Monday 13th January 2025
Full Moon in Cancer
Sun trine Uranus

We are on a 'High Times Alert'. Full Moon and lunar occultation of Mars ahead. Emotional responses are to the fore with a tumultuous, stimulating and inspiring 'deep feelings Full Moon' later today. The Full Moon in Cancer is sextile Uranus, trine Neptune and conjunct Mars. This is one high (north) Full Moon. Mars is trine Neptune adding rich currents of creativity and insight to proceedings. This Full Moon has a potential for vision and reassurance.
07.31 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 16 Pisces
08.14 The Sun at 23 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 23 Taurus
10.49 Mercury at 7 Capricorn waxing quad-novile Mars at 27 Cancer
14.42 Mercury at 8 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 28 Pisces
19.04 Mercury at 8 Capricorn waning tri-septile Jupiter at 12 Gemini
21.22 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus
22.28 Moment of FULL MOON
Today's Full Moon is the 4th following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 at 26 Pisces and penultimate full moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo on Friday March 14th 2025, (eclipse visible at Moonset over the UK 06.59 GMT).
At the exact moment of Full Moon today it is Sunrise at Manila. Sunset is at Michigan. Moonrise is at Louisville(KY). Moonset is at Osaka. It is High Noon at Honolulu and True Midnight is at Helsinki. Pluto sets at Baltimore(MI). The Sun and Pluto rise as the Moon and Mars set over Japan and the South China sea. The same 4 bodies are reversed over Brazil. Neptune and the lunar node rise over New Zealand and set over the UK and Spain. Mars culminates at Istanbul, Lusaka and Alexandria. Venus and Saturn set at Dakar. The Moon culminates at Bucharest. Mercury rises at Beijing. Pluto sets at Washington DC. There is a great deal going on here and now.
The Full Moon at 24 degrees Cancer directly hits the Sun of Khamanei, the Moon of Syria, the Mercury of the USA, the Venus and Saturn of President elect and convicted felon Donald Trump, the Mars of Stephen King, the Jupiter of J.Biden, the Saturn of Italy, the Uranus of Germany, the MC of Israel, the Ascendant of Meghan Markle, The Full Moon opposes the Sun and Jupiter of Saudi, and the Jupiter of B.Netanyahu.
The Sun today is at 24 degrees Capricorn. Mars is retrograde at 27 degrees Cancer. He remains in opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. Venus is conjunct Saturn on Jan 19th. All month long, and most of the next, Neptune and the Lunar Node are applying in conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time.
The lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025.
Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have passed the midway point between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 66 days to the Vernal Equinox.
Morning star Mercury entered Capricorn on Jan 8th joining the Sun in this sign. Mercury whizzes through Capricorn in just 20 days. This is a brief positive period of practicality and progress and is essentially a good residence. Mercury sextiles the conjunction of Venus and Saturn on Jan 19th, a noteworthy day. Mercury opposes Mars and sextiles Uranus on Jan 23rd, invoking problems and solutions. Mercury sextiles Neptune on Jan 26th, inducing vision and application. Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 28th and is conjunct Pluto the very next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th Feb at 21 Aquarius.
Mercury retrograde periods ahead.
Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025
Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025
Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025
Venus entered Pisces as an evening star on Jan 3rd. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, tempting us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus squares Jupiter Jan 14th, infusing the Full Moon at that time with indulgences. Venus is sextiled by Mercury and is conjunct Saturn (for the 1st of 3 times) on Jan 19th, an astrological notable day. Venus trines Mars on Jan 25th, which is excellent for lovers, sextiles Uranus (1st of 3) on Jan 26th, which is also invigorating, but in a more cerebral manner. Venus is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time on Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries. Venus returns to Pisces (as a morning star) from March 27th to April 30th.
Mars from today, Jan 6th, is back in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.)
Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th.
Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025.
The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration.
Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025.
Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025.
Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023).
Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798.
Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking.
Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029.
Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 .
Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041.
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033.
Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039.
There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius.
There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto.
Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT
March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT
Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT
Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT
Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica.
March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia.
Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.)
Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America.
Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius.
Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo.
The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are now (Jan 2025) the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.
OUTER PLANET ingresses
Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.