Michael Harwood Astrology


Uranus in tropical Gemini approaches the Paleides.

Neptune tiptoes into Aries

Pluto settles in Aquarius.


Wednesday 1st January 2025

New Year's Day

The year starts with a month where Neptune and the Lunar Node on the Pisces Aries cusp are trine retrograde Mars on the Cancer/Leo cusp and sextile Pluto. This pattern somewhat mitigates the ruthless and fanatical energy of Mars opposite Pluto. New Moon energy today infuses this retro-Mars Pluto opposition which peaks for the 2nd time on Friday January 3rd. A 'bomb' of a start to 2025 is underway. 06.03 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces, moon void 10.51 The Moon enters Aquarius leaving the Sun isolated in Capricorn and joining Pluto in Aquarius. 12.45 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius 13.26 The Moon at 1 Aquarius sextile the lunar node at 1 Aries 13.54 The Moon at 2 Aquarius opposition Mars at 2 Leo 19.37 The Sun at 12 Capricorn waxing quad-novile retro-Mars at 2 Leo 22.38 Mercury at 21 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Thursday 2nd January 2025

As the New Year started yesterday under the violent beams of Mars opposite Pluto (and the Moon), ten people were killed and 35 injured after a man intentionally drove into a large crowd in New Orleans and then began firing a weapon. A sad start to 2025. Isolated Sun in Capricorn for 2 days. (Just being yourself.) Mars is almost oppposite Pluto, exact early (GMT) tomorrow. 09.52 The infant new Moon at 13 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 13 Gemini 11.46 Mars at 1 Leo waxing trine the lunar node at 1 Aries Start of a new wave tomorrow as Venus, and the Moon, slip fatefully into Pisces.

Friday 3rd January 2025

Mars opposite Pluto

The Moon and Venus slip into Pisces

The Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune are from 15.23 GMT today all in Pisces 02.34 The waxing and accelerating young Moon at 23 Aquarius waxing sextile Mercury at 23 Sagittarius 03.19 The Sun at 13 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 13 Gemini 03.26 Venus enters Pisces joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, temptisng us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus squares Jupiter Jan 14th, infusing the Full Moon at that time with indulgences. Venus is sextiled by Mercury and is conjunct Saturn (for the 1st of 3 times) on Jan 19th, a most notable day. Venus trines Mars on Jan 25th, which is excellent for lovers, sextiles Uranus (1st of 3) on Jan 26th, which is also invigorating, but in a more cerebral manner. Venus is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time on Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February and returns to Pisces from March 27th to April 30th. This 'right merry dance' starts today, and the Moon can't resist joining in later today. 04.13 The Moon at 24 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 24 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 11.2 hours 06.15 Venus at 0 Pisces waning bi-septile Jupiter at 13 Gemini 07.23 Mars at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius 12.34 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 15.23 The Moon enters Pisces joining Venus, Saturn and Neptune in this sign. 16.21 The Moon conjunction Venus at 1 Pisces 17.05 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning quincunx retro-Mars at 1 Leo 19.19 Mercury at 24 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 24 Taurus 23.42 Venus at 1 Pisces waning quincunx retro-Mars at 1 Leo Lunar occultation of Saturn tomorrow

Saturday 4th January 2025

Sun sextile Saturn

The Moon, Venus Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.

Lunar occultation of Saturn (visible from the UK in the late evening twilight). Disappear 17.24 reappear 18.32

A noteworthy weekend of sublime destiny. Lunar occultations of Saturn and Neptune. Go with the flow. 05.48 Venus at 1 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 13.34 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 13 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 13 Gemini 14.48 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waxing biquintile retro-Mars at 1 Leo 16.32 The Moon at 15 Pisces waxing sextile The Sun at 15 Capricorn 16.57 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 15 Pisces 17.19 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Saturn at 15 Pisces 22.37 The Sun at 15 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 15 Pisces 23.52 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Sunday 5th January 2025

The Moon, Venus Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.


January 5th 2025

Daylight lunar occultation of Neptune (centred on the western Europe). Disap 14.01 Reapp 14.58

07.57 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 24 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus 11.09 The Sun at 15 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 27 Pisces 11.58 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 26 Sagittarius 14.31 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 27 Pisces The Moon is void of course for 4.5 hours 19.03 The Moon enters Aries 19.26 The Moon at 0 Aries waning trine Mars at 0 Leo 21.07 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 21.09 The Moon conjunction her ascending node at 1 Aries

Monday 6th January 2025

Mercury square Neptune

10.46 Mars re-enters Cancer 11.27 Venus at 4 Pisces waning bi-novile Uranus at 24 Taurus 13.06 Mars at 30 Cancer waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 15 Pisces 13.56 Mercury at 27 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 27 Pisces 16.39 The very rapidly waxing Moon accelerating at 13 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 13 Gemini 23.57 The Moon at First Quarter STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 16 degrees Capricorn. Mars is retrograde at 30 degrees Cancer. He remains in opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have now passed the midway point between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 74 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Mercury entered Sagittarius for 66 days on Nov 2nd as an evening star. This is a free thinking, frank speaking, 'restlessly seeking period'. Mercury leaves his shadow on Jan 2nd 2025. Mercury squares Neptune on Jan 6th 2025. Mercury leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Jan 8th 2025. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Pisces as an evening star on Jan 3rd. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, temptisng us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus squares Jupiter Jan 14th, infusing the Full Moon at that time with indulgences. Venus is sextiled by Mercury and is conjunct Saturn (for the 1st of 3 times) on Jan 19th, an astrological notable day. Venus trines Mars on Jan 25th, which is excellent for lovers, sextiles Uranus (1st of 3) on Jan 26th, which is also invigorating, but in a more cerebral manner. Venus is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time on Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries. Venus returns to Pisces (as a morning star) from March 27th to April 30th. MARS Mars from today, Jan 6th, is back in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are approaching the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 7th January 2025

Mars moved back into Cancer yesterday and Mercury advances into Capricorn tomorrow. Both these ingresses are into cardinal signs, signifying dynamism and generation of energy. A little less conversation and a little more action is ahead. 20.49 The very rapidly waxing first quarter Moon at 29 Aries waxing trine Mercury at 29 Sagittarius A cardinal/fixed T-square is manifest 21.00 to 00.30 involving the Moon, retro-Mars and Pluto. 21.17 The Moon at 29 Aries waning square retro-Mars at 29 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for 56 mins. 22.13 The Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 23.36 The Moon is at Perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month.

Wednesday 8th January 2025

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus. A couple of 'Earthy days', ideal for jobs of work and stone ground lifestyles. 00.23 The very rapidly waxing first quarter Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 1 Aquarius 00.28 Mercury at 29 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 29 Cancer 01.45 Mercury at 29 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 23 Taurus 05.23 Venus at 5 Pisces waning biquintile retro-Mars at 29 Cancer 07.24 The Moon at 5 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 5 Pisces 10.32 12.38 The Sun at 18 Capricorn waning biquintile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 23.57 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 15 Pisces

Thursday 9th January 2025

The chart above is for the foundation of Los Angeles, source Astrotheme. At least two people have been killed, and dozens more injured, as firefighters in Los Angeles battle wildfires around the city. Four ongoing fires - Palisades, Eaton, Hurst and Woodley - are 0% contained and "stretching" responders to their limits. Mars opposite Pluto is currently dominating the skies of Earth. The same opposition straddles the prime meridian of the Los Angeles foundation chart shown above. Mars is currently opposite Pluto in the USA chart. At the peak moment of the last Lunar Eclipse, Sept 18th 2024, Mars was conjunct the IC at Los Angeles. At the peak moment of the next Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025, Pluto rises at L.A. The rapidly waxing Taurus Moon hits hard, right now. 04.25 Mercury at 1 Capricorn waning square the lunar node at 1 Aries 06.54 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing trine The Sun at 19 Capricorn 08.48 Mercury at 1 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 14.01 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 23 Taurus 20.47 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 27 Pisces 22.51 The Moon at 29 Taurus waning sextile retro-Mars at 29 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for 2.3 hours

Friday 10th January 2025

01.08 The rapidly waxing Moon enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign 01.57 Mercury at 2 Capricorn waning quad-novile Jupiter at 12 Gemini Lunar occultation of fixed star Alcyone observable from the UK approx 02.43 to 03.08 02.51 The Moon at 1 Gemini sextiles her node from high north of the equator. Lunar occultation of fixed star Atlas observable from the UK approx 03.10 to 03.55 03.25 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius 04.43 Venus at 7 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 05.29 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing quincunx Mercury at 3 Capricorn 09.03 Mercury at 3 Capricorn waxing tri-septile Mars at 28 Cancer 10.21 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The procession to Monday's Full Moon now begins in earnest. 14.19 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing square Venus at 8 Pisces 18.02 Mercury at 3 Capricorn waning quintile Saturn at 15 Pisces 22.02 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 12 Gemini

Saturday 11th January 2025

Lunar pressures are rising over this weekend as the Full Moon climaxes on Monday. Mars is applying in 'water trine' aspect to Neptune, exact tomorrow. This one enhances creativity, emotional connection, and intuitive insights. 03.16 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 15 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 15 Pisces 13.57 The Moon at 22 Gemini waxing quincunx The Sun at 22 Capricorn

Sunday 12th January 2025

Mars trine Neptune.

High times alert. Emotional responses are to the fore with a tumultuous, stimulating and inspiring 'deep feelings Full Moon' ahead of us. The Full Moon in Cancer (sextile Uranus and conjunct Mars) is tomorrow. This is one high (north) Full Moon Sunday. Mars is trine Neptune adding rich currents of creativity and insight to proceedings. This Full Moon has a potential for vision and reassurance. 00.04 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 27 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 27 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 4.4 hours 04.26 The Moon enters Cancer joining Mars in this sign. The Moon will occult Mars early GMT on Tuesday whilst in this sign. 05.58 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing square the lunar node from the highest point she can reach above the equator. We really are at the peak of the Lunar Standstill. 06.52 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius 14.54 The Moon at 6 Cancer opposition Mercury at 6 Capricorn 21.16 Mars at 27 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 27 Pisces 21.57 The Moon at 10 Cancer waxing trine Venus at 10 Pisces

Monday 13th January 2025

Full Moon in Cancer

Sun trine Uranus

We are on a 'High Times Alert'. Full Moon and lunar occultation of Mars ahead. Emotional responses are to the fore with a tumultuous, stimulating and inspiring 'deep feelings Full Moon' later today. The Full Moon in Cancer is sextile Uranus, trine Neptune and conjunct Mars. This is one high (north) Full Moon. Mars is trine Neptune adding rich currents of creativity and insight to proceedings. This Full Moon has a potential for vision and reassurance. 07.31 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 16 Pisces 08.14 The Sun at 23 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 23 Taurus 10.49 Mercury at 7 Capricorn waxing quad-novile Mars at 27 Cancer 14.42 Mercury at 8 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 28 Pisces 19.04 Mercury at 8 Capricorn waning tri-septile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 21.22 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus 22.28 Moment of FULL MOON

Today's Full Moon is the 4th following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 at 26 Pisces and penultimate full moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo on Friday March 14th 2025, (eclipse visible at Moonset over the UK 06.59 GMT). At the exact moment of Full Moon today it is Sunrise at Manila. Sunset is at Michigan. Moonrise is at Louisville(KY). Moonset is at Osaka. It is High Noon at Honolulu and True Midnight is at Helsinki. Pluto sets at Baltimore(MI). The Sun and Pluto rise as the Moon and Mars set over Japan and the South China sea. The same 4 bodies are reversed over Brazil. Neptune and the lunar node rise over New Zealand and set over the UK and Spain. Mars culminates at Istanbul, Lusaka and Alexandria. Venus and Saturn set at Dakar. The Moon culminates at Bucharest. Mercury rises at Beijing. Pluto sets at Washington DC. There is a great deal going on here and now. The Full Moon at 24 degrees Cancer directly hits the Sun of Khamanei, the Moon of Syria, the Mercury of the USA, the Venus and Saturn of President elect and convicted felon Donald Trump, the Mars of Stephen King, the Jupiter of J.Biden, the Saturn of Italy, the Uranus of Germany, the MC of Israel, the Ascendant of Meghan Markle, The Full Moon opposes the Sun and Jupiter of Saudi, and the Jupiter of B.Netanyahu. STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 24 degrees Capricorn. Mars is retrograde at 27 degrees Cancer. He remains in opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. Venus is conjunct Saturn on Jan 19th. All month long, and most of the next, Neptune and the Lunar Node are applying in conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have passed the midway point between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 66 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Morning star Mercury entered Capricorn on Jan 8th joining the Sun in this sign. Mercury whizzes through Capricorn in just 20 days. This is a brief positive period of practicality and progress and is essentially a good residence. Mercury sextiles the conjunction of Venus and Saturn on Jan 19th, a noteworthy day. Mercury opposes Mars and sextiles Uranus on Jan 23rd, invoking problems and solutions. Mercury sextiles Neptune on Jan 26th, inducing vision and application. Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 28th and is conjunct Pluto the very next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th Feb at 21 Aquarius. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Pisces as an evening star on Jan 3rd. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, tempting us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus squares Jupiter Jan 14th, infusing the Full Moon at that time with indulgences. Venus is sextiled by Mercury and is conjunct Saturn (for the 1st of 3 times) on Jan 19th, an astrological notable day. Venus trines Mars on Jan 25th, which is excellent for lovers, sextiles Uranus (1st of 3) on Jan 26th, which is also invigorating, but in a more cerebral manner. Venus is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time on Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries. Venus returns to Pisces (as a morning star) from March 27th to April 30th. MARS Mars from today, Jan 6th, is back in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are now (Jan 2025) the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 14th January 2025

Lunar occultation of Mars

The Full Moon coincided with news that Hamas is expected to release 33 hostages in the first phase of an emerging deal. US officials say Gaza ceasefire deal is in sight, the first sign of serious optimism in months. Top ICJ judge Nawaf Salam named Lebanon's next prime minister. Tsunami advisory lifted after 6.9 magnitude earthquake rattles southwest Japan. Ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield as Trump team pushes for ceasefire. 00.10 Mars at 27 Cancer waxing semi-square Jupiter at 12 Gemini 03.17 The Sun at 24 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 16 Pisces 03.49 The Moon conjunction Mars at 27 Cancer 04.43 Mercury at 8 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 23 Taurus 04.46 The waxing full Moon decelerating at 28 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 4.5 hours 04.52 Venus at 11 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 23 Taurus 07.23 Venus at 11 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 09.14 The Moon enters Leo 10.38 The Moon at 1 Leo trines her node from north of equator. 11.54 The Moon at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius 15.08 Venus at 12 Pisces waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 27 Cancer 18.03 Mars at 27 Cancer waning quintile Jupiter at 12 Gemini

Wednesday 15th January 2025

For the next 2 days the Sun (applying to Pluto) opposes Mars and sextiles the 2-month long Neptune Node conjunction. The hotspot of this month is now underway. All month long and next month Neptune and the Lunar Node are conjunct in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st. 02.56 The waning and decelerating full Moon at 10 Leo waning quincunx Mercury at 10 Capricorn 06.59 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 07.57 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing quincunx Venus at 12 Pisces 14.00 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 16 Pisces

Thursday 16th January 2025

Mars at opposition

Mars at opposition in Cancer is weak. The red planet is closest to Earth. When he is so close he is vulnerable. The warrior sleeps, sssh! don't wake him. Peace deals can be brokered. Israel and Hamas have agreed a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal following 15 months of war. The agreement should come into effect on Sunday so long as it is approved by the Israeli cabinet. US President Joe Biden said it would 'halt the fighting in Gaza, surge much needed-humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians, and reunite the hostages with their families after more than 15 months in captivity'. Blessed are the peace makers, whoever they are. Venus is now applying to a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces, exact early (GMT) on Sunday, when both planets sextile Mercury. Hopefully this vibration helps secure the peace. 02.39 The Sun at 26 Capricorn opposition Mars at 26 Cancer 04.11 The waning full Moon decelerating at 23 Leo waxing square Uranus at 23 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 12.6 hours 10.11 The Moon at 27 Leo waning quincunx The Sun at 27 Capricorn 12.10 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces 12.52 Mercury at 12 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 12 Gemini 16.47 The Moon enters Virgo 18.11 The Sun at 27 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 12 Gemini 19.46 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Friday 17th January 2025

The Sun sextile Neptune

The Moon opposes Venus and Saturn

11.20 The Sun at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces 15.34 The waning and decelerating Moon at 12 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 12 Gemini 17.37 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 19.28 The Moon at 14 Virgo waning trine Mercury at 14 Capricorn 21.47 The Moon at 15 Virgo opposition Venus at 15 Pisces 23.44 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition Saturn at 16 Pisces

Saturday 18th January 2025

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Capricorn, the Sun enters Aquarius tomorrow. Venus is almost conjunct Saturn in Pisces, exact early (GMT) tomorrow. These two planets are sextile Mercury. Also a 'mystic rectangle' of a spiritual quality is manifest as Saturday ends (GMT). This could be a special weekend. As the weekend starts, Russia and Iran have signed new long term treaty, raising the stakes for the Trump administration. Transiting Mars is conjunct the Russian/Iran relationship chart. Transiting Pluto currently trines the Mars in the the said chart. This deal looks to have a pronounced military dimension to it. Trump has apparently had a 'very good' phone call with China's President Xi Jinping. There is some interesting astrology between these two world leaders, both sun sign Gemini. However Xi will skip Trump's inauguration, sending a special representative in his place. 14.14 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 23 Taurus A mystic rectangle is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun, Pluto, Mars, Neptune and the Lunar Node for the remainder of this day. 17.53 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 25 Cancer 22.49 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Neptune at 28 Pisces

Sunday 19th January 2025

Venus conjunct Saturn

Mercury sextile Venus and Saturn

00.03 Mercury at 16 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 28 Pisces 01.27 Venus conjunction Saturn at 16 Pisces 02.02 The disseminating and decelerating Moon at 29 Virgo waning trine The Sun at 29 Capricorn. The Moon is void of course for 1.5 hours 03.35 The Moon enters Libra 04.38 The Moon at 1 Libra opposition her ascending node at 1 Aries 06.52 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 07.39 Mercury at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 16 Pisces 15.48 Venus at 17 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 16.32 Mercury at 17 Capricorn waning sextile Venus at 17 Pisces 20.02 The Sun enters Aquarius and a new astrological month begins.

Monday 20th January 2025

Inauguration of US president.

Not that the Inauguration chart looks anything but control-freaky and dictatorial with Sun Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars in the 4th - the latter hinting at a mutinous electorate. Though Neptune in the 11th does suggest a lack of vision for the future. A defiant (lawless/reckless) Uranus in the 1st points to significant changes being implemented that break with convention or the past. Marjorie Orr. The public gets what the public wants. 03.07 The slowly disseminating and decelerating Moon at 12 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 12 Gemini 07.14 The Sun at zero Aquarius sextile her node at zero Aries 07.49 Mercury at 18 Capricorn waning biquintile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 12.21 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 16 Pisces 15.04 The Moon at 18 Libra waning quincunx Venus at 18 Pisces 16.23 The Moon at 18 Libra waning square Mercury at 18 Capricorn

. STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at zero degrees Aquarius. Pluto is also at this position. Mars is retrograde at 25 degrees Cancer. He remains in opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. All month long, and most of the next, Neptune and the Lunar Node are applying in conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have passed the midway point between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 60 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Morning star Mercury entered Capricorn on Jan 8th. Mercury whizzes through Capricorn in just 20 days. This is a brief positive period of practicality and progress and is essentially a good residence. Mercury opposes Mars and sextiles Uranus on Jan 23rd, invoking problems and solutions. Mercury sextiles Neptune on Jan 26th, inducing vision and application. Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 28th and is conjunct Pluto the very next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th Feb at 21 Aquarius. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Pisces as an evening star on Jan 3rd. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, tempting us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus trines Mars on Jan 25th, which is excellent for lovers, sextiles Uranus (1st of 3) on Jan 26th, which is also invigorating, but in a more cerebral manner. Venus is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time on Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries. Venus returns to Pisces (as a morning star) from March 27th to April 30th. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back retrograding in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and is at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The Lunar Node is in Aries. We are now (Jan 2025) the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto enters Aquarius 2023-2024. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 21st January 2025

Sun conjunct Pluto

02.27 The Sun at 1 Aquarius waning semi-square Saturn at 16 Pisces 02.44 The very slowly disseminating Moon at 23 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 23 Taurus 04.34 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing square Mars at 24 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for 11.8 hours 04.56 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 11.39 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces 12.29 The Sun conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius 16.22 The Moon enters Scorpio. The Sun and Moon are now in Fixed signs. 19.51 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 20.31 The Moon at Fixed Last Quarter

Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Not a great deal going on astrologically speaking today, much now 'fixed' and unmovable, but Mercury is applying in opposition to retrograde Mars and in trine to Uranus. Both aspects are exact tomorrow. Actions speak louder than words here. 15.45 The very slowly waning Last Quarter Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 12 Gemini

Thursday 23rd January 2025

Mars sextile Uranus

Mercury easy opposition Mars trine Uranus

A day with broad scope. Much challenging energy right now, but novel responses available. Weird vibrations. 01.39 The slowly waning but accelerating post last quarter Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 16 Pisces 08.51 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine Venus at 20 Pisces Another mystic rectangle is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus for the remainder of this day. Sizzling energy. 14.11 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning sextile Mercury at 23 Capricorn 15.08 Mars at 23 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus 15.13 The Moon at 23 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 23 Taurus A watery grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mars, Neptune and the Lunar Node 15.00 to midnight GMT. Active and emotional intelligence. 15.13 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 23 Cancer 20.49 Mercury at 23 Capricorn opposition retro-Mars at 23 Cancer 22.08 Mercury at 23 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 23 Taurus

Friday 24th January 2025

Quite a cheerful day is invoked by the fairly well aspected sagittarian Moon. Venus is applying to a watery trine aspect with retrograde Mars exact late (GMT) tomorrow. Potentially loving. 00.04 The slowly waning Moon accelerating at 28 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 4.4 hours 04.30 The Moon enters Sagittarius 05.01 The Moon at zero Sagittarius trines the her node at zero Aries from south of the equator 08.02 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 13.56 The Moon at 5 Sagittarius waning sextile The Sun at 5 Aquarius 21.50 Venus at 21 Pisces waning bi-novile Jupiter at 11 Gemini

Saturday 25th January 2025

Venus trine Mars

00.28 The Sun at 5 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 23 Taurus 02.46 The slowly waning, almost balsamic, Moon accelerating at 11 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 11 Gemini 04.20 Mercury at 25 Capricorn waning septile Saturn at 17 Pisces 12.51 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 17 Pisces 21.13 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to the (potentially benevolent and expansive)New Moon on Wednesday now starts in earnest. 21.44 Mercury at 26 Capricorn waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 11 Gemini 23.35 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning square Venus at 22 Pisces A Finger of Fate is manifest involving the Moon, Mars, and Uranus 23.00 to 24.00. A hot wire. 23.37 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waxing quincunx retro-Mars at 22 Cancer 23.54 Venus at 22 Pisces waning trine retro-Mars at 22 Cancer

Sunday 26th January 2025

Mercury sextile Neptune

Venus sextile Uranus

01.12 The balsamic Moon accelerating at 23 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 23 Taurus 02.32 The Sun at 6 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 28 Pisces 09.40 The Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 3.8 hours 13.30 The Sun at 7 Aquarius waning novile Saturn at 17 Pisces 13.44 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Mercury in this sign. 13.59 The Moon at zero Capricorn square the mean lunar node at 0 Aries. Height of the Major Lunation Standstill. The Moon gaining very limited altitudes in northern skies. 18.33 Mercury at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces 22.15 Venus at 23 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.12 Venus at 23 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus

Monday 27th January 2025

00.42 Saturn at 17 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius The Saturn Pluto cycle correlates with the transformation of power structures, economic contraction, natural disasters, epidemics, and war. The cycle lasts 33-38 years. The current cycle started in late Capricorn on 12th Jan 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It reaches its first quarter crisis in 2028-2029 and arrives at its climax, Saturn opposition Pluto, across Leo/Aquarius in 2035-2036. The cycle completes in 2053-2054 in Pisces. Today's waxing semi-square aspect is the last of three hits, dates May 6th 2024, Sept 26th 2024 and Jan 26th 2025. This aspect induces a pushing forward of power bases and the meeting with restriction, resulting is an emotional impact. The political trend globally seems currently to be moving towards the hard right. This Saturn Pluto hard aspect has overseen a vengeful Donald Trump taking up the presidential reins. Kind, caring, enlightened, christian and compassionate policy making? Doesn't seem so with Saturn semi-square Pluto. 10.31 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 11 Gemini 20.34 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 17 Pisces STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 7 degrees Aquarius. Pluto is also in Aquarius. The old Moon and Mercury are in Capricorn. Mars is retrograde at 22 degrees Cancer. He remains in wide opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. All month long, and most of the next, Neptune and the Lunar Node are applying in conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We have passed the midway point between eclipse seasons. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde. There are 53 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Morning star Mercury entered Capricorn on Jan 8th. Mercury whizzes through Capricorn in just 20 days. This is a brief positive period of practicality and progress and is essentially a good residence. Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 28th and is conjunct Pluto the very next day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th Feb at 21 Aquarius. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Pisces as an evening star on Jan 3rd. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, tempting us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time on Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries. Venus returns to Pisces (as a morning star) from March 27th to April 30th. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back retrograding in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and was at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini on Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution (retrograde in Taurus from Sept 1st 2024 to Jan 30th 2025), the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The mean Lunar Node is in Aries. We are now (Jan 2025) at the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres now, in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto is now in Aquarius. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 28th January 2025

Day of the old Moon today to be followed by a fortunate looking New Moon in Aquarius tomorrow. 02.54 Mercury enters Aquarius on Jan 28th as a morning star joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. He resides here for just 17 days for a largely favourable passage. Mercury is conjunct Pluto tomorrow at 2 degrees Aquarius. (This conjunction last occurred in Aquarius on March 16th 1797, it will become an annual occurrence over the next 20 years). Mercury trines Jupiter on Feb 3rd, with a wealth of expansive future orientated ideas. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 degrees Aquarius on Feb 9th. A climax of the universal mind, a 'Full Mercury'. Then as an evening star Mercury squares Uranus, the only difficult aspect, one with a disjointed and scatty quality, on Feb 11th. Mercury enters Pisces on Valentine's Day. Mercury in Aquarius engenders progressive thinking. 03.46 Mercury at zero Aquarius waning sextile the lunar node at zero Aries 04.53 The ancient Moon accelerating at 22 Capricorn opposition Mars at 22 Cancer 07.43 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 23 Taurus 09.54 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Venus at 25 Pisces 15.49 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 3.7 hours. 19.33 The Moon enters Aquarius joining the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in this sign. 19.35 The Moon at 0 Aquarius waning sextile the mean lunar node at 0 Aries 21.46 The Moon conjunction Mercury at 1 Aquarius 22.57 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius The Moon is New tomorrow.

Wednesday 29th January 2025

New Moon in Aquarius

Mercury conjunct Pluto

03.57 Mars at 21 Cancer waxing novile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 05.53 THE MEAN LUNAR NODE ENTERS PISCES (The True Node entered Pisces on Jan 11th) I see the Mean point as an astrological and mathematical 'eclipse marker'. The True Node position is a refined and very subtle spiritual point. Either way at this time we are at the height of the current Lunar Maximum. Global collective emotional swings are at their peak. 07.50 Mercury conjunct Pluto at 2 Aquarius (This conjunction last occurred in Aquarius on March 16th 1797, it will become an annual occurrence over the next 20 years). 12.37 New Moon at 10 Aquarius The New Moon is trine Jupiter at 11 Gemini.

This is the 4th New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra on October 2nd, and it is the penultimate New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025 at 9 degrees Aries,(visible from the UK). This New Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter offers opportunity for new directions and progression. Mercury is conjunct Pluto offering clear insight. Mars is sextile Uranus adding innovation, Venus applies to Neptune invoking deep union. Mars trines Saturn offering industry. No Fire, just planets in fixed and mutable Air and Water, that's 'fizz', lightness of spirit and firm commitment. This is a positive New Moon. At the exact moment of New Moon today it is Sunrise over Niagara Falls and Atlanta. Sunset is at Hyderabad. Moonrise is at Baltimore(MI) and Washington DC. Moonset is at Kabul. High Noon at Callanish, Scotland. True midnight is at Wellington. Mars rises at Baghdad and sets at Dallas. Venus sets at Seoul. The Sun and Moon set at kabul. Venus, Neptune and the lunar node culminate over all Korea. Mercury and Pluto rise at New Orleans. Pluto sets at Moscow. Saturn culminates at Kiev. Today's New Moon directly hits the Afghan (2021 chart) Saturn, Saudi's Mars, Bitcoin's Node, Jamaica's MC and the Ukraine 'special military operation' Mercury. The New Moon opposes the Pluto of D.Trump, the Pluto of Syria, the Pluto and Node of Lebanon, the Sun square Saturn of JD Vance and the Uranus of Iraq. The New Moon trines Elon Musk's Uranus and the USA Uranus. 15.09 The Moon at 11 Aquarius trine Jupiter

Thursday 30th January 2025

New Moon energy infuses the biosphere. Future proof thoughts. 01.36 The Sun at 10 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 23 Taurus 07.37 The accelerating infant Moon at 21 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 21 Cancer 11.30 The Moon at 23 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 23 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 11.4 hours. 13.18 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waning quad-novile Mars at 21 Cancer 13.44 URANUS TURNS DIRECT at 23 Taurus. He can now move onwards into his orbital future and make his first entry into tropical Gemini in 159 days time on July 7th 2025. 22.54 The Moon enters Pisces joining Venus, Saturn, Neptune and the lunar node in this sign for 2.5 days. 22.57 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waning decile Saturn at 17 Pisces 23.00 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 11 Gemini

Friday 31st January 2025

The Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune and the lunar node all in Pisces for 2 more days.

Deep sublimity.

The Washington plane and helicopter crash at 9pm on Wednesday night occurred when the Midheaven was at 23 degrees Gemini conjunct Trump's Sun, with tr Uranus close to his Midheaven and the Aquarius Sun exactly opposition his Pluto. So it was certainly impacting Trump's chart. It was also marked up in the USA's chart with the Solar Arc Saturn around the same degree Gemini as the plane crash MC conjunct the Mars and moving to square the Neptune over the next eight months to a year - which is accident-prone, destructive and worrisome. With tr Saturn now direct in Pisces heading to square the USA Mars and oppose the USA Neptune in March. Marjorie Orr An interesting unfinished last sentence... Some astrologers see March 2025 as the nemesis month for the felon president. Certainly the approaching Total Lunar Eclipse on March 15th 2025 at 24 degrees Virgo (and transiting Saturn) are square Trump's natal Sun. This suggests anything but an easy ride for him. However the man himself was born a few hours before the start of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Most people are not aware of this. This astronomical fact explains to astrologers quite clearly the unique personality, energy and character of the man. He handles this 'natal eclipse energy' very adeptly. His followers and admirers are irresistibly drawn to this Total Lunar Eclipse glamour, believing the man possesses near messianic qualities with a near divine mission. He certainly does have the ability and 'luck' to create, fashion and manage events and influences to his own advantage. He 'bounces back', as has often been witnessed, so March 2025 may be just another example of this. We may be in for a long haul. A cluster of 'piscean' planetary, lunar and nodal energies are at work today and tomorrow. Deep emotion, transcendence and fathomless beguilement will be manifest for two days. This subliminal wave intensifies and climaxes tomorrow when Venus is conjunct Neptune and the Moon occults Saturn and Neptune. Quite a tapestry of experience and emotion is at hand here. 07.53 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waning tri-decile Uranus at 23 Taurus 14.01 Mercury at 6 Aquarius waning septile Venus at 27 Pisces 17.53 The rapidly waxing infant Moon accelerating at 11 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 11 Gemini

Saturday 1st February 2025

Venus conjunct Neptune.

Lunar occultations of Saturn and Neptune.

Close conjunction of the Moon and Venus.

February 2025 is coloured by Neptune conjunct the Lunar Node at 28-29 Pisces, True Node Feb 4th, Mean Node Feb 23rd. (This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time.) There is a difficult 'Candlemass' Full Moon at 24 Leo on Feb 12th square Uranus. Somewhat unsettling. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun square Uranus 2/3 days before the said Full Moon. The month ends with a New Moon at 9 Pisces, square Jupiter, with the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the Lunar Node all in this sign. This becomes a 'very deep water' month. The gentle touch and spiritual truth of a 'Venus conjunct Neptune aspect in Pisces' holds sway today. The very rapidly waxing young Moon passes close by, occulting both Saturn and Neptune. A special day may be in store. There is outstanding intellectual and moral worth at hand with today's astrology. 02.24 Mercury at 7 Aquarius waning septile Neptune at 28 Pisces 04.10 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 17 Pisces 04.19 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Saturn 0.00 degrees 07.50 The Sun at 13 Aquarius waning semi-square Venus at 28 Pisces 09.02 The Moon at 20 Pisces waning trine Mars at 20 Cancer 13.54 The Moon at 23 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus 14.32 The Sun at 13 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 28 Pisces 16.04 Mercury at 7 Aquarius waning novile Saturn at 17 Pisces 16.34 Venus conjunction Neptune at 28 Pisces 21.49 The Moon conjunction Neptune at 28 Pisces 22.07 The Moon conjunction Venus at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for just over 3 hours. 22.22 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 23.06 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Neptune 0.53 degrees

Sunday 2nd February 2025

Two days after the deadliest plane crash in the US in more than 20 years, a small medical transport plane crashed into several buildings in north-east Philadelphia on Friday evening, killing all six people on board and at least one other person on the ground. Very sad events are coloring USA history right now.

Today the Sun is in an Air sign, and from 01.12 GMT the Moon is in a Fire sign. Combustion and a blast of impetus forces the issue. 00.51 The very rapidly waxing void of course crescent Moon conjunction her mean lunar node at 30 Pisces 01.12 The Moon enters Aries 02.44 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 04.40 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 16.36 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing sextile Mercury at 9 Aquarius 20.04 The Moon at 11 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 11 Gemini

Monday 3rd February 2025

Mercury trine Jupiter.

Transiting Uranus is currently exactly square the USA natal chart Mercury/Neptune midpoint. 'Convulsive disturbances'. Trump's sweeping tariffs, a very aggressive use of his favourite economic weapon could be the source of the disturbances. The USA is on the verge of a high risk economic adventure. It's spooking the markets right now. Transiting Saturn is square Trump's natal (10th house) Uranus on Feb 5th 2025. This is the last of three such transits, the others were in May 2024 and in Aug 2024. Not 'checkmate' this one, but certainly 'check'. 01.24 The very rapidly waxing crescent Moon at 14 Aries waxing sextile The Sun at 14 Aquarius 01.58 Mercury at 10 Aquarius waning quad-novile Mars at 20 Cancer 08.52 Venus at 29 Pisces waning quintile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 09.38 Mercury at 10 Aquarius waning bi-septile Uranus at 23 Taurus 10.20 The Moon at 20 Aries waning square retro-Mars at 20 Cancer. The Moon is void of course for 17.25 hours. 14:12 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are at the midway point between Solstice and Equinox, this is a 'cross quarter day'. In the northern hemisphere we are at the start of the season of 'stirring', in the south, late summer underway. The world moves on. Seasons they change. 21.52 Mercury at 11 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 11 Gemini 22.18 Venus conjunction the mean lunar node at 30 Pisces 22.40 The Sun at 15 Aquarius waning tri-septile Mars at 20 Cancer STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 14 degrees Aquarius. Mercury and Pluto are also in Aquarius. Mars is retrograde at 20 degrees Cancer. He remains in wide opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. During January and February 2025, Neptune and the mean Lunar Node are in a conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The mean lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are approaching a new eclipse season. Only Mars and Jupiter are currently retrograde. Jupiter stations direct tomorrow. There are 46 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Mercury entered Aquarius on Jan 28th as a morning star joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. He resides here for just 17 days for a largely favourable passage. Mercury trines Jupiter tomorrow Feb 3rd, with a wealth of expansive future orientated ideas. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 degrees Aquarius on Feb 9th. A climax of the universal mind, a 'Full Mercury'. Then as an evening star Mercury squares Uranus, the only difficult aspect, one with a disjointed and scatty quality, on Feb 11th. Mercury enters Pisces on Valentine's Day. Mercury in Aquarius engenders progressive thinkingMorning star Mercury entered on Jan 28th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th Feb at 21 Aquarius. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Pisces as an evening star on Jan 3rd. Venus's retrograde phase is ahead of us (March 2nd to April 13th, which is also an eclipse season), meaning that Venus will not finally leave Pisces until April 30th. She is about to lead us on a right dance around the astrological village green, confounding us, beguiling us, tempting us and tempering us. Let's examine stage one of this complex dance right now. Venus was conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) on Feb 1st at 28 Pisces revealing enchantment. Venus enters Aries for the first time tomorrow Feb 4th and resides there for the remainder of February. Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 23rd March 2025 at 3 Aries. Venus returns to Pisces (as a morning star) from March 27th to April 30th. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back retrograding in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and was at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He resides here for a year. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter then turned retrograde on Oct 9th at 21 degrees Gemini. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter turns direct at 11 Gemini tomorrow Feb 4th 2025. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. The 3 waxing squares to Saturn in 2024-2025. The first two hits see Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, (17 degrees and 14 degrees) rooted in 'change'. The 2025 hit sees Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, (at the first degree), rooted in 'charge'. This Jupiter square Saturn relationship is the 'tackling problems head on' aspect. The current 20 year synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn started at the start of Aquarius on Dec 21st 2000. This cycle of Jupiter and Saturn represents a positive, focused attitude, a definition of goals, ambition and global development. The significance of the Aquarius influence is to connect this development to global integration. The waxing square aspect represents maturing new qualities demanding freedom from the past and its compulsions. It marks a decisive break with the past. We are in a hard hitting year on the world stage and in our personal lives with this aspect. The last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces square was in the summer of 1965. LBJ and the Vietnamese war were really gaining momentum at the time. That Jupiter Saturn cycle started in Capricorn. the current one started in Aquarius, hence the focus on global integration. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The mean Lunar Node is now just in Pisces. We are (Feb 2025) at the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres now, in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over the next year or so all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto is now in Aquarius. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini 2025-2026. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 4th February 2025

03.35 The rapidly waxing but decelerating crescent Moon enters Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 04.51 Mercury at 12 Aquarius waning decile Saturn at 18 Pisces 07.13 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 07.59 Venus enters Aries as an evening star Venus sextiles Pluto on Feb 7th, silver linings. Venus turns retrograde on March 2nd at 11 Aries. (Venus's retrograde phase is from March 2nd to April 13th, which is in the eclipse season.) Retro-Venus is conjunct Mercury at 9 Aries on March 11th, a merry meet. Retro-Venus sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 21st, the power of love. Two days later on March 23rd, Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 degrees Aries. A 'New Venus'. Venus slips back into Pisces as a morning star on March 27th. Venus turning retrograde in Aries kindles old flames. Warm. 09.15 JUPITER TURNS DIRECT. Jupiter pushes with his final phase in Gemini and enters Cancer on June 9th 2025. 23.15 Mercury at 13 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 28 Pisces

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Ten people were killed in a shooting on a school campus in the central city of Orebro in Sweden. A grievous and rare event in Sweden. Police believe the perpetrator is among the dead and that he acted alone, but a motive is not yet clear. In the Sweden astrological chart (Dec 7th 1865), transiting Jupiter is conjunct Sweden secondary progressed Moon and transiting Pluto is conjunct Sweden progressed Jupiter. Both transits are currently simultaneously exact. The first transit opens up nationwide emotion, the second transit invokes a transformation of civic procedures. Trump Astrowatch-(new feature)-transiting Saturn squares his natal Uranus peaking today-'Held in check'-Trump has suspended for 30 days the hefty tariffs on Mexico and Canada that he threatened. Some 'saturnine pressure' must have been brought to bear to reign in his intentioned escapades. World trade is currently jittery and we await with interest the evolution of the Trump/Jinping relationship. Astrologically their relationship chart (midpoint in space and time) is a remarkable map. It has a very gritty Mars Saturn conjunction in Virgo, which can rub the president up the wrong way, (square his natal sun and Moon) and the tightest aspect is Mercury opposite Uranus, which denotes an unstable nervy quality, but the chart also has Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Aquarius, trine a strong libran component, which offers the potential of an amicable altruism. We will see. 'Steady as she goes' kind of day. 02.07 The rapidly waxing Moon decelerating at 13 Taurus waxing square Mercury at 13 Aquarius 08.03 The Moon is at 'fixed First Quarter' 'crisis in action'. 10.00 The Moon at 18 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 18 Pisces 12.17 The Moon at 19 Taurus waning sextile Mars at 19 Cancer 19.11 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 23 Taurus 22.03 Venus at 1 Aries waning tri-decile Mars at 19 Cancer 23.52 Mercury at 15 Aquarius waning tri-septile Mars at 19 Cancer

Thursday 6th February 2025

The balmy moon is waxing in Gemini today and tomorrow. Venus in Aries sextiles Pluto tomorrow. Silver linings. 03.30 The first quarter Moon at 28 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 3.25 hours 06.01 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing sextiles her mean node at 30 Pisces 06.45 The fast moving but decelerating Moon enters Gemini joining Jupiter in this sign. 09.18 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing sextile Venus at 1 Aries 10.35 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 14.11 The Sun at 18 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 18 Pisces 16.26 The Sun at 18 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 28 Pisces 22.16 Venus at 2 Aries waning septile Uranus at 23 Taurus

Friday 7th February 2025

Venus sextiles Pluto

The Moon, decelerating towards her waxing gibbous phase which she reaches tomorrow, attains seriously high altitudes in northern hemisphere skies today, due to the climaxing major lunar standstill, now at it's peak. The 'global emotional weather' is tumultuous. The Moon passes north of Jupiter as this (GMT) day starts. Venus in Aries is sextile Pluto today. Venus evokes ardor and urgency, the universal feminine makes the first move, revealing the transformational power of love. 02.17 The post first quarter Moon conjunction Jupiter at 11 Gemini 07.12 Mercury at 17 Aquarius, on the far side of the Sun approaching Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Sunday, waning semi-square Venus today at 2 Aries 08.42 The Sun at 19 Aquarius waning quincunx retro-Mars at 19 Cancer 12.15 Venus at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 13.12 The Moon at 18 Gemini waxing trine Mercury at 18 Aquarius 14.15 The Moon at 18 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 18 Pisces 15.57 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing trine The Sun at 19 Aquarius 21.45 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 28 Pisces 21.58 Mercury at 18 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 18 Pisces An eventful weekend is ahead. Lunar pressures are high. Sunday is very special because the waxing gibbous Moon occults retrograde Mars (trine Saturn) and Mercury is at Superior Conjunction.

Saturday 8th February 2025

Today and the ensuing three days oversee a measure of astrological turbulence as we make a colourful approach to a challenging Full Moon on Wednesday. 04.15 Mercury at 19 Aquarius waning quincunx retro-Mars at 19 Cancer 07.53 The waxing and decelerating Moon at 28 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 3.2 hours. 10.08 The Moon at 29 Gemini from extreme north of the equator squares her mean ascending node at 29 Pisces 11.06 The Moon enters Cancer joining retrograde Mars in this sign. Emotional overtures manifest in the two days ahead. 15.09 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 16.28 The Moon at 3 Cancer waxing square Venus at 3 Aries 20.33 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase A tense procession to Wednesday's Full Moon now starts in earnest.

Sunday 9th February 2025

Superior Conjunction of Mercury

Mars trine Saturn

Lunar occultation of Mars

An astrologically significant day is upon us. 12.09 The Superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 21 Aquarius A climax of the 'universal mind'. A 'Full Mercury'. Both bodies are square Uranus over the next couple of days, injecting something unexpected and unsettling onto the world stage, with characteristic 'square uranus' suddenness. 13.15 retro-Mars at 18 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 18 Pisces. Mars trines Saturn 3 times during Mars' prolonged residence in Cancer (Sept 30th 2024, Feb 9th 2025 and April 5th 2025), evoking and harnessing great efforts in our lives and in world events. During the first hit the UK became the first G7 country to phase out coal power for electric generation, after 142 years of using the energy source. Iran attacked Israel with ballistic missiles as a response to Israel's offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israel Defence Forces invaded southern Lebanon, escalating its conflict against Hezbollah. 18.56 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Mars from the vantage of the UK (0.08 degrees) 19.48 The Moon conjunction Mars at 18 Cancer 19.57 The Moon at 18 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 18 Pisces

Monday 10th February 2025

Mercury square Uranus

We are in the midst of the unsettling storm of the Sun and Mercury square Uranus, today and tomorrow, as we approach a challenging Full Moon on Wednesday. 01.39 The waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 22 Cancer waxing quincunx The Sun at 22 Aquarius 02.33 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing quincunx Mercury at 22 Aquarius 04.50 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 23 Taurus 05.05 Mercury, now an 'evening star' at 22 Aquarius, waning decile Neptune at 28 Pisces 13.50 The Moon at 28 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2 hours 15.49 The Moon at 29 Cancer trines her node at 29 Pisces 17.02 The Moon enters Leo 18.18 The Sun at 22 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 28 Pisces 19.28 Mercury at 23 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 23 Taurus 19.54 Mercury at 23 Aquarius waning tri-decile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 21.21 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius

STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 22 degrees Aquarius. Mercury and Pluto are also in Aquarius. Mars is retrograde at 18 degrees Cancer. He remains in wide opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. During January and February 2025, Neptune and the mean Lunar Node are in a conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The mean lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are almost in the foothills of a new eclipse season. Mars is now the only planet currently retrograde. There are 38 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Mercury entered Aquarius on Jan 28th as a morning star joining the Sun and Pluto in this sign. He resides here for just 17 days for a largely favourable passage. Mercury now an evening star squares Uranus, the only difficult aspect of the residence in Aquarius, one with a disjointed and scatty quality, today Feb 10th. Mercury enters Pisces on Valentine's Day. Mercury in Aquarius engenders progressive thinking. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Aries as a morning star on Feb 4th. Venus turns retrograde on March 2nd at 11 Aries. (Venus's retrograde phase is from March 2nd to April 13th, which is in the eclipse season.) Retro-Venus is conjunct Mercury at 9 Aries on March 11th, a merry meet. Retro-Venus sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 21st, the power of love. Two days later on March 23rd, Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 degrees Aries. A 'New Venus'. Venus slips back into Pisces as a morning star on March 27th. Venus turning retrograde in Aries kindles old flames. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back retrograding in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and was at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The mean Lunar Node is now in Pisces. We are (Feb 2025) at the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres now, in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over this next year all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto is now in Aquarius. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 11th February 2025

Sun square Uranus

01.22 The slowly waxing heavily gibbous Moon at 5 Leo waxing trine Venus at 5 Aries 05.40 Mercury at 24 Aquarius waning biquintile retro-Mars at 18 Cancer 14.00 The Moon at 11 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 16.57 Venus at 5 Aries waning tri-decile Mars at 18 Cancer 17.06 Mercury at 25 Aquarius waning novile Venus at 5 Aries 19.31 The Sun at 23 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 23 Taurus 20.36 The Sun at 23 Aquarius waning tri-decile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 23.55 Venus at 5 Aries waning bi-septile retro-Mars at 18 Cancer The Moon is Full tonight.

Wednesday 12th February 2025

Full Moon in Leo

The Snow Moon

03.40 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces 09.01 The Sun at 24 Aquarius waning biquintile Mars at 18 Cancer 12.27 The Moon at 23 Leo waxing square Uranus at 23 Taurus 13.54 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon is the 5th following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 at 26 Pisces and the ultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo on Friday March 14th 2025, (eclipse visible at Moonset over the UK 06.59 GMT). With the passing of today's Full Moon we enter the foothills of a New Eclipse Season. The Full Moon is in Fixed T-Square, square Uranus and opposite the Sun, Mercury and Ceres. Mars trines Saturn. This is a bold lunation, fearless, resplendent, loud, uncompromising and loyal. Its square to Uranus injects volatility and unwelcome change. Its opposition to Mercury and Ceres harms ecological agendas. No saving the planet with this one. There is universal extroversion. The UK is starred. Something serious goes down here. Donald Trump is strongly influenced, energised, cornered and challenged. At the exact moment of Full moon today Saturn culminates at London (and the Full Moon at 24 Leo is conjunct the UK Saturn). Sunrise is at Denver. Sunset is over The Arabian Sea. Moonrise is over the Caspian Sea and at Tehran and at Moscow. Moonset is at Minneapolis. It is High Noon over The Azores. True midnight is over The Coral Sea. Jupiter sets over The Marshall Islands. Neptune culminates at Bern. Mars rises at Barcelona. Neptune and the lunar Node rise over Cuba and set at Rangoon and at Mandalay. Pluto sets at Athens and at Addis Ababa. The Full Moon directly hits The Afghanistan Sun (1919 chart), the Mercurys of Los Angeles and South Korea, and the Mercury and Venus of Ukraine, the Venus of Marine Le Penn, the Mars of Italy, Suella Braverman and Donald Trump, and tightly square his MC, and the Mars and Lunar Node of Zimbabwe. the Jupiter and Pluto of Morocco, the Jupiter of Jimmy Page and the Saturn of Robert Plant, (what about that then?), the Uranus of Barack Obama and Nigeria and the Pluto of Dianne Abbot. 19.13 The Moon at 27 Leo opposition Mercury at 27 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly 6 hours. 21.57 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces

Thursday 13th February 2025

An exacting trip within the wake of the Full Moon and in the early foothills of a new eclipse season. 01.09 The Moon enters Virgo 05.48 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 12.35 The Moon at 6 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 6 Aries 14.30 Mercury at 28 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces 17.19 Mercury at 29 Aquarius waning bi-septile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 23.11 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 11 Gemini

Friday 14th February 2025

A Valentine's day with a twist. 11.14 The slowly waning Moon decelerating at 18 Virgo waxing sextile Mars at 18 Cancer 12.08 Mercury enters Pisces today Feb 14th, as a fast moving but rapidly decelerating evening star, joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. So begins a curious tale. Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb 20th awash with distortion (of the truth). Mercury trines an almost stationary retrograde Mars on Feb 23rd, 'one moment in time'. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on Feb 25th at 20 degrees Pisces with more than a touch of serious consequence. Mercury sextiles Uranus on Feb 27th, with ingenuity. Mercury enters his shadow on Feb 28th. Mercury is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) at 29 degrees Pisces on March 2nd. This is the deep beguiling story. On March 3rd Mercury enters Aries. Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aries on March 15th and returns back into Pisces on March 27th. He finally leaves Pisces on April 16th. More to follow on this fairy tale residence. Certainly a change of key in the planetary music today. 13.54 The Moon at 19 Virgo opposition Saturn at 19 Pisces 20.58 Mercury at 1 Pisces waning decile Venus at 7 Aries 22.35 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 23 Taurus

Saturday 15th February 2025

05.20 The slowly waning Moon decelerating at 27 Virgo waning quincunx The Sun at 27 Aquarius 08.36 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Neptune at 28 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 3.2 hours 09.07 The Sun at 27 Aquarius waning novile Venus at 7 Aries 09.57 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition her mean node at 29 Pisces 11.47 The Moon enters Libra. Sociability is the hallmark of the remainder of the weekend. 11.51 retro-Mars at 17 Cancer waxing decile Jupiter at 11 Gemini 16.01 The Moon at 2 Libra waning quincunx Mercury at 2 Pisces 16.46 The Moon at 3 Libra waning trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 20.07 Mercury at 2 Pisces waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 17 Cancer 20.59 Mercury at 3 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Sunday 16th February 2025

Moon in Libra airs and graces. 02.20 The slowly waning Moon at 7 Libra opposition Venus at 7 Aries 08.18 Mercury at 3 Pisces waning bi-novile Uranus at 23 Taurus 10.52 The Moon at 12 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 12 Gemini 14.09 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 21.38 The Sun at 28 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 28 Pisces 22.37 The Moon at 17 Libra waxing square Mars at 17 Cancer

Monday 17th February 2025

Trump Astrowatch-(new feature)-Mars is currently moving very slowly in a retrograde direction and is almost stationary. Mars' direct station occurs on Feb 23rd, at 17 degrees Cancer, almost exactly square the President's natal 2nd house Jupiter. This transit usually has an influence for just 2 or 3 days, but because of Mars' station, it is in operation for a couple of weeks. This concentrates its influence considerably. This is worthy of our observation of the president's response for the remainder of this calendar month. Trump will be challenged. It may be that in over-reacting to challenge and setback he damages himself. 'Mars square Jupiter' is the aspect of 'over doing it' and 'over reaction'. Loss of face, accidents, or injuries are possible outcomes. Not a super significant influence, but one to watch. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces tomorrow. 02.30 The very slowly waning Moon at 19 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces 03.05 The Sun at 29 Aquarius waning bi-septile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 10.55 The Moon at 23 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 23 Taurus 21.16 The Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 28 Pisces 23.25 The Moon at 30 Libra waning trine The Sun at 30 Aquarius. The Moon is void of course for nearly an hour. STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 29 degrees Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces tomorrow. Mercury and Pluto are also in Aquarius. Mars is retrograde at 17 degrees Cancer. He remains in wide opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. During January and February 2025, Neptune and the mean Lunar Node are in a conjunction in Pisces. They meet up on Feb 23rd. This conjunction event occurs every 17 years, the last being in late April 2008 and mid October 1991. The last times this pair met in Pisces, a cycle of about 150 years, were in Jan 1858 and Dec 1690. We are dealing here with great spiritual sensitivity, destiny and complex mysticism. We are privileged to be living at this time. The mean lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season, 25 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse and 40 days from a Partial solar Eclipse. Mars is now the only planet currently retrograde. There are 31 days to the Vernal Equinox. MERCURY Mercury entered Pisces on Feb 14th, as a fast moving but rapidly decelerating evening star, joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. So began a curious tale. Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb 20th awash with distortion (of the truth). Mercury trines an almost stationary retrograde Mars on Feb 23rd, 'one moment in time'. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on Feb 25th at 20 degrees Pisces with more than a touch of serious consequence. Mercury sextiles Uranus on Feb 27th, with ingenuity. Mercury enters his shadow on Feb 28th. Mercury is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) at 29 degrees Pisces on March 2nd. This is the deep beguiling story. On March 3rd Mercury enters Aries. He sextiles Pluto on March 5th for the 1st of 3 hits, with new age thinking. Mercury is conjunct retrograde Venus at 1 degree Aries on March 11th. Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aries on March 15th,the day after the Total Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 Aries on March 24th. He sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 25th and returns back into Pisces on March 30th, the day after the Solar Eclipse. Mercury is conjunct Neptune a 2nd time at 30 Pisces on March 30th. (Neptune enters Aries on the same day.) Mercury turns direct on April April 7th at 27 degrees Pisces. He finally leaves Pisces on April 16th. He conjunct Neptune at 1 degree Aries for a 3rd time and final time on April 17th. Mercury sextiles Pluto a final time on Easter Sunday, April 20th. Mercury leaves her shadow on April 26th and sextiles Jupiter on May 5th. This is a phase for Mercury being bound up and entangled with two eclipses and with Neptune entering Aries. New waves. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Aries as a morning star on Feb 4th. Venus turns retrograde on March 2nd at 11 Aries. (Venus's retrograde phase is from March 2nd to April 13th, which is in the eclipse season.) Retro-Venus is conjunct Mercury at 9 Aries on March 11th, a merry meet. Retro-Venus sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 21st, the power of love. Two days later on March 23rd, Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 degrees Aries. A 'New Venus'. Venus slips back into Pisces as a morning star on March 27th. Venus turning retrograde in Aries kindles old flames. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back retrograding in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025 and was at opposition to the Sun (Mars then at 26 Cancer) on Jan 16th. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The mean Lunar Node is now in Pisces. We are (Feb 2025) at the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres now, in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over this next year all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto is now in Aquarius. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.

Tuesday 18th February 2025

01.12 The disseminating Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 00.20 The Moon enters Scorpio 05.35 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 10.08 The Sun enters Pisces joining Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the Lunar Node and a new astrological month begins. 15.56 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waning trine Mercury at 8 Pisces 16.12 Venus at 8 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 23 Taurus 17.29 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waning quincunx Venus at 8 Aries 23.58 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 12 Gemini

Wednesday 19th February 2025

The Sun and Moon, together with Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are all in water signs. That's a lot of water. Flow with it. 03.58 Mercury at 9 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 04.02 Mercury at 9 Pisces waning semi-sextile Venus at 9 Aries A Water Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Mars, and Saturn 11.00 to 16.00. Get's things done. 11.07 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waxing trine Mars at 17 Cancer 15.59 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 20 Pisces 23.48 The Moon at 23 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 23 Taurus

Thursday 20th February 2025

Mercury square Jupiter

10.06 The slowly waning Moon accelerating at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2.9 hours. 10.35 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 29 Pisces 12.01 The Sun at 2 Pisces waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 17 Cancer 12.56 The Moon enters Sagittarius 16.42 Mercury at 11 Pisces waning quintile Uranus at 23 Taurus 17.33 The Moon is at Mutable Last Quarter Crisis in consciousness. 18.12 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 20.14 Mercury at 12 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 12 Gemini

Friday 21st February 2025

01.35 The Sun at 3 Pisces waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 07.29 The slow moving last quarter Moon accelerating at 9 Sagittarius waning trine Venus at 9 Aries 08.27 Mercury at 13 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 3 Aquarius A Mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter 12.00 to 15.00. 12.09 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 12 Gemini 14.54 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square Mercury at 13 Pisces 20.55 The Sun at 3 Pisces waning bi-novile Uranus at 23 Taurus 22.25 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mars at 17 Cancer 23.34 The Sun at 4 Pisces waning decile Venus at 10 Aries

Saturday 22nd February 2025

03.51 The slow post last quarter Moon accelerating at 20 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 20 Pisces 10.49 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 23 Taurus 20.39 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2.5 hours 20.42 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 29 Pisces 23.10 The Moon enters Capricorn

Sunday 23rd February 2025

Mercury trine Mars

Neptune and the mean Lunar node are in a conjunction in Pisces. A spiritually defining moment in time. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer tomorrow Feb 24th. 03.49 Neptune conjunction the mean lunar node at 29 Pisces 08.27 The waning Moon accelerating at 5 Capricorn waning sextile The Sun at 5 Pisces 16.59 Mercury at 17 Pisces waning trine Mars at 17 Cancer 17.53 The Moon at 10 Capricorn waning square Venus at 10 Aries 21.16 The Moon at 12 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 12 Gemini

Monday 24th February 2025

Mercury is applying to Saturn, peaking on Tuesday- a sobering touch, much needed. On Thursday the ancient Moon enters Pisces joining a strong stellium in that sign with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the lunar node. This leads us to the 'emotionally tempering' New Moon conjunct Saturn, square Jupiter in Pisces early GMT on Friday. Practical considerations are afoot today. 01.39 MARS TURNS DIRECT. The Warrior God awakes and takes up his sword. Lots of badass activity has been going down during his retrograde phase, (since Dec 6th). Time to try and put some things to rights. 02.40 Mercury at 18 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 06.33 The waning Moon accelerating at 17 Capricorn opposition Mars at 17 Cancer 08.42 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waning sextile Mercury at 18 Pisces 12.11 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 20 Pisces 14.06 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The slow procession to the Pisces New Moon, early GMT on Friday, now starts in earnest. 18.15 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 24 Taurus STATE OF THE SKY:- ALL TIMES ON THIS SITE ARE GMT. The Sun today is at 6 degrees Pisces. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune and are also in Pisces. Mars is now direct at 17 degrees Cancer. He remains in wide opposition to Pluto, peaking 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th. The mean lunar node moves onwards (in retrograde direction) to meet Saturn in Pisces on April 21st 2025. Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.(Saturn and Neptune apply in a 'test of faith' conjunction, dominating most of 2025 and are exactly conjunct in Feb 2026 at 1 degree Aries). We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season, 18 days from a Total Lunar Eclipse and 33 days from a Partial solar Eclipse. All of the planets are direct in motion. Venus turns retrograde on March 2nd. Mercury turns retrograde on March 15th. MERCURY Mercury entered Pisces on Feb 14th, as a fast moving but rapidly decelerating evening star, joining Saturn and Neptune in this sign. So began a curious tale. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on Feb 25th at 20 degrees Pisces with more than a touch of serious consequence. Mercury sextiles Uranus on Feb 27th, with ingenuity. Mercury enters his shadow on Feb 28th. Mercury is conjunct Neptune (1st of 3) at 29 degrees Pisces on March 2nd. This is the deep beguiling story. On March 3rd Mercury enters Aries. He sextiles Pluto on March 5th for the 1st of 3 hits, with new age thinking. Mercury is conjunct retrograde Venus at 1 degree Aries on March 11th. Mercury turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aries on March 15th,the day after the Total Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 Aries on March 24th. He sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 25th and returns back into Pisces on March 30th, the day after the Solar Eclipse. Mercury is conjunct Neptune a 2nd time at 30 Pisces on March 30th. (Neptune enters Aries on the same day.) Mercury turns direct on April April 7th at 27 degrees Pisces. He finally leaves Pisces on April 16th. He conjunct Neptune at 1 degree Aries for a 3rd time and final time on April 17th. Mercury sextiles Pluto a final time on Easter Sunday, April 20th. Mercury leaves her shadow on April 26th and sextiles Jupiter on May 5th. This is a phase for Mercury being bound up and entangled with two eclipses and with Neptune entering Aries. New waves. Mercury retrograde periods ahead. Mar 15 to Apr 7, 2025 Jul 18 to Aug 11, 2025 Nov 9 to Nov 29, 2025 VENUS Venus entered Aries as a morning star on Feb 4th. Venus turns retrograde on March 2nd at 11 Aries. (Venus's retrograde phase is from March 2nd to April 13th, which is in the eclipse season.) Retro-Venus is conjunct Mercury at 9 Aries on March 11th, a merry meet. Retro-Venus sextiles Pluto a 2nd time on March 21st, the power of love. Two days later on March 23rd, Venus is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 4 degrees Aries. A 'New Venus'. Venus slips back into Pisces as a morning star on March 27th. Venus turning retrograde in Aries kindles old flames. MARS Mars since Jan 6th, is back in Cancer. (Mars entered Cancer on September 4th, and so began a long story. The story is one of homecoming.) Mars left Cancer and entered Leo for the first time on Nov 4th 2024. He turned retrograde at 6 Leo on Dec 6th, slipped back into Cancer on Jan 6th 2025. Mars turns direct at 17 Cancer on Feb 24th and finally leaves Cancer for Leo on April 18th 2025. During this period Mars trines Saturn 3 times (Sept 30th, Feb 9th and April 5th), harnessing great effort, sextiles Uranus 3 times,(Oct 25th, Jan 23rd and April 4th), invoking originality, trines Neptune 3 times (Oct 28th, Dec 1st and April 19th), summoning inspiration, and most importantly, opposes Pluto 3 times, Nov 3rd, Jan 3rd and April 27th), invoking dominating power and transformation. (The Mars in Cancer residence turns our focus to defence, security, homemaking and economy. This is a time to 'put aside' and store. Issues of domestic improvement, community care, national identity and consumerism will be dominant.) JUPITER Jupiter entered the sign Gemini on May 25th 2024, opening up a new flow of information and communication, new technology and new 'nouveau' art forms and possibly new military forays. He made the first of 3 'tackling problems head on' squares to Saturn on Aug 19th. Jupiter squared Saturn a second time on Christmas Eve 2024. Jupiter leaves Gemini for Cancer on June 9th 2025. He makes his final square to Saturn from Cancer on June 15th. SATURN Saturn is now direct in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces is all about endings, karma, suffering, forgiveness, massacre, peace protests, ocean and sea-going matters, mathematical discovery, imaginative art forms, renunciation and 'moving on' (as this is the last sign in the zodiac, symbolic of a chapter reaching completion). When Saturn, planet of structure and boundaries, moves through this dreamy and transcendent zodiac sign, it evokes the creation of 'distancing from the past and an embrace with what the future holds'. Things can get weird at times. The three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 14, 2026, (minus the interval 25/5/25 to 1/9/25) will morph the tangible into the virtual. As mentioned above Jupiter squares Saturn on Aug 19th 2024 and on 24th Dec 2024, (also a 3rd time in June 2025 when Saturn has entered Aries), challenging times when 'growth' manifests with compassion a little thin on the ground. Saturn in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus on April 4th 2025, a positive vibration of solid progress and invention. Saturn is conjunct the mean lunar node at 27 Pisces on April 23rd 2025. URANUS Uranus the planet of inspiration and revolution is now direct in Taurus, the sign of enduring institution and banking. Uranus remains in Taurus from 2019 for 7 years. Massive changes in the world of finance, currency, resource and ownership are taking place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. Uranus first buzzes into Gemini on 7th July 2025. NEPTUNE Neptune is now direct in Pisces. He has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune first enters Aries on March 30th 2025. PLUTO Pluto re-entered Aquarius on Nov 19th 2024 and will remain there till the year 2043. There will be gigantic changes brought about by this 20 year residence. The life we have known will be transformed. There will be a manifestation of the full potential of technology, a new revolution is ahead of us. We had a taste of this future (note all the fuss about AI earlier in 2023). Pluto in Aquarius 2023 to 2044. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. Uranus in Gemini will air trine Pluto from 2026 to 2028. This is the most exciting time ahead, astrologically speaking. Saturn in Aries will sextile Pluto in 2026 and square Pluto 3 times during 2028-2029. Saturn in Gemini will air trine Pluto once in 2031 and oppose Pluto from Leo three times during 2035-2037 . Saturn in Libra will trine Pluto once in 2041. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto just once at 15 degrees Aquarius on April 2nd 2033. Jupiter will oppose Pluto once on July 20th 2026 and then three times in the period 2038-2039. There will be an Annular eclipse of the Sun on Jan 26th 2028 within a degree of Pluto at 6 degrees Aquarius. There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug 7th 2036 at 15 degrees Aquarius just 4 degrees from Pluto. UPCOMING ECLIPSES Friday March 14th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 24 Virgo, visible at Moonset over the UK. 06.59 GMT March 29th 2025. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 Aries, visible from the UK. 10.47 GMT Sunday Sept 7th 2025. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces, visible at Moonrise UK. 18.12 GMT Sept 21st 2025. A partial Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo visible from the far southern Pacific. 19.42 GMT Feb 17th 2026. An Annular Solar Eclipse at 29 Aquarius visible from Antarctica. March 2nd-3rd 2026. A Total Lunar Eclipse at 13 Virgo visible from the Pacific, North West America and North East Asia. Aug 12th 2026. A Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Leo visible from Europe. (The Spanish Eclipse. Hopefully see you there.) Aug 28th-29th 2026 A Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5 Pisces visible from Europe, Africa and America. Feb 6th 2027 An annular Solar Eclipse at 17 Aquarius. Feb 21st 2027 A penumbral lunar eclipse at 3 Virgo. Aug 2nd 2027 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at 11 Leo. ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. ONE YOU MUST NOT MISS. THE LUNAR STANDSTILL.

The mean Lunar Node is now in Pisces. We are (Feb 2025) at the climax of a Major Lunar Standstill. This is a period lasting for three years within the 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle. The last major lunar standstill centred on June 2006, and this new one centres now, in January 2025. During these years we are observing extreme northerly and southerly lunar rising and setting points on the local horizon when the Moon is in tropical Gemini/Cancer or Sagittarius/Capricorn.

OUTER PLANET ingresses Over this next year all 3 outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will enter new signs. Pluto is now in Aquarius. Neptune enters Aries and Uranus enters Gemini. This mass modulation from negative to positive energy, earth to air, water to fire, will inaugurate significant changes and accelerate 21st century evolution. We can however expect 'difficult transitions' with such an intense modulation of energy, not without danger.


Tuesday 25th February 2025

Mercury conjunct Saturn.

Mercury makes a single conjunction with Saturn today prior to entering his pre-retrograde shadow on Feb 28th. This aspect casts a sobering shadow on developments and delivers 'a lesson in life'. Mark the words spoken and written today. 03.11 The slow balsamic Moon accelerating at 29 Capricorn sextiles her node at 29 Pisces 03.29 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces. The Moon is void of course for 2.2 hours 05.41 The Moon enters Aquarius joining Pluto in this sign. 10.33 The Moon conjunction Pluto at 3 Aquarius 12.03 Mercury conjunction Saturn at 20 Pisces 23.55 The Moon at 11 Aquarius waning sextile Venus at 11 Aries

Wednesday 26th February 2025

The eclipse season is upon us. There are sixteen days to a Total Lunar Eclipse. That event is preceded by an intensely piscean New Moon early GMT friday. Today is 'clear blue thinking' day. 02.34 The accelerating balsamic Moon at 12 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 12 Gemini 11.04 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waning quincunx Mars at 17 Cancer 12.47 Mercury at 22 Pisces waning bi-novile Jupiter at 12 Gemini 22.05 The Moon at 24 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 24 Taurus. The Moon is void of course for 10.7 hours.

Thursday 27th February 2025

Start of a strong Pisces stellium.

Day of the old Moon. 04.46 The Sun at 9 Pisces waxing decile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 08.48 The fast moving ancient Moon, gaining speed, enters Pisces joining the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the lunar node in this sign. For the next two days we are immersed in a 'concentrated piscean atmosphere'. This is a brief experience of intense sensitivity, emotion and indulgence. It may be accompanied by significant events, both personal and global. We may well observe a spectrum of manifestation from 'blatant escapism' and 'lost sheep' to potential faith, understanding and wisdom. Stay alert and aware to the flavour of the time as we approach an 'exuberant and excessive' New Moon tomorrow, with consequence. 09.38 Mercury at 24 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus 18.02 Mercury at 24 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Friday 28th February 2025

New Moon in Pisces

00.45 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is square Jupiter conjunct Saturn with loads of Piscean energy. Mercury is sextile Uranus, Venus is sextile Jupiter. This lunation is one of 'exuberant and excessive' emotion, indulgence and sobering consequence. This is the 5th New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra on October 2nd, and it is the ultimate New Moon before a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29th 2025 at 9 degrees Aries,(visible from the UK). With its passing we are firmly anchored in a new eclipse season. At the exact moment of New Moon today it is Sunrise at Katmandu. Sunset is at Denver. Moonrise is over Mount Everest. Moonset is over the Rocky Mountain park.It is High Noon over The Bearing Sea. True midnight is over the Algarve. Jupiter culminates at Mexico City, Pluto at Alice Springs, the Sun and Moon over south New Zealand. Mars sets at Mecca and at Windhoek. Mercury sets at Indianapolis(IN). Today's New Moon directly hits the Sun of Justin Bieber and Roger Daltry, the Mercury of Elton John and Angela Raynor, the Jupiter of Lady Gaga and Leonardo Dicaprio, the Saturn of the Dalai Lama and Bjork, the Uranus of Isis, the BBC, Egypt and Ireland, the node of Palestine and the MC of Qatar. 04.55 The rapidly waxing New Moon at 12 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 12 Gemini 12.58 The Moon at 17 Pisces waning trine Mars at 17 Cancer 18.43 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 21 Pisces 23.33 The Moon at 24 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 24 Taurus

Thursday 1st May 2025

00.33 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 03.49 The Moon at 28 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 28 Pisces, moon void 05.20 Mercury at 16 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 05.32 The Sun at 11 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 1 Aries 07.24 The Moon enters Cancer 07.58 The Moon at 0 Cancer waxing square Venus at 0 Aries 09.15 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 1 Aries 13.48 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius 14.41 Mercury at 16 Aries waning novile Uranus at 26 Taurus 15.18 The Sun at 11 Taurus waning novile Jupiter at 21 Gemini

Friday 2nd May 2025

03.46 The Moon at 12 Cancer waxing sextile The Sun at 12 Taurus 13.38 The Moon at 18 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 18 Aries 17.07 Venus at 1 Aries conjunction Neptune at 1 Aries

Saturday 3rd May 2025

02.35 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 25 Pisces 05.07 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Taurus 05.14 Mercury at 19 Aries waning tri-decile Mars at 7 Leo 06.19 The Sun at 13 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 28 Pisces 08.03 The Moon at 28 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 28 Pisces, moon void 11.31 The Moon enters Leo 13.37 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 1 Aries 14.33 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Venus at 2 Aries 18.25 The Moon at 4 Leo opposition Pluto at 4 Aquarius 23.22 Mars at 7 Leo waxing semi-square Jupiter at 22 Gemini

Sunday 4th May 2025

00.13 The Moon at 7 Leo conjunction Mars at 7 Leo BOTH OPPOSITE PLUTO 01.05 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Mars 0.82 degrees 02.27 Venus at 2 Aries waning bi-novile Jupiter at 22 Gemini 12.27 Mercury at 21 Aries waning decile Uranus at 27 Taurus 13.52 The Moon at First Quarter

Monday 5th May 2025

03.15 The Moon at 21 Leo waxing trine Mercury at 21 Aries 04.44 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 22 Gemini 13.04 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing square Uranus at 27 Taurus, moon void 16.25 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 28 Pisces 17.22 Mercury at 22 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 22 Gemini 19.41 The Moon enters Virgo 22.05 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries

Tuesday 6th May 2025

02.02 The Moon at 3 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 3 Aries 03.05 The Moon at 4 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius 13.14 The Sun at 16 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 1 Aries 16.35 Mercury at 24 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 20.42 The Sun at 17 Taurus waning decile Jupiter at 23 Gemini 21.32 Venus at 4 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 23.29 The Sun at 17 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Wednesday 7th May 2025

04.51 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing trine The Sun at 17 Taurus 14.55 Mars at 9 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 27 Taurus 16.31 The Moon at 23 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 23 Gemini 20.37 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 25 Pisces 22.39 The Moon at 26 Virgo waxing quincunx Mercury at 26 Aries

Thursday 8th May 2025

00.31 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Taurus 03.00 Mercury at 26 Aries waning bi-septile Mars at 9 Leo 04.12 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void 07.08 The Moon enters Libra 09.46 The Moon at 1 Libra opposition Neptune at 1 Aries 12.57 Mercury at 27 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 27 Taurus 13.36 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 14.49 The Moon at 4 Libra waning trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius 17.23 The Moon at 5 Libra opposition Venus at 5 Aries

Friday 9th May 2025

02.08 The Moon at 9 Libra waxing sextile Mars at 9 Leo 02.36 Venus at 5 Aries waning septile Uranus at 27 Taurus 17.32 Mercury at 29 Aries waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 29 Pisces 22.44 The Moon at 20 Libra waxing quincunx The Sun at 20 Taurus

Saturday 10th May 2025

06.18 The Moon at 23 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Gemini 12.07 The Sun at 20 Taurus waning bi-novile Mars at 10 Leo 12.17 Mercury enters Taurus 12.51 The Sun at 20 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 29 Pisces The Moon forms a yod 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Uranus 13.30 to 17.30. 13.37 The Moon at 27 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus 17.31 The Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 29 Pisces 20.00 The Moon enters Scorpio The Moon forms Fixed T-square with Mercury and Pluto 22.30 to 04.00. 21.16 The Moon at 1 Scorpio opposition Mercury at 1 Taurus 22.48 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries

Sunday 11th May 2025

00.50 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 03.43 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 4 Aquarius 08.01 Mercury at 1 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 10.18 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waning quincunx Venus at 7 Aries 17.40 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waxing square Mars at 11 Leo 18.46 Mercury at 2 Taurus waning septile Jupiter at 24 Gemini

Monday 12th May 2025

Full Moon on Scorpio

06.51 The Sun at 22 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 16.57 Moment of FULL MOON 17.23 Mercury at 4 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 4 Aquarius The Full Moon is quintile Pluto, trine Saturn opposite Uranus 20.10 The Moon at 24 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 24 Gemini 21.34 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 25 Pisces

Tuesday 13th May 2025

02.36 The Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 27 Taurus 06.38 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void 07.23 The Sun at 23 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 1 Aries 08.36 The Moon enters Sagittarius 10.06 Mercury at 5 Taurus waxing decile Saturn at 29 Pisces 11.30 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 1 Aries 16.12 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 20.09 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waning quincunx Mercury at 6 Taurus

Wednesday 14th May 2025

The Moon forms a Grand Trine in Fire with Venud and Mars 02.30 to 08.30. 02.48 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning trine Venus at 9 Aries 08.28 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing trine Mars at 12 Leo 18.49 Mercury at 7 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 1 Aries 19.10 The Sun at 24 Taurus waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 24 Gemini 23.28 The Sun at 24 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 24 Pisces

Thursday 15th May 2025

The Moon forms a tight Mutable T-square with Jupiter and the node 08.30 to 09.00. 08.55 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius opposition Jupiter at 24 Gemini 08.58 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 24 Pisces 09.50 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning quincunx The Sun at 25 Taurus 11.36 Jupiter at 24 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 24 Pisces 14.25 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 27 Taurus 17.39 Mercury at 9 Taurus waxing novile Saturn at 29 Pisces 18.29 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon voi 19.59 The Moon enters Capricorn 20.29 Mercury at 9 Taurus waning semi-square Jupiter at 24 Gemini 22.56 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 2 Aries

Friday 16th May 2025

17.29 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 17.30 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning trine Mercury at 11 Taurus 17.46 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning square Venus at 11 Aries 20.25 Mercury at 11 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Venus at 11 Aries 21.38 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 13 Leo 23.10 Mercury at 12 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 2 Aries

Saturday 17th May 2025

17.06 The Sun at 27 Taurus waxing semi-square Venus at 12 Aries 18.39 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 24 Pisces 19.50 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Gemini 23.33 The Sun at 27 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 27 Taurus

Sunday 18th May 2025

00.25 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 27 Taurus 00.29 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waning trine The Sun at 27 Taurus 00.37 Venus at 12 Aries waning semi-square Uranus at 27 Taurus 04.27 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void 04.36 Mercury at 14 Taurus waning square Mars at 14 Leo 05.31 The Moon enters Aquarius 08.28 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 11.47 Mercury at 14 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 29 Pisces 12.34 The Moon at 4 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 4 Aquarius 19.25 Mercury at 15 Taurus waning novile Jupiter at 25 Gemini

Monday 19th May 2025

00.30 Venus at 13 Aries waning quintile Jupiter at 25 Gemini 06.19 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waning sextile Venus at 13 Aries 08.24 The Moon at 14 Aquarius opposition Mars at 14 Leo 12.01 The Moon at 16 Aquarius waning square Mercury at 16 Taurus 12.06 Mars at 15 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 30 Pisces 13.53 Mercury at 17 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 2 Aries 14.08 Mercury at 17 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Tuesday 20th May 2025

04.13 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning trine Jupiter at 25 Gemini 07.54 The Moon at 27 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 27 Taurus 09.39 The Sun at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 30 Pisces 11.59 The Moon at Last Quarter, moon void 12.30 The Moon enters Pisces 18.56 The Sun enters Gemini

Wednesday 21st May 2025

01.33 Mercury at 20 Taurus waning decile Jupiter at 26 Gemini 15.59 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning quincunx Mars at 16 Leo 19.15 Mercury at 21 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 30 Pisces

Thursday 22nd May 2025

01.05 Venus at 16 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 02.21 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning sextile Mercury at 22 Taurus 03.02 Mercury at 22 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 04.30 Mercury at 22 Taurus waxing decile Venus at 16 Aries 06.19 The Moon at 24 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 24 Pisces 07.42 Venus at 16 Aries waning trine Mars at 16 Leo 09.28 The Moon at 26 Pisces waning square Jupiter at 26 Gemini 12.20 The Moon at 28 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 28 Taurus 12.40 The Sun at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 16.07 The Moon at 30 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 30 Pisces, moon void 16.27 The Moon enters Aries 17.50 Mercury at 23 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 2 Aries 19.16 Moon conjunct Neptune at 2 Aries. 19.44 Moon sextile the Sun 19.53 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Neptune 0.91 degrees 22.43 Moon sextile Pluto

Friday 23rd May 2025

04.45 Mercury at 24 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 24 Pisces 16.41 Mars at 17 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 2 Aries 20.14 The Moon at 17 Aries waning trine Mars at 17 Leo 21.13 The Moon at 17 Aries conjunction Venus at 17 Aries 22.16 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest.

Saturday 24th May 2025

04.37 Venus at 18 Aries waning novile Uranus at 28 Taurus 07.17 Mercury at 26 Taurus waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 26 Gemini 11.44 The Moon at 26 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 26 Gemini, moon void 15.56 The Sun at 4 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius 17.40 The Moon enters Taurus 18.08 Mercury at 27 Taurus waning bi-novile Mars at 17 Leo 23.16 Mercury at 28 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 28 Taurus 23.22 04.19 Closest planetary conjunction of the year 2025 Mercury and Uranus 0.13 degrees 23.37 The Moon at 4 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Sunday 25th May 2025

May 25th 2025

Saturn first enters Aries .

03.36 Saturn enters Aries 12.06 Mercury at 29 Taurus waxing novile Venus at 19 Aries 17.10 Mars at 18 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 28 Taurus 22.07 The Moon at 18 Taurus waning square Mars at 18 Leo

Monday 26th May 2025

01.01 Mercury enters Gemini joining the Sun and Uranus 01.38 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 01.46 Mercury at 0 Gemini waxing sextile Saturn at 0 Aries 07.33 The Moon at 24 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 24 Pisces 08.59 Mars at 18 Leo waxing septile Jupiter at 27 Gemini 13.52 The Moon at 28 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 28 Taurus, moon void 17.23 The Moon enters Gemini joining the Sun, Mercury and Uranus. 17.33 The Moon at 0 Gemini waxing sextile Saturn at 0 Aries 20.06 The Moon at 2 Gemini conjunction Mercury at 2 Gemini 20.10 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 20.38 Mercury at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 23.15 The Moon at 4 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Tuesday 27th May 2025

New Moon in Gemini

03.03 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is conjunct Mercury and Uranus, trine Pluto and quintile Mars. 17.57 Mercury at 4 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius 23.35 The Moon at 19 Gemini waning sextile Mars at 19 Leo

Wednesday 28th May 2025

00.29 The Sun at 7 Gemini waning quintile Mars at 19 Leo 03.22 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing sextile Venus at 21 Aries 07.17 The Moon at 24 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 24 Pisces 13.02 The Moon at 27 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 27 Gemini, moon void 17.34 The Moon enters Cancer 17.59 The Moon at 0 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 0 Aries 20.07 Venus at 22 Aries waning decile Uranus at 28 Taurus 20.31 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries 23.37 The Moon at 4 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Thursday 29th May 2025

12.17 Mercury at 8 Gemini waxing semi-square Venus at 23 Aries 14.50 Mercury at 8 Gemini waning quintile Mars at 20 Leo

Friday 30th May 2025

04.13 The Sun at 9 Gemini conjunction Mercury at 9 Gemini 08.46 The Moon at 23 Cancer waxing square Venus at 23 Aries 09.08 The Moon at 24 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 24 Pisces 10.18 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 12.23 Jupiter at 28 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 16.19 Venus at 24 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 16.51 The Moon at 28 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 28 Taurus, moon void 20.18 The Moon enters Leo 21.00 The Moon at 0 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 0 Aries 23.32 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 2 Aries

Saturday 31st May 2025

02.44 The Moon at 4 Leo opposition Pluto at 4 Aquarius 14.46 The Moon at 10 Leo waxing sextile The Sun at 10 Gemini 17.49 Mercury at 12 Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 0 Aries 18.39 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing sextile Mercury at 13 Gemini

Sunday 1st June 2025

Jupiter is approaching the end of Gemini and is applying square to Saturn (June 1st) and Neptune(June 20th). 09.09 Mercury at 14 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 2 Aries 10.41 The Moon at 21 Leo conjunction Mars at 21 Leo 11.03 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Mars 0.97 degrees 15.48 Jupiter at 28 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 28 Taurus 18.52 The Moon at 26 Leo waxing trine Venus at 26 Aries 23.33 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing square Uranus at 28 Taurus 23.39 The Moon at 28 Leo waxing sextile Jupiter at 28 Gemini, moon void

Monday 2nd June 2025

03.02 The Moon enters Virgo 04.05 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Saturn at 1 Aries 06.36 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 09.56 The Moon at 4 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius 22.04 The Sun at 13 Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 1 Aries

Tuesday 3rd June 2025

03.42 The Moon at First Quarter 13.18 Mercury at 19 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 4 Aquarius 15.24 The Moon at 19 Virgo waxing square Mercury at 19 Gemini 15.48 Mercury at 19 Gemini waxing septile Venus at 28 Aries

Wednesday 4th June 2025

00.22 The Moon at 23 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 23 Pisces 06.56 The Sun at 14 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 2 Aries 10.09 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 28 Aries 10.15 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 28 Taurus The Moon forms a disscoiate T-square with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune 11.00 to 17.30. 11.12 The Moon at 29 Virgo waxing square Jupiter at 29 Gemini, moon void 11.33 Venus at 28 Aries waning semi-sextile Uranus at 28 Taurus 12.33 Mercury at 21 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 1 Aries 13.40 The Moon enters Libra 15.05 The Moon at 1 Libra opposition Saturn at 1 Aries 17.31 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition Neptune at 2 Aries 20.53 The Moon at 4 Libra waning trine Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Thursday 5th June 2025

02.14 Mercury at 22 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 2 Aries 02.33 Venus at 29 Aries waning sextile Jupiter at 29 Gemini 17.04 Mercury at 23 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 23 Pisces 17.08 Mars at 24 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 4 Aquarius 20.47 The Moon at 15 Libra waxing trine The Sun at 15 Gemini 22.10 Mercury at 24 Gemini waning sextile Mars at 24 Leo

Friday 6th June 2025

04.44 Venus enters Taurus 14.20 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing sextile Mars at 24 Leo 16.56 The Moon at 25 Libra waxing trine Mercury at 25 Gemini 23.14 The Moon at 28 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 28 Taurus

Saturday 7th June 2025

01.05 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing trine Jupiter at 29 Gemini, moon void 01.32 Venus at 1 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 1 Aries 02.24 The Moon enters Scorpio 04.09 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Saturn at 1 Aries The Moon forms Fixed T-square with Venus and Pluto 22.30 to 04.00. 04.23 The Moon at 1 Scorpio opposition Venus at 1 Taurus 05.57 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 06.23 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 09.38 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 4 Aquarius 10.44 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 18.23 Mercury at 28 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Sunday 8th June 2025

Mercury is conjunct Jupiter, both square Saturn and Neptune 04.10 Mars at 25 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 1 Aries 04.24 Venus at 2 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 05.33 Mercury at 29 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus 15.00 The Moon at 18 Scorpio waxing quincunx The Sun at 18 Gemini 20.13 Mercury at 30 Gemini conjunction Jupiter at 30 Gemini 23.00 Mercury enters Cancer

Monday 9th June 2025

June 9th 2025

Jupiter enters Cancer

01.04 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 23 Pisces 02.47 The Sun at 19 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 4 Aquarius 05.58 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waxing square Mars at 26 Leo 10.49 Mercury at 1 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 1 Aries 12.07 The Moon at 29 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 14.49 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waxing quincunx Jupiter at 30 Gemini 14.57 The Moon enters Sagittarius 16.57 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning trine Saturn at 1 Aries 17.21 Venus at 4 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 4 Aquarius 18.09 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 2 Cancer 18.56 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 2 Aries 21.03 Jupiter enters Cancer

Tuesday 10th June 2025

03.42 Mars at 26 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 2 Aries 17.13 Mercury at 4 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 4 Aquarius

Wednesday 11th June 2025

Full Moon in Sagittarius

07.36 Mercury at 5 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 29 Taurus 07.44 Moment of FULL MOON The Full Moon squares her node, trines Mars and opposes Neptune 12.13 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 23 Pisces 16.49 Mercury at 5 Cancer waning septile Mars at 27 Leo 19.34 The Sun at 21 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 1 Aries 19.42 Mercury at 6 Cancer waxing sextile Venus at 6 Taurus 19.59 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waxing trine Mars at 27 Leo, moon void 23.27 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Taurus

Thursday 12th June 2025

01.56 The Moon enters Capricorn The Moon forms disociate T-square with Jupiter, Saurn and Neptune 02.30 to 06.00. 02.55 The Moon at 1 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 1 Cancer 04.08 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning square Saturn at 1 Aries 05.52 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 2 Aries 14.23 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning trine Venus at 6 Taurus 15.57 The Moon at 7 Capricorn opposition Mercury at 7 Cancer 18.42 The Sun at 22 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 2 Aries 22.13 Mercury at 8 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Friday 13th June 2025

07.33 Venus at 7 Taurus waxing decile Saturn at 1 Aries 11.31 Mercury at 9 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 29 Taurus 14.36 The Sun at 23 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 23 Pisces 21.31 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 23 Pisces 22.07 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waning quincunx The Sun at 23 Gemini

Saturday 14th June 2025

03.39 Venus at 8 Taurus waxing decile Neptune at 2 Aries 07.51 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mars at 28 Leo 08.52 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 11.02 The Moon enters Aquarius 13.00 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 1 Cancer 13.22 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning sextile Saturn at 1 Aries 14.52 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 17.28 The Moon at 3 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Sunday 15th June 2025

03.58 The Moon at 9 Aquarius waning square Venus at 9 Taurus 04.24 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 09.47 Mars at 29 Leo waxing square Uranus at 29 Taurus 09.56 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waning quincunx Mercury at 12 Cancer 14.36 Jupiter at 1 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 1 Aries 20.01 Mars at 29 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 23.47 Venus at 10 Taurus waning septile Jupiter at 1 Cancer

Monday 16th June 2025

00.45 Mercury at 13 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 08.02 Mercury at 14 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 29 Taurus 10.03 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waning trine The Sun at 26 Gemini 11.18 Mercury at 14 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 1 Aries The Moon forms Fixed T-square with Mars and Uranus 16.00 to 17.31 ouch! 16.19 The Moon at 29 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 29 Taurus 17.30 Mercury at 15 Cancer waning semi-square Mars at 30 Leo 17.31 The Moon at 30 Aquarius opposition Mars at 30 Leo, moon void 18.10 The Moon enters Pisces 21.01 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 2 Cancer 21.37 Mercury at 15 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 2 Aries

Tuesday 17th June 2025

08.19 Venus at 11 Taurus waxing novile Saturn at 1 Aries 08.37 Mars enters Virgo 14.54 The Sun at 27 Gemini waxing semi-square Venus at 12 Taurus 15.02 The Moon at 12 Pisces waning sextile Venus at 12 Taurus

Wednesday 18th June 2025

00.09 The Moon at 17 Pisces waning trine Mercury at 17 Cancer 00.47 Venus at 12 Taurus waxing novile Neptune at 2 Aries 09.03 The Sun at 27 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 10.15 The Moon at 23 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 23 Pisces 14.30 Venus at 13 Taurus waning tri-decile Mars at 1 Virgo 19.20 The Moon at Last Quarter 21.35 The Moon at 29 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 23.10 The Moon enters Aries

Thursday 19th June 2025

The Moon, Saturn and Neptune are square the Sun and Jupiter and Mars is square Uranus. 00.46 The Moon at 1 Aries waning quincunx Mars at 1 Virgo 01.39 The Moon at 1 Aries conjunction Saturn at 1 Aries 02.11 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Neptune 0.97 degrees 02.46 The Moon at 2 Aries waning square Jupiter at 2 Cancer 02.47 The Moon at 2 Aries conjunction Neptune at 2 Aries 03.16 Jupiter at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries 04.57 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 14.39 Mercury at 19 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 1 Aries

Friday 20th June 2025

00.09 Mars at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Saturn at 1 Aries 00.16 Mercury at 20 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 2 Aries 05.48 The Sun at 29 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus 06.15 Mercury at 21 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 29 Taurus 10.32 The Moon at 21 Aries waning square Mercury at 21 Cancer

Saturday 21st June 2025

Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice

01.50 The Moon at 30 Aries waning sextile The Sun at 30 Gemini, moon void 01.54 The Moon enters Taurus 02.44 The Sun enters Cancer 03.15 Mars at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 05.30 The Moon at 2 Taurus waning trine Mars at 2 Virgo 06.11 The Moon at 3 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 3 Cancer 07.25 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 09.03 Mercury at 22 Cancer waning novile Mars at 2 Virgo 11.30 Mercury at 22 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 22 Pisces 21.32 Venus at 16 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Sunday 22nd June 2025

05.02 The Moon at 17 Taurus conjunction Venus at 17 Taurus 06.17 Venus at 17 Taurus waxing semi-square Saturn at 2 Aries 10.33 Mars at 3 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 3 Cancer 14.33 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 22 Pisces 17.45 The Moon at 24 Taurus waning sextile Mercury at 24 Cancer 18.36 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 2 Aries 19.02 Venus at 17 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 2 Aries

Monday 23rd June 2025

01.51 The Moon at 29 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 02.59 The Moon enters Gemini Lunar occultation of fixed star Alcyone observable from the UK approx 03.04 to 03.50 04.44 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 05.00 Mars at 3 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 05.34 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Saturn at 2 Aries 06.26 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 08.18 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 08.27 The Moon at 3 Gemini waning square Mars at 3 Virgo, moon void 08.30 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries 18.05 Venus at 18 Taurus waning semi-square Jupiter at 3 Cancer

Tuesday 24th June 2025

06.13 Jupiter at 3 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 13.00 The Sun at 3 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 15.04 The Moon at 22 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 22 Pisces 15.18 The Sun at 3 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 3 Cancer

Wednesday 25th June 2025

New Moon in Cancer

03.46 The Moon enters Cancer 06.29 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 2 Aries 07.17 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries 09.06 The Moon at 3 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 09.34 The Moon at 4 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 4 Cancer 10.32 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is conjunct Jupiter, sextile Mars and square Saturn and Neptune. 11.18 The Moon at 5 Cancer waning sextile Mars at 5 Virgo 22.29 Mercury at 29 Cancer waning decile Mars at 5 Virgo

Thursday 26th June 2025

04.14 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 09.46 Mercury at 29 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus 14.12 The Sun at 5 Cancer waning sextile Mars at 5 Virgo 14.37 Venus at 21 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 15.09 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing sextile Venus at 21 Taurus 16.39 The Moon at 22 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 22 Pisces 19.11 Mercury enters Leo 21.11 The Sun at 6 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 30 Taurus

Friday 27th June 2025

05.17 The Moon at 30 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void 06.07 The Moon enters Leo 07.14 The Moon at 1 Leo conjunction Mercury at 1 Leo 09.05 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 2 Aries 09.50 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 2 Aries 09.59 Venus at 22 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 22 Pisces 11.40 The Moon at 3 Leo opposition Pluto at 3 Aquarius 23.37 Mars at 6 Virgo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 2 Aries

Saturday 28th June 2025

03.53 Mercury at 2 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 2 Aries 07.54 Venus at 23 Taurus waxing septile Saturn at 2 Aries 11.59 Mercury at 2 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 2 Aries 17.05 Venus at 24 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 2 Aries 17.18 Mars at 6 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 2 Aries 21.03 Venus at 24 Taurus waning bi-septile Mars at 7 Virgo 21.51 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 22.36 The Sun at 7 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Sunday 29th June 2025

00.24 The Moon at 24 Leo waxing square Venus at 24 Taurus 07.58 Mercury at 3 Leo opposition Pluto at 3 Aquarius 11.03 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing square Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void 11.45 The Moon enters Virgo 15.03 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Saturn at 2 Aries 15.04 Venus at 25 Taurus waning novile Jupiter at 5 Cancer 15.46 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 17.38 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 20.13 The Moon at 5 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 5 Cancer

Monday 30th June 2025

01.14 The Moon at 7 Virgo conjunction Mars at 7 Virgo 01.18 Closest conjunction of the Moon and Mars 0.44 degrees 03.55 The Moon at 9 Virgo waxing sextile The Sun at 9 Cancer 16.16 Mercury at 5 Leo waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 5 Cancer

Tuesday 1st July 2025

05.24 The Moon at 22 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 22 Pisces 07.14 The Sun at 10 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 30 Taurus 14.43 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing trine Venus at 27 Taurus 20.47 The Moon at 30 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void 21.18 The Moon enters Libra

Wednesday 2nd July 2025

A weak planetary kite is formed as the Moon opposes Saturn and Neptune, and Pluto, Venus and Uranus complete an air grand trine. 00.54 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition Saturn at 2 Aries 01.35 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition Neptune at 2 Aries 03.27 The Moon at 3 Libra waning trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 07.26 The Moon at 5 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 5 Cancer 10.30 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 7 Leo 19.31 The Moon at First Quarter, moon void

Friday 4th July 2025

05.48 Venus at 30 Taurus waning decile Jupiter at 6 Cancer The Moon forms a yod Venus+Uranus and Saturn and Neptune 09.00 to 13.30 08.57 The Moon at 30 Libra waxing quincunx Venus at 30 Taurus 09.17 The Moon at 30 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 30 Taurus 09.35 The Moon enters Scorpio 12.46 Venus at 30 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 30 Taurus 13.21 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning quincunx Saturn at 2 Aries 13.58 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 15.32 Venus enters Gemini 15.46 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 19.14 The Sun at 13 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 21.07 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 6 Cancer

Saturday 5th July 2025

02.30 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 04.29 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waxing square Mercury at 9 Leo 06.21 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waxing sextile Mars at 10 Virgo 13.30 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waxing trine The Sun at 14 Cancer 22.22 Jupiter at 6 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 30 Taurus

Sunday 6th July 2025

05.21 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 22 Pisces 08.44 Venus at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Saturn at 2 Aries 13.57 The Sun at 15 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 2 Aries 14.47 Venus at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 19.31 The Sun at 15 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 30 Taurus 20.55 The Sun at 15 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 2 Aries 22.05 The Moon at 30 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void 22.08 The Moon enters Sagittarius 22.17 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase

Monday 7th July 2025

July 7th 2025

Uranus first enters Gemini

01.55 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning trine Saturn at 2 Aries 02.27 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 2 Aries The Moon forms a trapezium with Pluto, Venus+Uranus and Saturn and Neptune 02.00 to 09.00. 03.38 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius opposition Venus at 3 Gemini 04.07 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 07.48 Uranus enters Gemini 08.44 Venus at 3 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 10.37 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 6 Cancer 21.01 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing trine Mercury at 12 Leo 21.30 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing square Mars at 12 Virgo, moon void

Tuesday 8th July 2025

02.29 Mars at 12 Virgo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 2 Aries 06.29 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 16 Cancer 13.03 Mars at 12 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 2 Aries 13.58 Mercury at 12 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 0 Gemini 16.31 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 22 Pisces

Wednesday 9th July 2025

Saturn and Neptune are conjunct the Uranus/Pluto midpoint, sextile both from July 9th to the end of August, but lingers. This pattern peaks 11th/12th August. This smacks of serious global tension. 08.56 The Moon enters Capricorn 09.06 The Moon at 0 Capricorn waning quincunx Uranus at 0 Gemini 12.37 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning square Saturn at 2 Aries 13.05 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 2 Aries 16.16 Mercury at 13 Leo waxing decile Jupiter at 7 Cancer 19.55 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waning quincunx Venus at 6 Gemini 21.37 Mars at 13 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 0 Gemini 22.00 The Moon at 7 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 7 Cancer

Thursday 10th July 2025

Full Moon in Capricorn

10.07 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mercury at 13 Leo 10.12 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waxing trine Mars at 13 Virgo 20.37 Moment of FULL MOON, moon void The Full Moon is quintile Saturn and Neptune.

Friday 11th July 2025

00.54 Venus at 7 Gemini waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 7 Cancer 01.23 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 21 Pisces 12.08 Jupiter at 7 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 17.23 The Moon enters Aquarius 17.43 The Moon at 0 Aquarius waning trine Uranus at 0 Gemini 20.56 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Saturn at 2 Aries 21.21 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 22.42 The Moon at 3 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Saturday 12th July 2025

00.18 The Sun at 20 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 2 Aries 06.02 The Sun at 20 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 2 Aries 06.54 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 7 Cancer 09.08 The Moon at 9 Aquarius waning trine Venus at 9 Gemini 19.46 The Moon at 14 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 14 Leo, moon void 20.16 The Moon at 15 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mars at 15 Virgo

Sunday 13th July 2025

07.58 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waning quincunx The Sun at 21 Cancer 09.37 The Sun at 21 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 21 Pisces 18.45 The Sun at 22 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 0 Gemini 23.46 The Moon enters Pisces

Monday 14th July 2025

00.16 The Moon at 0 Pisces waning square Uranus at 0 Gemini 12.48 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 13.47 The Moon at 8 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 8 Cancer 19.54 The Moon at 11 Pisces waning square Venus at 11 Gemini

Tuesday 15th July 2025

02.41 The Moon at 15 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 15 Leo 04.16 The Moon at 16 Pisces opposition Mars at 16 Virgo 13.07 The Moon at 21 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 21 Pisces 17.10 The Moon at 23 Pisces waning trine The Sun at 23 Cancer, moon void

Wednesday 16th July 2025

04.34 The Moon enters Aries The Moon is conjunct Saturn and Neptune, sextile Pluto, sextile Uranus opposite Mars 04.30 to 09.30 05.12 The Moon at 0 Aries waning sextile Uranus at 0 Gemini 07.53 The Moon at 2 Aries conjunction Saturn at 2 Aries 08.16 The Moon at 2 Aries conjunction Neptune at 2 Aries 09.24 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 19.03 The Moon at 8 Aries waning square Jupiter at 8 Cancer

Thursday 17th July 2025

02.42 Venus at 14 Gemini waxing quintile Saturn at 2 Aries 04.45 The Moon at 14 Aries waning sextile Venus at 14 Gemini 07.13 Venus at 14 Gemini waxing quintile Neptune at 2 Aries 07.21 The Moon at 16 Aries waning trine Mercury at 16 Leo 10.38 The Moon at 17 Aries waning quincunx Mars at 17 Virgo 22.54 Mars at 18 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Friday 18th July 2025

00.38 The Moon at Last Quarter, moon void 08.00 The Moon enters Taurus 12.38 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 13.38 Mercury at 16 Leo waxing sextile Venus at 16 Gemini 22.58 The Moon at 9 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 9 Cancer

Saturday 19th July 2025

Venus, Mars and the Lunar Node form a mutable T-square from today up to the New Moon on July 24th, peaking on Monday 21st. The remainder of July is astrologically eventful 04.01 Mars at 18 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 0 Gemini 10.09 The Moon at 16 Taurus waning square Mercury at 16 Leo 15.37 The Moon at 19 Taurus waning trine Mars at 19 Virgo 19.12 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 21 Pisces

Sunday 20th July 2025

00.48 The Sun at 28 Cancer waning septile Mars at 19 Virgo 06.44 The Moon at 28 Taurus waning sextile The Sun at 28 Cancer, moon void 10.23 The Moon enters Gemini 10.43 Venus at 18 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 3 Aquarius 11.16 The Moon at 1 Gemini conjunction Uranus at 1 Gemini 13.31 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Saturn at 2 Aries 13.54 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 13.54 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 14.53 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius 20.43 Mercury at 15 Leo waxing decile Jupiter at 9 Cancer

Monday 21st July 2025

The Sun, Saturn+Neptune, Uranus and Pluto form 4 points of a hexagon for the remainder of July 2025. Eventful! 11.37 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 15 Leo 18.24 The Moon at 19 Gemini conjunction Venus at 19 Gemini 19.53 The Moon at 20 Gemini waning square Mars at 20 Virgo, moon void 21.04 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 21 Pisces 21.32 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 22.39 The Sun at 29 Cancer waxing novile Venus at 19 Gemini 23.11 The Sun at 29 Cancer waning sesuiquadrate Mercury at 15 Leo

Tuesday 22nd July 2025

12.28 The Moon enters Cancer 13.31 The Sun enters Leo 15.34 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 2 Aries 15.57 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries 16.54 The Moon at 3 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 20.09 Mercury at 15 Leo waning decile Mars at 21 Virgo 22.03 Mars at 21 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 21 Pisces

Wednesday 23rd July 2025

02.42 Venus at 21 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 21 Pisces 04.57 The Moon at 10 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 10 Cancer 05.33 The Sun at 1 Leo waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 08.24 Venus at 21 Gemini waning square Mars at 21 Virgo 23.28 The Moon at 21 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 21 Pisces

Thursday 24th July 2025

New Moon in Leo

00.43 The Moon at 21 Cancer waning sextile Mars at 21 Virgo, moon void 01.37 Venus at 22 Gemini waxing bi-novile Saturn at 2 Aries 06.40 Venus at 22 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 2 Aries 11.24 The Sun at 2 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 2 Aries 15.30 The Moon enters Leo 16.37 Mercury at 14 Leo waxing septile Venus at 23 Gemini 16.41 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 17.32 The Sun at 2 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 2 Aries 18.39 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 2 Aries 19.05 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 2 Aries 19.12 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is opposite Pluto 20.00 The Moon at 3 Leo opposition Pluto at 3 Aquarius

Friday 25th July 2025

06.33 The Sun at 3 Leo opposition Pluto at 3 Aquarius 11.09 Mars at 22 Virgo waxing quintile Jupiter at 10 Cancer 14.59 The Moon at 13 Leo conjunction Mercury at 13 Leo

Saturday 26th July 2025

11.02 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing sextile Venus at 25 Gemini, moon void 11.05 Mercury at 13 Leo waning novile Mars at 23 Virgo 16.54 Mercury at 13 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 1 Gemini 20.57 The Moon enters Virgo 22.20 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini

Sunday 27th July 2025

The Moon forms a yod with Saturn+Neptune and Pluto 00.00 to 01.37. 00.12 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Saturn at 2 Aries 00.42 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 01.37 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 3 Aquarius 16.57 The Moon at 11 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 11 Cancer 17.17 Jupiter at 11 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Monday 28th July 2025

03.37 Venus at 27 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 07.21 Mercury at 12 Leo waxing semi-square Venus at 27 Gemini 11.18 The Moon at 20 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 20 Pisces 11.41 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 18.43 The Moon at 24 Virgo conjunction Mars at 24 Virgo

Tuesday 29th July 2025

00.57 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing square Venus at 28 Gemini, moon void 03.44 Mercury at 11 Leo waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 11 Cancer 05.45 The Moon enters Libra The Moon forms a planetary kite in Air signs with Pluto and Uranus and opposing Saturn and Neptune 06.30 to 10.36 07.22 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 09.05 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition Saturn at 2 Aries 09.40 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition Neptune at 2 Aries 10.36 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 19.18 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing sextile The Sun at 7 Leo

Wednesday 30th July 2025

02.12 The Moon at 10 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 10 Leo 04.00 The Moon at 11 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 11 Cancer 07.22 Mercury at 10 Leo waning semi-square Mars at 25 Virgo 23.11 Mercury at 10 Leo waxing novile Venus at 30 Gemini

Thursday 31st July 2025

Significant planetary geometry today. 03.59 Venus enters Cancer 17.27 The Moon enters Scorpio 18.53 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waxing trine Venus at 1 Cancer The Moon forms a yod with Uranus and Saturn+Neptune 19.00 to 21.30 19.17 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 20.45 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning quincunx Saturn at 2 Aries 21.26 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 22.21 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.03 Venus at 1 Cancer waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 23.42 The Sun at 9 Leo conjunction Mercury at 9 Leo

Friday 1st August 2025

Saturn and Neptune are conjunct the Uranus/Pluto midpoint, sextile both from July 9th to the end of August, but lingers. This pattern peaks 11th/12th August. This smacks of serious global tension. August 2025 has some dynamic planetary activity..read on 10.57 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waxing square Mercury at 9 Leo 12.42 The Moon at First Quarter 13.35 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 2 Aries 17.26 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 12 Cancer 20.38 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 20.49 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries

Saturday 2nd August 2025

01.50 Mercury at 8 Leo waxing decile Venus at 2 Cancer 05.46 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 10.17 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 20 Pisces

Sunday 3rd August 2025

The Moon, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus form 4 points of a mystical hexagon 06.00 to 11.00 01.08 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waxing sextile Mars at 28 Virgo, moon void 06.02 The Moon enters Sagittarius 08.00 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius opposition Uranus at 1 Gemini 09.09 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning trine Saturn at 2 Aries 09.55 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 2 Aries 10.47 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 13.57 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Venus at 4 Cancer 20.00 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waxing trine Mercury at 7 Leo

Monday 4th August 2025

01.06 Jupiter at 12 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 03.06 Mercury at 7 Leo waning septile Mars at 28 Virgo 06.13 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing trine The Sun at 12 Leo 06.45 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 12 Cancer 14.44 The Sun at 12 Leo waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 12 Cancer 21.48 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 20 Pisces

Tuesday 5th August 2025

In addition to ongoing planetary activity, a planetary kite manifests August 5th to 15th, involving Mars Pluto and Uranus in Air signs and focussed on Mars opposite Saturn and Neptune. 04.41 The Sun at 13 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 1 Gemini 09.09 Mercury at 6 Leo waxing semi-sextile Venus at 6 Cancer 14.01 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 15.29 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waxing square Mars at 29 Virgo, moon void 17.06 The Moon enters Capricorn 19.06 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 19.54 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning square Saturn at 1 Aries 20.34 Venus at 7 Cancer waxing tri-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 20.45 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 2 Aries

Wednesday 6th August 2025

03.52 The Moon at 6 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mercury at 6 Leo 06.00 Venus at 7 Cancer waxing decile Uranus at 1 Gemini 06.39 The Moon at 7 Capricorn opposition Venus at 7 Cancer 17.41 The Moon at 13 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 13 Cancer 20.54 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waxing quincunx The Sun at 15 Leo 23.25 Mars enters Libra

Thursday 7th August 2025

06.47 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 20 Pisces 17.53 The Sun at 15 Leo waning semi-square Mars at 0 Libra

Friday 8th August 2025

01.20 The Moon enters Aquarius 02.36 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waxing trine Mars at 1 Libra 03.20 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 03.49 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning sextile Saturn at 1 Aries 04.43 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 05.26 The Moon at 2 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius 09.53 The Moon at 5 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 5 Leo 15.52 The Sun at 16 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 1 Aries 18.46 Mars at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 19.31 The Moon at 10 Aquarius waning quincunx Venus at 10 Cancer

Saturday 9th August 2025

Full Moon in Aquarius

01.32 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 13 Cancer 02.53 Mars at 1 Libra opposition Saturn at 1 Aries 04.19 The Sun at 17 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 2 Aries 07.56 Moment of FULL MOON, moon void This Full Moon makes no aspects but the sky is full of planetary dynamism, especially the 'High Kite'!.. 17.53 Venus at 11 Cancer waxing novile Uranus at 1 Gemini 22.14 Mars at 2 Libra opposition Neptune at 2 Aries

Sunday 10th August 2025

06.52 The Moon enters Pisces 08.53 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning square Uranus at 1 Gemini 10.38 The Moon at 2 Pisces waxing quincunx Mars at 2 Libra 12.29 Mars at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 14.19 The Moon at 4 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 4 Leo 15.38 Venus at 12 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 19.22 Venus at 12 Cancer waning bi-novile Mars at 2 Libra 21.49 The Sun at 19 Leo waxing decile Venus at 13 Cancer

Monday 11th August 2025

Saturn and Neptune are conjunct the Uranus/Pluto midpoint, sextile both from July 9th to the end of August, but lingers. This pattern peaks 11th/12th August. This smacks of serious global tension. 05.12 The Moon at 13 Pisces waning trine Venus at 13 Cancer 06.55 The Moon at 14 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 14 Cancer, moon void 16.10 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning quincunx The Sun at 19 Leo 16.58 The Moon at 20 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 20 Pisces

Tuesday 12th August 2025

03.33 Saturn at 1 Aries waning sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 04.45 Jupiter at 14 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 1 Aries 05.22 Venus at 14 Cancer waxing bi-septile Saturn at 1 Aries 05.31 Venus at 14 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 14 Cancer 06.41 3rd Closest planetary conjunction of 2025 Venus and Jupiter 0.86 degrees 10.35 The Moon enters Aries 12.35 The Moon at 1 Aries conjunction Saturn at 1 Aries 12.37 The Moon at 1 Aries waning sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 13.37 The Moon at 2 Aries conjunction Neptune at 2 Aries 14.15 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 14.31 The Sun at 20 Leo waxing decile Jupiter at 14 Cancer 16.39 The Moon at 4 Aries opposition Mars at 4 Libra 17.28 Venus at 15 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 2 Aries

Wednesday 13th August 2025

10.52 The Moon at 14 Aries waning square Jupiter at 14 Cancer 13.04 The Moon at 16 Aries waning square Venus at 16 Cancer 17.51 The Sun at 21 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 1 Gemini 22.55 The Moon at 21 Aries waning trine The Sun at 21 Leo, moon void

Thursday 14th August 2025

01.21 Mars at 4 Libra waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 14 Cancer 01.56 Venus at 16 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 1 Gemini 13.24 The Moon enters Taurus 16.04 The Sun at 22 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 16.57 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 18.02 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 21.46 The Moon at 5 Taurus waning quincunx Mars at 5 Libra 21.48 Jupiter at 15 Cancer waxing bi-septile Neptune at 2 Aries 21.49 The Moon at 5 Taurus waning square Mercury at 5 Leo

Friday 15th August 2025

02.05 Mercury at 5 Leo waning sextile Mars at 5 Libra 14.15 The Moon at 15 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 15 Cancer 20.17 The Moon at 18 Taurus waning sextile Venus at 18 Cancer 22.15 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 19 Pisces

Saturday 16th August 2025

05.13 The Moon at Last Quarter, moon void 09.50 Venus at 19 Cancer waxing tri-decile Saturn at 1 Aries 16.02 The Moon enters Gemini 17.40 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing sextile Saturn at 1 Aries 18.12 The Moon at 1 Gemini conjunction Uranus at 1 Gemini 18.55 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 2 Aries 18.58 Venus at 19 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 19 Pisces 19.32 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Sunday 17th August 2025

00.26 Venus at 20 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 2 Aries 02.34 The Moon at 6 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 6 Leo 02.48 The Moon at 6 Gemini waning trine Mars at 6 Libra 14.03 The Sun at 25 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 1 Aries 20.53 The Sun at 25 Leo waxing novile Jupiter at 15 Cancer

Monday 18th August 2025

00.55 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 19 Pisces 05.34 Mercury at 7 Leo waning sextile Mars at 7 Libra 08.51 The Sun at 26 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 2 Aries 11.54 The Moon at 26 Gemini waning sextile The Sun at 26 Leo, moon void 19.07 The Moon enters Cancer 20.34 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing square Saturn at 1 Aries 21.57 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 2 Aries 22.35 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Tuesday 19th August 2025

08.30 The Moon at 8 Cancer waning square Mars at 8 Libra 12.39 Venus at 23 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 1 Gemini 15.39 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 22.03 The Moon at 16 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 16 Cancer

Wednesday 20th August 2025

04.25 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 19 Pisces 11.37 The Sun at 28 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 12.28 The Moon at 24 Cancer conjunction Venus at 24 Cancer, moon void 23.18 The Moon enters Leo

Thursday 21st August 2025

00.35 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 1 Aries 01.41 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 02.09 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 2 Aries 02.48 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius 15.44 The Moon at 9 Leo waning sextile Mars at 9 Libra 18.14 The Moon at 11 Leo conjunction Mercury at 11 Leo

Saturday 23rd August 2025

New Moon in Virgo

05.26 The Moon enters Virgo 06.07 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is in a finger of fate yod pattern being quincunx Pluto, and quincunx Saturn conjunct Neptune. 06.31 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Saturn at 1 Aries 07.58 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini 08.19 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 09.00 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 11.05 The Sun at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Saturn at 1 Aries 20.45 Mercury at 13 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Sunday 24th August 2025

00.01 Jupiter at 16 Cancer waxing semi-square Uranus at 1 Gemini 07.15 The Sun at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini 08.56 The Sun at 1 Virgo waxing semi-square Jupiter at 16 Cancer 10.59 The Sun at 2 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 2 Aries 12.15 The Moon at 16 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 16 Cancer 17.03 The Moon at 19 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 19 Pisces 20.06 The Sun at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Monday 25th August 2025

August 25th to 28th sees a planetary trapezium, peaking August 27th, involving Pluto, Saturn+Neptune, Uranus and Venus. The Moon is active with this pattern today/blue> 06.57 Mercury at 15 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 0 Aries 09.13 Venus at 30 Cancer waning quintile Mars at 12 Libra 13.54 The Moon at 30 Virgo waxing sextile Venus at 30 Cancer, moon void 14.10 The Moon enters Libra 15.01 The Moon at 0 Libra opposition Saturn at 0 Aries 16.29 Venus enters Leo 16.53 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 17.05 The Moon at 2 Libra opposition Neptune at 2 Aries 17.49 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.05 Mercury at 17 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 2 Aries

Tuesday 26th August 2025

00.56 Venus at 0 Leo waxing trine Saturn at 0 Aries 03.28 Mercury at 17 Leo waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 17 Cancer 14.26 The Moon at 12 Libra conjunction Mars at 12 Libra 20.59 Venus at 1 Leo waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 22.19 Venus at 1 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 1 Aries 23.24 The Moon at 17 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 17 Cancer

Wednesday 27th August 2025

02.07 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 18 Leo, moon void 03.46 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 05.54 Venus at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius 15.07 The Sun at 5 Virgo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 0 Aries

Thursday 28th August 2025

01.29 The Moon enters Scorpio 02.03 The Moon at 0 Scorpio waning quincunx Saturn at 0 Aries 04.20 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 04.23 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 05.10 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 07.49 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waxing square Venus at 3 Leo 12.28 The Moon at 5 Scorpio waxing sextile The Sun at 5 Virgo 18.58 Mars at 14 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 19.00 The Sun at 6 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 1 Aries 21.59 Mercury at 21 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Friday 29th August 2025

00.09 Uranus at 1 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 03.20 Mercury at 22 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius A water grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Jupiter 12.00 to 16.00 12.39 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 17 Cancer 15.21 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 19 Pisces 15.35 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 20.23 Mercury at 23 Leo waning septile Mars at 15 Libra

Saturday 30th August 2025

00.48 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing square Mercury at 23 Leo, moon void 02.09 Mercury at 24 Leo waxing decile Jupiter at 18 Cancer 10.09 Mercury at 24 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 0 Aries 14.06 The Moon enters Sagittarius 14.20 The Moon at 0 Sagittarius waning trine Saturn at 0 Aries 16.54 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 1 Aries 17.00 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius opposition Uranus at 1 Gemini 17.43 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 22.20 The Sun at 8 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Sunday 31st August 2025

02.32 Mercury at 25 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 1 Aries 03.13 The Moon at 7 Sagittarius waxing trine Venus at 7 Leo 06.26 The Moon at First Quarter A planetary trapezium is manifest involving the Moon, her node, Mars and Jupiter 21.00 to 03.30 21.53 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mars at 16 Libra

Monday 1st September 2025

01.55 The Moon at 18 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 18 Cancer 03.23 The Moon at 19 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 19 Pisces 05.36 Mercury at 27 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 08.08 retrograde Saturn enters Pisces

Tuesday 2nd September 2025

A finger of fate is manifest involving Neptune, Pluto and Mercury for 2 days 01.39 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 30 Pisces, moon voi 01.46 The Moon enters Capricorn 03.38 The Sun at 10 Virgo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 30 Pisces 04.21 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 1 Aries 04.35 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 12.22 Mercury at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 30 Pisces 13.25 Mercury enters Virgo 20.40 The Moon at 10 Capricorn waxing quincunx Venus at 10 Leo 22.24 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waxing trine The Sun at 11 Virgo

Wednesday 3rd September 2025

05.45 Mercury at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 07.41 Mercury at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini 11.05 Mercury at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius A cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Jupiter 11.00 to 13.00 11.21 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waxing square Mars at 18 Libra 12.51 The Moon at 18 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 18 Cancer 13.11 The Sun at 11 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 1 Aries 13.11 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 18 Pisces

Thursday 4th September 2025

01.48 Mercury at 3 Virgo waning semi-square Mars at 18 Libra 04.54 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 07.09 Jupiter at 18 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 18 Pisces 08.40 Mercury at 3 Virgo waxing semi-square Jupiter at 18 Cancer 10.01 The Sun at 12 Virgo waning decile Mars at 18 Libra 10.09 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 30 Pisces, moon void 10.34 The Moon enters Aquarius 12.52 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 13.13 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 13.41 The Moon at 2 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius 15.55 Mercury at 4 Virgo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 30 Pisces 18.18 The Moon at 4 Aquarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 4 Virgo

Friday 5th September 2025

02.59 Mars at 19 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 19 Cancer 09.50 The Moon at 13 Aquarius opposition Venus at 13 Leo 10.17 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 13 Virgo 10.18 Mercury at 6 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 1 Aries 11.58 Mars at 19 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 20.14 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 19 Cancer 20.52 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waxing trine Mars at 19 Libra, moon void 21.46 Venus at 13 Leo waxing quintile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Saturday 6th September 2025

09.39 The Sun at 14 Virgo waxing semi-sextile Venus at 14 Leo 12.52 Mercury at 8 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 15.56 The Moon enters Pisces 16.05 The Sun at 14 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 1 Gemini 16.21 Mars at 20 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 30 Pisces 18.26 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning square Uranus at 1 Gemini 20.28 Venus at 15 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 30 Pisces

Sunday 7th September 2025

Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

September 7th 2025

Total Lunar Eclipse 15 degrees Pisces rises over UK

07.42 The Moon at 9 Pisces opposition Mercury at 9 Virgo 12.06 Mercury at 10 Virgo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 30 Pisces 18.10 Moment of FULL MOON The eclipsed Moon is sextile Jupiter 18.45 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning quincunx Venus at 16 Leo 22.52 Mercury at 10 Virgo waxing septile Jupiter at 19 Cancer 23.01 The Moon at 18 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 18 Pisces 23.21 Mercury at 10 Virgo waning novile Mars at 20 Libra

Monday 8th September 2025

00.25 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 19 Cancer 02.53 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing quincunx Mars at 21 Libra 03.41 Venus at 16 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 1 Aries 08.08 Mercury at 11 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 1 Aries 11.08 Jupiter at 19 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 1 Aries 17.45 The Moon at 29 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void 18.39 The Moon enters Aries 20.33 The Moon at 1 Aries conjunction Neptune at 1 Aries 21.03 The Moon at 1 Aries waning sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 21.22 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Tuesday 9th September 2025

00.31 Mars at 21 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 1 Aries 01.31 The Sun at 17 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 2 Aquarius 17.32 The Moon at 14 Aries waning quincunx Mercury at 14 Virgo 23.20 Mercury at 14 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 1 Gemini 23.35 The Moon at 18 Aries waning quincunx The Sun at 18 Virgo

Wednesday 10th September 2025

01.07 The Moon at 18 Aries waning trine Venus at 18 Leo A cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Jupiter 02.00 to 07.00 02.43 The Moon at 19 Aries waning square Jupiter at 19 Cancer 06.54 The Moon at 22 Aries opposition Mars at 22 Libra, moon void 12.11 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 14.04 The Sun at 18 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 18 Pisces 20.05 The Moon enters Taurus 22.43 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.13 Venus at 20 Leo waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 20 Cancer

Thursday 11th September 2025

02.00 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 03.25 Mercury at 17 Virgo waning decile Mars at 23 Libra 04.12 Mercury at 17 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 2 Aquarius A planetary trapezium is manifest involving the Moon, her node, Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury 22.30 to 05.00 22.24 Mercury at 18 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 18 Pisces 22.50 The Sun at 19 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Friday 12th September 2025

01.47 The Moon at 18 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 18 Pisces 02.19 The Moon at 18 Taurus waning trine Mercury at 18 Virgo 04.30 The Moon at 20 Taurus waning trine The Sun at 20 Virgo 04.40 The Moon at 20 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 20 Cancer 07.00 The Moon at 21 Taurus waning square Venus at 21 Leo 07.31 The Sun at 20 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 20 Cancer 10.41 The Moon at 23 Taurus waning quincunx Mars at 23 Libra 12.05 Venus at 21 Leo waxing bi-novile Uranus at 1 Gemini 14.58 Venus at 22 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 16.08 Mercury at 19 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 1 Gemini 20.15 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void Lunar occultation of fixed star Alcyone observable from the UK approx 21.09 to 21.56 21.40 The Moon enters Gemini Lunar occultation of fixed star Atlas observable from the UK approx 21.58 to 22.11

Saturday 13th September 2025

00.04 The Moon at 1 Gemini conjunction Uranus at 1 Gemini 00.18 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 10.52 The Sun at 21 Virgo conjunction Mercury at 21 Virgo 20.22 Venus at 23 Leo waxing biquintile Saturn at 29 Pisces

Sunday 14th September 2025

A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, her node, the Sun and Mercury 03.30 to 12.00 03.51 The Moon at 18 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 18 Pisces 10.34 The Moon at Last Quarter 11.10 Mars at 25 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 29 Pisces 12.17 The Moon at 23 Gemini waning square Mercury at 23 Virgo 14.10 The Moon at 24 Gemini waning sextile Venus at 24 Leo 15.42 The Moon at 25 Gemini waning trine Mars at 25 Libra 22.47 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void

Monday 15th September 2025

00.32 The Moon enters Cancer 02.14 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 1 Aries 03.12 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 09.53 Venus at 25 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 1 Aries 11.41 Mars at 25 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Tuesday 16th September 2025

03.00 Mercury at 26 Virgo waxing semi-sextile Venus at 26 Leo 03.02 Mercury at 26 Virgo waning semi-sextile Mars at 26 Libra 03.05 Venus at 26 Leo waning sextile Mars at 26 Libra 07.38 The Moon at 18 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 18 Pisces 12.19 The Moon at 20 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 20 Cancer 15.27 Venus at 26 Leo waxing decile Jupiter at 20 Cancer A mystic rectangle is manifest is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun, Saturn+Neptune, and Pluto 18.30 to 08.30 18.53 The Moon at 24 Cancer waning sextile The Sun at 24 Virgo 22.54 The Moon at 26 Cancer waning square Mars at 26 Libra

Wednesday 17th September 2025

Dynamic astrological activity is manifest over the next 2 weeks The Sun and Mercury oppose Saturn and Neptune right now 00.52 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning sextile Mercury at 28 Virgo 03.14 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 29 Pisces, moon void 05.22 The Moon enters Leo 06.33 Venus at 27 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 07.01 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 1 Aries 07.36 Mars at 27 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 1 Aries 07.53 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 08.06 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius 17.48 Mercury at 29 Virgo opposition Saturn at 29 Pisces

Thursday 18th September 2025

Acute astrological geometry is manifest now and for the next 12 days involving a planetary kite based on Pluto, Uranus and the Sun+Mercury opposition Saturn+Neptune. 00.04 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 10.07 Mercury enters Libra 11.34 Venus at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 29 Pisces 22.01 Mercury at 1 Libra opposition Neptune at 1 Aries

Friday 19th September 2025

September 19th 2025

Daylight lunar occultation of Venus (visible telescopically from the UK). Disap 11.53 reapp 13.11 Intense astrological geometry continues

04.53 Mercury at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 06.27 Mercury at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 08.41 The Moon at 28 Leo waning sextile Mars at 28 Libra 09.52 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 29 Pisces 12.22 The Moon at 30 Leo conjunction Venus at 30 Leo, moon void 12.25 The Moon enters Virgo 12.41 Venus enters Virgo 14.01 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 15.00 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini 15.13 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Saturday 20th September 2025

02.44 Mercury at 3 Libra waxing quintile Jupiter at 21 Cancer 05.21 Venus at 1 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 05.25 Mars at 29 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 29 Pisces 09.05 Venus at 1 Virgo waxing novile Jupiter at 21 Cancer 15.42 Venus at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini 18.00 Venus at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius 21.42 The Moon at 18 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 18 Pisces

Sunday 21st September 2025

Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo

September 21st 2025

Partial Solar Eclipse 29 degrees Virgo 19:42 GMT

The eclipsed Moon hooks into the ongoing planetary kite. It opposes Saturn and Neptune and trines Uranus and Pluto. 04.35 The Moon at 21 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 21 Cancer 05.46 The Sun at 29 Virgo opposition Saturn at 29 Pisces 18.43 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Saturn at 28 Pisces 18.45 Venus at 3 Virgo waxing tri-septile Saturn at 28 Pisces 19.55 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void 21.42 The Moon enters Libra 23.15 The Moon at 1 Libra opposition Neptune at 1 Aries

Tuesday 23rd September 2025

Acute astro-geometry continues to the end of the month 11.02 Mars at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 12.54 The Sun at 1 Libra opposition Neptune at 1 Aries 15.35 Venus at 5 Virgo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 1 Aries 16.03 The Moon at 22 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 22 Cancer, moon void 17.11 The Sun at 1 Libra waning semi-sextile Mars at 1 Scorpio

Wednesday 24th September 2025

02.56 The Sun at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 05.34 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 28 Pisces 06.05 The Sun at 1 Libra waning trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius 07.15 Mars at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 09.02 The Moon enters Scorpio 10.29 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 1 Aries 11.40 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 11.52 Mars at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius 11.56 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius 11.57 The Moon at 1 Scorpio conjunction Mars at 1 Scorpio 22.18 The Moon at 7 Scorpio waxing sextile Venus at 7 Virgo 23.50 Venus at 7 Virgo waxing semi-square Jupiter at 22 Cancer

Thursday 25th September 2025

04.35 Mercury at 12 Libra waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 14.40 Venus at 7 Virgo waning biquintile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 19.56 The Moon at 17 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 17 Pisces 21.27 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase

Friday 26th September 2025

03.59 Venus at 8 Virgo waxing quad-novile Saturn at 28 Pisces 05.07 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 22 Cancer 05.27 Mercury at 13 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 09.47 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 17.45 The Moon at 28 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 28 Pisces, moon void 18.30 The Sun at 4 Libra waxing quintile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 21.39 The Moon enters Sagittarius 22.58 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning trine Neptune at 1 Aries

Saturday 27th September 2025

00.14 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius opposition Uranus at 1 Gemini 00.32 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 06.35 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waxing sextile The Sun at 4 Libra 18.01 The Moon at 10 Sagittarius waxing square Venus at 10 Virgo 22.40 Mercury at 16 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 1 Gemini

Sunday 28th September 2025

01.16 Mercury at 16 Libra waxing decile Venus at 10 Virgo 04.51 Venus at 11 Virgo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 1 Aries 05.06 Mars at 4 Scorpio waning biquintile Saturn at 28 Pisces 07.44 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waxing sextile Mercury at 17 Libra 08.20 The Moon at 17 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 17 Pisces 18.22 The Moon at 22 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 22 Cancer 22.59 Mercury at 18 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 28 Pisces

Monday 29th September 2025

05.45 The Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 28 Pisces, moon voi 08.38 Mercury at 19 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 09.57 The Moon enters Capricorn 11.06 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning square Neptune at 1 Aries 12.23 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 19.56 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 5 Scorpio 23.54 The Moon at First Quarter

Tuesday 30th September 2025

00.37 Mars at 5 Scorpio waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 11.24 Mars at 6 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 1 Gemini 12.21 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waxing trine Venus at 13 Virgo 14.35 Mercury at 21 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 1 Aries 18.18 Venus at 14 Virgo waxing septile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 19.16 The Moon at 17 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 17 Pisces 23.58 Venus at 14 Virgo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 1 Gemini

Wednesday 1st October 2025

October has an astrologically dynamic 2nd half. A cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter 03.00 to 06.00 03.39 The Moon at 21 Capricorn waxing square Mercury at 21 Libra 05.41 The Moon at 22 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 22 Cancer 15.07 Jupiter at 23 Cancer waxing septile Uranus at 1 Gemini 15.34 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 28 Pisces, moon void 16.05 Venus at 15 Virgo waning septile Mars at 6 Scorpio 19.53 The Moon enters Aquarius 20.52 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning sextile Neptune at 1 Aries 21.00 Mercury at 23 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 23 Cancer 22.06 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 22.30 The Moon at 1 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius 23.16 Mars at 7 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 1 Aries

Thursday 2nd October 2025

08.29 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waxing square Mars at 7 Scorpio 09.14 Mercury at 23 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 28 Pisces 13.42 The Moon at 10 Aquarius waxing trine The Sun at 10 Libra 21.20 Venus at 16 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Friday 3rd October 2025

02.29 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waxing quincunx Venus at 17 Virgo 07.31 Venus at 17 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 17 Pisces 12.43 Mercury at 25 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 1 Gemini 13.24 The Moon at 23 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 23 Cancer 18.16 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waxing trine Mercury at 26 Libra, moon void 18.48 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase

Saturday 4th October 2025

02.09 The Moon enters Pisces 04.07 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning square Uranus at 1 Gemini 04.36 Mercury at 26 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 0 Aries 16.37 The Moon at 8 Pisces waxing trine Mars at 8 Scorpio 22.43 The Moon at 12 Pisces waxing quincunx The Sun at 12 Libra

Sunday 5th October 2025

00.33 Mercury at 27 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 27 Pisces 02.21 Venus at 19 Virgo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 1 Gemini 06.55 The Moon at 17 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 17 Pisces 11.34 The Moon at 20 Pisces opposition Venus at 20 Virgo 17.16 The Moon at 23 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 23 Cancer

Monday 6th October 2025

00.30 The Moon at 27 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 27 Pisces, moon void 01.12 The Sun at 13 Libra waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 23 Cancer A finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Uranus 03:00 to 07:00 03.26 The Moon at 29 Pisces waxing quincunx Mercury at 29 Libra 04.50 The Moon enters Aries 05.29 The Moon at 0 Aries conjunction Neptune at 0 Aries 06.36 The Moon at 1 Aries waning sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 07.05 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 09.18 The Sun at 13 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 16.42 Mercury enters Scorpio 20.55 The Moon at 10 Aries waxing quincunx Mars at 10 Scorpio 22.54 Mercury at 0 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 0 Aries

Tuesday 7th October 2025

Full Moon in Aries

03.48 Moment of FULL MOON The Full Moon is quintile Pluto. 09.42 Mercury at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 14.41 Mercury at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius 16.59 The Moon at 22 Aries waning quincunx Venus at 22 Virgo 18.24 The Moon at 23 Aries waning square Jupiter at 23 Cancer, moon void

Wednesday 8th October 2025

Venus opposes Saturn and Neptune Oct 8th to 16th 05.14 The Moon enters Taurus A fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Pluto 07.00 to 09.30 07.25 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 1 Aquarius 09.15 The Moon at 3 Taurus opposition Mercury at 3 Scorpio 11.41 Venus at 23 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 23 Cancer 12.37 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 13.19 Mars at 11 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 1 Gemini 19.48 Mercury at 3 Scorpio waning biquintile Saturn at 27 Pisces 23.17 The Moon at 11 Taurus opposition Mars at 11 Scorpio

Thursday 9th October 2025

00.44 Mars at 11 Scorpio waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 23 Cancer 01.02 Mars at 11 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 01.36 The Sun at 16 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 1 Gemini 07.09 The Moon at 16 Taurus waning quincunx The Sun at 16 Libra 07.42 The Moon at 17 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 17 Pisces 18.39 The Moon at 23 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 23 Cancer 21.13 The Moon at 25 Taurus waning trine Venus at 25 Virgo

Friday 10th October 2025

00.32 The Moon at 27 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 27 Pisces, moon void 02.05 Mars at 12 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 27 Pisces 03.28 The Sun at 17 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 27 Pisces 05.14 The Moon enters Gemini 05.42 The Moon at 0 Gemini waxing sextile Neptune at 0 Aries Lunar occultation of fixed star Maia observable from the UK approx 05.50 to 06.47 06.02 Mercury at 5 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 1 Gemini 06.49 The Moon at 1 Gemini conjunction Uranus at 1 Gemini 07.25 The Moon at 1 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius 08.57 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 14.36 The Moon at 6 Gemini waning quincunx Mercury at 6 Scorpio 22.36 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 0 Aries

Saturday 11th October 2025

Venus opposes Saturn and Neptune Oct 8th to 16th 00.53 Mercury at 6 Scorpio waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 24 Cancer 02.00 The Moon at 13 Gemini waning quincunx Mars at 13 Scorpio 05.42 Mercury at 7 Scorpio waxing novile Venus at 27 Virgo 08.06 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 16 Pisces 11.11 Venus at 27 Virgo opposition Saturn at 27 Pisces 11.15 The Moon at 18 Gemini waning trine The Sun at 18 Libra 14.04 The Sun at 19 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Sunday 12th October 2025

A planetary kite is manifest involving Venus, Uranus and Pluto with Venus opposite Saturn and Neptune. 01.30 The Moon at 27 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 27 Pisces 02.56 The Moon at 28 Gemini waning square Venus at 28 Virgo, moon void 06.39 The Moon enters Cancer 07.03 The Moon at 0 Cancer waxing square Neptune at 0 Aries 08.56 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius 22.11 The Moon at 9 Cancer waning trine Mercury at 9 Scorpio

Monday 13th October 2025

A watery grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Mars 07:00 to 11:00 07.08 The Moon at 14 Cancer waning trine Mars at 14 Scorpio 07.33 The Sun at 20 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 0 Aries 09.13 Venus at 29 Virgo waning semi-square Mars at 14 Scorpio 10.44 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 16 Pisces 18.13 The Moon at Last Quarter 21.20 Venus enters Libra 23.49 The Moon at 24 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 24 Cancer

Tuesday 14th October 2025

A red letter day. A double kite is manifest focused on Venus opposite Neptune and the Moon opposite Pluto. The Venus Uranus, Pluto Air Grand trine peaks today. 01.17 Venus at 0 Libra opposition Neptune at 0 Aries 03.52 Mercury at 11 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 1 Gemini 05.06 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 27 Pisces, moon void 10.49 The Moon enters Leo 11.09 The Moon at 0 Leo waxing trine Neptune at 0 Aries 12.08 Mercury at 11 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 12.10 The Moon at 1 Leo waning sextile Venus at 1 Libra 12.22 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Gemini 13.15 The Moon at 1 Leo opposition Pluto at 1 Aquarius 13.28 Mars at 15 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 0 Aries 14.10 Venus at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 19.04 Mercury at 12 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 27 Pisces

Wednesday 15th October 2025

09.41 The Moon at 13 Leo waning square Mercury at 13 Scorpio 13.11 The Sun at 22 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 27 Pisces 15.50 The Moon at 16 Leo waning square Mars at 16 Scorpio

Thursday 16th October 2025

01.46 Mars at 16 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 16 Pisces 05.07 The Moon at 23 Leo waning sextile The Sun at 23 Libra, moon void 11.48 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 27 Pisces 18.07 The Moon enters Virgo 18.22 The Moon at 0 Virgo waxing quincunx Neptune at 0 Aries 19.38 The Moon at 1 Virgo waxing square Uranus at 1 Gemini 20.42 The Moon at 1 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Friday 17th October 2025

Mercury and Mars are close in Scorpio for 6 days 05.32 Mercury at 15 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 0 Aries 05.44 The Sun at 24 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 24 Cancer 11.58 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 21.38 The Sun at 25 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 1 Gemini 23.37 Mercury at 16 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 16 Pisces

Saturday 18th October 2025

01.00 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 16 Pisces 01.10 The Moon at 16 Virgo waning sextile Mercury at 16 Scorpio 04.02 The Moon at 18 Virgo waning sextile Mars at 18 Scorpio 16.43 The Moon at 24 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 24 Cancer 21.11 The Moon at 27 Virgo opposition Saturn at 27 Pisces, moon void 21.54 Venus at 6 Libra waxing quintile Jupiter at 24 Cancer 22.29 The Sun at 26 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 0 Aries

Sunday 19th October 2025

04.03 The Moon enters Libra 04.11 The Moon at 0 Libra opposition Neptune at 0 Aries A planetary kite is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and Pluto in Air grand trine and the Moon opposite Saturn and Neptune. 05.28 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing trine Uranus at 1 Gemini 06.44 The Moon at 1 Libra waning trine Pluto at 1 Aquarius 14.32 The Sun at 26 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 26 Pisces 18.27 The Moon at 7 Libra conjunction Venus at 7 Libra

Monday 20th October 2025

06.52 Mercury at 19 Scorpio conjunction Mars at 19 Scorpio 10.22 Mercury at 19 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 13.21 Mars at 19 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Tuesday 21st October 2025

New Moon in Libra

04.29 The Moon at 24 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 24 Cancer 08.24 The Moon at 26 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 26 Pisces 12.26 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void The New Moon is square Pluto. 15.44 The Moon enters Scorpio 15.45 The Moon at 0 Scorpio waning quincunx Neptune at 0 Aries 17.01 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 18.29 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Wednesday 22nd October 2025

A planetary grand trine is manifest from 22nd Oct to Nov 2nd involving Mercury and Mars in Scorpio, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer. 09.47 retrograde Neptune enters Pisces

Thursday 23rd October 2025

03.27 The Sun at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces 03.53 The Sun enters Scorpio joining the Moon, Mercury and Mars in this sign. 10.56 The Moon at 21 Scorpio conjunction Mars at 21 Scorpio 14.58 The Moon at 23 Scorpio conjunction Mercury at 23 Scorpio 17.19 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 17.47The Sun at 1 Scorpio waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Gemini 20.39 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 26 Pisces 23.32 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month.

Friday 24th October 2025

04.15 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void 04.21 The Moon enters Sagittarius 05.28 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius opposition Uranus at 1 Gemini 07.09 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 13.25 The Sun at 1 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 1 Aquarius 15.09 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 15.43 Venus at 13 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Saturday 25th October 2025

07.13 The Sun at 2 Scorpio waning biquintile Saturn at 26 Pisces 09.18 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waxing sextile Venus at 14 Libra 12.12 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 16 Pisces 15.43 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 16.30 Venus at 15 Libra waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 25 Cancer 21.18 Mercury at 26 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 26 Pisces

Sunday 26th October 2025

06.17 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 25 Cancer 08.00 Venus at 15 Libra waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 0 Gemini 09.01 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 26 Pisces 16.42 The Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon vo 16.55 The Moon enters Capricorn 17.51 The Moon at 0 Capricorn waning quincunx Uranus at 0 Gemini 18.52 Venus at 16 Libra waning quad-novile Saturn at 26 Pisces

Monday 27th October 2025

00.36 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waxing sextile The Sun at 4 Scorpio 21.26 The Sun at 5 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 0 Gemini 23.55 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 16 Pisces

Tuesday 28th October 2025

04.12 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waxing square Venus at 18 Libra 06.20 Mars at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 17.57 The Moon at 25 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 25 Cancer 18.37 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 25 Scorpio 19.09 Venus at 19 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 20.07 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 26 Pisces

Wednesday 29th October 2025

00.43 The Sun at 6 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 30 Pisces 03.18 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waxing sextile Mercury at 30 Scorpio 03.39 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon voi 03.57 The Moon enters Aquarius 04.40 The Moon at 0 Aquarius waning trine Uranus at 0 Gemini 06.40 The Moon at 1 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 1 Aquarius 07.27 Mercury at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces 11.04 Mercury enters Sagittarius 16.21 The Moon at First Quarter 19.06 Mars at 26 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 26 Pisces 19.36 Mercury at 0 Sagittarius opposition Uranus at 0 Gemini 19.37 Venus at 20 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 30 Pisces

Thursday 30th October 2025

October 30th 2025

Uranus conjunct the Pleiades


19.35 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waxing trine Venus at 21 Libra 22.06 Mercury at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 23.07 The Sun at 8 Scorpio waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 25 Cancer

Friday 31st October 2025

02.37 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Cancer 04.31 Venus at 22 Libra waning tri-septile Saturn at 26 Pisces 06.16 The Moon at 27 Aquarius waxing square Mars at 27 Scorpio, moon void 11.48 The Moon enters Pisces 12.19 The Moon at 0 Pisces waning square Uranus at 0 Gemini 14.19 Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waxing novile Venus at 22 Libra 15.33 The Moon at 2 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 2 Sagittarius

Saturday 1st November 2025

03.43 The Moon at 9 Pisces waxing trine The Sun at 9 Scorpio 14.51 The Moon at 15 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 15 Pisces

Sunday 2nd November 2025

The Moon reignites the Mars, Jupiter,Saturn+Neptune watery grand trine. 05.47 The Moon at 24 Pisces waxing quincunx Venus at 24 Libra 07.18 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 07.31 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 07.56 Venus at 24 Libra waxing biquintile Uranus at 0 Gemini 08.31 The Moon at 26 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 26 Pisces 09.40 The Sun at 10 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 0 Gemini 13.18 The Moon at 29 Pisces waxing trine Mars at 29 Scorpio 15.16 The Moon at 30 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void 15.41 The Moon enters Aries 16.02 The Moon at 0 Aries waning sextile Uranus at 0 Gemini 18.06 The Moon at 1 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 21.23 The Sun at 11 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 26 Pisces

Monday 3rd November 2025

07.39 Venus at 25 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 30 Pisces 10.12 The Moon at 11 Aries waxing quincunx The Sun at 11 Scorpio 11.58 Venus at 26 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 26 Pisces 15.29 The Sun at 11 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Tuesday 4th November 2025

04.00 Mars at 30 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 30 Pisces A Cardinal T Square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Jupiter 08:00 to 11:30 08.26 The Moon at 25 Aries waning square Jupiter at 25 Cancer 11.22 The Moon at 27 Aries opposition Venus at 27 Libra, moon void 13.03 Mars enters Sagittarius 16.17 The Moon enters Taurus 16.26 The Moon at 0 Taurus waxing quincunx Mars at 0 Sagittarius 17.31 Mars at 0 Sagittarius opposition Uranus at 0 Gemini 18.37 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 1 Aquarius

Wednesday 5th November 2025

Full Moon in Taurus

00.48 The Moon at 5 Taurus waxing quincunx Mercury at 5 Sagittarius 06.12 The Sun at 13 Scorpio waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 25 Cancer 13.20 Moment of FULL MOON The Full Moon is quintile Jupiter. Mars opposes Uranus, sextile Pluto. 16.06 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 15 Pisces 22.30 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month.

Thursday 6th November 2025

07.41 The Moon at 25 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 25 Cancer 08.25 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 26 Pisces A finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, Neptune and Venus 14.00 to 15:00 14.42 The Moon at 30 Taurus waning quincunx Venus at 30 Libra 14.52 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void 15.11 Mars at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 1 Aquarius 15.22 The Moon enters Gemini 15.27 The Moon at 0 Gemini conjunction Uranus at 0 Gemini 16.37 Venus at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces 17.42 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 17.50 The Moon at 2 Gemini opposition Mars at 2 Sagittarius 20.28 The Sun at 15 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 30 Pisces 22.41 Venus enters Scorpio

Friday 7th November 2025

01.20 The Moon at 6 Gemini opposition Mercury at 6 Sagittarius 05.45 The Sun at 15 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 15 Pisces 06.55 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius waxing decile Venus at 0 Scorpio 15.05 The Moon at 15 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 15 Pisces 15.47 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning quincunx The Sun at 15 Scorpio

Saturday 8th November 2025

02.21 The Moon at 22 Gemini waning sextile Uranus at 30 Taurus 02.22 Uranus enters Taurus 03.36 Venus at 2 Scorpio waning biquintile Saturn at 26 Pisces 03.44 Venus at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 07.49 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 26 Pisces 15.08 The Moon enters Cancer

Sunday 9th November 2025

02.18 The Moon at 7 Cancer waning quincunx Mercury at 7 Sagittarius A water grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node and the Sun 15:00 to 21:00 15.48 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 15 Pisces 20.26 The Moon at 18 Cancer waning trine The Sun at 18 Scorpio

Monday 10th November 2025

04.21 Venus at 4 Scorpio waning semi-sextile Mars at 4 Sagittarius 07.06 Venus at 4 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Uranus at 30 Taurus 09.10 The Moon at 25 Cancer conjunction Jupiter at 25 Cancer 09.40 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 16.54 The Moon at 30 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 30 Pisces 17.23 The Moon at 30 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void 17.35 The Moon enters Leo 20.17 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Tuesday 11th November 2025

01.49 The Moon at 5 Leo waning trine Mars at 5 Sagittarius 02.44 The Moon at 5 Leo waning square Venus at 5 Scorpio 05.22 The Moon at 7 Leo waning trine Mercury at 7 Sagittarius 10.04 Venus at 6 Scorpio waning biquintile Neptune at 30 Pisces 17.06 The Sun at 20 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Wednesday 12th November 2025

02.16 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius waxing semi-sextile Venus at 6 Scorpio 05.29 The Moon at Last Quarter 15.14 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 25 Pisces 23.06 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces 23.16 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius conjunction Mars at 6 Sagittarius 23.30 The Moon at 30 Leo waxing square Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void 23.53 The Moon enters Virgo

Thursday 13th November 2025

A planetary water grand trine is manifest involving the Sun, Saturn+Neptune and Jupiter. from 13th to 30th November. Mercury takes over from the Sun on 19th, Venus takes over on 27th 02.51 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 08.00 Venus at 8 Scorpio waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 25 Cancer 10.50 The Moon at 6 Virgo waning square Mercury at 6 Sagittarius 12.04 The Moon at 6 Virgo waning square Mars at 6 Sagittarius 15.47 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning sextile Venus at 8 Scorpio

Friday 14th November 2025

03.52 The Moon at 15 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 15 Pisces 16.33 Mars at 7 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Saturn at 25 Pisces 16.59 Venus at 10 Scorpio waxing quad-novile Uranus at 30 Taurus 19.21 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning sextile The Sun at 23 Scorpio

Saturday 15th November 2025

00.10 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 25 Cancer A planetary kite is manifest from the grand trine mentioned yesterday, as the Moon opposes Saturn and Neptune today 00.31 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Saturn at 25 Pisces 04.02 Venus at 10 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 25 Pisces 08.51 The Moon at 30 Virgo opposition Neptune at 30 Pisces 09.09 The Moon at 30 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 30 Taurus, moon void There is almost a mystic hexagon formed right now. Moon, Sun, Pluto, Saturn+Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter 09.45 The Moon enters Libra 12.56 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 17.41 The Moon at 4 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 4 Sagittarius

Sunday 16th November 2025

02.17 The Moon at 8 Libra waning sextile Mars at 8 Sagittarius 03.40 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest. 05.16 Venus at 12 Scorpio waning bi-novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Monday 17th November 2025

05.08 The Sun at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 08.57 The Sun at 25 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 09.24 Venus at 13 Scorpio waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 25 Cancer 11.52 The Moon at 25 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 25 Cancer, moon void 12.11 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 25 Pisces 20.37 Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 20.46 The Moon at 30 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 30 Pisces 20.56 The Moon at 30 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 30 Taurus 21.46 The Moon enters Scorpio

Tuesday 18th November 2025

01.06 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 11.24 Mars at 10 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 25 Cancer 11.42 Venus at 14 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 14 Pisces 12.21 Venus at 15 Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 30 Pisces 16.50 Mars at 10 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Wednesday 19th November 2025

02.57 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waning trine the lunar node at 14 Pisces 03.21 The Moon at 15 Scorpio waxing trine Mercury at 30 Scorpio 03.21 The Sun at 27 Scorpio waxing trine Mercury at 30 Scorpio 03.22 Mercury enters Scorpio 04.50 The Moon at 15 Scorpio conjunction Venus at 15 Scorpio 11.45 Mercury at 30 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 30 Taurus 12.22 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces

Thursday 20th November 2025

New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio

00.24 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 00.46 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 06.48 Moment of NEW MOON The New moon is conjunct Mercury and Mars, opposes Uranus, trines Saturn and Neptune and trine Jupiter. A very special New Moon. 02.49 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 07.16 The Moon at 28 Scorpio conjunction Mercury at 28 Scorpio 09.24 The Sun at 28 Scorpio conjunction Mercury at 28 Scorpio 09.24 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces 09.25 The Moon at 29 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 09.41 Mars at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 29 Pisces 10.28 The Moon enters Sagittarius 13.53 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 14.40 Uranus at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces

Friday 21st November 2025

11.14 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius conjunction Mars at 12 Sagittarius 12.26 The Sun at 29 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 29 Taurus 13.06 The Sun at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces 13.43 Mars at 12 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Saturn at 25 Pisces 15.21 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 14 Pisces

Saturday 22nd November 2025

01.37 The Sun enters Sagittarius 12.46 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 25 Cancer 13.14 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 25 Pisces 16.15Venus at 20 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 18.46 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 21.40 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Taurus 21.48 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon vo 22.54 The Moon enters Capricorn 23.38 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer

Monday 24th November 2025

01.45 Mars at 14 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 14 Pisces 03.09 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 14 Pisces 09.26 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 19.25 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 22 Scorpio 20.29 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waxing sextile Mercury at 23 Scorpio

Tuesday 25th November 2025

00.13 The Moon at 25 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 25 Cancer.A kite is manifest at this time with the continuing water grand trine. 00.36 Close planetary conjunction of Mercury and Venus 0.98 degrees 00.49 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 25 Pisces 01.52 Mercury at 23 Scorpio conjunction Venus at 23 Scorpio 08.53 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 29 Taurus 09.10 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon voi 10.17 The Moon enters Aquarius 13.46 The Moon at 2 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius 17.28 The Moon at 4 Aquarius waxing sextile The Sun at 4 Sagittarius

Wednesday 26th November 2025

16.32 Venus at 25 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 17.21 The Moon at 16 Aquarius waxing sextile Mars at 16 Sagittarius 23.49 Venus at 25 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 25 Pisces

Thursday 27th November 2025

03.13 The Moon at 21 Aquarius waxing square Mercury at 21 Scorpio 07.32 Mars at 17 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces 09.37 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 25 Cancer 11.33 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 26 Scorpio 16.11 Mars at 17 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 17.54 The Moon at 29 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 19.25 The Moon enters Pisces

Saturday 29th November 2025

03.26 The Sun at 7 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Saturn at 25 Pisces 03.59 The Moon at 18 Pisces waxing square Mars at 18 Sagittarius 08.55 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing trine Mercury at 21 Scorpio 15.46 The Moon at 25 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 25 Cancer 16.43 The Moon at 25 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 25 Pisces 23.13 The Moon at 29 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 29 Scorpio 23.34 The Moon at 29 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus

Sunday 30th November 2025

00.06 The Moon at 29 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 01.09 The Moon enters Aries 01.17 Mars at 19 Sagittarius waxing biquintile Jupiter at 25 Cancer 02.49 Venus at 29 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 29 Taurus 04.23 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 08.49 Venus at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces 16.00 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing trine The Sun at 9 Sagittarius 16.33 Mars at 19 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 29 Taurus 20.15 Venus enters Sagittarius

Monday 1st December 2025

10.14 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing trine Mars at 20 Sagittarius 11.02 The Sun at 10 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 25 Cancer 12.30 The Moon at 21 Aries waxing quincunx Mercury at 21 Scorpio 18.15 The Moon at 24 Aries waning square Jupiter at 24 Cancer, moon void 18.49 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase

Tuesday 2nd December 2025

A planetary Water grand Trine is manifest involving Mercury, Venus Jupiter and Saturn 2nd to 9th December. 03.14 The Moon enters Taurus 06.05 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing quincunx Venus at 2 Sagittarius 06.21 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 09.07 Venus at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 10.47 The Sun at 11 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 20.45 The Moon at 11 Taurus waxing quincunx The Sun at 11 Sagittarius

Wednesday 3rd December 2025

01.10 The Moon at 14 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 14 Pisces 07.36 The Sun at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 29 Pisces 12.59 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing quincunx Mars at 21 Sagittarius 14.07 The Moon at 22 Taurus opposition Mercury at 22 Scorpio This opposition turns the ongoing water grand trine into a planetary kite. 17.57 The Moon at 24 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 24 Cancer 19.16 The Moon at 25 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 25 Pisces

Thursday 4th December 2025

Full Moon in Gemini

01.08 The Moon at 29 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 29 Taurus 01.51 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 02.50 The Moon enters Gemini Lunar occultation of fixed star Electra observable from the UK approx 03.12 to 03.59 Lunar occultation of fixed star Maya observable from the UK approx 03.35 to 04.30 Lunar occultation of fixed star Alcyone observable from the UK approx 04.27 to 04.43 05.54 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius 06.04 The Sun at 12 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Saturn at 25 Pisces 09.50 The Moon at 4 Gemini opposition Venus at 4 Sagittarius 11.07 The Moon is at perigee, fastest and closest to the Earth all month. 14.49 Mars at 22 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.15 Moment of FULL MOON This full Moon is square the nodal axis.

Friday 5th December 2025

00.05 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing square the lunar node at 14 Pisces 11.23 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 14 Pisces 14.24 The Moon at 23 Gemini opposition Mars at 23 Sagittarius 15.25 The Moon at 23 Gemini waning quincunx Mercury at 23 Scorpio 18.20 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing square Saturn at 25 Pisces

Saturday 6th December 2025

00.56 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 01.56 The Moon enters Cancer 05.08 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 13.06 Mercury at 24 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 24 Cancer 13.23 The Moon at 7 Cancer waning quincunx Venus at 7 Sagittarius 14.04 Venus at 7 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Saturn at 25 Pisces 23.34 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine the lunar node at 13 Pisces

Sunday 7th December 2025

02.22 The Moon at 15 Cancer waning quincunx The Sun at 15 Sagittarius 09.56 Mars at 24 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 24 Cancer 16.52 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 24 Cancer re-emphasises the current grand water trine. 16.58 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 17.17 The Moon at 24 Cancer waning quincunx Mars at 24 Sagittarius 18.51 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 18.59 The Moon at 25 Cancer waning trine Mercury at 25 Scorpio 23.21 Mars at 24 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 29 Taurus

Monday 8th December 2025

00.21 Venus at 9 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 24 Cancer 00.45 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 29 Taurus 01.46 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 02.50 The Moon enters Leo 05.06 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 06.18 The Moon at 2 Leo opposition Pluto at 2 Aquarius 09.00 The Sun at 17 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces 19.56 The Moon at 10 Leo waning trine Venus at 10 Sagittarius 22.22 The Sun at 17 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Tuesday 9th December 2025

00.16 Mars at 25 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 25 Pisces 07.49 Venus at 11 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 09.00 The Moon at 18 Leo waning trine The Sun at 18 Sagittarius 17.00 The Sun at 18 Sagittarius waxing biquintile Jupiter at 24 Cancer 21.15 Venus at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 29 Pisces 22.48 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing quincunx Saturn at 25 Pisces

Wednesday 10th December 2025

December 10th 2025 Morning twilight lunar occultation of Regulus (visible from the UK). Disap 07.26 reapp 08.25

00.06 The Moon at 26 Leo waning trine Mars at 26 Sagittarius A Fixed T Square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Uranus 03:00 to 05:00 03.27 The Moon at 28 Leo waning square Mercury at 28 Scorpio 03.31 Mars at 26 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 04.57 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing square Uranus at 29 Taurus, moon void 06.12 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces 07.22 The Moon enters Virgo 11.13 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Pluto at 2 Aquarius 11.53 The Sun at 19 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 29 Taurus 17.42 Venus at 12 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Saturn at 25 Pisces 20.00 Mercury at 29 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 29 Taurus

Thursday 11th December 2025

A very tight mutable T-square T Square is manifest involving the Moon, her node and Venus 07:30 to 08:00 07.47 The Moon at 13 Virgo waning square Venus at 13 Sagittarius 07.57 The Moon at 13 Virgo opposition the lunar node at 13 Pisces 09.18 Venus at 13 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 13 Pisces 10.20 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces 20.52 The Moon at Last Quarter 22.41 Mercury enters Sagittarius

Friday 12th December 2025

03.45 The Moon at 24 Virgo waxing sextile Jupiter at 24 Cancer A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Neptune 07:30 to 15:00 07.01 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Saturn at 25 Pisces 11.57 The Moon at 28 Virgo waning square Mars at 28 Sagittarius 12.39 Mars at 28 Sagittarius waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 24 Cancer A discociate grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and Pluto 13:00 to 20:30 13.20 The Moon at 29 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 29 Taurus 14.51 The Moon at 29 Virgo opposition Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 16.06 The Moon enters Libra 18.03 The Moon at 1 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 1 Sagittarius. This sextile transforms today's grand trine into a kite. 20.21 The Moon at 2 Libra waning trine Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Saturday 13th December 2025

09.44 Mars at 29 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Taurus 16.32 Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.25 The Sun at 22 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 23.27 Venus at 17 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces

Sunday 14th December 2025

00.54 The Moon at 17 Libra waning sextile Venus at 17 Sagittarius 11.44 Mars at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces 12.53 Venus at 17 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 13.21 The Moon at 23 Libra waning sextile The Sun at 23 Sagittarius 14.34 The Moon at 23 Libra waxing square Jupiter at 23 Cancer 16.15 Venus at 17 Sagittarius waxing biquintile Jupiter at 23 Cancer 18.35 The Moon at 25 Libra waning quincunx Saturn at 25 Pisces

Monday 15th December 2025

A finger of fate is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and Neptune 00:30 to 03:00 00.50 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 29 Taurus 02.31 The Sun at 23 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Cancer 02.37 The Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 29 Pisces 03.37 The Moon at 30 Libra waning sextile Mars at 30 Sagittarius, moon void 03.53 The Moon enters Scorpio 07.35 Mars enters Capricorn 08.24 The Moon at 2 Scorpio waning square Pluto at 2 Aquarius 12.51 Venus at 18 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 28 Taurus 21.59 The Sun at 24 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 28 Taurus 22.30 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Ther procession to the New Moon now starts in earnest.

Wednesday 17th December 2025

A Water Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn 02:30 to 08:00 02.47 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Cancer 04.34 The Sun at 25 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 25 Pisces 06.11 The Moon is at apogee, furthest from the Earth and slowest all month. 07.31 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning trine Saturn at 25 Pisces 13.26 The Moon at 28 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 28 Taurus 14.56 Mercury at 7 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Saturn at 25 Pisces 15.25 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 16.40 The Moon enters Sagittarius joining the Sun, Mercury and Venus in this sign. 21.20 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Thursday 18th December 2025

00.17 The Sun at 26 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 00.29 Mercury at 8 Sagittarius waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 23 Cancer 09.32 Mars at 2 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 10.02 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius conjunction Mercury at 9 Sagittarius 14.16 Venus at 22 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 18.37 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 13 Pisces 22.01 The Sun at 27 Sagittarius waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 23 Cancer

Friday 19th December 2025

01.46 Venus at 23 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Cancer 04.25 Mars at 3 Capricorn waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 23 Cancer 14.41 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Cancer 16.20 The Moon at 24 Sagittarius conjunction Venus at 24 Sagittarius 20.05 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 26 Pisces 22.50 Venus at 24 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 28 Taurus 23.34 The Sun at 28 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 28 Taurus

Saturday 20th December 2025

New Moon in Sagittarius

01.33 The Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 28 Taurus 01.40 Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waning septile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 01.44 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is conjunct Venus and Mars square Saturn and Neptune. 03.42 The Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 04.54 The Moon enters Capricorn 09.17 Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waning tri-decile Neptune at 29 Pisces 12.43 The Moon conjunction Mars at 4 Capricorn 23.41 Mars at 4 Capricorn waning biquintile Uranus at 28 Taurus

Sunday 21st December 2025

Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice

Sunday December 21st 2025 Winter Solstice 15:04 GMT

01.02 The Sun at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces 05.10 Venus at 26 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 26 Pisces 06.07 The Moon at 13 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 13 Pisces 07.34 Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning square the lunar node at 13 Pisces 08.19 Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Saturn at 26 Pisces 15.05 The Sun enters Capricorn 20.15 Venus at 26 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 2 Aquarius Astrologically quiet now for the remainder of 2025

Monday 22nd December 2025

01.27 The Moon at 23 Capricorn opposition Jupiter at 23 Cancer 04.42 Venus at 27 Sagittarius waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 23 Cancer 07.28 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning sextile Saturn at 26 Pisces 12.27 The Moon at 28 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 28 Taurus 14.44 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon voi 15.53 The Moon enters Aquarius 20.17 Mars at 6 Capricorn waning bi-novile Saturn at 26 Pisces 20.38 The Moon at 2 Aquarius conjunction Pluto at 2 Aquarius

Tuesday 23rd December 2025

06.23 Venus at 28 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 28 Taurus 19.41 Mercury at 16 Sagittarius waxing biquintile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 22.41 Mercury at 17 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 29 Pisces 22.55 The Sun at 2 Capricorn waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 23.55 The Moon at 17 Aquarius waxing sextile Mercury at 17 Sagittarius

Wednesday 24th December 2025

01.30 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 01.37 The Sun at 2 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Pluto at 2 Aquarius 05.32 Venus at 29 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 29 Pisces 10.40 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waning quincunx Jupiter at 22 Cancer 13.50 Mercury at 18 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 16.28 Venus enters Capricorn 21.42 The Moon at 28 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 28 Taurus, moon void

Thursday 25th December 2025

00.29 Mercury at 18 Sagittarius waning quad-novile Uranus at 28 Taurus 01.10 The Moon enters Pisces 02.06 The Moon at 1 Pisces waxing sextile Venus at 1 Capricorn 08.14 The Moon at 4 Pisces waxing sextile The Sun at 4 Capricorn 15.46 The Moon at 8 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 8 Capricorn 16.29 The Sun at 4 Capricorn waning biquintile Uranus at 28 Taurus

Friday 26th December 2025

00.20 The Moon at 12 Pisces conjunction the lunar node at 12 Pisces 08.06 Venus at 2 Capricorn waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 15.03 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 21 Sagittarius 17.18 Venus at 3 Capricorn waning semi-sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 17.44 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning trine Jupiter at 22 Cancer

Saturday 27th December 2025

00.42 The Moon at 26 Pisces conjunction Saturn at 26 Pisces 04.38 The Moon at 28 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 28 Taurus 07.04 The Moon at 29 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 29 Pisces, moon void 08.03 The Moon enters Aries 10.27 The Sun at 6 Capricorn waning bi-novile Saturn at 26 Pisces 12.38 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing sextile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 13.17 Mercury at 22 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Jupiter at 22 Cancer 14.34 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing square Venus at 4 Capricorn 18.42 Mars at 9 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 29 Pisces 19.11 The Moon at First Quarter 21.59 Venus at 4 Capricorn waning biquintile Uranus at 28 Taurus

Sunday 28th December 2025

00.02 Mercury at 23 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 01.06 The Moon at 10 Aries waxing square Mars at 10 Capricorn 18.31 Mercury at 24 Sagittarius waning tri-septile Uranus at 28 Taurus 22.00 The Moon at 22 Aries waning square Jupiter at 22 Cancer

Monday 29th December 2025

02.14 The Moon at 24 Aries waxing trine Mercury at 24 Sagittarius, moon void 11.20 Venus at 6 Capricorn waning bi-novile Saturn at 26 Pisces 11.59 The Moon enters Taurus 16.25 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing square Pluto at 3 Aquarius 23.04 The Moon at 7 Taurus waxing trine Venus at 7 Capricorn

Tuesday 30th December 2025

02.22 The Moon at 9 Taurus waxing trine The Sun at 9 Capricorn 04.16 Mercury at 26 Sagittarius waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 22 Cancer 06.55 The Moon at 11 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 11 Capricorn 07.16 Mercury at 26 Sagittarius waning square Saturn at 26 Pisces 08.22 The Moon at 12 Taurus waxing sextile the lunar node at 12 Pisces 16.54 Mercury at 27 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 3 Aquarius 22.42 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning bi-novile Neptune at 29 Pisces 23.28 The Moon at 21 Taurus waning sextile Jupiter at 21 Cancer

Wednesday 31st December 2025

04.45 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 06.59 The Moon at 26 Taurus waxing sextile Saturn at 26 Pisces 08.51 Mars at 12 Capricorn waning sextile the lunar node at 12 Pisces 09.35 The Moon at 28 Taurus waxing quincunx Mercury at 28 Sagittarius 09.57 The Moon at 28 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 28 Taurus 12.26 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 30 Pisces, moon void 13.09 Mercury at 28 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 28 Taurus 13.15 The Moon enters Gemini 17.35 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing trine Pluto at 3 Aquarius Here's wishing all Daze readers a happy and prosperous New Year. Hoping that you will stay with 'The Daze' in 2026. God bless.