Moon enters Gemini 14:35 GMT.
October 2007
On October 7th a lunar occultation of Regulus occurs at 06:50 GMT visible from Southern Europe and North Africa. (A naked eye event from the UK given clear skies around 05-45 GMT at 32 degree altitude). The Moon on this day then moves on to occult Saturn at 16:02 GMT from the Antarctic
The final of three Jupiter Uranus square aspects occurs on October 9th.
From the 5th to the 20th of October, Mars and the North Lunar Node form a long lasting watery grand trine with a slow moving Mercury (who turns retrograde on October 12th) . On the 17th the Moon draws in Venus and Saturn to form a 'pentagram pattern' the height of this astrological wave.
Monday October 1st 2007
Yesterday ten soldiers died and another 50 are missing after a powerful rebel force raids an African Union base in Darfur.
A UN envoy seeking to end Burma's bloody crackdown met the opposition's Aung San Suu Kyi and top generals.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 8 degrees Libra. There are 83 days to the Capricorn Solstice. All is in the balance right now.
The Moon is decelerating and waning in Gemini forming around 15:30 GMT today a mutable T-square with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces. There is much to talk about today with the Sun and the Moon both in air signs.
Mercury is a rapidly decelerating 'evening star' in Scorpio. He sextiles Saturn this morning at 06:16 GMT. The first of three such aspects this season. Serious and deliberate thoughtforms are emerging. He turns retrograde on October 12th suggesting an inevitable 'about turn' in events.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Leo. She is trine to Pluto on Wednesday and then undergoes a conjunction with the fixed star Regulus later this week, enters Virgo on the 8th Oct. and is conjunct Saturn in that sign on 14th Oct. This is a powerful time for personal love experiences. Lots of dedications and commitments are ahead.
Mars is now in Cancer turning retrograde on Nov. 15th. Plenty of domestic, nationalistic and thrifty energy right now.
Jupiter is nearly square Uranus. These two hardly ever do wrong together even in square aspect. Vision and revelation square up with enterprise and adventure.
The next astrological wave ahead of us is on October 7th and 8th, when Moon, Venus, Regulus and Saturn are closely grouped in the morning sky. (See the graphics below). An exciting time is ahead!
Tuesday October 2nd 2007
Thousands of Burmese monks are to be sent to prisons in the far north of the country, sources tell the BBC.
Russian President Putin has agreed to run for parliament, saying it is "entirely realistic" he may become prime minister.
Zimbabwe's bakeries have run out of flour as reports suggest it is increasingly difficult to get hold of bread.
A search for survivors is under way after a volcano erupted on a Yemeni island in the Red Sea, killing at least two people.
Bit of a vacuous start to this day as the decelerating waning Moon approaching Last Quarter in Gemini opposes Pluto and becomes void at 10:52 GMT.
She enters Cancer 16:58 GMT and is conjunct Mars in that sign at 19:56 GMT. The day reasserts itself, circumstances change, adrenaline flows. Whilst the Moon has her dalliance with Mars today, Venus is in trine aspect to Pluto. Love changes all. There is a positive vibration in the air.
The next astrological wave ahead of us is on October 7th and 8th, when Moon, Venus, Regulus and Saturn are closely grouped in the morning sky. (See the graphics below). An exciting time is ahead!
A new astrological service now exists for you, take a look at .
Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Wednesday October 3rd 2007
Yesterday North Korea's reclusive leader Kim Jong-il welcomed South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to Pyongyang for a historic summit. Live television footage showed the two men shaking hands ahead of three days of talks in the North Korean capital. The summit between the two leaders is only the second such meeting in more than 50 years since the Korean war. It is interesting to note that Mercury is currently passing over the natal Mars of the North Korean chart and the Ascendant of the south Korean Chart., Mars too is currently contacting sensitive points in the charts of both countries as is the New Moon next week.
Israel confirmed for the first time that it carried out a strike on a Syrian military site almost a month ago.
Pakistan's former spy chief Lt Gen Ashfaq Kiani is named by President Musharraf to take over as army head.
The UK military force in Basra is to be cut by 1,000, Gordon Brown says, on his first visit to Iraq as prime minister. Are we staggering towards a general election in the UK? Next week's new Moon occurs as Mars culminates at London. Is this the trigger?
The inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Al Fayed has begun at London's High Court. With Mercury now in Scorpio, turning retrograde next week we could expect that the truth will be forced to light.
"Comet LONEOS (C/2007 F1) is here!" reports Tony Lock of Leeds, UK, who took this picture on Sept. 30th. Over the next month this comet is predicted to increase in brightness to 4th magnitude--barely visible to the naked eye but an easy target for small telescopes. Comet LONEOS is not a frequent visitor to the inner solar system. One analysis suggests it was last in the neighborhood 42,000 years ago. It's equally possible, however, that the comet has never been close to the sun before; this could be its first plunge. The uncertainty adds suspense to Oct. 29th when LONEOS will approach the sun almost as close as Mercury. Will fresh veins of ice newly heated by sunlight burst forth to produce surprisingly bright jets and clouds? Stay tuned!
Comet Loneos' position projected onto the zodiac is currently in Virgo.
Today the decelerating Moon hits last quarter phase at 10 degrees Cancer 10:07 GMT.
Venus in Leo trines Pluto at 13:12 GMT. Mighty love rearrangements are the order of the day.
The Moon trines Uranus and is void at 20:42 GMT.
A new astrological service now exists for you, take a look at .
Personal astrology from Michael Harwood E-mailed to you. Click for details.
Thursday October 4th 2007
Pretty good news emerged yesterday as North Korea agreed to disable its main nuclear facilities by the end of the year, in a deal reached at six-nation talks.
US President Bush vetoed a bill to expand a children's health insurance plan by raising tobacco taxes.
In the UK David Cameron rallied the Tories, challenging Gordon Brown to call a snap election and "let the people decide".
The date that is currently circulating for a 'snap' general election in the UK is Nov 1st 2007. The notable astrological point about that day is that Mercury is stationary (after the polls would have closed) turning direct at 23 degrees Libra. The image of a 'hung parliament' in the balance, with recounts and delays, comes straight to mind. It is unwise however to rush to conclusions in this game. We astrologers are usually wrong when predicting election results, but we learn the most whatever happens.
Both leaders, Cameron and Brown have Leo Moons in their natal charts. The Moon is in Leo on that day. Cameron's lunar return occurs during 'the election day', Brown's occurs 'after the result is known' (with Libra rising). Not much to go on there (although Brown's return looks easy). The flavor of the day is certainly one of 'fixity'. The Moon is at 'fixed' last quarter. The Sun is in Scorpio, the Moon is in Leo. The suggestion here is that this single fact 'the astrological flavor of the day' namely the Sun and Moon in fixed signs favor the 'status quo' and a Labour Government reelected.
Most of the other 'planets' are in however mutable (changeable) signs. Venus for example in Virgo discouragingly opposes Brown's Mars on Nov 1st and she (Venus) opposes Cameron's Saturn on Nov 3rd. The Conservative party has Saturn squaring its natal Mercury, at that time, a poor omen for them. Labour has Jupiter opposite natal Pluto, even worse! As court astrologer I would advise Gordon Brown not to go to the country on this day. My money however, if this day is chosen, is on a Labour win with a reduced parliamentary majority.
Today, October 4th 2007, the waning and decelerating Moon is 'void of course' nearly all day in Cancer, finally entering Leo 22:28 GMT. This day is a bit of a drag. A lull is underway before the astrological storm ahead this weekend. Read on, and thank you for your forebearance 'constant reader'.
Friday October 5th 2007
The Moon is about 1° north of the Beehive star cluster before dawn Friday morning. (A binocular vision)..
The Moon wanes and decelerates in Leo, steadily approaching a remarkable grouping in the morning skies with Venus Regulus and Saturn. Sunday and Monday will see the height of this astronomical grouping. As above so below. It will be interesting to correspond this celestial event to happenings on Earth.
Also from today for the next couple of weeks, Mars and the North Lunar Node form a long lasting watery grand trine and Kite pattern focused on saturn opposite the Lunar north node, with a slow moving Mercury who will turn retrograde on October 12th. Deliberate and measured application of muscle and mind are favored over this period. Something or someone will turn however. Delays in communications are certain, plans will change, minds will change. Twists and turns will very much be the order of the period.
Today however is a fun day.
Tonight is a Friday night to set no limits on your generosity and your recreation. Fun and frolic with impunity!
Saturday October 6th 2007
No compromise. No holds barred, the day is geared to recreation, sport, fun, animals, parties and children.
This is a day of 'play' before a day tomorrow of 'precision'.
The Moon, Neptune and the Earth are linearly aligned (within 2 degrees) at 10:48 GMT, a cosmic and brief magical moment.
Sunday October 7th 2007
Set your alarm, there's going to be a beautiful display in the pre-dawn sky on Sunday morning. The slender crescent Moon is gliding by Venus to meet up with Saturn and all three will be gathered together in a patch of sky small enough to cover with your outstretched palm. Instructions: Wake up at 5 am and look east, you can't miss
The news yesterday :-
Gen Musharraf easily wins Pakistan's presidential vote, but a court has yet to rule if his candidacy was legal.
Campaigners worldwide march against the crackdown on pro-democracy rallies by Burma's military rulers.
Gordon Brown says he will not call a UK autumn election,
The view from the northern hemisphere above.
October 7th and 8th, 2007: Moon, Venus, Regulus and Saturn in the morning sky. Pre-dawn mornings provide a series of conjunctions between Venus, Regulus and Saturn. The three will form a close group with the Crescent Moon on October 7th and 8th. Venus passes Regulus on the 8th and Saturn on the 14th.
And the view from the southern hemisphere below.
Sunday October 7th 2007 CONTINUED....
The Moon reaches balsamic phase 29 degrees Leo at 04:13 GMT and then a lunar occultation of Regulus occurs at 06:50 GMT 'visible' from Southern Europe and North Africa. (A naked eye event from the UK given clear skies around 05-45 GMT at 32 degree altitude). This is the 11th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
The Moon is conjunct Venus at 05:29 GMT and becomes 'void of course' at 05:29 GMT.
The Moon enters Virgo 07:04 GMT.
This Sunday then turns very delicate, very precise and very critical. Be warned. A definite change of gear occurs this morning.
The Moon then moves on to occult Saturn at 16:02 GMT (visible from the Antarctic). This is last of the current monthly series of 12 Lunar occultations of Saturn until 2013.
The day unfolds in curious astrological hues. Let us hope you are prepared.
Monday October 8th 2007
State of the skies:- At 16:13 GMT today the Sun reaches the halfway point in Libra. This is traditionally the start of 'the darkened way', a period in the year which inevitably draws us to the sign of the Scorpion. We are 75 days from the December Solstice. The Sun sextiles Jupiter tomorrow.
At 13:00 GMT the slow moving and decelerating waning Moon at 16 degrees Virgo forms a tight mutable T-square with Jupiter and Uranus. At that time the Moon, Uranus and the Earth are linearly aligned within a quarter of a degree. A special time, exactitude and precision the name of the game here. The Moon is New on Thursday at 17 degrees Libra. At the exact moment of New Moon Mars in Cancer is conjunct the local MC of London. Not the trigger for a UK general election but what?
Mercury is an 'evening star, in Scorpio he turns retrograde on Friday of this week at 9 degrees Scorpio.
Venus is a 'morning star', and follows the Moon into Virgo at 06:53 GMT today. Venus is conjunct Saturn within 3 degrees at 5 degrees Virgo next Sunday. This is the final of three Venus Saturn conjunctions this year. The other two were on July 1st and 13th Aug.
Mars is in Cancer and is sextile Saturn tomorrow.
Mars in opposition 2007-2008 agenda.
Aug 24th Mars opposed Jupiter (first time) This aspect corresponded with the terrible fires in Greece.
Sept. 22nd Mars opposes Pluto. (first time) This aspect is building up this very week (currently square the Virgo Sun). The Thai aircraft disaster the previous Sunday could be related to the potential violence of Mars opposite Pluto.
Sept. 29th Mars enters Cancer. Domestic energy a go-go.
Oct. 9th Mars sextiles Saturn (first time). Hard and productive homely energy.
Nov.. 15th Mars turns retrograde 13 degrees Cancer. Crisis point.
Dec 9th Mars sextiles Saturn (second time)
Dec 24th Mars in opposition to the Sun. The brightest 'star' in the night sky at Christmas.
Dec 26th Mars opposes Jupiter (second time, but across Cancer Capricorn this time)
Dec 31st Mars retrogrades into Gemini
Jan 2nd Mars opposes Pluto (second time)
Jan 30th Mars turns direct
early Jan-Feb 2008 Mars in quintile aspect to Saturn
March 4th Mars reenters Cancer
March 7th Mars opposes Pluto (last time)
mid March Mars sextile Saturn (last time)
April 4th Mars enters new territory 13 degrees Cancer.
April 24th Mars opposes Jupiter (last time)
Jupiter is square Uranus. Jupiter tomorrow makes his final of three waning mutable square aspect to Uranus at 18:21 GMT. (1st 22/1/07, 2nd 11/5/07). I like Jupiter Uranus contacts of any sort. The astrological energy of these two blends well.
Finally Jupiter is now only 11 degrees from his 'one off' December conjunction with Pluto.
Tuesday October 9th 2007
Yesterday up to 50 Pakistani troops went missing amid fighting with militants near the Afghan border.
British troop numbers in Iraq will be reduced to 2,500 from next spring, Gordon Brown told MPs.
Mars in Cancer sextiles Saturn in Virgo 03:46 GMT.
The Sun in Libra sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius 04:05 GMT
The old Moon in Virgo squares Pluto at 11:08 GMT and is void for over 6 hours.
The Moon enters Libra 17:58 GMT.
Jupiter today makes his final of three waning mutable square aspect to Uranus at 18:21 GMT. (1st 22/1/07, 2nd 11/5/07). The astrological energy of these two blends well.
This day goes nowhere. The Moon is void of course for a quarter of the day and just too old. Mercury appears to be moving so slow as he draws to his station on Friday. The evening is genial enough but social contacts lack depth.
Wednesday October 10th 2007
Yesterday Pakistani warplanes bombarded suspected pro-Taleban militant positions, as fierce fighting raged near the Afghan border for a fourth day. The army says 45 troops and 150 rebels have died in battles around the town of Mir Ali.
Venus, Saturn, and Regulus appear closest together in the dawn on Wednesday morning. They'll fit in a circle 4.5° wide.
The Sun and the old Moon are both in Libra. Today is just 'an old Moon day' with the aged Moon squaring Mars at 03:21 GMT. The only aspect today.
However the Mercury, Mars, Lunar Node grand trine in water signs, holds long and true in the skies of Earth this week, offering solace through the application of muscle and mind.
Clear out unwanted business. Focus your mind on the New Moon tomorrow.
Thursday 11th October 2007
A solar wind stream is heading toward Earth and it could spark a geomagnetic storm when it arrives today.
Turkey is shelling suspected Kurdish rebel camps across the border in northern Iraq, a newspaper reported Wednesday, but the government appeared unlikely to move toward sending ground troops until next week.
MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan (AP) -- The army halted attacks on villages near the Afghan border Wednesday to give residents time for funerals after days of fighting that killed as many as 250 people. (CNN)
Today is the day of the New Moon.
New Moon 17 degrees Libra 05:02 GMT
This New Moon is on the day before Mercury turns retrograde. Any 'new' ideas or proposals which arise at this time require very careful scrutiny. It is almost inevitable that situations being experienced now will have to be revisited later. New developments are best 'let be', for now.
This is the first New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse on September 11th 2007, and the 4th New Moon before the Annular Solar eclipse which takes place on February 7th 2008 (visible from Antarctica).
This new Moon in mid Libra is trine Neptune and sextile Pluto. The Moon is fairly well placed.
At the exact moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are on the local MC of Bangkok and on the IC of Panama and Toronto.
The Sun and Moon are both rising over the local horizons of Eastern Europe, the Balkans, SE Finland, Libya and Chad.
The Saturn / Lunar South Node conjunction in Virgo is aligned to the local IC of Los Angeles, and to the local MC of Western Afghanistan, the very area currently in the news regarding battles between the Pakistani Army and the Taleban.
Mars in Cancer is conjunct the local MC of London. Mars sets at Rangoon, and rises at Mexico City.
This New Moon exactly 'hits' the natal Saturn of Russian president Putin. It is also conjunct Gordon Brown's natal Neptune, George Bush's Moon, and UK's Prince Charles and Prince Harry's natal Venus.
This New Moon carries with it an 'ongoing' watery grand trine and planetary Kite pattern, involving Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio and the Lunar node in Pisces, focused on Saturn and the lunar nodal axis. Something really rather special is taking place with this planetary pattern at this time.
Venus is applying to her final conjunction with Saturn. This is the final 'lesson in love' which has been building up over the last few months.
This is a New Moon full of importance and promise.
Some three hours after the New Moon moment, around 08:00 GMT the Moon at 19 degrees Libra pulls together the planetary kite picture with Venus and Saturn on the Lunar Nodal axis.
The day continues under 'nice' lunar aspects.
It should be a good day.
At 23:23 GMT the slow moving, 'oh so tender' infant moon, sextiles Pluto and is void of course.
Friday October 12th 2007
Yesterday Turkey recalled its US envoy after a vote by lawmakers labels the 1915-17 killing of Armenians as genocide.
The UN Security Council adopted a statement deploring Burma's military crackdown on pro-democracy protesters.
Today Mercury turns retrograde 03:53 GMT at 9 degrees Scorpio. Incredible stillness of mind could be attained at that time if you have the opportunity and inclination to meditate on the moment. Mercury will be retrograde up to November 1st. Expect the usual delays in communications and transport during this period. (Expect postal strikes!) Expect to have to revisit matters that were not completed as they should have been. Expect frustrations in plans, schemes and sentiments. This phenomena occurs three times a year and is 'just a part of nature'.
The very slow moving young Moon enters Scorpio 06:14 GMT and continues to make nice aspects as she draws towards an occultation of this enigmatic and retrograde Mercury shortly after midnight at the start of Saturday. Venus is moving closer to Saturn and the lunar south node in early Virgo.
Despite favorable lunar aspects today, things looks a little more serious and intense than they appeared yesterday.
Saturday October 13th 2007
The Moon very slowly occults Mercury around 00:31 GMT, and reaches apogee 09:52 GMT.
The Sun is trine Neptune 01:40 GMT.
The Moon squares Neptune 21:23 GMT and is void for over 20 hours.
All the time Venus approaches Saturn and the south lunar node.
Sunday October 14th 2007
Venus is conjunct Saturn (and the lunar south node) within 3 degrees at 5 degrees Virgo 04:29 GMT. This is the final of three Venus Saturn conjunctions this year. The other two were on July 1st and 13th Aug..
The Moon enters Sagittarius at 18:58 GMT.
Monday October 15th 2007
Yesterday US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Israel to push forward a key peace conference.
Congo troops moved towards the stronghold of rebel Gen Nkunda, who vows to ignore a deadline to disband.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard announced parliamentary elections for 24 November.
Russian President Putin has been warned of a plot to kill him during a visit to Iran next week, officials yesterday said. Last Thursday's New Moon was exactly conjunct his natal Saturn.
A young South China tiger was spotted in the wild for the first time in decades, says China's Xinhua agency. The South China Tiger is one of six remaining tiger subspecies. Three other tiger subspecies, the Bali, Java, and Caspian tigers, have all become extinct since the 1940s, according to tiger experts.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 22 degrees Libra. There are 8 days left of this libran astrological month. There are 68 days to the solstice. We are in the days of a very young, very slow Moon in Sagittarius today forming a mutable T-square with Venus and Saturn in Virgo and the lunar node in Pisces around 07:00 GMT. This kick starts the day. The Moon reaches crescent phase at 7 degrees Sagittarius at 08:19 GMT
A lunar occultation of Antares occurs today around 15:04 GMT visible from South America. Lunar occultations of Antares are occur every month right now from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2010. Seems like a long treatment. There are none then however till July 2023.
Mercury is a retrograde evening star. moving between the Sun and the Earth. drawing closer. Always problems when Mercury retrogrades. He turns direct on November 1st.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Virgo. The goddess is at last 'on the move', after her retrograde motion of the last couple of months. Relationships progress and the head will rule the heart in personal affections right now.
Mars draws closer too. He is currently in Cancer turning retrograde from Nov 11th to the end of January, opposing the Sun on Christmas Eve. The God of War will make a good father. His energy is protective and defensive, he is focused on economy.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is now leaving his waning mutable square to Uranus. Jupiter is now only 10 degrees from his one off conjunction with Pluto, in early December. He will be conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius in 2009 and with Uranus in Pisces and Aries in 2010 and around new year 2011.
The dominant astrological feature of the week ahead is Mercury in retrograde motion and in sextile aspect to Venus and Saturn (and in trine aspect to Mars). This is solid 'mending' stuff, very personal, very domestic, very productive, Wednesday looks a real good day for moving the earth, provided you don't bite off more than you can chew. It may seem, however that 'the passing of time and the flow of events' are 'running backward'. Much of the story right now is a revisit. Following this, the week after holds a crescendo of days leading up to the very large looking 'Halloween full moon in Taurus', (peaking in the early hours of Friday October 26th).
Tuesday October 16th 2007
The US secretary of state yesterday offered strong backing for the quick establishment of a Palestinian state.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said his visit to Iran will go ahead, despite reports of a plot to kill him.
In the UK Sir Menzies Campbell resigned as leader of the Liberal Democrats with immediate effect.
Today the waxing crescent Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 04:32 GMT.
Venus in Virgo sextiles Mars in Cancer 17:37 GMT.
This is a reasonable day astrologically speaking. Take no nonsense.
Wednesday October 17th 2007
An alarmed Iraq yesterday warned a cross-border raid by Turkey could trigger intervention by other neighboring states.
Russian President Vladimir Putin made a landmark visit to Tehran for crucial talks on Iran's nuclear ambitions.
US President George W Bush is due to meet the Dalai Lama, despite strong objections from the Chinese government. It will be the first time a sitting president will have appeared in public with the 72-year-old Buddhist leader.
Oil prices hit record levels above $87 a barrel amid tensions in northern Iraq and concerns over output levels.
Today the Moon, increasing in light and motion, is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius and is void of course at 00:33. GMT.
During this 'lunar void of course interlude', retrograde Mercury sextiles Venus 03:18 GMT.
The Moon enters Capricorn 07:04 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in cardinal signs (along with Mars in Cancer)
Retrograde Mercury then trines Mars 08:37 GMT. The second of three this season.
All in all this is a very robust start to the (GMT) day. There is more to follow however, a marvelous 'pentagon of power' is arranged in the skies as the Moon reaches 7 degrees Capricorn and hooks up with retrograding Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and the lunar Node. The special time is centered around 19:00 GMT. Use this moment and indeed this day (and tomorrow) for serious jobs of work. This is potentially a practical and industrious couple of days.
A new astrological service now exists for you, take a look at .
Thursday October 18th 2007
Comet LONEOS (C/2007 F1) is brightening. . It Is not very bright--(6th magnitude)--but definitely there. The comet has a green coma with a blue ion tail. Last night Oct. 17th, Comet LONEOS glided by the 3rd magnitude star Muphrid in the constellation Bootes. for details.
Yesterday Turkey's parliament approved military operations against Kurdish separatists in Iraq, defying pressure from the US. The price of oil rose to a fresh high of $89 a barrel as tensions grew between Turkey and Kurdish rebels.
The Dalai Lama is being awarded a Congressional Gold Medal - in a move that has infuriated China.
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has confirmed that she will end more than eight years of self-imposed exile today.
The earliest evidence for the existence of reptiles is found in rocks dating back 315 million years.
Today the Moon, increasing in both light and motion, waxes in Capricorn towards her first quarter phase.
This is a day for constructive, meaningful and practical activities. It may be hard going at times but this astrological vibration offers potential to 'pull through'. This day brings out the very best and the very worst.
Friday 19th October 2007
At least 58 people were killed and 100 wounded after two bombs hit crowds greeting returning Pakistani ex-PM Benazir Bhutto yesterday. Ms Bhutto was being driven in a convoy through crowded streets from Karachi airport to a rally to mark her homecoming after eight years in exile.
In total keeping with Mercury retrograding, a one-day strike by French transport workers yesterday caused chaos, amid threats that action could continue.
US scientists have unveiled a detector thousands of times smaller than the diameter of a human hair that can translate radio waves into sound. Made of carbon nanotubes a few atoms across, it is almost 1,000 times smaller than current radio technology.
EU leaders are meeting in Lisbon in an attempt to agree on a key treaty to reform the 27-nation bloc.
Today the Moon reaches first quarter phase at 26 Capricorn at 08:34 GMT being void from that time for over eight hours. It's simply a matter of crawling through the 'dense' astrological vibration of a void Moon in Capricorn.
Mercury sextiles Saturn 13:54 GMT. The second of three this season, allowing good organizational and management opportunities. Get sorted!
The Moon enters Aquarius 16:52 GMT. The flavour of the day modulates with this ingress. The Sun and the Moon are then both in air signs (along with Neptune). The conversation increases, it is convivial and future orientated. New avenues of expression beckon. This 'airy wave' will last all weekend.
Saturday 20th October 2007
The waxing Moon accelerating in Aquarius forms a 'finger of fate' with Venus in Virgo and Mars in Cancer around 10:30 GMT. Take care.
The Libran Sun sextiles Pluto 13:36 GMT. Much can be accomplished.
This is potentially an 'astrologically positive' day.
As the (GMT) day draws to its end, the Moon approaches an exact alignment with Neptune peaking in the small hours of tomorrow.
Sunday 21st October 2007
The Moon occults Neptune at 03:27 GMT visible as an occultation from the Antarctic. This is the 5th of 20 monthly events up to DEC. 2008. (The gibbous moon will occult Neptune for UK observers in the early hours of September 13th 2008)
This day continues in similar fashion to yesterday until the hastening and waxing Moon trines the Sun and is void of course from 19:37 GMT. Three and a half hours of lunar voidness ensue .
The Moon most probably unnoticed by all but a few slips gently into Pisces at 23:03 GMT.
Monday October 22nd 2007
At least 12 Turkish soldiers and 32 Kurdish rebels have been killed in fighting near the Iraqi border, Turkey says.
Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto says foreign expertise could help find those behind recent deadly bombings.
State of the skies:- This is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra. The Sun enters Scorpio tomorrow. There are 61 days to the Capricorn Solstice.
The Moon waxing in Pisces opposes Saturn 08:48 GMT, opposes Venus 20:51 GMT and reaches gibbous phase 14 degrees Pisces 23:17 GMT. She aligns to Uranus whilst in mid Pisces. She then begins her final approach to the Halloween Full Moon phase later in the week. The coming Full Moon is the second following the Total Lunar Eclipse on August 28th 2007 and the fourth before the Total Lunar Eclipse on February 21st 2008.
Mercury is ' an evening star' and is rapidly retrograding in Scorpio and is within 48 hours of his inferior conjunction with the Sun. The time of the 'New Mercury' is near. New ideas and solutions are ahead of us.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Virgo and is drawing nigh to a rather tight opposition to Uranus on Thursday of this week. This one may spell disturbances on the money markets this week (Venus seems to 'govern' money as well as 'love'. Expect love aberrations as well this week.)
Mars is approaching his station in Cancer on November 11th. A time of crisis of the collective animus is ahead. This one spells emotionally charged situations.
Jupiter is now nine degrees of zodiac longitude from his 'one off' conjunction with Pluto in early December. Jupiter will be conjunct Pluto at 28 degrees Sagittarius. Previous conjunctions of these planets were in Dec. 1994 (in Scorpio), Nov.... 1981 (in Libra), and Oct... 1968 (in Virgo). The next one is on April 5th 2020 in Capricorn, occurring 3 times in that year. The most recent conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius occurred in 1758, 1509 (occurring 3 times), 1260, 1023, 1010 and a triple in 774 AD. This is an important conjunction which promises a real 'opening up' of new enterprises and possibilities. It could take you anywhere. More to follow about this one in the weeks to come. Stay with The Daze.
Comet Loneos A nice little comet is currently visible in binoculars with difficulty very low in the west at the end of twilight. Comet Loneos, C/2007 F1, is lower left of Arcturus at dusk, currently 5th magnitude and brightening toward a possible 4th-magnitude peak at October's end. It's heading southeast (leftward above the dusk horizon as seen from mid-northern latitudes) day by day. Telescopes show it with a pale gray-green head and a long, thin gas tail
A new astrological service now exists for you, take a look at .
Tuesday October 23rd 2007
Rebels from the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, have announced a unilateral cease-fire following a deadly attack on Turkish forces. Talabani has been meeting with leaders in Iraq's Kurdistan region to quell tensions with Turkey after PKK rebels ambushed a Turkish infantry unit early Sunday and killed at least 12 soldiers. Eight soldiers are still missing. Last week Turkey's parliament voted overwhelmingly to authorize possible military strikes inside Iraqi territory against PKK fighters
Thousands of homes are at risk as fires that have left at least one person dead rage in the US state of California.
Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners yesterday clashed with Israeli guards at a prison in the Negev desert.
Poland's liberal opposition Civic Platform party has won a massive poll victory, ousting Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski's conservatives.
Human rights groups have expressed concerns about reports of clashes in Tibet last week between Chinese police and Buddhist monks.
OK, tension is building. The heavily waxing and accelerating Moon aligns to Uranus in Pisces within 0.92 degrees at 02:09 GMT.
The last hours of the astrological month of Libra are accompanied by a dreamy but turbulent piscean Moon.
This 'big fishy' Moon squares Pluto and becomes void at 20:18 GMT for 5 hours.
The Sun enters Scorpio 21:16 GMT and a new astrological month begins. The Sun and the Moon from this time are in water signs (together with Mars in Cancer and Uranus in Pisces and for a few hours Mercury also in Scorpio). The mood is suddenly deeply emotional and intense.
The inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs at 23:55 GMT at the very start of Scorpio. This point in the cycle is symbolic of a 'New Mercury'. This is an important 'seed moment', an impregnation of the collective human mind by the 'solar impulse', a moment of potential inner revelation. Lock on to it. There is not much else at this time.
Venus is drawing to her tight opposition to Uranus which peaks early Thursday (GMT). As always with Uranus expect the unexpected, as always with Venus, expect disturbances with money matters.
Wednesday October 24th 2007
More than 500,000 people in southern California are ordered to leave their homes to escape raging wildfires.
A fire at a Western Australian gold mine leaves 54 miners trapped underground, according to local media.
Global temperatures predicted for the coming centuries could trigger a mass extinction, warn scientists.
China is preparing to launch its first lunar orbiter on an exploration mission to the Moon, state media has announced. The satellite, named Chang'e 1, will be launched from the Xichang Centre in south-west China's Sichuan province. Officials have a three-day window for the launch. Their first choice is 1800 local time (1000 GMT) on Wednesday.
The Moon enters Aries 01:25 GMT, inducing a rush of pre-Full Moon energy which will grip our souls today and tomorrow.
Mercury retrogrades into Libra 03:37 GMT. Mercury will dilly and dally in Libra for only 19 days. Those days will be full of twists turns, indecision, wavering, balancing and adjusting. Mercury turns direct in motion on November 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Nov 11th.
Tonight Venus is opposing Uranus. This is a challenge, a flash, a chop and a change.
The bright Moon this evening shines below the Great Square of Pegasus
Thursday October 25th 2007
HOT NEWS: Astronomers in Japan, Persia and Europe reported yesterday that Comet 17P/Holmes is undergoing a spectacular eruption. The 17th magnitude comet has brightened by a factor of five hundred thousand or more during the past 24 hours becoming a naked-eye object in the evening sky. Look for a yellow 2.5th magnitude fuzzball in the constellation Perseus after sunset.
George Bush yesterday declared a major disaster in California as fires sparked the biggest US evacuation since Katrina.
Turkish fighter jets bombed Kurdish PKK rebel positions on the border with Iraq, Anatolia news agency reports.
China launched its first lunar orbiter, on a planned year-long exploration mission to the Moon. The satellite, named Chang'e 1, took off yesterday from the Xichang Centre in south-west China's Sichuan province at 1800 local time (1000 GMT).
Today Venus, Earth and Uranus are linearly aligned within 38 minutes of arc at 09:08 GMT.
The nearly Full and very fats moving Moon in Aries today makes mainly nice aspects finally opposing Mercury at 21:47 GMT and becoming void.
This is day two of Mercury's brief retrograde phase in Libra. These are days of wavering and waiting.
Make the most of this 'full' day.
Friday 26th October 2007
The Moon enters Taurus 01:08 GMT.
The huge Full Moon 2 degrees Taurus
04:53 GMT, reaches perigee 11:50 GMT.
This Full Moon is the second following the Total Lunar Eclipse on August 28th 2007 and the fourth before the Total Lunar Eclipse on February 21st 2008.
This Full Moon will appear really big because of her proximity to Earth, and induce very strong tides around the coasts of Earth over the next few days..
The Full Moon is opposite a retrograde Mercury, trine Saturn and quintile Neptune. Five planets in mutable signs right now, three, the Sun, the Moon and Neptune are in Fixed signs. Retrograde Mercury sextiles Pluto, Jupiter sextiles Neptune, Venus squares Jupiter.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon is rising over the Pacific Ocean, and is culminating above, the western states of America, Cuba, Panama and Quito, and below Bankok. It Moonset over Moscow, and Athens. The Sun rises at Sofia. Jupiter rises at Karachi.
Retrograde Mercury sextiles Pluto 17:55 GMT. (The second of three such aspects this season).
Saturday October 27th 2007
STRANGE COMET: Astronomers around the world agree, Comet 17P/Holmes is one of the strangest things ever to explode in the night sky. It's a comet, yet it looks like a planet with a golden core and a green atmosphere. On Thursday, Comet Holmes shocked sky watchers with a spectacular eruption, brightening almost a million-fold from 17th to 2.5th magnitude in a matter of hours. The comet is now visible to the naked eye--even from light polluted cities--high in the northern sky after sunset
Yesterday's Full Moon appears to have signalled the latest American move against Iran which has again raised the issue of whether this is simply the hardening of sanctions against Iran or whether it is the prelude to a military strike.Washington has designated the "Quds" force (Quds being the Arabic name for Jerusalem) within the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a "supporter of terrorism".The Guards as a whole have also been accused of proliferating weapons of mass destruction, a reference to ballistic missile development in which they are allegedly involved. The Bush administration wants to turn the heat up on Iran and its President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has just signalled his own hard line by replacing Iran's main nuclear negotiator with one of his own associates. Iran has responded defiantly to the new US sanctions.
Today at 04:00 GMT the Moon in Taurus forms a trapezium pattern with Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Aquarius around 04:00 GMT.
The Moon squares Neptune 07:17 GMT and is void of course for the remainder of the day.
The Moon occults the northern edge of the Pleiades for northeastern North America in early evening and for Europe later in the night.
This is a 'hung over Moon' day. Nothing is easy and nothing gives. The day favours 'traditional' activities. This is a day to enjoy the senses.
Sunday October 28th 2007
Venus is at greatest elongation, 46° west of the Sun in the dawn.
The Moon enters Gemini 00:12 GMT and makes difficult aspects. The 'vibe' changes. Venus (still swooning from her opposition to Uranus last Thursday) is about to square Jupiter, the Moon today makes her approach to all these planets, forming a loose mutable grand cross in the as this day ends and the during the first few hours of tomorrow (GMT). There may well be a tense restlessness today.
Monday October 29th 2007
Naked-eye Outburst of Comet Holmes. On Wednesday October 24th, faint little Periodic Comet Holmes (17P) underwent a gigantic outburst to shine as bright as magnitude 2.5, easily visible to the unaided eye. That day the ejection of gas and dust was still so close to the comet's nucleus as to appear starlike, as if this were a nova. But by Thursday evening the cloud had enlarged to a hazy fuzz-spot, at least in telescopes and binoculars, with a brilliant nucleus and a slight yellow-green tint. Comet Holmes is in Perseus, excellently placed high in the northeast in late evening. This is an extraordinary event not to be missed! . This comet 'exploded' last Wednesday as news events on Earth were focused on the USA Iran relationship. Also that day China launched her first lunar orbiter on an exploration mission to the Moon
Yesterday about 25,000 landless Indian farmers and tribal people reached Delhi after a three-week march for land rights.
Argentines voted to choose a successor to President Nestor Kirchner - with his wife Cristina seen as the favourite.
Pakistani troops and helicopter gunships attacked militants in the north-western district of Swat, killing 10 of them, officials say.
Talks in Libya aimed at trying to end the four-year war in Sudan's Darfur entered a second day. The talks began on Saturday with the Sudanese government announcing a unilateral cease-fire. But with key rebel leaders boycotting the talks, pessimism is growing that they will have any lasting impact.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 6 degrees Scorpio. There are 55 days to the Capricorn Solstice.
The waning and decelerating Moon in Gemini forms a loose mutable grand cross with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. The peak of this activity is 02:00 GMT. The Moon lashes like a bitter tongue today. She reaches her disseminating phase 21 degrees Gemini 09:15 GMT, and continues in an uneasy fashion till she opposes Pluto at 19:51 GMT and is void.
Mercury is now retrograding 'morning star' in Libra. He turns direct on Thursday and re-enters Scorpio on November 11th. These are not days to decide important issues, and anyway wavering and indecision are the hall marks of the days right now.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Virgo. She squares Jupiter today at 09:09 GMT. There is exaggeration and wastefulness in the ether today. The head still rules the heart. The change 'of heart' occurs when Venus enters Libra on November 8th.
Mars is almost stationary in Cancer. He shines below the waning Moon once they rise late this evening.
Mars is approaching his station in Cancer on November 11th. A time of crisis of the collective animus is ahead. This one spells emotionally charged situations.
Jupiter tomorrow makes a sextile aspect to Neptune. Jupiter will be conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius in 2009, (and with Uranus in Pisces and Aries in 2010 and around new year 2011).
Jupiter is now less than eight degrees of zodiac longitude from his 'one off' conjunction with Pluto in early December. Jupiter will be conjunct Pluto at 28 degrees Sagittarius. Previous conjunctions of these planets were in Dec. 1994 (in Scorpio), (Boris Yeltsin ordered Russian troops into Chechnya at the time, Fred West was arrested in England), Nov. 1981 (in Libra), and Oct. 1968 (in Virgo). The next one is on April 5th 2020 in Capricorn, occurring 3 times in that year.
The most recent conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius occurred in 1758 (the seven years war was raging in Europe) , 1509 (occurring 3 times), the year Henry V111 was crowned King of England, 1260, 1023, 1010 and a triple in 774 AD (the very year Charlemagne conquered the kingdom of the Lombards, and took the title King of the Lombards).
This is an important conjunction which promises a real 'opening up' of new enterprises and possibilities. (It does hove a strong connection with military enterprise). Personally and professionally, the conjunction could take you anywhere. More to follow about this one in the weeks to come. Stay tuned to The Daze.
Tuesday October 30th 2007
Yesterday control of the Shia province of Karbala was passed to the Iraqis, as 27 died in a suicide bombing in Baquba.
Israeli fuel sanctions punish Gaza's entire population and are unacceptable, the UN chief said.
Argentina's current first lady, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, secured victory in the country's presidential election.
Russia says there has been a radiation leak at a nuclear reprocessing plant in the Ural mountains east of Moscow, but that it has not harmed anyone. Local emergency officials say a faulty tap allowed radioactive waste to leak from a tank onto a stretch of road at the Mayak plant last Thursday.
Oil prices have risen to fresh highs due to a combination of the weak dollar, supply concerns in Mexico and continued tensions in northern Iraq. In early Asian trading, US light crude passed $93 a barrel for the first time,
Today the Moon enters Cancer 00:50 GMT and applies to a conjunction with Mars. The Sun and the Moon are then both in water signs (along with Uranus and the lunar node in Pisces, and Mars in Cancer). This 'wateriness' confers on this day (and Wednesday) an essentially emotional tenor. Feelings go deep today and tomorrow. The pull of the past may be intense. The inevitability and certainty of our mortality are most pronounced and to the fore. Life may seem too much of a battlefield today. The answer to the dilemma, of course, lies with love and care and the nurture of spiritual strength.
Jupiter in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 03:57 GMT. There is real vision and imaginative enterprise woven within this aspect which has been building up for a few weeks and whose influence will last a few weeks more.
At 11:00 GMT the Moon at 6 degrees Cancer forms a watery grand trine with the Sun and the Lunar Node.
The Moon is conjunct Mars 19:11 GMT. (Mars is now upper right of the waning Moon in the late evening).
Wednesday October 31st 2007
The strangest comet to burst onto the celestial scene in our lifetime is easy to see with your bare eyes, even if your sky is fairly light-polluted. You just have to know exactly where to look. Comet Holmes flared into visibility on October 24th. What happened was that its tiny, solid nucleus puffed out a huge cloud of dust, and the dust is being lit by sunlight. At first the dust cloud appeared so small to the unaided eye that it looked like a bright star. Day by day the cloud spread out wider, so that by last weekend the "star" was starting to look like a tiny, round disc. Since then the disk has been getting a bit wider every night, as the dust spreads. Its overall brightness has not changed.
Astrologers around the world have been very slow to respond to this celestial wonder. Centuries ago the appearance of this 'new star' would have been considered a most important event, and an omen of a very special event shortly to correspondingly occur on Earth. Traditionally comets were regarded as harbinger's of doom. such as the death of a King or the losing of a battle.
Way back in 1892, two days after the annual full moon in Taurus, a comet was spotted by Edwin Holmes after its brightness increased significantly, making it more noticeable in the skies. Now 115 years later and two days before this year's full moon in Taurus (UK time, 26th Oct @ 6am), it suddenly and unexpectedly expanded... Barbara Palliser
The modern astrologer should, in my opinion, also regard this comet as very important astrological event.
Comet Holme's loop around Perseus the Hero.
Comet Holmes was closest to earth around May 7th 2007 and will be closest to Earth on Nov. 5th 2007. The Comet stands in opposition to the Sun around Dec 3rd 2007, and is in close zodiacal conjunction with the next Full Moon on November 25th 2007. Currently Comet Holmes position when projected onto the tropical zodiac is located around 5 degrees Gemini. The comet is in retrograde motion until around Dec 28th 2007 when it is located at about 25 degrees Taurus. With the focus on the Taurus/Gemini cusp the comet makes an inconjunct aspect during this period with the 'one off' Jupiter Pluto conjunction at the end of Sagittarius.
The orbit of Comet Holmes remains between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
This comet may have an important and fateful correspondence to an event on Earth which is shortly to take place. The outcome and consequence of the event maybe irrevocable. The period between now and the end of December is the critical period. This comet appears to have the fury of a divine messenger. Lets watch the world news closely now. The comet exploded as fires enveloped southern California and there was much talk at that time about the USA / Iran conflict and possible future military action. In the hours and days that followed Turkish fighter jets bombed Kurdish PKK rebel positions on the border with Iraq. China launched its first lunar orbiter, on a planned year-long exploration mission to the Moon.
The news yesterday concerned Iraq's largest dam being at risk of a major collapse that could devastate the city of Mosul.
Crew members regained control of a North Korean cargo ship off Somalia on Tuesday after a deadly battle with pirates who had hijacked their vessel, the U.S. Navy said. The Navy is still chasing a second ship held by pirates in the area.
Today at 10:45 the Moon forms a tight 'finger of fate' with Jupiter and Neptune. The wheel of fortune is spinning for someone.
Neptune turns retrograde 16:19 GMT at 21 degrees Aquarius.
The Moon in Cancer squares Mercury and is void of course from 17:13 GMT.
November 2007
Thursday November 1st 2007
Yesterday a Spanish court sentenced 21 men to jail, some for thousands of years, over the 2004 Madrid train bombings. Russia wants "unprecedented" curbs on observers at parliament elections, the OSCE watchdog said.
The US is giving Turkey intelligence on Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq, the Pentagon yesterday said.
International aid agencies warned of an "unfolding humanitarian catastrophe" in parts of Somalia after recent fierce fighting in the capital.
Today the Moon enters Leo 04:48 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then both in fixed signs. (Along with Neptune in Aquarius). Expect a change of 'atmosphere' today after the rather complex emotional nature of the past two days. Today is more formative and resplendent. Today and tomorrow are days to 'pull out all the stops', and hopefully have some recreation.
The Moon reaches her last quarter phase at 9 degrees Leo 21:19 GMT. This phase represents 'a crisis in consciousness'.
The good news is that Mercury turns direct in motion today at 22:53 GMT at 23 degrees Libra. He re-enters Scorpio on 11th November and reaches 'new territory' on 17th November. Hold back on new projects until 17th November when Mercury really will appear to have 'picked up speed'.
Friday November 2nd 2007
Fifty days remain to the Winter Solstice.
The decelerating and waning Moon in Leo opposes Neptune (within 2 degrees) at 16:16 GMT and at that time also trines Jupiter.
The weekend ahead starts with luxury, recreation and grandiose proposals but turns (mid Saturday GMT) to a more refined and careful tack. The mood will change from its focus on recreation out of necessity to one of repair and limitation. An occultation of Regulus (12.40 GMT Saturday) and an alignment of the Moon, Earth and Uranus (17.51 GMT Sunday) ensure that this weekend will keep us on our toes.
Saturday November 3rd 2007
The Moon trines Pluto 07:14 GMT and is void of course.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 12:40 GMT visible from central and south America. This is the 12th of 20 monthly occultations of this star. The waning Moon occults (covers) the 1st-magnitude star Regulus before or during dawn or even in broad daylight on Saturday morning across the southern and western US, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America. The star's disappearance happens on the Moon's bright edge, so you'll need a telescope to watch it even if the event happens in darkness for your location.
The Moon then enters Virgo 12:45 GMT and applies to a conjunction with Saturn (tomorrow) and Venus (Monday).
The day ends in a serious and sober manner as the Moon approaches her monthly conjunction with Saturn in Virgo.
Sunday November 4th 2007
The Moon is conjunct Saturn (within 2 degrees) 01:46 GMT.
The day has method, industry, precision and a sprinkling of remorse. The job has to be done. This is a day to 'pick up dropped stitches'.
The Moon, the Earth and Uranus are linearly aligned (within 6 minutes of arc) at 17:51 GMT. Oh this is a really tight alignment! Mark the moment with a flash of genius.
Monday November 5th 2007
State of the sky:- The Sun today reaches 13 degrees Scorpio. There are 47 days to the Solstice. The next eclipse of the Sun is an 'Annular Solar eclipse' visible from Antarctica on Feb 7th 2008.
The slowly waning Moon is conjunct Venus (within 3 degrees) at 17:04 GMT at 27 degrees Virgo, squares Pluto and is void from 18:11 GMT and reaches balsamic phase 28 degrees Virgo 19:49 GMT. The Moon enters Libra 23:47 GMT. Today is another 'work orientated' day.
The Moon is New in Scorpio on Friday as midnight (GMT) approaches. The next eclipse of the Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse visible from Western Europe, Western North Africa and most of the Americas on February 21st 2008.
Mercury is now a 'morning star' in direct motion in Libra. He penetrates Scorpio on 11th November and reaches 'new territory' on 17th November. Save your plans and decisions until then.
Venus is also a 'morning star' but in late Virgo. She is about to square Pluto which suggests she is about to be a bit of a bad girl. She enters Libra on Thursday. Hopefully 'love-type things will ease up from then. Venus has been carrying a heavy burden recently with her retrograde motion and a prolonged sojourn in Virgo. She will lighten up with her Libran ingress.
Mars in Cancer is almost stationary and will turn retrograde on November 15th. The male emotional crisis looms.
From today up to Nov. 9th the Sun, an almost stationary Mars and Uranus make a weak watery Grand Trine. Ease of emotional expression is 'on the cards' right now.
Jupiter is now less than seven degrees of zodiac longitude from his 'one off' conjunction with Pluto in early December.
Tuesday November 6th 2007
Police yesterday used tear gas and batons to break up demonstrations by Pakistani lawyers against the country's state of emergency. President Pervez Musharraf declared the emergency on Saturday, saying he was acting to curb extremism. Critics, however, believe General Musharraf was acting to pre-empt a judgement by the Supreme Court on whether his re-election last month was legal.
Today Venus in Virgo squares Pluto 05:58 GMT. This one has salacious overtones which may have been evident last night.
The Moon wanes in Libra. A more relaxed astrological atmosphere prevails once the Venus Pluto square starts to wear off.
The Sun, Mars and Uranus are in a favourable watery grand trine right now and for another few days.
Wednesday November 7th 2007
At least 40 people, including six MPs and children, were killed yesterday in a suicide attack in north Afghanistan, officials say.
Rescue workers in Mexico are searching for at least 16 people reported missing in the southern state of Chiapas after a landslide buried their village. The village is the latest victim of heavy rains which have flooded 80% of neighbouring Tabasco state, leaving at least 500,000 people homeless. At least 20,000 people are still trapped by floodwaters and many people are still waiting for aid supplies. The floods that hit last week are some of the worst in Mexico's history.
The Turkish government said it will change a controversial law restricting freedom of expression. Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Sahin said a new bill would be put before the Turkish parliament in the coming days. The law, known as Article 301, bans perceived insults to Turkish identity or the country's institutions.
Today the Moon slowly wanes and decelerates in Libra.
The Scorpio Sun trines Uranus in Pisces 16:49 GMT. This fortunate aspect dominates the day, which has potential for inspiration, invention and a new way of looking at an old problem.
At 19:30 GMT today we are midway between the Libran Equinox and the Capricorn Solstice. In the north now 45 days from the Winter Solstice, we enter the 'darkest quarter' of the year. 'Fading' begins today in the north.
Thursday November 8th 2007
There was a spectacular prominence on the sun yesterday--a detailed web of strands.
Also yesterday former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto issued what correspondents say is an ultimatum to President Pervez Musharraf to end emergency rule. She repeated plans for a rally on Friday, despite an official ban, and called for a "long march" next week unless Gen Musharraf changes course.
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili declared a state of emergency after police broke up opposition protests.
Eight people did and at least 10 were injured in a shooting at a school in southern Finland.
Dozens of Sri Lankan soldiers and Tamil Tiger rebels have been killed or wounded in fierce fighting in the north of the island, the two sides say.
Astronomers in the US say they have found a new planet in orbit around a star 41 light years from Earth. The discovery brings to five the number of planets orbiting the star, 55 Cancri, the most found to date in a single solar system outside our own. Astronomers have found more than 250 planets outside our own solar system - the team behind the latest discovery have found more than anyone else. The new planet is a gas planet about 45 times the mass of the Earth. Their latest find is a fifth planet to add to the four they had already discovered around 55 Cancri, a double or binary star in the constellation of Cancer.
The average UK price of unleaded petrol passed £1 per litre for the first time.
Today the very slow moving Moon is conjunct Mercury at 27 degrees Libra 05:25 GMT
The Moon sextiles Pluto and is void of course from 06:46 GMT for almost 5 and a half hours.
Venus enters Libra 09:05 GMT today and will reside in this sign until December 5th 2007. She squares retrograde Mars in Cancer on Nov. 20th, (the next couple of weeks are not that good for romantic experiences after all). She trines retrograde Neptune in Aquarius on Nov. 26th, (a brilliantly artistic time), and sextiles Jupiter (fame and fortune) in Sagittarius on Dec. 2nd 2007.
Mercury sextiles Pluto 10:24 GMT. This is the final such aspect of three this season. This aspect infuses words with power today. Use it well.
The slow aged Moon enters Scorpio 12:19 GMT and applies in benevolent planetary aspects as she inches towards her New Moon phase late tomorrow. The day from this point is deep and dark and serious.
Friday November 9th 2007
Yesterday world news reported that Pakistan will hold elections before 15 February, President Pervez Musharraf said after pressure from the US.
Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili called a snap election, after a week of anti-government protests.
Today is the day of the New Moon in Scorpio. Today is an intense and willful one, not the chosen astrological vibration for most people, but the day is not without purpose or promise. The Moon at apogee (slowest all month) at 12:32 GMT and makes nice planetary aspects all day right up to the New Moon moment at 23:04 GMT.
These pre New Moon hours are blessed with the lunation forming a watery grand trine with Uranus and Mars. 12:00 to 19:00 GMT. There is an ease of emotional expression to be harnessed.
New Moon 17 degrees Scorpio 23:04 GMT
This New Moon in Scorpio is the second New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse of September 11th 2007 and the third before the Annular Solar Eclipse on February 7th 2008. This New Moon is square Neptune, but forms a beautiful watery grand trine with Uranus and Mars.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are rising over Thailand, Indonesia, China, the far north east of Russia, Beijing and Hanoi. The Sun and Moon are setting over southern Mexico, the scene of recent floods. Mars culminates over turbulent Pakistan. Uranus sets over Finland reeling from the events of the last two days.
This New Moon directly 'hits' the natal Sun of the Angola national chart, the UK Conservative party and the natal Sun of Leonardo Dicaprio. It hits the natal Jupiter of the Indian National chart, and that of Carlos Santana. It hits the natal Neptune of the UK chart, the natal Venus of Hilary Clinton, the natal MC of Prince Harry and the natal Mars of Mr Tsvangirai the opposition leader in Zimbabwe.
This New Moon being square Neptune invokes a measure of sensation and confusion. Emotions are to the fore. Passion, power and penetration are woven into the tapestry of this time.
Saturday November 10th 2007
Not the easiest of days. (But at least the news right now is 'low'). Yesterday's New Moon has not thrown up anything new yet.
The infant Moon in Scorpio squares Neptune and is void of course from 03:30 GMT for the rest of this day.
Jupiter and Pluto are now 6 degrees of ecliptic longitude apart and closing on Dec. 11th 2007.
Sunday November 11th 2007
The young, slow moving but accelerating Moon steps into Sagittarius 00:59 GMT, joining Jupiter and Pluto there.
Mercury delves 'back' into Scorpio 08:41 GMT. More to follow on this one.
A Lunar Occultation of Antares occurs 20:59 GMT visible from the South Pacific. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from DEC. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
Monday November 12th 2007
Yesterday Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said new elections will be held as early as the first week of January.
An Italian football fan was shot dead by police during a fight between rival fans at a motorway stop in Tuscany.
Tons of fuel oil leaked into the Black Sea as a Russian tanker was torn in half in a storm that sunk three other ships.
The Delta IV Heavy - the US military's biggest satellite launcher - has flown for only the second time. The 2.3-tonne Defense Support Program (DPS) satellite will monitor missile launches and gather intelligence. The more than 70m-tall (230ft) Delta got away from its pad at 2050 EST on Saturday (0150 GMT, Sunday). It was described as the most spectacular night launch of an all-liquid fuelled booster since Apollo 17 in December 1972.
Comet 17P/Holmes is experiencing a "disconnection event"--the comet's beautiful blue ion tail has become disconnected from its head.
State of the sky:-The Sun today reaches 20 degrees Scorpio. The Sun leaves Scorpio week on Thursday. We are now exactly 40 days from the Solstice. The Sun is square Neptune today 01:42 GMT.
The young, slow moving but accelerating Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius at 21:10 GMT
Mercury now a direct moving 'morning star' (Mercury Lucifer) and appears to accelerate in Scorpio. Mercury will only be in Scorpio until the end of the month. Mercury is now building to a productive sextile with Saturn on Friday. He enters new territory on Saturday (after his recent retrograde motion). He is trine a retrograde Mars on 20th Nov, and trines Uranus on 21st. He races into Sagittarius on Dec. 1st. Mental processes are now 'penetrative' and 'investigatory'. Deep thinking characterizes this period.
Venus is also a 'morning star' but in Libra. Venus will reside in this sign until December 5th 2007. She squares retrograde Mars in Cancer on Nov. 20th, (the next week or so is not that good for romantic experiences after all). She trines retrograde Neptune in Aquarius on Nov. 26th, (a brilliantly artistic time), and sextiles Jupiter (fame and fortune) in Sagittarius on Dec. 2nd 2007.
Mars appears almost stationary in Cancer. Mars turns retrograde on Thursday.
Mars in opposition 2007-2008 agenda.
Dec 9th Mars sextiles Saturn (second time)
Dec 24th Mars in opposition to the Sun. The brightest 'star' in the night sky at Christmas.
Dec 26th Mars opposes Jupiter (second time, but across Cancer Capricorn this time)
Dec 31st Mars retrogrades into Gemini
Jan 2nd Mars opposes Pluto (second time)
Jan 30th Mars turns direct
early Jan-Feb 2008 Mars in quintile aspect to Saturn
March 4th Mars reenters Cancer
March 7th Mars opposes Pluto (last time)
mid March Mars sextile Saturn (last time)
April 4th Mars enters new territory 13 degrees Cancer.
April 24th Mars opposes Jupiter (last time)
Jupiter is now less than 5.5 degrees of zodiac longitude from Pluto. Jupiter will be conjunct Pluto at 28 degrees Sagittarius on Dec. 11th. Previous conjunctions of these planets were in Dec. 1994 (in Scorpio), (Boris Yeltsin ordered Russian troops into Chechnya at the time, Fred West was arrested in England), Nov. 1981 (in Libra), and Oct. 1968 (in Virgo). The next one is on April 5th 2020 in Capricorn, occurring 3 times in that year.
The most recent conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius occurred in 1758 (the seven years war was raging in Europe) , 1509 (occurring 3 times), the year Henry V111 was crowned King of England, 1260, 1023, 1010 and a triple in 774 AD (the very year Charlemagne conquered the kingdom of the Lombards, and took the title King of the Lombards).
This is an important conjunction which promises a real 'opening up' of new enterprises and possibilities. (It does hove a strong connection with military enterprise). Personally and professionally, the conjunction could take you anywhere. More to follow about this one in the weeks to come.
Jupiter will be conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius in 2009, (and with Uranus in Pisces and Aries in 2010 and around new year 2011).
Saturn has been in Virgo for nearly three months now. Credit squeezes, house prices wavering and rising oil prices have been the hallmarks so far. He will not finally leave this sign 'till July 21st 2010, although he will venture into Libra and then return to Virgo between Oct. 29th 2009 and April 7th 2010. During his residence in Virgo the major aspect he will make is a series of five oppositions to Uranus in Pisces on Nov. 4th 2008, Feb 5th 2009, Sept.. 15th 2009, April 26th 2010 and finally July 26th 2010 (across Libra Aries). This opposition last occurred (5 times) in the period April 1965 to Jan 1967, Saturn was then in Pisces and Uranus was in Virgo. Before that it occurred during the period Oct. 1918 to June 1920. The Total Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 21st 2008 will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo. Mars will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo on Jul 10th 2008. Mercury and Venus will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo during the period Aug 14th to Aug 16th 2008. On August 30th 2008 the New Moon will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo. The Full Moon on March 11th 2009 will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus and the New Moon on September 18th 2009 will be conjunct Mercury and Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. On May 23rd 2010 Jupiter then in Pisces and drawing close to Uranus will oppose Saturn in Virgo. All of these points in time will serve to accentuate the crystalline Saturn in Virgo vibration. Saturn was last in Virgo from Nov. 17th 1977 till September 21st 1980 except for the period from Jan to July 1978 when he backsteped into Leo. Saturn in Virgo initiates a wave of health, efficiency, and performance regimes. The wave is both critical, conservative, (Margaret Thatcher was elected to power in the UK under Saturn in Virgo), industrious and it invokes tempering effects. The lesson to be learnt is one of conservation and effectiveness. These are no easy lessons for the mutable Sun sign people during the next two and a half years, Virgo Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius have difficult lessons in store.
Neptune is now retrograding in Aquarius.
Pluto will enter Capricorn in January 2008.
Tuesday November 13th 2007
Yesterday six people were killed as Hamas police in Gaza opened fire at a rally marking three years since Yasser Arafat's death.
A march by opposition leader Benazir Bhutto from Lahore to Islamabad is illegal, said Pakistan's government.
Iranian papers printed a list of moral vices the police are targeting, including make-up and "decadent" films.
In the UK an exclusion zone has been put in place and 5,000 birds slaughtered after a new case of bird flu is found in Suffolk.
Today the Moon still very young but 'gaining in light and motion' is conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius and is 'void of course' from 07:54 GMT. She enters Capricorn 13:01 GMT. The Sun and Moon are then in negative signs.
Around 20:00 GMT the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Mercury in Scorpio and her Node in Pisces.
Wednesday November 14th 2007
The Moon reaches crescent phase 6 degrees Capricorn 01:27 GMT.
This day is pragmatic, robust and purposeful.
Thursday November 15th 2007
Mars turns retrograde 08:41 GMT at 12 degrees Cancer. He is in retrograde motion until Jan 30th 2008.
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles the Sun and is void from 09:20 GMT for a very long and possibly arduous 14 hours. Tough cookie.
She enters Aquarius 23:31 GMT.
Friday November 16th 2007
The UN nuclear agency yesterday said that Iran has given it information on past nuclear activities, but is still enriching uranium.
Also on Thursday Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas made his strongest call for the removal from Gaza of the Hamas group.
President Musharraf named a caretaker government, with Pakistan's current Senate chairman appointed as PM.
A powerful tropical storm which has forced hundreds of thousands to flee their homes has hit Bangladesh's coast. The cyclone made landfall in the south-west, packing winds of up to 240kph (150mph), the country's chief meteorologist said.
Northern Chile has been rattled by powerful aftershocks a day after an earthquake struck the region, leaving 15,000 people homeless. Thursday's two tremors were measured at 6.2 and 6.8 magnitude by the US Geological Survey. They came as Chilean President Michelle Bachelet visited the disaster zone following Wednesday's quake, which killed two people and injured some 150. (The quake hit on Wednesday 14th Nov 2007 at 1243 local time (1543 GMT), centring on Quillahua village, about 100km north-west of Calama town).
Today the crescent Moon 'increasing in light and motion' waxes in Aquarius. The Sun and Moon (together with Mercury and Neptune) are now in fixed signs.
Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Virgo 23:22 GMT. (The final of three such aspects this season, the lesson of recent months now truly learnt!) Time for the mind to move on to new things. Today's vibration is powerfully practical.
This evening the Moon, almost first-quarter, is nearly centered in the boat-shaped star pattern of dim (constellation) Capricornus. Far to its upper right shines Altair. Far to its lower left twinkles Fomalhaut.
Comet Holmes exploded on Oct. 23rd and it has been expanding ever since. On Nov. 9th, a team of Hawaii astronomers led by Rachel Stevenson measured the diameter of the comet's expanding debris cloud: 1.4 million kilometers, slightly larger than the sun itself. The comet is visible to the naked eye as a fuzzball in the constellation Perseus. With only a small telescope you can see the comet's debris cloud in crisp detail and watch it expand from night to night. Nov. 19th is a good night to look: The comet will glide by the star Mirfak (alpha Persei) and appear to swallow it--a sight not to be missed:
The weekend ahead sees an occultation of Neptune on Saturday and a fairly tight 'lunar planetary' alignment on Sunday. Venus however is building up to a 'tussle' with retrograde Mars which may put a bit of a dampener on smooth social intercourse over the next couple of days.
Saturday November 17th 2007
The weak Leonid meteor shower should peak tonight between midnight and dawn Sunday morning. Expect to see only about 10 Leonids per hour even under ideal conditions.
Mercury today enters 'new territory' after his recent retrograde motion. He is back on track now.
The Moon occults Neptune at 11:15 GMT visible as an occultation from the northern New Zealand. This is the 6th of 20 monthly events up to DEC. 2008. The Geocentric conjunction is 11:49 GMT
The accelerating Moon 'hits' her first quarter phase at 25 degrees Aquarius at 22:34 GMT.
Sunday November 18th 2007
The Moon in Aquarius sextiles Pluto and is void from 02:52 GMT. She enters Pisces 07:15 GMT.
From this moment both the Sun and the Moon are in water signs. (Together with Mars, Mercury and Uranus).
The mood today and tomorrow is deeply subliminal. Words are not needed. Emotions and telepathic impressions are to the fore. A deep spiritual vibration, soulful and universal, permeates the astrological ether.
The Piscean Moon, the Earth and Saturn (in Virgo) are linearly aligned (within 1.25 degrees) at 21:00 GMT
Monday November 19th 2007
Comet Holmes is passing very close by Alpha Persei (Mirfak) this week. In fact, it's so close to the star that the star hinders its visibility. Try averted vision (looking a little to one side). Or binoculars. Also, moonlight increasingly brightens the evening sky night by night now and compromises the view.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 27 degrees Scorpio. There are 33 days to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Thursday of this week.
The waxing and accelerating Moon aligns to Uranus within 0.75 degrees at 09:25 GMT at 15 degrees Pisces. This alignment initiates a watery grand trine for four days or so with Mercury, Mars and Uranus. The week ahead is blessed by this 'ingenious emotional blend' of energies but is dominated by the Moon's rapid movement towards her full phase on Saturday in Gemini.
Mercury is very busy. He appears to move very smartly through Scorpio. Mercury is a 'morning star' rising ahead of the Sun. The universal mentality associated with this phase of Mercury is that of a 'forward looking deep thinker'.
Venus is the other 'morning star' in Libra. This potentially smooth warm and tasteful position is overwhelmingly obliterated by an incongruous square aspect to retrograde Mars in Cancer, which peaks tomorrow. There is conflict and war between animus and anima here and possibly between man and woman.
Mars is drawing closer to Earth as he appears to move in retrograde fashion to his opposition to the Sun on Christmas Eve. He shines brighter than any other star in the sky right now. As he draws closer so his power fades. There is a real 'masculine crisis' going on here.
Jupiter is now just over four degrees of celestial longitude away from his 'one off' conjunction with Pluto. These two 'meet' on Dec. 11th. Could this one off conjunction trigger an Iran incident? Pressure is mounting there. Historically Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius does seem to be connected to military enterprise.
Tuesday November 20th 2007
Venus in Libra squares Mars in Cancer 02:19 GMT.
Mercury trines Mars 02:52 GMT. The final of three such aspects this season.
The Moon squares Pluto at 07:27 GMT and is void.
The Moon accelerates into Aries 11:25 GMT
Jupiter and Pluto are now only 4 degrees of zodiac longitude apart.
Wednesday November 21st 2007
The world news in the earlier part of this week focused on the aftermath of the Bangladesh cyclone. Thousands have died in that disaster. The cyclone hit the country a week ago as Mars reached his station and the Moon labored in Capricorn.
Today the waxing and accelerating Moon in Aries forms a cardinal T-square with Venus in Libra and Mars in Cancer around 09:00 GMT. Not the best atmosphere for social relationships.
The day becomes 'explosive'. Invention and ignition go hand in hand.
The Moon quickly reaches gibbous phase 14 degrees Aries 10:06 GMT. The procession to Saturday's Full Moon will then begin in earnest.
The Moon, Earth and Venus linearly align (within 1.5 degrees) 10:13 GMT.
Mercury in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces at 17:58 GMT.
Thursday November 22nd 2007
France's high-speed TGV rail network has been damaged by a "concerted campaign of sabotage", the SNCF state-owned rail operator has said. It said acts of sabotage on Tuesday night/Wednesday Morning overnight, including fires, caused huge delays to TGV services already hit by a transport union strike now its ninth day.
Pakistani opposition politician Imran Khan was yesterday freed after being detained since last week under anti-terror laws.
An estimated 1,000 people a day are returning across Iraq's borders having previously moving abroad to escape the violence, Iraqi authorities say.
US and European shares have tumbled, hurt by a weak dollar and fears of a US economic slowdown. On Wall Street by noon yesterday, the Dow Jones index was down more than 140 points in though a surging oil price boosted firms such as Exxon Mobil. The UK's FTSE 100 closed 2.5% down at 6,070.9 points while Germany's Dax index lost 1.5% to 7,518.4 points while France's Cac slipped 2.3% to 5,382.5. Venus, always an indicator of 'the money markets' is currently squared by retrograde Mars.
In the UK two computer discs holding the personal details of all families in the UK with a child under 16 have gone missing. The Child Benefit data on them includes name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and, where relevant, bank details of 25 million people.
Today the waxing fast moving gibbous Moon in Aries trines Pluto and is void 08:40 GMT.
She accelerates even faster towards her Full Moon phase on Saturday and enters Taurus at 12:19 GMT.
From this moment the Moon is very fast, full, and heavy. There is great 'mass' and astrological momentum now at large in the biosphere. The day continues with 'gravity'.
A new astrological month starts this evening (GMT) as the Sun leaves tropical Scorpio and enters Sagittarius at 16:50 GMT, joining Jupiter and Pluto there.
Friday November 23rd 2007
Yesterday Pakistan's Supreme Court dismissed the final legal challenge to President Musharraf's re-election.
The weak dollar is threatening the survival of European planemaker Airbus, its chief executive said.
Exploding Comet Holmes is fading as it expands, and it is no longer easy to see with the naked eye
Moons like ours - which are formed in catastrophic collisions - are rare in the Universe, astronomers yesterday said.
Consumer demand for bandwidth could see the internet running out of capacity as early as 2010, a new study warned..
Today is the first full day of the astrological month of Sagittarius .
The Moon is 'heavily pregnant' with lunar life force. Highly libidinous Full Moon 'rays' invoke a powerful response. The weighty, stolid and emphatic atmosphere continues all day to build in intensity.
From 16:00 to 19:00 GMT the nearly full Moon in Taurus forms a Fixed T-square with Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Aquarius. She finally squares Neptune and is void from 18:53 GMT.
There is then a 15 hour 'lunar void of course' period. There is nothing to do but submit to the crashing full moon wave on the shores of mother earth, as the Moon approaches her huge climax.
Saturday 24th November 2007
The void of course Moon on the brink of her full moon climax is at perigee (fastest all month) 00:00 GMT.
Uranus turns direct 08:29 GMT.
The Moon enters Gemini 11:30 GMT and peaks in her full phase 3 hours later.
The 'huge and high' Full Moon 2 degrees Gemini 14:31 GMT
O, Moon!
Your silvery shadow
Wakens memories--
Waxing, waning archetypes
Silent, yet singing
Of ethereal harmonics.
Disseminating vibrations.
Humanity joins in chorus--
A balsamic echo--
Reflected light.
Your hidden tresses
Stream out behind you,
Seducing every psyche with
Blatant emotion.
Simmering melancholy
Kisses all--
Singing, laughing, loving,
Dancing to the rhythm
Of your pale light.
This Full Moon is midway in time between the Total Lunar Eclipses of August 28th 2008 and Feb 21st 2008. We are also at this time midway between the Partial Solar Eclipse of September 11th 2007 and the Annular Solar Eclipse on February 7th 2008.
This point in time is a karmic moment of balance.
This is a dynamic Full Moon. The skies contain a watery grand trine involving Mars, Mercury and Uranus. (The local MC at London augments this pattern into a planetary Kite).
Mercury is square Neptune, Venus trines Neptune. Mars sextiles Saturn and again at London forms a 'mystic rectangle' with the local MC. There are at this time six planets in mutable signs and only Saturn resides in an earth sign. Change is in the air, but there is very little to harness the new potentials and the new energies right now.
At the moment of exact Full Moon the Moon rises at Mogadishu, and along the west bank of the Suez canal. (The Sun exactly sets on the East bank, and at Jerusalem and at Istanbul.
The Moon is conjunct the local MC of Adelaide, central Australia and Japan. and she sets over the western USA. The Sun is shortly to rise at LA California.
Jupiter is conjunct the local MC of Dakar. Venus sets over the UK. Mars rises at Islamabad and at Delhi. Uranus is conjunct the MC of Afghanistan. The Moon is at her low point at Rio Janeiro.
This Full Moon is conjunct Mars and the Ascendant in the natal horoscope of Tony Blair, the natal Moon in the DR Congo republic chart, the (possible) natal Venus of Osama Bin Laden, the natal Moon of President Putin and the natal Uranus of Paul McCartney.
Finally this Full Moon is conjunct (by zodiac longitude) with Comet Holmes.
Have fun, take care, plan a good one.
After the Full Moon Mercury squares Neptune 17:50 GMT, assuredly giving rise to a measure of confusion and chaotic scenes which in the end may be seen to be the true character of today.
Sunday 25th November 2007
Huge ocean tides will follow yesterday's perigee full moon over the next couple of days.
The 'hung over' Moon in Gemini forms an Airy Grand Trine with Venus and Neptune around 18:00 GMT
Monday 26th November 2007
The 'rather benign' Full Moon has now past with world news only reporting former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif returning to Pakistan after spending eight years in exile and Australian Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd outlining his priorities after his decisive poll victory over John Howard.
Yesterday Russian riot police broke up a second opposition protest in as many days, detaining about 200 activists.
State of the sky:- The Sun today reaches 4 degrees Sagittarius. The Sun squares Saturn on Friday. We are 26 days from the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The next eclipse of the Sun is an 'Annular Solar eclipse' visible from Antarctica on Feb 7th 2008.
The Moon, now two days past the full and in Gemini opposes Pluto 07:38 GMT. She is void of course from that moment. The Moon enters Cancer 11:07 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Mars. During the past month, Mars has doubled in brightness and now it is putting on a nice show for backyard stargazers. A good night to look is Nov. 26th when Mars has an eye-catching close encounter with the Moon
The Moon aligns to Mars within a degree tomorrow. The next eclipse of the Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse visible from Western Europe, Western North Africa and most of the Americas on February 21st 2008.
Mercury is a 'morning star' in Scorpio. Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 1st and is at Superior Conjunction on 17th Dec.
Venus is also a 'morning star' in Libra. She trines Neptune 09:55 GMT today. Venus enters Scorpio on December 5th.
Mars is retrograding in Cancer. On Dec 9th Mars sextiles Saturn (second time) On Dec 24th Mars is in opposition to the Sun. Mars will be the brightest 'star' in the night sky at Christmas. On Dec 26th Mars opposes Jupiter (second time, but across Cancer Capricorn this time). On Dec 31st Mars retrogrades into Gemini On Jan 2nd Mars opposes Pluto (second time) Mars turns direct on Jan 30th
Why has Mars gotten so bright and attractive? It's because Earth and Mars are at closest approach on Dec. 18th, the two worlds will lie only 55 million miles apart. That may sound like a great distance, but it is just a hop, skip and a jump on the vast scale of the solar system. NASA is taking advantage of the close encounter to send a new mission to Mars: the Phoenix Lander. Phoenix launched in August 2007 and is due to reach Mars in May 2008, joining the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity already there.
Take a look at Mars: If it is this good now, what will it be like in December? Stay tuned.
Yes you heard me right this December 18th Mars will be at its closest and brightest until the year 2016 and it will still be just as bright and officially at opposition on Christmas Eve. Plus it won't be this high in the sky again until 2040! Wow! In fact almost all of December it will be brighter than the brightest star in the sky,
Jupiter and Pluto are now 3 degrees apart and are opposed this morning at 02:51 and 07:38 GMT respectively by the Moon. Jupiter will be conjunct Pluto at 28 degrees Sagittarius on Dec. 11th. Previous conjunctions of these planets were in Dec. 1994 (in Scorpio), (Boris Yeltsin ordered Russian troops into Chechnya at the time, Fred West was arrested in England), Nov. 1981 (in Libra), and Oct. 1968 (in Virgo). The next one is on April 5th 2020 in Capricorn, occurring 3 times in that year. The most recent conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius occurred in 1758 (the seven years war was raging in Europe) , 1509 (occurring 3 times), the year Henry V111 was crowned King of England, 1260, 1023, 1010 and a triple in 774 AD (the very year Charlemagne conquered the kingdom of the Lombards, and took the title King of the Lombards).
This is an important conjunction which promises a real 'opening up' of new enterprises and possibilities. Personally and professionally, the conjunction could take you anywhere. Could this one off conjunction trigger an Iran incident? Pressure is mounting there. Historically Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius does seem to be connected to military enterprise.
Jupiter will be in conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius in 2009, (and with Uranus in Pisces and Aries in 2010 and around new year 2011).
Saturn has been in Virgo for three months now. Credit squeezes, house prices wavering and rising oil prices have been the hallmarks so far. He will not finally leave this sign 'till July 21st 2010, although he will venture into Libra and then return to Virgo between Oct. 29th 2009 and April 7th 2010.
During Saturn's residence in Virgo the major aspect he will make is a series of five oppositions to Uranus in Pisces on Nov. 4th 2008, Feb 5th 2009, Sept.. 15th 2009, April 26th 2010 and finally July 26th 2010 (across Libra Aries). This opposition last occurred (5 times) in the period April 1965 to Jan 1967, Saturn was then in Pisces and Uranus was in Virgo. Before that it occurred during the period Oct. 1918 to June 1920.
The Total Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 21st 2008 will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo. Mars will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo on Jul 10th 2008. Mercury and Venus will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo during the period Aug 14th to Aug 16th 2008. On August 30th 2008 the New Moon will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo. The Full Moon on March 11th 2009 will be conjunct Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus, and the New Moon on September 18th 2009 will be conjunct Mercury and Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. On May 23rd 2010 Jupiter then in Pisces and drawing close to Uranus will oppose Saturn in Virgo. All of these points in time will serve to accentuate the crystalline Saturn in Virgo vibration. Saturn was last in Virgo from Nov. 17th 1977 till September 21st 1980 except for the period from Jan to July 1978 when he backsteped into Leo. Saturn in Virgo initiates a wave of health, efficiency, and performance regimes. The wave is both critical, conservative, (Margaret Thatcher was elected to power in the UK under Saturn in Virgo), industrious and it invokes tempering effects. The lesson to be learnt is one of conservation and effectiveness. These are no easy lessons for the mutable Sun sign people during the next two and a half years, Virgo Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius have difficult lessons in store.
Astrologically speaking December 2007 is very special. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction on Dec. 11th is the first wave. However as Christmas approaches a conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto near 0° Capricorn are opposed by Mars retrograding in the first few degrees of Cancer, joined by the Full Moon at 1° 50' Cancer on December 23. The period from 17th Dec to the year's end is punctuated by this series of lunar and planetary oppositions which are likely to invoke a plethora of events and experiences at that time. Excitement lies ahead. Jupiter will move into Capricorn on December 18th 2007 and once we get into 2008 we are faced with the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn.
Tuesday November 27th 2007
Yesterday President Musharraf said he will resign as Pakistan's army chief on Wednesday,
US President George Bush expressed optimism about the prospects for this week's Middle East conference.
Australia's new government will issue a formal apology to Aborigines for the abuses they suffered in the past, prime minister-elect Kevin Rudd (photo above with wife) has promised. Rudd is a Virgo Sun sign and was born September 21st 1957, time unknown. He has won power under some difficult personal astrological aspects. (Pluto is squaring his Mars and Sun right now!).
He was born two days before a New Moon on the Libran Equinox. His birth chart has the Sun aligned within a degree to Mars in Virgo and he also has Mercury, Venus and Pluto in that sign. Saturn of course is currently in Virgo. This election result is very much a sign of the times.
At the exact moment of Full Moon on Sunday the Moon was conjunct the local MC of Adelaide and central Australia
Today the waning and decelerating Moon aligns to Mars (within 0.72 degrees) at 07:01 GMT at 11 degrees Cancer. (The zodiacal conjunction is at 05:53 GMT).
This 'water melon' Moon reaches disseminating phase at 20 degrees Cancer at 20:36 GMT.
This is a quietish day in a quietish week once the rather punchy Moon Mars alignment this morning (GMT) is over.
Wednesday November 28th 2007
Yesterday US President George Bush said Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed to try to reach a peace deal in 2008.
The French prime minister called rioters criminals, after two nights of clashes in the Paris suburbs.
Zimbabwe's chief statistician said he cannot work out the rate of inflation because of the lack of goods in shops.
Today the decelerating and waning Moon in Cancer squares Venus and is void from 04:23 GMT for exactly 9 hours.
The Moon then enters Leo 13:23 GMT. From this moment the Sun and the Moon are in Fire signs (together with Jupiter and Pluto).
This is a quiet astrological week prior to the crucial alignments and oppositions which are the hallmark of what should be an astrologically memorable December.
Thursday November 29th 2007
Pakistan's President Musharraf yesterday handed over military command, meeting key opposition and international demands.
A bomb killed 16 people in Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, hours after a suicide attack left one dead.
Nasa has released details of its strategy for sending a human crew to Mars within the next few decades. The main mission will be dispatched in February 2031
Todaythe Moon wanes and decelerates in Leo applying all day today and tomorrow to Regulus and before that to a fairly tight alignment with the Earth and Neptune peaking just after midnight tonight (GMT).
Friday November 30th 2007
The Moon, the Earth and Neptune align linearly (within 1.5 degrees) between the tropical signs of Leo and Aquarius at 00:12 GMT.
This day is characterized by a looming Sun Saturn square tonight. The weekend may be more enjoyable if the rather formative vibration of the day is used to complete jobs of work.
The Moon in Leo squares Mercury in Scorpio and is void from 17:25 GMT.
The Moon enters Virgo 19:45 GMT and starts to apply in conjunction to Saturn. From this moment the Sun and the Moon are in mutable signs, (together with Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Pluto). There is a feeling of inevitable change ahead, and some movement in fortune just around the corner.
As this lunar ingress is occurring a lunar occultation of Regulus occurs at 19:52 GMT visible from the Far East and North East Australia. This is the 13th of 20 monthly lunar occultations of this star.
The Sun in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Virgo at 20:23 GMT. Sober vibrations.
December 2007
. Astrologically speaking December 2007 is very special. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction on Dec. 11th is the first wave. However as Christmas approaches a conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto near 0° Capricorn are opposed by Mars retrograding in the first few degrees of Cancer, joined by the Full Moon at 1° 50' Cancer on December 23rd. The period from 17th Dec to the year's end is punctuated by this series of lunar and planetary oppositions which are likely to invoke a plethora of events and experiences at that time. Excitement ahead! Jupiter will move into Capricorn on December 18th 2007 and once we get into 2008 we are faced with the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn.
Why has Mars gotten so bright and attractive? It's because Earth and Mars are at closest approach on Dec. 18th, the two worlds will lie only 55 million miles apart. That may sound like a great distance, but it is just a hop, skip and a jump on the vast scale of the solar system. NASA is taking advantage of the close encounter to send a new mission to Mars: the Phoenix Lander. Phoenix launched in August 2007 and is due to reach Mars in May 2008, joining the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity already there.
Take a look at Mars: If it is this good now, what will it be like in December? Stay tuned.
Yes you heard me right this December 18th Mars will be at its closest and brightest until the year 2016 and it will still be just as bright and officially at opposition on Christmas Eve. Plus it won't be this high in the sky again until 2040! Wow! In fact almost all of December it will be brighter than the brightest star in the sky,
Saturday December 1st 2007
The decelerating Moon is conjunct Saturn 11:28 GMT (within 2 degrees) and reaches last quarter phase at 9 degrees Virgo at 12:45 GMT. A crisis in consciousness occurs, quicky yielding a subtle but real change in the ether as Mercury enters Sagittarius 12:21 GMT joining the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto in that sign.
Mercury has a very exciting and busy agenda just ahead of him whilst residing in Sagittarius. After some serious communication on the 6th Dec when he squares Saturn, he becomes part of a grouping of 5 bodies within 20 degrees of each other in Sagittarius, (quite rare), on Dec 9th and 10th. He squares Uranus on 11th Dec. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Dec 17th. He is conjunct Pluto on the 19th and he tumbles headlong into Capricorn on Dec 20th immediately encountering Jupiter there. Loads and loads to do, say, think and expound over this period.
Jupiter is now only 2 degrees of zodiac longitude from Pluto. Venus has two timing intentions on them both from fanciful Libra. She sextiles Pluto tomorrow and does the same thing to Pluto on Monday evening. Watch the money markets, watch female responses.
A very tight alignment of the Moon the Earth and Uranus assembles as the (GMT) day ends.
Sunday December 2nd 2007
The Turkish army says it has inflicted "heavy losses" on Kurdish PKK rebels across the border in Iraq.
At least 14 Iraqi villagers have been killed by militants near Baquba, despite figures suggesting violence is falling.
Yesterday events marked the 20th World Aids Day, as campaigners say better prevention and treatment is still needed.
Two British Muslim peers have met the UK teacher jailed for 15 days in Sudan for insulting Islam by allowing her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad.
Today day starts with the Moon, the Earth and Uranus linearly aligned (within a third of a degree) between tropical signs Virgo and Pisces, at 00:05 GMT.
Venus in Libra sextiles Jupiter at 08:15 GMT and then moves on to hold the same geometric aspect with Pluto tomorrow. She graces their conjunction.
This is a very practical Sunday.
Monday December 3rd
In the UK right now the Labour party is experiencing disquiet regarding cash donations. It is no surprise to learn that the astrological chart of the party is currently beset with heavy transits. Transiting Saturn has been setting off the natal Saturn Neptune opposition. Transiting Jupiter is in an inconjunct aspect with natal Jupiter and Neptune is conjunct the natal south lunar node. No quick fix here.
Gordon Brown's ill fortune this autumn has occurred as Jupiter in Sagittarius squared his natal Mars (mid November), and squared his natal Venus last week. More shocks in store as Mars is conjunct his natal Uranus on Dec 16th and Jupiter squares his natal Saturn on Dec 23rd.
The 'Teddy Bear named after the Prophet' in the Sudan episode seems (in my mind) to correspond to the current planetary situation of Mars in Cancer square Venus in Libra, (the soft cuddly teddy bear) and Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius, (fanatical and disproportionate religious intolerance).
The main news yesterday:- Russians voted in elections set to be dominated by President Putin's party, amid opposition claims of rigging. Venezuelans voted on a raft of controversial constitutional changes proposed by President Hugo Chavez. A US TV presenter said he and his team have found a series of footprints in the Everest region of Nepal resembling descriptions of the mysterious Yeti.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 11 degrees Sagittarius. There are 19 days to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.
The slowly waning Moon, now past last quarter phase, today squares Pluto and becomes void of course at 02:12 GMT and slowly enters Libra 06:02 GMT. She decelerates all week towards a rather critically tense New Moon on Sunday evening (GMT).
Mercury is a hopeful morning star in Sagittarius. His optimism may be thwarted somewhat on Thursday evening (GMT) when he is squared by Saturn.
Venus is also a morning star but in late Libra. She sextiles Pluto 23:32 GMT, because of this aspect (and the Libran Moon) today is a day of increased social, romantic and personal potential. Venus sways into Scorpio on Wednesday.
Mars is a very bright, close, and high 'star' (in the northern skies). He continues to retrograde in Cancer moving slowly to his fateful oppositions, (to Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto and the Sun) which occur just before and around the Christmas period ahead of us.
Tuesday December 4th 2007
Iran seems "less determined" to develop nuclear weapons than previously thought, a US intelligence report yesterday said.
Foreign observers say the Russian general election won by President Vladimir Putin's party was "not fair".
A UK teacher jailed in Sudan for allowing a toy bear to be named Mohammed is returning to the UK after being freed.
A key UN summit to thrash out a deal on the future shape of a global climate agreement yesterday opened in Indonesia.
Today the very slow moving Moon wanes and decelerates in Libra. She applies all day towards Venus in that sign. Venus however will move into Scorpio tomorrow and the Moon will have to also enter that sign to catch up with her. Both bodies can be seen in the pre-dawn sky, rising ahead of the Sun, heralding the new day and important changes ahead.
Mars is currently passing in front of the bright star Mebsuta in the constellation Gemini (tropical Cancer). Mebsuta is one of the sky's rarer stars, a cool class G supergiant. Mebsuta is a prime example of a "late G" supergiant. And it lives up to its class. From its rather large distance of 900 light years, the star is found to shine with a luminosity 7600 times that of the from a surface with a temperature of 4360 Kelvin, notably cooler than solar. These numbers give a diameter 150 times that of the Sun, or about the size of the orbit of Venus. Mebsuta is one of the few supergiants that lie along the path of the Moon and planets.
Wednesday December 5th 2007
Iran remains a threat despite intelligence saying it may not be building nuclear weapons, the US president yesterday said.
The Somali government halted aid distribution in a crisis-hit region, prompting concern from aid officials.
A major battle broke out in eastern Chad, after a government attack.
The United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Monuc) said it will "provide fire support" to the army offensive against rebels.
Before and during dawn Wednesday morning, the waning crescent Moon forms a narrow triangle with bright Venus to its left and much fainter Spica You don't need to go outside or even wake up 100%--just shuffle in your pajamas to an east-facing window and behold the triangle! The best time to look is around 5 am
Venus enters Scorpio today at 13:29 GMT. She resides in this sign till Dec. 30th. She trines Mars on Dec. 11th and trines Uranus on the 18th. She squares Neptune on the day of the Solstice (22nd). The combination of Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer (both water signs) promotes emotional and sexual fusion. These 4 weeks will be characterized by an intensely sexual vibration. Venus promises us all a passionate Christmas.
The very slowly waning Moon today reaches her balsamic phase 28 degrees Libra 14:37 GMT then sextiles Pluto 14:49 GMT and becomes void of course.
The Moon enters Scorpio at 18:32 GMT, desperately seeking Venus, and is conjunct Venus in that sign at 19:05 GMT.
Thursday December 6th 2007
The US president again talking about Iran ( a daily news item at the moment) said yesterday that Iran must still fully reveal its nuclear activities, or face further international isolation. At least he is not talking about military intervention.
A car bomb yesterday exploded in a largely Shia neighbourhood of central Baghdad, killing at least 14 people.
Today the very old and very slow Moon in Scorpio is at apogee (slowest all month) 16:55 GMT.
Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Virgo 21:17 GMT guaranteeing a hard 'energy sapping' day. There may be some hard lessons to get to grip with. The truth however wins through.
The Sun also is busy having a 'bad shock' day as he builds to a mutable square aspect with Uranus tomorrow. This is not the easiest of days.
Friday December 7th 2007
Comet 17P/Holmes has not faded away. From any dark starry-skied observing site, it remains visible to the naked eye. Although the comet is not as bright as it was when it exploded in late October, it makes up for its lack of surface brightness by sheer size: the comet is huge! It looks like a faint Moon-sized puff of cloud in the middle of the constellation Perseus--a really splendid sight.
The Sun in Sagittarius today squares Uranus in Pisces 08:35 GMT.
The slow moving but now accelerating Scorpio Moon squares Neptune is void from 10:18 GMT for nearly 21 hours.
The above two aspects suggest a difficult start to this Friday and to the 'old moon weekend' which lies ahead. This weekend does however witness a rare 'stellium' of planets (with the Sun and Moon) in Sagittarius. This veritable blast of five astrological bodies within 20 degrees of the zodiac in the sign Sagittarius, starting late (GMT) Saturday serves to bring forth the inner need in all of us to seek and to encompass. Amid much froth and fire, balderdash and ballyhoo, there is a compulsion this weekend to expand consciousness. The cosmic requirement here is to develop focus, direction and 'one-pointedness'.
Friday evening (GMT) sees the void 'fag end' of a moon still in Scorpio, staggering, dwindling, and dissolving. A better day is in store tomorrow.
Saturday December 8th 2007
The ancient, slow moving, but now accelerating Moon enters Sagittarius 07:12 GMT joining the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto in that sign.
This day has a more refreshing potential then yesterday. Amid the 'old moon blues' strains of a greater optimism may be heard and felt. Freedom is another word...
With Mars in Cancer sextiling Saturn in Virgo this is a good day (on a personal level) for constructive and conservation activity. This aspect however is a repeat of the same aspect made on October 9th 2007. Under its vibration Turkey was taking on the Kurdis'rebels' and Pakistani warplanes were bombarding suspected pro-Taleban militant positions near the Afghan border. Seems to be a time to take on the rebels.
From 23:49 GMT today the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto lie within 20 degrees (of celestial longitude) to 05:02 GMT on Tuesday. This is a seriously strong concentration of Sagittarian energy as the New Moon approaches.
Jupiter and Pluto are now only 1 degree of zodiacal longitude apart.
As the day ends the 'nail paring' old moon applies to her monthly alignment to Antares.
Sunday December 9th 2007
This day of the New Moon first sees a lunar occultation of Antares occurring at 03:05 GMT 'visible' from New Zealand. Lunar occultations of Antares occur every month from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2010. There are none then till July 2023.
Mars in Cancer sextiles Saturn in Virgo 03:58.
The Moon is conjunct Mercury 07:41 GMT.
The Sun ,the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Pluto are now tightly packed in Sagittarius.
New Moon 17 degrees Sagittarius 17:41 GMT
The New Moon is square Uranus and sextile Neptune. Mars sextiles Saturn, Jupiter is conjunct Pluto, Mercury applies in square aspect to Uranus, Venus applies in watery trine aspect to Mars.
This New Moon occurs as five astrological bodies are compacted in Sagittarius. This rare stellium confers an exhilarating and expansive energy to all events and experiences at this time.
Notice in the chart above, a loose 'planetary kite' hooked on the back of the separating Saturn north lunar node opposition (of recent months) and a very wide opposition between Saturn and Uranus.
This time next year that opposition will be raging full volume. This New Moon may be a little 'taster' for the future.
This New Moon in Sagittarius is the third New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse of September 11th 2007 and the penultimate before the Annular Solar Eclipse on February 7th 2008.
This New Moon directly hits the USA (Sibyl) Ascendant and the natal Mercury in the UK (1801) National Chart. She also hits the natal Jupiter of Robert Plant. (Coolest man on the planet). Correspondingly the Led Zeppelin reunion concert is tomorrow.
At the moment of New Moon the Sun and the Moon are aligned to the MC of Chicago. The pair are rising over the Pacific Ocean, setting over North West Africa and are on the local IC of Lhasa Tibet. Mars directly hits Beijing. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction applies to a direct hit to Washington DC. At London, Saturn and Uranus align to the local Prime Vertical.
Monday December 10th 2007
Yesterday's New Moon coincided with heavy fighting in Afghanistan for the southern town of Musa Qala. Afghan and Nato forces are trying to recapture the town, the only major Afghan centre in Taleban hands.
European and African leaders reported of progress at a major summit, despite rows over trade and Zimbabwe.
The South Korean government declared a "state of disaster" along a stretch of coastline affected by the country's worst-ever oil spill. A fleet of 100 ships has been fighting to contain the 10,000-ton spill, but emergency workers have been unable to prevent the oil washing ashore
Fighting intensified as the army in the Democratic Republic of Congo pushed into territory held by rebels loyal to the dissident General Laurent Nkunda.
State of the skies:-The Sun is at 18 degrees Sagittarius today. There are 12 days to the Winter Solstice in the North and the Summer Solstice in the south.
We are in the midst of a 3 day stellium of Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto, the Moon and the Sun in Sagittarius. These five bodies occupy less than 20 degrees of the zodiac right now.
The Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct Jupiter (5 degree orb), and for the last time in this sign for 12 years at 15:10 GMT today, she is conjunct Pluto at 15:37 GMT, she becomes void. The Moon enters Capricorn 18:52 GMT.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Scorpio and is about to form the union of a watery trine aspect with retrograding Mars.
Mars approaches Earth, bright and red, dominating all skies and all events. He sextiles Saturn on Wednesday.
Jupiter is conjunct Pluto tomorrow in Sagittarius.
The Led Zeppelin reunion concert occurs tonight in London.
Mercury applies in an 'electric square' aspect with Uranus.
Huge potential voltage.
Tuesday December 11th 2007
Vladimir Putin yesterday backed First Deputy PM Dmitry Medvedev to replace him as Russia's president.
It was reported yesterday that Kosovo will declare independence "much earlier" than May, as international talks fail.
Afghan army troops captured Musa Qala after four days of fighting to oust the Taleban rebels controlling the town.
Lots going on in the skies today.
Mercury squares Uranus 00:25 GMT, a very brittle and upsetting vibration which comes quickly and departs quickly.
From 05:02 GMT today the 20 degree planetary stellium in Sagittarius of the last three days involving the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto comes to an end.
From today and for the next four days Saturn is conjunct the Venus/Mars midpoint sextiling both. This is a possible time to 'cement' a relationship. There is sound emotional structure here.
At 12:30 GMT the slowly accelerating very young Moon in Capricorn forms a tight trapezoidal pattern with the Venus, Saturn and Mars 'arrangement' mentioned above. This is an important time.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto 28 degrees Sagittarius at 19:25 GMT, a one off planetary conjunction.
Previous conjunctions of these planets were in Dec. 1994 (in Scorpio), (Boris Yeltsin ordered Russian troops into Chechnya at the time, Fred West was arrested in England), Nov.. 1981 (in Libra), and Oct. 1968 (in Virgo). The next one is on April 5th 2020 in Capricorn, occurring 3 times in that year. The most recent conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius occurred in 1758 (the seven years war was raging in Europe) , 1509 (occurring 3 times), the year Henry V111 was crowned King of England, 1260, 1023, 1010 and a triple in 774 AD (the very year Charlemagne conquered the kingdom of the Lombards, and took the title King of the Lombards). This is an important conjunction which promises a real 'opening up' of new enterprises and possibilities. Personally and professionally, the conjunction could take you anywhere. Historically Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in Sagittarius seems to be connected to military enterprise.
Jupiter will be in conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius in 2009, (and with Uranus in Pisces and Aries in 2010 and around new year 2011).
Tonight Venus in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer 22:16 GMT. Love is all around me, and so the feeling grows.
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Uranus and is void from 23:58 GMT
Wednesday December 12th 2007
Dozens died yesterday as two bombs rock the Algerian capital, hitting a UN building and a bus full of students. The astrocartography map above shows the situation at Algiers at the moment of New Moon last Sunday. Uranus exactly conjunct the local MC, Mars about to rise, Pluto just set.
Also yesterday Israeli tanks moved deep into the southern Gaza Strip in the biggest incursion into the territory in months.
An ice storm sweeping the central United States has left at least 15 people dead amid warnings of more freezing weather to come. More than 600,000 homes and businesses were left without electricity after icy winds toppled power lines and trees
In the UK on Monday night Led Zeppelin have played their first concert in 19 years, before nearly 20,000 fans at London's 02 arena.
Today the very young, but accelerating and waxing Moon is void all day in Capricorn. A tough prospect.
The Sun in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 03:48 GMT, a dream and a vision.
Venus in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Virgo 19:33. Solid love.
There is inspiration and adventure to be found, but this one is a dogged and hard hitting day.
Thursday December 13th 2007
Astrological history will probably correlate the Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius in early December 2007 with Britain and its coalition partners taking the Afghan town of Musa Qala which seems has taken on symbolic importance for both sides. Now it has fallen, British troops will keep a small presence there, but the main defence of the town and the surrounding area will be led by the Afghan army.
Yesterday the Lebanese army's chief of operations, Gen Francois al-Hajj, was killed in a car bomb attack. Two other people died in the blast in the Christian town of Baabda, close to the presidential palace in Beirut.
Also yesterday three car bombs exploded in the southern Iraqi city of Amara, killing at least 39 people and injuring more than 100.
Major Western central banks will offer billions in short-term loans to private banks to ease the credit crunch.
Today the Moon, at long last, enters Aquarius 05:02 GMT and reaches crescent phase 17:02 GMT at 6 degrees Aquarius.
Around 20:00 GMT the Moon at 8 degrees Aquarius forms a finger of fate with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Virgo.
Today is 'future proof'. Thoughts and actions are geared to new tomorrows. Today is expansive and potentially uplifting.
The best meteor shower of 2007--an "asteroid shower"--peaks tomorrow morning on Friday, December 14th. Sky watchers in rural areas can expect to see dozens to hundreds of shooting stars. "Start watching on Thursday evening, Dec. 13th, around 10 pm local time, At first you might not see very many meteorsbut be patient. The show really heats up after midnight and by dawn on Friday, Dec. 14th, there could be dozens of bright meteors per hour streaking across the sky.
Friday December 14th 2007
Yesterday European Union leaders signed a reform treaty in Lisbon designed to replace the ill-fated EU constitution.
Zimbabwe's governing party endorsed Robert Mugabe as its presidential candidate for next year's election
This year has been one of the warmest globally since reliable records began, a preliminary analysis concludes.
At least eight people including five soldiers died in two suicide bombings in the south-western Pakistani city of Quetta,
Today the Moon increasing in light and motion in Aquarius aligns to Neptune within 0.89 degrees. (Zodiacal conjunction 18:22 GMT). This is an occultation of Neptune at 17:59 GMT 'visible' (telescopically) as an occultation from South Africa. This is the 7th of 20 monthly events up to Dec. 2008 .
Today looks similar to yesterday. The focus is on the future. Hopes and aspirations are potentially high.
Saturday December 15th 2007
The Moon sextiles Jupiter 11:51 GMT and becomes void of course.
The Moon enters Pisces 13:15 GMT. The Sun and Moon (together with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) are in mutable signs. Something gives today. There is a whisper and an imagination of change ahead. This day is kinetic. So, keep moving, keep looking, keep believing.
Sunday December 16th 2007
At 04:51 GMT the Moon opposes Saturn (less than 1 degree alignment) and is eased by Mars.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus (within 2 degrees) at 15 degrees Pisces at 16:24 GMT
Monday December 17th 2007
Yesterday Turkish warplanes fired into northern Iraq, targeting suspected Kurdish rebels.
Nearly 300 communist prisoners escaped in an armed jailbreak in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, police say.
Darfur rebels said they have inflicted a major defeat on the Sudanese army, capturing soldiers and equipment.
British forces transferred control of Basra province to the Iraqi authorities, four-and-a-half years after the invasion.
State of the skies: The Sun today is at 25 degrees Sagittarius. The Capricorn Solstice is five days away. We are now in a brief two day astrological lull before a series of momentous planetary alignments around the Solstice and Christmas period. Trembling anticipation is the order of coming hours.
The Moon increasing in light and motion reaches her first quarter at 25 Pisces at 10:19 GMT. The Moon squares Jupiter and is void 18:27 GMT. She enters Aries 18:53 GMT.
Mercury in Sagittarius is at superior conjunction with the Sun at 15:27 GMT. Mercury as an evening star will enter Capricorn on Thursday.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Scorpio and will make a watery trine aspect to Uranus tomorrow. She squares Neptune on the day of the Solstice (22nd).
Mars is retrograde in Cancer and is closest to Earth tomorrow. The two worlds will lie only 55 million miles apart.
Jupiter enters Capricorn tomorrow. The dynamic astrological run up to Christmas in 2007 begins with this ingress. (Please note that the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter Pluto and Mars are aligned to the first couple of degrees of Capricorn and Cancer. A most special time is just ahead).
Tuesday December 18th 2007
A foreign aid package for the Palestinians will total at least $7bn, France's foreign minister said yesterday at talks in Paris.
Russia delivered its first shipment of nuclear fuel to Iran's Bushehr plant.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he will become prime minister if his chosen successor, Dmitry Medvedev, wins the presidential election in March
A very different animal to Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev his nominated successor is a rather scattered and contradictory Virgo with his Sun close to the rebellious, experimental Uranus Pluto conjunction and Mercury. In contrast to Putin's icy coolness, he'll be excitable, a worrier, slightly indecisive, restless, a seeker after instant enlightenment but not always committed over the longer term to fixed goals. His Sun, Uranus and Pluto are in opposition to Saturn which will give him some staying power and a tendency to depression or a sense that he never quite lives up to what is expected of him. His Sun is also square lucky Jupiter in Gemini which will lift him up when he gets down. Jupiter here gives a love of philosophy, and the law which makes sense since that was his profession until he moved into politics. He is intellectually curious with a wide range of interests, but tends to be a dabbler rather than a specialist. He'll write and lecture well so his communications skills won't be in doubt. And with a close Mars Neptune conjunction in seductive Scorpio he'll revel in publicity and the show biz buzz of an international platform.
Putin on the other hand is a detached, serious Libra with a strong sense of vision and an inclination towards iron control (Mars trine Pluto). Medvedev has glimmerings of the need for control with Mars sextile Pluto and trine Saturn, but he'll be a more diffuse character. (Majorie Orr Astrologer)
A snowstorm that caused major disruption in eastern Canada and the north-eastern US still has Canada's Atlantic provinces in its grip. The storm, which began on Saturday, was one of the worst in the region for decades, Canadian forecasters said.
A powerful jet of particles from a "supermassive" black hole has been seen blasting a nearby galaxy, according to findings from the US space agency. Galaxies have been seen colliding before, but this presents a rare example of one galaxy "attacking" another with a particle beam. This could have a profound effect on any planets in the jet's path and could also trigger a burst of star formation.
Today the Moon rages in Aries. Both the Sun, and the Moon (together with Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury) are in fire signs. Today is a very impulsive day. Flare ups, ignitions, combustions, explosions. handle with care.
Venus in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces 06:43 GMT adds an unusual twist of fate!
Jupiter enters Capricorn 20:12 GMT today. A sober step. Jupiter will be in Capricorn until Jan 5th 2009. During his residence Jupiter will trine Saturn in Virgo three times, Jan 21st 2008, September 8th 2008 and Nov. 21st 2008. He sextiles Uranus on March 28th 2008, May 21st 2008 and Nov. 13th 2008. This is a reasonable itinerary but this residence is not the best place for 'the King of the Gods' to be. Jupiter is said in traditional astrology to 'fall' in Capricorn. His expansive nature is held back somewhat by the practical considerations thrown up by this densest of all the signs. The theme of the year ahead is pragmatism.
This Jupiter ingress now sets the way for Pluto to do the same. Pluto will enter Capricorn for the first time in 247 years on January 26th 2007. With Saturn already in Virgo, and now Jupiter in Capricorn for the year ahead, the stage is set, a very 'earthy' planetary foundation, for Pluto to do his thing and step right into Capricorn. This is the major theme of 2008.
The dynamic astrological run up to Christmas in 2007 begins with this ingress. (Please note that all these planets are aligned to the first couple of degrees of Capricorn and Cancer. A most special time is in store!)
Earth and Mars are at closest approach today, the two worlds will lie only 55 million miles apart. Mars is closest, passing 54,783,000 miles (88,165,000 km) from Earth around Midnight GMT
Wednesday December 19th 2007
Yesterday Iraq's Kurdish leader refused to meet the US secretary of state citing Washington's stance on raids by Turkey.
Jacob Zuma defeated South African President Thabo Mbeki to win leadership of the ruling ANC party
In the UK Nick Clegg won the race to become the next Liberal Democrat leader.
Today Saturn turns retrograde at 8 degrees Virgo at 12:50 GMT and will retrace his footsteps of the last 14 weeks.
Mercury conjunct Pluto 18:49 GMT. This conjunction occurs at the very end of the sign Sagittarius. It represents the first 'shot' of the current planetary alignments which dominate the skies around the Solstice and Christmas period in 2007. Expect a far reaching day.
The rapidly waxing Moon in Aries trines Pluto and Mercury at 19:28 and 19:33 GMT and becomes void.
Around 21:00 the lunar node is on the midpoint of the Moon and the Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto, Sun, conjunction. moment of orientation to the new vibration.
The Moon then establishes herself in Taurus 21:38 GMT.
Thursday December 20th 2007.
Don't look (because it would really hurt your eyes), but Mercury and Jupiter have gathered around the Sun to form a compact triangle in the noon sky. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) image above.
Yesterday UN Security Council talks failed to bridge the gap between the West and Russia over the future of Kosovo.
The White House described media reports that it tried to mislead the public over CIA tapes as "pernicious".
Spain's anti-terror court jailed 47 people over their links to the armed Basque separatist group, Eta.
Three passenger trains collided in southern Pakistan, killing at least 132 people and injuring hundreds more. The accident happened at dawn near the town of Ghotki in Sindh province. The trains were packed with passengers. The accident happened at about 2300 GMT Tuesday (some 4 hours after Jupiter entered Capricorn and when Mars was at his closest approach to Earth) on the border between the provinces of Sindh and Punjab.
Conservative candidate Lee Myung-bak has won a landslide victory in South Korea's presidential election, despite being hampered by corruption claims.
A probable active glacier was identified on the surface of Mars for the first time.
Today Mercury enters Capricorn 14:43 GMT. He will swiftly move through this sign as an 'evening star' leaving it on January 8th 2008. He is immediately conjunct Jupiter (tomorrow), and is in cardinal opposition to retrograde Mars in Cancer which hits on Dec 22nd. He is in an earthy trine aspect to Saturn on Christmas day and he sextiles Uranus on Dec 30th. The following 19 days will reveal a pragmatic mentality, which is "backward looking' and based on experience. Realism, and the establishment of 'concrete thought forms', 'practical solutions and estimations. and 'conservative communications' will be much in evidence.
The Moon today reaches her gibbous phase 19:47 GMT 14 degrees Taurus. The procession to the next Full Moon is then in full sway. Astrological pressures rise accordingly as this climaxing lunation and the Solstice approach.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter (2 degree orb) 21:54 GMT.
This day is hard hitting, resolute, hedonistic, and possibly a little wearying. Its time to start making serious long term plans for the future. Big changes are occurring now.
Friday December 21st 2007
Yesterday US forces reported discovering a "torture complex" in an al-Qaeda safe haven in Iraq's Diyala province,
South Africa's ANC leader, Jacob Zuma, called for unity hours after officials said he could face corruption charges.
Although born only two months before Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma the new South African ANC leader and potentially the next President, is of a totally different temperament. Thabo Mbeki is a Gemini with the early Saturn Uranus conjunction also in Gemini so he is a thinker - cool, mental, detached. Though he does have a ruthless and stubborn streak with the Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo sextile Saturn Uranus, as well as a degree of vagueness and impracticality from a Neptune square to his Sun.
Jacob Zuma is a fiery Aries, with the Saturn Uranus conjunction in late Taurus, so he is both more impulsive and more of a heavyweight. He also has a prominent Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini (as does Tony Blair!) which gives him high enthusiasm, great confidence, an evangelical spirit of enterprise and a tendency to be fanatical and not to take no for an answer. Marjorie Orr Astrologer
Moscow yesterday canceled a London exhibition of paintings saying Britain had failed to guarantee the art would be returned.
US President George W Bush called South Korea's Lee Myung-bak to hail his election victory and discuss future de-nuclearisation in North Korea.
An earthquake occurred yesterday at NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND 20 DECEMBER 2007 07:55 UTC 6.6 MW
The following preliminary information is available for this earthquake:
DATE : 20 December 2007
ORIGIN TIME : 07:55 23s UTC
LAT/LONG : 38.99° South / 177.77° East
DEPTH : 67 km
MAGNITUDE : 6.6 MwLOCALITY : North Island, New Zealand
COMMENTS : 40km SSW of Gisborne and 360km NE of Wellington. No reports of serious injury or death has been received; however, several buildings have been damaged in the region and many power lines have been disabled affecting communications. NO tsunami warning has been issued.
Today the Sun is conjunct Pluto 00-14 GMT at the very end of Sagittarius. This is the last time years these two will meet in this sign until Nov 24th 2242 AD.
From 03:00 to 06:00 the Moon forms a fixed T-square with Venus and Neptune. The Moon squares Neptune 06:06 GMT and is then void of course for 16 hours.
This is the last day before the Capricorn Solstice.
Tonight the Moon meets the Pleiades. When dusk falls, North Americans who take a look with binoculars will see that the nearly full Moon has just finished crossing the Pleiades cluster. If you live as far northeast as the Canadian Maritimes, you can use a telescope to catch a star or two emerging from behind the Moon's bright limb. Northern Europeans get a better show; there the Moon occults the Pleiades high in the sky in late evening.
Minor lunar occultation visible from the UK of star Maia approx. 21:50 GMT
The Moon enters Gemini 22:14 GMT. The night continues in vibrant glory.
Saturday December 22nd 2007.
Capricorn Solstice 06-08 GMT.
The Sun enters Capricorn at 6-08 GMT today marking the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the point of Summer Solstice in the South.
At this annual point in time, a moment of singularly great importance in astrology, the trends and indications of the year ahead are 'set up'. (The notion that some moments in time are more important than others, and that they remain manifest both in power and importance for a long period is a very natural philosophy in astrology but very strange and alien to most current scientific thought).
At this time of solstice the planets are in a very dynamic arrangement. The Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter stand in opposition to retrograde Mars in Cancer. Venus squares Neptune. The Moon in Gemini is gibbous and fast moving and is applying in hard square aspects to Saturn and to Uranus. Negative and mutable signs and square aspects predominate the skies.
At the solstice moment today the Sun (and Jupiter) rise at Tripoli and at Moscow. It is local midnight at Minneapolis USA. The Moon rises at Seoul and at Wellington. She sets at Paris and at Rio de Janeiro. Pluto rises at Vienna and Rome. Mars sets at Athens. Saturn hits Islamabad, Uranus hits Delhi, Jupiter is on the local MC of Calcutta, Mars is at lower culmination at Lhasa. Neptune is on the MC of Tokyo. Venus is on the local MC of Baghdad and she sets at Melbourne. Saturn sets at Vancouver and at Los Angeles.
At London Mercury, Mars, the Sun and Jupiter square the local MC. The Moon is shortly to set.
This solstice seems to offer a challenge to us all. The moment is charged with opposition, a measure of glamour, confusion and conflict. Rapid changes are ahead for us. Events will soon overtake us.
Stand still and be alert people of the world.
The Daze started up eight years ago today on the Winter Solstice 1999.
The nearly full Moon is perigee 10:12 GMT
Venus squares Neptune 10:22 GMT
Mercury opposite Mars 18-29 GMT.
The Moon squares Saturn at 11:55 GMT and Uranus at 22:24 GMT.
Sunday December 23rd 2007.
The Sun conjunct Jupiter 05-56 GMT.
Moon opposite Pluto 20-26 GMTand becomes void of course.
She enters Cancer 22:19
Monday December 24th 2007.
Yesterday the party allied to ousted PM Thaksin won Thailand's election but falls short of a majority, Controversial Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi wins a key Indian regional election, final results show.
An Israeli minister defends plans to build 740 homes in two disputed settlements in East Jerusalem.
Strong astrological events occur today, namely a climaxing Full Moon and a lunar occultation of Mars.
Moon opposite Jupiter 00-14 GMT.
Full Moon 2 degrees Cancer 01-16 GMT.
This Full Moon is the fourth full moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse of August 28th 2007 and the penultimate full moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 21st 2008.
At the moment of exact full moon the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are focused on Iceland and on the eastern half of India, Nepal and Tibet.
This Full Moon is conjunct the natal Venus of the USA (Sibly chart) and the natal Venus of presidential hopeful Obama Barack. It is conjunct the natal Mars in the national charts of Angola and India. It is conjunct the natal Jupiter of Paul McCartney and the natal lunar node of Pope Benedict.
Occultation of Mars.
Moon conjunct Mars 02-59 GMT, this alignment is only 0.02 degrees from exact linearity at 03:52. It is visible as an occultation from Canada, Greenland and the Arctic. See map above.
Moon opposite Mercury 07-54 GMT.
Moon and Mercury opposite Mars 21-47 GMT
The Sun opposes Mars 19:47 GMT
The night isn't dark, it's glowing with a silvery-white light. Up above, the 98% full moon looks huge and clear in the azure sky. It just might be the brightest moon you've ever seen. That's because it's the highest-riding full moon until the year 2023.And not far from the beautiful moon glows fireplace-red Mars. This Christmas Eve, Mars is at its closest to Earth for the next nine years. Mars is also "at opposition." That's astronomy-lingo for "directly opposite the sun." It means Mars is up whenever the sun is down: on Christmas Eve, the Red Planet will be visible all night long. As Christmas scenes go, it doesn't get much better.
Tuesday December 25th 2007
Yesterday was another 'low news' day. The leader of Iraq's northern Kurdish region condemned Turkish air strikes, saying innocents have died.
Snow storms in the central US have left at least 14 people dead and tens of thousands without electricity
Today is a Christmas day to remain forever in your memory.
The Moon in Cancer (conjurer of dreams, memories, childhood and mother) trines Venus in Scorpio and is void at 13:18 GMT.
Mercury trines Saturn 23:10 GMT infusing the day with well ordered practicality.
But beware and be aware, that Mars is almost opposite Jupiter. Can the 'low news' continue for long with so fearsomely expansive a planetary opposition building up?
The Moon enters Leo 23:53 GMT and the party really does takes off.
Happy Christmas everyone.
Wednesday December 26th 2007
Yesterday at least 15 people were killed and scores are missing feared drowned after a suspension bridge collapsed in Nepal.
Thousands of Zimbabweans waited for hours to get scarce currency from the banks so they could buy food and board buses on Monday for Christmas trips to their home villages.
Dozens of people picking up cylinders of cooking gas were victims of a suicide car bomb attack Tuesday morning in the northern Iraqi city of Baiji.
Today is a day geared to recreation. There is a great tendency to 'excess' in all matters as Mars opposes Jupiter.
Mars opposes Jupiter 19-52 GMT. (This is the second opposition of three between these two planets in the current retrograde period of Mars. On Aug 24th 2007 Mars opposed Jupiter for the first time. The aspect corresponded with the terrible fires in Greece at the time. That opposition was across Gemini and Sagittarius, today's is across Cancer Capricorn).
The Moon wanes aspectless in Leo and draws towards an occultation with Regulus which occurs early (GMT) on Friday. The Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo produces a vibration that is best described as 'corporate'.
Thursday December 27th 2007
Yesterday dozens were killed or are missing in Indonesian landslides on the third anniversary of the South Asian tsunami.
Iraq's government backed a draft law to release thousands of suspected insurgents held by US and Iraqi forces.
Today the Moon in Leo opposes Neptune 10:54 GMT, reaches disseminating phase 20 degrees Leo 11:14 GMT and goes on to square Venus 22:34 GMT.
Friday December 28th 2007
Yesterday Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack at an election rally. Ms Bhutto had just addressed an election rally in Rawalpindi when she was shot in the neck by a gunman who then set off a bomb. She died at 1316 GMT, said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of the PPP who was at Rawalpindi General Hospital. There is a feeling of astrological inevitability about this tragic event. We have been waiting for something like this over the last 48 hours or so. Mars is opposite both Jupiter and Pluto in the skies at the current time. This opposition is both hooked directly into her natal Sun (birth chart above) and onto the natal Mars in the Pakistan National chart below. Yesterday was a violent and black day for Pakistan and for the world.
The Pakistan natal chart.
Yesterday people in Kenya went to the polls to elect a new president, amid rising tension and allegations of vote rigging.
Two diplomats accused by Afghan officials of contacting the Taleban left after talks to stop their expulsions fail.
Today the Leo Moon trines Pluto 02:55 GMT and becomes void.
The Moon enters Virgo 04:45 GMT and draws on towards a conjunction with Saturn.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are then in Earth signs. We are now in the midst of seriously practical and realistic situations.
A lunar occultation of Regulus occurs today at 05:02 GMT visible from South America. This is the 14th of 20 monthly occultations of this star.
Around 08:30 GMT the Moon at 2 degrees Virgo forms a mystic rectangle with Jupiter, the Lunar Node and Mars. This planetary configuration kick starts us into jobs of work.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 20:27 GMT.
Saturday December 29th 2007
Pakistan said yesterday that al-Qaeda assassinated opposition politician Benazir Bhutto as protests continued.
South African prosecutors brought corruption charges against Jacob Zuma, leader of the governing ANC party.
Pakistan is crying for Benazir now.
Pakistan's chart has the transiting Mars opposition Pluto across its Midheaven/IC axis at the moment. Mars Pluto in its most negative mode is the signifier of brutality, ruthless power run rampant, death. Pluto is exactly on the I.C. (lowest chart point associated with the foundations of a society) this month. For the next decade and a half it will transit the national chart's fourth house suggesting a very slow, painful purging of the past and a strenuous effort with great difficulty to establish a more solid base for the country and the masses. Mars today retrograde at 1 Cancer will conjunct the Pakistan's 10th house Mars over the next few days and then it will conjunct the midheaven so there's likely to be considerable anger and perhaps more violent outbursts. Transitting Neptune is also on the final exact opposition to the Pakistan Leo Sun at 20 degrees (Dec 23 to Jan 23 08) which is panicky, undermining, dissolving stability and confidence. The transitting Moon was also just over the Sun at 21 Leo and picking up the Neptune opposition when Benazir Bhutto died on Thursday Dec 27th 2007 at 6.16 pm (local time) Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Marjorie Orr
I was awakened about 20 minutes with the sad news that Benazir Bhutto (6/21/1953, noon chart in Karachi, PAK) has been assassinated. I have not had the time needed to create a proper delination of her chart and what this means to Pakistan and the whole region. She had so many enemies it would be hard to pick "the one group" who did this but her chart tells a chilling tale. Transiting Pluto is in an applying opposition to her 29 degree Gemini Sun and her progressed Sun at 21 Leo was conjunct her Pluto. That is the fated degree of the Saturn/Neptune opposition of last summer and transiting Neptune is now direct again and is also in an applied opposition to her natal Pluto and progressed Sun and Retrograde Mars just went over her natal Mars.
Today the Moon, the Earth and Uranus are linearly aligned (with 0.75 degree) at 09:16 GMT between the signs Virgo and Pisces. Another shot.
The vibration today is also essentially practical. Realistic assessments are to the fore. Mending and repairing the best choices. Work on that which has been spoilt. .
Mars was in opposition to Jupiter on December 26th, and Mars will be in opposition to Pluto on January 2nd. We are caught in time in the midst of these fateful oppositions. The cosmos has worked out the energy of this time with the fall of Benazir.
The world cries.
Two comets float high in the dark, moonless evening sky this week. They're not very far apart. Comet Holmes remains in Perseus, dim but big more than 1° across. Look for it north of Algol all week, and bring binoculars. Comet 8P/Tuttle is much tinier, and it's greenish. It was about magnitude 6.5 on December 26th and should be about 6.0 this week. Sky and Telescope
Sunday December 30th 2007
In Pakistan the party of Benazir Bhutto will meet to discuss her successor and whether to contest Pakistan's election. Benazir Bhutto's supporters say the Pakistani government's account of how she died is "dangerous nonsense". A government spokesman said her head was slammed against her vehicle by the blast from a bomb - but colleagues said she died from bullet wounds.
Kenya's opposition calls on President Kibaki to admit defeat in national elections, amid claims of vote rigging.
Today Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces 04:10 GMT
Around 10:00 GMT the Moon in late Virgo forms a loose T-square with Mars in early Cancer and Pluto in late Sagittarius.
The Moon sextiles Venus in Scorpio and is void 13:10 GMT for 24 minutes.
The Sun trines Saturn 13:34 GMT.
The slowly decelerating and waning Moon enters Libra 13:38 GMT and makes her approach to her last quarter phase tomorrow.
Venus enters Sagittarius 18:02 GMT today. During her residence in this sign she squares Saturn on Jan 6th 2008. Venus squares Uranus on January 12th. On Sunday January 20th 2008 Venus in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini Venus is conjunct Pluto at the very end of Sagittarius on January 24th 2008 and enters Capricorn later that day. Venus is 'liberated' in Sagittarius. It should be a something of a party, (Venus in Sagittarius is a party animal), but there are turbulent times ahead for her. She has to negotiate a planetary T-square with Saturn and Uranus during the second week of January when all manner of personal crises can be expected, and she is set in headlong opposition to her suitor Mars on January 20th.
Monday December 31st 2007
State of the skies:- The Sun just reaches 10 degrees Capricorn at the end of the (GMT) day. There is an Annular Eclipse of the Sun (visible from the Antarctic) in 38 days time at 18 degrees Aquarius on February 7th.
The slow moving and decelerating Moon reaches her cardinal last quarter phase at degrees Libra 07:52 GMT
There is a Total Lunar Eclipse (conjunct Saturn) in 52 days time on Feb. 21st 2008 at 2 degrees Virgo visible from America Europe.
Mercury is a fast moving 'evening star' in Capricorn. He enters Aquarius on January 8th.
Venus is a 'morning star' in Sagittarius. Mars retrogrades into Gemini 16:02 GMT today. On Jan 2nd 2008 Mars opposes Pluto (for the second time), on Jan 30th Mars turns direct. During early Jan-Feb 2008 Mars is in quintile aspect to Saturn. ON March 4th 2008 Mars renters Cancer. On March 7th Mars opposes Pluto (for the last time). During mid March Mars sextiles Saturn (last time), and on April 4th Mars enters new zodiac territory at 13 degrees Cancer. On April 24th Mars opposes Jupiter (for the last time).
Jupiter in Capricorn trines Saturn in Virgo on January 21st.
Jupiter at 5 degrees Capricorn makes a 'one off' waning semi-square to Neptune on January 12th.
The Libran Moon casts a social grace on tonight's new year's eve.
That concludes TheDaze 2007. Best wishes for 2008