Michael Harwood Astrology


Wayward vagabond comet K2 on its 'millions of years' long maiden voyage from the Oort cloud passes Earth 14/07/22. Record breaking 'early dynamic evolution'. This 'city sized snowball' in Draco has it's tropical zodiac position in Sagittarius. It was discovered on May 21st 2017, the day before the Ariana Grande concert terrorist attack in Manchester, admittedly not at all a good start, and at the time of a fiery grand trine in the skies of Earth involving Saturn, Uranus and the Lunar Node. Not necessarily a highly visible comet next year but might be naked eye object. Purification by fire, harsh energy but an agent of consciousness expansion.

The US has its first Pluto return in the period from 2021 to 2022.

Comet 73P/SchwassmannWadmann will cause a meteor shower this year.

Saturday 1st January 2022

Sun trine Uranus

Saturn square Uranus still dominates the astrological sky as 2022 starts. The aspect is strongest from August to December but is not again exact. 2020 was colored initially by Saturn conjunct Pluto triggering the global Covid-19 pandemic, and then by Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius ushering in a mix of scientific vaccine response and freedom restricting state control. 2021 has been dominated by the fixed square of Saturn and Uranus, which although not of the heavy duty caliber of Saturn conjunct Pluto, has nevertheless overseen and will continue to oversee a difficult conflict between crumbling old structures and the birth of new energies. 2022 continues with this theme with the added ingredient of Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces introducing a healing 'saving grace' vibration amid an ocean of delusion and misunderstanding. With the nodal axis aligning to Taurus/Scorpio and Uranus, and with a lengthy Mars residence in Gemini from late August, the spotlight is on economic and natural resource issues, intense desire and an even greater fragmentation in society and further manifestation of social diversity and intellectual discovery. After 2022 the following 4 years witness all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto entering new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. An old Moon New Year's Day with some surprises in st0re as the Sun trines Uranus. 03.56 retro-Venus at 23 Capricorn waxing novile Mars at 13 Sagittarius 08.16 The ancient Moon very rapidly moving at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 15 hours 09.51 The Sun at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 17.04 Retro-Venus at 23 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 11 Taurus 18.17 Mercury at 29 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 22.10 Mercury at 29 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 29 Taurus 23.01 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 23.04 The Moon enters Capricorn joining the Sun, retro Venus and Pluto. The New Moon in Capricorn is tomorrow.

Sunday 2nd January 2022

New Moon in Capricorn

00.13 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 1 Pisces 07.11 Mercury now in his shadow enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. Mercury is a direct evening star in Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius from Jan 14th to Feb 4th at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury then moves into Aquarius from today to Jan 26th turning retrograde on Jan 14th at 10 Aquarius. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting pragmatism is ahead of us. 12.12 The Sun at 12 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 12 Aquarius 16.20 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 18.34 Moment of NEW MOON

Today's New Moon in Capricorn is the first New moon following on from the Total Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees Sagitarius on Dec 4th and the 4th New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. Today's New Moon is trine Uranus. Earth and Cardinal signs predominate the sky. Saturn squaring Uranus overrides all else but retro-Venus beguilingly sextiles Neptune and Mars, with panache, sextiles Saturn. The New Moon is conjunct the industrious Mars/Saturn midpoint. This New Moon offers 'bare bones opportunity' to make good progress in a constructive manner and to initiate and act with flair and originality. This is a 'back to basics' and an 'onwards with confidence' lunation. This is a 'tough going' but positive New Moon. This New Moon hits wise,'no longer a child' Greta Thunberg's Sun, she is 18 tomorrow, Pope Francis' pragmatic Mercury, Johnny Depp's tortured Moon, Prince Harry's heavy weathered ascendant, Myanmar's Beleaguered Sun and Mercury and Ukraine's uncertain Neptune. At the exact moment of New Moon Uranus culminates over Eastern Europe, the lunar node culminates at Moscow. The Sun and Moon are rising over Tasmania and culminating over Fort Worth and Oklahoma City, Saturn culminates at La Paz, Jupiter rises at Vancouver, Mars is at lower culmination at Tehran. 23.44 Mercury at 1 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 1 Pisces

Monday 3rd January 2022

07.52 The very fast moving infant Moon at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.00 The Moon conjunction retro-Venus at 22 Capricorn 16.21 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.4 hours 21.44 The Moon at 29 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 22.45 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Mercury and Saturn in this sign. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 13 degrees Capricorn. There are 77 days to the Vernal Equinox. Retro-Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. All of the planets except Venus and Uranus are direct in motion. Mercury turns retrograde in 11 days time. We have left the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a direct evening star in Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius on Jan 14th (to Feb 4th) at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury then moves into Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th turning retrograde on Jan 14th at 10 Aquarius. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting logic pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn as an evening star on Nov 5th. She is now retrograde. She was in a conjunction with Pluto for the 1st time of 3, on Dec 11th at 25 Capricorn and for a 2nd time on Christmas day. Mercury overtook Venus at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th, sextiles Neptune, the 2nd time, on Jan 5th. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Capricorn on Jan 9th 2022. As a morning star Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars in Sagittarius evokes eagerness, optimism, limitless joviality and adventure. All a bit short lived but quite good fun. Not a good time for seeing things through. Lots of unfinished things. Hang loose. Mars squares Neptune on Jan 11th, inducing crazy scenes and situations. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 24th 2022, when the real work can begin. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what is to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 and the real business of healing can begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 4th January 2022

The Moon, Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius for two days. Future orientated laser vision. Breathing spaces. 02.37 The fast young Moon decelerating at 2 Aquarius conjunction Mercury. 09.04 Venus at 22 Capricorn waxing decile Mars at 16 Sagittarius 16.26 The Moon at 11 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 11 Taurus 18.03 retro-Venus at 21 Capricorn waning novile Jupiter at 1 Pisces 18.45 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 12 Aquarius

Wednesday 5th January 2022

Day 2 of 2 with the young Moon, Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius. Retro-Venus sextile Neptune. A day promising a hint of sweetness but with a 'long time void' Moon going nowhere. 00.45 The young Moon at 16 Aquarius waxing sextile Mars at 16 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 24 hours. 04.06 Mars at 16 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 16.04 Venus at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 23.02 The Moon at 29 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic.

Thursday 6th January 2022

Two days now with the waxing crescent Moon, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. 00.18 The decelerating Moon enters Pisces joining Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. 01.28 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 02.58 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 2 Pisces 07.30 Mars at 17 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 11 Taurus 19.05 The Moon at 11 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 22.48 Mercury at 6 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 21 Pisces

Friday 7th January 2022

Day 2 of 2 with the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. 02.55 The Sun at 17 Capricorn waning semi-square Jupiter at 2 Pisces 05.41 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 17 Pisces waxing sextile The Sun at 17 Capricorn 06.56 The Moon at 18 Pisces waxing square Mars at 18 Sagittarius 10.42 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 20 Capricorn 12.41 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 21 Pisces 22.24 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7 hours

Saturday 8th January 2022

03.53 The Moon void ofcourse at 29 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 05.28 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating towards her first quarter phase enters Aries The mellowness, distractions and inertia of the last 2 days are rudely broken. A stronger 'get up and go' impetus infuses our spirits. 19.38 The Moon at 8 Aries waxing sextile Mercury at 8 Aquarius 22.48 retro-Venus at 19 Capricorn waxing semi-sextile Mars at 19 Sagittarius

Sunday 9th January 2022

00.48 Venus at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn, (passes nearly 5 degrees north of the Sun). A 'New Venus'. New attachments. A 'new love chapter'. Retro-Venus hovers trine Uranus, lasting into early Feb. Richly sustaining, awakening, earthy love. 05.14 Jupiter at 2 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. Now the cycle reaches its waxing decile phase, (June 20th, July 4th and Jan 9th 2022). The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with with the decile aspect, the decision process 'what to be'. We are dealing here with new power structures, set in motion in 2020 now gaining purchase. 05.27 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 09.33 The Sun at 19 Capricorn waxing semi-sextile Mars at 19 Sagittarius 16.01 The Moon at 18 Aries waxing square Venus at 18 Capricorn 17.58 The Moon at 19 Aries waxing trine Mars at 19 Sagittarius 18.12 The Moon at First Quarter

Monday 10th January 2022

We have now arrived at the point in the seasons where, in the Northern Hemisphere we are almost out of the darkest 40 days and nights, in the south the lightest 40 days are over. Ahead of us, under a waxing Moon, Mercury turns retrograde in 4 days time.

05.00 Mercury at 9 Aquarius waxing quintile Venus at 18 Capricorn 05.00 The Sun at 20 Capricorn waxing quintile Venus at 18 Capricorn 07.24 The Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7.4 hours 14.49 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 19.49 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 3 Pisces 22.24 retro-Venus at 18 Capricorn waning semi-square Jupiter at 3 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 20 degrees Capricorn. There are 70 days to the Vernal Equinox. Retro-Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. All of the planets except Venus and Uranus are direct in motion. Mercury turns retrograde in 4 days time. We have left the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a direct evening star in Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius on Jan 14th (to Feb 4th) at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury is in Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th turning retrograde on Jan 14th at 10 Aquarius. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting logic pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a retrograde morning star. Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars in Sagittarius evokes eagerness, optimism, limitless joviality and adventure. All a bit short lived but quite good fun. Not a good time for seeing things through. Lots of unfinished things. Hang loose. Mars squares Neptune tomorrow, inducing crazy scenes and situations. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 24th 2022, when the real work can begin. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what is to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 and the real business of healing can begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 11th January 2022

Mars square Neptune

An essentially 'deep rooted' couple of days possibly touched by a degree of confusion as Mars squares Neptune tonight (GMT). Some crazy scenes, no doubt. 00.47 Mars at 20 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 03.28 The Sun at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 09.38 The first quarter Moon decelerating at 9 Taurus waxing square Mercury at 9 Aquarius 12.22 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 11 Taurus Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (0.67 degrees) 12.33 15.51 Mars at 21 Sagittarius waning quintile Jupiter at 3 Pisces 16.54 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 13 Aquarius 21.44 Mars at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces

Wednesday 12th January 2022

Slightly calmer vibrations today after the Mars square Neptune aberrations of last night(GMT). 00.34 The Moon at 17 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 17 Capricorn 08.39 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces 09.20 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing quincunx Mars at 21 Sagittarius 11.20 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing trine The Sun at 22 Capricorn 19.39 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7.5 hours.

Thursday 13th January 2022

Boris Johnson currently has his progressed first quarter Moon (in Sagittarius) in an unsettling square to his natal Uranus, exact on Jan 17th. In addition, transiting Jupiter whizzing through Pisces is conjunct his natal Saturn, having to face the music, January 22nd, and transiting Saturn squares his 'willful boundlessness' Jupiter Neptune fixed opposition end of the month-start of Feb. Is this enough to budge him from power. Could be. 00.54 The decelerating waxing Moon conjunction her mean ascending node at 29 Taurus 01.41 The Sun at 23 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 11 Taurus 03.10 The Moon enters Gemini 05.45 Mars at 22 Sagittarius waning septile Saturn at 13 Aquarius 06.58 The Sun at 23 Capricorn waning novile Jupiter at 3 Pisces 09.25 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 3 Pisces 20.46 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase

Friday 14th January 2022

00.10 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 10 Gemini waxing trine Mercury at 10 Aquarius 06.27 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 13 Aquarius 09.27 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 10.46 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing quincunx Venus at 16 Capricorn 11.38 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE This results in a period where both Mercury and Venus appear to simultaneously move backwards through the zodiac for some 15 days. This is not a rare event. These periods can last anything from 1 day (27/12/1997) to 24 days. (On the morning of Saturday 27 December 1997, just before 10.00 a.m., Billy Wright was assassinated by INLA prisoners inside the Maze Prison. This was 1 hour 40 min before the end of a 26.25 hour period when both Venus and Mercury were retrograde. At the time Mars was in near alignment to Uranus, 2 degrees from stationary Venus). These periods can and do occur every couple of years although you can go 18 years without them happening. Aug 1999 to April 2017 was such an interval, as will be 2039 to 2052. The last time Mercury and Venus simultaneously retrograded occurred with a focus on Capricorn, as is the one about to commence, was 20/12/1989 to 20/1/1990. Terrible events happened during this period notably the Baku massacres. (Check out that one if you have a stout constitution). There can be something 'counter life-force' or an 'abandonment of principal' or even 'unnatural and natural asceticism' about these periods, they can coincide with unusual events taking place e.g. the Baltic states Singing Revolutions' in June 1988. The dates since 1980 for these periods are:- 28/6/80 for 8 days, 23/1/82 18 days, 2/9/83 13 days,24/3/85 23 days, 2/11/86 20 days, 31/5/88 24 days, 30/12/89 21 days, 7/8/91 24 days, 11/3/93 11 days, 13/10/94 17 days, 20/5/96 7 days, 27/12/97 1 day, 30/7/99 7 days. Then the big break. 9/4/2017 6 days, 18/6/20 7 days, then the one just ahead of us 14/1/22 for 15 days. The following one is 23/8/23 for 11 days. The one ahead of us involves conjunctions with Pluto in the mix. It is wise to be aware, with clarity of mind, of the potential transforming and regenerative forces at work in the world in the forthcoming couple of weeks starting on Friday. If we bring retrograde Mars into the equation and search for times when all three personal planets i.e. Mercury, Venus and Mars are simultaneously retrograde we discover a much rarer event. This last occurred in the period 30/4/1937 to 9/5/1937. The General Strike in Paris and the Hindenberg Disaster occurred during this period.

Mercury, Venus and Mars are not simultaneously retrograde in the period 1950 to the current day. There was however a cluster of such events in the 2nd half of the 19th century, in fact 5 events occurred within 50 years. The next future event is on 14/12/2037 for 4 days and from 13/12/2069 to 2/1/2070. 21.00 to 02.30 A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune. 21.51 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 21 Pisces

Saturday 15th January 2022

Mercury and Venus now both retrograde. 14 days remain of these simultaneous phases. Venus stations direct Jan 29th, Mercury Feb 4th. The Full Moon climaxes on Monday evening (GMT). Lunar pressures dominate the weekend ahead. 02.22 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 23 Gemini opposition Mars at 23 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 14 hours 06.11 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing quincunx The Sun at 25 Capricorn 08.55 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 16.12 The Moon enters Cancer 23.31 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 4 Pisces

Sunday 16th January 2022

Sun conjunct Pluto

Lunar emotional pressures are high. Mercury and Venus now both retrograde. 13 days remain of these simultaneous phases. 12.13 The nearly Full Moon slowly accelerating at 10 Cancer waxing quincunx retro-Mercury at 10 Aquarius 13.59 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 14.51 The Sun conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn 19.43 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 14 Aquarius 20.51 The Moon at 14 Cancer opposition retro-Venus at 14 Capricorn

Monday 17th January 2022

Full Moon in Cancer

Mercury and Venus both retrograde. 12 days remain of these simultaneous phases. 03.23 retro-Mercury at 10 Aquarius waxing semi-square Mars at 25 Sagittarius 10.20 The very nearly Full Moon slowly accelerating at 21 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 21 Pisces 18.25 The Moon at 25 Cancer waning quincunx Mars at 25 Sagittarius 19.45 retro-Venus at 14 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 14 Aquarius 21.09 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn 23.49 Moment of FULL MOON


Today's Full Moon in Cancer is the 2nd following on from the long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th 2021 and the 4th before a Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th 2022 at 26 degrees Scorpio. The Full Moon in Cancer is opposite Pluto, sextile Ceres. This is a convulsively emotional lunation, but charity begins at home. A strong 'homing instinct' will manifest. Retro Mercury squares Uranus, unsettling communications, retro Venus trines Uranus, re-valuation. Saturn squares Uranus, sign of the 'socially strained' times . Earth and water signs predominate. An emotionally muddy Full Moon, but nourishing and fertile. This Full Moon hits Russia's Moon tightly(1991 chart), the Syrian Mars, Bull Gate's ascendant, Liz Truss' Saturn, Ariana Legrande's Mercury, opposes Prince Andrew's Venus and Mars and opposes the USA Pluto. At the exact moment of Full Moon today, the Sun Moon and Pluto are aligned to Holland, Belgium and Bangkok. The Moon rises and Pluto sets at Aspen, Moon set is at Hanoi, the Sun and Pluto set at Santiago. Jupiter rises at Tokyo. Uranus culminates at Washington DC and sets at Kiev. Neptune culminates at San Francisco and at Seattle. The Full Moon climaxes and the GMT day ends. The Moon is now void of course for 4.25 hours

STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 27 degrees Capricorn and the Moon is Full. There are 63 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun enters Aquarius on Thursday. Mercury, Venus and Uranus are retrograde. Mercury turned retrograde 3 days ago. Retro-Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. We have left the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Aquarius. Mercury turned retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius on Jan 14th (to Feb. 4th) at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury is in Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. Hard-hitting logic pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a retrograde morning star. Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars in Sagittarius evokes eagerness, optimism, limitless joviality and adventure. All a bit short lived but quite good fun. Not a good time for seeing things through. Lots of unfinished things. Hang loose. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 24th 2022, when the real work can begin. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what is to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 and the real business of healing can begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now and he sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 18th January 2022

Mercury and Venus both retrograde. 12 days remain of these simultaneous phases. 01.22 The void of course Moon at 29 Cancer sextile her node from north of the ecliptic 02.38 The Sun at 28 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 11 Taurus 04.05 The Moon enters Leo 06.31 The Sun at 28 Capricorn waning decile Jupiter at 4 Pisces 12.16 The Moon at 4 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 4 Pisces 15.40 The Sun at 29 Capricorn waxing septile retro-Mercury at 9 Aquarius 17.28 The Sun at 29 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 29 Taurus (Entering mid-inter-eclipse season territory.) 18.11 Mars at 26 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 11 Taurus 20.00 to 07.19 A fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, retro-Mercury, Saturn and Uranus. 20.40 The Moon at 8 Leo opposition retro-Mercury at 8 Aquarius

Wednesday 19th January 2022

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Capricorn. The Sun enters Aquarius tomorrow. Mercury and Venus both retrograde. 11 days remain of these simultaneous phases. 01.12 The waning accelerating full Moon at 11 Leo waxing square Uranus at 11 Taurus 05.48 The Moon at 13 Leo waning quincunx retro-Venus at 13 Capricorn 07.19 The Moon at 14 Leo opposition Saturn at 14 Aquarius 16.22 Venus at 13 Capricorn waning septile Jupiter at 4 Pisces 18.30 Mars at 27 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.31 The Sun at 30 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 21.01 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces

Thursday 20th January 2022

02.41 The Sun enters Aquarius joining Mercury and Saturn in that sign and a new astrological month begins. Mercury and Venus both retrograde. 10 days remain of these simultaneous phases. 07.31 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 08.16 The Moon at 27 Leo waning trine Mars at 27 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 6 hours 09.53 Mercury at 7 Aquarius waxing novile Mars at 27 Sagittarius 11.12 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 29 Taurus 14.04 The Moon enters Virgo 15.03 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning quincunx The Sun at 1 Aquarius 22.59 The Moon at 5 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 5 Pisces

Friday 21st January 2022

An exacting and critically practical couple of days ensue. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde. 9 days remain of these simultaneous phases. 01.56 The waning and accelerating Moon at 6 Virgo waning quincunx retro-Mercury at 6 Aquarius 05.15 Retro-Mercury at 6 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 21 Pisces 10.00 to 13.20 An Earthy grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, retro-Venus and Uranus. Very sweet. 10.29 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 13.19 The Moon at 12 Virgo waning trine retro-Venus at 12 Capricorn 16.55 The Moon at 14 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 14 Aquarius 21.42 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase

Saturday 22nd January 2022

Transiting Jupiter is conjunct Boris Johnson's Saturn and transiting Mars is opposite his natal Sun and Mercury today. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde. 8 days remain of these simultaneous phases. A couple of interesting days follow with dynamic astrological geometry manifesting on Sunday evening (GMT). Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction tomorrow, a start to a new chapter in the story, which serves as a prelude to a series of pushes into denser astro-territory, with accompanying purges, over the last week in January, leading up to a poignant New Moon conjunct Saturn on Feb 1st. Mars enters Capricorn on Monday, Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on Wednesday and conjuncts Pluto, as Venus stations, next Saturday. This next week has a grinding quality with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto in the sign of the goat. Many things will be forced out. 04.01 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 5 Pisces 05.44 The Moon at 21 Virgo opposition Neptune at 21 Pisces 12.35 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waxing decile Mars at 29 Sagittarius 15.53 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 19.04 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 28 Taurus 19.47 The Moon at 29 Virgo waning square Mars at 29 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for 2.3 hours 22.04 The Moon enters Libra

Sunday 23rd January 2022

Mercury and Venus both continue with retrograde motions. 7 days remain with these simultaneous phases. The Inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs today. Mars enters Capricorn tomorrow. Mercury re-enters Capricorn on Wednesday. Mercury conjuncts Pluto and Venus stations direct on Saturday. A transition to a denser astrology, with an emphasis on purging Capricorn energy is immediately ahead of us. 03.43 The disseminating accelerating Moon at 3 Libra waning trine The Sun at 3 Aquarius 04.48 The Moon at 4 Libra waning trine Mercury at 4 Aquarius 07.38 The Moon at 5 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 5 Pisces 10.29 Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 3 Aquarius A 'New Mercury'. A new chapter in the story. 17.46 The Moon at 11 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 19.00 to 01.00 interesting planetary geometry involving the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Uranus. 19.22 The Moon at 12 Libra waning square Venus at 12 Capricorn 20.49 Mars at 30 Sagittarius waning semi-square Saturn at 15 Aquarius

Monday 24th January 2022

00.27 The Moon at 15 Libra waning trine Saturn at 15 Aquarius 12.24 The Moon at 21 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 21 Pisces 12.54 Mars enters Capricorn joining Pluto and Venus in this sign. 22.11 The Moon at 27 Libra waning square Pluto at 27 Capricorn, moon void

STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 4 degrees Aquarius. There are 56 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde. 6 days remain with these simultaneous phases. Mercury turned retrograde 10 days ago. Retro-Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Retro-Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. We are in inter eclipse season territory. Mercury and Mars are joining Venus and Pluto in Capricorn over the next few days. Much to be purged. Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Aquarius. Mercury turned retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius on Jan 14th (to Feb. 4th) at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury is in Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th. As a retro-morning star Mercury conjuncts Pluto a 2nd time on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Feb 4th and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on Valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. A purge. Hard-hitting logic pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a retrograde morning star. Venus turns direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn today. The real work can begin. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what is to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 and the real business of healing can begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now and he sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect is a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This is a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect will induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We will observe a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and repeats on Dec 24th with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 5 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.


Tuesday 25th January 2022

Mercury and Venus are still both retrograde morning stars. Mars entered Capricorn yesterday. Mercury re-enters Capricorn tomorrow and conjuncts Pluto as Venus stations direct on Saturday. A transition to denser astrology, with emphasis on purging heavier Capricorn energy is underway. Mars has a favorable 40 day residence in Capricorn. Accompanying and somewhat overpowering Venus in this sign he is never far from her for the whole period. This colours the whole period with a 'commitment' hue. He sextiles Jupiter on Feb 4th, invoking resilient optimism. He trines Uranus on Feb 8th, practical ingenuity. He overtakes Venus on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn, male emancipation. Mars sextiles Neptune Feb 23rd, practical action with flair, and is conjunct Pluto on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6th. Venus catches up with him on that day and has the last word. Mars is 'happy' in Capricorn. He gets 'stuck in' and things get done. 03.59 The Moon accelerating towards last quarter phase enters Scorpio. The next couple of days...deepening and intensifying. 04.49 The Moon at 0 Scorpio waning sextile Mars at 0 Capricorn 05.52 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning square Mercury at 1 Aquarius 12.46 Retro-Mercury at 1 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Mars at 1 Capricorn 13.42 The Moon at Last Quarter 14.02 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 6 Pisces 19.32 The Sun at 6 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 6 Pisces 22.00 to 06.00 A fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus. 22.53 The Moon at 11 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 11 Taurus 23.42 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 11 Capricorn

Wednesday 26th January 2022

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn. The Moon accelerates through Scorpio. Astrologically more dense and more intense. 03.05 The fast moving and accelerating last quarter Moon at 13 Scorpio waxing sextile retro-Mercury at 30 Capricorn 03.06 Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn joining retro-Venus, Mars and Pluto in this sign. 05.16 retro-Mercury at 30 Capricorn waning decile Jupiter at 6 Pisces 05.38 to 06.49 Lunar occultation of the Moon and alpha Libra observable from the UK 05.43 The Moon at 15 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 15 Aquarius 06.22 The Sun at 6 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 21 Pisces 06.28 retro-Mercury at 30 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 21 Pisces 06.32 Mars at 1 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 16.48 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 21 Pisces

Thursday 27th January 2022

Just two more days of both Mercury and Venus retrograde. Venus stations on Saturday. 02.10 The fast moving and accelerating ageing Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 04.27 The Moon at 28 Scorpio opposition her mean ascending node at 28 Taurus 05.29 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning sextile retro-Mercury at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 2 hours. 07.36 The Moon enters Sagittarius. Whip crack away. 18.03 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 6 Pisces 20.02 retro-Mercury at 28 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 28 Taurus 20.47 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning sextile The Sun at 8 Aquarius 22.37 retro-Mercury at 28 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 11 Taurus

Friday 28th January 2022

Today is the final day of both Mercury and Venus being retrograde. 01.44 The very rapidly waning old Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 08.40 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 15 Aquarius 19.00 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 21 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 14.2 hours 23.24 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Tuesday's New Moon now starts in earnest. Retro Mercury applies in conjunction to Pluto as this day ends(GMT).

Saturday 29th January 2022

The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn.

04.17 retro-Mercury conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn 08.48 VENUS TURNS DIRECT 09.11 Just 23 minutes after Venus turns direct the Moon enters Capricorn joining Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto in this sign for the next couple of days. This is a heavy concentration of Capricorn energy and it is the last grouping of these 3 planets with the Moon and Pluto in this sign in our lifetime. Two days of compelling astrological substance ensue. 11.00 Mercury at 27 Capricorn waning novile Jupiter at 7 Pisces 15.11 The Moon conjunction Mars at 4 Capricorn 17.01 The Sun at 10 Aquarius waxing decile Mars at 4 Capricorn 20.04 The Moon at 7 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 7 Pisces

Sunday 30th January 2022

The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn.

Sun square Uranus.

Shocks and surprise as this heavy weight day evolves and the Sun squares Uranus. 02.48 The very fast moving ancient Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 03.09 The Moon conjunction Venus at 11 Capricorn 07.10 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 16.11 Jupiter at 7 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. Now the cycle reaches its waxing novile phase, a single hit. The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes with the novile aspect, 'a cultivation of nascent qualities and possibilities'. We are dealing here with new power structures now achieving substance and momentum. The cycle ends in 2033 at 15 Aquarius. 19.33 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 11 Taurus 19.48 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 21 Pisces

Monday 31st January 2022

01.29 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Venus at 11 Capricorn 02.26 The very rapidly waning old Moon Moon conjunction Mercury at 26 Capricorn 04.44 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5 hours. 06.22 The Moon at 28 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 08.00 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 21 Pisces 09.38 Saturn at 15 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 21 Pisces This is a single event in the 36 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune. Largely an historical cycle, this astrology's 'tough one', concerned with dissolution, suffering and deep tests of faith. The current cycle started in 1989, in Capricorn, with the fall of the Soviet Empire. It reached the opposition phase in 2006-2007 preceded in late 2004 by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, death by water, wave of grief and in August 2005 by catastrophic flooding in New Orleans after the Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina, 1,464 people died. The last quarter phase in 2016 was preceded in 20154 by Ebola outbreaks in Africa,and in 2016 itself with North Korean Korean missile tests, the UK voting to leave the EU and Russia interfering in USA elections. The cycle ends in Feb. 2026 at 1 degree Aries. 'A seed amid the harvest of the closing cycle carries the potential continuation of realized qualities and opportunities, and another chance for the redemption of past shortcomings. The waning decile aspect polarizes an efflux of the power of wholeness in an act of seed-mutation, the ultimate creative activity of the 'tough one's' cycle process.' 09.44 The ancient Moon enters Aquarius joining the Sun and Saturn in this sign. The New Moon in Aquarius is tomorrow. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 11 degrees Aquarius. Saturn is also in Aquarius. There are 49 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is still retrograde. Retro-Mercury, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. We are in inter eclipse season territory. Mercury is a retrograde morning star now in Capricorn. Mercury turned retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius on Jan 14th (to Feb. 4th) at 24 Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of this retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury was in Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th. As a retro-morning star Mercury was conjuncts Pluto (the 2nd time) on Jan 29th 2022. He stations direct at 24 Capricorn on Friday and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on Valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. A purge. Hard-hitting logical pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a direct morning star. Venus turned direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Mars is having a favorable 40 day residence in Capricorn. Accompanying and somewhat overpowering Venus in this sign he is never far from her for the whole period. This colours the whole period with a 'commitment' hue. He sextiles Jupiter on Feb 4th, invoking resilient optimism. He trines Uranus on Feb 8th, practical ingenuity. He overtakes Venus on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn, male emancipation. Mars sextiles Neptune Feb 23rd, practical action with flair, and is conjunct Pluto on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6th. Venus catches up with him on that day and has the last word. Mars is 'happy' in Capricorn. He gets 'stuck in' and things get done. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what was to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane, at least in the UK, during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now and he sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.


Tuesday 1st February 2022

An astrologically interesting month.

New Moon in Aquarius

Venus still trine Uranus up to Feb 6th. Only 5 degrees separate Venus and Mars all month. They are conjunct 2 days after Valentines day. Mars is chasing her. 02.07 Mars at 5 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 15 Aquarius 03.26 The Moon at 11 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 11 Taurus 05.47 Moment of NEW MOON

Today's New Moon in Aquarius is the 2nd New Moon following on from the Total Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021 and the 3rd New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 (conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America). Today's New Moon is conjunct Saturn and square Uranus. Venus is trine Uranus, Retro-Mercury is conjunct Pluto, Earth and Air signs predominate. Zero Fire, little Mutability. It all adds up to a potential 'cosmic slap in the face' and some surprises, but there is comfort in belonging, and in attachment. Much practicality and much deep thinking will be evident, as may be much indignation and protest. Mars is starting to sextile Jupiter, exact on Friday, the day Mercury turns direct so as the New Moon gains purchase there is manifest some favorable breakthroughs and optimism. A difficult birth but a glorious childhood. Today's New Moon hits the Boris Johnson Government chart's Ascendant and squares the UK Mars. It hits the Mars and Saturn of Bosnia, the Mars of Qatar very tightly, the Venus of Myanmar, (square the Venus of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Moon of Ivory Coast, the Moon of Mexico, the Saturn of the UK Premiere League, the MC of Pakistan, the Moon of Tony Blair, and the Jupiter of Marcus Rashford. It opposes the EU's Uranus, Queen Elizabeth's Moon, Prince Andrew's Ascendant, Meghan Markle's Sun, (square Harry's Saturn), Marine Le Penn's Sun and Mercury, Stephen Fry's Moon, and the Saturn Pluto conjunctions in both the India and the Pakistan charts. The New Moon squares Joe Biden's Mars and Vladimir Putin's Venus. At the exact moment of New Moon today the Sun and Saturn rise at Kiev and at Moscow. A heavy sunrise there but not without structure and perhaps some agreement. Venus and Mars rise over the UK, where Uranus culminates, something pretty important in store for the UK. Mars rises at Rio De Janeiro, Pluto rises at Rome. The Sun and Moon culminate over Myanmar, certainly a country to watch this coming month. Jupiter culminates at Manila, Mars sets over Korea. For a few hours the New moon applies in all seriousness to Saturn. Rather sombre hours 11.02 The Moon at 16 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 16 Aquarius. The infant new moon is then void of course for a lengthy 24 hours.

Wednesday 2nd February 2022

07.21 The decelerating infant Moon at 28 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 11.01 The Moon enters Pisces joining Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. Two days of subliminal receptivity. Mercury stll retrograde, slowing to a halt by Friday, inducing stillness of perception, absorbtion, futureproof visualisations. What is to be, what is to follow. Very interesting days. 22.34 The Moon at 7 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 7 Capricorn 23.58 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 8 Pisces

Thursday 3rd February 2022

05.31 The young decelerating Moon at 11 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 06.35 The Moon at 12 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 12 Capricorn 20.52 Imbolc. The Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are midway between Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. It is now late summer in the southern hemisphere. The season of 'stirring' is starting in the north. The year is turning. Seasons they change. 23.54 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 22 Pisces

Friday 4th February 2022

Mars sextile Jupiter.

Mercury turns direct

The Sun conjunct Saturn

Three specials today. Positive developments. Optimistic potentials. Organisation and parameters. 04.07 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT. All the planets are now in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. 04.56 The young Moon decelerating at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Mercury at 24 Capricorn 09.36 The Sun at 16 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 22 Pisces 09.42 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.25 hours 10.51 The Moon at 28 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 13.38 Mars at 8 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 8 Pisces 14.58 The Moon enters Aries 16.26 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 19.05 The Sun conjunction Saturn at 16 Aquarius

Saturday 5th February 2022

We are now in a brief few weeks of substantially positive astrological progress. All planets are direct in motion (till April 29th). Mars is making favorable aspects, sextile Jupiter yesterday and trine Uranus on Thursday. Jupiter is racing onwards 'glissando' through Pisces and the Moon is currently a happily waxing crescent. Oh what it is to be young. 06.28 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 9 Aries waxing square Mars at 9 Capricorn 12.57 The Moon at 12 Aries waxing square Venus at 12 Capricorn 20.23 The Moon at 16 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 16 Aquarius 22.18 The Moon at 17 Aries waxing sextile The Sun at 17 Aquarius

Sunday 6th February 2022

12.43 The slow moving waxing and decelerating crescent Moon at 25 Aries waxing square Mercury at 25 Capricorn 17.15 Mars at 10 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 22 Pisces 17.21 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.5 hours. 22.54 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign.

Monday 7th February 2022

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus are 'earth trine' Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn later today. Potentially gentle and kind. 11.15 The Sun at 19 Aquarius waxing decile Venus at 13 Capricorn 15.03 Mars at 10 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 16 Aquarius 15.59 The slow moving and decelerating waxing crescent Moon at 9 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 9 Pisces 19.13 The Moon at 10 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 10 Capricorn The Moon and Uranus are trine Venus conjunct Mars 20.23 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 11 Taurus Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (0.44 degrees) 21.57 GMT STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 18 degrees Aquarius. Saturn is also in Aquarius. There are 42 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Moon and Uranus are in Taurus. Mercury, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. We are in inter eclipse season territory. All the planets (and Pluto) are now in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Capricorn. Mercury is not fully clear of Capricorn until Feb 14th 2022 because of recent retrograde motion. Mercury overtook retro Venus on Dec 29th at 24 Capricorn, and was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three which characterise this phase, on Dec 30th at 26 Capricorn. Mercury was in Aquarius from Jan 2nd to Jan 26th. As a retro-morning star Mercury was conjuncts Pluto (the 2nd time) on Jan 29th 2022. He stationed direct at 24 Capricorn last Friday and is conjunct Pluto for the final time on Feb 11th. Mercury finally leaves Capricorn on Valentine's Day. The repeated Mercury Pluto conjunction represents a pretty powerful transformation of strategy. A sea change. A purge. Hard-hitting logical pragmatism is ahead of us. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a direct morning star. Venus turned direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Venus is within 5 degrees of Mars in Capricorn for all of February and nearly all of March. This is and will be the major astrological force at work over the next 7 weeks. Mars is currently chasing Venus and is conjunct with her on 16th Feb at 17 degrees Capricorn. Venus, speeding up, overtakes Mars and is again conjunct him, with tighter alignment on 6th March at zero Aquarius. The conjunction of these two planets is always a drawn out affair, but this one is especially so. A real love story is in the making here. Venus and Mars journeying through Capricorn has a 'nothing's going to stop us now' vibration. This is a 'love launch' into the future, destination 'beyond dreams'. The Venus Mars conjunction following these two is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is having a favorable 40 day residence in Capricorn. Accompanying and somewhat overpowering Venus in this sign he is never far from her for the whole period. This colours the whole period with a 'commitment' hue. He sextiles Jupiter on Feb 4th, invoking resilient optimism. He trines Uranus tomorrow, practical ingenuity. He overtakes Venus on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn, male emancipation. Mars sextiles Neptune Feb 23rd, practical action with flair, and is conjunct Pluto on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6th. Venus catches up with him on that day and has the last word. Mars is 'happy' in Capricorn. He gets 'stuck in' and things get done. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what was to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane, at least in the UK, during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now and he sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 24 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 8th February 2022

Mars trine Uranus

Gentleness wins this day and opens doors. Mars is now 2 degrees of ecliptic longitude from Venus and Mercury 2 degrees from Pluto, both applying. Events manifesting as these two conjunctiuons tighten. 00.01 The slowly waxing and decelerating Moon at 13 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 13 Capricorn 07.02 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 16 Aquarius 13.51 The Moon is at Fixed First Quarter phase 14.58 Mars at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 17.40 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces

Wednesday 9th February 2022

01.49 The slowly waxing first quarter Moon accelerating at 26 Taurus waxing trine Mercury at 26 Capricorn 04.48 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.7 hours. 05.18 The Moon conjunction her ascending node at 27 Taurus 10.28 The Moon enters Gemini. The Sun and Moon are now in Air signs. Mercury is approaching his final (of 3) conjunctions with Pluto, exact Friday. Mars continues with his chase on Venus (exact next Wednesday-the day of the Full Moon). Much to root out and discuss over the next couple of days. Much to be aired. 19.43 The Sun at 21 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 11 Taurus

Thursday 10th February 2022

Mercury is closing on Pluto. Mars is stalking Venus. Events are building and time is moving on. 05.29 The very slowly waxing Moon decelerating at 9 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 9 Pisces 11.37 The Moon at 12 Gemini waxing quincunx Mars at 12 Capricorn 12.30 The Sun at 22 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 14.36 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing quincunx Venus at 14 Capricorn 20.21 The Moon at 17 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 17 Aquarius

Friday 11th February 2022

Mercury conjunct Pluto.

Transforming energy abounds today as Mercury conjuncts Pluto. Events possibly coming to a head. Mercury was conjunct Pluto, the first hit of three, on Dec 30th 2021 at 26 Capricorn. As a retro-morning star Mercury was conjunct Pluto (the 2nd time) on Jan 29th 2022. Today sees the final hit. 06.44 The very slowly waxing Moon at 22 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 22 Pisces 08.23 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing trine The Sun at 23 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 15 hours. 14.04 Mercury conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn 15.34 Mercury at 27 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 27 Taurus The void Moon now awkwardly quincunxes the conjunction. 17.57 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.12 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Mercury at 27 Capricorn 23.28 The Moon enters Cancer setting an instinctive edge on the weekend ahead .

Saturday 12th February 2022

Yesterday's Mercury Pluto conjunction coincided with British and US nationals in Ukraine being told to leave the country amid fears of a Russian invasion. Russia has repeatedly denied any plans to invade Ukraine despite massing more than 100,000 troops near the border. The Russian 1991 chart is under stress. This month transiting Saturn is square the Russian Pluto and transiting Pluto is opposite the Russian Moon. This last aspect hits 3 times during the next year. It suggests fear and worry dominating the 'national emotion'. It also suggests that the way out of this crisis is simply to attempt to allay these fears. The Ukraine (1991) chart also has the Saturn square Pluto transit, with the addition of Saturn conjunct natal Moon 3 times this year. For both countries the issue is one of national security and support. Putin has for the last year been under the transit of Uranus opposite his natal Venus. He has been unsettled by this. This aspect has its final hit next month before subsiding. Hopefully the current tensions will abate. 02.39 The Moon is at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 17.34 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Full Moon starts in earnest. 19.35 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 10 Pisces 20.33 Mercury at 28 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 11 Taurus 21.50 The Moon at 11 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus 22.12 The Sun at 24 Aquarius waxing novile Mars at 14 Capricorn

Sunday 13th February 2022

Lunar pressures are rising. Another kind of pressure is also building. Mars is now well within a degree of ecliptic longitude from Venus. Both the conjunction and the approaching Full Moon climax within 3.5 hours of each other on Wednesday. What will befall? Cards are being kept close to chests right now as a waxing gibbous tenacious Moon in Cancer colors events and attitudes. The uncompromising Full Moon in Leo will reveal all however. 04.22 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon slowly accelerating at 14 Cancer opposition Mars at 14 Capricorn 05.46 The Moon at 15 Cancer opposition Venus at 15 Capricorn 09.34 The Moon at 17 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 17 Aquarius 19.16 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 22 Pisces

Monday 14th February 2022

02.10 The waxing gibbous Moon at 25 Cancer quincunx The Sun at 25 Aquarius 05.47 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing sextile the lunar node at 27 Taurus 06.08 The Moon at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn 09.29 The Sun at 26 Aquarius waxing novile Venus at 16 Capricorn 10.27 The Moon at 30 Cancer opposition Mercury at 30 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just 52 minutes. 11.19 The Moon enters Leo unleashing uncompromising self expressive energy. 21.55 Mercury enters Aquarius as a morning star joining the Sun and Saturn in this sign. This brief 24 day residence is entirely geared to the future. No looking or thinking back. Mercury squares Uranus on Feb 25th, challenging the status quo. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on March 2nd at 19 degrees Aquarius, the highlight of the residence, inducing formalisation and establishment of new ideas. Mercury enters Pisces on March 10th. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 25 degrees Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces on Friday. Saturn is also in Aquarius as is Mercury by day's end. There are 35 days to the Vernal Equinox. Venus Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn with Mars almost conjunct Venus. Both the conjunction and the approaching Full Moon climax within 3.5 hours of each other on Wednesday. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. We are midway between eclipse seasons. All the planets (and Pluto) are now in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. Mercury is from tonight (GMT) a direct morning star in Aquarius. See above. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a direct morning star. Venus turned direct at 11 Capricorn on Jan 29th. Mars overtakes her on Feb 16th at 17 Capricorn. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Venus is within 5 degrees of Mars in Capricorn for all of February and nearly all of March. This is and will be the major astrological force at work over the next 6 weeks. Mars is currently chasing Venus and is conjunct with her on 16th Feb at 17 degrees Capricorn. Venus, speeding up, overtakes Mars and is again conjunct him, with tighter alignment on 6th March at zero Aquarius. The conjunction of these two planets is always a drawn out affair, but this one is especially so. A real love story is in the making here. Venus and Mars journeying through Capricorn has a 'nothing's going to stop us now' vibration. This is a 'love launch' into the future, destination 'beyond dreams'. The Venus Mars conjunction following these two is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is having a favorable 40 day residence in Capricorn. Accompanying and somewhat overpowering Venus in this sign he is never far from her for the whole period. This colours the whole period with a 'commitment' hue. He overtakes Venus on Wednesday at 17 Capricorn, male emancipation. Mars sextiles Neptune Feb 23rd, practical action with flair, and is conjunct Pluto on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6th. Venus catches up with him on that day and has the last word. Mars is 'happy' in Capricorn. He gets 'stuck in' and things get done. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what was to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane, at least in the UK, during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now and he sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 15th February 2022

Lunar pressures are high. Mars is almost on Venus. Full on astrology. Not the easiest day this. The Moon, somewhat wayward makes tricky and testing aspects. However this week as well as the Full Moon hitting hard and the Venus Mars conjunction sounding out, we also have the very pleasant Jupiter sextile Uranus aspect which peaks early Friday (GMT). 07.50 The 'nearly full' Moon accelerating at 11 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 11 Pisces 08.56 The Moon at 11 Leo waxing square Uranus at 11 Taurus 10.26 Mercury at 0 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 22 Pisces 14.28 Mercury at 1 Aquarius waning novile Jupiter at 11 Pisces 18.46 The Moon at 16 Leo waning quincunx Mars at 16 Capricorn 19.02 The Moon at 16 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 16 Capricorn 19.51 The Sun at 27 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 27 Taurus The midway marker between eclipse seasons. 20.39 The Moon at 17 Leo opposition Saturn at 17 Aquarius

Wednesday 16th February 2022

Full Moon in Leo

Venus conjunct Mars

03.18 The Sun at 27 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 05.32 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces 14.29 Venus conjunction Mars at 17 Capricorn 15.12 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 27 Taurus 15.54 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.57 Moment of FULL MOON.


Today's Full Moon in Leo is the 3rd following on from the long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th 2021 and the 3rd before a Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th 2022 at 26 degrees Scorpio. We are midway between eclipse seasons. The Full Moon is square the lunar nodes (and Ceres), and separates from a quincunx to Pluto. This is a self expressive fateful lunation of uncompromising courage, blatancy, colour and creativity. Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn dominates the astrological sky. A passion play is underway. Jupiter sextiles Uranus which is inspiring, future oriented, consciousness expanding and optimistic, lovely. Mars applies sextile to Neptune adding 'glamour and fascination to the mix . Planets in Fixed, Earth and Air signs accompany the fiery Moon, much that is set down at this time is for keeps. The Moon is opposite the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint establishing a new formality and a new set of parameters. The Full Moon at 28 Leo hits the Ukraine's Venus, Russia's Jupiter, Donald Trump's Mars and Ascendant, North Korea's Saturn, Belgium's Saturn, Israel's Mars, Greece's Mars, Qatar's Mercury, Alqueda's Mercury, Sudan's Pluto, and the Vatican's Neptune. It opposes the USA Moon, Kamala Harris' Saturn, and the UK Conservative Party's Jupiter. It hits Bill Gate's Jupiter and Pluto, Joseph Kennedy's Moon, David Cameron's Mars, the Dalai Lama's Venus, Robert Plant's Sun and Saturn, Keith Richard's Jupiter and is tightly conjunct Tom Cruise's Uranus. At the exact moment of Full Moon (16.58 GMT) the Moon rises and the Sun sets over France, Tunisia, and N'Djamena. The Moon rises and Uranus culminates over t the UK. It is high Noon at Boston (Mass) and at Santiago. True Midnight is at Singapore. Neptune has just set at Moscow. Both Jupiter and Neptune set over Ukraine, Neptune also sets at Mecca. Uranus culminates over Spain. Jupiter culminates at Buenos Aires. Venus and Mars are at lower culmination at Karachi. The Moon is now void of course for nearly 4 hours. 20.44 The Moon enters Virgo

Thursday 17th February 2022

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces tomorrow. The Full Moon climax has passed. This is quickly followed by Jupiter sextile Uranus opening doors. Today Venus and Mars waltzing in each others arms both semi-sextile Saturn, a serious note. 00.32 The rapidly waning full Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Mercury at 2 Aquarius 08.35 Mars at 17 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 17 Aquarius 14.10 Venus at 17 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 17 Aquarius 17.27 The Moon at 11 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 11 Pisces 17.34 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 22.03 The Sun at 29 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 11 Taurus

Friday 18th February 2022

00.13 Jupiter at 11 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 11 Taurus In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,(just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024) The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning sextile aspect, a one off aspect, is all about 'enrichment', a way of life and its social instrumentalities. This is 'whole-seeing' accepting oneself and all things as interrelated parts of a whole. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Always a good one when these two planets are involved. Jupiter is moving very quickly onwards to a semi-sextile to Pluto next week, and single waxing septile aspects to Pluto (March 2rd) and a waning septile aspect Uranus (April 1st). Global and personal events move on very quickly now. 05.12 The accelerating waning full Moon at 18 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 18 Aquarius 05.47 The Moon at 18 Virgo waning trine Venus at 18 Capricorn 06.14 The Moon at 18 Virgo waning trine Mars at 18 Capricorn 13.23 The Moon at 22 Virgo opposition Neptune at 22 Pisces 16.45 The Sun enters Pisces, joining Jupiter and Neptune there, and a new astrological month begins. 22.00 to 23.20 An tight Earth Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Pluto 22.19 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 27 Taurus 23.20 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 4.5 hours.

Saturday 19th February 2022

The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune are now in Pisces for the first time since March 1856. Pisces in traditional astrology is asscociated with chemicals. In March 1856 Mauveine, the first synthetic organic dye, (a purple colour), was discovered by William Henry Perkin, while attempting to synthesize quinine. This eventually led to the birth of the chemical industry. 03.53 The waning and accelerating full Moon enters Libra residing there for the remainder of the weekend. These two days are very much focused on social and communication issues. Breezy, conviviality. On the world stage Libra Moon...war and peace finely balanced. 04.46 The Moon at 1 Libra waning quincunx The Sun at 1 Pisces 12.19 The Moon at 5 Libra waning trine Mercury at 5 Aquarius

Sunday 20th February 2022

War and Peace in the balance with the Moon today in Libra. Pity Vladimir Putin, Sun sign Libra, bit of an expansionist military petrol head with his Mars in Sagittarius. He has transiting Venus and Mars opposite his Uranus right now, t.Jupiter is trine his Venus and t. Mars trine Jupiter Feb 20th. Venus and Mars squaring his Neptune and Mercury over the next few days. T.Saturn is conjunct his lunar node Feb 27th. Uranus has its final opposite to his Venus March 5th. It's not easy being president of Russia, being a Libran, and having to make such important world changing decisions. He has a Progressed New Moon in Sagittarius next year close to his natal Mars, so this is a nearly 70 year old having one hell of a once in a life time 'now or never' crisis. 00.07 The rapidly waning full Moon accelerating at 11 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus The Moon forms a tight Yod pattern with Jupiter and Uranus at this time 00.53 The Moon at 12 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 12 Pisces 09.51 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 11.46 The Moon at 18 Libra waning trine Saturn at 18 Aquarius 12.14 Mercury at 6 Aquarius waning decile Jupiter at 12 Pisces 14.34 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Venus at 19 Capricorn 15.26 The Moon at 20 Libra waning square Mars at 20 Capricorn 19.23 The Moon at 22 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 22 Pisces

Monday 21st February 2022

At the time of writing Russian President Vladimir Putin and his ally Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko,(Virgo Sun, Libran Moon, Venus and Neptune conjunct Putin's Mercury and Neptune...brothers in arms), have extended military drills which were due to end on Sunday. A statement cited 'the deterioration of the situation in east Ukraine' as one reason for keeping an estimated 30,000 Russian troops in Belarus. The move will add to fears that Russia plans an invasion of Ukraine, which shares a long border with Belarus. Western leaders have accused Moscow of seeking a pretext to send in troops. Russia has denied it plans to invade its neighbour. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the extension of military exercises shows the world is on the brink of war. Globally Jupiter and Pluto, the two planets mostly associated with 'power plays' are in a one off and short lived waxing semi-square aspect this coming Wednesday. This aspect represents 'pushing forward and meeting restriction' and has an emotional impact. Certainly with Mars still in Capricorn applying to Pluto whom he meets on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. We live, breath and have our being in troubled times. The UK Queen has Covid. Transiting Venus and Mars are exactly conjunct her Capricorn ascendant (conjunct her Moon's south node) currently. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct her natal Venus, usually a bountiful and healing influence on March 1st, and transiting Uranus makes its final square to her natal Moon on March 15th. This last unsettling aspect has coloured the last year for her. All of us here at The Daze wish her majesty a speedy recovery. 05.02 The Moon at 28 Libra waning square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.3 hours 09.21 The disseminating and accelerating Moon enters Scorpio 14.29 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning trine The Sun at 3 Pisces 15.14 Mercury at 7 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 22 Pisces 17.58 Mars at 21 Capricorn waning septile Jupiter at 12 Pisces 22.28 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waning square Mercury at 7 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 3 degrees Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune are also in Pisces. Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 27 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are just past the midway point between eclipse seasons. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Venus Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn with Mars riding close to Venus. The Moon with Venus, Mars and Pluto are all conjunct within 4 degrees of each other in Capricorn next Sunday Feb 27th. The week ahead builds to a climax of sorts on this day. Transiting Saturn on this day is conjunct Vladimir Putin's natal lunar node. Uranus opposes his Venus for the final time 6 days later. Mercury is a morning star in Aquarius. This brief 24 day residence is entirely geared to the future. No looking or thinking back. Mercury squares Uranus on Feb 25th, challenging the status quo. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on March 2nd at 19 degrees Aquarius, the highlight of the residence, inducing formalisation and establishment of new ideas. Mercury enters Pisces on March 10th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a direct morning star. She sextiles Neptune a final time time on Feb 24th and finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Venus is within 5 degrees of Mars in Capricorn for all of February and nearly all of March. This continues to be the major astrological force at work over the next 5 weeks. Mars was conjunct with Venus on 16th Feb at 17 degrees Capricorn. Venus, speeding up, overtakes Mars and is again conjunct him, with tighter alignment on 6th March at zero Aquarius. The conjunction of these two planets is always a drawn out affair, but this one is especially so. A real love story is in the making here. Venus and Mars journeying through Capricorn has a 'nothing's going to stop us now' vibration. This is a 'love launch' into the future, destination 'beyond dreams'. The Venus Mars conjunction following these two is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is having a favorable 40 day residence in Capricorn. Accompanying and somewhat overpowering Venus in this sign he is never far from her for the whole period. This colours the whole period with a 'commitment' hue. Mars sextiles Neptune Feb 23rd, practical action with flair, and is conjunct Pluto on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6th. Venus catches up with him on that day and has the last word. Mars is 'happy' in Capricorn. He gets 'stuck in' and things get done. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. This first phase gave us a taste of what was to come. The Covid-19 pandemic did appear to be on the wane, at least in the UK, during that period. On October 18th 2021 Jupiter turned direct at 22 degrees Aquarius. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now and he sextiles Uranus, a fine expansive, progressive and creative aspect on Feb 18th 2022. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 22nd February 2022

Venus Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn with Mars riding close to Venus. The Moon with Venus, Mars and Pluto are all conjunct within 4 degrees of each other in Capricorn next Sunday Feb 27th. This week builds to a climax of sorts on this day. It is indeed a very tight specific stellium of these bodies in Capricorn. The peak of the stellium occurs between 08.00 GMT and 15.00 GMT on Sunday. Transiting Saturn on Sunday is conjunct Vladimir Putin's natal lunar node. Uranus opposes his Venus for the final time 6 days later. 05.11 The disseminating Moon accelerating at 11 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 11 Taurus 06.17 The Sun at 4 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 06.46 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 12 Pisces 16.54 The Moon at 18 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 18 Aquarius 21.52 Venus at 21 Capricorn waning septile Jupiter at 12 Pisces 21.00 to midnight Venus and Mars are sextile both the Moon and Neptune 21.55 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 21 Capricorn 22.59 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waning sextile Mars at 22 Capricorn

Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Venus and Mars are now both approaching Pluto. The Moon also is heading for the party in 2 days time. Venus and Mars meet Pluto on March 3rd at 27 Capricorn.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops into two rebel-held regions in eastern Ukraine, after recognising them as independent states. Footage released overnight appeared to show Russian military vehicles heading towards the Ukrainian border. Russia said the troops would be 'peacekeeping' in the breakaway regions, which it has backed since 2014. But the US said calling them peacekeepers was 'nonsense'. It accused Russia of creating a pretext for war. The 1991 astrological chart of Russia has its natal Moon almost exactly opposed by the tight triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Pluto on March 3rd. Of course the USA Pluto is directly hit at the same time. Transiting Saturn on Sunday Feb 27th is conjunct Vladimir Putin's natal lunar node. Uranus opposition to his Venus, which has dominated the last 12 months for him, peaks for the final time on March 5th. Not at all easy transits. Mars sextiles Neptune today as the Moon, entering Sagittarius at 13.31 GMT approaches her last quarter. An atmosphere of near recklessness then prevails. 00.01 The rapidly disseminating Moon accelerating at 22 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 22 Pisces 07.50 The Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 27 Taurus 09.24 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.1 hours. 13.31 The Moon enters Sagittarius 19.12 Mars at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 22.16 Jupiter at 13 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 28 Capricorn Jupiter and Pluto, the two planets mostly associated with 'power plays' are in a one off and short lived waxing semi-square aspect today. This aspect represents 'pushing forward and meeting restriction' and has an emotional impact. 22.33 The Moon at Last Quarter

Thursday 24th February 2022

Venus sextile Neptune

Venus and Mars are both approaching Pluto. The Moon also is heading for the party, in Capricorn, starting tomorrow. Venus and Mars meet Pluto on March 3rd at 27 Capricorn.

07.18 The rapidly moving Last Quarter Moon accelerating at 10 Sagittarius waning sextile Mercury at 10 Aquarius 08.59 The Moon at 11 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 11 Taurus 11.20 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 13 Pisces 16.05 Venus at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 20.45 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 18 Aquarius

Friday 25th February 2022

Russian forces have launched a military assault on neighbouring Ukraine, crossing its borders and bombing military targets near big cities. In a pre-dawn TV statement Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia did not plan to occupy Ukraine and demanded that its military lay down their arms. Moments later, attacks were reported on Ukrainian military targets. Putin's 'military announcement' chart 02:55 GMT 24/2/22 Moscow. A historic chart. The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces, a rare combination, 'Fate of nations' calibre. Heavy Capricorn influence, Mars and Venus in a long running conjunction in Capricorn applying to Pluto, shortly to rise over Russia as the first shots were fired. Ruthless long term determination and ambition. Mars almost exactly conjunct the Pluto/Ascendant midpoint, daring foolhardiness. Mercury square Uranus in brittle fixed signs, mishaps, high tech, upsetting, keeps us guessing. Significantly the Moon's south node is conjunct the local (Moscow) MC. Deep significance, karmically undoing, looking back, doubts fuelled by homeland and the people. Long term the military venture possibly doomed to failure. Globally now Venus and Mars are both approaching Pluto. The Moon is heading for this triplet in Capricorn, joining them there today. Venus and Mars meet Pluto on March 3rd at 27 Capricorn. The Moon with Venus, Mars and Pluto are all conjunct within 4 degrees of each other in Capricorn on Sunday Feb 27th. This week has been building to a climax of sorts on this day. It is indeed a very tight specific stellium of these bodies in Capricorn. The peak of the stellium occurs between 08.00 GMT and 15.00 GMT on Sunday. Transiting Saturn on Sunday is conjunct Vladimir Putin's natal lunar node. Uranus opposes his Venus for the final time 6 days later The 1991 chart of Russia has its natal Moon exactly opposed by the tight triple conjunction of Venus, Mars+Pluto on Mar 3rd. The USA Pluto is hit at the same time.Saturn on Sunday is conjunct Putin's node.Uranus opposes his Venus for the final time on Mar 5th.Profound astrology. 02.22 Mercury at 11 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 11 Taurus 03.25 The very rapidly waning Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 22 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 13 hours. 10.40 Mars at 23 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 11 Taurus 16.29 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Venus, Mars and Pluto in this sign. Change of gear, downwards. Tough couple of days ahead. 18.21 Mercury at 12 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 22 Pisces

Saturday 26th February 2022

The Moon, Venus, Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn.

The new reality sinks in. Three planets and the old Moon are today applying towards a narrow (4 degree wide) grouping in Capricorn, tightest tomorrow. This particular combination of planets and the Moon is such a tight grouping in Capricorn is especially rare. The last time this occurred was Nov 14th 1271 possibly coinciding with establishment of the Yuan dynasty in China. Dire deeds are afoot. 05.10 The very rapidly waning Moon at 8 Capricorn waning sextile The Sun at 8 Pisces 06.52 Venus at 23 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 11 Taurus 08.21 The Sun at 8 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 11.41 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 11 Taurus 12.17 Mercury at 13 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 13 Pisces 14.44 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 13 Pisces 22.19 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month.

Sunday 27th February 2022

Red letter day. The Moon, Venus, Mars and Pluto all conjunct within 4 degrees in Capricorn.

This particular combination of planets and the Moon is such a tight grouping in Capricorn is especially rare. The last time this occurred was Nov 14th 1271 possibly coinciding with establishment of the Yuan dynasty in China. This occurrs today between 09.00-15.00 GMT 05.50 The very rapidly waning Moon at 22 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 22 Pisces 08.07 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Wednesday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 09.06 The Moon conjunction Venus at 24 Capricorn 10.06 The Moon conjunction Mars at 25 Capricorn 12.45 The Moon at 26 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 14.50 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 3.8 hours 18.37 The Moon enters Aquarius joining the Mercury and Saturn in this sign. A slight collective sigh of relief.

Monday 28th February 2022

After yesterday's tight planetary grouping in Capricorn we now have on our hands the old Moon, Mercury and Saturn applying to a triple conjunction at 17 to 19 degrees Aquarius from 22.00 GMT today to 02.00 tomorrow. The emphasis during yesterday's Capricorn grouping was on artillery and forcefulness. There is a chance that the focus will now be on dialogue, as the Aquarius energy kicks in. This hopefully could be the shape of things to come. Venus and Mars both enter Aquarius on Sunday March 6th. Pluto of course enters Aquarius on March 23rd next year. 13.51 The fast moving balsamic Moon at 12 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 12 Taurus 19.58 Mercury at 16 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 22 Pisces 22.12 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 17 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 10 degrees Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune are also in Pisces. The Moon, Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 20 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are past the midway point between eclipse seasons. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Venus Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn with Mars riding close to Venus, this triplet of planets is tightest on Thursday, preceded by the New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday. Continuing pertinent astrology. Mercury is a morning star in Aquarius. This brief 24 day residence is entirely geared to the future. No looking or thinking back. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on March 2nd at 19 degrees Aquarius, the highlight of the residence, inducing formalisation and establishment of new ideas. Mercury enters Pisces on March 10th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. Venus entered Capricorn on Nov 5th. She is now a direct morning star. She finally conjuncts Pluto on March 3rd at 28 Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th. Venus is within 5 degrees of Mars in Capricorn for all of February and nearly all of March. This continues to be the major astrological force at work over the next 4 weeks. Mars was conjunct with Venus on 16th Feb at 17 degrees Capricorn. Venus, speeding up, overtakes Mars and is again conjunct him, with tighter alignment on 6th March at zero Aquarius. The conjunction of these two planets is always a drawn out affair, but this one is especially so. A real love story is in the making here. Venus and Mars journeying through Capricorn has a 'nothing's going to stop us now' vibration. This is a 'love launch' into the future, destination 'beyond dreams'. The Venus Mars conjunction following these two is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is having a favorable 40 day residence in Capricorn. Accompanying and somewhat overpowering Venus in this sign he is never far from her for the whole period. This colours the whole period with a 'commitment' hue. Mars is conjunct Pluto on March 3rd at 25 Capricorn, with overpowering effort. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6th. Venus catches up with him on that day and has the last word. Mars is 'happy' in Capricorn. He gets 'stuck in' and things get done. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 1st March 2022

Day of the old Moon. The New Moon in Pisces is tomorrow. Venus, Mars and Pluto are all conjunct in Capricorn, tightest grouping is on Wednesday Venus gaining apparent speed overtakes Mars by March 6th. 02.02 The rapid but now decelerating balsamic Moon conjunction Saturn at 19 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 18.9 hours 10.01 Mars at 26 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 26 Taurus 14.46 The Moon at 26 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 20.55 The ancient Moon enters Pisces. The Moon, Sun, Jupiter and Neptune are now in Pisces. 22.49 Venus at 26 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 26 Taurus

Wednesday 2nd March 2022

The Moon, the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune now in Pisces.

New Moon in Pisces

New Moon conjunct Jupiter sextile Uranus

Venus Mars and Pluto triple conjunction in Capricorn

Mercury and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius

Relentless astrology. 02.50 The Sun at 11 Pisces waxing semi-square Venus at 26 Capricorn 05.06 The Sun at 12 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus Closest conjunction Mercury Saturn (0.67 degrees) 15.45 GMT 16.33 Mercury conjunction Saturn at 19 Aquarius 16.43 The fast moving ancient Moon decelerating at 12 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 17.35 Moment of NEW MOON

Today's New Moon in Pisces is the 3rd New Moon following on from the Total Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021 and is the penultimate New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 (conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America). Accompanying today's lunation, Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, and the triplet of Venus, Mars and Pluto is climaxing in Capricorn. The New Moon is applying in a conjunction to Jupiter and separating from a sextile to Uranus. Amid the poignant and powerful astrology of the current time, this New Moon should be essentially a favorable event, however the Mars Pluto conjunction which peaks tomorrow casts a very violent shaodow. Water and Earth predominate. No planet is in a Fire sign. This is a fertile and forgiving New Moon. Soul wisdom, love and surrender to the universe's unfolding destiny galvanise our lives right now. Today's New Moon tightly opposes the Russian (1991 chart) Sun, shaking the country to its foundations. It trines the Ukraine chart's MC, new union posibly. It hits the Saturn of Dimitry Madvedev, unwise choices, tightly opposes Boris Johnson's Pluto, in case he thought we had forgotten him, China's Saturn, devilish alliances, Australia's Mars, astringent, and Poland's Moon, supportive and supporting. It also hits Bosnia's MC, Indonesia's MC, President Assad's Saturn, Liberia's Saturn, Alex Salmond's MC, ISIS's Uranus, George Clooney's ASC, and Brain Cox(Professor) and Daniel Craig's natal Suns. At the exact moment of New Moon today the Sun, Moon and Jupiter are setting over France and the UK. Venus, Mars and Pluto are at lower culmination under Iran. Jupiter sets at Paris, Neptune sets at Berlin. Mercury and Saturn rise over Papua New Guinea and over central Australia and are at lower culmination at Delhi and at Bhopal. Neptune culminates at Boston (Mass), the Moon culminates at Toronto, the Moon and Jupiter culminate at Quito and at Panama. 21.24 The holy infant Moon conjunction Jupiter at 14 Pisces, sextile Uranus.

Thursday 3rd March 2022

Venus and Mars conjunct Pluto amid New Moon energy

08.44 Mars conjunction Pluto at 28 Capricorn THE DANGEROUS ONE....will be glad when it passes. 10.58 The Sun at 13 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 28 Capricorn 11.38 The dreamy decelerating infant Moon conjunction Neptune at 22 Pisces 17.15 The Sun at 13 Pisces waxing semi-square Mars at 28 Capricorn 17.57 Venus conjunction Pluto at 28 Capricorn 18.15 The Moon at 26 Pisces waning sextile the lunar node at 26 Taurus 21.04 The Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 21.16 The Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 28 Capricorn 21.46 The Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 3 hours.

Friday 4th March 2022

00.54 The young fast moving decelerating Moon enters Aries More urgency. Sudden volition. Go for it. A keener atmosphere. New Moon, new energy. The Sun applies to Jupiter in Pisces. Heart of gold. 13.18 Mercury at 22 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 12 Taurus 16.28 Mars at 29 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 12 Taurus 21.52 Venus at 29 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 12 Taurus Party on...

Saturday 5th March 2022

Sun conjunction Jupiter

Impetus and force for change. Direct action. Last day of Venus and Mars in Capricorn. Changes ahead. 03.51 Mercury at 23 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.57 The young decelerating Moon at 19 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 14.07 The Sun conjunction Jupiter at 15 Pisces 19.50 The Moon at 24 Aries waxing sextile Mercury at 24 Aquarius

Sunday 6th March 2022

Venus conjunct Mars

Transiting Uranus conjunct UK Mars

04.02 The Moon at 28 Aries waxing square Pluto at 28 Capricorn The Moon is void of course for 4 hours. Simultaneous change of gear. 06.24 Mars enters Aquarius joining Mercury and Saturn in this sign. Mars resides in Aquarius for 40 days. He is never more than 5 degrees from Venus (in March 2022) with whom he is conjunct today at zero degrees. Mars squares Uranus on March 22nd, with thunder and lightening, and is conjunct Saturn, with severity on April 5th at 22 Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. 06.31 Venus, who has been in Capricorn since November 5th, enters Aquarius joining Mercury, Mars and Saturn in this sign. Mars resides in Aquarius for only 30 days. She is conjunct Mars today at zero degrees. Venus squares Uranus, with interference, on March 19th, and is conjunct Saturn, with painstaking arrangement, on March 28th at 22 Aquarius. Venus enters Pisces on April 5th. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn are all in Aquarius for 4 days. New World order. Surprise civilized man. 07.13 Venus conjunction Mars at zero Aquarius Consummation and climax of much that has been building up over recent weeks. 08.01 The young decelerating Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 08.07 The Moon at zero Taurus waxing square Mars at zero Aquarius 08.07 The Moon at 0 Taurus waxing square Venus at 0 Aquarius 09.30 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 11.50 Venus at 0 Aquarius waning semi-square Jupiter at 15 Pisces Immediate fine tuning. 12.58 Mars at 0 Aquarius waning semi-square Jupiter at 15 Pisces

Monday 7th March 2022

Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn are all in Aquarius for 3 more days. 06.39 The waxing crescent Moon conjunction Uranus at 12 Taurus 12.12 Mercury at 26 Aquarius square the lunar node at 26 Taurus 13.50 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 15 Pisces 16.06 Venus at 1 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.04 The Moon at 17 Taurus waxing sextile The Sun at 17 Pisces 21.56 The Moon at 20 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 20 Aquarius 22.07 Mars at 1 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 23 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 17 degrees Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune are also in Pisces. Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 13 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are approaching a new eclipse season. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury is a morning star in Aquarius. This brief 24 day residence is entirely geared to the future. No looking or thinking back. Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. Venus is now a direct morning star in Aquarius on March 6th. Venus is within 5 degrees of Mars for nearly all of March. This continues to be a major astrological force at work over the next 3 weeks. Venus squares Uranus, with interference, on March 19th, and is conjunct Saturn, with painstaking arrangement, on March 28th at 22 Aquarius. Venus enters Pisces on April 5th The next Venus Mars conjunction following the 2 recent ones is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is now residing in Aquarius. Mars resides in Aquarius for 40 days. He is never more than 5 degrees from Venus (in March 2022). Mars squares Uranus on March 22nd, with thunder and lightening, and is conjunct Saturn, with severity on April 5th at 22 Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 8th March 2022

Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn are all in Aquarius for 2 more days. The pressure now must be on dialogue... It's still sinking in, the gravity of narrowly averted disaster as Russian shells hit the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, at about the time that the recent young Moon entered Aries, at the start(GMT) of Friday March 4th 2022. On the world stage Putin, (1952 chart), is experiencing transiting Saturn square his Jupiter today and opposing his MC in 2 week time. His need to expand is bursting at the seams but is nevertheless held back by events right now. His dream of the approaching 'Battle for Kiev' is tainted by Zelensky, transiting Saturn conjunct his MC (March 14th), hero of the free world, and by transiting Pluto opposing the Russian Moon (1991 chart) all this year, increasing unease expressed by the Russian people. In early April (4th to 8th) Saturn conjuncts Ukraine Moon, Uranus conjuncts Ukraine IC, and Mars and Saturn, oppose Putin's Pluto and the Russian Venus, that looks to be a significant point in the unfolding timeline of this war. 04.04 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 10.42 The Moon conjunction her node at 26 Taurus 14.05 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing square Mercury at 28 Aquarius 14.36 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon waxes void of course for 4 hours 18.06 Mercury at 28 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 18.41 The Moon enters Gemini 22.41 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 2 Aquarius 23.28 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Venus at 2 Aquarius

Wednesday 9th March 2022

A day of changes, messages and movement. The very slowly waxing crescent Moon is decelerating in Gemini. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn are all in Aquarius for 1 more day. Mercury leaves for Pisces tomorrow. 22.42 The Sun at 19 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 23.41 Mercury at 30 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 12 Taurus

Thursday 10th March 2022

01.34 Mercury, currently a morning star, enters Pisces joining the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. He resides in this sign for a brief but profoundly sensitive, 17 days. He is sextile Uranus on March 17th, demonstrating sublime ingenuity. He is conjunct Jupiter at 19 Pisces on March 21st, and then conjunct Neptune on March 23rd at 23 degrees Pisces. These few days are of deepest importance and possibly eventful. He finally sextiles Pluto on March 26th, with transformational overtones. Mercury enters Aries on March 27th. He is at Superior Conjunction in Aries on April 2nd. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. This Mercury in Pisces residence will shape the future in subtle and subliminal ways. Strange days ahead now with 4 bodies in Pisces. 03.07 The very slowly waxing Moon, decelerating at 16 Gemini squares Jupiter at 16 Pisces 10.46 The Moon is at First Quarter 10.48 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 20 Aquarius 11.17 The Sun at 20 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 16.43 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 14.7 hours. 23.05 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith).

Friday 11th March 2022

02.37 The Sun at 20 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 12 Taurus 03.24 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 07.26 The Moon enters Cancer. Strongly emotional hours ensue. 12.01 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing trine Mercury at 2 Pisces 15.35 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 4 Aquarius 17.20 The Moon at 5 Cancer waxing quincunx Venus at 5 Aquarius

Saturday 12th March 2022

Since Mercury entered Pisces it seems to me that cracks in the Russian propaganda war in the mother country have widened. Things appear to be 'slipping' in Russia. However the war looks to be intensifying. The cities of Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk have been targeted by Russia with Dnipro struck for the first time since the Russian invasion began. President Zelensky in a late night address(Thursday) has roundly rejected claims by Russia that Ukraine is developing chemical weapons. The US has called such claims laughable, and says they are a 'false flag' to justify Russia's potential use of similar weapons against Ukraine. Russian forces have moved three miles closer to Kyiv in the past 24 hours. Astrologically a Full Moon trine Pluto, brimming with irrevocable changes, hopefully for the better, is on the horizon,(peaking early Friday GMT). 07.38 The very slowly waxing Moon at 12 Cancer sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 14.43 Mercury at 4 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 17.07 The Moon at 17 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 17 Pisces

Sunday 13th March 2022

Sun conjunct Neptune.

00.00 The very slowly waxing and accelerating Moon at 20 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 20 Aquarius 04.53 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine The Sun at 23 Pisces 05.26 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 09.45 Mercury at 5 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Mars at 5 Aquarius 11.09 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing sextile the lunar node at 26 Taurus 11.44 The Sun conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.45 The Moon at 28 Cancer opposition Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3.8 hours 19.33 The Moon enters Leo The astrological atmosphere is now one of 'no compromise'. It remains to be seen what happens during the next 2.5 days, but it is sure to be a time to make a big splash and a loud noise. 23.50 Venus at 7 Aquarius waning novile Jupiter at 17 Pisces

Monday 14th March 2022

Tough and uncompromising lunar aspects at work today, taking no prisioners. 07.18 The very slowly waxing and accelerating Moon at 6 Leo opposition Mars at 6 Aquarius 09.06 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing quincunx Mercury at 7 Pisces 10.01 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Venus at 7 Aquarius 12.57 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 19.03 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing square Uranus at 12 Taurus 23.16 Venus at 8 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 23 Pisces 23.52 Mercury at 8 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Venus at 8 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 24 degrees Pisces. Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune are also in Pisces. Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 4 days to the Full Moon in Virgo and 6 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are also approaching a new eclipse season. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury, currently a morning star, is in Pisces with the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. He resides in this sign for a brief but profoundly sensitive, 17 days. He is sextile Uranus on March 17th, demonstrating sublime ingenuity. He is conjunct Jupiter at 19 Pisces on March 21st, and then conjunct Neptune on March 23rd at 23 degrees Pisces. These few days are of deepest importance and possibly eventful. He finally sextiles Pluto on March 26th, with transformational overtones. Mercury enters Aries on March 27th. He is at Superior Conjunction in Aries on April 2nd. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. This Mercury in Pisces residence will shape the future in subtle and subliminal ways. Strange days ahead now with 4 bodies in Pisces. Venus is also a direct morning star but in Aquarius. Venus was within 5 degrees of Mars for nearly all of March. This continues to be a major astrological force at work over the next 3 weeks. Venus squares Uranus, with interference, on March 19th, and is conjunct Saturn, with some harshness, on March 28th at 22 Aquarius. Venus enters Pisces on April 5th The next Venus Mars conjunction following the 2 recent ones is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is now residing in Aquarius. Mars resides in Aquarius for 40 days. He is never more than 5 degrees from Venus (in March 2022). Mars squares Uranus on March 22nd, with thunder and lightening, and is conjunct Saturn, with severity on April 5th at 22 Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter firstly entered Pisces May 13th 2021 joining Neptune in this sign and heralded a change in the fortunes and destinies of all people and all nations. Jupiter then turned retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces on June 20th 2021 and re-entered Aquarius on July 28th 2021. He re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021 so that the real business of healing could begin. We now have a distinct choice, in keeping with the duality of the nature of Pisces. The choice is to either tune into and welcome the healing rays embodied in the pure energy of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces or to self harm by sinking even more deeply into an ocean of delusional, conspiracy glamour, distraction and malcontent. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 15th March 2022

Full steam, maximum force, no compromise, deeds of courage and valor. Lunar pressures are applying. The Full Moon climaxes Friday morning (GMT). 02.04 Mercury whizzing along very rapidly at 8 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 05.03 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 17 Leo quincunx Jupiter at 17 Pisces 10.56 The Moon at 20 Leo opposition Saturn at 20 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for over 18 hours 15.47 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 20.02 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx The Sun at 25 Pisces 20.48 The Moon at 26 Leo squares her node from north of the ecliptic.

Wednesday 16th March 2022

01.29 The void of course Moon at 28 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 05.00 This waxing and accelerating gibbous Moon enters Virgo The Sun is in Pisces, the Moon in Virgo. The symbolism is that of the sand and the sea. A notable and beautiful relationship, mutable Earth and Water, shifting sands and sea currents. 05.24 The Sun at 26 Pisces sextiles the mean lunar node at 26 Taurus 09.41 Mars at 8 Aquarius waning novile Jupiter at 18 Pisces 19.35 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 8 Aquarius 23.05 Mars at 8 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 23 Pisces 23.09 The Moon at 10 Virgo waning quincunx Venus at 10 Aquarius

Thursday 17th March 2022

Mercury sextile Uranus

Thrashing out the detail, not without hope. 02.09 The Moon at 11 Virgo opposition Mercury at 11 Pisces 03.25 The Moon at 12 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 12 Taurus 05.03 The Sun at 27 Pisces waxing decile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 12.14 Mercury at 12 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 12 Taurus 13.44 The Moon at 18 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 18 Pisces 18.44 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 21 Aquarius 20.13 The Sun at 27 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 12 Taurus 23.03 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 18th March 2022

Full Moon in Virgo

01.48 Mercury at 13 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 28 Capricorn 03.26 The Moon at 26 Virgo waxing trines her node from north of the ecliptic 07.18 Moment of FULL MOON

https://www.mysticmamma.com/ Today's Full Moon in Virgo is the 4th following on from the long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th 2021 and the penultimate before a Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th 2022 at 26 degrees Scorpio. We are well past the midway point between eclipse seasons. This Full Moon is trine Pluto. Venus and Mars square Uranus, Mercury sextiles Uranus and applies to a conjunction with Jupiter. Mars applies square to Uranus. There are zero bodies in Fire signs, and only 1 body, Pluto, in a Cardinal sign. There is a preponderance of negative, self repressive energy. Not wanting to raise false hopes but this Virgo Full Moon is brimming with irrevocable transformational energy. The devil(and God) resides here in the Virgo detail. Mindful that Mars is applying to square Uranus but maybe the positive aspects will hit home. Concentrating on the war in Ukraine, at the exact moment of Full Moon, Saturn is culminating at Moscow, maybe bringing the Russians 'to book'. The Full Moon hits the Russian(1991 chart) Ascendant, the mother country's identity, and sextiles her (support system) Moon. It also hits the Ukraine Mars and the Ukraine/Russia relationship chart Mars. It squares Putin's Mars and if his birth time is accurate it hits Putin's ASC/MC midpoint. The Full Moon squares Zelensky's media sharp Gemini Jupiter. Putin looks shaken by this Full Moon. Zelensky's world opens wider. The Virgo Full Moon, always a tense affair, hits the USA MC, Poland's Mercury, Syria's Neptune, Thailand's ascendant, and opposes Iran's Mercury, coinciding with the longtime overdue release of British Iranian Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. 08.12 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The moon is void for 3.25 hours 11.28 The Moon enters Libra Social connections arise, conviviality ensues. 19.38 The Sun at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn

Saturday 19th March 2022

Venus square Uranus

04.30 The waning full Moon accelerating at 10 Libra waning trine Mars at 10 Aquarius 08.53 The Moon at 12 Libra waning trine Venus at 12 Aquarius 09.03 The Moon at 12 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus 11.17 Venus at 12 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 12 Taurus 12.33 Venus at 12 Aquarius waning decile Jupiter at 18 Pisces 15.20 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Mercury at 16 Pisces 18.24 Mercury at 16 Pisces waxing decile Mars at 10 Aquarius 19.43 The Moon at 18 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 18 Pisces

Sunday 20th March 2022

Vernal Equinox

00.00 The waning full Moon accelerating at 21 Libra waning trine Saturn at 21 Aquarius 03.54 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.56 Venus at 13 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.41 The Moon at 28 Libra waning square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 3.1 hours During this period of the void of course Moon drifting rudderless in Libra, the moment of Vernal Equinox occurs. 15.34 The Sun enters Aries

The Sun crosses the Celestial Equator and enters tropical Aries. Light and darkness are finely balanced world wide. In the northern hemisphere Spring starts. Autumn commences in the south. This year's Vernal Equinox is dominated by Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, both applying to Neptune. Expansive negotiations and exchanges are evident. New connections are forming, fateful events, the destiny of nations. In addition Mars applies square to Uranus, the threat of great and sudden violence very real. Venus separates in this same square. The Moon in Libra drifts rudderless, danger and hope in equal measure, uncertainty and indecision soon to pass. The elements Water and Air are in preponderance. Fluid situations, feeling the way, social and political 'fizz'. At the exact moment of Equinox the Sun sets at Moscow, and is at lower culmination at Korea. The Moon rises at Islamabad and sets at Sacramento. Mercury and Jupiter are in lower culminates at Beijing, history here also in the balance, and these planets set over Poland and Eastern Europe. Pluto is at lower culmination at Kabul, Neptune culminates at Asuncion, Venus and Mars straddle Dallas. I wish all readers here a very happy Equinox. All of a sudden the mood changes. 15.46 The Moon enters Scorpio 15.46 The Moon at zero Scorpio waning quincunx The Sun at zero Aries

Monday 21st March 2022

Mercury conjunct Jupiter

03.34 to 04.43 Lunar occultation of the Moon and Lambda Virgo observable from the UK 06.07 Mercury conjunction Jupiter at 19 Pisces 11.00-16.40 a fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus, Mars and Uranus. 11.17 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning square Mars at 11 Aquarius 12.58 The Moon at 12 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 12 Taurus 16.34 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waning square Venus at 14 Aquarius 16.47 The Sun at 1 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 17.11 Mercury at 20 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 19.25 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 1 degree Aries. Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 89 days to the Cancer Solstice. We are starting to approach a new eclipse season. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury, currently a morning star, is in Pisces with Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. He resides in this sign for a brief but profoundly sensitive, 17 days. He is conjunct Jupiter at 19 Pisces today, and is conjunct Neptune on Wednesday at 23 degrees Pisces. These immediate few days are of deepest importance and are possibly eventful. Mercutry sextiles Pluto on March 26th, with transformational overtones. Mercury enters Aries on March 27th. He is at Superior Conjunction in Aries on April 2nd. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. This Mercury in Pisces residence is shaping the future in subtle and subliminal ways. Strange days are here. Venus is also a direct morning star but in Aquarius. Venus was within 5 degrees of Mars for nearly all of February. This continues to be a major astrological force at work over the next 2 weeks. Venus squares Uranus, with interference, on March 19th, and is conjunct Saturn, with some harshness, on March 28th at 22 Aquarius. Venus enters Pisces on April 5th The next Venus Mars conjunction following the 2 recent ones is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is now residing in Aquarius. Mars resides in Aquarius for 40 days. He is never more than 5 degrees from Venus (in March 2022). Mars squares Uranus tomotrrow, with thunder and lightening, and is conjunct Saturn, with severity on April 5th at 22 Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 22nd March 2022

00.09 The rapidly disseminating Moon accelerating at 19 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 19 Pisces 02.27 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine Mercury at 20 Pisces 03.00-11.00 a fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Saturn. 03.50 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 21 Aquarius 07.26 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 10.57 The Moon at 25 Scorpio opposes her ascending node at 25 Taurus 12.02 Mercury at 21 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 12 Taurus 13.49 Mercury at 21 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 16.01 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3 hours. 19.01 The Moon enters Sagittarius 20.45 Mars at 12 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 12 Taurus 20.50 Mercury at 22 Pisces waxing decile Venus at 16 Aquarius 22.53 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning trine The Sun at 2 Aries

Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Mercury conjunct Neptune

The Moon wanes in Sagittarius as Mercury is conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Heaven and Hell and the doors of perception. 02.51 The Sun at 2 Aries waning novile Uranus at 12 Taurus 14.10 Mercury at 23 Pisces waxing novile Mars at 13 Aquarius 16.11 The very rapidly disseminating Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 12 Taurus 17.12 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 13 Aquarius 17.45 Mercury conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces Closest conjunction Mercury Neptune (0.93 degrees) 18.10 GMT 23.11 Mars at 13 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 23.29 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waning sextile Venus at 17 Aquarius 23.29 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month.

Thursday 24th March 2022

04.00 The rapidly disseminating Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 19 Pisces 05.11 Mars at 13 Aquarius waning decile Jupiter at 19 Pisces 07.09 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 10.31 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.25 Venus at 17 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 13.00 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Mercury at 25 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for nearly 9 hours 18.11 Mercury at 25 Pisces waning sextile the lunar node at 25 Taurus 21.56 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign 23.04 Jupiter at 20 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 28 Capricorn The current 13 year Jupiter/Pluto synodic cycle of 'power plays' started in 2020 in Capricorn. Now the cycle reaches its waxing septile phase, a single hit. The new 'power evolution' established in 2020 now undergoes the septile aspect which evokes 'a transcendent sense of affirmation in the endurance of a crisis of growth and its tests of allegiance.unexpected opportunities, possibilities, and realisations'. The waxing sextile aspect follows on May 3rd. The cycle peaks in 2026 and ends in 2033 at 15 Aquarius.

Friday 25th March 2022

Stone ground words. The Sun is in Aries, the very fast moving Moon, at last quarter, in Capricorn, Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto. I am, I evolve and I think to change things for the better. 05.38 The Moon is at cardinal Last Quarter 19.16 This rapidly waning Moon at 13 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 13 Taurus 23.52 Mercury at 27 Pisces waxing decile Saturn at 21 Aquarius

Saturday 26th March 2022

Mercury sextile Pluto

01.26 Mercury at 28 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 13 Taurus 07.49 The rapidly waning Moon at 20 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 20 Pisces 10.35 Mercury at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn the planetary aspect of the day fast, fluid, and mentally penetrative. 13.37 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.29 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 25 Taurus 22.04 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 28 Capricorn 23.51 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Mercury at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 66 mins

Sunday 27th March 2022

The Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius.

00.57 The rapidly waning Moon, now decelerating, enters Aquarius joining Venus, Mars and Saturn in this sign for 2 days. This concentration of Aquarius energy with the Sun now in Aries has a rebellious and demonstrative quality. This is future proof stuff, less emotional and more assertive than of late. 07.12 The Sun at 7 Aries waxing semi-square Saturn at 22 Aquarius 07.34 Venus at 20 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 20 Pisces 07.46 Mercury enters Aries as a morning star joining the Sun (and Chiron) in this sign. Mercury resides here for a brief but fiery 14 days. These next two weeks will be characterised by fast moving mental thrusts and initiations. Shoot first talk later. Leaping before looking. Care advised. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 13 degrees Aries on April 2nd, a Full Mercury, the Universal Mind's climax of 'at-one-ment'. Then as an evening star he sextiles Saturn on April 7th, constructive thought forms, sextiles Mars on April 8th, mind and muscle in sync, and squares Pluto, the bad apple of the residence, on April 10th. Mercury races into Taurus on April 11th. 08.39 The Sun at 7 Aries waning decile Uranus at 13 Taurus 12.35 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning sextile The Sun at 7 Aries 13.12 Mercury at zero Aries waxing novile Venus at 20 Aquarius 22.39 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 13 Taurus

Monday 28th March 2022

Venus conjunct Saturn

00.06 Mercury at 1 Aries waxing semi-square Mars at 16 Aquarius 04.42 Mercury at 2 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 05.09 The Moon conjunction Mars at 16 Aquarius 13.49 The Moon conjunction Venus at 21 Aquarius 14.12 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 22 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 14.3 hours 16.21 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Friday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 17.34 Mercury at 3 Aries waning novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 19.28 Venus conjunction Saturn at 22 Aquarius 19.45 The Moon at 25 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic STATE OF THE SKY:- Both Venus and Mars are now approaching Saturn in Aquarius. Venus reaches him today and Mars encounters him one week tomorrow on April 4th. Both events could be especially significant to the ongoing War in Ukraine, Putin and Russia, as Saturn is applying in opposition to Putin's Pluto and MC, (exact April 8th), in conjunction to Ukraines's Moon (April 2nd) and in opposition to Russia's Venus (April 4th). The Venus Saturn conjunction today is accompanied by the balsamic Moon powerfully forcing the humanitarian and the financial realities to the forefront of world consciousness. The intervention of Mars next week suggests significant aggrandisement in the unfolding of events. In addition to this planetary picture Jupiter is now just 3 degrees from Neptune and closing. This is history in the making, the destiny of nations, global astrology. The Sun is at 8 degrees Aries. Mercury is also now in Aries. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 84 days to the Cancer Solstice. We are starting to approach a new eclipse season. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury, currently a morning star, is now in Aries. Mercury resides here for a brief but fiery 14 days. These next two weeks will be characterised by fast moving mental thrusts and initiations. Shoot first talk later. Leaping before looking. Care advised. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 13 degrees Aries on April 2nd, a Full Mercury, the Universal Mind's climax of 'at-one-ment'. Then as an evening star he sextiles Saturn on April 7th, constructive thought forms, sextiles Mars on April 8th, mind and muscle in sync, and squares Pluto, the bad apple of the residence, on April 10th. Mercury races into Taurus on April 11th. He enters his shadow on April 26th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. He leaves his shadow on June 19th. Venus is also a direct morning star but in Aquarius. Venus was within 5 degrees of Mars for nearly all of February. This continues to be a major astrological force at work over the next week. Venus is conjunct Saturn, with some harshness, today at 22 Aquarius. Venus enters Pisces on April 5th The next Venus Mars conjunction following the 2 recent ones is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is now residing in Aquarius. Mars resides in Aquarius for 40 days. He is never more than 5 degrees from Venus (in March 2022). Mars is conjunct Saturn, with severity on April 5th at 22 Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 28 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 29th March 2022

The Moon, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces

04.33 The fast moving decelerating balsamic Moon enters Pisces joining Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. We now have a couple of dreamily 'pretty vacant' days on our hands. Feel your way through the old Moon's urges, surges and oceanic impressions which arise during these two days. It all leads us to an assertive New Moon at breakfast time (GMT) on Friday. 12.53 The Sun at 9 Aries waxing septile Mars at 17 Aquarius 13.12 Mars at 17 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.23 Venus at 23 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 13 Taurus

Wednesday 30th March 2022

The Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces.

The piscean planetary influence of today's triple conjunction overwhelms the Aries solar energy. The 'race of life' becomes the 'dream of life'. Best to just yield to the mellower atmosphere, let it take you where it will. 02.54 The decelerating balsamic Moon at 13 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus 12.16 Venus at 24 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces 17.25 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 21 Pisces 19.35 Mercury at 7 Aries waning decile Uranus at 13 Taurus 20.52 Mercury at 7 Aries waxing semi-square Saturn at 22 Aquarius 21.55 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 24 Pisces

Thursday 31st March 2022

00.13 The decelerating balsamic Moon at 25 Pisces sextiles her node at 25 Taurus 03.10 The Sun at 10 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 06.37 The Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The ancient Moon drifts wearily void of course for nearly 3 hours. 09.32 The Moon enters Aries joining the Sun, Mercury and Chiron in this sign. Assertion and impulse! 17.16 Venus at 25 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 25 Taurus New Moon tomorrow.

Friday 1st April 2022


New Moon in Aries

No fooling here.. Transiting Saturn conjuncts the Ukraine Moon and T.Mars conjunct Zelensky's MC April 2nd. Transiting Mars opposes Putin's MC April 3rd. Transiting Uranus conjuncts Ukraine's IC, T.Mars conjunct Ukraine's Moon, T.Mars and T.Saturn oppose Russia's Venus, T.Venus opposes Russia's Jupiter April 4th. Transiting Mars opposite Putin's Pluto April 5th. Transiting Uranus trines Zelensky's Mercury April 7th. Transiting Saturn opposes Putin's Pluto April 8th. Transiting Mars opposes Ukraine's Mercury and Jupiter April 9th. 02.35 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 9 Aries 06.25 Moment of NEW MOON Today's New Moon in Aries is the 4th New Moon following on from the Total Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius on Dec 4th 2021 and is the ultimate New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 (conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America). Today's New Moon is quintile Pluto. This New Moon is conjunct Mercury. Jupiter applies to Neptune, Mars applies to Saturn. There is a flurry, a bustle and a kindling of new events. This is a brave new world lunation, an assertive New Moon. The significant feature is that at the moment of New Moon, Saturn stands on the MC at Moscow on the Venus/Mars midpoint and at the same moment Saturn is setting at Beijing, where Uranus is culminating. Maybe there is a new role and drama to play out with the connection and relationship of these two powers from this point in time. Saturn also culminates at Addis Ababa and Daressalem. Pluto culminates at Prague and at Ndjamena. Uranus rises at Brussels and at Tripoli. Jupiter and Neptune culminate at Karachi. The Moon and Sun set over New Zealand. The Moon rises over Eastern Ireland and at Seville. Today's New Moon opposes Putin's Sun and squares Ukraine's Uranus. It is conjunct the Sun of Iran, the MC of Guinea, the south lunar node of Emmanuel Macron, the Venus Mars conjunction of Hezbollah, the Mars Saturn conjunction of both Professor Brian Cox and actor Daniel Craig, and the Saturn of Michael Gove. It opposes Qatar's Uranus, Spain's Pluto, Korea's (North and South) Neptune, Bill Gates' Sun, Boris Johnson's ascendant and Kate Middleton's Mars. With the passing of today's New Moon we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season. 14.24 Mercury at 10 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 21.34 Jupiter at 22 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 13 Taurus 21.49 Mercury at 11 Aries waxing semi-square Venus at 26 Aquarius 22.08 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 20 Aquarius

Saturday 2nd April 2022

Transiting Saturn conjuncts the Ukraine Moon and T.Mars conjunct Zelensky's MC April 2nd. 02.04 The infant New Moon decelerating at 22 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 03.52 Mercury at 12 Aries waxing septile Mars at 20 Aquarius 10.25 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing sextile Venus at 27 Aquarius 13.52 The Moon at 28 Aries waxing square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3 hours. 16.52 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 18.10 The Sun at 13 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus 20.50 Mercury at 13 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus 23.11 The Sun at 13 Aries conjunction Mercury at 13 Aries

Sunday 3rd April 2022

Transiting Mars opposes Putin's MC April 3rd. Steady as she goes, traditional Sunday. 03.47 Mercury now an evening star at 14 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 09.12 The Sun at 14 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 17.47 The now quite slow decelerating Moon conjunction Uranus at 13 Taurus Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (0.7 degrees) 18.17 GMT

Monday 4th April 2022

Today's Ukraine War Transits. Transiting Uranus conjuncts Ukraine's IC, T.Mars conjunct Ukraine's Moon, T.Mars and T.Saturn oppose Russia's Venus, T.Venus opposes Russia's Jupiter. A watchful wait. Anything moving? Mars is almost on Saturn. Full throttle with the brakes on. Something overheats. This one, grips, bites and dosen't let go. Being in Aquarius however there is always space for human communication to resolve the standoff. 04.16 Venus at 28 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 11.10 The decelerating young Moon slowly waxing at 22 Taurus waxing square Mars at 22 Aquarius 11.30 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 22 Pisces 11.58 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 22 Aquarius 14.37 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces 16.20 The Moon at 25 Taurus conjunction her node at 25 Taurus 18.48 Mars at 22 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 22 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- Mars encounters Saturn tomorrow. It could be especially significant to the ongoing War in Ukraine, Putin and Russia, as Saturn is applying in opposition to Putin's Pluto and MC, (exact April 8th), and was in conjunction to Ukraines's Moon (April 2nd) and in opposition to Russia's Venus (April 4th). The intervention of Mars currently suggests significant aggrandisement in the unfolding of events. In addition to this planetary picture Jupiter is now just 2 degrees from Neptune and closing. This is history in the making, the destiny of nations, global astrology. The Sun is at 14 degrees Aries. Mercury is also in Aries. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 77 days to the Cancer Solstice. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury, currently an evening star, is in Aries. Mercury resides here for a brief but fiery 14 days, a time characterised by fast moving mental thrusts and initiations. Shoot first talk later. Leaping before looking. Care advised. He was at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 13 degrees Aries on April 2nd. He sextiles Saturn on Thursday, constructive thought forms, sextiles Mars on April 8th, mind and muscle in sync, and squares Pluto, the bad apple of the residence, on April 10th. Mercury races into Taurus on April 11th. He enters his shadow on April 26th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from May 10 to June 3. He leaves his shadow on June 19th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aquarius. Venus enters Pisces tomorrow. The next Venus Mars conjunction following the 2 recent ones is on 22nd Feb 2024 also in Aquarius. The closest linear alignments of these two planets in the first half of the 21st century are on Jan 8th 2026 (0.17 degrees) Nov 7th 2047 (0.12 degrees). Mars is now residing in Aquarius. Mars resides in Aquarius for 40 days. Mars is conjunct Saturn, with severity, on April 5th at 22 Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces on April 12th, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 28 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 5th April 2022

Mars conjunction Saturn

Transiting Mars opposite Putin's Pluto April 5th. 00.00 The slowly waxing young Moon decelerating at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn Closest conjunction Mars Saturn (0.30 degrees) 01.44 GMT 01.52 Mars conjunction Saturn at 22 Aquarius 01.54 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing square Venus at 29 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 1.2 hours 03.06 The Moon enters Gemini 03.46 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 12.37 Mercury at 18 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 15.19 Venus enters Pisces as a morning star, joining Jupiter and Neptune in this sign for a favourable 27 day residence. Venus sextiles Uranus on April 18th, evoking excitations. Venus conjuncts Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces on April 27th, a deeply impressionable and meaningful time. She is conjunct Jupiter at 28 degrees Pisces on April 30th, an utterly sweet vibration on the day of the Solar Eclipse, and Venus sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on May 1st. Venus enters Aries on May 2nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. 21.43 to 22.11 Lunar occultation of the Moon and upsilon Taurus observable from the UK

Wednesday 6th April 2022

A busy bee day. Lots of connectedness. Much starting up and gaining traction. Lots to communicate. 01.39 Mars at 23 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 13 Taurus 03.24 Jupiter at 22 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. This single waxing semi-sextile aspect symbolises the emergence from a condition of almost pure potentiality, the seed stirs, it experiences an urge to be. Progress on the world stage will be evident even in the current atmosphere of war and war crimes. The future will be made better with world governments taking on board improvements to international law and its enforcement. This one is future orientated. 12.33 The slowly waxing and decelerating crescent Moon at 17 Gemini waxing sextile The Sun at 17 Aries 17.54 Venus at 1 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 13 Taurus 21.34 Mars at 24 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces Another semi-sextile! but this one is waning. The Mars Neptune cycle, one of passion, glamour and sensation is moving toward closure. Its product is shown and evaluated for what it is. This represents a meaningful prelude to a new set of 'sensations'. Subtle but significant, the current vogue is nearly over. 21.57 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 21 Aries

Thursday 7th April 2022


Transiting Uranus trines Zelensky's Mercury April 7th. 00.27 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 23 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 23 Aquarius 00.42 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 23 Pisces 02.55 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 24 Pisces 03.15 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 24 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 12.3 hours 12.26 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 12.38 Mercury at 23 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 23 Aquarius 15.15 Mercury at 23 Aries waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 23 Pisces 15.32 The Moon enters Cancer 17.32 Mars at 24 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 24 Taurus 19.11 The Moon is at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 20.20 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing trine Venus at 2 Pisces

Friday 8th April 2022

Mercury sextile Mars

Transiting Saturn opposes Putin's Pluto April 8th. A heavy duty transit. 02.33 Mercury at 24 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces (another one!) 06.45 Mercury at 24 Aries waxing septile Venus at 3 Pisces 08.23 The Sun at 18 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 18.19 Mercury at 25 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 25 Aquarius (perky!) 18.29 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon now accelerating at 13 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 13 Taurus

Saturday 9th April 2022

Transiting Mars opposes Ukraine's Mercury and Jupiter April 9th. 06.48 The very slowly waxing Moon is at First Quarter 13.36 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 23 Aquarius 14.37 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Pisces 15.47 The Moon at 24 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 24 Pisces 16.38 The Moon at 24 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 19.32 Venus at 5 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 20.02 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 26 Aquarius 23.00-09.00 a discociate T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Pluto. 23.26 The Moon at 28 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 28 Aries

Sunday 10th April 2022

Mercury square Pluto

01.02 The slowly waxing first quarter Moon at 29 Cancer opposition Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3 hours 04.01 The Moon enters Leo 08.46 Mercury at 29 Aries waxing square Pluto at 29 Capricorn 14.38 The Moon at 5 Leo waxing quincunx Venus at 5 Pisces 21.21 Mercury at 30 Aries waxing decile Jupiter at 24 Pisces

Monday 11th April 2022

01.18 Mercury at 30 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 24 Pisces 02.11 Mercury enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign and beckoning the Sun to follow (see below). 06.26 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing square Uranus at 13 Taurus 23.01 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing trine The Sun at 22 Aries STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun is at 21 degrees Aries. Mercury is, from today, in Taurus. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and Saturn are in Aquarius. There are 70 days to the Cancer Solstice. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. All the planets (and Pluto) are in direct motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury, currently an evening star, is now in Taurus. He sextiles Venus and is conjunct Uranus on April 18th, quite inspirational. He enters his shadow on April 26th. Mercury squares Saturn and sextiles Neptune on April 24th, with dour considerations, sextiles Jupiter on April 27th and trines Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. He enters Gemini on April 29th. He sextiles Venus again on May 6th, always a merry moment, and turns retrograde on May 10 at 5 Gemini. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mindsets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces with Jupiter and Neptune in this sign for a favourable 27 day residence. Venus sextiles Uranus on April 18th, evoking excitations. Venus conjuncts Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces on April 27th, a deeply impressionable and meaningful time. She is conjunct Jupiter at 28 degrees Pisces on April 30th, an utterly sweet vibration on the day of the Solar Eclipse, and Venus sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on May 1st. Venus enters Aries on May 2nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now residing in Aquarius. Mars enters Pisces on April 15th. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He conjuncts Neptune at 24 Pisces tomorrow, the highlight of the residence, and he sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 28 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 12th April 2022

Jupiter conjunct Neptune 24 Pisces. These two gas giants make a single conjunction at 24 Pisces in April 2022, the first in that sign since 1856 (the Florence Nightingale conjunction)

The major astrological force now paramount is Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This happens every 166 years so its a 'one off' in all of our lives. The mixture of Jupiter and Neptune energy is wayward, full of fervour, exploration, discovery and contains a rich stratum of spiritual truth amid the glamour. Last time March 1856 coincided with Florence Nightingale working within the Crimean war horrors. Before that Feb 1690 sees the first Europeans landing on the Falkland Islands aboard HMS Welfare. Before that Jan 1524 saw the French seeking the western war to the Pacific Ocean-the voyage of Verrazzono. Before that the Dec 1357 the Shroud of Turin had its first public exhibition. The March 1204 conjunction coincided with the 4th Crusade. This time, April 12th 2022 we have devilry in Ukraine and hopefully a manifestation of some sort of Florence Nightingale energy.

00.30- 03.15 A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Saturn. 00.51 The Moon gaining in light and motion, at 23 Leo opposition Saturn at 23 Aquarius 02.31 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 24 Pisces 02.42 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 24 Pisces 03.07 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 24 Taurus 10.17 The Moon at 28 Leo opposition Mars at 28 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 4 hours 11.22 The Moon at 29 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 29 Capricorn 14.09 The Moon enters Virgo 14.43 Jupiter at 24 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 24 Pisces Closest conjunction Jupiter Neptune (0.09 degrees) 15.00 GMT 20.55 The Moon at 4 Virgo waxing trine Mercury at 4 Taurus

Wednesday 13th April 2022

Sun sextile Saturn

Breaking, mending, repairing. Two days requiring diligence. Lunar pressures starting to rise. 00.15 The Sun at 23 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 23 Aquarius 01.21 Mercury at 4 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 24 Pisces 02.30 Mercury at 4 Taurus waxing novile Jupiter at 24 Pisces 04.30 Mars at 29 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 05.22 Jupiter at 24 Pisces waning sextile the lunar node at 24 Taurus 05.28 The Moon at 8 Virgo opposition Venus at 8 Pisces 05.34 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Saturday's Full Moon now starts in earnest. 12.15 Venus at 9 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 14.46 Mercury at 5 Taurus waxing quintile Saturn at 23 Aquarius 15.16 The waxing gibbous Moon at 14 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 14 Taurus 16.07 The Sun at 24 Aries waxing semi-square Venus at 9 Pisces 23.49 The Sun at 24 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces

Thursday 14th April 2022

A yod is manifest this morning (8.00 to 11.00 GMT) involving the waxing gibbous Moon (opposing Jupiter and Neptune), the Sun and Saturn. There may be a need to respond to developments with practical considerations. More mending, repairing and perfecting required. Lunar pressures are rising. Demands are increasing as the Moon waxes and accelerates. 08.15 The Sun at 24 Aries waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 24 Pisces 08.38 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 23 Aquarius 10.12 The Moon at 24 Virgo opposition Neptune at 24 Pisces 10.13 The Moon at 24 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 24 Taurus 10.50 The Moon at 24 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 24 Pisces 10.59 The Moon at 24 Virgo waxing quincunx The Sun at 24 Aries 13.47 Neptune at 24 Pisces waning sextile the lunar node at 24 Taurus 18.12 The Moon at 29 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 2.6 hours 20.24 The Moon at 30 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 30 Aquarius 20.47 The Moon enters Libra

Friday 15th April 2022

Smooth sociality now permeates the biosphere. The trick is of course to find the balance. 03.07 Mars enters Pisces joining Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in this sign. Mars sextiles Uranus on May 4th, pushing with unorthodoxy. He sextiles the Sun on May 7th, with great self belief. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 25 Pisces, with great glamour and sensation, the highlight of the residence, in the wake of the Total Lunar Eclipse, on May 18th. He sextiles Pluto on May 22nd, with deliberate intent. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. 12.12 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 9 Libra waxing quincunx Mercury at 9 Taurus 15.32 Mercury at 9 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 24 Pisces 15.49 The Moon at 11 Libra waning quincunx Venus at 11 Pisces 20.37 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 23.49 Mercury at 10 Taurus waxing semi-square Jupiter at 25 Pisces The Moon is almost Full.

Saturday 16th April 2022

Full Moon in Libra

13.07 The Moon at 23 Libra waning trine Saturn at 23 Aquarius 14.27 The Moon at 24 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 24 Pisces 15.45 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Pisces 18.56 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon at 27 degrees Libra is the 5th following on from the long Partial Lunar Eclipse on Nov 19th 2021 and the ultimate before a Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th 2022 at 26 degrees Scorpio. This Full Moon is square Pluto, opposite Eris. Venus sextiles Mercury and Uranus, Saturn sextiles Pluto, Jupiter is conjunct Neptune. Planets in Water, Earth and (feminine) signs predominate. This Full Moon directly hits the France (1st republic) Neptune,Hong Kong's Mars, Northern Ireland's lunar node, Oman's Jupiter, Nasa's Node, the FTSE Mars, and Belgium's Mercury. It sextiles Ukraine's Jupiter and its Mercury, and it sextiles Vladimir Putin's Mars, trines the USA Moon, squares USA Pluto. It opposes Marine Le-Pen's Saturn, sextile her Venus. It aligns to Kamala Harris' Sun opposite Moon and Kim Yo Jong's (Kim Un's sister) Mercury opposite Jupiter. It hits the Venus of Keir Starmer, Michael Douglas and Ali Bashar Assad. It hits Brigette Bardot's Mercury and Jupiter, Madonna's Jupiter and lunar node, and Emma Stone's Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto. It hits Nicola Sturgeon's Jupiter, Dominic Rabb's Uranus, David Gilmour's Jupiter, Diane Abbot's Saturn, and Kate Middleton's Pluto. The Full Moon also opposes Eric Clapton's Mercury, and Grace Slick's Saturn. (Enough material there to write several magazine articles!) At the exact moment of Full Moon, the Full Moon rises over the UK, the south lunar node rises at Odessa, the Moon culminates New Delhi, Saturn rises at Hong Kong, Mars rises at Shanghai, Jupiter and Neptune rise over Japan. Mars sets at Washington DC and at Buenos Aires. Saturn sets at Chicago, Jupiter and Neptune set at Rio. The Full Moon in Libra always has beautiful potential. Great sociality abounds and the emphasis is on relationships. There is always an issue with adjustment and with balance. This Full Moon is tied into the current Eris and Pluto square. She is the goddess of discord, delights in the groans of the dying and he rules the 'Underworld', so beneath the surface there exists a vengeful quality. Relationships will be transformed by this lunation. 21.15 Mercury at 11 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 21.58 The Moon at 29 Libra waning square Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for almost 2.5 hours

Sunday 17th April 2022


The Full Moon has climaxed. We have now truly arrived at an eclipse season. 00.24 The waning full Moon quickly enters Scorpio and continues to accelerate through this sign. The social conviviality of the past two days now gives way to more 'wilful eventualities'. In addition the Sun is now applying square to Pluto, exact tomorrow adding to the 'need for control'. 02.55 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning trine Mars at 2 Pisces 11.28 Mars at 2 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 14 Taurus 22.44 The Moon at 13 Scorpio opposition Mercury at 13 Taurus 22.51 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning trine Venus at 13 Pisces 23.28 The Moon at 14 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 14 Taurus 23.50 Mercury at 13 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 23 Aquarius

Monday 18th April 2022

Mercury sextile Venus

Mercury conjunct Uranus

Venus sextile Uranus

Sun square Pluto

The waning full moon today overseas Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus both sextile Venus in Pisces all coupled with the Sun square Pluto. Quite an important day with a lot going on. Practical inventiveness, grace of reason and deliberate wilfulness is the way it goes today. 01.10 Mercury at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 14 Pisces 01.43 Venus at 14 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 29 Capricorn 04.52 Mercury conjunction Uranus at 14 Taurus 07.16 Venus at 14 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus 15.15 The Sun at 29 Aries waxing square Pluto at 29 Capricorn 15.31 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 23 Aquarius 16.05 The Moon at 24 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 24 Taurus 16.40 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 24 Pisces 16.52 Mercury at 15 Taurus waxing quintile Mars at 3 Pisces 18.37 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 25 Pisces 23.55 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 2.4 hours. STATE OF THE SKY:- We are drawing to the end of the astrological month of Aries. We have a strong piscean influence in the astrological sky, (sublime sensitivity, artistic waves and deep solemnity), with the 4 planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune there. This extends up to the start of May, deep into the new eclipse season which we have just entered. Changes and eventful days areahead. The Sun is today at 28 degrees Aries and is square Pluto. Mercury is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. There are 63 days to the Cancer Solstice. All of the planets (and Pluto) are still direct in motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. The Sun enters Taurus on Wednesday Mercury, currently an evening star, is in Taurus. He sextiles Venus and is conjunct Uranus today, quite inspirational. He enters his shadow on April 26th. Mercury squares Saturn and sextiles Neptune on April 24th, with dour considerations, sextiles Jupiter on April 27th and trines Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. He enters Gemini on April 29th. He sextiles Venus again on May 6th, always a merry moment, and turns retrograde on May 10 at 5 Gemini. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces with Jupiter and Neptune in this sign for a favourable 27 day residence. Venus sextiles Uranus today, evoking excitations. Venus conjuncts Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces on April 27th, a deeply impressionable and meaningful time. She is conjunct Jupiter at 28 degrees Pisces on April 30th, an utterly sweet vibration on the day of the Solar Eclipse, and Venus sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on May 1st. Venus enters Aries on May 2nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now residing in Pisces. Mars sextiles Uranus on May 4th, pushing with unorthodoxy. He sextiles the Sun on May 7th, with great self belief. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 25 Pisces, with great glamour and sensation, the highlight of the residence, in the wake of the Total Lunar Eclipse, on May 18th. He sextiles Pluto on May 22nd, with deliberate intent. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 28 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 19th April 2022

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aries. The Sun enters Taurus tomorrow and remains there for the duration of the current eclipse season. The first eclipse on April 30th, a partial solar eclipse, visible only from parts of South America and Antarctica, looks to be a favourable event, being accompanied by a lavish and adoring Venus close conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces. The Total Lunar Eclipse on May 16th is a very different animal, visible from the the Americas, Western Europe and Africa. It is a much more unwieldy, intense, testing and tempting experience. By then Jupiter will be in Aries, Mars will be conjunct Neptune and the eclipse itself makes a raggedy square with Saturn. Today the very fast moving Moon starts the (GMT) day void of course in Scorpio and then speeds and wanes her way through Sagittarius, making challenging squares to the planetary stellium in Pisces over the next 2 days. 00.33 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning quincunx The Sun at 29 Aries 02.18 The very rapidly waning Moon enters Sagittarius 04.26 Mercury at 16 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 24 Pisces 07.30 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 3 Pisces 15.16 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 18.56 Mercury at 17 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 29 Capricorn

Wednesday 20th April 2022

The Sun enters Taurus.

00.42 Mercury at 17 Taurus waxing septile Jupiter at 26 Pisces 01.15 The rapidly waning Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 14 Taurus 02.26 03.05 The rapidly movThe Sun enters Taurus, joining Mercury and Uranus in this sign and a new astrological month begins. The highlights...The Moon joins 4 planets in Pisces April 25th to 27th, sacrificial rites. May Eve 'garden of delight' Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus as Venus aligns to Jupiter April 30th. Mercury turns retrograde and Jupiter enters Aries May 10th. Blisteringly long 'raggedy' Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 16th. Mars conjunct Neptune sublime sensation May 18th. The Sun enters Gemini 3 days later.ing Sagittarian Moon reaches her disseminating phase 04.34 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square Venus at 16 Pisces 07.02 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mercury at 17 Taurus 08.13 The Sun at zero Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 24 Pisces 17.19 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 18.20 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 24 Pisces 20.57 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 26 Pisces. The moon is void of course for almost 7 hours.

Thursday 21st April 2022

03.54 The decelerating disseminating Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. The Sun and Moon both in Earth signs (with Mercury, Uranus and Pluto) for 2 days. Pragmatic steady and realistic energy. 04.30 Mars at 5 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 05.44 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning trine The Sun at 1 Taurus 10.30 Saturn at 24 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 24 Taurus 11 year cycle. A one off aspect. A 'karmic contact'. 11.53 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waning sextile Mars at 5 Pisces

Friday 22nd April 2022

Inevitable 'Moon in Capricorn realities' hold sway. A steady astrological carrier wave. Mind how you go. 03.19 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 14 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 14 Taurus 06.47 The Sun at 2 Taurus waxing decile Jupiter at 26 Pisces 10.43 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning sextile Venus at 18 Pisces 15.14 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning trine Mercury at 21 Taurus 19.27 The Moon at 24 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 20.38 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces

Saturday 23rd April 2022

Fixed astrological energy dominates the biosphere for a couple of days. 03.54 The decelerating Moon conjunction Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 2.5 hours 06.19 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. The Moon, Saturn, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus are all in fixed signs. 11.57 The Moon at Fixed Last Quarter 18.39 Venus at 20 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 29 Capricorn

Sunday 24th April 2022

Mercury (and the lunar node) are square the Moon and Saturn sextile Neptune.

We are 6 days from a partial solar eclipse. Special eclipse season days are upon us. This is an eventful day preceeding the 2 day planetary stellium in Pisces starting tomorrow. The last quarter Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Saturn later today, Mercury is conjunct the lunar node and Venus applies to Neptune. 06.36 The Moon at 14 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 14 Taurus 07.31 Mercury conjunction the lunar node at 24 Taurus 13.50 Mercury at 24 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 24 Aquarius 13.55 The Sun at 4 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 24 Pisces 22.38 Mercury at 24 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces 22.50 The Moon at 24 Aquarius squares her lunar node from south of the ecliptic. 23.34 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 24 Aquarius

Monday 25th April 2022

The Moon and 4 planets in Pisces for 2 days

00.34 The decelerating waning Moon at 24 Aquarius waning square Mercury at 24 Taurus. The moon is void for 8.7 hours 10.16 The Moon enters Pisces joining Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune. 20.09 The Moon at 6 Pisces waning sextile The Sun at 6 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- We are 5 days from a Partial Solar Eclipse. We have a strong piscean influence in the astrological sky, (sublime sensitivity, artistic waves and deep solemnity), with the 4 planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and now from 10.16 GMT today, the Moon is there also for 2.5 days. The planetary residence extends up to the start of May, deep into the new eclipse season which we are well and truly in. Changes and eventful days are at hand. The Sun today reaches 6 degrees Taurus. There are 55 days to the Cancer Solstice. All of the planets (and Pluto) are still direct in motion until April 29th, when Pluto goes retrograde. Mercury, currently an evening star, is in Taurus. He enters his shadow tomorrow. Mercury sextiles Jupiter on April 27th and trines Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. He enters Gemini on April 29th. He sextiles Venus again on May 6th, always a merry moment, and turns retrograde on May 10 at 5 Gemini. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces with Jupiter and Neptune in this sign for a favourable 27 day residence. Venus conjuncts Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces on April 27th, a deeply impressionable and meaningful time. She is conjunct Jupiter at 28 degrees Pisces on April 30th, an utterly sweet vibration on the day of the Solar Eclipse, and Venus sextiles Pluto, the power of love and will, on May 1st. Venus enters Aries on May 2nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is also residing in Pisces. Mars sextiles Uranus on May 4th, pushing with unorthodoxy. He sextiles the Sun on May 7th, with great self belief. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 25 Pisces, with great glamour and sensation, the highlight of the residence, in the wake of the Total Lunar Eclipse, on May 18th. He sextiles Pluto on May 22nd, with deliberate intent. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on Feb 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 28 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th 2022 conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 26th April 2022

Moon and 4 planets in Pisces.

We are 4 days from a Partial Solar Eclipse. The Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are now all in Pisces. This is a rare astrological event. These 5 bodies all gathered together in tropical Pisces last occurred in February 1524, before that it happened in April 871. The vibration is of sublime sensitivity, artistic waves, deep solemnity and exploration by 'feeling the way', sound in the belief that 'there is a way'. The 1524 event coincided with Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, on board La Dauphine in the service of Francis I of France, seeking out the New World and a western sea route to the Pacific Ocean. 00.52 The decelerating waning Moon conjunction Mars at 8 Pisces 05.58 The Sun at 6 Taurus waxing quintile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 08.56 Venus at 23 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 14 Taurus 11.40 The Moon at 14 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 14 Taurus 11.57 Mars at 9 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 20.27 Venus at 23 Pisces waning sextile the lunar node at 23 Taurus

Wednesday 27th April 2022

Moon and 4 planets in Pisces.

Venus and the Moon conjunct Neptune

Mercury sextile Jupiter

A very interesting pre-eclipse day. Deeply sensitive responses. Important 'possible futures' in the mix. 01.11 The decelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the Solar Eclipse now 3 days away starts in earnest. 04.05 The Moon sextiles the lunar node at 23 Taurus from south of the ecliptic. 04.50 The Moon conjunction Venus at 24 Pisces 05.12 Mercury at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 27 Pisces 06.02 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 24 Pisces 10.44 Venus at 24 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 11.08 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 27 Pisces 11.35 The Moon at 27 Pisces waning sextile Mercury at 27 Taurus 13.15 The Sun at 7 Taurus waxing novile Jupiter at 27 Pisces 13.36 The Moon at 29 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 2.6 hours 16.11 The Moon enters Aries 19.12 Venus conjunction Neptune at 24 Pisces Closest conjunction Venus Neptune (0.01 degrees) 19.16 GMT

Thursday 28th April 2022

Mercury trine Pluto

The balsamic decelerating Moon in Aries just 2 days from a Partial Solar Eclipse, today makes no aspects but merely applies in a long sextile aspect to Saturn. A 'positive mental force for change' is manifest with the earth trine between Mercury and Pluto today. 12.05 Mercury at 29 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 29 Capricorn

Friday 29th April 2022

1 day to the Partial Solar eclipse. 13.16 The slow balsamic Moon decelerating at 24 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 15.05 Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn turns retrograde. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. 21.08 The Sun at 10 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 25 Pisces 21.39 The Moon at 29 Aries waxing square Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 2.7 hours 22.25 Mercury enters Gemini. Mercury now an evening star enters Gemini. He is already in his shadow, prior to his station, turning retrograde, in 11 days time. Mercury sextiled Jupiter on April 27th and trined Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. Now in Gemini, thinking speeds up, he sextiles Venus again on May 6th, always a merry moment, and turns retrograde on May 10 at 5 Gemini. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Once Mercury is out of his shadow on June 19th he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune on July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. ECLIPSE DAY TOMORROW

Saturday 30th April 2022

Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus

00.21 The old Moon enters Taurus and applies to a conjunction with the Sun and Uranus. The next 18.4 hours witness the approach of the eclipse sequence which starts at 18.45 GMT 20.29 Moment of NEW MOON

Today's Partial Solar Eclipse is visible from the S.E. Pacific and parts of South America. This Taurus eclipse is essentially favourable being conjunct Uranus, sextile Mars and semi-square Neptune. Accompanying the event Venus is closely conjunct Jupiter. Saturn is (waning) semi-sextile Neptune. Of course Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are all in Pisces and colour the event with sublime sensitivity, artistic waves and deep solemnity. Some pleasant surprises maybe, the attraction of material good fortune, lavish abundance in the garden of earthly delights. TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE (UT GMT) Eclipse starts 18:45 Greatest Eclipse 20:43 Eclipse ends 22:38 Today's eclipse at 10.5 degrees Taurus hits the UK's 8th house Mars (trine her Sun), Brazil's Saturn, the EU Moon, Belgium's Moon, Guinea's Moon, the Irani MC and the England-Scotland act of Union's Sun. It opposes Putin's Venus, squares Ukraine's MC, opposes Hamas' Pluto, Keir Starmer's Neptune, Jamacia's Neptune, and squares Donald Trump's Pluto. It hits David Beckham's Sun, Joanna Lumley's Sun, Elton John's Moon, Bono's Mercury, Ulma Thurman's Sun and Saturn and Melania Trump's Saturn. SOLAR SAROS 119 Today's eclipse is member 66 of the 71 eclipses which make up Solar Saros 119. This family of eclipses started on May 15th 850 AD with the moment of greatest eclipse being 12:49 LMT (London). The chart for this moment is below set for London.

This is an old Saros cycle and its power is waning although it has connections with several world changing events. Its quality, as shown by this first chart (above), reveals a great deal of clout. It is a very earthy map, 6 bodies in Earth signs including the Sun and Moon in Taurus conjunct Jupiter earth trine Neptune. Abundant material wealth is the object of desire here. A ruthless Mars in Capricorn 'earth trines' Uranus (inventive activity). This chart is all about exposition of will and material accumulation. It has no planet in water, and little air, (albeit a clever airy Mercury in Gemini). This Saros has some very interesting historical connections. The longest Total Eclipse in the series on Aug 20th 1012 coincided with AEthelred the Unready, King of England overseeing an 'ignominious collapse' of English Defences. Money was being paid to attacking Viking forces to stay clear. One eclipse in the series occurred on Sep 22nd 1066 just 5 days before the start of the Norman Conquest of England and 22 days before the Battle of Hastings. The 1986 eclipse (April 9th) was 17 days before the Chernobyl Disaster. The eclipse on March 28th 1968 was 12 days after the My Lai Massacre in the Vietnam War. The assignation of Martin Luther King occurred 7 days after that eclipse. (The film 'A Space Odyssey' and the musical 'Hair' were premiered around the same time). 40 days after the 1950 eclipse saw the start of Apartheid in South Africa. 12 days before the 1932 eclipse saw Adolf Hitler securing German naturalisation citizenship, allowing him to stand for office. If today's eclipse does resonate with favourable influence as expected let it not obscure the difficulty entwined in the 'humdinger' of a blisteringly long Total Lunar Eclipse in 2 weeks time. Closest conjunction venus Jupiter(0.22 degrees) 20.58 GMT 21.15 Venus at 28 Pisces conjunction Jupiter at 28 Pisces 23.24 The Moon at 12 Taurus waxing sextile Mars at 12 Pisces

Sunday 1st May 2022

04.25 The slowly waxing infant New Moon conjunction Uranus at 15 Taurus 10.38 Venus at 29 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 20.46 The Sun at 11 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 21.12 The Moon conjunction her ascending node at 23 Taurus 23.34 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 24 Aquarius

Monday 2nd May 2022

Dynamic planetary geometry is manifest this morning (GMT) as the slow decelerating infant New Moon in late Taurus/early Gemini links up with Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and later Mercury. Bustle in the hedgerow. 00.05 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 07.20 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 28 Pisces 08.00 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 29 Capricorn 08.15 Venus at 30 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 15 Taurus 10.14 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 30 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 34 mins. 10.48 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mercury in this sign. A modulation from a bustle to a veritable buzz. 15.06 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 2 Gemini 16.12 Venus enters Aries Venus resides in Aries as a morning star for a brief, but ardent 26 days. She sextiles a reasonably merry Mercury on May 6th, and sextiles Saturn, a trifle more serious, on May 24th. Venus moves into Taurus on May 28th. STATE OF THE SKY:- We are totally immersed in an 'eclipse fortnight'. There was a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday, (conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America) and a big, long and testy Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, square Saturn, coming up on May 16th. Changes and eventful days are at hand. The Sun today reaches 13 degrees Taurus. There are 48 days to the Cancer Solstice. Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Mercury are in Gemini. The Sun and Uranus are in Taurus. Mercury, currently an evening star is in Gemini . He is in his shadow. Mercury sextiled Jupiter on April 27th and trined Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. Now in Gemini he sextiles Venus again on May 6th, always a merry moment, and turns retrograde on May 10 at 5 Gemini. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Venus, a direct morning star, enters Aries today. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is residing in Pisces. Mars sextiles Uranus on May 4th, pushing with unorthodoxy. He sextiles the Sun on May 7th, with great self belief. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 25 Pisces, with great glamour and sensation, the highlight of the residence, in the wake of the Total Lunar Eclipse, on May 18th. He sextiles Pluto on May 22nd, with deliberate intent. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He sextiles Pluto in an embrace of power and transformation on May 3rd 2022. Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries on May 10th 2022. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 3rd May 2022

Venus is now in Aries. Mercury is in Gemini, in his shadow, appearing to seriously decelerate as his station is 7 days away. Jupiter enters Aries later on that same day. The Total Lunar Eclipse is 13 days away. Today is catch up day. Mars sextiles Uranus tomorrow, inventiveness and adaptation is required. 00.10 Venus newly arrived at zero Aries waxing decile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 02.50 Mars at 14 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 29 Capricorn 14.42 The young slow Moon decelerating at 14 Gemini waxing square Mars at 14 Pisces 22.33 Jupiter at 29 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn The current 13 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, symbolising 'power plays' started on Nov 12th 2020 in Capricorn. At that time we witnessed a worldwide rampant and escalating covid-19 virus, the appearance of vaccines and the US president refusing to concede electoral defeat. Today's single sextile aspect gives an element of 'context and meaning' to this current cycle which, reaches it first quarter square phase in May 2023, climaxes with the opposition across Leo/Aquarius in July 2026 and ends in Feb 2033 in Aquarius. The Jupiter Pluto cycle represents 'big time power shifts'.

Wednesday 4th May 2022

Mars sextile Uranus.

Eclipse fortnight transitions. Mars sextile Uranus. A day to act with flair and originality. A day to be cool. 02.29 The Sun at 14 Taurus waxing semi-square Jupiter at 29 Pisces 11.52 The very slowly waxing young Moon at 24 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 24 Aquarius 12.16 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces. 15.47 Mars at 15 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 20.15 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 29 Capricorn 20.38 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2.5 hours 21.54 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 23.07 The Moon enters Cancer 23.33 The Sun at 14 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 24 Aquarius

Thursday 5th May 2022

The Sun conjunction Uranus.

Tradition, care, domesticity and thrift rule the roost today despite Uranus trying to upset apple carts as he conjuncts the Sun. 04.58 The very slowly waxing crescent 'nursery rhyme' Moon at 3 Cancer waxing square Venus at 3 Aries 07.22 The Sun conjunction Uranus at 15 Taurus 12.28 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. We are midway between the Vernal Equinox and the the Cancer Solstice. In the northern hemisphere we enter early Summer and the lightest quarter of the year. In the south it is the start of the season of 'fading' and the darkest quarter of the year. This moment is 'Astrological Beltane'. 12.46 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith).

Friday 6th May 2022

Mercury sextile Venus

More of the same needful, slightly worrisome domesticity as yesterday. Money being too tight to mention, but more than a touch of 'Venus Mercury merriment'. 05.14 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon now accelerating at 15 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 06.02 Mercury at 4 Gemini waxing sextile Venus at 4 Aries 07.04 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing sextile The Sun at 16 Taurus 07.35 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Mars at 16 Pisces 14.38 The Sun at 16 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 15.59 Venus at 5 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 21.28 The Moon at 23 Cancer sextile her node from north of the ecliptic. 22.54 Venus at 5 Aries waning novile Uranus at 15 Taurus

Saturday 7th May 2022

Sun sextile Mars

Once this day gets going and the Moon enters Leo we are faced with a largely self expressive, recreational, creative potential to proceedings. Could be a fine weekend. 00.55 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 25 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 25 Aquarius 01.13 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 03.44 The Sun at 17 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 09.00 The Moon at 29 Cancer opposition Pluto at 29 Capricorn 09.49 The Sun at 17 Taurus waxing sextile Mars at 17 Pisces 10.26 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.4 hours 11.51 The Moon enters Leo, accelerating towards her Fixed First Quarter phase. 21.00 The Moon at 5 Leo waxing sextile Mercury at 5 Gemini

Sunday 8th May 2022

Mercury turns retrograde in 2 days, followed by Jupiter charging into Aries. There are 7 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. We are locked into a karmic passion play, where events which invoke changes are inevitable. Bend like the reed in the storm. It is not the fittest that survive, rather those who can best adapt. 00.02 The slowly waxing Moon, slowly accelerating towards first quarter, now at 6 Leo waxing trine Venus at 6 Aries 17.42 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing square Uranus at 15 Taurus 23.39 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing quincunx Mars at 18 Pisces

Monday 9th May 2022

00.22 The Moon is at First Quarter 08.00-12.40 A Fixed T-square is manifest involving The Moon, her Node and Saturn. 08.51 The accelerating Moon at 23 Leo waxing squares her node from north of the ecliptic 12.39 The Moon at 25 Leo opposition Saturn at 25 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 10.3 hours 12.51 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 20.00-22.30 A Yod is manifest involving The Moon, Jupiter and Pluto. 20.10 The Moon at 29 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 29 Capricorn 22.31 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 30 Pisces 22.55 The Moon enters Virgo STATE OF THE SKY:- We are totally immersed in an 'eclipse fortnight'. There was a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, (conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America) and a big, long and testy Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, square Saturn, trine Neptune, is coming up on May 16th. Changes and eventful days are at hand. The Sun today reaches 20 degrees Taurus. There are 41 days to the Cancer Solstice. Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. The Sun and Uranus are in Taurus. Mercury, currently an evening star is in Gemini. He is in his shadow turning retrograde tomorrow. Mercury sextiled Jupiter on April 27th and trined Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. He turns retrograde tomorrow May 10 at 5 degrees of this sign. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Once Mercury is out of his shadow on June 19th he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune on July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. Venus resides in Aries as a morning star for a brief, but ardent 26 days. She sextiles Saturn, a trifle serious, on May 24th. Venus moves into Taurus on May 28th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is residing in Pisces. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 25 Pisces, with great glamour and sensation, the highlight of the residence, in the wake of the Total Lunar Eclipse, on May 18th. He sextiles Pluto on May 22nd, with deliberate intent. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter re-entered Pisces on Dec 29th 2021. Jupiter is moving rapidly now. He leaves Pisces for Aries tomorrow May 10th. He returns again to Pisces from Oct 28th 2022 to Dec 20th 2022 with a direct station on Nov 23rd at 28 Pisces. By the time of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice 2022 Jupiter has left Pisces for good. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next Lunar eclipse is a blisteringly big Total Eclipse, visible from the UK, and is at 26 Scorpio, occuring during the early hours of Monday May 16th 2022. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 10th May 2022

May 10th 2022

Jupiter first enters Aries

Six days to a Total Lunar Eclipse. Changes in motion, lunar pressure slowly increasing. 08.10 The Moon, gaining in speed and motion, at 5 Virgo waxing square Mercury at 5 Gemini 11.42 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE. He stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. 14.57 Venus at 9 Aries waning decile Uranus at 15 Taurus 16.19 The Moon at 9 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 9 Aries 23.20 JUPITER ENTERS ARIES Jupiter enters Aries today May 10th 2022. Mars overtakes him on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries, a 'power punch' on the day before the New Moon. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on April 21st 2024 at 22 Taurus, a much mellower experience.

Wednesday 11th May 2022

Jupiter is now in Aries-new energy is within and without, Mercury is now retrograde-readjustment of plans ahead and changes of mind. We are deeply immersed in an eclipse fortnight. A critical time is indeed upon us. 'Careful choice' and 'refinement' are paramount today. 03.28 The Moon, 5 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse, accelerating and waxing at 15 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 04.34 Venus at 10 Aries waxing semi-square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 12.00 Mars at 20 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 29 Capricorn 12.18 The Moon at 20 Virgo opposition Mars at 20 Pisces 14.03 The Moon at 21 Virgo waxing trine The Sun at 21 Taurus 17.13 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 23 Taurus 20.53 Jupiter at 0 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 15 Taurus In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,(just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024) The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning semi-square aspect is one of three, dates- May 11th, Sept 28th and Dec 24th, all in 2022. This waning semi-square is all about 'the formation of seeds for a new beginning'. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Always a good one when these two planets are involved. Jupiter is moving very quickly onwards through Aries. Global and personal events move on quickly. 21.10 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 25 Aquarius 21.18 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces 21.25 Venus at 11 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 29 Capricorn

Thursday 12th May 2022

04.00 The Moon 5 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse, gaining in light and motion, at 29 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 2.6 hours 06.36 The Moon enters Libra 07.02 The Moon at 0 Libra opposition Jupiter at 0 Aries 08.27 The Sun at 22 Taurus waxing septile Jupiter at 0 Aries 14.55 The Moon at 5 Libra waxing trine retro-Mercury at 5 Gemini 19.06 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Total Lunar Eclipse now begins in earnest.

Friday 13th May 2022

Four days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Lunar pressures are rising. 00.55 to 01.44 Lunar occultation of the Moon and gamma Virgo observable from the UK 03.50 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 12 Libra opposition Venus at 12 Aries 07.11 The Sun at 23 Taurus conjunction the lunar node at 23 Taurus Eclipse season marker. 09.27 The Moon at 15 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 20.00-02.00 A Yod is manifest involving The Moon, Mars, Neptune and the Sun. 20.29 The Moon at 22 Libra waning quincunx Mars at 22 Pisces 23.01 The Moon at 23 Libra waxing quincunx The Sun at 23 Taurus

Saturday 14th May 2022

Time to square up to the oncoming eclipse. This day intensifies as the Moon slips into Scorpio. Events and experiences become more serious as the Sun applies to Saturn. 00.30 retro-Mercury at 4 Gemini waxing septile Venus at 13 Aries 01.54 The waxing gibbous pre-eclipse Moon accelerating at 25 Libra waning trine Saturn at 25 Aquarius 01.58 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 08.08 The Moon at 29 Libra waning square Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 2.4 hours 10.35 The Moon enters Scorpio 11.43 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 1 Aries 13.24 retro-Mercury at 4 Gemini waxing quintile Mars at 22 Pisces 17.31 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waxing quincunx retro-Mercury at 4 Gemini 20.54 Mars at 22 Pisces waning sextile the lunar node at 22 Taurus 21.33 to 22.35 Lunar occultation of the Moon and Lambda Virgo observable from the UK

Sunday 15th May 2022

Sun square Saturn, sextile Neptune.

These are serious hours. A Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio approaches. 01.46 The Sun at 24 Taurus waxing novile Venus at 14 Aries 10.56 The nearly Full Moon accelerating at 15 Scorpio waning quincunx Venus at 15 Aries 12.05 The Moon at 15 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 15 Taurus 18.50 The Sun at 25 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 19.06 Jupiter at 1 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 25 Aquarius The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. This single waxing decile (36 degree) aspect symbolises a new Quality of being to be actualised through the cyclic process, 'what to be'. This one is about social order and is future oriented . 19.16 The Sun at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 23.31 The Moon at 22 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 22 Taurus

Monday 16th May 2022

Total Lunar eclipse in Scorpio

May 16th 2022

Total Lunar Eclipse 26 degrees Scorpio 05:12 GMT

01.02 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Mars at 23 Pisces 02.15 Venus at 15 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 03.39 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 03.40 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.15 Moment of FULL MOON

TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE (UT) Penumbral Eclipse phase starts 01:32:07 Umbral Eclipse starts 02:27:53 Totality starts 03:29:03 Greatest Eclipse 04:12:42 Totality ends 04:53:56 Umbral Eclipse ends 05:55:07 Penumbral Eclipse ends 06:50:48 Note! The Moon sets around 4am (UT) from the UK, before the time of Greatest Eclipse. Today's eclipse at 25 Scorpio directly hits Queen Elizabeth's Saturn and MC, the NRA's Sun, France's Mars, Ireland's Venus, Sweden's Venus, Brazil's MC, Haiti's Neptune, Turkey's Jupiter, Venezuela's Mars, the FBI's jupiter, the Internet's Neptune, the UK Tory Party's Saturn, Prince Andrew's Moon, Boris Becker's Neptune, Ing Wen Sai's Saturn, Meghan Markle's Uranus, Iggy Pop's Jupiter, Rishi Sunak's Uranus, Greta Thornberg's Venus, John Cleese's Mercury, and Oprah Winfrey's Mars. The eclipse squares Ukraine's Mercury and Jupiter and sextiles her Mars, it squares Russia's Mercury (1991 chart) and conjuncts China's MC. It hits Angela' Raynor's Uranus, Prince Andrew's Moon, trines President Biden's Jupiter, opposes Bob Dylan's Moon and Uranus and opposes Johnny Depp's Venus and Mercury. At the exact moment of greatest eclipse today Saturn culminates at Kiev, Odessa and St.Petersberg.. Also at that moment it is Sunrise and Moonset over the UK. It is high Noon with the Moon at lower culmination at Perth (Aus) and Hong Kong, where Saturn sets. Mercury rises over Scotland, at Rome and over Belgium. Saturn rises at Manaus. The Moon culminates at La Paz, Venus at New Delhi, Mars and Neptune over the Strait of Hormuz. Uranus sets over Ireland, Pluto is shortly to set at Moscow, Mars is at lower culmination at San Francisco. LUNAR SAROS 131 Today's eclipse is member 34 of the 72 lunar eclipses which make up Lunar Saros 131. The first eclipse in the series occurred on May 10th 1427. The chart below is set for the moment of greatest eclipse of the first eclipse. I use this chart to examine the quality of the whole saros series. It is set for London.

From the archives...DAZE ARCHIVE May 2004 the last eclipse in Lunar Saros 131...This is the first Daze dispatch since the Total Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse coincided with bombs going off in Athens just 100 days before the 2004 Olympic Games were due to open. The other main news story at this time concerns the continuing revelations of abuse, murder and degradation by US troops to Iraqi Prisoners Of War in a Baghdad prison, in recent months. Considerable damage to the standing of the USA and to the election prospects of George W Bush has been done. The US defence secretary faces a grilling by Congress after President Bush says "sorry" for US troops' actions.

After the eclipse we quickly move on. 09.29 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 2.4 hours 11.52 The now waning but still accelerating full Moon quickly enters Sagittarius 13.34 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at 1 Aries 17.20 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius opposition Mercury at 3 Gemini 20.32Venus at 16 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 25 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:- We are totally immersed in 'eclipse fortnight'. There was a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, (conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars visible from South America) and a big, long and testy Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, square Saturn, trine Neptune today. Changes and eventful days are at hand. The Sun today reaches 26 degrees Taurus. There are 34 days to the Cancer Solstice. Mars, and Neptune are in Pisces. The Sun and Uranus are in Taurus. Venus and Jupiter are in Aries. Mercury, currently an evening star is in Gemini. He is retrograde. Mercury sextiled Jupiter on April 27th and trined Pluto on April 28th, both aspects invoking 'changes of thinking' and later on in this particular dance, 'changes of mind'. He turned retrograde on May 10 at 5 degrees of this sign. He sextiles Jupiter(again) on May 20th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Then as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus on May 23rd, sextiles Mars on May 24th and trines Pluto(2nd time) on May 25th. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Once Mercury is out of his shadow on June 19th he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune on July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. Venus resides in Aries as a morning star for a brief, but ardent 26 days. She sextiles Saturn, a trifle serious, on May 24th. Venus moves into Taurus on May 28th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is residing in Pisces. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 25 Pisces, with great glamour and sensation, the highlight of the residence, in the wake of the Total Lunar Eclipse, on May 18th. He sextiles Pluto on May 22nd, with deliberate intent. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Mars overtakes him on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries, a 'power punch' on the day before the New Moon. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 17th May 2022

Mars is now applying to a close conjunction with Neptune, peaking early Wednesday (GMT). This impending conjunction colours today with the 'strange energy' associated with Mars and Neptune. For the record- Monday's Total Lunar Eclipse coincided with a man shooting dead 10 people at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, deliberately seeking a site with a high black population. Sweden and Finland have confirmed they will apply for Nato membership in a historic shift that comes as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. North Korea is suffering under a wave of Covid cases throughout the country One of the biggest-ever Nato exercises in the Baltics is now under way. Named "Hedgehog", the drills involve 10 countries, including Finland and Sweden, which are expected to formally apply to join the alliance within days. The exercises in Estonia, which will last until 3 June, were arranged before Russia's invasion of Ukraine 00.06 Mars at 24 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 15 Taurus 12.46 The very rapidly waning full Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 15.23 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 15.31 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waning trine Venus at 17 Aries 15.43 Saturn at 25 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces This is a triple event, dates May 17th 2022, May 31st 2022 and Jan 6th 2023 in the 36 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune. Largely an historical cycle, this is astrology's 'tough one', concerned with dissolution, suffering and deep tests of faith. The current cycle started in 1989, in Capricorn, with the fall of the Soviet Empire. It reached the opposition phase in 2006-2007 preceded in late 2004 by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, death by water, wave of grief and in August 2005 by catastrophic flooding in New Orleans after the Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina, 1,464 people died. The last quarter phase in 2016 was preceded in 20154 by Ebola outbreaks in Africa,and in 2016 itself with North Korean Korean missile tests, the UK voting to leave the EU and Russia interfering in USA elections. The cycle ends in Feb. 2026 at 1 degree Aries. This Waning SemiSextile aspect is the closing aspect of the cycle, its product is shown and evaluated for what it is, a meaningful prelude to a new cycle and a new tomorrow.

Wednesday 18th May 2022

Mars conjunct Neptune

From today till the 29th May Mars Jupiter and Neptune are grouped near the Pisces/Aries cusp.

Today's Mars-Neptune planetary combination'-actions inspired by visions and dreams', 'strange energy', 'assertive bewilderment', all of this (and more) gives way, as the day proceeds, to the 'positive transformation' of Sun trine Pluto energy, an aspect which peaks Thursday noon GMT. 02.32 retro (evening star)-Mercury at 3 Gemini waxing semi-square Venus(morning star) at 18 Aries 03.52 The rapidly waning full Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 25 Pisces 04.00 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius. 04.00 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 8.1 hours. Closest conjunction Mars Neptune(0.52 degrees) 06.30 GMT 06.34 Mars conjunction Neptune at 25 Pisces 06.43 Mars at 25 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 07.49 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning quincunx The Sun at 27 Taurus 12.04 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 14.22 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 1 Aries 16.00 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning quincunx Mercury at 2 Gemini 18.24 Venus at 19 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 29 Capricorn

Thursday 19th May 2022

Sun trine Pluto

A day of progress and slow but positive change. 09.42 The rapidly waning but now decelerating Moon reaches her disseminating phase 12.11 The Sun at 29 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 29 Capricorn 13.17 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 16 Taurus 20.02 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning square Venus at 20 Aries

Friday 20th May 2022

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Taurus. The Sun enters Gemini tomorrow.

01.34 retro-Mercury at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 2 Aries 04.42 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 07.07 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Mars at 27 Pisces 10.25 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 28 Capricorn 12.00 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning trine The Sun at 29 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 54 mins. 12.54 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 15.12 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning trine Mercury at 1 Gemini 15.54 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at 2 Aries


Saturday 21st May 2022

Inferior Conjunction of Mercury.

A new astrological month and a new Mercury cycle start today. New beginnings potentially. A nice day to 'start again'. 00.58 retro-Mercury at 1 Gemini waxing novile Venus at 21 Aries 01.24 The Sun enters Gemini and a new astrological month begins. 15.16 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 16 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 16 Taurus 19.19 Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 1 Gemini A 'New Mercury'. The start of a new chapter in the story. Mercury is now a retrograde 'morning star'.

Sunday 22nd May 2022

Mars sextile Pluto

Mars sextile Pluto pushes for progress and change today. 02.05 The disseminaing decelerating Moon at 22 Aquarius squares her mean node from south of the ecliptic. 02.41 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waning sextile Venus at 22 Aries 07.20 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 25 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 8.5 hours 15.51 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune and Mars in this sign 16.13 The Moon at 0 Pisces waning square retro-Mercury at 0 Gemini 18.44 The Moon is at Last Quarter 22.16 Mars at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn

Monday 23rd May 2022

Sun sextile Jupiter

Fairly decent and lightweight planetary aspects ripple out currently in pleasant contrast to the tumults of the recent eclipse season. Today the Sun is sextile Jupiter encouraging the blossoming of new developments. The most significant change this week is the ingress of Mars (and the Moon) into Aries late (GMT) Tuesday. This is bound to trigger new assertions and impulses. 01.17 retro-Mercury re-enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th. 08.10 Mercury at 30 Taurus waxing decile Venus at 24 Aries 11.06 The Sun at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 2 Aries 19.54 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 16 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- We are now starting to pull out of the eclipse season. There was a Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, and a testy Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, on May 16th. The Sun today reaches 3 degrees Gemini. There are 27 days to the Cancer Solstice. Mars, and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus. Venus and Jupiter are in Aries. Mercury, now a retrograde morning star is in Taurus. He turned retrograde on May 10 and was at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Now as a retro-morning star, Mercury re-enters Taurus today, sextiles Mars tomorrow and trines Pluto(2nd time) Wednesday. Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Once Mercury is out of his shadow on June 19th he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune early July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. Venus resides in Aries as a morning star for a brief, but ardent 26 days. She sextiles Saturn, a trifle serious, tomorrow. Venus moves into Taurus on May 28th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is residing in Pisces. Mars sextiles retro-Mercury on May 24th, actions speaking louder than words, and leaves Pisces for Aries on that day, hot on the chase of Jupiter whom he encounters on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries. Mars in Pisces can be dithery and 'wishy washy' but there is enough positivism here to make a big difference. Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Mars overtakes him on May 29th at 3 degrees Aries, a 'power punch' on the day before the New Moon. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 24th May 2022

The Moon makes a series of conjunctions to Neptune, Mars and Jupiter.

Venus in Aries today hooks up with Neptune, who imparts vision, and Saturn who offers commitment. The decelerating 'mutable last quarter' Moon conjuncts both Neptune and Mars with deep unfathomable conspiracy, evoking a soulful, 'leap of faith' kind of day. Then at the (GMT) day's end, the ingress of Mars (and the Moon) into Aries triggers a rush of new energy, assertion and impulse. The day actually ends with the Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter all in Aries. 03.28 retro-Mercury at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Mars at 29 Pisces 06.55 The waning and decelerating Moon at 22 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 10.30 Venus at 25 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 11.07 Venus at 25 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 12.42 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 25 Pisces 18.49 The Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 19.51 The Moon at 29 Pisces waning sextile retro-Mercury at 29 Taurus 21.34 The Moon conjunction Mars at 30 Pisces, moon void 21.41 The Moon enters Aries 23.19 Mars enters Aries joining the Moon, Venus and Jupiter in this sign. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He aligns to Jupiter at 3 degrees Aries (within 35 mins of arc) on May 29th. Mars sextiles Saturn on June 27th, a strong direct application of constructive force, and squares Pluto in potential great brutality on July 2nd. He enters Taurus on July 5th. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners.

Wednesday 25th May 2022

A really 'conclusion forming' vibration is in the air today as retro-Mercury trines Pluto for the 2nd time this season. Mind changing. 02.28 The waning decelerating Moon conjunction Jupiter at 3 Aries 05.04 The Moon at 4 Aries waning sextile The Sun at 4 Gemini 21.50 retro-Mercury at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn

Thursday 26th May 2022

Nineteen young children and two adults have died in a shooting at a primary school in south Texas. The gunman opened fire at Robb Elementary School in the city of Uvalde before he was killed by law enforcement. The 18-year-old suspect had a handgun, an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and high-capacity magazines. The National Rifle Association chart is one mean astrological chart. Strong, stubborn, dogmatic, traditional and entrenched. Its strong Scorpio Sun is opposite Pluto. Power, money and influence exude from this chart. It's a tough cookie. Mars is in tight conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn (referred to by Marjorie Orr as 'an assassin's signature') and is testament to the association's dogmatism. The future astrology acting on this chart is significant and will shake its foundation. The most recent Lunar Eclipse was conjunct the NRA's Sun. Transiting Uranus and the south lunar node are conjunct the NRA Sun early August this year. 2022 to 2025 see transiting Uranus opposing that natal Sun. The organisations strength will be seriously tested during this time. It does however have a 'built to last' quality. The ageing Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter, are all now in Aries. Planetary hot-stuff is manifest for one more day. Mars is applying in conjunction to Jupiter. They meet at 3 degrees Aries on Sunday. Their tightest alignment is just a tad over half a degree from exact linearity-that's Earth, Mars and Jupiter all in a straight line. Sunday May 29th 10.32 GMT is the moment. Stand back, watch the show, become part of it. This particular planetary conjunction usually coincides with events, whose nature can be quite poignant, personal, political or possibly global. Still too hot to handle and in addition Venus is starting to square Pluto. Lush and lascivious. 07.14 Mars at 1 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 16 Taurus 11.36 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 13.20 Mars at 1 Aries waxing decile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 21.07 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 21.07 Retrograde morning star Mercury at 28 Taurus semi-sextile direct morning star Venus at 28 Aries

Friday 27th May 2022

The Moon and Venus are square Pluto early this morning (GMT). Closest conjunction Moon Venus (0.83 degrees) 02.45 GMT 03.01 The balsamic decelerating Moon conjunction Venus at 28 Aries 03.21 The Moon at 28 Aries waxing squares Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3 hours 06.24 The Moon enters Taurus joining Mercury and Uranus in this sign. Venus follows suit tomorrow. 06.29 Venus at 28 Aries waxing square Pluto at 28 Capricorn The background planetary fire of the last 2 days is now 'earthed'. The astrological atmosphere is more grounded but there is a driving force intensifying as Mars approaches his fiery alignment with Jupiter, which peaks Sunday at 10.32 GMT.

Saturday 28th May 2022

Mars is applying in conjunction to Jupiter. They align tomorrow. Their tightest alignment is just over half a degree from exact linearity-that's Earth, Mars and Jupiter all in a straight line. 12.52 The Sun at 7 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 25 Pisces 13.51 The Moon very close (14 mins of arc) conjunction Uranus at 16 Taurus 14.48 Venus enters Taurus joining, the Moon, retro-Mercury and Uranus in this sign. She resides here for just 26 days as an morning star. Venus is conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees Taurus on June 11th, with customary surprises. She squares Saturn on June 16th, dour at the best of times, sextiles Neptune on June 19th, with flair, art and vision and trines Pluto, the power of love, on June 21st. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini on June 23rd. Venus in Taurus has solid love.

Sunday 29th May 2022

Mars conjunct Jupiter

The Earth, Mars and Jupiter align in an almost straight line today (34 mins of arc from exact linearity). Mars Jupiter conjunctions coincide with events that can be poignant, personal and global. Today is astrologically special. 00.52 The slow ancient Moon conjunction her node at 22 Taurus 07.50 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 07.52 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 10.31 Mars conjunction Jupiter at 3 Aries Closest conjunction Mars Jupiter (0.58 degrees) 10.32 GMT 11.07 The Sun at 8 Gemini waxing bi-septile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 11.15 The Moon conjunction retro-Mercury at 27 Taurus 14.11 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3.2 hours 15.28 Venus at 1 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 25 Pisces 17.24 The Moon enters Gemini joining the Sun in this sign. New Moon tomorrow.

Monday 30th May 2022

All times on this site are GMT

New Moon in Gemini


00.13 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 3 Aries 00.55 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing sextile Mars at 4 Aries 11.31 Moment of NEW MOON The Moon makes no major planetary aspects.


This is the first New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, and it is the 5th New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. With the passing of today's New Moon we move out of the recent eclipse season. This New Moon makes no tight planetary aspects, it simply separates from a sextile to Mars and makes exceptionally long applications to Neptune, a square, and to Saturn, a trine. The New Moon is conjunct the Fixed Star Aldebaran. Mercury turns direct in 4 days time. This looks to be a 'wait and see, hold your horses, stand easy' sort of New Moon. This New Moon at 9 degrees Gemini hits the USA Uranus and Descendant, India's Ascendant, Russia's Jupiter (1917 chart), Joe Biden's Saturn, Poland's Moon, D.R. Congo's Mars, the Gaza strip's Jupiter, Cyprus's Mars, Elizabeth Warren's Mercury and Mars, Bashar Assad's node, Emma Raducannu's node, Prince William's Mercury, and Keith Richard's Mars. STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun today is at 9 degrees Gemini. There are 21 days to the Cancer Solstice. Venus, retro-Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. Mercury, a retrograde morning star is in Taurus. He turned retrograde on May 10th and was at Inferior Conjunct with the Sun on May 21st at 1 degree Gemini. Now as a retro-morning star, Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. The theme of all of this as marked by Mercury's repeated trine to Pluto and sextile to Jupiter, is one of evolving mind sets and changes of perspective. This season will enforce a mind change. Once Mercury is out of his shadow on June 19th he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune early July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is a direct morning star in Taurus. She resides here from May 28th for just 26 days as an morning star. Venus is conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees Taurus on June 11th, with customary surprises. She squares Saturn on June 16th, dour at the best of times, sextiles Neptune on June 19th, with flair, art and vision and trines Pluto, the power of love, on June 21st. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini on June 23rd. Venus in Taurus has solid love. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Aries. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He sextiles Saturn on June 27th, a strong direct application of constructive force, and squares Pluto in potential great brutality on July 2nd. He enters Taurus on July 5th. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021 on 17th, and on June 14th and on Dec 24th 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 31st May 2022

The New Moon 'buzz' has our attention. 16.37 retro-Mercury, stationary direct in 3 days time at 26 Taurus waxing septile Mars at 5 Aries 18.35 Venus at 4 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 4 Aries 20.11 The very slowly waxing infant Moon still decelerating at 25 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 25 Aquarius. 20.11 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 9.7 hours 22.00 Saturn at 25 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces This is a triple event, (and the 2nd hit this month), dates May 17th 2022, May 31st 2022 and Jan 6th 2023 in the 36 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune. Largely an historical cycle, this is astrology's 'tough one', concerned with dissolution, suffering and deep tests of faith. The current cycle started in 1989, in Capricorn, with the fall of the Soviet Empire. It reached the opposition phase in 2006-2007 preceded in late 2004 by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, death by water, wave of grief and in August 2005 by catastrophic flooding in New Orleans after the Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina, 1,464 people died. The last quarter phase in 2016 was preceded in 2015 by Ebola outbreaks in Africa,and in 2016 itself with North Korean missile tests, the UK voting to leave the EU and Russia interfering in USA elections. The cycle ends in Feb. 2026 at 1 degree Aries. This Waning SemiSextile aspect is the closing aspect of the cycle, its product is shown and evaluated for what it is, a meaningful prelude to a new cycle and a new tomorrow.

Wednesday 1st June 2022

00.30 Mars at 5 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 02.30 The very slowly waxing infant Moon still decelerating at 28 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 05.51 The Moon enters Cancer rustling up a houseproud domestic and family oriented couple of days. 13.36 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 4 Aries 15.24 The Moon at 5 Cancer waxing sextile Venus at 5 Taurus 17.32 The Moon at 6 Cancer waxing square Mars at 6 Aries 21.12 Uranus at 16 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 28 Capricorn. This is the 3rd of 5 hits of this aspect. The dates are July 3rd 2021, Nov 9th 2021, June 1st 2022, 22nd Dec 2022 and 29th April 2023. The current 139 year synodic cycle of Uranus and Pluto started in 1965-1966 in Virgo. The first square occurred 2012-2015 and the waxing trine, in Air signs, occurs 2026-2028. Opposition occurs 2046-2048 across Virgo Pisces. The cycle ends in 2104 in Taurus. The principle of Uranus and Pluto is an extreme push for freedom and for change with complete and drastic revolution with the deepest urge for change. The waxing Tri-Decile aspect reveals maturing new qualities of being, participating creatively in a larger scheme, catalyzing outward activity. Put this all together and you have large scale freedom movements. Such is the nature of the time.

8 years from today. June 1st 2030. Annular Solar Eclipse. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2030-june-1Ring of Fire visible from Tripoli, most of Greece including Athens and Istanbul. One for your diary. Pencil it in. The view from Athens below.

Thursday 2nd June 2022

Patriotic, nationalistic, highly defensive tiny Moon in Cancer rides high in northern hemisphere skies.. 01.14 The Moon is at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 02.21 Venus at 5 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 25 Pisces 13.42 Mars at 6 Aries waning novile Uranus at 16 Taurus 15.05 The slowly waxing young Moon at 16 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 16 Taurus

Friday 3rd June 2022

01.18 The slowly waxing and accelerating young Moon at 21 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 09.00-16.00 Dynamic planetary geometry is manifest involving The Moon, stationary Mercury, Neptune and Pluto. 07.56 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT 09.03 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 25 Aquarius a09.06 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 10.44 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Mercury at 26 Taurus 12.17 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing decile Venus at 7 Taurus 14.38 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 15.16 The Moon at 28 Cancer opposition Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3.4 hours 18.40 The Moon enters Leo 19.05 Venus at 7 Taurus waxing quintile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 20.38 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 21.19 Venus at 7 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Mars at 7 Aries 22.21 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 28 Capricorn

Saturday 4th June 2022

03.10 The slowly waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 4 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 4 Aries 10.16 The Moon at 8 Leo waxing trine Mars at 8 Aries 10.47 The Moon at 8 Leo waxing square Venus at 8 Taurus 20.53 SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE 23.24 The Moon at 14 Leo waxing sextile The Sun at 14 Gemini

Sunday 5th June 2022

03.47 The Moon at 17 Leo waxing square Uranus at 17 Taurus 13.15 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 21 Taurus 21.00-23.15 A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Saturn. 21.04 The Moon at 25 Leo opposition Saturn at 25 Aquarius 21.10 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 23.13 The Moon at 26 Leo waxing square Mercury at 26 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 7.2 hours

Monday 6th June 2022

00.10 The Sun at 15 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces 03.01 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 28 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 06.23 The Moon enters Virgo. Two days geared to practical efficiency, method, movement and moderation now ensue. 09.30 Venus at 10 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 25 Pisces 15.20 The Moon at 5 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 5 Aries 15.23 Venus at 11 Taurus waxing decile Jupiter at 5 Aries STATE OF THE SKY:- The Sun today is at 16 degrees Gemini. There are 14 days to the Cancer Solstice. Venus, Mercury and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. Mercury now a direct morning star is in Taurus. Mercury stationed direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He trines Pluto (3rd time) on June 10th. He re-enters Gemini on June 13th, leaving his shadow on June 19th. Once Mercury is out of his shadow on June 19th he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune early July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is also a direct morning star in Taurus. She resides here from May 28th for just 26 days. Venus is conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees Taurus on June 11th, with customary surprises. She squares Saturn on June 16th, dour at the best of times, sextiles Neptune on June 19th, with flair, art and vision and trines Pluto, the power of love, on June 21st. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini on June 23rd. Venus in Taurus has solid love. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is in Aries. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He sextiles Saturn on June 27th, a strong direct application of constructive force, and squares Pluto in potential great brutality on July 2nd. He enters Taurus on July 5th. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 7th June 2022

Sharp attention to detail. Striving for perfecion. 01.09 The Moon 'gaining in light and motion' at 10 Virgo waxing quincunx Mars at 10 Aries 02.08 Venus at 11 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 04.06 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing trine Venus at 11 Taurus 09.37 The Sun at 17 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 17 Taurus 11.42 The Sun at 17 Gemini waxing quintile Jupiter at 5 Aries 14.27 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 17 Taurus 14.49 The Moon at First Quarter 19.19 Mars at 10 Aries waxing semi-square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 19.44 Mars at 10 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 22.58 The Moon at 21 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 21 Taurus

Wednesday 8th June 2022

06.00-12.15 An Earth Grand Trine and planetary kite involving the Moon, Mercury and Pluto and focussed on Moon opposite Neptune holds sway. Changes of key. 06.35 The first quarter Moon accelerating at 25 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 25 Aquarius 06.45 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces 09.56 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing trine Mercury at 27 Taurus 09.58 Mars at 11 Aries waning decile Uranus at 17 Taurus 12.09 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3.25 hours 15.24 The Moon enters Libra

Thursday 9th June 2022

(The Moon is not strictly 'waxing gibbous' 'till Saturday, despite title on the above graphic!) Bit of a bumpy ride today with 'not totally smooth' lunar aspects in operation. The next two planetary aspects are Mercury trine Pluto late (GMT) tomorrow, and Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, even later on Saturday. The first indicates firm and positive decisions being made, the conjunction emphasises new and unexpected fiscal realities. What colours these aspects and indeed the days from now up to next Tuesday is a relentless build up to a Super Full Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune, sextile Saturn, on that day. Looks to be an intoxicating, exhilarating but rather chaotic Full Moon ahead. 00.26 The waxing and accelerating Moon at 5 Libra opposition Jupiter at 5 Aries 12.16 The Moon at 11 Libra opposition Mars at 11 Aries 17.09 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing quincunx Venus at 14 Taurus 21.39 The Moon at 17 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 17 Taurus

Friday 10th June 2022

Mercury trine Pluto.

Subtle but complex energies, events and experiences manifest today. The emphasis is on relationships and balance. 01.57 The rapidly waxing Moon accelerating at 19 Libra waxing trine The Sun at 19 Gemini 03.06 Uranus at 17 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 25 Pisces. This is the 3rd of 5 hits of this aspect in the 2021-2023 period. Dates July 21st 2021, Nov 29th 2021, June 10th 2022, Jan 29th 2023, April 20th 2023. The current synodic cycle of Uranus and Neptune started in 1993 in Capricorn, climaxes with the opposition in 2078-2081 across Cancer/Capricorn and ends in 2165 in Aquarius. This waxing septile aspects precedes the sextile aspect in 2025-2027. The Uranus/Neptune cycle is concerned with global and spiritual awakenings, new religious movements, and cultural renaissance. It invokes philosophical, political and religious change. It is the cycle of discovery, vision and understanding. The waxing septile aspect gives this renaissance unexpected opportunities, possibilities, and realisations. This is a profoundly mystical and very creative aspect 12.00 Venus at 15 Taurus waxing novile Jupiter at 5 Aries. A twinkle in the eye. Gaining 'love momentum'. 12.28 The Moon at 25 Libra waning trine Saturn at 25 Aquarius 12.41 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 13.30 Venus at 15 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 25 Aquarius. Emerging social commitments. 17.28 The Moon at 28 Libra waxing quincunx Mercury at 28 Taurus 17.37 The Moon at 28 Libra waning square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 3.1 hours. 20.43 The Moon enters Scorpio. Intense lunar pressures will be apparent from this point and over the weekend ahead as we approach an intoxicating, exhilarating but rather chaotic Full Moon on Tuesday. 21.22 Mercury at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn Minds made up for the better.

Saturday 11th June 2022

Venus conjunct Uranus.

We have on our hands an intense, full on, Moon in Scorpio, passion-fuelled weekend. A rapid build up to an intoxicating, exhilarating but rather chaotic Full Moon on Tuesday is underway. 00.13 Jupiter at 5 Aries waxing novile Saturn at 25 Aquarius The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. This waxing novile (40 degree) aspect occurs 3 times, the dates being June 11th 2022, Nov 13th 2022 and Jan 28th 2023. It symbolises 'a cultivation of nascent qualities and possibilities'. This rather new 20 year cycle of goals, ambition and development now achieves substance and momentum. 05.39 The Moon rapidly gaining in light and motion at 5 Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 5 Aries 05.45 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Full Moon now begins in earnest. 09.15 Venus at 16 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 'on the make' 18.56 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning quincunx Mars at 13 Aries 19.41 Venus at 17 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 22.58 Venus conjunction Uranus at 17 Taurus

Sunday 12th June 2022

The day starts with the Moon opposing Venus and Uranus. Emotional responses. This is all part of 'intense weekend part 2'. The rapid build up to a testing, exhilarating and possibly chaotic Full Moon on Tuesday is now underway. 01.06 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 17 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 17 Taurus 01.17 The Moon at 17 Scorpio opposition Venus at 17 Taurus 07.00-15.00 A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Saturn. 07.47 The Moon at 21 Scorpio opposition her node at 21 Taurus 08.30 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waxing quincunx The Sun at 21 Gemini 14.45 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 15.02 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 19.35 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 21.40 The Moon at 29 Scorpio opposition Mercury at 29 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for nearly an hour. 22.33 The Moon enters Sagittarius

Monday 13th June 2022

04.17 The Sun at 22 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 07.26 The fast moving waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 6 Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at 6 Aries 15.28 Mercury enters Gemini joining the Sun in this sign 22.06 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning trine Mars at 15 Aries


The Sun today is at 23 degrees Gemini. Mercury is also in Gemini. There are 7 days to the Cancer Solstice. Venus and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. Immediately ahead of us is a Super Full Moon in Sagittarius. Mercury is now a direct morning star. Mercury stationed direct on June 3rd at 26 Taurus. He re-enters Gemini today, leaving his shadow on June 19th. Once Mercury is out of his shadow he sextiles Jupiter (the final time) on June 20th, trines Saturn and squares Neptune early July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is a direct morning star in Taurus. She resides here from May 28th for just 26 days. Venus squares Saturn on June 16th, dour at the best of times, sextiles Neptune on June 19th, with flair, art and vision and trines Pluto, the power of love, on June 21st. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini on June 23rd. Venus in Taurus has solid love. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is in Aries. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He sextiles Saturn on June 27th, a strong direct application of constructive force, and squares Pluto in potential great brutality on July 2nd. He enters Taurus on July 5th. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 14th June 2022

Super Full Moon in Sagittarius

00.40 The Sun at 23 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 17 Taurus 01.41 The very rapidly climaxing Super moon at 17 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 17 Taurus 05.48 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning quincunx Venus at 20 Taurus 11.52 Moment of FULL MOON This is the first Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16th 2022 and the 5th Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on November 8th 2022. Being full on the day of the lunar perigee this lunation is a Super Full Moon. Today's Full Moon is square Neptune and sextile Saturn. It is an intoxicating, exploratory, testing and rather confusing Full Moon. At the exact moment of Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are at upper and lower culmination respectively over NW Europe, particularly over the UK, France and Spain. In this part of the world a mutable grand cross, involving the Sun, the Moon, the local Ascendant and setting Neptune, is manifest. Processing the information and adapting to the implications of winds of change accompanies such a planetary pattern. Sunrise and Moonset occur at Mexico City, Neptune culminates at Atlanta. Pluto is approaching lower culmination at Moscow. The Sun and Moon align to the local Meridians of Paris, Toulouse and Barcelona. Today's full Moon at 23 Sagittarius opposes Donald Trump's natal Sun and squares the USA Moon. A challenge to him and a measure of uncertainly to the country. The Full Moon hits the Jupiter of several African countries, Central African republic, Ivory Coast, DR Congo, also the Jupiter of Cyprus. It hits the Sun and Saturn of Hamas. Ivanka Trump's Venus Neptune, Tiger Wood's Moon, Alice Cooper's Moon and Jupiter, Marcus Rashford's Mars and Venus, Sajid Javid's Mercury, Lady Gaga's Uranus and Emanuel Macron's Venus are all in line of fire from this lunation. I guess this is an expansionist Full Moon. (It may suit Putin's Mars in Sagittarius). The Russian chart is however under considerable planetary pressure right now. Pluto is again strongly applying in opposition to the Russian (1991 chart) natal Moon. Transiting Saturn again applies in opposition to the Russian Mercury, transiting Uranus applies opposite Russian Pluto, and transiting Mars squares the Russian nodes. This kind of pressure may force some kind of important event to occur. These transits peak early July. This Full Moon might serve to add fuel to the fire. After the full moon has climaxed.... 14.38 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 14.59 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 7.3 hours 22.16 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 23.21 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 23.56 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning quincunx Mercury at 1 Gemini

Wednesday 15th June 2022

Steadier astrological vibrations now. The Sun is applying trine to Saturn and the full moon rapidly wanes in Capricorn. 06.12 Venus conjunction the lunar node at 21 Taurus 06.20 Venus at 21 Taurus waxing semi-square Jupiter at 6 Aries 07.22 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 6 Aries 23.50 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning square Mars at 16 Aries

Thursday 16th June 2022

Sun trine Saturn and square Neptune.

01.10 The rapidly waning full Moon at 17 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 17 Taurus 06.57 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning trine her node from south of the ecliptic. 07.14 The Sun at 25 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 25 Aquarius 08.24 Mars at 16 Aries waxing septile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 09.09 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning trine Venus at 22 Taurus 13.42 The Sun at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.24 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.27 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning quincunx The Sun at 25 Gemini 18.42 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void for just over 3 hours. 21.46 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign.

Friday 17th June 2022

02.31 The waning and decelerating Moon at 3 Aquarius waning trine Mercury at 3 Gemini 05.28 The Sun at 26 Gemini waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 6 Aries 05.38 Mars at 17 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 17 Taurus 06.11 Venus at 23 Taurus waxing decile Mars at 17 Aries 07.28 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at 6 Aries 16.16 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase

Saturday 18th June 2022

Venus square Saturn.

The Moon and Saturn in Aquarius square Venus in Taurus today. Detached and dour potentials. 01.37 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 17 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 17 Taurus 02.36 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waning sextile Mars at 18 Aries 07.19 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 21 Taurus 10.34 The Sun at 27 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 17 Taurus 12.30 Mars at 18 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 14.10 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning square Venus at 25 Taurus 14.47 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 25 Aquarius 18.51 The Moon at 28 Aquarius waning trine The Sun at 28 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for 4.7 hours 21.33 Venus at 25 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 23.03 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign.

Sunday 19th June 2022

Venus sextile Neptune.

04.07 Venus at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 08.01 The decelerating and disseminating Moon at 5 Pisces waning square Mercury at 5 Gemini 08.10 The Sun at 28 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn

Monday 20th June 2022

The 'gentle' Moon decelerates towards last quarter phase in Pisces making helpful aspects today. A soulful prelude to tomorrow's Northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. 04.51 The Moon at 17 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 17 Taurus 07.45 Mercury at 6 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 6 Aries 10.34 The Moon at 21 Pisces waning sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 19.22 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 25 Pisces 23.12 The Moon at 28 Pisces waning sextile Venus at 28 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 29 degrees Gemini. Mercury is also in Gemini. The Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice is tomorrow. Venus and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Gemini and is clear of his shadow after recent retrograde motion. He sextiles Jupiter (the final time) today, trines Saturn and squares Neptune early July. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Venus is a direct morning star in Taurus. She resides here from May 28th for just 26 days. Venus in Taurus has solid love. Venus trines Pluto, the power of love, tomorrow. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini on Thursday. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is in Aries. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He sextiles Saturn on June 27th, a strong direct application of constructive force, and squares Pluto in potential great brutality on July 2nd. He enters Taurus on July 5th. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Earlier that same year, 2024, we can also look forward to the next 'American Total Solar Eclipse' on April 8th 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 21st June 2022

Summer Solstice


00.02 The decelerating Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 03.11 The Moon at Last Quarter. The Moon is void of course for just 28 minutes 03.39 The Moon enters Aries joining Mars and Jupiter in this sign and setting the scene for a fiery Solstice. 04.30 Mercury at 7 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 25 Pisces 05.06 Venus at 28 Taurus waxing septile Jupiter at 7 Aries 08.24 Venus at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn 09.14 The Sun reaches maximum northern declination. It is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the South. The Sun enters tropical Cancer. The whirlpool to the past is unleashed. The gates of incarnation stand wide open. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries applies to Jupiter (and Mars). Venus trines Pluto. This is an assertive, optimistic and confident Solstice. There are touches here of quickening minds-(Mercury in Gemini), solid love-(Venus in Taurus) and ardent impulse-(Moon and Mars and Jupiter in Aries). This solstice sets the potential of a courageous, 'fighting for what is right', favourable scene on the world stage for the following 3 months. Aim to seize the initiative in the season ahead. At the exact moment of Solstice it is Sunrise at Boston(MS), Sunset is over The Far North Pacific, Moonrise is over the Queen Charlotte Islands and Moonset is over Madagascar where it is also High Noon. True midnight is over The N.E. Pacific. Uranus rises at Mexico City. 13.29 Mercury at 8 Gemini waxing bi-septile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 15.37 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 7 Aries 18.35 The Moon at 8 Aries waning sextile Mercury at 8 Gemini

Wednesday 22nd June 2022

The biggest UK train strike in 30 years took place yesterday. Transiting Mars in Aries opposed the UK Mercury/Saturn midpoint, suggestive of a travel or communication breakdown. The Moon is conjunct that point today. 18.59 The post last quarter decelerating Moon is closely conjunct Mars (less than a degree of separation) at 21 Aries. This punchy conjunction is the only lunar (major) aspect today.

Thursday 23rd June 2022

A powerful earthquake has killed at least 1,000 people and injured 1,500 in eastern Afghanistan. The Taliban appealed for international help. The quake struck shortly after 01:30 (21:00 GMT Tuesday) as people slept. It is the deadliest earthquake to strike Afghanistan in two decades and a major challenge for the Taliban, the Islamist movement which regained power last year after the Western-backed government collapsed. The earthquake struck about 44km from the city of Khost and tremors were felt as far away as Pakistan and India. Witnesses reported feeling the quake in both Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, and Pakistan's capital, Islamabad. The location of Khowst does not show up in recent eclipse charts nor in recent Full Moon or New Moon charts. Khowst does however show up in the Summer Solstice chart 2022 (the day of the eclipse) where also Mars is setting, and in the Vernal Equinox chart March 2022, which is essentially a Moonrise chart for the Epicentre. In both of these charts Pluto is conjunct the IC of Khowst. In the Winter Solstice chart Dec 2021 Uranus is conjunct the local MC and the Solstice Sun is due west (altitude -45 degrees).

00.36 Venus enters Gemini joining Mercury in this sign and resides here for a brief but merry 27 days. Venus sextiles Jupiter on June 29th, a veritable wealth of joviality. Venus trines Saturn on July 13th, the day of the Capricorn Full Moon, bringing structure to agreements. She squares Neptune the following day July 14th, rather 'fuzzy at the edges'. Venus leaves Gemini and enters cancer on July 18th. Venus in Gemini is socially lightweight and cheerful. She is complemented well and invigorated by Mars currently in Aries (up to July 5th). There are socially good times to be shared during these weeks. 02.19 The Moon at 25 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 08.03 The Moon at 28 Aries waxing square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 4 hours. 11.59 The waning decelerating Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 16.13 The Moon at 2 Taurus waning sextile The Sun at 2 Cancer 17.44 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 22.41 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 17 Taurus

Friday 24th June 2022

Five major planets in our solar system will shine brightly in a row during a rare planetary conjunction from Friday. If the sky is clear, the naked eye alone will be enough to see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn glowing before dawn (in signs Aquarius to Gemini). It's a special opportunity to see Mercury, which is usually obscured from view by the Sun's bright light. The conjunction is best seen on Friday but will remain visible until Monday from most parts of the world. The last time this conjunction happened was 2004 and it won't be seen again until September 8th 2040, with all the same planets gathered in Libra and shining after Sunset in the west. Today's event is special because the planets will appear in the order they are positioned from the sun. 22.15 The waning Moon in Taurus decelerating to her balsamic phase is conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees of that sign. An 'astrologically quiet' time is now upon us.

Saturday 25th June 2022

In the UK the Tories and PM Boris Johnson have been dealt a major blow as the Lib Dems and Labour win two by-elections. In an additional blow, (Leo Sun sign) Tory co-chairman Oliver Dowden quits with immediate effect, saying 'someone must take responsibility'. Mr Johnson's progressed Moon in Sagittarius is currently square his natal Pluto, which is usually emotionally traumatic. Today... 00.11 The decelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to next Wednesday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 03.45 The Moon conjunction her ascending node at 20 Taurus 07.20 Mercury at 13 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 07.26 Mercury at 13 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 28 Capricorn 13.02 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 25 Aquarius 14.06 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 19.03 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.2 hours 19.09 Venus at 3 Gemini waxing novile Mars at 23 Aries 23.15 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mercury and Venus in this sign

Sunday 26th June 2022

The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Gemini for 2 days

America the beautiful. The nation seems in great conflict. Clinics have begun closing in some US states after a Supreme Court ruling on Friday removed American women's constitutional right to abortion. About half of states are expected to introduce new restrictions or bans after the court reversed its 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision. And 13 states have so-called trigger laws in place that will see abortion banned within 30 days. President Joe Biden described the ruling as "a tragic error". The USA is undergoing its Pluto return. This is a process of elimination, purge,renewal. Also currently transiting Neptune is conjunct the USA IC which is symbolic of confusion at the root of the soul of the nation. A 'ring of fire' annular Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs on Oct 14th 2023. This suggests at best a re-balance. A Total Solar Eclipse occurs over the USA on Apr 8th 2024 conjunct USA Chiron, the wounded healer.

07.04 The decelerating balsamic Moon conjunction Venus at 4 Gemini 13.27 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 7 Aries 23.46 Mercury at 15 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces

Monday 27th June 2022

The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Gemini for the 2nd day.

Mars sextile Saturn.

A 'Moon, Mercury and Venus in Gemini' busy day with forceful application of effort 'Mars in Aries sextile Saturn. 01.22 Mercury at 16 Gemini waxing septile Mars at 24 Aries 07.22 The decelerating balsamic Moon conjunction Mercury at 16 Gemini 22.29 Mars at 25 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 25 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 6 degrees Cancer. The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. The Libran Equinox is in 84 days. We have left the recent eclipse season. The New Moon in Cancer is early (GMT) Wednesday. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Gemini and is clear of his shadow after recent retrograde motion. He trines Saturn and squares Neptune on July 2nd. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer on July 5th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Cancer on 16th July. Venus is a direct morning star in Gemini. She resides in this sign for a brief but merry 27 days. Venus sextiles Jupiter on June 29th, a veritable wealth of joviality. Venus trines Saturn on July 13th, the day of the Full Moon, bringing structure to agreements. She squares Neptune the following day July 14th, rather 'fuzzy at the edges'. Venus leaves Gemini and enters cancer on July 18th. Venus in Gemini is socially lightweight and cheerful. She is complemented well and invigorated by Mars currently in Aries (up to July 5th). There are good times to be shared during these weeks. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is in Aries. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He sextiles Saturn today, a strong direct application of constructive force, and squares Pluto in potential great brutality on July 2nd. He enters Taurus on July 5th. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners Mars next turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He resides in Gemini either side of that date for seven months. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is direct in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 28th June 2022

Day of the old Moon.

01.24 The slow ancient Moon at 25 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 25 Aquarius 01.36 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing sextile Mars at 25 Aries 02.39 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 9.25 hours 07.34 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 09.03 Mercury at 18 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 11.55 The Moon enters Cancer joining the Sun in this sign. 19.09 Mars at 25 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces New Moon in Cancer tomorrow.

Wednesday 29th June 2022

New Moon in Cancer.

01.00 The Sun at 7 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 7 Aries 02.45 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 7 Aries 02.53 Moment of NEW MOON This is the second New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, and it is the 4th New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. The New Moon in Cancer is square Jupiter, quintile Mars and is conjunct Black Moon Lilith. The energy of this lunation is directed towards 'care and protection'. It is essentially an instinctive and emotional affair with a propensity to excessive defence, avoidance tactics and control. Difficult to let go of concern and worry this New Moon may oversee the manifestation of a cruel twist of fate, courtesy of the the Moon-Lilith conjunction and an applying Mars Pluto square. At the moment of New Moon the Moon is rising over Scotland, (nationalistic sentiments), Germany and the areas around Zagreb. Saturn culminates at Koln. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter hit Japan, and Rio. The Sun and Moon rise at Mogadishu. Saturn rises at Boston (MS), Pluto sets at Tehran. This New Moon hits the UK MC, the USA Jupiter, Turkey's Ascendant, Canada's Sun and Neptune, Egypt's Pluto, Afghanistan's Pluto, Northern Ireland's Pluto, Denmark's Mercury, Iraq (Sovereignty chart) Sun. It opposes the NRA Mars and Saturn, the Sun Pluto of the Kim Jon Un power transfer chart, and Australia's Sun and Saturn. It hits the Boris Johnson Government chart Moon and node, the UK Labour party's Neptune opposite Uranus and Kefir Starmer's Mars. After the New Moon has 'hatched'... 03.52 Venus at 7 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 7 Aries 06.08 The Moon is at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 06.24 Venus at 7 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 25 Pisces 09.52 Mercury at 19 Gemini waxing quintile Jupiter at 7 Aries 10.14 Venus at 8 Gemini waxing bi-septile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 14.10 The Sun at 8 Cancer waxing semi-sextile Venus at 8 Gemini 14.16 The Sun at 8 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 23.49 The tiny infant Moon at 18 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus

Thursday 30th June 2022

A 'treading warily' day. Needful and nourishing. 02.01 The Sun at 8 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.27 The infant New Moon at 20 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 07.32 The Sun at 9 Cancer waxing quintile Mars at 27 Aries 14.02 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 25 Aquarius 15.28 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 18.00-20.15 A Cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Pluto. A difficult and 'touchy' evening (GMT). 18.17 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing square Mars at 27 Aries 20.15 The Moon at 28 Cancer opposition Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.4 hours. 20.27 Mercury at 22 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 21.44 The Sun at 9 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 18 Taurus

Friday 1st July 2022

00.41 The Moon enters Leo The Moon in Leo...all or nothing. In the background with Mars applying square to Pluto, violence building up. 13.01 The Sun at 10 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 25 Aquarius 15.50 The Moon at 8 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 8 Aries 22.00 The Moon at 11 Leo waxing sextile Venus at 11 Gemini 23.10 Mercury at 24 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 18 Taurus

Saturday 2nd July 2022

Mars square Pluto

Mercury square Neptune

Potentials for both violence at the start of this day and confusion at its end. Full blown drama. 02.14 Mars at 28 Aries waxing square Pluto at 28 Capricorn 10.39 Mercury at 25 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 25 Aquarius 12.22 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing square Uranus at 18 Taurus 16.27 The Moon at 20 Leo waxing squares her node from north of the ecliptic 20.53 Mercury at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces

Sunday 3rd July 2022

03.00 to 08.15 Two yod patterns manifest this morning. The young slowly accelerating Moon forms one with Neptune and Pluto and one with Mercury and Pluto All poignant, all up front, all to the point. 01.55 The Moon at 25 Leo opposition Saturn at 25 Aquarius 03.31 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.43 The Moon at 26 Leo waxing sextile Mercury at 26 Gemini 05.13 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 08.06 The Moon at 28 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 09.59 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing trine Mars at 29 Aries. The Moon is void of course for 2.6 hours 12.33 The Moon enters Virgo 14.01 Venus at 13 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 25 Aquarius 16.46 Venus at 13 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 28 Capricorn

Monday 4th July 2022

Careful diligence characterises behaviour today. Changes ensue tomorrow.

02.14 Mercury at 28 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 28 Capricorn 02.15 Mercury at 28 Gemini waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 8 Aries 03.42 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 8 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 8 Aries 03.58 Mercury at 28 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 18 Taurus 13.04 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing sextile The Sun at 13 Cancer 15.38 The Moon at 14 Virgo waxing square Venus at 14 Gemini 23.23 The Moon at 18 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 18 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 13 degrees Cancer. Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. The Libran Equinox is in 77 days. We are now between eclipse seasons. Both Mercury and Mars ingress new signs tomorrow. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Gemini and is well clear of his shadow after recent retrograde motion. He finally leaves Gemini for Cancer tomorrow. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Cancer on 16th July. Mercury next turns retrograde at 9 Libra on September 9th. Venus is a direct morning star in Gemini. She resides in this sign for a brief and diverse 27 days. Venus trines Saturn on July 13th, the day of the Full Moon, bringing structure to agreements. She squares Neptune the following day July 14th, rather 'fuzzy at the edges'. Venus leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on July 18th. Venus in Gemini is socially lightweight and cheerful. She is complemented well and invigorated by Mars currently in Aries (up to July 5th). There are some good times to be shared during these weeks. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is currently in Aries. Mars resides in Aries for a brash 41 days. He enters Taurus tomorrow. Mars in Aries shoots first, talks later, leaps before he looks and takes no prisoners. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aug 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 5th July 2022

Mercury sextiles Mars. Both planets changing signs beforehand.

A day of modulating energy. Positive to Negative, self expressive to self repressive, Male to Female, Fire to Earth, Air to Water. 02.54 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 20 Virgo trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 06.06 Mars enters Taurus joining Uranus and the lunar node in this sign. He resides here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars in Taurus gets stuck in. This is a 'work placement'. The energy here is to build foundations, reinforce and conserve. Mars is sextiled by Mercury today. Mars is squared by Mercury on July 26th, mind and muscle not in harmony. On August 1st Mars is conjunct Uranus and the lunar node at 19 degrees Taurus, this is the highlight of the residence and a very hard hitting vibration it is too. Mars is sextiled by Venus on August 3rd, which is gentler, but Mars squares Saturn on August 7th, which is harsh and unrelenting. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on Aug 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on Aug 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. 06.27 Mercury enters Cancer as a morning star joining the Sun in this sign. This residence lasts only for a fortnight. Mercury sextiles Mars today. Mercury squares Jupiter on July 9th, ill advised pronouncements. He sextiles Uranus on July 14th, with flair. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'Full Mercury', at 24 Cancer on July 16th. Then as an evening star, Mercury water trines Neptune on July 17th, with good grace. Mercury opposes Pluto on July 18th and enters Leo on July 19th. 06.37 Mercury at zero Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 0 Taurus. Mind and muscle in harmony. New energy. Conserving and re enforcing. 11.05 The Sun at 13 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 25 Pisces 12.03 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 25 Aquarius 13.46 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces 18.04 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.4 hours 22.26 The Moon enters Libra 22.35 Venus at 15 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces 23.22 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing quincunx Mars at 1 Taurus

Wednesday 6th July 2022

A socially orientated couple of days ahead. Clan, group, fellowship focus. 01.14 Venus at 16 Gemini waxing semi-square Mars at 1 Taurus 01.21 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 2 Libra waxing square Mercury at 2 Cancer 06.21 Mercury at 2 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 13.14 The Moon at 8 Libra opposition Jupiter at 8 Aries 18.20 Mercury at 3 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 18 Taurus

Thursday 7th July 2022

Mars having just entered tropical Taurus is suddenly opposite Boris Johnson's natal Moon. Exact right now. His progressed Moon is square natal and progressed Pluto, (unfortunate personal changes), and is badly besieged, (relentless). Transiting Pluto is opposing his Mercury/Uranus midpoint (overstrained nerves). We in the UK await his departure from office. 02.15 The Moon at First Quarter 05.55 The Moon 'gaining in light and motion' at 17 Libra waxing trine Venus at 17 Gemini 06.51 Mars at 1 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 25 Pisces 07.44 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 19.18 The Moon at 24 Libra waning trine Saturn at 24 Aquarius 21.07 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 23.47 Jupiter at 8 Aries waning novile Uranus at 18 Taurus The Jupiter Uranus cycle is all about consciousness expansion. In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,(just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024). The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning novile aspect is one of three, dates- July 7th 2022, Aug 1st 2022 and Jan 25th 2023. This waning novile is all about 'consolidating the harvest of the closing cycle of activity and evaluating its worthiness. Within seeds the eon enfolds creative solutions to the needs of the coming cycle'. It's always good with these two planets together. Jupiter is moving very quickly onwards and soon backwards through Aries. Global and personal events move on quickly.

Friday 8th July 2022

01.05 The waxing and accelerating Moon at 28 Libra waning square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.2 hours 02.28 Venus at 18 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 05.17 The Moon enters Scorpio invoking a deeply emotional astrological backdrop for the next 2 days. 09.07 The Moon at 2 Scorpio opposition Mars at 2 Taurus 17.32 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waxing trine Mercury at 7 Cancer 19.24 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 8 Aries

Saturday 9th July 2022

Mercury square Jupiter.

We are now on the build up to an 'innovative' Super Full Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus occurring on Wednesday. 00.45 Mercury at 8 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 06.15 Mercury at 8 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 8 Aries 08.13 Mercury at 8 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 11.11 The Moon, gaining in light and motion, at 17 Scorpio waxing trine The Sun at 17 Cancer 12.00-23.00 A loose fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node, Saturn and Uranus. Hard noises. 12.35 The Moon at 18 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 18 Taurus 14.59 The Moon at 19 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 19 Taurus 15.38 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waxing quincunx Venus at 20 Gemini 20.05 Mercury at 9 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 24 Aquarius 20.45 Venus at 20 Gemini waxing quintile Jupiter at 8 Aries 21.27 Mercury at 9 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 18 Taurus 23.05 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 24 Aquarius

Sunday 10th July 2022

Sun sextile Uranus

00.56 The Moon accelerating and waxing at 25 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.35 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4 hours. 08.36 The Moon enters Sagittarius 08.40 The Sun at 18 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 12.55 The Sun at 18 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 14.03 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Wednesday's practical and innovative Super Full Moon in Capricorn now starts in earnest. 14.44 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mars at 4 Taurus 22.03 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at 8 Aries

Monday 11th July 2022

01.28 Venus at 22 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 28 Capricorn 04.30 The waxing gibbous Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 12 Cancer 14.00-17.00 A yod pattern involving the Moon, the Sun Uranus and the lunar node occurs . 14.08 The Moon accelerating at 18 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 16.04 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 19 Cancer 16.55 The Sun at 19 Cancer waxing sextile the lunar node at 19 Taurus 18.20 Mercury at 13 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 25 Pisces 21.00-02.00 a mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune. 21.12 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius opposition Venus at 23 Gemini 23.48 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 24 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today reaches 20 degrees Cancer. Mercury is also in Cancer. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. The Libran Equinox is in 70 days. We are now living between eclipse seasons. An 'innovative' Super Full Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus occurs on Wednesday. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Cancer. This residence lasts only for a fortnight. He sextiles Uranus on July 14th, with flair. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'Full Mercury', at 24 Cancer on July 16th. Then as an evening star, Mercury water trines Neptune on July 17th, with good grace. Mercury opposes Pluto on July 18th and enters Leo on July 19th. Mercury next turns retrograde at 9 Libra on September 9th. Venus is a direct morning star in Gemini. She resides in this sign for a brief and diverse 27 days. Venus trines Saturn on July 13th, the day of the Full Moon, bringing structure to agreements. She squares Neptune the following day July 14th, rather 'fuzzy at the edges'. Venus leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on July 18th. Venus in Gemini is socially lightweight and cheerful. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Taurus with Uranus and the lunar node. He resides here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars in Taurus gets stuck in. This is a 'work placement'. The energy here is to build foundations, reinforce and conserve. Mars is squared by Mercury on July 26th, mind and muscle not in harmony. On August 1st Mars is conjunct Uranus and the lunar node at 19 degrees Taurus, this is the highlight of the residence and a very hard hitting vibration it is too. Mars is sextiled by Venus on August 3rd, which is gentler, but Mars squares Saturn on August 7th, which is harsh and unrelenting. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on Aug 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on Aug 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aug 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 28 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th. This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 12th July 2022

01.43 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 25 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces. The almost Full Moon is void of course for 7.3 hours 09.03 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 17.13 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waning trine Mars at 5 Taurus 22.08 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 8 Aries

Wednesday 13th July 2022

Full Moon in Capricorn.

00.14 Mars at 5 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.28 Venus at 24 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 24 Aquarius 05.55 Venus at 24 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 18 Taurus 09.08 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 11.59 The Moon at 17 Capricorn opposition Mercury at 17 Cancer 13.42 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 18 Taurus 14.39 The Sun at 21 Cancer waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 8 Aries 15.23 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 19 Taurus 18.38 Moment of FULL MOON This is the 2nd Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16th 2022 and the 4th Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on November 8th 2022. Being full on the day of the lunar perigee, this lunation is a Super Full Moon and therefore quite potent in effect. The Full Moon is opposite trine Uranus and opposite Mercury. This is the innovative Full Moon. At this time Mercury sextiles Uranus, Venus squares Neptune and trines Saturn. Watery and Earthy cardinality predominates the planetary scene. This is an eminently practical, clever, fertile and inventive lunation. The time is ripe with ambition, good for planning and laying foundation for projects. Answers and solutions to pressing problems are revealed. It represents a time of opportunity, rich reward and concrete achievement. This Full Moon hits the Jupiter of China, the Uranus opposite Neptune of Mexico, the MC of the Central African Republic, the Moon, (sextile Uranus) of Cern, expect more questions and answers from there, the Moon of Nasa, and the Saturn, (opposite natal Sun) of the Bank of Russia-an interesting one to watch. The Bank opened on July 13th 1990, today is its Full Moon Solar return. It also hits the Ascendant of Queen Elizabeth, a focus on her 'call of duty', the Mercury of King Salam and the Uranus of Ariana Legrande. It opposes the UK Moon and squares the Mars of Amy Coney Barrett. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon and Pluto rise at Moscow, Saturn culminates at Beijing, Neptune is at lower culmination of Melbourne., At Colombo, Sri Lanka the Sun and Moon align to the MC/IC axis. After the Full Moon has climaxed that innovative and ingenious Mercury is busy applying sextile to Uranus and making these two aspects... 21.51 Mercury at 18 Cancer waxing quintile Mars at 6 Taurus 22.43 Mercury at 18 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 24 Aquarius

Thursday 14th July 2022

Mercury sextile Uranus

Venus square Neptune

00.17 Mercury at 18 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 00.28 Mars at 6 Taurus waxing quintile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 00.34 The rapidly waning full moon at 25 Capricorn waning quincunx Venus at 25 Gemini 00.57 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.17 The Moon at conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 4 hours. 05.25 Venus at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces 08.15 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign 11.33 Mercury at 19 Cancer waxing sextile the lunar node at 19 Taurus 18.39 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning square Mars at 7 Taurus 21.31 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at 8 Aries

Friday 15th July 2022

10.23 Mercury at 21 Cancer waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 8 Aries 13.16 The rapidly waning full Moon decelerating at 18 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 18 Taurus 14.43 The Moon at 19 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic 19.26 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waning quincunx Mercury at 22 Cancer 21.31 The Moon at 23 Aquarius waning quincunx The Sun at 23 Cancer 22.28 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 24 Aquarius 22.52 Venus at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Saturday 16th July 2022

Superior conjunction of Mercury

04.37 The rapidly waning full Moon at 28 Aquarius waning trine Venus at 28 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for nearly 4 hours 08.20 The Moon enters Pisces joing Neptune in this sign. 11.35 The Sun at 24 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 24 Aquarius 15.49 Venus at 28 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 18 Taurus 15.56 Mercury at 24 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 24 Aquarius 19.17 Venus at 28 Gemini waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 8 Aries 19.38 Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 24 Cancer A 'Full Mercury', a climax of the universal mind. 21.38 The Moon at 8 Pisces waning sextile Mars at 8 Taurus 23.56 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase

Sunday 17th July 2022

Sun and Mercury trine Neptune.

The day starts with emotion and imagination. (Sun and Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune and the Moon in Pisces). 07.53 Mercury, now an evening star, at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 13.59 Mars at 9 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 9 Aries 15.01 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 18 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 16.16 The Moon at 19 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 21.06 Mercury at 27 Cancer waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 9 Aries 22.56 The Sun at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces

Monday 18th July 2022

Mercury opposite Pluto

The Sun and Mercury now apply in opposition to Pluto. Mercury hits today, the Sun follows suit very early (GMT) on Wednesday. Slightly uncomfortable communications and implications.  

01.34 Venus enters Cancer joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. Venus resides here for a period of only 24 days Venus squares Jupiter on July 25th, in excess. She sextiles the triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the lunar node on August 2nd-3rd, the highlight of the residence. She trines Neptune on Aug 7th, with artistic poise, and opposes Pluto on Aug 8th, with some worrying changes. Venus leaves Cancer for Leo on August 11th. Venus in Cancer at best represents a love that is kind, caring and gentle. Mars resides in Taurus during Venus' cancerian residence complementing her homely nature with supportive and constructive energy. A good domestic scene this one. 03.07 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 25 Pisces 03.26 The Moon at 26 Pisces waning trine The Sun at 26 Cancer 06.40 The Moon at 27 Pisces waning trine Mercury at 27 Cancer 06.43 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.6 hours 07.01 Mercury at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn 09.41 Venus at zero Cancer waxing septile Mars at 9 Taurus 11.19 The Moon enters Aries joining Jupiter in this sign. 12.15 The Moon at 1 Aries waning square Venus at 1 Cancer 14.54 Mercury at 28 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 24 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 26 degrees Cancer. Mercury and Venus are also in Cancer. The Moon and Jupiter are in Aries. Mars and Uranus are in Taurus. The Libran Equinox is in 66 days. We are now living between eclipse seasons. The Sun enters Leo on Friday. Mercury is now a direct evening star in Cancer. This residence lasts only for one more day. Mercury opposes Pluto today and enters Leo tomorrow. Mercury next turns retrograde at 9 Libra on September 9th. Venus is from today a direct morning star in Cancer. (See above) Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Taurus with Uranus and the lunar node. He is residing here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars in Taurus gets stuck in. This is a 'work placement'. The energy here is to build foundations, reinforce and conserve. Mars is squared by Mercury on July 26th, mind and muscle not in harmony. On August 1st Mars is conjunct Uranus and the lunar node at 19 degrees Taurus, this is the highlight of the residence and a very hard hitting vibration it is too. Mars is sextiled by Venus on August 3rd, which is gentler, but Mars squares Saturn on August 7th, which is harsh and unrelenting. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on Aug 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on Aug 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aug 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 19th July 2022

02.35 The disseminating and decelerating Moon conjunction Jupiter at 9 Aries 05.46 The Sun at 27 Cancer waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 9 Aries 09.38 Mercury at 30 Cancer waxing bi-novile Mars at 10 Taurus 10.32 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.37 Mercury enters Leo as an evening star. He flies through this sign in just 16 days. Mercury trines Jupiter on July 23rd, a blast of fortitude. Then it's all downhill. Mercury squares Mars on July 26th, a bit of a bruiser, squares Utanus, shattering and distructive, on July 28th and opposes Saturn, more challenging energy, on July 31st, Mercury leaves Leo for Virgo on August 4th. Not the easiest of residences this. Mercury next turns retrograde at 9 Libra on September 9th. 17.07 Mercury at zero Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 18 Taurus The Sun applies in opposition to Pluto as this (GMT) day ends.

Wednesday 20th July 2022

01.00-14.20 A Cardinal T-square is manifest involving the almost last quarter Moon, the Sun Mercury and Pluto. 01.39 The Sun at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn 02.27 Mars at 10 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 06.04 Mars at 10 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 25 Pisces 06.29 The Moon decelerating at 24 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 13.21 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 14.19 The Moon at Last Quarter. The Moon is void of course for 4.1 hours 16.56 The Sun at 28 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 18.24 The Moon enters Taurus joining Mars and Uranus in this sign. The Moon will occult both Mars and Uranus over the next two days. 21.44 Venus at 3 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 18 Taurus

Thursday 21st July 2022

Lunar occultation of Mars

The Moon occults Mars and Uranus in Taurus on 21st and 22nd July. This is prior to their uncomfortable planetary conjunction on Aug 1st, one of the main 'astro highlights, this year. Occultations are mini-eclipses, pulses of discontinuity, interruptions to the natural flow. The Uranus lunar occultation is one of a series of 15 monthly events. The Mars occultation is a 'one off' event in this sign. The next two days see the world at a 'jagged crossroads'. Events and experiences are hard hitting. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Cancer. The Sun enters Leo tomorrow. 00.20 The last quarter Moon decelerating at 3 Taurus waning square Mercury at 3 Leo 01.17 The Moon at 4 Taurus waning sextile Venus at 4 Cancer 06.32 Mercury at 4 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 24 Aquarius 11.17 Jupiter at 9 Aries waxing semi-square Saturn at 24 Aquarius The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. This waxing semi-square (45 degree) aspect occurs 3 times, the dates being July 21st 2022, Sept 21st 2022 and Mar 21st 2023. It symbolises 'pushing forward and meeting restriction'. This rather new 20 year cycle of goals, ambition and development now has an emotional impact. 13.03 Mercury at 4 Leo waxing semi-sextile Venus at 4 Cancer 16.07 The Moon conjunction Mars at 11 Taurus Closest conjunction (from the UK) Moon Mars (0.04 degrees) 17.05 GMT

Friday 22nd July 2022

Lunar occultation of Uranus

The Sun enters Leo

The Moon, Mars Uranus and the lunar node are tightly packed in Taurus. The planetary grouping peaks on August 3rd and ends by Aug 22nd. 06.14 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 18 Taurus Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (0.07 degrees) 06.33 GMT 06.56 The Moon conjunction her ascending node at 19 Taurus 16.19 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 24 Aquarius 19.46 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 20.09 The Sun enters Leo, joining Mercury in this sign, and a new astrological month begins. 23.46 The slow moving last quarter Moon decelerating at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 5.5 hours

Saturday 23rd July 2022

Mercury trine Jupiter

Mercury fire trine Jupiter and a Gemini Moon invokes racious optimistic plentiful communications today. 05.12 The slowly waning and decelerating Moon enters Gemini 05.58 The Moon at 0 Gemini waning sextile The Sun at 0 Leo 08.35 The Sun at 0 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 18 Taurus 15.50 Mercury at 9 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 19 Taurus 17.53 Mercury at 9 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 9 Aries 22.39 The Moon at 9 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 9 Aries 23.37 The Moon at 9 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 9 Leo

Sunday 24th July 2022

Old Moon in Gemini slowly moving to her New phase on Thursday. This approaching New Moon is in a helpful 'fire trine' to Jupiter. Take note. 01.46 Venus at 7 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 12.59 Mercury at 10 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.54 The slowly waning and decelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 18.44 Venus at 8 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 21.01 Mars at 13 Taurus waxing bi-novile Saturn at 23 Aquarius

Monday 25th July 2022

Venus square Jupiter

00.17 Venus at 8 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 23 Aquarius 04.28 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 23 Aquarius 06.14 Venus at 9 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 9 Aries 08.15 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces, moon void 12.16 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 17.55 The Moon enters Cancer joining Venus in this sign STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 3 degrees Leo. Mercury is also in Leo. Mars and Uranus (and the lunar node) are in Taurus. The Libran Equinox is in 59 days. We are now living between eclipse seasons. Mercury is in Leo as an evening star. He flies through this sign in just 16 days. It's all downhill right now for him. Mercury squares Mars tomorrow, a bit of a bruiser, squares Utanus, shattering and distructive, on July 28th and opposes Saturn, more challenging energy, on July 31st, Mercury leaves Leo for Virgo on August 4th. Not the easiest of residences this. Mercury next turns retrograde at 9 Libra on September 9th. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus is resides here for a period of only 24 days. She sextiles the triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the lunar node on August 2nd-3rd, the highlight of the residence. She trines Neptune on Aug 7th, with artistic poise, and opposes Pluto on Aug 8th, with some worrying changes. Venus leaves Cancer for Leo on August 11th. Venus in Cancer at best represents a love that is kind, caring and gentle. Mars resides in Taurus during Venus' cancerian residence complementing her homely nature with supportive and constructive energy. A good domestic scene this one. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Taurus with Uranus and the lunar node. He is residing here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars in Taurus gets stuck in. This is a 'work placement'. The energy here is to build foundations, reinforce and conserve. Mars is squared by Mercury tomorrow, mind and muscle not in harmony. On August 1st Mars is conjunct Uranus and the lunar node at 19 degrees Taurus, this is the highlight of the residence and a very hard hitting vibration it is too. Mars is sextiled by Venus on August 3rd, which is gentler, but Mars squares Saturn on August 7th, which is harsh and unrelenting. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on Aug 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on Aug 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aug 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turns retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 26th July 2022

A very slow old Moon in Cancer conjuncts Venus as Mercury squares Mars. Bad timing today gives rise to emotional responses. Touchy and awkward. 06.17 Venus at 10 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 19 Taurus 07.16 The Sun at 3 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 23 Aquarius 10.22 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 11.36 The very slowly moving balsamic Moon at 9 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 9 Aries 14.55 The Moon conjunction Venus at 10 Cancer 19.14 Mercury at 15 Leo waxing square Mars at 15 Taurus 19.15 Uranus at 19 Taurus conjunction the mean lunar node at 19 Taurus 20.26 Mars at 15 Taurus waxing decile Jupiter at 9 Aries 23.58 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 15 Taurus

Wednesday 27th July 2022

Old Moon day. Clingy, defensive, protective. 07.32 The slow ancient Moon at 19 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic 07.37 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus 13.27 Mars at 15 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.57 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 23 Aquarius 20.59 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces

Thursday 28th July 2022

New Moon in Leo

00.55 The Moon at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.7 hours 02.33 Mercury at 17 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 06.38 The Moon enters Leo joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. 17.56 Moment of NEW MOON This New Moon is trine Jupiter and conjunct Ceres. There are elements of optimism and bounty here, due to the Jupiter and Ceres influence, amid a sense of impending change, as indicated by the triple conjunction in Taurus. This is the 3rd New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, and it is also the 3rd New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. We are midway between eclipse seasons. At this time Mars applies to the lunar node and Uranus all in Taurus. Mercury applies square to Uranus, and separates in a square from Mars. Venus is conjunct Lilith and sextiles Mars. The elemental bias is towards Fire and Earth, Fixity and Cardinality. Today's New Moon directly hits the Sun of Kate Bush, Harry Kane, and NASA, the Moon of Israel, the Mercury of Canada, India, Pakistan, and Meghan Markle, the Venus of Libya, and the Internet, the Mars of Ben Stokes (opposite his Saturn), the Jupiter of Matt Hancock, and Mick Jagger(conjunct his Pluto), the Pluto and Chiron of David Crosby, the ascendant of China and of Prince Charles, the Uranus of Ing-Wen Tsai, the Chiron of Ukraine, the node of the USA, the MC of Julian Assange, and the Pluto of Jo Biden. It opposes the Moon and Venus Pope Francis (square his Uranus), and Keir Starmer's Saturn. 19.18 Mercury at 18 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 18 Taurus 21.16 Mercury at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus 23.20 Venus at 13 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 25 Pisces

Friday 29th July 2022

The New Moon in Leo has past. 00.04 The Moon at 9 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 9 Aries 04.35 Mercury at 19 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.42 Mercury at 20 Leo waxing decile Venus at 14 Cancer 15.04 Mars at 17 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 15.00-04.30 A fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon and Mercury square Mars, Uranus and the lunar node and opposite Saturn . 15.39 The very slowly waxing infant Moon accelerating at 17 Leo waxing square Mars at 17 Taurus 18.23 The Sun at 7 Leo waxing bi-novile Mars at 17 Taurus 19.22 The Moon at 18 Leo squares her node from north of the ecliptic 19.49 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus 23.49 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 21 Leo

Saturday 30th July 2022

The Sun, applying in fortunate trine to Jupiter, and infant Moon are in recreational, creative, playful, loyal, colourful Leo. Mars, Uranus and the lunar node are tightening in triple conjunction in Taurus, peaking on Monday. High times all round. 04.30 The very slowly accelerating infant Moon at 23 Leo opposition Saturn at 23 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for a lengthy 13.7 hours 08.42 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 12.31 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.12 The Moon enters Virgo Mercury applies opposite to Saturn, inducing a measure of seriousness, as the GMT day ends.

Sunday 31st July 2022


Mercury opposite Saturn The Sun trine Jupiter The astrological mood is more grounded than that of the last two days with the Moon now in discriminating Virgo. A sober start to the (GMT) day gives way to broader and more optimistic expressions as the Sun Jupiter trine rings out later in the day. Mars is almost conjunct Uranus and the lunar node, exact tomorrow, we are on the verge of a big one, see below. 04.01 Mercury at 23 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 06.06 Mercury at 23 Leo opposition Saturn at 23 Aquarius 11.11 The young Moon accelerating at 9 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 9 Aries 16.00 Mercury at 24 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 9 Aries 22.19 The Sun at 9 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 19 Taurus 22.37 The Sun at 9 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 9 Aries Mars and Uranus and the lunar node are in Taurus in tight triple conjunction tomorrow. This is a rare astrological event. Before 2022, Mars has been in Taurus during a Uranus North Node conjunction there only two times since at least 500 BC, both before the common era. The conjunctions in 324 BC most closely resemble 2022, as they partially happened in the same degree, Taurus 19. Website: sjanderson144.com This is an illuminating but hard hitting astrological wake up call. It symbolises a sudden flash of realisation. It aggravates weather, wars, politics and the world of finance. It is a pivotal and powerful moment of 2022. Uranus and Mars joining forces with the north node means security will be hard to come by. We can expect an intensification of the already volatile financial situation, with the potential for shocks and unpredictability in the areas of banking, food and agriculture, real estate, supply chains and energy distribution. It also adds fuel to the disputes and wars already in play. Jessica Davidson The triple conjunction is conjunct Putin's Jupiter, opposite the Ukraine Pluto. It is wide opposition to the (1917) Russian chart. It hits the Mars of UK PM hopeful Lizz Truss and opposes the UK Neptune. It exactly hits the NRA Pluto. It also is opposite the Uranus of Iran, the Sri Lankan Node, the MC of Angola, the Moon of Togo, the Moon of the Hong Kong Handover chart, the Moon of Chile, the Saturn of Bob Dylan, the Sun of Bono, the Venus of Paul McCartney, the Moon of Bill Clinton, the node of Alice Cooper. It opposes the Polish ascendant, the Sun and Venus of Leonardo Dicaprio and Lady Gaga's Moon.

Monday 1st August 2022

Dynamic astrology is at hand at the start of this month. Mars, Uranus and the lunar node triplet are tightly conjunct in Taurus square Saturn. This triplet is tightest in the first few days of August. This calendar month starts with a bang. Saturn square Uranus starts up again from Aug 1st but is gone by early December 00.42 Venus at 17 Cancer waxing biquintile Saturn at 23 Aquarius 03.19 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing sextile Venus at 17 Cancer 05.35 The Moon at 18 Virgo waxing trine Mars at 18 Taurus 05.44 The Moon at 18 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 18 Taurus 06.30 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 08.00 Jupiter at 9 Aries waning novile Uranus at 19 Taurus 08.08 Mars at 18 Taurus conjunction the lunar node at 18 Taurus 11.24 Mercury at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.31 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 23 Aquarius 17.33 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 18.51 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces 22.30 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for hours 5.5 hours. 23 53 Mars at 19 Taurus conjunct Uranus Mars and Uranus and the lunar node are in Taurus in tight triple conjunction today. This is a rare astrological event. Before 2022, Mars has been in Taurus during a Uranus North Node conjunction there only two times since at least 500 BC, both before the common era. The conjunctions in 324 BC most closely resemble 2022, as they partially happened in the same degree, Taurus 19. Website: sjanderson144.com This is an illuminating but hard hitting astrological wake up call. It symbolises a sudden flash of realisation. It aggravates weather, wars, politics and the world of finance. It is a pivotal and powerful moment of 2022. Uranus and Mars joining forces with the north node means security will be hard to come by. We can expect an intensification of the already volatile financial situation, with the potential for shocks and unpredictability in the areas of banking, food and agriculture, real estate, supply chains and energy distribution. It also adds fuel to the disputes and wars already in play. Jessica Davidson The triple conjunction is conjunct Putin's Jupiter, opposite the Ukraine Pluto. It is wide opposition to the (1917) Russian chart. It hits the Mars of UK PM hopeful Lizz Truss and opposes the UK Neptune. It exactly hits the NRA Pluto. It also is opposite the Uranus of Iran, the Sri Lankan Node, the MC of Angola, the Moon of Togo, the Moon of the Hong Kong Handover chart, the Moon of Chile, the Saturn of Bob Dylan, the Sun of Bono, the Venus of Paul McCartney, the Moon of Bill Clinton, the node of Alice Cooper. It opposes the Polish ascendant, the Sun and Venus of Leonardo Dicaprio and Lady Gaga's Moon. STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 10 degrees Leo. Mercury is also in Leo. Mars and Uranus (and the lunar node) are tightly conjunct in Taurus. The Libran Equinox is in 52 days. We are midway between eclipse seasons. Mercury is in Leo as an evening star. He flies through this sign in just 16 days. Mercury leaves Leo for Virgo on August 4th. Not the easiest of residences this. Mercury next turns retrograde at 9 Libra on September 9th. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus is resides here for a period of only 24 days. She sextiles the triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the lunar node on August 2nd-3rd, the highlight of the residence. She trines Neptune on Aug 7th, with artistic poise, and opposes Pluto on Aug 8th, with some worrying changes. Venus leaves Cancer for Leo on August 11th. Venus in Cancer at best represents a love that is kind, caring and gentle. Mars resides in Taurus during Venus' cancerian residence complementing her homely nature with supportive and constructive energy. A good domestic scene this one. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Taurus with Uranus and the lunar node. He is residing here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars in Taurus gets stuck in. This is a 'work placement'. The energy here is to build foundations, reinforce and conserve. Today Mars is conjunct Uranus and the lunar node at 19 degrees Taurus, this is the highlight of the residence and a very hard hitting vibration it is too. Mars is sextiled by Venus on August 3rd, which is gentler, but Mars squares Saturn on August 7th, which is harsh and unrelenting. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on Aug 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on Aug 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aug 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 2nd August 2022

(CNN)US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia, according to a senior Taiwanese government official and a US official, despite warnings from Biden administration officials, who are worried about China's response to such a high-profile visit. Pelosi's astrological chart has her Uranus, and Venus (opposite her Moon) aligned to the current triple conjunction of Mars Uranus and the Node in the skies at 18 degrees Taurus. The USA/China chart relationship chart has its Mars also in this degree area. It is to be hoped that serious consequences can be avoided. Huge wildfires are sweeping through northern California and have forced thousands from their homes. At least 30 people have now died in the Appalachia region of eastern Kentucky, as the region braces for more rainfall. Iran's atomic energy chief says the country has the ability to build a nuclear weapon. Braced for further repercussions of yesterday's planetary conjunction, the good news is that the next two days are undeniably sweet. The juvenile libran Moon graces the skies and Venus makes pleasant sextiles to the said triple conjunction. The UK chart is undergoing the planetary triplet opposing its natal 2nd house Neptune. Bit of a 'head in the clouds' intoxicating atmosphere is underway, in England at least. Transiting Jupiter, just turned retrograde, has been hovering square both the UK MC, and the England (1066) chart MC, an interestingly 'inflated' influence. 03.04 Venus at 18 Cancer waxing sextile the lunar node at 18 Taurus 04.07 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon enters Libra 10.17 The Sun at 10 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 25 Pisces 12.26 Venus at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus 13.25 Mercury at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 20.28 The Moon at 9 Libra opposition Jupiter at 9 Aries

Wednesday 3rd August 2022

The US has killed the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in a drone strike in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has confirmed. The current planetary triplet in Taurus was strongly square his natal Pluto at 17Leo59. The Al-Qaeda chart has its Sun at 18Leo54. 00.13 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 11 Libra waxing sextile The Sun at 11 Leo 02.00 Venus at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Mars at 19 Taurus 15.12 The Moon at 19 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus At this time a planetary trapezium is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn, the ongoing triplet and Venus 17.10 The Moon at 20 Libra waxing quincunx Mars at 20 Taurus 17.55 The Moon at 20 Libra waxing square Venus at 20 Cancer 22.15 Mercury at 29 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 22.29 The Moon at 23 Libra waning trine Saturn at 23 Aquarius

Thursday 4th August 2022

A subtle but significant astrological moduation occurs today. Mercury's ingress into Virgo and the Moon's passage into Scorpio herald a change, a movement to rationality and a twist in the astrological fabric. 02.52 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 06.20 The Moon at 27 Libra waning square Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.3 hours 06.59 Mercury enters Virgo as an evening star, adding a touch of welcome practical discretion to current proceedings. Mercury 'Earth trines' Uranus on 16th Aug, evoking practical inventiveness. Mercury enters his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on Aug 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He opposes Neptune on Aug 21st, with time honoured confusion, and trines Pluto, transformational thinking, for the 1st time of 3, on August 22nd. Mercury enters Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury opposes Jupiter, well wide of the mark, for the 1st time, on September 3rd. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury 'in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. 11.48 The Moon enters Scorpio, immediately sextiling this 'practical thinking' Mercury. 12.30 The Moon at zero Scorpio waxing sextile Mercury at zero Virgo 19.11 Venus at 21 Cancer waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 9 Aries

Friday 5th August 2022

DYNAMIC DAZE Mercury now in Virgo supports careful analysis of the days ahead. The following 10 days, up to and beyond the next Full Moon, are indeed dynamic and challenging. Basically a Fixed T-square will form in the skies of Earth over this period involving the Leo Sun, Saturn retrograding in Aquarius and Uranus stationing in Taurus. This is a battle of entrenched wills. There is an unforgiving standoff resulting in bruised noses and causalities. Successful negotiation of the energy requires humility and adaptability. Mars squares Saturn on Aug 7th kicking it all off. The Sun squares Uranus on Aug 11th and opposes Saturn on Aug 14th. The Full Moon on Aug 12th aligns along the Sun Saturn axis. 03.18 The Moon 'gaining in light and motion, at 9 Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 9 Aries 06.15 Mercury at 2 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus 11.07 The Moon at First Quarter 16.24 Venus at 23 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 23 Aquarius 19.00-04.00 A fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars the lunar node and Uranus, and Saturn. It has to happen. These 9 hours are a taster and a prelude to the events and experiences ahead. 19.57 The Moon at 18 Scorpio opposition the lunar node at 18 Taurus 20.36 Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing biquintile Jupiter at 9 Aries 21.14 The Moon at 19 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 19 Taurus

Saturday 6th August 2022

Mars square Saturn is beginning to bite. This planetary aspect will dominate the weekend ahead. There is always overheating with this one. The analogy is that of the throttle pedal and the brakes being used simultaneously. 'Bend like the reed' is the way forward. The following 8 days, up to and beyond the next Full Moon, are indeed dynamic and challenging. Basically a Fixed T-square will form in the skies of Earth over this period involving the Leo Sun, Saturn retrograding in Aquarius and Uranus stationing in Taurus. This is a battle of entrenched wills. There is an unforgiving standoff resulting in bruised noses and causalities. Successful negotiation of the energy requires humility and adaptability. Mars squares Saturn tomorrow kicking it all off. The Sun squares Uranus on Aug 11th and opposes Saturn on Aug 14th. The Full Moon on Aug 12th aligns along the Sun Saturn axis. Stay tuned. 01.38 Mercury at 3 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 01.39 The first quarter Moon accelerating at 21 Scorpio opposition Mars at 21 Taurus 03.47 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 23 Aquarius 04.00-09.00 A watery grand trine is now manifest involving the Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces. Possibly keenly emotional but this one has pleasant potentials. 04.57 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing trine Venus at 23 Cancer 06.31 Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing novile Venus at 23 Cancer 08.09 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 11.25 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 5.25 hours 16.40 The Moon enters Sagittarius

Sunday 7th August 2022

Venus trine Neptune.

Mars square Saturn

Sun and Moon now both in Fire signs. Two things going off today. One languid, dreamy, romantic and artistic. The other real hard work. 00.19 The fast moving waxing Moon accelerating at 4 Sagittarius waxing square Mercury at 4 Virgo 06.48 Mercury at 5 Virgo waxing bi-septile Mars at 22 Taurus 07.13 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning 'fire trine' Jupiter at 9 Aries 08.23 Mercury at 5 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces 12.30 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo today! (Apologies for mistake yesterday). We are today midway between Solstice and Equinox. In the northern hemisphere we enter late summer and take leave of the lightest quarter of the year. In the south it is the end of the darkest quarter and the start of the 'stirring of spring'. Seasons they change. 16.44 Venus at 25 Cancer waxing 'water trine' Neptune at 25 Pisces The sacred dream of life. 18.22 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing 'fire trine' The Sun at 15 Leo 19.58 Mars at 22 Taurus 'fixed waxing square' Saturn at 22 Aquarius-not at all easy.

Monday 8th August 2022

Venus is applying in opposition to Pluto peaking early tomorrow. Occurring in the wake of the harsh Mars square Saturn yesterday this aspect may well reveal unwanted news. There has been violence between Israel and Palestinian militants, which has killed at least 36 Palestinians since Friday. Earlier, rockets fired from Gaza reached Jerusalem for the first time since May last year. The latest violence is the most serious flare-up between Israel and Gaza since an 11-day conflict in May 2021 left more than 200 Palestinians and a dozen Israelis dead. The last New Moon (July 28th) was conjunct Israel's Moon. The Full Moon this week closely hits the Gaza Strip chart's Uranus (square Mercury). 00.18 The fast moving, waxing and accelerating Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus 06.12 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 06.43 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mars at 23 Taurus 10.31 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 25 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for just over 8 hours 11.15 Mercury at 7 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 19 Taurus 12.09 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Venus at 26 Cancer 18.40 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 20.45 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The procession to a testing Full Moon now begins in earnest. 22.02 Venus at 27 Cancer waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 9 Aries 23.58 Venus at 27 Cancer waxing tri-septile Saturn at 22 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 16 degrees Leo. Mars and Uranus (and the lunar node) are in Taurus. The Libran Equinox is in 45 days. We are midway between eclipse seasons. The following week, up to and beyond the Full Moon on Friday, is indeed dynamic and challenging. Basically a Fixed T-square will form in the skies of Earth over this period involving the Leo Sun, Saturn retrograding in Aquarius and Uranus stationing in Taurus. This is a battle of entrenched wills. There is an unforgiving standoff resulting in bruised noses and causalities. Successful negotiation of the energy requires humility and adaptability. Mars squared Saturn yesterday kicking it all off. The Sun squares Uranus thursday and opposes Saturn on Sunday. The Full Moon early on Friday morning (GMT) aligns along the Sun Saturn axis. Mercury resides in Virgo as an evening star, adding a touch of welcome practical discretion to current proceedings. Mercury 'Earth trines' Uranus on 16th Aug, evoking practical inventiveness. Mercury enters his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on Aug 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He opposes Neptune on Aug 21st, with time honoured confusion, and trines Pluto, transformational thinking, for the 1st time of 3, on August 22nd. Mercury enters Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury opposes Jupiter, well wide of the mark, for the 1st time, on September 3rd. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury 'in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus opposes Pluto building today today, peaking tomorrow, with some worrying changes in tow. Venus leaves Cancer for Leo on Thursday. Venus in Cancer at best represents a love that is kind, caring and gentle. Mars resides in Taurus during Venus' cancerian residence complementing her homely nature with supportive and constructive energy. A good domestic scene this one. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Taurus with Uranus and the lunar node. He is residing here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on Aug 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on Aug 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aug 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming few seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 9th August 2022


Venus opposite Pluto

Lunar pressures are increasing. An emphatic Full Moon, conjunct Saturn square Uranus, is ahead of us, peaking in the early hours (GMT) of Friday. Today and tomorrow witness the 'grinding and groaning' evoked by the gibbous Moon in Capricorn. Dense lunar energy, tough going at times. 05.18 Venus at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn 07.51 The waxing gibbous Moon speeding and accelerating at 8 Capricorn waxing trine Mercury at 8 Virgo 08.25 The Moon at 9 Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 9 Aries 11.35 The Sun at 17 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 13.06 Mercury at 8 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 8 Aries 13.27 Mars at 23 Taurus waxing semi-square Jupiter at 8 Aries 22.33 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waxing quincunx The Sun at 17 Leo 23.22 The Moon at 18 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic.

Wednesday 10th August 2022

Donald Trump's Florida home was raided by the FBI, in a dramatic escalation of the legal investigations into the former US president. The search is reportedly linked to an investigation into his handling of classified and sensitive material. The FBI and the Department of Justice have not yet commented. The Secret Service was notified shortly before a warrant was served at about 10:00 local time (14:00 GMT) on Monday and that agents protecting Mr Trump helped the FBI. Investigators. Interestingly transiting Saturn was opposite Trump's Mercury/Neptune midpoint a few hours later. There is a lot of astrology going on in his chart over the next few years. This year Neptune is squaring his Sun. Notably transiting Uranus is conjunct his MC in 2024. From today for 6 days there is a Fixed T-square in the sky involving the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Uranus and the lunar node. A tricky planetary situation is at hand, intensified by the looming Full Moon less than 50 hours away. 00.59 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 09.13 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning trine Mars at 24 Taurus 10.45 The Sun at 18 Leo waxing squares the mean lunar node at 18 Taurus Midway marker between eclipse seasons. 10.46 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 13.46 The Moon at 27 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.40 The Moon at 29 Capricorn opposition Venus at 29 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for just over 2 hours. 17.14 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 18.47 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign.

Thursday 11th August 2022

Sun square Uranus

Mars sextile Neptune

An eventful couple of days are upon us as the Full Moon climaxes. The Sun squaring Uranus today coupled with Mars sextile Neptune suggests events of an unlooked for nature. In addition Venus leaves Cancer for Leo adding a dash of drama and colour to proceedings. 08.09 The almost Full Moon rapidly moving at 8 Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at 8 Aries 12.54 The Sun at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus 13.06 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 12 Virgo 15.20 The Sun at 19 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 25 Pisces 17.59 Mercury at 12 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.32 Venus enters Leo as a morning star, joining the Sun in this sign. She resides in Leo for only 25 days. Venus 'fire trines' Jupiter on August 18th, which is potentially full of fun. Then Venus falls foul of Uranus and Saturn. She square Uranus on August 27th, which is erratic and disjointed. Venus opposes Saturn on Aug 28th, which is constraining and limiting. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on September 5th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. 21.45 Mars at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 22.29 Mercury at 12 Virgo waning quad-novile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 23.00 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waning square the lunar node at 18 Taurus The Moon is Full tonight.

Friday 12th August 2022

Full Moon in Aquarius

00.48 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 19 Taurus 01.36 Moment of FULL MOON This is the 3rd Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16th 2022 and the 3rd Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on November 8th 2022. We are in mid eclipse season territory. Today's Full Moon is in a Fixed T-square being conjunct Saturn, square the now separating triplet of Mars Uranus and the lunar node, and opposite the Sun. Mars is tightly sextile Neptune and applies in trine aspect to Pluto. 6 bodies are in Fixed signs and 4 are in Earth. This Full Moon is a resolute and serious affair. There are lessons to learn here, but it's not without measures of inspiration, action and opportunity. The Full Moon in Aquarius (the Lammas Full Moon) always induces a manifestation of 'universal extroversion'. It evokes self-confidence, self-expression and self- creativity. This one's ego however suffers under the tempering shadow of Saturn, hence the learning experience. Ride the wave, take the hit, be glad when it passes. The Full Moon hits a strong common point in the astrological charts of Ukraine, her Moon, the Russian 1917 chart, her Uranus, and Vladimir Putin, his lunar node. Zelensy's Leo Moon opposes the point. We could expect real ramifications on to the current saga of war from today's lunation. The Moon also hits Kenya's Saturn, the Bit coin Neptune, Julian Assange's Mars, and Queen Elizabeth's Mercury and Jupiter. It squares the UK Neptune, (which drifts on, rudderless, into a deepening fog). At the exact moment of Full Moon it is sunrise over The Arabian Sea. Sunset is at Winnipeg. Moonrise is taking place over Kansas. Moonset is at St.Petersburg. It is High Noon over the Tasman Sea and True midnight over The Cape Verde Islands. After the Full Moon has climaxed... 05.59 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 22 Aquarius 07.30 Mercury at 13 Virgo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 8 Aries 11.08 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning square Mars at 25 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 7.6 hours 11.24 Venus at 1 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 19 Taurus 18.46 The waning full Moon rapidly enters Pisces, joining Neptune in this sign, allowing healing to take place. 20.56 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning quincunx Venus at 1 Leo 22.26 Mercury at 14 Virgo waxing tri-decile Mars at 26 Taurus

Saturday 13th August 2022

Saturn is almost in opposition to the Sun. Mars is applying trine Pluto. There is much planetary energy available to employ in order to accomplish something worthwhile this weekend. A change for the better. 09.45 Venus at 2 Leo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 19.03 The waning full Moon decelerating at 15 Pisces opposition Mercury at 15 Virgo 23.44 The Moon at 18 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic, moving northwards.

Sunday 14th August 2022

Sun opposite Saturn

Mars trines Pluto

Positive astrological vibrations abound today. Changes for the better wrought by Mars 'earth trine' Pluto. The Sun Saturn opposition serves to harness and make substantial the gains. 01.50 The waning and decelerating full Moon at 19 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus 06.11 The Moon at 21 Pisces waning quincunx The Sun at 21 Leo 11.59 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.54 The Moon at 27 Pisces waning sextile Mars at 27 Taurus 15.11 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 5.5 hours 17.11 The Sun at 22 Leo opposition Saturn at 22 Aquarius 20.44 The Moon enters Aries joining Jupiter in this sign 21.28 Mars at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Monday 15th August 2022

Urgency and action to the fore. Make haste! 03.54 The waning and decelerating Moon at 4 Aries waning trine Venus at 4 Leo 07.26 The Sun at 22 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 09.52 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 11.00 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 8 Aries 17.35 Mercury at 18 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 18 Taurus 17.50 Mercury at 18 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 22 Aquarius STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 23 degrees Leo. Venus is also in Leo. Mars and Uranus (and the lunar node) are in Taurus. The Libran Equinox is in 38 days. An interesting week is ahead. A plentiful variety of astrological energies are at work. Mercury 'earth trines' Uranus tomorrow, practical inventiveness. Venus 'fire trines' Jupiter, lavish abundance, and there is another lunar occultation of Uranus on Thursday, a blip in the ether. Mars enters Gemini for his 7 month stay on Saturday August 20th, a profound modulation, Mercury enters his shadow on this same day. Mercury opposes Neptune on August 21st, craziness abounds. The Sun enters Virgo early (GMT) on August 23rd. Uranus stations retrograde August 24th. Mercury resides in Virgo as an evening star, adding touches of practical discretion to current proceedings. Mercury 'Earth trines' Uranus tomorrow, evoking practical inventiveness. Mercury enters his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on Aujust 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He opposes Neptune on Au 21st, with time honoured confusion, and trines Pluto, transformational thinking, for the 1st time of 3, on August 22nd. Mercury enters Libra on Au 26th. Mercury opposes Jupiter, well wide of the mark, for the 1st time, on September 3rd. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury 'in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. Venus is a direct morning star in Leo. Her residence in Leo is for only 25 days. Venus 'fire trines' Jupiter on August 18th, which is potentially full of fun. Then Venus falls foul of Uranus and Saturn. She square Uranus on August 27th, which is erratic and disjointed. Venus opposes Saturn on August 28th, which is constraining and limiting. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on September 5th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Taurus with Uranus and the lunar node. He is residing here for an eventful 46 days, making aspects to all the planets from Saturn outwards. Mars creatively sextiles Neptune on August 11th, with and trines Pluto, with overwhelming transformation on August 14th. Mars leaves Taurus for his lengthy stay in Gemini on August 20th. (Mars will be in Gemini from Aujust 20th 2022 till 25th March 2023. This is one of the major astrological events of the forthcoming few seasons. Mars turns retrograde at 25 Gemini on Oct 30th 2022. He is in opposition to the Sun on Dec 8th at 16 Gemini. March turns direct on Jan 12th 2023). Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 16th August 2022

Mercury trine Uranus

Practical inventiveness, original thought and realistic inspiration are bound up with the Mercury Uranus earth trine today. 01.07 The Sun at 23 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 8 Aries 04.42 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 18 Aries waning quincunx Mercury at 18 Virgo 04.53 Mercury at 18 Virgo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 8 Aries 11.14 The Moon at 22 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 14.49 The Moon at 24 Aries waning trine The Sun at 24 Leo 17.47 Mercury at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 20.19 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 6 hours.

Wednesday 17th August 2022

Venus is applying in a harmonious 'fire trine' aspect to Jupiter, exact tomorrow. Today is coloured by its potential 'rosy glow'. 02.24 The decelerating disseminating Moon enters Taurus joining Mars, Uranus and the lunar node in this sign. 15.55 The Moon at 7 Taurus waning square Venus at 7 Leo 17.57 The Sun at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces

Thursday 18th August 2022

Venus trine Jupiter

Lunar Occultation of Uranus.

The day starts with 'Venus trine Jupiter' warmth. Love and plenty. This vibration then slowly gives way to another tremble in the astrological sky, as the Moon in Taurus occults Uranus. Today's event is the 8th Lunar Occultation of this planet in a consecutive monthly series of 15, each one a stepping stone of adjustment and balance across life's turbulent stream of change and experience. A firm hand on the tiller is required. 08.04 Venus at 8 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 8 Aries 11.23 The disseminating decelerating Moon conjunction her ascending node at 17 Taurus

Observers from Micronesia to most of Hawaii and the Bering Sea can see the moon occult Uranus at around 16:00 GMT on August 18 - the eighth in a series of consecutive lunar occultations of that planet.https://www.space.com/16149-night-sky.html 14.21 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 19 Taurus Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (from the UK) 15.19 GMT 19.06 Mercury at 22 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 22 Aquarius 19.35 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 22 Aquarius 19.30-06.00 An earthy grand is manifest involving the Moon and Mars, Mercury and Pluto. 19.38 The Moon at 22 Taurus waning trine Mercury at 22 Virgo

Friday 19th August 2022

ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. Today is the last day before Mars' long 216 day sojourn in Gemini. The Moon leads the way by entering Gemini half way through this 'two part' day. Up to 12.08 GMT we witness the waning Moon conjunct Mars at the very end of Taurus. A final thrust of 'Martian' determination and will. The remainder of the day and the weekend ahead is more of a breeze, coloured with crazy mental outpourings, as Mercury opposes Neptune early Sunday. 01.08 Venus at 9 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 19 Taurus 01.49 The Moon decelerating towards last quarter phase at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 25 Pisces 04.16 Mars at 29 Taurus waxing septile Jupiter at 8 Aries 04.37 The Moon at Last Quarter 05.33 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 11.06 The Moon conjunction Mars at 29 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 62 mins. 12.08 The Moon enters Gemini. 16.10 The Sun at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 17.56 Venus at 10 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 25 Pisces

Saturday 20th August 2022

Mars enters Gemini for 7 months

03.52 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 8 Aries 07.58 Mars enters Gemini and remains here for 216 days 'till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates: October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars enters pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects.(Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The exact Sun opposition to Mars in Gemini occurs as the Full Moon passes in front of Mars at 04:21 GMT on Dec 8th 2022,creating a lunar occultation,visible from parts of the Americas,Europe+North Africa. The Moon will be fully illuminated but Mars will be visible in binoculars. Mars squares the Sun on August 27th. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Sept 1st. Mars enters his shadow on Sept 3rd. Venus squares Mars on Sept 16th. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th.. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. 09.09 The Moon at 11 Gemini waning sextile Venus at 11 Leo Mercury applies to his confusion opposition to Neptune, exact tomorrow and that's all for today.

Sunday 21st August 2022

Mercury opposes Neptune.

07.04 The very slowly waning and decelerating Moon at 21 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 21 Aquarius 07.00-23.00 Busy planetary geometry manifests today involving the Moon, Mercury Neptune and Pluto followed by a yod involving the Sun and Pluto. Some significant misunderstandings within this mesh of energies. The crazy month of August 2022 continues. 07.41 Mercury at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces 13.47 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 25 Pisces 14.29 The Moon at 25 Gemini waning square Mercury at 25 Virgo 17.39 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.07 The Moon at 29 Gemini waning sextile The Sun at 29 Leo. The Moon is void for 2.4 hours

Monday 22nd August 2022

Mercury trine Pluto.

Yesterday, the first day of Mars in Gemini, witnessed the daughter of a close ally of Vladimir Putin killed in a car bombing. Darya Dugina died after an explosion on a road outside Moscow. The Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, known as 'Putin's brain', may have been the intended target of the attack. It smacks of unrest and agitation in Russia. In the UK, dock workers at the UK's largest container port have gone on strike for the first time in 30 years. About ,900 members of the Unite union at Felixstowe in Suffolk have walked out for eight days in a dispute over pay. The train drivers were also striking yesterday. Much industrial unrest is ahead of us in this country it seems. I think Mars' long stay in Gemini will bring, amongst much else, agitation and unrest. We await with trepidation for Mars in Gemini to energise 'Sun in Gemini' characters such as D.Trump and B.Johnson back into action. Watch this crazy space. Today is the last day of the astrological month of Leo. The Sun enters Virgo tomorrow. This day is coloured by Mercury trine Pluto. Careful choices, diligent pruning, stringent strategies for change. Mercury, now in his shadow, will repeat this aspect two more times over the next five weeks. 00.31 The very slowly waning old Moon enters Cancer evoking emotional undertones. 02.19 The Sun at 29 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 25 Pisces 16.11 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 8 Aries 16.13 Venus at 13 Leo waxing quintile Mars at 1 Gemini 21.53 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 21.59 Mercury at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 30 degrees Leo. Venus is also in Leo. The Libran Equinox is in 31 days. The Sun enters Virgo early (GMT) tomorrow. Uranus stations retrograde August 24th. Mercury resides in Virgo as an evening star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, on Saturday, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He trines Pluto, transformational thinking, for the 1st time of 3, today. Mercury enters Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury opposes Jupiter, well wide of the mark, for the 1st time, on September 3rd. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury 'in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. Venus is a direct morning star in Leo. Her residence in Leo is for only 25 days. She square Uranus on August 27th, which is erratic and disjointed. Venus opposes Saturn on August 28th, which is constraining and limiting. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on September 5th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars enters pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The complete itinerary. Mars squares the Sun on August 27th. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Sept 1st. Mars enters his shadow on Sept 3rd. Venus squares Mars on Sept 16th. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th.. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates in 2022 are from August 24 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 23rd August 2022

03.18 The Sun enters Virgo and a new astrological month begins. 07.15 The very slowly waning Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the 'Cruel to be kind' New Moon early (GMT) on Saturday now starts in earnest. 11.13 The Moon at 17 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic 11.37 Mercury at 27 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 14.52 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus 19.31 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 21 Aquarius

Wednesday 24th August 2022

02.00-09.40 A mystic rectangle is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Neptune and Pluto. Touching souls. 02.26 The slowly waning and accelerating balsamic Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 25 Pisces 06.17 The Moon at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn 09.41 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning sextile Mercury at 28 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for 3.5 hours 13.11 The Moon enters Leo joining Venus in this sign. 13.53 URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE 17.58 The Sun at 2 Virgo waxing biquintile Jupiter at 8 Aries 18.17 The Moon at 3 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 3 Gemini 23.33 The Sun at 2 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus

Thursday 25th August 2022

The old Moon is conjunct Venus in Leo tonight (GMT). 04.11 The old slow but accelerating balsamic Moon at 8 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 8 Aries 06.33 Venus at 17 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 15.12 Venus at 17 Leo waxing square the lunar node at 17 Taurus 18.42 The Sun at 3 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.56 The Moon at 17 Leo waxing square her node from north of the ecliptic 23.51 The Moon conjunction Venus at 17 Leo

Friday 26th August 2022

August 2022 has been a dynamic month. It ends on an eventful note with an energetic New Moon tomorrow and with a planetary Fixed T-square involving Venus, Saturn and Uranus which kicks off today and extends for the next 5 days. 01.04 Mercury enters Libra Mercury resides in Libra as an evening star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, on Saturday, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He enters Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury opposes Jupiter, well wide of the mark, for the 1st time, on September 3rd. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. 02.00-07.00 A Fixed T square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Uranus. This sets off a Venus, Saturn, Uranus T-square which peaks tomorrow and lasts till Aug 30th. This dominates the approaching and the remainder of August with an eventful 'testing, constraining and shattering' energy. watch the news. 02.45 The slowly waning and accelerating ancient Moon at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus 06.55 The Moon at 21 Leo opposition Saturn at 21 Aquarius. The Moon is then void of course for 17.5 hours. 13.30- 17.40 The Moon forms a yod with Neptune and Pluto. 13.54 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 25 Pisces 17.40 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.12 Venus at 19 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 25 Pisces

Saturday 27th August 2022

New Moon in Virgo

00.26 The ancient, nearly new, Moon enters Virgo joining the Sun in this sign 01.06 Mars at 4 Gemini waxing bi-septile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 04.34 Venus at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus 05.28 The Sun at 4 Virgo waxing square Mars at 4 Gemini 08.12 The Moon at 4 Virgo waxing square Mars at 4 Gemini 08.18 Moment of NEW MOON This is the 4th New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, and it is also the penultimate New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. The New Moon in Virgo is tightly square Mars in Gemini. Venus, Saturn and Uranus are arrayed in a Fixed T-square. Mercury trines Mars and Mars sextiles Jupiter. This is the 'New broom sweeping clean' New Moon. It has a dry 'cruel to be kind' flavour. The energy here is refined, moving, mediating, sharpening. Assessment and accountability shape the immediate future which is emotionless and tied down to be tested. Today's New Moon hits the Mars of Gaza and of Canada and the Moon of Texas, the Mercury of Bashar Assad, the Mars of Rishi Sunak, Ivanka Trump and Johnny Depp, the Saturn of Prince Charles, the Pluto of Madagascar, the Venus of Mexico, the Sun and Venus of Michael Gove, Mercury and Ascendant of Madonna, the Pluto of Prince Andrew, the Sun of Hugh Cornwell, the Mercury of Robert Plant, and the Moon of Pete Townshend. It squares Joe Biden's ascendant and opposes Boris Johnson's Saturn. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are rising over the mid Atlantic. Sunset is at Adelaide. Moonset is over the Caroline Islands. High Noon is at Dubai. True midnight at Seattle. The Moon is at lower culmination at Seattle and at San Francisco. Pluto rises over the Korean Peninsular where Uranus is at lower culmination. Pluto sets at Havana, Neptune culminates at Denver. Jupiter sets over the UK and Mercury rises over Ireland. 14.33 The new born baby Moon at 7 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 7 Aries 20.54 The Sun at 5 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 25 Pisces

Sunday 28th August 2022

Venus opposite Saturn.

Pakistan is suffering from extreme monsoon floods 'of biblical proportion'. Desperation and displacement are endemic in the Sindh province. The three major transits operating this year on the Pakistan chart are Saturn opposing natal Sun, Pluto opposite natal Moon and Uranus conjunct natal ascendant. These transits spell hardship, trauma and drastic change. Quite a handful. The major USA transit this year is its Pluto return. This is a real 'dredging of the pit'. The November midterm elections draw closer. It's hard to get a clear read on the political landscape. President Joe Biden's approval rating is low but there are signs the party has benefited from the backlash to the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case. There are also the ongoing 'Trump events' to consider. The USA progressed Moon is very old and void. It enters Pisces mid Dec 2022 and is New in this sign on 30th March 2024, the election year. If a country ever needed a progressed New Moon it's the USA. The UK is undergoing transiting Uranus opposing its 2nd house Neptune this year and this influence is especially strong this summer. It corresponds with the general 'drift and fog', particularly with cost of living issues and striking work forces which permeate the political landscape right now. Today:-Venus opposes Saturn. Touches of austerity and annoyance are possible. 08.52 The infant Moon at 17 Virgo trines her node from north of the ecliptic 12.48 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 16.31 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 21 Aquarius 18.28 Venus at 21 Leo opposition Saturn at 21 Aquarius 23.28 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Neptune at 25 Pisces

Monday 29th August 2022

Smoother vibrations evident today as the Moon joins Mercury in Libra. Highly social and potentially pleasant. 03.09 The young Moon accelerating at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.6 hours. 09.46 The Moon enters Libra joining Mercury in this sign 16.11 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 3 Libra 18.30 Venus at 22 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 7 Aries 19.51 The Moon at 5 Libra waxing trine Mars at 5 Gemini 20.20 Venus at 22 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 23.01 The Moon at 7 Libra opposition Jupiter at 7 Aries STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 7 degrees Virgo. The Moon and Mercury are in Libra. The Libran Equinox is in 24 days. All of the planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto are retrograde. Mercury resides in Libra as an evening star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He entered Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury opposes a firey Jupiter, aflame with mental outpourings, for the 1st time, on September 3rd. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. Venus is a direct morning star in Leo. Her residence in Leo is for only 25 days. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on September 5th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars enters pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The complete itinerary. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Sept 1st. Mars enters his shadow on Sept 3rd. Venus squares Mars on Sept 16th. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th.. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 27 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 30th August 2022

The next planetary aspect on the agenda is Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries which peaks on Thursday of this week. This one evokes strong words and courageous actions. The next 50 hours may witness words taking wings and actions speaking considerably louder than the words. 05.53 Mercury at 4 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 19 Taurus 07.00 The Sun at 7 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 19 Taurus 10.09 The Sun at 7 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 7 Aries 20.55 The young accelerating Moon at 19 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus

Wednesday 31st August 2022

Mars applies sextile to Jupiter, exact tomorrow, much going on. Mercury, (10 days from his station) is starting to apply in opposition, also to Jupiter, exact very early (GMT) on Friday which is indicative of an explosive opening up of plans and ideas. A couple of 'busy bee' days ahead. 00.13 The young Moon gaining in light and motion at 21 Libra waning trine Saturn at 21 Aquarius 03.59 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 06.08 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing sextile Venus at 24 Leo. A finger of fate is manifest at this time involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune. 07.08 The Moon at 24 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 24 Pisces 10.44 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.5 hours. 16.37 Venus at 24 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 24 Pisces 17.13 The Moon enters Scorpio 19.46 Mars at 6 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 24 Pisces

Thursday 1st September 2022

Mars sextile Jupiter

September already! The Sun is in Virgo, the Moon is in Scorpio. A rare vintage. Quite an intense buzz today. So much opening up right now. Today Mars sextiles Jupiter. He (Mars) acts like a cat amongst the pigeons. Jupiter smiles upon his antics. The smile reverberates around the world. Tomorrow Mercury applies in opposition to Jupiter. Could be outrageous. 05.16 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 7 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 7 Gemini 05.35 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 7 Aries 09.20 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waxing sextile The Sun at 9 Virgo 11.01 Mercury at 6 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 21 Aquarius 11.52 Mars at 7 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 7 Aries 19.24 Mercury at 6 Libra waxing novile Venus at 26 Leo 23.04 The Moon at 17 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 17 Taurus

Friday 2nd September 2022


ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT Mercury is applying in opposition to Jupiter, exact early (GMT) tomorrow. This smacks a little of broken promises. Certainly it would be wise to carefully monitor people's (and your own) output today. Something is well wide of the mark. 02.30-06.15 A fixed T-square involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus is manifest. 03.06 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 19 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 19 Taurus 06.03 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 21 Aquarius 06.34 Venus at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 12.53 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 24 Pisces 16.23 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 17.22 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waxing square Venus at 27 Leo. The Moon is void of course for 5.3 hours 22.41 The Moon enters Sagittarius

Saturday 3rd September 2022

Mercury opposite Jupiter

Did someone mention 'broken promises' corresponding to Mercury opposite Jupiter? Russia's decision to keep the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline closed, apparently because of an oil leak, has not been well received by European leaders. The said aspect passes quickly today, giving way to a freer feeling vibration for the remainder of the weekend, but the aspect will return on two more occasions. 00.05 The Sun at 10 Virgo waning quad-novile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 01.50 Mercury, one week from turning retrograde, at 7 Libra opposition Jupiter at 7 Aries. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas, aflame with mental outpourings. This is the first of three such aspects this season. Sept 3rd, Sept 18th and October 12th. 10.11 The waxing accelerating almost first quarter Moon at 7 Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at 7 Aries 10.13 The Sun at 11 Virgo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 7 Aries 10.21 Venus at 28 Leo waxing bi-novile Mars at 8 Gemini 10.37 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mercury at 7 Libra 12.23 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 8 Gemini 18.08 The Moon at First Quarter 22.17 The Sun at 11 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 26 Capricorn

Sunday 4th September 2022

Make the most of today, a free wheeling Sunday. 02.11 Venus at 29 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 24 Pisces 07.14 The accelerating first quarter Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 19 Taurus 09.50 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 11.34 Mars at 8 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 16.33 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 24 Pisces

Monday 5th September 2022

We are, as I said yesterday, now in an astrologically quieter time than of late. The week ahead sees the build up to the Full Moon in Pisces (Saturday morning GMT) with the simultaneous retrograde station of Mercury. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune sextile Uranus, the 'big dream' Full Moon. Today starts with a planetary modulation from 'Fire' to 'Earth' as both the Moon and Venus move in tandem from a fire sign to an earth sign. The atmosphere becomes more grounded, practical and acquisitive. 01.52 The accelerating first quarter Moon at 30 Sagittarius waxing trine Venus at 30 Leo. The Moon is void of course for only 12 mins. 02.04 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 04.07 Venus enters Virgo joining the Sun in this sign. Venus as a morning star 'sand surfs' through Virgo in a very brief 24 days. The residence has mixed fortunes just skewing slightly to the favourable. Mars in Gemini does not suit her. Mars squares Venus on Sept 16th. Venus trines Uranus on Sept 20th, which evokes novel practicalities, opposes Neptune on Sept 24th, with mists of uncertainty and trines Pluto, with an absolute urge to 'make better' on Sept 26th. Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 27 degrees Virgo on Sept 27th, dotting the i's and crossing the t's leads to an important development. Venus enters Libra on Sept 29th. 11.44 Venus at zero Virgo waxing biquintile Jupiter at 6 Aries 12.30-15.30 A Cardinal T-square involving the Moon, Mercury Jupiter is manifest. 12.45 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 6 Aries 15.22 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waxing square Mercury at 8 Libra 17.09 The Moon at 9 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 9 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 14 degrees Virgo. The Libran Equinox is in 17 days. All of the planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto are retrograde. Mercury resides in Libra as an evening star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He entered Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury stations turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on September 18th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. As was said above, Venus is a direct morning star and enters Virgo today. Venus enters Virgo joining the Sun in this sign. Venus as a morning star 'sand surfs' through Virgo in a very brief 24 days. The residence has mixed fortunes just skewing slightly to the favourable. Mars in Gemini does not suit her. Mars squares Venus on Sept 16th. Venus trines Uranus on Sept 20th, which evokes novel practicalities, opposes Neptune on Sept 24th, with mists of uncertainty and trines Pluto, with an absolute urge to 'make better' on Sept 26th. Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 27 degrees Virgo on Sept 27th, dotting the i's and crossing the t's leads to an important development. Venus enters Libra on Sept 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars enters pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mars entered his shadow on Sept 3rd. Venus squares Mars on Sept 16th. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 26 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. The current situation will have totally changed by 2026. Hold tight, fasten your seat belts. Tropical astrology has most of the answers.

Tuesday 6th September 2022

This is a chart for Liz Truss taken from Jessica Adam's site. (Certainly worth visiting Jessica's remarkable site.) Liz Truss will be the new UK prime minister after defeating Rishi Sunak in the Tory leadership contest. It was a closer result than some analysts predicted. Her term starts today (Tues) when she meets with the Queen. The exact time will be noted by astrologers. On the 'transits' section of this web site I have replaced Boris Johnson with Liz Truss. (While I was at it I replaced the Russian Sept 1991 chart with the more popular Dec 25th 1991 chart). We have no birth-time for Truss. What is clear is that she comes to power as transiting Jupiter strongly opposes her Pluto, driving and propelling her to this position of great power. Pluto has been opposing her Mercury over the last year, transforming her mindset and irrevocably changing her life story, and transiting Uranus is conjunct her Mars on and off from June 2022 to May 2023 which really does shakes up her intentions, actions and reactions. A very hot to handle transit. That Mars in Taurus (sextile Juno) represents substantial determination. Being a Leo Sun-sign sextile Pluto, and having Jupiter tightly square Saturn both in cardinal T-square with Mercury and Uranus, there is considerable will power and ambition here. We must not underestimate this woman. The weak points, the awkward, erratic and sometimes confused 'Thick-Lizzy' side to her character is shown by a befuddled Venus square Neptune, probably involving her wavery 'conviction changing' Piscean Moon, and her jumpy Mercury in Cancer square a nervy Uranus. Possibly a well ordered day today with a brisk Moon in Capricorn making reasonable aspects. Yesterday's practical vibration ensues. 00.26 The waxing and accelerating fast Moon, at 13 Capricorn waxing trine The Sun at 13 Virgo 05.00-09.30 A loose Earthy Grand Trine involving the Moon, the Sun and Uranus is manifest. 05.20 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 16 Taurus 09.24 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 13.16 Venus at 2 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 19 Taurus 17.13 Mercury at 8 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.22 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces 21.43 The Moon at 26 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6 hours.

Wednesday 7th September 2022

Liz Truss became UK Prime Minister at Balmoral Castle at 12.45 BST yesterday September 6th September 2022. The chart for this moment and for her administration is below.

Here is Marjorie Orr's take on this chart. Marjorie OrrLiz Truss took up the reins at Balmoral at around 12.45pm today to return immediately to London as the new prime minister on the votes of less than 100,000 older, mainly male, middle-class Tory voters. Looking on the bright side of the Term chart there is an Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine Capricorn Moon trine Uranus North Node. Earth Grand Trines tend to be security-conscious, business-minded, keen to maintain the status quo and focused on materialistic ambitions. Can lack imagination, be stuck in a rut and overly conservative. Reasonably talented. The worry is the Uranus North Node close to the Descendant square Saturn. Uranus is divisive, uncompromising, uncooperative, defiant, unpredictable, prone to sudden changes in alliances, dislikes restrictions. Not good for stable relationships, for sure. That is doubled in effect by having the North Node on the Descendant which suggests that being considerate to the needs of others is not a priority. The Uranus North Node square Saturn will make for a ratchety, jangled, high-tension term with ill-feeling erupting along the way. Saturn in Aquarius can be cold, unfeeling, overly rigid. The 3rd house is heavy and challenging with Moon Pluto and Saturn there which in mundane astrology rules communication, internal travel within a country (rail system/strikes?), sometimes education. Mars in the 8th house of debt and joint finances will arouse arguments since it is square the Sun and trine Mercury, partly a result of over-promising with Mercury opposition a grandstanding and over-hopeful Jupiter in the 5th. Neptune in the 4th, a confused, disillusioned electorate. I've seen administration charts a good deal worse though it will be a bumpy ride, coming to a crunch point in eighteen months when the Solar Arc Uranus closes to exact the square to Saturn. Tr Uranus square the Saturn from late May 2023 will also cause a few significant upheavals and bouts of rebellion. Marjorie Orr 'Ease of expression' today as the Moon races through Aquarius making good aspects. 01.41 Venus at 2 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 02.52 The very rapidly waxing Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The swift progression to Saturday's Full Moon now begins in earnest. 03.43 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 04.32 Mercury, 3 days from turning retrograde, at 8 Libra waxing decile Venus at 2 Virgo 08.05 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waxing quincunx Venus at 3 Virgo 13.45 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at 6 Aries 17.00-20.30 An Air Grand Trine involving the Moon, Mercury and Mars is manifest. 17.49 The Moon at 9 Aquarius waxing trine Mercury at 9 Libra 18.17 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 20.13 The Moon at 10 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 10 Gemini

Thursday 8th September 2022

Lunar pressures rising as the Moon 'of rapid motion' approaches her Full Moon climax. 05.05 The fast moving waxing gibbous Moon at 16 Aquarius quincunx The Sun at 16 Virgo 06.17 The Moon at 16 Aquarius waning squares her node from south of the ecliptic. Notice how low it has been (in northern hemisphere skies) over the last few days? 10.26 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 19 Taurus. 12.34 The Moon at 20 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 20 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 16.2 hours 12.37 The Sun at 16 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 14.40 Venus at 4 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 24 Pisces 16.52 The Sun at 16 Virgo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 6 Aries 22.19 The Sun at 16 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 16 Taurus

Friday 9th September 2022

The dream of life. This poignant Full Moon in Pisces is nearly complete.

04.44 The nearly full Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign 13.40 The Moon at 5 Pisces opposition Venus at 5 Virgo 19.25 The Moon at 9 Pisces waxing quincunx Mercury at 9 Libra 22.07 Venus at 6 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 6 Aries 23.09 The Moon at 11 Pisces waning square Mars at 11 Gemini

Saturday 10th September 2022

Full Moon in Pisces

Mercury turns retrograde

03.33 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 05.41 Mars at 11 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 26 Capricorn 07.28 The Moon at 16 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 10.00 Moment of FULL MOON This is the 4th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16th 2022 and the penultimate Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on November 8th 2022. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune and tightly sextile Uranus. This is the 'big dream' Full Moon. The dream of life. Possibly one to look forward to. At this time Saturn is applying square to Uranus, the ongoing difficult zeitgeist of the time. Mercury hovers stationary turning retrograde opposite Jupiter and is trine Mercury. Bodies in Earth and Air predominate as does zodiac mutability. This lunation evokes adaptability, practicality and faith. At the exact moment of Full Moon today the Moon rises with Neptune at Perth (Aus) and over the Korean peninsular. The Moon is at lower culmination at Kiev and at Odessa. The Sun rises at Buenos Aires, culminates at Istanbul and over Lusaka, and sets at Taiwan. Mercury and Jupiter align to Mogadishu, Mars culminates at Cuba, Uranus at Minneapolis and Pluto lower culminates at Reykjavik. Today's Full Moon hits the MC of Turkey, the Venus and Uranus of Hong Kong, the Mars of Togo, the Jupiter of Greece, and the Pluto of Venezuela and Columbia. It hits the Saturn of Pope Francis and Shirley Bassey, the Mars of Elton John and Andy Burham, the Mercury of Prince Andrew, the MC of Cher, and the Mars of the UK's Daily Mail. It opposes the Sun and Pluto of Bashar Assad, trines Putin's Uranus, squares the Mercury of the UK and the Uranus of Donald Trump. It sextiles the Mars of Liz Truss, opposes the Saturn of Rishi Sunak and squares Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Neptune and is quincunx his Moon. This Full Moon is full of soul and fosters belief and spiritual composure. Blessed be. 11.52 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus 15.58 Venus at 7 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 19 Taurus 20.56 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 24 Pisces

Sunday 11th September 2022

The Sun trine Uranus.

Another Full Moon has passed. I guess this one historically will always be associated with the death of Queen Elizabeth. A deeply felt almost planetary event whatever one's views and beliefs. Today the energy moves on(at 06.49 GMT) from Moon in Pisces 'profoundly fateful drift' to Moon in Aries 'impulse and urge'. The Sun trines Uranus which is positive, future looking and progressive. The Aries Moon conjuncts Jupiter invoking optimism. 00.30 The rapidly waning Moon decelerating at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.3 hours 06.49 The Moon enters Aries joining Jupiter in this sign 13.10 The Sun at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 16.31 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 6 Aries 21.05 The Moon at 8 Aries waning quincunx Venus at 8 Virgo 21.53 The Moon at 9 Aries opposition retro-Mercury at 9 Libra

Monday 12th September 2022

03.57 The rapidly waning full Moon decelerating at 12 Aries waning sextile Mars at 12 Gemini 04.50 retro-Mercury at 9 Libra semi-sextile Venus at 9 Virgo 16.09 The Sun at 20 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 20 Aquarius 17.26 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 17.32 The Moon at 20 Aries waning quincunx The Sun at 20 Virgo STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 21 degrees Virgo. Venus is also in Virgo. The waning full Moon and Jupiter are in Aries. The Libran Equinox is in 10 days. All of the planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto and Mercury are retrograde. The major difficult aspect of 2021 is revisiting us. Saturn is square Uranus again and tightening but will not reach exactitude. There are 43 days to a Partial Solar Eclipse. Mercury resides in Libra as an evening star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He entered Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury stationed turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. He opposes Jupiter, for a 2nd time, on Sunday. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. Venus is a direct morning star in Virgo. Venus 'sand surfs' through Virgo in a very brief 24 days. The residence has mixed fortunes just skewing slightly to the favourable. Mars in Gemini does not suit her. Mars squares Venus Friday. Venus trines Uranus on Sept 20th, which evokes novel practicalities, opposes Neptune on Sept 24th, with mists of uncertainty and trines Pluto, with an absolute urge to 'make better' on Sept 26th. Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 27 degrees Virgo on Sept 27th, dotting the i's and crossing the t's leads to an important development. Venus enters Libra on Sept 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Venus squares Mars on Sept 16th. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now retrograde at 26 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 13th September 2022

Mercury together with all the planets from Jupiter outwards and Pluto are retrograde and since we are in Virgo season we are in a time of reflection and repair. Hold fire, hold back, don't sign, don't commit, don't pledge. Wait 'till October to move on. Today the waning Moon enters Taurus bringing on a steady earthy productive couple of days. There is however another lunar occultation of Uranus on Wednesday, observable from the UK, to jiggle things up a bit. 01.41 Venus at 10 Virgo waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 5 Aries 03.06 Venus at 10 Virgo waning quad-novile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 04.54 The waning and decelerating full Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.8 hours 11.41 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign 15.59 retro-Mercury at 8 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 22.55 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase

Wednesday 14th September 2022

A stone ground day, steady, exacting and supportive, within which the Moon occults Uranus adding just a shimmer of the unexpected. 02.33 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 8 Taurus waning quincunx retro-Mercury at 8 Libra 06.15 Venus at 11 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 26 Capricorn 08.42 The Moon at 11 Taurus waning trine Venus at 11 Virgo 17.16 The Moon conjunction her mean ascending node at 16 Taurus 22.35 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 19 Taurus

Thursday 15th September 2022

00.30 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 20 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 20 Aquarius 05.00-13.00 An Earthy Grand Trine involving the Moon, the Sun and Pluto is manifest. Helpful astrological energy. 05.32 The Moon at 22 Taurus waning trine The Sun at 22 Virgo 08.48 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces 12.59 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7.3 hours. 20.18 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mars in this sign.

Friday 16th September 2022

Venus square Mars

Sun opposite Neptune


This day is dominated by two aspects. Venus (and then later on the Moon) in Gemini square Mars in Virgo. Not an easy ride for human relationships. The word 'irritation' comes straight to mind. Neptune is at opposition to the Sun. 'A Full Neptune'. Full blown dissolution. Inner Solar purpose versus Neptunian idealism. A day to be clear about both. 00.57 Mars at 14 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 24 Pisces 03.01 to 04.16 Lunar occultation of the Moon and fixed star 37 Taurus observable from the UK (59 degree altitude) 37 Tauri is a double hypergiant star in the constellation of Taurus, distance: 187 Light Years. Finder chart below. 06.14 The slowly disseminating Moon decelerating at 5 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 5 Aries 09.36 The Moon at 7 Gemini waning trine retro-Mercury at 7 Libra 18.49 Venus at 14 Virgo waxing square Mars at 14 Gemini 22.21 The Sun at 24 Virgo opposition Neptune at 24 Pisces

Saturday 17th September 2022

Last quarter Moon in mutable signs. Crisis of consciousness amid change and movement. Distraction on many levels. Restless spirits. 00.52 The very slow and decelerating Moon conjunction Mars at 15 Gemini, both are square Venus. 01.19 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning square Venus at 15 Virgo 05.53 Venus at 15 Virgo waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 5 Aries 11.05 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 20 Aquarius 12.49 Venus at 15 Virgo waning tri-septile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 19.30-22.00 A Mutable T-square involving the last quarter Moon, the Sun and Neptune is manifest. 19.54 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 24 Pisces 21.27 Venus at 16 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 16 Taurus 21.53 The Moon at Last Quarter. The Moon is then void of course for 10.1 hours.

Sunday 18th September 2022

retro-Mercury opposite Jupiter.

Quite a special astrological arrangement manifests this evening (GMT) between 17.00 and 23.45 involving the Moon, retro-Mercury and Jupiter, all positioned in a 'cardinal T-square'. This one generates high voltage mental and verbal output, which then invokes events and experiences with emotional overtones. The Mercury Jupiter component is the second of three appearances of this opposition, during the current Mercury retrograde season. There are lessons to be learnt here. 00.22 The last quarter Moon starting the day void of course at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 08.01 The very slowly waning Moon enters Cancer 11.54 The Sun at 26 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 17.00-22.45 A Cardinal T-square involving the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter is manifest. 17.39 The Moon at 5 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 5 Aries 17.57 The Moon at 5 Cancer waning square Mercury at 5 Libra 22.34 Mercury at 5 Libra opposition Jupiter at 5 Aries

Monday 19th September 2022

The Moon in Cancer casts an emotional hue on all proceedings today. 03.58 The Sun at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 04.20 retro-Mercury at 5 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 20 Aquarius 14.44 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 15.44 The last quarter Moon at 16 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. Ascending very high in northern skies. 20.54 The Moon at 18 Cancer waning sextile Venus at 18 Virgo. The Moon and Venus form a yod finger of fate at this time with Saturn. 21.44 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 19 Taurus 22.33 retro- Mercury at 4 Libra waxing tri-decile Mars at 16 Gemini 23.26 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius Venus applies in earthy trine aspect to Uranus as this day ends. Mildly amusing eventualities. STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today reaches 28 degrees Virgo. Venus is also in Virgo. The Libran Equinox is early Friday (GMT). All of the planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto and Mercury are retrograde. The major difficult aspect of 2021 is revisiting us. Saturn is square Uranus again and tightening but will not reach exactitude. There are 36 days to a Partial Solar Eclipse. Mercury resides in Libra as an evening star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He entered Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury stationed turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', at zero degrees Libra on September 23rd, the day of the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox, and he re-enters Virgo on that day. Then as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo on September 26th. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. Venus is a direct morning star in Virgo. Venus 'sand surfs' through Virgo in a very brief 24 days. The residence has mixed fortunes just skewing slightly to the favourable. Venus trines Uranus early tomorrow, which evokes novel practicalities, opposes Neptune on Sept 24th, with mists of uncertainty and trines Pluto, with an absolute urge to 'make better' on Sept 26th. Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 27 degrees Virgo on Sept 27th, dotting the i's and crossing the t's leads to an important development. Venus enters Libra on Sept 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde at 26 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 20th September 2022

Venus trine Uranus

Today is a 'feel your way' day very much a hangover from yesterday. Spirits rise when the Moon enters Leo later in the day. 02.03 retro-Mercury at 4 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 19 Taurus 04.45 Venus at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 08.26 The very slowly waning Moon at 24 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 24 Pisces 12.59 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn 15.58 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning sextile The Sun at 28 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for 4.7 hours 20.12 Venus at 19 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius 20.39 The Moon enters Leo

Wednesday 21st September 2022

The week is 'winding down' to the northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox moment (early) Friday (GMT), setting off something of a new start for the coming 3 months. Six hours later is the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury, certainly marking the start of a new chapter in the story of our lives. Two days later we have a 'buoyant' New Moon in Libra opposite Jupiter signaling our entry into the 'foothills' of a new eclipse season. Overall the next few weeks is a period of reflection and recharge. It is maybe wise not to act on the new impulses just yet. A strident uncompromising (Moon in Leo) astrological atmosphere prevails over the next two days. 01.53 The very slow but accelerating waning Moon at 3 Leo waning sextile retro-Mercury at 3 Libra 05.32 The Moon at 4 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 4 Aries 10.17 Mars at 16 Gemini waxing quintile Jupiter at 4 Aries 13.09 Jupiter at 4 Aries waxing semi-square Saturn at 19 Aquarius The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. This waxing semi-square (45 degree) aspect occurs 3 times, the dates being July 21st 2022, Sept 21st 2022 and Mar 21st 2023. It symbolises 'pushing forward and meeting restriction'. This rather new 20 year cycle of goals, ambition and development now has an emotional impact.

Thursday 22nd September 2022

00.34 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon in Libra now starts in earnest. 03.37 The Moon at 16 Leo squares her node from north of the ecliptic. 06.01 The Moon at 17 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 17 Gemini 09.30-11.15 A tight 'razor sharp' fixed T-square involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus is manifest. Care required. 09.37 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing square Uranus at 19 Taurus 11.08 The Moon at 19 Leo opposition Saturn at 19 Aquarius. The Moon is then void of course for 20.6 hours during which time the Libran Equinox moment will occur. Six hours after the Equinox moment the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury occurs. 19.58 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 24 Pisces 22.35 The Sun at 30 Virgo waxing bi-septile Mars at 17 Gemini

Friday 23rd September 2022

Northern hemisphere Autumn Equinox

This year's Libra Equinox coicides with Russia beginning to implement plans to call up reservists to fight in Ukraine after suffering setbacks there. President Vladimir Putin's order to mobilise 300,000 more Russians with military experience sparked protests on Wednesday. More than 1000 anti-mobilisation protesters are reported to have been arrested. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev seemed to square away any ambiguity with regards to the use of nuclear weapons. Dimitry Medevedev ex-prime minister said any weapons in Moscow's arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, could be used to defend territories joined to Russia from Ukraine. It cannot be denied that we are in a danger zone. Medvedev-natally Mars conjunct Neptune in Scorpio hooked into Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. Putin-natally Mercury conjunct Neptune in Libra hooked into Mars and Pluto. Both talking out delusional armageddon tantrums. This Equinox is tainted with Venus opposite Neptune. 00.28 The Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 01.04 The Sun enters Libra and we arrive at the Equinox moment. The Sun crosses the equator. Light and dark, night and day are in balance world wide. In the northern hemisphere Autumn begins. In the south it is the first day of spring. We are now entering the holy period between Equinox and New Moon, a time for cosmic alignment and attunement. First off, amazingly, we negotiate the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury in just under six hours time. 06.51 The Sun at zero Libra conjunction Mercury This is a 'New Mercury'. The start of a new chapter in the story. An impregnation of the universal mind by the solar impulse. (Like all conceptions, well hidden). 07.55 The old, slow but accelerating Moon enters Virgo 10.01 Mercury at 0 Libra waxing bi-septile Mars at 17 Gemini 12.06 retro-Mercury re-enters Virgo 15.51 The Moon at 4 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 4 Aries

Saturday 24th September 2022

Venus opposite Neptune.

Day of the old Moon. We are in a very special, holy couple of days between Equinox and New Moon best suited for 'cosmic attunement'. 08.52 Venus at 24 Virgo opposition Neptune at 24 Pisces. Aberration, escapism and fantasy. 13.25 The very slow ancient Moon accelerating at 15 Virgo trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 17.51 The Moon at 18 Virgo waxing square Mars at 18 Gemini 19.17 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 19 Taurus 20.38 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius

Sunday 25th September 2022

New Moon in Libra

05.11 The ancient Moon slowly accelerating at 24 Virgo opposition Neptune at 24 Pisces 07.25 The Moon at 25 Virgo conjunction Venus at 25 Virgo 09.35 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 11.41 Venus at 25 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 12.50 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 28 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for nearly 4 hours. 16.44 The Moon enters Libra joining the Sun in this sign 21.55 Moment of NEW MOON This New Moon is aligned to the Super Galactic Centre and is opposite Jupiter. This is the 5th New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Saturday April 30th, and it is also the ultimate New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse in early Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. With the passing of today's New Moon we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season. The New Moon in Libra is opposite Jupiter opening new vistas. Venus and retro Mercury trine Pluto and Mars trines Saturn grounds for positive developments, Saturn squares Uranus, tough times but soon to move on. Earth and Air predominate. With Mercury and all the outer planets retrograde the continuing advice here is, hold back, stand easy, wait your moment. This New Moon hits the UK Uranus, Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's Neptune, the Internet's Uranus and the Bangladesh MC. At the exact moment of New Moon there is a Neptune Pluto paran at Warsaw, the Moon and Jupiter are aligned to Kiev, Uranus culminates at Mumbai and Mars culminates at Singapore. 23.45 The Moon at 4 Libra opposition Jupiter at 4 Aries

Monday 26th September 2022

Stargazers across the globe will get a great view of Jupiter come Monday night, weather permitting.

The solar system's largest planet will be unusually close to the Earth on Monday. It marks the first time Jupiter has been this close to Earth in 59 years.

Sun opposite Jupiter.

Retro-Mercury conjunct Venus.

05.46 Venus at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 14.14 Mars at 18 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 14.23 The Sun at 3 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 18 Taurus 17.59 retro-Mercury conjunction Venus at 27 Virgo 19.34 The Sun at 4 Libra opposition Jupiter at 4 Aries STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 4 degrees Libra. Venus and retro-Mercury are in Virgo. All of the planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto, and Mercury, are retrograde. The major difficult aspect of 2021 is revisiting us. Saturn is square Uranus again and tightening, but will not reach exactitude. With the passing of yesterday's New Moon in Libra we have entered the foothills of a new eclipse season. There are 29 days to a Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio. Mercury resides in Virgo as a morning star. Mercury entered his shadow at 24 degrees Virgo on August 20th, (till Oct 17th, embark on no new projects till then). He entered Libra on Aug 26th. Mercury stationed turning retrograde at 9 degrees Libra on Sept 10th. Mercury was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on September 23rd and he re-entered Virgo on that day. Today as a morning star Mercury conjuncts Venus, a merry meet, at 27 Virgo. Mercury trines Pluto, a 2nd time on Sept 27th. Mercury stations direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He trines Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. Venus is a direct morning star in Virgo. Venus 'sand surfs' through Virgo in a very brief 24 days. The residence has mixed fortunes just skewing slightly to the favourable. Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 27 degrees Virgo today, dotting the i's and crossing the t's leads to an important development. Venus enters Libra on Sept 29th. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 22nd October 2022. Then as an evening star, Venus Hesperus, next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mars trines Saturn on Sept 28th. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde at 26 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 27th September 2022

Mars applies in airy trine to Saturn, exact early tomorrow. Sound practical solutions can be discerned. Charm offensive. 02.32 The infant Moon accelerating at 18 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 02.30-04.00 An Airy Grand Trine involving the Moon, Mars and Saturn is manifest. 02.55 The Moon at 19 Libra waxing trine Mars at 19 Gemini 03.45 The Moon at 19 Libra waning trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 06.27 The Sun at 4 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 19 Aquarius 12.02 The Moon at 24 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 24 Pisces 12.57 Mercury at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 16.21 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn, moon void 23.16 The Moon enters Scorpio

Wednesday 28th September 2022

Mars trine Saturn.

Two days now with a brisk young Scorpio Moon adding her characteristic wilful intensity to proceedings. 05.30 This young accelerating Moon at 4 Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 4 Aries 05.49 Mars at 19 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 19.59 Jupiter at 3 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 18 Taurus In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,(just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024) The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning semi-square aspect is one of three, dates- May 11th, Sept 28th and Dec 24th, all in 2022. This waning semi-square is all about 'the formation of seeds for a new beginning'. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Always a good one when these two planets are involved.

Thursday 29th September 2022

02.09 The young Moon accelerating at 15 Scorpio opposition her mean ascending node at 15 Taurus (The northern hemisphere view is of low altitude, waxing Moon over the next 12 days or so. The view in the south will be of of a high altitude Moon.) 04.50 retro-Mercury, (now only 3 days from his direct station) at 25 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 07.30-09.00 Another fixed T-square involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus is manifest. 07.50 The young Moon accelerating at 18 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 18 Taurus 07.51 Venus enters Libra as a morning star joining the Sun in this sign residing here for a brief but fairly smooth 24 days. Venus opposes Jupiter on October 1st, coaxing lavish and indulgent whims. Venus trines Saturn on October 14th, a new proposal. Venus trines Mars on October 19th, excellent for male/female relationships. Venus squares Pluto, on October 20th, verging on 'sweet temptation'. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 29.5 degrees Libra on October 22nd, a 'Full Venus'. Venus enters Scorpio as an evening star on October 23rd. Venus is in Libra as Mars slows to a standstill in Gemini. Venus is the one in control. 08.58 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 09.47 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 20 Gemini 13.01 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 17.03 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 24 Pisces Dynamic planetary geometry is manifest during these hours. 18.58 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waxing sextile Mercury at 25 Virgo 21.20 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.75 hours

Friday 30th September 2022

04.05 The Moon enters Sagittarius. A 'free wheeling' atmosphere graces the next couple of days. 06.04 This waxing crescent Moon speeding and accelerating at 1 Sagittarius waxing sextile Venus at 1 Libra 09.39 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at 3 Aries 17.06 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius waxing sextile The Sun at 8 Libra

Saturday 1st October 2022

Venus opposite Jupiter.

October 2022 is an eclipse month. It starts with a sweet Libran Venus opposite Jupiter, which is 'full on social', and Mercury, about to station direct, opposite (but not perfecting) Neptune, which is like a mist which forms and then quickly rises. Another freewheeling optimistic day is in store with a waxing Sagittarian Moon adding zest and spirit to developments. There is fun to be had somewhere. It is astrologically very clear, and well documented, what has actually been happening to the UK chart recently. Saturn square Uranus, 2021's difficult aspect, is currently making a final 'last stand' in the sky. Uranus is opposite the UK 2nd house (of money) Neptune and Saturn is square it. Liz Truss has transitting Pluto opposite her Mercury, really too much to handle, not sure she can weather the storm. The UK progressed Moon has just entered Virgo initiating a 30 month period of repair, refinement and elimination of waste....just what is needed. 03.28 Mars now 29 days from the start of his retrograde hpase at 20 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 07.57 The Sun at 8 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 10.22 The Sun at 8 Libra waxing tri-decile Mars at 20 Gemini 11.44 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 18 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 12.49 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 15.04 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 20 Gemini 18.12 Venus at 3 Libra opposition Jupiter at 3 Aries 20.00-22.00 A Mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Neptune. 20.46 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 24 Pisces 21.47 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waxing square Mercury at 24 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for nearly 10 hours. 22.30 Venus at 3 Libra waxing bi-septile Mars at 20 Gemini

Sunday 2nd October 2022

This is a taking stock day. Mercury is stationary turning direct, a moment in time to find stillness of mind and contemplate what may be ahead. 00.00 Venus at 3 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 18 Taurus 07.39 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign and accelerates towards her first quarter phase. 08.58 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT. (Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023.) 11.42 Venus at 4 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 19 Aquarius 12.00-14.36 A Cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Jupiter. 12.38 The Moon at 3 Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 3 Aries 14.36 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waxing square Venus at 4 Libra

Monday 3rd October 2022

00.15 The Moon at First Quarter 08.59 The Moon at 15 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 14.37 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 18 Taurus 19.13 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 21 Gemini 23.31 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 24 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 11 degrees Libra. Venus is also in Libra. All of the planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto are retrograde. The major difficult aspect of 2021 is revisiting us. Saturn is square Uranus again and tightening, but will not reach exactitude. We have entered the foothills of a new eclipse season. There are 22 days to a Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio. The week ahead does not hold a lot of planetary activity but will witness a rapid build up to a 'spicy' Full Moon in Aries, opposite Venus and sextile Saturn, on Sunday. Mercury resides in Virgo as a morning star. Mercury stationed direct at 24 Virgo on October 2nd. He will trine Pluto a 3rd and final time on Oct 7th. He re-enters Libra on October 10th and opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, in new territory, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. This retrograde loop is dominated by Mercury in Virgo 'Earth trine' Pluto and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. The former aspect is constructive and selective. The Mercury Jupiter opposition across Libra/Aries is indicative of explosive opening up of plans and ideas. These two influences characterise the season ahead. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus entered Libra as a morning star last Thursday joining the Sun in this sign and residing here for a brief but fairly smooth 24 days. Venus trines Saturn on October 14th, a new proposal. Venus trines Mars on October 19th, excellent for male/female relationships. Venus squares Pluto, on October 20th, verging on 'sweet temptation'. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 29.5 degrees Libra on October 22nd, a 'Full Venus'. Venus enters Scorpio as an evening star on October 23rd. Venus is in Libra as Mars slows to a standstill in Gemini. Venus is the one in control. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde at 26 Capricorn. The retrograde period ends on October 8th with Pluto at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto first enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 4th October 2022

The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn are for the next two days all in Air signs. Only Neptune is in a water sign and only Jupiter is in Fire. Mercury Pluto and Uranus are in Earth. Symbolically we have cold dry winds. Interchange, communication, mediation, detachment and conceptualising are to the fore. Emotional creativity takes a bit of a back seat. What is building up, as well as the procession to the 'spicy' Full Moon in Aries on Sunday, is Mars square Neptune which slowly perfects in 8 days time and in the meantime punctuates all proceedings with characteristic 'crazy scenes'. 00.59 The very fast first quarter Moon accelerating at 24 Capricorn waxing trine Mercury at 24 Virgo 03.50 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.5 hours 10.22 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 14.49 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at 3 Aries 17.01 The Moon is at Perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 22.05 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waxing trine Venus at 7 Libra

Wednesday 5th October 2022

The main astro event today is the rather 'low key' Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn is currently in his final square aspect with Uranus. Uranian 'freedom fighting rebellion' versus Saturnine restriction. In correspondence to this on the world stage we see Russian forces already forced to retreat in Ukraine's north east now being pushed back in the south as well. Their latest military setbacks come as President Vladimir Putin was due to sign into force decrees annexing four Ukrainian regions, while war was raging in all four. Schoolgirls in Iran have been waving their headscarves in the air and chanting against clerical authorities, in an unprecedented show of support for the protests engulfing the country. In the UK Liz Truss's first Conservative Party conference as prime minister is being overshadowed by splits and rebellion among MPs and rows over policy. 03.41 Mercury at 25 Virgo waning biquintile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 06.32 The very rapidly waxing Moon at 12 Aquarius trine The Sun at 12 Libra 11.17 The Moon at 15 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic 11.57 The Sun at 12 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 18 Taurus 16.58 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 18 Taurus 18.01 The Moon at 19 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 19 Aquarius 19.59 Venus at 8 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 22.46 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 22 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for 14 hours

Thursday 6th October 2022

The astrological atmosphere of this day mellows a little as the waxing gibbous Moon dives into Pisces invoking the 'deep soulful momentum' of this Sun Libra Moon Pisces combination. Another Full Moon is just around the corner. It looks to be an enlivening affair. Lunar pressures are rising. 05.07 The rapidly waxing Moon now decelerating at 25 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 25 Virgo 09.37 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 12.49 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 13.06 The Sun at 13 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.43 The Sun at 13 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 7th October 2022

Mercury trine Pluto

Vladimir Putin is 70 today. Transiting Saturn is conjunct his lunar node. The revelation that this transit brings will surely toll loudly in his soul as to his bleak personal destiny and future. In preparing for this website's review of this coming Sunday's Full Moon, the Daze computer highlighted to me that this Full Moon falls directly on Thailand's Sun. I published a note of this hit two days ago and thought little about it. Yesterday an ex-policeman killed at least 37 people, most of them children, in a gun and knife attack at a childcare centre in north-east Thailand. Police say he then killed himself and his family after a manhunt following the attack in Nong Bua Lamphu province. This event is a shock to the 'heart of the nation', shown astrologically by its natal Sun. An awful event. (The chart used here is the 1782 Foundation of Bangkok Thailand chart from 'The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas.Campion'). Waxing gibbous piscean Moon invoking deep emotion today. 03.56 Mercury at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 05.28 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 10 Pisces waxing quincunx Venus at 10 Libra 10.07 Venus at 10 Libra waxing tri-decile Mars at 22 Gemini 12.55 The Moon at 14 Pisces waxing quincunx The Sun at 14 Libra 13.45 The Moon at 15 Pisces sextile her node at 15 Taurus from below the ecliptic 19.36 The Moon at 18 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 21.19 Mars at 22 Gemini waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 2 Aries

Saturday 8th October 2022

Interesting planetary geometry today, the almost Full Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are opposite Mercury sextile Pluto. 02.41 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning square Mars at 22 Gemini 04.40 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 09.15 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 11.11 The Moon at 27 Pisces opposition Mercury at 27 Virgo. The Moon is void of course for 4.8 hours 15.38 PLUTO TURNS DIRECT. Pluto stations and turns direct, immediately heading for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. In a small way what is ahead for us is heralded by Pluto's station tomorrow. 15.58 The Moon enters Aries, joining Jupiter in this sign. 19.37 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 2 Aries

Sunday 9th October 2022

Full Moon in Aries

00.49 Venus at 12 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 18 Taurus 14.21 The Moon at 13 Aries opposition Venus at 13 Libra 20.56 Moment of FULL MOON Full Moon is at 16/17 Aries sextile Saturn opposite Venus. This Full Moon is the 5th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 Scorpio on May 16th 2022 and the ultimate Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on November 8th 2022. With its passing we find ourselves truly in a new eclipse season. At this time Saturn is square Uranus but now separating, Mars applies slowly and strongly in square to Neptune, Mercury applies opposite Jupiter, Venus applies in superior conjunction with the Sun. Cardinality, Air and Earth predominate. Fixity and water are in short supply. This is a punchy, spicy Full moon, which agitates, catalyses and enlivens at a difficult time. At the exact moment of Full Moon today (20.55 GMT) the Sun is rising and the Moon is setting over Japan and at Darwin,Uranus sets at Sydney, there is a Saturn Uranus paran at Mumbai, Neptune rises at Santiago, Mars rises at Madrid, Saturn sets over the beleaguered Indus delta, Jupiter culminates at Kiev and at St Petersburg, the Moon culminates at Baghdad and at Gorki. Today's Full Moon hits Thailand's Sun, Angola's Jupiter, China's lunar node, the UK's Part of Fortune, (we need that), Nancy Peloski's and Sarah Palin's Jupiter. It opposes a whole raft of important charts, the USA Saturn, Vladimir Putin's Saturn, Donald Trump's Jupiter, Iran's Pluto, South Korea's Mars, (Ivanka Trump's Saturn), Germany's Ascendant, Emmanuel Macron's Pluto, Bill Gate's Mercury, Prince Charles' Venus, Italy's Jupiter, Jamaica's Moon, Mexico's Jupiter, Ireland's Saturn and Afghanistan's Venus. 22.48 Venus at 13 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn


Monday 10th October 2022

'Full Moon hangover' day. The Moon now moves on towards the Partial Eclipse of the Sun on October 25th. Mars is tightening on his 'crazy' square to Neptune, exact tomorrow. This aspect explains the manifestation of any confusing scenes today. 00.49 The waning full Moon decelerating at 19 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 01.40 Venus at 13 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 08.15 The Moon at 23 Aries waning sextile Mars at 23 Gemini 14.03 The Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 7 hours 20.47 The Moon at 30 Aries waning quincunx Mercury at 30 Virgo 21.05 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign 23.52 Mercury enters Libra joining the Sun and Libra in this sign. (see below) STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 17 degrees Libra. From today Mercury and Venus are also in Libra. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. We have entered a new eclipse season. There are 15 days to a Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio. Mercury, now direct after recent retrograde will reside in Libra from tonight. He opposes Jupiter for a 3rd and final time on October 12th. Mercury leaves his shadow on October 17th. Then, leaving his shadow, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus is a morning star in Libra residing here for a brief but fairly smooth 24 days. Venus trines Saturn on October 14th, a new proposal. Venus trines Mars on October 19th, excellent for male/female relationships. Venus squares Pluto, on October 20th, verging on 'sweet temptation'. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 29.5 degrees Libra on October 22nd, a 'Full Venus'. Venus enters Scorpio as an evening star on October 23rd. Venus is in Libra as Mars slows to a standstill in Gemini. Venus is the one in control. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mars squares Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto stationed and turns direct last Saturday, and immediately headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 11th October 2022

Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces is the dominant astrological theme now, intensifying all activity with potential chaos. Crazy scenes. 09.14 The Sun at 18 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 23.45 The decelerating waning full Moon conjunction her ascending node at 14 Taurus

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Sun trine Saturn

Mars square Neptune

Mercury opposite Jupiter

The Mars Neptune square currently peaking (the 1st of 3 over the next 6 months) in the sky has corresponded, starting 2 days ago, with Russia, launching waves of attacks on cities across Ukraine in what is seen as an escalation of the war. There were further attacks yesterday-in the western city of Lviv, energy facilities were hit, causing widespread power blackouts. The southern city of Zaporizhzhia was shelled again, and there were strikes on the central-eastern region of Dnipropetrovsk. People across Ukraine have been advised to stay in shelters. Russia's decision to use some of its 'dwindling stocks' of precision strike weapons against civilian targets rather than key military capabilities makes it less likely Russia will achieve its wider war aims, a senior research leader with think tank RAND Europe said yesterday. As I said- 'crazy scenes'. Lots of planetary acivity going on at the start of today, including another lunar occultation of Uranus. 01.07 The Sun at 19 Libra waning trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 02.29 The decelerating and waning full Moon at 16 Taurus waning quincunx Venus at 16 Libra 05.47 Mars at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces This is the first blast of three over the next 5 months. The dates are October 12th, Nov 19th and 14th March. 06.21 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 18 Taurus. This is the 10th of a series of 15 lunar occultations of Uranus. Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (0.07 degrees) 07.44 GMT 07.25 Mercury at 2 Libra opposition Jupiter at 2 Aries 07.37 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 08.11 The Moon at 19 Taurus waning quincunx The Sun at 19 Libra 10.15 The Sun at 19 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.26 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.43 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The moon is void of course for nearly 7.5 hours

Thursday 13th October 2022

Venus trine Saturn

We are journeying emphatically more deeply into a new eclipse season. We are 12 days from the Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse. This eclipse looks to me to be an event of fiscal dramas and love mysteries. The eclipsed Sun will be conjunct Venus in Scorpio, quite an intense affair but not without sweetness. The following Total Lunar Eclipse in 26 days time is somewhat more difficult, being hooked into the receding Saturn Uranus square. In the meantime with the Moon entering Gemini today, we now have 2 days with 6 bodies, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn all in Air signs. There is an ease of communication in the ether. Venus is making a trine to Saturn now, this is 'proposal territory'. This is a good time to seize opportunities with confidence. 05.10 The decelerating and slowly waning full Moon enters Gemini joining Mars in this sign. Her residence here is largely favourable. 06.01 Mercury at 3 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 18 Taurus 08.09 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Jupiter at 2 Aries 11.30 The Moon at 3 Gemini waning trine Mercury at 3 Libra 15.19 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 16.58 Venus at 18 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 17.42 Mercury at 4 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 19 Aquarius

Friday 14th October 2022

The Moon and Mars are in Gemini. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Libra, Saturn is in Aquarius...an abundance of 'Air'. It's good to talk. 06.21 Venus at 19 Libra waning trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 13.19 Venus at 19 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.00-04.12 An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Mars and Saturn. A smooth wave of plentiful communications. 17.33 The slow, decelerating disseminating Moon at 19 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 18.31 The Sun at 21 Libra waning quad-novile Jupiter at 1 Aries 18.46 Mars at 24 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 18 Taurus 18.52 The Moon at 19 Gemini waning trine Venus at 19 Libra 23.24 The Moon at 22 Gemini waning trine The Sun at 22 Libra

Saturday 15th October 2022

02.47 The slowly moving, decelerating, disseminating Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces 04.12 The Moon conjunction Mars at 24 Gemini. The Moon is then void of course for 12 hours. 08.26 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 13.38 The Sun at 22 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 18 Taurus 16.12 The Moon enters Cancer 18.45 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing square Jupiter at 1 Aries 23.33 Mercury at 7 Libra waxing bi-septile Mars at 24 Gemini

Sunday 16th October 2022

Home and family day. 07.19 The slowly waning Moon decelerating towards her last quarter phase at 8 Cancer waning square Mercury at 8 Libra 07.23 Venus at 21 Libra waning quad-novile Jupiter at 1 Aries 15.40 The Sun at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.39 Mercury, almost out of his shadow after recent retrograde motion, at 8 Libra, waning tri-decile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 20.53 The Moon at 14 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic

Monday 17th October 2022

Sun trine Mars.

In the early-morning hours of 14 October 2022, astronomers using the Gemini South telescope in Chile observed the unprecedented aftermath of one of the most powerful explosions ever recorded, Gamma-Ray Burst GRB221009A. This record-shattering event, which was first detected on 9 October 2022 by orbiting X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes, occurred 2.4 billion light-years from Earth and was likely triggered by a supernova explosion giving birth to a black hole. The GRB, identified as GRB 221009A, occurred approximately 2.4 billion light-years away in the direction of the constellation Sagitta. (Zodiac coordinates 24 degrees Capricorn). It was first detected the morning of 9 October by X-ray and gamma-ray space telescopes, including NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, and the Wind spacecraft. A slowly waning Moon in Cancer casts a sensitive finely balanced homely glow over a day which is essentially good for beginning the careful execution of long held plans. It's almost time to set into motion both action and expedition. Mercury is out of his shadow from today so we can, with impunity, make some progress. We are however in the mysterious realms of an eclipse season, so some unlooked for changes and developments are inevitable right now. The Sun is trine Mars tonight so today conjures up an atmosphere conducive to making cautious advances. Tomorrow there is more courage to tap in to. 00.55 Venus at 22 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 18 Taurus 04.10 The very slowly waning Moon at 18 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 18 Taurus 05.45 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius 10.21 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 14.00-21.00 A Cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun, Venus and Pluto. The crux of the day, seven important hours. 14.15 The Moon at 23 Cancer waning square Venus at 23 Libra 15.05 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.16 The Moon at cardinal Last Quarter Crisis of consciousness. 20.57 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for 7.8 hours 22.01 Venus at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 22.06 The Sun at 25 Libra waxing trine Mars at 25 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 24 degrees Libra. Mercury and Venus are also in Libra. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. We are in a new eclipse season. There are 8 days to a Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio, and 22 days from a difficult Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The Sun enters Scorpio next Sunday. The week ahead is dominated by both the Sun and Venus in late Libra being in square aspect to Pluto. A definite sense of 'no going back' is manifest. Mercury, now direct after recent retrograde motion, resides in Libra. Mercury leaves his shadow today. Then, leaving his shadow, Mercury trines Saturn on October 23rd. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus is a morning star in Libra residing here for a brief but fairly smooth 24 days. Venus trines Mars on October 19th, excellent for male/female relationships. Venus squares Pluto, on October 20th, verging on 'sweet temptation'. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 29.5 degrees Libra on October 22nd, a 'Full Venus'. Venus enters Scorpio as an evening star on October 23rd. Venus is in Libra as Mars slows to a standstill in Gemini. Venus is the one in control. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mars squared Neptune for the 1st time on Oct 12th. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra both trine Mars October 17th-19th. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto stationed and turns direct last Saturday, and immediately headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 18th October 2022

04.46 The very slowly waning Moon enters Leo 06.45 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing trine Jupiter at 1 Aries 22.52 Mercury now out of his shadow at 12 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 18 Taurus Moving on!

Wednesday 19th October 2022

Venus trine Mars

Sun square Pluto

6 days to the partial solar eclipse in Scorpio. Venus is almost at Superior conjunction with the Sun in late Libra, unfortunately both square Pluto. Today starts reasonably smoothly with Venus trine Mars, but there is following on from this, an underlying wave of 'power plays' manifesting as the Sun-Venus square Pluto aspect starts to bite. The cardinal T-square manifest 16.00 to 18.00 adds more tension to proceedings. A few tricky customers are in the picture today, and even treachery could manifest. Best bat carefully. 02.21 Venus at 25 Libra waxing trine Mars at 25 Gemini 05.16 The slow last quarter Moon accelerating at 12 Leo waning sextile Mercury at 12 Libra 09.04 The Moon at 14 Leo squares her node from north of the equator. 13.34 The Sun at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 13.34 Mercury at 13 Libra waxing tri-decile Mars at 25 Gemini 16.00-18.00 A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus. 16.18 The Moon at 18 Leo waxing square Uranus at 18 Taurus 18.00 The Moon at 19 Leo opposition Saturn at 19 Aquarius 19.30 Mercury at 13 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.04 Mercury at 13 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 22.42 The Sun at 27 Libra waning tri-septile Jupiter at 1 Aries

Thursday 20th October 2022

The UK government is appearing to implode in perfect timing with the difficult Sun and Venus squaring Pluto aspects sounding out. Also in the mix are very dangerous vibrations emerging from all involved in the Ukraine drama. 5 days now to the Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. We can expect a salacious start to this day with Venus squaring Pluto, and this energy will linger and become part of the eclipse story we are all (largely unwittingly) involved in. This day however quickly moves on and ends on a practical, hopefully repairing, 'Moon in Virgo' note. 03.03 The slowly waning Moon accelerating at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 06.03 Venus at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 06.24 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 25 Gemini 08.54 The Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 09.13 The Moon at 26 Leo waning sextile Venus at 26 Libra 10.36 The Moon at 27 Leo waning sextile The Sun at 27 Libra. The Moon is void of course for 5.9 hours 12.05 Venus at 26 Libra waning tri-septile Jupiter at 1 Aries 16.27 The Moon enters Virgo 17.50 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 1 Aries

Friday 21st October 2022

Four days to the Scorpio eclipse. Main stream practicality for the next 2 days with an old Virgo Moon holding sway. Good hours for careful deliberation regarding choices ahead and of course for just getting on with jobs that need doing. 02.47 The Sun at 28 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 18 Taurus 11.16 Venus at 28 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 18 Taurus 18.08 The accelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse now starts in earnest. 19.22 The Moon at 14 Virgo trines her node at from north of the ecliptic.

Saturday 22nd October 2022

Superior conjunction of Venus.

The Sun and Venus are conjunct at the very end of Libra. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra. The Sun (with Venus) enter Scorpio tomorrow. There are now only 3 days to the Partial Solar Eclipse. 02.20 The balsamic Moon accelerating at 18 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 18 Taurus 04.07 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius 11.25 Mercury at 18 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 12.00-16.30 A loose mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune. 12.38 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces 13.28 The Sun at 29 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.03 Venus at 29 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.28 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing square Mars at 25 Gemini 18.18 The Moon at 26 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 7 hours. 21.18 The Sun is in Superior Conjunction with Venus at 29 Libra.

Sunday 23rd October 2022

The Sun and Venus slide into Scorpio.

Saturn turns direct

2 days to the Partial solar Eclipse. A day of astrological changes is in store. Saturn stations direct. (This planet right now, full of power, is slap bang on Putin's lunar node, it squares the UK's Neptune and squares the Iran MC.) Venus and the Sun ingress Scorpio. Fate and fortune intensify. Stand alert and aware to the new energies emerging today. On the more mundane level the Libra Moon casts an affable, diplomatic and sociable hue onto proceedings over the next couple of days. Just a little taste of the powerfully charming side of Scorpio. 01.01 Mercury, who will also enter Scorpio in 6 days time, is today at 19 Libra waning trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 01.26 The balsamic Moon accelerates into Libra joining Mercury in this sign. 02.06 SATURN TURNS DIRECT and begins his final push to get out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. 02.18 The Moon at zero Libra opposition Jupiter at zero Aries 04.24 Mercury at 19 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.54 Venus enters Scorpio as an evening star. She has a difficult run here at first, particularly around Nov 5th-7th as Venus opposes Uranus on Nov 5th, and squares Saturn two days later on Nov 7th. We can expect disorienting influences at that time which happens just before the Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov 8th. Then her journey in the battlefield of emotion, that is Scorpio, eases somewhat. Venus trines Neptune on Nov 10th, a beautiful, artistic, musical, spiritual vibration. Venus sextiles Pluto on Nov 13th, power for good change. Venus trines Jupiter on Nov 15th, bountiful and fortunate. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 16th. 10.37 The Sun enters Scorpio and a new astrological month begins. Following a similar journey to Venus, the Sun hooks into the now separating square aspect of Uranus and Saturn adversely dominating the difficult Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov 8th. He opposes Uranus on Nov 9th and squares Saturn on Nov 11th. Then his fortunes takes a turn for the better, he trines Neptune on Nov 15th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 19th and finally trines Jupiter on Nov 21st entering Sagittarius the day after Nov 22nd. 15.58 Venus at zero Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 0 Aries 19.09 Venus at 1 Scorpio waning tri-decile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 20.21 The Sun at zero Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at zero Aries

Monday 24th October 2022

Lunar occultation of Mercury.

We have arrived at the last day before a Partial Eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio. The balsamic Moon in Libra occults Mercury this afternoon (GMT) centred on the region shown in the map below. 00.48 The Sun at 1 Scorpio waning tri-decile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 02.28 Mercury at 20 Libra waning quad-novile Jupiter at 0 Aries 09.18 The ancient accelerating Moon at 18 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 18 Taurus 11.09 The Moon at 19 Libra waning trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 16.02 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 21 Libra. 19.07 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 22.58 Mercury at 22 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 18 Taurus 23.13 The Moon at 25 Libra waxing trine Mars at 25 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at zero Scorpio. Venus is also in Scorpio. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. We are deep in an eclipse season on the eve of a Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio, and 15 days from a difficult Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. There are 60 days to the Capricorn Solstice. Mercury, now direct and clear of his shadow after recent retrograde motion, resides in Libra. He trines Mars and squares Pluto on October 27th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on Oct 29th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus, now an evening star, is in Scorpio. She has a difficult run here at first, particularly around Nov 5th-7th as Venus opposes Uranus on Nov 5th, and squares Saturn two days later on Nov 7th. We can expect disorienting influences at that time which happens just before the Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov 8th. Then her journey in the battlefield of emotion, that is Scorpio, eases somewhat. Venus trines Neptune on Nov 10th, a beautiful, artistic, musical, spiritual vibration. Venus sextiles Pluto on Nov 13th, power for good change. Venus trines Jupiter on Nov 15th, bountiful and fortunate. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 16th.Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now in Gemini and remains here till March 25th 2023. Mars retrograde dates:- October 30th 2022 to January 12th 2023. Mars entered his pre-retrograde shadow on September 3rd 2022, at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30th 2022, at 26 degrees Gemini. Mars turns direct on Jan 12th 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini. The post retrograde period lasts until March 15th 2023, at 26 degrees Gemini. He squares Neptune 3 times during this period and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The itinerary. Mercury trines Mars October 27th. Mars stations and turns retrograde at 26 degrees Gemini on October 30th. Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022. 'Chapter one' of this residence is then over. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022, commencing chapter 2. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one. Jupiter was last in Aries June to Sept 2010 and Jan to June 2011 if you want to check out what was happening to you then. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto stationed and turns direct last Saturday, and immediately headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 25th October 2022

Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

October 25th 2022

Observable (with eye protection) from the UK


Partial Solar Eclipse 2 degrees Scorpio 11:00 GMT visible from the UK.

We have arrived at the day of a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The experience may well be positive if not a little intense. The Scorpio themes of transformation and renewal are very much part and parcel of the event. 00.36 The Moon at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.75 hours 07.20 The Moon enters Scorpio joining the Sun and Venus in this sign. 07.47 The Moon at zero Scorpio waning quincunx Jupiter at 0 Aries 08.58 ECLIPSE STARTS 10.49 Moment of NEW MOON Moment of greatest eclipse 11.01 NEW MOON in Scorpio closely conjunct Venus. Closest conjunction Moon Venus (0.48 degrees) 10.53 GMT This eclipse occurs as Saturn separates from his final square to Uranus, suggesting recent difficulties are beginning to fade. Mars is square Neptune, Mercury is trine Mars and square Pluto. Crimes of passion and warfare abound. Water and Air dominate, 'fizz, bubble and surf'. Mutable and Fire energy is low, entrenchment and solidification of purpose evident. A Grand Air Trine involving Mercury, Mars and Saturn is manifest. Today's eclipse has an intense, passionate and sexual quality. It is an eclipse of love mysteries and fiscal dramas. Willpower and idealism pervade the event, as do formulations and ease of communication. At the moment of greatest eclipse the Sun, Moon and Venus align to Munich, Oslo, Florence, Mandalay and Quito. Pluto is at lower culmination 'under' Cuba, Pluto rises at Donetsk in Ukraine. Mars sets over western Europe. Saros series 124 This eclipse is member 55 of 73 eclipses in Saros series 124. This family of eclipses started on March 6th 1049 with an eclipse in Pisces conjunct Venus. The series peaked in 1734 AD and is now old and has entered its final partial phase. This eclipse is the 2nd of these final partial eclipses. The last eclipse of the Saros series was in October 2004, before that October 1986 which was a 'hybrid' eclipse, the one before that in September 1968 which was the last of the Total eclipses in the series. The nature of this Saros, as defined by time of this first eclipse, (chart above), is geared to determining faith. The chart has a tight 'mystic rectangle' involving Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Difficult planetary oppositions are given positive focus, rendering a 'healing' potential. This is strongly 'polarised' chart invoking opposing forces. Struggle and sacrifice and dissolution are interwoven into its fabric. Each of the 73 eclipses in this Saros have this fundamental frequency and underlying character. One week after the 1986 eclipse was the San Salvador Earthquake. One day after the 1968 eclipse saw the end of the lengthy 'Tet offensive' in the Vietnam War. Three days after the 1950 was the Battle of Inchon in the Korean War. The 1918 eclipse occurred only 24 days into World War one and coincided with the defeat of the french by the Germans at the Battle of Rossignol and was followed throughout August of that year with the 'North American Heat wave'. Today's eclipse directly hits the natal Sun of Hilary Clinton, John Cleese, Wayne Rooney, Jon Anderson and Katy Perry (conjunct Pluto), the Moon of Eric Clapton, Bono and Boris Johnson, the Mercury of Kamala Harris, the Mars of Brazil, Shirley Bassey, Adrian Chiles, the Jupiter of Haiti, Ed. Milliband and Andy Burham (opposite his Saturn), the Saturn, very tightly, of Jimmy Carter, the Neptune of Iraq, Nasa, Madonna and Kate Bush, the Pluto of the FTSE and Crown Prince Salmon and the Ascendant of Vladimir Putin. The eclipse sextiles Rishi Sunak's Mars Jupiter conjunction, and trines Xi Jingpin's Mars. 12.05 The Moon at 3 Scorpio conjunction Venus at 3 Scorpio 13.02 ECLIPSE ENDS After the eclipse is over and in its wake the intense Scorpio atmosphere continues for 2 days. During this time Mercury tightens on his air trine to Mars, exact early on Thursday (GMT). Actions in the hours ahead are deliberate, purposeful and effective. Words are weapons. 16.30 Mercury at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces

Wednesday 26th October 2022

We are in the wake of yesterday's eclipse. The intense 'Sun, Moon and Venus in Scorpio' atmosphere continues all day. Mercury tightens on his 'muscle and mind in synch' air trine to Mars, exact early tomorrow (GMT). Mars is very slow however as he approaches his retrograde station on Sunday. We are now in the period between eclipses. Deepest eclipse season territory this, it's as if every thought, word, wish and action has power. The very fabric of the time is very sensitive to impression. Conduct your business with reverence and respect to the cosmos. Rishi Sunak became UK PM at 11.31 (BBC announcement) yesterday as the eclipse was underway and approaching its climax. Chart below. 07.10 The fast moving infant new Moon accelerating at 14 Scorpio opposes her ascending node at 14 Taurus 13.35 The Moon at 17 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 17 Taurus 15.31 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 23.05 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces

Thursday 27th October 2022

Mercury trine Mars

03.20 The fast moving young Moon accelerating at 26 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 26 Gemini 03.37 Mercury at 26 Libra waxing trine an almost stationary Mars at 26 Gemini 04.28 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6.5 hours 07.23 Mercury at 26 Libra waning tri-septile Jupiter at zero Aries 10.56 The Moon enters Sagittarius accompanied with spirited breakthroughs and breakaways. 11.02 The Moon at zero Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at zero Aries 13.09 Mercury at 26 Libra waning square Pluto at 26 Capricorn 22.04 Venus at 6 Scorpio waning bi-septile Saturn at 19 Aquarius

Friday 28th October 2022

The young Moon races through Sagittarius today. Total Lunar Eclipse in 11 days time. Mars almost at a standstill. Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces. Stand and deliver. 02.57 Venus at 6 Scorpio waning biquintile Jupiter at 0 Aries 05.12 Jupiter re-enters Pisces and joins Neptune in this sign for a final 'salty sea-dog' fling, for six weeks. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022. 19.17 The Moon sextiles Saturn. 21.20 The Moon reaches her crescent phase.

Saturday 29th October 2022

Ten days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Waxing crescent Moon flashing through Sagittarius then crashes into Capricorn at full throttle. Mars turning stationary tomorrow. 01.38 The very fast moving and accelerating crescent Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 04.57 Mercury at 29 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 05.20 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waning bi-septile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 06.00 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius opposition an almost stationary Mars at 26 Gemini 08.38 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waning biquintile Jupiter at 30 Pisces 12.34 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mercury at 30 Libra 13.11 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 30 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for only 13 mins. 13.23 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign. 14.48 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 16.18 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 16.46 Venus at 8 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.33 Mercury at 30 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 30 Pisces 19.24 Mercury enters Scorpio joining the Sun and Venus in this sign. These three bodies remain in Scorpio for 18 days 'till Nov 16th when Venus leaves Scorpio followed by Mercury the next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on the day of the Total Lunar eclipse Nov 8th, he then runs the gauntlet, with the Sun, of opposing Uranus on November 9th and squaring Saturn on Nov 10th. That over it is a fine run. He trines Neptune on Nov 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 15th and finally trines Jupiter on Nov 16th. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 17th.

Sunday 30th October 2022

9 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Scorpio. Mars is retrograde in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023 . 00.21 The very fast moving crescent Moon at 7 Capricorn waxing sextile The Sun at 7 Scorpio 03.42 The Moon at 9 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 9 Scorpio 04.25 Mercury at 1 Scorpio waning tri-decile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 12.00 The Moon at 14 Capricorn trine the lunar node at 14 Taurus 13.35 MARS TURNS RETROGRADE. The warrior holds back his horses, retreat is almost inevitable. The war of words, indicated by Mars in Gemini, falters. 18.22 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 17 Taurus

Monday 31st October 2022

9 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Scorpio. Mars is now retrograde. 03.52 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon now decelerating at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 08.20 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning quincunx retro-Mars at 26 Gemini 09.23 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 26 Capricorn 09.52 The Sun at 8 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.15 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 30 Pisces, the Moon is void of course for half an hour. 15.44 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 18.56 Venus at 11 Scorpio waxing sesuiquadrate retro-Mars at 26 Gemini 21.37 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waxing square Mercury at 3 Scorpio STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 8 degrees Scorpio. Venus and Mercury are also in Scorpio. These three bodies remain in Scorpio for another 17 days 'till Nov 16th when Venus leaves Scorpio followed by Mercury the next day. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. We are deeply immersed in an eclipse season between the Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio last Tuesday, and the difficult Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus and square saturn, one week tomorrow. There are 52 days to the Capricorn Solstice. Mercury, now direct and clear of his shadow after recent retrograde motion, resides in Scorpio. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on the day of the Total Lunar eclipse Nov 8th. He then runs the gauntlet, with the Sun, of opposing Uranus on November 9th and squaring Saturn on Nov 10th. Once that's over it is a fine run. He trines Neptune on Nov 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 15th and finally trines Jupiter on Nov 16th. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 17th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus, now an evening star, is in Scorpio. She has a difficult run here at first, particularly around Nov 5th-7th as Venus opposes Uranus on Nov 5th, and squares Saturn two days later on Nov 7th. We can expect disorienting influences at that time which happens just before the Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov 8th. Then her journey in 'the battlefield of emotion', that is Scorpio, eases somewhat. Venus trines Neptune on Nov 10th, a beautiful, artistic, musical, spiritual vibration. Venus sextiles Pluto on Nov 13th, power for good change. Venus trines Jupiter on Nov 15th, bountiful and fortunate. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 16th. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now retrograde in Gemini and remains retrograde till January 12th 2023 then at 8 degrees Gemini. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto stationed and turns direct last Saturday, and immediately headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. There is a partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio conjunct Venus on Oct 25th 2022. This eclipse is visible from Europe, including the UK as a minor visual event, north east Africa the Middle East and India There is another Total Lunar eclipse in 2022 on November 8th at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus square Saturn, (quite a shocker). This is a daytime (non-visible) event for the UK. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. This is followed by a partial lunar eclipse 28th-29th Oct 2023 visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 1st November 2022

This month starts with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio clustered around the south lunar node. Deeply immersed in the eclipse season, we have been witness to two tragic and accidental events. Over 150 people died in a crush in Seoul, when huge crowds gathered in a popular nightlife area for Halloween. Most victims were teenagers and adults in their 20s and the crush began in a narrow alley when people in a crowd fell over. See Majorie Orr's piece on this and its connection to the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse. Dozens died after a bridge collapsed in India's western state of Gujarat. A video posted on social media shows people climbing up netted wire remains of the bridge to escape the water. Reports say as many as 400 people were on the structure at the time. Rescue efforts are ongoing. The incident comes just days after the bridge was reopened following repairs. Certainly an unwieldy Total Lunar Eclipse is only 7 days away. Eclipses cast 'astrological shadows' before and after in time. 06.38 The Moon at First Quarter 11.05 The Moon decelerating at 11 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 11 Scorpio 14.24 The Moon at 13 Aquarius squares her node from south of the ecliptic 20.54 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 17 Taurus 23.23 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 19 Aquarius

Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Six days from the Total Lunar Eclipse. This Scorpio month is deepening and darkening by the day as we move relentlessly on into the oncoming lunar shadow. Today really does melt into fathomless oceans of emotion as the Moon ingresses Pisces at 18.48 GMT. 04.10 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waning biquintile Jupiter at 30 Pisces 07.19 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waning bi-septile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 11.09 The decelerating first quarter Moon at 26 Aquarius waning trine retro-Mars at 26 Gemini. The Moon is void of course for 7.6 hours 13.44 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.48 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 23.07 Venus at 13 Scorpio opposition the lunar node at 13 Taurus 23.41 The Sun at 11 Scorpio waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 26 Gemini

Thursday 3rd November 2022

The Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are all in Pisces. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio. Six bodies are in water signs. Deep emotions rule the roost right now, intensity and penetration the counterparts. In addition to this watery backdrop something more potent is manifest and is tightening. The Sun, Venus and Mercury grouped in Scorpio are in Fixed T-square with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. The forthcoming Total Lunar Eclipse next Tuesday aligns to this pertinent planetary pattern. The days we are living through now are coloured by these harsh astrological energies. The eclipse ahead is not an easy one. Maybe in correspondence to this, North and South Korea have fired a number of missiles into waters near each other's coasts in a marked escalation of hostilities. Mysterious November. 07.44 The first quarter decelerating Moon, 5 days from Lunar Eclipse, at 8 Pisces waxing trine Mercury at 8 Scorpio 13.32 Mercury at 8 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 23 Pisces 14.01 The Moon at 11 Pisces waxing trine The Sun at 11 Scorpio 17.18 Venus at 14 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 17.47 The Moon at 13 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 19.44 The Moon at 14 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 14 Scorpio 21.16 Venus at 14 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 29 Pisces

Friday 4th November 2022

00.29 The waxing decelerating Moon at 17 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 17 Taurus 10.34 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 15.03 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning square retro-Mars at 25 Gemini 16.34 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 18.22 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Tuesday's Total Lunar Eclipse now starts in earnest and dominates the weekend ahead and the days that follow. High times. 22.06 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for just over an hour. 23.09 The Moon enters Aries

Saturday 5th November 2022

Venus opposite Uranus

From today up to the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in 3 days time the Sun, Mercury and Venus oppose Uranus square Saturn in Fixed T-square. Lunar tensions are rising. The Venus Uranus component of this planetary pattern rings out today. Love disruption, unusual attachments, deviation of affection, fiscal instability....all possible. Intense Scorpio Sun, brazen Aries Moon. 02.02 Mercury at 10 Scorpio waxing sesuiquadrate retro-Mars at 25 Gemini 15.22 The Sun at 13 Scorpio opposition the lunar node at 13 Taurus Eclipse season phenomena. 19.49 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 12 Aries waxing quincunx Mercury at 12 Scorpio 22.23 Venus at 17 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 17 Taurus 23.16 The Moon at 14 Aries waxing quincunx The Sun at 14 Scorpio

Sunday 6th November 2022

Two days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Mounting eclipse anticipation pervades the biosphere. Intense rampant energy. The eclipse occurs just hours ahead of Tuesday's USA midterm elections. 06.24 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 17 Aries waxing quincunx Venus at 17 Scorpio 08.44 The Moon at 19 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 18.10 The Sun at 14 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 29 Pisces 18.21 Mercury at 13 Scorpio opposition the lunar node at 13 Taurus 18.28 The Sun at 14 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 20.30 The Moon at 25 Aries waning sextile Mars at 25 Gemini 22.30 The Moon at 26 Aries waxing square Pluto at 26 Capricorn. The Moon is void for 6.8 hours

Monday 7th November 2022

Venus square Saturn

02.45 to 03.28 Lunar occultation of omicron Pisces observable from the UK 05.16 The nearly full Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 07.34 Venus at 19 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 10.45 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio. We are at a 'cross quarter day', midway between Equinox and Solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere we enter the darkest quarter of the year, the season of 'fading', in the Southern Hemisphere it is the start of early summer. 11.12 Mercury at 14 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 29 Pisces 12.08 Mercury at 14 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 14.26 Venus at 19 Scorpio waxing biquintile Mars at 25 Gemini The Moon is Full. STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 15 degrees Scorpio. Venus and Mercury are also in Scorpio. These three bodies remain in Scorpio till Nov 16th when Venus leaves Scorpio followed by Mercury the next day. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. We are deeply immersed in an intense eclipse season between the Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Venus in early Scorpio on October 25th, and a difficult Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, tomorrow. There are 45 days to the Capricorn Solstice. Mercury resides in Scorpio. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun tomorrow. He then runs the gauntlet, with the Sun, of opposing Uranus on November 9th and squaring Saturn on Nov 10th. Once that's over it is a fine run. He trines Neptune on Nov 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 15th and finally trines Jupiter on Nov 16th. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 17th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus, now an evening star, is in Scorpio. She has a difficult run here currently, as Venus opposed Uranus on Nov 5th, and squares Saturn today. We can subject right now to disorienting influences. Then her journey in Scorpio, eases somewhat. Venus trines Neptune on Nov 10th, a beautiful, artistic, musical, spiritual vibration. Venus sextiles Pluto on Nov 13th, power for good change. Venus trines Jupiter on Nov 15th, bountiful and fortunate. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 16th. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now retrograde in Gemini and remains retrograde till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingers with a slight return in early October 2022 and finally with tomorrow's eclipse. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto stationed and turns direct last Saturday, and immediately headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. The next Total Solar Eclipse is on 20 April 2023 visible from the Far East Indies. There is a penumbral lunar eclipse on 5-6th May 2023. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The following eclipse in 2023 is a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus Oct 28th-29th visible from Europe. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 8th November 2022

Total Lunar eclipse in Taurus

Superior Conjunction of Mercury


November 8th 2022

Total Lunar Eclipse 16 degrees Taurus 10:59 GMT

05.29 The almost Full Moon at 13 Taurus conjunction her node at 13 Taurus 10.44 The Moon at 16 Taurus opposition Mercury at 16 Scorpio 11.03 Moment of FULL MOON This Total Lunar Eclipse is conjunct Uranus opposite Mercury square Saturn, arrayed in Fixed T-square. This is a difficult eclipse, a tough nut. Venus squares Saturn and trines Neptune. Jupiter applies in sextile aspect to Pluto. Mars is retrograde. Fixed Water predominates, Cardinal and Fire energy is lacking. This is 'unrepentant thief' astrology. Opinions and willfulness are resolute and entrenched with this one. There are difficult changes woven into its fabric. TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE (GMT) Penumbral eclipse starts 08:02:17 Umbral eclipse starts 09:09:12 Totality starts 10:16:39 Greatest Eclipse 11:00:22 Totality ends 11:41:37 Umbral eclipse ends 12:49:03 Penumbral eclipse ends 13:56:08 LUNAR SAROS 136 Lunar Saros series 136 started on April 13th 1680 with a penumbral eclipse in Libra at the North Pole. The chart set for the central eclipse moment of this first eclipse is shown above. The chart is set for the UK. The series lasts for 1280 years, ending in 2960. The series went Total in 1950, today's eclipse is the 5th Total Eclipse in the series and it is the 20th of the 72 eclipses in the series. The Saros peaks in 2293 AD. The last eclipse in the series was in October 2004,before that October 1986, before that it occurred in the Autumns of 1968, 1950, 1932, and 1914. The 'root' Saros chart for this series of eclipses has the volatile combination of Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Cancer. Saturn is also in Cancer. Always looked to be a bit of a brute to me. There is much power associated with this Saros, for good or ill. The Saros is young and potent. 5 days after the 2004 eclipse GW Bush was re-elected. Six days before the 1986 eclipse Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev met at the end of the Cold War-a good one. The Northern Ireland 'troubles' started on the eve of the 1968 eclipse, with a police 'baton charge' in Derry. Five days later Apollo 7 was launched. On the exact day of the 1950 eclipse Indonesia was admitted to the United Nations. The annexation of Tibet occurred 11 days after this eclipse. Mahatma Gandhi's hunger strikes started 6 days after the 1932 eclipse. The 1932 Soviet Famine started with this eclipse. At the time of the 1914 eclipse World War One was picking up speed and momentum, really getting going. ASTROCARTOGRAPHY At the moment of greatest eclipse today, the Sun, Moon and Mercury are aligned to Oslo (also hit by the eclipse 2 weeks ago), and Omsk. Pluto rises at Moscow. Neptune culminates at Tokyo, Mars is at lower culmination at Tehran, Mars sets over the UK. Today's eclipse directly hits the Sun of George Clooney, Tony Blair and the UK Daily Mail, the Moon of Joan Collins and Emmanuel Macron, the Mercury of the Sri Lanka Republic, Cher, the Mars of Liz Truss, Cuba, Jeremy Corbyn and Madonna, the Jupiter of Boris Johnson (opposite his Neptune), and Sophie Wessex, the Pluto of Germany, the UK Tory Party and Canada, the Ascendant of Ivory Coast and Hong Kong, and the MC of Morocco. The eclipse opposes the Gaza Strip's Sun, the Mars and Uranus of Dimitry Madvedev, the MC of Sudan, the Neptune of Kenya and the Saturn of Katy Perry, it squares the UK Venus. 12.48 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 17 Taurus Closest conjunction Moon Uranus (0.44 degrees) 12.58 GMT 16.20 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 16.43 The Superior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 16 Scorpio A 'Full Mercury', climax of the Universal mind. 19.51 The Moon at 21 Taurus opposition Venus at 21 Scorpio 23.55 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces

Wednesday 9th November 2022

Sun and Mercury opposite Uranus

From today and for the remainder of the month Mercury and Venus remain within 3 degrees. Some merry making is possible with this conjunction but firstly we have to deal with some tricky eclipse fallout over the next three days. 02.41 Mercury at 17 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 17 Taurus. (Eclipse fallout). 06.39 The slowly waning and decelerating full moon at 26 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 26 Capricorn 08.27 The Sun at 17 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 17 Taurus. (More of the same). 12.01 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.6 hours. 13.39 The Moon enters Gemini joining Mars in this sign. 19.47 to 20.36 Lunar occultation of the Moon and 37 Taurus observable from the UK

Thursday 10th November 2022

Mercury square Saturn.

Venus trine Neptune.

There are no lunar aspects today from the waning and decelerating post eclipse full moon. The last of the eclipse's accompanying planetary components, namely Sun and Mercury square Saturn are sounding out. We are still in the very sensitive zone of the eclipse experience, but pressures will now start to ease. The Total Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday was indeed an intense affair to most people by all accounts. The next eclipse is in 160 days time on April 20th 2023 and is a hybrid Total Solar Eclipse at the end of Aries, separating from mercury and square Pluto, visible from SE Asia, Australia and the Pacific. The next Total Lunar Eclipse is on March 14th 2025. 06.30 Mercury, now an evening star, at 19 Scorpio waxing biquintile Mars at 25 Gemini 07.52 Mercury at 19 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 12.23 Venus at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 11th November 2022

Sun square Saturn.

Possibly a frustrating start, certainly exacting with the Sun square Saturn. This day also has the edge of the Moon in Gemini conjunct retrograde Mars. Waspish words abound. The weekend that follows has a much softer kinder quality. 01.53 The slowly waning and decelerating Moon at 19 Gemini waning quincunx The Sun at 19 Scorpio 02.00 The Sun at 19 Scorpio waxing biquintile Mars at 25 Gemini 02.23 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius 05.07 The Moon at 20 Gemini waning quincunx Mercury at 20 Scorpio 08.05 The Sun at 19 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 10.03 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.35 The Moon at 24 Gemini waning quincunx Venus at 24 Scorpio 13.35 The Moon conjunction Mars at 25 Gemini 17.12 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 21.08 Venus at 25 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 25 Gemini 22.29 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for just over 2 hours

Saturday 12th November 2022

Mercury trine Neptune

'Home and family' weekend. Focus on care, thrift and protection. A pleasant vibration all in all. Mars retrograde is not good for Armies initiating wars. Mars will soon retrograde over the Russian Midheaven. The Russians look to be on the retreat. The Ukrainian army says it has made major gains over the last day around Kherson, after Russia said it was withdrawing from the southern city. Transitting Uranus is opposing the Russian Sun and Mercury(1917 chart) and transiting Saturn has been conjunct the Russian Uranus all year. Donald Trump, former president is widely expected to announce his own plan for a White House comeback as soon as next week. His republican rival Ron DeSantis is bathing in the glow of his re-election victory, Mr Trump has been blamed for the Republicans' disappointing performance in the midterm elections. Transiting Neptune is square Trump's natal Sun this season. 00.24 The waning decelerating Moon enters Cancer 10.23 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 18.37 Mercury at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces

Sunday 13th November 2022

Venus sextile Pluto

The slowly waning Moon in Cancer slots into and completes a beautiful watery grand trine with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces later today, bestowing good grace, wisdom and caring love on us. 02.02 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 13 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic, gaining high altitudes in northern skies. 09.41 Venus at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 09.59 The Moon at 17 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 17 Taurus 14.31 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius 15.37 Jupiter at 29 Pisces waxing novile Saturn at 19 Aquarius The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on the day of the Northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2000. The cycle climaxes with the opposition, across Gemini/Sagittarius in 2030-2031, and ends in 2040 on Halloween Day, 31st Oct 2040, in Libra. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. This waxing novile (40 degree) aspect occurs 3 times, the dates being June 11th 2022, Nov 13th 2022 and Jan 28th 2023. It symbolises 'a cultivation of nascent qualities and possibilities'. This rather new 20 year cycle of goals, ambition and development now achieves substance and momentum. 15.47 Mercury at 24 Scorpio waxing quincunx retro-Mars at 24 Gemini 19.00-02.25 A watery Grand Trine is manifest involving the Sun (with Mercury and Venus), the Moon and Neptune 19.23 The Moon at 21 Cancer waning trine The Sun at 21 Scorpio 22.09 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces

Monday 14th November 2022

02.25 The very slow disseminating Moon decelerating at 25 Cancer waning trine Mercury at 25 Scorpio 05.35 The Moon at 26 Cancer opposition Pluto at 26 Capricorn 06.41 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 07.55 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning trine Venus at 28 Scorpio 10.42 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces The moon is void of course for 2.1 hours 12.49 The Moon enters Leo 19.52 Venus at 28 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Mars at 24 Gemini STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 22 degrees Scorpio. Venus and Mercury are also in Scorpio. These three bodies remain in Scorpio till Nov 16th when Venus leaves Scorpio followed by Mercury the next day. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. There are 38 days to the Capricorn Solstice. Mercury resides in Scorpio as an evening star. Mercury sextiles Pluto on Nov 15th and trines Jupiter on Nov 16th. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 17th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus, now an evening star, is in Scorpio. Venus trines Jupiter on Nov 15th, bountiful and fortunate. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 16th. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars is now retrograde in Gemini and remains retrograde till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Mars squares Neptune a 2nd time on Nov 19th. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are still observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingered with a slight return in early October 2022 and with the passing of the recent eclipses is now mercifully nearly at its end. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 15th November 2022

A generous and warm hearted Moon in Leo is slowly approaching last quarter phase. She is challenged somewhat as this day ends by Saturn and Uranus, but her essential good nature holds out. 02.28 Mercury at 26 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 26 Capricorn 03.44 The Sun at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 09.36 Venus at 29 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces 12.02 Venus at 29 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 14.23 The Moon at 13 Leo square her node at from north of the ecliptic 22.00-03.18 A fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus, 22.24 The Moon at 17 Leo waxing square Uranus at 17 Taurus

Wednesday 16th November 2022

Mercury trines Jupiter.

Venus enters Sagittarius.

An interesting day is in store. Both Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius over the next 2 days. Potentially the Mercury trine Jupiter aspect casts an optimistic glow on proceedings today. 01.02 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Mars at 24 Gemini 01.07 The Sun at 24 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 24 Gemini 03.18 The Moon at 19 Leo opposition Saturn at 19 Aquarius 06.10 Venus enters Sagittarius and 'frolics' her way through this sign in only 23 days. A swirling colourful tapestry of events and experiences awaits her, particularly so as Mars is retrograde in the opposite sign Gemini. A polarising 'relationship dynamic' characterises the next 3 weeks. Mercury overtakes Venus on Nov 21st at 7 degrees Sagittarius- a flash dance of potential merriment. Following closely in Mercury's footfall, Venus opposes retro-Mars on Dec 1st, a challenge of passion. She sextiles Saturn on Dec 2nd, seeking comfort and support and she squares Neptune on Dec 4th, 'is this love or just confusion?'. Venus squares Jupiter very indulgently and drops into Capricorn, still close to Mercury, in his wake, on Dec 10th. Venus will catch up and overtake Mercury before year's ending, as he turns retrograde on Dec 28th. Today's ingress heralds the start of a lively Sagittarian season ahead. 10.37 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.12 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 24 Gemini 13.28 The Moon at 'Fixed Last Quarter 15.44 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces 18.05 The Moon at 26 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 26 Capricorn 19.00 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 22.52 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 29 Pisces 23.56 The Moon at 29 Leo waning square Mercury at 29 Scorpio. The Moon is void of course for just over an hour.

Thursday 17th November 2022

01.05 The slow but now accelerating Last Quarter Moon enters Virgo 03.15 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning square Venus at 1 Sagittarius 08.43 Mercury enters Sagittarius as an evening star joining Venus who arrived here yesterday. Mercury is hot on her chase. Mercury flashes through this sign in just 19 days. A colourful fast moving eventful residence awaits him here. Mercury overtakes Venus on Nov 21st at 7 degrees Sagittarius. A flash dance of potential merriment. Mercury opposes retro-Mars on Nov 29th, a flash fire hurricane. He sextiles Saturn on Nov 30th, sobering up somewhat and he squares Neptune on Dec 2nd in chaotic delirium. Mercury finally squares Jupiter and drops into Capricorn, moving much more slowly, on Dec 6th, arriving breathless, then in more pragmatic and less far flung territory. Mercury turns retrograde on Dec 28th. The Moon makes no further aspects today. The Sun applies sextile to Pluto, exact tomorrow, Mars is retrograding into his 2nd square to Neptune, exact Saturday and Mercury chasing Venus meets her on Monday. Relentless change, distraction and connections are ahead. Keep your hand on the tiller.

Friday 18th November 2022

Sun sextile Pluto

A 'bits and pieces' day. Put the pieces together and you secure the big picture. An essentially practical day but a potentially dangerous 'pinch point' occurs around 9pm (GMT) as the Moon hooks into Mars/Neptune. Retrograde Mars squares Neptune tomorrow, for the 2nd time this season. There may be much craziness, around and about, as it approaches. Today may herald change. 01.39 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 09.24 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 17 Taurus 14.29 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Aquarius 15.15 Venus at 3 Sagittarius waxing quad-novile retro-Mars at 23 Gemini 20.30- 21.40 A tight pernicious mutable T-square is active, the Moon, Mars, and Neptune. 21.13 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces 21.36 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing square retro-Mars at 23 Gemini 21.39 The Sun at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Saturday 19th November 2022

Mars square Neptune

Mars squares Neptune 3 times this season. This aspect can evoke suspicion, deceit, lies, confused actions and destruction. The first hit was October 12th. Four days before this the now infamous explosion occured on the Crimean Bridge connecting Crimea and Russia, killing three and causing a partial collapse of the only road bridge between the Crimean Peninsula and the Russian mainland. Two days later, retaliatory missile strikes were conducted by Russia across Ukraine, at the time the most widespread since the start of the invasion, including attacks in the capital Kyiv. Today is the date of the 2nd of these Mars Neptune squares. The final hit is on March 14th and may be the most damaging of all because the square is tied into a dynamic T-square with the last quarter Moon and Sun, at the time.

04.18 Mercury at 3 Sagittarius waxing quad-novile Mars at 23 Gemini 04.26 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 05.01 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning sextile The Sun at 27 Scorpio 08.47 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2.2 hours 10.19 The Sun at 27 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Mars at 23 Gemini 10.59 The Moon enters Libra 15.45 Mars at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.55 The Moon at 4 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 4 Sagittarius 19.16 The Moon at 4 Libra waning sextile Venus at 4 Sagittarius

Sunday 20th November 2022

A socially orientated, good taste, convivial, well aspected Moon in Libra kind of Sunday. Mercury is almost conjunct Venus in Sagittarius, and about to overtake her. This conjunction adds to today's potential merriment. 00.04 Venus at 5 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 08.08 Venus at 5 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 08.59 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.08 The accelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 12.47 Mars at 22 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 16 Taurus 15.39 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 17.12 The Moon at 16 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 16 Taurus 22.00-03.38 An Air Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Saturn. Humanitarian developments 22.19 The Moon at 19 Libra waning trine Saturn at 19 Aquarius

Monday 21st November 2022

Sun trine Jupiter

Mercury conjunct Venus

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Scorpio. The Sun enters Sagittarius tomorrow. 03.38 The balsamic Moon accelerating at 22 Libra waxing trine Mars at 22 Gemini 04.08 The Sun at 29 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces 04.23 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 08.53 Venus at 6 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 16 Taurus 11.15 The Moon at 27 Libra waning square Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 6 hours 11.30 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 16 Taurus 15.11 The Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 29 Pisces 16.21 The Sun at 29 Scorpio waning bi-novile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 17.18 The Moon enters Scorpio joining the Sun in this sign. 22.55 Mercury conjunction Venus at 7 Sagittarius STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 29 degrees Scorpio. Venus and Mercury are in Sagittarius. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. There are 31 days to the Capricorn Solstice. We are pulling out of the recent eclipse season and are now moving into Sagittarian territory. Mercury and Venus are already in this sign, the Sun joins them tomorrow. The Moon joins them on Wednesday evening prior to the New Moon event in that sign 22.58 GMT. This coming New Moon may have some interesting expansively favourable potentials. Mercury resides in Sagittarius as an evening star. Mercury flashes through this sign in just 19 days. A colourful fast moving eventful residence is underway. Mercury overtakes Venus today at 7 degrees Sagittarius. A flash dance of potential merriment. Mercury opposes retro-Mars on Nov 29th, a flash fire hurricane. He sextiles Saturn on Nov 30th, sobering up somewhat and then he squares Neptune on Dec 2nd amid some chaotic scenes. Mercury finally squares Jupiter and drops into Capricorn, moving much more slowly, on Dec 6th, arriving breathless, then in more pragmatic and less 'far flung' territory. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. Venus is an evening star in Sagittarius and 'frolics' her way through this sign in only 23 days. A swirling colourful tapestry of events and experiences awaits her, particularly so as Mars is retrograde in the opposite sign Gemini. A polarising 'relationship dynamic' characterises the next 3 weeks. Mercury overtakes Venus today at 7 degrees Sagittarius. Following closely in Mercury's footfall, Venus opposes retro-Mars on Dec 1st, a challenge of passion. She sextiles Saturn on Dec 2nd, seeking comfort and support and she squares Neptune on Dec 4th, 'is this love or just confusion?'. Venus squares Jupiter very indulgently and drops into Capricorn, still close to Mercury, in his wake, on Dec 10th. Venus will catch up and overtake Mercury before year's ending, as he turns retrograde on Dec 28th. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars continues with his retrograde motion in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Mars squared Neptune a 2nd time last Saturday. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time on Nov 28th. Mercury opposes Mars on Nov 29th. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stations at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are still observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingered with a slight return in early October 2022 and with the passing of the recent eclipses is now mercifully nearly at its end. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 26 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 22nd November 2022

An 'old Moon in Scorpio' day and a new astrological month arrives. The Sun, Mercury and Venus will reside in Sagittarius. There are 30 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. The days are moving on to Christmas and the New Year and better times ahead. Sagittarian optimism is rife this week. 01.57 Mercury at 7 Sagittarius waning quintile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 02.41 Venus at 7 Sagittarius waning quintile Saturn at 19 Aquarius 08.22 The Sun enters Sagittarius and a new astrological month commences. 14.30 The old balsamic Moon accelerating at 12 Scorpio opposition her ascending node at 12 Taurus 21.00-02.33 A weak fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus. This square which has dominated the last two years is now fading, mercifully. 21.25 The Moon at 16 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 16 Taurus New Moon later tomorrow.

Wednesday 23rd November 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius

02.33 The fast moving ancient Moon accelerating at 19 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 19 Aquarius 06.17 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 22 Gemini 08.04 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 14.39 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.20 Mercury at 10 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 18.17 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours 18.37 The Sun at 1 Sagittarius waxing quad-novile Mars at 21 Gemini 20.17 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining the Sun, Mercury and Venus in this sign. 22.49 JUPITER TURNS DIRECT. Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20th 2022, whizzes through this sign and romps into Taurus on May 16th 2023. Full steam ahead. 22.58 Moment of NEW MOON Today's New Moon is the first New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 25th 2022 and the 5th New Moon before a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th 2023 at 30 Aries. Today's New Moon is trine Jupiter in great fortitude and is applying to the Mercury Venus conjunction in Sagittarius. Jupiter applies sextile to Pluto. Mars squares Neptune, Fire and Mutability predominate. This is an eminently optimistic lunation, brimming over with movement, lightness of spirit and adventure. It evokes 'opening up' and 'moving on'. Opportunity knocks with this New Moon, even Lady Luck may smile. The New Moon hits Jo Biden's Ascendant, Emmanuel Macron's MC, Kim Jong Un's Jupiter (1983 chart), Elon Musk's Neptune, Price William's Uranus, Qatar's Neptune, Julian Assange's Neptune, the UK Tory Party's Venus and Mars, Jeremy Hunt's Mercury, the Dow Jones Share Index's Moon, and Fox News' Pluto. At the moment of New Moon today, the Sun and Moon rise at Beijing set at Quito, lower culminate over Germany and Italy. The Mercury Venus conjunction hits Belgrade, Warsaw, Taipei, and Asuncion. Mars culminates at Ankara and at Khartoum, Saturn sets at Lisbon and at Rabat, Jupiter sets at Moscow, Neptune sets at Kiev and at Odessa.

Thursday 24th November 2022

A New Moon buzz of energy. The Moon conjuncts Mercury and Venus. Merriment to be experienced. 01.55 Venus at 10 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.33 Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Jupiter at 29 Pisces 13.26 The fast moving and accelerating infant New Moon conjunction Venus at 10 Sagittarius 14.50 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 11 Sagittarius 20.41 Mercury at 12 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 20.42 Venus at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Jupiter at 29 Pisces 23.01 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 16 Taurus

Friday 25th November 2022

China has recorded its highest number of daily Covid cases since the pandemic began, despite stringent measures designed to eliminate the virus. Several major cities including the capital Beijing and southern trade hub Guangzhou are experiencing outbreaks. Transitting Saturn is exactly square the Chinesse natal Venus right now. Around 70% of the Ukrainian capital woke up without power on Thursday morning, as work continued to restore the city's water supply. Russian attacks on energy facilities have caused power cuts across Ukraine. Transitting Uranus is slap bang on top of the Ukraine Sun/Saturn midpoint. Tensions, crises, separation. Today... 02.02 Mercury at 12 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 16 Taurus 04.17 The very rapidly waxing young Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 06.00-09.25 A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune. The wild bunch. 06.37 The Moon at 21 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 21 Gemini 09.25 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 13.05 Venus at 12 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.51 Venus at 12 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 16 Taurus 19.22 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours 21.20 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in this sign.

Saturday 26th November 2022

A practical weekend is here. The Capricorn Moon always aids jobs of work. Mars, although retrograde, applies in trine aspect to Saturn, exact on Monday, which is constructive and realistic to say the least. A 'ground work groove'. 01.30 The young Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 01.41 retro-Mars at 21 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.53 The Moon at 12 Capricorn trines her node from south of the ecliptic 22.55 The Sun at 5 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 23 Pisces 23.35 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 16 Taurus

Sunday 27th November 2022

Retrograde Mars is applying in trine aspect to Saturn. Constructive developments. Lessons learnt. A steady and fast moving young Moon waxes in Capricorn. Work in progress. 05.41 The rapidly waxing Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 06.11 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 20 Gemini 10.07 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 13.32 The Sun at 5 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 16.12 Mercury at 16 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Jupiter at 29 Pisces 16.44 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn 19.16 Mercury at 16 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 16 Taurus 20.12 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for almost 2 hours. 22.09 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign.

Monday 28th November 2022

retro-Mars trine Saturn

The Moon and Saturn are in 'fixed sign' Aquarius for 2 days, but six planets are in mutable signs. There exists an underlying adherence to principles, brought on by the Moon and Saturn, but changes of heart and mind are inevitable with this current mass mutability. Retro-Mars trine Saturn today may bring the variance together. Protests in China against government's strict Covid measures have intensified, with some people publicly venting their anger at the Communist Party leaders. Thousands of protesters have turned out in Shanghai. Students have also demonstrated at universities in Beijing and Nanjing. The latest unrest follows a protest in the remote north-west city of Urumqi, where lockdown rules were blamed after 10 people died in a tower block fire Still under the drag of transiting Saturn square China's (1949 chart) Venus exact a few days ago, the nation's progressed chart is subject to progressed Mercury opposite progressed Uranus. This has been building up for years and is exact in March 2023. The 'mass thinking' shown by Mercury is developing new revolutionary/rebellious ideas aided by new technology, both Uranus manifestations. Social media is apparently playing a big part in the current crisis, coordinating and sharing news and developments. China's progressed Moon forms a cardinal T-square with Mercury and Uranus in June 2023. 2023 also sees transiting Uranus opposite China's natal Venus adding greater unsettling tensions to the mix. The big astrological event ahead of China is Pluto conjunct her natal Moon in 2025-2026. 03.54 Mercury at 17 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 08.06 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon now decelerating at 6 Aquarius waxing sextile The Sun at 6 Sagittarius 10.02 The Sun at 6 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 16 Taurus 17.54 The Moon at 12 Aquarius squares her node at 12 Taurus from south of the ecliptic 17.57 Mars at 20 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 20 Aquarius 23.54 Venus at 16 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Jupiter at 29 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 6 degrees Sagittarius. Venus and Mercury are also in Sagittarius. Jupiter, now direct and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Saturn are in Aquarius. Mars, Uranus and Neptune are retrograde. There are 24 days to the Capricorn Solstice. We are pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Currently Mercury, Mars and Neptune are in mutable T-square-befuddlement. Mercury resides in Sagittarius as an evening star. Mercury flashes through this sign in just 19 days. A colourful fast moving eventful residence is underway. Mercury opposes retro-Mars tomorrow, a flash fire hurricane. He sextiles Saturn on Nov 30th, sobering up somewhat and then he squares Neptune on Dec 2nd amid some chaotic scenes. Mercury finally squares Jupiter and drops into Capricorn, moving much more slowly, on Dec 6th, arriving breathless, then in more pragmatic and less 'far flung' territory. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. The pre-retrograde shadow will begin on December 12, and the post-retrograde shadow ends on February 23, 2023. Venus is an evening star in Sagittarius and 'frolics' her way through this sign in only 23 days. A swirling colourful tapestry of events and experiences is underway, particularly so as Mars is retrograde in the opposite sign Gemini. A polarising 'relationship dynamic' continues to characterise these next 2 weeks. Venus opposes retro-Mars on Dec 1st, a challenge of passion. She sextiles Saturn on Dec 2nd, seeking comfort and support and she squares Neptune on Dec 4th, 'is this love or just confusion?'. Venus squares Jupiter very indulgently and drops into Capricorn, still close to Mercury, in his wake, on Dec 10th. Venus will catch up and overtake Mercury before year's ending, as he turns retrograde on Dec 28th. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars continues with his retrograde motion in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Mars squared Neptune a 2nd time last Saturday. Mars trines Saturn for the 2nd time today. Mercury opposes Mars tomorrow. Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1st. The Full Moon on Dec 8th is conjunct Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stationed at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and will re-enter Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are still observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingered with a slight return in early October 2022 and with the passing of the recent eclipses is now mercifully nearly at its end. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 29th November 2022

Mercury oposite Mars

There's always something going on in the sky! The remainder of this week is dominated by a 2 planetary mutable T-squares, one involving Mercury, Mars and Neptune, evoking general befuddlement, and one with Venus, Mars and Neptune, precipitating relationship dynamics. Both T-squares are tempered and stabilised by a supportve and favorable aspect to Saturn, so there are elements of constructive progress here. The Mercury opposing Mars component strikes today which is a bit of a sharp reminder as to the meaing of the word. The Sun also has to ride this Mars Neptune square, coinciding with the noteworthy, special and climatic Full Moon next week. 00.40 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 16 Aquarius waxing sextile Venus at 16 Sagittarius 00.49 The Moon at 16 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 16 Taurus 02.20 Venus at 16 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 16 Taurus 04.26 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waxing sextile Mercury at 18 Sagittarius 06.31 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 20 Gemini 06.54 The Moon at 20 Aquarius conjunction Saturn at 20 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for 17.4 hours. 14.27 Venus at 17 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 20.31 Mercury at 19 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 19 Gemini

Wednesday 30th November 2022

The first quarter Moon, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces from the start of Wednesday. A 'fishy magic' backdrop hangs loose for two days as a fiery Venus applies in opposition to an airy retrograde Mars, exact early (GMT) tomorrow. She needs him like fire requires air. A very steamy, inflammable dynamic is at hand. 00.17 The decelerating Moon enters Pisces 01.09 The Sun at 8 Sagittarius waning quintile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 04.18 Mercury at 20 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 14.37 The Moon is at First Quarter 19.41 Mercury at 21 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 20.40 The Moon at 12 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 23.27 Mars at 19 Gemini waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 29 Pisces Venus opposite Mars full on tonight.

Thursday 1st December 2022

December 2022 starts with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius opposing retrograde Mars. The Moon conjunct Neptune squares this opposition today from Pisces. 03.58 The first quarter Moon decelerating at 16 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 16 Taurus 05.29 Venus at 19 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 19 Gemini 08.43 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning square Mars at 19 Gemini 09.08 The Moon at 19 Pisces waxing square Venus at 19 Sagittarius 14.24 The Moon at 22 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 22 Sagittarius 15.16 Mercury at 22 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 16 Taurus 15.36 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 22.59 The Moon at 27 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn Mercury squaring Neptune dominates the rather confusing and dreamy end to this day.

Friday 2nd December 2022

A spirited weekend is ahead of us. The Sun and Moon are both in Fire signs. I seek (Sun in Sagittarius), and I am (Moon in Aries from 04.43 GMT today). It starts there and with good grace safely touches down as the waxing Moon arrives in Capricorn on Sunday afternoon. Safe flight, safe landings. 00.31 The Sun at 10 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 23 Pisces 01.09 Mercury at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 02.45 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours. 03.10 Venus at 20 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 04.43 The Moon enters Aries 20.26 Venus at 21 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Saturday 3rd December 2022

We are now 5 days from a tumultuous Full Moon which perfectly aligns to Mars. Lunar pressures are starting to increase. Emotional reactions can be expected in the days ahead. Inflammable potentials exist. Care advised. 00.11 The waxing and decelerating Moon, at 11 Aries, waxing trine The Sun at 11 Sagittarius 03.51 The Sun at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Jupiter at 29 Pisces 13.12 The Moon at 18 Aries waning sextile Mars at 18 Gemini 17.07 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 17.47 Venus at 22 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 16 Taurus 20.38 The Sun at 12 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 16 Taurus 20.57 The Moon at 22 Aries waxing trine Venus at 22 Sagittarius

Sunday 4th December 2022

Venus squares Neptune.

Big week ahead. Lunar occultation of Uranus on Monday (the 12th of 15). Climatic Full Moon in Gemini simultaneously occulting retrograde Mars in opposition to the Sun, early Thursday GMT. Change is the flavour. All in climatic flux. Very special . 01.24 The Sun at 12 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 27 Capricorn 03.54 The waxing and decelerating Moon at 26 Aries waxing trine Mercury at 26 Sagittarius 05.47 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for nearly 6 hours. 06.09 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 07.13 Venus at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces 11.40 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. Grounding energy. 20.12 Mercury at 27 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn

Monday 5th December 2022

09.32 The waxing gibbous decelerating Moon, full early on Thursday, conjunction her ascending node at 12 Taurus 12.51 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing quincunx The Sun at 13 Sagittarius 17.39 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 16 Taurus, a lunar occultation.

Lunar occultation of Uranus (visible telescopically from the UK, just after Sunset 16.51 to 17.23. 21 degree altitude)


The Sun today is at 13 degrees Sagittarius. Venus and Mercury are also in Sagittarius. Jupiter, now direct and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Uranus are in Taurus. Mars and Uranus are retrograde. There are 17 days to the Capricorn Solstice. With the passing of the tumultuous Full Moon, early on Thursday (GMT), we take leave of the recent eclipse season. This Full Moon occults a retrograde Mars in Gemini in opposition. This event promotes movement and adaptability. All is in climatic flux. Mercury resides in Sagittarius as an evening star. Mercury squares Jupiter and drops into Capricorn tomorrow. Mercury's next retrograde period is from December 28 2022 to January 18 2023. The pre-retrograde shadow will begin on December 12, and the post-retrograde shadow ends on February 23, 2023. Venus is an evening star in Sagittarius and 'frolics' her way through this sign in only 23 days. A swirling colourful tapestry of events and experiences is underway, particularly so as Mars is retrograde in the opposite sign Gemini. A polarising 'relationship dynamic' continues to characterise this next week. Venus squares Jupiter very indulgently and drops into Capricorn, still close to Mercury, in his wake, on Dec 10th. Venus will catch up and overtake Mercury before year's ending, as he turns retrograde on Dec 28th. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars continues with his retrograde motion in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The Full Moon on Dec 8th occults Mars, on that day Mars is at opposition to the Sun, the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th, Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon, Mercury trines Mars on Fen 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stationed at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and will re-enter Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are still observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingered with a slight return in early October 2022 and with the passing of the recent eclipses is now mercifully nearly at its end. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is now direct in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 6th December 2022

Mercury square Jupiter.

01.54 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 20 Taurus waxing square Saturn at 20 Aquarius 02.21 Mercury at 29 Sagittarius waning septile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 06.37 The Moon at 23 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.06 Mercury at 29 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 29 Pisces 11.56 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing quincunx Venus at 25 Sagittarius 14.52 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 19.03 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void for 1.8 hours 20.38 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing quincunx Mercury at 30 Sagittarius 20.50 The almost full Moon enters Gemini joining Mars in this sign. 22.10 Mercury enters Capricorn, as an evening star, joining Pluto in this sign. Mercury resides in this sign for a steady 67 days. He has his retrograde phase whilst here. This is essentially a straightforward residence with favorable aspects. It's very much a 'get stuff sorted' kind of vibration, practical, resourceful, sensible and economical. A good one. Mercury sextiles Neptune and trines Uranus 3 times during the residence, adding nice touches of inspiration and imagination to the material improvements. Mercury enters his shadow on Dec 12th. He trines Uranus, 1st time, Dec 17th and sextiles Neptune, 1st time, on Christmas day. Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th and 4 hours later falls into Venus' arms and is overtaken by her. Mercury sextiles Neptune, the 2nd hit, on Jan 2nd. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 17 Capricorn, a 'New Mercury', on Jan 7th. Then, as a morning star, on Jan 8th Mercury trines Uranus, the 2nd time. Mercury turns direct at 8 Capricorn on Jan 18th. His final trine to Uranus is on Jan 30th and his final sextile to Neptune is on Feb 6th. Mercury leaves his shadow on Feb 7th. He is conjunct Pluto at 29 Capricorn on Feb 10th and he finally takes leave of Capricorn on Feb 11th.

Wednesday 7th December 2022

The almost full Moon is now in Gemini applying all day today to an exact alignment to Mars, which occurs tomorrow (GMT). Lunar pressures are now full on. There is an energetic vibrancy about today and a plethora of communication underway. Six billion babbling conversations. Exciting and stimulating contacts. A veritable buzz. 04.49 to 05.55 Lunar occultation of the Moon and fixed star '37 Taurus' observable from the UK. 37 Taurus is a single,orange-hued ageing giant star in the constellation of Taurus (sign of Gemini). It can be seen with the naked eye, having an apparent visual magnitude of 4.36. 11.12 Mercury at 1 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 16 Taurus 17.34 Venus at 27 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.35 The Sun at 16 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 16 Taurus The Moon is Full tonight.

Thursday 8th December 2022

Full Moon in Gemini

Lunar occultation of Mars by the Full Moon (visible from the UK, 26 degree altitude, 04.59 to 05.58). The exact Sun opposition to Mars in Gemini occurs as the Full Moon passes in front of Mars at 04:21 GMT on Dec 8th 2022,creating a lunar occultation,visible from parts of the Americas,Europe+North Africa. The Moon will be fully illuminated but Mars will be visible in binoculars.

04.09 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon is the first Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus on November 8th 2022 and the 5th Full Moon before a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on 5th-6th May 2023 at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, and trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. With its passing we take leave of the recent eclipse season. Today's Full Moon is aligned to retrograde Mars and occults this planet as the Full Moon climaxes. The pair are trine Saturn. Venus squares Jupiter, and Jupiter continues to sextile Pluto. Six bodies are in mutable signs at this time. This astrological event promotes movement and adaptability. All is in climatic flux. The flavour of the moment is one of change. Adjustment to new circumstances will be necessary. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon Mars conjunction is aligned to Beijing, and Hong Kong, where it is also High Noon. Moonrise and Sunset is over French Polynesia. Moonset is over the Caspian Sea. It is True Midnight over Nova Scotia. Saturn is setting, exactly on the horizon, over Oklahoma City. Today's Full Moon directly hits the Sun of Mike Pence and the Vatican, the Venus of Venezuela, the Mars of twitter, the Jupiter of David Crosby, the Uranus of Jordan, the Neptune of the UK Daily Mail, and the Pluto of Saudi Arabia and Australia. 04.19 The Moon conjunction Mars at 16 Gemini 05.42 The Sun at 16 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 16 Gemini 10.39 The Sun at 16 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Jupiter at 29 Pisces 12.42 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing trine Saturn at 20 Aquarius 16.57 Mercury at 3 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 17.13 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 23 Pisces

Friday 9th December 2022

Venus square Jupiter

The Full Moon has passed. Today the Moon in Cancer has a dampening influence on the vibrancy of recent days. Calmer days will prevail on the 13 day journey to the Solstice. Today however is coloured by Venus squaring Jupiter and forming a T-square with the Moon and Mercury casting a rather indulgent hue on proceedings. Treat yourself. 01.49 The waning full Moon at 27 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 02.44 The Sun at 17 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 03.06 Mars at 16 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 16 Taurus 05.00-16.00 A dissociate T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, 05.29 The Moon at 29 Gemini opposition Venus at 29 Sagittarius 06.14 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.6 hours 07.50 The Moon enters Cancer 08.50 Venus at 29 Sagittarius waning septile Saturn at 20 Aquarius 12.56 Venus at 29 Sagittarius waning square Jupiter at 29 Pisces 15.56 The Moon at 4 Cancer opposition Mercury at 4 Capricorn

Saturday 10th December 2022

With Venus today joining Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn, we now move into denser astrological territory and experience the shape of things to come in the immediate future. Practical and economical considerations are now to the fore. Value and usefulness are heightened. The weekend ahead sees the Sun sextile Saturn, exact on Monday which adds structure, organisation and planning activities to the current agenda. 'Getting it together'. 03.56 Venus enters Capricorn joining Mercury and Pluto in this sign and enjoys a favourable residence here. Venus trines Uranus on Dec 22nd, colouring the Solstice season with touches of excitement. She sextiles Neptune on Dec 28th, with subtle artistry and then overtakes a faltering Mercury on Dec 29th at 24 degrees Capricorn, possibly an eventful day. Venus is conjunct Pluto on New years Day at 28 degrees Capricorn. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2023. 06.32 The slowly waning full Moon at 11 Cancer sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 11.20 Mercury at 5 Capricorn waning quad-novile Mars at 15 Gemini 15.00-22.00 A finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and the Sun. The Sun is of course still opposite Mars so tread gingerly. 15.17 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 16 Taurus 15.59 Mercury at 6 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 21 Aquarius 17.21 Venus at 1 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 16 Taurus 21.31 The Moon at 19 Cancer waning quincunx The Sun at 19 Sagittarius

Sunday 11th December 2022

01.04 The very slowly waning full Moon at 21 Cancer waxing quincunx Saturn at 21 Aquarius 05.19 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 23 Pisces 14.12 The Moon at 27 Cancer opposition Pluto at 27 Capricorn 18.50 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Jupiter at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 1.3 hours. 20.10 The Moon enters Leo

Monday 12th December 2022

Mercury enters his pre-retrograde shadow today.

The Sun sextiles Saturn

The Moon is now in Leo. We are winding down to the Solstice some 10 days away. The Sun sextiles Saturn today. Straightforward, formative but creative organisation is woven into the start of this week. Generosity and loyalty take centre stage. Mercury is retrograde from December 28 to January 18, 2023 in Capricorn. The pre-retrograde shadow begins today, and the post-retrograde shadow ends on February 23, 2023. Use this time interval to work on what has been spoilt or requires a revamp rather than on hatching new plans. 00.30 The Moon at apogee. Slowest and furthest from the Earth all month,(conjunct Black Moon Lilith). 00.55 The very slowly waning Moon at 2 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 2 Capricorn 06.41 The Moon at last reaches her disseminating phase 06.54 Venus at 3 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 12.48 The Moon at 8 Leo waning quincunx Mercury at 8 Capricorn 18.13 The Sun at 21 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 21 Aquarius Harnessing energy. 18.53 The Moon at 11 Leo waxing square the lunar node from north of the ecliptic. STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 20 degrees Sagittarius. Venus, Mercury and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and Uranus are retrograde. There are 10 days to the Capricorn Solstice. We have taken leave of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is in Capricorn as an evening star. Mercury resides in this sign for a steady 67 days. He has his retrograde phase whilst here. This is essentially a straightforward residence with favourable aspects. It's very much a 'get stuff sorted' kind of vibration, practical, resourceful, sensible and economical. A good one. Mercury sextiles Neptune and trines Uranus 3 times during the residence, adding nice touches of inspiration and imagination to the material improvements. Mercury enters his shadow today. He trines Uranus, 1st time, Dec 17th and sextiles Neptune, 1st time, on Christmas day. Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th and 4 hours later falls into Venus' arms and is overtaken by her. Mercury sextiles Neptune, the 2nd hit, on Jan 2nd. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 17 Capricorn, a 'New Mercury', on Jan 7th. Then, as a morning star, on Jan 8th Mercury trines Uranus, the 2nd time. Mercury turns direct at 8 Capricorn on Jan 18th. His final trine to Uranus is on Jan 30th and his final sextile to Neptune is on Feb 6th. Mercury leaves his shadow on Feb 7th. He is conjunct Pluto at 29 Capricorn on Feb 10th and he finally takes leave of Capricorn on Feb 11th. Venus is now an evening star in Capricorn and is enjoying a favourable residence here. Venus trines Uranus on Dec 22nd, colouring the Solstice season with touches of excitement. She sextiles Neptune on Dec 28th, with subtle artistry and then overtakes a faltering Mercury on Dec 29th at 24 degrees Capricorn, possibly an eventful day. Venus is conjunct Pluto on New years Day at 28 degrees Capricorn. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2023. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars continues with his retrograde motion in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). The Full Moon on Dec 8th occulted Mars, on that day Mars was at opposition to the Sun, that was the highlight of the residence. Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th. Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon. Mercury trines Mars on Feb 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023, after this very long residence. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stationed at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and will re-enter Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect, but not in the league of 2020 aspects. This cycle began in 1988 in Sagittarius, culminated with their opposition (5 times) 2008 to 2010 and completes in 2032 in Gemini. The 2021 last quarter aspect continues to induce political, financial and social changes of possibly a drastic nature and a measure of instability. We are still observing a shattering of old worn out structures so that a revitalization can occur. The aspect peaked in 2021. This influence lingered with a slight return in early October 2022 and with the passing of the recent eclipses is now mercifully nearly at its end. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is now direct in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 13th December 2022

The subtle shimmer of the Sagittarian Sun square Neptune in Pisces builds up today and peaks tomorrow, casting a beguiling effect on progress. Don't expect to make much of it...(progress). 01.05 The slowly disseminating Moon at 14 Leo waxing sextile Mars at 14 Gemini 03.47 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing square Uranus at 16 Taurus 03.49 The Sun at 21 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 09.39 Mercury, now in his shadow, at 9 Capricorn waning bi-novile Jupiter at 29 Pisces 11.03 Venus at 4 Capricorn waning quad-novile Mars at 14 Gemini 14.09 The Moon at 21 Leo opposition Saturn at 21 Aquarius 15.28 Mercury at 10 Capricorn waning tri-septile Mars at 14 Gemini 15.53 The Moon at 22 Leo waning trine The Sun at 22 Sagittarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 17 hours. 15.55 The Sun at 22 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 16 Taurus 18.02 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces

Wednesday 14th December 2022

Sun square Neptune

It's been confirmed that scientists have indeed carried out the first nuclear fusion experiment to achieve a net energy gain. Dr Arati Prabhakar, policy director of the White House's office of science and technology, revealed the 'scientific milestone' happened at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on Monday Dec 5th 2022. On this day the waxing gibbous Moon occulted Uranus in Taurus. The symbolism is quite striking. (The Moon-approaching a climax, Uranus-planet of technology and atomic processes, Taurus-sign of universal resource, occultation-representing a cosmic interruption and pinch point). A slight change of gear is manifest today as the Moon approaching last quarter enters Virgo. The Sun, The Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are from 08.46 GMT today in mutable signs. More movement and transmission will be evident over the next couple of days. However 'practicality' continues to rule the roost. Having said that, the Sun squaring Neptune dominates today with potential undermining experiences and a degree of confusion. Surf this psychic wave adeptly. The slowly disseminating Moon starts this day (GMT) void of course in Leo. 02.59 This slow but accelerating Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 27 Capricorn 06.48 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 07.47 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Jupiter at 30 Pisces 08.47 The Moon enters Virgo. 09.17 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 14.36 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 11 Taurus 17.11 The Sun at 23 Sagittarius waning (mutable) square Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.56 Venus at 6 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 21 Aquarius The Moon is well placed as this day ends. 20.33 The Moon at 6 Virgo waning trine Venus at 6 Capricorn

Thursday 15th December 2022

An exacting and practical couple of days are ahead invoking mainstream 'Moon in Virgo' diligence, business, refinement and repair. 22.00-03.18 An Earth Grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Mercury. Sensible words to the point. 06.53 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing trine the lunar node at 11 Taurus 09.02 The Moon at 12 Virgo waning trine Mercury at 12 Capricorn 11.30 The Moon at 13 Virgo waxing square Mars at 13 Gemini 15.42 The Moon at 16 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 16 Taurus

Friday 16th December 2022

The next planetary aspect is Mercury trine Uranus, exact tomorrow, and the first of three over the next six weeks. This is invention, enlightenment and practical inspiration at their best. Mercury will also sextile Neptune on three occasions during this period, adding imagination and artistry to the mix. 02.19 The waning and accelerating Moon at 21 Virgo waning quincunx Saturn at 21 Aquarius 03.12 Mercury in his shadow (12 days from turning retrograde) at 13 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 13 Gemini 05.00-09.00 A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Neptune. Bleary vision 05.41 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition Neptune at 23 Pisces 08.57 The Moon at Last Quarter 14.25 The Moon at 27 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 27 Capricorn 19.14 The Moon at 30 Virgo opposition Jupiter at 30 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 37 mins. 19.51 The Moon enters Libra Time to dress up.

Saturday 17th December 2022

Mercury trine Uranus.

Russia yesterday launched another wave of air strikes at Ukraine's energy infrastructure leaving the second city, Kharkiv, completely without power Kharkiv's mayor said there had been 'colossal destruction' of infrastructure in the city. Transiting Mars, God of War, is retrograding in Gemini in the Russian (1917 chart) 9th house ('military expansionism') and is applying to the Russian Jupiter in that house. Mars will reach the Russian Jupiter at the end of the year and will remain close to it for most of January 2023. During that month transiting Uranus, also retrograding and stationing, hovers in opposition to the Russian natal Sun, the major transit of 2022, (together with transiting Saturn conjunct Russian Uranus which is now over). A shattering experience all round by the look of it. Despite this news, the weekend ahead is very conducive to pleasant social gatherings and events. Coupled with this backdrop-Mercury in harmonious aspect to Uranus offers opportunity for constructive dialogue. An ideal time for a peace deal and a 'powwow'. 00.31 Venus at 9 Capricorn waning tri-septile Mars at 13 Gemini 13.29 The Last Quarter Moon accelerating at 9 Libra waning square Venus at 9 Capricorn 14.05 Mercury at 15 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 14.05 Mars at 13 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.44 The Moon at 13 Libra waxing trine Mars at 13 Gemini 21.37 Mercury at 15 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 22.59 Venus at 10 Capricorn waning bi-novile Jupiter at 30 Pisces

Sunday 18th December 2022

01.04 The accelerating last quarter Moon at 15 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 01.26 The Moon at 16 Libra waning square Mercury at 16 Capricorn 05.35 to 05.58 grazing lunar occultation of the Moon and theta Virgo observable from the UK Theta Virginis is a multiple star system in the constellation of Virgo, about 320 light years from the Sun. The three stars in this system are bright enough to be seen with the naked eye. 11.32 The Moon at 21 Libra waning trine Saturn at 21 Aquarius 14.21 The Moon at 23 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 23 Pisces 16.47 Venus at 11 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 23 Pisces 20.27 Venus at 11 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 11 Taurus 22.03 The Moon at 27 Libra waning sextile The Sun at 27 Sagittarius 22.22 retro-Mars at 12 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 27 Capricorn 22.36 The Moon at 27 Libra waning square Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is then void of course for nearly 5 hours.

Monday 19th December 2022

The Moon starts the (GMT) day void of course in Libra. We now have on our hands a couple of 'old Moon in Scorpio' days which pull us towards a more intense astrological climate. The major theme of the week ahead, which encompasses the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice on Wednesday and the New Moon in Capricorn on Friday, is a strong square aspect between Jupiter on the cusp of Aries and the Sun on the cusp of Capricorn. This represents a galvanising energy of will, action and purpose, akin to Jovian thunderbolts, a show of strength. Expect clear manifestations of large scale intention. Mercifully Venus trines Uranus on Thursday and injects a measure of 'sweet surprise' into the cosmic concoction. 02.28 Venus at 11 Capricorn waning novile Saturn at 21 Aquarius 03.18 The accelerating and waning Moon at 30 Libra waning quincunx Jupiter at 30 Pisces 03.32 The Moon enters Scorpio 05.26 The Sun at 27 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 17.38 Venus at 12 Capricorn waning quincunx retro-Mars at 12 Gemini A strong planetary 5th harmonic wave peaks 22.30 GMT. 22.30 Mercury at 18 Capricorn waning quintile Jupiter at 30 Pisces 22.31 Mercury at 18 Capricorn waning biquintile Mars at 12 Gemini 22.33 Mars at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Jupiter at 30 Pisces 22.39 The Moon at 11 Scorpio opposition her node at 11 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 28 degrees Sagittarius. Venus, Mercury, 10 days from retrograde motion, and Pluto are in Capricorn. Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and Uranus are retrograde. There are 2 days to the Capricorn Solstice. We are now between eclipse seasons. Mercury is in Capricorn as an evening star. Mercury resides in this sign for a steady 67 days. He has his retrograde phase whilst here, and is already in his shadow. This is essentially a straightforward residence with favourable aspects. It's very much a 'get stuff sorted' kind of vibration, practical, resourceful, sensible and economical. A good one. Mercury sextiles Neptune and trines Uranus 3 times during the residence, adding nice touches of inspiration and imagination to the material improvements. He sextiles Neptune, 1st time, on Christmas day. Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th and 4 hours later falls into Venus' arms and is overtaken by her. Mercury sextiles Neptune, the 2nd hit, on Jan 2nd. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 17 Capricorn, a 'New Mercury', on Jan 7th. Then, as a morning star, on Jan 8th Mercury trines Uranus, the 2nd time. Mercury turns direct at 8 Capricorn on Jan 18th. His final trine to Uranus is on Jan 30th and his final sextile to Neptune is on Feb 6th. Mercury leaves his shadow on Feb 7th. He is conjunct Pluto at 29 Capricorn on Feb 10th and he finally takes leave of Capricorn on Feb 11th. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn and is enjoying a favourable residence here. Venus trines Uranus on Dec 22nd, colouring the Solstice season with touches of excitement. She sextiles Neptune on Dec 28th, with subtle artistry and then overtakes a faltering Mercury on Dec 29th at 24 degrees Capricorn, possibly an eventful day. Venus is conjunct Pluto on New years Day at 28 degrees Capricorn. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2023. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars continues with his retrograde motion in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th. Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon. Mercury trines Mars on Feb 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023, after this very long residence. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th 2022 where he resides now. Jupiter stationed at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and will re-enter Aries tomorrow Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. In 2021 the main outer body aspect was a fixed waning square in the 44 year synodic cycle of Saturn and Uranus. This was a difficult aspect. This influence lingered with a slight return in early October 2022 and with the passing of the recent eclipses is now mercifully nearly at its end. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is now direct in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 20th December 2022

Jupiter re-enters Aries

00.31 The accelerating ageing Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing quincunx Mars at 12 Gemini 01.22 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 12 Capricorn 02.41 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Friday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 06.34 The Moon at 15 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 15 Taurus 11.59 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Mercury at 19 Capricorn. 14.28 Jupiter re-enters Aries. Jupiter first entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter turned retrograde at 9 Aries on July 28th and re-entered Pisces on October 28th. Jupiter stationed at 29 Pisces on Nov 23rd and re-enters Aries today. Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises as this one moves back into Aries. 16.42 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning square Saturn at 21 Aquarius 19.02 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 23 Pisces

Wednesday 21st December 2022

Winter Solstice

December 21st 2022

Winter Solstice 21:48 GMT. Old Moon in Sagittarius

02.45 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.5 hours 07.14 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining the Sun in this sign 07.19 The Moon at zero Sagittarius waning trine Jupiter at zero Aries 21.48 The Sun enters Capricorn, joining Mercury and Venus and Pluto in this sign. This is the moment of Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. At the height of the darkness the light is born. In the Southern hemisphere it is midsummer's day and the Summer Solstice. Wishing every reader here a very Happy Solstice and a fortunate year ahead. Blessed be. 22.43 The Sun at zero Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 21 Aquarius The Daze Website is 23 years old today.

Thursday 22nd December 2022

Sun square Jupiter

Venus trine Uranus.

00.51 The Sun at zero Capricorn waning square Jupiter at 0 Aries 01.49 The rapidly waning ancient Moon at 11 Sagittarius opposition Mars at 11 Gemini 06.22 The Sun at zero Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 15 Taurus 08.24 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 15 Taurus 08.40 Uranus at 15 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 27 Capricorn 09.48 Venus at 15 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 12.49 Venus at 16 Capricorn waning decile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 18.20 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 20.16 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 23 Pisces, moon vo 22.44 The Sun at 1 Capricorn waning quad-novile Mars at 11 Gemini New Moon tomorrow.

Friday 23rd December 2022

New Moon in Capricorn.

07.51 The very rapidly moving old Moon enters Capricorn The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are now all in Capricorn. 08.14 The Moon at zero Capricorn waning square Jupiter at zero Aries 10.18 Moment of NEW MOON Today's New Moon is the 2nd New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 25th 2022 and the 4th New Moon before a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th 2023 at 30 Aries. This New Moon is square an exuberant Jupiter and square a grieving Ceres. Today's New Moon directly hits the Moon and Jupiter of Japan, the Moon of South Korea, the Saturn of Thailand, and of Germany, the Neptune of Brazil, the Uranus of Poland, the MC of Bob Dylan and the Neptune of Sanna Marin. It squares Twitter's Mars, trines Ukraine's Sun, opposes Xi Jinping's Mars, and squares the UK Uranus. 13.09 Mercury at 22 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 14.48 Venus at 17 Capricorn waning biquintile Mars at 11 Gemini

Saturday 24th December 2022

A special Christmas Eve is upon us as the infant Moon makes conjunctions to Venus and Mercury in Capricorn. 00.39 This very rapidly moving newborn Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trines her node from south of the ecliptic 00.43 Jupiter at 0 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 15 Taurus In the 13 year synodic cycle of these 2 planets the current cycle started in 2010-2011 in Pisces and ends on the 21st April 2024 in Taurus,(just 2 weeks after the American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024) The opposition occurred in 2016-2017. Today's waning semi-square aspect is the final of three, dates- May 11th, Sept 28th and Dec 24th, all in 2022. This waning semi-square is all about 'the formation of seeds for a new beginning'. Jupiter Uranus is all about consciousness expansion. Always a good one when these two planets are involved. 00.52 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 11 Gemini 08.03 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 15 Taurus 08.32 The Moon is at Perigee. Fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 12.17 The Moon conjunction Venus at 18 Capricorn 15.01 The Sun at 3 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.33 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 23 Capricorn 19.49 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 19.58 Venus at 18 Capricorn waning quintile Jupiter at 0 Aries

Sunday 25th December 2022

North America Bomb Cyclone. Nearly 250 million Americans and Canadians are feeling the icy grip of a massive winter storm linked to at least 19 deaths ahead of the holiday weekend. More than 1.5 million people lost power and thousands of flights have been cancelled since Thursday. The vast storm extends more than 2,000 miles from Texas to Quebec. A bomb cyclone, when atmospheric pressure plummets, has brought blizzard conditions to the Great Lakes on the US-Canada border. Near white-out conditions have been reported in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Buffalo, New York, where the US National Weather Service reported 'zero mile' visibility. In Canada, Ontario and Quebec were bearing the brunt of the Arctic blast, with power cut to hundreds of thousands. Much of the rest of the country, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, was under extreme cold and winter storm warnings. The USA progressed Moon, (which is in its balsamic phase with a progressed New Moon in late March 2024), entered Pisces on Dec 11th and was square the USA progressed MC 3 days ago. This coincided with the start of this storm. In addition the final hit of the USA Pluto return occurs in 4 days time. Coincidentally Canada also has her progressed Moon at the start of Pisces. Friday's New Moon set off both progressed Moons, Canada's progressed Jupiter, and the natal USA Venus opposite Saturn. 01.18 Mercury (turning retrograde in 4 days time) at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 03.12 The very rapidly waxing new Moon conjunction Pluto at 27 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for just over 4 hours. 07.15 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn in this sign. 07.57 The Moon zero Aquarius waning sextile Jupiter at zero Aries 23.35 The Moon at 10 Aquarius waning trine Mars at 10 Gemini Wishing all Daze Readers a Very Happy Christmas.

Monday 26th December 2022

07.35 The rapidly waxing young Moon at 15 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 15 Taurus 14.55 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 18.20 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 22 Aquarius. The Moon is then void of course for 13.25 hours. STATE OF THE SKY:-

The Sun today is at 5 degrees Capricorn. Venus, Mercury, 3 days from retrograde motion, and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mars and Uranus are retrograde. There are 85 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are now situated between eclipse seasons. As the year ends Venus catches up and overtakes a faltering Mercury. Heart rules the head on this one, so trust in your intuition in the immediate days ahead, remember Venus in Capricorn is very much the material girl, she lands with her feet firmly on the ground, this is indeed an especially grounded and practical time. Keep it simple. Mercury is in Capricorn as an evening star. Mercury resides in this sign for a steady 67 days. He has his retrograde phase whilst here, and is already in his shadow. This is essentially a straightforward residence with favourable aspects. It's very much a 'get stuff sorted' kind of vibration, practical, resourceful, sensible and economical. A good one. Mercury sextiles Neptune and trines Uranus 3 times during the residence, adding nice touches of inspiration and imagination to the material improvements. Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Capricorn on Dec 29th and 4 hours later falls into Venus' arms and is overtaken by her. Mercury sextiles Neptune, the 2nd hit, on Jan 2nd. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 17 Capricorn, a 'New Mercury', on Jan 7th. Then, as a morning star, on Jan 8th Mercury trines Uranus, the 2nd time. Mercury turns direct at 8 Capricorn on Jan 18th. His final trine to Uranus is on Jan 30th and his final sextile to Neptune is on Feb 6th. Mercury leaves his shadow on Feb 7th. He is conjunct Pluto at 29 Capricorn on Feb 10th and he finally takes leave of Capricorn on Feb 11th. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn and is enjoying a favourable residence here. She sextiles Neptune on Dec 28th, with subtle artistry and then overtakes a faltering Mercury on Dec 29th at 24 degrees Capricorn, possibly an eventful day. Venus is conjunct Pluto on New years Day at 28 degrees Capricorn. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2023. Venus next turns retrograde at 28 degrees Leo on July 23rd 2023. Mars continues with his retrograde motion in Gemini and remains that way till January 12th 2023. Mars squares Neptune 3 times during this season and trines Saturn twice. There is substantial uncertainty woven into the Mars square Neptune aspect. There is however more stability and harnessing energy in the Mars trine Saturn aspects. (Saturn moves into Pisces and Mars trines him for the 3rd time, from Cancer, on March 30th 2023). Venus trines Mars on Jan 9th. Mars stations direct at 8 Gemini on Jan 12th. The Sun trines Mars on Jan 30th, Venus squares Mars on Feb 5th, the day of the Full Moon. Mercury trines Mars on Feb 22nd. Venus sextiles Mars on March 11th, Mars squares Neptune for the 3rd time on March 14th. Mars leaves his shadow on March 15th. The Sun squares Mars on March 16th, Mercury squares Mars on March 17th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer on 25th March 2023, after this very long residence. Jupiter entered Aries May 10th 2022. Jupiter re-entered Aries on Dec 20 2022. Venus, Mercury and the Sun are conjunct Jupiter in March and April 2023, a time of invigoration and pushing forward, and Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 16th 2023. Jupiter is Pisces has deep faith. Jupiter in Aries evokes ground-breaking trailblazing energy. We will experience a surge and a shift to proactive, taking up the reins, innovative,'fight for what is right' experiences. The astrological temperature rises with this one moves back into Aries. Saturn is now direct in Aquarius. Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on March 7th 2023. Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is retrograde in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus retrograde dates are from August 24 2022 to January 22, 2023 Neptune is now direct in Pisces. In 2022 Neptune goes retrograde June 28th until December 3rd. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct at 27 Capricorn. He has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is headed for his first foray into Aquarius which occurs on March 23rd 2023. This will be the start a welcome major trend ahead of us. Pluto in Aquarius will dominate the next 22 years. The changes, progress, revolutions and inventions it will bring will come on slowly but surely. It will not be a 'golden age', but certainly it will be a period of human advancement. 2023 will witness Pluto taking his first steps into Aquarius. After hovering for a while around the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will settle into the sign from Nov 19th 2024 till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We get a taste of this future next year. There are 4 eclipses in 2023. A hybrid Total Solar Eclipse on April 20th at 30 Aries separating from Jupiter and square Pluto. A penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs on 5th-6th May at 15 Scorpio opposite Uranus, trine Mars, visible from SE Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. On October 14th is the American Annular Eclipse at 21 Libra conjunct Mercury in a yod pattern with Uranus and Neptune. The final eclipse of 2023 is a climatic partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th-29th October visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia at 5 Taurus conjunct Jupiter and opposite a punchy Mercury conjunct Mars. On 14 October 2023 there is the Great American Annular Solar Eclipse. This annular eclipse is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017, and comes six months before the Mexico US Canada total eclipse of April 2024. Annularity, where the Sun forms a ring of fire around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses the US from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Elsewhere in the Americas from Alaska to Argentina, a partial eclipse will be visible. This eclipse is at 21 degrees Libra, conjunct Mercury. Mars in Scorpio at the time is trine Saturn in early Pisces. The American Annular eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024 and conjunct the USA Chiron. The next Lunar Standstill is in 2024-2025. A 'standstill Full Moon' occurs on the day of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, June 21st 2024. Over the next 4 years all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution.

Tuesday 27th December 2022

Yesterday China staged one of its biggest incursions so far in the seas and skies around Taiwan, according to data from the island's defence ministry. It said that 71 Chinese air force planes, including fighter jets and drones, had entered Taiwan's so-called air defence identification zone. Transiting Saturn was exactly square Taiwan's Neptune yesterday and will oppose her natal Venus on Jan 8th 2023, completing a series of three passes active in 2022. In 2023 the Solar Eclipse on October 14th (the American eclipse) is conjunct the Taiwanese natal 7th house Mars at 22 Libra, energising Taiwan's international partnerships at that time. 07.35 The rapidly waxing but decelerating crescent Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 07.41 retro-Mars at 10 Gemini waxing tri-decile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 10.51 The Sun at 6 Capricorn waning tri-septile retro-Mars at 10 Gemini 16.53 Venus at 22 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 17.24 The Moon at 6 Pisces waxing sextile The Sun at 6 Capricorn 23.55 The Moon at 10 Pisces waning square Mars at 10 Gemini

Wednesday 28th December 2022

Venus sextile Neptune.

Tomorrow is the astrological high point of the week as Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Capricorn and then 4 hours later is overtaken by Venus. Constructive developments can be expected, essentially pleasant vibration, but the heart rules the head, guard against wrong decision making. 00.55 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 10 Pisces sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 08.32 Venus at 23 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 23 Pisces 09.03 The Moon at 15 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 15 Taurus 21.20 The Sun at 7 Capricorn waning semi-square Saturn at 22 Aquarius 22.06 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 23 Pisces 23.26 The Moon at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 24 Capricorn

Thursday 29th December 2022

Mercury turns retrograde today.

Today, the astrological high point of the week, Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Capricorn and then 4 hours later is overtaken by Venus. Constructive developments can be expected, this is an essentially pleasant vibration, but the heart rules the head, guard against wrong decision making. 00.44 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 24 Pisces waxing sextile Mercury at 24 Capricorn 06.21 The Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.3 hours. 09.26 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 17 Capricorn on Jan 7th. Mercury turns direct at 8 Capricorn on Jan 18th. 10.38 The Moon enters Aries joining Jupiter in this sign. 12.12 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 1 Aries 13.59 retro-Mercury conjunction Venus at 24 Capricorn 16.17 Venus at 24 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 9 Gemini (Mercury does not make another conjunction with Venus until July 27th 2023 at 28 degrees Leo).

Friday 30th December 2022

It is astrologically quiet. Mercury is now retrograde and the Moon is at first quarter. Slow and steady Capricorn energy still abounds-with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all there. This dense Capricorn stellium starts to break up with the ingress of Venus into Aquarius on Tuesday 3rd Jan. Right now the only planetary aspect is Venus applying in conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn-(a deal making aspect)exact early (GMT) New Year's day. Amid this grounding energy cities across Ukraine were targeted on Thursday by a wave of Russian missile strikes, in one of the largest bombardments since the war began. Ukraine's military said 69 missiles were launched, with air defences intercepting 54 of them. Transiting Saturn is right now exactly conjunct the Ukraine Moon for the final time. 01.21 The Moon reaches her First Quarter phase 03.18 The Moon decelerating at 9 Aries waning sextiles retro-Mars at 9 Gemini 23.21 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning quincunx Mars at 9 Gemini

Saturday 31st December 2022

The beseiged Moon in Aries stumbles for the first half of the day. 02.53 The first quarter Moon decelerating at 22 Aries waxing sextile Saturn at 22 Aquarius 06.01 The Moon at 24 Aries waxing square retro-Mercury at 24 Capricorn 10.59 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing square Venus at 27 Capricorn 12.45 The Moon at 28 Aries waxing square Pluto at 28 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 4.4 hours 17.10 The Moon enters Taurus providing a traditional backdrop for New Year's Eve. 19.34 Venus at 27 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 15 Taurus 22.13 The Sun at 10 Capricorn waning trine the lunar node at 10 Taurus Look in at The Daze in 2023. Happy New Year.