The Daze 2018

May 5 Launch of NASA's InSight is scheduled. June 14 to July 15 2018 FIFA World Cup is scheduled to be held in Russia. July 27 Mars will make its closest approach to Earth since 2003. It will not be as close as the 2003 opposition. October Unmanned European-Japanese BepiColombo spacecraft will be launched to Mercury. October The James Webb Space Telescope is likely to be launched. It is intended as a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope , which was launched in 1990. October The ESA's Solar Orbiter, SOLO, will be launched to orbit the Sun, aiming to perform close observations of its polar regions. November 26 Landing of InSight on Mars is expected. NASA is expected to conduct the maiden flight of its Space Launch System, the replacement for the Space Shuttle program, which ended in 2011. Super computers are projected to reach 1 Exaflop. The US missile defense complex in Poland will be operational. Researchers and investors in space elevator technology hope to start funding the construction of the first elevator by 2031. NASA's Solar Probe Plus will orbit the Sun.W JAXA's robotic SELENE 2 lunar mission is expected to be launched in 2018.

Monday 1st January 2018

Welcome to 2018. The New year starts with a tumultuous Super Full Moon about to climax. We really are in for a blast of cosmic energies with this imminent climaxing lunation in Cancer

08.12 The Moon ingress Cancer 10.26 The Moon at 1 Cancer opposition Saturn at 1 Capricorn 15.32 Mars at 15 Scorpio waning quad-novile Uranus at 25 Aries 20.52 Mercury at 19 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 22.02 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth all month. 23.28 The Moon at 10 Cancer opposition Venus at 10 Capricorn The night of the SUPER Full Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday 2nd January 2018

The New Year's Full Moon coincides with protests breaking out in Iran for a fifth day. Anti-government chanting and burning cars were reported as night fell in the capital, Tehran, while police said an officer was killed in a central city. In the UK, four young men were killed in separate stabbing incidents in London amid New Year celebrations. In Liverpool UK, witnesses described watching a ferocious blaze destroying about 1,400 cars break out. It engulfed the multi storey car park in King's Dock next to the Liverpool Echo Arena, on New Year's Eve. A roller coaster of a lunation is underway. 02.25 Moment of FULL MOON This Full Moon is the focus of a planetary Kite involving Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. An intensely charged lunation.

This is the 5th Full Moon following the Partial Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius on August 7th 2017 and is the ultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on January 31st 2018 at 12 degrees Leo. With the passing of this Full Moon we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season. This Full Moon is the focus of an intense planetary picture which involves the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. The Sun and Moon form the axis of a planetary kite in water signs. We are dealing here with profoundly emotional experiences being unleashed. The past will open up and collide with the future, forming and stirring important events, memory and deep feelings. The year 2018 starts with an emotional thunderbolt. After the Full Moon has climaxed.... 02.53 The waning Moon at 12 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 12 Pisces 04.27The Sun at 12 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 25 Aries 07.41 The Moon at 15 Cancer waning trine Mars at 15 Scorpio 09.38 The Sun at 12 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 12 Pisces 11.08 The Moon at 17 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 12:22 URANUS TURNS DIRECT. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. 13.44 The Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Pluto at 19 Capricorn 14.55 The Moon at 20 Cancer waning quincunx Mercury at 20 Sagittarius 22.47 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 25 Aries, moon void. The Moon is void of course for nearly 9 hours.

Wednesday 3rd January 2018

All the planets are now moving direct. This is the time to push forward and make progress. Mars is 2 degrees and 4 days from his conjunction with Jupiter in Scorpio. Venus too is closing on the Sun and Pluto, that rare conjunction is six days away. The next week is astrologically expansive with opportunities in many areas of our lives including love and finance. 07.24 The waning and decelerating full Moon ingresses Leo Fully armed and loaded. Proudly striding into the fray. Today you can operate with finesse and a flourish. 10.03 The Moon at 2 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 2 Capricorn 12.53 Venus at 12 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 25 Aries 17.39 Venus at 12 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 12 Pisces As the GMT day ends, prepare for a possible fateful night ahead.

Thursday 4th January 2018

The Moon is in Yod 'Finger of Fate' formation 01.00 to 06.00 with the Sun, Venus and Neptune. See what occupies your dreams. The first 14 hours of this day does not flow smoothly. The remainder of the day eases. 02.34 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 12 Pisces 03.23 The Moon at 12 Leo waning quincunx Venus at 12 Capricorn 05.32 The Moon at 14 Leo waning quincunx The Sun at 14 Capricorn 09.34 The Moon at 16 Leo waning square Mars at 16 Scorpio 10.16 The Moon at 17 Leo conjunction the lunar node at 17 Leo 11.34 The Moon at 18 Leo waning square Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 13.50 The Moon at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn The Moon forms a fire trine with Mercury and Uranus 18.00 to midnight 18.52 The Moon at 22 Leo waning trine Mercury at 22 Sagittarius 19.23 Mercury at 22 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Neptune at 12 Pisces 23.11 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 25 Aries, moon void

Friday 5th January 2018

Lunar occultation of Regulus (visible telescopically from the UK at Sunrise, approx 08:23 to 09:17). The heart of the Lion, a royal contact, a cosmically regal influence. 00.54 Mars at 17 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 17 Leo 08.05 The decelerating Moon reaches her disseminating phase 08.14 The Moon ingresses Virgo A day geared to work and efficiency is now in store. Could be a bit of a slog actually. 09.20 Mars at 17 Scorpio waning semi-square Saturn at 2 Capricorn 11.25 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 2 Capricorn 19.35 Mercury at 23 Sagittarius waxing decile Mars at 17 Scorpio The weekend ahead witnesses Mars conjunct Jupiter, followed on Tuesday by the triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. Possible significant events in your personal life and in the world at large are at hand.

Saturday 6th January 2018

Mercury trine Uranus

04.37 The decelerating and disseminating Moon at 12 Virgo opposes Neptune at 12 Pisces After the muddled influence of this lunar opposition the Moon has a clean journey through Virgo for the remainder of the day. Mars is almost aligning to Jupiter and Venus and the Sun are closing in on Pluto. A curiously remarkable day is in store. 08.35 Mercury at 24 Sagittarius waxing decile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 10.23 The Moon at 15 Virgo waning trine Venus at 15 Capricorn 11.40 The Moon at 16 Virgo waning trine The Sun at 16 Capricorn 14.23 The Moon at 18 Virgo waning sextile Mars at 18 Scorpio 14.44 The Moon at 18 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 16.41 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 23.39 Mercury at 25 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 25 Aries

Sunday 7th January 2018

Mars conjunct Jupiter

00.40 Mars conjunction Jupiter at 18 Scorpio. Closest conjunction 00:27 0.2 degrees, the 3rd tightest planetary conjunction in 2018 This conjunction hits the Russian (1991 chart) Pluto, the UK Neptune, the Saturn of Canada, the Jupiter of Pakistan, the Venus of Turkey, the Sun of Angola and the ascendant of Poland. 02.34 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing quincunx Uranus at 25 Aries 02.51 The Moon at 25 Virgo waning square Mercury at 25 Sagittarius, moon void. 12.16 The Moon ingress Libra 16.10 The Moon at 2 Libra waning square Saturn at 2 Capricorn

Monday 8th January 2018

Venus sextiles Jupiter

Mars sextiles Pluto

The focus of the astrological energies today is on human relationships. Both Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio are energised, favorably. 10.17 The decelerating waning Moon at 12 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 12 Pisces 12.08 The Sun at 18 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 16.14 Venus at 18 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 18.29 The Moon at 16 Libra waxing sextile her node at 16 Leo from north of the ecliptic 19.59 Mars at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 22.15 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Venus at 18 Capricorn 22.26 The Moon at Last Quarter 23.17 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 17 degrees Capricorn. Venus and Saturn and Pluto are also in Capricorn. Mars and Jupiter are in Scorpio. There are 73 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is a direct morning star in Sagittarius. He turned direct on Dec 23rd at 13 Sagittarius, gathered himself back up to full speed on Jan 2nd, leaves his shadow behind on Jan 11th, and enters Capricorn that day. Mercury is conjunct Saturn for the final time at 3 Capricorn on Jan 13th. Venus is a morning star in Capricorn. She bestows conservation and materially organizational consideration on an already poignant mixture of changing structures. We are in for a brief period of 'devoted affiliations'. Handle the energies with care and respect, and maybe benefit from them. Venus will reside in this sign for a very brief 24 days. Venus sextiles Jupiter today which could bring a degree of financial comfort. Then on January 9th Venus is conjunct the Sun and Pluto at 19 degrees Capricorn, this is a 'cosmic love bomb', a red letter day. Venus sextiles Mars in Scorpio on Jan 9th, certainly good for human relationships and squares Uranus, quite jarring and upsetting on Jan 13th. Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 18th. Venus in Capricorn needs appreciation and material security. Put a ring on it, so to speak. Mars is now in Scorpio with Jupiter. His residence in this sign is favorable. He was conjunct Jupiter at 18 degrees Scorpio yesterday, the highlight of the residence. Mars sextiles Pluto today and oversees sheer willfulness, sextiles Venus on Jan 9th, tomorrow and augers well for sexual dynamics, and sextiles the Sun on Wednesday. Mars enters Sagittarius on Jan 26th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Mars in Scorpio has a ruthless edge. Actions are deliberate, purposeful, penetrative and to the point. Jupiter is direct and is now resident in Scorpio. This will be a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter makes a 'one off' square to the lunar node over Christmas this year which galvanizes 'the team'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 18 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar eclipse in Leo (square Jupiter, trine Mars) on Jan 31st 2018 at 12 Leo but is not visible from the UK. This is followed by a Partial Solar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius (sextile Uranus) on Feb 15th 2018. The following Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th 2018 is visible at Moonrise from the UK

Tuesday 9th January 2018

The Sun, Venus and Pluto align.

Today's tight triple conjunction makes close conjunction contacts with the natal Sun of Kate Middleton, the Moon of Hezbollah, Morocco and Cher, the Mars of the Netherlands, the Jupiter of Bobby Charlton, the Saturn of Togo and the Pluto of the UK Theresa May Government (2017) chart. Watch closely. In addition Venus and Mars are in 'sextile' harmony today. Pleasantries abound. 07.02 Venus at 19 Capricorn in Superior Conjunction with the Sun Venus is now an evening star right up to October 26th 2018. She is at greatest brilliancy as an evening star on September 25th. 09.04 Venus at 19 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 19 Capricorn 09.33 The Sun at 19 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 19 Capricorn 09.46 The decelerating last quarter Moon decelerating at 25 Libra opposition Uranus at 25 Aries 16.13 The Moon at 28 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 28 Sagittarius, moon void. 20.07 The Moon ingress Scorpio joining Mars and Jupiter in this sign. 21.08 Venus at 20 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 20 Scorpio 23.45 Mercury at 28 Sagittarius waxing novile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio

Wednesday 10th January 2018

The Moon, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio

We are now clear of the 40 darkest days in the northern hemisphere. The planetary conjunctions of the last few days, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio and The Sun, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn have coincided with at least two significant events on the world stage. The two Koreas are having dialogue, and Oprah Winfrey makes waves regarding a possible 2020 USA presidential bid. Mars and Jupiter sextiled Mercury and trined Venus in the Koreas relationship chart (midpoint in time and space chart), Sun Venus Pluto trined relationship Mercury, really good for talking. Mars and Jupiter squared Oprah's Mercury and Sun, Venus and Pluto oppose her Uranus, challenging her to face her destiny maybe? All very interesting. Anyway the planets move on, and so must we. The next two days are purposeful and intense. The next planetary event is Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn next Tuesday. Really constructive communications and planning are on their agenda. Jupiter sextiles Pluto on Jan 16th which aids expansive changes. These could be very positive times as we travel deeper into a new eclipse season. Stay tuned to The Daze. 00.48 Today the decelerating last quarter Moon at 2 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 2 Capricorn 05.37 The Sun at 20 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 20 Scorpio 16.28 Venus at 21 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 12 Pisces 19.40 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 12 Pisces 21.02 Mars at 20 Scorpio waning tri-septile Uranus at 25 Aries

Thursday 11th January 2018

The Moon is conjunct Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio A dark, brooding, unchanging, wilfull, intense day. 00.31 The Sun at 21 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 12 Pisces 03.58 The decelerating waning Moon at 16 Scorpio waxing square her node from north of the ecliptic. 05.11 Mercury ingresses Capricorn joining the Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto in this sign. A crowded house. For the next 8 days we have this stellium in Capricorn and with it the astrological weather is extremely practical and realistic. Nothing fancy here, just back to basics grounded in energy. Mercury as a morning star resides in Capricorn for the remainder of this calendar month. He is conjunct Saturn at 3 Capricorn on Jan 13th, deliberate realism with communications, sextiles Neptune on Jan 20th, a touch of an epic story, is conjunct Pluto on Jan 24th, pushing for improved circumstances, and squares Uranus on Jan 28th, upsetting the applecart somewhat. He leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 31st . 07.55 Mercury at zero Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 12 Pisces 08.22 The Moon at 19 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter 09.26 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 12.35 The Moon at 21 Scorpio conjunction Mars 13.42 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile The Sun at 21 Capricorn 14.54 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waning sextile Venus at 22 Capricorn, moon void The Moon is void of course for just over 16 hours 20.19 The Moon at 25 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 25 Aries 22.45 Mercury at 1 Capricorn waxing novile Mars at 21 Scorpio

Friday 12th January 2018

07.06 The slowly waning and decelerating Moon ingresses Sagittarius and makes no aspects today. Mercury however is applying to Saturn,exact tomorrow, engendering serious thought forms. Profound verbals may be evident. 22:30 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase.

Saturday 13th January 2018

Mercury conjunct Saturn

Venus (and the Sun) square Uranus

Follow Donald Trump's plunge into racism and xenophobia by watching his personal astrological transits on the Transits page of this web site. His words drag us all down. What a tiresome experience this USA presidency is. Just as well he has cancelled his UK visit. It might even get me onto the streets. No doubt his fan base rejoice at his outpourings. Wake up to stone ground words. Mercury and Saturn galvanised together in Capricorn, just for a few hours. Deliberate soul searching resolution. Hard hitting with serious implications. 07.04 Mercury at 3 Capricorn conjunction Saturn 07.39 The slowly decelerating balsamic Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 12 Pisces As the day and weekend progress, Venus and the Sun apply in square aspect to Uranus. There is an uneasy edge to proceedings, a sore thumb, an abrupt ending possibly. 15.46 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waxing trine her lunar node from north of the ecliptic. 19.09 Venus at 25 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 25 Aries .

Sunday 14th January 2018

Sun square Uranus

We are in an eclipse season. There are 17 days to a Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo, and 33 days to a partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. 03.56 Mercury at 4 Capricorn waxing semi-square Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 08.49 The very slowly moving balsamic Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 25 Aries, moon void. The Moon is void of course for 11 hours on this rather 'disjointed' day. 19.44 The Moon ingress Capricorn joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto in this sign. We are now under the influence of a 'stellium' of bodies in Capricorn. This is real graft. 20.45 The Sun at 25 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 25 Aries

Monday 15th January 2018

Stellium in Capricorn day 1.

Indeed we have on our hands a stellium of bodies in Capricorn. This wave is high density, slow moving graft, a deep immersion in form. The ancient Moon today firstly conjuncts Saturn, encountering the wisdom of the ages, that is this planet in this sign, and then conjuncts Mercury, imparting to him the message of 'the new realism'. These two days are something else! 01.50 The very slowly moving balsamic Moon at 3 Capricorn conjunction Saturn. 02.13 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 06.02 Mars at 23 Scorpio waning novile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 07.03 The Moon at 6 Capricorn conjunction Mercury 20.39 The Moon at 12 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 12 Pisces 21.48 Venus at 27 Capricorn waning semi-square Neptune at 12 Pisces

Tuesday 16th January 2018

Stellium in Capricorn day 2.

The really slow, really very old Moon, slowly accelerating in Capricorn, conjuncts Pluto. Today is another slog. Deep, dense, practical and sure footed. 01.15 Mercury at 7 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 25 Aries 04.13 Jupiter at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 10.55 The Moon at 19 Capricorn conjunction Pluto. 10.58 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 20.28 The Moon at 24 Capricorn waxing sextile Mars at 24 Scorpio 21.45 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 25 Aries New Moon in Capricorn in the early hours (GMT) of tomorrow.

Wednesday 17th January 2018


02.18 Moment of NEW MOON The Stellium in Capricorn New Moon conjunct Venus This New Moon is the 5th New Moon following the (American) Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on Aug 21st 2017 and the ultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on Feb 15th 2018. With the passing of today's New Moon we are truly in an eclipse season. Changes are ahead. This New Moon occurs at the time of intensely dense Capricornian energy. It is especially material, practical and constructional. There is nothing light or breezy about this one. The New Moon is conjunct Venus square Uranus and sextile Mars so financial wrangling, resources, ecology/survival are in focus and 'building empires' is underway. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are rising at Karachi. Aptly Mercury culminates over the Korean peninsular, Pluto culminates at Tokyo, Mercury rises at Nairobi. The New Moon is conjunct the Sun of Michelle Obama and Kate Moss, the Mercury of the Chilean chart, the Mars of Prince Andrew, the Saturn of Cuba, the MC of Tony Blair, and Pluto of the USA. It opposes Donald Trump's Venus and is conjunct Ivanka Trump's 'dragon's tail. Today is the birthday of Chris Montez, Mick Taylor, Jim Carrey, and Michelle Obama. The final lunar conjunction in this capricornian stellium is with Venus. The infant Moon learns 'love wisdom'. 06.31 The tiny new baby Moon at 29 Capricorn is conjunct Venus and then the Moon is void. 07.58 Mars at 24 Scorpio waning tri-decile Neptune at 12 Pisces 08.34 The Moon ingresses Aquarius and the intense capricornian energy of the past couple of days is reduced. 12.06 The Sun at 27 Capricorn waning semi-square Neptune at 12 Pisces 21.38 Mars at 25 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 25 Aries

Thursday 18th January 2018

We are now enveloped by new moon energy. Circumstances are moving on. Don't let the changes get you down. Expect cool responses today and tomorrow. 50/50 fire and ice. 01.45 Venus enters Aquarius, joining the young Moon in this sign. Venus, now an evening star, resides here for just 23 days. She only makes two aspects, a square to Jupiter on Feb 4th, which invokes excesses, and a sextile to Uranus on Feb 7th which is unconventional and novel. Venus in Aquarius is experimental, alternative and impersonal. Venus enters Pisces on Feb 10th. The energy of Mars, currently in intense Scorpio, does not blend well with the detached energy of Venus in Aquarius. 08.56 Mercury at 10 Capricorn waxing semi-square Mars at 25 Scorpio 16.35 The Moon at 16 Aquarius opposition her node

Friday 19th January 2018

The last full day of the astrological month of Capricorn.

Cool as a cucumber, distant as the milky way, modern as a fembot. Take your chances on this day. 00.01 The young accelerating Moon at 20 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 02.51 Mercury at 11 Capricorn waxing septile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 09.58 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 25 Aries 11.06 Venus at 2 Aquarius waxing quintile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 11.52 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waxing square Mars at 26 Scorpio, moon void The Moon is void for just over 8.5 hours. 15.59 Mercury at 12 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 25 Aries 20.28 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign and setting a 'sympathetic' astrological backdrop for the weekend ahead. 23.29 Venus at 2 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 12 Pisces

Saturday 20th January 2018

The Sun enters Aquarius.

01.08 Mercury at 12 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 12 Pisces 03.11 The Sun enters Aquarius and a new astrological month begins. 03.29 The Moon at 4 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 20.46 The Moon conjuncts Neptune at 12 Pisces 23.21 The Moon at 14 Pisces waxing sextile Mercury at 14 Capricorn 23.45 Venus at 4 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn

Sunday 21st January 2018

Another dreamy day with a fairy tale Moon. From the depths of our intuition we start to realise, in the north, that the stirring of a new spring is close at hand. There is a 'wait and see' attitude. Meanwhile we remain in approach to two eclipses, a Total Lunar Eclipse in 10 days time and a Partial Solar Eclipse in 25 days time. Today is a day to wish, imagine,fantasise and conceive. 03.46 The accelerating Moon in Pisces reaches her waxing crescent phase 10.23 The Moon at 19 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 11.25 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 20.03 Venus at 5 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 25 Aries

Monday 22nd January 2018

01.13 The waxing crescent Moon at 27 Pisces trine Mars at 27 Scorpio, moon void 04.51 The Sun at 2 Aquarius waxing quintile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 06.29 The Moon ingress Aries joining Uranus in this sign The next couple of days from this point in time have a thrusting 'ramming' quality. Personal expressions are sudden. Take a blow? Dust yourself down and try again. There is a combative competitive atmosphere. Go get it/them. 10.55 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing sextile The Sun at 2 Aquarius 13.31 The Sun at 2 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 12 Pisces 13.42 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing square Saturn at 4 Capricorn 17.28 The Moon at 6 Aries waxing sextile Venus at 6 Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 2 degrees Aquarius. Venus is also in Aquarius. Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Jupiter are in Scorpio. There are 58 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently in an eclipse season with the Moon approaching a Total Lunar Eclipse which occurs on January 31st. Mercury is a direct morning star in Capricorn. Mercury as a morning star resides in Capricorn for the remainder of this calendar month. He is conjunct Pluto on Jan 24th, pushing for improved circumstances, and squares Uranus on Jan 28th, upsetting the applecart. He leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 31st. Venus is now an evening star in Aquarius for just 23 days. She only makes two aspects, a square to Jupiter on Feb 4th, which invokes excesses, and a sextile to Uranus on Feb 7th which is unconventional and novel. Venus in Aquarius is experimental, alternative and impersonal. Venus enters Pisces on Feb 10th. The energy of Mars, currently in intense Scorpio, does not blend well with the detached energy of Venus in Aquarius. Mars is in Scorpio with Jupiter. His residence in this sign is favorable. Mars enters Sagittarius on Jan 26th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Mars in Scorpio has a ruthless edge. Actions are deliberate, purposeful, penetrative and to the point. Jupiter is direct and is now resident in Scorpio. This will be a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter makes a 'one off' square to the lunar node over Christmas this year which galvanizes 'the team'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 18 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar eclipse in Leo (square Jupiter, trine Mars) on Jan 31st 2018 at 12 Leo but is not visible from the UK. This is followed by a Partial Solar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius (sextile Uranus) on Feb 15th 2018. The following Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th 2018 is visible at Moonrise from the UK

Tuesday 23rd January 2018

The Moon is having a rather rough journey through Aries today on her way to Total Lunar Eclipse now just 8 days away. This is a Tuesday with a fraught edge. Avoid argument and dodge vexation if possible. 03.06 Mars at 28 Scorpio waning decile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 05.46 Venus at 6 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 12 Pisces 11.27 Mars at 28 Scorpio waning septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 11.45 The crescent Moon gaining in light and motion at 16 Aries trines her node from south of the ecliptic 15.29 The Moon at 18 Aries waxing square Mercury at 18 Capricorn 18.48 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.11 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 20 Scorpio

Wednesday 24th January 2018

Mercury conjunct Pluto

Today's Mercury Pluto contact confers depth to practical thinking and realistic communications. Penetration to the solution of problems and insight is heightened. Today modulates to a steady 'fixed' atmosphere. By mid afternoon (GMT) the almost first quarter Moon enters Taurus and there is a 'down to earth' quality to proceedings. 01.32 The Sun at 4 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 04.17 The Moon at 25 Aries conjunction Uranus, moon void 11.24 The Moon at 29 Aries waxing quincunx Mars at 29 Scorpio 13.41 The Moon ingress Taurus 20.00 The Sun at 5 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 25 Aries 20.50 Mercury at 20 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.57 The Moon at 4 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 4 Capricorn 22.21 The Moon at Fixed First Quarter. 'Crisis in action' One week to the Total Lunar Eclipse

Thursday 25th January 2018

Mercury sextile Jupiter

The Moon is now past the first quarter phase. Six days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. An 'unmoving unchanging' vibration is set over the next two days. Sound speculation favoured today as Mercury sextiles Jupiter. No risk taking. 05.36 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 9 Taurus waxing square Venus at 9 Aquarius 10.54 Jupiter at 21 Scorpio waning tri-septile Uranus at 25 Aries 11.29 Mercury at 21 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 11.50 The Moon at 13 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 13 Pisces 16.06 Mercury at 21 Capricorn waxing septile Mars at 29 Scorpio 17.05 The Moon at 16 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 16 Leo 21.31 Mercury at 21 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 13 Pisces

Friday 26th January 2018

Mars enters Sagittarius

00.02 The Moon, five days from Total Lunar Eclipse, waxing and accelerating at 20 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 01.41 The Moon at 21 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 02.27 Mars at 30 Scorpio waning bi-septile Neptune at 13 Pisces 03.17 The Moon at 22 Taurus waxing trine Mercury at 22 Capricorn. The Moon is then void. The Moon is void of course for 14 hours 24 minutes 05.07 Venus at 10 Aquarius waxing decile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 12.58 Mars enters Sagittarius Mars resides in Sagittarius for 7 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Mars on Feb 2nd encouraging free speech, and loosening tongues. Mars squares Neptune on Feb 17th which is undermining and destructive. Venus in Pisces squares Mars on Feb 25th which is out of tune and in the wrong gear. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. 12.58 Venus at 11 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 14.56 The Sun at 7 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 13 Pisces 17.41 The Moon enters Gemini and the astrological atmosphere changes. Movement is invoked after two days of fixity and intransigence. 17.53 The Moon at zero Gemini opposition Mars at zero Sagittarius A couple of 'fizzy' days ahead.

Saturday 27th January 2018

A restless and busy day is in store. Lunar pressures are rising and there is incessant chatter and diversity of interest. 00.55 The Moon waxing and accelerating at 4 Gemini, just 4 days from Total Lunar Eclipse, waxing quincunx Saturn at 4 Capricorn 05.46 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing trine The Sun at 7 Aquarius 13.32 The Moon at 12 Gemini waxing 'air trine' Venus at 12 Aquarius 14.42 The Moon at 13 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 13 Pisces 19.22 The Moon at 15 Gemini sextile the lunar node from south of the ecliptic 22.00 Mars at 1 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 25 Aries

Sunday 28th January 2018

Mercury square Uranus

A bit of a jumpy edge as this day starts. Mercury squares Uranus. Crossed wires. Crazy VAR. Four days to Total Lunar Eclipse. 02.16 The Moon at 20 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 03.23 Venus at 13 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 13 Pisces 04.07 The Moon at 21 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 07.09 Mercury at 25 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 25 Aries 07.16 Venus at 13 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 25 Aries 08.13 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase and the procession to Total Lunar Eclipse enters its final phase. 10.40 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing sextile Uranus at 25 Aries, moon void 11.04 The Moon at 25 Gemini waxing quincunx Mercury at 25 Capricorn 15.49 Venus at 13 Aquarius waxing quintile Mars at 1 Sagittarius 18.59 The Moon ingress Cancer Sunday night blues? Rather stay at home tomorrow? A couple of emotionally charged days ahead. 21.17 The Moon at 1 Cancer waning quincunx Mars at 1 Sagittarius

Monday 29th January 2018

Two days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Today is instinctive, tenacious and essentially emotionally motivated. Lunar pressures are high. Much melodrama evident. 02.15 The waxing gibbous Moon at 5 Cancer opposition Saturn at 5 Capricorn 10.08 The Moon at 9 Cancer waxing quincunx The Sun at 9 Aquarius 15.20 The Moon at 13 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 13 Pisces 16.32 Venus at 15 Aquarius waxing novile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 18.31 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing quincunx Venus at 15 Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 9 degrees Aquarius. Venus is also in Aquarius. Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 51 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently in an eclipse season with the Moon approaching a Total Lunar Eclipse which occurs on Wednesday. Mercury is a direct morning star in Capricorn. Mercury as a morning star resides in Capricorn for the remainder of this calendar month. He leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Jan 31st. Venus is now an evening star in Aquarius for just 23 days. She only makes two aspects, a square to Jupiter on Feb 4th, which invokes excesses, and a sextile to Uranus on Feb 7th which is unconventional and novel. Venus in Aquarius is experimental, alternative and impersonal. Venus enters Pisces on Feb 10th. Mars resides in Sagittarius for 7 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Mars on Feb 2nd encouraging free speech, and loosening tongues. Mars squares Neptune on Feb 17th which is undermining and destructive. Venus in Pisces squares Mars on Feb 25th which is out of tune and in the wrong gear. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is direct and is now resident in Scorpio. This will be a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter makes a 'one off' square to the lunar node over Christmas this year which galvanizes 'the team'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 18 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar eclipse in Leo (square Jupiter, trine Mars) on Jan 31st 2018 at 12 Leo but is not visible from the UK. This is followed by a Partial Solar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius (sextile Uranus) on Feb 15th 2018. The following Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th 2018 is visible at Moonrise from the UK

Tuesday 30th January 2018

The day before the Total Lunar Eclipse. 02.35 The burgeoning, almost full and fast moving Moon at 20 Cancer opposition Pluto at 20 Capricorn 03.03 Mercury at 28 Capricorn waning semi-square Neptune at 13 Pisces 04.39 The Moon at 21 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 06.53 Venus at 15 Aquarius opposition the lunar node at 15 Leo 09.55 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth, and fastest, all month. 10.46 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 25 Aries 15.38 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waxing decile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 16.41 The Moon at 29 Cancer opposition Mercury at 29 Capricorn, moon void 18.54 The Moon ingress Leo and the full fury of the imminent eclipse unfolds. 23.14 The Moon at 3 Leo waning trine Mars at 3 Sagittarius The Sabbat of Candlemass is upon us.

Wednesday 31st January 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo

02.27 The full and fast moving Moon at 5 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 5 Capricorn 02.33 The Sun at 11 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 10:51:13 PENUMBRAL ECLIPSE STARTS 11:48:27 PARTIAL ECLIPSE STARTS 12:51:49 TOTALITY STARTS 13.27 Moment of FULL MOON 13:31:00 MAXIMUM ECLIPSE Today's eclipse is quincunx Neptune and widely opposite Venus. Jupiter is sextile Pluto, Mercury sextiles Mars and Venus is square Jupiter. This is a 'blinded by the light' eclipse. The event is reasonably benign but aberrations abound big time, confusion reigns but hand eye coordination is good, as are creativity, sport and recreation. The event is resplendent and self projecting. Generosity is rife but so is wastefulness. The eclipsed Moon is conjunct the Sun of Meghan Markle, the Moon of Queen Elizabeth, the Mercury of Edward Snowden and Mick Jagger, the Mars of Emmanuel Macron, the ascendant of Prince Andrew, the Neptune of the Prince Phillip generation, the Neptune of Northern Ireland, the Pluto of the Bill Clinton generation, including Donald Trump, the Uranus of the Billy Bragg generation. The eclipse opposes the Moon of Tony Blair, trines the Mars of Brian Cox and Daniel Craig, trines the Saturn of Michael Gove, and squares the Saturn of Melania Trump. At the moment of greatest eclipse the Moon rises over Eastern Iran, sets at Kansas, Tulsa and Fort worth and Monterrey. Pluto rises at las Vegas, Saturn rises at Edmonton, Saturn sets at London and at Paris, Pluto sets at Mecca, Saturn culminates at Asuncion, Neptune culminates at Rome and rises at Quito. 13.41 Mercury ingress Aquarius 14:07:53 TOTALITY ENDS 15:11:14 PARTIAL ECLIPSE ENDS 15.18 The Moon at 13 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 13 Pisces 16:08:32 END OF THE ECLIPSE Today's eclipse is member 49 of the 53 eclipses which comprise Lunar Saros 124. The first eclipse in the series was on Aug 17th 1152 at 00:06. The chart for this moment set arbitrarily for London is set out below.

The penumbral eclipsed Moon for this Saros chart at the very start of Virgo is opposite Mars and square Pluto and Neptune in mutable cross. This is a Saros of movement, difficult starts and endings. Jupiter sextiles Uranus, Mars trines Uranus sextiles jupiter, square pluto. Invention and technology are starred. Subtle events with major consequences abound with the eclipses of this saros family. Aviation crashes seem connected too. After the eclipse sequence is over... 19.19 The Moon at 15 Leo is conjunct her node. 22.48 The Moon at 17 Leo opposition Venus at 17 Aquarius

Thursday 1st February 2018

No realized Full Moon in February this year. The month starts with something of a 'lunar hangover' following yesterday's well publicised Total Lunar Eclipse. Laziness predominates today but a little inventiveness is in the air. We are now in an 'eclipse fortnight'. 02.40 The waning full decelerating Moon at 20 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 05.01 The Moon at 21 Leo waning square Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 10.59 The Moon at 25 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 25 Aries, the best aspect of the day and then the moon is void. The Moon is void of course for 6.5 hours. 17.31 The Sun at 13 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 13 Pisces 19.15 The Moon ingress Virgo setting an industrious backdrop to the next two days. 21.18 The Sun at 13 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 25 Aries The inventive one. 22.51 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Mercury at 2 Aquarius

Friday 2nd February 2018

A no nonsense 'nit picking' efficiency prevails today. 01.49 The waning decelerating full moon at 4 Virgo waning square Mars at 4 Sagittarius 03.22 The Moon at 5 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 5 Capricorn 08.00 Mercury at 3 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 13 Pisces 16.30 The Moon at 13 Virgo opposition Neptune at 13 Pisces 16.57 Mercury at 3 Aquarius waxing quintile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 18.11 The Moon at 14 Virgo waning quincunx The Sun at 14 Aquarius 21.37 Venus at 20 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn

Saturday 3rd February 2018

Mercury sextile Mars 

A biting wit and many sharp verbals abound today. Mind and muscle are in harmony and in motion with Mercury sextile Mars. The waning full moon in Virgo adds an earthy realism to the mix. Diamond hard and crystal clear. 00.38 Venus at 20 Aquarius waxing semi-square Saturn at 5 Capricorn 04.24 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 05.03 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning quincunx Venus at 20 Aquarius 07.07 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio, moon void 12.46 Mars at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 13.09 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing quincunx Uranus at 25 Aries 15.58 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waxing sextile Mars at 5 Sagittarius 16.24 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 25 Aries 17.51 Mercury at 5 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 21.29 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are now midway between Solstice and Equinox. In the southern hemisphere, summer is coming to an end, in the north the season of 'stirring' is starting. Seasons they change. 21.37 Mars at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 21.49 The Moon enters Libra. Lighter atmospheres prevail. A 'showy' Saturday night to look your best. 21.49 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase

Sunday 4th February 2018

Venus squares Jupiter.

00.46 The Sun at 15 Aquarius waxing novile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 06.08 Venus at 22 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 06.50 The Moon at 5 Libra waning square Saturn at 5 Capricorn 07.12 The Moon at 5 Libra waning sextile Mars at 5 Sagittarius 08.30 The Moon at 6 Libra waning trine Mercury at 6 Aquarius 20.17 Mercury at 7 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 13 Pisces 20.37 The Moon at 13 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 13 Pisces

Monday 5th February 2018

Sun and Moon in air signs. Breeze along, smoothly. 00.27 The Moon at 15 Libra waxing sextile her node from north of the ecliptic 02.36 The Moon at 16 Libra waning trine The Sun at 16 Aquarius 09.23 The Moon at 20 Libra waning square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 15.34 The Moon at 23 Libra waning trine Venus at 23 Aquarius 18.47 The Moon at 25 Libra opposition Uranus at 25 Aries, moon void. State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 16 degrees Aquarius. Mercury and Venus are also in Aquarius. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 44 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently in an eclipse fortnight with a partial solar eclipse occurring in 10 days time. All the planets are direct in motion, we are living through a time of great advancement. Mercury is a direct morning star in Aquarius for another 13 days. Mercury as a morning star squares Jupiter on Feb.13th which conjures up bad judgment, sextiles Uranus on Feb.15th, which is highly inventive, and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun, the'mind's illumination' at 29 Aquarius on Feb 17th. Then as an evening star Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 18th. Mercury in Aquarius brings on free independent thinking and an ingenious mentality. Communications are future proof but a little 'unfeeling'. Mercury and Venus are conjunct on March 4th and on March 20th as Mercury slows to his next station on 17th March at 17 degrees Aries. Venus is now an evening star in Aquarius for just 23 days. She only makes a sextile to Uranus on Feb 7th which is unconventional and novel. Venus in Aquarius is experimental, alternative and impersonal. Venus enters Pisces on Feb 10th. Mars resides in Sagittarius for 7 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Mars squares Neptune on Feb 17th which is undermining and destructive. Venus in Pisces squares Mars on Feb 25th which is out of tune and in the wrong gear. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is direct and is now resident in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter makes a 'one off' square to the lunar node over Christmas this year which galvanizes 'the team'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius (sextile Uranus) on Feb 15th 2018. The following Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th 2018 is visible at Moonrise from the UK

Tuesday 6th February 2018

Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio

The Moon drifts,'void of course' in Libra, from 18:46 GMT Momday to 03:58 today. 03.58 The decelerating disseminating Moon ingress Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign. Fixity of purpose and transforming resolution crown the day. Minds fully made up. A potential for sound jobs of work well thought out and executed. 14.06 The Moon at 5 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 23.46 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waning square Mercury at 10 Aquarius

Wednesday 7th February 2018

A day of intention and fixity of purpose. 01.38 Venus at 25 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 25 Aries 04.38 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 13 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 13 Pisces The Moon forms a Fixed T-square with the Sun and her node 08.00 to 16.00, an eclipse fortnight phenomena. 08.21 The Moon at 15 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 15 Leo 14.30 Mercury at 11 Aquarius waxing decile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 15.55 The Moon at Last Quarter 18.17 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 19.22 Venus at 26 Aquarius waxing decile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.33 Mercury at 12 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 21.58 The Moon at 22 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 22 Scorpio

Thursday 8th February 2018

The volatility of world stock markets over the past week has coincided with the transiting lunar node conjunct Uranus in the chart of the New York Stock Market (May 17th 1792 0752 LMT New York). That same Uranus was hit by the Total Lunar Eclipse last week. Today there is a minor lunar occultation of star Gamma Libra (visible from the UK approx 03:16 to 04:20). The day that follows is a rather stagnant period until the Moon enters Sagittarius and enlivens the ecosphere. 04.18 The decelerating last quarter Moon at 25 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 25 Aries 07.17 The Moon at 27 Scorpio waning square Venus at 27 Aquarius, moon void The Moon wanes void of course for over 6.5 hours 12.19 Venus at 27 Aquarius waxing septile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 12.37 Mercury at 13 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 13 Pisces 13.55 The Moon ingress Sagittarius joining Mars in that sign. 14.14 Mercury at 13 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 25 Aries 21.29 The Sun at 20 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn

Friday 9th February 2018

Moon and Mars in Sagittarius.

The Moon and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius 'pep things up' this morning (GMT), potentially setting up a 'get up and go' atmosphere and adding a touch of volatility to proceedings. The Sun, Mercury and Venus continue to tighten in freedom loving Aquarius square an emotionally self propelling Jupiter in Scorpio. The outcome of these 'eclipse fortnight days' could be wasted and misdirected energy. 03.41 The Sun at 20 Aquarius waxing quintile Mars at 8 Sagittarius 06.40 The post last quarter Moon decelerating at 8 Sagittarius conjunction Mars 11.45 The Sun at 21 Aquarius waxing semi-square Saturn at 6 Capricorn 13.34 Mercury at 15 Aquarius opposition the lunar node at 15 Leo 16.04 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 13 Pisces 19.31 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing trine the lunar node at 15 Leo 20.33 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning sextile Mercury at 15 Aquarius

Saturday 10th February 2018

Sun square Jupiter

A day of potential excess and intransigence with the Sun 'fixed square' Jupiter. Guard against waste, excessive stubbornness and error. 02.16 Venus at 29 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Mars at 9 Sagittarius 02.34 Mercury at 16 Aquarius waxing novile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 09.15 The very slowly waning Moon at 22 Sagittarius sextile The Sun at 22 Aquarius 16.39 The Moon at 25 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 25 Aries 23.21 Venus ingress Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. Venus passes through Pisces in a brief but very busy 26 days. She sextiles Saturn on Feb 15th, the eclipse day, adding a touch of devotion and stability to the eclipse experience. Venus is conjunct Neptune on Feb 21st at 13.5 Pisces, which is enchantingly 'other worldly'. She squares Mars on Feb 25th, indicating conflict in relationships, sextiles Pluto on Feb 27th, invoking strong affections, water trines Jupiter on March 1st, which is lovely, generous and bountiful, and is overtaken by Mercury at 27 Pisces on March 4th invoking a degree of merriment. This is an emotionally rich and varied residence adding plenty of spice, art, music and glamour to the season. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on March 6th. 23.21 The Sun at 22 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio

Sunday 11th February 2018

The Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.

Kim Yo-jong the highest profile member of the North Korean delegation to the current Winter Olympic Games is the first immediate member of the North's ruling family to visit the South since the 1950-1953 Korean war. Ms Kim, who is said to be very close to her brother, was promoted to the powerful politburo last year. It appears she is 'wowing' the South Korean Winter Olympics. Born three days after an Annular solar Eclipse, (see from the map above that the 'ring of fire' on that day would have passed just south of the Korean peninsular), she has a charming Libran Sun, Venus and Mercury, with a young Moon with Pluto in Scorpio, and a military 'police lady' Mars in Virgo square Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius. Her Sun Venus in Libra are square Neptune, and her Mercury in Libra is opposite Jupiter in Aries. Anyone like playing with razor blades? Transiting Saturn is conjunct her Neptune right now harnessing her glamour. The Total Lunar Eclipse 11 days ago was sextile her 'sweet lips' Venus and Thursday's Solar Eclipse is trine her 'sweet words' Mercury. Her relationship with her brother as shown by their relationship chart is an intense mixture of Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio, with a 'take us by surprise' Mercury Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius and a practical horned Moon in Capricorn. Her birth details (if correct) are now on The Daze master computer, so expect more to follow. Today.... 01.52 Venus at zero Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 02.23 The very slowly waning and decelerating Moon enters Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto there. 02.43 The Moon at zero Capricorn waning sextile Venus at zero Pisces The significant aspect of the day follows...14.17 The Moon at 6 Capricorn conjunction Saturn. Quite a ceremony. 14.18 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 18:36 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The slow procession to Thursday's eclipse now starts in earnest.


Monday 12th February 2018

The Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.

04.18 Mars at 10 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 05.09 The balsamic Moon very slowly waning at 13 Capricorn sextile Neptune at 13 Pisces 08.34 Mars at 10 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 25 Aries 16.25 Mercury at 20 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 19.22 The Moon at 20 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 20 Capricorn 23.42 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 23 degrees Aquarius. Mercury is also in Aquarius. The Moon, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Venus and Neptune are in Pisces. There are 37 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently in an eclipse fortnight with a partial solar eclipse occurring on Thursday. All the planets are direct in motion, we are living through a time of great advancement. Mercury is a direct morning star in Aquarius for another 6 days. Mercury as a morning star squares Jupiter tomorrow which conjures up bad judgment, sextiles Uranus on Feb.15th, which is highly inventive, and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun, the'mind's illumination' at 29 Aquarius on Feb 17th. Then as an evening star Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 18th. Mercury in Aquarius brings on free independent thinking and an ingenious mentality. Communications are future proof but a little 'unfeeling'. Mercury and Venus are conjunct on March 4th and on March 20th as Mercury slows to his next station on 17th March at 17 degrees Aries. Venus now an evening star entered Pisces on Feb 10th. Venus passes through Pisces in a brief but very busy 26 days. She sextiles Saturn on Feb 15th, the eclipse day, adding a touch of devotion and stability to the eclipse experience. Venus is conjunct Neptune on Feb 21st at 13.5 Pisces, which is enchantingly other worldly. She squares Mars on Feb 25th, indicating conflict in relationships, sextiles Pluto on Feb 27th, invoking strong affections, water trines Jupiter on March 1st, which is lovely, generous and bountiful, and is overtaken by Mercury at 27 Pisces on March 4th invoking a degree of merriment. This is an emotionally rich and varied residence adding plenty of spice, art, music and glamour to the season. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on March 6th. Mars resides in Sagittarius for 7 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Mars squares Neptune on Feb 17th which is undermining and destructive. Venus in Pisces squares Mars on Feb 25th which is out of tune and in the wrong gear. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is direct and is now resident in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 27 Aquarius (sextile Uranus) on Feb 15th 2018. The following Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27th 2018 is visible at Moonrise from the UK

Tuesday 13th February 2018

Mercury square Jupiter

We are on the final countdown to Thursday's Partial Solar Eclipse. Today is largely concerned with consolidating advantages. It's a bit of a crawl until 15:13 GMT. From that moment the atmosphere lightens, and 'possible future' visions crystallise. The problem is with Mercury square Jupiter, determining what is the best reponse to the vision is not easy. Watch your judgement and inferences, they may be wide of the mark. 03.47 Mercury at 21 Aquarius, approaching Superior Conjunction with the Sun, is waxing semi-square Saturn at 6 Capricorn 05.44 The very slowly moving balsamic Moon at 25 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 25 Aries. The moon is then void of course for nearly 10 hours. 15.13 The Moon ingresses Aquarius joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. 22.39 Mercury at 22 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio

Wednesday 14th February 2018

The Sun sextile Uranus

02.11 Venus at 4 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 25 Aries 02.23 The Sun at 25 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 25 Aries 14.30 The slowly accelerating ancient Moon at 12 Aquarius waxing sextile Mars at 12 Sagittarius 16.02 Mercury at 24 Aquarius waxing quintile Mars at 12 Sagittarius 20.14 The Moon at 15 Aquarius opposition her node at 15 Leo The Partial Solar Eclipse is tomorrow.

Thursday 15th February 2018

Partial Solar Eclipse

00.07 The Sun at 26 Aquarius waxing decile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 03.59 Venus at 5 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 05.38 Venus at 5 Pisces waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 12.00 The really ancient Moon slowly accelerating at 22 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 15.08 Mercury at 25 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 25 Aries 17.41 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 25 Aries 18.07 The Moon at 26 Aquarius conjunction Mercury at 26 Aquarius. A mini pre-eclipse pulse of cerebral energy. (Closest conjunction 19:48 0.29 degrees, 2nd tightest lunar conjunction in 2018). 18:55:46 PARTIAL ECLIPSE STARTS 20:51:19 GREATEST ECLIPSE 21.06 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void 22:47:03 ECLIPSE ENDS Today's eclipse in Aquarius is conjunct Mercury and sextile Uranus. This is the hallmark of an impetus of new technological and communication energy. This eclipse favors science. Today's eclipse is conjunct the Moon of the USA and is opposite the Mars of Donald Trump. It is conjunct the Mars of Ireland, and of Morocco (opposite Pluto). It conjuncts the Sun and Mercury (square Saturn) of the Hezbollah chart, conjuncts the Mercury of Egypt, squares the MC of China, and opposes Saturn in both Korean (North and South) charts. It squares the Jupiter of Julian Assange, in the news two days ago, tightly trine the Mercury of Kim Yo jong, conjunct the MC of the upcoming Joseph Kennedy, and is square the fixed delusional Neptune of Jacob Rees Mogg. SOLAR SAROS 150 Today's eclipse is member 17 of the 71 eclipses which make up solar saros series 150. The first eclipse in this 'family' occurred on Aug 24th 1729 with maximum eclipse being at 13:48. The chart for this moment arbitrarily set for London is set out below. I take this chart to describe the quality and purpose of the whole saros.

This chart has the New Moon at the start of Virgo opposite Saturn, a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Cancer trine Uranus in Scorpio, a grand trine in air of Neptune, Pluto and the lunar node, Mercury sextile Neptune, and Neptune trine Pluto. It is a 'watery' chart and appears essentially protective and domesticated, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Cancer, selective (Virgo Sun and Moon),moderate, New Moon opposite Saturn, musical (strong Neptune sextile a creative Mercury in Leo) and reasonably benign and communicative, (airy grand trine). The purpose of this Saros I judge to be one of 'spiritual refinement'. This Saros is still quite young and significant events have not yet materialised around the times of the 16 eclipses already played out. Interestingly there does seem to be a 'musical shows' theme running with this saros. There always seem to be a disaster or two around the time of eclipses. Three days before the last eclipse in this saros, (March 5th 20000,) there was the 'Tokyo train Disaster', and one day before the 1964 eclipse anti muslim riots in Calcutta resulted in 100 dead, (there was a revolution in Zanzibar the day before that), but although not belittling these events, this Saros doesn't seem to be as bad as most. The next eclipse in the Saros is Feb 27th 2036. The saros 'turns Annular' in the year 2126, peaks in the year 2529. It ends in the year 2991. It is very much a Saros of the 3rd Millennium. Shortly after the eclipse ends today at 23.20 Venus at 6 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 6 Capricorn, allowing the dust to settle.

Friday 16th February 2018

Infant New Moon, Venus and Neptune in Pisces

Mars is now applying in square aspect to Neptune. This is conjuring up disturbing waves. The Florida school shooting, with 17 people killed, is the deadliest US school shooting since 2012. Yesterday's eclipse, conjunct the USA Moon, and the applying Mars Neptune square, oversee the tragedy, with transiting Neptune currently trine the USA Sun. Nikolas Cruz, 19, (no date of birth available at time of writing), has appeared in court charged with murder. A sorrowful and richly subliminal mood permeates events today. 02.43 The infant new Moon ingresses Pisces joining Venus and Neptune in this sign. 03.07 Mercury at 26 Aquarius waxing decile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 09.13 The Sun at 28 Aquarius waxing septile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 14.59 The Moon at 6 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 16.36 The Moon at 7 Pisces conjunction Venus at 7 Pisces 21.52 Mercury at 28 Aquarius waxing septile Saturn at 6 Capricorn

Saturday 17th February 2018

Mars square Neptune

This is the last full day in the astrological month of Aquarius. 04.12 The accelerating infant Moon at 13 Pisces waxing square Mars at 13 Sagittarius 04.32 The Moon at 13 Pisces conjunction Neptune 11.21 Mars at 13 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 13 Pisces 12.28 Superior Conjunction of Mercury at 29 Aquarius. A 'Full Mercury', the mind's illumination. 17.50 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 22.14 The Moon at 23 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void. The Moon is void of course for nearly 6 hours.

Sunday 18th February 2018

04.30 Mercury ingresses Pisces joining Venus and Neptune in this sign, He resides here for a brief otherworldly impressionable, artistically musically and mathematically creatively profound 16 days. His itinerary is very busy. Mercury sextiles Saturn on Feb 21st, organising the impressions, and is conjunct Neptune, a dream of a wave on Feb 25th, sextile Pluto, solving problems on March 1st, trines Jupiter in jubilation on March 2nd, and is conjunct Venus, and that's another story, on March 4th. Mercury enters Aries on March 6th. 08.59 Mercury at 0 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 12.06 The young Moon accelerates into Aries joining Uranus in this sign 17.20 The Sun ingresses Pisces joining Mercury, Venus and Neptune and a new astrological month begins. The month of Pisces is potentially a positive one this year. The Sun sextiles Saturn on Feb 25th, conjuncts Neptune on March 4th, sextiles Pluto on March 11th and trines Jupiter on March 13th. It could be good to be a Pisces sun sign right now. The vernal equinox as the Sun leaves Pisces for Aries is on March 20th.

Monday 19th February 2018

00.16 The young waxing and accelerating Moon at 7 Aries waxing square Saturn at 7 Capricorn 00.42 Mars at 14 Sagittarius waxing trine the lunar node at 14 Leo 01.56 The Sun at 0 Pisces waxing novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 03.14 Mars at 14 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 09.06 Venus at 11 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 26 Aries 13.16 Venus at 11 Pisces waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio The Moon forms a Grand Fire Trine with her node and Mars 14.00 to 15.30 14.35 The Moon at 14 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 14 Leo 15.19 The Moon at 15 Aries waxing trine Mars at 15 Sagittarius 17.49 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at zero Pisces. Mercury, Venus and Neptune are also in Pisces. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 37 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently starting to pull out of the eclipse season after the partial solar eclipse occurring last Thursday. All the planets are direct in motion, we are living through a time of great advancement. Mercury is a direct evening star in Pisces. Mercury and Venus are conjunct on March 4th and on March 20th as Mercury slows to his next station on 17th March at 17 degrees Aries. Venus is also an evening star in Pisces. Venus passes through Pisces in a brief but very busy 26 days. Venus is conjunct Neptune on Feb 21st at 13.5 Pisces, which is enchantingly other worldly. She squares Mars on Feb 25th, indicating conflict in relationships, sextiles Pluto on Feb 27th, invoking strong affections, water trines Jupiter on March 1st, which is lovely, generous and bountiful, and is overtaken by Mercury at 27 Pisces on March 4th invoking a degree of merriment. This is an emotionally rich and varied residence adding plenty of spice, art, music and glamour to the season. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on March 6th. Mars resides in Sagittarius for 7 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Venus in Pisces squares Mars on Feb 25th which is out of tune and in the wrong gear. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is direct in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the dreamy conjunction of Venus and Neptune on Wednesday.

Tuesday 20th February 2018

01.48 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon at 20 Aries waxing square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 06.08 The Moon at 23 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 08.27 Venus at 12 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 10.33 Mercury at 4 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 26 Aries 11.12 The Moon at 26 Aries conjunction Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void 19.13 The Moon ingress Taurus 23.17 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing sextile The Sun at 2 Pisces

Wednesday 21st February 2018

Venus conjunct Neptune

03.06 Mercury at 5 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 05.13 The waxing crescent Moon accelerating at 6 Taurus waxing sextile Mercury at 6 Pisces 05.49 Mercury at 6 Pisces waxing bi-novile Mars at 16 Sagittarius 06.35 Mercury at 6 Pisces waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 07.14 The Moon at 7 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 7 Capricorn Today with its 'Moon in Taurus deep roots backdrop' is totally given up to the potentially deeply enchanting, misty, watery, dreamy vibration of Venus closely conjunct Neptune in Pisces. 18.42 Venus at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces. Closest conjunction 18:48 0.54 degree separation 19.20 The Moon at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 19.23 The Moon at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Venus at 14 Pisces 20.24 Mercury at 7 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 20.26 The Moon at 14 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 14 Leo 23.50 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing quincunx Mars at 16 Sagittarius

Thursday 22nd February 2018

One of the tightest heavy weight planetary conjunctions over the last few days on the charts of leaders on the world stage has been that of transiting Neptune exactly conjunct the natal Saturn of president Assad of Syria. This transit has coincided with him apparently orchestrating the cruel and monstrous campaign of annihilation of innocents in Eastern Ghouta, Damascus Syria. History will judge him on his actions. The Neptune transit oversees this man's own disintegration. Today... 07.31 The crescent Moon gaining in light and motion at 20 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 11.46 The Moon at 23 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void. The Moon waxes void of course for 12 hours 23 minutes. 22.12 The Sun at 4 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 26 Aries

Friday 23rd February 2018

00.09 The accelerating Moon ingresses Gemini 08.10 The Moon at First Quarter 12.00 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 7 Capricorn 12.14 Venus at 16 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 26 Aries Lunar occultation of Aldebaran (visible telescopically from the UK at Sunset approx 16:41 to 17:48) 17.52 The Moon at 10 Gemini waxing square Mercury at 10 Pisces 22.50 Mercury at 11 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 26 Aries 23.28 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 14 Pisces

Saturday 24th February 2018

Mercury and Venus are within 5 degrees of each other and remain so for the next month. Heart and mind operate in unison, currently 'sensitised' in characteristically piscean manner. These two planets have been known to 'merry make' when they are in conjunction, both capable of escapism, both evening stars, both reflective, both dreaming. A multifaceted, ever changing kinetic day is in prospect. Adaption and motion win the day. 00.12 The accelerating post first quarter Moon at 14 Gemini sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 02.02 Mercury at 11 Pisces waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 04.17 The Sun at 5 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn The Moon forms a Mutable T-square with Venus and Mars 04.00 to 06.00 04.26 The Moon at 17 Gemini waxing square Venus at 17 Pisces 05.57 The Moon at 17 Gemini opposition Mars at 17 Sagittarius 11.10 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 12.11 The Sun at 6 Pisces waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 13.26 Mercury at 12 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 15.20 The Moon at 23 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 19.59 The Moon at 26 Gemini waxing sextile Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void

Sunday 25th February 2018

Venus square Mars

Mercury conjunct Neptune

Sun sextile Saturn

03.08 The Moon gaining in size and motion ingresses Cancer 12.02 Venus at 18 Pisces waxing square Mars at 18 Sagittarius 12.26 Mercury at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces. Closest conjunction 12:50 0.43 degree separation. 14.41 The Moon at 7 Cancer waxing trine The Sun at 7 Pisces 14.53 The Moon at 7 Cancer opposition Saturn at 7 Capricorn 17.47 The Sun at 7 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 7 Capricorn

Monday 26th February 2018

The chart of the NRA (the US gun lobby) is currently undergoing a Saturn return. A new maturity is being forced upon the organisation. Theresa May is currently undergoing another blast of the long term undermining transiting Neptune exactly conjunct her natal Mars. The Moon, gaining in light and motion, forms a 'flowing' water trine with Mercury, Venus, and Neptune 01.00 to 11.30 01.51 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 03.50 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing trine Mercury at 15 Pisces 06.02 Venus at 19 Pisces waxing quintile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 10.10 The Moon at 19 Cancer waning quincunx Mars at 19 Sagittarius 11.15 The Moon at 19 Cancer waxing trine Venus at 19 Pisces 13.12 The Moon at 21 Cancer opposition Pluto at 21 Capricorn 14.42 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth all month. 15.42 Mercury at 16 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 26 Aries 17.18 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The procession to Friday's Full Moon now rages in earnest. 17.18 The Moon at 23 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 19.48 Venus at 20 Pisces waning decile Uranus at 26 Aries 21.52 The Moon at 26 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 7 degrees Pisces. Mercury, Venus and Neptune are also in Pisces. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 23 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently pulling out of the eclipse season after the partial solar eclipse occurred on Thursday February 15th. All the planets are direct in motion, we are living through a time of great advancement. Mercury is a direct evening star in Pisces for a brief otherworldly impressionable, artistically musically and mathematically creatively profound 8 more days days. His itinerary is very busy. Mercury sextiles Pluto, solving problems on March 1st, trines Jupiter in 'Full Moon' jubilation on March 2nd, and is conjunct Venus, on March 4th. Mercury enters Aries on March 6th. Mercury slows to his next station on 23rd March at 17 degrees Aries. Venus is also an evening star in Pisces and also remains here for another 8 days. Venus sextiles Pluto on Feb 27th, invoking strong affections, water trines Jupiter on March 1st, which is lovely, generous and bountiful, and is overtaken by Mercury at 27 Pisces on March 4th invoking a degree of merriment. This is an emotionally rich and varied residence adding plenty of spice, art, music and glamour to the season. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on March 6th. Mars resides in Sagittarius for another 3 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Venus in Pisces squares Mars on Feb 25th which is out of tune and in the wrong gear. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is direct in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the Full Moon on Friday morning (GMT).

Tuesday 27th February 2018

04.43 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon ingresses Leo 10.21 Venus at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 16.32 The Moon at 7 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 7 Capricorn 19.43 The Moon at 9 Leo waxing quincunx The Sun at 9 Pisces Lunar pressures are rising.

Wednesday 28th February 2018

Mercury square Mars

A day of uncompromising fate. Not easy nor particularly palatable. 03.16 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon at 14 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 03.21 The Moon at 14 Leo conjuncts her node 11.33 Mercury at 19 Pisces waxing quintile Saturn at 7 Capricorn The Moon forms a yod with Mercury, Venus and Pluto this afternoon GMT. 12.26 The Moon at 19 Leo waxing quincunx Mercury at 19 Pisces 13.29 The Moon at 20 Leo waning trine Mars at 20 Sagittarius 14.30 The Moon at 21 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 17.05 The Moon at 22 Leo waxing quincunx Venus at 22 Pisces 18.37 The Moon at 23 Leo waning square Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 18.39 The Sun at 10 Pisces novile Mars at 20 Sagittarius 19.37 Mercury at 20 Pisces waning decile Uranus at 26 Aries 23.14 The Moon at 26 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void. 23.57 Mercury at 20 Pisces waxing square Mars at 20 Sagittarius

Thursday 1st March 2018

Relatively severe wintry weather in the UK is coinciding with transiting Saturn square the UK (1801 chart) ascendant. Today is a curious mixture of an increasing tenseness brought about by an 'exacting' nearly Full Moon in Virgo, incisive thinking induced by Mercury sextile Pluto, and warm generosity brought on by Venus water trining Jupiter. 04.43 Mercury at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 05.59 The almost Full Moon, now decelerating, ingresses Virgo Lunation occultation of Regulus (visible telescopically from the UK at Sunrise approx 06:08 to 06:57). 11.23 Venus at 23 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 14.23 The Sun at 11 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 26 Aries 15.32 Mars at 21 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 18.11 The Moon at 7 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 7 Capricorn 18.58 The Sun at 11 Pisces waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON IS UPON US.

Friday 2nd March 2018


00.52 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon is the first Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st 2018 and the fifth before another Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th 2018. With its passing we have almost passed out from the recent eclipse season. This Full Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune quintiles Jupiter and trines Saturn. The Virgo Full Moon is always a tense event. Today's has the potential for disorientation because of its applying opposition to Neptune. Miscalculation and befuddlement are indicated. Nevertheless Mercury trines Jupiter and this casts a more positive optimism on proceedings. Today's Full Moon directly hits the Russian Sun (1991 chart),the Mars and Uranus of Russian Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, the Mars of Australia, Judd Trumo and Stephen Fry, the Jupiter of Prince Phillip, the Premier League chart, and Ing-Wen Tsai, the Sun of Beyonce, the Ascendant and Pluto of Nigel Farage, the Moon of Madonna and the Pluto of Boris Johnson. Justin Bieber, Harry Redknapp, Chris Martin (Coldplay) and Andrew Strauss have birthdays at this time. Full Moon birthdays indicate a climatic year ahead. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon culminates at Lisbon, Jupiter rises over Scotland, Mars rises at Tripoli, Pluto rises at Baghdad, the Sun, Moon and Neptune align to South Island NZ. The Full Moon moment passes and a wave of Neptunian confusion reigns for a short while. 04.59 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Neptune at 14 Pisces 13.06 Mercury at 23 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 15.41 The Sun at 12 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 16.27 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn The waning full Moon forms a Mutable T-square with Mercury, Venus and Mars 17.00 to 24.00 The GMT day ends with a degree of uncertainty, 17.29 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning square Mars at 21 Sagittarius 20.41 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 21.49 The Moon at 24 Virgo opposition Mercury at 24 Pisces 23.51 The Moon at 25 Virgo opposition Venus at 25 Pisces, moon void

Sunday 4th March 2018

Sun conjunct Neptune.

Mercury conjunct Venus.

When Mercury and Venus meet, merriment is not far off. Today's conjunction is the first of two over the next 16 days, is at 27 Pisces, and is the dreamier of the two. The other is on March 20th at 16 Aries and is the more critical and active. Mercury will have to wait until mid October to overtake Venus, who is then retrograde and in Scorpio. Events often coincide with this conjunction, and today is interesting from this standpoint. In addition the annual conjunction of the Sun and Neptune also occurs today and has a degree of sensation associated with it, and being in Pisces, is deeply mystical and sublime. All in all this is an astrologically special day. 02.49 Mercury at 26 Pisces waning semi-sextile Uranus at 26 Aries 07.59 The Moon at 14 Libra waxing sextiles her lunar node from north of the ecliptic. 08.09 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx The Sun at 14 Pisces 08.33 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 13.55 The Sun at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces 18.05 Mercury at 27 Pisces conjunction Venus at 27 Pisces. (Closest conjunction 05:45 GMT, with 1.06 degree separation) 20.36 The Moon at 21 Libra waning square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 23.07 Mercury at 28 Pisces waxing bi-novile Saturn at 8 Capricorn

Monday 5th March 2018

00.01 The decelerating and waning full Moon at 23 Libra waning sextile Mars at 23 Sagittarius 01.31 Venus at 28 Pisces waxing bi-novile Saturn at 8 Capricorn As the Moon opposes Uranus she is conjunct the Saturn/Node midpoint quintile both. 06.19 The Moon at 26 Libra opposition Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void The Moon wanes void of course for 7 hours. 09.48 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Venus at 28 Pisces 10.34 The Moon at 28 Libra waning quincunx Mercury at 28 Pisces 13.13 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 13.25 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign. State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 14 degrees Pisces. Mercury, Venus and Neptune are also in Pisces. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 16 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently pulling out of the eclipse season after the partial solar eclipse occurred on Thursday February 15th. All the planets are direct in motion for 4 more days. We are living through a time of great advancement. Tomorrow both Venus and Mars enter Aries bringing a diminishing of the intense soulful piscean energy of recent weeks. Changes lie ahead. Mercury is a direct evening star in Pisces for one more day. Mercury enters Aries tomorrow. Mercury reaches his next station on 23rd March at 17 degrees Aries. Venus is also a direct evening star in Pisces and also remains here for another 1 day. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries on March 6th. Mars resides in Sagittarius for another 2 weeks. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Mars 'fire trines' Uranus on March 11th which is freedom seeking and fun loving. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is direct in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 6th March 2018

Mercury and Venus both move into Aries. Changes ahead.

00.08 Mars at 23 Sagittarius waxing semi-sextile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 03.32 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 8 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 07.36 Mercury ingress Aries joining Uranus in this sign Mercury will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in Aries and will reside in the sign for a lengthy 67 days. Mercury enters his shadow on March 9th, squares Saturn on March 11th (first of 3), harsh measures. His speed is below a degree per day on March 16th, he conjuncts Venus on March 20th at 16 Aries before turning retrograde on March 23rd at 17 Aries. Mercury is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 12 Aries on April 4th. Then as a morning star Mercury squares Mars (first of 2) challenging mind and motion on April 4th and makes a second forbidding square to Saturn on April 5th. Mercury turns direct at 5 Aries on April 15th, squares Saturn for a conclusion to the tribulation, the sobering hallmark of the retrograde loop, on April 25th. The 20 days from April 5th to 25th are the testy ones. Mercury's speed is back to normal on Mayday, and he comes out of his shadow on May 3rd. Moving on into new Aries territory he makes a manic square to Pluto on May 7th, makes his second square to Mars on May 12th and makes a conjunction to Uranus at the very end of Aries on May 13th. Mercury enters Taurus on this day. This is a difficult journey for Mercury. The advice is to resist the compunction to act without extensive deliberation. 14.23 The Moon at 13 Scorpio squares her node from north of the ecliptic 15.24 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 19.28 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine The Sun at 16 Pisces 19.51 The Sun at 16 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 26 Aries 23.47 Venus ingresses Aries joining Mercury and Uranus in this sign Venus resides in Aries for a brief 23 days. Venus squares Saturn on March 13th, invoking austerity. She is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 16 Aries on March 20th, winning the day. Venus squares Pluto, with a certain lewdness, on March 23rd and is conjunct Uranus at 27 degrees Aries, with shocks and surprises, on March 29th. Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. Venus brings 'the silky veils of ardor' and 'primal love adventures' into the astrological mix for the remainder of the month.

Wednesday 7th March 2018

04.13 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 08.55 The Moon at 23 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void. The Moon is void for over 13 hours. 10.14 Mars at 24 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Neptune at 14 Pisces 14.43 The Moon at 26 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 26 Aries 22.04 The Moon ingress Sagittarius 22.32 Mercury at 3 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Thursday 8th March 2018

Today....00.34 The waning Moon at 1 Sagittarius, decelerating towards last quarter phase, makes a waning trine aspect to Venus at 1 Aries 04.16 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius makes a similar trine to Mercury at 3 Aries There are no more lunar or planetary aspects today, but the truth will eventually 'out'.

Friday 9th March 2018

The announcement by the police that Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, and a policeman, are the victims of an attack in which a nerve agent was used makes the parallel with the poisoning of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006 even stronger. Like the radioactive polonium used to kill Litvinenko, a nerve agent is not normally something criminal gangs or terrorist groups can make. Instead, it is usually manufactured by specialist laboratories under the control of governments, and that inevitably means suspicion will now be very much focused on Russia. The strongest astrology of this event is that in the UK (1801)/ Russia(1917) relationship chart (midpoint in time and space). (I don't use composite charts in my work, preferring a real time and place to work with, although transiting Saturn is currently opposite composite Mars). Anyway the relationship chart holds some very apt symbolism for the current event. The Mercury Venus conjunction in the skies of Earth on Sunday, the day of the event, was conjunct relationship Neptune (on the 7th house cusp). The Sun conjunct Neptune on Sunday was square relationship Sun. Transiting Uranus is currently conjunct relationship Mercury/Neptune midpoint, Ebertin describes this as 'convulsive disturbances in connection with the nervous system'! Neptune is involved in all of these and thus the link with poisons is revealed. Even if it turns out that Russia is not involved in this crime, these transits sure throw up serious confusion in the relationship of UK and Russia. Mercury enters his shadow today before turning retrograde on March 23rd. Now is the time to hold back on new initiatives, pause, recosider, reflect and recover. 00.23 The slowly waning and decelerating Moon at 13 Sagittarius trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 01.53 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 14 Pisces 04:47 JUPITER TURNS RETROGRADE at 23 degrees Scorpio. He turns direct on July 10th. 05.55 Venus at 3 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 11.20 The Moon reaches Last Quarter

Saturday 10th March 2018

What with Mercury and Venus now moving through Aries initiating all sorts of changes for us all, and then Jupiter stationing yesterday at 23 degrees Scorpio square the Sun/Venus midpoint in the chart of North Korea, we all of a sudden, and under an optimistic Sagittarian Moon, have a very harmonious planetary combination and an exciting initiative in the news. The Jupiter station has coincided with two South Korean officials having dinner with Kim Jong Un this week in North Korea and then flying to the US with a message from Mr Kim saying he wants to meet Mr Trump and is prepared to give up his nuclear weapons. Mr Trump has accepted the offer and they might now meet as soon as May. Good news indeed. Today... 00.55 The slowly waning last quarter Moon at 26 Sagittarius conjunction Mars 02.28 The Moon at 26 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void. 09.54 The Moon ingress Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in this sign. This day goes 'back to basics' and is realistic, pragmatic and circumspect. 14.24 The Sun at 20 Pisces waxing quintile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 19.31 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waning square Venus at 5 Aries

Sunday 11th March 2018

Mars trine Uranus.

The Sun sextile Pluto

The Moon, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn.

Positive developments are possible today after a restrictive start with Moon and Saturn square Mercury and Venus. Mars trine Uranus and the Sun sextile Pluto accelerate progress once the restrictions are passed. 00.40 The Sun at 20 Pisces waning decile Uranus at 26 Aries 01.26 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waning square Mercury at 8 Aries 02.05 The Moon at 8 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 8 Capricorn 07.01 Mercury at 8 Aries waxing square Saturn at 8 Capricorn 09.12 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 10.41 Mercury at 8 Aries waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 11.24 Mars at 26 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 26 Aries 11.57 The Sun at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 14.43 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces

Monday 12th March 2018

04.16 The post last quarter Moon slowly waning at 21 Capricorn conjunction Pluto 05.45 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waning sextile The Sun at 22 Pisces 09.01 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 15.36 The Moon at 26 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 26 Aries, moon void. The Moon is void of course for just over 3 hours. 18.48 Mercury at 10 Aries waxing bi-septile Mars at 27 Sagittarius 22.46 The Moon ingresses Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 21 degrees Pisces. Neptune is also in Pisces. Mercury, Venus and Uranus are in Aries. The Moon, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 9 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are currently pulling out of the eclipse season after the partial solar eclipse occurred on Thursday February 15th. The New Moon in Pisces is on Saturday. Mercury is a direct evening star in Aries. Mercury will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in Aries and will reside in the sign for 62 more days. Mercury entered his shadow on March 9th and squared Saturn on March 11th (first of 3). His speed is below a degree per day on March 16th, he conjuncts Venus on March 20th at 16 Aries before turning retrograde on March 23rd at 17 Aries. Mercury is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 12 Aries on April 4th. Then as a morning star Mercury squares Mars (first of 2) challenging mind and motion on April 4th and makes a second forbidding square to Saturn on April 5th. Mercury turns direct at 5 Aries on April 15th, squares Saturn for a conclusion to the tribulation, the sobering hallmark of the retrograde loop, on April 25th. The 20 days from April 5th to 25th are the testy ones. Mercury's speed is back to normal on Mayday, and he comes out of his shadow on May 3rd. Moving on into new Aries territory he makes a manic square to Pluto on May 7th, makes his second square to Mars on May 12th and makes a conjunction to Uranus at the very end of Aries on May 13th. Mercury enters Taurus on this day. This is a difficult journey for Mercury. The advice is to resist the compunction to act without extensive deliberation. Venus is also a direct evening star in Aries for another 18 days. Venus squares Saturn tomorrow, invoking austerity. She is conjunct retrograde Mercury at 16 Aries on March 20th, winning the day. Venus squares Pluto, with a certain lewdness, on March 23rd and is conjunct Uranus at 27 degrees Aries, with shocks and surprises, on March 29th. Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. Venus brings 'the silky veils of ardor' and 'primal love adventures' into the astrological mix for the remainder of the month. Mars resides in Sagittarius for another week. This swash-buckling free-wheeling 'intrepid' combination pushes us into new encounters, new avenues and higher vistas. There are distant horizons beckoning us here. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on March 17th. Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9 Capricorn on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn on April 26th 2018. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere winter solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 13th March 2018

Venus square Saturn

The Sun trine Jupiter

Austerity..optimism... a bit of both today. 11.26 Mercury at 11 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 12.40 Venus at 8 Aries waxing square Saturn at 8 Capricorn 13.55 Venus at 8 Aries waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 14:46 The slowly accelerating Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to Saturday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 15.22 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waning sextile Venus at 8 Aries 20.06 The Sun at 23 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 21.37 The Moon at 11 Aquarius waning sextile Mercury at 11 Aries

Wednesday 14th March 2018

00.58 The slowly accelerating, slowly waning balsamic Moon at 13 Aquarius is opposite her ascending node. 11.06 Jupiter at 23 Scorpio waning semi-square Saturn at 8 Capricorn This aspect is the 2nd of three. The first was on Dec 22nd 2017, and the final one is on Sept 3rd 2018. They all herald the 'Great Mutation Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice in 2020, now some 1013 days away. 20.54 The Moon at 23 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 23 Scorpio

Thursday 15th March 2018

The time of the balsamic moon is a prophetic few days at the end of the monthly lunar synodic cycle when 'the new Moon is in the old Moon's arms' or the old moon shines with the 'ashen glow'. The old lunar cycle is very nearly at its end and the new cycle can be seen as a vision within the old. Today is such a day. 03.35 The slowly accelerating balsamic Moon at 27 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 27 Aries 07.33 The Moon at 29 Aquarius waxing sextile Mars at 29 Sagittarius, moon void. The Moon is void of course for 141 minutes. 09.10 Mercury at 13 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 13 Leo 10.14 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 18.57 Venus at 11 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Friday 16th March 2018

Old Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune. 

Mercury's speed is below a degree per day now as he approaches his station on March 23rd. Hold fire now. Expect delays and about turns. 02.08 The ancient Moon accelerating at 8 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 04.59 Mars at 29 Sagittarius waxing decile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 13.47 The Moon at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune. Dreamy, sublime, remote. 21.44 Mercury at 14 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces New Moon tomorrow, take heart.

Saturday 17th March 2018

00.48 Venus at 12 Aries waxing bi-septile Mars at 30 Sagittarius 02.09 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 06.12 The Moon at 23 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 08.41 The Sun at 27 Pisces waning semi-sextile Uranus at 27 Aries 09.04 Venus at 13 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 13 Leo 13.12 Moment of NEW MOON The New Moon is in an applying square to Mars separating trine Jupiter, just as you think troubles are over.... Mercury is conjunct Venus, sounds hopeful but Mercury is only 6 days from turning retrograde so what seemed sealed may well be undone. Jupiter is sextile Pluto which offers long term hope. Cardinal Fire and Water predominate with no Air. Expect compensatory enthusiastic verbals devoid of substance. Bit of a shape shifter this one. Not terrible just tricky. At the moment of New Moon Mercury and Venus culminate at London, Jupiter is at lower culmination at Moscow, Jupiter rises at Tokyo, Mars rises at Brisbane and at Melbourne, Uranus rises at Panama, Chicago and Lima, Pluto culminates at Miami, the Sun and Moon set at Mumbai. The New Moon is conjunct Queen Elizabeth's Uranus, conjunct Mercury and Mars of Iran, conjunct the MC of Nigeria, conjunct the Dragon's Tail of the BBC, the Dragon's Head of Jacob Rees Mogg, and is square Mercury of the European Union. Today is the birthday of Robin Knox-Johnston, Pattie Boyd, Lesley Anne Down, Billy Corgan and Mark Dolan. New Moon birthdays symbolise new chapters. Today's New Moon is the first following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on February 15th at 27 Aquarius and the 5th New Moon before another Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th 2018 at 21 degrees Cancer. With it's passing we take leave of the recent eclipse season. What the follows is an important ingress... 16.42 Mars enters Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto there. FEARSOME. And then to put a stamp on it... 18.59 The Moon ingress Aries joining Mercury, Venus and Uranus in this sign. 19.04 The Moon at 0 Aries waxing square Mars at 0 Capricorn

Sunday 18th March 2018

The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Aries

The planetary situation has changed. We are having to adjust. Mars is now in Capricorn with Saturn and Pluto. The Moon is new and now in Aries with Uranus, Venus and Mercury who is approaching his station. Mars resides in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto for a potentially very robust 60 days. He squares the Sun next Saturday, which is a challenge to the status quo, conjuncts Saturn on Easter Monday at 9 Capricorn, which throws up very hard hitting events and experiences squares retro Mercury on April 4th, mind and muscle in conflict, earth trines Venus on April 7th, which actually very sensuous, sextiles Neptune on April 14th, evoking sensation, and sextiles Jupiter on April 24th, opening doorways. Mars is conjunct Pluto on April 26th at 21 Capricorn, fostering change and possible turbulence. Mars is square Mercury again on May 12th, more measures missing targets. Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th and immediately squares Uranus who will have just entered Taurus the day before. All are lives will change with that ingress. Mars in Capricorn is industrious and constructional. Much earth to move, many plans to implement. Tough cookie. Today is a day to be fearless. 10.20 The infant Moon accelerating at 8 Aries waxing square Saturn at 8 Capricorn 15.13 Venus at 14 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 18.24 The Moon at 13 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 13 Leo 21.59 The Moon at 15 Aries conjunction Venus at 15 Aries 23.48 The Moon at 16 Aries conjunction Mercury at 16 Aries

Monday 19th March 2018

Moon, Mercury and Venus and Uranus in Aries.

02.04 The Sun at 28 Pisces waxing bi-novile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 09.06 The accelerating young Moon at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 12.46 The Moon at 23 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 19.30 The Moon at 27 Aries conjunction Uranus at 27 Aries, moon void State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 29 degrees Pisces. Neptune is also in Pisces. The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Uranus are in Aries. Mars Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Vernal Equinox is tomorrow. We have now taken leave of the recent eclipse season, the last event being the partial solar eclipse on Thursday February 15th. Mercury is a direct evening star in Aries. Mercury will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in Aries and will reside in the sign for 55 more days. Mercury entered his shadow on March 9th and his speed has been below a degree per day since March 16th, he conjuncts Venus tomorrow at 16 Aries before turning retrograde on Friday at 17 Aries. Mercury is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 12 Aries on April 4th. Then as a morning star Mercury squares Mars (first of 2) challenging mind and motion on April 4th and makes a second forbidding square to Saturn on April 5th. Mercury turns direct at 5 Aries on April 15th, squares Saturn for a conclusion to the tribulation, the sobering hallmark of the retrograde loop, on April 25th. The 20 days from April 5th to 25th are the testy ones. Mercury's speed is back to normal on Mayday, and he comes out of his shadow on May 3rd. Moving on into new Aries territory he makes a manic square to Pluto on May 7th, makes his second square to Mars on May 12th and makes a conjunction to Uranus at the very end of Aries on May 13th. Mercury enters Taurus on this day. This is a difficult journey for Mercury. The advice is to resist the compunction to act without extensive deliberation. Venus is also a direct evening star in Aries for another 11 days. She is conjunct Mercury at 16 Aries tomorrow, winning the day. Venus squares Pluto, with a certain lewdness, on March 23rd and is conjunct Uranus at 27 degrees Aries, with shocks and surprises, on March 29th. Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. Venus brings 'the silky veils of ardor' and 'primal love adventures' into the astrological mix for the remainder of this calendar month. Mars resides in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto for a potentially very robust 59 more days. He squares the Sun next Saturday, which is a challenge to the status quo, conjuncts Saturn on Easter Monday at 9 Capricorn, which throws up very hard hitting events and experiences squares retro Mercury on April 4th, mind and muscle in conflict, earth trines Venus on April 7th, which actually very sensuous, sextiles Neptune on April 14th, evoking sensation, and sextiles Jupiter on April 24th, opening doorways. Mars is conjunct Pluto on April 26th at 21 Capricorn, fostering change and possible turbulence. Mars is square Mercury again on May 12th, more measures missing targets. Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th and immediately squares Uranus who will have just entered Taurus the day before. All are lives will change with that ingress. Mars in Capricorn is industrious and constructional. Much earth to move, many plans to implement. Tough cookie. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina. The Vernal Equinox is tomorrow.

Tuesday 20th March 2018

Vernal Equinox

01.08 The young accelerating Moon ingresses Taurus setting an earthy backdrop to the equinox. 03.36 The Moon at 1 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 1 Capricorn 04.03 Mercury at 16 Aries conjunction Venus at 16 Aries 16.05 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 8 Capricorn 16.17 The Sun ingresses Aries This equinox moment, which describes at least the season ahead, if not the whole year, oversees a 'charging and generating' planetary situation with 7 cardinal planets. Events and experiences will manifest with relentless energy, pushing and pulling us into 'the new'. Venus is overtaking a faltering Mercury, values win over words, the Sun squares Mars, much aggression and belligerence on the world stage, the Moon earth trines Saturn, seeking to stabilise and reorganize, Jupiter sextiles Pluto invoking optimism, and Venus squares Pluto, whipping up the debauch. The Moon rises at San Francisco, Mars rises over Japan, Saturn culminates under Moscow, a shadow on the country's soul? certainly off on the wrong direction. Neptune sets at Brussels, confusion within the union, Jupiter sets at Vancouver. At London an Earthy Grand Trine is manifest with the ascendant, Moon and Saturn, some order and sense hopefully. Happy Equinox everybody. 16.39 Venus at 17 Aries waxing biquintile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 23.29 The Moon at 13 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 13 Leo

Wednesday 21st March 2018

02.42 The young accelerating Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 04.21 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 13.59 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn 17.21 The Moon at 23 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void

Thursday 22nd March 2018

Lunar occultation of Aldebaran (visible from the UK approx 23:57 to 00:17) 05.31 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon ingresses Gemini A hot buzz of a day is then in store. Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow so be aware of probable impending about turns. 05.58 Mars at 3 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 15 Pisces 08.22 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing sextile The Sun at 2 Aries 10.09 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing quincunx Mars at 3 Capricorn 20.09 Mars at 3 Capricorn waxing novile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 20.17 The Moon at 9 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 9 Capricorn Minor lunar occultation of star 119 Tau (visible from the UK approx 22:42 to 23:26).

Friday 23rd March 2018

00:20 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 03.11 The Moon at 13 Gemini sextile her node from south of the ecliptic. 06.40 The Moon at 15 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 15 Pisces 10.32 The Moon at 17 Gemini waxing sextile retro-Mercury at 17 Aries 15.05 Venus at 21 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 15 Pisces Over the next few hours the Moon makes a double Yod pattern with Jupiter/Pluto and Venus/Jupiter. 17.07 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing sextile Venus at 21 Aries 17.40 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 18.24 The Sun at 3 Aries waxing quintile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 20.46 The Moon at 23 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 23.17 Venus at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Saturday 24th March 2018

03.53 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon at 27 Gemini waxing sextile Uranus at 27 Aries, moon void 07.45 Venus at 22 Aries waxing bi-septile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 08.54 The Moon ingresses Cancer 13.14 Retro-Mercury at 17 Aries waxing bi-septile Mars at 4 Capricorn The Moon forms a Cardinal T-square with the Sun and Mars 15.00 to 16.30 15.36 The Moon reaches First Quarter 15.37 The Moon at 4 Cancer opposition Mars at 4 Capricorn 16.08 The Sun at 4 Aries waxing square Mars at 4 Capricorn 17.07 Venus at 22 Aries waxing tri-decile Mars at 4 Capricorn 23.38 The Moon at 9 Cancer opposition Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Sunday 25th March 2018

Mars is 8 days and less than 5 degrees from his fearsome conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. We are 6 days from an astringent and hard hitting Full Moon. Mercury is retrograde. Solidarity marches have taken place in London, Edinburgh, Geneva, Sydney and Tokyo. Yesterday, under this sky and with transiting Uranus sextile the USA natal Moon, mass student led protests calling for tighter gun control were under way across the United States. The protests, under the banner 'March For Our Lives' have grown out of a movement calling for change after 17 people were killed by a gunman at a high school in Florida last month. Half a million people descended on the biggest march in Washington DC. More than 800 sister protests took place nationwide and abroad. The NRA chart (National Rifle association), a famously tough Scorpionic astrological chart, is undergoing a 'Saturn Return' this spring and of course transiting Mars is accompanying Saturn on this return and NRA natal Mars is conjunct NRA natal Saturn. It all adds up to maturity and enforced change for the association. 02.54 Jupiter at 23 Scorpio waning tri-septile Uranus at 27 Aries 09.08 Venus at 23 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 09.53 The very rapidly waxing first quarter Moon at 15 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 15 Pisces 12.55 The Moon at 17 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 17 Aries 20.41 The Moon at 21 Cancer opposition Pluto at 21 Capricorn 23.33 The Moon at 23 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 23 Scorpio

Monday 26th March 2018

Mars is 7 days and less than 4 degrees from his fearsome conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. We are 5 days from an astringent and hard hitting Full Moon. Mercury is retrograde. 00.59 The very rapidly waxing first quarter Moon at 24 Cancer waxing square Venus at 24 Aries 06.58 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 27 Aries, moon void 11.46 The Moon ingress Leo 17.17 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth all month. 20.32 The Moon at 5 Leo waning quincunx Mars at 5 Capricorn 22.14 The Moon at 6 Leo waxing trine The Sun at 6 Aries 23.06 Venus at 25 Aries waxing novile Neptune at 15 Pisces

Tuesday 27th March 2018

Mars is now 6 days and less than 4 degrees from his fearsome conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. We are 4 days from an astringent and hard hitting Full Moon. Mercury is retrograde. 02.33 The rapidly waxing Moon at 9 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 9 Capricorn 08.41 The Moon at 12 Leo is conjunct her ascending node. 12.45 The Moon at 15 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 15 Pisces 14.10 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing trine Mercury at 16 Aries 23.28 The Moon at 21 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Wednesday 28th March 2018

Mars is now 5 days and less than 3 degrees from his fearsome 'axe wielding' conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. We are 3 days from a hard hitting Full Moon in Libra. Mercury is retrograde and Venus is about to closely align to Uranus in late Aries. There are 1000 days to the Grand Mutation Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. 01.30 The rapidly waxing Moon reaches her gibbous phase The procession to a rather harsh Full Moon now begins in earnest. 02.05 The Moon at 23 Leo waning square Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 08.33 The Moon at 26 Leo waxing trine Venus at 26 Aries 09.27 The Sun at 8 Aries waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 09.55 The Moon at 27 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 27 Aries, moon void 14.32 The Moon ingresses Virgo 14.43 Venus at 27 Aries waxing tri-decile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 16.55 Venus at 27 Aries waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 22.02 Retro-Mercury at 15 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces Venus applies to Uranus as the GMT day ends.

Thursday 29th March 2018

Mars is now 4 days and less than 3 degrees from his fearsome 'axe wielding' conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. We are 2 days from a hard hitting Full Moon in Libra. Mercury is retrograde for another 18 days, and Venus is closely aligned to Uranus in late Aries. The Sun is square Saturn. Lunar pressures are intensifying. Once the 'flash of the collective anima' is over (i.e. Venus conjunct Uranus), expect a 'seriously mechanical' day, quite heavy going. Trust there will be no spanners in the works. 00.48 Venus at 27 Aries conjunction Uranus at 27 Aries. Closest conjunction 00:51 only 0.07 degree separation, 2nd tightest planetary conjunction all year. 01.25 The Moon at 6 Virgo waning trine Mars at 6 Capricorn 04.53 The Moon at 8 Virgo waxing quincunx The Sun at 8 Aries 05.31 The Moon at 9 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 9 Capricorn 14.17 The Sun at 9 Aries waxing square Saturn at 9 Capricorn 14.58 The Moon at 14 Virgo waxing quincunx Mercury at 14 Aries 15.49 The Moon at 15 Virgo opposition Neptune at 15 Pisces

Friday 30th March 2018

Mars is now 3 days and less than 2 degrees from his fearsome 'axe wielding' conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. Mercury is retrograde for another 17 days, however lunar pressures are now paramount as we approach a hard hitting Full Moon in Libra. 02.36 The decelerating waxing gibbous Moon at 21 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn 04.59 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void. The Moon waxes void for 13 hours 13.23 The Moon at 27 Virgo waxing quincunx Uranus at 27 Aries 16.48 The Moon at 29 Virgo waxing quincunx Venus at 29 Aries 17.54 The Moon ingresses Libra 23.46 Mars at 7 Capricorn waxing semi-square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio The night of the climaxing Full Moon is upon us.

Saturday 31st March 2018


03.15 Venus at 30 Aries waxing semi-square Neptune at 15 Pisces 04.55 Venus ingresses Taurus 07.13 The Moon at 8 Libra waning square Mars at 8 Capricorn 09.22 The Moon at 9 Libra waning square Saturn at 9 Capricorn 12.38 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon, another 'Blue Moon', is the second Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st 2018 and the fourth before another Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th 2018. This dynamic and difficult Full Moon squares Saturn and Mars and forms a mystic rectangle with the nodal axis. The Full Moon also opposes retrograde Mercury. This Full Moon will most likely draw out all manner of tests and tribulations for us. Being in Libra the focus of the problems will naturally be with relationships and with the choices therein and with the connection to the Mars Saturn conjunction the is a potential for worry, fear disharmony and depression. The astrological energy of this time is strongly cardinal i.e. 'generating situations'. To strike a balance is the optimal outcome to strive for at this time. The Full Moon in Libra is a good time put yourself in an environment where you can appreciate beauty. Forearmed is forewarned with this lunation. Today's Full Moon hits the Sun of Belgium, the Mercury of Mexico, Benjamin Netanyahu, Arsen Wenger and Lindsey Buckingham, the Venus of Kim Yo Jong (sister of Kim Un), and Bill Clinton (conjunct Hilary's Neptune), the Mars of Bill Gates, Kate Middleton and and Geoffrey Boycott, tightly opposite the Mars of Russell Brand, conjunct the Pluto of Spain and that of Angola, conjunct Neptune of the Robert Plant generation, conjunct the ascendant of Alice Cooper and square Uranus in the 1991 Russian chart. At the moment of Full Moon today, Saturn conjuncts the MC of Mexico City. Today is the birthday of Christopher Walken, Al Gore and Ewan McGregor. 15.06 The Moon at 12 Libra waxing sextile the lunar node at 12 Leo 16.16 The Moon at 13 Libra opposition retro-Mercury at 13 Aries 20.01 The Moon at 15 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 15 Pisces 22.59 The Sun at 11 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Sunday 1st April 2018

Inferior Conjunction Mercury.

Now that the Full Moon has passed we can prepare ourselves for a decidedly tough Mars conjunct Saturn in Capricorn tomorrow, an axe wielding aspect, that is what's going on right now. Today however sees Mercury at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun, symbolising a 'seed idea' moment, a new message, a new chapter in the story, a New Mercury. 07.06 The decelerating waning full Moon at 21 Libra waning square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 13.25 Mercury at 12 Aries trines the lunar node at 12 Leo 17.54 Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 12 Aries. 18.30 The Moon at 28 Libra opposition Uranus at 28 Aries, moon void 21.12 The Sun at 12 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 12 Leo 22.59 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in that sign.

Monday 2nd April 2018


Mars is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn, both square Mercury. This is a real tough cookie, axe wielding aspect. 02.32 Venus at 2 Taurus waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 03.17 The decelerating waning full Moon at 2 Scorpio opposition Venus at 2 Taurus 15.19 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning sextile Mars at 9 Capricorn 15.20 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 15.45 Mars at 9 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 9 Capricorn. Closest conjunction 13:08, 1.27 degrees separation. 15.55 Retro-Mercury at 11 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 19.15 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning quincunx Mercury at 11 Aries 21.01 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 12 Leo 23.05 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning quincunx The Sun at 13 Aries State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 12 degrees Aries. Retrograde Mercury and Uranus are also in Aries. Mars Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 78 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Aries. Mercury is undergoing his retrograde loop whilst in Aries and will reside in the sign for 41 more days. Mercury was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun yesterday and now as a morning star Mercury squares Mars (first of 2) challenging mind and motion on April 4th and makes a second forbidding square to Saturn on April 5th. Mercury turns direct at 5 Aries on April 15th, squares Saturn for a conclusion to the tribulation, the sobering hallmark of the retrograde loop, on April 25th. The 20 days from April 5th to 25th are the testy ones. Mercury's speed is back to normal on Mayday, and he comes out of his shadow on May 3rd. Moving on into new Aries territory he makes a manic square to Pluto on May 7th, makes his second square to Mars on May 12th and makes a conjunction to Uranus at the very end of Aries on May 13th. Mercury enters Taurus on this day. This is a difficult journey for Mercury. The advice is to resist the compunction to act without extensive deliberation. Venus is a direct evening star in Taurus. Venus resides in Taurus for another 22 days. She 'earth trines' Saturn on April 7th, 'earth trines' Mars on April 12th, sextiles Neptune on April 12th, opposes Jupiter on April 17th and trines Pluto also on that day. Venus enters Gemini on April 24th. Mars resides in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto for a potentially very robust 45 more days. He conjuncts Saturn today at 9 Capricorn, which will most likely throw up very hard hitting events and experiences. Mars squares retro Mercury on April 4th, mind and muscle in conflict, earth trines Venus on April 7th, which actually very sensuous, sextiles Neptune on April 14th, evoking sensation, and sextiles Jupiter on April 24th, opening doorways. Mars is conjunct Pluto on April 26th at 21 Capricorn, fostering change and possible turbulence. Mars is square Mercury again on May 12th, more measures missing targets. Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th and immediately squares Uranus who will have just entered Taurus the day before. All are lives will change with that ingress. Mars in Capricorn is industrious and constructional. Much earth to move, many plans to implement. Tough cookie. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is now retrograde in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 3rd April 2018

MOON conjunction JUPITER in SCORPIO. Full on day. 02.34 The decelerating waning full Moon at 15 Scorpio applying to a conjunction with Jupiter, is in waning trine Neptune at 15 Pisces 11.56 Venus at 4 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 14.10 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 16.07 The Moon at 22 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 22 Scorpio, moon void The Moon wanes void of course for 15 hours. 22.25 Mars at 10 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 28 Aries

Wednesday 4th April 2018

Mercury square Mars

Mercury, currently a retrograde morning star has a pretty hazardous itinerary in store, from today for the next 3 weeks. It all starts here with an 'off key' 'wrong direction'(GMT) morning. 02.27 The decelerating waning 'void of course' Moon at 28 Scorpio quincunx Uranus at 28 Aries 05.47 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 06.57 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius 07.06 Retro-Mercury at 10 Aries square Mars at 10 Capricorn 17.42 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waning quincunx Venus at 6 Taurus 22.11 The Sun at 15 Aries waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces

Thursday 5th April 2018

Mercury square Saturn.

The Moon forms a Grand Fire Trine with Mercury and the lunar node 00.00 to 06.30 00.52 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning trine Mercury at 9 Aries 06.03 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius trines her node from north of the ecliptic 08.23 Mercury at 9 Aries waxing square Saturn at 9 Capricorn 10.30 Venus at 6 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 15 Pisces 12.20 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 15 Pisces 13.32 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning trine The Sun at 16 Aries 21.50 The Sun at 16 Aries waxing biquintile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio

Friday 6th April 2018

13.36 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 28 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 28 Aries, moon void 17.06 Retro Mercury in agony at 8 Aries waning semi-sextile Venus at 8 Taurus 18.03 The Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Mars Saturn and Pluto in this sign.

Saturday 7th April 2018

The Moon, Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.

Venus trine Saturn.

The waning Moon conjuncts Saturn and Mars trine Venus. Yes we have a significant measure of dense capricornian energy to contend with this weekend. It's certainly a good time to get stuck into heavy duty physical or mental activity. Hard work brings results, but it's a real slog. Venus 'earth trines' Saturn today inducing organisation and value into proceedings. 09.16 The Moon decelerating towards her last quarter phase at 8 Capricorn waning square Mercury at 8 Aries 12.11 The Moon at 9 Capricorn waning trine Venus at 9 Taurus 12.19 The Moon at 9 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 9 Capricorn 13.37 Venus at 9 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 9 Capricorn 17.01 Venus at 9 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 17.42 The Moon at 12 Capricorn conjunction Mars at 12 Capricorn

Sunday 8th April 2018

The Moon, Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.

00.45 The very slowly waning Moon at 15 Capricorn sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 05.26 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 07.18 The Moon at Last Quarter 12.56 Mercury at 7 Aries waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 13.04 The Moon at 21 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 21 Capricorn 14.15 The Moon at 22 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio

Monday 9th April 2018

02.41 The very slowly waning last quarter Moon at 28 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 28 Aries, the moon is then void of course for 4 hours. 06.52 The Moon ingresses Aquarius, freshening things up. 16.42 Venus at 12 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 12 Leo 19.17 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waning sextile retro-Mercury at 6 Aries State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 19 degrees Aries. Retrograde Mercury and Uranus are also in Aries. Mars Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 71 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Aries. Mercury is undergoing his retrograde loop whilst in Aries and will reside in the sign for 34 more days. Mercury turns direct at 5 Aries on April 15th, squares Saturn for a conclusion to the tribulation, the sobering hallmark of the retrograde loop, on April 25th. These 20 days from April 5th to 25th are the testy ones. Mercury's speed is back to normal on Mayday, and he comes out of his shadow on May 3rd. Moving on into new Aries territory he makes a manic square to Pluto on May 7th, makes his second square to Mars on May 12th and makes a conjunction to Uranus at the very end of Aries on May 13th. Mercury enters Taurus on this day. This is a difficult journey for Mercury. The advice is to resist the compunction to act without extensive deliberation. Venus is a direct evening star in Taurus. Venus resides in Taurus for another 15 days. She 'earth trines' Mars on April 12th, sextiles Neptune on April 12th, opposes Jupiter on April 17th and trines Pluto also on that day. Venus enters Gemini on April 24th. Mars resides in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto for a potentially very robust 38 more days. He earth trines Venus on April 11th, which actually very sensuous, sextiles Neptune on April 14th, evoking sensation, and sextiles Jupiter on April 24th, opening doorways. Mars is conjunct Pluto on April 26th at 21 Capricorn, fostering change and possible turbulence. Mars is square Mercury again on May 12th, more measures missing targets. Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th and immediately squares Uranus who will have just entered Taurus the day before. All are lives will change with that ingress. Mars in Capricorn is industrious and constructional. Much earth to move, many plans to implement. Tough cookie. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is now retrograde in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto turns retrograde on April 22nd at 21 degrees Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 10th April 2018

00.11 Retro-Mercury, now 4 days from his direct station, at 6 Aries waning decile Venus at 12 Taurus 04.46 Mars at 13 Capricorn waxing septile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio The Moon forms a tight Fixed T-square with Venus and the lunar node 06.00 to 08.00 06.20 The Moon at 12 Aquarius opposition her ascending node at 12 Leo 07.57 The Moon at 12 Aquarius waning square Venus at 12 Taurus There are no further aspects today but the Sun is applying square to Pluto, exact tomorrow, which colours today with a touch of the fearsome, however Venus applies in earthy sensuous trine to Mars, also exact tomorrow, which is indicative of physical love so it can't all be bad.

Wednesday 11th April 2018

Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, rumours of war 'a-coming', what else did you expect? 01.11 The waning and slowly accelerating Moon at 21 Aquarius sextiles The Sun at 21 Aries 02.10 The Moon at 22 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 04.54 The Sun at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 05.44 The Sun at 21 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 15 Pisces 06.03 Venus at 14 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 14 Capricorn 12.15 The Sun at 22 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 14.56 The Moon at 28 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 28 Aries, moon void 18.42 The Moon ingress Pisces, joining Neptune in this sign. 22.32 The Sun at 22 Aries waxing bi-septile Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Thursday 12th April 2018

Venus sextiles Neptune.

There is a different vibe. Remote and right here, both at the same time, in keeping with the duality of Pisces, the sign where the moon is right now and will remain until Saturday morning (GMT). At 09.01 this slowly accelerating old piscean Moon hits her balsamic phase, and the procession to Monday's New Moon (in Aries) begins. The coming New Moon moment, at 01:58 UT (GMT) Monday April 16th 2018, occurs exactly at a time when Mars, Saturn and Pluto are rising in Capricorn, over the UK. The warlike connotations of such an astrological symbol makes one wonder if the UK is about to be drawn into a military excursion over Syria. Dreams of war abound. 12.19 The Moon at 9 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 12.37 Retro-Mercury at 5 Aries, 3 days from his direct station, waning novile Venus at 15 Taurus 16.27 Venus at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces, accentuating the dreaminess. 22.29 The Moon at 14 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 14 Capricorn

Friday 13th April 2018

00.09 The slowly accelerating dreamy balsamic Moon at 15 Pisces conjunction Neptune 00.57 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning sextile Venus at 16 Taurus 11.17 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 11.28 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Scorpio, the moon is then void of course for 16 hours. 18.11 Retro-Mercury at 5 Aries waxing bi-novile Mars at 15 Capricorn

Saturday 14th April 2018

Mars sextile Neptune

The balsamic Moon is drifting void of course in Pisces from Friday 11:28 UT until 03:27 UT today. 03.27 The Moon ingresses Aries joining the Sun, Mercury and Uranus in this sign and the rather inert dreaminess of the last couple of days gives way to the 'raw power' of Sun and Moon in Aries. One can now imagine all manner of eruptions, ignitions, incendiaries and even launches. 10.01 Jupiter at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn. Jupiter sextiles Pluto in Jan 2018, April 2018 and in Sept 2018. The aspect serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. 12.13 The Moon at 5 Aries conjuncts an almost stationary appearing Mercury 17.28 Mars at 15 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 17.58 Mars at 15 Capricorn waning bi-septile Uranus at 28 Aries 20.02 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing square Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Sunday 15th April 2018

Above is the chart for the launch of the attack on Syria yesterday. 00.04 The ancient Moon accelerating at 11 Aries trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 07.47 The Moon at 16 Aries waxing squares Mars at 16 Capricorn MERCURY GOES DIRECT on April 15 at 9:21 am UTC at 5 Aries Mercury next turns retrograde on July 25th 2018 10.54 The Sun at 25 Aries waxing novile Neptune at 15 Pisces 11.33 The Sun at 25 Aries waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 17.22 The Moon at 21 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 17.37 The Moon at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn The Moon is New tomorrow.

Monday 16th April 2018


01.58 Moment of NEW MOON at 21 degrees Cancer.Today's New Moon is the second following the Partial Solar Eclipse on February 15th at 27 Aquarius and the 3rd New Moon before another Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th 2018 New Moon conjunct Uranus.(Venus opposes Jupiter sextile Mars conjunct Pluto) Mars, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are rising over the UK at the moment of New Moon. This is an unsettling lunation, promising a continuation of the disturbances of late. Today's New Moon directly hits the Uranus of Denmark, the Sun of the Syrian Independence chart, the Venus of Northern Ireland, the Saturn of the New York Stock Exchange chart, the Saturn of Marine Le Penn, the Jupiter of Rhianna, the Mercury of Tony Blair, the Sun and Mercury of Victoria Beckham, and the Uranus of the Joan Collins generation. Today is the birthday of Joan Bakewell, and Jimmy Osmond. At the exact moment of New Moon today, Venus and Jupiter straddle Atlanta and Hyderabad. The Sun and Moon are culminating at Sydney. 06.00 The Moon at 28 Aries conjunction Uranus at 28 Aries> The Moon is then void for 23 minutes. 08.20 Mercury, now direct, at 5 Aries waning semi-square Venus at 20 Taurus 08.53 The Moon ingress Taurus joining Venus in this sign. Ahead of us now the Moon and Venus oppose Jupiter and trine Pluto tomorrow, bringing about an interesting day. The Sun is conjunct Uranus for the last time for 84 years on Wednesday, and the most potent aspect is Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on April 26th. This conjunction squares Vladimir Putin's Neptune, conjuncts China's Jupiter, trines the USA Neptune and opposes Donald Trump's Saturn. Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and the associated warlike potentials symbolised by this astrology are far from over.

Tuesday 17th April 2018

The Moon, Mars and Pluto are in harmonious aspect to Venus opposing Jupiter. This planetary dynamic may conjure an interesting event and experience today. 00.38 The accelerating infant Moon at 9 Taurus waxing 'earth trine' Saturn at 9 Capricorn 04.17 The Moon at 11 Taurus squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 05.13 The Sun at 27 Aries waxing tri-decile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 07.00 Venus at 21 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 11.28 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 13.04 Venus at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn 13.49 The Moon at 17 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 17 Capricorn The Moon and Venus form an easy opposition to Jupiter, by Mars and Pluto at this time. 20.41 The Moon at 21 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 21.19 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn 22.05 The Moon at 22 Taurus conjunction Venus at 22 Taurus, moon void

Wednesday 18th April 2018

The rapidly waxing young Moon starts the (GMT) day void of course in Taurus. 01:48 SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE at 9 Capricorn. 12.04 The Moon enters Gemini. 14.01 The Sun at 28 Aries conjunction Uranus at 28 Aries. The next time the Sun is conjunct Uranus in Aries is on March 22nd 2095. 20.57 The Moon at 5 Gemini waxing sextile Mercury at 5 Aries

Thursday 19th April 2018

This is the last full day of the astrological month of Aries and a very balmy breezy day it is too. 03.26 The very rapidly waxing young Moon at 9 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 9 Capricorn 06.49 The Moon at 11 Gemini sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 12.14 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 14.11 The Moon at 16 Gemini square Neptune at 16 Pisces 18.16 The Moon at 18 Gemini waxing quincunx Mars at 18 Capricorn 21.23 Venus at 24 Taurus waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 9 Capricorn 22.48 The Moon at 21 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 23.49 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Friday 20th April 2018

00.25 Mercury at 6 Aries waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 03.14 The Sun ingresses Taurus joining Venus in this sign and a new astrological month begins. 12.05 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing sextile Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 14.28 The Moon ingresses Cancer. We are now imersed into a deeply traditional, conserving, thrifty, 'home cooking' kind of astrological vibration. Very comforting, very financially careful. 14.43 The Moon is at Perigee closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 15.17 The Moon at zero Cancer waxing sextile The Sun at zero Taurus 17.28 The Sun waxing semi-square Neptune at 16 Pisces 17.48 The Sun waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 21 Scorpio

Saturday 21st April 2018

The rapidly waxing, but now decelerating, crescent Moon forms a Cardinal T-square with Mercury and Saturn 00.00 to 06.00 00.42 The Moon at 6 Cancer waxing square Mercury at 6 Aries 05.50 The Moon at 9 Cancer opposition Saturn at 9 Capricorn 16.45 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces The Moon opposes Mars and Pluto as this day ends. 22.36 The Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Mars at 19 Capricorn

Sunday 22nd April 2018

00.56 The rapidly waxing Moon decelerating at 20 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 02.22 The Moon at 21 Cancer opposition Pluto at 21 Capricorn 06.45 The Sun at 2 Taurus waxing bi-septile Mars at 19 Capricorn 12.40 The Moon at 27 Cancer waxing sextile Venus at 27 Taurus 14.59 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 15:27 PLUTO TURNS RETROGRADE 17.11 The Moon ingresses Leo 18.07 Venus at 28 Taurus waxing quintile Neptune at 16 Pisces 21.46 The Moon reaches her First Quarter phase Mars is now less than two degrees from a conjunction with Pluto, a potentially violent encounter, exact on Thursday, fasten seatbelts please. In addition, this time next week will be the night of the May Eve Full Moon. Never a dull moment here.

Monday 23rd April 2018

A day in the life. Childhood. Exposition of self. Blessed be. 05.33 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing trine Mercury at 7 Aries 08.44 The Moon at 9 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 9 Capricorn 11.50 The Moon at 11 Leo conjunct her node. 16.35 Venus at 29 Taurus waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 29 Aries 19.57 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces Email

Tuesday 24th April 2018

Mars relentlessly applies to Pluto in Capricorn. The potential for brutal and overwhelming violence, prevalent in news stories of the past few days, intensifies. 00.50 Mercury at 8 Aries waning septile Venus at 29 Taurus 03.41 The first quarter Moon at 20 Leo waning quincunx Mars at 20 Capricorn 03.45 The Moon at 20 Leo waning square Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 05.14 Mars at 20 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 05.37 The Moon at 21 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 09.11 The Sun at 4 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 16.41 Venus ingresses Gemini Venus skims through Gemini as an evening star in just 25 days. The only aspect is a 'Is this love or just confusion?' square to Neptune on May 7th. Venus enters Cancer on May 19th. Venus in Gemini is light footed, blythe, cheerful and cerebral. She will find Mars, currently in Capricorn, far too heavy going and entrenched for her contentment, and only when Mars enters Aquarius on 16th May, will we have three days of harmony in the signs of these two. Nevertheless we have 25 days of fun and variety and a socially curious atmosphere. 18.40 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 20.42 The Moon ingresses Virgo 21.04 The Moon at zero Virgo waxing square Venus at zero Gemini

Wednesday 25th April 2018

Both these men have Mars in Leo. They project and move in similar ways. Their relationship chart however is watery, (emotional), with the Sun in Pisces and a tense gibbous full Moon in Virgo and with a very tight conjunction of Mercury and Mars, (a right couple of lads), in Pisces opposite the Moon and Pluto (underlying tense emotion). Mars is nearly conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, exact tomorrow. We are all under its influence, it incites a violent response. Also adding to the grief, Mercury squares Saturn today, bit of a sobering influence, all in all a potential hammer blow from the gods. This is what is going on. The waxing and decelerating Moon in Virgo forms an Earthy Grand Trine with the Sun and Saturn 04.00 to 13.00, that's a gentler influence. 05.17 The Moon at 5 Virgo waxing trine The Sun at 5 Taurus 11.58 The Moon at 9 Virgo waxing quincunx Mercury at 9 Aries 12.30 The Moon at 9 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 9 Capricorn 21.29 Mercury at 9 Aries waxing square Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Thursday 26th April 2018

Mars conjunct Pluto

This is the day Mars is conjunct Pluto, an aspect which draws out intense activity. Violence is the standard human response, care advised today. 00.05 The waxing decelerating Moon at 16 Virgo opposes Neptune at 16 Pisces 07.29 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 09.31 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase and the procession to an intense Walpurgis Full Moon begins in earnest. 09.47 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning trine Mars at 21 Capricorn 09.50 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn, moon void The Moon waxes void of course for over 15 hours. 11.01 Mars at 21 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 21 Capricorn 23.23 The Moon at 29 Virgo waxing quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries

Friday 27th April 2018

01.14 The waxing gibbous Moon ingresses Libra initiating a weekend of style, social opportunity and sound organisation. Lunar pressures are most definitely rising. 05.29 Venus at 3 Gemini waxing biquintile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 06.48 The decelerating Moon at 3 Libra waxing trine Venus at 3 Gemini 10.16 The Sun at 7 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 14.08 The Moon at 7 Libra waxing quincunx The Sun at 7 Taurus The Moon forms a Cardinal T-square with Mercury and Saturn 17.00 to 21.00. Not the smoothest of hours these. The Moon in Libra is subject to harsh aspects, as are all Libran people at this time. 17.22 The Moon at 9 Libra waning square Saturn at 9 Capricorn 20.17 The Moon at 11 Libra opposition Mercury at 11 Aries 20.17 The Moon at 11 Libra waxing sextile the lunar node at 11 Leo 20.18 Mercury at 11 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 11 Leo

Saturday 28th April 2018

Quite a day Friday. Under a waxing gibbous Moon in diplomatic Libra, not only did ABBA announce recording of new music, the first in 35 years, but also the two Korean leaders met and wooed the world with an optical event. Kim, (assuming a birthday of Jan 08 1984), currently has transiting Uranus, in the last gasp of Aries, applying trine to his natal Neptune, invoking a dizzying and inspirational change of consciousness. Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, his Sun sign, is obviously energising his countenance. The change in the North Korean leader's stance all seemed to start with the ingress of his progressed Moon into Gemini, a burst of diversification after entrenched stagnation, at the start of this year (assuming a pre-sunrise birth).This weekend's Full Moon is favorably trine his natal piscean Moon, a (bit of a strange fish really). Good to see the optics anyway,


Today the waxing gibbous Moon just 2 days from the full continues to encounter difficult aspects in Libra today. However the Taurean Sun applies in earthy trine aspect to Saturn rendering a day that is good for constructive social activity. Build it up, build it strong, build it to last.

05.24 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 11.34 Mercury at 11 Aries waxing bi-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 15.19 The Moon at 21 Libra waning square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 17.17 The Moon at 22 Libra waning square Mars at 22 Capricorn 20.52 Venus at 5 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 29 Aries

Sunday 29th April 2018

The sabbat of Walpurgis is upon us. We are totally under the sway of the full Moon in Scorpio. Nature spirits arise. 05.32 The Moon at 29 Libra opposition Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 07.13 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign, and a climax of intensity commences. 10.04 The Sun at 9 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 9 Capricorn 11.37 Venus at 6 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 15.46 The Sun at 9 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 18.32 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waxing quincunx Venus at 6 Gemini 20.38 Venus at 6 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 21 Capricorn 23.51 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 9 Capricorn THE MOON IS FULL TONIGHT.

Monday 30th April 2018

May Eve Full Moon

00.59 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon is the third Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st 2018 and the third before another Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th 2018. We are midway between eclipse seasons. This Full Moon in Scorpio, squares the nodes and Ceres, is sextile Saturn, quintile Mars and Pluto, and forms a yod (with Saturn) focused on Venus. This Scorpio Full Moon has a 'devouring quality', and a passionate intensity. This is definitely one to look out for. Again, for the second lunation in a row, Saturn and Pluto rise over the UK, placing a huge karma on the country. Today's Full Moon sextiles the Sun and trines the MC of the UK chart. It is closely conjunct the Moon of Cuba, the Mercury(trine Uranus) of the BBC, the Pluto of Alqueda, the Mars of Leonardo Dicaprio, the Saturn of Sam Allardyce and Oprah Winfrey and the Neptune of the George Clooney generation. At the exact moment of Full Moon Pluto rises at London, Saturn over Scotland, Mars over northern France, Spain and Lisbon. Jupiter rises at Atlanta, Mars and Pluto set over Japan. 02.44 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 11 Leo 07.16 The Moon at 13 Scorpio waning quincunx Mercury at 13 Aries 11.11 Mercury at 13 Aries waxing bi-novile Mars at 23 Capricorn 12.32 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 16.25 Mercury at 13 Aries waxing biquintile Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 19.12 The Moon at 19 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 22.44 The Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 23.08 The Sun at 11 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 11 Leo

Tuesday 1st May 2018

02.57 The decelerating and waning full Moon at 24 Scorpio waning sextile Mars at 23 Capricorn. The Moon is then void for almost 11 hours. 13.51 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 15.21 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius 23.34 Jupiter at 19 Scorpio waning quad-novile Uranus at 29 Aries

Wednesday 2nd May 2018

01.06 Venus at 9 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 24 Capricorn 02.25 Venus at 9 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 9 Capricorn 06.48 Venus at 9 Gemini waning quad-novile Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 07.57 Venus at 9 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 29 Aries 09.21 The decelerating waning full Moon at 9 Sagittarius opposition Venus at 9 Gemini 11.32 The Moon at 10 Sagittarius trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 14.49 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waning quincunx The Sun at 12 Taurus 16.38 The Sun at 12 Taurus waxing tri-decile Mars at 24 Capricorn 21.59 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning trine Mercury at 16 Aries 22.10 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 16 Pisces

Thursday 3rd May 2018

A day to open minds. Prof Stephen Hawking's final research paper suggests that our Universe may be one of many similar to our own. The theory resolves a cosmic paradox of the late physicist's own making. It also points a way forward for astronomers to find evidence of the existence of parallel universes. The study was submitted to the Journal of High-Energy Physics 10 days before Prof Hawking died, Mercury was conjunct Venus and the Sun was conjunct Neptune on that day. 00.04 Mercury at 16 Aries, and now out of his shadow after recent retrograde motion, waxing semi-sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces This is the time to implement plans or at least make your mind up. 06.31 Mars at 24 Capricorn waning septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 06.47 Venus at 10 Gemini waning sextile the lunar node at 10 Leo 23.01 The decelerating Moon in Sagittarius reaches her disseminating phase.

Friday 4th May 2018

Stone ground day. A tempering experience. 00.50 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 02.08 The Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Mars, Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 20.03 The Moon at 9 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Saturday 5th May 2018

03.38 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 13 Capricorn waning quincunx Venus at 13 Gemini 07.53 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waning trine The Sun at 15 Taurus 10.17 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 11.05 Mercury at 19 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 13:27 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. We are halfway between the Vernal Equinox and the June Solstice. In the northern hemisphere we enter the start of Summer and the brightest quarter of the year. In the south starts the season of 'fading' and with it the start of the darkest quarter. 13.44 Venus at 13 Gemini waxing tri-septile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 16.01 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 16.39 The Moon at 19 Capricorn waning square Mercury at 19 Aries 21.01 The Moon at 21 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Sunday 6th May 2018

00.27 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 06.21 This very slow Moon approaching Last Quarter at 26 Capricorn is conjunction Mars 13.31 Venus at 14 Gemini waning tri-septile Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 13.49 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 30 Aries, moon void 13.57 The Sun at 16 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 14.50 The Moon ingresses Aquarius, fixing the deal, opting for alternatives. 16.00 Venus at 15 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 30 Aries

Monday 7th May 2018

Mercury square Pluto

Venus square Neptune

Ripples in the ether. All sorts of distractions. 06.24 Venus at 15 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 08.53 Mercury at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 11.31 The Moon at 10 Aquarius opposition her ascending node at 10 Leo 17.20 Mercury at 22 Aries waxing bi-septile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 21.59 Venus at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces 23.10 Mercury at 22 Aries waxing decile Neptune at 16 Pisces 23.25 The Moon at 16 Aquarius waning trine Venus at 16 Gemini State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 17 degrees Taurus. Mercury and Uranus are in Aries. Mars Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 43 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a morning star in Aries, back up to speed and out of his shadow after recent retrograde motion. He makes a manic square to Pluto today, makes his second square to Mars on Saturday and makes a conjunction to Uranus at the very end of Aries on Sunday. Mercury enters Taurus on this day. Venus is a direct evening star in Gemini. Venus skims through Gemini as an evening star in just 25 days. The only aspect is a 'Is this love or just confusion?' square to Neptune today! Venus enters Cancer on May 19th. Venus in Gemini is light footed, blythe, cheerful and cerebral. She will find Mars, currently in Capricorn, far too heavy going and entrenched for her contentment, and only when Mars enters Aquarius on 16th May, will we have three days of harmony in the signs of these two. Nevertheless we have 25 days of fun and variety and a socially curious atmosphere. Mars resides in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto. Mars is square Mercury again on May 12th, more measures missing targets. Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th and immediately squares Uranus who will have just entered Taurus the day before. All are lives will change with that ingress. Mars in Capricorn is industrious and constructional. Much earth to move, many plans to implement. Tough cookie. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns retrograde at 9 degrees Capricorn on April 18th. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on May 15th 2018. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is now retrograde in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 8th May 2018

Last quarter Moon crisis in consciousness. The slow Moon in Aquarius forms a Fixed T-square with the Sun opposite Jupiter 02.00 to 04.30 02.09 The Moon at Last Quarter 04.12 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 11.34 Mercury at 23 Aries waxing tri-septile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 12.51 The Moon at 23 Aquarius waning sextile Mercury at 23 Aries

Wednesday 9th May 2018

US President Donald Trump yesterday said he will withdraw the US from an Obama era nuclear agreement with Iran. Calling it decaying and rotten, he said the deal was an embarrassment to him as a citizen. He said he would reimpose economic sanctions that were waived when the deal was signed in 2015. The move goes against advice from his European allies and some military advisers. In a statement, France, Germany and the UK, who are also signatories to the deal, have said they regret the American decision. The progressed Moon in the Iran (April 1st 1979) chart entered Scorpio on April 26th this year, introducing a period of stealth, and there is a progressed Full Moon in Scorpio, a point of intense climax, on Nov 23rd 2019. This will be the 2nd progressed Full Moon since the formation of the modern state. The first in 1990 was just five weeks before the 21st June 1990 'Mw Manjil Rudbar earthquake' affecting northern Iran, killing 35000 to 50000, and injuring 60000 to 105000. The Iran chart undergoes transiting Uranus in Taurus conjunct natal MC from mid 2020 for 9 months which indicates a period of major change for the country. Today's Sun Jupiter opposition is aligned to Iran's natal Uranus. 00.40 The Sun at 18 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 02.29 The Moon at 30 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 30 Aries, moon void 03.12 The Moon enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 18.37 Venus at 18 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 20.23 The Moon at 9 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Thursday 10th May 2018

A dreamy day, deep and slow to rouse. Soul food. With the Taurus Sun in trine aspect to Pluto tomorrow we are in an approach to 'regenerative change'. 04.31 Venus at 19 Gemini waxing quad-novile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 10.28 The slowly accelerating waning Moon, well past last quarter, at 16 Pisces, conjunction Neptune 14.26 The Moon at 18 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 16.45 The Moon at 19 Pisces waning square Venus at 19 Gemini 17.59 The Moon at 20 Pisces waning sextile The Sun at 20 Taurus 20.14 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 21.30 Mercury at 26 Aries waxing novile Neptune at 16 Pisces

Friday 11th May 2018

Sun trine Pluto

US President Donald Trump will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on 12 June 2018. Astrologically that is not too dynamic a day but it will be good for lightweight communications and media spin. A New Moon in Gemini quincunx Pluto occurs the day after. Trump's 72nd birthday, a New Moon event, follows the day after that. Assuming Kim's birth was on Jan 8th 1984, then transiting Jupiter on the very day of the meeting is conjunct his Saturn. 08.02 Mercury at 27 Aries waxing tri-decile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 09.03 The waning and accelerating Moon at 28 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 28 Capricorn, moon void 12.42 The Moon ingresses Aries joining Ueanus and Mercury in this sign. 23.11 The Sun at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Saturday 12th May 2018

Sorry for the lack of service yesterday. The problem was a 'whois' issue with 'The Daze' domain. All is in order now. Mercury and Uranus are currently both applying square to Mars. Expect collateral turbulence, jolts and jarrs. Mercury squares Mars today. Mars squares Uranus on Wednesday. Before then we have a weekend with the Moon conjunct Mercury entering Taurus, concentrating and accentuating current trends, and then on Tuesday, a New Moon in Taurus, and, a few hours later, the momentous ingress of Uranus, also into Taurus. Mars will also change signs from Capricorn to Aquarius, striving for rights, justice, freedom and independence, during these few days. Stay with The Daze, stay tuned to the astrology of the cosmos. We are undergoing a modulation to fixity and resolution. The days are special. 00:09 The accelerating Moon in Aries reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to New Moon begins. 04.13 Mercury at 28 Aries waxing quad-novile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 04.20 Venus at 21 Gemini waxing septile Uranus at 30 Aries 04.36 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing square Saturn at 9 Capricorn 05.05 Venus at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 06.52 The Moon at 10 Aries waning trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 13.31 Mercury at 29 Aries waxing square Mars at 29 Capricorn 21.03 The Moon at 18 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 18 Scorpio

Sunday 13th May 2018

Mercury conjunct Uranus.

02.55 The accelerating old balsamic Moon at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 05.02 The Moon at 22 Aries waning sextile Venus at 22 Gemini 05.25 The Sun at 22 Taurus waning semi-sextile Venus at 22 Gemini 10.51 Mercury at 30 Aries conjunction Uranus at 30 Aries 12.42 Morning star Mercury ingresses Taurus joining the Sun in this sign and preparing the way for the Moon and, on Tuesday, Uranus. Did someone say momentous? Times are a' changing, have your Bitcoins at the ready. 16.32 The Moon at 29 Aries waxing square Mars at 29 Capricorn 17.17 Venus at 23 Gemini waxing biquintile Mars at 29 Capricorn 18.05 The Moon at 30 Aries conjunction Uranus at 30 Aries, moon void. 18.17 The Moon ingresses Taurus, joining, the Sun and Mercury in this sign and assisting the preparations for the entry of Uranus. 18.58 The Moon at zero Taurus conjunction Mercury. Far out.

Monday 14th May 2018

Deep roots day. Unmovable and rock steady. 06.29 Mercury at 1 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 16 Pisces 06.51 Venus at 24 Gemini waning biquintile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 08.59 The Moon at 9 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 9 Capricorn 10.51 The Sun at 24 Taurus waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 9 Capricorn 11.04 The Moon at 10 Taurus squares her lunar node at from south of the ecliptic. 21.44 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 24 degrees Taurus. Mars Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. There are 36 days to the Solstice. Mars squares Uranus on Wednesday. Tomorrow a New Moon in Taurus occurs, and, a few hours later, the momentous ingress of Uranus, also into Taurus. Mars will also change signs from Capricorn to Aquarius, striving for rights, justice, freedom and independence, during the next 48 hours. Mercury is a morning star in Taurus, back up to speed and out of his shadow after recent retrograde motion. He whizzes through Taurus in just 16 days. Mercury trines Saturn on May 18th, sextiles Neptune and opposes Jupiter on May 23rd and trines Pluto on May 25th. Mercury enters Gemini on May 29th. Mercury is next retrograde on July 26th. Mercury in Taurus engenders practical consideration and views ideas, plans and proposals with due reticent. Fixed thought patterns dominate. Venus is a direct evening star in Gemini. Venus skims through Gemini as an evening star in just 25 days. The only aspect was a square to Neptune last monday. Venus enters Cancer on May 19th. Venus in Gemini is light footed, blythe, cheerful and cerebral. She will find Mars, currently in Capricorn, far too heavy going and entrenched for her contentment, and only when Mars enters Aquarius on Wednesday, will we have three days of harmony in the signs of these two. Nevertheless we have 25 days of fun and variety and a socially curious atmosphere. Mars resides in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto. Mars enters Aquarius on May 16th and immediately squares Uranus who will have just entered Taurus the day before. All are lives will change with that ingress. Mars in Capricorn is industrious and constructional. Much earth to move, many plans to implement. Tough cookie. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now direct in Aries. Uranus enters Taurus on Wednesday. See tomorrow's Daze. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Neptune is now retrograde in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 15th May 2018

New Moon in Taurus

Uranus enters Taurus

The current square between Mars and Uranus seems to have coincided with at least 52 Palestinians being killed and 2,400 wounded by Israeli troops, on the deadliest day of violence since the 2014 Gaza war. Palestinians have been protesting for weeks but deaths soared yesterday as the US opened its embassy in Jerusalem. The square hits the Palestinian natal Moon. Today's New Moon is conjunct the MC of the Palestinian chart. The change of embassy location does not sit well with the Palestinian sense of well being (natal Moon). 00.09 The accelerating ancient Moon at 18 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 03.23 Mars at 30 Capricorn waxing quintile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 06.06 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn 11.48 Moment of NEW MOON The Sun and Moon culminate at Paris at the moment of New Moon, they set at Rangoon, Venus rises at Washington DC, Moon rise is at Dallas, Sunrise is at Denver. Uranus rises at Sacramento. Today's New Moon is the third following the Partial Solar Eclipse on February 15th at 27 Aquarius and the penultimate New Moon before another Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th 2018. This New Moon is trine Pluto, which is indicative of positive change, but unfortunately the overriding influence with this lunation is the accompanying Mars square Uranus which is lustful at best, dangerous and unpredictable at worst. Today's New Moon is conjunct the MC of Donald Trump, the Moon of Bob Dylan, the Mercury of David Moyes and Joan Collins, and the MC of Palestine. The New Moon is opposite the Saturn of the Queen, square the Mars of Italy and square the MC of Sweden. Today is the birthday of Trini Lopez, Madeline Albright, Brian Eno, David Krumholtz, Zara Philips and Andy Murray. New Moon birthdays bring new chapters in life stories. 15.24 Uranus ingress Taurus Here we are, on this New Moon day, on the cusp of a momentous change in the geocentric solar system. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution today enters Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. Today should be regarded as solemn moment in our lives as we, the whole human family, start to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event.

18.00 Venus at 25 Gemini waxing tri-septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 20.30 The Moon at 30 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 30 Capricorn, moon void 20.45 The Moon ingress Gemini

Wednesday 16th May 2018

The very rapidly moving infant Moon and Venus are in Gemini. Mars enters Aquarius. A wind of change today. 01.38 Mercury at 4 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 04.57 Mars ingresses Aquarius Mars will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and will not be clear of Aquarius until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. This occurs today. The Sun trines Mars on May 24th. Venus in Leo opposes Mars on June 21st. Mars turns retrograde at 9 Aquarius on June 26th. Mercury opposes Mars on July 5th. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on August 2nd and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. 07.04 Mars at zero Aquarius waning square Uranus at zero Taurus 10.43 The Moon at 9 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 9 Capricorn 12.41 The Moon at 10 Gemini sextile her lunar node from south of the ecliptic. 22.47 Mercury at 5 Taurus waning septile Venus at 27 Gemini 23.17 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces

Thursday 17th May 2018

A rapidly moving Moon conjuncts Venus in late Gemini. A day of alternating opportunities. 01.09 The very rapidly waxing infant Moon at 17 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 07.21 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 18.18 The Moon at 28 Gemini conjunction Venus at 28 Gemini, moon void. The Moon is void for 3 hours. 21.16 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 21.49 The Moon ingresses Cancer 22.00 The Moon at zero Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at zero Taurus 22.54 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 1 Aquarius

Friday 18th May 2018

Mercury trine Saturn

Tenacity is the name of the game today. 04.52 Mercury at 8 Taurus waxing septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 10.51 The very rapidly waxing young Moon at 8 Cancer waxing sextile Mercury at 8 Taurus 11.34 The Moon at 8 Cancer opposition Saturn at 8 Capricorn 16.49 Mercury at 8 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 8 Capricorn 18.42 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 18.53 Venus at 29 Gemini waxing bi-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces

Saturday 19th May 2018

Venus sextile Uranus 

An emotional day, not at all smooth, bit of a bumpy ride. The Moon forms a watery grand trine with Neptune and Jupiter 00.00 to 02.00 00.23 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 01.48 The Moon at 17 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 02.39 Mercury at 9 Taurus waxing tri-decile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 06.18 The Sun at 28 Taurus waxing quintile Neptune at 16 Pisces 08.27 The Moon at 21 Cancer opposition Pluto at 21 Capricorn 08.51 Mercury at 10 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 10 Leo 10.51 Mars at 1 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 16 Pisces 13.12 Venus ingresses Cancer 17.31 Venus at zero Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at zero Taurus 21.15 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing sextile The Sun at 29 Taurus, moon void 23.12 The Moon ingresses Leo The Moon forms a Fixed T-square with Mars and Uranus 23.00 to 02.00 23.34 The Moon at zero Leo waxing square Uranus at zero Taurus

Sunday 20th May 2018

The last full day of the astrological month of Taurus. 01.38 The Moon now at 1 Leo opposition Mars at 1 Aquarius 11.20 Venus at 1 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 13.08 The Moon at 8 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 8 Capricorn 15.06 The Moon at 10 Leo conjunction her node 15.37 Jupiter at 17 Scorpio waning septile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 19.31 The Moon at 12 Leo waxing square Mercury at 12 Taurus

Monday 21st May 2018

02.06 Venus at 2 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 2 Aquarius 02.09 Venus at 2 Cancer waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 02.16 The Sun ingresses Gemini, and a new astrological month commences. There are now 30 days to the Solstice. 02.32 The rapidly waxing but decelerating crescent Moon at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 03.30 The Moon at 17 Leo waning square Jupiter at 17 Scorpio, moon void. The Moon waxes void of course for the next 23 hours. Potentially wasteful,playful, lazy and intransigent vibrations today. Self at the centre. 09.48 The Sun at zero Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at zero Taurus 10.45 The Moon at 21 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Tuesday 22nd May 2018

02.04 The Moon ingresses Virgo Total focus. Pinpoint power. 02.39 The Moon at zero Virgo waxing trine Uranus at zero Taurus 03.50 The Moon reaches First Quarter 05.57 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 2 Aquarius 07.48 The Moon at 3 Virgo waxing sextile Venus at 3 Cancer forming a yod with Mars at this time. 12.09 Mercury at 15 Taurus waxing bi-septile Mars at 2 Aquarius 16.20 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 8 Capricorn

Wednesday 23rd May 2018

Curiouser and curiouser. A bombardment of detail and nit picking. All in motion. 02.14 Mercury at 16 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 03.29 Venus at 4 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 16 Pisces 05.54 Mercury at 17 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 06.30 The First Quarter Moon decelerating at 16 Virgo opposition Neptune at 16 Pisces DYNAMIC MYSTIC CROSS manifest at this time. 07.00 The Moon at 17 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 17 Scorpio The Moon forms an Earth Grand Trine with Mercury and Pluto 07.00 to 15.00 07.11 The Moon at 17 Virgo waxing trine Mercury at 17 Taurus 08.47 The Sun at 2 Gemini waxing biquintile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 14.56 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn, moon void. The Moon waxes void of course for nearly 17 hours.

Thursday 24th May 2018

Be glad the song has no ending. Once in gear, today (and tomorrow) are balmy breezy days, excellent for social purposes, communication and diplomacy. Speed is of the essence. Seal the deal quickly before the looming, (06:41 GMT Saturday), 'cold and moody' Venus opposition Saturn gets a grip and invokes doubts. 02.40 The Sun at 3 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 3 Aquarius 06.53 The Moon ingresses Libra 07.41 The Moon at zero Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at zero Taurus The Moon forms a tight Air Grand Trine with the Sun and Mars 12.00 to 13.00 12.20 The Moon at 3 Libra waning trine Mars at 3 Aquarius 12.49 The Moon at 3 Libra waxing trine The Sun at 3 Gemini The Moon forms a Cardinal T-square with Venus and Saturn 18.00 to 22.00 18.04 The Moon at 6 Libra waxing square Venus at 6 Cancer 21.29 The Moon at 8 Libra waning square Saturn at 8 Capricorn 23.36 The Moon at 9 Libra waxing sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic.

Friday 25th May 2018

09.53 Jupiter at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, today and in Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. 12.27 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 13.38 Mercury at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn. Overcoming problems and obstacles with this one, at least a plan may emerge. 18.14 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase and the procession to Tuesday's dynamic Full Moon with complex planetary geometry begins in earnest. A colourful and expansive full Moon is in store. 18.54 Mercury at 21 Taurus waxing tri-decile Mars at 3 Aquarius 21.04 The Moon at 21 Libra waning square Pluto at 21 Capricorn, moon void 22.24 The Moon at 22 Libra waxing quincunx Mercury at 22 Taurus Venus applies in a rather gloomy opposition to Saturn as the day ends.

Saturday 26th May 2018

03.23 Venus at 8 Cancer waxing tri-septile Mars at 4 Aquarius 06.41 Venus at 8 Cancer opposition Saturn at 8 Capricorn 13.41 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign. 13.43 Mercury at 23 Taurus waxing sesuiquadrate Saturn at 8 Capricorn 14.43 The Moon at 1 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 1 Taurus The decelerating waxing gibbous Moon forms a Fixed T-square with Mars and her node 20.00 to 07.00 20.47 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning square Mars at 4 Aquarius

Sunday 27th May 2018

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio

00.17 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waxing quincunx The Sun at 6 Gemini 00.35 Mercury at 24 Taurus waning semi-square Venus at 9 Cancer 04.35 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 06.47 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 9 Leo 06.56 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waxing trine Venus at 9 Cancer 08.16 The Sun at 6 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Pluto at 21 Capricorn 10.30 The Sun at 6 Gemini waning quad-novile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 17.02 The Sun at 6 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 19.49 The Moon at 16 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 20.24 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 23.56 The Sun at 7 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 1 Taurus

Monday 28th May 2018

05.13 The slowly waxing almost Full Moon at 21 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 17.26 The Moon at 27 Scorpio opposition Mercury at 27 Taurus. The Moon is then void of course for 5 hours. 22.31 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius. 23.49 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 1 Taurus The Moon is Full tonight.

Tuesday 29th May 2018


05.05 Mercury at 28 Taurus waxing quintile Neptune at 16 Pisces 06.37 The Sun at 8 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 8 Capricorn 07.21 The Moon at 5 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 5 Aquarius 14.20 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon is the fourth Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st 2018 and the penultimate before another Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th 2018. This is a very dynamic Full Moon with complex planetary geometry. It is a colourful and expansive event. The Sun, Moon, Mars and the lunar node are in 'mystic rectangle' pattern in positive fire and air, 'outgoing' signs. This one opens us up, brings to light, moves defiantly onward with a high spirit of adventure, life's adventure. Many things taking place, much movement. At the moment of Full Moon, the Moon rises and the Sun is setting over Afghanistan, the Moon culminates at Melbourne and is at lower culmination at Recife, Mars rises at Manila, Jupiter rises at Lusaka. The Full Moon is conjunct the ascendant of the USA chart, the MC in the chart of Benjamin Netanyahu. It is conjunct Venus in the BBC chart, conjunct Neptune of the Leonardo Dicaprio generation, conjunct Mercury of North Korean chart and Mercury of The UK Tory Party,and conjunct the natal Saturn of Stephen Fry and the natal Mars of Sweden. 16.00 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waxing trine the lunar node at 9 Leo 22.34 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Venus at 12 Cancer 23.51 Mercury ingresses Gemini

Wednesday 30th May 2018

The Full Moon has climaxed and is past. Now Venus, Jupiter and Neptune will be in a very pleasant Watery Grand Trine from today for 6 days. Time for a few good vibrations. 05.55 Venus at 13 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 1 Taurus 06.26 The slowly waning full Moon at 16 Sagittarius squares Neptune at 16 Pisces, moon void 08.22 Mercury now at 1 Gemini waxing semi-sextile Uranus at 1 Taurus 10.43 The Sun at 9 Gemini waning sextile the lunar node at 9 Leo 19.59 Mercury at 2 Gemini waxing biquintile Saturn at 8 Capricorn

Thursday 31st May 2018

Venus, Jupiter and Neptune are in a very pleasant Watery Grand Trine. Potential for empathy and kindness. Day 2 of 6. Twenty days to the Solstice. We enter the lightest 40 days of the year in the northern hemisphere. 09.28 The slowly waning full Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in that sign invoking a couple of days of down to earth practicality. 11.03 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 1 Taurus 16.39 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waning quincunx Mercury at 4 Gemini The Moon applies to a conjunction with Saturn as the (GMT) day ends, realism.

Friday 1st June 2018

A dream of a 'Planetary kite' manifest.

Venus, Jupiter and Neptune continue to be arrayed in a very pleasant 'Watery Grand Trine'. There is ensuing potential for empathy and kindness. Day 3 of 6. The Moon, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn ensuring a robust 'urge to establish' response from all beings on Earth. The astrological atmosphere is correspondingly practical and circumspect. Today has an interesting destiny. There will be much to discuss. Stay tuned to the Daze. 00.53 The very slowly waning full Moon decelerating at 8 Capricorn conjunction Saturn 07.03 The Moon at 11 Capricorn waning quincunx The Sun at 11 Gemini 09.19 The Sun at 11 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 1 Taurus 14.06 Mercury at 6 Gemini waning novile Venus at 16 Cancer 14.14 Mercury at 6 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 6 Aquarius, a buzz of an aspect, get communicating. 14.19 Mercury at 6 Gemini waning quad-novile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 14.22 Venus at 16 Cancer waxing quad-novile Mars at 6 Aquarius 14.29 Venus at 16 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 16 Scorpio, lovely potentials. 14.46 Mars at 6 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 16.42 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 16.58 The Moon at 16 Capricorn opposition Venus at 16 Cancer This opposition sets off a 'sweet' 'first of flaming June' planetary kite involving Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. 18.30 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces

Saturday 2nd June 2018

Venus, Jupiter and Neptune continue to be arrayed in a very pleasant 'Watery Grand Trine'. There is ensuing potential for empathy and kindness. Day 4 of 6.

00.07 Mercury at 6 Gemini waxing bi-novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 03.38 The very slowly waning full Moon at 21 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 21 Capricorn. The moon is then void of course for 18.5 hours. 05.19 Mercury at 7 Gemini waxing decile Uranus at 1 Taurus 08.26 Venus at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 11.37 The Sun at 12 Gemini waxing tri-septile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 13.16 Mercury at 8 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 8 Capricorn 16.10 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 16.37 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 22.08 The Moon ingresses Aquarius joining Mars in this sign.

Sunday 3rd June 2018

Moon and Mars in Aquarius

02.22 Mercury at 9 Gemini waning sextile the lunar node at 9 Leo 10.22 The very slowly disseminating Moon at 6 Aquarius conjunction Mars at 6 Aquarius 15.57 The Moon at 9 Aquarius opposes her ascending node 19.07 The Moon at 10 Aquarius waning trine Mercury at 10 Gemini

Monday 4th June 2018

01.23 The slowly accelerating disseminating Moon at 13 Aquarius waning trine The Sun at 13 Gemini 02.18 Mercury at 11 Gemini waxing novile Uranus at 1 Taurus 02.34 Mercury at 11 Gemini waning tri-septile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 05.11 The Moon at 15 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 15 Scorpio, moon void. 11.03 Mercury at 12 Gemini waxing tri-septile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 12.43 The Moon at 19 Aquarius waning quincunx Venus at 19 Cancer State of the sky:- Today the Sun reaches 14 degrees Gemini. Mercury is also in Gemini. The Moon and Mars are in Aquarius. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Sun is square Neptune on Wednesday. There are 16 days to the Solstice. Mercury is a fast moving morning star in Gemini. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Wednesday at 16 Gemini. He enters Cancer on June 12th. He is next retrograde on July 26th. Venus is a direct evening star in Cancer. She trines Pluto on Wednesday and enters Leo on June 6th 2016. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. Mars resides in Aquarius. Mars will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and will not be clear of Aquarius until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Venus in Leo opposes Mars on June 21st. Mars turns retrograde at 9 Aquarius on June 26th. Mercury opposes Mars on July 5th. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on August 2nd and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th and resumes direct motion on July 10th at 13 Scorpio. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He turns retrograde at 16 degrees of that sign on June 18th. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 5th June 2018

Venus is almost opposite Pluto, Mercury is on the far side of the Sun approaching Superior Conjunction, both Sun and Mercury apply square to Neptune and the Moon applies to Neptune. The stage is set for an important act to take place. Sit back and watch or join in if you want to. 02.39 Mars at 6 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 10.55 The slowly accelerating disseminating Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 12.58 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 1 Taurus 13.43 The Sun at 15 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 13.51 Mercury at 14 Gemini waning decile Venus at 20 Cancer 20.11 The Sun at 15 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 20.38 Mercury at 15 Gemini waxing biquintile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 23.21 Mercury at 15 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 15 Scorpio

Wednesday 6th June 2018

Venus opposes Pluto The Moon conjunct Neptune square the Sun and Mercury Slippery double dealing. 01.36 The Moon at 7 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 02.02 The Sun at 15 Gemini Inferior Conjunction Mercury at 15 Gemini 02.26 Venus at 21 Cancer opposition Pluto at 21 Capricorn 07.05 Venus at 21 Cancer waxing bi-novile Uranus at 1 Taurus 10.01 Mercury at 16 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 1 Taurus 14.08 Mercury at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces 16.38 The Moon at 15 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 18.32 The Moon at Last Quarter 19.25 The Moon at 16 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 16 Pisces 20.34 The Moon at 17 Pisces waning square Mercury at 17 Gemini 20.55 The Sun at 16 Gemini waxing semi-square Uranus at 1 Taurus 23.16 Mars at 7 Aquarius waxing sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 15 Scorpio

Thursday 7th June 2018

The Sun squares Neptune. 

Still caught up in the swirl of minor astrological turbulence of the last couple of days, today starts with a wave of confusion and then drifts into sublime obscurity. 03.54 The accelerating Last Quarter Moon at 21 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 05.59 The Sun at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces 06.36 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning trine Venus at 22 Cancer, moon void. The Moon wanes void of course for almost 15 hours. There's the drift. Lost sheep. 21.27 The Moon ingresses Aries An astrologically quieter run down to the New Moon in Gemini next Wednesday now ensues.

Friday 8th June 2018

Sun in Gemini, Last Quarter Moon in Aries. Hot air. 01.48 The Sun at 17 Gemini waxing quad-novile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 10.56 The Moon at 7 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 7 Aquarius 10.58 The Moon at 7 Aries waxing square Saturn at 7 Capricorn 11.01 The Sun at 18 Gemini waning decile Venus at 24 Cancer 12.22 Mars at 7 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 13.21 The Moon at 9 Aries waning trine her lunar node from south of the ecliptic. 13.33 Mercury at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 14.11 Mercury at 21 Gemini waning biquintile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio

Saturday 9th June 2018

Continuing hot air. No substance. 00.56 The post last quarter Moon accelerating at 15 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 06.55 Mercury at 22 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 7 Aquarius 07.30 The Moon at 18 Aries waning sextile The Sun at 18 Gemini 08.47 Mercury at 23 Gemini waxing septile Uranus at 1 Taurus 11.43 The Moon at 21 Aries waxing square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 16.04 The Moon at 23 Aries waning sextile Mercury at 23 Gemini 19.37 The Moon at 25 Aries waning square Venus at 25 Cancer, moon void

Sunday 10th June 2018

04.05 The accelerating waning Moon ingresses Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. Emphasis on that which endures. The astrological atmosphere now more grounded than in recent days. 06.15 The Moon at 1 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 1 Taurus 12.02 The Moon hits her balsamic phase. 12.21 Mercury at 25 Gemini waxing tri-septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 16.21 The Moon at 7 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 7 Capricorn Tight Fixed T-Square manifest involving the Moon, Mars and the lunar node 17:00 to 19:00 17.22 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing square Mars at 8 Aquarius 18.37 The Moon at 8 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 8 Leo

Monday 11th June 2018

00.55 Venus at 27 Cancer waning tri-decile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 05.15 The Moon at 15 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 08.23 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 08.47 Venus at 27 Cancer waning quad-novile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 12.24 Mercury at 27 Gemini waning semi-sextile Venus at 27 Cancer 13.47 The Sun at 21 Gemini waning biquintile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 15.32 The Moon at 21 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn 17.14 The Sun at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Tuesday 12th June 2018

As the northern hemisphere enters the lightest 20 days of the year President Trump and Kim Jon Un meet in Singapore. The Moon is very old as these two leaders meet in person for the first time and the New Moon on Wednesday is very close to Trump's natal Sun, it is his 72nd birthday on Thursday. Kim Jon (assuming 8/1/1984 chart) has transiting Jupiter exactly conjunct natal Saturn today. A firm handshake is in store at the very least, and probably personal prestige for both participants. The relationship chart of Kim and DT has transiting Jupiter conjunct Pluto at this time which suggests a prosperous opportunity for both men. However it's not all plain sailing. There are choppy waters ahead, before the end of June, with transiting Uranus squaring Trump's Saturn/Pluto midpoint and transiting Saturn square his Neptune and further ahead Uranus squaring the USA/North Korea relationship chart The New Moon on Wednesday is conjunct the lunar descending node of of the USA/North Korea relationship chart, there is a snake in the grass there. The one accurate and reliable chart in all of this is the Kim Jon Un power transfer chart. Transiting Saturn is currently conjunct the 10th house Sun and Pluto in this chart. This indicates a very real harnessing of power and influence albeit a grand struggle. Interesting developments indeed. Today... 03.29 The accelerating balsamic Moon at 28 Taurus waning sextile Venus at 28 Cancer, the moon is then void of course. 06.54 The Moon ingresses Gemini joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. 12.30 Mercury at 29 Gemini waxing bi-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 14.26 Mercury at 30 Gemini waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 18.13 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 7 Capricorn 20.01 Mercury ingresses Cancer, as an evening star, joining Venus in this sign. Mercury rushes through Cancer in just 17 days although his itinerary is heavy duty. Mercury sextiles Uranus tomorrow, invoking a fair share of surprises, opposes Saturn on Saturday polarising and highlighting problems, trines Jupiter (June 19th) and trines Neptune (21st June), bestowing a favorable influence on the solstice, and opposes Pluto, a vulnerable and insecure aspect, on June 23rd. Mercury enters Leo on June 29th. Mercury in Cancer feels his way. Heart rules the head. 20.01 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 8 Aquarius 20.24 The Moon at 8 Gemini waning sextile the lunar node at 8 Leo

Wednesday 13th June 2018

New Moon in Gemini

03.59 Mercury at 1 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 06.25 The Moon at 14 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 09.41 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces 11.42 Mercury at 1 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Taurus 16.26 The Moon at 21 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn 19.27 The Sun at 23 Gemini waxing septile Uranus at 1 Taurus 19.44 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void Today's New Moon is the 4th New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse on February 15th at 27 Aquarius and it is the ultimate New Moon before another Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th 2018. With its passing we now enter the foothills of a new eclipse season. Today's New Moon at 23 Gemini separates from a quincunx to Pluto. It has a transforming and possibly healing quality. Mercury is sextile Uranus, Venus squares Uranus, Jupiter trines Neptune. There are zero planets in Fire signs. There is a need to compensate for this lack of creativity. The New Moon is conjunct the Sun of Donald Trump conjunct the Uranus of Burma and trine the Jupiter of Queen Elizabeth. It hits the Mercury of Russell Brand and jerry hall, the Mars of Naomi Campbell, the Jupiter of Kim Bassenger, the Saturn of Keith Richards, the Uranus of the Alice Cooper and Al Gore generation, and it is conjunct the Sun of Boy George. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon rise over Japan and over New Zealand. Sunset is at Paris, Moonset at london. Saturn rises at Vienna, there is a Mercury Saturn paran at Warsaw, Mars rises over Syria. New Moon fatefully quincunx Pluto but makes no major aspects. 21.09 Mercury at 2 Cancer waxing biquintile Mars at 8 Aquarius 21.56 Venus ingress Leo 23.30 Mars at 8 Aquarius opposition the lunar node at 8 Leo

Thursday 14th June 2018

June 14th to July 15th 2018

2018 FIFA World Cup. The curtain will be raised on the tournament at 2:30pm (GMT) on Thursday June 14, just 30 minutes before the opening game between Russia and Saudi Arabia.

07.21 The rapidly waxing infant New Moon ingresses Cancer joining Mercury in this sign. 09.05 The Sun at 23 Gemini waxing sesuiquadrate Mars at 8 Aquarius 09.36 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Taurus 13.02 The Moon at 4 Cancer conjunction Mercury at 4 Cancer 18.10 The Moon at 7 Cancer opposition Saturn at 7 Capricorn 20.39 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 8 Aquarius 23.46 Mercury at 4 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 16 Pisces A very jumpy end to the GMT day as Venus in Leo applies in square aspect to Uranus.

Friday 15th June 2018

00.00 The very young Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. Venus in Leo is today bombarded by (mainly) minor aspects from outer planets. Showy 'midcourse corrections'. 03.33 Venus at 1 Leo waxing square Uranus at 1 Taurus 03.52 Venus at 1 Leo waning bi-septile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 04.32 Venus at 1 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 16 Pisces Water grand trine manifest involving the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune 05:00 to 10:00. The finest part of the day. 06.10 The Moon at 14 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 09.40 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 16.19 The Moon at 21 Cancer opposition Pluto at 21 Capricorn, moon void 23.36 Venus at 2 Leo waning tri-septile Saturn at 7 Capricorn Mercury opposes Saturn as the GMT day ends. Circumspection and consideration as the Sun goes down.

Saturday 16th June 2018

01.47 Mercury at 7 Cancer opposition Saturn at 7 Capricorn A sobering but brief aspect, casting a shadow on our dreams but quickly passing. 02.35 The Sun at 25 Gemini waxing tri-septile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 07.22 The Moon ingresses Leo joining Venus in this sign. We now have the fast moving young Moon with Venus in flamboyant Leo, opposite a wilful Mars in Aquarius square a devastating Uranus in Taurus and square an emotionally strong Jupiter in Scorpio. A rather astrologically robust couple of days are ahead of us. 09.45 Uranus at 1 Taurus waxing semi-square Neptune at 16 Pisces Uranus waxing semi-square Neptune (one of five such aspects:- Aug 11th 2017, Oct 7th 2017, June 16th 2018, Dec 15th 2018 and May 2nd 2019). The current Uranus Neptune 171 year cycle started in 1993 in Capricorn. The planets are at opposition in 2078-2081, and the cycle ends in 2165 in Aquarius. 09.46 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing square Uranus at 1 Taurus 12.15 The Moon at 3 Leo conjunction Venus at 3 Leo 18.07 The Moon at 7 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 7 Capricorn 20.25 The Moon at 8 Leo conjunction the lunar node at 8 Leo 21.19 The Moon at 9 Leo opposition Mars at 9 Aquarius

Sunday 17th June 2018

Heady energy burning brightly. 00.54 The rapidly waxing Moon in Leo reaches her crescent phase 01.04 Mercury, also rushing, at 9 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 9 Aquarius 06.23 The Moon at 14 Leo waning square Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 10.13 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 17.00 The Moon at 21 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Monday 18th June 2018

03.26 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 27 Leo waxing sextile The Sun at 27 Gemini, moon void 08.42 The Moon ingresses Virgo bringing astrological weather of duty and discernment. 11.20 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 19.40 The Moon at 7 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 6 Capricorn 23.39 The Moon at 9 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 9 Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun reaches 28 degrees Gemini. the Solstice is on Thursday. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. The waxing crescent Moon rapidly passing from Leo to Virgo today. Mercury is an evening star in Cancer. Mercury rushes through Cancer in just 17 days although his itinerary is heavy duty. Mercury trines Jupiter (June 19th) and trines Neptune (21st June), bestowing a favorable influence on the solstice, and opposes Pluto, a vulnerable and insecure aspect, on June 23rd. Mercury enters Leo on June 29th. Mercury in Cancer feels his way. Heart rules the head. Venus is a direct evening star also rushing, and having a bit of a rough time, in Leo from June 6th 2016. Having already squared Uranus she is opposite Mars in Aquarius on June 21st the day of the solstice. She squares Jupiter on June 25th entering Virgo on July 10th. The energy surrounding this residence is somewhat high voltage, very flashy, very bright and a little too hot to handle. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. Ardor rules the head. Mars resides in Aquarius. Mars will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and will not be clear of Aquarius until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Venus in Leo opposes Mars on June 21st. Mars turns retrograde at 9 Aquarius on June 26th. Mercury opposes Mars on July 5th. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on August 2nd and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Wilfulness rules the head. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th and resumes direct motion on July 10th at 13 Scorpio. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He turns retrograde at 16 degrees of that sign on June 18th. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a tough Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina. The astrological 'wave of the week' is naturally Venus opposite Mars on the day of the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Sparks will fly.

Tuesday 19th June 2018

Mercury trine Jupiter 

God speed and good fortune. Long days, pleasant nights. 06.45 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 13 Virgo waxing sextile Mercury at 13 Cancer 08.33 The Moon at 14 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 09.07 Mercury at 13 Cancer waxing tri-septile Mars at 9 Aquarius 10.55 Venus at 6 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 6 Capricorn 12.49 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition Neptune at 16 Pisces A planetary kite is briefly manifest at this time involving Moon, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury. The watery grand trine element of this planetary kite ripples on for 2 more days. 14.51 Mercury at 14 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 2 Taurus 19.43 Mercury at 14 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 19.53 The Moon at 21 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Wednesday 20th June 2018

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Gemini. The solstice is tomorrow. Venus is applying in opposition to Mars colouring the June Solstice this year with a polarisation of personal energies. Venus in Leo is centre stage, vocal and supreme. Mars in Aquarius is global, independent, unorthodox. Both are fixed, tension and challenge are inevitable. 08.05 The Sun at 29 Gemini waning sesuiquadrate Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 10.51 The Moon at First Quarter, moon void 12.31 The Moon ingresses Libra 15.26 The Moon at 2 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus 16.07 Venus at 8 Leo conjunction the lunar node at 8 Leo 17.47 The Sun at 29 Gemini waxing bi-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 23.49 The Moon at 6 Libra waning square Saturn at 6 Capricorn

Thursday 21st June 2018

Summer Solstice

Venus opposite Mars.

Mercury trine Neptune.

02.30 The Moon at 8 Libra waxing sextile the lunar node at 8 Leo 03.32 The Moon at 8 Libra waxing sextile Venus at 8 Leo 03.59 Mercury at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 04.38 The Moon at 9 Libra waning trine Mars at 9 Aquarius 10.09 The Sun ingresses Cancer and the solstice moment is upon us. The Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere symbolises nature's climax. The whirlpool of the past is unleashed and the doors of incarnation stand wide open. In the south it is the shortest day, mid winter rules. The year and the season turn. At the moment of Solstice the Moon rises over Syria and at Mecca. Jupiter rises at Delhi and sets at San Francisco. Saturn rises at Tokyo. From the UK Venus is due East, Mars due West. Venus is in opposition to Mars coloring the Solstice this year with a polarisation of personal energies. Venus in Leo is center stage, vocal and supreme. Mars in Aquarius is global, independent, unorthodox. Both are fixed, tension and challenge are inevitable. However there are several positive and helpful aspects manifest today casting an optimistic hue on the season ahead. Mercury is in a watery grand trine with Neptune and Jupiter invoking empathy, imagination and benevolence. The Sun sextiles Uranus bringing inspiration, positive change and solid technology. the First Quarter Libran Moon is trine Mars symbolising diplomatic initiatives. Bring it all on. Happy Solstice dear Daze reader. 16.55 Venus at 9 Leo opposition Mars at 9 Aquarius 18.13 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 20.30 The Moon at 18 Libra waxing square Mercury at 18 Cancer 22.57 The Sun at 1 Cancer waxing quad-novile Pluto at 21 Capricorn

Friday 22nd June 2018

Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in a Fixed T-square for 5 days, with the Moon joining in tomorrow. The advice here is to stay flexible amid increasing intransigence during the next few days. Bend like the reed so to speak. 01.35 Today the Moon at 21 Libra waning squares Pluto at 21 Capricorn, the moon is then void for nearly 18 hours. 14.46 Mercury at 19 Cancer waxing quad-novile Mars at 9 Aquarius 19.12 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign. 21.51 The Moon at 1 Scorpio waxing trine The Sun at 1 Cancer 22.26 The Moon at 2 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 2 Taurus 22.43 Venus at 10 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 22.45 Venus at 10 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 16 Pisces

Saturday 23rd June 2018

Mercury opposite Pluto 

Sun sextile Uranus

The 2018 Perihelic Apparition of Mars will prove to be one of the most favorable since the 2003 apparition when the Red Planet came closest to Earth in 59635 years. Of the 56 oppositions of Mars from February 22 1901 through July 27 2018, only 15 can be considered as favorable apparitions. We define a 'favorable apparition' as one that offers the observer the best possible aspects for observing the planet visually and/or for recording it electronically. Mars will exceed 24 seconds of arc in diameter between July 23rd and August 9th 2018. Mars resides in Aquarius. Mars turns retrograde at 9 Aquarius on Tuesday. 05.58 The Sun at 2 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 2 Taurus 06.46 The decelerating post first quarter Moon at 6 Scorpio waning sextiles Saturn at 6 Capricorn 09.27 Mercury at 20 Cancer opposition Pluto at 20 Capricorn 09.41 The Moon at 8 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 8 Leo 12.24 The Moon at 9 Scorpio waning square Mars at 9 Aquarius 16.35 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waxing square Venus at 11 Leo 21.12 The Moon at 14 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 14 Scorpio

Sunday 24th June 2018

02.23 The decelerating but waxing Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 03.25 Mercury at 22 Cancer waxing bi-novile Uranus at 2 Taurus 04.36 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 08.09 Venus at 12 Leo waning biquintile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 10.00 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 14.00 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing trine Mercury at 23 Cancer, moon void 18.24 The Sun at 3 Cancer waxing biquintile Mars at 9 Aquarius

Monday 25th June 2018

04.31 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius 08.02 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus The Moon, the Sun and Uranus form a 'finger of fate' pattern around 10:00 with the focus on the Moon. 12.06 The Moon at 4 Sagittarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 4 Cancer 17.20 Venus at 14 Leo waning square Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 19.21 The Moon at 8 Sagittarius trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 22.32 The Moon at 9 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 9 Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun reaches 4 degrees Cancer. Mercury is also in Cancer. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season. The waxing gibbous Moon is in Sagittarius today and is Full in Capricorn on Thursday. Mercury is an evening star in Cancer. Mercury rushes through Cancer in just 17 days although his itinerary is heavy duty. Mercury enters Leo on June Friday. Mercury in Cancer feels his way. Heart rules the head. Venus is a direct evening star also rushing, and having a bit of a rough time, in Leo from June 6th 2016. She squares Jupiter today and enters Virgo on July 10th. The energy surrounding this residence is somewhat high voltage, very flashy, very bright and a little too hot to handle. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. Ardor rules the head right now. Mars resides in Aquarius. Mars will undergo his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and will not be clear of Aquarius until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Mars turns retrograde at 9 Aquarius tomorrow. Mercury opposes Mars on July 5th. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on August 2nd and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. The 2018 Perihelic Apparition of Mars will prove to be one of the most favorable since the 2003 apparition when the Red Planet came closest to Earth in 59635 years. Of the 56 oppositions of Mars from February 22 1901 through July 27 2018, only 15 can be considered as favorable apparitions. We define a 'favorable apparition' as one that offers the observer the best possible aspects for observing the planet visually and/or for recording it electronically. Mars will exceed 24 seconds of arc in diameter between July 23rd and August 9th 2018. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th and resumes direct motion on July 10th at 13 Scorpio. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is direct in Pisces. He turns retrograde at 16 degrees of that sign on June 18th. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next New Moon is a tough Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina. Before all of this however on Thursday of this week is the ultimate Full Moon (conjunct Saturn) before the next partial solar eclipse.

Tuesday 26th June 2018

The dominant planetary influence right now is the opposition to the Sun by Saturn (peaking 13:29 GMT tomorrow). The climaxing VERY FOCUSSED Full Moon on Thursday, aligns to this opposition and seals the deal. 02.50 Today the Sun at 4 Cancer waxing tri-decile Neptune at 16 Pisces 08.50 The waxing gibbous Moon, decelerating at 14 Sagittarius waxing trine Venus at 14 Leo 11.00 Mercury at 26 Cancer waning tri-decile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 12.54 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 16 Pisces, moon void. 14.54 Venus at 15 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 2 Taurus 15.03 Mercury at 26 Cancer waning quad-novile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 20:41 MARS TURNS RETROGRADE

Wednesday 27th June 2018

The Sun opposite Saturn 

Mars is now retrograde at 9 degrees Aquarius. He turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th. The dominant planetary influence right now is the opposition to the Sun by Saturn (peaking 13:29 GMT today). The climaxing VERY FOCUSSED Full Moon tonight, aligns to this opposition and seals the deal. 10.18 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon decelerating at 27 Sagittarius waxing quincunx Mercury at 27 Cancer 13.29 The Sun at 6 Cancer opposition Saturn at 6 Capricorn 15.54 The Moon ingress Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 19.41 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 19.44 Venus at 16 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 21.24 The Sun at 6 Cancer waning novile Venus at 16 Leo The Moon is Full tonight.

Thursday 28th June 2018

Full Moon conjunct Saturn

Today could well be the day. 03.34 The Moon at 6 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 6 Capricorn 03.42 Venus at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 04.54 Moment of FULL MOON Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Saturn quintile Neptune. Today's Full Moon is the fifth Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st 2018 and the ultimate before another Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27th 2018. We are now in a new eclipse season. Today's Full Moon occurs at a time that is astrologically negative, ie the energy is self repressive and consolidating. This is a sharply focused lunation favoring conservation and order. At the moment of Full Moon the Sun, Moon and Saturn align to New York, Ulan Bator, Saigon, Jakarta and Wellington. At London Neptune culminates and Pluto sets. This Full Moon directly hits the Sun of the (reliable) chart of Kim Jon Un's power transfer, the Saturn (and Mars and MC) of the National Rifle Association, the Mars and Uranus of the UK Labour Party, (possibly) the Moon of Melania Trump, the Mercury of Sweden, the MC of Madagascar, the Moon of Neil Diamond and the Saturn of Morrissey. 19.13 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio

Minor lunar occultation of star Omicron Sagittarius (visible from the UK approx 21:46 to 22:46).

Friday 29th June 2018

Could be a bit of a slog today 01.07 The very slowly waning full Moon at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces A 'finger of fate' is manifest at this time involving Moon, Neptune and Venus. 03.25 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waxing quincunx Venus at 18 Leo 05.18 Mercury ingresses Leo joining Venus in this sign. Mercury undergoes his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and spends 70 days here. Mercury squares Uranus tomorrow, opposes Mars on July 5th, enters his shadow on July 8th and squares Jupiter on July 9th, a tough few days. Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on July 12th. Mercury turns retrograde on July 26th at degrees 23 Leo. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th August at 16 degrees Leo, squares Jupiter again on Aug 11th, sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and turns direct on August 19th at 12 degrees Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Not the easiest residence this one. Flamboyant communications, a definite dearth of precision (and feeling) manifest at times and a potentially self-centered mentality evident. There will be plenty hotheads around. The repeated sextile to Venus ( then in Libra) could be quite sweet, beauty and glamour there, but overall a demanding and despotic period lies ahead. 08.58 The Moon at 20 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 20 Capricorn, moon void. The day 'digs in its heels' from this point. 15.58 Mercury at 1 Leo waning bi-septile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio

Saturday 30th June 2018

02.45 The void of course waning full Moon in late Capricorn is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 03.20 Mercury at 1 Leo waning tri-septile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 04.36 Mercury at 1 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 16 Pisces 04.38 The Moon ingress Aquarius joining Mars in this sign and immediately running into planetary and astrological conflict. There is a fixed T-square manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, lunar node and Uranus 08:00 to 19:32 Not essentially an easy day. 08.01 The Moon at 2 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 2 Leo 08.38 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 2 Taurus 13.02 Mercury at 2 Leo waxing square Uranus at 2 Taurus 19.32 The Moon at 7 Aquarius opposition her ascending node. 23.09 The Moon at 9 Aquarius waning quincunx The Sun at 9 Cancer 23.11 The Moon at 9 Aquarius conjunction retro-Mars at 9 Aquarius 23.29 The Sun at 9 Cancer waxing quincunx retro-Mars at 9 Aquarius

Sunday 1st July 2018

July 2018...eclipse season month, Mars (sleeping) retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury turning retrograde before month's end. It all sets the scene for iminent change and about turn. In the UK where despite a positive English football performance, (so far), great turmoil and turbulance is being felt, under blistering hot sun, about the 'Brexit' project. Transiting Pluto is applying in his 2nd opposition to the UK chart Moon, evoking huge tribulation, and transiting Uranus is square UK Jupiter, hindering progress. Today is astrologically a little easier than yesterday. 05.55 Venus at 20 Leo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 2 Taurus 08.03 The very slowly waning (but now accelerating) full Moon at 13 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 12.00 Venus at 20 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 17.31 Venus at 21 Leo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 6 Capricorn 21.27 Venus at 21 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 22.57 The Moon at 21 Aquarius opposition Venus at 21 Leo. The Moon is then for void of course for 19 hours.

Monday 2nd July 2018

The Moon is void of course in Aquarius as the (GMT) begins. Minor lunar grazing occultation of star Gamma Capricorn (visible from the UK approx 01:30 to 01:52). 08.16 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 17.33 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 21.39 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 2 Taurus 23.49 Mercury at 5 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 5 Capricorn Today the Sun reaches 11 degrees Cancer there are 79 days to the Equinox. Mercury and Venus are in Leo. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in a new eclipse season. Changes are in the air. In addition we are approaching a period of ten days or so, where a 'Water Grand Trine' involving Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and the Sun in Cancer is manifest invoking a veritable wave of deep emotion, consciousness expansion, a raising of awareness and a renewed connection with the past, a mighty strange mix. Mercury is in Leo with Venus. Mercury undergoes his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and spends 70 days here. Mercury opposes Mars on July 5th, enters his shadow on July 8th and squares Jupiter on July 9th, a tough few days. Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on July 12th. Mercury turns retrograde on July 26th at degrees 23 Leo. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th August at 16 degrees Leo, squares Jupiter again on Aug 11th, sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and turns direct on August 19th at 12 degrees Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Not the easiest residence this one. Flamboyant communications, a definite dearth of precision (and feeling) manifest at times and a potentially self-centered mentality evident. There will be plenty hotheads around. The repeated sextile to Venus ( then in Libra) could be quite sweet, beauty and glamour there, but overall a demanding and despotic period lies ahead. Venus has been a direct evening star in Leo since June 6th 2016. She enters Virgo on July 10th. The energy surrounding her residence in Leo has been somewhat high voltage, very flashy, very bright and a little too hot to handle. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. Ardor rules the head right now. Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Mercury opposes Mars on July 5th. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on August 2nd and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th and resumes direct motion on July 10th at 13 Scorpio. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. He turns retrograde at 16 degrees of that sign on June 18th. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next New Moon is a tough Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 3rd July 2018

We are now in a period of nine days or so, (approaching a partial solar eclipse on July 13th), where a 'Water Grand Trine' involving Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and the Sun in Cancer is manifest invoking a veritable wave of deep emotion, consciousness expansion, a raising of awareness and a renewed connection with the past, a mighty strange mix. Today is a dream of a day. Deeply subliminal, with the Moon and Neptune in Pisces hooked into this water grand trine . 04.28 The disseminating and accelerating Moon at 5 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 5 Capricorn This sextile forms a 'finger of fate' focused on Mercury. 05.06 The Moon at 6 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 6 Leo A watery grand trine is manifest involving the Moon and Neptune, the Sun and Jupiter 16:30 to 20:30. The Sun, Jupiter, Neptune grand trine lasts for all of the next week. 16.59 The Moon at 12 Pisces waning trine The Sun at 12 Cancer 20.22 The Moon at 13 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 13 Scorpio

Wednesday 4th July 2018

The dream continues. The Sun, Jupiter and Neptune are in watery grand trine. Deep deep emotion and inspiration flow. Mercury however is applying in opposition to Mars, exact tomorrow forcing more than a suggestion of conflict onto the world and domestic stages. 02.20 The Moon at 16 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 16 Pisces 05.52 Mercury at 7 Leo conjunction the lunar node (Sign of an eclipse season, receive the message). 05.59 Venus at 23 Leo waning bi-novile Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 09.47 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn, moon void 17.03 The Moon at 24 Pisces waning quincunx Venus at 24 Leo

Thursday 5th July 2018

Eight days to a Partial Solar eclipse. The GMT day starts with a dreamy void of course Moon waning in Pisces. Mercury in Leo enters his shadow today prior to his station in 3 weeks time. He is today in opposition to Mars and he squares Jupiter on July 9th. Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on July 12th and turns retrograde on July 26th at degrees 23 Leo. This is not a time to make new plans. Hold fire for a couple of months. 03.18 The Sun at 13 Cancer waxing tri-septile retro-Mars at 9 Aquarius 04.51 The disseminating and accelerating Moon ingresses Aries. Shotgun! 11.05 The Sun at 13 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 11.49 Mercury at 9 Leo opposition retro-Mars at 9 Aquarius 14.57 The Moon at 5 Aries waxing square Saturn at 5 Capricorn 18.22 The Moon at 7 Aries trine her node from south of the ecliptic. 21.30 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 9 Aquarius 22.39 The Moon at 9 Aries waning trine Mercury at 9 Leo

Friday 6th July 2018

Seven days to a Partial Solar Eclipse. We are almost at the height of the current Water Grand Trine of the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune. Surges of emotion and passion are the hallmark of today, and the last quarter Moon, rising after true midnight local time heralds impending eclipses. Changes and adjustments are ahead. 05.58 The Sun at 14 Cancer waxing quintile Uranus at 2 Taurus 06.17 The accelerating waning Moon at 13 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 07.51 The Moon at Last Quarter A crisis in consciousness. 15.05 Mercury, now in his shadow, at 10 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 16.31 Venus at 26 Leo waning biquintile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 18.55 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 19.56 Mercury at 10 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 16 Pisces 21.45 Venus at 26 Leo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 16 Pisces

Saturday 7th July 2018

There are six days to a Partial Solar Eclipse. We now leave the 30 lightest days in the northern hemisphere and the 30 darkest in the south. We are at the height of the current Water Grand Trine of the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune. 07.09 The accelerating Last Quarter Moon at 27 Aries waning trine Venus at 27 Leo. The Moon is then void for almost 6 hours. 10.30 Mercury at 11 Leo waning biquintile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 12.52 The Moon ingresses Taurus joining Uranus in this sign inaugurating a very laid back vibration. 16.46 The Moon at 2 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 2 Taurus 21.59 The Moon at 5 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 5 Capricorn

Sunday 8th July 2018

01.15 The accelerating Last Quarter Moon at 7 Taurus squares her node at from south of the ecliptic A special time. A fixed cross is manifest involving Moon, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter 02:00 to 13:00. No fear, no apologies. 03.52 The Moon at 8 Taurus waxing square Mars at 8 Aquarius 10.41 The Moon at 12 Taurus waning square Mercury at 12 Leo 12.31 The Moon at 13 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 14.42 The Sun at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 15.18 Venus at 28 Leo waning quad-novile Mars at 8 Aquarius A special day indeed. The Moon now sextiles the Sun and Neptune and transforms the ongoing watery Grand Trine into a planetary kite. Higher and higher, deeper and deeper. 17.48 The Moon at 16 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 18.02 The Moon at 17 Taurus waning sextile The Sun at 17 Cancer

Monday 9th July 2018

There are now four days to a Partial Solar Eclipse. 00.12 The accelerating waning Moon at 20 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 09.14 Mercury in his shadow at 13 Leo waning square Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 16.10 The Moon at 30 Taurus waning square Venus at 30 Leo, moon void for 50 minutes. 17.00 The Moon ingresses Gemini 21:21 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. Today the Sun reaches 18 degrees Cancer there are 72 days to the Equinox. Mercury and Venus are in Leo. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in a new eclipse season and approach a Partial Solar Eclipse which occurs on Friday. Changes are in the air. Mercury is in Leo with Venus. Mercury undergoes his retrograde loop whilst in this sign and spends 70 days here. Mercury in his shadow on July 8th slows to less than a degree per day on July 12th. Mercury turns retrograde on July 26th at degrees 23 Leo. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th August at 16 degrees Leo, squares Jupiter again on Aug 11th, sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and turns direct on August 19th at 12 degrees Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Not the easiest residence this one. Flamboyant communications, a definite dearth of precision (and feeling) manifest at times and a potentially self-centered mentality evident. There will be plenty hotheads around. The repeated sextile to Venus ( then in Libra) could be quite sweet, beauty and glamour there, but overall a demanding and despotic period lies ahead. Venus has been a direct evening star in Leo since June 6th 2016. She enters Virgo tomorrow. The energy surrounding her residence in Leo has been somewhat high voltage, very flashy, very bright and a little too hot to handle. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. Ardor rules the head right now. Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Mars is at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on August 2nd and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now retrograde in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th and resumes direct motion tomorrow at 13 Scorpio. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next New Moon is a tough Partial Solar Eclipse at 21 Cancer on July 13th opposite Pluto. The following Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 square Uranus, is Total, and is visible at Moonrise from the UK. Then there is another partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on August 11th quincunx Pluto. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd 2019 in Cancer and is visible in Chile and Argentina.

Tuesday 10th July 2018

We are now certainly in the run up to Friday's Partial solar Eclipse. Jupiter turned retrograde at 23 Scorpio on March 9th and resumes direct motion today at 13 Scorpio. 01.14 The rapidly waning balsamic Moon at 5 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 5 Capricorn 02.34 Venus as an evening 'star' ingresses Virgo and resides here for just 27 days. The residence starts beautifully with a supportive and and inspiring Earth grand trine during the next 5 days. Venus trines Uranus July 12th and trines Saturn July 14th. She opposes Neptune on July 24th which is 'muddled', trines Mars on July 28th which is indicative of physical love. Venus enters Libra on August 6th. The head rules the heart now. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th 04.21 The Moon at 7 Gemini waning sextile her node from south of the ecliptic. 06.28 The Moon at 8 Gemini waxing trine retro-Mars at 8 Aquarius 09.16 The Sun at 18 Cancer waxing quad-novile Mars at 8 Aquarius 15.05 The Moon at 13 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 17.24 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 15 Leo 20.01 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces, moon void

Wednesday 11th July 2018

Two days to the Partial Solar Eclipse. Venus, Saturn and Uranus are in a nourishing Earth Grand Trine. 01.28 Mercury in his shadow at 15 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 2 Taurus 02.00 The rapidly waning, void of course, accelerating balsamic, old Moon at 20 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 07.25 Venus at 1 Virgo waning quintile Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 17.04 Mercury at 16 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 18.00 (as the 2nd FIFA World Cup semi final kicks off) The Moon ingresses Cancer joining the Sun in this sign. By the way, Jupiter is hovering exactly on the Sun/Saturn midpoint in the England (1066) chart. Pluto was exactly conjunct Saturn in the said chart on the day England won the world cup in 1966. 21.09 The Moon at 2 Cancer waning sextile Venus at 2 Virgo 21.37 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 2 Taurus

Thursday 12th July 2018

A transit of the Sun by the Earth visible from Pluto occurs today. This is a linear alignment of the Sun, the Earth and Pluto. The transit times approx are 09:40 to 19:05. Pluto crosses the ecliptic on 31st Oct 2018 at 01:13 UT. Pluto reaches opposition on July 12, 2018. It will cross the ecliptic, Earth's orbital plane at its descending node on October 24, 2018. The coincidence is close enough that someone on Pluto would see the Earth passing in front of the sun for 9 hours and 55 minutes today. It won't be an absolutely perfect alignment or a central transit, because the Earth will pass, at its closest, within 18 arcseconds of the sun's center on July 12 at 14.22 UTC. Some six months after the transit, when Pluto is in conjunction with the sun on January 11, 2019, the sun will occult our planet Earth as viewed from Pluto. Next year, at the Pluto opposition of July 14, 2019, it'll be a near miss for a transit, with the Earth passing a touch north of the sun. Pluto last crossed the ecliptic at its ascending node on September 9, 1930, in the same year that Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, February 18, 1930. As seen from Pluto, the Earth barely skimmed the far-northern part of the solar disk at the opposition of January 9, 1930, and passed in front of the southern part of the solar disk during the opposition of January 11, 1931. An essentially emotional day is in store with the Sun and old Moon in cancer. The Sun opposition Pluto plunges us to the depths. Old Furry sings the blues You bring him smoke and drink and he'll play for you It's mostly muttering now and sideshow spiel But there was one song he played I could really feel. Joni Mitchell. 01.39 The ancient Moon at 5 Cancer, rapidly approaching partial eclipse of the Sun tomorrow, opposes Saturn at 5 Capricorn 03.26 Venus at 2 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 06.20 The Moon at 8 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 8 Aquarius 07.53 Mercury at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 10.05 The Sun at 20 Cancer opposition Pluto at 20 Capricorn 11.54 Jupiter at 13 Scorpio waning septile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 15.12 The Moon at 13 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 19.57 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces New Moon energy tomorrow,

Friday 13th July 2018

Partial Solar Eclipse



Timings of the eclipse. Start 01;48;17.5 UT Greatest eclipse 03:01;02.4 UT End 04:13:43.1 UT Today's eclipse is in Cancer opposite Pluto so its influence will be largely to serve as a 'purge' to eliminate physic waste. An Earth Grand Trine is manifest involving Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus which is both supportive and sustaining. Jupiter is trine Neptune adding a great depth of emotion and vision. Although the challenge from Pluto to rid our lives of outdated and unwanted energy will be quite forceful the whole experience is essentially a nourishing event. Earth and Water predominate, fertility is pronounced. Mercury is in his shadow and of course the warrior Mars is retrograde. This is not a time to push forward it is a time to reflect and consolidate. At the moment of maximum eclipse Saturn is setting over the UK and Pluto is setting at Berlin, Budapest, Sofia and Cairo. Neptune culminates at Munich, Neptune is about to rise at New York and there is an exact Mercury Mars paran at Tulsa. Today's eclipse is conjunct the Sun and ascendant of the Iraq republic chart. It falls less than 1.5 degrees from the UK (1801 chart) natal Moon. It hits the Uranus and Neptune conjunction in the Mexico chart. The Pluto of Thailand, the Saturn of Jordan and the Venus of Italy are also hit. The lunar node and the descendant of Queen Elizabeth of GB are hit as is Pluto in the charts of the Sean Connery generation. Cher's Saturn is hit as is the MC of Jon Bonjovi. The eclipse tightly trines Michael Gove's Mars and sextiles Prince Harry's Moon. Solar Saros 117 The partial solar eclipse is member 69 of the 71 eclipses which comprise Saros series 117 which has nearly concluded its cycle. The series began way back in the 8th Century (Jun 24th 0792, chart above) and will finish (August 2054) after just another two similar partial eclipses, over the next thirty years at the South Pole. The last eclipses in this Saros Series were on July 1st 2000, June 21st 1982, June 10th 1964, May 30th 1946. The Saros peaked with the longest Total Solar Eclipse in 1892. THe remaining two eclipses in the Saros are on July 23rd 2036 and August 8th 2054. This Saros has a great nurturing energy as shown by the conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Jupiter in cancer in that first eclipse in the series. Just before the eclipse starts at 01.44 The Moon at 20 Cancer opposition Pluto at 20 Capricorn During the eclipse at 01.51 Venus at 3 Virgo waning tri-septile Mars at 8 Aquarius 02.49 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void After the eclipse at 08.20 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 17.33 The infant Moon ingresses Leo joining Mercury and the mood of the day totally changes. 21.11 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing square Uranus at 2 Taurus and the GMT day ends.

Saturday 14th July 2018

00.55 The tiny baby new Moon rapidly waxing but decelerating at 5 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 5 Capricorn 04.00 The Moon at conjunction her node at 7 Leo 05.12 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Mars at 7 Aquarius 06.45 Venus at 5 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 5 Capricorn 13.38 Venus at 5 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 20 Capricorn 14.45 The Moon at 13 Leo waning square Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 19.27 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 20.08 The Sun at 22 Cancer waxing bi-novile Uranus at 2 Taurus 23.12 The Moon at 19 Leo conjunction Mercury at 19 Leo. The moon is then void of corse.

Sunday 15th July 2018

01.17 The young decelerating Moon void of course at 20 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 17.32 The Moon ingresses Virgo joining Venus in this sign. 21.21 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 2 Taurus.

Monday 16th July 2018

00.56 The Moon at 5 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 5 Capricorn 02.22 Mercury at 20 Leo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 5 Capricorn 04.36 The Moon at 7 Virgo conjunction Venus at 7 Virgo. Closest conjunction 03:38, 0.45 degree separation. 04.54 The Moon at 7 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 7 Aquarius 07.52 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 07.56 Venus at 7 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 7 Aquarius 15.24 Mercury at 20 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 15.35 The Moon at 13 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 20.25 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition Neptune at 16 Pisces

Tuesday 17th July 2018

We are immersed in a long eclipse season. A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs in 10 days time. We are witnessing a slow build up to this event. Retrograde Mars in Aquarius will be hooked into the eclipse and is currently conjunct the south lunar node, possibly invoking disagreement and arousing opposition in others. Mercury in Leo is in his shadow approaching his station, matters will require a revisit. The time is turning, writhing and twisting to a strange tune. 01.46 The Sun at 24 Cancer waning quad-novile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 02.30 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon at 20 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 07.28 Mercury at 20 Leo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 2 Taurus 10.50 The Moon at 25 Virgo waxing sextile The Sun at 25 Cancer. The Moon is then void for nearly 9 hours. 14.31 Mercury at 21 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 19.44 The Moon ingresses Libra 23.50 The Moon at 2 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus

Wednesday 18th July 2018

Nine days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. 02.01 The Sun at 25 Cancer waning tri-decile Jupiter at 13 Scorpio 03.19 The Moon at 4 Libra waning square Saturn at 4 Capricorn 06.49 The Moon at 6 Libra sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 06.57 The Moon at 6 Libra waning trine Mars at 6 Aquarius 16.05 Retro Mars at 6 Aquarius opposition the lunar node at 6 Leo

Thursday 19th July 2018

Eight days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. An astrologically quiet interlude is currently underway in this eclipse season prior to the planetary antics of next week, stating with the ingress of the Sun into Leo on Sunday, Venus opposing Neptune on Tuesday followed by the Sun square Uranus on Wednesday. Today is a reasonably smooth ride if you can strike a path which balances the opposites. 00.16 The decelerating and waxing Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 04.00 Retro Mars at 6 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 06.44 The Moon at 20 Libra waning square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 09.55 The Moon at 22 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 22 Leo 19.53 The Moon reaches First Quarter. The Moon is then void of course for 5 hours 22 mins.

Friday 20th July 2018

One week to the Total Lunar Eclipse. Today has an emotionally wilful edge with a stubborn streak. A punchy fixed T-square forms and subsides. Nothing is easy. 01.15 The Moon, now past her first quarter phase, ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign. 05.42 The Moon at 2 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 2 Taurus 09.06 The Moon at 4 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn A tight fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, retro-Mars and the lunar node 12:30 to 13:30. 12.13 The Moon at 6 Scorpio waning square retro-Mars at 6 Aquarius 12.53 The Moon at 6 Scorpio squares her node from north of the ecliptic. 13.34 Saturn at 4 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 16 Pisces(2nd of 3. First 17th Dec 2017, last Sep 21st 2018, in the 37 year cycle of these two uneasy bed fellows. There is a 'calling' associated with this one. Saturn and Neptune are conjunct at the start of Aries in 2026). 19.43 Venus at 12 Virgo waning biquintile Mars at 6 Aquarius 23.41 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing sextile Venus at 12 Virgo

Saturday 21st July 2018

The last full day of the astrological month of Cancer. The Sun enters Leo tomorrow. There are six days to the Total Lunar Eclipse. 02.29 The waxing decelerating First Quarter Moon at 14 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 07.39 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 14.29 The Moon at 20 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.01 The Moon at 23 Scorpio waxing square Mercury at 23 Leo

Sunday 22nd July 2018

The Sun enters Leo.

09.18 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waxing trine The Sun at 30 Cancer, moon void 09.21 Venus at 14 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 10.14 The Moon ingress Sagittarius 15.01 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus 16.24 The Sun at 30 Cancer waning tri-septile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 20.37 The Moon at 5 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 5 Aquarius 21.02 The Sun ingress Leo and a new astrological month begins. 22.16 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius waxing trines her node from north of the ecliptic. Going away for a week. Enjoy the eclipse. The Daze is back live on July 29th.

Monday 23rd July 2018

A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune 15:00 to 18:30. 15.36 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waxing square Venus at 15 Virgo 15.39 The Sun at 1 Leo waning bi-septile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 17.23 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 18.07 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 16 Pisces

Tuesday 24th July 2018

Venus opposite Neptune

A fixed T-square is now manifest involving The Sun, Mars, the lunar node and Uranus from today up to the impending Total Lunar Eclipse, the Sun then moves on in continuing T square with Mars, node and Uranus till August 11th. 02.34 The Sun at 1 Leo waxing sesuiquadrate Neptune at 16 Pisces 08.22 The Moon at 23 Sagittarius waxing trine Mercury at 23 Leo. The moon waxes void of course for 11 years. 15.19 Venus at 16 Virgo waning tri-decile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 19.23 Venus at 16 Virgo opposition Neptune at 16 Pisces 21.50 The Moon ingress Capricorn

Wednesday 25th July 2018

The Sun squares Uranus

02.05 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waxing quincunx The Sun at 2 Leo 02.50 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 05.47 The Moon at 4 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 4 Capricorn 11.36 The Sun at 2 Leo waxing square Uranus at 2 Taurus

Thursday 26th July 2018

01.09 Venus at 17 Virgo waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 2 Taurus 01.33 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 04:57 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 06.30 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 10.04 The Moon at 18 Capricorn waxing trine Venus at 18 Virgo 13.42 The Moon at 20 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 20 Capricorn, moon void 21.20 The Moon at 23 Capricorn waxing quincunx Mercury at 23 Leo 21.40 The Sun at 4 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 4 Capricorn

Friday 27th July 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse

05.14 The Sun at 4 Leo opposition Mars at 4 Aquarius 05.47 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 10.42 The Moon ingresses Aquarius joining Mars in this sign. 12.22 Venus at 19 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 4 Aquarius 15.48 The Moon at 3 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 3 Taurus 16.49 Uranus at 3 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 18.49 The Moon at 4 Aquarius conjunction Mars at 4 Aquarius 20.21 Moment of FULL MOON

Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius rises over Europe. This is the longest Total Lunar Eclipse in the 21st century. Totality lasts 1 hour 43 minutes 35 seconds.

Also on this date Mars is closest to Earth since 2003 although not as close.

The eclipse is conjunct Mars square Uranus. Venus trines Pluto. Saturn trines Uranus, Jupiter trines Neptune. Fixed and Earth signs predominate. TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE. (All times UT). Start of the Penumbral Eclipse 17:14:49 Total of the UMBRAL Eclipse 18:24:27 Start of TOTALITY 19:30:15 (Moonrise south coast England) 19:53 GREATEST ECLIPSE 20:22:54 End of Totality 21:13:12 End of the UMBRAL eclipse 22:19:00 End of the PENUMBRAL ECLIPSE 23:28:37 At the moment of greatest eclipse the Sun, Moon and lunar Node align to Edinburgh, Mars rises at Amsterdam, Saturn culminates at Sofia, a Saturn Pluto Paran forms over Syria, Neptune culminates at Rangoon, Uranus culminates at Tokyo, the Sun Moon and Mars align to Rio. The Moon is conjunct the Pluto/Ascendant midpoint at London. Today's eclipse is conjunct the Moon and ascendant of China, the ascendant of Spain, the Sun and MC of Hong Kong, the ascendant of Sudan, the Jupiter of Indonesia, Saturn of Thailand, the Sun of Neil Diamond and Jose Mourinho, the Moon of Pope Francis, Mercury of Kate Middleton, Venus of Rupert Murdock, Mars of Michelle Obama and David Blaine and the Jupiter of Rory Bremner. LUNAR SAROS 129 Today's eclipse is member 38 of the 71 lunar eclipses will comprise Lunar Saros 129. This series started on June 10th 1351, chart above, and after 1262 years will conclude on July 24th 2613. The series climaxed with the longest Total Eclipse on July 16th 2000. Today's eclipse is the 7th of 11 Total Eclipses. This family of eclipses is at its most potent now and an official 'Daze warning' is issued as to its power. The Saros chart portrays an inflammable time (a preponderance of planets in Fire and Air signs) and is a little disjointed. The eclipsed Moon in Sagittarius pushes for freedom, adventure and justice. Saturn and Uranus are in Taurus stamping an emphatic quality on the Saros, Venus and Saturn form a yod with the south lunar node which is painful and tragic but a fire trine between Jupiter and Pluto both sextile Mars in Gemini render the event largely open, expansive and exploratory. There seems to be a connection to pioneering sea crossings. The last event, July 16th 2000 coincided with a massive geomagnetic storm and a couple of plane crashes, one of which was Concorde (9 days after the eclipse) in Paris, on take off killing 113. The one before that (July 6th 1982) had Pan Am Flight 759 crash in Louisiana killing 154 occurring 3 days after the eclipse. Seven days after the 1964 eclipse President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Four days before the 1946 eclipse Italy declared itself a republic. Six days after the 1928 eclipse the first trans Pacific flight occurred. Six days after the 1910 eclipse the Union of South Africa was created and 18 days before that eclipse George 5th of Great Britain ascended to the throne. 22.40 The Moon at 6 Aquarius opposition the lunar node at 6 Leo

Saturday 28th July 2018

01.26 Venus at 20 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 10.25 Mars at 4 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 14.47 The Moon at 14 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 16.41 Mars at 4 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 23.32 The Sun at 6 Leo conjunction the lunar node at 6 Leo

Sunday 29th July 2018

04.52 Venus at 21 Virgo waning bi-septile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 05.03 The slowly waning full Moon at 21 Aquarius waxing quincunx Venus at 21 Virgo 09.26 The Moon at 23 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 23 Leo, moon void 23.29 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign.

Monday 30th July 2018

We are in the midst of an eclipse season. Astrological Historians will correspond the events taking place in the world, currently and in the last and next weeks or so, to the two partial Solar eclipses and the one Total lunar eclipse conjunct firery Mars on July 27th 2018. These events (so far) can be briefly listed as :- Wild Fire tragedies in Greece (Lunar Eclipse opposite Greece Mars/Ascendant midpoint , the USA (lunar eclipse conjunct US dragon's tail quincunx Jupiter) and in Canada (Lunar Eclipse opposite Jupiter quincunx Mars...the Saros chart for the Lunar eclipse portrays an inflammable time with a preponderance of planets in Fire and Air signs), a powerful earthquake in Indonesia (Lunar eclipse conjunct Indonesian Jupiter), Typhoon Jongdari (or 'skylark' in Korean) in Japan (July 13th eclipse conjunct lunar north node) and excessively high temperatures generally in the Northern Hemisphere. The rise to power (maybe) of Imran Kahn in Pakistan (the August Partial Solar Eclipse is conjunct his Pluto sextile his Mercury and Saturn, the July eclipse was square his Neptune sextile his successful Jupiter , the Lunar Eclipse is possibly square his natal Moon), and in the UK we have had the sudden legalisation of Medical Cannabis and the advent of plans for a massive protest for 'the people's vote' re the Brexit Vote, (Lunar eclipse sextile UK Chiron, the wounded healer). Of course transiting Pluto continues to closely oppose the UK Moon there is a deep undercurrent of discomfort in the national psyche regarding the mess the Brexit process appears to be in. The eclipse season continues. Today... 04.34 The slowly waning and now accelerating full Moon at 3 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 3 Taurus 06.49 The Moon at 4 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 14.15 The Moon at 7 Pisces waning quincunx The Sun at 7 Leo 18.31 Venus at 23 Virgo waning septile Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 19.35 Retro-Mercury at 23 Leo waning semi-sextile Venus at 23 Virgo State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 7 degrees Leo. There are 53 days to the Equinox. Retrograde Mercury is also in Leo. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the depths of an eclipse season with a third eclipse, another partial Solar Eclipse on August 11th. The Moon is at last quarter phase on Saturday. Mercury is in Leo with Venus. Mercury turned retrograde on July 26th at 23 Leo. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th August at 16 degrees Leo, squares Jupiter again on Aug 11th, sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and turns direct on August 19th at 12 degrees Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Not the easiest residence this one. Flamboyant communications, a definite dearth of precision (and feeling) manifest at times and a potentially self-centered mentality evident. There will be plenty hotheads around. The repeated sextile to Venus (then in Libra) could be quite sweet, beauty and glamour there, but overall a demanding and despotic period lies ahead. Venus is an evening 'star' in Virgo and makes no further major aspects there. Venus enters Libra on August 6th. The head rules the heart now. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Mars was at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars squares Uranus a 2nd time on Thursday and 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces and has been there since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The astrological wave of the week ahead is the dangerous retrograde Mars squares Uranus early GMT on Thursday. A difficult wave to ride nevertheless.

Tuesday 31st July 2018

Mars closest to earth

Mars this week is closer to Earth than it has been in 15 years It's a firespot blazing at magnitude -2.8, twice as bright as Jupiter. And its color lends it extra drama. Mars is low in the southeast in twilight. After dark it rises higher and shifts southward, a weird anomaly like no celestial object you normally see. Retrograde Mars is applying to his second square aspect with Uranus. This is the aspect of accidents. The first square between these two was on May 16th. Two days after the aspect Cubana de Aviacion Flight 972 crashed shortly after takeoff in Cuba. 112 died. The second aspect peaks early on Thursday. Mercury too is retrograde, so transport delays and upsets are currently probable. The Moon and Neptune are today in Pisces so we have a subliminal/emotional backdrop to the day. 00.30 The Sun at 8 Leo waning semi-square Venus at 23 Virgo 03.23 The waning and accelerating full moon at 14 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 07.30 The Moon at 16 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 16 Pisces 14.28 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn The sextile forms a 'finger of fate' with Mercury. 19.33 The Moon at 22 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 22 Leo 22.31 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 22.43 The Moon at 24 Pisces opposition Venus at 24 Virgo, moon void

Wednesday 1st August 2018

Retrograde Mars is applying to his second square aspect with Uranus. The Moon will enter Aries today. The next two days have an 'accident prone' backdrop. Mercury too is retrograde adding possible communication and transport potentials to the mix. 10.56 The accelerating disseminating Moon ingresses Aries 16.06 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing sextile retro-Mars at 3 Aquarius 17.45 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing square Saturn at 4 Capricorn 20.06 The Sun at 10 Leo waning biquintile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 20.32 The Sun at 10 Leo waning quad-novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 21.49 The Moon at 6 Aries trines her node from south of the ecliptic.

Thursday 2nd August 2018

Mars is conjunct the Zimbabwe ascendant square Uranus conjunct the Zimbabwe IC. Yesterday three people were killed in Zimbabwe's capital Harare after troops opened fire on rioting opposition supporters. The government says the army was deployed in central Harare to help police restore order. The opposition MDC Alliance condemned the crackdown, saying it was a reminder of the dark days of Robert Mugabe's rule. It alleges that the governing Zanu-PF party has rigged Monday's elections. 02.40 Retro-Mars at 3 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 3 Taurus 06.04 The Moon at 10 Aries waning trine The Sun at 10 Leo 08.11 The Sun at 10 Leo waxing biquintile Neptune at 16 Pisces 14.05 The Moon at 14 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 14 Scorpio

Friday 3rd August 2018

00.18 The accelerating disseminating Moon at 20 Aries waxing square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 02.53 The Moon at 21 Aries waning trine Mercury at 21 Leo, moon void 13.20 The Moon at 26 Aries waning quincunx Venus at 26 Virgo 15.09 Venus at 27 Virgo waxing biquintile Uranus at 3 Taurus 15.14 Mercury at 21 Leo waning decile Venus at 27 Virgo 15.21 Mercury at 21 Leo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 3 Taurus 19.53 The Moon ingresses Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 23.39 The Moon at 2 Taurus waxing square Mars at 2 Aquarius

Saturday 4th August 2018

00.34 The accelerating disseminating Moon at 3 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 3 Taurus 02.07 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 02.23 Retro-Mercury at 20 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 05.57 The Moon at 6 Taurus waning squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 18.19 The Moon at Last Quarter 21.50 The Moon at 14 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 14 Scorpio

Sunday 5th August 2018

There are six days to the next Partial Solar Eclipse, a 'supernatural eclipse' opposite the Neptune/Pluto midpoint. There are four days to Mercury's Inferior Conjunction with the Sun, a 'New Mercury', a new chapter in the story. Jupiter is in harmonious water trine to Neptune, raising our hopes and dreams and deepening our emotions. Today.... 00.48 The accelerating last quarter Moon at 16 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 05.16 Retro-Mercury at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 06.58 The Moon at 19 Taurus waning square retro-Mercury at 19 Leo 07.04 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 22.24 Retro-Mercury at 19 Leo waning novile Venus at 29 Virgo 23.47 The Moon at 29 Taurus waning trine Venus at 29 Virgo. The moon is then 'void of course' for 1 hour 46 monutes.

Monday 6th August 2018

Sun square Jupiter.

01.33 The rapidly waning post last quarter Moon ingress Gemini ushering in a refreshing wave of communication. 04.09 The Moon at 2 Gemini waxing trine retro-Mars at 2 Aquarius 07.14 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 3 Capricorn 09.13 Venus at 29 Virgo waning semi-square Jupiter at 14 Scorpio(These two are conjunct at 16 Sagittarius on 22nd January 2019) 10.49 The Moon at 5 Gemini sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic 18.54 Retro-Mercury at 18 Leo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 3 Capricorn 23.28 The Sun at 14 Leo waning square Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 23.29 Venus ingresses Libra. Venus will not be clear of Libra until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. Venus 'air trines' Mars on August 8th, which is cute and cool, and squares Saturn on Aug 10th, which is anything but. Retro-Mercury, about to turn direct, both happily and gravely sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and Venus squares Pluto on August 26th which is lascivious. Mercury, back in gear, happily sextiles Venus again on September 3rd. Venus squares Mars (having regressed into Capricorn by then) on Sept 8th, which is uncomfortable, and then enters Scorpio on Sept 9th. Venus, then in Scorpio, opposes Uranus on September 12th, sextiles Saturn on Sept 13th. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. The first phase of this adventure up to Sept 9th sees Venus in her beautiful residence, full of charm and grace but aware of impending twists and turns ahead in Scorpio. We are in for love adventures, shocks and scandals, a plenty ! State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 14 degrees Leo. There are 46 days to the Equinox. Retrograde Mercury is also in Leo. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the depths of an eclipse season with a third eclipse, another partial Solar Eclipse, a 'supernatural eclipse', opposite the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, on August 11th. Mercury is in Leo. Mercury turned retrograde on July 26th at 23 Leo. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th August at 16 degrees Leo, squares Jupiter again on Aug 11th, sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and turns direct on August 19th at 12 degrees Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Not the easiest residence this one. Flamboyant communications, a definite dearth of precision (and feeling) manifest at times and a potentially self-centered mentality evident. There will be plenty hotheads around. The repeated sextile to Venus (then in Libra) could be quite sweet, beauty and glamour there, but overall a demanding and despotic period lies ahead. Venus enters Libra tonight. Venus is retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. See above. Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th! His itinerary is varied and extensive but is strongly colored by Mars squaring Uranus, newly arrived in Taurus. Mars was at opposition to the Sun on July 27th, the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse. Mars 'air trines' a sweet Libran Venus on August 8th. Mars re-enters Capricorn on Aug 13th, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The whole period is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now direct in Taurus. He resides there, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces and has been there since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023.

Tuesday 7th August 2018

02.13 The rapidly waning and accelerating Moon at 14 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 14 Scorpio 02.23 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning sextile The Sun at 15 Leo 04.38 The Moon at 16 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 16 Pisces 07.55 The Moon at 18 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 18 Leo. The Moon is then 'void of course' for a lengthy 20 hours 7 minutes. 10.32 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 13:22 URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE 13:33 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. We are midway between Solstice and Equinox. In the northern hemisphere Summer is now waning, in the south the season of 'stirring' commences. 16.35 The Sun at 15 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn Seasons they change.

Wednesday 8th August 2018

The Moon the Sun and Mercury are converging to meet in 'supernatural eclipse' in Leo opposite the Neptune/Pluto midpoint on Saturday. A poignant day is in store. 00.01 The Sun at 15 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 3 Taurus 00.33 Venus at 1 Libra waning trine Mars at 1 Aquarius. Cool and cute. 04.02 The rapidly waning Moon ingresses Cancer. Domestic considerations arise. 05:02 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. We enter the holy pre-eclipse phase. 05.41 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing quincunx retro-Mars at 1 Aquarius A cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Saturn 05:30 to 09:30. 06.09 The Moon at 1 Cancer waning square Venus at 1 Libra 08.13 The Moon at 3 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 3 Taurus 08.17 Venus at 1 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 09.16 The Moon at 3 Cancer opposition Saturn at 3 Capricorn 11.10 The Sun at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 17.00 Retro-Mercury at 17 Leo semi-square Venus at 2 Libra 22.45 Retro-Mars at 1 Aquarius waning semi-square Neptune at 16 Pisces(Mars is conjunct Neptune at 14 Pisces on Dec 7th 2018)

Thursday 9th August 2018

02.07 Inferior Conjunction Mercury and the Sun at 16 Leo A 'New Mercury', a new chapter in the story. Always an event of promise. New 'seed ideas' begin to germinate. This is the 4th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before the transit of Mercury over the disc of the Sun on Nov 11th 2019. A watery grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune 03:00 to 06:00. Pleasant waves through the night. 03.44 The very rapidly waning balsamic Moon at 15 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 05.43 The Moon at 16 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 11.21 The Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Pluto at 19 Capricorn, moon void. The moon is 'void of course for nearly 17 hours. 11.58 Venus at 3 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 3 Taurus somewhat unsettling. 21.29 Retro-Mercury, now a morning 'star', at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces

Friday 10th August 2018

01.35 Venus at 3 Libra waning square Saturn at 3 Capricorn A cold touch. 04.19 The rapidly dissolving ancient Moon ingresses Leo joining the Sun and Mercury in this sign. Solar eclipse is imminent. 05.13 The Moon at 1 Leo opposition retro-Mars at 1 Aquarius. Hot headed, sign of the times. 08.22 The Moon at 3 Leo waxing square Uranus at 3 Taurus. Awkward, abrupt, unkind. 09.15 The Moon at 3 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 3 Capricorn, austere. 09.50 The Moon at 3 Leo waning sextile Venus at 3 Libra, settling down the difficult start to the day. 10.34 Retro-Mercury at 15 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 3 Taurus 12.30 The Moon at 5 Leo conjunction her ascending node. 18.16 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 19.07 The Sun at 18 Leo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 3 Capricorn 22.10 Mercury at 15 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn Partial Solar eclipse tomorrow.

Saturday 11th August 2018

Partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury, quincunx Pluto

03.46 The Moon at 15 Leo waning square Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 03.55 The Moon at 15 Leo conjunction Mercury at 15 Leo 05.23 The Moon at 16 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 06.32 Mercury at 15 Leo waning square Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 09.58 Moment of NEW MOON, moon void Partial Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Leo 09:46 GMT just visible from the very north of the UK.

TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE Eclipse starts 08:02:05 UT Greatest Eclipse 09:46:15 UT Eclipse ends 11:30:39 The eclipse today occurs quincunx Pluto, opposite the Neptune/Pluto midpoint (which Ebertin labels as 'The Supernatural'). In fact the eclipsed Sun forms a 'yod' pattern with Neptune and Pluto which confers a rather fateful edge on this lunation. Retrograde Mercury is square Jupiter, Saturn trines Uranus, Jupiter trines Neptune, Venus separates from a square to Saturn, Mars from a square to Uranus, the Sun and Moon from a conjunction with Mercury. Fixity predominates. The eclipse energy invokes flamboyance, colour, emotion, stubbornness, staying power, fate and magic. Today's eclipse hits the ascendants of Angola (square natal Sun) and Libya (trine natal Mars), the Mercury of David Crosby, the Venus of Tom Cruise and of the Philippines (sextile Jupiter, sextile Uranus), the Mars of Jeff Beck, Al Gore and Michael J Fox, the Jupiter of Michael Gove, lord help us all in the UK, the Uranus of Prince Andrew, the Neptune of the BBC and of Ireland and the Pluto of the Phill Collins generation and sadly the Pluto of Indonesia, scene of recent earthquakes. The eclipse is strongly square the UK Neptune. At the moment of greatest eclipse today, the Sun and Moon rise at Boston and at Georgetown and set over Japan, Neptune rises at Melbourne, Mars sets at New Orleans, Pluto sets at Santiago, Uranus sets at Athens and Saturn sets at San Francisco. The is a Mars Uranus paran, (Mars sets Uranus culminates) at Medellin Columbia. SOLAR SAROS 155

Today's eclipse is member 6 of the 71 eclipses which comprise Solar Saros 155. This 'family of eclipses' lasts for 1262 years and is still a very young series. The first eclipse was in June 1928. The moment of greatest eclipse of this first eclipse is captured in the chart above, arbitrarily set for London, and is taken by me to set the character of the entire series. Today's partial eclipse is only the 6th member of the series. The series 'goes total' in 2072 and ends in the year 3190. The series peaks in 2649 with the longest total eclipse in the series. The 'saros chart' portrays a light but combustible quality. Air and Fire predominate. The eclipsed Sun is sextile Neptune, sextile Mars and conjunct Venus. The chart is a tinderbox, easily ignited. On the exact day of that first eclipse, back in 1928, Aviator Amelia Earhart became the first woman to make a successful transatlantic flight, as a passenger. Two days after the 1946 eclipse 'Operation Crossroads' took place involving a series of nuclear detonation tests on Bikini Atoll. Six days before that eclipse the Vancouver island earthquake occurred. The 1964 eclipse coincided with Malawi independence, 9 days before the eclipse, and race riots in Harlem began nine days after the event. The 1982 eclipse coincided exactly with the Hyde Park and Regents Park IRA bombings. Three days later the International Whaling commission decided to end commercial whaling. Three days after the July 2000 eclipse there were mudslides in Nagasaki which killed 299 people. So there is a mixed bag here, yin, yang. We are drawn to the conclusion that disasters always happen around eclipses, no matter how sweet the Saros chart. Nevertheless this one has some hopeful qualities amid the disturbances. During the eclipse at 10.59 The Moon at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn After the eclipse at 18.39 Venus at 5 Libra waning novile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio

Sunday 12th August 2018

Turkish President Erdogan has accused the US of trying to bring Turkey to its knees through threats over a pastor. The US has demanded the release of Andrew Brunson and on Friday doubled tariffs on steel and aluminium imports. The diplomatic spat sent the lira down 16% against the dollar on Friday. The spat has coincided with transiting 'Mercury square Jupiter', currently active in the sky, hitting Mercury in the USA/Turkey relationship chart. Transiting Neptune is passing over the Turkish MC and Uranus this year. A troublesome development. A practical and productive couple of days could well be in store. 00.29 Venus at 5 Libra waxing sextile the lunar node at 5 Leo 01.29 The Sun at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 04.01 The rapidly waxing infant Moon, fresh from partial solar eclipse yesterday, ingresses Virgo. 04.16 The Moon at zero Virgo waning quincunx Mars at zero Aquarius. An earthy grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 07:30 to 09:30. 08.05 The Moon at 3 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 3 Taurus 08.52 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 09.17 Retro-Mercury at 14 Leo waning septile Venus at 5 Libra 16.53 Venus at 6 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 19.50 The Sun at 20 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 19.51 The Sun at 20 Leo waning quad-novile Mars at zero Aquarius

Monday 13th August 2018

02.16 Retrograde Mars ingresses Capricorn rejoining Saturn and Pluto in this sign.Mars turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. It's now 'grist to the mill' for 29 days. 04.10 The Moon at 15 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 05.26 The Moon at 16 Virgo opposition Neptune at 16 Pisces 08.17 The Sun at 21 Leo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 3 Taurus 09.05 Venus at 6 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 11.13 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 18.48 Venus at 7 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 3 Taurus State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 21 degrees Leo. There are 39 days to the Equinox. Retrograde morning star Mercury is also in Leo. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now starting to pull out of eclipse season after a third eclipse, another partial Solar Eclipse, on August 11th. Mercury is in Leo. Mercury turned retrograde on July 26th at 23 Leo and was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on 9th August at 16 degrees Leo. He sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and turns direct on August 19th at 12 degrees Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Not the easiest residence this one. Flamboyant communications, a definite dearth of precision (and feeling) manifest at times and a potentially self-centered mentality evident. There will be plenty hotheads around. The repeated sextile to Venus (then in Libra) could be quite sweet, beauty and glamour there, but overall we have been in and remain in a demanding and despotic period. Venus is an evening star in Libra and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. Retro-Mercury, about to turn direct, both happily and gravely sextiles Venus on Aug 18th, and Venus squares Pluto on August 26th which is lascivious. Mercury, back in gear, happily sextiles Venus again on September 3rd. Venus squares Mars (having regressed into Capricorn by then) on Sept 8th, which is uncomfortable, and then enters Scorpio on Sept 9th. Venus, then in Scorpio, opposes Uranus on September 12th, sextiles Saturn on Sept 13th. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. The first phase of this adventure up to Sept 9th sees Venus in her beautiful residence, full of charm and grace but aware of impending twists and turns ahead in Scorpio. We are in for love adventures, shocks and scandals, a plenty ! Mars is retrograde in Capricorn and will not be clear of this sign and Aquarius until November 15th. Mars re-enters Capricorn today, turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The next 29 days is very much one of repair and redo what has not worked but the ensuing period of mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. He 'water trines' Neptune 3 times (early Dec 2017, end of May and Aug 2018). This is a rich and emotionally sensational opening of new avenues of emotional expression. There are blessings and explorations bestowed with this one. Jupiter also sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces and has been there since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 14th August 2018

The sweet conjunction of the young Moon and Venus in Libra colours this day. 04.38 The rapidly waxing but decelerating young Moon at 30 Virgo waning trine retro-Mars at 30 Capricorn. The moon is void of course for 21 minutes. 04.59 The Moon ingresses Libra joining Venus in this sign. 09.14 The Moon at 3 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 3 Taurus 09.56 The Moon at 3 Libra waning square Saturn at 3 Capricorn 13.18 The Moon at 5 Libra sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 16.29 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 18.06 The Moon at 8 Libra conjunction Venus.

Wednesday 15th August 2018

02.10 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon at 13 Libra waxing sextile Mercury at 12 Leo 07.42 The Moon at 16 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces 13.52 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 20.22 The Moon at 23 Libra waxing sextile The Sun at 23 Leo

Thursday 16th August 2018

06.57 Venus at 9 Libra waning decile Jupiter at 15 Scorpio A weak grand fixed cross is manifest involving the Moon, Mars, Uranus and the lunar node 07:30 to 18:00. 07.57 The Moon at 29 Libra waning square Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void. The Moon is void for an hour. 08.56 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Jupiter in this sign. 13.28 The Moon at 3 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 3 Taurus 14.07 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 17.39 The Moon at 5 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 5 Leo

Friday 17th August 2018

06.19 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon at 12 Scorpio waxing square Mercury at 12 Leo 13.06 The Moon at 15 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 15 Scorpio 13.33 The Moon at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces 20.12 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 22.19 The Sun at 25 Leo waning tri-septile Mars at 29 Capricorn

Saturday 18th August 2018

Mercury is hovering, about to turn direct. Stills the mind. Will and resolution abound as the Moon hits 'fixed first quarter', a crisis in action. 04.21 The Sun at 25 Leo waning biquintile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 06.41 Venus at 11 Libra waning tri-decile Mars at 29 Capricorn 07.49 The decelerating Moon reaches her Fixed First Quarter phase 10.22 Venus at 11 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 16 Pisces 12.17 The Sun at 26 Leo waning bi-novile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 14.55 The Sun at 26 Leo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 16 Pisces 15.08 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning sextile retro=Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void 15.35 Retro-Mercury at 12 Leo waning sextile Venus at 12 Libra 16.47 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius. The quality of the day modulates. 21.36 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 3 Taurus

Sunday 19th August 2018

01.53 The decelerating first quarter Moon at 5 Sagittarius trines her lunar node from north of the ecliptic. 04:19 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT. 07.45 Jupiter at 16 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 16 Pisces. The last blast of this fine aspect which has offered emotional comfort amid the turbulance of the year so far. 15.14 The Moon at 12 Sagittarius waxing trine Mercury at 12 Leo 15.45 Venus at 13 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 3 Taurus 17.14 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waxing sextile Venus at 13 Libra 23.00 Venus at 13 Libra waning bi-novile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 23.13 The Moon at 16 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 16 Pisces

Monday 20th August 2018

The only aspect today is at 23.47 when the slowly waxing, decelerating Moon at 28 Sagittarius trines The Sun at 28 Leo. The Moon is then void of course. State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 28 degrees Leo. There are 32 days to the Equinox. The Sun enters Virgo on Thursday. Morning star Mercury, now direct, is also in Leo. Retro-Mars, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now pulling out of eclipse season after a third eclipse, another partial Solar Eclipse, on August 11th. Mercury is in Leo. Mercury is back up to speed on Aug 27th. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is an evening star in Libra and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. Venus squares Pluto on August 26th which is lascivious. Mercury, back in gear, happily sextiles Venus again on September 3rd. Venus squares Mars on Sept 8th, which is uncomfortable, and enters Scorpio on Sept 9th. Venus, then in Scorpio, opposes Uranus on September 12th, sextiles Saturn on Sept 13th. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. The first phase of this adventure up to Sept 9th sees Venus in her beautiful residence, full of charm and grace but aware of impending twists and turns ahead in Scorpio. We are in for love adventures, shocks and scandals, a plenty ! Mars is retrograde in Capricorn and will not be clear of this sign and Aquarius until November 15th. Mars turns direct at 29 Capricorn on Aug 27th, squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The next 29 days is very much one of repair and redo what has not worked but the ensuing period of mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus turns retrograde at 2 Taurus on Aug 7th. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces and has been there since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Earth Grand Trine of The Sun, Saturn and Uranus, a picture of creativity, invention and discovery which peaks next Saturday the day before the 'Kite Full Moon' in Pisces on Sunday which hooks into the Grand Trine making it a kite. The week ahead builds up to this significant climax.

Tuesday 21st August 2018

THE MOON, MARS, SATURN and PLUTO in Capricorn 04.02 The Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Mars, Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 09.02 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 09.34 The Moon at 3 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 3 Capricorn 22.52 The Sun at 29 Leo waning quincunx retro-Mars at 29 Capricorn

Wednesday 22nd August 2018

An Earth Grand Trine involving the Sun, Saturn and Uranus is manifest from today, climaxing with Sunday's Full Moon and fading by month's end.

Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Leo. THE MOON, MARS, SATURN and PLUTO are in Capricorn A definite 'consolidating day' is in store. Take stock. What works, what doesn't. 04.30 The very slowly waxing Moon at 12 Capricorn quincunx Mercury at 12 Leo 08.50 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the 'kite full moon' starts in earnest. 10.37 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waxing square Venus at 15 Libra 11.28 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 16 Pisces 12.22 The Moon at 16 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 18.46 The Moon at 19 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 19 Capricorn 21.10 Venus at 16 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 16 Pisces

Thursday 23rd August 2018

The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Earth Grand Trine of The Sun, Saturn and Uranus, a picture of creativity, invention and discovery which peaks on Saturday the day before the 'Kite Full Moon' in Pisces on Sunday which hooks into the Grand Trine making it a kite. The few days ahead build up to this significant climax. 04.10 The Sun ingresses Virgo and a new astrological month begins. 06.53 Venus at 16 Libra waning bi-septile Mars at 29 Capricorn 11.24 The waxing gibbous Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 12.05 Venus at 16 Libra waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 14.20 The Moon at 29 Capricorn conjunction Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void 16.57 The Moon ingresses Aquarius 18.04 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 1 Virgo 21.56 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 2 Taurus

Friday 24th August 2018

01.59 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 4 Aquarius opposes her ascending node. The approaching Full Moon in Pisces climaxes on Sunday morning (GMT). The Full Moon will be hooked into the currently tightening Earth Grand Trine involving the Virgo Sun, Saturn and Uranus. A 'planetary kite is ahead of us. A dynamic astrological situation is building up. Its nature is essentially productive, creative and inventive but 'planetary kites' wield great power which can go astray. The axis of this kite is the piscean Moon and the virgo Sun. The sand and the sea. God's celestial shore. Deep emotion illuminated by hidden spirit. Fun and games ahead constant Daze reader. Today is a day to be cool... A fixed T-square is manifest at day's end (GMT) involving the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter 20:30 to 02:30(Saturday). It concentrates resolute thinking, but the sharpest influence tonight is the 'Sun trine Uranus' aspect. It is potentially healing. 20.28 The Moon at 14 Aquarius opposition Mercury at 14 Leo.

Saturday 25th August 2018


The Sun makes tight trine aspects with both Saturn and Uranus today. The almost full Moon is waywardly void of course. This combination of factors will create a very interesting day. 01.57 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 16 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 04.39 The Moon at 18 Aquarius waxing trine Venus at 18 Libra. The moon is then void of course for almost 26 hours. 16.38 The Sun at 2 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 22.08 The Sun at 3 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn The Moon is full tonight, climaxing tomorrow before noon (GMT).

Sunday 26th August 2018

Kite full moon

05.34 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 08.25 Mercury at 15 Leo waning tri-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 10.23 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 2 Taurus 10.49 The Moon at 3 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 11.57 Moment of FULL MOON This is the first Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 and the 5th Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2018. Full Moon focus of a kite involving Saturn and Uranus. This is a very dynamic lunation, the Sun and Moon form the major axis of a planetary kite which usually unleashes a bolt of energy for good or ill. The current time sees a predominance of planets in Earth signs. Saturn trines Uranus, Venus squares Pluto, the Full Moon in Pisces sextiles Saturn and Uranus. We are dealing here with a harnessing of inventive and practical discovery, a touch of formality and more than a frisson of sexual scandal. At the moment of Full Moon, Jupiter rises at London, the Sun and Moon straddle Toulouse, Mandalay and Dallas. saturn rises at Baghdad, Mercury rises at Los Angeles, venus rises at Belem. Today's Full Moon directly hits Pluto in the UK chart. It hits the UK Labour Party Saturn, and Iran's Venus. It hits the Sun of Charlotte Church, the Mercury (opposite Mars) of Alice Cooper, the Venus of Shirley Bassey, the Mars of Tracy Bingham, the Saturn (and MC) of Sandra Bullock, the Saturn of Sophie Wessex and the lunar node (trine Jupiter) of Gareth Southgate. 19.21 Venus at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 21.17 Mercury at 15 Leo waxing bi-septile Uranus at 2 Taurus

Monday 27th August 2018

The Full Moon in Pisces has climaxed and is now waning and is today conjunct Neptune. A dreamy bank holiday Monday in the UK. Mercury at 15 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 15 Pisces 08.41 The Sun at 4 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 19 Capricorn 12.05 The Moon at 15 Pisces conjunction Neptune 13.09 The Moon at 16 Pisces waning quincunx Mercury at 16 Leo 14.26 The Moon at 17 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 14.29 MARS TURNS DIRECT. The warrior awakes. (That's Mars being direct until September 9th 2020.) 19.14 The Moon at 19 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 19.25 Mars at 29 Capricorn waxing quintile Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 21.07 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing quincunx Venus at 20 Libra 22.55 The Sun at 5 Virgo waning biquintile Mars at 29 Capricorn 23.26 The Sun at 5 Virgo waning quintile Jupiter at 17 Scorpio Mercury is applying to his square to Jupiter, exact tomorrow. Not conducive for sound judgment. State of the sky:- Today the Sun reaches 5 degrees Virgo. There are 25 days to the Equinox. Mars, turning direct today is with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. We are now pulling out of eclipse season after the final partial Solar Eclipse, on August 11th. Mercury is in Leo and back up to speed today after recent retrograde motion. He squares Jupiter a final time on Aug 28th, and is out of his shadow on Sep 2nd, sextiling Venus again on Sept 3rd and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is an evening star in Libra and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. Mercury now back in gear, happily sextiles Venus (again) on September 3rd. Venus squares Mars on Sept 8th, which is uncomfortable, and enters Scorpio on Sept 9th. Venus, then in Scorpio, opposes Uranus on September 12th, sextiles Saturn on Sept 13th. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. The first phase of this adventure up to Sept 9th sees Venus in her beautiful residence, full of charm and grace but aware of impending twists and turns ahead in Scorpio. We are in for love adventures, shocks and scandals, a plenty ! Mars is now direct in Capricorn and will not be clear of this sign and Aquarius until November 15th. Mars squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The next 29 days is very much one of repair and redo what has not worked but the ensuing period of mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. So all in all this is a good one. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 28th August 2018

05.32 Mercury at 17 Leo waning square Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 13.55 The waning full Moon accelerating at 29 Pisces waxing sextile Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void 14.07 Venus at 21 Libra waning quintile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 16.37 The Moon ingresses Aries 21.37 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing square Saturn at 3 Capricorn

Wednesday 29th August 2018

00.40 The waning full Moon accelerating at 4 Aries trines her node from south of the ecliptic. 00.57 Mercury at 18 Leo waning sesuiquadrate Saturn at 3 Capricorn 03.43 The Moon at 6 Aries waning quincunx The Sun at 6 Virgo 10.25 Venus at 21 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 15 Pisces 21.10 Mercury at 19 Leo waning quad-novile Mars at 29 Capricorn

Thursday 30th August 2018

00.57 The accelerating waning full Moon at 17 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 03.40 Mercury at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 04.54 The Moon at 19 Aries waxing square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 05.03 The Moon at 19 Aries waning trine Mercury at 19 Leo 10.35 The Moon at last reaches her disseminating phase 10.57 The Moon at 22 Aries opposition Venus at 22 Libra 14.22 Mercury at 20 Leo waxing tri-septile Neptune at 15 Pisces 23.04 The Moon at 29 Aries waxing square Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void.

Friday 31st August 2018

The current 'astrologically quiet' period now produces an earthy couple of days. This is a good time for practical activities. 01.32 The accelerating disseminating Moon ingresses Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 03.25 Mercury at 20 Leo waxing tri-decile Uranus at 2 Taurus 05.51 The Moon conjunction Uranus at 2 Taurus 06.17 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 09.02 The Moon at 4 Taurus waning square her node from south of the ecliptic. 16.43 The Moon at 8 Taurus waning trine The Sun at 8 Virgo 20.10 The Sun at 8 Virgo waning semi-square Venus at 23 Libra

Saturday 1st September 2018

The last 20 days of this calendar month will witness some seriously dynamic astrology based around a Fixed T square involving the lunar node, Mars and Uranus. The new moon on September 9th can be seen as the silent starting pistol to the ensuing ructions. Today however is pretty steady, seemingly unchanging and rooted in tradition and 'value'. 05.33 The Moon at 15 Taurus, accelerating towards last quarter, waxing sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 09.07 The Moon at 17 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 17 Scorpio 12.16 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 19.08 The Moon at 23 Taurus waning square Mercury at 23 Leo 21.46 The Moon at 24 Taurus waning quincunx Venus at 24 Libra

Sunday 2nd September 2018

05.57 The Moon accelerating towards last quarter phase at 29 Taurus waxing trine Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void 08.03 The Moon ingresses Gemini 12.34 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 3 Capricorn 15.01 The Moon at 4 Gemini sextiles her node from south of the ecliptic. 22.51 Mercury at 25 Leo waning tri-septile Mars at 29 Capricorn

Monday 3rd September 2018

02.38 The Moon is at Last Quarter 03.54 Mercury at 25 Leo waning biquintile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 07.42 Mercury at 25 Leo waxing quad-novile Neptune at 15 Pisces 10.42 The Moon accelerating at 15 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 15 Pisces 12.59 Mercury at 26 Leo waning sextile Venus at 26 Libra The Moon is at the focus of a yod pattern 14.30 to 17.30 14.44 The Moon at 18 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 17.10 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 17.42 Jupiter at 18 Scorpio waning semi-square Saturn at 3 Capricorn This aspect is the last of three. The first was on Dec 22nd 2017, and the second on March 14th 2018. They all herald the 'Great Mutation Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice in 2020. State of the sky:- Today the Sun reaches 12 degrees Virgo. There are 18 days to the Equinox. Mars is with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. We are now out of eclipse season after the final partial Solar Eclipse, on August 11th. The last 20 days of this calendar month will witness some seriously dynamic astrology based around a Fixed T square involving the lunar node, Mars and Uranus. The new moon on September 9th can be seen as the silent starting pistol to the ensuing ructions. Mercury is in Leo and back up to speed and is out of his shadow after recent retrograde motion sextiling Venus again today and entering Virgo on Sept 6th. Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is an evening star in Libra and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. Mercury now back in gear, happily sextiles Venus today. Venus squares Mars on Sept 8th, which is uncomfortable, and enters Scorpio on Sept 9th. Venus, then in Scorpio, opposes Uranus on September 12th, sextiles Saturn on Sept 13th. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. The first phase of this adventure up to Sept 9th sees Venus in her beautiful residence, full of charm and grace but aware of impending twists and turns ahead in Scorpio. We are in for love adventures, shocks and scandals, a plenty ! Mars is now direct in Capricorn and will not be clear of this sign and Aquarius until November 15th. Mars squares Venus on Sept 8th and re-enters Aquarius on Sept 11th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The next 29 days is very much one of repair and redo what has not worked but the ensuing period of mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Saturn turns direct on Sep 6th at 2 degrees Capricorn. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.



Tuesday 4th September 2018

05.27 The racing and accelerating last quarter Moon at 26 Gemini waning trine Venus at 26 Libra 06.38 The Moon at 27 Gemini waning sextile Mercury at 27 Leo, moon void 10.25 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing quincunx Mars at 29 Capricorn 12.05 The Moon ingresses Cancer. A 'penny pinching' couple of days ahead. Diligence, thrift, discernment and careful choice to the fore. 15.52 The Moon at 2 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 2 Taurus 16.22 The Moon at 3 Cancer opposition Saturn at 3 Capricorn 19.16 Mercury at 28 Leo waning bi-novile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio

Wednesday 5th September 2018

Three planetary ingresses will occur over the next 6 days. Mercury enters Virgo tomorrow. Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, 9 hours before the New Moon, and Mars enters Aquarius on Tuesday 11th Sept. Adjustments and modulations are ahead of us. The last 20 days of this calendar month will witness some seriously dynamic astrology based around a Fixed T square involving the lunar node, Mars and Uranus. The New Moon on September 9th and the three personal planetary ingresses can be seen as the silent start to ensuing ructions. A dissociate grand trine starts today involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus which modulates to Earth and lasts until Sept 9th.This arrangement promotes planning which is both visionary and practical. Make the most of the wave. 09.32 The Moon at 13 Cancer waning sextile The Sun at 13 Virgo A water grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune 13:00 to 18:00 Fine emotional experiences. 13.27 The Moon at 15 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 15 Pisces 15.19 Mercury at 29 Leo waning quincunx Mars at 29 Capricorn 17.56 The Moon at 18 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 19.42 The Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Thursday 6th September 2018

As transiting Saturn exactly squared the Russian (1991 chart) Mars yesterday and transiting Jupiter was exactly conjunct Pluto in the same chart, the British Prime Minister announced that two Russian nationals have been named as suspects in the attempted murder of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The men, using the names Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, are thought to be officers from Russia's military intelligence service, the PM said. Scotland Yard and the CPS say there is enough evidence to charge the men. Shocking news. 02.40 Mercury ingress Virgo Mercury, currently a morning star, resides in Virgo for only 16 days. His residence there is favorable this year. He forms an Earth Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus tomorrow. This is a highly inventive configuration. He opposes Neptune on Sept 14th invoking confusion and distortion. He then forms another Earth Grand Trine, this time with Saturn and Pluto, on Sept 16th. This time the emphasis is constructional, mechanical and transformational. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Sept 21st. Mercury then an evening star enters Libra, with the Sun on the Equinox Day, September 22nd. Today the rapidly waning Moon accelerates through a rather testing gauntlet of planetary energy. Stay out of harm's way. A dissociate T square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Mars 10:00 to 13:00 10.20 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning square Venus at 28 Libra A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mars and Uranus 12:00 to 18:00 12:02 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase and starts her rapid procession to the New Moon on Sunday. 12.44 The Moon at 29 Cancer opposition Mars at 29 Capricorn, moon void 13.56 The Moon ingresses Leo. The lunar tension is raised a notch. 17.30 The Moon at 2 Leo waxing square Uranus at 2 Taurus 18.04 The Moon at 3 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 3 Capricorn 19.59 The Moon conjunction her node at 4 Leo

Friday 7th September 2018

Earth Grand Trine. Mercury, Saturn, Uranus.

Sun opposite Neptune.

An astrologically significant day. Quite powerful. 00.08 The Sun at 14 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 29 Capricorn 05.12 The Sun at 15 Virgo waning tri-decile Saturn at 3 Capricorn An Earth grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus is manifest 07:00 to 12:30. This is a highly inventive configuration. Very practical, robust and ingenious. 07.41 Mercury at 2 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 12.20 Mercury at 3 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 14.25 The very rapidly waning balsamic Moon at 15 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 15 Pisces 18.27 The Sun at 15 Virgo opposition Neptune at 15 Pisces 19.22 The Moon at 18 Leo waning square Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 20.34 The Moon at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 20.39 Venus at 29 Libra waning bi-novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Saturday 8th September 2018

Moon Mercury alignment

Old Moon Saturday. Earth, Moon, Mercury alignment. Venus square Mars. Another astrologically powerful day. 01.08 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 05.46 Mercury at 4 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Pluto at 19 Capricorn 13.32 The Moon at 29 Leo waning sextile Venus at 29 Libra, moon void 13.48 The Moon at 30 Leo waning quincunx Mars at 30 Capricorn 14.31 The Moon ingresses Virgo joining Mercury there. 17.58 The Moon at 2 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 18.36 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 20.39 Venus at 30 Libra waning square Mars at 30 Capricorn 22.55 The Moon at 5 Virgo conjunction Mercury at 5 Virgo EXACT ALIGNMENT. CLOSEST ALL YEAR. New Moon tomorrow

Sunday 9th September 2018

New Moon in Virgo

Venus enters Scorpio.

04.48 Mercury at 6 Virgo waning biquintile Mars at 30 Capricorn 09.27 Venus ingresses Scorpio joining (but not meeting) Jupiter in this sign. Venus opposes Uranus on Sept 12 and sextiles Saturn on Sept 15th. She turns retrograde on Oct 5th at 11 Scorpio. She squares Mars (2nd time) on Oct 11th, Mercury is conjunct Venus at 9 Scorpio on Oct 15th. Venus sextiles Saturn (2nd time) on Oct 24th and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on Oct 26th. Then as a morning star she retrogrades into Libra on Oct 31st opposing Uranus (2nd time) on that day. Venus air trines Mars on Nov 9th. Venus turns direct on Nov 16th at 25 Libra. She opposes Uranus (3rd time) on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Venus sextiles Saturn (3rd time) on Dec 16th, trines Neptune on the Winter Solstice day and sextiles Pluto on Dec 28th. Venus enters Sagittarius on January 7th. This is a helter-skelter of a joy and sorrow ride. For the whole of November she is opposing Uranus from Libra. (Venus finally meets up with Jupiter in Sagittarius on Jan 22nd at the time of the Total Lunar Eclipse). 10.32 Venus at zero Scorpio waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 15 Pisces 14.17 Mercury at 6 Virgo waning quintile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 14.49 The Moon at 15 Virgo opposition Neptune at 15 Pisces 18.02 Moment of NEW MOON

This New Moon is the first New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on Aug 11th 2018 and the 4th New Moon before the Solar Eclipse at 15 Cancer on January 6th 2019. The New Moon is sextile Jupiter, opposite Neptune and trine Pluto. Venus in Scorpio applies in opposition to Uranus and in sextile to Saturn. There are no bodies in positive signs at this time. We have an imbalance here, no fire, no air. This New Moon symbolizes a time of dense development and cunning. The energy lacks principal and openness. The imbalance is one of materiality dominating spirituality. Devilment (in the detail) is suggested. Much is hidden (veiled) and unclear. Distraction is rampant. It will be interesting to see how the month ahead unfolds as this lunation energizes the biosphere. Certainly the remainder of September has strong astrology. Stay tuned to the Daze. It may help you navigate the cosmic currents and successfully ride the astrological waves. Today's New Moon directly hits the Uranus Pluto conjunction of the Chris Evans generation (born 1966), it hits the lunar node of a host of national charts including Ivory Coast, D.R.Congo, Cyprus, Iran, Canada and the Central African Republic. It hits the Sun of North Korea, the ascendant of the May Government (2017), the Jupiter of Theresa May, the Venus of Steve Hillage, the Mars of Venus Williams, the Jupiter of Pete Townshend and Sebastian Coe, the Neptune of Barbara Windsor generation,(1937) and the MC of Justin Bieber. 20.24 The Moon at 18 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 21.01 The Sun at 17 Virgo waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 2 Taurus 21.04 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Monday 10th September 2018

A Fixed Cross is manifest. Mars (almost in Aquarius), Venus (newly arrived in Scorpio), Uranus, (retrograde in Taurus) and the Lunar Node (in Leo) make up this cross. The Uranus Node arm of the cross is exact in early December. The current time is significant for it's steely strength of will. 15.13 The rapidly waxing infant new Moon decelerating at 30 Virgo waning trine Mars at 30 Capricorn, moon void 15.21 The Moon ingresses Libra. The velvet glove. 18.49 The Moon at 2 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus 19.35 The Moon at 3 Libra waning square Saturn at 3 Capricorn 21.09 The Moon at 4 Libra sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic. 23.42 Mars at 30 Capricorn waning semi-square Neptune at 15 Pisces State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 18 degrees Virgo. There are 12 days to the Northern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox. Mercury is with the Sun in Virgo. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now out of eclipse season after the final partial Solar Eclipse, on August 11th. The remaining days of this calendar month will witness some seriously dynamic astrology based around a Fixed T square involving the lunar node, Mars and Uranus. Certainly the remainder of September has strong astrology. Mercury, currently a morning star, resides in Virgo for a total 16 days. He opposes Neptune on Sept 14th invoking confusion and distortion. He then forms an Earth Grand Trine, with Saturn and Pluto, on Sept 16th. Thhe emphasis is constructional, mechanical and transformational. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Sept 21st. Mercury then an evening star enters Libra, with the Sun on the Equinox Day, September 22nd.Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is an evening star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. Venus opposes Uranus on September 12th, sextiles Saturn on Sept 13th. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and from misnight (GMT) tonight is back in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th. Mars squares Uranus a final time on Sept 18th, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th, squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The ensuing period of mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter sextiles Pluto whilst here, (Jan 2018, April 2018, Sept 2018) which serves to 'expand empires' and 'secure positive changes'. Jupiter in Scorpio offers opportunities for emotional exploration, new feelings, relationships, and new sensations. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 11th September 2018

Sun sextile, Jupiter trine Pluto.

00.57 Mars ingresses Aquarius Mars now resides in Aquarius for 87 days. Mars is square Uranus on Sep 18th, a final dangerous repeat and is conjunct the 'serpents tail', the cause of so much anguish in recent weeks, on Sept 22nd. Mars squares retrograde Venus on October 11th, another challenging repeat, and squares Mercury on Oct 19th. He sextiles Uranus on Nov 15th and leaves Aquarius for Pisces on that day. Mars is conjunct Neptune in Pisces on Dec 7th. Mars in Aquarius strives for independence and righteousness. His residence here is a difficult one. 12.10 The Sun at 19 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 12.28 Mercury at 10 Virgo waning septile Venus at 1 Scorpio 15.32 The Sun at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 16.23 The decelerating but fast young Moon at 15 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 15 Pisces 22.58 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn, moon void.

Wednesday 12th September 2018

Venus opposes Uranus

As this day breaks the young Moon is void of course in Libra. There is 'drift' until the Moon enters Scorpio later today.

07.55 Jupiter at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn The final blast of this aspect. It has been the major positive aspect of 2018. Reforming energy has been unleashed. 09.03 Venus at 2 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 2 Taurus 12.58 The Sun at 20 Virgo waning bi-septile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 18.17 The Moon ingress Scorpio joining Venus and Jupiter in this sign. This ingress can be regarded as the 'kick start' for the astrological dynamics which ensue for the remainder of the month. A Fixed Grand Cross is manifest involving the Moon,Venus, Mars, Uranus and the lunar node which extends for 9 days. 18.52 The Moon at zero Scorpio waning square Mars at zero Aquarius 21.51 The Moon at 2 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 2 Taurus 22.32 The Moon at 2 Scorpio conjunction Venus 22.47 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn

Thursday 13th September 2018

The Moon, Venus and Uranus in Scorpio.

Venus sextiles Saturn.

Sun in Virgo, waxing crescent Moon in Scorpio. Always a rare vintage. Coupled this year with a Scorpionic Venus sextile a Capricornian Saturn we have two days of sincerity and rich desire. 00.14 The Moon at 3 Scorpio squares her node from north of the ecliptic. 03.37 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 03.58 Venus at 3 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 20.03 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waxing sextile Mercury at 14 Virgo 20.51 The Moon at 15 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 15 Pisces 21.31 Mercury at 15 Virgo waning tri-decile Saturn at 3 Capricorn Mercury applies in opposition to Neptune as the (GMT) day ends veiling all will and desire with mists of confusion.

Friday 14th September 2018

Mercury opposes Neptune.

The Fixed Grand Cross involving Venus, Mars, Uranus and the lunar node which has been manifest for a few days now continues for the week ahead. This phenomenon invokes strong will and ingeniousness. A time to stick to your guns but with good grace. Today the Moon becomes void at 08:54 and remains that way. 01.32 Mercury at 15 Virgo opposition Neptune at 15 Pisces 03.59 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 04.34 The Moon at 19 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 19 Scorpio 07.53 Venus at 3 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 3 Leo 08.54 The Moon at 22 Scorpio waxing sextile The Sun at 21 Virgo, moon void 11.54 Mercury at 16 Virgo waning sesuiquadrate Mars at 1 Aquarius The weekend ahead is rather expansive. Get out and about!

Saturday 15th September 2018

The Fixed Grand Cross involving Venus, Mars, Uranus and the lunar node which has been manifest for a few days now continues for six days ahead. This phenomenon invokes strong will and ingeniousness. The Mars Uranus arm of the cross is on Tuesday. An expansive open 'out and about' day is in store today . Exhilaration and direction. 00.47 The waxing crescent decelerating Moon ingresses Sagittarius 02.24 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 1 Aquarius 03.45 Mercury at 17 Virgo waxing sesuiquadrate Uranus at 2 Taurus 04.30 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus 06.57 The Moon at 3 Sagittarius trines her node from north of the equator. Mercury applies in a trine aspect to Pluto, exact early tomorrow (GMT).

Sunday 16th September 2018

02.54 Mercury at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn A mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Neptune 05:00 to 15:00. This is in addition to the Fixed Grand Cross currently underway. 05.13 The Moon at 15 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 15 Pisces 11.52 Mercury at 20 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 14.05 Mercury at 20 Virgo waning semi-square Venus at 5 Scorpio 14.48 The Moon at 20 Sagittarius waxing square Mercury at 20 Virgo 15.07 Mercury at 20 Virgo waning bi-septile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 23.16 The Moon at First Quarter, moon void

Monday 17th September 2018

11.09 The decelerating First Quarter Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 14.57 The Moon at 2 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 2 Taurus 16.26 The Moon at 3 Capricorn conjunction Saturn at 3 Capricorn 22.03 The Moon at 5 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 5 Scorpio State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 24 degrees Virgo. There are 6 days to the Northern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox. Mercury is with the Sun in Virgo. Venus and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now out of eclipse season after the final partial Solar Eclipse, on August 11th. The remaining days of this calendar month will witness some seriously dynamic astrology based around a Fixed T square involving the lunar node, Mars and Uranus. Certainly the remainder of September has strong astrology. Mercury, currently a morning star, resides in Virgo. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Sept 21st. Mercury then an evening star enters Libra, with the Sun within hours of the Equinox Day, September 23rd. Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is an evening star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th. Mars squares Uranus a final time tomorrow, squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th and squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The ensuing period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. He turns direct on Sep 30th at 19 Capricorn. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 18th September 2018

Mars squares Uranus

The current Fixed Cross involving Venus, Mars, Uranus and the Lunar Node and a series of Neptune transits and contacts have conspired together to wreak havoc on the Philippines, Hong Kong, China and Carolina USA in the past week. Most notable is transiting Neptune exactly conjunct Hong Kong Moon. Transiting Neptune is also opposite the Philippines' Moon this year and next. Transiting Neptune opposes the Chinese Mars/Neptune midpoint next week, and a week before Carolina was hit by Hurracane Florence, the USA chart was hit by Neptune sextile US node and square US Mars/Uranus midpoint. Transiting Neptune and transiting Saturn are currently undergoing their final waning quintile aspect. Last but not least, the recent July eclipses threw Venus opposite Neptune lines close to Carolina. The Mars-Uranus arm of the fixed cross peaks today. The Mars-Lunar Node arm peaks on Saturday, the longer lasting Uranus-Node arm, (part of a 15 year cycle), peaks early December 2018. Today... 16.55 The Moon slowly waning at 15 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 20.33 The Sun at 26 Virgo waxing biquintile Uranus at 2 Taurus 23.01 Mars at 2 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 2 Taurus Take care.

Wednesday 19th September 2018

00.59 The Sun at 26 Virgo waning novile Venus at 6 Scorpio 01.04 The slowly waxing Moon conjunction Pluto at 19 Capricorn 03.26 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 11.22 Mars at 2 Aquarius waxing quintile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 14.20 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waxing trine Mercury at 25 Virgo 17.11 The Moon at 27 Capricorn waxing trine The Sun at 27 Virgo, moon void 21.08 Mercury at 26 Virgo waxing biquintile Uranus at 2 Taurus 23.53 The Moon ingresses Aquarius joining Mars in this sign.

Thursday 20th September 2018

00.48 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 03.36 The Moon at 2 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 2 Taurus 04.24 The Moon conjunction Mars at 2 Aquarius 06.00 The Moon at 3 Aquarius opposition her node at 3 Leo 08.41 Mercury at 27 Virgo waning novile Venus at 7 Scorpio 11.20 Venus at 7 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 13.46 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 7 Scorpio

Friday 21st September 2018

Mars, Uranus and the lunar node continue in Fixed T-square up to the end of September.

Mercury Superior Conjunction.

Equinox approaching. Two days away. 01.47 Saturn at 3 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 15 Pisces. (Last of 3. First on 17th Dec 2017, second on 20th Jul 2018, in the 37 year cycle of these two uneasy bed fellows. There is a 'calling' associated with this one. Saturn and Neptune are conjunct at the start of Aries in 2026, the waning sextile rings out next year 2019). 01.53 The Sun at 28 Virgo Superior Conjunction Mercury at 28 Virgo A 'full Mercury'. The mind's illumination. 02.25 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase. The procession to the Full Moon starts in earnest. 13.49 Mercury at 29 Virgo waning septile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio. Dare to imagine. 17.14 The Moon at 20 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 20 Scorpio, moon void. 21.20 Mars at 3 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn Minor lunar occultation of star Gamma Capricorn (visible from the UK approx 20:28 to 21:24).

Saturday 22nd September 2018

The Last full day of the astrological month of Virgo.

A day of two halves. The first half sees a rather wayward void moon in Aquarius, the second half witnesses the gibbous Moon in Pisces conjuring up essential soul food. 02.24 The Sun at 29 Virgo waning septile Jupiter at 20 Scorpio 03.41 Mercury, now an evening star, ingresses Libra and whizzes through this sign in just 18 days. Mercury squares Saturn on Sept 23rd, trines Mars on Sept 24th, squares Pluto on 3rd Oct and enters Scorpio on October 10th. Mercury opposes Uranus that same day. Mercury dithers dizzily seeing all sides to the issue. Making your mind up time. 09.31 Mars at 3 Aquarius opposition the lunar node at 3 Leo 11.16 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon at 29 Aquarius waxing quincunx The Sun at 29 Virgo 12.29 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 13.56 Mercury at 1 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 14.01 The Moon at 1 Pisces waxing quincunx Mercury at 1 Libra 15.57 The Moon at 2 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 2 Taurus This sextile forms a 'finger of fate' with Mercury. Poise and position. A delicate touch of fate. 17.57 The Moon at 3 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn. The scene for the equinox is set. A treasure chest of emotion.

Sunday 23rd September 2018



01.56 The Sun ingresses Libra joining Mercury in this sign The Sun crosses the equator and the Northern Hemisphere Autumn begins. In the South it is the first day of Spring. There are 12 hours of light and 12 of night everywhere on Earth even at the poles. Sun rise is due East, Sun set due west. Balance is reached. At the moment of this equinox the waxing gibbous Moon full of emotion with Neptune in Pisces applies in a harmonious trine to an intense scorpionic Venus. Alluring glamour permeates the biosphere. Mercury in Libra is quincunx Uranus, square Saturn and trine Mars. Difficult and fateful decisions abound. No planets are in Fire signs. Compensation is sought with self expressive demonstration. At London, Uranus culminates in tight fixed T-square with Mars and the lunar nodal axis. A shock of change grips the UK nation. 02.46 Mercury at 2 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus 04.22 The Moon at 8 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 8 Scorpio 07.17 Mercury at 2 Libra waning decile Venus at 8 Scorpio 16.46 Mercury at 3 Libra waning square Saturn at 3 Capricorn 17.19 Mercury at 3 Libra waxing sextile the lunar node at 3 Leo 17.23 The Moon at 15 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 15 Pisces 20.47 The Sun at 1 Libra waning tri-decile Pluto at 19 Capricorn Minor lunar occultation of star Psi Aquarius (visible from the UK approx 21:44 to 23:02).

Monday 24th September 2018

We are in a brief 'holy period' between Equinox and Full Moon. Lunar pressures are high, emotions too. The trouble is the Moon is void of course for most of today, so there is 'drift', 'wavering' and possible wastefulness. Emotion reactions over the top. 01.25 The heavily gibbous almost Full Moon accelerating at 19 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 01.30 Mercury at 3 Libra waning 'air trine Mars' at 3 Aquarius. Fine words, eloquent deliveries. 05.26 The Moon at 21 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 21 Scorpio, moon then void of course for nearly 18 hours. 17.31 Mercury at 5 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 15 Pisces 19.10 The Sun at 2 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 2 Taurus 23.05 The Moon ingresses Aries The Moon is full tonight.

Tuesday 25th September 2018


Harvest Moon

02.53 Moment of FULL MOON This is the second Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 and the 4th Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2018. Today's Full Moon is opposite Mercury, square Saturn, sextile Mars and conjunct Chiron. The energy surround this lunation has 'didn't see it coming', and 'tempered impulse' connotations. Rash decisions are dangerous here. Outcomes are 'held in check', and where progress is urgently required only frustration and delay are promised. Healing is secured by learning faith and patience. Although not strongly restrictive, there abounds indecision and deliberation. All sides to an issue have to be chewed over. This Full Moon at 2 degrees Aries directly hits the Mars of Palestine, the Venus of Egypt and the MC of Brazil. The ascendants of Bob Dlyan and Joan Baez are starred!, as is the Venus of Jeremy Clarkeson and David Boyes, the MC of Mariah Carey, and the Sun Saturn conjunction of Adrian Chiles. The Full Moon opposes the UK Uranus and trines her Jupiter. The birthdays of Michael Douglas, Mark Hamill, Will Smith, Catherine Zeta Jones and Jim Henson occur at this time. A climatic year ahead is on the cards for these folk. The day that follows has a fresh urgency. There are some wounds to heal. 04.19 The Moon at 3 Aries waning trine the lunar node at 3 Leo 04.28 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing square Saturn at 3 Capricorn 06.24 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 4 Aquarius 10.13 The Moon at 6 Aries opposition Mercury at 6 Libra 11.01 Mercury at 6 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 11.32 Mercury at 6 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 2 Taurus 13.20 Mercury at 6 Libra waning semi-square Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 16.09 The Moon at 9 Aries waxing quincunx Venus at 9 Scorpio 20.25 The Sun at 3 Libra waxing sextile the lunar node at 3 Leo 23.51 The Sun at 3 Libra waning square Saturn at 3 Capricorn

Wednesday 26th September 2018

Lunar energy dissipating. Cruise control. 09.03 The Sun at 3 Libra waning decile Venus at 9 Scorpio 10.29 The waning full Moon accelerating at 19 Aries waxing square Pluto at 19 Capricorn, moon void. The Moon wanes void of course for nearly 27 hours. 15.09 The Moon at 21 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 21 Scorpio 15.17 Uranus at 2 Taurus waxing bi-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Thursday 27th September 2018

Sun trine Mars

Cerebral and physical exhilaration. Make a move. Send a sign. 07.10 Mars at 5 Aquarius waning novile Neptune at 15 Pisces 07.17 The waning full Moon ingresses Taurus joining Uranus in this sign. 10.11 The Moon at 2 Taurus conjunction Uranus. 12.05 The Moon at 3 Taurus squares her node at from south of the ecliptic. 12.36 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 13.49 Mercury at 10 Libra waning semi-sextile Venus at 10 Scorpio 15.28 The Moon at 4 Taurus waning quincunx The Sun at 4 Libra 15.51 The Moon at 5 Taurus waxing square Mars at 5 Aquarius 17.14 The Sun at 5 Libra waning quad-novile Neptune at 15 Pisces Minor lunar occultation of star X12 Cetus (visible from the UK approx 20:25 to 21:21). 22.53 Mercury at 10 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 15 Pisces 23.35 The Sun at 5 Libra waning trine Mars at 5 Aquarius

Friday 28th September 2018

A 'steady as she goes' sort of day is in store followed by a weekend of 'movement' once it gets going. 01.03 The waning and accelerating full Moon at 10 Taurus opposition Venus at 10 Scorpio 02.27 The Moon at 11 Taurus waning quincunx Mercury at 11 Libra 05.37 Jupiter at 22 Scorpio waning quad-novile Uranus at 2 Taurus 09.43 The Moon at 15 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 15 Pisces 16.59 Mercury at 12 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 2 Taurus 17.21 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 18.36 Mercury at 12 Libra waning novile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 20.47 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 22.37 The Moon at 22 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 22 Scorpio, moon void

Saturday 29th September 2018

A slow start to the day is forecast but there is much movement later on. 00.32 The Sun at 6 Libra waxing tri-septile Uranus at 2 Taurus 02.29 The Sun at 6 Libra waning bi-septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 13.05 Mercury at 13 Libra waning bi-novile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 13.28 The disseminating and accelerating Moon ingresses Gemini and the weekend diversifies. 17.53 The Moon at 3 Gemini sextiles her node at 3 Leo 18.44 The Moon at 3 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 3 Capricorn An Air grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, the Sun and Mars 23:00 to 03:30. 23.17 The Moon at 6 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 6 Aquarius

Sunday 30th September 2018

Light. Superficial even. Tread daintily. 01.34 The accelerating disseminating Moon at 7 Gemini waning trine The Sun at 7 Libra 03.11 The Sun at 7 Libra waning semi-square Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 07.37 The Moon at 10 Gemini waning quincunx Venus at 10 Scorpio 10.23 Mercury at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 14.59 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 14 Pisces 15.38 The Moon at 15 Gemini waning trine Mercury at 15 Libra, moon void 21:42 PLUTO TURNS DIRECT 22.29 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Monday 1st October 2018

Venus in Scorpio turns retrograde on Friday and will colour the month of October (and November up to 16th) with her invocation of turbulence in the realm of personal relationships. Don't get caught out, beware the illicit and the secret, Venus retrograde in Scorpio weaves a wicked warp. Theresa May and the UK Conservative Party are holding their party conference in Birmingham UK this week. It is May's birthday today. Transiting Mars is opposite her Uranus. Bit of a shock maybe in store. A busy Monday is on the cards. 04.20 The accelerating void of course Moon at 22 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 10.25 Mercury at 16 Libra waning decile Jupiter at 22 Scorpio 18.02 The Moon ingresses Cancer 20.30 The Moon at 1 Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at 1 Taurus 23.19 The Moon at 3 Cancer opposition Saturn at 3 Capricorn State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 8 degrees Libra. There are 82 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury is with the Sun in Libra. Venus and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now approaching midway between eclipse seasons. Mercury, currently an evening star, resides in Libra. Mercury squares Pluto on 3rd Oct and enters Scorpio on October 10th. Mercury opposes Uranus that same day. Mercury dithers dizzily seeing all sides to the issue. Making your mind up time. Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is an evening star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. She turns retrograde at 11 degrees Scorpio on October 5th squaring Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th. Mars squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th and squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The ensuing period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018

The major news story right now concerns the 832 people killed in the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in Friday's 7.5 magnitude earthquake. (10.03 GMT, sunset local time). The quake triggered tsunami waves as high as 6m. Some remote areas have yet to be contacted, and there are fears that the death toll could rise further. At the moment of the last Full Moon (Sept 25th, 3 days before the quake), Neptune was exactly on the IC of Palu, centre of the devastation. At the moment of the partial solar eclipse on Aug 11th the Sun and Moon were about to set on the island of Sulawesi. At the maximum eclipse moment of the July 13th partial solar eclipse Saturn was on the IC of Palu. Transiting Saturn is currently hooked into the Sun Uranus opposition in the Indonesian (transfer of Sovereignty) chart. The strong cardinal cross in the chart is fully activated at the moment. In addition progressed Sun is opposite progressed Saturn in 2019 in the chart. More trouble ahead for Indonesia one would imagine. Human care the major concern. Sun Libra, Moon Cancer. 05.06 The rapidly waning Moon at 6 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 6 Aquarius 09.46 The Moon at Last Quarter 12.19 The Moon at 11 Cancer waning trine Venus at 11 Scorpio 18.47 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 23.51 Mercury at 19 Libra waning tri-decile Mars at 7 Aquarius

Wednesday 3rd October 2018

New Planet discovered see below.

A new dwarf planet called The Goblin has been discovered orbiting the sun in the hinterland beyond Pluto, and its elongated path hints that the long-sought Planet X may be travelling through the outer reaches of the solar system as well. This new dwarf planet, officially called 2015 TG387, is likely a ball of ice and is about 300 kilometres in diameter. It was first spotted by a team of astronomers using the Subaru telescope in Hawaii in October 2015, hence its Halloween-themed name. The International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center announced the discovery on 1 October 2018. Its extremely elongated orbit means that at times it is 2300 times as far from the sun as Earth is, and it never gets closer to the sun than about twice as far out as Pluto. The dwarf planet moves so slowly that it took years to confirm its orbit with multiple observations. I understand the body is currently around 10 degrees Aries in ecliptic coordinates, but this needs confirmation.

A very tight, emotionally fraught, cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Pluto 00:00 to 03:00 00.04 Mercury at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 02.11 The rapidly waning last quarter Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Pluto at 19 Capricorn 02.27 The Moon at 19 Cancer waning square Mercury at 19 Libra 08.34 The Moon at 23 Cancer recovers from the trauma with a waning trine to Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void. The Moon is void of course for nearly 13 hours. 09.26 The Sun at 10 Libra waning tri-septile Neptune at 14 Pisces 21.14 The Moon ingress Leo 23.30 The Moon at 1 Leo waxing square Uranus at 1 Taurus 23.56 Mercury at 20 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 14 Pisces

Thursday 4th October 2018

The waning Moon is now hurtling towards her new phase which occurs early next Tuesday. Venus in Scorpio appears to be hovering, about to turn retrograde. Correspondingly, personal dynamics involving women are about to 'about turn'. Mysterious movements and maneuvers from the fairer sex can be expected. There is now 'socially resplendent energy' for the next couple of days. No compromise today. 01.03 The rapidly waning Moon, accelerating at 2 Leo, conjunction her ascending node. 01.36 The Sun at 11 Libra waning semi-sextile Venus at 11 Scorpio 02.32 The Moon at 3 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 3 Capricorn A loose fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Mars 09:00 to 16:00 09.31 The Moon at 7 Leo opposition Mars at 7 Aquarius 11.32 Mercury at 21 Libra waning quintile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 14.57 The Sun at 11 Libra waxing quad-novile Uranus at 1 Taurus 15.22 The Moon at 11 Leo waning square Venus at 11 Scorpio 16.20 The Moon at 11 Leo waning sextile The Sun at 11 Libra 21.19 The Moon at 14 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces

Friday 5th October 2018

An uncompromising and flamboyant day of colour and grace. No uncertainty. 04.39 The very rapidly waning Moon at 19 Leo quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 11.20 The Moon at 23 Leo waning sextile Mercury at 23 Libra 11.34 The Moon at 23 Leo waning square Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void 13.40 Mercury at 23 Libra waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 19:07 VENUS TURNS RETROGRADE 19:10 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase. The procession to New Moon now begins in earnest. 22.34 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 23.21 The Moon ingress Virgo The weekend ahead has style and exactitude.

Saturday 6th October 2018

A practical and precise vibration. A Earth Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, Saturn and Uranus 01:00 to 05:00 01.27 The rapidly waning balsamic Moon at 1 Virgo waxing trine Uranus at 1 Taurus 04.44 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 3 Capricorn 10.09 The Sun at 13 Libra waning novile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio 12.59 The Moon at 8 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 8 Aquarius 14.18 The Sun at 13 Libra waning bi-novile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 17.17 The Moon at 11 Virgo waning sextile Venus at 11 Scorpio 17.57 Mars at 8 Aquarius waning decile Neptune at 14 Pisces 23.05 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Neptune at 14 Pisces

Sunday 7th October 2018

06.28 The rapidly waning old Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 07.10 Mercury at 26 Libra waning bi-septile Mars at 9 Aquarius 12.54 Jupiter at 23 Scorpio waning novile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 14.03 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning sextile Jupiter at 23 Scorpio, moon void 15.18 The Sun at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces

Monday 8th October 2018

The Darkened Way. 01.12 The ancient Moon ingresses Libra joining Mercury and the Sun in this sign. 03.11 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 1 Taurus 04.37 The Moon at 2 Libra waxing sextile her node from north of the ecliptic. 06.48 The Moon at 3 Libra waning square Saturn at 3 Capricorn 08.15 The Sun reaches 15 degrees and we enter the 'Darkened Way' which of course leads to the month of Scorpio in 15 days time. 16.35 The Moon at 9 Libra waning trine Mars at 9 Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 15 degrees Libra. There are 75 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury and the old Moon are with the Sun in Libra. Venus and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now approaching midway between eclipse seasons. Mercury, currently an evening star, resides in Libra. Mercury enters Scorpio on October Wednesday. Mercury opposes Uranus that same day. Mercury dithers dizzily seeing all sides to the issue. Making your mind up time. Mercury's next retrograde period is from Nov 17th (at 13 Sagittarius) to Dec 6th 2018. Venus is a retrograde evening star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Dec 2nd because of her retrograde motion. She squares Mars a second time on October 11th. Venus is conjunct Mercury on October 15th at 9 Scorpio, sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th. Mars squares Venus in Scorpio on Oct 11th and squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The ensuing period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. The New Moon is tomorrow. A poignant one possibly. The infant Moon and Mercury join retro-Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio on Wednesday. There is intense scorpionic energy on Wednesday and Thursday.

Tuesday 9th October 2018

New Moon in Libra conjunct Ceres

01.11 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 03.48 Moment of NEW MOON This New Moon is the second New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on Aug 11th 2018 and the 3rd New Moon before the Solar Eclipse at 15 Cancer on January 6th 2019. The New Moon is conjunct Ceres weakly square Pluto and quincunx Neptune. Bit of a tussle that. Ceres loses her daughter to Pluto, for half of the year. So he has the upper hand here, a bit of coercion on his part. Most of the female asteroids and all the female transplutos seem to bear something of a grievance, usually with good reason. The essence of this New Moon then is maybe a purge of sadness and the re-balancing of deep emotion. At this time retro-Venus applies to squaring Mars, Mercury applies in opposition Uranus, the Sun and New Moon apply to squaring Pluto. These applications suggest there are troubles ahead initiated by the New Moon today. Let us be of good cheer however. The New Moon in Libra draws us together. Ceres nourishes and provides for the family. The harvest is home. At the moment of New Moon today, the Moon rises at Ankara, the libran Sun is about to rise at Moscow. Jupiter rises at Mumbai and New Delhi. Saturn rises at Seoul. Mars culminates at San Francisco, Pluto sets over Brasil (where an election works out). Today's New Moon is within 1.5 degrees of the Neptune of the Indonesian (Sovereign) chart. It directly hits the Ascendant of Germany, the Moon and Jupiter of Egypt, the Saturn of the USA and the BBC, the Uranus of Haiti and the Mercury Mars conjunction of the LHC at Cern. Donald Trump's Jupiter is hit as is the Venus of Prince Charles, the Neptune of the Benjamin Netanyahu generation, the Uranus of the Cameron Diaz generation and the Pluto of the Andrew Flintoff generation, the Moon of GW Bush. The Sun of David Cameron, the Mercury of Bill Gates and Stephen King and the Saturn of Emma Stone are all in the sights of this New Moon. 04.25 Mars at 9 Aquarius waxing decile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 05.48 Mercury at 29 Libra waning bi-novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 08.51 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn becoming void of course. 13.16 Mercury at 29 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 14 Pisces

Wednesday 10th October 2018

The Moon and Mercury enter Scorpio.

Today is a milestone day. A plunge into intensity and revelation. Mercury will oppose Uranus, retro-Venus will square Mars. An unsettling mix. Not easy. 00.42 Mercury ingresses Scorpio joining Venus and Jupiter in this sign. 04.11 The decelerating infant baby new Moon also ingresses Scorpio joining the party. Mercury will not be clear of Scorpio until Dec 12th because of retrograde motion. His first visit starts with an opposition to Uranus today, quite a barrel load of unsettling news. He sextiles Saturn on Oct 12th, realizing the ramifications, and is conjunct retrograde Venus at 9 Scorpio on Oct 15th, she can only impart resolution, vengefulness and a few secrets. He trines Neptune and squares Mars on Oct 19th, penetrating further, and sextiles Pluto on Oct 22nd seeking real solutions. On Oct 29th Mercury enters his shadow and is conjunct Jupiter at 28 Scorpio on that day. Great lessons and revelations are imparted. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Oct 31st. In Sagittarius Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on Nov 7th and turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. The Moon today passes through in a matter of hours a similar journey that Mercury has to do over the weeks ahead. A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus and the lunar node 06:00 to 22:00 The Mercury Uranus Node component of this T-square continues to ring out for 3 days peaking tomorrow. 04.36 The Moon at zero Scorpio conjunction Mercury. 06.06 The Moon at 1 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 1 Taurus 07.33 The Moon at 2 Scorpio squares her lunar node from north of the ecliptic. 10.13 The Moon at 3 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 3 Capricorn 17.37 Mercury at 1 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 1 Taurus 22.03 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waning square Mars at 10 Aquarius 22.16 The Moon at 10 Scorpio conjunction Venus at 10 Scorpio

Thursday 11th October 2018

Moon, Venus Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio.

Much digging in of heels, intransigence. No give. Potential arguments manifest today, difficulties. 02.30 Retrograde Venus at 10 Scorpio waning square Mars at 10 Aquarius 05.13 The decelerating young Moon at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 06.05 Mercury at 2 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 2 Leo 11.25 The Sun at 18 Libra waning decile Jupiter at 24 Scorpio 13.24 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 23.13 The Moon at 24 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 24 Scorpio, moon void The Sun applies in square to Pluto as the (GMT) day ends.

Friday 12th October 2018

04.11 The Sun at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 08.21 Mercury at 4 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 09.55 The decelerating young Moon ingresses Sagittarius. Astrologically hotter from this point. 11.47 The Moon at 1 Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at 1 Taurus 13.17 The Moon at 2 Sagittarius trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 16.00 Mars at 11 Aquarius waning bi-novile Uranus at 1 Taurus 18.00 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase

Saturday 13th October 2018

07.07 The waxing crescent Moon decelerating at 11 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 11 Aquarius 12.33 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 14 Pisces 13.47 The Sun at 20 Libra waning biquintile Neptune at 14 Pisces

Sunday 14th October 2018

00.59 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon at 21 Sagittarius sextile The Sun at 21 Libra, moon void 11.29 Mercury at 7 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 19.18 The Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 21.07 The Moon at 1 Capricorn waning trine Uranus at 1 Taurus

Monday 15th October 2018

The Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. A good day. Practical, robust, sincere, gracious. 02.41 The waxing Moon decelerating towards her first quarter phase conjunction Saturn at 4 Capricorn 03.42 The Sun at 22 Libra waning quintile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 11.48 The Moon at 8 Capricorn waxing sextile Mercury at 8 Scorpio 13.06 The Moon at 9 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 9 Scorpio 20.21 Mercury conjunction retro-Venus at 9 Scorpio 23.27 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 22 degrees Libra. There are 68 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now almost midway between eclipse seasons. Mercury, currently an evening star, resides in Scorpio. Mercury will not be clear of Scorpio until Dec 12th because of retrograde motion. He is conjunct retrograde Venus at 9 Scorpio today, she imparts resolution, vengefulness and a few secrets. He trines Neptune and squares Mars on Oct 19th, penetrating further, and sextiles Pluto on Oct 22nd seeking real solutions. On Oct 29th Mercury enters his shadow and is conjunct Jupiter at 28 Scorpio on that day. Great lessons and revelations are imparted. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Oct 31st. In Sagittarius Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on Nov 7th and turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. Venus is a retrograde evening star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Jan 7th because of her retrograde motion. Venus is conjunct Mercury today at 9 Scorpio and sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th. Mars squares Mercury in Scorpio on Oct 19th. Mars finally air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The ensuing period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. This is a satisfactory residence for him. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 16th October 2018

The Moon Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Hard hitting astrological vibrations. Turkish officials believe Mr Khashoggi a Saudi journalist was murdered in the consulate by Saudi agents nearly two weeks ago. Riyadh has always strongly denied this. The issue has strained Saudi Arabia's ties with its closest Western allies. Saudi Arabia is dogged by transiting Pluto in prolonged conjunction with her natal Saturn this autumn. A major reality check for the country is at hand. At least 10 people have been killed by flash floods in the Aude region of south-western France. Local authorities say several months' worth of rain fell in just a few hours overnight, leaving roads blocked in some areas. Transiting Uranus is exactly conjunct the France (1st republic chart) Saturn today. A shocking experience. Prime Minister Theresa May has called for cool, calm heads as she insisted a Brexit deal was still achievable despite differences with the EU. The two sides could not agree how to guarantee no hard border in Northern Ireland. Pluto is opposite the UK natal Moon this autumn. A lingering malaise is evident on the UK people. Pluto is squaring Theresa May's Sun/Neptune midpoint today which is a strong indication of deception and affliction. Her Solar arc Uranus is conjunct her natal Sun right now. This symbolic progression points to the 'knife edge' she is on at this time in her life. Last but not least the United Nations is warning that 13 million people in Yemen are facing starvation. It is calling on the military coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, to halt air strikes which are killing civilians, and contributing to what the UN says could become the worst famine in the world in 100 years. Yemen has transiting Uranus conjunct her natal Moon right now. Trauma beyond reason. 08.55 The decelerating and waxing Moon conjunction Pluto at 19 Capricorn 18.02 The Moon is at First Quarter Crisis in action. 21.50 The Moon at 25 Capricorn waxing sextile Jupiter at 25 Scorpio, moon void.

Wednesday 17th October 2018

Comet 46P Wirtanen.'Comet of the year', closest at Christmas, see below.

Cool vibrations today. Airy, detached, unmoved, out to lunch. 07.37 The very slowly moving first quarter Moon ingresses Aquarius joining Mars in that sign. A Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and the Lunar Node 09:00 to 11:00 09.17 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waning square Uranus at 1 Taurus 10.48 The Moon at 2 Aquarius opposition her node at 2 Leo 19.23 The Moon is at Apogee, (conjunct Lilith) furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 23.44 The Moon at 8 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 8 Scorpio There is a comet coming which may be visibe to the naked eye. Astronomers are calling Comet 46P/Wirtanen the 'comet of the year.' Two months from now, on Dec 16th, the kilometer-wide ball of dirty ice will come within 11.5 million km of Earth, making it one of the 10 closest-approaching comets of the Space Age. Comet 46P Wirtanen will probably become a naked eye object for several weeks during the holidays. Here is what it looks like now, and its current position (as shown on the star map below). It is currently at 14 degrees Aries in ecliptic coordinates.

Thursday 18th October 2018

Moon conjunct Mars in Aquarius.

08.11 Mercury at 13 Scorpio waning septile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 09.11 The very slowly waxing Moon accelerating at 13 Aquarius waxing square Mercury at 13 Scorpio 11.51 The Moon conjunction Mars at 14 Aquarius. Actions with righteousness. 15.16 Mars at 14 Aquarius waxing novile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 20.31 Mars at 14 Aquarius waning semi-sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces

Friday 19th October 2018

A Fixed T-square re-starts today involving retro Venus, Uranus and the Lunar Node which persists up to Nov 2nd and returns at the end of November into December We have an intensely rigid retributive energy at work here (now with Venus retrograde in Scorpio)seeking the settling of scores. Very unforgiving with a conquering application. Mind and muscle are at variance today as Mercury squares Mars. 'Shoot first, miss the target, talk later' sort of thing. There is opportunity to dream however as Mercury trines Neptune. Thoughts evoke emotion. 02.02 The Sun at 26 Libra waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 26 Scorpio 09.48 Mercury at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 11.46 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waxing square Jupiter at 26 Scorpio 12.28 The Moon at 26 Aquarius waxing trine The Sun at 26 Libra, moon void 17.24 Mercury at 15 Scorpio waning square Mars at 15 Aquarius 20.22 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. 21.48 The Moon at 1 Pisces waning sextile Uranus at 1 Taurus

Saturday 20th October 2018

A universal, subliminal, receptive and impressionable quality to this day. The Moon, Uranus, Saturn and Venus form 4 points of a hexagon. 04.08 Retro Venus at 7 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 04.27 The waxing and accelerating Moon at 4 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn A finger of fate is manifest at this time with the focus on the lunar node. A karmic need. 05.28 The Sun at 27 Libra waning tri-decile Mars at 15 Aquarius 09.44 The Moon at 7 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 7 Scorpio 20.58 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to Wednesday's full Moon now starts in earnest. 23.24 Jupiter at 26 Scorpio waning tri-decile Neptune at 14 Pisces. These two gas giants make a single conjunction at 24 Pisces in April 2022, the first in that sign since 1856 (the Florence Nightingale conjunction). Next year they form a 'delusional glamorous' waning mutable square, one of the major hallmarks of 2019. While we are on the subject of 2019, Saturn offers a 'goat kick' of realism to the year, being sextile Neptune, dispelling some of the illusions in 2019. Saturn conjunct the 'serpents tail' is the other major influence next year. Very slithery. Anyway with Jupiter in Sagittarius it sure will be party time. Fun and games all the way. Good to be alive. Have a good weekend.

Sunday 21st October 2018

00.08 The accelerating waxing gibbous Moon conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces 05.15 The Moon at 17 Pisces waxing trine Mercury at 17 Scorpio 09.33 The Moon at 19 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 17.31 Mercury at 17 Scorpio waxing biquintile Venus at 6 Scorpio 17.31 The Sun at 28 Libra waxing biquintile Venus at 6 Scorpio 23.48 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing trine Jupiter at 26 Scorpio, moon void

Monday 22nd October 2018

Mercury sextile Pluto Penetrative insight day. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra. Lunar pressures are rising. The Halloween Full Moon is on Wednesday. The Sun starts to join in with the ongoing Venus, Uranus, Node Fixed T-square. A real knot of a problem to untangle. 04.33 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 29 Pisces waxing quincunx The Sun at 29 Libra 07.00 The Moon ingresses Aries Shotgun! 08.05 The Sun at 29 Libra waning bi-novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 09.28 The Moon at 1 Aries trines her node at 1 Leo from south of the ecliptic. 11.00 Jupiter at 26 Scorpio waning tri-septile Uranus at 1 Taurus 11.17 The Sun at 29 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 14 Pisces 15.00 The Moon at 4 Aries waxing square Saturn at 4 Capricorn 17.17 The Moon at 5 Aries waxing quincunx Venus at 5 Scorpio 19.14 Mercury at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 29 degrees Libra entering Scorpio tomorrow. There are 61 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now midway between eclipse seasons. The Moon is full on Wednesday. Mercury, currently an evening star, resides in Scorpio. Mercury will not be clear of Scorpio until Dec 12th because of his forthcoming retrograde motion. He sextiles Pluto today seeking real solutions. On Oct 29th Mercury enters his shadow and is conjunct Jupiter at 28 Scorpio on that day. Great lessons and revelations are imparted. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Oct 31st. In Sagittarius Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on Nov 7th and turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. Venus is a retrograde evening star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Jan 7th because of her current retrograde motion. Venus sextiles Saturn again on October 24th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 3 Scorpio on October 26th. Then as a morning star Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will not be clear of this sign until November 15th. Mars air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The current period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct again in Scorpio. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. There is a comet coming which may be visibe to the naked eye. Astronomers are calling Comet 46P/Wirtanen the 'comet of the year.' Two months from now, on Dec 16th, the kilometer-wide ball of dirty ice will come within 11.5 million km of Earth, making it one of the 10 closest-approaching comets of the Space Age. Comet 46P Wirtanen will probably become a naked eye object for several weeks during the holidays. Here is what it looks like now, and its current position (as shown on the star map below).

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

The Sun is about to enter Scorpio and oppose Uranus, squaring the lunar nodal axis. Venus too is linked into the arrangement, being at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Friday. Wednesday's Full Moon completes the matrix, aligning to Uranus. A sigificant astrological event is underway during this next 10 days or so. 01.50 Mercury at 19 Scorpio waning semi-square Saturn at 4 Capricorn 11.24 The Sun ingresses Scorpio and a new astrological month begins. 13.59 The Moon at 17 Aries waxing sextile Mars at 17 Aquarius 16.52 Mars at 17 Aquarius waxing bi-novile Jupiter at 27 Scorpio 18.19 The Moon at 19 Aries waxing square Pluto at 19 Capricorn, moon void 21.02 The Moon at 20 Aries waxing quincunx Mercury at 20 Scorpio Full Moon tonight.

Wednesday 24th October 2018


On October 24, 2018 Pluto will cross the Ecliptic moving from the North to the South, in the constellation Sagittarius (tropical Capricorn) to the west of the star 50 Sgr. It will have taken Pluto 32,187 days (over 88 years) to make the trip above the Ecliptic. Pluto crossed the ecliptic travelling north on September 9th 1930 the time of the great economic depression. He last crossed the ecliptic southbound, like today, on July 2nd 1770 the day after the closest ever, in recorded history, approach to Earth by a comet, Comet Lexell. The next time Pluto crosses the Ecliptic from South to North in constellation Gemini again, won't be until December 11, 2178, completing one orbit from September 09, 1930 in 90,674 days or 248.25 years. 00.21 Mercury at 21 Scorpio waning quad-novile Uranus at 1 Taurus 00.47 The Sun at 1 Scorpio opposition Uranus at 1 Taurus 08.39 The Moon at 27 Aries waxing quincunx Jupiter at 27 Scorpio 12.52 Venus at 4 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 4 Capricorn 14.35 The Moon ingress Taurus 15.31 The Moon at 1 Taurus conjunction Uranus at 1 Taurus 15.58 The Sun at 1 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 1 Leo 16.31 Venus at 4 Scorpio waning bi-septile Mars at 17 Aquarius 16.42 The Moon at 1 Taurus waning square the lunar node at 1 Leo 16.46 Moment of FULL MOON A Full Moon climax. This is the third Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 and the 3rd Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2018. We are midway between eclipse seasons. The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus square the Lunar Node opposite Sun and Venus 1 degree of the Fixed signs. Astrologically a big deal. Smacks of retribution to me. Venus sextiles Saturn adds severity. At the moment of Full Moon today Uranus is rising over the UK, this could signify a shaking up of circumstances here, we sure need something, and the Sun is setting. The Moon is at lower culmination at New York. Today's Full Moon is conjunct the Sun of Queen Elizabeth and the Moon of Prince Charles, the Uranus of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, the Saturn of Ayatollah Khameni, Cate Blanchett and Ginger Baker, the Jupiter of the Kim Jon Un power transfer chart, the Moon of Yemen, Joseph Biden and Michael J Fox, the Sun of Darren Moore, the Venus of Adrian Chiles, the Mars of Lady Gaga, and is square the Jupiter of the UK. 22.00 The Moon at 4 Taurus opposition Venus at 4 Scorpio 22.28 The Moon at 4 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 4 Capricorn

Thursday 25th October 2018

The Full Moon climax is over. A residual 'rock solid' atmosphere now pervades the biosphere. The Fixed T-square involving the Sun, Venus, Uranus and the lunar node remains potent. A deep, slow and immovable day ensues. 15.30 The waning Full Moon at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 22.18 The Moon at 18 Taurus waxing square Mars at 18 Aquarius

Friday 26th October 2018

Inferior Conjunction of Venus.

The Moon opposes Mercury and Jupiter today. The emperor's new clothes. 00.16 The accelerating and waning full Moon at 19 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 08.47 The Moon at 24 Taurus opposition Mercury at 24 Scorpio 14.17 Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Venus at 3 Scorpio A 'New Venus'. The birth of a new love. Silent, and as yet hidden. 14.50 The Moon at 27 Taurus opposition Jupiter at 27 Scorpio, moon void 19.42 The Moon ingresses Gemini inaugurating a shower of incandescent chatter and general communication. 21.33 The Moon at 1 Gemini sextiles her node at 1 Leo from south of the ecliptic. 22.53 Mercury at 25 Scorpio waning novile Saturn at 5 Capricorn

Saturday 27th October 2018

00.38 The accelerating and waning full Moon at 3 Gemini waning quincunx Venus at 3 Scorpio 01.56 The Moon at 4 Gemini waning quincunx the Sun at 4 Scorpio forming a finger of fate with Saturn this morning 02.15 Mars at 18 Aquarius waning quintile Uranus at 0 Taurus 03.37 The Moon at 5 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 5 Capricorn A fateful start to the day. Confusion, distraction and an all encompassing general hubbub follows. 19.48 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 14 Pisces 23.48 Mercury at 26 Scorpio waning tri-decile Neptune at 14 Pisces The Sun applies in sextile to Saturn as the (GMT) day ends. More than a touch of formality.

Sunday 28th October 2018

The astrological vibration securing purchase over the next two days is the first (of three) conjunctions of Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio. This is smmbolic of the 'imparting of deep wisdom and true knowledge'. The message received however is incomplete. Mercury will have to return for more. This occurs on November 27th when the two re meet in Sagittarius. 00.19 Mars at 19 Aquarius waxing semi-sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 00.33 Jupiter at 28 Scorpio waning septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 02.53 The Sun at 5 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 03.19 Mercury at 26 Scorpio waning tri-septile Uranus at 0 Taurus 04.28 The accelerating waning Moon at 19 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 04.38 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing trine Mars at 19 Aquarius, moon void The Moon is void of course for nearly 19 hours 05.52 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 18.10 The Moon at 27 Gemini waning quincunx Mercury at 27 Scorpio 19.29 The Moon at 28 Gemini waning quincunx Jupiter at 28 Scorpio 23.29 The Moon ingresses Cancer

Monday 29th October 2018

The astrological vibration securing purchase today is the first (of three) conjunctions of Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio. This is symbolic of the 'imparting of deep wisdom and true knowledge'. The message received however is incomplete. Mercury will have to return for more. This occurs on November 27th when the two re meet in Sagittarius. Mars semi-square Saturn Monday. Put muscle (and mind muscle) to work. A rich stratum of emotion dominates today and Tuesday. 00.04 The Moon at zero Cancer waxing sextile Uranus at zero Taurus 02.11 The Moon at 2 Cancer waning trine Venus at 2 Scorpio 03.21 Venus at 2 Scorpio waning tri-decile Mars at 20 Aquarius 05.39 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waning septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 07.33 The Moon at 5 Cancer opposition Saturn at 5 Capricorn 09.35 The Moon at 6 Cancer waning trine The Sun at 6 Scorpio 10.47 Mars at 20 Aquarius waxing semi-square Saturn at 5 Capricorn 11.05 Mercury at 28 Scorpio conjunction Jupiter at 28 Scorpio 23.13 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 14 Pisces State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 6 Scorpio. There are 54 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are also in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now midway between eclipse seasons. Mercury, currently an evening star, resides in Scorpio. Mercury will not be clear of Scorpio until Dec 12th because of his forthcoming retrograde motion. Today Mercury enters his shadow and is conjunct Jupiter at 28 Scorpio. Great lessons and revelations are being imparted. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Oct 31st. In Sagittarius Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on Nov 7th and turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. Venus is a retrograde morning star in Scorpio and will not be clear of this sign until Jan 7th because of her current retrograde motion. Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will be clear of this sign on November 15th. Mars air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The current period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter is now direct in Scorpio. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. There is a comet coming which may be visible to the naked eye. Astronomers are calling Comet 46P/Wirtanen the 'comet of the year.' Two months from now, on Dec 16th, the kilometer-wide ball of dirty ice will come within 11.5 million km of Earth, making it one of the 10 closest-approaching comets of the Space Age. Comet 46P Wirtanen will probably become a naked eye object for several weeks during the holidays. Here is what it looks like now, and its current position (as shown on the star map below).

Tuesday 30th October 2018

In the progressed chart of the USA (Sibly) chart, the dominant current aspect is progressed Venus square progressed Pluto, peaking early 2019. The USA progressed Moon entered Capricorn, at her last quarter phase, on August 1st 2018 and is currently sextile progressed Saturn. Against this rather lurid, heavy duty, hard going backdrop, transiting Uranus is conjunct the 'women and children' Moon/Venus midpoint on Nov 6th 2018, resulting in electrifying tragedy and unsettling discontent. The nation is shaken and stirred. Today... Minor lunar occultation of star Zeta Gemini (visible from the UK approx 00:02 to 01:02). 05.31 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning decile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 06.29 Venus at 1 Scorpio waxing square the lunar node at 1 Leo 07.54 The Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Pluto at 19 Capricorn 10.08 The Moon at 20 Cancer waxing quincunx Mars at 20 Aquarius 11.08 The Sun at 7 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 23.33 The Moon at 28 Cancer waning trine Jupiter at 28 Scorpio

Wednesday 31st October 2018

Venus opposite Uranus.

Both Mercury and Venus depart Scorpio today. Both destined to soon return. 02.31 The very rapidly waning Moon at 30 Cancer waning trine Mercury at 30 Scorpio, moon void 02.44 The Moon ingressees Leo 03.10 The Moon at zero Leo waxing square Uranus at zero Taurus 03.22 The Moon at zero Leo waning square Venus at zero Scorpio 04.09 The Moon at 1 Leo conjunction her node 04.40 Mercury ingresses Sagittarius for initially a 31 day visit. In Sagittarius Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on Nov 7th and turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. 08.46 Venus at zero Scorpio opposition Uranus at zero Taurus 09.22 Mercury at zero Sagittarius waxing semi-sextile Venus at zero Scorpio 09.36 Mercury at zero Sagittarius waning quincunx Uranus at zero Taurus 11.03 The Moon at 5 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 5 Capricorn 13.16 The Sun at 8 Scorpio waning bi-septile Mars at 21 Aquarius 16.41 Moon at last quarter. 19.43 Venus ingresses back into Libra for a 32 day revisit. Venus opposes Uranus and re-enters Libra on October 31st. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. 20.15 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month.

Thursday 1st November 2018

00.11 Mercury at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 14 Pisces 02.19 The rapidly waning last quarter Moon at 14 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 06.32 Mercury at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Mars at 21 Aquarius 11.04 The Moon at 19 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 15.23 The Moon at 22 Leo opposition Mars at 22 Aquarius

Friday 2nd November 2018

An astrologically quiet period now is now at hand in the run down to the New Moon in Scorpio next Wednesday. There are however two major ingresses next week. Uranus retrogrades back into Aries from Tuesday and Jupiter enters Sagittarius on Thursday. A shift to the openness and advancement of 'Fire' is at hand. Gird your loins. Today... 03.26 The rapidly waning post last quarter Moon at 29 Leo waning square Jupiter at 29 Scorpio 04.32 The Moon at 29 Leo waning sextile Venus at 29 Libra, moon void 05.49 The Moon ingresses Virgo and introduces an 'attention to duty and decorum'. Practical matters arise. 06.07 The Moon at zero Virgo waxing trine Uranus at zero Taurus 10.25 The Moon at 3 Virgo waning square Mercury at 3 Sagittarius 14.26 The Moon at 5 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 5 Capricorn 15.27 Venus at 29 Libra waning bi-novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 23.41 The Moon at 10 Virgo waning sextile The Sun at 10 Scorpio

Saturday 3rd November 2018

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Virgo. A fine vintage. Practical application of will. 00.17 Retro-Venus at 29 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 14 Pisces 01.23 Retro-Venus at 29 Libra waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 29 Scorpio 05.22 The decelerating waning Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Neptune at 14 Pisces 13.59 Mercury at 4 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 14.15 The Moon at 19 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn 15:03 The Moon hits her balsamic phase. The procession to Wednesday's New Moon now starts in earnest. 20.42 The Moon at 23 Virgo waning quincunx Mars at 23 Aquarius 21.36 Mercury at 4 Sagittarius waxing decile Venus at 28 Libra

Sunday 4th November 2018

07.27 The waning balsamic Moon decelerating at 29 Virgo sextile Jupiter at 29 Scorpio. The moon is void of course for 96 minutes. 09.03 The Moon ingresses Libra joining retrograde Venus in this sign. A couple of days to 'weigh the issues' are now at hand. Strike a balance. Make a diplomatic move. 09.11 The Moon at 0 Libra waxing quincunx Uranus at 0 Taurus 10.05 The Moon at 1 Libra waxing sextile her node from north of the ecliptic. 16.02 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 18.03 The Moon at 5 Libra waning square Saturn at 5 Capricorn 18.12 The Moon at 5 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 5 Sagittarius

Monday 5th November 2018

07.47 Jupiter at 29 Scorpio waning decile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 08.48 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 10.06 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 0 Taurus 17.56 The Moon at 19 Libra waning square Pluto at 19 Capricorn State of the sky:- On course for 2020. Only 14 degrees separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The last time these two astrological heavy weights met in Capricorn was in 1518, (new trade routes had opened and new parts of the world were being revealed. The people of Europe stood on the cusp of new beginnings). Before that in 1248 history records an oppressive ferment of clashes of Islamic, Mongol and Jewish ideologies around and about the hundred years war in Europe. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. The most significant feature of 2020 is the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in November of that year. (50 degrees between these 3 today). The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn (36 degrees between them right now) at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. On Thursday of this week Jupiter ingresses Sagittarius. This will no doubt unleash a fire storm of new realities. Today the Sun is at 13 Scorpio. There are 47 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. The old Moon and Venus are in Libra. We are now past the midway point between eclipse seasons. There is a ('shady lady'), new beginnings, New Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday. Mercury, currently an evening star and 'in his shadow' resides in Sagittarius. Mercury slows to less than a degree per day on Nov 7th and turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. Venus is a retrograde morning star in Libra. Venus 'air trines' Mars on November 9th, and turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will be clear of this sign on November 15th. Mars air trines Venus again on Nov 9th, leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Nov 15th. The current period of Mars in Aquarius is essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness rules. Jupiter leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 8th 2018. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde in Taurus. He resides here, (except for 6/11/18 to 6/4/19), until July 2025. Uranus, the planet of inspiration and revolution is in Taurus the sign of enduring institution and banking. Massive changes in the world of finance and ownership are about to take place. The last time Uranus resided in Taurus was between 1934 and 1941 and before that 1850 to 1859 the time of the Industrial Revolution. The 1934 ingress saw the start of the rise of Nazi Germany and witnessed Hitler (a Taurean) beginning 11 years as dictator of the German Reich. This was the time of the genocide of more than 9 million European Jews, it was also the time of the the beginning of the rise of the USA as a superpower. We, the whole human family, are starting to react and reorganize ourselves to the impulse of the latest cosmic signature of this 84 year cyclic event. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node Dec 3rd. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. There is a comet coming which may be visible to the naked eye. Astronomers are calling Comet 46P/Wirtanen the 'comet of the year.' Seven weeks from now, on Dec 16th, the kilometer-wide ball of dirty ice will come within 11.5 million km of Earth, making it one of the 10 closest-approaching comets of the Space Age. Comet 46P Wirtanen will probably become a naked eye object for several weeks during the Christmas holidays. Here is what it looks like now, and its current position (as shown on the star map below).

A new dwarf planet called The Goblin has been discovered orbiting the sun in the hinterland beyond Pluto, and its elongated path hints that the long-sought Planet X may be traveling through the outer reaches of the solar system as well. This new dwarf planet, officially called 2015 TG387, is likely a ball of ice and is about 300 kilometers in diameter. It was first spotted by a team of astronomers using the Subaru telescope in Hawaii in October 2015, hence its Halloween-themed name. The International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center announced the discovery on 1 October 2018. Its extremely elongated orbit means that at times it is 2300 times as far from the sun as Earth is, and it never gets closer to the sun than about twice as far out as Pluto. The dwarf planet moves so slowly that it took years to confirm its orbit with multiple observations. I understand the body is currently around 10 degrees Aries in ecliptic coordinates, but this needs confirmation.

Tuesday 6th November 2018

Sun trine Neptune. Uranus re-enters Aries. This day before the New Moon in Scorpio is also the day of the USA mid term elections. Looking at Donald trump's astrological chart we see transiting Jupiter is square his natal Saturn/Neptune tomorrow which Ebertin says is 'easily upset or depressed, sensitive, narrow-minded, egoism'. In 4 days time transiting Saturn squares his natal Neptune which smacks of disappointment, and on the same day transiting Neptune opposes his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. Ebertin gives that as 'inclination to deceive others and to cheat and seduce people'. Transiting Uranus is today exactly conjunct the USA (Sibley) Moon/Venus midpoint. That suggests a strong female vote for change. My money is on a 'thumbs down' and a decreasing of Republican power. 02.44 The ancient accelerating Moon at 24 Libra waning trine Mars at 24 Aquarius 06.41 The Sun at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 08.19 The Moon conjunction Venus at 27 Libra, moon void 10.57 The Sun at 14 Scorpio waning septile Saturn at 5 Capricorn 13.04 The Moon ingress Scorpio joining the Sun and Jupiter in this sign. 13.04 The Moon at zero Scorpio opposition Uranus at zero Taurus 13.18 Mercury at 7 Sagittarius waxing novile Venus at 27 Libra 13.56 The Moon at 1 Scorpio squares her lunar node from north of the ecliptic. 18.59 Jupiter at 30 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 30 Aries 18.54 Uranus retrogrades into Aries. Uranus will spend 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. NEW MOON in SCORPIO tomorrow.

Wednesday 7th November 2018

New Moon in Scorpio

Mercury, already in his shadow, slows to less than a degree per day today prior to his station in ten days time. Not a good time to start new endeavours. 11:33 The Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio. We are exactly midway between Equinox and Solstice. In the southern hemisphere Summer is begining and in the north we enter the season of 'fading' and the start of the darkest quarter of the year. 13.31 The ancient Moon decelerating at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 16.03 Moment of NEW MOON New Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune. A dark and veiled affair. This New Moon is the third New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on Aug 11th 2018 and the penultimate New Moon before the Solar Eclipse at 15 Cancer on January 6th 2019. The New Moon at 15 Scorpio is trine Neptune sextile Pluto. Retro Venus is trine Mars opposite Uranus. Mars squares Jupiter and sextiles Uranus. Water signs predominate. Today's New Moon has a veiled, emotional, 'hidden desires', sensation seeking, pleasure seeking quality. At the exact moment of New Moon, Mars is rising at Asuncion, Uranus culminates at Bangkok and Pluto culminates at Algiers. The Sun sets at Tripoli, Jupiter at Vienna and Athens, Saturn at Moscow. There is a Venus/Lunar Node paran at Mandalay. Today's New Moon directly hits the Pluto of Yemen and the MC of Sudan. It hits the Mars of Bashar Assad, the Uranus of the Emmanuel Macron generation, the Neptune of the Boris Johnson generation, the ascendants of Michelle Obama, Bjork, Jim Carrey and Michael Douglas, the MC Jose Mourinho, the Mercury of Sam Allardyce, and the Jupiter of Justin Bieber. This New Moon of 'secrets' occurs at a significant time in world politics. The inevitable 'lifting of the veil' surrounding today's lunation may well occur as Jupiter enters Sagittarius tomorrow. 19.21 Mars at 25 Aquarius waxing decile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 23.07 The Moon at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Thursday 8th November 2018

Jupiter enters Sagittarius.

A 'change of gear' day as Jupiter and the New Moon tumble into Sagittarius. 06.19 Jupiter at 30 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 30 Aries. A single, one off, 'take a chance' aspect. Fate lends a hand. 10.43 The decelerating infant new Moon at 25 Scorpio waning square Mars at 25 Aquarius. Bit of a fist fight. The Moon is then void of course for over 8 hours. 12.39 Jupiter ingress Sagittarius joining Mercury in that sign. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for almost 13 months. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. 12.58 Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 18.51 The Moon at 30 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 30 Aries 19.01 The Moon ingresses Sagittarius joining Mercury and Jupiter in this sign. The change of gear. Cross fire hurricane. 19.07 The Moon at zero Sagittarius conjunction Jupiter. 19.42 The Moon at zero Sagittarius waxing trines her node from north of the ecliptic.

Saturday 10th November 2018

We are immersed deep in the intense astrological month of Scorpio, the time of a real battlefield of desire, emotion and will. The young moon is in 'put a brave face on it' Sagittarius. Today is a day to storm through situations with courage and humour. 17.27 Mercury at 11 Sagittarius one week from his retrograde station, waxing semi-square Venus at 26 Libra 19.55 The decelerating young Moon at 26 Sagittarius waxing sextile Venus at 26 Libra 22.00 The Moon at 27 Sagittarius waning sextile Mars at 27 Aquarius

Sunday 11th November 2018

The Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn for two and a half days.

A 'really getting stuck in' kind of day. Plan it carefully. Cracks in the British Government are widening with the resignation of Transport secretary Jo Johnson. Theresa May is still under the influence of transiting Neptune on her Mars and the UK chart is still subject to transiting Pluto opposition Moon. 03.35 The slowly waxing young Moon at 30 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 30 Aries, moon void 03.56 The Moon ingresses Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 06.42 Mars at 27 Aquarius waxing septile Saturn at 6 Capricorn 11.49 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 15.22 The Sun at 19 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 15.25 The Moon conjunction Saturn at 6 Capricorn, closest conjunction 15:48, 0.31 degree separation, 3rd tightest lunar conjunction all year. 15.34 Mercury at 12 Sagittarius waxing tri-septile Venus at 26 Libra 15.34 The Sun at 19 Scorpio waxing tri-septile Venus at 26 Libra

Monday 12th November 2018

Sun Scorpio, Moon Capricorn. Rough and tough. 05.55 The Sun at 20 Scorpio waning quad-novile Uranus at 30 Aries 07.02 The waxing crescent Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 12.58 Jupiter at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.58 The Moon decelerating at 19 Capricorn conjunction Pluto 20.22 The Moon at 20 Capricorn waxing sextile The Sun at 20 Scorpio State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 20 Scorpio. There are 40 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Moon, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury, currently an evening star and 'in his shadow' resides in Sagittarius and whose apparent speed is less than a degree per day. He turns retrograde on Nov 17th at 13 degrees of that sign. He squares Mars again on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of a more expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. Without further ado he re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, and comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019 entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds. Venus is a retrograde morning star in Libra. Venus turns direct on November 16th at 25 Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Mars is now direct and in Aquarius and will be clear of this sign on Thursday. The period of Mars in Aquarius has been essentially a push for freedom, righteousness and independence. Righteous wilfulness has ruled. Jupiter is now in Sagittarius. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for the next year. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is now direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node on Dec 3rd 2019 and semi-square Neptune on Dec 15th 2019. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. Just over 13 degrees separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The last time these two astrological heavy weights met in Capricorn was in 1518, (new trade routes had opened and new parts of the world were being revealed. The people of Europe stood on the cusp of new beginnings). Before that in 1248 history records an oppressive ferment of clashes of Islamic, Mongol and Jewish ideologies around and about the hundred years war in Europe. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. The most significant feature of 2020 is the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in November of that year. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 13th November 2018

There's a new comet in the morning sky. Discovered just last week by three amateur astronomers, one in Arizona and two in Japan, Comet Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto has quadrupled in brightness over the past few days. 'It is now glowing like a fuzzy 8th magnitude star in the constellation Virgo', reports Michael J�ger of Turmkogel, Austria, who photographed it on Nov 11th. Comet Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto appears to be a first time visitor to the inner solar system. It is plunging toward the sun on nearly parabolic orbit that will take it just inside the orbit of Mercury. Closest approach to the sun (0.38 AU) is on Dec. 3-4, closest approach to Earth (0.67 AU) is Nov. 27th.

Comet 46P Wirtanen, the other comet currently of interest will probably become a naked eye object for several weeks during the Christmas holidays. 06.33 The very slowly waxing, small looking, crescent Moon at 25 Capricorn waxing square Venus at 25 Libra 11.43 The Sun at 21 Scorpio waning semi-square Saturn at 6 Capricorn A mainly Fixed T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and the Lunar Node 15:00 to 16:00 15.14 The Moon at 30 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 30 Aries, moon void 15.47 The Moon ingresses Aquarius 16.01 The Moon at 0 Aquarius opposite her ascending node 18.06 The Moon at 1 Aquarius waxing sextile Jupiter at 1 Sagittarius

Wednesday 14th November 2018

The ingress of Jupiter into the fire sign of Sagittarius last Thursday sadly coincided with the start of current blast of California's deadly fires. Firefighters in the north of the state are still battling the Camp Fire, which has left at least 42 people dead. Jupiter has been quincunx Uranus, which retrograded into Aries a fire sign 8 days ago, during this devastatingly horrific event. UK and EU officials have agreed the draft text of a Brexit agreement after months of negotiations in Brussels. A special cabinet meeting will be held at 14:00 GMT today as Theresa May seeks ministers' backing. At that time, and from the perspective of Westminster, Neptune is rising (conjunct the PM's Mars) and aligned to Brussels.(!) Neptune is square Mercury. Mercury himself is 3 days from retrograde motion. The Moon at the time, in Aquarius, struggling to ascend through the mists of the 12th house, applies very slowly in a potentially healthy sextile to Mercury. Unanimity could well be evident at this meeting, but ensuing events in the days ahead will undoubtedly summersault. Today and tomorrow are fixed. Fixed Sun, fixed Moon. Emphatic resolution. Take one for the team. 12.12 Venus appearing almost stationary, at 25 Libra, turning direct on Friday, waning decile Jupiter at 1 Sagittarius 16.00 The waxing crescent Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 16.38 Mars at 29 Aquarius waxing novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 18.25 The Moon at 13 Aquarius waxing sextile Mercury (turning retrograde on Saturday) at 13 Sagittarius

Thursday 15th November 2018

Mars sextile Uranus

Rebellious vibrations abound. 06.24 Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 09.32 Mars at 30 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 30 Aries 14.55 The Moon at First Quarter 19.06 The Moon at 25 Aquarius waxing trine stationary Venus at 25 Libra 22.23 Mars ingresses Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. Mars resides in Pisces for 45 days. He squares Jupiter next Tuesday, pushing us to excess. He squares retro-Mercury on Nov 26th and sextiles Saturn the next day. A couple of action packed days. Mars squares the Sun on Dec 3rd, willful activity, against the grain. Mars is conjunct Neptune on Dec 7th, the highlight of the residence, phantasmagoria. Mars sextiles Pluto on Dec 17th, which is forceful and 'change inducing'. Mars storms in Aries on New Year's Day. Not the easiest of adventures this, particularly so at first, but a little better for inter-gender harmony, when Venus re-enters Scorpio from Dec 2nd and complements the passive, wavering, otherworldly quality of Mars in Pisces.

Friday 16th November 2018

Venus stations direct today, Mercury stations retrograde tomorrow.

The Moon, Mars and Neptune are in Pisces.

01.30 The Mean Lunar Node ingresses Cancer This 'eclipse marker' traces out a string of eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn over the next 30 months. We've already had one, a partial solar eclipse in Cancer last July 13th, and there is one more in Leo on Jan 21st next year, but the trend then is for eclipses across Cancer and Capricorn, with the corresponding focus on home, commerce and livelihood. 04.43 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Mars and Neptune in this sign. The 'principled rebelliousness of the last couple of days now gives way to a wider manifestation of acceptance, and a submission to fate. Certainly this sudden blast of piscean energy exposes certain vulnerabilities and opens up deeper, subliminal reactions. The Wake of Poseidon. 05.03 The Moon conjuncts Mars at zero Pisces. 08.11 The Moon at 2 Pisces squares Jupiter 10.47 VENUS TURNS DIRECT at 25 Libra. Venus has been retrograde since October 5th. Matters concerning affairs of the heart can now progress and move forward after this period of due consideration. Venus next turns retrograde on May 13th 2020 at 22 Gemini. 17.29 The Moon at 6 Pisces sextiles Saturn. The weekend ahead has an emotional quality to it. Very much a weekend of following.

Saturday 17th November 2018

The Moon, Mars and Neptune are in Pisces.

In the UK a string of ministerial resignations and talk of a no-confidence vote from Tory MPs occurred in protest at the EU withdrawal agreement. The UK chart is subject to the final transit of Pluto opposite it's Moon on Nov 23rd. We are fully under this trauma inducing aspect currently. This is followed by transiting Saturn firstly conjunct the nation's IC on Dec 14th, a 'midnight moment' in the current cycle, and then is conjunct the nation's Sun on Dec 21st a time of both seriousness and opportunity. Saturn is opposite the UK Moon three times in 2019, the first of which is just 5 days before the planned day of exit from the EU. Certain hardships are suggested with this one and transiting Neptune squares the UK Mercury also in 2019 through to early 2020 which is indicative of uncertainty and confusion. In the UK progressed chart there is a progressed Inferior Conjunction of Mercury on Dec 2nd, this is a 'seed moment' with a new 'solar message' in the life of the nation, the progressed Moon is old and in Cancer and there is a 'fixation' of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in Leo. In this larger time frame, we in the UK are indeed almost at the dawn of a new era in our destiny, with a progressed New Moon in October 2021 at 16 Leo conjunct progressed Jupiter. This does to my mind suggest a nation going its own way and leading others. The passive, subliminal, and emotionally sensitive atmosphere conjured up by the Moon, Mars and Neptune in Pisces continues throughout today. 01.26 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE at 13.5 Sagittarius. Mercury is retrograde until Dec 6th. We can expect the usual events associated with this phenomena such as changes of heart, communication breakdowns, travel delays and cancellations, during this period. 07.41 The accelerating first quarter Moon at 13 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 13 Sagittarius 08.08 The Moon at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces 16.36 The Sun at 25 Scorpio waxing semi-sextile Venus at 25 Libra 17.21 The Sun at 25 Scorpio waning tri-septile Uranus at 30 Aries 19.11 The Moon at 19 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 19 Capricorn

Sunday 18th November 2018

02.57 The Sun at 26 Scorpio waning tri-decile Neptune at 14 Pisces 06.53 The Moon, gaining in light and motion, at 25 Pisces, waxing quincunx Venus at 25 Libra A (mainly) Watery Grand Trine is manifest involving the Moon, her node, the Sun and Jupiter 08:00 to 20:30 Good feelings are associated with this one. Could be pleasant. 08.04 The Moon at 26 Pisces waxing trine The Sun at 26 Scorpio, moon void 12.14 Retro Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 15.41 The Moon at 30 Pisces waning trine the lunar node at 30 Cancer 15.57 The Moon ingresses Aries joining Uranus in this sign. Hit the throttle again. Full on to Full Moon. 20.19 The Moon at 2 Aries waxing trine Jupiter at 2 Sagittarius 23.30 The Sun at 27 Scorpio waning novile Saturn at 7 Capricorn

Monday 19th November 2018

04.31 The Moon, gaining in light and motion at 7 Aries, waxing square Saturn at 7 Capricorn 15.08 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase 16.27 The Moon at 13 Aries waxing trine Mercury at 13 Sagittarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 27 Scorpio. There are 33 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Uranus are in Aries. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Thursday and the Moon is Full in Gemini on Friday. Lunar pressures are rising. In addition Mars is square Jupiter early (GMT) tomorrow. Today is particularly OTT. Urges, surges, twists, turns and tantrums' Mercury, currently an evening star, turned retrograde two days ago, at 13 Sagittarius. He squares Mars (again) on Nov 26th and on Nov 27th he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, taking stock and facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, this time at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The knowledge revealed then is of an expansive hue. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. He re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds, certainly time to speak your mind. Mercury is retrograde until Dec 6th. We can expect the usual events associated with this phenomena such as changes of heart, communication breakdowns, travel delays and cancellations, during the current period. Venus is now a direct morning star in Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Grace and charm. Mars is direct and in Pisces. Mars resides in Pisces for 45 days. He squares Jupiter tomorrow, pushing us to excess. He squares retro-Mercury on Nov 26th and sextiles Saturn the next day. A couple of action packed days. Mars squares the Sun on Dec 3rd, willful activity, against the grain. Mars is conjunct Neptune on Dec 7th, the highlight of the residence, phantasmagoria. Mars sextiles Pluto on Dec 17th, which is forceful and 'change inducing'. Mars storms in Aries on New Year's Day. Not the easiest of adventures this, particularly so at first, but a little better for inter-gender harmony, when Venus re-enters Scorpio from Dec 2nd, and complements the passive, wavering, otherworldly quality of Mars in Pisces. Jupiter is now in Sagittarius. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for the next year. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Jupiter enters Capricorn and is conjunct Saturn 'the great mutation conjunction' on the day of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice Dec 21st 2020 at the start of Aquarius just after Saturn has finished putting his own house, Capricorn, in order. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node on Dec 3rd 2019 and semi-square Neptune on Dec 15th 2019. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune currently retrograde in Pisces has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune turns direct on 25th November. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. 13 degrees separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The last time these two astrological heavy weights met in Capricorn was in 1518, (new trade routes had opened and new parts of the world were being revealed. The people of Europe stood on the cusp of new beginnings). Before that in 1248 history records an oppressive ferment of clashes of Islamic, Mongol and Jewish ideologies around and about the hundred years war in Europe. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. The most significant feature of 2020 is the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in November of that year. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 20th November 2018

Mars square Jupiter

Excessive force evident at first today with Mars square Jupiter, but the ship is steadied at the last. Lunar pressures are rising. 01.31 Mars at 3 Pisces waxing square Jupiter at 3 Sagittarius 04.22 The waxing gibbous Moon accelerating at 19 Aries waxing square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 05.49 Retro-Mercury at 13 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Mars at 3 Pisces 08.07 The Sun at 28 Scorpio waning septile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 15.45 The Moon at 26 Aries opposition Venus at 26 Libra 21.00 The Moon at 28 Aries waxing quincunx The Sun at 28 Scorpio 22.47 The Moon at 29 Aries conjunction Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 23.15 The Moon at 30 Aries squares her node at 30 Cancer from south of the ecliptic. 23.44 The Moon ingresses Taurus

Wednesday 21st November 2018

A rich stratum of fixity is manifest today at the very end of Scorpio. This is the last full day of the astrological month of Scorpio. The Sun enters Sagittarius tomorrow. The year is old. Mercury is retrograde, and also 'old,' in his cycle. Events and experiences are warping in correspondence to this. Venus in Libra is slowly gaining in apparent motion, applying again in opposition to Uranus,square the nodes, invoking disturbances and perturbations in human relationships, and in the money markets, exact on Dec 1st. Mars in Pisces, is applying in conjunction to Neptune, an ocean of sublimation, exact on Dec 7th. The Sun will be conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius in five days time, open sesame. All is set fast today, and all is in motion. 04.45 The waxing gibbous Moon, nearly full, accelerating at 3 Taurus quincunx Jupiter at 3 Sagittarius 05.37 The Moon at 3 Taurus waxing sextile Mars at 3 Pisces 11.55 The Moon at 7 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 7 Capricorn 19.52 The Sun at 29 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 20.19 The Moon at 12 Taurus waxing quincunx retro-Mercury at 12 Sagittarius Minor lunar occultation of star Mu Cetus (visible from the UK approx 20:53 to 22:03).

Thursday 22nd November 2018

Always a refreshing change as the Sun enters Sagittarius. In accompaniment, lunar pressures are high. A blast of a day is in store. 00.01 The almost full Moon accelerating at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 01.29 The Sun at 30 Scorpio waxing trine the lunar node at 30 Cancer 09.03 The Sun ingress Sagittarius and a new astrological month commences. The Sun joins Mercury and Jupiter in this sign. There are 30 days to the Solstice. We are now in the 60 darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere, and in the 60 lightest in the south. 09.59 The Moon at 19 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 19 Capricorn, moon void The Moon is void for over 18 hours. 13.13 Retro-Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waxing semi-square Venus at 26 Libra 21.25 The Moon at 26 Taurus waning quincunx Venus at 26 Libra FULL MOON TONIGHT

Friday 23rd November 2018

Full Moon in Gemini

01.40 Mars at 4 Pisces waxing semi-square Pluto at 19 Capricorn 03.33 The Moon at 30 Taurus waning sextile the lunar node at 30 Cancer 04.12 The Moon ingress Gemini 05.00 The Sun at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 14 Pisces 05.40 Moment of FULL MOON Today's Full Moon opposes the Sun and Jupiter and square Mars, all in Mutable T-square. This is an 'appetite for destruction' Moon, bloated by Jupiter and agitated by Mars. There is a great deal of movement and plenty double dealing. There are two faces to everything here. Much duplicity and many changes of direction. This is the 4th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 and the penultimate Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2018. Today's Full Moon directly hits the Sun of Jeremy Corbyn, Joan Collins, Naomi Campbell, Morrissey and the Sun in the national chart of Yemen. The Moon of DR Congo is hit, as is the Moon of Mick Jagger, as is Mars in both Thailand charts and Boris Johnson's Mars, Saturn (opposite Neptune) of Julian Assange, Bjon Borg's Mercury, Uranus of the Syrian Independence chart, Uranus of the David Crosby generation, and the lunar node of Prince Harry. The Moon is somewhat besieged after the moment of fullness. This is not an easy day to navigate. 09.12 The Sun at 1 Sagittarius waning decile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 09.48 The Moon at 3 Gemini opposition Jupiter at 3 Sagittarius 12.12 The Moon at 5 Gemini waxing square Mars at 5 Pisces 16.09 The Moon at 7 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 7 Capricorn 20.31 The Moon at 10 Gemini opposition retro-Mercury at 10 Sagittarius

Saturday 24th November 2018

A barrage of communication, much going nowhere at all, assaults our central nervous system and energises our responses. Just talk. 00.02 Mercury at 9 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 19 Capricorn 03.22 The waning full Moon accelerating at 14 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 14 Pisces 13.03 The Moon at 19 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 19 Capricorn 22.15 NEPTUNE TURNS DIRECT. 'From confusion to clarity'. 23.44 The Sun at 3 Sagittarius waxing decile Venus at 27 Libra

Sunday 25th November 2018

The Sun, retrograde Mercury and Jupiter are applying in 'triple conjunction' in early Sagittarius, all square Mars in Pisces. An astrological drama will play out over the next three days. Part of this drama corresponds to the events unfolding in France. Police in Paris have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters, in a second weekend of demonstrations sparked by rising fuel prices. Violence erupted on the Champs-Elysees as protesters tried to get through a security cordon around sensitive sites. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct the France 1st republic chart Moon in 2 days time. 01.04 The rapidly waning full Moon at 27 Gemini waning trine Venus at 27 Libra Minor lunar occultation of star Chi Orion (visible from the UK approx 05:16 to 06:16). 05.32 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing sextile Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void This sextile forms a finger of fate with the Sun. 06.39 The Moon ingress Cancer Emotional overtones now ring out. 11.53 The Moon at 3 Cancer waning quincunx The Sun at 3 Sagittarius 12.55 The Moon at 4 Cancer waning quincunx Jupiter at 4 Sagittarius 16.47 The Moon at 6 Cancer waxing trine Mars at 6 Pisces 18.22 Mercury at 7 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 7 Capricorn 18.42 The Moon at 7 Cancer waning quincunx Mercury at 7 Sagittarius 18.44 The Moon at 7 Cancer opposition Saturn at 7 Capricorn 23.39 Mercury at 7 Sagittarius waxing novile Venus at 27 Libra

Monday 26th November 2018

Sun conjunct Jupiter

Retro-Mercury square Mars

The Sun, retrograde Mercury and Jupiter are in 'triple conjunction' in early Sagittarius, all square Mars in Pisces. An astrological drama is underway. 05.26 The very rapidly waning moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 06.34 The Sun at 4 Sagittarius conjunction Jupiter at 4 Sagittarius 08.07 Mercury at 6 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 6 Pisces 12.13 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 14.43 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 15.07 The Moon at 20 Cancer opposition Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.33 The Sun at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 4 Sagittarius. There are 26 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Retro-Mercury and Jupiter are also in Sagittarius. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Neptune are in Pisces, 7 degrees separate them. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are all square Mars. Venus, Uranus and the Lunar Node, in slight reprise, are in T-square till Dec 6th. The time is significant, polished, fateful. Mercury, currently an evening star, turned retrograde nine days ago, at 13 Sagittarius. He squares Mars today and tomorrow he is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 5 Sagittarius, and is facing his 2nd conjunction with Jupiter, at 4 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio on Dec 1st and turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. He re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds, certainly time to speak your mind. Mercury is retrograde until Dec 6th. We can expect the usual events associated with this phenomena such as changes of heart, communication breakdowns, travel delays and cancellations, during the current period. Venus is now a direct morning star in Libra. Venus opposes Uranus a final time on Dec 1st and re-enters Scorpio on Dec 2nd. Grace and charm. Mars is direct and in Pisces. He squares retro-Mercury today and sextiles Saturn tomorrow. A couple of action packed days these. Mars squares the Sun on Dec 3rd, willful activity, against the grain. Mars is conjunct Neptune on Dec 7th, the highlight of the residence, phantasmagoria. Mars sextiles Pluto on Dec 17th, which is forceful and 'change inducing'. Mars storms in Aries on New Year's Day. Not the easiest of adventures this, particularly so at first, but a little better for inter-gender harmony, when Venus re-enters Scorpio from Dec 2nd, and complements the passive, wavering, otherworldly quality of Mars in Pisces. Jupiter is now in Sagittarius. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for the next year. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node on Dec 3rd 2019 and semi-square Neptune on Dec 15th 2019. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune is now direct in Pisces he has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 19 degrees of that sign. 12 degrees now separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 27th November 2018

Mars sextile Saturn.

Inferior Conjunction of Mercury.

We are now in the 50 darkest days of the year in the north. 25 days to the Solstice. Mars in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn today. Grist, grind, graft. 04.16 The rapidly disseminating Moon at 27 Cancer waning square Venus at 27 Libra 05.38 Retro-Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 29 Aries 07.22 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 07.36 The Moon conjunction her node at 29 Cancer in dissociate T-square with Venus and Uranus. 08.37 The Moon ingresses Leo 09.16 The Sun conjunction Mercury at 5 Sagittarius 'New Mercury' and the start of a new chapter in life's story. 13.55 The Sun at 5 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 29 Aries 15.42 The Moon at 4 Leo waning trine Jupiter at 4 Sagittarius 16.23 The Moon at 5 Leo waning trine Mercury at 5 Sagittarius 17.39 The Moon at 5 Leo waning trine The Sun at 5 Sagittarius 18.13 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 21.06 The Moon at 7 Leo waxing quincunx Mars at 7 Pisces forming a dangerous finger of fate with Saturn at this time. Grazing lunar occultation of star Delta Cancer (visible from the UK approx 22:12 to 22:21. 21:32 Mars sextile Saturn. 22:28 Retro Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 4 Sagittarius. The 2nd of three such conjunctions this season.

Wednesday 28th November 2018

06.31 Retro-Mercury at 4 Sagittarius waxing decile Venus at 28 Libra 07.33 The rapidly disseminating Moon decelerating at 14 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 09.36 Mars at 8 Pisces waning septile Uranus at 29 Aries 17.28 The Moon at 20 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn

Thursday 29th November 2018

04.27 Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn. A single hard hit of this 'power seeking' aspect before the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in 2020. 08.17 The disseminating decelerating Moon at 28 Leo waning sextile Venus at 28 Libra 09.47 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 11.09 The Moon ingresses Virgo A Mutable T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter 14:00 to 19:30 14.43 The Moon at 2 Virgo waning square Mercury at 2 Sagittarius 19.12 The Moon at 5 Virgo waning square Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius 22.24 Retro-Mercury at 2 Sagittarius waning decile Saturn at 8 Capricorn

Friday 30th November 2018

A HYPERACTIVE COMET APPROACHES EARTH: A small but hyperactive comet named 46P Wirtanen is nearing Earth for one of the 10 closest approaches by any comet of the Space Age. Wirtanen's emerald green atmosphere is now larger than the full Moon, and it is an increasingly easy target for binoculars and small telescopes. Naked-eye viewing could be just around the corner. Visit for the full story. Venus Uranus and the lunar node are in tight acute cardinal 'T' square, exact early tomorrow (GMT). Agitated and disturbed unions and interactions may well manifest. The last quarter Moon opposes both Mars and Neptune this morning (GMT). A little tenseness adds to the agitation. 00.04 The Sun at 8 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 00.18 The decelerating Moon at 8 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 8 Capricorn 00.19 The Moon at Last Quarter. A crisis in consciousness. 02.20 The Moon at 9 Virgo opposition Mars at 9 Pisces 03.52 Venus at 29 Libra waning sesuiquadrate Neptune at 14 Pisces 10.35 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Neptune at 14 Pisces 13.42 Venus at 29 Libra waning decile Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius 16.02 Mercury at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 14 Pisces 20.49 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn. The moon is then void of course for nearly 18 hours. Both Mercury and Venus re-enter Scorpio in the next 50 hours. A return to a more intense set of circumstances is ahead of us.

Saturday 1st December 2018

Venus Uranus and the lunar node are in tight acute cardinal 'T' square, exact during the first quarter of today. Both Mercury and Venus re-enter Scorpio during the next 2 days. A return to a more intense set of circumstances is ahead of us. 02.14 Venus at 29 Libra opposition Uranus at 29 Aries 04.18 Venus at 29 Libra waxing square the lunar node at 29 Cancer 11.14 Retrograde Mercury ingresses back into Scorpio 13.20 The last quarter Moon decelerating at 29 Virgo waxing quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 13.23 The Moon at 29 Virgo waxing sextile the lunar node at 29 Cancer 14.35 The Moon at 30 Virgo waning sextile Mercury at 30 Scorpio, moon void 14.50 The Moon ingresses Libra. Less tense, more measured. 15.40 Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 29 Aries 18.19 The Sun at 9 Sagittarius waxing novile Venus at 29 Libra 21.50 Mercury at 30 Scorpio waxing semi-sextile Venus at 30 Libra

Sunday 2nd December 2018

We are now in the 40 darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere, and in the 40 lightest days in the south. Mars squares the Sun early tomorrow. Willful activity 'against the grain' is on the cards today. 02.06 Venus at 30 Libra waning bi-novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 04.45 The Moon at 8 Libra waning square Saturn at 8 Capricorn 08.31 The Moon at 10 Libra waning sextile The Sun at 10 Sagittarius 08.59 The Moon at 10 Libra waning quincunx Mars at 10 Pisces 09.48 Retro-Mercury at 29 Scorpio waxing trine the lunar node at 29 Cancer 10.16 Retro-Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 14.54 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.03 Venus ingresses Scorpio Venus sextiles Saturn on Dec 16th, with passion and commitment, trines Neptune with artistic flair on Dec 21st and sextiles Pluto, with willful desire on Dec 28th. Venus enters Sagittarius on 7th Jan 2019. Mars in Pisces complements Venus in Scorpio until the end of the year so there is a measure of harmony in personal relationships during this period. Venus in Scorpio summons up magnetic ardor and intense sexuality. Its going to be a passionate Yuletide.

Monday 3rd December 2018

00.35 The Sun at 11 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 11 Pisces 00.37 Uranus at 29 Aries waning square the lunar node at 29 Cancer capturing the electric emotional disturbances of this time in our lives. 01.30 The Moon at 20 Libra waning square Pluto at 20 Capricorn Septiles ahoy. Spiritual gifts. 10.40 Mars at 11 Pisces waxing septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 13.49 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waning septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 13.55 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waning bi-septile Mars at 11 Pisces 18.14 The Moon at 29 Libra waxing square the lunar node at 29 Cancer 18.16 The Moon at 29 Libra opposition Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 19.56 The Moon ingress Scorpio joining retro-Mercury and Venus in this sign. 19.58 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waning novile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 21.06 The Moon at 1 Scorpio conjunction Venus at 1 Scorpio State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 11 Sagittarius. There are 19 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Jupiter is also in Sagittarius. Retrograde Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio. The waning Moon joins them tonight. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Neptune are in Pisces, 3 degrees separate them. Mercury, currently a retrograde morning star in Scorpio, turns direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. He re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all tests then cleared, comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Quite a mesmerizing dance this. His triple conjunction with Jupiter is deeply profound, it will blow our minds, certainly time to speak your mind. Mercury is retrograde until Dec 6th. We can expect the usual events associated with this phenomena such as changes of heart, communication breakdowns, travel delays and cancellations, during the current period. Venus is now a direct morning star back in Scorpio. Venus sextiles Saturn on Dec 16th, with passion and commitment, trines Neptune with artistic flair on Dec 21st and sextiles Pluto, with willful desire on Dec 28th. Venus enters Sagittarius on 7th Jan 2019. Mars in Pisces complements Venus in Scorpio until the end of the year so there is a measure of harmony in personal relationships during this period. Venus in Scorpio summons up magnetic ardor and intense sexuality. Its going to be a passionate Yuletide. Mars is direct and in Pisces. Mars squared the Sun earlier today, willful activity against the grain, is on the cards. Mars is conjunct Neptune on Dec 7th, the highlight of the residence, phantasmagoria. Mars sextiles Pluto on Dec 17th, which is forceful and 'change inducing'. Mars storms in Aries on New Year's Day. Not the easiest of adventures this, particularly so at first, but a little better for inter-gender harmony, when Venus re-enters Scorpio from Dec 2nd, and complements the passive, wavering, otherworldly quality of Mars in Pisces. Jupiter is now in Sagittarius. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for the next year. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus whilst back in Aries will square the lunar node on Dec 3rd 2019 and semi-square Neptune on Dec 15th 2019. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune is now direct in Pisces he has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune will turn retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on June 21 2019. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. 12 degrees now separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. A HYPERACTIVE COMET APPROACHES EARTH: A small but hyperactive comet named 46P Wirtanen is nearing Earth for one of the 10 closest approaches by any comet of the Space Age. Wirtanen's emerald green atmosphere is now larger than the full Moon, and it is an increasingly easy target for binoculars and small telescopes. Naked-eye viewing could be just around the corner. Visit for the full story.

Tuesday 4th December 2018

Old Moon in Scorpio. The Sun about to square Neptune. Mars closing on Neptune. Wilful determination amid phantasmagoria and dissolution. 10.43 The decelerating balsamic Moon at 8 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 8 Capricorn 17.25 The Moon at 12 Scorpio waning trine Mars at 12 Pisces 20.47 The Moon at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces

Wednesday 5th December 2018

Sun square Neptune.

Today...A dose of chaos with the Sun square Neptune. 07.51 The aged Moon decelerating at 20 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 21.54 The Moon at 27 Scorpio conjunction Mercury at 27 Scorpio, moon void 22.22 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 14 Pisces 23.31 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 20 Capricorn

Thursday 6th December 2018

We are one day from the near alignment of Mars and Neptune in Pisces. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the same day (tomorrow) squares the alignment, amplifying its intensity. In the 'Daze Database' of global personalities it is Theresa May who has one of the closest hits to a personal planet from Friday's conjunction. Transiting Mars and Neptune will be a matter of mere minutes of arc from the UK PM's natal Mars. The Neptune transit has been 'eating away' at her natal Mars since April 2017, seemingly undermining all she has tried to do. With transiting Mars now, exactly and certainly, in the mix, we may witness an impetus to a conclusion of sorts to the current chapter in her story. Her will is up against Neptune, Mars and a New Moon. Today... 00.51 The ancient Moon at 29 Scorpio trines her node from north of the ecliptic. 01.00 The Moon at 29 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 02.50 The 'fag end' Moon ingresses Sagittarius joining Jupiter and the Sun in this sign. Ignition. A blast of Sagittarian energy. Hot. 05.13 The Sun at 14 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 29 Aries 14.32 The Moon at 6 Sagittarius conjunction Jupiter at 6 Sagittarius 21.23 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT. Mercury reaches an apparent speed of a degree per day by Dec 16th and is out of his shadow by Christmas day. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 30th January at 10 Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 30 Pisces on March 5th 2019. Time to move forward. New Moon tomorrow.

Friday 7th December 2018

04.12 The Moon at 13 Sagittarius waning square Mars at 13 Pisces 04.42 The Moon at 14 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 14 Pisces 07.21 Moment of NEW MOON Today's New Moon is the fourth New Moon following the Partial Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo on Aug 11th 2018 and the ultimate New Moon before the Solar Eclipse at 15 Cancer on January 6th 2019. With its passing we enter the foothills of a new eclipse season. Today's New Moon is square Mars and Neptune rendering a damaging and possibly destructive potential to proceedings. There is a predominance of planets in Fire and Air signs adding to the inflammatory nature of the time. There is nothing in Air. No rationale. The New Moon is dominated by the very close conjunction of Mars and Neptune today. The aspect is really a whirlpool of sublime astrological energy invoking all manner of sympathetic currents of emotion, action and response. This has a significant influence on the flow of events at the moment. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon rises over France, a big focus there. Jupiter rises over the UK, expansive decision making issues, Saturn rises at Bucharest, the Sun and Moon culminate at Karachi, the Sun sets at Tokyo and Mars and Neptune are at lower culmination at Reykjavik. At least Mercury (and Venus) are now both direct. Progress can now be made. 14.12 Mars at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces. Closest conjunction 14:09, 0.03 degrees separation. The tightest planetary conjunction all year. 22.52 Mars at 14 Pisces waning semi-square Uranus at 29 Aries

Saturday 8th December 2018

10.01 The slowly waxing infant Moon at 29 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 12.03 The Moon ingress Capricorn joining Saturn and Pluto in this sign. 19.21 The Moon at 4 Capricorn waxing sextile Venus at 4 Scorpio

Sunday 9th December 2018

05.09 The very young Moon decelerating at 9 Capricorn conjunction Saturn. Closest conjunction 04:37, 0.35 degree separation. 15.06 The Moon at 14 Capricorn waning sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.52 The Moon at 15 Capricorn waning sextile Mars at 15 Pisces

Monday 10th December 2018

03.21 The decelerating young Moon at 20 Capricorn conjunction Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.07 Mercury at 28 Scorpio waning septile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 20.39 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waxing sextile Mercury at 29 Scorpio A tight discociate T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Node and Uranus 21:00 to 22:00 21.01 The Moon at 29 Capricorn opposition her ascending node at 29 Cancer 21.28 The Moon at 29 Capricorn waning square Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 23.41 The Moon ingresses Aquarius State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 18 Sagittarius. There are 12 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Jupiter is also in Sagittarius. Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio. The Moon, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury, currently a retrograde morning star in Scorpio, turned direct on Dec 6th at 27 Scorpio. He re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and regains a degree per day motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, all residue then cleared, comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th and squares Neptune on Christmas day. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 30th January at 10 Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 30 Pisces on March 5th 2019. Venus is now a direct morning star back in Scorpio. Venus sextiles Saturn on Dec 16th, with passion and commitment, trines Neptune with artistic flair on Dec 21st and sextiles Pluto, with willful desire on Dec 28th. Venus enters Sagittarius on 7th Jan 2019. Mars in Pisces complements Venus in Scorpio until the end of the year so there is a measure of harmony in personal relationships during this period. Venus in Scorpio summons up magnetic ardor and intense sexuality. Its going to be a passionate Yuletide. Mars is direct and in Pisces. Mars sextiles Pluto on Dec 17th, which is forceful and 'change inducing'. Mars storms in Aries on New Year's Day. Not the easiest of adventures this, particularly so at first, but a little better for inter-gender harmony, when Venus re-enters Scorpio from Dec 2nd, and complements the passive, wavering, otherworldly quality of Mars in Pisces. Jupiter is now in Sagittarius. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for the next year. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus whilst back in Aries is semi-square Neptune on Dec 15th 2019. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune is now direct in Pisces he has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune will turn retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on June 21 2019. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. 11 degrees now separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer. A HYPERACTIVE COMET APPROACHES EARTH: A small but hyperactive comet named 46P Wirtanen is nearing Earth for one of the 10 closest approaches by any comet of the Space Age. Wirtanen's emerald green atmosphere is now larger than the full Moon, and it is an increasingly easy target for binoculars and small telescopes. Naked-eye viewing could be just around the corner. Visit for the full story.

Tuesday 11th December 2018

In the UK 1801 chart transiting Saturn is conjunct the IC on Friday of this week. Saturn goes on to conjunct the UK Sun on the day of the Winter Solstice, Dec 21st 2018. These transits occur every 29 years and this time round they are 'one off' aspects. 'Taking stock' is what takes place. The IC conjunction represents an emotional adjustment in the collective body of the population. Last time, November 1989, it was the adjustment to the fall of the Berlin Wall which was taking place. This time it is the handling the self inflicted trauma of Brexit which is occurring. The Saturn/natal Sun conjunction is a turning point and a redefinition of structure and ambition. Transiting Neptune takes over from Saturn next year in the guise of squaring the UK's Mercury. If you think things are confusing right now, the year ahead will teach us the meaning of 'omni confusion'. Today is clear, hard, sharp and unyielding. 03.19 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waxing trine the lunar node at 29 Cancer 08.13 The slowly waxing Moon reaches her crescent phase 11.01 The Moon at 6 Aquarius waxing square Venus at 6 Scorpio 11.38 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 14.34 The Moon at 7 Aquarius waxing sextile Jupiter at 7 Sagittarius 15.38 Mercury at 29 Scorpio waning novile Saturn at 9 Capricorn

Wednesday 12th December 2018

We are now in the twenty darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere, and in the twenty lightest days are in the south. The major outer body aspect currently underway is Uranus at 29 Aries waxing semi-square Neptune at 14 Pisces. The aspect rings out for the 4th, of 5 times, this coming Saturday. The current Uranus Neptune 171 year cycle started in 1993 in Capricorn. The planets are at opposition in 2078-2081, and the cycle ends in 2165 in Aquarius. The influence of this aspect is to bring about a challenge to human consciousness and spiritual cognition. We are having to respond to its 'difficult enlightenment'. The inner planets are in an astrologically quieter state for the next few days, their only aspects before the Solstice being Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn next Sunday, which is resolutely affectionate, and the sharper more agitated Mars sextile Pluto on Monday. The significant aspect building up as the full moon solstice approaches is Mercury conjunct Jupiter. That one is more mind blowing. The glorious procession to the shortest day continues. 01.27 The Sun at 20 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 12.26 The Moon is at Apogee, furthest point from the Earth and slowest all month. 17.37 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon at 21 Aquarius waxing sextiles The Sun at 21 Sagittarius 23.44 Mercury re-enters Sagittarius joining the Sun and Jupiter in this sign. He regains a degree per day motion, after recent retrograde motion by Dec 15th. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, bringing forth wisdom and heightened awareness at the time of the solstice, and he comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th, squaring Neptune on Christmas day beguiling that day with escapist glamour. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 30th January at 10 Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 30 Pisces on March 5th 2019. In Sagittarius Mercury is forthright, dogmatic, brash, forceful and optimistic.

Thursday 13th December 2018

10.20 The slowly waxing crescent Moon at 29 Aquarius waning sextile Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 12.41 The Moon ingresses Pisces joining Mars and Neptune in this sign. 13.39 The Moon at 0 Pisces waxing square Mercury at 0 Sagittarius

Friday 14th December 2018

The Moon, Mars and Neptune in Pisces.

Photo Tommy Eliassen. Comet Wirtanen is approaching Earth for an historic encounter on Dec 16th, one of the 10 closest comet flybys of the Space Age. Some people are calling it the Christmas Comet. Today has movement and depth. The glorious procession to the solstice continues. Rich emotion is manifest evoked by the Moon, Mars and Neptune in Pisces. Life is but a dream. 02.05 Mercury at 1 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Neptune at 14 Pisces 04.11 The Moon slowly accelerating towards first quarter at 8 Pisces waxing trine Venus at 8 Scorpio 04.45 The Moon at 8 Pisces waxing square Jupiter at 8 Sagittarius 07.32 The Moon at 9 Pisces waxing sextile Saturn at 9 Capricorn 16.00 Venus at 8 Scorpio waning semi-sextile Jupiter at 8 Sagittarius 16.07 Venus at 8 Scorpio waning quintile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 16.35 The Moon at 14 Pisces conjunction Neptune at 14 Pisces

Saturday 15th December 2018

02.19 The Moon gaining in light and motion conjunction Mars at 19 Pisces 05.05 The Moon at 20 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 07.49 Mars at 19 Pisces waning novile Uranus at 29 Aries 11.08 Uranus at 29 Aries waxing semi-square Neptune at 14 Pisces Uranus waxing semi-square Neptune (one of five such aspects:- Aug 11th 2017, Oct 7th 2017, June 16th 2018, Dec 15th 2018 and May 2nd 2019). The current Uranus Neptune 171 year cycle started in 1993 in Capricorn. The planets are at opposition in 2078-2081, and the cycle ends in 2165 in Aquarius. The influence of this aspect is to bring about a challenge to human consciousness and spiritual cognition. We are having to respond to its 'difficult enlightenment'. 11.50 The Moon at First Quarter, moon void 20.36 The Sun at 24 Sagittarius waning bi-novile Neptune at 14 Pisces 21.39 The Moon at 28 Pisces waning trine the lunar node at 28 Cancer

Sunday 16th December 2018

A renewed urgency to all matters. Go with it. Commitment is in evidence with Venus in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn. 00.46 The accelerating first quarter Moon ingresses Aries joining Uranus in this sign. 06.49 The Moon at 3 Aries waxing trine Mercury at 3 Sagittarius 14.08 The Sun at 25 Sagittarius waxing semi-square Venus at 10 Scorpio 14.27 Venus at 10 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 10 Capricorn 17.13 The Moon at 8 Aries waxing trine Jupiter at 8 Sagittarius 17.36 Mercury at 4 Sagittarius waning decile Saturn at 10 Capricorn 19.22 The Moon at 10 Aries waxing square Saturn at 10 Capricorn 19.39 The Moon at 10 Aries waxing quincunx Venus at 10 Scorpio

Monday 17th December 2018

A little inflamed passion as the day commences with Mars sextile Pluto and the Moon in Aries. 06.58 Mars at 20 Pisces waxing sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 15.21 The Moon at 20 Aries, gaining in light and motion, waxing square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 19.10 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning biquintile Uranus at 29 Aries State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 25 Sagittarius. There are 5 days to the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury and Jupiter are also in Sagittarius. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars and Neptune are in Pisces. We are in the foothills of an eclipse season. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn occurs on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019. The final approach to the Solstice coincides with a build up to a crescendo Full Moon exact on Saturday. The time is important. Mercury, currently a morning star, re-entered Sagittarius on Dec 12th, and has now regained a degree per day motion. He is conjunct Jupiter a third time on Dec 21st at 10 Sagittarius, bringing forth wisdom and heightened awareness at the time of the solstice, and he comes out of his shadow on Dec 24th, squaring Neptune on Christmas day, beguiling that day with escapist glamour. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 30th January at 10 Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 30 Pisces on March 5th 2019. In Sagittarius Mercury is forthright, dogmatic, brash, forceful and optimistic. Venus is now a direct morning star back in Scorpio. Venus trines Neptune with artistic flair on Dec 21st and sextiles Pluto, with willful desire on Dec 28th. Venus enters Sagittarius on 7th Jan 2019. Mars in Pisces complements Venus in Scorpio until the end of the year so there is a measure of harmony in personal relationships during this period. Venus in Scorpio summons up magnetic ardor and intense sexuality. Its going to be a passionate Yuletide. Mars is direct and in Pisces. Mars sextiles Pluto today, which is forceful and 'change inducing'. Mars storms in Aries on New Year's Day. Not the easiest of adventures this, particularly so at first, but a little better for inter-gender harmony, when Venus re-enters Scorpio from Dec 2nd, and complements the passive, wavering, otherworldly quality of Mars in Pisces. Jupiter is now in Sagittarius. Jupiter will reside in his own sign Sagittarius for the next year. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus whilst back in Aries is semi-square Neptune on Dec 15th 2019. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th next year. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune is now direct in Pisces he has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune will turn retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on June 21 2019. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 20 degrees of that sign. 11 degrees now separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse as mentioned above is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.

Tuesday 18th December 2018

02.28 The Moon gaining in light and motion at 26 Aries waxing trine The Sun at 26 Sagittarius 02.54 Mercury at 5 Sagittarius waning semi-square Pluto at 20 Capricorn 06.30 The Moon at 28 Aries squares her node from south of the ecliptic. 07.22 The Moon at 29 Aries conjunction Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 09.39 The Moon ingresses Taurus, introducing a resolute atmosphere. Stoned ground words, straight to the heart. 20.32 The Moon at 6 Taurus waxing quincunx Mercury at 6 Sagittarius

Wednesday 19th December 2018

Three days now to the Solstice and four to the Full Moon. Both astrological events are essentially positive. Today has solid foundations. People are resolute, responses are intransigent. It's a bit of a graft and a grudge. This 'mood' ensues till mid afternoon(GMT) on Thursday when the burgeoning Moon then speeds into Gemini opening up and out a dazzling vibrancy which sets the scene for the Solstice experience. Mercury is applying to a conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius, opening and expanding relisation and cerebral sensation. Minor lunar occultation of star X2 Cetus (visible from the UK approx 00:38 to 01:15). 01.55 The Moon at 9 Taurus waxing quincunx Jupiter at 9 Sagittarius 03.28 The Moon at 10 Taurus waxing trine Saturn at 10 Capricorn 06.55 The Moon at 12 Taurus opposition Venus at 12 Scorpio 07.53 The Moon reaches her waxing gibbous phase The procession to the Solstice Full Moon now starts in earnest. 10.34 The Moon at 14 Taurus waxing sextile Neptune at 14 Pisces 21.41 The Moon at 20 Taurus waxing trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn

Thursday 20th December 2018

Lunar pressures are now rising as the weekend Full Moon approaches. Today, especially the afternoon (GMT) has the potential for excitement as the Sun trines Uranus. 00.42 The waxing gibbous Moon at 22 Taurus sextile Mars at 22 Pisces, moon void. The Moon is void of course for 14 hours. 02.17 Mars at 22 Pisces waxing quintile Saturn at 10 Capricorn 07.41 Mars at 22 Pisces waxing bi-septile Jupiter at 9 Sagittarius 11.28 The Moon at 28 Taurus waning sextile her node from south of the ecliptic. 12.06 The Moon at 29 Taurus waxing quincunx The Sun at 29 Sagittarius 14.36 The Moon ingresses Gemini, introducing a veritable buzz of energy. 16.22 The Sun at 29 Sagittarius waning trine Uranus at 29 Aries

Friday 21st December 2018

Winter Solstice

A very vibrant 'almost full moon in Gemini' Solstice is upon us.

This (GMT) day starts with a besieged, highly kinetic Moon, under stress. 05.04 Mars at 23 Pisces waning decile Uranus at 29 Aries 05.42 The Moon at 9 Gemini opposition Mercury at 9 Sagittarius 06.36 The Moon at 9 Gemini opposition Jupiter at 9 Sagittarius 07.41 The Moon at 10 Gemini waxing quincunx Saturn at 10 Capricorn 13.47 The Moon at 14 Gemini waning quincunx Venus at 14 Scorpio 13.59 The Moon at 14 Gemini waxing square Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.12 Venus at 14 Scorpio waning trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.38 Mercury at 10 Sagittarius conjunction Jupiter at 10 Sagittarius, closest conjunction 19:52 0.83 degree separation 22.24 The Sun ingresses Capricorn

At the height of the darkness the light is reborn. Such is the message and the symbolism of the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. This Solstice is characterised by an essentially favorable astrology. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius offering wisdom and optimism, Venus in Scorpio is trine Neptune offering imaginative and emotional artistry and the Sun is trine Uranus offering radical innovation. The waxing gibbous accelerating Moon in Gemini is not totally happy applying quincunx to Pluto and square to Mars which funnels the vibrancy and diversification of Gemini into agitation and restlessness, and Saturn is on the Sun/Pluto midpoint, which casts a deepening shadow as to the seriousness of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn events over the next couple of years. However Saturn is currently applying in sextile to Neptune, the hallmark of 2019, and indicative of a possible sea change in political, scientific and faith issues. In conclusion this Solstice marks the ages with a realistic optimism which stretches beyond immediate difficulties. A very Happy Solstice wish is extended to all Daze readers. Thank you. At the exact moment of Solstice, just after 22.23 GMT, the Moon is rising at New Orleans and at Quito, there is a Saturn Uranus paran at Tokyo. Neptune is setting at London and at Algiers. Mars sets at Copenhagen and at Cape town. It is true midnight at Athens, Sunset is at Atlanta, Mercury and Jupiter set at Veracruz and are at lower culmination at Paris, the Moon culminates at Rome.

Saturday 22nd December 2018

Full Moon in Cancer

The Solstice Full Moon is sextile Uranus. THE DAZE IS NOW 19 YEARS OLD. The destiny of the daze is very much bound up with the Northern Hemisphere's Winter Solstice. 00.32 The rapidly waxing Full Moon at 20 Gemini waxing quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 05.41 The Moon at 23 Gemini waxing square Mars at 23 Pisces 05.42 Mercury at 10 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 10 Capricorn 06.33 Mercury at 10 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 14.22 The Moon at 29 Gemini waxing sextile Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void The Moon is void of course for just over two hours 16.30 The almost exactly full Moon ingress Cancer. Homing instincts take over. There is a strong pull towards the homestead. 17.38 Mercury at 11 Sagittarius waning bi-septile Mars at 24 Pisces 17.49 Moment of FULL MOON

This is the 5th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse at 5 Aquarius on July 27th 2018 and the ultimate Full Moon before another Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2018. We are now fully in a new eclipse season. At the moment of Full Moon Mars is conjunct the MC of the UK. Uranus rises at Montreal, sets over Korea and culminates at Istanbul, Saturn culminates at Lima. At Chicago, the Sun and Moon are aligned to the Prime Meridian. Today's Full Moon at 1 degree Cancer directly and closely targets the Jupiter of Emmanuel Macron, the Mars of Spain, India and Pakistan, the Uranus of the Koreas, the ascendant of Nigeria, the Mercury of Italy, the MC of the EU, the Uranus of the Gerry Adam's generation, the IC of Bob Dlyan, the Saturn of Jeff Beck, and the Mars Saturn conjunction of football manager Darren Moore.

Sunday 23rd December 2018

After recent tumultuous astrological tides we have now arrived at a quieter 'home oriented' period. The blood is strong. A time to call all the sons and daughters home. A brooding period now ensues as the Full Moon has climaxed and the month of Capricorn is underway. We are most emphatically in an eclipse season with a very robust Partial Solar Eclipse two weeks today at 15 degrees Capricorn. A time to formulate many plans. Today... 08.36 The accelerating waning full Moon at 10 Cancer quincunx Jupiter at 10 Sagittarius 09.18 The Moon at 10 Cancer opposition Saturn at 10 Capricorn 11.45 The Moon at 12 Cancer waning quincunx Mercury at 12 Sagittarius A watery grand trine is manifest involving the Moon, Venus and Neptune 15:00 to 18:00 Good feelings may abound during these few hours. 15.04 The Moon at 14 Cancer waxing trine Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.56 The Moon at 16 Cancer waning trine Venus at 16 Scorpio 19.54 The Sun at 2 Capricorn waning quintile Neptune at 14 Pisces

Monday 24th December 2018

More than 220 people have been killed and 843 injured after a tsunami hit coastal towns on Indonesia's Sunda Strait. There was no warning of the giant waves which struck at night, destroying hundreds of buildings, sweeping away cars and uprooting trees. It is thought undersea landslides from the Anak Krakatau volcano caused them. The Tsunami hit at 14:30 GMT on Saturday. The Full Moon, which peaked some 4 hours later, was within 2 degrees of the Indonesian chart Uranus, (27th Dec 1949) square Mars. Transiting Mars was conjunct the Indonesian Mars/Neptune midpoint. 'Violence in the waters' is the symbolism behind this tragedy. 01.24 The very rapidly waning Full Moon at 20 Cancer opposition Pluto at 20 Capricorn 08.38 The Moon at 25 Cancer waxing trine Mars at 25 Pisces 09.47 The Moon is at Perigee, closest point to the Earth and fastest all month. 13.42 The Moon conjunction her node at 28 Cancer 14.51 The Moon at 29 Cancer waxing square Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 17.00 The Moon ingresses Leo 19.41 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning sesuiquadrate Uranus at 29 Aries 21.53 The Moon at 3 Leo waning quincunx The Sun at 3 Capricorn Mercury is square Neptune as the (GMT) day ends.

Tuesday 25th December 2018

Happy Christmas to all Daze readers.

A 'no holds barred' day of celebration, children, play, toys and extravagance. A real C02 fest. 00.33 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning square Neptune at 14 Pisces. Confused communications. Quickly passing. Minor Christmas morning (GMT) lunar occultation of star Delta Cancer (visible telescopically from the UK approx 07:50 to 08:28). 07.57 Mercury at 14 Sagittarius waning decile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 09.45 The rapidly waning full Moon, decelerating at 10 Leo waning trine Jupiter at 10 Sagittarius. 10.08 The Moon at 11 Leo waning quincunx Saturn at 11 Capricorn 10.41 Jupiter at 10 Sagittarius waning novile Pluto at 20 Capricorn 15.35 The Moon at 14 Leo waxing quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces 17.06 The Moon at 15 Leo waning trine Mercury at 15 Sagittarius 21.38 The Moon at 18 Leo waning square Venus at 18 Scorpio 22.33 Saturn at 11 Capricorn waning tri-decile Uranus at 29 Aries. A 'one off' minor aspect in the 44 year cycle of these two planets. The cycle symbolising 'spiritual strength', started in 1988 in Sagittarius, climaxed from 2008 to 2010 across Virgo Pisces, is at 'last quarter aspect' in 2021 from Aquarius to Taurus, and ends in 2032 in late Gemini. The waning tri-decile aspect prepares the way for the crisis of the last quarter phase in 3 years time.

Wednesday 26th December 2018

Yesterdays's 'Mercury square Neptune uncertainties' coincided with Japan's main stock market index plunging, reflecting traders' worries following a slide on Wall Street. The Nikkei closed down 5% on Tuesday, its worst finish since April 2017. Indexes in Shanghai, Bangkok and Taiwan also fell. 00.01 The decelerating Moon reaches her disseminating phase 02.04 The Moon at 20 Leo waning quincunx Pluto at 20 Capricorn 11.39 The Moon at 26 Leo waxing quincunx Mars at 26 Pisces 15.37 The Moon at 29 Leo waxing trine Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void 17.51 The Moon ingresses Virgo. The extravagances of the previous couple of days now gives way to practical considerations. 22.51 Venus at 19 Scorpio waning quad-novile Uranus at 29 Aries

Thursday 27th December 2018

A nit picking atmosphere. Refined choices. More practical considerations. 02.34 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 5 Virgo waning trine The Sun at 5 Capricorn 11.49 The Moon at 11 Virgo waning square Jupiter at 11 Sagittarius 11.52 The Moon at 11 Virgo waning trine Saturn at 11 Capricorn 17.09 The Moon at 14 Virgo opposition Neptune at 14 Pisces 19.18 Jupiter at 11 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Saturn at 11 Capricorn First of three of these semi-sextile aspects between Jupiter and Saturn prior to their 'Grand Conjunction' on Dec 21st 2020. (Dec 27th 2018, June 14th 2019, August19th 2019). Jupiter's optimism in Sagittarius encounters Saturn's austerity in Capricorn. An interesting battle of attitudes. 19.22 Venus at 19 Scorpio waning septile Saturn at 11 Capricorn

Friday 28th December 2018

Venus sextile Pluto.

Another essentially practical day. Nine days to a partial solar eclipse. A hint of changes in allegiances today. 00.04 The decelerating disseminating Moon at 18 Virgo waning square Mercury at 18 Sagittarius 02.52 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning sextile Venus at 20 Scorpio 04.05 The Moon at 20 Virgo waning trine Pluto at 20 Capricorn 16.27 The Moon at 28 Virgo opposition Mars at 28 Pisces, moon void 16.31 The Moon at 28 Virgo waxing sextile the lunar node at 28 Cancer 17.32 Mars at 28 Pisces waning trine the lunar node at 28 Cancer 18.03 The Moon at 29 Virgo waxing quincunx Uranus at 29 Aries 20.25 The Moon ingresses Libra 21.32 Venus at 20 Scorpio waning sextile Pluto at 20 Capricorn

Saturday 29th December 2018

09.35 The decelerating Moon is at Last Quarter 15.42 The Moon at 11 Libra waning square Saturn at 11 Capricorn 16.01 The Moon at 11 Libra waning sextile Jupiter at 11 Sagittarius 16.45 Mercury at 21 Sagittarius waning semi-sextile Pluto at 21 Capricorn 20.52 The Moon at 14 Libra waning quincunx Neptune at 14 Pisces

Sunday 30th December 2018

Police in Egypt have killed dozens of militants during security raids on their hideouts, the interior ministry has said. The raids killed "40 terrorists" in Giza and North Sinai on Saturday morning, according to a statement from the ministry. It said the militants were planning a series of attacks on tourist sites, churches and military personnel. The raids followed Friday's roadside bomb attack on a tour bus in Giza. No group has yet said it was behind the blast, which killed three Vietnamese tourists and an Egyptian tour guide, but Islamist militants have targeted tourists in Egypt in the past. It is significant that transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius is conjunct the Egyptian natal Mars today. The Sun is within 3 degrees of Saturn in Capricorn. There will be more than a touch of seriousness, over the next few days, before changes induced by the partial solar eclipse one week from now. Today restfulness and balance may be obtainable amid mild disturbances. 01.14 Mars at 29 Pisces waning semi-sextile Uranus at 29 Aries 08.24 The decelerating last quarter Moon at 21 Libra waning square Pluto at 21 Capricorn 10.14 The Moon at 22 Libra waning sextile Mercury at 22 Sagittarius A Cardinal T-square is manifest involving the Moon, Uranus and the Lunar Node 21:00 to 23:00 21.06 The Moon at 28 Libra waxing square the lunar node at 28 Cancer 22.54 The Moon at 29 Libra opposition Uranus at 29 Aries, moon void

Monday 31st December 2018

00.04 The decelerating post last quarter Moon at 29 Libra waning quincunx Mars at 29 Pisces 01.25 The Moon ingresses Scorpio joining Venus in this sign. 01.48 The Sun at 9 Capricorn waning bi-novile Mars at 29 Pisces 06.00 Mercury at 23 Sagittarius waxing semi-sextile Venus at 23 Scorpio 15.25 Mars at 30 Pisces waxing tri-decile Jupiter at 12 Sagittarius 19.47 The Moon at 10 Scorpio waning sextile The Sun at 10 Capricorn 22.10 The Moon at 11 Scorpio waning sextile Saturn at 11 Capricorn Looking forward to your company here in 2019. Stay tuned to The Daze. State of the sky:- Today the Sun is at 11 degrees Capricorn. Saturn and Pluto are also in Capricorn. The Moon and Venus are in Scorpio. There are 79 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury and Jupiter are in Sagittarius. We are in an eclipse season. A Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn occurs on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019. Mercury, currently a morning star, re-entered Sagittarius on Dec 12th. He trines Uranus on Jan 4th 2019, entering Capricorn on Jan 5th, squaring Mars a final time on January 8th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 30th January at 10 Aquarius. Mercury next turns retrograde at 30 Pisces on March 5th 2019. In Sagittarius Mercury is forthright, dogmatic, brash, forceful and optimistic. Venus is now a direct morning star in Scorpio. Venus enters Sagittarius on 7th Jan 2019. Venus in Scorpio summons up magnetic ardor and intense sexuality. Mars enters Aries tomorrow. Jupiter is in Sagittarius. This is a visionary time. The motivation here is a need to move, to grow, to seek freedom, to expand and to 'open up'. Optimism, energy, forthrightness, faith in the future and expression of adventure are the hallmarks of the residence. Jupiter makes a waning square to Neptune, Jan 13th 2019, June 16th 2019 and Sept 21st 2019. This is the only major aspect of the residence and suggests a 'delusional unreal glamorous accompaniment' to this essentially jovial component of the nature of the skies in the year ahead. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius adds wit and wonderment before the inevitable astrological maelstrom of 2020 when he joins the two heavy weights in the sign of the goat. Jupiter is all the time moving towards the 2020 union with Saturn and Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn. Jupiter then moves on to conjunct Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces in 2022. The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurs on the Winter Solstice 2020. This will be a 'mutation conjunction'. It is the first of an unbroken series of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in Air signs which extend till around 2140. Since 1840 all the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been in Earth signs, with the exception of the 1980-1981 triple conjunction. Saturn is direct in Capricorn. The energy of Saturn in this sign is dense, practical, realistic, industrious on a huge scale, formative, establishing and sustaining. Saturn was last in Capricorn between 1988 and 1991. During the residence Saturn will sextile Neptune in Pisces three times during 2019, 31st Jan, 18th June and Nov 9th. All world religions may face serious issues of faith, science and political change during these times. Saturn will conjunct the dragon's tail (lunar descending node) in 2019 demanding a karmic debt be paid. The most important aspect however is Saturn conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. The are warlike connotations with this symbolism, this is a danger zone. The last time these two astrological heavy weights meet in Capricorn was in 1518, and before that in 1248. We are dealing here with 'forces majeure'. Saturn remains in Capricorn till Feb 17th 2020. Uranus is now retrograde and revisiting Aries. Uranus is spending 150 days concluding his un-finished business in Aries before re-entering Taurus on April 6th. He will then reside in Taurus until July 2025. Neptune is now direct in Pisces he has been in this sign since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is symbolic of the greatest watery immersion in the deepest subliminal and spiritual ocean. Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a transit that only occurs every 165 years. Neptune rules Pisces and also rules the deepest realms of the subconscious mind. The oceanic vibration of love is flowing with a deeper and higher frequency. Our human mission is to flow with it. Art, music and science are enhanced with the progress of this residence. The blue hair we see these days is very Neptune in Pisces. Neptune will turn retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on June 21 2019. Neptune enters Aries on March 30th 2025. Pluto is now direct in Capricorn at 21 degrees of that sign. 10 degrees now separate Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is conjunct Pluto on Jan 12th 2020. This is the 'serious zone'. The following astrological heavyweight event, later on in 2020, is the 'Grand Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn at the start of Aquarius occurring on the Winter Solstice of that year, beckoning to a healthier 'New Age Feeling' just a little way beyond. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. The next eclipse as mentioned above is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 15 Capricorn on Jan 6th 2019 (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, all in Capricorn), this is followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 1 Leo on Jan 21st 2019 (as Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius). The following eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse (passing through South America) on July 2nd 2019 at 11 Cancer.