The year starts with The Sun, Mercury, Venus Pluto and the lunar Node in Capricorn.
Mercury is retrograde and one and a half degrees separate Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius.
We start the year deeply in an eclipse fortnight between the partial Lunar eclipse last night and a very long Annular Solar Eclipse on Friday 15th 2010.
Friday January 1st 2010
A Happy New Year to all readers.
Yesterday a few hours before the start of the Lunar Eclipse the CIA chief confirmed seven officers - reportedly including a mother-of-three who was station chief - were killed in Afghanistan.
Countries around the world held celebrations and firework displays to welcome the new year, underneath a rare blue eclipsed moon.
The head of Russia's federal space agency has said it will work to divert an asteroid (Apophis see 'The Daze' April 13th 2029) which will make several passes near the Earth from 2029.Anatoly Perminov told the Voice of Russia radio service that the agency's science council would hold a closed meeting to discuss the issue. Any eventual plan is likely to be an international collaboration, he said. The US space agency said in October that there is a one-in-250,000 chance of Apophis hitting Earth in 2036. That announcement was a significant reduction in the probability of an impact, based on previous calculations that put the chances at about one-in-45,000. The asteroid is estimated to pass within about 30,000 km of the Earth in 2029.
The very fast moving and 'hung over' Moon in Cancer opposes Mercury (1.5 degrees) 08:36 GMT makes a trine aspect to Uranus 15:44 GMT and is void of course. She is at perigee 20:45 GMT
Saturday January 2nd 2010
Yesterday a suicide bomber struck at a volleyball court in north-west Pakistan, killing at least 88 people.
Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi said he is ready to die for Iranian reform, days after his nephew was killed in protests. Mir-Hossein Mousavi was born on 2 March 1942. That was the day before a Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. He was born with Mars Uranus t tightly conjunct and Saturn in Taurus trine Neptune in Virgo. Jupiter is square his Mars Uranus conjunction right now.
At least 15 people are dead after a mudslide at a tourist resort close to the Brazilian resort of Angra dos Reis.
Today the fast moving waning full moon enters Leo 02:47 and applies in conjunction to retrograde Mars.
Today's astrological atmosphere is robust, autocratic and formative.
Sunday January 3rd 2010
Yesterday Afghan MPs dealt President Hamid Karzai a big political setback rejecting 17 of 24 nominees for his new cabinet. Retrograde Mercury is on his Venus Saturn midpoint, his disappointment degree.
A Somali man denied trying to kill the Danish cartoonist whose drawing of the Prophet Muhammad sparked uproar.
Today the Moon is conjunct Mars 08:09 GMT at 18 degrees Leo.
The Moon opposes Neptune and then Jupiter 21:56 GMT and becomes void of course.
Last day of the holiday .
Tomorrow is certainly work orientated with the Moon in Virgo.
Monday January 4th 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun, Mercury Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn.
The Sun today reaches 14 degrees Capricorn.
Venus overtakes retrograde Mercury tomorrow.
There are 76 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is retrograding in Capricorn and Mars is retrograding in Leo. We are in an eclipse season between eclipses of the Moon on Dec 31st and of the Sun on Jan 15th.
The Moon, starting the day void, reaches disseminating phase 00:30 GMT 29 degrees Leo. The Moon enters Virgo 02:53 GMT
Mercury is a retrograding evening' star' in Capricorn. Inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs today at 14 degrees Capricorn 19:06 GMT. Mercury becomes a morning ' star'. Tomorrow Mercury is overtaken by Venus at 13 Capricorn. Mercury will attempt to 'get even' with Venus in early April when he almost catches up with her. He is foiled again by his own retrograde motion at that time. It is not till late October 2010 that these two meet again.
On Jan 15th 2010 Mercury turns direct 6 Capricorn. On Jan 27th 2010 Mercury now moving over a degree per day. On Feb 5th 2010 Mercury enters 'new territory'. On Feb 6th 2010 Mercury sextiles Uranus. On Feb 10th 2010 Mercury enters Aquarius. Mercury in Capricorn invokes practical and pragmatic thought forms. The period of this residence is a great time to make realistic plans but not to initiate them.
Venus is a morning star in Capricorn. Venus is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun on January 11th at 22 degrees Capricorn, and she sextiles Uranus on January 13th 2010. She enters Aquarius on January 18th 2010.
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is in opposition to the Sun on January 29th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
The Sun and Venus oppose Mars between the 27th and 29th Jan 2010 . Mars will, after opposition on Jan 29th, turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars' major aspects with the outer planets are a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010.
Tuesday January 5th 2010
Unification of Yemen. May 22nd 1990.
Yemen has been in the news a lot recently. The unification of North and South Yemen occurred on May 22nd 1990. The chart for this day (set for Noon in the absence of the exact time of declaration of unification) at the capital Sana is shown above. Jupiter in that the chart is at 11 degrees Cancer. The lunar eclipse on Dec 31st 2009 fell on this degree. The solar eclipse in 10 days time falls on the degree of Saturn in the chart. Yesterday the US said Yemen instability is a global threat, as embassies closed after threats by a group behind an alleged plane bomb.
The Afghan president suspended a parliamentary recess until a new cabinet is approved after MPs rejected most nominated ministers.
Dubai opened the world's tallest building - towering 828m (2,716ft) - in a dramatic fireworks ceremony.
Today Mercury is conjunct Venus at 13 degrees Capricorn 10:40 GMT.
Both are within 2 degrees of the Sun. This is concentrated capricornian energy. Times are rough and tough.
The Moon in Virgo opposes Uranus and is void from 17:25 GMT.
Wednesday January 6th 2010
The Nigerian accused of attempting to blow up a US plane on Christmas day has given
"usable intelligence" to the FBI, the White House said yesterday.
Nasa's Kepler Space Telescope has detected its first five exoplanets, or planets beyond
our Solar System. The observatory, which was launched last year to find other Earths, made the discoveries in its first few weeks of science operations. Although the new worlds are all bigger than our Neptune, the US space agency says the haul shows the telescope is working well and is very sensitive. The exoplanets have been given the names Kepler 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b and 8b.
Today the waning Moon enters Libra 04:59 GMT, squares Pluto 11:00 GMT and is conjunct Saturn 12:55 GMT at 5 degrees Libra. The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto are now all in cardinal signs. We have on our hands a veritable dynamo of planetary energy. It is deeply engrained and maybe hard to see and understand , but astrological current is building up during these days of deepest eclipse season.
Thursday January 7th 2010
Yesterday severe winter weather brought hazardous conditions and transport disruption
to parts of northern Europe.
In the UK, cabinet ministers were lining up behind Gordon Brown after two former ministers
called for a secret ballot on his leadership. Gordon Brown has an outstanding set of planetary
transits the first part of this year. Before the end of May he has Jupiter on his natal Sun, Uranus on his natal Venus and on his natal Mars, Pluto on his Midheaven, a Jupiter return, a Saturn return and Saturn on his natal lunar node. Today his progressed Moon in Libra is exactly inconjunct his progressed Mars. His way ahead is fraught with this planetary tension but I would not out rightly dismiss the possibility of his election to prime-minister ship in the forthcoming general election.
Today the Moon in Libra squares Mercury and Venus then arrives at last quarter 10:41 GMT 17 degrees Libra.
We are now just over a week from a powerful annular solar eclipse. Today witnesses a 'crisis in consciousness' as our hearts and minds have to adjust to the forthcoming changes.
Friday January 8th 2010
A real' low news day' yesterday, at least up to 19.:30 GMT.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon in Libra ' air trines' Jupiter
in Aquarius at 06:07 GMT becoming void of course at that time.
She enters Scorpio 10:01 GMT.
Serious issues may well arise from this time.
The weekend ahead is static, serious, wilful, purposeful and it will appear that nothing at all is changing.
Hold true.
Saturday January 9th 2010
A 'finger of fate' involving the Capricorn Sun, Uranus in Pisces and retrograde Mars in Leo hangs loose in the skies over the next 4 days. This is an accident prone combination.
The Moon wanes and decelerates in Scorpio towards the Solar Eclipse in six days time.
Sunday January 10th 2010
Yesterday Togo's footballers were recalled from the Africa Cup of Nations by their government after a deadly attack on the team in Angola on Friday. The Togo independence chart had both the Sun and Venus conjunct natal Saturn on Friday. Also Pluto was exactly conjunct the natal Jupiter this last week and Mars is conjunct natal Uranus right now. How strange that a terrorist attack on a nation's football team should show up so strikingly in the nations independence astrological chart.
Today the old Scorpio Moon squares Neptune and then Jupiter at 15:02 GMT becoming void at that time.
She enters Sagittarius 18:10 GMT.
The day then bursts forth (so to speak).
Monday January 11th 2010
Togo football captain Emmanuel Adebayor says his team will return home from the Africa Cup of Nations, after being attacked.
Unusually severe winter weather is continuing to disrupt life around the northern hemisphere of the world. More than 200 flights from Frankfurt airport in Germany have been cancelled. In western China five thousand people have been evacuated from their homes. The extreme weather has caused disruption to travel and electricity supplies.
On a lighter note, in the UK, DJ Chris Evans is to start BBC Radio 2's breakfast show which he takes over on today at 07:00 GMT as retrograde Mercury rises with Pluto in Capricorn over the UK. Sign of the times. Chris has Neptune conjunct his natal Venus this week.
State of the skies:-The Sun, Mercury Venus and Pluto are all still in Capricorn.
The Sun today reaches 21 degrees Capricorn. There are 69 days to the Vernal Equinox.
A 'finger of fate' involving the Capricorn Sun, Uranus in Pisces and retrograde Mars in Leo still hangs loose in the skies over the next 2 days in 'accident prone' formation.
Mercury is retrograding in Capricorn and Mars is retrograding in Leo. We are in an eclipse season, in between eclipses of the Moon on Dec 31st 2009 and of the Sun on Jan 15th 2010.
The Moon reaches pre-eclipse balsamic phase 05:31 GMT 6 degrees Sagittarius.
Mercury is a retrograding morning' star' in Capricorn. On Jan 15th 2010 Mercury turns direct 6 Capricorn. On Jan 27th 2010 Mercury now moving over a degree per day. On Feb 5th 2010 Mercury enters 'new territory'. On Feb 6th 2010 Mercury sextiles Uranus. On Feb 10th 2010 Mercury enters Aquarius. Mercury in Capricorn invokes practical and pragmatic thought forms. The period of this residence is a great time to make realistic plans but not to initiate them.
Venus is a morning star in Capricorn. Venus is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun today at 22 degrees Capricorn, (50' alignment) at 21:06 GMT. She sextiles Uranus on January 13th 2010. She enters Aquarius on January 18th 2010.
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is in opposition to the Sun on January 29th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
The Sun and Venus oppose Mars between the 27th and 29th Jan 2010 . Mars will, after opposition on Jan 29th, turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars' major aspects with the outer planets are a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010.
Jupiter enters Pisces one week from today.
Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn for the second time on Jan 31st 2010.
Tuesday January 12th 2010
Yesterday US and French soldiers were among six killed in Afghanistan, in its deadliest day for two months.
Angola arrested two people over a deadly attack on Togo's football team before the African Cup of Nations.
Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi returned to official duties a month after his face was injured by an attacker in Milan.
An EU project to engineer "chemical computers" that mimic the actions of neurons in the brain has begun.
Today The old Moon burns out slowly in Sagittarius. inching towards the Solar Eclipse on Friday.
Venus having passed Superior Conjunction with the Sun yesterday is now astrologically an 'evening star' and will, with the Sun in Capricorn, sextile Uranus tomorrow. This colours these few remaining pre-eclipse days with flashes of extraordinary inspiration.
Wednesday January 13th 2010
Quite an interesting 'pre-eclipse' day is in store.
Today The Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Jupiter and is void from 02:43 GMT.
She enters Capricorn 04:54 GMT joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the lunar node there.
Venus sextiles Uranus 09:48 GMT
Saturn turns retrograde 14:20 GMT at 5 degrees Libra.
The Moon is conjunct Mercury 16:35 GMT at 6 degrees Capricorn.
The Sun sextiles Uranus 18:42 GMT.
Expect the unexpected.
Thursday January 14th 2010
The unexpected turned out to be a terrible earthquake in Haiti.
Haiti's President Rene Preval says thousands of people are feared
dead following the huge earthquake
On Friday during the Solar Eclipse, at the moment of central eclipse,
Jupiter and Neptune straddle the island at lower culmination. In the Haiti independence astrological chart (Jan 01 1804) Pluto is conjunct natal Mars right now. The lunar eclipse on Dec 31st was tightly opposite the natal Sun in the chart.
Internet giant Google says it may end operations in China after hackers targeted Chinese human rights activists' e-mail accounts.
Turkey is threatening to withdraw its ambassador from Israel in an escalating row between the once close partners.
On this day before a solar eclipse the ancient Moon dissolves in Capricorn.
Friday January 15th 2010
The US is sending up to 3,500 troops and 2,200 marines to Haiti to help survivors of the devastating earthquake.
Future 'astrological historians' will connect the 2010 Haiti earthquake with today's eclipse.
At the moment of central eclipse Jupiter and Neptune straddle the IC of the island.
The Earthquake occurred some 57 hours before this point of central eclipse.
Very long Annular Solar Eclipse (7m 6s)
at 25 degrees Capricorn,
visible from central and east Africa, the southern tip of India and Sri Lanka, Burma and China. The path of Annularity passes close to Nairobi and the sea between Sri Lanka and India
Annular Solar Eclipse of January 15
The first solar eclipse of 2010 occurs at the Moon's ascending node in western Sagittarius (tropical Capricorn). An annular eclipse will be visible from a 300-km-wide track that traverses central Africa, the Indian Ocean and eastern Asia (Espenak and Anderson, 2008). A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes eastern Europe, most of Africa, Asia, and Indonesia (Figure 1).
The annular path begins in westernmost Central African Republic at 05:14 UT. Because the Moon passes through apogee two days later (Jan 17 at 01:41 UT), its large distance from Earth produces an unusually wide path of annularity. Traveling eastward, the shadow quickly sweeps through Uganda, Kenya, and southern Somalia while the central line duration of annularity grows from 7 to 9 minutes.
For the next two hours, the antumbra crosses the Indian Ocean, its course slowly curving from east-southeast to northeast. The instant of greatest eclipse [1] occurs at 07:06:33 UT when the eclipse magnitude [2] will reach 0.9190. At this instant, the duration of annularity is 11 minutes 8 seconds, the path width is 333 kilometers and the Sun is 66° above the flat horizon formed by the open ocean. Such a long annular duration will not be exceeded for over 1000 years (3043 Dec 23).
The central track continues northeast where it finally encounters land in the Maldive Islands (07:26 UT). The capital city Male experiences an annular phase lasting 10 minutes 45 seconds This is the longest duration of any city having an international airport in the eclipse track.
When the antumbra reaches Asia the central line passes directly between the southern tip of India and northern Sri Lanka (07:51 UT). Both regions lie within the path where maximum annularity lasts 10 minutes 15 seconds Quickly sweeping over the Bay of Bengal the shadow reaches Burma where the central line duration is 8 minutes 48 seconds and the Sun's altitude is 34°.
By 08:41 UT, the central line enters China. The shadow crosses the Himalayas through Yunnan and Sichuan provinces Chongqing lies directly on the central line and witnesses a duration of 7 minutes 50 seconds with the Sun 15° above the horizon. Racing through parts of Shaanxi and Hubei provinces, the antumbra's speed increases as the duration decreases. In its final moments, the antumbra travels down the Shandong Peninsula and leaves Earth's surface (08:59 UT).
During the course of its 3 3/4-hour trajectory, the antumbra's track is approximately 12,900 km long that covers 0.87% of Earth's surface area. Fred Espenak.
Today's eclipse directly hits the natal Sun of Kate Moss and Jim Carey, the natal Moon of Jon BonJovi and Judi Dench, the natal Mercury of Tiger Woods, the natal Mars of Ginger Baker and the Nepal national chart, the natal Saturn of Barack Obama and of the Yemen National Chart, the natal Lunar Node of Kim Bassenger and Jack Charlton, the natal Midheaven of Tony Blair and the natal Ascendant of the 1st French republic chart.
At the moment of central eclipse today the Sun and Moon are rising over Turin, central Europe and North West Africa. The Sun and Moon are on the local Midheaven of central India, NE Pakistan and central Russia. Uranus aligns to Baghdad and and Djibouti, Mercury rises at Dublin, Mercury and Pluto are aligned to Seoul, Mars to Havanna, Neptune to New York.
Today's eclipse is the 23rd eclipse of Saros 141 (Espenak and Meeus, 2006). The family began with a series of 6 partial eclipses starting on 1613 May 19. (Central eclipse 17:44 GTD). The first annular eclipse took place on 1739 Aug 04 and had a maximum duration just under 4 minutes. Subsequent members of Saros 141 were all annular eclipses with increasing durations, the maximum of which was reached on 1955 Dec 14 and lasted 12 minutes 9 seconds. This event was the longest annular eclipse of the entire Second Millennium. The duration of annularity of each succeeding eclipse is now dropping and will dwindle to 1 minute 9 seconds when the last annular eclipse of the series occurs on 2460 Oct 14th. Saros 141 terminates on 2857 Jun 13 after a long string of 22 partial eclipses. Complete details for the 70 eclipses in the series (29 partial and 41 annular) may be found at:
Astrologically this Saros seems to have a beneficial quality. The chart of the first eclipse (above) shows the Sun and Moon in an earthy grand trine with Neptune and Chiron, and on the midpoint of Mars and saturn, sextile them both, on the midpoint of Mercury and Pluto, and semi-square the midpoint of Venus and Jupiter, both of whom were trine. Mercury was conjunct Uranus. There was a predominance of planets in earth and mutable signs. No planet was in a fire sign. This all adds up to a potentially healing vibration which works hard to bring people together and to conserve nature.
To illustrate this just look at some of the events that manifested at the times of recent eclipses in the saros.
On Dec14th 1955, the day of the longest eclipse in the Saros,Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Laos, Libya, Nepal, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sri Lanka joined the United Nations simultaneously, after several years of moratorium.
4 days after the 1973 eclipse the endangered Species Act was passed in the USA.
On the day of the 1937 eclipse the first publication of the world's longest running comic strip, 'The Dandy', was made.
3 days before the 1919 eclipse confirmation of Einstein's' General theory of Relativity' was made.
7 days after the 1992 eclipse Singer Paul Simon was the first major artist to tour South Africa after the end of the cultural boycott.
Let's hope today's eclipse brings forth similar good news stories before too long.
The Eclipse is conjunct Venus and sextile Uranus.
The Moon aligns to Venus within 1.5 degrees 09:03 GMT at 26 degrees Capricorn and is then void.
Mercury turns direct 16:48 GMT at 6 degrees Capricorn.
The Moon enters Aquarius 17:17 GMT.
Saturday January 16th 2010
The spanking new Moon in Aquarius opposes Mars at 23:13 GMT ( 2.25 degree alignment).
These days are holy, sensitive and strange.
Sunday January 17th 2010
Moon apogee (slowest all month) 01:43 GMT
The Moon opposes Neptune 20:23 GMT at 25 degrees Aquarius and is void.
If you are looking for change. Tomorrow sees the start.
Monday January 18th 2010
Jupiter enters Pisces 02:11 GMT.
Jupiter will wiz through the whole of the sign Pisces between today and June 6th 2010, sextiling Pluto (Feb 7th) and opposing Saturn (May 25th) on the way. Jupiter will then enter Aries from June 6th, making a conjunction with Uranus and turning retrograde on July 23rd. Jupiter will re-enter Pisces on September 9th making two further conjunctions with Uranus in Pisces in September 2010 and in January 2011. Jupiter will finally leave Pisces on January 23rd 2011.Jupiter was last in Pisces from Feb 1998 to Feb 1999.
The young accelerating Moon follows suit and enters Pisces 06:18 GMT, she makes pleasant aspects whilst in this sign.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at the start of Pisces 16:23 GMT.
The Sun today reaches 28 degrees Capricorn. The Sun enters Aquarius on Wednesday. There are 62 days to the Vernal Equinox.
Mercury is now a direct moving morning' star' in Capricorn. On Jan 27th 2010 Mercury will be 'back up to speed'. On Feb 5th 2010 Mercury enters 'new territory'. On Feb 6th 2010 Mercury sextiles Uranus. On Feb 10th 2010 Mercury enters Aquarius.
Venus is now an evening 'star'. She enters Aquarius 14:35 GMT today
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is in opposition to the Sun on January 29th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010. The Sun and Venus oppose Mars between the 27th and 29th Jan 2010 . Mars will, after opposition on Jan 29th, turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars' major aspects with the outer planets are a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010.
Tuesday January 19th 2010
Yesterday Taliban gunmen and suicide bombers attacked buildings in Kabul, setting off
explosions and sparking gun battles.
A US general sounded a grim warning on the death toll from Haiti's quake, as many
survivors' desperate wait for aid goes on.
Last year, when NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft discovered a giant ribbon at the edge of the solar system, researchers were mystified. They called it a "shocking result" and puzzled over its origin. Now the mystery may have been solved. "We believe the ribbon is a reflection," says Jacob Heerikhuisen, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. "It is where solar wind particles heading out into interstellar space are reflected back into the solar system by a galactic magnetic field.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Capricorn. Venus has already left that sign and is now in Aquarius.
The Moon reaches her crescent phase 11:10 GMT at 14 degrees Pisces as we start to pull out of the recent eclipse season.
Wednesday January 20th 2010
Yesterday US troops faned out across Haiti as aid operations gathered momentum,
a week after the devastating earthquake.
At least 149 people died in two days of clashes between Christian and Muslim gangs in
the Nigerian city of Jos.
Also yesterday, at 1340 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest solar flare in almost two years. The M2-class eruption came from old sunspot 1039, currently located behind the sun's eastern limb. Considering the fact that the sunspot is not even visible from Earth, the flare was probably much stronger than its M2 classification would suggest. Stay tuned for updates!
Today the Sun enters Aquarius 04:28 GMT and a new astrological month begins.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 06:07 GMT and is then void.
The Moon enters Aries 18:37.
This is distinct change today.
Thursday January 21st 2010
Yesterday US President Barack Obama said he will stick to his agenda despite a shock
defeat in Senate elections in Massachusetts. Venus freshly arrived in Aquarius hooked
into Barack Obama's Mercury Jupiter opposition as the Massachusetts result was
announced. Retrograding Mars hits his Mercury Uranus midpoint right now. This is certainly
a shock on the first anniversary of his presidency.
A strong aftershock rocked Haiti, sending panicked people into the streets, eight days after the devastating earthquake.
At least 23 inmates were killed after a fight broke out at a jail in Durango, northern Mexico.
The Moon in Aries forms a tight cardinal T-square with Saturn in Libra, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn from 02:00 to 10:00 GMT. This results in an eruption and a challenge. This is a storming day.
Friday January 22nd 2010
Yesterday US President Barack Obama proposed sweeping new rules to curb
the size and risk-taking of big banks.
Haiti is planning to house 400,000 earthquake survivors in tented villages
outside the capital.
Today Venus 'air trines' Saturn 06:08 GMT. Sensible and rational allegiances.
This day has a wish and a promise.
The Moon in Aries sextiles Neptune at 19:47 GMT and becomes void of course.
The weekend ahead sees a fixed first quarter Moon.
Expect a robust astrological atmosphere.
Saturday January 23rd 1010
Yesterday a task force on Guantanamo recommended that 47 inmates should be held
indefinitely without trial.
In Haiti, rescuers winded down searches as hopes of finding more survivors faded,
and focused on relief work.
President Obama said he wants answers on alleged cyber-attacks originating in China on the search giant Google.
Today the waxing and accelerating Moon enters Taurus 04:41 GMT
She reaches first quarter phase 10:54 GMT at 3 degrees Taurus.
From noon GMT to midnight GMT the Moon forms a dynamic pattern in the skies with Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun, Venus and Pluto. This could have quite interesting effects.
Sunday January 24th 2010
Now it is the turn of the Sun to air trine Saturn 15:38 GMT
The Moon waxes and accelerates in Taurus.
Monday January 25th 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 5 degrees Aquarius.
There are 55 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The waxing and accelerating Moon in Taurus squares Neptune,
and is void from 03:04 GMT for 8 hours.
The Moon enters Gemini 11:12 GMT. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune are now all in air signs.
The Moon forms an airy grand trine with the Sun and Saturn which peaks around 22:00 GMT.
Mercury is now a direct moving morning' star' in Capricorn. On Jan 27th 2010 Mercury will be 'back up to speed'. On Feb 5th 2010 Mercury enters 'new territory'. On Feb 6th 2010 Mercury sextiles Uranus. On Feb 10th 2010 Mercury enters Aquarius.
Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aquarius and is starting to oppose Mars.
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is in opposition to the Sun on January 29th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010. The Sun and Venus oppose Mars between the 27th and 29th Jan 2010 . Mars will, after opposition on Jan 29th, turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars' major aspects with the outer planets are a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010.
Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn for the second time on Jan 31st 2010.
As this week proceeds we approach a 'Super Full Moon' (close to Earth) aligned to Venus, Mars and the Sun. We have a very punchy week and Full Moon ahead.
Tuesday January 26th 2010
Yesterday at least 24 bodies of people killed in an Ethiopian Airlines plane crash off Beirut were
pulled from the sea. Addis Ababa-bound Flight ET409 burst into flames and
crashed into the Mediterranean shortly after take-off (2.30am local time) in bad
weather. Officials said it was very unlikely that any of the 90 people on board will be found alive.
A Lebanese minister said "bad weather was apparently the cause of the crash". The take off chart shows a Scorpio ascendant in 'Fixed T-square' formation with the Moon and Neptune.
Ali Hassan al-Majid, Saddam Hussein's notorious cousin known as "Chemical Ali", was hanged for crimes against humanity in Iraq. He was a Sagittarian Sun sign with explosive amounts of fire and earth elements in his chart.
Today the fast moving, accelerating and waxing Moon in Gemini forms a finger of fate with Mars in Leo and Mercury in Capricorn around 06:37 GMT. This is an off key and dangerous moment. The day that ensues is a babble of words.
Mars in turn is almost opposite Venus. Conflicts and tantrums may emerge in the next few days.
Wednesday January 27th 2010
A committee of French MPs is expected to recommend a partial ban on women wearing the full Islamic veil.
The Ethiopian jet that crashed in the sea near Beirut on Monday did not turn as directed to avoid a storm, officials yesterday said. Neptune featured strongly in the take off chart. Confusion, it seems, was the cause of the disaster.
Also yesterday a suicide car bomber killed at least 18 people and injured 80 at an Iraqi forensics centre in Baghdad.
The procession to the Super Full Moon is now underway. Lunar tensions are rising.
Venus opposes Mars across 11 degrees Leo Aquarius 05:30 GMT. Conflicts likely.
The Moon in Gemini trines Neptune and is void from 06:33 GMT for seven and a half hours.
The Moon enters Cancer 14:02 GMT and forms a strong Cardinal T-square with Saturn and Pluto from 20:00 to 22:00 GMT. Jupiter hooks in to the picture by midnight GMT.
Lots going on.
Thursday January 28th 2010
Today the burgeoning Moon in Cancer continues to wax to the full. The ethers are heavy with lamentations of the past.
Mercury, the Earth, and the Moon approaching the full are linearly aligned (within 13 minutes of arc) at 12:22 GMT. Be aware of the moment.
The gibbous Moon occults the fixed star Delta Gemini from approximately 20:58 to 21:53 GMT for UK observers. This is the 2nd of 2 occultations of this star for the UK, the 1st was on 21st Oct 2009.
Today is full on.
Friday January 29th 2010
Afghanistan could control security in some of its provinces by the end of 2010, a summit on the country's future yesterday said.
A major hurdle to producing fusion energy using lasers has been swept aside by results in a new report. The controlled fusion of atoms - creating conditions like those in our Sun - has been touted as a potentially revolutionary energy source. However, there have been doubts about the planned use of powerful lasers for fusion energy because the "plasma" they create could interrupt the fusion. The Science article showed that plasma is far less a problem than expected.
Today the Moon trines Uranus and is void of course from 04:49 GMT.
The Moon enters Leo 14:10 GMT. The Full Moon sequence is then underway.
The day and night from this moment roars.
The Sun opposes Mars 19:43 GMT at 10 degrees Leo and around this time the Moon, Jupiter and Pluto form a finger of fate.
This is the night of the Super Full Moon.
The sabbat of Candlemass.
Saturday January 30th 2010
This day starts with the 'almost exactly full' moon conjunct Mars 05:21 GMT
'Super' Full Moon 10 degrees Leo peaks at 06:19 GMT.
The Full Moon is conjunct Mars at 10 degrees Leo and opposite Venus
The Full Moon is at Perigee (closest to the earth) hence the title 'Super Full Moon'.
It will appear visually extra large and extra bright.
Mars is in opposition.
Its gravitational effect is marginally stronger than usual.
Super high tides can be expected, around the coasts of earth, over the next three days.
This is a very potent Full Moon.
Here''s another view of late Jan from Richard Nolle of Astropo Futures: "The first SuperMoon of 2010 falls on January 30 at 10° 15’ Leo, when the full moon aligns with Mars in the sky (and Venus with the Sun). It’s also particularly potent, for a couple of reasons: it’s the closest SuperMoon of the year, and it occurs within just a few hours of the Moon’s northward crossing of the celestial equator. Expect a full litany of SuperMoon phenomena from January 25 through February 2: an increase in coastal flooding due to higher than usual tides, a gaggle of strong storms with high winds and heavy precipitation (triggering inland flooding), and of course an up-tick in moderate to severe seismic activity (including magnitude 5+ earthquakes as well as volcanic eruptions). And then there’s that Venus-Mars connection, which comes at a time when one of the year’s two primary cosmic themes is at full tilt. A SuperMoon full moon emphasizing Mars when the Red Planet is in its close approach to Earth (the Mars Max cycle) speaks of hot blood and hot tempers �" particularly, as far as the January 30 SuperMoon is concerned, for people born under significant Leo-Aquarius factors. Remember: this is true not only for individuals, but for the collective as well; which is why the potential for terrorist attacks and military conflict will be running fairly high in late January and early February."
(Thanks to 'Jerry W' for this link)
This Full moon directly and tightly hits the natal Mercury Pluto conjunction of G.W.Bush, the natal Mars of Bruce Springsteen, the natal Saturn of Carlos Santana, the natal Sun of terry Wogan, the natal Venus of musician Ian Anderson, the natal Lunar Node of Tom Cruise and the natal Uranus of the the Iraq republic chart.
The planetary alignment of the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Mars is focused on New Orleans, Chicago and Calcutta at the moment of Full Moon today. The Moon sets at Rome and Vienna, Jupiter rises at Moscow at that same special moment.
After the moment has passed and the climax reached, the Moon is at perigee 09:01 GMT and opposes Venus 13:50 GMT (< 1 degree).
The day that follows is bathed in the wake of this powerful lunation.
Sunday January 31st 2010
The UN is to begin a major programme of food distribution in Haiti's capital, nearly three weeks after the deadly earthquake.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urges African leaders to work for Sudan's unity ahead of an African Union summit.
The number of people killed in heavy flooding in southern Peru rises to 20, officials say, with five more missing.
The large Moon occults the fixed star Omicron Leo from approximately 04:27 to 05:25 for UK observers.
The US has defended a proposed weapons sale to Taiwan following a furious response from China.
Today the Moon is still 'hung over' from the full phaase of the past day.
The Moon in Leo opposes Neptune 06:27 GMT and is void of course.
She enters Virgo 13:23 GMT and a little sensibility returns.
Around 18:20 GMT her opposition to Jupiter is made easy by Pluto.
Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn 22:26 GMT. (First Nov 15th 2009, 2nd Jan 31st 2010, Final blast Aug. 21st 2010) Heavy duty times.
February 2010
Monday February 1st 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 12 degrees Aquarius.
As the month opens Venus and Neptune are with the Sun in Aquarius.
Mercury, Pluto and the lunar Node are in Capricorn.
Saturn is square Pluto, Jupiter applies in sextile aspect to Pluto and Mars is retrograde in Leo.
There are 48 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Moon wanes in Virgo.
Mercury is now a direct moving morning' star' in Capricorn and is 'back up to speed' after recent retrograde motion. On Feb 5th 2010 Mercury enters 'new territory'. On Feb 6th 2010 Mercury sextiles Uranus. On Feb 10th 2010 Mercury enters Aquarius.
Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aquarius. Venus aligns to Neptune (within a degree) at 26 degrees Aquarius one week today and slips into Pisces on February 11th..
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is now past his opposition to the Sun. . Mars will turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars makes a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010
Jupiter still fresh in Pisces makes a 'one off' waxing sextile Pluto in Capricorn this week.
Saturn in Libra squared Pluto in Capricorn for the second time yesterday.
Tuesday February 2nd 2010
Yesterday President Obama announced a budget plan which, despite cuts in some
programmes, will see the US deficit rising to record levels. He is set to abandon
Nasa's 'Moon rockets' and turn astronaut launches over to the private sector.
At least 41 people were killed and more than 100 injured in a suicide bomb
attack on Shia pilgrims in north-east Baghdad.
Pop star Beyonce wins six prestigious Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, closely followed by country singer Taylor Swift.
Born September 4, 1981 she has Sun in Virgo, Moon probably in Scorpio, Mars in Leo, and a smoothly rich 5 planets in Libra. Mars in Leo was exactly sextile her Saturn as she collected her awards.
Today the now rapidly waning Moon in Virgo opposes Uranus 04:17 GMT and is void of course from that moment. She hits disseminating phase 11:14 GMT at 28 degrees Virgo and sails into Libra 13:42 GMT. She makes a conjunction with Saturn (and squares Pluto) at 20:49 GMT.
Humdrum hairsplitting and business as usual till 13:42 GMT then a more sociable atmosphere follows.
Wednesday February 3rd 2010
Today the Moon wanes and decelerates in Libra.
The Sun, the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in Air signs.
Communication and social interaction is to the fore today.
At 22:51 GMT today the Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius; we are exactly
midway between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal Equinox.
Seasons they change. The season of 'stirring' is starting in the northern hemisphere. High summer is reached in the South.
Thursday February 4th 2010
Yesterday three US soldiers become the first known American military fatalities in Pakistan, as they died in a bomb claimed by the Taliban.
Western powers reacted warily after Iran said it will accept a deal to swap its enriched uranium for processed nuclear fuel.
Today around 01:00 GMT the Libran Moon together with Pluto, and Mars form 3 points of a regular pentagon.
The Moon is trine Neptune and becomes void of course at 09:28 GMT for seven and a half hours.
The Moon enters Scorpio 16:56 GMT and approaches her last quarter phase.
Friday February 5th 2010
Low news stories right now. As the Moon waned in Libra yesterday the major
news story appeared to be about ten US missionaries being charged with child
abduction after trying to smuggle 33 youngsters out of quake-hit Haiti.
Elections due in Iraq for March are in disarray after a ban on election candidates
with alleged links to the Baath party is lifted. Pretty uninteresting really.
Today is subtlety different. The Moon is now in Scorpio and around 02:00 GMT the Moon/Jupiter midpoint is conjunct Pluto exploiting the current tight Jupiter Pluto sextile aspect. The Jupiter Pluto cycle, which symbolises the growth and the decline large scale corporate power blocks, is tomorrow exactly at its waxing sextile phase. Today is future directed and power base driven.
The Scorpio Moon wanes and reaches last quarter phase 23:50 GMT 17 degrees Scorpio; a crisis in consciousness sweeps through us all. Mercury applies in sextile to Uranus. Practical invention is also emphasized on this serious minded Friday.
Saturday February 6th 2010
Yesterday a blast killed at least 10 people at a Pakistani hospital where victims of an
earlier bomb were being treated.
Danish troops serving with Nato's anti-piracy force freed the crew of a cargo ship
boarded by gunmen off Somalia.
Images from the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed that the icy dwarf planet Pluto
undergoes dramatic seasonal changes.
Today Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces 08:02 GMT
The busy Moon in Scorpio squares Neptune and is void of course at 16:12 GMT.
Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn 17:53 GMT today. This 'one off' waxing sextile aspect follows from the conjunction of these two planets in Dec 2007 in Sagittarius. Their semi-square phase was in March last year, their first quarter phase will be later this year on July 25th 2010, and on Aug 3rd 2010 and finally on Feb 25th 2011. The Full phase of Jupiter opposite Pluto will be in 2013/2014 across Cancer Capricorn. Their next conjunction is a triple in Capricorn in 2020. The Jupiter Pluto cycle symbolises the growth and the decline large scale corporate power blocks and organisations.
There is some lighter sensation about this coming weekend. Venus is closing in on a near alignment with Neptune in Aquarius, which peaks early (GMT) on Monday.
Sunday February 7th 2010
The most severe snow storms for decades hits eastern US, paralysing transport, and bringing Washington DC to a standstill.
Western powers respond with scepticism to Iran's claim that a deal to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel could be close.
A big new sunspot is rapidly emerging in the sun's northern hemisphere.
Today the Moon staggers into Sagittarius 00:04 GMT.
Venus is aligning to Neptune.
Wierd stuff.
Monday February 8th 2010
Venus today aligns to Neptune (within a degree) at 26 degrees Aquarius at 05:44 GMT
Yesterday Iran's president ordered uranium enrichment to be stepped up, prompting the US to call for the world to "stand together".
A huge explosion rocked a power plant Connecticut, killing at least two people and leaving others injured.
In less than 24 hours, a monsterous sunspot group has materialized in the sun's northern hemisphere.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 19 degrees Aquarius.
Venus and Neptune are with the Sun in Aquarius.
Mercury, Pluto and the lunar Node are in Capricorn.
Saturn is square Pluto, Jupiter is in sextile aspect to Pluto. Mars is retrograde in Leo.
There are 41 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Moon today slowly wanes in Sagittarius.
Mercury is now a direct moving morning' star' in Capricorn. On Feb 10th 2010 Mercury enters Aquarius.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Aquarius. Venus aligns to Neptune (within a degree) at 26 degrees Aquarius at 05:44 GMT. Venus slips into Pisces on February 11th, and has a bright and major conjunction with Jupiter on February 17th in the sign of the fishes.
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is now past his opposition to the Sun. . Mars will turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars makes a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010
Tuesday February 9th 2010
Yesterday the US said new sanctions against Iran are the "only path" after Tehran announced it was stepping up uranium enrichment. Trouble on this score has been brewing for a long time now.
Ukraine's pro-Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych will win a narrow victory in the country's presidential election, electoral officials said.
The Cassini probe returned yet more data to back up the idea of a sub-surface sea on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
In the Afghan war the largest NATO operation since the war began in 2001 is next major battle in the city of Marjah in the southern province of Helmand. This offensive will start any day now.
Today the Sagittarian Moon sextiles Venus 05:00 GMT and is void from that moment.
She enters Capricorn 10:45 GMT, is conjunct Pluto 19:59 GMT, forms a deadly 'finger of fate planetary picture' with Mars and Pluto around 21:19 GMT and reaches her balsamic phase 22:57 GMT 6 degrees Capricorn.
From today the Jupiter Pluto sextile is forming another 'finger of fate' with Mars. Jupiter makes the exact 150 degree aspect with Mars in 2 days time.
Astrologically the next two days are manifestly 'bare essentials'. All eyes on Iran, all eyes on Afghanistan. All eyes on the New Moon at the coming weekend conjunct Chiron Neptune.
Wednesday February 10th 2010
Yesterday as Jupiter Pluto and Mars held sway in a powerful 'finger of fate 'pattern in the skies of Earth Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa dissolved parliament to set up early elections, a day after his main rival was arrested.
US President Barack Obama said the US and allies are developing "significant sanctions" against Iran over its nuclear programme.
Toyota announced the recall of about 436,000 hybrid vehicles worldwide, including its latest Prius model, to fix brake problems.
Today Mercury enters Aquarius 09:06 GMT.
Well now this spells change. Mercury has a very busy period ahead. As a 'morning star' he whizzes through Aquarius in 18 days. He makes a trine aspect to Saturn and an opposition to Mars on saturday 13th Feb 2010. He makes a conjunction with Neptune on 27th Feb and he enters Pisces on March 1st 2010. On March 8th Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 12 degrees Pisces. He is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Pisces on March 14th, thereafter becoming an 'evening star'. On March 15th the New Moon in Pisces aligns with Mercury and Uranus. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus. A detached and scientific and possibly humanitarian edge to thinking will emerge in the next 18 days.
The old Moon today fizzles out in Capricorn. This is a 'bare bones day'. Mars Jupiter and Pluto continue in their deadly dance. Stay cool.
Thursday February 11th 2010
Yesterday Greece's Prime Minister George Papandreou vowed to "take any necessary measures" to reduce Greece's government deficit.
Rescuers dug through snow in Afghanistan to reach hundreds trapped by avalanches that have killed at least 165 people.
Hundreds of Somali Islamist rebels poured into Mogadishu, as at least 16 people died in clashes in the city.
The cheers of the crowd were cut short when today's scheduled liftoff of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) was scrubbed only one second into the final countdown. The cause was high winds. NASA plans to try again tomorrow (Feb. 11 at 10:22 am EST) to launch a mission that is expected to upend our understanding of the sun and space weather. [launch blog]
Today Mars is inconjunct (150 degrees) Jupiter. Mars Jupiter and Pluto continue in their deadly dance. Stay cool.
Venus enters Pisces 12:10 GMT, joining Jupiter and Uranus in that sign. The Sun and Mercury will join the ' party' later.
As Mercury is zipping very quickly through Aquarius so to will Venus glide swiftly through Pisces. Venus sextiles Pluto and is inconjunct Mars on February 15th. She is conjunct Jupiter at 7 degrees Pisces on February 17th and she aligns to Uranus on March 4th at 26 degrees Pisces. Venus enters Aries on March 7th. The period of Venus in Pisces is characterised by an artistic impressionability and a general 'following' of mass undercurrents. Events and experiences are quickly changing now.
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Uranus 12:40 GMT and is void.
The old slow Moon enters Aquarius 23:35 GMT.
Friday February 12th 2010
February 12–28 – The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place in Vancouver Canada.
Yesterday hundreds of thousands marked Iran's Revolution, as opposition leaders tried to mount counter-demonstrations.
Today the very slowly moving, and dying, ember of an old Moon is conjunct Mercury 04:41 GMT at 3 degrees Aquarius.
Mercury is applying to an airy trine with Saturn. This is a good day for getting ideas and plans organised.
After the rather turgid quality of the past two days this one is 'cleaner'. It will be easier to stand a little more detached.
A Saint Valentines Day New Moon (in Aquarius) lies ahead of us this weekend.
Saturday February 13th 2010
China has again urged the United States to cancel a planned meeting between President Barack Obama and the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. The two men will meet at the White House on 18 February.
Germany's recovery faltered in the final quarter of 2009, while eurozone growth was weak.
Former US President Bill Clinton left the hospital where he underwent a heart procedure. Bill has Neptune exactly opposite his natal Leo Sun (the traditional astrological 'ruler' of the heart) right now.
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on Thursday morning, Feb. 11th, kicking off a 5-year mission to study the variability of the sun. Moments after liftoff, SDO did something that astonished and delighted observers. It flew right through a bright, rainbow-colored sundog and destroyed it.
Researchers in the US say they have detected two signals which could possibly indicate the presence of particles of dark matter.
Today the Moon is at apogee (slowest all month) 02:12 GMT.
This 'old Moon day' is dominated by an opposition of Mercury and Mars eased by Saturn. Hard work will get you out out a tricky situation.
Mercury trine Saturn 01:35 GMT.
Mercury is opposite Mars 10:26.
Sunday February 14th 2010
New Moon at 25 degrees Aquarius.
conjunct Chiron and Neptune 02:52 GMT
This is the first New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on January 15th 2010, and the 5th New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
The New Moon is conjunct Neptune and Chiron. A dangerous and retrograde Mars stands at the focus of a vicious 'Finger of Fate' with Pluto, Venus and Mars. There are many layers of stratospheric astrological waves at work right now. This New Moon is indeed an intoxicating mixture of vision, sensation, projection, threat and sublimation.
The New Moon opposes Barack Obama's natal Uranus, difficult times for him, opposes David Cameron's natal Moon, not all tickity boo there, and is conjunct Sarah Palin's Saturn and Mars, scary scary The New Moon directly hits the natal Venus of DJ Chris Evans, surges of popularity, the natal Mercury of Nicolas Sarkozy, major speeches, and Dick Cheney and the natal Mars of Jimmy Carter.
At the moment of New Moon Saturn is on the Midheaven of the UK. (Something's coming on). Pluto rises over eastern Europe. Mercury and Mars in separating opposition straddle (in challenge) the horizon of western Iran. The Sun, the Moon and Neptune rise over eastern Iran. Venus and Jupiter rises over Afghanistan.
This New Moon is a truly sensational time.
The New Moon is conjunct Neptune 04:34 GMT and is void of course from that moment.
This is a really romantic Valentines day. Plan for it well.
The infant Moon sweetly enters Pisces at 12:24 GMT joining an applying conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, and Uranus in that sign, and makes easy aspects whilst residing there over the next couple of days.
The Sun is conjunct Neptune 23:10 GMT.
Monday February 15th 2010
Yesterday thousands of US, UK and Afghan troops were trying to consolidate gains on the second day of a big offensive against the Taliban. Nato confirmed 12 civilians were killed when two rockets missed their target.
The US secretary of state headed to the Gulf to rally Arab support for harsher sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 26 degrees Aquarius. The Sun ingresses Pisces on Thursday.
There are 34 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Sun, Mercury and Neptune are in Aquarius. The Moon, Venus, (three degrees from) Jupiter and Uranus are in all in Pisces.
The accelerating infant Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 7 degrees Pisces 01:33 GMT.
Mercury is now a direct moving morning 'star' in Aquarius. Mercury has a very buy period ahead. As a 'morning star' he whizzes through Aquarius during the remainder of this month. He makes a conjunction with Neptune on 27th Feb and he enters Pisces on March 1st 2010. On March 8th Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 12 degrees Pisces. He is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Pisces on March 14th, thereafter becoming an 'evening star'. On March 15th the New Moon in Pisces aligns with Mercury and Uranus. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Pisces. Venus sextiles Pluto today 07:14 GMT. At 16:21 today Venus in Pisces is inconjunct Mars retrograding and complaining like a bear with a sore head in Leo.
Venus and has a bright and major conjunction with Jupiter on Wednesday February 17th in the sign of the fishes.
Mars is retrograding in Leo and is now past his opposition to the Sun. Mars sextiles Saturn 15:24 GMT. Mars will turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars makes a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and on March 23rd 2010, and an opposition to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
The Aquarian Sun and a Moon and three planets in Pisces set the scene today.
Tuesday February 16th 2010
Yesterday Nato and Afghan troops were said o be succeeding in pushing militants from their strongholds in Helmand province.
An investigation was launched into the rush-hour train collision which killed 18 people outside the Belgian capital, Brussels. The two trains collided in the commuter town around 0830 local time (0730 GMT).
The Guinean authorities appointed a transition government to steer the country from military to civilian rule.
Today the fishy Moon in Pisces is conjunct Uranus at 14:33 GMT and is then void of course.
Venus applies to an alignment with Jupiter, visible low and briefly in early evening skies.
Wednesday February 17th 2010
A man described as the Afghan Taliban's most senior commander, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is captured in Pakistan. Interpol gives his date of birth os '1968'.
Anyone placing sanctions on Iran would be "regretful", President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday.
Earlier Russia had indicated it considered sanctions against Iran were still an option if Iran did not co-operate with the UN's nuclear watchdog.
On Feb. 15th, an intense wave of Northern Lights swept across Scandinavia. The display got started when the sun's magnetic field near Earth tipped south. (Photo above
This is the last day of the astrological month of Aquarius.
The young Moon storms into Aries 00:31 GMT
Venus aligns to Jupiter (within 35 minutes of arc) at 7 degrees Pisces at 02:15 GMT.
Around 07:40 GMT the Moon in opposition Saturn links up in major aspect with Mars and Pluto who are today in inconjunct aspect. Dangerous liaison.
A spirited day.
Thursday February 18th 2010
Today the Moon reaches crescent phase 04:52 GMT at 14 degrees Aries.
The Sun enters Pisces 18:36 GMT and a new astrological month starts.
Friday February 19th 2010
The Venus Jupiter conjunction in Pisces two days ago coincided with an
Israeli assassination squad incident involving Israel and the UK.
Fake UK passports were used by the alleged killers of a Hamas commander.
The UN nuclear watchdog has expressed concern that Iran may currently be
trying to develop a nuclear payload for a missile.The information is carried in
a leaked confidential report by the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency.
At least 35 people are dead and 30 others missing after an avalanche buried an entire village in north-west Pakistan.
Gunfire was heard coming from the direction of Niger's presidential palace, sparking rum ours of a coup attempt.
The UK has made "all the preparations that are necessary" to protect the Falkland Islands, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said. However, the Ministry of Defence has denied reports that a naval taskforce is on its way to the Falklands. Argentina has brought in controls on ships passing through its waters to the islands over UK plans to drill for oil.
We are now in the Astrological month of Pisces.
The crescent Moon, waxing and accelerating in Aries, sextiles Neptune 03:53 GMT and is void from that moment.
She enters Taurus 10:56 GMT.
Around 20:30 GMT the Moon forms a strong planetary picture with Mars, Pluto and Saturn. (Mars in sextile aspect to Saturn and building up to an inconjunction with the Sun in 2 days time).
The weekend ahead has an astrological atmosphere that is best described as steady and reflective.
Saturday February 20th 2010
Yesterday plans were approved to streamline the European Court of Human Rights to help clear a backlog of 120,000 cases. Steady Moon in Taurus, humanitarian side of Sun in Pisces.
At least 36 people died in Morocco as a minaret collapsed at a mosque in the central town of Meknes,
Tiger Woods apologised for extra-marital affairs and says he doesn't know when he will return to competitive golf.
He's still got Neptune square his natal Venus ahead of him this year. He needs astrological advice.
The Large Hadron Collider will be re-started next week after shutting down late last year for the holiday period.
Today the Moon, gaining in light and motion, resides in Taurus.
Sensitive, strong, inert, impressionistic.
Sunday February 21st 2010
On Feb. 15th and 16th, NASA's STEREO Ahead spacecraft observed a remarkable series of eruptions from decaying sunspot 1045. The Sun is waking up.
Yesterday at least 32 people died in floods and mudslides as torrential rains hit the Portuguese island of Madeira.
Nato sought to reassure Afghans they can rely on its support despite the uncertain future of Dutch troops there.
It's starting to crack up now. What a waste of young British lives.
Former US Secretary of State and White House inside Alexander Haig has died in a Baltimore hospital aged 85.
All things pass. that is the vibe here.
Sunday starts steadily.
The Moon in steady Taurus squares Neptune at 12:16 GMT and is void of course for six and a half hours.
At long last the moon breezes into Gemini 18:47 GMT.
The Sun, and the Moon in Gemini approaching first quarter, with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, are then all in mutable signs.
'Steady' gives way to ' change is in motion' over the next couple of days. Moving currents of air and of water all about us.
Monday February 22nd 2010
Britain's first Olympic gold medal in an individual winter event since 1980 in the women's skeleton on Friday.
Amy Williams born September 29th 1982 has the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Libra. Thrill seeking Mars conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius sextile her libran Sun. Last week's New Moon close to her natal Aquarian moon exactly trined natal Pluto. Currently Uranus hits her Neptune Pluto midpoint, life changing powers at work.
The Portuguese military sends rescue teams to the island of Madeira, where at least 38 people have died in rainstorms.
A day after losing cabinet support, the Dutch prime minister says he expects troops to leave Afghanistan as planned in August.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 3 degrees Pisces.
There are 27 days to the Vernal Equinox.
Mercury and Neptune are in Aquarius. The Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Pisces.
The Moon reaches first quarter phase 00:49 GMT at 3 degrees Gemini. At this time the Moon forms a strange and tight geometry with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the Sun. The Moon is full next Sunday (late afternoon GMT).
Mercury is now a direct moving morning 'star' in Aquarius. Mercury has a very buy period ahead. As a 'morning star' he is whizzing through Aquarius during the remainder of this month. He makes a conjunction with Neptune on 27th Feb and he enters Pisces on March 1st 2010. On March 8th Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 12 degrees Pisces. He is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Pisces on March 14th, thereafter becoming an 'evening star'. On March 15th the New Moon in Pisces aligns with Mercury and Uranus. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Pisces. She aligns to Uranus on March 4th at 26 degrees Pisces. Venus enters Aries on March 7th. The period of Venus in Pisces is characterised by an artistic impressionability and a general 'following' of mass undercurrents. Events and experiences are quickly changing now.
Mars is slowly retrograding in Leo. Mars will turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars made a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and this is repeated on March 23rd 2010. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June S4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
The week ahead sees a full moon approaching and a spacey Mercury conjunct Neptune in Aquarius on Saturday.
Tuesday February 23rd 2010
Yesterday as the Mon hit her first quarter phase we witnessed 'crises in action' as the Afghan
government condemned a Nato air strike on a convoy in Uruzgan province, which killed at
least 27 civilians.
A four-day strike by pilots at Germany's national airline Lufthansa got under way, causing
widespread disruption.
Barack Obama unveiled new proposals to overhaul the country's healthcare system, in the
face of stiff opposition.
Today the Sun in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn 16:28 GMT. We can expect power plays.
The Moon in Gemini trines Neptune in Aquarius 17:30 GMT and becomes void of course. The power
is in the words.
The waxing and accelerating Moon homes in on Cancer 23:29 GMT.
A slightly more emotionally based couple of days will follow on Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday February 24th 2010
Yesterday major rebel group in Sudan's Darfur region signed a framework cease fire agreement with the Khartoum government.
The Sun is in Pisces, the Moon is in Cancer. We have a very emotional situation.
Today at 07:54 GMT an opposition of the Moon in Cancer an Pluto in Capricorn forms a quadrilateral geometry with Saturn and the Sun.
The Moon now drawing ever on to the full then makes pleasant aspects.
Thursday February 25th 2010
Yesterday Toyota's president began his US Congress appearance to face questioning
over the firm's handling of safety problems.
Dubai police said 15 more people were involved in killing a Hamas commander there,
almost doubling the number of suspects.
Argentina is seeking United Nations support in its new row with the UK over oil drilling
off the Falkland Islands.
For the seventh day in a row, an enormous magnetic filament was hanging suspended above the surface of the sun's southern hemisphere.
Today the watery Moon hits gibbous phase 11:47 GMT at 22 degrees Cancer. The procession to the full phase then begins. Another lunar roller coaster ride is ahead of us.
This waxing accelerating and fast moving Moon is trine Uranus at 17:48 GMT and becomes void of course for the remainder of the day.
Friday February 26th 2010
Yesterday Turkey's leaders met the head of the armed forces, Gen Ilker Basbug, after multiple arrests over an alleged military coup plot.
The chief of Algeria's national police force was killed in the capital.
The heavily waxing Moon proudly but rapidly enters Leo 01:10 GMT and is conjunct retrograde Mars at 1 degree Leo at 03:15 GMT. We all have to to step up a gear.
Mercury in Aquarius is about to align to Neptune.
Saturday February 27th 2010
TWo earthquakes have occured as the Sun and Jupiter oppose the Full Moon.
A massive earthquake with an initial magnitude of 8.8 has struck central Chile.
The quake struck at 0634 GMT about 91km (56 miles) north-east of the city of Concepcion and 317km south-west of the capital, Santiago. Buildings in Santiago were reported to have shaken for between 10 and 30 seconds, with the loss of electricity and communications. The US issued an initial tsunami warning for Chile, Peru and Ecuador.
That was later extended to Colombia, Antarctica, Panama and Costa Rica.
A tsunami was also issued in Japan after a powerful earthquake struck near the Okinawan coast.
The Japan Meteorological Agency gave the strength as 6.9 while the US Geological Survey put it at 7.3.
It struck at 0531 on Friday Feb. 26th (2031 GMT), 84km (52 miles) east of Naha, on the island of Okinawa, 29km (18 miles) below the seabed, Reuters news agency reports.
Explosions and gunfire in the centre of Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, have left at least 17 people dead,
Some MI5 officers have been accused of having a "dubious record" in the mistreatment of former detainee Binyam Mohamed
The Sun is aligning to Jupiter. The nearly Full Moon applies in opposition to Jupiter.
Mercury aligns to Neptune (less than 2 degree orb) at 27 degrees Aquarius at 14:03 GMT.
The very fast moving Moon opposes these two, firstly Neptune at 19:35 GMT and Mercury at 20:15 GMT.
She is knocked void (and senseless) by this last opposition.
Moon perigee (fastest all month) 21:51 GMT
Sunday February 28th 2010
The Moon racing towards the Full enters Virgo 00:53 GMT.
The Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter 10:45 GMT.
The Moon opposes Jupiter 16:20, and the moment of Full Moon occurs 19 minutes later.
Full Moon at 10 degrees Virgo
16:39 GMT.
The Full Moon is tightly opposite Jupiter
The Full Moon in Virgo is always a tense and brittle affair. This particular lunation coincides with a lot of planetary activity. There is a lot going on.
This Full Moon is the second one after the Partial Lunar Eclipse on 31st Dec. 2009 in Cancer and the 4th Full Moon before the Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th in Capricorn.
The Full Moon in Virgo is opposite Jupiter in Pisces. This is a very 'Over the Top' arrangement. Mercury is conjunct Neptune in Aquarius. This alignment is separating but is casts a sublime intelligence on the whole weekend. Venus is conjunct Uranus in Pisces, symbolizing a flash of the collective anima, watch out for unexpected feminine reactions. Mars, retrograding towards his station is early Leo, is sextile Saturn in early Libra. There is the power to apply and organise. Saturn still squares Pluto, an echo and a rumble of trouble close at hand, and Jupiter sextiles Pluto, international power plays. The majority of planets are in water and air signs. There is fizz!
This Full Moon hits the personal planets of many charts in the Daze collection. Amongst these is a direct hit on the natal moons of the Dalai Lama, Madonna, and Robert Mugabe, and the natal Mars of George W Bush, Joan Collins, Pete Burns and Stephen Gerrard. The natal Plutos of Jim Carey and Tom Cruise are also hit.
At the moment of Full Moon today the Moon rises at Vienna. The Moon Sun and Jupiter are aligned to Hong Kong. Mercury culminates at washington DC, Saturn rises at Baghdad, Mars sets at melbourne,Venus sets at Cairo and Khartoum, Uranus sets at Nairobi.
And so at this climax the month of February 2010 ends.
March 2010
March 2010 starts in the wake of a Full Moon with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter
and Uranus in Pisces. 16 degrees separate Jupiter and Uranus. Mars is still
retrograding at the start of Leo. Three degrees separate an applying conjunction
of Venus and Uranus in Pisces.
The Chilean Earthquake occurred 06:34:14 GMT on Feb 27th 2010, some 34 hours before the peak of the Full moon. The 8.8 quake is one of the biggest ever recorded and the largest to hit Chile in 50 years. Globally at this time Mars was on the Neptune Pluto midpoint, locally Saturn was conjunct the Midheaven of the earthquake chart set for the epicenter. The lunar nodal axes straddled the local horizon.
Monday March 1st 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 11 degrees Pisces.
There are 19 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Pisces.
The 'hung over' Moon, just past the full in Virgo, opposes Venus, then opposes Uranus 17:36 GMT and is void.
Mercury a direct moving morning 'star' slips into Pisces 13:28 GMT, joining the throng.
Mercury has a very buy period ahead. On March 8th Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 12 degrees Pisces. He is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Pisces on March 14th, thereafter becoming an 'evening star'. On March 15th the New Moon in Pisces aligns with Mercury and Uranus. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Pisces. She aligns to Uranus on March 4th at 26 degrees Pisces. Venus enters Aries on March 7th. The period of Venus in Pisces is characterised by an artistic impressionability and a general 'following' of mass undercurrents. Events and experiences are quickly changing now.
Mars is slowly retrograding in Leo. Mars will turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars made a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and this is repeated on March 23rd 2010. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June S4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Tuesday March 2nd 2010
Yesterday the Chilean military were trying to restore order after the country's devastating earthquake, arresting dozens and shooting a man dead.
US President Barack Obama is planning "dramatic reductions" in the country's nuclear arsenal, a senior US administration official said.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon rapidly enters Libra (00:32) and is conjunct Saturn at 05:02, forming in the hours around that time a 'finger of fate planetary picture' with Mercury and Mars.
The Moon squares Pluto and then is quiet for the remainder of this day and most of the next.
Venus is now only a degree of celestial longitude from her conjunction with Uranus (early Thursday). This planetary pair will be casting excitable and deviant undercurrents around all events and experiences.
Wednesday March 3rd 2010
Yesterday Chile's president called for calm in the quake-ravaged city of Concepcion, vowing a stern response to any renewal of looting and violence.
More than 100 people were killed in a landslide in Uganda's eastern region of Bududa.
Today , Mars Express will fly past Phobos at a distance of only 67 km, the closest any spacecraft has ever been to this mysterious moon of Mars. The purpose of the flyby is not to take pictures but to map the gravity field of Phobos and, thus, to determine its internal structure. Spacecraft cameras will be turned off during the encounter to provide a clean "carrier signal" for the radio-gravity experiment. Hi-res images will be made, however, on March 7th during a follow-up flyby at a range of 107 km. Follow the action at the ESA flyby blog.
Today the waning and decelerating Moon sails lazily through Libra is trine Neptune and is void from 20:44 GMT.
The Moon hits disseminating phase 23:15 GMT at 28 degrees Libra.
Venus is nearly conjunct Uranus. This one is ' lazy hazy crazy'.
Thursday March 4th 2010
Yesterday Greece announced a controversial package of tax rises and spending cuts to save 4.8bn euros and ease its budget crisis.
Today the Moon, slowing waning and seeking vengeance, steals into Scorpio 02:12 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon are then both in water signs together with, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. That's a lot of water. In astrology Water = emotional responses.
Venus aligns to Uranus (within 37 minutes of arc) at 26 degrees Pisces 04:07 GMT.
Between 11:00 GMT and noon GMT Pluto is on the midpoint of a Moon Mercury trine.
The Scorpio Moon makes easy aspects.
Friday March 5th 2010
On Thursday three bombs went off in Baghdad killing at least 14 people
as early voting got under way in Iraq's parliamentary election.
At least 63 people died in a stampede after the gate of a temple
collapsed in northern India.
On Friday the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in water signs.
The Moon makes serious but pleasant watery noises from Scorpio today.
Expect emotional reactions.
As we go into the weekend, Mercury is applying to a conjunction with Jupiter.
Saturday March 6th 2010
The Moon trines Venus 04:38 GMT and becomes void of course from that moment.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 07:37 GMT and approaches her mutable Last Quarter phase.
In the hours around this moment a planetary kite manifests in the skies of Earth involving
the Moon, Venus, Uranus and Mars. The kite focuses on an opposition of Venus and Saturn,
which itself peaks on Tuesday morning (GMT). A planetary wave is approaching.
After this powerful start, the day that follows is full of movement and full of spirit.
Sunday March 7th 2010
Venus enters Aries 12:34 GMT and immediately applies in fiery trine to Mars which peaks later today.
She then applies in a difficult cardinal T-square involving a cardinal opposition to Saturn in Libra which peaks on Tuesday March 9th in the morning, and a square to Pluto which peaks two days later on March 11th. After this difficult start Venus flashes through Aries during the remainder of March, sextiling Neptune on the 29th.
Venus is now an evening star and almost visible (after a long absence) in the evening sky after sunset.
Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. The time of Venus in Aries is characterized by an ardor and an impulsive sexuality in nature. The next few days are however crisis prone.
At the same time Mercury is almost in a conjunction with Jupiter. There is a lot of energy today.
With this serious undertone the day that follows is full of risk taking and misadventure, take care.
The Moon hits last quarter 15:43 GMT at 17 degrees Sagittarius.
Venus in Aries is trine a retrograde Mars in Leo 19:16 GMT.
Monday March 8th 2010
Yesterday at least 24 people were killed in a bloody start to Iraq's second parliamentary election since the 2003 invasion.
At least 60 people were killed as Taliban militants fought with rivals from an Islamic group in northern Afghanistan.
Philippine troops killed at least seven militants from the Abu Sayyaf group in a raid on their hideout in the south of the country.
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 18 degrees Pisces.
There are 12 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Pisces.
The Moon, now past last quarter phase and in Sagittarius, around 09:30 GMT initiates Saturn, Venus and Uranus to make a long lasting mutable/cardinal T-square which extends for 4 days. The Moon sextiles Neptune 11:15 GMT and is void.
The Moon enters Capricorn 17:15 GMT. The Moon holds a cardinal T-square with Venus and Saturn at 20:22 GMT.
Mercury is a morning 'star' in Pisces. He is conjunct Jupiter 01:46 GMT today (55 minute alignment) at 12 degrees Pisces. He is in Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 24 degrees Pisces on March 14th, thereafter becoming an 'evening star'. On March 15th the New Moon in Pisces aligns with Mercury and Uranus. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus.
Venus is now an evening 'star' in Aries and is suddenly in the midst of a difficult cardinal T-square involving a cardinal opposition to Saturn in Libra which peaks tomorrow, and a square to Pluto which peaks on Wednesday. After this difficult start Venus flashes through Aries during the remainder of March, sextiling Neptune on the 29th. Venus is now an evening star and almost visible (after a long absence) in the evening sky after sunset. Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. The time of Venus in Aries is characterized by an ardor and an impulsive sexuality in the eco sphere.
Mars is slowly retrograding in Leo. Mars will turn direct again at zero Leo on March 10th. Mars made a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and this is repeated on March 23rd 2010. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June S4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Tuesday March 9th 2010
Several hundred people were yesterday reported to have been killed in an ethnic clash near the Nigerian city of Jos.
Also yesterday a strong earthquake of 6.0 magnitude struck eastern Turkey, killing at least 57 people. The quake was centred on the village of Basyurt in Elazig province, and struck at 0432 (0232 GMT).
Israel authorised the building of 112 new apartments in a settlement as the US vice-president flies to the region.
Venus Saturn and Pluto are arrayed in difficult T-square over the next three days.
The Moon, in Capricorn, is conjunct Pluto 03:35 GMT.
The Moon occults the fixed star Lambda Sagittarius from approximately 05:06 to 06:21 for UK observers.
The Moon then makes nice aspects which is just as well just as well as Venus opposes Saturn 08:22GMT.
The day continues with pragmatism and ambition.
The Moon sextiles both Mercury and Jupiter before midnight.
Wednesday March 10th 2010
The Moon continues to make good aspects today, but Venus is in cardinal T-square with saturn and Pluto.
Mars turns direct at 16:50 GMT at zero degrees Leo and starts to apply in a constructive sextile aspect to Saturn which peaks on March 22nd.
The Moon sextiles Uranus and is void of course from 22:00 GMT.
Thursday March 11th 2010
Mars turned direct yesterday after 80 days of retrograde motion.
News concerning one of his Moons also materialized yesterday.
THE MYSTERY OF PHOBOS: Something is wrong with Phobos. The martian moon
looks like a solid, but it is not as dense as a rocky solid should be. Some researchers
think Phobos might be riddled with vast caverns; others say it is just a "rubble pile"
masquerading as a solid body. To solve the mystery, Europe's Mars Express spacecraft
is making a series of close Phobos-flybys this month. March 10th update: According to
gravity-field data just beamed back from Mars Express, mass is not evenly distributed
throughout the moon’s interior. A detailed analysis is underway by ESA researchers. Stay tuned
Today our Moon slowly enters Aquarius 05:44 GMT.
The waning decelerating Moon opposes Mars in Leo 06:20 eased by Saturn 10:02 GMT.
Venus squares Pluto 17:33 GMT.
Moon reaches balsamic phase 18:04 GMT at 6 degrees Aquarius.
A day with a dynamite edge is in store.
Friday March 12th 2010
Yesterday Sebastian Pinera (a Sagittarian born December 1, 1949 with natal Mars
conjunct Saturn in Virgo which was opposed by Mercury yesterday)) was sworn in
as president of Chile, minutes after it was hit by the largest aftershock since last
month's devastating earthquake. The 7.2-magnitude tremor was centred
in O'Higgins Region, some 140km south of the city of Valparaiso,where the
inauguration ceremony took place.
US Vice-President Joe Biden said Middle East peace talks must resume,
despite a row over Israeli settlement plans. Public services and transport
in Greece were ground to a halt as workers staged a third general strike in
protest at the government's austerity measures. Flights were grounded, and
most schools and hospitals closed in the 24-hour walk-out called by the two
main unions. Riot police fired tear gas at stone-throwing protesters during a large
demonstration in the capital, Athens.
Today the Moon in Aquarius is at apogee (slowest all month) 10:06 GMT.
There are no lunar or planetary aspects today.
Saturday March 13th 2010
Yesterday twin suicide bomb attacks on the Pakistani city of Lahore killed 45 people, before other, smaller blasts caused confusion.
Russia's state-owned nuclear company said the country will build at least 12 nuclear reactors in India.
CHILEAN QUAKE SHIFTS EARTH'S AXIS: Widespread press reports have noted that February's Chilean earthquake might have shortened Earth's day by a small amount. Today's story from Science@NASA explores a more significant effect---how the quake might have shifted Earth's axis.
Today the very old and the very slow Moon is conjunct Neptune 12:58 GMT at 27 degrees Aquarius and is void of course from that moment.
The Moon enters Pisces 18:45 GMT. joining the Sun, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury, in that sign.
Mercury is approaching Superior Conjunction, and the New Moon follows on Monday.
Sunday March 14th
Tens of thousands of Thai opposition supporters have gathered in Bangkok to press the government to step down.
Protest leaders have given the government until Monday to call fresh elections.
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva say he will not resign. About 40,000 troops and police have been deployed.
The "red shirt" demonstrators are mainly supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a military coup in 2006.
Old slow Moon in Pisces.
The day before the new Moon.
Superior conjunction of Mercury 13:17 GMT at 24 degrees Pisces.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 21:17 GMT at 13 degrees Pisces.
Monday March 15th 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today is at 25 degrees Pisces.
There are 5 days to the Vernal Equinox.
The Sun enters Aries on Saturday.
The Moon is New today in Pisces. See below.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Pisces.
Mercury is now an evening 'star' in Pisces. Today's New Moon in Pisces
aligns with Mercury and Uranus. Mercury aligns to Uranus tonight at 21:40.
Mercury zips into Taurus in two days time. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus.
Venus is now an evening star in Aries, and is visible (after a long absence) in the evening sky after sunset.Venus flashes through Aries during the remainder of March, sextiling Neptune on the 29th. Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. The time of Venus in Aries is characterized by an ardor and an impulsive sexuality in the eco sphere.
Mars is now moving direct again in Leo. Mars made a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and this is repeated on March 23rd 2010. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 24th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
New Moon
25 degrees Pisces
conjunct Mercury and Uranus.
at 21:02 GMT.
This is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar Eclipse on January 15th 2010, and the 4th New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
It occurs in Pisces in tight conjunction with Mercury and Uranus. Mars now moving in direct motion in Leo is sextile Saturn, trine Uranus and Mercury. Saturn is square Pluto.
At the moment of New Moon the rising Sun, Moon Mercury and Uranus are on the horizons of central Australia. These same four bodies are culminating over north west Canada, they set at Brazil and are at lower culmination over the Iraq Iran border.
The time at this New Moon is brimming with novelty and invention.
This New moon directly hits the natal Mercury of Rory Bremner, Chris Evans, MC Hammer and Ian Duncan Smith. The natal Venus of Gordon Brown is hit as is the natal Saturn of David Cameron.
Some 38 minutes after the New Moon, Mercury is aligned to Uranus (within 40 minutes) at 26 degrees Pisces 21:40 GMT.
The 'new born' Moon is conjunct Uranus 23:38 GMT.
Tuesday March 16th 2010
A settlements row has sunk US-Israeli relations to their lowest point for 35 years, a top Israeli envoy was yesterday quoted as saying. The US-Israeli relationship chart has the current Saturn Pluto square focused on its natal Neptune. In addition Jupiter is conjunct the natal Mars in the chart suggesting a display of aggravation in the relationship.
Also yesterday as the New Moon in Pisces approached, Thailand's prime minister rejected protesters' demands for his resignation, as red-shirt rallies continued in Bangkok.
Today the 'infant New Moon' is conjunct Mercury 00:01 GMT at 27 degrees Pisces and becomes void at that moment.
The Moon enters Aries 06:32 GMT.
From 09:00 to 17:00 the Moon forms a cardinal T-square with Saturn and Pluto.
Challenges to the status quo erupt today.
Wednesday March 17th 2010
Yesterday US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denied US-Israel relations are in crisis amid a row over Jerusalem settlements.
Thailand's red-shirt demonstrators splashed blood under the gates of Government House in a protest against a leadership they say is illegitimate. Earlier the protesters lined up to donate their blood, as the anti-government rallies entered a third day. So far the protests have remained peaceful and both sides say they want to avoid violence.
Today the young accelerating Moon is conjunct Venus 06:08 GMT at 12 degrees Aries.
The Sun is conjunct Uranus at 06:50 GMT (44 minute alignment) at 27 degree Pisces.
This day has an urgency which gathers momentum as it evolves.
Mercury enters Aries 16:12 GMT, joining Venus in that sign. His residence in Aries is his chase of Venus which is in vain. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus, just before he catches up with Venus.
Mercury 'fire trines' Mars today 23:33 GMT. Mercury opposes Saturn tomorrow, and squares Pluto on Saturday. This planetary crisis dominates the remainder of the week.
Mercury then sextiles Neptune on April 1st 2010, and enters Taurus on April 2nd.
The astrological energy is changing now. A modulation from Pisces to Aries is underway, and it will most probably be a difficult one.
Thursday March 18th 2010
Yesterday Nigeria's acting president, Goodluck Jonathan, dissolved the cabinet five weeks after assuming executive powers.
Today Mercury opposes Saturn 11:05 GMT, this is eased by Mars, but Mercury moves on to square Pluto on Saturday.
These are testing days precipitating many crises.
The young accelerating Moon in Aries sextiles Neptune 11:23 and is void of course.
The Moon enters Taurus 16:30, immediately squaring Mars.
Friday March 19th 2010
On Thursday US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said there is "substantial" progress on a new nuclear disarmament deal with Russia.
Scientists have created the first device to render an object invisible in three dimensions. The "cloak", described in the journal Science, hid an object from detection using light of wavelengths close to those that are visible to humans. Previous devices have been able to hide objects from light travelling in only one direction; viewed from any other angle, the object would remain visible. This is a very early but significant step towards true invisibility cloaks.
Today the Moon reaches crescent phase 19:01 GMT at 14 degrees Taurus.
Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are arrayed in cardinal T-square.
Saturday March 20th 2010
Mercury in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn at 08:15 GMT .
This rather manic start to the day soon gives way.
Troubles eventually pass.
...........Vernal Equinox 17:33:18 GMT...........
The Equinox is upon us. The Sun crosses the equator and enters Aries at 17:33 GMT. The Chart for the moment, set for London is shown above. Mars in Leo sextile Saturn, the crescent Moon in Taurus , increasing in light and motion, sextiles Uranus. Mercury in Aries separates from a T-square involving Saturn and Pluto, the Equinox Sun is opposite Saturn and he trines Mars.
This equinox is a time of renewal, industry, invention and substantiation. It symbolises the' lesson learnt' and 'well rooted new beginnings'. This is a positive time full of spirit that is urgent yet tempered.
At the exact moment of Equinox, Saturn is on the Midheaven of Bangkok, the scene of serious protest this last week.
The Moon after sextiling Uranus eventually squares Neptune 19:41 GMT and is then void of course.
Sunday March 21st 2010
The Sun and Uranus are opposite Saturn.
Mercury and Venus are 10 degrees apart today.
The Moon enters Gemini 00:29 GMT
From 05:00 to 10:00 GMT the Moon, forms a dynamic planetary trapezium.
The Sun 'fire trines' Mars 17:54 GMT
Monday March 22nd 2010
Beijing has been shrouded in orange dust as a strong sandstorm blew hundreds of miles from drought-struck northern China to the nation's capital.The authorities issued a level-five pollution warning and urged people to stay indoors. In Tiananmen Square, clouds of dust obscured monuments and visitors wore masks to avoid the dust and soil. The storm has already caused havoc in Xinjiang, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Hebei regions and is heading to South Korea.
An Icelandic volcano, dormant for 200 years, has erupted, ripping a 1km-long fissure in a field of ice.
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 2 degrees Aires. The Sun opposes Saturn 00:38 GMT, eased by Mars.
The Sun squares Pluto on Friday. There are 88 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The Moon is accelerating and waxing in Gemini. She reaches first quarter phase tomorrow.
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Aries. Nine degrees separate Mercury and Venus. His pursuit is in vain. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Aries. Mercury sextiles Neptune on April 1st 2010, and enters Taurus on April 2nd. Mercury next turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus, just before he catches up with Venus.
Venus is now an evening star in Aries, and is visible (after a long absence) in the evening sky after sunset. Venus flashes through Aries during the remainder of March, sextiling Neptune on the 29th. Venus enters Taurus on March 31st. The time of Venus in Aries is characterized by an ardor and an impulsive sexuality in the eco sphere.
Mars is moving direct in Leo. Mars made a sextile to Saturn in Libra on Feb 15th 2010 and this is repeated tomorrow. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Tuesday March 23rd 2010
Yesterday in the US Democrats hailed the approval of legislation extending healthcare
to 32 million more Americans as a historic advance in social justice.
Hillary Clinton called on Israel to make "difficult but necessary choices" amid a dispute
over new homes in East Jerusalem.
Google said it has stopped censoring its search results in China, setting itself up for a
confrontation with the country's authorities.
Today the fast moving accelerating and waxing Moon in Gemini tugging firstly at Uranus 00:49, trines Neptune 01:49 GMT and becomes void.
Mars sextiles Saturn 03:55 GMT
The Moon homes into Cancer 06:16 GMT and finds then that she has brought together, at home, a
Cardinal Cross with the Sun, Saturn Uranus and Pluto. This holds sway all day.
She reaches first quarter 11:01 GMT at 3 degrees Cancer
The Moon opposes Pluto 15:28 GMT and the square shifts, she applies in long square to Mercury.
Wednesday March 24th 2010
Yesterday Britain expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of forged UK passports in the killing of a Hamas leader in Dubai.
US President Barack Obama signed his landmark healthcare bill in a ceremony at the White House, saying it is "desperately needed".
The organisation that operates the Large Hadron Collider has set a date for the start of its science programme. On Tuesday 30 March, engineers at Cern will make their first attempt to collide beams at an energy of 3.5 trillion electronvolts (TeV) per beam. The LHC reached this beam energy last week, breaking its own particle beam energy record. But, among other things, engineers will need to ensure the beams are stable at 3.5 TeV before trying for collisions. The LHC will search for the elusive Higgs boson, dubbed the "God particle" because of its importance to our understanding of physics.
Today the fast moving, accelerating and waxing Moon in Cancer squares Mercury 04:56 GMT.
The day rolls on, the Moon growing larger and moving ever faster.
Thursday March 25th 2010
Differences remain between Israel and the US, following Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, said the White House yesterday .
Saudi authorities said they had arrested more than 100 al-Qaeda suspects, accused of plotting attacks on oil facilities.
Today the fast moving Moon trines Neptune at 04:40 GMT and becomes void of course for five hours.
The Moon rapidly enters Leo 09:40 GMT.
The Sun and Moon together with Mercury, Venus and Mars are then all in Fire signs.
The Moon is conjunct Mars at 2 degrees Leo 12:16 GMT.
The Sun is drawing to a square aspect with Pluto.
Much 'uncompromising forcefulness' will be in evidence today.
Friday March 26th 2010
A US case has raised questions about whether Pope Benedict personally helped
cover up child sex abuse by a priest. It is interesting to note that he has a wealth
of difficult astrological transits at work in his chart right now. Uranus is about to
align to his natal Mercury and square his natal Mars, Saturn is opposite his natal
Uranus (exact on Saturday) and Jupiter is conjunct his ascendant. Quite a shocking
bundle of planetary energies.
Chancellor Angela Merkel has told German MPs she will insist the IMF is involved if debt-ridden Greece needs to be bailed out. A message said to be from Osama Bin Laden threatens to kill Americans if the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks is executed by the US.Al-Jazeera news channel broadcast an audiotape reportedly from the al-Qaeda leader talking about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other suspects
Today the Aries Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn 03:42 GMT
The very fast moving Moon hits gibbous phase 20:27 GMT at 21 degrees Leo.
The procession to yet another Full Moon is now underway.
Expect turbulence today.
Saturday March 27th 2010
Turbulence indeed. Yesterday was a day of uncompromising measures.
On a positive note US President Barack Obama and Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev agreed a new nuclear arms reduction treaty.
A mystery emerged in the Yellow sea and the search continues for 46
South Korean sailors missing after their ship sank near the disputed
border with North Korea.
Tens of thousands of Thailand's red-shirted protesters have gathered in front of army positions in Bangkok to demand fresh elections.
Today the very fast moving Moon in Leo opposes Neptune 07:05 GMT and becomes void of course.
She respectfully, but very rapidly, enters Virgo 10:58 GMT precisely.
Sunday March 28th 2010
Thailand's prime minister agrees to meet protesters calling for elections, in the first sign of compromise since protests began.
The force of Friday's explosion which sunk a South Korean naval ship split the vessel's hull into two pieces. The naval patrol vessel sank near the disputed maritime border with North Korea but military officials say there is no indication the North was involved.
Mercury and Venus are now 5 degrees apart and are both 'evening stars' in Aries.
Mercury will turn instead of overtaking her.
The Moon is perigee 04:50 GMT waxing to the full is in Libra tomorrow, today she resides in Virgo.
Monday March 29th 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 9 degrees Aires.
There are 81 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The almost Full Moon opposes Uranus 06:56 GMT and is void. She enters Libra 11:22 GMT.
The Moon is in a wide conjunction with Saturn at 12:30 GMT.
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Aries. Four degrees of celestial longitude now separate Mercury and Venus. Mercury and Venus are evening 'stars' in Aries.
Mercury sextiles Neptune on April 1st 2010, and enters Taurus on April 2nd. Mercury turns retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus, his pursuit of Venus is in vain.
Venus is now an evening star in Aries, brightly visible in the evening sky after sunset. Venus flashes through Aries during the remainder of March, Venus sextiles Neptune 20:25 GMT forming a deadly 'finger of fate' with Saturn.
Venus enters Taurus on March 31st.
The time of Venus in Aries is characterized by an ardor and an impulsive sexuality in the eco sphere.
Mars is moving direct in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Saturn is almost 150 degrees from Neptune.
Tonight is the night of the Full Moon.
Tuesday March 30th 2010
Yesterday at least 38 people were killed and more than 60 were injured in two suicide bomb attacks on the Moscow Metro during the morning rush hour. The first explosion occurred at 03:56 GMT and the second at 04:36 GMT. Female suicide bombers are believed to have carried out the attacks on trains that had stopped at two stations in the heart of the Russian capital.
The US government is preparing to sell its 27% stake in Citigroup, in what would be one of the largest share sales in history.
Shares in Desire Petroleum have almost halved after the oil explorer said a well being drilled off the Falkland Islands may not be economically viable.
The organisation that operates the Large Hadron Collider has set today the date for the start of its science programme. On Tuesday 30 March, engineers at Cern will make their first attempt to collide beams at an energy of 3.5 trillion electronvolts (TeV) per beam. The LHC reached this beam energy last week, breaking its own particle beam energy record. But, among other things, engineers will need to ensure the beams are stable at 3.5 TeV before trying for collisions. The LHC will search for the elusive Higgs boson, dubbed the "God particle" because of its importance to our understanding of physics.
Full Moon at 9 degrees Libra
separating from Saturn.
02:27 GMT
The Full Moon at 02:27 GMT today in Libra is midway between the Partial Lunar Eclipse on 31st Dec. 2009 in Cancer and the the Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th in Capricorn.
The forces of karma are finely balanced between these eclipses.
The Moon too is 'finely balanced' in the sign Libra. Mars sextlies Saturn, Venus sextiles Neptune.
The time is one of weighing opposites and wavering.
This Full Moon directly hits the natal Sun and Mercury of Lindsey Buckingham, the natal Mercury of Silvio Berlusconi, the natal Venus of Hugh Cornwell, the natal Saturn of Michael Barrymore and Beyonce, the natal Neptune of Steve Howe and the natal Pluto of David and Victoria Beckham and Leonardo Dicaprio.
The day that follows is a long 'hung over' period when there are no lunar or planetary aspects.
Mars is at Aphelion 23:08 GMT 6 degrees Virgo. (Mars is at this point farthest from the Sun in its orbit).
Wednesday March 31st 2010
The Large Hadron Collider marks a new era in science as it achieves record-breaking high-energy particle collisions. The 7 Terra Volt event, which took place on Tuesday at 1200 BST, was the highest energy yet achieved in a particle accelerator. The LHC's four major experiments - its giant detectors Alice, Atlas, CMS and LHCb - have now begun to gather their first physics data from the collisions, a development that Cern described as an "historic moment".
The Moon in Libra opposes Mercury, opposes Venus 12:14 GMT and is then void of course.
The Moon enters Scorpio 12:42 GMT.
The day develops 'an edge'.
Venus enters Taurus 17:35 GMT.
Venus resides happily in her own rulership up to March 25th 2010. During this time she squares Mars on April 3rd, trines Pluto on April 5th, sextiles Jupiter on April 17th, squares Neptune on April 23rd, sextiles Uranus and trines Saturn on April 24th and enters Gemini on April 25th.
April 2010
As April 2010 starts Mercury is 3 degrees from Venus but he fails to meet with her as he turns retrograde on April 18th. Saturn and Neptune are in a harsh 150 degrees aspect.
Thursday April 1st 2010
Mercury sextiles Neptune 03:21 GMT.
The Moon wanes in Scorpio and makes easy aspects today.
Friday April 2nd 2010
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 12:42 GMT at 28 degrees Scorpio and is square Neptune 12:55 GMT, becoming void at that time for 4 hours.
During this time, Mercury enters Taurus 13:06 GMT.
Mercury will go through his retrograde phase while in this sign. Mercury squares Mars on April 5th and trines Pluto on April 6th. His apparent speed drops below a degree per day on April 9th and he turns retrograde at 13 degrees Taurus on April 18th. Mercury is square Mars again on April 25th. Mercury is in 'Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 28th. Mercury trines Pluto again on May 3rd and he turns direct on May 11th at 3 degrees Taurus. He trines Pluto again for a final time on May 19th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, finally entering. Gemini on June 10th.
The Moon ingresses Sagittarius 16:54 GMT.
Saturday April 3rd 2010
Venus in Taurus squares Mars in Leo 11:25 GMT. Tension in relationships between the sexes ensues.
The Moon wanes and decelerates in Sagittarius.
Mercury today reaches the point in the zodiac that he will return to in his forthcoming retrograde motion. Much of what now occurs will need to be revisited with fresh perspective in the weeks ahead.
Sunday April 4th 2010
South African President Jacob Zuma calls for calm after white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche is killed.
Pope Benedict is set to deliver his key Easter message amid a child sex-abuse scandal that has engulfed the Catholic Church.
A Chinese ship runs aground off north-eastern Australia, sparking an alert of an oil leak into the Great Barrier Reef.
Easter Sunday.
Mercury and Venus close together in Taurus are square Mars.
The Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune and is void from 20:59 but she pulls together a dissociate lose T-square with Saturn and Uranus focused around 22:22 GMT.
Monday April 5th 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 16 degrees Aires.
There are 74 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The waning and decelerating Moon approaching her Last quarter phase, enters Capricorn 01:08 GMT. From 09:00 GMT to 13:00 GMT the Moon and Pluto form a trine aspect with Venus and Mercury, and are square Mars. The Moon is conjunct Pluto 11:42 GMT.
The next New Moon in Aries is on April 14th 2010.
Mercury is 1.5 degrees from Venus in Taurus in the evening skies. Mercury is the fainter 'evening star' in Taurus. Mercury squares Mars 04:17 today and trines Pluto tomorrow. Mercury's apparent speed drops below a degree per day on April 9th preceding Mercury turning retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus, his current pursuit of Venus is in vain. Mercury turns retrograde at 13 degrees Taurus on April 18th. Mercury is square Mars again on April 25th. Mercury is in 'Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 28th. Mercury trines Pluto again on May 3rd and he turns direct on May 11th at 3 degrees Taurus. He trines Pluto again for a final time on May 19th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Taurus . Venus 'earth trines' Pluto 03:09 GMT today. She sextiles Jupiter on April 17th, squares Neptune on April 23rd, sextiles Uranus and trines Saturn on April 24th and enters Gemini on April 25th.
Mars is moving direct in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Tuesday April 6th 2010
Yesterday militants attacked the US consulate in Peshawar, hours after another
attack in north-west Pakistan killed 43 at a political rally.
The party of murdered South African white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche
retracted a threat to take revenge for his death.
A South Korean navy warship is in pursuit of a huge oil tanker, hijacked by
Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.
Today the Moon reaches last quarter phase 09:38 GMT at 16 degrees Capricorn.
Mercury 'earth trines' Pluto 10:44 GMT.
Pluto is stationary at 5 degrees Capricorn at 21:44 GMT.
Wednesday April 7th 2010
Yesterday President Barack Obama's administration unveiled plans for substantial
cuts in America's nuclear weapons' stockpile.
At least 79 people were killed after heavy rain causes landslides and flooding in the
Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.
The UK's political leaders hit the campaign trail after Prime Minister Gordon Brown
called the general election for 6 May.
Today the Moon eases the ongoing Saturn Uranus opposition and is sextile Uranus
at 08:19 GMT. The Moon is void of course from that time.
The Moon enters Aquarius 12:51 GMT.
Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo 18:55 GMT till July 21st.
The Earth, the Moon and Mars are linearly aligned (within 70 minutes of arc) at 22:03 GMT.
Thursday April 8th 2010
Yesterday Kyrgyzstan's government was struggling to hold on to power, as 17 people died in spreading clashes between protesters and police.
Thailand's prime minister declared a state of emergency in Bangkok amid growing anti-government protests.
A solar-powered plane prototype took to the air for the first time in its first step towards a round-the-world journey.
Today the very slowly waning Moon in Aquarius squares Mercury and Venus 03:48 GMT and 07:50 respectively.
Friday April 9th 2010
Yesterday Kyrgyzstan's president refused to resign after the opposition took
control in a bloody uprising that forced him to flee.
Six world powers started a meeting at the UN in New York to discuss sanctions
against Iran over its nuclear programme.
Mercury and Venus are now quintile Neptune, and the moon, later today.
Mercury hovers in this quintile aspect right up to the 26th April, turning retrograde on April 18th.
Mercury's apparent speed drops below a degree per day today.
Plan nothing new. This is a time for vision and imagination.
The Moon is at apogee 02:39 GMT, wanes in Aquarius, and is conjunct Neptune becoming void of course at 21:44 GMT.
Saturday April 10th 2010
Yesterday thousands of Thai protesters broke into a key broadcasting compound, and reinstated an opposition TV channel.
Iran unveiled "third generation" centrifuges that can enrich uranium much faster than current technology.
The funeral of murdered South African white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche took place amid tight security.
The Moon enters Pisces 01:48 GMT and hits balsamic phase 13:01 GMT at 6 degrees Pisces. The Moon would make pleasant aspects today but frighteningly forms a very tight finger of fate with Pluto and Mars around 12:43 GMT.
Sunday April 11th 2010
Poland's President Lech Kaczynski and scores of others were killed as their plane crashed in Russia after hitting trees in foggy weather.
Eleven people were killed and 300 hurt in clashes in Bangkok, as Thai troops try to retake areas from anti-government protesters.
The Vatican has defended the Pope against allegations that he was responsible for delaying Church action against a US paedophile priest. Jupiter is conjunct his ascendant. The current Uranus Saturn opposition is square his Mars. Uranus is conjunct his Mercury. Next week's New Moon is conjunct his natal Sun. He has big trouble.
Today the slow and waning old Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 20 degrees Pisces at 17:13 GMT.
Monday April 12th 2010
Yesterday huge crowds turned out in Warsaw to witness the return of President Lech Kaczynski's body, a day after he was killed in an air crash.
Voting ended on the opening day of Sudan's first multi-party elections - boycotted by key political figures - for 24 years.
At least 20 people are now known to have died in clashes between Thai troops and opposition supporters in Bangkok, and more than 800 were hurt.
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 23 degrees Aires.
There are 67 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 09:40 GMT at 28 degrees Pisces, she then opposes Saturn 12:51 GMT and is void.
The Moon enters Aries 13:31 GMT.
The next New Moon in Aries is on Wednesday.
Mercury is 4 degrees from Venus in Taurus in the evening skies. Mercury is the fainter 'evening star' in Taurus. Mercury's apparent speed is now below a degree per day. Mercury turning retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus, his current pursuit of Venus is in vain. Mercury is square Mars again on April 25th. Mercury is in 'Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 28th. Mercury trines Pluto again on May 3rd and he turns direct on May 11th at 3 degrees Taurus. He trines Pluto again for a final time on May 19th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Taurus . She sextiles Jupiter on April 17th, squares Neptune on April 23rd, sextiles Uranus and trines Saturn on April 24th and enters Gemini on April 25th.
Mars is moving direct in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Saturn and Uranus are applying in their 4th (out of 5) oppositions. This one peaks on April 26th 2010.
Tuesday April 13th 2010
Yesterday as a summit opened on nuclear terrorism, Ukraine will get rid of its stockpile of bombs-grade nuclear material by 2012.
Thailand's army chief called for parliament to be dissolved, while election officials said the PM's party should be disbanded.
A landslide derailed a regional train in northern Italy, killing at least nine people and injuring about 30.
Today the old Moon wanes away in Aries.
The day of the old moon.
The Moon is New tomorrow.
Wednesday April 14th 2010
New Moon at 24 degrees Aries
at 12:30 GMT.
This New Moon is half way in time between the Annular Solar Eclipse on January 15th 2010, and the Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
Saturn is opposing Uranus. Venus sextiles Jupiter.
This New Moon hits the natal Sun of Pope Benedict XV1th, the natal Venus of Helena Bonham Carter, and Rory Bremner, the Lunar Node of Carla Bruni and Sean Connery, the natal Midheaven of George W Bush and the natal Uranus of Joan Collins.
At the moment of New Moon, a Venus Neptune Paran is aligned to Prague. Saturn sets at Los Angeles.
The New Moon is sextile Neptune.
After the New Moon moment has passed, the infant Moon sextiles Neptune and is void of course from 19:23 GMT.
The Moon enters Taurus at 22:55 GMT.
Thursday April 15th 2010
Yesterday's New Moon coincided (within 15 hours) with a powerful magnitude 7.1 earthquake in western China.
Today the infant Moon aligns to Mercury within a degree and a half at 12 degrees Taurus at 21:56 GMT.
Friday April 16th 2010
Flights across much of Europe will be severely disrupted well into Saturday because of drifting ash ejected from a volcano in Iceland, officials said. Much of the airspace across northern and western Europe has been closed and air control officials said some 17,000 flights would be cancelled on Friday. Hundreds of thousands of passengers in Europe and around the world have been affected by the disruptions. Scientists say the volcano is still erupting but producing less ash.
In the skies of Earth Saturn is applying in opposition to Uranus. This opposition is now 10 days away. Uranus is symbolic of human flight. Saturn is the restriction.
Mercury is just 2 days from his station. The grounding of all civil aircraft is in keeping with this situation.
This nearly stationary Mercury is hovering over the UK Mars in the (1801) National Chart. It hits on April 14th and April 22nd. This whole period is affected.
Yesterday witnessed two unprecedented events in the UK. Firstly the grounding of all aircraft and secondly the live television debate between the political party leaders.
Today the very young Moon is conjunct Venus 10:40 GMT at 19 degrees Taurus.
Saturday April 17th 2010
European air traffic controllers say flights will be disrupted into the weekend by ash spewing from a volcano in Iceland. Photo above.
Soldiers, monks and civilians search destroyed buildings as aid arrives in China's remote quake-hit Qinghai region.
Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow, and is conjunct the UK's natal Mars.
Saturn is just 9 days away from his opposition to Uranus.
The Moon today makes a trine aspect with Saturn at 04:58 GMT and becomes void of course.
The young Moon enters Gemini 06:09 GMT.
Venus in Taurus sextiles Jupiter in Pisces 20:44 GMT
Sunday April 18th 2010
Mercury turns retrograde 03:57 GMT at 13 degrees Taurus. This retrograde motion extends right over the the UK General Election and up to May 11th 2010.
Moon crescent phase 05:42 GMT at 13 degrees Gemini.
The Aries Sun sextiles Neptune 08:16 GMT.
The UK Genera Election is now 18 days away. It will be held as Mercury is in his retrograde period, which does suggest a 'hung parliament' with people changing their minds later. Gordon Brown is however a Pisces subject. Both Uranus and Jupiter are currently in 'his' sign. The progressed Moon of the UK is also in Pisces. In 2011 Neptune enters Pisces. The 'emotional base' mood of the UK is certainly Piscean at the moment.
There are big astrological changes after the election. In late May and early June 2010 both Uranus and Jupiter enter Aries, and set the scene for a very powerful planetary Cardinal Cross with Pluto and Saturn in July and August this year. This forthcoming 'electric planetary whip lash' might be an indication of a Cameron victory at the polls in early May.
Astrologically this UK election is too close to call. Most astrologers are hedging their bet with a Conservative victory. My money is still with Gordon Brown, marginally. He has Pluto crossing his Mid heaven this year, an indication of changes of power and career status, and Neptune crossing his Pisces Sun, sensational and visionary, in the two years following. His progressed Moon is approaching the Full. He is approaching a major climax in his life.
David Cameron's exact birth time is uncertain. What is certain is that Jupiter is conjunct his Saturn on May 6th 2010, which does suggest 'the bottom dropping out of his world', which can mean both a win or a loss ! Saturn in Libra, his Sun sign, transits his natal Sun in 2011. Either way his near future is beset with care and responsibility. All of these transits can be used as evidence either way in forecasting the election result. The astrological mood on election day, May 6th 2010, is 'rebellious' 'fixed' 'modern' and 'stubborn'.
Nick Clegg's birth time is more uncertain than David Cameron's. His birth chart is simi liar to Cameron's. He too has Jupiter over his natal Saturn in early May. His recent rise to popularity after the first TV leadership debate last Thursday coincided with benevolent Venus transits accentuating his earthy Capricornian quality.
Stay tuned for more astrological commentary on the UK election.
Monday April 19th 2010
At the time of writing Europe's airlines and airports are questioning the extent
of flight restrictions imposed because of volcanic ash from Iceland.
The funeral of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife has taken place,
with thousands paying respects in Krakow.
State of the skies:-This is the last day of the astrological month of Aries.
The Sun today reaches at 30 degrees Aires.
There are 60 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The Moon forms a tight mutable T-square with Saturn and Uranus from 08:00 to 10:30 GMT
The Moon sextiles the Sun at 10:22 GMT and becomes void of course.
She enters Cancer 11:40 GMT
Mercury turned retrograde on April 18th in mid Taurus. Mercury is square Mars again on April 25th. Mercury is in 'Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 28th. Mercury trines Pluto again on May 3rd and he turns direct on May 11th at 3 degrees Taurus. He trines Pluto again for a final time on May 19th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Taurus. She squares Neptune on April 23rd, sextiles Uranus and trines Saturn on April 24th and enters Gemini on April 25th.
Mars is moving direct in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Saturn and Uranus are applying in their 4th (out of 5) oppositions. This one peaks on April 26th 2010.
Tuesday April 20th 2010
Yesterday the EU eased a no-fly zone imposed after much of Europe's airspace was shut due to the spread of Icelandic volcano ash.
Two top leaders of the militant group al-Qaeda in Iraq were killed in a joint US-Iraqi security operation.
Today the Sun ingresses Taurus 04:30 GMT and a new astrological month begins.
Chiron enters Pisces (Chiron enters Pisces April 20th 2010, retrogrades back into Aquarius July 19th, then finally enters Pisces Feb 9th 2011 where he resides until April 17th 2018)
The crescent Moon waxes in Cancer.
This first day of Taurus is full of domestic and conserving energy.
Wednesday April 21st 2010
Yesterday half of all Europe's flights were back in the air, but more ash from Iceland's erupting volcano threatened to stall plans to reopen British airspace.
Another huge prominence blasted away from the sun yesterday, April 19th. The massive tendril of plasma was nearly a quarter the diameter of the sun itself .
The next James Bond film has been suspended "indefinitely" because of uncertainty over the future of the MGM studio.
Today the Moon makes reasonably easy aspects forming a brief but clear trapezium with Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn around from 01:30. She finally sextiles Saturn at 14:08 GMT and becomes void. She enters Leo at 15:43 GMT and is at fixed first quarter phase at 18:21 GMT at 2 degrees Leo.
There will be rich developments and a crisis of activity today. Things will move, but not as planned.
Saturn is opposing Uranus and Mercury is retrograde.
Strange days.
Thursday April 22nd 2010
Yesterday European skies reopened to flights after almost a week of paralysis caused by ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland and coinciding with Mercury turning retrograde.
US coast guards searched the Gulf of Mexico for at least 11 people missing after an explosion and fire on an oil rig.
On Thursday the rapidly waxing and accelerating Moon is conjunct Mars 07:19 GMT at 9 degrees Leo.
That is one punchy start to the (GMT) day. A day which then continues in resplendent form.
The day is a powerful one.
Friday April 23rd 2010
Yesterday three people were reported killed and scores hurt in Bangkok in
grenade attacks blamed on anti-government protesters.
US President Barack Obama attacked critics of his banking reforms, warning
that the financial crisis could be repeated.
Venus, although squaring Neptune today, is also easing the Saturn Uranus
opposition from now to April 25th
The very fast moving Leo Moon forms a fixed T-square with Neptune and Venus around 15:00 GMT, opposing Neptune at 15:36 GMT becoming void.
The Moon enters Virgo 18:25 GMT.
Venus squares Neptune 19:54 GMT.
The day has a confusing quality. Crazy scenes at its end.
Expect some turmoil on the money markets, uncertainty rules.
The advice given here is to plan a 'work focused' weekend.
Saturday April 24th 2010
During the first four hours of this (GMT) day the Moon. the Sun and Pluto form a healthy grand trine in Earth signs.
This is a good day, as long as you bear in mind that Mercury is retrograding, the Moon makes pleasant aspects, and Venus sextiles Uranus 02:06 GMT and trines Saturn 07:44 GMT.
Moon perigee 20:45 GMT
Sunday April 25th 2010
Moon gibbous phase 03:25 GMT at 20 degrees Virgo.
Venus enters Gemini 05:06 GMT.
Retrograding Mercury squares Mars 10:41 GMT.
The Sun trines Pluto 15:41 GMT.
The Moon opposes Uranus 18:09 GMT and is conjunct Saturn 18:22 GMT at which point she is void.
She enters Libra 20:18 GMT
Monday April 26th 2010
Yesterday Greece's talks with the IMF on emergency loans to finance its debt
were going well, its finance minister said.
A Darfuri tribe said 55 of its members died in a clash with south Sudanese soldiers,
but the south accuses the north of attacking.
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 7 degrees Taurus.
There are 53 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The almost full Moon sails high in Libra. The Full Moon peaks on Wednesday.
Mercury is currently an 'evening star' in his retrograde phase in mid Taurus.
Mercury is in 'Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on April 28th. Mercury trines Pluto again on May 3rd and he turns direct on May 11th at 3 degrees Taurus. He trines Pluto again for a final time on May 19th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Gemini. Venus sextiles Mars on May 7th, squares Saturn and Jupiter on 17th and 18th of May, trines Neptune on 18th May and squares Uranus on May 19th. She enters Cancer on May 20th. Affections are 'fickle' and 'light' and 'fancy free' during this time. Accompanied by Mars in Leo at the moment these can be playful times. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is moving direct and now picking up speed in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces today at 23: 27 GMT (this is the 4th hit, the first was on Nov 4th 2008, 2nd Feb 5th 2009, 3rd September 15th 2009, 4th April 26th 2010, final blast July 26th 2010)
Tuesday April 27th 2010
Yesterday Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir (born New Year's day 1947) was
declared the winner of this month's landmark polls, despite facing war crimes charges.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski, (born June 18th 1949) the twin brother of the Polish president
killed in a plane crash, is to run for office to replace him.
Today the gibbous, almost full fast moving Moon sailing through Libra trines Neptune
19:46 GMT and is void.
She steals into Scorpio 22:30 GMT.
The Walpurgis Full Moon is upon us, peaking tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12:20 GMT.
Wednesday April 28th 2010
Full Moon at 8 degrees Scorpio
at 12:20 GMT.
Yesterday in the midst of pre-full moon anxiety World markets slid as Greece's debt was downgraded to junk status amid fears over its economic crisis.
In a simi liar anxious atmosphere a smoke bomb was thrown in the Ukrainian parliament amid protests over the deal extending Russia's Black Sea fleet lease.
Today's Full Moon is the 4th Full Moon following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on 31st Dec. 2009 in Cancer and the penultimate Full Moon before Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 in Capricorn.
Today's Full Moon is opposite Mercury and square Mars. This is a difficult and an intense lunation.
After the Full Moon moment, Mercury is at Inferior conjunction 16:44 GMT. The Moon and Sun tighten into a fixed T-square with Mars. The Moon squares Mars 18:21 GMT.
Stay cool!
Thursday April 29th 2010
Yesterday's full moon in Scorpio coincided with a convoy of Thailand's red-shirt protesters clashing with troops in northern Bangkok, with a number of casualties reported. Tensions appear to be climaxing there.
The head of the IMF warned that the economic crisis in Greece could spread across Europe, as pressure grows on Germany to support a bail-out.
The US plans to set fire to an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after failed attempts to stem a leak from a sunken rig.
In the UK Gordon Brown was "mortified" after being caught on microphone describing someone he had just spoken to as a "bigoted woman". Gordon has Mars approaching a conjunction with his Leo Moon on May 1st and Jupiter conjunct his natal Piscean Venus on May 3rd. There is still all to play for.
Today the 'hung over Moon' wanes in Scorpio.
The sting of the full Moon has now been taken.
Friday April 30th 2010
The main world news story yesterday in the wake of the full moon in Scorpio was the US oil spill being designated as an "incident of national significance", as officials warned it will hit the coast within a day.
The European Union (EU) is on the verge of agreeing the details of an emergency plan to rescue Greece's economy.
Scientists have detected water-ice on the surface of an asteroid. The first-time observation was made on 24 Themis, a huge rock that orbits almost 480 million km out from the Sun. The researchers say that ice is not stable in such circumstances and has to be replenished by some means - perhaps from inside the object. They tell Nature magazine the finding plays into the theory that much of the water in Earth's oceans was delivered from space.
Today from 00:00 GMT the waning Moon eases the Saturn Uranus opposition and trines Uranus 00:40 GMT becoming void.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 02:36 GMT.
A rip roaring Friday is then in store.
A veritable barrage of expressive outpourings can be expected.
May 2010
Saturday May 1st 2010
The month starts with the Sun and a retrograde Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini and Mars in mid Leo. After a relatively quiet start this month has in store a complex set of planetary dynamics from 16th to about the 22nd.
Today the Moon wanes in Sagittarius.
The only planetary aspect in the skies this weekend is the Taurus Sun starting to applying in fixed square to Mars in Leo. Massive clashes of 'will and purpose' can be expected over the next few days.
Sunday May 2nd 2010
Moon at disseminating phase 27 degrees Sagittarius 03:38 GMT.
From 07:00 to 08:00 the Moon forms a mutable T-square with Saturn and Uranus.
The Moon squares Uranus at 08:08 GMT and becomes void.
She enters Capricorn at 10:00 GMT.
The Sun and the Moon together with Mercury Saturn and Pluto are in earth signs.
Realism rules.
The Sun is applying to a square aspect with Mars which lasts for three days.
Clashes of will are likey.
Monday May 3rd 2010
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 14 degrees Taurus, and he
squares Mars tomorrow. There are 46 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The Moon is very slowly waning in Capricorn. She hits last quarter phase
on Thursday, the UK election day. The next New Moon, in Taurus is on May 14th
Mercury is currently an 'morning star' in his retrograde phase in mid Taurus,
turning direct on May 11th.
Mercury trines Pluto at 12:09 GMT today. He trines Pluto again for a final time on May 19th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Gemini. Venus sextiles Mars on May 7th, squares Saturn and Jupiter on 17th and 18th of May, trines Neptune on 18th May and squares Uranus on May 19th. She enters Cancer on May 20th. Affections are 'fickle' and 'light' and 'fancy free' during this time. Accompanied by Mars in Leo at the moment these can be playful times. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is moving direct and now picking up speed in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
More importantly Jupiter is now less than five degrees from his conjunction with Uranus, the first of which occurs on June 5th 2010 at zero Aries. Currently Saturn, retrograding in late Virgo is opposing these two.
A new planetary wave approaches.
Tuesday May 4th 2010
Yesterday Oil giant BP said it is "absolutely responsible" for cleaning up the
massive oil spill off the US Gulf of Mexico coast.
Police made "substantial progress" in investigating a failed car bomb attack
in New York.
Germany's cabinet backed a eurozone and IMF bail-out of Greece, which
amounts to 22.4bn euros over three years.
Lynn Redgrave, star of film and stage, died of breast cancer at the age of 67 at her home in the US.
Today the Taurus Sun squares Mars in Leo 13:09 GMT.
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Uranus and is void from 19:07 GMT.
The Moon enters Aquarius at 20:52 GMT
Wednesday May 5th 2010
Yesterday Welders in Louisiana were working against the clock to build a giant iron funnel for BP in a bid to halt the huge spill from a Gulf of Mexico well. The 98-tonne, dome-topped box being built by steel workers is to be ready on Wednesday and may be shipped to the site by the end of the week.
The spill began after an explosion and a rupture in the pipe on April 20th, the first day of the month of Taurus, and incidentally on the day Chiron entered Pisces.
Greek public sector workers stormed the Acropolis and scuffled with riot police during a strike against austerity measures.
Today the Moon wanes and is slowly approaching Last Quarter phase in Aquarius.
At 14:46 GMT the Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. We are then exactly midway between the Vernal Equinox and the Cancer Solstice.
Thursday May 6th 2010
Yesterday at least three people were killed in Greece as protesters set fire to
a bank building during a general strike over austerity measures.
UK General Election day.
Mercury is in his retrograde period, which does suggest a 'hung parliament' with people changing their minds at a re-run election some time in the future. Gordon Brown is however a Pisces subject. Both Uranus and Jupiter are currently in 'his' sign. The progressed Moon of the UK is also in Pisces. In 2011 Neptune enters Pisces. The 'emotional base' mood of the UK is certainly Piscean at the moment.
There are big astrological changes after the election. In late May and early June 2010 both Uranus and Jupiter enter Aries, and set the scene for a very powerful planetary Cardinal Cross with Pluto and Saturn in July and August this year. This forthcoming 'electric planetary whip lash' might be an indication of a Cameron victory at the polls today.
Astrologically this UK election is too close to call. Most astrologers are hedging their bet with a Conservative victory. My money is still with Gordon Brown, marginally. He has Pluto crossing his Mid heaven this year, an indication of changes of power and career status, and Neptune crossing his Pisces Sun, in the two years following, which is both sensational and visionary. His progressed Moon is approaching the Full. He is certainly approaching a major climax in his life.
David Cameron's exact birth time is uncertain. What is certain is that Jupiter is conjunct his Saturn on May 6th 2010, which does suggest 'the bottom dropping out of his world', which can mean both a win or a loss ! Saturn in Libra, his Sun sign, transits his natal Sun in 2011. Either way his near future is beset with care and responsibility. All of these transits can be used as evidence either way in forecasting the election result.
Nick Clegg's birth time is more uncertain than David Cameron's. His birth chart is similar to Cameron's. He too has Jupiter over his natal Saturn in early May.
From 02:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT the Moon forms a Fixed T-square with the Sun and Mars.
At 02:23 GMT the Moon, the Earth and Mars are linearly aligned (41 minute arc).
The very slow Moon hits last quarter 16 degrees Aquarius 04:15GMT.
In the UK the polls open after a difficult night.
The Moon then continues to decelerate to a conjunction with Neptune which occurs tomorrow.
The mood of this day is 'fixed' 'rebellious' and 'stubborn'.
Traditional allegiances will be adhered to.
Moon apogee 22:01 GMT
Friday May 7th 2010
Important times.
Greece's parliament voted in favour of austerity measures, as police used
tear gas to disperse protesters outside.
US stockmarkets have plunged in New York as concerns about high levels of
European government debt continued to shake investor confidence.
Many people alive today possess some Neanderthal ancestry, according to a
landmark scientific study.
In the UK, as the old Moon appplies to a conjunction with Neptune, a cloud of uncertainty hangs regarding the political future.
Stand by.
More to follow.
The eta Aquarid meteor shower, caused by dust from Halley's Comet, peaks this year on May 7th. The shower is strongest over the southern hemisphere, where observers could see more than 30 meteors per hour despite the bright light of a waning half Moon. No matter where you live, the best time to look is during the hours before local sunrise on Friday
The Moon is conjunct Neptune at 06:37 GMT and becomes void of course.
She slips into Pisces 09:34 GMT.
Venus in Gemini sextiles Mars in Leo 21:55 GMT.
Saturday May 8th 2010
Listen and tell your family and friends. Mercury is still retrograding.
Currently Jupiter is approaching a conjunction with Uranus at the
end of the sign Pisces almost on the Aries cusp. Opposite this
wondrous conjunction is Saturn in late Virgo, teaching, tempering,
testing. Major changes are at hand. A new level of shared experienc ,
a new wave, and a new situation is nigh.
The situation will intensify in the weeks ahead, throughout May, June,
July and August 2010. The new vibration will manifest, and then repeat in 2011, when Uranus finally enters and resides in Aries.
Today the old slow Moon wanes in Pisces, Gordon Brown's sign. Jupiter and Uranus are in this sign too, for a few more weeks.
In response to this new wave influence described above, there is insecurity and mild panic in the collective heart. Shares in the US and Europe are falling amid investor fears over Greek debt, and sterling is slumping during the British general election debacle.
The 'astrological relationship chart' of of Brown/ Clegg looks more interesting that of Cameron/ Clegg.
A giant funnel is positioned above a blown-out oil well in the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico in an attempt to contain leaking oil.
The beat goes on, and 'the unfortunately named'
The Daze
shines on.
Sunday May 9th 2010
EU finance ministers will discuss establishing a new "stabilisation mechanism" to prevent the Greek debt crisis from spreading.
A 7.4 magnitude earthquake has has hit off the coast of the Indonesian province of Aceh, triggering a local tsunami alert.
In the UK Senior Conservatives and Liberal Democrats are to hold more talks in a bid to agree terms for a power-sharing government.
Today the Moon is conjunct Jupiter 12:32 GMT at 25 degrees Pisces.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus at 20:13 GMT at 29 degrees Pisces. The Moon is then void.
She ignites into Aries 21:30 GMT.
Monday May 10th 2010
The US has evidence Pakistan's Taliban were behind a car bomb plot in New York's Times Square, the attorney general yesterday said.
In the UK we all await the outcome of power sharing talks between Liberals and Conservatives.
State of the skies:-The Sun today reaches at 20 degrees Taurus. There are 40 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The slow moving but accelerating Moon reaches balsamic phase 06:17 GMT 4 degrees Aries.
The next New Moon, in Taurus, is on May 14th.
Mercury is currently an 'morning star' in his retrograde phase in mid Taurus,
turning direct tomorrow. He trines Pluto for a third and final time on May 19th. Mercury returns to 'full speed' on May 27th and reaches 'new territory on May 30th, trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Gemini. Venus squares Saturn and Jupiter on 17th and 18th of May, trines Neptune on 18th May and squares Uranus on May 19th. She enters Cancer on May 20th. Affections are 'fickle' and 'light' and 'fancy free' during this time. Accompanied by Mars in Leo at the moment these can be playful times. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is moving direct and now picking up speed in Leo. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
More importantly Jupiter is now less than four degrees from his conjunction with Uranus, the first of which occurs on June 5th 2010 at zero Aries. Currently Saturn, retrograding in late Virgo is opposing these two.
Uranus ingresses Aries on May 28th.
A big planetary wave approaches. Major changes are at hand. A new level of shared experience ,
a new wave, and a new situation is nigh. The situation will intensify in the weeks ahead, throughout May, June,
July and August 2010. The new vibration will manifest, and then repeat in 2011, when Uranus finally enters and resides in Aries.
Tuesday May 11th 2010
Mercury is stationary, turning direct 22:22 GMT at 3 degrees Taurus.
The Moon wanes In Aries.
Gordon Brown yesterday said he is to step down as leader of the Labour Party and has asked the search for a successor to be started. His party opened formal talks with the Lib Dems about forming a government. Mr Brown, prime minister since 2007, said he hoped a successor as Labour leader would be in place by September. In keeping with Mercury being apparently motionless, the whole of the United Kingdom 'hovers', awaiting the decisions and outcomes of the General Election's aftermath.
The Nick Clegg/David Cameron astrological relationship chart has no air in it. Communication between the two will not be easy. There is no 'shared mind' there. There is however a grand trine in Fire, with the Sun in Sagittarius, the Moon in Aries and Jupiter in Leo. I suppose this might set champagne corks popping, but a nitty gritty, devil in the detail, conjunction of Mars Uranus and Pluto in Virgo is held in check by Saturn in Pisces. The chart has spirit and impulse but energy is tempered and restricted by a deep rooted Saturn.
The Nick Clegg/ Gordon Brown relationship chart has plenty of Earth and Air. An Aquarius Sun and a Libran Moon set a amicable backdrop to a rather unmovable rigid planetary T-square involving Venus Mars and Jupiter. The New Moon on Friday of this week hits the Mars in the chart.
As I said we await the decisions.
Yesterday global stock markets jumped after Europe agreed measures to try to stop the Greek debt crisis affecting other countries.
At least 72 people, including 30 workers at a clothes factory, were killed in a series of bombings and shootings across Iraq.
Wednesday May 12th 2010
Britain has a new prime minister.
This astrological chart is that of the moment that David Cameron left Buckingham Palace as Prime Minister of the UK.
The moment is taken as the symbolic start of the new government.
The date is exactly two calendar months from a Total Solar Eclipse. Major changes are ahead. The time in Westminster is exactly Sunset. The heart and purpose of this government will be concerned with relationships. Scorpio rises, the ascendant degree is on the Saturn/Lunar Node midpoint, (hindrances from associations!) applying in trine aspect to a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. Virgo culminates on the Jupiter Neptune midpoint, rather lacking in clarity. An old Moon in Aries on the Venus/Neptune midpoint (rather illusionary, dreamy and dependant on the moods of others) and applies in sextile aspect to Neptune and is eight hours from forming a tight 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Neptune. A fateful event can be expected.
Venus aligns to Baghdad, the Lunar node to Kabul.
Globally Mars is on the Uranus Pluto midpoint, a very destructive combination. Saturn is rising at Washington DC, serious issues with the USA can be expected. This astrological chart is the product of an old cycle. The Moon is really old and approaching a really difficult situation. Retrograding Mercury is just under three hours from his station. Even at the very start of this administration there is still doubt and confusion regarding the nature of the pact with the Liberal Democrats.
Minds will change.
Today around 04:12 GMT the Moon forms a dangerous 'finger of fate; with Neptune and Saturn.
The old Moon is void in Aries from this moment.
She enters Taurus 06:49 GMT and is conjunct the newly direct Mercury at 11:47 GMT at 3 degrees Taurus.
The day that follows is deeply rooted in finance, productivity and structure.
Thursday May 13th 2010
The astrological chart above is that of the relationship chart of Nick Clegg and David Cameron. This is set for the midpoint in time and space of their respective birth data. (Please be aware we do not have exact birth times for both these men but some very interesting and useful pointers emerge). Note the triangle, in fire signs. Sun just burst forth in Sagittarius, the Moon in fast moving 'all of a sudden' Aries and Jupiter in 'champagne corks a-popping as the big picture is contemplated' Leo.This is indicative of a spontaneous, creative enterprising and flamboyant relationship. See also Mars conjunct Uranus and Pluto in Virgo opposed by Saturn in Pisces. This is a dynamic and explosive planetary pattern. its symbolism contains suddenness, volatility and brittleness, held in check by and in harness by a solemn and responsible Saturn in Pisces. The Saturn opposition to Pluto component of this pattern represents a deep and unavoidable power struggle. In this chart there is no planet in an air sign. This relationship has a suffocating quality. It is grainy hot and steamy but it lacks oxygen.
Mars in virgo works very hard and attends to every detail. Venus in Sagittarius is open, honest and direct. Mercury in Scorpio is penetrating, practical and adamant. This relationship has to work, and it may last a fair while, but there will be great tests of strength, for example this year 2010 Uranus opposes the relationship Mars, this manifested in the Spring and repeats in the Autumn, and in 2011 a year from now when Pluto squares the chart's probable Moon and Neptune squares the chart's Sun, and in 2012 when Uranus in Aries contacts the chart's Moon and Jupiter opposes the chart's Sun.
Yesterday as Cameron and Clegg were patting each other on the back in the rose garden of number 10 a child aged about 10 was the only survivor of a plane crash at Tripoli airport in Libya which killed more than 100 people.
A new container dome was placed beside the damaged oil well polluting the Gulf of Mexico since a drilling rig disaster,
Seven children and two adults were hacked to death at a kindergarten in China, the latest in a series of school attacks.
A super massive black hole may have been observed in the process of being hurled from its parent galaxy at high speed.
Today the ancient but accelerating Moon fizzles out in Taurus.
Friday May 14th 2010
New Moon
23 degrees Taurus
01:05 GMT
This New Moon is the fourth one following the Annular Solar Eclipse on January 15th 2010, and the penultimate New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
This New Moon falls directly on the natal Sun of Cate Blanchett, Jack Bruce, Israel Independence, and that of one of the proposed charts of Osama Bin Laden.
It also falls square the UK national chart Saturn.
The Sun and Moon are rising over Iran and setting over Mexico at the moment of New Moon.
The infant Moon sextiles Uranus at 12:29 GMT and becomes void.
She breezes into Gemini 13:19 GMT.
Saturday May 15th 2010
The baby Moon waxes and accelerates in Gemini.
Venus is now forming a mutable T-square with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus which extends for 7 days.
The week ahead holds new challenges. Adjustments will have to be made. Unlooked for events will occur.
As this day draws on the Moon draws closer and closer to an almost exact alignment with Venus in Gemini which peaks tomorrow. In the light of this sweet and flirtatious conjunction today has a merry potential.
There is a quickening.
Sunday May 16th 2010
The Moon aligns to Venus (within 5' of arc) at 10:17 GMT at 26 degrees Gemini, forming at that time a mutable T-square with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
The Moon squares Uranus 17:07 GMT and becomes void of course.
She enters Cancer at 17:47 GMT
Monday May 17th 2010
Thai officials have ruled out UN-backed mediation in an increasingly violent
dispute with anti-government protesters on the streets of Bangkok.
A protest leader suggested the talks, but a government spokesman was quick
to rebuff the offer, saying outside groups should not interfere.
At least 29 people have died since Thursday, when soldiers and police moved in
to shift the demonstrators.
The protesters, known as red-shirts, have been camped in Bangkok for months.
They want Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to resign and call a new election.
The Sun today reaches at 27 degrees Taurus. There are 33 days to the Cancer Solstice.
The accelerating Moon reaches her crescent phase 13:38 GMT 12 degrees Cancer.
Mercury is currently a 'morning star' and is now picking up speed after his recent retrograde phase in mid Taurus. He trines Pluto for a third and final time on May 19th and returns to 'full speed' on May 27th, reaching 'new territory' on May 30th. Mercury trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Gemini. Venus is about to square the current Jupiter Uranus opposite saturn configuration. Venus makes a mutable waxing square aspect with Jupiter 10:57 GMT today and Venus squares Saturn tomorrow the 18th of May, trining Neptune also tomorrow 18th and squaring Uranus the day after. She enters Cancer on May 20th. Affections have been 'fickle' and 'light' and 'fancy free' during the time of Venus in Gemini ; accompanied by Mars in Leo at the moment these can be playful times. However the mutable t-square of the next few days will bring forth some regret.
Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is moving direct in Leo, drawing near to Regulus. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
More importantly Jupiter is now less than three degrees from his conjunction with Uranus, the first of which occurs on June 5th 2010 at zero Aries. Currently Saturn, retrograding in late Virgo is opposing these two.
Uranus ingresses Aries on May 28th.
A big planetary wave approaches. Major changes are at hand. A new level of shared experience ,
a new wave, and a new situation is nigh. The situation will intensify in the weeks ahead, throughout May, June,
July and August 2010. The new vibration will manifest, and then repeat in 2011, when Uranus finally enters and resides in Aries.
Tuesday May 18th 2010
Yesterday the UN urged Thai protesters and the government to negotiate an end
to the political crisis which has claimed dozens of lives.
The Large Hadron Collider could soon be exploring a domain where new
sub-atomic particles are predicted to exist.
The complex stuff starts here!
Venus, Saturn and Uranus are today in tight mutable T-square.
and there are a lot of planetary aspects over the next 48 hours.
These are 'astrologically busy' times. Expect events!
The Taurus Sun sextiles Jupiter in Pisces 00:42 GMT
The Moon in Cancer trines Uranus at 20:36 GMT and becomes void of course.
She marches into Leo 21:07 GMT
Venus trines Neptune 22:13 GMT.
Wednesday May 19th 2010
Yesterday A draft resolution on Iran sanctions was agreed by Russia, China and the US.
A car bomber killed 18 people including five US soldiers in the deadliest attack this year on foreign troops in Kabul.
Today the Sun 'earth trines' Saturn 00:27 GMT.
The fast moving waxing Moon enters Leo 01:05 GMT and begins a 30 hour application to a conjunction with Mars.
The Sun 'fixed squares' Neptune 18:15 GMT
Mercury 'earth trines' Pluto 18:41 GMT.
Venus 'mutable squares' Uranus 19:41.
There continues a veritable riot of astrological energies at work today, serving as a prelude to powerful changes ahead.
Stay tuned.
Thursday May 20th 2010
Yesterday Thailand's authorities put the capital Bangkok under curfew after red-shirt protest leaders surrendered to troops storming their barricades. Some 20 fires were burning across the city of 15 million after the surrender and pockets of resistance remained despite pleas from leaders to go home. Some 40 people have died since troops ringed the protesters last week, with at least six more deaths on Wednesday.
South Korea's foreign minister says it is "obvious" that North Korea sank a South Korean naval ship in March.
Yu Myung-hwan said there was enough evidence to take the issue to the United Nations.
World stock markets fell after Germany introduced a ban on short-selling of some financial products - spooking markets.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Taurus.
Venus enters Cancer 01:05 GMT today and resides there for a brief 25 days.
Venus opposes Pluto on May 24th and sextiles Saturn on June 26th.
Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo on June 14th.
Venus in Cancer is 'a deep seated feeling of love'. After the frivolous venus in gemini of previous weeks this placement is a lot more ardent.
The Moon is at perigee (fastest all month) 08:48 GMT
The Moon is conjunct Mars 08:52 GMT at 21 degrees Leo.
The Sun sextiles Uranus 21:48 GMT.
The Moon is at first quarter 23:44 GMT 30 degrees Leo and is void from that moment.
The Moon enters Virgo 23:59 GMT
Friday May 21st 2010
Yesterday it was reported that scientists in the US have succeeded in
developing the first synthetic living cell. The researchers constructed a
bacterium's "genetic software" and transplanted it into a host cell.
The resulting microbe then looked and behaved like the species "dictated"
by the synthetic DNA. The advance, published in Science, has been hailed
as a scientific landmark, but critics say there are dangers posed by synthetic
organisms. The researchers hope eventually to design bacterial cells that will
produce medicines and fuels and even absorb greenhouse gases.
In a surprising development that has transformed the appearance of the solar system's largest planet, one of Jupiter's two main cloud belts has completely disappeared. Get the full story from Science@NASA.
Today the Sun enters Gemini 03:34 GMT and a new astrological month starts.
The Sun and the Moon together with Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn are then in mutable signs.
Change is in the air, as are movement and transmission.
From 08:00 to 11:00 GMT the Moon forms an earthy grand trine with Mercury and Pluto.
Saturday May 22nd 2010
A plane has crashed on landing in the southern Indian city of Mangalore, with about 160 people feared dead.
Air India Express said there were eight survivors among the 160 passengers and six crew on board its Boeing 737 arriving from Dubai. The plane overshot the hilltop runway as it tried to land and burst into flames in a forested valley beyond. The airline said the plane overshot the runway as it came into land at about 0600 (0030 GMT) and crashed into a wooded valley.
Jupiter and Uranus are opposite Saturn. This explains everything that is going on right now.
Today the rapidly waxing Moon in Virgo opposes Jupiter 23:10 GMT and is conjunct Saturn at 23:15 GMT.
A work oriented day. Devil in the detail. Precise, methodical but shallow.
Sunday May 23rd 2010
The Moon opposes Uranus 02:34 GMT and is void.
She sails into Libra 02:50 GMT
Jupiter in Pisces opposite Saturn in Virgo 05:34 GMT, (1st May 23rd 2010, 2nd August 16th 2010, Final blast March 28th 2011)
From 09:00 to 12:00 GMT the Moon forms a cardinal T-square with Saturn, Venus and Pluto.
Monday May 24th 2010
The Sun today is at 3 degrees Gemini. There are 27 days to the Solstice.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 09:50 GMT at 18 degrees Libra.
Mercury is currently a 'morning star' and is now nearly up to full apparent speed after his recent retrograde phase in mid Taurus. He is at 'full speed' on May 27th, reaching 'new territory' on May 30th. Mercury trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Cancer. Venus opposes Pluto 03:12 GMT today, and sextiles Saturn on June 26th.
Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo on June 14th. Venus in Cancer is 'a deep seated feeling of love'. After the frivolous Venus in Gemini of previous weeks this placement is a lot more ardent. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is moving direct in Leo, drawing near to Regulus. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
More importantly Jupiter is now less than two degrees from his conjunction with Uranus, the first of which occurs on June 5th 2010 at zero Aries. Currently Saturn, retrograding in late Virgo is opposing these two.
Uranus ingresses Aries on May 28th.
A big planetary wave approaches. Major changes are close at hand. A new level of shared experience ,
a new wave, and a new situation is nigh. The situation will intensify in the weeks ahead, throughout May, June,
July and August 2010. The new vibration will manifest, and then repeat in 2011, when Uranus finally enters and resides in Aries.
Tuesday May 25th 2010
Yesterday the US announced joint naval exercises with Seoul after a report blamed North Korea for the sinking of a Southern warship.
Two police officers were killed and six others wounded by gunmen during unrest in Jamaica's capital, Kingston.
Today the gibbous Moon in Libra trines Neptune and is void from 04:01 GMT
The Moon squeezes into Scorpio 06:18 GMT
What follows is a day with a mood of increasing intensity.
Wednesday May 26th 2010
Yesterday at least 27 people, mostly civilians, died in gun battles in Jamaica, as the hunt
continued for a suspected drug lord. The Jamaican National Astrological chart has Saturn
and Uranus/Jupiter bearing down on Venus now and in the Autumn.
Trouble is brewing in the far east as North Korea is to sever all ties with the South as
tensions escalate over the sinking of a South Korean ship.
European stock markets closed sharply lower yesterday after a day of continued
global fears about eurozone debt problems.
Today the Moon waxes to the Full in Scorpio.
Today is intense and penetrative.
Thursday May 27th 2010
A coronal mass ejection (movie) is heading for Earth and it could spark geomagnetic storms when it arrives on May 27th or 28th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
BP says an attempt to plug its leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico with mud and cement is under way.
The international community must respond in the growing crisis over the sinking of a South Korean warship, the US says.
At least 44 people have died during fighting between police and gunmen in the current anti-drug offensive in Kingston Jamaica.
These are the current news stories as the nearly full moon starts the day in Scorpio, trines Uranus and is void from 11:14 GMT.
She enters Sagittarius 11:16 GMT.
Full Moon 7 degrees Sagittarius
23:08 GMT
Today's Full Moon is the 5th Full Moon following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on 31st Dec. 2009 in Cancer and the ultimate Full Moon before Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 in Capricorn.
With the passing of this Full Moon we are entering a new eclipse season.
A major feature of this Full Moon is the fact that at the exact moment of Full Moon Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn are aligned to Korea. Note also Pluto setting at Beijing.
Friday May 28th 2010
Uranus first enters Aries 01:48 today.
A momentous ingress.
Except for the period Aug 14th 2010 to March 12th 2011the planet Uranus will be in Aries until May 16th 2018.
This period which starts today will be characterised by a surge of rebellious revolutionary energy and a flash fire of sudden, inventive, scientific and incendiary spirit.
Changes will occur suddenly like a thunderbolt from the gods. This ingress serves as a trigger and cosmic wake up call.
The last time this occurred was in the pre war years 1927 to 1935 and corresponded with the stock market crash, the rise of the Nazi party, the rise of Stalin and of Mao TseTung and the rapid development and expansion of 20th century technology and industry.
Hold on to your Hollyhocks Daze readers. Sudden unlooked for changes are at hand. The message is one of 'personal and social liberation'.
Today the 'hung over' full Moon sweeps through Sagittarius.
Saturday May 29th 2010
Nearly 190 nations have agreed to hold a conference on a nuclear-weapons-free
Middle East, as Israel is singled out.
China faces pressure to censure North Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship,
at a three-nation summit with Japan.
Today the Moon, Jupiter, Uranus form a mutable T-square from 16:00 to 19:00.
The Moon in Sagittarius squares Jupiter 16:40, becomes void, and ingresses Capricorn 18:44.
Sunday May 30th 2010
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 03:49 at 5 degrees Capricorn.
Saturn is stationary turning direct 17:04 GMT.
Monday May 31st 2010
The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the worst environmental disaster the US has faced,
a senior official yesterday said.
The Sun today is at 10 degrees Gemini. There are 20 days to the Solstice.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 19:43 GMT 25 degrees Capricorn.
The next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 in Capricorn.
We are therefore in the foothills of a new eclipse season which culminates with
a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
Mercury is currently a 'morning star' in Taurus and is now up to full apparent speed.
Mercury trines Saturn on June 8th, squares Neptune on June 9th finally entering Gemini on June 10th.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Cancer. Venus sextiles Saturn on June 26th.
Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo on June 14th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is moving direct in Leo, drawing near to Regulus. Mars is opposite to Neptune in Aquarius on June 4th 2010. Mars will be in Leo right up to June 7th 2010.
More importantly Jupiter is now less than one degree from his conjunction with Uranus, the first of which occurs on June 5th 2010 at zero Aries. Currently Saturn, retrograding in late Virgo is opposing these two.
Uranus ingressed Aries on May 28th.
Neptune turns retrograde 13:20 GMT
A big planetary wave approaches. Major changes are close at hand. A new level of shared experience ,
a new wave, and a new situation is nigh. The situation will intensify in the weeks ahead, throughout May, June,
July and August 2010. The new vibration will manifest, and then repeat in 2011, when Uranus finally enters and resides in Aries.
June 2010
June 5-6, 2010: Things really heat up starting in mid May, as Saturn opposes Jupiter and Uranus. Then, Uranus enters Aries and, a few days later, is joined by the Moon and Jupiter at exactly 0° Aries. Meanwhile, Pluto is at 4°+ Capricorn and Saturn is at 28° Virgo, forming a T-square with the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. Mars at 29°+ Leo (conjunct Regulus) opposes Neptune and Chiron. This seems to me to have the potential for a major popular movement (at best) or an armed revolt (at worst). The key is to channel all this energy in constructive ways. Mountain Astrologer
As the month begins, the Sun is isolated in Gemini, Jupiter and Uranus are applying to their conjunct and are within two degrees of an opposition to Saturn
Mars is in Leo, Mercury Taurus. Venus is in Cancer.
Big things are stirring and starting up. We have before us Jupiter's ingress into Aries on June 6th forming a conjunction there with Uranus, an eclipse season followed by a Cardinal Grand Cross on August 7th, read on.
Tuesday June 1st 2010
The Moon in Capricorn sextiles Jupiter 03:42 and is void, the Moon at this time is easing the big opposition in the skies right now.
A slowly decelerating waning Moon enters Aquarius 05:08 GMT.
Wednesday June 2nd 2010
The Moon very slowly wanes in Aquarius.
Thursday June 3rd 2010
The Moon opposes Mars 13:43, is conjunct Neptune at 29 Aquarius at 14:56, reaches apogee 16:55 GMT, and enters Pisces 17:34.
Friday June 4th 2010
Mars opposes Neptune 17:53 GMT
The Moon hits last quarter 22:14 GMT 14 degrees Pisces
Saturday June 5th 2010
The waning Moon slowly accelerates in Pisces.
Sunday June 6th 2010
We rarely see a good comet when it's at its best. Most comets are brightest when nearest the Sun — just when they’re most likely to be hidden in the Sun’s glare or below the sunrise or sunset horizon.
That's the situation this spring with Comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught). Even so, observers in the Northern Hemisphere should be able to pick it up with telescopes, and possibly binoculars, just before dawn for at least part of June, during its runup in brightness.
On June 6th and 7th it’s within about 2° of the 2nd-magnitude double star Gamma Andromedae. The Moon is much thinner then, but also closer to the comet.
Tune into this one!
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 05:50 at 30 degrees Pisces. She is then void of course.
One minute later at 05:51 GMT, the Moon enters Aries.
The Moon is then conjunct Uranus at zero Aries, 06:20 GMT,
Jupiter then enters Aries 06:27 GMT.
During this brief episode the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus are opposite Saturn.
Monday June 7th 2010
The Sun today reaches 17 degrees Gemini. There are then just 13 days to the Solstice.
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Aries. Also in Aries are Jupiter and Uranus.
The next New Moon is on Saturday. The next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse
on June 26th 2010 in Capricorn. We are in a new eclipse season which culminates with
a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
Mercury is currently a 'morning star' in Taurus. Mercury trines Saturn tomorrow June 8th,
squares Neptune on June 9th and enters Gemini on June 10th.
From today for 4 days Mercury joins in and activates a Fixed T-square
involving Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn. These are important days.
Venus is the bright 'evening star' in Cancer. Venus leaves Cancer and enters Leo on
June 14th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars enters Virgo 06:11 GMT today joining Saturn in that sign. Mars is squared by Mercury on June 11th, Mars trines Pluto on June 15th, Mars is sextiled by Mercury on July 1st, and sextiled by an eclipsed Sun on July 11th. Mars enters Libra on July 29th and is opposite Uranus on July 30th, and conjunct Saturn on July 31st, opposite Jupiter and square Pluto on August 4th.
Jupiter is in close conjunction with Uranus at zero Aries. Currently Saturn, retrograding in late Virgo is opposing these two.
Tuesday June 8th 2010
A fresh comet is swinging through the inner solar system, and it is brightening rapidly as it approaches the sun. Presenting, Comet McNaught (C/2009 R1).
Michael Jäger of Stixendorf, Austria, took the picture on June 6th using an 8-inch telescope. The comet's green atmosphere is larger than the planet Jupiter, while the long willowy ion tail stretches more than a million kilometers through space. These dimensions make the comet a fine target for backyard telescopes.
Comet McNaught can be found low in the northeastern sky before dawn gliding through the constellation Perseus. It is brightening as it approaches Earth for a 1.1 AU close encounter on June 15th and 16th. Currently, the comet is at the threshold of naked eye visibility (5th to 6th magnitude) and could become as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper (2nd magnitude) before the end of the month. Estimates are uncertain, however, because this comet is a newcomer to the inner solar system, and thus somewhat unpredictable.
The Israeli astrological chart had its Mars return last week and transiting Pluto is opposite natal Venus as transiting Neptune is opposite natal Mars. These factors explain the current situation regarding the country and its offensive actions of the past week in the seas around Gaza where nine pro-Palestinian activists died in an Israeli raid on an aid flotilla trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza. Yesterday it was reported that Israel's navy had shot and killed four Palestinians wearing diving gear off the Gaza coast.
From today for five days Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus form a striking planetary trapezium.
A very complex astrological situation is upon us.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus 0 degrees Aries, 11:46 GMT, a tight 26 minute orb. This is the first of 3. The second is on September 19th 2010, and the final blast Jan 4th 2011.
The Moon in Aries is sextile Neptune at 13:14 GMT at 29 degrees Aquarius and is then void of course.
The Moon enters Taurus 15:42 GMT and reaches balsamic phase 21:14 GMT 3 degrees Taurus
Mercury 'earth trines' Saturn 23:14 GMT.
A very 'practically based' end to the day is forecast.
Wednesday June 9th 2010
Three days to a New Moon.
Strange news item:-The Iranian government says it has evidence that one of its
nuclear scientists was abducted and is being held in the US against his will.
Shahram Amiri disappeared a year ago while on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.
A video broadcast by Iranian TV purports to show Mr Amiri saying he was
kidnapped and is living in Arizona.
Hours later, another video posted on YouTube appeared to show the scientist
saying he was happy in America. The US denied abducting him.
I cannot find any birth data for this man.
At least two tonnes of cocaine with a street value of some $1bn have been seized
in The Gambia, destined for Europe.
A strong 5th harmonic wave breaks today. Amid all the current planetary 'high dynamics' three 'quintiles' are at work. Quintiles have a transforming quality.
Mercury squares Neptune 10:39 GMT, but confusion reigns.
The Moon wanes in Taurus. It's all down to what you can have and what you can hold.
Thursday June 10th 2010
17 days to a Partial Lunar Eclipse.
Yesterday the UN Security Council voted in favour of a fourth round of sanctions
against Iran over its controversial nuclear programme.
Four American soldiers are killed after their helicopter is shot down in Helmand
province in southern Afghanistan.
The current planetary dynamics continue unabated.
Mercury enters Gemini 05:41 GMT joining the Sun in that sign.
On entering Gemini Mercury immediately sextiles Uranus 10:28 GMT today,
and sextiles Jupiter 13:42 GMT today.
He will whiz through Gemini in 15 days, squaring Mars on June 11th, squaring
Saturn and trining Neptune on June 24th. He enters Cancer on June 25th.
Superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun occurs on June 28th.
Mercury next turns retrograde on Aug 20th in Virgo.
Mercury in Gemini is a period of intense messaging and dialogue.
Also today the Taurus Moon squares Neptune and is void 19:51 GMT.
The old Moon enters Gemini 22:12 GMT hot on Mercury's trail.
Friday June 11th 2010
The Moon hooks into the planetary trapezium being in conjunction with Mercury 00:33 at 1 degree Gemini.
Also a tight 'Finger of fate' is forming. Over the next three days Venus, Saturn and Neptune form such a picture.
Mercury squares Mars 13:28 GMT
On the eve of a New Moon amid great astrological turbulence the 2010 FIFA World Cup commences.
2010 FIFA World Cup 11th June to11th July 2010
South Africa.
Saturday June 12th 2010
New Moon at 21 degrees Gemini
11:16 GMT
quintile Mars
Today's New Moon is the fifth one following the Annular Solar Eclipse on January 15th 2010, and the ultimate New Moon before the Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
With the passing of this New Moon we are in a new eclipse season.
The New Moon today falls directly on the natal Pluto of the UK Labour Party, the natal Uranus of Bill Clinton (and his generation), the natal Saturn of Mick Jagger and Jimmy Page, the natal Jupiter of Ian Duncan Smith and Kim Basinger, the natal Mars of the USA, the natal Venus of David Beckham, George Papandreou, the Iraq republic chart and the Cameron Government chart. It also falls on the natal Sun of super model Adriana Lima, Roy Harper, Boy George and that of the Philippines independence.
At the exact moment of New Moon (11:16 GMT), the Sun and Moon are aligned to the Midheaven of Oslo, they rise over central America and hit Dallas. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is aligned to the Midheaven of La Paz and the pair set at Krakow. Pluto rises over South Korea.
At the time of this New Moon, Venus in Cancer sextiles Saturn, and this pair form a tight and long lasting 'finger of fate' picture with Neptune. This adds a potentially psychotic edge to proceedings. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus in Aries, adding much impetus. Mercury in Gemini squares Mars in Virgo, puts a cat amongst the pigeons, and Mars 'earth trines' Pluto, invoking great muscular energy. There are a lot of planets in Air signs right now, but only Neptune in a fixed sign and only Venus in a water sign. The New Moon is tightly quintile Mars. We have on our hands therefore a planetary situation which is essentially empirical, unstable and highly intellectual. This lunation invokes change, movement and interchange.
After the New Moon Venus sextiles Saturn 15:19 GMT.
The tender but brittle infant Moon trines Neptune 23:36 GMT and is void.
The Moon as this day ends is forming a T-square with Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn
Sunday June 13th 2010
Kyrgyzstan's interim government gives shoot-to-kill powers to security forces after nearly 80 deaths in ethnic violence.
An earthquake of 7.5 magnitude has hit near India's Nicobar Islands, in the Indian Ocean.
WORLD CUP:- Apologies for this note but England Goalkeeper Green (birth date Jan 18th 1980) failed to get behind a Clint Dempsey strike from outside the penalty area, allowing the ball to squirm through his hands and over the line to gift the US an equaliser just before half-time in Rustenburg. Yesterday Green had the Sun opposing natal Neptune, Venus opposing his natal Sun and Mars opposing natal Venus in his astrological chart. It cost England dear, with Capello's men unable to find a response despite a bright start that saw Steven Gerrard score a fine opener after just four minutes.
Today the Moon enters Cancer 01:51 GMT squaring Uranus and Jupiter .
A quieter day today.
Monday June 14th 2010
Escalating ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan that has killed nearly 100 people prompts
tens of thousands to flee to Uzbekistan.
An attack on the Iraqi Central Bank building in Baghdad killed 15 people and leaves
more than 50 injured.
A capsule thought to contain the first samples grabbed from the surface of an
asteroid has returned to Earth. The Japanese Hayabusa container hit the top
of the atmosphere just after 1350 GMT, producing a bright fireball over southern Australia.
The Sun today is at 23 degrees Gemini. There are 7 days to the Solstice.
The next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 in Capricorn.
We are in a new eclipse season which culminates with
a Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer on July 11th 2010.
Mercury is currently a 'morning star' in Gemini. He is whizzing through Gemini in 15 days, squaring Saturn and trining Neptune on June 24th. He enters Cancer on June 25th. Superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun occurs on June 28th. Mercury next turns retrograde on Aug 20th in Virgo. Mercury in Gemini is a period of intense messaging and dialogue.
Venus enters Leo 08:50 GMT today.
Venus trines Uranus 17:20 GMT today and trines Jupiter tomorrow.
Venus is opposite Neptune on July 9th and she enters Virgo the following day July 10th.
Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Virgo. Mars trines Pluto tomorrow June 15th, Mars is sextiled by Mercury on July 1st, and sextiled by an eclipsed Sun on July 11th. Mars enters Libra on July 29th and is opposite Uranus on July 30th, and conjunct Saturn on July 31st, opposite Jupiter and square Pluto on August 4th.
Tuesday June 15th 2010
Yesterday US President Obama asked supporters to back a campaign for clean energy, as he visited areas affected by the BP oil spill.
A helicopter team retrieved the Hayabusa asteroid-sample capsule from the Australian Outback.
Today the young Moon very rapidly waxing in Cancer sextiles Saturn 00:39 and is void.
She enters Leo 03:55 and applies to Venus.
A powerful, strong and truly regal day ensues.
A lot of constructive and creative energy is 'on tap' today.
The Moon is conjunct Venus 05:35 GMT at 1 degree Leo.
Venus trines Jupiter 08:08 GMT
Mars 'earth trines' Pluto 12:06 GMT
Moon perigee (fastest all month) 15:03 GMT
The Moon reaches crescent phase 19:50 GMT 10 degrees Leo
Wednesday June 16th 2010
More than a quarter of a million people have fled ethnic fighting in Kyrgyzstan, said the UN yesterday, as it mounted an airlift.
There may be multiple versions of the elusive "God particle" - or Higgs boson -
according to a new study. Finding the Higgs is the primary aim of the £6bn
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment near Geneva. But recent results from
the LHC's US rival suggest physicists could be hunting five particles, not one.
The data may point to new laws of physics beyond the current accepted theory
- known as the Standard Model.
Today the Moon rapidly wanes in Leo, drawing ever closer to a Partial Lunar Eclipse in 11 days time.
Thursday June 17th 2010
BP is to place $20bn in an independent fund to pay out compensation to victims
of the Gulf oil spill.
Dozens of Pakistani soldiers have been captured after a cross-border raid by the
Afghan Taliban, the militants say.
Today the fast moving Moon in Leo opposes Neptune at 03:24 GMT and is void.
She ingresses Virgo 05:41 GMT, joining Mars and Saturn in that sign.
The Moon approaching her first quarter phase is conjunct Mars 14:54 GMT at 6 degrees Virgo.
An industrious and hyper-critical day, full of movement, is forecast.
Friday June 18th
The Moon rapidly waxes in Virgo towards her mutable first quarter phase.
Saturday June 19th 2010
The Sun now joins Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Saturn in a planetary Grand Cross arrangement for the next 7 days up to and including the day of the Partial Lunar Eclpse.
The Moon is at first quarter 04:31 GMT 28 degrees Virgo, she then makes a conjunction with Saturn 05:04 GMT pulling together the dissociate Grand Cross with Pluto, Jupiter Uranus and the Sun.
She enters Libra 08:13 and then opposes Jupiter and Uranus.
The Sun squares Saturn 13:18 GMT.
Work through it then relax.
This comet passes zero-magnitude Capella on the 21st, and it’s very low by the 24th, when it passes 2nd-magnitude Beta Aurigae. By now Comet McNaught may be as bright as 4th magnitude, but moonlight is returning.
The comet will be lost to view by June’s end — just before it reaches perihelion on July 2nd, 0.405 astronomical unit from the Sun. It remains far from Earth throughout this apparition, never venturing closer than 1.135 a.u. (in mid-June). After perihelion it will fade rapidly as it heads to the far-southern sky.
The comet is approaching on a hyperbolic orbit, which means that it’s making its first trip in from the Oort Cloud. So its brightness is even less predictable than usual. Will it flare unexpectedly or perhaps fizzle out?
Sunday June 20th 2010
This morning around 1 a.m. UT, magnetic fields on the sun's eastern limb became unstable and erupted, producing one of the most spectacular explosions of the year.
More than 130 people have died and 800,000 have been evacuted after flooding caused by torrential rain in southern China.
Today the Moon waxes and decelerates in Libra.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Gemini.
Monday June 21st 2010
Yesterday Israel gave details of how it is to ease the Gaza blockade, with all civilian
goods now expected to be let into the territory.
Today at 09:45 the Moon trines Neptune and is Void
At this time the Moon, the Sun and Neptune form a Grand Trine in air signs.
Summer Solstice 11:29:30 GMT Solstice/summerSolsticeDetail1.jpg
The Sun enters Cancer. The Solstice moment. In the northern hemisphere it is nature's climax, in the south the mid winter point. The whirlpool of the past opens. The year turns. The seed is released.
This solstice is a difficult time. The Moon is five days from a partial eclipse, and is void of course in late libra. A dissociate planetary cross is manifest in the skies of Earth. The Solstice Sun is square Uranus, square Saturn, square Jupiter and opposite Pluto. Saturn opposes Uranus, Jupiter squares Pluto and opposes Saturn.
At the exact moment of Solstice, 11:29 GMT, the Void Moon rises at Baghdad and at Mecca. Pluto rises at Beijing. Mars culminates at Delhi, Neptune is at lower culmination at Kabul.
The Moon enters Scorpio 45 minutes later at 12:14 GMT.
The Sun and Moon are then both in water signs.
A difficult week ahead is forecast.
Tuesday June 22nd 2010
The Solstice is now passed. The year turns.
We live in astrologically difficult times.
Welcome to The Daze.
The Sun is square Uranus 00:27 GMT
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 17:04 GMT 16 degrees Scorpio.
The procession to Partial Lunar Eclipse is now truly underway.
Excessive emotional pressures.
Wednesday June 23rd 2010
Yesterday, with the Sun squaring Uranus, about 60 people were killed in a train crash
in the south of Congo-Brazzaville.
In the UK Chancellor George Osborne increased VAT from 17.5% to 20% and cut welfare
spending as he moved "decisively" to tackle Britain's record debts.
Today the Sun in Cancer squares Jupiter in Aries 13:21 GMT
The Moon in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius at 15:33 and is void.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 18:11.
Thursday June 24th 2010
Mercury now add his impulse to the ongoing planetary Grand Cross.
A 'whip crack' of a day is in store with lots of energy.
Fire and brimstone.
Mercury in late Gemini squares Saturn in Virgo 16:24 GMT
Mercury trines Neptune 18:33 GMT.
The Moon slowly waxes towards a Partial Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, and the Sun today is applying in opposition to Pluto.
Friday June 25th 2010
Yesterday authorities raided the headquarters of the Belgian Catholic
Church during an investigation into child sex abuse claims.
Suspected Jamaican drug lord Christopher "Dudus" Coke was extradited
to the US to face drug and gun trafficking charges. Dudus was born on
March 12th March 1969 according to Wikipedia.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and US President Barack Obama
have hailed an improvement in relations between Washington and Moscow.
Speaking after White House talks, Mr Obama said the pair had "succeeded
at resetting our relationship".
He said he wanted to "broaden" the links between the US and Russia.
Japanese scientists have started to open the Hayabusa capsule which
it is hoped contains samples of asteroid Itokawa.
Today Mercury ingresses Cancer 10:32 GMT and he squares Uranus today at 16:36 GMT.
Mercury has a 'heavy duty' time in Cancer over the next couple of weeks.
Mercury squares Jupiter tomorrow and opposes Pluto on June 27th. Mercury is at Superior conjunction with the Sun on Monday 28th June. Then as an 'evening star' he sextiles Mars on July 1st and sextiles Saturn on July 9th 2010 forming at that time a 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Neptune. He enters Leo on that day July 9th 2010.
Mercury next turns retrograde on Aug 20th in Virgo.
Today the Sun opposes Pluto 18:51
The Sagittarian Moon sextiles Neptune 23:34 and is void.
An incredible day is in store with high times to follow.
Saturday June 26th 2010
The Moon in pre-eclipse rapture embraces Capricorn 02:22 GMT and is conjunct Pluto 10:13 GMT.
Mercury squares Jupiter 11:09
Partial Lunar Eclipse
at 5 degrees Capricorn
conjunct Pluto.
Central eclipse 11:39 GMT.
The lunar eclipse at 4° + Capricorn conjoins Pluto and activates a grand cross involving the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, the Moon, and Saturn - all within 5° of the four cardinal points. This will be a very important event, for better or worse, with a huge impact on global public opinion. Mountain Astrologer .
Yes this eclipsed Moon conjunct Pluto in Grand Cross is exceptionally significant globally.
Timings of the eclipse. (GMT)
Penumbral phase starts 08:57:25
Partial phase starts 10:16:58
Central eclipse 11:39:34
Partial phase ends 12:59:50
Penumbral phase ends 14:19:31
Today's eclipse is number 58 of the 80 lunar eclipses which make up Lunar saros series 120. This series began with a penumbral eclipse on October 16th 1000. The astrological chart set for the central point of this eclipse is set out below.
This is well balanced chart with the Sun in diplomatic Libra and Mars in urgent Aries. Uranus 'water trines' Pluto, signifying positive growth and development.The eclipsed Moon in Aries 'fire trines' Neptune, breaking down barriers. Venus in Virgo sextile Mars in Scorpio, signifying the will to trade.
The Saros series 'went total' in 1505 and peaked with the longest total eclipse in 1758. The last total eclipse on the series was in May 1938. After today's eclipse there only 3 more partial eclipses, the next two being in July 2028 and July 1946. The series ends in the year 2425. The most recent eclipses were on June 15th 1992, June 4th 1974, May 24th 1956, May 14th 1938, May 3rd 1920 and April 22nd 1902.
A common theme of this Saros Series seems to be that of international agreements and treaties. The 1992 eclipse coincided (within 2 days) with the Start 11 talks between Russia and the US. One day after the 1956 eclipse saw India starting diplomatic relations with Franco's Spain. The 1920 eclipse coincided exactly with the 'Treaty of Moscow' between Russia and Georgia. Today's eclipse coincides with a G8 conference in Muskoka, Ontario to discuss help for poor countries. In Toronto on Saturday the G20 will discuss the global economy.
It seems that the Saros Series to which today's eclipse belongs is essentially positive but today's eclipse itself is a black sheep of the family.
Today's eclipse falls slap bang onto, the natal Venus of the Prime Minister of Japan, Yukio Hatoyama, the natal Sun and Mercury of Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, and the natal Saturn of Sean Connery.
After today's eclipse is over, and its sting is taken, the day should pick up some rhyme and reason, the Moon applies in a long earthy trine aspect to Mars. Mercury is however then applying in opposition to Pluto so it may be sensible to let the dust settle before making any advance.
Sunday June 27th 2010
Mercury opposes Pluto 07:14 GMT.
The 'hung over Moon' wanes in Capricorn.
Not much world news to grab the attention.
The main UK interest is focused on a World Cup football match this afternoon of England v Germany.
Fabio Capello, the England Manager, has the Sun and Mercury square his natal Neptune this afternoon which is disappointing.
Wayne Rooney however is assisted by favorable Venus and Mercury aspects. Steven Gerrard has Mars conjunct his Jupiter Saturn midpoint which is a body blow to his status and performance.
Monday June 28th 2010
Millions of England fans were left disappointed as their team heads home after
crashing out of the World Cup.
Pope Benedict escalates Vatican criticism of raids by Belgian police investigating
alleged child sex abuse, calling them "deplorable".
State of the skies:-We have just passed through a very special time astrologically.
We are currently deep within an eclipse season in between Saturday's Partial Lunar
Eclipse and a Total Solar Eclipse on July 11th.
As yet no significant world events have occurred. That is to be expected.
It takes a little time to adapt and to react to the cosmic pulse.
The cosmos however has to work out.
The Sun today reaches 7 degrees Cancer. There are then 83 days to the Libra Equinox.
The still 'hung over' Moon in Capricorn trines Saturn and is void at 09:57 GMT. The Moon enters Aquarius 12:53 GMT.
Mercury is at Superior conjunction with the Sun today at 12:07 GMT.
Mercury then as an 'evening star' sextiles Mars on July 1st and sextiles Saturn on July 9th 2010 forming at that time a 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Neptune. He enters Leo on that day July 9th 2010.
Mercury next turns retrograde on Aug 20th in Virgo.
Venus is also an evening 'star' in Leo .
Venus is opposite Neptune on July 9th and she enters Virgo the following day July 10th.
Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Virgo. Mars is sextiled by Mercury on July 1st, and sextiled by an eclipsed Sun on July 11th. Mars enters Libra on July 29th, is opposite Uranus on July 30th, conjunct Saturn on July 31st, opposite Jupiter and square Pluto on August 4th.
Tuesday June 29th 2010
The US Supreme Court restricts the rights of state and city governments to enforce
controls on gun ownership.
French company Total said it has stopped petrol deliveries to Iran, amid growing pressure
over Iran's nuclear programme.
Scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) say they have moved a step closer
to their aim of unlocking the mysteries of the Universe. The world's highest-energy particle
accelerator has produced a record-breaking particle collision rate - about double the previous rate.
Today the slow moving Moon wanes and decelerates in Aquarius.
Wednesday June 30th 2010
Yesterday China and Taiwan signed a historic trade pact, seen as the most significant
agreement since civil war split the two governments 60 years ago. Regular Daze readers
will recognise this pact as corresponding to the nature of the Saros Series to which last
Saturday's Lunar eclipse belongs.
Fighting in Afghanistan may get worse before it gets better, said Gen David Petraeus,
(Sun in Scorpio born Nov 7th 1952) nominated to lead the war there.
Also yesterday Global stock markets fell sharply on renewed concerns over the European
banking sector.
Russian PM Vladimir Putin said he hopes arrests in the US over an alleged spy ring will not harm
US-Russian relations.
Today the very slowly moving Moon reaches disseminating phase 12:15 GMT 24 degrees Aquarius, and
is conjunct Neptune at 28 degrees of that sign at 22:04.
This astrologically eventful calendar month comes to an end.
July 2010
We are in the midst of formidable astrological energies.
Within an eclipse season, and as the month ends Jupiter
is square Pluto and Mars joins Saturn to assist with the
final blast of Saturn in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries.
After all of this we finally undergo a Grand Cardinal Cross
on August 7th 2010.
As the month starts the Sun and Mercury are in Cancer, Venus is in Leo and Mars
is in Virgo. Saturn still opposes Jupiter and Uranus and is square Pluto.
Thursday July 1st 2010
Yesterday the Taliban attacked a Nato base in east Afghanistan a day after the US commander, Gen Petraeus, warned of escalating violence.
Today the very slowly moving Moon enters Pisces 01:11 GMT
The Sun, the Moon and Mercury are then in water signs.
Moon apogee (slowest all month) 10:11 GMT.
Mercury in Cancer sextiles Mars in Virgo 12:19 GMT.
An emotional day. Words evoke feelings.
Friday July 2nd 2010.
Yesterday at least 35 people were killed and 175 injured in three suicide bomb
explosions in the Pakistani city of Lahore.
Today a weak 'mystic rectangle' forms around 02:30 GMT involving the Moon,
the Sun, Mercury Mars and the Lunar Node.
The Moon then spends the rest of the day slowly accelerating and waning in Pisces.
There is a definite drift to proceedings.
Saturday July 3rd 2010
The waning Moon in Pisces approaching last quarter opposes Saturn 11:18 GMT,
becomes void and then surges into Aries 13:45 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 14:56 GMT and is conjunct Jupiter 19:18 GMT.
Sunday July 4th 2010
Today the new commander of US-led forces in Afghanistan, Gen David Petraeus,
formally takes over the 130,000-strong force.
The people of Poland are voting to choose a new president to succeed Lech Kaczynski, killed in a plane crash in April.
Today the Moon is at last quarter 14:36 GMT 13 degrees Aries.
Monday July 5th 2010
The Sun today reaches 14 degrees Cancer. There are then 76 days to the Libra Equinox.
We are currently deep within an eclipse season in between the Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th
and a Total Solar Eclipse next Sunday, July 11th.
The Moon today waning and accelerating in Aries is in a strong finger of fate pattern with 'Saturn
and Neptune' at 21:25 GMT and then is void of course for the remainder of the GMT day.
Mercury is an 'evening star' in Cancer. He sextiles Saturn on July 9th 2010 forming at that time a
'finger of fate' with Saturn and Neptune. He enters Leo also on that day July 9th. Mercury next
turns retrograde on Aug 20th in Virgo.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Leo. Venus is opposite Neptune on July 9th and she enters Virgo
the following day July 10th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Virgo. Mars is sextiled by the eclipsed Sun on July 11th. Mars enters Libra on July 29th, is opposite Uranus on July 30th, conjunct Saturn on July 31st, opposite Jupiter and square Pluto on August 4th.
Uranus turns retrograde at 1 degree Aries 14:05 GMT and starts to apply in opposition to Saturn which peaks at month's end.
Tuesday July 6th 2010
Yesterday Turkey threatened for the first time to break diplomatic ties with Israel - hardening its
stance over a raid on Gaza aid ships.
Iran accused the UK, Germany and the UAE of refusing to refuel its passenger jets, days
after tough new US sanctions.
Today the Moon enters Taurus 00:30 GMT.
The Sun in Cancer with the Moon in Taurus is a very domestic, traditional, and nourishing combination.
Steady as she goes as we approach next Sunday's Total Solar Eclipse.
Wednesday July 7th 2010
Yesterday US President Obama urged Israelis and Palestinians to resume direct
peace talks before a settlement freeze expires in September.
Sri Lankan officials ordered police not to break up protests in Colombo against UN
plans to investigate alleged war crimes.
Global shares jumped sharply as investors look to take advantage of what they
perceived as cheap, oversold stocks.
Mercury in Cancer forms a 'finger of fate' pattern with Saturn in Virgo and Neptune in
Aquarius over the next 4 days in the lead up to Sunday's Total solar Eclipse.
The astrological pathway immediately ahead is a little precarious.
Today the Moon wanes in Taurus.
Venus is applying in opposition to Neptune.
Glamour, confusion and intoxication reign.
Thursday July 8th 2010
The Moon in Taurus Venus in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius form a Fixed T-square around 04:18 GMT
The Moon trines Saturn and is void at 06:10 GMT
She enters Gemini 07:51 GMT
The Moon makes balsamic phase 09:54 GMT 1 degree Gemini
Venus opposes Neptune 23:55 GMT.
A day varied in nature.
Some crazy scenes can be expected.
Friday July 9th 2010
Yesterday ten people pleaded guilty in a US court to spying for Russia amid rumours of an impending prisoner exchange with Moscow.
Today Mercury sextiles Saturn 05:35
The old Moon slowly accelerates to eclipse the Sun on Sunday.
Two planetary ingresses occur over the next two days.
Mercury goes into Leo today and Venus enters Virgo tomorrow.
Mercury enters Leo as an 'evening star' at 16:30 today. He trines Uranus
at 23:45 GMT and trines Jupiter tomorrow. On July 26th he opposes Neptune
and passes into Virgo on July 27th.
Saturday July 10th 2010
BP is to start replacing the cap over the blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico,
in its latest bid to stem the oil leak.
The death toll in a double suicide bombing in a north-west Pakistan village rises
over 100 as more bodies are found,
A fugitive critic of the Venezuelan government, Guillermo Zuloaga, appears
in the US to denounce "political persecution"
In the UK the news is dominated by the story of fugitive gunman Raoul Moat
killing himself after a six-hour stand-off with armed officers.
The Asteroid Lutetia will become the largest space rock to be visited by a probe
when the European Rosetta mission flies past it today.
On this eclipse eve, from 10:00 to 18:00 GMT the Moon binds together a planetary
T-square the now familiar Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter.
The Moon squares Saturn 10:17
Venus enters Virgo 11:32 GMT joins Mars and Saturn in that sign.
A triad of Virgo energy is now manifest.
Venus trines Pluto on July 13th and enters Libra on August 7th. She then hooks up
with firstly Saturn on August 9th and after a long chase, with Mars on August 20th.
The ancient accelerating Moon enters Cancer 11:38 GMT.
Sunday July 11th 2010
The Sun sextiles Mars 04:13
Mercury trines Jupiter 08:13
Total Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Cancer
sextile Mars 19-33 GMT
Visible from South America [Total: South Pacific, Easter Is., Chile, Argentina].
The timings of the eclipse. (GMT)
First contact penumbra 17:09:37
First contact Umbra 18:15:21
Full Umbral contact 18:18:30
Last full Umbral contact 20:51:41
Final penumbral contact 21:57
Today's eclipse is the 27th member of 76 of Solar Saros series 146. This Saros series started with a partial solar eclipse on 19th September 1541, central eclipse 20:34. The chart for the moment of maximum eclipse of this first family member is shown above.
This Saros Series has a 'War and Peace' quality. The original eclipse is in Libra trine Pluto with a high energy and revolutionary Mars conjunct Uranus in Leo. Venus opposed Neptune just as she does at this current time. The c hart is full of air and fire. The chart and the saros is very unstable.
This saros series produces powerful situations on the world stage.
The series 'went total' in 1938 and the series peaked with the longest total eclipse on June 30th 1992. This Saros series is at the most powerful phase. Previous eclipses in the series were June 30th 1992, June 8th 1956, May 29th 1938, May 18th 1929, May 7th 1902. The next two are on July 22nd 2028 and August 2nd 2046. The Saros series ends on 29th Dec 2893.
Some 7 days after the 1992 eclipse the Iraq disarmament crisis started.
After the 1974 eclipse the Watergate Scandal occurred with Nixon resigning some 7 weeks after the eclipse.
The Suez Crisis started 5 months after the 1956 eclipse.
On the day before the 1938 eclipse Hitler declared his decision to destroy Czechoslovakia.
The 1920 eclipse occurred as the Mexican revolution raged and the 1902 eclipse as (the very next day) Mount Pelee erupted destroying Saint Pierre.
Today's eclipse is sextile Mars. Jupiter is square Jupiter, Mercury trines Jupiter, Saturn opposes Uranus. There is only one planet in air signs at this time, there is a predominance of planets in earth cardinal and negative signs.
At the moment of greatest eclipse the Sun and Moon both rises over North Island New Zealand are on the Midheaven of Calgary. They are both setting at Paris and at Stockholm. Venus sets at Moscow. Pluto is exactly setting at Sydney.
The FIFA world cup final will be played as the eclipse occurs.
The Moon sextiles Mars 19:17
Monday July 12th 2010
The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on November 13th 2012 at 22 degrees Scorpio, one week afrer the next US presidential election, visible in northern Australia and the south Pacific. Although that total eclipse will last just over 4 minutes at maximum, only the beginning of the eclipse occurs over land; still, this will make a fascinating spectacle for Australians. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse at 30 degrees Gemini on Dec 21st 2010 in 162 days time.
The Sun today reaches 21 degrees Cancer. There are then 69 days to the Libra Equinox.
Venus Mars and Saturn are now in Virgo.
We are now starting to pull out of an eclipse season following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on
June 26th and the Total Solar Eclipse yesterday. The tender infant Moon today sextiles
Saturn and is void. She moves into tropical Leo 12:54 GMT and is conjunct Mercury at
6 Leo 22:50 GMT.
Mercury is an 'evening star' in Leo. On July 26th he opposes Neptune and passes into
Virgo on July 27th. Mercury next turns retrograde on Aug 20th in Virgo.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Virgo. Venus trines Pluto on July 13th and enters Libra on
August 7th. She then hooks up firstly with Saturn on August 9th and after a long chase,
with Mars on August 20th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Virgo. Mars enters Libra on July 29th, is opposite Uranus on July 30th, conjunct Saturn on July 31st, opposite Jupiter and square Pluto on August 4th.
Jupiter is almost exactly square Pluto.
Uranus now retrograde applies in opposition to Saturn which peaks (for the second time) at month's end.
Tuesday July 13th 2010
BP places an improved cap on a ruptured Gulf of Mexico well, raising hopes that all
leaking oil could soon be captured.
Moon perigee 11:22 GMT
Venus 'earth trines' Pluto 17:52 GMT
The Moon waxes in Leo.
Wednesday July 14th 2010
Yesterday David Cameron said UK and Afghan troops should continue to work together,
after an Afghan soldier killed three British servicemen.
A controversial ban on wearing the Islamic full veil in public was overwhelmingly passed
in France's lower house.
Today the fast moving young Moon in Leo opposes Neptune 10:23
The Moon enters Virgo 13:15, joining Venus, Mars and Saturn in that sign, and adding to the intense Virgo energy right now.
The Moon is conjunct Venus 21:14 at 5 degrees Virgo.
Sincere affections. Solid love.
Thursday July 15th 2010
Yesterday five more US soldiers were killed in two separate attacks in Afghanistan,
taking Nato's death toll to 12 over 24 hours.
Today the Moon reaches her crescent phase 01:24 GMT 7 degrees Virgo.
A critical, but at the same time, humdrum day.
Friday July 16th 2010
Yesterday BP said it has temporarily stopped oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from
its leaking well for the first time since 20 April. The Vatican issued new instructions to
speed up the handling of the "most urgent"cases of sex abuse by priests, in the wake
of a series of abuse scandals.
Argentina becomes the first Latin American country to legalise gay marriage after
the Senate votes in favour.
Today the waxing and decelerating Moon is conjunct Mars 00:31 GMT at 22 degrees Virgo.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 13:46 GMT and void.
The Moon enters Libra 14:25. The day spaces out and would relax but
from 15:00 to 21:00 GMT the Moon again hooks into the current Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto Grand Cross,
invoking wobbles and hesitancy.
Saturday July 17th 2010
Geneticists have successfully introduce a gene to mosquito larvae that blocks the
development of the malaria parasite.
Yesterday BP said it was encouraged by the first test data following its stoppage of
the oil from its leaking Gulf of Mexico well.
More than 5,000 people are arrested across Asia in an operation against illegal World Cup
gambling, Interpol said.
A UK unmanned solar-powered plane called Zephyr has flown continuously for seven days,
and is still in the air.
Today The Libran Moon sextiles Mercury 14:37 GMT.
Ease of expression.
Sunday July 18th 2010
A suicide bomber kills at least 43 people near the Iraqi capital Baghdad in an
attack on government-backed Sunni militia members.
Britain is to boost spending on aid projects in Afghanistan by 40%, while at
the same time reviewing the amount it gives to other countries.
Today the Moon hits first quarter phase 10:12 GMT 26 degrees Libra
She trines Neptune and is void from 14:26.
The Moon enters Scorpio 17:43 GMT.
A sting in the tail.
Monday July 19th 2010
The Sun today reaches 27 degrees Cancer. There are 63 days to the Libra Equinox.
Venus Mars and Saturn are now in Virgo.
Mars will be conjunct Saturn on July 31st. Venus will be conjunct Saturn on August 9th ,
and Venus will be conjunct Mars on August 20th.
The Moon today waxes and decelerates in Scorpio.
We are now leaving the eclipse season following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on
June 26th and the Total Solar Eclipse on July 11th. However the current days are still
very sensitive to their effects.
Mercury is an 'evening star' in Leo. On July 26th he opposes Neptune and passes into
Virgo on July 27th. On August 1st he passes a ;point in the zodiac he will return to on
September 8th at his final station. Mercury's apparent speed drops below a degree per day
by August 6th and he turns retrograde on Aug 20th still in Virgo.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Virgo. Venus enters Libra on
August 7th. She then hooks up firstly with Saturn on August 9th and after a long chase,
with Mars on August 20th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Virgo. Mars enters Libra on July 29th, is opposite Uranus on July 30th, conjunct Saturn on July 31st, opposite Jupiter and square Pluto on August 4th.
Jupiter is now almost exactly square Pluto. The first blast of three of this aspect occurs on July 25th 2010, the second is on Aug. 3rd 2010, and the final blast Feb 25th 2011)This square is part of the looming grand cardinal cross manifest next month.
Uranus now retrograde applies in opposition to Saturn which peaks (for the second time) at month's end.
Chiron re-enters Aquarius (Chiron enters Pisces April 20th 2010, retrogrades back into Aquarius July 19th, then finally enters Pisces Feb 9th 2011 where he resides until April 17th 2018)
Tuesday July 20th 2010
At least 60 people died yesterday as a speeding express ploughed
into a stationary passenger train in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal.
The United States is sending the aircraft carrier USS George Washington to
South Korea this week in a display of "the strength of our alliance and our
constant readiness to defend the Republic of Korea," the ship's commander said yesterday.
Serious stuff approaches.
Today the Moon waxes in Scorpio.
The Saturn opposite Uranus Jupiter Pluto T-square is now really tightening. Also, a 'finger of fate' (Sun, Saturn, Neptune) is also manifest for 4 days.
From 20:00 GMT for nearly 12 hours the Moon forms a dissociate Grand Trine with the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus
Significant planetary tensions are now developing as we approach the month's end.
Wednesday July 21st 2010
Yesterday a major conference on Afghanistan endorsed President Karzai's goal
that Afghan forces should lead security operations across the country by 2014.
The Three Gorges dam on China's longest river, the Yangtze, is experiencing what
officials say are its highest floodwater levels.
Prime Minister David Cameron held White House talks with Barack Obama for the
first time, with BP, Afghanistan, the Lockerbie bomber and the economy on the agenda.
The Cameron Obama astrological relationship chart is full of planets in mutable water and earth signs. The chart is dominated by a very tight opposition of Mercury Mars and Pluto. It is a muddy mixture with a potential for extreme seriously violent consequences.
Russia will invest £527m in a new spaceport in the country's Far East, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Cancer.
The Moon in Scorpio sextiles Saturn 11:45 and is void for a mere 4 minutes maximum.
She flies in the face of Sagittarius 11:49 GMT
Saturn finally enters Libra 15:09 GMT. Saturn will reside in Libra until October 5th 2012 when he ingresses Scorpio.
The Saturn opposite Uranus Jupiter, square Pluto, T-square is now really tightening. Also, a 'finger of fate' (Sun, Saturn, Neptune) is manifest for another 3 days.
Thursday July 22nd 2010
SUN-EARTH CONNECTION: The Earth and sun are 93 million miles apart, but they are hardly separated. Magnetic lines of force connect our planet's poles directly to the stellar surface, forming a "sun-Earth system" that researchers are only beginning to understand. Ultimately, the accuracy of space weather forecasts hinges on their progress, and it may require an international effort to succeed. Read more in today's story from Science@NASA.
It is a small step in cognitive thought to realize that the positions of the planets in the solar system may well easily contribute to and effect this magnetic flux of the Sun Earth system. The study of astrology follows non from this leap of thought.
Sudan President Omar al-Bashir pays a landmark visit to Chad - his first trip to a country required to arrest him for war crimes.
Social network giant Facebook has registered its 500 millionth member, the firm has announced.
The site, which launched in 2004, has gained around 100 million new users in the last six months.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the sanctions after a visit to the Demilitarized Zone
separating North and South Korea
The US will impose new sanctions on North Korea, following the crisis over the sinking of a South Korean warship.
The move was announced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a visit to South Korea.
Today the Moon reaches gibbous phase 02:26 GMT 14 degrees Sagittarius.
Another Full Moon is coming.
The Sun enters Leo 22:22 GMT, and0 a new astrological month begins.
Friday July 23rd 2010
Yesterday Judges at The Hague said Kosovo's secession from Serbia in 2008 was not illegal,
as Belgrade insisted it will never recognise the territory's independence.
The US and South Korea's plans to hold joint military exercises pose a major danger to the
region, Pyongyang said.
Stock markets and the euro rise after encouraging economic data in Europe boosts confidence
in the global economic recovery.
Archaeologists have discovered a second henge at Stonehenge, described as the most exciting
find at the site in 50 years.
Today The Leo Sun sextiles Saturn in Libra 01:13
The Moon sextiles Neptune 04:52 and is void for nearly four hours.
The Moon enters Capricorn 08:40.
The Sun 'fire trines' Uranus 10:06 GMT
Jupiter turns retrograde 11:09 at 3 degrees Aries into the death arms of an imminent square to Pluto.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 15:19 GMT, at that time square Jupiter, Uranus, and square Saturn.
Saturday July 24th 2010
The nearly Full Moon in Capricorn 'earth trines' Venus 15:13 GMT.
Planetary and astrological pressures are increasing.
Sunday July 25th 2010
Yesterday North Korea said it will use its "nuclear deterrent" in response to joint US-South Korean
military exercises this weekend. Pyongyang was ready to launch a "retaliatory sacred war" at any time,
the state-run KoreanCentral News Agency (KCNA) said. Washington and Seoul say the war games are
to deter North Korean aggression. Tensions between the two Koreas have been high since the sinking
of a South Korean warship in March.
At least 15 people were killed in a stampede at the Love Parade electronic music festival in the German
city of Duisburg.
South and central China, reeling from the worst floods in 12 years, could face even more severe
deluges, Premier Wen Jiabao has warned.
Jupiter squares Pluto 01:49 GMT
(1st July 25th 2010, 2nd Aug. 3rd 2010, final blast Feb 25th 2011)
The Moon 'earth trines' Mars 14:21 and is then void.
The Moon enters Aquarius 19:39 GMT.
The night of the Full Moon is upon us.
A mystic rectangle forms momentarily around 20:20 GMT involving the Moon
and 5 planets.
Monday July 26th 2010
Full Moon at 3 degrees Aquarius 01:38 GMT sextile Jupiter.
This is the first Full Moon following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 and the fifth
Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on the day of the Winter solstice December 22nd 2010.
The dominant feature in the skies at this time is the a Cardinal T-square involving Jupiter,
Uranus, Pluto and Saturn.
Mars is 3 degrees from his conjunction with Saturn. The Earth, Mercury and Neptune are nearly
exactly linearly aligned.
The time at hand has no comparison. Planetary forces are polaris ed. Exceptional events are at hand.
This Full Moon evokes an universal extroversion in the masses. This is the Celtic Sabat of Lamas.
Today's Full moon is sextile Jupiter. There is optimism despite the tense planetary situation.
After the full Moon moment has passed Mercury is exactly (within a degree) opposite Neptune 10:00
The Sun 'fire trines' Jupiter 11:31 GMT
Saturn in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries 23: 27 GMT,
(1st Nov 4th 2008, 2nd Feb 5th 2009, 3rd September 15th 2009, 4th April 26th 2010, final blast July 26th 2010)
Tuesday July 27th 2010
Today the Moon wanes in Aquarius
Mercury enters Virgo today 21:43 GMT, joining Venus and Mars in that sign, and will remain in Virgo until October 3rd.
Mercury trines Pluto on July 30th, two days later, on August 1st he passes a point in
the zodiac (5 Virgo) he will return to on September 12th at his final station.
Mercury's apparent speed drops below a degree per day by August 6th
and he turns retrograde on Aug 20th at 19 degrees Virgo. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction
with the Sun on September 3rd at 11 Virgo , Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th. Mercury enters new territory
on September 27th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd,
leaving Virgo to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Wednesday July 28th 2010
A plane has crashed in hills north of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, with more than 150 people
on board.
China's Three Gorges Dam is being tested for a second time in eight days as floods push reservoir
water levels to near-maximum capacity.
Today the Moon is conjunct Neptune at 28 degrees Aquarius and is void.
She is in Pisces from 08:00 GMT.
Moon apogee (slowest all month) 23:49 GMT
Mars is closing on Saturn, opposite Uranus. We are now drifting towards astrological rocks.
Thursday July 29th 2010
Hold tight.
Day before the storm, astrologically tightening.
The Moon drifting and waning slowly in Pisces. Strange fish.
Mars approaches an important conjunction with Saturn as July ends and he enters Libra 23:46 today .
Mars will be in Libra for 47 days. Mars opposes Uranus tomorrow and is conjunct Saturn on Saturday.
Mars opposes Jupiter and squares Pluto on Aug 4th. Venus is conjunct Mars on August 20th at 14 Libra.
Mars trines NPeptuned on September 10th and makes fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and Uranus
on September 13th and 14th.
Mars in Libra holds the olive branch. Venus in Virgo the fig leaf.
Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Hold tight.
Friday July 30th 2010
About 140 people are feared dead as a boat capsized on a river in the western
Bandundu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Greek police fire tear gas to disperse hundreds of lorry drivers protesting in Athens
against a government order to end their strike,
July 30-31, 2010
This marks another intense few days. Mars joins Saturn at 0° 49' Libra, opposing the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus in Aries and squared by Pluto. Again, large masses of people may be affected by so much planetary energy concentrated near the cardinal points. Since cardinal signs are action-related, there may be a lot of people on the move (demonstrators, troops, refugees). The Mars-Saturn conjunction is on the Mid heaven in Indonesia, China, and the South China Sea, creating conditions for a crisis in that area. Mountain Astrologer
The Moon opposes Venus 03:44 GMT and is void.
The Moon reaches her disseminating phase 04:25 GMT 22 degrees Pisces
Mercury 'earth trines' Pluto 10:01 GMT.
Mars opposes Uranus (1.5 degrees from a linear alignment) 13:31 GMT
The Moon ignites into Aries 20:42 GMT
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 21:23 GMT
The Moon opposes Mars 21:50 GMT
She opposes Saturn 22:17.
What a series of astral body blows!
Saturday July 31st 2010
Fire and water.
Floods caused by heavy monsoon rain have killed at least 385 people in Pakistan and Afghanistan,
washing away whole villages, roads and bridges.
Greece will use military vehicles to restore fuel supplies cut by a lorry drivers' strike, the government said.
At least 23 people are now reported to have died in forest fires which are raging in central Russia as a
heat wave grips much of the country.
Today the Moon is conjunct Jupiter 03:21 GMT at 3 degrees Aries.
Mars is conjunct Saturn 08:08 GMT at 1 degree Libra.
August 2010
The planets are currently in a very dynamic pattern.
These are very important times.
As August starts Venus Mars and Saturn, closely grouped between 23 degrees Virgo and 1 degree Libra, are opposite a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus at 1degree Aries square Pluto at 3 degrees Capricorn.
Mars is conjunct Saturn.
Venus and Mars are closing on each other.
The situation is intensifying.
Sunday August 1st 2010
The Moon wanes in Aries.
The Netherlands are pulling out of Afghanistan. Operation 'Black Prince' is on-going there.
David Cameron has upset the Pakistan government with his 'straight talking'. With Mars and Saturn now in Libra, his Sun (Venus and Ascendant) sign, and Neptune exactly opposite his natal Mars it is no sup rise he is posturing a rather assertive and insensitive persona. The terrible floods in Pakistan, to which he made no reference, are reportedly easing.
Monday August 2nd 2010
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 10 degrees Leo. There are 50 days to the Equinox.
The Moon sextiles Neptune 03:55 GMT and becomes void of course, entering Taurus 08:13 GMT.
Mercury is an evening star in Virgo will remain there until October 3rd.
Mercury's apparent speed drops below a degree per day by August 6th
and he turns retrograde on Aug 20th at 19 degrees Virgo. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction
with the Sun on September 3rd at 11 Virgo , Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th. Mercury enters new territory
on September 27th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd,
leaving Virgo to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Virgo. Venus enters Libra on
August 7th. She then hooks up firstly with Saturn on August 9th and after a long chase,
with Mars on August 20th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Libra. Mars opposes Jupiter and squares Pluto on Aug 4th. Venus is conjunct Mars
on August 14 Libra.
Mars trines Neptune on September 10th and makes fateful 150 degree aspects to
Jupiter and Uranus on September 13th and 14th.
Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Jupiter is now almost exactly square Pluto. The first blast of three of this aspect
occurred on July 25th 2010, the second is on Aug. 3rd 2010, and the final
blast Feb 25th 2011)This square is part of the looming grand cardinal cross
manifesting this week.
As this grand cross approaches rescuers in north-west Pakistan are fighting to reach
27,000 people still stranded by the country's worst floods in 80 years.
At least five rockets have been fired at the southern Israeli tourist resort of Eilat, with
one rocket hitting Jordan's port of Aqaba.
BP could begin sealing its oil well in the Gulf of Mexico later today, three months after its
rupture led to the worst oil spill in US history.
Tuesday August 3rd 2010
Jupiter square Pluto 00:03 GMT (1st July 25th 2010, 2nd Aug 3rd 2010, final blast Feb 25th 2011)
Moon last quarter 05:00 GMT 11 degrees Taurus
Mars is about to oppose Jupiter. This aspect is an 'event generator' at the quietest of times. Coupled with what is going down this week, astrologically speaking, we have a high energy situation.
Wednesday August 4th 2010
Yesterday Lebanese and Israeli soldiers exchanged fire along the border between the two
countries, with both sides reporting casualties.
Rescue teams in northern Pakistan are battling to reach tens of thousands of people cut
off by monsoon flooding. While water is receding in some areas, many communities remain
cut off by the region's worst flooding for 80 years.
Unicef said 3m people had been affected and more than 1,400 had been killed. The
government said some 27,000 people remained trapped and awaiting help.
On August 1st, the entire Earth-facing side of the sun erupted in a tumult of activity.
There was a C3-class solar flare, a solar tsunami, multiple filaments of magnetism lifting
off the stellar surface, large-scale shaking of the solar corona, radio bursts, a coronal
mass ejection and more.
Pretty brutal and hard hitting planetary energies are now at work.
Today Mars in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries 04:20 GMT
Mars squares Pluto in Capricorn 04:52 GMT
The waning and accelerating Moon in Taurus squares Neptune and is void 12:44 GMT.
The Moon enters Gemini 16:54 GMT
From 19:00 to midnight the Moon hooks into the planetary dance.
Thursday August 5th 2010
There are now 6 degrees(and closing) between Venus, Mars and Saturn.
The Moon wanes in Gemini.
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are in tight T-square arrangement, awaiting only
the arrival of the old Moon into Cancer tomororrow evening (GMT), to complete the long
awaited 'Cardinal Cross'. All appears quiet on the world stage. The situation in Pakistan does
seem to be a manifestation on Earth of the cardinal T-square in the heavens.
Friday August 6th 2010
'Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from the CME impact of August 3rd,
which sparked auroras as far south as Wisconsin and Iowa in the United States.
Analysts believe a second CME is right behind it, due to arrive on August 5th.
A second impact could re-energize the fading geomagnetic storm and spark a
new round of Northern Lights'.
Yesterday South Korea started a huge anti-submarine exercise amid continuing anger
over the sinking of a warship, despite warnings of retaliation from the North.
The Disasters Emergency Committeehas launched a TV and radio campaign to raise
money to help the victims of the flooding in Pakistan.
As well as the Earth being bombarded by radiation from the Sun's
outpourings this past few days, the planets in the Solar system are
arrayed in Cardinal Cross formation as viewed from Earth.
From 18:00 GMT for 12 hours the Cardinal Cross manifests
On Earth in deadly correspondence,surging flood waters in Pakistan which have
killed at least 1,600 people in the past week have spread to swathes of the centre
and south of the country. The UN says four million people have now been affected
by the country's worst floods in nearly a century. Ongoing monsoon rains and the
swollen Indus river have caused thousands more to flee homes in the most populous province, Punjab.
The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 20:37 GMT 29 degrees Gemini
The Moon squares Venus 21:22 and is void, she enters Cancer 21:50 GMT.
Saturday August 7th 2010
A cardinal grand cross is formed, involving Jupiter-Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The Sun at 15° Leo makes stressful aspects (45°/135°) to the entire grand cross. We'll need to remain calm and balanced to deal with the relentlessly stressful aspects this summer. The electricity grid may be threatened; unusual Earth or weather changes could be part of the picture. Mountain Astrologer.
Yes indeed this is truly a special time for the world. Below is the sunrise chart for London for August 7th 2010. It quite clearly shows the Grand Cardinal Cross.
The worst monsoon rains in 80 years are continuing to sweep from the north-west to south and central Pakistan.
The thick blanket of smog that has shrouded Moscow as peat fires continue to burn just outside the city has worsened. The smog has disrupted air traffic at two international airports in Moscow - Domodedovo and Vnukovo.
Many Russians are wearing masks as the temperature rises close to 40C (104F).
Venus enters Libra 03:48 GMT today, joining Mars and Saturn in that sign.
Venus opposes Uranus today and is conjunct Saturn tomorrow. She opposes Jupiter and squares Pluto on August 10th, is conjunct Mars on August 20th and trines Neptune on September 4th.
LOVE ALERT. Venus under pressure!
Venus opposes Uranus (22 minute orb) 07:59 GMT.
At 14:50 GMT we are exactly midway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere.
The fast moving and accelerating Moon sextiles Mercury 18:46 GMT and is void for 24 hours.
Sunday August 8th 2010
Pakistan has issued a red alert as floods that have devastated northern areas sweep
south into Sindh province. Authorities have evacuated more than half a million people
living near the Indus river as hundreds of villages have been inundated by floodwaters.
This catastrophic event occurs in correspondence to the planetary 'Great Cardinal Cross'
hanging high in the skies of Earth right now. This is a natural not a man made event.
That is the way the heavens work out sometimes.
Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is set to end his visit to the UK with a speech to supporters
of his Pakistan Peoples Party in Birmingham.
A giant sheet of ice measuring 260 sq km (100 sq miles) has broken off a glacier in Greenland,
according to researchers at a US university.The block of ice separated from the Petermann Glacier,
on the north-west coast of Greenland.
Venus is conjunct Saturn ( 3 degree orb) at 2 degrees Libra, 17:24 GMT.
The Moon rapidly enters Leo 23:23 GMT.
Monday August 9th 2010
Two Pakistani villages are inundated by landslides, as heavy rain continues to
hamper efforts to help millions affected by flooding.
A South Korean fishing boat missing in the Sea of Japan has been detained by the
North. The officials said the crew of the Daeseung was being investigated by North
Korean authorities. Tension remains high between the Koreas amid a naval exercise
carried out by the South in the Yellow Sea.
Landslides and floods have engulfed a town in north-west China, killing at least 127 people
and leaving nearly 1,300 missing..
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 17 degrees Leo. There are 43 days to the Equinox.
Around 01:45 the Moon eases the ongoing planetary Cardinal T-square.
The very ancient and fast moving Moon makes happy aspects from Leo.
The Moon is New tomorrow in Leo. The New Moon marks a new start following
the astrological trauma of the last few days and weeks.
Currently Venus is conjunct Saturn opposite Jupiter and Uranus and square
Pluto all in cardinal signs. LOVE ALERT.
Mercury is an evening star in Virgo will remain there until October 3rd.
Mercury's apparent is now below a degree per day as he approaches his retrograde phase.
He turns retrograde on Aug 20th at 19 degrees Virgo. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction
with the Sun on September 3rd at 11 Virgo , Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th. Mercury enters new territory
on September 27th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd,
leaving Virgo to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Libra. Today Venus opposes Jupiter 23:41 GMT (<1 degree).She was conjunct with Saturn yesterday, she squares Pluto tomorrow, and after a long chase she elopes with Mars on August 20th. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Libra. Venus is conjunct Mars on August 14 Libra. Mars trines Neptune on September 10th and makes fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and Uranus on September 13th and 14th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Tuesday August 10th 2010
New Moon 17 degrees Leo
03:09 GMT.
This is the first New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on July 11th 2010, and the 5th new Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse on Tuesday January 4th at 14 Capricorn (visible from Europe (including the UK) Asia and Africa.
This New Moon makes no major planetary aspects.
At the exact moment of New Moon, both the Sun and the Moon are rising either side of the Gaza strip.
This New moon directly falls on the natal Mars of the Cameron Government in the UK, and the natal Saturn in the Israeli Independence chart. It also hits the natal Moon of Paul McCartney, the natal Mars of Ray Davies, and Lindsey Buckingham, the natal Mercury of David Crosby and the natal Pluto of Bruce Springsteen.
After the New Moon has passed, Venus in Libra squares Pluto 04:02 GMT.
Moon perigee (fastest all month) 18:07 GMT
The Moon opposes Neptune 19:11 GMT and is void.
The infant prodigy Moon rapidly enters Virgo 23:02 GMT.
Wednesday August 11th 2010
Yesterday rescuers in north-west China were continuing a frantic search for more than 1,100 people
missing after a huge landslide that has claimed 337 lives.
Moscow's health chief confirmed the mortality rate has doubled as a heatwave and wildfire
smog continue to grip the Russian capital.
Today the young Moon gaining strength very quickly waxes in Virgo.
Venus is today less than 4 degrees from a conjunction with Mars in Libra. This is the next planetary wave.
Thursday August 12th 2010
Natural and environmental disasters seem to be the ongoing manifestation of the current
planetary tensions this season. More torrential rain is sweeping towards the Chinese county hit by
massive landslides, forecasters warn, as teams work to get aid and shelter to residents.
Aid agencies in Pakistan warn that unless there is more international help, many more
people will die in floods now inundating southern areas.
Today the fast moving Moon is conjunct Mercury (2.25 degree orb) 00:05 GMT and she remains void nearly all day.
Only three degrees of celestial longitude separate Venus and Mars who are closing on each other in Libra.
The Moon dances into Libra 22:44 GMT to join the party.
Friday August 13th 2010
The view from Australia.As featured in the Astronomy Calendar.
All focus is now on the sign of Libra. The Moon in Libra hooks in to the ongoing
planetary T-square. She is conjunct Saturn 02:02 GMT, opposes Jupiter 03:07,
squares Pluto 03:39, The Moon reaches her waxing crescent phase 07:35 GMT 5 degrees Libra, and is conjunct Venus 08:59 GMT at 6 degrees Libra, and is conjunct Mars 13:22 GMT at 9 degrees Libra. All attention is on relationships.
Saturday August 14th 2010
Uranus retrogrades back into Pisces 03:37 GMT today. We have had a small taste of
Uranus in Aries, since May 28th this year. Much has happened. Uranus will return to
Aries on March 12th 2011, there to reside until May 2018.
Just over two degrees of celestial longitude separate Venus and Mars right now in Libra ,
still tightening, the symbolic epitome of an imminent love declaration.
Today the Moon , happy and crescent in Libra trines, Neptune 20:07 GMT and becomes void of course.
The (GMT) day ends void of decision.
Sunday August 15th 2010
Today the decelerating waxing young Moon enters Scorpio 00:27 GMT, then 48 hours from her first quarter phase.
Mars and Venus are less than two degrees apart in Libra.
Mercury turns retrograde in 5 days time.
A solid day.
Monday August 16th 2010
Yesterday UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the world to speed up aid to Pakistan,
as he visits the country devastated by floods which the government says have affected
20 million people.
A ban on grain exports imposed by Russia after wildfires devastated crops came into force,
a move likely to push up bread prices.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 24 degrees Leo. The Sun enters Virgo next
Monday. There are currently 36 days to the Libra Equinox. The Moon sextiles Mercury
and reaches first quarter phase 18:15 GMT today at 24 degrees Scorpio.
Venus is less than one and a half degrees of celestial longitude from Mars in Libra.
The Moon today sextiles Mercury and reaches (fixed) first quarter phase 18:15 GMT
at 24 degrees Scorpio. The next Full Moon occurs at 1 degree Pisces a week tomorrow.
Mercury is an evening star in Virgo will remain in that sign until October 3rd.
Mercury's apparent speed is now well below a degree per day as he approaches his retrograde phase.
He turns retrograde on Aug 20th at 19 degrees Virgo. Mercury is at Inferior conjunction
with the Sun on September 3rd at 11 Virgo , Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th. Mercury enters new territory
on September 27th. Mercury opposes Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd,
leaving Virgo to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Libra and after a long chase she overtakes Mars on August 20th.
Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Libra. Venus is conjunct Mars on August 14 Libra. Mars trines Neptune on
September 10th and makes fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and Uranus on September 13th
and 14th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Jupiter in Pisces is opposite Saturn in Virgo 20:47 GMT today,
(1st May 23rd 2010, 2nd August 16th 2010, Final blast March 28th 2011)
Tuesday August 17th 2010
Up to 3.5 million children are at high risk from deadly water-borne
diseases in Pakistan as a result of the country's devastating floods, the UN says.
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates says the United States will definitely start
reducing the number of its soldiers in Afghanistan next July.
Russia's record-breaking heatwave looks set to come to a dramatic end,
with a severe storm now heading for Moscow after battering St Petersburg.
The Moon trines Uranus 05:25 GMT and is void.
She enters Sagittarius 05:35 GMT
Wednesday August 18th 2010
The Moon waxes in Sagittarius, and is Full next Tuesday.
There is less than one degree between Venus and Mars in Libra.
Mercury turns retrograde in two days time.
Thursday August 19th 2010
Yesterday More aid pledges for Pakistan came through after complaints that the
world's response to the devastating floods was inadequate.
Today the decelerating Moon in Sagittarius squares Uranus 13:59 GMT and is void of course.
She swaggers in Capricorn 14:18 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto 20:02 GMT at 3 degrees Capricorn.
Venus is nearly conjunct Mars in Libra. The Sun is opposite Neptune, and Mercury is about to turn.
Friday August 20th 2010
A galactic magnifying glass shows the Universe will probably expand forever,
resulting in a slow death.
Aptly the Sun opposes Neptune 10:07 GMT today.
The Moon reaches her gibbous phase 14:46 GMT 12 degrees Capricorn.
The Moon squares Venus and Mars at 16:46 and 16:50 GMT respectively.
Venus is conjunct Mars 18:49 GMT at 14 degrees Libra.
Today's conjunction is the first of three over the next 9 months.
Mars overtakes Venus on October 3rd at 13 Scorpio, and Venus finally
overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Today's event, and the relationship issues currently in your life will be juxtaposed over this period.
Current inter-gender issues will consummate with 'fertility' next May.
This degree of today's conjunction is personal to Pope Benedict (his natal Moon), Vladmir Putin and Gerry Adams, (their natal Sun), Mr Tsvangirai and the USA, (Saturn), and the natal Neptune of Prince Charles.
Mercury is stationary turning retrograde 19:53 GMT at 19 degrees Virgo.
Saturday August 21st 2010
Rivals Julia Gillard born 29 September 1961 and Tony Abbott born 4 November 1957
put in a final campaigning push, ahead of one of Australia's tightest elections.
Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn 09:44 GMT.
(First Nov 15th 2009, 2nd Jan 31st 2010, Final blast today)
The Moon waxes in Capricorn.
Sunday August 22nd 2010
Australia appears to be heading for its first hung parliament in 70 years, with PM Julia Gillard
and her main rival failing to win a majority.
Iran has begun fueling its first nuclear power station amid national celebrations, despite Western
unease over its ambitions.
Today the Moon forms a 'finger of fate' 01:09 GMT with the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, and is void.
She enters Aquarius 01:38 GMT
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Leo, the Moon is slowly waxing to the full,
Mercury is now retrograde.
Monday August 23rd 2010
Tens of thousands of people in southern Pakistan are fleeing a threatened flood-surge,
three weeks after heavy monsoon rains first hit the country.
State of the skies:- The Sun enters Virgo 05:27 GMT and a new astrological month commences.
There are 30 days to the Libra Equinox.
The nearly full, slowly moving Moon in Aquarius trines Mars and Venus
in Libra at 08:17 GMT and 10:00 GMT.
The Full Moon occurs at 1 degree Pisces tomorrow.
Mercury is a retrograding evening star in Virgo.
Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun on September 3rd
at 11 Virgo , Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th.
Mercury enters new territory on September 27th. Mercury opposes
Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd, leaving Virgo
to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Libra. Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on
Oct 10th 2010.
Mars is in Libra. Mars trines Neptune on September 10th and makes
fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and Uranus on September 13th
and 14th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Tuesday August 24th 2010
Yesterday Police shot and killed a disgruntled former officer who hijacked a bus in the Philippine
capital and killed seven Chinese tourists.
The UN in Pakistan says the humanitarian situation caused by the floods is critical, as
the IMF prepares to hold talks with the government about the economic "challenge" it faces.
It will take at least four months to rescue 33 miners trapped underground in Chile, the
head of the rescue operation says. This is the state of the world stage as the Full Moon climaxes today.
The almost full and slowly moving Moon is conjunct Neptune and is void at 27 degrees
Aquarius at 08:30 GMT.
The Moon enters Pisces 14:11 GMT
There is nothing to do but submit to this lunation.
Full Moon 1 degree Pisces 17:06 GMT
sextile Pluto.
This is the second Full Moon following the Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 and the 4th
Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on the day of the Winter solstice December 22nd 2010.
The full Moon sextiles Pluto and falls exactly on the natal Sun of Robert Mugabe.
At the exact moment of Full Moon Saturn sets at Baghdad, Pluto sets at Beijing. The Moon rising over central Europe is at lower culmination at Lima.
The skies at this time are still dominated by a Cardinal T-square involving Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Venus is close to Mars, Mercury is retrograde.
The astrological message of this lunation is one of change, movement and fluidity.
All is in motion.
The full Moon sextiles Pluto 20:02 GMT.
Wednesday August 25th 2010.
The 'hung over' Moon in Pisces is at apogee (slowest all month) 05:54 GMT
Thursday August 26th 2010
Yesterday dozens of people were killed in a series of bomb attacks across Iraq, as a deadline approaches for the formal end of US combat operations.
Mexican troops discovered 72 bodies on a northern ranch following a shoot-out with suspected drug cartel gunmen.
Today the Sun trines Pluto 05:09 GMT.
The slow Moon wanes a little drearily in Pisces, still very much hung over.
Tomorrow will have more impetus.
Friday August 27th 2010
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 01:59 GMT at 30 degrees Pisces and is then void.
She enters Aries 02:49 GMT
The slow but accelerating waning Moon is conjunct Jupiter 05:51 GMT at 2 degrees Aries, squares Pluto 08:35 and opposes Saturn 10:03 GMT. A challenging start to the GMT day.
Less than 2 degrees separate Jupiter and Uranus who are conjunct in late Pisces for the 2nd time this year on September 19th, the first time was June 8th 2010 in Aries, the final blast being January 4th 2011, also in Pisces. This conjunction is the next 'astrological wave'. This combination of planets raises consciousness.
As for the the weekend ahead, Saturday looks to be a raucous brash and challenging affair, Sunday in pleasant contrast will be earthy , productive and nourishing.
Saturday August 28th 2010
The accelerating and waning Moon in Aries opposes Mars and Venus 16:09 and 20:55 GMT
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 19:37 GMT 20 degrees Aries.
Mercury is retrograde, plans will change.
Venus is slowly pulling away from her conquest of Mars in her own sign of Libra.
He will however let her go, for the time being, returning with passion in his sign Scorpio,
on October 3rd.
Sunday August 29th 2010
The Moon sextiles Neptune 08:48 GMT and is void of course. The Moon enters Taurus 14:35.
The Sun, the Moon and Pluto form an earthy grand trine from 20:00 GMT for 8 hours.
The Moon forms a 'finger of fate' with Saturn and Neptune, she sextiles Neptune 20:48 GMT.
Monday August 30th 2010
Yesterday thousands rallied in Hong Kong to express their anger at the Philippines' handling of
a coach hijacking in which eight Hong Kong tourists died.
Floodwater submerged another town in southern Pakistan as officials race against
time to repair levees around the threatened city of Thatta
Thousands of Indonesians spent the night in emergency shelters after
fleeing an erupting volcano on the island of Sumatra. Officials issued a red alert
after Mount Sinabung began to spew lava shortly after 1900 GMT, on Saturday Aug 28th.
The volcano had not erupted since 1600.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 7 degrees Virgo.
There are 23 days to the Libra Equinox.
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Taurus.
Mercury is a retrograding evening star in Virgo.
Mercury is at Inferior conjunction with the Sun on September 3rd
at 11 Virgo , Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th.
Mercury enters new territory on September 27th. Mercury opposes
Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd, leaving Virgo
to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Libra. Venus is trine Neptune on September 4th.
On October 3rd Mars catches up with Venus at 13 Scorpio. Venus turns retrograde
in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010. Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Libra. Mars trines Neptune on September 10th and makes
fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and Uranus on September 13th
and 14th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Less than 2 degrees separate Jupiter and Uranus who are conjunct in late Pisces for the 2nd time
this year on September 19th, the first time was June 8th 2010 in Aries, the final blast being January
4th 2011, also in Pisces. This conjunction is the next 'astrological wave'.
Tuesday August 31st 2010
Engineers in Chile have begun drilling a rescue shaft to reach the 33 men trapped
in a collapsed mine.
South Korea has made its first offer of aid to flood-hit North Korea since it
accused Pyongyang of sinking a South Korean warship in March.
Today the Moon in Taurus sextiles Uranus (23:14 GMT) and is then void.
Mercury is speeding in retrograde motion towards inferior conjunction
with the Sun on Friday.
September 2010
After the tumultuous months just passed, September 2010 is somewhat quieter.
The month starts with the Sun and retrograding Mercury in Virgo. Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Libra.
Jupiter is conjunct Uranus on 19th September.
Wednesday September 1st 2010
Yesterday Iraq's prime minister said the country is now "independent",
hours before US combat operations ended officially.
Today the Moon enters Gemini 00:20 GMT and reaches last quarter phase
at 17:23 GMT 9 degrees Gemini.
The Sun and the Moon, (together with Mercury and Uranus) are in mutable signs.
This day has a kinetic quality. Lots of minutiae and analysis.
Lots of talk.
Thursday September 2nd 2010
Yesterday Palestinian security forces mounted a huge operation after four
Israeli settlers were killed, as leaders gathered in Washington to revive peace talks.
With Mars , Venus and saturn currently in Libra, sign of war, peace and diplomacy,
there is some hope of some success.
At least 18 people were killed and more than 100 were injured in three bomb
blasts during a Shia religious parade in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan is really going
through the mill at the moment. Firstly the terrible floods afflicted the country this summer,
then the most recent scandals of alleged corruption in cricket, which is just as huge, it appears,
in the proud national identity (natal Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Leo),
and then there is a continual undercurrent of insurgence and terrorism.
Natally Pakistan has a vulnerable Mars at 1 degree Cancer which recently has been under
siege from Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. It is Jupiter that is square the Pakistani Mars this week.
The UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) said that world food prices
had risen to their highest level in two years. It said the increase is due partly
to a drought in Russia and to government export restrictions which have
brought about a surge in the price of wheat.
Today the Gemini Moon 'hangs' with Mars Venus and Neptune in airy grand
trine from 16:00 to 23:00 GMT.
Another day of movement and 'critical communication' is on the cards.
Friday September 3rd 2010
The US Secretary of State told the Israeli and Palestinian leaders they have the "opportunity
to end this conflict" as direct peace talks began yesterday. As I mentioned yesterday, with
Venus Mars and Saturn in Libra, the time is ripe for such a truce.
An explosion has torn through an offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, west of the site of the
oil rig blast in April that caused a huge oil spill.
Areas along the US East Coast have declared states of emergency as Hurricane Earl churns
towards the region.
There is no place for God in theories on the creation of the Universe, Professor Stephen Hawking
has said. He had previously argued belief in a creator was not incompatible with science but in
a new book, he concludes the Big Bang was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics.
enters Cancer 06:51 GMT.
The Moon then squares Jupiter 08:07 GMT, opposes Pluto 11:47 GMT and squares
Saturn 12:35 GMT. While this Cardinal Cross rings out the Inferior Conjunction
of Mercury (New Mercury) occurs 12:35 GMT at 11 degrees Virgo.
Amid a relatively tough and challenging day a new 'seed idea' is conceived, released and hidden.
Saturday September 4th 2010
Yesterday a bomb killed at least 42 people at a Shia Muslim rally in the south-western city
of Quetta, the second attack on Pakistan's religious minority in days.
A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck off New Zealand's South Island. The earthquake struck
at 1635 GMT on Friday.
Nasa is aiming to get closer to the Sun than ever before, with plans to plunge a car-sized
unmanned spacecraft into the star's outer atmosphere. Scientists hope to launch the
Solar Probe Plus (SPP) sometime before 2018.
Today Venus 'air trines' Neptune 17:11 GMT. That's a highly ethereal vibration.
The Moon wanes and accelerates in Cancer.
Today will be an essentially instinctive affair where economical practicality prevails.
Sunday September 5th 2010
Regarding the New Zealand earthquake:- (16:35 GMT September 3rd 2010).
At the moment of greatest Total Solar Eclipse on July 11th 2010 the Sun
and Moon both were rising over New Zealand. I mentioned this at the time
A state of emergency is declared in Guatemala where heavy rain has caused
widespread flooding and landslides, killing at least 18 people
Today the Moon reaches balsamic phase 05:47 GMT 28 degrees Cancer. She then
trines Uranus 08:32 GMT and becomes void.
She ingresses Leo 09:46 GMT
Sunday, once it gets going, favours recreation and creativity.
Monday September 6th 2010
Yesterday armed Basque separatist group Eta said it has decided not to carry out
"armed actions" in its campaign for independence.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 14 degrees Virgo.
There are 16 days to the Libra Equinox.
The old Moon very rapidly wanes in Leo.
Mercury is a retrograding morning star in Virgo.
Mercury turns direct again at 5 degrees Virgo on
September 12th on and is back to full speed by September 20th.
Mercury enters new territory on September 27th. Mercury opposes
Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd, leaving Virgo
to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening 'star' in Libra.
On October 3rd Mars catches up with Venus at 13 Scorpio. Venus turns retrograde
in Scorpio on Oct 10th 2010. Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Libra. Mars trines Neptune on September 10th and makes
fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and Uranus on September 13th
and 14th. Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Less than 4 degrees separate Jupiter and Uranus who are conjunct in late Pisces for the 2nd time
this year on September 19th, the first time was June 8th 2010 in Aries, the final blast being January
4th 2011, also in Pisces. This conjunction is the next 'astrological wave'.
Tuesday September 7th 2010
A planetary 'finger of fate' occurs today as the very old but very fast Moon sextiles Venus and
implicates the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter around 08:18 GMT, a critical moment.
The Moon is then void.
This ancient rapidly moving Moon then threads needlelike into Virgo 09:54 GMT, joining the Sun
and Mercury in that sign. The Moon is then very closely conjunct Mercury 21:14 GMT at 7 degrees
Virgo with a 1.5 degrees orb.
This 'old moon day' is curiously wizened. Expect precision and detail beyond belief.
Wednesday September 8th 2010
Yesterday more than one million protesters joined rallies across France and a national strike caused
major disruption, amid rising anger over pension reforms.
DOUBLE ASTEROID FLYBY: It's a cosmic coincidence. Two asteroids, each about 10 to 15 meters wide,
will fly past Earth within hours of one another on Sept. 8th. Although both are coming inside the orbit
of the Moon, there is no danger of impact.
Today the Moon is perigee (fastest all month) 03:48 GMT
New Moon
16 degrees Virgo
10:31 GMT
This is the second New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on July 11th 2010, and the
4th New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse on Tuesday January 4th 2011 at
14 Capricorn (visible from Europe, including the UK, Asia and Africa).
This New Moon is unaspected. At the moment of New Moon the Sun rises at New York
and sets at Beijing. Pluto rises at Tehran. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus
straddles the IC of Jerusalem.
Venus sleazes into Scorpio 15:45 GMT and embarks upon a complicated and
tortuous adventure, involving aspects with all the other planets, for the remainder
of the year. There is passion, intrigue, love mystery and intense sexuality ahead.
On September 12th she sextiles Pluto. On October 3rd Mars catches up with Venus at 13 Scorpio.
Venus turns retrograde at Scorpio on Oct 8th 2010. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Thursday September 9th 2010
Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces 04:53 GMT, remaining there until Jan 22nd 2011
when he finally enters Aries.
The Moon in Virgo opposes Uranus and Jupiter at 07:36 and 09:00 GMT respectively..
The Moon is the void of course for two minutes.
The Moon enters Libra 09:02 GMT, joining Mars and Saturn in that sign.
The Moon awkwardly squares Pluto 13:27 GMT.
The Moon is then conjunct Saturn 17:10 GMT
A serious 'relationship issue' manifests.
Friday September 10th 2010
Yesterday President Obama called a small church's plan to burn the Koran a
"recruitment bonanza"for al-Qaeda, while Interpol warns a violent response is likely.
Today Mars 'Air trines' Neptune 01:16 GMT.
The Moon waxes and decelerates in Libra. Today is largely social in orientation.
The weekend ahead is a more emotional affair. Feelings will run deep and the
collective will is purposeful. This weekend is a rare and fine vintage. The Moon in Libra
is conjunct Mars first thing on Saturday, and then moves on to be is closely conjunct Venus in
Scorpio some 7 hours later.
Saturday September 11th 2010
The view from Australia.As featured in the Astronomy Calendar.
The Moon is conjunct Mars at 05:16 at 28 degrees Libra and is then void. She enters Scorpio 09:22 GMT, and is very closely aligned to Venus 12 55 GMT.
The Moon hits crescent phase 15:42 GMT 4 degrees Scorpio.
Sunday September 12th 2010
Turks vote on a referendum on reforming the constitution with opinion polls suggesting a close result.
There are 100 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
The Moon waxes and decelerates in Scorpio.
Mercury is stationary turning direct 23:01 GMT at 5 degrees Virgo.
Monday September 13th 2010
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 21 degrees Virgo.
There are 9 days to the Libra Equinox.
There are 99 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
The Moon in Scorpio trines the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter at 11:53 GMT and is void.
The Moon enters Sagittarius 12:52 GMT
Mercury is a slow moving direct morning 'star' in Virgo.
Mercury is back to full speed, after his recent retrograde motion by September 20th.
Mercury enters new territory on September 27th. Mercury opposes
Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd, leaving Virgo
to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening star in Scorpio. Today she sextiles Pluto.
On October 3rd Mars catches up with Venus at 13 Scorpio.
Venus turns retrograde at Scorpio on Oct 8th 2010. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Libra. Mars makes a fateful 150 degree aspects to Jupiter and
Uranus on September over the next two days.
Mars leaves Libra for Scorpio on September 14th.
Less than 2 degrees separate Jupiter and Uranus who are conjunct in
late Pisces for the 2nd time this year on September 19th, the first time
was June 8th 2010 in Aries, the final blast being January 4th 2011.
Tuesday September 14th 2010
Yesterday Police in Indian-administered Kashmir shot dead 18 civilians
as violent protests against Indian rule and reported Koran desecration
in the US escalated.
Rescue workers found at least 23 survivors after an aircraft carrying 47 people
crashed shortly after take-off in eastern Venezuela.
In the UK Union delegates backed joint industrial action if "attacks" on jobs,
pensions and public services go ahead
Today Pluto turns direct at 3 degrees Capricorn at 00:57.
The Moon waxes and decelerates in Sagittarius.
Mars penetrates Scorpio at 22:38 GMT joining Venus there.
Mars catches up with Venus on October 3rd at 13 Scorpio.
Mars sextiles Pluto on Sept 19th, and trines Jupiter on October 21st.
Mars squares Neptune on October 22nd.
Mars trines Uranus on October 24th. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
Wednesday September 15th 2010
Yesterday the EU's justice commissioner delivered a stern rebuke to France,
saying its "disgraceful" treatment of Roma (Gypsies) may trigger legal action by the EU.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders held "serious discussions on core issues" during direct
talks in Egypt.
Today the Moon reaches 'mutable' first quarter phase, (crisis in movement and in action) at
05:51 GMT at 22 degrees Sagittarius, then squares Uranus and Jupiter 18:52 GMT, a bumpy ride.
The Moon enters Capricorn 20:30 GMT. It hits the fan.
Thursday September 16th 2010
Yesterday a controversial bill to raise France's pension age
to 62 was approved by the lower house of parliament, amid
threats of fresh strike action.
Israeli and Palestinian leaders held further talks in Jerusalem, a day
after discussing the core issues at meetings in Egypt.
Mexico is celebrating the bicentennial of its independence amid high security,
as fears continue of drug cartel violence.
Pope Benedict will arrive in the UK today for a four-day visit - the first official
trip by a serving pontiff since 1982.
Today the Sun is in Virgo and the Moon is conjunct Pluto 01:51 GMT
at 3 degrees Capricorn.
This is a real 'down to earth' vibration. Nothing fanciful!
Friday September 17th 2010
CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH JUPITER: Been outside at midnight lately?
There's something you really need to see. Jupiter is approaching Earth
for the closest encounter between the two planets in more than a decade-
-and it is dazzling. Get the full story from Science@NASA.
Yesterday tens of thousands of people gathered in Glasgow, where Pope
Benedict XVI celebrated an open-air Mass on his first visit to the UK.
Today the Moon slowly waxes in Capricorn.
Same vibe as yesterday. Pragmatic, realistic, materialistic, analytical.
Saturday September 18th 2010
Uranus is passing 0.8° north of Jupiter tonight and tomorrow night.
Although Uranus is easily visible in binoculars at magnitude 5.7, Jupiter
outshines it by nearly 3,000 times at magnitude –2.9. In fact, Uranus
appears roughly as bright as one of Jupiter's four Galilean moons.
A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field and lighting up the Arctic Circle.
Today the Moon sextiles the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus and is void from 05:13 GMT.
She enters Aquarius 07:35 GMT.
The weekend ahead is dominated by Mars in Scorpio in a probing
sextile aspect to Pluto. Resolute will, penetration and maybe even venom manifests.
Much revealed, truth will out.
Sunday September 19th 2010
Yesterday Afghans voted in a key parliamentary election with turnout estimated at about
40%, but Taliban attacks killed at least 14 people.
The Sun is now starting to oppose the Jupiter Uranus conjunction as both the Equinox
and the Full Moon approach.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase 06:12 GMT 11 degrees Aquarius, and the procession to the
Full Moon (and equinox) begins.
Jupiter is conjunct Uranus at 29 degrees Pisces second of 3 at 01:08 GMT.
Mars in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 02:43 GMT.
A communal or community day.
Monday September 20th 2010
Oil giant BP has finally sealed the ruptured well that has spewed millions of barrels of oil into
the Gulf of Mexico.
At least 23 people have been killed and 100 injured in two large, near-simultaneous
explosions in Baghdad on Sunday morning
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 28 degrees Virgo, applying to a conjunction with Saturn
in 11 days time and opposing Jupiter and Uranus tomorrow.
There are 2 days to the Libra Equinox.
The Equinox and Full Moon occur on Thursday.
There are 92 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
Venus and Mars are in Scorpio.
The very slow Moon is conjunct Neptune 13:09 GMT at 26 degrees
Aquarius and is then void. She swims into Pisces 20:15 GMT.
Mercury is a direct morning 'star' in Virgo.
Mercury is back to full speed today, after his recent retrograde motion.
Mercury enters new territory on September 27th. Mercury opposes
Jupiter on October 1st and opposes Uranus on October 2nd, leaving Virgo
to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening star in Scorpio.
On October 3rd Mars catches up with Venus at 13 Scorpio.
Venus turns retrograde at Scorpio on Oct 8th 2010. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Scorpio and sextiles Pluto on Sept 19th, and trines Jupiter on October 21st.
Mars squares Neptune on October 22nd.
Mars trines Uranus on October 24th. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in late Pisces.
Tuesday September 21st 2010
Moon apogee (slowest all month) 08:04 GMT
The Sun opposes Jupiter 11:36 GMT
The Sun opposes Uranus 16:58 GMT
The Piscean gibbous Moon, opposes a Virgo Mercury 18:42.
Tensions building as the Full Moon approaches.
A day of significance.
Wednesday September 22nd 2010
Yesterday Indian officials insisted facilities will ready for
the Commonwealth Games, after accommodation was described as uninhabitable.
North Korea's ruling party will hold its first conference in a generation on
28 September, state media reports say, amid speculation that leader
Kim Jong-il is about to name his successor.
The costs associated with dementia will amount to more than 1% of the
world's gross domestic product this year at $604bn (£388bn), a report says.
Today the Moon waxes to the Full in Pisces.
This is the last day of the astrological month of Virgo.
Tomorrow is the Equinox, and the Full Moon.
Thursday September 23rd 2010
Yesterday morning between 0230 UT and 0600 UT, the northern hemisphere of the
sun erupted in a tumult of activity. At least two dark magnetic filaments became unstable
and lifted off the stellar surface, a B8-class solar flare flashed from sunspot 1109, and a
bright coronal mass ejection billowed into space.
Today is the Autumn Equinox.
The moment is 03:10:07 GMT.
Only six very special hours separate the moment of Autumn Equinox and the moment of Full Moon today.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Uranus at 05:06 GMT and 05:53 GMT.
The Moon is then void.
The Moon ingresses Aries 08:47 GMT.
Full Moon zero degrees Aries
opposite Saturn, square Pluto.
This is a difficult Full Moon in Cardinal T-square with Saturn and Pluto.
The time is full of problems and testing circumstances.
Hold steady.
09:18 GMT
This Full Moon is midway between the Partial Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 2010 and the
Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on the day of the Winter solstice December 22nd 2010.
This Full moon directly and closely hits the natal Moon of Nicolas Sarkozy, the Midheaven of
William Hague, the natal Venus of Sarah Palin, the Venus of the Nepalese chart, the natal Jupiter
of John Cleese, and the natal Uranus of Pope Benedict.
At the moment of Full Moon today the Sun and Moon straddle the Prime Vertical of Moscow.
Venus and Mars are on the Midheaven of Mumbai, Mars rises over the UK, Mercury rises at New York,
the Sun, Uranus and Jupiter align to South Korea.
The Moon squares Pluto 14:25 GMT
She opposes Saturn 22:32 GMT.
Friday September 24th 2010
Yesterday on the Equinox day US President Barack Obama urged world leaders at the
UN General Assembly to support Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations
currently under way.
Indian ministers held urgent talks over Delhi's beleaguered Commonwealth
Games, a day before the first overseas competitors arrive.
Today the 'hung over' Moon now wanes in Aries.
Saturday September 25th 2010
The weekend ahead will witness the Moon ingress Taurus and
the Sun squaring Pluto effecting a deep ang lasting resolution,
for good or ill.
The Moon sextiles Neptune 13:12 GMT and becomes void of course.
The Moon enters Taurus 20:17 GMT.
Sunday September 26th 2010
Israel's top negotiator says there is a "50-50" chance of reaching a
deal on settlements with Palestinians, as a partial construction freeze winds down
Venezuelans vote for a new parliament today, with opposition parties hoping to
take back seats from the governing party of President Hugo Chavez.
Today the Sun squares Pluto 00:22 GMT. The Moon in Taurus opposes
Mars at 11:28 GMT and Venus at 17:26 GMT, both in Scorpio.
Monday September 27th 2010
Ed Miliband's election on Saturday as the 17th leader of the Labour Party went
down to the wire, his victory over his elder brother, David, all the more painful
because it was by such a slender margin. Just 50.65 per cent to 49.35 per cent.
We have no birth time for this subject. Ed (24 Dec 1969) was born at the
Full Moon in Cancer and is Sun Capricorn trine Saturn in Taurus. He has
a 'planetary kite' pattern focused on the Sun and Moon and a grand
trine in water involving Mars, Moon and Jupiter. This is a high destiny
but sober and practical chart with a reforming zeal. There is a soulful
and solid feel to this chart.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 5 degrees Libra, conjunct Saturn
in 4 days time. There are 85 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
Venus and Mars are in Scorpio.
The accelerating but slow Moon reaches disseminating phase 09:32 GMT
at 19 degrees Taurus.
Mercury is a direct morning 'star' in Virgo.
Mercury is now at full speed today, after his recent retrograde motion.
and enters new territory today. Mercury opposes Jupiter on October 1st and
opposes Uranus on October 2nd, leaving Virgo to enter Libra on October 3rd.
Venus is an evening star in Scorpio.
On October 3rd Mars catches up with Venus at 13 Scorpio.
Venus turns retrograde at 13 Scorpio on Oct 8th 2010. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Scorpio trines Jupiter on October 21st.
Mars squares Neptune on October 22nd.
Mars trines Uranus on October 24th. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
Tuesday September 28th 2010
Yesterday the US state department expressed disappointment at Israel's decision not
to extend its ban on settlement building in the West Bank.
Pakistan officials said Nato-led raids which crossed into the country from Afghanistan
and killed more than 50 insurgents were a violation of sovereignty.
The Venezuelan opposition overturned President Hugo Chavez's two-thirds majority
in parliament in a poll seen as a test of the president's popularity.
North Korea's ruling party will hold its first conference in a generation today.
Today the Moon in Taurus sextiles Uranus 03:04 GMT and becomes 'void of course'.
She enters Gemini 06:12 GMT. The Sun and Moon (with Saturn and Neptune)
are then in Air signs. After the somewhat turgid vibration and bleak news stories
of the past two days a balmier, lighter couple of days are now in store.
Wednesday September 29th 2010
southern Mexican state of Oaxaca.
A rare meeting of North Korea's ruling party opens the way for the eventual
handover of power to Kim Jong-il's youngest son.
Today the Moon wanes and accelerates in Gemini.
The Sun is applying to a conjunction with Saturn, so there is a very serious undertone
to current proceedings, however today is a busy busy day with lots of fizz and lots of chatter.
Venus is faltering in Scorpio as a 'powerfully at home' Mars moves in on her. Correspondingly
relationships between the sexes are in crisis mode. The collective animus has the edge right now.
Thursday September 30th 2010
Yesterday tens of thousands took to the streets of Brussels and other European cities in a day
of protests against austerity measures, as a general strike gripped Spain.
The United States and China are to resume military contacts after a hiatus of more than
six months. US officials said the two sides would hold maritime talks in Hawaii next month,
followed by high-level talks in Washington later in the year.
The Gemini Moon squares Jupiter 08:44 GMT and squares Uranus 10:38 GMT, and then
becomes void. She then enters Cancer 13:47 GMT and opposes Pluto 18:56 GMT.
The Sun is nearly conjunct Saturn.
The Moon is approaching 'cardinal last quarter' phase.
The underlying seriousness to the current situation hinted at yesterday will now
become apparent for all to see. From 14:47 GMT today the mood changes to
a more emotional hue. In addition Mercury is now applying in opposition to Jupiter
and Uranus. Outlandish outpourings, and emotional reactions can be expected
over the ensuing few days. The calendar month could end on a tearful note.
October 2010
Friday October 1st 2010
Astronomers have detected an Earth-like exoplanet that may have just the
right kind of conditions to support life. Gliese 581g lies some 20 light-years away,
it's visible in most amateur telescopes but not binoculars (at right ascension 15h 19.4m, declination –7° 43′),
Its tropical zodiac position is around 13 degrees Scorpio, roughly where Venus and Mars are right now !
It is in its star's "Goldilocks zone" -a region surface temperatures would allow the presence of liquid water
As October commences Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction.
Mars is applying overtaking and overpowering A 'faltering' Venus
(who is about to turn retrograde) in Scorpio.
Mercury is applying in opposition to Jupiter and Uranus over the first
three days of the month. The Sun is conjunct Saturn at 8 degrees Libra
at 00:42 GMT. The Moon at last quarter phase 03:53 GMT 8 degrees Cancer
squares the Sun and Saturn and opposes the lunar Node in a Cardinal T-square.
Mercury is opposite Jupiter 22:36 GMT
This is a 'wide of the mark' day. Poor judgment and over estimation,
with a touch and suddenness of a divine messenger. Ware!
October 2nd 2010
Periodic Comet Hartley 2 should be about 7th magnitude this week, visible
in binoculars in a dark sky. It's excellently placed very high these moonless
evenings, passing just south of Cassiopeia as shown above. It's large and
diffuse, meaning its light is spread out over a wide area (as seen in binoculars)
so you'll need an unpolluted dark sky. Hartley 2 may brighten to 5th magnitude
in the next couple weeks. SKY AND TELESCOPE
Yesterday at least eight people were killed as two blasts in Nigeria's capital,
Abuja, marred celebrations to mark 50 years since independence from the UK.
China's Chang'e-2 spacecraft was successfully launched on a mission to test
key technologies and map the Moon.
Today Mercury is opposite Uranus 14:24 GMT.
The Moon in Cancer sextiles Mercury 15:23 GMT and is void.
The Moon enters Leo 18:22.
Ok then, there may be shocks and changes of mind in store with the
Mercury Uranus opposition. From 18:22 there is more fun and recreation
to be had. The vibration from then lasts for the remainder of the weekend.
Sunday October 3rd 2010
Subtle and substantial.
Mercury enters Libra 15:04 joining the Sun and Saturn.
Mercury squares Pluto on Oct. 5th, he is in a conjunction with Saturn on Oct 8th,
Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct. 17th at 24 degrees Libra.
and trines Neptune on oct. 18th. Mercury enters Scorpio on October 20th.
An important time. outcomes are balanced.
The Leo Moon squares Venus and Mars in Scorpio 15:41.
Venus is conjunct Mars at 13 degrees Scorpio 21:58 GMT.
Second swirl of 3 such conjunctions
Subtle and substantial.
Monday October 4th 2010
Yesterday the 2010 Commonwealth Games began with a spectacular
opening ceremony under way at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Delhi.
The US government has warned its citizens in an official travel advisory
to be vigilant traveling in Europe, amid fears of an al-Qaeda commando-style attack.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 12 degrees Libra.
Mercury and Saturn are also in Libra. Venus and Mars are in Scorpio.
There are 78 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
The Moon in Leo opposes Neptune 13:53 GMT and becomes void.
The accelerating Moon hits balsamic phase 13:55 GMT at 26 degrees Leo.
The Moon, moving very fast, enters Virgo 20:00 GMT.
The Moon is new on Thursday.
Mercury is a direct morning 'star' at full speed in Libra. He squares Pluto tomorrow.
Mercury squares Pluto on Oct. 5th, he is in a conjunction with Saturn on Oct 8th,
Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct. 17th at 24 degrees Libra.
and trines Neptune on Oct. 18th. Mercury enters Scorpio on October 20th.
Mercury next turns retrograde on December 10th 2010.
Venus is an evening star in Scorpio.
Venus turns retrograde at 13 Scorpio on Oct 8th 2010. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Scorpio trines Jupiter on October 21st.
Mars squares Neptune on October 22nd.
Mars trines Uranus on October 24th. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
Tuesday October 5th 2010
Brazil's leading presidential hopefuls are preparing to return to campaigning
ahead of a second round of elections. Votes in the balance.
BIG GREEN COMET: The icy nucleus of comet 103P/Hartley 2 measures no more
than a couple of kilometers across. That tiny nugget, however, is surrounded by a
vast atmosphere of gas more than 150,000 km in diameter--about the same size
as the planet Jupiter! And it's coming our way. It's celestial position projected
onto the zodiac shows the comet moving from 16 to 28 degrees Taurus this week.
Today Mercury squares Pluto 06:06 GMT.
The very swiftly moving Virgo Moon sextiles Venus and Mars at
17:02 and 18:43 respectively.
A fast moving critical 'hair-splitting day' geared to efficiency is in store.
Almost clockwork precision is evident.
Wednesday October 6th 2010
Yesterday Hungary declared an emergency after a torrent
of sludge from an alumina plant killed at least four people and
heads towards major rivers.
Today the Moon is at perigee 13:41 GMT (fastest all month).
This rapid balsamic Moon opposes Jupiter 14:12 GMT and Uranus
16:43 and is the void of course.
The planets are then arrayed in a bowl shaping, the planets and the Moon
occupying the signs from Libra to Pisces. The current emphasis is
on karmic reaping. After another 'work and efficiency' orientated day,
the old Moon enters Libra 19:52 GMT, joining Mercury, Saturn and the
Sun in that sign, and the mood of the dakky changes to to a state of
pre-New Moon equilibrium and vision.
Thursday October 7th 2010
The ancient Moon is conjunct Mercury 06:09 GMT at 6 degrees Libra.
She goes on to conjunct Saturn at 09:24 at 9 Libra.
Day of the New Moon in Libra.
18:46 GMT( in wide trine to Neptune).
This New Moon falls exactly midway between the Total Solar Eclipse on July 11th 2010,
and the Partial Solar Eclipse on Tuesday January 4th 2011 at 14 Capricorn
(which will be observable from Europe, including the UK, Asia and Africa).
This New Moon being in wide airy trine aspect to Neptune is a rather benign lunation
favoring art, image and media. An impending Mercury Saturn conjunction forces
difficult and serious decision making. Fire is the missing element. Relax.
Friday October 8th 2010
Yesterday's New Moon has not yet appeared to 'bring forth' any significant events.
Red sludge from Monday's spill at an industrial plant in western Hungary
reached the River Danube after killing all fish in one river.
Nine people were killed in two suspected suicide blasts at a Sufi shrine in the Pakistani
city of Karachi.
Today Venus is stationary turning retrograde at 07:03 GMT at 13 degrees Scorpio.
The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun occurs on October 29th 2010
at 5 Scorpio. Venus turns direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra
Also today Mercury is conjunct Saturn 11:36 GMT at 9 degrees Libra with an orb of only
32 minutes of arc. The infant Moon in Libra trines Neptune 13:38 GMT and is void.
She enters Scorpio 19:52 GMT joining Mars and newly retrograding Venus in that sign.
Today has serious undertones. Deliberation is called for.
The weekend ahead witnesses the young Moon 'playing' with Venus and Mars in Scorpio.
Seriously serious.
Saturday October 9th 2010
Yesterday China issued a strong protest after Norway's Nobel Committee awarded its
2010 peace prize to jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo
The governor of the Afghan province of Kunduz was killed in an explosion at a mosque which left at least 14 others dead.
The 33 miners trapped underground in Chile should be reached within 24 hours, though they will not be rescued until next week.
Comet Hartley 2 is at 29 degrees tropical Taurus at the moment.
The Scorpio Moon sextiles Pluto 00:40 GMT. The day that follows has a certain
intensity. The Moon is conjunct Venus at 13 degrees Scorpio at 17:35 GMT,
and then moves on to take Venus' ''vow of vengeance' to Mars, being conjunct with
him some 7 hours later. A deeply mysterious and sublime day is in store.
Sunday October 10th 2010
Yesterday rescuers drilled right through to the underground chamber where
33 miners are trapped in Chile, sparking celebrations on the surface.
Hungarian authorities evacuated the village of Kolontar amid fears of a second
wave of red toxic sludge.
Today the young Moon is conjunct Mars 00:06 GMT at 17 degrees Scorpio.
The Moon is trine Uranus 18:27 GMT, and is void.
She enters Sagittarius 22:09.
Monday October 11th 2010
The path of Comet Hartley.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 19 degrees Libra, we are now in 'the darkened way'
which leads to the month of Scorpio. Mercury and Saturn are also in Libra. Venus and Mars
are already in Scorpio. There are 71 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
The decelerating Moon reaches crescent phase 02:51 GMT 3 degrees Sagittarius,
then she makes the only aspect today, a sextile to Saturn at 14:00 GMT.
Mercury is a direct morning 'star' at full speed in Libra.
Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Oct. 17th at 24 degrees Libra.
and trines Neptune on Oct. 18th. Mercury enters Scorpio on October 20th.
Mercury next turns retrograde on December 10th 2010.
Venus is a retrograde evening 'star' at 13 Scorpio. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Scorpio trines Jupiter on October 21st.
Mars squares Neptune on October 22nd.
Mars trines Uranus on October 24th. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
Tuesday October 12th 2010
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu offers to renew a partial freeze on
settlement building if the Palestinians recognise Israel as "a Jewish state"
An attempt to rescue 33 Chilean miners trapped deep underground could
begin at midnight on Tuesday (0300 GMT).
US doctors begin the first official trial of using human embryonic stem cells
in patients after getting the green light to use them for spinal injuries.
ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2010 TD54 will fly by Earth on
Tuesday, Oct. 12th, about 46,000 km above the planet's surface. At closest approach,
the 7-meter space rock will shine like a 14th magnitude star as it races through
the constellations Pisces and Aquarius. Advanced amateur astronomers can track
the flight of 2010 TD54 using this ephemeris. There is no danger of a collision.
Today the Moon is busy, making aspects from Sagittarius.
Inflammable situations and tendencies arise.
Wednesday October 13th 2010
Yesterday Unions and police said protests in Paris against pension reforms were the biggest
so far, as some unions prepared to vote on open-ended strikes.
The Chile Copper Mine rescue is underway.
Today the decelerating and waxing Sagittarian Moon is square Uranus 00:08 GMT and is
void from that moment. She enters Capricorn 04:17 GMT, and is conjunct Pluto at 09:57 GMT
at 3 degrees Capricorn. She then makes her slow approach to a cardinal first quarter phase.
Dynamo power. Energy and experience generation.
Thursday October 14th 2010
Yesterday will go down in history as the day that Chile celebrated the start
of the rescue of 33 miners trapped underground. The Chile (proclamation) chart,
Feb 12th 1818, had the 'double whammy' of Uranus sextile natal Mercury and
Mercury sextile natal Uranus. Also the lunar node is conjunct the Chile natal Jupiter.
All in all this combination is very apt considering the global media coverage of the
country's joy and jubilation, and the expansive nature of the event.
A group of Communist Party veterans in China wrote a rare letter calling for an end
to the country's restrictions on freedom of speech.
Today the slow and decelerating Moon waxes in Capricorn reaching her first quarter
phase 21:28 GMT 22 degrees Capricorn.
Friday October 15th 2010
Everyone loves Chile.
Yesterday President Sebastian Pinera of Chile meets the 33 rescued miners
at the hospital where they are recovering and promised a review of safety.
See yesterday's comment for a dash of astrology re the Chile chart.
French petrol distributors urged the government to release emergency fuel
stocks following strikes that have blocked many oil refineries.
Today the slow Moon sextiles Uranus at 09:49 GMT and then is void of course.
She enters Aquarius 14:24 GMT .
Free spirits.
Saturday October 16th 2010
Yesterday fuel supplies to Paris's main airports through a major pipeline were cut off,
as protests over pension reforms led to fears of petrol shortages.
Nato has granted safe passage to Kabul for at least one Taliban commander for talks
with the Afghan government, said General David Petraeus.
Engineers drilled through the last remaining rock to complete the world's longest
transport tunnel under the Alps in Switzerland.
Today the Moon, now past the First Quarter phase, slowly waxes in Aquarius.
The Sun and the Moon are in air signs with Mercury, Saturn and Neptune).
This is a weekend to develop a world view. Compassionate detachedment is
to the fore. Free minds, free bodies, free spirits, free thoughts.
Sunday October 17th 2010
Periodic Comet Hartley 2 remains about 6th magnitude, appearing big, round,
and dim in binoculars. This week it's crossing Auriga and passing its closest to Earth
(on October 20th). But moonlight is returning; the waxing Moon sets later each night.
You can have a Moon-free view through about the morning of the 19th if you observe
in the pre-dawn hours.
Yesterday a new wave of pension protests hit France, sparking fuel shortages, but with
police and unions giving sharply differing figures of those taking part.
An explosion at a coal mine in central China has killed 20 miners and trapped another 17 underground.
Today Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 01:05 GMT at 24 degrees Libra, both bodies in the direction of Spica. There are only 51 minutes of arc separating the Sun and Mercury at that moment.
The very slow Moon is conjunct Neptune at 18:49 at 26 degrees Aquarius.
Monday October 18th 2010
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 26 degrees Libra.
There are 64 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
Mercury and Saturn are also in Libra. Venus and Mars are in Scorpio.
The Moon slips into Pisces 02:52 GMT and has a good residence there.
She is at apogee 18:22 GMT.
Mercury is a direct evening 'star' at full speed in Libra.
Mercury trines Neptune 12:04 GMT today.
Mercury enters Scorpio on October 20th.
Mercury next turns retrograde on December 10th 2010.
Venus is a retrograde evening 'star' at 13 Scorpio. Mercury is conjunct Venus
at 8 Scorpio on 25th October. The Inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun
occurs on October 29th 2010 at 5 Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Scorpio and he makes three strong aspects before the end of the month.
He trines Jupiter in three days time. He squares Neptune on October 22nd, and
he trines Uranus on October 24th. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
These three martian aspects colour next weekend quite significantly.
Tuesday October 19th 2010
Some 1,500 petrol stations in France have run dry or are about to close as fuel supplies
are hit by strikes.
China's Vice-President Xi Jinping is named vice-chair of a powerful military body, in a move
widely seen as a boost to his leadership chances. All we know regarding his birthdate is
that he was born in June 1953.
A "super typhoon" has struck the northern Philippines with heavy rain and winds of up
to 260km/h (162mph), leaving at least three people dead.
Periodic Comet Hartley 2 remains about 6th magnitude, appearing big, round, and dim
in binoculars. This week it's crossing Auriga and passing its closest to Earth
(on October 20th). But moonlight is returning; the waxing Moon sets later each night.
You can have a Moon-free view through about the morning of the 19th if you observe
in the pre-dawn hours. The Comet's zodiac position is currently around 18 degrees Gemini.
The Moon reaches her gibbous phase 00:11 GMT 11 degrees Pisces, and applies
all day to a conjunction with Jupiter and Uranus.
The procession to the Full Moon is now underway.
The Libran Sun air trines Neptune 12:19 GMT.
There will be strong subliminal undercurrents today.
Look east after sunset. Jupiter and the Moon are having a
close encounter (< 6o) in the constellation Pisces. The bright
conjunction is visible even from light-polluted urban areas,
Wednesday October 20th 2010
Yesterday more than one million people protested across France in a sixth national
day of action against planned pension reforms.
At least six people died and 17 were injured after militants attacked parliament in the
Russian republic of Chechnya.
At least 25 people were killed and dozens injured in attacks by gunmen in the southern
Pakistani city of Karachi.
Lunar tension is building up.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter at 05:16 GMT 25 degrees Pisces.
The Moon is then conjunct Uranus at 10:26 GMT and is void of course for 5 hours.
She storms into Aries 15:24 GMT.
Mercury surgically enters Scorpio 21:19 GMT, joining Venus and Mars in that sign.
Mercury will speed through Scorpio in just 20 days. He will sextile Pluto on Friday,
meet up with retrograding Venus on Sunday, trine Jupiter on Nov 4th,
square Neptune on Nov 6th and trine Uranus on Nov 7th.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 8th, hot on the chase of Mars whom he will meet
on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius. Mercury turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010 being at
that time conjunct Pluto and the Lunar Node.
Mars today is applying in watery trine to Jupiter. Good applications.
The Full Moon is almost on us. This is one right royal build up.
Thursday October 21st 2010
Yesterday France started importing electricity as the campaign of rolling strikes took
hold of energy supplies. Neptune is exactly square the France (1st republic) chart
Mid heaven right now.
The US confirmed it intends to sell $60bn of arms to Saudi Arabia, possibly
supporting some 75,000 jobs.
A tiny faint dot in a Hubble picture has been confirmed as the most distant galaxy
ever detected in the Universe.This collection of stars is so far away its light has
taken more than 13 billion years to arrive at Earth.
In the UK George Osborne unveiled the biggest spending cuts in decades - with
welfare, councils and police all hit. Saturn is exactly square the UK natal sun right now.
Today Mars in Scorpio water trines Jupiter in Pisces 01:42 GMT, a good one!
The Moon waxes to the Full in Aries. Rampant desire and 'at one ment'
abound in the eco sphere.
Friday October 22nd 2010
This is the last day of the astrological month of Libra.
Mars now' fixed' squares Neptune 15:35 GMT, not so easy.
There will be 'Full Moon crazy scenes' today .
Sudden cosmic impulses and lunar surges swirl around us like
whirl pools. Journey carefully.
As night time falls over Europe, Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 19:36 GMT,
the universal mind is unfathomable. Sudden insight and investigation.
The night and the light of the Full Moon follows.
Saturday October 23rd 2010
Full Moon 30 degrees Aries
01:38 GMT ( trine Pluto, opposite Mercury).
This Full Moon is the penultimate lunation before the Total Lunar Eclipse on the day of the
Winter Solstice December 22nd 2010.
This Full Moon is essentially a positive affair with Mars very strongly placed in the heavens.
This is a time of impetus, urgency and activity. Muscular effort is to the fore.
At the moment of Full Moon there is a striking list of planetary contacts to
important cities. The Sun is rising and the Moon sets over eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan.
It is local noon at Sydney. Mars rises at Mandalay, is at lower culmination under the UK
and sets at Mexico city. Venus is lower culmination at Reykjavik. Jupiter sets at Bucharest.
Jupiter and Uranus are culminating over the Malvinas. Pluto is at lower culmination at
Moscow, and sets at Boston USA. Neptune culminates at Chicago. Saturn rises at Baghdad.
This Full Moon directly hits the natal Moon of Joseph Biden, Dimitry Madvedev and
Prince Charles. Its also falls on the natal Venus Jupiter conjunction of
Michael Barrymore, the natal Saturn of Henry Blofeld and the natal Uranus
of Bridgett Bardot and Leonard Cohen.
The Moon becomes void at the moment of fullness.
The Moon then goes on and enters Taurus 02:31 GMT.
The Full Moon has coincided with the biggest leak of military records in
US history, released by Wikileaks, showing that commanders did not
investigate torture by the Iraqi authorities.
An outbreak of cholera north of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, has killed
almost 200 people and left at least 2,600 others sick
The Full Moon and the astrological month of Libra are over at 12:35 GMT
when the Sun enters Scorpio, and a new astrological month begins.
The Sun joins Mercury, Venus and Mars already in that sign.
A complete modulation of energy occurs.
We have five days ahead dominated by these four bodies in Scorpio.
After the furious energy of the past two days things will become a
great deal more steadier.
Sunday October 24th 2010
This is sure a weekend to remember.
Mars trine Uranus 14:56 GMT.
The cumbersome 'hung over Moon' wanes' in Taurus.
Monday October 25th 2010
The first cases of cholera have been detected and isolated in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince,
raising fears over an outbreak that has killed more than 200 people.
The UN refugee agency is to start an emergency airlift of tents to the
West African nation of Benin, amid the worst flooding there in decades.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 3 degrees Scorpio.
Mercury Venus and Mars are also in Scorpio.
There are 57 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
Between 04:00 and 08:00 the Moon in Taurus forms a Fixed T-square with Mars
and Neptune, sex tiling Jupiter Uranus at the same time.
The Moon opposes Mars 07:50 GMT and becomes void.
The Moon enters Gemini 11:48 GMT.
The Moon at 3 degrees Gemini forms a finger of fate with the Sun and Pluto around 17:20 GMT.
Mercury is a direct evening 'star' at full speed in Scorpio.
Mercury is conjunct Venus at 8 Scorpio today at 13:18 GMT.
He trines Jupiter on Nov 4th, squares Neptune on Nov 6th and trines Uranus on Nov 7th.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 8th, hot on the chase of Mars whom he will meet
on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius. Mercury turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010 being at
that time conjunct Pluto and the Lunar Node.
Venus is a retrograde evening 'star' at 7 Scorpio. . Venus sextiles Pluto for a 2nd time
on Nov. 1st. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Scorpio. He enters Sagittarius on October 28th.
Tuesday October 26th 2010
Yesterday Afghan President Hamid Karzai acknowledged his office had received
cash from Iran, as reported in the US media, but insisted it was a "transparent" process
A major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struck off western Sumatra, and a tsunami
alert was issued.
DATE : 25 Octoberr 2010
ORIGIN TIME : 14:42 22s UTC
LAT/LONG : 3.464 °South / 100.084 °East
DEPTH : 14 km
LOCALITY : SW of Sumatra, Indonesia
COMMENTS : 245 km west of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
Strikes ended at three oil terminals and all of France's fuel depots were said to be
cleared of protesters as the government's pension reforms are set to become law.
Today the Scorpio Sun sextiles Pluto 18:57 GMT.
The Moon reaches disseminating phase 22:00 GMT 18 degrees Gemini.
Wednesday October 27th 2010
Yesterday more than 100 people are killed and many are missing in Indonesia after a tsunami
triggered by Monday's powerful earthquake.
Iran began fueling its first nuclear power station at Bushehr, despite Western unease over
its nuclear ambitions.
Indonesia's most volatile volcano, Mount Merapi, erupted, hurling rocks and hot ash into
the air as thousands fled.
Tariq Aziz, for many years the international face of Iraq under Saddam Hussein, was sentenced
to death by the Iraqi Supreme Court.
Saturn makes a 135 degree (waning) aspect with Neptune (1st today, 2nd March 24th 2011,
final August 25th 2011)This precedes the last quarter phase between these two
planets which occurs in 2015/ 2016 and their conjunction in 2026 in early Aries. The cycle began
in 1989 in Capricorn and peaked in 2006/2007 with the opposition across Leo Aquarius.
Today the Moon in Gemini squares Uranus and is void from 14:20 forming in the intervening hours
a 'butterfly pattern' with Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Neptune.
The Moon enters Cancer 19:15 GMT. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter and Uranus
are then all in water signs.
Thursday October 28th 2010
The first aerial images of Indonesian islands hit by a tsunami which killed at least 311
people show ripped-up trees and flattened buildings, as rescuers finally arrive.
President Barack Obama appeals for more time to carry out his reforms, in an
appearance on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, days before mid-term polls.
As the polls approach, Barack Obama has the tempering transit of Saturn sextile his Sun.
Today the Moon, forming the handle of a 'planetary bucket', opposes Pluto at 01:12 GMT,
and is tightly eased by Venus and the Sun.
The Moon occults the fixed star Mu Gemini from approximately 05:12 to 05:59
for UK observers. This is the first of two such events for the UK, the second is on Dec 21st 2010.
Mars enters Sagittarius 06:48 GMT today, and hurtles through this sign in a combustible 40 days.
While is this sign Mars sextiles Saturn on Nov 15th, Mars is overtaken by Mercury on Nov 20th
at 17 Sagittarius, Mars squares Jupiter on Nov 29th and sextiles Neptune on Dec 2nd before
entering Capricorn on Dec 7th.
Friday October 29th 2010
Yesterday relief efforts were stepped up in Indonesia as aid deliveries reached the
worst-hit parts of the island chain devastated by Monday's tsunami.
European leaders met amid pressure to rein in the EU budget and set up a scheme
to prevent future debt crises.
Nearly one in four stars like the Sun could have Earth-sized planets, according to a new
estimate published in the journal Science.
The Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and Venus occurs 01:11 GMT today at 5 degrees Scorpio.
Venus is then astrologically a 'morning star'.
From 14:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT the Moon in Cancer, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus form a dissociate grand trine.
The Moon trines Uranus 19:49 GMT and becomes void of course.
Saturday October 30th 2010
(22:00 GMT Friday) President Barack Obama says two suspicious packages
bound for the US appear to have contained explosive materials and constituted
a 'credible terrorist threat'.
There is a 'situation'. The USA, UK and Yemen are at the centre of the affair.
Good fortune and good intelligence seems to have been with the USA and any
destruction avoided. Jupiter is in trine aspect to the USA Mercury right now.
In the skies Friday started with the Inferior conjunction of Venus in Scorpio followed
15 hours later by a manifest planetary triangle in water with a blast of fiery Mars in early
Sagittarius. The Moon was in 'slightly apprehensive' Cancer as the events unfolded.
We await the Moon's ingress into Leo to see how the situation evolves.
Also yesterday EU leaders said tough new budget rules agreed at their
summit in Brussels would protect the euro from a future Greek-style debt crisis.
North Korean troops fired two shots across the border into South Korean
territory and the South returned fire, Seoul said.
Periodic Comet Hartley 2 is once again becoming visible in a more-or-less moonlight-free
morning sky. This week the comet crosses from Gemini into Canis Minor, as shown below.
Today the swiftly waning Moon enters Leo 00:39 GMT.
and hits fixed last quarter phase 12:47 GMT 7 degrees Leo.
Uncompromising will, power and play evident today.
Nothing will budge.
Sunday October 31st 2010
The bomb found on a plane in the UK was designed to go off on the aircraft,
the British PM said yesterday , as Yemen arrested a woman suspected of involvement.
Today the rapidly waning and accelerating Moon in Leo opposes Neptune and is void from 21:01 GMT.
November 2010
Monday November 1st 2010
One of the two bombs posted from Yemen last week
was transported on two passenger planes before being seized in Dubai.
A suicide bomb blast in the centre of Istanbul injured 32 people, including
15 policemen, but no group has yet said it carried out the attack.
The planets start the month in a tight bowl array. The signs Libra to Pisces are
in focus. This is 'karmic reaping' time.
Venus and Neptune remain in airy trine aspect all month rendering an erotic
hue on all affairs. Passion, art. music all flow with this combination.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 10 degrees Scorpio.
Mercury and Venus are also in Scorpio.
There are 50 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice
The Moon, now past Last quarter phase rapidly enters Virgo 03:51 GMT.
The Moon is New on Saturday at 14 Scorpio in what looks to be
a favorable lunation.
Mercury is a direct evening 'star' at full speed in Scorpio.
Mercury trines Jupiter on Nov 4th, squares Neptune on Nov 6th and trines Uranus on Nov 7th.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov 8th, hot on the chase of Mars whom he will meet
on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius. Mercury turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010 being at
that time conjunct Pluto and the Lunar Node.
Venus is a retrograde morning 'star' in early Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto (for a 2nd time)
today at 13:43 GMT. Venus retrogrades back into Libra on Nov. 8th for a strange 22 days,
turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus
and Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Sagittarius. Mars sextiles Saturn on Nov 15th, Mars is overtaken by Mercury
on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius, Mars squares Jupiter on Nov 29th and sextiles Neptune
on Dec 2nd before entering Capricorn on Dec 7th.
The week ahead has a Moon Venus alignment on Friday and the New Moon on Saturday
as its main astro events.
Tuesday November 2nd 2010
Dilma Vana Rousseff born December 14, 1947 is the newly elected president of Brazil.
With her Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Sagittarius opposite Uranus, trine Saturn and Pluto in Leo,
Moon and Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Virgo, this subject is a fearless spirited, free thinking,
free speaking, enterprising autocrat with a very practical bent and a dogged persistence.
This year Pluto has been and will be in trine aspect to her natal Mars. Saturn sextiled her
Mercury Jupiter conjunction during the election.
The tip-off that led to the discovery of parcel bombs on two cargo planes came from a repentant
al-Qaeda member.
At least 52 people died when troops stormed the Baghdad church in which gunmen were holding
dozens of hostages. The Iraqi government says it had no choice but to storm the Catholic church
on Sunday night: Defence Minister Abdul-Qadr al-Obeidi said the gunmen had threatened to kill all
their captives.
Today the very fast waning Moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus from Virgo and the reaches
balsamic phase 21:46 GMT 25 degrees Virgo.
Wednesday November 3rd 2010
Yesterday at least 30 people were killed in a series of co-ordinated blasts
in Baghdad, the first such show of force by insurgents in months.
Voters are going to the polls in the US mid-term elections, which will see
a new House of Representatives and a third of the Senate elected.
David Cameron and France's Nicolas Sarkozy signed treaties agreeing
to military co-operation, including the testing of nuclear warheads.
Today the old Virgo Moon swiftly opposes Uranus 00:37 GMT and is void.
She enters Libra 05:19 GMT and is perigee (fastest all month) 17:32 GMT.
The Moon is now racing towards a conjunction with Saturn (tomorrow) and a near
exact alignment to Venus (Friday) which she must encounter before becoming a
New Moon in Scorpio on Saturday.
Thurs. Nov. 4th 2010
Yesterday US President Barack Obama said he believed US citizens
are feeling frustrated with the pace of economic recovery, after his
Democratic Party suffered a disastrous election night.
A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters
and a clock face using a pioneering implant, researchers said.
Universities in England will be able to charge tuition fees of up to £9,000
per year, as the government transfers much of the cost of courses to students.
Today the old Moon is conjunct Saturn 00:34 GMT at 12 degrees Libra.
Mercury in Scorpio 'water trines' Jupiter 21:46 GMT.
The Moon 'air trines' Neptune 23:34 GMT and is then void.
Today has a potentially cheerful and optimistic feel to it.
The Moon applies all day long to a 'near alignment' to Venus
which 'hits' tomorrow. Is love in the air, do you think?
Friday Nov 5th 2010
Yesterday Australia's Qantas grounded its Airbus A380 jets, and Singapore Airlines
delayed flights, after a Qantas superjumbo made an emergency landing.
The Irish government announced it would make budget cuts worth 6bn euros
next year in order to reduce its record deficit.
The Deep Impact spacecraft flew by Comet Hartley 2, acquiring a swathe of pictures
to be sent back to Earth (photo above).
Today the Moon enters Scorpio 06:16 GMT, joining the Sun, Venus and Mercury in that sign.
The Moon is almost exactly aligned to Venus ( 10 arc minute orb) 08:24 GMT at 1 degree Scorpio.
This is one intense 'old Moon' day.
Sat Nov 6th 2010
New Moon
14 degrees Scorpio
04:53 GMT
in wide trine to jupiter and Uranus.
This New Moon is the penultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse on
Tuesday January 4th 2011 at 14 Capricorn.
The New moon directly hits the natal Moon of Jimmy Carter, the natal Venus of
Cherie Blair, the natal Mercury of Julia Roberts, the natal Mars of Jo Biden,
the natal Jupiter of Judi Dench and the Dalai Lama, the natal Saturn of Tony Benn,
Jim Carey, Johnny Depp, Prince Harry, and Condolezza Rice, the natal Neptune of
Jon Bonjovi and MC Hammer.
At the moment of New Moon today (04:53 GMT) the Moon is rising at Istanbul
where Neptune is about to reach lower culmination. The Sun rises at Moscow.
The Sun is at lower culmination at Washington DC and at lima.
This New Moon is a reasonably benevolent lunation being in a wide trine to Jupiter
and Uranus.
Shortly after the New Moon, Mercury squares Neptune 06:45 GMT.
The day that follows has a 'new intensity'.
US President Barack Obama arrives in India for the first leg of an Asian tour,
with New Moon hopes of boosting US exports and creating jobs.
Sun Nov 7th 2010
The people of Burma begin voting in the country's first national
elections for 20 years, with the main opposition party boycotting the poll.
Mercury 'water trines' Uranus 00:15 GMT.
The Moon aligns to Mercury 03:45 GMT (just over a degree orb) at 27 degrees Scorpio and is then void.
She enters Sagittarius 08:28 GMT.
At 12:43 GMT we are exactly midway between the Equinox and the Solstice. The season of 'fading'
starts in the northern hemisphere. Late spring is blooming in the south.
The Moon aligns to Mars at 21:43 GMT (<2 degree orb) at 8 Sagittarius.
Mon Nov 8th 2010
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 17 degrees Scorpio.
Mercury and Venus start today in Scorpio but both leave that sign today.
There are 43 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.
The young Moon is waxing and decelerating in Sagittarius.
Mercury enters Sagittarius today 23:43 GMT, hot on the chase of
Mars whom he will meet on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius. Mercury
turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010 being at that time conjunct
Pluto and the Lunar Node.
Venus retrogrades back into Libra today at 03:06 seeking out old flames,
for a strange 22 days, turning direct on Nov 18th at 28 Libra and
re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st,
sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th, sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th.
Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and Jupiter on January 4th, finally
leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Sagittarius. Mars sextiles Saturn on Nov 15th, Mars is overtaken by Mercury
on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius, Mars squares Jupiter on Nov 29th and sextiles Neptune
on Dec 2nd before entering Capricorn on Dec 7th.
No planet to planet major aspects this week.
Tues Nov 9th 2010
A newly-discovered comet C/2010 V1 (Ikeya-Murakami) is putting on
a good show for anyone with a backyard telescope and an alarm clock.
This comet is almost exactly aligned to Saturn right now in tropical Libra.
Yesterday US President Barack Obama backed India's bid to be granted
permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.
Thousands flee across the Burmese border to escape clashes between
troops and ethnic Karen rebels, a day after the first election in 20 year
The Large Hadron Collider has successfully created a mini-Big Bang by
smashing together lead ions instead of protons. The scientists working
at the enormous machine on Franco-Swiss border achieved the unique
conditions on 7 November.
Today the Moon in Sagittarius sextiles Venus and is void from 12:36 GMT.
She ingresses Capricorn 13:37 GMT reaching crescent phase 17:42 GMT
at 2 degrees Capricorn and is conjunct Pluto 20:14 GMT.
Wed Nov 10th 2010
Yesterday Haitian officials confirmed a cholera case in the capital Port-au-Prince,
with more than 100 suspected cases being tested in the city. Pluto has been and
continues to be in conjunction with the Haitian chart Mars this year.
Comet Ikeya-Murakami (C/2010 V1) is undergoing an outburst event.
The icy visitor from the outer solar system made its closest approach to
the Sun in late October, so it has just received a dose of solar heating that
could trigger such an event. Ikeya-Murakami is aligned to Saturn right now.
Today the crescent Moon waxes and decelerates in Capricorn.
Venus, with all our hearts in tow, is retrograding to a standstill in Libra, Mercury,
with all our minds on board, forges ahead in Sagittarius, gaining on Mars.
Today is lean, mean, and dogged.
Thurs Nov 11th 2010
Yesterday a series of bombings and mortar attacks targeting Christian areas
killed at least five people and injured dozens in the Iraqi capital.
There were violent scenes at a demonstration in central London against plans
to raise tuition fees and cut university funding in England.
Tests on the Yemeni failed parcel bomb discovered on US-bound cargo flight suggest
it was timed to have detonated over the eastern US seaboard.
Today the Capricorn Moon squares Venus 19:58 GMT and is void.
More doggedness.
She enters Aquarius 22:33 GMT and has a pleasant residence
there over the next couple of days.
Fri Nov 12th 2010
Yesterday militants in Karachi attempted to storm an anti-terrorist police
headquarters in Pakistan's largest city and then detonated a truck bomb,
leaving 15 dead and at least 30 injured.
The world's leading economies began a summit in South Korea, with currency
policies set to dominate the agenda.
Iraq's MPs met to vote on the formation of a new government, ending
an eight-month deadlock following inconclusive elections.
Today the Moon, approaching first quarter, has a pleasant stay in Aquarius.
The weekend ahead is astrologically quiet. In fact the last few weeks have been so.
if you are looking for astrological excitement, the Mercury Mars conjunction on
Nov 20th might be a tonic. The bigger blast, before the Solstice and its Total Lunar Eclipse,
is on Dec 14th when Mercury, Mars and Pluto are in triple conjunction in Capricorn.
Sparks will fly, heads will roll, Gods will be Gods.
Sat Nov 13th 2010
Supporters of Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi are
gathering outside her home for a second day ahead of her expected
release from house arrest.
Today the Moon reaches fixed first quarter phase 16:40 GMT at 21 degrees Aquarius.
This first quarter moon makes favourable aspects today.
Sun Nov 14th 2010
Yesterday Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi greeted jubilant
supporters after being released from house arrest. Pluto will make a
conjunction in 2015 with Burma's natal Sun and Mercury.
What is happening now in that country is all heading up to that time.
Suu Kyi natal chart is 'intellectual' Sun Gemini 'sweet' Moon in Libra, Mars and Venus in
'resolute' Taurus square ' victim of brutality' Pluto in Leo. Saturn is near her Moon at the
moment, depending on time of birth, so these are very cautious and consolidating days.
Today the Moon is conjunct Neptune 02:11 GMT at 26 degrees Aquarius.
The Moon trines Venus and is void at 06:34 GMT.
She enters Pisces 10:25 GMT.
The Sun and Moon will then both be in water signs resulting in
a potentially emotional day.
Mon Nov 15th 2010
Freed pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi yesterday said she was
willing to meet Burma's military leaders to try to achieve national reconciliation.
Israel's cabinet considered a package of incentives the US has proposed in
exchange for a partial freeze on settlement construction.
State of the skies:- The Sun today reaches 24 degrees Scorpio.
The Sun 'water trines' Jupiter 23:45 GMT.
There are 36 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.
The slowly waxing Moon in Pisces is at apogee (slowest all month) 11:46 GMT.
The Full Moon in Taurus is next Sunday.
Both Venus and Jupiter turn direct on Thursday. Time then to move on.
Mercury is an evening star in Sagittarius, hot on the chase of
Mars whom he will meet on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius. Mercury
turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010 being at that time conjunct
Pluto and the Lunar Node. One astrologically hot day.
Venus is a retrograding morning star in Libra, turning direct on Nov 18th
at 28 Libra and re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st,
sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th, sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th.
Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and Jupiter on January 4th, finally
leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus finally overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Sagittarius. Mars sextiles Saturn today 05:59 GMT. Mars is overtaken by Mercury
on Nov 20th at 17 Sagittarius, Mars squares Jupiter on Nov 29th and sextiles Neptune
on Dec 2nd before entering Capricorn on Dec 7th.
Tues Nov 16th 2010
Yesterday a huge fire destroyed a high-rise building in the
Chinese city of Shanghai, killing at least 42 people.
The Sun is now trine Jupiter, the Moon and Uranus.
The slow but accelerating and waxing Moon in Pisces is conjunct
Jupiter 09:57 GMT at 23 Pisces. The Moon is conjunct Uranus
16:38 GMT at 27 Pisces and is void.
The mood is impressionable. People follow.
The Moon spearheads into Aries 23:00 GMT.
More urgent and self motivating energy then prevails.
Wed Nov 17th 2010
Yesterday Britain's Prince William announced his engagement to
Kate Middleton and gave her the ring his late mother Diana,
Princess of Wales, got from Prince Charles.
With regard to the Royal Family, some astrologers have asserted that the fate of the Windsors seems to be closely associated with eclipse events. Nicholas Campion, in his analysis of the late Princess Diana’s chart, points out that she married Prince Charles two days after a solar eclipse (on July 29th 1981) and that their first born, William, was born on the day of a solar eclipse on the 21st of June 1982. Charles and Diana formally separated on the day of an eclipse (9 December 1992) and Princess Diana died on the 31st of August 1997, one day before the Solar Eclipse of the 1st of September. The Australian astrologer, Bernadette Brady, has pointed out that the previous eclipse in the same Saros cycle took place on 22 August 1979 and was followed by the assassination of Lord Mountbatten five days later. Prince William was born into the 2 Old North eclipse series, which is due to end in July 2036 - could this date herald the end of the monarchy as we know it? There has been a steady decline in interest and support for the monarchy in
Britain so it will be interesting to see if this turns out to be the case.
What is really strange is that Kate Middleton was also born on the day of a Total Lunar Eclipse on Jan 9th 1982.
Today the Moon in Aries hits gibbous phase 19:37 GMT 10 degrees Aries.
The procession to another Full Moon begins.
Thurs Nov 18th 2010
Researchers at Cern, home of the Large Hadron Collider, have held 38
antihydrogen atoms in place, each for a fraction of a second.
Antihydrogen has been produced before but it was instantly
destroyed when it encountered normal matter.
The team, reporting in Nature, says the ability to study such antimatter
atoms will allow previously impossible tests of fundamental tenets of physics.
Yesterday as the Sun applied in a square to Neptune Germany tightened security at
airports and railway stations in light of "concrete indications" of terrorist
attacks being planned for the end of November.
A group of military officers in Madagascar said they had taken over the island,
on the day of a controversial referendum about a new constitution.
In the UK more than 100 homes were evacuated in Cornwall as heavy rain
and gale-force winds caused widespread flooding and travel disruption.
Today the Moon in Aries opposes Saturn in Libra and is eased by
Mercury and Mars around 01:31 GMT.
The Sun 'fix squares' Neptune 09:54 GMT
Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn 14:09
Significantly, two planets turn direct today, Jupiter turns direct at 23 Pisces
at 14:14 GMT and Venus turns direct at 28 Libra at 21:14 GMT.
Changes for the better may well follow particularly with regard to
finance and to love. This is a time to move on.
Fri Nov 19th 2010
The main news yesterday was financial. The governor of the Irish Central Bank
said he expects the Irish Republic to accept a "very substantial loan"
as part of an EU-backed bail-out.
Sarah Palin has hinted at her possible intention of standing for president in 2012.
Throughout 2011 she has Uranus conjunct her natal Venus. This suggests shocks and surprises
in her finances and in her personal life, which coupled with her progressed Moon
in Scorpio will intensify and complicate her life. She will certainly be in the news.
Today, the gibbous Moon in Aries opposes Venus (eased by Neptune) 05:34 GMT and is void.
The Sun in late Scorpio trines Uranus 05:57 GMT.
The Moon accelerates into Taurus 10:05 GMT.
As the Moon waxes to the Full, Mercury draws to a conjunction with Mars, which
peaks tomorrow. There is impetus and momentum in the tenor of the next three days.
Handle the energy with care.
Sat Nov 20th 2010
Nato members are gathering in Lisbon for a crucial summit, with a timetable for
handing security to Afghan forces topping the agenda.
Twenty-seven miners are missing after an explosion at a remote coal mine
on New Zealand's South Island
Mercury is conjunct Mars 18:53 GMT at 17 Sagittarius.
This particular conjunction which pops up in singles, couples, and trios
every two years or so, nearly always coincides with 'sharp' events. The last
one in March 09 saw a revenge killing of the president of Guinea, the Jan 09
one saw Israel back tracking on a peace deal, the conjunction on Nov 29th 08
(in Sagittarius like today), coincided with the Mumbai terrorist attack. The one
in Sept 08 saw a Finnish student shoot dead 10 fellow students. Another
one in Sagittarius (Dec 10th 2006) coincided with the death of Pinochet,
and so it goes on. I expect today will be no different. Watch out.
This zodiac degree of today's conjunction is that of the UK Mercury
and the USA Ascendant.
To add to the power of it all, the Moon today is waxing to the Full in Taurus.
Sun Nov 21st 2010
Pope Benedict XVI is reported to have said the use of condoms is acceptable
"in certain cases", to prevent HIV infection. This report surfaces as Mercury and Mars
are in conjunction in tropical Sagittarius.
Simultaneously Nato leaders agreed with Afghan President Karzai to work towards transferring
military command in Afghanistan to national forces by the end of 2014.
Russia agrees to co-operate on Nato's programme to defend against ballistic
missile attacks. that all reads like a good party.
Today is the last day of the astrological month of Scorpio.
Researchers have released new and beautiful photos of an unprecedented
snowstorm raging around Comet Hartley 2.
Full Moon
29 degrees Taurus 17:28 GMT
square Neptune, sextile Uranus.
This Full Moon is the ultimate lunation before the Total Lunar Eclipse on the day of the
Winter Solstice December 22nd 2010.
This Full Moon squares Neptune and she forms a 'finger of fate' with Uranus and Venus.
Mercury is conjunct Mars, Venus trines Neptune, Jupiter is conjunct Uranus. This is therefore
a 'glamorous lunation' with a sharp and dangerous edge.
This Full Moon directly hits the personal planets of many musical vocalists,
including the the natal Moon of Mick Jagger, the natal Sun of Cher, Morrissey
and Joe Cocker, the natal Mercury of Cilla Black and the natal Midheaven of Madonna.
Its also hits the natal Venus of the Pope, (condoms) , and the natal Jupiter of Tony Blair.
At the exact moment of Full Moon (17:28 GMT) the Moon is rising at Cape town,
the Moon is just past the Midheaven at Rangoon, and at lower culmination at
The Moon is void from the moment of fullness, and with the passing of this lunation
we are in the start of the foothills of another eclipse season.
The Moon enters Gemini 18:46 GMT.
Suddenly all is in motion.
Mon Nov 22nd 2010
Yesterday the Republic of Ireland's finance minister confirmed that his country has
made a formal application for aid to shore up its finances.
Campaigners welcomed the Pope's comments that the use of condoms may be
acceptable in exceptional cases, to prevent the spread of HIV.
The top US commander said a report that North Korea has built a new nuclear
facility is further evidence of Pyongyang's "belligerent behaviour".
The families of 29 miners trapped in a New Zealand mine after an explosion face
many hours more delay as toxic gases prevent rescuers going in.
State of the skies:- The Sun today enters Sagittarius 10:15 GMT
and a new astrological month starts.
There are 29 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.
The Moon today wanes and accelerates in Gemini.
Mercury is an evening star in Sagittarius.
Mercury is square Jupiter on Thursday, bad judgments, sextile Neptune
on Saturday (just my imagination), and disruptively squares Uranus on Sunday.
Mercury turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010 being at that time conjunct
Pluto and the Lunar Node. One astrologically hot day to look out for.
Venus is now a direct morning star in Libra, re-entering Scorpio on Nov 30th.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and
Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Sagittarius. Mars squares Jupiter on Nov 29th, one waste of energy
if you are not careful, and sextiles Neptune on Dec 2nd before entering Capricorn on Dec 7th.
Tues Nov 23rd 2010
Yesterday at least 339 people were killed in a stampede on a bridge during
festival celebrations in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh.
The Republic of Ireland's two main opposition parties called for an immediate
general election after an EU-led bail-out of the country's economy
Today the Moon in Gemini opposes Mars and Mercury at 05:22 and
08:28 GMT respectively. From 18:00 to 22:00 GMT the Moon forms
a loose 'airy grand trine' with Venus and Neptune and a 'loose kite' with
Mars and Mercury. The Moon trines Venus and is void from 21:57 GMT.
Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius now start to square Jupiter and Uranus
in Pisces, and sextile Neptune in Aquarius. This pattern dominates the
next 10 days. There is a potential for rash decisions and ill fated actions
over this period. Hold steady to the solstice!
Wed Nov 24th 2010
Major event in Korea yesterday Nov. 23rd 2010.
The incident -- in which two South Korean marines died -- is "the first
direct artillery attack on South Korean territory since the Korean War
ended in an armistice in the 1950s.
Hours after North Korea's deadly artillery attacks yesterday, South Korea's
president said "enormous retaliation" is needed to stop Pyongyang's incitement,
but international diplomats urgently appealed for restraint.
On the evening of 26 March 2010 the Cheonan, a South Korean warship,
was sailing off Baengnyeong island close to the disputed maritime border
when an explosion split it in two. Fifty-eight sailors managed to escape
but 46 were killed. Saturn was exactly on the North/South Korea relationship
chart Sun/Mars midpoint the day before. Uranus was opposite the relationship
Mars/Saturn midpoint then, and is there again now, at this time. The final pass
is at the end of December 2010. Saturn is hovering over North Korea's natal Mercury
Nov 2010 to Aug 2011. The Winter Solstice 2010 moment has Mars rising over North Korea.
Barack Obama's natal Pluto is on the local midheaven of Korea. This is a obviously an
astrologically tense time for the Korean relationship
Today the waning and accelerating Moon enters Cancer 01:14 GMT
Mercury will square Jupiter tomorrow. Severe misjudgments are ahead.
Thurs Nov 25th 2010
Yesterday the US urged Beijing to rein in North Korea,
whose shelling of a South Korean island has caused outrage around the world.
The Irish government unveiled a range of tough austerity measures
designed to help solve the country's debt crisis.
New Zealand began to mourn 29 miners who were earlier declared dead
in one of the country's worst-ever mining disasters.
Today the Moon accelerates to disseminating phase 09:04 GMT 18 degrees Cancer.
Mercury squares Jupiter 14:19 GMT.
A day of misjudgment and possible over optimism.
Fri Nov 26th 2010
The fast Moon squares Venus and is void from 03:44 GMT.
The Moon enters Leo 06:01 GMT
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars are then in fire signs.
Enterprise, recreation and speculation are the hallmarks of the
next couple of days.
Sat Nov 27th 2010
Yesterday China held talks with the US, Seoul and Pyongyang in an attempt
to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula.
The first satellite dedicated to delivering broadband services to Europe launched
on an Ariane 5 rocket from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana.
Fire Moon in Leo.
Today Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune 13:14 GMT, and then applies
in very 'jagged square' to Uranus.
Mars is in Sagittarius too, forming another ' hard and excessive' aspect to Jupiter on Monday.
An astrological wave of ' misdirected activity' approaches and will break on Monday.
Wild thyme.
Sun Nov 28th 2010
Yesterday tens of thousands of people marched through Dublin in protest at the
government's austerity programme, as details of an EU-led bail-out were worked out.
North Korea accused Seoul of using human shields in this week's deadly shelling
incident, as the South held funerals for two marines.
Evidence of events that happened before the Big Bang can be seen in the glow of microwave
radiation that fills the Universe, scientists have asserted. Renowned cosmologist Roger Penrose
said that analysis of this cosmic microwave background showed echoes of previous Big Bang-like events.
The events appear as "rings" around galaxy clusters in which the variation in the background is unusually low.
The unpublished research has been posted on the Arxiv website.
Today at 02:27 GMT Mercury squares Uranus. Disruption.....This is the
first of 3 of these over the next few weeks.
Mercury is now in the process of slowing to his station in 12 days time.
Around 02:50 the fast Moon in Leo opposite Neptune aspect is eased by Mercury and Mars.
The Moon then sextiles Venus 08:30 GMT and is void of course.
She ingresses Virgo 09:34 GMT and approaches 'mutable last quarter'.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars Jupiter and Uranus are then in mutable signs.
Moon last quarter 20:38 GMT 6 degrees Virgo.
Crises of movement and dissipation.
Mon Nov 30th 2010
Yesterday China called for emergency talks over North Korea's deadly
shelling of a Southern island, as the South and US forces hold joint military exercises.
Whistle-blowing web site Wikileaks released 250,000 secret messages sent by US
embassies, giving an insight into current American global concerns.
Brazilian security forces seized control of a major Rio de Janeiro slum as
part of an offensive against the city's drug traffickers.
Voting took place in Haiti, as the earthquake-hit nation continues to battle
a deadly cholera epidemic.
Mars squares Jupiter 14:51 today.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 7 degrees Sagittarius.
There are 22 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.
The very fast Moon just past last quarter resides in Virgo.
Mercury is an evening star in Sagittarius. Mercury slows to less than a degree
per day on Thursday. He is conjunct Pluto on Dec 6th, the first of 3, he
turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010. Mercury is overtaken by Mars on Dec 14th
and is in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Dec 20th. He turns direct
on Dec 29th at 20 Sag, and is back up to speed on Jan 9th, entering new
territory on Jan 18th.
Venus is now a direct morning star in Libra, re-entering Scorpio tomorrow.
Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st, sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th,
sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th. Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and
Jupiter on January 4th, finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Sagittarius. Mars squares Jupiter 14:51 GMT today and sextiles
Neptune on Dec 2nd before entering Capricorn on Dec 7th.
We are in eclipse season now. Change is ahead.
Tues Nov 30th 2010
This year's round of UN climate talks has opened, with little expectation
of significant progress.
Today a 'renewed' Venus slides back into Scorpio 00:34 GMT. Venus sextiles Mercury on Dec 1st,
sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th, sextiles Mercury again on Dec 10th.
Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and Jupiter on January 4th, finally
leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th. Intense love and sexuality all over Christmas.
From 01:00 GMT to 11:00 GMT the very rapidly waning Moon forms a
mutable T-square with Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Mercury. A tough few hours.
At 11:17 GMT the Moon squares Mercury and is void.
She ingresses Libra 12:16 GMT.
The day is set 'off balance'.
Moon perigee 18:54 GMT
December 2010
Wed Dec 1st 2010
Yesterday was a 'low news day', very little major news to report.
Today Mercury enters Capricorn 00:11 GMT, joining Pluto there.
He turns retro in 9 days time at 5 Capricorn, re-entering Sagittarius
on Dec 19th. He is conjunct Pluto on Dec 6th, and conjunct Pluto and
Mars on Dec 14th.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 12:49 GMT at 15 Libra. The planets are now
grouped in a tight 'bucket array'. This represents concentrated and focused
planetary energy acting to force karmic reaping.
Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Scorpio 16:35 GMT.
Solid feelings. Heart and head working together.
Thurs Dec 2nd 2010
Yesterday heavy snowfall and record low temperatures caused disruption in parts
of northern Europe, closing airports and bringing traffic to a standstill.
Pakistan rejected fears expressed in US diplomatic cables, revealed by Wikileaks,
that its nuclear material could fall into the hands of terrorists.
Astronomers say the Universe may contain three times the number of stars as
is currently thought. Their assessment is based on new observations showing
other galaxies may have very different structures to our Milky Way galaxy.
The researchers tell the journal Nature that more stars probably means
many more planets as well - perhaps "trillions" of Earth-like worlds.
The hosts for the 2018 and 2022 Football World Cups will be revealed today.
Saturn is conjunct the UK Sun/Moon midpoint right now. Mercury squares UK Uranus,
hmm, the symbolism is tricky to decipher, and suggestive of letting go an a cherished idea?
Today the Moon hits balsamic phase 06:13 GMT 25 degrees Libra, she 'air trines' Neptune
08:09 GMT and is void. She penetrates Scorpio 14:44 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Venus 16:44 GMT at 1 Scorpio.
Mars in Sagittarius sextiles Neptune in Aquarius 19:39 GMT.
As the day progresses Mars applies in dangerous square to
Uranus. Today has an alluring edge that is both mystifying and a touch dangerous.
The Narrow Way.
Fri Dec 3rd 2010
Yesterday Russia was chosen to host the 2018 World Cup and Qatar will stage
the 2022 tournament.
About 40 prison guards were killed in a bus trapped in a huge forest fire
out of control in northern Israel.
A bacterium that uses arsenic in place of phosphorus breaks a golden rule
of life on Earth, widening the scope of a hunt for life on other planets.
Today Mars squares Uranus 14:01, this is an intensely accident prone day.
Much care will be required.
The Moon rapidly decays in Scorpio.
The weekend ahead is characterized by the New Moon on Sunday 17:37 GMT.
Sat Dec 4th 2010
Yesterday Ivory Coast's Constitutional Council overturned earlier poll
results and declared President Laurent Gbagbo (born May 31, 1945)
the winner of Sunday's run-off.
Today the old Scorpio Moon trines Uranus 12:14 GMT and is void.
She ingresses Sagittarius 18:00 GMT.
Big Total Lunar Eclipse coming on Dec 22nd.
We are in eclipse season.
In the meantime, Mercury appears to be rapidly slowing down.
There is an inertia like effect, on the universal mind.
Turn of the tide.
Before Mercury pulls to his station on Dec 10th , he is
conjunct Pluto on Dec 6th, both planets then 'overtaken'
by Mars, in early Capricorn on Dec 14th. One special day.
Seven zodiac degrees separate Mercury Mars and Pluto today,
and this punchy, nay I mean extreme, triple conjunction is tightening.
Venus in Scorpio sextiles the triplet over this period.
There is a strong ripple in the 'allureosphere'.
And there is a New Moon tomorrow.
Sun Dec 5th 2010
Ivory Coast is in a deep political crisis, as rival presidential candidates
both swear themselves in after a disputed poll. Pluto and the Lunar Node
have been conjunct the Ivory Coast natal Jupiter/Saturn midpoint and Mercury
is there now.
New Moon
13 degrees Sagittarius
17:37 GMT
sextile Saturn quintile Neptune.
This is the ultimate New Moon before the Partial Solar Eclipse on Tuesday January 4th
2011 at 14 Capricorn. The next Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse.
We are truly within an eclipse season now.
At the moment of New Moon Saturn rises over Korea, Pluto is at lower culmination at Beijing,
it is local Noon at Nashville, local midnight Tibet, Sun and Moonset at Cape town, Pluto sets at
London and Paris, Jupiter culminates at Vienna and Zagreb,
This New Moon falls directly on the Mercury and Jupiter of Dilma Rouseff, president
elect of Brazil, the natal Venus of Tracey Bingham, natal Mars of Neil Diamond, the natal
Saturn of the 'possible' chart of Osama Bin Laden, and the natal Neptune of Tiger Woods.
Mercury is conjunct to Pluto and Mars is applying to a conjunction with Pluto exact on December 13th.
Six zodiac degrees separate Mercury Mars and Pluto today,
and this punchy, nay I mean extreme, triple conjunction is tightening.
Venus in Scorpio sextiles the triplet over this period.
There is a strong ripple in the 'allureosphere'.
Mon Dec 6th 2010
Yesterday's New Moon coincided with former South African President
Thabo Mbeki arriving in Ivory Coast to try to mediate after two political
rivals both swore themselves in as president.
Today Uranus is stationary 00:31 GMT at 27 Pisces, turning direct.
Mercury is conjunct Pluto 01:15 GMT at 4 Capricorn, and does it again,
in retro motion on Dec 14th. Final hit on Jan 18th.
Six degrees separate Mars, Mercury and Pluto. The triple conjunction is tightening.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 14 degrees Sagittarius.
There are 15 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.
The very young Moon is conjunct Mars 21:47 GMT at 29 Sagittarius.
A 31 arc minute orb from the UK but visible as a lunar occultation
in the US, see map below. The Moon is then void.
The Moon enters Capricorn 23:17 GMT
Mercury is an evening star in Sagittarius. He is conjunct Pluto today and
turns retrograde on Dec 10th 2010. Mercury is overtaken by Mars on Dec 14th
and is in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Dec 20th. He turns direct
on Dec 29th at 20 Sag, and is back up to speed on Jan 9th, entering new
territory on Jan 18th.
Venus is now a direct morning star in Scorpio.
Venus sextiles Pluto for a 3rd time on Dec 8th, sextiles Mercury on Dec 10th.
Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and Jupiter on January 4th,
finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Sagittarius today but enters Capricorn tomorrow.
We are deeply in eclipse season now. Mercury is 4 days from his retro motion.
Change is ahead.
Tues Dec 7th 2010
Yesterday a Swiss bank froze accounts belonging to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange,
as a warrant arrived in the UK for his extradition to Sweden.
Assange was born July 3rd 1971. He has a 'fizzy' chart, with plenty of water and air.
Born with Uranus square his Cancerian Sun, and a Jupiter Neptune conjunction on
the Scorpio Sagittarius cusp opposite Saturn in Gemini, his destiny and character
appears to penetrate, expose, reveal and dissolve. Fair play...?
Also yesterday a suicide bomb attack in the Mohmand region of north-west Pakistan
left at least 40 people dead. Brutality and madness beyond belief.
Today the Moon is conjunct Pluto 07:25 GMT at 4 Capricorn.
The Moon is in Capricorn with Mercury and Pluto.
Very pragmatic considerations today.
The Sun sextiles Saturn 08:01 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Mercury at 5 Capricorn at 08:42 (2 degree orb).
Mars enters Capricorn 23:50, joining the Moon, Mercury and Pluto there.
Mars is conjunct Pluto and Mercury at 5 Capricorn on Dec 14th. He is square
Saturn on Dec 29th, sextile Uranus and Neptune on Jan 12th and 14th,
entering Aquarius on Jan 15th 2011. Mars works well in Capricorn. The period under
review is excellent for any constructional work. Get building your empire.
Wed Dec 8th 2010
Man of the moment, founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange,
was arrested yesterday and refused bail by a court in London but vowed to fight
extradition to Sweden. Mr Assange denies sexually assaulting two women in Sweden.
He was remanded in custody pending a hearing next week. His chart, mentioned
in 'The Daze' yesterday also has Venus in Gemini in tight square to Pluto in Virgo. Bit of a smear
to incarcerate the whistle blower I wonder?
Only five degrees now separate Mercury, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn.
Mercury overwhelmed by the occasion turns retrograde on Friday.
This 'triple conjunction' tightens to extreme measure next Tuesday.
Today the slow young Moon waxes in Capricorn.
Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 16:14 GMT.
The power of love and will.
Thurs Dec 9th 2010
Yesterday a fire in a prison in the Chilean capital Santiago left at least 81
inmates dead. The blaze broke out in the San Miguel prison at 0830 GMT.
Web attacks by a group of hacktivists targeting firms that withdrew services
from Wikileaks disrupted Mastercard payments.
A US-British team of astronomers has discovered the first planet with ultra-high
concentrations of carbon. The researchers say their discovery supports the idea
there may be carbon-rich, rocky planets whose terrains are made up of
diamonds or graphite.
Today the slow and decelerating Moon in Capricorn sextiles Uranus 01:08 GMT
and is void, she enters Aquarius 07:32 GMT, joining Neptune there, and
reaches her crescent phase 11:58 GMT 2 degrees Aquarius.
Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow.
A ' less dense' astrological atmosphere prevails today. it will be easier to put
some space between yourself and events around you.
A 'new day'.
Friday Dec 10th 2010
Yesterday, under a young Aquarian Moon, we witnessed rebellion in the UK
and cyber rebellion in the world at large. The internet is giving power to the people.
A member of the 'Anonymous' group of hackers, which has been targeting
firms it sees as being anti-Wikileaks has said the campaign is not over.
Coldblood said that "more and more people are downloading the voluntary botnet tool".
This signs them up to a so-called botnet, an army of machines that can then launch attacks.
In the UK, demonstrators clashed with the police close to the Houses of Parliament,
as MPs voted to treble tuition fees in England. The vote had a small majority of 21.
We must remember that Uranus is a mere 7 degrees from a waxing square to Pluto. A powerfully
rebellious vibration that manifest fully in 2012. What is happening now is a forerunner.
Today Mercury stations and turns retrograde 11:56 GMT at 6 degrees Capricorn.
She turns to face both Mars and Pluto. Three degrees separate this planetary triplet, which climaxes
early Wednesday (GMT). Times are a changing.
Retrograde Mercury sextiles Venus in Scorpio at 21:02 GMT, in antiseptic fashion.
Sat Dec 11th 2010
This week, Earth is entering a stream of debris from asteroid 3200 Phaethon,
source of the mysterious Geminid meteor shower. Although the shower's peak
won't come until Dec. 13th and 14th, people are already seeing a smattering
of bright shooting stars.
Today the very slowly waxing Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Neptune and void
at 11:10 GMT. The Moon enters Pisces 18:41 GMT, joining Jupiter and Uranus there,
and she has a pleasant residence in Pisces over the next couple of days despite the
fact that an awesome Total Lunar Eclipse is coming and there is currently a tightening
Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Lunar Node conjunction in Capricorn.
Sun Dec 12th 2010
The Moon has a nice but slow time in Pisces.
Recharge batteries for the performance ahead.
Mon Dec 13th 2010
Yesterday two explosions in a busy shopping area of Sweden's capital
Stockholm were being investigated as a terrorist attack.
The Swedish national chart has transiting Pluto conjunct Jupiter,
Neptune square Venus, and Saturn sextile Sun right now. A lot of recent news stories
circulating around there.
State of the skies:- The Sun today is at 21 degrees Sagittarius.
Mars, Mercury and Pluto are in triple conjunction tomorrow in Capricorn.
There are 8 days to the Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.
The Moon is at apogee 08:32 GMT, (slowest all month) hitting first
quarter phase 14:00 GMT at 21 degrees Pisces. The Moon is conjunct
Jupiter 20:17 GMT at 25 Pisces.
Mercury is a retrograde evening star in Capricorn and is in Inferior Conjunction
with the Sun on Dec 20th. He turns direct on Dec 29th at 20 Sag, and is back up
to speed on Jan 9th, entering new territory on Jan 18th.
Venus is now a direct morning star in Scorpio.
Venus squares Neptune, trines Uranus and Jupiter on January 4th,
finally leaving Scorpio for Sagittarius on Jan 7th.
Venus overtakes Mars again on May 23rd 2011 at 9 Taurus.
Mars is in Capricorn, after the triple conjunction tomorrow, he is square
Saturn on Dec 29th, sextile Uranus and Neptune on Jan 12th and 14th,
and he enters Aquarius on Jan 15th 2011
Tomorrow is astrologically huge, and there is a massive Total Lunar Eclipse to
follow within the week following.
Tues Dec 14th 2010
Conditions will have eased up a bit in terms of the cardinal cross,
but on this date there is a tight conjunction of Mercury, Mars,
and Pluto at 4° Capricorn septile Neptune-Chiron at 26° + Aquarius.
Fanatical thinking or extreme acts are possible. Mountain Astrologer
BIG DAY TODAY. The astrological hits all occur around 04:10 GMT.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus 00:36 GMT and becomes void.
Mercury is conjunct Pluto 04:10 GMT.
Mercury is conjunct Mars 04:10 (1 degree orb).
Mars is conjunct Pluto 04:11 GMT.
The slow Moon enters Aries 07:15 GMT and encounters problems.
She squares Mercury, Pluto and Mars 15:58 to 17:32 GMT.
Wed Dec 15th 2010
Yesterday Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi narrowly won a vote of confidence, prompting
violent street protests in Rome in which 50 police were injured.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was granted bail by a London court as he fights
sexual assault allegations, but he will remain in custody until an appeal is heard.
The most distant spacecraft from Earth, Voyager 1, has returned new data
suggesting it is very close to leaving the Solar System.
Today the Aries Moon, now past the first quarter slowly waxes and accelerates in Aries.
We are heavily in eclipse season. Tensions and emotions are building up.
Thurs Dec 16th 2010
Yesterday the full fury of the planetary triplet exact on Tuesday seemed unleashed.
Several violent events occurred in keeping with the symbolism of Mars Pluto and Mercury
conjunct in Capricorn.
The International Criminal Court accused six high-profile Kenyans of
being behind the violence that led to 1,200 deaths following disputed 2007 elections.
Hundreds of people were arrested in Moscow in an attempt to stop ethnic clashes
prompted by a football fan's shooting.
A bomb explosion in the south-eastern Iranian city of Chabahar killed at least 39 people.
At least 27 people died after a boat carrying suspected asylum seekers crashed
into rocks on Australia's Christmas Island.
Today the Moon 'gaining in light and in motion', sextiles Neptune 11:41 GMT and is void.
She enters Taurus 18:49 GMT.
The Sun squares Jupiter 21:47 GMT.
Emotional tensions are seriously increasing as the Lunar Eclipse approaches.
Fri Dec 17th 2010
The Astrological chart of Julian Assange.
Yesterday the founder of whistle-blowing web site Wikileaks, Julian Assange,
was set free on bail as he fights extradition to Sweden over sex assault allegations.
A time of birth for this man has been published on the Mountain Astrologer web site.
Interpol confirmed it has received information from Iraq about possible attacks by
al-Qaeda cells in the US and Europe.
At least seven protesters died after Ivory Coast soldiers fired on protesters, amid
widening unrest over the results of disputed presidential election.
Today the accelerating Moon hits gibbous phase 15:13 GMT at 11 degrees Taurus.
The procession to Tuesday's Total Lunar Eclipse is then in full glory. As an
aperitif the Moon, the Earth and Venus linearly align between tropical Taurus
and Scorpio today 15:49 GMT.
The day is strong, sensual and robust.
The tides of fate are approaching the high water mark.
Sat Dec 18th 2010
Nearly 60 people have been killed in a series of attacks by US drones
in the past 24 hours in Pakistan's Khyber tribal district.
International pressure grows on Ivory Coast incumbent President
Laurent Gbagbo to stand down as fears of renewed civil war increase.
Lots going on today. The Sagittarius Sun sextiles Neptune 10:31 GMT.
Mercury retrogrades into Sagittarius 14:54 GMT. Mercury is in
Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Sunday. He turns direct on Dec 29th
at 20 Sag, re-entering Capricorn on Jan 13th.
The Sun squares Uranus 18:48 GMT.
The accelerating gibbous pre-eclipse Moon in Taurus sextiles Uranus and is void
from 21:37 GMT forming a 'butterfly pattern' with Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury
and Neptune around that time.
Lots going on.
Sun Dec 19th 2010
Yesterday Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo ordered foreign
peacekeepers to leave the country, escalating a dispute over last month's
presidential election. Transiting Neptune continues to oppose the natal Venus
of the Ivory Coast chart. So more confusion to come there.
Today the Moon enters Gemini 03:38 GMT, and accelerates to Total Eclipse
next Tuesday. Today is a day of intense movement and diversity.
A veritable crescendo of magic lunar energy.
Monday December 20th 2010
The Inferior Conjunction of Mercury occurs 01:23 at 29 Sagittarius.
This is the 'New Mercury moment'. Not a comfortable vibration as
both the Sun and Mercury are square Uranus.
The Moon accelerates and waxes to her Total Eclipse in Gemini.
Retrograde Mercury squares Uranus 23:31 GMT, drawing out disruption. (2nd hit of 3).
A restless, nervy pre-eclipse night ensues.
Tuesday December 21st 2010.
The fast Moon opposes Mercury at 03:20 GMT (1.75 degree orb).
She squares Uranus 03:43 GMT.
Retrograde Mercury sextiles Neptune 05:03 GMT. (2nd hit of 3)
Total Eclipse of the Moon in Gemini on the day of the Winter Solstice.
Coincidences: This lunar eclipse falls on the date of the northern winter solstice. How rare is that? Total lunar eclipses in northern winter are fairly common. There have been three of them in the past ten years alone. A lunar eclipse smack-dab on the date of the solstice, however, is unusual. Using NASA's 5000 year catalog of lunar eclipses and JPL's HORIZONS ephemeris to match eclipses and solstices, author Dr. Tony Phillips had to go back to the year 1378 to find a similar "winter solstice lunar eclipse."
Totally Eclipsed Moon sets over UK and Europe.
A Total Eclipse of the Moon occurs within 14 hours of the Winter Solstice moment on December 20th 2029. Today's events are a full dress rehearsal for the 2029 ceremony.
Two nights of celebration are required to mark this event. The best plan in Europe, is to get up really early, watch the lunar eclipse, watch the eclipsed Moon set, and then honor the 15 hours between central eclipse and the Winter Solstice. Plans made for today require a certain robustness. Mercury is retrograde and will seek to undermine even those best laid.
Central eclipse 08:l7 GMT.
Timings (UT)
Penumbral Eclipse starts 05:27:43
Umbral Eclipse starts 06:32:17
Totality starts 07:40:21
Moment of Full Moon 08:13:36
Greatest Eclipse 08:16:55.9
Moon sets (mid Wales UK) 08:30
Totality ends 08:53:34
Umbral Eclipse ends 10:01:39
Penumbral Eclipse ends 11:06:04
Today's eclipse in late Gemini is opposite Mercury and square
Jupiter and Uranus. This is not an easy eclipse and not an easy time.
Disruptions, breakdowns and misjudgment will be part and parcel of the event.
This eclipse directly hits the natal Ascendant of Hilary Clinton, the natal Venus of
Naomi Cambell, the Mars of Pope Benedict, the Jupiter of Bjork and Dimitry Madvedev,
the natal saturn of Kate Moss, and the natal Uranus of Robert plant and Prince Charles
Lunar Saros 125.
Today's eclipse belongs to Lunar Saros Series 125 which started on July 17th 1163.
The Series 'went total' in1704. It peaked with the longest Total eclipse in 1812.
After today's eclipse there are 8 remaining total eclipses. The next is on New Year's
Eve 2028, and the following is Jan 12th 2047. The Saros ends in the year 2443
The chart for this first member of the Saros series is shown below.
This chart is dominated by a really menacing warlike Saturn opposite Pluto
across Sagittarius/Gemini, eased by Mercury, and the community-mystical-religious
vibration of Uranus sextile Neptune. The power of this Saros is ruthless and
uncompromising coupled with the 'beatific vision'. Really heady stuff.
The Saros climaxed appropriately in the year 1812.
The last eclipse in the Saros in 1992 coincided with the announcement
of the separation of Charles and Diana of Britain. The 1956 coincided with the height
of the Suez crisis. The 1938 coincided (within 48 hours) with the 'night of the broken glass'.
The Moon is void from the moment of fullness.
She enters Cancer 09:22 GMT as the eclipse is progressing.
The day crawls on with a tough and tenacious character. There will be a strong
homing instinct.
After the Moon has risen later in the day over the UK, she occults the fixed star Mu Gemini from approximately 17:25 to 18:15 GMT for UK observers. This is the last of two such events for the UK, the first was on Oct 28th 2010.
The Moon opposes Pluto 18:01 GMT.
The Winter Solstice moment occurs some five and a half hours later.
Winter Solstice 23:39:33 GMT
The chart above is set for the Winter solstice at London. By this time the Moon has moved
on to make a deadly opposition to the Mars Pluto midpoint and to form a Cardinal T-square
with Saturn. At London a mutable cross has formed involving the local Midheaven, the local
ascendant Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. These last two planets are setting over the UK.
It is local midnight over western Europe sunrise at Beijing, and moonset at Singapore.
The moment of Capricorn Solstice sets the scene for the year ahead. It looks challenging.
Wed Dec 22nd 2010
Retrograde Mercury squares Jupiter 00:59 GMT. (2nd of 3)
The Moon in Cancer tightly opposes Mars 04:06 (13 arc minute orb) 04:06.
An uneasy night passes to reveal a new day of ambition and purpose.
The homing instinct intensifies.
Thurs Dec 23rd 2010
The French government urges its nationals in Ivory Coast to leave, as a
crisis over disputed elections continues.
European airports begin to tackle a backlog of thousands of passengers
after the cold snap disrupts one the busiest travel periods of the year.
Three Earthquakes occurred over the time of the Lunar Eclipse.
1) IRAN 22:12 local time (1842 GMT) Dec 20th 2010.
A powerful earthquake hit south-eastern Iran, killing at least seven people
and destroying several villages in Kerman province. The 6.5-magnitude quake with
the epicenter near the city of Bam. The quake was also felt in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan province.
Globally at the time of this quake the Sun/Moon midpoint was exactly on Jupiter. Chiron was
exactly due west as viewed from Bam. This quake occurred 11 hours before the eclipse.
(Bam was devastated by a huge earthquake in 2003 in which tens of thousands died).
2) JAPAN 02:20 Local time (1720GMT) Dec 21st 2010.
A 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean off southern Japan.
The epicenter of the earthquake was 155km (95 miles) off the Bonin Islands,
some 1,000km south-east of Tokyo, the USGS said. It struck at a depth of
some 15km at sparking local tsunami warnings which were later lifted.
This quake occurred 6 hours after the eclipse. The nodal axis, with Mercury,
Mars, Pluto, and the Moon , were aligned west/east from the epicenter.
3) CONISTON UK 21 December 2010 22:59 12.6s UTC 54.391º North / 3.095º West
2 km NNW of Coniston, Cumbria
This was a small and minor event but globally the Moon, 13 hours after the eclipse, was almost exactly on the Mars/Pluto midpoint at the time of this quake
We are deep in eclipse fortnight between Tuesday's Lunar Eclipse and the
Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 4th 2010.
Right now The Sun, Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn.
Today the Cancerian Moon trines Jupiter and Uranus 07:26 GMT and is void.
She enters Leo 12:51 GMT.
Heavy duty day.
Fri Dec 24th 2010
North Korea threatened a nuclear "sacred war" on Thursday and South Korea
vowed a "merciless counterattack" if it was attacked again as both sides raised
the rhetoric on a day of more military exercises in the South.
Russian lawmakers said they could approve a nuclear arms reduction pact that
is crucial to the "reset" in ties with the United States as early as Friday if a
successful U.S. Senate vote left the terms of the treaty intact.
Nearly 200 people have been killed in Ivory Coast since last month's disputed election,
according to the United States, as international pressure mounts for defiant leader
Laurent Gbagbo to step down.
There are no planetary aspects till Dec. 29th.
The very rapidly waning Moon leaves the full phase and hits disseminating phase
18:54 GMT at 18 degrees Leo.
Cosmic energy is now directed to order and recreation.
Astrologically quieter.
Sat Dec 25th 2010
Thousands of travellers face transport disruptions in many European countries,
amid further snowfalls in the busy Christmas period.
State television in Ivory Coast has gone off air outside the main city, Abidjan, amid
heightened tensions over the disputed presidency.
Today the very fast moving Moon in Leo opposes Neptune and is void 09:29.
She is at perigee 12:17 GMT and enters Virgo 15:15.
Astrologically quick and quiet. Only Mercury is slow, approaching
his station and his direct motion in 5 days time.
Happy Christmas to all Daze readers.
Sun Dec 26th 2010
Yesterday at least 43 people were killed by a female suicide bomber who
targeted a crowd receiving food aid in north-west Pakistan.
Today the Moon rapidly wanes in Virgo.
Attention is focussed to refinement, method and detail.
Mon Dec 27th 2010
Large parts of the US eastern seaboard are braced for an intensifying winter
storm that is dumping heavy snow as it sweeps north.
Further violence has broken out in the city of Jos in central Nigeria following
bombings that killed 32 people on Christmas Eve
Today the Moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus 12:22 becoming void at that time.
She enters Libra 17:39 GMT, and acts in lengthy application to Saturn.
The day modulates to social issues.
War and peace.
Bright Prospects for Comet Elenin?
Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) made its debut on December 10th when Leonid Elenin, an observer in Lyubertsy, Russia, remotely acquired four 4-minute-long images. the comet's perihelion will occur well inside Earth's orbit, about 0.45 a.u. (42 million miles) from the Sun, next September 5th. Right now, odds are that Comet Elenin will become an easy target for binoculars around mid-August and reach naked-eye visibility for a couple of weeks around perihelion. The comet's elongation from the Sun shrinks to just 1° following perihelion, but soon thereafter the comet gets enough separate to position itself nicely for viewing in the predawn sky. SKY and TELESCOPE.
Tue Dec 28th 2010
Blizzards are sweeping north along the eastern coast of the US and Canada,
forcing the cancellation of flights and disrupting rail and road traffic. The winter
storm has closed airports, stranding thousands of people in the busy
post-Christmas travel period.
The UK-built Ka-Sat, only the second spacecraft dedicated to delivering
broadband internet connections to European households, lifted off Monday
successfully from the Baikonur cosmodrome.
Today the Moon reaches last quarter phase at 6 degrees Libra 04:20 GMT,
and is conjunct Saturn 21:42 at 16 degrees Libra.
Mars is about to square Saturn so there is hard work.
Mercury is almost stationary turning direct at 20 Sag in 2 days time so
there is stillness of mind to be attained, before pushing forward.
Wed Dec 29th 2010
Yesterday west African leaders met Laurent Gbagbo in Ivory Coast, urging him
to cede power to his internationally-recognised rival following disputed presidential elections.
At least 80 people are now known to have died in violence in the Nigerian city of Jos,
as religious leaders accuse politicians of stoking tensions.
Today the Moon 'air trines' Neptune 15:06 GMT and is void.
Mars in Capricorn is in 'cardinal waxing square' to Saturn in Libra 15:29 GMT.
The Moon ingresses Scorpio 20:50 GMT, joining Venus in that sign.
Intensification of effort, beware pushing too hard today.
Mercury is about to turn direct.
Thurs Dec 30th 2010
The Moon is now in Scorpio.
Mercury is stationary turning direct 07:19 GMT at 20 degrees Sagittarius.
The fast moving Moon decelerates and wanes in application to Venus.
Time to start to think about moving on to resolve the past,
and to prepare for the future.
Fri Dec 31st 2010
Set your alarm for dawn. For the next two mornings, Venus and the
crescent Moon will be shining together in the southeastern sky before sunrise.
It's a good way to begin the day.
The Moon is conjunct Venus 23 Scorpio at 13:12 GMT and reaches
her balsamic phase 16:17 GMT at 25 degrees Scorpio.
It's all now drawing to January 4th 2011, the day Venus makes
aspects with Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus, there occurs a partial solar eclipse
a meteor shower and Jupiter is conjunct Uranus.
Thats all for 2010.