Wednesday 1 January 2014 New Year's Day New Moon. Happy New Year to all 'Daze' readers.A Cardinal T-square of Mars, Uranus and Jupiter lasts until Jan 9th. The nature of this planetary pattern is largely concerned with the 'putting to bed' of old issues that can finally be confronted and overcome. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Capricorn EA 10 Cancer UR sqr PL .2 Mon 04 Capricorn ME 16 Capricorn ME sex SA .37 Mer 12 Capricorn VE 4 Cancer VE trn NE .56 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 5 Virgo ME opp JU .56 Mar 12 Libra JU 15 Cancer MA opp NE .73 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA opp PL .81 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA .93 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sqr UR 1.01 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE sex MA 1.29 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 15 Earth Air 1Water 4Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 8Fixed 2Mutable 1active now. Positive 2Negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Me .02 Ma Mo/Ju .09 Pl Su/Mo .06 Me Mo/Pl .02 Mo Ne/No .04 Pl Su/Me .34 Mo Su/Pl .3 Me Su/Mo .04 Me Sa/Ne .29 Ne Ve/Ur .49 Su Mo/Pl .36 Pl Sa/Ne .55 Su Ma/Ur .32 Su Ma/Ur .52 Mo Sa/Ne .39 Su Sa/Ne .59 Ne Ve/Ur .44 Pl Sa/Ne .54 Mo Su/Me .51 Ne Ve/Ur .61 Pl Sa/Ne .54 Me Sa/Ne .68 Pl Sa/Ne .55 Su Ma/Ur .91 Pl Ma/Ur 1.1 Su Mo/Me .69 Ne Ve/Ur .55 Pl Ma/Ur .95Significant geocentric harmonic 4 all day peaking at the time of the New Moon. The very ancient Moon sextiles her node 00:45 The Moon squares Uranus 07:41 Moon conjunction Sun 11:15 New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Mercury and Pluto, square Mars, square Uranus and in cardinalcross with these and Jupiter.
Today's New Moon, on New Year's day, is the second New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3rd 2013 in Scorpio and the 4th New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 29th 2014. Today's New Moon is a heavy weight lunation hooking into the cardinal grand square which will dominate the skies of earth during the coming season. There are a massive 11 planetary squares operative now, hence the strong 4th harmonic today mentioned above. This New Moon sets the tone for much that is shortly to befall us. Its new year day occurence sheds a more hopeful light on what would normally be an ominous event. It is time to go back to basics in terms of an evaluation of what has happened, a celebration for what is and a realistic plan for the future. Care and circumspection are of paramount importance at this time. At the moment of New Moon today the Moon is rising at Port- au-Prince Haiti, the Sun rises at Medelin and at Quito. The Moon culminates at Munich, the Sun and Pluto culminate at Venice. Venus culminates at Johannesburg, Uranus rises at Brussels and at Dijon. Today's New moon directly hits the natal Sun of many countries in the world including of course the UK. It also hits the natal Mercury of Pope Francis, the ascendant of Prince Harry and the natal jupiter of Stephane Sessegnon. Today is the birthday of Country Joe McDonald, Don Novello and actor Colin Morgan. January 1, 2014 presents the first of two supermoons to occur in a single calendar month. The second supermoon will come on January 30, 2014. We won’t have a single calendar month with two supermoons again until January 2018.The term supermoon didn’t come from astronomy. We used to call them perigee new moons or perigee full moons. Perigee means “near Earth. ”An astrologer, Richard Nolle, is credited with coining the term supermoon. He defines them as:a new of full moon with the moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth. The year 2014 gives us a total of five supermoons :two January new moons, and the full moons of July, August and September. The very rapidly moving 'new born' Moon is conjunct Pluto 11:45 Retro-Venus quintiles Uranus 12:29 The Moon squares Mars 12:42 The Moon conjuncts Mercury 14:33 Sun conjunction Pluto 18:58 Moon opposition Jupiter 19:10
Moon at perigee 21:01 (closest to Stay with 'The Daze' in 2014.and fastest all month) Earth Thursday 2 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Capricorn EA 11 Cancer EA sqr UR 0 Mon 19 Capricorn ME 19 Capricorn VE sex MA .11 Mer 14 Capricorn VE 6 Cancer EA opp PL .21 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 6 Virgo UR sqr PL .21 Mar 12 Libra JU 15 Cancer JU trn SA .88 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio VE trn NE 1.05 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp NE 1.16 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME sex SA 2.55 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME opp JU 3.43 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 15 Earth Air 1Water 4Cardinal 8Fixed 2Mutable 1Positive 2Negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Ve .11 Su Sa/Ne .11 Su Sa/Ne .13 Su Sa/Ne .37 Mo Ve/Pl .22 Pl Sa/Ne .56 Ne Mo/Ur .53 Pl Sa/Ne .58 Su Sa/Ne .35 Ne Ve/Ur .73 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Pl Ma/Ur .76 Pl Sa/Ne .56 Pl Ma/Ur .86 Ne Ve/Ur .79 Ne Ve/Ur .85 Ne Ve/Ur .67 Su Me/Pl .95 Pl Ma/Ur .81 Su Me/Pl .85 Pl Ma/Ur .9 Su Ma/Ur 1.31 Su Me/Pl .9 Mo Sa/Ur .99 Mo Me/Ve .99 Ma Ju/Pl 1.43 Ma Ju/Pl 1.31 Ma Ju/Pl 1.18 The rapidly waxing infant New Moon in Capricorn sextiles Saturn 02:07 The Moon conjuncts Venus (close 0.7 degrees from exact alignment) becoming void 11:13 and remaining that way for 6 hours. The Moon enters Aquarius 17:04 The Moon squares her nodal axis 23:37 The Sun squares Mars and Mercury opposes Jupiter as the day ends. Tense astrological weather.Friday 3 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Capricorn EA 13 Cancer UR sqr PL .21 Mon 04 Aquarius ME 22 Capricorn JU trn SA .83 Mer 15 Capricorn VE 7 Cancer EA sqr UR 1.01 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 6 Virgo VE sex MA 1.07 Mar 13 Libra JU 15 Cancer EA opp PL 1.22 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio MA opp NE 1.59 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn NE 2.67 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA con JU 2.7 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn SA 3.52 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 1Earth 4Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .58 Mo Su/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Pl Ma/Ur .57 Su Sa/Ne .61 Ve Su/Mo .41 Pl Ma/Ur .62 Pl Sa/Ne .6 Pl Ma/Ur .71 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Su Me/Pl .71 Su Me/Pl .66 Su Me/Pl .81 Pl Ma/Ur .67 Ma Ju/Pl .82 Ma Ju/Pl .7 Ne Ve/Ur .92 Su Me/Pl .76 Ve Mo/Pl .89 Ne Ve/Ur 1.11 Ma Ju/Pl 1.06 Su Sa/Ne .85 Ne Ve/Ur 1.05 Mo Ve/Ne 1.29 Ve Mo/Me 1.16 Mo Ne/Pl .9 Su Sa/Ne 1.09 Su Sa/Ne 1.33 The Sun squares Mars 00:15 The fast moving but decelerating infant Moon in Aquarius sextiles Uranus 06:47 Mercury opposes Jupiter 07:12 Mercury waxing quintile the lunar node 12:02 The Moon air trine Mars 13:13Saturday 4 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Capricorn EA 14 Cancer UR sqr PL .22 Mon 20 Aquarius ME 25 Capricorn JU trn SA .77 Mer 17 Capricorn VE 9 Cancer EA con JU 1.76 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 7 Virgo EA sqr UR 2.02 Mar 13 Libra JU 15 Cancer MA opp NE 2.02 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA opp PL 2.24 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE sex MA 2.25 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE opp PL 2.28 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE sqr UR 2.5 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 4Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Ur .52 Ma Ju/Pl .46 Ma Ju/Pl .34 Me Ve/Pl .1 Ma Ju/Pl .58 Pl Ma/Ur .48 Pl Ma/Ur .43 Ma Ju/Pl .22 Pl Sa/Ne .6 Su Me/Pl .57 Su Me/Pl .52 Pl Ma/Ur .38 Su Me/Pl .62 Pl Sa/Ne .61 Mo Su/Ur .56 Su Me/Pl .48 Ne Ve/Ur 1.18 Me Ve/Pl 1.03 Me Ve/Pl .57 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Me Ve/Pl 1.5 Ne Ve/Ur 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne .61 Pl Mo/Sa .73 Su Sa/Ne 1.57 Ma Su/Ju 1.67 Mo Me/Ur 1.3 Mo Ve/Ur 1.32 Yesterday under tense astrological aspects, the ongoing Cardinal T-square, Sun square Mars, Mercury opposite Jupiter, manifested with extreme weather on both sides of the Atlantic. A major winter storm caused travel chaos in the north-eastern US, bringing up to two feet (60cm) of snow to some places. In the UK High tides and strong winds lead to flooding in Wales and south-west England as officials warned of a continuing flood threat across the west of the UK. Today the decelerating infant Moon rapidly growing in Aquarius squares Saturn becoming void 01:48 The Moon is void of course for 15 hours. The Moon reaches waxing crescent phase 15:41 The Moon enters Pisces 16:59 joining Neptune in that sign. Mercury waning semi-square Neptune 20:17 Moon conjunction Neptune 22:28 Moon trine Node 23:39 Jupiter is opposite the Sun tomorrow.Sunday 5 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Capricorn EA 15 Cancer UR sqr PL .22 Mon 04 Pisces ME 28 Capricorn VE opp PL .67 Mer 19 Capricorn VE 11 Cancer JU trn SA .72 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 7 Virgo EA con JU .82 Mar 13 Libra JU 15 Cancer VE sqr UR .89 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA trn SA 1.55 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp NE 2.45 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sqr UR 3.02 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA opp PL 3.25 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 1Earth 4Air 1Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2active now. Positive 2Negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/Pl .1 Ma Ju/Pl .02 Ma Ju/Pl .14 Me Su/Ve .16 Pl Ma/Ur .34 Pl Ma/Ur .29 Pl Ma/Ur .24 Pl Ma/Ur .2 Me Ve/Pl .37 Su Me/Pl .39 Su Me/Pl .34 Ma Ju/Pl .26 Su Me/Pl .43 Su Mo/Sa .5 Me Su/Ve .51 Su Me/Pl .3 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Pl Sa/Ne .64 Pl Sa/Ne .64 Pl Mo/Sa 1.09 Me Ve/Pl .85 Su Mo/Sa 1.05 Me Ur/No 1.57 Me Su/Ve 1.21 Me Su/Ve .86 Me Ve/Pl 1.32 Ne Ve/Ur 1.67 Today we are half way through the astrological month of Capricorn. We are now out of the darkest month of the year in the north, and the lightest month has passed in the south. The season slowly turns. Mars is on the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. A good morning to inspire others. With the impressionable young moon in Pisces you may even secure a following. The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto 11:53 Moon sextile Sun 18:31 Moon trine Jupiter 18:44 Sun opposition Jupiter 21:12 There are 100 days to a Total Lunar Eclipse.Monday 6 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Capricorn EA 16 Cancer EA con JU .11 Mon 19 Pisces ME 1 Aquarius UR sqr PL .23 Mer 20 Capricorn VE 12 Cancer EA trn SA .56 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 8 Virgo JU trn SA .67 Mar 14 Libra JU 15 Cancer VE sqr UR .72 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio VE opp PL .95 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp NE 2.88 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE con JU 3.2 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA con VE 3.32 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 4Air 1Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 2Negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/No .14 Pl Ma/Ur .1 Pl Ma/Ur .06 Pl Ma/Ur .01 Pl Ma/Ur .15 Su Me/Pl .2 Su Me/Pl .16 Me Ur/No .09 Me Su/Ve .19 Ma Ju/Pl .5 Me Ur/No .32 Su Me/Pl .12 Su Me/Pl .25 Me Su/Ve .55 Ma Ju/Pl .61 Su Mo/No .13 Ma Ju/Pl .38 Pl Sa/Ne .65 Pl Sa/Ne .66 Pl Sa/Ne .66 Me Mo/Sa .54 Me Ur/No .74 Me Su/Ve .9 Ma Ju/Pl .73 Pl Sa/Ne .65 Me Mo/Sa .82 Ve Mo/Sa 1.01 Ve Mo/Sa .87 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Pisces sextiles Mercury 03:12 The Moon water-trines Saturn 03:50 Mercury waxing sextile Saturn 08:52 Sun waxing quintile the lunar node 09:33, inter eclipse season phenomena. Moon sextile retro-Venus, becoming void 09:46 and remaining that way for ten hours. The Moon enters Aries 19:47 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 16 degrees Capricorn today. The Sun sextiles Saturn on Saturday. There are 75 days to the vernal Equinox. The Sun, Mercury Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Moon and Neptune are in Pisces. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Three degrees separate Mercury and Venus. Their conjunction is tomorrow. Mercury is now an evening 'star' in Capricorn. He sextiles Saturn today Jan 6th, and is conjunct retrograde Venus at 23 Capricorn tomorrow. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 11th 2014. Mercury next turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February 2014. Prior to this date he reaches 'repeatable territory' on Jan 23rd and slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on Feb 2nd. Venus is a retrograding evening star in Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars squares Jupiter on Jan 8th. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 99 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological waves of the week are 1) the conjunction of Mercury and retro-venus tomorrow, normally a merry aspect but with Venus retrograde, events tomorrow may be far from merry, and 2) the rather 'excessive' Mars square Jupiter arm of the current cardinal cross which hits late on Wednesday.Tuesday 7 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Capricorn EA 17 Cancer UR sqr PL .24 Mon 02 Aries ME 4 Aquarius EA trn SA .43 Mer 22 Capricorn VE 14 Cancer JU trn SA .62 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 8 Virgo EA con JU 1.05 Mar 14 Libra JU 16 Cancer VE con JU 1.67 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio VE trn SA 2.29 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE sqr UR 2.33 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE opp PL 2.56 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA con VE 2.72 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 2Earth 4Air 1Water 4Cardinal 8Fixed 2Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Ur .03 Su Me/Pl .03 Su Me/Pl .02 Su Me/Pl .06 Su Me/Pl .07 Pl Ma/Ur .08 Pl Ma/Ur .13 Me Mo/No .08 Me Ur/No .51 Pl Sa/Ne .67 Pl Mo/Ma .31 Su Ve/Pl .13 Pl Sa/Ne .67 Su Ve/Pl .77 Su Ve/Pl .45 Pl Ma/Ur .17 Ma Ju/Pl .85 Me Ur/No .92 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Ve Mo/No .29 Su Ve/Pl 1.1 Ma Ju/Pl .97 Ma Ju/Pl 1.08 Ne Mo/Ve .44 No Ma/Sa 1.39 No Ma/Sa 1.32 Me Mo/No 1.16 Ne Mo/Me .63 A Cardinal T-square involving the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto manifests today 15:00 to 23:00. This is coupled with the 'stitched up' conjunction of Mercury and retro-Venus. Normally a merry conjunction this, but with Venus retrograde, and the planetary T-square operative, seemingly sudden and hard decisions may be made or events may flare up today. The planetary tension continues tomorrow with Mars square Jupiter under a first quarter Moon. A crisis in action if ever there was one. Moon conjunction Uranus(1.72 degrees from exact alignment)11:21 Moon square Pluto 16:15 Moon opposition Mars 21:55 Mercury conjunction retro-Venus 22:03 Moon square Jupiter 22:56Wednesday 8 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Capricorn EA 18 Cancer VE con JU .13 Mon 16 Aries ME 7 Aquarius UR sqr PL .24 Mer 24 Capricorn VE 15 Cancer JU trn SA .57 Ven 23 Capricorn MA 9 Virgo VE trn SA .7 Mar 15 Libra JU 16 Cancer EA trn SA 1.42 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA con JU 1.99 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA con VE 2.12 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA trn PL 2.81 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA opp NE 3.75 Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 2Earth 4Air 1Water 4Cardinal 8Fixed 2Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Mo/Ma .04 Ne Su/Mo .03 Su Me/Pl .19 Ne Mo/Pl .08 Su Me/Pl .11 Mo Ve/Ju .12 Pl Ma/Ur .31 Su Me/Pl .24 Su Ve/Pl .2 Su Me/Pl .15 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Pl Ma/Ur .35 Pl Ma/Ur .22 Pl Ma/Ur .26 Su Ve/Pl .85 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Mo Su/Ju .63 Mo Me/Ju .5 No Ma/Sa .94 No Ma/Sa .86 Pl Sa/Ne .69 Su Ve/Pl .52 Ne Mo/Pl 1.53 Su Ve/Pl 1.17 No Ma/Sa 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne .69 Ma Ju/Pl 1.55 Ve Su/Me 1.32 The decelerating Moon in Aries is at First Quarter phase 03:40 The Moon squares Venus 13:20 The Moon squares Mercury becoming void 16:23 and staying that way for 10 hours. The Sun is semi-square Neptune 19:26 Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer 22:37 This is the first of 3 waxing squares between Mars and Jupiter. The other two are on April 22nd and August 1st this year. On the last one Mars is in Scorpio and Jupiter is in Leo. This set of 3 aspects serve to test limits and boundaries. Beware the tendency to push too hard. Overdoing it is part and parcel of Mars square Jupiter.Thursday 9 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Capricorn EA 19 Cancer UR sqr PL .25 Mon 29 Aries ME 11 Aquarius JU trn SA .51 Mer 25 Capricorn VE 17 Cancer VE trn SA .89 Ven 23 Capricorn MA 9 Virgo ME sex UR .92 Mar 15 Libra JU 16 Cancer VE con JU 1.41 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA con VE 1.51 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA trn PL 2.38 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn SA 2.41 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA con JU 2.92 Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 2Earth 4Air 1Water 4Cardinal 8Fixed 2Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Pl .28 Su Me/Pl .32 Ve Su/Me .14 Su Me/Pl .41 Pl Ma/Ur .4 Ve Su/Me .35 Su Me/Pl .37 Pl Ma/Ur .53 Pl Sa/Ne .71 Pl Ma/Ur .44 Pl Ma/Ur .49 No Ma/Sa .56 No Ma/Sa .79 No Ma/Sa .71 No Ma/Sa .64 Ve Su/Me .62 Ve Su/Me .83 Pl Sa/Ne .71 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Ve Ur/No 1.41 Ne Me/Ur 1.26 Ne Me/Ur 1.05 Ne Me/Ur .85 Ne Me/Ur 1.46 Ve Ur/No 1.27 Ve Ur/No 1.12 Ve Ur/No .97 Rather outlandish events occurred yesterday. Mars was square Jupiter and Giant sunspot AR1944 directly facing Earth was crackling with solar flares. An explosion in the sunspot's magnetic canopy hurled a CME in our direction. Thousands of people were fleeing the South Sudanese city of Bentiu amid fears of a government offensive to recapture the oil-rich area from rebels. US basketball star Dennis Rodman sung Happy Birthday to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in front of a crowd of thousands in the capital. Rodman said Mr. Kim, who was in the audience with his wife and other senior officials, was his "best friend". The former NBA star is on his fourth North Korean visit to mark Mr. Kim's birthday with a basketball match. The year of birth of Mr. Kim is not officially known but some clues from his late mother suggest he may have been born in 1984. Whatever his year of birth he will have transiting Pluto conjunct his natal sun in 2016 and if the pre-sunrise birth time of Jan 8th 1984 is correct he will also have Neptune conjunct his natal Piscean Moon in 2015. Watch this space. Today the decelerating 'post first quarter' Moon enters Taurus 02:25 Five bodies are then in Earth signs and the Sun is applying in sextile to Saturn. The days becomes eminently practical and realistic. Definite 'grounded' energy will be apparent. The Moon sextiles Neptune 08:57 The Moon opposes her north node 09:39 Mercury waning quintile Uranus 23:50Friday 10 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Capricorn EA 20 Cancer UR sqr PL .25 Mon 11 Taurus ME 14 Aquarius JU trn SA .46 Mer 27 Capricorn VE 19 Cancer EA con VE .91 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 9 Virgo MA trn PL 1.95 Mar 15 Libra JU 16 Cancer ME sqr SA 2.18 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio VE trn SA 2.48 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME sex UR 2.49 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE con JU 2.94 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn SA 3.4 Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 1Earth 5Air 1Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 2Negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Pl .45 Ur Mo/Ne .13 Ne Me/Ur .24 Ne Me/Ur .04 No Ma/Sa .49 No Ma/Sa .41 No Ma/Sa .34 No Ma/Sa .27 Pl Ma/Ur .58 Ne Me/Ur .44 Ve Ur/No .53 Ve Ur/No .38 Ne Me/Ur .65 Su Me/Pl .49 Su Me/Pl .54 Su Me/Pl .58 Pl Sa/Ne .73 Pl Ma/Ur .62 Pl Ma/Ur .67 Pl Ma/Ur .71 Ve Ur/No .82 Ve Ur/No .68 Pl Sa/Ne .74 Pl Sa/Ne .74 Ve Su/Me 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne .73 Su Ur/No 1.14 Su Ur/No .88 A rock steady day ensues. The decelerating post-first quarter Moon in 'stone ground words' Taurus 'earth trines' Pluto 00:28 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 06:50 The Moon 'earth trines' the Sun 17:35 The Moon opposes Saturn 19:08, eased by the Sun and Venus. The Moon 'earth trines' retro-Venus 19:59Saturday 11 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Capricorn EA 21 Cancer UR sqr PL .26 Mon 24 Taurus ME 18 Aquarius EA con VE .31 Mer 28 Capricorn VE 20 Cancer JU trn SA .41 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 10 Virgo ME sqr SA 1.28 Mar 16 Libra JU 16 Cancer MA trn PL 1.52 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio VE trn SA 4.07 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU sqr UR 4.28 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn SA 4.38 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE con JU 4.48 Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 1Earth 5Air 1Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 2Negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Me/Ur .17 Mo Ju/Ur .06 No Ma/Sa .05 No Ma/Sa .03 No Ma/Sa .19 Ve Ur/No .08 Ve Ur/No .07 Su Ur/No .16 Ve Ur/No .23 No Ma/Sa .12 Su Ur/No .1 Ve Ur/No .22 Su Ur/No .62 Su Ur/No .36 Ne Me/Ur .57 Me Sa/Ur .31 Su Me/Pl .62 Ne Me/Ur .37 Su Me/Pl .7 Ve Me/Pl .37 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Su Me/Pl .66 Me Sa/Ur .72 Su Me/Pl .74 Pl Ma/Ur .75 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Ve Me/Pl .73 Pl Sa/Ne .76 Venus is about to undergo inferior conjunction with the Sun. This is a kind of 'New Venus'. Both bodies are sextile Saturn. A new love spark is conceived, a new beginning, barely felt, hidden from view, but very real. This is the main astro event over the weekend. An interesting day awaits us. Good for establishing ideas and making them real. There may be lots to talk about later. Retro-Venus sextiles Saturn 10:45 Moon trine Mercury becoming void 10:00 Venus Inferior Conjunction with the Sun 12:26 The Moon enters Gemini 12:27 Sun sextile Saturn 13:40 Moon square Neptune 19:26 Mercury enters Aquarius 21:36 Mercury has two periods in Aquarius this year. In the first period, as a decelerating evening star, he squares the lunar node on Jan 14th, sextiles Uranus on Jan 17th, which is real high tech. he reaches 'repeatable territory' on Jan 23rd, so make no new plans till all this is over, trines Mars on Jan 24th, which is invigorating but he squares Saturn in depressing aspect on 25th Jan. He enters Pisces on Jan 31st, residing there for 2 weeks. He slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on Feb 2nd and turns retrograde. at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February 2014 and re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Clear 'future oriented thinking' characterise this period. The triple square to Saturn aids concentration and study, the triple trine to Mars is good for enterprise.Sunday 12 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Capricorn EA 22 Cancer UR sqr PL .26 Mon 06 Gemini ME 21 Aquarius EA con VE .29 Mer 00 Aquarius VE 22 Cancer JU trn SA .36 Ven 21 Capricorn MA 10 Virgo MA trn PL 1.08 Mar 16 Libra JU 16 Cancer JU sqr UR 4.36 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 4.62 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp NE 5.47 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Pl 0 No Ma/Sa .17 No Ma/Sa .24 No Ma/Sa .32 Me Sa/Ur .09 Ve Me/Pl .37 Ve Ur/No .67 Ur Mo/Me .74 No Ma/Sa .1 Me Sa/Ur .5 Ve Me/Pl .73 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Ve Ur/No .37 Ve Ur/No .52 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Ve Ur/No .82 Su Ur/No .42 Su Ur/No .68 Su Me/Pl .87 Su Me/Pl .91 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Me Sa/Ur .9 Pl Ma/Ur 1.06 Su Me/Pl .79 Su Me/Pl .83 Su Ur/No .93 Ve Me/Pl 1.1 The slow Moon in Gemini hits gibbous phase 01:52. The procession to the Full Moon begins. The Moon sextiles Uranus 06:03 The Moon air trines Mars becoming void 21:35 and remaining that way to the start of Tuesday (GMT).Monday 13 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Capricorn EA 23 Cancer UR sqr PL .27 Mon 18 Gemini ME 25 Aquarius JU trn SA .31 Mer 02 Aquarius VE 24 Cancer MA trn PL .65 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 11 Virgo EA con VE .9 Mar 17 Libra JU 16 Cancer JU sqr UR 4.43 Jup 15 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 4.7 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ma/Sa .39 No Ma/Sa .46 Ur Su/Mo .37 Ur Mo/Ve .58 Pl Sa/Ne .79 Pl Sa/Ne .79 No Ma/Sa .53 No Ma/Sa .6 Su Me/Pl .95 Su Me/Pl .99 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Ur Mo/Me .96 Ve Ur/No 1.12 Su Me/Pl 1.03 Su Me/Pl 1.07 Ve Ur/No .97 Pl Ma/Ur 1.15 Pl Ma/Ur 1.19 Pl Ma/Ur 1.23 Pl Ma/Ur 1.1 Su Ur/No 1.71 Ve Ur/No 1.26 Ur Su/Mo 1.24 Su Ur/No 1.45 Ve Me/Pl 1.83 Su Ur/No 1.97 Ve Ur/No 1.41 The gibbous, void of course (all day,) Moon in Gemini forms a dangerous 'finger of fate' with the Sun and Saturn around 10:00 Neptune waxing trine the mean lunar node 19:37, a one off aspect in this 17 year cycle, lasting a week or so and symbolizing 'distractions in society'. Mercury waxing quintile Saturn 22:52 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 23 degrees Capricorn today. There are 68 days to the vernal Equinox. The Sun, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Mercury is an evening star in Aquarius. He squares the lunar node on Jan 14th, sextiles Uranus on Jan 17th, reaches 'repeatable territory' on Jan 23rd, trines Mars on Jan 24th, but he squares Saturn on 25th Jan. He enters Pisces on Jan 31st, residing there for 2 weeks. He slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on Feb 2nd and turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February 2014 and then re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Venus is a retrograding morning star in Capricorn. Venus is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. The first of two. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 92 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological wave of the week is the 'distant' Full Moon in Cancer on Thursday.Tuesday 14 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Capricorn EA 24 Cancer MA trn PL .22 Mon 30 Gemini ME 29 Aquarius JU trn SA .25 Mer 04 Aquarius VE 25 Cancer UR sqr PL .27 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 11 Virgo EA con VE 1.5 Mar 17 Libra JU 16 Cancer JU opp PL 4.77 Jup 14 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ma/Sa .67 No Ma/Sa .74 Ur Mo/Pl .19 Pl Sa/Ne .82 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Pl Sa/Ne .81 No Ma/Sa .89 Ur Mo/Ve .83 Su Me/Pl 1.16 No Ma/Sa .82 Ve Su/Pl 1.12 Su Me/Pl 1.11 Pl Ma/Ur 1.32 Su Me/Pl 1.2 Su Me/Pl 1.24 Pl Ma/Ur 1.28 Ur Mo/Pl 1.67 Pl Ma/Ur 1.36 Ur Mo/Pl 1.3 Ve Ur/No 1.56 Ve Su/Pl 1.68 Ve Su/Pl 1.4 Pl Ma/Ur 1.4 Ve Su/Pl 1.97 Ve Ur/No 1.7 Ve Ur/No 1.85 Ne Su/Ur 1.91 The slow gibbous Moon enters Cancer 00:26 joining Jupiter in that sign. Mercury squares the lunar node 00:54A tight ' Moon trine Node 07:37 Moon trine Neptune 07:42Water grand trine' manifests involving the Moon, her
Node and Neptune 07:00 to 08:00A 'grand Cardinal Moon square Uranus 18:26 Lunar pressures are increasing. A largely emotional atmosphere prevails.Cross' manifests involving the Moon, Mars,
Uranus and Pluto 18:00 for 18 hours.
Wednesday 15 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Capricorn EA 25 Cancer JU trn SA .2 Mon 12 Cancer ME 2 Pisces MA trn PL .21 Mer 05 Aquarius VE 27 Cancer UR sqr PL .28 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 12 Virgo EA con VE 2.1 Mar 17 Libra JU 16 Cancer ME con NE 2.33 Jup 14 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 4.85 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .82 Ve Su/Pl .57 Ve Su/Pl .29 Ve Su/Pl .01 Ve Su/Pl .84 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Pl Sa/Ne .84 No Ma/Sa .96 No Ma/Sa 1.03 No Ma/Sa 1.1 No Ma/Sa 1.17 Su Me/Pl 1.28 Su Me/Pl 1.32 Su Me/Pl 1.36 Me Ne/Pl 1.26 Pl Ma/Ur 1.45 Pl Ma/Ur 1.49 Pl Ma/Ur 1.53 Su Me/Pl 1.4 Ne Su/Ur 1.79 Ne Su/Ur 1.67 Ne Su/Ur 1.54 Ne Su/Ur 1.42 Ve Ur/No 2.14 Me Ne/Pl 2.08 Me Ne/Pl 1.67 Ma Mo/Pl 1.56 The very slow, gibbous, almost full, Moon in Cancer is undergoing a long and challenging cardinal cross today. She opposes Pluto 00:08 The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 05:07 The Moon squares Mars 12:04 Moon opposition retro-Venus 14:17 Retro-Venus semi-square Neptune 18:11 The Moon water trines Saturn 20:00 The night of the Full Moon is upon us. (Isis is calling).Thursday 16 January 2014 Full Moon in Cancer.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspect Sun 26 Capricorn EA 26 Cancer JU trn SA .15 Mon 24 Cancer ME 6 Pisces UR sqr PL .28 Mer 07 Aquarius VE 28 Cancer MA trn PL .64 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 12 Virgo ME con NE 1.65 Mar 18 Libra JU 16 Cancer EA con VE 2.71 Jup 14 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 4.93 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Pl .17 Me Ne/Pl .44 Me Ne/Pl .03 Me Ne/Pl .38 Ve Su/Pl .26 Ve Su/Pl .54 Ve Su/Pl .81 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Pl Sa/Ne .84 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Ne Su/Ur .93 Me Ne/Pl .85 Ne Su/Ur 1.18 Ne Su/Ur 1.05 Ve Su/Pl 1.08 No Ma/Sa 1.24 Ma Mo/Pl 1.23 No Ma/Sa 1.38 No Ma/Sa 1.45 Ne Su/Ur 1.3 No Ma/Sa 1.31 Su Me/Pl 1.52 Su Me/Pl 1.56 Su Me/Pl 1.44 Su Me/Pl 1.48 Su Me/Ve 1.69 Su Me/Ve 1.58Moon at apogee 01 54 (farthest from Moon opposition Sun becoming void 04:53 Full Moon in Cancer trine SaturnEarth and slowest all month)![]()
Today's Full Moon is midway in time between the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on October 18th 2013 and the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th 2014. It separates from a trine aspect to Saturn and is void of course from the moment of fullness. It is an 'emotionally stabilizing' lunation whose purpose may be to domesticise and to orientate us to tribe, time and family. The homing instinct at this time is very strong. This Full Moon occurs as retro-Venus is tightly square Mars, Mercury sextile Uranus and Jupiter opposes Pluto. A preponderance of cardinality, Earth and Water fills the zodiac and a lack of mutability and fire complements this. Sexual relationships are on a razor edge, both Venus and Mars are 'astrologically unhappy', pain gets us moving, but cerebral invigoration is provided. Lots to think about, lots to feel. At the moment of Full Moon today the Moon is setting at Bangui, Central African Republic, (progressed Sun is square progressed Saturn, transiting Saturn is square natal Uranus, and Neptune is about to oppose natal Venus for CAR). The Full Moon is culminating over Cuba. Sun rise is occurring at Cairo and it is high noon at Pontianak. Mercury rises at Baghdad, Mars rises at Frankfurt, Saturn at Asuncion. Jupiter culminates at Toledo, Mercury culminates at Manila, Shanghai and Taipei. At London Uranus is at lower culmination. Today's Full moon directly hits the natal Uranus of Francoise Hollande, (the lunar node is conjunct his natal Saturn. It also hits the close Jupiter Uranus conjunction in the chart of Rowan Atkinson, Saturn in the Philippines chart and the natal Pluto of Judi Dench and Brigitte Bardot. The Full Moon drifts void of course for 8 hours. The Moon enters Leo 13:02 steadying the ship somewhat. Retro-Venus squares Mars 17:14, sexual dynamics and acrobatics(!) (To be reinacted on March 2nd when Mars is retrograde and Venus is direct, role reversal). The Moon squares her node 19:57
Friday 17 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Capricorn EA 27 Cancer JU trn SA .1 Mon 05 Leo ME 11 Pisces UR sqr PL .29 Mer 09 Aquarius VE 0 Leo ME sex PL .8 Ven 18 Capricorn MA 12 Virgo MA trn PL 1.07 Mar 18 Libra JU 16 Cancer ME opp MA 1.87 Jup 14 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA con VE 3.31 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU opp PL 5.01 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ne/Pl .79 No Su/Mo .69 Ne Su/Ur .56 Ne Su/Ur .44 Ne Su/Ur .81 Ne Su/Ur .69 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Me Ve/Ne .84 Pl Sa/Ne .86 Pl Sa/Ne .86 No Su/Mo .94 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Ve Su/Pl 1.35 Me Ne/Pl 1.2 Su Me/Ve 1.23 Su Me/Ve 1.12 Su Me/Ve 1.46 Su Me/Ve 1.35 Me Ve/Ne 1.32 No Ma/Sa 1.72 No Ma/Sa 1.51 No Ma/Sa 1.58 Me Ne/Pl 1.61 Su Me/Pl 1.73 Su Me/Pl 1.61 Ve Su/Pl 1.62 No Ma/Sa 1.65 Pl Ma/Ur 1.9 An intriguing start (GMT) to this day. Sun waning quintile Uranus 04:47, innovative. Mercury waning sextile Uranus 06:26, open mindedness. The slow but now accelerating 'hung over' Moon in Leo 'fire trines' Uranus 07:10, fresh. The Moon opposes Mercury 07:17, moodily intransigent. There are no further aspects today. The Moon slowly applies in sextile aspect to Mars, so the day yields its promise slowly, lazily and a little sluggishly. The weekend and the few days ahead are 'astrologically quiet'. The last couple of days of the astrological month of Capricorn are coming to a low key end.Saturday 18 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Capricorn EA 28 Cancer JU trn SA .05 Mon 17 Leo ME 15 Pisces UR sqr PL .29 Mer 10 Aquarius VE 2 Leo MA trn PL 1.5 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 13 Virgo ME trn JU 1.66 Mar 19 Libra JU 16 Cancer ME trn SA 1.71 Jup 14 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio ME opp MA 1.92 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME sex PL 3.42 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces A con VE 3.92 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU opp PL 5.08 Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ur .32 Me Ve/Ne .12 Ne Su/Ur .07 Ne Su/Ur .05 Me Ve/Ne .36 Ne Su/Ur .2 Me Ve/Ne .59 Su Me/Ve .68 Pl Sa/Ne .88 No Mo/Ve .45 No Mo/Pl .75 No Mo/Pl .76 No Mo/Ve .99 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Su Me/Ve .79 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Su Me/Ve 1.01 Su Me/Ve .9 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Me Ve/Ne 1.07 Su Me/Pl 1.77 Su Me/Pl 1.81 Su Me/Pl 1.86 Su Sa/Ur 1.84 No Ma/Sa 1.79 No Ma/Sa 1.86 No Mo/Ve 1.89 Su Me/Pl 1.9 Only serious purpose can overcome the tendency to laziness today. This is really a day for recreation, sport and relaxation. Tomorrow is geared to more industrious activity. The slow but accelerating 'hung over' full moon in Leo sextiles Mars 02:35 The Moon squares Saturn becoming void 08:52 and remaining that way for the remainder of the GMT day.Sunday 19 January 2014 Today is the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Capricorn EA 29 Cancer JU trn SA .01 Mon 29 Leo ME 19 Pisces UR sqr PL .3 Mer 12 Aquarius VE 3 Leo MA trn PL 1.94 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 13 Virgo ME trn JU 2.61 Mar 19 Libra JU 17 Cancer ME trn SA 2.62 Jup 14 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA sex SA 3.22 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA sex JU 3.23 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA con VE 4.53 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU opp PL 5.16 Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ur .17 Ne Su/Ur .29 Su Me/Ve .35 Mo Ju/No .14 Su Me/Ve .57 Su Me/Ve .46 Ne Su/Ur .42 Su Me/Ve .24 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Sa Mo/Me .47 Pl Sa/Ne .9 Ne Su/Ur .54 Sa Mo/Me 1.22 Pl Sa/Ne .9 Su Sa/Ur 1.11 Su Sa/Ur .87 Me Ve/Ne 1.54 Mo Ma/Ju .93 Su Me/Pl 2.03 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Su Sa/Ur 1.6 Su Sa/Ur 1.36 Sa Mo/Me 2.17 Su Me/Pl 2.07 Su Me/Pl 1.94 Su Me/Pl 1.99 No Ma/Sa 2.19 Pl Ma/Ur 2.23 This last day of Capricorn is astrologically quiet and modest. The Moon enters Virgo 01:24 The Moon sextiles her node 07:00 The Moon opposes Neptune 08:56Monday 20 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Capricorn EA 30 Cancer JU trn SA .06 Mon 11 Virgo ME 24 Pisces UR sqr PL .3 Mer 14 Aquarius VE 5 Leo MA trn PL 2.37 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 14 Virgo MA sex SA 2.81 Mar 19 Libra JU 17 Cancer MA sex JU 2.87 Jup 14 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio EA con VE 5.13 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU opp PL 5.24 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 4Air 2Water 4Significant helio harmonic 19Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2active now. Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .13 Su Me/Ve .03 Su Me/Ve .08 Su Sa/Ur .1 Su Sa/Ur .63 Sa Su/Mo .34 Su Sa/Ur .14 Su Me/Ve .19 Ne Su/Ur .66 Su Sa/Ur .39 Ma Mo/Sa .16 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Ne Su/Ur .78 Mo Ju/Sa .33 Ne Su/Ur 1.03 Sa Su/Mo 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Ne Su/Ur .91 Ma Mo/Sa 1.6 Su Me/Pl 2.12 Ma Mo/Sa 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Ve Ma/Ur 1.75 Ve Ma/Ur 2.23 Ve Ma/Ur 2.07 Ve Ma/Ur 1.91 Su Me/Pl 2.25 Mercury waning quinquncx Jupiter 01:04 Moon trine Pluto 01:10 In the northern hemisphere the darkest 60 days are now over. The Sun enters Aquarius 03:52 and a new astrological month begins. In the deepest reaches of the spirit we can start to intuit that spring is on the way. Europe's Rosetta probe was launched a decade ago on a long quest to chase down and land on a comet, and has spent the past two-and-half-years in hibernation to try to conserve power. But at 10:00 GMT, an onboard "alarm clock" is expected to rouse the spacecraft from its slumber. Rosetta will then warm its systems before sending a signal to Earth. Receipt of this "I'm awake" message will confirm the great endeavour is still on course.Rosetta is due to rendezvous with Comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko in August. And after spending a couple of months studying and mapping this 4km-wide ball of ice and dust, it will drop a small robot on to the comet's surface to gather samples and panoramic pictures. Controllers at the European Space Agency's (Esa) operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany, do not know precisely when Monday's all-important message will arrive, but they anticipate receiving it sometime between 17:30 and 18:30 GMT.The slowly waning Moon, accelerating in Virgo sextiles Jupiter 04:27 The Moon reaches disseinating phase 07:35 The Moon demurely earth trines retro-Venus 09:43 The Moon sextiles Saturn becoming void 20:56 State of the sky:-The Sun enters Aquarius today. There are 60 days to the Vernal Equinox. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury and the Sun are in Aquarius. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Mercury is an evening star in Aquarius. He will turn retrograde in 17 days time. Prior to this he reaches 'repeatable territory' on Jan 23rd, trines Mars on Jan 24th, and he squares Saturn on 25th Jan. He enters Pisces on Jan 31st, residing there for 2 weeks. He slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on Feb 2nd and turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February 2014 and then re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Venus is a retrograding morning star in Capricorn. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 85 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.
Tuesday 21 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Aquarius EA 1 Leo JU trn SA .11 Mon 23 Virgo ME 28 Pisces UR sqr PL .31 Mer 15 Aquarius VE 7 Leo MA sex SA 2.41 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 14 Virgo MA sex JU 2.52 Mar 20 Libra JU 17 Cancer EA trn ME 2.58 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA trn PL 2.8 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU opp PL 5.32 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
A 'Cardinal T-squre' manifests involving Jupiter, Uranus
and Pluto starts today and lasts into May,
peaking April 17th-21st.Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Significant helio harmonic 19Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2active now. Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .29 Su Me/Ve .39 Su Me/Ve .5 Sa Mo/Pl .36 Su Sa/Ur .34 Su Sa/Ur .59 Sa Mo/Ve .72 Su Me/Ve .6 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Sa Mo/Ve .75 Su Sa/Ur .83 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Ne Su/Ur 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Su Sa/Ur 1.07 Ve Ma/Ur 1.59 Ne Su/Ur 1.27 Sa Mo/Pl 1.17 Ve Ma/Ur 1.13 Me Su/Ne 2.18 Ve Ma/Ur 1.44 Ve Ma/Ur 1.28 Me Su/Ne 1.36 Sa Mo/Ve 2.21 Me Su/Ne 1.9 Ne Su/Ur 1.4 Ne Su/Ur 1.52Rosetta, Europe's comet-chasing spacecraft, woke from its slumber. A signal confirming its alert status was received by controllers in Darmstadt, Germany, yesterday at 18:17 GMT. The Aquarius Sun, shining with new hope, is on the Mercury/Venus midpoint and on the Saturn/Uranus midpoint. The day starts with the disseminating, accelerating Moon void of course in Virgo. The Moon enters Libra 12:44, joining Mars in that sign. The Moon 'air trines' the Sun 15:41
Wednesday 22 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Aquarius EA 2 Leo JU trn SA .16 Mon 06 Libra ME 3 Aries UR sqr PL .32 Mer 17 Aquarius VE 8 Leo EA trn ME 1.18 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 15 Virgo MA sex SA 2 Mar 20 Libra JU 17 Cancer MA sex JU 2.16 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA trn PL 3.23 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn UR 3.5 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU opp PL 5.39 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/No .53 Me Su/Ne .81 Me Su/Ne .55 Pl Mo/Ur .16 Su Me/Ve .71 Su Me/Ve .81 Mo Ju/Pl .59 Me Su/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Ve Ma/Ur .84 Ve Ma/Ur .7 No Mo/Sa .51 Ve Ma/Ur .99 Ma Mo/No .93 Su Me/Ve .91 Ve Ma/Ur .56 Me Su/Ne 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Pl Sa/Ne .95 Pl Sa/Ne .95 Su Sa/Ur 1.31 Su Sa/Ur 1.56 No Mo/Sa 1.09 Su Me/Ve 1.01 Ne Su/Ur 1.64 Ne Su/Ur 1.76 Pl Mo/Ur 1.41 Ne Su/Ur 2.01 The Thai government has imposed a 60-day state of emergency in Bangkok and the surrounding provinces, from today, to cope with unrest. In the Thai chart (June 24th 1932) progressed Moon in Pisces is opposite progressed Neptune right now. The pair were in wide opposition in the natal chart. There is a progressed Full Moon in the Thai chart which is an eclipse in 13 months time. A tumultuous and climatic period approaches for Thailand. Today is a difficult day ahead. The accelerating and disseminating Moon is besieged in Libra. Relationships are being tested.A loose 'Cardinal cross' manifests involving the Moon, Uranus, Moon opposition Uranus 06:23 Moon square Pluto 11:54 Moon square Jupiter 14:21 Moon square retro-Venus 18:07
Pluto and retro-Venus 06:00 to 18:00. At this time Jupiter is opposite
Venus and Pluto.Thursday 23 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Aquarius EA 3 Leo JU trn SA .21 Mon 18 Libra ME 8 Aries UR sqr PL .32 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 10 Leo MA sex SA 1.59 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 15 Virgo MA sex JU 1.81 Mar 20 Libra JU 17 Cancer ME trn VE 1.86 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE trn UR 1.89 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME sqr PL 3.43 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA trn PL 3.66 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME con UR 3.75 Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ne .01 Me Su/Ne .25 Ve Ma/Ur .15 Ve Ma/Ur .02 Ve Ma/Ur .42 Ve Mo/Ur .27 Me Su/Ne .51 Me Su/Ne .77 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Ve Ma/Ur .29 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Su Me/Ve 1.12 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Su Me/Ve 1.32 Mo Ma/No 1.14 Ve Mo/Ur 1.42 Su Me/Ve 1.22 Ve Mo/Ur 1.96 Su Me/Ve 1.42 Pl Mo/Ur 1.74 Ve Sa/Ne 2.1 Ve Sa/Ne 2 Ve Sa/Ne 1.9 No Mo/Sa 2.11 Ne Su/Ur 2.25 Mo Ma/No 2.05 Ne Su/Ur 2.5 Yesterday was not a good day to hold a peace conference. The besieged Moon in Libra ensured that Syria's government and main political opposition would trade bitter accusations on the first day of the major peace conference in Switzerland. In similar disharmonious circumstances two demonstrators were killed in clashes in Ukraine's capital, Kiev, the first fatalities since anti-government protests flared up in November. Observations of the Solar System's biggest asteroid Ceres suggest it is spewing plumes of water vapor into space. Ceres has long been thought to contain substantial quantities of ice within its body, but this is the first time such releases have been detected. The discovery was made by Europe's infrared Herschel space telescope, and is reported in the journal Nature. The Moon is conjunct Ceres today around 17:00 GMT. Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' today prior to his turning retrograde on Feb 6th,(the day before the Russian Winter Olympics). Now is not a good time to begin new projects or launch new ideas. The accelerating disseminating Moon in Libra trines Mercury 00:01 The Moon conjuncts Mars 03:51 becoming void and remains that way for most of the day. The Sun squares the lunar node 04:50, the mid eclipse-seasons marker. Venus quintile the lunar node 05:20 Mercury waning biquintile Jupiter 12:10 The Moon enters Scorpio 21:44, joining Saturn in that sign.Friday 24 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Aquarius EA 4 Leo VE trn UR .27 Mon 01 Scorpio ME 13 Aries JU trn SA .27 Mer 20 Aquarius VE 11 Leo UR sqr PL .33 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 16 Virgo MA sex SA 1.19 Mar 21 Libra JU 17 Cancer ME con UR 1.31 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA sex JU 1.45 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME trn VE 1.59 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME sqr PL 1.64 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME sqr JU 3.91 Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/Ur .11 Ve Ma/Ur .23 Ve Ma/Ur .35 Ve Ma/Ur .47 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Me Su/Ne 1.03 Me Su/Ne 1.28 Mo Ma/Sa 1.28 Mo Sa/No 1.48 Su Me/Ve 1.52 Su Me/Ve 1.62 Me Su/Ne 1.53 Ve Sa/Ne 1.54 Ve Sa/Ne 1.81 Ve Sa/Ne 1.72 Ve Sa/Ne 1.63 Me Su/Ne 1.78 Ne Su/Ur 2.62 Mo Ma/Sa 1.96 Su Me/Ve 1.72 Su Me/Ve 1.82 Pl Ma/Ur 2.88 Ne Su/Ur 2.74 Ne Su/Ur 2.87 No Mo/Ma 1.99 This day has a razor edge. The rapidly waning Moon in early Scorpio conjuncts her node 03:20 The Moon water trines Neptune 04:57 Moon at last quarter 05:20 Sun waxing quintile Saturn 15:31 Mercury air trines Mars 14:58 The Moon sextiles Pluto 19:44 The Moon water trines Jupiter 21:24 The Moon now accelerates towards a lunar occultation with Saturn. Alongside this serious prospect Mercury having trined Mars today, is about to square Saturn. Pretty sharp words and tough outcomes can be expected now.Saturday 25 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Aquarius EA 5 Leo JU trn SA .32 Mon 14 Scorpio ME 18 Aries UR sqr PL .33 Mer 21 Aquarius VE 13 Leo MA sex SA .78 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 16 Virgo MA sex JU 1.1 Mar 21 Libra JU 17 Cancer ME sqr JU 1.24 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE trn UR 1.34 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE sqr SA 3.63 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Ma .26 Ve Ma/Ur .7 Pl Mo/Ne .5 Ve Mo/Ne 0 Ve Ma/Ur .59 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Ve Ma/Ur .81 Ve Ma/Ur .92 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Pl Mo/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Ve Sa/Ne 1.46 Ve Sa/Ne 1.38 Ve Sa/Ne 1.3 Ve Sa/Ne 1.22 Mo Sa/No 1.87 No Mo/Ma 1.48 Ve Mo/Ne 1.79 Pl Mo/Ne 2.21 Su Me/Ve 1.92 Su Me/Ve 2.03 Su Me/Ve 2.13 Su Me/Ve 2.23 Me Su/Ne 2.03 Me Su/Ne 2.28 Me Su/Ne 2.52 Su Ne/Pl 2.36 The fast moving, accelerating, post-last-quarter-Moon in Scorpio sextiles Venus 00:07 Mercury squares Saturn 11:57 The Moon conjunction Saturn (1.06 degrees from exact alignment from the UK) 13:43 experienced in New Zealand and extreme south America as a lunar occultation of Saturn, the 3rd of 14.Moon square Mercury 13:56 becoming void of course and remaining that way for 13 hours.
Sunday 26 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Aquarius EA 6 Leo UR sqr PL .34 Mon 28 Scorpio ME 24 Aries JU trn SA .37 Mer 23 Aquarius VE 15 Leo MA sex SA .37 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 16 Virgo MA sex JU .74 Mar 21 Libra JU 17 Cancer VE sqr SA 2.04 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE trn UR 2.96 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne 1 Mo Ma/Pl .16 Ve Mo/Me .26 Mo Ve/No .18 Ve Ma/Ur 1.03 Pl Mo/Me .34 Su Mo/Ur .75 Ve Sa/Ne .94 Ve Sa/Ne 1.15 Su Mo/Ur .76 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Pl Mo/Me 1.58 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Ve Sa/Ne 1.01 Mo Pl/No 1.16 Ve Mo/Ne 1.79 Ve Sa/Ne 1.08 Ve Ma/Ur 1.23 Ve Ma/Ur 1.33 Su Ne/Pl 2.11 Ve Ma/Ur 1.13 Su Ne/Pl 1.62 Su Ne/Pl 1.38 Su Mo/Ur 2.26 Mo Ve/Ma 1.2 Me Ur/Pl 2.01 Sa Mo/No 1.5 Yesterday at least 29 people were killed in clashes in Egypt as rallies marked the anniversary of the 2011 uprising which overthrew President Hosni Mubarak. Ukraine's president offered opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk the post of prime minister in an effort to end months of anti- government protests. Today the rapidly waning last quarter Moon enters Sagittarius 03:13 A free thinking, freedom loving, spirited day follows. The Moon squares Neptune 10:04 The Moon sextiles the Sun 14:24 The Moon trine Uranus 18:59Monday 27 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Aquarius EA 7 Leo MA sex SA .03 Mon 12 Sagittarius ME 29 Aries UR sqr PL .34 Mer 24 Aquarius VE 16 Leo MA sex JU .39 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 17 Virgo JU trn SA .42 Mar 22 Libra JU 17 Cancer VE sqr SA .45 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Strong helio harmonic 20Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/No .27 Pl Su/Mo .62 Ve Su/Mo .46 Sa Mo/Ma .19 Ve Sa/Ne .88 Ve Sa/Ne .82 Me Ur/Pl .64 Me Ur/Pl .31 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Su Ne/Pl .88 Su Ne/Pl .64 Su Ne/Pl .39 Su Ne/Pl 1.13 Me Ur/Pl .98 Mo Su/No .66 Mo Me/Ma .5 Me Ur/Pl 1.32 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Ve Sa/Ne .76 Ve Sa/Ne .71 Ve Ma/Ur 1.43 Mo Sa/Pl 1.37 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Mo Su/Ma 2.05 Mo Su/Ma 1.39 Pl Su/Mo 1.32 Me Ve/Ur 1.18 The rapidly waning Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Mars 15:53 The Moon reaches balsamic phase 17:13 Moon sextile Mercury becoming void 22:03 and remaining that way for 7 hours. State of the sky:-The Sun is at 7 degrees Aquarius today. The Sun is sextile Uranus on Wednesday. There are 53 days to the Vernal Equinox. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury and the Sun are in Aquarius. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. The balsamic Moon is accelerating to New Moon on Thursday. Mercury is an evening star in Aquarius. He will turn retrograde in 10 days time. he is now in repeatable territory. Mercury enters Pisces on Jan 31st, residing there for 2 weeks. He slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on Feb 2nd and turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February 2014 and then re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Venus is a retrograding morning star in Capricorn. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 78 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The New Moon is on Thursday. Jupiter is opposite Pluto on Friday. A triple conjunction of the Moon, Mercury and Neptune occurs on Saturday.Tuesday 28 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Aquarius EA 8 Leo ME sex NE .03 Mon 27 Sagittarius ME 5 Taurus MA sex JU .03 Mer 26 Aquarius VE 18 Leo UR sqr PL .35 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 17 Virgo MA sex SA .44 Mar 22 Libra JU 17 Cancer JU trn SA .47 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE sqr SA 1.15 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA sqr ME 3.11 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn UR 3.81 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Pl .02 Su Ne/Pl .1 Me Ve/Ur .14 Su Ve/Ne .18 Su Ne/Pl .15 Mo Su/Sa .27 Su Ne/Pl .34 Me Ve/Ur .2 Ve Sa/Ne .65 Me Ur/Pl .34 Su Ve/Ne .45 Ve Sa/Ne .51 Me Ve/Ur .82 Me Ve/Ur .48 Ve Sa/Ne .56 Su Ne/Pl .59 Su Ve/Ne .99 Ve Sa/Ne .6 Me Ur/Pl .66 Me Ur/Pl .97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Su Ve/Ne .72 Mo Ne/No .86 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Mo Ma/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Pl Mo/Ve 1.3 The rapidly waning balsamic Moon enters Capricorn 05:05 joining Venus and Pluto. The Moon sextiles her node 09:37 The Moon sextiles Neptune 11:38 The Moon squares Uranus 20:02Wednesday 29 January 2014The Moon Venus and Pluto are opposite Jupiter square Uranus. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Aquarius EA 9 Leo MA sex JU .32 Mon 12 Capricorn ME 11 Taurus UR sqr PL .35 Mer 27 Aquarius VE 20 Leo JU trn SA .53 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 18 Virgo ME trn PL .77 Mar 22 Libra JU 17 Cancer MA sex SA .85 Jup 13 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio EA sqr ME 1.68 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE sqr SA 2.74 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn UR 2.8 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ne .08 Me Mo/Ur .12 Ve Sa/Ne .4 Ve Sa/Ne .36 Ve Sa/Ne .47 Mo Ma/Ur .22 Su Ve/Ne .61 Su Mo/Me .86 Me Ve/Ur .52 Ve Mo/Pl .23 Su Mo/Me .94 Su Ve/Ne .87 Pl Mo/Ve .57 Su Ve/Ne .34 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Su Ne/Pl .84 Ve Sa/Ne .43 Me Ve/Ur 1.16 Me Ve/Ur 1.47 Su Mo/Ne 1.03 Su Mo/Ne .62 Su Ne/Pl 1.33 Su Ne/Pl 1.57 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Me Ve/Ur .85 Mo Ur/No 1.62 Pl Me/Sa 2.02 Yesterday Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych accepted the resignation of PM Mykola Azarov after the government annulled a controversial anti-protest law. The recent troubles there started in November just after transiting Saturn had conjunct the Ukraine MC. (Ukraine independence 24 August 1991 at 14:31). Pluto had completed a series of conjunctions to natal Uranus. Between Dec 2013 and Aug 2014 transiting Saturn is conjunct natal Pluto so there are serious power struggles going on within the country. Tomorrows New Moon is square natal MC. Pluto is currently exactly conjunct Uranus/Neptune midpoint. Titanic forces at work there, Russia tugging on one side, the EU on the other. A solidly inventive and revolutionary day is in store The very fast moving ancient Moon in 'Horny Capricorn' is conjunct Pluto 00:36 The Moon opposes Jupiter 01:07 Moon conjunction retro-Venus 02:58 Mercury semi square Pluto 03:08 Sun sextile Uranus 08:34 Moon sextile Saturn 16:44 The Moon squares Mars 16:48, becoming void, and she stays that way for 12 hours. The New Moon in Aquarius is tomorrow and the start of the Chinese New Year of the Horse starts the day after.Thursday 30 January 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Aquarius EA 10 Leo ME opp SA .28 Mon 27 Capricorn ME 17 Taurus UR sqr PL .36 Mer 28 Aquarius VE 21 Leo JU trn SA .58 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 18 Virgo MA sex JU .68 Mar 23 Libra JU 17 Cancer ME sex JU .86 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA sex SA 1.25 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME trn MA 1.53 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn UR 1.8 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE sqr SA 4.34 Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Ve .27 Mo Sa/Ur .02 Ve Sa/Ne .27 Ve Sa/Ne .25 Ve Sa/Ne .33 Ve Sa/Ne .3 Mo Me/Pl .8 Mo Ve/Ne .28 Ne Mo/Ur .9 Ne Mo/Ur 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Mo Ne/Pl .37 Mo Su/Pl .96 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Mo Me/Ve 1.47 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Su Ve/Ne 1.39 Pl Me/Sa 1.6 Pl Me/Sa 1.46 Su Ve/Ne 1.13 Pl Me/Sa 1.74 Su Ve/Ne 1.64 Su Ve/Ne 1.9 Me Ve/Ur 1.77 Me Ve/Ur 2.06 Su Ne/Pl 2.31 Mo Me/Ve 2.24 The very rapid ancient Moon enters Aquarius 04:34, joining Mercury and the Sun in that sign. Mercury semi square Venus 07:06 The Moon squares her node 08:49Moon at perigee 09 59 (closest to Moon sextile Uranus 19:17 Moon conjunction Sun 21:40 New Moon in Aquarius sextile Uranus.Earth and fastest all month)
Today's New Moon, is midway in time between the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3rd 2013 in Scorpio and the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 29th 2014. At this time Jupiter opposes Venus and Pluto. The season is rife with power plays. Venus and Pluto are destined not to meet, Mercury and Neptune are similarly fated. This is so because Mercury and Venus are both shortly to change direction. Just as you think the deal is clinched the prize is won, the goal is scored, it slips from your grasp. The New Moon separates from a sextile to Uranus. This is the imaginative open minded experimental New Moon. This New Moon directly hits the natal moon of Tony Blair, his past catches us with his future. This New Moon directly hits the descendant in the Syrian Independence chart. Foreign relationships and intervention are starred. At the moment of New Moon the Sun rises at Perth, Mars rises at Kinshasa Jupiter rises at Lima, Saturn at Mogadishu. High spring tides associated with today's 'perigee New Moon' will affect all coastal ares of the earth over the next 3 days.
Friday 31 January 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Aquarius EA 11 Leo ME sqr VE .19 Mon 12 Aquarius ME 23 Taurus UR sqr PL .36 Mer 29 Aquarius VE 23 Leo JU trn SA .63 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 19 Virgo EA trn UR .79 Mar 23 Libra JU 18 Cancer MA sex JU 1.03 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA sex SA 1.66 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME trn MA 4.08 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio![]()
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ne .23 Ve Sa/Ne .21 Ve Sa/Ne .2 Ve Sa/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Mo Su/Me .66 Mo Su/Ne .87 Pl Me/Sa 1.33 Pl Me/Sa 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Pl Me/Sa .95 Su Ve/Ne 2.15 Su Ve/Ne 2.41 Pl Me/Sa 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Ve Ma/Ur 2.57 Ve Me/Sa 2.48 Ve Me/Sa 2.34 Me Mo/Ne 1.12 Ve Me/Sa 2.62 Ve Ma/Ur 2.62 Ve Ma/Ur 2.66 Mo Ur/Pl 2.02 Su Ne/Pl 2.8 Su Ve/Ne 2.66 Ve Me/Sa 2.21 Yesterday's New Moon was destined to be an important one for scientific discovery since is was in Aquarius and sextile Uranus. Well Stem cell researchers are heralding a "major scientific discovery", with the potential to start a new age of personalised medicine. Scientists in Japan have showed stem cells can now be made quickly just by dipping blood cells into acid. Stem cells can transform into any tissue and are already being trialled for healing the eye, heart and brain. The latest development, published in the journal Nature, on the day before the New Moon when the Sun was exactly sextile Uranus, could make the technology cheaper, faster and safer. Jupiter opposition Pluto 09:19 This is the second of 3 oppositions of these two in the 13 year cycle which started at 28 Sagittarius in Dec 2007. The first opposition was in early August 2013 and on the final blast is on April 21st 2014. The cycle ends in 2020. The Jupiter Pluto cycle in astrology is said to be synchronised with the ebb and flow of power structures (civil and political) in societies and in the global community as a whole. The opposition period underway at this time is by nature a time of 'fullness' of power structures, a point of climax before the inevitable waning of the 'plutocratic' structures, and a manifestation of a polarisation of opposites in affairs of 'state'. Mercury enters Pisces 14:31 joining Neptune and residing there for 2 weeks. He slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on Feb 2nd and turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February 2014 and then re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. The infant Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 15:57 The Moon air trines Mars becoming void 16:46 Hijack the lunar voidness, break free. Don't spare the horses Venus turns direct 20:52. Change of meteorological weather? I have know such a shift in the weather 'mood' when Venus appears to change direction. The Moon is void from 16:46 to 03:46 tomorrow morning.Saturday 1 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Aquarius EA 12 Leo EA trn UR .21 Mon 28 Aquarius ME 29 Taurus UR sqr PL .37 Mer 00 Pisces VE 24 Leo JU trn SA .68 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 19 Virgo MA sex JU 1.39 Mar 23 Libra JU 18 Cancer MA sex SA 2.07 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio ME sqr VE 4.33 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ne .17 Ve Sa/Ne .16 Ve Sa/Ne .16 Ve Sa/Ne .16 Me Mo/Ne .54 Pl Mo/Sa .32 Ve Mo/Sa .31 Pl Me/Sa .5 Pl Me/Sa .83 Pl Me/Sa .72 Pl Me/Sa .61 Ne Mo/Me .74 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Mo Me/Ne 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Mo Ve/Ur 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Ne Mo/Me 1.22 Su Mo/Ve 1.58 Mo Ur/Pl 1.76 Ve Mo/Sa 1.57 Pl Mo/Sa 1.55 Ve Me/Sa 1.74 Ve Me/Sa 2.08 Ve Me/Sa 1.96 Ve Me/Sa 1.85 Ve Mo/Sa 2.17 The young Moon enters Pisces 03:46, joining Mercury and Neptune. 'Rainy day dream away? Sun waning quinquncx Jupiter 04:06A 'triple conjunction'of the Moon, Mercury and Neptune manifests Moon conjunction Mercury 04:40 Moon trine her node 07:56 Moon conjunction Neptune 10:30 Moon trine Jupiter 23:17 Moon sextile Pluto 23:38
04:00 to 11:00Sunday 2 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Aquarius EA 13 Leo ME sqr NE .1 Mon 13 Pisces ME 5 Gemini UR sqr PL .37 Mer 01 Pisces VE 26 Leo JU trn SA .73 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 19 Virgo EA trn UR 1.22 Mar 23 Libra JU 18 Cancer MA sex JU 1.74 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA sex SA 2.48 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA sqr SA 3.92 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ve .02 Ve Sa/Ne .16 Me Su/Mo .07 Pl Me/Sa .12 Ve Sa/Ne .16 Pl Me/Sa .3 Ve Sa/Ne .16 Ve Sa/Ne .17 Pl Me/Sa .4 Su Mo/Pl .99 Pl Me/Sa .21 Ne Su/Mo .61 Su Mo/Pl .6 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Mo Me/Ur .69 Ve Mo/No .61 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Ve Me/Sa 1.55 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Pl Mo/No .65 Mo Su/Ur 1.3 Su Mo/Ve 1.61 Pl Mo/No 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Ve Me/Sa 1.64 Me Su/Mo 1.68 Ve Me/Sa 1.46 Ve Me/Sa 1.39 Mercury's apparent speed is below a degree per day from today prior to his turning retrograde on Feb 6th, the day before the Russian Winter Olympics start. The young Moon in Pisces sextiles Venus 01:40 The Moon trines Saturn becoming void 16:36Monday 3 February 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Aquarius EA 14 Leo UR sqr PL .38 Mon 27 Pisces ME 11 Gemini ME sex UR .54 Mer 02 Pisces VE 28 Leo JU trn SA .78 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 20 Virgo MA sex JU 2.1 Mar 24 Libra JU 18 Cancer EA trn UR 2.22 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio EA sex ME 2.76 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA sex SA 2.88 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sqr SA 2.94 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 03 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .04 Pl Me/Sa .04 Pl Me/Sa .11 Pl Me/Sa .18 Ve Sa/Ne .18 Pl Mo/Ma .18 Ve Sa/Ne .21 Ve Sa/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Ve Sa/Ne .19 Ve Mo/Ma .3 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Ve Mo/No 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Ve Me/Sa 1.14 Ne Su/Mo 1.3 Ve Me/Sa 1.25 Ve Me/Sa 1.19 Ve Mo/Ma 2.05 Ve Me/Sa 1.31 Ve Mo/Ma 1.47 Pl Mo/Ma 1.61 Ur Ju/Pl 2.63 Pl Mo/Ma 1.98 Ur Ju/Pl 2.66 Ur Ju/Pl 2.65 The rapidly waxing and decelerating Moon void of course in Pisces reaches crescent phase 03:36 The Moon enters Aries 04:56 Mercury trines the lunar node 19:10A ' Moon conjunct Uranus (1.72 degrees from exact alignment)21:18 At 22:04 GMT today the Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are then exactly half way between Sosltice and Equinox. Summer is now starting to end in the southern hemisphere, and in the north the darkest quarter of the year is now over and the season of 'stirring' commences. State of the sky:-The Sun is at 15 degrees Aquarius today. The There are 45 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Mercury is an evening star in Pisces. He will turn retrograde in 3 days time. He is now in repeatable territory with an apparent speed of less than a degree per day . Mercury resides in Pisces for another 10 days. He slows He turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th February and then re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Venus is now a direct morning star in Capricorn. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 71 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Water grand trine' manifests involving the Moon, Uranus, Venus
Pluto and Jupiter 21:00 today to 05:00 tomorrow.Tuesday 4 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Aquarius EA 15 Leo UR sqr PL .39 Mon 11 Aries ME 18 Gemini JU trn SA .84 Mer 03 Pisces VE 29 Leo EA sqr SA 1.96 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 20 Virgo MA sex JU 2.46 Mar 24 Libra JU 18 Cancer EA sex ME 2.53 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio ME sqr MA 2.71 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA trn UR 3.23 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA sex SA 3.29 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ne .24 Ve Sa/Ne .26 Ve Sa/Ne .29 Ve Sa/Ne .31 Pl Me/Sa .25 Pl Me/Sa .3 Pl Me/Sa .36 Me Mo/Ve .35 Mo Ju/Pl 1.07 Ve Me/Sa 1.07 Ve Me/Sa 1.04 Pl Me/Sa .41 Ve Me/Sa 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Ve Me/Sa 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Mo Ve/Ju 1.68 Me Mo/Ve 1.95 Me Mo/Pl 1.06 Mo Ve/Ju 1.74 Mo Ju/Pl 2.37 Ur Ju/Pl 2.58 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Ur Ju/Pl 2.61 Ur Ju/Pl 2.59 Me Mo/Pl 2.65 Ne Mo/Ve 1.76 Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday. Communication processes, and decision making systems slowing to an 'about turn'. The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Aries squares Jupiter 01:27 The Moon squares Pluto 02:17 The Moon squares Venus 04:41 The Moon is sextile the Sun 07:33 The Moon opposes Mars becoming void 23:16 and remaining that way for 10 hours.Wednesday 5 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Aquarius EA 16 Leo UR sqr PL .39 Mon 25 Aries ME 24 Gemini JU trn SA .89 Mer 03 Pisces VE 1 Virgo EA sqr SA .97 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 21 Virgo MA sex JU 2.81 Mar 24 Libra JU 18 Cancer ME sqr MA 3.17 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE opp NE 3.97 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA trn UR 4.23 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2active now. Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Ve .09 Ve Sa/Ne .37 Ve Sa/Ne .41 Ve Sa/Ne .44 Ve Sa/Ne .34 Pl Me/Sa .49 Pl Me/Sa .52 Pl Me/Sa .55 Pl Me/Sa .45 Ne Mo/Pl .83 Ve Me/Sa 1.01 Ve Me/Sa 1.02 Me Mo/Pl .52 Ve Me/Sa 1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Ne Mo/Pl .82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Mo Su/Ju 2 Ur Ju/Pl 2.49 Ve Me/Sa 1.01 Mo Su/Ju 1.16 Ne Mo/Pl 2.46 Ve Ma/Ur 2.99 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Ne Mo/Ve 1.58 Ur Ju/Pl 2.51Significant geocentric harmonic 7 around 00:00-09:00 GMTThe Moon, Venus and Saturn have a 7th harmonic conjunction in Libra. Be mindful of the time and the energies involved. The 7th harmonic is creative, mystical, and religious (Addey).
It is "man's highest flights of creative imagination, and of his
lowest depths of destructive illusion." (Hamblin, page 65).
The 7th harmonic indicates a deep, sensitive inner searching.
(Jay). It has to do with inspiration, with what inspires us and
how we can inspire others. This is an important ingredient
of creativity (Marks).Creative thinking and original insights
are indicated by the 5th and 7th harmonics (Kollerstrom). The waxing, decelerating crescent Moon enters Taurus 09:48 The Moon opposes her node 14:11 The Moon sextiles an almost stationary Mercury 15:41 The Moon sextiles Neptune 17:51Thursday 6 February 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Aquarius EA 17 Leo EA sqr SA .01 Mon 08 Taurus ME 0 Cancer UR sqr PL .4 Mer 03 Pisces VE 3 Virgo JU trn SA .94 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 21 Virgo ME sex VE 2.35 Mar 24 Libra JU 18 Cancer VE opp NE 2.35 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio MA sex JU 3.17 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2active now. Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Me/Ju .17 Ve Sa/Ne .52 Ur Mo/Ne .43 Pl Me/Sa .6 Mo Ju/Ne .39 Su Mo/Sa .52 Ve Sa/Ne .56 Ur Mo/Me .6 Ve Sa/Ne .48 Pl Me/Sa .58 Pl Me/Sa .59 Ve Sa/Ne .61 Pl Me/Sa .57 Ve Me/Sa 1.07 Su Mo/Sa .82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Ve Me/Sa 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Ur Mo/Me .97 Ur Mo/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Ur Mo/Ne 2.01 Ve Me/Sa 1.1 Ve Me/Sa 1.15 Su Mo/Sa 1.87 Ur Ju/Pl 2.45 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Su Mo/Sa 2.15 Yesterday parts of Britain were battered by a storm which washed away part of the main railway line in the west of England. Homes in the 'Somerset Levels' were evacuated. Uranus is about to make its final destructive square to the UK (1801 chart) natal Sun and transiting Mercury is almost stationary very close to the UK natal Pluto. Today the decelerating Moon in Taurus approaching first quarter phase is sextile Jupiter 07:36 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 09:01 The Moon sweetly trines Venus 12:14 The Sun 'waning biquintile' Jupiter 13:57 Moon at first quarter 19:23 MERCURY STATIONARY TURNING RETROGRADE 21:44 at 3 Pisces. He is retrograde for 22 days. He re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius.Friday 7 February 2014![]()
The Sochi 2014 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony will start at 20:14 pm Moscow Time on February 7, 2014. The time symbolizes the year that the first
ever Olympic Winter Games will be
staged in Russia.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Aquarius EA 18 Leo UR sqr PL .4 Mon 20 Taurus ME 7 Cancer VE opp NE .73 Mer 03 Pisces VE 4 Virgo JU trn SA .99 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 22 Virgo EA sqr SA .99 Mar 25 Libra JU 18 Cancer ME trn NE 1.56 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio ME sex VE 2.29 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME opp PL 4.98 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
With Mercury just turned retrograde conjunct Neptune we can expect these games to contain a a fair measure of delay,
communication breakdown and reschedule. This is in addition
to the potentially calamitous planetary tension expressed
through the current planetary T-square of Jupiter, Pluto and
Uranus. Tribal and ethnic tensions swirl around and about the
whole time of these games.
The exact time 20:14 (Moscow time)chosen by the Russians to
start the games is astrologically not so bad. The chart has a
diligent Virgo ascendant sextile a financially fraught 2nd
house Saturn and trine the void Moon in the exhilarating 9th
house. The Gemini Midheaven trines the essentially sporting
5th house Sun. The Descendant is on the Moon/Pluto midpoint
symbolizing emotional swings and roundabouts for all
relationships within the games. The local IC is tightly
conjunct the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. There is an icy grip on
these games and I am not just writing about the snow.
Globally, retrograde Mercury is exactly on the Mars/Jupiter
midpoint. Records will undoubtedly be broken.
Fire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2active now. Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .59 Pl Me/Sa .59 Pl Me/Sa .57 Ur Su/Mo .46 Ve Sa/Ne .66 Ve Sa/Ne .71 Ve Sa/Ne .76 Pl Me/Sa .55 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Mo Ju/Ur .88 Ve Sa/Ne .81 Ve Me/Sa 1.2 Ve Me/Sa 1.26 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Ur Mo/Me 2.16 Mo Ju/Ur 2.22 Ve Me/Sa 1.32 Ve Me/Sa 1.4 Ur Ju/Pl 2.4 Ur Ju/Pl 2.39 Ur Su/Mo 2.11 Ur Ju/Pl 2.35 Ur Mo/Ne 2.7 Ve Ma/Ur 2.88 Ur Ju/Pl 2.37 Ve Ma/Ur 2.82 Mercury is now retrograde. Venus is quintile the lunar node 02:04 The decelerating first quarter Moon in Taurus opposes Saturn becoming void 04:51 The Moon enters Gemini 18:45 residing there all weekend and setting a background scene that is busy, buzzy and multifarious.
Saturday 8 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Aquarius EA 19 Leo UR sqr PL .41 Mon 03 Gemini ME 13 Cancer ME sqr UR .8 Mer 03 Pisces VE 6 Virgo VE opp NE .89 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 22 Virgo JU trn SA 1.04 Mar 25 Libra JU 18 Cancer ME opp PL 1.21 Jup 12 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio EA sqr SA 1.97 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME trn SA 4.46 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Strong helio harmonic 20Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3active now. Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .53 Pl Me/Sa .5 Pl Me/Sa .46 Pl Me/Sa .42 Ve Sa/Ne .87 Ve Sa/Ne .93 Ve Sa/Ne .99 Ve Sa/Ne 1.05 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Ur Su/Mo 1.19 Ve Me/Sa 1.57 Ve Me/Sa 1.67 Ve Me/Sa 1.78 Ve Me/Sa 1.48 Ur Ju/Pl 2.32 Ur Ju/Pl 2.3 Ur Ju/Pl 2.28 Ur Ju/Pl 2.33 Ve Ma/Ur 2.75 Ve Ma/Ur 2.72 Ve Ma/Ur 2.68 Ve Ma/Ur 2.79 Ur Su/Mo 2.83 Yesterday Bosnian protesters set fire to the presidential and other government buildings in Sarajevo and in Tuzla as unrest grows over political and economic issues. Saturn is exactly conjunct Bosnia's natal Pluto right now, the first of 3 such transits this year. Saturn Pluto is violent. The Sun and Moon are today in air signs. The day, indeed the weekend is 'astrologically breezey'. The decelerating first quarter Moon in Gemini squares retro-Mercury at 01:04 and Neptune at 03:30 The Moon sextiles Uranus 13:57
Sunday 9 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Aquarius EA 20 Leo UR sqr PL .41 Mon 15 Gemini ME 19 Cancer ME con JU .52 Mer 03 Pisces VE 7 Virgo JU trn SA 1.1 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 23 Virgo ME trn SA 1.62 Mar 25 Libra JU 18 Cancer VE opp NE 2.51 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio EA sqr SA 2.96 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn PL 4.03 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .37 Pl Me/Sa .32 Pl Me/Sa .26 Pl Me/Sa .2 Ve Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Ve Sa/Ne 1.18 Ve Sa/Ne 1.25 Ve Sa/Ne 1.32 Ve Me/Sa 1.89 Ve Me/Sa 2.01 Ve Me/Sa 2.14 Ur Ju/Pl 2.22 Ur Ju/Pl 2.27 Ur Ju/Pl 2.25 Ur Ju/Pl 2.23 Ve Me/Sa 2.28 Ve Ma/Ur 2.64 Ve Ma/Ur 2.59 Ve Ma/Ur 2.55 Ve Ma/Ur 2.5 Britain is under water! Gusts as high as 80mph hit southern and western parts of the UK yesterday and a landslip cut off the last remaining rail route into south-west England. The UK progressed Moon in Taurus is opposite progressed Neptune and square progressed Mercury. This 'time of water' is aptly described by the Moon and Neptune. Also Transiting Uranus is square UK Sun symbolising the disruptive nature of the time. UK progressed Mercury is square progressed Neptune in May next year. The current position of the UK progressed Moon has conspired with the Uranus transit to force the disruptive deluge on us. The effect has a few more weeks to run.Today a loose ' The waxing decelerating Moon trines the Sun 11:43 The Moon trines Mars becoming void 21:10Grand Air Trine' manifests involving the Moon in
Gemini, Mars in Libra and the Sun in Aquarius 11:00 to 21:00.
All communication matters are favoured.
Monday 10 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Aquarius EA 21 Leo UR sqr PL .42 Mon 27 Gemini ME 25 Cancer JU trn SA 1.15 Mer 02 Pisces VE 9 Virgo ME sex MA 1.85 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 23 Virgo VE trn PL 2.41 Mar 25 Libra JU 18 Cancer EA sqr SA 3.94 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE opp NE 4.13 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .13 Pl Me/Sa .05 Pl Me/Sa .02 Pl Me/Sa .11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Ur Mo/Ve .82 Ur Mo/Pl .7 Ve Sa/Ne 1.39 Ve Sa/Ne 1.47 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Ur Mo/Ve .7 Ur Ju/Pl 2.2 Ur Ju/Pl 2.18 Ve Sa/Ne 1.55 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Ve Me/Sa 2.42 Ur Mo/Ve 2.34 Ur Ju/Pl 2.17 Ve Sa/Ne 1.63 Ve Ma/Ur 2.45 Ve Ma/Ur 2.39 Ur Mo/Pl 2.18 Ur Ju/Pl 2.15 Ve Me/Sa 2.57 Ve Ma/Ur 2.34 Ve Ma/Ur 2.28 The slowly waxing Moon enters Cancer 06:34, joining Jupiter in that sign. Six bodies are then in water signs. the astrological backdrop is essentially emotional in nature.A ' Moon trine Node 10:52 Moon trine Mercury 11:00 Mercury trine Node 14:00 Moon trine Neptune 15:46 The Moon hits gibbous phase 20:47 and the slow procession to the Full Moon begins in earnest. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 22 degrees Aquarius today. The There are 38 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Pisces. . Mercury resides in Pisces for another 3 days. He re-enters Aquarius on Feb 13th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius on Feb 15th. He trines Mars a 2nd time on Feb 16th, squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Venus is now a direct morning star in Capricorn. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 64 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Jupiter is very close to squaring Uranus, and together with Pluto they form a cardinal T-square which continues to tighten over the weeks ahead. The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery'. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries (a triple conjunction). The waxing square in 16 days time is the second of 3,the first was on August 21st 2013 and the final blast in on April 20th 2014. Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus. The days ahead will witness a slow but powerful build up to the Candlemass Full Moon on Friday.Water Grand Trine' manifests involving the Moon, Mercury, the
Lunar Node and Neptune 10:00 to 16:00Tuesday 11 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Aquarius EA 22 Leo UR sqr PL .42 Mon 09 Cancer ME 1 Leo VE trn PL .79 Mer 02 Pisces VE 11 Virgo JU trn SA 1.2 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 23 Virgo Mar 26 Libra JU 18 Cancer Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2active now. Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .2 Pl Me/Sa .29 Pl Me/Sa .39 Pl Me/Sa .49 Ur Mo/Pl .78 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Ve Sa/Ne 1.79 Ve Sa/Ne 1.88 Ve Sa/Ne 1.96 Ve Sa/Ne 1.71 Ur Ju/Pl 2.12 Ve Ma/Ur 2.09 Ve Ma/Ur 2.03 Ur Ju/Pl 2.13 Ve Ma/Ur 2.16 Ur Ju/Pl 2.1 Ur Ju/Pl 2.09 Ur Mo/Ve 2.21 Ur Mo/Pl 2.25 Me Su/Ne 2.83 Me Su/Ne 2.5 Ve Ma/Ur 2.22 In the UK progressed Moon in Taurus is today exactly opposite progressed Neptune in Scorpio. The 'time of water' for the country is at its peak. The UK progressed Moon goes on to square progressed Mercury on March 8th. Today the very slowly waxing gibbous Moon in Cancer has a difficult time. The Sun is also in the doldrums as she is squared by Saturn. Lunar pressures are rising. All in all a tense day. The Moon squares Uranus 02:29 The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 05:28 The Moon opposes Pluto 08:06 The Moon opposes Venus 14:21 The Sun squares Saturn 19:58Minor lunar occultation of star Lambda Gemini, a white main
sequence star and essentially a beneficial influence,
observable from the UK 20:06 to 20:41Wednesday 12 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Aquarius EA 23 Leo UR sqr PL .43 Mon 20 Cancer ME 6 Leo VE trn PL .83 Mer 01 Pisces VE 12 Virgo JU trn SA 1.25 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 24 Virgo Mar 26 Libra JU 19 Cancer Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2active now. Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .6 Pl Me/Sa .71 Pl Me/Sa .83 Pl Me/Sa .95 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Me Su/Ne 1.1 Ve Ma/Ur 1.96 Me Su/Ne 1.81 Me Su/Ne 1.46 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ve Sa/Ne 2.05 Ve Ma/Ur 1.89 Ve Ma/Ur 1.82 Ve Ma/Ur 1.74 Ur Ju/Pl 2.07 Ur Ju/Pl 2.05 Ur Ju/Pl 2.04 Ur Ju/Pl 2.02 Me Su/Ne 2.16 Ve Sa/Ne 2.14 Ve Sa/Ne 2.23 Ve Sa/Ne 2.33 Su Ur/Pl 2.83 Su Ur/Pl 2.59 Me Ve/Ur 2.34 Retro-Mercury semi-square Venus 03:40 The very slowly waxing gibbous Moon in Cancer water-trines Saturn 05:10The Moon is at apogee 05 11 (farthest from The Moon squares Mars becoming void 10:52 and remaining that way for over 8 hours. The Moon enters Leo 19:16 THINGS NOW START TO GET A LITTLE LOUD. The festival of Candlemas begins. The Moon squares her nodal axis 23:18Earth and slowest all month)Thursday 13 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Aquarius EA 24 Leo ME trn UR .07 Mon 02 Leo ME 12 Leo UR sqr PL .43 Mer 00 Pisces VE 14 Virgo JU trn SA 1.3 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 24 Virgo VE trn PL 2.45 Mar 26 Libra JU 19 Cancer VE sex SA 3.35 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ne .73 Ma Mo/Ve .14 Me Su/Ne .03 Me Su/Ne .42 Pl Me/Sa 1.07 Me Su/Ne .35 Ma Mo/Pl .55 Ma Mo/Pl .9 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Me Ve/Ur 1.11 Ma Mo/Ve 1.64 Pl Me/Sa 1.2 Pl Me/Sa 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ve Ma/Ur 1.67 Ve Ma/Ur 1.59 Ma Mo/Ve 1.35 Su Ur/Pl 1.37 Ur Ju/Pl 2 Me Ve/Ur 1.74 Me Ve/Ur 1.43 Ve Ma/Ur 1.42 Me Ve/Ur 2.04 Su Ur/Pl 1.86 Ve Ma/Ur 1.51 Pl Me/Sa 1.46 The current situation in the UK with respect to the weather and the effects of excess water are clearly shown in the secondary progressed chart of the 1801 UK chart. There is currently an exact opposition of the progressed Moon and progressed Neptune. This progression peaked two days ago, and may be the climax of the current deluge. This opposition is part of a fixed T-square in the progressed UK chart which also involves progressed (retro) Mercury and progressed Jupiter. Because the progressed chart is so slow moving, a day for a year, there have been manifestations of parts of it before and components of it will manifest again, although never as tight as it is now. Progressed Mercury is square progressed Neptune in September 2015. (Because of his retrograde motion this occurs again in 2040). Progressed Jupiter is square progressed Neptune in 2026 and progressed Sun adds to the mixture some 5 years before this in 2021, the year of the UK progressed New Moon. What is occurring now can be viewed as part of something much bigger affecting the destiny of our nation which has economic, demographic and even geographic implications. Jupiter-Neptune is at the heart of what I am writing about. Jupiter in the 10th house of the UK chart was widely square Neptune in the 2nd. This square has been slowly coming to fruition over the last 200 years. The progressed Moon was opposite progressed Jupiter and square progressed Neptune in the spring and early summer of 2007 with the Moon square Neptune component peaking on 25th July 2007 at the very height of the record breaking floods then. Today the Moon is almost Full. Lunar pressures are high. The mood is recreational. Pull out the stopper. Retrograde Mercury re-enters Aquarius 03:30 joining the Sun in that sign. This 'nearly full' Moon in Leo fire trines Uranus 15:20Friday 14 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Aquarius EA 25 Leo ME sqr SA .11 Mon 14 Leo ME 17 Leo UR sqr PL .44 Mer 29 Aquarius VE 16 Virgo JU trn SA 1.35 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 25 Virgo VE sex SA 1.76 Mar 26 Libra JU 19 Cancer VE sex JU 3.11 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE trn PL 4.06 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ur .79 No Mo/Ve .11 Me Ve/Ur .12 Me Ve/Ur .22 Me Su/Ne .81 Me Ve/Ur .46 No Mo/Pl .43 Su Ur/Pl .4 Su Ur/Pl 1.13 Su Ur/Pl .88 Su Ur/Pl .64 Ve Ma/Ur 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ve Ma/Ur 1.16 No Mo/Pl 1.09 Ve Ma/Ur 1.34 Me Su/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 No Mo/Ve 1.45 Ve Ma/Ur 1.25 Me Su/Ne 1.61 Ur Ju/Pl 1.89 Pl Me/Sa 1.59 Pl Me/Sa 1.73 No Mo/Ve 1.68 Me Ur/Pl 1.95Significant geocentric harmonic 8 around 18:00 GMT Moon square Saturn 17:42 Moon opposition Sun 23:54 Full Moon in Leo in Fixedt-square with Saturn, sextile Mars. ![]()
Today's Full Moon is the 4th Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on October 18th 2013 and the penultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th 2014. This is a punchy Full Moon in Leo sextile Mars with a cardinal T-square of Mercury Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto hanging in the skies of Earth. The energy of the lunation is fiercely creative and uncompromising. Many cities are starred at the moment of fullness. The Full Moon is rising at Winnipeg, Kansas and San Salvador. She culminates at Algiers and at Lagos. The Moon sets at Mandalay. It is true midnight at Amsterdam. Retro-Mercury sets at New Orleans. Mars is at lower culmination at Los Angeles. Saturn rises at Vienna, Riga and Rome. Saturn culminates at Calcutta. Uranus is at lower culmination at Mogadishu. Neptune rises at Singapore sets at Atlanta and Havana and is at lower culmination at Berlin and Tripoli. Pluto culminates at Tokyo. In addition to all this Mars,Pluto, Jupiter, Venus and lunar node 'lines' pass over Afghanistan. This Full Moon directly hits the natal Pluto of people born 1955-1956 including Rowan Atkinson, Bjon Borg and Alex Salmond. It hits the natal Sun of Bill Clinton, the Mercury Saturn conjunction of South Korea, the Jupiter Pluto conjunction of Tunisia and the Mercury Jupiter conjunction of the Ukraine. Finally and maybe very encouragingly today's Full Moon hits the natal Jupiter of Jimmy Page and the Sun and Saturn of Robert Plant.
Saturday 15 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Aquarius EA 26 Leo VE sex SA .17 Mon 26 Leo ME 23 Leo UR sqr PL .44 Mer 28 Aquarius VE 17 Virgo JU trn SA 1.41 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 25 Virgo VE sex JU 1.57 Mar 26 Libra JU 19 Cancer EA con ME 3.48 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ur/Pl .15 Su Ur/Pl .09 Su Ur/Pl .33 Su Ur/Pl .58 Me Ve/Ur .56 Ve Ma/Ur .88 Ve Ma/Ur .79 Ve Ma/Ur .69 Ve Ma/Ur .98 Me Ve/Ur .91 Me Ur/Pl 1.08 Me Ur/Pl .79 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Mo Ju/No 1.11 Me Ur/Pl 1.67 Me Ur/Pl 1.38 Me Ve/Ur 1.26 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Ur Ju/Pl 1.88 Ur Ju/Pl 1.86 Mo Ma/Ju 1.41 Me Ve/Ur 1.61 Pl Me/Sa 2.15 Su Ve/Ur 2.19 Ur Ju/Pl 1.85 Mo Ma/Ju 1.61 Yesterday's climaxing Full Moon saw tens of thousands of Indonesians fleeing their homes after a volcano erupted on the island of Java, killing at least two people. The Indonesian chart is receiving the final conjunction of transiting Uranus to its Lunar Node. In fact this node is at the focus of the Uranus Pluto Jupiter T-square in the sky right now. Also the Full Moon fell on the Indonesian Uanus/Neptune midpoint.There is a significant geocentric harmonic 8 around 00:00 GMT The Full Moon in Leo sextiles Mars 00:04 The Sun trines Mars 02:07 The Moon opposes Mercury becoming void 03:14 Retro-Mercury semi squares Pluto 06:31 The Moon enters Virgo 07:27 Moon sextile her node 11:08 Moon opposition Neptune 16:51 Mercury Inferior Conjunction Sun 20:23 A 'New Mercury'. Time for a new chapter in the story. This is the 8th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before a 'transit of Mercury' across the disc of the Sun on May 9th 2016.Sunday 16 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Aquarius EA 27 Leo VE sex JU .03 Mon 08 Virgo ME 28 Leo UR sqr PL .45 Mer 27 Aquarius VE 19 Virgo EA con ME .62 Ven 18 Capricorn MA 26 Virgo VE sex SA 1.42 Mar 26 Libra JU 19 Cancer JU trn SA 1.46 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Pl .49 Me Ur/Pl .2 Me Ur/Pl .1 Ve Ma/Ur .27 Ve Ma/Ur .59 Ve Ma/Ur .48 Ve Ma/Ur .38 Me Ur/Pl .4 Su Ur/Pl .82 Su Ur/Pl 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Mo Ju/Sa .44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Su Ve/Ur 1.27 Su Ve/Ur 1.09 Su Ve/Ur 1.64 Su Ve/Ur 1.46 Su Ur/Pl 1.31 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ur Ju/Pl 1.82 Ur Ju/Pl 1.8 Ur Ju/Pl 1.79 Su Ur/Pl 1.55 Mo Ju/No 1.94 Me Ve/Ur 2.32 Pl Su/Sa 2.33 Ur Ju/Pl 1.77Venus is at Greatest Brilliancy in the morning sky today. Yesterday there was a definite feeling that the storms and floods in the UK had started to subside. In the UK national chart the progressed Moon is now separating from her opposition to Neptune. Today the accelerating 'hung over' full Moon in Virgo sextiles Jupiter 05:12 Retro-Mercury trines Mars 08:20 Moon trine Pluto 08:42 Sun waxing semi square Pluto 12:49Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 18:00 GMT involving 9th harmonic conjunction of the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury. Note the time. The Moon earth trines Venus 19:09Monday 17 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Aquarius EA 28 Leo UR sqr PL .45 Mon 21 Virgo ME 3 Virgo JU trn SA 1.51 Mer 26 Aquarius VE 20 Virgo VE sex JU 1.51 Ven 18 Capricorn MA 26 Virgo ME opp NE 2.21 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer VE sex SA 3.01 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio EA con ME 4.57 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/Ur .16 Ve Ma/Ur .05 Ve Ma/Ur .06 Ve Ma/Ur .17 Me Ur/Pl .69 Su Ve/Ur .73 Su Ve/Ur .55 Ma Mo/Sa .21 Su Ve/Ur .91 Me Ur/Pl .99 Sa Mo/Ve .59 Su Ve/Ur .37 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Su Me/Ne .87 Ur Ju/Pl 1.75 Su Me/Ne 1.64 Su Me/Ne 1.25 Sa Mo/Ve 1.02 Su Ur/Pl 1.79 Ur Ju/Pl 1.74 Me Ur/Pl 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Su Me/Ne 2.03 Pl Su/Sa 1.96 Ur Ju/Pl 1.72 Me Ur/Pl 1.57 The accelerating 'hung over' full Moon in Virgo sextiles Saturn becoming void 05:05 and remains that way for over 13 hours. Consequentially a 'bitty' day ensues. The Moon finally enters Libra 18:24 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 29 degrees Aquarius today. The There are 31 days to the Vernal Equinox. Today is the last day of the astrological month of Aquarius. The Sun enters Pisces tomorrow and is conjunct Neptune on Sunday. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Saturn and the lunar node remain in Scorpio. Mercury is now a retrograde morning star in Aquarius. Mercury squares Saturn a 2nd time on Feb 19th. Mercury turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th. Venus is now a direct morning star in Capricorn. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 57 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Jupiter is very close to squaring Uranus, and together with Pluto they form a cardinal T-square which continues to tighten over the weeks ahead. The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery'. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries (a triple conjunction). The waxing square in 9 days time is the second of 3,the first was on August 21st 2013 and the final blast in on April 20th 2014. Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus. The astrological wave of the week is the lunar occultation of Saturn observable from eastern south Africa, the Indian ocean, most of Australia and from New Zealand on Friday.Tuesday 18 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Aquarius EA 29 Leo UR sqr PL .46 Mon 03 Libra ME 8 Virgo JU trn SA 1.56 Mer 25 Aquarius VE 22 Virgo ME opp NE 2.58 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 26 Virgo VE sex JU 3.04 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer ME trn PL 3.95 Jup 11 Cancer SA 17 Scorpio VE con MA 4.42 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ur .2 Su Ve/Ur .02 Su Ve/Ur .16 Su Ve/Ur .33 Ve Ma/Ur .29 Su Me/Ne .09 Su Me/Ne .29 Ve Ma/Ur .64 Sa Mo/Pl .33 Ve Ma/Ur .4 Ve Ma/Ur .52 Su Me/Ne .68 Su Me/Ne .48 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 No Mo/Sa .54 No Mo/Sa 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Sa Mo/Pl 1.22 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ma Mo/Sa 1.3 Pl Su/Sa 1.47 Ju Mo/Ur 1.21 Pl Su/Sa 1.22 Pl Su/Sa 1.59 Ur Ju/Pl 1.68 Pl Su/Sa 1.35 Pl Mo/Ur 1.6 The international community must act on evidence of crimes against humanity in North Korea, say the panel behind a year-long UN inquiry. Blocking an independent Scotland's ability to share the pound could damage business in the rest of the UK, First Minister Alex Salmond says. The Scottish independence referendum will be held on 18 Sept 2014. It does not look likely to me that Scotland will vote for independence. The UK 1801 chart had major turbulence in 2013 but the major astrological storms, i.e. Pluto conjunct UK Sun and IC, Neptune conjunct UK Pluto, Uranus square UK Sun, conjunct UK Descendant, are all over by the referendum date. I would imagine Scottish independence would show up clearly in the 1801 chart. It does not. Transiting Pluto trine the UK 8th house Mars in the autumn I see as a positive influence for unity. My reservations are that Pluto starts to oppose UK Moon from 2018, and at this time I am uncertain as to when independence would commence if a 'yes vote' is recorded. I think independence would start before 2018 so this Pluto Moon opposition will correspond to other events. Also the New Moon just after referendum day is conjunct UK 12th house Uranus, sudden self undoing? and the Total Lunar Eclipse on Oct 8th which is conjunct UK 7th house natal node, exciting the UK 'relationships' to its core. Alex Salmond has his Saturn return and Saturn trine natal Mars in Sept 2014, sure he has the Sun sextile natal Venus on the referendum day, sparkling up his demeanor. Pluto is conjunct his natal Mercury and sextile his MC which I admit is an omen for powerful change, and one that some astrologers have focussed on in their forecast of a 'Yes Vote', but transiting Saturn is conjunct his natal Venus before the end of 2014. Dashed hopes for him I say. The referendum day itself chosen by Alex Salmond is very low key. An old slow Moon in Cancer hangs high in the dawn skies, the mood that day being a practical need for safety security and reassurance.Today a 'Cardinal grand cross' manifests involving the Moon, Uranus, The accelerating Moon in Libra opposes Uranus 14:01 The Moon squares Jupiter 15:19
Jupiter and Pluto 14:00 to 19:00.The Sun enters Pisces 18:01 and a new astrological month begins. The Moon squares Pluto 19:05 The Moon hits disseminating phase 23:42 19 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Pisces EA 0 Virgo UR sqr PL .47 Mon 15 Libra ME 12 Virgo ME trn PL .69 Mer 24 Aquarius VE 24 Virgo JU trn SA 1.61 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 27 Virgo VE con MA 3.24 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer EA opp NE 4.77 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Ur .03 Su Ve/Ur .68 Ma Mo/No .24 Pl Su/Sa .74 Su Ve/Ur .5 Ve Ma/Ur .89 Su Ve/Ur .85 Su Ve/Ur 1.02 Ve Ma/Ur .77 Pl Su/Sa .98 Pl Su/Sa .86 Ve Ma/Ur 1.15 Su Me/Ne 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ve Ma/Ur 1.02 Ve Ur/No 1.2 Pl Su/Sa 1.1 Su Me/Ne 1.44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ve Ur/No 1.49 Ve Ur/No 1.35 Ma Mo/No 1.32 Ur Ju/Pl 1.63 Pl Mo/Ur 1.54 Ur Ju/Pl 1.61 Ur Ju/Pl 1.59 Yesterday the Moon in testing cardinal grand cross with Jupiter Uranus and Pluto oversaw trouble in the Ukraine and in Thailand. Ukrainian police stormed the main anti-government protest camp in the capital, Kiev, after nine people died in the worst violence in weeks. In a similar vein at least four people were killed and dozens injured in violence that erupted as Thai police began clearing protest sites in the capital, Bangkok. We can expect plenty more of these sort of violent protest events over the season ahead as the cardinal T-square of Jupiter (freedom seeking) Uranus (protesting) and Pluto (violence) rings out. Well, we are now into the astrological month of Pisces. The Sun and Neptune are in Pisces. The great dream. The Moon and Mars are in Libra. Pushing for adjustment. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Seeking material security. Retro-Mercury squares Saturn 07:12 The disseminating accelerating Moon in Libra squares Venus 07:46 The Moon trines retro-Mercury 14:14 The Moon conjuncts Mars becoming void 21:53 The Moon remains void of course for over 5 hours.Thursday 20 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Pisces EA 1 Virgo UR sqr PL .47 Mon 28 Libra ME 17 Virgo ME sex SA .8 Mer 22 Aquarius VE 25 Virgo JU trn SA 1.66 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 27 Virgo VE con MA 2.06 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer ME sex JU 2.47 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio EA opp NE 3.77 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Sa .61 Pl Su/Sa .49 Pl Su/Sa .37 Pl Su/Sa .25 Ve Mo/Ur .72 Ve Mo/Ur .74 Ve Ur/No .74 Ve Ur/No .59 Ve Ur/No 1.05 Ve Ur/No .89 No Mo/Ma .81 No Mo/Ma .84 Su Ve/Ur 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Su Ve/Ur 1.37 Su Ve/Ur 1.53 Ur Ju/Pl 1.53 Mo Ma/No 1.21 Ve Ma/Ur 1.41 Ve Ma/Ur 1.54 Ve Ma/Ur 1.67 Ve Ma/Ur 1.28 Ur Ju/Pl 1.56 Ur Ju/Pl 1.55 Su Ve/Ur 1.7 Venus semi-square Neptune 00:42 The accelerating disseminating Moon enters Scorpio 03:34 Moon trine Sun 06:25 Moon conjunction her node 06:34 Sun trine Node 08:10 Moon trine Neptune 12:43 Moon trine Jupiter 23:28
Friday 21 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Pisces EA 2 Virgo UR sqr PL .48 Mon 11 Scorpio ME 21 Virgo VE con MA .88 Mer 22 Aquarius VE 27 Virgo JU trn SA 1.72 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 28 Virgo ME sex JU 1.8 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer EA opp NE 2.77 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Sa .13 Pl Su/Sa .01 Pl Su/Sa .12 Ve Ur/No .04 Ve Ur/No .43 Ve Ur/No .27 Ve Ur/No .12 Pl Mo/Ne .05 Mo Ma/Sa .87 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Su/Sa .24 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.5 Ur Ju/Pl 1.49 Pl Su/Mo .92 Mo Sa/No 1.37 Mo Sa/No 1.92 Pl Mo/Ne 1.61 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.52 Ve Ma/Ur 1.95 Ve Ma/Ur 2.09 Ur Ju/Pl 1.48 Ve Ma/Ur 1.81 Su Ve/Ur 2.04 Su Ve/Ur 2.21 Ve Ma/Ur 2.23 Yesterday At least 71 protesters were killed by security forces in Kiev, with the US expressing "outrage" at security forces' actions. The Ukraine Uranus (protest and rebellion) is picking up the full blast of the Cardinal T-square of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto at this time. The current crisis started in November as Pluto made a 3rd conjunction to Ukraine Uranus. This week transiting Uranus is exactly square Ukraine Uranus. The accelerating disseminating Moon in Scorpio is sextile Pluto 03:23 The Moon squares Mercury 17:59 The Moon sextiles Venus 18:05 Moon conjunction Saturn(0.58 degrees from exact alignment) becoming void 22:10 Visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn the 4th of 14The weekend ahead looks to be a lively affair. The Moon will riot in Sagittarius and the Sun will be in titanic conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Big wave coming over.
Saturday 22 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Pisces EA 3 Virgo VE con MA .29 Mon 24 Scorpio ME 25 Virgo UR sqr PL .48 Mer 21 Aquarius VE 29 Virgo JU trn SA 1.77 Ven 21 Capricorn MA 28 Virgo EA opp NE 1.77 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer ME con MA 2.97 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio ME con VE 3.27 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 02 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2active now. Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ur/No .2 Ve Ur/No .37 Ve Ur/No .53 Pl Mo/Me .63 Pl Su/Sa .36 Pl Su/Sa .48 Pl Su/Sa .6 Mo Ma/Pl .67 Pl Su/Mo .87 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ve Ur/No .7 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.45 Ur Ju/Pl 1.43 Pl Su/Sa .72 Ur Ju/Pl 1.46 Ve Ma/Ur 2.52 Pl Mo/Me 2.24 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Mo/Ne 1.72 Pl Su/Mo 2.67 Ve Ma/Ur 2.66 Ur Ju/Pl 1.42 Ve Ma/Ur 2.37 Su Ve/Ur 2.7 Su Ve/Ur 2.87 Ve Mo/Ne 1.91Last Quarter Moon squares the Sun and Neptune. The accelerating waning Moon enters Sagittarius 10:12 The Moon reaches last quarter phase 17:16 Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 18:00 GMT, The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are gathered within 20 degrees in the 20th harmonic chart at this time. Moon square Neptune 19:03 The Piscean Sun is conjunct Neptune tomorrow.Sunday 23 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Pisces EA 4 Virgo UR sqr PL .49 Mon 08 Sagittarius ME 29 Virgo ME con MA .67 Mer 20 Aquarius VE 0 Libra EA opp NE .76 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 29 Virgo ME con VE .8 Mar 27 Libra JU 19 Cancer VE con MA 1.47 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio JU trn SA 1.82 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3active now. Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Ne .36 Mo Ve/No .41 Sa Mo/No .18 Mo Sa/Pl .15 Mo Pl/No .64 Ve Su/Mo .96 Pl Su/Sa 1.09 Sa Mo/Ma .49 Ve Su/Mo .72 Pl Su/Sa .97 Ve Ur/No 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Su/Sa .85 Ve Ur/No 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Su/Sa 1.21 Ve Ur/No .86 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.38 Ur Ju/Pl 1.37 Pl Mo/Me .99 Ve Mo/Ne 1.21 Sa Mo/Ma 2.24 Ve Ur/No 1.37 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.39 Ve Su/Mo 2.65 Sa Mo/No 1.56 The accelerating last quarter Moon in Sagittarius 'fire trines' Uranus 04:27Significant geocentric harmonic 14 around 18:00 GMT The Sun makes his annual conjunction with Neptune 18:12 The Moon sextiles Mercury 20:05Monday 24 February 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Pisces EA 5 Virgo EA opp NE .24 Mon 22 Sagittarius ME 3 Libra UR sqr PL .49 Mer 19 Aquarius VE 2 Libra ME con VE 1.54 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 29 Virgo JU trn SA 1.87 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer VE con MA 2.65 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio ME con MA 4.19 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 Scorpio
Fire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ve/Sa 1.09 Mo Me/No 0 Me Mo/Ur .54 Pl Mo/Ve .24 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ve Mo/Me .34 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Mo Ne/No .75 Sa Mo/Ma 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ve Mo/Me 1.21 Mo Su/Ma .77 Pl Su/Sa 1.33 Ur Ju/Pl 1.34 Ur Ju/Pl 1.32 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.35 Me Mo/Ur 1.37 Pl Su/Sa 1.57 Mo Su/No 1.23 Ve Ur/No 1.54 Pl Su/Sa 1.45 Ve Ur/No 1.88 Mo Ma/Ne 1.25 Mo Me/Ma 1.58 Ve Ur/No 1.71 Pl Mo/Ve 2.12 Ur Ju/Pl 1.31 The accelerating last quarter Moon starting the day in Sagittarius sextiles Mars becoming void 09:26 Moon enters Capricorn 13:51, joining Venus and Pluto in that sign. The Moon sextiles her node 16:09 The Moon sextiles Neptune 22:20 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 6 degrees Piscess today. The There are then 24 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Saturn and the lunar node remain in Scorpio. Mercury is now a retrograde morning star in Aquarius. He turns direct again on Feb 28th at 18 degrees Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, gets back up to apparent full speed and trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, and trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th and enters new territory on March 21st. Venus is a direct morning star in Capricorn. Venus is brilliant in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time tomorrow, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of Uranus square Pluto. The 5th member of 7 square aspects between them will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 50 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 64 days time, on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Jupiter is very close to squaring Uranus, and together with Pluto they form a cardinal T-square which continues to tighten over the weeks ahead. The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery'. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries (a triple conjunction). The waxing square in 2 days time is the second of 3,the first was on August 21st 2013 and the final blast in on April 20th 2014. Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus. The astrological wave of the week is the 'fortunate' New Moon in Pisces trine Jupiter on Saturday preceeded by Mercury turning direct and closely followed by Mars (and Saturn) turning retrograde.Tuesday 25 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Pisces EA 6 Virgo UR sqr PL .5 Mon 06 Capricorn ME 7 Libra EA opp NE 1.24 Mer 19 Aquarius VE 3 Libra JU trn SA 1.92 Ven 23 Capricorn MA 30 Virgo ME con VE 3.77 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer VE con MA 3.82 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio ME sqr PL 4.4 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME opp UR 4.9 Ura 10 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Me/Sa .01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Mo Sa/Ne .82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.26 Ur Ju/Pl 1.3 Pl Su/Sa 1.94 Ur Ju/Pl 1.27 Mo Ve/Pl 1.29 Pl Mo/Ve 1.64 Ve Ur/No 2.41 Ur Mo/Ju 1.47 Mo Su/Sa 1.88 Pl Su/Sa 1.81 Mo Su/Sa 1.67 Mo Ma/Ur 1.93 Ve Ur/No 2.23 Pl Su/Sa 2.06 Pl Su/Sa 2.18 Mo Su/No 2.27 Ve Ur/No 2.58 Ve Ur/No 2.76Yesterday Moscow increased its rhetoric against Ukraine's new Western-leaning leadership, as Kiev issued an arrest warrant for ousted President Viktor Yanukovych. It is interesting to note that Vladimir Putin has Uranus opposite his natal Sun this year, first blast April 28th. That last week in April looks heavy for him as in addition to this, Jupiter squares his natal Sun and if his birth time is accurate he has Saturn square his natal MC. In 2015-2016 Pluto will square his natal Sun. Whether this harsh astrology will reflect on his handling of the Ukraine problem remains to be seen but his political future is certainly full of shocks and trauma. Rather an inert self repressive tough going day is in store today. The accelerating waning Moon in Capricorn sextiles the Sun 00:22 Venus waxing sextile Saturn 04:51 The 'Cardinal T-square' manifests involving the Moon, Pluto Moon square Uranus 07:16 Moon opposition Jupiter 07:24 Moon conjunction Pluto 11:22
Jupiter and Uranus 07:00 to 12:00Significant geocentric harmonic 14 around 12:00 GMT The Moon then applies in conjunction to Venus. Materialism to the fore.Wednesday 26 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Pisces EA 7 Virgo UR sqr PL .5 Mon 21 Capricorn ME 11 Libra ME sqr PL .67 Mer 19 Aquarius VE 5 Libra ME opp UR 1.17 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 0 Libra JU trn SA 1.97 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer EA opp NE 2.24 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio EA trn PL 4.29 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE con MA 4.99 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ur/No .18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Me Su/Mo .42 Mo Sa/Ur .04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.23 Ne Mo/Ur .78 Me Mo/Ne .18 Ur Ju/Pl 1.24 Pl Su/Sa 2.42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ne Mo/Ur 1.08 Mo Ma/Ur 1.75 Me Su/Mo 2.47 Ur Ju/Pl 1.22 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Su/Sa 2.3 Ne Mo/Ur 2.64 Me Mo/Ne 1.75 Ur Ju/Pl 1.21 Mo Ve/Pl 2.31 Me Su/Ve 2.67 Me Su/Ve 2.39 Mo Me/Pl 1.22 Ne Ve/Ur 2.93 Ne Ve/Ur 2.84 Pl Su/Sa 2.54 Me Su/Mo 1.63 The rapidly waning Moon in Capricorn reaches balsamic phase 02:43 The procession to Saturday's New Moon now starts. The Moon sextiles Saturn 04:09 The Moon conjuncts Venus(0.28 degrees from exact alignment)05:18 Jupiter square Uranus 07:31 The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery' a firm 'astro-favourite' of mine. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries (a triple conjunction). Today's waxing square is the second of 3, the first was on August 21st 2013 and the final blast is on April 20th 2014. Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus. The Moon squares Mars becoming void 10:52 The Moon enters Aquarius 14:56 joining Mercury in this sign. The Moon squares her node 16:59Thursday 27 February 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Pisces EA 8 Virgo UR sqr PL .51 Mon 06 Aquarius ME 15 Libra JU trn SA 2.03 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 7 Libra ME opp UR 2.45 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 0 Libra ME sqr PL 2.96 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer EA opp NE 3.24 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio EA trn PL 3.29 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE opp UR 5.45 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ur .19 Mo Ne/Pl .29 Ur Ju/Pl 1.17 Mo Su/Ve .19 Ve Mo/Pl .25 Ur Ju/Pl 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Me Su/Ve 1.1 Mo Me/Ve .8 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Me Su/Ve 1.34 Ur Ju/Pl 1.16 Ur Ju/Pl 1.19 Mo Su/Pl 1.4 Mo Ve/Ne 1.92 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ve Mo/Pl 1.44 Mo Su/Pl 2.23 Mo Ve/Ne 1.74 Me Su/Ve 1.86 Su Mo/Ur 1.44 Ne Ve/Ur 2.4 Ne Ve/Ur 2.31 Me Mo/Ne 2.1 Me Su/Ve 1.6 New Age vision day. The very rapidly waning balsamic Moon in Aquarius sextiles Uranus 07:55, a high tech start to the day.Moon at perigee 19 53 (closest to The Moon is conjunct an almost stationary Mercury (0.58 degrees from exact alignment)20:02 Revelation.Earth and fastest all month)Latest update:-Friday 28 February 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Pisces EA 9 Virgo UR sqr PL .51 Mon 21 Aquarius ME 18 Libra ME sqr JU 1.76 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 8 Libra JU trn SA 2.08 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 1 Libra EA trn PL 2.29 Mar 28 Libra JU 20 Cancer VE sqr PL 3.33 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio VE opp UR 3.85 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA opp NE 4.23 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .86 Me Su/Ve .63 Me Su/Ve .4 Me Su/Ve .18 Ur Ju/Pl 1.14 Ur Ju/Pl 1.13 Mo Su/Me .8 Pl Mo/Sa .44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.12 Ne Su/Mo .77 Ne Ve/Ur 2.22 Ne Ve/Ur 2.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.11 Me Ve/Ne 2.91 Mo Me/Ne 2.26 Ne Su/Mo 1.22 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Mo Ur/Pl 2.41 Mo Ur/Pl 1.33 Mo Ve/Ur 1.35 Me Ve/Ne 2.8 Mo Me/Ne 1.5 Ne Ve/Ur 1.95 Today the Sun is applying in expansive 'good fortune' trine to Jupiter. The very rapidly fading ancient Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 04:13 The Moon trines an almost stationary Mars becoming void 10:56MERCURY(on the Sun/Venus midpoint)TURNS DIRECT 14:01. Always a blessing. Mercury next turns retrograde on June 7th 2014. The Moon enters Pisces 14:54 joining Neptune in that sign. The Moon trines her node 16:45 Moon conjunction Neptune 23:18 Night of the old Moon follows.Saturday 1 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Pisces EA 10 Virgo UR sqr PL .52 Mon 06 Pisces ME 22 Libra EA trn PL 1.29 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 10 Libra ME sqr JU 1.61 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 1 Libra VE sqr PL 1.72 Mar 28 Libra JU 20 Cancer JU trn SA 2.13 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio VE opp UR 2.24 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA opp NE 5.23 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioDay of the New Moon in Pisces. A cardinal T-square involving Jupiter Uranus and Pluto active now and lasts right into May. Fire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .03 Me Su/Ve .24 Me Su/Ve .44 Su Mo/Ne .03 Ur Ju/Pl 1.09 Me Mo/Ve .34 Ur Ju/Pl 1.07 Me Su/Ve .64 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl 1.06 Pl Mo/Sa 1.43 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Mo Me/Ur 1.34 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ne Ve/Ur 1.85 Mo Su/Ne 1.49 Me Mo/Ve 1.59 Ne Ve/Ur 1.57 Mo Su/Ne 2.1 Ne Ve/Ur 1.76 Su Mo/Ne 1.63 Me Ve/Ne 2.26 Me Mo/Ve 2.29 Me Ve/Ne 2.42 Ne Ve/Ur 1.67 Mo Me/Ur 2.33 The Sun water trines Jupiter 04:06 The Moon water trines Jupiter 07:45 Moon conjunction Sun 08:01 New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune,trine Jupiter, sextile Pluto.
Today's New Moon, is the 4th New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3rd 2013 in Scorpio, and is the penultimate New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 29th 2014. This New Moon is separating from a conjunction with Neptune, applying in conjunction to Chiron tightly trine Jupiter, and sextile Pluto. We are dealing here with a deeply spiritual, unfathomable, largely fortunate lunation. The symbolisim of the Sun, the Moon, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces is vastly oceanic. Water predominates, as does cardinality. Strong hydro- currents of emotion, need, belief and worship grip our souls. There is a problem with Venus square Mars, but that only requires work to sort it out. Mercury has just turned direct and Mars is about to turn retrograde. A special day is at hand. This New Moon occurs at breakfast time (UK) on this Saturday morning. Rise to greet the New Moon. At the moment of New Moon the Moon is setting aligned to Neptune at Brisbane, the Sun and Moon straddle the IC of Los Angeles, and are culminating over western Afghanistan. Pluto culminates at Brussels, Uranus at Lhasa, Saturn at Brasilia, Neptune at Tokyo, and Venus at Stockholm. Uranus rises at Madrid, Jupiter rises at Delhi. There is a tight Mars Node paran at N'Djamena, the capital of Chad. Today's New Moon directly hits the natal Sun of Justin Bieber, (much in need of light and truth) Roger Daltry and Mel Pepe, (in need of victory) the natal Venus of Charlotte Church, the natal Jupiter of Jamacia and the natal Saturn of Bjork and the Dalai Lama. The day continues in a positive if not dreamy mood. Moon sextile Pluto 11:56
MARS TURNS RETROGRADE 16:25 Pluto quintile the lunar node 23:54Sunday 2 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Pisces EA 11 Virgo VE sqr PL .11 Mon 20 Pisces ME 25 Libra EA trn PL .29 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 12 Libra UR sqr PL .52 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 2 Libra VE opp UR .64 Mar 28 Libra JU 20 Cancer JU trn SA 2.18 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 2Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .82 Me Mo/Pl .31 Pl Mo/Ma .45 Ve Mo/Sa .1 Ne Mo/Me .9 Pl Mo/No .48 Ur Ju/Pl 1.02 Ur Ju/Pl 1.01 Ur Ju/Pl 1.04 Ne Mo/Me .94 Me Su/Ve 1.18 Ne Ve/Ur 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Me Su/Ve 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ne Ve/Ur 1.48 Ur Ju/Pl 1.03 Ne Ve/Ur 1.29 Pl Mo/Ma 1.35 Me Mo/Pl 1.48 Mo Ur/Ne 1.13 Pl Mo/No 1.32 Me Su/Ve 1.35 Su Mo/Ne 1.57 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Mo Su/Ur 1.49 Me Ve/Ne 2.03 Yesterday's New Moon coincided with Russia approving the deployment of troops in Ukraine, prompting Kiev to put its army on full alert as international leaders expressed alarm. US President Obama warned Moscow there would be "costs" for any military intervention in Ukraine, amid reports of Russian forces on the move in Crimea. We have a situation. Mars hovers stationary, about to turn retrograde, on the ascendant in the 1917 Russian/USA(Sibly) relationship chart and square the Moon in the 1991 Russian chart. Yesterday's New Moon was 7 degrees from a conjunction with the Sun in the said (relationship)chart. Mercury also almost stationary, now direct, is today conjunct Uranus in the 1919 Russian chart. Uranus in the Ukraine (Aug 24th 1991) chart is at the focus of the current Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto T-squares in the sky this season. We have the revolutionary aspect of Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus at work, woven together with the strongly expansive vibrations of a New Moon, and we have four planets, Mercury, Mars Saturn and Jupiter in the throes of changing apparent direction. It all adds up to a situation. Today the fast and young Moon decelerating in Aquarius, trines Saturn 04:39. The Moon sextiles Venus becoming void 11:05 The Moon enters Aries 15:41 joining Uranus in that sign.SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE 16:20 Venus squares recently retro-Mars 20:04 The Pisces Sun sextiles Capricorn Pluto tomorrow. Today and tomorrow see change, hopefully for the better.Monday 3 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Pisces EA 12 Virgo UR sqr PL .53 Mon 05 Aries ME 28 Libra EA trn PL .71 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 13 Libra VE opp UR .97 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 2 Libra VE sqr PL 1.5 Mar 28 Libra JU 20 Cancer JU trn SA 2.23 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Me .6 Su Mo/Me .96 Ne Mo/Ve .28 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Ur Ju/Pl 1 Ur Ju/Pl .99 Mo Ju/Pl .28 Ur Ju/Pl .96 Ne Ve/Ur 1.1 Ne Ve/Ur 1 Ne Ve/Ur .9 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Ur Ju/Pl .97 Ne Mo/Ve 1.57 Ve Mo/Sa 1.49 Me Su/Ve 1.68 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Su Me/Ur 1.68 Me Su/Ve 1.52 Me Ve/Ne 1.94 Me Su/Ve 1.83 Me Ve/Ne 1.88 Me Ve/Ne 1.98 Su Me/Ur 2.09 Su Me/Ur 1.89 Me Su/Ve 1.98The Moon and Uranus form a fixed T-square with Jupiter and Pluto The fast young decelerating Moon in Aries squares Jupiter 09:15 The Moon is conjunct Uranus(1.11 degrees from exact alignment)09:52 The Moon squares Pluto 13:48 The Sun sextiles Pluto 19:16 The Moon sextiles Mercury 23:29 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 13 degrees Pisces today. There are then 17 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Uranus are in Aries. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Saturn and the lunar node remain in Scorpio. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time on March 11th, gets back up to apparent full speed after recent retrograde motion, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, and trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th and enters new territory on March 21st. Venus is a direct morning star in Capricorn. Venus is brilliant in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus enters new territory tomorrow and enters Aquarius on Wednesday. Venus squares the lunar node on Thursday. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now retrograding in Libra. Mars is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 43 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 57 days time, on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Jupiter is currently squaring Uranus, and together with Pluto form a cardinal T-square which continues to tighten over the weeks ahead. Mars now retrograding in Libra will tighten his grip on the T-square forming a Grand Cardinal Cross around April 20th. We are dealing here with dynamic astrological energy which will correspond over significant events on earth during the next 7 weeks. The degree area concerned is 13-14 degrees of the cardinal signs. We will examine this in the weeks ahead, suffice to say at this time of turmoil and confusion in the Ukraine, that Neptune in the Ukraine and Russian 1991 charts is at 14 Capricorn, relationship Uranus of the USA with the 1917 Russian chart is at 13 Aries, and the natal Sun of Vladimir Putin is at 14 degrees Libra. The British Royal family has sensitive chart points at 13-14 degrees of the cardinal signs as has the UK Consevative Party and the UK 'UKIP' party. Alex Salmond is starred as is Syria, China, Egypt, and Burma. More will follow.
09:00 to 14:00Tuesday 4 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Pisces EA 13 Virgo UR sqr PL .53 Mon 19 Aries ME 1 Scorpio EA trn PL 1.7 Mer 19 Aquarius VE 15 Libra JU trn SA 2.28 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 3 Libra VE opp UR 2.57 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer VE sqr PL 3.11 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio ME trn NE 3.65 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ve/Ju .4 Ne Ve/Ur .61 Ve Mo/No .42 Su Mo/Ve .11 Ne Ve/Ur .71 Ur Ju/Pl .94 Ne Ve/Ur .51 Ne Ve/Ur .41 Ur Ju/Pl .95 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ne Mo/Pl .84 Mo Me/Ju .43 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Su Me/Ur 1.28 Ur Ju/Pl .93 Ne Mo/Pl .85 Su Me/Ur 1.48 Me Ve/Ne 1.84 Su Me/Ur 1.08 Su Me/Ur .88 Me Ve/Ne 1.86 Ve Mo/No 1.92 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ur Ju/Pl .92 Me Su/Ve 2.13 Me Su/Ve 2.27 Su Mo/Ve 1.44 Ve Mo/No 1.06 Ukraine, the story so far. Saturday's New Moon coincided with Russia approving the deployment of troops in Ukraine, prompting Kiev to put its army on full alert as international leaders expressed alarm. Russian forces have moved into Crimea. Mars hovers stationary retrograde, on the ascendant in the 1917 Russian/USA(Sibly) relationship chart and square the Moon in the 1991 Russian chart. Saturday's New Moon was 7 degrees from a conjunction with the Sun in the US/Russia chart. The relationship of the USA and Russia is obviously at the core of the Ukraine problem. Uranus in the Ukraine (Aug 24th 1991) chart is at the focus of the current Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto T-squares in the sky this season. Mars now retrograding in Libra will tighten his grip on the T-square forming a Grand Cardinal Cross around April 20th. This will doubtlessly correspond with significant events on earth during the next 7 weeks. The degree area concerned is 13-14 degrees of the cardinal signs. At this time of turmoil and confusion in the Ukraine, Neptune in the Ukraine and Russian 1991 charts is at 14 Capricorn, Uranus in the USA/Russia relationship is at 13 Aries, and the natal Sun of Vladimir Putin, shortly to be opposed by Uranus and squared by Pluto, is at 14 degrees Libra. History will view Putin by the way he handles this crisis. At the time of maximum eclipse during the next Solar Eclipse on April 29th 2014, Neptune is culminating over Kiev and Odessa. Today Venus makes a waning quintile to Uranus 12:09.The Moon in Aries, her node and Mars form a cardinal T-square Moon opposition Mars 14:45 Venus semi-square the Sun 16:33 Moon square Venus, becoming void 17:32 The decelerating Moon reaches crescent phase 17:33 The Moon enters Taurus 19:13 The Moon opposes her north node 20:54
14:00 to 18:00Wednesday 5 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Pisces EA 14 Virgo ME trn NE .5 Mon 03 Taurus ME 5 Scorpio UR sqr PL .54 Mer 19 Aquarius VE 16 Libra JU trn SA 2.33 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 3 Libra EA trn PL 2.7 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer VE sqr JU 3.93 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio VE opp UR 4.17 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ve/Ur .31 Ne Ve/Ur .21 Ne Ve/Ur .11 Ne Ve/Ur .01 Su Me/Ur .69 Su Me/Ur .5 Su Me/Ur .32 Su Me/Ur .13 Ur Ju/Pl .91 Ur Su/Mo .61 Ur Ju/Pl .88 Mo Su/Ju .16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ur Ju/Pl .89 Ur Su/Mo 1.15 Ur Ju/Pl .87 Su Mo/Ve 1.65 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Me Ve/Ne 1.82 Ve Me/Pl 1.73 Mo Ju/Ne 1.39 Ve Me/Pl 1.44 Ve Me/Pl 1.88 Me Ve/Ne 1.82 Ve Me/Pl 1.58 Me Mo/Sa 1.54 A passive, sensual, deep-rooted day is in store. Be gentle and strong and you are in tune with the cosmos today. The waxing crescent Moon decelerating in Taurus sextiles Neptune 04:54, himself on the Venus/Uranus midpoint. The Moon sextiles Jupiter 14:04 The Moon trines Pluto 19:03 Venus enters Aquarius 21:04 This is welcome relief. Venus has been in Capricorn since November 5th, a very lengthy period for a Venus residence. In contrast she resides in Aquarius for only 31 days. Venus sextiles Uranus on March 18th. She trines retro-Mars and squares retro-Saturn on March 29th. She trines the lunar node and enters Pisces on April 5th. The month ahead will be characterised by a novel, experimental and light approach to love, affection and involvement. Time to sample new sensation. Cast off the tradition, seek alternatives. The Moon sextiles the Sun (himself on Mercury/Uranus) 22:58.Thursday 6 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Pisces EA 15 Virgo UR sqr PL .55 Mon 16 Taurus ME 8 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.39 Mer 20 Aquarius VE 18 Libra VE sqr JU 2.4 Ven 00 Aquarius MA 4 Libra ME trn NE 2.6 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer EA sex SA 2.64 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio EA trn PL 3.7 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Mo/Sa .04 Ne Ve/Ur .19 Ne Ve/Ur .3 Mo Ju/Ur .25 Su Me/Ur .05 Su Me/Ur .23 Su Me/Ur .4 Ne Ve/Ur .4 Ne Ve/Ur .09 Su Mo/Pl .55 Ur Ju/Pl .84 Su Me/Ur .58 Ur Mo/Ne .31 Ur Ju/Pl .85 Ve Me/Pl 1.01 Ur Ju/Pl .83 Su Mo/Pl .82 Ve Me/Pl 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ve Me/Pl .87 Ur Ju/Pl .86 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ve Sa/Ur 1.62 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ur Mo/Ne 1.3 Me Ve/Ne 1.9 Ve Sa/Ur 1.41 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Taurus squares Mercury 07:19JUPITER TURNS DIRECT 10:40. He will now appear to start to accelerate The Moon opposes Saturn becoming void 13:56 and remaining that way for nearly 12 hours. Venus squares the lunar node 20:53
through the remaining 20 degrees on the sign Cancer before entering
Leo on July 16th.Friday 7 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Pisces EA 16 Virgo UR sqr PL .55 Mon 29 Taurus ME 11 Scorpio VE sqr JU .87 Mer 20 Aquarius VE 20 Libra ME sex PL .87 Ven 01 Aquarius MA 4 Libra EA sex SA 1.67 Mar 27 Libra JU 20 Cancer JU trn SA 2.44 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ve/Ur .5 Ur Mo/Me .02 Ve Me/Pl .47 Ve Me/Pl .34 Ve Me/Pl .74 Ne Ve/Ur .6 Ne Ve/Ur .71 Ve Sa/Ur .59 Su Me/Ur .75 Ve Me/Pl .6 Ur Ju/Pl .8 Ur Ju/Pl .79 Ur Ju/Pl .82 Ur Ju/Pl .81 Ve Sa/Ur .8 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Su Me/Ur .92 Su Me/Ur 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Ve Sa/Ur 1.21 Ve Sa/Ur 1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Su Me/Ur 1.25 Ur Mo/Me 1.61 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Ur Mo/Me 1.64 Ne Su/Me 1.64 The Moon decelerating to first quarter enters Gemini 02:39 Air and water signs predominate. Fizz and effervescence. The Moon air trines Venus 04:46 The Moon squares Neptune 13:12Saturday 8 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Pisces EA 17 Virgo UR sqr PL .56 Mon 11 Gemini ME 14 Scorpio VE sqr JU .66 Mer 21 Aquarius VE 21 Libra EA sex SA .7 Ven 02 Aquarius MA 4 Libra ME sex PL 2.13 Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer JU trn SA 2.49 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio EA sex JU 3.19 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME con SA 4.26 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Pl .2 Ve Me/Pl .07 Ve Sa/Ur .04 Ve Me/Pl .18 Ve Sa/Ur .38 Ve Sa/Ur .17 Ve Me/Pl .05 Ur Mo/Ve .22 Ur Ju/Pl .78 Ur Ju/Pl .77 Ur Ju/Pl .76 Ve Sa/Ur .25 Ne Ve/Ur .92 Ne Ve/Ur 1.02 Ne Su/Me 1.05 Ur Ju/Pl .75 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Ne Ve/Ur 1.13 Ne Su/Me .85 Su Me/Ur 1.41 Ne Su/Me 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ne Su/Me 1.45 Su Me/Ur 1.57 Ur Mo/Ve 1.39 Ne Ve/Ur 1.23A light feeling day, good for talking, good for moving. The decelerating waxing Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 00:01 Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 12:00 GMT involving the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus amassed in Virgo. The 16th harmonic is dangerous and this combination is critical. The Moon reaches first quarter phase 13:28 The Moon air trines trine Mercury 20:21Sunday 9 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Pisces EA 18 Virgo EA sex SA .27 Mon 23 Gemini ME 17 Scorpio UR sqr PL .56 Mer 21 Aquarius VE 23 Libra ME con SA 1.33 Ven 03 Aquarius MA 5 Libra EA sex ME 1.6 Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer VE sqr JU 2.18 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio EA sex JU 2.27 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU trn SA 2.54 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME trn JU 3.87 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Pl .31 Ne Su/Me .43 Ne Su/Me .23 Ne Su/Me .02 Ve Sa/Ur .46 Ve Me/Pl .43 Ve Me/Pl .55 Ve Me/Pl .68 Ne Su/Me .64 Ve Sa/Ur .68 Ur Ju/Pl .72 Ur Ju/Pl .71 Ur Ju/Pl .74 Ur Ju/Pl .73 Ve Sa/Ur .89 Ve Sa/Ur 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ne Ve/Ur 1.34 Ne Ve/Ur 1.44 Ne Ve/Ur 1.55 Ne Ve/Ur 1.66 Ur Mo/Ve 1.83 Su Me/Ur 2.2 Su Me/Ur 2.35 Su Me/Ur 2.49 A Malaysian aeroplane with 239 on board has disappeared, presumed crashed. It took off from Kuala Lumpur airport at 12.41 am. Flight MH370 vanished at 18:40 GMT Friday (02:40 local time Saturday). The plane reportedly went off the radar south of Vietnam, and according to Malaysian Airlines, it last had contact with air traffic controllers 120 nautical miles off the east coast of the Malaysian town of Kota Bharu. A sharp and succinct astrological review of the take off chart can be found at Marjorie Orr's site The chart set for the presumed crash site in the South China Sea south of Vietnam, shows Jupiter setting, Pluto just risen and Uranus lately conjunct the local IC. In other words this calamity is yet another manifestation of the Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto T-square dominating the skies right now. Today the decelerating first quarter Moon in Gemini trines Mars becoming void 07:54. The Moon enters Cancer 13:34 joining Jupiter in that sign. The Moon trines her node 14:57.Monday 10 March 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Pisces EA 19 Virgo EA sex ME .32 Mon 05 Cancer ME 20 Scorpio UR sqr PL .57 Mer 22 Aquarius VE 24 Libra ME trn JU 1.03 Ven 04 Aquarius MA 5 Libra EA sex SA 1.24 Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer EA sex JU 1.35 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio ME con SA 1.56 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU trn SA 2.59 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sqr JU 3.71 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 1Air 3Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Me .2 Ne Su/Me .41 Ne Su/Me .63 Ur Ju/Pl .67 Ur Ju/Pl .7 Ur Mo/Pl .46 Ur Ju/Pl .68 Ne Su/Me .85 Ve Me/Pl .8 Ur Ju/Pl .69 Ur Mo/Pl 1.01 Ve Me/Pl 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ve Me/Pl .92 Ve Me/Pl 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Ve Sa/Ur 1.32 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Ve Sa/Ur 1.97 Ne Ve/Ur 1.77 Ve Sa/Ur 1.53 Ve Sa/Ur 1.75 Ne Ve/Ur 2.09 Ur Mo/Pl 1.94 Ne Ve/Ur 1.87 Ne Ve/Ur 1.98 Pl Su/No 2.91 The Moon in Cancer trines Neptune on the Sun/Mercury midpoint 00:47 This decelerating first quarter Moon is conjunct Jupiter 10:38 Moon square Uranus 12:06 Moon opposition Pluto 16:17 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 20 degrees Pisces today The Sun trines Saturn on Thursday. There are now 10 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury and Venus are in Aquarius. The Moon and Jupiter are in Cancer. Saturn and the lunar node remain in Scorpio. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Aquarius. He squares Saturn a third time tomorrow, gets back up to apparent full speed after recent retrograde motion, trines Mars a 3rd time on March 14th, and trines the lunar node on March 16th. Mercury finally leaves Aquarius for Pisces on March 17th and enters new territory on March 21st. Venus is a direct morning star in Aquarius. Venus is brilliant in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus sextiles Uranus on March 18th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th.She trines retro-Mars and squares retro-Saturn on March 29th. She trines the lunar node and enters Pisces on April 5th. Mars is now retrograding in Libra. Mars is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 36 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 50 days time, on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Jupiter is currently squaring Uranus, and together with Pluto form a cardinal T-square which continues to tighten over the weeks ahead. Mars now retrograding in Libra will tighten his grip on the T-square forming a Grand Cardinal Cross around April 20th.Tuesday 11 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Pisces EA 20 Virgo EA sex JU .44 Mon 17 Cancer ME 23 Scorpio UR sqr PL .57 Mer 23 Aquarius VE 26 Libra ME trn JU 1.77 Ven 04 Aquarius MA 6 Libra EA sex ME 2.21 Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer EA sex SA 2.21 Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.64 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries ME con SA 4.42 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 1Air 3Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .66 Ur Ju/Pl .65 Ur Ju/Pl .64 Ur Ju/Pl .63 Ne Su/Me 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Ne Su/Me 1.29 Ve Me/Pl 1.5 Ve Me/Pl 1.61 Ve Me/Pl 1.27 Ve Me/Pl 1.38 Ne Su/Me 1.51 Ne Su/Me 1.73 Ve Sa/Ur 2.18 Ne Ve/Ur 2.31 Ne Ve/Ur 2.42 Su Ur/Ne 2.37 Ne Ve/Ur 2.2 Ve Sa/Ur 2.4 Pl Su/No 2.57 Pl Su/No 2.45 Pl Su/No 2.79 Pl Su/No 2.68 Su Ur/Ne 2.61 Ne Ve/Ur 2.53 Mercury waxing square Saturn 06:15. (Deliberation.)The Moon, the Sun and Saturn form a watery grand trine The very slowly waxing Moon in Cancer trines the Sun 07:12 Moon trine Saturn 12:30 Sun biquintile Mars 14:01 (Preparation for their opposition on April 8th)
07:00 to 13:00. (Caring, nourishing, protection.)Moon at apogee 05 11 (farthest from Moon square retro-Mars becoming void 19:52 (Anxiety) Venus waxing quintile Saturn 22:08 (Proposal)Earth and slowest all month)Wednesday 12 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Pisces EA 21 Virgo EA sex JU .48 Mon 29 Cancer ME 25 Scorpio UR sqr PL .58 Mer 24 Aquarius VE 28 Libra JU trn SA 2.69 Ven 05 Aquarius MA 6 Libra EA sex SA 3.17 Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer Jup 10 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 1Earth 1Air 3Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .62 Ur Ju/Pl .61 Ur Ju/Pl .6 Ur Ju/Pl .59 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Ve Me/Pl 1.72 Ve Me/Pl 1.83 Su Ur/Ne 1.66 Ma Mo/Pl 1.19 Ne Su/Me 1.96 Su Ur/Ne 1.89 Ve Me/Pl 1.94 Su Ur/Ne 1.42 Su Ur/Ne 2.13 Ne Su/Me 2.19 Pl Su/No 2.11 Pl Su/No 2 Pl Su/No 2.34 Pl Su/No 2.23 Ne Su/Me 2.42 Ve Me/Pl 2.05 Ne Ve/Ur 2.64 Ne Ve/Ur 2.75 Ma Mo/Pl 2.71 Ne Su/Me 2.65 The very slowly waxing Moon enters Leo 02:10 Courage, loyalty and recreation are to the fore. The Moon squares her nodal axis 03:17 Moon opposition Venus 13:58 The Moon hits gibbous phase 16:19. The procession to the Full Moon now starts in earnest. The Sun trines Saturn tomorrow. Solidarity.Thursday 13 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Pisces EA 22 Virgo UR sqr PL .58 Mon 11 Leo ME 28 Scorpio EA sex JU 1.39 Mer 25 Aquarius VE 29 Libra JU trn SA 2.75 Ven 06 Aquarius MA 7 Libra Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 01 ScorpioFire 2Earth 1Air 3Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Pl .34 Ur Ju/Pl .57 No Mo/Pl .43 Su Ur/Ne .47 Ur Ju/Pl .58 Su Ur/Ne .94 Ur Ju/Pl .57 Ur Ju/Pl .56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Su Ur/Ne .7 No Mo/Pl 1.09 Su Ur/Ne 1.18 Pl Su/No 1.77 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Su/No 1.88 Ma Mo/Pl 1.87 Pl Su/No 1.66 Pl Su/No 1.54 Ve Me/Pl 2.16 No Mo/Pl 1.94 Me Ur/Pl 2.03 Me Ur/Pl 1.8 Me Ur/Pl 2.49 Ve Me/Pl 2.27 Ve Me/Pl 2.38 Ve Me/Pl 2.48 A lavish, resplendent and formative day is in store. The slow but accelerating waxing gibbous Moon in Leo 'fire trines' Uranus 01:01 The piscean Sun water trines Saturn in Scorpio 21:17 Lunar tensions are rising, uncompromisingly.Friday 14 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Pisces EA 23 Virgo UR sqr PL .59 Mon 23 Leo ME 1 Sagittarius EA sex JU 2.31 Mer 26 Aquarius VE 1 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.8 Ven 07 Aquarius MA 7 Libra ME sqr NE 4.13 Mar 27 Libra JU 21 Cancer VE trn NE 4.33 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio MA sqr PL 4.49 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp UR 5.08 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioFire 2Earth 1Air 3Water 5Strong helio harmonic 20Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ur/Ne .23 Su Ur/Ne .01 Su Ur/Ne .25 Su Ur/Ne .48 Ur Ju/Pl .55 Ur Ju/Pl .54 Ur Ju/Pl .53 Ur Ju/Pl .52 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Me Ur/Pl 1.08 Me Ur/Pl .84 Pl Su/No 1.43 Pl Su/No 1.31 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Su/No 1.09 Me Ur/Pl 1.56 Me Ur/Pl 1.32 Pl Su/No 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Ve Ne/Pl 2.39 Ve Ne/Pl 2.16 Ve Ne/Pl 1.94 Mo Ma/Ju 1.64 Ve Me/Pl 2.59 Ve Me/Pl 2.69 Ve Me/Pl 2.79 Ve Ne/Pl 1.71 The ongoing (as I write) mystery around the disappearance of Malaysian flight MH 370 has continued to elude, confound and generally fill every news programme this last week. The take off chart (00:41 local time March 8th 2014 Kuala Lumpur) shows Neptune tightly conjunct the IC and the Moon exactly setting. Neptune's confusing dissolving mists envelope this flight. With numerous aberrations from satellite images, engine data, flight plan and official statements this one beats them all in the mystery stakes. Rolls Royce have reported that they lost engine data at 01-07 local time and the last contact with the plane is now put at 01:30 local time. This one is is starting to look fishy, totally in keeping with the massively strong Neptune in the chart and certainly no comfort to the relatives and friends of the missing, presumed dead, passengers. For today, Helio Sun, Mercury and Mars are in 20th harmonic conjunction as midnight sounds. Ditto of course with Uranus and Pluto. Difficult disturbances in the solar system planetary positioning. The slow but accelerating waxing gibbous Moon in Leo squares Saturn 00:49 The Moon opposes Mercury 06:29 Moon sextile Mars becoming void 07:25 The Moon enters Virgo 14:18 The Moon sextiles her node 15:09 Mercury 'air trines' retro-Mars 16:18 and is back up to full apparent speed today. Its 'full speed ahead' for plans and projects. A 'full moon weekend' is upon us. The Virgo Full Moon is often a tense and touchy affair. The lunar tension builds up all weekend and reaches a peak 17:09(GMT)on Sunday evening.Saturday 15 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Pisces EA 24 Virgo UR sqr PL .59 Mon 05 Virgo ME 4 Sagittarius ME sqr NE 1.35 Mer 27 Aquarius VE 2 Scorpio VE trn NE 2.73 Ven 08 Aquarius MA 8 Libra JU trn SA 2.85 Mar 26 Libra JU 21 Cancer EA sex JU 3.22 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio MA sqr PL 4.05 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp UR 4.64 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .51 Sa Mo/Ve .06 Me Ur/Pl .08 Me Ur/Pl .17 Mo Ju/No .58 Me Ur/Pl .34 Ur Ju/Pl .5 Ur Ju/Pl .49 Me Ur/Pl .59 Ur Ju/Pl .51 Pl Su/No .74 Pl Su/No .63 Su Ur/Ne .72 Pl Su/No .86 Ve Ne/Pl 1.04 Ve Ne/Pl .81 Pl Su/No .97 Su Ur/Ne .96 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Su Ur/Ne 1.2 Su Ur/Ne 1.44 Mo Ma/Ju 1.42 Ve Ne/Pl 1.26 Sa Mo/Ve 1.59 Pl Su/Ma 2.67 Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo. The sea and the sand. The accelerating almost full gibbous Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune 01:42 The Sun waxing biquintiles the eclipse marker lunar node 01:50, heralding an approaching eclipse season. The Moon sextiles Jupiter 11:08 The Moon trines Pluto 16:33Sunday 16 March 2014Full Moon in Virgo Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Pisces EA 25 Virgo UR sqr PL .6 Mon 17 Virgo ME 7 Sagittarius VE trn NE 1.13 Mer 28 Aquarius VE 4 Scorpio ME sqr NE 1.42 Ven 09 Aquarius MA 8 Libra ME sex MA 1.49 Mar 26 Libra JU 21 Cancer JU trn SA 2.9 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio MA sqr PL 3.6 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp UR 4.2 Ura 11 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3active now. Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ju/Sa .28 Ve Ne/Pl .35 Ve Ne/Pl .12 Ve Ne/Pl .1 Me Ur/Pl .43 Pl Su/No .4 Pl Su/No .29 Pl Su/No .17 Ur Ju/Pl .48 Ur Ju/Pl .47 Ur Ju/Pl .46 Ur Ju/Pl .46 Pl Su/No .52 Me Ur/Pl .69 Me Ur/Pl .95 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Ve Ne/Pl .58 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Me Ur/Pl 1.22 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Su Ur/Ne 1.91 Su Ur/Ne 2.15 Ma Mo/Sa 1.29 Su Ur/Ne 1.67 Pl Su/Ma 2.47 Pl Su/Ma 2.38 Pl Su/Ma 2.28 Sun quintile Pluto 00:45 Mercury semi square Pluto 11:14 Moon sextile Saturn 11:37 Moon opposition Sun becoming void 17:09 An unaspected Full Moon.
Today's Full Moon is the 5th Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Aries on October 18th 2013 and the ultimate Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. With the passing of today's Full Moon we once again enters the 'foothills' of a new eclipse season. At this time the dominant planetary pattern in the sky is the cardinal T-square involving Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. In addition to this 'dynamic trouble maker' we have Venus sextile Uranus, Mercury trine Pluto. The Full Moon separates from a sextile to Saturn. The flavour of this lunation is emphatic, tense, and choosy. There is a very practical edge to deliberations. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon is rising at Prague, and she culminates at Singapore and at Lanzhou. Sunset is at Tripoli and Jupiter culminates at Kiev. Today's Full Moon directly hits the MC of the USA (Sibley) chart, and is one degree from natal Mars in the Ukraine (1991) chart. She hits Pluto in the generation born around 1970, Neptune in the 1940/1941 generation and Uranus in the 1967 babies. Chelsea Davy's natal Venus is starred as is the Tunisian Moon, and Cate Blanchett's Jupiter. Today is the birthday of Theo Walcott, Patty Griffin, Jimmy Nail, and Peaches Geldoff. All of these folk have a climatic year in store. After the Full Moon moment has passed the Sun makes a rather dangerous quinquncx aspect to Mars at 18:39. The Moon remains void for the remainder of the (GMT) day.
Monday 17 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Pisces EA 26 Virgo VE trn NE .47 Mon 30 Virgo ME 9 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .6 Mer 29 Aquarius VE 6 Scorpio ME sex MA .82 Ven 10 Aquarius MA 9 Libra JU trn SA 2.95 Mar 26 Libra JU 21 Cancer ME trn UR 2.95 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio MA sqr PL 3.16 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp UR 3.76 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME sqr NE 4.17 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/No .06 Pl Su/No .05 Pl Su/No .17 Pl Su/No .28 Ma Mo/Sa .32 Sa Mo/Pl .09 Ur Ju/Pl .43 Ju Mo/Ur .34 Ve Ne/Pl .33 Ur Ju/Pl .44 No Mo/Sa .76 Ur Ju/Pl .43 Ur Ju/Pl .45 Ve Ne/Pl .56 Ve Ne/Pl .8 No Mo/Sa .83 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Ve Ne/Pl 1.03 Me Ur/Pl 1.49 Me Ur/Pl 1.76 Sa Mo/Pl 1.49 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Sa Mo/Pl 1.67 Ma Mo/Sa 1.93 Ju Mo/Ur 1.92 Pl Su/Ma 1.9 The 'hung over' full moon enters Libra 00:47, joining Mars in that sign. Venus in Aquarius makes a waning quinquncx to Jupiter in Cancer 18:03The Moon, Jupiter Uranus and Pluto form a loose cardinal T-square Moon square Jupiter 21:04 Moon trine Venus 21:18 Mercury enters Pisces 22:25 Moon opposition Uranus 22:51 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 27 degrees Pisces today There are now 3 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury and Venus are in Aquarius. The Moon and Mars are in Libra. Saturn and the lunar node remain in Scorpio. Mercury is a direct morning star and today enters Pisces joining Neptune in this sign. He enters new territory (after recent retrograde motion) on March 21st. He is conjunct Neptune at 6 degrees Pisces on March 22nd , trine Jupiter on March 26th, sextile Pluto on March 28th and trine Saturn on April 3rd. Mercury enters Aries on April 7th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aquarius. Venus is brilliant in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus sextiles Uranus tomorrow. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th.She trines retro-Mars and squares retro-Saturn on March 29th. She trines the lunar node and enters Pisces on April 5th. Mars is now retrograding in Libra. Mars is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 29 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 43 days time, on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. With the passing of yesterday's Full Moon we are now in the foothills of a new eclipse season. The Vernal Equinox is on Thursday.
21:00 to 03:00Tuesday 18 March 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Pisces EA 27 Virgo ME trn UR .21 Mon 12 Libra ME 12 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .61 Mer 00 Pisces VE 7 Scorpio VE trn NE 2.06 Ven 11 Aquarius MA 9 Libra MA sqr PL 2.71 Mar 26 Libra JU 21 Cancer JU trn SA 3 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio ME sex MA 3.12 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA opp UR 3.32 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 Scorpio
Fire 1Earth 1Air 3Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/No .4 Pl Mo/Ur .12 Ur Ju/Pl .4 Ma Mo/No .31 Ur Ju/Pl .42 Ur Ju/Pl .41 Pl Su/No .63 Ur Ju/Pl .4 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Pl Su/No .51 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Su/No .74 Ve Ne/Pl 1.26 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Ne Su/Ve 1.31 Ne Su/Ve 1.07 Pl Mo/Ur 1.48 Ve Ne/Pl 1.49 Ma Mo/No 1.34 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Me/Sa 1.78 Ne Su/Ve 1.54 Pl Me/Sa 1.5 Pl Me/Sa 1.36 Ne Su/Ve 1.78 Pl Me/Sa 1.64 Pl Su/Ma 1.61 Pl Su/Ma 1.52 Yesterday Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing Crimea "as a sovereign and independent state". The EU, US and authorities in Kiev have rejected the referendum as illegal. The decree came into effect yesterday, no time has been given. The USA/Russia(1991) relationship chart had Sunday's Full Moon conjunct natal Uranus. Mars is slowly retrograding over the degree area of April's Total Lunar Eclipse the lunar node in the USA/Russia relationship chart is there at 25 degrees Libra. We appear to almost have a cold war situation building up to some sort of a climax. 'A tale of the unexpected' today as Venus sextiles Uranus. The accelerating waning full Moon in Libra squares Pluto 02:13 Mercury trines the lunar node 03:20 Venus waning sextile Uranus 19:01 The Moon applies in conjunction to Mars as the (GMT) day ends.Wednesday 19 March 2014 Asteroid to occult Regulus. For skywatchers in the New York City region and certain areas northward, the faint asteroid 163 Erigone (eh-RIG-uh-nee) will black out 1st-magnitude Regulus for up to 14 seconds a little after 2 a.m. EDT Thursday morning. This is the best asteroid occultation ever predicted to cross such a heavily populated area. And, anywhere from the Carolinas to Nova Scotia to Manitoba, it's also worth watching to see if Regulus might be occulted by a yet-unknown satellite of Erigone.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Pisces EA 28 Virgo UR sqr PL .62 Mon 25 Libra ME 15 Sagittarius MA sqr PL 2.27 Mer 01 Pisces VE 9 Scorpio ME trn UR 2.53 Ven 12 Aquarius MA 9 Libra VE sex PL 2.85 Mar 26 Libra JU 21 Cancer MA opp UR 2.88 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio JU trn SA 3.05 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn NE 3.66 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioFire 1Earth 1Air 3Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .39 Pl Su/Mo 0 Ne Su/Ve .37 No Mo/Ma .04 Ne Su/Ve .84 Mo Ma/No .37 Ur Ju/Pl .37 Ne Su/Ve .13 Pl Su/No .85 Ur Ju/Pl .38 Pl Me/Sa .94 Ur Ju/Pl .37 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Ne Su/Ve .6 Pl Su/No 1.08 Pl Me/Sa .79 Pl Me/Sa 1.22 Pl Su/No .97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Pl Su/Ma 1.42 Pl Me/Sa 1.08 Pl Su/Ma 1.24 Pl Su/Ma 1.14 Pl Su/Mo 1.73 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 No Mo/Ma 1.65 Pl Su/No 1.2 Moon conjunction Mars becoming void 01:08 Moon enters Scorpio 09:14 Moon conjunction Node 09:33 Moon trine Mercury 12:42 Moon trine Neptune 20:11THE DAZE HAS BEEN OFFLINE FOR 36 HOURS DUE TO HOSTING ISSUES. ALL SERVICES, except email contact, ARE NOW BACK TO NORMAL.Thursday 20 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Pisces EA 29 Virgo UR sqr PL .62 Mon 08 Scorpio ME 18 Sagittarius VE sex PL 1.26 Mer 02 Pisces VE 10 Scorpio MA sqr PL 1.82 Ven 13 Aquarius MA 10 Libra MA opp UR 2.44 Mar 25 Libra JU 22 Cancer JU trn SA 3.11 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioOne year to the day till the next Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces with a shadow zone
that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.
THE VERNAL EQUINOX Fire 1Earth 1Air 2Water 7Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ve .11 Mo Sa/No .28 Ur Ju/Pl .35 Pl Me/Sa .21 Ur Ju/Pl .36 Ne Su/Ve .34 Pl Me/Sa .36 Ur Ju/Pl .34 Pl Me/Sa .65 Ur Ju/Pl .35 Ne Su/Ve .58 Pl Su/Ma .78 Pl Su/Ma 1.05 Pl Me/Sa .5 Pl Su/Ma .87 Ne Su/Ve .82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Pl Su/Ma .96 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Mo Ma/Sa 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Pl Su/No 1.54 Pl Mo/Ne 1.47 Pl Su/No 1.31 Pl Su/No 1.43 Pl Su/No 1.65 Moon trine Jupiter 04:58 Moon square Venus 09:25 Moon sextile Pluto 09:49 Moon reaches disseminating phase 12:22 The Sun crossing the equator enters Aries 16:58 and the equinox moment has arrived. Equal day, equal night, everywhere on earth.
Friday 21 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Aries EA 0 Libra VE sex PL .34 Mon 21 Scorpio ME 20 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .63 Mer 04 Pisces VE 12 Scorpio MA sqr PL 1.38 Ven 14 Aquarius MA 10 Libra MA opp UR 2 Mar 25 Libra JU 22 Cancer JU trn SA 3.16 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioFire 2Earth 1Air 2Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Sa .06 Pl Me/Sa .09 Pl Me/Sa .24 Ur Ju/Pl .31 Pl Mo/Ne .2 Ur Ju/Pl .33 Ur Ju/Pl .32 Pl Me/Sa .39 Ur Ju/Pl .33 Pl Su/Ma .6 Pl Su/Ma .51 Pl Su/Ma .42 Pl Su/Ma .69 Pl Mo/Me .87 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Pl Mo/Me .95 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Ne Su/Ve 1.53 Ne Su/Ve 1.77 Ne Su/Ve 1.05 Ne Su/Ve 1.29 Pl Su/No 2 Pl Su/No 2.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Pl Mo/Ne 1.87 Pl Mo/Me 2.7 Mo Ma/Pl 2.9 The Sun is now in Aries with Uranus. The Moon, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. An interesting combination. Life and death. The Moon is conjunct Saturn 03:12. Visible as an occultation of Saturn, the 5th of 14 in the current crop. The Moon is then void for 12 hours. The accelerating and disseminating Moon enters Sagittarius 15:40 The Moon fire trines the Sun 17:28 Mercury enters new territory today after recent retrograde motion. New avenues are opening. There is planetary tension in the solar system as Mars, Uranus and Pluto are in tight heliocentric T-square over the next 60 hours. Geocentrically Mercury is conjunct Neptune in Pisces tomorrow. There is suddenly some uncertainty. Hold constant.Saturday 22 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Aries EA 1 Libra UR sqr PL .63 Mon 05 Sagittarius ME 23 Sagittarius MA sqr PL .93 Mer 05 Pisces VE 14 Scorpio MA opp UR 1.56 Ven 15 Aquarius MA 11 Libra VE sex PL 1.94 Mar 25 Libra JU 22 Cancer JU trn SA 3.21 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio VE con SA 4.81 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 00 ScorpioTight Helio T-square
Mars, Uranus, Pluto.Fire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .31 Pl Su/Ma .24 Pl Mo/Ve .06 Pl Su/Ma .06 Pl Su/Ma .33 Ur Ju/Pl .3 Pl Su/Ma .15 Ur Ju/Pl .29 Mo Ma/Pl .52 Pl Me/Sa .7 Ur Ju/Pl .29 Sa Mo/No .52 Pl Me/Sa .55 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Pl Me/Sa .86 Pl Me/Sa 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Mo Pl/No 1.37 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Ne Su/Ve 2.01 Pl Mo/Ve 1.88 Sa Mo/No 2.24 Pl Mo/Ve 1.78 Mo Pl/No 2.04 Ne Su/Ve 2.24 Pl Su/No 2.45 Ve Mo/Ur 2.1 We are in the midst of a Heliocentric planetary event. Helio Mars, Uranus and Pluto are in tight cardinal T-square from the perspective of the Sun. It is all connected. We live out the patterns and ripples of the planetary force field. Yesterday President Vladimir Putin signed a law formally annexing Crimea, as the EU announced new sanctions against key officials. They never give the precise time, it's never clear. The second day of an international search for the missing Malaysian airliner concluded without any sightings of debris in the southern Indian Ocean. Neptune continues to mystify. Today the accelerating Moon in Sagittarius squares Mercury 00:30 The Moon squares Neptune 02:20 The Moon trines Uranus 12:37.What is your inspiration? The mean lunar node enters Libra 14:20 heralding the 'Minor Lunar Standstill' next year 2015. Ancient cycles with a modern imperative. The Moon sextiles Venus 19:04 Mercury conjunction Neptune (0.66 degrees from exact alignment UK)20:16 Mystery and imagination.Sunday 23 March 2014Tight Helio T-square
Mars, Uranus, Pluto.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Aries EA 2 Libra MA sqr PL .48 Mon 18 Sagittarius ME 26 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .64 Mer 06 Pisces VE 15 Scorpio MA opp UR 1.12 Ven 16 Aquarius MA 11 Libra VE con SA 3.24 Mar 25 Libra JU 22 Cancer JU trn SA 3.26 Jup 11 Cancer SA 18 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 30 Libra Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Ma .03 Pl Su/Ma .11 Pl Su/Ma .2 Ur Ju/Pl .26 Mo Sa/Pl .17 Sa Mo/Ma .25 Ur Ju/Pl .27 Pl Su/Ma .29 Ur Ju/Pl .28 Ur Ju/Pl .28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Ve Su/Mo .59 Ve Mo/Ur .62 Ve Mo/Ur .87 Pl Me/Sa 1.48 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Sa Mo/Ma 1.96 Mo Ma/Ne 1.48 Pl Me/Sa 1.17 Mo Ve/No 1.15 Ve Su/Mo 2.21 Pl Me/Sa 1.64 Sa Mo/No 1.2 Pl Me/Sa 1.33 Mo Ve/No 2.21 Mo Me/Ma 2.06 Yesterday shooting and blasts were heard as Russian troops stormed a Ukrainian airbase in Crimea, while another base was seized by pro-Russian activists. The mystery of the disappearing aircraft continued with China now investigating a new image of debris in the southern Indian Ocean, potentially from missing flight MH370. The mystery and confusion of the day were totally in keeping with the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune. Something more sinister is occurring in the solar system as a tight Heliocentric planetary T-Square is climaxing.harmonic 13 around 06:00 GMT. This is a dangerous harmonic wave. The accelerating disseminating Moon in Sagittarius is sextile Mars at 10:41 becoming void. The Moon sextiles her node 19:57. The Moon enters Capricorn 20:04 joining Pluto in that sign.
Today there is a significant geocentricMonday 24 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Aries EA 3 Libra MA sqr PL .04 Mon 02 Capricorn ME 29 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .64 Mer 08 Pisces VE 17 Scorpio MA opp UR .68 Ven 17 Aquarius MA 12 Libra VE con SA 1.67 Mar 24 Libra JU 22 Cancer JU trn SA 3.31 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 30 LibraTight Helio T-square
Mars, Uranus, Pluto.Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .26 Ur Ju/Pl .25 Ur Ju/Pl .25 Ur Mo/Ju .05 Pl Su/Ma .38 Pl Su/Ma .46 Pl Su/Ma .55 Ur Ju/Pl .24 Mo Ne/No .71 Mo Ve/Sa .85 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Pl Su/Ma .63 Ve Su/Mo 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Pl Me/Sa 2.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Mo Me/No 1.9 Me Su/Ve 2.25 Mo Su/Ma 1.21 Mo Me/Ma 1.31 Pl Me/Sa 1.96 Mo Sa/Ne 1.62 Mo Me/No 1.46 Me Su/Ve 2.34 Me Su/Ve 2.16 The rapidly waning Moon in brutal Capricorn reaches her last quarter phase 01:47 Venus waning biquintile Jupiter 04:59 Moon sextilse Neptune 06:29 and Mercury 09:57 Moon opposition Jupiter 14:45 Moon square Uranus 16:27 Moon conjunction Pluto 18:58 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 4 degrees Aries today There are now 86 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. The Sun and Uranus are in Aries. Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the foothills of a new eclipse season with a Total Lunar Eclipse in 22 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014, and a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 36 days time, on April 29th 2014. Mercury is a direct morning star in Pisces. He is trine Jupiter on March 26th, sextile Pluto on March 28th and trine Saturn on April 3rd. Mercury enters Aries on April 7th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aquarius. Venus is bright in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day today. She trines retro-Mars and squares retro-Saturn on March 29th. She trines the lunar node and enters Pisces on April 5th. Mars rises around nightfall — a fiery blaze with fainter Spica 5° to its lower right. They're highest in the south around 2 or 3 a.m. with Spica now under Mars. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological wave of the week is the New Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus next Sunday.Tuesday 25 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Aries EA 4 Libra VE con SA .11 Mon 16 Capricorn ME 1 Capricorn MA opp UR .24 Mer 09 Pisces VE 18 Scorpio MA sqr PL .41 Ven 18 Aquarius MA 12 Libra UR sqr PL .65 Mar 24 Libra JU 22 Cancer EA sqr ME 2.85 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio JU trn SA 3.36 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn JU 3.47 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 30 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Strong helio harmonic 20Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .24 Ur Ju/Pl .23 Ur Ju/Pl .23 Ve Mo/Me .09 Mo Me/Sa .53 Pl Su/Ma .8 Pl Su/Ma .89 Ur Ju/Pl .22 Mo Su/No .62 Mo Ur/No .92 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Pl Su/Ma .97 Pl Su/Ma .72 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Ve Mo/Me 1.63 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Me Su/Ve 1.97 Me Su/Ve 1.88 Ne Mo/Ur 1.53 Mo Ma/Ur 1.61 Mo Ma/Ur 2 Mo Ur/No 2.67 Mo Su/Sa 1.74 Ur Mo/Ju 1.73 Pl Me/Sa 2.62 Pl Me/Sa 2.78 Me Su/Ve 1.78Minor lunar occultation of star Rho-l SGR Rho-1 Sagittarii is a white subgiant star in sideral Sagittarius. Clear white light. A satisfactory well organised morning (GMT) is on the cards. The rapidly waning Moon in tropical Capricorn sextiles Saturn 10:48 The Moon squares Mars becoming void 12:36 The Moon squares her node 22:22 The Moon enters Aquarius 22:40 joining Venus in that sign. Mercury is making a favorable water trine to Jupiter as the (GMT) day ends. The day ends on a more positive future oriented note.
observable from mid UK 04:26 to 05:36Wednesday 26 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Aries EA 5 Libra MA opp UR .21 Mon 01 Aquarius ME 4 Capricorn UR sqr PL .65 Mer 10 Pisces VE 20 Scorpio MA sqr PL .86 Ven 19 Aquarius MA 13 Libra ME sex NE 1.02 Mar 24 Libra JU 22 Cancer EA sqr ME 1.04 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio VE con SA 1.46 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn JU 1.95 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 3.41 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 30 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .21 Ur Ju/Pl .21 Ur Ju/Pl .2 Ur Ju/Pl .2 Ne Mo/Ur .27 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Ne Su/Mo .72 Me Mo/Ur .51 Ve Mo/Ne .27 Pl Su/Ma 1.14 Me Mo/Ur .96 Mo Me/Pl .76 Mo Ve/Pl .31 Ne Su/Mo 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Ve Mo/Ne 1.29 Pl Su/Ma 1.22 Pl Su/Ma 1.31 Pl Su/Ma 1.06 Me Su/Ve 1.58 Me Su/Ve 1.48 Me Su/Ve 1.38 Mo Sa/Ur 1.66 Mo Sa/Ur 1.95 Mo Ne/Pl 1.79 Mo Ne/Pl 1.84 A much better day is in store. The rapidly waning post-last quarter Moon in Aquarius sextiles the Aries Sun 07:55 Mercury water trines Jupiter 13:12 The Moon sextiles Uranus 18:42 The Moon then applies in future proof conjunction to Venus.Thursday 27 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Aries EA 6 Libra VE trn JU .44 Mon 15 Aquarius ME 7 Capricorn MA opp UR .65 Mer 12 Pisces VE 22 Scorpio UR sqr PL .66 Ven 20 Aquarius MA 13 Libra EA sqr ME .8 Mar 24 Libra JU 22 Cancer MA sqr PL 1.31 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sex NE 1.8 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE con SA 3.03 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 3.46 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME con PL 4.71 Plu 13 Capricorn No 30 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .19 Ur Ju/Pl .19 Ur Ju/Pl .18 Ur Ju/Pl .18 Me Su/Mo .95 Me Su/Mo .63 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Me Su/Ve .95 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Me Su/Ve 1.06 Mo Su/Pl 1 Me Su/Ve 1.27 Me Su/Ve 1.17 Pl Su/Ma 1.56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Pl Su/Ma 1.39 Pl Su/Ma 1.47 Me Su/Mo 2.22 Mo Ur/Pl 1.59 Me Mo/Ur 1.98 Mo Su/Pl 2.52 Pl Su/Ma 1.64 Mo Me/Pl 2.7 Ne Mo/Me 1.7 Scientists have identified a new dwarf planet in the distant reaches of our Solar System. It is being call 2012 VP113 for the time being, is about 450km across and is very likely icy in composition. To date, only one other such object has been seen orbiting beyond the major planets in its region of space referred to as the inner Oort Cloud. That previous object, called Sedna, is about 1,000km across, and was found 10 years ago. Researchers believe there are hundreds more such objects awaiting detection. I have not yet found a discovery date and time for this body nor its current celestial position. A new astrological energy is about to enter our consciousness. Today the fast,close,waning Moon is conjunct Venus in Aquarius 07:53 New Age feeling. The Moon hits balsamic phase 10:29. Vision of many tomorrows. Moon square Saturn 12:21 Moon trine Mars becoming void 13:14 and remaining that way for 11 hours.Moon at perigee 18:31 (closest to Moon trine her node 23:43 Mercury sextiles Pluto as the (GMT) day ends.Earth and fastest all month)Friday 28 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Aries EA 7 Libra UR sqr PL .66 Mon 30 Aquarius ME 10 Capricorn VE trn JU 1.07 Mer 13 Pisces VE 23 Scorpio MA opp UR 1.09 Ven 21 Aquarius MA 14 Libra MA sqr PL 1.76 Mar 23 Libra JU 22 Cancer ME con PL 1.86 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sqr UR 2.52 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA sqr ME 2.66 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 3.52 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME sqr MA 3.62 Plu 13 Capricorn No 30 Libra
Fire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .18 Ur Ju/Pl .17 Ur Ju/Pl .17 Ur Ju/Pl .16 Ne Mo/Me .3 Pl Mo/Sa .35 Me Su/Ve .62 Me Su/Ve .5 Me Su/Ve .84 Me Su/Ve .73 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Mo Me/Ne .55 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Pl Mo/Sa 1.47 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Mo Ve/Ne 1.38 Mo Me/Ve 1.25 Pl Su/Ma 1.88 Pl Su/Ma 1.96 Pl Su/Ma 1.72 Pl Su/Ma 1.8 Me Ve/Ur 2.85 Me Ve/Ur 2.62 Mo Ur/Pl 2.05 Ne Mo/Me 2.3 Mo Me/Ne 2.9 The rapidly waning old Moon enters Pisces 00:12 joining Mercury and Neptune in that sign. Mercury sextiles Pluto 05:33 The Moon conjuncts Neptune 10:28 The Moon water trines Jupiter 18:43 Moon sextile Pluto 22:28 The (GMT) day ends with the Moon rushing to a conjunction with Mercury just after midnight and to her New Moon phase on Sunday evening (GMT). We have a happy old Moon in Pisces making favorable aspects and a telepathic, sensitive, Mercury also in Pisces making a penetrative sextile to Pluto. We wear our hearts on our sleeves today.Saturday 29 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Aries EA 8 Libra ME sqr UR .35 Mon 14 Pisces ME 13 Capricorn UR sqr PL .67 Mer 15 Pisces VE 25 Scorpio ME con PL 1.02 Ven 22 Aquarius MA 14 Libra ME sqr MA 1.19 Mar 23 Libra JU 22 Cancer MA opp UR 1.54 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio MA sqr PL 2.21 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries VE trn JU 2.59 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sqr PL 3.54 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn JU trn SA 3.57 Plu 14 Capricorn No 30 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .16 Ur Ju/Pl .15 Ur Ju/Pl .15 Me Su/Ve .03 Me Su/Ve .38 Me Su/Ve .27 Me Su/Ve .15 Me Mo/Ne .04 Mo Su/Ve .57 Mo Ve/Ur .91 Ne Mo/Ve .72 Ur Ju/Pl .14 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Mo Su/Ne .82 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Pl Su/Ma 2.04 Ne Mo/Ve 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Mo Ur/Ne 1 Me Ve/Ur 2.39 Pl Su/Ma 2.12 Me Mo/Ne 1.39 Pl Mo/No 1.07 Mo Ve/Ur 2.58 Me Ve/Ur 2.15 Me Ve/Ur 1.92 Me Ve/Ur 1.68 Yesterday US President Barack Obama urged Russia to move its troops back from Ukraine's border as Moscow said it was stepping up intelligence measures. Transiting Saturn is sextile Obama's natal 8th house Virgo Mars. Tough words and tough actions are on the cards. That same Saturn is square Putin's natal Pluto, right now. He is having the harder time by far. If you really want to get a handle on this man's current astrological trauma then click here and check out his planetary transits today. The latest offering from The Daze is now up and running. An old Moon Saturday, with Venus playing tricks. The rapid very ancient Moon in Pisces is conjunct Mercury 00:21 The Moon water trines Saturn becoming void 13:45 The Moon continues to drift and decelerate towards her new phase tomorrow. Venus air trines retro-Mars 19:06 Venus square Saturn 21:15Sunday 30 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Aries EA 9 Libra UR sqr PL .67 Mon 29 Pisces ME 16 Capricorn ME sqr MA 1.28 Mer 16 Pisces VE 26 Scorpio MA opp UR 1.98 Ven 23 Aquarius MA 14 Libra EA sqr PL 2.55 Mar 23 Libra JU 22 Cancer MA sqr PL 2.66 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sex SA 3.02 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries EA opp UR 3.23 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME sqr UR 3.26 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn JU trn SA 3.62 Plu 14 Capricorn No 30 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .09 Ve Mo/Pl .11 Ur Ju/Pl .13 Ur Ju/Pl .13 Ur Ju/Pl .14 Ur Ju/Pl .14 Me Su/Ve .34 Me Su/Ve .47 Mo Me/Ur .34 Me Su/Ve .22 Su Mo/Ur .55 Me Mo/Ve .68 Pl Mo/No .72 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Pl Mo/Ma .67 Me Ve/Ur .72 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Pl Mo/Ma 1.07 Me Ve/Ur .96 Ne Me/Ve .89 Mo Su/Me 1.2 Me Ve/Ur 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Me Ve/Ur 1.44 Ne Me/Ve 1.51 Ne Me/Ve 1.2 Su Mo/Ur .98The ancient Moon enters Aries 01:55 This aged hag of a Moon burns in Aries as she approaches her New Moon phase over the next 15 hours. Mercury waxing biquintile retro-Mars 05:41 NEW MOON in ARIES CONJUNCT URANUS SQUARE JUPITER AND PLUTO
Today's New Moon, is the 5th New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3rd 2013 in Scorpio, and is the ultimate New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 29th 2014. We are now in an eclipse season. This New Moon in Aries is completely hooked into the ongoing (and intensifying) Cardinal T-square in the skies of Earth. As such it is very much a product of the time. Transformation, rebellion, power shifts and sudden change are part and parcel of the energy. Many new events will have today's New Moon as their source. There is a difficult birth underway.
There is a significant geocentric harmonic 8 around the time of this New Moon. This harmonic is 'the cosmic debt'. Mars is making a 8th harmonic contact to the tightening and persistent cardinal T-square of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. This New Moon is indeed a taster of what is shortly to follow. The New moon directly hits the natal Sun of Eric Clapton and MC Hammer, the Moon/Mars conjunction of Russell Brand, Venus of Robert Mugabe, Mars in the Hezbollah chart, Jupiter of David Beckham and the lunar node of the Indian Republic chart. At the moment of New Moon today (18:46 GMT) the Sun and Moon are rising over New Zealand where there is a mass of astro-cartography lines. Pluto culminates at Wellington. The Sun and Moon are culminating over central USA and are setting over Scotland, NW Africa and Monrovia. The same concentration of astrocartography lines pass along the Spanish Portuguese border. Mars rises at Frankfurt, Saturn culminates at Taipei, Manila and Shanghai. Venus is at lower culmination at the Crimea. Saturn lower culminates at Buenos Aires. After the New Moon the infant (demon) Moon is conjunct Uranus 22:46 (1.07 degrees (UK) from exact alignment).Monday 31 March 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Aries EA 10 Libra ME sex SA .1 Mon 13 Aries ME 19 Capricorn UR sqr PL .68 Mer 18 Pisces VE 28 Scorpio EA sqr PL 1.57 Ven 24 Aquarius MA 15 Libra EA opp UR 2.25 Mar 22 Libra JU 22 Cancer MA opp UR 2.43 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio MA sqr PL 3.11 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU trn SA 3.67 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME opp JU 3.76 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME sqr MA 3.78 Plu 14 Capricorn No 30 Libra Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .12 Ur Ju/Pl .12 Me Ve/Ur .02 Ur Ju/Pl .11 Me Ve/Ur .47 Me Ve/Ur .23 Ne Me/Ve .05 Me Ve/Ur .27 Ne Me/Ve .58 Ne Me/Ve .27 Ur Ju/Pl .12 Ne Me/Ve .36 Me Su/Ve .6 Me Su/Ve .72 Me Su/Ve .86 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Mo Ju/Pl .6 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Me Su/Ve .99 Ur Su/Mo .71 Ur Su/Mo 1.15 Su Ju/Pl 1.79 Su Ju/Pl 1.55 Me Mo/Ve .83 Su Ju/Pl 2.03 Ve Su/Pl 2.73 Ve Su/Pl 2.6 The new born baby Moon deceleratinng in Aries is square Pluto 00:48 The day that follows is somewhat fraught. The Moon opposes Mars 15:22 The Moon sextiles Venus becoming void 20:08 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 11 degrees Aries today. The Sun is square Jupiter tomorrow, conjunct Uranus on Wednesday and square Pluto on Thursday. There are now 79 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. The Sun, the Moon and Uranus are in Aries. Mercury and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. We are in a new eclipse season. There is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 15 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014, and a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 29 days time, on April 29th 2014. Mercury is a direct morning star in Pisces. He is trine Saturn on Wednesday. Mercury enters Aries on April 7th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aquarius. Venus is still very bright in the pre-dawn morning sky. Venus trines the lunar node and enters Pisces on April 5th. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological wave of the week is caused by the Sun hooking into the Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto cardinal T-square over the next three days.Tuesday 1 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Aries EA 11 Libra EA sqr PL .59 Mon 27 Aries ME 22 Capricorn UR sqr PL .68 Mer 19 Pisces VE 30 Scorpio ME opp JU .85 Ven 25 Aquarius MA 15 Libra EA opp UR 1.27 Mar 22 Libra JU 23 Cancer MA opp UR 2.87 Jup 11 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sex SA 2.87 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries MA sqr PL 3.56 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 3.72 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn EA con MA 4.15 Plu 14 Capricorn No 30 LibraJupiter, Uranus and Pluto continue to tighten in cardinal T-square all month. The T-square transforms into a Cardinal Grand Square April 15th-20th Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .11 Ur Ju/Pl .11 Ur Ju/Pl .1 Ur Ju/Pl .1 Me Ve/Ur .52 Ne Mo/Pl .59 Su Mo/Me .17 Su Ju/Pl .61 Ne Me/Ve .67 Me Ve/Ur .77 Mo Ve/Ju .3 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Pl Sa/Ne .95 Ur Mo/Me .57 Me Ve/Ur 1.27 Ne Mo/Pl 1.12 Ne Me/Ve .99 Su Ju/Pl .84 Ur Mo/Me 1.3 Me Su/Ve 1.12 Su Ju/Pl 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne .95 Me Su/Ve 1.53 Su Ju/Pl 1.32 Me Su/Ve 1.25 Me Ve/Ur 1.02 Ne Me/Ve 1.63Please note all times on this website are GMT, add one hour for The decelerating young Moon in Aries opposes her north node 04:28 The Moon enters Taurus 05:21. The two days following are deep rooted. The Sun makes a waning square to Jupiter 07:40 Strong geocentric harmonic 16 around 12:00 GMT 16th harmonic chart 12:00 GMT today UK.
British Summer Time.The Moon sextiles Neptune 16:39 The Sun is applying in his annual conjunction to Uranus, exact tomorrow morning. This year the conjunction is hooked into the ongoing cardinal T-sqaure. That's what is going on this week. Shocks and surprises are in store.
Wednesday 2 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Aries EA 12 Libra EA opp UR .3 Mon 10 Taurus ME 25 Capricorn EA sqr PL .39 Mer 21 Pisces VE 1 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .69 Ven 26 Aquarius MA 16 Libra ME opp JU 2.11 Mar 22 Libra JU 23 Cancer MA opp UR 3.32 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA con MA 3.62 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU trn SA 3.77 Ura 12 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA sqr PL 4.01 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn VE sqr NE 4.06 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .1 Ur Ju/Pl .09 Ur Ju/Pl .09 Ur Ju/Pl .09 Su Ju/Pl .37 Su Ju/Pl .14 Su Ju/Pl .1 Su Ju/Pl .33 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Mo Me/Ju .56 Su Mo/Ne .49 Mo Ju/Ne 1.51 Ve Su/Pl 1.78 Ur Mo/Ne .72 Ur Mo/Ne .91 Me Ve/Ur 1.53 Me Ve/Ur 1.78 Su Mo/Ne .91 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Me Su/Ve 1.67 Ve Ur/Pl 1.8 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Ve Ur/Pl 1.29 Ve Su/Pl 1.91 Me Su/Ve 1.81 Ve Ur/Pl 1.55 Ve Su/Pl 1.5 Yesterday Nato suspended all practical civilian and military co-operation with Russia over the annexation of Crimea, describing it as a grave threat to European security. This action is (sadly) totally in keeping with the strong 16th harmonic wave active yesterday which appears to induce 'threatening dangers'. Today the decelerating young Moon in Taurus sextiles Jupiter 01:57 The Moon earth trines Pluto 05:30 Sun conjunction Uranus 07:10 Mercury waxing quinquncx retro-Mars 09:45 Moon sextile Mercury 21:11 Moon opposition Saturn 21:55 These are troubled times. There is no easy ride. The Sun is square Pluto tomorrow which embroils us further. No let up for a while yet.Thursday 3 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Aries EA 13 Libra EA opp UR .68 Mon 24 Taurus ME 28 Capricorn UR sqr PL .7 Mer 22 Pisces VE 3 Sagittarius EA sqr PL 1.37 Ven 27 Aquarius MA 16 Libra VE sqr NE 2.47 Mar 21 Libra JU 23 Cancer EA con MA 3.09 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio MA opp UR 3.77 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU trn SA 3.82 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA sqr PL 4.46 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME opp JU 5.12 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .08 Ur Ju/Pl .08 Ur Ju/Pl .08 Ur Ju/Pl .08 Su Ju/Pl .57 Mo Ju/Ur .21 Su Mo/Ve .15 Me Mo/Pl .1 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Ur Mo/Ve .45 Ve Ur/Pl .53 Ve Ur/Pl .27 Ve Ur/Pl 1.04 Mo Su/Ju .65 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Ve Su/Pl 1.36 Ve Ur/Pl .78 Su Ju/Pl 1.04 Ve Su/Pl .95 Su Mo/Ne 1.88 Su Ju/Pl .8 Ve Su/Pl 1.09 Me Ur/Ne .98 Me Ur/Ne 2.16 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Ur Mo/Ve 1.27 Su Ju/Pl 1.27 We are walking deeper and deeper into the eclipse season. The Total Lunar Eclipse is in 12 days time. We already have had a massive earthquake in Chile. Chile's authorities have deployed soldiers to the quake-hit city of Iquique after some 300 inmates fled a women's prison. The Total Lunar Eclipse chart relocated to Inquique shows Venus in Pisces on the ascendant trine Jupiter, curiously symbolic of incarcerated women gaining escape to freedom. The Sun squares Pluto today, that brings potentially difficult changes, and by the time the Moon enters Gemini (11:49 GMT) there will be lots to talk about. Mercury water trines Saturn 03:03 The young decelerating Moon in Taurus squares Venus and becomes void 06:44 The Moon reaches crescent phase 09:04 The Sun squares Pluto 09:23 The Moon enters Gemini 11:49 Mercury waxing biquintile the lunar node 15:44 The Moon squares Neptune 23:59Friday 4 April 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Aries EA 14 Libra UR sqr PL .7 Mon 06 Gemini ME 1 Aquarius VE sqr NE .89 Mer 24 Pisces VE 4 Sagittarius EA opp UR 1.65 Ven 28 Aquarius MA 17 Libra EA sqr PL 2.36 Mar 21 Libra JU 23 Cancer EA con MA 2.56 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sex VE 3.46 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 12 Aries JU trn SA 3.87 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA opp UR 4.21 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 Libra
Fire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ur/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .07 Ur Ju/Pl .07 Ur Ju/Pl .06 Ur Ju/Pl .07 Me Ur/Ne .19 Me Ur/Ne .2 Ve Su/Pl .39 Me Ur/Ne .59 Ve Ur/Pl .24 Ve Ur/Pl .49 Me Su/Ne .54 Ve Su/Pl .81 Ve Su/Pl .67 Ve Su/Pl .53 Me Ur/Ne .6 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Me Su/Ne .82 Ve Ur/Pl .75 Me Mo/Pl 1.09 Me Su/Ne 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne .9 Pl Sa/Ne .9 Me Su/Ne 1.38 Pl Me/No 1.72 Pl Me/No 1.53 Pl Me/No 1.33 There are two weeks to the Grand Cardinal Cross, 11 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and 4 days to the opposition of Mars. Today Venus in late Aquarius makes a waxing semi-square to Pluto 11:41 The decelerating crescent Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 11:43 and sextiles the Sun 15:59 The time is ripe for events and experiences. The weekend will have turned emotional by 22:00 GMT on Saturday as both Venus and the Moon will by then have tumbled into water signs. In the meantime there is a 'buzz' a stirring and a starting. We have to face the reality that we are facing a hugely powerful month ahead with an accompanying astrology that is full of dynamite.Saturday 5 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Aries EA 15 Libra VE sqr NE .7 Mon 19 Gemini ME 4 Aquarius UR sqr PL .71 Mer 26 Pisces VE 6 Sagittarius ME sex VE 1.85 Ven 29 Aquarius MA 17 Libra EA con MA 2.03 Mar 20 Libra JU 23 Cancer EA opp UR 2.63 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA sqr PL 3.34 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries JU trn SA 3.93 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA opp UR 4.66 Nep 06 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .06 Me Su/Ne .03 Ve Su/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .06 Ve Su/Pl .25 Ur Ju/Pl .06 Ur Ju/Pl .06 Ve Su/Pl .17 Me Su/Ne .25 Ve Su/Pl .11 Me Su/Ne .32 Pl Me/No .54 Pl Sa/Ne .9 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Pl Me/No .74 Me Su/Ne .61 Me Ur/Ne 1 Pl Me/No .93 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Ve Ur/Pl 1.01 Ve Ur/Pl 1.26 Ve Ur/Pl 1.52 Ve Ur/Pl 1.78 Pl Me/No 1.13 Me Ur/Ne 1.4 Me Ur/Ne 1.8 Me Ur/Ne 2.21 There are two weeks to the Grand Cardinal Cross, 10 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and 3 days to the opposition of Mars. Mercury quintiles Pluto 00:01 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Gemini trines Mars 02:47 Venus trines the lunar node 04:14 The Moon square Mercury becoming void 14:56 The Moon waxes void for five and a half hours.The Moon, her node and Venus form a dissociate grand trine Moon trine her node 20:11 Venus enters Pisces 20:32 joining Mercury and Neptune there. Venus is conjunct Neptune on April 12th. She trines Jupiter and sextiles Pluto easing their opposition on April 18th. She sextiles Saturn on April 25th. Venus enters Aries on May 3rd. Mercury and Venus are in Pisces for less than 48 hours. Mercury enters Aries on Monday. Venus in Pisces absorbs the impressions and embraces the dream. She forms rather an inert combination with retro-Mars in Libra. She is by far the stronger. Compassion, impressionability and artistic sensitivity are to the fore. The Moon enters Cancer 21:41 joining Jupiter in that sign and approaches first quarter. The end of the day ends on an emotional and domestic platform. This kindly Moon trines Venus 21:48 and applies to a conjunction with Jupiter tomorrow.
20:00 to 22:00Sunday 6 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Aries EA 16 Libra ME sex VE .16 Mon 01 Cancer ME 7 Aquarius UR sqr PL .71 Mer 27 Pisces VE 8 Sagittarius EA con MA 1.51 Ven 00 Pisces MA 18 Libra VE sqr NE 2.28 Mar 20 Libra JU 23 Cancer EA opp UR 3.6 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio JU trn SA 3.98 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr PL 4.31 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA opp UR 5.11 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 2Water 6Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .05 Ur Ju/Pl .05 Ur Ju/Pl .05 Ur Ju/Pl .05 Ve Su/Pl .32 Pl Me/No .13 Pl Me/No .07 Pl Me/No .27 Pl Me/No .34 Ve Su/Pl .46 Ve Su/Pl .6 Ve Su/Pl .74 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Ur Mo/Pl .84 Me Su/Ne .9 Me Su/Ne 1.19 Me Su/Ne 1.48 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Ve Ur/Pl 2.03 Pl Ve/Sa 2.17 Pl Ve/Sa 2.05 Me Su/Ne 1.77 Pl Ve/Sa 2.3 Ve Ur/Pl 2.29 Ur Mo/Pl 2.32 Pl Ve/Sa 1.92 Home is where the heart is. The Aries Sun makes a waxing biquintile aspect to Saturn 05:47 The decelerating waxing Moon approaching first quarter phase in Cancer water trines Neptune 10:39 Moon conjunction Jupiter 21:34 Moon square Uranus 23:03 There are less than two weeks to the Grand Cardinal Cross, 9 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and 2 days to the opposition of Mars.Monday 7 April 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Aries EA 17 Libra UR sqr PL .72 Mon 13 Cancer ME 11 Aquarius EA con MA .98 Mer 29 Pisces VE 9 Sagittarius ME sex VE 1.59 Ven 01 Pisces MA 18 Libra ME sex UR 1.76 Mar 20 Libra JU 23 Cancer VE trn UR 3.35 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio VE sqr NE 3.87 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries JU trn SA 4.03 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA opp UR 4.58 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 Libra
Fire 2Earth 1Air 2Water 6Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .05 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Pl Me/No .48 Pl Me/No .68 Pl Sa/Ne .86 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Ur Mo/Pl .65 Pl Sa/Ne .86 Pl Me/No .89 Pl Me/No 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Ve Su/Pl 1.03 Ve Su/Pl 1.17 Ve Su/Pl 1.31 Ve Su/Pl .88 Pl Ve/Sa 1.67 Pl Ve/Sa 1.55 Pl Ve/Sa 1.42 Pl Ve/Sa 1.8 Me Su/Ne 2.37 Pl Ma/Ur 2.55 Ma Mo/Pl 1.52 Me Su/Ne 2.07 Pl Ma/Ur 2.59 Me Su/Ne 2.67 Pl Ma/Ur 2.51 The Moon has a rough time in Cancer today. The decelerating waxing Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto 00:43 Moon at first quarter phase 08:32 Moon square Mars 12:35 Moon trine Saturn 18:15 becoming void and remaining that way for 15 hours. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 18 degrees Aries today. There are now 72 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are all in Aries after today. Venus and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. The Moon and Jupiter are in Cancer. We are in a new eclipse season. There is a Total Lunar Eclipse in 8 days time in Libra on April 15th 2014, and a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 22 days time, on April 29th 2014. In addition to this we are approaching a dynamic Grand Cardinal Cross involving Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Mars which climaxes over Easter time. All astrologers are wary of this period. Mercury is a direct morning star in Aries. Mercury enters Aries 15:36 today , joining the Sun and Uranus. As may well be expected he has a hazardous time in this sign. Mercury squares Jupiter and is conjunct Uranus on April 14th, he squares Pluto on April 15th and opposes Mars on the 16th. After opposing the lunar node on April 22nd he enters Taurus on April 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 6 degrees Taurus on April 26th. Today's ingress adds 'vim' and 'pep' to an already flammable situation right now. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces.She trines Jupiter and sextiles Pluto easing their opposition on April 18th. She sextiles Saturn on April 25th. Venus enters Aries on May 3rd. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars is opposite the Sun tomorrow. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 8 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Aries EA 18 Libra EA con MA .46 Mon 25 Cancer ME 14 Aquarius UR sqr PL .72 Mer 01 Aries VE 11 Sagittarius ME sex UR 1.65 Ven 02 Pisces MA 19 Libra VE trn UR 1.77 Mar 19 Libra JU 23 Cancer ME sex VE 3.42 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA trn ME 3.9 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries JU trn SA 4.08 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME trn MA 4.36 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 8Fixed 1Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ma Mo/Pl .06 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Pl Sa/Ne .84 Pl Sa/Ne .84 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Pl Ve/Sa 1.17 Pl Ve/Sa 1.04 Pl Ve/Sa .92 Pl Ve/Sa 1.3 Pl Me/No 1.51 Pl Me/No 1.71 Ve Su/Pl 1.89 Pl Me/No 1.3 Ve Su/Pl 1.6 Ve Su/Pl 1.75 Pl Me/No 1.92 Ve Su/Pl 1.46 Ma Mo/Pl 1.64 Pl Ma/Ur 2.39 Pl Ma/Ur 2.35 Pl Ma/Ur 2.47 Pl Ma/Ur 2.43 Ur Su/Me 2.8 Ur Su/Me 2.48 The very slow first quarter Moon starting the day void of course in Cancer squares her nodal axis 08:04 The Moon enters Leo 09:51 The Moon 'fire trines' Mercury 12:57Moon at apogee 14:53 (farthest from Sun opposition Mars 21:05Earth and slowest all month)Wednesday 9 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Aries EA 19 Libra EA con MA .06 Mon 07 Leo ME 18 Aquarius VE trn UR .2 Mer 02 Aries VE 12 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .73 Ven 03 Pisces MA 19 Libra ME trn MA 1.32 Mar 19 Libra JU 23 Cancer ME sqr SA 1.35 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA trn ME 1.39 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr JU 4.09 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 4.13 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn MA sqr JU 4.16 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Pl Ve/Sa .79 Pl Ve/Sa .67 Pl Ve/Sa .54 Pl Ve/Sa .41 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Pl Sa/Ne .83 No Mo/Pl .79 No Mo/Pl .71 Ve Su/Pl 2.04 Ur Su/Me 1.82 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Pl Sa/Ne .82 Pl Me/No 2.13 Ve Su/Pl 2.18 Ur Su/Me 1.5 Ur Su/Me 1.17 Ur Su/Me 2.15 Pl Ma/Ur 2.26 Pl Ma/Ur 2.22 Pl Ma/Ur 2.18 Pl Ma/Ur 2.3 No Mo/Pl 2.29 Ve Su/Pl 2.33 Pl Me/Ma 2.44 Tensions are starting to rise regarding Ukraine. Nato said yesterday that further Russian intervention there would be a "historic mistake" as Kiev tried to retake official buildings in the east from separatists. You can check out Putin's personal transits on this site and you will see the planetary pressures affecting him right now. The current outer manifestation of Russian policy on Ukraine is maybe a reflection of the intense planetary energy at work on the chart of her ruler. Today the post first-quarter Moon in Leo, slowly accelerating towards Total Lunar Eclipse trines Uranus 11:51 The Moon sextiles Mars 23:14Thursday 10 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Aries EA 20 Libra EA con MA .59 Mon 19 Leo ME 21 Aquarius UR sqr PL .73 Mer 04 Aries VE 14 Sagittarius EA trn ME 1.22 Ven 04 Pisces MA 19 Libra VE trn UR 1.38 Mar 19 Libra JU 23 Cancer ME trn MA 1.8 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sqr SA 2.21 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr JU 3.19 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA sqr JU 3.78 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn JU trn SA 4.18 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Pl Ve/Sa .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Pl Ve/Sa .29 Pl Ve/Sa .16 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Pl Ve/Sa .09 Pl Sa/Ne .82 Ur Su/Me .51 Ur Su/Me .18 Ur Su/Me .15 Ur Su/Me .84 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Pl Ma/Ur 2.14 Pl Ma/Ur 2.1 Pl Me/Ma 1.92 Pl Me/Ma 1.75 No Mo/Pl 2.22 Pl Me/Ma 2.1 Pl Ma/Ur 2.06 Pl Ma/Ur 2.01 Pl Me/Ma 2.27 Ve Su/Pl 2.76 Ve Su/Pl 2.91 Mo Ma/Ju 2.39 Recreational vibrations permeate the biosphere. The slow but accelerating and waxing Moon in Leo, 5 days from Total Lunar Eclipse, 'fire trines' the Sun 02:29 The Moon squares Saturn, becoming void, 06:27 The Moon sextiles her node 20:07 The Moon enters Virgo 22:09Friday 11 April 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Aries EA 21 Libra UR sqr PL .74 Mon 01 Virgo ME 25 Aquarius EA con MA 1.11 Mer 06 Aries VE 16 Sagittarius EA sqr JU 2.29 Ven 06 Pisces MA 20 Libra VE trn UR 2.96 Mar 18 Libra JU 23 Cancer MA sqr JU 3.4 Jup 12 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA trn ME 3.91 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries JU trn SA 4.23 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Pl Ve/Sa .22 Pl Ve/Sa .35 Pl Ve/Sa .48 Pl Ve/Sa .6 Ur Su/Me .49 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Pl Sa/Ne .79 Pl Sa/Ne .79 Mo Ma/Ju .67 Ur Su/Me .82 Ur Su/Me 1.15 Pl Me/Ma 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Pl Me/Ma 1.4 Pl Me/Ma 1.22 Ur Su/Me 1.49 Pl Me/Ma 1.57 Mo Ju/No 1.73 Mo Ju/No 1.3 Ma Mo/Sa 1.8 Pl Ma/Ur 1.97 Pl Ma/Ur 1.93 Pl Ma/Ur 1.89 Pl Ma/Ur 1.85 The Moon opposes Venus and Neptune this morning (GMT). The Moon is in Virgo, and is now gaining in motion. She opposes Venus 09:56 The Moon reaches gibbous phase 10:58. The procession to the full and Total Lunar Eclipse is now truly underway. Moon opposition Neptune 11:22 Sun waxing semi-square Neptune 15:00 Moon sextile Jupiter 22:48 Venus is approaching a watery conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. This culminates in the early hours (GMT) tomorrow and deeply colours today and especially tonight with an intangible almost enchanting if not slippery hue.Saturday 12 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Aries EA 22 Libra UR sqr PL .74 Mon 13 Virgo ME 29 Aquarius EA sqr JU 1.39 Mer 08 Aries VE 17 Sagittarius EA con MA 1.63 Ven 07 Pisces MA 20 Libra MA sqr JU 3.02 Mar 18 Libra JU 23 Cancer VE sex MA 3.27 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio JU trn SA 4.28 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ma Mo/Sa .18 Pl Me/Ma .69 Pl Me/Ma .51 Pl Me/Ma .32 Pl Ve/Sa .73 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Su/Me 1.82 Pl Ma/Ur 1.77 Ur Su/Me 2.5 Amid rising lunar pressure a practical and efficient day is in store.The Cardinal Grand Cross starts to form today, peaks April 17th-20th Sun quinquncx Saturn 00:24 The accelerating gibbous Moon in Virgo, 3 days from Total Lunar Eclipse trines Pluto 00:54 Venus conjunction Neptune 02:24(0.66 degrees from exact alignment) Moon sextile Saturn becoming void 17:13
and fades by the end of the month.A tight finger of fate involving the Moon, the Sun and Saturn
manifests at this time.Sunday 13 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Aries EA 23 Libra EA sqr JU .49 Mon 26 Virgo ME 3 Pisces UR sqr PL .75 Mer 10 Aries VE 19 Sagittarius EA con MA 2.14 Ven 08 Pisces MA 21 Libra VE sex MA 2.15 Mar 17 Libra JU 23 Cancer MA sqr JU 2.64 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME con NE 2.74 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries JU trn SA 4.34 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Pl Me/Ma .14 Pl Me/Ma .04 Ju Su/Mo .03 Ma Mo/No .18 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Pl Sa/Ne .76 Pl Me/Ma .22 No Mo/Sa .38 Pl Ve/Sa 1.24 Sa Mo/Pl .84 Sa Mo/Pl .75 Pl Me/Ma .41 Pl Ma/Ur 1.64 Pl Ve/Sa 1.37 Pl Sa/Ne .76 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Sa Mo/Pl 2.42 Pl Ma/Ur 1.6 Pl Ve/Sa 1.5 Pl Ma/Ur 1.52 Ju Su/Mo 1.7 Pl Ma/Ur 1.56 Pl Ve/Sa 1.63 Yesterday firing broke out in Kramatorsk, in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, amid continuing pro-Russia protests. Also at least 12 people died in bomb explosions in the eastern Indian state of Chhattisgarh in election-related violence blamed on Maoist rebels. Both manifestations of violence occurred as a Total Lunar Eclipse approaches. Today the heavily pregnant Moon accelerating to the full, starting the day void of course in Virgo, enters Libra 08:34, joining Mars and the lunar node in this sign. From this point in time a largely social day is in store. 48 hours from Total Lunar Eclipse, we all ride a huge wave right now.Monday 14 April 2014The Cardinal Grand Cross is intensifying. It peaks on April 17th-20th Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Aries EA 24 Libra EA sqr JU .4 Mon 08 Libra ME 7 Pisces UR sqr PL .75 Mer 11 Aries VE 20 Sagittarius VE sex MA 1.02 Ven 09 Pisces MA 21 Libra ME con NE 1.24 Mar 17 Libra JU 24 Cancer MA sqr JU 2.26 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA con MA 2.66 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries JU trn SA 4.39 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 Libra
and fades by the end of the month.Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 8Fixed 1Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Pl Me/Ma .59 Ju Mo/Ur .5 Pl Mo/Me .14 Me Ju/Pl .42 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Pl Mo/Ur .29 Pl Sa/Ne .74 No Mo/Sa 1.22 Pl Me/Ma .78 Pl Sa/Ne .74 Pl Me/Ma 1.16 Pl Ma/Ur 1.48 Ju Mo/Me 1.16 Me Ju/Pl .88 Pl Ma/Ur 1.36 Ma Mo/No 1.5 Me Ju/Pl 1.34 Pl Me/Ma .97 Pl Mo/Me 1.71 Pl Ve/Sa 1.75 Pl Ma/Ur 1.44 Pl Ma/Ur 1.4 Pl Mo/Ur 1.91 Yesterday Ukraine's president pledged a full-scale "anti-terrorist operation" involving the army after pro-Russian militants seized government buildings in the east. Tuesday's Total Lunar Eclipse directly hits Neptune in the relationship chart of Russia (1918 chart) and Ukraine(1991 chart). In doing this it sets off the Neptune Uranus Chiron T-square in the relationship chart. It's a confusing, 'see how far we can push it', effort from Russia. On this day before a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the Moon is besieged in Libra. Pressures are high. Surprises are in store Today is brimming with astrological energy.On this day before a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the Moon is besieged in Libra. Pressures are high. Surprises are in store Today is brimming with astrological energy. Moon opposition Mercury 07:02 Moon square Jupiter 08:38 Moon opposition Uranus 09:21 Moon square Pluto 10:09 Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 12:00 GMT Moon conjunction Mars 16:00 Mercury square Jupiter 18:33 Pluto turns retrograde 21:15 Mercury conjunction Uranus 23:17 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 25 degrees Aries today. There are now 65 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are in Aries. Venus and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon, Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. We are in the fury of an eclipse season. There is a Total Lunar Eclipse tomorrow, and a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 15 days time, on April 29th 2014. In addition to this we are approaching a dynamic Grand Cardinal Cross involving Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Mars which climaxes over Easter time. All astrologers are wary of this period. Mercury is a direct morning star in Aries. Mercury is conjunct Uranus today. He squares Pluto on April 15th and opposes Mars on the 16th. After opposing the lunar node on April 22nd he enters Taurus on April 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 6 degrees Taurus on April 26th. Today's ingress adds 'vim' and 'pep' to an already flammable situation right now. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces. She trines Jupiter and sextiles Pluto easing their opposition on April 18th. She sextiles Saturn on April 25th. Venus enters Aries on May 3rd. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto will occur on April 21st 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 15 April 2014Day of the Total Lunar eclipse
The Cardinal Grand Cross is intensifying, peaks April 17th-20th Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Aries EA 25 Libra VE sex MA .1 Mon 21 Libra ME 11 Pisces UR sqr PL .76 Mer 13 Aries VE 22 Sagittarius ME sex PL 1.15 Ven 10 Pisces MA 22 Libra EA sqr JU 1.3 Mar 17 Libra JU 24 Cancer MA sqr JU 1.88 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA sex VE 3.08 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA con MA 3.18 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 4.44 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME con NE 5.35 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 Libra
and fades by the end of the month.Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 8Fixed 1Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Me Ju/Pl .03 Me Ju/Pl .49 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Pl Sa/Ne .73 Pl Sa/Ne .73 Me Ju/Pl .96 Pl Ma/Ur 1.2 Pl Ma/Ur 1.32 Pl Ma/Ur 1.28 Pl Ma/Ur 1.24 Me Ju/Pl 1.42 Pl Me/Ma 1.35 Pl Me/Ma 1.54 Pl Me/Ma 1.73 Pl Me/Ma 1.92 Mo Ma/No 1.63 Mo Ma/No 1.69 Ne Su/Pl 2.28 Ne Su/Pl 2.17 Pl Ve/Sa 2.27 Pl Ve/Sa 2.4 Pl Ve/Sa 2.53 Pl Ve/Sa 2.66 Mercury square Pluto 04:14 Moon opposition Sun 07:43, becoming void of course. Mercury conjunct Uranus 23:16 (1.25 degrees from exact alignment)The cardinal cross dominates this eclipse.
Central eclipse 07:46 GMT.
Today's Total Lunar Eclipse is no easy ride. It occurs as Mercury joins in the tight
and tightening cardinal planetary T-square 'pulsating' in the skies of earth right now.
Certainly cardinal energy predominates the atmosphere. This eclipse draws everything
to a head and invokes eruptions and explosions. Take care indeed.
Today's eclipse hits the natal Neptune of people born 1953-1954. It hits the
natal Pluto of people born 1982-1983 and Uranus in the charts of those born
1973-1974. The eclipse directly hits the Jupiter/Lunar Node conjunction in the charts of
Kate Bush, Madonna and NASA. Saturn in the Mars rover 'Curiosity' launch chart
is hit. Leonard Cohen's natal Jupiter is hit as is Prince Philip's lunar node (UK).
Lunar Saros 122
Today's eclipse is member 56 of the 74 lunar eclipses which make up Lunar Saros Series 122. The chart above is set up for the time of greatest eclipse during the very first eclipse in the Saros on Aug 14th 1022 at 14:51:42 TD. Mars Jupiter and Neptune are in fixed T-square and Venus, Uranus and the lunar node are in Air grand trine. Fire and Air are in preponderance. Jupiter squares Neptune, Saturn sextiles Pluto. The eclipsed Moon in Aquarius separates from Saturn. Mine explosions, Massacres and Volcanic eruptions appear to occur around the times of eclipses in this Saros series. The massacre of 450 Hutus by the Tutsis occurred near the day of the last eclipse in 1996. The 1978 eclipse oversaw the 'coastal road massacre' of 34 Israelis by Palestinian terrorists. The 1960 eclipse was 8 days before Sharpville Massacre in South Africa, 69 killed. During the year of the longest eclipse in the Saros, 1707, the act of union of England and Scotland took place. The new Sovereign State of Great Britain came into being. The next eclipses in the series are April 25th 2032 and May 6th 2050. The series ends in 2338. Timings of today's eclipse:- Penumbral eclipse starts 04:53:40 Partial eclipse starts 05:58:19 Totality starts 07:06:46 Maximum eclipse 07:46:47 Totally ends 08:24:34 Partial eclipse ends 09:33:02 Penumbral eclipse ends 10:37:33 At the moment of maximum eclipse the Moon is rising and the Sun is setting at Melbourne. The Moon is culminating at Los Angeles. Saturn culminates at New Orleans, Neptune at Capetown and Uranus at Tehran. Jupiter rises at Ankara. Today's eclipse is the first of 4 consecutive Total Lunar Eclipses over the next 18 months. Their dates are April 15th 2014, Oct 8th 2014, April 4th 2015 and September 28th 2015. All are across Aries/ Libra. The first one is the longest, the last one is visible from the UK. The 'Tetrad' of 4 'blood red Moons' as it is known occurs, irregularly with the last batch 2003/4, 1967/8, 1949/50, 1927/1928. These were the first Tetrads I think since the Middle Ages, in 1493. The frequency of Tetrads is variable over time. Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli first pointed out that Tetrads were relatively plentiful during one 300-year interval, while none occurred at all during the next 300 years.87 tetrads that have occurred since the time of Christ. The 565-year period of the Tetrad 'seasons' is tied to the slowly decreasing eccentricity of Earth's orbit. Consequently, the Tetrad period is gradually decreasing. In the distant future Tetrads will no longer be possible. After the eclipse is over the post-eclipse 'wounded' Moon travails in void of course status wreaking havoc. Venus biquintile retro-Mars 12:20 Moon conjunction her node 14:02 The Moon enters Scorpio 16:21Wednesday 16 April 2014The Cardinal Grand Cross is intensifying, peaks April 17th-20th
and fades by the end of the month.I am taking to the Highlands of Scotland for 12 days on a walking holiday. The Daze will be back 'live' on Monday April 28th 2014. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Aries EA 26 Libra UR sqr PL .77 Mon 04 Scorpio ME 15 Pisces VE sex MA 1.22 Mer 15 Aries VE 23 Sagittarius MA sqr JU 1.5 Ven 11 Pisces MA 22 Libra EA sqr JU 2.2 Mar 16 Libra JU 24 Cancer EA sex VE 2.47 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME sex PL 3.08 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA con MA 3.69 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME trn SA 4.31 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn JU trn SA 4.49 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Mo Ma/Sa .22 Pl Sa/Ne .71 No Mo/Ma .21 Pl Mo/Ve .56 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Pl Ma/Ur 1.12 Mo Sa/No .69 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Pl Ma/Ur 1.16 No Mo/Ma 1.85 Pl Sa/Ne .71 Pl Ma/Ur 1.04 Me Ju/Pl 1.88 Ne Su/Pl 1.94 Pl Ma/Ur 1.08 No Mo/Ma 1.44 Ne Su/Pl 2.05 Pl Me/Ma 2.31 Ne Su/Pl 1.82 Ne Su/Pl 1.71 Pl Me/Ma 2.11 Me Ju/Pl 2.35 Pl Mo/Ve 2.38 We are now in eclipse fortnight and enter a post Total Lunar Eclipse phase. The Moon in Scorpio today and most of Thursday sets an intense backdrop to events. Sheer will and determination win through today. Mercury opposes Mars this morning (GMT) which sets mind against muscle but a watery grand trine in the afternoon (GMT) sooths an aching soul somewhat.harmonic 20 around 00:00 GMT The rapidly waning Moon in Scorpio water trines Neptune 04:40 Mercury biquintile Saturn 07:37 Mercury opposition Mars 11:16
Significant geocentricThe Moon, Venus and Jupiter form a watery grand trine Moon trine Venus 13:09 Moon trine Jupiter 15:48 Moon sextile Pluto 16:46
12:00 to 16:00Thursday 17 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Aries EA 27 Libra ME trn SA .02 Mon 18 Scorpio ME 19 Pisces UR sqr PL .77 Mer 17 Aries VE 25 Sagittarius MA sqr JU 1.11 Ven 12 Pisces MA 23 Libra EA sex VE 1.87 Mar 16 Libra JU 24 Cancer VE sex MA 2.34 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA sqr JU 3.09 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA con MA 4.21 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraThe Cardinal Grand Cross peaks over the following 4 days. Fire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Pl Mo/Ne .36 Pl Sa/Ne .69 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Pl Ma/Ur 1 Pl Sa/Ne .69 Pl Ma/Ur .92 Pl Ma/Ur .89 Pl Mo/Ve 1.26 Pl Ma/Ur .96 Ne Su/Pl 1.36 Ne Su/Pl 1.24 Pl Mo/Ne 1.34 Ne Su/Pl 1.47 Pl Mo/Ne 2.07 Mo Ma/Pl 1.72 Ne Su/Pl 1.59 Me Su/Ur 2.66 Me Su/Ur 2.3 Me Su/Ur 1.94 Wake up (GMT) to a lunar occultation of Saturn. The 'post-eclipse' Moon is then void of course for 9.5 hours. Within the drama of the Cardinal Grand Cross now tightening in the skies of Earth, Venus in Pisces is applying in watery trine to Jupiter so there are friendship and good fortune to be found today. Moon conjunction Saturn (0.92 degrees from exact alignment) becoming void 07:10 Visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn, the 6th of 14Moon enters Sagittarius 21:45 Free spirits.
Friday 18 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Aries EA 28 Libra ME trn JU .11 Mon 01 Sagittarius ME 24 Pisces MA sqr JU .73 Mer 19 Aries VE 27 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .78 Ven 13 Pisces MA 23 Libra EA sex VE 1.26 Mar 15 Libra JU 24 Cancer ME sqr VE 2.84 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio VE sex MA 3.46 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr JU 3.99 Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME trn SA 4.48 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn EA con MA 4.72 Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraThe Cardinal Grand Cross is peaking. Fire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Ur Ju/Pl .03 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Pl Sa/Ne .67 Me Su/Ur .48 Pl Ma/Ur .85 Pl Ma/Ur .81 Pl Ma/Ur .77 Pl Sa/Ne .67 Ne Su/Pl 1.13 Ne Su/Pl 1.01 Me Su/Ur .85 Pl Ma/Ur .73 Me Su/Ur 1.58 Me Su/Ur 1.21 Ne Su/Pl .9 Ne Su/Pl .78 Mo Ma/Pl 1.75 Mo Pl/No 1.35 Mo Pl/No 2.11 Sa Mo/No 1.5 A day of high spirits and optimism amid severe planetary stress. Venus trine Jupiter 01:20 Venus sextile Pluto 09:27 Moon square Neptune 09:43 Sun opposition the lunar node 16:41 Moon trine Uranus 21:01 Moon at disseminating phase 21:39 Moon square Venus 22:20Saturday 19 April 2014A day of recklessness and steamy high spirits. Eyes bigger than stomachs. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Aries EA 29 Libra ME sqr VE .21 Mon 15 Sagittarius ME 28 Pisces MA sqr JU .35 Mer 21 Aries VE 28 Sagittarius EA sex VE .65 Ven 14 Pisces MA 24 Libra UR sqr PL .78 Mar 15 Libra JU 24 Cancer ME trn JU 4.44 Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio EA con MA 5.23 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 29 LibraThe Cardinal Grand Cross is peaking. The last day of the astrological month of Aries.Fire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Me Su/Ur .11 Me Su/Ur .26 Ne Su/Pl .44 Mo Ma/Ne .27 Sa Mo/No .25 Ne Su/Pl .55 Pl Ma/Ur .62 Ne Su/Pl .32 Pl Sa/Ne .66 Pl Sa/Ne .66 Me Su/Ur .63 Pl Ma/Ur .59 Ne Su/Pl .67 Pl Ma/Ur .66 Pl Sa/Ne .65 Pl Sa/Ne .65 Pl Ma/Ur .7 Mo Sa/Pl 1.04 Me Su/Ur 1 Mo Sa/Pl 2.45 Sa Mo/No 2 Sa Mo/Ma 1.3 Moon sextile Mars 00:00 Mercury quinquncx Saturn 06:32 Mercury semi-square Neptune 10:27 Moon trine Mercury 11:50 Venus quinquncx Mars 14:32 Moon sextile Node 22:55Sunday 20 April 2014The Cardinal Grand Cross is peaking. EASTER SUNDAY The Cardinal Cross
Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Aries EA 30 Libra EA sex VE .04 Mon 29 Sagittarius ME 3 Aries MA sqr JU .04 Mer 23 Aries VE 30 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .79 Ven 15 Pisces MA 24 Libra ME sqr VE 3.41 Mar 15 Libra JU 24 Cancer Jup 13 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio Sat 22 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ne Su/Pl .02 Ur Ju/Pl .05 Ne Su/Pl .21 Mo Ne/No .05 Ur Ju/Pl .04 Ne Su/Pl .14 Sa Mo/Ma .43 Ne Su/Pl .09 Pl Ma/Ur .48 Pl Ma/Ur .44 Pl Ma/Ur .55 Pl Ma/Ur .51 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Pl Sa/Ne .64 Pl Sa/Ne .64 Mo Ve/No 1.01 Ne Su/Mo 1.79 Mo Ve/Ma .93 Me Su/Ur 1.76 Me Su/Ur 2.13 Mo Ve/No 2.39 Me Su/Ur 1.38 Sa Mo/Ma 2.16 Me Su/Ur 2.51 We are now at the climax of the current Cardinal Cross. The proverbial could emphatically hit the fan today and tomorrow. A very hard hitting show down is on the cards. Both the Sun and Moon tumble into earth signs today which sets a hard going backdrop to important events. Possibly troubled times are at hand. Moon trine Sun becoming void 01:18 Moon enters Capricorn 01:29 The Sun enters Taurus 03:57 and a new astrological month begins. Jupiter square Uranus 07:29 The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery' a firm 'astro-favourite' of mine. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries (a triple conjunction). Today's waxing square is the final of 3, the other two were on August 21st 2013 and on Feb 26th 2014. Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus. Moon sextile Neptune 13:16 Jupiter opposition Pluto 23:26 This is final of 3 oppositions of these two in the 13 year cycle which started at 28 Sagittarius in Dec 2007. The other two oppositions were on Aug 8th 2013 and on Jan 31st 2014. The cycle ends in 2020. The Jupiter Pluto cycle in astrology is said to be synchronised with the ebb and flow of power structures (civil and political) in societies and in the global community as a whole. The opposition period underway at this time is by nature a time of 'fullness' of power structures, a point of climax before the inevitable waning of the 'plutocratic' structures, and a manifestation of a polarisation of opposites in affairs of 'state'. A difficult night (GMT)ensues.Monday 21 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Taurus EA 1 Scorpio MA sqr JU .42 Mon 13 Capricorn ME 8 Aries EA sex VE .56 Mer 25 Aries VE 1 Capricorn UR sqr PL .79 Ven 16 Pisces MA 25 Libra ME sqr PL 3.75 Mar 14 Libra JU 24 Cancer ME con UR 4.54 Jup 14 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Mo .09 Pl Ma/Ur .37 Pl Ma/Ur .33 Pl Ma/Ur .3 Ne Su/Pl .25 Ne Su/Pl .37 Ne Su/Pl .49 Ma Ju/Pl .55 Pl Ma/Ur .4 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Ne Su/Pl .6 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Ma Ju/Pl .75 Ma Ju/Pl .65 Pl Sa/Ne .61 Mo Ma/Ur .73 Ne Mo/Me .76 Mo Ur/No .65 Ne Me/Pl 1.87 Ma Ju/Pl .85 Ur Mo/Ju 1.66 Mo Ve/Sa 1.12 Mo Ur/No 2.9 Mo Sa/Ne .95 Ne Su/Mo 1.98 Ne Mo/Me 1.26 After a difficult (GMT) night a tough, hard working day follows. Strong geocentric harmonic 20 around 00:00 GMT Moon square Uranus 00:28 Moon conjunction Pluto 00:33 Moon opposition Jupiter 00:33 Moon square Mars 01:57 Moon sextile Venus 05:54 Moon sextile Saturn 13:49 Uranus square Pluto 19:19 This is the 5th of 7 square aspects between these two planets. The sequence started on June 24th 2012.The 6th is on Dec 15th 2014 and the last one is on March 17th 2015. Sun quintile Jupiter 21:31The Moon, her node and Mercury form a cardinal T-square Moon square Mercury becoming void 23:22 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 2 degrees Taurus today. There are now 58 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Mercury and Uranus are in Aries. Venus and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. The Moon and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the fury of an 'eclipse fortnight' between the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th, and a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus in 8 days time, on April 29th 2014. In addition to this we are in the midst a dynamic Grand Cardinal Cross involving Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Mars which is climaxing now. All astrologers are wary of this period. Mercury is a direct morning star in Aries. Mercury is conjunct Uranus today. He opposes the lunar node on April 22nd he enters Taurus on April 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 6 degrees Taurus on April 26th. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces. She sextiles Saturn on April 25th. Venus enters Aries on May 3rd. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 5th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs today. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.
23:00 to 02:00, this is in addition to the Grand Cross
still dominating everything.Tuesday 22 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Taurus EA 2 Scorpio ME con UR .53 Mon 27 Capricorn ME 13 Aries UR sqr PL .8 Mer 27 Aries VE 3 Capricorn MA sqr JU .81 Ven 18 Pisces MA 25 Libra EA sex VE 1.17 Mar 14 Libra JU 24 Cancer ME sqr PL 1.32 Jup 14 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio VE sex NE 2.43 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA trn NE 3.6 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Ur .26 Pl Ma/Ur .23 Pl Ma/Ur .19 Ve Mo/Me .01 Mo Me/No .31 Ne Mo/Ur .33 Ma Ju/Pl .25 Ma Ju/Pl .15 Ma Ju/Pl .45 Ma Ju/Pl .35 Ve Su/Mo .29 Pl Ma/Ur .16 Pl Sa/Ne .61 Pl Sa/Ne .6 Pl Sa/Ne .6 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Ne Su/Pl .72 Ne Su/Pl .83 Ne Su/Pl .95 Ne Me/Pl .86 Ne Mo/Ur 1.45 Ve Su/Mo 1.33 Ne Me/Pl 1.12 Ne Su/Pl 1.06 Ne Me/Pl 1.62 Ne Me/Pl 1.37 Ve Mo/Me 1.77 Mo Me/Sa 1.89 Tensions are rising as Mars tightens in tight Cardinal T Square with uranus and Pluto. Strong geocentric harmonic 20 around 06:00 GMT Moon square Node 01:36 Moon enters Aquarius 04:19 Moon at last quarter 07:53 Mercury opposition the lunar node 14:23 Mars square Jupiter 19:29Wednesday 23 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Taurus EA 3 Scorpio UR sqr PL .8 Mon 12 Aquarius ME 18 Aries VE sex NE .86 Mer 29 Aries VE 5 Capricorn MA sqr JU 1.19 Ven 19 Pisces MA 25 Libra EA sex VE 1.78 Mar 14 Libra JU 24 Cancer EA trn NE 2.64 Jup 14 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/Pl .05 Ma Ju/Pl .05 Ne Me/Pl .1 Ne Me/Pl .15 Pl Ma/Ur .13 Pl Ma/Ur .09 Ma Ju/Pl .15 Ma Ju/Pl .25 Mo Su/Sa .37 Me Mo/Ju .16 Ju Ma/Ur .28 Ju Ma/Ur .35 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Ne Me/Pl .36 Pl Sa/Ne .58 Su Mo/Ju .36 Ne Me/Pl .61 Pl Sa/Ne .58 Me Mo/Ju 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne .58 Ne Su/Pl 1.18 Mo Ve/Pl 1.03 Ne Su/Pl 1.41 Ne Mo/Ve 1.08 Mo Ne/Pl 1.39 Ne Su/Pl 1.29 Su Mo/Ju 1.91 Ve Mo/Ur 1.51 Potentially a very hard hitting day with Mars opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto. Tread most carefully today.Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 12:00-18:00 GMTMoon at perigee 00 28 (closest to Moon sextile Uranus 03:19 Moon trine Mars 03:25 Mars opposition Uranus 07:10 Mercury enters Taurus 09:17 Mars square Pluto 13:40 Moon square Saturn 16:12Earth and fastest all month)Thursday 24 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Taurus EA 4 Scorpio ME sqr JU .56 Mon 26 Aquarius ME 24 Aries VE sex NE .72 Mer 01 Taurus VE 6 Capricorn UR sqr PL .81 Ven 20 Pisces MA 26 Libra MA sqr JU 1.58 Mar 13 Libra JU 24 Cancer EA trn NE 1.67 Jup 14 Cancer SA 19 Scorpio ME opp MA 2.14 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sex VE 2.39 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Ur .01 Ma Ju/Pl .44 Ma Ju/Pl .54 Pl Mo/Sa .31 Ma Ju/Pl .34 Ju Ma/Ur .48 Ju Ma/Ur .55 Pl Sa/Ne .56 Ne Me/Pl .41 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Pl Sa/Ne .56 Ju Ma/Ur .62 Ju Ma/Ur .41 Ne Me/Pl .67 Ne Me/Pl .92 Ma Ju/Pl .63 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Mo Ur/Pl .82 Ur Su/Ve 1.42 Ur Su/Ve 1.17 Ne Mo/Ve .84 Ve Mo/Ur 1.5 Pl Mo/Sa 1.45 Ne Me/Pl 1.18 Su Mo/Ju 1.19 Ur Su/Ve 1.67 Ne Su/Pl 1.87 Mo Me/Pl 1.68Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 11:00-19:00 GMTThe Moon trines her node 04:01 The Moon enters Pisces 06:56 joining Neptune and Venus in this sign. A slightly softer couple of days ensue. Mercury waning quintile Jupiter 08:20 Moon sextile Mercury 10:42 Moon sextile Sun 14:15 Moon conjunction Neptune 18:51 Friday 25 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Taurus EA 5 Scorpio EA trn NE .7 Mon 10 Pisces ME 29 Aries UR sqr PL .81 Mer 03 Taurus VE 8 Capricorn MA sqr JU 1.96 Ven 21 Pisces MA 26 Libra VE sex NE 2.3 Mar 13 Libra JU 24 Cancer ME opp MA 2.92 Jup 14 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA sex VE 2.99 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries VE con PL 4.2 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA opp ME 5.36 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .55 Mo Ve/Ne .52 Ur Su/Ve .43 Ur Su/Ve .18 Ju Ma/Ur .68 Pl Sa/Ne .55 Pl Sa/Ne .54 Ur Me/Ve .41 Ma Ju/Pl .73 Ur Su/Ve .68 Ur Me/Ve .8 Pl Sa/Ne .54 Ur Su/Ve .93 Ju Ma/Ur .75 Ju Ma/Ur .82 Ur Su/Mo .74 Mo Su/Pl .94 Ma Ju/Pl .82 Ma Ju/Pl .92 Ju Ma/Ur .88 Ne Me/Pl 1.44 Ur Me/Ve 1.19 Ne Me/Pl 1.96 Ur Mo/Me .97 Ur Me/Ve 1.59 Ne Me/Pl 1.7 Ne Su/Pl 2.33 Ma Ju/Pl 1.01Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 12:00 GMTVery strong geocentric harmonic 16 around 18:00 GMT Mars biquintile Neptune 04:51 Venus trine Saturn 05:16 Moon sextile Pluto 05:55 Moon trine Jupiter 06:55 Moon balsamic phase 17:38 Moon trine Saturn 18:49 Moon conjunction Venus becoming void 20:04Saturday 26 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Taurus EA 6 Scorpio EA trn NE .27 Mon 24 Pisces ME 5 Taurus ME sex NE .38 Mer 06 Taurus VE 9 Capricorn EA opp ME .65 Ven 22 Pisces MA 27 Libra UR sqr PL .82 Mar 13 Libra JU 25 Cancer MA sqr JU 2.35 Jup 14 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio VE con PL 2.62 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries VE sqr UR 3.44 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME trn VE 4.25 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 1Earth 3Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Me/Ve .02 Ur Su/Ve .32 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Pl Sa/Ne .52 Ur Su/Ve .07 Ur Me/Ve .38 Ur Su/Ve .56 Ur Su/Ve .81 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Ur Me/Ve .77 Ju Ma/Ur 1.15 Ju Ma/Ur .95 Pl Mo/No .64 Ju Ma/Ur 1.08 Ur Me/Ve 1.16 Ur Mo/Me 1.04 Ju Ma/Ur 1.01 Pl Mo/No 1.1 Mo Ve/Ur 1.27 Ma Ju/Pl 1.1 Ma Ju/Pl 1.19 Ma Ju/Pl 1.29 Ma Ju/Pl 1.38 Ur Su/Mo 1.12 Mo Ur/Ne 2.22 Mo Ve/Ur 2.07 Ve Mo/Ne 2.03Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 00:00 to 18:00GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 17 around 06:00 GMTVenus biquintile the lunar node 02:52 Mercury in Superior Conjunction with the Sun 03:28 The Moon enters Aries like a shotgun 10:02 Mercury sextile Neptune 17:28 Sunday 27 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Taurus EA 7 Scorpio ME trn VE .02 Mon 08 Aries ME 11 Taurus UR sqr PL .82 Mer 08 Taurus VE 11 Capricorn VE con PL 1.04 Ven 23 Pisces MA 27 Libra ME trn PL 1.06 Mar 12 Libra JU 25 Cancer EA trn NE 1.24 Jup 14 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio VE sqr UR 1.87 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries MA sqr JU 2.74 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA opp ME 4.19 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .51 Mo Su/Ve .44 Pl Sa/Ne .5 Ve Mo/Ne .57 Ve Mo/Ne .88 Pl Sa/Ne .51 Ju Mo/Ma .86 Mo Me/Ne .72 Ju Ma/Ur 1.28 Ju Mo/Ma .78 Ju Ma/Ur 1.41 Ur Su/Ve 1.06 Ur Su/Ve 1.31 Mo Me/Ve 1.23 Ve Ur/Ne 1.49 Ju Ma/Ur 1.21 Pl Mo/Ma 1.55 Ju Ma/Ur 1.34 Me Ju/Ne 1.53 Mo Su/Ne 1.22 Ma Ju/Pl 1.56 Ur Su/Ve 1.56 Ma Ju/Pl 1.74 Ma Ju/Pl 1.47 Ur Me/Ve 1.95 Ma Ju/Pl 1.65 Mo Me/Ve 1.8 The old decelerating Moon opposes Mars 07:29 Moon square Pluto 09:28 Moon conjunction Uranus 10:02 (1.03 degrees from exact alignment) Sun sextile Neptune 10:35 Moon square Jupiter becoming void 11:03 Evening star Mercury semi-squares morning star Venus 11:46Monday 28 April 2014The Daze is back 'live' now. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Taurus EA 8 Scorpio VE sqr UR .3 Mon 22 Aries ME 17 Taurus VE con PL .53 Mer 10 Taurus VE 12 Capricorn UR sqr PL .83 Ven 24 Pisces MA 28 Libra EA trn NE 2.2 Mar 12 Libra JU 25 Cancer ME opp SA 2.83 Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio MA sqr JU 3.13 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME trn VE 4.33 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .5 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Me Ju/Ne .02 Ur Mo/Ve .37 Me Ju/Ne 1.01 Me Ju/Ne .49 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Ve Ur/Ne .4 Ve Ur/Ne 1.22 Mo Su/Ur .64 Ve Ur/Ne .68 Pl Sa/Ne .48 Ju Ma/Ur 1.47 Ve Ur/Ne .95 Ne Mo/Pl 1.03 Me Ju/Ne .54 Ma Ju/Pl 1.82 Ju Ma/Ur 1.54 Mo Me/Ur 1.24 Ne Mo/Pl .65 Ur Su/Ve 2.06 Mo Me/Ur 1.88 Ju Ma/Ur 1.6 Su Mo/Me 1.65 Pl Ve/No 2.36 Ma Ju/Pl 1.91 Ma Ju/Pl 2 Ju Ma/Ur 1.66The single most significant event of the recent period astrologically defined by the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th and the dynamic Grand Cardinal Cross involving Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Mars which peaked over Easter time was undoubtedly the sinking of the South Korean Ferry and the subsequent massive loss of teenage lives. The Everest avalanche which killed 16 sherpa guides and appears to have caused a cessation of Everest tourism at least for this year is a close second. There is still a final act to take place as the Sun undergoes an Annular eclipse tomorrow. Hopefully the venom of the celestial situation has now been extinguished. Today the ancient decelerating Moon in Aries opposes her north node 10:57 The Moon enters Taurus 14:25 Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 18:00 GMT Mercury quinquncx retro-Mars 23:45 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 9 degrees Taurus today. There are now 51 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. The Sun and Mercury are in Taurus. The Moon and Uranus are in Aries. Venus and Neptune are in Pisces. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. We are in the fury of an 'eclipse fortnight' between the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th, and a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus tomorrow. Mercury is a direct evening star in Taurus. Venus is a direct morning star in Pisces. Venus enters Aries on May 3rd. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 29 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Taurus EA 9 Scorpio UR sqr PL .84 Mon 05 Taurus ME 23 Taurus VE sqr UR 1.28 Mer 12 Taurus VE 14 Capricorn ME sex JU 1.96 Ven 25 Pisces MA 28 Libra VE con PL 2.11 Mar 12 Libra JU 25 Cancer EA trn NE 3.17 Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio ME opp SA 3.19 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sex PL 3.32 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA sqr JU 3.52 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 1Earth 4Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Me .06 Ve Ur/Ne .14 Ve Ur/Ne .41 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Ve Ur/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Ve Ur/Ne .69 Pl Sa/Ne .48 Me Ju/Ne 1.57 Mo Su/Me .98 Me Su/Mo 1.22 Me Ju/Ne 1.06 Pl Ve/No 1.68 Mo Ju/Ne 1.1 Pl Ve/No 1.41 Ur Mo/Ve 1.44 Su Mo/Me 1.75 Pl Ve/No 1.54 Su Ju/Ne 1.62 Ju Ma/Ur 1.73 Ju Ma/Ur 1.79 Ju Ma/Ur 1.85 Ju Ma/Ur 1.92 Pl Ve/No 1.82 Mo Su/Me 1.95 Su Ju/Ne 1.85 Ma Ju/Pl 2.42 Venus waxing quintile Pluto 02:33 The decelerating pre-eclipse Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 03:09 The eclipse sequence starts 03:52 April 29th 2014 Rare non-central annular solar eclipse at 9 degrees Taurus visible only from a very small part of Antarctica. Maximum eclipse 06:04 GMT. Eclipsed Sun conjunct Mercury. Eclipse sequence ends 08:14.
'The first solar eclipse of 2014 occurs at the Moon's descending node in 'tropical Taurus'. This particular
eclipse is rather unusual because the central axis of the Moon's antumbral shadow misses Earth entirely
while the shadow edge grazes the planet. Classified as a non-central annular eclipse, such events are rare
Out of the 3,956 annular eclipses occurring during the 5,000-year period -2000 to +3000, only 68 of them
or 1.7% are non-central (Espenak and Meeus, 2006).'
(The most recent non-central Annular Eclipse occurred on April 30th 1957, the most recent non-central
Total Solar Eclipse was on Nov 2nd 1967. Both types of non-central Solar Eclipse Annular and Total
occur in Aries and in Libra in 2041. M.Harwood)
'The northern edge of the antumbral shadow first touches down in Antarctica at 05:57:35 UT.
The instant of greatest eclipse occurs just six minutes later at 06:03:25 UT. For an observer at the
geographic coordinates nearest the shadow axis (131° 15.6' E, 79° 38.7' S), the Sun would appear on the
horizon during the 49-second annular phase. Six minutes later (06:09:36 UT), the antumbral shadow lifts
off the surface of Earth as the annular eclipse ends. The entire zone of annularity appears as a small
D-shaped region in eastern Antarctica.'
Today's eclipse at 9 degrees Taurus applies in conjunction to Mercury sextiles
Neptune and is quincunx retrograde Mars in Libra.
Today's eclipse is the 21st eclipse of the 75 which make up Solar saros 148. The first eclipse in the series occurred on Sept 21st 1653 with a maximum eclipse time of 15:55:44. The chart for this moment, set for London, is shown above. Today's eclipse is the first Annular eclipse in this young Saros, the next one in May 2032 is also Annular, the one after that in 2050 is a Hybrid. The series goes 'fully total' in 2068. The longest eclipse is in 2609 and the saros dies in 2986. That first eclipse in 1653 in Virgo had a tight fire trine of Saturn and Neptune bisected by Venus dominating the skies. Essentially a creative mix Mercury is trine Pluto but the eclipsed Sun is separating from a Uranus square. Mutable Fire and Air signs predominate accentuating intellectual development and fine tuning of theory and practice. At the moment of maximum eclipse Neptune culminates at Kiev and at Odessa.After the eclipse the infant Moon is conjunct Mercury 14:08 Moon trine Pluto 14:41 Moon sextile Jupiter 16:57 Mercury trine Pluto 17:31
Wednesday 30 April 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Taurus EA 10 Scorpio UR sqr PL .84 Mon 19 Taurus ME 29 Taurus EA sex PL 2.35 Mer 14 Taurus VE 16 Capricorn VE sqr UR 2.85 Ven 27 Pisces MA 29 Libra VE con PL 3.69 Mar 12 Libra JU 25 Cancer MA sqr JU 3.91 Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA trn NE 4.14 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 1Earth 4Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Mo .01 Pl Sa/Ne .46 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Sa/Ne .46 Ur Mo/Ne .51 Su Ju/Ne .96 Su Ju/Ne .74 Ve Ur/Ne .96 Mo Ve/Ju 1.08 Pl Ve/No 1 Pl Ve/No .86 Ur Mo/Ne 1.11 Pl Ve/No 1.13 Ve Ur/Ne 1.51 Mo Ju/Ur 1.07 Pl Ve/No 1.27 Su Ju/Ne 1.18 Ju Ma/Ur 2.11 Ve Ur/Ne 1.78 Su Ju/Ne 1.4 Ve Ur/Ne 1.23 Ur Mo/Ne 2.13 Ju Ma/Ur 2.17 Ju Ma/Ur 1.98 Me Su/Mo 1.23 Me Su/Mo 2.44 Ur Me/Ne 2.61 Yesterday Pro-Russia activists seized several official buildings in the eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk, as the US told Russia to "leave Ukraine in peace". Yesterday's solar eclipse was 2 degrees from the natal moon in the Russia/Ukraine relationship chart. At least 37 people were killed in explosions in the Syrian city of Homs, after at least 14 died in a mortar attack in Damascus. Transiting Uranus is about (May 6th) to oppose natal Mercury in the Syrian Independence chart, the first of three such contacts over the next 10 months. An escalation in troubles there can be expected. A teacher stabbed was to death in front of her pupils at a Leeds school on Monday. This is the first such event in a British classroom. It occurred on the day Uranus was exactly conjunct the UK natal lunar node, a very unsettling vibration on the national psyche. Today the slow infant Moon fresh from solar eclipse in Taurus opposes Saturn 03:58 Mercury makes a waning sextile to Jupiter 08:33 The Moon sextiles Venus becoming void 15:55 The Moon enters Gemini 20:57 A strong geocentric planetary 17th harmonic occurs around midnight as the GMT day ends. Hope and faith are the keywords with this geometry.Thursday 1 May 2014 The Cardinal T-square, manifest since early March is still active but now starting to fade.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Taurus EA 11 Scorpio ME sqr NE .23 Mon 02 Gemini ME 5 Gemini UR sqr PL .85 Mer 16 Taurus VE 17 Capricorn EA sex PL 1.38 Ven 28 Pisces MA 29 Libra VE sex SA 2.51 Mar 11 Libra JU 25 Cancer MA sqr JU 4.3 Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio VE sqr UR 4.42 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries VE con PL 5.26 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .44 Su Ju/Ne .29 Su Mo/Ur .02 Su Ju/Ne .15 Su Ju/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .44 Su Ju/Ne .07 Pl Ve/No .31 Pl Ve/No .73 Pl Ve/No .59 Pl Sa/Ne .43 Pl Sa/Ne .43 Ve Ur/Ne 2.05 Su Mo/Ur 1.34 Pl Ve/No .45 Ve Mo/Pl 1.16 Mo Ju/Ur 2.12 Ur Me/Ne 2.1 Ur Me/Ne 1.84 Su Mo/Ur 1.37 Ju Ma/Ur 2.23 Ju Ma/Ur 2.29 Ju Ma/Ur 2.35 Ur Me/Ne 1.58 Ur Me/Ne 2.35 Ve Ur/Ne 2.33 Ve Mo/Pl 2.46 Mo Su/Ju 1.98 A busy day today. Everything 'on the boil' and simmering. Strong geocentric harmonic 17 around 00:00 GMT Venus quinquncx the lunar node 04:56 The slowly waxing infant Moon in Gemini squares Neptune 10:24 Mercury waning biquintile Mars 11:39 Sun quinquncx Mars 16:56 The Moon air trines Mars 18:03 Moon sextile Uranus becoming void 23:33Friday 2 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Taurus EA 12 Scorpio EA sex PL .42 Mon 14 Gemini ME 11 Gemini UR sqr PL .85 Mer 18 Taurus VE 19 Capricorn VE sex SA .96 Ven 29 Pisces MA 30 Libra ME sex UR 1.29 Mar 11 Libra JU 25 Cancer Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 14 Capricorn No 28 Libra
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Pl .13 Pl Ve/No .04 Pl Ve/No .1 Pl Ve/No .23 Pl Ve/No .18 Pl Sa/Ne .42 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Su Ju/Ne .37 Mo Me/Ju .45 Su Ju/Ne .81 Ur Me/Ne .56 Pl Sa/Ne .42 Su Ju/Ne .59 Ur Me/Ne .82 Su Mo/Ve .57 Mo Su/Ju 1.03 Ur Me/Ne 1.07 Su Mo/Ve 2.02 Su Ju/Ne 1.03 Ur Me/Ne 1.33 Ju Ma/Ur 2.54 Me Mo/Ur 2.08 Me Mo/Ur 1.05 Mo Me/Ju 2.4 Ju Ma/Ur 2.6 Me Ve/Ju 2.46 Yesterday Ukraine's acting president said he was reinstating military conscription to deal with deteriorating security in the east of the country. Transiting Mercury was yesterday opposite the Ukraine Pluto (1991 chart) At least 33 people were killed in an air strike on a market in a rebel-held district of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. Transiting Uranus is only 5 days from an opposition to the Syrian Mercury (1941 Independence chart). Today the young slow Moon is void of course all day in Gemini. A slightly dour feel to the day may well manifest as a 'down to earth' Mercury in Taurus tightens on his opposition to Saturn in Scorpio. Firstly though Mercury makes a waxing quintile aspect to Neptune at 09:07. Some fleeting fanciful thoughts swirl around at that time. Mercury applies in opposition to Saturn all day long. The sobering influence of this aspect peaks in the very early hours of tomorrow. A domestic traditional 'home care and cooking' kind of weekend is ahead of us.Saturday 3 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Taurus EA 12 Scorpio EA sex PL .55 Mon 27 Gemini ME 18 Gemini VE sex SA .59 Mer 21 Taurus VE 20 Capricorn UR sqr PL .86 Ven 30 Pisces MA 0 Scorpio VE opp JU 4.77 Mar 11 Libra JU 25 Cancer Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 28 Libra
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Mo/Ur .03 Ur Me/Ne .05 Ur Me/Ne .2 Pl Sa/Ne .39 Ur Me/Ne .31 Pl Sa/Ne .4 Pl Sa/Ne .4 Ur Me/Ne .45 Pl Ve/No .37 Pl Ve/No .51 Pl Ve/No .65 Pl Ve/No .78 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Me Mo/Ur .99 Me Ve/Ju 1.36 Me Ve/Ju .99 Su Mo/Ve .88 Su Ju/Ne 1.48 Su Ju/Ne 1.7 Su Ju/Ne 1.92 Su Ju/Ne 1.25 Me Ve/Ju 1.72 Me Mo/Ur 2 No Ma/Sa 2.89 Me Ve/Ju 2.09 Su Mo/Ve 2.31 Ju Ma/Ur 2.84 Ju Ma/Ur 2.9 Yesterday many rebels were killed, injured and arrested in a government offensive in east Ukraine. At least 350 people have been killed and many more are missing, after a landslide hit the Afghan province of Badakhshan. Mercury is opposite Saturn 00:57 The slowly waxing Moon reaches crescent phase 01:28 Venus enters Aries 01:22 joining Uranus in that sign. Venus resides as a morning star in Aries for 26 days. She has rather a stormy and tempestuous time there. She opposes Mars on May 11th, squares Pluto on May 14th and is conjunct Uranus at 15 degrees Aries on May 15th. She squares Jupiter and enters Taurus on May 29th. The Moon trines her node 01:57 The Moon enters Cancer 06:14 joining Jupiter in that sign. The day that follows is domestically focussed. Thrift and moderation are to the fore. There are changes for the better in store as the Sun is trine Pluto. The Moon water trines Neptune 20:26.Sunday 4 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Taurus EA 13 Scorpio UR sqr PL .86 Mon 09 Cancer ME 24 Gemini EA sex PL 1.51 Mer 23 Taurus VE 22 Capricorn VE sex SA 2.14 Ven 01 Aries MA 1 Scorpio VE opp JU 3.27 Mar 11 Libra JU 25 Cancer Jup 15 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .39 Me Ve/Ju .27 Me Ve/Ju .09 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Me Ve/Ju .63 Pl Sa/Ne .38 Me Mo/Ve .3 Me Ve/Ju .45 Ur Me/Ne .7 Mo Ma/Ur .4 Pl Sa/Ne .38 Me Mo/Ve .82 Pl Ve/No .92 Ur Me/Ne .95 Pl Ve/No 1.2 Pl Ve/No 1.34 Su Ju/Ne 2.14 Pl Ve/No 1.06 Ur Me/Ne 1.2 Ur Me/Ne 1.45 Me Mo/Ve 2.57 Me Mo/Ve 1.43 Su Ju/Ne 2.58 Su Mo/Ne 1.53 No Ma/Sa 2.87 Ur Mo/Pl 1.46 Mo Ma/Ur 2.64 No Ma/Sa 2.8 The Sun earth trines Pluto 00:38 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon in Cancer squares Mars 03:18 The Moon opposes Pluto 08:51 The Moon sextiles Sun 09:34 The Moon squares Uranus 10:21 Moon conjunction Jupiter 12:52Minor lunar 'grazing' occultation of star Lambda Gemini The Moon water trines Saturn 22:46
observable from mid UK 20:20 to 20:45Monday 5 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Taurus EA 14 Scorpio ME trn MA .72 Mon 21 Cancer ME 0 Cancer UR sqr PL .87 Mer 25 Taurus VE 24 Capricorn VE opp JU 1.77 Ven 02 Aries MA 1 Scorpio EA sex PL 2.48 Mar 11 Libra JU 25 Cancer MA trn NE 4.32 Jup 16 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA con SA 5.4 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ne .27 Pl Sa/Ne .36 Pl Sa/Ne .36 Pl Sa/Ne .36 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Su Mo/Ne .98 Mo Su/Ma .62 Me Ve/Ju 1.86 Me Ve/Ju .8 Me Ve/Ju 1.15 Me Ve/Ju 1.51 Pl Ve/No 1.89 Pl Ve/No 1.47 Pl Ve/No 1.61 Pl Ve/No 1.75 Mo Su/Ma 2.26 Ur Me/Ne 1.7 Ur Me/Ne 1.95 Ur Me/Ne 2.19 Ur Me/Ne 2.44 Me Mo/Ve 1.95 No Ma/Sa 2.76 Su Mo/Ne 2.24 No Ma/Sa 2.72 No Ma/Sa 2.78 No Ma/Sa 2.74 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon in Cancer sextiles Mercury becoming void 08:47. The Moon is then void of course for 9 hours. The mood of the day is 'touchy', 'clingy' and possibly worrisome. The Moon squares her nodal axis 13:15 At 14:00 GMT today the Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. We are then exactly halfway between the Vernal Equinox and the Solstice. The lightest quarter of the year starts in the northern hemisphere. The season of 'fading' starts in the south where the darkest quarter starts. The Moon enters Leo 17:57 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 15 degrees Taurus today. The Sun sextiles Jupiter tomorrow and is opposite Saturn on Saturday. There are now 45 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. The Sun and Mercury are in Taurus. Venus and Uranus are in Aries. The Moon and Jupiter are in Cancer. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. We are now starting to pull out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a direct evening star in Taurus. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. She has rather a stormy and tempestuous time there. She opposes Mars on May 11th, squares Pluto on May 14th and is conjunct Uranus at 15 degrees Aries on May 15th. She squares Jupiter and enters Taurus on May 29th. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Venus in Aries applying to her opposition to retrograde Mars in Libra and to a conjunction to Uranus as the Sun opposes Saturn over the forthcoming week set a challenging and combative backdrop to events. Gird your loins.Tuesday 6 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Taurus EA 15 Scorpio VE opp JU .27 Mon 03 Leo ME 7 Cancer UR sqr PL .87 Mer 27 Taurus VE 25 Capricorn ME trn NE 1.22 Ven 03 Aries MA 2 Scorpio EA sex PL 3.44 Mar 10 Libra JU 25 Cancer MA trn NE 3.85 Jup 16 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA con SA 4.46 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME opp PL 5.26 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .35 Pl Sa/Ne .35 Pl Sa/Ne .34 No Mo/Pl .08 Mo Me/Ma .53 Mo Su/No .66 No Mo/Pl 1.42 Pl Sa/Ne .34 Pl Ve/No 2.03 Pl Ve/No 2.16 Mo Su/No 2.19 Mo Me/No 1.02 Me Ve/Ju 2.2 Mo Me/Ma 2.21 Pl Ve/No 2.3 Me Ju/Ur 1.85 Ur Me/Ne 2.68 Me Ve/Ju 2.55 Me Ju/Ur 2.32 Pl Ve/No 2.44 No Ma/Sa 2.7 No Ma/Sa 2.68 No Ma/Sa 2.66 No Ma/Sa 2.65 Ur Su/Ne 2.99 Me Ju/Ur 2.8 Ur Su/Ne 2.76 Ur Su/Ne 2.65 An optimistic day, full on, and good for children and the young at heart. The very slowly waxing crescent Moon in Leo 'fire trines' Venus 00:46 The Sun sextiles Jupiter 09:55 Saturn waning biquintile Uranus 10:18 This aspect first manifested in mid November and is repeated in October of this year. It evokes new perspectives in artistic political and social systems. These two planets were last conjunct in 1988, the '1988 activator'. They were in opposition between 2008 and 2010. Their last quarter phase is in 2021 and the next conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is in Gemini in the magical year of 2032. The current biquintile gives hope to open minds.Moon at apogee 10 23 (farthest from Mercury quinquncx the lunar node 10:25 The Moon sextiles Mars 14:34 The Sun is biquintile Mars 19:13 The Moon fire trines Uranus 22:58Earth and slowest all month)
This is actually the closest 'far moon' of 2014.Wednesday 7 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Taurus EA 16 Scorpio ME sqr UR .05 Mon 15 Leo ME 13 Cancer UR sqr PL .88 Mer 29 Taurus VE 27 Capricorn ME opp PL .93 Ven 04 Aries MA 2 Scorpio VE opp JU 1.23 Mar 10 Libra JU 25 Cancer MA trn NE 3.38 Jup 16 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA trn ME 3.48 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA con SA 3.52 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 28 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .33 Pl Sa/Ne .33 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Me Ju/Ur .04 Me Ju/Ur 1.37 Me Ju/Ur .9 Me Ju/Ur .43 Me Mo/Ne .31 No Mo/Pl 1.58 Me Mo/Ne 1.69 Me Mo/Ne .69 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Mo Me/No 1.71 Ur Su/Ne 2.43 Ur Su/Ne 2.32 Mo Me/Sa 1.43 Ur Su/Ne 2.54 No Ma/Sa 2.61 No Ma/Sa 2.59 Ur Su/Ne 2.21 Pl Ve/No 2.58 Pl Ve/No 2.72 Pl Ve/No 2.86 No Ma/Sa 2.58 No Ma/Sa 2.63 Ma Mo/Sa 2.99 World news reels are giving time to Nigeria where Suspected Boko Haram militants have kidnapped eight girls in the north of the country, following last month's mass abduction. Transiting Pluto is conjunct the Nigerian natal Saturn this year. This is the harshest of transits. We have the fixed first quarter Moon today. Another day geared to strength and resolution. Ideal for play, ideal for children. Today the slow but accelerating Moon in Leo reaches first quarter 03:16 Mercury makes a waxing semi-square to Uranus 07:33 The Moon squares Saturn 10:51 becoming void. Mercury enters Gemini 14:58 and whizzes through this sign in just 22 days. We are in for a fast thinking, fast talking, rapidly changing few weeks. Mercury squares Neptune on May 11th, trines Mars on May 12th, tightly sextiles Venus conjunct Uranus on May 15th and sextiles Venus again on May 28th. Mercury enters Cancer on May 29th. Mercury will reach 'repeatable territory on May 23rd and will appear to decelerate to a speed of less than a degree per day by May 26th prior to him turning retrograde on June 7th at 3 degrees Cancer.Thursday 8 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Taurus EA 17 Scorpio UR sqr PL .88 Mon 27 Leo ME 19 Cancer ME trn SA .93 Mer 01 Gemini VE 28 Capricorn EA trn ME 1.66 Ven 06 Aries MA 3 Scorpio EA con SA 2.59 Mar 10 Libra JU 26 Cancer VE opp JU 2.73 Jup 16 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio MA trn NE 2.91 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries VE sqr MA 4.32 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 28 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .32 Ma Mo/Sa .06 Pl Sa/Ne .31 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Me Ju/Ur .5 Pl Sa/Ne .31 Ju Mo/Me 1.11 Mo Ju/No 1.04 Mo Ma/Ju 1.22 Ju Mo/Me .59 Me Ju/Ur 1.42 Ur Su/Ne 1.77 Me Mo/Ne 1.31 Me Ju/Ur .96 Ma Mo/Sa 1.59 Me Ju/Ur 1.88 Mo Me/Sa 1.32 Mo Ma/Ju 1.77 Ur Su/Ne 1.88 No Ma/Sa 2.51 Ma Mo/Sa 1.47 Ur Su/Ne 1.99 No Ma/Sa 2.53 Ju Mo/Me 2.82 Ur Su/Ne 2.1 Me Mo/Ne 2.32 The Sun and the Moon will be in earth signs today. A no-nonsense practical, methodical, no-waste, kind of day. The Moon gaining in light and motion, starting the day void of course in Leo sextiles her Node 01:29 Mercury waning semi-square Jupiter 04:15, a fore-runner to their quite close conjunction at 3 degrees Leo on August 2nd. The Moon enters Virgo 06:25 The Moon squares Mercury 09:26 The Moon opposes Neptune 21:01Friday 9 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Taurus EA 18 Scorpio ME con JU .62 Mon 09 Virgo ME 25 Cancer UR sqr PL .89 Mer 03 Gemini VE 30 Capricorn EA con SA 1.65 Ven 07 Aries MA 3 Scorpio MA trn NE 2.44 Mar 10 Libra JU 26 Cancer VE sqr MA 3.22 Jup 16 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio VE opp JU 4.23 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME opp VE 4.85 Ura 14 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 3Water 3Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .3 Pl Sa/Ne .29 Pl Sa/Ne .29 Mo Ju/Sa .26 Ur Su/Ne 1.66 Ju Su/Mo 1.06 Ju Su/Mo .54 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Mo Ju/No 1.97 Ur Su/Ne 1.55 Ur Su/Ne 1.44 Ur Su/Ne 1.33 Me Ju/Ur 2.33 No Ma/Sa 2.48 No Ma/Sa 2.47 Ma Mo/No 2.02 No Ma/Sa 2.5 Me Ju/Ur 2.78 Ju Su/Mo 2.15 Ju Su/Mo 2.66 No Ma/Sa 2.46 The Sun in Taurus is about to oppose Saturn in Scorpio. The structure of all ongoing affairs is starkly revealed. Potentials and limitations are laid bare. Venus in Aries is about to oppose retrograde Mars in Libra. These two are in each other's signs, i.e. mutual reception. Sexual excitement abounds in the geosphere. The Moon gaining in light and motion, today in Virgo, trines Pluto 09:07 Mercury biquintiles the lunar node 09:57. New contacts. The Moon sextiles Jupiter 14:48 The Moon trines the Sun 20:17 The Moon sextiles Saturn becoming void 22:09 and remaining that way for 19 hours. The astrological flavour of today sets the scene for the weekend ahead. Saturday is the productive day. The sociality starts from Saturday evening (GMT).Saturday 10 May 2014 Venus is opposite Mars. The Sun is opposite Saturn. Jupiter is opposite Pluto.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Taurus EA 19 Scorpio ME opp VE .56 Mon 21 Virgo ME 1 Leo EA con SA .72 Mer 05 Gemini VE 1 Aquarius UR sqr PL .89 Ven 08 Aries MA 4 Scorpio MA trn NE 1.96 Mar 10 Libra JU 26 Cancer VE sqr MA 2.11 Jup 16 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio ME sqr MA 2.67 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME con JU 5.17 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 3Water 3Strong helio harmonic 10Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .27 Pl Sa/Ne .27 Ma Mo/No .45 Ur Su/Ne 1.11 Sa Mo/Pl .28 Ur Su/Ne .88 Ur Su/Ne 1.22 Ma Mo/No 1.12 Ur Su/Ne 1 Sa Mo/Pl 1.86 No Ma/Sa 2.44 Sa Mo/Pl 1.29 No Ma/Sa 2.42 No Mo/Sa 2.21 Mo Ju/Sa 2.8 No Ma/Sa 2.43 Ma Mo/No 2.69 No Ma/Sa 2.41 Sa Mo/Pl 2.85 A heliocentric T-square is active in the sun centred system right now involving Venus, Mars and Mercury. Also a strong 10th helio planetary harmonic pervades the solar system. Strange things a foot. The Moon starts the day void of course in Virgo. The Sun makes a waxing 'twinkling' quintile to Neptune 01:38 The Moon waxes void until... The Moon gaining in light and motion enters Libra 17:20 joining Mars and the lunar node in that sign. Find the balance. Sun opposition Saturn 18:29Sunday 11 May 2014 Venus opposes MarsGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Taurus EA 20 Scorpio EA con SA .22 Mon 03 Libra ME 7 Leo UR sqr PL .9 Mer 06 Gemini VE 3 Aquarius VE sqr MA 1.01 Ven 09 Aries MA 4 Scorpio MA trn NE 1.49 Mar 10 Libra JU 26 Cancer ME sqr MA 2.59 Jup 17 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio ME opp VE 3.6 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .26 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Pl Sa/Ne .25 Pl Sa/Ne .25 No Mo/Sa .64 Ur Su/Ne .66 Ur Su/Ne .55 Ur Su/Ne .44 Ur Su/Ne .77 No Mo/Sa .95 No Ma/Sa 2.38 Pl Mo/Ve 1.93 No Ma/Sa 2.4 No Ma/Sa 2.39 No Mo/Sa 2.54 Mo Ju/Pl 2.01 No Ma/Sa 2.37 Ju Mo/Ur 2.86 The Moon reaches gibbous phase 03:36, the procession to Wednesday's lunar occultation of Saturn and Full Mooon climax then starts in earnest. The accelerating gibbous Moon in Libra air trines Mercury 06:29 The day that follows is then astrologically difficult with the beseiged Moon in Libra heading for trouble. Venus opposition Mars 09:28 Moon conjunction Mars 11:23 Moon opposition Venus 11:36 Mercury waxing square Neptune 12:35 Mercury waxing biquintile Pluto 13:11Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 18:00 GMT Moon square Pluto 18:41 Moon opposition Uranus 20:56Monday 12 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Taurus EA 21 Scorpio VE sqr MA .09 Mon 16 Libra ME 12 Leo ME trn UR .71 Mer 08 Gemini VE 5 Aquarius UR sqr PL .91 Ven 10 Aries MA 4 Scorpio MA trn NE 1.02 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer EA con SA 1.15 Jup 17 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Ve .17 Ur Su/Ne .22 Ur Su/Ne .11 Ur Su/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne .25 Pl Sa/Ne .24 Pl Sa/Ne .24 Pl Sa/Ne .23 Ur Su/Ne .33 Mo Ma/No 1.13 No Ma/Sa 2.34 No Ma/Sa 2.33 Mo Ju/Pl 1.2 Pl Mo/Ve 1.6 Pl Mo/Ur 2.04 No Ma/Sa 2.35 Mo Ma/No 2.13 No Ma/Sa 2.36 The accelerating waxing gibbous Moon in Libra squares Jupiter becoming void 00:52 and remaining that way for a lengthy 24 hours. Mercury In Gemini 'air trines' Mars 16:03 The void Moon conjuncts her node 20:13 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 22 degrees Taurus today. There are now 38 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Time is marching on rapidly! Venus and Uranus are in Aries. The gibbous Moon, Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. We are now pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is a direct evening star in Gemini. We are in for a fast thinking, fast talking, rapidly changing few weeks. Mercury trines Mars today and tightly sextiles Venus conjunct Uranus on May 15th and sextiles Venus again on May 28th. Mercury enters Cancer on May 29th. Mercury will reach 'repeatable territory' on May 23rd and will appear to decelerate to a speed of less than a degree per day by May 26th prior to him turning retrograde on June 7th at 3 degrees Cancer. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. She is having rather a stormy and tempestuous time there. She squares Pluto on May 14th and is conjunct Uranus at 15 degrees Aries and sextiles Mercury on May 15th. She squares Jupiter on May 18th, sextiles a decelerating Mercury on May 28th and enters Taurus on May 29th. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars turns direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the Walpurgis Full Moon on Wednesday shortly after a lunar occultation of Saturn, followed by Venus conjunct Uranus both tightly sextile Mercury on Thursday.Tuesday 13 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Taurus EA 22 Scorpio MA trn NE .54 Mon 29 Libra ME 18 Leo UR sqr PL .91 Mer 10 Gemini VE 6 Aquarius VE sqr MA 1.19 Ven 11 Aries MA 5 Scorpio EA con SA 2.09 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer ME sqr SA 2.46 Jup 17 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA trn JU 3.77 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Su/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne .23 Ur Su/Ne .22 Ur Su/Ne .33 Ur Su/Ne .44 Mo Ma/Sa .23 No Ma/Sa 2.31 No Ma/Sa 2.31 Mo Sa/No .92 No Ma/Sa 2.32 Mo Sa/No 2.47 No Ma/Sa 2.3 No Mo/Ma 2.88 Ve Su/Ne 2.92 The almost full waxing gibbous accelerating Moon starts the day void of course in Libra. The Moon enters Scorpio 01:08 joining Saturn in that sign and inaugurating the 'Sabbat of Walpurgis'. Nature spirits arise! The Moon 'water trines' Neptune 14:22 Venus is applying in square aspect to Pluto. We are now riding a sexually and emotionally intense wave. The power of love and of will is strong. We are hooked into a torrid few days. Tomorrow is a red letter day.Wednesday 14 May 2014 Lunar occultation of Saturn and Full MOONGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Taurus EA 23 Scorpio MA trn NE .07 Mon 13 Scorpio ME 23 Leo EA sqr ME .24 Mer 12 Gemini VE 8 Aquarius UR sqr PL .92 Ven 13 Aries MA 5 Scorpio VE sqr MA 2.29 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer ME sqr SA 2.78 Jup 17 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA trn JU 2.89 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA con SA 3.02 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .21 Pl Sa/Ne .21 Pl Mo/Ne .19 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Ur Su/Ne .55 No Mo/Ma .54 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Ur Su/Ne .88 No Mo/Ma 1.17 Ur Su/Ne .66 Ur Su/Ne .77 Pl Mo/Ne 1.92 No Ma/Sa 2.29 Pl Mo/Ne 1.54 No Mo/Ma 2.27 Ve Su/Ne 2.26 Ve Su/Ne 2.76 No Ma/Sa 2.29 No Ma/Sa 2.28 No Ma/Sa 2.28 Ve Su/Ne 2.59 Ve Su/Ne 2.43 As the full moon climax approaches preceded by a lunar occultation of Saturn the main world news is of an explosion at a mine in Turkey leaving 201 workers dead and a huge rescue operation getting under way to reach hundreds still trapped underground. Moon sextile Pluto 00:56 Moon trine Jupiter 07:29 Moon conjunction Saturn 12:03(0.86 degrees from exact alignment) Visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn, the 7th of 14.Venus square Pluto 17:51 SOME 7 HOURS AFTER THE LUNAR OCCULTATION OF SATURN THE FULL MOON CLIMAXES. Moon opposition Sun becoming void 19:17 At the moment of Full Moon Saturn is rising over the UK. Moonrise quickly follows there. Something maybe is in store for the UK.
Today's Full Moon is the first full moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014 and the fifth before the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on the of 8th October 2014. Both of these eclipses are the first two of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons', the other two Total Lunar Eclipses in the succession being on April 4th 2015 and September 28th 2015. Today's Full Moon is conjunct the natal Saturn of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. At the exact moment of Full Moon 19:17 GMT today Saturn is rising over the UK. Neptune in Pisces lower culminates here.
A fun packed Full Moon for the UK. So then, this Full Moon separates from Saturn in Scorpio. It's as if this lunation is the pinnacle of Saturn's residence in this sign. This Full Moon is conjunct Saturn. There are hard lessons to do with mortality and spirit underway. Also on this day, Venus applies to Uranus, both sextile Mercury and square Pluto. Now that's a barrel load of unlooked- for events and experiences. Happily Jupiter trines Saturn which puts a little order on the outcomes of these experiences. Today's Full Moon directly hits natal Pluto of those born in 1992, the Miley Cyrus generation, and the Neptune of those born in 1967, eg the Nick Clegg, Adrian Chiles, Marine Le Pen, Julia Roberts generation. It hits the UKIP natal Pluto too and the Midheaven in the UK Tory party. Today is the birthday of cricketer Bob Woolmer, musician David Byrne and actress Cate Blanchett. At the exact moment of Full Moon the Moon rises at Oslo, sets at Wellington, and is shortly to culminate at Kabul. Sunset is at Paris and Madrid. Venus and Uranus align to Kiev, Mercury to New Orleans, Pluto to Mecca and Lusaka, Jupiter and Pluto to Capetown. All these people and places will have a story to tell. Not the easiest of Full Moons this one.
Thursday 15 May 2014Venus conjunct Uranus Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Taurus EA 24 Scorpio MA trn NE .41 Mon 27 Scorpio ME 28 Leo UR sqr PL .92 Mer 13 Gemini VE 9 Aquarius EA trn JU 2.01 Ven 14 Aries MA 6 Scorpio VE sqr MA 3.39 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer EA sqr ME 3.91 Jup 17 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA con SA 3.96 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .2 Pl Sa/Ne .19 Pl Sa/Ne .19 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Mo Ma/Pl .37 Ur Su/Ne 1.1 Ur Su/Ne 1.22 Ur Su/Ne 1.33 Ur Su/Ne .99 Ve Su/Ne 1.93 Mo Pl/No 1.58 Ve Su/Ne 1.6 Ve Su/Ne 2.1 No Ma/Sa 2.27 Ve Su/Ne 1.76 Mo Pl/No 1.96 No Ma/Sa 2.27 No Ma/Sa 2.27 No Ma/Sa 2.26 Sa Mo/No 2.48 Yesterday anger erupted over the mine disaster in western Turkey, as the death toll rose to 274 making it the deadliest such incident in the country's history. Yesterday's Full Moon was conjunct natal Jupiter in the Turkey chart.(20:30 EET 29/10/1923 Ankara). At the moment of Full Moon yesterday Mars was 1 degree from a conjunction with the local MC of Soma, the scene of the disaster. One month ago at the moment of central Total Lunar Eclipse, Chiron was conjunct the local MC of Soma. This is a terrible event. Venus in Aries waxing biquintile Saturn 00:47 Mercury waxing quinquncx Pluto 01:20 The accelerating 'hung over' full Moon enters Sagittarius 05:45. The day shrugs off the intensity of the past couple of days with a 'devil may care' attitude. There is liberation and freedom to be fought for and possibly found today. Moon square Neptune 18:23 Moon sextile Mars 21:17 VENUS and URANUS are SEXTILE MERCURY. Mercury sextile Venus 21:57 Mercury sextile Uranus 23:24 Venus conjunction Uranus 23:55(1.18 degrees from exact alignment)Friday 16 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Taurus EA 25 Scorpio MA trn NE .88 Mon 11 Sagittarius ME 3 Virgo UR sqr PL .93 Mer 15 Gemini VE 11 Aquarius EA trn JU 1.13 Ven 15 Aries MA 6 Scorpio VE sex UR 2.03 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer ME opp NE 2.58 Jup 17 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio ME sex MA 3.47 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries VE sqr MA 4.49 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA con SA 4.89 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Sa Mo/No .69 Sa Mo/No 1.1 Ne Su/Mo .72 Ve Su/Ne .93 Ve Su/Ne 1.43 Ve Su/Ne 1.27 Ve Su/Ne 1.1 Ne Su/Mo 1.19 Ur Su/Ne 1.44 Ur Su/Ne 1.55 Mo Sa/Pl 1.42 Ur Su/Ne 1.77 No Ma/Sa 2.26 Mo Sa/Pl 2.16 Ur Su/Ne 1.66 Mo Ma/Ne 1.8 No Ma/Sa 2.26 No Ma/Sa 2.26 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Ne Su/Mo 2.62 Sa Mo/No 2.9Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 06:00 to 12:00 GMT The Sun, Moon, Venus and Uranus are in 9th harmonic conjunction in Leo at the same time as south lunar node, Chirn, jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all in 9th harmonic Sagittarius. Strength and determination are the energies focussed through enterprise and creative pursuits.The accelerating 'hung over' full Moon in Sagittarius fire trines Uranus 06:52 The Moon 'fire trines' Venus 07:27 Moon opposition Mercury becoming void 07:44 The Moon then remains void of course for 25 hours. Saturday 17 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Taurus EA 26 Scorpio EA trn JU .24 Mon 25 Sagittarius ME 8 Virgo VE sex UR .46 Mer 16 Gemini VE 12 Aquarius ME sex MA .84 Ven 16 Aries MA 7 Scorpio UR sqr PL .93 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer MA trn NE 1.36 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio ME opp NE 2.2 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME trn PL 4.28 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Mo Ne/No .03 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Ve Su/Ne .77 Ve Su/Ne .6 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Su/Ne .27 Mo Ma/Ne 1.8 Sa Mo/Ma .66 Ve Su/Ne .43 Ur Su/Ne 2.21 Ur Su/Ne 1.88 Ma Mo/Ju .93 Ma Mo/Ju .91 No Ma/Sa 2.25 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Ur Su/Ne 1.99 Sa Mo/Ma 1.16 Ma Mo/Ju 2.74 Sa Mo/Ma 2.48 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Ur Su/Ne 2.1 Sa Mo/Ma 2.98 Ma Mo/Ju 2.76 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Incoming Indian PM Narendra Modi yesterday hailed a "landmark" election victory by his BJP party, as results suggested a landslide victory. Change is the order of the day in India. Transiting Uranus sextiled the Indian natal MC a matter of days ago and Saturn is conjunct natal Jupiter next week. (India independence Aug 15th 1947 00:00 Delhi). Narendra Modi was born 17 Sep 1950 in Vadnagar.His birth time is not certain. A hard headed tough minded Virgo with a vengeful Mars in Scorpio. Very practical, very focussed. Wednesday's Full Moon was conjunct his natal Mars. Transiting Saturn will conjunct his Mars in the Autumn. Testing times ahead for him. Today the rapidly disseminating Moon starting the day void of course in Sagittarius sextiles her node 03:19
Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 06:00 GMT The Moon enters Capricorn 08:13 joining Pluto in that sign. Her route through Capricorn over the next couple of days is tortuous. Moon sextile Neptune 20:35 Moon square Mars 23:15Sunday 18 May 2014 Venus squares JupiterGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Taurus EA 27 Scorpio ME trn PL .36 Mon 10 Capricorn ME 12 Virgo EA trn JU .64 Mer 18 Gemini VE 14 Aquarius UR sqr PL .94 Ven 17 Aries MA 7 Scorpio VE sex UR 1.11 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer MA trn NE 1.84 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 3Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ne .1 Ve Su/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Ve Su/Ne .24 Ve Su/Ne .4 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Mo Sa/Ne .33 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Mo Ur/No .58 Ur Su/Ne 2.32 No Ma/Sa 2.25 Ur Su/Ne 2.54 Ve Mo/Ju 1.14 Ur Su/Ne 2.43 Mo Ve/No 2.11 No Ma/Sa 2.26 Ur Su/Ne 2.65 The Sun makes a quinquncx aspect to the lunar node 00:30 marking the end of an eclipse season. The Moon reaches disseminating phase 04:24 marking the end of the full moon. Moon conjunction Pluto 06:18 Moon square Uranus 08:58Moon at perigee 11 59 (closest to Moon square Venus 13:43 Moon opposition Jupiter 13:50 Venus square Jupiter 15:32 Moon sextile Saturn 16:26Earth and fastest all month)Monday 19 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Taurus EA 28 Scorpio UR sqr PL .94 Mon 24 Capricorn ME 17 Virgo EA trn JU 1.52 Mer 19 Gemini VE 16 Aquarius MA trn NE 2.32 Ven 18 Aries MA 8 Scorpio VE sex UR 2.69 Mar 09 Libra JU 26 Cancer ME sex SA 3.4 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 3Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Ve Su/Ne .57 Ne Mo/Ve .62 Ne Mo/Ur .62 Mo Ve/Sa .57 Ne Mo/Ve 1.33 Ve Su/Ne .74 Ve Su/Ne .91 Ve Su/Ne 1.07 Mo Ve/No 1.37 Ne Mo/Ur 1.19 Mo Sa/Ur .96 No Ma/Sa 2.27 No Ma/Sa 2.26 No Ma/Sa 2.26 No Ma/Sa 2.26 Ne Mo/Ur 2.42 Ve Mo/Ju 2.68 Ur Su/Ne 2.87 Ne Mo/Ve 2.56 Ur Mo/Me 2.46 Ur Su/Ne 2.76 Mo Ve/Sa 2.9 Mo Sa/Ur 2.65 Mercury waning quinquncx Saturn 03:00, forming a 'finger of fate' pattern with venus, lasting all day. The Moon racing through Capricorn squares her nodal axis 04:55 Moon trine Sun becoming void 07:03 The Moon enters Aquarius 09:59 Venus quinquncx Saturn 21:52 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 29 degrees Taurus today. The Sun enters Gemini early on Wednesday. There are now 31 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Venus and Uranus are in Aries. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. The Moon and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury is a direct evening star in Gemini. Mercury sextiles Venus on May 28th. Mercury enters Cancer on May 29th. Mercury will reach 'repeatable territory' on May 23rd and will appear to decelerate to a speed of less than a degree per day by May 26th prior to him turning retrograde on June 7th at 3 degrees Cancer. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. She sextiles a decelerating Mercury on May 28th and enters Taurus on May 29th. Mars continues to retrograde in Libra. Mars turns direct tomorrow at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'astrological wave of the week' is a tight watery grand trine on Thursday involving The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn 20:00 to 22:00 GMT.Tuesday 20 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Taurus EA 29 Scorpio ME sex SA .92 Mon 08 Aquarius ME 21 Virgo UR sqr PL .95 Mer 21 Gemini VE 17 Aquarius EA trn JU 2.4 Ven 19 Aries MA 8 Scorpio MA trn NE 2.79 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer VE sqr SA 3.06 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraThe last full day of the astrological month of Taurus. Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Ve Mo/Me .03 Ur Mo/Me .5 Ve Su/Ne 1.41 Ve Su/Ne 1.58 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Ve Su/Ne 1.24 Ur Mo/Me 1.44 Ve Mo/Me 1.62 Ve Su/Ne 1.75 Mo Ne/Pl 1.97 Mo Ne/Pl 1.62 Su Ju/Ur 2.21 Su Ju/Ur 2 No Ma/Sa 2.27 No Ma/Sa 2.27 No Ma/Sa 2.28 No Ma/Sa 2.28 Su Ju/Ur 2.64 Su Ju/Ur 2.42 Me Su/Ju 2.59 Me Su/Ju 2.42 Me Su/Ju 2.95 Me Su/Ju 2.77 Clear vison and steady will hold sway on this 'last day of Taurus. The very rapidly waning Moon in Aquarius 'air trines' stationary Mars 01:01MARS TURNS DIRECT 01:32. Mars has been retrograde since March 1st. The Moon sextiles Uranus 11:03 The Moon squares Saturn 18:12 The Moon sextiles Venus 20:07 The Moon 'air trines' Mercury becoming void 22:23 and remaining that way for 14 hours.Wednesday 21 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Taurus EA 30 Scorpio UR sqr PL .95 Mon 23 Aquarius ME 25 Virgo ME sex JU 1.17 Mer 22 Gemini VE 19 Aquarius VE sqr SA 1.5 Ven 21 Aries MA 9 Scorpio MA sex PL 3.2 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer MA trn NE 3.27 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio EA trn JU 3.28 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Ur Su/Mo .03 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Ve Mo/Me 1.68 Su Ju/Ur 1.57 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Mo Ve/Pl .97 Su Ju/Ur 1.79 Ur Su/Mo 1.85 Mo Ur/Pl .65 Su Ju/Ur 1.15 Ve Su/Ne 1.91 Ve Su/Ne 2.08 Su Ju/Ur 1.36 Me Su/Ju 1.76 Me Su/Ju 2.25 Me Su/Ju 2.08 Me Su/Ju 1.92 Ur Su/Mo 1.9 No Ma/Sa 2.29 No Ma/Sa 2.3 Ve Su/Ne 2.25 Pl Mo/Sa 1.99 Mo Ur/Pl 2.89 No Ma/Sa 2.3 No Ma/Sa 2.31 The Sun enters Gemini 03:00 and a new astrological month starts. Sun semi square Uranus 04:07 The rapidly waning Moon void of course in Aquarius trines her node 06:58 The Moon enters Pisces 12:19 joining Neptune in that sign. Moon last quarter 13:00May 22nd 2014
Space probe Rosetta's meeting with Churyumov-Gerasimenko is set for May 22nd 2014.
The probe will go into orbit around the 4km-wide ball of ice and dust and place a small lander called Philae
on its surface. As the comet moves into the inner Solar System, radiation from the Sun will cause the
comet's ices to sublime - they will turn straight from a solid to a gas. Material will be ejected at supersonic
speeds. Gas and dust will be thrown out around the comet to form a coma, and away from the comet to
form tails. The Rosetta orbiter and lander will watch and record these events as the comet hurtles along
at speeds up to 135,000km/h. Scientists are keen to study comets close up because they are thought to
contain materials that have remained largely unchanged since the formation of the Solar System 4.6bn
years ago. The Launch was 2 March 2004
Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Gemini EA 1 Sagittarius VE sqr SA .05 Mon 07 Pisces ME 30 Virgo UR sqr PL .96 Mer 23 Gemini VE 20 Aquarius EA sex ME 1.34 Ven 22 Aries MA 9 Scorpio MA sex PL 2.72 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer ME sex JU 2.82 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio MA trn NE 3.75 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA trn JU 4.16 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Mo/Sa .24 Su Ju/Ur .73 Ve Su/Mo .25 Su Ju/Ur .3 Su Ju/Ur .94 Ve Su/Mo 1.33 Su Ju/Ur .51 Me Su/Ju 1.17 Me Su/Ju 1.61 Me Su/Ju 1.46 Me Su/Ju 1.31 Ve Su/Mo 1.82 No Ma/Sa 2.32 Pl Mo/Sa 1.51 No Ma/Sa 2.33 No Ma/Sa 2.34 Ve Su/Ne 2.59 No Ma/Sa 2.32 Ju Ve/Ma 2.87 Ju Ve/Ma 2.77 Ve Su/Mo 2.91 Ve Su/Ne 2.76 Ve Su/Ne 2.93 Suspected Boko Haram fighters are accused of killing at least 27 people in two northern Nigeria villages, a day after deadly bombings in the city of Jos. Transiting Pluto is conjunct Nigerian natal Saturn this year. This country is now forced into our attention. Russia's President Vladimir Putin yesterday agreed a multi-billion dollar, 30-year gas deal with China at a summit between the two in Shanghai. Working with the astrological relationship chart of the 1949 China chart and the Russian 1918 chart we have transiting Saturn on relationship Mercury and the Ascendant, Jupiter trine relationship Mercury and the lunar node shortly to conjunct natal Sun. This major pact is a manifestation of the current Jupiter trine Saturn aspect. A dreamy atmosphere prevails throughout the night (GMT) The rapidly waning Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces 01:06 Morning time brings forth subliminal impressions. The Moon sextiles Pluto 10:58 Venus waxing semi-square Neptune 15:25The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn form a watery grand trine The Moon trines Jupiter 20:15 The Moon trines Saturn 21:06
20:00 to 22:00. A positive potentially wholesome astrological
wave at this time.Thursday 22 May 2014May 22nd 2014 Space probe Rosetta's meeting with Churyumov-Gerasimenko is set for May 22nd 2014. The probe will go into orbit around the 4km-wide ball of ice and dust and place a small lander called Philae on its surface. As the comet moves into the inner Solar System, radiation from the Sun will cause the comet's ices to sublime - they will turn straight from a solid to a gas. Material will be ejected at supersonic speeds. Gas and dust will be thrown out around the comet to form a coma, and away from the comet to form tails. The Rosetta orbiter and lander will watch and record these events as the comet hurtles along at speeds up to 135,000km/h. Scientists are keen to study comets close up because they are thought to contain materials that have remained largely unchanged since the formation of the Solar System 4.6bn years ago. The Launch was 2 March 2004 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Gemini EA 1 Sagittarius VE sqr SA .05 Mon 07 Pisces ME 30 Virgo UR sqr PL .96 Mer 23 Gemini VE 20 Aquarius EA sex ME 1.34 Ven 22 Aries MA 9 Scorpio MA sex PL 2.72 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer ME sex JU 2.82 Jup 18 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio MA trn NE 3.75 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA trn JU 4.16 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Mo/Sa .24 Su Ju/Ur .73 Ve Su/Mo .25 Su Ju/Ur .3 Su Ju/Ur .94 Ve Su/Mo 1.33 Su Ju/Ur .51 Me Su/Ju 1.17 Me Su/Ju 1.61 Me Su/Ju 1.46 Me Su/Ju 1.31 Ve Su/Mo 1.82 No Ma/Sa 2.32 Pl Mo/Sa 1.51 No Ma/Sa 2.33 No Ma/Sa 2.34 Ve Su/Ne 2.59 No Ma/Sa 2.32 Ju Ve/Ma 2.87 Ju Ve/Ma 2.77 Ve Su/Mo 2.91 Ve Su/Ne 2.76 Ve Su/Ne 2.93 Suspected Boko Haram fighters are accused of killing at least 27 people in two northern Nigeria villages, a day after deadly bombings in the city of Jos. Transiting Pluto is conjunct Nigerian natal Saturn this year. This country is now forced into our attention. Russia's President Vladimir Putin yesterday agreed a multi-billion dollar, 30-year gas deal with China at a summit between the two in Shanghai. Working with the astrological relationship chart of the 1949 China chart and the Russian 1918 chart we have transiting Saturn on relationship Mercury and the Ascendant, Jupiter trine relationship Mercury and the lunar node shortly to conjunct natal Sun. This major pact is a manifestation of the current Jupiter trine Saturn aspect. A dreamy atmosphere prevails throughout the night (GMT) The rapidly waning Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces 01:06 Morning time brings forth subliminal impressions. The Moon sextiles Pluto 10:58 Venus waxing semi-square Neptune 15:25The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn form a watery grand trine The Moon trines Jupiter 20:15 The Moon trines Saturn 21:06
20:00 to 22:00. A positive potentially wholesome astrological
wave at this time.Friday 23 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Gemini EA 2 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .96 Mon 21 Pisces ME 3 Libra VE sqr SA 1.6 Mer 24 Gemini VE 22 Aquarius EA sex ME 1.66 Ven 23 Aries MA 10 Scorpio MA sex PL 2.24 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer EA sqr NE 3.78 Jup 19 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio MA trn NE 4.24 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Su Ju/Ur .09 Su Ju/Ur .12 Su Ju/Ur .33 Mo Ve/Ne .46 Me Su/Ju 1.03 Me Su/Ju .89 Me Su/Ju .76 Su Ju/Ur .55 Mo Su/Pl 1.72 Mo Su/Pl 1.61 Pl Mo/No 1.02 Me Su/Ju .64 No Ma/Sa 2.35 Mo Ur/Ne 2.07 Mo Ur/Ne 1.36 Pl Mo/No .69 Ju Ve/Ma 2.66 No Ma/Sa 2.36 No Ma/Sa 2.37 Ju Ve/Ma 2.35 Ju Ve/Ma 2.56 Ju Ve/Ma 2.45 No Ma/Sa 2.38 A curfew began yesterday across Thailand after the military announced it has taken control and suspended the constitution following months of turmoil. In the Thailand 1932 chart transiting Uranus was exactly square natal Mercury yesterday. Sharp timing. Europe's comet-chaser Rosetta has taken a big step towards making its historic rendezvous with a 4km-wide ball of ice and rock in early August. Controllers confirm the spacecraft conducted a major orbit manoeuvre on Wednesday without incident. The near-eight-hour thruster burn was designed to slow the satellite's speed relative to Comet 67P/C-G. More adjustments are required, but the operation was a significant event in ensuring it meets its target. The pair are roughly 500 million km from Earth and separated by about a million km, and closing. Flight 158 was successfully launched at 07:17 UT Tuesday 2nd March 2004, Kourou, French Guiana carrying the Rosetta spacecraft. Remarks attributed to the Prince of Wales likening Vladimir Putin's actions to some of those of the Nazis are "outrageous", the Russian embassy yesterday said. Deputy ambassador Alexander Kramarenko has met Foreign Office officials to ask for official clarification. The alleged comments were made during a conversation with a former Polish war refugee during a royal tour to Canada. A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said "the remarks did the prince no credit, if he really said this". Prince Charles has transiting Pluto square his Midheaven. He has shot himself in the foot here. In the Charles/ Putin relationship chart progressed Sun is opposite progressed Uranus right now. This news story will not be quickly forgotten. Mercury will reach 'repeatable territory' today prior to him turning retrograde on June 7th at 3 degrees Cancer. Time to start holding back on plans and designs. Much occurring now will require a revisit later on down the line. The waning Moon in Pisces squares Mercury and becomes void 06:27 The day drifts from this point until... The Moon enters Aries 16:03 joining Uranus and Venus in that sign Mercury biquintile Saturn 18:37 The Sun biquintiles the lunar node 22:21 sealing the end of the eclipse season. The Moon sextiles the Sun at midnight GMT.Saturday 24 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Gemini EA 3 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .97 Mon 05 Aries ME 7 Libra MA sex PL 1.76 Mer 25 Gemini VE 24 Aquarius EA sqr NE 2.82 Ven 24 Aries MA 10 Scorpio VE sqr SA 3.15 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer Jup 19 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 Libra
Fire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Mo Me/Pl .28 Me Su/Ju .4 Me Su/Ju .28 Me Su/Ju .17 Me Su/Ju .51 Su Ju/Ur .97 Su Ju/Ur 1.18 Su Ju/Ur 1.39 Su Ju/Ur .76 Ur Mo/Ve .98 Ju Ve/Ma 2.03 Su Mo/Ju 1.64 Ur Mo/Ve .86 Ju Ve/Ma 2.14 No Ma/Sa 2.41 Ju Ve/Ma 1.93 Ju Ve/Ma 2.24 No Ma/Sa 2.4 Ur Mo/Ve 2.81 No Ma/Sa 2.42 No Ma/Sa 2.39 The Moon is having a rather irksome time in Aries before making a fiery conjunction with Venus on Sunday afternoon (GMT). This waning decelerating Moon in Aries opposes Mars 08:08. The Moon squares Pluto 15:21 Amid this transitory squabbling Jupiter majestically trines Saturn 17:48. This waning trine is the last of three between Jupiter and Saturn. The other two were in July and Dec 2013. All have involved Cancer and Scorpio. Strong emotional footings have been, and are now, set at these times. The time is indeed special. They precede the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice 2021. The waning square aspect between these two gas giants occurs Aug 2015 to mid 2016. Moon conjunction Uranus 18:54(0.81 degrees from exact alignment.Sunday 25 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Gemini EA 4 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .97 Mon 18 Aries ME 11 Libra ME sqr PL 1.03 Mer 26 Gemini VE 25 Aquarius MA sex PL 1.27 Ven 25 Aries MA 11 Scorpio EA sqr NE 1.87 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer ME opp UR 2 Jup 19 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Me Su/Ju .06 Me Su/Ju .04 Me Su/Ju .13 Me Su/Ju .23 Su Mo/Ju .18 Mo Su/Ne .67 Ju Ve/Ma 1.61 Ju Mo/Ma .52 Su Ju/Ur 1.6 Mo Ve/Ur 1.04 Su Ju/Ur 2.03 Ju Ve/Ma 1.5 Ju Ve/Ma 1.82 Su Mo/Ju 1.28 Ju Mo/Ma 2.14 Ne Mo/Pl 1.9 Mo Ve/Ur 2.16 Ju Ve/Ma 1.71 No Ma/Sa 2.46 Su Ju/Ur 2.24 No Ma/Sa 2.43 Su Ju/Ur 1.82 Su Mo/Ju 2.73 No Ma/Sa 2.47 A Helio Cardinal T-square rings throughout the solar system today, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto, again. The decelerating Moon in Aries reaches balsamic phase 01:16 Moon square Jupiter 01:46 Mercury trine the lunar node 07:37 Sun waning semi-square Jupiter 09:31 The major aspect today is Moon conjunction Venus in Aries. which occurs 14:08(1.34 degrees from exact alignment UK) Hot love, hot stuff, hot rats. Moon opposition the lunar node 15:21 Moon sextile Mercury becoming void 15:59 The old Moon, less than 60 hours from New, enters Taurus 21.29. Mercury waxing quintile Uranus 23:29.Monday 26 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Gemini EA 5 Sagittarius MA sex PL .79 Mon 01 Taurus ME 15 Libra EA sqr NE .91 Mer 27 Gemini VE 27 Aquarius UR sqr PL .98 Ven 26 Aries MA 11 Scorpio ME opp UR 1.62 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer ME sqr PL 2.6 Jup 19 Cancer SA 20 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Ne Mo/Pl .25 Me Su/Ju .4 Ve Mo/Ur .37 Me Su/Ju .56 Me Su/Ju .32 Ju Ve/Ma 1.28 Me Su/Ju .48 Su Mo/Me .81 Mo Me/Ne 1.01 Ne Mo/Pl 1.4 Ju Ve/Ma 1.17 Mo Su/Ur .91 Ju Mo/Ma 1.1 Ve Mo/Ur 1.73 Mo Su/Ur 2.24 Ve Mo/Ur .98 Ju Ve/Ma 1.39 Mo Me/Ne 2.17 Su Mo/Me 2.32 Ju Ve/Ma 1.07 Su Ju/Ur 2.45 No Ma/Sa 2.5 Ne Ve/Pl 2.45 Mo Ju/Ne 2.2 A day suited to indulgence of the senses. Venus opposes the lunar node 03:28 The decelerating balsamic Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 11:12 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 21:31 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 6 degrees Gemini today. The Sun air trines 'direct' Mars on Saturday. There are now 24 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Venus and Uranus are in Aries. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. The Sun and Mercury are in Gemini. Mercury is a direct evening star in Gemini. Mercury reached 'repeatable territory' on May 23rd and is now appearing to decelerate to a speed of less than a degree per day prior to him turning retrograde on June 7th at 3 degrees Cancer. Mercury sextiles Venus on May 28th. Mercury enters Cancer on May 29th. Venus is a direct morning star in Aries. She sextiles a decelerating Mercury on May 28th and enters Taurus on May 29th. Mars is now moving direct in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is 40 degrees and 90 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'astrological wave of the week' is a strong 9th planetary harmonic and a New Moon in Gemini on Wednesday.Tuesday 27 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Gemini EA 6 Sagittarius EA sqr NE .04 Mon 15 Taurus ME 18 Libra MA sex PL .3 Mer 28 Gemini VE 28 Aquarius UR sqr PL .99 Ven 28 Aries MA 12 Scorpio ME opp UR 5.15 Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer Jup 19 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 27 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Me Su/Ju .63 Me Su/Ju .7 Ju Ve/Ma .74 Ur Mo/Ne .56 Su Mo/Me .69 Ju Ve/Ma .85 Me Su/Ju .76 Ju Ve/Ma .63 Ju Ve/Ma .96 Mo Su/Ve .89 Mo Me/Ur .94 Me Su/Ju .82 Mo Ju/Ne 1.04 Ne Ve/Pl 2.03 Ur Mo/Ne 1.04 Ne Ve/Pl 1.75 Mo Su/Ve 2.1 Su Mo/Me 2.18 Ne Ve/Pl 1.89 Mo Me/Ur 2.17 Ne Ve/Pl 2.17 No Ma/Sa 2.55 No Ma/Sa 2.57 No Ma/Sa 2.59 The decelerating very old Moon in Taurus opposes Saturn 07:55 The Moon sextiles Jupiter becoming void 09:11. The ancient Moon remains void of course for 20 hours.Wednesday 28 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Gemini EA 7 Sagittarius MA sex PL .18 Mon 27 Taurus ME 22 Libra EA sqr NE .99 Mer 29 Gemini VE 30 Aquarius UR sqr PL .99 Ven 29 Aries MA 12 Scorpio Mar 09 Libra JU 27 Cancer Jup 20 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraNew Moon square Neptune. Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Ju Ve/Ma .52 Ju Ve/Ma .41 Ju Ve/Ma .3 Ju Ve/Ma .18 Me Su/Ju .88 Me Su/Ju .93 Me Su/Ju .97 Me Su/Ju 1.01 Mo Me/Ve 1.43 Ne Ve/Pl 1.46 Mo Ju/Ur 1.3 Ne Ve/Pl 1.18 Ne Ve/Pl 1.6 Mo Me/Ve 1.53 Ne Ve/Pl 1.32 Me Mo/Ju 1.18 Ur Mo/Ne 2.16 Mo Ju/Ur 1.86 Su Ve/Ju 2.42 Su Ve/Ju 2.35 Su Ve/Ju 2.56 Su Ve/Ju 2.49 Me Mo/Ju 2.61 No Ma/Sa 2.66 Today the decelerating Moon enters Gemini 04:49 joining the Sun and Mercury in that sign. Sun waxing biquintile Pluto 13:13 Mercury, slowing down is sextiled by Venus 13:57 Strong geocentric harmonic 9 around 18:00 GMT See below. New Moon moment 18:41
Today's New Moon is the first New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on April 29th 2014 and the the 5th New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse at the very start of Scorpio on October 23rd 2014. The New Moon applies in airy trine aspect to Mars and is tightly square Neptune. It could be a 'smoke and mirrors' affair. Some misrepresentation and an underlying confusion. It is however a time to move people with oration, wit and comedy. Communication is the keyword. Its good to talk. Today's New moon directly hits the natal Sun of Morocco, the natal Moon of Iran (1979 chart), the Moon Jupiter conjunction of FIFA world cup hosts Brazil, and natal Mars of the Central African Republic. It hits natal Uranus of those subjects born 1943, the Mick Jagger generation. Michael Portillo's Mercury is hit as is the Moon Jupiter conjunction of John Edwards, the Moon Saturn conjunction of Hu Jintao, the Mercury of Denis Rodman and the lunar node of President Assad. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are rising over the Pacific Ocean, setting over central Europe, culminating over central North America and at lower culmination over central India. Moonset is at Algiers. Jupiter sets at Tehran. There is a strong 9th harmonic at the time of today's New Moon. The chart for this harmonic is below. Notice the stellium of planets in Sagittarius.
The 9th harmonic represents 'strength and determination, the humanitarian. A philanthropic or artistic attitude to life is required, because if lacking, the number will "fail" to work constructively and could bring forward aspects such as frivolousness, immorality and irresponsibility.' Put this harmonic in Sagittarius and you have a veritable outpouring of zeal. There is always a bit of a 'lift' at the time of New Moon and this one is no different in that respect. Add a surge of transmission and a barrel load of mixed messages, and you have a good idea of the quality of today's event. After the New Moon, the infant Moon is square Neptune 19:04 The Moon air trines Mars 22:48 The Sun squares Neptune 23:44
Thursday 29 May 2014Regular readers of The Daze will remember the attention I gave to the last Full Moon (May 14th 2014) with regard to the UK. At the exact moment of Full Moon Saturn was rising over the UK. Neptune in Pisces was at lower culmination and the Moon was shortly to rise here. Since then Jupiter has passed over the UK natal Moon. Much is going on here politically. Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, born April 3rd 1964 time possibly 16:30 in Farnborough, is undergoing transiting Uranus conjunct his natal Sun this year. This transit has catapulted him into the UK political arena. On the day of the UK general election in 2015, (May 7th) he has Jupiter trine his natal Sun. He will probably become a British MP at that time. He has Pluto square natal Sun during 2015 and his pursuit for power will become paramount and apparent. His Party, UKIP, formed September 3rd 1993, London, no time available, has a Mars Jupiter conjunction in Libra which at the current time is being opposed by that same transiting Uranus. Uranus also conjuncts the UK's natal lunar node, as well as Farage's Sun. Destiny is playing a part here. Transiting Neptune will oppose UKIP's natal Sun in 2016-2017. The energy will probably erode at that time and the UKIP bubble will burst. David Cameron has Uranus opposing his natal Sun now which is very unsettling and debilitating for him, and Pluto will also be square his natal Sun in May 2015. Not at all an omen of good fortune. Nick Clegg has transiting Uranus square his natal Sun ahead of him with Pluto moving to conjunct his natal Sun following. Not a good prognosis for him either. Curtains for certain. On the wider issue of the political trends across Europe right now, with specific regard to the euro-sceptic sentiment from the far right in France and from the far left in Greece, we only have to understand the currently climaxing transit of Pluto on the transiting Saturn/Neptune midpoint and its accompanying symbolism of renunciation and rejection of the status quo because of perceived material suffering. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Gemini EA 8 Sagittarius MA sex PL .67 Mon 10 Gemini ME 25 Libra UR sqr PL 1 Mer 30 Gemini VE 1 Pisces EA sqr NE 1.95 Ven 30 Aries MA 13 Scorpio ME sqr JU 2.22 Mar 10 Libra JU 27 Cancer VE con NE 4.13 Jup 20 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra
Fire 2Earth 1Air 5Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Ju Ve/Ma .07 Ju Ve/Ma .04 Ju Ve/Ma .15 Ju Ve/Ma .26 Me Mo/Ju .24 Ne Ve/Pl .89 Ne Ve/Pl .75 Mo Su/Me .29 Mo Ve/Ju .3 Me Su/Ju 1.08 Me Su/Ju 1.11 Ne Ve/Pl .61 Ne Ve/Pl 1.04 Me Mo/Ju 1.66 Su Ve/Ju 2.14 Me Su/Ju 1.14 Me Su/Ju 1.05 Su Ve/Ju 2.21 Mo Su/Me 2.63 Su Ve/Ju 2.07 Su Ve/Ju 2.28 No Ma/Sa 2.69 No Ma/Sa 2.71 Ve Mo/Ne 2.23 Strong geocentric harmonic 18 around 00:00 GMTVery strong geocentric harmonic 9 around 00:00 GMT There are two planetary ingresses this morning. Venus enters Taurus 01:47 Mercury enters Cancer 09:14 Venus speeds through Taurus as a 'morning star' in just 25 days. Venus is content in her own sign Taurus. She sextiles Neptune on June 4th, trines Pluto on June 9th, opposes Saturn on June 13th and sextiles Jupiter on June 18th. Venus enters Gemini on June 23rd. Mercury spends just 19 days in Cancer on his first visit. Mercury is already in repeatable territory and slowing down to his retrograde phase which starts at 3 degrees Cancer on June 7th. Mercury re-enters Gemini on June 17th and is at Inferior conjunction with the sun on June 19th at 29 degrees Gemini. Mercury trines the lunar node on June 24th, turns direct at 24 Gemini on July 1st, trines the lunar node again on July 4th. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Both of these ingresses of two personal planets will bring about subtle modulations in human affairs. Both move into feminine or negative signs. A little less self expression will follow. Intuition and common sense are to the fore. The decelerating infant Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus becoming void 10:00 and remains that way for 28 hours.Friday 30 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Gemini EA 9 Sagittarius ME sqr JU .99 Mon 23 Gemini ME 28 Libra UR sqr PL 1 Mer 00 Cancer VE 3 Pisces MA sex PL 1.15 Ven 01 Taurus MA 13 Scorpio VE con NE 2.55 Mar 10 Libra JU 27 Cancer EA sqr NE 2.9 Jup 20 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Ju Ve/Ma .38 Ve Mo/Ne .29 Ne Ve/Pl .18 Ne Ve/Pl .04 Ne Ve/Pl .47 Ne Ve/Pl .33 Ju Ve/Ma .6 Ju Ve/Ma .72 Ve Mo/Ne .97 Ju Ve/Ma .49 Mo Su/Ju .69 Me Su/Ju 1.18 Me Su/Ju 1.15 Me Su/Ju 1.17 Me Su/Ju 1.18 Su Ve/Ju 1.8 Su Ve/Ju 2 Su Ve/Ju 1.93 Ve Mo/Ne 1.54 Mo Su/Ju 2.24 No Ma/Sa 2.75 Ve Me/Ne 2.69 Su Ve/Ju 1.87 Ve Me/Ne 2.26The decelerating infant Moon void of course in Gemini trines her node 07:10 Significant geocentric harmonic 18 around 12:00 GMT The Moon enters Cancer 14:15 joining Mercury and Jupiter in that sign. The Moon conjuncts Mercury 15:50Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 18:00 GMT Moon sextile Venus 18:05 The Sun is trine to Mars tonight.Saturday 31 May 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Gemini EA 9 Sagittarius VE con NE .97 Mon 05 Cancer ME 2 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.01 Mer 01 Cancer VE 5 Pisces MA sex PL 1.64 Ven 02 Taurus MA 14 Scorpio ME trn VE 3.11 Mar 10 Libra JU 27 Cancer EA trn UR 3.62 Jup 20 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio EA sqr NE 3.86 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME trn NE 4.08 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME sqr JU 4.13 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Ne Ve/Pl .1 Ne Ve/Pl .24 Mo Me/Ju .3 Ne Ve/Pl .53 Ju Ve/Ma .83 Ju Ve/Ma .95 Ne Ve/Pl .39 Me Su/Ju 1.16 Me Su/Ju 1.19 Me Su/Ju 1.18 Ju Ve/Ma 1.06 Ju Ve/Ma 1.18 Su Ve/Ju 1.73 Su Ve/Ju 1.66 Me Su/Ju 1.17 Ve Me/Ne 1.37 Ve Me/Ne 2.04 Ve Me/Ne 1.82 Mo Ma/Ur 1.57 Mo Ma/Ur 1.44 No Ma/Sa 2.83 Mo Me/Ju 2.65 Su Ve/Ju 1.59 Su Ve/Ju 1.52 Keep your cards close to your chest. A low key defensive day. Moon trine Neptune 05:05 Sun trine Mars 08:02. Direct action. The infant moon struggles in Cancer. Moon square Mars 09:30 Moon opposition Pluto 15:57 Moon square Uranus 20:44 The decelerating young Moon in Cancer (with Mercury and Jupiter) is conjunct Jupiter early (GMT) tomorrow. Wealth of feelings.Sunday 1 June 2014June is a month that wil be astrologically quieter than the past few months have been. We do have however to put up with Mercury retrograde criss crossing Gemini/Cancer from June 7th, and the changes of heart that this will inevitably bring. Jupiter is now rushing through the last decante of Cancer invoking all manner of 'home and heart' events. In July Jupiter will ingress Leo and Mars will, after a lengthy sojurn in Libra, enter Scorpio. Time then to push ahead after a rather dithery few months recently.
Significant geocentric harmonic 19 all day today withVery strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 06:00 GMT. This interesting harmonic wave lasts right up to Thursday of the coming week. The art of astrology requires a clearer understanding of this particular harmonic. Now is a time to observe events and experiences carefully in order to gain wisdom.The peaking 19th harmonic around 06:00 GMT today involves the Moon conjunct Jupiter 7/19 of a circle from Neptune and 4/19 of a circle from Venus, at the same time as 2/19 of a circle separate Mars and Saturn and 4/19 of a circle separate Mercury and Uranus. The very slowly young waxing Moon in Cancer trines Saturn 02:40 The Moon is conjunct Jupiter becoming void 06:33 The Moon reaches her crescent phase 18:02 The Moon squares her nodal axis 18:10 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Gemini EA 10 Sagittarius VE con NE .61 Mon 17 Cancer ME 5 Scorpio ME trn NE .93 Mer 02 Cancer VE 6 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.01 Ven 03 Taurus MA 14 Scorpio ME trn VE 1.54 Mar 10 Libra JU 27 Cancer MA sex PL 2.13 Jup 20 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio EA trn UR 2.67 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr VE 4.2 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Su Mo/Ve .17 Ne Ve/Pl .81 Me Su/Mo .25 Ve Me/Ne .44 Ne Ve/Pl .67 Ve Me/Ne .91 Ve Me/Ne .68 Me Su/Ju 1.06 Ve Me/Ne 1.14 Me Su/Ju 1.12 Ne Ve/Pl .96 Ne Ve/Pl 1.1 Me Su/Ju 1.14 Su Mo/Ve 1.25 Me Su/Ju 1.09 Su Ve/Ju 1.24 Ju Ve/Ma 1.29 Me Su/Mo 1.26 Mo Ve/Ma 1.16 Ju Ve/Ma 1.64 Su Ve/Ju 1.45 Su Ve/Ju 1.38 Su Ve/Ju 1.31 Me Su/Mo 1.75Monday 2 June 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Gemini EA 11 Sagittarius ME trn VE .02 Mon 29 Cancer ME 8 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.02 Mer 02 Cancer VE 8 Pisces EA trn UR 1.72 Ven 05 Taurus MA 15 Scorpio ME trn NE 2.17 Mar 10 Libra JU 28 Cancer VE con NE 2.19 Jup 21 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio MA sex PL 2.62 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr VE 3.57 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .05 Ve Me/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Ve Me/Ne .2 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Ve Me/Ne .28 Su Mo/Ur .31 Me Su/Ju 1.02 Me Su/Ju .98 Me Su/Ju .94 Ju Mo/Me .53 Su Ve/Ju 1.17 Su Ve/Ju 1.11 Su Ve/Ju 1.04 Ve Me/Ne .53 Ne Ve/Pl 1.24 Ne Ve/Pl 1.39 Ne Ve/Pl 1.53 No Mo/Pl .63 Mo Ve/No 1.27 Mo Ve/No 1.57 Su Mo/Ur 1.56 Me Su/Ju .89 Ju Ve/Ma 1.76 Ju Ve/Ma 1.87 Ju Ve/Ma 1.99 Su Ve/Ju .97 Strong geocentric harmonic 19 all dayVery strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 18:00 GMT Moon enters Leo 01:44 Moon square Venus 12:11 Moon sextile Mars 22:18 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 13 degrees Gemini today. There are now 17 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. Mercury and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mercury is a direct evening star in Cancer Mercury is already in repeatable territory and slowing down to his retrograde phase which starts at 3 degrees Cancer on June 7th. Mercury re-enters Gemini on June 17th and is at Inferior conjunction with the sun on June 19th at 29 degrees Gemini. Mercury trines the lunar node on June 24th, turns direct at 24 Gemini on July 1st, trines the lunar node again on July 4th. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Taurus. Venus is content in her own sign Taurus. She sextiles Neptune on June 4th, trines Pluto on June 9th, opposes Saturn on June 13th and sextiles Jupiter on June 18th. Venus enters Gemini on June 23rd. Mars is now moving direct in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is 38 degrees and 83 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 3 June 2014harmonic 19 around 00:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 06:00 GMT A formidable and unchallengeable will is at work today. The best course is to avoid conflict. Bend like the reed. The painfully slow, waxing crescent Moon in Leo sextiles the Sun 02:55
Very strong geocentricMoon at apogee 04:26 (farthest from Moon trine Uranus 09:11 Moon square Saturn becoming void 14:43 and remaining that way for 24 hours. Sun waxing quinquncx Pluto 16:19 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Gemini EA 12 Sagittarius EA trn UR .78 Mon 11 Leo ME 11 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.02 Mer 02 Cancer VE 9 Pisces ME sex PL 1.25 Ven 06 Taurus MA 15 Scorpio ME trn VE 1.45 Mar 10 Libra JU 28 Cancer VE sex PL 2.7 Jup 21 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio EA sqr VE 2.94 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries MA sex PL 3.11 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces VE con NE 3.77 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME con MA 4.36 Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraEarth and slowest all month)Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Mo Su/Ma .25 Me Su/Ju .77 Me Su/Ju .7 Mo Su/No .33 Ve Me/Ne .78 Su Ve/Ju .83 Su Ve/Ju .76 Me Su/Ju .63 Me Su/Ju .83 Ve Me/Ne 1.03 Ve Me/Ne 1.28 Su Ve/Ju .7 No Mo/Pl .87 Ne Ve/Pl 1.96 Ne Ve/Pl 2.1 Ve Me/Ne 1.54 Su Ve/Ju .9 Su Mo/Ur 2.19 Ju Ve/Ma 2.46 Mo Me/Ma 1.55 Su Mo/Ur .94 Ju Ve/Ma 2.34 Mo Su/No 2.52 Ne Ve/Pl 2.24 Wednesday 4 June 2014Art plays a part today. The slow but accelerating crescent Moon, void of course in Leo sextiles her Node 06:28
Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMT Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune 13:16 The Moon enters Virgo 14:21 The day gives a little. More movement and restlessness. The Moon sextiles Mercury 20:12 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Gemini EA 13 Sagittarius EA trn UR .17 Mon 23 Leo ME 14 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.03 Mer 03 Cancer VE 11 Pisces VE sex PL 1.12 Ven 07 Taurus MA 16 Scorpio ME sex PL 1.75 Mar 10 Libra JU 28 Cancer ME con MA 1.85 Jup 21 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio EA sqr VE 2.32 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME trn VE 2.86 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces MA con SA 5.04 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn VE con NE 5.35 Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Me Su/Ju .56 Me Su/Ju .48 Ju Su/Mo .26 Me Su/Ju .3 Su Ve/Ju .63 Su Ve/Ju .56 Me Mo/Ve .36 Su Ve/Ju .42 Mo Me/Ma 1.36 Me Mo/Ve 1.21 Me Su/Ju .39 Ma Mo/Sa .49 Ve Me/Ne 1.8 Ju Su/Mo 1.3 Su Ve/Ju .49 Mo Su/Sa .67 Ne Ve/Pl 2.39 Ve Me/Ne 2.06 Mo Me/No .62 Mo Ma/Ju 1 Ju Ve/Ma 2.7 Ne Ve/Pl 2.53 Ma Mo/Sa 1.92 Ju Su/Mo 1.82We have a gritty, hands on, inventive, dextrous and productive vibration. Curiouser and curiouser. The slow crescent Moon, now gaining in light and motion in Virgo, opposes Neptune 05:38 Thursday 5 June 2014The Moon, Venus and Pluto form an earthy grand 07:00 to 17:00 Realistic refinements and improvements abound. Moon trine Venus 07:25 Moon trine Pluto 16:25 The Moon reaches a 'mutable first quarter' 20:40 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Gemini EA 14 Sagittarius VE sex PL .47 Mon 05 Virgo ME 17 Scorpio ME con MA .61 Mer 03 Cancer VE 13 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.03 Ven 08 Taurus MA 16 Scorpio EA trn UR 1.12 Mar 11 Libra JU 28 Cancer EA sqr VE 1.69 Jup 21 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE trn MA 3.63 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME con SA 3.97 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME trn VE 4.24 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn MA con SA 4.58 Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Me Su/Ju .01 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Me Su/Ju .21 Me Su/Ju .11 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Me Su/Ju .1 Su Ve/Ju .36 Su Ve/Ju .29 Mo Me/Sa .16 Su Ve/Ju .15 Ma Mo/Sa .94 Mo Ju/No .85 Su Ve/Ju .22 Ve Me/Ne 2.85 Ma Mo/Sa 2.38 Mo Ju/No 2.12 Ne Ve/Pl 2.96 Mo Me/Sa 2.82Friday 6 June 2014Another practical and work oriented day. Efficiency, precision and painstaking effort yields invention and discovery in due time. Mercury however is approaching his retrograde phase and appears almost stationary in early Cancer. He turns retrograde tomorrow. Be ready for the inevitable twists and turns, delays and deferrals in the coming few weeks. Venus in Taurus waning quintile Jupiter 01:45. These two planets make their 'biblical alignment' on August 18th at 8 degrees Leo. The slow first quarter Moon in Virgo, gaining in light and motion sextiles Saturn 02:43 Moon sextile Jupiter becoming void 09:14 and again remaining that way for a lengthy 17 hours. The Sun sextiles Uranus 11:21 A socially focussed weekend is ahead. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Gemini EA 15 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.04 Mon 17 Virgo ME 20 Scorpio EA sqr VE 1.06 Mer 03 Cancer VE 14 Pisces ME con SA 1.08 Ven 09 Taurus MA 17 Scorpio VE sex PL 2.05 Mar 11 Libra JU 28 Cancer EA trn UR 2.07 Jup 21 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE trn MA 2.54 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME con MA 3.03 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces MA con SA 4.11 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .09 Su Ve/Ju .02 Su Ve/Ju .05 Ma Mo/No .03 Su Ve/Ju .09 Mo Ju/Sa .03 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Me Su/Ju .22 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Sa Mo/Pl .23 Su Ve/Ju .12 Me Mo/Ur 1.86 Me Su/Ju .33 Me Su/Ju .46 Me Su/Ju .59 Mo Ju/Sa 2.98 Me Mo/Ur .37 Me Mo/Ur 1.14 Sa Mo/Pl 1.31 Sa Mo/Pl 1.76 Ma Mo/No 1.44 Me Mo/Ur 2.65 Ma Mo/No 2.9Saturday 7 June 2014 Moon enters Libra 02:02 Moon square Mercury 08:11 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 11:58 Venus quinquncx Mars 12:11 Moon conjunction Mars 23:32Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Gemini EA 16 Sagittarius EA sqr VE .43 Mon 29 Virgo ME 23 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.04 Mer 03 Cancer VE 16 Pisces VE trn MA 1.45 Ven 10 Taurus MA 17 Scorpio ME con SA 1.78 Mar 11 Libra JU 28 Cancer EA trn UR 3.01 Jup 22 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio MA con SA 3.64 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME con MA 5.42 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Su Ve/Ju .18 Ju Mo/Ve .21 Su Ve/Ju .32 Su Ve/Ju .38 Me Su/Ju .72 Su Ve/Ju .25 No Mo/Sa .68 Me Su/Ju 1.15 Ma Mo/No 1.5 Me Su/Ju .86 Me Su/Ju 1 No Mo/Sa 2.24 Ju Mo/Ve 1.85 No Mo/Sa .88 Ju Mo/Ve 1.44 No Mo/Sa 2.43 Ma Mo/No 2.98 Sa Mo/Pl 2.85Sunday 8 June 2014Mercury is now retrograde. Today has its share of disruption, the Moon is not having an easy ride and a nasty Sun Saturn quinquncx casts a 'spoil sport' shadow on proceedings. Talking of spoil sports, ahead of the FIFA World Cup, transiting Saturn is currently square the Brazilian natal Venus, and transiting Venus was yesterday conjunct Brazilian Saturn, a planetary 'double whammy', as protests in Sao Paulo against the world cup spending were taking place. Friday's Full Moon is square the Brazilian Mercury. I get the feeling this world cup may not go smoothly. Petro Poroshenko was yesterday sworn in as president of Ukraine, setting out a plan to bring peace to the conflict-torn east. Poroshenko, born 26 Sept 1965 is a billionaire businessman, the Chocolate King. He was born two weeks after President Assad of Syria. Obama and Putin talked briefly at D-day 70th anniversary event. Nobody round here wants a war in Ukraine.The today Moon in Libra gaining in light and motion squares Pluto 02:53 The Moon opposes Uranus 08:14 The Moon air trines the Sun 11:45 The Moon squares Jupiter becoming void 19:48 Sun waning quinquncx Saturn 20:54 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Gemini EA 17 Sagittarius EA sqr VE .2 Mon 11 Libra ME 25 Scorpio VE trn MA .36 Mer 03 Cancer VE 17 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.05 Ven 12 Taurus MA 18 Scorpio ME trn JU 2.58 Mar 11 Libra JU 28 Cancer MA con SA 3.18 Jup 22 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE trn SA 3.54 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA trn UR 3.96 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME con SA 4.6 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Su Ve/Ju .45 Su Ve/Ju .52 Mo Ju/Pl .37 Su Ve/Ju .65 Me Su/Ju 1.3 Me Su/Ju 1.45 Su Ve/Ju .58 Me Su/Ju 1.78 Ve Ju/Ne 2.77 Mo Ma/No .82 Ve Ju/Ne 2.23 Mo Ju/Pl 2.8 Me Su/Ju 1.62 Mo Ma/No 2.37 Ve Ju/Ne 2.5Monday 9 June 2014![]()
Yesterday Former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi was sworn in as Egypt's new president, hailing it as a "historic moment and turning point". He was born: November 19, 1954. Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio. Mars in Aquarius, square his Scorpio stuff, Moon in Virgo/Libra. Tough fixed chart. Power to stay. Venus trine Pluto 01:41 The void accelerating and waxing Moon in Libra is conjunct her node 03:02 The Moon enters Scorpio 10:39 joining Saturn. The Moon 'water trines retro-Mercury 16:05 The Moon becomes gibbous 17:33 and the procession to the full then begins in earnest. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 19 degrees Gemini today. There are then 11 days to the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. The Moon and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Cancer Mercury re-enters Gemini on June 17th and is at Inferior conjunction with the sun on June 19th at 29 degrees Gemini. Mercury trines the lunar node on June 24th, turns direct at 24 Gemini on July 1st, trines the lunar node again on July 4th. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Taurus. Venus is content in her own sign Taurus. She trines Pluto today June 9th, opposes Saturn on June 13th and sextiles Jupiter on June 18th. Venus enters Gemini on June 23rd. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is now moving direct in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars will once again form a T-square, squaring Pluto on June 14th and opposing Uranus on June 25th. Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node on July 13th. Mars is 37 degrees and 76 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 120 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The Full Moon in Sagittarius peaks at a time near Sunrise (UK) on Friday. This is the 'astrological wave of the week' although with the accompanying Mars square Pluto and Venus opposite Saturn we may witness a few blows below the belt. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Gemini EA 18 Sagittarius ME trn JU .17 Mon 24 Libra ME 28 Scorpio VE trn MA .73 Mer 03 Cancer VE 19 Pisces EA sqr VE .83 Ven 13 Taurus MA 18 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.06 Mar 11 Libra JU 28 Cancer VE trn SA 1.98 Jup 22 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio MA con SA 2.71 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Su Ve/Ju .72 Su Ve/Ju .78 Su Ve/Ju .85 Su Ve/Ju .92 Me Su/Ju 1.95 Ve Ju/Ne 1.69 Mo Ma/Sa 1.02 Ve Ju/Ne 1.16 Ve Ju/Ne 1.96 Me Su/Ju 2.13 Ve Ju/Ne 1.42 Me Su/Ju 2.49 Mo Ma/Sa 2.25 Me Su/Ju 2.31 Mo Sa/No 2.82Tuesday 10 June 2014This intense day is dominated by another Lunar Occultation of Saturn in Scorpio which is always a serious and sombre affair. Lunar pressures are rising as Friday morning's full moon draws near. Venus is drawing to an opposition to Saturn and Mars is slowly tightening on a harsh square to Pluto. Heavy metal. The accelerating waxing gibbous Moon in Scorpio 'water trines' Neptune 00:22 The Moon sextiles Pluto 09:44 The Moon opposes Venus 12:50 Moon conjunction Saturn 18:31(1.02 degrees from exact alignment) Visible as a lunar occultation os Saturn, the 8th of 14.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Gemini EA 19 Sagittarius VE trn SA .42 Mon 07 Scorpio ME 1 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.06 Mer 03 Cancer VE 21 Pisces EA sqr VE 1.47 Ven 14 Taurus MA 19 Scorpio VE trn MA 1.82 Mar 12 Libra JU 28 Cancer MA con SA 2.24 Jup 22 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio ME trn JU 2.89 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 Libra
Fire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Ve Ju/Ne .08 Mo Sa/No .53 No Mo/Ma .43 Ve Ju/Ne .35 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Ve Ju/Ne .89 Ve Ju/Ne .62 Su Ve/Ju 1.11 Pl Mo/Ne .28 Su Ve/Ju .98 Su Ve/Ju 1.05 Pl Mo/Ne 1.99 Su Ve/Ju 1.18 No Mo/Ma 1.29 Me Su/Ju 2.87 No Mo/Ma 2.17 Ve Su/Ur 2.93 Me Su/Ju 2.68Wednesday 11 June 2014Yesterday Iraq's prime minister asked parliament to declare a state of emergency after militants took control of the country's second city, Mosul. Overnight, hundreds of militants from the jihadist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) movement overran the town and much of Nineveh province. Strangely the major transit to the Iraq Republic chart (July 14th 1958 05:00 AM Baghdad) is that of Jupiter which has just been conjunct the country' natal Sun, and will tomorrow square natal Jupiter setting off the cardinal T-square (Mars, Lunar Node, Jupiter, Sun) in the Iraqi chart. Today the waxing and accelerating gibbous Moon in Scorpio 'water trines' Jupiter becoming void 02:22 remaining that way for 13 hours. The intense 'making heavy weather of it' vibration gives way eventually at 15:24 GMT to a more exhilarating sensation. What seemed too intractable will be put in perspective. What was hidden will be made clear, the truth will 'out'. The almost full Moon enters Sagittarius 15:24. Another lunar wave crashing on us all. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Gemini EA 20 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.07 Mon 21 Scorpio ME 4 Sagittarius VE trn SA 1.14 Mer 03 Cancer VE 22 Pisces MA con SA 1.77 Ven 15 Taurus MA 19 Scorpio ME sqr NE 1.79 Mar 12 Libra JU 28 Cancer EA sqr VE 2.1 Jup 22 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE trn MA 2.9 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Ve Ju/Ne .19 Ve Ju/Ne .46 Mo Ma/Pl .59 Ve Ju/Ne 1 Su Ve/Ju 1.25 Su Ve/Ju 1.31 Ve Ju/Ne .73 Su Ve/Ju 1.44 Pl Mo/Ne 1.45 Ve Su/Ur 2.58 Su Ve/Ju 1.38 Ve Su/Ur 2.24 Ve Su/Ur 2.76 Mo Ma/Pl 2.89 Ve Su/Ur 2.41 Mo Pl/No 2.74Thursday 12 June 2014Islamist militants in Iraq yesterday seized Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, north of Baghdad, after overrunning the second city, Mosul. It appears we have two more charts for Iraq in addition to the Republic Chart reviewed yesterday. 1)The Iraq Sovereignty chart, 28 June 2004 10.26 am Baghdad 2)The Iraq chart 23 Aug 1921 6am. Tomorrow's Full Moon is close to Pluto in the Sovereignty chart, and transiting Uranus is, this year, square Saturn in that chart which describes aptly what is happening now in the country. Today the heavily gibbous Moon waxing to the full and accelerating in Sagittarius squares Neptune 04:12 The Moon sextiles Mars 11:57 Retro-Mercury semi-squares Venus 17:11 The Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 18:01. The Moon is full tonight, low in the skies of the northern hemisphere, high in the south. Venus is about to oppose Saturn. Mars is tightening on a square to Pluto. A tense lunation is upon us. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Gemini EA 21 Sagittarius ME sqr NE .97 Mon 05 Sagittarius ME 7 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.07 Mer 02 Cancer VE 24 Pisces MA con SA 1.29 Ven 16 Taurus MA 20 Scorpio VE trn SA 2.69 Mar 12 Libra JU 28 Cancer EA sqr VE 2.73 Jup 23 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE trn MA 3.99 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Mo Pl/No .82 Sa Mo/No .62 Sa Mo/No 1.19 Mo Sa/Pl .6 Ve Ju/Ne 1.27 Ve Ju/Ne 1.54 Su Ve/Ju 1.64 Ve Su/Ur 1.56 Su Ve/Ju 1.51 Su Ve/Ju 1.58 Ve Su/Ur 1.73 Su Ve/Ju 1.71 Ve Su/Ur 2.07 Ve Su/Ur 1.9 Ve Ju/Ne 1.81 Ve Ju/Ne 2.08 Sa Mo/No 2.42Friday 13 June 2014Venus opposition Saturn 04:10 Moon opposition Sun becoming void 04:12 FULL MOON
Today's Full Moon is the second full moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014 and the fourth before the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on the of 8th October 2014. Both of these eclipses are the first two of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons', the other two Total Lunar Eclipses in the succession being on April 4th 2015 and September 28th 2015. Today's Full moon occurs as Venus is in opposition to Saturn, Mars is square Pluto and of course Mercury is retrograde. The Full Moon itself makes no major aspects. This lunation occurs at a difficult time. There are suggestions of brutality and morbidity woven in with a dare devil expansionist risk taking atmosphere. Mercury's retrograde phase will play a big part, delays and frustrations will manifest, there will certainly be a lot to talk about. At the moment of Full moon the Sun rises and the Moon sets over the UK and France. The Sun rises at Lusaka The Moon sets at Tripoli. Jupiter rises at Kiev and at Bhagdad, Neptune culminates at Prague and at Ndjamena. Venus and Saturn are aligned to Monrovia and to Mexico City. Uranus culminates at Dhahran. Mars rises at Tokyo. Alan Hansen and Ban Ki-Moon have birthday's today. Strong geocentric harmonic 10 around 06:00 GMT
Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 12:00 GMT The void of course Moon sextile her node 09:57 The Moon enters Capricorn 17:06 Moon opposition retro-Mercury 19:57 Venus waning biquintile Mars 21:49. Their next conjunction is on Feb 22nd 2015 in very early Aries! Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Gemini EA 22 Sagittarius MA con SA .82 Mon 20 Sagittarius ME 9 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.08 Mer 02 Cancer VE 25 Pisces VE trn JU 3.18 Ven 18 Taurus MA 20 Scorpio EA sqr VE 3.37 Mar 12 Libra JU 28 Cancer ME sqr NE 3.73 Jup 23 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio ME trn UR 3.81 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries VE trn SA 4.25 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .14 Sa Mo/Ma .08 Ne Mo/Ve .1 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Ve Su/Ur 1.38 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Ma Mo/Ju .82 Su Ve/Ju 1.77 Ve Su/Ur 1.21 Ve Su/Ur 1.04 Ve Su/Ur .87 Sa Mo/Ma 1.8 Mo Ma/Ne 1.82 Mo Ma/Ne 1.82 Mo Ne/No 1.04 Ve Ju/Ne 2.35 Su Ve/Ju 1.84 Su Ve/Ju 1.9 Ne Mo/Ve 1.9 Ne Mo/Ve 2.08 Sa Mo/Ma 1.96 Su Ve/Ju 1.97 Ve Ju/Ne 2.61 Ma Mo/Ju 2.62 Ur Ve/Ne 2.92Saturday 14 June 2014A week to the Solstice. The 'hungover' very fast and close Moon in 'dog eat dog' Capricorn sextiles Neptune 05:23 Mars square Pluto 12:44. Very heavy. Moon conjunction Pluto 13:44 Moon square Mars 13:46 Venus quintile Neptune 17:48 Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 18:00 GMT Moon square Uranus 18:52 Sun biquintile Saturn 19:12 Moon sextile Saturn 21:35 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Gemini EA 23 Sagittarius MA con SA .35 Mon 04 Capricorn ME 12 Sagittarius ME trn UR 1.07 Mer 02 Cancer VE 27 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.08 Ven 19 Taurus MA 21 Scorpio VE trn JU 1.67 Mar 13 Libra JU 29 Cancer EA sqr VE 4 Jup 23 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraFire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Ve Su/Ur .69 Ve Su/Ur .52 Ve Su/Ur .35 Ve Su/Ur .18 Ma Mo/Ju .99 Su Ve/Ju 2.1 Mo Sa/Ne .93 Su Ve/Ju 2.23 Su Ve/Ju 2.03 Ur Ve/Ne 2.64 Su Ve/Ju 2.16 Ur Ve/Ne 2.36 Mo Ne/No 2.67 Ma Mo/Ju 2.81 Ur Ve/Ne 2.5 Mo Sa/Ne 2.8 Ur Ve/Ne 2.78Sunday 15 June 2014ISIS after a series of changing leaders and titles announced its existence on 15 Oct 2006. Saturn in Leo trine Pluto, sextile Sun Mars Venus in Libra. Flamboyant brutality. Massacre with flair. ISIS NOON CHART SET FOR DAMASCUS Helio Mars conjunct Helio Saturn today. Tides of civil wars. Al Quaeda, NOON CHART. 11 Aug 1988. Damascus. Saturn Uranus conjunct in Sagittarius trine Mercury. Mars inconjunct Pluto. Loose Mars, Neptune, Venus Chiron T-square. Brutal zeal, but diffuse. Weaker than ISIS.
Yesterday Iran's President Rouhani said Tehran is ready to help Iraq in its battle against extremist Sunni Islamists IRAN(1979 revolution chart) with IRAQ(sovereignty) relationship chart is below. Mars Pluto Sun conjunct in Scorpio. Node Uranus in Capricorn. Amazing potential. Transiting Saturn currently hitting the Scorpio bit, transiting Pluto hitting the Capricorn bit. Activation under way! Brimming with power.
Today.... Minor lunar occultation of star Rho SGR a white Super Giant full of good energy, observable from mid UK 00:12 to 01:13
Significant geocentric harmonic 10 all day."The wheel of Fortune".The rapidly waning 'hung over' Moon 'earth trines' Venus 01:18 Moon at perigee 03:35 (closest to The Moon opposes Jupiter, becoming void 06:36 The Moon squares her nodal axis 10:14 The Moon enters Aquarius 17:28 Strong geocentric harmonic 10 around 18:00 GMT Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Gemini EA 24 Sagittarius MA con SA .12 Mon 19 Capricorn ME 15 Sagittarius VE trn JU .16 Mer 01 Cancer VE 28 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.09 Ven 20 Taurus MA 21 Scorpio ME trn UR 1.66 Mar 13 Libra JU 29 Cancer Jup 23 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 26 LibraEarth and fastest all month)Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ur .01 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Ve Su/Ur .17 Ve Su/Ur .34 Ur Mo/Me .38 Mo Ur/No 1.6 Ur Ve/Ne 2.08 Ne Mo/Ur 1.3 Ve Su/Ur .51 Ur Ve/Ne 2.22 Mo Ur/No 2.13 Ur Ve/Ne 1.94 Ne Mo/Ur .57 Su Ve/Ju 2.29 Su Ve/Ju 2.36 Ur Mo/Me 2.17 Mo Sa/Ur 1.46 No Mo/Ju 2.46 Su Ve/Ju 2.42 Ur Ve/Ne 1.8 Su Ve/Ju 2.49 Monday 16 June 2014harmonic 10 around 00:00 GMT The fast Aquarius Moon enters disseminating phase 09:57 The Moon air trines Mars 15:08 The Sun trines the lunar node 16:15. We enter 'inter-eclipse season weeks'. Moon sextile Uranus 19:26 Moon square Saturn 21:56 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 26 degrees Gemini today. The Summer Solstice is on Saturday morning. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Cancer Mercury re-enters Gemini tomorrow and is at Inferior conjunction with the sun on June 19th at 29 degrees Gemini. Mercury trines the lunar node on June 24th, turns direct at 24 Gemini on July 1st, trines the lunar node again on July 4th. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Taurus. Venus is content in her own sign Taurus. She sextiles Jupiter on June 18th. Venus enters Gemini on June 23rd. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is now moving direct in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is in wide Cardinal T-square, he squared Pluto on June 14th and opposes Uranus on June 25th. Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node on July 13th. Mars is 35 degrees and 69 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 113 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Gemini EA 25 Sagittarius MA con SA .6 Mon 04 Aquarius ME 18 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.09 Mer 01 Cancer VE 0 Aries VE trn JU 1.34 Ven 21 Taurus MA 22 Scorpio ME trn UR 4.4 Mar 13 Libra JU 29 Cancer Jup 23 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 Libra
Significant geocentricFire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Su/Ur .69 Ur Su/Mo .4 Ve Su/Ur 1.03 Ve Su/Ur 1.2 Ur Mo/Me 1.41 Ve Su/Ur .86 Mo Ne/Pl 1.29 Ve Me/Ur 1.22 Ur Su/Mo 1.57 Ur Ve/Ne 1.52 Ur Ve/Ne 1.38 Ur Ve/Ne 1.24 Ur Ve/Ne 1.66 Ve Me/Ur 1.94 Ve Me/Ur 1.58 Su Ve/Ju 2.75 Mo Sa/Ur 2.26 Mo Ne/Pl 2.41 Ur Su/Mo 2.36 Ve Me/Ur 2.29 Su Ve/Ju 2.62 Su Ve/Ju 2.68Tuesday 17 June 2014Yesterday it was reported that Sunni militants seized the Iraqi northern city of Tal Afar, a city which lies between Mosul and the border with Syria. In response the USA are sending a 2nd warship to the gulf. Events are escalating. Mars has been conjunct Saturn from the heliocentric perspective. Geocentrically a strong 10th harmonic wave is crashing as Mercury retrogrades. Al-Qaeda-linked militants attacked hotels and a police station in the Kenyan coastal town of Mpeketoni, killing at least 48 people. Pluto is conjunct Kenyan Venus next year. There may be much trouble ahead for this country. Ukraine said Russia has cut off all gas supplies after talks failed to resolve a dispute over debts amid high tension in Ukraine's eastern regions. We can only hope Ukraine pays 'cash up front' before the winter. Today the fast but decelerating and disseminating Moon in Aquarius squares Venus 06:10, herself on the Mercury/Uranus midpoint. Mars biquintile Neptune 08:05, at the heart of the strong 10th harmonic wave recently. Mercury re-enters Gemini 10:05The Moon, her node and the Sun form an airy grand trine Moon trine Node 10:50 Moon trine Sun 12:13 Moon trine retro-Mercury becoming void 18:08 The Moon enters Pisces 18:27 joining Neptune in that sign. Venus applies in sextile to Neptune tonight. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Gemini EA 26 Sagittarius MA con SA 1.08 Mon 19 Aquarius ME 20 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.1 Mer 00 Cancer VE 2 Aries VE trn JU 2.85 Ven 22 Taurus MA 22 Scorpio EA con ME 5.33 Mar 13 Libra JU 29 Cancer Jup 24 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 Libra
10:00 to 13:00Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Me/Ur .14 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Me/Ur .86 Ve Me/Ur .5 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Me/Ur .22 Ur Ve/Ne 1.1 Ur Ve/Ne .95 Ur Ve/Ne .81 Mo Ur/Pl .36 Ve Su/Ur 1.38 Ve Su/Ur 1.55 Ve Su/Ur 1.72 Ur Ve/Ne .67 Su Ve/Ju 2.81 Su Ve/Ju 2.88 Su Ve/Ju 2.94 Ve Su/Ur 1.9Wednesday 18 June 2014Violence, terror and civil war continue in Iraq and Syria as Mars, Pluto and Uranus hold sway in harsh Cardinal T-Square. Mars is opposite Uranus next week. Amid this swirling mix of insanity Iran enters the story. Plans to re-open the British Embassy in Tehran were announced yesterday by the UK government. The transiting Lunar node is exactly conjunct Uranus in the UK Iran relationship chart today. Transiting Jupiter trined Mars in that relationship chart 2 days ago, kick starting the 'new relationship'. We are now only three days from the solstice. Nature's climax is approaching. Retrograding Mercury slipped into Gemini yesterday evoking an effervescence of re-vamped ideas and enforced changes. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun tomorrow, the day of 'the New Mercury', and the start of a new verse. Today with the Moon and Neptune in Pisces has the usual dreamy quality. Today a strong geocentric harmonic 10 manifests , 06:00-09:00 GMT, involving a 36 degree aspect between Mercury and Venus and at its heart the biquintile aspect between Mars and Neptune conjunct the Moon. Forces of change are again emphasised. The waning decelerating Moon in Pisces is conjunct Neptune 07:06 Venus in Taurus sextiles Jupiter in Cancer 09:17. The 'value' and the 'worth' are under scrutiny today. The Moon sextiles Pluto 15:42 The Moon 'water-trines' Saturn 23:47 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Gemini EA 27 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.1 Mon 03 Pisces ME 23 Sagittarius MA con SA 1.55 Mer 30 Gemini VE 3 Aries EA con ME 3.53 Ven 23 Taurus MA 23 Scorpio VE trn JU 4.36 Mar 14 Libra JU 29 Cancer Jup 24 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ur Ve/Ne .11 Ur Ve/Ne .53 Ur Ve/Ne .39 Ur Ve/Ne .25 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Me/Ur .58 Pl Mo/Sa .49 Ur Mo/Ve 1.21 Ve Me/Ur 1.67 Ve Su/Ur 2.07 Ur Mo/Ve .72 Pl Mo/Sa 1.29 Ve Su/Ur 2.59 Pl Mo/Sa 2.28 Ve Me/Ur .95 Ve Me/Ur 1.31 Ur Mo/Ve 2.65 Ve Su/Ur 2.24 Ve Su/Ur 2.42Thursday 19 June 2014Yesterday Iraq formally asked the US to launch air strikes against jihadist militants who have recently seized key cities. Transiting Jupiter is currently conjunct the USA natal Mercury (Sibly chart), opportunity knocks for the old US of A. Day of the mutable Last Quarter Moon. Crisis and movement in consciousness. Sun waxing quintile Uranus 10:38 The decelerating waning Moon in Pisces water trines Jupiter 11:16 The Moon sextiles Venus 13:16 Venus quinquncx the lunar node 13:21 Moon square retro-Mercury 17:59 Moon last quarter and becomes void 18:40 The Moon enters Aries 21:27 joining Uranus in that sign. Mercury Inferior Conjunction with the Sun 22:51 A 'New Mercury'. Time for a new verse in the story. This is the 7th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before a 'transit of Mercury' across the disc of the Sun on May 9th 2016. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Gemini EA 28 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.11 Mon 18 Pisces ME 26 Sagittarius EA con ME 1.72 Mer 29 Gemini VE 5 Aries MA con SA 2.03 Ven 25 Taurus MA 23 Scorpio Mar 14 Libra JU 29 Cancer Jup 24 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Significant helio harmonic 10Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ve/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ur Ve/Ne .17 Ur Ve/Ne .31 Ur Ve/Ne .45 Mo Ve/Pl 1.09 Mo Ve/Pl 2.28 Ve Mo/Ju .88 Ve Mo/Ju .59 Ve Me/Ur 2.04 Ve Mo/Ju 2.35 Mo Ur/Ne 2.27 Pl Mo/No 1 Ve Su/Ur 2.77 Ve Me/Ur 2.4 Pl Mo/No 2.73 Mo Ur/Ne 1.19 Ve Su/Ur 2.94 Ve Me/Ur 2.77Friday 20 June 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Gemini EA 29 Sagittarius EA con ME .09 Mon 01 Aries ME 29 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.11 Mer 29 Gemini VE 6 Aries MA con SA 2.51 Ven 26 Taurus MA 24 Scorpio Mar 14 Libra JU 29 Cancer Jup 24 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 LibraSummer Solstice weekend ahead. Back live on Monday. Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Ur Ve/Ne .6 Mo Me/Pl .63 Ur Ve/Ne .88 Pl Mo/Ma .53 Pl Mo/No .72 Ur Ve/Ne .74 Pl Mo/Ma 1.21 Ur Ve/Ne 1.02 Ve Mo/Ju 2.04 Mo Su/Pl .86 Mo Su/Pl 2.43 Me Ve/Ju 2.56 Pl Mo/No 2.43 Mo Me/Pl 2.85 Pl Mo/Ma 2.95 Me Ve/Ju 2.88 Strong geocentric harmonic 13 around 06:00 GMT. This is the harmonic of change and upheaval. The Moon wanes in Aries. Burning and inciting. Retro-Mercury quintiles Uranus 17:56 The decelerating last quarter Moon squares Pluto 19:42 Moon opposition Mars 23:26Saturday 21 June 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Gemini EA 30 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.12 Mon 15 Aries ME 1 Capricorn EA con ME 1.93 Mer 28 Gemini VE 8 Aries MA con SA 2.99 Ven 27 Taurus MA 24 Scorpio VE sqr PL 4.19 Mar 15 Libra JU 29 Cancer VE con UR 5.31 Jup 24 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 LibraTHE SUMMER SOLSTICE Fire 2Earth 2Air 4Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Ur Ve/Ne 1.16 Mo Ve/Ne .96 Ur Ve/Ne 1.44 Ve Su/Mo .24 Me Ve/Ju 2.24 Ur Ve/Ne 1.3 Me Ve/Ju 1.61 Me Ve/Ju 1.3 Mo Ve/Ne 2.24 Me Ve/Ju 1.93 Ve Su/Mo 1.72 Ur Ve/Ne 1.59 Ve Mo/Me 2.89 Ve Mo/Me 1.6 The waning decelerating Moon in Aries closely conjuncts Uranus 01:57 GMT (0.47 degrees from exact alignment), setting the scene for the Summer Solstice (in the north) some 9 hours later. The Sun enters Cancer 10:52![]()
Earth At 10:52 GMT the Solstice point is reached and the Sun enters Cancer. The whirlpool of the past is revealed and the gates of incarnation stand wide open. Nature's climax has arrived. The Solstice this year is dominated by a loose but potent Cardinal T-Square of Mars, Pluto and Uranus. War and rumor of war will the ethers. There is no peace, right now, on earth. Nevertheless this is the day of holy celebration. After the Solstice moment has passed the Moon square Jupiter 17:14 Moon opposition Node 18:16 Moon sextile retro-Mercury becoming void 22:25Sunday 22 June 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Cancer EA 1 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.13 Mon 28 Aries ME 4 Capricorn ME sex NE 1.46 Mer 27 Gemini VE 10 Aries VE sqr PL 2.6 Ven 28 Taurus MA 25 Scorpio MA con SA 3.47 Mar 15 Libra JU 29 Cancer VE con UR 3.73 Jup 25 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio EA con ME 3.78 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries MA trn JU 4.42 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Ve/Ju .06 Ve Mo/Me .32 Ne Mo/Pl .46 Ju Mo/Ma .27 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Ve/Ju .99 Me Ve/Ju .68 Me Ve/Ju .37 Mo Ve/Ur .49 Ve Su/Mo 1.23 Mo Me/Ne .82 Mo Su/Ne .59 Ju Mo/Ma 1.88 Ur Ve/Ne 1.73 Ve Mo/Me .95 Ne Mo/Pl 1.17 Ur Ve/Ne 2.15 Ju Mo/No 2.07 Ju Mo/Ma 1.35 Ur Ve/Ne 2.01 Ne Mo/Pl 2.79 Ne Mo/Pl 2.1 Ur Ve/Ne 1.87 Ve Mo/Me 2.22 Strong geocentric harmonic 13 around 06:00 GMT The waning and decelerating Moon enters Taurus 03:04 The Taurus Moon sextiles the Cancer Sun 04:21 A day of domestic bliss ensues. Traditional and family orientated. The Moon sextiles Neptune 16:58Monday 23 June 2014A 'business as usual' kind of Monday despite the fact that we are in a 'holy period', a few days between the Solstice (last Saturday) and the New Moon (on Friday). The decelerating Moon in Taurus 'earth trines' Pluto 02:17 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 10:21 The Moon opposes Saturn in Scorpio 11:00 Venus enters Gemini 12:35 Jupiter squares the lunar Node 20:24. This is the single waning square aspect in their 7 year cycle. The next conjunction of Jupiter and the lunar node is in 2 years time, almost to the day, in Virgo. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 2 degrees Cancer today. There are 88 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun and Jupiter are in Cancer. . Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. From 12:35 Venus joins Mercury in Gemini. Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Gemini. Mercury trines the lunar node on June 24th, turns direct at 24 Gemini on July 1st, trines the lunar node again on July 4th. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star and enters Gemini today 12:35. Venus resides in Gemini for only 26 days. During this residence she squares Neptune on June 29th, sextiles Uranus on July 7th, and trines Mars and the lunar node on July 13th. Venus enters Cancer on the 18th July. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is now moving direct in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is in wide Cardinal T-square, he squared Pluto on June 14th and opposes Uranus on June 25th. Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node on July 13th. Mars is 32 degrees and 62 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 106 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Three astrological 'waves of the week'. Mars opposes Uranus on Wednesday. The Moon occults Mercury on Thursday The New Moon in Cancer occurs on Friday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Cancer EA 1 Capricorn VE sqr PL 1.02 Mon 11 Taurus ME 7 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.13 Mer 27 Gemini VE 11 Aries ME sex NE 1.36 Ven 29 Taurus MA 25 Scorpio VE con UR 2.15 Mar 15 Libra JU 29 Cancer MA con SA 3.95 Jup 25 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio MA trn JU 3.99 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME sqr VE 4.08 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME con PL 5.09 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 Libra
Fire 1Earth 3Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Ve/Ju .25 Me Ve/Ju .55 Me Ve/Ju .85 Mo Me/Ur .38 Ur Ve/Ne 2.29 Mo Ju/Ne 1.68 Mo Ju/Ne 1.5 Me Ve/Ju 1.15 Ur Ve/Ne 2.44 Ur Ve/Ne 2.58 Ur Mo/Ne 1.93 Ur Ve/Ne 2.72Tuesday 24 June 2014Strong Helio-Centric currents are active today. Helio Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Pluto are in T-square. The decelerating balsamic Moon in Taurus sextiles Jupiter becoming void 01:50 Venus biquintiles the lunar node 09:25 The Moon enters Gemini 11:07 joining Mercury and Venus there. The tone of the day is enlivened. Water mixes with Air, Steamy ! However beware of the 'electricity' in this moist atmosphere as Mars opposite Uranus is tightening to 'violent shock climax' tomorrow. Significant geocentric harmonic 13 around 12:00 GMT Venus waxing semi-square Uranus 12:51Moon conjunction Venus 13:28 We are now fully under the influence of Mars opposite Uranus. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Cancer EA 2 Capricorn VE con UR .56 Mon 24 Taurus ME 10 Capricorn VE sqr PL .57 Mer 26 Gemini VE 13 Aries UR sqr PL 1.14 Ven 01 Gemini MA 26 Scorpio ME con PL 2.24 Mar 16 Libra JU 29 Cancer ME sqr VE 2.82 Jup 25 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio EA sex NE 3.35 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME sqr UR 3.38 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces MA trn JU 3.56 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn MA con SA 4.43 Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 Libra Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Mo/Ju .03 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Su/Ur .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Mo/Ju 1.69 Mo Ju/Ur 2.12 Ur Mo/Ne .35 Ur Mo/Ne 1.23 Me Ve/Ju 2.03 Me Ve/Ju 2.32 Me Ve/Ju 1.45 Me Ve/Ju 1.74 Ur Mo/Ne 2.8 Ma Ju/Pl 2.89 Me Mo/Ju 1.76 Mo Su/Ur 2.88 Ma Ju/Pl 2.95 Mo Me/Ur 2.85 Ur Ve/Ne 2.86Wednesday 25 June 2014 The Moon, Mercury and Venus in GeminiYesterday Ukraine said that one of its army helicopters had been shot down by pro-Russian rebels in the east, killing all nine on board - one day into a truce. The current Mars Uranus opposition is focussed on Putin's natal Sun and Saturn, bringing much pressure to bear on the Russian president.Mars opposes Uranus A potentially destructive morning(GMT) is in store as the Mars Uranus opposition wave breaks and crashes. The Moon 'eases' the damage. The decelerating old Moon in Gemini squares Neptune 01:31 Mars opposition Uranus 08:26 The Moon sextiles Uranus 18:16 The Moon 'air trines' Mars 18:33 The OAP Moon moves on to an occultation of Mercury tomorrow. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Cancer EA 3 Capricorn ME sqr UR .5 Mon 07 Gemini ME 13 Capricorn ME con PL .64 Mer 26 Gemini VE 14 Aries VE con UR 1.02 Ven 02 Gemini MA 26 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.14 Mar 16 Libra JU 29 Cancer ME sqr VE 1.52 Jup 25 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE sqr PL 2.16 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sex NE 2.4 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces MA trn JU 3.13 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn MA con SA 4.91 Plu 13 Capricorn No 25 Libra
Fire 1Earth 1Air 5Water 4Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Ju/Ur .99 Su Mo/Ju 1.01 Su Mo/Ju .34 Me Su/Mo .51 Su Mo/Ju 2.36 Ma Ju/Pl 2.76 Mo Me/Ve 1.04 Su Mo/Ju 1.68 Me Ve/Ju 2.61 Me Ve/Ju 2.89 Me Su/Mo 2.28 Mo Me/Ve 1.96 Ma Ju/Pl 2.82 Ma Ju/Pl 2.69 Mo Su/Ve 2.28 Ma Ju/Pl 2.62Thursday 26 June 2014The decelerating ancient Moon in Gemin trines her node 11:10 The Moon conjuncts Mercury becoming void 11:57The Moon, Venus and Mercury are in Gemini
The Moon occults Mercury on this day before
the New Moon in Cancer.Daylight lunar occultation of Mercury (visible telescopically from the UK).
The Moon enters Cancer 21:07 joining Jupiter and the Sun in this sign. The New Moon in Cancer occurs 08:10 GMT tomorrow. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Cancer EA 4 Capricorn ME sqr VE .2 Mon 19 Gemini ME 16 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.15 Mer 26 Gemini VE 16 Aries EA sex NE 1.45 Ven 03 Gemini MA 27 Scorpio ME sqr UR 2.4 Mar 16 Libra JU 30 Cancer VE con UR 2.6 Jup 26 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio MA trn JU 2.7 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME con PL 3.55 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces VE sqr PL 3.75 Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn MA con SA 5.39 Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 Libra
Fire 1Earth 1Air 5Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Su/Ve .54 Ma Ju/Pl 2.49 Ve Ju/Ur 2.4 Mo Ve/Ju 1.35 Me Su/Mo 1.25 Ve Ju/Ur 2.66 Ma Ju/Pl 2.42 Mo Su/Me 1.73 Ma Ju/Pl 2.56 Ve Ju/Ur 2.13 Ve Ju/Ur 2.93 Ma Ju/Pl 2.35Friday 27 June 2014 New Moon in CancerMoon conjunction Sun 08:10 NEW MOON trine Neptune. Mars is opposite Uranus.
Today's New Moon is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on April 29th 2014 and the the 4th New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse at the very start of Scorpio on October 23rd 2014. This New Moon in Cancer is in dreamy, illusionary, clingy, 'water trine' to Neptune in Pisces. This is a 'needy' lunation. Emotions are deep but mistrust, insecurity and worry are never far away. Venus is applying in square aspect to Neptune, and after her trine to Neptune the Moon then goes on to oppose Pluto, a shadow of foreboding, and a source of concern. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are culminating over Ashkhabad, Saturn rises at Bangkok, Mars and Uranus are aligned to San Diego. The New Moon is conjunct the natal Sun of Kevin Pieterson, he is 34 today. The natal Moon of Victoria Beckham is hit, as is the natal Jupiter of Prince George (baby) and the Jupiter in the Sibley USA chart. Uranus in the charts of those born in 1951 is hit. Moon trine Neptune 11:54
Significant geocentric harmonic 18 around 12:00 GMT Moon opposition Pluto 21:41 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Cancer EA 5 Capricorn EA sex NE .5 Mon 01 Cancer ME 19 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.15 Mer 25 Gemini VE 18 Aries ME sqr VE 1.16 Ven 04 Gemini MA 27 Scorpio MA trn JU 2.26 Mar 17 Libra JU 30 Cancer ME sex SA 2.73 Jup 26 Cancer SA 21 Scorpio VE con UR 4.19 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Su/Me 1.25 Ve Ju/Ur 1.59 Ve Ju/Ur 1.32 Mo Me/Ju .18 Mo Ve/Ju 1.54 Ma Ju/Pl 2.22 Ma Ju/Pl 2.15 Ve Ju/Ur 1.05 Ve Ju/Ur 1.86 Mo Me/Ju 2.86 Ma Ju/Pl 2.08 Ma Ju/Pl 2.28 Me Mo/Ve 2.11Saturday 28 June 2014Mercury, turning direct on Tuesday, trines the lunar node 01:55. Many ideas are starting to surface. Plan your schedule. The very slow infant Moon in Cancer squares Uranus 05:17 Significant geocentric harmonic 18 around 06:00 GMT The Moon 'water trines' Saturn 06:49 The Moon squares Mars 07:20. A pretty harsh start to the GMT day. So then, this day, full of the glory of New Moon energy, continues in a close, clingy, family, tribal, national..way. A potentially inspiring 'new way' day, today. Venus waxing biquintile Pluto 22:07 The Moon squares her Libran, (Minor Standstill) node 22:17 The night brings on hazy shades of sexual fascination, Venus squares Neptune tomorrow. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Cancer EA 6 Capricorn ME sex SA .24 Mon 14 Cancer ME 22 Capricorn EA sex NE .45 Mer 25 Gemini VE 19 Aries UR sqr PL 1.16 Ven 05 Gemini MA 28 Scorpio MA trn JU 1.83 Mar 17 Libra JU 30 Cancer ME sqr VE 2.57 Jup 26 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 08 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Ju/Ur .02 Me Mo/Ve .38 Mo Su/Ju .39 Ve Ju/Ur .25 Ma Mo/Pl .06 Ve Ju/Ur .79 Ve Ju/Ur .52 Su Mo/Me .47 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ma Ju/Pl 2.01 Su Mo/Me .77 Ma Mo/Pl 1.34 Su Mo/Me 1.7 Su Mo/Me 2.01 Me Mo/Ve 1.34 Ma Ju/Pl 1.86 Ve Mo/Ur 1.75 Mo Su/Ju 2.48 Ma Ju/Pl 1.94 Ve Mo/Ur 2.96 Ma Ju/Pl 1.79 Ma Mo/Pl 2.75Sunday 29 June 2014Significant geocentric harmonic 18 wave 00:00 to 09:00 GMT. The Sun, Moon, Mars Neptune are in 18th harmonic stellium in Aquarius. This peaks around 05:00 GMT. Check it out. 18 is the harmonic of strength.The very slowly waxing infant Moon in Cancer is conjunct Jupiter becoming void 01:04 Seven hours 44 minutes to meditate on the void. The Sun waxing water trine Neptune 07:23 The Moon enters Leo 08:44 The day reforms, hardens and glows. Be wary of the glow and the glam because Venus squares Neptune 19:32 and illusion wins the day. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Cancer EA 7 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.16 Mon 26 Cancer ME 25 Capricorn MA trn JU 1.39 Mer 25 Gemini VE 21 Aries EA sex NE 1.39 Ven 07 Gemini MA 28 Scorpio ME sex SA 3.25 Mar 18 Libra JU 30 Cancer ME sqr VE 4.02 Jup 26 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio ME opp JU 4.99 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA con PL 5.06 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 Libra Fire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Ju/Ur .29 Ve Ju/Ur .56 Ve Ju/Ur .83 Ve Ju/Ur 1.09 Ve Mo/Ur .55 Ve Mo/Ur .65 Ma Ju/Pl 1.58 No Mo/Pl 1.24 Ma Mo/Pl 1.46 Ma Ju/Pl 1.65 Ve Mo/Ur 1.85 Ma Ju/Pl 1.5 Ma Ju/Pl 1.72 Me Su/Ve 2.46 Me Su/Ve 2.15 Me Su/Ve 1.84 Me Su/Ve 2.77 Ma Mo/Pl 2.86 Su Me/Ju 2.73 Su Mo/Ve 1.91 Su Mo/Me 2.94 Su Me/Ju 2.96 No Mo/Pl 2.74 Su Me/Ju 2.5Monday 30 June 2014The very slow baby Moon in Leo sextiles Venus 00:18 The Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 17:41 The Moon squares Saturn 18:59
Moon at apogee 19:11 (farthest from Moon sextile Mars 21:43 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 9 degrees Cancer today. There are 81 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun and Jupiter are in Cancer. . Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. Venus and Mercury are in Gemini. Mercury is a retrograde morning star in Gemini. Mercury turns direct at 24 degrees Gemini tomorrow, trines the lunar node again on July 4th. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Gemini. Venus sextiles Uranus on July 7th, and trines Mars and the lunar node on July 13th. Venus enters Cancer on the 18th July. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node on July 13th. Mars is 31 degrees and 55 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 99 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Cancer EA 8 Capricorn MA trn JU .96 Mon 08 Leo ME 28 Capricorn ME sex MA 1.02 Mer 24 Gemini VE 22 Aries UR sqr PL 1.17 Ven 08 Gemini MA 29 Scorpio ME opp JU 1.97 Mar 18 Libra JU 30 Cancer EA sex NE 2.34 Jup 26 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio EA con PL 4.11 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 LibraEarth and slowest all month)Fire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 No Mo/Pl .25 Su Mo/Ve .89 Mo Ve/Ma .28 Mo Ve/No .17 Su Mo/Ve .51 Me Su/Ve 1.24 Ju Su/Mo .42 Me Su/Ve .67 Ve Ju/Ur 1.36 Ma Ju/Pl 1.36 Me Su/Ve .95 Ju Su/Mo 1.13 Ma Ju/Pl 1.43 Ve Ju/Ur 1.63 Ma Ju/Pl 1.28 Ma Ju/Pl 1.21 Me Su/Ve 1.54 No Mo/Pl 1.75 Su Me/Ju 1.83 Su Me/Ju 1.61 Su Me/Ju 2.27 Ju Su/Mo 1.97 Ve Ju/Ur 1.9 Ve Ju/Ur 2.17
Tuesday 1 July 2014Saturn is very close to a quincunx aspect to Uranus during July. The aspect is not consumated, its dangerous vibration belongs to 2013. Jupiter enters Leo on July 16th. The slow young Moon, accelerating in Leo sextiles Mercury becoming void 10:01 The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 10:18 The Moon sextiles her node 10:35 MERCURY on the Sun Venus midpoint TURNS DIRECT 12:51 The Moon enters Virgo 21:25 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Cancer EA 9 Capricorn MA trn JU .52 Mon 19 Leo ME 1 Aquarius ME opp JU 1.1 Mer 24 Gemini VE 24 Aries UR sqr PL 1.17 Ven 09 Gemini MA 29 Scorpio ME sex MA 1.62 Mar 18 Libra JU 30 Cancer EA con PL 3.16 Jup 27 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio EA sex NE 3.29 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries EA sqr UR 4.33 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Me Su/Ve .11 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Mo Ve/Sa .05 Me Su/Ve .39 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Me Su/Ve .16 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Ma Ju/Pl 1.13 Mo Me/Ma .98 Mo Me/No .84 Ju Mo/Me .42 Su Me/Ju 1.39 Ma Ju/Pl 1.06 Su Me/Ju .96 Me Su/Ve .43 Mo Me/Ma 1.93 Su Me/Ju 1.17 Ma Ju/Pl .98 Su Me/Ju .75 Ve Ju/Ur 2.44 Mo Me/No 2.13 Ju Mo/Me 1.84 Ma Ju/Pl .91 Mo Ve/No 2.65 Ve Ju/Ur 2.71 Mo Ve/Sa 2.86 Mo Su/Ma .92Wednesday 2 July 2014A 'clean up your act' sort of day. Efficient and economical. The slow crescent Moon, gaining in light and motion in Virgo, opposes Neptune 12:31 The Moon sextiles the Sun (on the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint), 19:29 a strongly intellectual combination. The Moon squares Venus 19:51 The Moon trines Pluto 22:21 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Cancer EA 10 Capricorn MA trn JU .08 Mon 01 Virgo ME 4 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.18 Mer 24 Gemini VE 26 Aries EA con PL 2.21 Ven 10 Gemini MA 30 Scorpio EA sqr UR 3.39 Mar 19 Libra JU 0 Leo ME opp JU 4.23 Jup 27 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio VE sqr JU 4.46 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 Libra
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Su Me/Ju .13 Su Me/Ju .07 Su Me/Ju .54 Su Me/Ju .34 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Me Mo/Ur .58 Ma Ju/Pl .75 Ma Ju/Pl .68 Ma Ju/Pl .6 Me Su/Ve .69 Me Mo/Ur .89 Mo Ma/Ju .74 Mo Ju/No .62 Ma Ju/Pl .83 Me Su/Ve .95 Me Su/Ve 1.2 Ju Mo/Ve 1.4 Ju Mo/Me 1.01 Mo Me/Sa 1.42 Mo Me/Sa 1.54 Me Su/Ve 1.45 Mo Su/No 1.07 Mo Su/No 1.78 Me Mo/Ur 2.36 Mo Ma/Ju 2.15Thursday 3 July 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Cancer EA 11 Capricorn MA trn JU .36 Mon 13 Virgo ME 8 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.18 Mer 24 Gemini VE 27 Aries EA con PL 1.26 Ven 11 Gemini MA 0 Sagittarius EA sqr UR 2.45 Mar 19 Libra JU 0 Leo VE sqr JU 2.94 Jup 27 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 LibraFire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Ma Mo/Sa .02 Ju Mo/Ve .18 Ma Ju/Pl .44 Ma Ju/Pl .36 Mo Ju/Sa .06 Su Me/Ju .26 Su Me/Ju .46 Su Me/Ju .65 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Ma Ju/Pl .52 Ju Mo/Ve 1.76 Sa Mo/Pl 1.18 Ma Ju/Pl .28 Mo Su/Sa .82 Me Su/Ve 1.92 Ma Mo/Sa 1.37 Sa Mo/Pl .32 Me Su/Ve 1.69 Mo Su/Sa 2.05 Me Su/Ve 2.16 Su Me/Ju .84 Mo Ju/No 2.33 Sa Mo/Pl 2.67 Mo Ju/Sa 2.91 Me Su/Ve 2.38 The crescent Moon gaining in light and motion in Virgo sextiles Saturn 07:33 Mercury trines the lunar node 13:26 Venus waning semi-square Jupiter 18:19, a prelude to their 'regal near alignment' in Leo on August 18th Venus waxing quinquncx Pluto 20:16 The Moon squares Mercury 23:02Friday 4 July 2014Mars is on the Jupiter Pluto midpoint. The Sun is moving into cardinal T-square with Pluto and Uranus.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Cancer EA 12 Capricorn EA con PL .31 Mon 25 Virgo ME 11 Aquarius MA trn JU .8 Mer 25 Gemini VE 29 Aries UR sqr PL 1.19 Ven 12 Gemini MA 1 Sagittarius VE sqr JU 1.43 Mar 20 Libra JU 0 Leo EA sqr UR 1.5 Jup 27 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio ME sex UR 2.6 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 25 Libra
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .14 Ma Ju/Pl .13 Ma Ju/Pl .05 Ma Ju/Pl .03 Ma Ju/Pl .21 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Su Me/Ju 1.03 Su Me/Ju 1.21 No Mo/Sa .5 No Mo/Sa 1.03 Ma Mo/Sa 1.41 No Mo/Sa 2.02 Su Me/Ju 1.39 Su Me/Ju 1.57 Sa Mo/Pl 1.83 Ma Mo/Sa 2.81 Su Mo/Ur 2.4 Me Su/Ve 2.6 Me Su/Ve 2.82 The crescent Moon in Virgo gaining in light and motion, sextiles Jupiter becoming void 04:22 Sun opposition Pluto 08:04 The Moon enters Libra 09:44 joining Mars in that sign.Saturday 5 July 2014The Moon, in Libra, the Sun and Pluto form a This waxing and acceletating Moon squares Pluto 09:48 The Moon reaches first quarter 11:00 The Moon air trines Venus 13:53 The Moon opposes Uranus 17:47 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Cancer EA 13 Capricorn VE sqr JU .09 Mon 07 Libra ME 14 Aquarius EA sqr UR .56 Mer 25 Gemini VE 0 Taurus EA con PL .63 Ven 14 Gemini MA 2 Sagittarius ME sex UR .81 Mar 20 Libra JU 0 Leo UR sqr PL 1.2 Jup 27 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio MA trn JU 1.24 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries MA sqr NE 4.34 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
cardinal T-square 09:00 to 11:30Fire 1Earth 1Air 5Water 4Strong helio harmonic 20Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/Pl .12 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Su Mo/Ur .19 Ma Ju/Pl .28 Ma Mo/No .16 Su Mo/Ur 1.11 Ma Ju/Pl .2 Mo Su/Pl .57 Ma Ju/Pl .36 Su Me/Ju 1.75 Su Me/Ju 1.92 Ma Mo/No 1.28 Su Me/Ju 2.26 No Mo/Sa 2.57 Mo Su/Pl 2.4 Su Mo/Ur 1.5 Ma Mo/No 2.71 Su Me/Ju 2.1Sunday 6 July 2014The Moon, Mars and the lunar node Fateful encounters, strong destiny.
appear close to Spica.The accelerating First Quarter Moon in Libra is conjunct Mars 01:32(1.25 degrees from exact alignment, UK) The Moon conjuncts her node 09:03 The Moon air trines Mercury 10:53 The Moon squares Jupiter becoming void 15:32 The Moon enters Scorpio 19:34, joining Saturn in that sign. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Cancer EA 14 Capricorn EA sqr UR .38 Mon 20 Libra ME 18 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.2 Mer 25 Gemini VE 2 Taurus EA con PL 1.58 Ven 15 Gemini MA 2 Sagittarius VE sqr JU 1.61 Mar 20 Libra JU 0 Leo MA trn JU 1.68 Jup 28 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio MA sqr NE 3.82 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 13 Aries ME sqr SA 3.96 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
Fire 1Earth 1Air 5Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Mo Ju/Pl .34 Mo Ma/No .32 Ma Ju/Pl .61 No Mo/Ma .57 Ma Ju/Pl .44 Ma Ju/Pl .52 No Mo/Ma 1.1 Ma Ju/Pl .69 Ma Mo/No 1.61 Su Me/Ju 2.59 Su Me/Ju 2.76 Su Me/Ju 2.91 Su Me/Ju 2.43 No Mo/Ma 2.75 Mo Ma/No 2.78 Mo Ju/Pl 2.79Monday 7 July 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Cancer EA 15 Capricorn ME sqr SA .4 Mon 02 Scorpio ME 21 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.21 Mer 26 Gemini VE 4 Taurus EA sqr UR 1.32 Ven 16 Gemini MA 3 Sagittarius MA trn JU 2.12 Mar 21 Libra JU 0 Leo VE sex NE 2.3 Jup 28 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio EA con PL 2.53 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE sqr JU 3.13 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces MA sqr NE 3.3 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .12 Mo Sa/No .05 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Ma Ju/Pl .77 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Ma Ju/Pl .94 Ma Ju/Pl 1.03 Mo Ma/Sa 1.44 Ma Ju/Pl .86 Pl Mo/Ne 2.41 No Mo/Ma 2.25 Mo Ma/Sa 1.75Venus Uranus and Saturn form a 'finger of fate' pattern from Venus sextile Uranus 06:50 Moon trine Neptune 09:15 Venus quinquncx Saturn 14:10 Moon sextile Pluto 17:00 State of the sky:-The Sun ia at 15 degrees Cancer today. The Sun squares Uranus tomorrow and trines Saturn on Wednesday. There are 75 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Moon and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. Venus and Mercury are in Gemini. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Gemini. Mercury re-enters Cancer on July 13th, and is then back up to a speed of a degree per day. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Gemini sextiling Uranus today. Venus trines Mars and the lunar node on July 13th. Venus enters Cancer on the 18th July. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node on July 13th. Mars is 26 degrees and 48 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 92 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Full Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, which has as its hallmark, Mars and the Lunar Node conjunct Spica.
today for 3 days.Tuesday 8 July 2014The rapidly waxing Moon in Scorpio water trines the Cancerian Sun 00:28 The Moon is conjunct Saturn 02:12 (0.96 degrees from exact alignment) Visible from south South America as a lunar occultation of Saturn, the 9th of 14.
The Moon and Saturn configure in finger of fate with Venus and Uranus at this time. Today has a disjointed feel to it. Expect setbacks and severences. Sun square Uranus 16:24 The Moon water trines Jupiter becoming void 22:33 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Cancer EA 16 Capricorn VE sex NE .71 Mon 16 Scorpio ME 25 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.21 Mer 26 Gemini VE 5 Taurus EA sqr UR 2.27 Ven 17 Gemini MA 3 Sagittarius MA trn JU 2.57 Mar 21 Libra JU 1 Leo MA sqr NE 2.78 Jup 28 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio ME sqr SA 3.25 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA con PL 3.48 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Mo/Ne .74 Pl Mo/Ne .95 Ma Ju/Pl 1.28 Ma Ju/Pl 1.37 Ma Ju/Pl 1.11 Ma Ju/Pl 1.2 Pl Mo/Ne 2.65Wednesday 9 July 2014The Moon is 'on a quick march' to her full phase. Events and experiences are gaining momentum. The time is ripe for significant personal opportunities. The Sun 'water trines' Saturn 00:30 The accelerating waxing Moon enters Sagittarius 01:25 The Moon hits gibbous phase 04:44 The Moon squares Neptune 14:01 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Cancer EA 17 Capricorn VE sex NE .89 Mon 29 Scorpio ME 29 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.22 Mer 27 Gemini VE 7 Taurus MA sqr NE 2.26 Ven 18 Gemini MA 4 Sagittarius MA trn JU 3.01 Mar 22 Libra JU 1 Leo EA sqr UR 3.21 Jup 28 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio EA con PL 4.43 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Ma Ju/Pl 1.45 Mo Pl/No .55 Sa Mo/No 1.54 Sa Mo/No .23 Mo Ma/Pl 2.77 Mo Ma/Pl .66 Ma Ju/Pl 1.63 Sa Mo/Ma .86 Ma Ju/Pl 1.54 Sa Mo/Ma 2.69 Ma Ju/Pl 1.71 Mo Pl/No 2.98Thursday 10 July 2014As the Full Moon approaches, peaks and passes Venus and Mars are in 'air trine' relationship. There is friendship and love to be found and enjoyed over the next few days. Lunar pressures are indeed increasing. Today is fast moving and exploratory. This is a good time to push forward. There is a 'who dares wins' feel to today. The waxing, accelerating, gibbous, fast moving Moon in Sagittarius fire trines Uranus 05:15 The Moon opposes Venus 11:31 The Moon sextiles Mars 15:08 The Moon sextiles her node 17:57 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Cancer EA 18 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.22 Mon 13 Sagittarius ME 3 Pisces ME sqr MA 1.4 Mer 27 Gemini VE 8 Taurus MA sqr NE 1.74 Ven 20 Gemini MA 4 Sagittarius VE sex NE 2.48 Mar 22 Libra JU 1 Leo ME con NE 3.15 Jup 29 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio MA trn JU 3.46 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE trn PL 3.96 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA sqr UR 4.15 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn EA con PL 5.37 Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Sa Mo/Ma .99 Ma Ju/Pl 1.89 Ma Ju/Pl 1.98 Ma Ju/Pl 2.07 Mo Sa/Pl 1.14 Mo Sa/Pl 2.47 Ma Ju/Pl 1.8 Sa Mo/Ma 2.86 Sa Mo/No 2.01Friday 11 July 2014The Moon swollen almost to the full in Sagittarius opposes Mercury becoming void 00:20 The Moon enters Capricorn 03:25 Mercury waxing quintile Uranus 11:21 The Moon sextiles Neptune 15:13 The Moon conjuncts Pluto 22:49 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Cancer EA 19 Capricorn ME con NE .84 Mon 28 Sagittarius ME 7 Pisces MA sqr NE 1.22 Mer 28 Gemini VE 10 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.23 Ven 21 Gemini MA 5 Sagittarius ME sqr MA 2.06 Mar 23 Libra JU 1 Leo VE trn PL 2.37 Jup 29 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio ME sex VE 3.23 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA sex SA 3.27 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces MA trn JU 3.9 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraThe day before the Full Moon Fire 2Earth 1Air 4Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 1Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Mo Ma/Ne 2.09 Mo Ne/No .85 Ma Ju/Pl 2.33 Ma Ju/Pl 2.42 Ma Ju/Pl 2.16 Mo Ma/Ne 1.56 Mo Sa/Ne 2.95 Mo Ne/No 2.86 Ma Ju/Pl 2.24Saturday 12 July 2014Moon square Uranus 05:46 Moon sextile Saturn 06:08 Moon opposition Sun 11:26The Full Moon hangs in loose Cardinal Grand Cross with the Sun, Uranus, Mars and the lunar node. Today's Full Moon is midway in time between the Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014 and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on 8th October 2014. (Both of these eclipses are the first two of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons', the other two Total Lunar Eclipses in the succession being on April 4th 2015 and September 28th 2015.) With the passing of today's Full Moon the influence of Lunar Saros 122 is superseded by the slightly more powerful lunar Saros 127. The 'saros tide' is turning. At the time of today's Full Moon at 20 degrees Capricorn the Moon is square Mars and sextile Saturn and stands on the Mars/Uranus and the Uranus/Node midpoints. Venus is trine Mars. Cardinal water and air signs predominate. Mars and the lunar node are conjunct Spica. This all adds up to a time where sudden and fateful passions and human sexual associations give rise to 'off key' unions with substantial implications. The time is momentous, take care! At the moment of Full Moon, there is a Moon Uranus paran at Milan, Mars rises at Riga, Pluto rises at Rangoon, the Moon rises at Hanoi. Neptune culminates at Seattle and at San Francisco. Venus biquintile Saturn 12:31 Moon square Mars 16:43 Moon square Node 17:46 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Cancer EA 20 Capricorn MA sqr NE .7 Mon 13 Capricorn ME 11 Pisces ME sex VE .72 Mer 29 Gemini VE 12 Taurus VE trn PL .77 Ven 22 Gemini MA 5 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.23 Mar 23 Libra JU 1 Leo ME sex PL 1.49 Jup 29 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio EA sex SA 2.34 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA trn JU 4.35 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME con NE 4.95 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Mo Sa/Ne .82 Ma Mo/Ju .34 Mo Ur/No .14 Ne Mo/Ur 1.97 Ma Mo/Ju 2.14 No Mo/Ju 1.24 Mo Ma/Ur .52 No Mo/Ju 2.63 Ma Ju/Pl 2.51 Ma Ju/Pl 2.6 No Mo/Ju .69 Ma Ju/Pl 2.78 Ma Mo/Ju 1.47 Ma Ju/Pl 2.69Sunday 13 July 2014Yesterday's full Moon was a perigee "supermoon," as much as 14% closer and 30% brighter than other full moons of the year. The next two full moons are also supermoons. The Full Moon climax coincided with violence and deaths in Gaza and in the Ukraine. The UN Security Council called for a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as Palestinian deaths continued to mount. The olive branch of Venus trine Mars today may help seal something. The astrological chart for Gaza, 9 Nov 1917 9am EET has transiting Saturn currently conjunct Mercury which casts a long shadow. The chart for Hamas, 14 Dec 1987, had yesterday's Full Moon slap bang on it's natal Venus. Does this have something to do with the misery of so many Palestinian children? Yesterday also saw a suburb of the rebel-held Ukrainian city of Donetsk being badly damaged by shelling, a day after the army suffered some of its heaviest losses. Today the very fast moving 'hung over' full Moon in Capricorn opposes Jupiter becoming void 01:57 The Moon enters Aquarius 03:08 Mercury enters Cancer 04:45 Venus trine Mars 08:23Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node. Venus is trine Mars. Moon at perigee 08:28 (closest to Venus trine the lunar node 14:47 Mars conjunct the lunar node 23:50 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Cancer EA 21 Capricorn MA sqr NE .18 Mon 28 Capricorn ME 15 Pisces VE trn PL .82 Mer 30 Gemini VE 13 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.24 Ven 23 Gemini MA 6 Sagittarius EA sex SA 1.42 Mar 24 Libra JU 1 Leo ME sex VE 1.91 Jup 29 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio ME sex PL 2.74 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraEarth and fastest all month)Fire 1Earth 2Air 4Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Ne Mo/Ur .07 Mo Sa/Ur .24 Ur Mo/Me 1.48 Mo Ne/Pl .24 Ur Mo/Me 2.56 Ur Mo/Me .54 Ur Mo/Ve 1.73 Ur Mo/Ve .33 Ma Ju/Pl 2.88 Ne Mo/Ur 1.84 Ma Ju/Pl 2.97Monday 14 July 2014The 'hung over' full Moon rapidly waning in Aquarius sextiles Uranus 05:08 The Moon squares Saturn 05:27The Moon, her node, Venus and Mars form an air grand trine Moon trine Node 17:01 Moon trine Mars 17:38 Moon trine Venus becoming void 19:24 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 22 degrees Cancer today. There are 68 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are in Cancer. Mars and the lunar node are conjunct in Libra. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Cancer. Mercury is now at an apparent speed of a degree per day after recent retrograde motion. He enters new territory on July 16th, trines Neptune on July 19th, opposes Pluto on July 22nd, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury finally leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Gemini. Venus enters Cancer on the 18th July. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is conjunct Spica and the lunar node on July 13th. Mars is 23 degrees and 41 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 85 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the entry of Jupiter into Leo on Wednesday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Cancer EA 22 Capricorn MA sqr NE .35 Mon 13 Aquarius ME 19 Pisces EA sex SA .5 Mer 01 Cancer VE 15 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.24 Ven 24 Gemini MA 6 Sagittarius EA sex ME 2.07 Mar 24 Libra JU 1 Leo VE trn PL 2.42 Jup 29 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio ME trn SA 2.57 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
16:00 to 20:00.Fire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Ur Mo/Ve 2.37Tuesday 15 July 2014Today the rapidly waning Moon enters Pisces 02:42 joining Neptune in that sign. The Sun and Moon are in water signs. We have a day of sensitivity, receptivity and impression. The Moon 'water trines' Mercury 06:08 Moon conjunction Neptune 14:26 Moon disseminating phase 15:45 Moon sextile Pluto 22:09 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Cancer EA 22 Capricorn EA sex SA .42 Mon 28 Aquarius ME 24 Pisces MA sqr NE .87 Mer 02 Cancer VE 16 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.25 Ven 26 Gemini MA 7 Sagittarius EA sex ME 1.48 Mar 24 Libra JU 1 Leo ME trn SA 1.9 Jup 30 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio VE trn PL 4.02 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
Fire 1Earth 1Air 4Water 5Significant helio harmonic 20Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Mo Ur/Pl .93 Pl Mo/Sa 2.66 Pl Mo/Sa .79 Pl Mo/Sa 1.06 Mo Ur/Pl 2.8 No Ju/Pl 2.97Wednesday 16 July 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Cancer EA 23 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.25 Mon 13 Pisces ME 29 Pisces EA sex SA 1.35 Mer 03 Cancer VE 18 Taurus MA sqr NE 1.4 Ven 27 Gemini MA 7 Sagittarius ME trn JU 2.59 Mar 25 Libra JU 1 Leo VE opp SA 4.1 Jup 30 Cancer SA 22 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraJupiter enters Leo today. Fire 1Earth 1Air 3Water 6Cardinal 7Fixed 1Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Mo/Sa 2.9 No Ju/Pl 2.9 No Ju/Pl 2.86 Pl Mo/Ma 2.34 No Ju/Pl 2.94 No Ju/Pl 2.82 Mo Ur/Ne 2.88 The disseminating, decelerating Moon in Pisces is trine Saturn 05:49Jupiter enters Leo 10:30 Jupiter in Leo is the 'big time' of astrology. We are entering a year to 'pull out all the stops'. This will be an inflationary period. Desires and plans will be large scale. Thrift and moderation will be the 'out' words. Razzmatazz and no compromise will be 'in'. Jupiter will make a fabulous 'fire trine' to Uranus in September 2014, March 2015 and June 2015. The recession of the last six years and the feelings associated with it may well be blown away by this new energy. Bring it on. Jupiter leaves Leo for Virgo on August 11th 2015. The Sun squares the Lunar Node 11:24, the marker of the midpoint between eclipse seasons. The Moon water trines the Sun 18:15 There are several astrological changes over the next couple of weeks. 1) Jupiter enters Leo today. Showtime. 2) Venus enters Cancer on Friday. 3) Saturn turns direct on Sunday 20th July. 4) Uranus turns retrograde on Monday 21st July. 5) The Sun enters Leo on Tuesday 22nd July. 6) Mars enters Scorpio and the New Moon conjunct Jupiter in Leo occurs on Saturday July 22nd. As above so below. There are subtle changes in fate and fortune ahead of us.
Thursday 17 July 2014The disseminating decelerating Moon in Pisces squares Venus, becoming void 00:59 The Moon then enters Aries 04:08 joining Uranus in that sign. The Moon trines Jupiter in Leo 04:24 Venus makes a waxing quintile to Uranus 08:14 The Moon squares Mercury 12:26 We have a day of ducking and diving, pushing and thrusting. Spontaneity and impulse colour events. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Cancer EA 24 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.26 Mon 28 Pisces ME 3 Aries MA sqr NE 1.93 Mer 04 Cancer VE 20 Taurus ME trn JU 2.12 Ven 28 Gemini MA 8 Sagittarius EA sex SA 2.27 Mar 25 Libra JU 1 Leo VE opp SA 2.53 Jup 00 Leo SA 22 Scorpio ME trn MA 4.48 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 3Water 5Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Mo/Ma .48 Pl Mo/No .49 Mo Ve/Pl .71 Mo Me/Pl .46 Mo Ur/Ne .69 Pl Mo/Ma 1.35 Pl Mo/No 2.25 Mo Ve/Pl 2.63 Pl Mo/No 1.28 No Ju/Pl 2.75 No Ju/Pl 2.71 No Ju/Pl 2.67 No Ju/Pl 2.79Friday 18 July 2014A Malaysian airliner carrying 295 people yesterday crashed in the east Ukraine conflict zone on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, amid allegations of a missile attack. The plane took off from Amsterdam at 10:15 GMT. (The chart printed here yesterday was erroneous). Today the Moon, still in Aries decelerating to her last quarter phase is square Pluto 00:40 The Moon is conjunct Uranus 08:38 (0.5 degrees from exact alignment) Venus enters Cancer 14:07 joining the Sun and Mercury in that sign. This residence is heavy. Venus usually content in Cancer has a harsh journey during the next 25 days. It starts sweetly enough. Venus is trine Neptune on July 24th. Venus then opposes Pluto on July 28th, which is scandalous, squares Uranus and trines Saturn on August 1st which smacks of a devilish alliance, and squares the lunar node on August 6th. Venus enters Leo on August 12th and six days later aligns closely to Jupiter.The Moon, her node, Mars, Jupiter and the Sun and Saturn form a Once this 'night of the long knives' is over the atmosphere of the weekend ahead settles down somewhat. The Moon opposes her node 21:28 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Cancer EA 25 Capricorn ME trn MA .08 Mon 12 Aries ME 8 Aries VE opp SA .96 Mer 06 Cancer VE 21 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.27 Ven 29 Gemini MA 8 Sagittarius MA sqr NE 2.45 Mar 26 Libra JU 1 Leo EA sex SA 3.19 Jup 00 Leo SA 22 Scorpio ME sqr PL 4.07 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA trn VE 4.15 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME con UR 5.33 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
cardinal T-square 21:00 to 06:30. A testing night (GMT) follows as
the Sun squares Mars.Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .01 No Ju/Pl 2.63 No Ju/Pl 2.6 No Ju/Pl 2.56 No Ju/Pl 2.52 Mo Me/Pl 2.84Saturday 19 July 2014The take off chart for flight MH17 which I posted yesterday was based on an erroneous time I obtained from the Guardian Newspaper website. The time of take off was 10:15 GMT not 12:15 GMT. The correct chart is below.This is a sad moonset chart. The Moon less than a couple of degrees above the Amsterdam horizon is square Mercury. This places a focus on the young. Families, children, babies all lost for ever. The Sun is square Mars which holds the rumors of war. Jupiter in Leo sextiles the local ascendant, shortly to form an unfathomable finger of fate with Neptune. The plane flew along the Uranus local space line through the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine. Transiting Pluto is exactly conjunct the Saturn Neptune midpoint right now, and dominates this chart as the tightest midpoint. The sorrow, suffering and irrevocable nature of all events at this time and particularly this one can be traced to this long standing midpoint which is peaking now. Yesterday US President Barack Obama said a surface-to-air missile fired from a rebel-held area of Ukraine brought down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
The US and Russia clashed at the UN Security Council, with Russia's envoy putting the blame on Ukraine for its army's attacks on eastern areas. As a result of this atrocity tension between the US and Russia is rising. Transiting Jupiter when he enters Leo makes an opposition to Saturn in the Russian (1991) chart. Does this suggest that the missile which downed this plane has a Russian stamp on it? This transit has only happened once before to the Russian 1991 chart. That was in early August 2002. It coincided with Russia bearing the brunt of the severe weather fatalities at that time. This time round it may bear the brunt of blame for the deaths of 300 citizens from several countries. The astrology of Saturday certainly matches and corresponds to the current UK weather forecast. As the Sun squares Mars, the Lunar Node and the last quarter Moon join in cardinal T-square, the first 8 hours of this GMT day are fraught with tension and tribulation. Heliocentric aspects are also pretty potent at this time. The decelerating Moon in Aries reaches her last quarter phase 02:10 The Moon opposes Mars becoming void 02:19 Mercury trine Neptune 05:37 Sun square Mars 06:33 The Moon enters Taurus 08:44 The Moon squares Jupiter 09:56 Things may then settle down a little. The Moon sextiles Venus 10:36 The Moon sextiles Neptune 21:50 The Moon sextiles Mercury 23:53 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Cancer EA 26 Capricorn ME con UR .26 Mon 25 Aries ME 13 Aries VE opp SA .62 Mer 07 Cancer VE 23 Taurus ME sqr PL 1.01 Ven 00 Cancer MA 9 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.27 Mar 26 Libra JU 1 Leo MA sqr NE 2.98 Jup 01 Leo SA 22 Scorpio EA trn VE 3.5 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME trn MA 4.46 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA opp JU 5.13 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
Fire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 8Fixed 2Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Su Mo/No 1.83 Su Mo/No .41 Ne Mo/Pl .34 Ju Mo/Ma .2 No Ju/Pl 2.48 Su Mo/Ma 1 Su Mo/No 1 Mo Ve/Ne .8 Ne Mo/Pl 1.99 Ju Mo/Ma 1.45 Ne Mo/Pl 1.31 No Ju/Pl 2.44 Mo Ve/Ne 2.34 Ju Mo/No 1.34 No Ju/Pl 2.41 No Ju/Pl 2.37 Su Mo/Ma 2.48 Su Mo/No 2.4Sunday 20 July 2014A slow 'seemingly unchanging' traditional domestic Sunday is in store. The decelerating Last Quarter Moon in Taurus 'earth trines' Pluto 06:32 Moon opposition Saturn 15:22 SATURN TURNS DIRECT at 17 Scorpio 18:48. Saturn continues his forward trawl through the sign of death and transformation. He leaves Scorpio on Dec 23rd this year for Sagittarius, re-enters Scorpio on June 15th 2015 and finally leaves Scorpio on Sept 18th 2015. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Cancer EA 27 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.28 Mon 08 Taurus ME 19 Aries VE opp SA 2.19 Mer 08 Cancer VE 24 Taurus EA trn VE 2.85 Ven 02 Cancer MA 9 Sagittarius MA sqr NE 3.51 Mar 27 Libra JU 1 Leo MA trn UR 4.2 Jup 01 Leo SA 22 Scorpio EA opp JU 4.26 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME con UR 4.97 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Ju Mo/No .23 Ju Mo/No 1.79 No Ju/Pl 2.25 Mo Su/Ne .49 Mo Me/Ne .62 No Ju/Pl 2.29 Mo Su/Ne 2.6 Mo Ju/Ne 1.01 Ju Mo/Ma 1.84 No Ju/Pl 2.22 No Ju/Pl 2.33 Ne Mo/Pl 2.95Monday 21 July 2014 From today to the end of the month Mars is square the Sun and Jupiter. Mars is square Jupiter right up to the next Full Moon on Aug 10th.Last full day of the astrological month of Cancer The decelerating waning Moon in Taurus sextiles the Sun becoming void 14:14 Jupiter biquintile Neptune 15:15 This is a one off aspect in the 13 year long Jupiter Neptune cycle. The cycle started in 2009 with a conjunction of the two planets in Aquarius. The first quarter phase was in 2012, the full phase is next year in September, and the cycle ends in April 2022 in Pisces. The waxing bi-quintile aspect of Jupiter and Neptune represents assured fulfillment of the unfolding qualities of social evolution in the face of enduring forces of disintegration. The symbolism of the number 13 is prominent in the Jupiter-Neptune cycle, with 13 years between conjunctions and 13 alignments during the sidereal cycle of Neptune, in essence, the Jupiter-Neptune cycle represents the transformation of our traditional social sense and describes its urge toward transcendence. (References Rudhyar, Blaschke and Meyer) The Moon enters Gemini 16:37 Moon sextile Jupiter 18:53 URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE at 16 Aries 23:37 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 29 degrees Cancer today and enters Leo tomorrow. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on Thursday and the Moon in new on Saturday. There are 61 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Cancer. Mars and the lunar node are in Libra. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Cancer. Mercury opposes Pluto tomorrow, squares Uranus on July 25th. Mercury leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus usually content in Cancer has a harsh journey. It starts sweetly enough. Venus is trine Neptune on July 24th. Venus then opposes Pluto on July 28th, which is scandalous, squares Uranus and trines Saturn on August 1st which smacks of a devilish alliance, and squares the lunar node on August 6th. Venus enters Leo on August 12th and six days later aligns closely to Jupiter. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is in Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Mars is 20 degrees and 34 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 78 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the entry of Mars into Scorpio and a momentous New Moon conjunct Jupiter in Leo on Saturday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Cancer EA 28 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.28 Mon 21 Taurus ME 24 Aries EA trn VE 2.19 Mer 10 Cancer VE 26 Taurus EA opp JU 3.38 Ven 03 Cancer MA 10 Sagittarius MA trn UR 3.67 Mar 27 Libra JU 2 Leo VE opp SA 3.77 Jup 01 Leo SA 22 Scorpio MA sqr NE 4.04 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA sqr ME 4.18 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Mo Ju/Ne 2.15 Mo Ve/Ur .44 Ur Mo/Ne .86 Mo Me/Ur 1.97 No Ju/Pl 2.18 Ur Mo/Ne .72 Mo Me/Ur .97 No Ju/Pl 2.06 Ur Mo/Ne 2.3 No Ju/Pl 2.14 No Ju/Pl 2.1 Ur Mo/Ne 2.43 Mo Ve/Ur 2.57 Ve Mo/Ju 2.86Tuesday 22 July 2014A day of connections and interactions. The decelerating waning Moon in Gemini squares Neptune 06:20 Mercury opposition Pluto 06:50 The Moon hits balsamic phase 21:33The Sun enters Leo 21:42 and a new astrological month starts Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Cancer EA 29 Capricorn EA sqr ME .4 Mon 04 Gemini ME 30 Aries UR sqr PL 1.29 Mer 11 Cancer VE 28 Taurus EA trn VE 1.54 Ven 04 Cancer MA 11 Sagittarius ME sqr JU 2.11 Mar 28 Libra JU 2 Leo EA opp JU 2.51 Jup 01 Leo SA 22 Scorpio MA trn UR 3.15 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE opp SA 5.34 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 LibraFire 2Earth 1Air 3Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Ve Mo/Ju 1.57 Ve Mo/Ju .29 Ve Su/Mo .12 Ve Su/Mo 1.49 No Ju/Pl 2.03 Mo Su/Ur .97 Ve Mo/Ju .99 No Ju/Pl 1.91 Ve Su/Mo 2.62 Ve Su/Mo 1.25 Mo Ju/Ur 1.15 Ve Mo/Ju 2.26 Mo Ju/Ur 1.93 No Ju/Pl 1.95 No Su/Pl 2.69 No Ju/Pl 1.99 Mo Su/Ur 2.01 No Su/Pl 2.94 No Su/Pl 2.82Wednesday 23 July 2014Welcome to the first day of Leo. The Leo Sun is conjunct Jupiter tomorrow. Venus in Cancer trines Neptune also tomorrow. Today the decelerating balsamic Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 00:30 forming a tight finger of fate with Saturn at this moment. The Moon trines her node 14:10. No other planetary or lunar aspects today. It's all geared to tomorrow. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Leo EA 0 Aquarius ME sex NE .73 Mon 16 Gemini ME 5 Taurus EA trn VE .89 Mer 13 Cancer VE 29 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.29 Ven 05 Cancer MA 11 Sagittarius EA opp JU 1.64 Mar 28 Libra JU 2 Leo VE sex JU 2.53 Jup 01 Leo SA 22 Scorpio MA trn UR 2.62 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME sqr JU 3.49 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 24 Libra
Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .07 No Ju/Pl 1.87 No Ju/Pl 1.83 No Ju/Pl 1.8 Me Mo/Ju .77 No Su/Pl 2.56 No Su/Pl 2.43 Me Mo/Ju 1.9 Me Su/Mo 1.18 Ve Su/Mo 2.85 No Su/Pl 2.3 Ve Mo/Me 1.36 Me Su/Mo 2.4 No Ju/Pl 1.76 Ve Mo/Me 2.8 No Su/Pl 2.17Thursday 24 July 2014 The Moon and Venus in Cancer trine Neptune. The sun is conjunct Jupiter in Leo. A remarkable day.![]()
The slow, decelerating old balsamic Moon in Gemini air trines Mars becoming void 00:54 The Sun is waxing biquintile Neptune 01:28 The Moon enters Cancer 03:01, joining Mercury and Venus in this sign Venus water trines Neptune 11:10 The Moon water trines Neptune 17:04 Moon conjunction Venus 17:44 Significant geocentric harmonic 15 around 18:00 GMT Sun conjunction Jupiter 20:45 Mercury squaring Uranus as the (GMT) day ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Leo EA 1 Aquarius EA trn VE .24 Mon 28 Gemini ME 11 Taurus EA opp JU .76 Mer 15 Cancer VE 1 Gemini VE sex JU 1 Ven 07 Cancer MA 12 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.3 Mar 29 Libra JU 2 Leo ME trn PL 1.36 Jup 02 Leo SA 22 Scorpio MA trn UR 2.09 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Mo .03 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Me Su/Mo 1.23 No Ju/Pl 1.64 No Ju/Pl 1.61 Ve Mo/Me .07 Me Mo/Ju 1.46 No Su/Pl 1.78 No Su/Pl 1.65 Me Mo/Ju .35 Ve Mo/Me 1.5 Me Su/Mo 2.43 No Ju/Pl 1.72 No Ju/Pl 1.68 Me Mo/Ju 2.56 No Su/Pl 2.04 No Su/Pl 1.91 Ve Mo/Me 2.94Friday 25 July 2014Mercury square Uranus 00:09 Mercury trine Saturn 02:12 The slow moving ancient Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto 02:25 Moon square Uranus 11:50 Moon trine Saturn 12:09 Moon conjunction Mercury 13:55 becoming void 01:34. Mars waning quintile Pluto 15:54 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Leo EA 2 Aquarius EA opp JU .11 Mon 11 Cancer ME 17 Taurus EA trn VE .41 Mer 16 Cancer VE 2 Gemini VE sex JU .52 Ven 08 Cancer MA 12 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.3 Mar 29 Libra JU 2 Leo MA trn UR 1.56 Jup 02 Leo SA 22 Scorpio VE sqr NE 3.55 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME opp SA 5.36 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraOld Moon and Mercury square Uranus Fire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .1 No Su/Pl 1.52 Mo Me/Ve 1.09 No Su/Pl 1.26 Mo Ve/Ju .78 Mo Me/Ve 1.54 No Su/Pl 1.39 No Ju/Pl 1.49 Mo Su/Ve 1.1 No Ju/Pl 1.57 No Ju/Pl 1.53 Me Ve/Ju 2.78 No Su/Pl 1.13 No Ju/Pl 1.45 Me Ve/Ju 2.51 Me Su/Ve 2.83Saturday 26 July 2014New Moon in Leo conjunct Jupiter. This last occurred.
on August 8th 1967Pink Floyd had just released Piper at the Gates of Dawn, the first Pulsar was 'noted'. MARS ENTERS SCORPIO TODAY Fire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 A void old and slow Moon greets the start of this day.Mars enters Scorpio 02:26 Mars will reside here for 49 'heavy weight' days, after his massive 230 days residence in Libra. His retrograde motion this spring accounts for this. Such a spring (northern hemisphere) has only occurred twice in the post wartime period. Both 1967 and 1982 had similar lengthy Mars in Libra residences. Now it is all change. A deeper, more focussed and intense wilfulness is unleashed. Less dither and attempted diplomacy, more direct action. Coupled with Jupiter now in Leo we are guaranteed clashes of will. Mars squares Jupiter on August 2nd. He trines Neptune on August 7th. Mars is sextile Pluto on August 15th. Mars is 17 degrees and 29 days from his conjunction with Saturn on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984.Moon enters Leo 14:56 Moon square Mars 15:30 Moon conjunction Jupiter 19:35 Moon conjunction Sun 22:43 NEW MOON CONJUNCT JUPITER SQUARE
Today's New Moon is midway in time between the Annular Solar Eclipse on April 29th 2014 and the Partial Solar Eclipse at the very start of Scorpio on October 23rd 2014. Today's New Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Leo, a most flamboyant and colorful combination. This last occurred in the 'Summer of Love' on August 8th 1967. The New Moon today is square Mars, the new arrival in Scorpio, which renders a willful 'razor edge' to the uncompromising nature of the lunation. In addition Venus is opposite Pluto and is the axis in a loose planetary kite involving Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Chiron and Pluto. The creative and destructive potential of this New Moon is high. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Leo EA 3 Aquarius ME opp SA .66 Mon 23 Cancer ME 23 Taurus EA opp JU .99 Mer 18 Cancer VE 4 Gemini MA trn UR 1.03 Ven 09 Cancer MA 13 Sagittarius EA trn VE 1.06 Mar 30 Libra JU 2 Leo UR sqr PL 1.31 Jup 02 Leo SA 22 Scorpio VE sqr NE 1.95 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE sex JU 2.05 Ura 17 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 Libra Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .1 Mo Me/Ju .09 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 No Su/Pl 1 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Me Mo/Ve .19 Ju Su/Mo .31 No Ju/Pl 1.42 Mo Su/Me .42 No Su/Pl .74 No Su/Pl .61 Mo Su/Ve 1.62 No Su/Pl .87 Ju Su/Mo 1.25 Me Mo/Ve .98 Mo Ve/Ju 2.04 Me Mo/Ve 1.36 No Ju/Pl 1.34 No Ju/Pl 1.3 Me Ve/Ju 2.23 No Ju/Pl 1.38 Me Ve/Ju 1.66 Me Ve/Ju 1.37 Me Mo/Ve 2.55 Me Ve/Ju 1.94 Mo Su/Me 2.21 Mo Su/Ju 1.46
Sunday 27 July 2014The very slow and still decelerating infant new moon in Leo makes no aspects today. Venus builds up to her salacious opposition to Pluto. A day to glorify in self, (like a new monster). Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Leo EA 4 Aquarius VE sqr NE .35 Mon 04 Leo ME 29 Taurus MA trn UR .5 Mer 20 Cancer VE 6 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.31 Ven 10 Cancer MA 13 Sagittarius EA trn VE 1.72 Mar 00 Scorpio JU 2 Leo EA opp JU 1.86 Jup 02 Leo SA 22 Scorpio ME sex JU 2.86 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraMars 17 degrees from his conjunction with Saturn. Venus opposes Pluto tomorrow. A wicked act.Fire 4Earth 1Air 1Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Ju Mo/Me .01 No Mo/Pl .19 No Su/Pl .35 No Su/Pl .22 No Su/Pl .09 No Su/Pl .48 Me Ve/Ju .78 Me Ve/Ju .48 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Su Mo/Ju .49 Su Mo/Ju .78 No Ju/Pl 1.19 Me Ve/Ju .18 Me Ve/Ju 1.08 No Ju/Pl 1.22 Me Su/Ve 1.45 No Ju/Pl 1.15 No Ju/Pl 1.26 No Mo/Pl 1.31 Ju Mo/Me 1.67 Me Su/Ve 1.24 Mo Su/Ju 1.37 Me Su/Ve 1.66 Su Mo/Ju 2.06 Su Mo/Me 2.12Monday 28 July 2014Moon trine Uranus 00:15 Moon square Saturn becoming void 00:39Moon at apogee 03 28 (farthest from Venus opposition Pluto 06:40 Moon sextile Node 13:53 Mercury square Node 13:55 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 6 degrees Leo today. There are 54 days to the Autumn Equinox. Mercury and Venus are in Cancer. Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Cancer. Mercury leaves Cancer for Leo on July 31st. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Leo on August 2nd and is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus opposes Pluto today, which is scandalous, squares Uranus and trines Saturn on August 1st which smacks of a devilish alliance, and squares the lunar node on August 6th. Venus enters Leo on August 12th and six days later aligns closely to Jupiter. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is now in Scorpio. A deeper, more focussed and intense wilfulness has been unleashed. Less dither and attempted diplomacy, more direct action. Coupled with Jupiter now in Leo we are guaranteed clashes of will. Mars squares Jupiter on August 2nd. He trines Neptune on August 7th. Mars is sextile Pluto on August 15th. Mars is 16 degrees and 27 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 71 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Leo EA 5 Aquarius MA trn UR .03 Mon 16 Leo ME 5 Gemini EA trn ME .55 Mer 22 Cancer VE 7 Gemini ME sqr NE .57 Ven 11 Cancer MA 14 Sagittarius VE sqr NE 1.25 Mar 01 Scorpio JU 2 Leo UR sqr PL 1.32 Jup 03 Leo SA 22 Scorpio ME con VE 1.82 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA trn VE 2.37 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA opp JU 2.74 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn ME sex JU 3.28 Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraEarth and slowest all month)Fire 4Earth 1Air 1Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Pl .04 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Me Ve/Ju .12 No Su/Pl .17 No Su/Pl .3 Me Su/Ve .38 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Me Ve/Ju .43 Ju Mo/Ve .54 No Su/Pl .43 Su Mo/Me .64 Ma Mo/Pl .61 Me Su/Ve .6 No Ju/Pl .99 Me Su/Ve 1.03 Me Su/Ve .81 Ma Mo/Pl .73 Ju Mo/Ve 1.03 No Ju/Pl 1.11 Su Mo/Me .85 Me Ve/Ju .74 Me Ve/Ju 1.05 Ju Mo/Me 1.66 No Ju/Pl 1.07 No Ju/Pl 1.03 Su Mo/Ve 1.82Tuesday 29 July 2014The young slow but now accelerating Moon enters Virgo 03:38 The Moon sextiles Mars 07:03 The Moon opposes Neptune 17:47 COUNTDOWN TO THE ROSETTA COMET. The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft is now less than 2300 km from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In only 9 days, Rosetta will reachthe comet's core and go into orbit around it. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Leo EA 6 Aquarius MA trn UR .57 Mon 28 Leo ME 12 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.32 Mer 24 Cancer VE 9 Gemini ME sex UR 2.05 Ven 13 Cancer MA 14 Sagittarius ME opp MA 2.61 Mar 02 Scorpio JU 2 Leo ME con VE 2.85 Jup 03 Leo SA 22 Scorpio VE sqr NE 2.86 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA trn VE 3.02 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA opp JU 3.61 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn VE opp MA 5.47 Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 1Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .15 Me Su/Ve .07 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Su/Ve .16 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Me Su/Ve .29 Me Su/Ve .52 Su Mo/Ve .43 No Su/Pl .69 No Su/Pl .82 Mo Ve/Ma .63 No Su/Pl .56 No Ju/Pl .92 No Ju/Pl .88 No Ju/Pl .84 No Ju/Pl .96 Su Mo/Ve .96 Mo Ve/No .94 No Su/Pl .95 Me Ve/Ju 1.36 Me Ve/Ju 1.67 Me Ve/Ju 1.99 Ju Su/Me 1.92 Ju Mo/Ve 2.61 Mo Ve/No 1.87 Ju Su/Me 2.23 Mo Me/No 2.26Wednesday 30 July 2014Mars in Scorpio is beginning to bite deeply. Yesterday with renewed venom the EU imposed new economic sanctions on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine, going beyond asset freezes and travel bans. Full details are not yet available. Also yesterday with similar wilfulness more than 100 Palestinians died, as Israel intensified its Gaza bombardment and warned of a long conflict ahead. Today the young slow but accelerating Moon in Virgo 'earth trines' Pluto 03:16 Sun waxing quinquncx Neptune 04:45 The Moon sextiles Venus 08:27 The Moon sextiles Saturn 13:29 forming at that time a 'finger of fate' with Uranus. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Leo EA 7 Aquarius MA trn UR 1.1 Mon 10 Virgo ME 18 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.33 Mer 26 Cancer VE 10 Gemini ME opp MA 3.16 Ven 14 Cancer MA 15 Sagittarius VE sex UR 3.3 Mar 02 Scorpio JU 2 Leo EA trn VE 3.67 Jup 03 Leo SA 22 Scorpio VE opp MA 4.4 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE sqr NE 4.46 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA opp JU 4.49 Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Ju/No .08 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Mo Me/No .46 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Ve/Sa .42 Ju Su/Me .65 Me Su/Ve .75 No Ju/Pl .77 No Ju/Pl .73 No Ju/Pl .69 No Ju/Pl .8 Me Su/Ve .98 Mo Su/No .8 Mo Su/Ma 1.02 No Su/Pl 1.08 No Su/Pl 1.21 Ju Su/Me .97 Mo Ma/Ju 1.14 Ju Su/Me 1.6 Ju Su/Me 1.29 Me Su/Ve 1.21 Sa Mo/Pl 1.41 Mo Ve/Ma 2.12 Mo Me/Ma 1.35 Mo Me/Ma 1.3 Me Su/Ve 1.45Thursday 31 July 2014The Super Moon is in 10 days time, a week on Sunday. It is a bit of a bruiser. Full Moon opposite Mercury, square Saturn. Then 8 days later Venus in Leo aligns almost exactly to Jupiter in the morning sky. Today the accelerating small and slow Moon in Virgo reaches crescent phase 01:45 Transiting Jupiter climaxes on the Sun/Mercury midpoint. A wealth of learning and writing occurring. The Moon sextiles Mercury becoming void 14:48 for just over an hour. The Moon enters Libra 16:10 and approaches her node. Mercury enters Leo 22:47 joining the Sun and Jupiter in that sign. Mercury will race through this sign in 15 days. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter late (GMT) tomorrow and square Mars the day after. Superior- Conjunction with the Sun occurs on August 8th. The pair are trine Uranus that day. Inspiration is there to be found. Mercury squares Saturn on Aug 9th and is sextile to the lunar node on Aug 11th. Mercury enters Virgo on Aug 15th. We have a self-at-the-centre mentality now for 15 days. Colourful words are at hand. Mercury is in 'repeatable territory' by September 14th (in Libra) and slow by Sept 22nd prior to retrograde motion starting October 4th, at 2 degrees Scorpio, for 3 weeks. The Moon sextiles Jupiter 23:03 Mars is applying square to Jupiter and Mercury as July 2014 ends. Fell excesses will be evident. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Leo EA 8 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.34 Mon 22 Virgo ME 24 Gemini MA trn UR 1.64 Mer 28 Cancer VE 12 Gemini VE sex UR 1.7 Ven 15 Cancer MA 15 Sagittarius VE opp MA 3.34 Mar 03 Scorpio JU 2 Leo EA trn VE 4.33 Jup 03 Leo SA 23 Scorpio EA opp JU 5.36 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/Pl .07 Ju Su/Me .02 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Pl Sa/Ne .19 Mo Ju/Sa .09 Ju Su/Me .3 No Ju/Pl .54 Ju Su/Me .34 Pl Sa/Ne .19 Mo Su/Sa .44 Ju Su/Me .62 Mo Me/Sa .45 No Ju/Pl .61 No Ju/Pl .57 No Mo/Sa .77 No Ju/Pl .65 Sa Mo/Pl 1.55 No Mo/Sa .74 Ma Sa/No 1.89 No Su/Pl 1.6 No Su/Pl 1.73 No Su/Pl 1.86 No Su/Pl 1.99 Me Su/Ve 1.68 Me Su/Ve 1.92 Ma Sa/No 2.03 Me Su/Ve 2.4Friday 1 August 2014An interesting set of astrological parameters are in operation today. Relationships and friendships are in sharp focus. Expect jolts and excesses. Keep your balance. Venus squares Uranus 04:44 Mercury waxing biquintile Neptune 09:31 The waxing crescent Moon in Libra sextiles the Sun 10:17 Venus trine Saturn 10:23 The Moon squares Pluto 15:15 Mars squares Jupiter 22:47 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Leo EA 9 Aquarius VE sex UR .1 Mon 04 Libra ME 1 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.34 Mer 00 Leo VE 14 Gemini MA trn UR 2.17 Ven 16 Cancer MA 16 Sagittarius VE opp MA 2.27 Mar 03 Scorpio JU 2 Leo Jup 03 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraMars now 14 degrees from Saturn Venus squares Uranus (and trines Saturn) Mars squares Jupiter.Fire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .21 Pl Sa/Ne .21 Pl Sa/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne .22 No Ju/Pl .5 No Ju/Pl .46 No Ju/Pl .42 No Mo/Ma .28 Ju Su/Me .94 Ju Su/Me 1.26 No Mo/Ma 1.32 No Ju/Pl .38 Ma Sa/No 1.74 Ma Sa/No 1.6 Ma Sa/No 1.46 Ma Sa/No 1.32 No Su/Pl 2.12 No Me/Pl 1.91 Ju Su/Me 1.59 Mo Ve/Pl 1.36 No Me/Pl 2.17 No Su/Pl 2.25 No Me/Pl 1.64 No Me/Pl 1.37 No Mo/Sa 2.29 Me Su/Ve 2.89 No Su/Pl 2.38 Ju Su/Me 1.91Saturday 2 August 2014 Mercury conjunct Jupiter squareMars. The crescent Moon in Libra, Venus and Uranus Moon opposition Uranus 00:46 Moon square Venus becoming void 02:59 The Moon conjunct her node 13:25 Mercury conjunction Jupiter 19:34 (0.94 degrees from exact alignment) Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Leo EA 10 Aquarius ME trn NE .88 Mon 16 Libra ME 7 Cancer VE opp MA 1.21 Mer 02 Leo VE 15 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.35 Ven 17 Cancer MA 16 Sagittarius VE sex UR 1.5 Mar 04 Scorpio JU 3 Leo MA trn UR 2.71 Jup 04 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 Libra
form a cardinal T-square 00:00 to 03:00.Fire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .23 Pl Sa/Ne .23 Mo Me/Pl .18 No Ju/Pl .23 No Ju/Pl .34 No Ju/Pl .31 Pl Sa/Ne .24 Pl Sa/Ne .24 No Me/Pl 1.1 No Me/Pl .83 No Ju/Pl .27 No Me/Pl .29 Ma Sa/No 1.18 Ma Mo/Sa .88 Mo Ju/Pl .47 Mo Su/Pl .65 Ve Mo/Ur 1.18 Ma Sa/No 1.04 Ma Mo/Sa .53 Ma Sa/No .76 Mo Ve/Pl 1.54 Ju Su/Me 2.55 No Me/Pl .56 Ma Mo/Sa 1.95 No Mo/Ma 1.89 No Su/Pl 2.77 Ma Sa/No .9 Mo Ju/Pl 2.61Sunday 3 August 2014Mercury 'fixed waning square' Mars 00:02 The crescent Moon enters Scorpio 02:58, joining Mars and Saturn in that sign. Fixity now predominates. Sun quintile the lunar node 07:46,(65 days to a Total Lunar Eclipse). The Moon gaining in light and motion squares Jupiter 10:34 Moon conjunction Mars 11:33 (1.38 degrees from exact alignment, UK) Mars is on the Saturn/Node midpoint. Seeking relief. Moon square Mercury 13:12 Mercury is on Sun/Jupiter. Some good news. Moon trine Neptune 15:59 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Leo EA 11 Aquarius VE opp MA .15 Mon 28 Libra ME 13 Cancer ME opp PL .64 Mer 04 Leo VE 17 Gemini ME sqr UR .71 Ven 19 Cancer MA 17 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.35 Mar 04 Scorpio JU 3 Leo VE sex UR 3.1 Jup 04 Leo SA 23 Scorpio EA sex UR 3.19 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA trn UR 3.25 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Pl .02 No Ju/Pl .15 Mo Sa/No .1 No Ju/Pl .08 Mo Ma/No .14 No Me/Pl .25 No Ju/Pl .12 Ma Sa/No .19 No Ju/Pl .19 Pl Sa/Ne .25 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Pl Sa/Ne .25 Ma Sa/No .47 Ma Sa/No .33 No Me/Pl .79 Ma Sa/No .61 Me Su/Ju 2.64 No Me/Pl .52 Me Su/Ju 1.89 Mo Su/Pl 2.35 Mo Ma/No 2.94 Me Su/Ju 2.26 Mo Ma/Sa 2.79Monday 4 August 2014Sun quinquncx Pluto 00:00 The accelerating Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 00:47 Moon reaches 'Fixed First Quarter' 00:51 Mercury quinquncx Neptune 06:02 Moon conjunction Saturn 10:30(0.33 degrees from exact alignment) Visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn the 10th of 14
Moon trine Venus becoming void 17:44 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 13 degrees Leo today. The Sun is square Saturn and trine Uranus on Saturday. There are 47 days to the Autumn Equinox. Mercury the Sun and Jupiter are in Leo. The Moon, Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Leo. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 16 Leo on August 8th.The pair are trine Uranus that day. Inspiration is there to be found. Mercury squares Saturn on Aug 9th and is sextile to the lunar node on Aug 11th. Mercury enters Virgo on Aug 15th. We have a self-at-the-centre mentality now with Mercury in Leo. Colourful words are at hand. Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per dayt on September 22nd, prior to his station at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus squares the lunar node on August 6th. Venus enters Leo on August 12th and six days later aligns closely to Jupiter. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is now in Scorpio. A deeper, more focussed and intense wilfulness has been unleashed. Less dither and attempted diplomacy, more direct action. Coupled with Jupiter now in Leo we are guaranteed clashes of will. Mars trines Neptune on August 7th. Mars is sextile Pluto on August 15th. Mars is 12 degrees and 20 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 64 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The week ahead witnesses a rapid build up to the Super Full Moon in Aquarius which occurs on Sunday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Leo EA 12 Aquarius VE opp MA .91 Mon 11 Scorpio ME 19 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.36 Mer 06 Leo VE 19 Gemini EA sex UR 2.24 Ven 20 Cancer MA 18 Sagittarius ME trn SA 3.46 Mar 05 Scorpio JU 3 Leo MA trn UR 3.79 Jup 04 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 Libra
Fire 4Earth 1Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ju/Pl .04 No Ju/Pl 0 No Ju/Pl .04 No Ju/Pl .08 Ma Sa/No .04 Ma Sa/No .1 Ma Mo/No .17 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .27 Pl Sa/Ne .27 Ma Sa/No .24 Ma Sa/No .38 Mo Ma/Sa .34 Pl Mo/Ne .95 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Me Su/Ju .39 No Me/Pl 1.06 Me Su/Ju 1.14 Pl Mo/Ne .68 Ma Mo/No 1.66 Me Su/Ju 1.52 Ma Mo/No 1.32 Me Su/Ju .77 No Me/Pl 1.88 Pl Mo/Ne 2.56 No Me/Pl 1.34 No Me/Pl 1.61 Pl Mo/Ne 2.33Tuesday 5 August 2014Not a day for limits and restrictions. Go get it. The accelerating first quarter Moon enters 'racy' Sagittarius 10:19 The Moon 'fire trines' Jupiter 18:18 The Moon squares Neptune 22:19 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Leo EA 13 Aquarius EA sex UR 1.3 Mon 24 Scorpio ME 25 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.36 Mer 08 Leo VE 20 Gemini VE opp MA 1.98 Ven 21 Cancer MA 18 Sagittarius ME trn SA 2.5 Mar 05 Scorpio JU 3 Leo MA trn UR 4.33 Jup 04 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ju .02 No Ju/Pl .15 No Ju/Pl .19 No Ju/Pl .23 No Ju/Pl .11 Pl Sa/Ne .29 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Pl Sa/Ne .29 Sa Mo/Ma .3 Me Su/Ju .73 Ma Sa/No .96 Ma Sa/No .53 Me Su/Ju .35 Ma Sa/No .82 Me Su/Ju 1.1 Sa Mo/Ma 2.04 Ma Sa/No .67 Mo Pl/No 1.23 Ju Su/Ve 1.89 No Me/Pl 2.15 Ju Su/Ve 2.32 Sa Mo/Ma 1.45 Mo Pl/No 2.18 Ju Su/Ve 2.54 No Me/Pl 2.42 Ju Su/Ve 2.1 No Me/Pl 2.96Wednesday 6 August 2014
Europe's long travelling satellite is set to rendezvous with one of the strangest objects in the solar system. Confirmation of Rosetta's rendezvous with 67P - the start of its extraordinary trek alongside the comet - should come by 09:35 GMT today. Mercury quintiles the lunar node 03:08
The Moon, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus form a loose fire grand trine The fast moving and accelerating waxing Moon in Sagittarius trines Mercury 05:34 Venus squares the lunar node 08:52 The Moon trines the Sun 10:36 Mercury waning quinquncx Pluto 11:44 The Moon trines Uranus 14:53 Mars is now applying in 'watery trine' aspect to Neptune. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Leo EA 13 Aquarius EA sex UR .35 Mon 08 Sagittarius ME 1 Leo UR sqr PL 1.37 Mer 10 Leo VE 22 Gemini ME con JU 1.8 Ven 22 Cancer MA 19 Sagittarius VE opp MA 3.04 Mar 06 Scorpio JU 3 Leo Jup 05 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 Libra
05:00 to 15:00Fire 5Earth 1Air 1Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ju/Pl .27 Sa Mo/No .13 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Pl Sa/Ne .31 No Ju/Pl .31 No Ju/Pl .34 No Ju/Pl .38 Mo Ma/Pl .95 Pl Sa/Ne .31 Mo Sa/Pl .53 Ju Su/Ve 1.02 Ma Sa/No 1.1 Ma Sa/No 1.25 Ju Su/Ve 1.24 Ma Sa/No 1.54 Me Su/Ju 1.48 Ju Su/Ve 1.45 Ma Sa/No 1.39 Ju Me/Ve 2.09 Sa Mo/No 1.58 Me Su/Ju 1.85 Sa Mo/No 1.87 Me Su/Ju 2.59 Ju Su/Ve 1.67 Mo Ma/Pl 2.44 Me Su/Ju 2.22Thursday 7 August 2014The accelerating and waxing Moon in Sagittarius sextiles her node forming a weak yod with Venus, at that time and becoming void 01:33. The Moon is void of course for 12 hours. Mars trine Neptune 12:14 Moon hits gibbous phase 13:38. The procession to the full now starts in earnest. The Moon enters Capricorn 13:39 At 14:03 GMT the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. We are now midway between the Solstice and the Equinox. In the northern hemisphere the summer is waning in the south the season of 'stirring' is beginning. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Leo EA 14 Aquarius EA sex UR .6 Mon 22 Sagittarius ME 7 Leo UR sqr PL 1.37 Mer 13 Leo VE 23 Gemini ME con JU 3.85 Ven 24 Cancer MA 19 Sagittarius VE opp MA 4.1 Mar 06 Scorpio JU 3 Leo Jup 05 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 23 LibraMars trine Neptune Fire 5Earth 1Air 1Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .33 Pl Sa/Ne .33 Pl Sa/Ne .34 Ju Su/Ve .15 No Ju/Pl .42 No Ju/Pl .46 Ju Su/Ve .37 Pl Sa/Ne .35 Ju Su/Ve .8 Ju Su/Ve .59 No Ju/Pl .5 No Ju/Pl .54 Ma Sa/No 1.68 Ju Me/Ve 1.38 No Su/Mo .74 Ju Me/Ve .67 Ju Me/Ve 1.73 Ma Sa/No 1.83 Mo Ne/No .74 No Mo/Me .7 Me Su/Ju 2.97 No Su/Mo 2.68 Ju Me/Ve 1.02 No Su/Mo 1.21 No Mo/Me 1.39 Ma Sa/No 2.12Friday 8 August 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Leo EA 15 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.38 Mon 06 Capricorn ME 12 Leo ME trn UR 1.48 Mer 15 Leo VE 25 Gemini EA sex UR 1.54 Ven 25 Cancer MA 20 Sagittarius EA opp ME 3.03 Mar 07 Scorpio JU 3 Leo VE opp MA 5.16 Jup 05 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 23 LibraMercury and the Sun trine Uranus. Lunar tensions rising. Fire 4Earth 2Air 1Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Su/Ve .07 Ju Me/Ve .04 Pl Sa/Ne .36 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Ju Me/Ve .31 No Mo/Ju .13 Ju Me/Ve .4 No Ju/Pl .69 Pl Sa/Ne .35 Ju Su/Ve .28 Ju Su/Ve .5 Ju Su/Ve .72 No Ju/Pl .57 Pl Sa/Ne .36 No Ju/Pl .65 Ju Me/Ve .75 Mo Ma/Ne .6 No Ju/Pl .61 No Mo/Ju 1.77 No Mo/Ve 1.07 No Mo/Ju 2.02 Mo Sa/Ne 1.83 Mo Sa/Ne 1.88 Mo Ur/No 2.04 Ma Sa/No 2.26 Ma Sa/No 2.41 Ma Sa/No 2.55 Ma Sa/No 2.7 Moon sextile Neptune 00:44 Moon sextile Mars 01:15 Moon conjunction Pluto 08:23 Moon square Uranus 16:16 Mercury conjunction Sun 16:22 Moon sextile Saturn 17:09 Strong geocentric harmonic 18 around 18:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 12 around 18:00 GMT Mercury trine Uranus 20:15Minor lunar occultation of star Rho SGR observable from mid UK 20:58 to 22:00 Saturday 9 August 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Leo EA 16 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.38 Mon 21 Capricorn ME 18 Leo EA opp ME 1.44 Mer 17 Leo VE 27 Gemini EA sex UR 2.49 Ven 26 Cancer MA 20 Sagittarius ME trn MA 2.57 Mar 08 Scorpio JU 3 Leo ME trn UR 3.93 Jup 05 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 4Earth 2Air 1Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .37 Pl Sa/Ne .38 Ma Su/Mo .09 Pl Sa/Ne .39 No Ju/Pl .73 No Ju/Pl .77 Ma Mo/Me .36 No Ju/Pl .84 Ju Su/Ve .93 Ne Mo/Ur 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne .38 Mo Sa/Ur .95 No Mo/Ve .98 Ju Su/Ve 1.15 No Ju/Pl .8 Ju Su/Ve 1.59 Ju Me/Ve 1.11 Ju Me/Ve 1.46 Ne Mo/Ur .87 Ma Su/Mo 1.79 Mo Ur/No 1.73 Ma Mo/Me 1.65 Ju Su/Ve 1.37 Ju Me/Ve 2.17 Ma Sa/No 2.84 Ma Su/Mo 1.96 Mo Ma/Ur 1.66 Ma Mo/Me 2.37 Strong geocentric harmonics 9 and 18 00:00 to noon GMT Sun trine Uranus 00:37 Moon square Node 02:12 Mercury square Saturn 02:51 Moon opposition Venus becoming void 08:10 Mercury biquintile Pluto 08:52 Moon enters Aquarius 13:53 Sun square Saturn 15:11 Moon opposition Jupiter 22:25Sunday 10 August 2014Bit of a bruiser. Supermoons are fast moons, they are big looking Moons, they come and they go quickly. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Leo EA 17 Aquarius ME sqr SA .22 Mon 06 Aquarius ME 23 Leo UR sqr PL 1.39 Mer 19 Leo VE 28 Gemini ME trn MA 2.14 Ven 27 Cancer MA 21 Sagittarius EA sex UR 3.44 Mar 08 Scorpio JU 3 Leo Jup 05 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 23 LibraSuper Full Moon opposite Mercury square Saturn. Fire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Strong helio harmonic 13Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .4 Pl Sa/Ne .4 Sa Mo/Me .06 Pl Sa/Ne .41 No Ju/Pl .88 No Ju/Pl .92 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Sa Su/Mo .98 Ju Su/Ve 1.8 Mo Ne/Pl 1.19 No Ju/Pl .96 No Ju/Pl 1 Ju Me/Ve 2.52 Ju Su/Ve 2.02 Sa Su/Mo 1.05 Sa Mo/Me 2.1 Mo Ne/Pl 2.64 Sa Mo/Me 2.22 Ju Su/Ve 2.24 Ju Su/Ve 2.46 Ju Me/Ve 2.87 No Ve/Pl 2.92 No Ve/Pl 2.76 Moon square Mars 02:52 Sun biquintile Pluto 03:16 Moon sextile Uranus 15:32 Moon square Saturn 16:33Moon at perigee 17 44 (closest to Moon opposition Sun 18:11 SUPERFULL MOON opposite Mercury square Saturn trine the lunar node A testing affair, but quickly over, (like all supermoons).Earth and fastest all month)
Today's Full Moon is the 4th full moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014, and it is the penultimate full moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on 8th October 2014. (Both of these eclipses are the first two of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons', the other two Total Lunar Eclipses in the succession being on April 4th 2015 and September 28th 2015.) Today's Full Moon is conjunct the UK Venus, Brian Cox's Mercury, Kenya's Saturn and Barak Obama's probable ascendant. It opposes Gerry Adam's Pluto, the Cameron Government's Mars, and Israel's Saturn. It squares Iran's MC, Russia's Pluto (1991 chart) and Alex Salmond's Saturn. It trines Nick Clegg's Mars, Iraq's Moon and Prince Harry's Venus. Moon opposition Mercury 22:13 becoming void
Monday 11 August 2014The very rapidly waning 'hung over' Full Moon in Aquarius trines her node 01:11 The Moon enters Pisces 12:56, joining Neptune in that sign. Mercury sextile the lunar node 20:20 Moon conjunction Neptune 23:27 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Leo EA 18 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.4 Mon 22 Aquarius ME 28 Leo ME sex VE 1.65 Mer 21 Leo VE 30 Gemini EA sex MA 3.2 Ven 28 Cancer MA 21 Sagittarius Mar 09 Scorpio JU 3 Leo Jup 06 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 23 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 2Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .42 Pl Sa/Ne .42 Pl Sa/Ne .43 Pl Sa/Ne .44 No Ju/Pl 1.03 No Ju/Pl 1.07 Mo Ur/Pl .52 No Ju/Pl 1.15 No Ve/Pl 2.6 No Ve/Pl 2.43 No Ju/Pl 1.11 Pl Mo/Sa 1.29 Ju Su/Ve 2.67 Ju Su/Ve 2.89 No Ve/Pl 2.27 No Ve/Pl 2.11 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 20 degrees Leo today. There are 40 days to the Autumn Equinox. Mercury the Sun and Jupiter are in Leo. Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. The Moon and Neptune are in Pisces Mercury is now a direct evening star in Leo. Mercury is sextile to the lunar node today. Mercury enters Virgo on Aug 15th. Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd, prior to his station at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th. Venus is a direct morning star in Cancer. Venus enters Leo tomorrow and six days later aligns closely to Jupiter. Venus aligns to Jupiter at 8 degrees Leo on August 18th. Mars is now in Scorpio. Mars is sextile Pluto on August 15th. Mars is 8 degrees and 13 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 57 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The week ahead sees Mars continuing to approach to a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio, now a couple of weeks from exactitude, and Venus making an approach to Jupiter in Leo which culminates one week today.Tuesday 12 August 2014Classic astrology. Sun in Leo, Moon in Pisces. Creativity and sensitivity. The rapidly waning and decelerating 'hung over' full Moon in Pisces water trines Mars 03:52 The Moon sextiles Pluto 06:59 Venus enters Leo 07:25 and resides in this sign for 24 days. Venus is closely aligned to Jupiter at 7 degrees Leo on August 18th, next Monday. Venus is trine Uranus on August 25th. Venus is square Saturn and Mars on August 26th and August 27th respectively. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on Sept 5th. This will be an ardent period. The Moon trines Saturn 16:02 becoming void of course. Venus 'waxing biquintile' Neptune 19:56 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Leo EA 19 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.4 Mon 07 Pisces ME 3 Virgo ME sex VE 1.68 Mer 23 Leo VE 1 Cancer EA sex MA 2.8 Ven 30 Cancer MA 22 Sagittarius ME opp NE 2.96 Mar 09 Scorpio JU 3 Leo EA sqr SA 3.67 Jup 06 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 12 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .44 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Sa/Ne .46 Pl Mo/Sa .62 No Ju/Pl 1.23 Pl Mo/Ma .7 No Ju/Pl 1.3 No Ju/Pl 1.19 Pl Mo/Ma 1.26 No Ju/Pl 1.26 No Ve/Pl 1.45 No Ve/Pl 1.94 No Ve/Pl 1.78 No Ve/Pl 1.62 Pl Mo/Ma 2.65 Pl Mo/Sa 2.52Wednesday 13 August 2014The Moon enters Aries 13:01 joining Uranus in that sign. This decelerating waning Moon in Aries 'fire trines' Venus 15:44 The Moon reaches disseminating phase 23:08 The Moon trines Jupiter 23:28 The benefics Venus and Jupiter are embracing in Leo. Simultaneously the melefics, Mars and Saturn, gods in arms, are conjunct in Scorpio. Such is the deeply engraved hallmark of the days we currently are living through. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Leo EA 20 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.41 Mon 22 Pisces ME 8 Virgo ME opp NE 1.82 Mer 25 Leo VE 3 Cancer EA sex MA 2.4 Ven 01 Leo MA 23 Sagittarius EA sqr SA 2.74 Mar 10 Scorpio JU 3 Leo VE trn NE 3.03 Jup 06 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 5Earth 1Air 1Water 4Cardinal 3Fixed 6Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .46 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Pl Sa/Ne .48 Pl Sa/Ne .48 No Ve/Pl 1.29 Mo Ur/Ne .76 Pl Mo/No .5 No Ve/Pl .8 No Ju/Pl 1.34 No Ve/Pl 1.12 No Ve/Pl .96 Pl Mo/No 1.32 No Ju/Pl 1.38 No Ju/Pl 1.42 No Ju/Pl 1.45 Pl Mo/No 2.34 Mo Ur/Ne 2.91 Pl Ma/Ne 2.88 Pl Ma/Ne 2.96Thursday 14 August 2014The disseminating and decelerating Moon in Aries squares Pluto 07:55 Moon conjunction Uranus 16:15 (exact alignment), visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus, the 1st of 19. The last similar event was in May 2007.Mars 7 degrees from Saturn. Mars is sextile Pluto tomorrow morning (GMT) so there could be a lot of assertive and provocative scenes as this day unfolds. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Leo EA 21 Aquarius ME trn PL .03 Mon 07 Aries ME 13 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.41 Mer 27 Leo VE 5 Cancer VE trn NE 1.42 Ven 02 Leo MA 23 Sagittarius EA sqr SA 1.81 Mar 11 Scorpio JU 4 Leo EA sex MA 2 Jup 06 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 6Earth 1Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .49 No Ve/Pl .47 No Ve/Pl .31 No Ve/Pl .14 No Ve/Pl .63 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Pl Sa/Ne .5 Pl Sa/Ne .51 No Ju/Pl 1.49 No Ju/Pl 1.53 No Ju/Pl 1.57 No Ju/Pl 1.61 Pl Ma/Ne 2.81 Pl Ma/Ne 2.73 Pl Ma/Ne 2.66 Pl Ma/Ne 2.58Friday 15 August 2014The decelerating and disseminating Moon in Aries 'fire trines' the Sun 02:24 The Moon opposes her north node 02:33 Jupiter quinquncx Neptune 04:13 This is a one off aspect in the 13 year long Jupiter Neptune cycle. The cycle started in 2009 with a conjunction of the two planets in Aquarius. The first quarter phase was in 2012, the full phase is next year in September, and the cycle ends in April 2022 in Pisces.Mars sextile Pluto,(quintile Mercury). A day of sparkle. The Sun sextiles the lunar node 04:29, heralding the eclipse season ahead. Mercury waning quintile Mars 08:11 Mars sextile Pluto 09:30 The Moon 'fire trines' Mercury, becoming void 15:52 The Moon enters Taurus 15:59 Mercury enters Virgo 16:45. Mercury resides as an evening star in Virgo for only 18 days. Although he opposes Neptune in a sea of confusion on August 19th he does, after this date have a favourable time in Virgo. He trines Pluto on August 21st, sextiles Mars and Saturn on August 28th. Mercury enters Libra on September 2nd. Moon square Venus 23:58Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Leo EA 22 Aquarius VE trn NE .19 Mon 21 Aries ME 17 Virgo EA sqr SA .88 Mer 29 Leo VE 6 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.42 Ven 03 Leo MA 24 Sagittarius EA sex MA 1.6 Mar 11 Scorpio JU 4 Leo Jup 07 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 6Earth 1Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ve/Pl .02 No Ve/Pl .19 No Ve/Pl .35 Ne Mo/Pl .32 Pl Sa/Ne .51 Pl Sa/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .52 No Ve/Pl .51 No Ju/Pl 1.65 No Ju/Pl 1.68 No Ju/Pl 1.72 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Pl Ma/Ne 2.51 Pl Ma/Ne 2.43 Ne Mo/Pl 2.03 No Ju/Pl 1.76 Pl Ma/Ne 2.36 Pl Ma/Ne 2.28Saturday 16 August 2014The Moon opposes Mars and Saturn The Moon in Taurus, decelerating to last quarter phase, sextiles Neptune 03:36 The Moon squares Jupiter 04:02 The Moon then 'earth-trines' Pluto 12:12 The Moon opposes Mars 13:29 and opposes Saturn 22:58 The weekend is astrologically dominated by the approach to near alignment of Venus and Jupiter in Leo. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Leo EA 23 Aquarius EA sqr SA .05 Mon 05 Taurus ME 21 Virgo EA sex MA 1.2 Mer 01 Virgo VE 8 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.42 Ven 05 Leo MA 24 Sagittarius ME sex SA 1.67 Mar 12 Scorpio JU 4 Leo VE trn NE 1.8 Jup 07 Leo SA 23 Scorpio ME sqr MA 2.92 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE opp PL 4.62 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 6Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .54 Pl Sa/Ne .54 Pl Sa/Ne .55 Pl Sa/Ne .56 No Ve/Pl .68 No Ve/Pl .84 No Ve/Pl 1.01 No Ve/Pl 1.17 Ne Mo/Pl 1.38 No Ju/Pl 1.84 No Ju/Pl 1.88 No Ju/Pl 1.91 No Ju/Pl 1.8 Pl Ma/Ne 2.13 Pl Ma/Ne 2.06 Pl Ma/Ne 1.98 Pl Ma/Ne 2.21 Ve Mo/No 2.07Sunday 17 August 2014The decelerating Moon reaches last quarter phase in Taurus becoming void 12:27, and remaining that way for 10 hours. Venus waxing quinquncx Neptune 15:09 The Moon enters Gemini 22:42 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Leo EA 24 Aquarius ME sqr MA .72 Mon 18 Taurus ME 26 Virgo EA sex MA .8 Mer 02 Virgo VE 10 Cancer EA sqr SA .98 Ven 06 Leo MA 25 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.43 Mar 12 Scorpio JU 4 Leo ME sex SA 2.5 Jup 07 Leo SA 23 Scorpio VE opp PL 3 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE trn NE 3.41 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces VE sqr UR 4.43 Nep 07 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 6Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .56 Mo Ve/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Pl Sa/Ne .58 Ve Mo/No .74 Ju Mo/No .41 Ur Mo/Ne .83 Ur Mo/Ne .78 No Ve/Pl 1.34 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Ju Mo/No 1.15 Pl Ma/Ne 1.68 Pl Ma/Ne 1.91 Ve Mo/No .58 No Ve/Pl 1.66 No Ve/Pl 1.83 No Ju/Pl 1.95 Mo Ju/Ne .71 Pl Ma/Ne 1.76 No Ju/Pl 2.07 Ju Mo/No 1.97 No Ve/Pl 1.5 Ve Mo/No 1.88 Su Mo/Sa 2.37 Pl Ma/Ne 1.83 No Ju/Pl 2.03 Ju Mo/No 2.69
Monday 18 August 2014Venus aligns to Jupiter in Leo. Quite important. Biblical stuff. Actually Venus is conjunct Jupiter on average once a year. Conjunctions with less than a degree of separation are commonplace. Today's conjunction in Leo has a separation of one fifth of a degree. This tightness of conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter in Leo occur only once or twice a century. I have alluded to the bible on this one because of one theory of the 'Star of Bethlehem' being a triple conjunction of Jupiter in Leo and Regulus. Between Sept. 3 B.C. and May 2 B.C. there were three conjunctions (on Sept. 14th, 3 B.C., Feb. 17th, 2 B.C. and May 8th, 2 B.C.) where Jupiter passed close to the star Regulus (the brightest star in the constellation Leo). Venus joined in the conjunction on June 2 B.C. Regulus is not involved in today's alignment but there is a regal tone to this celestial event. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Leo EA 25 Aquarius EA sex MA .41 Mon 01 Gemini ME 30 Virgo VE opp PL 1.39 Mer 04 Virgo VE 11 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.43 Ven 07 Leo MA 25 Sagittarius EA sqr SA 1.91 Mar 13 Scorpio JU 4 Leo VE sqr UR 2.82 Jup 07 Leo SA 23 Scorpio ME sqr MA 4.23 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 07 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Ne .06 Su Mo/Sa .34 Su Mo/Ma .37 Pl Sa/Ne .61 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Pl Sa/Ne .6 Su Mo/Ma 1.03 Su Mo/Sa 1.01 Pl Ma/Ne 1.53 Mo Me/Ne 1.13 Pl Ma/Ne 1.38 Pl Ma/Ne 1.6 Su Mo/Ma 1.78 Pl Ma/Ne 1.45 Mo Ju/Ur 1.64 No Ve/Pl 1.99 Mo Me/Ne 1.79 Su Mo/Sa 1.68 Mo Ve/Ur 1.91 No Ju/Pl 2.11 No Ju/Pl 2.14 No Ju/Pl 2.18 No Ju/Pl 2.22 Ur Mo/Ne 2.37 No Ve/Pl 2.16 No Ve/Pl 2.32 No Ve/Pl 2.49 The tightest planetary conjunction of 2014 Venus conjunction Jupiter 05:22 (0.19 degrees from exact alignment)The Moon, Mercury and Neptune form a mutable T-square. Moon square Mercury 08:07 Moon square Neptune 11:01 Mercury quintile Saturn 12:29 Moon sextile Jupiter 12:34 Moon sextile Venus 13:13 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 26 degrees Leo today. The Sun enters Virgo on Saturday. There are 34 days to the Autumn Equinox. Venus the Sun and Jupiter are in Leo. Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is now a direct evening star in Virgo. Although he opposes Neptune in a sea of confusion on tomorrow he does, after this date have a favourable time in Virgo. He trines Pluto on August 21st, sextiles Mars and Saturn on August 28th. Mercury enters Libra on September 2nd. Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd, prior to his station at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th. Venus is a morning star in Leo. Venus is closely aligned to Jupiter at 7 degrees Leo today. Venus is trine Uranus on August 25th. Venus is square Saturn and Mars on August 26th and August 27th respectively. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on Sept 5th. Mars is in Scorpio. Mars is now 4 degrees and 6 days from his conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio on August 25th 2014. That will be the first conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio since Valentine's day 1984. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 50 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Mars applying to Saturn in Scorpio over the next 7 days is the 'astrological wave of the week'.
08:00 to 12:00Tuesday 19 August 2014 The Venus Jupiter conjunction is conjunct David Cameron's natal Moon. Yesterday he insisted that the UK government's position on Iraq is "clear" and says the UK will not deploy "boots on the ground". The conjunction is also sextile the UK's natal Venus. The Venus Jupiter conjunction is also conjunct the lunar node in the USA (Sibly) chart. The major news story there is about an unarmed black teenager killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, on 9 August. He was shot at least six times, a medical examiner says.'Witness accounts were true'
Today starts with a significant geocentric harmonic 13 around 00:00 GMT, this is the harmonic of upheaval and change. Mercury opposition Neptune 03:42, a veritable sea of confusion. The waning and decelerating Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 05:43forming a very tight 'finger of fate' with Saturn at this moment. Mercury is semi-square the lunar node 11:29 The Moon trines the lunar node 17:07 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Leo EA 26 Aquarius EA sex MA .01 Mon 13 Gemini ME 4 Libra VE opp PL .22 Mer 06 Virgo VE 13 Cancer ME sex JU .32 Ven 08 Leo MA 26 Sagittarius VE sqr UR 1.22 Mar 14 Scorpio JU 4 Leo UR sqr PL 1.44 Jup 07 Leo SA 23 Scorpio EA sqr SA 2.84 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .61 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Mo Ve/Ur 1.05 Pl Ma/Ne 1.22 Pl Ma/Ne 1.15 Pl Ma/Ne 1.07 Pl Ma/Ne 1.3 No Ju/Pl 2.3 Mo Su/Ur 1.88 Mo Su/Ur 1.07 Mo Ju/Ur 1.44 No Ve/Pl 2.81 No Ju/Pl 2.33 No Ju/Pl 2.37 No Ju/Pl 2.26 No Ve/Pl 2.98 Me Mo/Sa 2.63 Su Mo/Ma 2.42 No Ve/Pl 2.65Wednesday 20 August 2014 Yesterday Israel's military says it had carried out air strikes in the Gaza Strip in response to fresh rocket fire, hours before a ceasefire was set to expire. This occurred as transiting Mars was conjunct Palestine's Mercury and Pluto and simultaneously was conjunct Israel's south lunar node. A major aid operation to reach more than half a million people displaced by fighting in northern Iraq was launched by the UN refugee agency UNHCR. Fifteen bodies were recovered from the scene of a rocket attack on refugees in eastern Ukraine, as heavy fighting was reported. Today the Moon decelerating and waning in Gemini sextiles the Sun becoming void 02:55 The Moon enters Cancer 08:46 Venus quintile the lunar node 11:38 Moon trine Neptune 21:31 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Leo EA 27 Aquarius EA sex MA .39 Mon 26 Gemini ME 7 Libra VE sqr UR .39 Mer 08 Virgo VE 14 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.44 Ven 09 Leo MA 27 Sagittarius VE opp PL 1.84 Mar 14 Scorpio JU 4 Leo ME sex JU 3.43 Jup 08 Leo SA 23 Scorpio EA sqr SA 3.77 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .64 Me Mo/Sa .47 Su Mo/No .58 Me Mo/Ma .25 Pl Ma/Ne 1 Pl Sa/Ne .64 Me Mo/Sa .6 Pl Sa/Ne .66 Mo Me/Ur 1.54 Pl Ma/Ne .92 Pl Sa/Ne .65 Su Mo/No .69 Me Mo/Sa 1.55 Mo Me/Ur 1.28 Pl Ma/Ne .84 Pl Ma/Ne .77 No Ju/Pl 2.41 Su Mo/No 1.85 Me Mo/Ma .89 Ju Mo/Me .77 Me Mo/Ma 2.03 Ju Mo/Me 2.45 Me Mo/Sa 1.67 No Ju/Pl 2.45 No Ju/Pl 2.49 No Ju/Pl 2.53Thursday 21 August 2014A tenacious wiley suspicious vibration today. Mars tightening on Saturn. Mercury trine Pluto. Tough cookie. Mercury waxing biquintile Uranus 04:36 The slow and decelerating Moon in Cancer sextiles Mercury 05:00 Moon opposition Pluto 07:09 The Moon hits balsamic phase 11:18 Venus waning quinquncx Pluto 11:53 Moon trine Mars 14:49,The Moon, her node and Uranus form a loose cardinal T-square Moon square Uranus 16:56 Mercury trine Pluto 19:21 Moon trine Saturn 19:35 becoming void. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Leo EA 28 Aquarius EA sex MA .79 Mon 08 Cancer ME 11 Libra ME sqr PL 1.39 Mer 10 Virgo VE 16 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.45 Ven 11 Leo MA 27 Sagittarius VE sqr UR 2 Mar 15 Scorpio JU 4 Leo ME opp UR 2.84 Jup 08 Leo SA 23 Scorpio VE opp PL 3.45 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
16:00 to 04:00Fire 4Earth 2Air 1Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .66 Ve Mo/Me .48 Pl Ma/Ne .54 Ju Su/Mo .36 Pl Ma/Ne .69 Pl Ma/Ne .61 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Pl Ma/Ne .46 Ju Mo/Me .91 Pl Sa/Ne .67 Ve Mo/Me .94 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Me Mo/Ma 1.38 Me Mo/Ma 2.52 Ju Su/Mo 1.92 Su Me/Ve 2.25 Ve Mo/Me 1.9 Su Me/Ve 2.52 Su Me/Ve 2.38 Ve Mo/Me 2.35 Su Mo/No 1.95 Ju Mo/Me 2.58 No Ju/Pl 2.64 No Ju/Pl 2.68 No Ju/Pl 2.56 No Ju/Pl 2.6Friday 22 August 2014 Last day of the astrological month of Leo The slow old balsamic Moon is void of course in Cancer, but in cardinal T-square with Uranus, Pluto and her node as the (GMT) day begins. The Moon squares her nodal axis 04:33 The day that follows is coloured by this moody, decelerating, seemingly going nowhere Moon, fading in Cancer. Actually we are approaching an astrologically intense day on Monday, with Mars conjunct Saturn and a powerful new moon that day. The Moon enters Leo 20:50, joining the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in that sign. She draws close to Venus and Jupiter over the next day. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Leo EA 29 Aquarius ME opp UR .78 Mon 20 Cancer ME 15 Libra EA sex MA 1.18 Mer 12 Virgo VE 18 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.45 Ven 12 Leo MA 28 Sagittarius ME sqr PL 2.24 Mar 15 Scorpio JU 4 Leo ME sqr VE 2.83 Jup 08 Leo SA 23 Scorpio VE sqr UR 3.61 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE opp PL 5.07 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 4Earth 2Air 1Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Ne .38 Pl Ma/Ne .31 Ve Su/Mo .01 Pl Ma/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .69 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Pl Ma/Ne .23 Pl Sa/Ne .71 Ju Su/Mo 1.2 Ve Su/Mo 1.31 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Ve Su/Mo 1.29 Su Me/Ve 2.12 Su Me/Ve 1.98 Su Me/Ve 1.85 Su Me/Ve 1.72 Ve Su/Mo 2.62 No Ju/Pl 2.76 Me Ju/No 2.56 No Mo/Pl 1.98 No Ju/Pl 2.72 Ju Su/Mo 2.76 No Ju/Pl 2.79 Me Ju/No 2.15 Me Ju/No 2.98 Ju Mo/Ve 2.52Saturday 23 August 2014![]()
The Sun enters Virgo. Old Moon conjunct Jupiter and Venus. Transiting PLUTO is on the MARS/NEPTUNE midpoint today. This is the transit of 'brutal damage'. It has been building up all week and is aptly indicative of the filmed and publisised beheading of the American journalist James Foley by an as yet unnamed British ISIS member. ISIS announced its existence on 15th Oct 2006. The ISIS chart has Saturn in Leo trine Pluto, sextile Sun Mars Venus in Libra, this triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and the Sun is within 6 degrees and aligned to Spica. We have with ISIS ' Massacre and brutality with flair'. Also Saturn, Neptune Jupiter and Mercury are in fixed T-square. By secondary progression, progressed Mars is conjunct progressed Sun right now and the transiting lunar node is conjunct natal Sun. This has served to bring ISIS or Islamic State to the attention and consciousness of us all. Transiting Uranus opposes the natal triple conjunction during 2016-2017. I wonder how much of the organisation will remain after this planetary onslaught.The Sun enters Virgo 04:47 and a new astrological month commences. Mars quinquncx Uranus 06:33 which is fateful and accident prone. The slow ancient Moon decelerating and fading in Leo is conjunct Jupiter 13:48 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Leo EA 30 Aquarius ME sqr VE .92 Mon 02 Leo ME 18 Libra UR sqr PL 1.46 Mer 13 Virgo VE 19 Cancer EA sex MA 1.58 Ven 13 Leo MA 28 Sagittarius VE trn SA 4 Mar 16 Scorpio JU 4 Leo ME opp UR 4.31 Jup 08 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 5Earth 2Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 6Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Ne .08 Pl Ma/Ne 0 Pl Ma/Ne .08 Pl Ma/Ne .15 No Mo/Pl .48 Me Mo/No .58 Me Mo/No .47 Me Ju/No .49 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Ju Mo/Ve .65 Pl Sa/Ne .73 Pl Sa/Ne .74 Ju Mo/Ve .93 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Me Ju/No .9 Mo Ve/Ju .76 Su Me/Ve 1.59 No Mo/Pl 1.02 Su Me/Ve 1.33 Su Me/Ve 1.2 Me Mo/No 1.62 Me Ju/No 1.32 Ju Mo/Ve 2.23 Me Mo/No 1.51 Me Ju/No 1.73 Su Me/Ve 1.46 No Mo/Pl 2.51 No Ju/Pl 2.98Sunday 24 August 2014New horizons spacecraft crosses the orbit of Neptune today bound for Pluto.Mars less than a degree from Saturn Old Moon Sunday
The New Horizons spacecraft, launched in 2006, is on approach for a dramatic flight past the icy dwarf planet of Pluto and its moons in July 2015.
The very slow and very old Moon is conjunct Venus in Leo 02:02 The Moon trines Uranus 05:23 Significant geocentric harmonic 12 around 06:00 GMTMoon at apogee 06 10 (farthest from The Moon squares Mars 06:41 The Moon squares Saturn 08:27 becoming void and remaining that way for 25 hours. Mercury waxing quinquncx Uranus 14:02 The Moon sextiles her node 16:56. Venus is now building to a square to Saturn and a trine to Uranus. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Virgo EA 1 Pisces ME sqr VE .91 Mon 13 Leo ME 22 Libra UR sqr PL 1.47 Mer 15 Virgo VE 21 Cancer EA sex MA 1.97 Ven 14 Leo MA 29 Sagittarius VE trn SA 2.41 Mar 17 Scorpio JU 4 Leo EA con NE 5.37 Jup 08 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraEarth and slowest all month)Fire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ju/No .08 Su Mo/Me .07 Pl Ma/Ne .39 Ve Mo/Ju .23 Pl Ma/Ne .23 Pl Ma/Ne .31 Mo Su/Ju .57 Pl Ma/Ne .46 Pl Sa/Ne .74 Me Ju/No .33 Me Ju/No .74 Su Me/Ve .69 Su Me/Ve 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Pl Sa/Ne .76 Pl Sa/Ne .76 Su Mo/Me 1.52 Su Me/Ve .95 Su Me/Ve .82 Mo Su/Ve 1.06 Mo Ve/Ju 2.02 Ve Mo/Ju 2.17 Ve Mo/Ju .97 Me Ju/No 1.14 Me Mo/No 2.55 Me Ve/No 2.72 Su Mo/Me 1.38 Me Ve/No 2.16Monday 25 August 2014Mars conjunct Saturn. New Moon in Virgo. Astrologically dynamic.Also a planetary finger of fate peaks today as Mercury sextiles Mars and Saturn quinqunx Uranus. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Virgo EA 2 Pisces VE trn SA .82 Mon 25 Leo ME 25 Libra UR sqr PL 1.47 Mer 17 Virgo VE 22 Cancer EA sex MA 2.37 Ven 16 Leo MA 29 Sagittarius ME sqr VE 2.66 Mar 17 Scorpio JU 4 Leo EA con NE 4.42 Jup 09 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 LibraFire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Ne .54 Mo Me/Ju .27 Su Me/Ve .32 Su Me/Ve .2 Su Me/Ve .57 Su Me/Ve .44 Mo Me/Ve .69 Pl Ma/Ne .77 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Pl Ma/Ne .62 Pl Ma/Ne .7 Pl Sa/Ne .79 Ve Mo/Ju 1.43 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Me Ve/No 1.06 Me Ju/No 1.55 Me Ve/No 1.61 Me Ve/No 1.33 Mo Me/Ve 1.91 Mo Su/Ve 1.63 Me Ju/No 1.95 Me Ju/No 2.35 Me Ju/No 2.75 Me Ve/No 1.89 Ve Mo/Ju 2.63 Mercury sextile Mars 08:47 Moon enters Virgo 09:34 Venus trine Uranus 09:39 Mercury sextile Saturn 12:31 Moon conjunction Sun 14:14 New Moon weakly opposite
Today's New Moon is the 4th New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on April 29th 2014 and the penultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse at the very start of Scorpio on October 23rd 2014. Today's New Moon is tightly conjunct Gerry Adam's Saturn, Sean Connery's Sun, Michael Gove's Sun, Alice Cooper's Mars, Madonna'a ascendant. It opposes the UK (1801 chart) Pluto and opposes the Moon in the transfer of power chart to North Korea's Kim Jong Un ,trines the Sun and Saturn of Ed Milliband and squares Vladimir Putin's Moon. Today's New Moon occurs at an astrologically quite dynamic time. Mars and Saturn conjunct today in Scorpio are sextiled by Mercury and squared by Venus. Venus herself is trine Uranus. The New Moon is opposite Neptune. This is a no nonsense New Moon. Events and experiences are sharp and to the point. Initial impulses may be misguided but their delivery is clear and efficient. Mars conjunction Saturn 19:31 Mars and Saturn are at 18 degrees Scorpio. This position makes a tight conjunction to Alex Salmond's Saturn, ISIS's Mercury (square Neptune), Hilary Clinton's Venus, Prince Harry's MC, David Cameron's south lunar node and Iran's IC. Ten hours after the New Moon the baby new moon opposes Neptune 22:16 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 2 degrees Virgo today. There are 28 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun, the Moon and Mercury are in Virgo. Venus and Jupiter are in Leo. Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is now a direct evening star in Virgo. He sextiles Mars and Saturn on August 28th. Mercury enters Libra on September 2nd. Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd, prior to his station at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th. Venus is a morning star in Leo. Venus is trine Uranus today, August 25th. Venus is square Saturn and Mars on August 26th and August 27th respectively. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on Sept 5th. Mars is in Scorpio conjunct with Saturn today. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 43 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.
Tuesday 26 August 2014harmonic 18 around 00:00 GMT Venus waning biquintile Pluto 07:43 The tiny baby new Moon in Virgo slowly accelerating trines Pluto 08:09 Venus in Leo squares Saturn in Scorpio 18:23 The Moon sextiles Saturn 21:21 The Moon sextiles Mars 22:39 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Virgo EA 3 Pisces VE trn SA .77 Mon 07 Virgo ME 28 Libra UR sqr PL 1.48 Mer 18 Virgo VE 24 Cancer ME sex MA 1.51 Ven 17 Leo MA 30 Sagittarius EA sex MA 2.76 Mar 18 Scorpio JU 4 Leo EA con NE 3.46 Jup 09 Leo SA 23 Scorpio EA trn ME 4.27 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME sqr VE 4.33 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Significant geocentricFire 3Earth 4Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 4Mutable 4Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .08 Su Me/Ve .04 Su Me/Ve .17 Me Ve/No .02 Me Ve/No .79 Me Ve/No .52 Me Ve/No .25 Su Me/Ve .29 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Mo Su/Me .8 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Mo Ju/No .7 Pl Ma/Ne .85 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Pl Ma/Ne 1.01 Pl Sa/Ne .82 Sa Me/Pl 2.86 Pl Ma/Ne .93 Mo Su/Me 1.85 Pl Ma/Ne 1.08 Ma Me/Pl 2.97 Sa Me/Pl 2.67 Mo Ju/No 2.26 Su Mo/Ve 1.54 Ma Me/Pl 2.92 Sa Me/Pl 2.48 Sa Me/Pl 2.28Wednesday 27 August 2014Venus squares Mars. Venus in Leo squares Mars in Scorpio. Things could become a little messy today. The slowly accelerating infant Moon in Virgo is conjunct Mercury becoming void 02:30. The flying bird brings the message. Venus square Mars 15:47 The Moon enters Libra 21:55 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Virgo EA 4 Pisces ME sex MA 1.14 Mon 19 Virgo ME 2 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.48 Mer 20 Virgo VE 26 Cancer EA trn ME 2.01 Ven 18 Leo MA 1 Capricorn VE trn SA 2.36 Mar 18 Scorpio JU 5 Leo EA con NE 2.5 Jup 09 Leo SA 23 Scorpio ME sqr JU 2.9 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA sex MA 3.15 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 3Earth 4Air 1Water 3Cardinal 3Fixed 4Mutable 4Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ve .13 Su Me/Ve .52 No Mo/Sa .23 Mo Su/No .03 Me Ve/No .28 Me Ve/No .55 No Mo/Ma .24 Mo Ju/Sa .49 Su Me/Ve .4 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Sa Mo/Pl .33 Ma Mo/Pl .72 Mo Ve/No .79 Sa Mo/Pl 1.15 Ma Mo/Pl .63 Su Mo/Ju .74 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Pl Ma/Ne 1.24 Su Me/Ve .64 Su Me/Ve .76 Pl Ma/Ne 1.16 Su Mo/Ve 1.28 Me Ve/No .81 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Sa Me/Pl 2.09 No Mo/Ma 1.34 Pl Sa/Ne .84 Mo Ma/Ju 1.04Thursday 28 August 2014 The infant Moon slowly accelerating in Libra sextiles Jupiter 16:45 The Moon squares Pluto 20:04 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Virgo EA 5 Pisces EA trn ME .18 Mon 01 Libra ME 5 Scorpio ME sqr JU .18 Mer 22 Virgo VE 27 Cancer ME trn NE 1.36 Ven 19 Leo MA 1 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.49 Mar 19 Scorpio JU 5 Leo EA con NE 1.54 Jup 09 Leo SA 23 Scorpio VE trn SA 3.95 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ju .55 Mo Ve/Ma .32 Mo Me/No .01 Me Su/Mo .25 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Mo Ve/Sa .37 No Me/Ma .62 No Me/Ma .32 Su Me/Ve .87 Pl Sa/Ne .86 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Sa Me/Pl .78 No Me/Ma 1.21 No Me/Ma .91 Sa Me/Pl .96 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Sa Me/Pl 1.34 Su Me/Ve .99 Su Me/Ve 1.11 No Me/Sa 1.16 Me Ve/No 1.34 Sa Me/Pl 1.15 No Me/Sa 1.38 Su Me/Ve 1.22 Pl Ma/Ne 1.47 Pl Ma/Ne 1.55 Me Su/Mo 1.48 Mo Su/Sa 1.5Friday 29 August 2014Sun opposite Neptune An auspicious day of refinement, taste, glamour and diplomacy. Take a lucky chance. Jupiter waning quintile the lunar node 02:10 A one off aspect in this 8 year cycle symbolizing creative changes within large scale associations. Interesting contacts and outcomes are indicated. The young Moon slowly accelerating in Libra opposes Uranus 05:31 The Sun waning quintile Saturn 06:57 The Sun opposes Neptune 14:34 The Moon hits crescent phase 15:53 The Moon sextiles Venus 16:01 becoming void. The Moon is then void of course for 16 hours. The Moon conjuncts her node 16:26 Mercury waxing semi square Jupiter 19:53 Venus sextile the lunar node 20:08 Sun semi-square the lunar node 22:36 (39 days to a Total Lunar Eclipse) Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Virgo EA 6 Pisces EA con NE .58 Mon 13 Libra ME 8 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.49 Mer 23 Virgo VE 29 Cancer ME trn NE 1.74 Ven 20 Leo MA 2 Capricorn EA trn ME 2.32 Mar 20 Scorpio JU 5 Leo ME sqr JU 3.2 Jup 10 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Ma .03 No Me/Ma .26 Sa Me/Pl .23 Sa Me/Pl .04 Mo Su/Ma .51 Sa Me/Pl .41 No Me/Sa .49 Mo Me/Ma .04 Sa Me/Pl .59 No Me/Sa .71 No Me/Ma .55 No Me/Sa .27 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Pl Sa/Ne .9 No Me/Ma .85 No Me/Sa .94 Su Me/Ve 1.45 Su Me/Ve 1.56 Pl Sa/Ne .9 Me Su/Mo .99 Pl Ma/Ne 1.87 Ve Su/Ju 1.76 Mo Me/Sa 1.08 Su Me/Ve 1.33 Ve Su/Ju 1.93 Mo Me/Sa 1.79 Ve Su/Ju 1.6Saturday 30 August 2014 Moon, Mars, Saturn in Scorpio The Ukraine crisis is "slipping out of control",Germany's foreign minister yesterday warned as EU leaders prepared to discuss new sanctions against Russia. The Russian 1991 chart currently has transiting Saturn conjunct natal Pluto. Huge power plays at work in order to secure the buffer states. Vladimir Putin has the transiting lunar node conjunct natal Neptune, deep insecurity. No peace making, it seems, whilst he and Obama reside in power, so sad. Some good news at least, the only trial data on the experimental Ebola drug ZMapp shows it is 100% effective in monkey studies, even in later stages of the infection. The UN says Syria is now "the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era" with more than three million Syrians living outside the country as refugees. Uranus square Pluto is the signature on all of this. Hard years these. And finally the UK's terror threat level was yesterday raised from "substantial" to "severe" in response to conflicts in Iraq and Syria, the government announced. The UK has transiting Saturn conjunct natal Neptune. More work, law and machinery to meet the coming threat. Despite all of this today is a day of fine vintage. A Virgo Sun, with the Moon, Mars and Saturn in Scorpio reveals a deep rich experience. The waxing accelerating crescent Moon enters Scorpio 08:54 joining Mars and Saturn there, and setting the scene for the next two days. The Moon water trines Neptune 20:42. This is life's dream, an ocean of feeling, spirit and destiny. The waxing Moon sextiles the Sun 23:17, blessed be. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Virgo EA 7 Pisces EA con NE .38 Mon 25 Libra ME 11 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.5 Mer 25 Virgo VE 1 Leo ME sex PL 1.63 Ven 22 Leo MA 2 Capricorn VE con JU 4.21 Mar 20 Scorpio JU 5 Leo EA trn ME 4.4 Jup 10 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ju/Pl .04 Me Mo/Ve .12 Mo Ve/Pl .12 Mo Sa/No .02 No Me/Sa .05 No Me/Sa .16 No Me/Sa .38 No Me/Sa .6 Sa Me/Pl .14 Sa Me/Pl .32 Sa Me/Pl .5 Sa Me/Pl .68 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Pl Sa/Ne .93 No Me/Ma 1.14 Ve Su/Ju 1.28 Ve Su/Ju 1.12 Ve Su/Ju .96 Me Mo/Ve 1.42 No Me/Ma 1.43 Me Mo/Ve 1.2 Mo Ma/No 1.39 Ve Su/Ju 1.44 Su Me/Ve 1.89 No Me/Ma 1.72 No Me/Ma 2.01 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon in Scorpio squares Jupiter 04:01 The Moon sextiles Pluto 06:10 The Moon is conjunct Saturn 19:11 (0.28 degrees from exact alignment, UK) Visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn, the 11th of 14.
Once the lunar occultation is over the Moon, ready now for anything, applies in conjunction to Mars as this (GMT) day ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Virgo EA 8 Pisces EA con NE 1.34 Mon 08 Scorpio ME 14 Scorpio ME sex PL 1.37 Mer 27 Virgo VE 2 Leo UR sqr PL 1.5 Ven 23 Leo MA 3 Capricorn VE con JU 2.66 Mar 21 Scorpio JU 5 Leo MA sex NE 3.38 Jup 10 Leo SA 23 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 1Water 4Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ju .8 Ve Su/Ju .64 Me Mo/Ju .2 Ve Su/Ju .31 No Me/Sa .82 Pl Sa/Ne .95 Sa Mo/Ma .29 Pl Mo/Ne .65 Sa Me/Pl .86 No Me/Sa 1.03 Ve Su/Ju .47 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Sa Me/Pl 1.04 No Mo/Me .65 Me Mo/Ju 1.03 Mo Su/Pl 1.45 Me Mo/Ju 1.43 Pl Sa/Ne .95 No Mo/Me 1.15 Mo Ma/No 1.68 Mo Su/Pl 1.58 Pl Mo/Ne .95 Me Ju/Sa 1.35 Ma Me/Pl 2.09 Sa Mo/Ma 1.94 Sa Me/Pl 1.21 Sa Mo/Ma 1.38Monday 1st September 2014President Putin yesterday called for talks on "statehood" for eastern Ukraine and said it is "impossible to predict" the end of the current crisis. Mercury momentarily squared Putin's Mars as he made this statement. Iraqi forces reached the besieged town of Amerli, where thousands of people have been trapped by jihadists, Transiting Jupiter is conjunct the Iraqi natal Uranus right now, offering an opportunity for breakthrough to freedom. Today the waxing and accelerating crescent Moon is conjunct Mars in Scorpio 01:52 The Moon squares Venus 07:18, herself on the Sun/Jupiter midpoint Mars is in waning biquintile aspect to Uranus 10:39 The Moon sextiles Mercury (on the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint) becoming void 15:40 The Moon enters Sagittarius 17:18, liberating us all to a degree, and moving towards her 'crisis in action' first quarter phase. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 9 degrees Virgo today. The Sun is trine Pluto on Wednesday. There are then 21 days to the Autumn Equinox. The Sun, and Mercury are in Virgo. Venus and Jupiter are in Leo. The Moon, Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is a direct evening star in Virgo. Mercury enters Libra on September 2nd. Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd, prior to his station at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th. Venus is a morning star in Leo. Venus leaves Leo for Virgo on Sept 5th. Mars is in Scorpio. Mars is semi-square Pluto on Sept 7th and semi-square Mercury on Sept 11th. Mars enters Sagittarius on September 13th. Jupiter in Leo makes a waning quinquncx aspect to Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 36 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Virgo EA 8 Pisces VE con JU 1.12 Mon 21 Scorpio ME 17 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.51 Mer 28 Virgo VE 4 Leo EA con NE 2.31 Ven 24 Leo MA 3 Capricorn MA sex NE 2.81 Mar 22 Scorpio JU 5 Leo Jup 10 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 1Water 4Cardinal 3Fixed 5Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ju .15 Ve Su/Ju .01 Ve Su/Ju .17 Me Ju/Sa .06 Mo Ma/Sa .81 Me Ju/Sa .64 Me Ju/Sa .29 Ve Su/Ju .33 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Ma Mo/Sa .77 Ma Mo/Sa .7 Mo Pl/No .85 Me Ju/Sa .99 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Mo Me/Pl 1 Me Su/No 1.57 Me Su/No 1.3 Me Su/No 1.03 Sa Me/Pl 1.56 Sa Me/Pl 1.74 Ma Me/Pl 1.9 No Su/Mo 1.55 No Me/Sa 1.68 No Me/Sa 1.89 Sa Me/Pl 1.91 Ma Me/Pl 1.87Tuesday 2 September 2014Apologies for the 'hacked' Cleansing is underway. I have been informed that a little place in hell has been reserved for Algerian hackers! A forthright, spirited, truth seeking day is in store. In fact the truth will 'out'. No hiding here. An indomitable and an exacting vibration ensues. The Moon gaining in light and motion in Sagittarius squares Neptune 04:20 Mercury enters Libra 05:39. He is approaching his station and has two periods in this sign. He squares Pluto Sept 9th, sextiles Jupiter Sept 10th. He enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th, conjuncts the lunar node on Sept 16th, and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd. He enters Scorpio on 27th Sept for a brief and intense 13 days. His station occurs at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, re-entering Libra on October 10th. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, finally leaving Libra for Scorpio on November 8th. This period all adds up to a measure of uncertainty and indecision which is best acknowledged and understood. This is one to ride out. This is a time for grace but not a time to commence major undertakings. Sun waxing biquintile Uranus 08:57 The Moon reaches first quarter phase 11:12 The Moon 'fire trines' Jupiter 12:12 and 'fire trines' Uranus 21:39 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Virgo EA 9 Pisces VE con JU .42 Mon 04 Sagittarius ME 20 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.51 Mer 30 Virgo VE 5 Leo MA sex NE 2.23 Ven 25 Leo MA 4 Capricorn EA sex PL 3.14 Mar 22 Scorpio JU 5 Leo EA con NE 3.27 Jup 10 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME con SA 3.71 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra
Fire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 3Fixed 4Mutable 4active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Mo .23 Me Su/No .5 Me Su/No .23 Me Su/No .03 Me Ju/Sa .4 Ve Su/Ju .66 Ve Su/Ju .82 Sa Mo/No .64 Ve Su/Ju .5 Me Ju/Sa .75 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Me Ma/Ju .83 Me Su/No .76 Mo Su/Ne .88 Me Ju/Sa 1.09 Mo Sa/Pl .89 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Me Ma/Ju 1.1 Ve Su/Ju .98 Me Ma/Ju 1.65 Me Ma/Ju 1.37 Ma Me/Pl 1.78 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Ma Me/Pl 1.84 Ma Me/Pl 1.81 Sa Mo/No 2.3 No Mo/Ve 1.27Wednesday 3 September 2014The Moon gaining in light and motion in Sagittarius sextiles her node from north of the ecliptic, 07:14 The Sun 'earth trines' Pluto 16:11 The Moon 'fire trines' Venus becoming void 18:07 The Moon enters Capricorn 22:16, joining Pluto in that sign. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Virgo EA 10 Pisces ME con SA .85 Mon 17 Sagittarius ME 23 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.52 Mer 01 Libra VE 7 Leo MA sex NE 1.66 Ven 27 Leo MA 5 Capricorn VE con JU 1.97 Mar 23 Scorpio JU 5 Leo EA sex PL 2.18 Jup 11 Leo SA 24 Scorpio EA con NE 4.23 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraSun trine Pluto Changes for the better Fire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ma/Pl .17 Me Ma/Ju .29 Me Ma/Ju .03 Me Ma/Ju .24 Me Su/No .29 Me Su/No .55 Ma Mo/No .53 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 Me Ma/Ju .56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Me Su/No .81 Ma Mo/No 1.05 No Mo/Ve .6 Ve Su/Ju 1.3 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Me Su/No 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Ma Me/Pl 1.7 Ve Su/Ju 1.47 Mo Ne/No 1.14 Sa Mo/No 1.04 Mo Me/Ne 1.78 Ma Me/Pl 1.68 Ve Su/Ju 1.63 Ve Su/Ju 1.14 Ma Mo/No 2.09 Me Ju/Sa 2.46 Ma Me/Pl 1.66Thursday 4 September 2014Yesterday France halted the delivery of the first of two assault navy ships ordered by Russia, blaming Moscow's actions in Ukraine. looking at the relationship chart of France(1st republic) and Russia(1991) we see at this time progressed Moon hitting the Sun opposite Saturn dominant natal hallmark of the chart. Transiting Pluto is conjunct the descendant this year and transiting Saturn is exactly opposoite the relationship lunar node. This is a heavy hammer blow to the relationship of these two nations. Today and tomorrow are eminently practical and brimming with common sense and sound 'down to earth' realism. Mercury is on the Mars Jupiter midpoint today which is good for oration and forceful communication. The fast Moon gaining in light and motion in Capricorn squares Mercury 03:05 The Sun waning quintile Mars 06:55 The Moon sextiles Neptune 08:29 Mercury semi-squares Saturn 10:20 Moon conjunction Pluto 16:57 The Moon earth trines the Sun 18:46 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Virgo EA 11 Pisces MA sex NE 1.09 Mon 01 Capricorn ME 26 Scorpio EA sex PL 1.22 Mer 03 Libra VE 9 Leo UR sqr PL 1.52 Ven 28 Leo MA 5 Capricorn ME con SA 1.97 Mar 23 Scorpio JU 5 Leo VE con JU 3.51 Jup 11 Leo SA 24 Scorpio EA con NE 5.19 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Ju .34 Sa Mo/Me .52 Me Ma/Ju 1.03 Mo Sa/Ne .45 Me Ma/Ju .5 Me Ma/Ju .77 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Ma Me/Pl 1.59 Ma Mo/Me 1.26 Me Su/No 1.32 No Mo/Ju 1.46 Me Su/No 1.83 Me Ma/Ju 1.29 Sa Mo/Me 1.42 Me Su/No 1.57 Ve Su/Ju 2.11 Ma Me/Pl 1.57 Ma Me/Pl 1.63 Ma Me/Pl 1.61 Sa Mo/Me 2.47 Me Su/No 2.08 Ve Su/Ju 1.79 Ve Su/Ju 1.95 Ve Su/Ju 2.28Friday 5 September 2014
The rapidly waxing Moon in Capricorn, her node and Moon square Uranus 00:42 Moon sextile Saturn 04:58 The Moon squares her Node, from her maximum northern celestial latitude 09:38 Jupiter waning quinquncx Pluto 10:24 This is a one off aspect in the 13 year cycle of Jupiter and Pluto, concerned with power politics. The current cycle began in 2007 in Sagittarius and has had its high point opposition over the last 12 months, marking a 'high water mark' in many power group manoevours. Today's aspect opens the way for a phase featuring productive contacts and interaction between power groups. The Moon sextiles Mars becoming void 15:09 Venus enters Virgo 17:08 joining the Sun in this sign. Venus resides in the sign of the Virgin as a 'morning star' for only 24 days. Her residence in this sign is fairly smooth. Venus opposes Neptune on Sept 10th, trines Pluto on Sept 14th and sextiles Saturn on Sept 21st. Venus leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 29th. The Moon reaches gibbous phase 21:08 and the procession to the full phase begins in earnest. The Moon enters Aquarius 23:00 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Virgo EA 12 Pisces EA sex PL .25 Mon 15 Capricorn ME 28 Scorpio MA sex NE .51 Mer 04 Libra VE 10 Leo UR sqr PL 1.53 Ven 29 Leo MA 6 Capricorn VE trn UR 3.82 Mar 24 Scorpio JU 5 Leo ME con SA 4.77 Jup 11 Leo SA 24 Scorpio VE con JU 5.06 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra
Uranus form a cardinal T-square' 00:00 to 10:00Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ma/Ne .24 Mo Ur/No .5 Sa Su/Mo .62 Ne Mo/Ur .02 Ma Mo/Me .57 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Ma Me/Pl 1.53 Ma Me/Pl 1.51 Sa Su/Mo 1.33 Ma Me/Pl 1.55 Me Ma/Ju 1.8 Ne Mo/Ur 1.82 Ma Me/Pl 1.5 Me Ma/Ju 1.55 Ma Mo/Me 2.41 Me Ma/Ju 2.06 No Su/Ma 2.28 Me Su/No 2.33 Sa Su/Mo 2.55 No Su/Ma 2.5 Me Ma/Ju 2.31 Ve Su/Ju 2.44 Me Su/No 2.58 Ve Su/Ju 2.76 Ve Su/Ju 2.93Saturday 6 September 2014Mercury in Libra makes a waning quinquncx to Neptune 07:02 The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon in aquarius 'air-trines' Mercury 09:53 The Moon is opposite Jupiter 18:12 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Virgo EA 13 Pisces MA sex NE .06 Mon 00 Aquarius ME 1 Sagittarius EA sex PL .71 Mer 06 Libra VE 12 Leo UR sqr PL 1.54 Ven 00 Virgo MA 6 Capricorn VE trn UR 2.2 Mar 25 Scorpio JU 5 Leo ME trn JU 4.15 Jup 11 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 3Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Ma Su/Mo .53 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Ma Me/Pl 1.48 Sa Mo/Ve 1.21 Sa Mo/Ve .79 No Su/Ma 1.42 Ne Mo/Ur 1.88 Ma Su/Mo 1.3 Mo Ne/Pl 1.05 Ma Me/Pl 1.44 Mo Sa/Ur 2.05 Ma Me/Pl 1.46 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Su Ju/No 2.15 No Su/Ma 2.07 Mo Ma/Ur 1.61 Ma Me/Pl 1.45 Ma Su/Mo 2.36 Me Ma/Ju 2.57 Mo Sa/Ur 1.67 No Su/Ma 1.64 Mo Ne/Pl 2.7 Su Ju/No 2.82 No Su/Ma 1.85 Mo Ma/Ur 2.06 Sa Mo/Ve 2.81Sunday 7 September 2014The heavily gibbous Moon rapidly waxing in Aquarius sextiles Uranus 01:06 The Moon squares Saturn 05:33 The Moon trines her node (on the Sun/Mars midpoint)09:39 The Moon squares Mars becoming void 17:20 Mars waning semi-square Pluto 22:27 The almost Full Moon enters Pisces 23:48 joining Neptune in this sign. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Virgo EA 14 Pisces VE trn UR .59 Mon 15 Aquarius ME 4 Sagittarius MA sex NE .64 Mer 07 Libra VE 14 Leo ME trn JU 1.45 Ven 02 Virgo MA 7 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.54 Mar 25 Scorpio JU 5 Leo EA sex PL 1.68 Jup 11 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME sqr NE 2.23 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 3Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Ma Mo/Ve .28 No Su/Ma .77 Pl Mo/Ma .08 No Su/Ma 1.21 No Su/Ma .99 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 No Su/Ma .56 Ma Me/Pl 1.42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Ma Me/Pl 1.4 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Su Ju/No 1.93 Ma Me/Pl 1.41 Su Ju/No 1.48 Su Ju/No 1.25 Ma Mo/Ve 2.16 Su Ju/No 1.7 Ma Mo/Ve 1.61 Ma Me/Pl 1.39 Me Ve/Sa 2.86 Pl Mo/Ma 1.9 Mo Ur/Pl 2.02 Me Ve/Sa 2.67 Me Ve/Sa 2.48Monday 8 September 2014This very rapidly waxing almost Full Moon opposes Venus 04:39 The Sun makes a waxing quinquncx to Uranus 08:48 Moon conjunction Neptune 09:10 (opposite Venus) Moon sextile Pluto 17:17 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 16 degrees Virgo today. The Sun is sextile Saturn on Thursday. There are then 14 days to the Autumn Equinox and 105 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. . The Sun, and Venus are in Virgo. Mars and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Libra. He is approaching his station and has two periods in this sign. He squares Pluto tomorrow, sextiles Jupiter on Wednesday, and opposes Uranus on Saturday. He enters 'repeatable territory' on September 14th, conjuncts the lunar node on Sept 16th, and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd. He enters Scorpio on 27th Sept for a brief and intense 13 days. His station occurs at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, re-entering Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, finally leaving Libra for Scorpio on November 8th. Venus is a morning star in Virgo. Her residence in this sign is fairly smooth. Venus opposes Neptune on Sept 10th, trines Pluto on Sept 14th and sextiles Saturn on Sept 21st. Venus leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 29th. Mars is in Scorpio. Mars is semi-square Mercury on Sept 11th. Mars enters Sagittarius on September 13th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 29 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'Healing Waters Moon' is Full tonight. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Virgo EA 15 Pisces ME sqr NE .53 Mon 00 Pisces ME 7 Sagittarius VE trn UR 1.03 Mer 08 Libra VE 15 Leo MA sex NE 1.22 Ven 03 Virgo MA 7 Capricorn ME trn JU 1.24 Mar 26 Scorpio JU 6 Leo UR sqr PL 1.55 Jup 12 Leo SA 24 Scorpio EA sex PL 2.64 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA con PL 5.19 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra
Moon at perigee 03 30 (closest toEarth and fastest all month)Fire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Ma .34 No Su/Ma .12 No Su/Ma .09 No Su/Ma .31 Su Ju/No 1.03 Pl Mo/Sa .19 Su Ju/No .58 Su Ju/No .36 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Su Ju/No .81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Ma Me/Pl 1.38 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Ma Me/Pl 1.36 Ma Me/Pl 1.35 Pl Mo/Sa 1.72 Ma Me/Pl 1.37 Me Ve/Sa 1.94 Me Ve/Sa 1.76 Mo Ur/Pl 1.78 Me Ve/Sa 2.12 Pl Mo/Sa 2.09 Pl Mo/Ma 2.06Tuesday 9 September 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Virgo EA 16 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.55 Mon 15 Pisces ME 10 Sagittarius MA sex NE 1.79 Mer 10 Libra VE 17 Leo VE trn UR 2.64 Ven 04 Virgo MA 8 Capricorn ME sqr NE 3.28 Mar 27 Scorpio JU 6 Leo ME trn JU 3.92 Jup 12 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA con PL 4.61 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ju/No .13 Su Ju/No .09 Su Ju/No .32 Su Ju/No .54 No Su/Ma .52 No Su/Ma .74 No Su/Ma .96 Mo Ur/Ne .81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.22 Pl Sa/Ne 1.22 Me Ve/Sa 1.05 Ma Me/Pl 1.35 Ma Me/Pl 1.34 Me Ve/Sa 1.22 No Su/Ma 1.17 Me Ve/Sa 1.58 Me Ve/Sa 1.4 Ma Me/Pl 1.34 Pl Sa/Ne 1.23 Mo Ur/Ne 2.94 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Pl Mo/No 2.3 Moon opposition Sun 01:39 Full Moon conjunct Chiron trine
Today's Full Moon is the 5th Full Moon following the Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014, and it is the ultimate full moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on 8th October 2014. (Both of these eclipses are the first two of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons', the other two Total Lunar Eclipses in the succession being on April 4th 2015 and September 28th 2015.) Today's Full Moon in Pisces is conjunct Chiron and trine Saturn. This is the 'healing waters'Full Moon. Mercury squares Pluto and sextiles Mercury. Venus opposes Neptune both planets straddling Moscow at the moment of Full Moon and aligned to Los Angeles. At that very moment Mars is on the IC of the Syrian Iraqi border, it is Moonset and Sunrise on the Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan border. The Moon rises at Edmonton canada. Today's Full Moon directly hits the natal Saturn of Pope Francis and squares the Vatican's Sun. The Uranus of Robert Mugabe is hit as are the MC of Cher, the Mars of David Beckham, the Jupiter of Greece, the Sun of David Gilmour and the node of Ed Milliband. The Full Moon squares Mercury in the transfer of power chart of Kim Jon of North Korea, squares the ascendant of Angela Merkel and trines the Venus, Jupiter and ascendant of the Sryian Bacch party.
With the passing of this Full Moon we are now entering the 'foothills' of a new eclipse season. After the Full Moon has climaxed the 2 days that follow are coloured somewhat by a rather manic Mercury square Pluto later today followed by Venus opposite Neptune tomorrow. The 'now waning' Full Moon in Pisces trines Saturn 05:19 and then spends 12 hours applying trine to Mars becoming void 17:59. The 'hung over' Moon drifts void of course for 12 hours. Mercury square Pluto 22:41 The Moon enters Aries 23:34 and starts to apply to an occultation of Uranus. A good time gird your loins.Wednesday 10 September 2014Transiting Saturn is conjunct the UK Neptune today. Fear and panic that Scotland might just vote for independence next week has gripped the national consciousness. It's not so good a feeling actually. For a lot of the citizens of 'Great Britain' this event has crept up quite suddenly. The leaders of the main UK parties have travelled to Scotland to make a stand against independence. Alex Salmond has said their campaign has fallen apart. Saturn will move on reasonably rapidly. The fear at least will pass. The fast moving but decelerating 'hung over' Moon now 'burning' in Aries sets an impetuous back drop to a rather misdirected morning (GMT). Venus opposition Neptune 10:52 Venus semi-square the lunar node 11:32 Mercury biquintile Neptune 13:26 Moon square Pluto 17:32Venus opposes Neptune. Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 18:00 GMT Mercury sextiles Jupiter 18:38 Moon trine Jupiter 19:23 Moon opposition Mercury 19:27 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Virgo EA 17 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.56 Mon 00 Aries ME 12 Sagittarius ME trn UR 1.93 Mer 11 Libra VE 18 Leo MA sex NE 2.37 Ven 05 Virgo MA 9 Capricorn MA con PL 4.03 Mar 27 Scorpio JU 6 Leo VE trn UR 4.26 Jup 12 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/No .44 Me Ve/Sa .71 Me Ve/Sa .54 Me Ve/Sa .37 Su Ju/No .76 Su Ju/No .99 Su Ju/No 1.21 Pl Mo/Me .68 Me Ve/Sa .88 Pl Sa/Ne 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.26 Pl Sa/Ne 1.24 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Pl Mo/Me 1.32 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Pl Mo/No 1.4 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Su Ju/No 1.44 No Su/Ma 1.39 No Su/Ma 1.61 No Su/Ma 1.83 No Su/Ma 2.04 No Su/Sa 2.97 No Su/Sa 2.83 No Su/Sa 2.68 No Su/Sa 2.54Thursday 11 September 2014Moon conjunction Uranus 00:59 (0.07 degrees from exact alignment UK) Visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus, the 2nd of 19. The Moon and Uranus are opposite Mercury and the lunar node. The Moon is now void of course for 24 hours after her occultaion of Uranus. Venus waning quintile Saturn 04:27 Moon opposition her north node 09:49
Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 12:00 to 18:00 GMT The Sun sextiles Saturn 15:04Mercury (on the Venus/Saturn midpoint) semi-squares Mars 23:11 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Virgo EA 18 Pisces ME trn UR .8 Mon 15 Aries ME 15 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.56 Mer 12 Libra VE 20 Leo MA sex NE 2.95 Ven 07 Virgo MA 9 Capricorn EA sqr ME 3.17 Mar 28 Scorpio JU 6 Leo MA con PL 3.45 Jup 12 Leo SA 24 Scorpio VE sqr SA 3.74 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra Minor lunar occultation of star Omicron PSC observable from mid UK 20:52 to 21:48 Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Sa .21 Me Ve/Sa .04 Me Ve/Sa .12 Me Ve/Sa .28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.27 Pl Sa/Ne 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.29 Pl Sa/Ne 1.29 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Ma Me/Pl 1.33 Ma Me/Pl 1.34 Su Ju/No 1.66 Su Ju/No 1.89 No Su/Sa 2.11 No Su/Sa 1.96 No Su/Ma 2.26 No Su/Sa 2.25 Su Ju/No 2.11 Su Ju/No 2.34 No Su/Sa 2.39 No Su/Ma 2.48 Ma Pl/No 2.54 Ma Pl/No 2.37 Ma Pl/No 2.89 Ma Pl/No 2.71 No Su/Ma 2.69 Ne Mo/Pl 2.46Friday 12 September 2014The decelerating and waning Moon enters Taurus 01:18 A good time to take stock. The Moon reaches disseminating phase 09:05 The Moon sextiles Neptune 11:18The Moon, Venus and Pluto form a earthy grand trine Moon trine Venus 16:10 Moon trine Pluto 20:23 Moon square Jupiter 23:07 Mercury is applying in opposition to Uranus as the day ends. This will give rise to possible unsettling situations tonight and early tomorrow. The weekend ahead is dominated by the 'positive love' vibration of Venus 'earth trine' Pluto on Sunday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Virgo EA 19 Pisces EA sqr ME 1.4 Mon 29 Aries ME 18 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.57 Mer 14 Libra VE 22 Leo VE sqr SA 2.14 Ven 08 Virgo MA 10 Capricorn MA con PL 2.87 Mar 29 Scorpio JU 6 Leo ME trn UR 3.54 Jup 12 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME trn VE 3.95 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA sqr UR 4.44 Ura 16 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Libra
16:00 to 21:00Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Sa .44 Me Ve/Sa .6 Me Ve/Sa .76 Me Ve/Sa .91 Ne Mo/Pl .69 Ne Mo/Pl 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.32 Pl Sa/Ne 1.32 Pl Sa/Ne 1.3 Pl Sa/Ne 1.31 Ma Me/Pl 1.35 Ma Me/Pl 1.36 Ma Me/Pl 1.34 Ma Me/Pl 1.34 No Su/Sa 1.53 No Su/Sa 1.38 No Su/Sa 1.82 No Su/Sa 1.67 Ma Pl/No 1.85 Ma Pl/No 1.68 Ma Pl/No 2.19 Ma Pl/No 2.02 No Ve/Ma 2.06 No Ve/Ma 1.81 No Ve/Ma 2.56 No Ve/Ma 2.31 Ne Mo/Pl 2.81Saturday 13 September 2014 100 days to the Winter SolsticeGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Virgo EA 20 Pisces EA sqr ME .37 Mon 13 Taurus ME 21 Sagittarius VE sqr SA .55 Mer 15 Libra VE 23 Leo UR sqr PL 1.57 Ven 09 Virgo MA 10 Capricorn MA con PL 2.29 Mar 29 Scorpio JU 6 Leo ME trn VE 2.83 Jup 13 Leo SA 24 Scorpio EA trn SA 3.75 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA sqr UR 3.86 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 2Earth 4Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Sa 1.06 No Su/Sa 1.09 No Su/Sa .95 No Ve/Ma .8 No Su/Sa 1.24 Me Ve/Sa 1.21 No Ve/Ma 1.06 No Su/Sa .8 Pl Sa/Ne 1.33 No Ve/Ma 1.31 Ma Pl/No 1.15 Ur Mo/Ne .98 Ma Me/Pl 1.37 Ma Pl/No 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.35 Ma Pl/No .98 Ma Pl/No 1.5 Pl Sa/Ne 1.34 Me Ve/Sa 1.36 Mo Ju/Ne 1.09 No Ve/Ma 1.56 Ma Me/Pl 1.37 Ma Me/Pl 1.38 Pl Sa/Ne 1.36 Ur Mo/Ne 2.65 Ma Me/Pl 1.39 Mercury opposition Uranus 08:18 Venus biquintile Uranus 08:38 Moon opposition Saturn 10:25 Moon trine Sun becoming void 13:32Mars enters Sagittarius 21:58 Mars squares Neptune Sept 22nd, a hazardous zone. However he then trines Uranus Oct 5th and trines Jupiter Oct 8th, days of bounty. The Sun squares residing Mars Oct 15th. Face on challenge. Mercury and Venus both sextile Mars, 17th, 20th Oct respectively. Blast of a residence this. Colourful arrows flying. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. A sunnier outlook as this day ends.Sunday 14 September 2014Mercury enters 'repeatable territory' today prior to his retrograde motion starting October 4th. The decelerating disseminating Moon enters Gemini 06:27 The Moon opposes Mars, now in Sagittarius, 06:55 Venus 'earth trines' Pluto 14:36 The Moon squares Neptune 17:06 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Virgo EA 21 Pisces VE sqr SA 1.05 Mon 26 Taurus ME 23 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.58 Mer 16 Libra VE 25 Leo MA con PL 1.7 Ven 10 Virgo MA 11 Capricorn ME trn VE 1.7 Mar 00 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo EA sqr ME 2.15 Jup 13 Leo SA 24 Scorpio EA trn SA 2.81 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA sqr UR 3.28 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraVenus trines Pluto Wake up to Mars in Sagittarius. Fire 3Earth 4Air 2Water 2Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ve/Ma .55 No Ve/Ma .3 No Ve/Ma .05 No Ve/Ma .2 No Su/Sa .66 No Su/Sa .51 No Su/Sa .37 No Su/Sa .22 Ur Mo/Ne .68 Ma Pl/No .63 Ma Pl/No .46 Ma Pl/No .29 Ma Pl/No .81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.37 Ju Mo/No 1.03 Ju Mo/No .53 Pl Sa/Ne 1.36 Ma Me/Pl 1.42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.38 Ju Mo/Me 1.21 Ma Me/Pl 1.41 Me Ve/Sa 1.8 Ma Me/Pl 1.43 Pl Sa/Ne 1.39 Me Ve/Sa 1.66 Ur Mo/Ne 2.32 Me Ve/Sa 1.94 Ma Me/Pl 1.45Monday 15 September 2014The Moon in Gemini decelerating to her last quarter phase squares Venus 04:17 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 06:46 The Moon sextiles Uranus 11:14 The Moon 'air trines' Mercury 16:54 The Moon trines her node 21:13 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 23 degrees Virgo today. There are 7 days to the Autumn Equinox and 98 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun, and Venus are in Virgo. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Libra. He is approaching his station and has two periods in this sign. He entered 'repeatable territory' yesterday, he is conjunct the lunar node tomorrow, and appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day on September 22nd. He enters Scorpio on 27th Sept for a brief and intense 13 days. His station occurs at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, re-entering Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, finally leaving Libra for Scorpio on November 8th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Virgo. Venus sextiles Saturn on Sept 21st. Venus leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 29th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars squares Neptune Sept 22nd, a hazardous zone. However he then trines Uranus Oct 5th and trines Jupiter Oct 8th, days of bounty. The Sun squares receding Mars Oct 15th. Face on challenge. Mercury and Venus both sextile Mars, 17th, 20th Oct respectively. Blast of a residence this. Colourful arrows flying. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are now in the 'foothills' of a new eclipse season. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 22 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Virgo EA 22 Pisces ME trn VE .57 Mon 09 Gemini ME 26 Sagittarius MA con PL 1.12 Mer 18 Libra VE 27 Leo UR sqr PL 1.58 Ven 11 Virgo MA 12 Capricorn EA trn SA 1.86 Mar 01 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo VE sqr SA 2.64 Jup 13 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA sqr UR 2.7 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA sqr ME 3.94 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 3Water 2Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Sa .08 Ma Pl/No .06 No Su/Sa .21 No Su/Sa .36 Ma Pl/No .11 No Su/Sa .07 Ma Pl/No .24 Ma Pl/No .41 No Ve/Ma .45 No Ve/Ma .71 No Ve/Ma .96 No Ve/Ma 1.21 Ju Mo/Me .5 Pl Sa/Ne 1.4 Pl Sa/Ne 1.41 Pl Sa/Ne 1.42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.4 Ma Me/Pl 1.48 Ma Me/Pl 1.5 Ma Me/Pl 1.52 Ma Me/Pl 1.46 Mo Ju/Ur 1.58 Mo Ju/Ur 1.56 Sa Su/Pl 2.22 Ju Mo/No 2.07 Ju Mo/Me 2.19 Sa Su/Pl 2.32 Ve Mo/Ma 2.35Tuesday 16 September 2014The slow and decelerating Moon in Gemini reaches her last quarter phase and becomes void of course 02:06. She remains void for 13 hours. The Moon enters Cancer 15:25 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Virgo EA 23 Pisces MA con PL .53 Mon 22 Gemini ME 29 Sagittarius ME trn VE .58 Mer 19 Libra VE 28 Leo EA trn SA .92 Ven 13 Virgo MA 12 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.59 Mar 01 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo MA sqr UR 2.12 Jup 13 Leo SA 24 Scorpio VE sqr SA 4.24 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 3Water 2Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Sa .5 Ve Mo/Ma .31 No Su/Sa .79 Ju Su/Mo .76 Ma Pl/No .59 No Su/Sa .65 Ma Pl/No .94 No Su/Sa .94 Ve Mo/Ma 1.02 Ma Pl/No .76 Mo Ve/Ur 1.11 Ma Pl/No 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.43 Pl Sa/Ne 1.44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.45 No Ve/Ma 1.46 Ma Me/Pl 1.56 Ma Me/Pl 1.58 Ma Me/Pl 1.6 Ma Me/Pl 1.54 No Ve/Ma 1.71 Ve Mo/Ma 1.63 Mo Ve/Ur 1.81 Sa Su/Pl 2.12 Sa Su/Pl 2.02 Sa Su/Pl 1.92 Sa Su/Pl 1.82Wednesday 17 September 2014Intricate defensive mechanisms are to the fore today. An 'attack is the best form of defence' kind of day. Touchy, testing, clingy, crabby. The emotional backdrop is set for tomorrow's Scottish referendum. The slow, decelerating, last quarter Moon in Cancer 'water trines' Neptune 02:35 The Moon opposes Pluto 13:06 Mercury conjunction the lunar node 13:37 The Moon sextiles Venus 21:13 The Moon squares Uranus 21:40 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Virgo EA 24 Pisces EA trn SA .02 Mon 04 Cancer ME 2 Capricorn MA con PL .05 Mer 20 Libra VE 30 Leo MA sqr UR 1.54 Ven 14 Virgo MA 13 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.59 Mar 02 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo ME trn VE 1.74 Jup 13 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 LibraHelio Mars conjunct Pluto Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Ur .31 Ve Mo/Sa .95 Ve Mo/Sa .26 Ju Mo/Ve .68 Ju Su/Mo .84 No Su/Sa 1.23 Ju Mo/Ve .93 Me Su/Sa 1.31 No Su/Sa 1.08 Ma Pl/No 1.46 No Su/Sa 1.38 Sa Su/Pl 1.42 Ma Pl/No 1.29 Pl Sa/Ne 1.47 Me Su/Sa 1.46 Ve Mo/Sa 1.47 Pl Sa/Ne 1.46 Me Su/Sa 1.61 Pl Sa/Ne 1.48 Pl Sa/Ne 1.48 Ma Me/Pl 1.63 Sa Su/Pl 1.62 Sa Su/Pl 1.52 No Su/Sa 1.52 Sa Su/Pl 1.72 Ma Me/Pl 1.65 Ma Pl/No 1.64 Ma Me/Pl 1.71Thursday 18 September 2014Transiting Mars squares UK Pluto as this day begins, A body blow, but its influence has already peaked. Transiting Saturn now trines the UK Moon. This holds us together. We are 5 days from the Equinox, 6 from a New Moon, 17 days from Mercury turning retrograde. Venus in Virgo, ever the Virgin Whore, quinquncx Uranus 01:21The slowly waning Moon, well past the last quarter phase in Cancer water trines Saturn 05:45 Moon squares her node, south of the ecliptic, 08:02 The Moon squares Mercury 10:01 The Moon sextiles the Sun becoming void 18:39 Minor lunar occultation of star lambda Gemini observable from mid UK 03:30 to 04:29 The Scottish independence referendum will be held today 18th Sept 2014. It does not look likely to me that Scotland will vote for independence. The UK 1801 chart had major turbulence in 2013 but the major astrological storms, i.e. Pluto conjunct UK Sun and IC, Neptune conjunct UK Pluto, Uranus square UK Sun, conjunct UK Descendant, are all over by the referendum date. I would imagine Scottish independence would show up clearly in the 1801 chart. So unless what is happening now is the late arrival of all the astrological turbulence listed above it appears the crisis of UK identity is over. Alex Salmond had a majestic Saturn return and Saturn trine natal Mars very recently, which has boosted his standing, political presence and influence. Currently Pluto is conjunct his natal Mercury and sextile his MC which I admit is an omen for powerful change, and one that some astrologers have focussed on in their forecast of a 'Yes Vote'. Transiting Saturn is conjunct his natal Venus before the end of 2014. Dashed hopes for him I say. The referendum day itself chosen by Alex Salmond is very low key. An old slow Moon in Cancer hangs high in the dawn skies, the mood today being a practical need for safety security and the reassurance of the pound, the EU and the Queen. This is Alex Salmond's mistake. With the advice from an astrologer he might have chosen a day more in keeping with the 'leap of faith' he advocates, instead of today, which is a day when insecurity naturally arises. What is clear is that old Moon resides in Cancer, the sign of care, worry, and protection. It's hard to let go of anything with the Moon in Cancer. The majority vote will be for Scotland to stay British. There is a marvelous piece by 'The Oxford Astrologer' on the subject of Scottish Independence here. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Virgo EA 25 Pisces MA con PL .64 Mon 16 Cancer ME 4 Capricorn MA sqr UR .96 Mer 21 Libra VE 1 Virgo EA trn SA .97 Ven 15 Virgo MA 13 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.6 Mar 03 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo ME sex NE 1.9 Jup 14 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME trn VE 2.93 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE opp NE 4.83 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ma .4 Su Mo/Ma .93 Me Su/Sa .87 Me Su/Sa .73 Me Su/Sa 1.16 Me Su/Sa 1.01 Sa Su/Pl 1.12 Ve Ju/No .92 Sa Su/Pl 1.32 Sa Su/Pl 1.22 Ve Ju/No 1.22 Sa Su/Pl 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.49 Pl Sa/Ne 1.5 Pl Sa/Ne 1.51 Pl Sa/Ne 1.52 No Su/Sa 1.67 Ve Ju/No 1.51 Ve Me/Ju 1.76 Ve Me/Ju 1.61 Ma Me/Pl 1.73 Ma Me/Pl 1.76 Ma Me/Pl 1.8 Ma Me/Pl 1.83 Ve Ju/No 1.8 No Su/Sa 1.81 No Su/Sa 1.96 No Su/Sa 2.11Friday 19 September 2014The slowly waning Moon approaching her balsamic phase enters Leo 03:11 joining Jupiter in this sign. The Moon 'fire trines' Mars 10:42 A couple of days geared to creativity,sport and recreation are upon us. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Virgo EA 26 Pisces MA sqr UR .38 Mon 28 Cancer ME 7 Capricorn ME sex NE .92 Mer 22 Libra VE 3 Virgo MA con PL 1.23 Ven 16 Virgo MA 14 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.61 Mar 03 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo EA trn SA 1.91 Jup 14 Leo SA 24 Scorpio VE opp NE 3.21 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME trn VE 4.13 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME con PL 5.48 Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Sa .59 Ve Ju/No .34 Me Mo/Pl .03 Me Su/Sa .18 Ve Ju/No .63 Me Su/Sa .45 Ve Ju/No .04 Ve Ju/No .25 No Mo/Pl .74 No Mo/Pl .76 Me Su/Sa .32 Sa Su/Pl .61 Sa Su/Pl .91 Sa Su/Pl .81 Su Mo/Sa .43 Ve Me/Ju 1 Ve Me/Ju 1.46 Su Mo/Sa .82 Sa Su/Pl .71 Me Mo/Pl 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.52 Me Mo/Pl 1.18 Ve Me/Ju 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne 1.55 Ma Me/Pl 1.86 Ve Me/Ju 1.31 Pl Sa/Ne 1.54 Su Mo/Sa 1.68
Saturday 20 September 2014The Moon balsamic phase 03:42 The royal road to New Moon commences. The Moon conjunction Jupiter almost half way through Leo, 07:30, Rule Britannia. The World watched a display of democracy as the Scottish referendum unfolded. No bullets. The Moon fire trines Uranus 09:58Moon at apogee 14:23 (farthest from The Moon squares Saturn 18:48 The Moon sextiles her node, gaining in latitude, 20:23. Venus in Virgo is sextiling Saturn this weekend. Deep and sober commitment. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Virgo EA 27 Pisces MA sqr UR .2 Mon 10 Leo ME 10 Capricorn VE opp NE 1.59 Mer 23 Libra VE 5 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.61 Ven 18 Virgo MA 15 Capricorn MA con PL 1.82 Mar 04 Sagittarius JU 6 Leo ME con PL 2.63 Jup 14 Leo SA 24 Scorpio EA trn SA 2.86 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME sqr UR 4.24 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces ME con MA 4.44 Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraEarth and slowest all month)Fire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Sa .05 Me Su/Sa .07 Ve Mo/No .04 Sa Su/Pl .21 Sa Su/Pl .51 Ve Mo/Me .32 Me Su/Sa .2 Me Su/Sa .32 Ve Ju/No .55 Sa Su/Pl .41 Sa Su/Pl .31 Ve Me/Ju .37 Ve Me/Ju .84 Ve Me/Ju .69 Ve Me/Ju .53 Ve Mo/No 1.12 Ve Mo/Me .98 Ve Ju/No .84 Ve Ju/No 1.13 No Ve/Sa 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.56 Ve Mo/No 1.21 No Ve/Sa 1.43 Ve Ju/No 1.43 No Ve/Sa 1.79 Pl Sa/Ne 1.56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.57 Pl Sa/Ne 1.58Sunday 21 September 2014 Venus sextiles SaturnThe very old, very slow, but now accelerating Moon in Leo sextiles Mercury becoming void 04:34 The Moon is void for 11 hours 21 mins. Venus (on the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint sextiles Saturn (on the Sun/Pluto midpoint) 13:04. The ancient Moon enters Virgo 15:55 joining Venus and the Sun in this sign. Mars semi square the lunar node 18:29 The day really is under the sway of Mars square Neptune which adds a bizarre and corrosive quality to events. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Virgo EA 28 Pisces VE opp NE .03 Mon 22 Leo ME 13 Capricorn ME con PL .26 Mer 24 Libra VE 6 Virgo MA sqr UR .79 Ven 19 Virgo MA 15 Capricorn ME sqr UR 1.36 Mar 05 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo UR sqr PL 1.62 Jup 14 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME con MA 2.15 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries MA con PL 2.41 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA trn SA 3.81 Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraFire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Pl .11 Sa Su/Pl .01 Sa Su/Pl .09 Sa Su/Pl .19 Ve Me/Ju .21 Ve Me/Ju .05 Ve Me/Ju .12 Ve Me/Ju .28 Me Su/Sa .44 Me Su/Sa .56 Me Su/Sa .67 No Ve/Sa .53 No Ve/Sa 1.07 No Ve/Sa .89 No Ve/Sa .71 Su Mo/Me .69 Pl Sa/Ne 1.59 Pl Sa/Ne 1.6 Pl Sa/Ne 1.61 Me Su/Sa .78 Ve Ju/No 1.72 Ve Ju/No 2.02 Su Mo/Me 2.05 Mo Ve/Ju 1.04 Ma Me/Pl 2.18 Ma Me/Pl 2.22 Ma Me/Pl 2.27 Pl Sa/Ne 1.61Monday 22 September 2014Mars squares Neptune. ![]()
The Moon, Mars and Neptune form a very tight mutable T-square The very slow and ancient Moon accelerating towards New Moon early Wednesday, in Virgo squares Mars 03:06 Moon opposition Neptune 03:08 Mars squares Neptune 03:40 Sun waxing semi-square Jupiter 11:48 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 14:05 PLUTO TURNS RETROGRADE 18:16 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 30 degrees Virgo today. The Autumn Equinox is tomorrow and there are 91 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun, old Moon and Venus are in Virgo. Mercury turns retrograde in 12 days time. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Libra. He is approaching his station and has two periods in this sign. He appears to decelerate to a speed less than a degree per day today. He enters Scorpio on 27th Sept for a brief and intense 13 days. His station occurs at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, re-entering Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, finally leaving Libra for Scorpio on November 8th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Virgo. Venus leaves Virgo for Libra on Sept 29th. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars squares Neptune today, a hazardous zone. However he then trines Uranus Oct 5th and trines Jupiter Oct 8th, days of bounty. The Sun squares receding Mars Oct 15th. Face on challenge. Mercury and Venus both sextile Mars, 17th, 20th Oct respectively. Blast of a residence this. Colourful arrows flying. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are now in the 'foothills' of a new eclipse season. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 15 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The Autumn Equinox is tomorrow. The New Moon (in Libra) is on Wednesday. Jupiter is trine Uranus on Thursday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Virgo EA 29 Pisces ME con MA .17 Mon 04 Virgo ME 16 Capricorn MA sqr UR 1.37 Mer 25 Libra VE 8 Virgo ME sqr UR 1.55 Ven 20 Virgo MA 16 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.62 Mar 05 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo VE opp NE 1.65 Jup 14 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA con PL 3 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME con PL 3.17 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
03:00 to 04:00Fire 3Earth 4Air 2Water 2Significant helio harmonic 14Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Pl .29 No Ve/Sa .17 No Ve/Sa .01 Ve Su/Mo .17 No Ve/Sa .35 Mo Su/Ju .22 Sa Su/Pl .49 No Ve/Sa .19 Ve Me/Ju .45 Sa Su/Pl .39 Su Mo/No .7 Sa Su/Pl .59 No Mo/Ma .56 Su Mo/No .54 Ve Me/Ju .79 Ve Me/Ju .96 Su Mo/Me .68 Ve Me/Ju .62 Me Su/Sa 1.1 Me Su/Sa 1.2 Me Su/Sa .89 Ma Mo/Ne .64 Ve Su/Mo 1.13 Me Mo/Ma 1.44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.62 Me Su/Sa 1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.64 Pl Sa/Ne 1.65Tuesday 23 September 2014 The Autumn EquinoxThe Sun enters Libra
The Sun crosses the equator and Autumn commences in the northern hemisphere. It is the first day of Spring in the south. This Equinox is dominated by Jupiter trine Uranus. This is a fortunate and positive time. Mars and Neptune are separating from their square aspect. Chaos and disorder are behind us, troubles dissolving. The balsamic Moon is applying to Venus in Virgo sextile Saturn, so we have a cultured and discriminating vibration with healing potential. At the moment of Equinox the Sun is rising over Iran and Saudi, and culminating at Tokyo. The Moon is shortly to rise at Jerusalem and is culminating over Korea. Pluto, having just turned retrograde is shortly to culminate at Los Angeles. We now have a 'holy' 28 hour period between the Equinox today and the New Moon tomorrow. The old Moon sextiles Saturn 07:42 Mercury quintile Jupiter 12:12 Moon conjunction Venus becoming void 12:16 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Virgo EA 30 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.63 Mon 16 Virgo ME 19 Capricorn MA sqr UR 1.96 Mer 26 Libra VE 10 Virgo ME con MA 2.54 Ven 21 Virgo MA 16 Capricorn VE trn PL 3.13 Mar 06 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo VE opp NE 3.26 Jup 14 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA con PL 3.59 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME sqr UR 4.5 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Fire 3Earth 4Air 2Water 2Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Mo/Ma .09 No Ve/Sa .55 No Mo/Sa .67 No Ve/Sa .91 No Ve/Sa .37 Sa Su/Pl .79 No Ve/Sa .73 Sa Su/Pl .99 Sa Su/Pl .69 No Mo/Sa .86 Sa Su/Pl .89 Me Ju/Pl 1.01 Ve Me/Ju 1.13 Me Mo/Ma 1.27 Me Ju/Pl 1.21 Mo Su/Ve 1.55 Me Su/Sa 1.3 Ve Me/Ju 1.3 Mo Me/Ju 1.36 Me Su/Sa 1.57 Mo Ju/No 1.42 Me Su/Sa 1.39 Ve Me/Ju 1.48 Su Ju/Sa 1.6 Ve Su/Mo 1.48 Me Ju/Pl 1.41 Me Su/Sa 1.48 Ve Me/Ju 1.66Wednesday 24 September 2014 New Moon in LibraThe ancient Moon enters Libra 04:00 joining the Sun, the lunar node and Mercury in this sign. Moon conjunction Sun 06:15 The New Moon sextiles
Today's New Moon is the 5th New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on April 29th 2014 and the ultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse at the very start of Scorpio on October 23rd 2014. With its passing we are fully into an eclipse season. As with yesterday's Equinox chart, this New Moon chart is strongly coloured by Jupiter trine Uranus which is always freedom loving. The Moon in this chart sextiles Mars which is tactfully but firmly assertive, and makes a long application to Mercury, which suggests 'the message' and 'the decision to be made' will take a long time to come to light. The New Moon is close to the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint which sheds a legal and civil light on this lunation. Today's New Moon directly hits the ascendants of Russia (1991) David Cameron and the EU. It also hits Uranus (sextile Jupiter) in the UK chart, Neptune in Jo Biden's chart and Saturn in Gordon Brown's chart, (re-establishing a political role for him?). The New Moon sextiles Nick Clegg's Jupiter, squares Uranus in the North Korea chart and squares Venus and trines Jupiter in Barack Obama's chart. The Moon sextile Mars 18:32 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Libra EA 1 Aries VE trn PL 1.51 Mon 28 Virgo ME 22 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.63 Mer 27 Libra VE 11 Virgo ME sex SA 2.38 Ven 23 Virgo MA 17 Capricorn MA sqr UR 2.55 Mar 07 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo MA con PL 4.18 Jup 15 Leo SA 24 Scorpio VE opp NE 4.88 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries ME con MA 4.94 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 06 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Fire 3Earth 3Air 3Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/Pl .36 Me Ju/Pl .62 Me Ju/Pl .43 Mo Ve/No .21 Me Ju/Pl .82 Sa Mo/Pl 1.13 Me Mo/Sa .48 Me Ju/Pl .25 Sa Su/Pl 1.08 Sa Su/Pl 1.18 Su Ju/Sa .97 Su Ju/Sa .76 No Ve/Sa 1.09 Su Ju/Sa 1.18 Sa Su/Pl 1.28 Me Mo/Sa .85 Mo Su/Ve 1.2 No Ve/Sa 1.27 No Ve/Sa 1.45 Su Mo/Ve 1.26 Su Ju/Sa 1.39 Mo Ju/Sa 1.29 Pl Sa/Ne 1.7 Sa Su/Pl 1.38 Me Su/Sa 1.66 Pl Sa/Ne 1.7 Mo Ju/Sa 1.71 No Ve/Sa 1.63Thursday 25 September 2014The New Moon in Libra with Jupiter trine Uranus has coincided with President Obama urging a global drive against the Islamic State's (ISIS) "network of death", as US air strikes intensify in Iraq and Syria. The UK parliament will be recalled on Friday to debate the UK's potential role in air strikes against Islamic State in Iraq. India has become the fourth nation to put a satellite into orbit around Mars, as Mangalyaan arrived yesterday to study the Red Planet's atmosphere. Very Jupiter trine Uranus. The tiny baby Moon in Libra, slowly waxing, squares Pluto 01:40 Moon sextile Jupiter 09:21 Moon opposition Uranus 09:31 Jupiter trine Uranus 18:20 The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery'. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries (a triple conjunction). Today's waxing fire trine is the first of 3, the other two are on March 3rd 2015 and on June 22nd 2015. The waxing 'fire trine' aspect represents a free and easy flow of creative, exploratory, risk taking energy, (including it seems, bombing ISIS). Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus. Moon conjunction Node 19:23 Mars will soon start to move towards a Fire Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus which peaks on October 8th the day of the Total Lunar Eclipse. We are in a very creative, colourful, and forthright fortnight ahead. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Libra EA 2 Aries VE trn PL .11 Mon 10 Libra ME 25 Capricorn ME sex SA .63 Mer 28 Libra VE 13 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.64 Ven 24 Virgo MA 18 Capricorn MA sqr UR 3.13 Mar 08 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo MA con PL 4.77 Jup 15 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ju/Pl .07 Me Ju/Pl .11 Su Ju/Sa .12 Su Ju/Sa .09 Su Mo/Ve .18 Su Ju/Sa .33 Me Ju/Pl .29 Me Ju/Pl .46 Su Ju/Sa .55 No Mo/Me .52 Mo Su/Me .98 Pl Sa/Ne 1.75 Mo Me/Ve .75 Sa Su/Pl 1.58 Sa Su/Pl 1.68 Sa Me/Ma 1.77 Mo Su/No .85 Su Mo/Ve 1.62 Pl Sa/Ne 1.74 Sa Su/Pl 1.78 Mo Ma/Ju 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.73 Sa Me/Ma 1.93 Sa Ve/Pl 2.08 No Mo/Me 1.12 Mo Su/Me 1.87 Me Su/Sa 2.09 Me Su/Sa 2.16Friday 26 September 2014Decelerating Mercury,8 days from his station and in repeatable territory, quintiles Pluto 11:20 Moon conjunction Mercury becoming void 12:40 The Moon enters Scorpio 14:30 joining Saturn in that sign. The Moon remains in Scorpio nearly all weekend. This is a good placement for grappling with a tricky issue. Intensity of purpose is the title. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Libra EA 3 Aries UR sqr PL 1.64 Mon 22 Libra ME 28 Capricorn VE trn PL 1.72 Mer 29 Libra VE 14 Virgo VE trn MA 3.64 Ven 25 Virgo MA 18 Capricorn MA sqr UR 3.72 Mar 08 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo EA trn JU 4.13 Jup 15 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA con PL 5.37 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ve/Sa .14 Su Ju/Sa .51 Mo Ju/Pl .63 Sa Mo/Ma .17 Su Ju/Sa .3 Me Ju/Pl .79 Su Ju/Sa .72 Mo Ve/Ma .59 Me Ju/Pl .63 Mo Su/Sa 1 Me Ju/Pl .95 Su Ju/Sa .93 Sa Me/Ma 1.61 Mo Me/No 1.13 Sa Me/Ma 1.3 Me Ju/Pl 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.75 Sa Me/Ma 1.45 Sa Mo/Ma 1.46 Sa Me/Ma 1.14 Sa Su/Pl 1.88 Pl Sa/Ne 1.76 Sa Ve/Pl 1.68 Sa Ve/Pl 1.55 Mo Me/No 1.89 Sa Ve/Pl 1.82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.77 Pl Sa/Ne 1.78Saturday 27 September 2014The slowly accelerating and waxing young Moon in Scorpio water-trines Neptune 00:54 The Moon sextiles Pluto 11:26 The Moon squares Jupiter 19:40 Venus waning quintile Mars 20:36 Mercury enters Scorpio 22:41 joining the Moon and Saturn in this sign. Mercury turns retrograde in 7 days time. His station occurs at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, He re-enters Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. The first period of Saturn in Scorpio from today for 13 days is a real 'no go' period where it would be advisable not to make major decisions or sign contracts. Better to wait for the 2nd period starting Nov 8th. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Libra EA 4 Aries UR sqr PL 1.65 Mon 05 Scorpio ME 1 Aquarius VE trn MA 2.62 Mer 29 Libra VE 16 Virgo EA sex ME 2.68 Ven 26 Virgo MA 19 Capricorn EA trn JU 3.23 Mar 09 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo VE trn PL 3.34 Jup 15 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA sqr UR 4.31 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Sa/No .11 Ve Mo/Ju .04 Sa Me/Ma .7 Mo Ma/No .22 No Su/Mo .63 Me Mo/No .48 No Mo/Ve .82 Sa Me/Ma .55 Ma Mo/Pl .91 Ma Mo/Pl .49 Me Mo/No .93 No Mo/Ve .94 Sa Me/Ma .99 Sa Me/Ma .85 Sa Ve/Pl 1.15 Sa Ve/Pl 1.02 Su Ju/Sa 1.14 No Su/Mo 1.09 Ve Mo/Ju 1.26 Pl Mo/Ne 1.05 Me Ju/Pl 1.26 Sa Ve/Pl 1.29 Mo Me/Sa 1.35 Me Ju/Pl 1.7 Ve Mo/Ju 1.33 Su Ju/Sa 1.35 Me Ju/Pl 1.56 Su Ju/Sa 1.78Sunday 28 September 2014The young Moon,in Scorpio, gaining in light and motion is conjunct Saturn 04:47, visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn the 12th of 14.The Moon, Mercury and Saturn are today in Scorpio. The Moon reaches waxing crescent phase 04:17 The Sun makes a waning semi-square to Saturn 11:31 Sun quinquncx Neptune 14:53 Moon sextile Venus becoming void 20:31 The Moon enters Sagittarius 22:51, joining Mars in that sign. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Libra EA 5 Aries EA sex ME .44 Mon 18 Scorpio ME 4 Aquarius VE trn MA 1.6 Mer 00 Scorpio VE 18 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.65 Ven 28 Virgo MA 19 Capricorn EA trn JU 2.33 Mar 10 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo ME opp JU 2.78 Jup 15 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .41 Sa Me/Ma .27 Sa Me/Ma .13 Sa Me/Ma 0 Pl Mo/Ne .55 Sa Ve/Pl .76 Su Mo/Ju .49 Sa Ve/Pl .49 Sa Ve/Pl .89 Mo Me/Ma .92 Sa Ve/Pl .62 Su Mo/Ju .91 Mo Ve/Pl 1.66 Mo Ve/Pl 1.4 Me Su/Mo .63 Me Su/Mo .97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.83 Mo Su/Pl .97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.85 Me Ju/Pl 1.83 Su Mo/Ju 1.88 Pl Sa/Ne 1.84 No Su/Me 1.92 Su Ju/Sa 1.99 Me Ju/Pl 1.97 Me Ju/Pl 2.09 Me Ju/Pl 2.22Monday 29 September 2014Moon square Neptune 08:43 Moon sextile Sun 10:11 Moon conjunction Mars 18:35 Venus enters Libra 20:53 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 7 degrees Libra today. There are 84 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mars and the Moon are in Sagittarius. Mercury and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is an evening star in Scorpio and turns retrograde in 7 days. His station occurs at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, He re-enters Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is a morning 'star' and enterss Libra today. Venus squares Pluto on October 8th and opposes Uranus on Oct 11th, sextiles Jupiter on October 14th, and is conjunct the Lunar Node on Oct 15th. Venus overtakes a retrograde Mercury at 22 Libra on Oct 17th, sextiles Mars on Oct 20th. Venus enters Scorpio on Oct 22nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct 25th, and is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus forms A tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now in Sagittarius. Mars is moving towards a Fire Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus which peaks on October 8th the day of the Total Lunar Eclipse. We have a very creative, colourful, and forthright fortnight ahead. He trines Uranus Oct 5th and trines Jupiter Oct 8th, which are days of bounty. The Sun squares receding Mars Oct 15th which is a face on challenge. Mercury and Venus both sextile Mars, 17th, 20th Oct respectively. A blast of a residence this this Mars in Sagittarius. Colourful arrows flying. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are now in a new eclipse season. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' in 8 days time on October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Libra EA 6 Aries ME opp JU .42 Mon 01 Sagittarius ME 8 Aquarius VE trn MA .57 Mer 01 Scorpio VE 19 Virgo EA trn JU 1.43 Ven 29 Virgo MA 20 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.66 Mar 10 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo EA sex ME 1.85 Jup 16 Leo SA 24 Scorpio Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraFire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .14 Sa Ve/Pl .23 Sa Ve/Pl .1 Sa Ve/Pl .04 Mo Pl/No .16 Sa Me/Ma .27 Sa Me/Ma .39 Sa Mo/Me .37 Mo Ma/Sa .32 Me Mo/Ve .8 Mo Me/Pl 1.24 Sa Me/Ma .52 Sa Ve/Pl .36 No Su/Me 1.51 No Su/Me 1.31 No Su/Me 1.11 Me Mo/Ve .86 Pl Sa/Ne 1.86 Sa Mo/Me 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.88 No Su/Me 1.71 Mo Me/Pl 1.98 Pl Sa/Ne 1.87 Me Su/Sa 2.56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.85 Me Ju/Pl 2.45 Me Mo/Ve 2.47 Me Ju/Pl 2.66Tuesday 30 September 2014 Over the last two days protests in Hong Kong have dominated the news. These protests appear set to continue, as tens of thousands of people are camped on the streets defying calls to go home. The Hong Kong chart had a progressed New Moon this year in Cancer in late June. This New Moon enters Leo in 5 days time. Transiting Uranus is conjunct Hong Kong Pluto in 2015. Revolution and change are coming. The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon is today in Sagittarius.
The Moon, Jupiter and Uranus form a fire grand trine. Moon trine Uranus 01:47 Moon trine Jupiter 03:30 becoming void and remains that way for over 24 hours. Moon sextiles north of her node 10:45 Venus waxing semi-square Jupiter 13:13 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Libra EA 7 Aries VE trn MA .45 Mon 14 Sagittarius ME 11 Aquarius EA trn JU .53 Mer 01 Scorpio VE 21 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.67 Ven 00 Libra MA 21 Capricorn ME sex UR 3.44 Mar 11 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo VE sex SA 3.46 Jup 16 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME opp JU 3.69 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
01:00 to 04:00Fire 4Earth 1Air 3Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/Pl .17 Sa Ve/Pl .3 Sa Mo/No .28 No Mo/Ju .08 Sa Me/Ma .64 No Su/Me .72 Sa Ve/Pl .43 No Su/Me .34 No Su/Me .91 Mo Ve/Ne .75 No Su/Me .53 Sa Ve/Pl .57 Mo Sa/Pl 1.88 Sa Me/Ma .77 Mo Su/Ne .77 Sa Me/Ma 1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.89 Mo Sa/Pl 1.45 Sa Me/Ma .88 Sa Mo/No 1.38 Sa Mo/Me 2.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.9 No Mo/Ju 1.65 Pl Sa/Ne 1.91 Me Su/Sa 2.55 Sa Mo/No 1.93 Pl Sa/Ne 1.9 Ve Ju/Sa 2.09Wednesday 1 October 2014The Moon gaining in light and motion enters Capricorn 04:42, joining Pluto there. The Moon sextiles a very slow Mercury 07:38 The Moon squares Venus in libra 07:52 The Moon sextiles Neptune 14:00 The Moon reaches first quarter 19:33 The Moon conjuncts Pluto 23:49 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Libra EA 8 Aries ME sex UR .03 Mon 27 Sagittarius ME 14 Aquarius EA trn JU .37 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 23 Virgo VE trn MA 1.46 Ven 01 Libra MA 21 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.67 Mar 12 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo VE sex SA 1.87 Jup 16 Leo SA 24 Scorpio MA sex SA 3.33 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra![]()
As the month begins Mars is starting to form a fire grand trine with Jupiter and Uranus which peaks on Oct 8th the day of Total Lunar Eclipse,and then fades by the 12th. Jupiter trines Uranus again on the 17th. Mercury turns retrograde in 3 days time.Fire 4Earth 1Air 3Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Me .15 No Su/Me .03 No Su/Me .21 No Su/Me .39 Mo Ne/No .26 Sa Ve/Pl .83 Ma Mo/Sa .34 Sa Mo/Ve .59 Sa Ve/Pl .7 Sa Su/Mo 1.17 Mo Me/Ne .64 Ve Ju/Sa .98 Mo Ma/Pl .98 Sa Me/Ma 1.22 Sa Su/Mo .65 Sa Ve/Pl 1.09 Sa Me/Ma 1.11 Ma Mo/Sa 1.22 Sa Ve/Pl .96 Sa Me/Ma 1.43 No Mo/Ju 1.81 Ve Ju/Sa 1.53 Ve Ju/Sa 1.26 Ma Mo/Sa 1.91 Ve Ju/Sa 1.81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.93 Sa Me/Ma 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.95Thursday 2 October 2014VENUS is on the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint today. A measure of wavering indecision.The Moon in Capricorn, Uranus and the lunar node form a loose cardinal T-square The First Quarter Moon accelerating on to Total Eclipse in six days time squares Uranus 06:12 The Moon squares north of her node 14:42 The Moon sextiles Saturn becoming void 16:19 The Moon remains 'void of course' for nearly 16 hours. Significant geocentric harmonic 9 as this GMT day ends. Strength at best, frivolity at worst. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Libra EA 9 Aries VE sex SA .28 Mon 11 Capricorn ME 18 Aquarius EA trn JU 1.28 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 24 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.68 Ven 03 Libra MA 22 Capricorn VE trn MA 2.48 Mar 12 Sagittarius JU 7 Leo MA sex SA 2.76 Jup 16 Leo SA 24 Scorpio ME sex UR 3.46 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA sqr PL 4.04 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
06:00 to 15:00Fire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Me .56 Ve Ju/Sa .42 Me Mo/Ju .12 Ve Ju/Sa .14 Ve Ju/Sa .7 No Su/Me .73 Ve Ju/Sa .14 Ma Mo/Me 1.03 Sa Ve/Pl 1.23 Sa Ve/Pl 1.36 No Su/Me .9 No Su/Me 1.06 Sa Mo/Ve 1.28 Me Mo/Ju 1.59 Mo Ur/No .9 Sa Ve/Pl 1.62 Sa Me/Ma 1.53 Sa Me/Ma 1.63 Sa Ve/Pl 1.49 Mo Me/Ur 1.74 Mo Sa/Ne 1.85 Mo Sa/Ne 1.64 Sa Me/Ma 1.73 Sa Me/Ma 1.82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.95 Pl Sa/Ne 1.96 Pl Sa/Ne 1.97 Me Mo/Ju 1.85Friday 3 October 2014Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 00:00 GMT Here's the 9th harmonic chart set for 01:00 GMTNotice the stellium of 4 bodies in Leo including the current 40 degree waxing novile aspect(one ninth of a circle)between Uranus and Neptune. The moment is potentially one of great strength and fortitude. Saturn biquintile Uranus 00:06 This aspect first manifested in mid November 2013 and was repeated in early May 2014. Today is the final blast. The aspect evokes new perspectives in artistic political and social systems. These two planets were last conjunct in 1988, the '1988 activator'. They were in opposition between 2008 and 2010. Their last quarter phase is in 2021 and the next conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is in Gemini in the magical year of 2032. The current biquintile gives hope to open minds. The accelerating and waxing Moon enters Aquarius 08:01 The Moon squares an almost stationary Mercury 11:44 The Moon air trines Venus 15:54 The Libran Sun is squaring Pluto as the day ends. Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow and the Total Lunar Eclipse is just 5 days away. Despite these last three 'iffy' phenomena, the weekend ahead does see Mars 'fire trine' Uranus early (GMT) Sunday which can be guaranteed to bring a fair dose of 'cosmic adrenalin' to all eventualities in the two days ahead. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Libra EA 10 Aries VE sex SA 1.31 Mon 25 Capricorn ME 21 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.68 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 26 Virgo EA trn JU 2.18 Ven 04 Libra MA 22 Capricorn MA sex SA 2.19 Mar 13 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo ME sqr SA 3.01 Jup 16 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sqr PL 3.06 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries VE trn MA 3.5 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces EA con UR 4.74 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Ur .34 Ve Ju/Sa .69 Mo Sa/Ur .34 Ma Mo/No .79 Ve Ju/Sa .41 No Su/Me 1.38 Ve Ju/Sa .97 No Me/Ve 1.12 Ma Mo/Me .6 Ne Mo/Ur 1.44 No Me/Ve 1.3 Pl Mo/Ma 1.22 Mo Ma/Ne 1.03 No Me/Ve 1.49 No Su/Me 1.54 Ve Ju/Sa 1.25 No Su/Me 1.22 Me Su/Sa 1.84 Me Su/Sa 1.75 Me Su/Sa 1.64 No Me/Ve 1.68 Sa Ve/Pl 1.88 Su Ve/No 1.9 No Su/Me 1.69 Sa Ve/Pl 1.75 Sa Me/Ma 1.99 Pl Sa/Ne 2.01 Su Ve/No 1.8Saturday 4th October 2014 The Moon gaining in light and motion in Aquarius air trines the Sun 01:56 Venus 'waning quinquncx' Neptune 02:36 The Moon sextiles Mars 07:15 The Sun squares Pluto 08:07 The Moon sextiles Uranus 08:20 The Moon opposes Jupiter 11:23Grand Fire trine weekend. Mercury goes retrograde.
Sun squares Pluto.![]()
As the Moon opposes Jupiter a planetary kite involving Venus waning semi-square Saturn 13:46 Sun biquintile Neptune 14:09 The Moon trines her node 16:28 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 16:56 The Moon squares Saturn becoming void 18:33 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Libra EA 11 Aries ME sqr SA .65 Mon 10 Aquarius ME 25 Aquarius MA sex SA 1.61 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 27 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.69 Ven 05 Libra MA 23 Capricorn EA sqr PL 2.08 Mar 14 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo VE sex SA 2.9 Jup 16 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA trn JU 3.08 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries EA con UR 3.77 Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Libra
Mars and Uranus manifests.Fire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Ma .67 No Me/Ve .76 Ma Su/Mo .1 No Me/Ve .41 Ma Mo/No .84 Mo Ma/Ur 1.07 No Me/Ve .58 Ma Mo/Ve 1 No Me/Ve .93 Me Su/Sa 1.41 Me Su/Sa 1.29 Me Su/Sa 1.15 Mo Ne/Pl 1.45 Su Ve/No 1.61 Su Ve/No 1.51 Su Ve/No 1.41 Ve Ju/Sa 1.53 Ve Ju/Sa 1.81 Ma Sa/Pl 1.8 Ma Sa/Pl 1.64 Me Su/Sa 1.53 Ma Su/Mo 1.87 Pl Sa/Ne 2.04 Ma Su/Mo 1.67 Su Ve/No 1.71 Ma Sa/Pl 1.97 Ve Ju/Sa 2.08 Pl Sa/Ne 2.05Sunday 5 October 2014 Mercury now retrograde.Grand Fire trine weekend. The Moon reaches gibbous phase 04:18, the procession to the full moon and Total Lunar Eclipse now starts in earnest. Mars fire trines Uranus 04:19, the source of a great deal of zeal and energy in the ether this weekend. The Moon enters Pisces 09:25, joining Neptune in this sign, softening the vibe and accentuating awareness of suffering for the ensuing couple of days. The Moon water trines retro-Mercury 13:07 The Moon conjuncts Neptune 17:57 Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 18:00 GMT Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Libra EA 12 Aries MA sex SA 1.04 Mon 24 Aquarius ME 29 Aquarius EA sqr PL 1.1 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 29 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.69 Ven 06 Libra MA 24 Capricorn EA con UR 2.8 Mar 14 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo EA trn JU 3.99 Jup 17 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME sqr SA 4.4 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Ve .25 Mo Ur/Pl .07 No Me/Ve .08 No Me/Ve .23 Ma Mo/Ve .81 No Me/Ve .08 Pl Mo/Sa .24 Me Su/Sa .54 Me Su/Sa 1.01 Me Su/Sa .86 Me Su/Sa .71 Ma Sa/Pl .99 Su Ve/No 1.32 Su Ve/No 1.22 Su Ve/No 1.12 Su Ve/No 1.03 Ma Sa/Pl 1.48 Ma Sa/Pl 1.31 Ma Sa/Pl 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 2.08 Pl Sa/Ne 2.06 Pl Mo/Sa 1.62 Pl Sa/Ne 2.07 Pl Mo/Sa 2.1 No Su/Me 2.4 Pl Sa/Ne 2.06 Sa Me/Ma 2.6 Sa Me/Ma 2.65 Monday 6 October 2014 The very fast waxing gibbous Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto 03:21
Moon at perigee 09:42 (closest to Moon square Mars (on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint) 10:36 Moon trine Saturn becoming void 19:39 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 14 degrees Libra today. There are 77 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. Venus and the Sun are in Libra. The Moon and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury and Saturn are in Scorpio. Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Scorpio. His station occured at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, He re-enters Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Libra. Venus squares Pluto on October 8th and opposes Uranus on Oct 11th, sextiles Jupiter on October 14th, and is conjunct the Lunar Node on Oct 15th. Venus overtakes retrograde Mercury at 22 Libra on Oct 17th, sextiles Mars on Oct 20th. Venus enters Scorpio on Oct 22nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct 25th, and is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus forms A tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now receding in Sagittarius and currently in a Fire Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus which peaks on October 8th the day of the Total Lunar Eclipse. We have on our hands a very creative, colourful, and forthright time right now. Mars trined Uranus yesterday and trines Jupiter on Wednesday. The Sun squares Mars Oct 15th which is a face on challenge. Mercury and Venus both sextile Mars, 17th, 20th Oct respectively. All in all this is a blast of vintage 'Mars in Sagittarius'. Colourful arrows flying. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are now in a new eclipse season. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse, the 2nd of the 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' this Wednesday October 8th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a partial eclipse on October 23rd 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Libra EA 13 Aries EA sqr PL .12 Mon 09 Pisces ME 3 Pisces MA sex SA .46 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 1 Libra UR sqr PL 1.7 Ven 08 Libra MA 24 Capricorn EA con UR 1.82 Mar 15 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo ME con NE 3.55 Jup 17 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 LibraEarth and fastest all month)Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Sa .37 Me Su/Sa .19 Me Su/Sa .01 Pl Mo/Me .02 No Me/Ve .38 No Me/Ve .53 Ma Sa/Pl .5 Me Su/Sa .19 Ma Sa/Pl .82 Ma Sa/Pl .66 No Me/Ve .68 Ma Sa/Pl .33 Su Ve/No .93 Su Ve/No .83 Su Ve/No .74 Su Ve/No .64 Pl Sa/Ne 2.09 Pl Sa/Ne 2.1 Pl Mo/Me 1.8 No Me/Ve .82 Sa Me/Ma 2.7 Me Ve/Sa 2.67 Pl Sa/Ne 2.11 Pl Sa/Ne 2.12 Me Ve/Sa 2.88 Sa Me/Ma 2.74 Me Ve/Sa 2.45 Me Ve/Sa 2.22Mars is on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint today. This is brutal. The heavily gibbous Moon enters Aries 10:08, joining Uranus there adding sheer electricity to proceedings. Jupiter waning biquintile Pluto 17:01 This is the first of three such aspects between these two planets. The other two are on Jan 20th and June 25th 2015. The current Jupiter Pluto cycle started in Dec 2007 in Sagittarius, climaxed across Cancer/Capricorn 2013-2014 and will end in Capricorn in 2020. This cycle is concerned with 'the desire for power'. The Sun opposes Uranus 20:59 evoking sudden and unlooked for disruptions. Lunar tensions are high. We approach a powerful astrological event amid a swirling planetary configuration. The time and its potential are extremely volatile. The Total Lunar Eclipse, the second of the 'Tetrad of 4 Blood Moons', is tomorrow. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Libra EA 14 Aries MA sex SA .12 Mon 24 Pisces ME 7 Pisces ME con NE .44 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 2 Libra EA con UR .85 Ven 09 Libra MA 25 Capricorn EA sqr PL .86 Mar 16 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo UR sqr PL 1.7 Jup 17 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 14 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra Tuesday 7 October 2014A planetary kite is manifest Oct 7th-11th.Dangerous days. Fire 3Earth 1Air 3Water 4Strong helio harmonic 7Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Sa/Pl .17 Ma Sa/Pl 0 Ma Sa/Pl .16 Su Ve/No .25 Me Su/Sa .39 Su Ve/No .45 Su Ve/No .35 Ma Sa/Pl .32 Su Ve/No .54 Me Su/Sa .6 Pl Mo/No .74 Me Su/Sa 1.05 No Me/Ve .95 No Me/Ve 1.08 Me Su/Sa .82 Pl Mo/No 1.09 Mo Ur/Ne 1.12 Me Ve/Sa 1.74 No Me/Ve 1.21 Me Ve/Sa 1.23 Pl Mo/Me 1.84 Pl Sa/Ne 2.13 Me Ve/Sa 1.49 No Me/Ve 1.33 Me Ve/Sa 1.99 Pl Mo/No 2.58 Pl Sa/Ne 2.14 Pl Su/Mo 1.45Wednesday 8 October 2014Lunar Occultation of Uranus. TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE. Planetary Kite. Retro-Mercury semi-square Mars 00:22 Moon opposition Venus 02:59 Moon square Pluto 04:13 At 08:54 the Sun is at 15 degrees Libra. We are now at the start of 'the darkened way' which leads of course to the sign of Scorpio. Moon conjunction Uranus 09:53(0.11 degrees from exact alignment) Visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus, the 3rd of 19. ![]()
Significant geocentric harmonic 6 during the eclipse sequence. Moon opposition Sun 10:52A very dynamic Total Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aries.
Central eclipse 10:55 GMT.
The eclipsed Moon is conjunct Uranus opposite Venus and square Pluto. A planetary kite is manifest. TIMINGS OF THE ECLIPSE Penumbral eclipse starts:-08:15:36 Umbral eclipse starts:-09:14:48 Totality starts:-10:25:09 Maximum eclipse:-10:55:44 Totality ends:-11:23:59 Umbral eclipse ends:-12:34:19 Penumbral eclipse ends:-13:33:39 Today's Total Lunar Eclipse hooks into a fire grand trine involving Mars, Jupiter and Uranus transforming it into a 'Kite Pattern'. This really is a high energy eclipse and the time is very important. In addition Venus is square Pluto. This adds a rather debauch hue to proceedings. There is the potential of very underhand deals going down at this time. The planetary energy is 'cardinal fire and water'. This translate to 'steamy and proactive' with little staying power and application. During the first half of the eclipse the Full Moon passing through the Earth's shadow occults Uranus. The Earth, Moon and Uranus are linearly aligned at this time. Quite momentous. At the moment of maximum eclipse the Moon, Sun and Uranus are aligned to Rome, Tripoli, Copenhagan, Quito and Bangkok where Pluto is also aligned. LUNAR SAROS 127 Todays eclipse is the 42nd member of the 72 eclipses which comprise Lunar Saros 127. This family of eclipses started with a penumbral eclipse on July 9th 1275. The chart for this event set arbitrarily for London is shown below.This chart marks volatile potential energy. A cardinal cross is manifest involving Saturn, Jupiter, the lunar node, Pluto and Chiron. The tightest Jupiter Saturn opposition arm of the cross straddled Moscow at the height of that first eclipse. The Moon in this chart had conjunctions with Chiron and Pluto in Capricorn but is 'void of course' from the moment of full moon. This Moon is going nowhere. The planetary aspects however are active, all planets are involved. Venus conjunct Uranus in Gemini sextile Mercury, evokes communication on many levels, Mars squares Neptune adding a crazy destructiveness to the mix. There is only one fixed ingredient, Mercury in Leo and recently retrograde. This chart has cardinal and mutable energy but little fixity, its all bluff and bluster with no application. The flavour of this saros is one of facing up to and resolving issues which are from the past. Lunar Saros 127 starting in 1275, went Total in 1798, peaked with the longest Total Eclipse of the Moon in the series in 1888. Today's eclipse is the 13th of 16 Totals. The next ones in the series are on October 18th 2032 and October 30th 2050. The Battle of Stalingrad started 3 days before the 1942 eclipse. The Taliban captured Kabul on the very day of the 1996 eclipse the last one in the series. The one before that in 1978 coincided with the 'Camp David' talks. Touch typing was first demonstrated on the 1888 eclipse. I am focussing only on the immediate days around the eclipses. It is most likely that the influence of an eclipse extends for at least 3 months, before and after, and most probably for a year or more. (The 'overlaying of Saros Series' is a complex subject). Today's eclipse is conjunct the ascendant of David Crosby, Gordon Brown and the Indian Republic, conjunct the Jupiter of Tiger Woods and Jamie Oliver
, and the lunar node of the UK chart. The eclipse is trine Mars in the Chinese chart, trine Mars and Pluto in Hilary Clinton's chart, trine Mercury in the Iraq Republic chart, trine Robert Plant's Pluto, opposes Egypt's Moon and Jupiter, opposes the USA Saturn, and squares Keith Richard's Mercury. Today's eclipse is the 2nd in the sequence of 4 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' currently manifest. Total Lunar Eclipse Tetrads from 2001 to 2100
1st Eclipse 2nd Eclipse 3rd Eclipse 4th Eclipse
1 2003 May 16 2003 Nov 09 2004 May 04 2004 Oct 28
2 2014 Apr 15 2014 Oct 08 2015 Apr 04 2015 Sep 28
3 2032 Apr 25 2032 Oct 18 2033 Apr 14 2033 Oct 08
4 2043 Mar 25 2043 Sep 19 2044 Mar 13 2044 Sep 07
5 2050 May 06 2050 Oct 30 2051 Apr 26 2051 Oct 19
6 2061 Apr 04 2061 Sep 29 2062 Mar 25 2062 Sep 18
7 2072 Mar 04 2072 Aug 28 2073 Feb 22 2073 Aug 17
8 2090 Mar 15 2090 Sep 08 2091 Mar 05 2091 Aug 29 After the eclipse. Moon trine Mars 14:06 Moon trine Jupiter 14:21 Venus square Pluto 17:34 Moon opposition Node becoming void 18:01 Venus biquintile Neptune 20:06 Mars trine Jupiter 20:44 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Libra EA 15 Aries EA con UR .13 Mon 08 Aries ME 11 Pisces MA sex SA .69 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 4 Libra UR sqr PL 1.71 Ven 10 Libra MA 25 Capricorn EA sqr PL 1.84 Mar 17 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo ME sex PL 1.84 Jup 17 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME con NE 4.55 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 15 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/No .15 Su Ve/No .06 Su Ve/No .04 Me Ve/Sa .1 Ma Sa/Pl .49 Ma Sa/Pl .65 Me Ve/Sa .4 Su Ve/No .14 Pl Su/Mo .51 Me Ve/Sa .68 Ma Sa/Pl .82 Ma Sa/Pl .98 Me Ve/Sa .96 Me Su/Sa 1.53 No Me/Ve 1.68 No Me/Ve 1.79 Me Su/Sa 1.29 No Me/Ve 1.57 Me Su/Sa 1.79 Su Ma/Ju 1.81 No Me/Ve 1.45 Su Ma/Ju 2.09 Su Ma/Ju 1.95 Me Su/Sa 2.05 Pl Mo/Ve 1.74 Pl Sa/Ne 2.17 Pl Sa/Ne 2.18 Me Ju/Pl 2.15
Thursday 9 October 2014![]()
The full power of yesterday's eclipse and accompanying planetary dynamics seems to have been focussed with full force and brutality at Kobane and on the ongoing and evolving Ebola story . Kurdish fighters were engaged in fierce gun battles with Islamic State (ISIl) in the Syrian border town of Kobane, as US-led coalition air strikes continued. In one report, the US Central Command said six air strikes had destroyed IS weaponry around Kobane. If you check out the
Transits page of this site you will see that right now transiting Jupiter is opposite Isil Neptune, transiting Saturn is conjunct Isil Jupiter.(15th Oct.2006 chart). Both transits are very debilitating to ISIL. It is interesting that in the in the Lunar Saros 127 chart, to which yesterday's eclipse belongs, the tight Jupiter Saturn opposition in the chart is straddling the MC/IC axis for Turkey/Syria border area. There is however no such evidence in yesterday's eclipse chart itself. In the annals of Astrological History, yesterday's Total Lunar Eclipse will be corresponded to 'The Battle of Kobane' and 'The Battle against Ebola'. Today the post-eclipse 'hung-over' Moon enters Taurus 11:45 Everything grinds to a halt, or at least everything 'consolidates'. Moon opposition retro-Mercury 13:09 Communication breakdown. Moon sextile Neptune 20:31 The high tides, cause by full moons, surge on Earth two days after the moon's full phase has peaked. Yesterday's planetary configuration holds great potential for the immediate days ahead. We are now in 'Eclipse Fortnight'. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Libra EA 16 Aries EA con UR 1.1 Mon 23 Aries ME 15 Pisces MA sex SA 1.27 Mer 01 Scorpio VE 6 Libra UR sqr PL 1.71 Ven 11 Libra MA 26 Capricorn ME sex PL 2.4 Mar 17 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo VE sex JU 2.49 Jup 17 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sqr PL 2.82 Sat 21 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 4Earth 1Air 3Water 3Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Sa .2 Su Ve/No .33 Ne Mo/Pl .43 Su Ve/No .53 Su Ve/No .23 Me Ve/Sa .51 Su Ve/No .43 Me Ve/Sa 1.16 Ma Sa/Pl 1.14 Ma Sa/Pl 1.31 Me Ve/Sa .83 Su Ma/Ju 1.26 Su Ma/Ju 1.67 Ne Mo/Pl 1.36 Su Ma/Ju 1.4 Me Ju/Pl 1.48 No Me/Ve 1.89 Su Ma/Ju 1.53 Ma Sa/Pl 1.47 Ma Sa/Pl 1.64 Me Ju/Pl 1.99 Me Ju/Pl 1.83 Me Ju/Pl 1.66 No Ma/Ju 1.72 No Ma/Ju 2.09 No Ma/Ju 1.97 No Ma/Ju 1.85 No Me/Ve 2.17Friday 10 October 2014The 'serious hung over' Moon still reeling from Wednesday's Total Lunar Eclipse trines Pluto 06:37 Retro-Mercury re-enters Libra 17:27 The Moon square Jupiter 17:49
Watch out for changes to the plan as retro-Mercury
holds sway. We are deep in an eclipse fortnight. The Sun sextiles Jupiter which holds some luck. Venus about to oppose Uranus, there's the twist
and turn.The Moon, the Sun and Mars form a finger of fate around 18:00, Sun sextile Jupiter 23:18 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Libra EA 17 Aries VE sex JU .95 Mon 07 Taurus ME 20 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.72 Mer 01 Scorpio VE 7 Libra MA sex SA 1.85 Ven 13 Libra MA 27 Capricorn EA con UR 2.08 Mar 18 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo EA sqr PL 3.8 Jup 17 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 21 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
care seriously advised at this time.Fire 3Earth 2Air 3Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/No .62 Su Ve/No .72 Su Ve/No .82 Me Ju/Pl .68 Su Ma/Ju 1.12 Su Ma/Ju .98 Su Ma/Ju .85 Su Ma/Ju .71 Me Ju/Pl 1.29 Me Ju/Pl 1.09 Me Ju/Pl .89 Su Ve/No .92 Me Ve/Sa 1.5 No Ma/Ju 1.48 No Ma/Ju 1.36 No Ma/Ju 1.23 No Ma/Ju 1.6 Me Ve/Sa 1.84 Ma Sa/Pl 2.13 Ne Mo/Ma 2.04 Ma Sa/Pl 1.8 Ma Sa/Pl 1.97 Me Ve/Sa 2.2 Pl Sa/Ne 2.25 Pl Sa/Ne 2.23 Pl Sa/Ne 2.24 Pl Sa/Ne 2.24 Ma Sa/Pl 2.29Saturday 11 October 2014A very slow start to a day of 'deep roots'. The day changes as Mercury retrograding over the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint quintiles both planets today. Moon opposition Saturn becoming void 00:50 Retro-Mercury quintile Jupiter 05:01 Venus opposition Uranus 09:11 The decelerating waning Moon enters Gemini 15:52 Mars sextile Node 16:08 Retro-Mercury quintile Pluto 19:16 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 22:12 and we can consider the full phase over. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Libra EA 18 Aries VE sex JU .59 Mon 21 Taurus ME 24 Pisces ME trn SA .67 Mer 30 Libra VE 9 Libra UR sqr PL 1.72 Ven 14 Libra MA 27 Capricorn MA sex SA 2.43 Mar 19 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo EA con UR 3.06 Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME sex MA 3.11 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries VE sqr PL 4.06 Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
the still 'hung over' Moon moves into Gemini 16:52 inducing a buzz
of communicative energy.Fire 3Earth 2Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Ma .24 Me Ju/Pl .23 Me Ju/Pl .01 Su Ma/Ju .16 Me Ju/Pl .45 Ur Mo/Ne .43 Su Ma/Ju .29 Me Ju/Pl .25 Su Ma/Ju .57 Su Ma/Ju .43 No Ma/Ju .87 No Ma/Ju .74 Su Ve/No 1.01 No Ma/Ju .99 Su Ve/No 1.21 Su Ve/No 1.31 No Ma/Ju 1.11 Su Ve/No 1.11 Mo Ju/Ne 1.44 Pl Sa/Ne 2.29 Ur Mo/Ne 1.28 Ne Mo/Ma 1.56 Ur Mo/Ne 2.12 Sa Ma/No 2.34 Pl Sa/Ne 2.26 Mo Ju/Ne 1.92 Pl Sa/Ne 2.28 Ju Mo/Me 2.53Sunday 12 October 2014The decelerating and waning Moon in Gemini squares Neptune 01:08 The Sun conjuncts the lunar node, eclipse season marker, 14:44 The Moon sextiles Uranus 17:58 The Moon air trines Venus 21:35 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Libra EA 19 Aries ME sex MA .93 Mon 05 Gemini ME 29 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.73 Mer 29 Libra VE 10 Libra VE sex JU 2.12 Ven 15 Libra MA 28 Capricorn VE sqr PL 2.44 Mar 19 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo MA sex SA 3.01 Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME trn SA 3.94 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA con UR 4.04 Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces VE opp UR 4.17 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 5Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Ju .02 Su Ma/Ju .12 Su Ma/Ju .26 No Ma/Ju .26 Me Ju/Pl .51 Ju Mo/Me .47 No Ma/Ju .38 Su Ma/Ju .4 No Ma/Ju .62 No Ma/Ju .5 Me Ju/Pl 1.03 Ju Su/Mo 1.01 Ju Mo/Me 1.02 Me Ju/Pl .76 Su Ve/No 1.6 Ju Mo/No 1.08 Su Ve/No 1.4 Su Ve/No 1.5 No Su/Ve 1.78 Me Ju/Pl 1.3 Sa Ma/No 2.28 No Su/Ve 2.07 Ju Mo/Me 1.95 No Su/Ve 1.48 Pl Sa/Ne 2.3 Sa Ma/No 2.23 Sa Ma/No 2.17 Su Ve/No 1.7Monday 13 October 2014harmonic 6 around 00:00 GMT The disseminating Moon decelerating in Gemini sextiles Jupiter 00:36 The Moon trines her node from the south 03:00 The Moon air trines the Sun 04:05 The Moon opposes Mars 05:14 The Moon trines retro-Mercury becoming void 17:59 the Moon enters Cancer 23:31 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 21 degrees Libra today. There are 70 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury, Venus and the Sun are in Libra. Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Libra. His station occurred at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, He re-entered Libra on October 10th. Mercury is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, sextiles Mars and is conjunct Venus on Oct 17th. Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) on Oct 20th. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Libra. Venus sextiles Jupiter on October 14th, and is conjunct the Lunar Node on Oct 15th. Venus overtakes retrograde Mercury at 22 Libra on Oct 17th, sextiles Mars on Oct 20th. Venus enters Scorpio on Oct 22nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct 25th, and is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus forms A tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now receding in Sagittarius. The Sun squares Mars on Oct 15th which is a face on challenge. Mercury and Venus both sextile Mars, 17th, 20th Oct respectively. All in all this is a blast of vintage 'Mars in Sagittarius'. Colourful arrows flying. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are currently deeply immersed in an eclipse fortnight. There is a partial Solar Eclipse on October 23rd. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Libra EA 20 Aries VE sqr PL .84 Mon 18 Gemini ME 4 Aries UR sqr PL 1.74 Mer 28 Libra VE 12 Libra VE opp UR 2.57 Ven 16 Libra MA 28 Capricorn EA con UR 5.01 Mar 20 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
Significant geocentricFire 3Earth 1Air 5Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ma/Ju .13 No Ma/Ju .01 No Ma/Ju .11 No Ma/Ju .23 Ju Mo/No .48 Su Ma/Ju .67 No Su/Ve .6 No Su/Ve .31 Su Ma/Ju .54 Ju Mo/Ve .81 Su Ma/Ju .81 Su Ma/Ju .95 Ju Su/Mo .69 No Su/Ve .9 Sa Su/Ma 1.48 Sa Su/Ma 1.29 Ju Mo/Ve .91 Sa Su/Ma 1.67 Sa Ma/No 1.94 Sa Ma/No 1.89 No Su/Ve 1.19 Me Ju/Pl 1.86 Su Ve/No 1.99 Su Me/Ve 1.9 Mo Ju/Ur 1.47 Su Ve/No 1.89 Su Me/Ve 2.13 Ve Ma/Ju 2.04Tuesday 14 October 2014 Mercury retrograding, deeply immersed in an eclipse fortnight, and the Moon today is waning and slowing in Cancer. It all conspires to produce a temperamental day Venus in Libra sextiles Jupiter in Leo 08:34. Smooth operations. The decelerating disseminating Moon in Cancer 'water trines' Neptune 09:20 The Moon opposes Pluto 21:03 The Sun sextiles Mars as the (GMT) day ends, injecting a dose of 'significant activity' to proceedings. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Libra EA 21 Aries ME trn JU .03 Mon 00 Cancer ME 8 Aries VE sqr PL .77 Mer 27 Libra VE 14 Libra VE opp UR .97 Ven 18 Libra MA 29 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.74 Mar 21 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo ME sqr PL 4.38 Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME opp VE 5.16 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
Fire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Ve .02 No Su/Ve .28 No Su/Ve .57 Sa Su/Ma .55 No Ma/Ju .36 No Ma/Ju .48 No Ma/Ju .6 No Ma/Ju .72 Su Ma/Ju 1.09 Sa Su/Ma .92 Sa Su/Ma .73 No Su/Ve .86 Sa Su/Ma 1.11 Su Ma/Ju 1.23 Su Me/Ve 1.2 Su Me/Ve .96 Su Me/Ve 1.67 Su Me/Ve 1.43 Su Ma/Ju 1.37 Su Me/No 1.21 Sa Ma/No 1.83 Ve Ma/Ju 1.63 Ve Ma/Ju 1.43 Ve Ma/Ju 1.22 Ve Ma/Ju 1.83 Sa Ma/No 1.77 Su Me/No 1.61 Su Ma/Ju 1.51Wednesday 15 October 2014Four bodies tightly packed in Libra. The focus is on what is to go and what is to remain. It's all in the balance. Strongly cardinal energy today. Hassle and hustle, crisis packed with a fair bit going on. The ongoing spread of Ebola is the major news story right now. The chart for the first reported case of the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus, is set for 26th August 1976, time unknown, in Yambuku, Zaire. Next week's Solar Eclipse hits the Uranus opposite Chiron in the Ebola chart which aptly describes the current publicity and rise to global consciousness of the medical and technological war on the Virus, and the search for a cure. Transiting Uranus will be conjunct Ebola Chiron in 2018. I wonder if we have to wait till then for the breakthrough? See also Today the decelerating last quarter Moon in Cancer squares Uranus 03:08 Venus conjuncts the lunar node 03:12 The Libran Sun sextiles Mars in Sagittarius 07:20 The Moon squares her node south of the ecliptic 12:39 The Moon squares Venus 13:47 The Moon trines Saturn (on the Sun/Mars midpoint)18:36 Moon at LAST QUARTER 19:13 The Moon squares Mercury becoming void 23:28 The Moon is then void of course for 11 hours. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Libra EA 22 Aries VE opp UR .64 Mon 13 Cancer ME 14 Aries ME sqr PL .7 Mer 26 Libra VE 15 Libra ME con UR 1.05 Ven 19 Libra MA 30 Capricorn ME opp VE 1.68 Mar 22 Sagittarius JU 8 Leo UR sqr PL 1.75 Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio VE sqr PL 2.38 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Ma .36 Sa Su/Ma .17 Su Me/No 0 Su Me/Ve 0 Su Me/Ve .72 Su Me/No .41 Sa Su/Ma .02 Sa Su/Ma .2 Su Me/No .81 Su Me/Ve .48 Su Me/Ve .24 Ve Ma/Ju .41 No Ma/Ju .84 Ve Ma/Ju .81 Ve Ma/Ju .61 Su Me/No .41 Ve Ma/Ju 1.02 No Ma/Ju .97 Ve Su/No 1.03 Ve Su/No .83 No Su/Ve 1.16 Ve Su/No 1.22 No Ma/Ju 1.09 Sa Ve/Ma 1.03 Ve Su/No 1.42 No Su/Ve 1.45 Sa Ve/Ma 1.25 No Ma/Ju 1.21Thursday 16 October 2014The slow and decelerating Last Quarter Moon enters Leo 10:30 joining Jupiter in this sign. Mercury Inferior Conjunction with the Sun 20:41. A 'New Mercury'. Time for a new verse in the story. This is the 6th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before a 'Transit of Mercury' across the disc of the Sun on May 9th 2016.Mars in Sagittarius waning quintile Neptune 22:44 Retro-Mercury the Sun and Venus almost conjunct in Libra now. Poignant relationship issues approaching a point of resolution.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Libra EA 23 Aries UR sqr PL 1.75 Mon 25 Cancer ME 19 Aries ME opp VE 1.95 Mer 24 Libra VE 17 Libra VE opp UR 2.24 Ven 20 Libra MA 0 Aquarius EA con ME 3.77 Mar 22 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo VE sqr PL 3.99 Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME con UR 4.18 Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 4Water 3Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/Ju .2 Ve Ma/Ju 0 Ve Mo/Pl .17 Ve Su/No .05 Su Me/Ve .25 No Mo/Pl .44 Ve Ma/Ju .21 Sa Ve/Ma .15 Sa Su/Ma .39 Ve Su/No .44 Ve Su/No .25 Ve Me/No .17 Ve Su/No .64 Su Me/Ve .49 Sa Ve/Ma .37 Ve Ma/Ju .41 Sa Ve/Ma .81 Sa Su/Ma .58 Ve Me/No .65 Su Mo/Pl .86 Su Me/No .81 Sa Ve/Ma .59 Su Me/Ve .74 Sa Su/Ma .95 No Mo/Pl 1.08 Ve Mo/Pl 1.02 Sa Su/Ma .76 Su Me/Ve .98Friday 17 October 2014The current grouping of the Sun Mercury and Venus around 23 degrees Libra is conjunct the Sun and Mars in the ISIL (Oct 15th 2006) chart. Islamic State militants are reported to be retreating in parts of the northern Syrian town of Kobane in the face of US-led air strikes. The grouping also focusses on Vladimir Putin's natal Mercury. He has just described Washington's approach to Russia as "hostile" - referring to both the economic sanctions it has imposed and President Barack Obama's strong critique of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Mr Putin has said attempts to "blackmail" Moscow would be futile and would only impede any dialogue over Ukraine. He has warned darkly of the consequences of discord between nuclear states for "strategic stability" It will be interesting to see what else he has to say for himself over the next 48 hours. Share prices across Europe have been tumbling over the past two days amid fears of a global economic slowdown and the impact of the Ebola crisis. This has occurred as Venus, ruler of 'finance' is meeting retrograde Mercury evoking all manner of doubts and backtracks.The Sun, Mercury and Venus sextile Mars There is significant geocentric planetary harmonic 11 all day today. See below. Retro-Mercury sextiles Mars 01:50The very slow post-last-quarter Moon in Leo fire trines Uranus 14:59 Strong geocentric harmonic 11 around 20:30 GMT 11th harmonic chart set for this time below. (Jupiter is four elevenths of the ecliptic from Neptune, and six elevenths of the ecliptic from the Sun, Mercury and Venus. The 11th harmonic is considered a difficult vibration. There is a need to master the situation here. Retro-Mercury conjunction Venus 17:57, usually a harbinger of merriment but probably giving rise to a measure of indecision right now. As Friday draws to an end the Moon draws to a conjunction with Jupiter in Leo. Much razzmatazz as the day ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Libra EA 24 Aries EA con ME .63 Mon 07 Leo ME 24 Aries UR sqr PL 1.76 Mer 23 Libra VE 18 Libra VE opp UR 3.84 Ven 21 Libra MA 1 Aquarius EA opp VE 5.09 Mar 23 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo Jup 18 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
Fire 4Earth 1Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/Ma .07 Me Su/Ve .18 Me Su/Ve .4 No Mo/Ma .7 Ve Su/No .15 Sa Ve/Ma .29 Sa Ve/Ma .51 Sa Me/Ma .72 Ve Me/No .3 Ve Su/No .34 Ve Su/No .54 Sa Ve/Ma .73 Su Mo/Pl .39 Ve Me/No .77 Sa Me/Ma .81 Ve Su/No .73 Ve Ma/Ju .61 Ve Ma/Ju .82 No Mo/Ma .89 Me Su/No .73 Me Mo/Pl .69 Sa Me/Ma .9 Ve Ma/Ju 1.02 Ve Su/Me .97 Me Su/Ve .77 Sa Ma/No 1.09 Sa Ma/No 1.04 Sa Ma/No .98Saturday 18th October 2014http://www.skyandtelescope.comYesterday Nigeria's military said it has agreed a truce with Islamist militants Boko Haram and the schoolgirls the group has abducted will be released. With Mercury retrograde it remains to be seen if this bears fruit but I notice that in the Nigerian chart (Oct 1st 1960 midnight local time Lagos) transiting Mars is trine Nigerian Uranus today and conjunct Nigerian Jupiter on Tuesday. Both these transits have a measure of freedom woven into them. Wednesday's partial solar eclipse is close to Nigerian Venus on the 5th house cusp, ruler of young girls.
The internal structure of one of Saturn's moons is either wonky or awash with water, according to a new study. Mimas is nicknamed the Death Star because it resembles the infamous Star Wars space station.It has a tell-tale wobble that is twice as big as expected for a moon with a regular, solid structure. The researchers offer two explanations: either it has a vast ocean beneath its surface, or a rocky core with a weird shape resembling a rugby ball. The study appears in Science Magazine. The strong geocentric planetary harmonic 11 is still active as today starts. (See yesterday's comment). The very slowly waning Moon in Leo, 4 days from a partial eclipse of the Sun, is conjunct Jupiter 00:06 The Moon sextiles her node south of the ecliptic 00:41
Moon at apogee 06:06 (farthest from Earth and slowest all month)Significant geocentric harmonic 6 around 06:00 GMTThe Moon sextiles retro-Mercury 06:23 on the Mars/Jupiter midpoint. The Moon squares Saturn 07:36 The Moon sextiles Venus 09:14 The Moon trines Mars 11:19 The Moon sextiles the Sun becoming void 13:11 The Moon is void of course for 12 hours. The Moon enters Virgo 23:09 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Libra EA 25 Aries ME sqr MA 1.76 Mon 19 Leo ME 30 Aries UR sqr PL 1.76 Mer 22 Libra VE 20 Libra EA opp VE 4.47 Ven 23 Libra MA 1 Aquarius EA con ME 5.18 Mar 24 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo VE opp UR 5.44 Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra Fire 4Earth 1Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/No .31 Me Su/No .1 Me Ma/Ju .02 Me Ve/No .06 Ve Su/Me .63 Ve Mo/Ma .2 Ve Su/Me .03 Ve Su/Me .36 Sa Me/Ma .64 Ve Su/Me .3 Me Ve/No .37 Me Ma/Ju .38 Me Ma/Ju .82 Me Ma/Ju .41 Sa Me/Ma .47 Sa Me/Ma .4 Me Mo/Ma .84 Sa Me/Ma .56 Me Su/No .5 Su Mo/Ma .63 Sa Ma/No .92 Me Ve/No .81 Su Mo/Ma .69 Sa Ma/No .75 Ve Su/No .93 Sa Ma/No .87 Sa Ma/No .81 Me Su/No .91Sunday 19 October 2014 A meeting of Catholic bishops yesterday voted down proposals backed by Pope Francis calling for greater openness towards gay people and remarried divorcees. The lunar node was exactly conjunct the Pope's natal Mars yesterday. That's a kick in the teeth for his openness.
Today the faint Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) makes its much-awaited close pass by Mars. This will be an extremely challenging observation photographically, and probably impossible visually, with Mars low in the southwest right at the end of twilight and the comet only about 11th or even 12th magnitude, fainter than originally predicted. At least you can follow a webcast of the encounter courtesy of the Virtual Telescope project; watch in real time starting at 16:45 UT (12:45 p.m. EDT) today, or watch the recording later. And see our article, Comet Siding Spring Skims Past Mars. NASA's fleet of spacecraft at Mars will carry out observations from their much better vantage point. A day of practical import. Saturn on the Mercury/Mars midpoint. The slow but now accelerating waning Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune 09:17 Jupiter sextiles the mean lunar node 11:13. This is the single waning sextile aspect in their 7 year cycle. The next conjunction of Jupiter and the lunar node is a triple conjunction in 2016 in Virgo. This cycle is related to 'common interest groups'. The waning sextile aspect is geared toward deliberate, in-gathering activities dedicated to the elevation of shared ideals and experiences.
The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 21:42 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 22:15 and the slow procession to Thursday's Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio begins. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Libra EA 26 Aries ME sex NE 1.08 Mon 00 Virgo ME 5 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.77 Mer 21 Libra VE 22 Libra ME sqr MA 3.31 Ven 24 Libra MA 2 Aquarius ME sqr JU 3.41 Mar 25 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo EA opp VE 3.86 Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 22 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .32 Sa Me/Ma .25 Sa Me/Ma .18 Sa Me/Ma .11 Me Ve/No .49 Sa Ma/No .64 Sa Ma/No .58 Sa Ma/No .53 Ve Su/Me .69 Me Ve/No .91 Me Ve/No 1.33 Ve Su/Me 1.66 Sa Ma/No .7 Ve Su/Me 1.02 Ve Su/Me 1.34 Me Ve/No 1.74 Me Ma/Ju .76 Me Ma/Ju 1.15 Me Ma/Ju 1.52 Ma Ne/No 1.83 Me Su/No 1.3 Me Su/No 1.69 Ma Ne/No 2.02 Me Ma/Ju 1.89 Ve Su/No 1.71 Ve Su/No 1.9 Me Su/No 2.08 Ve Su/No 2.3Monday 20 October 2014 Venus sextile Mars. Retro-Mercury sextile Jupiter. Saturn on Mercury/Mars midpoint.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Libra EA 27 Aries ME trn PL 1.64 Mon 12 Virgo ME 11 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.77 Mer 20 Libra VE 23 Libra ME sqr JU 2.33 Ven 25 Libra MA 3 Aquarius EA opp VE 3.24 Mar 25 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .05 Sa Me/Ma .01 Sa Me/Ma .07 Sa Me/Ma .12 Sa Ma/No .47 No Mo/Sa .13 Sa Ma/No .36 Sa Ma/No .3 No Mo/Sa 1.39 Sa Ma/No .41 Mo Ju/No .57 Ma Ne/No 1.06 Ma Ne/No 1.63 Me Mo/Sa .67 Mo Me/Ju .85 Mo Ve/Ju 1.23 Ve Su/Me 1.98 Ma Ne/No 1.44 Me Mo/Sa 1.08 Ma Me/Ne 1.24 Me Ve/No 2.14 Ma Me/Ne 1.84 Ma Ne/No 1.25 Mo Su/Ju 1.82 Ma Me/Ne 2.15 Ve Su/Me 2.29 Ma Me/Ne 1.54 Mo Me/Ju 2.25 A curious day, certainly work oriented, 'pre-eclipse visionary', 'much ado about nothing' 'working on what has been spoilt' atmosphere. Venus in Libra sextiles Mars in Sagittarius 05:20 The slowly accelerating balsamic Moon in Virgo sextiles Saturn 20:33 retro-Mercury in Libra sextiles Jupiter in Leo 20:40 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 28 degrees Libra today. There are 63 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury, Venus, the Lunar node and the Sun are in Libra. Mercury is now a retrograde morning star in Libra. His station occurred at 2 degrees Scorpio on October 4th, He re-entered Libra on October 10th. Mercury was at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 23 Libra on October 16th, Mercury conjuncts the lunar node (again) and sextiles Jupiter (again) today. Mercury turns direct on October 25th, and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Libra. Venus sextiles Mars today. Venus enters Scorpio on Oct 22nd. Venus is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct 25th, and is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus forms A tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now receding in Sagittarius. Venus sextiles Mars today. Mars leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on Oct 26th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are currently deeply immersed in an eclipse fortnight. There is a partial Solar Eclipse in three days time.Tuesday 21 October 2014 Saturn still on the Mercury/Mars midpoint and now also on the Mars/Lunar-node midpoint. Reservation and deep thinking.Pre-eclipse effects. The New Moon in the Old Moon arms. Visions and portents. The very old and slow balsamic Moon accelerating in Virgo squares Mars becoming void 03:31 Mercury conjunction the Lunar Node 04:37 The Moon enters Libra 11:13 joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus and the Lunar Node in this sign. The collective mood from this time is ambivalent, lazy even. The line of least resistance is sought. Hold fire. Make smooth. Grace and tact are the best policies. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Libra EA 28 Aries UR sqr PL 1.78 Mon 24 Virgo ME 17 Taurus EA opp VE 2.62 Mer 19 Libra VE 25 Libra ME trn PL 4.3 Ven 26 Libra MA 3 Aquarius Mar 26 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 6 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 4Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .17 Sa Ma/No .19 Sa Ma/No .13 Sa Ma/No .07 Sa Ma/No .24 Sa Me/Ma .21 Sa Me/Ma .25 Ma Me/Ne .09 Ma Ne/No .87 Ma Me/Ne .66 Ma Me/Ne .37 Su Mo/Sa .18 Ma Me/Ne .95 Ma Ne/No .68 Ma Ne/No .49 Sa Me/Ma .28 Mo Su/Ju 1.05 Ve Mo/Sa 1.71 Ve Mo/Sa .49 Ma Ne/No .3 Mo Ve/Ju 1.61 Su Ju/Pl 2.38 Su Mo/Sa 1.47 Sa Mo/Pl .37 Pl Sa/Ne 2.61 Pl Sa/Ne 2.62 Sa Mo/Pl 1.87 Ve Mo/Sa .73Wednesday 22 October 2014 The day before the eclipse. The last full day of the astrological month of Libra. Yesterday saw Oscar Pistorius being given his light sentence. The impending Solar Eclipse is not too far from his natal Venus, Pluto MC conjunction in early Scorpio. He has met his fate. Yesterday also witnessed news of a paralysed man who has been able to walk again after a pioneering therapy that involved transplanting cells from his nasal cavity into his spinal cord. Other good news included the World Health Organization saying that treatments to tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa should become available in the coming weeks and months. Also Jeffrey Fowle, one of three US citizens detained in North Korea, was released. These 'good news events' occur in the approach of tomorrow's Solar Eclipse and can be considered to be 'products' of the astrological event. Today is not a day for real effort. The urge is to relax and socialize. The powers of destiny and fate are highly potent right now. (Fate is what you get if you don't seize your destiny). Changes are ahead. It's as if the whole world awaits a new sign. The pre-eclipse, slow but accelerating balsamic Moon in Libra, squares Pluto 09:10 The Moon opposes Uranus 14:25 The 'late Libran' Sun quintiles Pluto 17:11 The Moon conjunction retro-Mercury 21:27 (1.12 degrees from exact alignment, UK) Moon conjunction her Node 23:32 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Libra EA 29 Aries UR sqr PL 1.78 Mon 07 Libra ME 23 Taurus ME opp SA 1.86 Mer 18 Libra VE 26 Libra EA opp VE 2.01 Ven 28 Libra MA 4 Aquarius MA opp JU 5.11 Mar 27 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 5Water 2Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ma/No .02 Sa Ma/No .04 Sa Ma/No .1 Sa Ma/No .16 Ma Ne/No .11 No Mo/Ve .09 Ma Ne/No .28 Sa Me/Ma .35 Ma Me/Ne .18 Ma Ne/No .09 Sa Me/Ma .34 Me Mo/No .42 Sa Me/Ma .3 Sa Me/Ma .33 Ma Me/Ne .72 Ma Ne/No .47 Mo Ju/Sa .56 Ma Me/Ne .45 Su Ju/Pl 1.23 Ma Me/Ne .98 Me Su/Mo .61 No Su/Mo .49 No Mo/Ve 1.81 Su Ju/Pl 1 Me Mo/Ve 1.04 Me Mo/Ve .83 Ve Ju/Pl 1.95 Sa Mo/Ma 1.29Thursday 23rd October 2014Eclipse day Yesterday at 14:52 GMT shooting broke out in Ottawa Canada. A gunman shot a soldier at a war memorial in Ottawa, then ran into the nearby parliament building where he exchanged gunfire with police. The soldier later died. More shots were fired outside a nearby shopping centre and several buildings around the city were on lockdown. incident came hours after Canada raised its terror threat level, after another soldier was killed on Monday. Earlier this month, Canada announced plans to join the US-led campaign of air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq. At the moment of greatest eclipse today Pluto is conjunct the local MC of Ottawa. The Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th was conjunct Neptune and the ascendant in the Canadian chart.(July 1st 1867 Ottawa 00:00 LMT). Transiting Neptune is hovering opposite the Canadian Mars in Virgo right now and transiting Uranus is conjunct Canadian Neptune 2014-2015. There is a progressed New Moon in Virgo in the said chart in July 2015. Canada is certainly in focus with all of this pertinent astrology, and with Neptune highlighted we are witnessing a definite dissolution of Canada's hitherto stability and peacefulness.
Today's Partial Solar Eclipse serves to carry us into the astrological month of Scorpio. This ingress occurs some 8 hours before the eclipse begins. During the eclipse sequence itself, the Moon and Venus also ingress into Scorpio. This all represents a modulation and intensification of energy and an opportunity to delve emotionally and intellectually into the deep mystery that is Scorpio. The time is indeed great. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Libra EA 30 Aries EA opp VE 1.4 Mon 19 Libra ME 29 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.79 Mer 18 Libra VE 28 Libra ME opp SA 4.26 Ven 29 Libra MA 5 Aquarius MA opp JU 4.57 Mar 27 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
Fire 3Earth 1Air 5Water 2Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ma/No .21 Sa Ma/No .27 Su Ju/Pl .31 Su Ju/Pl .07 Sa Mo/Ma .33 Sa Me/Ma .36 Sa Ma/No .33 Sa Me/Ma .34 Sa Me/Ma .36 Su Ju/Pl .54 Sa Me/Ma .35 Sa Ma/No .38 No Mo/Me .45 Ma Mo/Ne .84 Ve Ju/Pl .77 Ve Ju/Pl .48 Ma Mo/Ne .54 Ma Ne/No .85 Mo Su/No .85 Ve Su/Mo .56 Ma Ne/No .66 No Mo/Me 1.07 Ma Ne/No 1.04 Su Mo/Ve 1.17 Su Ju/Pl .77 Ve Ju/Pl 1.07 Mo Ve/No 1.08 Ma Ne/No 1.24 The ancient Moon in Libra sextiles Jupiter 00:49 Venus quintile Pluto 06:07 The Sun enters Scorpio 11:58 and a new astrological month commences. The Moon sextile Mars becoming void 17:23 PARTIAL ECLIPSE STARTS 19:37:30 During the eclipse sequence, Venus enters Scorpio 20:53 joining the Sun, and Saturn. The Moon enters Scorpio 21:11 also joining the party. Moon conjunction Venus 21:12(0.5 degrees from exact alignment) GREATEST ECLIPSE 21:44:28 Moon conjunction Sun 21:58 PARTIAL ECLIPSE ENDS 23:51:35 Partial Solar Eclipse at zero Scorpio quintile Mars, quintile Jupiter.
This final eclipse event of 2014 occurs at the Moon's ascending node at the very start of tropical Scorpio. Although it is only a partial solar eclipse, it is of particular interest because the event is widely visible from Canada and the USA. The penumbral shadow first touches Earth's surface near the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Siberia at 19:37:33 UT. As the shadow travels east, much of North America will be treated to a partial eclipse. The eclipse magnitude from cities like Vancouver (0.658), San Francisco (0.504), Denver (0.556), and Toronto (0.443) will surely attract the media's attention. Greatest eclipse occurs at 21:44:31 UT in Canada's Nunavut Territory near Prince of Wales Island where the eclipse in the horizon will have a magnitude of 0.811. At that time, the axis of the Moon's shadow will pass about 675 km above Earth's surface. A sunset eclipse will be visible from the eastern half of the USA and Canada (except for the far northeast). The partial eclipse ends when the penumbra leaves Earth at 23:51:40 UT. This is the 9th eclipse of Saros 153. The series began on 1870 Jul 28 with a string of 13 partial eclipses. The first of 49 annular eclipses begins on 2104 Dec 17. The series ends with a set of 8 partial eclipses the last of which occurs on 3114 Aug 22. In all, Saros 153 produces 70 solar eclipses in the sequence of 13 partial, 49 annular, and 8 partial eclipses. Today's Solar Eclipse chart has the Moon, the Sun and Venus conjunct in early Scorpio on the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint sextile Mars, trine Neptune and quintile Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter squares Saturn. Fixed water and fire signs predominate. This is a deep thinking eclipse. A 'power seeking' vibration permeates the whole affair. Enormous will power is 'on tap'. The penetrative quality of the time is very pronounced. The power of sexuality is also at work. This is a mysterious eclipse. The eclipse directly hits the Sun of Wayne Rooney and Edgar Broughton, the Moon Pluto of Orlando Bloom, the Mercury Uranus of Leonardo Dicaprio, the Venus in the Syrian Independence chart, the Mars of Shirley Bassey, the Jupiter of Ed Milliband, the Uranus of David and Victoria Beckham, the Neptune of Sudan and the Pluto of Prince Harry. The eclipse opposes Queen Elizabeth's Sun, opposes Prince Charles' Moon, squares Nick Clegg's Venus Jupiter, squares George Clooney's Mars Saturn, trines Hilary Clinton's ascendant and squares Barack Obama's Jupiter. At the moment of central eclipse the Sun, Moon and Venus are aligned to Alexandria, Seoul,Manila, Istanbul, St.Petersberg, Boston, Manaus and Lusaka. Jupiter rises over Iraq. Today's eclipse is the 9th member of 70 eclipses which make up Solar saros 153. The chart for the moment of greatest eclipse of the first eclipse in Solar Saros 153 is shown below.Solar Saros 153 A tenacious caring, emotional, home orientated Venus conjunct Mars in Cancer dominates this rather un-threatening but passionate chart. Solar saros 153 is still very young and as yet not 'super potent' in its effect. With Neptune well aspected trine Saturn and sextile Jupiter and Uranus sextile Pluto we have a well ordered set of outer planetary aspects. This Saros may well have the quality of a lioness with cubs. Loyalty, protection, and defence appear to resonate strongly here. After the eclipse is over the tiny infant Moon makes a long application to a water trine with Neptune. So ends a special day.
Friday 24 October 2014 Infant Moon in ScorpioWe now start to pull out of the eclipse season. Today and the next few days remain very sensitive to the forces 'unleashed' by the two recent eclipses. We are also now immersed in 'scorpionic' energy. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn are residing in this sign. There is a daylight lunar occultation of Saturn focussed amongst other places on the UK tomorrow. Emotions are deep and fixed now. The next eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Pisces in 157 days time on March 20th 2015. The eclipse is trine Saturn. Its shadow zone passes just north of the UK. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Total Eclipse of the Moon, the third of the 'tetrad of blood moons' and it occurs at 15 degrees Libra on April 4th 2015 opposite Uranus, square Pluto. Today the accelerating infant Moon fresh from eclipse in Scorpio 'water trines' Neptune 06:30 The Moon sextiles Pluto 18:17 Retro-Mercury quintiles Mars 21:03 Mercury stations and turns direct tomorrow. Mars enters Capricorn on Sunday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Scorpio EA 0 Taurus ME trn MA .43 Mon 01 Scorpio ME 6 Gemini EA opp VE .79 Mer 17 Libra VE 30 Libra ME sqr NE .9 Ven 00 Scorpio MA 5 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.8 Mar 28 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo MA opp JU 4.03 Jup 19 Leo SA 25 Scorpio Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ju/Pl .16 Ve Ju/Pl .11 Sa Me/Ma .27 Sa Me/Ma .23 Ve Ju/Pl .18 Sa Me/Ma .3 Ve Ju/Pl .41 Sa Ma/No .61 Sa Me/Ma .32 Mo Me/Sa .3 Sa Ma/No .55 Ve Ju/Pl .7 Su Mo/Ve .33 Su Ju/Pl .39 Su Ju/Pl .62 Su Ju/Pl .85 Sa Ma/No .44 Sa Ma/No .5 Ma Ne/No 1.81 Mo Ve/Sa .97 Ve Su/Mo .83 Mo Sa/No 1.1 Mo Sa/No 2.1 Mo Su/Sa 1.04 Mo Ju/Pl 1.15 Ma Ne/No 1.62 Ve Mo/No 2.56 Ve Mo/No 1.27Saturday 25 October 2014 Sun and Venus quintile Jupiter Lunar occultation of Saturn Mercury stationary turning direct.A deep day, full of emotion and meaning. Sun waxing quintile Jupiter 02:10 Venus waxing quintile Jupiter 03:24 This aspect symbolises the capacity for bringing new qualities of being into manifestation. The application of individual will and value opens doors. That's the ticket with this one. Venus Superior Conjunction the Sun 07:32 'A Full Venus'. The infant Moon accelerating in Scorpio squares Jupiter 09:45 harmonic 20 around 12:00 GMT (A 'spiritual' harmonic) Moon conjunction Saturn (still on Mercury/Mars) becoming void 16:12 You will sense the seriousness of this occultation. Daylight lunar occultation of Saturn. (visible telescopically from the UK). Approximate times (mid UK location) Disappearance 15-58 Reappearance 17:04 The 13th of 14 lunar occultations of Saturn.
Significant geocentricThe Moon is void for the remainder of the day. MERCURY TURNS DIRECT 19:18 and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th. Mercury next turns retrograde on Jan 21st 2015. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Scorpio EA 1 Taurus EA opp VE .18 Mon 14 Scorpio ME 12 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.8 Mer 17 Libra VE 1 Scorpio ME sex JU 2.6 Ven 01 Scorpio MA 6 Aquarius ME sex UR 2.8 Mar 29 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo MA opp JU 3.49 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sqr MA 4.31 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries VE sqr MA 4.49 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Libra
Fire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/No .02 Pl Mo/Ne 0 Sa Me/Ma .09 Sa Me/Ma .03 Su Mo/No .06 Sa Me/Ma .14 Sa Ma/No .78 Mo Ma/No .13 Sa Me/Ma .19 Su Mo/Me .44 Su Ju/Pl 1.54 Sa Ma/No .84 Sa Ma/No .67 Ve Mo/Me .46 Ve Ju/Pl 1.59 Mo Me/Ma 1 Ve Mo/Me .84 Sa Ma/No .73 Pl Mo/Ne 1.62 Su Ju/Pl 1.77 Su Mo/Me .92 Ve Ju/Pl 1.3 Ve Mo/Me 1.77 Ve Ju/Pl 1.89 Ve Ju/Pl 1 Su Ju/Pl 1.31 Su Mo/Me 1.81 Ve Me/Sa 2.6Sunday 26 October 2014The young accelerating Moon enters Sagittarius 04:41 An 'out and about' day. Mars enters Capricorn 10:44 Mars resides in this sign for an industrious 39 days. He sextiles Neptune on Nov 1st and is conjunct Pluto at 12 degrees Capricorn on Nov 12th. Mars squares Uranus, the danger point of this residence on Nov 13th and squares the lunar node on Nov 20th. Mercury sextiles Mars on Nov 21st. Finally Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time on Dec 1st. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. Mars in Capricorn is like a blade in the soil, productive and practical. The Moon squares Neptune 13:34 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Scorpio EA 2 Taurus EA opp VE .43 Mon 27 Scorpio ME 18 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.81 Mer 17 Libra VE 3 Scorpio MA opp JU 2.95 Ven 03 Scorpio MA 6 Aquarius VE sqr MA 3.5 Mar 30 Sagittarius JU 9 Leo VE trn NE 3.6 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sqr MA 3.93 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 LibraFire 3Earth 1Air 2Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .03 Sa Me/Ma .11 Sa Me/Ma .18 Mo Ve/Pl .06 Sa Ma/No .9 Mo Su/Ma .57 Sa Ma/No 1.01 Mo Su/Pl .12 Mo Me/Pl 1.6 Mo Ve/Ma .69 Ve Me/Sa 1.73 Sa Me/Ma .27 Su Ju/Pl 2.01 Mo Pl/No .85 Su Me/Sa 2.03 Sa Ma/No 1.07 Ve Ju/Pl 2.18 Sa Ma/No .95 Mo Ve/Ma 2.38 Ve Me/Sa 1.45 Ve Me/Sa 2.3 Mo Me/Pl 1.7 Su Ju/Pl 2.47 Su Me/Sa 1.81 Mo Pl/No 2.46 Ve Me/Sa 2.01 Mo Su/Ma 2.53 Ve Sa/No 2.25Monday 27 October 2014Venus trines Neptune Love in a mist. Mars quintiles the lunar node 00:46 The young Moon, accelerating in Sagittarius, 'fire trines' Uranus 05:23 Significant geocentric harmonic 18 around 06:00 GMT The Moon sextile Mercury 11:11 The Moon sextiles her node, from the north, 13:39 The Moon reaches her crescent phase 14:54 The Moon trines Jupiter becoming void 16:19 The Moon remains void of course for 18 hours Venus 'water trines' Neptune 18:49 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 5 degrees Scorpio today. There are 56 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun, Venus and Saturn are in Scorpio Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Libra. Mercury turned direct on October 25th, and is back up to a speed of a degree per day on Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is an evening 'star' in Scorpio. She trines Neptune today. Venus sextiles Pluto on Nov 1st, squares Jupiter on Nov 9th and she is conjunct Saturn at 25 degrees Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus moving rapidly enters Sagittarius on Nov 16th. Venus forms a tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now receding in Capricorn, He sextiles Neptune on Nov 1st and is conjunct Pluto at 12 degrees Capricorn on Nov 12th. Mars squares Uranus, the danger point of this residence on Nov 13th and squares the lunar node on Nov 20th. Mercury sextiles Mars on Nov 21st. Finally Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time on Dec 1st. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. Mars in Capricorn is like a blade in the soil, productive and practical. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. This brute of an aspect will soon be history. We are currently starting to pull out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury has turned direct under a very young Moon. It will soon be advantageous to move forward, confidently, with plans. Mars recently arrived in Capricorn beckons 'get stuck in'. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Scorpio EA 3 Taurus EA opp VE 1.04 Mon 11 Sagittarius ME 25 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.81 Mer 17 Libra VE 5 Scorpio VE trn NE 2 Ven 04 Scorpio MA 7 Aquarius MA opp JU 2.41 Mar 00 Capricorn JU 9 Leo VE sqr MA 2.52 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sex NE 3.04 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sqr MA 3.56 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .35 Me Mo/Ju .02 Mo Sa/Pl .14 Ma Mo/Pl .12 Sa Mo/Ve .97 Sa Me/Ma .45 No Mo/Ju .27 Ve Me/Sa .38 Sa Ma/No 1.12 Sa Su/Mo .59 Sa Me/Ma .55 Sa Me/Ma .65 Mo Ma/Sa 1.12 Sa Mo/Ve .84 Ve Me/Sa .64 Su Me/Sa 1.01 Ve Me/Sa 1.17 Ve Me/Sa .9 Su Me/Sa 1.2 Ve Sa/No 1.03 Sa Su/Mo 1.19 Sa Ma/No 1.18 Sa Ma/No 1.24 Sa Ma/No 1.3 Su Me/Sa 1.6 Su Me/Sa 1.4 Ve Sa/No 1.33 Su Sa/No 1.65Tuesday 28 October 2014Sun trine Neptune 09:50 The waxing and accelerating crescent Moon enters Capricorn 10:04 joining Mars and Pluto in this sign. From this moment we have two and a half days of 'solid,' Sun Scorpio, Moon, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, 'substance'. Real 'immersion in form'. As advised yesterday, Get stuck in. Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMT Moon conjunction Mars 12:46Sun trine Neptune enhances Moon, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. Significant geocentric harmonic 19 by 18:00 GMT Moon sextile Neptune 18:37 Moon sextile Sun 19:19 Moon sextile Venus 21:01 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Scorpio EA 4 Taurus VE trn NE .4 Mon 24 Sagittarius ME 1 Cancer VE sqr MA 1.53 Mer 17 Libra VE 6 Scorpio EA opp VE 1.65 Ven 05 Scorpio MA 8 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.82 Mar 01 Capricorn JU 10 Leo MA opp JU 1.87 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sex NE 2.05 Sat 23 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sqr MA 3.18 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces VE sqr JU 3.4 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Sa .13 Ve Me/Sa .12 Ve Sa/No .11 Ve Sa/No .2 Ve Sa/No .72 Sa Mo/No .42 Ve Me/Sa .36 Su Me/Sa .28 Sa Me/Ma .76 Ve Sa/No .42 Su Me/Sa .45 Mo Su/Ne .53 Su Me/Sa .82 Su Me/Sa .63 Sa Mo/Me .79 Ve Me/Sa .6 Sa Ma/No 1.35 Sa Me/Ma .88 Su Sa/No .92 Su Sa/No .68 Su Sa/No 1.41 Sa Mo/Me .95 Sa Me/Ma 1 Mo Ve/Ne .97 Ma Mo/Pl 1.64 Mo Ne/No 1.04 Sa Mo/No 1.26 Sa Me/Ma 1.12Wednesday 29 October 2014 harmonic 19 around 00:00 GMT
Significant geocentricThe Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal T-square The accelerating waxing crescent Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto 05:48 The Moon squares Uranus 09:51 the Moon square Mercury 17:31 The Moon squares her node, maximum northern latitude, 17:49 Mercury conjunction the lunar node 23:17 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Scorpio EA 5 Taurus ME trn NE .55 Mon 08 Capricorn ME 7 Cancer VE sqr MA .55 Mer 18 Libra VE 8 Scorpio ME trn VE .64 Ven 06 Scorpio MA 8 Aquarius EA sex NE 1.06 Mar 02 Capricorn JU 10 Leo VE trn NE 1.19 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio MA opp JU 1.32 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sex ME 1.61 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.82 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn VE sqr JU 1.88 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
05:00 to 18:00Fire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Sa .11 Su Me/Sa .05 Su Sa/No .04 Su Sa/No .29 Su Sa/No .44 Su Sa/No .2 Su Me/Sa .21 Su Me/Sa .37 Ve Sa/No .5 Ve Sa/No .81 Mo Sa/Ne .68 Pl Mo/Ma .92 Ve Me/Sa .83 Ve Me/Sa 1.06 Mo Me/Ur .9 Ve Sa/No 1.42 Sa Me/Ma 1.25 Sa Me/Ma 1.39 Mo Ur/No 1.07 Ve Me/Sa 1.5 Mo Ma/Pl 1.38 Sa Ma/No 1.64 Ve Sa/No 1.11 Sa Me/Ma 1.67 Sa Ma/No 1.58 Mo Sa/Ne 2.78 Ve Me/Sa 1.28 Sa Ma/No 1.75Thursday 30 October 2014harmonic 19 around 00:00 GMT What follows is a rather low key day astrologically speaking. The waxing and accelerating Moon in Capricorn sextiles Saturn becoming void 03:02. The Moon is void for 11 nearly hours. The Moon enters Aquarius 13:53 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Scorpio EA 6 Taurus EA sex NE .06 Mon 22 Capricorn ME 13 Cancer ME opp PL .36 Mer 18 Libra VE 9 Scorpio VE sqr JU .36 Ven 08 Scorpio MA 9 Aquarius VE sqr MA .43 Mar 03 Capricorn JU 10 Leo MA opp JU .78 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio ME sqr UR 1.46 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries UR sqr PL 1.83 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA sqr MA 2.43 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn VE trn NE 2.79 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Helio Fixed T-square Venus, Mars, Jupiter is manifest as the day starts.
Significant geocentricFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ju .45 Ve Mo/Ju .19 Su Me/Sa .8 Su Me/Sa .94 Su Me/Sa .52 Mo Su/Ur .2 Su Sa/No 1.01 Su Sa/No 1.25 Su Sa/No .53 Ne Mo/Ur .37 Ve Mo/Ju 1.26 Mo Sa/Ur 1.26 Pl Mo/Ma .92 Mo Ve/Ur .43 Ne Mo/Ur 1.39 Mo Ma/Ne 1.62 Ve Mo/Ju 1.65 Su Me/Sa .66 Sa Ma/No 1.93 Sa Ma/No 1.98 Ve Me/Sa 1.71 Su Sa/No .77 Sa Me/Ma 2.13 Sa Me/Ma 2.29 Ve Sa/No 1.72 Su Mo/Ju 1.07 Ve Me/Sa 2.13 Ve Me/Sa 2.33Friday 31 October 2014Burkina Faso's President Blaise Compaore has imposed a state of emergency to end violent protests against his 27-year rule. The government has also been dissolved, a statement signed by Mr Compaore said. Mass protests against his rule are continuing in the capital, Ouagadougou. Angry crowds had earlier set fire to parliament and other government buildings, forcing MPs to abandon a vote aimed at allowing Mr Compaore to seek re-election in 2015. Protesters have converged on the main square in Ouagadougou, demanding Mr Compaore's immediate resignation. Transiting Pluto is this year conjunct natal Moon and Saturn in the Burkino Faso chart (Aug 5th 1960). The chart's progressed Moon is also approaching this position. Pluto continues to pass over natal Saturn for another year. Power structures may well be transformed here. A modern day is ahead of us with 'rippling sextiles' in store tomorrow. Today the accelerating Moon in Aquarius reaches her 'fixed first quarter' phase 02:49 The Moon squares Venus 05:35 The Moon sextiles Uranus 12:59 The Moon trines her node 20:43 The Moon 'air trines' Mercury 23:42 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Scorpio EA 7 Taurus MA opp JU .24 Mon 06 Aquarius ME 19 Cancer EA sex NE .93 Mer 19 Libra VE 11 Scorpio VE sqr JU 1.17 Ven 09 Scorpio MA 10 Aquarius VE sqr MA 1.4 Mar 03 Capricorn JU 10 Leo UR sqr PL 1.83 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio VE sex PL 1.98 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sqr MA 2.05 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA sqr JU 2.29 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn EA opp VE 3.46 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Sa 1.08 Su Me/Sa 1.2 Ma Mo/Sa .33 Ma Mo/Sa 1.27 Su Sa/No 1.5 Mo Ne/Pl 1.36 Su Me/Sa 1.33 Su Me/Sa 1.45 Mo Ma/Ne 1.82 Su Sa/No 1.74 Su Sa/No 1.98 Sa Ma/No 2.21 Sa Ma/No 2.04 Ma Mo/Sa 1.93 Sa Ma/No 2.15 Su Sa/No 2.22 Mo Ne/Pl 2.18 Sa Ma/No 2.1 Ma Su/Ne 2.68 Ma Su/Ne 2.62 Mo Sa/Ur 2.26 Sa Me/Ma 2.63 Sa Me/Ma 2.8 Pl Sa/Ne 2.98 Sa Me/Ma 2.46 Ve Me/Sa 2.72 Ve Me/Sa 2.91 Sa Me/Ma 2.98Saturday 1 November 2014Mercury sextiles Jupiter, Venus sextiles Pluto, Mars sextiles Neptune. Mercury is back up to a speed of a degree per day after his recent retrograde motion. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th. Now is the ideal time to instigate plans. A very interesting day. Good for rationality, equality and enhancement. Strike while the iron is hot. The Moon just past first quarter rapidly waxing in Aquarius is opposite Jupiter 00:30 The Moon squares Saturn becoming void 06:23 and remaining that way for 10 hours. Mercury sextiles Jupiter 12:45 The Moon enters Pisces 16:38 joining Neptune in that sign. Venus sextiles Pluto 23:10 Mars sextiles Neptune 23:44 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Scorpio EA 8 Taurus ME trn SA .02 Mon 20 Aquarius ME 25 Cancer MA opp JU .31 Mer 20 Libra VE 13 Scorpio VE sex PL .39 Ven 10 Scorpio MA 10 Aquarius EA sqr JU 1.37 Mar 04 Capricorn JU 10 Leo EA sqr MA 1.68 Jup 20 Leo SA 25 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.84 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sex NE 1.92 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces VE sqr MA 2.38 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn VE sqr JU 2.69 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 3Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Sa 1.57 Mo Ma/Ur .26 Mo Ur/Pl .23 Ma Su/Mo .35 Sa Ma/No 2.27 Su Me/Sa 1.69 Ma Mo/Ve .46 Pl Mo/Sa .99 Su Sa/No 2.46 Ma Mo/Ve 2.21 Pl Mo/Sa .8 Ma Mo/Ve 1.3 Ma Su/Ne 2.56 Sa Ma/No 2.33 Ma Su/Mo 1.38 Su Me/Sa 1.91 Ma Mo/Sa 2.88 Ma Su/Ne 2.49 Su Me/Sa 1.8 Ma Su/Ne 2.37 Pl Sa/Ne 2.99 Pl Mo/Sa 2.59 Sa Ma/No 2.38 Sa Ma/No 2.44 Su Sa/No 2.71 Ma Su/Ne 2.43Sunday 2 November 2014Sun, Moon Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in water signs. A day of deep emotion is in store. Mars is 4 degrees and 8 days from a conjunction with Pluto, and Venus is 13 degrees and 11 days from a conjunction with Saturn. That's heavy metal, fiscal restraint and star crossed lovers all rolled into one in just over one week's time. The rapidly waxing Moon is conjunct Neptune in Pisces 00:47 The Moon sextiles Mars 00:50 The Moon trines the Sun 09:11 The Moon sextiles Pluto 11:46 The Moon trines Venus 12:57 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Scorpio EA 9 Taurus EA sqr JU .45 Mon 04 Pisces ME 1 Leo MA opp JU .85 Mer 21 Libra VE 14 Scorpio VE sex PL 1.21 Ven 11 Scorpio MA 11 Aquarius EA sqr MA 1.3 Mar 05 Capricorn JU 10 Leo UR sqr PL 1.84 Jup 21 Leo SA 25 Scorpio EA sex NE 2.92 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries VE sqr MA 3.36 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA trn PL 3.45 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn VE sqr JU 4.21 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra Fire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Sa 2.01 Pl Mo/Ve 1.54 Pl Mo/Ve .4 Pl Su/Mo 1.27 Ma Su/Mo 2.07 Su Me/Sa 2.11 Pl Su/Mo .64 Ma Mo/Me 1.97 Ma Su/Ne 2.31 Ma Su/Ne 2.24 Ma Su/Ne 2.18 Ma Su/Ne 2.12 Sa Ma/No 2.5 Pl Su/Mo 2.55 Su Me/Sa 2.21 Su Me/Sa 2.31 Pl Mo/Sa 2.79 Sa Ma/No 2.56 Sa Ma/No 2.61 Pl Mo/Ve 2.34 Pl Ve/Ne 2.95 Sa Ma/No 2.67 Pl Ve/Ne 2.8Monday 3 November 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Scorpio EA 10 Taurus EA sqr JU .47 Mon 19 Pisces ME 7 Leo EA sqr MA .93 Mer 22 Libra VE 16 Scorpio MA opp JU 1.4 Ven 13 Scorpio MA 11 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.85 Mar 06 Capricorn JU 10 Leo EA trn PL 2.46 Jup 21 Leo SA 25 Scorpio VE sex PL 2.8 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME con JU 3.05 Ura 14 Aries NE 7 Pisces MA sex UR 3.38 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn EA sqr ME 3.52 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Me .23 Ma Mo/No .62 Ma Mo/No .97 Pl Mo/Me .24 Ma Su/Ne 2.06 Ma Mo/Me 1.52 Mo Ur/Ne 1.71 Ma Su/Ne 1.87 Ma Mo/No 2.22 Mo Ur/Ne 1.87 Ma Su/Ne 1.93 Pl Ve/Ne 2.2 Su Me/Sa 2.41 Ma Su/Ne 1.99 Pl Mo/Me 2.17 Ma Mo/No 2.57 Pl Ve/Ne 2.65 Pl Ve/Ne 2.5 Pl Ve/Ne 2.35 Su Me/Sa 2.67 Sa Ma/No 2.73 Su Me/Sa 2.5 Su Me/Sa 2.59 Pl Mo/No 2.69 Sa Ma/No 2.79 Sa Ma/No 2.84 Sa Ma/No 2.9Moon at perigee 00 22 (closest to The Moon forms a finger of fate with Jupiter, Mercury and the lunar node around 04:00 Moon trine Saturn becoming void 09:06 The Moon reaches gibbous phase, 12:12 the procession to the full now starts in earnest. Venus quinquncx Uranus 15:05 Moon enters Aries 18:54 Sun sextile Pluto 22:51 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 12 degrees Scorpio today. There are 49 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun, Venus and Saturn are in Scorpio Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Moon and Neptune are in Pisces. We are now pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Libra. Mercury turned direct on October 25th, and was back up to a speed of a degree per day by Nov 1st. He leaves Libra again for Scorpio on November 8th. Mercury enters new territory on Nov 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is an evening 'star' in Scorpio. She squares Jupiter on Nov 9th and she is conjunct Saturn at 25 degrees Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus moving rapidly enters Sagittarius on Nov 16th. Venus forms a tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now receding in Capricorn, He is conjunct Pluto at 12 degree Capricorn on Nov 12th. Mars squares Uranus, the danger point of this residence on Nov 13th and squares the lunar node on Nov 20th. Mercury sextiles Mars on Nov 21st. Finally Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time on Dec 1st. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. Mars in Capricorn is like a blade in the soil, productive and practical. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. This brute of an aspect will soon be history. We are currently pulling out of the recent eclipse season. The Full Moon occurs on Thursday evening (GMT). Venus is square Jupiter on Sunday and Mars is conjunct Pluto one week today. Then Venus is conjunct Saturn 3 days after that. These three aspects provide a big 'astrological wave' after Thursday's Full Moon.'.Earth and fastest all month)Tuesday 4 November 2014 Today unleashes an urgent and ardent surge of increasing lunar tension. The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon in Aries squares Mars 05:53 The Moon squares Pluto 14:09
Moon conjunction Uranus 17:30(0.04 degrees from exact alignment UK) Visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus, the 4th of 19. Minor lunar occultation of giant yellow star Omicron Pisces observable from mid UK 17:09 to 18:04 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Scorpio EA 11 Taurus ME opp MA .51 Mon 03 Aries ME 13 Leo EA sqr MA .55 Mer 23 Libra VE 17 Scorpio EA sqr ME 1.06 Ven 14 Scorpio MA 12 Aquarius EA sqr JU 1.39 Mar 06 Capricorn JU 10 Leo EA trn PL 1.46 Jup 21 Leo SA 25 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.85 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA opp JU 1.94 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces ME trn UR 2.26 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn ME con JU 2.45 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/No .92 Pl Mo/No .86 Ma Su/Ne 1.68 Pl Ve/Ne 1.59 Pl Mo/Me 1.7 Ma Su/Ne 1.74 Pl Ve/Ne 1.74 Ma Su/Ne 1.62 Ma Su/Ne 1.81 Pl Ve/Ne 1.89 Pl Mo/No 2.63 Pl Su/Ne 2.92 Pl Ve/Ne 2.04 Su Me/Sa 2.84 Su Me/Sa 2.92 Ma Ve/Ne 2.94 Su Me/Sa 2.76 Ma Ve/Ne 2.97 Sa Ma/No 2.96Wednesday 5 November 2014 The day before the Full Moon. Spirits and emotions are riding high. The Moon opposes her node 01:07 heading south. This rapidly waxing gibbous Moon in Aries 'fire trines' Jupiter 06:02 The Moon opposes Mercury becoming void 13:26 The Moon is void of course for 8 hours. The Moon enters Taurus 21:34 Sun quinquncx Uranus 21:00 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Scorpio EA 12 Taurus EA sqr MA .17 Mon 17 Aries ME 18 Leo EA trn PL .46 Mer 24 Libra VE 19 Scorpio ME sqr VE .98 Ven 15 Scorpio MA 13 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.86 Mar 07 Capricorn JU 10 Leo MA sex UR 2.15 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio EA sqr JU 2.31 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA opp JU 2.49 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces ME trn UR 3.15 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn ME opp MA 5.3 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 6Fixed 4Mutable 1Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/Ne 1.44 Pl Ve/Ne 1.29 Pl Ve/Ne 1.14 Ne Mo/Pl .14 Ma Su/Ne 1.55 Ma Su/Ne 1.49 Ma Su/Ne 1.43 Pl Ve/Ne .99 Pl Su/Ne 2.8 Pl Su/Ne 2.68 Ne Mo/Pl 1.91 Ma Su/Ne 1.37 Ma Ve/Ne 2.91 Ma Ve/Ne 2.88 Pl Su/Ne 2.56 Ne Mo/Ma 2.04 Ma Ve/Ne 2.85 Pl Su/Ne 2.44 Ve Su/Sa 2.86 Ve Su/Sa 2.69 Ma Ve/Ne 2.82Thursday 6 November 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Scorpio EA 13 Taurus EA sqr MA .2 Mon 01 Taurus ME 23 Leo EA trn PL .53 Mer 26 Libra VE 21 Scorpio MA sex UR 1.53 Ven 16 Scorpio MA 13 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.87 Mar 08 Capricorn JU 10 Leo ME sqr SA 2.33 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio ME sqr VE 2.69 Sat 24 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA opp JU 3.03 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA sqr JU 3.23 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn VE con SA 5.01 Plu 11 Capricorn No 18 LibraHalloween Full Moon Fire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Ma .19 Pl Ve/Ne .69 Pl Ve/Ne .54 Pl Ve/Ne .39 Pl Ve/Ne .84 Ma Su/Ne 1.24 Ma Su/Ne 1.18 Ma Su/Ne 1.11 Ma Su/Ne 1.3 Ne Mo/Ma 1.66 Pl Su/Ne 2.08 Pl Su/Ne 1.97 Ne Mo/Pl 1.62 Pl Su/Ne 2.2 Ve Su/Sa 2.17 Ve Su/Sa 2 Pl Su/Ne 2.32 Ve Su/Sa 2.34 Ma Ve/Ne 2.72 Ma Ve/Ne 2.69 Ve Su/Sa 2.52 Ma Ve/Ne 2.75 Me Ma/Ju 2.88 Ma Ve/Ne 2.79 Barack Obama has transiting Saturn conjunct his Mid heaven three times between Dec 2014 and August 2015. Following recent severe unpopularity and subsequent loss of democrat power in the USA government it will indeed be interesting to see how he responds to this Saturn transit. Today the Moon is Full in Taurus.Significant geocentric harmonic 13 around 00:00 to 18:00 GMTMercury waning quintile Mars 01:47 The almost Full Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 05:50 The Moon trines Mars 11:40 The Moon trines Pluto 17:19 Moon opposition Sun 22:24 FULL MOON opposite Venus
Today's Full Moon is the first following the Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th 2014 and the 5th before the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4th 2015. (That eclipse will be the 3rd in the sequence of 4 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' currently manifest). Today's Full Moon in Taurus is trine Pluto, and opposite Venus. Venus squares Jupiter and Mars is applying in conjunction to Pluto. We have on our hands a 'full bloodied' lunation, where love, money and relationships are brought into focus. There is a force to be reckoned with here. This is a wilful time where people act in their own self interest, causing some tribulation and enforcing some changes. The Full Moon directly hits Madonna's Mars, Tony Blair's Sun, Naomi Campbell's Mercury Saturn, Chile's Moon, the UK Conservative party's Pluto and Syria's Venus. It opposes President Assad's Mars,squares Guinea's Uranus, and squares China's and Hilary Clinton's Mars. At the moment of Full Moon the Moon is rising at Detroit and culminating over Belgrade. Mars rises at Melbourne, Jupiter culminates at Manila and Neptune sets over Syria.
Friday 7 November 2014 Another full moon has climaxed. Today the 'hung over' and now decelerating Full Moon, still in Taurus, opposes Venus 04:32 The Moon squares Jupiter 10:01 At 12:07 GMT the Sun arrives at 15 degrees Scorpio. We are now exactly half way between Equinox and Solstice. In the south summer is beginning, in the north the darkest quarter of the year is starting as we enter the season of 'fading'. Moon opposition Saturn becoming void 16:18. The Moon remains void of course for 9 hours. The weekend ahead sees a build up to Venus squaring Jupiter on Sunday evening(GMT). Mars is conjunct Pluto on Monday, Saturn is conjunct Venus early next Thursday. This is a notable array of planetary transits. Avoid waste and resist the urge to over spend. Guard against and be prepared for the sheer force of Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, because something surely is going to change. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Scorpio EA 14 Taurus EA sqr MA .58 Mon 15 Taurus ME 28 Leo MA sex UR .92 Mer 27 Libra VE 22 Scorpio EA trn PL 1.53 Ven 18 Scorpio MA 14 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.87 Mar 09 Capricorn JU 10 Leo ME sqr SA 2.74 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE con SA 3.45 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA opp JU 3.58 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA sqr JU 4.16 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn JU trn UR 4.5 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/Ne .24 Pl Ve/Ne .09 Pl Ve/Ne .06 Pl Ve/Ne .22 Ma Su/Ne 1.05 Ma Su/Ne .99 Ur Mo/Ne .16 Ju Su/Mo .68 Ve Su/Sa 1.82 Ur Mo/Ne 1.56 Ju Mo/Ve .81 Ma Su/Ne .86 Pl Su/Ne 1.85 Ve Su/Sa 1.65 Ma Su/Ne .92 Ju Mo/Ve 1.03 Me Ma/Ju 2.64 Pl Su/Ne 1.73 Ve Su/Sa 1.48 Ve Su/Sa 1.3 Ma Ve/Ne 2.66 Me Ma/Ju 2.4 Pl Su/Ne 1.61 Pl Su/Ne 1.49 Ma Ve/Ne 2.63 Me Ma/Ju 2.15 Ur Mo/Ne 1.87
Saturday 8 November 2014
Ed Milliband, beleaguered leader of the UK Labour party, is in the midst of transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mars. This has been in effect since April 2014 and ends in February 2015. It remains to be seen if his ambition to remain as leader of the opposition and then be prime minister becomes derailed by this once in a lifetime, very debilitating transit. Milliband has a resilient Capricorn Sun closely trine Saturn in Taurus, I think it is probable that he will survive his Neptune transit and then go on to win the General Election in May 2015 and become the next UK Prime Minister, albeit with a painfully slim majority. His 'ride' will continue to be very hazardous. (Check the Daze May 2015 for more detail). Today...
Significant geocentric harmonic 13 around 00:00 GMT The 'hung over' waning and decelerating Moon enters Gemini 01:46 Plenty of 'babble' from that point onwards. Venus 'waning biquintile' Uranus 06:57 The Moon squares Neptune 10:22 Mars waxing semi-square Saturn 12:41 Mercury wqaning quintile Pluto 15:37 Mercury re-enters Scorpio 23:10 joining the Sun, Venus and Saturn in that sign. Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Scorpio EA 15 Taurus MA sex UR .3 Mon 29 Taurus ME 3 Virgo EA sqr MA .95 Mer 29 Libra VE 24 Scorpio VE con SA 1.88 Ven 19 Scorpio MA 15 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.88 Mar 09 Capricorn JU 10 Leo EA trn PL 2.53 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio ME opp NE 3.34 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA opp JU 4.13 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces JU trn UR 4.43 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/Ne .37 Pl Ve/Ne .52 Pl Ve/Ne .67 Ma Su/Ne .61 Ma Su/Ne .8 Ma Su/Ne .73 Ma Su/Ne .67 Ve Su/Sa .61 Mo Ju/Ne 1.03 Ve Su/Sa .96 Ve Su/Sa .78 Pl Ve/Ne .82 Ju Su/Mo 1.12 Pl Su/Ne 1.25 Pl Su/Ne 1.13 Me Ma/Ju .88 Ve Su/Sa 1.13 Me Ma/Ju 1.39 Me Ma/Ju 1.14 Pl Su/Ne 1.01 Pl Su/Ne 1.37 Me Ju/Pl 2.39 Me Ju/Pl 2.04 Me Ju/Pl 1.69 Me Ma/Ju 1.65 Ma Ve/Ne 2.5 Ma Ve/Ne 2.47 Ju Mo/Me 1.83
Sunday 9 November 2014 Venus square JupiterMars almost conjunct Pluto Today the waning and decelerating full Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 01:43 The Moon trines her node 09:49 The Moon sextiles Jupiter becoming void 16:23 Venus squares Jupiter 20:42 suggesting a day of indulgence and potential waste. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Scorpio EA 16 Taurus VE con SA .32 Mon 12 Gemini ME 8 Virgo MA sex UR .32 Mer 00 Scorpio VE 25 Scorpio EA sqr MA 1.33 Ven 20 Scorpio MA 15 Aquarius ME opp NE 1.44 Mar 10 Capricorn JU 10 Leo UR sqr PL 1.88 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio EA trn PL 3.53 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries JU trn UR 4.36 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces MA opp JU 4.68 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Mo/Me .02 Ve Su/Sa .26 Ve Su/Sa .09 Ve Su/Sa .08 Ve Su/Sa .44 Me Ma/Ju .36 Me Ma/Ju .09 Me Ma/Ju .18 Ma Su/Ne .54 Ma Su/Ne .48 Ma Su/Ne .42 Me Ju/Pl .27 Me Ma/Ju .62 Pl Su/Ne .77 Me Ju/Pl .63 Ma Su/Ne .35 Pl Su/Ne .89 Me Ju/Pl .98 Pl Su/Ne .65 Pl Su/Ne .53 Pl Ve/Ne .97 Pl Ve/Ne 1.12 Pl Ve/Ne 1.27 Me Su/No 1.32 Me Ju/Pl 1.34 Mo Ju/Ur 1.62 Me Su/No 1.57 Ju Mo/No 1.36Monday 10 November 2014Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.
Mars is conjunct Pluto at 11.5 degrees Capricorn today. This point in the zodiac is where the Sun is on January 1st and thus hits the natal Sun of many national charts including the UK. This point is also the location of Saturn in some African charts, including Ivory Coast, Congo and Nigeria. The Russian (1991 chart) natal Uranus is also hit. This one is slap bang on Prince Harry's ascendant and conjunct the Mercury of Pope Francis. Expect a big one. Mars was last conjunct Pluto on Nov 28th 2012. That time witnessed 'Typhoon Bopha', known in the Philippines as Typhoon Pablo, and was the strongest tropical cyclone to ever hit the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, making landfall as a Category 5 super typhoon with winds of 175 mph. Before that Mars was conjunct Pluto on Dec 14th 2010. The Arab Spring began 4 days later. Prior to that Mars was conjunct Pluto on Dec 29th 2008. Two days earlier Israel initiated "Operation Cast Lead" in the Gaza Strip after launching an extensive wave of airstrikes against military targets, police stations and government buildings within the Gaza Strip. Before that we have to go back in time to 1777 for a conjunction of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. The American Revolution and the exploits of Captain Cook were the major world events occuring with Pluto in Capricorn then. Mars aligned to Pluto at critical times in the unfolding of both events. Today's conjunction is the 4th of 8 in the current series. The remaining four take place over the 8 year period up to 2022. The next one is on 19th Oct 2016. In addition to Mars conjunct Pluto today, we have Mercury in Scorpio entering new territory after recent retrograde motion. Correspondingly our lives enter new experiences, (as opposed to the recent re-runs of older dramas). The nearly disseminating Moon decelerates into Cancer 08:39 Emotions to the fore. Laughing and crying. The same release.
The Moon, Mercury and Neptune form a watery grand trine Moon trine Mercury 13:06 The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 14:32 Moon trine Neptune 17:45
13:00 to 18:00Mars conjunction Pluto 23:07 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 19 degrees Scorpio today. There are 42 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun, Mercury Venus and Saturn are in Scorpio Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn. Seven bodies currently in water signs. We are pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is in new territory, the Moon is on the wane. Cautious advancement. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Scorpio. Mercury trines Neptune on November 12th, sextiles Pluto on Nov 16th, sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is an evening 'star' in Scorpio. She is conjunct Saturn at 25 degrees Scorpio on Nov 13th. Venus moving rapidly, enters Sagittarius on Nov 16th. Venus forms a tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. Mars is now receding in Capricorn. Mars squares Uranus, the danger point of his residence on Nov 13th and squares the lunar node on Nov 20th. Mercury sextiles Mars on Nov 21st. Finally Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time on Dec 1st. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. Mars in Capricorn is like a blade in the soil, productive and practical. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. This brute of an aspect will soon be history. The planets at 00:00 GMT today. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Scorpio EA 18 Taurus ME trn PL .3 Mon 25 Gemini ME 13 Virgo MA sex UR .93 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 27 Scorpio VE con SA 1.25 Ven 21 Scorpio MA 16 Aquarius EA sqr MA 1.7 Mar 11 Capricorn JU 11 Leo UR sqr PL 1.89 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 4.29 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA opp JU 5.22 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 LibraFire 2Earth 2Air 2Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ju/Pl .09 Ma Su/Ne .23 Ma Su/Ne .16 Pl Su/Ne .06 Ju Mo/No .22 Pl Su/Ne .3 Pl Su/Ne .18 Ma Su/Ne .1 Ve Su/Sa .26 Ve Su/Sa .43 Me Su/No .55 Me Su/No .29 Ma Su/Ne .29 Me Ju/Pl .45 Ve Su/Sa .6 Ve Su/Sa .78 Pl Su/Ne .41 Me Ma/Ju .71 Me Ju/Pl .81 Me Ju/Pl 1.18 Me Ma/Ju .44 Me Su/No .81 Me Ma/Ju .98 Me Ma/Ju 1.26 Me Su/No 1.06 Pl Ve/Ne 1.72 Pl Ve/Ne 1.87 Pl Ve/Ne 2.02Tuesday 11 November 2014At least 46 students were killed yesterday by a suicide bomber at a school assembly in the north-eastern Nigerian town of Potiskum. Transiting Mars and Pluto are currently conjunct Nigerian natal Saturn, (as pointed out in 'The Daze' yesterday).(Nigeria 00:00 CET Oct 1st 1960 Lagos). There may be more 'Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn' events to follow. Then we have to contend with Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio occurring Wednesday night-Thursday morning (GMT). That transit, although no where near as brutally forceful as the current Mars Pluto conjunction, is serious is its own right with the emphasis on finance and love associations. We are in a turbulent planetary situation this week. In addition and simultaneously with Venus conjunct Saturn we have Mars square Uranus. Now that is a 'shot out of the blue', violent, sudden and unexpected. Check your blind spot. Today Mercury quintiles Jupiter 06:01The Moon,in Cancer, Mars, Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal T-square The disseminating and decelerating Moon opposition Pluto 06:45 The Moon opposes Mars 07:14 The Moon squares Uranus 09:54 Sun biquintile Uranus 17:03 The Moon squares her nodal axis from the south 18:22, Minor lunar Standstill in the Northern Hemisphere is approaching, (next year). The Moon water trines the Sun 21:56 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Scorpio EA 19 Taurus EA trn ME 1.36 Mon 08 Cancer ME 17 Virgo MA sex UR 1.55 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 29 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.89 Ven 23 Scorpio MA 16 Aquarius EA sqr MA 2.08 Mar 12 Capricorn JU 11 Leo VE con SA 2.81 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio ME trn PL 4.17 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries JU trn UR 4.22 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Libra
06:00 to 10:00
Fire 2Earth 2Air 1Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/No .03 Ma Su/Ne .03 Ma Su/Ne .09 Ma Su/Ne .16 Ma Su/Ne .04 Pl Su/Ne .18 Pl Su/Ne .3 Pl Su/Ne .42 Pl Su/Ne .06 Me Su/No .23 Me Su/No .49 Me Su/No .75 Ve Su/Sa .95 Ve Su/Sa 1.12 Ve Su/Sa 1.3 Me Ve/No 1.45 Me Ma/Ju 1.53 Ur Mo/Ma 1.73 Me Ve/No 1.68 Ve Su/Sa 1.47 Me Ju/Pl 1.54 Me Ma/Ju 1.81 Ma Ve/Ne 2.08 Ma Ve/Ne 2.05 Me Ve/No 2.14 Ur Mo/Pl 1.83 Me Ma/Ju 2.08 Me Sa/No 2.18Wednesday 12 November 2014 Mercury trine Neptune.Timings GMT You can follow the descent as it happens by tuning in to ESA's #CometLandingwebcast. Rosetta delivery manoeuvre - shortly after 06:00 Latest Go/No-go decision - before 07:35 Philae separates from Rosetta - 08:35 Confirmation signal at Earth of separation - 09:03 Rosetta's post-delivery manoeuvre - 09:15 Radio connection established - 10:30 First data from descending Philae after 12:00 Landing of Philae on 67P - after 15:30 Confirmation signal at Earth - around 16:00 Today Mercury 'water trines' Neptune 03:39 The slowly waning and decelerating disseminating Moon in Cancer trines Venus 07:39 Moon trine Saturn becoming void 09:18 The Moon enters Leo 18:45, joining Jupiter in this sign. We are then in the full fury of Venus conjunct Saturn and Mars square Uranus as this (GMT) day ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Scorpio EA 20 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.9 Mon 20 Cancer ME 21 Virgo EA trn ME 1.98 Mer 05 Scorpio VE 0 Sagittarius MA sex UR 2.17 Ven 24 Scorpio MA 17 Aquarius EA sqr MA 2.46 Mar 12 Capricorn JU 11 Leo JU trn UR 4.15 Jup 21 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE con SA 4.37 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 LibraThe plan is for the Rosetta space probe to eject Philae robot towards Comet 67P just after 0830 GMT today. ![]()
Fire 2Earth 2Air 1Water 6Cardinal 5Fixed 5Mutable 1Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Ne .22 No Mo/Pl .01 Ma Su/Ne .35 Ma Su/Ne .41 Pl Su/Ne .54 Ma Su/Ne .28 Me Ve/No .75 Me Ve/No .51 Me Su/No 1.02 No Mo/Ma .48 Pl Su/Ne .78 Me Sa/No .68 No Mo/Ma 1.15 Pl Su/Ne .66 Me Sa/No 1.05 Pl Su/Ne .9 Me Ve/No 1.22 Me Ve/No .98 No Mo/Pl 1.55 Me Su/No 1.82 No Mo/Pl 1.53 Me Su/No 1.29 Me Su/No 1.55 Ma Ve/Ne 1.92 Ve Su/Sa 1.64 Me Sa/No 1.43 Ma Ve/Ne 1.95 Ma Sa/Ne 2.09
Thursday 13 November 2014Yesterday Nato's top commander said that alliance officials had seen Russian military vehicles and combat troops entering Ukraine. You can see from the 'Transits page' on this website the following. Transiting Mars conjunct Pluto is trine the Russian Sun and sextile Vladimir's natal Venus, boosting the drive for power and prestige for the country and for the leader. China and the US unveiled "historic" new pledges on greenhouse gas emissions, as the two leaders meet for talks in Beijing. Transiting Uranus is trine the lunar node in the USA/China relationship chart, symbolising the favorable 'New Age or Uranian' association of the two most powerful nations on earth. European robot probe Philae has made the first, historic landing on a comet, after descending from its mothership. Rosetta was launched on 2 March 2004 at 7:17 GMT from the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana. The chart below is the launch chart of Rossetta.Venus conjunct Saturn. Mars square Uranus. Do you notice the 5 points of a hexagon occupied by the MC, Jupiter, Moon, lunar node, and the Sun? The missing point is 12-14 degrees Capricorn, just where Mars and Pluto are right now. Amazing! Today Venus conjuncts Saturn 01:03 (1.54 degrees from exact alignment) Mars waning square Uranus 01:30 The slowly waning disseminating and decelerating Moon in Leo squares Mercury 07:58 in Scorpio. Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 21:05 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Scorpio EA 21 Taurus ME sex SA .08 Mon 03 Leo ME 26 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.9 Mer 06 Scorpio VE 2 Sagittarius MA sex UR 2.79 Ven 25 Scorpio MA 18 Aquarius EA sqr MA 2.83 Mar 13 Capricorn JU 11 Leo JU trn UR 4.08 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio EA opp SA 5.25 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/No .27 Me Ve/No .03 Me Ve/No .2 Me Ve/No .44 Me Sa/No .3 Me Sa/No .08 Me Sa/No .46 Ma Su/Ne .67 Ma Su/Ne .47 Ma Su/Ne .54 Ma Su/Ne .6 Me Sa/No .85 Pl Su/Ne 1.02 Pl Su/Ne 1.14 Pl Su/Ne 1.26 Pl Su/Ne 1.38 Ma Ve/Ne 1.89 Ma Sa/Ne 1.74 Ma Sa/Ne 1.56 Ma Sa/Ne 1.39 Ma Sa/Ne 1.91 Ma Ve/Ne 1.85 Ma Ur/No 1.82 Ma Ur/No 1.62 Me Su/No 2.09 Ma Ur/No 2.02 Ma Ve/Ne 1.82 Sa Su/Ve 1.65Friday 14 November 2014Sun square Jupiter 03:06 Venus semi-square Pluto 03:24 The very slow Moon in Leo approaching last quarter sextiles her node 05:46 The Moon conjunction Jupiter at 22 degrees Leo 14:19 The Moon reaches Last Quarter Phase 15:17 The Moon squares Saturn 22:04 The weekend ahead is a 'rare vintage' of expression and experience geared to productivity, practicality and prudence. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Scorpio EA 22 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.91 Mon 15 Leo ME 30 Virgo EA sqr MA 3.21 Mer 08 Scorpio VE 3 Sagittarius VE sqr NE 3.35 Ven 26 Scorpio MA 18 Aquarius MA sex UR 3.41 Mar 14 Capricorn JU 11 Leo JU trn UR 4.01 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio EA opp SA 4.27 Sat 25 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraSun square Jupiter Fire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/No .68 Ma Su/Ne .79 Ma Sa/Ne .86 Sa Su/Ve .64 Ma Su/Ne .73 Me Ve/No .93 Ma Su/Ne .86 Ma Sa/Ne .69 Ma Sa/Ne 1.21 Ma Sa/Ne 1.04 Sa Su/Ve .89 Ma Ur/No .83 Me Sa/No 1.23 Sa Su/Ve 1.15 Ma Ur/No 1.03 Ma Su/Ne .92 Sa Su/Ve 1.4 Ma Ur/No 1.23 Me Ve/No 1.17 Me Ve/No 1.41 Ma Ur/No 1.42 Me Sa/No 1.61 Ma Ve/Ne 1.69 Ma Ve/Ne 1.66 Pl Su/Ne 1.5 Pl Su/Ne 1.62 Pl Su/Ne 1.73 Pl Su/Ne 1.85Saturday 15 November 2014Mars on the Saturn/Neptune midpoint. / Uranus square Pluto is starting to bite again. Its 6th (of 7 hits over a 3 year period) is one month away. In addition the Sun is applying in conjunction with Saturn exact on Tuesday. This conspires to produce news stories which have a harsh quality to them. Terror, death, suffering and hopelessness seems woven in the tapestry of now. Astrologically this is quite understandable but still very hard to endure. Today is one of careful deliberation, circumspection and refinement. Hard tasks and wayward impulses colour the hours. This day has a curious quality. Moon at apogee 01:57 (farthest from Earth and slowest all month) The very slowly waning last quarter Moon in Leo squares Venus becoming void 02:54 The Moon enters Virgo 07:09 The Moon opposes Neptune 16:53 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Scorpio EA 23 Taurus ME sex VE 1.18 Mon 26 Leo ME 4 Libra VE sqr NE 1.76 Mer 09 Scorpio VE 5 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.91 Ven 28 Scorpio MA 19 Aquarius EA opp SA 3.3 Mar 15 Capricorn JU 11 Leo EA sqr MA 3.59 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 3.94 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 6Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Ve .39 Sa Su/Ve .13 Sa Su/Ve .12 Ma Sa/Ne .01 Ma Sa/Ne .51 Ma Sa/Ne .34 Ma Sa/Ne .16 Ma Ur/No .03 Ma Ur/No .63 Ma Ur/No .43 Ma Ur/No .23 Me Mo/Ma .13 Ma Su/Ne .99 Ma Su/Ne 1.05 Ma Su/Ne 1.11 No Mo/Ve .37 Ma Ve/Ne 1.62 Ve Pl/No 1.49 Ve Pl/No 1.18 Sa Su/Ve .37 Me Ve/No 1.65 Ma Ve/Ne 1.59 Me Mo/Ma 1.31 Ve Pl/No .86 Ve Pl/No 1.81 Me Ve/No 1.89 Ma Ve/Ne 1.56 Ma Su/Ne 1.18Sunday 16 November 2014 Mercury sextile Pluto Uranus square Pluto is starting to bite again. Its 6th (of 7 hits over a 3 year period) is one month away. In addition the Sun is applying in conjunction with Saturn exact on Tuesday. NEPTUNE STATIONARY 01:58, Oceans' motions. The very slowly accelerating 'post last quarter' Moon in Virgo sextiles Mercury 05:50 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 06:54 Mars waxing biquintile Jupiter 13:21. Today's enterprising aspect preludes the opposition of these two planets on New years day 2015. Mars is closely conjunct Jupiter in Virgo sat Oct 17th 2015. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 13:58, intensely penetrating. Secrets uncovered. The Moon 'earth trines' Mars 15:19, moving mountains almost. Venus enters Sagittarius 19:05 Venus is an evening star residing in Sagittarius for only 24 days. This is an harmonious residence. She trines Uranus on Nov 27th, sextiles the lunar node on Dec 1st and trines Jupiter on Dec 4th. All very favorable. Venus evokes a measure of jollity and 'party spirit' into this rather bleak Uranus square Pluto period. Venus enters Capricorn on Dec 10th. After a long chase of Venus and Mars through Pisces during Feb 2015, these two planets are closely at zero Aries on Feb 22nd 2015. The infant Moon aligns to them both on the previous night. Plenty Astro-treats to look forward to then. Stay tuned to The Daze. Tell your friends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Scorpio EA 24 Taurus VE sqr NE .18 Mon 08 Virgo ME 8 Libra ME sex VE 1.07 Mer 11 Scorpio VE 6 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.92 Ven 29 Scorpio MA 20 Aquarius EA opp SA 2.32 Mar 15 Capricorn JU 11 Leo JU trn UR 3.88 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio EA sqr MA 3.96 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 2Earth 3Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 3Negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ur/No .18 No Su/Mo .17 Ve Pl/No .09 Ve Pl/No .41 Ma Sa/Ne .19 Ve Pl/No .23 Ma Sa/Ne .54 Ma Sa/Ne .71 No Mo/Sa .39 Me Mo/Pl .29 Ma Ur/No .58 Ma Ur/No .78 Ve Pl/No .54 Ma Sa/Ne .36 Sa Su/Ve 1.13 Sa Su/Ve 1.38 Sa Su/Ve .63 Ma Ur/No .38 Ma Su/Ne 1.37 Ma Ve/Ne 1.39 Me Mo/Pl .8 Sa Su/Ve .88 Me Mo/Pl 1.39 Ma Su/Ne 1.43 Me Mo/Ma 1.05 No Mo/Sa 1.12 Ma Ve/Ne 1.42 Ve Ma/No 1.71Monday 17 November 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Scorpio EA 25 Taurus ME sex JU .14 Mon 20 Virgo ME 11 Libra EA opp SA 1.34 Mer 12 Scorpio VE 8 Sagittarius VE sqr NE 1.41 Ven 00 Sagittarius MA 20 Aquarius ME sqr PL 1.74 Mar 16 Capricorn JU 11 Leo UR sqr PL 1.93 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE trn JU 3.07 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME sex VE 3.21 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces ME opp UR 3.67 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn JU trn UR 3.81 Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 1Water 4Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ju/No .62 No Mo/Me .69 Ve Ma/No 1.04 Ve Ma/No .81 Ve Pl/No .73 Ve Pl/No 1.04 Ma Sa/Ne 1.24 Ma Ve/Ne 1.26 Ma Sa/Ne .89 Ma Sa/Ne 1.07 Ma Ve/Ne 1.29 Ma Sa/Ne 1.42 Ma Ur/No .98 Ma Ur/No 1.18 Ve Pl/No 1.36 Ma Ur/No 1.58 No Mo/Me 1.02 Ve Ma/No 1.26 Ma Ur/No 1.38 Ve Pl/No 1.68 Ma Ve/Ne 1.36 Ma Ve/Ne 1.32 Ma Su/Ne 1.63 Ma Su/Ne 1.69 Ve Ma/No 1.49 Ma Su/Ne 1.56 Sa Su/Ve 2.14 Su Mo/Ma 2.31 The slowly waning but accelerating Moon in Virgo sextiles the Sun 09:27 Mercury 'waning quinquncx' Uranus 10:05 The Moon sextiles Saturn becoming void 11:12 The Moon enters Libra 19:31 The Moon sextiles Venus 22:20 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 25 degrees Scorpio today. There are 35 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are in Scorpio Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are pulling out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is in new territory, the Moon is old. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Scorpio. Mercury sextiles Mars on Nov 21st, squares Jupiter on Nov 23rd and is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is an evening star residing in Sagittarius This is a harmonious residence. She trines Uranus on Nov 27th, sextiles the lunar node on Dec 1st and trines Jupiter on Dec 4th. All very favorable. Venus evokes a measure of jollity and 'party spirit' into this rather bleak Uranus square Pluto period. Venus enters Capricorn on Dec 10th. She forms a tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. After a long chase of Venus and Mars through Pisces during Feb 2015, these two planets are closely at zero Aries on Feb 22nd 2015. The infant Moon aligns to them both on the previous night. Mars is now receding in Capricorn. Mars squares the lunar node on Nov 20th. Mercury sextiles Mars on Nov 21st. Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time on Dec 1st. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. Mars in Capricorn is like a blade in the soil, productive and practical. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. This brute of an aspect will soon be history. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the New Moon on Saturday Lunchtime (GMT), just three hours after the ingress of the Sun into Sagittarius.Tuesday 18 November 2014 Sun conjunct SaturnThe Sun makes his annual conjunction with Saturn 08:51.This is the last one in Scorpio until October 2042. A testing vibration and a bit of a battleground. Mars squares the lunar node 09:52. Venus waxing semi-square the lunar node 13:52 The Moon forms a cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto 18:00 to 21:00 This slowly accelerating Moon in Libra squares Pluto 18:41 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 17:44 Venus in Sagittarius waning semi-square Mars in Capricorn 20:30, a tad disharmonious amid a difficult few hours. The Moon opposes Uranus 21:04 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Scorpio EA 26 Taurus ME opp UR .05 Mon 02 Libra ME 15 Libra EA opp SA .37 Mer 14 Scorpio VE 10 Sagittarius VE trn JU 1.56 Ven 02 Sagittarius MA 21 Aquarius ME sqr PL 1.88 Mar 17 Capricorn JU 11 Leo UR sqr PL 1.93 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE sqr NE 2.99 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries JU trn UR 3.74 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/No .59 Sa Mo/Ma .3 Ve Ma/No .14 Ve Ma/No .09 Mo Me/Ju .69 Ve Ma/No .36 Mo Ju/Sa .59 Su Mo/Pl .3 Su Mo/Ma .96 Su Mo/Ma .41 Mo Su/Ju .65 Sa Mo/Pl .64 Ma Ve/Ne 1.22 Ma Ve/Ne 1.19 Sa Mo/Pl .87 Mo Ve/Ju .78 Sa Mo/Ma 1.28 Ma Sa/Ne 1.77 Su Mo/Pl .99 Ma Ve/Ne 1.12 Ma Sa/Ne 1.59 Ma Su/Ne 1.82 Ma Ve/Ne 1.16 Pl Me/Ne 1.8 Ma Su/Ne 1.76 Ma Ur/No 1.98 Su Mo/Ma 1.78 Ma Su/Ne 1.95Wednesday 19 November 2014 Yesterday as the Sun was conjunct Saturn in the skies of earth, two Palestinians armed with a gun and meat cleavers killed four worshippers at a Jerusalem synagogue, before being shot dead. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct the Israel/Palestine relationship Sun, exact today. Today the slow but accelerating balsamic Moon in Libra is conjunct her node 05:10 The Sun is semi-square Pluto 05:38 The Moon squares Mars 06:31 The Moon sextiles Jupiter becoming void 14:26 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Scorpio EA 27 Taurus VE trn JU .05 Mon 15 Libra ME 18 Libra EA opp SA .61 Mer 16 Scorpio VE 11 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.94 Ven 03 Sagittarius MA 21 Aquarius ME trn MA 3.04 Mar 18 Capricorn JU 11 Leo ME opp UR 3.47 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 3.67 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries VE trn UR 3.72 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces MA sqr SA 4.48 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/No .31 Ve Mo/Ma .32 Ve Ma/No .76 Ma Mo/Ur .18 Ma Ve/Ne 1.09 Ve Ma/No .54 Ma Ve/Ne 1.02 Ve Mo/Pl .85 Su Mo/Pl 1.6 Ma Ve/Ne 1.05 Ve Mo/Ma 1.02 Sa Me/Ve .86 Pl Me/Ne 1.61 Pl Me/Ne 1.42 Sa Me/Ve 1.19 Ma Ve/Ne .99 Ve Mo/Ma 1.66 Sa Me/Ve 1.51 Ma Mo/Ur 1.2 Ve Ma/No .99 Sa Me/Ve 1.84 Ma Su/Ne 2.08 Pl Me/Ne 1.23 Pl Me/Ne 1.04 Pl Mo/Ur 1.98 Su Me/Ve 2.3 Ve Mo/Pl 2.11 Su Me/Ve 2.09Thursday 20 November 2014Venus square Neptune. A massive snowstorm has wreaked havoc in the north-eastern US and left seven people dead, as temperatures plummeted to below freezing in all 50 US states overnight. The USA (Sibley) chart currently has the disruptive transiting Uranus square natal Sun. Today the old and slow balsamic Moon accelerates into Scorpio 05:32, joining the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in this sign. The current situation intensifies. Positions crystallize. The Moon water trines Neptune 14:31 Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune 14:56. Aberration and confusion are the themes of this aspect. Apt that it occurs in mysterious November. Today is not a day for clarity and we can expect a modicum of illusionary sensation. Transiting Saturn is on the Mercury/Venus midpoint today which confers thoroughness and seriousness on the drama underway. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Scorpio EA 28 Taurus ME trn MA .23 Mon 27 Libra ME 22 Libra VE trn JU 1.46 Mer 17 Scorpio VE 13 Sagittarius EA opp SA 1.59 Ven 04 Sagittarius MA 22 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.94 Mar 18 Capricorn JU 11 Leo VE trn UR 2.14 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 3.6 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA sqr SA 3.88 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 2Water 4Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Pl .42 Sa Me/Ve .21 Sa Me/Ve .12 Mo Sa/No .01 Sa Me/Ve .53 Me Mo/Ve .26 Pl Me/Ne .46 Pl Me/Ne .27 Pl Me/Ne .84 Pl Me/Ne .65 Ma Ve/Ne .89 Sa Me/Ve .44 Ma Ve/Ne .95 Ma Ve/Ne .92 Mo Me/No .91 Me Su/Mo .84 Ve Ma/No 1.21 Ve Ma/No 1.44 Me Mo/Ve 1.1 Ma Ve/Ne .85 Ma Mo/Ur 1.57 Su Pl/No 1.66 Su Pl/No 1.41 Mo Su/No 1.05 Me Mo/Ve 1.61 Ve Mo/Pl 1.7 Mo Ju/Pl 1.49 Mo Ma/Ju 1.11Friday 21 November 2014Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Scorpio. Quite an intense day all round but good for incisive thinking. Mercury biquintiles Uranus 03:20, leaps of understanding. Eureka moments. The accelerating ancient Scorpio Moon sextiles Pluto 03:33 Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Mars in Capricorn 14:02, mind and muscle in harmony. Moon sextile Mars 18:03 Mars waning semi-square Neptune 18:19. Undermining actions. Moon conjunction Mercury 18:20 (0.88 degrees from exact alignment), seeing eye to eye. Moon square Jupiter 22:19, drawing to Saturn as the (GMT) day ends evoking seriousness. The Sun enters Sagittarius 09:39 GMT tomorrow and three hours later the Moon is New. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Scorpio EA 29 Taurus VE trn UR .56 Mon 10 Scorpio ME 25 Libra UR sqr PL 1.95 Mer 19 Scorpio VE 14 Sagittarius ME trn MA 2.51 Ven 05 Sagittarius MA 23 Aquarius EA opp SA 2.57 Mar 19 Capricorn JU 11 Leo VE trn JU 2.97 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio MA sqr SA 3.28 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries JU trn UR 3.53 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Ne .08 Pl Me/Ne .12 Sa Mo/Ve .11 Su Pl/No .13 Me Su/Mo .51 Me Mo/Sa .59 Pl Me/Ne .31 Pl Mo/Ne .42 Me Mo/Sa .66 Su Pl/No .64 Su Pl/No .38 Pl Me/Ne .5 Sa Me/Ve .77 Ma Ve/Ne .78 Ma Ve/Ne .75 Ma Ve/Ne .72 Ma Ve/Ne .82 Sa Me/Ve 1.09 Pl Mo/Ne 1.23 Su Me/Ve 1.26 Su Pl/No .9 Su Me/Ve 1.47 Su Me/Ve 1.37 Su Mo/Ve 1.35 Mo Ve/No 1.28 Mo Ve/No 1.84 Sa Me/Ve 1.42 Sa Mo/Ve 1.67Saturday 22 November 2014New Moon at Zero Sagittarius. In the UK yesterday the major news was the UK Independence Party's victory in the Rochester and Strood by-election. This occurred as transiting Mars opposed the UK natal Moon injecting an impetus of change in the political mood of the people. Transiting Mercury trined the UK Moon. The UKIP chart, Sept 3rd 1993, has some really heavy transits ahead starting with the very destructive Pluto square UKIP Mars from Feb 2015, and building up to the 'sliding away' Neptune opposite UKIP Sun in 2016. Currently the transiting lunar node is at a highly sensitive point in the UKIP chart squaring it's Uranus Neptune conjunction and hitting the Libran Jupiter, forcing the nation to confront and decide upon the largely social issues of immigration and union with Europe. The New Moon today is close to the Mercury, Venus and Mars in the UK Conservative Party chart. The cat is certainly among the pigeons there. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Scorpio EA 30 Taurus VE trn UR 1.01 Mon 23 Scorpio ME 29 Libra UR sqr PL 1.95 Mer 20 Scorpio VE 16 Sagittarius MA sqr SA 2.68 Ven 07 Sagittarius MA 23 Aquarius JU trn UR 3.46 Mar 20 Capricorn JU 12 Leo EA opp SA 3.55 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE trn JU 4.48 Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Libra
Fire 3Earth 2Air 1Water 5Cardinal 4Fixed 5Mutable 2Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Mo .01 Su Pl/No .38 Mo Pl/No .35 Sa Su/Me .51 Su Pl/No .13 Ma Ve/Ne .65 Ma Ve/Ne .61 Su Mo/Sa .53 Su Mo/Ve .22 Pl Me/Ne .89 Su Pl/No .64 Ma Ve/Ne .58 Mo Me/Sa .25 Su Me/Ve 1.06 Mo Me/Ve .67 Mo Ma/No .6 Ma Ve/Ne .68 Sa Su/Me 1.1 Sa Su/Me .81 Mo Su/Ve .72 Pl Me/Ne .69 Mo Su/Me 1.16 Sa Mo/Me .95 Su Me/Ve .85 Su Me/Ve 1.16 Mo Su/Sa 1.67 Su Me/Ve .96 Su Pl/No .89 Moon conjunction Saturn becoming void 05:54(0.40 degrees from exact alignmen, UK) Visible as a lunar occultation of Saturn from the artic, the final event of 14. The next occultation of Saturn anywhere on Earthis in December 2018 The Sun enters Sagittarius 09:39 and a new astrological month begins. The Moon also enters Sagittarius 12:20 Moon conjunction Sun 12:33 New Moon conjunct Venus square
Today's New Moon is the first New moon to follow the Partial Solar Eclipse on October 23rd 2014 at zero Scorpio and the 4th before the Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th 2015 at 29 degrees Pisces. With the passing of this New Moon we completely leave the recent eclipse season. Today's New Moon at zero Sagittarius is square Neptune. We have a moment of release from bondage and subjugation. An incandescence of energy, both stimulating and refreshing after the travails of Scorpio, is released. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Mars and squares Jupiter which solves riddles and reveals truths. The New Moon is on the Pluto/Node and Mercury/Venus midpoints. The first symbolising a hugely shared common destiny and the second symbolising a celebration. This is a a glamorous New Moon. It injects a must needed jolt of optimism and joviality. Today is the birthday of many famous people including Billy Jean king, Jamie Lee Curtis, Nicholas Rowe (young Sherlock Holmes), Boris Becker, Oscar Pistorius and Scarlett Johansson. At the moment of New Moon, the Moon is culminating at Monrovia and setting at Mumbai. Sun rise is at New Orleans, Jupiter culminates at Denver, Pluto at Khartoum and Ankara. Neptune rises at Copenhagen, Mars at Belem and Saturn at Mexico City. Today's New moon directly hits the MC of Barack Obama, the Jupiter of Hilary Clinton, (she keeps popping up!), the Neptune of Julian Assange and the Venus of Rohan Atkinson. The hours following the New Moon could spiral into slight chaos as people try to respond to the new energy and the infant moon moves to a confusing square to the God of the Oceans. Moon square Neptune 20:51 The Moon then moves on to the loving arms of Venus as the (GMT) day ends.
Sunday 23 November 2014 Mercury square JupiterThe Sun's ingress into Sagittarius brings us to the start of the darkest sixty days of the year in the northern hemisphere. Midsummer approaches in the south. Four weeks now to the Solstice. Today is a free wheeling day. The Sun, Moon and Venus in Sagittarius and a further two Uranus and Jupiter also in fire signs. A refreshing blast. The accelerating tiny baby New Moon is conjunct Venus in Sagittarius 02:18 Mercury squares Jupiter 04:44 The Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 11:03 The Moon sextiles her node 18:06 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Sagittarius EA 1 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.96 Mon 07 Sagittarius ME 2 Scorpio MA sqr SA 2.08 Mer 22 Scorpio VE 18 Sagittarius VE trn UR 2.59 Ven 08 Sagittarius MA 24 Aquarius JU trn UR 3.39 Mar 21 Capricorn JU 12 Leo EA opp SA 4.53 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio Sat 26 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 5Earth 2Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Ne .05 Sa Su/Me .08 Sa Su/Me .37 Ve Su/Mo .4 Sa Su/Me .22 Su Mo/Me .31 Ma Ve/Ne .48 Ma Ve/Ne .44 Ma Ve/Ne .55 Ma Ve/Ne .51 Su Me/Ve .55 Su Me/Ve .44 Su Me/Ve .75 Su Me/Ve .65 No Mo/Ju .87 Mo Me/Pl .61 Su Mo/Sa .93 No Mo/Ju .87 Ve Su/Mo 1.14 Sa Su/Me .67 Su Pl/No 1.15 Su Pl/No 1.41 Su Ve/Sa 1.37 Su Ve/Sa 1.29 Su Mo/Me 1.35 Su Ve/Sa 1.45 No Ve/Ju 1.65 No Ve/Ju 1.47Monday 24 November 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Sagittarius EA 2 Gemini MA sqr SA 1.47 Mon 20 Sagittarius ME 5 Scorpio ME trn NE 1.79 Mer 24 Scorpio VE 19 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.96 Ven 09 Sagittarius MA 25 Aquarius JU trn UR 3.32 Mar 22 Capricorn JU 12 Leo VE trn UR 4.17 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 5Earth 2Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .34 Su Me/Ve .24 Su Me/Ve .14 Su Me/Ve .03 Ma Ve/Ne .41 Mo Ma/Sa .32 Mo Su/Ma .33 Mo Ve/Ma .19 Ve Mo/Sa .56 Ma Ve/Ne .37 Ma Ve/Ne .34 Ma Ve/Ne .31 Sa Su/Me .96 Ve Mo/Me .48 No Ve/Ju .94 Pl Mo/Ma .48 Mo Sa/Pl 1.11 Ve Mo/Sa .88 Su Ve/Sa 1.04 No Ve/Ju .77 Su Ve/Sa 1.21 Mo Me/Ma 1.05 Ve Mo/Me 1.15 Me Mo/No .81 No Ve/Ju 1.29 No Ve/Ju 1.12 Mo Ne/No 1.48 Su Ve/Sa .96 The accelerating 'child Moon' in Sagittarius trine Jupiter becoming void 03:17 The Sun is semi square the lunar node 07:34. End of Eclipse Season marker. For the ensuing nine hours, the Moon is 'void of course'. The Moon enters Capricorn 16:32, joining the Mars and Pluto in this sign and inaugurating a steadier more practical atmosphere. State of the sky:-The Sun is at 2 degrees Sagittarius today. There are 28 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. Mercury and Saturn are in Scorpio The Sun and Venus are in Sagittarius. Mars and Pluto (and from 16:32 GMT, the Moon) are in Capricorn. We are now out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Scorpio. Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees Scorpio on Nov 26th. Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on Nov 28th. Venus is an evening star residing in Sagittarius This is a harmonious residence. She trines Uranus on Nov 27th, sextiles the lunar node on Dec 1st and trines Jupiter on Dec 4th. All very favorable. Venus evokes a measure of jollity and 'party spirit' into this rather bleak Uranus square Pluto period. Venus enters Capricorn on Dec 10th. She forms a tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. After a long chase of Venus and Mars through Pisces during Feb 2015, these two planets are closely conjunct at zero Aries on Feb 22nd 2015. The infant Moon aligns to them both on the previous night. Mars is now receding in Capricorn. Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time on Dec 1st. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. Mars in Capricorn, digging and delving on, till then. Saturn forms a waning semi-square to Pluto on Thursday. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are still in the pain of this brute of an aspect. Yesterday's Volley Ball bomber in Eastern Afghaniastan wove another thread of despair into its grim tapestry. The aspect will soon be history, thank God. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio as the Moon is conjunct Mars in Capricorn on Wednesday. Hard lines.Tuesday 25 November 2014 Moon,Mars and Pluto in Capricorn.The deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran was yesterday extended to the end of June after talks in Vienna failed to reach a comprehensive agreement. It sounds as if some progress is being made, but with transiting Saturn currently conjunct natal Sun and Mercury in the USA/Iran relationship chart. delays and shortfalls were to be expected. Transiting Uranus makes a final conjunction to relationship descendant in February 2015. Maybe that will seal the deal. A rough and tough, pugnacious and tenacious, day is in store. Today the young Moon accelerating in Capricorn sextiles Neptune 00:46 Mars waxing quinquncx Jupiter 00:56 The Moon is conjunct Pluto 12:56 The Moon squares Uranus 14:26 The Moon squares her node 21:11 As this day ends Mercury draws to Saturn and the Moon draws to Mars leading us into a 'deep thinking hard driving' wave. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Sagittarius EA 3 Gemini MA sqr SA .87 Mon 04 Capricorn ME 8 Scorpio ME trn NE 1.31 Mer 25 Scorpio VE 21 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.97 Ven 10 Sagittarius MA 25 Aquarius JU trn UR 3.26 Mar 22 Capricorn JU 12 Leo ME sqr JU 3.76 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio EA sqr NE 4.08 Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .07 Su Me/Ve .17 Ma Ve/Ne .2 No Ve/Ju .06 Ma Ve/Ne .27 Ma Ve/Ne .24 No Ve/Ju .24 Mo Ur/No .11 Me Mo/No .54 No Ve/Ju .41 Su Me/Ve .27 Ma Ve/Ne .17 No Ve/Ju .59 Sa Mo/No .64 Su Ve/Sa .72 Su Me/Ve .38 Su Ve/Sa .88 Su Ve/Sa .8 Su Ma/No 1.64 Mo Me/Ne .59 Sa Mo/No 1.08 Su Ma/No 1.8 Ne Ma/Ur 2.06 Su Ve/Sa .64 Pl Mo/Ma 1.37 Me Mo/No 1.9 Sa Mo/No 2.37 Mo Sa/Ne .85Wednesday 26 November 2014 Mercury conjunct Saturn The Moon, speeding through Capricorn, reaches her crescent phase 00:14 Mercury conjunction Saturn 02:38 (1.63 degrees from exact alignment)
Transiting Saturn is exactly square the USA natal Moon right now. This is coinciding with violence in Ferguson Missouri following Monday's non-guilty verdict on a white police officer who shot an unarmed black teenager. The protests have been worse than any the St Louis suburb has seen. US President Barack Obama has called for people who wish to protest against the grand jury decision in Missouri to do so peacefully. The decision not to charge the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown has been met with angry protests in Ferguson and around the country. President Obama called on the police to deal with protests with "care and restraint". He described the anger at the decision as "understandable" and admitted there still existed a "deep distrust" between law enforcement and "communities of colour" in the US. Transiting Mercury and Saturn conjunct USA Moon aptly describes the malaise gripping the nation right now. Mercury semi-square Pluto 04:50 The Moon is conjunct Mars 08:07 The Moon sextiles Saturn 14:11 The Moon sextiles Mercury becoming void 15:31 The Moon enters Aquarius 19:24 A good evening for socializing follows. New experiences of a social/romantic nature are possible as Venus trines Uranus overnight (GMT) tonight. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Sagittarius EA 4 Gemini MA sqr SA .27 Mon 19 Capricorn ME 11 Scorpio ME sqr JU .79 Mer 27 Scorpio VE 22 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.97 Ven 12 Sagittarius MA 26 Aquarius ME sex PL 2 Mar 23 Capricorn JU 12 Leo EA sqr NE 3.07 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 3.19 Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME trn NE 4.35 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Libra
Fire 4Earth 3Air 1Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ve/Ju .11 Ma Ve/Ne .1 Ma Ve/Ne .06 Ma Ve/Ne .03 Ma Ve/Ne .13 No Ve/Ju .29 Su Ve/Sa .39 Su Ve/Sa .31 Su Me/Ve .48 Su Ve/Sa .48 No Ve/Ju .46 No Ve/Ju .64 Su Ve/Sa .56 Su Mo/No .56 Ne Mo/Ur .6 Su Me/Ve .78 Mo Su/Ne .72 Su Me/Ve .58 Su Me/Ve .68 Su Ma/No .82 Su Mo/No .96 Su Ma/No 1.15 Su Ma/No .99 Ne Mo/Ur 1.17 Mo Ma/Pl .99 Mo Ve/Ne 1.29 Ne Ma/Ur 1.69 Me Pl/No 1.54Thursday 27 November 2014Venus trines Uranus 00:24 The rapidly waxing crescent Moon in Aquarius sextiles the Sun 03:29 The Sun squares Neptune 04:20 A sharp, modern, chic, detached mood prevails today. Saturn semi-square Pluto 16:46 This is the first of three such aspects occurring on Nov 27th 2014, June 30th and Aug 13th 2015. The current Saturn Pluto cycle of 38 years, symbolising 'power-changes' started in late 1982 at 28 Libra. The full phase occurred in 2001-2002, and the cycle completes on Jan 12th 2020 at 23 Capricorn. Power structures reach a point in time orientated to their inevitable decline and change. Watch the world attentively, we are at such a point in time. The Moon sextiles Uranus 17:01 The Moon sextiles Venus 18:39The Moon is at perigee 23 12 (closest to The Moon trines her node 23:38 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Sagittarius EA 5 Gemini MA sqr SA .33 Mon 03 Aquarius ME 14 Scorpio ME sex PL .99 Mer 28 Scorpio VE 24 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.98 Ven 13 Sagittarius MA 27 Aquarius EA sqr NE 2.07 Mar 24 Capricorn JU 12 Leo ME sqr JU 2.13 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE sex MA 2.59 Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries JU trn UR 3.12 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraEarth and fastest all month)Fire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ve/Ne .01 Ma Ve/Ne .04 Ma Ve/Ne .07 Su Ve/Sa .01 Su Ve/Sa .23 Ma Mo/Pl .14 Su Ve/Sa .07 Me Pl/No .05 Su Ma/No .66 Su Ve/Sa .15 Ve Mo/No .13 Ma Ve/Ne .11 No Ve/Ju .81 Su Ma/No .5 Su Ma/No .33 Mo Ve/Ur .12 Su Me/Ve .88 Mo Me/Ur .55 Me Pl/No .35 Su Ma/No .17 Me Pl/No 1.15 Me Pl/No .75 Pl Mo/Ve .39 Su Me/Ve 1.19 Ma Mo/Pl 1.45 No Ve/Ju .99 Mo Su/Ur .85 Mo Ma/Ne 1.22Friday 28 November 2014Mercury enters Sagittarius 02:27 today joining the Sun and Venus there. Free speaking, unlimited thinking, philosophy and education are all corresponded with this residence. Mercury resides in Sagittarius for a brief 20 days. After a bemusing square to Neptune on Dec 1st, Mercury has a fortunate ride. He trines Uranus on Dec 6th, an inventive aspect, he sextiles the lunar node on Dec 8th and is also at Superior conjunction with the Sun at 16 Sagittarius on that day. Mercury (and the Sun) trine Jupiter on Dec 12th, a 'happy go lucky' aspect. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 17th. Mercury enters repeatable territory on Jan 4th and appears to slow to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 15th. Mercury turns retrograde at 17 Aquarius on Jan 21st 2015. Today the very rapidly waxing crescent Moon in Aquarius opposes Jupiter 09:17 The Moon squares Saturn becoming void 17:15 The Moon enters Pisces 22:04 joining Neptune in that sign. The weekend ahead, with a sagittarian Sun and a dreamy piscean mood, witnesses sensation seeking . Amid the illusion and delusion Mars is building to a sextile with Saturn. There is work which can be undertaken. Harness the dream and construct a thing of beauty. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Sagittarius EA 6 Gemini MA sqr SA .94 Mon 17 Aquarius ME 17 Scorpio EA sqr NE 1.06 Mer 30 Scorpio VE 26 Sagittarius VE sex MA 1.64 Ven 14 Sagittarius MA 27 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.98 Mar 25 Capricorn JU 12 Leo JU trn UR 3.05 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 4Earth 2Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/No .01 Su Ma/No .16 Ma Ve/Ne .21 Mo Ur/Pl .17 Su Ve/Sa .09 Su Ve/Sa .17 Su Ve/Sa .26 Ma Ve/Ne .25 Ma Ve/Ne .14 Ma Ve/Ne .18 Pl Mo/Me .28 Pl Mo/Sa .31 Me Pl/No .45 Me Pl/No .84 Su Ma/No .32 Su Ve/Sa .34 Pl Su/Mo .74 Ne Ma/Ur 1.04 Ne Ma/Ur .95 Su Ma/No .49 Ne Ma/Ur 1.13 Pl Su/Mo 1.16 Me Su/Sa 1.02 Me Su/Sa .77 Su Me/Ve 1.29 Me Su/Sa 1.28 Me Pl/No 1.24 Ne Ma/Ur .86Saturday 29 November 2014Yesterday dozens were killed and many more hurt in a bomb and gun attack during Friday prayers at one of the biggest mosques in Nigeria's city of Kano. Casualty figures are put at just under 200. The Central Mosque is where the influential Muslim leader, the Emir of Kano, usually leads prayers. The emir recently called for people to arm themselves against Islamist militant group Boko Haram. The group has been waging an insurgency in Nigeria since 2009 and has killed more than 2,000 people this year. Transiting Pluto has been conjunct Nigerian Saturn during 2014. The final blast of this aspect was 3 days ago. Today the rapidly waxing Moon in Pisces squares Mercury 00:32 Mercury semi square the lunar node 03:57 The Moon conjuncts Neptune 06:18 The Moon hits mutable first quarter phase 10:08 The Moon sextiles Pluto 18:38 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Sagittarius EA 7 Gemini EA sqr NE .06 Mon 01 Pisces ME 20 Scorpio VE sex MA .69 Mer 01 Sagittarius VE 27 Sagittarius MA sqr SA 1.54 Ven 15 Sagittarius MA 28 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.99 Mar 25 Capricorn JU 12 Leo JU trn UR 2.98 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Libra
Fire 5Earth 2Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ve/Ne .28 Me Su/Sa .26 Me Su/Sa .01 Me Su/Sa .24 Su Ve/Sa .42 Ma Ve/Ne .32 Ma Ve/Ne .35 Ma Ve/Ne .39 Me Su/Sa .52 Ma Mo/Ve .4 Ne Ma/Ur .58 Ne Ma/Ur .49 Su Ma/No .65 Mo Ma/Ur .5 Su Ve/Sa .58 Su Ve/Sa .66 Ne Ma/Ur .77 Su Ve/Sa .5 Su Ma/No .98 Su Ma/No 1.14 Su Me/Ve 1.69 Ne Ma/Ur .67 Ma Mo/Ve 1.33 Ma Su/Mo 1.36 Me Pl/No 2.04 Su Ma/No .81 No Su/Ju 1.83 No Su/Ju 1.68Sunday 30 November 2014Mirky moving waters today. Venus sextiles the lunar node 01:03 The fast moving but decelerating first quarter Moon in Pisces squares Venus 02:29 The Moon sextiles Mars 19:42 The Moon trines Saturn becoming void 20:48 Mercury squares Neptune as the GMT day ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Sagittarius EA 8 Gemini VE sex MA .26 Mon 15 Pisces ME 23 Scorpio EA sqr NE .95 Mer 03 Sagittarius VE 29 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 2 Ven 17 Sagittarius MA 28 Aquarius MA sqr SA 2.14 Mar 26 Capricorn JU 12 Leo JU trn UR 2.91 Jup 22 Leo SA 26 Scorpio ME con SA 3.47 Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 5Earth 2Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Mo .33 Ma Mo/Me .25 Ne Ma/Ur .21 Ne Ma/Ur .12 Ne Ma/Ur .4 Ne Ma/Ur .31 Ma Ve/Ne .49 Ma Mo/Sa .13 Ma Ve/Ne .42 Ma Ve/Ne .46 Su Ve/Sa .91 Ma Ve/Ne .53 Me Su/Sa .5 Me Su/Sa .75 Me Su/Sa 1 Su Ve/Sa .99 Su Ve/Sa .74 Su Ve/Sa .83 No Su/Ju 1.25 No Su/Ju 1.11 Su Ma/No 1.3 No Su/Ju 1.4 Ma Mo/Me 1.51 Me Su/Sa 1.25 No Su/Ju 1.54 Su Ma/No 1.47 Mo Ur/Ne 1.54 Su Ma/No 1.79Monday 1 December 2014 Mercury square Neptune. Mars sextile Saturn.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Sagittarius EA 9 Gemini ME con SA .65 Mon 29 Pisces ME 26 Scorpio VE sex MA 1.21 Mer 05 Sagittarius VE 0 Capricorn EA sqr NE 1.96 Ven 18 Sagittarius MA 29 Aquarius UR sqr PL 2 Mar 27 Capricorn JU 12 Leo MA sqr SA 2.75 Jup 23 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 2.84 Sat 27 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME sqr MA 3.4 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 LibraFire 5Earth 2Air 1Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 2Mutable 5Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ma/Ur .03 Ne Ma/Ur .06 Ne Ma/Ur .16 Ne Ma/Ur .25 Ma Ve/Ne .56 Ma Ve/Ne .6 Ma Ve/Ne .63 No Su/Ju .54 No Su/Ju .97 No Su/Ju .82 No Su/Ju .68 Ma Ve/Ne .67 Su Ve/Sa 1.07 Su Ve/Sa 1.15 Pl Mo/No .75 Pl Mo/No .97 Ma Mo/Sa 1.44 Ve Sa/Pl 1.66 Su Ve/Sa 1.23 Ve Sa/Pl 1.06 Me Su/Sa 1.51 Me Su/Sa 1.76 Ve Sa/Pl 1.36 Ne Mo/Ma 1.26 Sa Pl/No 1.93 Me Ma/No 1.87 Me Ma/No 1.57 Me Ma/No 1.26 Moon enters Aries 01:15 Mercury square Neptune (on the Mars/Uranus midpoint)04:27 Mars sextile Saturn 19:01 Moon conjunct Uranus 23:13 (0.35 degrees from exact alignment) Visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus, the 5th of 19.State of the sky:-The Sun is at 9 degrees Sagittarius today. There are 21 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun Mercury and Venus are in Sagittarius. Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Moon and Uranus are in Aries. We are now out of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is now a direct morning star in Sagittarius. Mercury has a fortunate ride in Sagittarius this year. He trines Uranus on Dec 6th, an inventive aspect, he sextiles the lunar node on Dec 8th and is also at Superior conjunction with the Sun at 16 Sagittarius on that day. Mercury (and the Sun) trine Jupiter on Dec 12th, a 'happy go lucky' aspect. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 17th. Mercury enters repeatable territory on Jan 4th and appears to slow to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 15th. Mercury turns retrograde at 17 Aquarius on Jan 21st 2015. Venus is an evening star residing in Sagittarius This is a harmonious residence. She sextiles the lunar node on Dec 1st and trines Jupiter on Dec 4th. All very favorable. Venus evokes a measure of jollity and 'party spirit' into this rather bleak Uranus square Pluto period. Venus enters Capricorn on Dec 10th. She forms a tight T-square with Uranus and Pluto on Dec 20th just before the Winter Solstice. After a long chase of Venus and Mars through Pisces during Feb 2015, these two planets are closely conjunct at zero Aries on Feb 22nd 2015. The infant Moon aligns to them both on the previous night. Mars is now receding in Capricorn. Mars sextiles Saturn in a very constructional time today. Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Dec 4th. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs on December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are still in the pain of this brute of an aspect. The aspect will soon be history. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Full Moon in Gemini on Saturday.
Tuesday 2 December 2014The decelerating waxing Moon in Aries opposes her north node 05:46The Moon, Venus and Jupiter form a loose fire grand trine Pretty positive generous and fortunate possibilities here. Moon trine Venus 11:15 Moon trine Jupiter 16:17 The Moon reaches gibbous phase, 21:37 the procession to the full now starts in earnest. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Sagittarius EA 10 Gemini ME sqr MA 1.21 Mon 13 Aries ME 28 Scorpio UR sqr PL 2.01 Mer 06 Sagittarius VE 2 Capricorn ME con SA 2.14 Ven 19 Sagittarius MA 30 Aquarius VE sex MA 2.16 Mar 28 Capricorn JU 12 Leo EA sex JU 2.62 Jup 23 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 2.77 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sqr NE 2.96 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces MA sqr SA 3.35 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Libra
01:00 to 16:30Fire 6Earth 2Air 1Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ma/Ur .34 No Su/Ju .25 No Su/Ju .11 No Su/Ju .03 No Su/Ju .39 Ne Ma/Ur .43 Ve Sa/Pl .18 Me Ma/No .05 Ne Mo/Ma .57 Ve Sa/Pl .47 Me Ma/No .35 Ve Sa/Pl .12 Ma Ve/Ne .7 Me Ma/No .66 Ne Ma/Ur .52 Ne Ma/Ur .62 Ve Sa/Pl .77 Ma Ve/Ne .74 Ma Ve/Ne .77 Ma Ve/Ne .81 Me Ma/No .96 Su Ve/Sa 1.48 Su Ve/Sa 1.56 Me Ve/Sa 1.51 Su Ve/Sa 1.4 Sa Pl/No 1.77 Me Ve/Sa 1.73 No Me/Ju 1.54Wednesday 3 December 2014Moon square Mars becoming void 02:43 The decelerating waxing gibbous Moon enters Taurus 05:16 Moon sextile Neptune 13:50 Venus is applying in a fire trine to Jupiter and the Sun applies in a fire trine to Uranus. Energy and enthusiasm are increasing. A creative and entrepreneurial wave is upon us. The Moon three days from the full and in Taurus yields heavy weight momentum and endurance to an excited atmosphere. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Sagittarius EA 11 Gemini ME sqr MA .96 Mon 27 Aries ME 1 Sagittarius EA sex JU 1.68 Mer 08 Sagittarius VE 3 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.01 Ven 20 Sagittarius MA 0 Pisces JU trn UR 2.7 Mar 28 Capricorn JU 12 Leo VE sex MA 3.1 Jup 23 Leo SA 26 Scorpio VE sex NE 3.31 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA sqr SA 3.95 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA sqr NE 3.97 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn ME con SA 4.92 Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 LibraFire 6Earth 2Air 1Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 2Mutable 4Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Ju .18 No Su/Ju .32 No Su/Ju .46 No Su/Ju .6 Me Ma/No .25 Me Ma/No .56 Me Ve/Sa .84 Me Ve/Sa .62 Ne Mo/Pl .29 Ve Sa/Pl .71 Me Ma/No .86 No Me/Ju .69 Ve Sa/Pl .41 Ne Ma/Ur .8 Ne Ma/Ur .89 Ma Ve/Ne .95 Ne Ma/Ur .71 Ma Ve/Ne .88 No Me/Ju .91 Ne Ma/Ur .99 Ma Ve/Ne .84 Me Ve/Sa 1.06 Ma Ve/Ne .91 Me Ma/No 1.16 Me Ve/Sa 1.28 No Me/Ju 1.12 Ve Sa/Pl 1 Ve Sa/Pl 1.3Thursday 4 December 2014 Venus trine Jupiter. The Sun trines Uranus.A blast of a day this. Rich in sensation with a vibrant full moon approaching. The waxing gibbous Moon less than 50 hours from the full decelerating in Taurus 'earth trines' Pluto 02:47 Strong geocentric harmonic 15 around 11:00 GMT involving Neptune, Jupiter, Venus and the Moon. The 15th harmonic is the 'magic wave'. Venus trine Jupiter 19:12 Moon square Jupiter 21:13 Sun trine Uranus 22:31 Mars enters Aquarius 23:58 Mars spends 39 days in the sign of the water bearer. He is sextile Uranus on the Solstice Day, trine the lunar node on Christmas Eve, and opposite Jupiter on New Year's day. Mars enters Pisces on Jan 12th, and is conjunct Neptune in Pisces on Jan 20th. Venus overtakes Mars on Feb 22nd. Mars in Aquarius is truly a free spirit. Independence, striving for humanitarian issues, deviation from the norm and the urge to reform are bound up with this planetary placement, and will strongly colour this year's yule time. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Sagittarius EA 12 Gemini EA sex JU .75 Mon 11 Taurus ME 4 Sagittarius VE sex NE 1.74 Mer 09 Sagittarius VE 5 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.02 Ven 22 Sagittarius MA 1 Pisces JU trn UR 2.64 Mar 29 Capricorn JU 12 Leo ME sqr NE 2.68 Jup 23 Leo SA 26 Scorpio ME sqr MA 3.11 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA sex UR 3.38 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 5Earth 3Air 1Water 2Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Sa .4 Me Ve/Sa .18 Me Ve/Sa .04 No Me/Ju .15 No Me/Ju .48 No Me/Ju .27 No Me/Ju .06 Ur Mo/Ne .15 No Su/Ju .74 No Su/Ju .89 Ne Mo/Ve .07 Me Ve/Sa .27 Ma Ve/Ne .98 Ma Ve/Ne 1.02 No Su/Ju 1.03 Pl Ve/Ma 1.08 Ne Ma/Ur 1.08 Ne Ma/Ur 1.17 Ma Ve/Ne 1.06 Ma Ve/Ne 1.09 Me Ma/No 1.47 Sa Pl/No 1.51 Ne Ma/Ur 1.26 No Su/Ju 1.17 Sa Pl/No 1.54 Pl Ve/Ma 1.57 Pl Ve/Ma 1.32 Ne Ma/Ur 1.35Friday 5 December 2014President Putin yesterday warned Russians to brace for hard times, days after the rouble suffered its biggest fall since the late 1990s. Putin has transiting Jupiter exactly conjunct his natal Pluto right now. He is riding high apparently in terms of domestic support. The Russian (1991 chart) has just had transiting Pluto trine natal Sun which brings on no going back changes and transiting Saturn trine natal Moon, which harnesses the finances. US officials ordered a probe after a grand jury decided not to charge a white New York police officer over the death of a black man he was restraining. This is a recurring theme. Transiting Venus set off the USA natal Mars square Neptune yesterday. Today Venus quintiles Neptune 00:56 The almost full, decelerating Moon in Taurus, opposes Saturn becoming void 06:46 The Moon then enters Gemini 10:29 Vibrant communications then abound. Lots to talk about. The Moon trines Mars 11:08 Strong geocentric harmonic 15 around 12:00 GMT In addition to the 15th harmonic grouping in Pisces which manifested yesterday we now have a 15th harmonic grouping in Libra, see the 15th harmonic chart below.The Moon squares Neptune 19:21 Mars now in Aquarius makes a waning quintile Uranus 21:02 (A component of the 15th harmonic chart above). The Moon is almost full tonight. Some sort of celebration would be in order. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Sagittarius EA 13 Gemini ME sqr NE .09 Mon 24 Taurus ME 7 Sagittarius VE sex NE .16 Mer 11 Sagittarius VE 7 Capricorn EA sex JU .19 Ven 23 Sagittarius MA 2 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.02 Mar 00 Aquarius JU 13 Leo EA sex UR 2.38 Jup 23 Leo SA 26 Scorpio JU trn UR 2.57 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA con NE 5.16 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 5Earth 2Air 2Water 2Cardinal 3Fixed 4Mutable 4Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Ju .36 Ne Su/Mo .35 Pl Ve/Ma .34 Pl Ve/Ma .1 Me Ve/Sa .49 Ne Mo/Me .52 No Me/Ju .79 No Me/Ju 1 Pl Ve/Ma .83 No Me/Ju .57 Me Ve/Sa .93 Me Ve/Sa 1.15 Ma Ve/Ne 1.13 Pl Ve/Ma .59 Ma Ve/Ne 1.2 Ma Ve/Ne 1.23 No Su/Ju 1.31 Me Ve/Sa .71 Ne Mo/Me 1.34 Sa Pl/No 1.32 Sa Pl/No 1.42 Ma Ve/Ne 1.16 Sa Pl/No 1.35 Ne Ma/Ur 1.72 Ne Su/Mo 1.44 Mo Ju/Ne 1.25 No Su/Ju 1.59 No Su/Ju 1.74Saturday 6 December 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Sagittarius EA 14 Gemini EA sex JU 1.12 Mon 07 Gemini ME 10 Sagittarius EA sex UR 1.38 Mer 12 Sagittarius VE 8 Capricorn VE sex NE 1.42 Ven 24 Sagittarius MA 2 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.03 Mar 01 Aquarius JU 13 Leo JU trn UR 2.5 Jup 23 Leo SA 26 Scorpio ME sqr NE 2.84 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME trn JU 3.04 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA opp ME 4.16 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn MA con NE 4.53 Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 LibraFull Moon in Gemini Fire 5Earth 1Air 3Water 2Cardinal 3Fixed 3Mutable 5Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/Ma .15 Pl Ve/Ma .4 Pl Ve/Ma .64 Mo Ju/Ur .33 No Me/Ju 1.21 Ve Ne/No 1.19 Ve Ne/No .87 Ve Ne/No .55 Ma Ve/Ne 1.27 Sa Pl/No 1.26 Sa Pl/No 1.23 Pl Ve/Ma .89 Sa Pl/No 1.29 Ma Ve/Ne 1.3 Ma Ve/Ne 1.34 Sa Pl/No 1.19 Me Ve/Sa 1.37 No Me/Ju 1.42 No Me/Ju 1.63 Ma Ve/Ne 1.37 Ve Ne/No 1.51 Me Ve/Sa 1.59 Me Ve/Sa 1.81 No Me/Ju 1.84 Ne Ma/Ur 1.82 Ne Ma/Ur 1.91 Ne Ma/Ur 2 Me Ve/Sa 2.04Mercury 'fire trines' Uranus 03:45 Significant geocentric harmonic 15 around 06:00 GMT The Full Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 09:30 The Moon opposes Mercury 10:17 Moon opposition Sun 12:28 Full Moon sextile
Today's Full Moon is the second following the Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th 2014 and the 4th before the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4th 2015. (That eclipse will be the 3rd in the sequence of 4 'Tetrad of Blood Moons' currently manifest). The Full Moon in Gemini is opposite Mercury, sextile Uranus and square Chiron. Uranus squares Pluto, Mercury trines Uranus. There are 5 planets in fire signs only 1 in earth. 5 are in mutable signs. The current time dominated once again by the ongoing harsh Uranus Pluto square is uplifted by this creative and spontaneous lunation. This is the talkative one, a veritable kaleidoscope of communication and imagery. At the moment of Full Moon today the Sun and Moon are aligned to Lisbon and to south island New Zealand. Neptune rises and Jupiter sets over the UK. Venus culminates at Paris, Jupiter culminates at San Diego, Pluto at Warsaw. Uranus rises at Berlin and at Copenhagen. Today is the birthday of Andrew Flintoff, Jake Austin, Amanda Seyfried and Jonathan King. Today's Full Moon is conjunct the Sun and Moon in the Vatican chart, it also directly hits Chile's Mars, Carlos Santana's Mars, Cilla Black's and David Blaine's Saturn, David Gilmour's Uranus and Uranus in the Syrian Independence chart. The Full Moon is opposite Australia's Uranus, Tracey Bingham's Venus, Cate Blanchett' Mars, and Jimmy Carter's Jupiter. The Full Moon squares Queen Elizabeth's Venus, trines the USA's Saturn sextiles Steve Hillage's Jupiter and sextiles Hilary Clinton's Mars Pluto conjunction. She's really going to go for it you know ! (Hillary Clinton has transiting Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all favorably active in her chart around the time of the USA election in two years time.) After the Full Moon has climaxed the day continues in a free wheeling, multifarious manner. The Moon is trine her node 16:06
Sunday 7 December 2014The 'hung over' Full Moon decelerating in Gemini sextiles Jupiter 03:49 Moon opposition Venus becoming void 09:53 The Moon is void for seven and a half hours. The Moon enters Cancer 17:35 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Sagittarius EA 15 Gemini ME trn JU .36 Mon 21 Gemini ME 12 Sagittarius EA sex UR .37 Mer 14 Sagittarius VE 10 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.03 Ven 25 Sagittarius MA 3 Pisces EA sex JU 2.06 Mar 02 Aquarius JU 13 Leo EA opp ME 2.42 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio JU trn UR 2.43 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME trn UR 2.79 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces VE sex NE 2.99 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn VE con PL 3.35 Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 LibraFire 5Earth 1Air 3Water 2Cardinal 3Fixed 3Mutable 5Positive 8Negative 3 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ne/No .23 Ve Ne/No .09 Ve Ne/No .41 Ju Mo/No .6 Pl Ve/Ma 1.13 Ur Mo/Ma .11 Ju Mo/No 1 Ve Ne/No .73 Sa Pl/No 1.16 Sa Pl/No 1.13 Sa Pl/No 1.1 Sa Pl/No 1.07 Ma Ve/Ne 1.41 Pl Ve/Ma 1.38 Ma Ve/Ne 1.48 Ma Ve/Ne 1.52 Ur Mo/Ma 1.61 Ma Ve/Ne 1.44 Pl Ve/Ma 1.63 Pl Ve/Ma 1.87 No Me/Ju 2.05 Pl Ur/No 2.13 Ur Mo/Ma 1.82 Pl Ur/No 2.09 Pl Ur/No 2.14 No Me/Ju 2.26 Pl Ur/No 2.11 Ne Ma/Ur 2.46Monday 8 December 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Sagittarius EA 16 Gemini ME trn UR .06 Mon 03 Cancer ME 15 Sagittarius EA sex UR .63 Mer 16 Sagittarius VE 11 Capricorn EA opp ME .69 Ven 27 Sagittarius MA 4 Pisces VE con PL 1.77 Mar 02 Aquarius JU 13 Leo UR sqr PL 2.04 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio ME trn JU 2.3 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries JU trn UR 2.36 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces EA sex JU 2.99 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn MA con NE 3.27 Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 5Earth 1Air 2Water 3Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No 1.04 Sa Pl/No 1.01 Sa Pl/No .97 Sa Pl/No .94 Ve Ne/No 1.04 Ve Ne/No 1.36 Ur Mo/Pl 1.6 Ma Ve/Ne 1.66 Ma Ve/Ne 1.55 Ma Ve/Ne 1.59 Ma Ve/Ne 1.62 Ve Su/Pl 1.91 Pl Ur/No 2.08 Pl Ur/No 2.06 Ve Ne/No 1.68 Ve Ne/No 2 Pl Ve/Ma 2.12 Ve Me/Pl 2.23 Pl Ur/No 2.05 Ve Me/Pl 2.01 Ju Mo/No 2.18 Ve Su/Pl 2.28 Ve Su/Pl 2.1 Pl Ur/No 2.03 Ve Me/Pl 2.35 Pl Ve/Ma 2.36 Ve Me/Pl 2.12 Pl Me/Ma 2.55 The decelerating and waning full Moon in Cancer trines Neptune 02:54 The Sun sextiles the lunar node 09:12 Mercury also sextiles the lunar node 09:26 Mercury in Superior Conjunction with the Sun 09:52 A full Mercury. Illumination of the mind.The Moon, Uranus and Pluto form a tight cardinal T-square Moon opposition Pluto 17:03 Moon square Uranus 17:34 .
17:00 to 18:00Tuesday 9 December 2014 The decelerating waning post-full-Moon in Cancer squares her node 00:18 Venus quintiles the lunar node 05:14
The Moon sails through Cancer making no further aspects today. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Sagittarius EA 17 Gemini VE con PL .2 Mon 16 Cancer ME 18 Sagittarius EA opp ME 1.04 Mer 17 Sagittarius VE 13 Capricorn EA sex UR 1.64 Ven 28 Sagittarius MA 4 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.04 Mar 03 Aquarius JU 13 Leo VE sqr UR 2.24 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio JU trn UR 2.29 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA con NE 2.64 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces ME trn UR 2.67 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 Libra Minor lunar occultation of star Lambda Gemini observable from mid UK 06:05 to 07:02 Fire 5Earth 1Air 2Water 3Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4active now. Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .91 No Mo/Pl .39 Sa Pl/No .85 Sa Pl/No .82 Ma Ve/Ne 1.69 Sa Pl/No .88 No Mo/Pl 1.17 Ve Su/Pl 1.18 Ve Su/Pl 1.73 Ve Su/Pl 1.55 Ve Su/Pl 1.36 Pl Me/Ma 1.41 Ve Me/Pl 1.89 Ma Ve/Ne 1.73 Ve Me/Pl 1.67 Ve Me/Pl 1.55 No Mo/Pl 1.96 Ve Me/Pl 1.78 Pl Me/Ma 1.69 Pl Su/Ma 1.78 Pl Ur/No 2.01 Pl Me/Ma 1.98 Ma Ve/Ne 1.76 Ma Ve/Ne 1.8 Pl Me/Ma 2.26 Pl Ur/No 2 Pl Ur/No 1.98 Ma Sa/Ur 1.86Wednesday 10 December 2014 Once this day gets going there will be a less worrisome feel than has existed over the past couple of days. The mood is geared to recreation. The slow Moon decelerating and waning in Cancer trines Saturn becoming void 00:16 The Moon enters Leo 03:15 joining Jupiter in that sign. Mercury waning semi-square Mars 04:00 Mercury turns retrograde before he can catch up and overtake Mars. The next conjunction of these two planets is in Taurus on April 22nd 2015. The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 09:38 The Moon opposes Mars 11:39 Venus enters Capricorn 16:43 joining Pluto in this sign. She races through the sign in just 24 days. She is an evening star, reflective and seeking value. Venus sextiles Neptune on Dec 14th, gracing the season with sublime beauty. The crisis point of the residence occurs on Dec 20th when she is conjunct Pluto and square Uranus. We can expect a significantly disruptive event on that day before the solstice. Venus squares the lunar node on Dec 23rd. Venus enters Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2015. Venus is a material girl while Capricorn. Handsome is what handsome can afford to give her. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Sagittarius EA 18 Gemini VE sqr UR .67 Mon 28 Cancer ME 21 Sagittarius VE con PL 1.38 Mer 19 Sagittarius VE 15 Capricorn MA con NE 2.01 Ven 29 Sagittarius MA 5 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.05 Mar 04 Aquarius JU 13 Leo JU trn UR 2.22 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio EA sex UR 2.64 Sat 28 Scorpio UR 15 Aries EA opp ME 2.77 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 5Earth 1Air 2Water 3Strong helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4active now. Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .79 No Mo/Ve .67 Pl Me/Ma .55 Pl Me/Ma .27 Ve Su/Pl 1 Sa Pl/No .75 Ve Su/Pl .63 Ve Su/Pl .45 Pl Me/Ma 1.12 Ve Su/Pl .82 Sa Pl/No .72 Me Sa/Pl .61 Ve Me/Pl 1.44 Pl Me/Ma .84 Me Sa/Pl .98 Sa Pl/No .69 Pl Su/Ma 1.56 Ve Me/Pl 1.33 No Mo/Ve 1.02 Pl Su/Ma .92 Ma Sa/Ur 1.67 Pl Su/Ma 1.35 Pl Su/Ma 1.13 Ve Me/Pl 1.1 Me Sa/Pl 1.73 Me Sa/Pl 1.36 Ve Me/Pl 1.21 Ma Sa/Ur 1.13Thursday 11 December 2014Lots going on today. The Moon and Jupiter are trine the Sun and Mercury. The very slowly disseminating Moon in Leo 'fire trines' Uranus 04:18The Moon sextiles her node 11:07 Strong geocentric harmonic 11 around 18:00 GMT lasting through the remainder of the day. The 11th harmonic is the Master Number. The Moon trines the Sun 18:21 The Moon trines Mercury 22:41 The Moon applies to Jupiter as the GMT day ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Sagittarius EA 19 Gemini VE sqr UR .9 Mon 10 Leo ME 23 Sagittarius MA con NE 1.38 Mer 20 Sagittarius VE 16 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.06 Ven 00 Capricorn MA 5 Pisces JU trn UR 2.15 Mar 05 Aquarius JU 13 Leo VE con PL 2.95 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio EA opp ME 4.51 Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 Libra Minor lunar occultation of star Alpha Cancer observable from mid UK 06:46 to 07:38 Fire 5Earth 2Air 2Water 2Very strong helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3active now. Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Ma .02 Ve Su/Pl .09 Ve Su/Pl .1 Pl Su/Ma .05 Me Sa/Pl .24 Me Sa/Pl .14 Pl Su/Ma .27 Ve Su/Pl .28 Ve Su/Pl .27 No Su/Mo .25 Me Sa/Pl .51 Ma Sa/Ur .41 Sa Pl/No .66 Pl Me/Ma .3 Pl Me/Ma .59 Sa Pl/No .57 No Mo/Me .67 Pl Su/Ma .48 Ma Sa/Ur .59 Ve Ma/Sa .63 Pl Su/Ma .7 Sa Pl/No .63 Sa Pl/No .6 Ve Me/Pl .65 Ma Sa/Ur .95 Ma Sa/Ur .77 Ve Me/Pl .76 Pl Me/Ma .88Friday 12 December 2014Strong geocentric harmonic 11 around 00:00 GMT The very slow disseminating Moon is conjunct Jupiter 00:23 Mercury trine Jupiter 11:25 The Moon squares Saturn becoming void 12:50 The Moon enters Virgo 15:20 Mercury quintiles Neptune 17:25 The Moon trines Venus 20:52Moon at apogee 23:04 (farthest from Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Sagittarius EA 20 Gemini MA con NE .76 Mon 22 Leo ME 26 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 2.06 Mer 22 Sagittarius VE 18 Capricorn JU trn UR 2.08 Ven 02 Capricorn MA 6 Pisces VE sqr UR 2.47 Mar 05 Aquarius JU 13 Leo VE con PL 4.53 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 16 LibraEarth, conjunct 'Lilith' and slowest all month).Fire 5Earth 2Air 2Water 2Very strong helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 4Mutable 3active now. Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Ma .16 Ma Sa/Ur .04 Ve Ma/Sa .03 Su Sa/Pl .02 Ma Sa/Ur .23 Ve Ma/Sa .23 Ma Sa/Ur .14 Ve Ma/Sa .17 Ve Ma/Sa .43 Pl Su/Ma .38 Su Sa/Pl .26 Ve Me/Pl .2 Ve Su/Pl .46 Ve Me/Pl .42 Ve Me/Pl .31 Ma Sa/Ur .32 Ve Me/Pl .53 Su Sa/Pl .49 Sa Pl/No .47 Sa Pl/No .44 Sa Pl/No .54 Sa Pl/No .51 Pl Su/Ma .6 Pl Su/Ma .81 Su Sa/Pl .73 Ve Su/Pl .65 Ve Su/Pl .83 No Mo/Sa .91Saturday 13 December 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Sagittarius EA 21 Gemini MA con NE .13 Mon 04 Virgo ME 29 Sagittarius JU trn UR 2.02 Mer 23 Sagittarius VE 19 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.07 Ven 03 Capricorn MA 7 Pisces VE sqr UR 4.04 Mar 06 Aquarius JU 13 Leo Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Strong helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Pl .08 Ve Me/Pl .03 Ve Me/Pl .14 Ve Me/Pl .26 Su Sa/Pl .21 Sa Pl/No .38 Sa Pl/No .35 Sa Pl/No .32 Ve Ma/Sa .38 Su Sa/Pl .45 Su Sa/Pl .68 Me Ne/No .85 Sa Pl/No .41 Ve Ma/Sa .58 Ve Ma/Sa .78 Su Sa/Pl .92 Ma Sa/Ur .5 Ma Sa/Ur .68 Ma Sa/Ur .86 Ve Ma/Sa .98 No Mo/Sa .6 Pl Su/Ma 1.24 Me Ne/No 1.25 Ma Sa/Ur 1.04 Pl Su/Ma 1.03 Ve Su/Pl 1.38 Pl Su/Ma 1.46 Pl Su/Ma 1.68 The very slowly waning Moon approaching Last Quarter in Virgo opposes Neptune 01:29 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 16:48 The Geminid meteor shower should be at its strongest late tonight and late tomorrow night. Bundle up even more warmly than you think you'll need, find a dark, shadowed site with an open view overhead, lie back in a reclining lawn chair, and watch the stars. Be patient. See here.Sunday 14 December 2014A day with pleasant potentials. Sun semi-square Mars 09:16 The slowly waning Moon, now accelerating in Virgo reaches last quarter 12:52 The Sun trines Jupiter 15:57 Venus sextile Neptune 16:56Venus sextile Neptune.
The Sun trines Jupiter.Significant geocentric harmonic 11 around 18:00 GMT Moon square Mercury 20:48 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Sagittarius EA 22 Gemini MA con NE .5 Mon 16 Virgo ME 2 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.95 Mer 25 Sagittarius VE 21 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.07 Ven 04 Capricorn MA 7 Pisces Mar 07 Aquarius JU 13 Leo Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 LibraFire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Very strong helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .29 Me Ne/No .05 Sa Pl/No .23 Sa Pl/No .2 Ve Me/Pl .37 Mo Ju/No .18 Me Ne/No .35 Ve Me/Pl .7 Me Ne/No .45 Sa Pl/No .26 Ve Me/Pl .59 Me Ne/No .75 Su Sa/Pl 1.16 Ve Me/Pl .48 Sa Mo/Ma .71 Ma Ne/Pl 1.23 Ve Ma/Sa 1.19 Sa Mo/Ma .84 Ma Ne/Pl 1.42 Pl Ur/No 1.65 Ma Sa/Ur 1.22 Ve Ma/Sa 1.39 Ma Sa/Ur 1.59 Ma Sa/Ur 1.77 Pl Ur/No 1.7 Su Sa/Pl 1.39 Ve Ma/Sa 1.59 Ve Ma/Sa 1.79Monday 15 December 2014 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Sagittarius EA 23 Gemini MA con NE 1.13 Mon 28 Virgo ME 4 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.88 Mer 27 Sagittarius VE 22 Capricorn UR sqr PL 2.08 Ven 05 Capricorn MA 8 Pisces ME sex NE 2.35 Mar 08 Aquarius JU 13 Leo ME sex MA 3.48 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Significant helio harmonic 7Cardinal 4Fixed 3Mutable 4active now. Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .17 Sa Pl/No .14 Sa Pl/No .11 Sa Pl/No .08 Ve Me/Pl .82 Ma Ne/Pl .85 Ma Ne/Pl .66 Ma Ne/Pl .48 Ma Ne/Pl 1.04 Ve Me/Pl .93 Ve Me/Pl 1.04 Ve Me/Pl 1.15 Me Ne/No 1.15 Me Ne/No 1.55 Pl Ur/No 1.6 Pl Ur/No 1.59 Pl Ur/No 1.63 Pl Ur/No 1.62 Me Ne/No 1.94 Su Ne/No 1.75 Ma Sa/Ur 1.95 Ma Sa/Ur 2.13 Su Ne/No 2.01 Me Su/Ve 2.24 Ve Ma/Sa 1.99 Ve Ma/Sa 2.2 Ma Sa/Ur 2.31 Me Ne/No 2.34 The slowly accelerating Last Quarter Moon in Virgo sextiles Saturn becoming void 02:12 The Sun quintiles Neptune 02:55 The Moon enters Libra 04:06 Uranus squares Pluto 05:18 The Moon squares Venus 16:38 Mercury quintiles the lunar node 18:28 The Moon trines Mars 20:57 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 23 degrees Sagittarius today. There are 7 days to the northern hemisphere Winter Solstice. The Sun and Mercury are in Sagittarius. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now in the period between eclipse seasons. Mercury is now a direct evening star in Sagittarius. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 17th. Mercury enters repeatable territory on Jan 4th and appears to slow to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 15th. Mercury turns retrograde at 17 Aquarius on Jan 21st 2015. Venus entered Capricorn on Dec 10th. She is an evening star, reflective and seeking value. The crisis point of the residence occurs on Dec 20th when she is conjunct Pluto and square Uranus. We can expect a significantly disruptive event on that day before the solstice. Venus squares the lunar node on Dec 23rd. Venus enters Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2015. Venus is a material girl while Capricorn. Hansome is what hansome can afford to give her. After a long chase of Venus and Mars through Pisces during Feb 2015, these two planets are closely conjunct at zero Aries on Feb 22nd 2015. The infant Moon aligns to them both on the previous night. Mars is now in Aquarius. He is sextile Uranus on the Solstice Day, trine the lunar node on Christmas Eve, and opposite Jupiter on New Year's day. Mars enters Pisces on Jan 12th, and is conjunct Neptune in Pisces on Jan 20th. Venus overtakes Mars on Feb 22nd. Mars in Aquarius is truly a free spirit. Independence, striving for humanitarian issues, deviation from the norm and the urge to reform are bound up with this planetary placement, and will strongly colour this year's yule time. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurs today December 15th 2014. The final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are still in the pain of this brute of an aspect. The aspect will soon be history. Despite this Uranus Pluto square we now have a reasonably smooth astrological run to the Solstice. The next 'astrological wave' is the conjunction of Venus and Pluto square Uranus on Saturday Dec 20thTuesday 16 December 2014Uranus and Pluto were square each other yesterday for the 6th of 7 occasions over the last 3 years. Totally in keeping with the terror symbolism of the aspect, two people were killed, along with an Islamist gunman, after commandos stormed a cafe in the Australian city of Sydney to end a 16-hour siege. The gunman identified as an Iranian refugee had been holding dozens of hostages. The Full Moon on Dec 6th was hooked into the Australian chart natal Uranus opposite Pluto. The Full Moon was exactly opposite Aussie Uranus in the 'cosmopolitan coffee bar' 3rd house. The Australian chart has transiting Saturn opposite natal Moon/Pluto today, casting a depressive shadow on the nation in the aftermath of the trauma. Transiting Mercury was conjunct Aussie Mercury and Jupiter yesterday, and transiting Venus is conjunct Aussie Saturn today. There is a very undermining transiting Neptune opposite Aussie Mars in 2016 and 2017. The first in the nation's history.
Today the Moon, her node, Uranus and Pluto form a very tight cardinal T-square The slow but accelerating post last quarter Moon in Libra opposes Uranus 05:08 The Moon is square Pluto 05:13 The Moon is conjunct her node 11:23 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Sagittarius EA 24 Gemini ME sex NE .48 Mon 10 Libra ME 7 Capricorn ME sex MA 1.28 Mer 28 Sagittarius VE 24 Capricorn MA con NE 1.76 Ven 07 Capricorn MA 9 Pisces JU trn UR 1.81 Mar 09 Aquarius JU 13 Leo UR sqr PL 2.08 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio VE sex SA 2.78 Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 Libra
05:00 to 05:30Fire 4Earth 2Air 3Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .04 Sa Pl/No .01 Sa Pl/No .02 Sa Pl/No .05 Ma Ne/Pl .29 Ma Ne/Pl .1 Ma Ne/Pl .09 Ma Ne/Pl .28 Mo Ju/Sa .87 Su Mo/Ne .15 Sa Mo/Pl .14 Su Ne/No .71 Ve Me/Pl 1.27 Pl Mo/Ur .18 Su Ne/No .97 Sa Mo/Ve .87 Su Mo/Ne 1.41 Su Ne/No 1.23 Su Mo/Ne 1.13 Pl Ur/No 1.52 Su Ne/No 1.49 Sa Mo/Pl 1.36 Ve Me/Pl 1.49 Ve Me/Pl 1.6 Pl Ur/No 1.57 Ve Me/Pl 1.38 Pl Ur/No 1.54 Sa Mo/Pl 1.66Wednesday 17 December 2014Yesterday the Pakistan Taliban launched their deadliest attack ever, leaving 132 children and nine adults dead at a school in Peshawar. Transiting Saturn has just(4days ago) crossed the Pakistani chart south lunar node, a point of suffering. Transiting Mars opposed the Pakistan Sun/Moon midpoint, the heart and soul of the nation, at the time of the massacre. As with the Sydney hostage taking on Monday, this week coincides with one of the peaks of the three year long Uranus square Pluto aspect in the skies of Earth. This one is the worst. Also yesterday the rouble crashed to new record lows in trading, hitting 79 roubles to the dollar, despite a dramatic rise in Russian interest rates. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct the Russian natal Venus right now. (1991 chart). Venus rules currency in national charts. Transiting Jupiter can 'blow the bottom out of your world'. Today the accelerating post last quarter Moon in Libra sextiles Jupiter 00:32 Mercury enters Capricorn 03:54, joining Venus and Pluto in that sign. He resides in Capricorn for 20 days. As an evening star in Capricorn Mercury conjures us into realistic and pragmatic thinking for this period. Mercury sextiles Neptune on Dec 20th clouding the realism somewhat. He squares Uranus and is conjunct Pluto at 13 Capricorn on Christmas Day invoking surprises beyond the usual seasonal sort. He squares the lunar node on Dec 26th, invoking mid eclipse season karma. Mercury enters Aquarius on Jan 5th. Mercury enters repeatable territory on Jan 4th and appears to slow to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 15th. Mercury turns retrograde at 17 Aquarius on Jan 21st 2015. The Moon sextiles the Sun becoming void 05:41 The Moon enters Scorpio 14:52 joining Saturn in that sign. The Moon sextiles Mercury 16:27 We are then just over 102 hours from the Solstice. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Sagittarius EA 25 Gemini ME sex MA .94 Mon 22 Libra ME 10 Capricorn VE sex SA 1.23 Mer 30 Sagittarius VE 26 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.74 Ven 08 Capricorn MA 9 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.09 Mar 09 Aquarius JU 14 Leo MA con NE 2.39 Jup 23 Leo SA 27 Scorpio ME con PL 3.01 Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME sex NE 3.33 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 4Earth 2Air 3Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 7Negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .08 Me Mo/Ne .08 Su Ne/No .07 Sa Pl/No .17 Su Ne/No .45 Sa Pl/No .11 Sa Pl/No .14 Su Ne/No .32 Ma Ne/Pl .47 Su Ne/No .19 Sa Mo/Me .19 Sa Su/Mo .67 Sa Mo/Ve .81 Ma Ne/Pl .65 Ma Ne/Pl .84 Mo Ju/Pl .94 Me Mo/Ne 1.09 Mo Me/Ju .97 Me Mo/Ne 1.25 Mo Ve/Ju .97 Mo Su/Ju 1.49 Pl Ur/No 1.49 Me Su/Ve 1.46 Ma Ne/Pl 1.03 Pl Ur/No 1.51 Mo Su/Ju 1.5 Pl Ur/No 1.48 Me Su/Ve 1.35Thursday 18 December 2014The accelerating and waning Moon in Scorpio water trines Neptune 00:30 The Moon sextiles Venus 08:59 The Moon squares Mars 10:30 The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 12:27 The Moon sextiles Pluto 14:41 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Sagittarius EA 26 Gemini ME con PL .12 Mon 05 Scorpio ME 13 Capricorn VE sex SA .32 Mer 01 Capricorn VE 27 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.67 Ven 09 Capricorn MA 10 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.09 Mar 10 Aquarius JU 14 Leo ME sqr UR 2.22 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio MA con NE 3.02 Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries ME sex MA 3.19 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces MA sex PL 3.32 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 LibraFire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .2 Sa Pl/No .23 Sa Pl/No .26 Sa Pl/No .29 Su Ne/No .58 Mo Sa/No .49 Su Mo/Ma .6 Ve Mo/Ne .3 Sa Su/Mo 1.02 Su Ne/No .84 Me Su/Ve 1.01 Su Mo/Ma .87 Ma Ne/Pl 1.22 Me Su/Ve 1.13 Su Ne/No 1.1 Me Su/Ve .9 Me Su/Ve 1.24 Ma Ne/Pl 1.41 Pl Ur/No 1.41 Su Ne/No 1.36 Pl Ur/No 1.45 Pl Ur/No 1.43 Ma Ne/Pl 1.6 Pl Ur/No 1.4 Sa Ve/No 1.96 Sa Ve/No 1.83 Ve Mo/Ne 1.62 Sa Ve/No 1.59Friday 19 December 2014The accelerating balsamic Moon in Scorpio squares Jupiter 08:26 The Sun quintiles the lunar Node 14:24 The Moon conjuncts Saturn (0.68 degrees from exact alignment) becoming void 21:12 Mars waxing quintile Saturn 21:38 The Moon enters Sagittarius 21:56 joining the Sun in this sign. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Sagittarius EA 27 Gemini ME sqr UR .69 Mon 18 Scorpio ME 16 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.6 Mer 03 Capricorn VE 29 Capricorn VE sex SA 1.87 Ven 10 Capricorn MA 11 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.1 Mar 11 Aquarius JU 14 Leo MA sex PL 2.69 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio ME con PL 2.79 Sat 29 Scorpio UR 15 Aries MA con NE 3.65 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 LibraMoon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. Three days to the Solstice moment. Fire 3Earth 3Air 2Water 3Cardinal 5Fixed 4Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Pl/No .32 Mo Su/No .34 Mo Me/No .23 Sa Pl/No .41 Me Su/Ve .79 Sa Pl/No .35 Sa Pl/No .38 Me Su/Ve .45 Ve Mo/Ne 1.03 Pl Mo/Ne .37 Me Su/Ve .56 Me Mo/Ma .52 Mo Ma/Ju 1.11 Me Su/Ve .68 Me Mo/Ma .86 Mo Ve/No .69 Pl Mo/Ne 1.27 Sa Ve/No 1.34 Sa Ve/No 1.22 Sa Ve/No 1.1 Pl Ur/No 1.38 Pl Ur/No 1.37 Pl Ur/No 1.35 Me Su/Pl 1.14 Sa Ve/No 1.47 Me Su/Pl 1.67 Me Su/Pl 1.41 Pl Ur/No 1.34Saturday 20 December 2014Venus conjunct Pluto square Uranus. A disruptive event. The ancient but accelerating Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune 06:58 Mercury sextiles Neptune 09:32 Venus squares Uranus 17:09 The Moon sextiles Mars 19:24 The Moon trines Uranus 19:53 Venus conjunction Pluto 21:10 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Sagittarius EA 28 Gemini JU trn UR 1.53 Mon 01 Sagittarius ME 19 Capricorn MA sex PL 2.06 Mer 04 Capricorn VE 0 Aquarius UR sqr PL 2.1 Ven 12 Capricorn MA 11 Pisces VE sex SA 3.42 Mar 12 Aquarius JU 14 Leo ME sqr UR 3.64 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio MA con NE 4.28 Sat 30 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 Libra
Fire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .34 Me Su/Ve .23 Me Su/Ve .11 Me Su/Ve 0 Sa Pl/No .44 Sa Pl/No .47 No Mo/Ju .34 Me Su/Pl .08 Me Su/Pl .88 Me Su/Pl .61 Me Su/Pl .35 Ma Mo/Ur .23 Sa Ve/No .98 Sa Ve/No .85 Sa Pl/No .5 Me Ma/Sa .27 Me Ma/Sa 1.13 Me Ma/Sa .85 Me Ma/Sa .56 Sa Pl/No .53 Pl Ur/No 1.32 Pl Ur/No 1.31 Sa Ve/No .73 Sa Ve/No .61 Me Mo/Ma 1.92 No Mo/Ju 2.06 Pl Ur/No 1.29 Ve Mo/Ma .75Sunday 21 December 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Sagittarius EA 29 Gemini MA sex PL 1.43 Mon 15 Sagittarius ME 22 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.47 Mer 06 Capricorn VE 2 Aquarius UR sqr PL 2.11 Ven 13 Capricorn MA 12 Pisces MA con NE 4.91 Mar 12 Aquarius JU 14 Leo Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 30 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 16 LibraThis year's Winter Solstice occurs 23:03 tonight just two and a half hours before the New Moon. Fire 4Earth 3Air 2Water 2Cardinal 5Fixed 3Mutable 3Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ma/Sa .01 Me Su/Ve .23 Su Mo/Me .08 Sa Ve/No .12 Su Mo/Ve .07 Me Ma/Sa .3 Sa Ve/No .24 Ve Ur/No .16 Me Su/Ve .11 Sa Ve/No .36 Me Su/Ve .34 Mo Ne/No .25 Su Mo/Pl .14 Mo Me/Sa .37 Mo Ve/Sa .35 Me Su/Ve .46 Me Su/Pl .19 Me Su/Pl .45 Ve Ur/No .48 Sa Pl/No .64 Sa Ve/No .48 Sa Pl/No .59 Me Ma/Sa .59 Me Ma/Sa .87 Sa Pl/No .56 Ve Ur/No .8 Sa Pl/No .62 Me Su/Pl .99 The accelerating very ancient Moon in Sagittarius sextiles her node 00:57 Mars in Aquarius sextiles Uranus 03:48 The Moon 'fire trines' Jupiter becoming void 12:36 The Sun enters Capricorn 23:03 New Moon in Capricorn and Winter Solsticefineartamerica.comThis year's Solstice moment holds a very old void Moon in Sagittarius some two and a half hours from the moment of New Moon in Capricorn. Uranus square Pluto, Mars sextile Uranus, Venus conjunct Pluto square Uranus are all separating. The moment sees old events and circumstances passing away. It is a time of a deep reflection on what has recently occurred. The hope of the times ahead lies with the New Moon just hours away. At the moment of Solstice 23:03 GMT the Sun is rising at Singapore. It is true midnight at Berlin and at Tripoli. The Moon sets at New Orleans and at Quito. The Lunar Node rises at Moscow. Neptune culminates at Mexico City, Venus and Pluto align to Caracas.
Monday 22 December 2014.The Daze is 15 years old today Tell all of your friends. The very ancient Moon enters Capricorn 01:26 and the New Moon occurs 11 minutes later at
Today's New Moon is the second New Moon to follow the Partial Solar Eclipse on October 23rd 2014 at zero Scorpio and the 3rd before the Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th 2015 at 29 degrees Pisces. The New Moon applies sextile Neptune and moves to a conjunction with Mercury. The New Moon will be conjunct Venus and Pluto over the next 25 hours. This New Moon is an initiation. The message is one of starting to formulate and plan realistic and long term projects for the future. This Solstice New Moon is conjunct the natal Sun of Carla Bruni and Noel Edmonds, who is 66 today. It hits the natal Mars of Lady Gaga the natal Jupiter of Prince Charles and the natal Saturn of the European Union (the EEC chart) and Pakistan. The descendant of Hilary Clinton is hit. The New Noon trines Queen Elizabeth's Sun, squares Brazil's Pluto, opposes Cuba's Neptune and opposes Pakistan's Mars. At the moment of New Moon the Sun rises at Mumbai, Jupiter rises at New York, culminating at Kiev. Saturn rises at Baghdad, Pluto at Lhasa and Neptune at Tokyo. The Lunar Node now rises over the mid UK. Jupiter and Saturn form a paran just south of Lusaka. The accelerating infant Moon sextiles Neptune 10:03 Venus makes a waxing semi square with Saturn 13:18 The Moon conjuncts Mercury 15:58 The Moon squares Uranus 22:18 The Moon is conjunct Pluto 22:46 Venus square the lunar node 23:36 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Capricorn EA 0 Cancer MA sex PL .8 Mon 29 Sagittarius ME 25 Capricorn JU trn UR 1.4 Mer 08 Capricorn VE 3 Aquarius ME sex SA 1.98 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 12 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.12 Mar 13 Aquarius JU 14 Leo Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 30 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 Libra
Fire 3Earth 4Air 2Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/No .01 Sa Ve/No .13 Sa Ve/No .25 Pl Mo/Ve .3 Ve Ur/No .16 Me Mo/Pl .3 Mo Su/Pl .35 Sa Ve/No .38 Me Su/Ve .57 Ve Ur/No .48 Mo Ma/Sa .4 Sa Pl/No .76 Sa Pl/No .67 Me Mo/Ve .54 Sa Pl/No .73 Pl Me/Ve .84 Me Mo/Ve 1.02 Me Su/Ve .68 Ve Ur/No .8 Mo Me/Pl .89 Me Ma/Sa 1.16 Sa Pl/No .7 Me Su/Ve .8 Me Su/Ve .91 Pl Ur/No 1.2 Pl Ur/No 1.19 Me Mo/Pl 1.11 Ve Ur/No 1.12Tuesday 23 December 2014Saturn enters Sagittarius A cardinal T-square starts to manifest which lasts to mid February 2015 involving Uranus, the lunar node and Pluto. The Solstice has passed and we in the north are on the long road back to spring and summer. Time crawls. The rapidly waxing infant Moon in Capricorn squares her node 02:58 The Moon conjuncts Venus becoming void 03:18 Venus waxing biquintile Jupiter 15:54 Saturn enters Sagittarius 16:35 Saturn first enters Sagittarius.
Time moves on, nothing stands still, all is change, there is always something happening in the skies, such is the marvel and wonder of astronomy and astrology. Now it is the time for Saturn to enter Sagittarius. Today Saturn 'Dweller on the Threshold', 'Keeper of the Keys' leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius, where it resides until December 19, 2017. Saturn retrogrades back to Scorpio from June 14th, to September 17th, 2015, when it will finally leave Scorpio for good. Saturn was last in Sagittarius from November 1985 until November 1988. It's an important time when Saturn changes sign. In Sagittarius Saturn tests the boundaries, brings changes in governments, in laws and in perspectives. As Saturn transits Sagittarius he will square Neptune three times Nov 26th 2015,June 18th 2016 Sept 10th 2016. This is deadly and delusionary. Saturn trines Uranus Dec 25th 2016, May 19th 2017 and Nov 11th 2017, which is constructively inventive. Saturn is squared by Jupiter in Virgo during this period on Aug 3rd 2015, March 23rd 2016 and May 26th 2016. That's a pretty brittle vibration. Later on in the residence Jupiter sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius from Libra. In June 2016 Saturn will square Neptune and oppose Jupiter, creating a powerful mutable T-square affecting us all. The Sun and Venus bring to fruition a Mutable Grand Cross with the threesome on June 5th 6th 2016, a cosmic cracker. Mars Saturn and the Fixed Star Antares are in triple conjunction on 24th Aug 2016 at 10 Sagittarius, the major highlight of the residence. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Capricorn EA 1 Cancer MA sex PL .17 Mon 14 Capricorn ME 28 Capricorn ME sex SA 1.09 Mer 09 Capricorn VE 5 Aquarius JU trn UR 1.33 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 13 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.12 Mar 14 Aquarius JU 14 Leo Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 30 Scorpio UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 LibraFire 2Earth 5Air 2Water 2Cardinal 7Fixed 3Mutable 1Positive 4Negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ur/No .39 Pl Me/Ve .15 Pl Me/Ve .2 Ma Mo/Ne .29 Sa Mo/No .42 Mo Sa/Ne .32 Ve Mo/Me .57 Pl Su/Mo .32 Pl Me/Ve .5 Me Su/Mo .39 Sa Ve/No .75 Pl Me/Ve .55 Sa Ve/No .5 Pl Mo/Me .6 Ve Mo/Pl .82 Sa Ve/No .87 Mo Ve/Pl .54 Sa Ve/No .62 Sa Pl/No .85 Sa Pl/No .88 Sa Pl/No .79 Ve Mo/Pl .69 Pl Ur/No 1.11 Pl Ur/No 1.09 Me Su/Ve 1.03 Sa Pl/No .82 Me Su/Mo 1.16 Ve Mo/Me 1.14Wednesday 24 December 2014 The rapidly waxing infant Moon enters Aquarius 02:53 joining Mars in this sign. The Moon sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius 02:58 Mars trines the Lunar Node 16:26
Moon at perigee 16 44 (closest to The Moon sextile Uranus 23:27 Mercury applies in square to Uranus and in conjunction to Pluto as the GMT day ends in some possible disarray. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Capricorn EA 2 Cancer MA sex PL .46 Mon 28 Capricorn ME 1 Aquarius JU trn UR 1.26 Mer 11 Capricorn VE 7 Aquarius UR sqr PL 2.13 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 14 Pisces ME con VE 5.41 Mar 15 Aquarius JU 14 Leo Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 00 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 LibraEarth and fastest all month)Fire 3Earth 5Air 2Water 1Cardinal 7Fixed 2Mutable 2Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Ur .2 Ve Su/Mo .11 Su Mo/Sa .24 Ve Sa/Ne .03 Mo Me/Ma .4 Ve Sa/Ne .63 Ve Sa/Ne .33 Mo Ne/Pl .18 Mo Ma/Pl .6 Mo Ve/Ma .91 Mo Sa/Ur .76 Mo Me/Ne .6 Pl Me/Ve .89 Sa Pl/No .94 Sa Pl/No .97 Sa Pl/No 1 Sa Pl/No .91 Pl Ur/No 1.06 Pl Ur/No 1.05 Pl Ur/No 1.03 Ve Sa/Ne .93 Sa Ve/No 1.12 Sa Ve/No 1.24 Sa Ve/No 1.36 Sa Ve/No .99 Pl Me/Ve 1.24 Sa Me/No 1.58 Sa Me/No 1.42Thursday 25 December Happy Christmas Mercury conjunct Pluto. The Moon conjunct Mars.![]() A high tech modern 21st century Christmas is upon us. Mercury squares Uranus 01:32. Jitters. The Christmas Moon in Aquarius trines her node 03:55 Moon conjunction Mars 16 degrees Aquarius 04:37 Mercury conjunction Pluto 13 degrees Capricorn 06:54, right to the heart of the matter. The Moon reaches her crescent phase 09:09 The Moon opposes Jupiter becoming void 15:12 13 hours of lunar voidness then ensue. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Capricorn EA 3 Cancer MA sex PL 1.09 Mon 13 Aquarius ME 4 Aquarius JU trn UR 1.19 Mer 12 Capricorn VE 8 Aquarius UR sqr PL 2.13 Ven 18 Capricorn MA 14 Pisces ME con VE 3.78 Mar 16 Aquarius JU 14 Leo EA trn NE 3.79 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio Sat 00 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 Libra
Fire 3Earth 4Air 3Water 1Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ne .26 Ve Sa/Ne .56 Me Ur/No .66 Me Ur/No .25 Pl Ur/No 1.02 Pl Ur/No 1 Ve Sa/Ne .86 Mo Su/Ur .65 Sa Pl/No 1.02 Sa Pl/No 1.05 Sa Me/No .92 Sa Me/No .75 Sa Me/No 1.25 Me Ur/No 1.06 Pl Ur/No .99 Pl Mo/Sa .9 Mo Ve/Ne 1.32 Sa Me/No 1.08 Sa Pl/No 1.08 Pl Ur/No .98 Me Ur/No 1.47 Sa Ve/No 1.61 Sa Ve/No 1.73 Sa Pl/No 1.11 Sa Ve/No 1.49 Me Su/Ve 2.07 Pl Su/Ve 1.85 Ve Sa/Ne 1.16
Friday 26 December 2014 Boxing DayHelp the aged. Saturn semi square the lunar node 01:35 This 12 year cycle started in Scorpio in Sept 2013 and ends in 2025. The Saturn/Lunar Node cycle is corresponded with asscociations involving the elderly. Today's aspect is tied in with Mercury adding a shared constructional, dare I say 'compassionate' hue to the aspect. The rapidly waxing but now decelerating crescent Moon enters Pisces 04:08 joining Neptune there. A softer, more vulnerable couple of days now follow. The Moon squares Saturn 04:34 The Moon sextiles Sun 11:48 The Moon conjuncts Neptune 12:52 Mercury squares the lunar node 17:13 Mercury semi square Saturn 18:52 Venus semi-square Neptune 20:21 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Capricorn EA 4 Cancer JU trn UR 1.12 Mon 28 Aquarius ME 8 Aquarius MA sex PL 1.72 Mer 14 Capricorn VE 10 Aquarius ME con VE 2.08 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 15 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.14 Mar 16 Aquarius JU 14 Leo EA trn NE 2.78 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio VE opp JU 4.42 Sat 00 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 LibraSaturn on the Mercury/Lunar Node midpoint semi-square both.
Crescent Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces.Fire 3Earth 4Air 3Water 1Cardinal 6Fixed 3Mutable 2Positive 6Negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/No .15 Mo Ve/Ur .08 Sa Me/No .25 Sa Me/No .08 Me Mo/Sa .2 Sa Me/No .42 Pl Su/Ve .75 Pl Su/Ve .47 Mo Ur/Pl .26 Me Ur/No .56 Pl Ur/No .93 Ve Mo/Sa .81 Sa Me/No .58 Pl Ur/No .95 Me Ur/No .97 Pl Ur/No .92 Mo Me/Ur .82 Pl Su/Ve 1.02 Sa Pl/No 1.2 Sa Pl/No 1.23 Pl Mo/Sa .92 Sa Pl/No 1.17 Me Ve/Pl 1.53 Me Ve/Pl 1.29 Pl Ur/No .96 Me Mo/Sa 1.23 Ve Sa/Ne 2.05 Me Ur/No 1.37Saturday 27 December 2014A deeply subliminal day. The fast moving decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto 01:47 The Sun sextiles Neptune 03:11 Mercury waxing biquintile Jupiter 06:03 The Moon sextiles Mercury 07:05 The Moon sextiles Venus 15:45 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Capricorn EA 5 Cancer ME con VE .31 Mon 12 Pisces ME 11 Aquarius JU trn UR 1.05 Mer 16 Capricorn VE 11 Aquarius EA trn NE 1.77 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 16 Pisces UR sqr PL 2.14 Mar 17 Aquarius JU 14 Leo MA sex PL 2.34 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio VE opp JU 2.92 Sat 00 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries ME opp JU 3.23 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 LibraThe Sun sextiles Neptune Fire 3Earth 4Air 2Water 2Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .09 Pl Su/Ve .08 Ma Mo/Me .24 Ma Mo/Pl .09 Pl Su/Ve .2 Sa Me/No .25 Pl Su/Ve .35 Ne Mo/Ma .12 Ve Mo/Sa .69 Mo Ma/Ur .55 Sa Me/No .42 Me Ve/Pl .33 Pl Ur/No .9 Ma Mo/Ve .8 Me Ve/Pl .57 Sa Me/No .59 Ma Mo/Ve .95 Me Ve/Pl .81 Pl Ur/No .87 Pl Su/Ve .63 Me Ve/Pl 1.05 Pl Ur/No .89 Sa Pl/No 1.31 Pl Ur/No .86 Sa Pl/No 1.25 Sa Pl/No 1.28 Me Sa/Ne 1.37 Me Sa/Ne .98Sunday 28 December 2014Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Capricorn EA 6 Cancer ME opp JU .12 Mon 26 Pisces ME 15 Aquarius EA trn NE .75 Mer 17 Capricorn VE 13 Aquarius ME sex UR .87 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 16 Pisces JU trn UR .99 Mar 18 Aquarius JU 14 Leo VE opp JU 1.42 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio ME con VE 1.54 Sat 00 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries UR sqr PL 2.15 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces VE sex UR 2.41 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn MA sex PL 2.97 Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 Libra
Fire 3Earth 4Air 2Water 2Significant helio harmonic 12Cardinal 6Fixed 2Mutable 3active now. Positive 5Negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Pl .09 Ma Su/Mo .09 Me Sa/Ne .17 Pl Su/Me .36 Su Mo/No .51 Me Ve/Pl .14 Me Ve/Pl .38 Me Sa/Ne .55 Me Sa/Ne .6 Me Sa/Ne .22 Pl Su/Me .68 Me Ve/Pl .62 Sa Me/No .76 Pl Ur/No .83 Pl Ur/No .81 Pl Ur/No .8 Pl Ur/No .84 Sa Me/No .92 Sa Me/No 1.09 Sa Me/No 1.26 Pl Su/Ve .91 Su Mo/No .98 Sa Pl/No 1.42 Sa Pl/No 1.45 Pl Su/Me 1.31 Pl Su/Me .99 Pl Su/Ve 1.46 Pl Su/Ve 1.73Yesterday North Korea condemned US President Barack Obama over the release of the film The Interview, about a fictional plot to kill its leader Kim Jong-un. It is always difficult to astrologically ascertain what goes on in North Korea. The birthdate of Kim has always been uncertain (let alone the time) although Dennis Rodman in 2013 on his return from the country confirmed Jan 8th 1983 as the correct birthdate. The January 8th date however is pretty certain. This means Kim has Uranus square his natal Sun during 2015, and Pluto conjunct his natal Sun in 2016-2017. Both of these transits indicate a time of challenge and threat to Kim over the next couple of years. Today Venus in Capricorn is quinquncx Jupiter 05:52 The Moon enters Aries 06:36 joining Uranus in this sign. The decelerating waxing Moon trines Saturn 07:26 There is more 'push and pull' today after a couple of astrologically rather inert days. The Moon reaches First Quarter phase 23:59
Monday 29 December 2014The First Quarter Moon in Aries is conjunct Uranus 04:20 (exact alignment). Visible as a lunar occultation of Uranus, the 6th of 19.Yesterday witnessed a flurry of events. Two involving transport issues. The more serious was the news story of Flight QZ8501, an Airbus plane, went missing at 07:24 (23:24 GMT). Indonesian military planes at the time of writing were searching an area of the Java Sea. AirAsia, a budget airline, had never lost a plane, but Malaysia's national carrier Malaysia Airlines has suffered two this year - flights MH370 and MH17. The AirAsia plane disappeared about two hours into a three-hour flight. It left the Indonesian city of Surabaya in eastern Java at 05:20 local time (21:20 GMT) and was due to arrive in Singapore at 08:30 (00:30 GMT). The missing jet had requested a "deviation" from the flight path due to bad weather. An Italian ferry which caught fire on route to Italy with 478 people on board were being evacuated amid choppy seas and high winds. Snow and ice in the French Alps have stranded thousands of vehicles for a second day, snarling up holiday traffic to and from ski resorts. The authorities in the Savoy region said up to 15,000 people spent Saturday night in emergency accommodation. Malaysia has announced an extra ($142m; £92m) to help victims of the country's worst flooding in decades. At least five people have been killed in the floods along Malaysia's east coast, with over 160,000 displaced. The Sun in Capricorn was sextile Neptune in Pisces yesterday and this aspect underpins all these events. The Air Asia flight took off as Uranus was due East at Surabaya and Neptune was conjunct the local ascendant. The answer to this mystery is again likely to be illusive and resides in the sea. Today the first quarter Moon decelerating in Aries squares Pluto 05:10 The Moon sextiles Mars 15:55 The Moon squares Mercury 17:20 The Moon trines Jupiter 20:29 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 7 degrees Capricorn today. There are 83 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are in the period between eclipse seasons. Mercury is now a direct evening star in Capricorn. Mercury enters repeatable territory on Jan 4th and appears to slow to a speed of less than a degree per day on Jan 15th. Mercury turns retrograde at 17 Aquarius on Jan 21st 2015. Venus entered Capricorn on Dec 10th. She is an evening star, reflective and seeking value. Venus enters Aquarius on Jan 3rd 2015. Venus is a material girl while Capricorn. Handsome is what handsome can afford to give her. After a long chase of Venus and Mars through Pisces during Feb 2015, these two planets are closely conjunct at zero Aries on Feb 22nd 2015. The infant Moon aligns to them both on the previous night. Mars is now in Aquarius. He is opposite Jupiter on New Year's day. Mars enters Pisces on Jan 12th, and is conjunct Neptune in Pisces on Jan 20th. Venus overtakes Mars on Feb 22nd. Mars in Aquarius is truly a free spirit. Independence, striving for humanitarian issues, deviation from the norm and the urge to reform are bound up with this planetary placement, and will strongly colour this year's yule time. Jupiter is retrograding in Leo. Jupiter trines Uranus on March 3rd 2015 and June 22nd 2015. He squares Saturn on Aug 3rd 2915. Jupiter enters Virgo on August 11th 2015. Saturn is now in Sagittarius. He resides there until December 19, 2017. Saturn retrogrades back to Scorpio from June 14th, to September 17th, 2015, when he will finally leave Scorpio for good. Saturn was last in Sagittarius from November 1985 until November 1988. In Sagittarius Saturn tests the boundaries, brings changes in governments, in laws and in perspectives. As Saturn transits Sagittarius he will square Neptune three times Nov 26th 2015,June 18th 2016 Sept 10th 2016. This is deadly and delusional. Saturn trines Uranus Dec 25th 2016, May 19th 2017 and Nov 11th 2017, which is constructively inventive. Saturn is squared by Jupiter in Virgo during this period on Aug 3rd 2015, March 23rd 2016 and May 26th 2016. That's a pretty brittle vibration. Later on in the residence Jupiter sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius from Libra. The 6th member of 3 year long series of 7 first quarter square aspects between Uranus and Pluto occurred December 15th 2014. The 7th, the final blast is on March 17th 2015. We are still in the pain of this brute of an aspect but it will soon be history. After today there are 80 days to a Total Eclipse of the Sun at 29 degrees Pisces on March 20th 2015, and 95 days to a Total Eclipse of the Moon at 14 degrees Libra on April 4th 2015. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Capricorn EA 7 Cancer VE opp JU .08 Mon 10 Aries ME 18 Aquarius EA trn NE .26 Mer 19 Capricorn VE 15 Aquarius VE sex UR .83 Ven 23 Capricorn MA 17 Pisces JU trn UR .92 Mar 19 Aquarius JU 14 Leo UR sqr PL 2.15 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio ME sex UR 2.63 Sat 01 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries ME con VE 3.46 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces ME opp JU 3.54 Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 Libra Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Me .04 Pl Su/Me .28 Ne Mo/Ve .04 Ne Mo/Me .09 Pl Mo/No .46 Pl Ur/No .77 Pl Su/Me .6 Pl Ur/No .74 Pl Ur/No .78 Me Ve/Pl 1.1 Pl Ur/No .75 Pl Su/Me .92 Me Ve/Pl .86 Pl Mo/No 1.25 Me Ve/Pl 1.34 Sa Pl/No 1.56 Me Sa/Ne .94 Me Sa/Ne 1.32 Sa Pl/No 1.54 Me Ve/Pl 1.58 Sa Me/No 1.43 Sa Pl/No 1.51 Me Sa/Ne 1.7 Ne Mo/Ve 1.82 Sa Pl/No 1.48 Sa Me/No 1.59 Sa Me/No 1.76 Sa Me/No 1.93
Tuesday 30 December 2014A healthcare worker who had just returned from West Africa has been diagnosed with Ebola and is being treated in hospital in Glasgow. This is the first case of Ebola in the UK. Transiting Mars (applying in opposition to Jupiter) was yesterday square UK natal Neptune. Transiting Mercury opposed UK Moon.
It's official. Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2) is now a naked-eye object. Comet Lovejoy has reached magnitude 5.0, just above the threshold for human visibility from dark-sky sites. Roughly speaking, the comet is passing south of the constellation Orion. Finder charts from Sky & Telescope will help you find it in the midnight sky. For accurate pointing of telescopes, an ephemeris from the Minor Planet Center is available. Today the waxing quarter decelerating Moon in Aries squares Venus 00:47 and becomes void The Moon enters Taurus 10:57 The Sun, Moon and three planets are then in Earth signs. Practicality rules the roost. The next two days will see indulgence. The Moon sextiles Neptune 20:30 Mars is applying in opposition to Jupiter. This aspect peaks on New Year's Day in the (GMT) evening. The hours between now and then will witness increasing evidence of excessive force being exercised in many situations. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Capricorn EA 8 Cancer VE sex UR .74 Mon 24 Aries ME 22 Aquarius JU trn UR .85 Mer 20 Capricorn VE 16 Aquarius EA trn NE 1.27 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 17 Pisces VE opp JU 1.58 Mar 19 Aquarius JU 15 Leo UR sqr PL 2.16 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio EA opp PL 5.06 Sat 01 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries ME con VE 5.47 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 Libra Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ur/No .73 Ne Mo/Pl .19 Pl Ur/No .7 Pl Ur/No .68 Pl Su/Me 1.24 Pl Ur/No .71 Ne Su/Mo .7 Ne Su/Mo 1.1 Sa Pl/No 1.59 Pl Su/Me 1.55 Ne Mo/Pl 1.5 Su Ma/Sa 1.45 Ne Mo/Me 1.81 Sa Pl/No 1.62 Su Ma/Sa 1.59 Ne Ve/Ur 1.48 Me Ve/Pl 1.81 Su Ma/Sa 1.74 Ne Ve/Ur 1.63 Sa Pl/No 1.68 Ne Mo/Pl 1.88 Ne Ve/Ur 1.78 Sa Pl/No 1.65 Pl Su/Me 2.19 Su Ma/Sa 1.88 Me Ve/Pl 2.05 Pl Su/Me 1.87 Me Ve/Pl 2.53
Wednesday 31 December 2014The decelerating Moon waxing in Taurus trines the Sun 03:41 The Moon trines Pluto 10:29 The Moon applies in T-square with Mars and Jupiter as New Year's day approaches. It is under this dynamic backdrop that the calendar year of 2014 ends. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Capricorn EA 9 Cancer JU trn UR .78 Mon 07 Taurus ME 25 Aquarius ME sqr SA 1.94 Mer 22 Capricorn VE 18 Aquarius UR sqr PL 2.16 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 18 Pisces EA trn NE 2.29 Mar 20 Aquarius JU 15 Leo VE sex UR 2.31 Jup 22 Leo SA 27 Scorpio VE opp JU 3.09 Sat 01 Sagittarius UR 15 Aries EA opp PL 4.04 Ura 13 Aries NE 7 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 13 Capricorn Plu 13 Capricorn No 15 Libra Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ur/No .67 Ma Mo/Sa .26 Pl Ur/No .64 Pl Ur/No .63 Ma Mo/Sa 1.23 Pl Ur/No .65 Ne Ve/Ur 1.02 Ne Ve/Ur .87 Su Ma/Sa 1.31 Su Ma/Sa 1.16 Su Ma/Sa 1.02 Su Ma/Sa .87 Ne Ve/Ur 1.32 Ne Ve/Ur 1.17 Ma Mo/Sa 1.74 Ur Mo/Ne 1.27 Sa Pl/No 1.7 Sa Pl/No 1.73 Sa Pl/No 1.76 Sa Pl/No 1.79 Pl Su/Me 2.51 Pl Ma/Sa 2.51 Pl Ma/Sa 2.41 Pl Ma/Sa 2.31 Pl Ma/Sa 2.61 Pl Su/Me 2.83 Ne Me/Ur 2.64 Ne Me/Ur 2.44 CLICK HERE FOR latest.