A slightly dour start to the new year is on the cards as Venus in Sagittarius is 'held in check' by Saturn this morning.
The first astrological events of January 2024 are Mercury turning direct tomorrow, always a relief, and Mars entering Capricorn on Jan 4th. Ambition and Industry ahead.
09.00 The very slowly disseminating Moon at 10 Virgo waning trine The Sun at 10 Capricorn
13.27 Venus at 3 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 3 Pisces
15.29 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
The Sun today is at 10 degrees Capricorn. Pluto is also in Capricorn. Mercury, Venus and Mars are in Sagittarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are approaching midway between eclipse season. Mercury, and Uranus are currently retrograde. Mercury turns direct tomorrow.
Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Sagittarius, retrograde from Dec 13th to Jan 2nd.
(On October 29th Mercury was closely conjunct Mars. (This was the first of 3 Mercury Mars conjunctions over the next 3 months,- the second was on Dec 28th at 24 Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde, and the final one, the tightest of all, is on Jan 27th 2024 at 17 Capricorn).
As a morning star retro-Mercury re-entered Sagittarius on Dec 23rd. Mercury turns direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury squares Neptune a final time on Jan 9th. Mercury finally leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 14th. Mercury sextiles Saturn a final time on Jan 18th. Mercury trines Jupiter a final time on Jan 19th. Mercury comes out of his shadow on Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo. Mercury leaves Capricorn on Feb 5th 2024 and is immediately conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
The 3 repeated mutable squares that Mercury makes from Sagittarius to Neptune in Pisces, two on Full Moon days, infuse this period with waves of (potentially) crazy uncertainty. The 3 repeated 'Earth trines' that Mercury makes from Capricorn to Jupiter in Taurus present opportunity for substantial progress and advancement. The 3 repeated sextiles that Mercury makes from Capricorn to Saturn in Pisces offer consolidation and harness.
Venus is a direct morning star in Sagittarius, residing here for a brief fling of 25 days. In a defiantly jovial mood she only makes two aspects. Venus squares Saturn today, a bit of a hang over aspect, and squares Neptune, also somewhat intoxicated on Jan 19th. Venus leave Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 23rd. Short and bitter sweet. Venus is chasing Mars. Both are in Sagittarius, a real swing for 6 days. They eventually meet on Feb 22nd at 7 Aquarius.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Sagittarius on Nov 24th, residing here for 41 days. Mars leaves Sagittarius on Jan 4th. This is a riotous, freewheeling and 'moving upwards' period.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
You can gain insights into this 'difficult to fathom' energy by reviewing previous Saturn in Pisces periods. The April 1905 to March 1908 residence saw the publishing of Einstein's Special Relativity theory. The Feb 1935 to April 1937 residence witnessed the consolidation of Hitler's power and German rearmament, Stalin's great purge, Edward 8th's abdication, and the Spanish Civil War. The March 1964 to March 1967 residence saw the Beatles, Radio Caroline, the Vietnam War, the Indian/Pakistani war, the Wilson Government (UK), the Cultural Revolution in China, and 'Sergeant Pepper'. The most recent residence May 1993 to April 1996 witnessed the Channel Tunnel opening, the advent of the Play Station, and the Srebrenica Massacre. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto has made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th) and is now back in Capricorn. He has unfinished business to attend to. Pluto is now direct. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
03.10 The slowly disseminating Moon accelerating at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Neptune 08.00 to 15.00
08.55 The Moon at 22 Virgo waning square Mercury at 22 Sagittarius
14.50 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces
21.56 The Sun at 12 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 3 Pisces
22.14 The Moon at 29 Virgo waning square Mars at 29 Sagittarius
23.37 The Moon at 29 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 29 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 1.2 hours
00.48 The slowly waning Moon accelerating towards her last quarter enters Libra
07.47 The Moon at 3 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 3 Pisces
10.56 Venus at 6 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 6 Taurus
12.08 The Moon at 6 Libra waxing quincunx Jupiter at 6 Taurus
12.16 The Moon at 6 Libra waning sextile Venus at 6 Sagittarius
21.09 Mars at 29 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn
00.38 The Sun at 13 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 25 Pisces
03.31 The Moon at Last Quarter
15.00 Mars enters Capricorn joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars is sextile Saturn on Jan 10th, with work, effort and construction. Mars trines Jupiter on Jan 12th, colouring the New Moon the previous day with really positive and constructive energy. Mars is overtaken by Mercury, the closest conjunction and the last of 3 in recent weeks, on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars trines Uranus on Jan 29th, with invention and high technology. Mars sextiles Neptune on Feb 8th, with flair and vision on the day of the New Moon. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 12th. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occured on Dec 2nd 1796.
15.37 The Moon at 19 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus
17.07 Venus at 7 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 25 Pisces
18.20 The Moon at 21 Libra opposition her mean ascending node at 21 Aries
22.25 The Moon at 23 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 23 Sagittarius
03.09 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 25 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces
11.35 Venus at 8 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 29 Capricorn
11.41 The Moon at 29 Libra waning square Pluto at 29 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for just one hour
12.41 The Moon enters Scorpio
14.04 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning sextile Mars at 1 Capricorn
19.49 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 4 Pisces
23.36 The Moon at 6 Scorpio opposition Jupiter at 6 Taurus
Determination, will and resolve characterise this weekend. Things get done.
11.15 Morning star Venus at 9 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 19 Taurus. Take hold and guide your course to future relationships.
14.14 Morning star Mercury picking up speed after recent retrograde motion, at 24 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 30 Capricorn. Redemption of past shortcomings.
19.13 The post last quarter Moon accelerating at 16 Scorpio waning sextile The Sun at 16 Capricorn
Another day of purposeful activity. Tough responses and fixed attitudes will be evident.
We are now headed towards the New Moon in Capricorn on Thursday which is trine Uranus, sextile Neptune with Mars trine Jupiter the following day. That's potentially one inspiring and materially expansive event.
01.25 The Moon at 19 Scorpio accelerating towards her balsamic phase opposition Uranus at 19 Taurus
12.22 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 25 Pisces
20.23 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 47 mins
21.10 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining Venus and Mercury in this sign.
01.10 The fast moving and accelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Thursday's New Moon now begins in earnest.
03.11 The Sun at 17 Capricorn waxing decile Venus at 11 Sagittarius
04.12 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 4 Pisces
07.24 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 6 Taurus
10.54 Venus at 12 Sagittarius waning biquintile Jupiter at 6 Taurus
12.28 The Sun at 18 Capricorn waning tri-decile Jupiter at 6 Taurus
18.45 The Moon conjunction Venus at 12 Sagittarius
23.43 Venus at 12 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 25 PiscesSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 18 degrees Capricorn. There are 72 days to he vernal equinox. Mars and Pluto are also in Capricorn. The old Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Sagittarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are approaching midway between eclipse seasons. Uranus is currently the only planet retrograde. There is a New Moon in Capricorn on Thursday (trine Uranus, sextile Neptune with Mars trine Jupiter the following day. That's potentially one inspiring and materially expansive event).
Mercury is a direct morning star in Sagittarius. On October 29th Mercury was closely conjunct Mars. (This was the first of 3 Mercury Mars conjunctions over these ensuing 3 months,- the second was on Dec 28th at 24 Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde, and the final one, the tightest of all, is on Jan 27th 2024 at 17 Capricorn). As a morning star Mercury turned direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury squares Neptune a final time tomorrow. Mercury finally leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 14th. Mercury sextiles Saturn a final time on Jan 18th. Mercury trines Jupiter a final time on Jan 19th. Mercury comes out of his shadow on Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo. Mercury leaves Capricorn on Feb 5th 2024 and is immediately conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Venus is a direct morning star in Sagittarius, residing here for a brief fling of 25 days. Venus squares Neptune, on Jan 19th. Venus leave Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 23rd. Short and bitter sweet. Venus is chasing Mars. They eventually meet on Feb 22nd at 7 Aquarius.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Capricorn on Jan 4th joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. Mars enters Capricorn joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars is sextile Saturn on Jan 10th, with work, effort and construction. Mars trines Jupiter on Jan 12th, colouring the New Moon the previous day with really positive and constructive energy. Mars is overtaken by Mercury, the closest conjunction and the last of 3 in recent weeks, on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars trines Uranus on Jan 29th, with invention and high technology. Mars sextiles Neptune on Feb 8th, with flair and vision on the day of the New Moon. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 12th. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occured on Dec 2nd 1796.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
You can gain insights into this 'difficult to fathom' energy by reviewing previous Saturn in Pisces periods. The April 1905 to March 1908 residence saw the publishing of Einstein's Special Relativity theory. The Feb 1935 to April 1937 residence witnessed the consolidation of Hitler's power and German rearmament, Stalin's great purge, Edward 8th's abdication, and the Spanish Civil War. The March 1964 to March 1967 residence saw the Beatles, Radio Caroline, the Vietnam War, the Indian/Pakistani war, the Wilson Government (UK), the Cultural Revolution in China, and 'Sergeant Pepper'. The most recent residence May 1993 to April 1996 witnessed the Channel Tunnel opening, the advent of the Play Station, and the Srebrenica Massacre. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto has made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th) and is now back in Capricorn. He has unfinished business to attend to. Pluto re-enters Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.
01.25 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius (not out of his shadow until Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo), waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces
02.04 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 19 Taurus
07.10 The fast moving balsamic Moon accelerating at 19 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus
09.15 The Moon very low in northern skies (high altitudes gained in the south) at 20 Sagittarius trine her node from deep south of the ecliptic
17.28 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces
18.25 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 26 Sagittarius.
The Moon is void of course for just over 7 hours.
20.39 The Sun at 19 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 4 Pisces
Day of the 'horny old Moon' in Capricorn riding very low in northern hemisphere skies. We currently find ourselves in a very practical and resourceful period.
00.08 The Sun at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
01.35 The Moon enters Capricorn joining the Sun, Mars and Pluto in this sign.
02.40 A 'well aspected' Mars at 4 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 4 Pisces (applying trine to Jupiter).
06.30 Mars at 4 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 19 Taurus
08.30 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 4 Pisces
08.46 The Moon conjunction Mars at 4 Capricorn
10.29 Venus at 14 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Saturn at 4 Pisces
11.15 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 6 Taurus
21.08 Venus at 15 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 30 Capricorn
Positive New Moon tomorrow.
02.00 Venus at 15 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus
02.35 The Sun at 20 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 20 Aries marking the midway point between eclipse seasons.
09.27 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
11.17 The Moon at 20 Capricorn squares her node from deep south of the ecliptic.
11.58 Moment of NEW MOON
The New Moon is trine Uranus, sextile Neptune with Mars trine Jupiter tomorrow. This is potentially one inspiring and materially expansive event.
Today's New Moon is the third New Moon following the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra on October 14 2023, and the third New Moon before the 'American Total Solar Eclipse' at 19 Aries on April 8th 2024.
At the exact moment of New Moon, 11.58 GMT today, Sunrise is at Cape Farewell, Sunset is over the K2 mountain, Moon rise is at Kingston Jamaica, High Noon is at Paris, Moonset is at New Delhi. Saturn sets over Korea, Pluto rises at Medellin, the Sun and Moon culminate at Algeries, Jupiter rises over the UK, a Uranus/Pluto paran is manifest at Perth (Aus) and a Venus/Saturn Paran is manifest at Melbourne.
Today's New Moon directly hits the Saturn of Saudi Arabia and the Mercury of King Salman. It hits China's Jupiter, squaring Xi Jinping's Saturn, the Moons of the LHC (Cern) and NASA, Belgium's Neptune, Netherlands' Mars, and the Sun Mars conjunction in the chart of Putin's 'Special military operation.
Overall this is a New Moon to make plans with. Mercury is still in his shadow, but picking up speed. There are no planets in Air signs to liberate the 'thinking' but that time is close. There is however a practical and realistic vibration with this lunation, use it well.
16.05 Mars at 5 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces
19.21 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces
The Moon is new and we have left behind us the darkest 40 days of the year in the northern hemisphere, (the 40 lightest in the south). Time is moving on. Events also will move on quickly now with the impetus of 'New Moon energy'. Mars 'earth trine' Jupiter today generates waves of energetic activity, optimism and adventure. Much pushing forward will be evident.
The UK and US are said to be considering whether to strike Houthi rebels in Yemen following their repeated attacks against ships in the Red Sea. At the exact moment of New Moon yesterday Jupiter was rising over the UK, trine Mars. This could be interpreted as somewhat 'gung ho'.
02.34 The very rapidly moving 'new born infant Moon' conjunction Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is then void of course for 29 mins
03.03 The Moon enters Aquarius
10.42 Mars at 6 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 6 Taurus
12.30 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 6 Taurus
07.32 The very fast young Moon at 18 Aquarius waxing sextile Venus at 18 Sagittarius
10.00 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 19 Taurus
10.36 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
11.41 The Moon at 20 Aquarius sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic
18.17 The Sun at 23 Capricorn waning bi-septile Jupiter at 6 Taurus
21.40 Mercury at 30 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
Taiwanese voters have chosen William Lai as their president in a historic election, cementing a path that is increasingly divergent from China. The result is likely to anger Beijing, which calls Mr Lai a 'troublemaker' for his views on independence. Lai was born on 6 October 1959 (age 64). Wanli, Taiwan. The chart below is his noon chart.
The Chinese Oct 1st 1949 chart is the interesting one. Pluto, planet of transformation, is conjunct the Chinese natal Moon (symbolising 'the people') in 2025 and 2026 and then conjunct the chart's Ascendant (the nation's portrayal), in 2026 and 2027. Uranus is conjunct the nadir (the root) of the Chinese chart from mid 2024 to mid 2025, indicative of revolution at home.
02.51 Mercury re-enters Capricorn joining the Sun, Mars and Pluto in this sign. Mercury is a direct morning star. On October 29th Mercury was closely conjunct Mars. (This was the first of 3 Mercury Mars conjunctions over these ensuing 3 months,- the second was on Dec 28th at 24 Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde, and the final one, the tightest of all, is on Jan 27th 2024 at 17 Capricorn). As a morning star Mercury turned direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury sextiles Saturn a final time on Jan 18th. Mercury trines Jupiter a final time on Jan 19th. Mercury comes out of his shadow on Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo. Mercury leaves Capricorn on Feb 5th 2024 and is immediately conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
03.31 The fast young Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
03.33 The Moon at zero Pisces waxing sextile Mercury at zero Capricorn
10.51 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 5 Pisces
13.03 Venus at 19 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus
13.09 The Moon at 6 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 6 Taurus
15.41 The Moon at 8 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 8 Capricorn
18.14 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
01.43 Venus at 20 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
07.15 The Sun at 25 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 5 Pisces
07.50 Venus at 20 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 20 Aries
10.47 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 19 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus
12.48 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing square Venus at 20 Sagittarius
20.48 The Moon at 25 Pisces waxing sextile The Sun at 25 Capricorn20.25 Closest conjunction Moon and Neptune 0.98 degrees
21.04 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 25 Pisces
The Sun today is at 25 degrees Capricorn. There are 65 days to the vernal equinox. Mercury, Mars and Pluto are also in Capricorn. The Moon, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are midway between eclipse seasons. Uranus is currently the only planet retrograde. The astrological month of Aquarius starts at 14.09 GMT on Saturday 20th January. Pluto enters Aquarius on the following day.
Mercury is a direct morning star in Capricorn. On October 29th Mercury was closely conjunct Mars. (This was the first of 3 Mercury Mars conjunctions over these ensuing 3 months,- the second was on Dec 28th at 24 Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde, and the final one, the tightest of all, is on Jan 27th 2024 at 17 Capricorn). As a morning star Mercury turned direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury sextiles Saturn a final time on Jan 18th. Mercury trines Jupiter a final time on Jan 19th. Mercury comes out of his shadow on Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo. Mercury leaves Capricorn on Feb 5th 2024 and is immediately conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Venus is a direct morning star in Sagittarius, residing here for a brief fling of 25 days. Venus squares Neptune, on Jan 19th. Venus leave Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 23rd. Short and bitter sweet. Venus is chasing Mars. They eventually meet on Feb 22nd at 7 Aquarius.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Capricorn on Jan 4th joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. Mars enters Capricorn joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars is overtaken by Mercury, the closest conjunction and the last of 3 in recent weeks, on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars trines Uranus on Jan 29th, with invention and high technology. Mars sextiles Neptune on Feb 8th, with flair and vision on the day of the New Moon. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 12th. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occured on Dec 2nd 1796.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto has made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th) and is now back in Capricorn. He has unfinished business to attend to. Pluto re-enters Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.
We are on the count down to the final conjunction (in the current era) of the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn which happens on Saturday at 13.46 UT. (The next time this happens is on day of the Winter Solstice Dec 22nd 2254). On Saturday the Sun enters Aquarius, the start of a new astrological month, 22 minutes after the conjunction. Pluto enters Aquarius on Sunday.
00.38 The Sun at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces
01.26 Venus at 21 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 6 Taurus
04.33 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 30 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for just 17 mins.
04.50 The Moon enters Aries
09.06 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing square Mercury at 3 Capricorn
20.14 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing square Mars at 9 Capricorn
A day in the life. The Sun is in Capricorn (with Mercury Mars and Pluto), the Moon approaching first quarter is in Aries. Mercury still in his shadow applies sextile to Saturn. It all adds up to 'crafty deliberation' and a 'robust go getting' vibration. I plan, I build and I am.
13.15 Venus at 23 Sagittarius waning quintile Saturn at 5 Pisces
14.49 The waxing crescent Moon conjunction her mean ascending node at 20 Aries
16.58 Mercury at 4 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 19 Taurus
20.23 The Moon at 23 Aries waxing trine Venus at 23 Sagittarius
The day ahead is potentially mellow and is certainly grounded.
03.53 The Moon reaches her First Quarter in late Aries
08.03 The decelerating Moon at 30 Aries waxing square Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for just 11 mins.
08.14 The Moon enters Taurus joining Jupiter and Uranus in this sign
08.50 Mercury at 5 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 5 Pisces
10.03 Venus at 24 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
16.58 The Moon at 5 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 5 Pisces
17.42 The Moon at 5 Taurus waxing trine Mercury at 5 Capricorn
18.10 Mercury at 5 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces
19.06 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 6 Taurus
An astrologically momentous few days are ahead of us. Today, Friday, is the last full day of the tropical month of Capricorn. Today is coloured by the defuse and intoxicating sensation of Venus square Neptune and the palpable optimism of Mercury again trine Jupiter. Tomorrow, Saturday, the Sun is conjunct Pluto at the end of Capricorn, (the final time 'till the year 2254), and then the Sun enters Aquarius 14.09 UT. Pluto follows suit and enters Aquarius (for the 2nd time of 3) at 01.00 UT on Sunday. Significantly 'Heliocentric Pluto', Pluto as 'seen' from the Sun, also enters Aquarius, (a single event), on Monday 18.29 UT. This marks an astrological shift in all of our lives and in the destiny of the planet and possibly in 'astrological evolution' of the whole solar system.
03.26 The Moon at 11 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 11 Capricorn
09.31 Venus at 25 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 19 Taurus
09.32 Mercury at 6 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 6 Taurus
15.49 Venus at 25 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces
16.20 The Sun at 29 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 5 Pisces
18.12 The Moon at 19 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 19 Taurus
05.41 The first quarter Moon decelerating at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces
07.05 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing quincunx Venus at 26 Sagittarius
13.47 The Sun conjunction Pluto at 30 Capricorn
13.57 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn
13.58 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing trine The Sun at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 2 mins
14.00 The Moon enters Gemini
14.09 The Sun enters Aquarius and a new astrological month begins.
23.33 The Moon at 5 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 5 Pisces
00.59 Pluto enters Aquarius.
Well again, for the 2nd time, - this is a big one. Pluto took his first tentative steps into the sign of the Water Bearer on March 23rd 2023. We stand again today at the gateway to a new future. Before us is a time of great technological and humanitarian revolution. Much that is corrupt unfair and decayed will pass away. The global power base will shift from plutocracy to the universal. Democracy will have room to flourish. No rapid change here- just tastes, over the next 7 months, of new changes ahead.
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Mercury, Mars and Venus are applying in conjunction to Pluto exactly perfecting on the 5th, 14th and 17th Feb, in that order. Each planet imparts and receives transforming energy. Bold days, brave days and beautiful days are ahead.
05.46 The heavily waxing Moon at 9 Gemini quincunx Mercury at 9 Capricorn
13.24 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing quincunx Mars at 13 Capricorn
16.08 The Sun at 1 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 19 Taurus
20.02 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The procession to the Full Moon in Leo on Thursday now starts in earnest.
We are now in the build up to the Candlemass Full Moon in Leo which climaxes on Thursday at 17.55 GMT. The Moon will attain very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies during the next few days because we are in a lunar standstill year. The Full Moon ahead is a strong one, loud, extrovert, unyielding beyond limit, uncompromising, dramatic and unforgiving.
02.34 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 20 Gemini sextiles her node from high north of the ecliptic and the equator.
A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune13.00 to 21.00
13.22 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 26 Pisces
15.07 Mars at 14 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 26 PiscesLunar occultation of fixed star 136 Tau, observable from the UK apron 18.24 to 19.34
20.41 The Moon at 29 Gemini opposition Venus at 29 Sagittarius.
The Moon is void of course for 1.2 hours
21.53 The Moon enters Cancer
21.58 The Moon at zero Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at zero Aquarius
The Sun today is at 2 degrees Aquarius. There are 58 days to the vernal equinox. Pluto is also in Aquarius. Mercury and Mars are in Capricorn, both applying towards Pluto. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are just past the midway point between eclipse seasons. Uranus is currently the only planet retrograde.
Mercury is a direct morning star in Capricorn. On October 29th Mercury was closely conjunct Mars. (This was the first of 3 Mercury Mars conjunctions over these ensuing 3 months,- the second was on Dec 28th at 24 Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde, and the final one, the tightest of all, is on Jan 27th 2024 at 17 Capricorn). As a morning star Mercury turned direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury comes out of his shadow on Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo. Mercury leaves Capricorn on Feb 5th 2024 and is immediately conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Venus is a direct morning star in Sagittarius. Venus leave Sagittarius for Capricorn tomorrow. Venus is chasing Mars. They eventually meet on Feb 22nd at 7 Aquarius.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Capricorn on Jan 4th joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. Mars enters Capricorn joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars is overtaken by Mercury, the closest conjunction and the last of 3 in recent weeks, on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars trines Uranus on Jan 29th, with invention and high technology. Mars sextiles Neptune on Feb 8th, with flair and vision on the day of the New Moon. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 12th. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occurred on Dec 2nd 1796.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
The Candlemass Full Moon in Leo climaxes on Thursday at 17.55 GMT. The Moon attains very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies over the next few days because we are in a lunar standstill year. The Full Moon ahead is uncompromising, dramatic and unforgiving.
The next two days highlight 'care in the community' with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Cancer.
02.44 The heavily waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 3 Cancer quincunx The Sun at 3 Aquarius
07.59 Mars at 14 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 5 Pisces
08.15 The Moon at 5 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 5 Pisces
08.52 Venus enters Capricorn joining Mercury and Mars in that sign. Venus is 'on the chase' with Mars and has a favourable month residence in Capricorn making positive aspects to the outer planets. Venus sextiles Saturn on Jan 28th, staying tied and true. She is trine Jupiter on Jan 28th, with material abundance. Venus is trine Uranus on Feb 7th, with graceful distraction. Venus is sextile Neptune on Feb 13th, with flair, good art and good taste. Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Feb 16th and is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 17th. Venus is conjunct Mars at 7 degrees Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus in Capricorn is a material girl and is steadfast in her affections. She does however need appreciation.
10.14 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing sextile Jupiter at 7 Taurus
10.22 Venus at zero Capricorn waning semi-sextile Pluto at zero Aquarius
20.54 The Moon at 12 Cancer opposition Mercury at 12 Capricorn
Mercury comes out of his shadow today Jan 24th, the day before the Full Moon in Leo. We are now in a period lasting a few weeks which is favourable for launching new projects. All the planets bar Uranus are direct in motion and even Uranus stations direct on Sunday. Advance with care.
Lunar pressures are high today as the Full Moon phase approaches
01.45 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 15 Cancer opposition Mars at 15 Capricorn
10.24 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus
11.27 The Moon at 20 Cancer squares the her node from far north of the equator.
15.47 The Sun at 4 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 26 Pisces
22.59 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 26 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 8.6 hours
23.04 Mercury at 14 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 26 Pisces
07.38 The Moon enters Leo
07.54 The Moon at zero Leo opposition Pluto at zero Aquarius
11.21 Mercury at 14 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 6 Pisces
12.51 The Moon at 3 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 3 Capricorn
17.55 Moment of FULL MOON
Today's Full Moon is the third Full Moon following the partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October, in Taurus, and the penultimate before a Penumbral lunar Eclipse on March 25th 2024 at 5 degrees Libra.
The Full Moon is arrayed in Fixed T-square with the Sun, Pluto and Jupiter and applies quincunx to Saturn and is in a loose yod 'finger of fate' pattern with Saturn and Venus. Fixity and Earth dominate this Full Moon. Mercury applies to a tight conjunction with Mars in Capricorn, perfecting on Saturday. Venus trines Jupiter and sextiles Saturn. Mars trines Uranus. Jupiter sextiles Saturn.
This is undoubtedly an 'over the top' event with the Full Moon in resplendent Leo squaring Jupiter in unmoving Taurus, but the planetary background is favourable and supportive evoking experiences of consolidation, invention, and accumulation. This is a strong one, loud, extrovert, unyielding beyond limit, uncompromising to the nth degree and dramatic and unforgiving. 'Entrenchment and exposition', in mind and in situation, are the buzz words here.
At the exact moment of Full Moon it is Sunrise over the Gulf of Alaska. Sunset is over The N.E. Atlantic. Moonrise occurs at Cape Farewell Greenland and over northwest Africa and over the extreme south of Africa. The Moon culminates at Rangoon and at Mandalay. Moonset occurs over the Great Slave Lake. The It is High Noon at Louisville Kentucky. It is true midnight over Christmas Island. Jupiter exactly rises at Dallas. Uranus rises at Beijing and culminates at Berlin. Pluto culminates at new Orleans. Mercury and Mars rise at Melbourne and are at lower culmination at Mumbai. Saturn sets over Eastern Europe. Neptune sets over Saudi and Iran. Pluto sets over the Red Sea.
Today's Full moon directly hits the Pluto of the Syrian Independence chart and Joe Biden(2 degree orb), the Neptune of the Gaza Strip chart, the Saturn of Twitter, the Jupiter of Mick Jagger and of the Dow Jones Share Index, the Mars of Oman (2 degree), the Mercury of Pakistan, the Moon of Israel and squares Germany's Moon, the Sun of NASA and Harry Kane, the ascendant of King Charles, the descendant of China, the MC of Julian Assange, the Moon of Extinction Rebellion and the South Lunar Node of Xi Jinping. The Full Moon opposes the Sun and Venus of Zelensky.
18.53 The Moon at 6 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 6 Pisces
20.47 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing square Jupiter at 7 Taurus
06.53 The Sun at 6 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 6 Pisces
14.57 The slowly waning full Moon decelerating at 16 Leo waning quincunx Mercury at 16 Capricorn
16.20 The Moon at 17 Leo waning quincunx Mars at 17 Capricorn
16.33 Venus at 4 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 19 Taurus
17.15 The Sun at 6 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus
21.20 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 22 hours.
22.10 The Moon at 20 Leo trines her node from the north of the equator.
The Full Moon has climaxed. We now face the 3rd conjunction, in as many months, of Mercury and Mars. On October 29th Mercury was closely conjunct Mars. Netanyahu declared a 'second war of independence' as fears for Gazans grew. This was the first of 3 Mercury Mars conjunctions. The second conjunction was on Dec 28th at 24 Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde. On that day Israel's military launched its most intense raids, up till then, in the occupied West Bank since Israel began its assault on the Gaza Strip following Hamas's attack on October 7. The final conjunction, the tightest of all, is today at 17 Capricorn.
Also today the Sun squares Jupiter, so today with the momentum of the waning full moon still in Leo we have on our hands another 'full on day'.
Behind the scenes Uranus turns direct, the 'signature of sudden change' moves on.
And there's more...there is a whole series of planetary aspects over the next 3 days and they are actually favorable aspects. There are lots of events and experiences immediately ahead.
04.43 URANUS TURNS DIRECT. All the planets are now direct in motion 'till Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st.
The waning full moon is void of course.
07.19 The Sun at 7 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 7 Taurus
10.26 The void of course Moon at 26 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 26 Pisces
15.00 Mercury close conjunction Mars at 17 Capricorn16.27 Closest conjunction Mercury Mars 0.24 degrees
19.13 The Moon enters Virgo
19.39 The Moon at zero Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at zero Aquarius
23.02 Venus at 6 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 26 Pisces
Exciting potentials, exacting activities, surprises. Be prepared.
A tight kite pattern is manifest involving the Moon, Venus, Jupiter in Earthy grand trine and focused on the Moon opposite Saturn 06.00 to 09.30
This certainly gets things moving and sorts things out...very practical, a woman's touch, much needed energy.
06.04 Venus at 6 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 6 Pisces
07.21 The very slowly waning full Moon decelerating at 6 Virgo opposition Saturn at 6 Pisces
07.29 The Moon at 6 Virgo waning trine Venus at 6 Capricorn
09.11 The Moon at 7 Virgo waxing trine Jupiter at 7 Taurus
11.23 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning quincunx The Sun at 8 Aquarius
19.03 Mercury at 19 Capricorn waning tri-decile Jupiter at 7 Taurus
21.07 Mercury at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
(Neptune is currently conjunct he IC of the USA chart- this transit goes a long way towards explaining the current confusion which seems to have taken hold of the emotional root of the nation and clouded the direction that the nation appears to be currently taking.)
We are blessed with two favourable planetary aspects today. Venus and Jupiter at the start, Mars and Uranus at the end.
01.03 Venus at 7 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 7 Taurus
02.08 Mercury at 19 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 19 Aries
08.15 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
An Earth Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Uranus 08.00 to 12.00
08.55 The very slowly waning Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Mars at 19 Capricorn
09.52 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
11.38 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning trine Mercury at 20 Capricorn
20.44 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
23.15 Mars at 19 Capricorn waning tri-decile Jupiter at 7 Taurus
23.21 The Moon at 26 Virgo opposition Neptune at 26 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 8.75 hours
23.41 Mars at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 TaurusSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 9 degrees Aquarius. There are 51 days to the vernal equinox. Pluto is also in Aquarius. Mercury Venus and Mars are in Capricorn, all moving towards Pluto at the start of Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are past the midway point between eclipse seasons. All the planets are direct in motion. Mercury is conjunct Pluto Feb 5th, Mars conjuncts Pluto Feb 14th, Venus conjucnts Pluto on Feb 17th.
As a morning star Mercury is currently in Capricorn. He turned direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury came out of his shadow on Jan 24th. Mercury leaves Capricorn on Feb 5th 2024 and is immediately conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. Its full steam ahead for Mercury.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Venus entered Capricorn on Jan 23rd joining Mercury and Mars in that sign. Venus is 'on the chase' to Mars and has a favourable month residence in Capricorn. Venus is trine Jupiter today. Venus is trine Uranus on Feb 7th, with graceful distraction. Venus is sextile Neptune on Feb 13th, good taste. Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Feb 16th and is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 17th. Venus is conjunct Mars 7 degrees Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus in Capricorn is a material girl but is steadfast in her affection.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Capricorn on Jan 4th joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. Mars enters Capricorn joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars was overtaken by Mercury on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars trines Uranus today Jan 29th, with invention and high technology. Mars sextiles Neptune on Feb 8th, with flair and vision on the day of the New Moon. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 12th. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occurred on Dec 2nd 1796.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
New Air today. After an astrologically suffocating dearth of planets in Air signs in recent weeks and months the Moon enters Libra today coupling with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, both Air signs. Well....it's like a breath of fresh air...AND there is a lot more Air to follow in the coming weeks. Air frees up both thinking and communication. Ideas which can hold solutions.
07.05 Mars at 19 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 19 Aries
08.06 The very slowly moving disseminating Moon enters Libra.
08.42 The Moon at zero Libra waning trine Pluto at zero Aquarius
09.00 Mercury at 21 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 6 Pisces
20.55 The Moon at 6 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 6 Pisces
22.41 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing quincunx Jupiter at 7 Taurus
23.03 Saturn at 6 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 0 Aquarius Saturn at 6 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at zero Aquarius The Saturn Pluto cycle correlates with the transformation of power structures, economic contraction, natural disasters, epidemics, and war. The cycle lasts 33-38 years. The current cycle started in late Capricorn on 12th Jan 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It reaches its first quarter crisis in 2028-2029 and arrives at its climax, Saturn opposition Pluto, across Leo/Aquarius in 2035-2036. The cycle completes in 2053-2054 in Pisces. Today's waxing decile is the final of three, dates May 15th 2023 , Aug 18th 2023 and Jan 30th 2024. This aspect reveals a new quality of being to be actualized through the natural cyclic process. We get a glimpse now of what new power structures and 'tempering experiences' are to be.
Smooth 'Moon in Libra' vibrations breeze over us today. Find the balance.
03.34 The slowly disseminating Moon accelerating at 10 Libra waning square Venus at 10 Capricorn
03.48 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 26 Pisces
06.07 The Moon at 11 Libra waning trine The Sun at 11 Aquarius
22.49 The Moon at 19 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus
A cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars and the lunar node 23.00 to 09.00
23.06 The Moon at 19 Libra opposition her ascending node at 19 Aries
At least a small sting in the tail of this day.
02.01 The slow, accelerating and disseminating Moon at 21 Libra waning square Mars at 21 Capricorn
09.04 The Moon at 24 Libra waning square Mercury at 24 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 11.6 hours. (Rudderless drift).
12.13 The Moon at 26 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 26 Pisces
13.37 Mercury at 24 Capricorn waning bi-septile Jupiter at 7 Taurus
20.39 The Moon enters Scorpio. Five bodies now in Fixed signs.
21.23 The Moon at zero Scorpio waning square Pluto at zero Aquarius
06.16 Mars at 22 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 7 Pisces
09.40 The accelerating Moon at 7 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 7 Pisces
10.55 Mercury at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
11.18 The Moon at 7 Scorpio opposition Jupiter at 7 Taurus
22.10 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 13 Capricorn
23.19 The Moon at Last Quarter
All weekend Mercury in late Capricorn is applying to a conjunction with Pluto in early Aquarius, we are approaching a 'mental pinch point'. Saturday is steadier, Sunday hangs loose.
00.42 Mercury at 27 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 7 Pisces
09.55 The slow last quarter Moon accelerating at 19 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 19 Taurus
14.25 Venus at 14 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 26 Pisces
16.43 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning sextile Mars at 23 Capricorn
22.43 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 26 Pisces
A couple of days to hang loose as Mercury approaches Pluto in a 'pinch point'. Radical thinking and communicating emerges.
03.25 The post last quarter Moon accelerating at 28 Scorpio waning sextile Mercury at 28 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 3 hours
06.30 The Moon enters Sagittarius
07.20 The Moon at zero Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
08.29 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are midway between the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. This is a 'cross quarter day. In the Southern Hemisphere the end of summer is approaching. In the North we are at the start of 'stirring'. Seasons they change.
19.10 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 7 Pisces
20.40 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 8 Taurus
21.56 Venus at 15 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 7 Pisces
05.12 Mercury enters Aquarius as a morning star joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. He resides in this sign for a very brief 18 days. The winged messenger breezes through this residence with cool detachment. Thoughts are future oriented. Words are maybe future proof. Communications are ungrounded during this period, but theories are sky high. Language evolves. Technology accelerates.
Just 8 hours after entering this sign, today, Mercury is conjunct Pluto, a pinch point. Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb 10th, with the usual miscalculation. He squares Uranus on Feb 17th, with erratic velocity. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 23rd.
05.38 The Sun at 16 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 26 Pisces
09.04 The Sun at 16 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Venus at 16 Capricorn
11.56 The waning and accelerating Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning sextile The Sun at 16 Aquarius
12.58 Mercury conjunction Pluto at zero Aquarius
16.57 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 19 Aries
17.12 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus
20.50 Mercury at 1 Aquarius waning decile Saturn at 7 Pisces
22.47 Mercury at 1 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 19 TaurusSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 16 degrees Aquarius. There are 44 days to the vernal equinox. Pluto and from today Mercury are also in Aquarius. Venus and Mars are in Capricorn, moving towards Pluto at the start of Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are well past the midway point between eclipse seasons. All the planets are direct in motion. Mercury is conjunct Pluto today Feb 5th, Mars conjuncts Pluto Feb 14th, Venus conjuncts Pluto on Feb 17th.
As a morning star Mercury is currently in Aquarius (see above). He turned direct on Jan 2nd at 22 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury came out of his shadow on Jan 24th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction on Feb 28th at 9 degrees Pisces. Its full steam ahead for Mercury.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Venus entered Capricorn on Jan 23rd joining Mercury and Mars in that sign. Venus is 'on the chase' to Mars and has a favourable month residence in Capricorn. Venus is trine Uranus on Feb 7th, with graceful distraction. Venus is sextile Neptune on Feb 13th, good taste. Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Feb 16th and is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 17th. Venus is conjunct Mars 7 degrees Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus in Capricorn is a material girl but is steadfast in her affection.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Capricorn on Jan 4th joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. Mars enters Capricorn joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars was overtaken by Mercury on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars sextiles Neptune on Feb 8th, with flair and vision on the day of the New Moon. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Feb 12th. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occurred on Dec 2nd 1796.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Valentine's day Feb 14th. We had the 'pinch point' yesterday as Mercury was conjunct Pluto. Feb 14th is a 'danger point' in the current world situation.
05.07 The accelerating and waning Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 26 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just over 7 hours
12.10 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Venus and Mars in this sign.
16.12 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon in Aquarius on Friday now begins in earnest. Friday's new Moon is square Uranus and is very much a 'wake up call'.
19.48 Mars at 25 Capricorn waning bi-septile Jupiter at 8 Taurus
The last Full Moon on January 25th at 5 Leo was conjunct UK King Charles' Ascendant. Pluto was square his natal Moon Feb 3rd 202. He has a progressed New Moon, Feb 6th 2024. Uranus has been and will be opposite his natal Sun (July 2023 to May 2024). Relaible birth data with the royal family. Spot on astrology.
00.19 The balsamic Moon acceleratng at 7 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 7 Pisces
00.22 Saturn at 7 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 19 Taurus This is the 1st of 3 hits of this aspect, all in 2024, (Feb 7th, Sept 20th and Nov 27th )in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. The Saturn Uranus cycle in astrology represents the conflict between the establishment and the revolutionary. Times manifest when change is unavoidable. The current cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with the opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. (The 2021 last quarter phase induced drastic political, financial and social changes). Now we encounter the waning quintile aspect. This is an opportunity to 'contribute one's capacities and capabilities to the service of a revolutionary struggle. The service is one of peace making amid conflict. It can evoke a sharp spiritual awareness.
01.42 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 8 Taurus
07.02 The Sun at 18 Aquarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 8 Taurus
16.17 Venus at 19 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 19 Aries
19.52 The Moon at 19 Capricorn squares her node at 19 Aries from deep south of the equator
20.13 The Moon at conjunction Venus at 19 Capricorn
20.19 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
21.26 Venus at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
This 'day of the old fast Moon', who has encounters with Mars in Capricorn and then with Pluto and Mercury in Aquarius, is coloured by the Sun square Uranus, an aspect which is a harbinger of (not always welcome) change.
All in all an eventful day.
00.21 Mars at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
03.36 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 26 Pisces
03.45 The Sun at 19 Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at 19 Aries
07.30 The ancient but fast moving Moon accelerating at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
07.53 The Moon conjunction Mars at 26 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 3 hours
10.46 The Sun at 19 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 19 Taurus
14.01 The Moon enters Aquarius joining the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in this sign.
14.58 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius
16.59 Venus at 20 Capricorn waning tri-decile Jupiter at 8 Taurus
23.26 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 6 Aquarius
New Moon in Aquarius tomorrow
03.11 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 8 Taurus
06.08 Mercury at 6 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus
07.22 The Sun at 20 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 26 Pisces
19.58 The Moon at 19 Aquarius sextile her node from south of the ecliptic
20.36 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 19 Taurus
23.00 Moment of NEW MOON, (the moon is then void of course for 14.75 hours).
This New Moon is square Uranus, generating shocks and shakeups. Jupiter sextiles Saturn, inducing positive developments in affairs of state. Mercury squares Jupiter, evoking high optimism. Mars applies to Pluto sextile Neptune marking a power point of destiny ahead of us. Fixity and Air predominate with no planets in Fire. This is a New Moon of surprises, some unwelcome, and some inspiring genius and innovation.
Today's New Moon is the 4th New Moon following the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra on October 14 2023, and the penultimate New Moon before the 'American Total Solar Eclipse' at 19 Aries on April 8th 2024.
At the exact moment of New Moon 23.00 GMT it is sunrise over Christmas Island. Sunset is at Michigan. Moonrise is at Pyongyang. Moonset is at Chicago. High Noon is at Honolulu. True Midnight is at the Cape of Good Hope. Mars and Pluto are on the IC of the UK and on the MC of Wellington. Jupiter sets at Rome and at Vienna.
Venus rises over The Ganges delta. Neptune is on the IC of Tehran. Pluto rises at Rangoon.
Today's New Moon directly hits the Sun of Japan, the Sun and Venus of the UK Labour Party, the Moon of Ukraine and Angola, the Mars of Julian Assange, Extinction Rebellion, Elon Musk, possibly Kim Jon Un, the Saturn of Michele Obama, the Uranus of Gaza Strip, and Russian (1917 chart), the Neptune of the LHC, and Bit Coin, the Pluto of France (first republic), the MC of the BBC, India, Ireland, the Chiron of Iraq
23.35 Mars at 27 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 7 Pisces
This day starts with the 'recently conceived' New Moon very rapidly waxing void of course through late Aquarius.
00.00 Morning star Mercury at 7 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 7 Pisces
13.26 Mercury at 8 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 8 Taurus
13.44 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign for the next 2.5 days.
15.54 Venus at 23 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 8 Pisces
18.51 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
01.45 The very rapidly waxing new moon conjunction Saturn at 8 Pisces
03.05 The Moon at 8 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 8 Taurus
20.07 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus
04.32 The rapidly waxing infant Moon at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 24 Capricorn
05.59 Morning star Mercury at 11 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 26 Pisces
07.12 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 26 Pisces
12.32 The Moon at 29 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 29 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 55 mins.
13.27 The Moon quickly enters Aries
14.36 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
The Sun today is at 23 degrees Aquarius. There are 37 days to the vernal equinox. Pluto and Mercury are also in Aquarius. Venus and Mars are in Capricorn, moving towards Pluto at the start of Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries. We are well past the midway point between eclipse seasons. All the planets are direct in motion. Mars conjuncts Pluto Feb 14th, Venus conjuncts Pluto on Feb 17th.
Morning star Mercury is currently in Aquarius with the Sun and Pluto in this sign. He resides in this sign for a very brief 18 days. The winged messenger breezes through this residence with cool detachment. Thoughts are future oriented. Words are maybe future proof. Communications are ungrounded during this period, but theories are sky high. Language evolves. Technology accelerates.
Mercury squares Uranus on Feb 17th, with erratic velocity. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction on Feb 28th at 9 degrees Pisces. Its full steam ahead right now for Mercury.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Venus entered Capricorn on Jan 23rd joining Mercury and Mars in that sign. Venus is 'on the chase' to Mars and has a favourable month residence in Capricorn. Venus is sextile Neptune tomorrow, good taste. Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Feb 16th and is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 17th. Venus is conjunct Mars 7 degrees Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus in Capricorn is a material girl but is steadfast in her affection.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Capricorn on Jan 4th joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign..This is an exalted, productive, strategic, industrious, ambitious and constructive 41 day residence, and all the time Mars is chasing Pluto, whom he meets as he enters Aquarius on Valentine's day. Mars was overtaken by Mercury on Jan 27th at 17 degrees Capricorn and very much the highlight of the residence. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius tomorrow. Mars is conjunct Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius on Feb 14th. The Valentine's Day massacre? Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius last occurred on Dec 2nd 1796.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
03.56 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
06.07 Mars enters Aquarius joining the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in this sign.
Mars is conjunct Pluto tomorrow at 1 Aquarius.
Venus is conjunct Mars on Feb 22nd at 7 degrees Aquarius, a love union and a meeting of mind, soul and body. Mars squares Jupiter on Feb 27th, always eventful, and often 'over the top'. Mars squares Uranus on March 9th, 'high wired' and shocking. Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 22nd March. This is an eventful residence.
08.33 Venus at 26 Capricorn waning bi-septile Jupiter at 9 Taurus
10.45 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing sextile Mercury at 13 Aquarius
13.37 Venus at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
19.49 The Moon at 19 Aries conjunction the lunar node at 19 Aries
06.06 Mars conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius. Last occurred in December 1796. Nothing of note occurred on the exact day. Napoleon was dominating European history at the time, gaining in his strength and influence. This is however a 'power point' in time, and potentially a dangerous moment. The St. Valentine's Day Massacre maybe.
06.41 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 25 Aries sextile The Sun at 25 Aquarius
10.21 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Venus at 27 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 4.7 hours
15.04 The Moon enters Taurus joining Jupiter and Uranus in this sign for 2.5 days.
16.23 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
16.57 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Mars at 1 Aquarius
20.49 Mars at 1 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 19 Taurus
The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto are now all in Air signs. Venus and the Moon also enter Air signs tomorrow bringing the total to 6 bodies. This 'intake' of air occurs after the recent 6 week period (Early Dec 2023 to Jan 20th 2024)with a dearth of planets in Air signs. Fire is the element at a premium right now, zero planets in Fire, as is the mode of cardinality, zero bodies in Cardinal signs. We have the concepts but not the creativity, a preponderance of thought but a lack of courage to implement. We have the purpose and the will but not the initiative to move things on. Today there is also a triplet of bodies in Taurus. A steadfast vibration ensues.
03.21 Venus at 28 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 8 Pisces
04.58 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 8 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 8 Pisces
06.32 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 9 Taurus
08.17 Mercury at 16 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 26 Pisces
10.29 The Sun at 26 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
20.36 The Moon at 17 Taurus waxing square Mercury at 17 Aquarius
00.27 The Moon decelerating towards her first quarter phase conjunction Uranus at 19 Taurus
03.40 Mars at 2 Aquarius waning decile Saturn at 8 Pisces
09.04 The Sun at 27 Aquarius waning quintile Jupiter at 9 Taurus
12.56 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
15.02 The Moon is at First Quarter
The Moon is void of course for 4.7 hours.
15.31 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at 18 Aries
16.07 Morning star Venus enters Aquarius joining the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto in this sign. She resides here for a short but heady 24 days. She is close to Mars for much of this residence. Venus, Mars and Pluto are currently a close triplet, tightest over the next few days, igniting friendships and kindling social and professional issues, placing great emphasis on relationships both personal and political. Venus is conjunct Pluto tomorrow morning (GMT) at 1 degree Aquarius. Venus is conjunct Mars at 7 degrees on Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus squares Jupiter on Feb 25th, just after the Virgo Full Moon, conjuring up social excesses all round. Venus squares Uranus on March 3rd, striving for independence and originality. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on 11th March just after the New Moon in this sign. Venus in Aquarius is unconventional, free and experimental. 'Friendships' are in full focus during this time.
19.41 The Moon enters Gemini. Yet more Air.
20.02 The Moon at zero Gemini waxing trine Venus at zero Aquarius
21.12 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
Mercury applies square to Uranus as this 'high as a kite' day ends adding ripples of shocks and surprises into the heady, airy mix.
Venus, Mars and Pluto are in triple conjunction at the start of Aquarius. A concentration of focus on 'transformation of relationships' may be evident.
There is a 'touchy and edgy' start to this day as Mercury square Uranus and Venus conjuncts Pluto. High jinx. Lots to talk about, a veritable buzz of communication.
00.57 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 3 Aquarius
03.53 Mercury at 19 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 19 Taurus
04.02 Mercury at 19 Aquarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 9 Taurus
08.49 Venus conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius
10.57 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 8 Pisces
17.07 Venus at 1 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 19 Taurus
18.21 Mercury at 20 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 26 Pisces
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aquarius.
05.23 The first quarter Moon decelerating at 18 Gemini sextiles her node from north of the equator.
11.22 The Moon at 22 Gemini waxing trine Mercury at 22 Aquarius
11.40 The Sun at 29 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 19 Taurus
17.22 Venus at 3 Aquarius waning decile Saturn at 9 Pisces
20.28 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 26 Pisces
The Sun enters Pisces today. Venus and Mars are conjunct at 7 degrees Aquarius first thing (GMT) this Thursday, the emphasis of influence is on relationships and friendships, with significant developments in these areas of life. Venus and Mars are both square Jupiter which is indulgent and possibly a little over baked. This planetary picture dominates the remainder of February, peaking on the 25th and the 27th. Mercury slips into Pisces on Friday 23rd Feb, increasing the watery/emotional nature of the time. The Full Moon in Virgo is 12.31 GMT next Saturday. Exacting, tense and possibly profitable. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in a tight triplet at 9-10 degrees Pisces on Feb 28th, an important day in time. There are lots of experiences ahead of us. Climb aboard.
Today a Lunar occultation of fixed star 136 Tau occurs, observable from the UK approx 01.53 to 02.48 136 Tau is a young giant white-hued binary star system in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.
03.21 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing trine The Sun at 30 Aquarius.
The Moon is void of course for 5 mins.
And now a plunge into water as the Moon and Sun ingress water signs.
03.26 The Moon enters Cancer
04.15 The Sun enters Pisces, joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign and a new astrological month begins.
05.10 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
09.54 The Moon at 3 Cancer waxing quincunx Venus at 3 Aquarius
12.39 The Moon at 5 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 5 Aquarius
16.19Mars at 5 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 26 PiscesLunar occultation of fixed star 49 AUR, observable from the UK approx 17.55 to 18.52
20.03 The Moon at 9 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 9 Pisces
22.01 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing sextile Jupiter at 10 Taurus
The Sun today is at zero degrees Pisces. Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces, (applying in 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). There are 30 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are drawing towards a new eclipse season. The Full Moon in Virgo next Saturday is the ultimate Full Moon before a Penumbral lunar Eclipse on March 25th 2024 at 5 degrees Libra.
All the planets are currently direct in motion.
Morning star Mercury is in Aquarius. He resides in this sign for a very brief 18 days. The winged messenger breezes through this residence with cool detachment. Thoughts are future oriented. Words are maybe future proof. Communications are ungrounded during this period, but theories are sky high. Language evolves. Technology accelerates. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction on Feb 28th at 9 degrees Pisces. Its full steam ahead right now for Mercury.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Aquarius on Feb 16th joining Mercury, Mars and Pluto in this sign. She resides here for a short but heady 24 days. She is close to Mars for much of this residence. Venus, Mars and Pluto are currently in a close triplet, igniting friendships and kindling social and professional issues, placing great emphasis on relationships both personal and political. Venus is conjunct Mars at 7 degrees on Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus squares Jupiter on Feb 25th, just after the Virgo Full Moon, conjuring up social excesses all round. Venus squares Uranus on March 3rd, striving for independence and originality. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on 11th March just after the New Moon in this sign. Venus in Aquarius is unconventional, free and experimental. 'Friendships' are in full focus during this time.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aquarius on Feb 13th. Venus is conjunct Mars on Feb 22nd at 7 degrees Aquarius, a love union and a meeting of mind, soul and body. Mars squares Jupiter on Feb 27th, always eventful, and often 'over the top'. Mars squares Uranus on March 9th, 'high wired' and shocking. Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 22nd March. This is an eventful residence.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Alexei Navalny's widow has vowed to continue his work to fight for a 'free Russia' as she met European ministers in Brussels yesterday. Yulia Navalnaya has released a video calling on supporters to stand with her, and blaming President Vladimir Putin for her husband's death. Yulia Navalnaya is a Leo subject, (born Yulia Borisovna Abrosimova on 24 July 1976 in Moscow). Transitting Pluto opposes her Leo Sun currently and this extends well into 2026. Astrologically she has a lot of Fire in her makeup. Jupiter is conjunct her Leo Sun in July 2026 but she has a lot of very tough transits over the next few years.
Venus and Mars are conjunct at 7 degrees Aquarius first thing (GMT) on Thursday, the emphasis of the conjunction's influence is on relationships and friendships, with significant developments in these areas of life. Venus and Mars are both square Jupiter which is indulgent and possibly a little over baked. This planetary picture dominates the remainder of February, peaking on the 25th and the 27th. Mercury slips into Pisces this Friday, increasing the watery/emotional nature of the time. The Full Moon in Virgo is at 12.31 GMT next Saturday. Exacting, tense and possibly profitable. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in a tight triplet at 9-10 degrees Pisces on Feb 28th, an important day in time.
02.39 The Sun at 1 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
10.47 The decelerating Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The slow procession to Saturday's Full Moon now starts in earnest.
14.31 The Moon at 18 Cancer squares her node at 18 Aries from far north of the equator reaching high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies.
16.43 Venus at 5 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 26 Pisces
16.46 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus
Venus and Mars are almost conjunct in Aquarius, both apply square to Jupiter. The conjunction is exact tomorrow. Relationship issues are approaching a climax today.
The Full Moon in Virgo is approaching It reaches its peak moment at 12.31 GMT on Saturday. Lunar pressures are indeed rising.
06.33 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 26 Cancer quincunx Mercury at 26 Aquarius
06.38 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 26 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just over 7 hours.
07.11 Mercury at 26 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 26 Pisces
13.42 The Moon enters Leo (Sun in Pisces + Moon in Leo = artistic creativity)
15.38 The Moon at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius
17.14 Mars at 7 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus
18.53 The Moon at 3 Leo waxing quincunx The Sun at 3 Pisces
22.36 Venus at 7 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus
The 'Venus conjunct Mars both square Jupiter' planetary picture is dominating all events and experience right now, and will continue to dominate, through the coming week.
Lunar pressures are rising as a slowly waxing and decelerating gibbous Leo Moon casts a full blooded emotional command on all matters. The Full Moon climaxes on Saturday.
A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus conjunct Mars and Jupiter 03.00 to 10.00. Very much part and parcel of what is written above.
03.03 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Venus at 7 Aquarius
03.14 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Mars at 7 Aquarius
05.10 Mercury at 28 Aquarius waning quintile Jupiter at 10 Taurus
07.15 Venus conjunction Mars at 7 Aquarius
07.29 The Moon at 9 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 9 Pisces
09.40 The Moon at 10 Leo waxing square Jupiter at 10 Taurus
09.49 Closest conjunction Venus Mars 0.62 degrees
23.25 Mercury at 29 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 19 Taurus
Day before the Full Moon. Tides are high, (but I'm holding on).
01.38 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 18 Leo trines her node from north of the ecliptic
04.19 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus
07.31 Fast moving 'morning star' Mercury enters Pisces joining the Sun, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mercury resides in this sign for just 16 sublime, telepathic, mysterious, deeply unfathomable days. On Feb 28th Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun, 'a climax of the universal mind', and is also almost aligned to Saturn on this same day, all at 10 degrees Pisces. This is a special day of significance. Then as an 'evening star' Mercury sextiles Jupiter on Feb 29th. Unlooked for optimism arises. Mercury sextiles Uranus on March 4th. Unlooked for invention. Mercury is conjunct Neptune on March 8th at 27 degrees Pisces, deeply spiritual. Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 10th just 5 hours before the New Moon in Pisces.
Mercury is next retrograde from April 1st to April 25th.
18.37 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 27 Pisces
21.32 Mercury at 1 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
01.39 The slowly waxing almost Full Moon enters Virgo
02.27 Venus at 9 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 9 Pisces
03.46 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
Lunar occultation of fixed star 37 Leo, observable from the UK approx 04.27 to 05.28
04.52 The Moon at 2 Virgo opposition Mercury at 2 Pisces
12.31 Moment of FULL MOON
The Full Moon is in wide trine to Jupiter and trine Ceres. She opposes Mercury and Saturn and is on their midpoint. Venus and Mars are conjunct in Aquarius both applying to Jupiter. There are no planets in Fire signs or in Cardinal signs.
The Virgo Full Moon is always a tense affair. Critical analysis and serious decisions to be made dominate proceedings with this Full Moon. There is a 'dry as dust' 'hard as diamonds' even cold 'feel' to this one. Hard nose assessments, realistic surveys, practical applications and exacting responses. This lunation is brittle, addicted, cold Turkey and evokes craving.
Today's Full Moon is the 4th Full Moon following the partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October, in Taurus, and the ultimate before a Penumbral lunar Eclipse on March 25th 2024 at 5 degrees Libra. With its passing we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season.
At the exact moment of Full Moon today it is sunrise is at Indianapolis. Sunset is at Minsk. Moonrise occurs over the K2 mountain. Moonset is at Atlanta(GA). It is High Noon at Cape Wrath. True midnight at Wellington NZ. Mercury sets at Chennai.
Also at this moment Saturn is almost exactly culminating at London. This Full Moon is tightly conjunct the Saturn of King Charles, it is also conjunct the Mercury of Prince Harry, and conjunct the Pluto of Prince Andrew.
This Full Moon also hits the Sun of Afghanistan (2001 chart), the Mars of Canada and of the Gaza Strip, the Neptune of Thailand, the Pluto of Cyprus, the Venus and Pluto of the Central African Republic. It also hits the Sun of Hugh Cornwall, Moon of Pete Townshend, the Mercury of Bashar Assad, Madonna, and Robert Plant, the Mars of Elvis Costello and Ivanka Trump, the Jupiter of Kevin Pieterson, the Pluto of George Clooney and the Mercury and Saturn of Ron Desantis.
19.39 The Moon at 9 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 9 Aquarius
20.25 The Moon at 9 Virgo opposition Saturn at 9 Pisces
22.18 The Moon at 10 Virgo waning quincunx Venus at 10 Aquarius
22.50 The Moon at 10 Virgo waxing trine Jupiter at 10 Taurus
04.02 Venus at 11 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 11 Taurus
09.21 Mars at 9 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 9 Pisces
15.01 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
17.05 The waning full Moon at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus
01.03 Venus at 12 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 27 Pisces
05.49 The Sun at 7 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
07.36 The very slowly waning full Moon at 27 Virgo opposition Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for almost 7 hours
14.31 The Moon enters Libra
14.43 The Sun at 7 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 19 Taurus
16.48 The Moon at 1 Libra waning trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
The Sun today is at 7 degrees Pisces. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). There are 23 days to the Vernal Equinox. Venus, Mars and Pluto are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. The Full Moon in Virgo last Saturday was the ultimate Full Moon before a Penumbral lunar Eclipse on March 25th 2024 at 5 degrees Libra.
All the planets are currently direct in motion.
Fast moving morning star' Mercury entered Pisces on Feb 23rd, joining the Sun, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mercury resides in this sign for just 16 sublime, telepathic, mysterious, deeply unfathomable days. On Feb 28th Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun, 'a climax of the universal mind', and is also almost aligned to Saturn on this same day, all at 10 degrees Pisces. This is a special day of significance. Then as an 'evening star' Mercury sextiles Jupiter on Feb 29th. Unlooked for optimism arises. Mercury sextiles Uranus on March 4th. Unlooked for invention. Mercury is conjunct Neptune on March 8th at 27 degrees Pisces, deeply spiritual. Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 10th just 5 hours before the New Moon in Pisces.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Aquarius on Feb 16th joining Mercury, Mars and Pluto in this sign. She resides here for a short but heady 24 days. She is close to Mars for much of this residence. Venus, Mars and Pluto are currently in a close triplet, igniting friendships and kindling social and professional issues, placing great emphasis on relationships both personal and political. Venus was conjunct Mars at 7 degrees on Aquarius on Feb 22nd. Venus squares Uranus on March 3rd, striving for independence and originality. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on 11th March just after the New Moon in this sign. Venus in Aquarius is unconventional, free and experimental. 'Friendships' are in full focus during this time.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mars squares Jupiter tomorrow, always eventful, and often 'over the top'. Mars squares Uranus on March 9th, 'high wired' and shocking. Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 22nd March. This is an eventful residence.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
This next year looks favourable in many ways.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
04.55 The slowly Moon at 7 Libra waning quincunx Mercury at 7 Pisces
05.35 Mercury at 7 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
07.07 The Moon at 8 Libra waning quincunx The Sun at 8 Pisces
08.31 Mars at 11 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 11 Taurus
10.00 The Moon at 10 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 10 Pisces
10.20 Mercury at 8 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 20 Taurus
12.38 The Moon at 11 Libra waxing quincunx Jupiter at 11 Taurus
12.52 The Moon at 11 Libra waning trine Mars at 11 Aquarius
18.22 The Moon at 14 Libra waning trine Venus at 14 Aquarius.
The Moon then is void of course untill 03.11 GMT on Thursday. (nearly 33 hours.)
The Moon is void of course all day today. Despite this, a fairly close alignment of the Sun, Mercury (on the far side of the Sun) and Saturn (further behind that) is manifest. This transforms a rather inert day with a void Moon in Libra into a day of special significance. This is something of a rare planetary alignment. Seriousness deliberation and declaration are woven into the fabric of time today.
02.37 The slowly waning full moon accelerating at 18 Libra opposition her node at 18 Aries
06.07 The Moon at 20 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 20 Taurus
08.44 Superior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 9 Pisces A climax of the universal mind. A Full Mercury.
09.43 Mars at 12 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 27 Pisces
15.08 Mercury conjunction Saturn at 10 Pisces
15.15 Closest conjunction Mercury Saturn 0.19 degrees
16.15 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
20.33 The Moon at 27 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 27 Pisces
21.26 The Sun conjunction Saturn at 10 Pisces
A couple of days with an emotional hue are ahead of us. Five bodies are in water signs, including the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Scorpio, a combination of deep faith. The Sun and Mercury are both sextile Jupiter broadening the mind. Go with the flow.
03.11 The slowly disseminating Moon enters Scorpio
05.33 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
09.43 Mercury at 11 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
09.54 Mercury at 11 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 11 Taurus
22.52 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 10 Pisces
March 2024 starts in the wake of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn tightly conjunction in Pisces. We move through and out of its somewhat serious shadow. Today we are under the influence of a 17 hour long fixed T-square. There is no real 'give' today.
00.53 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning trine The Sun at 11 Pisces A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus conjunct Mars and Jupiter, and later on with Uranus 01.00 to 18.00.
01.41 The Moon at 11 Scorpio opposition Jupiter at 11 Taurus
04.19 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning trine Mercury at 13 Pisces
04.57 Venus at 17 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 27 Pisces
05.08 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning square Mars at 13 Aquarius
08.02 The Sun at 11 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
12.15 The Sun at 11 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 11 Taurus
12.42 Mercury at 13 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Mars at 13 Aquarius
13.09 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waning square Venus at 17 Aquarius
17.54 The Moon at 20 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 20 Taurus
22.27 Venus at 18 Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at 18 Aries
Thousands of Russians yesterday defied fear to turn out to bid farewell to opposition leader Alexei Navalny. President Putin's most vocal critic died in jail on 16 February. Authorities had warned any protest would be illegal. But police, deployed in numbers, stood by as the crowd chanted Navalny's name, or their opposition to the Russian president. Mars is currently in Aquarius of course.
Venus also in Aquarius is square Uranus, exact tomorrow. This represents 'a need for something different'. As today progresses there may well be a manifestation of 'errant behaviour' by people. Mercury in Pisces is sextile Uranus on Monday, communications may also be a little eccentric on that day.
07.48 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 27 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just over 6 hours
13.58 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius inducing more movement in affairs after a rather static couple of days.
16.21 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
01.43 Mercury at 16 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
Lunar Occultation of Antares.
These are occurring every month currently.
09.12 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 10 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 10 Pisces
12.05 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 12 Taurus
13.18 Venus at 20 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 20 Taurus
15.24 The Moon at Last Quarter
18.12 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 15 Aquarius
22.47 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius trines her node from deep south of the equator.
23.40 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning square Mercury at 18 Pisces
Mercury sextiles Uranus today. This is an aspect of invention perception and insight. Refreshing communications are more than likely.
02.40 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 20 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 20 Taurus
02.57 Jupiter at 12 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 27 Pisces This is the last hit of 3 'waxing octile' aspects in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets. The dates are July 22nd 2023, Nov 5th 2023 and March 4th 2024. The Jupiter Neptune cycle began on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. The cycle reaches its first quarter phase on 19th June 2025, and culminates with the opposition across Libra/Aries on 28th Sept 2028. The cycle ends in Aries on 24th March 2035. Jupiter-Neptune symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. This waxing semi-square aspect represents a pushing forward of new and social ideologies and meeting restriction. This experience has an emotional impact.
04.01 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning sextile Venus at 20 Aquarius
12.54 Venus at 21 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
15.41 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces, moon void
20.24 Mercury at 20 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 20 Taurus
21.17 The Moon ingress Capricorn
The Sun today is at 14 degrees Pisces. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). There are 16 days to the Vernal Equinox. Venus, Mars and Pluto are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. The next Full Moon on March 25th is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra.
All the planets are currently direct in motion.
Fast moving 'evening star' Mercury entered Pisces on Feb 23rd, joining the Sun, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mercury resides in this sign for just 16 sublime, telepathic, mysterious, deeply unfathomable days. On Feb 28th Mercury was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun. Mercury sextiles Uranus today. Unlooked for invention. Mercury is conjunct Neptune on March 8th at 27 degrees Pisces, deeply spiritual. Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 10th just 5 hours before the New Moon in Pisces.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Aquarius on Feb 16th joining Mercury, Mars and Pluto in this sign. She resides here for a short but heady 24 days. She is close to Mars for much of this residence. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on 11th March just after the New Moon in this sign. Venus in Aquarius is unconventional, free and experimental. 'Friendships' are in full focus during this time.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mars squares Uranus on March 9th, (next Saturday) 'high wired' and shocking. Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 22nd March. This is an eventful residence.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse in Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse).
Aug 28th-29th A Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Stoneground words day. Brass tacks. Eclipse season ahead.
08.13 Mercury at 21 Pisces waning septile Jupiter at 12 Taurus
12.50 Venus at 22 Aquarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 12 Taurus
15.38 The Moon well past her last quarter phase and accelerating at 10 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 10 Pisces
18.31 The Moon at 12 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 12 Taurus
Today is another Moon in Capricorn 'time crawls' sort of day. Just ahead of us:- Friday this week witnesses Mercury conjunct Neptune, a near linear alignment, and indicative of a deeply subliminal mental embrace, enhanced imagination and confused realities. Saturday is a flash point in time with Mars square Uranus, a sudden shocking intervention, and this is a day to tread very carefully. Sunday sees a refreshing New Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus. Stepping stones across life's river.
01.02 The waning and accelerating Moon at 16 Capricorn sextile The Sun at 16 Pisces
03.34 The Moon at 17 Capricorn squares her node at 17 Aries from seep south of the equator. (Gaining only very low altitudes in northern skies)
04.20 Mars at 17 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 27 Pisces
07.29 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 20 Taurus
09.36 Mercury at 23 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
10.52 The Sun at 16 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
12.55 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Mercury at 23 Pisces
17.58 Mercury at 23 Pisces waxing decile Mars at 17 Aquarius
18.36 Mars at 17 Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at 17 Aries
19.36 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for almost 5 hours.
This balsamic Moon in Aquarius 'modern day' is complemented by the unfathomable mystery evoked by Mercury applying to a near alignment with Neptune in Pisces (exact tomorrow). Today is a day of vision and prophecy.
00.40 The fast moving and accelerating old Moon ingresses Aquarius joining Venus and Mars in this sign.
02.01 Evening star Mercury Hesperus at 24 Pisces waxing semi-sextile morning star Venus Lucifer at 24 Aquarius
02.55 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius
04.05 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon now begins in earnest.
21.09 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 13 Taurus
04.52 The very rapidly waning balsamic Moon accelerating at 17 Aquarius sextiles her node from south of the equator
06.52 The Moon conjunction Mars at 19 Aquarius
08.51 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 20 Taurus
14.38 Closest conjunction Mercury Neptune 0.43 degrees
15.07 Mercury conjunction Neptune at 27 Pisces.A near linear alignment indicative of a deeply subliminal mental embrace, enhanced imagination and confused realities.
18.56 The Moon conjunction Venus at 26 Aquarius.
The Moon is void of course for 6.2 hours.
23.55 Mercury at 28 Pisces waning semi-square Jupiter at 13 Taurus
01.05 The fast moving ancient Moon, still accelerating, enters Pisces joining the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
Four bodies are in Pisces for just this one 'old Moon day'. Mercury moves into Aries tomorrow. Then follows the New Moon.
Today however we have to navigate Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. Watch out, watch out...
08.22 Mercury at 28 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 20 Taurus
12.50 Venus at 27 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
18.24 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 11 Pisces
21.25 The Moon at 13 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 13 Taurus
22.56 Mars at 20 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 20 Taurus
23.02 The Sun at 20 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 20 Taurus
23.21 The Sun at 20 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Mars at 20 Aquarius
04.05 Mercury ingress Aries
Mercury's retrograde phase occurs whilst he resides in Aries this year, resulting in a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury currently an evening star sextiles Pluto today, with penetrating incisiveness. Mercury enters his shadow on March 18th. He is conjunct Chiron on March 20th at 18 Aries. Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries, a seed moment, a New Mercury and the start of a new chapter in the story. Then as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries on April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The following weeks will see inflammable communications.
04.41 Mercury at zero Aries waxing novile Mars at 20 Aquarius
07.07 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
08.23 The Moon at 20 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 20 Taurus
09.01 Moment of NEW MOON
The New Moon is sextile Uranus. Mars is square Uranus. Mercury sextiles Pluto.
Today's New Moon is the 5th New Moon following the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra on October 14 2023, and the ultimate New Moon before the 'American Total Solar Eclipse' at 19 Aries on April 8th 2024. With its passing we are truly in a new eclipse season.
Today's New Moon has a measure of a refreshing potential. The sextile to Uranus maybe will open up new vistas, clear the static and blow out the cobwebs.
At the exact moment of New Moon today it is Sunrise and Moonrise over The mid N.Atlantic, Sunset is happening over The Lena delta. Moonset is at Osaka. It is High Noon over Madagascar and true midnight over Queen Charlotte islands. Pluto culminates at London and sets at New Delhi. Mars culminates at Budapest and at Cape town. Mars sets at Ho Chi Min City. Uranus culminates at Lanzhou. Neptune sets at Tokyo. Saturn culminates at Mecca, Addis Abada and at Daressalem.
Today's New Moon directly hits the Chiron of President Assad of Syria, the Bit Coin Uranus (1 degree orb), the James Webb Telescope Neptune. It squares Donald Trump's Moon, opposes Rishi Sunak's Saturn, trines the UK Moon, and opposes the Afghanistan Mars (conjunct its Neptune).
19.46 The Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The moon is void of course for 4.4 hours
21.03 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.64 degrees
22.21 Mercury at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
Eclipse season astrology for the next few weeks.
00.21 The rapidly waxing infant Moon enters Aries joining Mercury in this sign.
02.39 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
03.16 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 2 Aries
14.15 Mars at 21 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
20.31 Venus at 30 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 20 Taurus
21.12 Mercury at 3 Aries waning novile Jupiter at 13 Taurus
21.52 Venus ingress Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. See below
23.05 The Sun at 22 Pisces waning septile Jupiter at 13 TaurusSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 21 degrees Pisces. Venus (from later today), Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). There are 9 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mars and Pluto are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are now in a new eclipse season. The next Full Moon on March 25th is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra.
All the planets are currently direct in motion.
Fast moving 'evening star' Mercury entered Aries yesterday March 10th.
Mercury's retrograde phase occurs whilst he resides in Aries this year, resulting in a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury currently an evening star sextiles Pluto today, with penetrating incisiveness. Mercury enters his shadow on March 18th. He is conjunct Chiron on March 20th at 18 Aries. Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries, a seed moment, a New Mercury and the start of a new chapter in the story. Then as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries on April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The following weeks will see inflammable communications.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus enters Pisces today 11th March joining the Sun, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. She swims through this sign in a very brief and favourable 26 days. Venus is conjunct Saturn at 12 degrees Pisces on March 21st, adding a feeling of 'love wisdom' to the vernal equinox. Venus sextiles Jupiter on March 24th, with love's bounty. Venus sextiles Uranus on March 28th, with love's surprise. Venus is conjunct Neptune at 28 Pisces on April 3rd, with love's mystery. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on April 5th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 22nd March. This is an eventful residence.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse in Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse).
Aug 28th-29th A Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
A pertinent heliocentric planetary picture is manifest this week. The chart above shows the solar system relative to the Sun rather than to the Earth. Watch the news, watch the markets, watch yourself.
03.34 The fast moving young Moon conjunction her mean node at 17 Aries
11.09 The Moon at 22 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 22 Aquarius.
The Moon is void of course for 13.3 hours
18.44 Mercury at 5 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 20 Taurus
22.50 The Sun at 23 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
The Sun, Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon, Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus. Today and tomorrow are very much a Pisces/Taurus couple of days-I believe and I hold dear.
As mentioned yesterday, heliocentrically the planets are significantly aligning this week. Important solar systemic evolution is underway.
00.30 The waxing decelerating crescent Moon enters Taurus joining Jupiter and Uranus in this sign.
02.57 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 2 Pisces
02.58 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.11 Venus at 2 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.12 Venus at 2 Pisces waning quintile Jupiter at 14 Taurus
14.33 The fast but decelerating Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
19.31 The Moon at 11 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 11 Pisces
23.13 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 14 Taurus
06.42 Mercury at 8 Aries waning decile Jupiter at 14 Taurus
09.30 Saturn at 12 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
The Saturn Pluto cycle correlates with the transformation of power structures, economic contraction, natural disasters, epidemics, and war. The cycle lasts 33-38 years. The current cycle started in late Capricorn on 12th Jan 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It reaches its first quarter crisis in 2028-2029 and arrives at its climax, Saturn opposition Pluto, across Leo/Aquarius in 2035-2036. The cycle completes in 2053-2054 in Pisces. Today's waxing novile aspect is a 'one off hit'. This aspect induces nascent qualities and future possibilities of enhanced power structures. New power bases are achieving substance and momentum.
10.01 The waxing decelerating crescent Moon conjunction Uranus at 20 Taurus
16.01 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing square Mars at 24 Aquarius
The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile The Sun at 25 Pisces
18.06 Mercury at 9 Aries waxing semi-square Mars at 24 Aquarius
22.30 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 4.8 hours.
03.17 The waxing crescent Moon enters Gemini
03.39 Mars at 24 Aquarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 14 Taurus
06.00 The Moon decelerating at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
11.00 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing square Venus at 4 Pisces
14.01 Mercury at 10 Aries waning novile Uranus at 20 Taurus
22.11 The Moon at 11 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 11 Aries
Nine days to a penumbral lunar eclipse in Libra. Despite being a member of an old and harsh saros series this event favours peace makers and peace treaties. Relationships generally will be in focus. War and peace in the balance.
Yesterday Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu downplayed the chances of a truce in Gaza after Hamas gave what it called a comprehensive vision to mediators. Mr Netanyahu's office said the proposals were unrealistic. Hamas wants a permanent end to the war and full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.
Emmanuel Macron has said that France, Germany and Poland are united after a rift was exposed over Europe's response to Russia's war in Ukraine. The French president had warned the security of Europe and the French is at stake and if Russia wins Europe's credibility will be reduced to zero. But Germany's Olaf Scholz has been far more cautious, ruling out the deployment of the country's Taurus cruise missiles. Ukraine faces a critical arms shortage.
The Sun is conjunct Neptune in Pisces tomorrow. This is the penultimate annual meet of these 2 bodies in Pisces.
00.06 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 12 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 12 Pisces
09.26 The Moon at 17 Gemini sextile her node at 17 Aries
12.52 Mercury at 12 Aries waxing decile Venus at 6 Pisces
13.58 Mercury at 12 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 12 Pisces
01.03 The waxing Moon, 8 days from a penumbral eclipse, decelerating at 25 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 25 Aquarius
04.11 The Moon at First Quarter
04.44 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for almost 5 hours
09.42 The Moon enters Cancer. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune are now in water signs. Emotional responses abound for a couple of days.
11.23 The Sun conjunction Neptune at 27 Pisces
12.42 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
15.51 Mercury at 14 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.55 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing trine Venus at 8 Pisces
Betelgeuse the 'Next Supernova' Exploding Star is acting strangely again. Its brightness has dipped by 0.5 magnitude since late January. Is Betelgeuse about to explode? It's not likely to happen now, but we do know it will definitely explode as a supernova sometime in the next 100,000 years. In the lifetime of stars, that's really soon, but for astronomers, it's a hugely exciting prospect because a supernova hasn't been observed going off in our Milky Way galaxy since the 17th century. One day Betelgeuse will explode as a Type IIP supernova, becoming exceptionally bright and leaving behind a neutron star. As it does, it could shine as bright as a full moon for a few months before effectively disappearing to the naked eye. Although it may be visible during the day, it would be a stunning sight at night. However, for that, Betelgeuse would have to 'go supernova' between December and April. If the red supergiant star is about to explode, let's hope it happens soon, before it sinks beneath the post-sunset horizon and into the sun's glare. Betelgeuse has zodiac coordinates of 29 Gemini.
A state of emergency has been declared in southern Iceland after another volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula - the fourth since December. The powerful and fast lava flows began late on Saturday, but flows have been slow and steady since Sunday morning, the Icelandic Met Office (IMO) said. The lunar eclipse on March 25th is square Iceland's Pluto.
As expected, Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to win a fifth term by a landslide of 87%, according to a Russian exit poll About 74 protesters have been arrested in Russian cities on the final day of a vote set to confirm Vladimir Putin in office. Long queues formed outside polling stations heeding a call to gather in protest issued by the widow of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Navalny, who died suddenly last month at a penal colony above the Arctic Circle, was one of Putin's most outspoken critics. Others are in exile or jailed. With the re-election of the 71-year-old Russian president seen as inevitable, the first two days of the vote saw dozens of incidents of vandalism at polling stations. The Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th is opposite Putin's natal Saturn conjunct Neptune. (History will without doubt regard him as a war criminal).
Another 'accused criminal' Donald Trump told a rally in Ohio on Saturday that November's presidential election will be the 'most important date in US history', painting his campaign for the White House as a turning point for the country. Days after securing his position as the presumptive Republican nominee, the former president also warned of a 'bloodbath' if he is not elected. The lunar eclipse on March 25th is conjunct his 2nd house Neptune. The Total Solar Eclipse on April 9th is opposite his 2nd house Jupiter. (Little hints here of inflated self worth.)
00.03 Mercury at 14 Aries waning decile Uranus at 20 Taurus
01.36 Venus at 8 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
02.00 Jupiter at 14 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
The current 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, symbolising 'power plays' started on Nov 12th 2020 in Capricorn. At that time we witnessed a worldwide rampant and escalating covid-19 virus, the appearance of vaccines and the US president refusing to concede electoral defeat. Today's waxing bi-septile aspect is the last hit of 3, dates July 18th 2023, Oct 31st 2023 and March 18th 2024. It gives elements of ' creative will shaping the character of the future power-plays. Substantial ramifications of power structures will surface on the world stage. Watch closely. The cycle reached it first quarter square phase in May 2023, climaxes with the opposition across Leo/Aquarius in July 2026 and ends in Feb 2033 in Aquarius. The Jupiter Pluto cycle represents 'big time power shifts'.
05.03 Mercury at 15 Aries waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 15 Taurus
08.30 The first quarter Moon, gaining very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies, (due to the Lunar Standstill-see below), at 12 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 12 Pisces
12.38 Venus at 8 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 20 Taurus
13.25 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing sextile Jupiter at 15 Taurus
14.30 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 15 Aries
17.39 The Moon at 17 Cancer waxing square the lunar node at 17 Aries (high northerly lunar declination)
21.35 The Sun at 29 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 20 TaurusSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 28 degrees Pisces. Venus, Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). There are 2 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mars and Pluto are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are now in a new eclipse season. The next Full Moon on March 25th is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra.
All the planets are currently direct in motion.
Fast moving 'evening star' Mercury entered Aries March 10th.
Mercury's retrograde phase occurs whilst he resides in Aries this year, resulting in a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury currently an evening star enters his shadow today March 18th. He is conjunct Chiron on March 20th at 18 Aries. Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries, a seed moment, a New Mercury and the start of a new chapter in the story. Then as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries on April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The following weeks will see inflammable communications.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Pisces 11th March joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. She swims through this sign in a very brief and favourable 26 days. Venus is conjunct Saturn at 12 degrees Pisces on March 21st, adding a feeling of 'love wisdom' to the vernal equinox. Venus sextiles Jupiter on March 24th, with love's bounty. Venus sextiles Uranus on March 28th, with love's surprise. Venus is conjunct Neptune at 28 Pisces on April 3rd, with love's mystery. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on April 5th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 22nd March. This is an eventful residence.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse in Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse).
Aug 28th-29th A Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
6 days from a penumbral lunar eclipse. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Pisces. The Sun enters Aries tomorrow which is the Vernal Equinox.
00.21 The waxing decelerating Moon at 20 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 20 Taurus
14.21 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 27 Aquarius
14.30 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 27 Pisces
15.16 Mercury conjunction the lunar node at 17 Aries (eclipse season phenomena)
16.57 Mars at 27 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
18.53 The Moon at 30 Cancer waxing trine The Sun at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 41 mins.
19.34 The Moon ingress Leo
22.50 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.40 The Sun at 30 Pisces waning semi-square Jupiter at 15 Taurus
03.08 The Sun enters Aries. Night and Day, Light and Darkness are balanced world wide. The Sun crosses the celestial equator and Spring starts in the Northern Hemisphere. Autumn starts in the South.
I wish all visitors to this site a Happy Vernal Equinox.
We are 5 days from a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
17.13 The very slowly waxing Moon decelerating at 11 Leo waxing quincunx Venus at 11 Pisces
17.30 Mercury in his shadow at 18 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 12 Pisces
20.03 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 12 Pisces
Venus and Saturn are in close alignment in Pisces today. When Father Time meets the Goddess of Love, the meeting can be a merry one. He certainly has a twinkle in his eyes. She appreciates his old wisdom and responds with gentle seriousness. The Sun sextile Pluto adds a positive overtone to all developments today. All this plays out with the Sun and Moon in Fire signs and the Moon drawing closer to her eclipse next Monday. Lunar pressures are increasing. The time is high.
01.35 The very slow moving Moon at 15 Leo waxing square Jupiter at 15 Taurus
03.28 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the penumbral lunar eclipse, now only 4 days away, starts in earnest.
04.43 The Moon at 17 Leo trines her node from north of the equator.
08.28 Venus at 12 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
09.57 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing trine Mercury at 19 Aries
12.07 The Moon at 20 Leo waxing square Uranus at 20 Taurus
20.03 The Sun at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.10 Venus conjunction Saturn at 12 Pisces
23.17 Closest conjunction Venus Saturn 0.32 degrees
02.43 The very slowly waxing gibbous pre-eclipse Moon at 28 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
06.28 Mercury 10 days from his retrograde phase and already in his shadow at 20 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 20 TaurusA finger of fate 'yod' is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Pluto as the Moon opposes Mars, 06.00 to 12.30.
06.34 The Moon at 29 Leo opposition Mars at 29 Aquarius.
The Moon is void of course for 1.2 hours
07.43 The Moon enters Virgo
11.10 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
12.31 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx The Sun at 2 Aries
23.49 Mars enters Pisces joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars resides here for an eventful 39 days. Mars when in Pisces has his natural 'assertive fire' dampened somewhat. This sign sees Mars at his most gentle and he can be a little dithery. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th, the cosmos rings out a note with a somber tenor. Mars is sextile both Jupiter and Uranus at 22 Pisces on April 19th, indicating important events are at hand at this time, (the 2 gas giants are conjunct on April 21st). Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, deep and unfathomable on April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Eclipse pressure is rising. Events are raining.
In the UK we are reeling after learning that the Princess of Wales has said she is in the early stages of treatment after cancer was found in tests. In a video statement, Catherine said it was a 'huge shock' after an 'incredibly tough couple of months'. Catherine Middleton was born on Jan 9th 1982 on the evening of a Total Lunar Eclipse, fully visible from the UK. (I remember the freezing cold, snow covered, clear skied Saturday in question very well). The lunar eclipse this Monday does not hit her chart. However the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024 at 19 degrees Aries is the culprit here. It is close to opposing her natal Saturn and squares her natal Sun Moon opposition. Here's wishing great good fortune to her and to all suffering and afflicted by this disease.
Deaths and injuries have been reported after a gun attack at a concert hall near Moscow, Russian media say. At least four people dressed in camouflage opened fire at the Crocus City Hall, social media video verified by the BBC shows. Video obtained by Reuters news agency shows a large blaze and smoke rising from the hall. Something's going on.
A million people are without power across Ukraine after Russian missiles targeted energy infrastructure. There is no electricity in the second-largest city of Kharkiv, and more than 53,000 households in Odessa are without power. Ukraine's energy minister, German Galushchenko, accused Russia of trying to provoke 'a large-scale failure of the country's energy system'. Russia said it was revenge for recent Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory. Playground mentality.
07.10 Mercury in his shadow at 22 Aries waxing septile Mars at 0 Pisces
09.18 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon, (2 days from her eclipse), at 13 Virgo opposition Saturn at 13 Pisces
10.08 Mercury at 22 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
12.03 Mars at zero Pisces waning bi-novile Uranus at 20 Taurus
12.55 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Venus at 14 Pisces
15.23 The Moon at 16 Virgo waxing trine Jupiter at 16 Taurus
15.45 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
Lunar occultation of fixed star Sigma Leo, observable from the UK approx 21.08 to 21.52
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack at a popular concert venue complex near Moscow that left at least 133 dead and more wounded after assailants stormed the venue with guns and incendiary devices. The original Isis chart, 15 October 2006, has a 'terror with style' Sun, Mars, Venus in Libra. The April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse in Aries opposes these planets. We now have a new chart to examine, Isis-K was formally announced on 26 January 2015 on the revolutionary Uranus square Pluto. The Isis K chart's Sun at 6 degrees Aquarius is favoured by tomorrow's lunar eclipse at 5 degrees Libra.
Today is the day before the eclipse.
01.11 The almost full and pre-eclipse Moon at 20 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 20 Taurus
05.38 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing quincunx Mercury at 23 Aries
08.09 Mercury at 23 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 13 Pisces
15.50 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 4.8 hours
16.38 Venus at 16 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 16 Taurus
20.39 The Moon enters Libra and approaches the Earth's penumbral shadow.
23.48 The Moon at 2 Libra waning quincunx Mars at 2 Pisces
00.11 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
05.58 Mars at 2 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
07.01 Moment of FULL MOON
The lunar eclipse in Libra is trine Pluto. Dogs of War, Doves of Peace.
Jupiter rises at London. Uranus culminates at Beijing.
Today's Eclipse directly hits the Sun of Diana Abbott, Brigette Bardot, trine the Sun of ISIS(K), trine the Sun and Venus of V.Zelensky, the Moon of the UK Labour Party, Moon and Jupiter Ariana Legrande, Moon Jupiter and Saturn of Meghan Markle, the Mercury of Keir Starmer, Bob Geldolf, trine the Mercury and Venus of Kate Middleton (conjunct her Mars), the Venus of NATO, Venus and Jupiter of Stephen Fry, the Ascendant, Mars and Neptune of Bill Clinton, the Jupiter and Neptune of China, the Saturn of Haiti, the Uranus of Melania Trump, the Neptune of Italy, Pallas of Prince William.
Saros solar series 113.
Today's eclipse belongs to an old Saros Series (lunar saros 113) which began on April 29th 888 AD. The central eclipse moment of that first eclipse was 18:43:45 UT (Universal time). At that time the eclipsed moon in Scorpio was opposite Pluto and square Saturn in Leo. That first eclipse in this Saros was harsh and difficult. Today's eclipse is number 64 of the 71 eclipses in the series. It is the second of the final nine penumbral eclipses. The last eclipse in the series is on June 10th 2150. The previous eclipses in the Saros Series were on March 14th 2006, before that March 3rd 1988, and before that on Feb. 21st 1970.
The 2006 eclipse coincided with street-level anger in Israel. Up to 18 people were killed in violence in the central Iraqi cities of Balad, Baquba and Baghdad, including as many as 11 in a US raid. The Death of Milosevic (who had his natal North Lunar Node at the exact degree of that eclipse) could be linked to the eclipse. In the UK the strange news was that of six men were in intensive care in hospital after taking part in a clinical trial for a new anti-inflammatory drug. The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu had been discovered in two wild ducks found dead in Sweden. The authorities in the western Indian state of Maharashtra said they have identified four cases of the strain
Three days after the 1988 eclipse on March 6, Operation Flavius took place, this is where a Special Air Service team of the British Army shot dead 3 unarmed members of a Provisional Irish Republican Army Active service unit in Gibraltar.
1 week after the 1970 eclipse on March 1 Rhodesia severed its last tie with the United Kingdom, declaring itself a republic.
5 days before before 1952 eclipse on February 6 Princess Elizabeth became monarch of the United Kingdom after the death of her father, King George VI, aged 56.
On the very day of the 1934 eclipse Law January 30th the 'Reconstruction of the Reich' law was passed in Nazi Germany.
9 days after the 1916 eclipse on January 29 in World War one Paris was bombed by German zeppelins.
On the exact day of the 1879 eclipse December 28 the Tay Bridge disaster occurred when the central part of the Tay Rail Bridge at Dundee, Scotland, collapses in a storm as a train passes over it, killing 75.
10.58 Venus at 17 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
16.02 The Sun at 5 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 20 Taurus
A finger of fate 'yod' pattern is manifest involving the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. 22.30 to 05.30
22.46 The Moon at 13 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 13 Pisces
The Sun today is at 5 degrees Aires. Mercury is also in Aries. Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are now in a new eclipse season with a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra today.
All the planets are currently direct in motion. Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st.
Fast moving 'evening star' Mercury entered Aries March 10th. He is now in his shadow prior to his retrograde motion which starts on April 1st.
Mercury's retrograde phase occurs whilst he resides in Aries this year, resulting in a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries, a seed moment, a New Mercury and the start of a new chapter in the story. Then as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries on April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The following weeks will see inflammable communications.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Pisces 11th March joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. She swims through this sign in a very brief and favourable 26 days. Venus sextiles Uranus on March 28th, with love's surprise. Venus is conjunct Neptune at 28 Pisces on April 3rd, with love's mystery. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on April 5th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Pisces on 22nd March joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars resides here for an eventful 39 days. Mars, when in Pisces, has his natural assertive fire dampened somewhat. This sign sees Mars at his most gentle and he can be a little dithery. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th, the cosmos rings out a note of somber tenor. Mars is sextile both Jupiter and Uranus at 22 Pisces on April 19th, indicating important events at this time, (the 2 gas giants are conjunct on April 21st). Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, deep and unfathomable on April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on March 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
The next eclipse is on Monday (morning GMT) March 25th 2024 and is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 Libra with greatest eclipse at 07.13 GMT. This is a very deep penumbral eclipse fully observable from the Americas and visible as the Moon sets from the UK and Western Europe. The eclipsed Moon is trine Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse in Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
This is the day after the lunar eclipse. It has cast something of a troublesome shadow on all of our hearts. The most significant news event of the period, so far, has been the ISIS-K terrorist attack in Moscow on Friday 22nd, with a current death count of 140, some 60 hours before the eclipse.
05.16 The very slowly waning post eclipse full Moon at 16 Libra waxing quincunx Jupiter at 16 Taurus
05.44 The Moon at 16 Libra opposition her node at 16 Aries.
08.07 The Sun at 6 Aries waning novile Jupiter at 16 Taurus
08.47 The Moon at 18 Libra waning quincunx Venus at 18 Pisces
14.07 The Moon at 21 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 21 Taurus
23.10 The Moon at 25 Libra opposition Mercury at 25 Aries.
The Moon is void of course for almost 10 hours
22 hours and 11 minutes after the moment of greatest eclipse on Monday a major bridge in the US city of Baltimore collapsed into the Patapsco River after a container ship crashed into it. The bridge snapped and plunged into the water at 01:25 ET. At this time the waning post eclipse Full Moon was approaching the local Midheaven of Baltimore conjunct her descending node, applying opposition to Mercury and forming a 'finger of fate' with Venus and Jupiter. Pluto almost due East was on the midpoint axes of Saturn/Ascendant, Uranus/MC, Moon/Jupiter and Moon/Uranus. Weird fates.
04.31 The slowly waning void of course full Moon accelerating at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
09.04 The Moon enters Scorpio
12.38 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
16.19 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning trine Mars at 4 Pisces
17.28 Mercury at 26 Aries waxing decile Venus at 20 Pisces
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
The USA Sibly astrological chart underwent a 'Progressed New Moon in Pisces' on Monday of this week, 25th March 2024, the day of the lunar eclipse. This is the 9th Progressed New Moon in the life of the nation. (These events occur every 29 years). The last Progressed New Moon for the USA was on Oct 14th 1994 in Aquarius, and before that one occurred on March 30th 1965, which was actually an Annular Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. The current Progressed New Moon cycle which started on Monday is dominated at first by the progressed Sun opposite progressed Neptune, emphasising a 'confused nation', which peaks in 2030, and progressed (retrograde) Mars square Jupiter which emphasises indulgence, had its first hit in 1990 and is ongoing for 200 years(!). The USA Progressed Sun enters Aries on Dec 5th 2024. A new cycle has has just begun. A Total Solar Eclipse tracks right across the USA in 11 days time. America bravely awaits the event. The Baltimore bridge collapsed as the new cycle begins, but it, like the nation's destiny will be rebuilt.
Venus sextile Uranus today evokes, at the very least, 'a look of love'. Venus in Pisces lifts the silky veils of ardor. The Moon in Scorpio adds a sullen intensity to proceedings.
00.36 The waning full Moon accelerating at 8 Scorpio waning quincunx The Sun at 8 Aries
11.11 This intense Moon at 13 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
13.59 Venus at 21 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 21 Taurus
17.59 The Moon at 17 Scorpio opposition Jupiter at 17 Taurus
A UN-backed report has offered hard statistical evidence that the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is turning into a man-made famine, and that there is a plausible case that Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza. The Israeli astrological chart has the Sun at 24 degrees Taurus. Jupiter is conjunct this point on April 29th, and then transiting Uranus hits this point on 23rd May 2024, 30th Dec 2024 and 2nd March 2025. These will be he first dates in the modern history of Israel that this has happened. We can watch these times with interest.
01.40 Mars at 5 Pisces waning quintile Jupiter at 17 Taurus
01.46 The slowly accelerating and waning Moon at 21 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 21 Taurus
03.02 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning trine Venus at 21 Pisces
08.34 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
13.11 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning quincunx Mercury at 27 Aries
15.40 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 4.2 hours
18.16 Mercury at 27 Aries waxing septile Mars at 5 Pisces
19.53 The Moon ingress Sagittarius. (Sun and Moon now in Fire signs).
23.24 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
9 days to the Total Solar Eclipse over America.
Mercury turns retrograde in 2 days.
The Sun and Moon are in Fire signs.
06.44 The disseminating and accelerating Moon at 6 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 6 Pisces
15.45 The Moon at 10 Sagittarius waning trine The Sun at 10 Aries
15.46 Venus at 23 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
21.30 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
23.19 The Sun at 11 Aries waning novile Uranus at 21 Taurus
8 days to the Total Solar Eclipse over America. We are deeply immersed in an eclipse season.
Mercury, today almost stationery, turns retrograde tomorrow.
Happy Easter to you.
02.26 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 16 Sagittarius trines her node from deep south of the celestial equator.
04.26 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 17 Taurus
11.06 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 21 Taurus
11.37 The Sun at 11 Aries waning decile Jupiter at 17 Taurus
18.06 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Venus at 25 Pisces
22.55 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning trine an almost stationary Mercury at 27 Aries
No fooling here. April 2024 witnesses a few significant astrological events. The USA Total Eclipse of the Sun occurs on April 8th with a promise of clearer futures.
Two days later on April 10th we have a day dominated by a resounding triple conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus at 20-22 degrees Taurus and a sharp conjunction of Mars and Saturn on the same day, in Pisces. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus on April 21st, a consciousness raising event of great importance. The last time this conjunction happened in Taurus was on 8th May 1941. (World War 2 was raging. The German auxiliary cruiser Pinguin was sunk by British cruiser HMS Cornwall in the Indian Ocean.
The following day May 9 1941 the German submarine U-110 was captured by the British Royal Navy. On board was the latest Enigma cryptography machine, which Allied cryptographers later used to break coded German messages-so very significant developments in the destiny of nations happened at that time.
The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs 2 days later on April 23rd. This Full Moon squares Pluto and applies opposite the tight conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, colouring the lunation with an intensity of will and purpose.
Last and by no means least, Mars has a near linear alignment with Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces on April 29th, a veritable blast of mystical assertion.
00.16 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 28 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 4 hours
04.07 The Moon enters Capricorn
17.49 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waning sextile Mars at 8 Pisces
The Sun today is at 12 degrees Aires. Mercury is also in Aries. Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are now in the depths of an eclipse fortnight between a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra last Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on April 8th.
All the planets are currently direct in motion but Mercury turns retrograde today.
Mercury entered Aries on March 10th. He is in retrograde motion from today April 1st.
Mercury's retrograde phase occurs whilst he resides in Aries this year, resulting in a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries, a seed moment, a New Mercury and the start of a new chapter in the story. Then as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries on April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The next 6 weeks will see inflammable communications.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Pisces on 11th March joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. She swims through this sign in a very brief and favourable 26 days. Venus is conjunct Neptune at 28 Pisces on April 3rd, with love's mystery. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on April 5th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Pisces on 22nd March joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars resides here for an eventful 39 days. Mars, when in Pisces, has his natural assertive fire dampened somewhat. This sign sees Mars at his most gentle and he can be a little dithery. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th, the cosmos rings out a note of somber tenor. Mars is sextile both Jupiter and Uranus at 22 Pisces on April 19th, indicating important events at this time, (the 2 gas giants are conjunct on April 21st). Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, deep and unfathomable on April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on May 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
April 8th 2024. The American Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Today is the 'Cardinal Last Quarter Moon day', with Mercury now retrograde. a dynamic 'crisis in consciousness'. Tomorrow Venus is conjunct Neptune in Pisces which colours today and tomorrow with idealism, imagination and dreamy perceptives. However the Moon in Capricorn, (gaining only very low altitudes in northern hemisphere skies and very high altitudes in the south) keeps a tight and realistic grip on events and experiences.
01.20 Venus at 26 Pisces waning septile Jupiter at 18 Taurus
02.53 Mars at 8 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.15 The Moon at Last Quarter
04.47 The accelerating Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 14 Pisces
08.46 The Moon at 16 Capricorn squares her node from deep south of the equator.
11.44 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 18 Taurus
17.20 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 21 Taurus
20.59 retro-evening star Mercury at 27 Aries waxing semi-sextile morning star Venus at 27 Pisces
A 'love dream' day with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This is the penultimate conjunction of these two planets in Pisces, just one more next year, then none 'till the year 2176. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Venus is personal love, Neptune is universal love. Put the two together in Pisces and you have multiversal love.
Not so with Israel and Iran. Iran's Revolutionary Guards say seven officers were killed on Easter Monday (April 1st 2024) in an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Syria's capital, Damascus. Monday's attack is seen as a serious escalation in the current conflict. Transiting Neptune is conjunct the Iran (April 1st! 1979) chart 8th house Mercury 3 times in 2024. These two planets are in square aspect in the chart so the current transit indicates a difficult and chaotic confusion in the country's direction. There is much more to follow for Iran over the next few years, with Saturn Uranus and Neptune transiting several sensitive points in the said chart.
02.42 The Sun at 14 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 14 Pisces
04.12 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning square retro-Mercury at 27 Aries
04.12 The Sun at 14 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
04.59 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Venus at 28 Pisces
05.41 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 3.5 hours
09.09 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Pluto in this sign.
10.23 Mars at 9 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 21 Taurus
12.24 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius
13.11 Venus conjunction Neptune at 28 Pisces Closest conjunction 0.26 degrees Love's imagination.
Pressure is mounting on Israel after seven people working for food aid charity 'World Central Kitchen' were killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza.
The charity's founder Jose Andreas accuses Israeli forces in Gaza of targeting the workers 'systematically, car by car'.Israel's prime minister said 'this happens in war'. Benjamin Netanyahu was born on Oct 21st 1949. There was a partial solar eclipse in Libra that day. This year 2024 he has a progressed Full Moon, an astrological event which symbolises a point in time where you have 'gone as far as you can', a climax of sorts, and an inevitable slow start to a withdrawal into oneself following a full exposition in the world. I guess he will pull out, be pushed out, or step down, before too long.
4 days to the Total Solar Eclipse.
05.40 The Sun at 15 Aries waning decile Uranus at 21 Taurus
10.45 The post last quarter Moon accelerating at 15 Aquarius waning sextile The Sun at 15 Aries
11.57 The Moon at 16 Aquarius sextiles her node from south of the equator
15.44 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 18 Taurus
19.11 Venus at 30 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 21 Taurus
20.25 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 21 Taurus
We are deep in an eclipse season 3 days from the American Total Solar Eclipse. Jupiter is less than 3 degrees from Uranus. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus on April 21st, a consciousness raising event of great importance. A big time global build up of energy is underway. Venus enters Aries today joining the Sun, Mercury, Chiron and the lunar node in this sign. It's 'full on Aries season' now.
03.29 The Sun at 16 Aries conjunction the lunar node. Eclipse season phenomenon.
04.02 Morning star Venus ingress Aries joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. She races through Aries in a brief and bold 24 days. Venus in Aries is ardent risk taking, direct, thrill-seeking and confident. Venus sextiles Pluto on Saturday, a shotgun wedding. Venus overtakes retrograde Mercury at 18 degrees Aries on April 19th, a hot, eventful, and potentially merry meet. Venus leaves Aries for Taurus on April 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
05.40 The old but accelerating Moon at 27 Aquarius waning sextile retro-Mercury at 27 Aries.
The Moon is void of course for 5.6 hours
11.14 The Moon enters Pisces joining Mars, Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
13.15 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Monday's New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse now begins in earnest.
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake was felt on Friday across New York and the surrounding areas. The epicentre of the tremor was near Lebanon, New Jersey, about 40 miles west of New York City. The earthquake took place at 10:23 ET. Chart above. The pre-eclipse balsamic Moon was conjunct the epicentre's Midheaven, due south. Jupiter was due East. It the strongest in the state in 240 years.
We are 2 days from the American Total Solar Eclipse. Today the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, the Sun, retro-Mercury and Venus are in Aries, Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus. Sublime, pioneering resourcefulness. You have it all.
05.09 The fast moving, accelerating balsamic Moon conjunction Mars at 11 Pisces
07.48 retro-Mercury at 26 Aries waxing semi-square Mars at 11 Pisces
10.11 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 14 Pisces
17.13 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 19 Taurus
17.46 Venus at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
21.11 The Moon at 21 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 21 Taurus
The day before the eclipse.
01.40 The Sun at 18 Aries waxing decile Mars at 12 Pisces
08.24 Mars at 12 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
08.28 The very fast moving, ancient, balsamic and pre-eclipse Moon conjunction Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 3 hours
09.01 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.98 degrees
11.26 The Moon enters Aries joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and the lunar node.
14.32 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
Then follows a lunar occultation of Venus.
16.22 The Moon conjunction Venus at 3 Aries
16.47 Closest conjunction Moon Venus 0.00 degrees
17.54 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
Total Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Aries visible again from the USA 18:17 GMT. The path of totality passes right through Mazaffan in Mexico, Dallas, Indianapolis and Niagara.
07.11 The Sun at 19 Aries waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 19 Taurus
08.55 Venus at 4 Aries waning semi-square Jupiter at 19 Taurus
12.23 The Moon at 16 Aries conjunction the lunar node at 16 Aries
18.22 Moment of NEW MOON
The Great American Total Solar Eclipse is dominated by two applying planetary conjunctions- Mars applying to Saturn (1.25 degrees apart) and Jupiter applying to Uranus (2 degrees apart). The Mars Saturn conjunction in Pisces has ominous connotation. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus evokes the establishment of a new consciousness expansion, a new reality. These two conjunctions in these particular signs last occurred in 1831 BC and will not occur again in ten thousand years.
At the moment of maximum eclipse today Mars and Saturn have just passed the Midheaven of the West Coast of USA and Canada. They are conjunct the ascendant of Central and East Australia. They are setting over Recife Brazil and are on the IC of Iran. At the same moment Jupiter and Uranus have just risen over Honolulu. They are on the MC of South America, on the IC of Beijing and setting over Syria and Israel. At the eclipse moment Sunrise and Moonrise are over Tuvalu. Sunset and Moonset are at St.Helena. It is High Noon at Minneapolis and True Midnight at Mount Everest. Jupiter rises over The Lena delta
Today's eclipse at 19 Aries directly hits the USA Chiron, the Moon of the New York Stock Exchange, the Venus of Yemen, Zardari Asif Ali, George Clooney and Pete Townshend, the Jupiter of Hammas, the Uranus of Liberia, the Neptune of Germany, the Pluto of Hong Kong, the London MC of the Bit Coin chart, the lunar node of Nato, Daniel Craig and Brian Cox (Professor). The eclipse opposes Xi Jinping's and Vladimir Putin's Saturn and Neptune, Donald Trump's Jupiter, Isis's Venus, Rishi Sunak's Pluto, Iran's Pluto, Palestine's Venus. It squares the UK Moon and Hezbollah's Moon and sextiles Gaza's Uranus.
The USA Chiron is very interesting. The country is undergoing a Chiron return this year and today's eclipse is conjunct this placement. The connection here is one of healing very severe wounds. We can conclude that the Baltimore Bridge collapse on March 26th 2024 and the New York Earthquake on 5th April 2024 are both woven into the spooky destiny of this current eclipse season.
Solar Saros series 139
Today's eclipse belongs to Saros series 139. It is the 30th eclipse of a total of 71 eclipses. The first eclipse of the Saros Series was a partial Solar Eclipse in arctic regions on May 17th 1501 (central eclipse time 03:27:44 UT). The series finishes on July 3rd 2763 AD. This Saros series 'went total' in 1861 and today's eclipse is the 11th total eclipse of the series. The climax of this Saros is in 2186 AD, so this family of eclipses is currently in the prime of its life, strong vibrant and powerful and approaching fulfillment
The first eclipse of the series (back in 1501) was an 'airy event' in Gemini, (with Saturn and Mercury) tightly square Uranus in Pisces , conjunct Saturn in Gemini and loosely opposite Pluto in Scorpio. The energy and tone of the entire series has a 'critical but breezey' edge. It invokes movement, communication, avant garde, and restlessness. The last 3 eclipses in the series were on March 29th 2006, Twitter was launched 8 days before the eclipse, March 1988, and March 1970. The 1970 eclipse occurred 2 days after the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty came into effect, signed by over 50 nations.
The Sun today is at 19 degrees Aires. Retrograde Mercury and Venus are also in Aries. Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, (Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus, they apply in 'consciousness raising' conjunction, exact April 24th 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. We are now in the depths of an eclipse fortnight between a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra last Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries today.
All the planets are currently direct in motion except Mercury.
Mercury entered Aries on March 10th. He is in retrograde motion from April 1st.
Mercury resides a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury turned retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries, a seed moment, a 'New Mercury' and the start of a new chapter in the story. Then as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries on April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The next 6 weeks will see inflammable communications.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Aries on April 5th joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. She races through Aries in a brief and bold 24 days. Venus in Aries is ardent risk taking, direct, thrill-seeking and confident. Venus overtakes retrograde Mercury at 18 degrees Aries on April 19th, a hot, eventful, and potentially merry meet. Venus leaves Aries for Taurus on April 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Pisces on 22nd March joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars resides here for an eventful 39 days. Mars, when in Pisces, has his natural assertive fire dampened somewhat. This sign sees Mars at his most gentle and he can be a little dithery. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th, the cosmos rings out a note of somber tenor. Mars is sextile both Jupiter and Uranus at 22 Pisces on April 19th, indicating important events at this time, (the 2 gas giants are conjunct on April 21st). Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, deep and unfathomable on April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on May 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
This is the day after the eclipse. We can now turn our attention to Mars creeping up on Saturn, exact tomorrow. Something a touch somber here.
02.39 The very fast moving infant New Moon conjunction Mercury at 25 Aries. The flying bird brings the message.
The moon is void of course for nearly 9 hours.
05.12 retro-Mercury at 25 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 15 Pisces
11.25 The Moon ingress Taurus joining Jupiter and Uranus already closely arrayed in this sign.
14.36 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.17 The Sun at 21 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 15 Pisces
23.19 retro-Mercury at 24 Aries waxing novile Mars at 14 Pisces
A day astrologically coloured by a triple conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus at 20-22 degrees Taurus and a sharp conjunction of Mars and Saturn at 15 Pisces.
A steadfast and significant symbolism is portrayed in the sky today. A favourable and interestingly aspected infant Moon squeezes in between Jupiter and Uranus. Ah but...Mars is tightly aligned to Saturn, at the same time, in a 'pressure cooker conjunction'-something's got to give. Be aware of the movements and the moments.
A constructive morning.
05.21 Venus at 6 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 21 Taurus
10.50 The Moon at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Mars at 14 Pisces
11.17 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 15 Pisces
An eventful afternoon.
16.01 The Sun at 21 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 21 Taurus
19.20 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 19 Taurus
20.35 Closest conjunction Mars Saturn 0.44 degrees
20.37 Mars conjunction Saturn at 15 Pisces
22.18 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 21 Taurus
08.59 Jupiter at 20 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 28 Pisces
This is a single hit in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets. The current Jupiter Neptune cycle began on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. This was the very month that Russia invaded Ukraine. The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 exceeded 500 million worldwide. Elon Musk reached an agreement to acquire the social media network Twitter.
The cycle reaches its first quarter phase on 19th June 2025, and it culminates with the opposition across Libra/Aries on 28th Sept 2028. The cycle ends in Aries on 24th March 2035. Jupiter-Neptune is the 'grand illusion'. It's cycle symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. This waxing septile aspect represents an acknowledgement of the transcendent reality of new developments and of the tests, allegiances and opportunities which are now on offer. This aspect opens up new possibilities and new realisations.
09.46 The Sun at 22 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.05 The young Moon decelerating at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 3 hours.
13.00 The Moon enters Gemini
16.23 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.04 Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 23 Aries A 'New Mercury'. A seed moment. A new chapter in the story.
The young crescent Moon will gain very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies, and have extreme rising and setting azimuths over the next few days due to the current major lunar standstill (climax of the 18.6 year cycle). With the culmination of the 18.6-year cycle of the Moon in 2024-25, called the Major Lunar Standstill, we are afforded the unique opportunity to observe the monthly, annual, and 18.6-year wanderings of the Moon. The 18.6-year cycle is caused by the precession of the plane of the lunar orbit, while this orbit maintains a 5 degree tilt relative to the ecliptic. At the peak of this cycle, the Moon's declination swings from -28.8 to +28.8 degree each month. What this means is that each month for the years 2023-2026, the Moon can be seen rising and setting more northerly and also more southerly than the solar extremes, and will transit monthly with altitudes which are higher in the sky than the summer Sun and lower in the sky than the winter Sun.
Astrologically this corresponds to big emotional swings, globally. Consider the years 1969/70, 1986/87, 2006/07, 2024/5 in terms of big global emotional swings.
02.07 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
03.48 The Moon decelerating at 9 Gemini waxing sextile Venus at 9 Aries
14.40 The Moon at 15 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 15 Pisces
14.48 retro-Mercury, now a morning star, at 22 Aries waxing decile Mars at 16 Pisces
15.41 The Moon at 15 Gemini sextiles her node from well north of the equator.
15.58 retro-Mercury at 22 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
16.51 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing square Mars at 16 Pisces
The waxing crescent Moon gains high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies this weekend.
A pair of conjunctions is now applying in the skies of Earth. Mercury retrograding as a morning star is rushing into the arms of Venus, meeting her at 17.5 degrees Aries (close to the recent Solar Eclipse point) next Friday April 19th. On that same day Mars sextiles both Jupiter and Uranus. 40 hours later in the early hours (GMT) of Sunday April 21st, Jupiter is conjunct Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus. The Sun is square Pluto on that day. The Mercury Venus conjunction is potentially a 'merry meet' but it can evoke significant events in our lives. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction raises the stakes and with that raises consciousness. Its effect is 'major and global'. The build up to these two astrological events over the next week is emphatic.
A strike by Iran on Israel is a 'real and credible' threat, the White House has said, as fears of an imminent attack by Tehran grow. Tensions are high over the possibility Iran will retaliate for an air strike that killed senior Iranian commanders two weeks ago. US officials have said that a major attack on Israel could happen imminently. Israel has said it is ready 'defensively and offensively'. The looming Jupiter Uranus conjunction is 2 degrees from the Sun in the Israeli astrological chart. The Venus Mercury conjunction opposes the Iran chart's Pluto.
02.21 Jupiter at 20 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
The current 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, symbolising 'power plays', started on Nov 12th 2020 in Capricorn. At that time we witnessed a worldwide rampant and escalating covid-19 virus, the appearance of vaccines and the US president refusing to concede electoral defeat. The cycle reached it first quarter square phase in May 2023, Russia and Belarus signed an agreement to station Russian tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. The cycle climaxes with the opposition across Leo/Aquarius in July 2026 and ends in Feb 2033 in Aquarius. Today's waxing tri-decile aspect is a single hit. (It preludes the 'free flowing' single waxing trine aspect on June 2nd this year). Today's minor aspect signifies a 'really getting it on' situation. It has a catalyzing effect on outward activity. Power shifts and transformations happen. Watch closely. The Jupiter Pluto cycle represents 'big time power shifts'.
02.43 This waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 22 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 22 Aries
06.35 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing sextile The Sun at 24 Aries
07.29 Venus at 10 Aries waning novile Jupiter at 20 Taurus
10.48 retro-Mercury at 21 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 21 Taurus
14.47 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 3 hours
17.47 The Moon ingress Cancer
20.56 Mars at 17 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
21.27 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.52 retro-Mercury at 21 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 15 Pisces
At the time of writing and as Mars was in semi-square aspect to Pluto on Saturday night, Iran launched drones at Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country's defence systems had been deployed and that Israel's armed forces were ready.
10.52 Venus at 11 Aries waning novile Uranus at 21 Taurus
12.52 The Sun at 25 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 15 Pisces
15.24 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 12 Cancer waxing square Venus at 12 Aries
19.39 retro-Mercury at 20 Aries waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 20 Taurus
21.48 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 15 Pisces
22.13 The Moon at 15 Cancer squares her node from far north of the equator.
The USA government has 'made it very clear' to Israel that they hope to de-escalate tensions after Iran's attack. Over 300 drones and missiles were fired at Israel overnight, which Iran said was in response to the 1st April strike on its consulate in Syria. Almost all weapons were shot down by Israeli, US and allied forces before they reached their targets. Officials say the US will not participate in any Israeli response. The looming Jupiter Uranus conjunction exact next Sunday is 2 degrees from the Sun in the Israeli astrological chart. The Venus Mercury conjunction exact on Friday opposes the Iran chart's Pluto. It seems we are living in a state of heightened tension
03.18 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 18 Cancer waxing trine Mars at 18 Pisces
07.13 The Moon at 20 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 20 Aries
08.06 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing sextile Jupiter at 21 Taurus
10.01 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 22 Taurus
19.14 The Moon is at Cardinal First Quarter
23.23 The Moon at 28 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just over 3 hours.
The Sun today is at 26 degrees Aires. Retrograde Mercury and Venus are also in Aries. Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces. A pair of conjunctions is now applying in the skies of Earth. Mercury retrograding as a morning star is rushing into the arms of Venus, meeting her at 17.5 degrees Aries (close to the recent Solar Eclipse point) next Friday April 19th. On that same day Mars sextiles both Jupiter and Uranus. 40 hours later in the early hours (GMT) of Sunday April 21st, Jupiter is conjunct Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus. The Sun is square Pluto on that day. The Mercury Venus conjunction is potentially a 'merry meet' but it can evoke significant events in our lives. The Jupiter Uranus raises the stakes and with that raises consciousness. Its effect is 'major and global'. The build up to these two astrological events over the next week is emphatic.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are now to pulling out of an eclipse season after a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra on Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on Monday April 8th 2024.
All the planets are currently direct in motion except Mercury.
Mercury entered Aries on March 10th. He is in retrograde motion from April 1st.
Mercury resides a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury turned retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries and was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries. Now as a morning star Mercury is conjunct Chiron a 2nd time at 18 Aries today April 15th. Mercury is overtaken by Venus on April 19th at 18 Aries, hopefully a merry meet. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th. The next 6 weeks will see inflammable communications.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Aries on April 5th joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. She races through Aries in a brief and bold 24 days. Venus in Aries is ardent risk taking, direct, thrill-seeking and confident. Venus overtakes retrograde Mercury at 18 degrees Aries on April 19th, a hot, eventful, and potentially merry meet. Venus leaves Aries for Taurus on April 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Pisces on 22nd March joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars resides here for an eventful 39 days. Mars, when in Pisces, has his natural assertive fire dampened somewhat. This sign sees Mars at his most gentle and he can be a little dithery. Mars is sextile both Jupiter and Uranus at 22 Pisces on April 19th, indicating important events at this time, (the 2 gas giants are conjunct on April 21st). Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, deep and unfathomable on April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on May 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
The Sun and Moon are both in fire signs for 2 days (with Mercury and Venus). We face a brazen, formative and creative couple of days.
02.26 The decelerating first quarter Moon enters Leo
06.24 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius
12.54 Venus at 14 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
14.46 retro-Mercury at 19 Aries waxing semi-sextile Mars at 19 Pisces
Less than 5 degrees and 2 days separate Mercury and Venus. Their conjunction is on Friday. Expect interesting, even significant events. Less than 1 degree and 4 days separate Jupiter and Uranus. Their conjunction is on Sunday and it expands consciousness, globally. The Moon today slowly waxes in Leo. We have slipped into top gear. The astrological sky at this time is conspiring to bestow corresponding events on our lives. We currently face 'new normals' and 'new tangents', destined to affect hearts and minds.
It's worth mentioning that in the Iran (1979) chart Jupiter and Uranus currently oppose Iran's Uranus and Mercury and Venus currently oppose Iran's Pluto.
06.42 Venus at 15 Aries waning decile Jupiter at 21 Taurus
08.04 The slowly waxing Moon decelerating at 15 Leo waxing trine Venus at 15 Aries
08.24 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing trines her node from north of the equator.
08.43 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 15 Pisces
11.10 Venus conjunction the lunar node at 15 Aries
14.53 Venus at 15 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 15 Pisces
15.02 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing trine retro-Mercury at 19 Aries
18.05 The Moon at 20 Leo waxing quincunx Mars at 20 Pisces
20.12 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing square Jupiter at 21 Taurus
20.13 Venus at 16 Aries waning decile Uranus at 22 Taurus
21.21 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing square Uranus at 22 Taurus
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aries. The Sun enters Taurus tomorrow.
Mercury retrograding in Aries approaches Venus. Their conjunction is in the morning (GMT) tomorrow.
01.31 The Sun at 29 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
11.12 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
12.03 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing trine The Sun at 29 Aries.
The Moon is void of course for 2.1 hours
14.12 The Moon enters Virgo
18.21 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
Well we are right into it now. 'It' being an astrologically significant and busy few days. Accompanying the two current special planetary conjunctions is the seasonal move into the astrological month of Taurus. All of this delivers us to a 'hard case' Full Moon in Scorpio, square Pluto, late (GMT) next Tuesday.
Roller coaster ride.
09.00 Mercury conjunction Venus at 18 Aries. A merry meet but eventful and leaves a funny taste and maybe something not yet complete, (Mercury currently being retrograde). These two planets are conjunct two more times this year, June 17th and Aug 8th.
14.01 The Sun enters Taurus and a new astrological month begins.
15.29 Mars at 21 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 21 Taurus Purposeful, optimistic, forthright.
21.15 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Full Moon now starts in earnest.
21.53 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition Saturn at 16 Pisces
23.56 Mars at 22 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 22 Taurus Ingenious and possibly surprising developments.
Lunar pressures are rising. Treading carefully today.
01.11 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 17 Virgo waxing quincunx Mercury at 17 Aries
02.10 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
03.48 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 19 Aries
05.41 The Sun at 1 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 16 Pisces
10.14 The Moon at 22 Virgo waxing trine Jupiter at 22 Taurus
10.29 The Moon at 22 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 22 Taurus
11.10 The Moon at 22 Virgo opposition Mars at 22 Pisces
00.20 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just under 3 hours.
02.27 Jupiter conjunction Uranus at 22 Taurus
03.04 Closest conjunction Jupiter Uranus 0.50 degrees
03.10 The Moon enters Libra
06.29 The Moon at 2 Libra waxing quincunx The Sun at 2 Taurus
07.21 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
17.02 The Sun at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
'Hard case' Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow night (late GMT), square Pluto. 'The Dire Wolf', dancing on the edge today.
Mercury turns direct on Thursday. One week from today Mars is conjunct Neptune, Venus enters Taurus and applies square to Pluto, Mars enters Aries the next day.
03.07 Mars at 23 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
09.17 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 15 Libra opposition her node at 15 Aries
11.09 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 16 Pisces
12.10 The Moon at 16 Libra opposition retro-Mercury at 16 Aries
21.44 Venus at 22 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 16 Pisces
22.26 Venus at 22 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 22 Taurus
23.07 retro-Mercury at 16 Aries waning decile Jupiter at 22 Taurus
23.19 The Moon at 22 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 22 Taurus
23.25 The Moon at 22 Libra opposition Venus at 22 Aries.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 16 hours.
The Sun today is at 3 degrees Taurus. Jupiter and Uranus are also in Taurus. Retrograde Mercury and Venus are in Aries. Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are now pulling out of an eclipse season after a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra on Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on Monday April 8th 2024.
All the planets are currently direct in motion except Mercury, who turns direct on Thursday. There are 57 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury entered Aries on March 10th. He has been in retrograde motion since April 1st.
Mercury resides a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury in Aries represents a universal mentality that is quick to learn, quick to decide, witty, direct, candid and enthusiastic. The retrograde phase results in Mercury being conjunct Chiron 3 times during this period. Words can wound and words can heal at these times.
Mercury turned retrograde on April 1st at 27 Aries and was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 11th at 23 Aries. Mercury stations direct on April 25th at 16 Aries just 2 days after the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Aries on April 5th joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. She races through Aries in a brief and bold 24 days. Venus in Aries is ardent risk taking, direct, thrill-seeking and confident. Venus overtook retrograde Mercury at 18 degrees Aries on April 19th. Venus leaves Aries for Taurus on April 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Pisces on 22nd March joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars resides here for an eventful 39 days. Mars, when in Pisces, has his natural assertive fire dampened somewhat. This sign sees Mars at his most gentle and he can be a little dithery. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, deep and unfathomable on April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter was conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on May 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Mars is conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces on April 10th 2024, 2 days after the great American Total Solar eclipse. Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
The slowly waxing void of course Moon, in characteristic rudderless fashion, dominates proceedings on this Full Moon day, until 15.21 GMT when she enters Scorpio. By then the karmic chess pieces are set and the climaxing Moon has control over the game.
01.20 Venus at 22 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.52 The Moon at 24 Libra waning quincunx Mars at 24 Pisces
06.04 Venus at 22 Aries waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 22 Taurus
12.46 The Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
15.21 The Moon enters Scorpio. Sting in the tail henceforth.
19.28 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.50 Moment of FULL MOON
Today's Full Moon in Scorpio is square Pluto and applies opposite a tight conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. There certainly is Heaven, Hell and 'the Doors of Perception' here.
This is the first Full Moon, and indeed a tough one, following on from the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th and it is the 5th before a small Partial Lunar eclipse on Sept 18th at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune,(observable from the UK). With its passing we take our leave of the recent eclipse season.
Fixity and Water dominate the planetary sky today. Resolute will and strong emotion colour the event. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, which invokes knowledge and vision, Mars is applying to Neptune, which weaves confusion. We have expanding awareness and understanding which is difficult to assimilate. The time is dangerous and demands full intelligence. This Full Moon in Scorpio square Pluto is vengeful and power hungry. Retribution, cruelty and destruction are all possible. Despite all this Scorpio inevitably leads us to reaffirmation and resurrection.
Today's Full Moon directly hits the Suns of Turkey, Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton. Julia Roberts and John Cleese, the Moons of Italy and Kenya, the Mercury of David Cameron, the Mars of North Korea and Brazil, the Jupiter of the BBC and Guinea (conjunct her Pluto), the Saturn of Kim Jon Un (possibly) and Texas, the Uranus of Spain, the Neptune of the EU, Hawaii and Mike Pence, the Pluto of Hezbollah, the lunar node of Ayatollah Khamanei and Cuba. It squares Israel's Moon.
At the exact moment of Full Moon today the Moon rises at Washington DC, it culminates at Toulouse, Saturn rises at Tehran, Pluto rises at Odessa and at Athens, Jupiter and Uranus rise at Saigon and set at Caracas, Mercury rises at Mumbai, Mars culminates at Melbourne, Saturn lower culminates at Rio de Janeiro, Neptune sets at San Francisco, Eugene and Vancouver.
Now in the wake of the Full Moon the astrological weather moves on with fixity and purpose.
09.15 retro-Mercury, almost stationary, (turning direct tomorrow) at 16 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 16 Pisces
10.19 The Sun at 5 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 29 Pisces
13.11 retro-Mercury at 16 Aries waning decile Uranus at 22 Taurus
22.42 The slowly waning full Moon accelerating at 16 Scorpio waning quincunx Mercury at 16 Aries
22.53 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 16 Pisces
The Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus and Jupiter (in Taurus) today. This does correspond quite succinctly with the big military expenditure and expansion underway globally. Mars in Pisces is conjunct Neptune next Monday, always a crazy planetary vibration and he then charges into Aries the following day, a lot of buttons being pushed.
10.26 The slowly waning full Moon accelerating at 22 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 22 Taurus
11.55 The Moon at 23 Scorpio opposition Jupiter at 23 Taurus
12.50 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT. He remains direct in motion until his next retrograde period August 5 to August 28 2024.
16.43 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning quincunx Venus at 25 Aries
18.26 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning trine Mars at 26 Pisces
23.17 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces
The Moon is void of course for 2.4 hours
The next planetary event is one of rare importance and is that of Mars closly aligning with Neptune next Monday. Mars and Neptune will share the same Right Ascension, with Mars passing 2'14" to the south of Neptune. This approach is technically described as 'a very tight planetary appulse'. This is a 'felt but not observable' astrological event. Between the years AD 1000 and AD 2300 there are only 7 Mars Neptune conjunctions aligned this tightly. The one on Monday April 29th 2024 is the last in our lifetimes. The next one of this degree of tightness is on May 13th 2355. We underwent two very recently, Jan 1st 2017 and Dec 7th 2018. The one before those two was in the year 1524. Do you recall the story of the gunman dressed as Santa Claus opening fire and killing 39 people in an Istanbul night club? That event occurred on New Years Day 2017, about 9 hours before the Mars Neptune tight appulse. All of the Mars Neptune very tight appulses I have found appear to be in tropical Pisces, Virgo or Libra.
01.39 The accelerating and waning full Moon enters Sagittarius
05.37 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.02 Venus at 26 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 16 Pisces
14.37 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waning quincunx The Sun at 7 Taurus
19.04 The Sun at 7 Taurus waxing novile Mars at 27 Pisces
The waning and accelerating Moon in Sagittarius will strugle to gain altitude in northern hemisphere skies over the next few days due to the current Lunar Standstill. (She gains very high altitudes in the south).
There is fun, sport, exploration, courage and optimism all to be found out there when the Moon cruises through Sagittarius..
05.18 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius trines her node from south of the equator.
08.00 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning trine Mercury at 16 Aries
08.22 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 16 Pisces
10.48 The Sun at 8 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 16 Pisces
12.37 Venus at 28 Aries waxing semi-sextile Mars at 28 Pisces
19.18 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 22 Taurus
20.55 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
21.31 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 23 Taurus
21.42 Mercury at 16 Aries waning decile Uranus at 22 Taurus
Mars in very late Pisces applying to an almost linear alignment with Neptune, exact 04.26 GMT tomorrow, dominates the astrological sky today, conferring a potential for confusion and aberration onto global events.
06.16 The disseminating and accelerating Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 28 Pisces
06.57 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning trine Venus at 29 Aries
07.32 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 2.1 hours
09.39 The Moon enters Capricorn
13.14 Venus at 29 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
16.18 The Sun at 9 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 29 Pisces
22.50 Mercury at 16 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 16 Pisces
Two planets ingress new signs today and tomorrow. Venus enters Taurus today. Mars enters Aries tomorrow. Subtle changes with Venus towards 'seeking comfort and pleasure' and with Mars pushing for 'direct action'.
02.28 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 9 Capricorn waning trine The Sun at 9 Taurus
04.26 Closest conjunction Mars Neptune 0.03 degrees
Today's planetary event is one of rare importance and is that of Mars closely aligning with Neptune. Mars and Neptune will share the same Right Ascension, with Mars passing 2'14" to the south of Neptune. This approach is technically described as 'a very tight planetary appulse'. This is a 'felt but not observable' astrological event. Between the years AD 1000 and AD 2300 there are only 7 Mars Neptune conjunctions aligned this tightly. The one on Monday April 29th 2024 is the last in our lifetimes. The next one of this degree of tightness is on May 13th 2355. We underwent two very recently, Jan 1st 2017 and Dec 7th 2018. The one before those two was in the year 1524. Do you recall the story of the gunman dressed as Santa Claus opening fire and killing 39 people in an Istanbul night club? That event occurred on New Years Day 2017, about 9 hours before the Mars Neptune tight appulse. All of the Mars Neptune very tight appulses I have found appear to be in tropical Pisces, Virgo or Libra.
04.31 Mars conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces
11.33 Venus enters Taurus as a morning star joining the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in this sign. See notes below.
11.58 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 15 Aries
15.29 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 17 Pisces
15.45 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning square Mercury at 17 Aries
The Sun today is at 10 degrees Taurus. Jupiter, Uranus, and from today Venus, are also in Taurus. Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have exited the recent eclipse season after a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra on Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on Monday April 8th 2024.
All the planets are currently direct in motion. There are 50 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury resides a lengthy 66 day residence from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury, now a morning star, stationed direct on April 25th at 16 Aries. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time on May 7th at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus enters Taurus today (April 29th). Venus is currently moving very fast. She resides in Taurus for a very 'short and sweet' 24 days. She has a favourable residence here, except for a bad taste square to Pluto at the very start. Venus and Jupiter in Taurus is a' pleasure seeking' and 'material comforts' combination. Venus squares Pluto on May 1st, verging on the licentious. Venus sextiles Saturn on May 13th, offering support. Venus is conjunct Uranus on May 18th at 23 degrees Taurus, with sweet surprises. On May 23rd Venus conjuncts Jupiter at 29 Taurus, adorned with gifts, she sextiles Neptune, unquestioning fantasy and then leaves Taurus for Gemini, all on that day.
Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Pisces on 22nd March joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, early today April 29th. Mars enters Aries on May Eve April 30th, sparking things up after 30 days of wading through deep waters.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is now direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. It fosters stability, security and provision. The year long residence is a time during which we can establish and ground ourselves, building on what we have. Clear goals, robust plans and tangible results are the qualities of this placement. Jupiter was conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 degrees Taurus. This is the highlight of the year long residence and has a nurturing, productive and consciousness raising quality, a good one. Jupiter sextiles Neptune on May 23rd 2024. This is a very creative and artistic vibration. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
01.50 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 22 Taurus
04.40 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning trine Jupiter at 24 Taurus
13.26 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
15.19 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Mars at 30 Pisces, moon void
15.21 The Moon ingress Aquarius
15.34 Mars ingress Aries
joining Chiron and the Lunar Node in this sign. Mars resides in his own sign for 41 days
Mars sextiles Pluto on May 3rd. Mars conjuncts the Lunar Node on May 19th at 15 Aries. Mars conjuncts Chiron on May 29th at 22 Aries. Mars leaves Aries for the sign Taurus on June 9th.
18.05 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning square Venus at 2 Taurus
19.01 The Moon at 2 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius
19.05 Venus at 2 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 17 Pisces
Potentially salacious vibrations (first thing GMT) as Venus squares Pluto. Six bodies currently in fixed signs, expect entrenched responses today.
04.30 Venus at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
11.28 The Moon is at Fixed Last Quarter
16.23 The accelerating Moon at 14 Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at 14 Aries
21.49 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waning sextile Mercury at 18 Aries
23.14 Mars at 1 Aries waning septile Uranus at 22 Taurus
06.06 The last quarter Moon accelerating at 22 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 22 Taurus
09.29 The Moon at 24 Aquarius waning square Jupiter at 24 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for 9.4 hours
18.53 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
02.22 The raipidly waning Moon accelerating at 4 Pisces waning sextile Venus at 4 Taurus
09.06 Mars at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
13.01 Venus at 5 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 29 Pisces
17.55 The Moon at 14 Pisces waning sextile The Sun at 14 Taurus
23.05 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 17 Pisces
23.51 The Sun at 14 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 29 Pisces
02.53 Mercury at 19 Aries waning decile Jupiter at 25 Taurus
08.29 The rapidly waning old Moon accelerating at 23 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus
12.23 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning sextile Jupiter at 25 Taurus
19.07 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.6 hours
19.55 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.57 degrees
20.27 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Wednesday's New Moon now begins in earnest.
20.42 The Moon enters Aries joining Mars in this sign.
23.12 The Sun almost at 15 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
00.08 The very rapidly waning balsamic Moon at 2 Aries sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
00.10 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. We are midway between the Vernal Equinox and the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice. This is astrological Beltane or Walpurgis, a cross quarter day. Early summer is starting in the north, where we enter the lightest quarter of the year. In the south the darkest quarter begins and with it the season of 'fading'.
02.03 Closest conjunction Moon Mars 0.53 degrees
02.18 The Moon conjunction Mars at 3 Aries
12.42 Mars at 4 Aries waning septile Jupiter at 25 Taurus
19.56 The Moon conjunction her node at 14 Aries
22.12 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
05.58 The very rapidly waning old Moon conjunction Mercury at 20 Aries.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 16 hours
07.46 Venus at 8 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 17 Pisces
11.47 Saturn at 17 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
The Saturn Pluto cycle correlates with the transformation of power structures, economic contraction, natural disasters, epidemics, and war. The cycle lasts 33-38 years. The current cycle started in late Capricorn on 12th Jan 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It reaches its first quarter crisis in 2028-2029 and arrives at its climax, Saturn opposition Pluto, across Leo/Aquarius in 2035-2036. The cycle completes in 2053-2054 in Pisces. Today's waxing semi-square aspect is one of three hits, dates May 6th 2024, Sept 26th 2024 and Jan 26th 2025. This aspect induces a pushing forward of power bases and the meeting with restriction, resulting is an emotional impact.
20.49 Venus at 9 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 29 Pisces
21.44 The Moon enters Taurus joining the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in this sign.
The Sun today is at 17 degrees Taurus. The Moon (from 21.44 GMT today), Jupiter, Uranus and Venus are also in Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have exited the recent eclipse season after a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra on Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on Monday April 8th 2024.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 43 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury has a lengthy 66 day residence in Aries from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury, now a morning star, stationed direct on April 25th at 16 Aries. Mercury is conjunct Chiron a final time (of 3) tomorrow at 21 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow on May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th.
Mercury retrograde periods this year.
April 1 to April 25, 2024
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Morning star Venus entered Taurus April 29th, moving very fast and resides in Taurus for a very 'short and sweet' 24 days. She has a favourable residence here. Venus and Jupiter in Taurus is a' pleasure seeking' and 'material comforts' combination. Venus sextiles Saturn on May 13th, offering support. Venus is conjunct Uranus on May 18th at 23 degrees Taurus, with sweet surprises. On May 23rd Venus conjuncts Jupiter at 29 Taurus, adorned with gifts, she sextiles Neptune, unquestioning fantasy and then leaves Taurus for Gemini, all on that day.
Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aries on May Eve April 30th, joining Chiron and the Lunar Node in this sign. Mars resides in his own sign for 41 days. Mars conjuncts the Lunar Node on May 19th at 15 Aries. Mars conjuncts Chiron on May 29th at 22 Aries. Mars leaves Aries for the sign Taurus on June 9th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is direct in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus boosts our awareness of establishing ourselves and building upon what we have and hold. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 3 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
The rapidly fading ancient Moon, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Taurus, and the Sun sextiles Saturn. A 'rock solid' day permeated by a secure vision of all of our tomorrows. Take stock. Stand rooted. The Moon is New tomorrow.
01.09 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
05.43 The Sun at 17 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 17 Pisces
14.05 The Moon conjunction Venus at 10 Taurus
02.02 The Moon at 17 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 17 Pisces
03.23 Moment of NEW MOON
This New Moon is the first following on from the Total Solar Eclipse (the North American Eclipse) on April 8th 2024 at 19 Aries, and the fifth before the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, at 18.45 GMT on Oct 2nd 2024.
Today's New Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Uranus, sextile Saturn. This is a very grounded and fertile time. Deep, deep roots. This is very much a Fixed Earth event. The Moon, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Taurus. Pleasure and comfort seeking abounds.
Neptune is sextile both Pluto and jupiter. Jupiter is trine Pluto.
At the exact moment of New Moon today it is sunrise at Budapest and Sunset at Seattle. Moonrise occurs at Koln., and moonset is over The Cook islands. It is High Noon over the Lena delta and true midnight over Greenland. Mars and the lunar node rise over the UK, Pluto culminates at Minsk, Jupiter rises at istanbul, Neptune sets at Wellington NZ.
Today's New moon directly hits the MC of Iran(1979 chart), the Mars of Cuba, the Mercury of the Facebook IPO chart, the Neptune and Pluto of Germany, the Pluto of the NRA (USA), the Uranus of GCHQ (UK).
08.12 Mercury at 22 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
11.20 The infant Moon conjunction Uranus at 23 Taurus
16.31 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 26 Taurus
21.56 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.5 hours
23.22 The Moon enters Gemini
The 'new baby' Moon in Gemini confers a positive and lighter atmosphere upon proceedings for the next two days. New Moon energy always invigorates the biosphere.
02.53 The infant Moon decelerating at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
04.17 Mercury at 23 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus
10.48 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing sextile Mars at 7 Aries
16.51 Mercury at 23 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 17 Pisces
23.11 The Moon at 14 Gemini sextiles her node from north of the equator.
05.04 The young Moon decelerating at 17 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 17 Pisces
06.23 The Sun at 20 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
11.57 Venus at 14 Taurus waxing decile Mars at 8 Aries
17.14 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 24 Aries
17.43 The Sun at 21 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 29 Pisces
This weekend the Sun is in Taurus with the Moon in Cancer (from 03.15 GMT) which is almost a sol/lunar 'nursery rhyme' vibration. (The cow jumped over the Moon). A domestic focus. The young, the family, food, kitchen, cooking, caring, sustaining. I have and hold and I nurture.
00.23 Mars at 8 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 23 Taurus
00.28 Venus at 14 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 29 Pisces
01.50 The young Moon decelerating at 29 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.4 hours
03.15 The Moon enters Cancer
06.57 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
14.43 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
14.44 Venus at 15 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
18.37 The Moon at 9 Cancer waxing square Mars at 9 Aries
THE STORM IS NOT OVER: A Coronal Mass Ejection hit Earth's magnetic field on May 10th, sparking the biggest geomagnetic storm in more than 20 years, an extreme (category G5) event. It is subsiding now (currently category G3), but it is not over. More CMEs are expected to hit Earth's magnetic field during the next 24-48 hours, and they could push the storm back to extreme levels. Stay tuned for updates.https://www.spaceweather.com/
Astrologically speaking from a Heliocentric perspective the Earth is currently opposite Jupiter and Uranus.
The Sun in Taurus is applying to a conjunction with Uranus. Venus is sextile Saturn. Both aspects are exact tomorrow. Everything is under wraps today. There is a reluctance to reveal, and to pay. Purse strings tightly clasped.
04.22 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 14 Cancer waxing her node at 14 Aries with very northerly declination.
07.58 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing sextile Venus at 16 Taurus
11.11 The Moon at 18 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 18 Pisces
20.35 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing sextile The Sun at 23 Taurus
21.29 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus
Something of a special day is in store today. The Sun is conjunct Uranus. Many astrologers are marking this conjunction (with Jupiter alongside) as the catalyst for the current extreme northern lights manifestation. Venus sextiles Saturn also today, the aspect of 'commitment'.
The next day of astrological note is next Saturday, when the Sun is conjunct Jupiter and Venus is conjunct Uranus, all 4 bodies being in Taurus. With Mercury, out of his shadow, entering Taurus on Wednesday, we will then be in the most 'Taurus concentrated' period for a good while. This quickly passes with the Sun entering Gemini on May 20th, one week from today, and Venus doing the same on May 23rd, (the day of the Full Moon in Sagittarius), and Jupiter following suit on May 25th.
04.01 Mercury at 27 Aries waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 27 Taurus
04.53 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing sextile Jupiter at 27 Taurus
04.57 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 27 Aries
09.13 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.4 hours
09.14 The Sun conjunction Uranus at 23 Taurus
10.38 The Moon enters Leo
14.35 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius
18.14 Mercury at 28 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 18 Pisces
19.46 Venus at 18 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 18 PiscesSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 24 degrees Taurus. Jupiter, Uranus and Venus are also in Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have exited the recent eclipse season after a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra on Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on Monday April 8th 2024.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 36 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury has a lengthy 66 day residence in Aries from March 10th to May 15th. Mercury, now a morning star, stationed direct on April 25th at 16 Aries. Mercury leaves his shadow today May 13th and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on May 15th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Morning star Venus entered Taurus April 29th, moving very fast and resides in Taurus for a very 'short and sweet' 24 days. She has a favourable residence here. Venus and Jupiter in Taurus is a' pleasure seeking' and 'material comforts' combination. Venus sextiles Saturn today May 13th, offering support. Venus is conjunct Uranus on May 18th at 23 degrees Taurus, with sweet surprises. On May 23rd Venus conjuncts Jupiter at 29 Taurus, adorned with gifts, she sextiles Neptune, unquestioning fantasy and then leaves Taurus for Gemini, all on that day.
Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aries on May Eve April 30th, joining Chiron and the Lunar Node in this sign. Mars resides in his own sign for 41 days. Mars conjuncts the Lunar Node on May 19th at 15 Aries. Mars conjuncts Chiron on May 29th at 22 Aries. Mars leaves Aries for the sign Taurus on June 9th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is direct in Taurus. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
The next day of astrological note is next Saturday, when the Sun is conjunct Jupiter and Venus is conjunct Uranus, all 4 bodies being in Taurus. With Mercury, out of his shadow, entering Taurus tomorrow, we will then be in the most 'Taurus concentrated' period for a good while. This quickly passes with the Sun entering Gemini on May 20th, one week from today, and Venus doing the same on May 23rd, (the day of the Full Moon in Sagittarius), and Jupiter following suit on May 25th.
The next two days witness the Moon reaching her 'Fixed First Quarter' phase. Taurus Sun, Leo Moon and 4 other bodies in fixed signs, (5 from tomorrow), oversee a 'self certainty' and a 'rock solid intransigence'.
06.49 The slowly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 10 Leo trines Mars at 10 Aries
13.15 The Moon at 14 Leo trines her node from high north of the equator
21.06 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 18 Pisces
23.48 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing square Venus at 19 Taurus
03.46 Mercury at 29 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
07.59 The slowly waxing Moon at 23 Leo waxing square Uranus at 23 Taurus
11.49 The Moon at First Quarter
16.42 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing square Jupiter at 28 Taurus
The Moon is then void of course for nearly 5 hours
17.07 Mercury enters Taurus as a morning star, out of his shadow, fast moving and future orientated, joining the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in this sign. He resides here for a brief 19 days. Mercury squares Pluto on May 17th, rather a manic start to the residence, but quickly over. Mercury sextiles Saturn on May 28th, well organised and constructive thinking in evidence. Mercury is conjunct Uranus, the highlight of the residence, inducing innovated thinking, on May 31st at 24 degrees Taurus. Mercury sextiles Neptune, with creative flair and then enters whizzes into Gemini on June 3rd, making a conjunction with Jupiter the next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 Gemini on June 14th.
18.37 Venus at 20 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
20.13 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
21.34 The Moon enters Virgo
22.05 The Moon at zero Virgo waxing trine Mercury at zero Taurus
Six bodies now in Earth signs, 5 of them in Taurus. The current concentration of 'Taurus energy' is at its peak. Resolute determination, 'bull like' strength of will, no nonsense retention, unmovable energy all evident. Careful choices can be made with confidence and diligence right now. The energy is grounded and refined.
Lunar occultation of fixed star 37 Leo, observable from the UK approx 00.30 to 01.14. 37 Leonis Minoris is a bright giant star, visual magnitude is 4.71, easily visible from locations with dark skies, while it can be barely visible, or not visible at all, from skies affected by light pollution. 37 Leonis Minoris is a distant 473.84 light years from the Sun. Big, far away, old but vital.
01.42 The very slowly waxing Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
06.45 Venus at 21 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 29 Pisces
22.49 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing quincunx Mars at 12 Aries
Another day of intensely concentrated 'taurean energy'.
07.44 Mercury at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
09.49 The very slowly waxing post first quarter Moon at 18 Virgo opposition Saturn at 18 Pisces
16.01 Mars at 13 Aries waning semi-square Jupiter at 28 Taurus
19.01 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
19.16 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing trine Venus at 23 Taurus
20.54 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 23 Taurus
An eventful day is possibly on the cards.
00.01 Mercury at 3 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 18 Pisces
02.33 Mars at 13 Aries waning novile Uranus at 23 Taurus A dissociate Grand Trine is manifest 05.00 to 15.00 involving the Moon, the Sun and Pluto.
05.54 The very slowly waxing Moon at 28 Virgo trine The Sun at 28 Taurus
06.42 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing trine Jupiter at 28 Taurus
08.03 Mars at 14 Aries conjunction the lunar node The dissociate Grand Trine becomes a 'kite' as the Moon opposes Neptune
09.09 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.2 hours.
10.24 The Moon enters Libra. A little less 'Astrological Earth' is now in the current planetary complexion after the peaking intensity of 'earth' in the last few days. This lunar ingress starts a trend. By Sunday May 26th, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter will have moved from Taurus into Gemini. Much movement just ahead of us.
11.41 Venus conjunction Uranus at 23 Taurus
11.57 Closest conjunction Venus Uranus 0.45 degrees
14.32 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
18.29 The Moon at 4 Libra waxing quincunx Mercury at 4 Taurus
18.46 The Sun conjunction Jupiter at 28 Taurus
23.33 Mars at 14 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Taurus. The Sun enters Gemini tomorrow. Venus enters Gemini on Thursday and Jupiter enters Gemini late (GMT) next Saturday.
01.21 Venus at 24 Taurus waxing novile Mars at 14 Aries
13.40 The Moon at 13 Libra opposition her mean ascending node at 13 Aries
14.56 The slowly waxing (but accelerating) Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The slow procession to the Full Moon, on Thursday, in Sagittarius now begins in earnest.
15.49 The Moon at 15 Libra opposition Mars at 15 Aries.
The libran Moon drifts void of course for nearly a massive 31 hours. During this time she makes 5 quincunx aspects, including a finger of fate 'yod' pattern with Jupiter and Neptune, late Monday evening (GMT). Talk about 'disconnect'.
19.12 Mercury at 5 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 29 Pisces
22.46 The Sun at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
22.53 The Moon at 18 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 18 Pisces
This day starts with the Moon undergoing a 31 hour 'void of course' run in Libra.
09.43 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus
13.01 The Sun ingress Gemini and a new astrological month begins.
14.42 The Moon at 26 Libra waxing quincunx Venus at 26 Taurus
16.08 The Sun at zero Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 18 Pisces A yod is manifest 20.00 to 22.00 involving the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune.
20.12 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing quincunx Jupiter at 29 Taurus
21.30 The Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
22.36 The Moon enters Scorpio
23.24 The Moon at 0 Scorpio waxing quincunx The Sun at 0 GeminiSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at zero degrees Gemini. Jupiter, Uranus and Venus are in Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have exited the recent eclipse season after a Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra on Monday March 25th and a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on Monday April 8th 2024.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 30 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury entered Taurus on May 15th as a morning star just out of his shadow, fast moving and future orientated, joining the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in this sign. He is residing here for a brief 19 days. Mercury sextiles Saturn on May 28th, well organised and constructive thinking in evidence. Mercury is conjunct Uranus, the highlight of the residence, inducing innovated thinking, on May 31st at 24 degrees Taurus. Mercury sextiles Neptune, with creative flair and then 'whizzes' into Gemini on June 3rd, making a conjunction with Jupiter the next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 Gemini on June 14th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Morning star Venus entered Taurus April 29th, moving very fast and resides in Taurus for a very 'short and sweet' 24 days. She has a favourable residence here. Venus and Jupiter in Taurus is a' pleasure seeking' and 'material comforts' combination. On May 23rd Venus conjuncts Jupiter at 29 Taurus, adorned with gifts, she sextiles Neptune, unquestioning fantasy and then leaves Taurus for Gemini, all on that day.
Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces.
Mars entered Aries on May Eve April 30th, joining Chiron and the Lunar Node in this sign. Mars resides in his own sign for 41 days. Mars conjuncts Chiron on May 29th at 22 Aries. Mars leaves Aries for the sign Taurus on June 9th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter is direct in Taurus. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, residing there for a year. He then makes a momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini.
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antartica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
During the first few hours of the weird 31 hour 'void of course' Moon in Libra period, making 5 quincunx aspects, which started on Sunday May 19th at 15.49 GMT, Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash. Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian was also killed in the crash, along with six others.
The Iran chart has transitting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury this year. The country is in the midst of a fog of confusion, a bit like the helicopter whiched crashed in the mountains. Karma has indeed caught up with hard liner Ebrahim Raisi.
We are now in Gemini season. The taurean steadfastness of recent days has now given way to movement and transmission. Lunar prssures are rising.
02.34 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
14.19 The Moon at 8 Scorpio opposition Mercury at 8 Taurus
16.01 The Sun at 1 Gemini waxing semi-square Mars at 16 Aries
The Full Moon ahead peaks on Thursday at 13.54 GMT and will evoke and initiate a sudden surge of adventurous, brazen, even wanton energy. Following on after this event, Venus enters Gemini on Thursday and Jupiter enters Gemini, 'the great mutation' late (GMT) next Saturday.
Today the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Scorpio-a combination which penetrates surface issues, (then moves on). Quite an intense combination.
The Gemini Sun trines Pluto-a push for favourable change.
06.50 The heavily waxing Moon, full tomorrow, accelerating at 17 Scorpio waning quincunx Mars at 17 Aries
10.03 The Moon at 18 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 18 Pisces
13.42 Morning star Mercury at 9 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 29 Pisces
15.14 The Sun at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
15.19 Mercury at 10 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 18 Pisces
20.24 The Moon at 24 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 24 Taurus
The bubble has burst. The cup overflows. The tension of the last two days is released and we are suddenly exposed to a variety of 'electric' astrological energies.
Venus tightly aligns with Jupiter in very late Taurus. The climaxing Full Moon, Pluto, Neptune, Venus and Jupiter and the Sun are arrayed in 4 points of a hexagon. Venus and Jupiter are sextile Neptune. Venus enters Gemini. A 'full on' day is upon us.
07.07 The Moon at 29 Scorpio opposition Venus at 29 Taurus
07.14 The Moon at 29 Scorpio opposition Jupiter at 29 Taurus
07.29 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 57 mins.
08.10 Closest conjunction Venus Jupiter 0.18 degrees
08.26 The Moon enters Sagittarius
08.30 Venus conjunct Jupiter at 29 Taurus
10.51 Venus at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces
12.11 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
13.54 Moment of FULL MOON
The Full Moon peaks today at 13.54 GMT and evokes and initiates a sudden surge of adventurous, brazen, even wanton energy.
The Full Moon opposes Venus and Jupiter, sextile Pluto, trine Neptune.
At the exact moment of Full Moon, Mars culminates at New York, Pluto rises at Tokyo, Neptune culminates at New Orleans, Pluto sets at Washington DC, Pluto is at lower culmination 'under' Israel, Neptune sets over the UK, Venus and Jupiter are setting at Kabul.
Today's Full Moon is the 2nd Full Moon following on from the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 25th March and it is the 5th before a small Partial Lunar eclipse on Sept 18th at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune,(observable from the UK).
Today's Full Moon directly hits the Venus and Mars in the UK Tory Party chart, Joe Biden's and Lady Gaga's Ascendant, the Moons of North Korea, Giogia Meloni, and Oprah Winfrey, the Uranus of Kate Middleton (very tightly) and (perhaps very sadly) the Saturn of Princess Charlotte. It squares the UK Pluto and squares Rishi Sunak's Mars.
19.29 Mars at 18 Aries waning decile Uranus at 24 Taurus
20.32 Venus ingress Gemini joining the Sun in this sign.
Venus entered Gemini on May 23rd as a 'morning star' and resides a brief, flirtatious, casual, dual natured and variety loving 25 days in Gemini. She trines Pluto on May 25th, evoking the power of love's temptation and love's transformation. She is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 15 degrees Gemini on June 4th, a 'Full Venus', love's climax and fulfillment. Then as an 'evening star' She squares Saturn on June 8th, with inevitable disappointment and squares Neptune on June 17th, with bemusement, and enters Cancer on that day.
21.44 Jupiter at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces. A single hit evoking awe and wonder.
What a day!
General Election day in the UK is July 4th 2024. The UK chart at that time has transiting Mars (in Taurus) opposite natal UK Neptune and square UK Sun. The initial observation is one of national difficulty and conflict. However there is a New Moon on the day following the election, which may well reflect and symbolise 'a new government'. The New Moon chart set for London has Saturn exactly on the horizon at London and Neptune shortly to rise, there is maybe something more serious taking place, beyond the election, at that time. The New Moon applies square to Rishi Sunak's Pluto, it suggests a 'put down'. The election day itself is symbolically the 'old Moon dog end' of the passing cycle, within which the vision of the new change is revealed.
Rishi Sunak has transiting Neptune square his Venus later that month, which smacks of disappointment, and the whole period is coloured by his Uranus opposing his natal Uranus, his midlife crisis. As the results come in early morning of July 5th, transiting Mars is quincunx his progressed Pluto.
Keir Starmer (no exact birthtime) has Jupiter sextile his lunar node 2 days before the election, and he undergoes two further Jupiter transits in the following four days. Jupiter squares his Sun, and Jupiter squares his Pluto, natally he has the Sun and Pluto opposite Jupiter, it may well be that these aspects bestow a measure of power on him.
The Full Moon has climaxed and is now waning. Venus is now in Gemini. All is set for the ingress of Jupiter into Gemini late (GMT) tomorrow.
03.02 Venus at zero Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 18 Pisces
07.06 The waning full Moon accelerating at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mercury at 12 Taurus
09.04 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius trines her node from deep south of the equator.
16.24 Mars at 18 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 18 Pisces
18.30 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 18 Pisces
18.37 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning trine Mars at 18 Aries
04.22 The waning full Moon accelerating at 24 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus
11.17 Venus at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
14.48 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 50 mins
15.28 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 30 Taurus
15.37 The Moon enters Capricorn
18.31 Mercury at 15 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 30 Pisces
19.59 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning quincunx Venus at 2 Gemini
22.42 Mercury at 15 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
23.16 Jupiter enters Gemini. Jupiter leaves Taurus for the sign Gemini today May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He makes a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Wake up to Jupiter in Gemini. The Sun and Venus are are also in this sign. Mercury too joins them in 8 days time. Gemini is the 'talk of the town'. Fast moving higher frequencies, vibrant connections, multitasking and above all communication.
Before this Mercury is conjunct Uranus in Taurus on Thursday, more surprising announcements possibly. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini on June 4th. Mars saunters into Taurus on June 9th and is square Pluto on June 11th with potentially disastrous intent. This whole pre-solstice period however is dominated by a very upbeat 'swinging' Jupiter 'Air Trine' Pluto. This is fresh air, and represents a time to shrug off past encumbrances and jettison the baggage, so to speak. As I say, wake up.
This is a day to 'get on with it'.
01.06 The waning and accelerating full Moon at 5 Capricorn quincunx The Sun at 5 Gemini
15.03 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waning squares her node from deep south of the equator.
20.50 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning trine Mercury at 16 Taurus
00.34 The accelerating Moon at 19 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 18 Pisces
03.38 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning square Mars at 20 Aries
05.45 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
05.48 Mars at 20 Aries waning novile Jupiter at 0 Gemini
10.06 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 24 Taurus
20.03 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 43 mins.
20.46 The Moon ingress Aquarius joining Pluto in this sign.
21.33 The Moon at 0 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 0 Gemini
The Sun today is at 7 degrees Gemini. Venus and Jupiter are also in Gemini. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have exited the recent eclipse season.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 23 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury too joins the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini in 7 days time. Gemini is the 'talk of the town'. Fast moving higher frequencies, vibrant connections, multitasking and above all communication. Before this Mercury is conjunct Uranus in Taurus on Thursday, more surprising announcements possibly. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini on June 4th. Mars saunters into Taurus on June 9th and is square Pluto on June 11th with potentially disastrous intent. This whole pre-solstice period however is dominated by a very upbeat 'swinging' Jupiter 'Air Trine' Pluto. This is fresh air, and represents a time to shrug off past encumbrances and jettison the baggage.
Mercury entered Taurus on May 15th as a morning star just out of his shadow, fast moving and future orientated. He is residing here for a brief 19 days. Mercury sextiles Saturn tomorrow, well organised and constructive thinking in evidence. Mercury is conjunct Uranus, the highlight of the residence, inducing innovated thinking, on May 31st at 24 degrees Taurus. Mercury sextiles Neptune, with creative flair and then 'whizzes' into Gemini on June 3rd, making a conjunction with Jupiter the next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 Gemini on June 14th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Gemini on May 23rd as a 'morning star' and resides a brief, flirtatious, casual, dual natured and variety loving 25 days in Gemini. She is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 15 degrees Gemini on June 4th, a 'Full Venus', love's climax and fulfillment. Then as an 'evening star' she squares Saturn on June 8th, with inevitable disappointment and squares Neptune on June 17th, with bemusement, and enters Cancer on that day. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Aries on May Eve April 30th, joining Chiron and the Lunar Node in this sign. Mars resides in his own sign for 41 days. Mars leaves Aries for the sign Taurus on June 9th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He makes a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A pemumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. The next Full Moon is a 'standstill Full Moon' occurring on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus in Taurus on Friday and he makes a very close conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday June 4th. The former aspect induces shocks and surprises, the later opens up a wealth of communication opportunities. Overseeing this we have Jupiter trine Pluto, peaking on June 2nd, which has the potential to evoke grand scale events.
00.10 The disseminating and accelerating Moon conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.23 Mercury at 19 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
06.11 The Moon at 5 Aquarius waning trine Venus at 5 Gemini
09.23 Jupiter at 1 Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 19 Pisces
The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. Today's waxing quintile aspect is the last of 3 hits. Dates are Aug 31st 2023, Oct 16th 2023 and May 28th 2024. This aspect represents the capacity for bringing new qualities of global development into manifestation. It poses the question: 'to what use'?
09.55 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waning trine The Sun at 8 Gemini
19.20 The Moon at 13 Aquarius sextile the lunar node at 13 Aries
22.27 Mercury at 20 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
08.36 The rapidly disseminating Moon accelerating at 21 Aquarius waning square Mercury at 21 Taurus
10.08 Mars at 22 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.47 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waning sextile Mars at 22 Aries
12.12 Mercury at 21 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
12.35 The Sun at 9 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 19 Pisces
14.21 The Moon at 24 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 24 Taurus.
The moon is then void of course for 10.2 hours
15.06 Venus at 7 Gemini waxing semi-square Mars at 22 Aries
Two aspects applying today, Mercury is moving to a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus and the Moon applies to Saturn in Pisces, both conjunctions perfect tomorrow morning (GMT). Expect the unexpected and the following sobering consequences.
00.34 The rapidly waning Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
02.13 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 1 Gemini
11.54 Mercury at 23 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Mars at 23 Aries
14.44 The Moon at 8 Pisces waning square Venus at 8 Gemini
17.13 The Moon is at mutable Last Quarter
22.18 Venus at 9 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 19 Pisces
Transiting Mercury and Uranus are today on the Midheaven of Donald Trump's astrological chart.
05.55 Mercury conjunction Uranus at 24 Taurus
08.24 The rapidly waning and accelerating last quarter Moon conjunction Saturn at 19 Pisces
17.37 The Moon at 24 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus
19.20 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning sextile Mercury at 25 Taurus
02.50 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.72 degrees
02.55 The Moon at 30 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void
03.30 The Moon ingress Aries
05.58 The Moon at 1 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 1 Gemini
06.42 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.08 Mars at 24 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus
16.57 The Sun at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 30 Pisces
22.16 The Moon at 11 Aries waning sextile Venus at 11 Gemini
23.36 The Moon at 12 Aries waning sextile The Sun at 12 Gemini
Following on from the Mercury Uranus conjunction on Friday May 31st which coincided with the guilty verdict being passed on Donald Trump, (the conjunction was conjunct his natal Midheaven), we now move on to an even tighter conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter at 2 degrees Gemini on Tuesday morning (GMT). This conjunction directly hits Jo Biden's Uranus, Boris Johnson's Mars, Vladimir Putin's Moon and Palestine's (1988 chart) Jupiter. We are then ready for the New Moon, conjunct Venus, in Gemini on Thursday. Full steam ahead.
00.59 The Moon at 13 Aries conjunction the lunar node at 13 Aries
05.32 Mars at 25 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 19 Pisces
07.24 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
08.43 Venus at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 30 Pisces
19.22 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing sextile the lunar node at 13 Aries
22.04 The Moon at 25 Aries conjunction Mars at 25 Aries, moon void
00.12 Jupiter at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
02.27 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New moon now bgins in earnest.
03.58 Mercury at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces
04.43 Venus at 13 Gemini waxing sextile the lunar node at 13 Aries
05.57 The Moon ingress Taurus
07.38 Mercury ingress Gemini
09.05 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
18.12 Mercury at 1 Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 19 Pisces
23.23 Mars at 26 Aries waning decile Jupiter at 2 Gemini
06.13 Mercury at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.24 Mercury at 2 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 2 Gemini
10.33 Closest conjunction Mercry Jupiter 0.11 degrees
13.47 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
14.54 Mercury at 3 Gemini waxing decile Mars at 27 Aries
15.34 The Sun at 14 Gemini conjunction Venus at 14 Gemini
23.05 The Moon at 24 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 24 Taurus
Old Moon day.
08.09 The ancient Moon rapidly waning at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 29 mins
08.38 The Moon enters Gemini joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in this sign.
11.46 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
12.50 The Moon at 2 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 2 Gemini
16.47 The Moon at 5 Gemini conjunction Mercury at 5 Gemini
New Moon tomorrow.
06.09 The Moon at 13 Gemini sextiles her node at 13 Aries
12.38 Moment of NEW MOON
The New Moon is conjunct Venus square Saturn.
This New Moon is the 2nd following on from the Total Solar Eclipse (the North American Eclipse) on April 8th 2024 at 19 Aries, and the 4th before the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, at 18.45 GMT on Oct 2nd 2024.
Today's event occurs at a time with an astrological predominance of Air and Mutable energy. 5 bodies are in Gemini. This is a time of movement and change.
The New Moon directly hits the Sun of Mike Pence, and the Vatican, the Mercury (and Venus) of Jeremy Corbyn, the Venus of Venezuela, the Mars of Twitter, the Jupiter of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Uranus of Cher, Donald Trump and the country Jordan, the Neptune of the UK's Daily mail, and the Pluto of Saudi Arabia and Australia.
The New Moon squares the Uranus and Pluto of Bashar Assad, the Saturn of Benjamin Netanyahu, the MC of Turkey the Pluto of Kamala Harris. It sextiles Israel's Saturn and opposes the Neptune (trine Pluto) of Volodymyr Zelensky.
13.12 Venus at 17 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 2 Aquarius
13.37 The Moon conjunction Venus at 17 Gemini
17.20 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 19 Pisces
New Moon energy infuses the biosphere.
01.57 The Sun at 17 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.22 The infant Moon at 29 Gemini waxing sextile Mars at 29 Aries
12.16 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 27 mins
12.43 The Moon enters Cancer
15.55 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
15.59 Mercury at 9 Gemini waxing novile Mars at 29 Aries
17.49 Mercury at 9 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 19 Pisces
21.21 Mars at 29 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 19 Pisces
Challenging square aspects loom up ahead over the next week or so. The Sun and Venus square Saturn this weekend, resulting in hold ups and limitations. Mars squares Pluto on Tuesday, a potentially dangerous aspect. Mercury squares Saturn on Wednesday, logical scrutiny. Venus squares Neptune on Monday June 17th, tests of conviction.
08.26 Venus at 19 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 19 Pisces
11.01 The infant Moon decelerating at 12 Cancer squares her node from high north of the equator.
21.33 Mars at 30 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces
22.47 Venus at 20 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 30 Pisces
23.09 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
The Sun and Venus in Gemini are this weekend both square Saturn in Pisces. There is a harnessing and an application of will and value. It somehow relates to and fits that four hostages kidnapped from the Nova music festival on 7 October were rescued by the Israeli military but many people, including children, have been killed and injured in the area where the operation took place. Sweet and tragically bitter.
00.59 Morning star Mercury at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 30 Pisces
04.36 Mars enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. He straight away squares Pluto on Tuesday which is dangerous and potentially violent. The remainder of the residence however is more favourable. Mars is sextiled by Mercury on June 21st, mind and muscle in synch. Mars is sextiled by Venus on June 29th, a beautifully passionate aspect. Mars sextiles Saturn on July 5th, with positive industry. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
07.45 Mercury at 12 Gemini sextile the lunar node at 12 Aries
09.27 The young decelerating Moon at 25 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus
10.37 The Sun at 19 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 19 Pisces
19.06 The Moon at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 24 mins.
19.30 The Moon ingress Leo
A tight Fixed T-square is manifest 20.00 to 23.00 involving the Moon, Mars and Pluto. Watch out, watch out!
20.25 The Moon at zero Leo waxing square Mars at zero Taurus
22.51 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius
02.09 The young decelerating Moon at 4 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 4 Gemini
04.29 The Sun at 20 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 30 Pisces
04.35 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
18.58 The Moon at 12 Leo trines her node from north of the ecliptic.
The Sun today is at 20 degrees Gemini. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are also in Gemini. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the period between eclipse seasons. Three challenging square aspects are ahead of us over the next week. Mars squares Pluto tomorrow, a potentially dangerous aspect. Mercury squares Saturn on Wednesday, logical scrutiny. Venus squares Neptune on Monday June 17th, tests of conviction.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 10 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice. This whole pre-solstice period however is still dominated by a very upbeat 'swinging' Jupiter 'Air Trine' Pluto. This is fresh air, and represents a time to shrug off past encumbrances and jettison the baggage.
Mercury entered Gemini as a morning star on June 3rd, and resides in this sign for a fleeting 14 days. Mercury squares Saturn on June 12th, setting boundaries. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 Gemini on June 14th. This is a 'Full Mercury' and a climax of sorts of the universal mind which is really buzzing and humming with this residence. On June 17th Mercury squares Neptune, glamorising the day. He then enters Cancer on this day and is immediately conjunct Venus.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Gemini on May 23rd as a 'morning star' and resides a brief, flirtatious, casual, dual natured and variety loving 25 days in Gemini. She was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 15 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Now as an 'evening star' she squares Neptune on June 17th, with bemusement, and enters Cancer on that day. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Taurus on June 9th, joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. He straight away squares Pluto tomorrow which is dangerous and potentially violent. The remainder of the residence however is much more favourable. Mars is sextiled by Mercury on June 21st, mind and muscle in synch. Mars is sextiled by Venus on June 29th, a beautifully passionate aspect. Mars sextiles Saturn on July 5th, with positive industry. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. The next Full Moon is a 'standstill Full Moon' occurring on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Mars 'fixed square' Pluto today evokes dangerous energy.
Bend like the reed.
02.35 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 16 Leo waxing sextile Mercury at 16 Gemini
05.33 Mercury at 17 Gemini waxing semi-square Mars at 2 Taurus
08.15 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces
08.15 Mercury at 17 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 2 Aquarius
11.59 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing sextile The Sun at 21 Gemini
13.22 Mars at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
16.03 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing sextile Venus at 23 Gemini
18.50 Venus at 23 Gemini waxing septile Mars at 2 Taurus
19.17 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing square Uranus at 25 Taurus, moon void
Practical issues needing realistic solutions arise today as Mercury briefly squares Saturn. The Virgo Moon emphasises the detail and promotes careful choice. A couple of days of refinement and exactitude are upon us.
05.18 The waxing crescent Moon at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
05.40 The decelerating Moon enters Virgo
09.08 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.27 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing trine Mars at 2 Taurus
10.48 Mercury at 19 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 19 Pisces
13.50 The Moon at 4 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 4 Gemini
17.54 Mercury at 20 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 30 Pisces
Possibly a tough going day is upon us with the very slow painstaking Virgo Moon applying in an opposition to Saturn.
01.25 Venus at 25 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus
18.42 Venus at 26 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius A long drawn out mutable T-square is manifest 18.00(today) to 12.00(tomorrow) involving the Moon, the Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Venus. A big repair job needed.
20.19 The Moon decelerating towards her first quarter phase at 19 Virgo opposition Saturn at 19 Pisces
This day starts with crises, repairs and devils in details, and ends with social dramas.
03.52 The very slowly waxing Moon at 23 Virgo square Mercury at 23 Gemini
05.19 The Moon is at First Quarter
07.51 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 25 Taurus
11.14 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing square Venus at 27 Gemini
13.37 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
16.33 Superior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 24 Gemini A 'Full Mercury'. The universal mind's vibrant illumination.
An Air Grand Trine is manifest 18.00 to 04.00 GMT tomorrow involving the Moon in Libra, Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. It starts as a planetary kite as the Moon opposes Neptune. Social power plays arise as this night falls.
17.54 The Moon at 30 Virgo opposition Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 20 mins
18.14 The Moon enters Libra
21.40 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius
22.11 Mars at 4 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 19 Pisces
This weekend witnesses the application of Mercury to a conjunction with Venus, exact on Monday morning (GMT), at zero degrees Cancer. This conjunction can be a most merry meeting but this one is square Neptune which envelops us all in confused dilemmas and has with it the potential to conjure up important events.
01.41 Mercury, now an evening star, at 25 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus
03.09 The slowly waxing Moon accelerating at 4 Libra waxing quincunx Mars at 4 Taurus
03.44 The Moon at 5 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 5 Gemini
09.53 Mercury at 26 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
14.07 Mercury at 26 Gemini waxing septile Mars at 5 Taurus
14.17 The Sun at 25 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus
16.38 Mars at 5 Taurus waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 5 Gemini
Mars and Jupiter are conjunct at 17 degrees Gemini (square Saturn) on August 14th as a Mutable Grand Cross manifests in the sky. An astrologically eventful day is in store for us all on that day in 2 months time. Today's semi-sextile prepares the way.
18.39 The Moon at 12 Libra opposition the lunar node at 12 Aries
This weekend witnesses the application of Mercury to a conjunction with Venus, exact on Monday morning (GMT), at zero degrees Cancer. This conjunction can be a most merry meeting but this one is square Neptune and quincunx Pluto into Tuesday, which envelops us all in confused dilemmas and has with it the potential to conjure up testy crazy events.
What then ensues is a remarkable week as we approach the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice 20.53 GMT on Thursday. On Friday Mercury sextiles Mars with positive thought and action. Friday night is the Full Moon night.
The Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn occurs 28 hours after the moment of Solstice, an interlude of intense holy significance.
The Full Moon at 01.09 GMT Saturday is square Neptune. It is a challenging event with a well of confusion but offering great spiritual opportunity.
This Full Moon has extreme southerly declination because of the current Lunar Standstill. So there we have it Solstice, Full Moon, Lunar Standstill simultaneously occurring.
08.02 The Sun at 26 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
09.14 The very slowly waxing and accelerating Moon at 19 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces
20.46 The Moon at 25 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 25 Taurus
23.15 The Moon at 26 Libra waxing trine The Sun at 26 Gemini
A remarkable week is ahead of us as we approach the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice 20.53 GMT on Thursday. On Friday Mercury sextiles Mars with positive thought and action. Friday night is the Full Moon night. The Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn occurs 28 hours after the moment of Solstice, an interlude of intense holy significance.
The Full Moon at 01.09 GMT Saturday is square Neptune. It is a challenging event with a well of confusion but offering great spiritual opportunity.
This Full Moon has extreme southerly declination because of the current Lunar Standstill. So there we have it Solstice, Full Moon, Lunar Standstill simultaneously occurring.
03.07 Mars at 6 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 30 Pisces
03.47 Venus at 30 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 30 Pisces
06.06 The Moon at 30 Libra waxing trine Mercury at 30 Gemini
The Moon is void of course for 17 mins
06.22 Venus, now an evening star, enters Cancer. Venus resides in Cancer for a favourable but brief for 24 days. Venus is conjunct Mercury today. Venus sextiles Mars on June 29th. Venus trines Saturn on July 3rd. Venus sextiles Uranus on July 8th. Venus trines Neptune and leaves Cancer for Leo on July 11th.
06.23 The Moon at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
06.40 The Moon enters Scorpio
06.41 The Moon at zero Scorpio waxing trine Venus at zero Cancer
07.42 Mercury at 30 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 30 Pisces
09.09 Mercury, now an Evening star,enters Cancer joining Venus in this sign. He resides in this sign for a very brief and favourable 15 days. Mercury is conjunct Venus today. Mercury sextiles Mars on 21st June. Mercury trines Saturn June 26th. Mercury sextiles Uranus June 30th. Mercury trines a stationary Neptune and then enters Leo on July 2nd.
09.55 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius
10.47 Closest conjunction Mercury Venus 0.88 degrees
12.43 Mercury conjunction Venus at zero Cancer
17.02 The Moon at 5 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 5 Gemini
The Sun today is at 27 degrees Gemini. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are also in Gemini. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the period between eclipse seasons.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 3 days to the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Mercury entered Gemini as a morning star on June 3rd, and resides in this sign for a fleeting 14 days. Today Mercury squares Neptune, glamorising the day. He then enters Cancer on this day and is immediately conjunct Venus.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Gemini on May 23rd as a 'morning star' and resides a brief, flirtatious, casual, dual natured and variety loving 25 days in Gemini. She was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 15 degrees Gemini on June 4th. Now as an 'evening star' she squares Neptune today, with bemusement, and enters Cancer. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Taurus on June 9th, joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. Mars is sextiled by Mercury on June 21st, mind and muscle in synch. Mars is sextiled by Venus on June 29th, a beautifully passionate aspect. Mars sextiles Saturn on July 5th, with positive industry. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. The next Full Moon is a 'standstill Full Moon' occurring on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
03.14 Mercury at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.49 Venus at 1 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 25 Taurus
07.16 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Saturday's Full Moon now begins in earnest.
09.11 Mercury at 2 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 19 Pisces
14.13 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
20.19 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
01.08 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 19 Pisces
07.25 The Moon at 25 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 25 Taurus
14.15 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waxing quincunx The Sun at 29 Gemini
16.20 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void
16.33 The Moon enters Sagittarius
18.42 Mercury at 5 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 25 Taurus
19.33 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
22.41 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Venus at 3 Cancer
01.41 Mercury at 6 Cancer waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 6 Gemini
02.41 Mercury at 6 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
03.23 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 6 Gemini
03.40 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 6 Cancer
07.48 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mars at 8 Taurus
14.23 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 12 Aries
15.46 The Sun at 30 Gemini waxing septile Mars at 8 Taurus
18.13 The Sun at 30 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 30 Pisces
19.20 Mercury at 7 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 19 Pisces
20.53 The Sun ingress Cancer, joining Mercury and Venus in this sign. The moment of Solstice. In the north midsummer, in the south mid winter. The doors of incarnation stand wide open. The whirlpool of the past is unleashed.
Wishing all Daze Readers a very happy Solstice.
04.09 The almost Full Moon accelerating at 19 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 19 Pisces
13.18 Venus at 5 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 25 Taurus
14.45 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 25 Taurus
16.23 Mercury at 9 Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 9 Taurus
22.59 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 11 mins.
23.10 The Moon ingress Capricorn
The Moon is Full tonight.
00.41 Venus at 6 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
01.09 Moment of FULL MOON
The Full Moon is square Neptune. The Moon, Venus and the node are in Cardinal T-Square.
Today's Full Moon is the 3rd Full Moon following on from the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 25th March and it is the 3rd before a small Partial Lunar eclipse on Sept 18th at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune,(observable from the UK).
Today's Full Moon directly hits the Moon of Marine Le Penn, the Venus in the 1917 Russian chart, the Moon of South Korea, the Saturn of Germany and of Palestine, the Uranus of Poland, the Mercury of Kim Jon Un, the Neptune of Mark Zucheberg. It trines the Ukraine Sun, trines J.Biden's Moon, trines Keir Starmer's Uranus and sextiles Nigel Farage's Saturn.
At the moment of Full Moon it is Sunrise over the Caspian Sea, Sunset is at Detriot and Mexico City, Moonrise is over The Mississippi delta, Moonset is over The Baltic Sea, High Noon is over New Caledonia, True midnight is over The N.E. Atlantic, Venus sets at Atlanta(GA), Mars rises at London and at Paris. Venus rises at Moscow, Jupiter rises at Mogadishu, Mercury sets at New York.
05.03 Mercury at 10 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 25 Taurus
05.40 The Sun at 1 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 25 Taurus
09.57 Venus at 6 Cancer waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 6 Gemini
10.19 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 6 Gemini
10.21 The Moon at 6 Capricorn opposition Venus at 6 Cancer
12.01 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius
15.27 Mars at 10 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 30 Pisces
16.38 The Moon at 10 Capricorn waning trine Mars at 10 Taurus
19.25 The Moon at 12 Capricorn opposition Mercury at 12 Cancer
19.32 Mercury at 12 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius
05.29 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 19 Pisces
06.46 Venus at 7 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 19 Pisces
06.54 Mercury at 13 Cancer waxing decile Jupiter at 7 Gemini
09.02 The 'hung over' waning full Moon accelerating at 19 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
09.48 Mercury at 13 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
18.58 Mars at 11 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 19 Pisces
19.20 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 25 Taurus
03.06 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 10 mins.
03.16 The Moon enters Aquarius
05.51 The Moon at 2 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius
08.57 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waning quincunx The Sun at 3 Cancer
14.52 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 7 Gemini
19.00 The Moon at 9 Aquarius waning quincunx Venus at 9 Cancer
22.56 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waning sextiles node at 12 Aries
22.59 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waning square Mars at 12 Taurus
The Sun today is at 3 degrees Cancer. Mercury and Venus are also in Cancer. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the period between eclipse seasons.
All the planets except Pluto are currently direct in motion. There are 86 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury, now an evening star entered Cancer on June 17th joining Venus in this sign. He resides in this sign for a very brief and favourable 15 days. Mercury trines Saturn June 26th. Mercury sextiles Uranus June 30th. Mercury trines a stationary Neptune and then enters Leo on July 2nd.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, now an evening star, entered Cancer on June 17th. Venus resides in Cancer for a favourable but brief for 24 days. Venus sextiles Mars on June 29th. Venus trines Saturn on July 3rd. Venus sextiles Uranus on July 8th. Venus trines Neptune and leaves Cancer for Leo on July 11th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Taurus on June 9th, joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. Mars is sextiled by Venus on June 29th, a beautifully passionate aspect. Mars sextiles Saturn on July 5th, with positive industry. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn. The next Full Moon is a 'standstill Full Moon' occurring on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Back live.
More to follow.
07.28 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning quincunx Mercury at 17 Cancer
10.01 Mercury at 17 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 25 Taurus
12.16 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
12.38 Mercury at 17 Cancer waxing novile Jupiter at 7 Gemini
19.02 Venus at 10 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 25 Taurus
22.30 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 25 Taurus, moon void
23.40 Mercury at 18 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 30 Pisces
Emotional intelligence may manifest today as a result of Mercury and Saturn in 'water trine' aspect.
There are some favourable astrological ripples in the days ahead. For starters, Venus in Cancer sextiles Mars in Taurus late Friday/early Saturday (GMT), a 'gentle love sex' aspect. Then Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, late Saturday/early Sunday (GMT), a 'Eureka Moment' aspect,
06.09 The very rapidly disseminating Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune, in this sign. A profoundly emotional ambiance manifests in the following two days.
14.29 Venus at 11 Cancer waxing squares the lunar node at 11 Aries
14.30 Venus at 11 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
15.26 The Moon at 6 Pisces waning trine The Sun at 6 Cancer
15.44 The Sun at 6 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 26 Taurus
18.10 Mercury at 19 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
18.27 The Moon at 7 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 7 Gemini
21.41 The Sun at 6 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
02.34 The very rapidly waning Moon at 12 Pisces waning trine Venus at 12 Cancer
04.27 The Moon at 13 Pisces waning sextile Mars at 13 Taurus
11.46 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
14.58 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 19 Pisces
15.45 Closest conjunction Moon Saturn 0.21 degrees
16.06 Venus at 13 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
18.12 The Moon at 21 Pisces waning trine Mercury at 21 Cancer
The Moon will pass in front of Neptune, creating a lunar occultation visible from countries and territories including Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela amongst others. Although the occultation will only be visible across part of the world, because the Moon is so close to the Earth that its position in the sky varies by as much as two degrees across the world, a close conjunction between the pair will be more widely visible. The occultation will be visible from London. It will begin with the disappearance of Neptune behind the Moon at 10:46 BST, though in daylight. Its reappearance will be visible at 11:37 BST, though in daylight and at a low altitude of 7.6 degrees.
Extreme caution is necessary when pointing binoculars or telescopes at the sky when the Sun is above the horizon, as even a momentary glance at the Sun through such an instrument can cause permanent blindness.
Today's event is the 13th in the current monthly series of 21 Lunar Neptune Occultations.
01.23 The fast moving Moon decelerating at 26 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
08.45 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 9 mins
08.54 The Moon enters Aries
08.54 Venus at 14 Cancer waxing decile Jupiter at 8 GeminiLunar occultation of Neptune, centred on the UK approx 09.50 to 10.35
10.13 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.00 degrees
11.06 Mercury at 23 Cancer waxing semi-square Jupiter at 8 Gemini
11.19 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
15.46 The Sun at 7 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 19 Pisces
16.20 Mars at 14 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
21.54 The Moon at Last Quarter
22.04 The Moon at 8 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 8 Gemini
00.55 The Sun at 8 Cancer waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 8 Gemini
04.08 The rapidly waning and decelerating last quarter Moon conjunction her node at 11 Aries
04.50 Venus at 15 Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 15 Taurus
10.17 The Moon at 15 Aries waning square Venus at 15 Cancer
13.39 Mars at 15 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 30 Pisces
17.58 SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE. Saturn is retrograde from June 29 until Nov 15.
Sun in Scorpio Joe Biden has a very fixed astrological chart. He will not on his own relinquish his hold on power. His faltering and feeble debate performance two nights ago has revealed his inadequate suitability to continue in such a high office. The Democratic Convention is held Monday 19 Aug 2024 to Thurs 22 Aug 2024. There is a Full Moon square Uranus on the 19th. That Uranus is opposite Biden's natal Sun, a transit which forces changes in life's direction. If it doesn't affect him then, it will later on into 2025. At the same time of the convention Pluto squares his Taurus Moon. A new contender is required.
02.20 Evening star Mercury at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
04.57 The fast moving waning Moon at 26 Aries square Mercury at 26 Cancer.
The Moon is void of course for 7.1 hours
12.02 The Moon enters Taurus joining Mars and Uranus in this sign.
14.24 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
The Moon, Mars and Uranus are all in Taurus. Certainly a day to be grounded.
03.49 Venus at 17 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 26 Taurus
04.57 The waning and decelerating Moon at 10 Taurus sextile The Sun at 10 Cancer
15.00 Mercury at 28 Cancer waxing quintile Mars at 16 Taurus
16.20 The Moon conjunction Mars at 16 Taurus
18.43 The Moon at 18 Taurus waning sextile Venus at 18 Cancer
20.39 Venus at 18 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 30 Pisces
21.28 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
The Sun today is at 11 degrees Cancer. Mercury and Venus are also in Cancer. The Moon, Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, the next planetary event, a sudden bolt of forceful energy.
Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are midway between eclipse seasons.
Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. Neptune turns retrograde tomorrow. There are 79 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury, now an evening star entered Cancer on June 17th joining Venus in this sign. He resides in this sign for a very brief and favourable 15 days. Mercury trines a stationary Neptune and then enters Leo on July 2nd.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, now an evening star, entered Cancer on June 17th. Venus resides in Cancer for a favourable but brief for 24 days. Venus trines Saturn on July 3rd. Venus sextiles Uranus on July 8th. Venus trines Neptune and leaves Cancer for Leo on July 11th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Taurus on June 9th, joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. Mars sextiles Saturn on July 5th, with positive industry. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Venus is applying in water trine aspect to Saturn harnessing sincerity and obligation today.
03.59 The Sun at 11 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 26 Taurus
07.48 Venus at 19 Cancer waxing novile Jupiter at 9 Gemini
08.30 The old decelerating Moon conjunction Uranus at 26 Taurus
08.50 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Friday's New Moon in Cancer (a cherishing event) now begins in earnest.
11.07 Mercury at 30 Cancer waxing septile Jupiter at 9 Gemini
11.54 Mercury at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces
12.52 Mercury enters Leo as a fast moving evening star, and begins a rather troublesome residence in this sign.
Mercury opposes Pluto on July 3rd, a polarising and transforming change of mind. Mercury sextiles Jupiter on July 8th, regrouping. Mercury enters his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squares Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th.
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. He meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
13.39 The Sun at 11 Cancer waxing square the lunar node at 11 Aries
Mid point between eclipse seasons.
15.44 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing sextiles Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just 8 mins.
15.52 The Moon enters Gemini
16.17 The Moon at 0 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 0 Leo
18.11 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
18.19 The Sun at 11 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
01.42 Venus at 19 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
07.05 The balsamic decelerating Moon conjunction Jupiter at 9 Gemini
07.27 Mercury at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius
11.18 The Moon at 11 Gemini waxing sextiles her node from high north of the equator
It is General Election day in the UK. The UK chart has transiting Mars opposite natal Neptune and square natal Sun at this time. The initial observation is one of national difficulty and conflict. However there is a New Moon tomorrow which may well result in a new government. The New Moon chart set for London has Saturn exactly on the horizon at London and Neptune shortly to rise. The New Moon applies to Rishi Sunak's Pluto. Today is symbolically the old Moon 'dogend' of the passing cycle, within which the vision of the 'new change' is revealed. Rishi Sunak has transitting Neptune square his Venus later this month, which smacks of disapointment, and the whole period is coloured by his Uranus opposing his natal Uranus. As the results come in early tomorrow morning transiting Mars is quincunx his progressed Pluto. Keir Starmer (no exact birthtime) had Jupiter sextile his lunar node 2 days ago and he undergoes two further Jupiter transits in the following four days. Jupiter square his Sun, amd Jupiter square his Pluto. (Natally he has the Sun and Pluto opposite Jupiter).
01.58 The ancient Moon decelerating at 19 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 19 Pisces
06.43 The Sun at 13 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
20.44 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for just 9 mins.
20.53 The Moon enters Cancer joining the Sun and Venus in this sign.
23.12 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
The Moon is New tomorrow.
Mars is on the Moon/Saturn midpoint sextile both. 'Desire to overcome difficulties.'
03.39 Mercury at 4 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 19 Pisces
15.03 Mars at 19 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
16.45 The Moon at 11 Cancer squares her node from high north of the equator.
19.03 Mars at 19 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
22.58 Moment of NEW MOON
This New Moon is midway between the Total Solar Eclipse (the North American Eclipse) on April 8th 2024 at 19 Aries, and the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, at 18.45 GMT on Oct 2nd 2024.
The New Moon in Cancer is trine Saturn and applies in conjunction with Venus. Mars sextiles Saturn. This is a nurturing, nourishing, consolidating lunation. It is a welcome break.
The New Moon directly hits the USA Sun, George W Bush's Sun, Eric Clapton and Prince William's lunar node, Elon Musk's Mercury and David and Victoria Beckham's Saturn, and Kate Middleton's Sun. It opposes the Ukraine Neptune, squares King Charles' Neptune and China's Neptune and opposes V.Zelensky's Mercury.
At the exact moment of New Moon today it is Sunrise at Bangkok, Sunset at Lima, Moonrise at Bangkok, Moonset at Caracas, High Noon over The Cook islands, True midnight at Vienna, Mars rises at Stockholm and at Ankara, Saturn rises at London, Uranus rises at Kiev, Jupiter rises at Tehran.
The Keir Starmer Government chart set for 12.19 BST Friday July 5th 2024 as King Charles met with Starmer at Buckingham Palace.The Good, The Sun, ancient Moon and Venus in Cancer the 10th house, lots of water in the chart- a new change, good intentions, caring, careful. Jupiter in the 9th house- fortunate for education, overseas development. Saturn in the 6th house- fiscal restraint. Libra rising trine Pluto trine Jupiter- fresh starts. Mars sextile Saturn-constructive development and structure, a welcome contrast to the previous administration.
The Bad, Mercury opposite Pluto- subversive challenges, stubborn opposition, factional reactions.
The Ugly, Local Space Mars line passes through Moscow, Mars and Uranus in the 8th house, terrorist events and acts of God.
08.10 The New Infant Moon decelerating at 19 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
08.57 The Moon at 20 Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 20 Taurus
11.34 Jupiter at 9 Gemini waxing bi-novile (80 degree aspect) Saturn at 19 Pisces
The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. Today's waxing binovile aspect is a single hit. This aspect represents emergent new qualities of civil structure claiming a field for growth, a field of their own. A positive development. It precedes the first quarter square between these two gas giants, 3 hits, starting next month and running through the following 10 months.
16.28 The Moon conjunction Venus at 24 Cancer, sweet atonement.
20.24 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
03.46 The Sun at 16 Cancer waxing decile Jupiter at 10 Gemini
03.48 The 'new baby' Moon decelerating at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 9 mins.
03.57 The Moon enters Leo joining Mercury in this sign.
05.57 Venus at 25 Cancer waxing semi-square Jupiter at 10 Gemini
06.17 The Moon at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius
09.43 Mercury at 8 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 26 Taurus
20.24 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 9 Leo
22.19 The Moon at 10 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 10 Gemini
The week ahead witnesses the build up to Mars conjunction Uranus (and the fixed star Algol) which is exact one week from today on July 15h. Danger signs are already flashing.
Today however has favourable potentials with Mercury and Venus well aspected. Sun Cancer, Moon in Leo, a pleasant blend of care and creativity.
00.34 The young Moon decelerating at 11 Leo trines her node from north of the equator.
09.58 Mars at 21 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
11.05 Venus at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
14.27 Mercury at 10 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 10 Gemini
16.57 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces
21.19 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing square Mars at 22 Taurus
The Sun today is at 18 degrees Cancer. Venus is also in Cancer. The Moon and Mercury are in Leo. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, the next planetary event, a sudden bolt of forceful energy.
Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are past the midway pont between eclipse seasons.
Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 72 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign.
Mercury enters his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squares Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th.
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. He meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, now an evening star, entered Cancer on June 17th. Venus resides in Cancer for a favourable but brief for 24 days. Venus trines Saturn on July 3rd. Venus sextiles Uranus today July 8th. Venus trines Neptune and leaves Cancer for Leo on Thursday July 11th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Taurus on June 9th, joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
03.07 The Sun at 17 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 26 Taurus
05.54 Mercury at 11 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 11 Aries
06.04 The slowly waxing young Moon decelerating at 26 Leo waxing square Uranus at 26 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for 7.75 hours
13.38 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
13.49 The Moon enters Virgo
15.46 The Sun at 18 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 30 Pisces
16.09 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
19.54 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
Mars is conjunct Uranus and the fixed star Algol next Monday July 15th. Many astrologers indicate this as a dangerous, sinister and rare combination of planetary and Fixed Star energies. The last time such a conjunction took place was on March 1st 1942, and before that on May 6th 1857. The next one is on May 15th 2109. The 1942 event coincided with intense Japanese aggression in the 2nd World War. The 1857 event saw the first manifestation of Indian rebellion against British colonial rule.
Next Monday sees the start of the USA Republican Party National Convention. Several astrologers have pointed out that the conjunction is very close to the Taurus Midheaven in the astrological chart of Donald Trump. We watch proceedings with interest.
10.08 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 10 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 10 Gemini
15.17 Mercury at 13 Leo waxing bi-novile Mars at 23 Taurus
23.24 Mercury at 13 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 19 Pisces
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Two favourable 'trine' planetary aspects are manifest today. Expecting a positive day.
03.05 The Sun at 19 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
04.28 The slowly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 19 Virgo opposition Saturn at 19 Pisces
04.35 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing sextile The Sun at 19 Cancer
12.52 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing trine Mars at 23 Taurus
14.33 Venus at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces
16.20 Venus enters Leo as an evening star today July 11th, joining Mercury in this sign and residing there for a fleeting 25 days of mixed fortunes.
Venus opposes Pluto tomorrow, evoking compulsive responses. Venus sextiles Jupiter on July 21st, giving rise to generous and lavish potentials. She squares Uranus on August 2nd, with some tension. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on 5th August, and is conjunct retrograde Mercury on August 8th at 3 degrees Virgo.
18.21 The Moon at 26 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 26 Taurus
Venus in Leo opposes Pluto today, with will and compulsion. Her fierce loyalty is tested to the limit.
The ambivalent Libran Moon soothes the emotions, striving for equanimity and balance. The next two days are essentially social.
01.56 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon at 30 Virgo opposition Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 12 mins
02.08 The Moon enters Libra.
02.26 Mercury at 15 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 30 Pisces
03.15 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing sextile Venus at 1 Leo
04.25 The Moon at 1 Libra waning trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
A mystic rectangle is manifest 03.00 to 15.00 involving the Moon, Venus, Neptune and Pluto.
08.13 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
10.43 Jupiter at 11 Gemini sextiles the mean lunar node at 11 Aries.
12.30 The Sun at 21 Cancer waxing novile Jupiter at 11 Gemini
14.12 Venus at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius
23.42 The Moon at 11 Libra opposition her ascending node at 11 Aries
A day for sociality and poise. The ambivalent Libran Moon soothes the emotions.
01.41 Mercury 4 days from his pre-retrograde shadow at 16 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 26 Taurus
10.58 Venus at 2 Leo waxing septile Jupiter at 11 Gemini
12.19 The very slowly waxing Moon now accelerating at 17 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 17 Leo
17.16 The Moon at 19 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces
22.49 The Moon is at Cardinal First Quarter.
The Moon is void of course for just over 15 hours
05.36 The 'void of course' slow first quarter Moon accelerating at 25 Libra waxing quincunx Mars at 25 Taurus
07.25 The Moon at 26 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus
14.40 The Moon at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
14.54 The Moon enters Scorpio, setting the scene for the 'planetary/fixed star' event tomorrow. Emotional responses re-emerge over the remainder of today and over the next two days. A colourful ride is ahead of us.
A Fixed T-square is manifest 17.00 to 23.00 involving the Moon, Venus and Pluto. (Quite naughty)
17.02 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
22.55 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waxing square Venus at 4 Leo
Mars is conjunct Uranus and the fixed star Algol today. Many astrologers indicated this as a dangerous, sinister and rare combination of planetary and Fixed Star energies. The last time such a conjunction took place was on March 1st 1942, and before that on May 6th 1857. The next one is on May 15th 2109. The 1942 event coincided with intense Japanese aggression in the 2nd World War. The 1857 event saw the first manifestation of Indian rebellion against British colonial rule.
Today sees the start of the USA Republican Party National Convention. Several astrologers have pointed out that the conjunction is very close to the Taurus Midheaven in the astrological chart of Donald Trump. We certainly watched proceedings with interest yesterday.
03.01 Venus at 4 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 19 Pisces
08.57 Mercury at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces
13.15 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 11 Gemini
14.05 Mars conjunction Uranus at 26 Taurus
14.18 Closest conjunction Mars Uranus 0.53 degrees STATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 25 degrees Cancer. Mercury and Venus are in Leo. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars is conjunct Uranus and Algol today at 26 degrees Taurus a sudden bolt of forceful energy. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are past the midway pont between eclipse seasons. The Full Moon (again in Capricorn) occurs on Sunday and the Sun moves into Leo later that day.
Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 65 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign.
Mercury enters his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squares Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th.
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. He meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Leo on Thursday July 11th, joining Mercury in this sign and residing there for a fleeting 25 days of mixed fortunes. Venus sextiles Jupiter on July 21st, giving rise to generous and lavish potentials. She squares Uranus on August 2nd, with some tension. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on 5th August, and is conjunct retrograde Mercury on August 8th at 3 degrees Virgo.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Taurus on June 9th, joining Uranus in this sign. Mars resides in this sign for 41 days. Mars is conjunct Uranus on July 15th at 26 degrees Taurus, a sudden and possibly surprising bolt of forceful energy, the highlight of the residence. Mars is sextile Neptune on July 20th, 'faith and action'. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on July 20th. Mars in Taurus 'really gets stuck in'.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
04.45 The slowly waxing Moon accelerating at 19 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
07.00 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waxing square Mercury at 20 Leo
15.05 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waxing trine The Sun at 25 Cancer
18.00 to 20.30 The Moon is opposite Mars and Uranus. A challenging few hours.
18.31 The Moon at 26 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 26 Taurus
20.03 Mercury about to enter his pre-retrograe shadow at 21 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
20.06 The Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition Mars at 27 Taurus
Mercury enters his shadow today prior to his station on August 5th.
01.11 The Moon 'gaining in light and motion' at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 15 mins.
01.26 The Moon enters Sagittarius. The day 'opens up'.
03.20 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
A Fire Grand Trine is manifest 15.00 to 21.00 involving the Moon in Sagittarius, her node in Aries and Venus in Leo.
15.08 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waxing trine Venus at 7 Leo
20.46 The Moon at 10 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 10 Aries
21.34 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase
23.21 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 12 Gemini reactivating the Fire trine into a 'kite pattern'.
Lunar pressures are rising as the Full Moon approaches. It peaks on Sunday 10.18 (GMT) at the very end of Capricorn, and is conjunct Pluto, trine Mars and Uranus and sextile Neptune. This Full moon is a treasure trove of experiences.
A touch of inspiration is possible today from the Cancer Sun sextile Uranus aspect, to keep us all going.
12.50 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 19 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 19 Pisces
12.57 Jupiter at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 30 Pisces This is a single hit in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets. The current Jupiter Neptune cycle began on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. This was the very month that Russia invaded Ukraine. The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the time exceeded 500 million worldwide. Elon Musk reached an agreement to acquire the social media network Twitter.
The cycle reaches its first quarter phase on 19th June 2025, and it culminates with the opposition across Libra/Aries on 28th Sept 2028. The cycle ends in Aries on 24th March 2035. Jupiter-Neptune is the 'grand illusion'. It's cycle symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. This waxing quintile aspect represents the capacity for bringing new ideologies into concrete manifestation and usefulness.
13.00 Venus at 8 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 26 Taurus
14.01 The Sun at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
20.24 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waxing trine Mercury at 23 Leo
21.55 Mercury at 23 Leo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 19 Pisces
A tight and dangerous Yod is briefly manifest 01.00 to 03.00 involving the Moon, the Sun and Uranus, seriously high jinx at the Republican (circus) convention in the USA at the time.
The Democrats will find the new contender and all may be well.
01.57 The waxing gibbous Moon. 2 days from the 'treasure trove' full, accelerating at 26 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus
02.49 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 27 Cancer
03.55 The Sun at 27 Cancer waxing semi-square Jupiter at 12 Gemini
06.16 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mars at 29 Taurus
07.32 Mercury at 24 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 30 Pisces
07.59 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void for 16 mins.
08.15 The 'super standstill southerly' Moon enters Capricorn. The proverbial hits the fan.
11.51 Mercury now in his shadow at 24 Leo waxing quintile Jupiter at 12 Gemini
More to follow...
The 'treasure trove of experiences' Full Moon peaks tomorrow morning (GMT). A day to 'ready ourselves and prepare' is upon us.
Mars mercifully enters Gemini today. Before he does, he sextiles Neptune conjuring up phantasms, attractive but unreal propositions.
00.13 Venus at 10 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 10 Aries
02.06 The Moon squares the lunar node at 10 Aries from deep south of the equator. We have a very 'low yo-yo' Moon in the northern hemisphere'.
02.18 The Moon at 10 Capricorn waxing quincunx Venus at 10 Leo
05.30 The Moon at 12 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 12 Gemini
15.18 Mars at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces
17.16 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
20.45 Mars enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign. He will reside in this sign for 45 days. Mars trines Pluto on July 22nd invoking powerfully transformational activity. Mars sextiles the Sun on July 26th, with more thrusts of creative actions. Mars is conjunct Jupiter, the highlight of the residence, on Aug 14th at 17 degrees Gemini, a very eventful time. Mars squares Saturn on Aug 16th, dampening vibrations. Mars squares Venus on Aug 23rd, critical relationship issues arising. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on Aug 24th sparking rebuilds. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Cancer. The Sun enters Leo tomorrow. It is also the Full Moon day.
04.42 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mercury at 26 Leo
05.53 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
10.18 Moment of FULL MOONVenus sextile Jupiter.Mercury square Uranus.
Today's Full Moon is the 4th Full Moon following on from the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 25th March and it is the penultimate Full before a small Partial Lunar eclipse on Sept 18th at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune,(observable from the UK). The Full Moon is the 2nd one in Capricorn this year.
The Full Moon is conjunct Pluto, trine Mars and Uranus and sextile Neptune. This is treasure trove of experiences. Time for a holiday.
It directly hits the USA Pluto, the England (1066 chart) Venus, the Bit Coin Jupiter, the Germany chart Mercury, Palestine's Moon, Brasil's Moon, George Clooney's Saturn.
11.27 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 18 mins.
11.45 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Pluto in this sign.
12.29 The Moon at zero Aquarius waning trine Mars at zero Gemini
13.15 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius
Venus at 13 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 13 Gemini
22.22 Mercury at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus
US President Joe Biden has announced he is withdrawing from the race to be the next president, after mounting pressure from Democrats. He says his decision 'is in the best interest of my party and the country' but will stay on for the final six months of his term. Biden has endorsed Kamala Harris, the current vice-president, to be the new Democratic nominee. She has transiting Uranus conjunct her natal Jupiter 2024-2025. Is this enough to win her the top job?
00.05 Mercury in his shadow at 27 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
03.26 The Sun at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces
03.48 Mars at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
04.36 The rapidly waning full moon accelerating at 10 Aquarius sextiles her node at 10 Aries
04.45 Venus at 13 Leo waxing quintile Mars at 1 Gemini
06.33 Venus at 13 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 19 Pisces
07.46 The Sun enters Leo and a new astrological month begins.
07.53 Mars at 1 Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 19 Pisces
08.43 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 13 Gemini
09.40 The Moon at 13 Aquarius opposition Venus at 13 Leo
Lunar occultation of fixed star Kappa Capricorn, observable from the UK approx 23.59 to 00.46STATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at zero degrees Leo. Mercury and Venus are also in Leo. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are well past the midway pont between eclipse seasons.
Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 60 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign.
Mercury entered his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squared Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th.
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. He meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Leo on Thursday July 11th, joining Mercury in this sign and residing there for a fleeting 25 days of mixed fortunes. Venus squares Uranus on August 2nd, with some tension. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on 5th August, and is conjunct retrograde Mercury on August 8th at 3 degrees Virgo.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20th joining Jupiter in this sign. He resides in this sign for 45 days. Mars trines Pluto today invoking powerfully transformational activity. Mars sextiles the Sun on July 26th, with more thrusts of creative actions. Mars is conjunct Jupiter, the highlight of the residence, on Aug 14th at 17 degrees Gemini, a very eventful time. Mars squares Saturn on Aug 16th, dampening vibrations. Mars squares Venus on Aug 23rd, critical relationship issues arising. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on Aug 24th sparking rebuilds. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made a single momentous 'air trine' with Pluto on June 2nd 2024, which is very upbeat and is one of the optimistic hallmarks of 2024. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
A poorly aspected Moon invites challenges today.
05.38 The Sun at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 AquariusA dissociate T-square is manifest 07.00 to 17.00 involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Uranus.
07.47 The very rapidly waning full Moon at 27 Aquarius square Uranus at 27 Taurus
09.59 The Moon at 28 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 28 Leo.
The Moon is void of course for 3.5 hours
13.25 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
15.28 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning quincunx The Sun at 1 Leo
16.36 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning square Mars at 2 Gemini
17.38 Venus at 15 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 30 Pisces
The Moon in Pisces forms lunar occultations with Saturn, today, and with Neptune, tomorrow.
A couple of days to focus on the 'test of faith' conjunction of these two gas giant planets applying all next year and exact on Feb 20th 2026.
05.45 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
10.47 The very rapidly waning Moon at 13 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 13 Gemini
14.05 Mercury in his shadow at 29 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 19 Pisces
15.37 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning quincunx Venus at 16 Leo
17.53 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
20.12 Closest conjunction Moon Saturn 0.34 degrees
20.32 The Moon at 19 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 19 Pisces
05.35 Venus at 17 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 27 Taurus
09.20 The very rapdly disseminating Moon at 27 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
14.27 The Moon at 30 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 30 Leo
14.32 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.4 hours
14.54 The Moon ingress Aries
15.12 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.00 degrees
16.00 Mercury at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
16.14 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
20.29 The Moon at 3 Aries waning trine The Sun at 3 Leo
20.37 The Moon at 3 Aries waning sextile Mars at 3 Gemini
22.43 Mercury enters Virgo. (Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign.
Mercury entered his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squared Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead.) Mercury enters Virgo today July 25th.
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. He meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
The Sun and Moon are in Fire signs infusing our hours today with spirit.
02.33 The Sun at 4 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 4 Gemini
07.24 The rapidly disseminating Moon conjunction her ascending node at 10 Aries
08.41 The Sun at 4 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 19 Pisces
13.17 The Moon at 13 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 13 Gemini
22.15 The Moon at 19 Aries waning trine Venus at 19 Leo.
The Moon is void of course for just over 19 hours.
The waning Moon in Aries is void of course until 17.24 GMT
00.08 Venus at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces
00.50 Mercury in his shadow at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
11.23 The Sun at 5 Leo waxing septile Jupiter at 14 Gemini
17.24 The fast moving Moon decelerating towards her last quarter phase enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign
18.41 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
19.36 The Moon at 1 Taurus waning trine Mercury at 1 Virgo
The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Taurus- a day to play, to hold dear and to venerate.
01.43 The fast moving last quarter Moon decelerating at 19 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Pisces
06.45 The Moon at 22 Taurus waning square Venus at 22 Leo
15.48 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 27 Taurus
21.00 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 29 mins
21.29 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mars and Jupiter in this sign.
22.44 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
The Sun today is at 7 degrees Leo. Venus is also in Leo. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. (Mars is conjunct Jupiter, highly eventful, on Aug 14th). Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are well past the midway point between eclipse seasons.
Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 53 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury is a slow moving evening star in his shadow in Virgo and is 7 days from retrograde motion. (Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign. Mercury entered his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squared Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury entered Virgo on July 25th).
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. He meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Leo on Thursday July 11th and resides there for a fleeting 25 days of mixed fortunes. Venus squares Uranus on August 2nd, with some tension. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on 5th August, and is conjunct retrograde Mercury on August 8th at 3 degrees Virgo.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20th joining Jupiter in this sign. He resides in this sign for 45 days. Mars is conjunct Jupiter, the highlight of the residence, on Aug 14th at 17 degrees Gemini, a very eventful time. Mars squares Saturn on Aug 16th, dampening vibrations. Mars squares Venus on Aug 23rd, critical relationship issues arising. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on Aug 24th sparking rebuilds. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
A special day. The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Gemini which in itself holds warm hearted vivaciousness. Furthermore Mars and Jupiter are also in Gemini and the Moon conjuncts both planets today evoking a 'punchy' atmosphere with increasing vibrancy. A 'very buzzy' astrological ambiance is in store today, and to a lesser extent tomorrow.
02.01 The post Last Quarter Moon decelerating at 3 Gemini waning square a faltering Mercury at 3 Virgo
08.55 Venus at 23 Leo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 19 Pisces
09.02 The Moon conjunction Mars at 7 Gemini
11.16 The Moon at 8 Gemini waning sextile The Sun at 8 Leo
14.38 The Moon at 10 Gemini sextile her node from high north of the equator.
22.45 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 14 Gemini
23.39 Venus at 24 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 30 Pisces
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Mars is conjunct Jupiter on Aug 14th and this could well be the kick off for the Jupiter square Saturn transit.
Another 'busy and buzzy' day is in store.
06.42 The waning and decelerating Moon at 19 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 19 Pisces
13.34 The Sun at 9 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 27 Taurus
16.18 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to an 'astrologically fortunate' New Moon in Leo, on Sunday, sextile Jupiter, now begins in earnest.
17.34 The Moon at 25 Gemini waning sextile Venus at 25 Leo
Indeed August 2024 does look to be a challenging calendar month. However there is a benevolent New Moon this coming weekend.
02.47 The decelerating balsamic Moon at 30 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 34 mins
03.21 The Moon enters Cancer
04.32 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
08.22 The Sun at 10 Leo trines the lunar node at 10 Aries
09.44 The Moon at 4 Cancer waning sextile Mercury at 4 Virgo
20.53 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing squares her node at 10 Aries from high north of of the equator.
A close day (old moon in Cancer), with distortion and friction of changing values (Venus in Leo square Uranus).
03.09 Venus at 26 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
08.16 Mars at 9 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 19 Pisces
08.48 Venus at 27 Leo waxing quintile Jupiter at 15 Gemini
13.27 Venus at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus
13.33 The old balsamic Moon decelerating at 19 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 19 Pisces
Old Moon day.
05.18 The slowly fading ancient Moon at 27 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
07.52 Mercury, faltering as he approaches his station (on Monday) at 4 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
10.32 The Moon at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 39 mins.
11.11 The Moon enters Leo joining the Sun and Venus in this sign
12.19 The Moon at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius
17.17 Mars (just over 5 degrees from Jupiter and closing) at 9 Gemini waxing sextile the lunar node at 9 Aries
20.09 Venus at 28 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 18 Pisces
New Moon tomorrow.
Mars is 4 degrees from Jupiter in Gemini.
A yod is manifest for the next 5 days involving Neptune and Pluto both quincunx a conjunction of Mercury and Venus.
05.11 The Moon at 9 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 9 Aries
05.55 The Moon at 10 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 10 Gemini
07.42 The Sun at 12 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 18 Pisces
11.14 Moment of NEW MOON
The New Moon is sextile Jupiter.
This New Moon is the 4th following on from the Total Solar Eclipse (the North American Eclipse) on April 8th 2024 at 19 Aries, and the penultimate before the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, at 18.45 GMT on Oct 2nd 2024.
Today's New Moon in Leo has a fortunate potential being sextile Jupiter. It evokes optimism, graciousness majesty and issues decree. Lavish hospitality and generosity are to the fore. Venus is closing in on Mercury who turns retrograde tomorrow, this is a time for heart over head. Mars applies in his momentous conjunction with Jupiter, significant events are ahead. Jupiter applies square to Saturn. Uranus applies trine to Pluto, tiny hints of distant developments later this decade (2026-2028). Its all happening. Much eventfulness is ahead. Today's benevolent and regal lunation is a prep talk for the challenges ahead of us mid month including a troublesome Full Moon in two weeks time.
At the moment of New Moon today, it is Sunrise is at Minneapolis, Sunset at Ho Chi Min City, Moonrise is happening at El Dorado(AR) and Moonset is at Hong Kong. It is High Noon at Luanda and true midnight at Honolulu. Uranus sets exactly over Israel, hold tight. Mercury and Venus culminate at Kiev, changes on the cards. The Sun and Moon rise at Panama, set at Singapore's and culminate at Berlin. Mercury rises at Nova Scotia.
Today's New Moon directly hits Israel's Pluto, Egypt's Neptune, Gaza's Saturn, S.Korea's MC, Jamaica's Sun, India and Pakistan's Saturn and Pluto, B.Obama's Sun, Jinping's Moon, B.Clinton's Pluto, Meghan Markle's Sun, Madonna's Uranus, E.Macron's Mars, Cher's Mars, Lisa Nandy's Venus. The New Moon trines the Ukraine MC, squares Hammas' Mars, squares J.Biden's Mars, and squares Geoffrey Boycott's Jupiter Saturn conjunction. (Well wishes to you Sir).
16.01 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 15 Gemini
19.24 Venus at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
22.31 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 18 Pisces
New Moon energy abounds and with it there are critical changes in store from today. Mercury turns retrograde and is falling into the arms of Venus newly arrived in Virgo (and 'like a virgin'). The Moon too enters Virgo and a triple conjunction is manifest overnight tonight (GMT). A really curious twist of fate is at work.
02.25 Venus enters Virgo joining a stationary Mercury in this sign.
See below.
04 51 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE at 4 degrees Virgo. He remains retrograde until August 28th.
13.18 Venus at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
15.17 The slowly moving and decelerating new-born baby Moon at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for 6 hours
18.38 Venus at 1 Virgo waxing bi-novile Mars at 11 Gemini
20.33 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
21.18 The Moon enters Virgo joining retro-Mercury and Venus in this sign.
22.23 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
23.20 Closest conjunction Moon Venus 0.47 degrees
23.25 The Moon conjunction Venus at 1 Virgo
The Sun today is at 13 degrees Leo. By the end of today the Moon, retrograde Mercury and Venus will be in Virgo and 7 bodies will then be in mutable signs, conferring a 'shifting sands' quality on proceedings immediately ahead of us. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. (Mars is conjunct Jupiter, highly eventful, on Aug 14th). Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are well past the midway point between eclipse seasons with a beguiling partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept 18th approaching.
Mercury, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 47 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury is a slow moving evening star in his shadow in Virgo and begins retrograde motion today August 5th at 4 degrees Virgo. (Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign. Mercury entered his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squared Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury entered Virgo on July 25th).
Mercury meets Venus on Aug 8th at 3 degrees Virgo, an exacting and no-nonsense union, and he re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, enters Virgo today Aug 5th, and resides there for a fleeting but very dynamic and critical 24 days. Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury on Aug 8th at 4 degrees Virgo, an exacting razor sharp eventful day. Venus squares Jupiter and squares Saturn on Aug 19th, the day of the Full Moon and fraught with challenge and test. Venus squares Mars on Aug 23rd, invoking brittle disharmony. Venus trines Uranus on Aug 27th, with decisive originality. Venus opposes Neptune on Aug 28th, with a measure of confusion. Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra on Aug 29th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20th joining Jupiter in this sign. He resides in this sign for 45 days. Mars is conjunct Jupiter, the highlight of the residence, on Aug 14th at 17 degrees Gemini, a very eventful time. Mars squares Saturn on Aug 16th, dampening vibrations. Mars squares Venus on Aug 23rd, critical relationship issues arising. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on Aug 24th sparking rebuilds. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
05.20 The slowly waxing and decelerating infant Moon conjunction retro-Mercury at 4 Virgo
14.26 The Sun at 15 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 30 Pisces
20.16 The Moon at 12 Virgo waxing square Mars at 12 Gemini
22.32 Mars at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 30 Pisces
In the UK there has been violent disorder in towns and cities since last Tuesday (July 30th), the day after three young girls were killed in Southport-false claims on social media followed that someone who had arrived in the UK illegally was to blame.
Mercury who has just turned retrograde is hovering opposite the UK Pluto.
Retrograde Mercury has turned and is falling into Venus' arms, exact early (GMT) tomorrow. An eventful day is in store.
A mutable T-square is manifest today 04.00 to 10.00 involving the Moon, Jupiter and Pluto.
00.10 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. We are midway between Solstice and Equinox, a 'cross quarter day'. In the Northern Hemisphere late summer is underway. In the South it is the start of the season of 'stirring'.
04.09 The very slowly waxing infant Moon at 15 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 15 Gemini
09.45 The Moon at 18 Virgo opposition Saturn at 18 Pisces
10.27 Jupiter at 16 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 1 Aquarius
The current 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, symbolising 'power plays', started on Nov 12th 2020 in Capricorn. At that time we witnessed a worldwide rampant and escalating covid-19 virus, the appearance of vaccines and the US president refusing to concede electoral defeat. The cycle reached it first quarter square phase in May 2023, Russia and Belarus signed an agreement to station Russian tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. The cycle climaxes with the opposition across Leo/Aquarius in July 2026 and ends in Feb 2033 in Aquarius. Today's waxing sesuiquadrate is the first of 3 hits, the dates- Aug 7th 2024, Dec 13th 2024 and Apr 17th 2025. It evokes a driving force to overcome all obstacles on the road to the attainment of power structures. It engenders an irresistible will to succeed. Watch closely, the Jupiter Pluto cycle represents 'big time power shifts', this aspect is the start of the 'waxing gibbous phase' it represents a big push forward.
10.43 retro-Mercury at 4 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
13.37 The Sun at 16 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 16 Gemini shining a light of optimism amid the troubles of the time.
03.13 retro-Mercury conjunction Venus at 4 Virgo
The immediate effect of this conjunction, sometimes quite sharp, sometimes merry, will last up to the the next Full Moon on 19th Aug because of Mercury's slow retrograde motion. Protracted communication issues can be expected over this period. Simultaneously Mars is approaching Jupiter. Mars is conjunct Jupiter on Aug 14th at 17 degrees Gemini, a very eventful time is underway.
The UK 1801 chart is characterised by a Cardinal Grand Cross (Sun in Capricorn, Mid-heaven in Cancer, the nodal axis Aries/Libra and the ascendant and Uranus both in Libra), which is the powerhouse of the UK's dynamic energy, and which this summer seems turned on to the fabric of the country with a destructive quality. Currently this summer, the transiting lunar node is activating this cardinal cross from Aries, squaring the MC right now. The Solar Eclipse on October 3rd 2024 at 10 Libra is also hooked into the UK Cardinal Cross. Transiting Saturn has been square the 3rd house UK Mercury since April 2024 and lasts for 10 months, engendering a harsh frustration and lack of cohesion in the UK shared mind set. The UK progressed Moon (a Progressed New Moon in Leo in 2021, so still very new self absorbed energy) is now in late Virgo and applies to a conjunction with progressed Uranus in the UK 12th house, perfecting at the end of Feb 2025, and turning up the volume of self-destructive rebellion. This progressed Moon enters Libra in March 8th 2025. This phenomenon may have some time to run.
Today a planetary kite is manifest 03.00 to 10.00 involving the Moon, Uranus and Pluto, with Moon opposite Neptune.
03.27 The very slowly waxing infant Moon still decelerating at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
06.00 Venus at 4 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces
08.41 The Moon at 30 Virgo opposition Neptune at 30 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 52 mins
09.33 The Moon enters Libra
10.32 The Moon at zero Libra waning trine Pluto at zero Aquarius
12.29 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
01.33 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
02.52 The Sun at 17 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 27 Taurus
04.12 The Moon at 9 Libra opposition the lunar node at 9 Aries
11.40 retro-Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing bi-novile Mars at 13 Gemini
12.40 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing trine Mars at 13 Gemini
17.55 The Moon at 16 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 16 Gemini
21.45 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing sextile The Sun at 18 Leo.
The Moon then drifts void of course for nearly 25 hours
22.14 Venus at 6 Virgo waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 16 Gemini
22.25 The Moon at 18 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 18 Pisces
The Moon drifts void of course for most of this GMT day.
05.27 The Sun at 18 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 18 Pisces
08.27 Venus at 6 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
16.37 The Moon at 27 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
21.38 The Moon at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces
22.35 The Moon enters Scorpio
23.27 The Moon at 0 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 0 Aquarius
Mars is now within 2 degrees of Jupiter in Gemini. These two planets are conjunct next Wednesday, Aug 14th 2024 at 17 degrees Gemini. The last times these two bodies were conjunct in Gemini were March 11th 1989 and April 3rd 1942, May 18th 1906. The 1906 hit is interesting because the two planets were also square Saturn in Pisces,as is the case with the current hit. A similar pattern occurred Nov 29th 1170. This last date was around the time of the Thomas Becket and Henry 2nd of England event. We would expect the Mars/Jupiter/Gemini symbolism to produce events connected with transport and communication. The 1906 event preceded by 3 weeks the Launch of HMS Lusitania, the biggest ship in the world at the time, but was on the exact date that the alpine 'Simplon Railway Tunnel' was opened in Europe, the longest in the world at the time. The 1942 event heralded the start of the Holocaust in Europe, with the transportation of Jews to concentration camps, and the very day of the Bombing of Mandalay, and start of the Japanese onslaught on the USA. The 1989 event coincided to the day with the publication of the first proposed blueprint for the World Wide Web.
We may have to stand by and witness a possible historical event over the next week, it seems.
03.43 The vwey slowly waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 3 Scorpio waxing sextile retro-Mercury at 3 Virgo
14.41 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waxing sextile Venus at 8 Virgo
The major world event taking place as this 'astrologically important' week begins is that Ukrainian troops have advanced up to 30km inside Russia, in what has become the the deepest and most significant incursion since Moscow began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
04.49 The slowly waxing and accelerating Moon at 15 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 15 Gemini
07.15 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 16 Gemini
10.30 The Moon at 18 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 18 Pisces
15.15 The Sun at 20 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
15.19 The Moon is at First Quarter
16.26 Mars at 15 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 0 Aquarius
19.59 Venus at 9 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 29 PiscesSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 20 degrees Leo. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini conjunct on Wednesday. retro-Mercury and Venus are in Virgo. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the foothills of a new eclipse seasons with a beguiling partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept 18th approaching.
Mercury, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 40 days to the Libra Equinox.
The week ahead sees the build up to a dynamic and difficult Full Moon in Aquarius exact one week from today.
Mercury is a slow moving retrograde evening star in his shadow in Virgo who has been retrograde since August 5th. (Mercury entered Leo on July 2nd as a fast moving evening star, and began a rather troublesome residence in this sign. Mercury entered his shadow on July 17th, Mercury squared Uranus on July 21st, the first of three hits and setting the scene for a tense Mercury retrograde period ahead. Mercury entered Virgo on July 25th).
Mercury re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
August 5 to August 28, 2024
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Virgo Aug 5th, residing there for a fleeting but very dynamic and critical 24 days. Venus is in mutable T-square squaring Jupiter and Saturn on Aug 19th, the day of the Full Moon which is fraught with challenge and test. Venus squares Mars on Aug 23rd, invoking brittle disharmony. Venus trines Uranus on Aug 27th, with decisive originality. Venus opposes Neptune on Aug 28th, with a measure of confusion. Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra on Aug 29th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20th joining Jupiter in this sign. Mars is conjunct Jupiter, the highlight of the residence, on Aug 14th at 17 degrees Gemini, a very eventful time. Mars squares Saturn on Aug 16th, dampening vibrations. Mars squares Venus on Aug 23rd, critical relationship issues arising. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on Aug 24th sparking rebuilds. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He makes the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
Jupiter is soon to make 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The dates are August 19th 2024, December 24th 2024 and June 15th 2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto made his first foray into Aquarius (March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023). Pluto re-entered Aquarius a 2nd time on January 21st 2024. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044.
March 23rd 2023 to June 11th 2023
January 21st 2024 to September 1st 2024
November 19th 2024 to March 9th 2043
September 1st 2043 to January 19th 2044
Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
He entered Capricorn on Jan 26th 2008
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Mars is almost perfecting his conjunction with Jupiter.
A T-square is manifest 04.00 to 13.00 involving the Moon, retro-Mercury and Uranus.
04.24 The slowly accelerating first quarter Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 27 Taurus
05.00 Venus at 10 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 27 Taurus
Pluto is on the Moon/Neptune midpoint sextile both.
09.02 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for an hour
10.02 The Moon ingress Sagittarius
10.45 The Moon at 0 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
12.10 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waxing square Mercury at 1 Virgo
Mars is now conjunct Jupiter at 17 degrees Gemini. The last times these two bodies were conjunct in Gemini were March 11th 1989 and April 3rd 1942, May 18th 1906. The 1906 hit is interesting because the two planets were also square Saturn in Pisces,as is the case with the current hit. A similar pattern occurred Nov 29th 1170. This last date was around the time of the Thomas Becket and Henry 2nd of England event. We would expect the Mars/Jupiter/Gemini symbolism to produce events connected with transport and communication. The 1906 event preceded by 3 weeks the Launch of HMS Lusitania, the biggest ship in the world at the time, but was on the exact date that the alpine 'Simplon Railway Tunnel' was opened in Europe, the longest in the world at the time. The 1942 event heralded the start of the Holocaust in Europe, with the transportation of Jews to concentration camps, and the very day of the Bombing of Mandalay, and start of the Japanese onslaught on the USA. The 1989 event coincided to the day with the publication of the first proposed blueprint for the World Wide Web.
03.01 The Moon 'gaining in size and motion' at 9 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 9 Aries
07.34 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius waxing square Venus at 11 Virgo
10.05 The Sun at 22 Leo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 18 Pisces
13.04 Mercury at 0 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 0 Aquarius
14.55 Closest conjunction Mars Jupiter 0.30 degrees
15.22 Mars at 17 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 17 Gemini A tight mutable T-Square is manifest 17.00 to 20.00 involving the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn..
17.36 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 17 Gemini
17.41 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 17 Gemini
19.39 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 18 Pisces
It seems possible that the events in Kursk are fermenting the major world event we astrologers are expecting with Mars conjunct Jupiter. Ukraine says its forces are continuing their advance into Russian territory, moving forward in several directions. The Russian border region of Kursk came under a surprise attack last week, leading Russian authorities to declare a state of emergency in the area. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said troops had advanced 1-2 km further into Kursk since Wednesday morning, and had also captured 100 Russian soldiers. But Russia claims it has stopped any further advances. What will Putin do? What now happens?
Mars is applying strongly in square aspect to Saturn, exact tomorrow. Today sees the 'breaking pressure' intensify.
00.16 The waxing and accelerating Moon at 20 Sagittarius, attaining only very low altitudes in northern hemisphere skies, waning quincunx Mercury at 30 Leo
00.16 The Sun at 23 Leo waning quincunx retro-Mercury at 30 Leo
00.17 Retro-Mercury re-enters Leo, joining the Sun in this sign. Mercury re-enters Leo on August 15th, remaining there till September 9th.
Mercury square Uranus, for the 2nd time on Aug 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 19th at 27 Leo. Then as a morning star Mercury sextiles Mars on 24th Aug, an impetus for change. Mercury turns direct again on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
04.58 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waxing trine The Sun at 23 Leo
12.42 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
16.51 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces
16.53 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waxing trine Mercury at 29 Leo.
The Moon is void of course for an hour.
17.20 retro-Mercury at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
17.53 The Moon enters Capricorn
18.17 retro-Mercury at 29 Leo waxing quintile Mars at 17 Gemini
19.07 The Sun at 23 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 29 Pisces
Testing times ahead.
The Moon is now in Capricorn. The practical ramifications of the currently evolving mutable T-Square will be made clear as Venus tightens the orb over the next few days. At the heart of this event is Jupiter square Saturn which is very 'global society and government' based, and symbolises a serious challenge to power structures, but the involvement of Venus and Mars in the picture adds an intensely personal component, bringing it right to actions and values. Astrological pressure will increase as we approach the coming Full Moon on Monday. The Full Moon itself forms a Fixed T-square with Uranus suggesting a difficult even shocking experience lies in wait for us all. Safety belts tightly fastened.
05.31 Mars at 18 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 18 Pisces
08.03 retro-Mercury at 29 Leo waxing quintile Jupiter at 17 Gemini
09.26 The waxing Moon accelerating at 9 Capricorn squares her node from deep south of the equator, gaining only very little altitude in northern hemisphere skies.
09.51 The fast moving Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Monday's Full phase now begins in earnest.
19.09 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waxing trine Venus at 14 Virgo
23.45 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 17 Gemini
00.50 The fast moving waxing accelerating gibbous Moon at 18 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 18 Pisces
01.52 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 18 Gemini
10.47 Venus at 15 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 27 Taurus
13.25 Venus at 15 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 0 Aquarius
13.34 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waxing quincunx The Sun at 25 Leo
17.00 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
17.58 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mercury at 28 Leo
20.44 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 62 mins
21.46 The Moon ingress Aquarius, joing Pluto in this sign.
21.59 retro-Mercury at 28 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 18 Pisces
22.14 The Moon at 0 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 0 Aquarius
Lunar pressures are intense as probably the most powerful Full Moon of the year climaxes tomorrow.
09.47 retro-Mercury at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus2nd of three hits..jittery.
10.57 The Sun at 26 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
12.10 The fast moving, accelerating, almost full Moon at 9 Aquarius sextiles her node from south of the equator.
19.22 Mars at 19 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 29 Pisces
Lots going on!
01.59 Inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 27 Leo A 'New Mercury" and the start of a new chapter in te story.
02.05 The rapidly moving almost Full Moon accelerating at 17 Aquarius waxing quincunx Venus at 17 Virgo
02.22 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 17 Gemini
05.54 Venus at 17 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 17 Gemini
06.09 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 20 Gemini
08.30 Venus at 17 Virgo opposition Saturn at 17 Pisces A mutable T-Square is manifest 16.00 to 19.00 involving the Moon, Mercury and Uranus.
16.33 The Moon at 26 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 26 Leo
16.46 The Sun at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus
18.20 The Moon at 27 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 27 Taurus
18.26 Moment of FULL MOON, the Moon is then void of course for almost 4.5 hours
Today's Full Moon is the 5th Full Moon following on from the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 25th March and it is the ultimate before a small Partial Lunar eclipse on Sept 18th at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune,(observable from the UK). With its passing we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season.
TWO FIXED T-SQUARES manifest at this Full Moon. The Sun, Moon and Uranus. Also Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. This is one hell of a climatic lunation. Very powerful.
Today's Full Moon directly hits the natal sun of Hezbollah, the Moon of the USA, the ascendant of Benjamin Netanyahu (opposite his Mars, trine his Sun), Kamala Harris' well aspected Saturn, trine her Sun, sextile her Moon. It opposes the Mercury, Venus and Jupiter of Ukraine, the Mars of Israel, the Mars of Donald Trump.
At the exact moment of Full Moon it is Sunrise over The Lena delta. Sunset is happening at Algiers. Moonrise is at Salzburg. Moonset is over Tuvalu. It is High Noon at Minneapolis and True midnight at Kathmandu. Venus sets at Luanda. Pluto rises at London and at Rio and sets over Korea. Venus and Uranus straddle Washington DC. Mars and Jupiter straddle Iceland.
19.51 retro-Mercury, now technically a 'morning star' at 26 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
21.45 Jupiter squares Saturn. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
22.53 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Leo. The Sun enters Virgo tomorrow. This day is graced by lunar occultations of both Saturn and Neptune, all taking place in Pisces. This day of '2 occultations' has been a monthly event since March 2024 and extends every month to Feb 2025.
02.46 The rapidly waning full Moon conjunction Saturn at 17 Pisces
03.10 The Moon at 18 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 18 Gemini
Lunar occultation of Saturn, observable from the UK (and locations shown on the map below) approx 03.32 to 04.21
03.57 Closest conjunction Moon Saturn 0.00 degrees
05.06 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
06.45 The Moon at 20 Pisces opposition Venus at 20 Virgo
08.35 The Moon at 21 Pisces waning square Mars at 21 Gemini
14.15 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 25 Leo
18.33 The Moon at 27 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
21.29 The Sun at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
21.44 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.09 degrees
21.55 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 68 mins.
21.56 The Moon at 29 Pisces waning quincunx The Sun at 29 Leo
23.03 The Moon enters Aries
23.22 The Moon at 0 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
10.13 The Sun at 30 Leo waxing quintile Jupiter at 18 Gemini
12.42 The rapidly waning full Moon conjunction her node at 8 Aries
14.57 The Sun enters Virgo, joining Venus in this sign, and a new astrological month begins.
19.35 The Sun at 0 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 0 Aquarius
23.55 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
Well, we are in the astrological month of Virgo now. It's all down to brass tacks, implying a 'down to earth' and practical nature to the immediate days ahead of us. Mercury turns direct next Wednesday, which heralds 'onward progress', and there is a small partial lunar eclipse, quite beguiling being conjunct Neptune, in 26 days time which will inevitably 'jiggle things up'. Before both of these events we have a planetary Grand Trine from next week to the end of August involving Venus, Uranus and Pluto. This is potentially a rich experience of positive improvements.
03.21 Venus at 22 Virgo waxing square Mars at 22 Gemini
04.05 The fast moving disseminating and decelerating Moon at 18 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 18 Gemini
09.51 retro-Mercury at 23 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 29 Pisces
11.22 The Moon at 22 Aries waning sextile Mars at 22 Gemini
11.43 The Moon at 23 Aries waning quincunx Venus at 23 Virgo
12.45 The Moon at 23 Aries waning trine Mercury at 23 Leo.
The Moon is void of course for 11.3 hours
20.15 retro-morning star Mercury at 23 Leo waning semi-sextile evening star Venus at 23 Virgo
00.02 The rapidly disseminating and decelerating Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign.
00.17 The Moon at zero Taurus waxing square Pluto at 0 Aquarius
02.23 The Moon at 1 Taurus waning trine The Sun at 1 Virgo
04.31 retro-Mercury at 23 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 23 Gemini
This 'reserved' weekend continues. The planetary aspect now applying and shaping the remainder of August is Venus opposite Neptune which peaks on Wednesday and transforms a planetary grand trine (Venus, Uranus and Pluto), into a planetary kite. This final week of August has a different quality to the rest of the month just passed. After a rather dynamic tenseness there is now magic afoot.
04.47 The disseminating Moon decelerating at 17 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 17 Pisces
13.26 The Moon at 22 Taurus waning square Mercury at 22 Leo
19.04 The Moon at 25 Taurus waning trine Venus at 25 Virgo
22.16 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 27 Taurus
01.41 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.4 hours
03.06 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mars and Jupiter in this sign.
03.17 The Moon at zero Gemini waxing trine Pluto at zero Aquarius
Lunar occultation of fixed star Atlas (27 Taurus a double star, magnitude 4.5, intense white star.), observable from the UK approx 03.58 to 04.29
05.41 The Sun at 3 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces
06.49 Mars at 24 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
09.26 The Moon at Last Quarter
17.33 The Moon at 8 Gemini sextile her node from high north of the equator
The planetary aspect now applying and shaping the remainder of August is Venus opposite Neptune which peaks on Wednesday and transforms a planetary grand trine (Venus, Uranus and Pluto), into a planetary kite. This final week of August has a different quality to the rest of the month just passed. After a rather dynamic tenseness there is now magic afoot. In addition :-Mercury stations direct on Wednesday 28th Aug, invoking new progress, slow at first. Venus enters Libra on Thursday 29th Aug, ushering in grace, charm and beauty. Uranus stations and turns retrograde Sunday Sept 1st, turning the tides with 'chops and changes'. There is a New Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn square Jupiter, inducing effort, statespersonship and responsibility on Tuesday Sept 3rd. Mars enters Cancer Wednesday Sept 4th, evoking domestic enterprise. We will then be just 22 days from a lunar eclipse. As you may see there are many modulations, refinements and movements ahead.
The Sun today is at 3 degrees Virgo. Venus is also in Virgo. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season with a beguiling partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept 18th approaching.
Mercury, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are currently retrograde. There are 40 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Leo and has been retrograde since August 5th. Mercury turns direct on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Virgo Aug 5th, residing there for a fleeting but very dynamic and critical 24 days. Venus trines Uranus on Aug 27th, with decisive originality. Venus opposes Neptune on Aug 28th, with a measure of confusion. Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra on Aug 29th.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20th joining Jupiter in this sign. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding at the start of Aquarius but will re-enter Capricorn on Sept 1st for his last taste of capricorn. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
We are currently in the sway of Venus opposite Neptune peaking early tomorrow transforming a planetary grand trine (Venus, Uranus and Pluto), active all week, into a planetary kite. These last days of August 2024 could be quite special
Mercury stations direct on Wednesday 28th Aug, invoking new progress, slow at first. Venus enters Libra on Thursday 29th Aug, ushering in grace, charm and beauty. Uranus stations and turns retrograde Sunday Sept 1st, turning the tides with 'chops and changes', Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn the same day. There is a New Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn square Jupiter, inducing effort, statespersonship and responsibility on Tuesday Sept 3rd. Mars enters Cancer Wednesday Sept 4th, evoking domestic enterprise. We will then be just 14 days from a lunar eclipse. As you may see there are many modulations, refinements and movements ahead.
07.24 Venus at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
09.03 The last quarter Moon decelerating at 17 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 17 Pisces
The Moon in Gemini now makes conjunctions with Jupiter and Mars over the next 12 hours
11.51 The Moon gaining high altitudes in northern skies conjunction Jupiter at 18 Gemini
12.59 retro-Mercury almost stationary at 22 Leo waning decile Venus at 28 Virgo
17.18 The Moon at 22 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 21 Leo
A mutable T-Square is manifest 00.00 to 07.30 involving the Moon, Venus, and Neptune. (This is in addition to the ongoing Planetary Kite focussed on Venus opposite Neptune). All in all this is the day of Venus opposite Neptune. 'Venus opposite Neptune is the call to join our senses to something higher, to transcend, to see the eternal within the physical'. This day turns emotional and instinctive. Mentally there is absolute stillness as Mercury stations direct.
00.01 The decelerating last quarter Moon conjunction Mars at 25 Gemini
05.51 The Moon at 28 Gemini waning square Venus at 28 Virgo
07.14 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.6 hours
08.49 The Moon enters Cancer.
08.57 The Moon at zero Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at zero Aquarius
19.51 The Moon at 6 Cancer waning sextile The Sun at 6 Virgo
20.25 Venus at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces
21.57 The Sun at 6 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
23.48 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing square the lunar node at 8 Aries
13.24 Venus enters Libra. Venus resides here as an evening star for a brief 25 fairly smooth days. Venus 'Air Trines' Pluto today, invoking beauty and transformation. Venus trines Jupiter on Sept 15th bringing on luxury and opulence. Venus squares Pluto on 22nd Sept, touches of lasciviousness and enters Scorpio on Sept 23rd. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
14.32 Venus at 0 Libra waning trine Pluto at 0 Aquarius
15.58 The Moon waning and decelerating at 17 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 17 Pisces
Certainly there is complex planetary geometry manifest in the sky today during the hours that the old Moon transitions from Cancer to Leo 14.00 to 24.00 GMT. These are the hours to observe and be aware of.
02.18 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Monday's industrious New Moon in Virgo now begins in earnest.
11.54 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
15.25 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 1.8 hours
17.11 The Moon enters Leo joining Mercury in this sign.
17.14 The Moon at 0 Leo opposition Pluto at 0 Aquarius
20.11 The Moon at 2 Leo waning sextile Venus at 2 Libra
22.43 Mercury at 22 Leo waning novile Venus at 2 Libra
00.00 Venus at 2 Libra waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
07.53 Mars at 27 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
08.35 The old balsamic Moon decelerating at 8 Leo trines her node from north of the equator.
23.08 The Sun at 9 Virgo waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
Welcome to September. A partial lunar eclipse is just 18 days away. The Moon is New on Tuesday 3rd Sept.
01.19 The slow and old balsamic Moon decelerating at 17 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 17 Pisces
05.11 Jupiter at 19 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 29 Pisces This is the first of 3 hits in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets. Dates Sept 1st 2024, Dec 1st 2024 and 29th April 2025. The current Jupiter Neptune cycle began on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. This was the very month that Russia invaded Ukraine. The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the time exceeded 500 million worldwide. Elon Musk reached an agreement to acquire the social media network Twitter.
The cycle reaches its first quarter phase on 19th June 2025, and it culminates with the opposition across Libra/Aries on 28th Sept 2028. The cycle ends in Aries on 24th March 2035. Jupiter-Neptune is the 'grand illusion'. It's cycle symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. This waxing bi-novile aspect represents the emergence of new manifestations of illusion and stimulation claiming a field for growth. a field of their own.
06.11 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
12.37 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 22 Leo
13.11 URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE (till Jan 30th 2025)
19.11 PLUTO RE-ENTERS CAPRICORN (till Nov 19th 2024)
22.22 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus
Old Moon day.
Mars is applying in square aspect to Neptune, exact just after the New Moon tomorrow. Could be some 'brittle craziness' about later today.
00.26 The slow ancient Moon decelerating at 28 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 28 Gemini.
The Moon is void of course for 3.4 hours
01.53 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
02.16 The Sun at 10 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 27 Taurus
03.49 The Moon at 30 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
03.50 The Moon enters Virgo joining the Sun in this sign
16.53 Mercury now direct in motion at 23 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 29 Pisces
17.23 The Sun at 11 Virgo waxing quintile Mars at 29 Gemini
The Moon is New early tomorrow GMT.
There is a New Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn square Jupiter, inducing effort, statespersonship and responsibility, tomorrow, Tuesday Sept 3rd. Mars enters Cancer Wednesday Sept 4th, evoking domestic enterprise. We will then be just 10 days from a lunar eclipse.
The Sun today is at 10 degrees Virgo. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are now in a new eclipse season with a beguiling partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept 18th approaching.
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently retrograde. There are 33 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury is now a direct morning star in Leo. Mercury turned direct on Aug 28th at 21 Leo. Mercury squares Uranus a final time on Sept 7th. Mercury finally leaves Leo on September 9th, leaving his shadow two days later on Sept 11th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Libra on Aug 29th. Venus resides here for a brief 25 fairly smooth days. Venus trines Jupiter on Sept 15th bringing on luxury and opulence. Venus squares Pluto on 22nd Sept, touches of lasciviousness and enters Scorpio on Sept 23rd. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20th joining Jupiter in this sign. Mars squares Neptune, with nonsensical outcomes, on September 3rd. Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars is next retrograde from Dec 6th 2024 to Feb 24th 2025 being at opposition to the Sun at 26 degrees Cancer on Jan 16th 2025.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding and he re-entered Capricorn yesterday, Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
01.56 Moment of NEW MOON
Today's New Moon is quintile Mars opposite Saturn and is applying in wide square to Jupiter. Mars is square Neptune, mutability and Earth signs are predominant. The New Moon is square Mercury/Neptune midpoint. The quality of this New Moon is to engender duty, methodology, responsibility and effort (muscular and intellectual). Amid this fundamental tone of order, correct choice and discretion there is a counter vibration of confusion, befuddlement and at worst down right craziness needing to be kept at bay.
Today's New Moon is the 5th following on from the Total Solar Eclipse (the North American Eclipse) on April 8th 2024 at 19 Aries, and is the ultimate before the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, at 18.45 GMT on Oct 2nd 2024. With its passing we have truly and emphatically entered a new eclipse season, changes are indeed ahead.
At the exact moment of New Moon today it is Sunrise at Dubai. Moonrise is at at Murmansk. Moonset is at Phoenix(AZ). It is 'High Noon' at Sydney, True Midnight over The Azores. Neptune sets over K2 mountain. The Sun and Moon culminate at Sydney. The Sun and Moon rise over the Strait of Kumzar.
The New Moon directly hits the natal Sun of Libya, the Internet, Beyonce and Keir Starmer, the Moon of Madonna, and Elon Musk, Mars of Facebook and Australia, Jupiter of Ing Wen Tsai and the English Football Premiere League, the Uranus of Kenya and Michelle Obama, the Pluto of the Tim Walz generation, the south lunar node of Palestine.
The day that follows fills the biosphere with New Moon energy, a palpable resonance, tainted only by the 'moving craziness' of Mars square Neptune.
04.10 Mars at 29 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 29 Pisces
Chaos and confusion.
12.38 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition Saturn at 16 Pisces
13.40 Mars at 29 Gemini waxing bi-septile Saturn at 16 Pisces
18.12 Venus at 6 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 16 Pisces
18.35 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 19 Gemini
An Earth Grand Trine is manifest 10.00 to 16.07 involving the Moon in late Virgo, Uranus in late taurus and Pluto in late Capricorn.
A day revealing new potentials is possibly in store.
10.38 The very slowly waxing 'baby new' Moon at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
14.06 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces
14.56 Venus at 7 Libra waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
16.01 The Moon at 30 Virgo waxing square Mars at 30 Gemini
16.07 The Moon at 30 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 6 mins.
16.13 The Moon enters Libra joining Venus in this sign.
17.59 Mars at 30 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
19.48 Mars enters Cancer, and so begins a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the 1st time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
21.21 Venus at 8 Libra opposition the lunar node at 8 Aries
Mars is now in Cancer. (The homecoming). The Moon and Venus are conjunct in Libra.(Sweet dreams are made of this).
07.56 The very slowly waxing infant Moon at 8 Libra opposition her ascending node at 8 Aries
09.13 The Moon at conjunction Venus at 8 Libra
14.56 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
18.35 Morning star Mercury at 26 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
Smooth Moon in Libra vibrations the predominant influence today but Mercury is applying square to Uranus (for the 3rd time) attempting to upset applecarts.
We are 12 days from a slippery and beguiling Lunar eclipse.
01.12 The slowly waxing and and now accelerating infant Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 16 Pisces
06.11 Mercury at 26 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 16 Pisces
08.09 The Moon at 20 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 20 Gemini
23.11 The Moon at 27 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 27 Leo
23.43 The Moon at 27 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
We are in an eclipse season. A lunar eclipse is 11 days away, the time is important. An unsettling Mercury square Uranus accompanies the start of this day. This is followed by the Moon entering Scorpio colouring the remaining weekend with the characteristic 'rare vintage' of Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio, 'careful willfulness and refined taste'.
In addition the Sun is starting to form a mutable T-square with Saturn and Jupiter which dominates the next six days. The Sun opposite Saturn component is exact tomorrow and builds up all day today. There is a stark acknowledgement of current problems and issues. The immediate days ahead have serious 'matters of state' consequences. On Wednesday the first quarter Moon, then in Sagittarius, morphs the T-square into a mutable cross. Repentant thief issues.
01.12 The Sun at 15 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 30 Capricorn
03.04 The very slowly waxing young Moon accelerating at 29 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
04.22 Mercury at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus
05.09 The Moon at 30 Libra waning square Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 11 mins.
05.20 The Moon enters Scorpio
05.30 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
08.24 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 2 Cancer
09.12 The Sun at 15 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 27 Taurus
The Sun opposes Saturn. 'Stark reality' hits hard.
03.43 Venus at 12 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 16 Pisces
04.36 The Sun at 16 Virgo opposition Saturn at 16 Pisces
06.45 Venus at 12 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
10.52 Mercury at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces
13.21 Venus at 12 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 27 Taurus
13.38 The slowly waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 16 Pisces
14.30 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waxing sextile The Sun at 16 Virgo
21.20 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 20 Gemini
04.55 Mercury at 30 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
06.52 Mercury enters Virgo today Sept 9th. He resides here for 21 days as a direct morning star. Mercury after recent retrograde motion leaves his shadow on Sept 11th. Mercury sextiles Mars on Sept 12th. Mercury opposes Saturn on Sept 18th, the day of the lunar eclipse. Mercury squares Jupiter on Sept 21st. Mercury trines Uranus on Sept 24th. He opposes Neptune on Sept 25th. Mercury finally trines Pluto on Sept 26th and leaves Virgo for Libra on that day. This is a clear thinking period. Mercury is very happy in Virgo. All communications, decisions and interactions will have a 'firm grounding'. This is a no nonsense period.
11.59 The slowly waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 27 Taurus
15.08 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces
A 'yod' finger of fate is manifest 17.00 to 23.29 involving the Moon, Mars and Pluto.
17.12 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for just 10 mins.
17.27 The Moon ingress Sagittarius
18.50 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waxing square Mercury at 1 Virgo
23.29 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 3 Cancer
The Sun is currently in a mutable T-square with Saturn and Jupiter which dominates this week. The Sun opposite Saturn component was exact yesterday. The immediate days ahead have serious 'matters of state' consequences. On Wednesday the first quarter Moon, then in Sagittarius morphs the T-square into a mutable cross. 'Repentant thief' issues. The Sun today reaches 17 degrees Virgo. Jupiter is also in Gemini. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are now in a new eclipse season with a beguiling partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept 18th approaching.
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently retrograde. There are 13 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury is now a direct morning star in Virgo. See above.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Libra on Aug 29th. Venus resides here for a brief 25 fairly smooth days. Venus trines Jupiter on Sept 15th bringing on luxury and opulence. Venus squares Pluto on 22nd Sept, touches of lasciviousness and enters Scorpio on Sept 23rd. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th).
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding and he re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Today is a 'Moon in Sagittarius' day of movement and openness. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are arrayed in a strong mutable T-square evoking transitional affairs of state. All in in motion, all is moving. (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn,and Neptune all in mutable signs.)
05.19 Mars at 3 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 27 Taurus
08.00 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 7 Sagittarius trines her node from south of the equator.
15.51 Mercury at 2 Virgo waxing quintile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
22.49 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing sextile Venus at 15 Libra
Lots of lunar and planetary geometry going on right now. Really busy astrology underway.
A planetary yod is manifest today and tomorrow involving Mercury, Mars and Pluto.A Mutable T-Square is manifest 00.00 to 06.06 involving the Moon, the Sun and Saturn. (starting with the K.Harris v D.Trump debate).
00.03 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 16 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 16 Pisces
04.37 Mars at 4 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 16 PiscesA Mutable T-Square is manifest 06.00 to 08.08 involving the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter.
06.06 The Moon is at First Quarter Crisis in action.
08.08 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 20 Gemini
08.13 Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces
10.52 Venus at 16 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 16 Pisces
18.34 Mars at 4 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
21.29 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
Some real traction today with the Capricorn Moon waxing towards an eclipse..
We are now 6 days from a Partial Lunar Eclipse and 19 days from an Annular Solar Eclipse.
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is the first of three lunar eclipses in this sign over the next 2 years. It belongs to an essentially difficult Saros series, (see Sept 18th commentary). The eclipse is conjunct Neptune. This is a 'spiritually beguiling event'. It will increase the movement, changes and direction of the current confusing global situation. It deepens the mystery and accelerates the rate of change. We stand amid 'swirling energies and events' with this one. There will be much to learn and much to adapt to. Mercury opposite Saturn colours the event with serious deliberation, hard choices and sober communications. It will be difficult to 'pin down' the meaning and significance of the energy conjured up by the profound spiritual influence of this eclipse conjunct Neptune in Pisces.
The Solar Eclipse on Oct 2nd is conjunct Mercury and weakly square Mars. This eclipse occurs as all the personal planets are active. At this time the sky in dominated by a watery grand trine involving Venus, Mars and Saturn. This eclipse is all about harmonising relationships. This is the 'personal eclipse', and a wonderful opportunity to re-balance and reassess all your personal relationships. There is a predominance of cardinality, indicating opportunity to make progress with relationships by taking the initiative. There is a predominance of planets in water and air signs. This is a 'fizzy' vibration. The square to Mars adds a touch of aggravation and the eclipse opposes the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint so on the global scale there are 'power pushes' initiated with this event. You can however look forward to this eclipse.
00.21 The first quarter Moon gaining in motion, and only reaching low altitudes in northern skies, at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 2.3 hours
02.39 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. (Five bodies now in Earth signs. It's all down to brass tacks).
03.43 Mercury at 4 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 4 Cancer
10.39 Venus at 17 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
10.54 The Sun at 20 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 20 GeminiA Cardinal T-Square is manifest 10.30 to 16.00 involving the Moon, Mars and the lunar node.
10.57 The Moon at 5 Capricorn opposition Mars at 5 Cancer
11.37 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waxing trine Mercury at 5 Virgo
16.02 The Moon at 7 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 7 Aries
We are in a deepening eclipse season just 5 days from a partial lunar eclipse. Already some world events have a fateful and historical 'feel' to them. Notably a billionaire and an engineer yesterday became the first non-professional crew to perform one of the riskiest manoeuvres in space-a spacewalk. This event seems to signal a new surge in global space exploration. With Pluto making his 'parting shot sojourn' in Capricorn, finally settling into Aquarius on Nov 19th. We are seeing the final confrontation between the 'old order' (Capricorn) and the 'new vision' (Aquarius)'. Space exploration is the future, the final frontier, space faring is the destiny of the human race.
01.12 Mercury at 6 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
01.43 Venus at 18 Libra waxing bi-septile Mars at 5 Cancer
06.54 The Moon, very low in northern hemisphere skies, gaining in light and motion, at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 16 Pisces
11.31 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waxing square Venus at 18 Libra
15.03 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 20 Gemini
17.01 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waxing trine The Sun at 21 Virgo
20.31 Venus at 19 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 29 Pisces
We are 4 days from a beguiling partial lunar eclipse in Pisces.
Lunar and eclipse pressures are rising.
Venus in Libra is applying in a smooth and gracious air trine to Jupiter in Gemini, exact early (GMT) Sunday. Bountiful and beautiful, the very sweetest in the astrological treasure chest. Make someone's day. Talk love and make peace. (Or the other way round).
03.05 The rapidly waxing Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
05.41 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
07.35 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void for 10 mins.
07.55 The Moon enters Aquarius
17.15 Mercury at 9 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 29 Pisces
17.52 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 6 Cancer
20.10 The Moon at 7 Aquarius sextiles her node at 7 Aries
20.39 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase
23.22 The Moon at 9 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 9 Virgo
We are 3 days from a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces.
05.35 Venus at 20 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 20 Gemini
11.37 Mercury at 10 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 27 Taurus
16.58 Mercury at 10 Virgo waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 20 GeminiAn Air Grand Trine is manifest 18.00 to 19.10 involving the Moon, Venus and Jupiter.
18.06 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 20 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 20 Gemini
19.10 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waxing trine Venus at 21 Libra
Lunar occultation of fixed star Kappa Capricorn, observable from the UK approx 20.23 to 21.15
20.53 Venus at 21 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 27 Taurus
23.16 The Moon at 24 Aquarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 24 Virgo
Two days to the eclipse. Countries across Central and Eastern Europe are facing extreme flooding as Storm Boris wreaks havoc across the continent.
01.53 Venus at 21 Libra waning biquintile Saturn at 15 Pisces
05.05 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 27 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 27 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for 4.6 hours
09.41 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
15.44 Mercury at 12 Virgo waning novile Venus at 22 Libra
21.04 The Moon at 7 Pisces waning trine Mars at 7 Cancer
21.55 Mars at 7 Cancer waxing square the lunar node at 7 Aries
23.46 Mars at 7 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 27 TaurusSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 24 degrees Virgo. Mercury is also in Virgo. The Moon, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces. There is a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on Wednesday. Lunar pressures are intensifying. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries).
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently retrograde. There are 6 days to the Libra Equinox.
Mercury re-entered Virgo on Sept 9th. He resides here for 21 days as a direct morning star. Mercury after recent retrograde motion left his shadow on Sept 11th. Mercury opposes Saturn on Sept 18th, the day of the lunar eclipse. Mercury squares Jupiter on Sept 21st. Mercury trines Uranus on Sept 24th. He opposes Neptune on Sept 25th. Mercury finally trines Pluto on Sept 26th and leaves Virgo for Libra on that day. This is a clear thinking period. Mercury is very happy in Virgo. All communications, decisions and interactions will have a 'firm grounding'. This is a no nonsense period.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus, an evening star, entered Libra on Aug 29th. Venus resides here for a brief 25 fairly smooth days, however Venus squares Pluto on 22nd Sept with touches of lasciviousness and enters Scorpio on Sept 23rd. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual.
Jupiter in Gemini, squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding and he re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Sept 18th 2024. A small partial lunar eclipse at 26 Pisces conjunct Neptune, observable from the UK. 02.44 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America, 18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are in a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During the next 2 years we will observe extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger
We are in the final hours before a Partial Lunar Eclipse.
06.56 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 13 Pisces opposition Mercury at 13 Virgo
10.11 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 15 Pisces
10.46 Closest conjunction (from the UK) of the Moon and Saturn 0.04 degrees
18.31 The Moon at 21 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 21 Gemini
23.32 The Moon at 24 Pisces waxing quincunx Venus at 24 Libra
The Moon is Full tonight. The eclipse is about to begin.
00:41:02 Penumbral eclipse starts.
02:12:48 Umbral eclipse starts.
02.35 Moment of FULL MOON
03:15:35 Umbral eclipse end.
04:17:10 Penumbral eclipse ends.
Today's eclipse in Pisces is the first of three lunar eclipses in this sign over the next 2 years. It belongs to an essentially difficult Saros series, see below. Today's eclipse is conjunct Neptune. This is a 'spiritually beguiling event'. It will increase the movement, changes and direction of the current confusing global situation. It deepens the mystery and accelerates the rate of change. We stand amid 'swirling energies and events' with this one. There will be much to learn and much to adapt to. Mercury opposite Saturn colours the event with serious deliberation, hard choices and sober communications. It will be difficult to 'pin down' the meaning and significance of the energy conjured up by the profound spiritual influence of the eclipse. The Moon sextiles Uranus and Pluto which is fully focused on change and transformation. This eclipse will require adaptability.
Lunar Saros 118
Today's eclipse is number 52 of 74 eclipses belonging to Saros 118. This 'family of eclipses' started on March 2nd 1105 and ends on May 17th 2421 AD. The chart set for the moment of maximum eclipse of that first family member is shown above, (set for London). Interestingly the Virgo Pisces polarity of today's eclipse is there in reverse. The chart is tense. Mars applying to Uranus is opposite Jupiter, and square Neptune The recent eclipses in this Saros were on September 7th 2006, 27th August 1988, and August 17th 1970. The current eclipse is the 8th of 10 partial eclipses in the Saros series. Saros 118 is an old one. Its energy can be be wayward and destructive. Often important events, mostly of a difficult nature, but not all, have actually occurred on the exact date of lunar eclipses in this saros. The 2006 eclipse happened on the very day Tony Blair announced his intention to resign as UK Prime Minister. (7 days before this eclipse there was a key offensive by Nato troops against the Taliban, in Afghanistan). The worst 'Air Show Disaster' in history occurred the day after the 1988 eclipse in Germany. 70 were killed. The 1970 eclipse coincided exactly with the launch of the Vanera 7 probe to Venus. The 1952 eclipse coincided exactly with the treaty of Taipei between Japan and China. Hitler became Fuehrer of Germany 7 days after the 1934 eclipse. The First World War Battle of Delville Wood, with heavy causalities, happened on the exact day of the 1916 eclipse, and the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in the USA-Spanish war happened on the exact day of the 1898 eclipse.
Today's eclipse at 26 Pisces directly hits the Sun, Mercury and MC of the Netherlands, the Mercury and Mars of Iran, the Mars of Japan, the MC of the Afghan chart (2021), the MC of the FBI, the IC of the USA. It opposes Ukraine's Mars, squares Putin's Mars, Hammas' Uranus and Kamala Harris' nodal axis
At the exact moment of greatest eclipse Mercury rises and Saturn sets at Jerusalem, Ankara and Kiev.
With this eclipse we enter an 'astrologically hot' 8 days largely due to an Earth Grand Trine and kite involving the Sun in Virgo, (opposite Neptune), Uranus and Pluto, and a Venus/Neptune/ Uranus finger of fate.
02.35 Mercury at 15 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 30 Capricorn
04.54 The Moon at 27 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
07.11 The Moon at 29 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces
07.22 Mercury at 15 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 27 Taurus
07.35 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.00 degrees
08.51 Mercury at 15 Virgo opposition Saturn at 15 Pisces
09.03 The Moon at 30 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 23 mins
09.26 The Moon ingress Aries
10.27 Venus at 24 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces
13.28 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
20.29 The Moon at 7 Aries conjunction the lunar node at 7 Aries
22.28 The Moon at 8 Aries waning square Mars at 8 Cancer
In keeping with the characteristic 'event on the day of the eclipse' quality of yesterday's lunar eclipse, (see yesterday's comment re Lunar Saros 118), it seems that Mossad, the Israeli spy agency, targeted Hezbollah fighters carrying pagers, containing a few grams of military grade explosive, and exploded the pagers simultaneously across the country, killing 12 people, including two children, and injuring thousands. This was followed by a second wave of exploding walkie talkies, injuring thousands in Beirut. It seems a very nasty, mean and pointless exercise to me, which is bound to escalate tension in the area and increase the likelihood of more suffering with retaliatory actions. Poor show.
We are deep in the eclipse season now. We can expect more history in the making.
The 'post lunar eclipse' sky now has an 'Earth Grand Trine and kite involving the Sun in Virgo, (opposite Neptune), Uranus and Pluto which holds sway for at least 8 days, and includes for the first half of that period a Venus/Neptune/Uranus finger of fate. Neptune seems to be the common denominator. The current confused global situation continues to intensify, with a greater force for change and transformation. 'Peculiar relationship dynamics' and 'extreme sensitivity' may manifest on account of the finger of fate pattern. Interesting days immediately ahead. Today the Sun trines Uranus. 'Tales of the unexpected'.
12.57 The very rapidly waning full Moon now decelerating at 17 Aries waning quincunx Mercury at 17 Virgo
14.05 The Sun at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
18.12 The Moon at 21 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
A Cardinal T-square is manifest 03.00 to 08.39 involving the Moon, Venus and Pluto.
The Sun is applying in opposition to Neptune, exact early (GMT) tomorrow. Again this one adds to the current astrological emphasis on mutability and the resultant manifestation of 'swirling change'. The (Northern Hemisphere) Autumn Equinox is on Sunday.
03.14 The rapidly waning full Moon decelerating at 26 Aries opposition Venus at 26 Libra
05.26 The Moon at 28 Aries waning quincunx The Sun at 28 Virgo
07.02 Saturn at 15 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 27 Taurus This is the 2nd of 3 hits of this aspect, all in 2024, (Feb 7th, Sept 20th and Nov 27th )in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. The Saturn Uranus cycle in astrology represents the conflict between the establishment and the revolutionary. Times manifest when change is unavoidable. The current cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with the opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. (The 2021 last quarter phase induced drastic political, financial and social changes). Now we encounter the waning quintile aspect. This is an opportunity to 'contribute one's capacities and capabilities to the service of a revolutionary struggle. The service is one of peace making amid conflict. It can evoke a sharp spiritual awareness.
08.39 The Moon at 30 Aries waxing square Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 25 mins
09.04 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign.
17.37 Venus at 27 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
23.50 Venus at 27 Libra waxing tri-decile Mars at 9 Cancer
Israel's military said it has carried out a targeted strike on the Lebanese capital Beirut. Israel also says it has killed Hezbollah's operations commander Ibrahim Aqil in the attack, alongside other senior members of the group's elite Radwan unit. It is Israel's third strike on Beirut this year. Cross-border exchanges have escalated this eclipse week. Events feel to be spiraling, with the spectre of all-out war looming large.
These next 3 days see a 'Uranus sextile Neptune both quincunx Venus' finger of fate. This will inject more madness and confusion into world (and personal) events, if we are are not careful. It seems the current Earth Grand Trine, involving Uranus, Pluto and the Sun, and planetary Kite, (Sun opposite Neptune) are engendering war.
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Virgo. The Sun enters Libra tomorrow.
00.17 The Sun at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces
00.19 The rapidly waning Moon at 9 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 9 Cancer
07.28 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
08.50 Mercury at 21 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 21 Gemini
09.28 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 15 Pisces
13.32 Mars at 10 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 30 CapricornLunar occultation of fixed star Zeta Aries, observable from the UK approx 20.25 to 21.16
20.31 The Moon at 22 Taurus waning trine Mercury at 22 Virgo
20.54 Venus at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
00.01 Morning star Mercury at 22 Virgo waxing quintile Mars at 10 Cancer
05.30 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 27 Taurus energising the current planetary kite.
06.12 The Sun at 30 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn
07.51 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces
08.54 The Moon at 29 Taurus waning quincunx Venus at 29 Libra
09.58 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn
10.15 The Moon at 30 Taurus waning trine The Sun at 30 Virgo.
The Moon is void of course for 11 mins.
10.26 The Moon enters Gemini
12.45 The Sun crosses the equator and enters tropical Libra. A new astrological month begins. It is the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the first day of Spring in the south. Light and darkness are balanced world wide.
At the exact moment of equinox it is Sunrise at Denver Colorado, it is Sunset at New Delhi. Moonrise is at Ulan Bator. Moonset is at Asuncion. It is High Noon at Lisbon, and True Midnight over Vanuatu. Pluto exactly rises at Jerusalem (and of course Beirut).
The moment of equinox, and hence the 3 month period ahead, are coloured by a planetary kite focused on the Sun opposite Neptune, and a yod finger of fate, with Uranus sextile Pluto both quincunx Neptune. Venus is strongly square Pluto. Mutability, Air and Earth predominate the sky. No planet is in a Fire sign. The biosphere is impregnated with tangible resource, accompanied by degrees of chaos, movement,unsavoury alliances, (Venus square Pluto)and increased velocity of change. The analogy is akin to 'cold shifting sands'.
Despite difficult astrological vibrations I wish all Daze readers, new and old, a wholesome and fortunate Libran Equinox.
21.15 Venus at 30 Libra waning square Pluto at 30 Capricorn
22.00 The Moon at 7 Gemini sextiles her node from high north of the equator.
00.53 Venus at 30 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 15 Pisces
01.03 Mercury at 24 Virgo waning decile Venus at 30 Libra
02.38 Venus enters Scorpio. See below.
04.24 The Sun at 1 Libra waxing bi-novile Mars at 11 Cancer
11.59 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 15 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 15 Pisces
22.39 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 21 Gemini
The Sun today is at 1 degree Libra. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are deeply immersed in an eclipse season with an Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 Libra on Oct 2nd 2024. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently retrograde. There are 89 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury re-entered Virgo on Sept 9th. He resides here for 21 days as a direct morning star. Mercury after recent retrograde motion left his shadow on Sept 11th. Mercury trines Uranus on Sept 24th. He opposes Neptune on Sept 25th. Mercury finally trines Pluto on Sept 26th and leaves Virgo for Libra on that day. This is a clear thinking period. Mercury is very happy in Virgo. All communications, decisions and interactions will have a 'firm grounding'. This is a no nonsense period.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus enters Scorpio today Sept 23rd. She resides in this sign as an evening star for an 'emotionally intense' but brief 24 days. Venus forms a Watery Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars from the time of the Solar Eclipse on Oct 2nd, through Oct 4th (trine Saturn) to Oct 8th (trine Mars). This is the highlight of the residence and a period destined for the rejuvenation of love relationships. Venus opposes Uranus on Oct 14th, testing the metal. Venus trines Neptune on Oct 16th, with love's imagination. She finally sextiles Pluto, with transforming love energy on Oct 17th, entering Sagittarius later that day. With Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio and Sun and (soon) Mercury in Libra, promises, all in all, a time ripe for personal love experiences.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is next at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides there for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We have a hard hitting year ahead on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding and he re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America,18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger
Yesterday Lebanon's health ministry said that at least 492 people had been killed and more than 1,645 wounded in Israeli strikes, the deadliest day of the Israel-Hezbollah conflict since 2006. Israel says it is 'broadening' its strikes against Hezbollah as citizens in southern Lebanon have received phone messages warning them to leave places used by the Iran-backed group. We are immersed deeply in an eclipse fortnight. The Solar Eclipse on October 2nd is square the Lebanese Sun. This is an 'relationship focused' Annular Eclipse of the Sun in 8 days time. There are a triplet of 'fine tuning' Mercury aspects over the next three days. Mercury in late Virgo trines Uranus today, opposes Neptune tomorrow and trines Pluto on Thursday. All three aspects feed into the currently ongoing Earth Grand Trine and Planetary Kite. We are dealing with significant modulations and shifts in energy. There is continued movement and constant change right now.
04.53 Venus at 1 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 27 Taurus
08.14 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 26 Gemini waning square Mercury at 26 Virgo
08.24 Mars at 11 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 28 Pisces
12.00 The Moon, gaining very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies, at 28 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 2.9 hours
14.20 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
14.52 The Moon enters Cancer joining Mars in this sign. The timbre of the day becomes a little more instinctive and emotional than that of the last few days.
17.28 Mercury at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
18.31 The Moon at 2 Cancer waning trine Venus at 2 Scorpio
18.51 The Moon reaches her Cardinal Last Quarter phase
Seven days to the Annular Solar Eclipse.
Mercury now approaches the Sun (at Superior Conjunction next Monday) further energising the current planetary kite, overseeing serious global events. Mercury is opposite Neptune today spreading volleys of missile strikes and chaos. Hospitals in Lebanon are struggling to cope with the number of casualties following days of Israeli strikes. These are indeed cruel and confusing days.
The planetary kite has now been building up and holding sway for over 10 days and still has a few days to run. It is followed by a watery grand trine, and with it personal/relationship events, as the solar eclipse approaches. Right now, south of the equator, amateur astronomers are watching a comet that's just emerged from behind the sun. Soon, it will be the turn of observers in the Northern Hemisphere, but will Comet A3, also known as C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), really become one of the brightest comets visible in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 100 years, or even potentially visible in daylight during October? It is too early to tell, but we will soon get more clues when it becomes visible from the Northern Hemisphere later this week. Astrologically its coordinate is currently in mid Virgo.
03.00 The last quarter Moon decelerating at 7 Cancer waxing squares her node from far north of the equator.
11.07 Mercury at 28 Virgo opposition Neptune at 28 Pisces
11.28 The Sun at 3 Libra waning semi-sextile Venus at 3 Scorpio
12.40 The Moon conjunction Mars at 12 Cancer
16.49 Mars at 12 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 27 Taurus
17.52 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 15 Pisces
23.15 Saturn at 15 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 30 Capricorn The Saturn Pluto cycle correlates with the transformation of power structures, economic contraction, natural disasters, epidemics, and war. The cycle lasts 33-38 years. The current cycle started in late Capricorn on 12th Jan 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It reaches its first quarter crisis in 2028-2029 and arrives at its climax, Saturn opposition Pluto, across Leo/Aquarius in 2035-2036. The cycle completes in 2053-2054 in Pisces. Today's waxing semi-square aspect is one of three hits, dates May 6th 2024, Sept 26th 2024 and Jan 26th 2025. This aspect induces a pushing forward of power bases and the meeting with restriction, resulting is an emotional impact.
04.15 Mercury at 30 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn
08.10 Mercury enters Libra as a morning star joining the Sun in this sign and resides here for a brief 17 days. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun next Monday Sept 30th. Then as an evening star Mercury squares Mars on Oct 6th, Mind and muscle out of sync. Mercury air trines an almost stationary Jupiter in Gemini on Oct 8th. Mercury squares Pluto on Oct 13th. Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio some 5 hours later on Oct 13th. This is a period much suited to 'Mercury in Libra diplomacy', a much needed commodity at this time.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
12.56 The Sun at 4 Libra waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
16.30 Venus at 4 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 28 Pisces
17.03 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus
19.39 The Moon at 28 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 28 Pisces
22.13 The Moon at 30 Cancer opposition Pluto at 30 Capricorn. Forming a 'double kite' at this moment.
The Moon is void of course for 36 mins.
22.49 The Moon enters Leo
Sudan's army has launched a major offensive against the powerful paramilitary group it is fighting in the country's civil war, targeting areas in the capital it lost at the start of the conflict in April 2023. In dawn strikes on Thursday, government forces shelled Rapid Support Forces (RSF) bases in the capital Khartoum, and Bahri to its north.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday said the military would fight with full force in Lebanon after allies called for a 21-day ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel. Hezbollah hasn't commented. The Lebanese government says Israeli strikes have killed at least 28 people across the country on Thursday, with more than 550 killed since Monday.
The Annular Eclipse is next Wednesday and is conjunct Sudan's Saturn, conjunct Israel's Neptune and conjunct Lebanon's Venus and opposes Hezbollah's Venus and Mars conjunction.
'Smooth operator' couple of days ahead. Sun in Libra, Moon in Leo.
01.18 The decelerating last quarter Moon at 1 Leo waning sextile Mercury at 1 Libra
05.46 The Sun at 5 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 15 Pisces
07.51 The Moon at 5 Leo waning sextile The Sun at 5 Libra
08.48 The Moon at 5 Leo waning square Venus at 5 Scorpio
11.27 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 7 Aries
4 days to a Solar Eclipse.
The weekend at hand sees Mars in Cancer applying to Saturn in Pisces, exact on Monday. These two 'malefics' in these signs serve, at the very least, to 'harness' active energy, resulting in 'getting the house in order'. The Moon in Virgo from Sunday aids and abets this 'Autumn Clean' with method and efficiency.
Just clear out the clutter, materially and spiritually.
03.04 The slow old Moon decelerating at 15 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 15 Pisces
03.27 Venus at 6 Scorpio waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 21 Gemini
04.27 Mercury at 3 Libra waxing bi-novile Mars at 13 Cancer
13.01 Mercury at 4 Libra waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
15.49 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse now begins in earnest.
16.05 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
19.40 Venus at 7 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 27 Taurus
19.41 Mercury at 5 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 15 Pisces
3 days to an Annular Solar Eclipse. Mars is almost trine Saturn, exact tomorrow. A force field of protection and domesticity.
03.05 The Sun at 6 Libra opposition the lunar node at 6 Aries 'Centre marker' of the current eclipse season.
03.36 The old and slow balsamic Moon decelerating at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for hours 6.1 hours.
06.17 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
Finger of fate. Song of the ages.
09.04 The Moon at 30 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
09.43 The Moon enters Virgo. Methodology and refinement rule the roost.
21.24 Mercury at 6 Libra opposition the lunar node at 6 Aries
Deep in the eclipse season, just 2 days from an Annular Solar Eclipse.
A yod is manifest as this day starts involving the Moon, her node and Venus. Love dreams.
02.50 The slow ancient Moon decelerating at 9 Virgo waning sextile Venus at 9 Scorpio
04.07 Mars at 14 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 14 Pisces
14.39 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Saturn at 14 Pisces
15.12 The Moon at 15 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 15 Cancer
21.10 Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 8 Libra A 'Full Mercury'. A climax of the universal mind.
The Sun today is at 8 degrees Libra. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are deeply immersed in an eclipse season with an Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 Libra on Oct 2nd 2024. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently retrograde. There are 82 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury entered Libra as a morning star on Sept 26th joining the Sun in this sign residing here for a brief 17 days. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun today, Monday Sept 30th. Then as an evening star Mercury squares Mars on Oct 6th, Mind and muscle out of sync. Mercury air trines an almost stationary Jupiter in Gemini on Oct 8th. Mercury squares Pluto on Oct 13th. Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio some 5 hours later on Oct 13th. This is a period much suited to 'Mercury in Libra diplomacy', a much needed commodity at this time.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Scorpio on Sept 23rd, residing in this sign as an evening star for an 'emotionally intense' but brief 24 days. Venus forms a Watery Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars from the time of the Solar Eclipse on Oct 2nd, through Oct 4th (trine Saturn) to Oct 8th (trine Mars). This is the highlight of the residence and a period destined for the rejuvenation of love relationships. Venus opposes Uranus on Oct 14th, testing the metal. Venus trines Neptune on Oct 16th, with love's imagination. She finally sextiles Pluto, with transforming love energy on Oct 17th, entering Sagittarius later that day. With Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio and Sun and (soon) Mercury in Libra, promises, all in all, a time ripe for personal love experiences.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding and he re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Oct 2nd 2024. Annular solar eclipse at 10 Libra, conjunct Mercury, visible from the southern tip of south America,18.45 GMT
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Fen 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger
We are labouring through what has turned out to be a cruel eclipse season. We stand on the brink of an Annular Solar Eclipse, occurring tomorrow, after experiencing a Partial Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago. We also stand on the brink of Israel launching a limited ground incursion into Lebanon. Hezbollah's deputy leader says it's ready for an Israeli ground offensive, as Israel continues air strikes across Lebanon. In Lebanon, officials say more than 1,000 have been killed in the past two weeks, while up to a million people may now be displaced.
More than 50 rescue teams across North Carolina are working to reach people stranded by Hurricane Helene, which has washed entire communities 'off the map'.
Officials are having to airlift emergency supplies, including food and water, to certain areas in the state due to road closures, with local residents posting updates of their searches for loved ones online.
Despite dire news reports right now, October starts overseen by a benevolent 'Water Grand Trine' which is manifest over the next week involving Venus, Mars and Saturn. Some manifestation of 'humane activity' might be evident ahead.
01.16 Venus at 10 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
04.31 The very slow and ancient Moon decelerating at 21 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 21 Gemini
11.20 Mercury at 9 Libra waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 21 GeminiAn Earth Grand trine is manifest 16.00 to 21.40 involving the Moon, Uranus and Pluto.
16.01 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
18.43 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Neptune at 28 Pisces
21.40 The Moon at 30 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 41 mins.
21.55 Mercury at 10 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 14 Pisces
22.21 The Moon ingress Libra joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign.
22.57 The Sun at 9 Libra waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
Eclipse Day tomorrow.
Annular Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Libra visible from the southern tip of South America 18:45 GMT.
11.09 The Moon at 6 Libra opposition the lunar node at 6 Aries
16.25 The Sun at 10 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 14 Pisces
18.50 Moment of NEW MOON
Timings of the eclipse
Eclipse sequence starts 15:42:46
Greatest eclipse 18:44:51
Eclipse sequence ends 21:46:47
The Eclipse is conjunct Mercury, weakly square Mars. This eclipse occurs as all the personal planets are active. At this time the sky in dominated by a watery grand trine involving Venus, Mars and Saturn. This eclipse is all about harmonising relationships. This is the 'personal eclipse', and a wonderful opportunity to re balance and reassess all personal relationships. There is a predominance of cardinality, indicating opportunity to make moves to work on relationships, taking the initiative. There is a predominance of planets in water and air signs. This is a 'fizzy' vibration. The square to Mars adds a touch of aggravation and the eclipse opposes the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint so on the global scale there are 'power pushes' initiated with this event, but you can look forward to this eclipse.
The Annular Eclipse is conjunct South Sudan's Saturn, conjunct Israel's Neptune and conjunct Lebanon's Venus and opposes Hezbollah's Venus and Mars conjunction.
It also directly hits the Mercury of Benjamin Netanyyahu, the IC of Tim Walz, the Uranus of Elon Musk, the Mars and Node of Geoffrey Boycott. It squares the ascendant of Ukraine, squares the UK Sun, and sextiles D.Trump's Pluto.
At the exact moment of today's eclipse, Saturn culminates at Tehran, Mars sets at Washington DC and Pluto rises at Panama.
Today's eclipse belongs to a young Saros family which started in 1736. The most recent eclipses in the Saros were Sept 22nd 2006, 11th Sept. 1988, 31st Aug. 1970 and Aug 20th 1952, 10th Aug 1934, 30th July 1916, 18th July 1898, 7th July 1880. That first eclipse in the Saros in 1736 in Aries (chart above) formed a 'mystic rectangle' planetary picture with the heavy weights Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. A conjunction of Venus and Mercury in Pisces and a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius at that time adds to the 'spiritual and visionary' potential of this Saros. The chart has an Air Fire emphasis which is combustible, only one body (Saturn) is in Earth, so a lack of practicality is suggested, the Sun and Moon opposite Pluto and Uranus opposite Neptune all 4 coupled in a mystic rectangle offers great opportunity for humanitarian enterprises. The next eclipse in this Saros family, also in Libra, like today's, is on October 14th 2042.
Three days before the 2006 eclipse the Thai army overthrew the Government. On the exact day of the 1988 eclipse 'The singing revolution' took place in Estonia. The next day a Hurricane devastated Jamaica. One day after the 1970 eclipse an assassination attempt was made on King Hussein of Jordan. The 1952 eclipse was straddled by 2 Earthquakes, on almost a month before, 'The Kern County Quake' in California had a serious aftershock 2 days after the eclipse, there was a 7.5 magnitude quake in Tibet 2 days previous to the eclipse. The 1934 eclipse coincided with the powerful rise to power of Hitler. One day before the 1916 eclipse a lightening bolt ignited a forest in Canada, the Matheson Fire'. One day before the 1898 eclipse was the battle of Santiago Bay where the USA defeated Spain in Cuba.
19.41 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
20.28 Mercury at 12 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
22.22 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 12 Libra
23.10 Mercury at 12 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 27 Taurus
The eclipse has passed. No more eclipses until Friday March 14th 2025 when a Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo occurs, (visible at Moonset over the UK) peaking at 06.59 GMT, and this is followed on March 29th 2025 with a Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, (also visible from the UK), peaking at 10.47 GMT.
The refreshing airs of 'New Moon energy' blows through our spirits. This is a day to glide through.
A Water Grand trine is manifest for 5 more days involving Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. Firm emotional issues continue. Relationships the focus.
03.18 The new baby Moon very slowly waxing and accelerating at 14 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 14 Pisces
05.27 Mercury at 12 Libra waning semi-sextile Venus at 12 Scorpio
07.01 The Moon at 16 Libra waxing square Mars at 16 Cancer
13.04 Mars at 16 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 28 Pisces
17.41 The Moon at 21 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Gemini
22.10 Venus at 13 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 28 Pisces
Venus, now centre stage in Scorpio, forms water trines with Saturn today and with Mars next Tuesday. Intense undercurrents and deep passions colour relationship issues over the next 5 days.
A yod is manifest 04.00 to 07.00 involving Uranus and Neptune and focussed on the slow infant libran Moon.
04.57 The Moon at 27 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
06.47 Mercury at 14 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 14 Pisces
07.38 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
09.38 The Sun at 12 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
10.41 The Moon at 30 Libra waning square Pluto at 30 Capricorn>
The Moon is void of course for 43 mins.
11.24 The Moon enters Scorpio joining Venus in this sign.
13.34 The Sun at 12 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 27 Taurus
17.05 Venus at 14 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 14 Pisces
Moon and Venus in Scorpio weekend. Love needs, will and desire.
Mercury applying square to Mars, exact early GMT tomorrow, mind and muscle not quite in sync.
15.47 The slowly waxing infant Moon accelerating at 14 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 14 Pisces
16.44 Venus at 15 Scorpio waxing biquintile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
18.29 The Moon conjunction Venus at 15 Scorpio
19.50 Mercury at 17 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
22.28 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 17 Cancer
Yesterday, under a vengeful scorpio Moon, the Israeli military said it had killed 440 Hezbollah fighters since the start of the ground invasion into Lebanon. Hezbollah has not commented. More Israeli air strikes hit Beirut after the Israeli military warned people in a southern suburb to evacuate. Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel, the group said an air base near Haifa was among target, and so it continues.
06.20 The young Moon accelerating at 21 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 21 Gemini
06.37 Mercury at 18 Libra waxing square Mars at 18 Cancer
14.06 Mercury at 18 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 28 Pisces
17.10 The Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 27 Taurus
18.29 The Sun at 14 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 14 Pisces
19.47 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 28 Pisces
21.52 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase
22.53 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 43 mins
23.36 The Moon enters Sagittarius. Cosmic firecrackers ahead.
Sun in Libra, Moon in Sagittarius, for two days. An inflammable combination.
07.46 Mars at 18 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 27 Taurus
11.27 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 6 Sagittarius trines her node.
14.47 Venus at 18 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
16.20 Mercury at 20 Libra waning biquintile Saturn at 14 Pisces
19.01 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Libra. We enter the 'darkened way' which of course leads us, in a fortnight's time, to the astrological month of Scorpio.
The Sun today is at 15 degrees Libra. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and exact Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are starting to pull out of an eclipse season. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently retrograde. There are 75 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury entered Libra as a morning star on Sept 26th joining the Sun in this sign residing here for a brief 17 days. Mercury was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Sept 30th. Now as an evening star Mercury air trines an almost stationary Jupiter in Gemini on Oct 8th. Mercury squares Pluto on Oct 13th. Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio some 5 hours later on Oct 13th. This is a period much suited to 'Mercury in Libra diplomacy', a much needed commodity at this time.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Scorpio on Sept 23rd, residing in this sign as an evening star for an 'emotionally intense' but brief 24 days. Venus has been in a Watery Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars from the time of the Solar Eclipse on Oct 2nd, to Oct 8th. This is the highlight of the residence and a period destined for the rejuvenation of love relationships. Venus opposes Uranus on Oct 14th, testing the metal. Venus trines Neptune on Oct 16th, with love's imagination. She finally sextiles Pluto, with transforming love energy on Oct 17th, entering Sagittarius later that day. With Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio and Sun and (soon) Mercury in Libra, promises, all in all, a time ripe for personal love experiences.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turns retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto is retrograding and he re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stations direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Two fortunate planetary aspects and an optimistic Moon bless this day. Venus is trine Mars, and the gods made love. Mercury is trine Jupiter, fair words carried by warm winds. Jupiter stations retrograde tomorrow with unfinished symphonies.
02.51 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 14 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 14 Pisces
03.33 Mercury at 21 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 27 Taurus
05.49 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing sextile The Sun at 15 Libra
10.22 Venus at 19 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 19 Cancer
12.03 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 19 Cancer
12.23 Mercury at 21 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Gemini
17.10 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 21 Gemini
17.54 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mercury at 22 Libra
03.23 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 27 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
05.54 The Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 28 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for almost 3.8 hours.
06.57 Jupiter turns retrograde at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter turns direct on Feb 4th 2025 at 11 Gemini. He returns back to today's position on May 1st 2025 and goes on to ingress Cancer on June 9th 2025.
09.40 The Moon enters Capricorn, joining Pluto in this sign.
14.28 The Sun at 17 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
20.43 The Moon at 6 Capricorn squares her node, once again from high north of the equator.
22.48 Mercury at 24 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 28 Pisces
Sun in Libra, Moon in Capricorn. We are and I build.
11.17 The waxing and accelerating Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 14 Pisces
15.44 Venus at 21 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 21 GeminiA Cardinal T-square is manifest 16.00 to 22.30 involving the Moon in Capricorn, the Sun in Libra and Mars in Cancer.
18.56 The Moon at First Quarter
19.25 The Sun at 18 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 28 Pisces
21.06 PLUTO TURNS DIRECT. This is the last station of Pluto in Capricorn this time around. Pluto will now go on and enter Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and remain there till the year 2043. No going back on this one.
22.22 The Moon at 20 Capricorn opposition Mars at 20 Cancer.
A tight yod is manifest 01.00 to 02.00 involving the Moon, Venus and Jupiter. Rich dreams.
01.02 The first quarter Moon accelerating at 21 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 21 Gemini
01.58 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 22 Scorpio
09.36 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waxing square Mercury at 26 Libra
10.32 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 27 Taurus
12.55 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces
15.54 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 37 mins.
16.33 The Moon enters Aquarius and the weekend takes off.
A planetary yod is manifest for 12 hours involving the Mercury, Neptune and Uranus. Rich visions.
17.12 Mercury at 27 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus
02.42 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 6 Aquarius sextiles her node at 6 Aries
12.13 The Sun at 20 Libra waning biquintile Saturn at 14 Pisces
12.42 Mercury at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
23.06 Mercury at 29 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 14 Pisces
An Air Grand trine is manifest 03.00 to 05.30 involving the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter. Careful what you wish for.
03.40 The post first quarter Moon accelerating at 20 Aquarius waxing trine The Sun at 20 Libra
04.45 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 21 Cancer
05.23 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 21 Gemini
10.06 The Sun at 21 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 27 TaurusA Fixed T-square is manifest 11.00 to 14.15 involving the Moon, Venus and Uranus. Jolts and buffeting.
11.09 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 25 Scorpio
14.03 Mercury at 30 Libra waning square Pluto at 30 Capricorn
The word for this is 'manic'.
14.12 The Moon at 27 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 27 Taurus
The Moon is void of course for 5.8 hours
19.25 Mercury enters Scorpio, as an evening star, joining Venus in this sign. He resides here for a penetrating but very brief 21 days
Mercury trines Saturn on October 22nd with constructive insight. Mercury opposes Uranus on Oct 30th, brittle communications. Mercury trines Neptune on Nov 1st, perceptive insight. Mercury trines Mars and sextiles Pluto on Nov 2nd, 'will and reason'. Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on that same day Nov 2nd.
19.57 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
20.00 The Moon at 0 Pisces waxing trine Mercury at 0 Scorpio
23.09 Mars at 21 Cancer waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
Dynamic astrology today. The Moon, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces provide a receptive impressionable backdrop to distinct planetary agitation.
03.43 Venus at 26 Scorpio waning tri-decile Saturn at 14 Pisces
03.53 The Sun at 21 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Gemini
03.55 Venus at 26 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
06.30 The Moon gaining in light and motion reaches her waxing gibbous phase
07.44 Mercury at 1 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 27 Taurus
08.16 The Sun at 21 Libra waxing square Mars at 21 Cancer
18.09 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 14 Pisces
18.14 Closest conjunction Moon Saturn 0.60 degrees
22.23 Venus at 27 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 27 TaurusSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 22 degrees Libra. Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio. The Moon, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are starting to pull out of the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. There are 68 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. A potentially dangerous Full Moon in Aires climaxes this Thursday.
Mercury entered Scorpio on Oct 13th, as an evening star, joining Venus in this sign. He resides here for a penetrating but very brief 21 days
Mercury trines Saturn on October 22nd with constructive insight. Mercury opposes Uranus on Oct 30th, brittle communications. Mercury trines Neptune on Nov 1st, perceptive insight. Mercury trines Mars and sextiles Pluto on Nov 2nd, 'will and reason'. Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on that same day Nov 2nd.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Scorpio on Sept 23rd, residing in this sign as an evening star for an 'emotionally intense' but brief 24 days. Venus trines Neptune on Oct 16th, with love's imagination. She sextiles Pluto, with transforming love energy on Oct 17th, entering Sagittarius later that day.
Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and wil remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Lunar pressures are rising. The Full Moon climaxes on Thursday.
All day today Venus in Scorpio applies in water trine aspect to Neptune conferring potentially enchanting vibrations. Allow yourself to be won over.
06.38 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 21 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 21 Gemini
07.42 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning trine Mars at 22 Cancer
08.34 The Moon at 22 Pisces waxing quincunx The Sun at 22 Libra
15.00 The Moon at 27 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
16.29 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 27 Scorpio
16.54 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.21 degrees
17.10 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 28 Pisces
20.01 The Moon at 30 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 35 mins
20.36 The Moon enters Aries
00.50 Venus at 28 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 28 Pisces
02.22 The very rapidly waxing gibbous, almost full, Moon at 4 Aries quincunx Mercury at 4 Scorpio
05.24 Mercury at 4 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 28 Pisces
05.25 The Moon conjunction the lunar node at 6 Aries
10.35 The Sun at 24 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 28 Pisces
The Hunter's Super Moon is Full tonight.
A planetary yod is manifest from today, peaking on Oct 20th, involving the Sun, Uranus and Neptune.
00.47 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
06.10 The Moon at 21 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
08.45 The Moon at 23 Aries waning square Mars at 23 Cancer
10.40 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waxing bi-septile Mars at 23 Cancer
11.27 Moment of FULL MOON
Today's Full Moon is the first following on from the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 at 26 Pisces and the 5th before a Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo on Friday March 14th 2025, (visible at Moonset over the UK 06.59 GMT). Today's Full Moon in Aries forms a Cardinal Grand Square with the Sun, Mars and Pluto. Mars is applying in opposition to Pluto. There is an indubitable warlike overtone with this pattern. The Full Moon itself, in assertive Aires, is within 2 degrees of the Mars/Pluto midpoint. Also on the serious side, Saturn and Pluto are in semi-square aspect and are hooked (8th harmonic) into the lunar nodal axis. We have some serious astrological issues here.
To complement this, Venus, Mars and Neptune are fortunately arranged in a wide Water Grand Trine, and Venus is sextile Pluto, the Moon herself separates in trine aspect with Jupiter, all suggesting the arising of some optimism and of deep emotional responses and inspirations.
At the exact moment of Full Moon today it is Sunrise at Cape Canaveral(FL), Sunset at Dhaka, Moonrise over The Ganges delta and Moonset at Washington DC.
It is High Noon at Nimes and True midnight over Tonga. Jupiter culminates at Los Angeles and sets over The Malvinas. Uranus is at lower culmination 'under' Israel and Lebanon.
Today's Full Moon directly hits Syria's Mars, Iraq's Mars, and opposes the Mars of ISIS. It hits Israel's descendant and squares her MC, it squares B.Netanyahu's Jupiter and squares the Sun of Ayatollah Khamanei, opposes V.Putin's Mercury and squares the USA Mercury. It also squares D.Trump's Saturn and sextiles K.Harris' ascendant. It hits the MC of Giogia Meloni, Marine Le Penn's Saturn, Liz Truss' Jupiter and Lady Gaga's Venus.
12.31 Venus at 30 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
17.41 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 21 Gemini
19.27 The Moon at 30 Aries waxing square Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 34 mins.
19.30 Venus enters Sagittarius as an evening star. She resides there for a short and quite torrid 23 days. She squares Saturn on Oct 28th, with deals and doubts. Venus is opposite Jupiter with 'over the top' excesses on Nov 3rd. Venus squares Neptune on Nov 9th invoking degrees of chaos. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 11th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries.
20.01 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign
20.03 The Moon at 0 Taurus waxing quincunx Venus at 0 Sagittarius
20.47 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 26 Taurus
As the Full Moon has climaxed, the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, was killed in Gaza, by Israeli troops.
The US carried out 'precision strikes' against five weapons storage locations in areas of Yemen controlled by the Houthi movement.
The world moves on.
05.48 Venus at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Saturn at 13 Pisces
07.16 The 'hung over' waning and decelerating full Moon at 7 Taurus opposition Mercury at 7 Scorpio
17.13 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 13 Pisces
19.02 Venus at 1 Sagittarius waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
06.41 The Sun at 26 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus
10.00 The rapidly waning full Moon at 24 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 24 Cancer
14.11 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 26 Taurus
14.45 The Moon at 27 Taurus waning quincunx The Sun at 27 Libra
16.28 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces
19.34 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 35 mins.
20.09 The Moon enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign.
22.55 Mercury at 10 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
00.31 The waning Moon decelerating at 3 Gemini opposition Venus at 3 Sagittarius
04.56 The Moon at 5 Gemini waxing sextile the lunar node at 5 Aries
13.40 The Moon at 11 Gemini waning quincunx Mercury at 11 Scorpio
15.45 The Sun at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
17.22 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
18.08 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 13 Pisces
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra. The Sun enters Scorpio tomorrow.
The remaining days of October are overseen by Mars in Cancer applying in opposition to Pluto, exact on Nov 3rd. The 'difficult energy' associated with this aspect came into being at the time of last week's Full Moon. There are three Mars Pluto oppositions over the next 6 months. (Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking 'dominating power' and 'brutal transformation'. We are going to have to get used to it.
Over the next few days we will see the waning Moon attaining very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies due to the lunar standstill.
03.56 The Sun at 28 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 13 Pisces
07.25 The disseminating and decelerating Moon conjunction Jupiter at 21 Gemini
18.51 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 28 Pisces
21.01 The Moon at 29 Gemini waning trine The Sun at 29 Libra.
The Moon is void of course for 1.8 hours
22.15 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
22.51 The Moon enters Cancer joining Mars in this sign.
22.52 Mercury at 13 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 28 PiscesSTATE OF THE SKY:-
The Sun today is at 29 degrees Libra. The Sun enters Scorpio tomorrow. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are now pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. There are 61 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mars opposes Pluto on November 3rd, two days before the USA election.
Mercury entered Scorpio on Oct 13th, as an evening star. He resides here for a penetrating but very brief 21 days
Mercury trines Saturn on October 22nd with constructive insight. Mercury opposes Uranus on Oct 30th, brittle communications. Mercury trines Neptune on Nov 1st, perceptive insight. Mercury trines Mars and sextiles Pluto on Nov 2nd, 'will and reason'. Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on that same day Nov 2nd.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Sagittarius also as an evening star on October 17th. She resides there for a short and quite torrid 23 days. She squares Saturn on Oct 28th, with deals and doubts. Venus is opposite Jupiter with 'over the top' excesses on Nov 3rd. Venus squares Neptune on Nov 9th invoking degrees of chaos. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 11th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
This is a day that has the quality of a 'prelude to change'. Something is ending. The Sun is square Pluto and then plunges into Scorpio. Let go.
01.59 The Sun at 29 Libra waning decile Venus at 5 Sagittarius
02.44 Evening star Mercury at 13 Scorpio waxing tri-decile Mars at 25 Cancer
03.45 Morning star Venus at 5 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 5 Aries
06.36 Mercury at 13 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
08.04 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 5 Cancer squares her node gaining very high northern altitudes.
08.31 The Moon at 5 Cancer waning quincunx Venus at 5 Sagittarius
14.16 The Sun at 30 Libra waning square Pluto at 30 Capricorn
22.16 The Sun enters Scorpio and a new astrological month begins.
A Water Grand trine is manifest 22.00 to 00.30 involving the Moon, Mercury and Saturn.
22.18 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
The Sun is now in Scorpio, the Moon and Mars are conjunct in Cancer. Strong willed emotional energy infuses our spirits.
00.22 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 14 Cancer waning trine Mercury at 14 Scorpio
10.36 The Sun at zero Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 26 Taurus
11.15 Mercury at 15 Scorpio waxing biquintile Jupiter at 21 GeminiAn (almost) Fixed T-square is manifest 21.00 to 09.00 tomorrow involving the Moon, Mars, the Sun and Pluto.
21.21 The Moon conjunction Mars at 26 Cancer
22.17 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
Mars in Cancer is the dominant planetary player right now. He applies in opposition to Pluto, bringing great danger, exact Nov 3rd, but sextile Uranus early (GMT) tomorrow, invoking ingenious actions. We have a day today of no compromise with resolute instinctive activity.
01.01 The Moon decelerating to last quarter at 28 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 28 Pisces
04.48 The Moon at 30 Cancer opposition Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 38 mins
05.26 The Moon enters Leo
08.04 The Moon is at fixed Last QuarterA Fire Trine is manifest 16.00 to 21.44 involving the Moon, her node and Venus.
15.08 The Moon at 5 Leo trines her node at 5 Aries
15.33 Venus at 8 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
21.44 The Moon at 9 Leo waning trine Venus at 9 Sagittarius
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo, fixed and strong.
00.14 Mars at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus
06.17 Evening star Mercury at 18 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
06.28 The slow moving last quarter Moon decelerating at 13 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Pisces
16.42 The Moon at 18 Leo waning square Mercury at 18 Scorpio
18.53 Evening star Venus at 10 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 28 Pisces
21.43 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
08.04 The slowly waxing post last quarter Moon decelerating at 26 Leo waxing square Uranus at 26 Taurus.
The Moon is void for 7.75 hours
11.03 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
13.13 The Sun at 4 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 28 Pisces
15.11 The Moon at 30 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
15.47 Mars at 27 Cancer waxing decile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
15.49 The Moon enters Virgo. Detailed practical analysis and penetration to the heart of the matter.
23.55 The Moon at 4 Virgo waning sextile The Sun at 4 Scorpio
Waning Moon in Virgo yields a day of intense analysis and striving for perfection, or at least betterment. Mars is slowly applying opposition to Pluto, (increasing rumours of war, exact Nov 3rd), makes a trine aspect to Neptune tomorrow, colouring today with a search for sensation.
08.51 Evening star Mercury at 21 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 21 GeminiA Mutable T-square is manifest 15.00 to 18.00 involving the Moon, Venus and Saturn.
15.40 The slowly waxing Moon decelerating at 12 Virgo waning square Venus at 12 Sagittarius
17.57 The Moon at 13 Virgo opposition Saturn at 13 Pisces
A curious day is in store. A note of seriousness sounds out with Venus squaring Saturn complemented with the 'sensation seeking' Mars trine Neptune. The day becomes complicated.
02.10 Venus at 12 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 27 Cancer
09.01 The slowly waning and decelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon in Scorpio, (Friday 12.43 GMT), now begins in earnest.
09.38 The Moon at 21 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 21 Gemini
12.31 Mars at 28 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 28 Pisces
13.16 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning sextile Mercury at 23 Scorpio
13.36 Venus at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
15.47 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 21 GeminiA kite is manifest 20.00 to 04.00 tomorrow involving The Moon, Uranus and Pluto and Mars opposite Pluto
20.24 The Moon at 26 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 26 Taurus
23.06 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 26 Taurus A mystic rectangle is manifest 23.00 to 04.30 involving the Moon, Neptune, Mars and Pluto.
23.32 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Neptune at 28 Pisces forming a double kite at this time.
23.56 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 28 Cancer
The Sun today is at 6 degrees Scorpio. Mercury is also in Scorpio. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. There are 54 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The New Moon in Scorpio is on Friday of this week. Mars opposes Pluto on November 3rd, two days before the USA election.
Mercury entered Scorpio on Oct 13th, as an evening star. He resides here for a penetrating but very brief 21 days
Mercury opposes Uranus on Oct 30th, brittle communications. Mercury trines Neptune on Nov 1st, perceptive insight. Mercury trines Mars and sextiles Pluto on Nov 2nd, 'will and reason'. Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on that same day Nov 2nd. Mercury enters his shadow on Nov 7th.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Sagittarius also as an evening star on October 17th. She resides there for a short and quite torrid 23 days. She squares Saturn today, with deals and doubts. Venus is opposite Jupiter with 'over the top' excesses on Nov 3rd. Venus squares Neptune on Nov 9th invoking degrees of chaos. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 11th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming. Mars leaves Cancer for the first time on Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Intense and complex astrology is manifest right now. Applying oppositions of Mercury to Uranus, Mars to Pluto and Venus to Jupiter are underway, colouring the 3 days ahead to the New Moon on Friday, and beyond. Mercury, Mars and Neptune are in watery grand trine over this period creating a measure of enchanting potentials, offsetting the brutal opposition of Mars and Pluto.
The Moon, Uranus and Pluto are in an Earthy grand trine at the start of today.
Mercury opposes Uranus late (GMT tomorrow) bringing unexpected news and communications.
03.55 The very slow balsamic Moon at 30 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 36 mins.
04.31 The Moon enters Libra. Keep your balance. Be a smooth operator.
12.01 Mars at 28 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 13 Pisces
14.24 The very slowly waning balsamic Moon at 5 Libra opposes her node at 5 Aries
22.51 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
23.43 Venus at 15 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 28 Pisces
A Water Grand Trine is manifest for 2 days involving Mercury, Mars and Neptune transforming into a Planetary Kite as Mercury opposes Uranus later today. There is a rich blend of magic, destiny and surprise in the days.
Astrological jitters are inevitable with Mercury opposite Uranus today.
Strike an even course.
00.24 Venus at 15 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 30 Capricorn
04.46 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 21 Gemini
05.13 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waning tri-decile Saturn at 13 Pisces
06.51 The very old and slow Moon at 13 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 13 Pisces
11.39 The Moon at 15 Libra waning sextile Venus at 15 Sagittarius
22.15 Mercury at 26 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 26 Taurus
22.23 The Moon at 21 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Gemini
Day of the old Moon. The Moon herself today forms a tight T-Square with Mars and Pluto. A planetary kite flies high in the skies of Earth. Mercury, Mars and Neptune are arrayed in Grand Water Trine, Mars opposes Pluto, focusing the axis of the planetary kite. Maybe not bedlam, but certainly intense potential for such.
00.44 Venus at 16 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 26 Taurus
09.16 The slow and ancient Moon at 26 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus
12.28 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces
A tight Cardinal T-Square is manifest 14.30 to 17.00 involving the Moon, Mars and Pluto. An acute few hours.
14.57 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing square Mars at 29 Cancer
16.58 The Moon at 30 Libra waning square Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 33 mins
17.31 The Moon enters Scorpio, joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign.
New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow.
Transiting Uranus is currently retrograding exactly in opposition to the MC and Mercury in the 1975 modern astrological chart for Spain. Some 158 people are now known to have died after flash floods hit parts of Spain on Wednesday, particularly devastating communities in Valencia. At the moment of New Moon today, 12.48 GMT Mars and Pluto are aligned to western and southern Spain, see map below.
00.34 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 28 Pisces
12.48 Moment of NEW MOON
Today's New Moon in Scorpio is trine Saturn. This is a constructive but tempering lunation. A watery grand trine involving Mercury, Mars and Neptune infuses the biosphere with imagination, enchantment and emotional impetus. Mars opposes Pluto giving signals of danger, violence and war. The Grand Trine and the opposition form a planetary kite and it is indeed a 'high flying kite' at that. The time is special. The are great potentials with this New Moon, and with this time, in our life story.
This is the first New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra on October 2nd, and it is the 5th New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025 at 9 degrees Aries,(visible from the UK). With the passing of today's New Moon we depart the recent eclipse season.
Today's New Moon directly hits the Pluto of Hamas and of Alqueda, the Saturn of JD vance (square his Sun), the Sun of Extinction Rebellion, the Neptune of Prince Andrew, George Clooney and Tom Cruise and the Sun and Moon of Marcus Rashford. It squares the Pluto and progressed Moon of Donald Trump (trine his Mercury), the Moon and Pluto of Kim Yo Jong, (sister of Kim Jon), and the Mars of Leonardo Dicaprio. It squares the Pluto (and lunar node) of Lebanon.
At the exact moment of New Moon today it is Sunrise at Dallas. Sunset is at Karachi. Moonrise is at Houston. Moonset is over The S.Indian Ocean. It is High Noon over The N.E. Atlantic. True midnight is over New Caledonia. Pluto rises at Geneva. The Mars Pluto opposition hits Spain. Neptune rises at Moscow.
16.30 The Sun at 10 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
19.20 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
Mercury is centre of attention today. Infused with New Moon energy we also are subject to intensely penetrative mental activity with Mercury in Scorpio trine Mars and sextile Pluto and then launching into 'consciousness expanding' Sagittarius.
08.22 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 29 Cancer
10.19 The slowly waxing infant baby Moon accelerating at 20 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 20 Gemini
15.04 Mercury at 30 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
18.59 Mercury at 30 Scorpio waning bi-septile Saturn at 13 Pisces
19.19 Mercury enters Sagittarius as an evening star, joining Venus in this sign. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, visionary, 'restlessly searching for truth' period. Mercury undergoes retrograde motion whilst in this sign residing here for 66 days. This retrograde phase is marked with Mercury opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn 3 times, producing a mutable T-square each time, evoking a wealth of ideas, opportunities and forcing decisions of weighty importance. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury enters his shadow on Nov 7th. Mercury squares Saturn for the 1st time on Nov 12th. He opposes Jupiter for the 1st time on Nov 18th. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26h. Mercury opposes Jupiter for the 2nd time on Dec 4th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 6th. Then as a morning 'star' Mercury squares Saturn (2nd time) on Dec 7th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 13th. Mercury turns direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025.
21.07 The Moon at 26 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 26 Taurus
A red letter day, coinciding with two striking planetary oppositions. Venus opposite Jupiter and Mars opposite Pluto. The former evokes 'indulgence at many levels', the latter is a symbol of war.
00.20 The slow infant Moon accelerating at 27 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 27 Pisces
00.56 Mercury at zero Sagittarius waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
04.40 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 30 Cancer
04.52 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 30 mins.
05.05 Venus at 20 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
05.21 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining Mercury and Venus in this sign
06.37 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 1 Sagittarius
11.37 Mars at 30 Cancer opposition Pluto at 30 Capricorn
This is the first of three oppositions of Mars and Pluto over the next six months. Dates Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and Apr 27th. This triple event is caused by Mars turning retrograde during the period. This is rather a rare set of events. Triple oppositions of Mars to Pluto have occurred only twice before since 1900, 1n 1939 with Pluto in Leo, coinciding with the start of World War 2, and in 2007/8 with Pluto in Sagittarius and Capricorn. It happens again in 2042-2043 with Pluto in Aquarius.
The last time it happened with Pluto in Aquarius was in 1772-1773. (The time of Captain James Cook's 2nd voyage).
14.20 The Moon at 5 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 5 Aries
15.26 Venus at 20 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 20 Gemini
04.11 Mars ingress Leo. (See below). We have a modulation from Water to Fire signs, from emotion to enterprise. Mercury entered Sagittarius on Saturday for 66 days. Mars enters Leo today for an initial residence of 62 days.
06.20 The slow young Moon accelerating at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
09.05 The Sun at 12 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 27 Pisces
15.19 Venus at 21 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 26 Taurus
17.24 Mars at zero Leo waxing novile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
17.37 The Sun at 13 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
20.33 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 20 Gemini
23.51 The Moon conjunction Venus at 22 Sagittarius
The Sun today is at 13 degrees Scorpio. The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Sagittarius. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have left the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. There are 47 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury entered Sagittarius on Nov 2nd as an evening star, joining Venus in this sign. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, restless seeking period. Mercury undergoes retrograde motion whilst in this sign residing here for 66 days. This retrograde phase is marked with Mercury opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn 3 times, producing a mutable T-square each time, evoking a wealth of ideas, opportunities and forcing decisions of weighty importance. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury enters his shadow on Nov 7th. Mercury squares Saturn for the 1st time on Nov 12th. He opposes Jupiter for the 1st time on Nov 18th. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26h. Mercury opposes Jupiter for the 2nd time on Dec 4th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 6th. Then as a morning 'star' Mercury squares Saturn (2nd time) on Dec 7th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 13th. Mercury turns direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Sagittarius also as an evening star on October 17th. She resides there for a short and quite torrid 23 days. Venus squares Neptune on Nov 9th invoking degrees of chaos. Venus enters Capricorn on Nov 11th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars enters Leo. Mars in getting close to Earth and appearing to slow down. Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.
Mars leaves Cancer for the first time today Nov 4th 2024, turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025.
During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation.
This Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.
The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. The next 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
02.41 The Sun at 13 Scorpio waxing bi-septile Mars at 0 Leo
07.11 The young Moon, gaining only very low altitudes in northern hemisphere skies, accelerating at 26 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus
10.24 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for nearly 5 hours
12.37 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase,
15.19 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign
16.15 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 1 Leo
17.29 Venus at 23 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Saturn at 13 Pisces
23.44 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 4 Aries
00.14 The Sun at 14 Scorpio waxing biquintile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
01.32 Mercury at 4 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 4 Aries
13.55 Venus at 24 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
15.17 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 13 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 13 Pisces
19.12 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waxing sextile The Sun at 15 Scorpio
20.33 The Sun at 15 Scorpio waning bi-novile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
20.33 Mars at 1 Leo waning bi-novile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
20.33 Venus at 24 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
20.33 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Jupiter at 20 Gemini
23.21 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio. We are halfway between Equinox and Solstice, a 'cross quarter day'. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the start of the lightest quarter of the year and with it early summer, in the North we enter the season of 'fading', and the darkest quarter of the year. Seasons they change.
The Moon in Capricorn can be a trifle grim, with the kids in America.
Mercury enters his shadow today, Nov 7th, with his retrograde motion from November 25th to December 15th.
04.38 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 20 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 20 Gemini
15.02 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 26 Taurus
17.17 Venus at 25 Sagittarius waxing biquintile Mars at 1 Leo
18.13 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
22.38 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 21 mins.
22.59 The Moon enters Aquarius
Venus is applying square to Neptune all day, exact tomorrow. Distorted truth intoxicates. Donald Trump will be the first president to take office while several criminal cases against him are pending. His ascent to the highest office in the US while facing dozens of criminal charges has left the country in uncharted territory. It's all right, he can probably pardon himself. That's ok then.
Pardon me.
01.16 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 1 Aquarius opposition Mars at 1 Leo
02.21 Venus at 26 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 26 Taurus
06.49 The Moon at 4 Aquarius sextile her node at 4 Aries
12.52 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waxing sextile Mercury at 8 Sagittarius
Mercury is now in his shadow. This is a period of taking stock of recent events, with a focus on self.
Today Venus is square Neptune, evidenced by grand illusion (sigh) and distortion. A 'fixed' first quarter Moon in Aquarius cements absolute certainty and intransigence into the illusion.
Tomorrow the Moon has a tough time in Pisces, witness to slightly softer responses, but she applies to an occultation of Saturn, exact early (GMT) on Monday. Some suffering is inevitably woven into the litany.
On Tuesday the piscean Moon occults Neptune, focused almost entirely on the USA.
01.42 Mercury at 8 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
05.56 The Moon is at First Quarter 'Crisis in action'.
10.13 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 20 Gemini
13.16 Venus at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces
18.13 The Sun at 18 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
19.35 Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
20.18 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 26 Taurus
The fast moving and accelerating Moon (full 21.30 GMT next Friday) applies all day to an occultation with Saturn (exact early GMT tomorrow), casting a growing sobriety on this day.
00.24 The Moon at 28 Aquarius waxing sextile Venus at 28 Sagittarius.
The Moon is void of course for 3.6 hours
04.02 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. What ensues is an astrological atmosphere that is softer and more impressionable than the last two days. The Moon occults Saturn and Neptune over the next two days. The focus (as shown on the following maps) is on the USA and the mid latitude Americas.
07.22 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning quincunx Mars at 2 Leo
22.21 The Moon at 11 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 11 Sagittarius
00.29 The Sun at 19 Scorpio waning novile Venus at 29 Sagittarius
01.40 The rapidly waxing and accelerating almost gibbous Moon conjunction Saturn at 13 Pisces
11.09 The Sun at 20 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 20 Gemini
13.08 The Moon at 20 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 20 Gemini
13.18 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing trine The Sun at 20 Scorpio
15.45 Venus at 30 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
18.27 Venus enters Capricorn joining pluto in this sign.
22.57 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus
The Sun today is at 20 degrees Scorpio. Mercury is also in Sagittarius. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26h. Venus (from later today) and Pluto are in Capricorn. Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have departed the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. Saturn turns direct on Friday. There are 40 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury entered Sagittarius on Nov 2nd as an evening star. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, restless seeking period. Mercury undergoes retrograde motion whilst in this sign residing here for 66 days. This retrograde phase is marked with Mercury opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn 3 times, producing a mutable T-square each time, evoking a wealth of ideas, opportunities and forcing decisions of weighty importance. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury entered his shadow on Nov 7th. Mercury squared Saturn for the 1st time on Nov 12th. He opposes Jupiter for the 1st time on Nov 18th. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26h. Mercury opposes Jupiter for the 2nd time on Dec 4th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 6th. Then as a morning 'star' Mercury squares Saturn (2nd time) on Dec 7th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 13th. Mercury turns direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. November 25 to December 15, 2024 Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus enters Capricorn as an evening star today Nov 11th. She resides here for a brief and largely constructive, for relationships, 26 days. Venus in Capricorn is all about commitment, value, trust and endearment. Venus sextiles Saturn, with tough sincerity on Nov 22nd. Venus trines Uranus with consolidating originality on Dec 2nd. Venus sextiles Neptune with enchantment on Dec 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars is in Leo. Mars in getting close to Earth and appearing to slow down. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, slow, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. These 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is retrograde in Pisces. He turns direct on Friday. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
From the deepest imaginings evoked by a Moon Neptune alignment, to a hot fast gibbous Moon 'igniting' in Aries, inflaming our sensibilities, this day lurches from one extreme to the other. Mercury squaring Saturn certainly forces us to take stock.
02.01 The rapidly waxing Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 27 Pisces
02.25 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.00 degrees
06.14 The rapidly waxing Moon at 30 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 13 mins.
06.27 The Moon enters Aries
07.30 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing square Venus at 1 Capricorn
08.34 Venus at 1 Capricorn waning quintile Saturn at 13 Pisces
10.38 The Moon at 3 Aries waning trine Mars at 3 Leo
11.11 The Sun at 21 Scorpio waxing tri-decile Mars at 3 Leo
13.11 The Moon conjunction her mean ascending node at 4 Aries
13.22 Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
15.52 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The procession to the Full Moon (on Friday) now begins in earnest.
22.55 Venus at 1 Capricorn waning biquintile Uranus at 25 Taurus
Lunar pressures are rising. A rampant and speeding Aries Moon evokes urges and surges.
04.20 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 13 Aries waxing trine Mercury in his shadow at 13 Sagittarius
13.52 The Moon at 19 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
17.55 The Moon at 22 Aries waxing quincunx The Sun at 22 Scorpio
01.34 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 27 Pisces
06.51 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 30 Aries waxing square Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 10 mins
07.01 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign.
08.02 Venus at 3 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 3 Leo
11.19 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
11.48 Mercury at 15 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 30 Capricorn
11.58 The Moon at 3 Taurus waning square Mars at 3 Leo
12.13 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 3 Capricorn
21.08 Mercury at 15 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 25 Taurus
The Moon is Full tomorrow.
02.38 Venus at 4 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 4 Aries
03.19 The very rapidly moving Full Moon at 13 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 13 Pisces
07.35 The Sun at 23 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
08.21 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing quincunx Mercury at 16 Sagittarius
Lunar occultation of fixed star Kappa Capricorn, observable from the UK approx 17.39 to 18.32
21.30 Moment of FULL MOON
The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus quintile Saturn. This is a Full Moon of shocks and surprises. Three planetary oppositions are underway. The Sun opposes Uranus. Mars opposes Pluto and Mercury opposes Jupiter, square Saturn. The Moon is close to the Mars Saturn midpoint. This is a'full blooded' hard hitting Full Moon. It solidifies recent events. It emphasises the new uncomfortable normal.
Today's Full Moon is the second following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 at 26 Pisces and the 4th before a Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo on Friday March 14th 2025, (eclipse visible at Moonset over the UK 06.59 GMT).
Moon Conjunct Uranus
The conjunction of the Moon and Uranus during this Full Moon brings unpredictable energies, intensifying our emotional landscape and possibly leading to sudden insights or shifts in perspective. Uranus’s influence may inspire rebellion against old patterns, pushing us to break free from limitations that previously held us back. This aspect encourages change, but it also amplifies emotional volatility, making it essential to stay grounded.Dark Star Astrology.
Today's Full Moon directly hits the MC of Donald Trump and of JD Vance, the Jupiter of Kamala Harris, the Sun of Israel, the MC of Palestine, the Jupiter of Facebook, the Descendant of Taylor Swift, the Moon of Bob Dylan. The Sun of Mark Zuckerberg. It is hooked into the Venus Uranus opposition of Angela Raynor. It squares the Saturn of the UK, and the Moon of Ukraine.
At the exact moment of Full Moon Sunrise is exactly happening over The Bearing Sea. Sunset is over Hudson Bay. Moonrise is over The Orinoco delta and is at Washington DC. Moonset is at Yokohama. High Noon is over the Gulf of Alaska. True midnight is over Lake Victoria. Saturn sets at Murmansk. The Mars Pluto opposition 'stars' Spain, New Zealand, New York, Port Au Prince, Jakarta. The Sun Moon and Uranus hit Jerusalem, Japan, New York and Washington. The Mercury Jupiter opposition hits San Francisco, Seattle and Sacramento.
23.33 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 25 Taurus
The Full Moon has climaxed. The Sun is in opposition to Uranus, exact early GMT tomorrow. Defiant opposition rules the roost. In addition Mercury applies in opposition to Jupiter, giving rise to mental and verbal excesses manifesting over this busy and 'buzzy' weekend. There may be much evidence of 'wide of the mark' judgments.
02.44 The rapidly waning full Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
07.03 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 30 Capricorn.
The Moon is void of course for 7 mins
07.10 The Moon enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign and gaining very high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies.
A yod is manifest 13.00 to 17.00 involving the Moon and Mars with the focus on Venus.
13.00 The Moon at 4 Gemini waning sextile Mars at 4 Leo
13.29 The Moon at 4 Gemini sextile her node from far north of the equator.
13.43 The Sun at 25 Scorpio waning tri-decile Saturn at 13 Pisces
16.41 The Moon at 6 Gemini waxing quincunx Venus at 6 Capricorn
02.45 The Sun at 25 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 25 Taurus
03.53 The fast moving waning full Moon at 13 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 13 Pisces
12.42 The Moon at 18 Gemini opposition Mercury at 18 Sagittarius
14.08 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 19 Gemini
14.09 Mars at 4 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 4 Aries
16.39 Mars at 4 Leo waxing semi-square Jupiter at 19 Gemini
20.36 Venus at 7 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 27 Pisces
This day turns sensitive and mellow. Judgments however are askew, Mercury opposes Jupiter.
02.28 The decelerating and rapidly waning full Moon at 26 Gemini quincunx The Sun at 26 Scorpio
04.09 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 4.7 hours
08.48 The Moon at 30 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 30 Capricorn
08.52 The Moon enters Cancer
08.56 Mercury at 19 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 19 Gemini
15.20 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing squares her node from very high north of the equator
17.25 Mercury at 19 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 4 Leo
20.14 Venus at 8 Capricorn waxing tri-septile Mars at 4 Leo
23.36 The Moon at 9 Cancer opposition Venus at 9 Capricorn
The Sun today is at 27 degrees Scorpio. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26h. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on Nov 19th. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have departed the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde.. There are 33 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury entered Sagittarius on Nov 2nd as an evening star. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, restless seeking period. Mercury undergoes retrograde motion whilst in this sign residing here for 66 days. This retrograde phase is marked with Mercury opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn 3 times, producing a mutable T-square each time, evoking a wealth of ideas, opportunities and forcing decisions of weighty importance. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury entered his shadow on Nov 7th. Mercury squared Saturn for the 1st time on Nov 12th. He opposes Jupiter for the 1st time today Nov 18th. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26h. Mercury opposes Jupiter for the 2nd time on Dec 4th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 6th. Then as a morning 'star' Mercury squares Saturn (2nd time) on Dec 7th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 13th. Mercury turns direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. November 25 to December 15, 2024 Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus enters Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 11th. She resides here for a brief and largely constructive, for relationships, 26 days. Venus in Capricorn is all about commitment, value, trust and endearment. Venus sextiles Saturn, with tough sincerity on Nov 22nd. Venus trines Uranus with consolidating originality on Dec 2nd. Venus sextiles Neptune with enchantment on Dec 4th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars is in Leo. Mars in getting close to Earth and appearing to slow down. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, slow, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. These 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is now direst in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius this Thursday Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Pluto makes his final entrance into Aquarius later today. He will remain there till the year 2043. This is a momentous shift of planetary fortune. We stand at the cusp of a new adventure.
Yesterday a mystery fault took an undersea internet cable between Germany and Finland out of service. Pope Francis called for investigation into Gaza genocide allegations.
NATO members Sweden and Finland advised citizens on how to survive war. There was advice given to stockpile nappies, medication and baby food.
A US envoy is due in Beirut as Lebanon responded 'positively' to a cease fire proposal. Biden’s green light for Ukraine to use ATACMS missiles in Russia has raised the stakes in a war Trump will inherit.
We stand at the cusp.
02.08 The Sun at 27 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 27 Pisces
02.13 Venus at 9 Capricorn waning quad-novile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
06.17 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
06.48 The Moon decelerating at 13 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
19.43 The Moon at 20 Cancer waning quincunx Mercury at 20 Sagittarius
19.57 Mercury at 20 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 30 Capricorn
20.46 Pluto enters Aquarius.
For the past 16 years, Pluto's transit in Capricorn has illuminated recessions, inflation, big money, corporate monopolies, grossly wealthy individuals and widening economic divides. Pluto is now in Aquarius for 19 years. Truth and Justice may win out with Pluto in Aquarius, the power will shift from the oppressors to the outskirts.
Pluto in Aquarius Marjorie Orr
The Moon (and Mars) in Leo are opposite Pluto today, scarily, Ukraine yesterday fired US-made longer-range missiles into Russia for the first time. Iran is increasing its stockpile of near weapons-grade uranium the UN said. Joshua Wong shouted 'I love Hong Kong' as more than 40 leading democracy leaders were handed lengthy prison terms in a mass trial in China. European officials are claiming sabotage after two internet cables were cut in the Baltic Sea. In the USA, the Manhattan district attorney's office said on Tuesday it would agree to postpone Donald Trump's sentencing in his hush money case to give prosecutors time to litigate the president-elect's expected motion to dismiss the case and acknowledged that Trump is not likely to be sentenced 'until after the end of Defendant's upcoming presidential term.' But the DA says Trump's felony conviction should stand.
Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Scorpio. The Sun enters Sagittarius tomorrow. Always an exciting change.
04.56 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 25 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 25 Taurus
06.38 Venus at 10 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 25 TaurusA Water Grand trine and kite are manifest 13.00 to 17.00 involving the Moon, the Sun and Neptune. The Sun opposes Uranus
08.46 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 27 Pisces
09.31 The Sun at 29 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 19 Gemini
11.21 The Moon at 29 Cancer waning trine The Sun at 29 Scorpio.
The Moon is void of course for 2.5 hours
13.53 The Moon enters Leo joining Mars in this sign.
13.53 The Moon at zero Leo opposition Pluto at zero Aquarius
20.38 The Moon at 4 Leo trines the her node from north of the equator
22.16 The Moon conjunction Mars at 5 Leo
22.36 Mercury at 21 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 25 Taurus
A yod is manifest 11.00 to 14.00 involving the Moon, Venus and Saturn.
11.20 The Moon at 12 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 12 Capricorn
13.37 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 13 Pisces
16.53 The Sun at 30 Scorpio waning bi-septile Saturn at 13 Pisces
19.58 The Sun enters Sagittarius and a new astrological month commences.
20.50 The Sun at zero Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at zero Aquarius
The Sun and the Moon are today in Fire signs (as are Mercury and Mars). Fresh inspirations and advancements ignite our imagination. The Leo Moon infuses our hearts with creativity and recreation.
00.22 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 18 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 18 Gemini
06.37 The Moon at 22 Leo waning trine Mercury at 22 Sagittarius
11.56 Venus at 13 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 13 Pisces
13.15 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing square Uranus at 25 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for 4.25 hours
17.31 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 27 Pisces
23.03 The Moon enters Virgo
23.08 The Moon at zero Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at zero Aquarius
01.29 The Virgo Moon is at 'Mutable Last Quarter'
The Sun, Moon and four planets are in mutable signs. All is in motion.
Practical considerations replace yesterday's recreational vibrations. Discrimination, discretion and dissection are in evidence.
11.22 Venus at 14 Capricorn waning tri-septile Jupiter at 18 Gemini
A Fire Grand trine is manifest for the remainder of November involving the Sun, Mars and the lunar node. Cuts through the crap.
00.25 The last quarter decelerating Moon at 13 Virgo opposition Saturn at 13 Pisces
Lunar occultation of fixed star Chi Leo, observable from the UK approx 02.45 to 03.55
04.22 The Moon at 15 Virgo waning trine Venus at 15 Capricorn
11.04 The Moon at 18 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 18 Gemini
13.45 Venus at 15 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 27 Pisces
13.51 Venus at 15 Capricorn waxing quad-novile Mars at 5 Leo
20.11 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning square Mercury at 23 Sagittarius
00.59 The slowly waning and decelerating Last Quarter Moon at 25 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 25 Taurus
05.36 The Moon at 27 Virgo opposition Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 5.75 hours
05.43 The Sun at 3 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 3 Aries
11.21 The Moon enters Libra
11.34 The Moon at zero Libra waning trine Pluto at zero Aquarius
18.18 The Moon at 3 Libra opposition the lunar node at 3 Aries turning the current Fire Grand Trine into a kite.
19.33 The Moon at 4 Libra waning sextile The Sun at 4 Sagittarius
22.19 The Moon at 5 Libra waxing sextile Mars at 5 Leo
The Sun today is at 4 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius (tomorrow) Nov 26th. Pluto entered Aquarius 'for good' on Nov 19th. A 'no nonsense' Fire Grand trine is manifest for the remainder of November involving the Sun, Mars and the lunar node. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have departed the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. There are 26 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Mercury entered Sagittarius for 66 days on Nov 2nd as an evening star and he turns retrograde tomorrow. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, 'restlessly seeking period'. The retrograde phase is marked with Mercury opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn 3 times, producing a mutable T-square each time, evoking a wealth of ideas, opportunities and forcing decisions of weighty importance. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury turns retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 26th. Mercury opposes Jupiter for the 2nd time on Dec 4th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 6th. Then as a morning 'star' Mercury squares Saturn (2nd time) on Dec 7th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 13th. Mercury turns direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on Dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on Jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus enters Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 11th. She resides here for a brief and largely constructive, for relationships, 26 days. Venus in Capricorn is all about commitment, value, trust and endearment. Venus trines Uranus with consolidating originality on Dec 2nd. Venus sextiles Neptune with enchantment on Dec 4th. Venus enters Aquarius on Dec 7th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars is in Leo. Mars is getting close to Earth and appearing to slow down. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, slow, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. These 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is now direst in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius this Thursday Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Sun in Sagittarius, free. Moon in Libra, fancy.
The Sun makes a 'fire trine' to Mars early (GMT) tomorrow, both trine the lunar node, resulting in a free-wheeling no-nonsense feel to today and tomorrow.
11.57 The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
13.26 The Moon at 13 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 13 Pisces
18.08 Venus at 18 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 18 Gemini
23.28 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 18 Gemini
The 'big push' of Mars trine the Sun happens first thing (GMT). The day's energy then fades as the Moon drifts void of course.
00.07 The very slowly waning Moon at 18 Libra waning square Venus at 18 Capricorn
04.59 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon (happening Sunday morning GMT) now begins in earnest.
08.07 The Sun at 6 Sagittarius waxing trine Mars at 6 Leo
09.15 The Moon at 23 Libra waning sextile retro-Mercury at 23 Sagittarius.
The Moon is void of course, 'drifting rudderless in Libra' for nearly 15 hours.
09.45 Saturn at 13 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 25 Taurus > This is the final of 3 hits of this aspect, all in 2024, (Feb 7th, Sept 20th and Nov 27th )in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. The Saturn Uranus cycle in astrology represents the conflict between the establishment and the revolutionary. Times manifest when change is unavoidable. The current cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with the opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. (The 2021 last quarter phase induced drastic political, financial and social changes). Now we encounter the waning quintile aspect. This is an opportunity to 'contribute one's capacities and capabilities to the service of a revolutionary struggle. The service is one of peace making amid conflict. It can evoke a sharp spiritual awareness.
Note! Yesterday Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had agreed a ceasefire deal to end fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon
13.51 The Moon at 25 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 25 Taurus
18.37 The Moon at 27 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 27 Pisces
Two days with a quality of 'sharp intensity' are upon us. They lead us to a 'love and laughter' New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday.
00.22 The old, slow but accelerating Moon enters Scorpio
00.41 The Moon at zero Scorpio waning squares Pluto at zero Aquarius
11.50 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waxing square Mars at 6 Leo
The second day with a quality of 'sharp intensity', leading us to a 'love and laughter' New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday.
02.07 The old slow Moon accelerating at 13 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 13 Pisces
11.08 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 17 Gemini
18.51 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 21 Capricorn
21.27 retro-Mercury at 21 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Venus at 21 Capricorn
21.48 Venus at 21 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 13 Pisces
Day of the old Moon
01.33 The slow ancient Moon at 25 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 25 Taurus
06.20 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 5.6 hours
11.55 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining the Sun and retro-Mercury in this sign.
12.19 The Moon at 0 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
12.23 The Sun at 9 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
14.35 retro-Mercury at 21 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 6 Leo
18.01 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning trine the lunar node at 3 Aries
20.49 The Sun at 9 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
23.24 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waxing trine Mars at 6 Leo
New Moon tomorrow.
05.24 Mercury at 20 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 25 Taurus
06.22 Moment of NEW MOON
The New Moon in Sagittarius is square Saturn trine Mars. This is potentially a 'Love and Laughter' New Moon. The optimistic sagittarian Sun trine Mars in Leo provides the laughter, the square to Saturn provides the love, or at least the commitment. Mutable Fire predominates invoking a kindling of new enterprise and creativity. Venus is trine Uranus and sextile Neptune with the surprising love. Retro-Mercury opposes Jupiter with 'pie in the sky' misjudgements.
This is the 2nd New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra on October 2nd, and it is the 4th New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025 at 9 degrees Aries,(visible from the UK).
Today's New Moon directly hits the USA's Ascendant, (opposite Uranus), the UAE's Sun, the Uranus of JD Vance and Prince Harry, Netanyahu's MC, Denmark's Moon, Australia's Venus, Jordan's MC, Lady Gaga's Saturn, Lizz Truss' Neptune. It opposes Xi Jinping's Jupiter and Joe Biden's Saturn. It squares Keir Starmer's Sun and Pluto. It trines D.Trump's Pluto and Syria's Pluto, and Hezbollah's Mars.
At the exact moment of New Moon it is sunrise at Rome, sunset over The Marshall Islands. Moonrise is occurring at Moscow. Moonset is over Tonga. It is High Noon at Kandy and true midnight is at Winnipeg. At London Uranus sets and Saturn is at lower culmination. Jupiter culminates at New Orleans. neptune sets at Panama and Miami. saturn sets at Fort Worth.
08.06 Jupiter at 17 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 27 Pisces. This is the 2nd of 3 hits in the 13 year synodic cycle of these two planets. Dates Sept 1st 2024, Dec 1st 2024 and 29th April 2025. The current Jupiter Neptune cycle began on April 4th 2022 in Pisces. This was the very month that Russia invaded Ukraine. The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the time exceeded 500 million worldwide. Elon Musk reached an agreement to acquire the social media network Twitter.
The cycle reaches its first quarter phase on 19th June 2025, and it culminates with the opposition across Libra/Aries on 28th Sept 2028. The cycle ends in Aries on 24th March 2035. Jupiter-Neptune is the 'grand illusion'. It's cycle symbolises the rise or decline of political, social orders and ideologies. This waxing bi-novile aspect represents the emergence of new manifestations of illusion and stimulation claiming a field for growth. a field of their own.
08.35 Venus at 23 Capricorn waning biquintile Jupiter at 17 Gemini
09.08 retro-Mercury at 20 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
12.50 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
20.46 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 17 Gemini
The New Moon yesterday coincided with Syrian and Russian jets stepping up strikes on syrian rebels after opposition forces seized much of Aleppo. Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te arrived in the US state of Hawaii for a two-day visit, drawing a furious reaction from China.
New Moon energy pervades the biosphere. Venus trines Uranus evoking surprises.
01.29 The slow but accelerating infant baby Moon conjunction retro-Mercury at 20 Sagittarius
11.02 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 25 Taurus
14.44 Venus at 25 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 25 Taurus
15.48 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 5.4 hours
18.27 retro-Mercury at 19 Sagittarius waning decile Venus at 25 Capricorn
21.11 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Venus in this sign.
The Sun today is at 11 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury is retrograde. Mars also turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th. He remains over the next few weeks in opposition to Pluto who entered Aquarius 'for good' on Nov 19th. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have departed the recent eclipse season. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are currently retrograde. There are 19 days to the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. On Wednesday, possibly the highlight of this week, retro-Mercury is opposite Jupiter, the Sun is square Saturn and Venus is sextile Neptune.
Mercury entered Sagittarius for 66 days on Nov 2nd as an evening star and he turned retrograde on Nov 25th. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, 'restlessly seeking period'. The retrograde phase is marked with Mercury opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn 3 times, producing a mutable T-square each time, evoking a wealth of ideas, opportunities and forcing decisions of weighty importance. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury turned retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on Nov 25th. Mercury opposes Jupiter for the 2nd time on Dec 4th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 6th. Then as a morning 'star' Mercury squares Saturn (2nd time) on Dec 7th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 13th. Mercury turns direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on Dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on Jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
November 25 to December 15, 2024
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus enters Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 11th. She resides here for a brief and largely constructive, for relationships, 26 days. Venus in Capricorn is all about commitment, value, trust and endearment. Venus trines Uranus with consolidating originality on Dec 2nd. Venus sextiles Neptune with enchantment on Dec 4th. Venus enters Aquarius on Dec 7th. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars is in Leo. Mars is getting close to Earth and appearing to slow down. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turns retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, slow, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. These 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is now direst in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Capricorn on Sept 1st, for the last phase of his residence there. He stationed direct on Oct 11th and will re-enter Aquarius this Thursday Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next 2 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Time crawls. The Capricorn Moon crawls. We are now into the 40 darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere.
02.49 The slow infant Moon accelerating at 3 Capricorn squares her node from deep south of the equator. We are approaching the peak of the lunar standstill phenomenon in January 2025. The Moon today has extremely southerly declination.
08.31 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 6 Leo
21.17 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 13 Pisces
The world stage has had an unexpected event acted out on it. South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol has declared emergency martial law, which he says is necessary to protect the country from North Korea's communist forces and to eliminate anti-state elements. Lawmakers have since voted to block the president's move, after both the ruling party and opposition vowed to obstruct the declaration. Protests have been taking place outside parliament. Uranus, planet of the 'unexpected', is currently making square aspects, from 23 Taurus, to the South Korea's natal chart planetary midpoints, notably the Sun/Mercury, Sun/Saturn, and Mars/Uranus points, all at 23 Leo.
South Korea has a progressed New Moon in the autumn of 2026, in Scorpio, which is actually a Total Solar eclipse. Going to watch this country carefully over the next two years.
An astrologically grounded day. The Sun square Saturn and the Capricorn Moon conjure up a serious note. The Moon is conjunct Venus in late Capricorn as midnight (GMT) approaches.
02.38 The Sun at 12 Sagittarius waxing bi-septile Mercury at 17 Sagittarius
04.14 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 17 Gemini
10.16 retro-Mercury at 17 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 17 Gemini
10.21 Mercury at 17 Sagittarius waning novile Venus at 27 Capricorn
16.19 The Sun at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
18.25 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 25 Taurus
18.52 Venus at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
23.10 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
23.35 The Moon conjunction Venus at 27 Capricorn.
The Moon is then void of course for 4.8 hours
The sky is now dominated with the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in 'Mutable T-square' till Dec 9th. Matters of state in many countries are in flux and in crisis. As this planetary pattern gains traction calls grow for South Korea's president to resign after martial law chaos. Iran has passed a controversial 'chastity' law imposing even harsher dress restrictions. A Georgian opposition politician has been beaten unconscious by police, as the government crackdown intensifies. Cuba has been plunged into darkness as the electrical grid suffers a fresh collapse. In his (to me) unsettling and intensely worrying transition to power, Donald Trump is facing opposition in some corners over key hires he has announced ahead of his return to the White House.
01.28 The void Moon in Capricorn reaches her waxing crescent phase
04.23 The accelerating and waxing crescent Moon enters Aquarius joining Pluto in this sign.
04.57 The Moon conjunction Pluto at zero Aquarius
09.37 The Moon at 3 Aquarius sextiles her node at 3 Aries
11.03 retro-Mercury at 15 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 0 Aquarius
13.41 Venus at 28 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 13 Pisces
15.28 The Moon at 6 Aquarius opposition Mars at 6 Leo
22.13 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 27 Pisces
French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the nation on Thursday night, a day after Prime Minister Michel Barnier was ousted in a no-confidence vote. Michael Barnier is undergoing transiting Saturn conjunct his MC (from last summer to February 2025). Transiting Pluto is conjunct his natal Venus in 2025.
The ongoing mutable T-square currently manifest in the sky involving Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn is hooked the chart of Emmanuel Macron. Jupiter is currently exactly opposite his Neptune.
01.57 retro-Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 24 Taurus
02.18 Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 Sagittarius A new chapter in the story. A 'New Mercury'
02.45 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 24 Taurus
05.19 retro-Mercury (now a 'morning star') at 14 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 27 Pisces
05.57 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 14 Aquarius sextile retro-Mercury at 14 Sagittarius
06.39 The Moon at 15 Aquarius waxing sextile The Sun at 15 Sagittarius
09.50 retro-Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning semi-square Venus at 29 Capricorn
09.54 The Moon at 16 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 16 Gemini
23.57 The Sun at 15 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 0 Aquarius
We are now 15 days from the Solstice.
Lots going on. Astrologically potent times. Both Mars and Mercury now retrograde. Venus and Pluto opposite Mars. Mercury opposite Jupiter square Saturn.
00.02 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 24 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 24 Taurus.
The Moon is void of course for 9.8 hours
01.54 retro-Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 13 Pisces
06.15 Venus enters Aquarius joining the Moon and Pluto in this sign. (The Moon shortly leaves Aquarius). Venus is today immediately conjunct Pluto and Venus opposes Mars on Dec 12th. This 'fixed' opposition colours the week ahead with great tension between the sexes. Venus sextiles retro-Mercury on Dec 13th with more friendly outcomes. Venus 'air trines' Jupiter on Dec 20th, with clarity and benevolence. Venus squares Uranus on Dec 28th, with unsettling vibrations. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Jan 3rd. Venus' residence in Aquarius is a mixed bag.
09.51 The Moon enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign.
14.09 Venus conjunction Pluto at zero Aquarius
19.33 Neptune stations direct.
20.37 The Moon at 6 Pisces waning quincunx Mars at 6 Leo
20.59 The Sun at 16 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 16 Gemini
21.38 The Sun at 16 Sagittarius waxing tri-decile Mercury at 12 Sagittarius
05.58 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 12 Pisces square Mercury at 12 Sagittarius
07.08 Venus at 1 Aquarius waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 16 Gemini
08.35 Closest conjunction Moon Saturn 0.26 degrees
08.44 The Moon at 13 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 13 Pisces
13.56 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 16 Gemini
15.27 The Moon at First Quarter Crisis in action.
Mystical lunar occultation of Neptune in Pisces today. Then the day turns 'hot' and really moves on.
Written Saturday 7th Dec 2024
Astrologically potent times. Both Mars and Mercury are now retrograde. Mercury turns direct on Dec 15th and Mars turns direct on Feb 24th. We have therefore just one week with these planets of 'mind and muscle' both working 'against the flow' and 'inwardly focused'. Venus and Pluto are opposite Mars, conflict after conflict. Mercury is opposite Jupiter square Saturn, wide of the mark, tempering, constraining.
The Moon, Saturn and Neptune are all in Pisces right now. There is a 'surrendering to fate' feel about it all.
Syria deserves a mention. Bashar Al Assad has had transiting Neptune conjunct his natal Moon for most of 2024. The final hit is Jan 26th 2025. It's General 'erosion and confusion of the soul' with Neptune. To compound this Assad has his progressed Sun conjunct his natal Neptune, exact in April 2025. This is a double whammy of 'dissolution'. Transiting Saturn has been opposing his natal Sun and Uranus in 2024, the final hits of which are in early Jan/Feb 2025. The pressure has been mounting all year. Ahead of him, Saturn (catching up on Neptune) conjuncts his natal Moon throughout 2025. He has his 2nd Saturn return next week. This all adds up to a real crisis point in his life. He does have some better aspects later next year and I could imagine him leaving the country to escape political consequences.
The Syrian Independence chart currently has retrograde Mars conjunct natal Pluto at 5 Leo. Transiting Pluto squares Syrian Venus in 2025, big changes there. Transiting Neptune has been opposite Syrian Neptune all 2024 the last hit of which is this month. Neptune conjuncts Syrian IC in 2025. To add to 'the breakdown', transiting Uranus is conjunct Syrian Saturn and Uranus from 2025 to early 2026. Could all of this point to 'all change'? Maybe.
00.26 retro-Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waning septile Venus at 2 Aquarius
04.01 The First Quarter Moon accelerating at 24 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus
08.45 The Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 4.8 hours
08.47 Closest conjunction Moon Neptune 0.00 degrees
13.39 The Moon enters Aries
14.04 Venus at 3 Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at 3 Aries
14.22 The Moon at zero Aries waxing sextile Pluto at zero Aquarius
18.11 The Moon conjunction the lunar node at 3 Aries
18.34 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing sextile Venus at 3 Aquarius
Fresh faces moving forward by thinking and moving retrograde, a subtle skill.
Venus applying opposition to retro-Mars this week. Women pointing the way to the future.
A Fire Grand trine 00.00 to 05.30 is manifest involving the Moon, retro-Mercury and retro-Mars.
00.00 The fast moving and accelerating first quarter Moon at 6 Aries waning trine retro-Mars at 6 Leo
01.11 Venus at 3 Aquarius waning novile Saturn at 13 Pisces
05.20 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing trine retro-Mercury at 9 Sagittarius
08.41 retro-Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
11.15 retro-Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
16.25 The Moon at 16 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 16 Gemini
22.14 The Moon at 19 Aries waxing trine The Sun at 19 Sagittarius.
The Moon is void of course for a long 17.7 hours
The Moon starts the GMT day void of course in Aries. Venus is almost opposite retro-Mars, exact tomorrow. Some folks are very much at odds with each other right now.
13.00 The Sun at 20 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 24 Taurus
15.57 The very rapidly waxing Moon (full on Sunday) enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign.
16.44 The Moon at zero Taurus waxing square Pluto at zero Aquarius
22.46 The Sun at 20 Sagittarius waning semi-square Venus at 5 Aquarius
Difficult Venus Mars opposition. Challenging.
A Fire Grand Trine and kite is manifest from today for 4 days involving retro-Mercury, retro-Mars and the lunar node. Mars opposes Venus Totally new experiences.
01.00 The very rapidly waxing Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phaseA tight Fixed T-square is manifest 01.00 to 02.00 involving the Moon, Venus and Mars.
01.02 The Moon at 6 Taurus waxing square Venus at 6 Aquarius
01.05 The Sun at 20 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 0 Aquarius
01.50 The Moon at 6 Taurus waning square Mars at 6 Leo
04.30 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing quincunx Mercury at 8 Sagittarius
05.21 Venus at 6 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 27 Pisces
10.47 Venus at 6 Aquarius opposition Mars at 6 Leo
12.11 The Sun at 21 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 6 Leo
13.20 The Moon is at perigee, fastest all month and closest to the Earth.
13.56 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 13 Pisces
16.11 Venus at 6 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 24 Taurus
Lunar pressures are full on. 'The thrill of it all' Full Moon climaxes Sunday morning GMT, square Neptune, hence the glamour, the vibrancy, thrill and craziness. Mercury and Mars remain retrograde. Venus opposes retro-Mars. Sparks are flying.
Mercury turns direct on Sunday, 7 hours after the Full Moon peaks.
03.34 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 22 Taurus waxing quincunx The Sun at 22 Sagittarius
06.07 Jupiter at 16 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 1 Aquarius The current 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, symbolising 'power plays', started on Nov 12th 2020 in Capricorn. At that time we witnessed a worldwide rampant and escalating covid-19 virus, the appearance of vaccines and the US president refusing to concede electoral defeat. The cycle reached it first quarter square phase in May 2023, Russia and Belarus signed an agreement to station Russian tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. The cycle climaxes with the opposition across Leo/Aquarius in July 2026 and ends in Feb 2033 in Aquarius. Today's waxing sesuiquadrate is the 2nd of 3 hits, the dates- Aug 7th 2024, Dec 13th 2024 and Apr 17th 2025. It evokes a driving force to overcome all obstacles on the road to the attainment of power structures. It engenders an irresistible will to succeed. Watch closely, the Jupiter Pluto cycle represents 'big time power shifts', this aspect represents a big push forward.
07.46 retro-Mercury at 7 Sagittarius waning sextile Venus at 7 Aquarius
07.50 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 24 Taurus
12.40 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 4.7 hours.
16.29 Venus at 7 Aquarius waning decile Saturn at 13 Pisces
17.23 The almost Full Moon enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign.
18.16 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
21.25 The Moon at 2 Gemini sextiles her node at 2 Aries
The coming Full Moon will gain high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies and very low altitudes in southern skies. This is all related to the impending lunar standstill. Correspondingly there are wide swings in human emotion at these times. Tomorrow's Full Moon invokes high spirits and high emotion.
02.59 The almost Full Moon rapidly waxing and now decelerating at 6 Gemini waning sextile Mars at 6 Leo
04.20 The Moon at 7 Gemini opposition Mercury at 7 Sagittarius setting off another kite at this time. (Mercury, Mars, Lunar Node in Fire trine). This is an 'opportunistic' and 'energetic' event.
06.40 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing trine Venus at 8 Aquarius
15.35 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 13 Pisces
18.44 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 15 Gemini, the highlight of the day.
22.44 The Sun at 23 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Saturn at 13 Pisces
The Moon is Full tonight.
09.02 Moment of FULL MOON
Today's Full Moon is midway between the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 at 26 Pisces and the Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo on Friday March 14th 2025, (eclipse visible at Moonset over the UK 06.59 GMT).
The Full Moon is in wide square to Neptune, semi-sextile Uranus. This is the 'Thrill of it all' Full Moon. Its square to Neptune confers a glamour and unreality onto what is a vibrant, diverse and kinetic lunation. This one is the 'trickster'.
Today's Full Moon directly hits the Sun of Donald Trump, Xi Jinping and Boy George, (at least two tricksters), the Mercury of Bob Dylan and Venezuela, the Saturn of Lebanon, and Greta Thornberg, the Uranus of Israel. It opposes the Saturn of Hamas, the Pluto of Isis and the Jupiter of Cyprus. It squares the Saturn of Bashar Assad.
At the exact moment of Full Moon today it is Sunrise at Asuncion. Sunset is happening over Queensland. Moonrise is over The Gobi desert. Moonset is at Stockholm. High Noon is at Baghdad. True midnight is over Yukon Territory. Saturn rises over Syria, Jupiter rises at Hong Kong, Saturn culminates at Pyongyang, Mars sets at Tripoli. Jupiter sets over The Faroe Islands.
14.32 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 27 Pisces, moon void
14.44 The Sun at 24 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 24 TaurusLunar occultation of fixed star 136 Tau, observable from the UK approx 16.10 to 16.58
19.23 The Moon enters Cancer
20.22 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
23.21 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square the lunar node at 2 Aries
Full Moon pressures are over. Mercury is now direct. The Moon has moved into a more nurturing mode in Cancer. Onward to the Solstice.
02.03 The Sun at 25 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
06.17 The rapidly waning full Moon at 6 Cancer quincunx Mercury (now direct) at 6 Sagittarius
13.35 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing quincunx Venus at 11 Aquarius
18.35 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 14 Pisces
01.34 Venus at 11 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 24 TaurusA yod is manifest 13.00 to 17.00 involving the Moon, the Sun and Uranus.
13.02 The waning full Moon decelerating at 24 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus
16.57 The Moon at 26 Cancer waning quincunx The Sun at 26 Sagittarius
18.34 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 3.1 hours
21.34 Venus at 12 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 27 Pisces
23.41 The Moon enters Leo joining Mars in this sign
The Sun is square Neptune today after a lunar occultation of retrograde Mars this morning (GMT). Possibility of uncertainty and confusion after 'a mini eclipse of resplendent activity'. Things going astray.
00.51 The waning and decelerating Moon at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius
03.41 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 2 Aries
09.14 The Moon conjunction Mars at 5 Leo
09.50 Closest conjunction Moon Mars 0.00 degrees
12.15 The Moon at 7 Leo waning trine Mercury at 7 Sagittarius
14.29 The Sun at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces
22.30 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase
Mercury now direct is applying in a mutable T-square pattern with the currently tightening Jupiter Saturn square aspect. This astrological wave lasts right over the Solstice and Christmas period, increasing in tightness and potency until its peak in the early hours (GMT) of Dec 27th. (Coincidentally a fleeting Fixed T-Square of the Moon,Venus and Uranus simultaneously peaks at this time). Jupiter and Saturn are square 3 times during 2024-2025, this current one is the 2nd) is exact late (GMT) on Christmas Eve. The meaning of the T-Square is the the 'thinking and decision making' concerning a restructure of our lives or plans in accordance with the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process leads to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects.(Cafe Astrology) This is what we are undergoing at this time in all of our lives.
Venus in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini, exact tomorrow. This creates 'an ease and flow with social contacts' today. The Moon in Leo injects a lavish stratum into proceedings. Leos only want to have fun.
00.11 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 13 Leo opposition Venus at 13 Aquarius
00.39 The Moon at 14 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 14 Pisces
02.41 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 15 Gemini
05.53 Venus at 14 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 14 Pisces
20.05 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing square Uranus at 24 Taurus
The day before the Solstice. This is the last full day of the astrological month of Sagittarius. The Sun enters Capricorn tomorrow. This is a very practical day once it gets going. Finding a way through current problems is the theme. Its all about deciding the correct choices and courses.
02.11 Venus at 15 Aquarius waning 'air trine' Jupiter at 15 Gemini
02.11 The disseminating and decelerating slow Moon at 27 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 27 Pisces
05.20 The Moon at 29 Leo waning trine The Sun at 29 Sagittarius.
The Moon is void of course for 2.3 hours.
07.39 The Moon enters Virgo setting a 'shifting sands' backdrop to the approaching Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice.
08.29 The Sun at 29 Sagittarius waxing biquintile retro-Mars at 5 Leo
09.01 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius
23.47 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning square Mercury at 8 Sagittarius
Saturday December 21st 2024 Winter Solstice 09:21 GMT. Moon in Virgo rises mid evening (UK)
The Daze is 25 years old today.
07.49 The Sun at 30 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 24 Taurus
09.22 The Sun enters Capricorn
At the height of the darkness the light is born. Nothing can be destroyed once and for all. Change returns success. Going and coming without error.
The scene is set for the year ahead. In the south it is the mid summer longest day. In the North it is the mid winter shortest day.
The Solstice this year is coloured by the slowly waning Virgo Moon opposite Saturn, a testing and demanding vibration in itself, but it is a component of a Mutable Grand Cross involving Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon. This is the cross of the repentant thief. The message must be one of forgiveness.
Also at this time Venus is trine Jupiter, just past in influence but it holds gems of optimism. Mercury, retro-Mars and the lunar node are in a 'fire trine' arrangement and Mars opposing Pluto transforms this into a kite pattern. It all adds up to a powerful and poignant solstice.
Only the Sun is in a cardinal sign. This is a time of adaptation, not one of initiation. Six planets are in mutable signs. This Solstice has a 'shifting sands' quality. It induces a need to adapt to constant change. This need is for practical support. Repair and refinement rule the roost. All is in flux, all is moving.
At the moment of Solstice today it is Sunrise at Callanish, Sunset is over The Gobi desert. Moonrise is at Honolulu. Moonset is at the Cape of Good Hope. High Noon is over Tajikstan, and True Midnight is over the mid South Pacific. Neptune and the Lunar Node rise and the Sun culminates over Syria. Moscow has Moon setting and Saturn just risen. The Moon and Saturn straddle Alexandria and Capetown. Mars and Pluto straddle Algiers. Pluto culminates at Mumbai. Saturn culminates at Perth (Aus). Uranus is at lower culmination at London. Uranus sets at New York. Neptune stars Nairobi.
Sending sincere best wishes and greetings to all Daze Readers on this holy day. Thank you.
A tight Mutable T-square is manifest 10.00 to 12.00 involving the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.
10.39 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Saturn at 14 Pisces
11.56 The Moon at 14 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 14 Gemini
15.46 The Moon at 16 Virgo waning quincunx Venus at 16 Aquarius
The Solstice has passed and we approach the Christmas season and a constructive New Moon on Dec 30th. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn continue to tighten in mutable T-square from today for 5 days, peaking late (GMT) on Boxing Day colouring the Christmas period with mental and communication challenges requiring facing up to.
03.32 The Sun now crawling through at Capricorn at 1 degree of that sign waning semi-sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
04.49 Morning star Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
06.50 The slowly disseminating Moon decelerating at 24 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 24 Taurus
09.19 Venus at 17 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 27 Pisces
09.41 Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 1 AquariusA dissociate T-square is manifest 13.00 to 23.00 involving the Moon, Neptune, the lunar node and the Sun.
13.28 The Moon at 27 Virgo opposition Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 5.7 hours.
19.09 The Moon enters Libra. We move on into a more social foundation to our existences.
20.44 The Moon at 1 Libra waning trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius
22.19 The Moon is at Last Quarter
23.08 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition her ascending node at 2 Aries
On 20 December 2024, an SUV was driven into a crowd at the Magdeburg Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, resulting in the deaths of 5 people and injuries to at least 205 others. The alleged driver of the car, Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen (born 5 November 1974), was arrested. This sad news story has dominated world newsreels over the solstice period and its aftertaste is lingering on in Germany. Germany's astrological chart (Jan 1st 1871) has transiting retrograde Mars square Germany's natal Moon and the transiting mean lunar node is square Germany's natal Saturn. This event seems to have jolted the German collective psyche. Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen has Sun, Venus and Mars in Scorpio. Crime investigators will most likely find it very difficult to fathom his deeply intense personality. His progressed chart for the current time has a close triple conjunction of Mars, Neptune and the Lunar Node in Sagittarius. Transiting Mercury is currently approaching the degree of this triplet. This event is obviously the fulcrum of his whole life. Also the current transiting retro Mars is square his natal Mars. He has perpetrated a very unnecessary tragic event. He's seeking vengeance for something I think.
Undated Saudi identification photograph
Born Taleb bin Jawad bin Hussein Al-Abdulmohsen
5 November 1974.
04.00 The very slowly waning last quarter Moon at 4 Libra waxing sextile retro-Mars at 4 Leo
06.33 The Sun at 2 Capricorn waning quintile Saturn at 14 Pisces
07.29 The Sun at 2 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 2 Aries
16.23 The Moon at 10 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 10 Sagittarius
23.31 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 14 Pisces
23.52 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 14 Gemini
The Sun today is at 2 degrees Capricorn. Mars is retrograde at 4 degrees Leo. He remains in opposition to Pluto , peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 16th and April 27th. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are midway between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 88 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is applying in a mutable T-square pattern with the currently tightening Jupiter Saturn square aspect. This astrological wave lasts right over the Solstice and Christmas period, increasing in tightness and potency until its peak in the early hours (GMT) of Dec 27th. (Coincidentally a fleeting Fixed T-Square of the Moon,Venus and Uranus simultaneously peaks at this time). Jupiter and Saturn are square 3 times during 2024-2025, this current one is the 2nd and peaks late (GMT) on Christmas Eve. The meaning of the T-Square is about 'thinking and decision making' and concerns a restructure of our lives or plans in accordance with the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process leads to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects.
Mercury entered Sagittarius for 66 days on Nov 2nd as an evening star. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, 'restlessly seeking period'. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury turned retrograde on Nov 25th and turned direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Now as a morning 'star' Mercury opposes Jupiter on Dec 26th and squares Saturn on Dec 27th, both final times. Mercury leaves his shadow on Jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Aquarius as an evening star on Dec 7th. Venus squares Uranus on Dec 28th, with unsettling vibrations. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Jan 3rd. Venus' residence in Aquarius is a mixed bag. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars is in Leo. Mars is getting close to Earth. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, slow, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. These 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his find square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is now direst in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
07.26 The last quarter Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth.
10.45 The Moon at 19 Libra waning trine Venus at 19 Aquarius.
The Moon is void of course for 21.4 hours
19.36 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus
22.00 Jupiter at 14 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 14 Pisces
Number 2 of 3. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. The current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
02.28 The very slowly waning Moon, void of course at 27 Libra, waning quincunx Neptune at 27 Pisces
05.01 The Sun at 4 Capricorn waxing quincunx retro-Mars at 4 Leo
07.05 The Sun at 4 Capricorn waning quad-novile Jupiter at 14 Gemini
08.08 The Moon enters Scorpio and forms a fixed T-square with Mars and Pluto. Not the easiest Christmas day.
09.52 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius
15.45 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waxing square Mars at 4 Leo
17.00 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning sextile The Sun at 4 Capricorn
A Nasa spacecraft is attempting to make history with the closest-ever approach to the Sun. The Parker Solar Probe is plunging into our star's outer atmosphere, enduring brutal temperatures and extreme radiation. It is out of communication for several days during this burning hot fly-by and scientists will be waiting for a signal, expected at 05:00 GMT on 28 December, to see if it has survived. The big mystery to be solved is 'The surface of the Sun is about 6,000C or so, but the corona, this tenuous outer atmosphere that you can see during solar eclipses, reaches millions of degrees - and that is further away from the Sun. So how is that atmosphere getting hotter?' At the time of the hoped for signal from the probe the skies of Earth have appropriately a Grand trine in Fire and Kite pattern involving Mars, the Moon and the Lunar node, with Mars opposing Pluto. We are playing with fire here, but we really need to know how the Sun works. That need is God given.
00.48 Venus at 21 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 27 Pisces
11.56 The slowly waning and accelerating Moon at 14 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 14 Gemini
12.31 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 14 Pisces
22.31 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 24 Taurus
22.48 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 14 Gemini
Mercury is in a mutable T-square pattern with Jupiter and Saturn. This astrological wave has been operational over the Solstice and Christmas period and peaks in the early hours (GMT) of today Dec 27th, as Mercury squares Saturn. Coincidentally a fleeting Fixed T-Square of the Moon, Venus and Uranus simultaneously peaks at this time. Today starts amid serious issues. The day that follows has dynamic astrology with a loose Kite pattern in the sky. Venus applies in square aspect to Uranus all day long, peaking tomorrow. All the time retrograde Mars applies in his 2nd opposition to Pluto, exact on January 3rd. A touch of the erratic is in the ether today, care is advised.
01.45 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon now begins in earnest.
05.00 to 08.00 A tight and fleeting Fixed T-Square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Uranus.
05.09 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning square Venus at 23 Aquarius
07.29 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 14 Pisces
07.35 The Moon at 24 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 24 Taurus
11.47 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 27 PiscesA loose kite is manifest 14.00 to 23.00 involving the Moon, Venus, Mars, Neptune and the lunar node. Mars opposes Pluto.
14.25 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 5.4 hours
19.48 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining Mercury in this sign
19.54 Venus at 23 Aquarius waning quad-novile Mars at 3 Leo
21.37 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius
23.06 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius trines her node from deep south of the equator
The intensity of the last couple of days has given way to movement and activity with the Moon in Sagittarius. Venus squaring Uranus evokes 'jittery emotion' as this day begins. Forthright outspokenness characterises the ensuing hours.
01.51 The slowly waning balsamic Moon accelerating at 3 Sagittarius waxing trine Mars at 3 Leo
07.42 Venus at 24 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 24 Taurus
12.12 The Sun at 7 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 27 Pisces
12.48 The Sun at 7 Capricorn waxing tri-septile retro-Mars at 3 Leo
20.31 Mercury at 16 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 1 AquariusA mutable T-square is manifest 21.00 to 03.00 involving the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
21.50 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 14 Gemini
23.15 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 14 Pisces
Day of the old Moon in Sagittarius
03.02 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 16 Sagittarius
16.56 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus
20.04 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning sextile Venus at 25 Aquarius
21.33 Venus at 25 Aquarius waning tri-decile Jupiter at 13 Gemini
21.59 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 24 Taurus
23.35 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces.
The Moon is void of course for 5.1 hours.
New Moon tomorrow.
03.08 Mercury at 18 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 3 Leo
04.39 The ancient and accelerating Moon enters Capricorn joining the Sun in this sign
07.33 The Moon at 2 Capricorn squares her node from deep south of the equator
07.58 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning tri-septile Jupiter at 13 Gemini
09.07 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 2 Leo
22.27 Moment of NEW MOON
The New Moon is sextile Saturn and quincunx Jupiter. It lies on the Mercury/Pluto midpoint. Its qualities are constructive, formal, realistic and it summons problem solving. Determination and ambition are paramount. The Mars Pluto opposition adds a fanatic and ruthless quality. This is a grafting New Moon.
This is the 3rd New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra on October 2nd, and it is the 3rd New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025 at 9 degrees Aries,(visible from the UK).
This New Moon hits the Uranus of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Belarius, Australia's Sun (1901 chart), Germany's Sun (1871 chart) and the UK's Sun. It hits Belgium's Jupiter.
At the moment of New Moon it is Sunrise over the Sea of Okhotsk. Sunset is at Louisville(KY). Moonrise is over The Far North Pacific. Moonset is at Miami. It is High Noon at Honolulu. True midnight is at Athens. Uranus sets at Amedabad. Mercury is on the IC at London.
The Sun today is at 9 degrees Capricorn. Mars is retrograde at 2 degrees Leo. He remains in opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are midway between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 81 days to the Vernal Equinox.
Mercury entered Sagittarius for 66 days on Nov 2nd as an evening star. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, 'restlessly seeking period'. This residence is both mind expanding and a hard lesson. Mercury turned retrograde on Nov 25th and turned direct at 6 Sagittarius on Dec 15th. Now as a morning 'star' Mercury leaves his shadow on Jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Aquarius as an evening star on Dec 7th. Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Jan 3rd. Venus' residence in Aquarius is a mixed bag. Venus' next retrograde period is from 2nd March to 14th April 2025 in Aries and Pisces. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries
Mars is in Leo. Mars is getting close to Earth. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slips back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) The Mars in Leo period, Nov 4th to Jan 6th, shows the would be gallant warrior god, becoming increasingly bashful, slow, tired and needing sleep, (going retrograde). Mars in Leo is usually resplendent, uncompromising, centre stage, big time and born to lead. These 62 days see these qualities a little more subdued than usual.
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squares Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is now direst in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.
Stride purposefully into a day infused with 'gritty' New Moon energy.
04.56 The infant New Moon accelerating at 13 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 13 Gemini
07.03 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 14 Pisces
14.29 Mercury at 19 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 24 Taurus
14.38 Venus at 27 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces
22.40 Venus at 28 Aquarius waning tri-septile Mars at 2 Leo
23.31 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 24 Taurus
Happy New Year. Stay tuned to The Daze in 2025.