Michael Harwood Astrology

Saturday 1st March 2025

As the 'brand spanking new' Moon applied to a close conjunction with Saturn in Pisces yesterday, the American President (Sun Gemini) and his Deputy (Sun Leo), in the White House's Oval Office, were busy 'putting America First' by haranguing and bullying a man (Sun Aquarius) who has been fighting a war for three years against Russian aggression, in order to save his country's sovereignty. It was disturbing and upsetting to watch. Maybe this is really a case of putting Putin (Sun Libra) first. The Moon is indeed very fast moving and very new. We are 13 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is now in his shadow prior to his turning retrograde on March 15th. Venus turns retrograde on Sunday. There may be trouble ahead. Certainly no quick end to the Ukraine war, as was promised. 04.08 The Sun at 11 Pisces waning semi-sextile Venus at 11 Aries 04.12 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Mercury 0.97 degrees 04.20 The very rapidly waxing baby infant Moon conjunction Mercury at 27 Pisces 07.13 The Moon conjunction the lunar node at 28 Pisces 07.40 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Neptune 0.12 degrees 08.06 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.8 hours 09.54 The Moon enters Aries joining Venus in this sign. Sharp responses. 14.35 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 21.20 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month.

Sunday 2nd March 2025

Infant Moon and Venus in Aries.

Sun square Jupiter

Mercury conjunct the lunar node and Neptune

Venus turns retrograde

A fair bit is going on today. A little over the top in some respects with the Sun square Jupiter and a trifle 'otherworldly' with Mercury conjunct Neptune and the lunar node. 00.14 The Sun at 12 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 24 Taurus 00.34 VENUS TURNS RETROGRADE 'till April 13th. 03.26 The very rapidly waxing but now decelerating young Moon conjunction Venus at 11 Aries 05.56 The Moon at 12 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 06.19 Mercury conjunction the lunar node at 28 Pisces 13.53 The Moon at 17 Aries waning square Mars at 17 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for a lengthy 20.75 hours. 16.22 Mercury conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces 18.19 The Sun at 12 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 12 Gemini 21.47 Mercury at 29 Pisces waning tri-decile Mars at 17 Cancer

Monday 3rd March 2025

'A crossroads in history': Europe seeks to take control of Ukraine negotiations at pivotal London summit yesterday. Positive vibes from the UK, Europe and Canada. A much needed response as Venus turns retrograde. 06.59 The Sun at 13 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 07.17 The fast moving Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 09.05 Mercury enters Aries joining Venus (and the Moon for 93 minutes) in this sign, see below. 10.38 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 15.28 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 17.16 Mercury at 1 Aries waning quintile Jupiter at 12 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 13 degrees Pisces. Saturn and Neptune and are also in Pisces. Mars is now direct at 17 degrees Cancer. He remains in wide opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. The mean lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in a new eclipse season, 11 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse and 26 days from a Partial solar Eclipse. All of the planets are direct in motion except Venus. MERCURY Evening star Mercury entered his shadow on Feb 28th. Mercury enters Aries today March 3rd. He sextiles Pluto on March 5th for the 1st of 3 hits, with new age thinking. Mercury is conjunct retrograde Venus at 9 degree Aries on March 11th. Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aries on March 15th,the day after the Total Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 Aries on March 24th. He sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 25th and returns back into Pisces on March 30th, the day after the Solar Eclipse. Mercury is conjunct Neptune a 2nd time at 30 Pisces on March 30th. (Neptune enters Aries on the same day.) Mercury turns direct on April April 7th at 27 degrees Pisces. He finally leaves Pisces on April 16th. He conjunct Neptune at 1 degree Aries for a 3rd time and final time on April 17th. Mercury sextiles Pluto a final time on Easter Sunday, April 20th. Mercury leaves her shadow on April 26th and sextiles Jupiter on May 5th. This is a phase for Mercury being bound up and entangled with two eclipses and with Neptune entering Aries. New waves. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Aries as a morning star on Feb 4th. Venus turned retrograde yesterday March 2nd at 11 Aries. (Venus's retrograde phase is from March 2nd to April 13th, which is in the eclipse season.) Retro-Venus is conjunct Mercury at 9 Aries on March 11th, a merry meet. Retro-Venus sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 21st, the power of love. Two days later on March 23rd, Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 degrees Aries. A 'New Venus'. Venus slips back into Pisces as a morning star on March 27th. Venus turning retrograde in Aries kindles old flames. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025. Mars turned direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The mean Lunar Node is now in Pisces. We have (March 2025) just past the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centered in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over this next year all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto is now in Aquarius. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 4th March 2025

Sun in Pisces, Moon in Taurus. I believe and I hold dear. Sublime, passive and receptive. However-Mercury and retro-Venus are now in Aries, mentally and socially assertive- anything but passive. Merge the two energies and you have the nature of today. 09.48 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 14 Taurus waxing sextile The Sun at 14 Pisces 15.26 The Moon at 17 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 17 Cancer 21.38 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 21 Pisces

Wednesday 5th March 2025

Mercury sextile Pluto.

Russia attacked Ukraine with nearly a hundred drones overnight (Monday-Tuesday), injuring at least four people and damaging energy infrastructure and residential buildings in the southern city of Odessa. The latest Russian aerial assault came as Ukraine woke to the news that President Donald Trump had ordered a pause on shipments of US military aid to Kyiv following his heated Oval Office argument with counterpart President Volodymyr Zelensky. US stocks tanked on Tuesday morning after President Donald Trump made good on his threat to levy tariffs on China, Canada and Mexico, paving the way for a global trade war. Trump Astrowatch-(new feature)-Donald Trump has his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his natal Moon, transiting stationary Mars square his natal Jupiter and transiting Saturn exactly square his natal Moon. All 3 are hitting him hard and exact right now. Deluded self-aggrandisement, destabilizing and possibly self harming actions, frustrated outcomes and an inhibited self support system (health issues) may be manifest. There is more to come as we approach the Total Lunar Eclipse in 9 days time, which squares his own natal Lunar Eclipse, and on March 22nd transiting Uranus completes a conjunction with his Midheaven. March 2025 is astrologically a very real challenge to him. This day diversifies. 00.36 Mercury in his shadow at 2 Aries waning septile Uranus at 24 Taurus 01.57 The fast moving crescent Moon conjunction Uranus at 24 Taurus 09.21 The Moon sextile the lunar node at 28 Pisces 10.54 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.6 hours 12.31 The Moon enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign 13.13 Mercury at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius First of 3 over the next 7 weeks. He sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 25th and again on Easter Sunday, April 20th. This aspect allows us to get under the surface of situations and aids understanding. 17.37 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 18.02 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 3 Aries

Thursday 6th March 2025

8 days to a Total Lunar Eclipse. This day is potentially bright and breezy. The Moon reaches seriously high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies. The Lunar standstill is still very much with us. 06.22 The decelerating waxing Moon at 10 Gemini waxing sextile retro-Venus at 10 Aries 10.18 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 13 Gemini 16.32 The Moon reaches mutable First Quarter

Friday 7th March 2025

7 days to a Total Lunar Eclipse. Energy of a fateful nature is intensifying. Karmic whirlpools ahead. 01.24 The first quarter Moon decelerating at 21 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 21 Pisces 02.46 Mercury at 5 Aries waning bi-septile Mars at 18 Cancer 13.00 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing square her node from extreme north of the equator. 14.58 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.5 hours 16.30 The Moon enters Cancer joining Mars in this sign. 21.56 The Moon at 3 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Saturday 8th March 2025

Sun trine Mars.

Astrological energetics ! Mercury meets retrograde Venus in conjunction on Tuesday March 11th in Aries dominating this weekend and the days ahead with urgent overtures. There are six days to the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, razor sharp, diamond hard. On the day after the eclipse, March 15th, Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aries. We then have 23 days (15th March to April 7th) with both Mercury and Venus retrograde. A three week period of major readjustments. There is a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th in Aries. The following day March 30th Neptune enters Aries, there for the first time since 1875. Tumultuous astrological changes are ahead of us. 03.06 The waxing and decelerating Moon at 6 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 6 Aries 05.14 The Sun at 18 Pisces waning trine Mars at 18 Cancer 09.54 The Sun at 18 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 10.21 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing square retro-Venus at 10 Aries

Sunday 9th March 2025

The Moon in Cancer conjunct Mars both trine the Sun and Saturn

Five days from a Total Lunar Eclipse. Lunar pressures are starting to kick in. Mercury and retro Venus approach each other in Aries head on, they are conjunct on Tuesday, urgent and ardent overtures to be expected.The Sun applies to Saturn. Constructive domestic energy may well be in evidence today. 00.53 The waxing and decelerating Moon conjunction Mars at 18 Cancer 02.16 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing trine The Sun at 19 Pisces 07.41 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 22 Pisces 11.40 The Moon at 24 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus 19.07 The Moon at 28 Cancer trines her node from high north f the equator. 21.33 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.5 hours. 23.01 The Moon enters Leo

Monday 10th March 2025

The Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday peaks at 23 degrees Virgo. The Syrian Independence astrological chart (Sept 16th 1941-Book of World Horoscopes) has its natal Sun at this degree. Armed men loyal to the Syrian government carried out field executions and spoke of purifying the country, according to eyewitnesses and video, providing a gruesome picture of a crackdown against remnants of the former Assad regime that spiraled into communal killings. Syria has seen the worst outbreak of violence since the ousting of former President Bashar al-Assad late last year, after armed men descended on Alawite heartlands on Thursday in what Syrian authorities said was an attempt to put down an insurgency by rebels still loyal to the former government. Mercury and retro-Venus approach each other in Aries head on, they are conjunct tomorrow Tuesday, urgent and ardent overtures to be expected. Also the Sun applies to a conjunction to Saturn, in Pisces, opposite the Syrian Sun, exact on Wednesday. Serious considerations. 04.48 The waxing and decelerating Moon at 3 Leo opposition Pluto at 3 Aquarius 08.20 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Friday's Total Lunar Eclipse now starts in earnest. 13.57 The Moon at 8 Leo waxing trine Mercury at 8 Aries 16.21 The Moon at 9 Leo waxing trine retro-Venus at 9 Aries 23.46 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 13 Gemini

Tuesday 11th March 2025

Mercury conjunct retro-Venus

There are three days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Lunar pressures are rising and with them eclipse induced events are taking place. The Mercury conjunct Venus aspect (later today) often coincides with events, often of a personal nature and adds to the current astro climate. Mercury and Venus are both semi-square Uranus giving today's conjunction an edge. (Mercury and Venus next meet, in Scorpio, on Nov 25th 2025). There is a high-stakes meeting today between the two nations, USA and Ukraine in Saudi Arabia regarding Russia/Ukraine war. US stocks plunged on Monday, bitcoin stumbled and Wall Street's fear gauge hit its highest level this year as concerns about President Donald Trump's economic policy led to a widespread market sell off. A cargo ship that smashed into a US military chartered oil tanker off the northeast coast of England on Monday was carrying sodium cyanide. The collision sparked a huge fire, a dramatic rescue effort and fears of environmental damage. Guatemala's Volcano of Fire is erupting, and authorities have evacuated nearly 300 families while warning that another 30000 people in the area could be at risk. The eruption started overnight. The Sun is conjunct Saturn tomorrow. There are serious undercurrents in the astrological weather right now. 13.43 retro-Venus at 9 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 24 Taurus 15.11 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 21 Leo quincunx The Sun at 21 Pisces 16.32 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 22 Pisces 20.17 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing square Uranus at 24 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 11.7 hours 22.55 Mercury conjunction retrograde Venus at 9 Aries

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Sun conjunct Saturn.

Two days from the eclipse. Critical vibrations. Serious considerations. Analytical. 06.36 The waxing heavily gibbous void Moon decelerating at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces 07.57 The almost Full Moon enters Virgo. 08.26 Mercury at 9 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 24 Taurus 10.30 The Sun conjunction Saturn at 22 Pisces 14.06 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Thursday 13th March 2025

The day before the Total Lunar Eclipse. 00.10 The slowly waxing heavily gibbous Moon decelerating at 8 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 8 Aries 01.55 The Moon at 9 Virgo waxing quincunx Mercury at 9 Aries 10.14 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 13 Gemini 20.46 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 19 Cancer 20.50 The Sun at 24 Pisces waning bi-novile Jupiter at 14 Gemini The Moon is Full tonight.

Latest:-Friday 14th March 2025

Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

March 14th 2025

Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Virgo sets over the UK. Central eclipse 06:59 GMT

TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE Penumbral eclipse starts 03:57:24 Partial eclipse starts 05:09:33 Total phase starts 06:25:09 Moonset over the UK 06:56 Greatest Eclipse 06:59:56 Total phase ends 07:31:23 Partial phase end 08:47:48 Penumbral eclipse ends 10:00:01 03.41 The Moon at 22 Virgo opposition Saturn at 22 Pisces

06.55 Moment of FULL MOON

The eclipsed Moon is trine Uranus, opposite Saturn and Neptune. Lunar Saros Series 123 At this time the eclipsed Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn and trines Uranus. Saturn is sextile Uranus. Mercury is conjunct retrograde Venus in Aries. Mars applies trine Saturn. Water and Mutability dominate the skies. Mercury is almost stationary and turns retrograde tomorrow. This is a testy eclipse. Refinements and adjustments will be required. We stand cosmically challenged amid shifting sands and moving waters. Choices of a practical nature are ahead. Today's eclipse is number 53 of 73 in lunar saros series 123. This series lasts for 1298 years. The first eclipse in this saros occurred on August 16th 1087 AD. Central eclipse moment for that first eclipse was 21:05:57. The chart set at London for this first eclipse is shown below. This Saros has an eminently positive and constructive vibration about it. Mars, Mercury and Saturn are in Earthy Grand Trine. Saturn sextile Uranus easing a testy Mercury/Uranus opposition. That moment so long ago saw Jupiter exactly aligned to Jerusalem and Tokyo. Neptune aligned to what would be Washington DC and the eclipsed Moon in Aquarius exactly aligned to the local MC of Baghdad. The Saros Series peaked in September 1736, with its longest Total Lunar Eclipse in the series, and will end at 05:24:24 UT on Oct. 19th in year 2385. Today's eclipse is the 3rd from last of 25 Total eclipses in the saros series. The last six eclipses were on March 3rd 2007, Feb. 20th 1989, Feb. 10th 1971, Jan 29th 1953, Jan 19th 1935 and Jan 8th 1917. The next one will be on March 25th 2043. Having lived through the previous three eclipse family members of this series I can personally recall the essential 'motivation to cause practical changes for the better' nature of the Saros. The last eclipse in the Saros, 3/3/07 coincided with the introduction of the I phone and the end of the Ivory Coast civil war. The Feb 1989 eclipse oversaw the Fatwa issued on Salman Rushdie and the arrest of Winnie Mandela. The Feb 1971 eclipse coincided with Decimal Currency day in the UK, the start of Nasdaq, and the 'Seabed Treaty', outlawing ocean floor nuclear testing. Two days after the 1953 eclipse the 'North Sea Flood' occurred. This is a significant eclipse. Although its essential nature is constructive and purposeful the energy released at such a time can be unwieldy. Expect important developments. At the exact moment of greatest eclipse Sunrise is over The Faroe Islands, Sunset and Moonrise are over Vanuatu. Moonset is over The Faroe Islands. High Noon is at New Delhi. True midnight is at Denver. Mars rises at Jakarta and Singapore.Pluto rises at La paz, The Sun Moon and Saturn align to New Delhi. Pluto culminates at Kiev, Istanbul and at Lusaka. Today's eclipse squares Donald Trump's natal Sun and Moon (also almost in eclipse). This is poignant. The eclipse directly hits Ukraine's Mars, Nato's and Brazil's Mercury, Russia's Ascendant (1917 chart), the USA Neptune and MC, Syria's Sun and Neptune, Netanyahu's MC, Bob Dylan and Grace Slick's Neptune, and the Pluto of Melania Trump, Naomi Cambell, the Internet and Libya, the Sun of Prince Harry. It also hits the Mercury of the UK GCHQ. It squares Jinping's Sun, ISIS' Pluto, and opposes Iran's Mars 07.07 The Moon at 24 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 24 Taurus 09.17 The Sun at 24 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus 14.19 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 28 Pisces 17.48 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.2 hours 19.01 The Moon enters Libra 22.05 The Sun at 25 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Saturday 15th March 2025

01.27 The Moon at 3 Libra waning trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 06.41 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 09.24 The Moon at 7 Libra opposition Venus at 7 Aries 14.12 The Moon at 10 Libra opposition Mercury at 10 Aries 22.38 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 14 Gemini

Sunday 16th March 2025

09.54 The Moon at 19 Libra waxing square Mars at 19 Cancer, moon void 15.15 Venus at 7 Aries waning bi-septile Mars at 19 Cancer 16.33 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 23 Pisces 19.36 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus

Monday 17th March 2025

00.46 The Moon at 27 Libra waning quincunx The Sun at 27 Pisces 06.30 The Moon at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces 07.32 The Moon enters Scorpio 14.12 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 16.38 Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 18.29 Mercury at 9 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 24 Taurus 19.26 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waning quincunx Venus at 6 Aries 20.14 The Sun at 27 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 27 Pisces

Tuesday 18th March 2025

01.54 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning quincunx Mercury at 9 Aries 10.02 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 12.07 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 14 Gemini A Watery grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mars, Saturn and the Lunar node, 23.00 today to 15.00 tomorrow. 23.57 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 20 Cancer

Wednesday 19th March 2025

Sun conjunct Neptune

06.03 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 23 Pisces 08.39 The Moon at 24 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 24 Taurus 15.02 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 27 Pisces 19.08 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine The Sun at 29 Pisces 19.29 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void 20.19 The Moon enters Sagittarius 23.26 The Sun at 30 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 30 Pisces

Thursday 20th March 2025

03.00 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 05.10 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waning trine Venus at 4 Aries 09.03 The Sun enters Aries 11.57 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning trine Mercury at 8 Aries 22.16Mercury at 8 Aries waning bi-septile Mars at 20 Cancer 23.02 Mars at 20 Cancer waxing decile Jupiter at 14 Gemini

Friday 21st March 2025

01.02 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 14 Gemini 13.07 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 21 Cancer 18.24 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 23 Pisces 20.30 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus 21.33 Venus at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Saturday 22nd March 2025

02.11 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 27 Pisces 06.53 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon vo 07.30 The Moon enters Capricorn 11.30 The Moon at Last Quarter 13.11 The Moon at 3 Capricorn waning square Venus at 3 Aries 14.43 Venus at 3 Aries waning septile Uranus at 24 Taurus 17.32 Venus at 3 Aries waning tri-decile Mars at 21 Cancer 19.14 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning square Mercury at 6 Aries

Sunday 23rd March 2025

March 23rd and 24th 2025

A double-Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and Venus occurs at this time in early Aries.

This is where Mercury and Venus are directly between the Earth and the Sun. The last

time this happened was in 1991 (a pair three days apart, both in Virgo).

00.27 Venus at 3 Aries waning quintile Jupiter at 15 Gemini 01.08 The Sun at 3 Aries conjunction Venus at 3 Aries 01.45 The Sun at 3 Aries waning quintile Jupiter at 15 Gemini 08.29 The Sun at 3 Aries waning septile Uranus at 24 Taurus 10.32 The Sun at 3 Aries waning tri-decile Mars at 21 Cancer 11.26 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 15 Gemini 19.32 The Sun at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 23.23 The Moon at 21 Capricorn opposition Mars at 21 Cancer

Monday 24th March 2025

03.42 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 24 Pisces 05.18 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 24 Taurus 10.15 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 27 Pisces 15.01 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon voi 15.26 The Moon enters Aquarius 18.15 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Venus at 2 Aries 19.49 Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 4 Aries 21.34 The Moon at 3 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 3 Aquarius 23.07 The Moon at 4 Aquarius waning sextile Mercury at 4 Aries 23.36 The Moon at 5 Aquarius waning sextile The Sun at 5 Aries

Tuesday 25th March 2025

16.19 Mercury at 4 Aries waning tri-decile Mars at 22 Cancer 18.01 The Moon at 15 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 15 Gemini 22.03 Mercury at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Wednesday 26th March 2025

03.51 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 05.41 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 22 Cancer 06.54 Mercury at 3 Aries waning quintile Jupiter at 15 Gemini 08.10 Mercury at 3 Aries waning septile Uranus at 25 Taurus 10.16 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 25 Taurus, moon void 19.33 The Moon enters Pisces

Thursday 27th March 2025

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces.

08.42 retro-Venus re-enters Pisces 13.14 retro-Venus conjunct Neptune at 30 Pisces 20.58 The balsamic Moon at 15 Pisces squares Jupiter at 15 Gemini

Friday 28th March 2025

March 28th 2025

Six planets within 20 degree arc for two days in Pisces.

08.28 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning trine Mars at 22 Cancer 11.04 The Moon at 24 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 24 Pisces 11.17 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Saturn 0.61 degrees 11.56 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus 15.39 The Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 27 Pisces 19.17 The Moon at 29 Pisces conjunction Venus at 29 Pisces 20.31 The Moon at 30 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void 20.38 The Moon enters Aries 21.30 04.19 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Neptune 0.66 degrees 22.03 The Moon at 1 Aries conjunction Mercury at 1 Aries

Saturday 29th March 2025

Partial Solar Eclipse

March 29th 2025

Partial Solar Eclipse 9 degrees Aries 10:48 GMT

At the exact moment of greatest eclipse it is Sunrise at New York, Sunset over The Lena delta, Moonrise at New York, Moonset over The Lena delta, High Noon at Lodz, True midnight over The Cook islands. Mars rises at Rome 02.13 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 10.59 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon and eclipse separate in a sextile aspect to Pluto and apply in a sextile with Jupiter. Mercury, Venus form a loose triplet arond the Pisces/Aries cusp. 21.33 The Moon at 16 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 16 Gemini

Sunday 30th March 2025

March 30th 2025

Neptune first enters Aries

02.20 Retrograde Mercury enters Pisces 02.47 Mercury conjunct Neptune at 30 degrees Pisces 05.27 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 12.02 Neptune enters Aries 20.17 The Moon enters Taurus

Monday 31st March 2025

01.54 The Moon at 4 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Tuesday 1st April 2025

10.15 The Moon at 24 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 24 Cancer 11.34 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 25 Pisces 11.56 The Moon at 25 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 25 Taurus 15.03 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 27 Pisces 15.49 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 15.55 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 27 Pisces 17.43 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Mercury at 28 Pisces, moon void 20.27 The Moon enters Gemini 20.35 The Moon at 0 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 0 Aries Lunar occultation of fixed star Electra observable from the UK approx 20.51 to 21.43 Lunar occultation of fixed star Alcyone observable from the UK approx 21.47 to 22.38

Wednesday 2nd April 2025

02.17 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius 18.21 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing sextile The Sun at 13 Aries 23.26 The Moon at 16 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 16 Gemini

Thursday 3rd April 2025

02.27 Venus at 27 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 27 Pisces 13.53 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 25 Pisces 16.13 Venus at 26 Pisces waning bi-novile Jupiter at 16 Gemini 16.37 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing square Venus at 26 Pisces 16.57 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 27 Pisces 18.27 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing square Mercury at 27 Pisces, moon void 22.52 The Moon enters Cancer 23.08 The Moon at 0 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 0 Aries

Friday 4th April 2025

05.06 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius 10.49 The Sun at 15 Aries waning novile Uranus at 25 Taurus 16.20 Saturn at 25 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus 21.23 Saturn at 25 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 23.05 Mars at 25 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus

Saturday 5th April 2025

01.09 Mars at 25 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 02.15 The Moon at First Quarter 03.47 The Sun at 16 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 4 Aquarius. The Moon and Mars in Cancer trine Mercury, Venus and Saturn and the Lunar Node all in Pisces, all sextile Uranus in Taurus. 19.21 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus 19.30 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 19.50 The Moon at 25 Cancer conjunction Mars at 25 Cancer 20.36 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing trine Venus at 26 Pisces 22.05 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 26 Pisces 22.55 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing trine Mercury at 27 Pisces, moon void

Sunday 6th April 2025

04.36 The Moon enters Leo 05.02 The Moon at 0 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 0 Aries 09.45 The Sun at 17 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 17 Gemini 11.20 The Moon at 4 Leo opposition Pluto at 4 Aquarius 12.14 Venus at 25 Pisces waning trine Mars at 25 Cancer 12.57 Mercury at 27 Pisces waning bi-novile Jupiter at 17 Gemini

Monday 7th April 2025

11.02 Venus at 25 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 25 Pisces 12.37 The Moon at 17 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 17 Gemini 14.31 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing trine The Sun at 18 Aries

Tuesday 8th April 2025

04.09 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing square Uranus at 25 Taurus, moon void 04.10 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Venus at 25 Pisces 04.37 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 25 Pisces 04.49 Venus at 25 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus 07.34 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing quincunx Mercury at 27 Pisces 13.42 The Moon enters Virgo 14.20 The Moon at 0 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 0 Aries 17.12 Venus at 25 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 17.28 The Sun at 19 Aries waning decile Uranus at 25 Taurus 18.53 Mars at 26 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 26 Pisces 20.50 The Moon at 4 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius 22.07 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase

Thursday 10th April 2025

00.05 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 17 Gemini 06.27 The Moon at 21 Virgo waxing quincunx The Sun at 21 Aries 14.39 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Venus at 25 Pisces. At this time and for the next few hours a planetary trapezium forms with Mercury, Mars and Uranus. 15.37 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 25 Taurus 16.26 The Moon at 26 Virgo opposition Saturn at 26 Pisces 17.37 The Moon at 26 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 26 Pisces 19.20 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 27 Cancer 19.50 The Moon at 27 Virgo opposition Mercury at 27 Pisces, moon void

Friday 11th April 2025

01.13 The Moon enters Libra 02.04 The Moon at 0 Libra opposition Neptune at 0 Aries 08.38 The Moon at 4 Libra waning trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Saturday 12th April 2025

08.29 Mercury at 28 Pisces waning bi-novile Jupiter at 18 Gemini 13.21 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 18 Gemini

Sunday 13th April 2025

Full Moon in Libra

00.23 Moment of FULL MOON The Full Moon is square Mars and quincunx Uranus and quincunx Mercury Venus. 03.00 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Venus at 25 Pisces 04.28 The Moon at 25 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 25 Taurus 05.20 Mars at 28 Cancer waxing novile Jupiter at 18 Gemini 05.38 The Moon at 26 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 26 Pisces 09.39 The Sun at 24 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 10.01 The Moon at 28 Libra waxing square Mars at 28 Cancer, moon void 10.33 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Mercury at 28 Pisces 13.56 The Moon enters Scorpio 14.58 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 21.27 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 4 Aquarius 22.49 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month.

Monday 14th April 2025

04.26 Saturn at 26 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 26 Pisces 08.53 The Sun at 25 Aries waxing semi-sextile Venus at 25 Pisces

Tuesday 15th April 2025

03.07 The Moon at 18 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 18 Gemini 04.20 The Sun at 25 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus 16.04 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Venus at 25 Pisces 17.32 The Moon at 25 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 25 Taurus 18.28 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 26 Pisces 18.39 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning quincunx The Sun at 26 Aries 19.01 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 26 Pisces 23.33 The Sun at 26 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 26 Pisces

Wednesday 16th April 2025

A tight Grand Trine in Fire is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Mars, 00:00 to 03:00 00.52 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 29 Cancer 02.24 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning trine Mercury at 30 Pisces, moon void 02.39 The Moon enters Sagittarius 03.51 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 1 Aries 06.27 Mercury enters Aries 10.09 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 23.12 Closest conjunction of the Mercury and Neptune 0.68 degrees, the 2nd tightest planetary conjunction of 2025

Thursday 17th April 2025

00.47 The Sun at 27 Aries waning septile Jupiter at 19 Gemini 03.25 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 04.12 Mercury close conjunction Neptune at 1 Aries 08.14 Jupiter at 19 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 4 Aquarius The current 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, symbolising 'power plays', started on Nov 12th 2020 in Capricorn. At that time we witnessed a worldwide rampant and escalating covid-19 virus, the appearance of vaccines and the US president refusing to concede electoral defeat. The cycle reached it first quarter square phase in May 2023, Russia and Belarus signed an agreement to station Russian tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. The cycle climaxes with the opposition across Leo/Aquarius in July 2026 and ends in Feb 2033 in Aquarius. Today's waxing sesuiquadrate is the final of 3 hits, the dates- Aug 7th 2024, Dec 13th 2024 and Apr 17th 2025. It evokes a driving force to overcome all obstacles on the road to the attainment of power structures. It engenders an irresistible will to succeed. Watch closely, the Jupiter Pluto cycle represents 'big time power shifts', this aspect represents a big push forward. 16.12 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 19 Gemini 23.39 Venus at 25 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Friday 18th April 2025

04.22 Mars enters Leo 04.41 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Venus at 25 Pisces 05.37 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus 06.01 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 26 Pisces 07.21 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 26 Pisces 11.39 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning trine The Sun at 29 Aries, moon void 14.14 The Moon enters Capricorn 14.33 The Moon at 0 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 0 Leo 15.34 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 1 Aries 17.51 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning square Mercury at 2 Aries

Saturday 19th April 2025

19.58 The Sun enters Taurus 22.53 Mars at 1 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 1 Aries

Sunday 20th April 2025

A fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Sun, Pluto and Mars, peaks tomorrow and lasts upto the New Moon on Apriul 27th 03.16 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 19 Gemini 03.44 Uranus at 26 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 26 Pisces 13.39 Venus at 26 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 26 Pisces 14.36 The Sun at 1 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 15.21 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 26 Pisces 15.24 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Venus at 26 Pisces 15.27 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 26 Taurus 17.21 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 27 Pisces, moon void 18.21 Venus at 26 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus 21.40 Mercury at 4 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 23.23 The Moon enters Aquarius

Monday 21st April 2025

00.48 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 01.35 The Sun at 1 Taurus waning square Mars at 1 Leo 01.36 The Moon at Last Quarter 01.36 The Moon at 1 Aquarius opposition Mars at 1 Leo 06.20 The Moon at 4 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 4 Aquarius 07.01 The Moon at 4 Aquarius waning sextile Mercury at 4 Aries 12.31 Mercury at 4 Aries waning septile Uranus at 26 Taurus

Tuesday 22nd April 2025

00.14 The Sun at 2 Taurus waxing decile Venus at 26 Pisces 11.05 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 20 Gemini 21.45 The Sun at 3 Taurus waxing decile Saturn at 27 Pisces 21.56 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 26 Taurus, moon void

Wednesday 23rd April 2025

05.08 The Moon enters Pisces 08.54 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning quincunx Mars at 2 Leo 11.14 The Moon at 4 Pisces waning sextile The Sun at 4 Taurus 17.11 The Sun at 4 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Thursday 24th April 2025

14.26 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 15.11 The Moon at 20 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 20 Gemini

Friday 25th April 2025

00.00 The Moon at 25 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 25 Pisces 00.03 Venus at 27 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 27 Pisces 00.51 The Moon at 26 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus 02.29 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Saturn 0.75 degrees 02.54 The Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 27 Pisces 02.58 The Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction Venus at 27 Pisces, moon void 04.13 Mercury at 8 Aries waning quintile Jupiter at 20 Gemini 04.29 The Sun at 5 Taurus waning semi-square Jupiter at 20 Gemini 07.26 The Moon enters Aries 08.53 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Neptune 0.59 degrees 08.54 The Moon at 1 Aries conjunction Neptune at 1 Aries 12.30 The Moon at 3 Aries waning trine Mars at 3 Leo 13.35 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 22.05 The Moon at 9 Aries conjunction Mercury at 9 Aries

Saturday 26th April 2025

16.19 The Moon at 21 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 21 Gemini, moon void 23.30 The Sun at 7 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 1 Aries

Sunday 27th April 2025

New Moon in Taurus

01.06 Mars at 4 Leo opposition Pluto at 4 Aquarius 07.18 The Moon enters Taurus 12.21 The Sun at 7 Taurus waxing novile Saturn at 27 Pisces 13.17 The Moon at 4 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 4 Aquarius 13.39 The Moon at 4 Taurus waning square Mars at 4 Leo 14.59 Mercury at 11 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 26 Taurus 16.16 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 19.32 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon makes no major aspects. Mars opposes Pluto.

Monday 28th April 2025

23.03 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 25 Pisces

Tuesday 29th April 2025

00.34 The Moon at 26 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 26 Taurus 02.52 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 28 Pisces 05.18 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 29 Pisces, moon void 06.36 The Moon enters Gemini 07.41 The Sun at 9 Taurus waxing novile Venus at 29 Pisces 08.15 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 08.59 Jupiter at 21 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 1 Aries 12.40 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius 14.29 The Moon at 5 Gemini waning sextile Mars at 5 Leo

Wednesday 30th April 2025

05.51 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 14 Aries 16.59 The Moon at 21 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 21 Gemini 17.18 Venus enters Aries 23.18 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 25 Pisces