Monday 20th September 2021
Full Moon in Pisces
Mars, Saturn and the Lunar Node are in Air Grand trine from today up to the end of September, peaking on Sept 26th.
Venus Saturn and Uranus are in loose fixed T-square over the Full Moon period and the looming Libra Equinox. It culminates on Thursday morning (GMT) as Venus opposes Uranus.
05.56 Venus at 11 Scorpio waning bi-septile Jupiter at 24 Aquarius
11.40 The Moon at 22 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 22 Pisces
14.51 The Moon at 23 Pisces waxing quincunx Mercury at 23 Libra
16.46 The Moon at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 24 Capricorn
22.53 Mercury at 24 Libra waning trine Jupiter at 24 Aquarius
23.55 Moment of FULL MOON
The Moon is void of course for 4.3 hours

This Full Moon applies in 'accident prone' opposition to Mars. This is the 4th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th 2021 in Sagittarius and the penultimate Full Moon before a Partial Lunar eclipse at 27 Taurus on Friday Nov 19th 2021.
At this time Mercury in Libra, one week from his retro-station, is trine Jupiter and square Pluto. Venus opposes Uranus. Mars, Saturn and the lunar node are in Air trine. Zero planets in Fire signs and the Full Moon hits the Pluto/Node (connections with others) midpoint. It all adds up to a rather unstable combination of over optimistic precariousness. This is the 'easily led' Full Moon. Gullibility and herd instinct is prevalent. Careful who you bond with.
At the exact moment of Full Moon the Sun and Moon align to the UK and to Kolkata. Mars rises at Indianapolis. Saturn sets at Berlin.
The Full Moon hits the Uranus of Queen Elizabeth, the Mercury of Iran, the Mercury of Bosnia, the MC of Nigeria, the MC of Hezbollah, the Node of Hamas. It square Boris Johnson's Sun and Venus and squares Emma Radacannu's Saturn.
The Sun is at 28 degrees Virgo. Mercury and Mars are in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 2 days to the Libran Equinox.
Mercury is an evening star in Libra. Mercury has his retrograde phase in this sign and therefore has a lengthy 66 day residence here.
This phase is characterised by 3 repeated squares to Pluto and 3 trines to Jupiter. The common denominator here is a power issue. Impaired judgement, mind games, power trips and manipulation govern this period because of this repeated Mercury square Pluto. The climax of the phase is Mercury's conjunction to Mars, the 2nd of 3 of this season, and the Sun on Saturday Oct 9th at 16/17 Libra. This is certainly the pinch point, possibly one of the important days this year, we will see.
Mercury is now in his shadow. He trines Jupiter today, optimistic, squares Pluto on Wednesday and turns retrograde at 25 Libra next Monday. He squares Pluto on Oct 1st, trines Jupiter on Oct 4th and is at Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and conjuncts Mars at 16/17 Libra on Oct 9th. The period between the the first 2 Pluto squares, Sept 21st to Oct 2nd is the most difficult time of the phase, a real power struggle. Now a morning star Mercury sextiles Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury stations direct on Oct 18th at 10 Libra.
He trines Jupiter on Nov 1st, squares Pluto on Nov 2nd, is out of his shadow on Nov 3rd and enters Scorpio on Nov 5th. Mercury sextiles Venus again, just after this enters. This long Mercury in Libra residence looks to be an uncomfortable and prolonged fight for fair play.
Venus resides in Scorpio as an evening 'star' for 27 days. This is a slightly torrid residence although not without magnetic charm at times. Venus is currently in a fixed T-square with Saturn and Uranus, squaring the former last Friday and opposing the later on Sept 23rd. This time is probably the most difficult. Venus trines Neptune on Sept 29th, which is truly enchanting, squares Jupiter on Sept 30th, with is over indulgent, and sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on October 2nd. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th. This is a rather intense and emotional few weeks. Getting below the surface of friendships and relationships is the modus operandi now.
Venus is at greatest evening star brightness on Dec 7th and she turns retrograde on Dec 19th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 8th 2022.
Mars is in Libra with Mercury. Mars is on the far side of the Sun. Mercury orbits this side.
Mars in Libra acts with poise and style. Much reflection about things precedes action. Decisiveness will not be strong. The need here is to weigh all alternatives before taking action. This particular residence is dynamic, eventful and largely positive. Mars 'air trines' Saturn on Sept 25th, harnessing discipline and determination to achieve goals. Mars is conjunct the Sun and retrograde Mercury at 15-17 Libra on October 8th/9th. This is the astrological hotspot of the residence and infuses an increased measure of motivational mental and physical activity at that time. Mars 'air trines' Jupiter on Oct 19th, which is immensely favorable and optimistic. Mars squares Pluto on Oct 22nd, the really heavy aspect of the residence. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 30th. With Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio up to the 7th October, we have a breezy ambivalent male principal unable to move and impress an intense and stronger female principal, both planets are undignified but in mutual reception. For the remainder of the residence, Oct 7th to 30th, with Mars in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius, Mars fans the flames of Venus, hot racy stuff erupts and an inflammable personable atmosphere ensues. Much more fun. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months.
Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th re-joining Saturn in this sign. These next 3 months remain an opportunity to revisit what befell us earlier this year and maybe alter the consequences. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turns direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Dec 8th. He re-enters Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 when the real business starts. Jupiter then sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, (the 'Florence Nightingale combination conjunction', more to follow on this one), and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Jupiter enters into Pisces has been 'first blood'. Love like blood. Stay tuned.
Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius.
In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and repeats on June 14th and on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn. He turns direct on October 6th at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023.
The next eclipses are a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 19th at 27 Taurus square Jupiter, and a Total Solar Eclipse, visible from Antarctica, on Dec 4th quincunx Uranus at 12 Sagittarius.
The next Total Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022.
There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime event for the UK.
The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024.
Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. They current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.