The space program of the People's Republic of China will
attempt its first unmanned Moonlanding with the Chang'e
3 mission.
NASA's Venus In-Situ Explorer mission to Venus (part of the New Frontiers program).
The MAVEN spacecraft, part of NASA's Mars Scout Program, is set to launch in 2013.[3]
China's Tiangong 2 to be launched.
Lunar Saros series 150 starts this year on May 25th.
EU wide driving license issued this year.
UK digital switch over complete this year.
Tuesday 1 January 2013Happy New Year to all Daze readers. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Capricorn EA 11 Cancer VE sqr MA .76 Mon 21 Leo ME 9 Sagittarius ME trn UR 1.35 Mer 01 Capricorn VE 21 Scorpio EA opp PL 1.44 Ven 20 Sagittarius MA 21 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.73 Mar 05 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini SA trn NE 1.97 Jup 08 Gemini SA 4 Scorpio EA sqr UR 3.17 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME opp JU 4.93 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 24 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .39 Mo Ju/Sa .24 Ma Ne/Pl .14 Ma Ne/Pl .05 Ma Ne/Pl .52 Ma Ne/Pl .33 Me Su/Ve .6 Mo Ju/No .42 Me Ve/Pl 1.1 Me Su/Ve .5 Ma Su/Ne 1.09 Me Su/Ve .7 Ma Su/Ne 1.22 Ma Su/Ne 1.16 Su Ne/No 1.09 Su Ne/No .83 Ur Ma/Ju 1.47 Me Ve/Pl 1.32 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ma Su/Ne 1.02 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Su Ne/No 1.35 Me Ve/Pl 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Me Ma/No 1.5 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ur Ma/Ju 1.63 Ur Ma/Ju 1.71 I hope that the new format for 'The Daze' is not too disorienting. I am including helio-centric planetary positions and helio aspects for each day, ordered by orb, giving a daily comprehensive 'Sun centred' perspective. Today and tomorrow for example the helio view shows Mars and Venus in waning square aspect. We may be able to compare and correlate such dynamics with earthly events as time unfolds. Also included is a detailed geocentric transiting midpoints overview. Today for example geocentric Mars in Aquarius 'zaps' the Neptune/Pluto midpoint. This influence peaks around 18 00 GMT. This particular midpoint can manifest as the ability to assert oneself in subtle, psychic ways. Again it will be interesting to compare these transiting midpoints with events and experiences along the way. Otherwise The Daze remains the same. Stay tuned. The year starts with vigor, invention and recreation. The Moon however is void of course in Leo. Mars sextiles Uranus 02:32 The accelerating Moon in Leo squares her nodal axis 05:24 Mercury sextile Neptune 06:51Moon reaches disseminating phase 10:20 Moon enters Virgo 17:36, and the day becomes more critical and more practical. Moon opposition Neptune 19:40 Moon trine Mercury 21:24Wednesday 2 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Capricorn EA 12 Cancer VE sqr MA .21 Mon 03 Virgo ME 12 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.72 Mer 02 Capricorn VE 22 Scorpio SA trn NE 2 Ven 21 Sagittarius MA 22 Aquarius ME opp JU 2.26 Mar 05 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini EA opp PL 2.46 Jup 08 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio ME trn UR 4.09 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA sqr UR 4.18 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 24 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ne/Pl .24 Su Ne/No .32 Su Ne/No .06 Su Ne/No .2 Su Ne/No .57 Sa Su/Mo .35 Sa Mo/Pl .08 Ma Su/Ne .76 Me Su/Ve .8 Ma Ne/Pl .43 Ma Ne/Pl .61 Ma Ne/Pl .8 Ma Su/Ne .96 Ma Su/Ne .89 No Mo/Ma .7 Ve Ma/Sa .91 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Me Su/Ve .91 Ma Su/Ne .83 No Mo/Ma 1.03 Ve Ma/Sa 1.53 Ve Ma/Sa 1.32 Me Su/Ve 1.01 Me Su/Ve 1.12 Ur Ma/Ju 1.8 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Ma/Sa 1.12 Pl Su/Me 1.45 Yesterday At least 60 people were killed and more than 200 were injured in a stampede during new year festivities in Ivory Coast's main city Abidjan. The astrological chart of Ivory Coast shows a Full Moon, a preponderance of fixed and fire signs, and Mars in tight square to Pluto. Stable at times this country does have a strong 'national will' and a tendency to react with power and forcefulness to events. Currently transiting Saturn is hovering around natal Neptune and the progressed Moon in Capricorn is applying to a conjunction with progressed Saturn, so times are tense slightly wayward and serious. Fine tuning yesterday shows Neptune opposite natal Venus/Pluto showing serious misjudgment and trauma, many of the victims were children, the death toll is expected to rise, and Mars opposite Sun/Mercury providing the ignition. This event is a grievous start to 2013. Today the waning accelerating Virgo Moon is in 'finger of fate' pattern with Mars and Uranus 02:00 to 07:00. Sharp and dangerous 'edges'. The remainder of the day has an efficient and productive feel to it. Mars quintile the lunar Node 02:17 Moon square Jupiter 08:00 Moon trine Pluto 11:14 Moon sextile Saturn 11:46 Moon trine Sun 17:00Thursday 3 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Capricorn EA 13 Cancer ME opp JU .4 Mon 16 Virgo ME 14 Sagittarius VE sqr MA 1.17 Mer 04 Capricorn VE 24 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.72 Ven 22 Sagittarius MA 23 Aquarius SA trn NE 2.03 Mar 06 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini EA opp PL 3.47 Jup 08 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/Me .29 Ve Ma/Sa .5 Ve Ma/Sa .3 Ve Ma/Sa .09 Su Ne/No .46 Ma Su/Ne .63 Pl Su/Me .52 Sa Mo/Ve .13 Ma Su/Ne .7 Su Ne/No .72 Ma Su/Ne .56 Pl Su/Me .2 Ve Ma/Sa .71 Pl Su/Me .83 Me Sa/Ne .92 Ma Su/Ne .5 Ma Ne/Pl .99 Ma Ne/Pl 1.18 Su Ne/No .97 Me Sa/Ne .55 Pl Su/Me 1.14 Me Sa/Ne 1.3 Ma Ne/Pl 1.37 Su Ne/No 1.23 Me Su/Ve 1.22 Me Su/Ve 1.32 Me Su/Ve 1.43 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Yesterday a Syrian warplane hit a petrol station with a missile, killing dozens, as the UN said 60,000 have died since the uprising began in March 2011.The 'Arab Spring' started with Uranus entering Aries at that time. This planet was conjunct the IC in the Syrian astrological chart as Saturn was conjunct natal Mercury in 2011. In 2012 Saturn was conjunct natal Venus, progressed Moon was at first quarter in Pisces, Pluto opposed natal Sun/Mars. Suffering, crisis and violence has been the agenda. Is there an end in sight? 2013 sees Uranus opposite natal Sun/Venus, which is revolutionary, Pluto opposes Mars/Neptune, which is truly chaotic beyond words, progressed Mars trines progressed MC which suggests a boost to an administration. Assad has Neptune opposing natal Mercury, slowly dissolving his world. There are so many differing factions and groups in Syria to consider, certainly there is some hope of a change. The most significant aspect over the next 50 hours is Mars trine Jupiter, which peaks tomorrow but whose influence will be experienced today. There is an intellectual and muscular exuberance about. Mind and matter in sequence. Get lucky. The disseminating accelerating Moon in Virgo squares Venus 12:16 becoming void for 13 hours. The Moon sextiles her node 13:17. Mercury square Uranus 16:31 Sun waning biquintile Jupiter 17:50Friday 4 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Capricorn EA 14 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.71 Mon 29 Virgo ME 17 Sagittarius SA trn NE 2.05 Mer 05 Capricorn VE 25 Scorpio VE sqr MA 2.14 Ven 24 Sagittarius MA 23 Aquarius ME opp JU 3.05 Mar 07 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini EA opp PL 4.48 Jup 08 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Me .11 No Su/Mo .08 Ma Su/Ne .3 Ma Su/Ne .23 Ve Ma/Sa .11 Me Sa/Ne .21 Ve Ma/Sa .52 No Mo/Me .49 Me Sa/Ne .17 Ve Ma/Sa .32 Me Sa/Ne .59 Me Mo/Ur .62 Ma Su/Ne .43 Ma Su/Ne .37 Me Mo/Ur .67 Ve Ma/Sa .73 Su Ne/No 1.49 Pl Su/Me .43 No Mo/Pl .69 Me Sa/Ne .96 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Pl Su/Me .74 No Mo/Pl 1 Me Su/Ve 1.64 Me Su/Ve 1.75 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Pl Su/Me 1.05 Two things going off today, a cardinal T-square followed by an airy grand trine based around an exhilarating Mars trine Jupiter. Not as smooth a ride as it could be however, but worth pushing gently to achieve the desired effect. The Moon approaching last quarter enters Libra 01:12 The accelerating Moon, Mercury Uranus in Cardinal T-square 09:00 to 13:00 Moon opposition Uranus 09:53 Moon square Mercury 12:10 Mars trine Jupiter 12:47 Moon Mars and Jupiter in tight air grand trine 14:00 to 15:00 Moon trine Jupiter 14:36 Moon trine Mars 14:44 Moon square Pluto 18:11Saturday 5 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Capricorn EA 15 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.71 Mon 13 Libra ME 20 Sagittarius SA trn NE 2.08 Mer 07 Capricorn VE 27 Scorpio VE sqr MA 3.1 Ven 25 Sagittarius MA 24 Aquarius EA opp PL 5.5 Mar 08 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 3water 3cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Ne .17 Ma Su/Ne .1 Ve Mo/Ne .03 Ma Su/Ne .03 Pl Mo/Ur .69 Pl Mo/Ur 1 Ma Su/Ne .04 No Mo/Ve .99 Ve Ma/Sa .94 Ve Ma/Sa 1.14 No Mo/Ve .89 Ve Mo/Ne 1.38 Me Sa/Ne 1.34 Ve Mo/Ne 1.43 Ve Ma/Sa 1.35 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Pl Su/Me 1.37 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Ma/Sa 1.55 No Mo/Me 1.4 Pl Su/Me 1.68 Pl Su/Me 2 Su Mo/Ur 1.66 We are now half way through the month of Capricorn. Mars in Aquarius is on the Sun Neptune midpoint. The problem today is to overcome inertia. Venus waxing semi square Saturn 01:30The accelerating Moon in Libra reaches last quarter 03:59 Mercury waning quinquncx Jupiter 08:10 Mercury waxing semi square the lunar Node 22:38 Moon sextile Venus becoming void 23:14Sunday 6 January Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Capricorn EA 16 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.7 Mon 26 Libra ME 23 Sagittarius ME sex MA 1.96 Mer 08 Capricorn VE 29 Scorpio SA trn NE 2.1 Ven 26 Sagittarius MA 25 Aquarius VE sqr NE 3.89 Mar 09 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini VE sqr MA 4.06 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 23 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 3water 3cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/No .04 Ma Su/Ne .16 Ma Su/Ne .23 Ma Su/Ne .29 Ma Su/Ne .09 Su Mo/Ur 1.3 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Su Mo/Ur .19 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Ma/Sa 2.17 Ve Ma/Sa 2.38 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Sa Mo/No 1.68 Me Su/Ve 2.72 Me Ne/No 2.66 Ve Ma/Sa 1.76 Ve Ma/Sa 1.96 Pl Ne/No 2.75 Pl Ne/No 2.74 Me Su/Ve 2.5 Me Su/Ve 2.61 Su Mo/Ur 2.8 Pl Su/Ve 2.75 Pl Su/Me 2.63 Pl Ne/No 2.76 Me Su/Ve 2.83 An incisive, penetrating and wilful couple of days are ahead. Today is especially potent, the Moon conjunct Saturn both squared by Mars, a lot of effort for maybe little gain. The rapidly waning last quarter Moon enters Scorpio 06:10 joining Saturn in that sign. The Moon water trines Neptune 08:15 Sun waning semi-square Neptune 09:20 Mercury conjunction Pluto 16:44 Moon square Mars 22:05 Moon sextile Pluto 22:25 Moon sextile Mercury 23:07 Moon conjunction Saturn 23:11 Mercury sextile Saturn 23:45Monday 7 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Capricorn EA 17 Cancer ME sex MA .17 Mon 10 Scorpio ME 25 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.7 Mer 10 Capricorn VE 0 Sagittarius SA trn NE 2.13 Ven 27 Sagittarius MA 25 Aquarius VE sqr NE 2.3 Mar 09 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Ne .36 Ma Su/Ne .42 Pl Mo/Ne .12 Me Mo/Ne .05 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Mo/Ma .78 Ma Su/Ne .49 Ma Su/Ne .56 Me Ne/No 2.26 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Mo/Ma .8 Me Ne/No 1.06 Ve Mo/Ma 2.34 Me Ne/No 1.86 Mo Sa/No .97 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Pl Su/Ve 2.47 Pl Mo/Ne 1.91 Me Mo/Ne 1.36 Pl Su/Ve 1.65 Ve Ma/Sa 2.58 Pl Su/Ve 2.2 Me Ne/No 1.46 Pl Mo/Ne 1.68 Pl Ne/No 2.73 Mo Sa/No 2.61 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Mo/Ma 2.39 Yesterday morning Indian and Pakistani troops clashed near the Line of Control in disputed Kashmir, with Pakistan saying one of its soldiers has been killed. The Indian independence chart has transiting Mars conjunct the MC, the Indian republic chart significantly has Uranus conjunct the ascendant, which suggests that India is seeking to upset the 'rickety apple cart' which is the long running uneasy truce over Kashmir. The Pakistan chart has transiting Mars opposite the Sun/Moon midpoint. In the relationship chart (India republic and Pakistan) progressed Mercury is conjunct progressed Mars this year. Maybe there is more to run on this story and that yesterday's incident is more than just another spat. Mars is square Saturn today, some hard-heartedness will be evident. Today the rapidly accelerating Moon in Scorpio sextiles the Sun 11:32 and becomes void. Mars square Saturn 19:34 Moon conjunction her Node 21:20 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 17 degrees Capricorn. There are 71 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are out of eclipse season. The next New Moon is in Capricorn on Friday. Mercury is a morning 'star' in Capricorn. He sextiles the lunar node on Jan 15th. Mercury reaches Superior Conjunction on Jan 18th. He enters Aquarius on Jan 19th and decelerates to the first of three conjunctions with Mars and Neptune in Pisces on Feb 6th. Mercury next turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013. Venus is a morning star in Sagittarius. She enters Capricorn on January 9th. Mars is in Aquarius. Today he is in fixed square to Saturn. He squares the lunar node Setting off possibly all manner of eclipse related events on Jan 24th. He enters Pisces on Feb 2nd, and is conjunct Neptune on Feb 4th. Mars in Aquarius promotes individualisation, rebellion, non-conformism and altruism. Comet Ison. Right now comet Ison is retrograding, brightening slowly at 22 degrees Cancer in the tropical zodiac.Tuesday 8 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Capricorn EA 18 Cancer VE sqr NE .71 Mon 25 Scorpio ME 28 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.69 Mer 12 Capricorn VE 2 Sagittarius SA trn NE 2.15 Ven 29 Sagittarius MA 26 Aquarius ME sex MA 2.31 Mar 10 Aquarius JU 14 Gemini Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Ne .62 Me Ne/No .27 Me Ne/No .13 Su Mo/Ne .07 Me Ne/No .66 Ma Su/Ne .69 Ma Su/Ne .75 No Mo/Sa .22 Pl Su/Ve 1.37 Pl Su/Ve 1.1 Pl Su/Ve .82 Me Ne/No .53 Me Mo/Ne 1.47 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Pl Su/Ve .55 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Me Su/Pl 1.87 Me Su/Pl 1.6 Ma Su/Ne .82 Me Su/Pl 2.13 Pl Ne/No 2.67 Su Mo/Ne 1.66 Mo Ve/Sa 1.04 Pl Ne/No 2.68 Me Mo/Ne 2.9 No Mo/Sa 2.08 Pl Mo/Ma 1.29 Mercury hits the Neptune Lunar node midpoint today giving rise to unrealistic expectations, helio-centred Venus square Neptune, adds to the cosmic uncertainty? The very rapidly waning Moon enters Sagittarius 08:29 and proceeds to burn out like a post Christmas fire cracker. The Moon then squares Neptune 10:35The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 14:09 The Moon fire trines Uranus 16:30 The Moon opposes Jupiter eased by Uranus 20:06 Mercury waning biquintile Jupiter 23:04 We are now rushing to Friday's New Moon.Wednesday 9 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Capricorn EA 19 Cancer VE sqr NE .87 Mon 10 Sagittarius ME 1 Capricorn ME sex NE 1.61 Mer 13 Capricorn VE 3 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.69 Ven 30 Sagittarius MA 27 Aquarius SA trn NE 2.18 Mar 11 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini VE trn UR 4.2 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Ve .27 Pl Su/Ve 0 Ve Mo/Me .05 Me Su/Pl .27 Mo Sa/Pl .34 Me Su/Pl .81 Me Mo/Ma .19 Pl Su/Ve .55 Ve Su/Mo .58 Ma Su/Ne .95 Pl Su/Ve .28 Ve Mo/Pl .56 Pl Mo/Ma .64 Ve Su/Mo 1.09 Ma Mo/Ur .43 Mo Su/No .71 Ma Su/Ne .89 Me Ne/No 1.34 Me Su/Pl .54 Ma Su/Ne 1.08 Me Ne/No .94 Me Mo/Ma 1.37 Mo Pl/No .56 Ma Mo/Ur 1.24 Me Su/Pl 1.07 Mo Me/Sa 1.37 Ma Su/Ne 1.02 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 The raging fires in south east Australia are coinciding with transiting Pluto exactly conjunct the Australian natal Sun, and the current Saturn Pluto sextile hooked into the Aussie Mars/Saturn midoint, symbolic of raging destruction. Today the rapidly moving balsamic Moon starts the day in Sagittarius sextiles Mars, becoming void 02:29 and remaining that way for the ensuing 30 hours. Venus enters Capricorn 04:12, joining the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in that sign. Venus resides in this sign as a 'morning star' for a brief 24 days. She sextiles Neptune tomorrow, squares Uranus on Jan 13th, and is conjunct Pluto at 10 Capricorn on Jan 17th. Venus sextiles the Lunar Node on Jan 27th and enters Aquarius on Feb 2nd. An appreciation of value, reliability in affection, and a need for appreciation are the hallmarks of this period. This morning Pluto momentarily sits on the Sun Venus midpoint. Fateful love encounters are possible today.Thursday 10 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Capricorn EA 20 Cancer ME sex SA 1.02 Mon 24 Sagittarius ME 4 Capricorn ME sex NE 1.19 Mer 15 Capricorn VE 5 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.68 Ven 01 Capricorn MA 27 Aquarius SA trn NE 2.2 Mar 12 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini VE sqr NE 2.46 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio VE trn UR 2.62 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME sqr UR 3.89 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces MA con NE 5.44 Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Pl 0 Su Mo/Ma .09 Me Su/Pl .53 Mo Sa/Ne .11 Pl Su/Ve .83 Me Su/Pl .26 Mo Ma/No .7 Mo Ve/Pl .14 Ve Mo/Pl 1 Pl Su/Mo .48 Pl Mo/Me .91 Pl Me/Ve .69 Ma Su/Ne 1.15 Pl Su/Ve 1.1 Ve Ma/No .97 Ve Ma/No .74 Ve Ma/No 1.41 Ve Ma/No 1.19 Pl Me/Ve 1.04 Me Su/Pl .8 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Ma Su/Ne 1.21 Ma Su/Ne 1.28 Pl Mo/Me 1.16 Mo Ma/Sa 1.55 Pl Me/Ve 1.39 Pl Su/Ve 1.38 Ma Su/Ne 1.35 Venus sextiles Neptune 05:46 The very rapidly moving old Moon enters Capricorn 08:55, joining Venus, Mercury, Pluto and the Sun in that sign. A very capricornian couple of days follow, setting a robust and pragmatic basis to all events and experiences. The Moon is approaching an occultation with Pluto and a New Moon event tomorrow. Today all is laid bare, tomorrow the impregnation. We are in a time when plans can be formulated and foundation ideas considered. Realism and graft win through.Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 10:26 Moon sextile Neptune 11:04 Moon close conjunction Venus 11:32 less than 2 degrees from exact. Moon square Uranus 16:50 Mercury waning semi-square Neptune 23:49Friday 11 January 2013 New Moon in CapricornGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Capricorn EA 21 Cancer VE trn UR 1.04 Mon 09 Capricorn ME 7 Capricorn ME sqr UR 1.08 Mer 16 Capricorn VE 7 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.68 Ven 02 Capricorn MA 28 Aquarius ME sex SA 1.77 Mar 13 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini SA trn NE 2.23 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio ME con PL 2.75 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE sqr NE 4.04 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces MA con NE 4.81 Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 15 earth air 2water 3cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Me/Ve .11 Pl Me/Ve 0 Ve Ma/No .08 Ve Ma/No .14 Pl Me/Ve .35 Mo Me/Pl .04 Pl Mo/Ve .23 Pl Me/Ve .7 Ve Ma/No .52 Ve Ma/No .3 Pl Me/Ve .35 Su Sa/Ur .95 Me Su/Pl 1.07 Me Su/Mo .41 Su Sa/Ur 1.2 Mo Su/Me 1.04 Me Su/Mo 1.19 Mo Ne/No .98 Mo Su/Pl 1.37 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Ma Su/Ne 1.41 Mo Su/Ve 1.3 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Ma Su/Ne 1.61 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Me Su/Pl 1.34 Ma Su/Ne 1.54 Me Su/Pl 1.88 This day starts with an intense lunar occultation of Pluto, and concludes with the New Moon in Capricorn. Moon conjunction Pluto 00:23, Pluto is conjunct the Mercury Venus midpoint today. Creative power bottled up and released.The ancient Moon in Capricorn sextiles Saturn 01:19 Moon conjunction Mercury 12:26
NEW MOON 19:45 New Moon in Capricorn quintile Uranus.
Today's New Moon is the 2nd New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 13th 2012 and the 4th New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013. This New Moon is quintile Uranus. Saturn is sextile Pluto, Uranus is square Venus and sextile Jupiter. There is a predominance of planets in cardinal and earth signs. The New Moon is on the Saturn/Uranus midpoint, a signature of resilience and endurance. Uranus is especially strongly starred. This a New Moon where invention and discovery are set in motion with will and determination. At the exact moment of New Moon Neptune is setting at London and culminating at New York. The Moon culminates at Las Vegas, Jupiter rises at Buenos Aires, Uranus culminates at Rio,the Sun rises at Adelaide. Today's NEW moon hits the ascendant of Queen Elizabeth, the natal lunar node of the Dalai Lama, the natal Jupiter of China, the natal Sun of Tracey Bingham, the natal Mars of Boris Becker, the natal Mercury of Ed Milliband and Rowan Atkinson and the natal Jupiter of Bruce Springsteen. The Moon is void of course from the moment of New Moon. The infant Moon sextiles her node 21:46
Saturday 12 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Capricorn EA 22 Cancer ME con PL .09 Mon 24 Capricorn ME 9 Capricorn VE trn UR .54 Mer 18 Capricorn VE 8 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.67 Ven 04 Capricorn MA 28 Aquarius ME sqr UR 1.76 Mar 13 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini SA trn NE 2.26 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA con NE 4.18 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 15 earth air 2water 3cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/No .36 Ne Mo/Ur .16 Su Sa/Ur .22 Su Sa/Ur .02 Ma Mo/Ne .45 Su Sa/Ur .46 Mo Me/Ma .56 Mo Ne/Pl .06 Su Sa/Ur .71 Me Mo/Pl .54 Ur Mo/Ju .65 Su Mo/Pl .08 Su Mo/Me .75 Ve Ma/No .58 Me Mo/Ve .79 Me Mo/Ve .8 Me Mo/Pl .92 Mo Ur/No .87 Ve Ma/No .8 Ve Ma/No 1.03 Mo Ve/Ma .96 Su Mo/Me 1.06 Mo Ve/Ne .96 Ur Mo/Ju 1.18 Pl Me/Ve 1.05 Ma Mo/Ne 1.22 Mo Su/Ma 1.27 Ve Sa/Ne 1.41 New chapter. New order. New direction. The brand New Moon rapidly enters Aquarius 09:03 The Sun is on the Saturn Uranus midpoint, quintile Saturn 09:23 today, and quintile Uranus early tomorrow. The power of transforming rebellion, held in check. Many issues 'bubbling under'. The Moon sextiles Uranus 17:10 The Moon trines Jupiter 20:12Sunday 13 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Capricorn EA 23 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.67 Mon 09 Aquarius ME 12 Capricorn VE trn UR 2.12 Mer 20 Capricorn VE 10 Sagittarius SA trn NE 2.28 Ven 05 Capricorn MA 29 Aquarius ME con PL 2.96 Mar 14 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini MA con NE 3.56 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio VE opp JU 5.08 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Sa/Ur .27 Mo Su/Ne .5 Ve Sa/Ne .5 Ve Sa/Ne .2 Su Mo/Ve .98 Su Sa/Ur .51 Ve Mo/No .73 Mo Ve/Ur .34 Ve Sa/Ne 1.11 Su Mo/Ve .75 Su Sa/Ur .75 Ve Mo/No .75 Ve Ma/No 1.25 Ve Sa/Ne .8 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Su Sa/Ur 1 Mo Me/Ne 1.33 Ve Ma/No 1.47 Ve Ma/No 1.69 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Ma Su/Ne 2.07 Ve Ma/No 1.91 Su Mo/Pl 1.5 Ma Su/Ne 2.01 Ne Su/Ur 2.19 Me Sa/Ur 1.91Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 06:00 GMT Sun sextile the lunar node 00:03 Sun quintile Uranus 01:12 The fast moving very young Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 01:59 Venus square Uranus 04:14 Moon conjunction Mars becoming void 08:38 Moon square her node 22:49Monday 14 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Capricorn EA 24 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.66 Mon 24 Aquarius ME 15 Capricorn SA trn NE 2.31 Mer 21 Capricorn VE 11 Sagittarius MA con NE 2.93 Ven 06 Capricorn MA 30 Aquarius VE opp JU 3.58 Mar 15 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini VE trn UR 3.7 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ne .1 Pl Mo/No .24 Ve Sa/Ne .71 Me Sa/Ur .32 Mo Ma/Ne .43 Ve Sa/Ne .4 Me Sa/Ur .72 Ve Mo/Sa .34 Mo Ur/Pl 1.21 Me Sa/Ur 1.11 Mo Su/Ur .91 Ve Sa/Ne 1.01 Su Sa/Ur 1.24 Mo Me/Ur 1.18 Ve Mo/Sa 1.1 Ma Su/Mo 1.06 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Su Sa/Ur 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Me Sa/Ur 1.51 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Ne Su/Ur 1.7 Ne Su/Ur 1.58 Pl Mo/No 1.52 Ne Su/Ur 1.82 Su Sa/Ur 1.73 Su Sa/Ur 1.98 France has ordered security be stepped up around public buildings and transport because of the risk of Islamist attack after military operations in Africa. He was responding to the risk of attack after French forces attacked militants in Mali and Somalia. French warplanes yesterday bombed the rebel-held town of Gao in eastern Mali, extending the campaign against what France calls "well-armed" Islamist militants Friday's New Moon hit the France 1st republic ascendant. On Friday when action began, transiting Pluto was square the French Mercury/ Neptune midpoint suggesting a deeply subliminal nerve had been touched in the collective French psyche. The Total Solar Eclipse on Nov 15th 2012 was close to the French natal Mars, initiating this war. The next New Moon on Feb 10th hits the French Pluto. Makes you wonder where this will end. The infant Moon starts the day void in Aquarius. Moon enters Pisces 10:51 Moon conjunction Neptune 13:22 Venus quinquncx Jupiter 13:37 Mercury quintile Saturn 18:29 Moon square Jupiter 22:28 Moon sextile Venus 23:23 Mercury sextile Node 23:58 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 24 degrees Capricorn. There are 64 days to the Vernal Equinox. Mercury is a morning 'star' in Capricorn. He sextiles the lunar node tomorrow. Mercury reaches Superior Conjunction on Jan 18th. He enters Aquarius on Jan 19th and decelerates to the first of three conjunctions with Mars and Neptune in Pisces on Feb 6th. Mercury next turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013. Venus is also a morning 'star' in Capricorn. She squares Uranus on Jan 13th, and is conjunct Pluto at 10 Capricorn on Jan 17th. Venus sextiles the Lunar Node on Jan 27th and enters Aquarius on Feb 2nd. An appreciation of value, reliability in affection, and a need for appreciation are the hallmarks of this period. Mars is in Aquarius. He squares the lunar node Setting off possibly all manner of eclipse related events on Jan 24th. He enters Pisces on Feb 2nd,and is conjunct Neptune on Feb 4th. Mars in Aquarius promotes individualisation, rebellion, non-conformism and altruism. Comet Ison and Comet Panstarrs. There are two important comets in the sky right now. Comet Ison is retrograding, brightening slowly at 21 degrees Cancer. Excitement continues to rise among both professional and amateur astronomers about Comet ISON, which on Nov. 28 of this year might become one of the brightest comets ever seen, outshining such recent dazzlers as Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) and Comet McNaught (2007). Comet Panstarrs will pass closest to Earth on 5 March 2013 at a distance of 1.09 au. It will come to perihelion(closest approach to the Sun) on 10 March 2013. An estimate from October 2012 predicts the comet may brighten to magnitude -4(roughly equivalent to Venus). This comet is today positioned at 28 Sagittarius in the tropical zodiac.Tuesday 15 January 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Capricorn EA 25 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.66 Mon 08 Pisces ME 18 Capricorn VE opp JU 2.08 Mer 23 Capricorn VE 13 Sagittarius MA con NE 2.3 Ven 07 Capricorn MA 0 Pisces SA trn NE 2.33 Mar 16 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 01 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpio
fire 14 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Sa/Ur .08 Me Sa/Ur .48 Me Sa/Ur .88 Mo Ur/Ne .47 Ma Mo/Me .47 Mo Ma/Ur .57 Ne Su/Ur 1.21 Ne Mo/Ma .56 Ma Su/Mo .6 Pl Mo/Sa .96 Ne Mo/Ma 1.22 Ne Su/Ur 1.08 Pl Mo/Sa .75 Ma Mo/Me 1.25 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Me Sa/Ur 1.28 Ve Sa/Ne 1.31 Ne Su/Ur 1.33 Ve Sa/Ne 1.91 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Ne Su/Ur 1.45 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Ne Me/Ur 2.12 Ne Me/Ur 1.92 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Ve Sa/Ne 1.61 Pl Ne/No 2.33 Ve Sa/Ne 2.22 Yesterday Islamist fighters in Mali seized a town in government- controlled territory, though France says its military operation is making progress. Venus is 3 degrees from Pluto and closing. The week is colored by this compulsive aspect. Mercury approaching superior conjunction quintiles Uranus 03:02 The fast but decelerating Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto 03:50The Moon hits crescent phase 04:29 at 10 Pisces The Moon water trines Saturn 05:03 Venus semi square the lunar node 10:13 The Moon spends the rest of the day surfing through Pisces applying in sextile aspect to the Sun and Mercury. Difficult to pin down but not a day without purpose.
Wednesday 16 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Capricorn EA 26 Cancer VE opp JU .58 Mon 21 Pisces ME 21 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.65 Mer 25 Capricorn VE 15 Sagittarius MA con NE 1.67 Ven 09 Capricorn MA 1 Pisces SA trn NE 2.36 Mar 17 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini MA trn SA 4.03 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio EA opp ME 4.85 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 2water 4Significant helio harmonic 14cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ur .96 Ma Mo/Ve .03 Me Mo/No .06 Su Mo/No .1 Ma Mo/Pl .99 Ma Mo/Pl .47 Ne Su/Ur .72 Mo Me/Ju .19 Mo Ve/Ju 1.46 Ne Su/Ur .84 Su Mo/No 1.26 Ne Su/Ur .59 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Mo Ju/Pl 1.21 Ne Me/Ur 1.32 Mo Su/Ju .71 Ma Mo/Ve 1.64 Me Mo/No 1.28 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Ne Me/Ur 1.11 Me Sa/Ur 1.68 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Ma Mo/Ve 1.57 Me Mo/No 1.15 Ne Me/Ur 1.72 Ne Me/Ur 1.52 Su Ma/Pl 1.85 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Yesterday more than 50 people were killed by two explosions at a university campus in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. Also yesterday Pakistan's Supreme Court ordered the arrest of PM Raja Pervez Ashraf and 15 others over corruption allegations, raising fears of a political crisis just months ahead of an election. Both the Syrian and the Pakistan independence charts have the Moon in Cancer, and both Moons were opposed by last Friday's New Moon. In addition transiting Mars opposed the Pakistan Venus and Mars opposed the Syrian Venus/Uranus midpoint yesterday. Today Venus is nearly conjunct Pluto. Helio Venus opposes Jupiter, and there is a significantly strong and unusual 14th helio harmonic in action as the day starts. Multi-dimensional stuff this, pretty powerful maybe. The decelerating crescent Moon trines her node 02:58 Moon sextile Mercury 06:55 Moon sextile Sun becoming void 09:34, remaining that way, drifting for 7.5 hours. The Moon enters Aries 16:08 and applies to Uranus. Venus applies to Pluto. An urgent and compulsive ending to the day.Thursday 17 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Capricorn EA 27 Cancer VE opp JU .92 Mon 04 Aries ME 24 Capricorn MA con NE 1.04 Mer 26 Capricorn VE 16 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.64 Ven 10 Capricorn MA 2 Pisces SA trn NE 2.38 Mar 17 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini EA opp ME 2.83 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA trn SA 3.43 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ur .47 Ne Su/Ur .35 Ne Su/Ur .23 Ne Su/Ur .1 Ne Me/Ur .91 Ne Mo/Me .44 Ne Me/Ur .51 Me Mo/Sa .19 Ne Su/Mo .91 Ne Me/Ur .71 Su Ma/Pl 1.25 Ne Me/Ur .3 Ne Mo/Me 1.36 Ne Su/Mo .81 Me Mo/Sa 1.36 Su Mo/Sa .6 Su Mo/No 1.46 Su Ma/Pl 1.4 Su Ur/No 1.38 Su Ma/Pl 1.1 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Su Ur/No 1.13 Su Ma/Pl 1.55 Su Ur/No 1.64 Mo Ma/Ju 1.54 Ve Ne/No 1.4 Venus and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn. Compulsive viewing.Yesterday the main UK news was the report that two people were killed and 12 injured when a helicopter crashed into a crane at the top of a building in Vauxhall in central London. According to BBC news the helicopter took off from Redhill Surrey at 07 35 GMT. The local MC at that moment was the exact eclipse point 21 Scorpio 57 of the Total Solar Eclipse on Nov 13th 2012. The crash occurred 25 minutes later after the nodal axis past over the local MC. Dense Fog seems to have played a part in the tragedy, Neptune was almost due east as the helicopter hit the crane.
The main world news yesterday reported that two foreigners,were killed and more than 40 taken hostage at a gas facility in eastern Algeria. The Algerian interior ministry said a heavily-armed "terrorist group" using three vehicles had attacked the bus carrying workers from the In Amenas gas field at about 04:00 GMT. There appears to be a connection with the war in Mali. An astrological chart set up for this time and place shows the nature of the raid and maybe the outcome. Sagittarius rising shows a daring adventure, Uranus exactly conjunct the IC, a surprise and sudden action of a terrorist group, acting on deep emotion, under dark skies. Ascendant square Moon, unfortunate for the locals, MC square Venus Pluto conjunction, a compulsive motive and maybe a tragic outcome, except that is for the fact that the Libran MC is also trine Jupiter, possible negotiations, and Sun and Mars in the 2nd house of financial gain. I will refer back to this chart as the story unfolds. With so much cardinal earth in the chart, the tale may well take a long time. More compulsive vibrations today. Today Venus is conjunct Pluto 01:30 The Moon is conjunct Uranus 01:40 This decelerating crescent Moon in Aries sextiles Jupiter 04:29 Moon square Pluto 10:40 Moon square Venus 11:38 Venus waxing sextile Saturn 16:03 The UK braces itself for heavy snow as transiting Mars squares UK (1801 chart) natal Neptune over the next few days and maybe echoes and amplifies in resonance, the Helio Mars Neptune conjunction, currently in sway.
Friday 18 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Capricorn EA 28 Cancer MA con NE .41 Mon 17 Aries ME 27 Capricorn EA opp ME .76 Mer 28 Capricorn VE 18 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.64 Ven 11 Capricorn MA 2 Pisces SA trn NE 2.41 Mar 18 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini VE opp JU 2.42 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA trn SA 2.83 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ur .02 Ne Me/Ur .1 Ne Mo/Pl .1 Su Ur/No .1 Ne Me/Ur .1 Ne Su/Ur .14 Ne Su/Ur .27 Ve Ne/No .13 Su Mo/Sa .72 Su Ur/No .61 Me Ur/No .27 Me Ur/No .15 Su Ur/No .87 Me Ur/No .69 Ne Me/Ur .31 Me Ma/Pl .24 Su Ma/Pl .94 Ve Ne/No .76 Su Ur/No .35 Ne Su/Ur .39 Me Mo/Sa .96 Su Ma/Pl .79 Ve Ne/No .45 Su Ma/Pl .49 Ve Ne/No 1.08 Me Ma/Pl .87 Me Ma/Pl .56 Ne Me/Ur .51 Yesterday an Algerian military raid to free hostages at a desert gas plant left a number of victims as at least four foreign hostages were freed. Reports are sketchy at the time of writing but it looks like the MC square Venus Pluto conjunction in the hostage attack chart mentioned yesterday, has corresponded to a tragic outcome. France has increased its troop strength in Mali to 1,400 to help fight militant Islamists in the north. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Capricorn. The Sun enters Aquarius tomorrow at 21:53 GMT. The decelerating waxing Moon in Aries sextiles Mars 02:29 Mercury Superior Conjunction with the Sun 08:57Moon at first quarter 23:46 Helio Mars conjunct Neptune tonight.Saturday 19 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Capricorn EA 29 Cancer MA con NE .21 Mon 29 Aries ME 0 Aquarius EA opp ME 1.36 Mer 29 Capricorn VE 19 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.63 Ven 12 Capricorn MA 3 Pisces MA trn SA 2.22 Mar 19 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini SA trn NE 2.44 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio VE opp JU 3.92 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ma/Pl .07 Su Ma/Pl .19 Su Ma/Pl .04 Su Ma/Pl .12 Su Ur/No .16 Me Ma/Pl .39 Mo Ju/Ur .64 Ur Mo/Ne .27 Ve Ne/No .18 Su Ur/No .42 Su Ur/No .68 Me Ve/Ma .62 Su Ma/Pl .34 Ve Ne/No .5 Me Ma/Pl .7 Ne Su/Ur .88 Ne Su/Ur .51 Ne Su/Ur .63 Ne Su/Ur .76 Su Ur/No .93 Me Ur/No .57 Ne Me/Ur .92 Me Ve/Ma .78 Me Ma/Pl 1.02 Ne Me/Ur .72 Me Ve/Ma .95 Ve Ne/No .82 Ve Ne/No 1.13 The decelerating first quarter Moon in Aries squares Mercury and becomes void 00:42 The Moon enters Taurus 01:38 The day is rich, solid and possibly comfortable. Venus biquintile Jupiter 04:26 Moon sextile Neptune 04:50 Mercury enters Aquarius 07:26 today joining Mars in this sign. Mercury speeds through Aquarius in just 18 days. He is sextile Uranus on Jan 22nd, trine Jupiter on Feb 23rd, squares Saturn on Jan 25th and squares the lunar node on Feb 1st. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 5th. He decelerates to the first of three conjunctions with Mars and Neptune in Pisces on Feb 6th. Mercury next turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013. Evening star Mercury in Aquarius symbolises a reflective scientific manner of thinking. Moon trine Pluto 21:32 The Sun enters Aquarius 21:53 and a new astrological month commences. Moon opposition Saturn eased by Venus and Pluto 23:06Sunday 20 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Aquarius EA 0 Leo MA con NE .84 Mon 11 Taurus ME 4 Aquarius ME sqr SA 1.47 Mer 01 Aquarius VE 21 Sagittarius MA trn SA 1.62 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 3 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.63 Mar 20 Aquarius JU 15 Gemini SA trn NE 2.46 Jup 07 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio EA opp ME 3.54 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE opp JU 5.4 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Pl .27 Me Ve/Ma .29 Me Ve/Ma .12 Ur Mo/Ma .04 Me Ve/Ma .46 Su Ma/Pl .42 Ma Mo/No .19 Me Ve/Ma .04 Ne Su/Ur 1 Ne Su/Ur 1.12 Su Ma/Pl .57 Su Ma/Pl .72 Su Ur/No 1.19 Ur Me/Ju 1.17 Ur Me/Ju .97 Ur Me/Ju .78 Ur Mo/Ne 1.22 Su Ur/No 1.45 Ne Su/Ur 1.25 Ma Mo/No 1.08 Me Ma/Pl 1.34 Ma Mo/No 1.47 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Ne Su/Ur 1.37 Ur Me/Ju 1.37 Su Ve/Ma 1.52 Ur Mo/Ma 1.61 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Yesterday Algerian troops ended the siege at a gas facility in the Sahara desert killing 11 Islamist militants after they killed seven hostages. Things have changed, fixed air signs now predominate. Today is the first full day of the astrological month of Aquarius. The slow and decelerating waxing Moon air trines Venus 05:18 The Moon the lunar node and Mars form a weak fixed T-square 17:00 to 23:00 Moon square Mars 18:17 becoming void for 8 hours. Moon opposition her node 22:55 Sunday night blues. January 20th 2013 Inauguration of USA president, Washington. The Moon will slowly sweep near the planet Jupiter in what will be the closest Moon-Jupiter conjunction until the year 2026. North Americans are particularly well-placed to see the Moon and Jupiter very close together in the evening sky on the night of January 21, 2013. It is a waxing 'nearly gibbous' moon that’ll pass less than a degree to the south of Jupiter tonight. It should be very beautiful, as seen from around the globe. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Aquarius EA 1 Leo ME sex UR .88 Mon 23 Taurus ME 7 Aquarius MA trn SA 1.02 Mer 03 Aquarius VE 23 Sagittarius MA con NE 1.47 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 4 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.62 Mar 20 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini ME sqr SA 1.77 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio SA trn NE 2.49 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA sqr SA 4.02 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 23 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ma .21 Ur Me/Ju .38 Ur Me/Ju .18 Ur Me/Ju .02 Ur Me/Ju .58 Me Ve/Ma .38 Me Ve/Ma .55 Me Ve/Ma .71 Su Ma/Pl .87 Su Ma/Pl 1.02 Su Ma/Pl 1.18 Ur Su/Ju 1.1 Ur Su/Ju 1.44 Ur Su/Ju 1.33 Ur Su/Ju 1.21 Su Ma/Pl 1.33 Ne Su/Ur 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Ur Mo/Ma 1.53 Ne Su/Ur 1.62 Ne Su/Ur 1.74 Ma Ur/Pl 1.61 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Ma Ur/Pl 1.99 Ma Ur/Pl 1.8 Me Ne/Pl 1.76 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 2 degrees Aquarius. There are 57 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. The slowly waxing and decelerating Moon enters Gemini 14:05 Moon square Neptune 17:34 Moon trine Sun 17:54 Moon trine Mercury 23:14 The Moon is full in the early hours of next Sunday. Mercury is now an evening 'star' in Aquarius Mercury quintile the lunar node 23:15 today. He is sextile Uranus tomorrow, trine Jupiter on Jan 23rd, square Saturn on Jan 25th and square the lunar node on Feb 1st. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 5th. He decelerates to the first of three conjunctions with Mars on Feb 6th. The first one also involves Neptune on Feb 8th at 4 Pisces. The 2nd is on Feb 25th during Mercury's retrograde phase at 18 Pisces, and the final conjunction is on May 8th at 13 Taurus. Mercury next turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013, reaching repeatable territory before this on Feb 9th, and slowing to an apparent speed less than a degree per day on Feb 17th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Capricorn. Venus sextiles the Lunar Node on Jan 27th and enters Aquarius on Feb 2nd. An appreciation of value, reliability in affection, and a need for appreciation are the hallmarks of this period. Mars is in Aquarius. He squares the lunar node setting off possibly all manner of eclipse related events on Jan 24th. He enters Pisces on Feb 2nd,and is conjunct Neptune on Feb 4th. Mars in Aquarius promotes individualisation, rebellion, non-conformism and altruism. Comet Ison and Comet Panstarrs. There are two important comets in the sky right now. Comet Ison is retrograding, brightening slowly at 24 degrees Cancer. Excitement continues to rise among both professional and amateur astronomers about Comet ISON, which on Nov. 28 of this year might become one of the brightest comets ever seen, outshining such recent dazzlers as Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) and Comet McNaught (2007).In the early months of 2013, the comet will arrive in the solar system, from above (north) of the elciptic, from the direction of Cancer. ISON is in Cancer in the summer, Leo in September and October, Virgo in the first week of November, Libra from the 9th of November to the 19th and then Scorpio from 20th November for one week. From the 28th November it is in Sagittarius, it thensling shots round the Sun in Sagittarius and again appears to retrograde. It will be astrologicaly conjuct Mars, 21 deg Leo around the 2nd of October. It passes below the ecliptic plane on the 7th November and shoots round the sun at the end of November. From December onwards, the comet should be visible in the eastern sky in the evening, and this is the time the tail might develop. Panstarrs will pass closest to Earth on 5 March 2013 at a distance of 1.09 au. It will come to perihelion(closest approach to the Sun) on 10 March 2013. An estimate from October 2012 predicts the comet may brighten to magnitude -4(roughly equivalent to Venus). This comet is today at 5 degrees Capricorn in the tropical zodiac.Tuesday 22 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Aquarius EA 2 Leo MA trn SA .41 Mon 05 Gemini ME 10 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.62 Mer 05 Aquarius VE 24 Sagittarius MA con NE 2.1 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 5 Pisces ME sex UR 2.45 Mar 21 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini SA trn NE 2.51 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio EA sqr SA 3.04 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Me/Ju .22 Ur Su/Mo .19 Me Ne/Pl .51 Me Ne/Pl .09 Ur Mo/Me .57 Ur Me/Ju .43 Ur Me/Ju .63 Ur Su/Ju .64 Me Ve/Ma .88 Ur Su/Ju .87 Ur Su/Ju .75 Ur Me/Ju .83 Ur Su/Ju .98 Me Ne/Pl .93 Ma Ur/Pl 1.04 Ma Ur/Pl .85 Me Ne/Pl 1.34 Me Ve/Ma 1.05 Me Ve/Ma 1.22 Me Ve/Ma 1.4 Ma Ur/Pl 1.42 Ur Mo/Me 1.11 Ur Su/Mo 1.4 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Su Ma/Pl 1.48 Ma Ur/Pl 1.23 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Su Ma/Pl 1.93 Barack Obama's 2nd Inauguration chart set for Sunday 20th Jan 2013 Washington DC. (Taurus always rises in these inauguration charts, the Sun always rides in the 10th house). Obama's 2nd is a 'difficult moonrise chart'. The rising Moon in Taurus is square Mars and Saturn is exactly setting. This indicates possible antagonism at home and frustration abroad. There is little joy with the economy and with the national debt. The chart is confident and wilful but full of challenge and opposition. The 2009 chart with it's void Moon in late Scorpio setting had its Pluto line passing through Afghanistan, this one strangely has a paran at Bamako, capital of Mali, where Uranus culminates and Pluto sets. Saturn rises over North Korea, Jupiter culminates at Tehran, both potential flash points over the next 4 years. Today the very slowly waxing Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 00:50. Moon close conjunction Jupiter 03:14 less than 1 degree from exact. Mercury sextile Uranus 10:29Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 10:52 Venus waning semi-square Neptune 12:39Wednesday 23 January 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Aquarius EA 3 Leo MA trn SA .19 Mon 17 Gemini ME 14 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.61 Mer 06 Aquarius VE 26 Sagittarius EA sqr SA 2.05 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 5 Pisces ME trn JU 2.13 Mar 22 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini SA trn NE 2.54 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA con NE 2.73 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ne/Pl .33 Ur Su/Ju .41 Ur Mo/Ve .06 Ma Ur/Pl .09 Ur Su/Ju .52 Ma Ur/Pl .47 Ma Ur/Pl .28 Ur Su/Ju .17 Ma Ur/Pl .66 Me Ne/Pl .75 Ur Su/Ju .29 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Ur Me/Ju 1.03 Ur Me/Ju 1.23 Me Ne/Pl 1.17 Ur Mo/Ve 1.57 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Ur Me/Ju 1.44 Me Ne/Pl 1.59 Me Ve/Ma 1.57 Ur Mo/Ve 1.69 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Ur Me/Ju 1.64 Pl Ne/No 2.01 Me Ve/Ma 1.74 Me Ve/Ma 1.91 Pl Ne/No 1.97 Mercury air trines Jupiter 02:27The slowly waxing and now accelerating Moon in Gemini reaches Mars squares the lunar Node 11:24 and is on the Uranus Pluto midpoint today. Mars is conjunct the French republic's Pluto today, conjunct Queen Elizabeth 2nd's Jupiter, opposite Prince Phillip's Moon, to mention just a few. It could be red letter day. Stay alert. Moon in Gemini trine Mars becoming void 11:43 for 15 hours.
gibbous phase 03:20. The procession to the full starts.Thursday 24 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Aquarius EA 4 Leo MA trn SA .79 Mon 29 Gemini ME 17 Aquarius EA sqr SA 1.07 Mer 08 Aquarius VE 27 Sagittarius ME trn JU 1.27 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 6 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.61 Mar 23 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini SA trn NE 2.56 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA con NE 3.36 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA sex PL 3.39 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn UR 3.65 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 5water 3Strong helio harmonic 7cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3active now. positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Su/Ju .06 Ur Su/Ju .06 Ur Su/Ju .17 Ur Su/Ju .29 Ma Ur/Pl .1 Ma Ur/Pl .28 Ma Ur/Pl .47 Ma Ur/Pl .66 Ur Mo/Pl 1.03 Ur Mo/Pl .46 Su Ne/Pl 1.3 Su Ne/Pl 1.05 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Me Ve/Ne 1.41 Su Ne/Pl 1.79 Su Ne/Pl 1.55 Me Ve/Ne 1.68 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Ur Me/Ju 1.84 Pl Ne/No 1.95 Pl Ne/No 1.94 Pl Ne/No 1.93 Pl Ne/No 1.96 Me Ve/Ne 1.95 Ur Mo/Pl 1.95 Pl Ma/No 2.26Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK, . The slowly accelerating waxing gibbous Moon enters Cancer 03:01 The Sun quintiles the lunar node 04:58 The Moon water trines Neptune 06:37 Moon square Uranus 13:46 Moon opposition Pluto 23:20 The bright Moon shines about midway between Betelgeuse in Orion's shoulder to its right, and Pollux in Gemini to the Moon's left. The star above Pollux is Castor. Below the Moon is Procyon in Canis Minor. Lunar pressures now rising and emotional responses increasing as we approach the full moon.
of star 57 Ori, 01:35 to 02:35Friday 25 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Aquarius EA 5 Leo EA sqr SA .08 Mon 10 Cancer ME 21 Aquarius MA trn SA 1.4 Mer 10 Aquarius VE 29 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.6 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 7 Pisces SA trn NE 2.59 Mar 24 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini EA trn UR 2.64 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA sex PL 2.76 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA con NE 3.99 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 4water 4cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Su/Ju .41 Ur Su/Ju .52 Su Ne/Pl .32 Su Ne/Pl .07 Su Ne/Pl .81 Su Ne/Pl .56 Me Ve/Ne .6 Me Ve/Ne .33 Ma Ur/Pl .85 Me Ve/Ne .87 Ur Su/Ju .64 Ur Su/Ju .75 Me Ve/Ne 1.14 Ma Ur/Pl 1.04 Ma Ur/Pl 1.23 Ma Ur/Pl 1.42 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Pl Ne/No 1.92 Pl Ne/No 1.91 Pl Ne/No 1.9 Pl Ne/No 1.89 Pl Ma/No 2.18 Pl Ma/No 2.1 Pl Ma/No 2.01 Pl Ma/No 1.93 Deeper emotional responses can be expected today as the Full Moon approaches. This 'pregnant' accelerating Moon in Cancer trines Saturn 01:01 The Aquarius Sun sextiles Uranus in inventive discovery 04:47 Mercury square Saturn in painstaking deliberation 18:43 Moon opposition Venus in uneasy temperament becoming void 20:36 The Moon trines her node 23:17 The 'Candlemass Full Moon Weekend' ahead. Plan your celebration weekend. It could start with an exhilarating Friday night as the Sun trines Jupiter, which even though the Moon is void, could have an optimistic moonlit feel to it..Saturday 26 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Aquarius EA 6 Leo EA sqr SA .9 Mon 23 Cancer ME 24 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.6 Mer 11 Aquarius VE 0 Capricorn EA trn UR 1.63 Ven 21 Capricorn MA 7 Pisces MA trn SA 2 Mar 24 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini MA sex PL 2.13 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio VE sex NE 2.25 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 2.62 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces MA con NE 4.62 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 4water 4cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ne .06 Me Ve/Ne .22 Me Ve/Ne .49 Me Ve/Ne .76 Su Ne/Pl .17 Su Ne/Pl .42 Su Ne/Pl .66 Su Ne/Pl .91 Ur Su/Ju .87 Ur Su/Ju .99 Ur Su/Ju 1.1 Ur Su/Ju 1.22 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 1.55 Ve Sa/Ur 1.53 Ve Sa/Ur 1.23 Ma Ur/Pl 1.61 Pl Ma/No 1.76 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 Ve Su/Pl 1.56 Pl Ma/No 1.84 Ma Ur/Pl 1.8 Pl Ma/No 1.68 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 Pl Ne/No 1.88 Ve Sa/Ur 1.83 Ve Su/Pl 1.74 Pl Ma/No 1.59 Sun trine Jupiter 03:57 The almost full Moon enters Leo 14:21. Universal extraversion, a whoppa. Venus sextiles the lunar node 21:52Sunday 27 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Aquarius EA 7 Leo EA trn UR .63 Mon 05 Leo ME 28 Aquarius VE sex NE .67 Mer 13 Aquarius VE 2 Capricorn MA sex PL 1.5 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 8 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.59 Mar 25 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini EA sqr SA 1.89 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio MA trn SA 2.6 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 2.64 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE sex SA 3.31 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn ME con NE 4.56 Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 ScorpioFull Moon in Leo
fire 22 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .92 Ju Mo/Ur .43 Ve Sa/Ur .31 Ve Sa/Ur .01 Me Ve/Ne 1.04 Ve Sa/Ur .62 Ve Su/Pl 1.01 Sa Su/Mo .07 Ju Mo/Ur 1.13 Ve Su/Pl 1.19 Pl Ma/No 1.34 Ve Su/Pl .83 Su Ne/Pl 1.16 Me Ve/Ne 1.31 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 Pl Ma/No 1.26 Ur Su/Ju 1.34 Su Ne/Pl 1.4 Ur Su/Ju 1.57 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 Ve Su/Pl 1.37 Pl Ma/No 1.42 Me Ve/Ne 1.59 Ur Su/Ju 1.69 Pl Ma/No 1.51 Ur Su/Ju 1.45 Sa Su/Mo 1.62 Pl Ne/No 1.81 Mars semi square Pluto 00:41 Moon trine Uranus 00:53 Moon sextile Jupiter 02:37FULL MOON 04:39
Today's Full Moon is the second Full Moon following the penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Nov 28th 2012 and the 3rd Full Moon before the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on April 25th 2013. This Full Moon is separating from a sextile to Jupiter, separating from a trine Uranus and applying in square to Saturn. Saturn is sextile Pluto, Jupiter is sextile Uranus. Air and fixity predominate. At the moment of Full Moon, 04 39 GMT, the Moon is setting over central Turkey, Mars rises at Tehran and at Daressalem, and culminates at Vladivostok. Pluto rises at Rome. Today's Full Moon falls directly on the natal Mercury of Bill Clinton, the ascendant of George W Bush, the natal Mars of Terry Wogan, the natal Saturn of David Bowie, the lunar node of Keith Richard and the natal Pluto of Jeff Beck, Joesph Biden and John Humphries. After the Full Moon has climaxed the Moon squares Saturn 11:44 Venus quintile Saturn 14:40 Moon opposition Mercury 18:11 Venus quintile Uranus 21:46
Monday 28 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Aquarius EA 8 Leo EA trn UR .38 Mon 18 Leo ME 2 Pisces ME con NE .7 Mer 15 Aquarius VE 4 Capricorn MA sex PL .88 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 9 Pisces VE sex NE .91 Mar 26 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.59 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio ME sex VE 1.61 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE sex SA 1.76 Ura 05 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 2.67 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn EA sqr SA 2.87 Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .29 Ve Su/Pl .46 Mo Ju/Sa .15 Ve Su/Pl .1 Ve Su/Pl .65 Ve Sa/Ur .6 Ve Su/Pl .28 Sa Mo/Ve .34 Pl Ma/No 1.17 Pl Ma/No 1.09 Ve Sa/Ur .9 No Mo/Me .49 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Pl Ma/No 1 Pl Ma/No .92 Sa Su/Mo 1.76 Pl Ne/No 1.79 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Ve Sa/Ur 1.21 Pl Ne/No 1.8 Ur Su/Ju 1.92 Pl Ne/No 1.78 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Ur Su/Ju 1.8 Me Su/Ma 2 Me Su/Ma 1.79 Me Su/Ma 1.58 As the Full Moon climaxed yesterday at least 230 people died in a fire that swept through a night club in southern Brazil, after a musician reportedly let off fireworks on stage. The fire broke out some time after 02:00 (04:00 GMT) when between 300 and 500 people were believed to have been in the club. The Full Moon climaxed 04:49 GMT. The Full Moon hit the natal Mars/Saturn midpoint in the Brazil chart (Sept 7th 1822)and transiting Mars is approaching the ascendant in the said chart. Grievous. Other headlines occurring at the time of full moon were... French and Malian forces moved on Timbuktu after recapturing other northern towns from rebels, as African states discussed sending more troops. At the moment of Full Moon Uranus exactly squared the local ascendant at Timbuktu. Three people died as a mass funeral was held in Egypt's Port Said for some 30 people killed in unrest on Saturday, while fresh clashes erupted in Cairo. It was last month's Full Moon which fell on the Egyptian natal Pluto which provoked the recent troubles. North Korea warned of "substantial and high-profile important state measures", days after announcing plans for a third nuclear test. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made the statement during a meeting with top security officials, state media said. The reports did not give details of what the measures might entail. The big news for North Korea is that Pluto is about to conjunct her natal Moon, the first of three this year. Very serious issues will occur there. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 9 degrees Aquarius today. There are 50 days to the Vernal Equinox. The Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury Mars and Neptune are 7 days and 17 degrees away from a triple conjunction in early Pisces on Feb 4th-6th. This is the next astrological wave, a punchy affair, evoking events and experiences. Today the slowly accelerating and waning 'hung over' Moon, just past the full in Leo squares her node 08:44 Moon opposition Mars becoming void 17:00 The Moon enters Virgo 23:28 Mercury is now an evening 'star' in Aquarius He squares the lunar node on Feb 1st. Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 5th. He is rushing and decelerating to the first of three conjunctions with Mars on Feb 6th. The first one mentioned above also involves Neptune on Feb 6th at 4 Pisces. The 2nd is on Feb 25th during Mercury's retrograde phase at 18 Pisces, and the final conjunction is on May 8th at 13 Taurus. Mercury next turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013, reaching repeatable territory before this on Feb 9th, and slowing to an apparent speed less than a degree per day on Feb 17th. Venus is a morning 'star' in Capricorn. Venus enters Aquarius on Feb 2nd. Mars is in Aquarius. He enters Pisces on Feb 2nd,and is conjunct Neptune on Feb 4th. Comet Ison and Comet Panstarrs. There are two important comets in the sky right now. Comet Ison is retrograding, brightening slowly at 24 degrees Cancer. Excitement continues to rise among both professional and amateur astronomers about Comet ISON, which on Nov. 28 of this year might become one of the brightest comets ever seen, outshining such recent dazzlers as Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) and Comet McNaught (2007).In the early months of 2013, the comet will arrive in the solar system, from above (north) of the ecliptic, from the direction of Cancer. ISON is in Cancer in the summer, Leo in September and October, Virgo in the first week of November, Libra from the 9th of November to the 19th and then Scorpio from 20th November for one week. From the 28th November it is in Sagittarius, it then sling shots round the Sun in Sagittarius and again appears to retrograde. It will be astrologically conjunct Mars, 21 leg Leo around the 2nd of October. It passes below the ecliptic plane on the 7th November and shoots round the sun at the end of November. From December onwards, the comet should be visible in the eastern sky in the evening, and this is the time the tail might develop. Panstarrs will pass closest to Earth on 5 March 2013 at a distance of 1.09 au. It will come to perihelion(closest approach to the Sun) on 10 March 2013. An estimate from October 2012 predicts the comet may brighten to magnitude -4(roughly equivalent to Venus).Tuesday 29 January 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Aquarius EA 9 Leo VE sex SA .21 Mon 00 Virgo ME 6 Pisces MA sex PL .25 Mer 17 Aquarius VE 5 Capricorn ME trn SA .57 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 9 Pisces ME sex VE .78 Mar 27 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini EA trn UR 1.38 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.58 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE sex NE 2.48 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE sqr UR 2.68 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn SA trn NE 2.69 Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Pl .08 Ve Su/Pl .27 Ve Su/Pl .45 Pl Ma/No .58 Pl Ma/No .83 No Su/Mo .61 Pl Ma/No .67 Ve Su/Pl .63 Mo Ju/No 1.06 Pl Ma/No .75 Me Su/Ma .94 Me Su/Ma .72 No Mo/Me 1.35 Me Su/Ma 1.15 No Su/Mo 1.15 Sa Mo/Pl 1.04 Me Su/Ma 1.36 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Ne Ve/Ur 1.48 Ne Ve/Ur 1.32 Sa Mo/Ve 1.41 Ne Ve/Ur 1.63 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Ve Sa/Ur 1.51 Pl Ne/No 1.75 Pl Ne/No 1.74 Pl Ne/No 1.73 Under an 'uncompromising Moon in Leo' yesterday French-led troops in Mali entered the historic city of Timbuktu, after capturing the airport from militant Islamists. A seriously no-nonsense work oriented day. Tidy and efficient. Dry as dust. The accelerating,'hung over' Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune 03:08 The Moon squares Jupiter 11:15 The Moon trines Pluto 18:37 Moon sextile Saturn 20:14 The Aquarius Sun is about to square Saturn.Wednesday 30 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Aquarius EA 10 Leo ME con MA .22 Mon 13 Virgo ME 10 Pisces MA sex PL .38 Mer 18 Aquarius VE 7 Capricorn ME sex PL .6 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 10 Pisces VE sqr UR 1.11 Mar 28 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini VE sex SA 1.34 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.58 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA trn UR 2.39 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE con PL 2.69 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn SA trn NE 2.72 Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/No .5 Me Su/Ma .3 Me Su/Ma .08 Me Su/Ma .13 Me Su/Ma .51 Pl Ma/No .41 Pl Ma/No .33 Pl Ma/No .24 Sa Mo/Pl .58 No Mo/Ve .6 Ne Ve/Ur .87 Ne Ve/Ur .71 Ve Su/Pl .81 Ve Su/Pl .99 Ve Su/Pl 1.18 Ve Su/Pl 1.36 Ne Ve/Ur 1.17 Ne Ve/Ur 1.02 No Mo/Ve 1.21 Su Ve/Ma 1.58 Su Ve/Ma 1.58 Su Ve/Ma 1.58 Su Ve/Ma 1.58 Pl Ne/No 1.69 Pl Ne/No 1.72 Pl Ne/No 1.71 Pl Ne/No 1.7 Ve Ur/No 1.77 Another 'dry' day. Jupiter stationary at 6 degrees Gemini 10:23, turning direct, see graphic below. Jupiter will now start to accelerate through Gemini entering Cancer on June 26th. The accelerating waning Moon in Virgo sextiles her node 16:08 Sun square Saturn 22:50The Moon reaches disseminating phase 23:50
Thursday 31 January 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Aquarius EA 11 Leo VE sqr UR .46 Mon 26 Virgo ME 14 Pisces MA sex PL 1.01 Mer 20 Aquarius VE 8 Capricorn VE con PL 1.11 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 10 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.57 Mar 28 Aquarius JU 16 Gemini VE sex MA 2.12 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio ME sqr JU 2.2 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 2.74 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE sex SA 2.89 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn EA trn UR 3.39 Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/No .16 Pl Ma/No .08 Pl Ma/No .01 Pl Ma/No .09 Me Su/Ma .35 Ne Ve/Ur .41 Ne Ve/Ur .26 Ne Ve/Ur .1 Ne Ve/Ur .56 Me Su/Ma .56 No Mo/Pl .31 Ve Ur/No .51 Ve Ur/No 1.45 Ve Ur/No 1.14 Me Su/Ma .77 Me Su/Ne .56 Me Su/Ne 1.49 Me Su/Ne 1.18 Ve Ur/No .82 Me Su/Ma .99 Ve Su/Pl 1.54 Su Ve/Ma 1.58 Me Su/Ne .87 No Mo/Pl 1.37 Su Ve/Ma 1.58 Pl Ne/No 1.67 Su Ve/Ma 1.59 Me Ur/Pl 1.51 The accelerating disseminating Moon trines Venus becoming void 01:00 The Moon enters Libra 06:37 The focus today is on collaboration. The Moon opposes Uranus 16:44 The Moon trines a 'now direct' Jupiter 18:02Friday 1 February 2013Mercury and Mars are in conjunction all month, 7 degrees separate them as the month starts. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Aquarius EA 12 Leo VE con PL .47 Mon 10 Libra ME 19 Pisces VE sex MA 1.18 Mer 22 Aquarius VE 10 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.57 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 11 Pisces MA sex PL 1.64 Mar 29 Aquarius JU 17 Gemini VE sqr UR 2.03 Jup 06 Gemini SA 5 Scorpio ME sqr JU 2.05 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 2.77 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn UR 4.39 Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ve/Ur .05 Me Su/Ne .05 Me Ur/Pl .22 Me Ur/Pl .21 Pl Ma/No .18 Ve Ur/No .12 Pl Ma/No .35 Pl Ma/No .43 Ve Ur/No .19 Ne Ve/Ur .2 Ne Ve/Ur .35 Ne Ve/Ur .51 Me Su/Ne .26 Pl Ma/No .26 Me Su/Ne .36 Me Su/Ne .67 Me Ur/Pl 1.08 Me Ur/Pl .65 Ve Ur/No .44 Ve Ur/No .75 Me Su/Ma 1.2 Pl Mo/Ur 1.06 Pl Mo/Ur .63 Su Ve/Ma 1.59 Su Ve/Ma 1.59 Me Su/Ma 1.42 Su Ve/Ma 1.59 Pl Ne/No 1.61 Mercury squares the lunar node 00:29, incidental mid eclipse season phenomena. The rapidly waning Moon in Libra squares Pluto 01:17 The Moon air trines the Sun 05:05 The day follows on with no further aspects and the Moon sails through Libra in a smooth application to a trine to Mercury. Changes in store tomorrow as Venus and Mars and the Moon change signs.
Saturday 2 February 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Aquarius EA 13 Leo VE sex MA .23 Mon 23 Libra ME 23 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.56 Mer 24 Aquarius VE 12 Capricorn VE con PL 2.04 Ven 30 Capricorn MA 12 Pisces MA sex PL 2.27 Mar 30 Aquarius JU 17 Gemini SA trn NE 2.8 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio EA sex JU 3.33 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE sqr UR 3.6 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/No .51 Pl Ma/No .6 Sa Mo/No .37 Pl Ma/No .77 Me Ur/Pl .64 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Pl Ma/No .68 Ne Ve/Ur 1.12 Ne Ve/Ur .66 Me Ur/Pl 1.07 Ne Ve/Ur .96 Su Me/Ve 1.16 Me Su/Ne .98 Me Su/Ne 1.29 Su Me/Ve 1.29 Sa Mo/No 1.33 Ve Ur/No 1.07 Ve Ur/No 1.38 Me Ur/Pl 1.5 Pl Ne/No 1.57 Su Me/Ve 1.53 Su Me/Ve 1.41 Pl Ne/No 1.58 Su Ve/Ma 1.6 Pl Ne/No 1.6 Pl Ne/No 1.59 Me Su/Ne 1.59 Me Su/Ne 1.9 Yesterday a suicide bomber attacked an entrance of the US embassy in the Turkish capital, Ankara, killing a security guard. Egyptian protesters clash with police outside Cairo's presidential palace, after the deadliest week of violence since Mohammed Morsi came to power Today is a day of change. The accelerating Moon in Libra, rapidly approaching last quarter trines Mercury becoming void 01:04. During a period of 11 hours of 'lunar void of course' Mars enters Pisces 01:55 and Venus enters Aquarius 02:48' Mars will reside in Pisces for 39 days. His schedule is busy. He is conjunct Neptune on Monday at 2 Pisces. He squares Jupiter on Feb 10th, sextiles Pluto on Feb 15th and is trine Saturn on Feb 16th. He is conjunct Mercury a 2nd time on Feb 26th at 19 Pisces, and is trine the lunar node on Feb 27th. Mars storms into Aries on March 12th. His stay in Pisces is punchy and will rock many boats and upset many apple carts. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Venus is on his chase. In Aquarius, where she resides for 25 days, she trines Jupiter on Feb 7th, squares Saturn, dour and grey, on Feb 11th, and squares the lunar node on Feb 18th. She ingresses Pisces on Feb 26th. Venus in Aquarius is cool, beautiful and detached, somewhat at odds with the blustering bubbling Mars in Pisces. Strange days are here. The Moon enters Scorpio 12:03 and the day deepens. Five planets are now in water signs. The heart rules. The Moon water trines Mars 12:40 Moon square Venus 12:58 Moon trine Neptune 15:46 Moon in finger of fate with Jupiter and Uranus as the day ends.Sunday 3 February 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Aquarius EA 14 Leo VE sex MA .72 Mon 07 Scorpio ME 28 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.56 Mer 25 Aquarius VE 13 Capricorn EA sex JU 2.41 Ven 01 Aquarius MA 12 Pisces SA trn NE 2.82 Mar 01 Pisces JU 17 Gemini MA sex PL 2.9 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio VE con PL 3.62 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA sqr JU 4.35 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 2fixed 6mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/No .85 Su Me/Ve .92 Su Me/Ve .8 Mo Sa/No .68 Su Me/Ve 1.04 Pl Ma/No .94 Pl Ma/No 1.02 Su Me/Ve .68 Ne Ve/Ur 1.27 Ne Ve/Ur 1.42 Pl Me/No 1.38 Pl Mo/Ne .75 Pl Ne/No 1.56 Pl Ne/No 1.55 Pl Ne/No 1.54 Pl Ma/No 1.11 Su Ve/Ma 1.6 Pl Me/No 1.59 Ne Ve/Ur 1.57 Pl Mo/Ma 1.17 Pl Me/No 1.79 Su Ve/Ma 1.61 Su Ve/Ma 1.61 Pl Me/No 1.18 Ve Me/Pl 1.83 Ve Me/Pl 1.74 Ve Me/Pl 1.65 Pl Ne/No 1.53 Mercury waxing semi square Pluto 00:01 The fast moving Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 06:15 Moon conjunction Saturn 07:46Moon at last quarter 13:57 At 16:15 GMT the Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius. We are then at the midpoint in time between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. High summer starts to wane in the southern hemisphere, the season of 'stirring' starts in the north. Seasons they change.Monday 4 February 2013Mars is conjunct Neptune. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Aquarius EA 15 Leo EA sex JU 1.48 Mon 21 Scorpio ME 2 Aries UR sqr PL 1.55 Mer 27 Aquarius VE 15 Capricorn VE sex MA 1.67 Ven 02 Aquarius MA 13 Pisces SA trn NE 2.85 Mar 02 Pisces JU 17 Gemini MA sqr JU 3.81 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio VE con PL 5.19 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME con UR 5.48 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 2fixed 6mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .56 Su Me/Ve .43 Su Me/Ve .31 Su Me/Ve .19 Pl Mo/Ma .67 Pl Mo/Me .46 Pl Me/No .57 Ve Mo/Ur .25 Pl Me/No .98 Pl Me/No .77 Ur Ve/Ju 1.09 Pl Me/No .37 Pl Mo/Ne .99 Ur Ve/Ju 1.24 Ve Mo/Ur 1.21 No Mo/Sa .42 Pl Ma/No 1.19 Pl Ma/No 1.28 Ve Me/Pl 1.28 Ur Ve/Ju .94 Ur Ve/Ju 1.39 Ve Me/Pl 1.37 Pl Ma/No 1.36 Ve Me/Pl 1.19 Ve Me/Pl 1.47 Pl Ne/No 1.51 Pl Ne/No 1.5 Pl Ma/No 1.44 The rapidly waning and accelerating Moon in Scorpio is conjunct her node 01:47 The Moon squares Mercury becoming void 12:32 Moon enters Sagittarius 15:46 Moon square Mars 19:26 Moon square Neptune 19:30Mars very close conjunction Neptune 20:57 (orb 41') Moon sextile Venus 21:41 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 16 degrees Aquarius today. There are 43 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are midway between eclipse seasons, there is a Partial LUNAR eclipse in Scorpio in 80 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 95 days. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Aquarius. Mars today is conjunct Neptune in Pisces with Mercury rapidly approaching them. We are on the crest of an astrological wave, the nature of which is event producing,cerebral, and maybe something to do with climatic oceanic or geophysical matters. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Aquarius entering Pisces tomorrow. He is rushing and decelerating to the first of three conjunctions with Mars on Feb 6th. The 2nd is on Feb 25th during Mercury's retrograde phase at 18 Pisces,and the final conjunction is on May 8th at 13 Taurus. Mercury next turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013, reaching repeatable territory before this on Feb 9th, and slowing to an apparent speed less than a degree per day on Feb 17th. Venus is on a chase of Mars. In Aquarius, where she resides as a morning star, she trines Jupiter on Feb 7th, squares Saturn, dour and grey, on Feb 11th, and squares the lunar node on Feb 18th. She ingresses Pisces on Feb 26th. Venus in Aquarius is cool, beautiful and detached, somewhat at odds with Mars who is now in Pisces. Today he is conjunct Neptune 2 Pisces. He squares Jupiter on Feb 10th, sextiles Pluto on Feb 15th and is trine Saturn on Feb 16th. He is conjunct Mercury a 2nd time on Feb 26th, and is trine the lunar node on Feb 27th. Mars storms into Aries on March 12th. His stay in Pisces is punchy and will rock many boats and upset many apple carts. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Comet Ison, Comet Panstarrs and Comet Lemmon. There are two important comets in the sky right now, and a new one. Excitement continues to rise among both professional and amateur astronomers about Comet ISON, which on Nov. 28 of this year might become one of the brightest comets ever seen, outshining such recent dazzlers as Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) and Comet McNaught (2007).In the early months of 2013, the comet will arrive in the solar system, from above (north) of the ecliptic, from the direction of Cancer. ISON is in Cancer in the summer, Leo in September and October, Virgo in the first week of November, Libra from the 9th of November to the 19th and then Scorpio from 20th November for one week. From the 28th November it is in Sagittarius, it then sling shots round the Sun in Sagittarius and again appears to retrograde. It will be astrologically conjunct Mars, 21 leg Leo around the 2nd of October. It passes below the ecliptic plane on the 7th November and shoots round the sun at the end of November. From December onwards, the comet should be visible in the eastern sky in the evening, and this is the time the tail might develop. Panstarrs will pass closest to Earth on 5 March 2013 at a distance of 1.09 au. It will come to perihelion(closest approach to the Sun) on 10 March 2013. Comet PanSTARRS will emerge from the Sun's glare low in the western twilight in early and mid-March of 2013. But how bright will it be? Probably fainter than was originally predicted. GREEN COMET LEMMON: 2013 could be the Year of the Comet. Now we must add to that list green Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6). "Comet Lemmon is putting ona great show in the southern hemisphere. Jupiter and Uranus are currently in sextile aspect as are Saturn and Pluto.Tuesday 5 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Aquarius EA 16 Leo EA sex JU .55 Mon 05 Sagittarius ME 7 Aries ME con UR .59 Mer 29 Aquarius VE 16 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.54 Ven 04 Aquarius MA 14 Pisces ME sqr PL 2.13 Mar 02 Pisces JU 17 Gemini VE sex MA 2.61 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA trn NE 2.87 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA sqr JU 3.26 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 4water 4cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .07 Pl Me/No .04 Su Me/Ve .16 Su Me/Ve .28 Pl Su/Mo .11 Su Me/Ve .05 Pl Me/No .24 Ur Ve/Ju .35 Pl Me/No .16 Ur Ve/Ju .64 Ur Ve/Ju .5 Pl Me/No .44 Ur Ve/Ju .79 Ve Me/Pl 1.01 Ve Me/Pl .91 Pl Mo/Ve .45 Ve Me/Pl 1.1 Ne Me/Ma 1.29 Ne Me/Ma .98 Mo Pl/No .53 No Mo/Sa 1.37 Pl Ne/No 1.47 Mo Sa/Pl 1.06 Ne Me/Ma .68 Pl Ne/No 1.48 Su Ve/Ne 1.48 Su Ve/Ne 1.39 Ve Me/Pl .82A skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park was yesterday confirmed by archaeologists as that of English king Richard III. His birth time given by Astrodata bank, Astrotheme and others as 09:02 am Oct 2nd 1452 at Fotheringhay Castle England and shows Neptune conjunct his natal IC right now. This transit has occurred two times previously since his death but of course Mars was there as well this time actually conjunct Neptune yesterday on his IC. How weird and wonderful. Today the very rapidly waning Moon in Sagittarius fire trines Uranus 01:34 Venus quintile the lunar node 02:26 Moon opposition Jupiter eased by Uranus 02:33 Today is a freedom loving free speaking free thinking day with many possibilities. A day to look on the bright side. Mercury enters Pisces 14:57 joining Mars and Neptune in this sign. Mercury will reside in this sign for a very lengthy 68 days, 23 of which will see him retrograde. During this time he will conjunct Mars twice, square Jupiter, sextile Pluto, and trine Saturn, all three times, and conjunct Venus on March 7th during his retrograde phase. This is a veritable blitz of a stay in Pisces, creating whirlpools, tides and plunges into reruns of old ideas, and subliminal beginnings with new ones. Mercury in Pisces speaks of fathoms and impressions. Thought forms will be fluid and receptive. This is a time to open up and at the same time guard against. 'Psychic surfing' is the name of the game here. Mercury will eventually leave Pisces and enter Aries on April 14th. Much will happen before then. The Moon sextiles the Sun becoming void 20:43 for nearly 21 hours.
Wednesday 6 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Aquarius EA 17 Leo EA sex JU .37 Mon 19 Sagittarius ME 12 Aries UR sqr PL 1.54 Mer 01 Pisces VE 18 Capricorn MA sqr JU 2.71 Ven 05 Aquarius MA 14 Pisces SA trn NE 2.9 Mar 03 Pisces JU 17 Gemini ME sqr PL 2.92 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio ME con UR 4.46 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ve/Ju .2 Ur Ve/Ju .05 Ur Ve/Ju .1 Su Mo/Ur .16 Ne Me/Ma .38 Ne Me/Ma .07 Ne Me/Ma .23 Ur Ve/Ju .25 Su Me/Ve .4 Mo Ve/Sa .49 Ve Me/Pl .53 Mo Su/Sa .28 Pl Me/No .64 Su Me/Ve .52 Su Me/Ve .64 Ve Me/Pl .43 Ve Me/Pl .72 Ve Me/Pl .63 Ve Ne/Pl .91 Ne Me/Ma .53 Su Ve/Ne 1.2 Pl Me/No .84 Su Ve/Ne 1.02 Ve Ne/Pl .61 Pl Ne/No 1.44 Su Ve/Ne 1.11 Pl Me/No 1.04 Su Me/Ve .75 An odd day is in store. The day starts 'void'. Things may appear to be burning up and going nowhere fast. During this time Uranus 'zaps' the Venus Jupiter midpoint inducing boisterous and rather hollow merriment. The very rapidly waning Moon is in 'void of course' mode for most of this day but enters Capricorn 17:56 Things then 'get grounded' but remain somewhat novel and strange. Venus sextiles Uranus 19:09 Moon sextiles Mercury 21:32 Moon sextiles Neptune 21:42 Mercury very close conjunction Neptune 23:01 (44' of arc)Moon reaches her balsamic phase 23:27, and the procession to New Moon begins.Thursday 7 February 2013 This is fairly early in Mercury's fine evening apparition; it will be considerably higher a week later. But as long as the air is clear and your location has an unobstructed view to the west, you should have no trouble spotting Mercury a half hour after sunset as a tiny pinprick of light in the bright glow. Mars is only one-tenth as bright and may require binoculars or a telescope. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Aquarius EA 18 Leo ME sex JU .54 Mon 04 Capricorn ME 18 Aries EA trn ME .76 Mer 02 Pisces VE 19 Capricorn EA sex JU 1.3 Ven 06 Aquarius MA 15 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.53 Mar 04 Pisces JU 17 Gemini ME sqr VE 1.8 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio MA sqr JU 2.17 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 2.92 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ne/Pl .3 Ve Ne/Pl 0 Me Ma/Ne .1 Ve Me/Pl .04 Ve Me/Pl .34 Mo Me/Sa .22 Ve Mo/Ne .11 Me Ma/Ne .22 Ur Ve/Ju .4 Ve Me/Pl .24 Ve Me/Pl .14 Ve Ma/Pl .47 Me Ma/Ne .73 Me Ma/Ne .41 Ve Ne/Pl .31 Su Ve/Ne .56 Ne Me/Ma .83 Mo Ma/Sa .43 Ve Mo/Me .34 Ve Ne/Pl .61 Su Ve/Ne .83 Mo Sa/Ne .46 Su Ve/Ne .65 Ur Ve/Ju .85 Su Me/Ve .87 Ur Ve/Ju .55 Ve Ma/Pl .68 Su Me/Ve 1.21 The rapidly fading balsamic Moon in Capricorn sextiles Mars 00:22 The Moon squares Uranus 03:38 Venus in Aquarius air trines Jupiter 05:59 Moon conjunction Pluto 11:21![]()
Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 12:14 Moon sextile Saturn 12:45 becoming void.Friday 8 February 2013WE ARE EXPERIENCING CONNECTION PROBLEMS. PHONE LINE DOWN. NORMAL SERVICE WILL BE RESUMED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. BT (British Telecom) advise the 'outage' may last till Wednesday. Mercury and Mars are conjunct in Pisces today and are square Jupiter today and tomorrow. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Aquarius EA 19 Leo UR sqr PL 1.53 Mon 18 Capricorn ME 23 Aries MA sqr JU 1.62 Mer 04 Pisces VE 21 Capricorn ME sqr VE 1.98 Ven 07 Aquarius MA 16 Pisces EA sex JU 2.23 Mar 05 Pisces JU 17 Gemini SA trn NE 2.95 Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio EA trn ME 3.59 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 9 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Pl .06 Ve Ma/Pl .05 Ve Ma/Pl .16 Su Ve/Ne .19 Ve Ma/Pl .26 Ve Me/Pl .16 Ve Me/Pl .27 Ne Mo/Ur .23 Su Ve/Ne .46 Su Ve/Ne .37 Ve Su/Mo .27 Ve Ma/Pl .37 Me Ma/Ne .53 Me Ma/Ne .84 Su Ve/Ne .28 Ve Me/Pl .37 Ve Ne/Pl .92 Ur Ve/Ju 1.14 Me Ma/Ne 1.15 Mo Ur/No .47 Ur Ve/Ju .99 Ve Ne/Pl 1.22 Mo Ve/Pl 1.27 Mo Su/Pl 1.16 Su Me/Ve 1.32 Pl Ne/No 1.36 Ur Ve/Ju 1.29 Pl Ne/No 1.34 The rapidly waning, void of course, ancient Moon sextiles her node 05:26 Mercury very close conjunction Mars 17:58 (orb 26') The Moon enters Aquarius 19:18Saturday 9 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Aquarius EA 20 Leo MA sqr JU 1.07 Mon 03 Aquarius ME 28 Aries UR sqr PL 1.52 Mer 06 Pisces VE 23 Capricorn SA trn NE 2.97 Ven 09 Aquarius MA 16 Pisces EA sex JU 3.15 Mar 05 Pisces JU 17 Gemini Jup 06 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 22 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ne .1 Su Ve/Ne 0 Su Ve/Ne .09 Su Ve/Ne .18 Ve Me/Pl .48 Mo Ne/Pl .01 Su Mo/Ne .34 Ve Me/Pl .8 Ve Ma/Pl .58 Me Mo/Ur .14 Ve Me/Pl .69 Me Ve/Ur .89 Ma Mo/Ur 1.06 Su Mo/Ma .43 Ve Ma/Pl 1 Ve Ma/Pl 1.21 Su Mo/Me 1.13 Ur Mo/Ju .52 Me Ve/Ur 1.13 Pl Ne/No 1.3 Su Mo/Ma 1.23 Ma Mo/Ur .57 Pl Ne/No 1.31 Ma Me/Ne 1.42 Me Mo/Ur 1.27 Ve Me/Pl .58 Ma Me/Ne 1.43 Pl Me/Sa 1.46Significant geocentric harmonic 1 around 18:00 GMT Mercury today enters 'repeatable territory' today prior to his retrograde motion which begins Feb 23rd. Moon sextile Uranus 05:08 Moon trine Jupiter 05:00 Moon conjunction Venus 10:26 Mercury square Jupiter 12:09 Moon square Saturn 14:14Sunday 10 February 2013 New Moon in AquariusGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Aquarius EA 21 Leo MA sqr JU .53 Mon 17 Aquarius ME 4 Taurus ME sex NE 1.38 Mer 07 Pisces VE 24 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.52 Ven 10 Aquarius MA 17 Pisces ME opp SA 1.63 Mar 06 Pisces JU 17 Gemini SA trn NE 3 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ne .27 Su Ve/Ne .36 Me Ve/Ur .19 Ne Mo/Ma .01 Me Ve/Ur .65 Mo Ve/Ne .39 Mo Me/Ve .19 Me Ve/Ur .03 Ve Me/Pl .91 Me Ve/Ur .42 Su Ve/Ne .46 Su Ve/Ne .55 Pl Me/Sa 1.27 Ve Me/Pl 1.02 Pl Me/Sa .89 Pl Me/Sa .7 Pl Ne/No 1.3 Pl Me/Sa 1.08 Mo Ve/Ma .9 Mo Su/Ne .73 Ma Me/Ne 1.42 Pl Ne/No 1.29 Ne Mo/Me 1.14 Ne Mo/Me .82 Ve Ma/Pl 1.43 Ma Me/Ne 1.41 Ve Me/Pl 1.14 Pl Mo/No .93Significant geocentric 1st harmonic all day. Sun square the lunar node 01:37, midway between eclipses. Moon square her node 06:56, ditto.NEW MOON becoming void 07:21
Today's New Moon is midway between the Total Solar Eclipse on November 13th 2012 and the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013. This New Moon occurs at at time when 6 bodies (7 if you include Chiron)are gathered in 30 degrees from Venus at 10 Aquarius to Mercury at 9 Pisces. This concentration of energy in Aquarius and Pisces contributes a the 'fizz' which aptly describes this time. The New Moon itself is unaspected and void but falls on the Venus Neptune midpoint adding to the general instability of the lunation. Also at this time Mars in Pisces, himself full of froth, is exactly square Jupiter rendering outlandish outbursts of misdirected and wasteful activities. There is sensation here but really no substance and because of this it is a New Moon to be wary of.
At the moment of New Moon, 07:21 GMT, the Sun, Moon and Venus rise over various parts of the UK. New developments shortly to follow there. Mars and Mercury rise at Turin. Neptune rises at Koln and at Bremen. The Sun rises at Seville. Pluto culminates at Cairo, Kiev and at St. Petersburg. There is a 'sinister liaison' Saturn Lunar Node paran occurring near Moscow. Over Mali, where it is all going on, Neptune rises, Mercury rises, Mars rises and Jupiter is at lower culmination. It is high noon at Mumbai. Less than an hour after the New Moon moment Mars square Jupiter 08:13 The tiny infant barely alive Moon, void all day, enters Pisces 21:21, joining Mercury, Mars and Neptune in this sign.Monday 11 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Aquarius EA 22 Leo MA sqr JU .02 Mon 02 Pisces ME 10 Taurus ME trn PL .42 Mer 09 Pisces VE 26 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.51 Ven 11 Aquarius MA 17 Pisces SA trn NE 3.03 Mar 07 Pisces JU 17 Gemini ME opp SA 4.14 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ur .25 Ma Mo/Me .1 Mo Me/Ma .04 Pl Me/Sa .04 Pl Me/Sa .51 Mo Ma/Ne .23 Pl Me/Sa .15 Ne Su/Mo .14 Su Ve/Ne .64 Pl Me/Sa .33 Mo Ve/Ur .35 Me Mo/Ma .14 Pl Mo/No .82 Me Ve/Ur .47 Su Ur/Pl .45 Su Ur/Pl .21 Mo Su/Me .93 Su Mo/Ve .58 Pl Mo/Sa .67 Ma Mo/Ne .4 Su Ur/Pl .94 Su Ur/Pl .7 Me Ve/Ur .69 Ve Mo/Pl .71 Su Mo/Ve 1.08 Su Ve/Ne .73 Su Ve/Ne .82 Ne Su/Me .89Significant geocentric harmonic 1 all day. Moon conjunction Neptune 01:30 Venus square Saturn 06:43 Moon square Jupiter 08:34 Moon conjunction Mars 09:58 Moon conjunction Mercury 14:01 Moon sextile Pluto 15:42 Moon trine Saturn 17:04 and is void. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 23 degrees Aquarius today. There are 36 days to the Vernal Equinox. We are midway between eclipse seasons, there is a Partial LUNAR eclipse in Scorpio in 73 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 88 days. The Sun and Venus are in Aquarius. , Mercury,Mars and Neptune are in Pisces. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Pisces in repeatable territory. Mercury is slowing to an apparent speed less than a degree per day on Feb 17th and turns retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013. Mercury will be retrograde for 23 days. During this time he will conjunct Mars square Jupiter, sextile Pluto, and trine Saturn and is conjunct Venus on March 7th. This is a lengthy residence in Pisces, Mercury will eventually leave Pisces and enter Aries on April 14th. Venus is on a chase of Mercury and Mars. In Aquarius, where she resides as a morning star,she squares Saturn, today,and squares the lunar node on Feb 18th. She ingresses Pisces on Feb 26th. Venus in Aquarius is cool, beautiful and detached, somewhat at odds with Mars who is now in Pisces. Mars sextiles Pluto on Feb 15th and is trine Saturn on Feb 16th. He is conjunct Mercury a 2nd time on Feb 26th, and is trine the lunar node on Feb 27th. Mars storms into Aries on March 12th. His stay in Pisces is punchy and will rock many boats and upset many apple carts. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Comet Ison, Comet Panstarrs and Comet Lemmon. There are two important comets in the sky right now, and a new one. Excitement continues to rise among both professional and amateur astronomers about Comet ISON, which on Nov. 28 of this year might become one of the brightest comets ever seen, outshining such recent dazzlers as Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) and Comet McNaught (2007).In the early months of 2013, the comet will arrive in the solar system, from above (north) of the ecliptic, from the direction of Cancer. ISON is in Cancer in the summer, Leo in September and October, Virgo in the first week of November, Libra from the 9th of November to the 19th and then Scorpio from 20th November for one week. From the 28th November it is in Sagittarius, it then sling shots round the Sun in Sagittarius and again appears to retrograde. It will be astrologically conjunct Mars, 21 leg Leo around the 2nd of October. It passes below the ecliptic plane on the 7th November and shoots round the sun at the end of November. From December onwards, the comet should be visible in the eastern sky in the evening, and this is the time the tail might develop. Panstarrs will pass closest to Earth on 5 March 2013 at a distance of 1.09 au. It will come to perihelion(closest approach to the Sun) on 10 March 2013. Comet PanSTARRS will emerge from the Sun's glare low in the western twilight in early and mid-March of 2013. But how bright will it be? Probably fainter than was originally predicted. GREEN COMET LEMMON: 2013 could be the Year of the Comet. Now we must add to that list green Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6). "Comet Lemmon is putting ona great show in the southern hemisphere. Jupiter and Uranus are currently in sextile aspect as are Saturn and Pluto.Tuesday 12 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Aquarius EA 23 Leo MA sqr JU .56 Mon 15 Pisces ME 16 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.51 Mer 10 Pisces VE 27 Capricorn ME sex MA 2.22 Ven 12 Aquarius MA 18 Pisces SA trn NE 3.05 Mar 08 Pisces JU 18 Gemini Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 02 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ur/Pl .04 Me Mo/Ne .03 Ne Su/Me .01 Ne Su/Me .3 Pl Me/Sa .21 Su Ur/Pl .28 Mo Ma/Ur .09 Pl Me/Sa .74 Ne Su/Me .59 Ne Su/Me .29 Ma Su/Mo .13 Pl Ma/Sa .76 Ve Mo/Pl .7 Pl Me/Sa .39 Ne Mo/Ve .14 Su Ur/Pl .77 Mo Su/Ur .7 Mo Ur/Ne .42 Su Ur/Pl .52 Ne Su/Ma 1.19 Su Ve/Ne 1.01 Pl Ma/Sa .95 Pl Me/Sa .57 Pl Ne/No 1.2 Pl Ma/Sa 1.04 Su Ve/Ne 1.1 Pl Ma/Sa .85 Su Ve/Ne 1.28 Back on line, connected to the world.
Yesterday Pope Benedict XVI became the first pontiff to resign in nearly 600 years, saying his health is deteriorating. The current Mercury, Mars Neptune conjunction in Pisces is square his natal Saturn, and his progressed Moon which entered Sagittarius in January, shortly to become gibbous, is conjunct his progressed Saturn. The New Moon on Sunday was opposite his natal Neptune,in his 12th house together with Mercury, Mars and Neptune. It all adds up to weakness, frailty and impending dissolution. In the Vatican independence chart, 11am June 7th 1029 Rome, transiting Pluto is square natal Uranus right now and Uranus is at his return this year. Jupiter will conjunct the natal Mercury and Sun in April and May this year suggesting a more youthful and potent force at work. A young(ish) pope maybe?
Today Mercury sextiles Pluto 06:01 The rapidly waxing void of course infant Moon trines her node 10:23 Mercury trines Saturn 19:17Wednesday 13 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Aquarius EA 24 Leo MA sqr JU 1.11 Mon 29 Pisces ME 22 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.5 Mer 12 Pisces VE 29 Capricorn EA sqr ME 2.56 Ven 14 Aquarius MA 19 Pisces SA trn NE 3.08 Mar 09 Pisces JU 18 Gemini ME sex MA 3.19 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Mo .07 Pl Ma/Sa .57 Pl Ma/Sa .48 Ne Su/Ma .33 Ne Su/Me .6 Ma Mo/Ve .71 Ne Su/Ma .55 Pl Ma/Sa .39 Pl Ma/Sa .67 Ne Su/Ma .76 Ma Mo/Ve .89 Su Mo/Pl .42 Pl Me/Sa .91 Ne Su/Me .89 Pl Ne/No 1.17 Me Mo/Ve 1.1 Ne Su/Ma .98 Pl Me/Sa 1.07 Ne Su/Me 1.17 Pl Ne/No 1.16 Su Ur/Pl 1.01 Pl Ne/No 1.18 Ma Ve/Ur 1.19 Ma Ve/Ur 1.16 Pl Ne/No 1.19 Ma Ve/Ur 1.23 Pl Me/Sa 1.24 Pl Me/Sa 1.4North Korea yesterday confirmed her 3rd Nuclear test after international monitors recorded seismic activity consistent with a powerful underground explosion at 02:57 GMT yesterday. Activity had been observed at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site for several months. The astrological chart for the inception of North Korea has uncertain timing. Many different times are in use. I use the chart given in 'The Book of World Horoscopes'. 12 noon Sept 12th 1948. In it transiting Pluto is conjunct North Korea's natal Moon right now, and she experiences a progressed Full Moon next year. Very profound developments can be expected for this country in the immediate future if this chart is accurate. Today the fast and decelerating young Moon enters Aries 01:53 Urgent hotheadedness is to the fore today. The Moon is conjunct Uranus 13:07 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 14:02
The Moon hits crescent phase 20:47 at 10 Aries The Moon squares Pluto 21:35 Notice how the destructive Mars/Saturn midpoint is creeping up on Pluto over the next couple of days. At worst it symbolises destructive brutality, at best it brings great force to bear.Thursday 14 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Aquarius EA 25 Leo UR sqr PL 1.5 Mon 12 Aries ME 28 Taurus MA sqr JU 1.65 Mer 13 Pisces VE 0 Aquarius ME trn VE 2.46 Ven 15 Aquarius MA 19 Pisces EA sqr ME 2.57 Mar 09 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA trn NE 3.1 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Su/Ma .11 Ne Su/Ma .1 Pl Ma/Sa .11 Pl Ma/Sa .02 Pl Ma/Sa .29 Pl Ma/Sa .2 Ne Su/Ma .32 Ne Su/Ma .53 Me Mo/Ve .34 Mo Su/Ju .94 Ma Ve/Ur 1.05 Ma Ve/Ur 1.02 Su Mo/Pl .95 Ma Ve/Ur 1.09 Pl Ne/No 1.14 Pl Ne/No 1.13 Ma Ve/Ur 1.12 Pl Ne/No 1.14 Mo Ju/Ne 1.19 Ne Mo/Pl 1.39 Pl Ne/No 1.15 Ma Me/Ne 1.61 Ma Me/Ne 1.64 Ma Me/Ne 1.68 Mo Ve/Ju 1.27 Su Ve/Ma 1.7 Su Ve/Ma 1.7 Su Ve/Ma 1.7 The decelerating waxing crescent Moon in Aries sextiles Venus 05:52 The late Aquarius Sun semi squares Pluto 07:20 Pluto is on the Mars Saturn midpoint. We have potential aggression.Friday 15 February 2013A near-Earth asteroid – called 2012 DA14 by astronomers – will pass very close to Earth on February 15, 2013. Astronomers estimate that, when it's closest to us, the asteroid will be about 21,000 miles (35,000 kilometers) away – much closer than Earth's moon (about 240,000 miles away) and closer even than some of our own orbiting satellites. Asteroid 2012 DA14 is a little guy, compared to some asteroids, although its size has not been pinned down precisely. It is thought to be only about 150 feet (46 meters) across. Today, the asteroid will travel rapidly from the southern evening sky into the northern morning sky with its closest Earth approach occurring about 19:26 UTC when it will achieve a magnitude of less than seven, which is somewhat fainter than naked eye visibility. About 4 minutes after its Earth close approach, there is a good chance it will pass into the Earth's shadow for about 18 minutes or so before reappearing from the eclipse. When traveling rapidly into the northern morning sky, 2012 DA14 will quickly fade in brightness. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Aquarius EA 26 Leo ME sqr NE 1.45 Mon 25 Aries ME 4 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.49 Mer 14 Pisces VE 2 Aquarius ME trn VE 2.18 Ven 16 Aquarius MA 20 Pisces MA sqr JU 2.2 Mar 10 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA trn NE 3.13 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio VE sqr SA 3.86 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Sa .08 Ur Mo/Me .03 Pl Ma/Sa .26 Pl Ma/Sa .35 Ne Mo/Pl .18 Pl Ma/Sa .17 Ur Mo/Ma .48 Ma Ve/Ur .88 Ne Su/Ma .75 Ma Ve/Ur .95 Ma Ve/Ur .91 Pl Ne/No 1.09 Mo Me/Ju .82 Ne Su/Ma .96 Pl Ne/No 1.1 Ur Mo/Ma 1.14 Ma Ve/Ur .98 Pl Ne/No 1.11 Ne Su/Ma 1.18 Ne Su/Ma 1.39 Pl Ne/No 1.12 Su Ve/Ma 1.71 Me Su/Ur 1.64 Ne Me/Ve 1.45 Mo Ma/Ju 1.27 Ne Mo/Pl 1.73 Ur Mo/Me 1.71 Me Su/Ur 1.48 The decelerating crescent Moon in Aries sextiles the Sun becoming void 03:37 The Moon enters Taurus 10:09 Moon sextile Neptune 15:14 Mars waxing sextile Pluto 18:18Saturday 16 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Aquarius EA 27 Leo UR sqr PL 1.49 Mon 07 Taurus ME 11 Gemini VE sqr SA 2.31 Mer 16 Pisces VE 4 Aquarius ME sex UR 2.46 Ven 17 Aquarius MA 21 Pisces MA sqr JU 2.74 Mar 11 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA trn NE 3.15 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio EA opp NE 5.32 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ma/Sa .45 Ur Mo/Ne .09 Ne Me/Ve .6 Ne Me/Ve .32 Mo Ju/Ur .56 Pl Ma/Sa .54 Ma Mo/Pl .6 Ve Mo/No .32 Ma Ve/Ur .84 Ma Mo/Pl .71 Pl Ma/Sa .63 Pl Ma/Sa .72 Pl Ne/No 1.08 Ma Ve/Ur .81 Ur Su/Mo .73 Ma Ve/Ur .74 Ne Me/Ve 1.16 Ne Me/Ve .88 Ma Ve/Ur .77 Ur Su/Mo .89 Me Su/Ur 1.34 Pl Ne/No 1.08 Ve Mo/No .87 Me Su/Ur .94 Ur Mo/Ne 1.42 Me Su/Ur 1.2 Me Su/Ur 1.06 Pl Ne/No 1.06A meteor crashed to earth yesterday in Russia's Ural mountains and injured at least 950 people, the shockwave blew out windows. The trajectory of the Russian meteorite was significantly different to the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely unrelated object. It was a 'cosmic coincidence' that the two events occurred on the same day.
The astrological chart for the meteor impact set for the site, shows that Uranus was very shortly to rise in Aries and was on the Moon Mercury midpoint, an unexpected flash of an event having an emotional effect on all people on earth. Globally Neptune was on the Sun Mars midpoint, unnerving vigor, and Pluto as I have been pointing out over the last few days was , and still is, on the Mars Saturn midpoint, indicating brutal cosmic violence. The asteroid 2012 DA14 passed closest to Earth at 19:25 GMT. Astrologically that moment was not too significant, Pluto was rising over south Korea at the time and Saturn was rising over eastern Iran. The tightest midpoint was the lunar node on the Moon Jupiter midpoint which could be viewed as an impelling urge to form tighter global associations to develop asteroid impact avoidance strategies in the future. Events like this serve to remind us of our precarious position and maybe bring us closer together. Today the slowly waxing crescent Moon in Taurus trines Pluto 07:22 Moon sextile Mars 08:15 Moon opposition Saturn 08:46 at this time half a grand sextile is formed. Mars water trines Saturn 16:15 The Moon sextiles Mercury 18:22 Moon, Venus and the lunar node are in fixed T square 22:00 to 04:00 The Moon squares Venus 22:49 It could be a constructive day.
Sunday 17 February 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Aquarius EA 28 Leo VE sqr SA .76 Mon 19 Taurus ME 17 Gemini ME con JU 1.12 Mer 17 Pisces VE 5 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.48 Ven 19 Aquarius MA 21 Pisces VE sex UR 2.84 Mar 12 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA trn NE 3.18 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio MA sqr JU 3.29 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA opp NE 4.32 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME sqr MA 4.4 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Me/Ve .05 Ne Me/Ve .22 Ne Me/Ve .48 Me Su/Ur .52 Ma Ve/Ur .7 Me Mo/Pl .33 Me Su/Ur .61 Ma Ve/Ur .6 Pl Ma/Sa .82 Ma Ve/Ur .67 Ma Ve/Ur .64 Pl Su/No .7 Me Su/Ur .82 Me Su/Ur .71 Pl Su/No .81 Ne Me/Ve .74 Pl Su/No 1.04 Ur Mo/Ve .79 Ur Mo/Ve .85 Pl Ne/No 1.03 Pl Ne/No 1.05 Pl Ma/Sa .91 Me Mo/Pl .93 Pl Ma/Sa 1.09 Ve Mo/No 1.5 Pl Su/No .92 Pl Ma/Sa 1 Ne Ve/Ma 1.72 Yesterday at least 63 people were killed in a sectarian bomb attack in the Pakistani city of Quetta - the second major attack there in weeks. I have been looking at the secondary progressed chart of Pakistan. Currently the progressed Moon in Sagittarius is opposite Uranus and is forming a 'yod' with the Sun and the lunar node. This is a fateful month or two for Pakistan. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Aquarius. Mercury is now moving at less than a degree per day in apparent motion prior to his retrograde motion which begins in 6 days time. The slowly waxing Moon is opposite her north node 03:53The Moon reaches first quarter becoming void 20:32 The Moon enters Gemini 21:51Monday 18 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Aquarius EA 29 Leo VE sqr SA .79 Mon 01 Gemini ME 23 Gemini VE sex UR 1.27 Mer 18 Pisces VE 7 Aquarius ME sqr MA 1.29 Ven 20 Aquarius MA 22 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.48 Mar 13 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA trn NE 3.21 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio EA opp NE 3.32 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA sqr JU 3.83 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME con JU 5.12 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ur .43 Me Su/Ur .36 Me Su/Ur .29 Me Su/Ur .23 Ma Ve/Ur .57 Pl Su/No .47 Pl Su/No .36 Pl Su/No .25 Pl Su/No .59 Ma Ve/Ur .53 Ma Ve/Ur .5 Ma Ve/Ur .46 Ne Me/Ve 1 Pl Ne/No 1.01 Ne Ve/Ma .98 Ne Ve/Ma .74 Pl Ne/No 1.02 Ne Ve/Ma 1.23 Pl Ne/No 1 Pl Ne/No .99 Pl Ma/Sa 1.18 Ne Me/Ve 1.25 Pl Ma/Sa 1.37 Pl Ma/Sa 1.46 Ne Ve/Ma 1.47 Pl Ma/Sa 1.28 Ne Me/Ve 1.49 Me Ur/Ne 1.47 Moon square Neptune 03:20 Moon sextile Uranus 10:50 Moon close conjunction Jupiter 11:56 less than 2 degrees from exact. Sun enters Pisces 12:03 and a new astrological month begins. SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE 17:03 Venus square node 21:28 Today is a day of movement. Winds and waters of change are stirring. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches zero degrees Pisces today. There are 29 days to the Vernal Equinox. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 66 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 81 days. The Sun is conjunct Neptune on Thursday. The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Neptune are in Pisces. The Moon waxes to the full this week and reaches its full moon climax a week today. Mercury is an evening 'star' in Pisces in repeatable territory. and he has slowed down to an apparent speed less than a degree per day prior to turning retrograde on Feb 23rd 2013. Mercury will be retrograde for 23 days. During this time he will conjunct Mars square Jupiter, sextile Pluto, and trine Saturn and is conjunct Venus on March 7th. This is a lengthy residence in Pisces, Mercury will eventually leave Pisces and enter Aries on April 14th. Venus is on a chase of Mercury and Mars. In Aquarius, where she resides as a morning star,she squares the lunar node today and ingresses Pisces on Feb 26th. Venus in Aquarius is cool, beautiful and detached, somewhat at odds with Mars who is now in Pisces. Mars is conjunct Mercury a 2nd time on Feb 26th, and is trine the lunar node on Feb 27th. Mars storms into Aries on March 12th. His stay in Pisces is punchy and will rock many boats and upset many apple carts. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Comet Ison, Comet Panstarrs and Comet Lemmon. There are two important comets in the sky right now, and a new one. Excitement continues to rise among both professional and amateur astronomers about Comet ISON, which on Nov. 28 of this year might become one of the brightest comets ever seen, outshining such recent dazzlers as Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) and Comet McNaught (2007). In the early months of 2013, the comet will arrive in the solar system, from above (north) of the ecliptic, from the direction of Cancer. ISON is in Cancer in the summer, Leo in September and October, Virgo in the first week of November, Libra from the 9th of November to the 19th and then Scorpio from 20th November for one week. From the 28th November it is in Sagittarius, it then sling shots round the Sun in Sagittarius and again appears to retrograde. It will be astrologically conjunct Mars, 21 leg Leo around the 2nd of October. It passes below the ecliptic plane on the 7th November and shoots round the sun at the end of November. From December onwards, the comet should be visible in the eastern sky in the evening, and this is the time the tail might develop. Panstarrs will pass closest to Earth on 5 March 2013 at a distance of 1.09 au. It will come to perihelion(closest approach to the Sun) on 10 March 2013. Comet PanSTARRS will emerge from the Sun's glare low in the western twilight in early and mid-March of 2013. But how bright will it be? Probably fainter than was originally predicted. GREEN COMET LEMMON: 2013 could be the Year of the Comet. Now we must add to that list green Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6). "Comet Lemmon is putting ona great show in the southern hemisphere. Jupiter and Uranus are currently in sextile aspect as are Saturn and Pluto. With Mercury approaching his station and another full moon on the horizon and the Sun conjunct Neptune on Thursday the week ahead is one of rather confusing impending about turns.Tuesday 19 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Pisces EA 1 Virgo VE sex UR .3 Mon 13 Gemini ME 29 Gemini EA sex ME 1.05 Mer 18 Pisces VE 8 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.47 Ven 21 Aquarius MA 22 Pisces EA opp NE 2.31 Mar 13 Pisces JU 18 Gemini VE sqr SA 2.33 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.23 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME trn NE 3.36 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces MA sqr JU 4.37 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/No .13 Pl Su/No .02 Ne Ve/Ma 0 Me Su/Ur .09 Me Su/Ur .18 Me Su/Ur .14 Pl Su/No .09 Pl Su/No .21 Ma Ve/Ur .43 Ne Ve/Ma .25 Me Su/Ur .11 Ne Ve/Ma .24 Ne Ve/Ma .49 Ma Ve/Ur .4 Ma Ve/Ur .36 Ma Ve/Ur .33 Pl Ne/No .98 Pl Ne/No .98 Pl Ne/No .97 Me Ur/Ne .84 Me Ur/Ne 1.3 Me Ur/Ne 1.14 Me Ur/Ne .99 Pl Ne/No .96 Pl Ma/Sa 1.55 Pl Ma/Sa 1.64 Pl Ma/Sa 1.74 Ve Ur/Pl 1.6 The very slowly waxing Moon in Gemini squares Mars 01:03 Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from Earth 06:25 Moon square Mercury 11:41 Moon trine Venus becoming void 18:49 The waxing Moon hangs in void drift in evening skies. Mercury approaching his station holds the Sun Uranus midpoint. Eureka moments.Wednesday 20 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Pisces EA 2 Virgo ME trn SA .36 Mon 25 Gemini ME 6 Cancer EA opp NE 1.31 Mer 19 Pisces VE 10 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.47 Ven 22 Aquarius MA 23 Pisces VE sex UR 1.87 Mar 14 Pisces JU 18 Gemini ME sqr UR 2.37 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio ME trn NE 2.9 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.26 Ura 06 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA sex PL 3.48 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME opp PL 3.84 Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ur .08 Me Su/Ur .07 Me Su/Ur .08 Me Su/Ur .1 Ma Ve/Ur .29 Ma Ve/Ur .26 Ma Ve/Ur .22 Ma Ve/Ur .19 Pl Su/No .32 Pl Su/No .43 Me Ur/Ne .47 Me Ur/Ne .37 Ne Ve/Ma .49 Me Ur/Ne .59 Pl Su/No .55 Ve Ur/Pl .39 Me Ur/Ne .71 Ne Ve/Ma .73 Ve Ur/Pl .69 Pl Su/No .66 Pl Ne/No .95 Pl Ne/No .94 Ur Mo/Pl .73 Ur Mo/Pl .75 Ve Ur/Pl 1.3 Ve Ur/Pl 1 Pl Ne/No .94 Pl Ne/No .93 + The slow Moon growing in size and now in motion enters Cancer 10:46 There are now 7 bodies in water signs. The Moon water trines the Sun 15:05 The Moon water trines Neptune 16:25 Moon square Uranus 23:53 Pure and impure emotion.Thursday 21 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Pisces EA 3 Virgo EA opp NE .31 Mon 07 Cancer ME 12 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.46 Mer 19 Pisces VE 12 Aquarius ME opp PL 2.36 Ven 24 Aquarius MA 24 Pisces SA trn NE 3.28 Mar 15 Pisces JU 18 Gemini VE sex UR 3.44 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.45 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME sqr UR 3.83 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ur/Pl .09 Ma Ve/Ur .12 Ma Ve/Ur .09 Ma Ve/Ur .05 Me Su/Ur .13 Me Su/Ur .16 Me Ur/Ne .12 Me Ur/Ne .05 Ma Ve/Ur .16 Me Ur/Ne .19 Me Su/Ur .21 Me Su/Ur .27 Me Ur/Ne .27 Ve Ur/Pl .22 Ve Ur/Pl .52 Ve Ur/Pl .82 Pl Su/No .77 Pl Su/No .88 Pl Ne/No .9 Pl Ne/No .9 Pl Ne/No .92 Pl Ne/No .91 Pl Su/No 1 Pl Su/No 1.11 Ne Ve/Ma 1.47 Ne Ve/Ma 1.71 Su Ve/Ma 1.77 Su Ve/Ma 1.77 Mercury turns retrograde in less than 50 hours. The Moon is full in 4 days. The Sun is conjunct Neptune in early Pisces 07:20 The slowly waxing Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto, eased by Saturn 08:44 The Moon, Saturn and Mars in water grand trine 09:00 to 18:00 Moon trine Saturn 09:53 Moon trine Mars 17:48The Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 23:45Friday 22 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Pisces EA 4 Virgo EA opp NE .69 Mon 19 Cancer ME 18 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.46 Mer 20 Pisces VE 13 Aquarius EA sex SA 2.62 Ven 25 Aquarius MA 24 Pisces SA trn NE 3.31 Mar 16 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA sex PL 3.43 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Ne 0 Ma Ve/Ur .01 Ma Ve/Ur .05 Ma Ve/Ur .08 Ma Ve/Ur .02 Me Ur/Ne .04 Me Ur/Ne .07 Me Ur/Ne .09 Me Su/Ur .34 Me Su/Ur .42 Me Su/Ur .51 Me Su/Ur .61 Pl Ne/No .89 Pl Ne/No .88 Pl Ne/No .87 Pl Ne/No .86 Ve Ur/Pl 1.13 Pl Su/No 1.34 Pl Su/No 1.45 Pl Su/No 1.56 Pl Su/No 1.22 Ve Ur/Pl 1.43 Ve Ur/Pl 1.73 Su Ve/Ma 1.79 Su Ve/Ma 1.78 Su Ve/Ma 1.78 Su Ve/Ma 1.78 Ve Ur/Pl 2.04 Yesterday at least 53 were killed in a huge car bomb in the Syrian capital Damascus which state media blame on "terrorists". Iran has begun installing advanced centrifuge machines for enriching uranium at a nuclear plant, said the UN nuclear watchdog. Mercury approaching his station is hovering for 3 days on the Uranus Neptune midpoint. This is a very special time for the more metaphysical aspects of life. Good for imaginative feats. The gibbous Moon, almost stationary Mercury and the lunar node are in a water grand trine 01:00 to 04:00 The slowly accelerating Moon trines Mercury and becomes void 02:09 This 'becoming wayward' Moon is void for 20 hours. Moon trine her Node 04:19 Venus waxing semi square Pluto 20:54 The Moon enters Leo 22:13, setting the scene for a tumultuous weekend ahead.Saturday 23 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Pisces EA 5 Virgo ME trn MA .94 Mon 01 Leo ME 24 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.45 Mer 20 Pisces VE 15 Aquarius EA sex SA 1.64 Ven 26 Aquarius MA 25 Pisces EA opp NE 1.69 Mar 16 Pisces JU 18 Gemini SA trn NE 3.33 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.4 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE trn JU 3.75 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Ne .11 Me Ur/Ne .11 Me Ur/Ne .1 Me Ur/Ne .08 Ma Ve/Ur .12 Ma Ve/Ur .15 Ma Ve/Ur .18 Ma Ve/Ur .22 Me Su/Ur .72 Me Su/Ur .84 Ju Mo/Ur .38 Pl Ne/No .83 Pl Ne/No .86 Pl Ne/No .85 Pl Ne/No .84 Me Su/Ur 1.11 Pl Su/No 1.68 Pl Su/No 1.79 Me Su/Ur .97 Ju Mo/Ur 1.17 Su Ve/Ma 1.79 Su Ve/Ma 1.79 Su Ve/Ma 1.79 Ne Su/Ve 1.74 Ve Ur/Pl 2.34 Ju Mo/Ur 1.93 Pl Su/No 1.9 Su Ve/Ma 1.8 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 09:42 at 20 Pisces He hovers on the Uranus Neptune midpoint all weekend. Stillness of mind, meditation and spirituality on one level, on another level serious changes of mind will be evident. The gibbous Leo Moon fire trines Uranus 11:01 Moon sextile Jupiter 12:15 Moon square Saturn 20:17Sunday 24 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Pisces EA 6 Virgo EA sex SA .67 Mon 13 Leo ME 30 Cancer UR sqr PL 1.44 Mer 20 Pisces VE 16 Aquarius VE trn JU 2.26 Ven 27 Aquarius MA 26 Pisces EA opp NE 2.69 Mar 17 Pisces JU 19 Gemini SA trn NE 3.36 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.38 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA trn PL 4.05 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME trn MA 4.32 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Ne .05 Me Ur/Ne 0 Me Ur/Ne .05 Me Ur/Ne .11 Ma Ve/Ur .25 Ma Ve/Ur .28 Ma Ve/Ur .32 Ma Ve/Ur .35 Pl Ne/No .83 Pl Ne/No .82 Pl Ne/No .81 Ne Su/Ve .65 Me Su/Ur 1.26 Ne Su/Ve 1.19 Ne Su/Ve .92 Pl Ne/No .8 Ne Su/Ve 1.46 Me Su/Ur 1.42 Me Su/Ur 1.59 Ju Mo/Me 1 Su Ve/Ma 1.8 Pl Ve/No 1.8 Pl Ve/No 1.65 Mo Ju/Sa 1.4 Pl Ve/No 1.94 Su Ve/Ma 1.8 Su Ve/Ma 1.81 Pl Ve/No 1.51 The 'almost full' moon, accelerating and waxing, makes no planetary aspects today. Mercury slowly retrogrades over the Uranus Neptune midpoint. The Moon squares her node 13:38 The Moon is full in Virgo tomorrow.Monday 25 February 2013 Day of the Full Moon Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Pisces EA 7 Virgo EA sex SA .3 Mon 26 Leo ME 6 Leo ME sqr SA .52 Mer 20 Pisces VE 18 Aquarius VE trn JU .76 Ven 29 Aquarius MA 26 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.44 Mar 18 Pisces JU 19 Gemini ME trn UR 2.43 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio EA trn PL 3.05 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA sex PL 3.35 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 3.38 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp NE 3.69 Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Ne .18 Ne Su/Ve .1 Ne Su/Ve .17 Ne Su/Ve .44 Ju Mo/Ma .24 Me Ur/Ne .26 Me Ur/Ne .35 Me Ur/Ne .45 Ne Su/Ve .37 Ma Ve/Ur .42 Ma Ve/Ur .45 Ma Ve/Ur .49 Ma Ve/Ur .39 Mo Ju/No .47 Pl Ne/No .78 Pl Ne/No .77 Ju Mo/Me .56 Pl Ne/No .79 Pl Ve/No 1.08 Ju Su/Mo .79 Pl Ne/No .79 Pl Ve/No 1.22 Ma Ur/Ne 1.41 Pl Ve/No .94 Pl Ve/No 1.37 Ju Mo/Ma 1.46 Me Ve/Ur 1.51 Ma Ur/Ne 1.22 A tense day but full of watery piscean dreams. As well as the intense Pisces energy right now we have the Sun Venus midpoint on Neptune percolating all manner of intoxicating love dreams. The accelerating full Moon opposes Venus becoming void 04:51 The Moon enters Virgo 06:53 Moon opposition Neptune 12:23State of the sky:-The Sun is at 7 degrees Pisces today. There are 22 days to the Vernal Equinox. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 59 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 74 days. The Sun, retro-Mercury, Mars and Neptune are in Pisces. Venus joins the throng in Pisces tomorrow. The Moon reaches its full moon climax later today. Mercury is a retrograding evening 'star' in Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde for another 21 days. During this time he will conjunct Mars square Jupiter, sextile Pluto, and trine Saturn and is conjunct Venus on March 7th. This is a lengthy residence in Pisces, Mercury will eventually leave Pisces and enter Aries on April 14th. Venus is on a chase of Mercury and Mars. In Aquarius, where she resides as a morning star, she ingresses Pisces tomorrow. Mars is conjunct Mercury a 2nd time on Wednesday, and is trine the lunar node on Wednesday. Mars storms into Aries on March 12th. His stay in Pisces is punchy and will rock many boats and upset many apple carts. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Comet Ison, Comet Panstarrs and Comet Lemmon. More about Comet Lemmon: 3D orbit, ephemeris, light curves; and Comet Pan-STARRS: 3D orbit, ephemeris, light curves. A GREEN LEMMON: At the moment there are three significant comets plunging toward the sun: Comet ISON, Comet Pan-STARRS, and Comet Lemmon. The most beautiful so far is this one, Comet Lemmon. The comet is now slightly closer to the sun than Earth. Solar heating has turned it into a binocular object (magnitude +5.5 to +6) barely visible to the human eye, but dazzling through backyard telescopes. Comet Lemmon has a tropical zodiac position today of 28 Aquarius, conjunct Venus. Taken by Phil Hart on February 17, 2013 @ Lake Eppalock, Victoria, Australia Update on Comet PanSTARRS: The incoming comet that was once hoped would make a fine showing in March now seems unlikely to brighten past 3rd magnitude. It will be low in the western evening twilight, so even peaking at 2nd magnitude might not be quite bright enough to be visible to the unaided eye. But PanSTARRS should be in range of binoculars and wide-field telescopes. See our updates and finder charts
FULL MOON 20:27 tightly square Jupiter
Today's Full Moon is the 3rd Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Nov 28th 2012 and the penultimate Full Moon before the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on April 25th 2013. This Full Moon in Virgo is almost exactly square Jupiter, Saturn is sextile Pluto, retrograde Mercury is conjunct Mars, and Jupiter is sextile Uranus. There is a preponderance of the element water and of the quality mutable. Moving flows of water, changing emotions, swirling feelings. The tight square that this lunation makes with Jupiter is the key signature of the event we can expect inflamed and over the limit responses. In the sky the planets form 5 points of a hexagon, the missing point being 8 Taurus. At the moment of Full Moon today 20:27 GMT the Moon rises at Recife Brazil, Saturn rises over Israel, Lebanon and at Cape town. Pluto rises at Mandalay, the Sun and Mercury culminate at Vancouver, it is true midnight at Kumzar. Over the UK the MC, Saturn, the Sun and Chiron form a water grand trine. Today's Full moon directly impacts on the natal Sun of Cameron Diaz,the Mercury of Terry Wogan, the Venus of Michael Gove, the Mars of Burma, the Saturn of Iran (1979 chart), the the Uranus of Sandra Bullock and the Pluto of MC Hamer and of Barack Obama. The Full Moon in Virgo is always a tense affair.
Shortly after the full moon moment the Moon squares Jupiter 20:35 Sun square Jupiter 22:27
Tuesday 26 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Pisces EA 8 Virgo VE trn JU .73 Mon 09 Virgo ME 11 Leo EA sex SA 1.28 Mer 19 Pisces VE 19 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.43 Ven 30 Aquarius MA 27 Pisces EA trn PL 2.05 Mar 19 Pisces JU 19 Gemini ME trn UR 3.17 Jup 07 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.32 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.41 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp NE 4.69 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 2water 6cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ve/Ur .52 Sa Mo/Pl .38 Me Ve/Ur .44 Me Ve/Ur .15 Me Ur/Ne .57 Ma Ve/Ur .55 Pl Ve/No .5 Pl Ve/No .36 Ne Su/Ve .72 Pl Ve/No .65 Ma Ve/Ur .59 Ma Ur/Ne .48 Pl Ne/No .76 Me Ur/Ne .69 Ma Ur/Ne .67 Ma Ve/Ur .62 Pl Ve/No .79 Me Ve/Ur .72 Pl Ne/No .75 Pl Ne/No .74 Me Ve/Ur .99 Pl Ne/No .76 Me Ur/Ne .82 Me Ur/Ne .96 Ma Ur/Ne 1.04 Ma Ur/Ne .85 Ne Su/Ve 1.26 Pl Su/Sa 1.18 As Mercury started his retrograde period and the Full Moon climaxed yesterday early results from Italy's election suggested the houses of parliament may split between left and right, causing new anxiety over the EU's fourth biggest economy. In the UK the main news focussed on the resignation of Britain's most senior Roman Catholic cleric, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, after being accused of inappropriate conduct. Also Nick Clegg denied a cover-up over the alleged behaviour of ex-Lib Dem chief executive, Lord Rennard, variations on a theme really. With Neptune still pretty much hitting the UK (1801) natal Pluto we continue to receive a drip feed of cheap skate scandals in the wake of the J.Saville allegations. Today's Mars Mercury conjunction also trines the UK scandalous Neptune for good measure. Today Venus enters Pisces 02:04 joining the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Neptune in that sign. Venus remains in Pisces for 25 days. During her residence there, she is conjunct Neptune at 3 Pisces on Thursday. On March 7th she sextiles Pluto, trines Saturn and is conjunct retro-Mercury at 11 Pisces. Venus trines the lunar node on March 12th. She enters Aries on March 22nd and reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 8 Aries on March 28th when she is also conjunct Uranus. In the meanwhile, before such torrid times, as Venus drifts and glides through the deep waters of Pisces amid a shoal of planets in that sign we find ourselves in a dreamy alluring drifting, shadowy and impressionable period. A time to live the dream. The 'hung over' accelerating full Moon trines Pluto 03:06 Moon sextile Saturn 03:52 Retro Mercury conjunction Mars at 19 Pisces 09:09 The Moon now opposes this Mercury Mars conjunction, eased by the lunar node. Moon opposition Mercury 17:23 Moon opposition Mars 18:14 becoming void Moon sextile Node 20:16 A final note, today's Mercury Mars conjunction falls exactly on the natal Jupiter and probable ascendant of the current Pope Gregory XV1. Amen to that.Wednesday 27 February 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Pisces EA 9 Virgo EA trn PL 1.05 Mon 23 Virgo ME 17 Leo UR sqr PL 1.43 Mer 19 Pisces VE 21 Aquarius ME sex JU 2.03 Ven 01 Pisces MA 28 Pisces VE trn JU 2.23 Mar 20 Pisces JU 19 Gemini EA sex SA 2.25 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.3 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.44 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME opp VE 4.25 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 1water 7cardinal 2fixed 2mutable 7positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ur .15 Pl Ve/No .07 Pl Ve/No .07 Pl Ve/No .22 Pl Ve/No .22 Ma Ur/Ne .11 Ma Ur/Ne .07 Ma Ur/Ne .26 Ma Ur/Ne .3 Me Ve/Ur .46 No Mo/Pl .3 Pl Ne/No .71 Ma Ve/Ur .65 Ma Ve/Ur .69 Pl Ne/No .72 Pl Su/Sa .71 Pl Ne/No .73 Pl Ne/No .73 Ma Ve/Ur .72 Ma Ve/Ur .75 Pl Su/Sa 1.07 Pl Su/Sa .95 Me Ve/Ur .78 Su Me/Ve .92 Me Ur/Ne 1.1 Me Ur/Ne 1.26 Pl Su/Sa .83 Me Ve/Ur 1.1 Mercury yesterday in true retrograde style coincided with European politicians and markets reacting anxiously after Italy's general election produced a stalemate between the centre-right and centre-left. The whole process will probably require doing again. Pisces energy pervades everything right now. 5 planets and chiron reside there. Life is a dream, and a dance. The 'hung over' full moon, waning and accelerating, starts the day void of course in Virgo. The Moon enters Libra 13:03Venus bathing in Pisces is almost conjunct Neptune. 'Right this way, smiles a mermaid, I can hear Atlantis full of cheer.'
Thursday 28 February 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Pisces EA 10 Virgo EA trn PL .05 Mon 06 Libra ME 22 Leo ME opp VE .54 Mer 18 Pisces VE 23 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.42 Ven 02 Pisces MA 28 Pisces ME sex JU 3.18 Mar 20 Pisces JU 19 Gemini EA sex SA 3.22 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.27 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.46 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE trn JU 3.72 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 21 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/No .36 Pl Su/Sa .48 Pl Su/Sa .36 Su Me/Ne .07 Ma Ur/Ne .44 Pl Ve/No .51 Su Me/Ve .37 Su Me/Ve .18 Pl Su/Sa .59 Su Me/Ve .55 Su Me/Ne .41 Pl Su/Sa .24 Pl Ne/No .71 Ma Ur/Ne .63 Pl Ve/No .65 Pl Mo/Ur .57 Su Me/Ve .74 Pl Ne/No .7 Pl Ne/No .69 Pl Ne/No .68 Ma Ve/Ur .79 Su Me/Ne .75 Ma Ur/Ne .81 Pl Ve/No .79 Su Me/Ne 1.08 Ma Ve/Ur .82 Ma Ve/Ur .85 Ma Ve/Ur .89 More dreamy wierdness...changes of heart and mind...and drifting.. The accelerating, still 'hung over' waning Moon in Libra forms a cardinal T square with Uranus and Pluto 00:00 to 09:00 The Moon opposes Uranus 01:12 The Moon trines Jupiter 02:36 Mars trines the lunar node 03:04 The Moon squares Pluto becoming void 08:38 and remains that way for nearly 35 hours. During this lengthy 'lunar void of course' period, Venus is conjunct Neptune and the Sun applies to a sextile to Pluto and to a trine to Saturn. Pluto is the focus of 4 planetary midpoints right now. Venus close conjunction Neptune 13:38 less than 1 degree from exact. Mercury is drifting in retrograde motion. Everything is drifting with the current.Friday 1 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Pisces EA 11 Virgo EA trn PL .95 Mon 20 Libra ME 27 Leo UR sqr PL 1.42 Mer 17 Pisces VE 24 Aquarius ME opp VE 3.01 Ven 04 Pisces MA 29 Pisces SA sex PL 3.25 Mar 21 Pisces JU 19 Gemini SA trn NE 3.49 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .02 Pl Su/Sa 0 Pl Su/Sa .11 Pl Mo/Ma .12 Pl Su/Sa .12 Su Me/Ve .21 Su Me/Ve .41 Pl Su/Sa .23 Su Me/Ne .28 Su Me/Ne .63 Pl Ne/No .66 Me Su/Ma .26 Pl Ne/No .68 Pl Ne/No .67 Me Su/Ma .7 Su Me/Ve .62 Ma Ve/Ur .92 Ma Ve/Ur .95 Ma Ve/Ur .98 Pl Ne/No .65 Pl Ve/No .94 Pl Ve/No 1.08 Su Me/Ne .98 Ma Ve/Ur 1.02 Ma Ur/Ne 1.18 Me Su/Ma 1.14 Pl Ve/No 1.23 Sa Mo/No 1.08 There is quite an astrologically interesting day in store The Moon occults Spica for viewers from southeastern Mexico through central South America 07:15 GMT.![]()
The void of course Moon acceleratiing in Libra reaches disseminating phase 10:39 The Sun sextiles Pluto 13:39 The Moon enters Scorpio 17:35 joining Saturn in that sign. The Sun trines Saturn 20:32 Moon trine Neptune 23:02 Around 11 p.m. this evening (depending on where you live), the waning Moon rises with Saturn glowing a few degrees to its left. The pair remain close for the remainder of the night with their zodiac conjunction 13:27 GMT tomorrow.
Saturday 2 March 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Pisces EA 12 Virgo ME opp NE .69 Mon 04 Scorpio ME 2 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.41 Mer 17 Pisces VE 26 Aquarius EA trn PL 1.95 Ven 05 Pisces MA 29 Pisces SA sex PL 3.22 Mar 22 Pisces JU 19 Gemini SA trn NE 3.51 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 1water 8cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ma .18 Pl Su/Sa .47 Pl Su/Mo .21 Su Ma/Ne .56 Pl Su/Sa .35 Pl Mo/Me .63 Pl Su/Sa .59 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Ne/No .65 Me Su/Ma .63 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Su/Sa .7 Sa Mo/No .65 Pl Ne/No .64 Su Ma/Ne .71 Ma Ve/Ur 1.15 Su Me/Ve .82 Su Ma/Ne .86 Me Su/Ma 1.09 Pl Mo/Ve 1.17 Pl Mo/Me .99 Su Me/Ve 1.03 Ma Ve/Ur 1.12 Su Me/Ve 1.46 Su Ma/Ne 1.01 Ma Ve/Ur 1.08 Su Me/Ve 1.24 Me Su/Ma 1.55 The rapidly waning, accelerating Moon in Scorpio trines Venus 02:14 Moon sextile Pluto 12:51Significant geocentric harmonic 3 around 12:00 GMT Moon conjunction Saturn 13:17 Moon trine Sun 14:36 Moon trine Mercury 20:49Sunday 3 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Pisces EA 13 Virgo ME sex SA .58 Mon 18 Scorpio ME 7 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.41 Mer 16 Pisces VE 27 Aquarius ME trn PL 2.62 Ven 06 Pisces MA 0 Aries EA trn PL 2.95 Mar 23 Pisces JU 19 Gemini SA sex PL 3.19 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.54 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME opp NE 4.12 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 1water 8cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Ne .41 Su Ma/Ne .27 Su Ma/Ne .12 Su Ma/Ne .03 Pl Ne/No .62 Pl Ne/No .61 Me Ve/Ma .2 Me Ve/Ma .3 Pl Mo/Ve .73 Me Ve/Ma .7 Pl Ne/No .61 No Mo/Sa .57 Pl Mo/Ne .75 Pl Su/Sa .94 Pl Su/Sa 1.06 Pl Ne/No .6 Pl Su/Sa .82 Pl Mo/Ne 1 Ma Ve/Ur 1.25 Pl Su/Sa 1.17 Ma Ve/Ur 1.18 Ma Ve/Ur 1.21 Ve Su/Ne 1.38 Ve Su/Ne 1.19 Me Ve/Ma 1.2 Ve Su/Ne 1.56 Ma Ju/Pl 1.43 Ma Ju/Pl 1.25 The rapidly waning Moon is conjunct her node 04:40 Moon trine Mars becoming void 09:20 Mars waxing quintile Pluto 12:22 The Moon enters Sagittarius 21:12Monday 4 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Pisces EA 14 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.4 Mon 02 Sagittarius ME 12 Virgo EA con ME 1.9 Mer 15 Pisces VE 29 Aquarius ME trn PL 2.04 Ven 07 Pisces MA 1 Aries SA sex PL 3.17 Mar 24 Pisces JU 19 Gemini SA trn NE 3.56 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio VE con NE 3.94 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA trn PL 3.94 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 2fixed 2mutable 7positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Ne .18 Su Ma/Ne .33 Ve Mo/Ju .38 Me Ma/Ne .2 Pl Ne/No .59 Pl Ne/No .58 Su Ma/Ne .48 Ve Me/Ne .25 Me Ve/Ma .81 Ve Su/Ne .83 Me Ma/Ne .56 Ve Su/Ne .47 Ve Su/Ne 1.01 Ma Ju/Pl .89 Pl Ne/No .58 Ma Ju/Pl .53 Ma Ju/Pl 1.07 Me Ma/Ne .92 Ve Su/Ne .65 Pl Ne/No .57 No Mo/Sa 1.19 Ve Me/Ne 1.12 Ve Me/Ne .69 Su Ma/Ne .62 Me Ma/Ne 1.27 Me Ve/Ma 1.31 Ma Ju/Pl .71 Mo Sa/Pl .92 Yesterday an explosion near a mosque in a Shia area of the Pakistani city of Karachi killed at least 45 people and injured dozens more. The transiting lunar node was exactly conjunct the Pakistan natal Jupiter on the descendant. In the UK the Queen is in hospital as a precaution, while she is assessed for symptoms of gastroenteritis. Transiting Uranus is exactly conjunct her Sun Venus midpoint and transiting Neptune is conjunct natal Venus Jupiter. It adds up to a disruption in the royal schedule.. A dynamic situation. The rapidly waning Moon opposes Jupiter and squares Neptune, Venus and the Sun. Moon square Neptune 02:43 Moon trine Uranus 09:20 Moon square Venus 10:46 Moon opposition Jupiter 11:01 Mercury conjunction Sun 12:59 This is the 10th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before a 'transit of Mercury' across the disc of the Sun on May 9th 2016. The Moon squares Mercury 20:42 The Moon reaches last quarter 21:34 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 14 degrees Pisces today. There are 15 days to the Vernal Equinox. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 52 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 67 days. The Sun, retro-Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune remain in Pisces. Mercury is a retrograding and after today 'morning star' in Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde for another 14 days.He is conjunct Venus on Thursday. His is a lengthy residence in Pisces, Mercury enters Aries on April 14th. Venus is in Pisces and is on a chase of the Sun, Mercury and Mars. On March 7th she sextiles Pluto, trines Saturn and is conjunct retro-Mercury at 11 Pisces. Venus trines the lunar node on March 12th. She enters Aries on March 22nd and reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 8 Aries on March 28th when she is also conjunct Uranus. In the meanwhile, before such torrid times, as Venus drifts and glides through the deep waters of Pisces amid a shoal of planets in that sign we find ourselves in a dreamy alluring drifting, shadowy and impressionable period. Mars is is in Pisces but storms into Aries on March 12th. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Saturn sextiles Pluto a second time on Friday. Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4) is now inside the orbit of Mercury, brightening as it plunges toward the sun. Observers in the southern hemisphere report they can see Pan-STARRS with the unaided eye in the evening sunset sky. Several important dates are approaching. On March 5th, Comet Pan-STARRS makes its closest approach to Earth (1.09 AU), followed on March 10th by its closest approach to the sun (0.3 AU). As Comet Pan-STARRS passes the sun, solar glare will make it difficult to see even as the nucleus vaporizes and brightens. By March 12th and 13th, the comet will reappear in the sunset skies of the northern hemisphere not far from the crescent Moon.
Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK,
of star Omega Scorpio, 02:32 to 03:10Tuesday 5 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Pisces EA 15 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.4 Mon 16 Sagittarius ME 16 Virgo EA con ME 1.6 Mer 14 Pisces VE 1 Pisces VE con NE 2.36 Ven 09 Pisces MA 1 Aries SA sex PL 3.14 Mar 24 Pisces JU 19 Gemini ME sqr JU 3.16 Jup 08 Gemini SA 6 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.59 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 2fixed 2mutable 7positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Pl/No .01 Ve Su/Ne .1 Ma Ju/Pl .01 Ma Me/Ur .11 Me Ma/Ne .16 Ma Ju/Pl .17 Ve Su/Ne .08 Ma Ju/Pl .19 Ve Me/Ne .18 Me Mo/Ju .33 Ma Me/Ur .42 Ve Su/Ne .26 Ve Su/Ne .28 Me Ma/Ne .52 Su Mo/Ju .42 Me Su/Ve .42 Ma Ju/Pl .35 Pl Ne/No .56 Pl Ne/No .55 Pl Ne/No .54 Pl Ne/No .56 Ve Me/Ne .62 Me Ma/Ne .88 Pl Ve/Sa .76 Su Ma/Ne .77 Ma Me/Ur .74 Pl Ve/Sa .91 Pl Me/Sa .88 Counting is under way in Kenya's first elections since the disputed contest of 2007, with the two presidential frontrunners taking an early lead. Results are due out on March 11th. The Kenyan chart looks under pressure. Transiting Pluto opposes the natal lunar node all year. Uranus squares natal Mercury later this month. Mars is on the Jupiter Pluto midpoint today. Great deeds await! The very fast moving Moon in Sagittarius squares Mars becoming void 15:29Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 23:12Wednesday 6 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Pisces EA 16 Virgo VE con NE .79 Mon 30 Sagittarius ME 21 Virgo ME sqr JU 1.12 Mer 13 Pisces VE 2 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.39 Ven 10 Pisces MA 2 Aries SA sex PL 3.11 Mar 25 Pisces JU 19 Gemini SA trn NE 3.62 Jup 08 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA sqr JU 3.85 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE trn SA 4.4 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA con ME 4.97 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 2fixed 2mutable 7positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .12 Pl Ve/Sa .47 Pl Ve/Sa .32 Pl Ve/Sa .17 Ma Me/Ur .21 Pl Ne/No .53 Mo Sa/Ne .38 Pl Me/Sa .34 Ma Ju/Pl .37 Ma Me/Ur .53 Pl Me/Sa .48 Pl Ne/No .52 Ve Su/Ne .45 Ma Ju/Pl .55 Pl Ne/No .52 Mo Ve/Sa .58 Pl Ne/No .54 Pl Me/Sa .61 Ma Ju/Pl .73 Ma Ju/Pl .91 Pl Ve/Sa .61 Ve Su/Ne .63 Ve Su/Ne .81 Ve Su/Ne .99 Pl Me/Sa .75 Me Su/Ve .66 Ma Me/Ur .84 Ma Su/Ur 1.08 The rapidly waning last quarter Moon enters Capricorn 00:15Minor grazing lunar occultation, observable from the UK, . Moon sextile Neptune 05:52 Moon square Uranus 12:29 Moon sextile Venus 18:37 Moon conjunction Pluto 19:16 on the Mercury/Saturn midpoint. This conjunction is an occultation focussed on the area shown on map below.
of star Mu Sgr, 05:25 to 05:39Moon sextile Saturn 19:23 Moon sextile Mercury 20:09
Thursday 7 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Pisces EA 17 Virgo VE con NE .79 Mon 14 Capricorn ME 25 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.39 Mer 12 Pisces VE 4 Pisces VE trn SA 2.85 Ven 11 Pisces MA 3 Aries EA sqr JU 2.93 Mar 26 Pisces JU 20 Gemini SA sex PL 3.09 Jup 08 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.64 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 1water 7cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/Sa .02 Pl Me/Sa .08 Pl Me/Sa .06 Pl Me/Sa .19 Mo Su/Sa .09 Pl Ve/Sa .13 Pl Ve/Sa .27 Mo Sa/Ur .38 Pl Me/Sa .21 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ve/Sa .42 Ma Mo/Ju .3 Mo Su/No .91 Me Su/Ne .88 Pl Ne/No .49 Pl Ne/No .51 Ma Su/Ur .95 Ma Su/Ur .89 Me Su/Ne .51 Ma Su/Ur 1.02 Mo Ma/Sa 1.12 Ma Ju/Pl 1.45 Ma Su/Ur .83 Ma Ju/Pl 1.09 Me Su/Ne 1.26 Ve Su/Ne 1.54 Su Me/Ma 1.34 Venezuela began seven days of mourning after the death of President Hugo Chavez, with crowds accompanying his coffin through the streets of Caracas. Larger than life Chavez had Sun in Leo, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus in Cancer. According to analysts at NASA, newly-discovered Comet 2013 A1 (Siding Spring), yes yet another one! will pass very close to Mars in Oct. 2014. Observations through March 1, 2013, suggest a flyby only 31,000 miles from the red planet's surface, and NASA cannot yet rule out an impact. A full astrological itinerary follows through today. Expect interesting developments. Venus sextile Pluto 02:04 Venus trine Saturn 03:08 The rapidly waning, decelerating Moon in Capricorn sextiles the Sun 04:38 Retro-Mercury conjunction Venus 04:55 Retro-Mercury trine Saturn 07:18 Retro-Mercury sextile Pluto 08:25 Moon sextile her node 10:20 Mars waning quintile Jupiter 16:00 Moon sextile Mars becoming void 21:15Friday 8 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Pisces EA 18 Virgo VE trn SA 1.29 Mon 28 Capricorn ME 29 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.38 Mer 11 Pisces VE 5 Pisces EA sqr JU 2.02 Ven 12 Pisces MA 3 Aries VE con NE 2.37 Mar 27 Pisces JU 20 Gemini SA sex PL 3.06 Jup 08 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.67 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME opp MA 4.28 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces MA con UR 5.12 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 1water 7cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ne .14 Me Su/Ne .23 Ur Mo/Ju .42 Su Me/Ma .26 Pl Me/Sa .31 Pl Me/Sa .44 Pl Ne/No .47 Ne Mo/Ma .37 Pl Ne/No .48 Pl Ne/No .48 Su Me/Ma .53 Pl Ne/No .46 Mo Ur/No .5 Ma Su/Ur .7 Pl Me/Sa .56 Ma Su/Ur .58 Pl Ve/Sa .57 Pl Ve/Sa .72 Me Su/Ne .59 Pl Me/Sa .69 Ne Mo/Ur .62 Su Me/Ma .8 Ma Su/Ur .64 Ve Su/Me .81 Ma Su/Ur .77 Ne Mo/Ur 1.14 Pl Ve/Sa .86 Me Su/Ne .95 The ageing Moon enters Aquarius 03:03 Saturn sextiles Pluto 07:12 The Saturn Pluto cycle has currently a 38 year period. They were last conjunct in the summer of 1982 in late Libra, they were in opposition in 2001-2002 and today's aspect, the second of 3, proceeds their next conjunction in 2020 in Capricorn. The first sextile occurred on Dec 27th 2012 and the last one occurs on Sept 21st 2013. The Saturn Pluto is concerned with the process of crisis, transformation, and destruction of the current system, authority figures or institutions. Deeply rooted forces are involved here. War and violent control are the manifestations of Saturn Pluto.The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 07:59 The Moon sextiles Uranus 15:30 The Moon trines Jupiter 17:35 The Moon squares Saturn 22:09 becoming void.Saturday 9 March 2013
Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Pisces EA 19 Virgo VE trn SA .26 Mon 12 Aquarius ME 3 Libra ME opp MA .93 Mer 10 Pisces VE 7 Pisces EA sqr JU 1.11 Ven 14 Pisces MA 4 Aries UR sqr PL 1.38 Mar 27 Pisces JU 20 Gemini VE sex PL 2.78 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.04 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.69 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE con NE 3.95 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn MA con UR 4.51 Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ma 0 Ve Su/Me .21 Ve Su/Me .08 Me Ve/Ne .05 Mo Ve/Pl .12 Su Me/Ma .26 Mo Ma/Pl .21 Ne Mo/Ve .26 Me Mo/Ur .15 Pl Ne/No .45 Ma Su/Ur .39 Ma Su/Ur .32 Pl Ne/No .46 Ma Su/Ur .45 Me Ve/Ne .42 Ve Su/Me .38 Ma Su/Ur .51 Me Ve/Ne .79 Pl Ne/No .45 Pl Ne/No .44 Ve Su/Me .51 Mo Su/Pl .79 Su Me/Ma .52 Ve Mo/Ur .56 Pl Me/Sa .81 Pl Me/Sa .92 Me Mo/Ma .66 Su Me/Ma .78The Comet (Panstarrs)which was first discovered on June 6th 2011 as the 'Arab Spring' was in full surge, is now about to manifest visible in northern skies. Its presence enters the mass consciousness. This occurs as China urges both Koreas and their allies to remain calm, after Pyongyang said it had torn up all peace deals with Seoul and threatened nuclear strikes. So far then we have a nuclear threat, the abdication of a pope, and the death of a leader, Hugo Chavez. Today the balsamic decelerating Moon in Aquarius squares her nodal axis 13:09. Retro-Mercury is about to run into his 2nd of 3 squares to Jupiter. We have a weekend 'wide of the mark'. The planets are still amassed in Pisces. Much sublimation, much in ferment, and much deep consideration is underway. After Monday's New Moon, Mars will lead the onslaught into Aries and this current piscean 'drifting' will give way to impetus, anger and action.
Sunday 10 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Pisces EA 20 Virgo EA sqr JU .19 Mon 26 Aquarius ME 7 Libra VE sex PL 1.2 Mer 09 Pisces VE 8 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.37 Ven 15 Pisces MA 4 Aries ME opp UR 1.58 Mar 28 Pisces JU 20 Gemini VE trn SA 1.81 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio ME opp MA 2.31 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME sqr PL 2.96 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA sex PL 3.01 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn SA trn NE 3.72 Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Ur .26 Ma Su/Ur .2 Ma Su/Ur .13 Ma Su/Ur .07 Me Ve/Ne .32 Pl Ne/No .43 Su Mo/Ur .28 Su Ur/Ne .14 Pl Ne/No .43 Su Ur/Ne .62 Pl Mo/No .32 Ve Ma/Ne .34 Ve Su/Me .66 Me Ve/Ne .68 Su Ur/Ne .38 Pl Ne/No .41 Ne Mo/Me .86 Ve Ma/Ne .76 Pl Ne/No .42 Mo Me/Ne .84 Su Ur/Ne .86 Ne Mo/Me .77 Ve Mo/Ma .45 Me Ve/Ne 1.38 Me Su/Mo .89 Ve Su/Me .95 Ve Ma/Ne .55 Ve Su/Me 1.52 Yesterday Deputy PM Uhuru Kenyatta was confirmed as the winner of Kenya's presidential election, but main rival Raila Odinga said he will mount a legal challenge. Today retro Mercury squares Jupiter 03:39, the second of three this season.1st harmonic all day. We are now at the height of the current stellium of bodies in Pisces, as the balsamic decelerating Moon enters this sign. Old Moon enters Pisces 06:20 joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars (Chiron) and Neptune in that sign. Sun trine the lunar node 09:37 Moon conjunction Neptune 12:21 Moon close conjunction Mercury 20:34 less than 2 degrees from exact. Moon square Jupiter 21:40
Significant geocentricMonday 11 March 2013 Several important dates for this comet are approaching. On March 10th, makes its closest approach to the sun (0.3 AU). On March 12th and 13th, Comet Pan-STARRS will reappear in the sunset sky--this time in the northern hemisphere not far from the crescent Moon. Today the comet is positioned at 4 Aires in the zodiac. Panstarrs is conjunct Uranus in Aries tomorrow. Here are the comet's zodiac positions for the next few days.
2013-Mar-11 04 ARI
2013-Mar-12 06 ARI
2013-Mar-13 08 ARI
2013-Mar-14 09 ARI
2013-Mar-15 10 ARI
2013-Mar-16 11 ARI Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Pisces EA 21 Virgo VE sex PL .38 Mon 10 Pisces ME 10 Libra EA sqr JU .72 Mer 08 Pisces VE 10 Pisces ME sqr PL .79 Ven 16 Pisces MA 5 Aries UR sqr PL 1.37 Mar 29 Pisces JU 20 Gemini ME opp UR 2.15 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.98 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA con UR 3.28 Ura 07 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE trn SA 3.37 Nep 03 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn SA trn NE 3.74 Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 1water 8cardinal 2fixed 2mutable 7positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Ur .01 Ma Su/Ur .05 Ma Su/Ur .12 Mo Ur/Ne .16 Su Ur/Ne .09 Ve Ma/Ne .08 Ve Ma/Ne .29 Ma Su/Ur .18 Ve Ma/Ne .13 Su Ur/Ne .33 Pl Ne/No .4 Pl Ne/No .39 Mo Ve/Ne .35 Pl Ne/No .4 Mo Ma/Ne .51 Ve Ma/Ne .5 Pl Ne/No .41 Su Mo/Ma .56 Su Ur/Ne .57 Ma Mo/Ur .67 Pl Mo/Sa .64 Me Mo/Ne .62 Su Me/Ur 1.55 Su Ur/Ne .81 Ve Su/Mo .76 Ve Su/Mo .76 Mo Me/Ma 1.6 Mo Su/Ve 1.16 Strong geocentric harmonic 1 all day. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 22 degrees Pisces today. There are 8 days to the Vernal Equinox. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 45 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 60 days. The Sun, Moon, retro-Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune remain in Pisces. Mercury is a retrograding 'morning star' in Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde for another 7 days. His is a lengthy residence in Pisces, Mercury enters Aries on April 14th. Venus is in Pisces and is on a chase of the Sun, and Mars. Venus trines the lunar node tomorrow. She enters Aries on March 22nd and reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 8 Aries on March 28th when she is also conjunct Uranus. In the meanwhile, before such torrid times, as Venus drifts and glides through the deep waters of Pisces amid a shoal of planets in that sign we are still in a dreamy alluring drifting, shadowy and impressionable period. Mars is is in Pisces but storms into Aries tomorrow. Looking further ahead he is conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on March 22nd, overtaken by Venus at 19 Aries on April 7th and is conjunct the Sun at 28 Aries on April 18th. Moon trine Saturn 01:48 Moon sextile Pluto 02:02 Moon conjunction Venus 11:34 Moon trine Node 17:13NEW MOON in Pisces, weakly quintile Pluto, becoming void 19:52
Today's New Moon is the 4th New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 13th 2012 and the penultimate New moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013. It occurs at 19:52 today at 21 Pisces on the Uranus Neptune midpoint. At that time the Sun and Moon are rising at Brisbane, they culminate just east of Lisbon, and at Monrovia and they are on the IC under western Afghanistan. At London at the moment of New moon a planetary kite is manifest involving, the MC, Saturn, Pluto and Venus. Today's New Moon heralds change. Mars enters Aries tomorrow, Mercury turns direct in a week's time.
Tuesday 12 March 2013Jupiter is now applying in finger of God formation with Saturn sextile Pluto. This pattern builds up over the next two weeks and peaks on March 25th. We are dealing here with transformation in all power structures everywhere. It will be interesting to observe where this planetary axe falls. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Pisces EA 22 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.36 Mon 24 Pisces ME 14 Libra EA sqr JU 1.63 Mer 07 Pisces VE 12 Pisces VE sex PL 1.96 Ven 17 Pisces MA 6 Aries MA con UR 2.67 Mar 30 Pisces JU 20 Gemini SA sex PL 2.96 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.77 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA sqr PL 4.03 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME sqr PL 4.43 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 1water 8cardinal 2fixed 2mutable 7positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ve/Ma .13 Ma Su/Ur .3 Su Me/Ur .27 Su Me/Ur .04 Ma Su/Ur .24 Pl Ne/No .38 Pl Ne/No .37 Mo Ma/Ur .28 Pl Ne/No .38 Ve Mo/Me .52 Ve Me/Ma .66 Ve Mo/Ne .32 Ve Ma/Ne .71 Mo Ve/Ur .55 Ve Mo/Me .76 Pl Ne/No .36 Su Me/Ur .9 Su Mo/Ve .55 Ve Mo/Ne 1.03 Ve Me/Ma .37 Su Mo/Ve 1.03 Su Me/Ur .58 Ve Ma/Ne 1.13 Ve Ma/Ne 1.34 Su Ur/Ne 1.05 Ve Ma/Ne .92 Su Ur/Ne 1.52 Su Ur/Ne 1.76 Strong geocentric harmonic 1 around still manifest as the day starts. Mars enters Aries 06:27 joining Uranus (and the comet) in the sign of the Ram.Mars storms through Aries in a pugnacious and rumbustious manner in 40 days. Mars is conjunct Uranus in a flash fire conjunction at 8 Aries on March 22nd. Four days later on March 26th Mars sextiles Jupiter in a bold flutter. Mars squares Pluto in grievous trauma on March 27th. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 Aries in hot love on April 7th, and Mars is in conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 29th. Mars is on the far side of the Sun and furthest from the Earth at this time. When he is far away he is at his strongest! Mars finally leaves Aries for Taurus on April 20th. The tiny infant New Moon also enters Aries 11:18 joining Mars and Uranus there. Moon conjunct Mars 11:36 GMT zero degrees Aries. So now, all of a sudden, we have the explosive mixture of an immature Moon, Mars and Uranus in Aries. The dream lingers, but awakening, impetus and action are upon us. Stay calm over the next 40 days, look before you leap and think before you speak. At the same time, when certain, strike while the iron is hot.
Wednesday 13 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Pisces EA 23 Virgo UR sqr PL 1.36 Mon 07 Aries ME 18 Libra MA con UR 2.06 Mer 07 Pisces VE 13 Pisces ME trn JU 2.37 Ven 19 Pisces MA 6 Aries EA sqr JU 2.54 Mar 01 Aries JU 20 Gemini SA sex PL 2.93 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio MA sqr PL 3.42 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.79 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Ma .09 Ve Me/Ma .18 Pl Ne/No .35 Pl Ne/No .34 Su Me/Ur .35 Pl Ne/No .35 Ur Mo/Ma .39 Ma Su/Ur .68 Pl Ne/No .36 Ma Su/Ur .56 Ma Mo/Ve .41 Ve Me/Ma .73 Ma Su/Ur .49 Su Me/Ur .66 Ve Me/Ma .46 Ve Ur/Ne 1.05 Su Mo/Me .66 Su Mo/Me .67 Su Mo/Ne .46 Su Me/Ur 1.26 Ve Ma/Ne 1.55 Ma Su/Mo .77 Ma Su/Ur .62 Ur Mo/Ma 1.31 Ve Mo/Ne 1.65 Su Mo/Ne .91 Su Me/Ur .96 Pl Me/No 1.8 Yesterday as Mars surged into Aries we saw Syrian rebels were locked in a fierce battle with government troops as they tried to take back the Baba Amr neighborhood of Homs. Black smoke emerged from the Vatican's Sistine Chapel chimney, indicating that cardinals failed to elect a new pope on their first day of voting. The US space agency reported that its Curiosity rover has identified clay minerals on Mars an important indicator of water in the planet's past. Today the decelerating infant Moon in Aries is in quite close conjunction with Uranus 01:07 less than 3 degrees from exact. Moon sextile Jupiter 03:54 Moon square Pluto becoming void 08:03 and remains that way for a lengthy 25 hours. Sun quintile Pluto 18:49 Venus trines the lunar node 22:30Thursday 14 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Pisces EA 24 Virgo ME trn JU 1 Mon 20 Aries ME 21 Libra UR sqr PL 1.35 Mer 06 Pisces VE 15 Pisces MA con UR 1.45 Ven 20 Pisces MA 7 Aries MA sqr PL 2.8 Mar 01 Aries JU 20 Gemini SA sex PL 2.91 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA sqr JU 3.45 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.82 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .33 Mo Me/Ju .32 Ve Ur/Ne .15 Ve Ur/Ne .15 Ma Su/Ur .74 Pl Ne/No .33 Ne Mo/Pl .19 Pl Ne/No .32 Ve Ur/Ne .75 Ve Ur/Ne .45 Pl Ne/No .32 Ma Mo/Ne .42 Ur Su/Mo .9 Ur Su/Mo .81 Ma Mo/Me .5 Mo Ve/Ju .65 Ve Me/Ma .99 Ma Su/Ur .81 Ur Mo/Ve .71 Me Mo/Pl .74 Mo Ju/Ne 1.49 Ur Mo/Ve 1.02 Ma Su/Ur .87 Ma Mo/Me .83 Su Me/Ur 1.55 Ve Me/Ma 1.26 Su Ju/Pl 1.25 Ma Su/Ur .93 Argentina's Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, a Jesuit, is announced as the Roman Catholic Church's new Pope, to be named Francis I.Here is his 'noon chart'. He was born 4 days after an Annular Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. He has transiting Pluto conjunct his natal Mercury this year. his chart is a mixture of tradition and novelty. He has reforming power and is super high tech. He will travel extensively. Watch out for the 'Popecoptor'. White smoke bellowed from the Vatican chimney at 19:06 CET, March 13th 2013. The Comet Panstarrs and Uranus were setting at Rome, at that moment. Today the infant Moon, decelerating and waxing void of course in Aries, enters Taurus 19:09
Friday 15 March 2013 Young Moon now in Taurus.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Pisces EA 25 Virgo MA con UR .84 Mon 03 Taurus ME 24 Libra UR sqr PL 1.34 Mer 06 Pisces VE 16 Pisces MA sqr PL 2.19 Ven 21 Pisces MA 7 Aries SA sex PL 2.88 Mar 02 Aries JU 20 Gemini VE sqr JU 3.81 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.85 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries ME trn JU 4.3 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA sqr JU 4.36 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .31 Mo Ma/Ju .21 Ve Me/Ur .08 Ur Mo/Ne .01 Ve Ur/Ne .45 Pl Ne/No .31 Mo Ju/Ur .16 Su Ju/Pl .09 Mo Su/Ju .57 Ve Me/Ur .42 Pl Ne/No .3 Ve Me/Ur .25 Ve Me/Ur .76 Su Ju/Pl .55 Su Ju/Pl .32 Pl Ne/No .29 Su Ju/Pl .78 Ve Ur/Ne .75 Ur Mo/Me .4 Ur Mo/Me 1.09 Me Mo/Pl .9 Ma Su/Ur 1.06 Ve Ur/Ne 1.05 Ma Su/Ur 1.18 Ma Mo/Ne .96 Pl Me/No 1.47 Ma Su/Ur 1.12 Ve Ur/Ne 1.35 The slowly waxing young Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 02:10 the Moon sextiles Mercury 06:40, himself turning direct on Sunday night (GMT).The Moon reaches crescent phase 14:52 10 Taurus Moon opposition Saturn 16:28 Moon trine Pluto 17:13 The Moon will, in 48 hours, pass between Jupiter and Aldebaran. Comet Panstarrs will shine in the west in Aries after Sunset. Beautiful visions.Saturday 16 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Pisces EA 26 Virgo MA con UR .24 Mon 15 Taurus ME 28 Libra UR sqr PL 1.34 Mer 06 Pisces VE 18 Pisces MA sqr PL 1.58 Ven 22 Pisces MA 8 Aries VE sqr JU 2.31 Mar 03 Aries JU 20 Gemini SA sex PL 2.85 Jup 09 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 3.87 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ju/Pl .14 Pl Ne/No .28 Pl Ne/No .28 Pl Ne/No .27 Pl Ne/No .29 Su Ju/Pl .37 Su Ju/Pl .6 Su Ju/Pl .83 Ve Me/Ur .58 Ve Me/Ur .91 Ve Me/Ur 1.23 Pl Me/No 1.27 Ma Su/Ur 1.24 Ma Su/Ur 1.31 Pl Me/No 1.29 Ma Su/Ur 1.43 Pl Me/No 1.36 Pl Me/No 1.32 Ma Su/Ur 1.37 Ve Me/Ur 1.55 Ur Mo/Ne 1.51 Ve Ur/Ne 1.95 Su Ve/Ma 2.07 Su Ve/Ma 2.08 Ve Ur/Ne 1.65 Su Ve/Ma 2.07 Ve Ur/Ne 2.25 Ve Ju/Pl 2.19 Yesterday the US unveiled plans to beef up missile defences on the West Coast to counter the threat from North Korea, after its third nuclear test last month.Today there is a significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMT 'I regard the 17th and 19th harmonics as inclining towards an abstract kind of thinking that incorporates Venusian as well as Mercurial
qualities, and the 19th harmonic appears to be a bit more Mercurial than the 17th harmonic, and the 17th harmonic more inclined to be active in theatre, especially acting. Both harmonics are inclined to literature and the humanities in general and they tend to incorporate different perspectives. The 19th harmonic especially appears to be inclined to utilize different perspectives.' The slowly waxing crescent Moon In Taurus is opposite her node 09:31 Moon sextile Venus 16:36 Venus quintile Pluto 20:02 Moon sextile Sun, becoming void 23:12Sunday 17 March 2013 Mars now 4 degrees from Uranus in Aries.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Pisces EA 27 Virgo MA con UR .37 Mon 27 Taurus ME 1 Scorpio VE sqr JU .81 Mer 06 Pisces VE 20 Pisces MA sqr PL .96 Ven 24 Pisces MA 9 Aries UR sqr PL 1.33 Mar 04 Aries JU 20 Gemini ME trn NE 1.93 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.83 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA trn NE 3.9 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .27 Pl Ne/No .26 Pl Ne/No .25 Pl Ne/No .25 Su Ju/Pl 1.06 Pl Me/No 1.23 Pl Me/No 1.21 Ve Mo/Pl .9 Pl Me/No 1.25 Su Ju/Pl 1.29 Ve Ju/Pl 1.31 Ve Ju/Pl 1.01 Ma Su/Ur 1.49 Ma Su/Ur 1.56 Su Ju/Pl 1.52 Pl Me/No 1.2 Ve Me/Ur 1.87 Ve Ju/Pl 1.6 Ma Su/Ur 1.62 Ma Su/Ur 1.68 Ve Ju/Pl 1.89 Su Ve/Ma 2.08 Ve Mo/Pl 2.07 Su Ju/Pl 1.75 Su Ve/Ma 2.08 Ve Me/Ur 2.18 Su Ve/Ma 2.09 Su Ve/Ma 2.09 The slowly waxing Moon enters Gemini 06:10, joining Jupiter in that sign and on a trajectory which passes between the giant Planet and Aldebaran tonight. Moon square Neptune 13:40 Moon sextile Mars 14:31 Moon square Mercury 17:31 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT 20:04 at 6 Pisces. Moon sextile Uranus 22:00
Monday 18 March 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Pisces EA 28 Virgo MA sqr PL .35 Mon 09 Gemini ME 4 Scorpio VE sqr JU .69 Mer 06 Pisces VE 21 Pisces MA con UR .98 Ven 25 Pisces MA 9 Aries ME trn NE 1.23 Mar 04 Aries JU 20 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.33 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio ME con SA 2.69 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA sex PL 2.8 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 3.92 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 2water 6Strong helio harmonic 20cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .24 Pl Ne/No .24 Su Mo/Pl .04 Ve Ju/Pl .16 Ve Mo/Pl .28 Ve Ju/Pl .43 Ve Ju/Pl .14 Pl Ne/No .23 Ve Ju/Pl .72 Pl Me/No 1.18 Pl Ne/No .23 Pl Me/No 1.18 Pl Me/No 1.19 Su Mo/Pl 1.19 Pl Me/No 1.18 Su Mo/Pl 1.27 Ma Su/Ur 1.74 Ve Mo/Pl 1.45 Ma Su/Ur 1.87 Ma Su/Ur 1.93 Su Ju/Pl 1.98 Ma Su/Ur 1.8 Su Ju/Pl 2.44 Su Ju/Pl 2.67 Su Ve/Ma 2.1 Su Ve/Ma 2.1 Ve Mo/Pl 2.62 The slow Moon close conjunction Jupiter 01:49 (2 degrees from exact). Sun quintile Jupiter 04:54 Mars biquintile Saturn 13:18 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 29 degrees Pisces today. There are 2 days to the Vernal Equinox. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 38 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 52 days. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune remain in Pisces, Mars and Uranus are now in Aries. Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Pisces. He enters Aries on April 14th. Venus is in Pisces and is on a chase of the Sun, and Mars. She enters Aries on March 22nd and reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 8 Aries on March 28th when she is also conjunct Uranus. Mars is storming through Aries Mars is conjunct Uranus in a flash fire conjunction at 8 Aries on March 22nd. Mars was last conjunct Uranus in Aries, astrology's 'red hot chilli pepper', on April 3rd 2011. Prior to that it occurred 4 times during the mid 1930's. The 2011 event coincided with violent events in Ivory Coast and in Pakistan. After this week's conjunction there will be 3 more in our lifetime before 2020. The conjunction on Friday at 8 Aries hits the natal Mars of Bilawal Zardari Bhutto, chairman of the Pakistan People's Party, the natal Jupiter of Ayatollah Khamanei, supreme leader of Iran, the natal Moon of Bill Gates, the natal Venus of Tony Benn, the natal Sun of Lady Gaga, and the natal Neptune of Sweden. Four days later on March 26th Mars sextiles Jupiter in a bold flutter. Mars squares Pluto in grievous trauma on March 27th. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 Aries in hot love on April 7th, and Mars is in conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 29th. Mars is on the far side of the Sun and furthest from the Earth at this time. When he is far away he is at his strongest! Mars finally leaves Aries for Taurus on April 20th. Jupiter is tightly applying in finger of God formation with Saturn sextile Pluto. This pattern peaks on March 25th. We are dealing here with transformation in all power structures everywhere. It will be interesting to observe where this planetary axe falls. Also Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn are also in similar formation. So then for the week ahead the Vernal Equinox is on Wednesday and Mars is conjunct Uranus at 18:18 GMT on Friday, THE TIGHTEST PLANETARY CONJUNCTION OF 2013. The days ahead and the equinox are coloured by the volatile energy of this conjunction. Comet PanSTARRS, for all the attention it's receiving, has turned out to be barely visible to the unaided eye, and only if you know exactly where to look. That would be low in twilight, due west or just a little to the right of due west now, about 45 minutes after sunset. This week the comet starts fading even as it gains a bit more altitude as seen from the world's mid-northern latitudes. Bring binoculars or, better, a low-power, wide-field telescope. Here are the comet's zodiac positions for the rest of March.
2013-Mar-19 14 ARI
2013-Mar-20 15 ARI
2013-Mar-21 16 ARI
2013-Mar-22 16 ARI
2013-Mar-23 17 ARI
2013-Mar-24 18 ARI
2013-Mar-25 18 ARI
2013-Mar-26 19 ARI
2013-Mar-27 20 ARI
2013-Mar-28 20 ARI
2013-Mar-29 21 ARI
2013-Mar-30 21 ARI
2013-Mar-31 22 ARITuesday 19 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Pisces EA 29 Virgo MA sqr PL .26 Mon 21 Gemini ME 7 Scorpio ME con SA .39 Mer 06 Pisces VE 23 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.32 Ven 26 Pisces MA 10 Aries MA con UR 1.58 Mar 05 Aries JU 21 Gemini VE sqr JU 2.2 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio ME sex PL 2.38 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA sex PL 2.78 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 3.95 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME trn NE 4.34 Plu 11 Capricorn No 20 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .22 Pl Ne/No .22 Pl Ne/No .21 Pl Ne/No .21 Ve Ju/Pl .45 Ve Ju/Pl .74 Ve Ju/Pl 1.03 Ma Mo/Pl .32 Pl Me/No 1.18 Pl Me/No 1.19 Pl Me/No 1.2 Pl Me/No 1.21 Ma Su/Ur 1.99 Ma Su/Ur 2.05 Ma Mo/Pl 1.6 Ve Ju/Pl 1.33 Su Ju/Pl 2.9 Ma Mo/Pl 2.89 Ma Su/Ur 2.11 Ma Su/Ur 2.18 Ur Mo/Pl 2.47 Cyprus citizens are in uproar regarding the proposed tax on savings. Transiting Pluto is conjunct Saturn next year in the Cyprus In dependance chart,(Aug 16th 1960 00:00), so the future does not look good and the present crisis may be 'just for starters'. The financial structure of the country may well undergo severe transformation. Currently transiting Jupiter is conjunct natal Mars, March 11th, and natal Moon, March 31st. Popular protest may win through in the short term. Today the Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from Earth 03:06 The Moon in Gemini squares Venus 12:19The Moon is at first quarter becoming void 17:28 The Moon enters Cancer 18:56Wednesday 20 March 2013 Vernal EquinoxGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Pisces EA 30 Virgo ME sex PL .67 Mon 02 Cancer ME 10 Scorpio MA sqr PL .87 Mer 06 Pisces VE 24 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.32 Ven 27 Pisces MA 11 Aries MA con UR 2.19 Mar 06 Aries JU 21 Gemini SA sex PL 2.75 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio ME con SA 3.42 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE sqr JU 3.7 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 3.97 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp VE 5.21 Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .2 Pl Ne/No .2 Pl Ne/No .19 Pl Ne/No .18 Ma Mo/Pl .97 Ur Mo/Pl .47 Pl Me/No 1.26 Pl Me/No 1.29 Ur Mo/Pl 1 Pl Me/No 1.24 Ur Mo/Pl 1.94 Su Ve/Ma 2.14 Pl Me/No 1.22 Ve Ju/Pl 1.91 Su Ve/Ma 2.13 Ma Su/Ur 2.42 Ve Ju/Pl 1.62 Ma Mo/Pl 2.27 Ve Ju/Pl 2.2 Ve Ju/Pl 2.49 Ma Su/Ur 2.24 Ma Su/Ur 2.3 Ma Su/Ur 2.36 Su Ve/Ur 2.86 Su Ve/Ur 2.94 Yesterday at least 48 people were killed and scores were injured in a series of bomb attacks in Baghdad on the 10th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq. Transiting Mars today is conjunct the natal MC in the Iraq Republic chart. Today the slow but accelerating Moon in Cancer trines Neptune 02:40 Moon trine Mercury 06:55 Moon waxing cardinal square Mars 07:33 The Sun enters Aries 11:03 Vernal equinox
The Moon in Cancer forms a cardinal T-square with Pluto and Uranus, trine Saturn 10:00 to 18:00. It is under this tense planetary situation that the Spring Equinox takes place. The Vernal Equinox occurs at 11:03 GMT today as the Sun crosses the equator and enters the sign Aries, joining Mars and Uranus in that sign. Spring starts in the northern hemisphere and Autumn starts in the south. Light and darkness are finely balanced everywhere. The Moon at this moment is embroiled in exact square to Uranus, square Mars and opposite Pluto, The Moon is also immersed in a watery grand trine and kite formation with Saturn and Mercury. This dynamic configuration confers an uneasy and serious complexion on the weeks ahead. At the equinox moment the Moon is rising as Pluto sets over the UK. Mercury culminates over northern Ireland and Neptune culminates over Eire and Portugal. It is high noon at Vienna, Uranus rises at Athens. Several planetary 'lines' criss cross over Libya, Chad and central Africa. It is also Moonrise at Harare. At New York the Sun and Venus are rising. At Bloomington Idaho Mercury and Neptune are exactly rising on the eastern horizon. Uranus significantly rises at Caracas. A double finger of God is manifest in the skies, Saturn sextile Pluto with the focus on Jupiter and Uranus sextile Jupiter with the focus on Saturn. This equinox is something to write home about. It is a serious omen of the important season ahead. One week from today we have the Full Moon in Libra. The days between today's equinox and this lunation may, with your permission, be called holy. Moon square Uranus 11:06 Venus quintile Jupiter 14:29 Moon trine Saturn 16:42 Moon opposition Pluto 18:03 becoming void.
Thursday 21 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Aries EA 1 Libra UR sqr PL 1.31 Mon 14 Cancer ME 13 Scorpio MA sqr PL 1.48 Mer 06 Pisces VE 26 Pisces SA sex PL 2.72 Ven 29 Pisces MA 11 Aries MA con UR 2.79 Mar 07 Aries JU 21 Gemini SA trn NE 4 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA opp VE 4.61 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .18 Pl Ne/No .17 Pl Ne/No .17 Pl Ne/No .16 Pl Me/No 1.31 Pl Me/No 1.34 Pl Me/No 1.37 Pl Me/No 1.41 Su Ve/Ma 2.14 Su Ve/Ma 2.15 Su Ve/Ma 2.15 Su Ve/Ma 2.15 Ma Su/Ur 2.49 Ma Su/Ur 2.55 Su Ve/Ur 2.6 Su Ve/Ur 2.52 Su Ve/Ur 2.77 Su Ve/Ur 2.69 Ma Su/Ur 2.61 Ma Su/Ur 2.67 Ve Ju/Pl 2.79 Pl Me/Sa 2.98 Pl Me/Sa 2.95 Pl Me/Sa 2.92 The Sun, Mars and Uranus are now in Aries. Things are 'hotting up'. Today the slowly accelerating first quarter Moon in Cancer, instinctive, moody and tenacious, is void of course all day and is trine her node 09:55. Mars is almost conjunct Uranus. This aspect dominates everything. Any pent up anger evident? The cauldron of cosmic energy is about to boil over.Friday 22 March 2013 Mars conjunct UranusGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Aries EA 2 Libra UR sqr PL 1.31 Mon 27 Cancer ME 16 Scorpio MA sqr PL 2.09 Mer 06 Pisces VE 28 Pisces SA sex PL 2.7 Ven 30 Pisces MA 12 Aries MA con UR 3.4 Mar 08 Aries JU 21 Gemini EA opp VE 4.02 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 4.02 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .16 Pl Ne/No .15 Pl Ne/No .15 Pl Ne/No .14 Pl Me/No 1.44 Pl Me/No 1.48 Pl Me/No 1.52 Pl Me/No 1.57 Su Ve/Ma 2.16 Su Ve/Ma 2.16 Su Ve/Ma 2.17 Su Ve/Ur 2.17 Su Ve/Ur 2.43 Su Ve/Ur 2.34 Su Ve/Ur 2.26 Su Ve/Ma 2.17 Ma Su/Ur 2.73 Ma Su/Ur 2.8 Pl Me/Sa 2.8 Pl Me/Sa 2.75 Pl Me/Sa 2.88 Pl Me/Sa 2.84 Ma Su/Ur 2.86 Ma Su/Ur 2.92 Ur Su/Ma 2.93 Yesterday Scottish first Minister Alex Salmond announced that the Scottish independence referendum will be held on 18 Sept 2014. It does not look likely to me that Scotland will vote for independence. The UK 1801 chart has major turbulence this year but the major astrological storms, i.e. Pluto conjunct UK Sun and IC, Neptune conjunct UK Pluto, Uranus square UK Sun, conjunct UK Descendant, are all over by the referendum date. I would imagine Scottish independence would show up clearly in the 1801 chart. It does not. My reservations are that Pluto starts to oppose UK Moon from 2018, and at this time I am uncertain as to when independence would commence if a 'yes vote' is recorded. I think independence would start before 2018 so this Pluto Moon opposition will correspond to other events. Also the New Moon just after referendum day is conjunct UK 12th house Uranus, sudden self undoing? and the Total Lunar Eclipse on Oct 8th which is conjunct UK 7th house natal node, exciting the UK 'relationship' to its core. Salmond has his Saturn return and Saturn trine natal Mars in Sept 2014, sure he has the Sun sextile natal Venus on the referendum day, sparkling up his demeanor but Pluto is conjunct his natal Mercury, and Saturn is conjunct his natal Venus before the end of the year. Dashed hopes for him I say. The referendum day itself chosen by Salmond is very low key. An old slow Moon in Cancer hangs high in the dawn skies, the mood that day being a practical need for safety and security. Let's stay United Kingdom.![]()
Today significant geocentric harmonic 3 occurs around 12:00-18:00 GMTVenus enters Aries 03:16 joining Uranus, Mars and the Sun in that sign and chasing them all. Venus resides in Aries for only 24 days. During this time she is conjunct the Sun, at superior conjunction, and Uranus, at 8 Aries on 28th and 29th March. Venus squares Pluto and sextiles Jupiter on March 31st. She overtakes Mars at 20 Aries on April 7th and then Venus enters Taurus on April 15th. Venus and Mars in Aries is passionate enough, add the Sun and Uranus into the mix and you have on your hands a thermonuclear situation. The 24 days ahead are astrologically white hot. We have urgent, flash-fire emotion. We have surges of love, hate, passion and lust. The Moon enters Leo 06:51 There are now 5 bodies in fire signs, an enterprising situation, after the watery nature of the last month or so. Moon trine Sun 10:41, a planetary trapezium is manifest involving the Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Pluto at this time. Mars conjunction Uranus 18:18 THE TIGHTEST PLANETARY CONJUNCTION OF 2013 Moon trine Uranus 22:39 Moon trine Mars 22:55 Uncompromising actions may well be evident today and tomorrow. Don't spare the horses, take no prisoners. The weekend ahead follows on in a similar vein. Saturday 23 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Aries EA 3 Libra UR sqr PL 1.3 Mon 09 Leo ME 19 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.67 Mer 07 Pisces VE 29 Pisces MA sqr PL 2.7 Ven 01 Aries MA 12 Aries EA opp VE 3.42 Mar 08 Aries JU 21 Gemini MA con UR 4 Jup 10 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 4.05 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .14 Pl Ne/No .13 Pl Ne/No .13 Pl Ne/No .12 Pl Me/No 1.62 Ju Mo/Ma .24 Ju Mo/Ur 1.13 Ju Su/Mo .23 Ju Mo/Ma 1.86 Ju Mo/Ur .41 Ju Mo/Ma 1.4 Ju Mo/Ve .4 Ju Mo/Ur 1.95 Pl Me/No 1.66 Ju Su/Mo 1.45 Pl Me/No 1.77 Su Ve/Ur 2.09 Su Ve/Ur 2 Pl Me/No 1.72 Su Ve/Ur 1.83 Su Ve/Ma 2.17 Su Ve/Ma 2.18 Su Ve/Ur 1.92 Ur Su/Ma 2.11 Pl Me/Sa 2.71 Ur Su/Ma 2.52 Ju Mo/Ve 2.11 Su Ve/Ma 2.19 Once again an acute astrological aspect, in yesterday's case Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries, has coincided with severe weather in the UK. The main world news focussed on the monetary crisis in Cyprus.3rdharmonic around 00:00 GMT. The 3rd harmonic chart set for London is shown below.
Today starts with a significant geocentricMoon sextile Jupiter 03:06 Moon square Saturn 03:29 becoming void and remaining that way for 36 hours.
The Moon reaches gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 17:57 Moon square her node 19:50 Under the beams of the void of course Leo Moon indolence reigns supreme.Sunday 24 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Aries EA 4 Libra UR sqr PL 1.3 Mon 21 Leo ME 22 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.64 Mer 07 Pisces VE 1 Aries EA opp VE 2.82 Ven 02 Aries MA 13 Aries MA sqr PL 3.31 Mar 09 Aries JU 21 Gemini SA trn NE 4.08 Jup 11 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio MA con UR 4.6 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA opp UR 4.93 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .12 Pl Ne/No .11 Pl Ne/No .11 Pl Ne/No .1 Ju Mo/Ve 1.31 Mo Ju/Sa .92 Ur Su/Ma 1.49 Mo Ju/No 1.22 Su Ve/Ur 1.75 Su Ve/Ur 1.66 Su Ve/Ur 1.58 Ur Su/Ma 1.28 Pl Me/No 1.83 Ur Su/Ma 1.7 Pl Me/No 1.95 Su Ve/Ur 1.49 Ur Su/Ma 1.9 Pl Me/No 1.89 Ur Ve/Ma 2.02 Ur Ve/Ma 1.79 Ju Su/Mo 1.91 Su Ve/Ma 2.19 Mo Ju/No 2.02 Pl Me/No 2.01 Su Ve/Ma 2.19 Ur Ve/Ma 2.26 Su Ve/Ma 2.2 Su Ve/Ma 2.2Lazy Sunday morning as the void of course Moon basks in Leo... Jupiter quinquncx Saturn 02:52. This 150 degree waning aspect precedes their 'Great Conjunction' of 2020. The accelerating gibbous waxing Moon enters Virgo 15:50, look busy.Significant geocentric harmonic 5 around 16:00 GMT Moon opposition Neptune 23:09Monday 25 March 2013Jupiter is really tightly in 'finger of fate' pattern with Saturn and Pluto. We are now into the last week of March which promises to be astrologically very eventful with a a double 'finger of God' punching out a strong destiny today and tomorrow, a difficult Full Moon on Wednesday, a triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Uranus on Thursday, and strong 12th harmonics rippling out on Friday and Saturday. Fasten your safety belts. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Aries EA 5 Libra UR sqr PL 1.29 Mon 04 Virgo ME 25 Scorpio EA opp VE 2.22 Mer 08 Pisces VE 2 Aries SA sex PL 2.62 Ven 04 Aries MA 14 Aries MA sqr PL 3.91 Mar 10 Aries JU 21 Gemini EA opp UR 3.95 Jup 11 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio SA trn NE 4.1 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries MA con UR 5.21 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 19 Scorpio
fire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .1 Pl Ne/No .09 Pl Ne/No .09 Pl Ne/No .08 Ur Su/Ma 1.08 Ur Su/Ma .87 Ur Su/Ma .67 Ur Su/Ma .46 Su Ve/Ur 1.41 Sa Mo/Pl .92 Sa Mo/Pl .75 Ur Ve/Ma .84 Ur Ve/Ma 1.55 Ur Ve/Ma 1.31 Ur Ve/Ma 1.07 Su Ve/Ur 1.15 Pl Me/No 2.07 Su Ve/Ur 1.32 Su Ve/Ur 1.24 Pl Me/Sa 2.04 Su Ve/Ma 2.21 Pl Me/No 2.14 Pl Me/Sa 2.11 Su Ve/Ma 2.22 Pl Me/Sa 2.25 Pl Me/Sa 2.18 Pl Me/No 2.21 Pl Me/No 2.28Significant geocentric harmonic 12 around 00:00 to 12 00 GMTSun biquintile Saturn 01:18 The waxing gibbous accelerating Moon in Virgo is in mutable T-square with Mercury and Jupiter 06:00 to 12:00 Moon opposition Mercury 06:39 Moon sextile Saturn 11:02 Moon square Jupiter 11:32 Moon trine Pluto becoming void 12:47 Venus waxing biquintile Saturn 18:27 Mars waxing quinquncx Saturn 20:34 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 6 degrees Aires today. There are 84 days to the Solstice. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 31 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 45 days. The Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus are now in Aries. Mercury,and Neptune remain in Pisces, Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Pisces. After recent retrograde motion Mercury is back up to apparent speed greater than a degree per day on April 1st and he enters 'new territory' on April 5th. He enters Aries on April 14th and he next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Venus is in Aires and is on a chase of the Sun, and Mars. She reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 8 Aries on March 28th when she is also conjunct Uranus at 8 Aries on 28th and 29th March. Then as a morning star Venus squares Pluto and sextiles Jupiter on March 31st. She overtakes Mars at 20 Aries on April 7th and then Venus enters Taurus on April 15th. Mars is storming through Aries. Tomorrow Mars sextiles Jupiter. Mars squares Pluto in grievous trauma on Wednesday, the day of the Full Moon. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 Aries in hot love on April 7th, and Mars is in conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 29th. Mars is on the far side of the Sun and furthest from the Earth at this time. When he is far away he is at his strongest! Mars finally leaves Aries for Taurus on April 20th. Jupiter is tight in finger of God formation with Saturn sextile Pluto. This pattern peaks today. We are dealing here with transformation in all power structures everywhere. Also Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn are in similar formation. Comet PANSTARRS over Stonehenge Comet Pan-STARRS is receding from the sun and dimming as it goes,
yet sky watchers are seeing it better than ever as it moves into
darker skies. The comet's brightness is magnitude +1.9, a factor
of five fainter than five days earlier. However, thanks to
the increasing altitude of the comet in a somewhat darker sky, it is
still just as easy to see with the naked eye. Here are Panstarrs zodiac positions for the rest of March.
2013-Mar-25 18 ARI
2013-Mar-26 19 ARI
2013-Mar-27 20 ARI
2013-Mar-28 20 ARI
2013-Mar-29 21 ARI
2013-Mar-30 21 ARI
2013-Mar-31 22 ARITuesday 26 March 2013Strange planetary symmetry in the skies. A double 'finger of fate'. Acute destiny. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Aries EA 5 Libra UR sqr PL 1.29 Mon 18 Virgo ME 28 Scorpio EA opp VE 1.62 Mer 09 Pisces VE 4 Aries SA sex PL 2.59 Ven 05 Aries MA 14 Aries EA opp UR 2.97 Mar 11 Aries JU 21 Gemini SA trn NE 4.13 Jup 11 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA sqr PL 4.25 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 8 Aries VE con UR 4.59 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .08 Ur Su/Ma .05 Pl Ne/No .07 Pl Ne/No .07 Ur Su/Ma .26 Pl Ne/No .08 Ur Ve/Ma .13 Ur Ve/Ma .11 Ur Ve/Ma .6 Ur Ve/Ma .36 Ur Su/Ma .16 Ur Su/Ma .36 Su Ve/Ur 1.07 Su Ve/Ur .98 Su Ve/Ur .9 No Mo/Pl .63 Pl Me/Sa 1.96 Pl Me/Sa 1.89 No Mo/Pl 1.09 Su Ve/Ur .81 Ve Su/Ur 2.1 Ve Su/Ur 1.92 Ve Su/Ur 1.74 Ve Su/Ur 1.56 Su Ve/Ma 2.22 Su Ve/Ma 2.23 Pl Me/Sa 1.81 Pl Me/Sa 1.73 The 'double finger of fate' with accompanying potent astrological aspects and an approaching potentially traumatic Full Moon is coinciding with financial uncertainty in Europe, severe weather in the UK and sectarian violence in Burma. Yesterday European and US stock markets reversed early gains and headed lower, despite the agreement of a bailout deal for Cyprus.Mosques and houses were ransacked in central Burma, the latest in a series of incidents since sectarian violence which have broken out in Meiktila town. Britons tell of their struggles to cope in the unseasonably cold weather after snow hit the UK, leaving thousands of homes without power. The Full Moon is almost upon us. Mars is about to square Pluto. The accelerating gibbous Moon, void of course in Virgo, sextiles her node 02:26 harmonic 11 around 06:00 GMT Mars sextiles Jupiter 10:28 very much a ' go get it' vibration. The Moon enters Libra 21:32, and the Full Moon wave breaks on our shores, with rushes and swirls.
Significant geocentricWednesday 27 March 2013 Full Moon in Libra square Pluto trine Jupiter. MARS is SQUARE PLUTO.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Aries EA 6 Libra EA opp VE 1.02 Mon 01 Libra ME 1 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.28 Mer 09 Pisces VE 5 Aries EA opp UR 1.99 Ven 06 Aries MA 15 Aries ME sqr NE 2.36 Mar 11 Aries JU 21 Gemini SA sex PL 2.57 Jup 11 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio VE con UR 3.01 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA sqr PL 3.27 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 4.15 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sqr PL 4.29 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 2water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .06 Pl Ne/No .06 Pl Ne/No .05 Pl Ne/No .05 Ur Ve/Ma .35 Ur Ve/Ma .59 Su Ve/Ur .56 Su Ve/Ur .47 Ur Su/Ma .57 Su Ve/Ur .64 Ur Ve/Ma .82 Ve Su/Ur .84 Su Ve/Ur .73 Ur Su/Ma .77 Ur Su/Ma .98 Ur Ve/Ma 1.06 Ve Su/Ur 1.38 Ve Su/Ur 1.2 Ve Su/Ur 1.02 Ur Su/Ma 1.18 Pl Me/Sa 1.65 Pl Me/Sa 1.57 Pl Me/Sa 1.48 Ur Su/Ve 1.31 Ur Su/Ve 2.11 Ur Su/Ve 1.84 Ur Su/Ve 1.58 Pl Me/Sa 1.39Mars square Pluto 03:48 Moon opposition Venus 08:50 FULL MOON 09:28 Wake up to the Full Moon they are all talking about! Today's Full Moon is especially poignant because it occurs as Mars squares Pluto, a thunderously violent combo, and as Jupiter receives the 'finger of God' configuration of Saturn and Pluto, a formation that has been building for months, the gibbous Moon makes hard and difficult aspects to Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Venus. This Moon is also trine Jupiter. It all serves to rachet up everything by several notches. Today's Full Moon is the 4th Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Nov 28th 2012 and the Ultimate Full Moon before the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on April 25th 2013. With its passing we once again enter the foothills of another eclipse season. At the moment of Full Moon this morning (09:28 GMT), the Sun, Venus and Uranus culminate over Syria, the Moon is at lower culmina ion there. Mars culminates at Baghdad. Mercury culminates at Prague, Neptune at Stuttgart and Bremen. The Moon is also 'under' Moscow. Pluto rises midway between San Francisco and L.A. Today's Full Moon directly hits the natal Venus of David Cameron, the Mars Neptune conjunction in Bill Clinton's chart, the UK ascendant, the Syrian Neptune and natal Mercury in the Libyan chart. The planets are full of Cardinal and Fiery energy. Heads will fall. God will call.
Ripples of 12th, 6th and 4th harmonics manifest around 12:00 GMT. Strong geocentric harmonic 12 around 18:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 4 around 18:00 GMTAfter the Full Moon climax the ailing Moon opposes Uranus 12:06 The Moon air trines Jupiter 16:51 The Moon squares Pluto 17:28 And finally the Moon opposes Mars becoming void 18:16. Rather too much.Thursday 28 March 2013 Conjunction of the Sun,Venus and Uranus 8 Aries. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Aries EA 7 Libra EA opp VE .42 Mon 15 Libra ME 3 Sagittarius ME sqr NE .42 Mer 10 Pisces VE 7 Aries EA opp UR 1.01 Ven 07 Aries MA 15 Aries UR sqr PL 1.28 Mar 12 Aries JU 21 Gemini VE con UR 1.42 Jup 11 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA sqr PL 2.29 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries SA sex PL 2.54 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE sqr PL 2.7 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME trn VE 3.59 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 2water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .04 Pl Ne/No .04 Pl Ne/No .03 Pl Ne/No .03 Pl Su/Mo .12 Su Ve/Ur .3 Su Ve/Ur .22 Ve Su/Ur .12 Pl Mo/Ve .21 Ve Su/Ur .48 Ve Su/Ur .3 Su Ve/Ur .13 Pl Mo/Ur .36 Ur Su/Ve .78 Ur Su/Ve .52 Ur Su/Ve .25 Su Ve/Ur .39 Pl Me/Sa 1.21 Pl Me/Sa 1.12 Pl Me/Sa 1.03 Ve Su/Ur .66 Ur Ve/Ma 1.53 Ur Ve/Ma 1.77 Ur Su/Ma 2 Ur Su/Ve 1.05 Ur Su/Ma 1.59 Ur Su/Ma 1.8 Ur Ve/Ma 2.01 At the time of writing no world event appears to have occurred of the serious magnitude expected with the Full Moon. In the UK the most 'brutal' event in keeping with Mars square Pluto was the savaging of a teenager in Manchester by 4 or 5 vicious dogs, some 12 hours before the aspect peaked. World news yesterday reported a severe plague of locusts had infested about half of Madagascar, threatening crops and raising concerns about food shortages. We are today in the wake of yesterday's Full Moon. An set of unusual planetary conditions exist. The Earth, the Sun, Venus and Uranus are aligned in the solar system in wide square to Pluto. I still feel there is more to follow. Geocentrically Mercury is in 'sensible' trine to Saturn.Strong geocentric harmonic 17 around 06:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 11 around 12:00 GMT The 'hung over' and sorrowful Moon is void of course in Libra all day today. Mercury water trine Saturn 09:49 Venus Superior Conjunction Sun 17:06 Venus conjunction Uranus 23:02 0.66 DEGREE ORB VERY TIGHT
Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK,
of star Psi Virgo, a red giant, 00:57 to 01:59.
Friday 29 March 2013 Good Friday. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Aries EA 8 Libra EA opp UR .03 Mon 29 Libra ME 6 Sagittarius VE con UR .16 Mer 11 Pisces VE 9 Aries EA opp VE .19 Ven 09 Aries MA 16 Aries VE sqr PL 1.11 Mar 13 Aries JU 21 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.27 Jup 11 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA sqr PL 1.3 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 8 Aries EA sex ME 2.22 Ura 08 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME trn UR 2.26 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME trn VE 2.41 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpio
fire 41 earth air 2water 4Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3active now. positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Su/Ve .01 Pl Ne/No .02 Pl Ne/No .02 Pl Ne/No .01 Pl Ne/No .02 Su Ve/Ur .04 Su Ve/Ur .12 Su Ve/Ur .2 Su Ve/Ur .05 Ve Su/Ur .24 Ve Su/Ur .42 Ve Su/Ur .6 Ve Su/Ur .06 Ur Su/Ve .28 Ur Su/Ve .54 Pl Me/Sa .63 Pl Me/Sa .93 Sa Mo/No .68 Pl Me/Sa .73 Pl Mo/Me .7 Sa Mo/No 1.11 Pl Me/Sa .83 Ve Ma/Ur 1.76 Ur Su/Ve .81 Ve Su/Ma 2.16 Ve Ma/Ur 1.97 Su Ma/Ur 1.96 Ve Ma/Ur 1.55Significant geocentric harmonic 3 around 12:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 17 around 18:00 GMTVery strong geocentric harmonic 12 around 18:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 3 around 18:00 GMT Sun conjunction Uranus 00:39 The accelerating waning fullish Moon enters Scorpio 00:55 Mars biquintile the lunar node 01:49 Moon water trines Neptune 07:52 Mercury square Jupiter 16:56 Moon conjunction Saturn 18:14 Mercury sextile Pluto 18:35 Moon sextile Pluto 20:19 Moon trine Mercury 20:26 becoming voidSaturday 30 March 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Aries EA 9 Libra EA sqr PL .32 Mon 14 Scorpio ME 9 Sagittarius EA sex ME .45 Mer 12 Pisces VE 10 Aries VE sqr PL .47 Ven 10 Aries MA 17 Aries ME trn UR .49 Mar 14 Aries JU 22 Gemini EA opp VE .79 Jup 12 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA opp UR .95 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME trn VE 1.25 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.27 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE con UR 1.74 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 1water 5Significant helio harmonic 12cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .01 Pl Ne/No 0 Pl Ne/No 0 Pl Ne/No .01 Su Ve/Ur .29 Su Ve/Ur .37 Pl Me/Sa .32 Pl Me/Sa .21 Pl Me/Sa .53 Pl Me/Sa .43 Su Ve/Ur .46 Su Ve/Ur .54 Ve Su/Ur .78 Pl Mo/Ne .8 Ve Ma/Ur .93 Ve Ma/Ur .72 Mo Sa/No .88 Ve Su/Ur .96 Pl Mo/Ne .99 Su Ma/Ur 1.24 Ur Su/Ve 1.07 Ve Ma/Ur 1.14 Ve Su/Ur 1.14 Ve Su/Ur 1.32 Pl Mo/Me 1.2 Ur Su/Ve 1.33 Su Ma/Ur 1.38 Ve Su/Ma 1.52 Yesterday Russia warned that the North Korea issue could spiral out of control, after Pyongyang announced it will "settle accounts" with the US and puts missile units on stand-by. North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un reportedly approves a plan to prepare rockets to hit U.S.and South Korean targets. China's foreign minister urged an end to tension in the Korean peninsula Astrologically tensions have been generally very high over the past few days. This weekend continues in the same vein but pressures subside somewhat as April begins. There is a small but non-negligible chance that Comet 2013 A1 will strike Mars next year in October of 2014, Current solutions put the odds of impact at 1 in 2000. Strong geocentric harmonic 12 around 00:00 GMT The Moon is void all day in Scorpio.Pluto is on the Neptune/Lunar node midpoint, a planetary combination that has been building up for many weeks. It symbolises the breakdown of relationships. By coincidence Pluto is also on the Mercury/Saturn midpoint as the day ends, revealing special problems . Jupiter waxing quinquncx Pluto 02:18 The rapidly waning void Moon conjuncts her node 08:41 Venus quinquncx Saturn 09:15 Significant geocentric harmonic 12 around 06:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 12 around 12:00 GMT Sun quinquncx Saturn 18:59Moon reaches disseminating phase 19:17Sunday 31 March 2013 Easter Sunday Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Aries EA 10 Libra ME trn VE .09 Mon 28 Scorpio ME 12 Sagittarius EA sqr PL .66 Mer 13 Pisces VE 12 Aries UR sqr PL 1.26 Ven 11 Aries MA 17 Aries EA sex ME 1.31 Mar 14 Aries JU 22 Gemini EA opp VE 1.4 Jup 12 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA opp UR 1.92 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sqr PL 2.06 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA sex PL 2.46 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME trn UR 3.23 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpio
fire 41 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .01 Pl Ne/No .01 Pl Ne/No .02 Pl Ne/No .02 Pl Me/Sa .1 Pl Me/Sa .01 Ve Ma/Ur .1 Ve Ma/Ur .11 No Mo/Sa .26 Ve Ma/Ur .3 Pl Me/Sa .12 Pl Me/Sa .23 Ve Ma/Ur .51 Su Ve/Ur .71 Su Ve/Ur .8 Su Ma/Ur .66 Su Ve/Ur .63 Su Ma/Ur .95 Su Ma/Ur .81 Su Ve/Ur .88 Su Ma/Ur 1.09 Ve Su/Ma 1.34 Ve Su/Ma 1.25 Ve Su/Ma 1.16 Ve Su/Ma 1.43 Ve Su/Ur 1.68 Ve Su/Ur 1.86 Ve Su/Ur 2.04 The Sun and Venus are square Pluto and sextile Jupiter. The day ahead is full of will, intention and purpose. The very rapidly waning Moon enters Sagittarius 03:14Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK, Lambda Librae is a blue main-sequence star in the constellation Libra. At 364 light years away, it shines at an apparent visual magnitude of 5.04. Blue stars are astrologically favorable.
of star Lambda Libra, 03:42 to 04:40Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 03:48 Venus square Pluto 10:13 Moon square Neptune 10:16 Venus sextile Jupiter 14:50 Moon trine Uranus 17:42Significant geocentric harmonics 3 6 and 12 around 18:00 GMT Moon trine Sun 22:15 Moon opposition Jupiter 23:04 eased by the Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mars. Moon trine Venus 23:45 Very strong sixth harmonic as the day ends.
Monday 1 April 2013After recent retrograde motion Mercury is now back up to apparent speed greater than a degree per day. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Aries EA 11 Libra ME trn VE 1.07 Mon 12 Sagittarius ME 14 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.26 Mer 14 Pisces VE 13 Aries EA sqr PL 1.64 Ven 12 Aries MA 18 Aries EA opp VE 2 Mar 15 Aries JU 22 Gemini SA sex PL 2.44 Jup 12 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA opp UR 2.9 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA sex ME 3.07 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME trn MA 3.43 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sqr PL 3.65 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .03 Pl Ne/No .03 Pl Ne/No .04 Pl Ne/No .04 Ve Ma/Ur .32 Me Mo/Ju .04 Su Ma/Ur .23 Su Ma/Ur .09 Pl Me/Sa .35 Su Ma/Ur .37 Pl Me/Sa .58 Pl Me/Sa .7 Su Ma/Ur .52 Pl Me/Sa .46 Ve Ma/Ur .73 Ve Su/Ma .79 Su Ve/Ur .96 Ve Ma/Ur .53 Ve Su/Ma .88 Ve Ma/Ur .94 Ve Su/Ma 1.07 Mo Pl/No .79 Su Ve/Ur 1.13 Su Ve/Ur 1.22 Me Mo/Ju 1.52 Ve Su/Ma .97 Me Mo/Ju 1.6 Su Ve/Ma 2.33 The DAZE computer is alerting me to the continuing strength of
geocentric 3, 6 and 12 planetary harmonics. You will notice the
number of planets at 9, 10 ,11, 12 14 and 15 degrees of the signs,
which are giving rise to this phenomenon. Strangely over Easter news wires were pretty quiet. The 6th harmonic I have always associated with 'rhythmic activity'. It has been business as usual. Nothing too untoward.
Significant geocentric harmonic 12 around 00:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 6 around 00:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 3 around 00:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 6 around 06:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 3 around 06:00 GMT The rapidly waning disseminating Moon in Sagittarius squares Mercury 02:14 The Sun squares Pluto 03:06 Moon fire trine Mars becoming void 05:01 and remaining that way for 24 hours. Venus biquintile the lunar node 10:36 Sun sextile Jupiter 12:25 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 12 degrees Aires today. There are 78 days to the Solstice. We are in the foothills of an eclipse season there is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 24 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 38 days. The Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus are in Aries. Mercury,and Neptune remain in Pisces, Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Pisces. After recent retrograde motion Mercury is now back up to apparent speed greater than a degree per day. He enters 'new territory' on April 5th. He enters Aries on April 14th and he next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Venus is in Aires. She is only 3 degrees from Mars and she overtakes him at 20 Aries on April 7th and then she enters Taurus on April 15th. Mars is storming through Aries. Venus is conjunct Mars at 20 Aries on April 7th, and Mars is in conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 29th. Mars is on the far side of the Sun and furthest from the Earth at this time. When he is far away he is at his strongest! Mars finally leaves Aries for Taurus on April 20th. The next astrological event then is the conjunction of Venus and Mars next Sunday.Tuesday 2 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Aries EA 12 Libra UR sqr PL 1.25 Mon 27 Sagittarius ME 17 Sagittarius ME trn MA 1.3 Mer 15 Pisces VE 15 Aries ME trn VE 2.22 Ven 14 Aries MA 19 Aries SA sex PL 2.41 Mar 16 Aries JU 22 Gemini EA opp VE 2.61 Jup 12 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio EA sqr PL 2.62 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA sex JU 3.23 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE con MA 3.51 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp UR 3.87 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .04 Pl Ne/No .05 Pl Ne/No .05 Pl Ne/No .06 Su Ma/Ur .06 Su Ma/Ur .2 Su Ma/Ur .34 Mo Sa/Ne .17 Ve Su/Ma .7 Ve Su/Ma .61 Ve Su/Ma .52 Ve Su/Ma .42 Pl Me/Sa .82 Pl Me/Sa .94 Pl Me/Sa 1.07 Su Ma/Ur .49 Ve Ma/Ur 1.15 Ve Ma/Ur 1.36 Su Ve/Ur 1.47 Pl Me/Sa 1.19 Su Ve/Ur 1.3 Su Ve/Ur 1.39 Ve Ma/Ur 1.56 Su Ve/Ur 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 2.34 Su Ve/Ma 2.34 Su Ve/Ma 2.34 Ve Ma/Ur 1.77 The rapidly disseminating Moon enters Capricorn 05:36, joining Pluto in that sign. Over the next couple of days the Moon will make repeated square aspects to the stellium of planets in Aries. It's certainly a tough time. The Aries Sun biquintiles the lunar node heralding an impending eclipse season 08:30 Moon sextile Neptune 12:49 Moon square Uranus 20:26 Moon sextile Saturn 22:36 Venus is closing on Mars 2 degrees of zodiac longitude separate them in Aries. A passionate time, be it love or hate. Actually Mars is the stronger at the moment. As today ends the Moon approaches an occultation of Pluto focussed on the Middle East and central Asia.Wednesday 3 April 2013All times GMT. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Aries EA 13 Libra ME trn MA .84 Mon 11 Capricorn ME 20 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.24 Mer 16 Pisces VE 17 Aries ME opp JU 1.87 Ven 15 Aries MA 19 Aries SA sex PL 2.38 Mar 17 Aries JU 22 Gemini VE con MA 2.52 Jup 12 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio MA sex JU 2.71 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp VE 3.22 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME trn VE 3.37 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA sqr PL 3.6 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .06 Pl Ne/No .06 Pl Ne/No .07 Ve Su/Ma .06 Ve Su/Ma .33 Ve Su/Ma .24 Ve Su/Ma .15 Pl Ne/No .07 Su Ma/Ur .63 Su Ma/Ur .78 Mo Me/No .43 Ne Mo/Ma .08 Mo Ne/No .64 Mo Me/Sa 1.39 Su Ma/Ur .92 Ne Mo/Ve .75 Pl Me/Sa 1.32 Pl Me/Sa 1.44 Pl Me/Sa 1.57 Su Ma/Ur 1.06 Su Ve/Ur 1.64 Su Ve/Ur 1.72 Ne Mo/Ma 1.77 Ne Su/Mo 1.52 Ve Ma/Ur 1.98 Ve Ma/Ur 2.19 Su Ve/Ur 1.81 Pl Me/Sa 1.7 Moon conjunction Pluto 01:11, observable as an occultation from the area on the map below.![]()
Moon at last quarter 04:38 Moon square Venus 07:14 Moon sextile Mercury 08:58 Moon square Mars becoming void 10:36 and remaining that way for 22 hours. Moon sextile her node 13:20Thursday 4 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Aries EA 14 Libra ME opp JU .8 Mon 25 Capricorn ME 23 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.24 Mer 17 Pisces VE 18 Aries VE con MA 1.53 Ven 16 Aries MA 20 Aries MA sex JU 2.19 Mar 18 Aries JU 22 Gemini SA sex PL 2.36 Jup 12 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio ME trn MA 2.99 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp VE 3.83 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 4.36 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp MA 5.36 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ma .03 Pl Ne/No .08 Pl Ne/No .08 Ur Mo/Ju .06 Pl Ne/No .08 Ve Su/Ma .13 Mo Su/No .15 Pl Ne/No .09 Ne Su/Mo .35 Mo Ve/Sa .3 Ve Su/Ma .22 Ve Su/Ma .31 Mo Sa/Ur .53 Mo Ur/No .33 Mo Ve/No .71 Su Ma/Ur 1.64 Ne Mo/Ve 1.15 Mo Ma/Sa .41 Ne Mo/Ur 1.06 Mo Ma/No 2.03 Su Ma/Ur 1.21 Ne Mo/Ur .68 Mo Ma/No 1.36 Ma Su/Ve 2.07 Pl Me/Sa 1.83 Mo Su/Sa 1.14 Su Ma/Ur 1.5 Pl Me/Sa 2.23Significant geocentric harmonic 17 around 18:00 GMT The decelerating, 'past last quarter' Moon enters Aquarius 08:43 The only move she has today is a long application to a Uranus sextile. Clear and cool but 'fifty fifty fire and ice'. Venus is a degree from Mars in Aries, and closing. Hot thing.Friday 5 April 2013After recent retrograde motion Mercury enters 'new territory' today. Venus is almost conjunct Mars. Because of a rare planetary geometry, Venus and Mars are conjunct from both Helio and Geo perspectives We are into new adventures with new horizons. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Aries EA 15 Libra VE con MA .54 Mon 09 Aquarius ME 25 Sagittarius UR sqr PL 1.23 Mer 18 Pisces VE 20 Aries MA sex JU 1.67 Ven 17 Aries MA 20 Aries VE sex JU 2.22 Mar 18 Aries JU 22 Gemini SA sex PL 2.33 Jup 13 Gemini SA 7 Scorpio ME opp JU 3.47 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries SA trn NE 4.38 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp VE 4.44 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp MA 4.98 Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .09 Pl Ne/No .1 Pl Ne/No .1 Pl Ne/No .1 Ve Su/Ma .4 Ve Su/Ma .49 Ve Su/Ma .58 Me Mo/Ma .16 Mo Ne/Pl .9 Ma Su/Ve 1.9 Mo Me/Pl .69 Su Mo/Ju .18 Su Ma/Ur 1.78 Su Ma/Ur 1.93 Me Mo/Ma 1.35 Me Mo/Ve .19 Ur Mo/Ju 1.8 Su Ve/Ma 2.39 Su Mo/Ju 1.68 Ne Mo/Me .34 Ma Su/Ve 1.99 Su Ve/Ur 2.4 Me Mo/Ve 1.76 Ve Su/Ma .68 Su Ve/Ur 2.31 Pl Me/Sa 2.51 Ma Su/Ve 1.81 Me Su/Mo 1.21 Moon sextile Uranus 00:03 Moon square Saturn 01:49 Moon trine Jupiter 06:27 Mars quinquncx Node 09:57 The Moon sextiles the stellium in Aries this afternoon (GMT). Moon sextile Sun 12:12 Mercury trine Node 12:37 Moon sextile Venus 16:01 Moon square Node 16:56 Moon sextile Mars becoming void 17:23 The weekend ahead is dominated by Venus conjunct Mars in Aries. This is quite rare. There have only been 3 of these since 1950. It last occurred on Feb 27th 1985, there was an IRA mortar attack the following day on the RUC. Before that it occurred on April 5th 1981, 6 days before the Brixton riots in the UK, before that in May 1977, nothing much happened then. It occurs again on Feb 22nd 2015 at 1 Aries and then we have to wait till 2045.Saturday 6 April 2013Comet PANSTARRS on the evening of April 6, 2013. This view is to the east that evening. The oval near the comet is the Andromeda galaxy. Chart via Dave Eagle at Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Aries EA 16 Libra VE con MA .45 Mon 23 Aquarius ME 28 Sagittarius VE sex JU .71 Mer 19 Pisces VE 21 Aries MA sex JU 1.15 Ven 18 Aries MA 21 Aries UR sqr PL 1.23 Mar 19 Aries JU 22 Gemini SA sex PL 2.31 Jup 13 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio SA trn NE 4.41 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp MA 4.6 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp VE 5.05 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpio
fire 41 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .11 Pl Ne/No .11 Pl Ne/No .11 Pl Ne/No .12 Me Su/Mo .32 Ma Mo/Ju .15 Mo Su/Pl .21 Me Mo/Ur .83 Ve Su/Ma .77 Ve Mo/Ju .61 Me Mo/Ur .57 Pl Mo/No .91 Ve Mo/Ju .81 Mo Ur/Pl .76 Mo Ve/Pl .91 Ve Su/Ma 1.04 Su Mo/Ju 1.3 Ve Su/Ma .86 Ve Su/Ma .95 Ma Su/Ve 1.37 Me Mo/Ve 1.38 Ma Su/Ve 1.55 Mo Ma/Pl 1.08 Me Ur/Ne 1.62 Ma Mo/Ju 1.39 Me Su/Mo 1.85 Ma Su/Ve 1.46 Mo Ma/Pl 2.21Significant geocentric harmonic 13 around 00:00 GMT Venus quinquncx the lunar node 01:53 Mars waxing semi-square Neptune 10:42 The decelerating Moon enters Pisces 13:01Moon reaches her balsamic phase 16:37 Venus waxing semi-square Neptune 17:56 Moon conjunction Neptune 20:49Sunday 7 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Aries EA 17 Libra MA sex JU .64 Mon 06 Pisces ME 1 Capricorn VE sex JU .8 Mer 20 Pisces VE 23 Aries UR sqr PL 1.22 Ven 20 Aries MA 22 Aries VE con MA 1.44 Mar 20 Aries JU 22 Gemini ME sex NE 2.05 Jup 13 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.28 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp MA 4.22 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces SA trn NE 4.43 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 19 Scorpio
fire 41 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .12 Pl Ne/No .12 Pl Ne/No .13 Pl Ne/No .13 Pl Mo/No .77 Me Ur/Ne 1.02 Mo Me/Ne .19 Me Ur/Ne .42 Ve Su/Ma 1.14 Ma Su/Ve 1.2 Pl Mo/Sa .26 Ma Su/Ve 1.02 Ma Su/Ve 1.28 Ve Su/Ma 1.23 Me Ur/Ne .72 Pl Mo/Sa 1.39 Me Ur/Ne 1.32 Pl Mo/Sa 1.93 Ma Su/Ve 1.11 Ve Su/Ma 1.41 Me Mo/Ur 2.21 Su Ve/Ma 2.42 Ve Su/Ma 1.32 Su Ve/Ma 2.43 Su Ve/Ma 2.42 Pl Mo/No 2.44 Su Ve/Ma 2.43 Venus conjunction Mars 04:59 at 20 Aries (0.64 DEGREE ORB) This is quite rare. There have only been 3 of these since 1950. It last occurred on Feb 27th 1985, there was an IRA mortar attack the following day on the RUC. Before that it occurred on April 5th 1981, 6 days before the Brixton riots in the UK, before that in May 1977, nothing much happened then. It occurs again on Feb 22nd 2015 at 1 Aries and then we have to wait till 2045. The decelerating balsamic Moon in Pisces water trines Saturn 06:22 Moon sextile Pluto 09:39 Moon square Jupiter 12:07 Moon trine her node 22:02 The next astrological event is the New Moon in Aries on Wednesday.Monday 8 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Aries EA 18 Libra MA sex JU .12 Mon 20 Pisces ME 4 Capricorn ME sex NE .74 Mer 22 Pisces VE 25 Aries UR sqr PL 1.22 Ven 21 Aries MA 22 Aries SA sex PL 2.25 Mar 21 Aries JU 22 Gemini VE sex JU 2.31 Jup 13 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio VE con MA 2.43 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp MA 3.84 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn JU 3.96 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn SA trn NE 4.46 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ur/Ne .11 Pl Ne/No .14 Pl Ne/No .14 Ur Su/Mo .14 Pl Ne/No .14 Me Ur/Ne .2 Ur Mo/Ve .23 Pl Ne/No .15 Ma Su/Ve .93 Ma Su/Ve .85 Mo Su/Ne .48 Ma Su/Ve .67 Ve Su/Ma 1.5 Mo Ur/Ne 1.1 Me Ur/Ne .51 Me Ur/Ne .82 Mo Ur/Ne 2.19 Ve Su/Ma 1.6 Ur Mo/Ma .54 Ur Mo/Ma 1.18 Su Ve/Ma 2.44 Ur Mo/Ve 2.01 Ma Su/Ve .76 Mo Ve/Ne 1.26 Ur Me/Ve 2.77 Ur Mo/Ma 2.26 Mo Ju/Pl 1.21 Ur Mo/Ve 1.55 Sun quinquncx the lunar node 03:16 Moon conjunction Mercury becoming void 04:11, remaining that way for 15 hours. The ancient Moon enters Aries 19:03 joining the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus in that sign. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 19 degrees Aires today. There are 71 days to the Solstice. We are in the foothills of an eclipse season there is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 17 days, and an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 31 days. The Moon is New in Aries on Wednesday. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Uranus are in Aries. Mercury,and Neptune remain in Pisces, Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Pisces. After recent retrograde motion Mercury is now back up to apparent speed greater than a degree per day and into 'new territory'. He enters Aries on April 14th and he next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Venus is in Aires. She is now an evening 'star'. She enters Taurus on April 15th. You’ll probably first see Venus at evening dusk sometime in May. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is storming through Aries. Mars is in conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 29th. Mars is on the far side of the Sun and furthest from the Earth at this time. When he is far away he is at his strongest! Mars finally leaves Aries for Taurus on April 20th.Tuesday 9 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Aries EA 19 Libra MA sex JU .39 Mon 03 Aries ME 7 Capricorn ME sex SA .92 Mer 23 Pisces VE 26 Aries UR sqr PL 1.21 Ven 22 Aries MA 23 Aries ME sqr UR 1.94 Mar 21 Aries JU 22 Gemini SA sex PL 2.23 Jup 13 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA trn JU 3.07 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME con PL 3.15 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE con MA 3.43 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp MA 3.46 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .15 Pl Ne/No .15 Pl Ne/No .16 Pl Ne/No .16 Ma Su/Ve .58 Mo Su/Me .46 Ma Su/Ve .41 Ma Su/Ve .32 Me Ur/Ne 1.14 Ma Su/Ve .49 Ur Me/Ve .95 Me Mo/Ne .48 Ur Me/Ve 1.56 Ur Me/Ve 1.25 Mo Me/Ve .97 Ur Me/Ve .64 Ve Ju/Ne 1.66 Ve Ju/Ne 1.37 Ve Ju/Ne 1.09 Ve Ju/Ne .81 Mo Me/Ur 1.67 Me Ur/Ne 1.45 Ur Me/Ma 1.5 Ur Me/Ma 1.25 Ve Su/Ma 1.87 Mo Me/Ma 1.45 Mo Me/Ma 1.52 Ma Ju/Ne 2.03Baroness Thatcher, the UK's first female prime minister, died yesterday at the age of 87 following a stroke. As reaction poured in from around the world, it was announced that she will have a ceremonial funeral with military honours at St Paul's Cathedral, and Parliament is expected to be recalled for tributes. Astrologically her well documented birth chart provides an excellent study for students of the art. Born 9am Oct 13th 1925,Grantham, England, her Libran Sun, Mars and Mercury form a dynamic cardinal T-square with Jupiter in Capricorn, and Pluto in Cancer. Jupiter opposite Pluto dominates her chart. She had a very strong Saturn, conjunct her Scorpio ascendant, 2.5 degrees of altitude above the horizon of Grantham at birth, in strong water grand trine with Uranus and Pluto. At the moment of her birth the Sun was exactly rising over the Falkland Islands(the Malvinas). Her iconic destiny is aptly described by her stars. Today the Sun, very old Moon, Venus, Mars and Uranus are in Aries. We are in the balsamic 'prophetic' phase of the lunar cycle, the New Moon is tomorrow. Sun semi-square Neptune 03:56 Moon conjunction Uranus 11:57 Mercury waxing quintile Pluto 12:06 Moon square Pluto 16:31 Moon sextile Jupiter 19:51
Wednesday 10 April 2013 New Moon in Aries conjunct Venus and Mars. 15 days to a lunar eclipse.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Aries EA 20 Libra ME con PL .3 Mon 16 Aries ME 10 Capricorn ME sqr UR .91 Mer 24 Pisces VE 28 Aries MA sex JU .91 Ven 23 Aries MA 23 Aries UR sqr PL 1.21 Mar 22 Aries JU 22 Gemini ME sex SA 1.9 Jup 13 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA trn JU 2.17 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 9 Aries SA sex PL 2.2 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp MA 3.08 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE con MA 4.42 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3active now. positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ma/Ur .04 Su Mo/Ma .01 Ma Su/Ve .05 Ma Su/Ve .03 Pl Ne/No .16 Ur Me/Ve .03 Ve Ju/Ne .05 Pl Ne/No .17 Ma Su/Ve .23 Ma Su/Ve .14 Pl Ne/No .17 Ur Me/Ma .26 Ur Me/Ve .33 Pl Ne/No .17 Ur Me/Ve .28 Ve Ju/Ne .33 Ve Ju/Ne .52 Ve Ju/Ne .24 Mo Su/Ma .32 Ma Su/Mo .41 Mo Ve/Ur .71 Su Mo/Ve .72 Mo Su/Ve .47 Ve Mo/Ma .48 Su Mo/Ve .78 Ur Me/Ma .76 Ur Me/Ma .51 Ur Me/Ve .59 Yesterday a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Iran's Bushehr province, killing 37 but leaving the nearby nuclear power plant unaffected seismologists said the quake struck at 16:22 (11:52 GMT) at a depth of 10km (6.2 miles) near the town of Kaki, south of Bushehr a Gulf port city that is home to Iran's first and only nuclear power plant. The Moon was conjunct Uranus, ( only 2' separation) and exactly sextile the local MC of Kaki both in yod formation with Saturn. The exactness of this pattern needs seeing to be believed. UK news programs were yesterday overdosing on the death of Margaret Thatcher. I thought it would be interesting to see how the recent political time line of the UK fits into the progressed lunation cycle of the UK 1801 chart. The UK has a progressed New Moon in Oct 1962 in Gemini. This ushered in the swinging sixties and two years later Harold Wilson as PM. The progressed Moon had moved into Leo by 1966 as the UK hosted the football world cup. The progressed Moon hit first quarter in June 1970, Edward Heath was prime minister, and there followed 7 years of economic decline as the Moon waxed to the Full, Harold Wilson and then James Callagan presided as the progressed Moon reached her peak in May 1977 in Capricorn. With a 'hung over' and 'groggy' full Moon in Capricorn we hit the winter of discontent. On January 9th 1979 the UK progressed Moon entered Aquarius. Three months later Margaret Thatcher was elected to power. In 1982 with the Moon in Pisces we hit the ocean waves in the south Atlantic. The last quarter phase was in 1983 in Aries. So the Thatcher years unfolded as the now old Moon waned through Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. The cycle was almost at an end, Margaret Thatcher was ousted by her own party in Nov 1990 one year before another progressed New Moon, this time in Cancer. It took another 6 years of Conservative rule and the progressed Moon to have waxed to Virgo before the decade of Tony Blair began in 1997. His watch as UK prime Minister oversaw the build up to another progressed Full Moon, this time in Aquarius, in 2006, before he resigned one year later in 2007. Gordon Brown ministered as the UK progressed Moon waned in Pisces, his own Sun sign. In May 2010 David Cameron became Prime Minister. The UK progressed Moon entered Aries, and then Taurus on Oct 18th 2012. The last quarter phase occurs on 23rd June this year. We are due for another General Election by 2015. In March that year the progressed Moon enters Gemini. The last twice we have had Conservative administrations under such moon beams. The next progressed New Moon for the UK is on Aug 10th 2021 in Leo.NEW MOON in Aries today 09:37
Today's New Moon is the 5th New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 13th 2012 and the ultimate New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013. We are now in the full sway of an eclipse season. Today's New Moon is conjunct Venus and Mars and serves to initiate a new surge of energy and a great many new changes. This is a refreshing blast of primal motivation. Fire and cardinal astrological energy pervades the biosphere. This is a time to take situations head on. Courage and zeal are to the fore. This is purification by fire. At the moment of New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are aligned to Brazil, Guyana,Syria, Turkey, Moscow, Nairobi, East Africa, and southern Japan. A Jupiter Neptune Paran is manifest at New Orleans, Neptune culminates at Dublin, Pluto sets over Scotland. The New Moon directly hits the natal Venus of Mariah Carey, the Mars of David Crosby, the Mars Jupiter conjunction in the wedding chart of William and Kate (UK) and the Neptune in the national rifle association (NRA). Today is the birthday of poet Adrian Henry, footballer Carlos Tevez, Omar Sharif, Gloria Hunniford and singer Sophie Ellis Bextor. After the New Moon moment, the infant New Moon is conjunct Mars 13:03 (1.86 degree orb) and goes on to conjunct Venus (2.27 degree orb) becoming void 16:26.Today there is significant geocentric harmonic 7 around 16:00 GMT, septile aspects involving the Moon, Venus and Pluto, are manifest as is one between the Sun and the lunar node, and between Mars and Jupiter. All in all an important day.
Thursday 11 April 2013 14 days to a lunar eclipse.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Aries EA 21 Libra UR sqr PL 1.2 Mon 28 Aries ME 12 Capricorn EA trn JU 1.27 Mer 26 Pisces VE 29 Aries MA sex JU 1.42 Ven 25 Aries MA 24 Aries SA sex PL 2.17 Mar 23 Aries JU 23 Gemini ME con PL 2.57 Jup 14 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA opp MA 2.7 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME sqr UR 3.78 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE con MA 5.42 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Me/Ma .01 Pl Ne/No .18 Su Mo/Ur .11 Ma Mo/Ur .01 Ve Su/Mo .09 Ma Su/Ve .21 Pl Ne/No .18 Ur Su/Me .05 Ma Su/Ve .12 Ur Me/Ma .25 Ur Su/Me .23 Pl Ne/No .19 Pl Ne/No .18 Ur Su/Me .51 Ma Su/Ve .3 Ma Su/Ve .39 Ne Mo/Pl .4 Ve Ju/Ne .9 Ur Me/Ma .5 Ma Ju/Ne .72 Ve Ju/Ne .61 Ma Ju/Ne 1.05 Mo Me/Ju .51 Ur Me/Ma .75 Ur Su/Me .79 Su Mo/Ur 1.21 Ma Ju/Ne .88 Ne Ve/Pl .95 The baby New Moon enters Taurus 03:23 Moon sextile Neptune 12:07 Moon opposition Saturn 21:38 eased by Pluto. Tread carefully as Saturn is quinquncx Uranus over the next uneasy 3 days, then on Sunday Mercury flashes into Aries, and on Monday Venus tumbles into Taurus. Changes and eclipses ahead.Friday 12 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Aries EA 22 Libra EA trn JU .38 Mon 11 Taurus ME 15 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.2 Mer 27 Pisces VE 1 Taurus MA sex JU 1.93 Ven 26 Aries MA 25 Aries SA sex PL 2.15 Mar 24 Aries JU 23 Gemini VE sex NE 2.15 Jup 14 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA opp MA 2.31 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME con PL 5.48 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .19 Ur Mo/Ne .16 Me Ju/Pl .04 Ma Ju/Ne .07 Ur Su/Me .33 Pl Ne/No .19 Pl Ne/No .2 Pl Ne/No .2 Ma Su/Ve .48 Ve Mo/Ur .3 Ma Ju/Ne .23 Ma Mo/Me .24 Ma Ju/Ne .56 Me Ju/Pl .37 Ne Ve/Pl .5 Me Ju/Pl .29 Me Ju/Pl .7 Ma Ju/Ne .39 Su Mo/Me .51 Ne Ve/Pl .36 Ne Ve/Pl .8 Ma Su/Ve .56 Ma Su/Ve .65 Mo Ve/Ju .55 Mo Ju/Ur .87 Ur Su/Me .62 Ur Su/Me .9 Ma Su/Ve .74 Yesterday G8 foreign ministers condemned North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes in the "strongest possible terms" after talks in London. The continual bellicose outpourings from North Korea over the last 2 weeks have been in keeping with the astrological weather of the Sun, Mars, Venus and Uranus in Aries. It has been a matter of sparring. Things start to change soon and we may see a more concrete manifestation of the policy of the regime there. Today the slowly decelerating very young Moon in Taurus trines Pluto 01:50. Very 'steady as she goes', both brutal and tender.Significant geocentric harmonic 15 around 12:00 GMT Moon opposition her north node 14:50 Pluto turns retrograde 15:47 and tightens once again towards his square to Uranus. Refuge sought in material comforts on this Friday night.Saturday 13 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Aries EA 23 Libra EA trn JU .51 Mon 23 Taurus ME 18 Capricorn VE sex NE .56 Mer 28 Pisces VE 3 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.19 Ven 27 Aries MA 25 Aries EA opp MA 1.93 Mar 24 Aries JU 23 Gemini SA sex PL 2.12 Jup 14 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA sex JU 2.45 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE opp SA 5.14 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/Ne .09 Ne Ve/Pl .06 Me Su/Ne .04 Me Su/Ne .2 Pl Ne/No .2 Ve Mo/Me .14 Ne Ve/Pl .09 Pl Ne/No .21 Ne Ve/Pl .21 Pl Ne/No .21 Pl Ne/No .21 Ne Ve/Pl .24 Me Su/Ne .51 Ma Ju/Ne .26 Ma Ju/Ne .42 Me Ma/Ne .28 Me Ju/Pl .63 Me Su/Ne .27 Me Ma/Ne .55 Su Ju/Ne .38 Ma Su/Ve .83 Me Ma/Ne .81 Su Ju/Ne .6 Ma Ju/Ne .58 Su Ju/Ne 1.03 Su Ju/Ne .81 Ma Su/Ve 1.01 Ma Su/Ve 1.09 Saturn quinquncx Uranus 03:31 This is the second of three hits of this fateful aspect. The first was Nov 16th 2012 and the last is
on October 5th. These two planets were conjunct in 1988, the '1988 activator'. They were in opposition between 2008 and 2010. Their last quarter phase is in 2021 and the next conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is in Gemini in the magical year of 2032. We tread
dangerous paths right now with these two in waning quincunx. A slow moving start, actions deliberate and solid. The day eventually (14:14 GMT) opens up somewhat. Movement follows inertia. Some give. Silence gives way to chatter.The slowly waxing young Moon sextiles Mercury becoming void 12:31 The Moon enters Gemini 14:14, joining Jupiter in that sign. The Moon squares Neptune 23:27Sunday 14 April 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Aries EA 24 Libra VE sex NE 1.04 Mon 05 Gemini ME 21 Capricorn UR sqr PL 1.19 Mer 30 Pisces VE 4 Taurus EA trn JU 1.41 Ven 28 Aries MA 26 Aries EA opp MA 1.55 Mar 25 Aries JU 23 Gemini SA sex PL 2.1 Jup 14 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA sqr ME 2.94 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA sex JU 2.96 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE opp SA 3.58 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME sqr MA 4.49 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpio
fire 41 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ma/Ne .02 Su Ju/Ne .06 Pl Ne/No .22 Pl Ne/No .22 Su Ju/Ne .16 Pl Ne/No .22 Su Ju/Ne .28 Su Ju/Ne .5 Pl Ne/No .22 Ne Ve/Pl .53 Me Ma/Ne .52 Su Mo/Ne .73 Ne Ve/Pl .38 Ma Ju/Ne .91 Ne Ve/Pl .68 Me Ma/Ne .79 Me Su/Ne .44 Ne Ma/Pl 1.16 Ne Ma/Pl 1.07 Ne Ve/Pl .83 Ma Ju/Ne .74 Ma Su/Ve 1.27 Ma Ju/Ne 1.07 Ne Ma/Pl .99 Ma Su/Ve 1.18 Me Ve/Ne 1.44 Me Ve/Ne 1.23 Me Ve/Ne 1.02Mercury enters Aries 02:38 joining the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus in that sign. Mercury will be in Aries for the rest of April. He leaves Pisces after a long residence, he has been in that sign since Feb 2nd. Mercury as a 'morning star' in Aries is symbolic of thought processes that are are geared to initiate immediate and future oriented plans. Impulsive communications, sharp wit and, repartee and fast reaction replace the rather melancholic thinking of recent weeks. Go with it, go for it. Sign of the times. Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 10 Aries on April 20th, he squares Pluto on the 21st, and sextiles Jupiter on April 24th. Mercury enters Taurus on May 1st. He goes on to conjunct Mars on May 8th at 13 Taurus and reaches Superior Conjunction at 21 Taurus on May 11th. Today is the only day with so much Aries energy. Although Mercury enters Aries today, Venus leaves Aries tomorrow. Today is pretty 'brash and breezy'. The slowly waxing Moon sextile Uranus 09:08 Moon hits crescent phase 09:30 10 Gemini Venus waning semi-square Jupiter 17:19Significant geocentric harmonic 15 around 18:00 GMT Moon conjunction Jupiter 18:58 2.37 degree orbMonday 15 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Aries EA 25 Libra EA sqr ME .89 Mon 17 Gemini ME 24 Capricorn EA opp MA 1.17 Mer 01 Aries VE 6 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.18 Ven 30 Aries MA 26 Aries VE opp SA 2.01 Mar 26 Aries JU 23 Gemini ME sqr MA 2.05 Jup 14 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.07 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn JU 2.3 Ura 09 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE sex NE 2.63 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn MA sex JU 3.47 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 51 earth air 2water 3cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 7negative 4 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Ne .17 Pl Ne/No .23 Me Mo/Pl .08 Me Ve/Ne .16 Pl Ne/No .23 Me Ve/Ne .59 Pl Ne/No .23 Pl Ne/No .24 Su Mo/Ne .51 Ne Ma/Pl .81 Me Ve/Ne .38 Ve Mo/Ne .4 Su Ju/Ne .71 Su Ju/Ne .93 Ne Ma/Pl .72 Ne Ma/Pl .64 Me Ve/Ne .81 Me Mo/Pl 1.03 Ne Su/Pl 1.01 Ne Su/Pl .89 Ne Ma/Pl .9 Ne Ve/Pl 1.12 Su Ju/Ne 1.15 Me Mo/Pl 1.18 Ne Ve/Pl .97 Ne Su/Pl 1.12 Ne Ve/Pl 1.27 Su Ju/Ne 1.37 Venus enters Taurus 07:26 Venus will reside in her own sign for 25 days. She opposes Saturn on April 22nd, trines Pluto on April 24th, and opposes the lunar node on April 28th. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 9th. Mercury quintile Jupiter 18:31 The very slowly waxing crescent Moon in Gemini sextiles the Sun 18:37 Moon sextile Mars becoming void 19:42 Moon apogee, slowest all month, and furthest from the Earth 22:28 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 26 degrees Aires today. There are 64 days to the Solstice. We are in the intimacy of an eclipse season. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 10 days, an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 24 days, and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the first of Lunar Saros 150, in 40 days. The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Uranus are in Aries. Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Aires. After recent retrograde motion Mercury is now back up to apparent speed greater than a degree per day and into 'new territory'. Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 10 Aries on April 20th, he squares Pluto on the 21st, and sextiles Jupiter on April 24th. Mercury enters Taurus on May 1st. He goes on to conjunct Mars on May 8th at 13 Taurus and reaches Superior Conjunction at 21 Taurus on May 11th. He next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Venus is now an evening 'star'. She enters Taurus today. You’ll probably first see Venus at evening dusk sometime in May. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is still storming through Aries. Mars is in conjunction with the Sun at 29 Aries on April 18th, and finally leaves Aries for Taurus on April 20th. Jupiter makes a waning biquintile aspect to Saturn on Thursday. This proceeds the waning square aspect between these two in 2015-2016 and their grand conjunction on the Winter Solstice in 2021. Uranus and Pluto are again moving to their square aspect. The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs on May 20th. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Sun Mars conjunction at 28 degrees Aries on Thursday. All through the week the Moon gains in light and motion as she accelerates towards lunar eclipse.Tuesday 16 April 2013 Nine days to a lunar eclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Aries EA 26 Libra ME sqr MA .44 Mon 29 Gemini ME 27 Capricorn VE opp SA .44 Mer 03 Aries VE 7 Taurus EA opp MA .78 Ven 01 Taurus MA 27 Aries UR sqr PL 1.18 Mar 27 Aries JU 23 Gemini EA sqr ME 1.22 Jup 15 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.04 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE trn PL 2.48 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn JU 3.19 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 2water 3Strong helio harmonic 20cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ne .06 Pl Ne/No .24 Pl Ne/No .24 Ur Mo/Pl .02 Pl Ne/No .24 Me Ve/Ne .28 Ne Ma/Pl .38 Pl Ne/No .25 Ne Ma/Pl .55 Ne Ma/Pl .46 Me Ve/Ne .51 Ne Ma/Pl .29 Ve Mo/Ne .77 Ne Su/Pl .66 Ne Su/Pl .55 Ne Su/Pl .43 Ne Su/Pl .78 Ne Ve/Pl 1.71 Ur Mo/Pl 1.48 Me Ve/Ne .73 Ne Ve/Pl 1.57 Su Ju/Ne 1.8 Ne Ve/Pl 1.86 Ne Ve/Pl 2.01 Su Ju/Ne 1.59 Ve Mo/Ne 1.94 Su Ju/Ne 2.02 Ma Su/Ve 2.16Yesterday at least two people were killed and 23 injured as twin explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon caused chaos and confusion. The first explosion was reported by the BBC to be at 14:50 EDT. At that time Mars and Pluto were 105 degrees apart, there's the explosions, their midpoint on Neptune, there's the will to cause suffering to others, opposite the local ascendant, that brings it to Boston. Pretty tight and mean minded. Today the very slow but accelerating waxing crescent Moon enters Cancer 02:50 Six bodies are then in cardinal signs. We have a couple of combative, instinctive, pugnacious days on our hands. Mercury waxing biquintile Saturn 04:52 Moon sextile Venus 05:07 Moon square Mercury 09:49 Moon trine Neptune 12:19 Significant geocentric harmonic 15 operative from 18:00 to midnight GMT The Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction in Taurus in the 15th harmonic. Moon trine Saturn 21:15 Moon in T-square with Uranus and Pluto 22:00 to 03:00. Moon square Uranus 22:13Wednesday 17 April 2013 Eight days to a lunar eclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Aries EA 27 Libra EA opp MA .4 Mon 10 Cancer ME 1 Aquarius VE trn PL .89 Mer 04 Aries VE 9 Taurus VE opp SA 1.13 Ven 02 Taurus MA 28 Aries UR sqr PL 1.17 Mar 27 Aries JU 23 Gemini SA sex PL 2.02 Jup 15 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio ME sqr MA 2.99 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA sqr ME 3.39 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn JU 4.09 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2active now. positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ma/Pl .2 Ne Ma/Pl .11 Ne Ma/Pl .03 Ne Su/Pl .03 Pl Ne/No .25 Ne Su/Pl .2 Ne Su/Pl .08 Ne Ma/Pl .06 Ne Su/Pl .31 Pl Ne/No .25 Pl Ne/No .26 Pl Ne/No .26 Me Ve/Ne .96 Me Ve/Ne 1.19 Me Ve/Ne 1.42 Me Ve/Ne 1.65 Ur Mo/Pl 1.45 Ne Ve/Pl 2.31 Ma Su/Ve 2.42 Ma Su/Ve 2.51 Ne Ve/Pl 2.16 Ma Su/Ve 2.33 Ne Ve/Pl 2.45 Ne Ve/Pl 2.6 Ma Su/Ve 2.24 Su Ve/Ma 2.59 Su Ve/Ma 2.6 Su Ve/Ma 2.6 Iran was yesterday hit by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake, the most powerful for 40 years, with tremors felt across Pakistan, India and the Middle East.The astrological chart set up for the exact time of the start of the (first) quake at the epicenter is striking in its tight double yod pattern involving Uranus exact sextile local MC (and I mean exact) with their focus on Saturn (.3 degree tightness) AND local ascendant sextile Saturn with their focus on Uranus. Quite remarkable. Having viewed scores of earthquake charts I have not seen anything like this. There were however no significant equatorial alignments, but a few very tight midpoints involving the local circumstances, e.g. ASC/Saturn= Uranus (2' orb). The Iran (1979 revolution) chart has Uranus conjunct natal Sun on May 17th and Pluto square natal Sun on May 27th. I can certainly connect today's earthquake to the impending partial lunar eclipse next week, at the time of maximum eclipse Saturn is conjunct the local MC (2 degree orb) of the epicenter The Sun and Moon are roughly aligned to the epicenter MC/IC prime vertical. I cannot find any connection between the oncoming 3 eclipses to Boston, the scene of Monday's terrorist incident, but as has been pointed out, we are in the intimacy of an eclipse season. There is a lot going on. Sharp eyed readers will have noticed the Heliocentric T-square which has been in operation over the past couple of days. It all appears to matter, its all connected. Geocentrically we are now 'suffering' under the Sun Mars conjunction in Aries. The heat is on. Today the slowly waxing and accelerating Moon approaching first quarter in Cancer opposes Pluto 02:19 The Moon trines her node 15:10 The Sun is almost conjunct Mars in late Aries, and Mercury is applying in conjunction with Uranus at 10 Aries. Stay tuned to The Daze !
Thursday 18 April 2013 Seven days to a lunar eclipse.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Aries EA 28 Libra EA opp MA .01 Mon 22 Cancer ME 4 Aquarius VE trn PL .71 Mer 06 Aries VE 11 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.17 Ven 03 Taurus MA 28 Aries SA sex PL 1.99 Mar 28 Aries JU 23 Gemini VE opp SA 2.7 Jup 15 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio ME sqr SA 4.15 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ma/Pl .15 Ne Ma/Pl .24 Pl Ne/No .27 Ju Mo/Ma 0 Ne Su/Pl .15 Pl Ne/No .26 Ne Ma/Pl .32 Ju Su/Mo .09 Pl Ne/No .26 Ne Su/Pl .26 Ne Su/Pl .38 Pl Ne/No .27 Me Ve/Ne 1.89 Ju Mo/Ve .45 Ju Mo/Ve 1.17 Ne Ma/Pl .41 Ju Mo/Ve 2.05 Me Ve/Ne 2.13 Ju Su/Mo 1.5 Ne Su/Pl .49 Ma Su/Ve 2.6 Su Ve/Ma 2.61 Ju Mo/Ma 1.55 Me Ve/Ne 2.6 Su Ve/Ma 2.6 Ma Su/Ve 2.69 Me Ve/Ne 2.36 Su Ve/Ma 2.62 Sun conjunction Mars in Aries 00:21. Well that's over! What a combination, and it's rarer than we realise. In the 100 years from 1950 to 2050 it only happens 3 times. Last time was April 1981, and the next time is March 2028. Make a note in your diary...astrology's red hot chilli pepper! The next opposition of the Sun and Mars is in April next year, and their next conjunction is in Gemini on 14th June 2015. Jupiter biquintile Saturn 08:54 This proceeds the waning square aspect between these two in 2015-2016 and their grand conjunction on the Winter Solstice in 2021. The accelerating and waxing Moon in Cancer squares Mars 12:17The Moon reaches first quarter becoming void 12:32 The Moon enters Leo 15:14 A 'crisis is action' day. One week to the partial lunar eclipse.Friday 19 April 2013 This is the last day of the astrological month of Aries.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Aries EA 29 Libra EA opp MA .37 Mon 04 Leo ME 7 Aquarius ME sqr SA .91 Mer 07 Aries VE 12 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.16 Ven 05 Taurus MA 29 Aries ME sex UR 1.72 Mar 29 Aries JU 23 Gemini SA sex PL 1.97 Jup 15 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio VE trn PL 2.3 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn NE 4.07 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE opp SA 4.27 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 52 earth air 1water 3cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .27 Pl Ne/No .28 Pl Ne/No .28 Pl Ne/No .28 Ne Ma/Pl .5 Ne Ma/Pl .59 Ne Ma/Pl .67 Ne Ma/Pl .76 Ne Su/Pl .61 Ne Su/Pl .72 Ne Su/Pl .84 Ne Su/Pl .96 Ju Mo/Ma 1.57 Su Ve/Ma 2.62 Su Ve/Ma 2.63 Su Ve/Ma 2.63 Ju Su/Mo 1.68 Su Ve/Ma 2.62 Me Ve/Ne 2.84 Yesterday as the Sun Mars conjunction was only 1 minute of arc from exactness there occurred a deadly blast at a fertiliser plant in the US state of Texas. The blast occurred at 19:50 at West near Waco. The Sun Mars conjunction in Aries (the astrological red hot chilli pepper)was conjunct the local descendant, at West, and Jupiter which was aligned due west, formed a near exact semi-square with the local MC. This is another powerful event within this working week which all astrologers correspond to the Sun Mars conjunction in Aries. The forthcoming lunar eclipses when relocated to West in Texas show planets conjunct the local angles. The Texas explosion occurred as the Mars/Pluto and Sun/Pluto midpoints were on Neptune. Mercury is now close to his conjunction with Uranus in Aries. We can expect a few sudden realizations and unexpected responses today, hopefully more cerebral than the actual explosions and quake of the last few days.. The accelerating first quarter Moon in Leo squares Venus 00:17 Venus in Taurus waxing sextile Neptune 03:16 Moon fire trine Mercury 06:55 Moon square Saturn 08:45 Moon trine Uranus 10:19 Mercury quinquncx Saturn 20:17 Moon sextile Jupiter becoming void 21:07 The Sun enters Taurus 22:04 and a new astrological month begins. It starts with Mercury about to conjunct Uranus.Saturday 20 April 2013 Five days to a lunar eclipse Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Taurus EA 0 Scorpio EA opp MA .75 Mon 17 Leo ME 10 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.16 Mer 09 Aries VE 14 Taurus ME sex UR 1.6 Ven 06 Taurus MA 29 Aries SA sex PL 1.94 Mar 30 Aries JU 23 Gemini ME sqr SA 2.39 Jup 15 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA trn NE 3.1 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME sqr VE 3.45 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE trn PL 3.9 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpio
fire 43 earth air 1water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .28 Pl Ne/No .29 Pl Ne/No .29 Pl Ne/No .29 Ne Ma/Pl .85 Ju Mo/Ur .52 Ju Mo/Ur 1.01 Mo Ju/Sa .92 Ne Su/Pl 1.07 Ju Mo/Me .63 Ne Ma/Pl 1.02 Ne Ma/Pl 1.11 Ju Mo/Ur 2.04 Ne Ma/Pl .93 Ju Mo/Me 1.1 Ne Su/Pl 1.42 Ju Mo/Me 2.35 Ne Su/Pl 1.19 Ne Su/Pl 1.3 Ju Mo/Ur 2.55 Su Ve/Ma 2.64 Su Ve/Ma 2.64 Su Ve/Ma 2.65 Su Ve/Ma 2.65 Ju Mo/Me 2.84 Steadier vibes now. The Sun is in Taurus, and Mars follows on into the sign of the bull later today. The teenage suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings is in custody after being found bleeding and hiding in a boat in a homeowner's backyard. A powerful quake killed at least 46 people and injured at least 400 in China's south-western province of Sichuan, scene of a devastating 2008 tremor. Scientists say Nasa's Kepler space telescope has found distant planets that may be the most Earth-like it has yet discovered. The two now being highlighted were actually found in a group of five planets circling a star that is slightly smaller, cooler and older than our own Sun. Called Kepler-62, this star is located in the Constellation Lyra. The Moon in Leo gaining in light and motion squares her nodes 02:03 Sun semi-square Jupiter 06:11 Mercury conjunction Uranus 09:21 (1.85 degree orb) Mars enters Taurus 11:49 joining Venus and the Sun in that sign. Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMTSunday 21 April 2013 A very interesting week starts today. Four days to a lunar eclipse.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Taurus EA 1 Scorpio EA opp MA 1.14 Mon 29 Leo ME 14 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.15 Mer 11 Aries VE 15 Taurus ME sqr VE 1.64 Ven 07 Taurus MA 30 Aries SA sex PL 1.91 Mar 00 Taurus JU 23 Gemini EA trn NE 2.13 Jup 15 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA sex NE 3.27 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 34 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .29 Pl Ne/No .3 Sa Mo/Pl .03 Pl Ne/No .3 Ne Ma/Pl 1.2 Mo Ju/No .95 Pl Ne/No .3 Ne Ma/Pl 1.46 Ne Su/Pl 1.53 Ne Ma/Pl 1.28 Ne Ma/Pl 1.37 Sa Mo/Pl 1.62 Mo Ju/No 2.24 Ne Su/Pl 1.65 Ne Su/Pl 1.76 Ne Su/Pl 1.88 Mo Ju/Sa 2.26 Sa Mo/Pl 1.67 Su Ve/Ma 2.66 Su Ve/Ma 2.67 Su Ve/Ma 2.65 Su Ve/Ma 2.66 A planetary kite is manifest involving the Moon Venus Pluto and Saturn. The Moon enters Virgo 01:09 Moon trine Mars 01:59 Moon trine Sun 03:23 Mars semi-square Jupiter 04:05 Moon opposition Neptune 10:04 Mercury square Pluto 11:47 Mercury biquintile Node 14:17 Moon trine Venus 15:42 Moon sextile Saturn 17:18 Moon trine Pluto 22:31Monday 22 April 2013 Three days to a lunar eclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Taurus EA 2 Scorpio ME sqr VE .25 Mon 12 Virgo ME 17 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.14 Mer 12 Aries VE 17 Taurus EA trn NE 1.16 Ven 08 Taurus MA 1 Taurus EA opp MA 1.52 Mar 01 Taurus JU 23 Gemini SA sex PL 1.89 Jup 16 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA sex NE 2.68 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .3 Pl Ne/No .31 Pl Ne/No .31 Pl Ne/No .31 Ne Ma/Pl 1.54 Ne Ma/Pl 1.63 Ne Ma/Pl 1.72 No Mo/Pl .71 Ne Su/Pl 1.99 Ne Su/Pl 2.11 Ne Su/Pl 2.22 Ne Ma/Pl 1.81 Su Ve/Ma 2.67 Su Ve/Ma 2.68 No Mo/Pl 2.4 Ne Su/Pl 2.34 Su Ve/Ma 2.68 Su Ve/Ma 2.68 Ur Ve/Ne 2.86 The accelerating waxing Moon in Virgo squares Jupiter 06:04 and becomes void of course until Tuesday morning (GMT). Venus opposition Saturn 07:44The Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 09:05 The Moon sextiles her node 09:37 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 2 degrees Taurus today. There are 57 days to the Solstice. We are in the intimacy of an eclipse season. There is a Partial Lunar eclipse in Scorpio in 3 days, an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 17 days, and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the first of Lunar Saros 150, in 33 days. The Sun, Venus and Mars are in Taurus. We are in a very fertile time. Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Aires. After recent retrograde motion Mercury is now back up to apparent speed greater than a degree per day and into 'new territory'. Mercury sextiles Jupiter on April 24th. Mercury enters Taurus on May 1st. He goes on to conjunct Mars on May 8th at 13 Taurus and reaches Superior Conjunction at 21 Taurus on May 11th. He next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Taurus. You’ll probably first see Venus at evening dusk sometime in May. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is now in Taurus until the end of May. Mars will sextile Neptune on April 27th, trine Pluto on May 5th. Mercury overtakes Mars at 13 Taurus on May 8th. Mars opposes the lunar node on May 13th and leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 31st. Uranus and Pluto are again moving to their square aspect. The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs on May 20th. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. The astrological 'wave of the week' is undoubtedly the lunar eclipse on Thursday.Tuesday 23 April 2013 Two days to a lunar eclipse.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Taurus EA 3 Scorpio EA trn NE .19 Mon 26 Virgo ME 21 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.14 Mer 14 Aries VE 19 Taurus SA sex PL 1.86 Ven 10 Taurus MA 1 Taurus EA opp MA 1.91 Mar 02 Taurus JU 24 Gemini MA sex NE 2.1 Jup 16 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio ME sqr VE 2.22 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME trn JU 2.77 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA con SA 5.04 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .31 Pl Ne/No .32 Pl Ne/No .32 Pl Ne/No .32 No Mo/Pl 1 Ne Ma/Pl 1.98 Ne Ma/Pl 2.07 Ne Ma/Pl 2.15 Ne Ma/Pl 1.89 Ne Su/Pl 2.57 Ur Ve/Ne 2.43 Ur Ve/Ne 2.29 Ne Su/Pl 2.46 Ur Ve/Ne 2.57 Ne Su/Pl 2.69 Ve Ju/Ur 2.54 Su Ve/Ma 2.69 Su Ve/Ma 2.69 Su Ve/Ma 2.7 Su Ve/Ma 2.7 Ur Ve/Ne 2.72 No Mo/Pl 2.72 Ve Ju/Ur 2.82 Ne Su/Pl 2.8 The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon enters Libra 07:26. She makes no aspects today but simply applies in long opposition to Uranus. Lunar eclipse tensions are rising. Mercury applies in sextile to Jupiter, Venus applies in trine aspect to Pluto. Optimism and a balanced perspective are essential today. Love could be in the air.Wednesday 24 April 2013 One day to a lunar eclipse.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Taurus EA 4 Scorpio EA trn NE .78 Mon 10 Libra ME 24 Aquarius ME trn JU .81 Mer 16 Aries VE 20 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.13 Ven 11 Taurus MA 2 Taurus MA sex NE 1.52 Mar 03 Taurus JU 24 Gemini SA sex PL 1.84 Jup 16 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA opp MA 2.29 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA con SA 4.09 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME sqr VE 4.28 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .32 Pl Mo/Ur .04 Pl Ne/No .33 Pl Ne/No .33 Ur Ve/Ne 2.14 Pl Ne/No .33 Ve Ju/Ur 1.71 Ve Ju/Ur 1.43 Ne Ma/Pl 2.24 Ve Ju/Ur 1.98 Pl Mo/Ur 1.74 Ur Ve/Ne 1.71 Ve Ju/Ur 2.26 Ur Ve/Ne 2 Ur Ve/Ne 1.85 Ne Ma/Pl 2.5 Su Ve/Ma 2.7 Ne Ma/Pl 2.33 Ne Ma/Pl 2.41 Su Ve/Ma 2.72 Ne Su/Pl 2.92 Su Ve/Ma 2.71 Su Ve/Ma 2.71 A poweful day is in store. The focus is on relationships. The pre-eclipse Moon is in Libra and Venus is trine Pluto. The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon in Libra, Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal T-square 00:00 to 03:30 The Moon opposes Uranus 00:38 The Moon squares Pluto 03:24 Mercury sextiles Jupiter 03:26 The Moon trines Jupiter 11:14 The Moon opposes Mercury becoming void 12:13 Venus 'earth trines' Pluto 15:44 Sun sextile Neptune 21:59 Mercury quinquncx the lunar node 23:28Thursday 25 April 2013 Partial lunar Eclipse in ScorpioGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Taurus EA 5 Scorpio MA sex NE .94 Mon 24 Libra ME 28 Aquarius UR sqr PL 1.13 Mer 18 Aries VE 22 Taurus EA trn NE 1.74 Ven 12 Taurus MA 2 Taurus SA sex PL 1.81 Mar 03 Taurus JU 24 Gemini EA opp MA 2.68 Jup 16 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA con SA 3.15 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME trn JU 4.49 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME con NE 4.97 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 2water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .33 Pl Ne/No .33 Pl Ne/No .34 Ve Ju/Ur .32 Ve Ju/Ur 1.15 Ve Ju/Ur .88 Ve Ju/Ur .6 Pl Ne/No .34 Ur Ve/Ne 1.57 Sa Mo/No 1.01 Sa Mo/No .81 Ur Ve/Ne 1.14 Ne Ma/Pl 2.59 Ur Ve/Ne 1.42 Ur Ve/Ne 1.28 Sa Mo/No 2.63 Su Ve/Ma 2.72 Ne Ma/Pl 2.67 Su Ve/Ma 2.73 Su Ve/Ma 2.73 Sa Mo/No 2.82 Su Ve/Ma 2.73 Ne Ma/Pl 2.76 Ne Ma/Pl 2.85 The Moon rapidly approaching her climax enters Scorpio 10:26 The Moon opposes Mars 16:53 The Moon water trines Neptune 18:32FULL MOON and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 19:58 April 25th 2013 Partial lunar Eclipse at 6 degrees Scorpio. Central eclipse 20:08 GMT
This is the first of 5 eclipses in 2013. It falls at 6 degrees Scorpio 12 degrees east of Spica, and is a 'barely partial' lunar eclipse with a partial phase lasting only 27 mins. At this time the eclipsed moon trines Neptune, opposes Mars and is applying to a conjunction with Saturn. We are dealing here with a rather intense pulse of energy that can be viewed as both magical and educational. There is a learning experience with this one. Venus trines Pluto, Uranus squares pluto. Fixed and earth signs predominate. At the moment of maximum eclipse 20:07 GMT the Moon is at upper culmination at Kumzar Iran, and at lower culmination at Seatle, Vancouver and San Franscisco. The Moon rises at Recife and is setting over Japan. Pluto is conjunct the local MC of Pyongyang, capital of North Korea.Jupiter aligns to Istanbul, Uranus to Ankara, Pluto rises at Addis Ababa, the lunar node rises at London. Timings of the eclipse. Penumbral Eclipse starts 18:03:38 Partial Eclipse starts 19:54:08 Greatest Eclipse 20:07:30 Partial Eclipse ends 20:21:02 Penumbral Eclipse ends 22:11:26 Today's eclipse falls directly on the natal Sun of Bill Gates and Grace Slick, the natal Mercury of Gerry Adams, the natal Mars of North Korea, the natal Saturn of Kim Basinger, the natal Uranus of Tiger Woods, the Neptune of Cyprus, and the natal Pluto of Lady Gaga. Today is the birthday of Al Pacino, Eric Bristow, Hank Azaria and Monty Panesar. Lunar Saros 112 Today's eclipse is member 65 of the 72 lunar eclipses which make up Lunar Saros 112. As such today's eclipse belongs to an old Saros. The series started on May 20th 0859 AD and the chart for maximum eclipse of that first saros member, set for London, is shown below.
The eclipsed Moon in Sagittarius is square Jupiter. The flavor of this Saros is one of exploration and international communication. Saturn in Leo opposite Neptune is square the nodal axis. Seeking escape from oppressive forces under fateful circumstances. The opposition is eased by Pluto in Aries. Fortune favours the bold. Lunar Saros 112 'went total' between 1364 and 1616, with the longest Total Eclipse in 1490. This was the year that Leonardo Da Vinci invented the oil lamp and observed 'capillary action', it was also the year of the battle of Glendale (SKYE). Today's eclipse is the final partial eclipse in the series. It is described by astronomeres as 'barely partial'. The remainder of the Saros, which ends in the year 2139, consists wholy of penumbral events. The last eclipse in the Saros, April 15th 1995, precipitated 4 days later the Oklahama bombing, 168 died. The eclipse before that on April 4th 1977 coincided with a major flood in Virginia, the Clash released their debut LP 4 days later. The eclipse before that March 24th 1959 was the time of the Dai Lama's flee from Tibet, one week earlier, and his arrival in India, one week later. The 1941 eclipse coincided with Eisenhower's 'Lende Lease', the 1923 eclipse coincided with the 1st edition of Time magazine, and the eclipse on Feb 19th 1905 coincided with the start of the battle of Mukden in the Russo Japan war. It appears that this Saros Series is still pretty potent.
Friday 26 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Taurus EA 6 Scorpio MA sex NE .35 Mon 08 Scorpio ME 2 Pisces ME sex MA .76 Mer 19 Aries VE 23 Taurus ME con NE 1.11 Ven 13 Taurus MA 3 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.12 Mar 04 Taurus JU 24 Gemini SA sex PL 1.78 Jup 16 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA con SA 2.21 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn NE 2.71 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp MA 3.06 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA trn ME 3.82 Plu 12 Capricorn No 18 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 1water 4cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ju/Ur .05 Ve Ju/Ur .23 Pl Ne/No .35 Pl Ne/No .35 Pl Ne/No .34 Pl Ne/No .34 Ve Ju/Ur .51 Pl Mo/Ne .52 Ur Ve/Ne .99 Ur Ve/Ne .85 Ur Ve/Ne .7 Ur Ve/Ne .56 Me Ma/Ur 2.7 Mo Sa/No 1.07 Pl Mo/Ne 1.32 Ve Ju/Ur .78 Su Ve/Ma 2.74 Me Ma/Ur 2.35 Me Ma/Ur 1.99 Me Ma/Ur 1.64 Ma Me/Ve 2.82 Ma Me/Ve 2.63 Ma Me/Ve 2.43 Ma Me/Ve 2.24 Ne Ma/Pl 2.94 Su Ve/Ma 2.74 Mo Sa/No 2.61 Me Su/Ur 2.63 The next Lunar Eclipse is a Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon in one month's time on May 25th 2013 in Sagittarius. The next Partial Lunar Eclipse is on October 18th 2013 in Aries. The next Total Lunar Eclipse is on April 15th 2014 in Libra, not visible from the UK. The next Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the UK occurs during the early hours of Monday September 28th 2015 at 5 Aries. The wake of yesterday's lunar eclipse dominates our day. The 'hung over' post-eclipse rapidly moving Moon in Scorpio is conjunct Saturn 00:18 Moon sextile Pluto 05:28 Mercury waxing semi-square Neptune 06:53 Moon opposition Venus becoming void 08:57 and remaining void for 26 hours. Moon conjunction her Node 15:10 The weekend ahead is very much coloured by Saturn's opposition to the Sun. Truth laid bare. Stark but full of opportunity.Saturday 27 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Taurus EA 7 Scorpio MA sex NE .23 Mon 23 Scorpio ME 6 Pisces EA trn ME .82 Mer 21 Aries VE 25 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.12 Ven 14 Taurus MA 3 Taurus EA con SA 1.27 Mar 05 Taurus JU 24 Gemini SA sex PL 1.76 Jup 17 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio ME trn SA 2.09 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME sex MA 2.63 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME con NE 2.86 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA sex PL 3.03 Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 1water 4cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .35 No Mo/Sa 0 Ur Ve/Ne .13 Ur Ve/Ne .01 Ur Ve/Ne .42 Ur Ve/Ne .27 Pl Ne/No .35 Me Ma/Ur .2 Ve Ju/Ur 1.06 Pl Ne/No .35 Me Ma/Ur .57 Pl Ne/No .36 Me Ma/Ur 1.28 Me Ma/Ur .93 Ve Ju/Ur 1.61 Me Su/Ur 1.31 No Mo/Sa 1.85 Ve Ju/Ur 1.34 Me Su/Ur 1.64 Ma Me/Ve 1.45 Ma Me/Ve 2.04 Ma Me/Ve 1.85 Ma Me/Ve 1.65 Ve Ju/Ur 1.89 Me Su/Ur 2.3 Me Su/Ur 1.97 No Mo/Sa 1.85 Su Ve/Ma 2.77 The main news so far following Thursday's lunar eclipse has been emerging evidence from the US and the UK that Syrian government troops have used chemical weapons. The eclipse squared the Syrian Pluto, and Jupiter squares the Syrian Sun today. Very bad press. Neptune is about to start to oppose the natal Mercury of president Assad. This influence lasts right up to the end of 2014. I am wondering if this will be the astrological factor which dissolves his historical role. The lunar eclipse on May 25th squares this point in his chart, maybe initiating a kick start to his demise. Today Mars makes a waxing sextile to Neptune 01:47 The 'hung over' Moon enters Sagittarius 11:33 The Moon squares Neptune 19:33Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 20:03Sunday 28 April 2013The Sun and Mars are opposite Saturn and sextile Neptune. Venus opposes the lunar node. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Taurus EA 8 Scorpio ME sex PL .25 Mon 08 Sagittarius ME 10 Pisces EA con SA .33 Mer 23 Aries VE 27 Taurus MA sex NE .81 Ven 16 Taurus MA 4 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.11 Mar 06 Taurus JU 24 Gemini SA sex PL 1.73 Jup 17 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio ME trn SA 1.98 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA sex PL 2.06 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn ME 2.3 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA opp MA 3.84 Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 34 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ve/Ne .16 Ur Ve/Ne .3 Me Su/Ur .3 Me Su/Ur .04 Me Ma/Ur .16 Pl Ne/No .36 Pl Ne/No .36 Pl Ne/No .36 Pl Ne/No .36 Me Ma/Ur .52 Ur Ve/Ne .45 Ur Ve/Ne .59 Me Su/Ur .97 Me Su/Ur .64 Mo Pl/No .61 Ma Me/Ve .65 Ma Me/Ve 1.25 Ma Me/Ve 1.05 Ma Me/Ve .85 Me Ma/Ur 1.26 Ve Ju/Ur 2.17 Mo Sa/Pl 1.5 Me Ma/Ur .89 Me Ju/Ne 1.55 Mo Sa/Pl 2.21 Ne Me/Pl 2.43 Me Ju/Ne 1.99 Ne Me/Pl 1.97 The rapidly waning still 'hung over' Moon in Sagittarius fire trines Uranus 04:02 The Sun opposes Saturn 08:28 The Moon is opposite Jupiter 15:09Monday 29 April 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Taurus EA 9 Scorpio EA con SA .61 Mon 22 Sagittarius ME 14 Pisces EA sex PL 1.09 Mer 25 Aries VE 28 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.11 Ven 17 Taurus MA 5 Taurus MA sex NE 1.38 Mar 06 Taurus JU 24 Gemini SA sex PL 1.71 Jup 17 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA opp SA 3.61 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp MA 4.23 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 34 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Ve .29 Ma Me/Ve .24 Ma Me/Ve .03 Ma Me/Ve .17 Pl Ne/No .37 Pl Ne/No .37 Me Ju/Ne .22 Ne Mo/Ma .19 Me Su/Ur .38 Me Ju/Ne .67 Pl Ne/No .37 Me Ju/Ne .22 Ma Me/Ve .44 Me Su/Ur .73 Ne Su/Mo .42 Pl Ne/No .37 Ur Ve/Ne .73 Ur Ve/Ne .88 Ur Ve/Ne 1.02 Ne Me/Pl 1.05 Me Ju/Ne 1.11 Ne Me/Pl 1.52 Me Su/Ur 1.07 Ur Ve/Ne 1.16 Me Ma/Ur 1.63 Ne Mo/Ve 1.7 Ne Me/Pl 1.29 Me Su/Ur 1.42 Yesterday a fire broke out in a collapsed factory in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, hampering efforts to reach survivors of a disaster that has killed hundreds and which together with Syrian reported use of chemical weapons, seem to be the historical events 'thrown up' by the lunar eclipse in Scorpio last Thursday. Both events truly horrific. Today Venus quintiles Neptune 00:58Moon reaches disseminating phase 02:28 Moon trine Mercury becoming void 04:38 Venus opposition Node 08:10 Moon enters Capricorn 12:22 joining Pluto. The Moon then applies towards a unique occultation at 07:21 GMT tomorrow morning of Pluto focussed on the UK and eastern USA (see map below). Moon sextile Neptune 20:33 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 9 degrees Taurus today. There are 50 days to the Solstice. We are in the full fury of an eclipse season. There is an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 10 days, and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the first of Lunar Saros 150, in 26 days. The Sun, Venus and Mars are in Taurus. We are in a very fertile time. Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Aires. Mercury enters Taurus on May 1st. He goes on to conjunct Mars on May 8th at 13 Taurus and reaches Superior Conjunction at 21 Taurus on May 11th. He next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Taurus. She enters Gemini on May 9th. You’ll probably first see Venus at evening dusk sometime in May. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is now in Taurus until the end of May. Mars will trine Pluto on May 5th. Mercury overtakes Mars at 13 Taurus on May 8th. Mars opposes the lunar node on May 13th and leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 31st. Uranus and Pluto are again moving to their square aspect. The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs on May 20th. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. The astrological 'wave of the week' is Mars opposite Saturn early (GMT) on Wednesday and Mercury undergoing the same opposition to Saturn on Sunday.Tuesday 30 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Taurus EA 10 Scorpio EA sex PL .13 Mon 07 Capricorn ME 19 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.1 Mer 27 Aries VE 30 Taurus EA con SA 1.55 Ven 18 Taurus MA 5 Taurus SA sex PL 1.68 Mar 07 Taurus JU 24 Gemini MA sex NE 1.96 Jup 17 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA opp SA 3.06 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sqr NE 3.42 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp MA 4.61 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .37 Pl Ne/No .38 Ne Me/Pl .35 Ne Me/Pl .12 Ma Me/Ve .38 Mo Ne/No .43 Pl Ne/No .38 Pl Ne/No .38 Mo Sa/Ne .54 Ne Me/Pl .59 Ma Me/Ve .8 Ma Me/Ve 1.01 Me Ju/Ne .67 Ma Me/Ve .59 Ne Mo/Me 1.05 Me Ve/Ur 1.43 Ne Me/Pl .82 Ne Mo/Me .99 Me Ju/Ne 1.58 Ur Ve/Ne 1.74 Ur Ve/Ne 1.31 Me Ju/Ne 1.12 Ur Ve/Ne 1.6 Su Me/Ve 1.89 Me Su/Ur 1.77 Ur Ve/Ne 1.45 Me Ve/Ur 1.76 Me Ju/Ne 2.03 Today the Moon occults Pluto. This occultation is focussed on the area shown on the map below which includes the UK. This is a very rare astrological event. Also today an opposition of Mars and Saturn is biting hard. It peaks early tomorrow but its effect will increasingly be felt as the day proceeds. A desire to push resolutely forward is challenged by an equal and opposite tempering restriction. Stay cool. The rapidly disseminating Moon in Capricorn earth trines Mars 00:02 Jupiter quinquncx the lunar node 01:16 Moon sextile Saturn 01:40 Moon trine Sun 04:52 Moon square Uranus 05:17 Moon conjunction Pluto 07:21Moon sextile Node 16:54 Moon trine Venus 20:07
Tuesday 30 April 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Taurus EA 10 Scorpio EA sex PL .13 Mon 07 Capricorn ME 19 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.1 Mer 27 Aries VE 30 Taurus EA con SA 1.55 Ven 18 Taurus MA 5 Taurus SA sex PL 1.68 Mar 07 Taurus JU 24 Gemini MA sex NE 1.96 Jup 17 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA opp SA 3.06 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sqr NE 3.42 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA opp MA 4.61 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .37 Pl Ne/No .38 Ne Me/Pl .35 Ne Me/Pl .12 Ma Me/Ve .38 Mo Ne/No .43 Pl Ne/No .38 Pl Ne/No .38 Mo Sa/Ne .54 Ne Me/Pl .59 Ma Me/Ve .8 Ma Me/Ve 1.01 Me Ju/Ne .67 Ma Me/Ve .59 Ne Mo/Me 1.05 Me Ve/Ur 1.43 Ne Me/Pl .82 Ne Mo/Me .99 Me Ju/Ne 1.58 Ur Ve/Ne 1.74 Ur Ve/Ne 1.31 Me Ju/Ne 1.12 Ur Ve/Ne 1.6 Su Me/Ve 1.89 Me Su/Ur 1.77 Ur Ve/Ne 1.45 Me Ve/Ur 1.76 Me Ju/Ne 2.03 Today the Moon occults Pluto. This occultation is focussed on the area shown on the map below which includes the UK. This is a very rare astrological event. Also today an opposition of Mars and Saturn is biting hard. It peaks early tomorrow but its effect will increasingly be felt as the day proceeds. A desire to push resolutely forward is challenged by an equal and opposite tempering restriction. Stay cool. The rapidly disseminating Moon in Capricorn earth trines Mars 00:02 Jupiter quinquncx the lunar node 01:16 Moon sextile Saturn 01:40 Moon trine Sun 04:52 Moon square Uranus 05:17 Moon conjunction Pluto 07:21Moon sextile Node 16:54 Moon trine Venus 20:07
Wednesday 1 May 2013 Uranus square Pluto is 'hot' again now.The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs on May 20th. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Taurus EA 11 Scorpio EA sex PL .84 Mon 21 Capricorn ME 23 Pisces ME sqr JU 1.06 Mer 29 Aries VE 1 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.1 Ven 19 Taurus MA 6 Taurus SA sex PL 1.65 Mar 08 Taurus JU 24 Gemini VE sqr NE 1.82 Jup 17 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA con SA 2.49 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA opp SA 2.51 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces MA sex NE 2.54 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn MA trn PL 4.16 Plu 12 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Me/Pl .12 Ne Me/Pl .35 Mo Ur/No .15 Me Ve/Ur .13 Pl Ne/No .38 Pl Ne/No .38 Pl Ne/No .39 Pl Ne/No .39 Me Ve/Ur 1.11 Me Ve/Ur .78 Me Ve/Ur .46 Ur Mo/Ju .45 Ma Me/Ve 1.22 Mo Sa/Ur .91 Ne Mo/Ur .54 Ne Me/Pl .83 Su Me/Ve 1.73 Ma Me/Ve 1.43 Ne Me/Pl .59 Ne Mo/Ur 1.23 Ur Ve/Ne 1.88 Su Me/Ve 1.58 Su Me/Ve 1.42 Su Me/Ve 1.27 Ur Su/Ne 2.41 Ur Ve/Ne 2.03 Ma Me/Ve 1.64 Ma Me/Ve 1.86 Mars opposition Saturn 05:13 The fast moving but decelerating disseminating Moon squares Mercury becoming void 14:08 The Moon enters Aquarius 14:21. Mercury enters Taurus 15:38 joining the Sun, Venus and Mars there. Mercury will whizz through Taurus in just 15 days. He has a very busy time there. He sextiles Neptune on May 4th, opposes Saturn on May 5th, and trines Pluto on May 7th. On May 8th he is conjunct Mars at 13 degrees Taurus, and opposes the lunar node on May 9th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 22 degrees Taurus on May 11th. He enters Gemini on may 15th as an 'evening star'. So with all this Taurus energy we are in for a very 'solid' practical 'rooted' steady couple of weeks. A good time to lay firm foundations in all areas of life. The Taurean Sun trines Pluto 17:37. Changes for the better.Thursday 2 May 2013The Sun and Mars are opposite Saturn today squared by the last quarter Moon. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Taurus EA 12 Scorpio VE sqr NE .21 Mon 06 Aquarius ME 28 Pisces UR sqr PL 1.09 Mer 01 Taurus VE 3 Gemini SA sex PL 1.63 Ven 21 Taurus MA 6 Taurus EA sex PL 1.8 Mar 09 Taurus JU 24 Gemini MA opp SA 1.96 Jup 18 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA sex NE 3.11 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA con SA 3.43 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME sqr JU 3.48 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn MA trn PL 3.59 Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 15 earth air 2water 3cardinal 2fixed 7mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ur .2 Mo Me/No .01 Pl Ne/No .39 Pl Ne/No .4 Pl Ne/No .39 Pl Ne/No .39 Mo Ma/No .41 Su Me/Ve .63 Ne Me/Pl 1.07 Me Ve/Ur .54 Su Me/Ve .79 Me Ve/Ur 1.21 Su Me/Ve 1.11 Mo Ne/Pl .9 Me Ve/Ur .87 Mo Su/No 1.28 Ur Mo/Ju 1.33 Su Me/Ve .95 Ne Me/Pl 1.55 Ur Su/Ne 1.63 Mo Me/Sa 1.36 Ne Me/Pl 1.31 Ur Su/Ne 1.75 Su Ju/Ur 1.64 Ur Su/Ne 1.97 Ur Su/Ne 1.86 Su Ju/Ur 1.85 Ne Me/Pl 1.79 Seven bodies reside in fixed signs today. Total intransigeance. Absolutely no give. The almost last quarter Moon rapidly waning but decelerating in Aquarius squares Saturn 03:53 The Moon then squares Mars 05:16 The Moon sextiles Uranus 08:05The Moon reaches last quarter 11:15 The Moon squares her node 19:49 The Moon air trines Jupiter 21:06Friday 3 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Taurus EA 13 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.09 Mon 20 Aquarius ME 3 Aries VE sqr NE 1.39 Mer 03 Taurus VE 5 Gemini MA opp SA 1.41 Ven 22 Taurus MA 7 Taurus SA sex PL 1.6 Mar 09 Taurus JU 24 Gemini ME sex VE 2.05 Jup 18 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio EA sex PL 2.77 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA trn PL 3.01 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA con SA 4.37 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpio
fire 15 earth air 2water 3cardinal 2fixed 7mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .4 Su Me/Ve .31 Su Me/Ve .15 Su Me/Ve .02 Su Me/Ve .47 Pl Ne/No .4 Pl Ne/No .4 Pl Ne/No .4 Su Ju/Ur 1.43 Su Ju/Ur 1.22 Mo Ur/Pl .41 Su Ju/Ur .8 Ur Su/Ne 1.52 Ur Su/Ne 1.41 Su Ju/Ur 1.01 Ur Mo/Ve .82 Me Ve/Ur 1.54 Ma Su/Me 1.43 Ur Mo/Ve 1.02 Ma Su/Me 1.06 Ma Su/Me 1.62 Me Ve/Ur 1.88 Ma Su/Me 1.25 Ur Su/Ne 1.19 Ne Me/Pl 2.04 Ne Me/Pl 2.28 Ur Su/Ne 1.3 Me Ve/Ur 2.57 Mercury 'lucifer' makes a waning semi-square to Jupiter 03:10 The last quarter Moon decelerating in Aquarius squares Venus, becoming void 04:26 The Moon enters Pisces 18:27 joining Neptune there, and setting the background scene for a languid and dreamy weekend. Sunday has a touch of soberity as Mercury opposes Saturn but Mars in Taurus trines Pluto, massive reserves of endurance are there. Enjoy the times.Saturday 4 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Taurus EA 14 Scorpio MA opp SA .86 Mon 03 Pisces ME 8 Aries UR sqr PL 1.08 Mer 05 Taurus VE 6 Gemini ME sex VE 1.25 Ven 23 Taurus MA 8 Taurus ME con UR 1.38 Mar 10 Taurus JU 25 Gemini SA sex PL 1.58 Jup 18 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio MA trn PL 2.44 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME sqr PL 2.46 Ura 10 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE sex UR 2.63 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sqr NE 2.99 Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 15 earth air 1water 4cardinal 2fixed 6mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ve .18 Ur Su/Mo .27 Su Ju/Ur .17 Su Ju/Ur .04 Pl Ne/No .4 Pl Mo/No .3 Ur Mo/Ma .37 Mo Su/Pl .17 Su Ju/Ur .59 Su Me/Ve .34 Pl Ne/No .41 Ma Su/Me .3 Ma Su/Me .87 Su Ju/Ur .38 Ma Su/Me .49 Pl Ne/No .41 Ur Su/Ne 1.08 Pl Ne/No .41 Su Me/Ve .51 Su Me/Ve .68 Pl Mo/No 1.37 Ma Su/Me .68 Ur Su/Ne .86 Ur Su/Ne .75 Ur Su/Mo 2.05 Ur Su/Ne .97 Mo Ma/Pl 1.15 Ur Mo/Me .84 Four planets in Taurus right now but three weeks from now, May 27th 28th Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct at 18 degrees Gemini. A veritable merry time. Today the decelerating and waning Moon in Pisces sextiles Mercury 03:17 Moon conjunction Neptune at 5 degrees Pisces 03:29 Mercury sextile Neptune 04:32 The Moon water trines Saturn 08:20 The Moon sextiles Mars 13:12 The Moon sextile Pluto 15:01 Moon sextile Sun 20:35 Mercury is about to oppose Saturn, Mars is about to trine Pluto, there is a Solar Eclipse next Thursday night (GMT).Sunday 5 May 2013 Five days to a Solar EclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Taurus EA 15 Scorpio MA opp SA .31 Mon 16 Pisces ME 13 Aries VE sex UR 1.03 Mer 07 Taurus VE 8 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.08 Ven 24 Taurus MA 8 Taurus SA sex PL 1.55 Mar 11 Taurus JU 25 Gemini MA trn PL 1.86 Jup 18 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio ME sqr PL 2.6 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME con UR 3.67 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 15 earth air 1water 4cardinal 2fixed 6mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Me .1 Ma Su/Me .09 Mo Ur/Ne .14 Ur Su/Ne .3 Su Ju/Ur .25 Pl Ne/No .41 Ma Su/Me .28 Pl Ne/No .42 Pl Ne/No .41 Su Ju/Ur .46 Pl Ne/No .41 Ma Su/Me .48 Pl Mo/Sa .59 Ur Su/Ne .53 Ur Su/Ne .41 Su Ju/Ur .88 Ur Su/Ne .64 Su Me/Ve 1.01 Su Ju/Ur .67 Me Mo/Ju .92 Su Me/Ve .84 Mo Ve/Pl 1.65 Su Me/Ve 1.18 Su Me/Ve 1.35 Ur Mo/Me 1.05 Pl Mo/Sa 2.23 Me Mo/Ju 2.05 Ur Ma/Ne 2.33 Hundreds of Syrians have fled coastal areas where activists claim government forces have massacred dozens of people in recent days. Transiting Mars hit the Syrian independence chart Mars Saturn midpoint yesterday. Sheer brutality. Jupiter is square Venus/Pluto today, Saturn squares Pluto. Uranus sextiles Jupiter/Neptune. Still ongoing and worse to follow. Mars is conjunct Mars/Uranus on Monday. There are three heavyweights acting at this time. Transiting Uranus is opposite Syrian Mercury throughout 2014. 2014 sees changes then? The Syrian independence chart, Sept 16th 1941, has has its 6th Jupiter return on May 15th 2014. Painful growth and maturity. Today the ageing decelerating Moon in Pisces trines her node 01:08 and squares Jupiter 03:34. At 08:18 we are exactly at the midpoint between the Vernal Equinox and the Solstice. The Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus. In the north we enter the lightest quarter of the year, it is almost early summer. In the southern hemisphere the season of 'fading' begins. Mercury opposition Saturn 11:14 Serious deliberation and decision. Moon sextile Venus becoming void 16:02, follow through. Mars earth trines Pluto 21:30. Effort, energy and endurance.xMonday 6 May 2013 Four days to a Solar EclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Taurus EA 16 Scorpio MA opp SA .23 Mon 29 Pisces ME 18 Aries VE sex UR .57 Mer 09 Taurus VE 9 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.07 Ven 26 Taurus MA 9 Taurus MA trn PL 1.29 Mar 12 Taurus JU 25 Gemini SA sex PL 1.52 Jup 19 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 15 earth air 1water 4cardinal 2fixed 6mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Su/Ne .19 Ur Su/Ne .08 Ur Su/Ne .03 Ur Su/Ne .14 Me Mo/Ju .2 Pl Ne/No .42 Ma Mo/Ju .34 Pl Ne/No .42 Pl Ne/No .42 Ma Su/Me .87 Pl Ne/No .42 Mo Ma/Ne .43 Mo Ju/Pl .57 Ma Mo/Ju 1.1 Ma Su/Me 1.07 Ma Su/Me 1.27 Ma Su/Me .67 Su Ju/Ur 1.3 Su Ju/Ur 1.51 Mo Me/Ne 1.3 Su Ju/Ur 1.09 Me Mo/Ju 1.32 Mo Me/Ne 1.62 Mo Su/Ne 1.71 Su Me/Ve 1.52 Su Me/Ve 1.69 Su Me/Ve 1.87 Su Ju/Ur 1.72 Venus semi square Uranus 00:23 Moon enters Aries 01:04Moon reaches her balsamic phase and the final procession 02:26 Full bloodied day. Strong and emphatic. Sun and 3 in Taurus, old Moon in Aries. We are within 96 hours of Solar Eclipse. Also Mercury is within 3 degrees of his conjunction with Mars on Wednesday. Both trine Pluto. Great schemes are afoot. Moon conjunct Uranus 2.78 degree orb, 20:58 State of the sky:-The Sun is now at 16 degrees Taurus. There are 43 days to the Solstice. We are in the full fury of an eclipse season. There is an Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus in 3 days, starting late on Thursday, and a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the first of Lunar Saros 150, in 19 days. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are in Taurus. We are in a very fertile time. Mercury is now a fast moving direct 'morning star' in Taurus. Mercury trines Pluto on May 7th. On May 8th he is conjunct Mars at 13 degrees Taurus, and he opposes the lunar node on May 9th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 22 degrees Taurus on May 11th. He enters Gemini on May 15th as an 'evening star'. Mercury next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Taurus. She enters Gemini on May 9th. You’ll probably first see Venus at evening dusk sometime in May. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is now in Taurus until the end of May. Mercury overtakes Mars at 13 Taurus on May 8th, that's Wednesday of this week. Mars opposes the lunar node on May 13th and leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 31st. Uranus and Pluto are again moving to their square aspect. The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs on May 20th. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Annular Solar Eclipse on Thursday night Friday morning (GMT), preceded by a lunar occultation of Mars focussed on the UK on Thursday, and the robust conjunction of Mercury and Mars at the very start (GMT) of Wednesday. Three weeks from now, May 27th 28th Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct at 19 degrees Gemini. I've heard it described as a 'love fest'.
to Solar Eclipse startsTuesday 7 May 2013 Three days to a Solar EclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Taurus EA 17 Scorpio MA trn PL .72 Mon 12 Aries ME 23 Aries MA opp SA .78 Mer 11 Taurus VE 11 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.07 Ven 27 Taurus MA 9 Taurus SA sex PL 1.5 Mar 12 Taurus JU 25 Gemini ME sex JU 1.64 Jup 19 Gemini SA 8 Scorpio VE sex UR 2.17 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Su/Ne .25 Su Mo/Ju .23 Pl Ne/No .43 Pl Ne/No .43 Pl Ne/No .42 Ur Su/Ne .36 Ur Su/Ne .47 Ur Su/Ne .58 Su Mo/Ju 1.13 Pl Ne/No .43 Su Mo/Ju 1.59 Ur Ma/Ne 1.67 Mo Su/Ne 1.34 Mo Ve/Ne .74 Ur Ma/Ne 1.75 Ur Me/Ne 1.86 Ma Su/Me 1.46 Ma Su/Me 1.66 Ma Su/Me 1.86 Ma Ju/Ur 1.95 Ur Ma/Ne 1.92 Ur Ma/Ne 1.83 Ma Ju/Ur 2.1 Ma Su/Me 2.06 Su Ju/Ur 1.93 Su Ju/Ur 2.14 Ur Me/Ne 2.11 Me Ju/Ur 2.33 Mercury earth trines Pluto 06:35 Sun opposition the lunar node 07:36, eclipse season classic. The slow and decelerating balsamic Moon in Aries sextiles Jupiter becoming void 12:42 Sun waxing quintile Neptune 12:48 Mercury is almost conjunct Mars at 13 degrees Taurus as the day ends.Wednesday 8 May 2013 Two days to a Solar EclipseGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Taurus EA 18 Scorpio MA trn PL .15 Mon 25 Aries ME 29 Aries UR sqr PL 1.06 Mer 13 Taurus VE 13 Gemini MA opp SA 1.32 Ven 28 Taurus MA 10 Taurus SA sex PL 1.47 Mar 13 Taurus JU 25 Gemini Jup 19 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 25 earth air 1water 3cardinal 3fixed 6mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .43 Ma Mo/Ve .11 Pl Ne/No .43 Me Ju/Ur .34 Ur Su/Ne .7 Me Mo/Ve .42 Me Mo/Ve .74 Pl Ne/No .44 Ur Ma/Ne 1.59 Pl Ne/No .43 Me Ju/Ur .84 Mo Ve/Ur .78 Ur Me/Ne 1.6 Ne Mo/Pl .49 Ur Su/Ne .92 Ur Me/Ne .84 Me Mo/Ve 1.6 Mo Me/Ur .77 Ne Mo/Pl 1.05 Ur Su/Ne 1.03 Ma Mo/Ve 1.63 Mo Ju/Ne .78 Ur Me/Ne 1.09 Ur Ma/Ne 1.34 Ma Ju/Ur 1.8 Ur Su/Ne .81 Ma Mo/Ve 1.41 Ma Ju/Ur 1.35 Mercury conjunction Mars 00:34 (near alignment 0.4 degree orb) The old pre-eclipse Moon enters Taurus 10:10, joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in that sign. Very heavy duty Taurus energy from that time. Moon sextile Neptune 20:11Thursday 9 May 2013 Lunar occultation of Mars focussed the UK. Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus starts today 21:25. An astrologically big day.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Taurus EA 19 Scorpio MA trn PL .42 Mon 07 Taurus ME 4 Taurus ME sex NE 1.02 Mer 15 Taurus VE 14 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.05 Ven 29 Taurus MA 10 Taurus SA sex PL 1.44 Mar 14 Taurus JU 25 Gemini MA opp SA 1.87 Jup 19 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME opp SA 4.23 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 16 earth air 1water 3cardinal 2fixed 7mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ju/Ur .16 Ve Mo/Ju .16 Ur Me/Ne .06 Ur Mo/Ne .04 Su Mo/Ve .38 Ur Me/Ne .32 Me Su/Mo .06 Me Su/Ma .07 Pl Ne/No .44 Pl Ne/No .44 Me Su/Ma .39 Ur Me/Ne .19 Ur Me/Ne .58 Ma Su/Mo .54 Pl Ne/No .44 Pl Ne/No .44 Ma Su/Mo .92 Me Ju/Ur .67 Ma Mo/Me .58 Mo Su/Ma .53 Me Su/Ma 1.04 Me Su/Ma .72 Ma Ju/Ur .9 Ma Ju/Ur .74 Ve Mo/Ju 1.09 Ma Mo/Me 1.03 Ur Ma/Ne 1.1 Mo Me/Ma .75 Moon opposition Saturn 00:37 Moon trine Pluto 08:28 Moon conjunction Mars 13:53 May 9th 2013 The Moon occults Mars 13:15 to 14:32 (Mid UK timings) daylight occultation focussed on the UK. Pre-eclipse phenomena and related turbulence.This graphic is of a lunar occultation of Mars, from several years ago. The Moon today is of course a much smaller crescent than the Moon in this image. Venus enters Gemini 15:04, joining Jupiter in that sign. Venus will reside in Gemini for only 25 days. She squares Neptune on May 13th, sextiles Uranus and May 18th, is conjunct Mercury at 19 Gemini on May 24th, is conjunct Jupiter on May 28th at 23 Gemini and enters Cancer on June 3rd. Venus in Gemini is light and communicative. Affections are divergent and multifarious. Mercury opposition Node 18:47 Moon opposition Node 19:03 Moon conjunction Mercury 19:07 a very tight linear alignment Mercury quintile Neptune 22:00
NEW MOON becoming void 00:30 May 10th 2013 Long Annular Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Taurus. Lasts 6m 3s. Central eclipse 00:25 GMT, visible from Australia and the pacific ocean. This eclipse occurs 3 days before lunar apogee which is why the eclipse path is so broad.This eclipse starts its sequence at 21:25:10 on May 9th 2013, and the moment of greatest eclipse is 00:25:13 on May 10th. Timings of the eclipse:- Penumbral first external contact 21:25:10 Umbral first external contact 22:30:34 Full Umbral internal contact 22:34:47 Full Penumbral internal contact 23:34:20
Friday 10 May 2013 Long Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Mercury and Mars underway as the (GMT) day starts.Greatest Eclipse 00:25:13 Penumbral final internal contact 01:05:14 Umbral final internal contact 02:15:41 Umbral final contact 02:19:58 Penumbral final contact 03:25:22![]()
New Guinea and The Solomon Islands
The Gilbert Islands
The Line Islands
Today's eclipse occurs at 20 degrees Taurus. Its 'feel' polarizes the quality of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio two weeks ago very dramatically. The intensity of that eclipse is complimented by the 'full bodied' energy of today. 5 bodies are in earth and 5 are in fixed signs. Saturn trines Neptune and Uranus squares Pluto, and there are separating aspects of Mercury conjunct Mars, Mars trine Pluto, this eclipse 'sees things through'. Today's eclipse directly hits the natal Sun of Bono, the natal Moon of Bill Clinton, the natal Venus of Joe Cocker and Paul McCartney, the lunar node of Alice Cooper, the Moon in the Obama 2nd inauguration chart, the Pluto in the national rifle association chart, the Moon in the Chile proclamation chart, the ascendant of Jamaica, the Moon in the Togo chart and natal Saturn in the Syrian Bach Party chart. At this time the birthdays of Donovan (singer), Glenda Jackson and Billy Joel are occurring. New chapters in all their life stories are now commencing. An astrocartography analysis of the moment of maximum eclipse today shows the Sun and Moon rising over India and eastern Afghanistan, they are setting over southern Mexico and eastern USA, they are at lower culmination over Ireland and at Rabat. Mars Mercury the Sun and Moon and the lunar nodal axis align to New Zealand, Pluto exactly aligned to Sydney. Today's eclipse is member 31 of the 70 solar eclipses which comprise Solar Saros 138. This Saros family reaches its climax in the year 2554. The Saros is increasing in its potency. The first eclipse in the series was on June 6th 1472 with greatest eclipse at 20:20:31. The chart for this moment, set to London, is shown below.Today's eclipse is the 24th of 50 Annular eclipses. The saros ends in 2716. Solar Saros 138 has a definite communication focus. The Sun and Moon are in Gemini trine a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Libra. This Saros favours peace treaties, diplomatic moves, retreats and above all high speed communications. The last eclipse in the Saros was on 29th April 1995. Jacques Chirac was being elected French president, and the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty was being sorted out. Prior to that the April 1977 eclipse coincided with the first use of of optical fibre for live telephone. The April 1959 eclipse coincided with the IADB bank being established. The eclipse on March 27th 1941 occurred as the battle of Cape Matapan and the preliminary spying on Pearl Harbour was underway by Japan. The 1925 (March) eclipse coincided (5 days later) with the first ever live Hockey broadcast. The March 1905 eclipse happened as Russian troops were retreating from Mukden.Friday's eclipse finishes at 03:25 GMT. The day continues in a positive and steady manner. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Taurus EA 20 Scorpio ME trn PL .12 Mon 19 Taurus ME 10 Taurus ME con MA .87 Mer 17 Taurus VE 16 Gemini MA trn PL .99 Ven 00 Gemini MA 11 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.05 Mar 14 Taurus JU 25 Gemini SA sex PL 1.42 Jup 19 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME opp SA 1.54 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA opp SA 2.41 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpio
fire 15 earth air 2water 3cardinal 2fixed 6mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ma .26 Su Mo/Me .3 Su Mo/Ma .09 Ma Ju/Ur .14 Me Mo/Ma .37 Mo Ve/Ma .41 Mo Su/Ve .22 Pl Ne/No .45 Pl Ne/No .44 Pl Ne/No .44 Ma Ju/Ur .29 Ur Ma/Ne .69 Ur Me/Ne .45 Ma Ju/Ur .44 Pl Ne/No .45 Ve Ma/Ju .9 Ma Ju/Ur .59 Me Su/Ma .58 Mo Me/Ve .61 Ur Me/Ne 1.23 Mo Su/Me .9 Me Mo/Ma .69 Ur Ma/Ne .77 Me Su/Ma 1.24 Ur Ma/Ne .93 Ur Me/Ne .71 Me Su/Ma .91 Su Mo/Ma 1.44Uranus biquintile the lunar Node 04:22, Changes and transformation to associations and tribes. Significant geocentric harmonic 1 this PM GMT, Sun Moon Mercury Mars, bunched in Taurus. The baby infant Moon enters Gemini 21:22
Saturday 11 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Taurus EA 20 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.04 Mon 01 Gemini ME 16 Taurus SA sex PL 1.39 Mer 19 Taurus VE 18 Gemini MA trn PL 1.56 Ven 02 Gemini MA 12 Taurus MA opp SA 2.95 Mar 15 Taurus JU 25 Gemini EA opp ME 4.43 Jup 20 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME con MA 4.48 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/Ur .01 Ma Ju/Ur .16 Ma Ju/Ur .31 Ve Ma/Ju .15 Pl Ne/No .45 Pl Ne/No .45 Ve Ma/Ju .34 Ur Ma/Ne .36 Ur Ma/Ne .61 Mo Me/Ju .5 Ur Ma/Ne .44 Pl Ne/No .45 Ve Ma/Ju .72 Ur Ma/Ne .52 Pl Ne/No .45 Ma Ju/Ur .46 Mo Ma/Ju 1.09 Ve Ma/Ju .53 Mo Su/Ju 1.96 Mo Ve/Ju .92 Ur Me/Ne 1.49 Mo Su/Ju .88 Ur Me/Ne 2.02 Ve Su/Mo 1.88 Me Su/Ma 1.57 Ur Me/Ne 1.76 Mo Me/Ju 2.19 Ve Mo/Me 1.96Significant geocentric harmonic 1 all day the Sun, Mercury and Mars are tightly bound in Taurus. Moon conjunction Venus 00:50 (1.97 degree alignment) Moon square Neptune 07:45 Moon sextile Uranus 19:08 Mercury reaches Superior Conjunction with the Sun 21:11. The fully illuminated mind.Sunday 12 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Taurus EA 21 Scorpio EA opp ME .64 Mon 13 Gemini ME 22 Taurus UR sqr PL 1.04 Mer 22 Taurus VE 19 Gemini SA sex PL 1.37 Ven 03 Gemini MA 12 Taurus MA trn PL 2.13 Mar 16 Taurus JU 25 Gemini MA opp SA 3.49 Jup 20 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/Ju .04 Ur Ma/Ne .2 Ur Ma/Ne .12 Ma Mo/Ur .02 Ur Ma/Ne .28 Ve Ma/Ju .23 Ve Ma/Ju .42 Ur Ma/Ne .03 Pl Ne/No .45 Pl Ne/No .46 Pl Ne/No .46 Pl Ne/No .46 Ve Mo/Me .51 Ve Su/Mo .72 Ve Mo/Ma .79 Ve Mo/Ma .47 Ve Su/Mo .58 Ma Ju/Ur .76 Ma Ju/Ur .91 Ve Ma/Ju .61 Ma Ju/Ur .61 Ve Mo/Me .94 Ma Mo/Ur 1.29 Ma Ju/Ur 1.06 Mo Ve/Ju 1.87 Ve Mo/Ma 2.06 Ve Su/Mo 2.01 Me Ve/Ma 1.95 Moon conjunction Jupiter (2.83 degree orb) becoming void 13:33 Mars opposition the lunar node 22:05Monday 13 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Taurus EA 22 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.03 Mon 25 Gemini ME 28 Taurus SA sex PL 1.34 Mer 24 Taurus VE 21 Gemini MA trn PL 2.69 Ven 04 Gemini MA 13 Taurus MA opp SA 4.03 Mar 17 Taurus JU 25 Gemini VE con JU 4.55 Jup 20 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ma/Ne .05 Ur Ma/Ne .13 Ur Ma/Ne .21 Ur Ma/Ne .29 Pl Ne/No .46 Pl Ne/No .46 Pl Ne/No .46 Pl Ne/No .46 Ve Ma/Ju .79 Ve Ma/Ju .98 Me Ve/Ma 1.05 Ju Mo/Ve .68 Ma Ju/Ur 1.21 Me Ve/Ma 1.35 Ve Ma/Ju 1.17 Su Mo/Ur .69 Ma Mo/Ur 1.32 Ma Ju/Ur 1.36 Ma Ju/Ur 1.51 Me Ve/Ma .75 Me Ve/Ma 1.65 Ve Su/Ju 1.91 Ve Su/Ju 1.75 Ve Ma/Ju 1.36 Ve Mo/Ma 1.73 Su Me/Ma 2.07 Su Mo/Ur 1.93 Ve Su/Ju 1.59 The main 'popular' event surrounding last Friday's Solar Eclipse seems to have been the escape of three women hostages captive for a decade in Cleveland Ohio. Other events and stories are still emerging. The World Health Organization has warned that it appears "increasingly" likely that the new coronavirus can be passed between people in close contact. British scientists at a research centre in Cambridge say they have developed a new type of wheat which could increase productivity by 30%. Former Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif yesterday celebrated victory in the country's elections, as unofficial results suggested a big lead for his party. Sharif was born on 25 December 1949. His chart is a robust but highly tense map. Sun in Capricorn opposite Uranus, Mars and Saturn in Virgo, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini. A pragmatist, a communicator and a man of faith, with a Pisces Moon. Syria said it was not behind two car bombs which claimed the lives of 46 people in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli on Saturday. Parliamentary elections were under way in Bulgaria with opinion polls putting the two main parties neck and neck. Today the slow young Moon enters Cancer 09:58 and Venus is square Neptune. Some misguided affections and unlikely alliances may well manifest today. Cards are held very close to the chest. Moon apogee, slowest all month, and furthest from the Earth 13:33 Mars quintile Neptune 17:45 The Moon Saturn and Neptune are in water grand trine 20:00 to beyond midnight. Moon trine Neptune 20:33 Venus square Neptune 20:48 Venus biquintile Pluto 23:29 Mercury semi square Uranus 23:55 State of the sky:-The Sun is now at 23 degrees Taurus. There are 36 days to the Solstice. We are still in the full fury of an eclipse season. There is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the first of Lunar Saros 150, in 12 days. The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are in Taurus. Venus and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mercury is now a fast moving direct 'evening star' in Taurus. He enters Gemini on May 15th. Mercury next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Gemini. She squares Neptune today, sextiles Uranus and May 18th, is conjunct Mercury at 19 Gemini on May 24th, is conjunct Jupiter on May 28th at 23 Gemini and enters Cancer on June 3rd. Venus in Gemini is light and communicative. Affections are divergent and multifarious. You’all probably first see Venus at evening dusk sometime in May. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is now in Taurus until the end of May. Mars opposed the lunar node yesterday and leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 31st. Uranus and Pluto are again moving to their square aspect. The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs on May 20th. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. The astrological 'wave of the week' is on Saturday when all the planets in the the solar system except Mars and Jupiter seem to knock one another about astrologically. Not the easiest of days but pretty dynamic. Two weeks from now, May 27th 28th Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct at 23 degrees Gemini A very jolly time is in store.Tuesday 14 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Taurus EA 23 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.03 Mon 07 Cancer ME 4 Gemini ME sqr NE 1.11 Mer 26 Taurus VE 22 Gemini SA sex PL 1.31 Ven 05 Gemini MA 13 Taurus VE con JU 3.02 Mar 17 Taurus JU 25 Gemini MA trn PL 3.26 Jup 20 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio MA opp SA 4.57 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 2water 4cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Ma/Ne .37 Me Ve/Ma .15 Me Mo/Ur .14 Me Ve/Ma .46 Me Ve/Ma .45 Ur Mo/Pl .34 Me Ve/Ma .15 Pl Ne/No .47 Pl Ne/No .47 Ur Ma/Ne .46 Ju Mo/Me .43 Ju Su/Mo .47 Su Mo/Ur .55 Pl Ne/No .47 Pl Ne/No .47 Ur Ma/Ne .62 Ju Mo/Ve .89 Me Mo/Ur 1.08 Ur Ma/Ne .54 Me Mo/Ur .8 Ve Su/Ju 1.43 Ve Su/Ju 1.28 Ve Su/Ju 1.12 Ve Su/Ju .96 Ve Ma/Ju 1.55 Su Me/Ma 1.57 Su Me/Ma 1.45 Ju Mo/Me 1.27 The Moon slowly gaining in light and motion trines Saturn 00:16The Moon hits crescent phase 03:13 at 8 degrees Cancer. The Moon Uranus and Pluto are in very tight cardinal T-square 08:00 to 09:00. Moon square Uranus 08:11 Moon opposition Pluto 08:59 Moon trine Node 19:28 Moon sextile Mars 22:39Wednesday 15 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Taurus EA 24 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.02 Mon 19 Cancer ME 11 Gemini SA sex PL 1.29 Mer 28 Taurus VE 24 Gemini VE con JU 1.5 Ven 07 Gemini MA 14 Taurus ME sex UR 1.71 Mar 18 Taurus JU 25 Gemini MA trn PL 3.82 Jup 20 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio MA opp SA 5.11 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 17 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 2water 4cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .47 Pl Ne/No .47 Pl Ne/No .47 Ve Su/Ju .32 Ur Ma/Ne .7 Ju Mo/Ma .51 Ve Su/Ju .48 Pl Ne/No .47 Me Ve/Ma .76 Ve Su/Ju .64 Ur Ma/Ne .86 Su Me/Ma .84 Ve Su/Ju .8 Ur Ma/Ne .78 Su Me/Ma .96 Ur Ma/Ne .94 Ju Su/Mo 1.07 Me Ve/Ma 1.06 Ju Mo/Ma 1.02 Me Su/Ve 1.54 Su Me/Ma 1.21 Su Me/Ma 1.08 Me Ve/Ma 1.35 Me Ve/Ma 1.65 Me Mo/Ur 1.74 Me Su/Ve 2.08 Me Su/Ve 1.81 Ma Mo/Ne 2.22 Venus makes a waning quinquncx aspect to Saturn 06:55, some bitterness in the start of the (GMT) day. The accelerating slowly waxing crescent Moon in Cancer sextiles the Sun becoming void 12:15 Mercury enters Gemini 20:42 joining Venus and Jupiter in that sign. Mercury flies through Gemini in 15 days. Mercury squares Neptune on May 18th. He sextiles Uranus on May 21st. Mercury is conjunct Venus at 19 degrees Gemini on May 24th and is conjunct Jupiter at 23 Gemini on May 27th. Mercury leaves Gemini for Cancer on May 31st. There is an astrological wave starting to build with today's ingress. The triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter during May 24th-27th is an exciting prospect. The next couple of weeks is a vibrant fast moving kaleidoscope of words, ideas, fancies, decisions and affections. Simultaneous synchronistic events will take place. People will behave in 'butterfly and bee' mode, fluttering from flower to flower, sampling secrets and stinging shallowly. This is a time for communication, movement and exchange. Use it well. Two hours later the Moon enters Leo 22:39 The Moon then sextiles Mercury, newly arrived in Gemini 23:04. From the Helio perspective Venus is conjunct Jupiter tonight. This conjunction occurs every 8 months. The next conjunction in Gemini is in 2025. This vibration is a regular and steady pulse in the solar system, its symbolism encompasses vibrant wisdom and love.Thursday 16 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Taurus EA 25 Scorpio VE con JU .03 Mon 01 Leo ME 17 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.02 Mer 00 Gemini VE 26 Gemini SA sex PL 1.26 Ven 08 Gemini MA 14 Taurus MA trn PL 4.38 Mar 19 Taurus JU 26 Gemini Jup 21 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ju .16 Ve Su/Ju 0 Ve Su/Ju .16 Ve Su/Ju .32 Pl Ne/No .48 Ma Mo/Ne .42 Ve Mo/Ur .42 Su Me/Ma .36 Su Me/Ma .72 Pl Ne/No .48 Pl Ne/No .48 Me Su/Ve .46 Ma Mo/Ne .9 Su Me/Ma .6 Su Me/Ma .48 Pl Ne/No .48 Ur Ma/Ne 1.03 Ve Mo/Ur .78 Me Su/Ve .73 Ur Ma/Ne 1.27 Me Su/Ve 1.27 Me Su/Ve 1 Ur Ma/Ne 1.19 Ve Mo/Ur 1.63 Me Ve/Ma 1.95 Ur Ma/Ne 1.11 Ma Mo/Ne 1.74 Ve Me/Ju 2.63 A brighter day. The Leo Moon, gaining in light and motion, squares Saturn 12:22 The Moon sextiles Venus 15:53, at this time these two bodies are joined with Saturn and Neptune in a planetary trapezium, a dynamic configuration inducing agreements and shared vision. Sun semi square Uranus 18:56 Moon trine Uranus 20:40Friday 17 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Taurus EA 26 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1.01 Mon 13 Leo ME 23 Gemini SA sex PL 1.24 Mer 02 Gemini VE 27 Gemini VE con JU 1.56 Ven 09 Gemini MA 15 Taurus ME con JU 2.3 Mar 20 Taurus JU 26 Gemini ME con VE 3.86 Jup 21 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .2 Me Su/Ve .07 Su Me/Ma 0 Su Me/Ma .12 Su Me/Ma .24 Su Me/Ma .12 Su Mo/Ne .31 Mo Su/No .26 Mo Ma/Sa .47 Pl Ne/No .48 Me Su/Ve .33 Pl Ne/No .48 Pl Ne/No .48 Ve Su/Ju .63 Pl Ne/No .48 Me Su/Ve .59 Ve Su/Ju .48 Mo Su/Sa .87 Mo Ma/No .7 Ve Su/Ju .95 Ur Ma/Ne 1.35 Su Mo/Ne .98 Ve Su/Ju .79 Mo Ve/Sa 1.45 Su Mo/Ne 2.26 Ur Ma/Ne 1.43 Mo Me/Sa 1.32 Mo Me/Sa 1.5 Historical astrological analysis of the current eclipse season will possibly find correspondence to the announcement this week by US scientists of the world's first successful cloning of human embryos for the medical use of extracted stem cell material. Today the waxing and accelerating crescent Moon in Leo squares her nodal axis 07:09 The Moon squares Mars 14:16 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 16:18 Tomorrow all the planets in the the solar system except Mars and Jupiter seem to knock one another about astrologically. Not the easiest of days but pretty interesting and dynamic. The two days ahead are pretty much a 'get things done' weekend.Saturday 18 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Taurus EA 27 Scorpio ME con VE .83 Mon 25 Leo ME 30 Gemini UR sqr PL 1.01 Mer 05 Gemini VE 29 Gemini SA sex PL 1.21 Ven 10 Gemini MA 16 Taurus VE con JU 3.09 Mar 20 Taurus JU 26 Gemini ME trn NE 3.7 Jup 21 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME con JU 3.92 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 5mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ma .24 Mo Ve/No .32 Ju Mo/Ur .03 Me Ma/Ju .13 Mo Me/No .45 Su Me/Ma .35 Me Ma/Ju .28 Pl Ne/No .49 Pl Ne/No .49 Pl Ne/No .49 Sa Mo/Pl .46 Su Me/Ma .59 Me Su/Ve .85 Me Ma/Ju .69 Su Me/Ma .47 Mo Ju/No .63 Ve Su/Ju 1.11 Mo Ju/Sa .83 Pl Ne/No .49 Sa Mo/Pl 1.13 Me Ma/Ju 1.11 Me Su/Ve 1.12 Me Su/Ve 1.37 Me Mo/Ne 1.36 Mo Ve/Sa 1.5 Ve Su/Ju 1.27 Ve Su/Ju 1.43 Ju Mo/Ur 1.49The Moon reached first quarter becoming void 04:35 Mercury square Neptune 07:21 Mercury biquintile Pluto 07:32 The waxing accelerating Moon enters Virgo 09:34 A day to 'do jobs with a touch of class' ensues Venus sextile Uranus 16:41 Venus quinquncx Pluto 19:17 The Moon, Mercury and Neptune form a mutable T-square 19:00 to 22:00 Three hours of missing the point. Moon opposition Neptune 19:36 Moon square Mercury 22:03 Moon sextile Saturn 22:19 Mercury quinquncx Saturn 23:34Sunday 19 May 2013Today is the last day of the astrological month of Taurus. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Taurus EA 28 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1 Mon 08 Virgo ME 6 Cancer SA sex PL 1.18 Mer 07 Gemini VE 0 Cancer ME trn NE 2.57 Ven 12 Gemini MA 16 Taurus VE trn NE 2.92 Mar 21 Taurus JU 26 Gemini ME trn SA 2.94 Jup 21 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME sqr UR 3.12 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME opp PL 4.12 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE con JU 4.62 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME con VE 5.48 Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .49 Pl Ne/No .49 Pl Ne/No .49 Pl Ne/No .49 Me Ma/Ju .55 Su Me/Ma .82 Su Me/Ma .93 Su Me/Ma 1.04 Su Me/Ma .7 Me Ma/Ju .96 Me Ma/Ju 1.37 Me Ma/Ju 1.77 Ve Su/Ju 1.75 Ve Su/Ju 1.91 Ve Su/Ju 2.06 Me Su/Ju 1.89 Me Su/Ve 1.89 Ur Ma/Ne 2.08 Ur Ma/Ne 2.16 No Mo/Pl 1.99 Ur Ma/Ne 2 Me Su/Ve 2.14 Me Su/Ju 2.27 Ve Su/Ju 2.22 Ve Me/Ju 2.53 Ve Me/Ju 2.51 Me Su/Ve 2.4 Ur Ma/Ne 2.25 The Moon in Virgo gaining in light and motion trines Pluto 06:53 This First Quarter Moon squares Venus 08:07, at this time these two bodies form a planetary trapezium with Uranus and Pluto. the Moon sextiles her node 16:09 Venus waning biquintile Saturn 21:59 Thirteen degrees separate Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, and closing.Monday 20 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Taurus EA 29 Scorpio UR sqr PL 1 Mon 21 Virgo ME 12 Cancer SA sex PL 1.16 Mer 09 Gemini VE 2 Cancer VE trn NE 1.31 Ven 13 Gemini MA 17 Taurus ME opp PL 2.08 Mar 22 Taurus JU 26 Gemini ME sqr UR 3.07 Jup 22 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME trn SA 3.23 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA sqr NE 4.21 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 3water 3cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Pl .35 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .5 Me Su/Ju .4 Pl Ne/No .49 Me Su/Ju 1.14 Me Su/Ju .77 Pl Ne/No .5 Su Me/Ma 1.15 Su Me/Ma 1.26 Su Me/Ma 1.37 Su Me/Ma 1.48 Me Su/Ju 1.52 No Mo/Pl 1.31 Ve Me/Ju 2.43 Ve Me/Ju 2.41 Me Ma/Ju 2.18 Ur Ma/Ne 2.41 Ur Ma/Ne 2.49 Ur Ma/Ne 2.57 Ur Ma/Ne 2.33 Ve Me/Ju 2.45 Ve Su/Ju 2.7 Ve Su/Ju 2.86 Ve Su/Ju 2.38 Ve Su/Ju 2.54 No Mo/Pl 2.98 David Cameron UK Prime Minister is under political and astrological pressure this month. He has had, last week, transiting Jupiter square Pluto and Saturn square natal Moon (which returns in August), and today he has Jupiter square Saturn. Jupiter is conjunct his Midheaven on July 7th, which could be a defining moment in his career. The Tory Party chart has its heavily gibbous progressed Moon enter Libra on May 28th 2013. This Moon is a progressed Full Moon opposite Neptune on September 1st 2014. In addition transiting Saturn is conjunct natal Tory Sun on Christmas Eve 2013, May 15th 2014, and on the Autumn Equinox September 21st 2014. The UK Conservative party has a severely climatic immediate future. Today the first quarter Moon in Virgo, gaining in light and motion squares Jupiter 01:56 The Moon earth trines Mars 02:23 The day continues in Virgo 'work mode'. The Moon earth trines the Sun becoming void 16:49 The Moon enters Libra 17:08 The Sun enters Gemini 21:11 and a new astrological month starts. Uranus square Pluto 23:01 State of the sky:-The Sun enters Gemini today. There are 29 days to the Solstice. We are still in the full fury of an eclipse season. There is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the first of Lunar Saros 150, in 5 days. The Sun and Mars are in Taurus. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in Gemini, thirteen degrees between them. Mercury is now a fast moving direct 'evening star' in Gemini. Mercury next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Gemini. She is conjunct Mercury at 19 Gemini on May 24th, and is conjunct Jupiter on May 28th at 23 Gemini and enters Cancer on June 3rd. Venus in Gemini is light and communicative. Affections are divergent and multifarious. Venus is now visible at evening dusk. Venus is soaring upward toward Jupiter and will catch up with the king planet in late May 2013. After Venus and Jupiter’s conjunction on May 28, Venus will continue to climb away from the setting sun, and Jupiter will sink toward it. Jupiter will leave the evening sky on June 19, whereas Venus will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is in Taurus until the end of May. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 31st. Uranus and Pluto are again at their square aspect. The 3rd of 7 of these squares occurs today. The seven squares started in June 2012 and finish in March 2015. Most of the current global trauma can be correlated to this planetary phenomenon. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the penumbral lunar eclipse on Saturday followed by the 'love fest' of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, conjunct in Gemini one week from now, May 27th 28th. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct at 23 degrees Gemini. A very jolly time is in store.Tuesday 21 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Gemini EA 0 Sagittarius VE trn NE .31 Mon 04 Libra ME 18 Cancer UR sqr PL .99 Mer 11 Gemini VE 4 Cancer ME sex MA 1 Ven 14 Gemini MA 17 Taurus SA sex PL 1.13 Mar 22 Taurus JU 26 Gemini EA sqr NE 3.25 Jup 22 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ju .03 Me Su/Ju .34 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .5 Me Su/Ju .7 Me Su/Ju 1.06 Su Me/Ma 1.59 Su Me/Ma 1.7 Su Me/Ma 1.8 Pl Mo/Ur 1.48 Ve Me/Ju 2.39 Ve Me/Ju 2.37 Ve Me/Ju 2.34 Su Me/Ma 1.91 Ur Ma/Ne 2.65 Ur Ma/Ne 2.73 Ur Ma/Ne 2.81 Ve Me/Ju 2.32 Ur Ma/Ne 2.89 Yesterday more than 70 people were killed and many more wounded by car bombs and suicide attacks in one of the worst days of violence in Iraq in recent months. Iraq's progressed Moon is currently hitting the opposition of Venus and Saturn in her natal chart. Progressed Moon is opposite progressed Saturn. Sinister. Welcome to the astrological month of Gemini. Today the Moon is well past first quarter, accelerating in Libra towards Saturday's Penumbral Eclipse. Mercury waxing quinquncx Pluto 03:39 Mercury sextile Uranus 03:47 The Moon Uranus and Pluto form a very tight cardinal T-square, eased somewhat by Mercury, 12:00 to 14:00 Moon square Pluto 12:56. Moon opposition Uranus 13:00 The Moon air trines Mercury 14:34 Mercury waning biquintile Saturn 18:42 Moon air trines Venus 19:24Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK,
of star Psi Virgo, 20:48 to 21:56.The Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 21:08Wednesday 22 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Gemini EA 1 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .99 Mon 18 Libra ME 24 Cancer SA sex PL 1.11 Mer 13 Gemini VE 5 Cancer VE trn NE 1.92 Ven 15 Gemini MA 18 Taurus EA sqr NE 2.3 Mar 23 Taurus JU 26 Gemini VE trn SA 3.67 Jup 22 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE sqr UR 3.79 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE opp PL 4.77 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .5 Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Ne/No .51 Me Su/Ju 1.42 Me Su/Ju 1.78 Sa Mo/No 1.08 Sa Mo/No .71 Su Me/Ma 2.01 Su Me/Ma 2.12 Me Su/Ju 2.13 Ve Me/Ju 2.21 Ve Me/Ju 2.29 Ve Me/Ju 2.27 Su Me/Ma 2.22 Su Me/Ma 2.32 Ur Ma/Ne 2.98 Sa Mo/No 2.86 Ve Me/Ju 2.24 Me Su/Ju 2.49 The search for victims of the gigantic tornado that struck an Oklahoma City suburb continues into a second day, with 24 people confirmed dead. The ACG map below shows the planetary situation at the moment of maximum eclipse of the Solar Eclipse on May 10th.The near vertical lines represent how Saturn rising and Mars setting straddled Oklahoma. The band of lines traversing the map show how exact the local azimuth coordinates of the Moon, the Sun, Mercury and Mars were at that moment near exact. All four bodies had azimuth coordinates of 284-285 degrees. All four bodies would have appeared to be in a vertical line up from the horizon in roughly midway between west and west-north-west at 5, 8, 10 and 10 degrees of altitude. Startling. Check out the other astro-blog sites for further insight into this event. At the moment the tornado reached Moore Oklahoma, on Monday the Moon was shortly to rise, 3 degrees beneath the horizon,she was rising on the Oklahoma state eastern border, but of more import was the Mars/Saturn midpoint almost exactly on the local Ascendant/Mid heaven midpoint at 14 degrees Leo. Of course every point on earth will undergo that local midpoint transit every day, where the significance lies here is that Mars and Saturn were themselves almost in hard 165 degree 'quindecile' aspect, that's 11/24 of a circle at this time. Their midpoint was exactly 45 degrees from both the local ascendant and local Mid heaven. The harsh and violently destructive force symbolised by these two planets was focussed on an Oklahoma suburb in the form of a record breaking tornado at that moment. It's a mercy only 24 were killed, maybe the kindly Venus/Mid heaven midpoint conjunct Jupiter softened the death toll. Today the rapidly waxing gibbous Moon in Libra air trines Jupiter becoming void 07:36 The day follows in an intensifying pregnant limbo. Lunar pressures are rising. Jupiter biquintiles the lunar node 10:11 Venus quinquncx the lunar node 17:33 The Moon enters Scorpio 20:56, joining Saturn there.
Thursday 23 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Gemini EA 2 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .98 Mon 02 Scorpio ME 0 Leo SA sex PL 1.08 Mer 15 Gemini VE 7 Cancer EA sqr NE 1.34 Ven 16 Gemini MA 18 Taurus EA trn ME 1.89 Mar 24 Taurus JU 26 Gemini VE trn SA 2.08 Jup 22 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE sqr UR 2.18 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE opp PL 3.16 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE trn NE 3.53 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 4water 4cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Ne/No .51 Ve Me/Ju 2.18 Ve Me/Ju 2.15 Ve Me/Ju 2.12 Mo Sa/No 1.54 Su Me/Ma 2.42 Su Me/Ma 2.52 Mo Sa/No 2.13 Ve Me/Ju 2.09 Sa Mo/No 2.52 Su Me/Ma 2.61 Pl Mo/Ne 2.15 Me Su/Ju 2.84 Su Me/Ma 2.71 A man was be-headed and two were injured after a machete attack in Woolwich, south-east London, which government sources said was being treated as a suspected terror incident. This incident occurred at 14:20 BST on Wednesday. Mars was trine the Virgo Ascendant and Jupiter was almost conjunct the Gemini Mid Heaven. We possibly have an opportunist violent attack attracting notoriety. The Uranus/Neptune midpoint was exactly conjunct the ascendant suggesting a localised manifestation of a fanatical and delusionary act. The event seems connected to the Lunar Eclipse next Saturday when, at the moment of maximum eclipse, the Moon is almost exactly setting (9 minutes of arc above the horizon) at Woolwich. The United Kingdom (1801) chart had transiting Mars square Saturn yesterday which is savage, and transiting Saturn was square the Sun/Pluto midpoint throwing up a ruthless event involving martyrs of their own ideas. Saturday's Lunar Eclipse is square the UK natal Pluto. This remarkable event in Woolwich can be viewed astrologically as pre-eclipse trauma. An intense day is in store. Today the Moon in Scorpio rapidly approaching lunar eclipse water trines Neptune 05:46. The Moon seriously conjuncts Saturn 07:35 Mercury quinquncx the lunar node 13:02 Moon sextile Pluto 15:26 Moon conjunction her node 23:19Friday 24 May 2013 One day to a lunar eclipse Mercury overtakes Venus today, but he is starting to slow down. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Gemini EA 3 Sagittarius EA sqr NE .39 Mon 16 Scorpio ME 6 Leo VE trn SA .49 Mer 17 Gemini VE 9 Cancer VE sqr UR .57 Ven 18 Gemini MA 19 Taurus UR sqr PL .98 Mar 25 Taurus JU 26 Gemini SA sex PL 1.05 Jup 22 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE opp PL 1.55 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn ME 2.9 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME sqr SA 3.12 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME trn UR 3.2 Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 4water 4cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Ne .3 Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Ne/No .52 Pl Ne/No .51 Pl Mo/Ne 1.55 No Mo/Sa .89 No Mo/Sa .98 Ve Me/Ju 2.06 Ve Me/Ju 2.02 Ve Me/Ju 1.98 Ve Me/Ju 1.95 Su Me/Ma 2.8 No Mo/Sa 2.76 Me Ve/Ju 2.5 Me Ve/Ju 2.2 Me Ve/Ju 2.8 Su Me/Ma 2.99 Su Me/Ma 2.9 The heavily gibbous pre-eclipse Moon accelerating in Scorpio is opposite Mars and becomes void 13:56 for 8 hours. Full Moon on the eve of her eclipse enters Sagittarius 21:50
Minor grazing lunar occultation, observable from the UK, Mercury conjunction Venus 23:55 (1.35 degree orb). Usually a merry combination.
of star lambda Libra, 22:01 to 22:20. Lambda Libra is
a blue main-sequence star 364 light years away. Blue stars
are hot young and energetic. This is a beneficial event.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Gemini EA 4 Sagittarius VE opp PL .07 Mon 01 Sagittarius ME 12 Leo EA sqr NE .57 Mer 19 Gemini VE 10 Cancer UR sqr PL .97 Ven 19 Gemini MA 19 Taurus SA sex PL 1.03 Mar 25 Taurus JU 26 Gemini VE sqr UR 1.04 Jup 23 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE trn SA 1.09 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME trn UR 2.4 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces ME sqr SA 2.45 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 4water 3cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .52 Pl Ne/No .52 Mo Sa/Pl .17 Pl Ne/No .52 Me Ve/Ju 1.9 Ne Su/Mo .67 Pl Ne/No .52 Mo Pl/No .87 Ve Me/Ju 1.91 Me Ve/Ju 1.61 Me Ve/Ju 1.32 Me Ve/Ju 1.03 No Mo/Sa 2.86 Ve Me/Ju 1.87 Ne Su/Mo 1.33 Ne Mo/Ma 1.04 Ve Me/Ju 1.83 Ve Me/Ju 1.78 Ju Me/Ve 2.81 Yesterday was bromming with news stories. Afghan security forces battled insurgents for several hours in the centre of the capital, Kabul, following an attack claimed by the Taliban. Two men were held on suspicion of endangerment of an aircraft after RAF jets were scrambled to escort a Pakistan Airlines plane in UK airspace. Reinforcements of specially trained police were sent to Stockholm after five nights of unprecedented rioting in the capital's suburbs. A powerful earthquake struck off the Kamchatka peninsula in the far east of Russia, briefly triggering a tsunami warning. These events occured as the Moon approached today's Lunar Eclipse.FULL MOON 04:26 May 25th 2013. First eclipse in Saros series 150. A slight penumbral eclipse centred on 04:10 GMT occurs at 4 degrees Sagittarius. First eclipse in lunar Saros series 150
Today's eclipse is very significant for the reason it is the very first eclipse in Lunar Saros 150. This Saros series lasts right up to the year 3275. It comprises of 71 eclipses including 21 penumbral eclipses, 38 partial eclipses and 12 total eclipses. The Saros peaks with the longest Total Lunar Eclipse on July 7th in the year 2680. The chart above is not only the chart of today's eclipse, describing its quality, but also that of the complete Saros Series. I have arbitrary set it for London. We see the eclipsed Moon in early Sagittarius near her ascending node square Neptune, with a tight Mercury Venus conjunction only 3 degrees from Jupiter in Gemini Saturn trines Neptune and of course Uranus squares Pluto. This last aspect spoils what would otherwise be a lively and potentially merry time if not a trifle disorienting with the Moon square Neptune. Air and mutability predominate. Movement and change are inherent. At the moment of maximum eclipse the Moon sets and the Sun rises over the UK. The Moon exactly sets at Lancaster, Paris and at Tripoli. The Moon is at lower culmination and it is high noon at Beijing. The Mercury Venus conjunction is culminating at Vladivostok, Mercury rises at Amsterdam and at Koln. Pluto rises at Minneapolis, Jupiter rises at Cairo and at Mogadishu and is at lower culmination at Rio. The next Lunar Eclipse is a Partial Eclipse on October 18th 2013 in Aries. The next Total Lunar Eclipse is on April 15th 2014 in Libra, not visible from the UK. The next Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the UK occurs during the early hours of Monday September 28th 2015 at 5 Aries,in 855 days time a 'must-see agenda item'. Pencil it in. After the eclipse the Moon squares Neptune 06:20 The day continues dominated by the wake of the eclipse. The Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 16:02
Sunday 26 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Gemini EA 5 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .97 Mon 16 Sagittarius ME 17 Leo SA sex PL 1 Mer 21 Gemini VE 12 Cancer EA sqr NE 1.52 Ven 20 Gemini MA 20 Taurus VE opp PL 1.68 Mar 26 Taurus JU 26 Gemini VE sqr UR 2.65 Jup 23 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE trn SA 2.68 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME sqr MA 3.09 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces EA trn UR 4.2 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 4water 3cardinal 2fixed 3mutable 6positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .52 Me Ve/Ju .46 Me Ve/Ju .17 Me Ve/Ju .1 Me Ve/Ju .74 Pl Ne/No .52 Pl Ne/No .52 Pl Ne/No .52 Ne Mo/Ma .94 Ve Me/Ju 1.69 Ve Me/Ju 1.65 Ju Me/Ve 1.49 Ve Me/Ju 1.74 Ju Me/Ve 2.15 Ju Me/Ve 1.82 Ve Me/Ju 1.6 Ju Me/Ve 2.48 Ne Mo/Ma 2.92 Mo Pl/No 2.92Significant geocentric harmonic 8 around 06:00 GMTThe 'hung over' Sagittarius Moon is at perigee, fastest all 01:32 The Sun waxing biquintile Pluto 05:36 The Moon opposes Venus 06:17 and Mercury 07:47 Moon opposition Jupiter becoming void 10:23 Sun square Neptune 10:27
month, and closest to EarthSignificant geocentric harmonic 10 around 12:00 GMT Mars semi square Uranus 12:10 Mercury biquintile Node 14:34 The Moon enters Capricorn 21:30
Monday 27 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Gemini EA 6 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .96 Mon 02 Capricorn ME 22 Leo SA sex PL .98 Mer 23 Gemini VE 13 Cancer ME sqr MA 1.64 Ven 21 Gemini MA 21 Taurus EA sqr NE 2.47 Mar 27 Taurus JU 27 Gemini EA trn UR 3.25 Jup 23 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE opp PL 3.29 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sqr UR 4.25 Ura 11 Aries NE 3 Pisces VE trn SA 4.27 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ju .38 Mo Sa/Ne .41 Ju Me/Ve .52 Ju Me/Ve .2 Pl Ne/No .52 Pl Ne/No .53 Pl Ne/No .53 Pl Ne/No .53 Ju Me/Ve 1.17 Me Ve/Ju .65 Me Ve/Ju .92 Me Ve/Ju 1.19 Ve Me/Ju 1.55 Ju Me/Ve .84 Ve Me/Ju 1.44 Ve Me/Ju 1.39 Ve Me/Ju 1.5 Mo Ne/No 1.49 Mo Ne/No 2.26 The still full 'post eclipse' fast moving Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune 05:00 Sun waning quinquncx Saturn 07:17 Moon sextile Saturn 07:19 Mercury conjunction Jupiter 07:57 (2.36 degree orb) Venus biquintile the lunar node 10:13 Mercury waxing quintile Uranus 11:51 Moon conjunction Pluto 15:13 This conjunctuion is a lunar occultation of Pluto focussed on the area shown on the map below.Moon square Uranus 15:51
Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 18:00 GMT Moon sextile Node 22:46 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 7 degrees Gemini today. There are 25 days to the Solstice. We are now starting to pull out of the recent eclipse season. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mercury is now a decelerating 'evening star' in Gemini. Mercury next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013, Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' on June 10th and he slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on June 11th. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two planets vare then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Gemini. She is conjunct Jupiter tomorrow at 23 Gemini and enters Cancer on June 3rd. Venus in Gemini is light and communicative. Affections are divergent and multifarious. Venus is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time may well be when Jupiter catches up with Mars in the morning sky on July 22. Mars is in Taurus until the end of May. Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini on May 31st. The astrological 'wave of the week' is a watery grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Neptune which starts to build up on Friday and peaks one week tomorrow. This planetary pattern will influence music, art and emotion. Open your heart, turn on your love light.Tuesday 28 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Gemini EA 7 Sagittarius ME sex JU .78 Mon 17 Capricorn ME 27 Leo SA sex PL .95 Mer 24 Gemini VE 15 Cancer UR sqr PL .95 Ven 23 Gemini MA 21 Taurus EA trn UR 2.3 Mar 28 Taurus JU 27 Gemini EA sqr NE 3.43 Jup 23 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio VE opp PL 4.91 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 4water 3cardinal 3fixed 3mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Me/Ve .12 Ju Me/Ve .44 Mo Sa/Ur .17 Ur Mo/Me .15 Pl Ne/No .53 Pl Ne/No .53 Pl Ne/No .53 Pl Ne/No .53 Ve Me/Ju 1.33 Ve Me/Ju 1.28 Ju Me/Ve .75 Ne Mo/Ur .74 Me Ve/Ju 1.45 Me Ve/Ju 1.71 Ve Me/Ju 1.22 Ur Mo/Ju .95 Ur Mo/Me 1.9 Ur Mo/Ve .98 Me Ve/Ju 1.97 Mo Ur/No .99 Ne Mo/Ur 2.58 Ju Me/Ve 1.07. We are still very much in the wake of eclipses. Yesterday EU foreign ministers were discussing whether to ease the arms embargo on Syria as France said there were "growing suspicions" of chemical weapons use. More than 50 people were killed in a series of car bomb explosions in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, as a spate of violence continues. It was reported yesterday that five severely disabled stroke patients showed signs of recovery following the injection of stem cells into their brain. It seems we are in the time of advances in stem cell science.Today the fast but decelerating Moon in Capricorn reaches 09:05 The day is in the main a tougth talking affair. The evening (GMT) throws up a strong 10th harmonic. This is potentionally extraordinary creative.
disseminating phaseStrong geocentric harmonic 10 18:00-22:00 GMT The Moon 'earth trines' Mars becoming void 18:42 Venus conjunction Jupiter 19:30 (0.99 degree orb)at 23 Gemini. Venus quintile Uranus 19:40 Jupiter waxing quintile Uranus 20:33 The Moon enters Aquarius 21:49 As the Moon ingresses Aquarius, 4 points of a pentagon are formed, involving the Moon, Venus, Uranus and the lunar node. The missing point is 6 degrees Virgo.Wednesday 29 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Gemini EA 8 Sagittarius SA sex PL .92 Mon 01 Aquarius ME 2 Virgo UR sqr PL .95 Mer 26 Gemini VE 17 Cancer ME opp NE 1.07 Ven 24 Gemini MA 22 Taurus EA trn UR 1.35 Mar 28 Taurus JU 27 Gemini EA sqr NE 4.38 Jup 24 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .53 Pl Ne/No .53 Mo Ne/Pl .35 Pl Ne/No .54 Ur Mo/Ju .9 Ve Me/Ju 1.04 Pl Ne/No .53 Ve Me/Ju .91 Ur Mo/Ve .99 Ju Me/Ve 1.69 Ve Me/Ju .97 Ur Su/Mo 1.25 Ne Mo/Ur 1.09 Ur Mo/Ju 2.73 Ju Me/Ve 2 Ju Me/Ve 2.31 Ve Me/Ju 1.1 Me Ve/Ju 2.73 Su Ma/Ju 2.88 Su Ma/Ju 2.75 Ju Me/Ve 1.38 Ne Mo/Ur 2.91 Me Ve/Ju 2.98 Ur Mo/Me 2.18 Ur Mo/Ve 2.95Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 00:00 GMT residual from yesterday evening. The astrological ether is clearer and lighter, 5 bodies are now in air signs. The Syrian civil war however grinds on. The outside world too is in conflict as to how to deal with the 2 year old war. During this time, Syrian rebels have begged the world to arm them as they try to overthrow a four-decade dynasty. Now, European Union countries may be stepping up to that call. In response Russia says it will deliver S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria to deter foreign intervention. The Syrian conflict began on 15 March 2011, just 2 days after the ingress of Uranus into Aries. Uranus resides there until May 2018. The disseminating decelerating Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 07:49 The Moon air trines the Sun 11:29 The Moon sextiles Uranus 17:02 The Moon squares her nodes 23:59Thursday 30 May 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Gemini EA 9 Sagittarius EA trn UR .41 Mon 16 Aquarius ME 7 Virgo SA sex PL .9 Mer 28 Gemini VE 18 Cancer UR sqr PL .94 Ven 25 Gemini MA 22 Taurus EA sqr ME 1.6 Mar 29 Taurus JU 27 Gemini ME sex SA 2.05 Jup 24 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME trn PL 2.95 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME opp NE 3.73 Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .54 Pl Ne/No .54 Pl Ne/No .54 Mo Ur/Pl .09 Ur Su/Mo .64 Ve Me/Ju .77 Ur Mo/Ma .57 Pl Ne/No .54 Ve Me/Ju .84 Ur Mo/Ma 2.4 Ve Me/Ju .7 Ve Me/Ju .63 Ju Me/Ve 2.62 Su Ma/Ju 2.51 Su Ma/Ju 2.39 Ur Mo/Ma 1.25 Su Ma/Ju 2.63 Ur Su/Mo 2.52 Su Ma/Ju 2.27 Ju Me/Ve 2.92 News stories 'thin on the ground' yesterday. Today the decelerating disseminating Moon in Aquarius, setting locally before noon, glides and wanes easily. She air trines Jupiter 14:02, Venus at 17:22 and Mercury at 23:38. This is essentially a smooth and light vibration. The Moon squares 'spoil sport' Mars at 23:58, becoming void for just over half an hour.Friday 31 May 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Gemini EA 10 Sagittarius EA trn UR .54 Mon 30 Aquarius ME 12 Virgo SA sex PL .87 Mer 30 Gemini VE 20 Cancer UR sqr PL .94 Ven 26 Gemini MA 23 Taurus ME trn PL 1.7 Mar 30 Taurus JU 27 Gemini EA sqr ME 2.1 Jup 24 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME sex SA 2.57 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sex MA 2.97 Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 5water 3cardinal 2fixed 4mutable 5positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .54 Ve Me/Ju .48 Pl Mo/No .05 Ve Me/Ju .33 Ve Me/Ju .56 Pl Ne/No .54 Ve Me/Ju .41 Pl Ne/No .54 Su Ma/Ju 2.14 Pl Mo/No 1.65 Pl Ne/No .54 Pl Mo/No 1.73 Su Ma/Ju 2.02 Su Ma/Ju 1.9 Su Ma/Ju 1.78 Subtle changes today. The Moon, Mercury and Mars change signs. The decelerating Moon approaching last quarter, enters Pisces 00:31, joining Neptune there. Today has a buzzy but dream like character. Things 'move on' today. Mercury enters Cancer 07:08 Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. His agenda is extensive and he will undergo his retrograde period from June 26th to July 20th. Prior to his station in 27 days time he forms a water grand trine with Neptune and Saturn on June 3rd and 4th, opposes Pluto and squares Uranus on June 7th and 8th, trines the lunar node on June 12th and is overtaken by Venus at 22 Cancer on the solstice day. He turns retrograde 5 days later. This prolonged residence in Cancer will give rise to shrewd thinking and thrift oriented decisions. A careful and deliberate period not without some tears. Moon conjunction Neptune 09:55 Mars enters Gemini 10:40, joining, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in this sign. Mars will reside in Gemini for 44 days. He squares Neptune on June 7th and sextiles Uranus on June 17th. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots on the boil with this one. The Moon trine Saturn 10:55The Moon is at last quarter 18:59 The Moon sextiles Pluto 19:59 An interesting 'water grand trine' weekend is ahead of us.Saturday 1 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Gemini EA 11 Sagittarius SA sex PL .85 Mon 13 Pisces ME 16 Virgo UR sqr PL .93 Mer 01 Cancer VE 21 Cancer EA trn UR 1.49 Ven 27 Gemini MA 23 Taurus VE sex MA 1.9 Mar 00 Gemini JU 27 Gemini Jup 24 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Ju .25 Ve Me/Ju .17 Ve Me/Ju .09 Ve Me/Ju .01 Pl Ne/No .54 Pl Mo/Sa .22 Pl Ne/No .55 Mo Ur/Ne .34 Pl Mo/Sa 1.44 Pl Ne/No .55 Mo Ma/Pl .98 Pl Ne/No .55 Su Ma/Ju 1.66 Su Ma/Ju 1.53 Su Ma/Ju 1.41 Su Ma/Ju 1.29 Pl Mo/Sa 1.87 Mo Ma/Pl 2.22 Ju Su/Me 2.84 Ju Su/Me 2.59 We are limbering up to an important 'watery grand trine' planetary pattern involving Mercury, Saturn and Neptune, peaking in 3 days time and which then modulates as Venus takes over from Mercury. The 'effects' or at least the 'sympathetic reaction' from this event, may well be in the form of events of noteworthy human intercourse, a wondrous story, (Mercury Neptune). The consequence of what is about to unfold is of great significance(Saturn). The modulation is to a more heartfelt conclusion. A ripple in the sea of tranquility. Today as the wave approaches, the Last Quarter decelerating Moon in Pisces trines her node 04:11 conferring a continuing dream like quality The 2nd decant Gemini Sun approaching the Mars Jupiter midpoint is 'waxing 150 degrees' Pluto 08:41. Important manoeuvering. The Moon squares Jupiter 20:19, much too much.Sunday 2 June 2013 A water grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Neptune starts today, peaks on June 4th lasts to June 10th.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Gemini EA 12 Sagittarius SA sex PL .82 Mon 26 Pisces ME 21 Virgo VE sex MA .83 Mer 03 Cancer VE 23 Cancer UR sqr PL .93 Ven 29 Gemini MA 24 Taurus ME sex VE 2.43 Mar 01 Gemini JU 27 Gemini EA trn UR 2.44 Jup 24 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME trn MA 3.26 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 16 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 3fixed 2mutable 6positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Ju .08 Ve Me/Ju .16 Mo Ju/Pl .11 Ve Me/Ju .34 Mo Su/Pl .13 Pl Ne/No .55 Ve Me/Ju .25 Pl Ne/No .55 Pl Ne/No .55 Su Ma/Ju 1.05 Pl Ne/No .55 Su Ma/Ju .8 Su Ma/Ju 1.17 Ju Su/Me 2.08 Su Ma/Ju .92 Mo Ve/Pl .82 Ju Su/Me 2.33 Ju Su/Me 1.82 Mo Me/Pl 1.3 Mo Ur/Ne 2.92 Mo Ve/Pl 2.23 Ju Su/Me 1.57 Sun sextile Uranus 01:47 Moon square Venus 04:31 Sun biquintile Saturn 05:02 Moon sextile Mars becoming void 05:58 The ageing decelerating Moon enters Aries 06:35 There is a touch more 'Fire' now, the dreamy nature of the past couple of days has given way to more urgency. Yesterday Turkish police said more than 900 people were arrested and 79 people injured in the worst protests for years. The protests were anti-government. Transiting Saturn is conjunct the Turkish natal Sun this month and by the end of the month Jupiter is conjunct the Turkish Moon. Seriously testing times are part and parcel of the story of that country right now. Moon square Mercury 23:59Monday 3 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Gemini EA 13 Sagittarius ME sex VE .17 Mon 09 Aries ME 25 Virgo VE sex MA .24 Mer 04 Cancer VE 25 Cancer ME trn MA .42 Ven 30 Gemini MA 24 Taurus SA sex PL .79 Mar 02 Gemini JU 27 Gemini UR sqr PL .92 Jup 25 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME sqr JU 2.21 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn UR 3.39 Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 4water 4cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 6negative 5 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Ju .43 Ve Me/Ju .52 Su Ma/Ju .44 Mo Ma/Ne .15 Pl Ne/No .55 Pl Ne/No .55 Pl Ne/No .55 Su Ma/Ju .31 Su Ma/Ju .68 Su Ma/Ju .56 Ve Me/Ju .62 Pl Ne/No .56 Ju Su/Me 1.32 Ju Su/Me 1.08 Ju Su/Me .83 Ju Su/Me .59 Mo Me/Pl 1.69 Ve Me/Ju .71 Ju Su/Ve 2.83 Hundreds of protesters yesterday returned to the streets of Istanbul and Ankara, with the PM accusing some elements of trying to undermine democracy. Transiting Saturn is conjunct the Turkish natal Sun this month and by the end of the month Jupiter is conjunct the Turkish Moon. Uranus is square natal Pluto. Seriously testing times are part and parcel of the story of that country right now. Venus enters Cancer 02:14, joining Mercury in this sign. Venus will reside here for only 24 days. She joins Saturn and Neptune in the watery geand trine on June 7th. She then joins Uranus and Pluto in cardinal T-square on June 11th and 12th. She trines the lunar node on June 16th and is conjunct a slow Mercury on June 21st. She enters Leo on June 27th. Moon square Pluto 03:13 Moon conjunction Uranus 04:40 (2.63 degree orb) Moon sextile Sun 06:48 Mercury trine Neptune 19:19 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 13 degrees Gemini today. There are 18 days to the Solstice. We are now pulling out of the recent eclipse season. A watery grand trine, involving Mercury, Saturn and Neptune is manifest strongly in the skies of Earth. The Sun, and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mercury and Venus are in Cancer. Mercury is now a decelerating 'evening star' in Cancer. Mercury next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013, Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' on June 10th and he slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day on June 11th. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two planets are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. His agenda is extensive and he will undergo his retrograde period from June 26th to July 20th. Prior to his station in 23 days time he forms the water grand trine with Neptune and Saturn on June 3rd and 4th, opposes Pluto and squares Uranus on June 7th and 8th, trines the lunar node on June 12th and is overtaken by Venus at 22 Cancer on the solstice day. He turns retrograde 5 days later. This prolonged residence in Cancer will give rise to shrewd thinking and thrift oriented decisions. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Cancer, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. mentioned above She is arrayed with Saturn and Neptune in watery geand trine on June 7th. She then joins Uranus and Pluto in cardinal T-square on June 11th and 12th. She trines the lunar node on June 16th and is conjunct a slow Mercury on June 21st. She enters Leo on June 27th. Mars is now in Gemini. He squares Neptune on June 7th and sextiles Uranus on June 17th. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots on the boil with this one. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time could be when Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune, and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Mystical Grand Sextile'. A time long looked forward to. The astrological 'wave of this week' as the watery grand trine 'crashes out' all week with Venus taking over from Mercury, is the rather difficult New Moon on Saturday (June 8th) which occurs as Mars is square Neptune and quincunx Saturn, and Mercury opposes Pluto and squares Uranus. At the exact moment of New Moon, Saturn rises over SE England. It looks as if we have an ominous wave to surf first.Tuesday 4 June 2013 The watery grand trine involving Mercury,Saturn and Neptune is ringing out.The watery grand trine is now at its peak. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Gemini EA 14 Sagittarius SA sex PL .77 Mon 22 Aries ME 29 Virgo UR sqr PL .92 Mer 06 Cancer VE 26 Cancer VE sex MA 1.31 Ven 01 Cancer MA 25 Taurus ME sqr JU 1.8 Mar 03 Gemini JU 27 Gemini ME sex VE 2.65 Jup 25 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio ME trn MA 3.96 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn UR 4.33 Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Ju .19 Su Ma/Ju .07 Su Ma/Ju .05 Su Ma/Ju .17 Ju Su/Me .34 Ju Su/Me .1 Ju Su/Me .14 Ju Su/Me .37 Pl Ne/No .56 Mo Su/Ne .34 Pl Ne/No .56 Pl Ne/No .56 Ve Me/Ju .81 Pl Ne/No .56 Ma Mo/Me .71 Ne Mo/Pl .64 Ju Su/Ve 2.62 Ve Me/Ju .91 Ne Mo/Pl .9 Ma Mo/Me .82 Mo Su/Ne 2.64 Ma Mo/Me 2.25 Ve Me/Ju 1.01 Mo Ju/Ne .82 Mo Ma/Ne 2.87 Ju Su/Ve 2.4 Ju Su/Ve 2.18 Ve Me/Ju 1.11 A fire has killed at least 119 people at a poultry processing plant in north-east China's Jilin province, with reports that factory exits were locked. Looking at the Oct 1st 1949 chart for China we can see it is under effect from the last two lunar eclipses. On May 31st Saturn trined the China ascendant at 6 Aquarius, a point which was squared by the April 2013 lunar eclipse. The May 2013 lunar eclipse was conjunct natal Chiron, often a harbinger of disaster and tragedy I have found, quincunx natal Uranus. China's Chiron, and her ascendant are natally in 'yod formation' with the focus on Uranus close to the 'health and safety' 6th house cusp. This continues to be a major issue with China. Today Mercury water trines Saturn 01:24 The decelerating waning Moon in Aries sextiles Jupiter becoming void 06:10, Jupiter is super-charged being on the Sun/Mercury midpoint. Much to deliberate upon today. Much felt, much spoken, much yearned for.The void of course Moon reaches her balsamic phase 14:10 The Moon enters Taurus 15:55 and starts to apply in opposition to Saturn, turning the ongoing grand trine into a kite pattern during the night (GMT) which follows. The Moon sextiles Venus 20:05Wednesday 5 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Gemini EA 15 Sagittarius SA sex PL .74 Mon 04 Taurus ME 3 Libra UR sqr PL .91 Mer 07 Cancer VE 28 Cancer VE sex MA 2.39 Ven 02 Cancer MA 26 Taurus Mar 03 Gemini JU 27 Gemini Jup 25 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Ve .02 Su Ma/Ju .42 Su Ma/Ju .54 Mo Su/Ur .29 Mo Ve/Ne .27 Mo Ma/Ur .45 Pl Ne/No .56 Ma Mo/Ju .51 Su Ma/Ju .3 Pl Ne/No .56 Ma Mo/Ju .86 Pl Ne/No .56 Pl Ne/No .56 Mo Me/Ne .78 Ju Su/Me 1.08 Su Ma/Ju .66 Ju Su/Me .61 Ju Su/Me .85 Ju Su/Ve 1.32 Ju Su/Ve 1.11 Ve Me/Ju 1.22 Ve Me/Ju 1.32 Ve Me/Ju 1.43 Ju Su/Me 1.31 Ju Su/Ve 1.75 Ma Mo/Ve 1.48 Ur Me/Pl 2.48 Ve Me/Ju 1.53 Make hay while the sun shines, especially this morning (GMT) before the Moon becomes void of course. The decelerating balsamic Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 02:28 Moon opposition Saturn 03:04 forming a Kite Pattern with the on-going watery grand trine. Moon waning sextile Mercury 06:31 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 13:26 becoming void for 38 hours. Sun quinquncx the lunar node 20:00, end of eclipse season phenomena. Moon opposition her north node 22:12Thursday 6 June 2013As Mercury moves out of orb in the current watery grand trine, Venus starts to move in and take over. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Gemini EA 15 Sagittarius SA sex PL .72 Mon 16 Taurus ME 7 Libra UR sqr PL .91 Mer 08 Cancer VE 30 Cancer ME opp UR 2.41 Ven 04 Cancer MA 26 Taurus ME sqr PL 3.32 Mar 04 Gemini JU 27 Gemini VE sex MA 3.46 Jup 25 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .56 Ur Mo/Ne .47 Ma Su/Mo .21 Ju Su/Ve .25 Su Ma/Ju .78 Pl Ne/No .57 Su Mo/Me .28 Mo Me/Ur .38 Ju Su/Ve .89 Mo Ju/Ur .61 Ju Su/Ve .46 Pl Ne/No .57 Ur Mo/Ne 1.02 Ju Su/Ve .68 Pl Ne/No .57 Su Mo/Me 1.14 Ju Su/Me 1.54 Su Ma/Ju .91 Mo Ve/Ur .75 Su Ma/Ju 1.15 Ve Me/Ju 1.64 Ma Su/Mo 1.66 Su Ma/Ju 1.03 Ma Su/Mo 1.23 Ma Mo/Ju 1.87 Su Mo/Me 1.7 Ur Me/Pl 1.86 Su Mo/Ve 1.32 Yesterday Syrian government forces regained control of the strategic town of Qusair, near the Lebanese border, the army and the rebels confirm. Activists in Turkey demanded the sacking of police chiefs over the violent suppression of protests, as striking workers joined the demonstrations. The old slow decelerating Moon in Taurus is void of course all day today. There are no lunar or planetary aspects.There is a bit of a lull today. Jupiter is on the Sun Venus midpoint as today ends. Luxury, romance, and the pursuit of happiness is the mission. Despite the building up of a favourable water grand trine involving Venus, Saturn and Neptune, several other more sinister aspects are now applying. Tomorrow looks very difficult as Mars squares Neptune and Mercury hooks into the Uranus Pluto square.Friday 7 June 2013 The grand trine in water peaks again today with Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. We are dealing here with potent astrological energies. There is much 'going down' now. Today is the day before the New Moon. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Gemini EA 16 Sagittarius ME sqr PL .42 Mon 28 Taurus ME 11 Libra SA sex PL .69 Mer 10 Cancer VE 1 Leo UR sqr PL .9 Ven 05 Cancer MA 27 Taurus ME opp UR 1.32 Mar 05 Gemini JU 27 Gemini Jup 26 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Su/Ve .03 Ju Su/Ve .18 Ju Su/Ve .4 Pl Ne/No .57 Su Mo/Ve .09 Pl Ne/No .57 Pl Ne/No .57 Ju Su/Ve .61 Pl Ne/No .57 Su Ma/Ju 1.39 Ur Me/Pl 1.26 Su Mo/Ju .66 Su Ma/Ju 1.27 Ur Me/Pl 1.41 Su Ma/Ju 1.52 Ur Me/Pl 1.11 Ur Me/Pl 1.55 Su Mo/Ve 1.49 Su Mo/Ju 1.93 Su Ma/Ju 1.64 Ve Me/Ju 2.1 Ve Me/Ju 2.22 Ve Me/Ju 2.34 Ju Mo/Me 1.88 Ju Su/Me 2.44 Ju Su/Me 2.67 Ju Su/Me 2.88 Ve Me/Ju 2.46 The very slow old Moon enters Gemini 03:33 Mars waxing biquintile Pluto 07:35 Venus 'water trines' Neptune 11:47 Moon conjunction Mars at 5 degrees Gemini 13:47(2.04 degree orb) Moon square Neptune 14:23 Venus 'water trines' Saturn 15:24 Mercury opposition Pluto 22:04 Mars square Neptune 23:59Saturday 8 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Gemini EA 17 Sagittarius SA sex PL .66 Mon 10 Gemini ME 14 Libra UR sqr PL .9 Mer 11 Cancer VE 3 Leo EA sex ME 3.16 Ven 06 Cancer MA 27 Taurus ME sqr PL 4.06 Mar 05 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME opp UR 4.96 Jup 26 Gemini SA 9 Scorpio Sat 06 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Mo/Me .3 Pl Ne/No .57 Mo Ma/Ju .21 Pl Ne/No .58 Pl Ne/No .57 Ju Su/Ve 1.05 Ju Mo/Ve .36 Ju Su/Ve 1.48 Su Mo/Ju .62 Ju Mo/Ve 1.21 Pl Ne/No .57 Ju Mo/Ve 1.94 Ju Su/Ve .83 Ju Mo/Me 1.28 Ju Su/Ve 1.26 Su Ma/Ju 2.13 Mo Su/Ma 1.24 Mo Su/Ma 1.51 Su Ma/Ju 2.01 Ju Me/Ma 2.14 Su Ma/Ju 1.76 Su Ma/Ju 1.88 Ju Me/Ma 2.32 Mo Ve/Ma 2.39 Ve Me/Ju 2.58 Su Mo/Ju 1.89 Ve Me/Ju 2.83 Ve Me/Ju 2.96Significant geocentric 1st harmonic all weekend, as five planets and the Moon form mutual conjunctions in Gemini and in Cancer.Moon sextile Uranus 03:34 Mars waning quinquncx Saturn 05:19 NEW MOON in GEMINI 15:57 Makes no aspect but applies in long conjunction to Jupiter.
Today's New Moon at 18 degrees Gemini occurs as Venus, Saturn and Neptune form a watery grand trine. Mercury forms a cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto. Mars squares Neptune and Venus opposes Pluto. The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. We have on our hands quite a powerful set of aspects indicating both turbulence and opportunity. The source of both lies with human communication and with personal and shared feelings. Air and Water predominate, we have effervescence, fizz, froth and feeling. This new moon directly hits the natal Sun of Johnny Depp, Ray Illingworth, Joan Rivers, Nancy Sinatra, Boz Scaggs, Derek Underwood, Julie Driscol, Kayne West, Bonnie Tyler and Nick Rhodes. All these folk are flagged up for important new changes in their lives over the forthcoming year. The New moon also hits the natal moon of Iraq, the natal Mercury of Paul Macartney, and Cuba. The natal Venus of Kevin Pieterson, the natal Mars of Michael Portillo, the natal Uranus of David Bowie and the Sun Uranus conjunction in the Italian chart. At the exact moment of New moon 15:57 GMT today the Moon is rising at Honolulu, setting with the Sun at Baghdad and at lower culmination with the sun at Manila. Pluto culminates at Melbourne, Neptune aligns to Hong Kong and to Toronto. Saturn rises over SE England, over Madrid and over Rabat. At Ankara the Sun and the Moon are square the local Midheaven, Mars is setting 2.5 degrees above the local horizion. Conflict and strife hovers over the country. Today's New Moon is the first New Moon following the Annular Solar eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013 and the 5th before the Annular/Total solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd 2013. With its passing we are leaving the current eclipse season. After the New Moon moment is over the infant Moon applies in a long conjunction to Jupiter. Mercury applies in awkward square to Uranus, we have a restless jumpy time. Mercury square Uranus 18:48
Sunday 9 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Gemini EA 18 Sagittarius EA sex ME .57 Mon 22 Gemini ME 18 Libra SA sex PL .64 Mer 12 Cancer VE 4 Leo UR sqr PL .89 Ven 07 Cancer MA 28 Taurus Mar 06 Gemini JU 28 Gemini Jup 26 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Ju .23 Mo Me/Ma .57 Mo Su/Ve .43 Mo Su/Me .2 Mo Ve/Ma .33 Pl Ne/No .58 Pl Ne/No .58 Su Mo/Ma .32 Pl Ne/No .58 Ju Me/Ma 1.78 Ju Me/Ma 1.6 Pl Ne/No .58 Ju Su/Ve 1.69 Ju Su/Ve 1.91 Su Mo/Ma 1.65 Ve Mo/Me 1.19 Ju Me/Ma 1.96 Su Ma/Ju 2.37 Ju Su/Ve 2.12 Ju Su/Mo 1.31 Mo Me/Ma 2.15 Mo Su/Ju 2.58 Su Ma/Ju 2.49 Mo Ve/Ju 1.35 Su Ma/Ju 2.25 Ur Ve/Pl 2.75 Ve Mo/Me 2.5 Ju Me/Ma 1.43Significant geocentric harmonic 1 all day. The infant Moon conjunction Jupiter becoming void 08:30 The Moon enters Cancer 16:17Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 21:37Monday 10 June 2013As the Moon is conjunct Venus in Cancer today, the watery grand trine is re-activated in the morning hours (GMT). The Moon, Mercury and Venus are all opposite Pluto, square Uranus. Testing times. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Gemini EA 19 Sagittarius SA sex PL .61 Mon 04 Cancer ME 21 Libra UR sqr PL .89 Mer 13 Cancer VE 6 Leo EA sex ME 1.94 Ven 08 Cancer MA 28 Taurus VE trn UR 3.18 Mar 07 Gemini JU 28 Gemini VE sqr SA 3.46 Jup 26 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6Significant helio harmonic 19cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Me .12 Pl Ne/No .58 Pl Ne/No .58 Pl Ne/No .58 Ju Su/Mo .23 Ju Me/Ma 1.09 Ju Me/Ma .92 Ju Me/Ma .76 Pl Ne/No .58 Ve Mo/Me 1.44 Ur Mo/Pl 1.7 Mo Me/Ve .93 Mo Me/Ju 1.01 Ju Su/Mo 1.77 Mo Me/Ve 1.74 Ju Mo/Ma 1.49 Su Mo/Ma 1.01 Mo Me/Ju 1.78 Ur Ve/Pl 2.04 Ur Ve/Pl 1.89 Ju Me/Ma 1.26 Ur Ve/Pl 2.18 Ve Mo/Me 2.75 Mo Ve/Ju 1.43 Su Mo/Ma 2.33 Ju Su/Ve 2.98 Moon trine Neptune 03:11 Moon trine Saturn 03:20 Moon conjunction Venus 10:29 Moon opposition Pluto 14:13 Moon square Uranus 16:35 Moon conjunction Mercury becoming void 21:15 Moon trine Node 22:51 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 19 degrees Gemini today. There are 11 days to the Solstice. We are all but out of the recent eclipse season. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. The Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Cancer. Mercury is now a decelerating 'evening star' in Cancer. He next turns retrograde on June 26th 2013. Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' today and he slows to an apparent speed of less than a degree per day tomorrow. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two planets are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. His agenda is extensive and he will undergo his retrograde period from June 26th to July 20th. He trines the lunar node on June 12th and he is overtaken by Venus at 22 Cancer on the solstice day. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Cancer, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She joins Uranus and Pluto in cardinal T-square on June 11th and 12th. She trines the lunar node on June 16th and is conjunct a slow Mercury on June 21st.She enters Leo on June 27th. Mars is now in Gemini. He sextiles Uranus on June 17th. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots on the boil with this one. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time could be when Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune, and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Grand Sextile'. A time long looked forward to. The astrological 'wave of this week' is the waning trine aspect of Saturn and Neptune which peaks tomorrow and forms the backbone of much astrologically that is to follow in the weeks ahead, including the Grand Sextile on July 29th.Tuesday 11 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Gemini EA 20 Sagittarius SA sex PL .59 Mon 16 Cancer ME 25 Libra UR sqr PL .88 Mer 14 Cancer VE 8 Leo VE trn UR 1.57 Ven 10 Cancer MA 29 Taurus VE sqr SA 1.87 Mar 07 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME trn JU 3.19 Jup 27 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Mo/Ma .02 Me Mo/Ve .39 Ju Me/Ma .27 Ve Mo/Ju .06 Pl Ne/No .59 Ju Me/Ma .43 Pl Ne/No .59 Ju Me/Ma .11 Ju Me/Ma .59 Pl Ne/No .59 Me Mo/Ve .99 Pl Ne/No .59 Ur Ve/Pl 1.75 Ju Mo/Ma 1.54 Ve Mo/Ju 1.15 Ur Ve/Pl 1.32 Me Mo/Ve 1.76 Ur Ve/Pl 1.61 Ur Ve/Pl 1.47 Me Mo/Ve 2.37 Ju Ve/Ma 2.97 Ve Mo/Ju 2.36 Ju Ve/Ma 2.6 Ju Ve/Ma 2.42 Ju Ve/Ma 2.78 Ve Su/Mo 2.82An ex-CIA employee says he acted to "protect basic liberties for people around the world" in leaking details of US phone and internet surveillance. Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) pictured above was born on the Summer Solstice in 1983, so maybe a Gemini Sun with Mercury, north node and Mars there. His Moon is almost gibbous in Scorpio and his Mars in Gemini is trine a heavy weight conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Libra. He has 3 planets in Sagittarius, two of which, Jupiter and Uranus were hit by last month's lunar eclipse catapulting him into the limelight and into the fray. With 9 bodies in fire and air signs a Venus in Leo we have a fearless courageous libertarian in our sight. God bless him. The young Moon is void all day, slowly waxing in Cancer. Venus is opposite Pluto in rather worrisome rapture. Emotional overtones and some insecurity will abound today. Mercury trine the lunar node 14:30 Sun biquintile the lunar node 19:36 Venus opposition Pluto 22:09 a venomous aspect. Saturn trine Neptune 23:31.
Wednesday 12 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Gemini EA 21 Sagittarius ME trn JU .03 Mon 28 Cancer ME 28 Libra VE trn UR .04 Mer 15 Cancer VE 9 Leo VE sqr SA .27 Ven 11 Cancer MA 29 Taurus SA sex PL .56 Mar 08 Gemini JU 28 Gemini UR sqr PL .88 Jup 27 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio MA sqr NE 4.09 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 3 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Me/Ma .05 Ju Me/Ma .2 Ju Me/Ma .36 Ju Me/Ma .51 Pl Ne/No .59 Ve Su/Mo .21 Pl Ne/No .59 Ma Mo/Ur .53 Ve Mo/Ju 1.27 Pl Ne/No .59 Me Mo/Ju .74 Me Mo/Ju .54 Ve Su/Mo 1.51 Me Mo/Ju 2.02 Ma Mo/Ur .79 Pl Ne/No .59 Ju Ve/Ma 2.23 Ju Ve/Ma 2.05 Ve Su/Mo 1.1 Ju Ve/Ma 1.68 Ma Mo/Ur 2.11 Ju Ve/Ma 1.87 Me Su/Mo 1.97 Ve Mo/Ju 2.49 Ve Su/Mo 2.41 Venus is all of a sudden hooked into a tight cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto with the square to Uranus peaking tonight (GMT). Today may well witness uncompromising (Moon in Leo) crazy scenes (Venus opposite Pluto square Uranus). The 19th harmonic is significantly strong over the next couple of days, and this harmonic is considered to relate to abstract thinking. All in all we have an interesting if not a touch erratic day on our hands. Turkey appears to be dominating the world stage right now. Clashes between Turkish protesters and police continue in Istanbul's Taksim Square, despite the PM's warning that he will not back down. Transiting Saturn is now exactly conjunct the Sun in the Turkish National chart.harmonic 19 around 06:00 GMT
Significant geocentricSignificant geocentric harmonic 19 around 18:00 GMT The slow young but accelerating Moon enters Leo 04:59 The Moon squares Saturn 15:42The Moon hits crescent phase 18:56 7 Leo The Moon sextiles Mars 22:45 Venus squares Uranus 22:50Thursday 13 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Gemini EA 22 Sagittarius SA sex PL .53 Mon 09 Leo ME 1 Scorpio UR sqr PL .87 Mer 16 Cancer VE 11 Leo VE sqr SA 1.32 Ven 12 Cancer MA 30 Taurus VE trn UR 1.66 Mar 09 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME trn NE 2.36 Jup 27 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio ME trn JU 3.18 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA sqr NE 3.55 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .59 Pl Ne/No .6 Ve Mo/Ma .32 Pl Ne/No .6 Me Su/Mo .59 Me Su/Mo .8 Pl Ne/No .6 Ju Ve/Ma .95 Ju Me/Ma .66 Ju Me/Ma .81 Ju Me/Ma .95 Ve Mo/Ma .98 Ju Ve/Ma 1.5 Ju Ve/Ma 1.32 Ju Ve/Ma 1.13 Ju Me/Ma 1.1 Me Mo/Ju 1.83 Ve Mo/Ma 1.61 Me Su/Mo 2.2 Ma Mo/Ur 1.86 Ve Mo/Ma 2.9Significant geocentric planetary harmonic 19 all day. Very cerebral.The slowly waxing crescent Moon accelerating in Leo 'fire trines' Uranus 05:05 The Moon squares her nodes 10:50 Astrologically quieter today. The mood is geared towards recreation and communication given the opportunity. A day in the life. Friday 14 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Gemini EA 23 Sagittarius SA sex PL .51 Mon 22 Leo ME 4 Scorpio ME trn NE .8 Mer 17 Cancer VE 13 Leo UR sqr PL .86 Ven 13 Cancer MA 0 Gemini VE sqr SA 2.91 Mar 10 Gemini JU 28 Gemini MA sqr NE 3.02 Jup 27 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio VE trn UR 3.27 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp JU 4.94 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con SA 5.37 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .6 Me Mo/Ma .33 Mo Ma/No .3 Ju Ve/Ma .22 Ju Ve/Ma .77 Ju Ve/Ma .59 Ju Ve/Ma .4 Sa Mo/Pl .5 Mo Ma/Sa .85 Pl Ne/No .6 Pl Ne/No .6 Mo Ju/Sa .53 Ju Me/Ma 1.24 Ju Me/Ma 1.38 Sa Mo/Pl 1.05 Pl Ne/No .6 Me Mo/Ma 1.73 Mo Ma/Sa 2.12 Me Mo/Ma 1.07 Mo Su/Sa 1.25 Ve Mo/Ma 2.29 Sa Mo/Pl 2.59 Ju Me/Ma 1.52 Ju Me/Ma 1.65 Mo Ma/No 2.69 Mo Su/Sa 1.71 Su Mo/Ur 2.39The Moon in Leo, gaining in light and motion, sextiles the Sun 03:14 The Moon sextiles Jupiter becoming void at 11:15 for just over 5 hours. The Moon enters Virgo 16:27 The weekend ahead is good for work, good for detail, good for quality time. Saturday 15 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Gemini EA 24 Sagittarius SA sex PL .48 Mon 04 Virgo ME 7 Scorpio UR sqr PL .86 Mer 18 Cancer VE 14 Leo ME con SA 2.29 Ven 15 Cancer MA 1 Gemini MA sqr NE 2.48 Mar 10 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME sex PL 2.77 Jup 27 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio ME trn NE 3.91 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp JU 4.07 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpio
fire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Ve/Ma .04 Ju Ve/Ma .15 Mo Ve/Sa .06 Ju Mo/Ur .06 Mo Su/No .57 Su Mo/Ur .24 Ju Ve/Ma .33 Ju Ve/Ma .51 Pl Ne/No .6 Pl Ne/No .6 Pl Ne/No .61 Pl Ne/No .61 Su Mo/Ur 1.08 Mo Ju/No .82 Ju Mo/Ur 1.46 Mo Me/Sa 1.26 Ju Me/Ma 1.79 Ju Me/Ma 1.92 Su Mo/Ur 1.57 Mo Ve/No 1.87 Sa Mo/Pl 2.05 Mo Su/No 2.42 Mo Me/Sa 1.79 Ju Me/Ma 2.18 Mo Ju/No 2.27 Ju Mo/Ur 2.97 Ju Me/Ma 2.05 No Mo/Pl 2.84 The Sun waxing quintile Uranus 00:36 The Moon gaining in light and motion in Virgo sextiles Saturn 02:37 Moon opposition Neptune 02:50 eased by Saturn. Venus trine the lunar node 06:05 Moon square Mars 13:05 Moon trine Pluto 13:06 Mars waxing quinquncx Pluto 13:19 Moon sextile her node 20:56 Moon sextile Venus 22:35Sunday 16 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Gemini EA 25 Sagittarius ME sex PL .28 Mon 16 Virgo ME 10 Scorpio SA sex PL .46 Mer 19 Cancer VE 16 Leo ME con SA .74 Ven 16 Cancer MA 2 Gemini UR sqr PL .85 Mar 11 Gemini JU 28 Gemini MA sqr NE 1.95 Jup 28 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio EA opp JU 3.2 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Me/No .46 No Mo/Pl .35 Pl Ne/No .61 Pl Ne/No .61 Pl Ne/No .61 Pl Ne/No .61 Ju Ve/Ma 1.06 Ju Ve/Ma 1.24 Ju Ve/Ma .69 Ju Ve/Ma .88 No Mo/Pl 1.96 Ju Me/Ma 2.67 Mo Ve/No 1.15 Ju Me/Ma 2.43 Ju Me/Ma 2.55 No Mo/Pl 1.25 Mo Me/No 2.63 Ju Mo/Ur 1.58 Ju Me/Ma 2.3 Moon sextile Mercury 05:06 Mars biquintile Saturn 06:41Moon at first quarter 17:25 Moon square Jupiter becoming void 21:26Monday 17 June 2013Mars and Jupiter now 16 degrees from their conjunction. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Gemini EA 26 Sagittarius SA sex PL .43 Mon 29 Virgo ME 13 Scorpio UR sqr PL .85 Mer 20 Cancer VE 17 Leo MA sqr NE 1.42 Ven 17 Cancer MA 2 Gemini EA opp JU 2.33 Mar 12 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME sex PL 3.29 Jup 28 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio ME con SA 3.72 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME sqr VE 3.98 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 3water 5cardinal 4fixed 2mutable 5positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .61 Pl Ne/No .61 Pl Ne/No .62 Pl Ne/No .62 Ju Ve/Ma 1.42 Ju Ve/Ma 1.61 Ju Ve/Ma 1.79 Ju Ve/Ma 1.97 Police fire tear gas and water cannon amid fresh Turkish unrest, as PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan's supporters hold a huge rally in Istanbul.Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan born February 26th 1954. Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius, heavily mutable, much water, no Earth, natally Sun square Mars trine Saturn, Mercury conjunct Venus in Pisces. Very much a product of his followers, maybe should have stuck to football management. Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Sun starting next year. Inevitable dissolution. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu warns against "wishful thinking" after reformist-backed Hassan Rouhani is elected Iran's president.
New Irani President Hasan Rouhani born Nov 12th 1948. Strong Sun in Scorpio square Pluto. Mars trine Pluto. Adept and ruthless. Transiting Saturn conjunct his Sun Dec 2013 to Sept 2014, probably serving to strengthen and consolidate. Today the accelerating first quarter Moon enters Libra 01:19 Mars sextile Uranus 15:21 The Moon, Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal T square eased by Mars 20:00 to midnight. Moon square Pluto 20:40 Moon opposition Uranus 23:24 Moon trine Mars 23:50 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 26 degrees Gemini today. There are 4 days to the Solstice. We are all but out of the recent eclipse season. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mercury and Venus are in Cancer. Mercury is now a decelerating 'evening star' in Cancer. He turns retrograde in 9 days time on June 26th 2013. Mercury is conjunct Venus twice this year, May 24th at 19 Gemini, and on June 21st at 22 Cancer. These two planets are then conjunct opposite this point at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th 2014. Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. His agenda is extensive and he will undergo his retrograde period from June 26th to July 20th. He trines the lunar node on June 12th and he is overtaken by Venus at 22 Cancer on the solstice day. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Cancer, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is conjunct slow Mercury on June 21st. Venus(magnitude – 3.8) is gaining altitude very gradually, low in evening twilight. Look for it in the west-northwest. Mercury has closed to just 2° or 3° from Venus, but Mercury is fading fast: from magnitude +0.6 on the 15th to +1.6 on the 22nd. Look for it to Venus's upper left (for mid-northern observers) early in the week, directly left around June 16th and 17th, and below Venus by the 20th. She enters Leo on June 27th. Mars is in Gemini. He sextiles Uranus today. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots on the boil with this one. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time could be when Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune, and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Grand Sextile'. A time long looked forward to. The astrological 'waves of this week' are the Summer Solstice on Friday and the Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday morning (GMT).
Tuesday 18 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Gemini EA 27 Sagittarius SA sex PL .4 Mon 12 Libra ME 16 Scorpio UR sqr PL .84 Mer 20 Cancer VE 19 Leo MA sqr NE .89 Ven 18 Cancer MA 3 Gemini EA opp JU 1.46 Mar 12 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME sqr VE 2.64 Jup 28 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .62 Mo Me/Pl .29 Pl Ne/No .62 Pl Ne/No .62 Pl Mo/Ur 1.69 Pl Ne/No .62 Ju Ve/Ma 2.52 Sa Mo/No 1.45 Mo Ve/Pl 1.92 Mo Ve/Pl 1.3 Ju Ve/Ma 2.7 Ju Ve/Ma 2.15 Ju Ve/Ma 2.33Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 12:00 GMT. At this time Mercury Jupiter and Neptune are in 16th harmonic conjunction as are Saturn and the Lunar south node. The Moon squares Venus and Mercury. The 16th harmonic has to do with inner motivation, today's wave seems of 'social motivation'. The waxing accelerating Moon in Libra squares Venus 11:06 The Moon then squares Mercury 14:35 Comet Ison. From January through May Comet ISON brightened hardly at all, remaining stuck at magnitude 16 or 15 and falling nearly two magnitudes behind the early predictions. It became lost in twilight around the end of May and won’t be back in view until the end of August. Indications are that it will not be 'the comet of the century', but we will see.Wednesday 19 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Gemini EA 28 Sagittarius MA sqr NE .36 Mon 26 Libra ME 19 Scorpio SA sex PL .38 Mer 21 Cancer VE 21 Leo EA opp JU .59 Ven 19 Cancer MA 3 Gemini UR sqr PL .84 Mar 13 Gemini JU 28 Gemini ME sqr VE 1.34 Jup 28 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 4water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/No .28 Pl Ne/No .62 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Ne/No .62 Sa Mo/No 2.02 Ju Ve/Ma 2.88 Yesterday under peace making Moon in Libra vibrations, and the Mercury Venus conjunction in Cancer, and an impending Sun Jupiter conjunction in Cancer, the US announced that it is to open direct peace talks with the Taliban after more than 10 years of war in Afghanistan. In resonance, G8 leaders back called for Syrian peace talks to be held in Geneva "as soon as possible", without mentioning the fate of President Bashar al-Assad. Also Mali's government signed a peace deal with Tuareg rebels to help pave the way for elections next month.Today there is still significant geocentric harmonic 16 manifest around 06:00 GMT. As we approach the Solstice this 'personal ambition' harmonic strengthens. The rapidly waxing Moon in Libra air trines the Sun 03:15 Moon trine Jupiter becoming void 03:56 The Moon enters Scorpio 06:39, joining Saturn in that sign. The mood of the day intensifies. The Moon conjuncts Saturn 15:21 Moon trine Neptune 15:45 Sun conjunction Jupiter 16:12Thursday 20 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Gemini EA 29 Sagittarius ME sqr VE .08 Mon 10 Scorpio ME 22 Scorpio MA sqr NE .17 Mer 21 Cancer VE 22 Leo EA opp JU .28 Ven 21 Cancer MA 4 Gemini SA sex PL .35 Mar 14 Gemini JU 29 Gemini UR sqr PL .83 Jup 29 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 3water 6Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Sa/No .38 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Ne/No .63 Pl Mo/Ne 1.01 Pl Mo/Ne .8 No Mo/Sa 1.49 Pl Mo/Ne 2.82 Pl Mo/Ne 2.63 Brazil is to send a national security force to five major cities to help restore order after massive protests. Sunday's Full Moon directly hits the Brazilian natal Uranus Neptune conjunction.harmonic 19 around 00:00 GMT
Significant geocentricVery strong geocentric harmonic 16 around 06:00 GMT The 16th harmonic chart for this time is shown below. Notice the stellium in Pisces, the triplet in Libra, and Mars Chiron conjunction in Cancer. Deeply spiritual energies at work.Moon sextile Pluto 00:37
Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 06:29 Moon conjunction her node 07:16 Moon trine Venus 18:50 Moon trine Mercury becoming void 19:17 and setting an 'intense expectancy' mood, which aptly describes the flavour of the (Summer) Solstice which occurs tomorrow.Friday 21 June 2013 Wishing all daze readers a Happy Solstice.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Gemini EA 30 Sagittarius SA sex PL .33 Mon 25 Scorpio ME 25 Scorpio MA sqr NE .7 Mer 22 Cancer VE 24 Leo UR sqr PL .83 Ven 22 Cancer MA 4 Gemini EA opp JU 1.14 Mar 15 Gemini JU 29 Gemini ME sqr VE 1.15 Jup 29 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 15 Scorpio
fire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Sa .36 Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .63 No Mo/Sa 2.21 Mo Sa/Pl 1.91 Mars quinquncx the lunar node 01:13 Mercury conjunction Venus 02:57 (1.35 degree orb) Sun enters Cancer 05:05 At this Solstice, Jupiter is moving to form an important water grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. Mars and Jupiter are 14 degrees from their conjunction.![]()
The Sun reaches his maximum declination north of the equator at 05:05 GMT today and 'enters' the tropical zodiac sign of Cancer. The solstice marks the mid winter point in the southern hemisphere and mid summer in the north. The Moon is void of course accelerating in late Scorpio and is gibbous. Mercury is approaching his station, Venus is today in conjunction in Cancer to Mercury. Saturn trines Neptune, Uranus squares Pluto. This solstice marks an intense and 'heartfelt' moment in time. The heart rules the head right now. Actions are multifarious and light with Mars in Gemini but sentiment and feelings run high with five bodies in water signs. This is a solstice of promise and commitment. At the exact moment of Solstice the Sun is culminating at Singapore and is rising at Kineshma. The Moon rises at Melbourne. Venus rises at Inverness and at Venice, Uranus rises at San Juan. Jupiter is at lower culmination at Washington DC. Mercury and Venus culminate over Korea, where all now is fairly sweet after the belligerent verbals earlier in the year. At Damascus however the ascendant is square Saturn and the Mid heaven squares Venus and Mercury. Troubles are set to continue here. After the Solstice moment has passed the Moon enters Sagittarius 08:32 The day which follows is free spirited and adventuresome. We are living and breathing between Solstice and Full Moon The time is high. The Moon squares Neptune 17:05
Saturday 22 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Cancer EA 1 Capricorn SA sex PL .3 Mon 10 Sagittarius ME 28 Scorpio UR sqr PL .82 Mer 22 Cancer VE 26 Leo MA sqr NE 1.23 Ven 23 Cancer MA 5 Gemini EA opp JU 2.01 Mar 15 Gemini JU 29 Gemini ME sqr VE 2.36 Jup 29 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio EA sex NE 2.81 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sex JU 3.14 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .64 Mo Sa/Pl 1.85 Mo Pl/No .91 Su Me/Ma 2.79 Su Me/Ma 2.67 Mo Pl/No 2.87 Su Me/Ma 2.9 An intense solstice, a nearly full Moon, Mercury approaching station, and Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer, all conspired to evoke the following events. The death toll in floods in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand more than double after 550 bodies were seen buried in "slush". Pollution levels reached a new record high in Singapore, as smoky haze from fires in Indonesia shrouded the city state for the third day in a row. Singapore was 'starred' at the solstice moment yesterday as high noon coincided there. Authorities ordered the evacuation of central Calgary as flooding left swathes of the Canadian city underwater and forced 75,000 people from their homes. The Canadian natal chart has transiting Jupiter conjunct natal moon right now and the lunar node is about to oppose natal Pluto. Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff held an emergency cabinet meeting, a day after more than a million people joined nationwide protests. I am of the opinion that the current unrest is a manifestation of the Full Moon on Sunday conjunct Brazil's Uranus Neptune conjunction, and that it will quickly pass. Dimla Rousseff has transiting Neptune opposite natal Mars this year. That transit always undermines everything. Right now she is energized as Mars sextiles her Pluto. Mars opposes her Sun on July 1st. Let it be. Today the very rapidly waxing, nearly full Moon in Sagittarius, trines Uranus 04:10 The Moon then opposes Mars 09:15 The day continues...just one day between Solstice and Full Moon. Consider it a holy day. The full Moon waxes in a day long opposition to Jupiter, himself about to ingress Cancer shortly after midnight on Wednesday morning. The times, they are a-changing again and better days they are ahead.Sunday 23 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Cancer EA 2 Capricorn SA sex PL .27 Mon 25 Sagittarius ME 1 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .82 Mer 23 Cancer VE 27 Leo VE sex JU 1.6 Ven 24 Cancer MA 5 Gemini MA sqr NE 1.76 Mar 16 Gemini JU 29 Gemini EA sex NE 1.86 Jup 29 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio ME sqr NE 2.8 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA opp JU 2.88 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME sqr VE 3.54 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA trn VE 4.48 Plu 11 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .64 Pl Ne/No .65 Pl Ne/No .65 Pl Ne/No .65 Su Me/Ma 2.56 Su Me/Ma 2.44 Su Me/Ma 2.32 Mo Sa/Ne 1.12 Mo Sa/Ne 2.7 Su Me/Ma 2.19Significant geocentric harmonic 7 around 06:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 18 around 18:00 GMT Moon opposition Jupiter becoming void 07:10 Moon enters Capricorn 08:09Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 11:11SUPER FULL MOON in CAPRICORN 11:33 THIS FULL MOON FORMS A KITE PATTERN WITH SATURN AND NEPTUNE.
Rapidly following on from the majesty of the solstice we now have this spectacular Full Moon in Capricorn which falls in resplendent planetary kite pattern with Saturn and Neptune. Today's Full Moon is the first Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 25th 2013 in Sagittarius, and the 4th lunation before the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Aries on October 18th 2013. The Full Moon in Capricorn is a 'Super Full Moon' because it occurs on the day when the Moon is perigee, i.e. nearest the earth in the monthly cycle. The disc of the Moon will appear large and low in the northern skies, large and high in the southern hemisphere. The planetary kite which today's Full Moon forms will serve to harness great artistic, creative and emotional energy. The time is of great import. Five bodies are in water signs, hence the emotional nature of the time, six are in Cardinal signs which 'generates' events and experiences. Today's Full Moon is remarkable. Change and transformation will follow in the wake of this 'Planetary Kite Super Full Moon'. At the moment of Full Moon today the Moon is shortly to rise at Bangkok, and is setting at Dallas and at Santiago where Jupiter also rises. The Moon is at lower culmination under Bern and Koln. Saturn rises at Baghdad and culminates over Korea. Uranus culminates at New York, Mercury at Istanbul. Pluto rises at Hong Kong and Mars rises at Los Angeles. Moon sextile Saturn 15:00 Moon sextile Neptune 16:29
Monday 24 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Cancer EA 3 Capricorn ME sqr NE .02 Mon 10 Capricorn ME 4 Sagittarius VE sex JU .06 Mer 23 Cancer VE 29 Leo SA sex PL .25 Ven 25 Cancer MA 6 Gemini UR sqr PL .81 Mar 17 Gemini JU 29 Gemini EA sex NE .91 Jup 30 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio MA sqr NE 2.28 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME opp MA 2.3 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA opp JU 3.75 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA trn VE 3.81 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 2water 6cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ne/No .25 Pl Ne/No .65 Pl Ne/No .65 Ur Su/Mo .14 Pl Ne/No .65 Su Me/Ma 1.94 Su Me/Ma 1.81 Pl Ne/No .66 Su Me/Ma 2.07 Ur Su/Mo 1.88 Su Me/Ma 1.68 Ur Mo/Ju 1.7 Mo Sa/Ur 2.12 Moon conjunction Pluto 00:38. This is a lunar occultation of Pluto focussed on the UK, Europe and north west Africa, see map below. A very rare event.Moon square Uranus 03:28 Moon sextile Node 06:43 Moon opposition Mercury 20:21 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 3 degrees Cancer today. There are 87 days to the Autumn Equinox. We are out of the recent eclipse season. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Cancer. Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mercury is now a decelerating 'evening star' in Cancer. He turns retrograde in 2 days time on June 26th 2013. Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. His agenda is extensive and he will undergo his retrograde period from June 26th to July 20th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Cancer, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually, low in evening twilight. Look for it in the west-northwest. Mercury has closed to just 2° or 3° from Venus. She enters Leo on June 27th. Mars is in Gemini. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots are on the boil with this one. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time could be when Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune, and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Grand Sextile'. A time long looked forward to. The astrological 'wave of this week' is the ingress of Jupiter into Cancer on Wednesday some 12 hours before Mercury turns retrograde and the Sun forms a grand trine with Saturn and Neptune.
Tuesday 25 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Cancer EA 4 Capricorn EA sex NE .03 Mon 25 Capricorn ME 6 Sagittarius ME opp MA .06 Mer 23 Cancer VE 0 Virgo SA sex PL .22 Ven 27 Cancer MA 6 Gemini UR sqr PL .81 Mar 17 Gemini JU 29 Gemini VE sex JU 1.48 Jup 30 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio ME sqr NE 2.75 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries MA sqr NE 2.81 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sex UR 3.06 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE opp NE 3.1 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 12 earth air 2water 6cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Mo/Ju .22 Ne Mo/Ur .41 Pl Ne/No .66 Ur Mo/Ma .14 Pl Ne/No .66 Pl Ne/No .66 Su Me/Ma 1.26 Pl Ne/No .66 Ne Mo/Ur 1.48 Mo Ur/No .77 Ur Mo/Ma 2.09 Su Me/Ma 1.12 Su Me/Ma 1.54 Su Me/Ma 1.4 Ne Mo/Ur 2.3 Mo Ne/Pl 1.29 Mo Sa/Ur 1.67 Ur Mo/Ju 2.13 Ur Su/Mo 2.15 The rapidly waning but decelerating 'hung over' Moon in Capricorn opposes Venus becoming void 02:25 The Moon enters Aquarius 07:28 The Moon squares Saturn 15:23 Mercury appears to grind to a standstill, Jupiter is on the verge of his ingress into Cancer.The Sun is in watery grand trine with Saturn and Neptune.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Cancer EA 5 Capricorn SA sex PL .2 Mon 10 Aquarius ME 9 Sagittarius ME trn UR .37 Mer 23 Cancer VE 2 Virgo UR sqr PL .8 Ven 28 Cancer MA 7 Gemini EA sex NE .98 Mar 18 Gemini JU 29 Gemini VE opp NE 1.49 Jup 30 Gemini SA 10 Scorpio ME opp MA 2.17 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA trn VE 2.47 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sex UR 2.54 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sex JU 3.02 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 3water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .66 Pl Ne/No .66 Pl Ne/No .67 Su Me/Ma .52 Su Me/Ma .97 Su Me/Ma .82 Su Me/Ma .67 Pl Ne/No .67 Jupiter enters Cancer 01:41Jupiter will reside in Cancer for just over a year. During that time this gas giant will make three waning trine aspects to Saturn in Scorpio attempting to evoke a stabilizing and nurturing influence on government and on society. The rub however is the planetary T-square which Jupiter makes with Uranus and Pluto, firstly in August 2013, then again at the end of January and February 2014, but especially on April 20th 2014 when this mighty T-square is as tight as can be. These are conflicting energies at work in society, which will induce popular protest and uprising and possibly result in changes of administration. Politic and policy will be directed towards further cutbacks and economy drives, pressure will directed towards national self sufficiency and eco-sense. Changes can be also expected in the housing sector of society, in agriculture and in care. The first planetary event of this residence is the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer on July 22nd at the time of the full moon, quite a day. Jupiter will leave Cancer for Leo on July 16th 2014. The rapidly waning still 'hung over' Moon in Aquarius, rising locally a couple of hours before true midnight, sextiles Uranus 03:19 The Moon squares her nodal axis 06:27 The Sun trines Saturn 09:13 MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 13:09 He will be retrograde for 25 days. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 18 degrees Cancer on July 9th. He makes no aspects to planets whilst retrograde but trines the lunar node on July 16th. He turns direct at 13 degrees Cancer on July 20th. As he turns retrograde today, the Sun makes a water trine with Saturn and Neptune, when he turns direct on July 20th it is the turn of Mars to form a grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. What you sit back and accept today will actually get you moving in 25 days time! Moon trine Mars becoming void 13:10 Sun trine Neptune 17:49
Thursday 27 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Cancer EA 6 Capricorn VE opp NE .13 Mon 25 Aquarius ME 12 Sagittarius SA sex PL .17 Mer 23 Cancer VE 4 Virgo UR sqr PL .8 Ven 29 Cancer MA 7 Gemini EA trn VE 1.8 Mar 19 Gemini JU 29 Gemini EA sex NE 1.93 Jup 00 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio MA sex UR 2.02 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries ME trn UR 2.37 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE sqr MA 3.72 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn MA sqr NE 3.85 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 11 earth air 2water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ma .37 Su Me/Ma .21 Su Me/Ma .05 Su Me/Ma .11 Pl Ne/No .67 Pl Ne/No .67 Pl Ne/No .67 Pl Mo/No .52 Mo Ur/Pl 1.48 Mo Ur/Pl 2.1 Pl Mo/No 2.29 Pl Ne/No .67 Ju Su/Ma 2.97 Ju Su/Ma 2.82 Ju Su/Ma 2.67 Yesterday as Mercury turned retrograde, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard lost the leadership of the Labor Party to the man she ousted in 2010, Kevin Rudd, by 57 votes to 45. The US Supreme Court quashed a law denying federal benefits to gay couples and cleared the way for same-sex unions in California. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Victoria Azarenka withdrew from Wimbledon in the most injury-hit second round in its history. Such events as these occur when Mercury stations and turns retrograde. The Sun remains in a watery grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. Venus waxing biquintile Neptune 02:39 The decelerating disseminating Moon enters Pisces 08:33, joining Neptune in this sign. The Moon trines Jupiter 09:04 The Moon enjoying her residence (today) in Pisces, trines Saturn 16:53 Venus enters Leo 17:04 Venus resides in Leo for 25 days. She squares Saturn on July 1st, trines Uranus on July 8th and squares the lunar node on July 9th. She enters Virgo on July 22nd. She regally complements Mars who is in Gemini during most of this this period. This is a fine combination. Venus in Leo is lavish in affection and generosity. This is a good period for recreation and fun. Moon conjunction Neptune 17:29 Moon trine Sun 19:14Friday 28 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Cancer EA 6 Capricorn SA sex PL .14 Mon 09 Pisces ME 15 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .79 Mer 23 Cancer VE 5 Virgo EA trn VE 1.12 Ven 00 Leo MA 8 Gemini MA sex UR 1.5 Mar 19 Gemini JU 29 Gemini VE opp NE 1.75 Jup 00 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio VE sqr MA 2.62 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA sex NE 2.88 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr UR 3 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA con PL 3.79 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Me/Ma .28 Su Me/Ma .44 Pl Mo/Sa .04 Pl Ne/No .68 Pl Ne/No .68 Pl Ne/No .68 Su Me/Ma .61 Su Me/Ma .79 Pl Mo/No 1.22 Pl Mo/Sa 1.68 Pl Ne/No .68 Pl Mo/Sa 1.75 Ju Su/Ma 2.53 Ju Su/Ma 2.38 Ju Su/Ma 2.23 Ju Su/Ma 2.08 Pl Mo/No 2.95 The decelerating disseminating Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto 02:19 The Moon trines her node 08:51 The Moon squares Mars 18:59 The weekend ahead will no doubt be coloured by retrograde Mercury inducing all manner of about turns and altered plans. Saturday has an emotional drift 'till early afternoon, the rest of the weekend is 'pushy'.Saturday 29 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Cancer EA 7 Capricorn SA sex PL .12 Mon 23 Pisces ME 17 Sagittarius EA trn VE .45 Mer 23 Cancer VE 7 Virgo UR sqr PL .79 Ven 02 Leo MA 9 Gemini MA sex UR .98 Mar 20 Gemini JU 29 Gemini VE sqr MA 1.53 Jup 01 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio EA sqr UR 2.06 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries EA sex SA 2.72 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con PL 2.84 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sex SA 3.18 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .68 Pl Ne/No .68 Pl Ne/No .69 Pl Ne/No .69 Su Me/Ma .96 Su Me/Ma 1.14 Su Me/Ma 1.31 Ju Su/Ma 1.49 Mo Ur/Ne 1.09 Ju Su/Ma 1.78 Ju Su/Ma 1.64 Su Me/Ma 1.5 Ju Su/Ma 1.93 Mo Ur/Ne 2.25 Me Su/Ve 2.75 Mo Ma/Pl 2.21 Me Su/Ve 2.42 The decelerating and waning Moon in Pisces water trines retro-Mercury 00:17 Mars waning biquintile the lunar node 02:16 The Moon water trines Venus 11:57 The Moon squares Jupiter, becoming void, 11:59 The Moon enters Aries 13:08, joining Uranus, and approaches last quarter phase.Sunday 30 June 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Cancer EA 8 Capricorn SA sex PL .09 Mon 06 Aries ME 20 Sagittarius EA trn VE .22 Mer 23 Cancer VE 9 Virgo VE sqr MA .43 Ven 03 Leo MA 9 Gemini MA sex UR .47 Mar 21 Gemini JU 29 Gemini UR sqr PL .78 Jup 01 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio EA sqr UR 1.11 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 9 Aries VE sex SA 1.58 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE trn PL 1.68 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA sex SA 1.8 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpio
fire 31 earth air 1water 6Strong helio harmonic 12cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2active now. positive 4negative 7 You can see the 12th harmonic helio centric in the helio table above with the Earth, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto all at 8-9-10 degrees of their respective helio signs. This unusual arrangement lasts over the next few days. The helio-centric, 'sun-centred' perspective is currently energised. This 12th harmonic involves two 'yod' patterns suggesting the energies at work are difficult for the soul to handle. Strong 12th harmonics always involves yods. Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ju/Pl .31 Mo Su/Pl .32 Pl Ne/No .69 Pl Ne/No .7 Pl Ne/No .69 Pl Ne/No .69 Ju Su/Ma 1.04 Ju Su/Ma .89 Ju Su/Ma 1.34 Ju Su/Ma 1.19 Me Su/Ve 1.41 Me Su/Ve 1.06 Su Me/Ma 1.68 Me Su/Ve 1.75 Su Me/Ma 2.05 Su Me/Ma 2.24 Me Su/Ve 2.09 Su Me/Ma 1.86 Mo Su/Pl 2.78 Su Me/Ju 2.67 Ur Su/Pl 2.92 Ur Su/Pl 2.81 Ur Su/Pl 2.7 Su Me/Ju 2.9104:55 The Moon squares Pluto 08:12 Moon conjunction Uranus 12:04(2.67 degree orb) Venus is now applying in rather austere square to Saturn as this (GMT) day ends. We can expect some hard-heartedness I guess.
Today the decelerating Moon in Aries, rising locally at midnight,
is at last quarterMonday 1 July 2013 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are in grand water trine all month.July 1 – Croatia is set to join the European Union. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Cancer EA 9 Capricorn VE sex SA .01 Mon 19 Aries ME 23 Sagittarius MA sex UR .05 Mer 22 Cancer VE 10 Virgo VE trn PL .06 Ven 04 Leo MA 10 Gemini SA sex PL .07 Mar 21 Gemini JU 30 Gemini EA sqr UR .17 Jup 01 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio VE sqr MA .67 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries UR sqr PL .77 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sex SA .88 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA trn VE .89 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6Strong helio harmonic 12cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .7 Me Su/Ve .36 Me Su/Ve 0 Ju Su/Ma .3 Me Su/Ve .71 Ju Su/Ma .6 Ju Su/Ma .45 Me Su/Ve .36 Ju Su/Ma .75 Pl Ne/No .7 Pl Ne/No .7 Mo Ma/Ne .5 Su Me/Ju 2.42 Su Me/Ju 2.17 Su Me/Ju 1.91 Pl Ne/No .7 Su Me/Ma 2.43 Ur Su/Pl 2.47 Ur Su/Pl 2.36 Ne Mo/Pl 1.03 Ur Su/Pl 2.58 Su Me/Ma 2.63 Ne Mo/Pl 2.58 Su Me/Ju 1.66 Su Me/Ma 2.82 Ur Su/Pl 2.25 Venus is square Saturn today. Some bleak misgivings about. The slow last quarter Moon in Aries sextiles Mars 05:28 Moon square retro-Mercury becoming void 06:49 and remaining that way for over 11 hours. Venus square Saturn 17:04 Moon enters Taurus 21:44 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 10 degrees Cancer today, and is almost opposite Pluto. There are 80 days to the Autumn Equinox. We have left the recent eclipse season far behind. We are now living astrologically within a very watery planetary atmosphere. Jupiter in Cancer is forming a mighty grand trine in water signs with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This situation will last well into August. Emotions are at an all time high during these weeks. This period is a time to learn how to cope with intense emotion. The Moon is new one week from today. That New Moon is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013 and the 4th before the Annular/Total solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd 2013. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Moon and Uranus are in Aries. Ten degrees separate Mars and Jupiter. Mercury is now a retrograding 'evening star' in Cancer. Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. His agenda is extensive and he will undergo his retrograde period from June 26th to July 20th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Leo, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually, low in evening twilight. Look for her in the west-northwest. She squares Saturn today, trines Uranus on July 8th and squares the lunar node on July 9th. She enters Virgo on July 22nd. Mars is in Gemini. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots are on the boil with this one. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time could be when Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune, and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Grand Sextile'. A time long looked forward to. Amid the dominating energy of the grand water trine mentioned above, the astrological 'wave of this week' is that of the Sun forming a cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto for most of this testing week. Is a difficult one to negotiate.Tuesday 2 July 2013THE SUN IS NOW IN CARDINAL T-SQUARE WITH URANUS AND PLUTO FOR THREE DAYS. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Cancer EA 10 Capricorn EA con PL 0 Mon 01 Taurus ME 26 Sagittarius EA sex SA .04 Mer 22 Cancer VE 12 Virgo SA sex PL .04 Ven 05 Leo MA 10 Gemini MA sex UR .56 Mar 22 Gemini JU 30 Gemini EA sqr UR .77 Jup 01 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio UR sqr PL .77 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE trn PL 1.56 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn VE 1.56 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sex SA 1.6 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6Strong helio harmonic 12cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Su/Ma .15 Ju Su/Ma .01 Ju Su/Ma .14 Ju Su/Ma .29 Ne Mo/Pl .51 Pl Ne/No .71 Ve Mo/Sa .26 Ma Mo/Ve .59 Pl Ne/No .7 Mo Ju/Ne .92 Mo Su/Ne .7 Su Me/Ju .62 Me Su/Ve .72 Me Su/Ve 1.09 Pl Ne/No .71 Pl Ne/No .71 Su Me/Ju 1.4 Su Me/Ju 1.14 Su Me/Ju .88 Ve Mo/Sa 1.47 Mo Ju/Ne 2.12 Ne Mo/Pl 2.05 Ma Mo/Ve .91 Me Su/Ve 1.84 Ur Su/Pl 2.13 Ma Mo/Ve 2.42 Me Su/Ve 1.47 Mo Su/Ne 2.22 Yesterday Egypt's army gave rival parties 48 hours to resolve the country's political crisis after massive rallies demanding Islamist President Mohammed Morsi leave power. Transiting Jupiter recently arrived in Cancer is now square the Egyptian natal Venus, so we can expect massive movements and over-reacting responses. Today the Sun opposes Pluto 00:06 Venus quinquncx Neptune 00:13 The decelerating waning Moon in Taurus sextiles Jupiter 00:23 The Moon then forms a fixed T-square with Venus and Saturn eased by Neptune 07:00 to 09:00 Moon opposition Saturn 07:12 Moon sextile Neptune 07:55 Moon square Venus 08:47 The Moon then wanes in more favorable repose. Moon trine Pluto 17:54 Moon sextile Sun 19:28Wednesday 3 July 2013 Notice that Saturn sextile Pluto, one of the major astrological themes of 2013, is now exact in their synodic heliocentric cycle. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Cancer EA 11 Capricorn SA sex PL .01 Mon 13 Taurus ME 28 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .76 Mer 22 Cancer VE 13 Virgo EA con PL .95 Ven 06 Leo MA 11 Gemini EA sex SA .96 Mar 23 Gemini JU 30 Gemini MA sex UR 1.07 Jup 02 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio ME opp JU 1.33 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr UR 1.71 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn VE 2.23 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE sqr MA 2.87 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Me/Ne .05 Su Me/Ju .08 Ur Mo/Ne .16 Mo Ju/Ur .26 Su Me/Ju .35 Ju Su/Ma .59 Su Me/Ju .18 Su Me/Ju .45 Ju Su/Ma .44 Pl Ne/No .71 Pl Ne/No .72 Pl Ne/No .72 Pl Ne/No .71 Mo Ma/Ur 1.34 Ju Su/Ma .73 Ju Su/Ma .88 Ma Mo/Ve 2.08 Ur Mo/Ne 1.66 Mo Ma/Ur 1.58 Mo Ve/Ne 1.1 Me Su/Ve 2.23 Me Ve/Ju 2.31 Mo Ve/Ne 1.74 Ur Mo/Ne 1.33 Me Ve/Ju 2.6 Me Su/Ve 2.61 Me Ve/Ju 2.01 Ma Mo/Me 1.51 All eyes are on Egypt. The New Moon next Monday at 16 degrees Cancer is tightly square Egyptian (14th March 1922 chart) natal 10th house Jupiter in Libra. At the moment of this New Moon the Cairo ascendant is trine Pluto, Neptune squares the Cairo Mid heaven and Uranus/MC midpoint is hit by Mars. If it was not for the soothing influence of Venus on the Sun and New Moon/local ascendant midpoint I might predict total confusion, overthrow, rebellion and armed response, but this last influence may just save the day. Do the Egyptians know what they want? I suppose the economy is at the heart of the matter as transiting Jupiter is now exactly square Egyptian natal Venus. Transiting Mars squares Egyptian natal Sun as today ends. If military action is unleashed as threatened, and the imminent Mars in Gemini transit suggests it could be, it will be a fast moving affair. The New Moon on Monday suggests a measure of confusion and some hope. Today the Sun shines in difficult cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto. The slowly waning old Moon in Taurus is opposite her north node 01:06 The Moon sextiles retro-Mercury becoming void 15:52 A bit of a slog, and some harshness about.
Thursday 4 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Cancer EA 12 Capricorn SA sex PL .01 Mon 25 Taurus ME 1 Capricorn UR sqr PL .76 Mer 21 Cancer VE 15 Virgo ME opp JU 1.37 Ven 08 Leo MA 11 Gemini MA sex UR 1.59 Mar 23 Gemini JU 30 Gemini EA sex SA 1.89 Jup 02 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio EA con PL 1.9 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME sex NE 2.5 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr UR 2.66 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA trn VE 2.9 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Me .25 Pl Ne/No .72 Mo Me/Ur .36 Ma Su/Mo .41 Ju Mo/Ve .32 Mo Su/Ur .89 Pl Ne/No .72 Me Ve/Ju .48 Pl Ne/No .72 Su Me/Ju 1 Me Ve/Ju .8 Pl Ne/No .73 Su Me/Ju .73 Ma Mo/Me 1.01 Su Me/Ju 1.27 Ju Su/Ma 1.48 Ju Su/Ma 1.03 Me Ve/Ju 1.1 Ju Su/Ma 1.33 Su Me/Ju 1.55 Me Ve/Ju 1.41 Ju Su/Ma 1.18 Ma Su/Mo 1.84 Mo Me/Ur 2.67 Mo Su/Ur 1.97 Ju Mo/Ve 1.26 Ma Mo/Me 2.26 Yesterday Egypt's army unveiled a roadmap that suspended the constitution and saw its democratically-elected president, Mohammed Morsi, forced from office. This occurs as transiting Jupiter squared Egyptian natal Venus and transiting Mars squared Egyptian natal Sun. (See yesterday's note)Today he slowly decelerating Moon, void of course in Taurus, reaches her balsamic phase 04:03 The Cancerian Sun squares Uranus 06:23 The Moon enters Gemini 09:23, joining Mars in that sign. Lots of mixed messages today, double meanings and fickleness. The Moon, brimming with duality, squares Neptune 19:51Friday 5 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Cancer EA 13 Capricorn SA sex PL .04 Mon 07 Gemini ME 4 Capricorn ME sex NE .3 Mer 21 Cancer VE 17 Virgo UR sqr PL .75 Ven 09 Leo MA 12 Gemini MA sex UR 2.1 Mar 24 Gemini JU 30 Gemini EA sex SA 2.81 Jup 02 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio EA con PL 2.85 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA trn VE 3.57 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr UR 3.6 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn JU trn NE 3.79 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ju .17 Me Ve/Ju .15 Ju Mo/Me .41 Ma Mo/Ju .53 Pl Ne/No .73 Mo Ve/Ur .61 Me Ve/Ju .47 Pl Ne/No .74 Ma Su/Mo 1.02 Pl Ne/No .73 Pl Ne/No .73 Me Ve/Ju .79 Ju Su/Ma 1.62 Ju Mo/Me 1.76 Ma Mo/Ju 1.87 Ju Mo/Me .94 Su Me/Ju 1.83 Ju Su/Ma 1.77 Ju Su/Ma 1.92 Su Mo/Ve .94 Su Me/Ju 2.11 Mo Ve/Ur 2.19 Ju Su/Ma 2.07 Ma Su/Mo 2.44 Su Mo/Ve 2.33 Ju Su/Mo 2.23Mr. Adly Mahmud Mansour was sworn in as interim leader of Egypt. The swearing in occurred 08:37 to 08:42 GMT in Cairo. Mars was exactly culminating there. Mansour born Dec. 23rd 1945 was born in eclipse season, 3 days after a Total Lunar Eclipse. He is a stalwart Sun Capricorn with Moon in Leo/Virgo. Jupiter tightly squares Saturn in his chart. He is 'the rule of law'. Today the aged slow Moon in Gemini sextiles Venus 03:38 Mars waxing quintile Uranus 10:09 The Moon sextiles Uranus 10:37 Venus in Leo waxing semi square Mars in Gemini 15:09 The Venus Mars cycle is always a source of interest to me. The pair were last in conjunction on April 7th this year, at 20 degrees Aries. The main event in the UK at that time, in fact the day after, was the death of Margaret Thatcher. Venus and Mars are next conjunct on Feb. 22nd 2015, at 2 degrees Aries. The two planets are in waxing square between the end of September 2013 and mid May 2014. That period will be really testing for Man Woman relationships. Today's aspect invokes 'demonstrations' of love and dispassion. It's gritty. The Sun trines the lunar node 15:23 The weekend ahead mellows to a 'homely home experience' by Sunday. Saturday is the day to flit around.
Saturday 6 July 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Cancer EA 14 Capricorn SA sex PL .06 Mon 19 Gemini ME 7 Capricorn UR sqr PL .75 Mer 20 Cancer VE 18 Virgo MA sex UR 2.61 Ven 10 Leo MA 12 Gemini ME sqr UR 2.79 Mar 25 Gemini JU 30 Gemini ME sex NE 3.12 Jup 02 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio ME con PL 3.54 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU trn NE 3.71 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con PL 3.79 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA trn VE 4.24 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ve .45 Pl Ne/No .74 Pl Ne/No .74 Me Mo/Ve .17 Ju Su/Mo .69 Ju Su/Mo .85 Me Ve/Ju 1.77 Pl Ne/No .74 Pl Ne/No .74 Me Ve/Ju 1.44 Me Ve/Ma 1.82 Mo Ma/Ju .99 Ma Mo/Ju .8 Su Mo/Ve 1.84 Me Mo/Ve 1.94 Me Ve/Ma 1.44 Me Ve/Ju 1.11 Ma Mo/Ju 2.14 Ju Su/Mo 2.39 Me Ve/Ju 2.1 Ju Su/Ma 2.22 Me Ve/Ma 2.21 Ju Su/Ma 2.51 Ju Su/Ma 2.66 Ju Mo/Me 2.28 Ju Su/Ma 2.36 Egyptian troops yesterday fired on supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, killing three, as the Muslim Brotherhood vowed to stay on the streets until he is reinstated. Old Moon weekend. Venus waning quinquncx Pluto 02:44 The very slow, very old Moon in Gemini is conjunct Mars becoming void 12:31, for 10 hours or so. The 'old woman Moon' enters Cancer 22:15, joining the Sun, retro-Mercury and Jupiter in that sign.Sunday 7 July 2013 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are applying in grand water trine.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Cancer EA 15 Capricorn ME sqr UR .05 Mon 01 Cancer ME 10 Capricorn SA sex PL .09 Mer 19 Cancer VE 20 Virgo ME con PL .69 Ven 11 Leo MA 13 Gemini UR sqr PL .74 Mar 26 Gemini JU 0 Cancer ME sex SA .78 Jup 02 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio MA sex UR 3.12 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU trn NE 3.63 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con PL 4.74 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn EA con ME 5.44 Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .75 Me Ve/Ma .66 Me Ve/Ma .27 Me Ve/Ma .12 Me Ve/Ma 1.05 Pl Ne/No .75 Mo Me/Ma .73 Ju Mo/Ma .24 Me Mo/Ve 1.61 Mo Su/Ma 1.68 Pl Ne/No .75 Mo Su/Ju .53 Mo Ma/Ju 1.85 Me Ve/Ju 2.76 Mo Su/Ma 1.07 Pl Ne/No .75 Me Ve/Ju 2.43 Ju Mo/Ma 2.78 Ju Mo/Ma 1.27 Mo Me/Ju 1.08 Ju Su/Ma 2.81 Ju Su/Ma 2.96 Mo Su/Ju 2.29 Su Mo/Me 1.41 Su Mo/Me 2.57 Mo Me/Ma 2.22 The very old Moon is now in Cancer. Intense Cancerian energy abounds for the next two days.Retro-Mercury hits the Venus Mars midpoint. Return to sender. Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 06:00 GMTMoon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 00:40 This ancient Moon in Cancer, slow and distant is conjunct Jupiter 03:22 The Moon water trines Saturn 08:01 Moon trine Neptune 08:40 Moon opposition Pluto 18:49 Moon square Uranus 23:33Monday 8 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Cancer EA 16 Capricorn SA sex PL .12 Mon 13 Cancer ME 13 Capricorn UR sqr PL .74 Mer 19 Cancer VE 22 Virgo ME sex SA 2.07 Ven 12 Leo MA 13 Gemini ME con PL 2.18 Mar 26 Gemini JU 0 Cancer ME sqr UR 2.92 Jup 03 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio EA con ME 3.51 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU trn NE 3.55 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Me .24 Pl Ne/No .76 Pl Ne/No .76 Pl Ne/No .76 Me Ve/Ma .52 Me Ve/Ma .91 Me Su/Mo .95 Me Su/Mo .82 Pl Ne/No .75 Su Mo/Me .93 Mo Su/Me 1.15 Mo Ve/Ju 1.51 Ju Mo/Ma 1.75 Mo Su/Me 1.78 Mo Ve/Ma 1.17 Mo Ve/Ma 1.57 Mo Me/Ju 1.93 Me Su/Mo 2.71 Me Ve/Ma 1.3 Me Ve/Ma 1.7 Su Mo/Me 2.1Significant geocentric harmonic 9 during the mid morning GMT. Jupiter is 80 degrees ahead of Uranus, that's 2/9 of a circle. Venus trines Uranus this morning and of course Saturn trines Neptune at this time, hence the emphasis on 3rd and 9th harmonics.This harmonic is especially strong on Wednesday. Venus trine Uranus 00:15 Moon trine her node 01:53 SATURN TURNS DIRECT 04:21 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 17 degrees Cancer today. There are 83 days to the Autumn Equinox. We have left the recent eclipse season far behind. We are living astrologically within a very watery planetary atmosphere. Jupiter in Cancer is forming a mighty grand trine in water signs with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This situation will last well into August. Emotions are at an all time high during these weeks. This period is a time to learn how to cope with intense emotion. The Moon is new today. The Sun, Moon, retro-Mercury and Jupiter are in Cancer. Seven degrees separate Mars and Jupiter. Mercury is now a retrograding 'evening star' in Cancer. Mercury will reside in Cancer right up to August 8th. He is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 18 degrees Cancer tomorrow. He makes no aspects to planets whilst retrograde but trines the lunar node on July 16th. He turns direct at 13 degrees Cancer on July 20th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Leo, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually, low in evening twilight. Look for her in the west-northwest. She trines Uranus today and squares the lunar tomorrow. She enters Virgo on July 22nd. Mars is in Gemini. He enters Cancer on July 13th. Many pots are on the boil with this one. You probably won’t see Mars in the morning sky until sometime in July 2013. Your first time could be when Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune, and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Grand Sextile'. A time long looked forward to. The astrological 'wave of this week' is today's New Moon. NEW MOON in Cancer 07:15 New Moon conjunct retro-Mercury,(a close 0.15 degree orb) trine lunar node, square Uranus. Mars Jupiter now 6 degrees from conjunction. 008/07/04/new-moon-in-the-family-sign-of-cancer/
Today's New Moon is the second New Moon following the Annular Solar eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013 and the 4th before the Annular/Total solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd 2013. At this time Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are in watery grand trine, 6 bodies are in water signs and the New Moon herself is conjunct retro-Mercury and square Uranus. Venus trines Uranus. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are culminating at Mumbai, and setting near Melbourne. Uranus sets at Kabul. A Venus lunar node Paran occurs at Bangkok, Saturn is at lower culmination for the UK. The New Moon is tightly square Egyptian (14th March 1922 chart natal 10th house Jupiter in Libra. At the moment of this New Moon the Cairo ascendant is trine Pluto, Neptune squares the Cairo Mid heaven and Uranus/MC midpoint is hit by Mars. Venus is on the Sun and New Moon/local ascendant midpoint. Today's New Moon is conjunct the natal Saturn of Jamie Oliver and the natal Uranus of Michael Portillo. It falls close to the natal Moon of Kate Middleton, who will give birth during this lunation, and it hits astrological points in the charts of other members of the British royal family. It is square Prince William's natal Saturn and square Prince Charles Venus Neptune conjunction. It directly hits the Queen's natal Pluto Node midpoint. All pretty hard hitting and important signs and portents. Today is the birthday of Beck Hansen, Monty Donn and Jaden Smith. After the New Moon moment has passed the baby Moon is conjunct retro-Mercury becoming void at 11:45. Venus squares the lunar node 22:15
Tuesday 9 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Cancer EA 17 Capricorn SA sex PL .14 Mon 25 Cancer ME 15 Capricorn UR sqr PL .73 Mer 18 Cancer VE 23 Virgo EA con ME 1.55 Ven 14 Leo MA 14 Gemini JU trn NE 3.47 Mar 27 Gemini JU 0 Cancer ME con PL 5.09 Jup 03 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .76 Pl Ne/No .77 Mo Su/Ve .27 Me Mo/Ju .62 Mo Ve/Ju 1.3 Su Mo/Ju 1.9 Mo Me/Ve .5 Su Mo/Ju .67 Me Ve/Ma 2.09 Me Ve/Ma 2.49 Su Mo/Ju .62 Pl Ne/No .77 Me Su/Mo 2.59 Me Mo/Ju 2.74 Pl Ne/No .77 Su Mo/Ma 2.18 Me Mo/Ju 1.06 Me Mo/Ma 2.22 Me Ve/Ma 2.88 Mo Me/Ve 2.43 Yesterday Egyptian interim leader Adly Mansour expressed "deep sorrow" over the deaths of at least 51 people near a Cairo barracks, and urged restraint. The Egyptian Independence chart (March 14th 1922, the first of three Egyptian charts listed in Nicholas Campion's 'the Book of World Horoscopes')has had transiting Jupiter in Cancer being active over the last week squaring natal Venus and natal MC. The gas giant will square natal Saturn (July 18th). On 21st July the transiting lunar node squares natal Neptune, Progressed Moon in Aquarius sextiles progressed Mars and Jupiter creeps up to natal Pluto. This last transit occurs on July 31st 2013. These all spell outlandish reactions, confusion, defiance and sweeping change. Today the slowly accelerating infant Moon enters Leo 10:49, joining Venus in that sign. So,the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are in Cancer and the Moon and Venus are in Leo. Mercury is in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun 18:42 This is the 10th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before a 'transit of Mercury' across the disc of the Sun on May 9th 2016. Mercury receives his 'solar impregnation of seed ideas'. This is an outstandingly good time to meditate on new beginnings. Think but don't act.The young Leo Moon squares Saturn 20:28Wednesday 10 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Cancer EA 18 Capricorn SA sex PL .17 Mon 07 Leo ME 18 Capricorn EA con ME .45 Mer 18 Cancer VE 25 Virgo UR sqr PL .73 Ven 15 Leo MA 14 Gemini JU trn NE 3.39 Mar 28 Gemini JU 0 Cancer Jup 03 Cancer SA 10 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 14 Scorpio
fire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Mo/Ma .48 Su Mo/Ma .52 Pl Ne/No .78 Pl Ne/No .78 Pl Ne/No .77 Pl Ne/No .78 Su Mo/Ma 1.88 Su Mo/Ma .83 Me Mo/Ma 1.27 Su Mo/Ju 1.96 Me Mo/Ju 2.31 Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 00:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 9 around 00:00 to 18:00 GMT The young accelerating Moon in Leo 'fire trines' Uranus 11:45 Moon square her nodal axis 13:45 Moon conjunction Venus 16 degrees Leo 18:19 Venus herself makes a waning biquintile to Pluto 23:21Thursday 11 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Cancer EA 19 Capricorn SA sex PL .19 Mon 19 Leo ME 21 Capricorn UR sqr PL .72 Mer 17 Cancer VE 26 Virgo EA con ME 2.49 Ven 16 Leo MA 15 Gemini JU trn NE 3.31 Mar 28 Gemini JU 0 Cancer VE sqr JU 3.92 Jup 03 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .78 Pl Ne/No .79 Pl Ne/No .79 Pl Ne/No .79 Sa Mo/Pl 2.41 Sa Mo/Pl .88 Mars is now five degrees from Jupiter. Today is astrologically quiet. The young accelerating Moon in Leo sextiles Mars becoming void 19:55 The Moon enters Virgo 22:13Friday 12 July 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Cancer EA 20 Capricorn SA sex PL .22 Mon 01 Virgo ME 24 Capricorn UR sqr PL .72 Mer 16 Cancer VE 28 Virgo VE sqr JU 2.38 Ven 17 Leo MA 15 Gemini JU trn NE 3.23 Mar 29 Gemini JU 0 Cancer ME trn VE 3.67 Jup 04 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio EA con ME 4.58 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/Pl .65 Mo Ju/Sa .26 Mo Ma/No .75 Mo Me/Sa .18 Pl Ne/No .79 Pl Ne/No .8 Pl Ne/No .8 Pl Ne/No .8 Mo Ma/Sa .97 Mo Ma/Sa 2.02 Mo Ju/No 1.48 Mo Ju/No 1.61 Sa Mo/Pl 2.18 Mo Ju/Sa 2.81 Mo Su/Sa 2.49 Mo Ma/No 2.27 Ve Su/Mo 2.85 A more practical day is in store. Economy and efficiency are the driving forces. The young accelerating Moon in Virgo sextiles Jupiter 05:21 Moon sextile Saturn 07:37 Moon opposition Neptune 08:04 eased by Saturn.Moon hits crescent phase 08:15 at 5 degrees Virgo The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 17:40Saturday 13 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Cancer EA 21 Capricorn SA sex PL .25 Mon 13 Virgo ME 27 Capricorn UR sqr PL .71 Mer 16 Cancer VE 30 Virgo VE sqr JU .85 Ven 19 Leo MA 16 Gemini ME trn VE 2.2 Mar 30 Gemini JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 3.15 Jup 04 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Sa .5 Ve Su/Mo .09 Pl Ne/No .81 Ve Mo/Me .37 Pl Ne/No .8 No Mo/Pl .14 Ma Mo/Ur 1.09 Pl Ne/No .81 Mo Me/No 1.26 Ma Mo/Ur .32 Ve Su/Mo 1.3 Ju Mo/Ur 1.38 Ve Su/Mo 1.47 Mo Su/No .75 No Mo/Pl 1.44 Ma Mo/Ur 2.5 No Mo/Pl 1.71 Pl Ne/No .81 Ve Mo/Me 1.58 Me Su/Ju 2.62 Ma Mo/Ur 1.71 Mo Me/No 1.94 Mo Su/No 2.28 Ve Su/Mo 2.69 Ve Mo/Me 2.78 Me Su/Ju 2.89 Yesterday six people died and 22 others were badly hurt when a train left the rails and ploughed into a station platform south of Paris. Flights resumed at Heathrow Airport after runways were closed for 90 minutes due to a fire on a parked Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner jet. Mercury is retrograde, applying square to Uranus in Aries, not to be consummated. Still more upsets and delays ahead.The waxing crescent Moon in Virgo sextiles her node 00:08, forming a finger of fate with Uranus at this time. Moon sextile retro-Mercury 04:31 Venus waxing semi square Jupiter 07:54 Mars enters Cancer 13:23 Mars will reside in Cancer for 46 days. During that time he trines Neptune and Saturn on July 20th. Two days later on July 22nd he is conjunct Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer. On July 27th he is opposite Pluto and he squares Uranus on August 1st. There is therefore danger within the enchanting time of the grand sextile (July 29th). Mars trines the lunar node on August 1st. Mars enters Leo on August 28th. The Virgo Moon sextiles the Sun becoming void of course 15:27. Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 18:00 GMT Mars and Jupiter are low in the east-northeast during early dawn. Jupiter is far and away the brightest at magnitude –1.9. Look just upper right of it for Mars, magnitude +1.6. Binoculars help. Jupiter is drawing closer to Mars daily. They'll pass just 3/4° apart on the morning of July 22nd. 14 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Cancer EA 22 Capricorn SA sex PL .27 Mon 26 Virgo ME 1 Aquarius ME trn VE .67 Mer 15 Cancer VE 1 Libra VE sqr JU .69 Ven 20 Leo MA 16 Gemini UR sqr PL .71 Mar 00 Cancer JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 3.07 Jup 04 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ju Mo/Ur .15 Pl Ne/No .82 Mo Ve/No .49 Ve Mo/Ju .75 Pl Ne/No .81 Mo Ve/Sa 1.66 Pl Ne/No .82 Pl Ne/No .82 Ve Mo/Me .85 Ju Mo/Ur 1.69 Me Su/Ju 1.8 Me Su/Ju 1.53 Mo Ve/Sa 1.38 Me Su/Ju 2.07 Ve Mo/Ju 2.09 Ve Mo/Ma 2.46 Me Su/Ju 2.34 Ve Mo/Me 2.08 Mo Ve/No 2.57 We now have 8 days of three planets and the Sun residing in Cancer. Mars Mercury and Jupiter are all there. The astrology over this next week speaks of energy directed homewards. All that matters is at 'home'. The Moon gaining in light and motion enters Libra 07:41 The Moon is besieged in this sign over the next couple of days. For starters, Moon square Mars 08:43 Moon square Jupiter 15:33Monday 15 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Cancer EA 23 Capricorn SA sex PL .3 Mon 09 Libra ME 4 Aquarius UR sqr PL .7 Mer 15 Cancer VE 3 Libra ME trn VE .91 Ven 21 Leo MA 17 Gemini VE sqr JU 2.22 Mar 01 Cancer JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 2.99 Jup 04 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 7fixed 3mutable 1positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Ju .59 Mo Me/Pl .28 Me Su/Ju .76 Me Su/Ju .51 Pl Ne/No .83 Ve Mo/Ma .35 Pl Ne/No .83 Pl Ne/No .83 Ve Mo/Ma 1.06 Pl Ne/No .83 Mo Su/Pl 1.26 Mo Su/Pl 1.93 Me Su/Ju 1.27 Me Su/Ju 1.01 Ve Mo/Ma 1.77 Me Su/Ma 1.99 Me Su/Ma 2.93 Ve Mo/Ju 1.95 Me Su/Ma 2.3 Me Mo/Ur 2.37 Me Su/Ma 2.61 The Moon approaching First Quarter phase in Libra is besieged in wide cardinal cross with Pluto, Uranus and Mercury. Moon square Pluto 02:13 Moon opposition Uranus 06:55 Moon square retro-Mercury 10:39 The pressure on the libran Moon eases a little from this point in time. State of the sky:-The Sun is at 24 degrees Cancer today. There are 66 days to the Autumn Equinox. We have left the recent eclipse season far behind. We are living astrologically within a very watery planetary atmosphere. Jupiter in Cancer is forming a mighty grand trine in water signs with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This situation will last well into August. Emotions are at an all time high during these weeks. This period is a time to learn how to cope with intense emotion. The Sun, Mars, retro-Mercury and Jupiter are in Cancer. These four remain in Cancer for another week. Mars now less than 3 degrees from his conjunction with Jupiter. Mars catches up with Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer in the morning sky, on July 22nd. Both planets in grand trine with Saturn and Neptune,and then one week later the watery grand trine becomes the 'Grand Sextile', July 29th 2013. A time long looked forward to. Mercury is now a retrograding 'morning star' in Cancer. Mercury resides in Cancer right up to August 8th. He makes no aspects to planets whilst retrograde but trines the lunar node tomorrow. He turns direct at 13 degrees Cancer in 5 days time on July 20th. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Leo, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. She enters Virgo on July 22nd. Mars is in Cancer. He trines Neptune and Saturn on July 20th. Two days later on July 22nd he is conjunct Jupiter at 6 degrees Cancer. On July 27th he is opposite Pluto and he squares Uranus on August 1st. This is the danger period. Also on August 1st he trines the lunar node. Mars enters Leo on August 28th. The astrological 'wave of this week' is the the near exact grand trine in water signs of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. This pattern manifests very strongly all week.Tuesday 16 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Cancer EA 24 Capricorn SA sex PL .32 Mon 22 Libra ME 7 Aquarius UR sqr PL .7 Mer 14 Cancer VE 5 Libra ME trn VE 2.56 Ven 22 Leo MA 17 Gemini ME sex UR 2.56 Mar 02 Cancer JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 2.91 Jup 05 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio ME sqr SA 3.58 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sqr JU 3.75 Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE opp UR 5.12 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 7fixed 3mutable 1positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ju .26 Me Su/Ju .02 Me Su/Ju .22 Me Su/Ju .45 Pl Ne/No .84 Sa Mo/No .64 Pl Ne/No .84 Mo Ve/Pl .54 Me Su/Ma 1.69 Pl Ne/No .84 Sa Mo/No 1.04 Me Su/Ma .81 Sa Mo/No 2.3 Me Su/Ma 1.39 Me Su/Ma 1.1 Pl Ne/No .85 Mo Ve/Pl 2.7 Sa Mo/No 2.72A complex set of planetary and lunar vibrations manifest today. The waxing and accelerating Moon in Libra sextiles Venus 00:25 Moon at cardinal first quarter becoming void 03:19 The Moon enters Scorpio 14:25 joining Saturn in that sign. The Sun, Mars, retro-Mercury and Jupiter remain in Cancer. Eight bodies are now in water signs. Emotions intensify. Venus waning quintile Saturn 14:42 Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Scorpio on the night of the Full Moon on September 18th 2013. Today's quintile aspect invokes financial wizardry.Significant geocentric harmonics 3 and 9 around 18:00 GMT The planetary energy focusses on the fruit of ones labour. The Moon water trines Mars 18:15 The Moon water trines Jupiter 22:44 The Moon and Saturn are trine Neptune, and trine Mars Jupiter as the day ends. Moon conjunction Saturn 23:01 Moon trine Neptune 23:11Wednesday 17 July 2013 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are in tight water grand trine now.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Cancer EA 25 Capricorn ME sqr SA .27 Mon 05 Scorpio ME 10 Aquarius SA sex PL .35 Mer 14 Cancer VE 6 Libra UR sqr PL .69 Ven 23 Leo MA 18 Gemini ME sex UR .76 Mar 02 Cancer JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 2.83 Jup 05 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio VE opp UR 3.52 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sqr PL 4.21 Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME trn VE 4.28 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 0water 8cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ma .52 Mo Sa/No .14 Me Su/Ma .04 Me Su/Ma .31 Me Su/Ju .68 Me Su/Ma .24 Pl Ne/No .86 Pl Mo/Ne .5 Pl Ne/No .85 Pl Ne/No .85 Me Su/Ju 1.12 Pl Ne/No .86 Me Su/Ju .91 Pl Mo/Ne 1.25 Me Su/Ju 1.34 Pl Mo/Ne 2.99 Sa Ve/Pl 2.96 No Mo/Sa 2.76 Sa Ve/Pl 2.82 Intense will power and determination will manifest today. Sharp incisive communications delivered. No quarter. Mercury hovers on the Sun/Mars midpoint all day.Significant geocentric harmonic 18 around 00:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 9 all day. The 9th harmonic chart for the middle of today is shown below. The fruit of one's labour.The waxing and accelerating Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto 07:47 Moon conjunction her node 13:22 Moon trine retro-Mercury 14:31 Jupiter trines Saturn 17:33 This waning trine is the first of three between Jupiter and Saturn. The other two are on Dec 13th 2013 and May 24th 2014. All involve Cancer and Scorpio. Strong emotional footings are being set at these times. This first one is probably the important one being tied in with Mars and Neptune in grand trine. The time is indeed special. They precede the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice 2021.
Thursday 18 July 2013 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are in tight water grand trine now.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Cancer EA 26 Capricorn SA sex PL .38 Mon 19 Scorpio ME 14 Aquarius UR sqr PL .68 Mer 14 Cancer VE 8 Libra VE opp UR 1.91 Ven 25 Leo MA 18 Gemini VE sqr PL 2.59 Mar 03 Cancer JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 2.76 Jup 05 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio ME sqr SA 3.11 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn MA 4.5 Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 0water 8cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ma .57 No Mo/Sa .8 Pl Ne/No .87 Pl Ne/No .87 Pl Ne/No .86 Me Su/Ma .83 Me Su/Ma 1.09 Me Su/Ma 1.34 No Mo/Sa .99 Pl Ne/No .86 Me Su/Ju 1.95 Me Su/Ju 2.15 Me Su/Ju 1.55 Me Su/Ju 1.75 Sa Ve/Pl 2.39 Sa Ve/Pl 2.25 Pl Mo/Ne 2.26 Sa Ve/Pl 2.53 No Mo/Sa 2.59 Sa Ve/Pl 2.68 The watery grand trine dominating the skies right now occurs as news stories are very low in intensity.Jupiter trine Neptune 00:15 This one off aspect is the waxing trine of the cycle which began with a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius in 2009-2010. The opposition is in 2015 and the next conjunction is in 2022 in Pisces. The rapidly waxing Moon in Scorpio squares Venus 09:36 The Moon water trines the Sun becoming void 11:14 for 6 hours. Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 12:00 GMT The Moon enters Sagittarius 17:55Friday 19 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Cancer EA 27 Capricorn VE opp UR .3 Mon 04 Sagittarius ME 17 Aquarius SA sex PL .4 Mer 14 Cancer VE 9 Libra UR sqr PL .68 Ven 26 Leo MA 19 Gemini VE sqr PL .98 Mar 04 Cancer JU 1 Cancer ME trn MA 1.52 Jup 05 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio JU trn NE 2.68 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 0water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .87 Mo Sa/Pl .09 Mo Pl/No .48 Pl Ne/No .88 Me Su/Ma 1.59 Pl Ne/No .88 Pl Ne/No .88 Sa Ve/Pl 1.67 Sa Ve/Pl 2.1 Me Su/Ma 1.83 Sa Ve/Pl 1.82 Me Su/Ma 2.29 Me Su/Ju 2.34 Sa Ve/Pl 1.96 Me Su/Ma 2.06 Me Su/Ju 2.87 Me Su/Ju 2.52 Me Su/Ju 2.7Significant geocentric harmonic 12 around 00:00 GMT The rapidly waxing Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune 02:06 Strong geocentric harmonic 9 12:00 to 18:00 GMT Saturn trine Neptune 13:18 This is the last of 3 waning trines between these two planets which have been active since Nov 2012. The 36 year cycle of Saturn and Neptune started in 1989 in Capricorn. The waning square phase of the cycle is in 2015-2016 and the cycle ends with their conjunction at 1 degree Aries in Feb. 2026. The current waning watery trine aspect has provided an artistic, musically creative and visionary period amid much global trauma. A great many works of art will have originated from the time of this aspect. With the passing of today's Saturn Neptune trine, almost the final piece of the planetary grand trine jigsaw of the current time is in place. Mars will complete the picture this weekend.The Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 13:46 Moon trine Uranus 14:32 Mars is about to conjunct Jupiter, Mercury is about to turn direct and the grand watery trine of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune wheels above the world. The time is indeed very special. Such is the time that a British Royal Baby may choose to be born.Saturday 20 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Cancer EA 27 Capricorn SA sex PL .43 Mon 18 Sagittarius ME 21 Aquarius VE sqr PL .63 Mer 13 Cancer VE 11 Libra UR sqr PL .67 Ven 27 Leo MA 19 Gemini VE opp UR 1.3 Mar 04 Cancer JU 1 Cancer ME trn MA 1.55 Jup 05 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio JU trn NE 2.6 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 0water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .89 Pl Ne/No .89 Pl Ne/No .89 Pl Ne/No .9 Sa Ve/Pl 1.53 Sa Ve/Pl 1.39 Sa Ve/Pl 1.25 Sa Ve/Pl 1.1 Me Su/Ma 2.51 Me Su/Ma 2.73 Me Su/Ma 2.94 There are no planets in air signs, but there are still plenty in water signs. The heart rules the head. Emotions right now are stronger than words. Mars is now one degree from Jupiter, both are trine Saturn and Neptune. The Moon is gibbous, Mercury is stationary. The thyme is high. Strong geocentric harmonic 15 just after 06:00 GMT This 'wave' manifests as the Sun and Moon make biquintile and quintile aspects respectively to Neptune, and the watery grand trine.. The rapidly waxing gibbous Moon in Sagittarius trines Venus becoming void 15:01 MERCURY TURNS DIRECT 18:17 at 13 degrees Cancer. The nearly Full Moon then enters Capricorn 18:40 Mars trine Neptune 19:43 Mars trine Saturn 21:35Sunday 21 July 2013 A magnificent planetary kite forms today as the Moon opposes Mars and Jupiter, trining Saturn and Neptune 02:00-04:00. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Cancer.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Cancer EA 28 Capricorn SA sex PL .45 Mon 03 Capricorn ME 25 Aquarius UR sqr PL .67 Mer 13 Cancer VE 13 Libra VE sqr PL 2.24 Ven 28 Leo MA 20 Gemini JU trn NE 2.52 Mar 05 Cancer JU 1 Cancer VE opp UR 2.9 Jup 06 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 7fixed 3mutable 1positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .9 Sa Ve/Pl .82 Sa Mo/Ve .12 Sa Ve/Pl .53 Sa Ve/Pl .96 Pl Ne/No .9 Sa Ve/Pl .68 Pl Ne/No .91 Mo Sa/Ne 1.57 Mo Ne/No 1.78 Pl Ne/No .91 Ur Mo/Me 1.55 Sa Mo/Ve 2.16 Mo Ne/No 2.02 Sa Mo/Ve 1.92 Mo Sa/Ne 2.21 Ur Mo/Ju 2.27 Ur Mo/Ma 2.39 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the resumption of peace e talks with the Palestinians is a "vital and strategic interest" for Israel. This must be a manifestation of the planetary Grand Water Trine. Blessed be. Mercury is now direct in motion. His apparent speed reaches 1 degree per day by August 1st. He enters new territory on August 4th. Mercury enters Leo on August 8th. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 25th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. The very rapidly waxing gibbous Moon sextile Neptune 02:26 Moon sextile Saturn 02:32 Moon opposition Mars 02:46. The Kite Pattern. Moon opposition Jupiter 03:38 Mercury semi-square Venus 04:11 Moon conjunction Pluto 10:14Sun biquintile Neptune 11:54 Moon square Uranus 14:31 Moon sextile Node 15:09 STRONG PLANETARY PICTURE AS THE MOON OPPOSES MERCURY. Moon opposition Mercury becoming void 15:54
Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 20:34Monday 22 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Cancer EA 29 Capricorn SA sex PL .48 Mon 19 Capricorn ME 28 Aquarius UR sqr PL .66 Mer 13 Cancer VE 14 Libra JU trn NE 2.44 Ven 29 Leo MA 20 Gemini ME trn JU 2.94 Mar 06 Cancer JU 1 Cancer VE sqr PL 3.84 Jup 06 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio VE opp UR 4.51 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME con NE 5.38 Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 7fixed 3mutable 1positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Mo/Ju .34 Sa Ve/Pl .25 Sa Ve/Pl .11 Sa Ve/Pl .03 Sa Ve/Pl .39 Pl Ne/No .92 No Mo/Ve .17 Pl Ne/No .92 Ur Mo/Ma .41 Mo Sa/Ur 1.42 Ne Mo/Ur .55 Ne Mo/Ur 1.36 Pl Ne/No .91 Ur Mo/Ma 1.58 Pl Ne/No .92 No Mo/Ve 2.23 Ur Mo/Ju 1.59 Mo Ur/No 1.57 Mo Ur/No 2.23 No Mo/Ve 1.89 Mo Sa/Ur 2.37 Ne Mo/Ur 2.45The almost Full Moon is void of course all day up to 18:08 Mars conjunction Jupiter 07:36 (0.78 degree orb). This conjunction occurs every 2 to 3 years and is always a punchy 'event producing' aspect. The previous conjunctions were on May 2011 in Aries, Feb 2009 in Aquarius and Dec 2006 in Sagittarius. The next couple are on 17th October 2015 in Virgo, and Jan 7th 2018 in Scorpio. Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 12:00 GMT Venus enters Virgo 12:42. Venus resides in Virgo for 25 days. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Virgo,and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. She opposes Neptune and sextiles Saturn on July 26th. Venus sextiles Jupiter on July 28th, trines Pluto on July 30th then sextiles the lunar node and sextiles Mars on August 2nd. Venus enters Libra on August 16th.The Sun entered Leo 15:57 and a new astrological month begins. The Full Moon enters Aquarius 18:08FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS 18:17 quintile Uranus.
Today's Full Moon is the second Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 25th 2013 in Sagittarius, and the 3rd Full Moon before the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Aries on October 18th 2013. This Full Moon forms an enlightening and an awakening waxing quintile to Uranus and is applying in a conservative square aspect to Saturn. At this time Mars is conjunct Jupiter and they form a grand trine in water signs with Saturn and Neptune. The time is full and rich with feeling and emotion. Water and cardinal signs predominate. Mercury now moving slowly direct is in orb of an unsettling square to Uranus, but fears prove ungrounded as Mercury pulls away from the influence. At the moment of Full Moon 18:17 GMT, the Moon rises at Florence, Mars and Jupiter tightly align to the Midheaven of Los Angeles. Saturn rises at Atlanta and Saturn culminates over England. Serious issues in the UK are likely during the next few weeks. Today's Full Moon tightly hits the Sun in the Greece National Chart, Venus in the chart of Madonna, Mars in the chart of George Clooney, Uranus in the Tunisian chart and Neptune in the chart of Terry Wogan.
Tuesday 23 July 2013We now know that the British royal baby boy has Sun sign Cancer. Moon in Capricorn. Scorpio rising. Virgo Midheaven. Venus conjunct the royal star Regulus,(see graphic above) now in Virgo, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Cancer. The child was born on the day of the Full Moon just as his mother Kate Middleton was. His father was born at New Moon. Both parents were born on eclipse days. The current Full Moon is not an eclipse.This child has a very watery horoscope, indicating an essentially emotional and sensitive nature, with no planets in air signs, so he will unconsciously seek out this element in others. He has only one planet, Uranus in a positive sign in the 5th house, indicating an essentially self-repressive nature, whose sports and loves are full bodied. This native is a serious minded intense character. The Sun was at the very end of Cancer in the 9th house, indicating an inner need to travel and study, and he is quite at home with pomp, tradition and formality. He has a 'void of course' 3rd house Full Moon in Capricorn. He will have pride and a strong sense of duty. Corresponding to the Full Moon he was born under he will lead life to the full and be in possession of great reserves of energy. He has a massive total of 7 planets in cardinal signs, which will make him something of an instigator, and his instigations will be within the culture, finances and traditions he is born into. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer in the 8th house. Scorpio rises, Virgo is on the Midheaven. We have an artistic, scholarly historian here. A profoundly private person, intense and willful, a force to be reckoned with but one true to his inheritance and at one with his own destiny. The child's Sun and Full Moon lines were aligned to Lhasa, Lima and Alice Springs. His Mars Jupiter lines were aligned to Koln, Prague, Tehran and Perth. His Venus Neptune line was aligned to Wellington NZ. His Saturn line was aligned to San Francisco, Daressalem and to Nairobi where the Full Moon was exactly rising. He would be advised to avoid Nairobi. Jupiter was on the Midheaven of New York and Venus rose at Los Angeles. Serious wealth, fame and fortune within the USA. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Leo EA 0 Aquarius SA sex PL .5 Mon 04 Aquarius ME 2 Pisces UR sqr PL .66 Mer 14 Cancer VE 16 Libra ME trn JU .84 Ven 01 Virgo MA 21 Gemini ME con NE 1.52 Mar 06 Cancer JU 1 Cancer JU trn NE 2.36 Jup 06 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/Pl .17 Mo Ne/Pl .17 Sa Ve/Pl .46 Sa Ve/Pl .6 Pl Ne/No .93 Sa Ve/Pl .32 Pl Ne/No .93 Pl Ne/No .94 Su Ve/Ju 2.99 Pl Ne/No .93 Su Ve/Ju 2.87 Su Ve/Ju 2.8 Su Ve/Ju 2.93 Yesterday as Mars was conjunct Jupiter and the Full Moon climaxed the following news stories broke. Hundreds of Iraqi inmates broke out of two prisons near Baghdad after gunmen launch a military-style assault, killing at least 20 security forces personnel. The Mars Jupiter conjunction was square the Iraq Republic chart Midheaven. The Full Moon fell on the Iraqi Uranus/Ascendant midpoint. Two powerful earthquakes struck China's north-west Gansu province, killing at least 75 people and leaving more than 400 others injured. The first quake occurred 23:46 GMT (Sunday). The lunar nodal axis was exactly aligned to the local Prime Vertical axis of the epic entre, with the lunar south node conjunct the local Midheaven. Globally the Lunar Node was in an exact grand trine with Chiron and Mercury. Pluto was almost due West at the epic entre with the Mars Jupiter conjunct within 3 degrees of due East. Today the 'hung over',now rapidly waning, Full Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 02:04 Venus quintiles the lunar node 05:23 Thev Moon sextile Uranus 14:02 becoming void. The Moon squares her nodal axis 14:32Wednesday 24 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Leo EA 1 Aquarius SA sex PL .53 Mon 19 Aquarius ME 6 Pisces UR sqr PL .65 Mer 14 Cancer VE 17 Libra JU trn NE 2.28 Ven 02 Virgo MA 21 Gemini ME con NE 2.46 Mar 07 Cancer JU 1 Cancer VE trn MA 3.93 Jup 06 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/Pl .74 Sa Ve/Pl .88 Mo Ur/Pl .02 Pl Ne/No .95 Pl Ne/No .94 Pl Ne/No .94 Pl Ne/No .95 Sa Ve/Pl 1.16 Su Ve/Ju 2.74 Su Ve/Ju 2.68 Sa Ve/Pl 1.02 Su Ve/Ju 2.56 Ma Me/Ju 2.94 Su Ve/Ju 2.62 Ma Me/Ju 2.74 Ma Me/Ju 2.84It is so good as an astrologer to have an accurate and reliable birth time to work with. Such is the case with British royal babies. We can, with good grace, compassion and a scientific open mind, correlate the events of these people's lives with the passage of planetary motion throughout their lives. I continue to be amazed by the Cancer-Capricorn, New Moon - Full Moon and Eclipse interplay at work in this current royal mother, royal father and royal baby astrology. Prince William eclipsed Sun and New Moon in Cancer. Kate Middleton Sun Capricorn, Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Cancer. Baby Cambridge Sun Cancer and Full Moon in Capricorn. At the moment of Full Moon on Monday, the baby's birthday, Saturn was culminating in Scorpio over the UK. The symbolism is quite clear. Saturn stamps an emphatic hallmark on the nation. The structure and establishment of the Monarchy is preserved and reinforced. This Full Moon also directly opposed Jupiter in the UK(1801) chart giving rise to great jubilation, excess, and social celebration in the UK at the present time. The world watches us with a measure of awe. Now then, it is quite rare to have an eclipse occur on one of your birthdays in a life time. The Queen for example will never have an eclipse on any of her birthdays. Looking up to 2050 Prince William had a Total Solar Eclipse on his 19th birthday on June 21st 2001. That same year Kate Middleton had a Total Lunar Eclipse on her 19th birthday on Jan 9th 2001. They first met in September 2001! This is a not Saros cycle phenomena, that cycle is 18 years 11 days, rather it is a 'calendar coincidence' at work, but astrologically very pertinent. There is an Annular Solar Eclipse on William's 38th birthday in 2020 and another in 2039 on his 57th birthday. Kate has no more eclipse birthdays up to 2050. I am pleased to report that! Baby Cambridge has a Total Solar Eclipse on his 15th birthday, on July 22nd 2028, and a Partial Solar Eclipse on his 35th birthday on July 22nd 2047. Both eclipses are focussed on Australia and New Zealand. Interesting don't you think? Today the Moon is void of course in Aquarius. Venus is applying in opposition to Neptune, peaking on Friday. Mars is applying in opposition to Pluto, peaking on Saturday. The Sun is applying in square aspect to Saturn, peaks on Sunday. On Monday we have the 'Grand sextile'. A full agenda, fasten your cosmic safety belt.
Significant geocentric harmonic 3 around 18:00 GMT The rapidly waxing 'hung over' Moon enters Pisces 18:23 The Moon opposition Venus 23:14Thursday 25 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Leo EA 2 Aquarius ME sex PL .1 Mon 03 Pisces ME 10 Pisces SA sex PL .56 Mer 14 Cancer VE 19 Libra UR sqr PL .65 Ven 03 Virgo MA 22 Gemini ME trn SA .66 Mar 08 Cancer JU 2 Cancer JU trn NE 2.2 Jup 06 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio VE trn MA 2.83 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 13 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .95 Pl Mo/No .14 Pl Ne/No .96 Pl Mo/Sa .11 Sa Ve/Pl 1.3 Pl Ne/No .96 Sa Ve/Pl 1.58 Pl Ne/No .97 Pl Mo/No 1.66 Sa Ve/Pl 1.44 Pl Mo/Sa 1.9 Sa Ve/Pl 1.72 Su Ve/Ju 2.5 Su Ve/Ju 2.44 Pl Mo/No 1.93 Ve Ju/Sa 1.99 Ma Me/Ju 2.65 Ve Ju/Sa 2.53 Ve Ju/Sa 2.26 Su Ve/Ju 2.31 Ve Ju/Sa 2.8 Ma Me/Ju 2.57 Su Ve/Ju 2.37 Ma Me/Ju 2.4 Ma Me/Ju 2.48 Ve Ma/Sa 2.76Significant geocentric harmonics 3 and 6 00:00 to 12:00The rapidly waning and decelerating Moon in Pisces is conjunct Neptune 02:21 Moon trine Saturn 02:45 Moon trine Jupiter 05:13 Strong geocentric harmonic 6 around 06:00 GMT Moon trine Mars 07:31 Moon sextile Pluto 10:33 Moon trine her node 15:36 Moon trine Mercury becoming void 18:45 Venus is applying in intoxicating opposition to Neptune, exact tomorrow. Mars is applying in brutal opposition to Pluto, peaking on Saturday. The Sun is applying in debilitating square aspect to Saturn, peaking on Sunday, and on Monday we have the 'Grand sextile'. Friday 26 July 2013 Venus opposite Neptune today sets off another planetary kite.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Leo EA 3 Aquarius SA sex PL .58 Mon 18 Pisces ME 15 Pisces UR sqr PL .64 Mer 15 Cancer VE 21 Libra VE trn MA 1.72 Ven 04 Virgo MA 22 Gemini JU trn NE 2.12 Mar 08 Cancer JU 2 Cancer ME trn SA 3.53 Jup 07 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No .97 Pl Ne/No .97 Mo Ur/Ne .96 Ve Ju/Sa .91 Pl Mo/Sa 1.65 Ve Ju/Sa 1.45 Pl Ne/No .98 Pl Ne/No .98 Ve Ju/Sa 1.72 Sa Ve/Pl 2 Ve Ju/Sa 1.18 Ve Ma/Sa 1.91 Sa Ve/Pl 1.86 Su Ve/Ju 2.19 Ve Ma/Sa 2.13 Su Ve/Ju 2.06 Su Ve/Ju 2.25 Ma Me/Ju 2.25 Su Ve/Ju 2.13 Ma Me/Ju 2.11 Ma Me/Ju 2.32 Ve Ma/Sa 2.34 Sa Ve/Pl 2.14 Sa Ve/Pl 2.28 Ve Ma/Sa 2.55 Mo Ur/Ne 2.5 Ma Me/Ju 2.18The void decelerating Moon in Pisces is at disseminating phase 00:59 Venus opposition Neptune 12:09 Venus waning sextile Saturn 18:37 The Moon enters Aries 21:30Saturday 27 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Leo EA 4 Aquarius VE trn MA .61 Mon 01 Aries ME 19 Pisces SA sex PL .61 Mer 15 Cancer VE 22 Libra UR sqr PL .64 Ven 05 Virgo MA 23 Gemini JU trn NE 2.04 Mar 09 Cancer JU 2 Cancer ME sqr MA 4.04 Jup 07 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ju/Sa .64 Ve Ju/Sa .37 Ve Ju/Sa .1 Ve Ju/Sa .16 Pl Ne/No .99 Pl Ne/No .99 Mo Ju/Pl .24 Pl Ne/No 1 Ve Ma/Sa 1.7 Ve Ma/Sa 1.49 Pl Ne/No .99 Ve Ma/Sa 1.06 Su Ve/Ju 2 Su Ve/Ju 1.94 Ve Ma/Sa 1.27 Mo Ma/Pl 1.81 Ma Me/Ju 2.04 Ma Me/Ju 1.98 Mo Ma/Pl 1.41 Su Ve/Ju 1.82 Sa Ve/Pl 2.42 Sa Ve/Pl 2.56 Su Ve/Ju 1.88 Ma Me/Ju 1.86 Ma Me/Ju 1.92 Sa Ve/Pl 2.84Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, the Moon and Uranus are in Aries. The Moon 'fire trines' the Sun 05:15 Not an easy day at all. Mars is opposite Pluto and the Sun squares Saturn. These very harsh and destructive aspects are fueled by the Moon and Uranus in Aries. Significant geocentric harmonic 12 around 06:00 GMT Moon square Jupiter 10:01 Moon square Mars 14:24 Moon square Pluto 14:51 Sun quinquncx Neptune 15:21 Moon conjunction Uranus 19:58 (2.11 degree orb) Venus on the Jupiter Saturn midpoint, biquintile Uranus 22:14 Mars opposition Pluto 22:51Sunday 28 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Leo EA 5 Aquarius ME sqr MA .06 Mon 15 Aries ME 23 Pisces VE trn MA .5 Mer 16 Cancer VE 24 Libra SA sex PL .63 Ven 07 Virgo MA 23 Gemini UR sqr PL .63 Mar 10 Cancer JU 2 Cancer JU trn NE 1.96 Jup 07 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ju/Sa .43 Ve Ma/Sa .64 Ve Ma/Sa .42 Ve Ma/Sa .21 Ve Ma/Sa .85 Ve Ju/Sa .7 Ve Ju/Sa .97 Pl Ne/No 1.01 Pl Ne/No 1 Pl Ne/No 1 Pl Ne/No 1.01 Ve Ju/Sa 1.24 Su Ve/Ju 1.75 Su Ve/Ju 1.69 Su Ve/Ju 1.63 Su Ve/Ju 1.57 Ma Me/Ju 1.81 Ma Me/Ju 1.76 Ma Me/Ju 1.71 Ma Me/Ju 1.67 Sa Ve/Pl 2.98 Ve Ju/No 2.73 Ve Ju/No 2.45 Ne Mo/Pl 2.73 The Leo Sun squares Saturn 01:07 Moon square Mercury becoming void 02:21 The Moon is void for 14 hours. Venus sextile Jupiter 13:43, attemping to sooth the war wounds of last night.Monday July 29th 2013. We look forward also to this 'Grand Sextile' arrayed in the skies of Earth on Monday July 29th 2013 involving Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, the Moon in Taurus, Jupiter and Mars in Cancer and Venus in Virgo. The hexagon is formed in feminine (Earth and Water) signs of the tropical zodiac. Astrological Chart set for London below. This time was first pointed out to me by (Astrological researcher into 'Grand Sextiles').
The Grand Sextile. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Leo EA 6 Aquarius UR sqr PL .63 Mon 28 Aries ME 28 Pisces SA sex PL .66 Mer 17 Cancer VE 26 Libra VE trn MA 1.61 Ven 08 Virgo MA 24 Gemini JU trn NE 1.88 Mar 10 Cancer JU 2 Cancer ME sqr JU 3.92 Jup 07 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio ME sqr MA 4.06 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 13 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ma/Sa 0 Ve Ma/Sa .21 Ve Ma/Sa .43 Ju Mo/Ve .27 Pl Ne/No 1.02 Ne Mo/Pl .44 Pl Ne/No 1.02 Ve Ma/Sa .64 Ne Mo/Pl 1.14 Pl Ne/No 1.02 Ju Mo/Ve 1.37 Su Mo/Sa .72 Ve Ju/Sa 1.51 Su Ve/Ju 1.44 Su Ve/Ju 1.38 Mo Ju/Ne .79 Su Ve/Ju 1.51 Ma Me/Ju 1.59 Ma Me/Ju 1.56 Mo Ma/Ne .89 Ma Me/Ju 1.63 Ve Ju/Sa 1.78 Ve Ju/No 1.61 Pl Ne/No 1.03 Ve Ju/No 2.17 Ve Ju/No 1.89 Ne Mo/Pl 2 Su Ve/Ju 1.32 The Moon approaching Last Quarter enters Taurus 04:44Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 06:00 GMTMoon sextile Neptune 13:47 Moon opposition Saturn 14:43 Moon at last quarter 17:45Significant geocentric harmonic 6 around 18:00 GMT Moon sextile Jupiter 19:13 Moon trine Venus 21:49 Moon trine Pluto 23:19 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 7 degrees Leo today. There are 53 days to the Autumn Equinox. We are now midway between eclipse seasons. Mercury Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Cancer. His apparent speed reaches 1 degree per day by August 1st. He enters new territory on August 4th.Mercury enters Leo on August 8th. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 25th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is now an evening 'star' in Virgo,and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn in the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. Mars is in Cancer. He squares Uranus and trines the lunar node on Wednesday. This week is a dangerous one. Mars enters Leo on August 28th.Tuesday 30 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Leo EA 7 Aquarius UR sqr PL .62 Mon 10 Taurus ME 3 Aries SA sex PL .69 Mer 17 Cancer VE 27 Libra ME sqr JU .76 Ven 09 Virgo MA 24 Gemini JU trn NE 1.8 Mar 11 Cancer JU 2 Cancer VE trn MA 2.71 Jup 08 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio EA sex UR 2.81 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr SA 4.12 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Sa .58 Ma Mo/Ve .04 Ve Ju/No .49 Ve Ju/No .21 Ve Ma/Sa .85 Ve Ju/No .77 Pl Ne/No 1.04 Ur Mo/Ne .55 Pl Ne/No 1.03 Pl Ne/No 1.04 Su Ve/Ju 1.13 Pl Ne/No 1.05 Ve Ju/No 1.05 Ve Ma/Sa 1.06 Ve Ma/Sa 1.27 Su Ve/Ju 1.07 Mo Me/Ne 1.12 Su Ve/Ju 1.19 Ma Me/Ju 1.45 Ma Me/Ju 1.43 Su Ve/Ju 1.25 Ma Me/Ju 1.47 Ma Mo/Ve 1.47 Ve Ma/Sa 1.49 Ma Me/Ju 1.5 Mo Me/Ne 1.84 Ve Me/Sa 2.02 Ve Me/Sa 1.85 The slowly waning Moon in Taurus sextile Mars 02:10 Moon opposition her node 04:52 Uranus waxing quinquncx the lunar node 08:34 The Uranus/lunar node cycle has a 15 year period. Today's aspect follows their last conjunction in 2007 in Pisces and precedes their opposition in 2015 and their next conjunction august 2022 in Taurus. The Uranus/lunar node cycle is associated with 'shared experiences'. Venus earth trines Pluto 12:53 Moon sextile Mercury becoming void 15:59Wednesday 31 July 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Leo EA 8 Aquarius EA sex ME .3 Mon 22 Taurus ME 8 Aries UR sqr PL .62 Mer 18 Cancer VE 29 Libra SA sex PL .71 Ven 10 Virgo MA 25 Gemini JU trn NE 1.73 Mar 12 Cancer JU 2 Cancer EA sex UR 1.87 Jup 08 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio ME con UR 2.17 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME sqr PL 2.78 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr SA 3.19 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE trn JU 3.33 Plu 10 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ju/No .07 Mo Ju/Ur .02 Me Mo/Ve .52 Mo Me/Ur .32 Mo Su/Ne .83 Ve Ju/No .34 Ve Ju/No .62 Su Ve/Ju .81 Ur Mo/Ne .96 Me Mo/Ve .87 Su Ve/Ju .88 Ve Ju/No .9 Su Ve/Ju 1 Su Ve/Ju .94 Mo Ma/Ur .92 Pl Ne/No 1.06 Pl Ne/No 1.05 Pl Ne/No 1.05 Pl Ne/No 1.06 Ve Me/Sa 1.17 Ma Me/Ju 1.41 Ma Me/Ju 1.4 Ve Me/Sa 1.34 Ve Ma/No 1.23 Ve Me/Sa 1.67 Ve Me/Sa 1.5 Ma Me/Ju 1.39 Ma Me/Ju 1.38 The Moon is void. This slowly waning and decelerating Moon enters Gemini 15:43 Care required tonight as Mars squares Uranus. Accidents and injuries.Thursday 1 August 2013All the mystical sextiles, watery trines and planetary kites are now all but faded. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Leo EA 9 Aquarius UR sqr PL .61 Mon 04 Gemini ME 13 Aries SA sex PL .74 Mer 19 Cancer VE 0 Scorpio EA sex UR .92 Ven 11 Virgo MA 25 Gemini JU trn NE 1.65 Mar 12 Cancer JU 2 Cancer VE trn JU 1.81 Jup 08 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio EA sqr SA 2.27 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME sqr PL 2.28 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con UR 2.89 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE trn NE 3.46 Plu 10 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ju .75 Ju Su/Mo .09 Ve Ma/No .56 Ve Ma/No .33 Ve Ma/No 1 Su Ve/Ju .69 Su Ve/Ju .62 Ve Me/Sa .55 Ve Me/Sa 1.01 Ve Ma/No .78 Ve Me/Sa .7 Su Ve/Ju .56 Pl Ne/No 1.07 Ve Me/Sa .86 Mo Su/Ur .87 Pl Ne/No 1.08 Ve Ju/No 1.18 Pl Ne/No 1.07 Pl Ne/No 1.08 Ma Me/Ju 1.37 Ma Me/Ju 1.37 Ma Me/Ju 1.37 Ma Me/Ju 1.37 No Ve/Pl 1.42 Ju Su/Mo 1.46 Ve Ju/No 1.46 No Ve/Pl 1.58 Ma Su/Mo 1.52 Mars trine the lunar node 00:38 The slowly waning Moon in Gemini squares Neptune 01:05 Mars waxing cardinal square Uranus 03:09 Moon sextile Sun 10:34 Sun quinquncx Pluto 16:07 Moon square Venus 16:18 Moon sextile Uranus becoming void 16:50 This evening Venus forms a yod with Uranus and the lunar node. Expect a significant event shared with others. Venus sextiles the lunar node 19:26 Venus quinquncx Uranus 21:29Friday 2 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Leo EA 10 Aquarius EA sex UR .03 Mon 16 Gemini ME 18 Aries VE trn JU .29 Mer 21 Cancer VE 2 Scorpio UR sqr PL .61 Ven 13 Virgo MA 26 Gemini SA sex PL .76 Mar 13 Cancer JU 2 Cancer EA sqr SA 1.34 Jup 08 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio JU trn NE 1.57 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE trn NE 1.86 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6Significant helio harmonic 16cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Mo .09 Ve Ma/No .11 Ve Me/Sa .11 Ve Me/Sa .03 Ve Ma/No .11 Ve Me/Sa .26 Ve Ma/No .34 Ju Mo/Me .18 Ve Me/Sa .4 Su Ve/Ju .43 Su Ve/Ju .37 Su Ve/Ju .31 Su Ve/Ju .5 Pl Ne/No 1.09 No Ve/Pl .94 Ve Ma/No .56 Pl Ne/No 1.08 No Ve/Pl 1.1 Pl Ne/No 1.09 No Ve/Pl .78 No Ve/Pl 1.26 Ma Su/Mo 1.34 Ma Me/Ju 1.4 Pl Ne/No 1.1 Ma Me/Ju 1.38 Ma Me/Ju 1.39 Ju Mo/Me 1.76 Ma Me/Ju 1.42The very slow and still decelerating Moon in Gemini reaches her 19:42 Venus sextile Mars 20:36
balsamic phaseSaturday 3 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Leo EA 11 Aquarius VE trn NE .26 Mon 28 Gemini ME 23 Aries EA sqr SA .42 Mer 22 Cancer VE 4 Scorpio UR sqr PL .6 Ven 14 Virgo MA 26 Gemini SA sex PL .79 Mar 14 Cancer JU 2 Cancer EA sex UR .97 Jup 08 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio VE trn JU 1.23 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU trn NE 1.49 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME sex MA 3.1 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Sa .16 Su Ve/Ju .18 Me Su/Mo .04 Su Ve/Ju .05 Su Ve/Ju .24 Ve Me/Sa .3 Su Ve/Ju .12 No Ve/Pl .14 Mo Ve/Ur .3 No Ve/Pl .46 No Ve/Pl .3 Ma Mo/Me .55 No Ve/Pl .62 Ve Ma/No 1 Ju Mo/Ma .34 Ve Me/Sa .56 Ve Ma/No .78 Pl Ne/No 1.11 Ve Me/Sa .43 Su Mo/Ve .9 Pl Ne/No 1.1 Ju Mo/Ma 1.17 Ma Mo/Me .93 Pl Ne/No 1.12 Ju Mo/Me 1.4 Me Su/Mo 1.23 Pl Ne/No 1.11 Me Su/Mo 1.31 The Moon enters Cancer joining Mercury, Mars and Jupiter 04:31Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 08:53 Moon trine Neptune 13:49 Moon trine Saturn 15:26 Moon conjunction Jupiter 21:56 Moon opposition Pluto 23:48Sunday 4 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Leo EA 12 Aquarius EA sqr SA .51 Mon 10 Cancer ME 29 Aries UR sqr PL .59 Mer 23 Cancer VE 5 Scorpio SA sex PL .82 Ven 15 Virgo MA 27 Gemini VE trn NE 1.34 Mar 14 Cancer JU 2 Cancer JU trn NE 1.41 Jup 09 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio EA sex UR 1.92 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME sex MA 1.93 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE trn JU 2.75 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ju .01 Su Ve/Ju .08 Su Ve/Ju .14 Su Ve/Ju .21 No Ve/Pl .02 No Ve/Pl .18 No Ve/Pl .34 Ve Mo/No .49 Su Mo/Ve .49 Ve Me/Sa .81 Mo Me/Ju .71 No Ve/Pl .5 Ve Me/Sa .68 Mo Ma/Ju 1 Ve Me/Sa .93 Mo Me/Ma .96 Pl Ne/No 1.12 Pl Ne/No 1.13 Pl Ne/No 1.13 Ve Me/Sa 1.05 Ma Me/Ju 1.53 Ma Me/Ju 1.56 Ma Me/Ju 1.6 Pl Ne/No 1.13 Ve Ma/No 1.67 Me Su/Ju 1.88 Ve Mo/No 1.67 Ma Mo/Ju 1.18 Back on line. Old Moon tales. Passion play. The very slow old Moon in Cancer trines her node 05:14 She squares Uranus 05:38 The Sun squares the lunar node 09:59, a mid eclipse-season marker. Moon conjunction Mars in Cancer 10:06 Moon sextile Venus 11:59 Sun trine Uranus 15:06 and a welcome wave of New Age feeling.Monday 5 August 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Leo EA 13 Aquarius UR sqr PL .59 Mon 22 Cancer ME 4 Taurus ME sex NE .67 Mer 25 Cancer VE 7 Scorpio SA sex PL .84 Ven 16 Virgo MA 27 Gemini JU trn NE 1.33 Mar 15 Cancer JU 2 Cancer EA sqr SA 1.43 Jup 09 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio ME sex JU 2 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME opp VE 2.27 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sex UR 2.87 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE trn NE 2.94 Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Ju .17 Su Ve/Ju .33 Ve Mo/Sa .25 Su Ve/Ju .46 Su Ve/Ju .27 No Ve/Pl .82 Su Ve/Ju .4 Me Su/Ju .61 No Ve/Pl .66 Me Su/Ju 1.06 Me Su/Ju .84 Ve Mo/Sa .96 Ve Mo/No .7 Pl Ne/No 1.14 No Ve/Pl .98 Mo Su/Ma 1.03 Pl Ne/No 1.14 Ve Me/Sa 1.27 Pl Ne/No 1.15 No Ve/Pl 1.14 Ve Me/Sa 1.16 Mo Su/Ju 1.42 Ve Me/Sa 1.39 Pl Ne/No 1.15 Me Su/Ju 1.27 Ve Mo/Sa 1.46 Mo Su/Ju 1.43 Ve Me/Sa 1.49 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 14 degrees Leo today. There are 46 days to the Autumn Equinox. We are midway between eclipse seasons and almost midway between solstice and equinox. The Moon, Mercury Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Sun is isolated in Leo. The very old, very slow but accelerating Moon in Cancer is conjunct Mercury becoming void 06:50 and remaining that way for 10 hours. The Moon enters Leo 16:59 and is New tomorrow. Mercury is now a direct 'morning star' in Cancer, back up to full apparent speed and in new territory. Mercury enters Leo on August 8th. He is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 25th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is an evening 'star' in Virgo, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. She enters Libra on August 16th. Mars is in Cancer. Mars enters Leo on August 28th. Jupiter is opposition Pluto on Wednesday and is square Uranus on the day of the next Full Moon, August 21st. During this time Jupiter is trine the lunar node. This opposition is a dark affair with the emphasis on war and changes of power. The T-square with Uranus adds a more revolutionary and violent edge. We are in for difficult times. In keeping with this looming T-square twenty-one US embassies and consulates, mostly in the Middle East, were closed throughout Sunday amid fears that al-Qaeda may be planning an attack. The astrological 'Wave of the Week' is the colourful New Moon in Leo tomorrow.Tuesday 6 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Leo EA 14 Aquarius ME trn PL .18 Mon 04 Leo ME 10 Taurus UR sqr PL .58 Mer 26 Cancer VE 8 Scorpio SA sex PL .87 Ven 17 Virgo MA 28 Gemini ME opp SA 1.05 Mar 16 Cancer JU 3 Cancer JU trn NE 1.25 Jup 09 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio ME opp VE 1.93 Sat 05 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sex PL 2.11 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr SA 2.36 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn VE con SA 2.98 Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ju .38 Me Su/Ju .15 Me Su/Ju .09 Me Su/Ju .33 Su Ve/Ju .53 Me Mo/Ma .18 Su Ve/Ju .66 Su Ve/Ju .72 Pl Ne/No 1.16 Su Ve/Ju .59 Me Mo/Ma 1.03 Mo Ve/Ju 1.09 No Ve/Pl 1.3 Pl Ne/No 1.16 Pl Ne/No 1.17 Pl Ne/No 1.17 Mo Su/Me 1.32 Mo Su/Me 1.39 Ve Me/No 1.48 Me Mo/Ju 1.24 Me Mo/Ma 1.39 No Ve/Pl 1.46 No Ve/Pl 1.62 Ve Me/No 1.37 Ve Me/Sa 1.6 Ve Me/No 1.6 Ve Me/Sa 1.8 No Ve/Pl 1.78 For most of today the very ancient Moon slowly 'fading' in Leo creates 'an old Moon day'. There is a general feeling of things having run their course. The Moon squares Saturn 03:55 The Moon squares her nodes 16:55 The Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 17:30 There is always a surge of motivation after the time of New Moon.NEW MOON in LEO becoming void 21:52 The New Moon is weakly square the lunar node and trine Uranus. JUPITER IS OPPOSITE
Today's New Moon is midway between the Annular Solar eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013 and the Annular/Total solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd 2013. At this time the skies are dominated by Jupiter opposite Pluto, and Saturn trine Neptune. The New Moon is separating from a trine to Uranus and is on the Venus/Jupiter midpoint. At the moment of New Moon the Sun and Moon are shortly to rise at Hong Kong. The Moon is at lower culmination at Cairo. The Sun and Moon at lower culmination straddle Ankara. Saturn sets at Tripoli. Pluto rises at Washington DC. Pluto rises and Jupiter sets at San Salvador. Jupiter rises at Kabul. Mercury rises at Bangkok. In the UK Pluto culminates and Jupiter lower culminates on Wales, Scotland and SW England. Today's New Moon directly hits the natal Sun of the Ivory Coast, the natal Venus (and Saturn) of India and of Pakistan, the Venus of Zardari Bhutto, Yingluck Shinawatra and Edward Snowden, the natal Mars of China, Hilary Clinton, and the Vatican, the Jupiter(and Node) of Roger Walters, the Saturn of Orlando Bloom and the natal Pluto of South Korea, Burma, Dilma Rousseff and Robert Plant. The New Moon hits the Venus Jupiter midpoint so there is a note of 'luxury and romance' sounding out. The tiny new infant moon is now void of course for the remainder of today and all of tomorrow.
Wednesday 7 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Leo EA 15 Aquarius VE sex PL .51 Mon 16 Leo ME 16 Taurus UR sqr PL .58 Mer 28 Cancer VE 10 Scorpio SA sex PL .89 Ven 19 Virgo MA 28 Gemini JU trn NE 1.17 Mar 16 Cancer JU 3 Cancer VE con SA 1.4 Jup 09 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio EA sqr ME 1.56 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr SA 3.29 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA con JU 4.27 Nep 05 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn ME opp SA 4.85 Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Mo/Ju .08 Me Su/Ju .83 Su Ve/Ju .92 Mo Me/Ve .79 Me Su/Ju .58 Su Ve/Ju .85 Ve Me/No 1.06 Ve Me/No .95 Su Ve/Ju .79 Mo Ve/Ma 1.07 Me Su/Ju 1.09 Su Ve/Ju .98 Pl Ne/No 1.18 Me Mo/Ju 1.08 Pl Ne/No 1.19 Pl Ne/No 1.19 Ve Me/No 1.26 Ve Me/No 1.16 Mo Me/Ve 1.94 Me Su/Ju 1.35 Mo Ve/Ma 1.75 Pl Ne/No 1.18 Ve Me/Sa 2.18 Ma Me/Ju 2.26 Mo Ve/Ju 1.79 Ve Me/Sa 2.09 Ma Me/Ju 2.19 Ve Me/Sa 2.27 The new baby infant Moon is void of course in Leo all day today. Helio-centic Venus is conjunct Saturn. At 08:21 GMT today the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. We are then exactly half way between the June Solstice and the September Equinox. In the northern hemisphere summer is starting to wane. In the south the season of 'stirring' is starting. Mercury waxing biquintile Neptune 14:17 Sun waning biquintile Pluto 19:22 Jupiter opposition Pluto 23:46 This is the first of 3 oppositions of these two in the 13 year cycle which started at 28 Sagittarius in Dec 2007. The other two oppositions are Jan 31st 2014 and April 5th 2014. The cycle ends in 2020. The Jupiter Pluto cycle in astrology is said to be synchronised with the ebb and flow of power structures (civil and political) in societies and in the global community as a whole. The opposition period underway at this time is by nature a time of 'fullness' of power structures, a point of climax before the inevitable waning of the 'plutocratic' structures, and a manifestation of a polarisation of opposites in affairs of 'state'.Thursday 8 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Leo EA 16 Aquarius VE con SA .17 Mon 28 Leo ME 22 Taurus UR sqr PL .57 Mer 29 Cancer VE 12 Scorpio SA sex PL .92 Ven 20 Virgo MA 29 Gemini VE sex PL 1.09 Mar 17 Cancer JU 3 Cancer JU trn NE 1.09 Jup 09 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio MA con JU 3.86 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr VE 4.05 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr SA 4.22 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/No .86 Sa Mo/Pl .35 Ve Me/No .66 Mo Ju/Sa .33 Su Ve/Ju 1.05 Su Mo/Me .56 Mo Su/Ve .95 Ve Me/No .57 Pl Ne/No 1.2 Ve Me/No .76 Su Mo/Me .97 Pl Ne/No 1.21 Me Su/Ju 1.62 Su Ve/Ju 1.11 Sa Mo/Pl 1.18 Su Ve/Ju 1.24 Sa Mo/Pl 1.89 Pl Ne/No 1.2 Su Ve/Ju 1.18 Me Su/Ma 1.5 Su Mo/Me 2.07 Me Su/Ju 1.89 Pl Ne/No 1.21 Me Su/Ju 2.44 Me Su/Ma 2.15 Mo Su/Ve 1.89 Me Su/Ma 1.72 Su Mo/Me 2.5 The slow and accelerating infant Moon enters Virgo 03:58 joining Venus in that sign. Mercury as a morning star enters Leo 12:14 joining the Sun in that sign. At last after a lengthy 68 day residence in Cancer Mercury now shifts into Leo and will remian there for a mere 15 days. Mercury will square Saturn on August 11th, square the lunar node on August 14th and trine Uranus on August 15th. Mercury flees into Virgo on August 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 25th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Mercury in Leo represents a straight forward manner of communication with the emphasis on 'self at the centre'. We have a couple of weeks of formative and creative communications. Moon opposition Neptune 12:35 Moon sextile Saturn 14:48 Venus semi-square Saturn 18:09 Moon trine Pluto 22:07 Moon sextile Jupiter 22:31Friday 9 August 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Leo EA 17 Aquarius UR sqr PL .57 Mon 10 Virgo ME 28 Taurus SA sex PL .95 Mer 01 Leo VE 13 Scorpio JU trn NE 1.01 Ven 21 Virgo MA 29 Gemini VE con SA 1.74 Mar 18 Cancer JU 3 Cancer VE sex PL 2.68 Jup 10 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio EA sqr VE 3.41 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA con JU 3.45 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA trn NE 4.47 Nep 04 Pisces PL 10 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ju/No .4 Ve Me/No .39 Su Mo/Ma .26 Ve Me/No .22 Ve Me/No .48 No Mo/Pl .46 Ve Me/No .3 Me Su/Ma .57 Pl Ne/No 1.22 Me Su/Ma 1.04 Me Su/Ma .81 Mo Me/Sa .94 Mo Ma/Sa 1.23 Su Mo/Ma 1.16 No Mo/Pl 1.12 Pl Ne/No 1.23 Me Su/Ma 1.27 Pl Ne/No 1.22 Pl Ne/No 1.23 Su Ve/Ju 1.5 Su Ve/Ju 1.31 Mo Ma/No 1.33 Su Ve/Ju 1.44 Su Mo/Ma 1.68 No Mo/Pl 2.04 Su Ve/Ju 1.37 Mo Ma/No 1.75 Mo Me/No 2.18 The young Moon gaining in light and motion sextiles her node 02:57 Moon sextile Mars 14:33 Venus waxing quintile Jupiter 17:46 Moon conjunction Venus becoming void 22:06Saturday 10 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Leo EA 18 Aquarius UR sqr PL .56 Mon 23 Virgo ME 5 Gemini ME sqr NE .78 Mer 03 Leo VE 15 Scorpio JU trn NE .93 Ven 22 Virgo MA 30 Gemini SA sex PL .97 Mar 18 Cancer JU 3 Cancer EA sqr VE 2.77 Jup 10 Cancer SA 11 Scorpio MA con JU 3.05 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE con SA 3.31 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA trn NE 3.98 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/No .14 Ve Me/No .06 Ve Me/No .02 Ve Me/No .1 Me Su/Ma .33 Me Su/Ma .09 Me Su/Ma .16 Me Su/Ma .41 Mo Me/No .77 Su Mo/Ju .26 Mo Su/No .56 Pl Ne/No 1.25 Su Mo/Ju 1.11 Mo Su/Sa .55 Pl Ne/No 1.25 Su Ve/Ju 1.77 Pl Ne/No 1.24 Pl Ne/No 1.24 Su Mo/Ju 1.64 Mo Su/No 2.53 Su Ve/Ju 1.57 Su Ve/Ju 1.64 Su Ve/Ju 1.7 Ju Mo/Ur 2.55 Su Ve/Ma 2.65 Su Ve/Ma 2.64 Mo Su/Sa 2.52 Su Ve/Ma 2.62 The young Moon enters Libra 13:09Moon hits crescent phase 19:21 3 Libra Moon sextile Mercury 20:54Sunday 11 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Leo EA 19 Aquarius UR sqr PL .56 Mon 06 Libra ME 11 Gemini JU trn NE .86 Mer 04 Leo VE 16 Scorpio ME sex UR .96 Ven 23 Virgo MA 0 Cancer SA sex PL 1 Mar 19 Cancer JU 3 Cancer EA sqr VE 2.13 Jup 10 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA con JU 2.64 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA trn NE 3.49 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE con SA 4.87 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/No .18 Ve Me/No .25 Ve Me/No .33 Ve Me/No .4 Me Su/Ma .66 Ju Mo/Ur .56 Me Su/Ma 1.18 Mo Ve/Sa .56 Ju Mo/Ur 1 Mo Ju/Pl .7 Pl Ne/No 1.27 Mo Ma/Pl 1.14 Pl Ne/No 1.26 Me Su/Ma .92 Su Ve/Ju 1.97 Pl Ne/No 1.28 Su Ve/Ju 1.83 Pl Ne/No 1.27 Mo Ma/Pl 2.03 Me Su/Ma 1.44 Su Ve/Ma 2.61 Su Ve/Ju 1.9 Mo Ju/Pl 2.52 Su Ve/Ju 2.03 Su Ve/Ma 2.6 Mo Ve/Sa 2.54 Mo Ve/No 2.45 THE waxing crescent MOON in Libra is BESEIGED Mercury quinquncx Neptune 00:11 The Moon, Jupiter and Pluto form a cardinal T-square 06:00 to 08:00 Moon square Pluto 06:37 Moon square Jupiter 07:59 Moon opposition Uranus 11:00 Mercury square Saturn 18:06Monday 12 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Leo EA 19 Aquarius UR sqr PL .55 Mon 19 Libra ME 17 Gemini JU trn NE .78 Mer 06 Leo VE 18 Scorpio SA sex PL 1.02 Ven 24 Virgo MA 1 Cancer EA sqr VE 1.49 Mar 20 Cancer JU 3 Cancer MA con JU 2.23 Jup 10 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA trn ME 2.24 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA trn NE 3.01 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/No .47 Ve Me/No .54 Ve Me/No .6 Sa Mo/No .6 Mo Ve/No .68 Mo Me/Pl .93 Pl Ne/No 1.29 Ve Me/No .67 Pl Ne/No 1.28 Pl Ne/No 1.29 Mo Me/Pl 2.13 Ve Su/Mo .92 Me Su/Ma 1.71 Me Su/Ma 1.98 Su Ve/Ju 2.23 Mo Su/Pl 1.05 Su Ve/Ju 2.1 Su Ve/Ju 2.16 Sa Mo/No 2.24 Pl Ne/No 1.3 Su Ve/Ma 2.57 Su Ve/Ma 2.56 Me Su/Ma 2.25 Su Ve/Ju 2.3 Ve Su/Sa 2.98 Ve Su/Mo 2.4 Me Su/Ma 2.52 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 20 degrees Leo today. There are 40 days to the Autumn Equinox. Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Sun and Mercury are in Leo. The accelerating crescent Moon in Libra very much under duress is sextile the Sun 01:17 The Moon squares Mars becoming void 01:30 This waxing indecisive Moon is void for 19 hours. The Moon enters Scorpio 20:18 joining Saturn there and approaching first quarter. Mercury is a direct morning star in Leo. Mercury will square the lunar node on August 14th and trine Uranus on August 15th. Mercury flees into Virgo on August 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 25th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is an evening 'star' in Virgo, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. She enters Libra on August 16th. Mars is in Cancer. Mars enters Leo on August 28th. Jupiter is opposite Pluto and is square Uranus on the day of the next Full Moon, August 21st. During this time Jupiter is trine the lunar node.Tuesday 13 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Leo EA 20 Aquarius UR sqr PL .55 Mon 02 Scorpio ME 24 Gemini JU trn NE .7 Mer 08 Leo VE 20 Scorpio EA sqr VE .85 Ven 26 Virgo MA 1 Cancer SA sex PL 1.05 Mar 20 Cancer JU 3 Cancer MA con JU 1.83 Jup 10 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn NE 2.53 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA trn ME 3.12 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Mo .57 Ve Me/No .8 Mo Sa/No .02 Ve Mo/Me .69 Ve Me/No .73 Pl Ne/No 1.31 Ve Me/No .86 Ve Me/No .92 Sa Mo/No 1.05 Ve Su/Mo 2.07 Pl Ne/No 1.32 Pl Mo/Ne 1.09 Pl Ne/No 1.3 Ve Su/Sa 2.3 Ve Su/Sa 2.13 Pl Ne/No 1.32 Mo Su/Pl 2.17 Su Ve/Ju 2.43 Ve Mo/Me 2.33 Ve Su/Sa 1.96 Su Ve/Ju 2.36 Su Ve/Ma 2.52 Su Ve/Ju 2.5 Su Ve/Ma 2.5 Ve Su/Sa 2.47 Sa Mo/No 2.7 Su Ve/Ma 2.51 Su Ve/Ju 2.56 The crescent Moon gaining in light and motion in Scorpio trines Neptune 04:06 Moon conjunction Saturn 06:49 Moon 'fixed square' Mercury 12:40 Moon sextile Pluto 13:00 Mercury waning quinquncx Pluto 14:59 Moon 'water trine' Jupiter 15:12 Moon conjunct her node 17:11 Venus waning semi-square the lunar node 20:38Wednesday 14 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Leo EA 21 Aquarius EA sqr VE .21 Mon 16 Scorpio ME 30 Gemini UR sqr PL .54 Mer 10 Leo VE 21 Scorpio JU trn NE .62 Ven 27 Virgo MA 2 Cancer SA sex PL 1.08 Mar 21 Cancer JU 3 Cancer MA con JU 1.42 Jup 11 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio ME con MA 1.99 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA trn NE 2.04 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con JU 3.41 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME trn NE 4.03 Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Ne .61 Mo Ve/Pl .74 Ve Me/No 1.1 Ve Me/No 1.16 No Mo/Sa .95 No Mo/Sa .78 Pl Ne/No 1.34 Ve Su/Sa 1.28 Ve Mo/Me .96 Ve Me/No 1.04 Ve Su/Sa 1.45 Pl Ne/No 1.34 Ve Me/No .98 Pl Ne/No 1.33 Su Ve/Ma 2.47 Su Ve/Ma 2.46 Pl Ne/No 1.33 Ve Su/Sa 1.62 No Mo/Sa 2.52 Su Ve/Ju 2.83 Ve Su/Sa 1.79 Pl Mo/Ne 2.32 Su Ve/Ju 2.77 Su Ve/Ma 2.49 Su Ve/Ma 2.48 Yesterday Israel released the first group of Palestinian prisoners freed as part of the deal that allowed direct peace talks to resume. Today the Scorpio Moon gaining in light and motion water trines Mars 09:48The Moon reaches first quarter phase 10:57 Mercury squares the lunar node 19:18 The Moon sextiles Venus becoming void 21:30Thursday 15 August 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Leo EA 22 Aquarius EA sqr VE .42 Mon 29 Scorpio ME 6 Cancer JU trn NE .54 Mer 12 Leo VE 23 Scorpio UR sqr PL .54 Ven 28 Virgo MA 2 Cancer MA con JU 1.02 Mar 22 Cancer JU 3 Cancer SA sex PL 1.1 Jup 11 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn NE 1.56 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn NE 2.23 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con JU 2.77 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME con MA 3.79 Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Sa 1.11 Ve Su/Sa .94 Ve Mo/Ma .49 Mo Pl/No .52 Ve Me/No 1.21 Ve Mo/Ma 1.05 Ve Su/Sa .77 Ve Su/Sa .6 Pl Ne/No 1.35 Ve Me/No 1.27 Mo Sa/Pl 1.26 Pl Ne/No 1.37 Su Ve/Ma 2.45 Pl Ne/No 1.36 Ve Me/No 1.33 Ve Me/No 1.38 Ve Mo/Ma 2.59 Su Ve/Ma 2.44 Pl Ne/No 1.36 Sa Mo/Ve 1.58 Su Ve/Ju 2.9 Su Ve/Ju 2.97 Su Ve/Ma 2.43 Ve Mo/Ma 2.05 Mo Sa/Pl 2.27 The intense Scorpionic Moon of the last couple of days has invoked several high intensity events. Yesterday Egypt declared a state of emergency after scores were killed in Cairo, as security forces stormed the camps of Muslim Brotherhood supporters. The current Jupiter Pluto opposition forms a cardinal grand square with the nodal axis in the Egyptian chart(14/03/1922 Cairo 22:43 GMT). Last week's New Moon was a degree from Egyptian Neptune and (I rarely use Solar Arcs but this one hits me in the face!) Solar arc Mars is conjunct natal Uranus in 3 days time. Also transiting Pluto is sextile Egyptian Uranus. With all of these astrological correlations we have here a cauldron of crazed revolutionary energy unleashed. Indian Defence Minister AK Antony described two huge explosions and fire on an Indian submarine berthed in Mumbai as a "shocking tragedy". A suicide bomb at a cafe in central Iraq killed at least 16 people and wounded another 35. Today the first quarter Moon, gaining in light and motion enters Sagittarius 01:05 Mercury fire trines Uranus 02:11 The Moon squares Neptune 08:25 Today there are 4 bodies in Fire signs so expect a lively one. The Moon, Mercury and Uranus are in a fire grand trine 21:00 to 01:00. Inventive, cerebral, exciting. Moon trine Uranus 21:49Friday 16 August 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Leo EA 23 Aquarius JU trn NE .46 Mon 13 Sagittarius ME 12 Cancer UR sqr PL .53 Mer 14 Leo VE 24 Scorpio MA con JU .62 Ven 29 Virgo MA 3 Cancer ME trn SA .66 Mar 22 Cancer JU 3 Cancer EA sqr VE 1.06 Jup 11 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn NE 1.08 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries SA sex PL 1.13 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME opp PL 1.79 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME sqr UR 2.32 Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpio
fire 42 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Mo/Ve .34 Mo Ve/Ne .17 Ve Su/Sa .1 Ve Su/Sa .07 Ve Su/Sa .43 Ve Su/Sa .26 Ve Mo/Ju 1.08 No Mo/Ve .66 Pl Ne/No 1.37 Ve Mo/Ju .45 No Mo/Ve 1.31 Pl Ne/No 1.39 Ve Me/No 1.43 Pl Ne/No 1.38 Pl Ne/No 1.38 Ve Me/No 1.59 Ve Mo/Ju 1.97 Ve Me/No 1.49 Ve Me/No 1.54 Su Ve/Ma 2.38 Su Ve/Ma 2.41 Sa Mo/Ve 2.26 Su Ve/Ma 2.39 Ve Mo/Ju 2.61 Su Ve/Ma 2.4 Ve Su/No 2.85 Ve Su/No 2.66 Heliocentric Mars is conjunct Helio Jupiter today and tomorrow. Geocentric Venus is on the Sun Saturn midpoint. Today the rapidly waxing Moon in Sagittarius 'fire trines' Mercury 01:01 Mercury semi-square Venus 06:24 Mercury biquintile Pluto 15:15 Venus enters Libra 15:38 Venus resides in Libra for a mere 25 days and her residence is far from easy and harmonious. She forms a cardinal cross with Pluto Jupiter and Uranus, squaring Pluto on 24th Aug, opposing Uranus on Aug 26th and squaring Jupiter on Aug 27th. Those few days will be extremely difficult for human relationships. Venus enters Scorpio on September 11th. The Moon fire trines the Sun becoming void 17:33 Sun waning quintile Saturn 19:04 The weekend ahead is dogmatic, hard hitting and pretty ruthless.Saturday 17 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Leo EA 24 Aquarius MA con JU .22 Mon 28 Sagittarius ME 18 Cancer JU trn NE .38 Mer 16 Leo VE 26 Scorpio UR sqr PL .53 Ven 00 Libra MA 3 Cancer MA trn NE .6 Mar 23 Cancer JU 4 Cancer SA sex PL 1.15 Jup 11 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA sqr VE 1.69 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 12 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Sa .24 Ve Su/Sa .41 Mo Sa/Ne .06 Ve Su/Sa .74 Pl Ne/No 1.4 Pl Ne/No 1.4 Ve Su/Sa .58 Mo Ne/No 1.05 Ve Me/No 1.64 Ve Me/No 1.69 Pl Ne/No 1.41 Pl Ne/No 1.41 Su Ve/Ma 2.37 Ve Su/No 2.3 Ve Me/No 1.75 Ve Me/No 1.8 Ve Su/No 2.48 Su Ve/Ma 2.35 Ve Su/No 2.12 Ve Su/No 1.93 No Mo/Ve 2.64 Su Ve/Ma 2.34 Su Ve/Ma 2.33 Mo Ne/No 2.64 The rapidly waxing Moon enters Capricorn 03:26, joining Pluto in that sign. The Moon squares Venus 04:29 Moon sextiles Neptune 10:22 Moon sextiles Saturn 13:27 The Moon and Pluto,the lunar node, Jupiter and Uranus are in complex cosmic geometry at this time. Moon conjunction Pluto 18:36 This is the final of 20 monthly occultation of Pluto. This concluding occultation is focussed on northern Europe including the UK. Mars rises over western Europe at the moment of the oncoming Full Moon point now 4 days away. The next lunar occultation of Pluto one is in November 2018.![]()
Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 19:53 Moon opposition Jupiter 22:05 Moon sextile Node 22:11 Moon square Uranus 23:16Sunday 18 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Leo EA 25 Aquarius MA trn NE .12 Mon 13 Capricorn ME 24 Cancer MA con JU .19 Mer 18 Leo VE 28 Scorpio JU trn NE .3 Ven 02 Libra MA 4 Cancer UR sqr PL .52 Mar 23 Cancer JU 4 Cancer SA sex PL 1.18 Jup 11 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA sqr VE 2.33 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn VE 3.11 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5Significant helio harmonic 17cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Mo/Ju .13 Sa Su/Mo .28 Ve Su/Sa 1.25 Sa Mo/Me .44 Ve Su/Sa .91 Ve Su/Sa 1.08 Ve Su/No 1.39 Mo Sa/Ur .44 Pl Ne/No 1.42 Pl Ne/No 1.43 Pl Ne/No 1.43 Ve Su/No 1.21 Ve Su/No 1.75 Ve Su/No 1.57 Sa Mo/Me 1.65 Ne Mo/Ur 1.27 Ve Me/No 1.85 Ur Mo/Ju 1.75 Sa Su/Mo 1.68 Ve Su/Sa 1.42 Sa Su/Mo 2.23 Ve Me/No 1.9 Ve Me/No 1.95 Pl Ne/No 1.44 Su Ve/Ma 2.32 Su Ve/Ma 2.31 Su Ve/Ma 2.3 No Su/Mo 1.6 Three days to the Full Moon. Lunar tensions are rising. Yesterday under the moon beams of a gibbous Capricorn hard hitting Moon:- Egypt's security forces cleared a Cairo mosque, after a long stand-off with Muslim Brotherhood supporters barricaded inside. At least 31 people died and around 170 are missing after a ferry with more than 800 on board collided with a cargo ship in the Philippines. Today Jupiter waning trine the lunar node 04:07 The Jupiter/lunar node cycle has a 7 year period and corresponds to communities with common interest. Today's aspect provides a 'way out' of current difficulties. The fast moving gibbous Capricorn Moon opposes Mars, becoming void 18:27Monday 19 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Leo EA 26 Aquarius JU trn NE .22 Mon 27 Capricorn ME 0 Leo MA trn NE .36 Mer 20 Leo VE 29 Scorpio UR sqr PL .52 Ven 03 Libra MA 4 Cancer MA con JU .59 Mar 24 Cancer JU 4 Cancer ME trn VE 1.18 Jup 12 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio SA sex PL 1.2 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr VE 2.96 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Mo .4 No Mo/Me .54 Ve Su/No .66 Ve Su/No .48 Ne Mo/Ur .59 Ve Su/No .84 Pl Ne/No 1.46 Me Ve/Ju 1.14 Mo Ur/No .67 Pl Ne/No 1.45 Me Ve/Ju 1.48 Pl Ne/No 1.46 Ve Su/No 1.02 Ve Su/Sa 1.75 No Mo/Me 1.58 Mo Ne/Pl 1.91 Pl Ne/No 1.45 Me Ve/Ju 1.81 Mo Ne/Pl 1.82 Ve Su/Sa 2.08 Ve Su/Sa 1.58 Ve Me/No 2.09 Ve Su/Sa 1.92 Ve Me/No 2.19 Ve Me/No 2.04 Su Ve/Ma 2.26 Ve Me/No 2.14 Su Ve/Ma 2.24Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 01:14 The waxing gibbous Moon enters Aquarius 04:08 Hell to pay. The Moon is Full early hours (GMT) Wednesday. Moon trine Venus 09:21 Sun semi square Jupiter 13:29 Moon square Saturn 14:11 The Moon, her node, Jupiter and Uranus, form a planetary trapezium 22:00 to the early hours tomorrow. Moon square Node 22:27 Moon sextile Uranus 23:37 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 27 degrees Leo today. There are 33 days to the Autumn Equinox. The astrological month of Virgo starts as Friday begins this week. Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Sun and Mercury are in Leo. Mercury is a direct morning star in Leo. Mercury flees into Virgo on August 23rd. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on Aug 25th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is an evening 'star' in Libra, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. Venus's residence is far from easy and harmonious. She forms a cardinal cross with Pluto Jupiter and Uranus, squaring Pluto on 24th Aug, opposing Uranus on Aug 26th and squaring Jupiter on Aug 27th. Those few days will be extremely difficult for human relationships. Venus enters Scorpio on September 11th. Mars is in Cancer. Mars enters Leo on August 28th. Jupiter is opposite Pluto and is square Uranus on the day of Wednesday's Full Moon, August 21st. During this time Jupiter is trine the lunar node. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the Full Moon in the very early hours (GMT) of Wednesday.Tuesday 20 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Leo EA 27 Aquarius JU trn NE .14 Mon 12 Aquarius ME 6 Leo UR sqr PL .51 Mer 22 Leo VE 1 Sagittarius MA trn NE .84 Ven 04 Libra MA 5 Cancer MA con JU .99 Mar 25 Cancer JU 4 Cancer SA sex PL 1.23 Jup 12 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio VE sqr NE 3.18 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr VE 3.59 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME trn UR 3.97 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 2water 5cardinal 5fixed 5mutable 1positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/No .3 Ve Su/No .11 Ve Su/No .07 Me Ve/Ju .19 Me Ve/Ju .81 Me Ve/Ju .48 Me Ve/Ju .14 Ve Su/No .25 Pl Ne/No 1.47 Pl Ne/No 1.48 Pl Ne/No 1.48 Pl Ne/No 1.49 Su Ve/Ma 2.23 Su Ve/Ma 2.21 Su Ve/Ma 2.2 Su Ve/Ma 2.19 Ve Me/No 2.24 Ve Me/No 2.29 Ve Me/No 2.34 Mo Ur/Pl 2.22 Ve Su/Sa 2.25 Ve Su/Sa 2.42 Ve Su/Sa 2.58 Ve Me/No 2.39 Sa Su/Pl 2.98 Sa Su/Pl 2.88 Ve Su/Sa 2.75 Yesterday at least 24 Egyptian policemen were killed in an attack near Rafah in the troubled Sinai peninsula. 37 people crossing the tracks at a remote train station in the northern Indian state of Bihar were killed after being hit by an express train. At least 105 people have died in days of torrential rain and devastating floods in north-east and southern China. Comet ISON is not brightening as much as expected as it zooms
toward the sun, an amateur astronomer has reported, dealing a
blow to skywatchers hoping for a spectacular show from the icy
wanderer during its close solar approach this November.
ISON, which almost immediately after its discovery last September
was branded as a "comet of the century" candidate, now seems in
jeopardy of completely disintegrating before skimming just
724,000 miles (1.16 million kilometers) above the surface of the
sun on Nov. 28.
Since early June, ISON has been unobservable because of its close
proximity to the sun in our sky. The comet is now slowly moving
out of the bright solar glare and is becoming better placed for
viewing in the morning, low in the eastern sky just before
sunrise. Today Venus makes a waning quinqunx to Neptune 03:54 The heavily gibbous Moon in Aquarius opposes Mercury 18:19 The night of the Full Moon is then upon us.Wednesday 21 August 2013 Four years to the USA TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. Time to start planning!Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Leo EA 28 Aquarius JU trn NE .07 Mon 27 Aquarius ME 12 Leo ME sqr SA .14 Mer 24 Leo VE 2 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .5 Ven 05 Libra MA 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.26 Mar 25 Cancer JU 4 Cancer MA trn NE 1.32 Jup 12 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA con JU 1.39 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sqr NE 1.59 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME trn UR 1.62 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA sqr VE 4.22 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 2water 5Very strong helio harmonic 17cardinal 5fixed 5mutable 1active now. positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/No .43 Ve Su/No .61 Ve Su/No .79 Pl Mo/No .45 Me Ve/Ju .53 Me Ve/Ju .86 Me Ve/Ju 1.19 Ve Su/No .97 Mo Ur/Pl 1.46 Pl Ne/No 1.5 Pl Mo/No 1.36 Pl Ne/No 1.52 Pl Ne/No 1.5 Su Ve/Ma 2.17 Pl Ne/No 1.51 Me Ve/Ju 1.52 Su Ve/Ma 2.18 Ve Me/No 2.49 Su Ve/Ma 2.15 Pl Mo/Sa 2 Ve Me/No 2.44 Sa Su/Pl 2.57 Sa Su/Pl 2.47 Su Ve/Ma 2.14 Sa Su/Pl 2.67 Ve Me/No 2.54 Sa Su/Pl 2.37FULL MOON again in Aquarius becoming void 01:46
Today's Full Moon is the 3rd Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 25th 2013 in Sagittarius and the penultimate Full Moon before the Penumbral Lunar eclipse in Aries on October 18th 2013. This Full Moon directly falls 2 degrees from the Egyptian natal Mercury, so dialogue must start there. The Brazilian ascendant is hit, Brazil's 'image' is an issue regarding forthcoming FIFA football world cup and Olympic games. The UK conservative party Jupiter and the Cameron government Neptune are singled out. Also Neptune in the Mars probe 'Curiosity' chart is hit. At the moment of Full Moon Mars rises over the UK. This 'injection' of impetus goes hand in hand with the the Full Moon contacts to the Cameron Government chart and the Tory Party chart. The Conservatives may get a boost as transiting Neptune currently erodes the Labour Party Saturn in Pisces. Elsewhere Saturn is tightly square the local ascendant at Cairo. The nature of today's Full Moon is 'extrovert power struggle.' This is an expressive lunation. Actions are bold brash and unrefined. The dominant planetary theme of the current time is the tightening Cardinal Cross involving Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Venus. The Jupiter Uranus arm of the cross is exact today and is explained below but Venus will draw them all together over the next week. We are having to deal with 'new energy' in the form of power struggles and upheavals. It may well all come to a head. Egypt and Syria are just the start. After the Full Moon has peaked the Moon is void for two hours. Mercury quintile Saturn 02:57 Moon enters Pisces 04:45 Then the Sun and Mercury are in Leo. Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Moon and Neptune are in Pisces. Jupiter square Uranus 07:16 The Jupiter Uranus cycle has a period of 14 years and is concerned with 'adventure and discovery' a firm 'astro- favourite' of mine. The current cycle started in 2010 and 2011 in Pisces and Aries ( a triple conjunction). Today's waxing square is the first of 3, the other two being on Feb 26th 2014 and April 20th 2014. Their opposition is in 2016 and 2017 and their next conjunction is in 2024 and in Taurus.The square aspect between them today is powerfully hooked into the Venus Pluto square which unfortunately perverts to a power struggling meglomaniac nature to proceedings. It's all cardinal energy. Much will 'kick off'. Moon conjunction Neptune 11:31 Moon trine Saturn 15:16 Moon sextile Pluto 19:57 Moon trine Node 23:22Thursday 22 August 2013The Last Day of the astrological month of Leo. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Leo EA 29 Aquarius VE sqr NE 0 Mon 12 Pisces ME 17 Leo JU trn NE .01 Mer 26 Leo VE 4 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .5 Ven 06 Libra MA 6 Cancer SA sex PL 1.28 Mar 26 Cancer JU 4 Cancer MA con JU 1.79 Jup 12 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn NE 1.8 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA sqr UR 4.34 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA opp PL 4.84 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA con NE 4.85 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6Very strong helio harmonic 17cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Sa .18 Ve Su/No 1.34 Ve Su/No 1.52 Mo Ur/Ne .75 Ve Su/No 1.16 Pl Ne/No 1.53 Pl Ne/No 1.54 Pl Ne/No 1.54 Pl Ne/No 1.52 Pl Mo/Sa 1.62 Sa Su/Pl 2.06 Ve Su/No 1.7 Me Ve/Ju 1.86 Su Ve/Ma 2.12 Su Ve/Ma 2.1 Sa Su/Pl 1.96 Su Ve/Ma 2.13 Sa Su/Pl 2.16 Me Ve/Ju 2.52 Su Ve/Ma 2.09 Pl Mo/No 2.25 Me Ve/Ju 2.19 Ve Me/No 2.74 Ju Ve/Ur 2.72 Sa Su/Pl 2.27 Ve Me/No 2.69 Ju Ve/Ur 2.81 Ve Me/No 2.79 Grim news surfaced as the full moon climaxed yesterday. Attacks using chemical weapons have killed hundreds of people near the Syrian capital, Damascus, the opposition alliance said. Japan's nuclear agency upgraded the severity level of a radioactive water leak at the Fukushima plant from one to three on an international scale. The Full Moon yesterday fell within a degree of Neptune in the Fukushima disaster chart. Transiting Uranus is sextile Venus in the said chart. Today the rapidly waning 'hung over' Moon in Pisces trines Jupiter 00:56 Sun waning quintile the lunar node 04:21 Mercury waxing semi square Jupiter 14:12 The Sun enters Virgo 23:03 and a new astrological month begins.Friday 23 August 2013 The next four days see a loose Cardinal Cross formed by Venus, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Virgo EA 0 Pisces JU trn NE .09 Mon 26 Pisces ME 22 Leo UR sqr PL .49 Mer 28 Leo VE 6 Sagittarius SA sex PL 1.31 Ven 08 Libra MA 6 Cancer VE sqr NE 1.58 Mar 27 Cancer JU 4 Cancer MA con JU 2.18 Jup 12 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn NE 2.28 Sat 06 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA sqr UR 3.87 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con NE 3.9 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn JU 3.99 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ne/No 1.55 Pl Ne/No 1.56 Pl Ne/No 1.56 Sa Su/Pl 1.56 Sa Su/Pl 1.86 Sa Su/Pl 1.76 Sa Su/Pl 1.66 Pl Ne/No 1.57 Ve Su/No 1.88 Ve Su/No 2.06 Su Ve/Ma 2.05 Pl Mo/Ve 1.91 Su Ve/Ma 2.08 Su Ve/Ma 2.06 Ve Su/No 2.24 Su Ve/Ma 2.04 Ju Ve/Ur 2.62 Ju Ve/Ur 2.52 Sa Me/Pl 2.36 Sa Me/Pl 2.13 Mo Ur/Ne 2.77 Sa Me/Pl 2.59 Ju Ve/Ur 2.43 Ju Ve/Ur 2.33 Sa Me/Pl 2.82 Ve Me/No 2.89 Ve Ju/Pl 2.74 Ve Su/No 2.42 Today is the first day of the astrological month of Virgo. The rapidly waning and decelerating 'hung over' Moon in Pisces water trines Mars becoming void 01:40. The Moon enters Aries 07:14 Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Moon and Uranus are in Aries. Mercury waning quintile the lunar node 12:43Mercury on the far side of the Sun enters Virgo 22:38, joining the Sun in that sign. He flashes through Virgo in just 17 days. Mercury is in Superior conjunction with the Sun tomorrow. Then as an 'evening star' he opposes Neptune on Sunday. He sextiles Saturn on Aug 27th, trines Pluto on Aug 28th, sextiles the lunar node on August 29th and sextiles Jupiter on August 31st. Mercury enters Libra on September 9th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. The Moon squares Pluto midnight The Moon opposes Venus midnight Venus is about to run a planetary gauntlet. She starts by squaring Pluto tomorrow. Dire deeds and scandals ahead.Saturday 24 August 2013 Venus,Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter are in loose cardinal cross. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Virgo EA 1 Pisces JU trn NE .17 Mon 10 Aries ME 28 Leo UR sqr PL .49 Mer 00 Virgo VE 7 Sagittarius SA sex PL 1.33 Ven 09 Libra MA 7 Cancer MA con JU 2.58 Mar 27 Cancer JU 4 Cancer MA trn NE 2.75 Jup 13 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA con NE 2.94 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE trn UR 2.98 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn JU 3.11 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE sqr NE 3.17 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Pl 1.45 Sa Su/Pl 1.35 Ju Mo/Ve .11 Sa Su/Pl 1.15 Pl Ne/No 1.58 Pl Ne/No 1.58 Sa Su/Pl 1.25 Sa Me/Pl 1.21 Sa Me/Pl 1.9 Ju Mo/Ve 1.66 Sa Me/Pl 1.44 Ve Ju/Pl 1.37 Su Ve/Ma 2.02 Sa Me/Pl 1.67 Pl Ne/No 1.59 Pl Ne/No 1.6 Ve Ju/Pl 2.19 Ve Ju/Pl 1.92 Ve Ju/Pl 1.65 Ju Mo/Ve 1.86 Ju Ve/Ur 2.23 Su Ve/Ma 2.01 Su Ve/Ma 2 Ju Ve/Ur 1.94 Ve Su/No 2.6 Ju Ve/Ur 2.13 Ju Ve/Ur 2.04 Su Ve/Ma 1.98 Today the decelerating waning gibbous Moon in Aries is conjunct Uranus 04:20 The Moon is square Jupiter 05:26 Venus square Pluto 10:02The Moon reaches disseminating phase 12:26 Mercury in Superior Conjunction with the Sun 20:57Sunday 25 August 2013 Curious planetary symmetry about the Sun and Mercury. Venus, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter are in loose cardinal cross.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Virgo EA 2 Pisces JU trn NE .25 Mon 23 Aries ME 2 Virgo UR sqr PL .48 Mer 02 Virgo VE 9 Sagittarius EA opp ME .53 Ven 10 Libra MA 7 Cancer SA sex PL 1.36 Mar 28 Cancer JU 4 Cancer VE trn UR 1.4 Jup 13 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio ME opp NE 1.45 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME sex JU 1.7 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con NE 1.98 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn JU 2.23 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Pl .99 Sa Me/Pl .76 Ne Mo/Pl .24 Ve Ju/Pl .28 Sa Su/Pl 1.05 Ve Ju/Pl .83 Sa Me/Pl .53 Sa Me/Pl .31 Ve Ju/Pl 1.1 Sa Su/Pl .95 Ve Ju/Pl .55 Sa Su/Pl .75 Pl Ne/No 1.6 Ne Mo/Pl 1.38 Sa Su/Pl .85 Me Ve/Ma 1.05 Ju Ve/Ur 1.84 Me Ve/Ma 1.58 Me Ve/Ma 1.31 Ju Ve/Ur 1.55 Me Ve/Ma 1.84 Pl Ne/No 1.61 Pl Ne/No 1.62 Pl Ne/No 1.62 Su Ve/Ma 1.97 Ju Ve/Ur 1.74 Ju Ve/Ur 1.65 Ne Mo/Pl 1.85Significant geocentric harmonic 10 around 00:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 10 around 06:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 10 around 12:00 GMT Strong geocentric harmonic 10 around 18:00 GMT Mars biquintile Neptune 00:08 Venus biquintile Neptune 03:19 Venus quintile Mars 07:18 Moon square Mars becoming void 10:03 Moon enters Taurus 13:14 Moon trine Sun 18:18 Moon trine Mercury 20:17 Moon sextile Neptune 20:45 Mercury opposition Neptune 23:14Monday 26 August 2013 Venus,Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter are in wide cardinal cross.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Virgo EA 3 Pisces VE trn UR .18 Mon 06 Taurus ME 7 Virgo JU trn NE .33 Mer 04 Virgo VE 10 Sagittarius ME sex MA .35 Ven 11 Libra MA 8 Cancer UR sqr PL .48 Mar 29 Cancer JU 4 Cancer EA con NE 1.02 Jup 13 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA trn JU 1.35 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries SA sex PL 1.39 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr UR 2.45 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA opp PL 2.93 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 1water 5Significant helio harmonic 6cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ju/Pl .01 Sa Me/Pl .14 Me Ve/Ma .27 Me Ve/Ma .01 Sa Me/Pl .08 Ve Ju/Pl .26 Sa Me/Pl .37 Sa Su/Pl .34 Sa Su/Pl .65 Mo Ju/Ne .4 Sa Su/Pl .45 Sa Me/Pl .59 Me Ve/Ma .79 Me Ve/Ma .53 Ve Ju/Pl .54 Ma Mo/Ve .62 Ju Ve/Ur 1.45 Sa Su/Pl .55 Ju Ve/Ur 1.25 Ve Ju/Pl .81 Pl Ne/No 1.63 Ju Ve/Ur 1.35 Pl Ne/No 1.64 Mo Ma/Ne 1.43 Su Ve/Ma 1.92 Pl Ne/No 1.64 Su Ve/Ma 1.89 Pl Ne/No 1.65 Strong geocentric harmonic 10 all day.Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 18:00 GMTVery strong geocentric harmonic 10 around 18:00 GMT Moon opposition Saturn 01:51 Moon trine Pluto 06:31 Moon opposition Node 10:06 Moon sextile Jupiter 13:58 Venus opposition Uranus 17:57 Mercury biquintile Uranus 22:45 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 4 degrees Virgo today. There are 26 days to the Autumn Equinox. Mars and Jupiter are in Cancer. The Sun and Mercury are in Virgo. Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are in strong cardinal T-square Mercury is a direct evening star in Virgo. He sextiles Saturn tomorrow, trines Pluto on Aug 28th, sextiles the lunar node on August 29th and sextiles Jupiter on August 31st. Mercury enters Libra on September 9th. Mercury next turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is also an evening 'star' but in Libra, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. Venus's residence is far from easy and harmonious. She opposes Uranus today and squares Jupiter tomorrow. Venus enters Scorpio on September 11th. Mars is at the very end of Cancer. Mars enters Leo on Wednesday.Tuesday 27 August 2013The Daze has been non-operational since Friday because of tech problems with my hosts Sincere apologies to all. This website will have an alternative hosting in the new year. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Virgo EA 4 Pisces ME sex SA .05 Mon 18 Taurus ME 12 Virgo EA con NE .06 Mer 06 Virgo VE 12 Sagittarius ME sqr VE .08 Ven 12 Libra MA 8 Cancer JU trn NE .41 Mar 29 Cancer JU 4 Cancer EA trn JU .47 Jup 13 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio UR sqr PL .47 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn PL 1.36 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 1.41 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE trn UR 1.76 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 1water 5Strong helio harmonic 12cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Pl .24 Sa Su/Pl .14 Sa Su/Pl .04 Sa Su/Pl .06 Me Ve/Ma .25 Ju Su/Mo .44 Me Ve/Ma .76 Mo Ju/Ur .16 Ur Mo/Ne .81 Me Ve/Ma .51 Ju Su/Mo 1.16 Me Ve/Ma 1.02 Sa Me/Pl .81 Ur Mo/Ne .73 Sa Me/Pl 1.25 Sa Me/Pl 1.47 Ma Mo/Ve .91 Ju Mo/Me .74 Ve Ju/Pl 1.63 Pl Ne/No 1.68 Ju Mo/Me 1 Sa Me/Pl 1.03 Pl Ne/No 1.67 Su Ve/Ma 1.82 Ve Ju/Pl 1.08 Ve Ju/Pl 1.35 Su Ve/Ma 1.83 Ve Ju/Pl 1.9 The world watches to see what now will happen regarding Syria. US President Barack Obama says allegations of a chemical weapons attack in Syria represents a "big event of grave concern". Meanwhile, Russia joined calls for an "objective investigation" by UN chemical weapons experts. Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich said Moscow had urged President Bashar al-Assad to cooperate with a probe, but also that questions remained about the willingness of the opposition to provide "secure, safe access of the [UN] mission to the location of the incident".Let's look at the astrology of the situation. Assad has a very tough chart, difficult to displace. The next New Moon is conjunct his natal Saturn and the next Full Moon is opposite his Moon. Something is going on here. Saturn is conjunct his natal Mars in early November, he seems to thrive on such pressure and he steams on regardless.
The relationship critical to the affair is that of Putin and Assad. Transiting Saturn this week is conjunct relationship Neptune which has put a great strain on their partnership. Very debilitating. Progressed relationship Mercury is square progressed Uranus this autumn and Uranus is conjunct relationship Mercury in October. This double whammy suggests disruption of communication and misunderstanding, a very unsettling time for these two together. Transiting Saturn is opposite relationship Venus in the next week. This could well put the squeeze on their affection!
Barack Obama is in a bit of a daze. Neptune squares natal Moon in mid September as Saturn is conjunct natal Neptune. Transiting Saturn is sextile natal Pluto during the remainder of August. He looks really in a fog, unable to see the way.
The Syria Baath Party to which Assad belongs has transiting Saturn conjunct natal Jupiter, Ascendant, Venus and the Sun before the end of 2013 and into 2014. This suggests major fracture. The next Full Moon is opposite Neptune in the Syrian Independence chart which is foaming confusion, however there is not much else in this chart until Uranus opposes natal Mercury starting May 2014 and lasting into 2015. All things pass and this may well spell the greatest change for the country.
Finally the Obama Putin relationship chart has had transiting Neptune conjunct relationship Mercury from April 2013 and it continues to Feb 2014. Neptune then moves on to conjunct their natal Venus into 2015. No wonder these two have not seen eye to eye. There is little hope in this relationship, it has run into oceanic storms of chaos. Last week's full moon was opposite relationship Pluto, irrevocable splits, and the next full moon is opposite their Jupiter. Uranus is currently conjunct their IC and Saturn opposes their Moon and the only glimmer of light in their discourse is Jupiter trine relationship Sun mid September 2013. Strong geocentric harmonic 20 around 00:00 GMT
Very strong geocentric harmonic 10 around 00:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 10 around 06:00 GMT Sun opposition Neptune 01:44 Mercury sextile Saturn 09:46 Venus square Jupiter 21:54 The decelerating disseminating Moon in Taurus sextiles Mars becoming void 22:59 The Moon enters Gemini 23:09Wednesday 28 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Virgo EA 5 Pisces EA trn JU .41 Mon 00 Gemini ME 16 Virgo UR sqr PL .47 Mer 08 Virgo VE 13 Sagittarius JU trn NE .49 Ven 13 Libra MA 9 Cancer EA con NE .9 Mar 30 Cancer JU 4 Cancer SA sex PL 1.44 Jup 13 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA sqr UR 1.52 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA opp PL 1.98 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME sqr VE 2.99 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE trn UR 3.33 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 2water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/Pl .16 Sa Su/Pl .26 Sa Su/Pl .36 Sa Su/Pl .46 Me Ve/Ma 1.27 Me Ve/Ma 1.52 Mo Ma/Ur .38 Me Ju/Sa .79 Pl Ne/No 1.69 Me Ju/Sa 1.68 Me Ju/Sa 1.24 No Me/Pl 1.66 Sa Me/Pl 1.69 Pl Ne/No 1.69 Pl Ne/No 1.7 Pl Ne/No 1.71 Su Ve/Ma 1.8 Su Ve/Ma 1.79 Su Ve/Ma 1.77 Su Ve/Ma 1.76 Me Ju/Sa 2.13 Sa Me/Pl 1.91 Me Ve/Ma 1.78 Me Ve/Ma 2.03 Ve Ju/Pl 2.17 No Me/Pl 2.16 No Me/Pl 1.91 Sa Me/Pl 2.35 Yesterday there was bullish rhetoric. American forces are "ready" to launch a strike on Syria if President Barack Obama gives an order to attack, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hage said. In the UK Parliament has been recalled on Thursday to debate the Syrian government's 'use of chemical weapons' issue. Yesterday the Moon waned in bullish Taurus. Neptune was at opposition. Venus squared Jupiter. Today Mars enters Leo, that's 'full guns a blazing' Leo. It is of some hope that Mercury currently in Virgo will afford moderation, realism and circumspection. Venus in Libra holds a fragile olive branch. The next New Moon is opposite Assad's Saturn and the next Full Moon is opposite his Moon. Something is certainly going on here. Today Mars enters Leo 02:06. Actions with no compromise are ahead. Mars resides in Leo for 47 days. Mars squares Saturn on Sept 9th, and squares the lunar node on Sept 11th, so there will be a tightening of pressure, a slow throttle. Mars is under pressure from his fixed square to Saturn as we approach September 9th. Mars trines Uranus on Sept 14th, a very 'flash fire' combo. Still the opportunity for global community agreements remain. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. On the socio/sexual scene we have for starters Mars in Leo and Venus in Libra; a very stylish, chic and colourful combination. The slowly waning Moon in Gemini squares Neptune 06:59 Lots to talk about today.Moon at last quarter phase 09:36 Mercury trine Pluto 14:53 Moon square Mercury 17:50 Moon sextile Uranus 22:50Thursday 29 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Virgo EA 6 Pisces UR sqr PL .46 Mon 12 Gemini ME 21 Virgo JU trn NE .56 Mer 10 Virgo VE 15 Sagittarius MA sqr UR 1.05 Ven 15 Libra MA 9 Cancer EA trn JU 1.29 Mar 01 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.46 Jup 13 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA opp PL 1.51 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA con NE 1.86 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA trn SA 2.97 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn MA 3.27 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ju/Sa .35 Me Ju/Sa .09 Me Ju/Sa .53 Ma Mo/Me .23 Sa Su/Pl .56 Sa Su/Pl .66 Sa Su/Pl .76 No Me/Pl .66 No Me/Pl 1.41 No Me/Pl 1.16 No Me/Pl .91 Sa Su/Pl .86 Pl Ne/No 1.72 Pl Ne/No 1.72 Ma Mo/Me 1.32 Me Ju/No .96 Su Ve/Ma 1.74 Su Ve/Ma 1.73 Me Ju/No 1.42 Me Ju/Sa .97 Me Ve/Ma 2.27 Me Ju/No 1.88 Su Ve/Ma 1.71 Su Ve/Ma 1.7 Me Ju/No 2.34 Me Ve/Ma 2.52 Pl Ne/No 1.73 Pl Ne/No 1.74 The Virgo Sun is in waxing biquintile to Uranus 00:25 The very slowly waning Moon in Gemini trines Venus becoming void 04:46 The Moon remains void for 31 hours. A slow void Moon all day. Mercury sextile the lunar node 12:53Friday 30 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Virgo EA 7 Pisces UR sqr PL .46 Mon 24 Gemini ME 25 Virgo MA sqr UR .58 Mer 12 Virgo VE 17 Sagittarius JU trn NE .64 Ven 16 Libra MA 10 Cancer MA opp PL 1.04 Mar 01 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.49 Jup 14 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA trn JU 2.17 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA trn SA 2.53 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn MA 2.78 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA con NE 2.82 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Ur .01 Me Ju/No .06 No Me/Pl .08 No Me/Pl .32 No Me/Pl .42 No Me/Pl .17 Me Ju/No .4 Su Mo/No .53 Me Ju/No .51 Mo Me/Ur .25 Sa Su/Pl 1.16 Me Ju/No .85 Ma Su/Mo .68 Ju Mo/Ma .63 Su Ve/Ma 1.65 Sa Su/Pl 1.26 Ju Mo/Ma .89 Ma Su/Mo .76 Pl Ne/No 1.76 Su Ve/Ma 1.63 Sa Su/Pl .96 Sa Su/Pl 1.06 Su Mo/No 1.76 Pl Ne/No 1.77 Me Ju/Sa 1.41 Su Ve/Ma 1.67 Ju Mo/Ma 2.14 Su Mo/Sa 2.41 Just so it's not forgotten, the use of Chemical Weapons in Syria on Wednesday August 21st 2013 occurred on the day of the Full Moon. The chemical agents were probably released as the Moon in Pisces was conjunct Neptune. At the current time and despite the beating war drums two days ago, Mercury in Virgo is shedding restraining sense on the west's response. Syria's leader yesterday said threats of Western strikes bolster his resolve, as the five permanent UN Security Council members prepared to meet. In the UK Prime Minister David Cameron put his case for action against Syria to MPs, but conceded intelligence that the regime used chemical weapons was not "100% certain". Today as the day starts the Moon in Gemini is void, slow but now accelerating. Mercury-Hesperus is waxing quinquncx Uranus 01:01 The Sun 'methodically' sextiles Saturn 05:19 The very slow waning and ageing Moon enters Cancer 11:34 The Moon water trines Neptune 19:24Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 23:54 The weekend ahead is coloured by the Sun 'earth trining' Pluto on Sunday. The old Moon in Cancer couples in to provide a nourishing time, economically focused, with hints of minor adjustments.Saturday 31 August 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Virgo EA 8 Pisces MA sqr UR .11 Mon 06 Cancer ME 29 Virgo UR sqr PL .45 Mer 14 Virgo VE 18 Sagittarius MA opp PL .56 Ven 17 Libra MA 10 Cancer JU trn NE .72 Mar 02 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.52 Jup 14 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn SA 2.08 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA trn MA 2.29 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sex PL 2.85 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn JU 3.05 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Pl .57 Su Mo/Sa .09 No Me/Pl 1.05 No Me/Pl 1.3 Su Mo/No .7 No Me/Pl .81 Su Mo/Sa 1.34 Su Ve/Ma 1.57 Su Mo/Sa 1.16 Sa Su/Pl 1.46 Sa Su/Pl 1.56 Sa Su/Pl 1.66 Me Ju/No 1.3 Su Ve/Ma 1.6 Su Ve/Ma 1.59 Pl Ne/No 1.8 Sa Su/Pl 1.36 Me Ju/No 1.75 Pl Ne/No 1.79 No Su/Pl 1.96 Su Ve/Ma 1.62 Pl Ne/No 1.78 No Su/Pl 2.09 Su Ju/Sa 2.06 Pl Ne/No 1.78 Su Mo/No 1.93 Me Ju/No 2.19 Me Mo/No 2.1David Cameron and President Barack Obama have discussed Parliament's block on UK involvement in possible military action in Syria. The relationship chart of these two men is a tense map. Mars and Mercury in Pisces, oppose Pluto, really acute and tight. You get the sense of suffering of the innocents, martyrdom, violence. To complement this, these two, leaders of their nations, middle aged fathers and family men have relationship Sun, also in Pisces, their chart has much movement, and kinetic energy, and also a softer 'Earth Grand Trine' with Moon in Capricorn trine Venus in Taurus, trine Uranus in Virgo. Cameron can aid Obama with electronic listening and communications? Their relationship progressed Moon is Full in intense Scorpio in early 2014. This time is the pinnacle of these two men's relationship. Today the slow, ageing but accelerating Moon in Cancer trines Saturn 01:54 Mercury sextile Jupiter 03:11 Moon sextile Sun 03:35 Moon opposition Pluto 05:00 Moon trine her node 09:22 Moon square Uranus 11:24 Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMT Moon conjunction Jupiter 15:47 Moon sextile Mercury 17:54 There is a 'Heliocentric T-square' sounding out. Mars Pluto and Uranus are involved. A sharp ripple occurs in the soul of the solar system, peaking in the midnight hour. CLICK HERE FOR September-December 2013Sunday 1 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Virgo EA 9 Pisces MA opp PL .09 Mon 18 Cancer ME 3 Libra MA sqr UR .35 Mer 15 Virgo VE 20 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .45 Ven 18 Libra MA 11 Cancer JU trn NE .8 Mar 03 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.54 Jup 14 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn SA 1.63 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME sqr JU 1.7 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn MA 1.8 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA sex PL 1.89 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5Significant helio harmonic 12cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Mo/No 1.08 Me Mo/No .06 Mo Ma/Ju .53 Me Mo/Sa .27 No Me/Pl 1.54 Su Ve/Ma 1.54 Me Mo/Sa .78 Ve Mo/Pl .91 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 Su Ju/Sa 1.64 Me Mo/No .98 Su Ju/Sa 1.21 Sa Su/Pl 1.76 No Su/Pl 1.69 Su Ju/Sa 1.43 No Su/Pl 1.42 Pl Ne/No 1.81 No Me/Pl 1.78 Su Ve/Ma 1.52 Su Mo/Ve 1.49 No Su/Pl 1.82 Pl Ne/No 1.81 No Su/Pl 1.56 Su Ve/Ma 1.51 Su Ju/Sa 1.85 Me Mo/Sa 1.83 Pl Ne/No 1.82 Pl Ne/No 1.83 There is a Heliocentric T-square crashing out. Mars Pluto and Uranus are involved, this is now peaking. As September starts, the Lunar Node and Saturn are applying to a conjunction in Scorpio, sextile the Sun and sextile Pluto over the next couple of weeks. There are inevitable changes in tow. Saturn and the (mean)lunar node are conjunct on September 25th. A wave approaches. Venus too is applying in conjunction with Saturn and the lunar node. This occurs on 18th 19th September, at the time of the next Full Moon. The old, slow but accelerating 'Cancer Moon' squares Venus becoming void 00:08 for 24 hours. Sun trine Pluto 08:47The 'void of course' Moon reaches her balsamic phase 12:30 The procession to another New Moon is then underway.Monday 2 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Virgo EA 10 Pisces MA opp PL .38 Mon 30 Cancer ME 7 Libra UR sqr PL .44 Mer 17 Virgo VE 21 Sagittarius MA sqr UR .82 Ven 19 Libra MA 11 Cancer JU trn NE .88 Mar 03 Leo JU 5 Cancer EA sex PL .93 Jup 14 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn SA 1.19 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA trn MA 1.31 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 1.57 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME sqr JU 2.07 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ve .09 Su Ju/Sa .79 Su Ju/Sa .58 Su Ju/Sa .37 Ve Mo/Pl .3 No Su/Pl 1.16 No Su/Pl 1.02 No Su/Pl .89 Su Ju/Sa 1 Su Mo/Ve 1.33 Ve Ma/Pl 1.45 Ve Ma/Pl 1.23 No Su/Pl 1.29 Su Ve/Ma 1.47 Su Ve/Ma 1.46 Su Ve/Ma 1.44 Me Mo/Sa 1.33 Ve Mo/Pl 1.51 Pl Ne/No 1.85 Me Ma/Sa 1.82 Su Ve/Ma 1.49 Ve Ma/Pl 1.66 Me Ma/Sa 2.18 Pl Ne/No 1.86 Pl Ne/No 1.84 Pl Ne/No 1.84 Su Ju/No 2.27 Su Ju/No 2.05 USA Congress is due to reconvene on 9th September, meaning any military operation in Syria would not happen until then. On that day Mars is square Saturn. That's a tough aspect. You could even imagine Saturn winning out and thwarting a vote to action on that day. Barack Obama goes to Sweden this Tuesday, then on to the G20 in Russia. The president has transiting Saturn square his natal Sun/Mercury midpoint on Wednesday which certainly symbolises tough talking, and on Thursday Jupiter sextiles his natal Mars/Pluto which gives power to his elbow. On the day of the Congress vote, Mars is square his Neptune, and the whole period is, as I have previously said, very strongly coloured by Neptune squaring his natal Moon. Believe me, if his birth time is accurate this man is deeply troubled and confused at this current season. The most significant planetary transits occur on 16th and 17th September. Mars is conjunct Obama's Sun on the 16th, Saturn and the Lunar Node are conjunct his Neptune on the 17th. Neptune squares his dazed and confused natal Moon on the 18th. God bless the president of America. Today the slowly accelerating balsamic Moon enters Leo 00:02 joining Mars in that sign. Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 06:00 GMT Lots of pushy energy today. Generous and uncompromising to a fault. Moon conjunction Mars in Leo 06:37 Moon square Saturn 14:28 Mercury waxing semi-square Mars 17:36 The Moon squares her node 21:05 Sun sextile the lunar node 23:02 Moon fire trines Uranus 23:10 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 11 degrees Virgo today. There are 19 days to the Autumn Equinox, 46 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 62 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 110 days to the Winter Solstice. The Sun and Mercury are in Virgo. The Moon and Mars are in Leo. The Moon in Leo, is balsamic and accelerating slowly to New Moon on Thursday. Mercury is a direct evening star in Virgo. Mercury enters Libra on September 9th. Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' on October 1st and his apparent speed is below a degree per day on October 9th prior to Mercury next turning retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is also an evening 'star' but in Libra, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. Venus enters Scorpio on September 11th. Venus (magnitude –4.0 shines brightly low in the west in evening twilight, far below Arcturus. Look a little to its left for much fainter Spica early in the week, then watch Venus close in on Spica every day. It passes less than 2°above Spica on September 5th. Binoculars help. Look too for Saturn about 14° upper left of Spica Mars is in Leo. Mars squares Saturn on Sept 9th, and squares the lunar node on Sept 11th, so there will be a tightening of pressure, a slow throttle. Mars is under pressure from his fixed square to Saturn as we approach September 9th. Mars trines Uranus on Sept 14th. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. Saturn and the (mean)lunar node are conjunct on September 25th. A wave approaches.Venus too is applying in conjunction with Saturn and the lunar node. This occurs on 18th 19th September, at the time of the next Full Moon. We are 3 months from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echos of the this Helio fundamental square. Most of the current world troubles are being correlated to Uranus square Pluto over this 3 year period.Tuesday 3 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Virgo EA 11 Pisces EA sex PL .03 Mon 12 Leo ME 11 Libra ME sqr PL .06 Mer 19 Virgo VE 23 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .44 Ven 20 Libra MA 11 Cancer ME opp UR .49 Mar 04 Leo JU 5 Cancer MA trn SA .74 Jup 14 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio ME sqr MA .79 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA trn MA .82 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pis+ces MA opp PL .85 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU trn NE .96 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 1water 4Strong helio harmonic 12cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ju/Sa .16 Su Ju/Sa .05 Su Ju/Sa .26 No Su/Pl .36 Mo Su/Ju .39 No Su/Pl .62 Me Mo/Ve .37 Ve Ma/Pl .38 No Su/Pl .76 Ve Ma/Pl .81 No Su/Pl .49 Me Ma/Sa .39 Ve Ma/Pl 1.02 Me Ma/Sa 1.1 Ve Ma/Pl .59 Su Ju/Sa .47 Su Ve/Ma 1.42 Su Ve/Ma 1.41 Me Ma/Sa .74 Me Mo/Ve .88 Me Ma/Sa 1.46 Su Ju/No 1.59 Mo Me/Ju 1.04 Su Ju/No 1.14 Su Ju/No 1.82 Me Mo/Ve 1.6 Su Ju/No 1.36 Ma Mo/Ju 1.35 Notice the Helio 12th harmonic. Earth, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Pluto all at 11-12 degrees of their signs. Strange deeds are afoot during the (GMT) night. Mars waxing quinquncx Neptune 00:01 The mood of the day that follows is proud and strong. Less than 50 hours to the New Moon. The Virgo Sun is on the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint. Deliberate planning underway. Very constructive. The ancient and accelerating Moon in Leo sextiles Venus becoming void 17:53 and remaining that way for 17 hours. Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 18:00 GMT Barack Obama goes to Sweden today, then on to the G20 in Russia. The president has transiting Saturn square his natal Sun/Mercury midpoint on Wednesday which certainly symbolises tough talking, and on Thursday Jupiter sextiles his natal Mars/Pluto which gives power to his elbow.Wednesday 4 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Virgo EA 12 Pisces MA trn SA .3 Mon 24 Leo ME 14 Libra EA trn MA .32 Mer 21 Virgo VE 25 Sagittarius UR sqr PL .43 Ven 22 Libra MA 12 Cancer EA trn SA .62 Mar 04 Leo JU 5 Cancer EA sex PL 1 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio JU trn NE 1.04 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA opp PL 1.32 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 1.62 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA sqr UR 1.75 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 1water 4cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ma/Sa .03 Ve Ma/Pl .05 No Su/Pl .04 No Su/Pl .18 Ma Mo/Ju .06 No Su/Pl .09 Ve Ma/Pl .26 Su Ju/No .22 Ve Ma/Pl .17 Me Ma/Sa .32 Su Ju/No .45 Mo Ve/Ju .25 No Su/Pl .22 Mo Me/Ma .41 Me Ma/Sa .67 Ve Ma/Pl .47 Su Ju/Sa .68 Su Ju/No .68 Me Ma/No .88 Me Ma/No .51 Su Ju/No .91 Su Ju/Sa .89 Su Mo/Me .91 Su Mo/Me .63 Su Ve/Ma 1.36 Me Ma/No 1.25 Su Ju/Sa 1.1 Me Ma/Sa 1.03 Strong geocentric harmonic 19 around 00:00 GMT The Sun/Pluto midpoint hit by the lunar node, peaks today. Will, power and karma are set in motion. Sun waxing quinquncx Uranus 00:29 The ancient and accelerating Moon enters Virgo 10:44, joining the Sun and Mercury in that sign. Moon opposition Neptune 17:53 Mercury waning semi-square Saturn 21:44 The New Moon is tomorrow.Thursday 5 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Virgo EA 13 Pisces MA trn SA .14 Mon 07 Virgo ME 18 Libra EA trn MA .17 Mer 23 Virgo VE 26 Sagittarius EA trn SA .32 Ven 23 Libra MA 12 Cancer UR sqr PL .42 Mar 05 Leo JU 5 Cancer JU trn NE 1.12 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio SA sex PL 1.65 Sat 07 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA opp PL 1.79 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sex PL 1.96 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA sqr UR 2.21 Plu 09 Capricorn No 11 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 1water 4cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ju/No 0 Me Ma/No .22 Su Ju/No .46 Su Ju/No .69 Me Ma/No .14 Su Ju/No .23 No Su/Pl .58 No Su/Pl .71 No Su/Pl .31 No Su/Pl .44 Me Ma/No .59 Me Ma/No .95 Sa Mo/Pl .52 Ve Ma/Pl .9 Mo Ju/No .65 Su Ve/Ma 1.23 Ve Ma/Pl .68 No Mo/Pl .93 No Mo/Pl .67 Ve Ma/Pl 1.32 Su Ve/Ma 1.29 Mo Ju/Sa 1.01 Mo Ve/Ma 1.07 Mo Ve/Ma 1.9 Me Ma/Sa 1.38 Su Ve/Ma 1.27 Ve Ma/Pl 1.11 Pl Ne/No 1.96 Moon sextile Saturn 01:02 Moon trine Pluto 04:00 Moon sextile Node 06:46NEW MOON in VIRGO 11:37 sextile
Today's New Moon is the 4th New Moon following the Annular Solar eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013 and the penultimate New Moon before the Annular/Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd 2013. At this time Saturn sextiles Pluto and Mars applies in fixed square to Saturn. The New Moon is sextile Jupiter and is 1.25 degrees from the Venus/Mars midpoint. As always with the Virgo New Moon this is a time for careful choices and and pragmatic consideration. Today's lunation is essentially positive with shades of social opportunities, but with Mars tightening on a square to Saturn there is an underlying harsh edge, and the feeling that not all is smooth right now. The New Moon directly and tightly hits the natal Sun of Roger Walters, Raquel Welch, Al Stewart, Loundon Wainwright and Mark Ramprakash, the natal Venus of Mick Jagger, the Venus Pluto conjunction of Leonard Cohen, the natal Jupiter of Joan Collins, and the natal Saturn of Lindsey Buckingham. This New Moon tightly opposes the natal Saturn of President Assad and it squares Saturn in the relationship chart of Barack Obama and Vladimr Putin. At the moment of New Moon, the Sun and Moon are culminating over Eastern France, Belgium and Holland. Pluto rises at Baghdad, the Moon culminates at Algiers, Saturn rises at Recife, the Sun rises at St. Louis, Uranus is at lower culmination at Cairo. Saturn culminates over Kumzar. At Damascus at the moment of New Moon Jupiter is two degrees from a square to the local MC. Once the New Moon moment has passed and the new lunation cycle is underway there is the inevitable 'rush' of slightly more positive and evolving cerebral sensations. The day that follows is 'reasonable' and constructive. We have two days here which are eminently suitable for jobs of work that require care and attention to detail. Moon sextile Jupiter 14:50
Friday 6 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Virgo EA 14 Pisces UR sqr PL .42 Mon 20 Virgo ME 21 Libra MA trn SA .58 Mer 24 Virgo VE 28 Sagittarius EA trn MA .67 Ven 24 Libra MA 13 Cancer JU trn NE 1.19 Mar 06 Leo JU 5 Cancer EA trn SA 1.25 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio SA sex PL 1.67 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA opp PL 2.26 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr UR 2.68 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA sex PL 2.93 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 1water 4cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Me .68 Mo Ma/No .27 No Su/Pl 1.11 Su Ve/Ma 1.16 No Su/Pl .84 No Su/Pl .98 Su Ve/Ma 1.18 No Su/Pl 1.24 Su Ju/No .92 Su Ju/No 1.15 Su Ju/No 1.38 Su Ju/No 1.6 Su Ve/Ma 1.22 Mo Ma/Sa 1.16 Ve Ma/Pl 1.96 Pl Ne/No 1.99 Me Ma/No 1.31 Su Ve/Ma 1.2 Pl Ne/No 1.98 Ve Ma/Pl 2.17 Ve Ma/Pl 1.54 Me Ma/No 1.67 Me Ma/No 2.03 Me Ma/No 2.39 Pl Ne/No 1.96 Ve Ma/Pl 1.75 Su Ju/Sa 2.79 The accelerating infant Moon is conjunct Mercury in Virgo, becoming void 10:10 Mercury semi-square the lunar node 14:33 The Moon enters Libra 19:13, joining Venus in that sign. It really is party night. Dress to kill.Saturday 7 September 2013 Mars exactly aligned to the Beehive Nebula September 7th to 9th. September 7 – The International Olympic Committee will elect the host city of the 2020 Summer Olympics at the 125th IOC Session. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Virgo EA 15 Pisces UR sqr PL .41 Mon 03 Libra ME 25 Libra MA trn SA 1.03 Mer 26 Virgo VE 29 Sagittarius EA trn MA 1.17 Ven 25 Libra MA 13 Cancer JU trn NE 1.27 Mar 06 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.7 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio EA trn SA 2.19 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries MA opp PL 2.72 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr UR 3.14 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU opp PL 5.35 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma 1.14 Mo Su/Ve .78 Me Su/Mo .11 Mo Ju/Pl .33 No Su/Pl 1.38 Su Ve/Ma 1.12 Ve Mo/No .89 Mo Su/No .41 Su Ju/No 1.83 Me Su/Mo 1.22 Su Ve/Ma 1.11 Ve Mo/No .46 Pl Ne/No 2 No Su/Pl 1.51 No Su/Pl 1.65 Mo Me/Ve .75 Mo Su/Ve 2.21 Pl Ne/No 2.01 Pl Ne/No 2.01 Ve Mo/Sa .87 Ve Ma/Pl 2.39 Su Ju/No 2.06 Mo Me/Ve 2.18 Mo Su/Sa .92 Me Su/Mo 2.54 Ve Mo/No 2.23 Ve Mo/Sa 2.23 Su Ve/Ma 1.09 The Moon and Venus are in Libra, the Sun and Mercury are in Virgo. The infant new Moon in Libra sextiles Mars 07:12 Moon square Pluto 11:50 Sun sextile Jupiter 13:48 Mercury waxing quintile Jupiter 13:56 Moon opposition Uranus 16:23 Moon square Jupiter 23:00Sunday 8 September 2013 Mars exactly aligned to the Beehive Nebula September 7th to 9th and a daylight lunar occultation of Spica.September 8th 2013. The Moon occults Spica (Day light occultation visible from the UK with a telescope). Timings 13:55 to 15:06 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Virgo EA 16 Pisces UR sqr PL .41 Mon 16 Libra ME 28 Libra JU trn NE 1.35 Mer 28 Virgo VE 1 Capricorn MA trn SA 1.47 Ven 26 Libra MA 14 Cancer EA trn MA 1.66 Mar 07 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.72 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio ME sex VE 2.89 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sex NE 3.12 Ura 12 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn SA 3.13 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA opp PL 3.19 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Sa .5 Mo Me/No .27 Mo Ma/Pl .8 Su Mo/Ma .3 Su Ve/Ma 1.07 Mo Me/Sa 1.02 Su Ve/Ma 1.03 Su Ve/Ma 1.01 Ve Mo/No 1.81 Su Ve/Ma 1.05 Su Mo/Ma 1.2 Pl Ne/No 2.06 No Su/Pl 1.91 Ve Mo/Sa 1.88 Pl Ne/No 2.05 No Su/Pl 2.32 Pl Ne/No 2.03 Pl Ne/No 2.04 No Su/Pl 2.18 Mo Ma/Pl 2.45 Mo Me/Sa 2.07 No Su/Pl 2.05 Mo Me/No 2.85 Su Ju/No 2.75 Su Mo/Ma 2.7 Venus quintile Pluto 16:38 The baby Moon is conjunct Venus in Libra (0.98 degree orb) becoming void 20:47Monday 9 September 2013 A planetary trapezium involving Pluto, Lunar Node, Uranus and Mars manifests over the next week.It's looking warlike.Mars exactly aligned to the Beehive Nebula September 7th to 9th. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Virgo EA 16 Pisces UR sqr PL .4 Mon 29 Libra ME 1 Scorpio ME sex VE 1.24 Mer 30 Virgo VE 2 Capricorn JU trn NE 1.43 Ven 27 Libra MA 14 Cancer VE sex NE 1.55 Mar 08 Leo JU 5 Cancer SA sex PL 1.75 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio MA trn SA 1.91 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA trn MA 2.16 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME trn NE 2.79 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE opp JU 2.98 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .99 Mo Ve/Sa .38 Sa Mo/No .14 Mo Sa/No .05 Su Mo/Ma 1.81 Su Ve/Ma .97 Su Ve/Ma .95 Su Ve/Ma .94 Pl Ne/No 2.06 Sa Mo/No 1.51 Mo Ve/No 1.63 No Mo/Sa 1.76 No Su/Pl 2.45 Mo Ve/No 1.6 Pl Ne/No 2.08 Sa Mo/No 1.8 Pl Ne/No 2.07 No Su/Pl 2.72 Pl Ne/No 2.09 No Su/Pl 2.58 Mo Ve/Sa 2.83 Pl Mo/Ne 2.66 No Su/Pl 2.85Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 18:00 GMT The young accelerating Moon enters Scorpio 01:45Moon hits crescent phase 04:45 at 2 degrees Scorpio. Mercury enters Libra 07:08 joining Venus there. See below for details of this residence. Moon trine Neptune 08:11 Mars square Saturn 11:07 Moon conjunction Saturn (2.91 degree orb) 15:48 Moon square Mars 15:00 Moon sextile Pluto 17:49 Moon conjunction her north node 20:01 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 18 degrees Virgo today. There are 12 days to the Autumn Equinox, 39 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 55 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 103 days to the Winter Solstice. Mercury and Venus are in Libra. The Moon, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Mercury is a direct evening star in Libra. Mercury will reside in Libra for only 20 days and has a pretty difficult time there. He hooks into the Uranus Pluto square, squaring pluto on September 14th and opposing Uranus on 16th. He sextiles mars on sept. 17th and squares Jupiter on the 20th. He enters Scorpio on September 29th. Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' on October 1st and his apparent speed is below a degree per day on October 9th prior to Mercury next turning retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is also an evening 'star' and in Libra, and is now visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually. Venus enters Scorpio on Wednesday. Mars is in Leo. Mars squares Saturn today, and squares the lunar node on Sept 11th. Mars trines Uranus on Sept 14th. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. Saturn and the (mean)lunar node are conjunct on September 25th. A wave approaches.Venus too is applying in conjunction with Saturn and the lunar node. This occurs on 18th 19th September, at the time of the next Full Moon. We are 3 months from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echos of the this Helio fundamental square. Most of the current world troubles are being correlated to Uranus square Pluto over this 3 year period. The 'wave of the week' is a planetary trapezium involving Pluto, Lunar Node, Uranus and Mars manifests over the next few says and peaks on Wednesday as Mars is quinquncx Pluto. The energies involved here are formidably warlike.Tuesday 10 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Virgo EA 17 Pisces VE sex NE .03 Mon 13 Scorpio ME 4 Scorpio ME sex VE .34 Mer 01 Libra VE 4 Capricorn ME trn NE .37 Ven 29 Libra MA 15 Cancer UR sqr PL .4 Mar 08 Leo JU 6 Cancer ME trn JU 1.14 Jup 15 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio VE opp JU 1.48 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU trn NE 1.51 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 1.77 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA trn SA 2.35 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Sa .04 Sa Mo/Ve .56 Su Mo/Ju .49 Su Ve/Ma .86 Mo Su/Pl .72 Pl Mo/Ne .73 Su Ve/Ma .88 No Mo/Ve .87 Su Ve/Ma .92 Su Ve/Ma .9 No Mo/Ve 1 Su Mo/Ju 1 Pl Mo/Ne .97 No Mo/Sa 1.69 Mo Me/Pl 1.17 Me Mo/Ma 1.69 Pl Ne/No 2.1 Su Mo/Ju 1.98 Sa Mo/Ve 1.26 Ve Mo/Me 1.82 Sa Mo/Ve 2.39 Pl Ne/No 2.11 Pl Ne/No 2.12 Mo Me/Pl 2.05 No Su/Pl 2.99 Mo Su/Pl 2.56 Pl Mo/Ne 2.44 Pl Ne/No 2.12 Today the young accelerating and waxing crescent Moon in Scorpio water trines Jupiter 05:18 The Moon sextiles the Sun and becomes void 09:22, remaining that way for the remainder of the (GMT) day.Wednesday 11 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Virgo EA 18 Pisces VE opp JU .02 Mon 26 Scorpio ME 8 Scorpio UR sqr PL .39 Mer 03 Libra VE 6 Capricorn JU trn NE 1.59 Ven 30 Libra MA 15 Cancer VE sex NE 1.61 Mar 09 Leo JU 6 Cancer SA sex PL 1.8 Jup 16 Cancer SA 12 Scorpio ME sex VE 1.87 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn JU 1.89 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA trn SA 2.79 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME sex PL 3.15 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Mo/Me .19 Su Ve/Ma .82 Su Ve/Ma .8 Su Ve/Ma .78 Me Mo/Ma .3 Me Mo/Ma 1.09 Mo Ve/Pl 1.53 Mo Ve/Pl 1.8 Su Ve/Ma .84 Ve Mo/Me 1.45 Pl Ne/No 2.15 Mo Sa/Pl 1.96 Pl Ne/No 2.13 Pl Ne/No 2.14 Me Mo/Ma 2.5 Pl Ne/No 2.16 Su Mo/Ju 2.49 Sa Ve/No 2.94 Sa Ve/No 2.83 Ve Su/Mo 2.69 No Mo/Ve 2.75 Sa Ve/No 2.71 Sa Mo/Me 2.76 As a Russian proposal to strip Syria of its chemical weapons began to take shape, the White House eased off the gas yesterday in its drive for congressional approval to strike the Middle Eastern country. President Barack Obama asked Senate Democrats to delay voting on authorizing military action in Syria while the diplomatic process works itself out, according to senators in the meeting. The president "asked for some time to work things out -- a matter of days into next week," Next week will see the Full Moon and a triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn and the Lunar Node in Scorpio. It looks far from easy. Venus enters Scorpio 06:17 today, joining the Moon Saturn and the Lunar Node in that sign, and remaining there for 25 days. Venus trines Neptune on Sept 14th,and is conjunct the Lunar Node and Saturn on September 18th at 9 degrees Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto on September 19th, trines Jupiter on Sept 26th, and squares Mars on Sept 28th. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on 7th October. Venus in Scorpio with Mars in Leo symbolises a dynamic and wilful interaction. Fun and games a plenty. The Moon and Venus are both in Scorpio for 20 minutes. Then the accelerating waxing crescent Moon enters Sagittarius 06:37 Mars waning quinquncx Pluto 06:40 Mercury waning quinquncx Neptune 10:44 The Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune 12:45 Moon sextile Mercury 13:02 Moon trine Mars 22:55Thursday 12 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Virgo EA 19 Pisces ME sex PL .1 Mon 10 Sagittarius ME 11 Scorpio UR sqr PL .39 Mer 04 Libra VE 7 Capricorn VE opp JU 1.52 Ven 01 Scorpio MA 16 Cancer JU trn NE 1.67 Mar 09 Leo JU 6 Cancer SA sex PL 1.83 Jup 16 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio ME con SA 1.93 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sqr UR 3.05 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE sex NE 3.18 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA trn SA 3.23 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Pl/No .49 Ve Su/Mo .46 Su Ve/Ma .72 Su Ve/Ma .7 Su Ve/Ma .76 Su Ve/Ma .74 No Mo/Me 1.04 Mo Me/Ne 1.01 Sa Mo/Me .84 No Mo/Me .92 Ve Su/Mo 2.05 Pl Ne/No 2.19 Ve Su/Mo 1.12 Sa Mo/Me 1.09 Pl Ne/No 2.19 Sa Ve/No 2.26 Mo Su/Ne 1.4 Mo Su/Ne 1.98 Mo Me/Ne 2.32 Me Mo/Ju 2.4 Mo Sa/Pl 1.51 Pl Ne/No 2.18 Sa Ve/No 2.37 Sa Su/Mo 2.81 Pl Ne/No 2.17 Sa Ve/No 2.48 Yesterday as Venus ingressed Scorpio, Russia handed over to the US its plans to make safe Syria's chemical weapons, after President Obama put military strikes on hold. Today the Sagittarian Moon, gaining in light and motion, trines Uranus 02:14Significant geocentric 9th harmonic manifests 00:00 to 09:00 GMTThe Moon reaches first quarter becoming void 17:09 and remains that way for 17 hours.Friday 13 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Virgo EA 20 Pisces UR sqr PL .38 Mon 24 Sagittarius ME 14 Scorpio ME con SA 1.05 Mer 06 Libra VE 9 Capricorn VE sqr UR 1.48 Ven 02 Scorpio MA 16 Cancer JU trn NE 1.75 Mar 10 Leo JU 6 Cancer SA sex PL 1.85 Jup 16 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio VE con PL 1.86 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn MA 2.62 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME sex PL 2.9 Nep 04 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE opp JU 3.01 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .68 Me Mo/Ju .37 Su Ve/Ma .63 Su Ve/Ma .61 Sa Su/Mo .94 Su Ve/Ma .65 No Su/Mo .97 Mo Sa/Ne 1.1 Me Mo/Ju 1.02 Sa Su/Mo .93 Me Mo/Ju 1.76 Mo Ve/Ne 1.6 Sa Ve/No 2.14 No Su/Mo .94 Mo Ve/Ne 1.82 Sa Ve/No 1.8 Pl Ne/No 2.2 Sa Ve/No 2.03 Sa Ve/No 1.91 Mo Ne/No 1.99 No Su/Mo 2.84 Pl Ne/No 2.21 Pl Ne/No 2.22 Pl Ne/No 2.23 Sa Su/Mo 2.8 No Su/Mo 2.89 The Moon is void of course for the first 10 hours of the GMT day. Mars squares the lunar node 00:00 The rapidly waxing and accelerating first quarter Moon enters Capricorn 09:57, joining Pluto in that sign. Moon sextile Venus 14:30 Moon sextile Neptune 15:50 Moon square Mercury 22:41 Moon sextile Saturn 23:53 Mercury, Uranus and Pluto are in cardinal T-square this coming weekend. the Moon will also undergo difficult aspects. A fine balancing act will be required during this 'astrologically hard hitting' weekend.Saturday 14 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Virgo EA 21 Pisces VE sqr UR .09 Mon 08 Capricorn ME 17 Scorpio ME trn MA .12 Mer 08 Libra VE 10 Capricorn VE con PL .29 Ven 03 Scorpio MA 17 Cancer UR sqr PL .38 Mar 11 Leo JU 6 Cancer JU trn NE 1.82 Jup 16 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio SA sex PL 1.88 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sex SA 2.17 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con SA 3.98 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA trn SA 4.1 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5Strong helio harmonic 20cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .59 Su Ve/Ma .57 Su Ve/Ma .55 Su Ve/Ma .53 Mo Ne/No 1.59 Sa Ve/No 1.57 Sa Ve/No 1.46 Sa Ve/No 1.34 Sa Ve/No 1.68 Pl Ne/No 2.25 Pl Ne/No 2.26 Pl Ne/No 2.27 Pl Ne/No 2.24 Su Ma/Sa 2.85 Su Ma/Sa 2.69 Mo Sa/Ne 2.47 Mercury, Uranus and Pluto are in cardinal T-square this weekend. Venus and Mars also very 'active' today. A potentially very dynamic day is in store today. The very rapidly waxing Capricorn Moon is conjunct Pluto 01:05 The Moon sextiles her node 02:49 The Moon squares Uranus 04:56 Venus in Scorpio water trines Neptune 06:34 Moon opposition Jupiter 13:07 Mercury in Libra squares Pluto 20:30 Mars in Leo fire trines Uranus 20:58 Moon trine Sun becoming void 23:18Sunday 15 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Virgo EA 22 Pisces UR sqr PL .37 Mon 23 Capricorn ME 19 Scorpio VE sex SA .62 Mer 09 Libra VE 12 Capricorn VE con PL 1.29 Ven 04 Scorpio MA 17 Cancer VE sqr UR 1.66 Mar 11 Leo JU 6 Cancer SA sex PL 1.9 Jup 16 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU trn NE 1.9 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn MA 2.33 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn ME 2.85 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU sqr UR 4.35 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ve/Ur .07 Ne Mo/Ur .34 Su Ve/Ma .46 Su Ve/Ma .44 Su Ve/Ma .51 Su Ve/Ma .49 Ve Mo/Ma .91 Sa Mo/Ma .77 Sa Ve/No 1.23 Ve Mo/Ma .69 Sa Ve/No 1 Sa Ve/No .89 Ne Mo/Ur 1.47 Mo Ur/No .71 Ne Mo/Ur 2.15 Su Ma/Sa 2.08 Mo Sa/Ur 2.1 Sa Ve/No 1.12 Su Ma/Sa 2.23 No Mo/Ma 2.27 Pl Ne/No 2.28 Mo Sa/Ur 1.5 Pl Ne/No 2.29 Me Ju/Pl 2.28 Ve Mo/Ma 2.28 Pl Ne/No 2.28 Sa Mo/Ma 2.63 Pl Ne/No 2.3 Syria's chemical weapons must be destroyed or removed by mid-2014, under a deal that could be backed by force, the US and Russia agreed yesterday.harmonic 9 around 00:00 GMT Mercury waning biquintile Neptune 03:29 The very rapidly waxing Moon enters Aquarius 12:06
Significant geocentricMoon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 16:34 The Moon square Venus 20:56Monday 16 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Virgo EA 23 Pisces UR sqr PL .37 Mon 07 Aquarius ME 22 Scorpio VE sex SA .93 Mer 11 Libra VE 14 Capricorn EA trn ME .94 Ven 05 Scorpio MA 18 Cancer SA sex PL 1.93 Mar 12 Leo JU 6 Cancer JU trn NE 1.98 Jup 16 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio VE con PL 2.86 Sat 08 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE sqr UR 3.23 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE opp MA 4.04 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU sqr UR 4.27 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Ma .37 Su Ve/Ma .4 Su Ve/Ma .38 Su Ve/Ma .35 Su Ve/Ma .42 Sa Ve/No .66 Sa Ve/No .55 Sa Ve/No .44 Sa Ve/No .78 No Mo/Ma 1.53 Me Ju/Pl 1.18 Me Ju/Pl .81 Mo Ne/Pl .95 Me Ju/Pl 1.54 Su Ma/Sa 1.62 Su Ma/Sa 1.47 Sa Mo/Ma 1.09 Su Ma/Sa 1.77 Su Ma/No 2.31 Su Ma/No 2.14 Me Ju/Pl 1.91 Pl Ne/No 2.32 Pl Ne/No 2.33 Pl Ne/No 2.34 Su Ma/Sa 1.93 Su Ma/No 2.48 Pl Me/Ur 2.39 No Ve/Sa 2.46The Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 02:01 This rapidly waxing Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 02:11 The Moon squares her nodes 04:35 Sun waning semi-square Saturn 04:52 Mercury opposition Uranus 06:42 Moon sextile Uranus 06:43 Moon trine Mercury 06:43 As the Moon draws in opposition to Mars, a loose 'mystic rectangle' forms with Mercury and Uranus. Moon opposition Mars becoming void 08:20 for 29 hours State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 25 degrees Virgo today. There are 5 days to the Autumn Equinox, 32 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 50 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 96 days to the Winter Solstice. Venus,Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Mercury is a direct evening star in Libra. Mercury is having a pretty difficult. He sextiles Mars on Sept. 17th and squares Jupiter on the 20th. He enters Scorpio on September 29th. Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' on October 1st and his apparent speed is below a degree per day on October 9th prior to Mercury next turning retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is also an evening 'star' but in Scorpio, and is visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She is gaining altitude very gradually.Venus is conjunct the Lunar Node and Saturn on September 18th at 9 degrees Scorpio. Venus sextiles Pluto on September 19th, trines Jupiter on Sept 26th, and squares Mars on Sept 28th. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on 7th October. Mars is in Leo. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. Saturn and the (mean) lunar node are conjunct on September 25th. We are 2 months from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echoes of the this Helio fundamental square. The astrological 'wave of the week' is the combination of the Full Moon in Pisces on Thursday and the the triple conjunction of Venus Saturn and the Lunar Node in Scorpio. Intense emotion and significant developments are likely.Tuesday 17 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Virgo EA 24 Pisces UR sqr PL .36 Mon 22 Aquarius ME 25 Scorpio EA trn ME .94 Mer 12 Libra VE 15 Capricorn SA sex PL 1.96 Ven 07 Scorpio MA 18 Cancer JU trn NE 2.06 Mar 13 Leo JU 6 Cancer VE sex SA 2.49 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio VE opp MA 2.93 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU sqr UR 4.2 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE con PL 4.44 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU opp PL 4.56 Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/No .33 Me Ju/Pl .08 Sa Ve/No .1 Sa Ve/No .01 Su Ve/Ma .33 Mo Ur/Pl .13 Me Ju/Pl .28 Su Ve/Ma .26 Me Ju/Pl .45 Sa Ve/No .21 Su Ve/Ma .29 Me Ju/Pl .64 Su Ma/Sa 1.31 Su Ve/Ma .31 Su Ma/Sa 1 Su Ma/Sa .85 Su Ma/No 1.97 Su Ma/Sa 1.16 Su Ma/No 1.62 Su Ma/No 1.45 No Ve/Sa 2.29 Su Ma/No 1.79 No Ve/Sa 1.95 Ve Sa/No 1.77 Pl Ne/No 2.35 No Ve/Sa 2.12 Ve Sa/No 2.05 No Ve/Sa 1.78 Yesterday the UN confirmed "unequivocally" that sarin gas was used in a rocket attack in Syria last month, branding it a "despicable war crime". At least 12 people were killed and at least four injured, including a police officer, in a mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. The incident occurred at 08:20 EST. The event seems to have been a product of Mercury opposite Uranus which had peaked some 7 hours before. Mercury was rising as Uranus set at Washington DC. Venus is now two degrees from Saturn in Scorpio. They are conjunct tomorrow. A serious but stable hue is cast over our lives today and tomorrow. Mercury in Libra sextiles Mars in Leo 07:18 The fast moving but decelerating gibbous Moon enters Pisces 13:59 Sun semi-square the lunar node 14:13. 31 days to a lunar eclipse. Moon conjunction Neptune 19:39Wednesday 18 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Virgo EA 25 Pisces UR sqr PL .36 Mon 06 Pisces ME 28 Scorpio VE opp MA 1.81 Mer 14 Libra VE 17 Capricorn SA sex PL 1.98 Ven 08 Scorpio MA 19 Cancer JU trn NE 2.14 Mar 13 Leo JU 6 Cancer EA trn ME 2.8 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 4.13 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 4.48 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/No .12 Pl Mo/Sa .12 Su Ve/Ma .2 Su Ve/Ma .17 Su Ve/Ma .24 Pl Mo/Ve .2 Sa Ve/No .35 Su Ma/Sa .24 Su Ma/Sa .7 Su Ve/Ma .22 Su Ma/Sa .39 Sa Ve/No .46 Me Ju/Pl 1 Sa Ve/No .24 Ve Sa/No .93 Ve Sa/No .65 Pl Mo/No 1.09 Su Ma/Sa .54 Su Ma/No .93 Su Ma/No .76 Su Ma/No 1.28 Pl Mo/No .69 No Ve/Sa 1.28 No Ve/Sa 1.11 Ve Sa/No 1.49 Su Ma/No 1.1 Pl Mo/Ve 1.72 Me Ju/Pl 2.08 The ex-US Navy reservist who killed 12 and wounded eight at a US Navy building in Washington DC on Monday was being treated for mental health issues. Aaron Alexis was born May 9th 1979 Taurus Sun opposite Uranus, gibbous Moon in Libra conjunct Pluto opposite Venus Mars and Mercury in Aries. Astrologically very volatile with anger issues. The Full moon is almost upon us. Lunar pressures are peaking. A very emotional day ensues with the added dimension of Venus conjunct Saturn. Today the waxing heavily gibbous Moon in Pisces 'water trines' Venus 3:16 The Moon 'water trines' Saturn 04:34 The Moon sextiles Pluto 05:05 The Moon 'water trines' her node 06:28 Moon 'water trines' Jupiter 18:17 Venus conjunction Saturn at 9 degrees Scorpio 20:55 This degree is occupied by Barack Obama's natal Neptune. The night of the Full Moon in Pisces then follows.Thursday 19 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Virgo EA 26 Pisces UR sqr PL .35 Mon 20 Pisces ME 1 Sagittarius VE opp MA .7 Mer 15 Libra VE 18 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.01 Ven 09 Scorpio MA 19 Cancer JU trn NE 2.22 Mar 14 Leo JU 6 Cancer ME sqr NE 3.24 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 4.05 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 4.4 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Sa .08 Su Ma/Sa .07 Su Ve/Ma .1 Su Ma/No .07 Su Ve/Ma .15 Ve Sa/No .09 Ve Sa/No .19 Su Ve/Ma .08 Ve Sa/No .37 Su Ve/Ma .13 Su Ma/Sa .23 Su Ma/Sa .38 Sa Ve/No .57 Su Ma/No .41 Su Ma/No .24 No Ve/Sa .44 Su Ma/No .59 Sa Ve/No .68 No Ve/Sa .6 Pl Mo/Me .46 No Ve/Sa .94 No Ve/Sa .77 Sa Ve/No .79 Ve Sa/No .47 Mo Ur/Ne 2.09 Mo Ur/Ne 1.42 Me Su/Sa 1.67 Sa Ve/No .91Venus sextile Pluto 01:52 harmonic 16 around 06:00 GMT
Significant geocentricFULL MOON in Pisces becoming void
Today's Full Moon is the 4th Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 25th 2013 in Sagittarius and the ultimate Full Moon before the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Aries on October 18th 2013. With its passing we once again enter the 'foothills' of another eclipse season. Today's Full Moon makes no major aspects to any planet and is void from the moment of fullness. At this time the skies are dominated by the triple conjunction of Venus Saturn and the Lunar Node in Scorpio. Pluto is sextile this triple conjunction. Mercury applies in square to Jupiter, Venus applies in square to Mars. The resulting 'atmosphere' at this time is very much vengeful and serious. This Full Moon is a sea vessel without rudder, compass and guiding star. There is however will, emotion and the need to follow and feel. At the exact moment of Full Moon, Pluto rises at Damascus and Jerusalem. The Moon is about to rise at Mandalay and at Rangoon. Mercury culminates at Johannesburg, Saturn culminates at Dhahran, the Sun rises at Charleston USA. Today's Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in Queen Elizabeth's chart and directly hits Jupiter in the Cameron UK Government's chart, Mercury and Mars in the Iran chart, and the MC in the Nigerian chart. After nearly 7 hours of titanic voidness during which people react in herd like or rather shoal like behaviour, the Moon enters Aries 16:59 joining Uranus in that sign. Venus conjunct the lunar Node 17:32 72 hours now to the Autumn Equinox.
Friday 20 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Virgo EA 27 Pisces UR sqr PL .35 Mon 04 Aries ME 4 Sagittarius VE opp MA .42 Mer 17 Libra VE 20 Capricorn ME sqr NE .46 Ven 10 Scorpio MA 19 Cancer SA sex PL 2.03 Mar 14 Leo JU 6 Cancer JU trn NE 2.3 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.98 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 4.32 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 1water 5Strong helio harmonic 16cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .06 Su Ve/Ma .03 Su Ve/Ma .01 Su Ve/Ma .02 Su Ma/No .11 No Ve/Sa .1 No Ve/Sa .07 No Ve/Sa .24 No Ve/Sa .27 Su Ma/No .28 Su Ma/No .45 Me Su/Sa .5 Su Ma/Sa .53 Su Ma/Sa .69 Me Su/Sa .73 Su Ma/No .63 Ve Sa/No .75 Me Su/Sa .97 Su Ma/Sa .84 Me Su/No .87 Sa Ve/No 1.02 Ve Sa/No 1.03 Me Su/No 1.12 Su Ma/Sa 1 Me Su/Sa 1.2 Sa Ve/No 1.13 Sa Ve/No 1.24 Sa Ve/No 1.35 A forthright and inspiring day after the full moon. Watch out for the river bend.Make sure that you're reading the signals they're sending. harmonic 17 around 03:00 till 15:00 GMT
Significant geocentricMercury square Jupiter 02:22 The Moon in Aries squares Pluto 08:43 Moon conjunction Uranus (2.03 degree orb) 12:21 Sudden testament. Moon trine Mars 19:19 Mars waning biquintile Pluto 20:15 Venus waning quinquncx Uranus 20:54 A cardinal T-square forms with the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter, 22:00 to 01:30 Certainly lots going on, poor estimations. Moon square Jupiter 23:07 Minor lunar occultation, aligned to the UK,
of star epsilon Pisces, "the Soaring Forever Star," 23:55 to 01:08Saturday 21 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Virgo EA 28 Pisces UR sqr PL .34 Mon 18 Aries ME 6 Sagittarius VE opp MA 1.53 Mer 18 Libra VE 21 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.06 Ven 11 Scorpio MA 20 Cancer ME sqr NE 2.3 Mar 15 Leo JU 6 Cancer JU trn NE 2.37 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.91 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries ME trn UR 3.98 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces JU opp PL 4.25 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5Significant helio harmonic 16cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .04 Me Su/Sa .04 Su Ve/Ma .09 Ne Mo/Pl .04 Me Su/Sa .27 Su Ve/Ma .06 Me Su/No .13 Su Ve/Ma .11 No Ve/Sa .41 Me Su/No .37 Me Su/Sa .19 Me Su/No .12 Me Su/No .62 No Ve/Sa .57 No Ve/Sa .74 Me Su/Sa .41 Su Ma/No .8 Su Ma/No .97 Su Ma/No 1.15 No Ve/Sa .91 Su Ma/Sa 1.15 Me Su/Ve 1.28 Me Su/Ve 1.18 Me Su/Ve 1.09 Me Su/Ve 1.38 Su Ma/Sa 1.3 Pl Ve/Ne 1.46 Pl Ve/Ne 1.32 In the UK we had the mild distraction of UKIP taking disciplinary action against MEP Godfrey Bloom for making a "demeaning" joke about female activists. Bloom was born 22nd Nov 1949. The Sun moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius that day and the Moon from Sagittarius to Capricorn. (I'd opt for his birth being later in the day). Yesterday Jupiter was exactly opposite his natal 'slutty' Venus. Nigel Farage born April 4th 1964 has the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Aries, Moon in Sagittarius. Mercury and Jupiter trine Uranus yielding some popular support. Uranus will be conjunct his Aries Sun next year and Pluto will square it in 2015. Today the decelerating and waning Moon in Aries opposes Mercury becoming void 01:27 Saturn sextile Pluto 05:44The Saturn Pluto cycle has currently a 38 year period. They were last conjunct
in the summer of 1982 in late Libra, they were in opposition in 2001-
2002 and todays waning sextile aspect, the last of 3, proceeds their
next conjunction in 2020 in Capricorn. The other two sextiles were on
Dec 27th 2012 and on March 8th 2013. The Saturn Pluto cycle is concerned
with the process of crisis, transformation, and destruction of the current system,
authority figures or institutions. Deeply rooted forces are involved here. War and
violent control are the manifestations of Saturn Pluto. The current waning sextile
aspect offers a brief opportunity to 'deconstruct and withdraw', it appears particuarlly
relevant to what is happening in Syria.
The 'hung over' Moon enters Taurus 22:34, setting a resolute determination as the back drop to tomorrow's Autumn Equinox.Sunday 22 September 2013 THE AUTUMN EQUINOXGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Virgo EA 29 Pisces UR sqr PL .33 Mon 01 Taurus ME 9 Sagittarius ME trn UR 1.23 Mer 20 Libra VE 23 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.09 Ven 12 Scorpio MA 20 Cancer JU trn NE 2.45 Mar 16 Leo JU 7 Cancer VE opp MA 2.65 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.83 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 4.17 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .14 Su Ve/Ma .16 Su Ve/Ma .19 Mo Ju/Ne .13 Me Su/No .36 Ju Su/Mo .56 Me Su/Ve .8 Su Ve/Ma .21 Me Su/Sa .64 Me Su/No .61 Me Su/No .85 Me Su/Ve .71 Me Su/Ve .99 Me Su/Sa .86 Pl Ve/Ne .91 Pl Ve/Ne .77 No Ve/Sa 1.08 Me Su/Ve .89 Me Su/Sa 1.09 Me Su/No 1.09 Pl Ve/Ne 1.19 Pl Ve/Ne 1.05 Ju Su/Mo 1.14 Me Su/Sa 1.31 Su Ma/No 1.49 No Ve/Sa 1.25 No Ve/Sa 1.42 No Ve/Sa 1.58Significant geocentric harmonic 17 around 00:00 GMT Sun quintile Jupiter 02:16 The slowly waning Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 04:38 Moon trine Pluto 15:18 Moon opposition Saturn 15:34 Moon opposition her node 16:24 Sun enters Libra 20:45
At 20:45 GMT today the Sun crosses the equator and enters the tropical zodiac sign of libra. It is the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the south. At this moment the Sun is setting at Rio De Janerio. The Moon at this time some 4 days past the full is firmly rooted in Taurus and under pressure applying in fixed T-square with Venus and Mars. Saturn is sextile Pluto and of course Uranus is square Pluto. Saturn and the lunar node are conjunct in Scorpio. Today is somewhat doom laden with power struggles and deep entrenchment. The season ahead as set up by this equinox is tough. Moon opposition Venus 23:42
Monday 23 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Libra EA 0 Aries UR sqr PL .33 Mon 14 Taurus ME 12 Sagittarius ME trn UR 1.51 Mer 21 Libra VE 25 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.11 Ven 13 Scorpio MA 21 Cancer JU trn NE 2.53 Mar 16 Leo JU 7 Cancer JU sqr UR 3.76 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio VE opp MA 3.77 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 4.09 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 5fixed 5mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ve/Ma .24 Su Ve/Ma .26 Su Ve/Ma .29 Pl Ve/Ne .21 Me Su/Ve .62 Pl Ve/Ne .49 Ma Mo/Ve .33 Su Ve/Ma .31 Pl Ve/Ne .63 Me Su/Ve .53 Pl Ve/Ne .35 Me Su/Ve .35 Me Su/No 1.33 Ur Mo/Ne .94 Me Su/Ve .44 Ma Mo/No .52 Me Su/Sa 1.53 Ma Mo/Ve 1.23 Ur Mo/Ne .64 Ma Mo/Sa .66 No Ve/Sa 1.75 Me Su/No 1.57 Me Su/No 1.81 Ma Mo/Ve 1.87 Su Ma/No 2.19 Me Su/Sa 1.75 Ma Mo/No 1.92 Mo Ma/Ne 2.01Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMTState of the sky:-The Sun reaches 1 degree Libra today. We are in the 'foothills' of an eclipse season. There are 25 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 43 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 89 days to the Winter Solstice. Venus,Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. The Moon slowly waningin Taurus reaches disseminating phase 03:09 Moon fixed square Mars 05:27 Moon sextile Jupiter becoming void 07:14 and remaining that way for 24 hours. The next New Moon is on October 5th and is a tough lunation being in Libra opposite Uranus and square Pluto. Mercury is a direct evening star in Libra. He enters Scorpio on September 29th. Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' on October 1st and his apparent speed is below a degree per day on October 9th prior to Mercury next turning retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio. Venus is also an evening 'star' but in Scorpio, and is visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. She trines Jupiter on Sept 26th, and squares Mars on Sept 28th. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on 7th October. Mars is in Leo. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. We are 2 months from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echoes of the this Helio fundamental square.Tuesday 24 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Libra EA 1 Aries UR sqr PL .32 Mon 26 Taurus ME 15 Sagittarius SA sex PL 2.14 Mer 23 Libra VE 26 Capricorn JU trn NE 2.61 Ven 15 Scorpio MA 21 Cancer JU sqr UR 3.68 Mar 17 Leo JU 7 Cancer JU opp PL 4.01 Jup 17 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio ME trn UR 4.25 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries VE opp MA 4.88 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 10 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 5fixed 5mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Ve/Ne .08 Mo Ju/Ur .03 Me Su/Ve .09 Me Su/Ve 0 Me Su/Ve .26 Pl Ve/Ne .06 Pl Ve/Ne .2 Pl Ve/Ne .34 Su Ve/Ma .34 Me Su/Ve .17 Su Ve/Ma .39 Su Ve/Ma .42 Ma Mo/Sa .74 Su Ve/Ma .36 Pl Ne/No 2.64 Pl Ne/No 2.65 Ma Mo/No .86 Ma Mo/Sa 2.14 Pl Sa/Ne 2.72 Pl Sa/Ne 2.71 Mo Ma/Ne 1.02 Ma Mo/No 2.24 Me Su/No 2.75 No Ve/Sa 2.93 Me Su/No 2.28 Me Su/No 2.52 No Ve/Sa 2.76 Ma Mo/Me 2.94 Yesterday Kenyan officials said they were in the final stages of bringing to an end the deadly stand-off with suspected al-Shabab militants at the Westgate shopping complex in Nairobi. The official death toll stands at 62 and more than 170 have been injured. There are fears the death toll will rise further. The Kenyan chart, Dec 12th 1963 00:01 Nairobi, has Uranus conjunct the Ascendant at 10 Virgo, with Pluto at 14 Virgo. The New Moon on September 5th 2013 fell at 13 degrees Virgo. Transiting Uranus is currently retrograding at 11 degrees Aries, inconjunct this area. Kenya's progressed Moon has recently entered Virgo and is slowly applying in a conjunction to natal Uranus and Pluto. These peak next year. The Uranus Pluto theme, dominant at the birth of the nation and active now, aptly describes the sudden brutal terrorist nature of the event. Protests and vigils are taking place across Pakistan as Christians demand better protection after suicide blasts have killed at least 80 people at a church. Transiting Mars conjunct Pakistan Venus, transiting Venus square natal Saturn and Pluto, transiting Sun square natal Mars and transiting Saturn square the sun/moon midpoint have all been active and exact over the past couple of days. All is all, Saturn sextile Pluto is at work in the world right now and watch out early tomorrow (GMT) as the Moon forms a deadly finger of fate with them. Today the waning and decelerating Moon enters Gemini 07:35 A balmier, breezier day is in store. The Moon air trines the Sun 10:37 The Moon 'waxing mutable square' Neptune 13:55Wednesday 25 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Libra EA 2 Aries UR sqr PL .32 Mon 08 Gemini ME 17 Sagittarius SA sex PL 2.16 Mer 24 Libra VE 28 Capricorn JU trn NE 2.69 Ven 16 Scorpio MA 22 Cancer JU sqr UR 3.61 Mar 18 Leo JU 7 Cancer JU opp PL 3.93 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .08 Ma Mo/Me .13 Mo Ma/Ur .01 Ju Mo/Ma .02 Su Ve/Ma .44 Me Su/Ve .16 Me Su/Ve .24 Me Su/Ve .32 Pl Ve/Ne .48 Su Ve/Ma .47 Su Ve/Ma .49 Su Ve/Ma .52 Ma Mo/Me 1.4 Pl Ve/Ne .62 Pl Ve/Ne .75 Pl Ve/Ne .89 Pl Ne/No 2.66 Pl Ne/No 2.67 Ju Mo/Ma 1.56 Pl Sa/Ne 2.67 Pl Sa/Ne 2.7 Pl Sa/Ne 2.69 Ma Mo/Me 1.65 Pl Ne/No 2.69 Mo Ma/Ur 2.93 Pl Ne/No 2.68 Mo Ma/Ur 2.93 Yesterday Barack Obama told the UN General Assembly's annual meeting that recent moves by Iran offer the basis for a "meaningful agreement" on its nuclear programme. The Iran (1979 revolution) chart has transiting Uranus conjunct natal Sun this year symbolising a 'new awakening'. The last Solar eclipse on May 10th 2013 was conjunct the Iran MC. Hassan Rouhani was elected president on June 15th. The Full Moon last week was conjunct Iran Mercury and Mars. Currently Pluto trines that Iran MC. Yesterday transiting Mars was conjunct Iran ascendant as Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani attended the assembly for the first time. It bodes well. Hassan Rouhani (born Nov 12th 1948) has an inspiring transiting Neptune trine natal Mercury currently and transiting Saturn conjunct his natal Sun at end of the year and during 2014, a period maybe of serious accomplishment. The Obama/Rouhani relationship chart (I use relationship charts not composites) is a real eye opener! A fixed cross dominates a New Moon in Aries. Mars, Saturn, Venus and Pluto form a very powerful cross. The chart is steamy and brimming with powerful energy. The world must watch these two carefully. Mr Rouhani pulled out of a leaders' lunch on Tuesday, ending speculation the two could shake hands. Mr Obama's scheduled departure from the UN later on Tuesday dimmed prospects of a historic meeting between Mr Obama and Mr Rouhani. However bilateral contacts are on the rise. On Thursday, Iran's Foreign Minister will discuss its nuclear programme with Mr Kerry - a rare instance of a formal encounter between the counterparts. During the first three hours of today the Moon forms a very tight 'finger of fate' planetary picture with Saturn and Pluto. The slow disseminating Moon in Gemini then sextiles Uranus 05:02 Saturn conjunction the mean lunar node 12:59 Moon sextile Mars 19:23 Carry on talking.Thursday 26 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Libra EA 3 Aries UR sqr PL .31 Mon 20 Gemini ME 20 Sagittarius SA sex PL 2.19 Mer 25 Libra VE 29 Capricorn JU trn NE 2.77 Ven 17 Scorpio MA 22 Cancer JU sqr UR 3.54 Mar 18 Leo JU 7 Cancer EA sqr JU 3.84 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU opp PL 3.85 Sat 09 Scorpio UR 10 Aries Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 3water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .4 Me Su/Ve .47 Me Su/Ve .55 Me Su/Ve .62 Su Ve/Ma .55 Su Ve/Ma .57 Su Ve/Ma .6 Su Ve/Ma .63 Pl Ve/Ne 1.03 Pl Ve/Ne 1.17 Pl Ve/Ne 1.31 Pl Ve/Ne 1.44 Ju Mo/Ma 1.52 Pl Sa/Ne 2.65 No Me/Ve 2.64 Ma Su/Mo 2.09 Pl Sa/Ne 2.66 Pl Ne/No 2.71 Pl Sa/Ne 2.64 No Me/Ve 2.32 Pl Ne/No 2.7 Me Ma/Pl 2.96 Me Ma/Pl 2.7 Me Ma/Pl 2.44 No Me/Ve 2.97 Pl Ne/No 2.72 Sa Me/Ve 2.51 A powerful earthquake has killed at least 328 people and wounded hundreds more in Pakistan's remote south-west province of Balochistan The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at 11:29:48 UTC, at a depth of 20km (13 miles) north-east of Awaran. After the quake, an island appeared off the coast near the port of Gwadar. People gathered on the beach to see the new island, which is reported to be about 200m (656ft) long, 100m wide and 20m high, and scientists have been sent to survey it. Neptune was rising over Pakistan at the time of the quake, square the Moon. Saturn sextile Pluto formed a 'finger of fate' with the epicentre IC. Jupiter was close to the local ASC/MC midpoint. Uranus was a degree from the local Mars/Uranus midpoint. Today the Libran Sun waning quinquncx Neptune 02:52 Sun waxing semi square Mars 07:15 The very slow Moon in Gemini, approaching last quarter, air trines Mercury becoming void 11:22 After four hours of 'lunar void of course' the Moon enters Cancer 19:26, joining Jupiter in that sign. Venus in Scorpio 'water trines' Jupiter 21:02, a friendly vibration, close and comforting.Friday 27 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Libra EA 4 Aries UR sqr PL .31 Mon 02 Cancer ME 23 Sagittarius SA sex PL 2.21 Mer 27 Libra VE 1 Aquarius JU trn NE 2.84 Ven 18 Scorpio MA 23 Cancer EA sqr JU 2.94 Mar 19 Leo JU 7 Cancer EA sex VE 3.09 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.46 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 3.77 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Su/Mo .64 Su Ve/Ma .68 Mo Su/Ur .53 Su Ve/Ma .74 Su Ve/Ma .66 Me Su/Ve .77 Su Ve/Ma .71 Me Su/Ve .91 Me Su/Ve .7 Ma Su/Mo .81 Me Su/Ve .84 No Me/Ve 1.03 Pl Ve/Ne 1.58 No Me/Ve 1.67 No Me/Ve 1.35 Sa Me/Ve 1.38 No Me/Ve 1.99 Pl Ve/Ne 1.72 Sa Me/Ve 1.66 Me Ma/Pl 1.41 Me Ma/Pl 2.18 Me Ma/Pl 1.92 Me Ma/Pl 1.66 Pl Ve/Ne 1.99 Sa Me/Ve 2.22 Sa Me/Ve 1.94 Pl Ve/Ne 1.86 Pl Sa/Ne 2.6 The very slowly waning Moon in Cancer trines Neptune 01:50Moon at last quarter 03:57 Mercury waning quintile Pluto 05:00Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 06:00 GMT Cardinal T-square involving the Moon, Uranus, and Pluto 13:00 to 18:00 The Moon opposes Pluto 13:38 The Moon trines her node 14:17 The Moon trines Saturn 14:57 The Moon squares Uranus 17:13Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 18:23 The weekend ahead is coloured by Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo. Highly charged sexy dynamic interactions with a sharp edge are possible. The Moon is in Cancer on Saturday, the more emotional day, and in Leo on Sunday, a little less intense.Saturday 28 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Libra EA 5 Aries UR sqr PL .3 Mon 14 Cancer ME 26 Sagittarius EA sqr JU 2.04 Mer 28 Libra VE 3 Aquarius SA sex PL 2.24 Ven 19 Scorpio MA 23 Cancer EA sex VE 2.49 Mar 19 Leo JU 7 Cancer JU trn NE 2.92 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.39 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 3.69 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con UR 5.43 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Ve .71 No Me/Ve .39 No Me/Ve .07 No Me/Ve .25 Su Ve/Ma .76 Su Ve/Ma .79 Sa Me/Ve .54 Sa Me/Ve .26 Me Su/Ve .98 Sa Me/Ve .82 Me Ma/Pl .65 Me Ma/Pl .4 Sa Me/Ve 1.1 Me Ma/Pl .9 Su Ve/Ma .82 Su Ve/Ma .85 Me Ma/Pl 1.15 Me Su/Ve 1.05 Me Su/Ve 1.11 Me Su/Ve 1.18 Pl Ve/Ne 2.13 Pl Ve/Ne 2.27 Pl Ve/Ne 2.4 Ve Su/Pl 2.42 Pl Sa/Ne 2.59 Pl Sa/Ne 2.58 Pl Sa/Ne 2.57 Pl Ve/Ne 2.54Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 06:00 GMT The slowly waning last quarter Moon in Cancer is conjunct Jupiter 07:53 The Moon sweetly 'water trines' Venus 11:09 Venus in Scorpio squares Mars in Leo 13:33 Amateur astronomers around the world are photographing Comet ISON as it approaches Mars in the predawn sky.Sunday 29 September 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Libra EA 6 Aries UR sqr PL .3 Mon 26 Cancer ME 28 Sagittarius EA sqr JU 1.15 Mer 29 Libra VE 4 Aquarius EA sex VE 1.89 Ven 20 Scorpio MA 24 Cancer SA sex PL 2.27 Mar 20 Leo JU 7 Cancer JU trn NE 3 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.32 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU opp PL 3.61 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con UR 4.46 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 6fixed 4mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ve .02 Me Ma/Pl .1 Me Ma/Pl .35 Me Ma/Pl .59 Me Ma/Pl .15 Sa Me/Ve .29 Sa Me/Ve .57 Mo Ma/Ju .68 No Me/Ve .56 No Me/Ve .88 Su Ve/Ma .93 Sa Me/Ve .84 Su Ve/Ma .88 Su Ve/Ma .9 No Me/Ve 1.19 Su Ve/Ma .96 Me Su/Ve 1.24 Me Su/Ve 1.3 Me Su/Ve 1.36 Me Su/Ve 1.42 Ve Su/Pl 2.26 Ve Su/Pl 2.1 Ve Su/Pl 1.95 No Me/Ve 1.51 Pl Sa/Ne 2.55 Pl Sa/Ne 2.54 Mo Ma/Ju 2.23 Ve Su/Pl 1.79 The Moon in Cancer squares Mercury becoming void 07:31 The Moon enters Leo 07:58 Mercury enters Scorpio 11:39 joining Venus, Saturn and the lunar node in this sign. Mercury will reside in Scorpio for a lengthy 67 days and will undergo his retrograde phase during this time. His itinerary is very extensive. He trines Neptune on October 1st, and he reaches 'repeatable territory' that day. He conjuncts the lunar node on Oct 5th at 8 degrees Scorpio, sextiles Pluto on Oct 7th and conjuncts Saturn on Oct 8th. Mercury's apparent speed falls below a degree per day on October 9th. There is a quieter period for the planet as the Lunar Eclipse crashes out on October 18th. Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio and is conjunct Saturn a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio on Oct 29th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Scorpio on November 1st, sextiling Mars and Pluto that day. Mercury then conjuncts the lunar node a 2nd time on Nov 3rd at 8 Scorpio, the day of the Solar Eclipse and sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. This really is barrel load of information for the mind to absorb. The Saturn conjunctions symbolise huge lessons to be learnt. The next 67 days are a schooling period for us all when we can dive and delve into mysteries, secrets and sagas. The universal mind is in the underground now. The slowly waning but accelerating Moon in Leo sextiles the Sun 21:44 Amateur astronomers around the world are photographing Comet ISON as it approaches Mars in the predawn sky.Monday 30 September 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Libra EA 7 Aries EA sqr JU .25 Mon 08 Leo ME 1 Capricorn UR sqr PL .29 Mer 01 Scorpio VE 6 Aquarius EA sex VE 1.29 Ven 21 Scorpio MA 24 Cancer SA sex PL 2.29 Mar 21 Leo JU 7 Cancer ME sex NE 2.94 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU trn NE 3.08 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 10 Aries JU sqr UR 3.24 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA con UR 3.49 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU opp PL 3.53 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 6mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ma/Pl .84 Su Ve/Ma 1.02 Su Ve/Ma 1.05 Su Ve/Ma 1.08 Su Ve/Ma .99 Me Ma/Pl 1.08 Ve Su/Pl 1.32 Ve Su/Pl 1.16 Sa Me/Ve 1.12 Sa Me/Ve 1.39 Me Ma/Pl 1.32 Me Ma/Pl 1.56 Me Su/Ve 1.48 Ve Su/Pl 1.47 Me Su/Ve 1.59 Me Su/Ve 1.64 Ve Su/Pl 1.63 Me Su/Ve 1.53 Sa Me/Ve 1.66 Sa Me/Ve 1.93 No Me/Ve 1.82 No Me/Ve 2.14 No Me/Ve 2.45 Pl Sa/Ne 2.48 Pl Sa/Ne 2.51 Pl Sa/Ne 2.5 Pl Sa/Ne 2.49 No Me/Ve 2.76 State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 8 degrees Libra today, and is drawing into a cardinal T-square with Pluto and Uranus over the next week as we approach a difficult and dark New Moon. We are very much in the 'foothills' of an eclipse season. There are 18 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 36 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 82 days to the Winter Solstice. Mercury, Venus,Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. The slowly waning but accelerating Moon squares her node 02:16 Moon square Saturn 03:43 Moon trine Uranus 05:12The next New Moon is on October 5th and is a tough lunation being in Libra opposite Uranus and square Pluto. Mercury is a direct evening star in Scorpio. He trines Neptune on October 1st, and he reaches 'repeatable territory' that day. He conjuncts the lunar node on Oct 5th at 8 degrees Scorpio, sextiles Pluto on Oct 7th and conjuncts Saturn on Oct 8th. Mercury's apparent speed falls below a degree per day on October 9th. clipse There is a quieter period for the planet as the Lunar Eclipse crashes out on October 18th. Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio and is conjunct Saturn a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio on Oct 29th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Scorpio on November 1st, sextiling Mars and Pluto that day. Mercury then conjuncts the lunar node a 2nd time on Nov 3rd at 8 Scorpio, the day of the Solar Eclipse and sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is also an evening 'star' in Scorpio, and is visible at evening dusk and will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on 7th October. Mars is in Leo. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. We are less than 2 months from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echoes of the this Helio fundamental square. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the triple conjunction of the Moon, Mars and comet Ison tomorrow. Wonder what news that will bring? Tuesday 1 October 2013 The Sun forms a cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto which lasts right up to the New Moon on Saturday.Comet Ison will conjunct Mars, 21 deg Leo around the 2nd of October.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Libra EA 8 Aries ME sex NE .14 Mon 20 Leo ME 4 Capricorn UR sqr PL .29 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 7 Aquarius EA sqr JU .65 Ven 22 Scorpio MA 25 Cancer EA sex VE .7 Mar 21 Leo JU 7 Cancer SA sex PL 2.32 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio EA con UR 2.52 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 10 Aries EA sqr PL 2.8 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces JU trn NE 3.16 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU sqr UR 3.17 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 6mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Pl 1 Su Mo/Ve .17 Me Mo/Pl .17 Ve Su/Pl .54 Su Ve/Ma 1.11 Ve Su/Pl .85 Ve Su/Pl .69 Mo Su/Ju .97 Su Mo/Ve 1.61 Me Mo/Pl 1.07 Su Ve/Ma 1.17 Su Ve/Ma 1.19 Me Su/Ve 1.69 Su Ve/Ma 1.14 Su Mo/Ve 1.27 Me Mo/Pl 1.42 Me Ma/Pl 1.8 Me Su/Ve 1.74 Me Su/Ve 1.79 Me Su/Ve 1.84 Sa Me/Ve 2.2 Me Ma/Pl 2.03 Mo Su/Ju 2.01 Pl Sa/Ne 2.45 Me Mo/Pl 2.3 Pl Sa/Ne 2.46 Me Ma/Pl 2.27 Me Ma/Pl 2.5 Mercury reaches 'repeatable territory' today prior to his station on October 21st. What this means is that decisions made now and current outcomes may well have to be re-visited and remade in the near future.Moon conjunction Mars and comet Ison in Leon 02:04 The accelerating Moon squares Venus becoming void 04:49 and remaining that way for 13 hours.Moon reaches her balsamic phase 05:47 The Moon enters Virgo 18:53 Mercury trines Neptune 21:47. Mystery and imagination. The first of 3 such aspects over the next two months.Wednesday 2 October 2013The Sun forms a cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto which lasts right up to the New Moon on Saturday. The Sun square Pluto arm of the T-square occurs today. Difficult adjustments.Comet Ison will conjunct Mars, 21 deg Leo around the 2nd of October. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Libra EA 9 Aries EA sex VE .1 Mon 03 Virgo ME 7 Capricorn UR sqr PL .28 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 9 Aquarius ME opp JU .55 Ven 24 Scorpio MA 25 Cancer EA sqr JU 1.55 Mar 22 Leo JU 7 Cancer EA con UR 1.55 Jup 18 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio VE sex UR 1.64 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr PL 1.83 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr ME 2.1 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.34 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Pl .38 Ve Su/Pl .22 No Mo/Pl .05 Ve Su/Pl .09 Su Ve/Ma 1.22 Su Mo/Sa 1.23 Ve Su/Pl .07 Sa Mo/Pl .4 Me Su/Ve 1.89 Su Ve/Ma 1.25 Su Mo/Sa .12 Mo Me/Ju .86 No Me/Sa 2.44 No Mo/Pl 1.65 Su Mo/No .43 Su Mo/No .91 Pl Sa/Ne 2.44 Su Mo/No 1.76 Sa Mo/Pl 1.16 Su Ve/Ma 1.31 Su Mo/Sa 2.57 Me Su/Ve 1.93 Su Ve/Ma 1.28 Su Mo/Sa 1.48 Me Mo/Pl 2.67 No Me/Sa 2.26 Me Su/Ve 1.97 No Mo/Pl 1.55 Yesterday US President Barack Obama vowed not to allow Republicans to undermine his signature healthcare law as a condition to restart the US government. The progressed Moon in the USA chart (Jul 4th 1776 16:50) entered Scorpio at the end of August this year, and during this autumn applies in conjunction to progressed Saturn. A bleak mood has gripped the country. Transiting Neptune is trine USA Venus casting an unreal glamour on the collective affection there. Saturday's New Moon is 3 degrees from the USA natal Saturn, adding to the seriousness of the current stalemate. Today the accelerating balsamic Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune 00:44 The Moon sextiles Mercury 01:03 Sun square Pluto 01:29 Sun biquintile Neptune 02:17 Venus on the Sun/Pluto midpoint semi-squares both 08:51 Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 12:04 Moon sextile her node 12:08 Moon sextile Saturn 14:15 The Sun opposes Uranus tomorrow.Thursday 3 October 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Libra EA 10 Aries VE sex UR .07 Mon 15 Virgo ME 10 Capricorn EA sqr ME .23 Mer 04 Scorpio VE 10 Aquarius UR sqr PL .28 Ven 25 Scorpio MA 25 Cancer EA sex VE .5 Mar 22 Leo JU 7 Cancer EA con UR .57 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio ME sqr UR .81 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr PL .85 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con PL 1.08 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME opp JU 2.21 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Me .06 Ve Su/Pl .4 Mo Ve/Ju .12 Ve Su/Pl .71 Ve Su/Pl .24 Su Ve/Ma 1.38 Ve Su/Pl .55 Ma Mo/Ju 1.07 Mo Su/Ma .84 Su Mo/Me 1.45 No Me/Sa 1.37 No Me/Sa 1.2 Mo Ju/Sa .98 No Me/Sa 1.55 Su Ve/Ma 1.41 Su Ve/Ma 1.44 Su Ve/Ma 1.34 Me Su/Ve 2.09 Me Su/Ve 2.13 Pl Su/Ur 1.57 Mo Ju/No 1.58 Mo Su/Ma 2.18 Pl Sa/Ne 2.38 Me Su/Ve 2.16 No Me/Sa 1.73 Pl Sa/Ne 2.39 Ma Mo/Ju 2.56 Pl Sa/Ne 2.37 Today Mercury makes a waxing quintile aspect to Mars 03:17 The old but accelerating Moon in Virgo sextiles Jupiter 05:59 Sun opposition Uranus 14:13 The Moon sextiles Venus becoming void 18:58 for 8 hours. 15 days to a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Aries. 33 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.Friday 4 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Libra EA 11 Aries EA sqr PL .13 Mon 28 Virgo ME 13 Capricorn UR sqr PL .27 Mer 06 Scorpio VE 12 Aquarius EA con UR .4 Ven 26 Scorpio MA 26 Cancer ME sex SA .6 Mar 23 Leo JU 8 Cancer EA sex VE 1.1 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio VE sqr SA 1.17 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE sex UR 1.5 Ura 11 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr ME 1.66 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME con PL 1.79 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Mo/Ju .42 Mo Ma/Sa .16 No Me/Sa .68 No Me/Sa .5 Ve Su/Pl .86 Mo Ma/No .54 Ve Su/Pl 1.17 Ve Su/Pl 1.32 Mo Me/Ma .98 No Me/Sa .85 Su Ve/Ma 1.53 Su Ve/Ma 1.56 No Me/Sa 1.02 Ve Su/Pl 1.02 Pl Su/Ur 1.92 Mo Ve/Ma 1.84 Su Ve/Ma 1.47 Su Ve/Ma 1.5 Me Su/Ve 2.26 Pl Su/Ur 2.04 Pl Su/Ur 1.69 Pl Su/Ur 1.8 Pl Sa/Ne 2.34 Su Ju/Pl 2.22 Me Su/Ve 2.2 Ma Mo/Ju 1.93 Su Ju/Pl 2.45 Me Su/Ve 2.28 Yesterday at least 130 African migrants died and many more were missing as a boat carrying them to Europe sank off the southern Italian island of Lampedusa. This event can be traced to the 'sudden catastrophe' nature of the Sun opposite Uranus square Pluto, which has been operative all week. Old Moon day today. The ancient accelerating Moon enters Libra 03:00 joining the Sun in that sign. Venus semi squares the Sun 16:18 Moon square Pluto 19:23 Moon opposition Uranus 21:58 UK residents could stay up late to welcome the New Moon at 01:36 BST tomorrow morning, but this New Moon is not necessarily welcome. Read on.Saturday 5 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Libra EA 12 Aries UR sqr PL .27 Mon 12 Libra ME 16 Capricorn VE sqr SA .38 Mer 07 Scorpio VE 14 Aquarius EA sqr PL 1.11 Ven 27 Scorpio MA 26 Cancer EA con UR 1.38 Mar 24 Leo JU 8 Cancer EA sex VE 1.69 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio ME sex SA 2.28 Sat 10 Scorpio UR 11 Aries SA sex PL 2.42 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces JU sqr UR 2.87 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE sex UR 3.07 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 5fixed 5mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Me/Sa .33 No Me/Sa .16 No Me/Sa 0 No Me/Sa .17 Mo Ve/Ma 1.29 Ve Mo/Pl .23 Me Mo/Ve .61 Sa Mo/Ve .77 Ve Su/Pl 1.48 Me Mo/Ve .93 No Mo/Ve .98 No Mo/Ve .87 Su Ve/Ma 1.59 Mo Ju/Pl 1.05 Ve Mo/Pl 1.18 Su Ju/Pl 1.29 Ve Mo/Pl 1.63 Su Ve/Ma 1.62 Su Ju/Pl 1.52 Su Ve/Ma 1.69 Su Ju/Pl 1.98 Ve Su/Pl 1.63 Su Ve/Ma 1.66 Ve Su/Pl 1.94 Pl Mo/Ur 2 Su Ju/Pl 1.75 Ve Su/Pl 1.78 Me Sa/No 2.11NEW MOON in Libra 00:36 opposite Uranus, square
Today's New Moon is the 5th New Moon following the Annular Solar eclipse in Taurus on May 10th 2013 and the ultimate New Moon before the Annular/Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd 2013. We are now fully into an eclipse season. The symbolism of this New Moon is incredibly dark. The New Moon may well bring out the very worst of the ongoing Uranus square Pluto aspect. The New Moon herself is opposite Uranus and square Pluto. We have disruptive(Uranus) and degenerative(Pluto) influences at work. What has happened is that this 'dark' New Moon has drawn to itself a devastating event off Lampedusa. Italians are aghast at the scale of the tragedy that unfolded on Thursday, Italy's worst ever migrant shipwreck, A day of mourning was declared on Friday, with flags flying at half-mast and a minute of silence observed in all Italian schools. Rough seas force Italian rescuers to postpone their search for hundreds of migrants still missing. Today's New Moon is 3 degrees from the USA natal Saturn, adding to the seriousness of the current stalemate there. The New Moon hits the Mercury Neptune conjunction of North Korea, the Uranus of the Syrian Bacch Party the Venus in the French republic chart and the natal Jupiter of singer Beyonce. Today is the birthday of Bob Geldoff and of Kate Winslett. New chapters in their life stories are starting. Saturn quinqunx Uranus 04:46 This is the last of three hits of this fateful aspect. The first was Nov 16th 2012 and the second was
on April 13th 2013. These two planets were conjunct in 1988, the '1988 activator'. They were in opposition between 2008 and 2010. Their last quarter phase is in 2021 and the next conjunction of Saturn and Uranus is in Gemini in the magical year of 2032. We tread
dangerous paths right now with these two in quincunx.Moon square Jupiter 12:51 Moon sextile Mars becoming void 22:29Sunday 6 October 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Libra EA 13 Aries UR sqr PL .26 Mon 25 Libra ME 18 Capricorn VE sqr SA 1.93 Mer 08 Scorpio VE 15 Aquarius EA sqr PL 2.09 Ven 28 Scorpio MA 27 Cancer EA sex VE 2.29 Mar 24 Leo JU 8 Cancer EA con UR 2.35 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.45 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU sqr UR 2.8 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces JU opp PL 3.06 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU trn NE 3.55 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 21 earth air 2water 6cardinal 5fixed 5mutable 1positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Su/Me .27 No Me/Sa .5 Mo Ma/Pl .14 Su Ju/Pl .35 No Me/Sa .34 Su Ju/Pl .82 Su Ju/Pl .59 Me Mo/Sa .68 Mo Su/No .77 Me Sa/No 1.57 No Me/Sa .67 No Mo/Sa .81 Sa Mo/Ve 1.04 Mo Su/Sa 1.67 Me Sa/No 1.3 No Me/Sa .83 Su Ju/Pl 1.05 Su Ve/Ma 1.75 Su Ve/Ma 1.78 Mo Su/Ve .87 Mo Su/Sa 1.61 Sa Me/No 2.07 Sa Me/No 1.97 Me Sa/No 1.04 Su Ve/Ma 1.72 Ve Su/Pl 2.24 Me Mo/Sa 2.14 Me Mo/No 1.58 The 'new infant Moon' accelerates into Scorpio 08:34, joining Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the lunar node there. The Moon 'water trines' Neptune 13:45 Mercury conjuncts the the lunar node 20:51 The Moon conjuncts her node 23:56Monday 7 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Libra EA 14 Aries UR sqr PL .25 Mon 09 Scorpio ME 21 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.47 Mer 09 Scorpio VE 17 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.73 Ven 29 Scorpio MA 27 Cancer EA sex VE 2.88 Mar 25 Leo JU 8 Cancer JU opp PL 2.98 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio EA sqr PL 3.07 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA con UR 3.33 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE sqr SA 3.48 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU trn NE 3.63 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 21 earth air 1water 7cardinal 4fixed 6mutable 1positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Me/No .04 Sa Mo/Me .09 Me Sa/No .25 Me Sa/No 0 No Mo/Me .09 Su Ju/Pl .11 Pl Mo/Ne .31 Mo Ve/No .12 Su Ju/Pl .12 Sa Mo/No .13 Su Ju/Pl .35 Su Ju/Pl .58 Me Mo/No .13 Me Sa/No .51 No Me/Sa 1.32 Mo Me/Ve .61 Me Sa/No .77 No Me/Sa 1.16 Sa Me/No 1.57 Mo Ve/Sa 1.1 Me Mo/Sa .79 Me Mo/No 1.33 Sa Mo/No 1.57 No Su/Ve 1.47 Mo Sa/No .89 Pl Mo/Ne 1.42 No Su/Ve 1.74 Sa Me/No 1.47 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 14 degrees Libra today. We are deeply into an eclipse season. There are 11 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 29 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 75 days to the Winter Solstice. The Moon, Mercury,Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Moon conjunction Mercury (1.86 degree orb) 00:13 Moon sextile Pluto 00:21 Mercury sextile Pluto 01:59 Moon conjunction Saturn (2.91 degree orb) 03:09 Moon trine Jupiter 17:34 Venus enters Sagittarius 17:55 Mercury is a direct evening star in Scorpio, approaching his retrograde phase and in repeatable territory. He sextiles Pluto on today 01:59, a shrewd and penetrating vibration and he conjuncts Saturn on tomorrow. Mercury's apparent speed falls below a degree per day on Wednesday. There is a quieter period for the planet as the Lunar Eclipse crashes out on October 18th. Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio and is conjunct Saturn a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio on Oct 29th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Scorpio on November 1st, sextiling Mars and Pluto that day. Mercury then conjuncts the lunar node a 2nd time on Nov 3rd at 8 Scorpio, the day of the Solar Eclipse and sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is also an evening 'star' visible at evening dusk and entering Sagittarius 17:55 today. She will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. Mars is in Leo. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo on October 15th. We are 1 month from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echoes of the this Helio fundamental square. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio tomorrow. Lessons to be learnt.Tuesday 8 October 2013 'The Daze' website has recently been the victim of a malware attack. Disinfection is underway. Please bear with us during this period. Some files on the site may be missing for a short time. Apologies to anyone inconvenienced by the event. Details of the infection can be found Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Libra EA 15 Aries UR sqr PL .25 Mon 23 Scorpio ME 25 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.5 Mer 10 Scorpio VE 18 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.65 Ven 00 Sagittarius MA 28 Cancer JU opp PL 2.9 Mar 26 Leo JU 8 Cancer ME opp MA 3.27 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio EA sex VE 3.48 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn NE 3.71 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr PL 4.05 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA con UR 4.3 Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Sa/No .26 Me Sa/No .51 No Su/Ve .64 No Su/Ve .37 Su Ju/Pl .82 Mo Su/Pl .83 Me Sa/No .76 No Su/Mo .73 No Su/Ve 1.19 No Su/Ve .92 No Su/Mo 1.17 Su Mo/Ma .99 Sa Me/No 1.38 Su Ju/Pl 1.05 Sa Me/No 1.19 Me Sa/No 1 No Me/Sa 1.63 Sa Me/No 1.28 Su Ju/Pl 1.28 Sa Me/No 1.1 Su Ve/Ma 1.98 No Me/Sa 1.79 No Me/Sa 1.95 Me Su/Mo 1.34 Pl Sa/Ne 2.21 Su Ve/Ma 2.01 Su Ve/Ma 2.05 Sa Su/Mo 1.4The Sun is at exactly 15 degrees Libra 02:59 GMT. This is the start of 'The Darkened Way' which leads of course into Scorpio. The fast moving young Moon in Scorpio squares Mars becoming void 04:55 Mercury waning quinquncx Uranus 07:12 Significant geocentric harmonic 19 around 12:00 GMTSignificant geocentric harmonic 16 around 18:00 GMT The Moon enters Sagittarius 12:23 joining Venus there.Moon hits crescent phase 13:05 zero Sagittarius. Moon conjunction Venus 13:57 The Moon squares Neptune 17:22 Mercury conjunction Saturn 19:41Wednesday 9 October 2013 The Daze is slowly and surely returning to normal after recent Malware Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Libra EA 16 Aries UR sqr PL .24 Mon 07 Sagittarius ME 28 Capricorn ME opp MA .63 Mer 11 Scorpio VE 20 Aquarius SA sex PL 2.52 Ven 01 Sagittarius MA 28 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.58 Mar 26 Leo JU 8 Cancer JU opp PL 2.82 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU trn NE 3.79 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA con UR 5.28 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 41 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Ve .09 Mo Me/Pl .16 No Su/Ve .46 No Su/Ve .73 Me Su/Mo .29 No Su/Ve .18 Sa Me/No .83 Sa Me/No .74 Sa Su/Mo .45 Mo Sa/Pl .35 Me Sa/No 1.73 Sa Su/Ve 1.57 Su Mo/Ma .6 Sa Me/No .92 Sa Su/Ve 1.8 Pl Me/Ne 1.74 Sa Me/No 1.01 Mo Pl/No 1.45 Pl Me/Ne 1.85 Me Sa/No 1.96 Me Sa/No 1.25 Me Sa/No 1.49 Pl Sa/Ne 2.15 Pl Sa/Ne 2.14 Su Ju/Pl 1.75 Me Su/Mo 1.93 Su Ve/Ma 2.18 Su Ve/Ma 2.22Mercury's apparent speed has slowed to below a degree per day today Today the waxing and accelerating crescent Moon trines Uranus 05:56 This fast moving Moon in Sagittarius sextiles the Sun 16:31
prior to his next turning retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees
Scorpio. This is not a time to initiate new plans.Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 18:00 GMT Mars quintiles the lunar node 21:54Thursday 10 October 2013 Squeaky clean.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Libra EA 17 Aries UR sqr PL .24 Mon 21 Sagittarius ME 1 Aquarius ME opp MA 2.06 Mer 12 Scorpio VE 22 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.51 Ven 02 Sagittarius MA 29 Cancer SA sex PL 2.55 Mar 27 Leo JU 8 Cancer JU opp PL 2.74 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU trn NE 3.86 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 41 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Ve/Pl .17 Ve Mo/Sa .01 Ve Mo/No .31 Sa Me/No .41 Sa Me/No .66 Mo Su/Ne .5 Sa Me/No .49 Sa Su/Ve .64 Ve Mo/Me .99 Sa Me/No .57 Sa Su/Ve .87 Pl Me/Ne 1.29 No Su/Ve 1 Ve Mo/Me .63 Pl Me/Ne 1.4 Ve Mo/No 1.81 Sa Su/Ve 1.34 Sa Su/Ve 1.1 Ve Mo/Sa 1.52 No Su/Ve 1.82 Ve Mo/Sa 1.5 Ve Mo/No 1.18 No Su/Ve 1.55 Pl Sa/Ne 2.11 Pl Me/Ne 1.62 No Su/Ve 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne 2.11 Me Su/Ve 2.28Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 03:00 to Noon GMTVenus in Sagittarius squares Neptune 09:06 She dreams of electric sheep? The very fast waxing crescent Moon in Sagittarius trines Mars becoming void 10:11 The Moon enters Capricorn joining Pluto in that sign 15:18 Moon sextile Neptune 20:11 Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 23:10 There are now 8 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 26 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 72 days to the Winter Solstice.Friday 11 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Libra EA 18 Aries UR sqr PL .23 Mon 05 Capricorn ME 4 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.43 Mer 13 Scorpio VE 23 Aquarius SA sex PL 2.58 Ven 04 Sagittarius MA 29 Cancer JU opp PL 2.67 Mar 27 Leo JU 8 Cancer JU trn NE 3.94 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio ME opp MA 4.81 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .33 Sa Su/Ve .17 Sa Su/Ve .06 Sa Me/No .11 Sa Su/Ve .41 Sa Me/No .26 Sa Me/No .18 Sa Su/Ve .29 Mo Ne/No .6 Mo Me/Ne .67 Pl Me/Ne .96 Pl Me/Ne .86 Pl Me/Ne 1.18 Pl Me/Ne 1.07 Mo Su/Ur 2.03 Su Mo/Ju .99 Mo Sa/Ne 1.86 Mo Sa/Ne 1.68 Pl Sa/Ne 2.08 Mo Su/Ur 1.41 No Su/Ve 2.1 Pl Sa/Ne 2.09 Me Su/Ve 2.17 No Mo/Ma 1.78 Pl Sa/Ne 2.1 Me Su/Ve 2.21 Su Ve/Ma 2.46 Pl Sa/Ne 2.07 The very rapidly waxing Moon in Capricorn sextiles her node 05:50 The Moon is conjunct Pluto 06:41 Moon square Uranus 08:34 Moon sextile Saturn 10:10 Moon sextile Mercury 14:04 A tight cardinal T-square with the Sun, Moon and Jupiter manifests 22:00 to 01:00.The Moon reaches first quarter phase 23:03 Comet ISON is brightening (in tropical Leo) as it approaches the Sun. At the moment it is glowing like a 10th magnitude star, too dim for naked eye viewing but an easy target for many telescopes on Earth. This is what the comet looked like on Oct. 8th Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) was discovered at 5:15 am on September 21 2012 by Artem Novichonok and Vitaly Nevsky at the ISON-Kislovodsk observatory in Russia. Comet ISON should be visible to the naked eye from early November 2013 to mid-January 2014. It makes its closest approach to Earth on December 26. Comet ISON passes through constellation Draco from December 26 2013 to January 3 2014.
Saturday 12 October 2013 The comet is coming. Photo by Adam Block from the University of Arizona. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Libra EA 19 Aries UR sqr PL .23 Mon 19 Capricorn ME 7 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.36 Mer 14 Scorpio VE 25 Aquarius JU opp PL 2.59 Ven 05 Sagittarius MA 30 Cancer SA sex PL 2.6 Mar 28 Leo JU 8 Cancer ME sex UR 3.4 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio JU trn NE 4.02 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .03 Sa Me/No .04 Sa Me/No .1 Sa Me/No .17 No Mo/Ma .08 Pl Me/Ne .66 Ne Mo/Ur .45 Me Mo/Ma .27 Sa Su/Ve .52 Sa Su/Ve .75 Pl Me/Ne .56 Pl Me/Ne .46 Su Mo/Ju .55 Sa Mo/Ma .77 Mo Sa/Ur .72 Sa Su/Ve 1.22 Ve Su/Mo .58 Ve Su/Mo 1.05 Mo Me/Ur .76 Me Su/Ve 1.92 Mo Ve/Ne .58 Ne Mo/Ur 1.32 Sa Su/Ve .98 Pl Sa/Ne 2.03 Pl Me/Ne .76 Mo Ur/No 1.46 Sa Mo/Ma 1.05 Ne Mo/Ur 2.22Significant geocentric harmonic 16 around 00:00 GMTThe rapidly waxing first quarter Moon is opposite Jupiter, becoming void 00:06 and remaining that way for 18 hours. The Sun waxing square Jupiter 15:10 The Moon enters Aquarius 18:01 There are now 6 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 24 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 70 days to the Winter Solstice. Sunday 13 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Libra EA 20 Aries ME sex UR .08 Mon 04 Aquarius ME 11 Aquarius UR sqr PL .22 Mer 15 Scorpio VE 26 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.29 Ven 06 Sagittarius MA 0 Leo JU opp PL 2.51 Mar 29 Leo JU 8 Cancer SA sex PL 2.63 Jup 19 Cancer SA 13 Scorpio ME sqr SA 2.93 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn NE 4.1 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 09 Scorpiofire 31 earth air 2water 5cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .23 Pl Me/Ne .27 Pl Me/Ne .18 Pl Me/Ne .09 Pl Me/Ne .37 Sa Me/No .3 Sa Me/No .36 Sa Me/No .42 Me Mo/Ma 1.38 Mo Ve/Ur 1.02 Pl Mo/Ve .67 Pl Mo/Ve 1.23 Sa Su/Ve 1.45 Mo Ne/Pl 1.09 Me Su/Ve 1.73 Me Su/Ve 1.66 Me Su/Ve 1.86 Sa Su/Ve 1.68 Sa Su/Ve 1.91 Pl Sa/Ne 1.99 Pl Sa/Ne 2.02 Me Su/Ve 1.8 Pl Sa/Ne 2 Sa Su/Ve 2.14 Mo Ne/Pl 2.45 Pl Sa/Ne 2.01 Mo Ve/Ur 2.39 Ve Pl/No 2.22 Today the rapdly waxing Moon in Aquarius sextiles Venus 04:05 The Moon squares her nodes 08:24 Moon sextile Uranus 11:12 Moon square Saturn 13:22 Moon square Mercury 19:58Minor grazing lunar occultation, observable from the UK,
of star Mu Aqr, 23:10 to 23:42Monday 14 October 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Libra EA 21 Aries UR sqr PL .22 Mon 18 Aquarius ME 14 Aquarius ME sqr SA .46 Mer 15 Scorpio VE 28 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.21 Ven 07 Sagittarius MA 0 Leo JU opp PL 2.43 Mar 29 Leo JU 8 Cancer SA sex PL 2.65 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio ME sex UR 3.33 Sat 11 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn NE 4.18 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 31 earth air 2water 5cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Ne .01 Pl Me/Ne .08 Mo Ur/Pl .07 Pl Me/Ne .24 Sa Me/No .47 Sa Me/No .53 Pl Me/Ne .16 Sa Me/No .63 Me Su/Ve 1.58 Me Su/Ve 1.5 Sa Me/No .58 Ve Pl/No 1.12 Ve Pl/No 1.94 Ve Pl/No 1.67 Ve Pl/No 1.39 Me Su/Ve 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.98 Pl Sa/Ne 1.97 Me Su/Ve 1.42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.96 Sa Su/Ve 2.37 Sa Su/Ve 2.6 Pl Sa/Ne 1.96 Pl Mo/Me 2.08 Su Ve/Ma 2.82 Su Ve/Ma 2.86 Sa Su/Ve 2.83 Ve Sa/Pl 2.68 Indian disaster teams have begun a relief operation after Cyclone Phailin smashed homes and blocked roads, but a huge evacuation seems to have paid off. This has been the major event in the world over the past few days and has coincided astrologically with the build up to a lunar eclipse and a quinquncx aspect between Saturn and Uranus. In the USA the deadlock stalemate continues and World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim, has warned the US is just "days away from a very dangerous moment" because of the crisis over the borrowing limit. Mercury is appearing to decelerate to his station in 8 days time. His triple conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio has added to the severity of the fiscal and intransigent nature of the event. We are indeed in an intense approach up to a 'wildcard' penumbral eclipse next Friday night (GMT). We can expect a correspondingly tense week ahead. State of the sky:-The Sun is at 21 degrees Libra today. We are veritably hooked into an eclipse season. There are 4 days to a penumbral lunar eclipse, 22 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse and 68 days to the Winter Solstice. Mercury,Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Moon trine Sun 05:47 Mars quintile Saturn 16:31 Moon opposition Mars becoming void 20:29 Moon enters Pisces 21:07 Mercury biquintile Uranus 23:08 Mercury is a direct evening star in Scorpio, approaching his retrograde phase in repeatable territory and with apparent speed below a degree per day. Mercury turns retrograde on October 21st at 18 degrees Scorpio and is conjunct Saturn a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio on Oct 29th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Scorpio on November 1st, sextiling Mars and Pluto that day. Mercury then conjuncts the lunar node a 2nd time on Nov 3rd at 8 Scorpio, the day of the Solar Eclipse and sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is also an evening 'star' in Sagittarius visible at evening dusk She will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. Venus makes a ravishing fire trine with Uranus on October 16th and then makes no major aspects in Sagittarius. She is however approaching her station. Her apparent motion falls below a degree per day on Nov 1st. and she enters repeatable territory on Nov 21st. She enters Capricorn on Dec 5th and is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. She is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 11th 2014 at 21 Capricorn. Mars is in Leo. Mars leaves Leo for Virgo tomorrow and will oppose Neptune in crazy confusion in 6 days time colouring Friday's lunar eclipse with airs of uncertainty and bewilderment. We are 1 month from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echoes of the this Helio fundamental square. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the 'significantly deep penumbral lunar eclipse' on Friday night.Tuesday 15 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Libra EA 22 Aries UR sqr PL .21 Mon 02 Pisces ME 17 Aquarius JU sqr UR 2.14 Mer 16 Scorpio VE 29 Aquarius JU opp PL 2.35 Ven 08 Sagittarius MA 1 Leo SA sex PL 2.68 Mar 30 Leo JU 9 Cancer ME sqr SA 3.92 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio JU trn NE 4.26 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE con NE 4.82 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 31 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/Me .25 Pl Me/Ne .39 Ve Pl/No .29 Ve Pl/No .02 Pl Me/Ne .32 Ve Pl/No .57 Pl Me/Ne .47 Pl Me/Ne .54 Sa Me/No .68 Sa Me/No .72 Pl Mo/No .64 Sa Me/No .8 Ve Pl/No .84 Pl Mo/Sa .76 Sa Me/No .76 Me Su/Ve .93 Me Su/Ve 1.23 Me Su/Ve 1.14 Pl Mo/Sa .99 Pl Mo/No 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne 1.95 Pl Mo/Me 1.57 Me Su/Ve 1.03 Ve Sa/Pl 1.67 Ve Sa/Pl 2.43 Pl Sa/Ne 1.94 Ve Sa/Pl 1.92 Pl Sa/Ne 1.92 Moon in Pisces conjunction Neptune 01:58The Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the Full Moon and a 09:30 Mars enters Virgo 11:06 Mars resides in this sign for 52 days. Mars opposes Neptune on Oct 20th, colouring the lunar eclipse 2 days earlier with crazy tones. He sextiles the lunar node on October 28th triggering eclipse related events, and is sextiled by Mars on Nov 1st and by the Sun on Nov 3rd at the time of the Solar Eclipse. Mars sextiles Saturn with a very productive aspect on Nov 9th. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Nov 19th and leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Daze readers are advised that Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will have their share of probably unwelcome events. The gibbous Moon in Pisces trines her node 11:32 The Moon makes a waxing square to Venus 11:41 The Moon sextiles Pluto 12:53 The Moon water trines Saturn 17:13 Venus will trine Uranus tomorrow spicing things up a little.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse startsWednesday 16 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Libra EA 23 Aries UR sqr PL .21 Mon 16 Pisces ME 21 Aquarius EA sex ME 1.75 Mer 17 Scorpio VE 1 Pisces JU sqr UR 2.06 Ven 09 Sagittarius MA 1 Leo JU opp PL 2.27 Mar 00 Virgo JU 9 Cancer SA sex PL 2.71 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio VE con NE 3.24 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn NE 4.33 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Pl/No .26 Ve Pl/No .53 Me Su/Ve .57 Me Su/Ve .45 Pl Me/Ne .6 Pl Me/Ne .67 Pl Me/Ne .73 Pl Su/Mo .53 Me Su/Ve .81 Me Su/Ve .7 Ve Pl/No .81 Ve Sa/Pl .65 Sa Me/No .84 Sa Me/No .88 Sa Me/No .91 Pl Me/Ne .79 Ve Sa/Pl 1.41 Ve Sa/Pl 1.16 Ve Sa/Pl .91 Sa Me/No .94 Pl Sa/Ne 1.91 Pl Sa/Ne 1.9 Mo Ur/Ne 1.03 Ve Pl/No 1.08 Pl Mo/No 2.8 Mo Ur/Ne 2.41 Pl Su/Mo 1.3 Pl Sa/Ne 1.88 Better vibrations. Venus is trining Uranus in fire signs. Hot stuff. A loose watery grand trine, involving the gibbous Moon, Mercury and Jupiter manifests 01:00 to 08:00 The decelerating gibbous Moon in Pisces water trines Mercury 02:05The Moon water trines Jupiter becoming void 07:16 Venus trine Uranus 22:05 Lunar pressures are building as we approach the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Friday night.
Thursday 17 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Libra EA 24 Aries UR sqr PL .2 Mon 29 Pisces ME 25 Aquarius EA sex ME .93 Mer 17 Scorpio VE 3 Pisces VE con NE 1.66 Ven 10 Sagittarius MA 2 Leo JU sqr UR 1.99 Mar 01 Virgo JU 9 Cancer JU opp PL 2.19 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.73 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn NE 4.41 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .31 Ve Sa/Pl .15 Me Su/Ve .03 Me Su/Ve .12 Ve Sa/Pl .4 Me Su/Ve .17 Ve Sa/Pl .1 Ve Sa/Pl .35 Pl Me/Ne .85 Pl Me/Ne .9 Pl Me/Ne .96 Pl Me/Ne 1 Sa Me/No .96 Sa Me/No .99 Sa Me/No 1.01 Sa Me/No 1.03 Ve Pl/No 1.35 Ve Pl/No 1.63 Pl Sa/Ne 1.85 Pl Sa/Ne 1.84 Pl Sa/Ne 1.87 Pl Sa/Ne 1.86 Ve Pl/No 1.9 Ve Pl/No 2.17 Pl Su/Mo 2.35 No Su/Me 2.58 No Su/Me 2.39 No Su/Me 2.2 The super charged gibbous pre-eclipse Moon enters Aries 01:19 The build up to Friday's Lunar Eclipse gathers momentum. Mars draws in opposition to Neptune. Moon conjunct Uranus 19:02(2.06 degree orb) Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Libra EA 25 Aries VE con NE .08 Mon 13 Aries ME 28 Aquarius UR sqr PL .2 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 4 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.92 Ven 11 Sagittarius MA 2 Leo JU opp PL 2.11 Mar 02 Virgo JU 9 Cancer SA sex PL 2.76 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio JU trn NE 4.49 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Ve .28 Me Su/Ve .44 Me Su/Ve .61 Me Su/Ve .78 Ve Sa/Pl .6 Ve Sa/Pl .86 Sa Me/No 1.06 Sa Me/No 1.07 Sa Me/No 1.04 Sa Me/No 1.05 Ve Sa/Pl 1.11 Pl Me/Ne 1.17 Pl Me/Ne 1.05 Pl Me/Ne 1.09 Pl Me/Ne 1.13 Ve Sa/Pl 1.36 Pl Sa/Ne 1.83 No Su/Me 1.82 No Su/Me 1.64 No Su/Me 1.46 No Su/Me 2.01 Pl Sa/Ne 1.82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.82 Ve Me/Pl 1.62 Ve Me/Pl 2.28 Ve Me/Pl 2.06 Ve Me/Pl 1.84 Pl Sa/Ne 1.81 Moon square Jupiter 12:56FULL MOON becoming void 23:39 Penumbral lunar Eclipse at 26 degrees Aries. Central eclipse 23:50 GMT MARS IS OPPOSITE NEPTUNE at this
The last lunar eclipse of the year is a relatively deep penumbral eclipse. It should be easily visible to the naked eye as a dusky shading in the southern half of the Moon. The times of the major phases are listed below.
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 21:50:38 UT Greatest Eclipse: 23:50:17 UT Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 01:49:49 UTToday's eclipse is member 52 of the 71 lunar eclipses which comprise Lunar saros series 117. The first eclipse in the series had the moment of greatest eclipse at 17:48 on April 3rd 1094. The chart for this moment is shown below.Lunar Saros 117. This Saros Series appears to be a highly charged 'animal'. Its eclipses seem to coincide with events of importance in all areas of human endeavour. At the height of the Saros, an eclipse in 1815 occured 3 days after the battle of Waterloo. The 1508 eclipse coincided with Michael Angelo starting on the Sistine Chapel, the 1725 eclipse coincided with the treaty of Vienna. The longest Total Eclipse in the Saros in 1707 coincided (8 days after) by the climax to the War of Spanish Succession and the Act of Union which brought into being the State of Great Britain. The last eclipse in the series in 1995 coincided with the discovery of the 1st exoplanet, and by the non-guilty verdict on O.J Simpson. The 1959 eclipse occured as the first plain paper copier was revealed. The seige of Lennigrad started 3 days after the 1941 eclipse. The great Kanto Earthquake which devastated Tokyo and Yokohama occured 6 days after the 1923 eclipse. lunar Saros 117 is well passed 'middle age' but its power and potential to invoke sensational events is not yet faded. The next two eclipses in the saros are on October 30th 2031 and on Nov 9th 2049. Today's eclipse occurs as Mars is opposite Neptune, Uranus is square Pluto, Mercury is trine Jupiter and Venus trines Uranus. At the moment of greatest eclipse the Moon culminates at Birmingham UK. The Sun and Moon are aligned to the UK, and Spain. The Mars Neptune opposition is focussed on Istanbul, Stockholm and Cairo. At Damascus a T-square with Mars, Neptune and the local MC is manifest. The next Total Lunar Eclipse is on April 15th 2014 in Libra, not visible from the UK. The Lunar Eclipse following that is again Total on October 8th 2014. The next Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the UK occurs during the early hours of Monday September 28th 2015 at 5 Aries a 'must-see agenda item'. Pencil it in.
Saturday 19 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Libra EA 26 Aries UR sqr PL .19 Mon 26 Aries ME 2 Pisces VE con NE 1.5 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 6 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.84 Ven 12 Sagittarius MA 3 Leo ME con NE 1.92 Mar 02 Virgo JU 9 Cancer JU opp PL 2.04 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.78 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE trn JU 3.07 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con VE 3.42 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Mo/Pl .19 Sa Me/No 1.07 Ve Me/Pl .93 Ve Me/Pl .69 Me Su/Ve .97 No Su/Me 1.12 No Su/Me .95 No Su/Me .78 Sa Me/No 1.07 Me Su/Ve 1.15 Sa Me/No 1.07 Sa Me/No 1.06 Pl Me/Ne 1.2 Ve Me/Pl 1.16 Pl Me/Ne 1.25 Pl Me/Ne 1.28 No Su/Me 1.29 Pl Me/Ne 1.23 Me Su/Ve 1.35 Me Su/Ve 1.55 Ve Me/Pl 1.39 Ne Mo/Pl 1.45 Pl Sa/Ne 1.78 Pl Sa/Ne 1.77 Ve Sa/Pl 1.61 Pl Sa/Ne 1.79 Ve Sa/Pl 2.11 No Ma/Pl 2.27 Today is essentially a day to recover from the circumstances of the last few days and from last night's lunar eclipse. However Mars will oppose Neptune early tomorrow so the 'wave of confused activity' is still to break. Care is needed at this time. The 'hung over' Full Moon enters Taurus 07:28 and licks her wounds. The Moon 'earth trines' Mars 11:54 Moon sextile Neptune 12:34 Moon opposition her north node 22:35. Wierd scenes tonight.Sunday 20 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Libra EA 27 Aries UR sqr PL .19 Mon 09 Taurus ME 6 Pisces ME con VE 1.02 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 7 Pisces VE trn JU 1.57 Ven 13 Sagittarius MA 3 Leo JU sqr UR 1.77 Mar 03 Virgo JU 9 Cancer JU opp PL 1.96 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio ME con NE 2.05 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn JU 2.59 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 2.81 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE con NE 3.08 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Me/Pl .45 Ve Me/Pl .21 Ve Me/Pl .04 No Su/Me .16 No Su/Me .62 No Su/Me .46 No Su/Me .31 Ve Me/Pl .29 Sa Me/No 1.04 Mo Ju/Ne .72 Ur Mo/Ne .86 Ur Mo/Ne .73 Pl Me/Ne 1.3 Sa Me/No 1.03 Sa Me/No 1.01 Sa Me/No .99 Pl Sa/Ne 1.76 Pl Me/Ne 1.31 Pl Me/Ne 1.32 Pl Me/Ne 1.33 Me Su/Ve 1.76 Pl Sa/Ne 1.75 Pl Sa/Ne 1.74 Ne Mo/Ve 1.49 No Ma/Pl 2.18 Me Su/Ve 1.98 No Ma/Pl 2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.73 The 'hung over' decelerating, waning Moon in Taurus trines Pluto 00:36 Mars opposes Neptune 01:54 casting whirls of colourful chaos. Moon opposition Saturn 06:11 in austere silence Sun quintile Pluto 11:03 creative changes Venus biquintile Jupiter 16:17 expansive affections Moon opposition Mercury 17:53 communication breakdown. Moon sextile Jupiter becoming void 21:03. All's well that ends well.Monday 21 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Libra EA 28 Aries VE trn JU .07 Mon 22 Taurus ME 10 Pisces UR sqr PL .18 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 9 Pisces ME sex PL .45 Ven 14 Sagittarius MA 4 Leo ME trn JU 1.42 Mar 03 Virgo JU 9 Cancer ME con VE 1.49 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio JU sqr UR 1.7 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU opp PL 1.88 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE sex PL 1.95 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.83 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Me .01 No Su/Me .13 No Su/Me .27 No Su/Me .4 Ne Mo/Ve .22 Ve Me/Pl .8 Sa Me/No .89 Sa Me/No .85 Ve Me/Pl .54 Sa Me/No .93 Ve Me/Pl 1.06 Mo Ju/Ur .96 Sa Me/No .96 Pl Me/Ne 1.33 Pl Me/Ne 1.33 Pl Me/Ne 1.32 Pl Me/Ne 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.71 No Ma/Pl 1.64 Ve Me/Pl 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.72 No Ma/Pl 1.73 Pl Sa/Ne 1.7 No Ma/Pl 1.55 No Ma/Pl 1.82 Ne Mo/Ve 1.92 Mo Ju/Ur 2.13 Pl Sa/Ne 1.7 Yesterday at least 30 people were killed by a suicide truck bombing targeting government troops on the edge of the central Syrian city of Hama. A state of emergency was declared in New South Wales as Australian firefighters battled bushfires that are expected to worsen in hot and windy weather. We are in the very sensitive few days wherein eclipse related events are made manifest.MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE 10:30 Mercury is retrograde for 20 days. The decelerating 'post eclipse' Moon enters Gemini 16:15 Mars 'waxing biquintile' Uranus 20:00 The Moon, Mars and Neptune form a mutable T-square 21:00 to midnight. Moon square Neptune 21:33 Moon square Mars 23:48 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 28 degrees Libra today. We are veritably hooked into an eclipse fortnight There are 15 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse. There are 61 days to the Winter Solstice. Mercury,Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. The Sun enters Scorpio on Wednesday. Mercury turns retrograde today at 18 degrees Scorpio. He is conjunct Saturn a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio on Oct 29th, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Scorpio on November 1st, sextiling Mars and Pluto that day. Mercury then conjuncts the lunar node a 2nd time on Nov 3rd at 8 Scorpio, the day of the Solar Eclipse and sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is a brightening evening 'star' in Sagittarius visible at evening dusk. She will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. Venus makes no more major aspects in Sagittarius. She is however approaching her station. Her apparent motion falls below a degree per day on Nov 1st, and she enters repeatable territory on Nov 21st. She enters Capricorn on Dec 5th and is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. She is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 11th 2014 at 21 Capricorn. Mars is in Virgo. He sextiles the lunar node on October 28th triggering eclipse related events, and is sextiled by Mars on Nov 1st and by the Sun on Nov 3rd at the time of the Solar Eclipse. Mars sextiles Saturn with a very productive aspect on Nov 9th. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Nov 19th and leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Daze readers are advised that Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will have their share of probably unsettling events. We are two weeks from the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 7 geocentric squares can be viewed as pre-echos and echoes of the this Helio fundamental square.Tuesday 22 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Libra EA 29 Aries UR sqr PL .18 Mon 04 Gemini ME 15 Pisces VE sex PL .37 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 11 Pisces ME trn SA .9 Ven 15 Sagittarius MA 4 Leo VE trn JU 1.43 Mar 04 Virgo JU 9 Cancer JU sqr UR 1.62 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio JU opp PL 1.8 Sat 12 Scorpio UR 11 Aries SA sex PL 2.86 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE trn SA 3.23 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME con VE 4.13 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Me .53 Ju Mo/Ma .45 Sa Me/No .71 Sa Me/No .66 Sa Me/No .81 No Su/Me .66 No Su/Me .78 No Su/Me .9 Ju Mo/Ma 1.15 Sa Me/No .76 Pl Me/Ne 1.27 No Ma/Pl 1.2 Pl Me/Ne 1.31 Pl Me/Ne 1.29 No Ma/Pl 1.29 Pl Me/Ne 1.24 No Ma/Pl 1.47 No Ma/Pl 1.38 Pl Sa/Ne 1.67 Pl Sa/Ne 1.66 Ve Me/Pl 1.6 Pl Sa/Ne 1.68 Ju Mo/Ma 2.04 No Su/Sa 2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.69 Ve Me/Pl 1.87 Ve Me/Pl 2.14 Ve Me/Pl 2.43 Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Libra. Mercury turned retrograde yesterday and is now heading back towards Mercury which he meets for a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio on in a week's time. This is a week of serious soul searching. The slowly waning full Moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus 11:22The Moon reaches disseminating phase 20:54Wednesday 23 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Libra EA 30 Aries UR sqr PL .17 Mon 16 Gemini ME 19 Pisces VE sex PL 1.21 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 12 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.55 Ven 16 Sagittarius MA 5 Leo VE trn SA 1.67 Mar 04 Virgo JU 9 Cancer JU opp PL 1.72 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.89 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE trn JU 2.93 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 2water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .6 Sa Me/No .53 Mo Ma/Ur .05 Sa Me/No .39 No Su/Me 1.01 Ma Mo/Me .93 Ma Mo/Me .39 No Ma/Pl .84 No Ma/Pl 1.11 No Ma/Pl 1.02 Sa Me/No .46 Ma Mo/Sa 1.01 Pl Me/Ne 1.21 No Su/Me 1.12 No Ma/Pl .93 Pl Me/Ne 1.1 Pl Sa/Ne 1.65 Pl Me/Ne 1.18 Pl Me/Ne 1.14 No Su/Me 1.32 No Su/Sa 1.85 Pl Sa/Ne 1.64 No Su/Me 1.22 No Su/Sa 1.39 Ma Mo/Me 2.27 No Su/Sa 1.7 No Su/Sa 1.54 Pl Sa/Ne 1.62 The very slowly disseminating Moon in Gemini opposes Venus becoming void 00:36 The Sun enters Scorpio 06:11 joining retro-Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node in this sign. A new astrological month commences. The collective mood 'deepens and intensifies'. Mid afternoon GMT 4 points of a 'mystic pentagon' form involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Uranus. The missing point is 29 degrees Capricorn. Mind blowing!Thursday 24 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Scorpio EA 1 Taurus VE trn SA .12 Mon 28 Gemini ME 24 Pisces UR sqr PL .16 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 14 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.48 Ven 18 Sagittarius MA 5 Leo JU opp PL 1.64 Mar 05 Virgo JU 9 Cancer VE sex PL 2.8 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.91 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr MA 4.28 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE trn JU 4.44 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .31 Sa Me/No .22 Sa Me/No .14 Sa Me/No .04 Ma Mo/Sa .35 Ma Mo/No .66 No Ma/Pl .58 No Ma/Pl .49 No Ma/Pl .75 No Ma/Pl .67 Ma Mo/No .67 No Su/Sa .78 Pl Me/Ne 1.05 Pl Me/Ne .99 No Su/Sa .93 Pl Me/Ne .87 No Su/Sa 1.24 No Su/Sa 1.09 Pl Me/Ne .94 Ma Su/Mo 1.19 No Su/Me 1.42 No Su/Me 1.51 Pl Sa/Ne 1.59 Ur Mo/Pl 1.49 Pl Sa/Ne 1.61 Pl Sa/Ne 1.6 No Su/Me 1.6 Pl Sa/Ne 1.59 The very slowly waning disseminating Moon enters Cancer 03:37 joining Jupiter in this sign. Seven bodies are then in water signs. Emotions will run high over the next 2 days. Mars makes a waxing semi-square to Jupiter 05:09 The Moon forms a watery grand trine with the Sun and Neptune 05:00 to 09:00 Moon trine Sun 05:34 Moon trine Neptune 09:02 Moon sextile Mars 14:32 Moon trine her node 19:30 Retro-Mercury quintiles Mars 20:54 Another Cardinal T-square manifests 22:00 to midnight. Moon opposition Pluto 22:21 Moon square Uranus 23:10Friday 25 October Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Scorpio EA 2 Taurus UR sqr PL .16 Mon 10 Cancer ME 28 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.4 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 15 Pisces VE trn SA 1.44 Ven 19 Sagittarius MA 5 Leo JU opp PL 1.56 Mar 06 Virgo JU 9 Cancer EA sex NE 2.58 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio SA sex PL 2.94 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr MA 3.73 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/No .05 Sa Me/No .16 No Ma/Pl .22 No Ma/Pl .13 Ma Su/Mo .27 No Ma/Pl .31 Sa Me/No .26 No Su/Sa .17 No Ma/Pl .4 No Su/Sa .48 No Su/Sa .32 Sa Me/No .37 No Su/Sa .63 Pl Me/Ne .74 Pl Me/Ne .66 Pl Me/Ne .58 Pl Me/Ne .81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.57 Pl Sa/Ne 1.56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.55 Pl Sa/Ne 1.58 Ma Su/Mo 1.73 No Su/Me 1.89 No Su/Me 1.95 No Su/Me 1.75 No Su/Me 1.83 Yesterday morning I woke to the news that Germany's chancellor had said it is "really not on" for friends to spy on each other, as an EU summit was overshadowed by a row over US surveillance. In the relationship chart of Angela Merkel and Barack Obama transiting Saturn yesterday was exactly sextile their relationship Mercury casting a shadow on communication issues. Today the Moon in Cancer, very slowly approaching last quarter 'water trines' Saturn 05:23 Moon 'water trines' Mercury 14:18The Moon is at apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 14:27 The Moon conjuncts Jupiter becoming void 20:32 The Sun trines Neptune 22:41Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK, of star 68 Gemini,
23:54 to 00:47Saturday 26 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Scorpio EA 3 Taurus UR sqr PL .15 Mon 22 Cancer ME 3 Aries JU sqr UR 1.33 Mer 17 Scorpio VE 17 Pisces JU opp PL 1.48 Ven 20 Sagittarius MA 6 Leo EA sex NE 1.59 Mar 06 Virgo JU 9 Cancer SA sex PL 2.96 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio VE trn SA 2.99 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn MA 3.02 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sqr MA 3.18 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU trn SA 4.45 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Sa .02 No Ma/Pl .05 No Ma/Pl .13 Pl Me/Ne .21 No Ma/Pl .04 No Su/Sa .13 No Su/Sa .29 No Ma/Pl .22 Pl Me/Ne .49 Pl Me/Ne .4 Pl Me/Ne .31 No Su/Sa .44 Sa Me/No .49 Sa Me/No .61 Sa Me/No .74 Sa Me/No .87 Pl Sa/Ne 1.54 Pl Sa/Ne 1.53 Pl Sa/Ne 1.52 Pl Sa/Ne 1.51 No Su/Me 2.01 No Su/Me 2.07 No Su/Me 2.11 No Su/Me 2.16 European leaders warned Friday that reports of widespread spying on world leaders by the U.S. National Security Agency have raised "deep concerns" and could affect intelligence gathering. This is a real 'backward step' in free world trust and cooperation. The revelations and warnings occur as Mercury retrogrades towards Saturn in Scorpio. Sign of the times.Significant geocentric 10th harmonic wave around 12:00 GMT The very slowly waning Moon is void of course in Cancer. The Moon enters Leo 16:13 Venus waxing quinquncx Jupiter 16:32The Moon reaches last quarter 23:42 Sunday 27 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Scorpio EA 4 Taurus UR sqr PL .15 Mon 04 Leo ME 8 Aries EA sex NE .6 Mer 16 Scorpio VE 18 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.26 Ven 21 Sagittarius MA 6 Leo JU opp PL 1.41 Mar 07 Virgo JU 10 Cancer ME trn MA 1.46 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio ME sqr JU 1.7 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr MA 2.64 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con UR 2.96 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 2.99 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Ne .1 Pl Me/Ne .01 Pl Me/Ne .12 Pl Me/Ne .24 No Ma/Pl .31 No Ma/Pl .4 No Ma/Pl .49 No Ma/Pl .58 No Su/Sa .59 No Su/Sa .74 No Su/Sa .9 Mo Ma/Ju .94 Sa Me/No 1 Sa Me/No 1.14 Sa Me/No 1.29 No Su/Sa 1.05 Pl Sa/Ne 1.5 Pl Sa/Ne 1.49 Pl Sa/Ne 1.48 Sa Me/No 1.44 No Su/Me 2.2 No Su/Me 2.23 No Su/Me 2.26 Pl Sa/Ne 1.48 No Su/Me 2.29 Solar activity at the current time is high. Today Venus makes a waning quintile to Neptune 01:17, kiss and tell. The slow but now accelerating last quarter Moon in Leo squares her nodal axis 07:47 The Moon 'fire trines' Uranus 11:30 Retro-Mercury waning biquintile Uranus 16:33 Moon 'fixed square' Saturn 18:25 Moon 'fixed square' Mercury 22:57Monday 28 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Scorpio EA 5 Taurus UR sqr PL .14 Mon 16 Leo ME 13 Aries EA sex NE .39 Mer 15 Scorpio VE 20 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.18 Ven 22 Sagittarius MA 7 Leo JU opp PL 1.33 Mar 07 Virgo JU 10 Cancer ME sqr PL 1.96 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sqr MA 2.09 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME con UR 2.1 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 3.02 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME sqr JU 3.29 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Ne .36 Pl Me/Ne .49 Pl Me/Ne .62 Pl Me/Ne .75 No Ma/Pl .67 No Ma/Pl .75 No Ma/Pl .84 No Ma/Pl .93 No Su/Sa 1.2 No Su/Sa 1.36 Pl Sa/Ne 1.45 Pl Sa/Ne 1.44 Pl Sa/Ne 1.47 Pl Sa/Ne 1.46 No Su/Sa 1.51 No Su/Sa 1.66 Sa Me/No 1.59 Sa Me/No 1.75 Sa Me/No 1.91 Sa Me/No 2.07 Mo Ma/Ju 2 No Su/Me 2.33 No Su/Me 2.34 No Su/Me 2.35 No Su/Me 2.31 Astrologically this is a very watery and fixed period. This results in an intense and strong 'atmosphere'. We are just one week from a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Scorpio which will bring great forces of change to bear on our lives, and of course Mercury is in his retrograde period applying in a very sobering second conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio. The time is difficult, the cosmos full of intent. We are at the height of the sequence of 7 Uranus Pluto geocentric squares over a period of 3 years from 2012 to 2015. A climax of sorts lies ahead of us. Mars sextile Node 11:29 Moon trine Venus becoming void 12:27 Venus semi square Node 23:56 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 5 degrees Scorpio today. We are veritably hooked into an eclipse fortnight There are 7 days to a Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse. There are 54 days to the Winter Solstice. The Sun, retro-Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Retro-Mercury is conjunct Saturn a 2nd time at 13 degrees Scorpio tomorrow, and is at Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Scorpio on November 1st, sextiling Mars and Pluto that day. Mercury then conjuncts the lunar node a 2nd time on Nov 3rd at 8 Scorpio, the day of the Solar Eclipse and sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is a brightening evening 'star' in Sagittarius visible at evening dusk. She will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. Venus makes no more major aspects in Sagittarius. She is however approaching her station. Her apparent motion falls below a degree per day on Nov 1st, and she enters repeatable territory on Nov 21st. She enters Capricorn on Dec 5th and is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. She is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 11th 2014 at 21 Capricorn. Mars is in Virgo. He sextiles the lunar node today maybe triggering eclipse related events, and Mars 'earth trines' Pluto on October 31st in a very strongly 'power play' time. Mars is sextiled by retro-Mercury on Nov 1st and by the Sun on Nov 3rd, the day of the Solar Eclipse. Mars sextiles Saturn with a very productive aspect on Nov 9th. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Nov 19th and leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Daze readers are advised that Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will probably have their share of unsettling events. We are at the the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurs on Nov 1st and the single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. Through the early morning hours and into dawn Tuesday morning, the waning crescent Moon forms a triangle with Mars and Regulus in the eastern sky — for the second time this month. By dawn it's high in the southeast. The wave of the week is that of the Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Scorpio next Sunday.Tuesday 29 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Scorpio EA 6 Taurus UR sqr PL .14 Mon 28 Leo ME 18 Aries JU sqr UR 1.11 Mer 14 Scorpio VE 22 Pisces JU opp PL 1.25 Ven 23 Sagittarius MA 7 Leo EA sex NE 1.39 Mar 08 Virgo JU 10 Cancer EA sqr MA 1.54 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.04 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 3.54 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces JU trn SA 4.29 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Me/Ne .89 Su Mo/Pl .71 Su Mo/Pl .59 No Mo/Pl .76 No Ma/Pl 1.02 Pl Me/Ne 1.03 No Mo/Pl .82 No Ma/Pl 1.28 Pl Sa/Ne 1.43 No Ma/Pl 1.11 Pl Me/Ne 1.18 Pl Me/Ne 1.33 No Su/Sa 1.82 Pl Sa/Ne 1.42 No Ma/Pl 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.4 Su Mo/Pl 2.01 No Su/Sa 1.97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.41 Su Mo/Pl 1.9 Sa Me/No 2.24 No Su/Me 2.36 No Su/Sa 2.12 No Su/Sa 2.27 No Su/Me 2.35 No Mo/Pl 2.38 No Su/Me 2.35 No Su/Me 2.35 Today Mercury retrogrades into the tempering bosom of Saturn. Serious mental and cerebral issues are brought to bear. The slow but accelerating Moon, well past last quarter, enters Virgo 03:45 joining Mars and comet Ison in that sign.harmonic 10 around 06:00 GMT The Moon opposes Neptune 08:53 Moon sextile Sun 16:07 Moon sextiles her node 18:27 Moon conjunction Mars 20:06 Mercury conjunction Saturn 20:48 Moon trine Pluto 21:50
Significant geocentricWednesday 30 October Comet Ison is also in the frame above. Not yet visible to the naked eye. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Scorpio EA 7 Taurus UR sqr PL .13 Mon 11 Virgo ME 23 Aries EA sqr MA .98 Mer 13 Scorpio VE 23 Pisces JU sqr UR 1.04 Ven 24 Sagittarius MA 8 Leo JU opp PL 1.17 Mar 09 Virgo JU 10 Cancer EA sex NE 2.38 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sex JU 3.05 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries SA sex PL 3.07 Ura 10 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA trn UR 3.1 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn PL 4.22 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Ma/Pl 1.37 Mo Su/Ju .01 Mo Ju/Sa .05 Su Mo/Ve .23 Pl Sa/Ne 1.39 Mo Ju/No .32 Sa Mo/Pl .27 No Mo/Ve .32 Pl Me/Ne 1.48 Me Mo/Pl 1.34 Mo Me/Ju .37 Sa Mo/Pl 1.3 Su Ma/Pl 2.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.39 Me Mo/Pl .56 Pl Sa/Ne 1.37 No Su/Me 2.34 No Ma/Pl 1.46 Pl Sa/Ne 1.38 No Ma/Pl 1.64 No Mo/Pl 2.35 Pl Me/Ne 1.63 No Ma/Pl 1.55 Su Ma/Pl 1.73 No Su/Sa 2.43 Sa Mo/Pl 1.84 Su Mo/Ve 1.71 Me Sa/No 1.76 The accelerating old Moon in Virgo sextiles Mercury 04:36 forming a 'finger of fate' with Uranus at this time. The Moon sextiles Saturn 05:25 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 18:40 The Sun conjuncts the lunar node 20:02The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 22:53 . The procession to the Solar Eclipse on Sunday is then fully underway.Thursday 31 October 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Scorpio EA 8 Taurus UR sqr PL .13 Mon 23 Virgo ME 29 Aries EA sqr MA .43 Mer 12 Scorpio VE 25 Pisces JU sqr UR .96 Ven 25 Sagittarius MA 8 Leo JU opp PL 1.09 Mar 09 Virgo JU 10 Cancer EA sex JU 2.13 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio MA trn UR 2.66 Sat 13 Scorpio UR 11 Aries SA sex PL 3.09 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn PL 3.22 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA sex NE 3.37 Plu 09 Capricorn No 08 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Ve 1.26 Me Mo/Ve .9 Me Su/Sa .44 Me Su/Sa .02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.36 Me Su/Sa .9 Me Sa/No .79 Me Sa/No .47 Me Su/Sa 1.36 Me Sa/No 1.12 Sa Mo/Ve 1.03 Sa Mo/Ve .71 No Mo/Ve 1.43 Pl Sa/Ne 1.35 Me Mo/Ve 1.18 Su Me/No .78 Me Sa/No 1.44 Su Ma/Pl 1.38 Su Ma/Pl 1.2 Su Ma/Pl 1.03 Su Ma/Pl 1.55 Su Me/No 1.61 Su Me/No 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.33 No Ma/Pl 1.73 No Ma/Pl 1.81 Pl Sa/Ne 1.34 Me Ma/Pl 1.49 The Sun and Mars are hooked into the Uranus Pluto square today and tomorrow. Mars and the Lunar Node, with Mercury and the Sun, are in 'yod' formation with Uranus. We have a volatile astrological situation on our hands. The ensuing days are brimming with potential events. Also Uranus is exactly square Pluto on Friday. This is the 4th of 7 squares over the 3 year period 2012 -2015. This is heavy weight astrology. The Inferior Conjunction of Mercury also occurs on Friday. A rare hybrid solar eclipse occurs on Sunday. In the pre-dawn skies of the Northern hemisphere Comet Ison is shortly to make its 'naked eye' appearance. The time is indeed overflowing with fate and fortune. The accelerating balsamic Moon in Virgo squares Venus becoming void 02:49 Mars trine Pluto 10:50 The Moon enters Libra 12:23 Mars quinquncx Uranus 12:56 Retro-Mercury, on the Sun Saturn midpoint, semi-squares Venus 23:49Friday 1 November 2013Comet ISON and Mars November 1, 2013, just before Sunrise in the eastern sky (Northern Hemisphere). This occurs slightly after the long-standing ISON-Mars conjunction in earlier Leo. ISON's brightness and tail-length are approximations.
Sky Simulation: Nick Anthony Fiorenza Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Scorpio EA 9 Taurus EA sqr MA .12 Mon 06 Libra ME 5 Taurus UR sqr PL .12 Mer 11 Scorpio VE 26 Pisces ME sex NE .32 Ven 26 Sagittarius MA 9 Leo JU sqr UR .89 Mar 10 Virgo JU 10 Cancer JU opp PL 1.01 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sex JU 1.22 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 2.23 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn PL 2.23 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 3.12 Plu 09 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Sa/No .13 Su Me/No .06 Me Ma/Pl .3 Me Ma/Pl .1 Su Me/No .36 Pl Mo/Ur .16 Su Me/No .48 Su Ma/Pl .33 Me Su/Sa .48 Me Sa/No .2 Su Ma/Pl .5 Me Sa/No .86 Su Ma/Pl .85 Mo Su/Ma .31 Me Sa/No .53 Su Me/No .9 Me Ma/Pl 1.1 Mo Me/Ma .38 Mo Ma/Sa 1.27 Su Sa/No 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne 1.32 Su Ma/Pl .68 Pl Sa/Ne 1.3 Me Su/No 1.23 Mo Ve/Ju 1.67 Me Ma/Pl .7 Su Sa/No 1.33 Pl Sa/Ne 1.3 This morning (GMT) around 05:30, the Moon, joins the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Pluto and the lunar node at 7-9 degrees of their respective signs. A remarkable array. Venus's apparent motion falls below a degree per day today prior to her station on the Winter Solstice day. The Moon, Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal T-square 05:00 to 11:00 Moon square Pluto 05:27 Moon opposition Uranus 05:28 Uranus square Pluto 10:34 Retro-Mercury sextile Mars 12:04 Sun waning quinquncx Uranus 16:45 Sun sextile Pluto 17:06 Mercury Inferior Conjunction with the Sun 20:20 This is the 9th Inferior Conjunction of Mercury before a 'transit of Mercury' across the disc of the Sun on May 9th 2016. Retro-morning star-Mercury sextiles Pluto 22:45 and quinquncx Uranus 23:17 36 hours to the solar eclipse as the day ends.Saturday 2 November 2013 November 2nd 2013. The old Moon occults Spica (directed onto the UK at Moonrise).http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot.comGeocentric Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Scorpio EA 10 Taurus UR sqr PL .12 Mon 20 Libra ME 10 Taurus EA sex JU .3 Mer 09 Scorpio VE 28 Pisces ME sex JU .46 Ven 27 Sagittarius MA 9 Leo ME trn PL .47 Mar 10 Virgo JU 10 Cancer EA sqr MA .67 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA con ME .76 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU sqr UR .82 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces JU opp PL .93 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA trn PL 1.23 Plu 09 Capricorn No 07 Scorpio
fire 22 earth air 1water 6Strong helio harmonic 12cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Ma/Pl .15 Su Ma/Pl .03 Me Su/No .09 Su Sa/No .12 Ve Mo/Ne .44 Me Su/No .35 Su Ma/Pl .2 Su Ma/Pl .38 Me Ma/Pl .5 Su Sa/No .6 Su Sa/No .36 Ma Mo/Ju .39 Me Su/No .79 Me Ma/Pl .9 Su Me/Sa 1.02 No Mo/Sa .4 Su Sa/No .85 Ve Mo/Ne 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.27 Me Su/No .53 Me Sa/No 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.28 Me Ma/Pl 1.29 Su Me/Sa .62 Pl Sa/Ne 1.29 Su Me/Sa 1.41 Me Sa/No 1.86 Pl Sa/Ne 1.26 The Scorpio Sun on the day before his eclipse is on the Mars/Pluto midpoint. There is vitality, purpose and inevitable will today. The accelerating ancient Moon in Libra squares Jupiter 01:01Minor lunar occultation, observable telescopically from the UK, Moon sextile Venus becoming void 12:48 for 5 hours. The Moon enters Scorpio 17:36, joining her node,the Sun retro-Mercury and Saturn in this sign. The Moon 'water trines' Neptune 22:06 We stand on the edge of destiny with tomorrows rare eclipse. Read on. Visit the Daze regularly.
of Spica, 05:31 to 06:08Sunday 3 November 2013 Eclipse DayGeocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Scorpio EA 11 Taurus UR sqr PL .11 Mon 04 Scorpio ME 16 Taurus EA trn PL .24 Mer 08 Scorpio VE 30 Pisces EA sex JU .62 Ven 28 Sagittarius MA 9 Leo JU sqr UR .74 Mar 11 Virgo JU 10 Cancer JU opp PL .86 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sqr MA 1.23 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 1.35 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME opp SA 2.28 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 3.17 Plu 09 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Sa/No .12 No Mo/Me .13 Mo Me/Sa .08 Su Mo/No .65 No Su/Mo .17 Su Me/Sa .16 Mo Sa/No .14 Su Mo/Me .74 Su Me/Sa .23 Mo Me/No .35 Mo Ma/Pl .44 Su Sa/No .85 Su Ma/Pl .55 Su Sa/No .36 Su Me/Sa .55 Su Me/Sa .94 Mo Ve/Ma .56 Su Mo/Sa .44 Su Sa/No .61 Sa Su/Mo 1.01 Me Mo/Sa .67 Me Mo/No .48 Su Ma/Pl .9 Pl Mo/Ne 1.02 Me Su/Mo .87 Su Ma/Pl .73 Su Mo/Sa 1.09 Su Ma/Pl 1.08 Yesterday Pakistan's interior minister said the death of Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud by USA drone attack has destroyed the country's nascent peace process. The attack occurred on Friday November 1st 2013, 2 days before a Solar Eclipse. The Eclipse directly hits the Moon in the USA/Pakistan relationship chart. This is the 'life support system' of the said relationship. I can't help thinking that the US strike will incur a most unpleasant reprisal, and that generally the USA has not made too clever a performance on the world stage recently. The eavesdropping on Angela Merkel, the shutdown of the government and now this drone attack have occurred as the US progressed Moon in Scorpio is applying to progressed Saturn, exact in a month's time, and transiting Saturn has recently been in trine relationship to US natal Saturn. This pair are tightly square in the USA natal chart so this transit has obviously set off an in built flaw in the essential spirit of the US nation.7th harmonic in Gemini involving the Moon, her node, Uranus, Mercury and Venus 00:00 to 06:00 GMT.
Significant geocentricMoon conjunction Node 06:15 Moon conjunction Mercury (a tight 0.28 degree orb) 06:52 Sun sextile Mars 08:50 Moon sextile Pluto 09:49 Moon sextile Mars 12:43 NEW MOON 12:51 November 3rd 2013. Annular/Total Solar Eclipse 12-47 GMT at 11 degrees Scorpio conjunct Saturn, sextile Mars, visible from the Atlantic ocean, and central Africa.
The final event of 2013 is the most interesting eclipse of the year. It is one of the rare hybrid or annular/total eclipses in which some sections of the path are annular while other parts are total. The duality comes about when the vertex of the Moon's umbral shadow pierces Earth's surface at some locations, but falls short of the planet along other sections of the path. The unusual geometry is due to the curvature of Earth's surface that brings some geographic locations into the umbra while other positions are more distant and enter the antumbral rather than umbral shadow. In most cases, the central path begins annular, changes to total for the middle portion of the track, and reverts back to annular towards the end of the path. However, November 3 eclipse is even more unique because the central path to begins annular and ends total. Because hybrid eclipses occur near the vertex of the Moon's umbral/antumbral shadows, the central path is typically quite narrow.The hybrid eclipse of 2013 is visible from within a thin corridor, which traverses the North Atlantic and equatorial Africa. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes eastern North America, northern South America, southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Astrologically today's eclipse is an intense affair in tropcal Scorpio conjunct Saturn and sextile Mars. It's message is a serious appraisal of current financial legacy. It represents a no-nonsense, hard hitting reminder of the harshness and precarious of the human situation. Timings of the eclipse. First peumbral contact 10:04:33 First umbral contact 11:05:17 Full umbral contact 11:05:21 Full penumbral contact 12:13:09 Maximum Eclipse 12:47 End of full penumbral contact 13:20:01 End of umbral contact 14:27:43 End of penumbral eclipse 15:28:22 Solar Saros 143 Today's eclipse is member 23 of the 72 eclipses which make up Solar Saros 143. This 'family of eclipses' started with a partial solar eclipse on March 7th 1617 with a central eclipse time of 10:05:36 TD. The Saros 'went Total' in 1797 and peaked early with the longest Total Solar Eclipse on August 19th 1887. The last Total Eclipse in the saros was on October 24th 1995. Today's eclipse is the 1st of 3 hybrids. The Saros ends in the year 2897. The chart of the first eclipse in 1617 is shown below set for London. It has the Sun and Moon in Pisces. Saturn is conjunct Pluto in Taurus sextile Uranus. Mercury opposes neptune and Venus is square Jupiter.There is a definite menace at work with the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Taurus in this Saros chart. The last eclipse in this Saros in October 1995 preceded by 4 days the world's worst subway disaster in Baku. The October 1977 eclipse was one day before the hijack of Lufthansa flight 181 by the Red Army, and 8 days before the 3 deaths in the Lynard Skynyrd rock band. Six days before the October 1959 eclipse Typhoon Vera in Japan killed 5000. Five days after this eclipse the first photos of the dark side of the Moon were captured. At the time of the September 1941 eclipse, to return to the menacing theme, the Germans were advancing into Russia and the Holocaust was in full sway. The Sept. 1923 eclipse was preceded by 2 days with the Honda Point disaster which was the largest peacetime loss of U.S.Navy ships and by 9 days by the Great Kanto Earthquake which killed over 100000. The August 1905 eclipse coincided with the start of the Russian Revolution. The longest Total Eclipse in this Saros in Aug. 1887 was followed 6 weeks later by the Yellow Flood disaster starting, killing 1-2 million. At the moment of maximum eclipse today the Sun and Moon are rising at Dallas and have just set at Karachi. Jupiter culminates at San Francisco, Mars at Boston, Pluto at Mogadishu, Venus at Ankara. Neptune rises at Belgrade. Jupiter sets over England. Today's eclipse directly hits the natal Venus of Vladmir Putin and Keith Richards, the natal Mars of Joseph Biden, the natal Neptune of Jamaica, the natal Saturn of Barack Obama'a 2nd inauguration chart and the ascendant of the UKIP chart. During the course of the eclipse, Mercury conjuncts the lunar node 14:20 After the eclipse has ended the New Moon conjuncts Saturn (2.12 degree orb) at 17:19. This is not at all an easy start to the new lunar cycle, and the eclipse and the Saros to which it belongs both have a rather unpleasant feel. What we can look forward to is the Sun in Scorpio in water trine to Jupiter in 9 days time.
Monday 4 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Scorpio EA 12 Taurus UR sqr PL .11 Mon 18 Scorpio ME 22 Taurus JU sqr UR .67 Mer 07 Scorpio VE 1 Aries EA trn PL .76 Ven 29 Sagittarius MA 10 Leo JU opp PL .78 Mar 11 Virgo JU 10 Cancer MA trn UR .92 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sex JU 1.54 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr MA 1.79 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA opp SA 2.44 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 3.2 Plu 09 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 22 earth air 0water 7cardinal 3fixed 5mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Me .65 Sa Mo/Me .05 Me Ve/Ma .85 Me Ve/Ma .38 Pl Mo/Ne .75 Sa Mo/No .42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.2 Pl Sa/Ne 1.19 Sa Su/Mo .86 Pl Sa/Ne 1.21 Su Sa/No 1.58 Ma Me/Ju 1.37 Su Mo/No .88 Me Ve/Ma 1.33 Su Ma/Pl 1.61 No Ve/Ma 1.65 Su Sa/No 1.09 Su Sa/No 1.33 Ma Me/Ju 1.65 Su Ma/Pl 1.78 Pl Sa/Ne 1.22 Su Ma/Pl 1.43 Sa Mo/Me 1.67 Su Sa/No 1.82 Su Ma/Pl 1.26 Su Me/Sa 1.7 No Ve/Ma 1.86 No Su/Me 1.95 The fast moving new baby Moon in Scorpio water trines Jupiter becoming void 04:24 and remaining that way for 16 hours. Venus waxing semi-square Saturn 07:33 The Moon enters Sagittarius 20:15 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 12 degrees Scorpio today, and is conjunct Saturn on Wednesday. We are still in the event shadow of an eclipse fortnight, the Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse occured yesterday. There are 47 days to the Winter Solstice. The Sun, retro-Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Retro-Mercury is now a morning 'star'. He sextiles Venus on Nov 8th. He turns direct on Nov 10th at 3 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Neptune for a 2nd and 3rd time around this station. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of a degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is a brightening evening 'star' in Sagittarius visible at evening dusk. She will adorn the evening sky for the remainder of 2013. Venus makes no more major aspects in Sagittarius. She is however approaching her station. Her apparent motion fell below a degree per day on Nov 1st, and she enters repeatable territory on Nov 21st. She enters Capricorn tomorrow and is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. She is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun on Jan 11th 2014 at 21 Capricorn. Mars is in Virgo. Mars sextiles Saturn next saturday and sextiles Jupiter on Nov 19th. He leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Daze readers are advised that Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will probably have their share of unseasonable distractions. We are at the the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occured on Nov 1st. The single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the combination of the industrious Mars in Virgo sextile Saturn, and stationary-Mercury in Scorpio hovering trine Neptune next weekend. A strange mixture of mystery, imagination and application. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 5 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Scorpio EA 13 Taurus UR sqr PL .1 Mon 02 Sagittarius ME 29 Taurus MA trn UR .48 Mer 06 Scorpio VE 3 Aries JU sqr UR .6 Ven 30 Sagittarius MA 10 Leo JU opp PL .7 Mar 12 Virgo JU 10 Cancer EA opp SA 1.46 Jup 21 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA trn PL 1.76 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr MA 2.34 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA sex JU 2.46 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 3.22 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 0water 6cardinal 3fixed 4mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/Ma .08 Me Ve/Ma .54 Ma Me/Ju .56 Ma Me/Ju .29 Mo Me/Ve .44 Mo Su/Ve .56 Me Ve/Ma .98 No Ve/Ma .83 Ma Me/Ju 1.1 Ma Me/Ju .82 No Ve/Ma 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.15 Pl Sa/Ne 1.18 Mo Ve/Sa 1.11 Mo Pl/No 1.12 Mo Sa/Pl 1.31 Mo Ve/No 1.21 Pl Sa/Ne 1.17 Pl Sa/Ne 1.16 Ma Ju/No 1.41 No Ve/Ma 1.45 No Ve/Ma 1.24 Ma Ju/No 1.56 Me Ve/Ma 1.42 Pl Su/Ne 1.84 Mo Ma/Ne 1.51 Pl Su/Ne 1.6 Pl Su/Ne 1.48 The very rapidly waxing baby new Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune 00:34 Venus enters Capricorn 08:44 joining Pluto in this sign. Venus will reside in this sign for a lengthy 119 days and will undergo retrograde motion during this time. Her apparent motion fell below a degree per day on Nov. 1st. Venus sextiles Neptune on Nov. 8th, sextiles the lunar node on Nov. 13th, and squares Uranus and conjuncts Pluto on Nov. 15th. Venus enters repeatable territory on Nov. 21st, sextiles Saturn on Nov. 23rd and opposes Jupiter on Nov. 28th. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. The entire period is one of 'sincere affection' and 'financial constructivism'. The triple sextile to Saturn adds to the formality and 'establishment nature' of the time. Mars currently in Virgo is quite content with Venus in Capricorn but when he enters Libra on Dec 8th his footloose nature will clash with the security seeking goddess. The Moon fire trines Uranus 11:39 The Moon squares Mars 16:49 becoming void and remaining that way for a long 29 hours.Wednesday 6 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Scorpio EA 14 Taurus MA trn UR .05 Mon 17 Sagittarius ME 5 Gemini UR sqr PL .1 Mer 05 Scorpio VE 4 Aries ME sqr NE .44 Ven 01 Capricorn MA 11 Leo ME sex VE .47 Mar 13 Virgo JU 10 Cancer EA opp SA .49 Jup 21 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio JU sqr UR .52 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU opp PL .62 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces EA trn PL 2.75 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA sqr MA 2.9 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Me/Ju .03 Ma Me/Ju .22 No Ve/Ma .21 No Ve/Ma .01 No Ve/Ma .62 No Ve/Ma .42 Ma Me/Ju .47 Ma Me/Ju .71 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Ve Mo/Pl .87 Ve Mo/Pl .71 Ma Ju/No .82 Ma Ju/No 1.26 Ma Ju/No 1.12 Me Mo/Ma .85 Pl Su/Ne 1.01 Pl Su/Ne 1.37 Pl Sa/Ne 1.14 Ma Ju/No .97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.12 Me Ve/Ma 1.84 Pl Su/Ne 1.25 Pl Sa/Ne 1.13 Me Mo/Ma 1.25 No Su/Me 2.02 No Su/Me 2.05 Pl Su/Ne 1.13 No Mo/Ma 1.81 Yesterday for most of the day D.R. Congo was the main news story. The M23 rebel group in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo said it is ending its insurgency, hours after the government claimed military victory. DR Congo had the path of Totality of Sunday's Total Solar Eclipse pass right through it. India has successfully launched a spacecraft to the Red Planet with the aim of becoming the fourth space agency to reach Mars. The Mars Orbiter Mission took off at 09:08 GMT from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre on the country's east coast. Transiting Saturn is making square aspects to India's natal Saturn, natal MC and natal Venus. Quite an achievement. At the moment of launch the planet Mars was actually setting over India. Venus was about to culminate. Money, prestige and technological advancement mark this event.09:20 Sun conjunction Saturn 12:02
Today the Moon is perigee, fastest all month, closest to EarthThe rapidly waxing Moon hits crescent phase 21:07 at 30 Sagittarius The Moon enters Capricorn 21:45 joining Venus and Pluto. There are then 10 planets in negative signs. Intense self repressive energy is now in abundance. The Moon applies in conjunction to Venus in Capricorn as the (GMT) day ends. Value.Thursday 7 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Scorpio EA 15 Taurus UR sqr PL .09 Mon 01 Capricorn ME 11 Gemini ME sex MA .17 Mer 04 Scorpio VE 6 Aries ME sex UR .21 Ven 02 Capricorn MA 11 Leo MA trn UR .39 Mar 13 Virgo JU 10 Cancer JU sqr UR .45 Jup 21 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA opp SA .48 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU opp PL .54 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr SA 2.98 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 3.27 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 0water 6Significant helio harmonic 12cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Mo/Ma .09 Mo Ne/No .13 Mo Sa/Ne .17 Ma Ju/No .22 No Ve/Ma .2 No Ve/Ma .4 Mo Su/Ne .27 Pl Su/Ne .53 Ma Ju/No .67 Ma Ju/No .52 Ma Ju/No .37 Ve Me/Ne .71 Pl Su/Ne .89 Mo Ve/Pl .68 No Ve/Ma .61 No Ve/Ma .81 Ma Me/Ju .95 Pl Su/Ne .77 Pl Su/Ne .65 Pl Sa/Ne 1.08 Pl Sa/Ne 1.11 Pl Sa/Ne 1.1 Ve Me/Ne 1.03 Sa Mo/Ma 1.45 Ve Me/Ne 1.69 Ma Me/Ju 1.18 Pl Sa/Ne 1.09 Ma Me/Ju 1.63 The Moon, Venus and Pluto are now in Capricorn. Ten bodies are in feminine signs. Self repressive nurturing energy predominates. The rapidly waxing crescent Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Venus 00:23 The Moon sextiles Neptune 02:01 The Moon sextiles Mercury 04:03At 06:14 GMT today the Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio. We are then half way between Equinox and Solstice. In the northern hemisphere the darkest quarter of the year begins, the season is 'fading'. In the south the lightest quarter of the year starts, it is early summer. Moon sextile Node 09:33 Sun biquintile Uranus 11:59 Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 12:00 GMT Moon square Uranus 12:59 Moon conjunction Pluto 13:32 Moon trine Mars 20:18 Moon sextile Saturn 21:32 Moon sextile Sun 23:44Friday 8 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Scorpio EA 16 Taurus UR sqr PL .08 Mon 16 Capricorn ME 17 Gemini JU sqr UR .38 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 8 Aries JU opp PL .46 Ven 03 Capricorn MA 12 Leo MA trn UR .82 Mar 14 Virgo JU 11 Cancer EA opp SA 1.45 Jup 21 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio MA sqr SA 2.57 Sat 14 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE sqr JU 2.98 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 3.3 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE con UR 3.36 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/No .07 Ma Ju/No .08 Mo Ur/No .04 Pl Su/Ne .05 Pl Mo/Ve .36 Ve Me/Ne .1 Pl Su/Ne .17 Mo Sa/Ur .15 Sa Mo/Ma .4 Pl Su/Ne .29 Ve Me/Ne .2 Ne Mo/Ur .37 Ve Me/Ne .4 Su Mo/Ma .7 Ma Ju/No .23 Ma Ju/No .38 Pl Su/Ne .41 Pl Sa/Ne 1.07 Pl Sa/Ne 1.06 Ve Me/Ne .49 Su Mo/Ma .92 No Ve/Ma 1.22 No Ve/Ma 1.42 Pl Sa/Ne 1.05 No Ve/Ma 1.01 Pl Mo/Ve 1.56 Ne Mo/Ur 1.43 Mo Su/Ur 1.14 Comet ISON is now inside the orbit of Earth and racing towards the Sun. On Nov. 28th, Comet ISON will fly through the Sun's atmosphere little more than a million kilometers above the sun's fiery surface. Ison crosses the ecliptic tomorrow and enters tropical Libra. The comet then applies to the fixed star Spica to which it aligns on November 17th. No report has surfaced yet as to it becoming a naked eye object. Today Venus sextiles Neptune 01:17 The fast moving but decelerating waxing crescent Moon opposes Jupiter becoming void 07:40 and remaining that way for 16 hours. Retro-Mercury sextiles Venus 12:25 The Moon enters Aquarius 23:31Saturday 9 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Scorpio EA 17 Taurus UR sqr PL .08 Mon 00 Aquarius ME 24 Gemini JU sqr UR .3 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 9 Aries JU opp PL .38 Ven 03 Capricorn MA 12 Leo MA trn UR 1.25 Mar 14 Virgo JU 11 Cancer VE sqr JU 1.48 Jup 21 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio VE con UR 1.78 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE sqr PL 1.86 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr SA 2.15 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn EA opp SA 2.42 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 1water 6Significant helio harmonic 10cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Su/Ne .07 Pl Su/Ne .18 Pl Su/Ne .3 Pl Su/Ne .42 Ma Ju/No .53 Ma Ju/No .67 Ma Ju/No .82 Ve Ne/No .62 Ve Me/Ne .78 Mo Ve/Ne .71 Ve Ne/No .86 Ma Ju/No .97 Pl Sa/Ne 1.04 Pl Sa/Ne 1.03 Pl Sa/Ne 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne 1.01 Ve Ne/No 1.34 Ve Me/Ne 1.06 Mo Ne/Pl 1.32 No Me/Sa 1.59 No Me/Sa 1.61 Ve Ne/No 1.1 Ve Me/Ne 1.33 Ve Me/Ne 1.59 No Ve/Ma 1.83 No Me/Sa 1.6 No Me/Sa 1.59 Sa Su/No 2.36 With Mars in Virgo making a sextile aspect to Saturn today there is made maniest very real harnessing of practical energy to force effect. The rapidly waxing crescent Moon in Aquarius squares Mercury 04:10 The Moon squares her nodal axis 11:22 Mars waning sextile Saturn 11:58 Moon sextile Uranus 14:58 Retro-Mercury approaching his station trines Neptune 21:36. This aspect is repeated in two days time, and strongly colours the following 50 hours. A time for spells. Comet ISON is upstaged! Fourcomets are currently on display for binoculars or small telescopes in the east before the beginning of dawn(for Northern Hemisphere observers). One is Comet ISON, still underperforming at only about 8th magnitude. It starts this week about midway between Mars and Spica and speeds toward Spica daily, to pass it on November 17th and 18th. But ISON is being outdone! Comet 2013 R1 (Lovejoy) "is a humdinger — almost as bright now as Comet ISON was forecast to be," writesS&T's Tony Flanders. "And it's very high in the sky... big, bright, and beautiful in 10×30 binoculars. "The other two comets, Encke and C/2012 X1 (LINEAR), are fainter. See Tony's article The Other Great Morning Comet, with finder charts for Lovejoy and ISON. Further details and charts for all four are at Ison still could enter the mass consciousness. There is a mystery show underway.Sunday 10 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Scorpio EA 18 Taurus VE sqr JU .03 Mon 14 Aquarius ME 0 Cancer UR sqr PL .07 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 11 Aries VE con UR .2 Ven 04 Capricorn MA 13 Leo JU sqr UR .23 Mar 15 Virgo JU 11 Cancer VE sqr PL .27 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio JU opp PL .31 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 1.69 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr SA 1.74 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE trn MA 1.89 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 1water 6Strong helio harmonic 20cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ne/No .38 Ve Ne/No .14 Ve Su/Mo 0 Ve Mo/Sa .24 Pl Su/Ne .54 Pl Su/Ne .66 Ve Ne/No .1 Ve Ne/No .34 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Pl Sa/Ne 1 Mo Ve/Ur .5 Mo Ur/Pl .62 Ma Ju/No 1.12 Ma Ju/No 1.27 Pl Su/Ne .78 Pl Su/Ne .9 No Me/Sa 1.59 No Me/Sa 1.6 Pl Sa/Ne .99 Pl Sa/Ne .98 Ve Me/Ne 1.85 Ve Su/Mo 1.65 Ma Ju/No 1.42 Ma Ju/No 1.57 Sa Su/No 2.27 Ve Me/Ne 2.1 No Me/Sa 1.62 Ve Su/Mo 1.63Hundreds of people are feared dead in the Philippines, after Typhoon Haiyan swept through on Friday, devastating towns and cities. Haiyan has been described as the most powerful storm ever recorded on Earth. Such an event should have an astrological signature which is strong and clear. It does have, but you have to look at the Heliocentric situation to see it. In the Philippines astrological chart, July 4th 1946 09:15 CCT Manila, the Helio position of the Earth is 11 Capricorn, Helio Philippine Pluto is 11 degrees Leo. Over the past couple of days there has been a Heliocentric T-Square in the solar system. Helio Jupiter is currently opposite Helio Pluto square Helio Uranus and Venus all at 11 degrees of their respective signs. Also Helio Mars has also been at 11 degrees Leo, and was conjunct Philippine Helio Mars on Friday, which seems to have set off the whole show. It appears that the Philippines has taken the full brunt of the tension in the whole solar system at this time. Food for astrological thought maybe? The decelerating Moon in Aquarius squares Saturn 00:16
The Moon reaches first quarter phase becoming void 05:58Significant geocentric harmonic 7 around 06:00 GMT MERCURY TURNS DIRECT 21:08, appearing to hover motionless in watery trine to Neptune.Monday 11 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Scorpio EA 19 Taurus UR sqr PL .07 Mon 28 Aquarius ME 6 Cancer JU sqr UR .16 Mer 02 Scorpio VE 12 Aries JU opp PL .23 Ven 05 Capricorn MA 13 Leo VE trn MA .74 Mar 15 Virgo JU 11 Cancer VE sqr PL 1.31 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio MA sqr SA 1.33 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE con UR 1.38 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE sqr JU 1.54 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME trn NE 1.89 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 1water 6Significant helio harmonic 4cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ne/No .58 Pl Su/Mo .82 Ve Mo/No .35 Ve Mo/Me .36 Pl Sa/Ne .97 Ve Ne/No .82 Pl Mo/Sa .45 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Pl Su/Ne 1.02 Pl Sa/Ne .96 Pl Sa/Ne .95 Ve Ne/No 1.29 Pl Su/Mo 1.03 Pl Su/Ne 1.14 Ve Ne/No 1.06 Pl Su/Ne 1.38 Ve Mo/Sa 1.28 Ve Mo/No 1.14 Pl Su/Ne 1.26 Sa Su/No 1.65 No Me/Sa 1.67 Pl Mo/Sa 1.28 No Me/Sa 1.74 No Me/Sa 1.79 Ma Ju/No 1.72 No Me/Sa 1.7 Sa Su/No 1.74 Pl Mo/No 1.79 Moon enters Pisces 02:38 Moon trine Mercury 06:59 Moon conjunction Neptune 07:07 Moon sextile Venus 12:48 Moon trine Node 14:43 Moon sextile Pluto 19:30 Mercury trine Neptune 20:46 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 19 degrees Scorpio today and is trine Jupiter in cancer tomorrow. We are starting to pull out of the eclipse season. There are 40 days to the Winter Solstice. The Sun, retro-Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Scorpio. Mercury trines Neptune today. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of degree per day on Nov 18th. He conjuncts the lunar node for a final time on Nov 19th and he sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn approaching her station. Her apparent motion fell below a degree per day on Nov 1st. Venus sextiles the lunar node on Nov 13th, squares Uranus and conjuncts Pluto on Nov 15th. Venus enters repeatable territory on Nov 21st, sextiles Saturn on Nov 23rd and opposes Jupiter on Nov 28th. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Virgo. Mars sextiles Jupiter on Nov 19th. He leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Daze readers are advised that Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will probably have their share of unseasonable distractions. We are at the the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurred on Nov 1st. The single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 12 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Scorpio EA 20 Taurus UR sqr PL .06 Mon 12 Pisces ME 13 Cancer JU sqr UR .09 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 14 Aries JU opp PL .15 Ven 06 Capricorn MA 14 Leo VE trn MA .41 Mar 16 Virgo JU 11 Cancer MA sqr SA .91 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio ME sqr VE 1.4 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME opp PL 1.5 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME sqr UR 1.56 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME con JU 1.65 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 0water 7Significant helio harmonic 4cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3active now. positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Mo/No .1 Pl Mo/Me .54 Pl Sa/Ne .92 Pl Sa/Ne .91 Pl Sa/Ne .94 Pl Sa/Ne .93 Pl Mo/Me 1.18 Sa Su/No 1.29 Ve Mo/Me 1.14 Sa Su/No 1.47 Sa Su/No 1.38 Ma Ju/Sa 1.29 Pl Su/Ne 1.5 Ma Ju/Sa 1.55 Ma Ju/Sa 1.42 Mo Ur/Ne 1.55 Ve Ne/No 1.53 Pl Mo/No 1.59 Pl Su/Ne 1.74 Ve Sa/Ne 1.82 Sa Su/No 1.56 Pl Su/Ne 1.62 Mo Ur/Ne 1.83 Pl Su/Ne 1.85 Ma Ju/Sa 1.67 Ve Ne/No 1.77 No Me/Sa 1.95 Sa Ma/Pl 1.92 The 'Heliocentric Cardinal T-square' which I see as 'responsible' for the devastation in the Philippines, please see yesterday's comment, continues to sound out and actually peaks on Thursday. The Philippine Red Cross says the devastating Typhoon Haiyan has created "absolute bedlam" as rescuers try to reach survivors. This catastrophe has occurred 5 days after a Solar Eclipse. The eclipse itself relocated to the Philippines does not throw up any really pertinent astrological signatures. However the Solar Saros Series 143 to which the eclipse belongs often throws up horrible events like this one. See my comments on Nov 3rd to read these. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th 2012 relocated to the Philippines does have the Neptune opposite Mars astrocartography lines passing west of the devastation area, but not too exact to have thrown up an 'astro-alert'. Astrologers of the world need to communicate on this event. My bid is that 'a combination of a tense Heliocentric situation focussed on the Philipines Helio chart, and the after effect of a Solar Eclipse, a member of the brutal Solar Saros 143, have precipitated this awful event'. Officials estimate up to 12,000 people have died in Tacloban city and elsewhere. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced. The US says Iran backed out of a deal on its nuclear programme in Geneva, as Tehran and the UN atomic agency agree steps to resolve issues. This situation manifested as Mercury turned direct on Sunday. The situation is a little confused but not hopeless. Today the decelerating first quarter Moon in Pisces trines Saturn 04:45 Moon opposition Mars 06:58 A very tight watery grand trine involving the Moon, the Sun and Jupiter forms around 14:30. Moon trine Sun 14:25 Moon trine Jupiter becoming void 14:35 Venus sextile the lunar node 15:51 Sun trine Jupiter 16:40Wednesday 13 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Scorpio EA 21 Taurus JU sqr UR .01 Mon 26 Pisces ME 19 Cancer UR sqr PL .06 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 16 Aries JU opp PL .07 Ven 07 Capricorn MA 14 Leo MA sqr SA .5 Mar 17 Virgo JU 11 Cancer VE trn MA 1.56 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sex ME 2.14 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 2.99 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME sqr VE 3.11 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn SA sex PL 3.43 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 13 earth air 0water 7cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .9 Pl Sa/Ne .89 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Ma Ju/Sa .78 Ma Ju/Sa 1.16 Ma Ju/Sa 1.04 Ma Ju/Sa .91 Pl Sa/Ne .88 Sa Su/No 1.2 Sa Su/No 1.11 Sa Su/No 1.02 Sa Su/No .93 Ve Sa/Ne 1.61 Ve Sa/Ne 1.4 Ve Sa/Ne 1.19 Ve Sa/Ne .98 Sa Ma/Pl 1.88 Sa Ma/Pl 1.84 Sa Ma/Pl 1.79 Sa Ma/Pl 1.75 Pl Su/Ne 1.97 Pl Su/Ne 2.09 Pl Su/Ne 2.21 Pl Su/Ne 2.33 No Me/Sa 2.09 No Me/Sa 2.17 No Me/Sa 2.25 No Me/Sa 2.34 The slowly waxing Moon enters Aries 07:40 joining Uranus there. Both bodies squaring Venus and Pluto. Confrontations. Saturn waning biquintile Uranus 10:35 The first of three over the next few months. Penetrating inspirations, sharp and barbed.The Moon reaches gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 19:36 Lunar tensions rising. The Moon squares Venus midnight.
Thursday 14 November 2013Comet Lovejoy is one of four comets now rising in the east before dawn. The other three are exploding Comet LINEAR X1, sungrazing Comet ISON, and short-period Comet Encke, and the brightest of them all. All four are easy targets for backyard optics. Dates of special interest include Nov. 15-18 when Comet LINEAR X1 passes by the bright star Arcturus, Nov 17-18 when Comet ISON has a close encounter with Spica, and Nov. 18-20 when Comet Encke buzzes Mercury. These stars and planets make excellent naked-eye guideposts for finding the comets. Meanwhile, bright Comet Lovejoy is approaching the Big Dipper; if you can't see it with your unaided eye, a quick scan with binoculars will reveal it. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Scorpio EA 22 Taurus JU opp PL .01 Mon 09 Aries ME 25 Cancer UR sqr PL .05 Mer 03 Scorpio VE 17 Aries JU sqr UR .06 Ven 08 Capricorn MA 14 Leo MA sqr SA .09 Mar 17 Virgo JU 11 Cancer VE trn MA 2.71 Jup 20 Cancer SA 14 Scorpio EA sex ME 2.85 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 3.42 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces SA sex PL 3.45 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU trn SA 3.45 Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Ju/Sa .65 Ma Ju/Sa .52 Ve Sa/Ne .35 Ve Sa/Ne .14 Ve Sa/Ne .77 Ve Sa/Ne .56 Ma Ju/Sa .4 Ma Ju/Sa .27 Sa Su/No .84 Sa Su/No .76 Sa Su/No .67 Sa Su/No .58 Pl Sa/Ne .87 Pl Sa/Ne .86 Pl Sa/Ne .85 Pl Sa/Ne .84 Sa Ma/Pl 1.71 Sa Ma/Pl 1.66 Sa Ma/Pl 1.62 Sa Ma/Pl 1.58 No Me/Sa 2.43 Sa Ve/Ma 2.37 Sa Ve/Ma 2.22 Sa Ve/Ma 2.07 Pl Su/Ne 2.45 Sa Su/Me 2.41 Sa Su/Me 2.25 Sa Su/Me 2.07 Venus is closing on her conjunction with Pluto. Earnest declarations of love. The slowly waxing gibbous Moon is conjunct Uranus (2.47 degree orb) 00:06 Moon square Pluto 01:19 Moon square Jupiter becoming void 20:59Friday 15 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Scorpio EA 23 Taurus UR sqr PL .05 Mon 22 Aries ME 1 Leo JU opp PL .09 Mer 04 Scorpio VE 19 Aries JU sqr UR .13 Ven 09 Capricorn MA 15 Leo MA sqr SA .32 Mar 18 Virgo JU 11 Cancer JU trn SA 3.39 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio SA sex PL 3.48 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA trn UR 3.85 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE trn MA 3.87 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ne .06 Ma Ju/Sa .01 Ma Ju/Sa .12 Sa Su/No .22 Ma Ju/Sa .14 Ne Mo/Pl .07 Sa Su/No .31 Ma Ju/Sa .24 Sa Su/No .49 Ve Sa/Ne .27 Ve Sa/Ne .48 Ve Sa/Ne .68 Pl Sa/Ne .83 Ne Mo/Ve .34 Pl Sa/Ne .82 Pl Sa/Ne .81 Sa Ma/Pl 1.53 Sa Su/No .4 Ne Mo/Ve 1.37 Sa Su/Me 1.34 Ne Mo/Pl 1.68 Pl Sa/Ne .82 Sa Ma/Pl 1.45 Sa Ma/Pl 1.41 Sa Su/Me 1.9 Sa Ma/Pl 1.49 Sa Su/Me 1.53 Sa Ve/Ma 1.47 Multiple observers are reporting that Comet ISON has brightened sharply. It started the week as an 8th magnitude object invisible to the human eye, but now it has surged to the threshold of naked-eye visibility. The day starts with a void and wayward Moon. An eventful day awaits us. Venus square Uranus 01:14 The slowly waxing gibbous Moon enters Taurus 14:50 Events and experiences gather momentum. The Moon sextiles Neptune 19:41 Venus conjunction Pluto 21:34 The Moon opposes Mercury 23:35Saturday 16 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Scorpio EA 24 Taurus UR sqr PL .04 Mon 05 Taurus ME 6 Leo JU opp PL .17 Mer 05 Scorpio VE 20 Aries JU sqr UR .21 Ven 10 Capricorn MA 15 Leo MA sqr SA .73 Mar 18 Virgo JU 11 Cancer JU trn SA 3.34 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio MA trn UR 4.28 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/No .13 Sa Su/No .04 Sa Su/No .05 Sa Su/No .14 Ma Ju/Sa .37 Ma Ju/Sa .5 Mo Ju/Ne .26 Ur Mo/Ne .51 Pl Sa/Ne .8 Pl Sa/Ne .79 Ma Ju/Sa .63 Sa Su/Me .55 Ve Sa/Ne .89 Sa Su/Me .95 Sa Su/Me .75 Ma Ju/Sa .76 Sa Su/Me 1.15 Ve Sa/Ne 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne .78 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Sa Ve/Ma 1.32 Sa Ve/Ma 1.17 Sa Ve/Ma 1.02 Sa Ve/Ma .87 Sa Ma/Pl 1.36 Sa Ma/Pl 1.32 Sa Ma/Pl 1.28 Sa Ma/Pl 1.23 Comet ISON has brightened suddenly in the last few days to 5th magnitude as of November 15th — a popsicle comet with a round, sharp-edged, bright green head and a long, thin, dim tail. It's speeding sunward near Spica and Mercury low in the east just before dawn. It passes less than 2° from Spica on the mornings of November 17th and 18th. Today Saturn is on the Sun/Node midpoint. A shadow on society. The slowly 'almost climaxing' gibbous full Moon in Taurus opposes her node 03:27 The Moon earth trines Pluto 09:18 The Moon earth trines Venus 10:09 Moon opposition Saturn 20:08 The Full Moon is tomorrow. The true Halloween tonight.
Sunday 17 November 2013 Comet Ison conjunct Spica. Here is the Ison discovery chart.
Check out The message of this comet has threads of 'drastic change' woven within. Mercury in the discovery chart is separating in tight T-square from Uranus and Pluto, sextile a lower culminating fiery Sagittarian Moon. The Comet itself was at zero degrees Leo. Virgo Sun, Virgo rising, we may have on our hands a harbinger of evolutionary change. It will be very exciting to follow the story of this comet over the next 12 days and hopefully beyond as it approaches perihelion. It may be engulfed by the Sun or it may emerge extremely bright, illuminating the consciousness of us all. Comet Ison is at 17 degrees Libra today. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Scorpio EA 25 Taurus UR sqr PL .04 Mon 17 Taurus ME 12 Leo JU opp PL .24 Mer 06 Scorpio VE 22 Aries JU sqr UR .28 Ven 11 Capricorn MA 16 Leo ME trn UR .85 Mar 19 Virgo JU 11 Cancer MA sqr SA 1.15 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME sqr SA 2.72 Sat 15 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 3.29 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME con MA 3.87 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpio
fire 14 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Su/No .23 Sa Su/Me .13 Sa Su/Me .08 Sa Ve/Ma .28 Sa Su/Me .34 Sa Su/No .32 Sa Su/No .41 Sa Su/Me .3 Sa Ve/Ma .73 Ju Mo/Ma .56 Sa Ve/Ma .43 Sa Su/No .5 Pl Sa/Ne .77 Sa Ve/Ma .58 Pl Sa/Ne .75 Pl Sa/Ne .74 Ma Ju/Sa .88 Pl Sa/Ne .76 Ju Mo/Ma 1.08 Sa Ma/Pl 1.06 Ur Mo/Ne 1.06 Ma Ju/Sa 1.01 Sa Ma/Pl 1.1 Ma Ju/Sa 1.27 Sa Ma/Pl 1.19 Sa Ma/Pl 1.15 Ma Ju/Sa 1.14 Ve Sa/Ne 2.29 The Sun waning semi-square Pluto 00:12 The slowly climaxing Full Moon trines Mars 02:38 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 05:28FULL MOON in Taurus becoming void 15:17 The Full Moon is unaspected but Venus and Pluto are square Uranus at this time.
Today's Full Moon is the first Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on October 18th 2013 and the 5th Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th 2014. Today's Full Moon makes no major aspect and is 'void of course' from the moment of fullness. Venus separating from Pluto is square Uranus, Mars applies in a sextile to Jupiter and Mercury applies in sextile to Pluto. Mercury is conjunct the Lunar Node. There are no planets in Air signs and a total of 9 bodies in feminine signs. Today's Full Moon directly hits the natal Saturn of the UK Queen and of the UK Conservative Party. It hits the natal Venus in Alex Salmond's chart, Mars in the France 1st republic chart, Mars in Oprah Winfrey's chart, and Jupiter in the Turkish chart. It hits the natal Sun of the National Rifle Asscociation of the USA. Today is the birthday of Danny Devito, Jonathan Ross, Gordon Lightfoot, Sarah Holding (girls aloud), and actrss Rachel McAdams. At the moment of Full Moon today it is Moonrise at Stockholm, Mars rises at Wellington, Mercury and the lunar node are at lower culmination at the Philippines. Venus sets at Munich, Saturn sets at Istanbul, Mercury sets at Athens, Jupiter sets at Caracas.
Monday 18 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Scorpio EA 26 Taurus UR sqr PL .03 Mon 30 Taurus ME 17 Leo JU opp PL .32 Mer 06 Scorpio VE 23 Aries JU sqr UR .35 Ven 12 Capricorn MA 16 Leo ME con MA 1.13 Mar 19 Virgo JU 11 Cancer MA sqr SA 1.56 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME sqr SA 2.69 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 3.24 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 0water 6Strong helio harmonic 20cardinal 4fixed 5mutable 2active now. positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/Ma .14 Sa Ve/Ma .01 Sa Ve/Ma .15 Sa Ve/Ma .3 Mo Ju/Ur .3 Sa Su/No .68 Pl Sa/Ne .71 Pl Sa/Ne .71 Sa Su/Me .52 Pl Sa/Ne .72 Sa Su/No .77 Sa Su/No .86 Sa Su/No .59 Sa Su/Me .74 Sa Ma/Pl .93 Sa Ma/Pl .89 Pl Sa/Ne .73 Sa Ma/Pl .97 Sa Su/Me .97 Sa Su/Me 1.19 Sa Ma/Pl 1.02 Ma Ju/Sa 1.52 Ma Ju/Sa 1.65 Ma Ju/Sa 1.78 Ma Ju/Sa 1.4 Ve Su/Ne 2.52 Ve Su/Ne 2.43 Ve Su/Ne 2.35 Comet Ison is today at 22 degrees Libra. Reports of naked-eye sightings of Comet ISON are coming in from around the world. Experienced observers put the comet's magnitude at +5.5 on Nov. 16th. This means it is now fully 10 times brighter than it was only three days ago before the outburst. To the naked eye, ISON appears as a faint smudge of pale green light low in the pre-dawn sky. The view through a telescope is more dramatic. The comet's tail has become a riotous crowd of gaseous streamers stretching more than 3.5 degrees across the sky. In short, no one knows for sure what is happening to Comet ISON. This could be the comet's death throes--or just the first of many brightening events the comet experiences as it plunges toward the sun for a close encounter on Nov. 28th. Today the slow 'hung over' Full Moon enters Gemini 00:08 The day 'breaks open' after the intensity of the past couple of days. Plenty to communicate about. The wires buzz. Mercury conjunction the lunar node 03:04 The Moon squares Neptune 05:10 The Moon sextiles Uranus 17:36 Saturn is on the Venus/Mars midpoint today. A deal is clinched. State of the sky:-The Sun is at 26 degrees Scorpio today. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Friday and is square Neptune on Sunday. We are now pulling out of the eclipse season. There are 33 days to the Winter Solstice. The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Scorpio. Mercury trines Neptune today. Mercury's apparent speed is back up to speed of degree per day today and tomorrow he conjuncts the lunar node for a final time. He sextiles Pluto for the final time on Nov 21st. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time on Nov 26th at 17 degrees Scorpio. He enters 'new territory' on Nov 27, sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd and enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn approaching her station. Her apparent motion fell below a degree per day on Nov 1st and enters repeatable territory on Nov 21st. Venus sextiles Saturn on Nov 23rd and opposes Jupiter on Nov 28th. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Virgo. Mars sextiles Jupiter tomorrow. He leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will probably have their share of unseasonable distractions. We are just past the half way mark in the series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurred on Nov 1st. The single Heliocentric square is on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the 'carefully expansive' Mars sextile Jupiter tomorrow.Tuesday 19 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Scorpio EA 27 Taurus UR sqr PL .03 Mon 12 Gemini ME 23 Leo JU opp PL .4 Mer 08 Scorpio VE 25 Aries JU sqr UR .43 Ven 12 Capricorn MA 17 Leo MA sqr SA 1.97 Mar 20 Virgo JU 11 Cancer ME trn VE 2.51 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 3.18 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr ME 4.24 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 07 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 1water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ve/Ma .44 Sa Ve/Ma .59 Pl Sa/Ne .68 Pl Sa/Ne .67 Pl Sa/Ne .7 Pl Sa/Ne .69 Sa Ve/Ma .73 Sa Ma/Pl .72 Sa Ma/Pl .85 Sa Ma/Pl .8 Sa Ma/Pl .76 Sa Ve/Ma .87 Sa Su/No .95 Sa Su/No 1.04 Sa Su/No 1.13 Sa Su/No 1.22 Sa Su/Me 1.42 Sa Su/Me 1.66 Sa Su/Me 1.89 Ve Su/Ne 2.02 Ma Ju/Sa 1.91 Ma Ju/Sa 2.04 Ve Su/Ne 2.1 Sa Su/Me 2.13 Ve Su/Ne 2.26 Ve Su/Ne 2.18 Ma Ju/Sa 2.16 Ma Ju/Sa 2.29 Comet Ison is now passing through the last few degrees of Libra. Physically, ISON's tail is about 12 times wider than the Sun. So, when the head of ISON plunges into the sun's atmosphere on Nov. 28th, more than 15 million kilometers of the comet's tail will still be jutting into space behind it. Because so much gas and dust is spewing from the comet's core, it is impossible to see clearly what caused Comet ISON's outburst on Nov. 13-14. One possibility is that fresh veins of ice are opening up in the comet's nucleus, vaporizing furiously as ISON approaches the sun. Another possibility is that the nucleus has completely fragmented. under post full moon 'wake', a manhunt was under way in Paris after a gunman attacked a bank HQ and the newspaper Liberation, where a photographer was seriously injured. Sunday's Full Moon brought with it dozens of powerful tornadoes hitting US states including Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky, killing at least six people, levelling houses and overturning vehicles. Today Mars sextiles Jupiter 14:50 A discerning and expansive wave is breaking on us which could be both productive and positive. US markets yesterday had their best day since January 2013, buoyed by a House Republican proposal to raise the nation's borrowing limit for six weeks. The slowly waning 'hung over' full moon in Gemini squares Mars and becomes void of course 16:01Wednesday 20 November 2013 COMET ISON enters tropical Scorpio today. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Scorpio EA 28 Taurus UR sqr PL .02 Mon 24 Gemini ME 28 Leo EA sqr ME .13 Mer 09 Scorpio VE 27 Aries JU opp PL .48 Ven 13 Capricorn MA 17 Leo JU sqr UR .5 Mar 20 Virgo JU 12 Cancer ME trn VE 1.01 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio MA sqr SA 2.38 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 3.13 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 1water 6Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3active now. positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .66 Sa Ma/Pl .63 Mo Ma/Ur .48 Ur Mo/Ve .31 Sa Ma/Pl .68 Pl Sa/Ne .66 Sa Ma/Pl .59 Sa Ma/Pl .55 Sa Ve/Ma 1.02 Sa Ve/Ma 1.16 Pl Sa/Ne .65 Pl Sa/Ne .64 Sa Su/No 1.31 Sa Su/No 1.4 Sa Ve/Ma 1.3 Sa Ve/Ma 1.44 Ve Su/Ne 1.94 Ve Su/Ne 1.86 Sa Su/No 1.49 Sa Su/No 1.58 Sa Su/Me 2.37 Me Sa/No 2.27 Ve Su/Ne 1.78 Me Sa/No 1.69 Ma Ju/Sa 2.42 Mo Ma/Ur 2.45 Ur Mo/Ve 1.91 Ve Su/Ne 1.7 Generally I found a mainly positive vibration yesterday as Mars sextiled Jupiter, but under its 'rays' at least 22 people were killed in explosions that hit the Iranian embassy in Beirut, in a stronghold of the Hezbollah militant movement. The Full Moon on Sunday formed a Fixed T-square with Mercury and Saturn in the Hezbollah chart (Feb 16th 1985) which was 'set off' by the transiting Sun conjunct Hezbollah Saturn yesterday. Today Mercury makes a waning quinquncx aspect to Uranus 05:51 The slowly waning and decelerating 'hung over' full Moon, starting the day void of course, enters Cancer 11:24, joining Jupiter there. The Moon then water trines Neptune 16:36 Mercury sextiles Pluto as the day ends.Thursday 21 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Scorpio EA 29 Taurus UR sqr PL .02 Mon 06 Cancer ME 3 Virgo JU opp PL .56 Mer 10 Scorpio VE 28 Aries JU sqr UR .57 Ven 14 Capricorn MA 17 Leo ME opp NE 1.83 Mar 21 Virgo JU 12 Cancer MA sqr SA 2.79 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 3.08 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr ME 3.82 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces ME trn VE 4.37 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 0water 7Significant helio harmonic 10cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ma/Pl .5 Sa Ma/Pl .46 Sa Ma/Pl .42 Sa Ma/Pl .38 Pl Sa/Ne .63 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Ma Su/Mo .51 Me Sa/No .49 Ur Mo/Pl .79 Ur Mo/Pl .71 Pl Sa/Ne .62 Pl Sa/Ne .61 Ur Mo/Ve 1.29 Me Sa/No 1.1 Me Sa/No .8 Ma Su/Mo .97 Me Sa/No 1.4 Ve Su/Ne 1.55 Ve Su/Ne 1.47 Ve Su/Ne 1.4 Sa Ve/Ma 1.58 Sa Ve/Ma 1.72 Sa Su/No 1.85 Sa Su/No 1.94 Ve Su/Ne 1.62 Sa Su/No 1.76 Sa Ve/Ma 1.86 Sa Ve/Ma 2Comet Ison is brightening rapidly as it approaches the sun. The Comet flashes from 3 to 5 degrees Scorpio today in the tropical zodiac. The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are also in Scorpio, Moon and Jupiter are in Cancer, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Scorpio. The Sun enters Sagittarius tomorrow. Today Venus enters 'repeatable territory' prior to her station on Dec 21st. The very slowly waning Moon trines her node 00:20 Mercury sextiles Pluto 02:09 The Moon forms a T-square with Uranus and Pluto 05:00 to 08:00. Moon square Uranus 05:15 Moon opposition Pluto 07:21 Moon trine Mercury 07:56
Moon reaches disseminating phase 16:39 Moon opposition Venus 16:54 Mars semi-square the lunar node 16:56 The Moon 'water trines' Saturn 19:45 The Moon applies in a conjunction to Jupiter as the (GMT) day ends.Friday 22 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 30 Scorpio EA 30 Taurus UR sqr PL .01 Mon 18 Cancer ME 7 Virgo JU opp PL .64 Mer 11 Scorpio VE 30 Aries JU sqr UR .65 Ven 15 Capricorn MA 18 Leo ME opp NE 2.97 Mar 22 Virgo JU 12 Cancer JU trn SA 3.03 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio MA sqr SA 3.2 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn PL 3.62 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 13 earth air 0water 7Significant helio harmonic 20cardinal 5fixed 4mutable 2active now. positive 1negative 10 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Sa/No .19 Me Sa/No .12 Sa Ma/Pl .25 Sa Ma/Pl .21 Sa Ma/Pl .33 Sa Ma/Pl .29 Me Sa/No .44 Ma Mo/Sa .36 Pl Sa/Ne .6 Pl Sa/Ne .59 Pl Sa/Ne .58 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Ve Su/Ne 1.32 Ve Su/Ne 1.25 Ve Su/Ne 1.18 Me Sa/No .75 Sa Su/No 2.03 Sa Su/No 2.12 Ma Mo/Sa 1.72 Ve Su/Ne 1.11 Sa Ve/Ma 2.14 Sa Ve/Ma 2.28 Sa Su/No 2.21 Sa Su/No 2.3 Ma Su/Mo 2.44 Pl Me/Ne 2.96 Sa Ve/Ma 2.42 Ma Mo/Me Comet Ison today races through 6 to 8 degrees tropical Scorpio. The message of this comet has threads of 'drastic change' woven within. Mercury in the discovery chart is separating in tight T-square from Uranus and Pluto, sextile a lower culminating fiery Sagittarian Moon. The Comet itself was at zero degrees Leo. Virgo Sun, Virgo rising, we may have on our hands a harbinger of evolutionary change. It will be very exciting to follow the story of this comet over the next 6 days and hopefully beyond as it approaches perihelion. It may be engulfed by the Sun or it may emerge extremely bright, illuminating the consciousness of us all The Comet is plunging toward the sun and brightening as it heads for a perilous close encounter on Nov. 28th Because Comet ISON is moving into the rosy glow of dawn, it will soon be impossible for cameras on Earth to track it. NASA's fleet of solar spacecraft are about to take over.
Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK, The Sun enters Sagittarius 03:49 and a new astrological month commences. Enterprise! The very slow disseminating Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Cancer 03:00 Brilliant Venus semi-squares the Sun 06:16 The Moon sextile Mars becoming void 07:12 The Moon is void for over 16 hours.
of star lambda Gemini, 00:21 to 01:16Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 09:48 The Moon enters Leo 23:58 We have a bit of an 'over the top' weekend ahead. The Sagittarian Sun squares Neptune on Sunday which throws up a degree of crazy chaos, and on Saturday Venus in Capricorn is sextiled by Saturn which adds some hard heartedness to the mix. The Moon in Leo provides a 'no holds barred' background. If life has been a bit drab recently this lot may just 'jiggle things up'.Saturday 23 November 2013 The Heliocentric aspect Uranus square Pluto is exact today.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Sagittarius EA 1 Gemini UR sqr PL 0 Mon 00 Leo ME 12 Virgo ME sex JU .31 Mer 12 Scorpio VE 1 Taurus JU opp PL .71 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 18 Leo JU sqr UR .72 Mar 22 Virgo JU 12 Cancer ME trn PL 1.02 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME sex SA 2.66 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 2.97 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces VE sex NE 3.02 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA sqr SA 3.61 Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ma/Pl .16 Sa Ma/Pl .12 Sa Ma/Pl .08 Sa Ma/Pl .04 Pl Sa/Ne .57 Pl Sa/Ne .56 Pl Sa/Ne .55 Ma Mo/No .09 Ma Mo/Me .93 Ma Mo/Me .58 Ve Su/Ne .9 Pl Sa/Ne .54 Ma Mo/Sa 1 Ve Su/Ne .97 Ma Mo/No 1.25 Ve Su/Ne .84 Ve Su/Ne 1.04 Me Sa/No 1.4 Me Sa/No 1.72 Pl Me/Ne 2.02 Me Sa/No 1.07 Pl Me/Ne 2.34 Ma Mo/Me 2.1 Me Sa/No 2.05 Sa Su/No 2.39 Ma Mo/Sa 2.36 Pl Me/Ne 2.18 Sa Su/No 2.66 Comet Ison accelerates through 9-13 degrees tropical Scorpio today, and is conjunct Saturn tomorrow. The disseminating Moon in Leo very slowly waning, trines the Sun 01:50 The Moon squares her nodal axis 12:43 Moon trine Uranus 17:49 Venus waxing sextile Saturn 18:47, the dominant, and rather dour, aspect of the day. Saturn(and Comet Ison) are conjunct the Mars/Pluto midpoint as the day ends. This has been building up all week. The meaning of the combination is 'the desire to overcome all obstacles at any cost', (Reinhold Ebertin). Here's hoping the English Cricket team can tap into its energy !Sunday 24 November 2013 COMET ISON conjunct Saturn Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Sagittarius EA 2 Gemini UR sqr PL 0 Mon 12 Leo ME 17 Virgo JU opp PL .79 Mer 14 Scorpio VE 3 Taurus JU sqr UR .79 Ven 16 Capricorn MA 19 Leo VE sex NE 1.43 Mar 23 Virgo JU 12 Cancer ME sex SA 1.8 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio EA sqr NE 2.64 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 2.92 Ura 09 Aries NE 4 Pisces MA sqr SA 4.02 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ma/Pl 0 Sa Ma/Pl .05 Sa Ma/Pl .09 Sa Ma/Pl .13 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Pl Sa/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .51 Ve Su/Ne .77 Ve Su/Ne .71 Ve Su/Ne .64 Ve Su/Ne .58 Ma Mo/No 1.43 Pl Me/Ne 1.69 Pl Me/Ne 1.53 Mo Ma/Ju .67 Pl Me/Ne 1.86 Me Ma/Pl 2.38 Me Ma/Pl 2.11 Pl Me/Ne 1.36 Me Sa/No 2.38 Me Sa/No 2.71 Sa Su/No 2.93 Me Ma/Pl 1.84 Me Ma/Pl 2.65 Ma Mo/No 2.78 No Mo/Ve 2.29 Bit of a crazy Sunday. The Sun squares Neptune. The Moon, slow but now accelerating to last quarter phase, wanes in Leo and squares Mercury in Scorpio 04:03 The Moon then squares Saturn becoming void 08:00 Another 'long lunar void of course day'. The Sun 'waning square' Neptune 17:53 This is the dominant aspect today. Forces are out to undermine the status quo. Mercury waning biquintile Uranus 19:50 The big event going down right now is the comet Ison, 5 days from perihelion and today astrologically conjunct Saturn (by zodiac coordinates). There is a seriously important event taking place which has been in the making since the start of the solar system. This comet brings scientific, astrological and evolutionary change.Monday 25 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Sagittarius EA 3 Gemini UR sqr PL .01 Mon 24 Leo ME 21 Virgo VE sex NE .17 Mer 15 Scorpio VE 5 Taurus JU opp PL .87 Ven 17 Capricorn MA 19 Leo JU sqr UR .87 Mar 23 Virgo JU 12 Cancer EA sqr NE 1.63 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.87 Sat 16 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA sqr SA 4.43 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Ma/Pl .17 Sa Ma/Pl .22 Sa Ma/Pl .26 Sa Ma/Pl .3 Pl Sa/Ne .5 Ve Su/Ne .46 Ve Su/Ne .4 No Mo/Pl .31 Ve Su/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Ve Su/Ne .34 No Mo/Ve .68 No Mo/Ve .93 Pl Me/Ne .86 Pl Sa/Ne .48 Pl Me/Ne 1.2 Pl Me/Ne 1.03 Me Ma/Pl 1.01 Pl Me/Ne .69 Me Ma/Pl 1.56 Me Ma/Pl 1.29 No Mo/Pl 1.23 Me Ma/Pl .73 Mo Ma/Ju 2.27 No Mo/Pl 2.76 No Mo/Ve 2.55 Su Mo/Ne .85China has demarcated an "air-defence identification zone" over an area of the East China Sea, covering islands that are also claimed by Japan. China's defence ministry said aircraft entering the zone must obey its rules or face "emergency defensive measures". The islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, are a source of rising tension between the countries. Japan lodged a strong protest over what it said was an "escalation". The China/Japan relationship chart has had a progressed Full Moon this year. The last Full Moon (Nov 17th) was square relationship Saturn and transiting Saturn is today square relationship Sun/Moon midpoint. A Jupiter return is also occurring in the said chart. Tensions are high.
Today the slowly waning but accelerating almost last quarter Moon enters Virgo 12:12 Venus waning semi-square Neptune 12:34 The Moon, the Sun and Neptune form a mutable T-square 17:00 to 19:30. Moon opposition Neptune 17:22Moon at last quarter 19:29 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 3 degrees Sagittarius today and is in 'fire trine' aspect to Uranus on Saturday. We are almost out of the recent eclipse season. There are 26 days to the Winter Solstice. Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Scorpio, and back up to speed after recent retrograde motion, but not yet in 'new territory'. Mercury is conjunct Saturn a final time tonorrow at 17 degrees Scorpio. He enters 'new territory' on Nov 27, sextiles Venus and trines Jupiter on Thursday (Nov 28th) and then sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn approaching her station. She is already in repeatable territory and appearing to decelerate. Venus opposes Jupiter and sextiles Mercury on Nov 28th. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Virgo. He leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will probably have their share of unseasonable distractions. We are now past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurred on Nov 1st. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the 'easy opposition' of Venus opposite Jupiter, sextile Mercury on Thursday. Wheels and deals. Comet Ison reaches perihelion on Thursday.Tuesday 26 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Sagittarius EA 4 Gemini UR sqr PL .01 Mon 06 Virgo ME 25 Virgo EA sqr NE .63 Mer 16 Scorpio VE 6 Taurus JU sqr UR .94 Ven 18 Capricorn MA 20 Leo JU opp PL .95 Mar 24 Virgo JU 12 Cancer VE sex NE 1.76 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.81 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ne .28 Me Ma/Pl .16 Me Ma/Pl .12 Pl Me/Ne .01 Sa Ma/Pl .34 Ve Su/Ne .22 Ve Su/Ne .17 Ve Su/Ne .11 Su Mo/Ne .42 Pl Me/Ne .35 Pl Me/Ne .18 Sa Mo/Ve .24 Me Ma/Pl .45 Sa Ma/Pl .38 Sa Ma/Pl .43 Me Ma/Pl .41 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Pl Sa/Ne .46 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Me/Ne .52 Su Mo/Ne 1.71 Mo Ju/No .88 Sa Ma/Pl .47 No Mo/Pl 1.85 Sa Mo/Ve 2.98 Sa Mo/Ve 1.37 Me Mo/Ve .63 French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says some EU sanctions on Iran could be lifted next month, as part of a nuclear deal with world powers negotiated over the last weekend. This satisfactory situation is part of the role played by the transit of Uranus over the natal Sun of the Iran revolutionary chart (April 1st 1979), which is dominating that chart in 2013-2014 and bringing some welcome changes to Iran. Transiting Saturn has sealed the deal opposing Iran Venus/Jupiter midpoint. The Moon is in favorable territory today. This accelerating last quarter Moon in Virgo sextiles her node 00:21 Mercury conjunction Saturn (a near alignment 0.31 degree orb) 01:55 Serious (maybe secret) decisions have been formulated and made. Venus waxing quintile the lunar node 06:10 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 07:57 Moon sextile Saturn 20:42 Moon sextile Mercury 22:56 Gets stuff done.Wednesday 27 November 2013 Comet ISON is hurtling toward the sun today at 148,000 mph and, despite the rising heat, the comet appears to be intact. Yesterday, reports of fading spectral lines from the comet's core raised concerns that the icy nucleus might be disintegrating. Current images from NASA and ESA spacecraft, however, show the comet still going strong. VENUS IS OPPOSITE JUPITER SEXTILE MERCURY AND SATURN FOR 2 DAYS. A 'flashy' couple of days are in store. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Sagittarius EA 5 Gemini UR sqr PL .02 Mon 18 Virgo ME 29 Virgo EA sqr NE .38 Mer 18 Scorpio VE 8 Taurus JU sqr UR 1.01 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 20 Leo JU opp PL 1.03 Mar 24 Virgo JU 12 Cancer JU trn SA 2.76 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio VE trn PL 3.23 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE sex NE 3.35 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ne .06 Ve Su/Ne .01 Ve Su/Ne .04 Me Mo/Pl .02 Mo Ju/Sa .1 Pl Me/Ne .34 Pl Sa/Ne .42 Ve Su/Ne .09 Pl Me/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .43 Pl Me/Ne .51 Mo Su/Ju .12 Pl Sa/Ne .44 Sa Ma/Pl .55 Sa Ma/Pl .59 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Mo Me/Ju .5 Sa Mo/Pl .9 Sa Mo/Pl .66 Sa Ma/Pl .64 Sa Ma/Pl .51 Me Ma/Pl .99 Me Mo/Pl 1.21 Pl Me/Ne .69 Me Mo/Ve .66 Me Mo/Ve 1.96 Me Ma/Pl 1.28 Me Ma/Pl 1.57 Yesterday under the 'deliberate' auspices of the Moon and Mars in Virgo the US flew two B-52 military aircraft over the disputed islands in the East China Sea in defiance of new Chinese air defence rules. Russian President Vladimir Putin said a proposed free trade deal between Ukraine and the EU would pose a "big threat" Russia's economy. Comet ISON is now burning through 22 to 24 degrees Scorpio in the tropical zodiac. Perihelion is tomorrow. Today the accelerating waning Moon in Virgo trines Venus 00:40 The Moon sextiles Jupiter 02:50 The Moon is conjunct Mars, becoming void 11:45 The Moon enters Libra 22:00Thursday 28 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Sagittarius EA 6 Gemini UR sqr PL .02 Mon 01 Libra ME 3 Libra JU sqr UR 1.08 Mer 19 Scorpio VE 9 Taurus JU opp PL 1.11 Ven 19 Capricorn MA 21 Leo EA sqr NE 1.39 Mar 25 Virgo JU 12 Cancer VE trn PL 1.63 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio EA trn ME 2.69 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 2.71 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sex JU 2.74 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE opp SA 5.45 Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
Comet ISON comes to perihelion around 19h UT. A moment of truth. VENUS IS OPPOSITE JUPITER SEXTILE MERCURY AND SATURN, all taking place under a sweet Libran 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ne .14 Ve Su/Ne .19 Ve Su/Ne .24 Ve Su/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Pl Sa/Ne .4 Pl Sa/Ne .39 Pl Mo/Ur .35 Sa Ma/Pl .68 Sa Ma/Pl .72 Sa Ma/Pl .76 Pl Sa/Ne .38 Pl Me/Ne .86 No Su/Mo .83 No Su/Mo .94 Sa Ma/Pl .8 Me Mo/Pl 1.27 Pl Me/Ne 1.04 Me Su/No 1.17 Me Su/No .92 Me Su/No 1.66 Me Su/No 1.42 Pl Me/Ne 1.22 Pl Me/Ne 1.39 Me Ma/Pl 1.86 Su Pl/No 1.93 Su Pl/No 1.67 Su Pl/No 1.42 Mercury sextile Venus 02:46 Mercury trine Jupiter 07:24 The accelerating waning Moon in Libra sextiles the Sun 09:43 Venus opposition Jupiter 12:02 The Moon, Uranus and Pluto form a cadinal T-square 14:00 to 17:00 Moon opposition Uranus 14:10 Moon square Pluto 16:43Friday 29 November 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Sagittarius EA 7 Gemini UR sqr PL .03 Mon 14 Libra ME 7 Libra VE trn PL .04 Mer 21 Scorpio VE 11 Taurus EA trn ME .14 Ven 20 Capricorn MA 21 Leo JU sqr UR 1.16 Mar 25 Virgo JU 12 Cancer JU opp PL 1.18 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio VE sex JU 1.22 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr NE 2.39 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 2.66 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE opp SA 3.88 Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ne .32 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Me Su/No .18 Me Su/No .07 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Ve Su/Ne .37 No Mo/Me .2 Su Mo/Ve .25 Me Su/No .68 Me Su/No .43 Pl Sa/Ne .36 Pl Sa/Ne .35 Mo Ju/Pl .79 Sa Ma/Pl .89 Ve Su/Ne .41 No Mo/Sa .36 Sa Ma/Pl .85 Su Pl/No .91 Mo Ma/Sa .44 Su Pl/No .39 Su Pl/No 1.16 No Mo/Me 1.68 Su Pl/No .65 Mo Me/Ma .42 Pl Mo/Ur 1.3 Me Ve/Ma 1.72 Sa Ma/Pl .93 Ve Su/Ne .45 COMET ISON, R.I.P? Evidence mounted yesterday that comet ISON did not survive its brush with the sun. The nucleus seemed to have disintegrated. The story looked to be over. However, a fraction of the comet has survived. Whether this is a small scorched fragment of Comet ISON's nucleus or perhaps a "headless comet"-- a stream of debris marking the remains of the comet's disintegrated core--remains to be seen. Yesterday China sent warplanes on "routine" monitoring patrols in its newly declared air defence zone. Tensions are increasing in the East China Sea. Today the accelerating Moon in Libra with Venus and Jupiter form a cardinal T-square 09:00 to 11:15 Moon square Jupiter 09:57 Moon square Venus 11:14 becoming void and remaining that way for 17 hours.The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 15:01, the New Moon is on Tuesday. Sun waxing quintile Mars 21:27 We have an 'old Scorpio Moon weekend' with the Sun trine Uranus.Saturday 30 November 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Sagittarius EA 8 Gemini UR sqr PL .03 Mon 28 Libra ME 11 Libra VE sex JU .3 Mer 22 Scorpio VE 13 Taurus ME sqr PL .31 Ven 21 Capricorn MA 21 Leo ME opp UR .34 Mar 26 Virgo JU 12 Cancer JU sqr UR 1.23 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU opp PL 1.26 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE trn PL 1.56 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME sqr JU 1.57 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE opp SA 2.31 Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 23 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Pl/No .14 Su Pl/No .12 Pl Sa/Ne .33 Me Su/Mo 0 Me Su/No .33 Pl Sa/Ne .33 Su Pl/No .37 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Pl Sa/Ne .34 Ve Su/Ne .53 Ve Mo/Ur .54 Me Ve/Ma .39 Ve Su/Ne .49 Me Su/No .58 Ve Su/Ne .56 Su Mo/Pl .46 Sa Su/Mo .78 Me Ve/Ma .84 Me Ve/Ma .61 Ve Su/Ne .6 Sa Ma/Pl 1.01 Mo Su/Ma .99 Me Su/No .83 Su Pl/No .63 Me Ve/Ma 1.06 Ve Mo/Ur 1.03 Su Mo/Pl 1.05 Ve Ur/No 1.04 Yesterday China scrambled fighter jets to monitor US and Japanese planes inside its controversial new air defence zone over disputed islands in the East China sea. China also was in the news as her 'Chang'e 3' Moon lander is due to launch imminently, perhaps as soon as Sunday evening, UK time. This will be the first Chinese attempt to land an unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface. It will be the first to make a soft touchdown on the Moon since an unmanned Russian mission in 1976. Comet ISON is back from the dead. On Thursday, Nov. 28th, Comet ISON flew through the sun's atmosphere and appeared to disintegrate before the cameras of several NASA and ESA spacecraft. This prompted reports of the comet's demise. The comet has revived and is rapidly brightening. Comet Ison is now appearing to retrograde at 6 degrees Sagittarius. It is the resurrected comet of the century. The fast old accelerating Moon enters Scorpio 04:04 The Moon water trines Neptune 08:40 Moon conjunction her node 14:18 The Sun wholesomely fire trines Uranus 18:26. A flash fire of illuminating and awakening energy dominates this weekend. The Moon sextiles Pluto 21:35Sunday 1 December 2013 Two lunar occultations today, one of Saturn one of Mercury.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Sagittarius EA 9 Gemini UR sqr PL .04 Mon 12 Scorpio ME 14 Libra VE opp SA .74 Mer 24 Scorpio VE 14 Taurus JU sqr UR 1.3 Ven 21 Capricorn MA 22 Leo JU opp PL 1.34 Mar 26 Virgo JU 12 Cancer VE sex JU 1.82 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME sqr JU 1.99 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sex UR 2.21 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU trn SA 2.55 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn VE trn PL 3.16 Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Mo Sa/No .11 Me Ve/Ma .07 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Pl Sa/Ne .29 Me Ve/Ma .16 Mo Me/No .17 Me Ve/Ma .3 Ve Ur/No .37 Pl Sa/Ne .31 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Mo Ma/Pl .32 Mo Su/No .41 Sa Mo/Me .57 Ve Su/Ne .67 Pl Mo/Ne .5 Me Ve/Ma .53 Ve Su/Ne .63 Ve Ur/No .7 Ve Ur/No .53 Ve Su/Ne .73 Ve Ur/No .87 Su Pl/No 1.14 Ve Su/Ne .7 Sa Ma/Pl 1.3 Su Pl/No .89 Sa Ma/Pl 1.22 Sa Ma/Pl 1.26 Mo Me/Sa 1.33 An eventful 24 hours has occurred. Yesterday Ukrainian opposition parties urged early elections, as dispersed protesters regrouped to condemn the government's refusal to sign an EU deal. At least one person was killed by gunfire as clashes broke out in the Thai capital Bangkok, involving pro- and anti-government protesters. In the UK eight people died and 14 people are in hospital after a police helicopter crashed into a busy pub in Glasgow. The accident occurred at 22:25 GMT on Friday. The Venus Jupiter opposition was aligned west/east at Glasgow at the time. Saturn was approaching the IC and Neptune was shortly to set. The true cause of the accident has not been declared at the time of writing. The Venus Jupiter opposition possibly suggests misjudgment. Today the fast old Moon in Scorpio is conjunct Saturn at 09:20 This is a lunar occultation of Saturn, the 1st of 14 over the next 14 months. The last lunar occultation of Saturn was in October 2007.The Moon trines Jupiter 13:16 The Moon sextiles Venus 17:12 Moon conjunction Mercury (another lunar occultation)22:38
Mercury semi-square Pluto 23:31
Monday 2 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 10 Sagittarius EA 10 Gemini UR sqr PL .04 Mon 26 Scorpio ME 18 Libra VE opp SA .83 Mer 25 Scorpio VE 16 Taurus EA sex UR 1.2 Ven 22 Capricorn MA 22 Leo JU sqr UR 1.38 Mar 27 Virgo JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 1.42 Jup 20 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.5 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE sex JU 3.33 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpiofire 23 earth air 0water 6cardinal 4fixed 4mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Ur/No .2 Ve Ur/No .04 Mo Su/Me .1 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .27 Ve Ur/No .13 Ve Ur/No .29 Ve Su/Ne .76 Sa Mo/No .48 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Me Mo/Sa .78 Me Ve/Ma .76 Ve Su/Ne .78 Me Mo/Sa .7 Ve Su/Ne .84 Sa Mo/No 1.31 Mo Su/Sa .92 Ma Mo/Ju .8 Ma Mo/Ju .9 Sa Ma/Pl 1.34 Me Ve/Ma 1 Ve Su/Ne .81 Mo Pl/No 1 Mo Ve/Ma 1.51 Sa Ma/Pl 1.39 Me Ve/Ma 1.23 Sa Me/No 1.22 Yesterday four people were killed and 63 injured in a passenger train crash in the Bronx area of New York City. The Metro-North train's locomotive and carriages derailed as the train went into a bend in the railway line near Spuyten Duyvil station. At least one eyewitness said the train - the 05:54 from Poughkeepsie to Grand Central Station - was travelling much faster than normal at the time. CNN gave the time of the crash as 7-20 am'. The Sun had just risen and Mars had just culminated, indeed a Sun/Mars paran had just passed over New York. An air of recklessness surrounds the tragedy. Also the Moon was reeling after a lunar occultation of Saturn. In Thailand Thai Prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has ruled out an early election, following six days of protests aimed at removing her from office. Of the two astrological charts for Thailand the 1932 map seems the most indicative of the current event. The chart is building up to a progressed Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in 2015, so the story of modern Thailand is approaching a powerful climax. Transiting Pluto is currently opposite Thai Venus, indicating intense sentiment,and transiting Saturn is square Thai Jupiter, challenging government and constitution. The Uranus Pluto square in the sky hits Thai Mercury in 2014. At the moment of New Moon on Tuesday Mars culminates at Bangkok. Today the rapidly waning very old Moon in Scorpio sextiles Mars becoming void 01:35 The Moon enters Sagittarius 06:32 joining the Sun there. The Moon squares Neptune 10:55 Moon trine Uranus 20:40 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 10 degrees Sagittarius today. We are almost out of the recent eclipse season. There are 19 days to the Winter Solstice. The Moon, Mercury, Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. The Moon is new tomorrow. This will be the first New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3rd 2013. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Scorpio, and back up to speed after recent retrograde motion and in 'new territory'. Mercury sextiles Mars on Dec 3rd. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Dec 5th. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn approaching her station. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is in Virgo. He leaves Virgo for Libra on Dec 7th. Mars from Libra will oppose Uranus on Christmas Day and square Pluto on New Years Eve. Both of these days will probably have their share of unseasonable distractions. We are now past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 4th square occurred on Nov 1st. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. The 'astrological wave of the week' is the positive New Moon tomorrow.Tuesday 3 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 11 Sagittarius EA 11 Gemini UR sqr PL .05 Mon 11 Sagittarius ME 21 Libra EA sex UR .2 Mer 27 Scorpio VE 17 Taurus ME sex MA 1.33 Ven 23 Capricorn MA 23 Leo JU sqr UR 1.45 Mar 27 Virgo JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 1.5 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio VE opp SA 2.41 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU trn SA 2.45 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .25 Mo Ve/No .16 Pl Sa/Ne .23 Pl Sa/Ne .23 Ve Ur/No .45 Pl Sa/Ne .24 Me Mo/No .55 Sa Me/No .6 Ve Su/Ne .86 No Mo/Ma .25 Mo Me/Pl .7 Ve Ur/No .92 Ve Mo/Ne .97 Ve Ur/No .6 Sa Me/No .76 Ve Su/Ne .92 Sa Me/No 1.07 Mo Sa/Pl .64 Ve Ur/No .76 Me Mo/No .94 Sa Ma/Pl 1.51 Mo Ma/Ne .67 Ve Su/Ne .9 No Su/Ma .96 No Su/Ma 1.58 Ve Mo/Ne .74 No Su/Ma 1.17 Sa Ma/Pl 1.63 Following its Thanksgiving Day brush with solar fire, sundiving Comet ISON is now just a cloud of dust. Among experts, a consensus is building that the comet broke apart shortly before perihelion (closest approach to the sun).NEW MOON in Sagittarius 00:24 separating trine from
This is the first New Moon following the Total Solar Eclipse on November 3rd 2013 in Scorpio and the 5th New Moon before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 29th 2014. With its passing we leave the recent eclipse season. The New Moon separates from a trine aspect to Uranus. Mercury is sextile Mars and applies in square to Neptune. Jupiter trines Saturn. Venus apples in trine to Mars. A forthright radical and optimistic wave is associated with today's New Moon. This lunation 'outs' skeletons. There is something refreshing about today's New Moon. At the moment of New Moon, the Sun and Moon rise at Dacca, and culminate over New Zealand. Moonset is at Phoenix and at Vancouver. Mars rises at Nice and at Douala, and culminates at Bangkok. Jupiter culminates at Ankara. Mercury rises at Mumbai, Venus sets at Rio. The New moon directly hits the Mars of the Egyptian chart, the Mars Saturn conjunction in the chart of Charlotte Church, the Mercury Jupiter conjunction of Dilma Rousseff and Neptune in the astrology chart of David Beckham. Today is the birthday of Ozzy Osbourne, David Villa, Christian Benteke, Eamon Holmes and Rick Mears. All of these folk have new chapters starting in their lives. Since this New Moon occurs as the Moon is near perigee, we can expect big ocean tides over the next 48 hours. After the New Moon, Mercury sextiles Mars 16:36
Wednesday 4 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 12 Sagittarius EA 12 Gemini UR sqr PL .05 Mon 26 Sagittarius ME 25 Libra EA sex UR .8 Mer 28 Scorpio VE 19 Taurus JU sqr UR 1.52 Ven 23 Capricorn MA 23 Leo JU opp PL 1.58 Mar 28 Virgo JU 13 Cancer ME sex MA 1.61 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.39 Sat 17 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE opp SA 3.98 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sqr MA 4.13 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 0water 5cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Mo/Me .02 Pl Sa/Ne .21 Sa Me/No .14 Sa Me/No .02 Mo Me/Ve .08 Sa Me/No .29 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Sa Mo/Ma .13 Pl Sa/Ne .22 No Su/Ma .55 Mo Su/Ve .2 No Su/Ma .14 Mo Su/Pl .43 Ve Su/Ne .95 No Su/Ma .35 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Sa Me/No .45 Pl Mo/Ve 1.14 Me Su/Sa .95 Su Mo/Sa .47 No Su/Ma .76 Me Su/Sa 1.19 Ve Su/Ne .97 Me Su/Sa .71 Pl Mo/Ve .81 Ve Ur/No 1.22 Mo Ne/No .98 Ve Su/Ne .98 The rapidly waxing infant Moon squares Mars becoming void 03:46 This baby Moon enters Capricorn 06:51 joining Venus and Pluto there.Moon perigee, fastest all month, and closest to Earth 10:08 Moon sextile Neptune 11:09 Moon sextile her node 15:57 Moon square Uranus 20:39 Moon conjunction Pluto 23:20Thursday 5 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 13 Sagittarius EA 13 Gemini UR sqr PL .06 Mon 11 Capricorn ME 28 Libra JU sqr UR 1.59 Mer 30 Scorpio VE 21 Taurus JU opp PL 1.65 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 24 Leo EA sex UR 1.81 Mar 29 Virgo JU 13 Cancer JU trn SA 2.34 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio VE sqr MA 2.96 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 0water 5cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT No Su/Ma .06 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Me Su/Sa .01 Su Mo/No .06 Sa Me/No .18 Me Su/Sa .23 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Mo Ur/No .16 Pl Sa/Ne .19 No Su/Ma .27 No Su/Ma .47 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Me Su/Sa .47 Sa Me/No .33 Su Sa/Pl .48 Su Sa/Pl .25 Mo Sa/Ne .61 Su Sa/Pl .72 Sa Me/No .49 Me Su/Sa .26 Su Sa/Pl .96 Ve Su/Ne 1 Ve Su/Ne 1.01 Sa Me/No .65 Ve Su/Ne .99 Ne Ve/Ur 1.39 Mo Ve/Pl 1.02 No Su/Ma .68 The fast young Moon, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Realistic perspectives. Mercury enters Sagittarius 02:43 joining the Sun there. There is a change in the sky today. After a lengthy residence in Scorpio, 'morning star' Mercury now moves into Sagittarius and resides there for a brief 24 days. He only makes two major aspects whilst there. Mercury squares Neptune tomorrow Dec 6th and trines Uranus on Dec 10th. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 24th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 29th Dec at 8 Capricorn. We have a brief swirl of multifarious communication, ideas and thoughts. Tighten your head band. Sun waxing biquintile Jupiter 05:23 The Moon sextiles Saturn 11:00 The Moon opposes Jupiter 13:31 The Moon conjunction Venus 21:47Friday 6 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 14 Sagittarius EA 14 Gemini UR sqr PL .06 Mon 26 Capricorn ME 1 Scorpio JU sqr UR 1.67 Mer 01 Sagittarius VE 22 Taurus JU opp PL 1.73 Ven 24 Capricorn MA 24 Leo VE sqr MA 1.8 Mar 29 Virgo JU 13 Cancer JU trn SA 2.29 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio EA sex UR 2.81 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn NE 3.22 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpiofire 34 earth air 0water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Su Sa/Pl .01 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Su Sa/Pl .22 Su Sa/Pl .46 Mo Ne/Pl .26 Me Su/Sa .5 Me Su/Sa .74 Su Ve/No .61 Pl Su/Mo .41 Ne Mo/Ur .53 Su Ve/No .81 Me Mo/Ma .91 Su Ve/No .42 Sa Me/No .8 Sa Me/No .96 Me Su/Sa .98 Me Mo/Ma .62 No Su/Ma .88 Ve Su/Ne 1.03 Ve Su/Ne 1.03 Su Sa/Pl .69 Su Ve/No 1 No Su/Ma 1.09 Ne Ve/Ur 1.08 Ne Ve/Ur 1.02 Confusion and glamour reign today as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune. Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on Dec 6th prior to her station on Dec 21st. The very rapidly waxing young Moon in Capricorn trines Mars becoming void 05:33The Moon hits crescent phase at 05:43 at 29 Capricorn The Moon enters Aquarius 06:55 The Moon sextiles Mercury 10:10 The Moon squares her nodal axis 16:02 The Moon sextiles Uranus 20:59 Mercury waning mutable square Neptune 21:32. Don't get taken in.Saturday 7 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 15 Sagittarius EA 15 Gemini ME trn NE .06 Mon 10 Aquarius ME 5 Scorpio UR sqr PL .07 Mer 03 Sagittarius VE 24 Taurus VE sqr MA .63 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 25 Leo JU sqr UR 1.74 Mar 30 Virgo JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 1.81 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.24 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 1water 4cardinal 4fixed 3mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .13 Su Ve/No .02 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Su Ve/No .22 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Su Ve/No .18 Su Ve/No .38 Ve Mo/Pl .52 Mo Ve/Ne .23 Pl Mo/Me .28 Su Ma/Ne .55 Su Sa/Pl .93 Ne Ve/Ur .9 Su Ma/Ne .73 Ne Ve/Ur .78 Ne Ve/Ur .96 Su Ma/Ne .92 Ne Ve/Ur .84 Ve Su/Ne 1.02 Ve Su/Ne 1.03 Ve Su/Ne 1.03 Ve Su/Ne 1.03 Su Sa/Pl 1.64 Su Ma/Ne 1.11 Su Sa/Pl 1.17 Su Sa/Pl 1.4 Sa Me/No 1.9 In the northern hemisphere we are now into the 30 darkest days of the year, the lightest 30 are starting in the south. Two weeks remain the solstice. The waxing crescent Moon in Aquarius sextiles the Sun 08:05 The Moon squares Saturn becoming void 12:12 and remaining void for over 20 hours. Mars enters Libra 20:42 Well then we have an important ingress here. Mars will be in Libra for a massive 230 days because of his retrograde motion next spring. Such a lengthy stay in Libra has not occurred since the spring of 1982 and before that the spring of 1967. (Springs in the northern hemisphere that is.) Mars is considered to 'fall' in Libra, this is not so good a sign for him. It can lead to great diplomatic exercises but it really tests all relationships to the limit. This particular residence involves 3 difficult entanglements of Mars with Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. The first such period is 24th Dec to Jan 9th, the second is the now famous cardinal square of 22nd and 23rd April 2014, the final blast is 13th to 26th June 2014, this time without Jupiter. Other notable dates are Mars turning stationary at 27.5 degrees Libra on March 1st, Mars opposite the Sun on April 8th, and Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 Libra, and Mars leaving Libra on July 26th. The immediate itinerary is Mars opposite Uranus on Christmas day, Mars entering 'repeatable territory on Dec 27th and Mars square Pluto and square Mercury on New Years Eve. Mars squares Jupiter on Jan 8th. I remember the first 8 months of 1982, when Mars was last residing in Libra for such a long time, as being a time when a lot of friendships and relationships, in my circle, broke up and moved on. Others were strongly cemented. Similar events took place in the spring of 1967. It is with some trepidation that we enter the lengthy Mars in Libra period today.Sunday 8 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 16 Sagittarius EA 16 Gemini UR sqr PL .08 Mon 25 Aquarius ME 8 Scorpio VE sqr MA .53 Mer 04 Sagittarius VE 25 Taurus JU sqr UR 1.81 Ven 25 Capricorn MA 25 Leo JU opp PL 1.89 Mar 00 Libra JU 13 Cancer JU trn SA 2.19 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME trn NE 3.04 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 06 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Su Ma/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Su Ma/Ne .36 Su Ma/Ne .17 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Su Ma/Ne .21 Mo Ur/Pl .39 Ne Ve/Ur .67 Mo Ve/Ur .13 Ve Su/Mo .4 Su Ve/No .58 Su Ve/No .78 Su Mo/Ma .39 Ne Ve/Ur .56 Ne Ve/Ur .73 Ve Su/Ne 1 Pl Mo/Sa .46 Ve Su/Ne .98 Ve Su/Ne 1.01 Su Mo/Ma 1.97 Ne Ve/Ur .62 Su Mo/Ma 1.17 Su Sa/Pl 1.87 Su Sa/Pl 2.11 Su Ve/No .98 Su Ve/No 1.18 Now that Mars is in Libra, we have until March 5th 2014 the difficult combination of Mars in Libra and Venus in Capricorn. There is conflict here in sexual and romantic activities. When the 'sweet talking guy' encounters the 'material girl', its not all that smooth. We are stuck with this personal planetary combination for first 3 months of the 8 month residence of Mars in Libra. Today the decelerating waxing crescent Moon, approaching first quarter enters Pisces 08:36 A dreamy glitzy vibration envelops us. The Moon conjuncts Neptune 13:17 The Moon trines her node 17:59 The Moon squares Mercury 18:09Monday 9 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 17 Sagittarius EA 17 Gemini UR sqr PL .08 Mon 09 Pisces ME 11 Scorpio ME sex PL .49 Mer 06 Sagittarius VE 27 Taurus VE sqr MA 1.7 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 25 Leo JU sqr UR 1.89 Mar 01 Libra JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 1.97 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.13 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn JU 2.45 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME con SA 4.59 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .07 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Su Ma/Ne .39 Ne Ve/Ur .46 Pl Mo/No .19 Ne Ve/Ur .36 Ne Ve/Ur .51 Su Ma/Ne .58 Ve Mo/Me .21 Me Pl/No .84 Ve Su/Ne .96 Ve Su/Ne .95 Ne Ve/Ur .41 Ve Su/Ne .91 Su Ve/No 1.38 Pl Mo/No 1.51 Su Ma/Ne .77 Su Ma/Ne .96 Me Pl/No 2.01 Ve Mo/Me 1.59 Ve Su/Ne .93 No Me/Ma 1.4 Ve Su/Mo 2.15 Su Ve/No 1.59 Me Pl/No 1.23 Mo Ur/Ne 1.4 Yesterday protesters in the Ukrainian capital Kiev toppled a statue of Lenin as they call for closer EU ties and oppose a Russian-led customs union. Transiting Pluto is currently conjunct Uranus in the Ukraine independence astrology chart. There is much to occur in the story of this nation. Today the decelerating and waxing Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto 02:34 Mars waxing quintile Jupiter 11:35The Moon reaches first quarter phase 15:13 The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn form a tight watery grand trine 15:00 to 17:00 Moon trine Saturn 15:55 Moon trine Jupiter 17:09 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 17 degrees Sagittarius today. There are 12 days to the Winter Solstice. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now clear of the recent eclipse season. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Sagittarius. He trines Uranus on Dec 10th. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 24th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 29th Dec at 8 Capricorn. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn approaching her station. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra. Mars is opposite Uranus on Christmas day, Mars enters 'repeatable territory on Dec 27th and Mars squares Pluto and squares Mercury on New Years Eve. Mars squares Jupiter on Jan 8th. Mars turns stationary at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. Jupiter is trine Saturn on Friday. This waning trine is the 2nd of three between Jupiter and Saturn. The first was on July 17th 2013 and the final hit is on May 24th 2014. All involve Cancer and Scorpio. Strong emotional footings are being set at these times. They precede the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice in 8 years time in 2021. We are now past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands.Tuesday 10 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 18 Sagittarius EA 18 Gemini UR sqr PL .09 Mon 23 Pisces ME 14 Scorpio ME trn JU .47 Mer 08 Sagittarius VE 29 Taurus ME con SA 1.61 Ven 26 Capricorn MA 26 Leo JU sqr UR 1.96 Mar 01 Libra JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 2.04 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU trn SA 2.08 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME sex PL 2.51 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sqr MA 2.87 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 10 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .04 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Ne Ve/Ur .31 Me Pl/No .07 Ne Ve/Ur .21 Ne Ve/Ur .17 Me Pl/No .46 Ne Ve/Ur .26 Me Pl/No .32 No Me/Ma .32 Ve Su/Ne .89 No Me/Ma .86 No Me/Ma .59 Me Pl/No .71 No Me/Ma 1.13 Ve Su/Ne .86 Ve Su/Ne .84 Ve Su/Ne .81 Su Ma/Ne 1.15 Su Ma/Ne 1.34 Su Ma/Ne 1.52 Ve Mo/Sa 1.16 Mo Ur/Ne 1.98 Ve Sa/Ur 1.97 Ve Sa/Ur 1.88 Su Ma/Ne 1.71 Today opens up and bursts open with urgency after a slow start. New ideas are released. Alternatives are on offer. Mercury trines Uranus today. The decelerating 'just past first quarter' Moon in Pisces sextiles Venus in Capricorn 06:42. The Moon opposes Mars becoming void 11:58 The Moon enters Aries 13:07 joining Uranus there. Sun waxing quinquncx Jupiter 14:57 Venus waning quintile Uranus 17:03 Mercury 'fire trines' Uranus 17:06 The Moon applies in urgent conjunction to Uranus as the (GMT) day ends.Wednesday 11 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 19 Sagittarius EA 19 Gemini UR sqr PL .09 Mon 06 Aries ME 17 Scorpio ME con SA 1.32 Mer 09 Sagittarius VE 0 Gemini JU sqr UR 2.03 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 26 Leo JU trn SA 2.03 Mar 02 Libra JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 2.12 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME trn JU 3.35 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries VE sqr MA 4.04 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sqr NE 4.28 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .01 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne 0 Pl Sa/Ne .01 No Me/Ma .05 Ne Ve/Ur .08 Ne Ve/Ur .04 Ne Ve/Ur .01 Ne Ve/Ur .12 No Me/Ma .22 No Me/Ma .49 Ve Su/Ne .68 Ve Mo/Sa .4 Ne Mo/Ve .26 Ve Su/Ne .72 No Me/Ma .76 Ve Su/Ne .78 Ve Su/Ne .75 Ve Sa/Ur 1.54 Ve Sa/Ur 1.45 Me Pl/No 1.1 Me Pl/No 1.49 Me Pl/No 1.88 Ve Mo/No 1.45 Ne Mo/Ve 1.43 Ve Sa/Ur 1.62 Ne Mo/Ve 1.93 Pl Su/Ve 2.12 Today Neptune is exactly conjunct the Venus/Uranus midpoint, and Pluto is exactly conjunct the Saturn/Neptune midpoint. Both transits have been building up for quite a while. The later is extremely heavy, compulsive and destructive. The first symbolises a yearning for love. Put them together with a rampant Moon in Aries and we have on our hands a seeding ground for rash actions. Hold steady. The decelerating but waxing Moon in Aries is conjunct Uranus 04:46 The Moon trines Mercury 06:20 The Moon squares Pluto 08:19Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK, of star epsilon The Moon squares Jupiter 23:12
Pisces, a powerful yellow giant, 22:13 to 23:20.Thursday 12 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 20 Sagittarius EA 20 Gemini UR sqr PL .1 Mon 19 Aries ME 20 Scorpio JU trn SA 1.98 Mer 11 Sagittarius VE 2 Gemini JU sqr UR 2.1 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 27 Leo JU opp PL 2.2 Mar 02 Libra JU 13 Cancer VE sqr NE 2.68 Jup 19 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio ME con SA 4.21 Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .02 Pl Sa/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .04 Ne Ve/Ur .05 Ne Ve/Ur .09 Ne Ve/Ur .13 Ne Ve/Ur .17 Ve Mo/No .06 Ve Su/Ne .6 Ne Mo/Pl .18 Ve Su/Ne .52 Ve Su/Ne .64 Mo Ve/Ju .65 Ve Su/Ne .56 Ve Sa/Ur 1.15 No Me/Ma 1.03 No Me/Ma 1.3 Ve Sa/Ur 1.22 Pl Su/Ve 1.47 Ve Sa/Ur 1.38 Ve Sa/Ur 1.3 No Me/Ma 1.57 Ne Mo/Pl 1.77 Pl Su/Ve 1.95 Ne Mo/Pl 1.42 Pl Su/Ve 1.63 No Me/Ma 1.84 We are now in the darkest 20 days of the year in the northern hemisphere and the 20 lightest in the south. The Solstice is a mere 10 days away. The slowly waxing Moon in Aries trines the Sun 02:15 The Sun is semi-square the lunar node 04:45 emphatically signalling that the eclipse season is now behind us. The Moon squares Venus becoming void 15:39 The Sun in waning quintile to Neptune 16:35 The Moon enters Taurus 20:41Friday 13 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 21 Sagittarius EA 21 Gemini UR sqr PL .1 Mon 02 Taurus ME 22 Scorpio VE sqr NE 1.08 Mer 12 Sagittarius VE 4 Gemini JU trn SA 1.92 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 27 Leo JU sqr UR 2.18 Mar 03 Libra JU 13 Cancer JU opp PL 2.28 Jup 18 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio Sat 18 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Ne Ve/Ur .2 Ne Ve/Ur .24 Ne Ve/Ur .27 Ne Ve/Ur .31 Ve Su/Ne .48 Ju Mo/Ma .37 Ve Su/Ne .38 Ve Su/Ne .33 Ve Sa/Ur 1.08 Ve Su/Ne .43 Ve Sa/Ur .94 Mo Ju/Ne .53 Ju Mo/Ma 1.29 Ve Sa/Ur 1.01 Pl Su/Ve .99 Pl Su/Ve .83 Pl Su/Ve 1.31 Pl Su/Ve 1.15 Su Ve/Sa 1.43 Ve Sa/Ur .88 Su Ve/Sa 1.83 Su Ve/Sa 1.63 Me Sa/Pl 1.64 Su Ve/Sa 1.22Jupiter trine Saturn 00:02 This waning trine is the 2nd of three between Jupiter and Saturn. The first was on July 17th 2013 and the final hit is on May 24th 2014. All involve Cancer and Scorpio. Strong emotional footings are being set at these times. They precede the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice in 7 years time in 2020. The slow Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune 02:04 Mercury waxing biquintile Jupiter 04:34 'Morning star' Mercury is semi-square 'evening star' Venus 05:55 Moon opposition her node 06:42 Moon hits gibbous phase, the procession to the full starts 09:07 Mars waning quinquncx Neptune 10:21 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 16:00Significant geocentric harmonic 5 around 18:00 GMTSaturday 14 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 22 Sagittarius EA 22 Gemini UR sqr PL .11 Mon 14 Taurus ME 25 Scorpio VE sqr NE .52 Mer 14 Sagittarius VE 5 Gemini JU trn SA 1.87 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 28 Leo JU sqr UR 2.25 Mar 03 Libra JU 14 Cancer ME sqr MA 2.28 Jup 18 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU opp PL 2.36 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ur Mo/Ne .05 Pl Sa/Ne .08 Pl Sa/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Sa/Ne .07 Ve Su/Ne .22 Ve Su/Ne .16 Ve Su/Ne .1 Ve Su/Ne .27 Ne Ve/Ur .37 Me Sa/Pl .16 Pl Su/Ve .21 Ne Ve/Ur .34 Pl Su/Ve .52 Pl Su/Ve .36 Me Sa/Pl .21 Ne Su/Mo .36 Me Sa/Pl .53 Ne Mo/Me .39 Su Ve/Sa .41 Pl Su/Ve .67 Ve Sa/Ur .76 Ne Ve/Ur .4 Ne Ve/Ur .43 Ve Sa/Ur .82 Su Ve/Sa .82 Su Ve/Sa .61 Ve Sa/Ur .64 The execution of a once-powerful uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un raises fresh fears of instability in the secretive nuclear-armed state. Right now transiting Neptune is square the Midheaven in the North Korea chart (9th Sept 1948 17:27 JST). North Korea has very heavy Neptune influences ahead both from transiting Neptune and to her natal Neptune. The looming cardinal T-square in the sky involving Pluto, Uranus and Mars over Christmas and the New Year period homes in on N.Korea natal Neptune. Many astrologers are forecasting major events ahead for the state.harmonic 10 around 00:00 to 06:00 GMT. This vibration is built upon the 36 degree aspect between Uranus and Neptune at the current time. The Moon, Venus and the Sun vibrate at the same harmonic during the first 6 hours (GMT) of today.
Significant geocentricThe slowly waxing gibbous Moon in Taurus sextiles Jupiter 07:53 Moon opposition Saturn 08:27. The day gathers momentum and intensity as the gibbous taurean Moon rises mid afternoon local time. Tomorrow sees a release of communication. Sunday 15 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 23 Sagittarius EA 23 Gemini ME sqr MA .11 Mon 27 Taurus ME 28 Scorpio UR sqr PL .11 Mer 15 Sagittarius VE 7 Gemini JU trn SA 1.82 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 28 Leo VE sqr NE 2.12 Mar 04 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.32 Jup 18 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio JU opp PL 2.44 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio
fire 33 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Su/Ne .04 Su Ve/Sa .01 Ve Su/Ne .09 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Pl Su/Ve .06 Ve Su/Ne .03 Pl Sa/Ne .12 Ve Su/Ne .16 Pl Sa/Ne .1 Pl Su/Ve .09 Su Ve/Sa .22 Me Ve/No .26 Su Ve/Sa .2 Pl Sa/Ne .11 Pl Su/Ve .24 Pl Su/Ve .39 Ne Ve/Ur .46 Ne Ve/Ur .49 Ve Sa/Ur .49 Su Ve/Sa .43 Me Sa/Pl .58 Ve Sa/Ur .54 Ne Ve/Ur .52 Ve Sa/Ur .44 Ve Sa/Ur .59 Me Sa/Pl .95 Me Ve/No .63 Ne Ve/Ur .54 China says it has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover known as "Jade Rabbit" on the surface of the Moon, the first soft landing there for 37 years. Transiting Saturn is almost conjunct China's natal Venus. (China 1st Oct 1949 15:15 CCT Peking). A chance encounter on a railway station platform in Kent, without which the Rolling Stones might never have existed, is to be marked with a plaque. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards had their first proper meeting at Dartford station on 17 October 1961. On that Tuesday morning the Moon was conjunct Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn and Mars was exactly conjunct Neptune in Scorpio, sextile Pluto. Today the slowly waxing gibbous Moon in Taurus earth trines Venus becoming void 02:56 Mars waning semi-square Saturn 04:04 The nearly full Moon enters Gemini 06:42, releasing a tidal wave of communication, message, words, thoughts, and distractions. Mercury waxing quintile Mars 08:10 energising the banter. Moon square Neptune 12:20 clouding the issue. Moon trine Mars 14:23 galvanizing the activity. Moon sextile Uranus 23:38 awakening the inspiration.
Monday 16 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 24 Sagittarius EA 24 Gemini UR sqr PL .12 Mon 09 Gemini ME 1 Sagittarius JU trn SA 1.77 Mer 17 Sagittarius VE 8 Gemini JU sqr UR 2.4 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 28 Leo ME sqr MA 2.48 Mar 04 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU opp PL 2.51 Jup 18 Cancer SA 15 Scorpio VE sex UR 2.96 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME sqr NE 3.69 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sqr NE 3.73 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ve/No .1 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .14 Pl Sa/Ne .15 Pl Sa/Ne .13 Ve Su/Ne .31 Ve Sa/Ur .31 Ve Sa/Ur .27 Ve Su/Ne .23 Ve Sa/Ur .35 Ve Su/Ne .38 Ur Mo/Ve .44 Ve Sa/Ur .39 Me Ve/No .47 Ne Ve/Ur .61 Ve Su/Ne .46 Pl Su/Ve .54 Ne Ve/Ur .59 Pl Su/Ve .83 Ne Ve/Ur .63 Ne Ve/Ur .57 Pl Su/Ve .68 Me Ve/No .84 Me Ma/Ne .71 Su Ve/Sa .64 Su Ve/Sa .86 Me Ma/Ne 1.03 Pl Su/Ve .97Minor lunar occultation, observable from the UK, The slowly waxing 'almost full' moon opposes Mercury 18:18 Mercury quinquncx Jupiter 19:03 State of the sky:-The Sun is at 24 degrees Sagittarius today. There are 6 days to the Winter Solstice. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. We are now well clear of the recent eclipse season. Mars is tightening in cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto. This difficult wave crashes as the month ends. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Sagittarius. He enters Capricorn on Dec 24th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 29th Dec at 8 Capricorn. Mercury next turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th March 2014. Venus is an evening star in Capricorn approaching her station. Venus turns retrograde on the Solstice day Dec 21st 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra. Mars is opposite Uranus on Christmas day, Mars enters 'repeatable territory on Dec 27th and Mars squares Pluto and squares Mercury on New Years Eve. Mars squares Jupiter on Jan 8th. Mars turns stationary at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Tonight is the night of the Full Moon.
of star 104 Taurus, 16:27 to 17:10Tuesday 17 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 25 Sagittarius EA 25 Gemini UR sqr PL .12 Mon 21 Gemini ME 4 Sagittarius ME sqr NE .9 Mer 18 Sagittarius VE 10 Gemini VE sex UR 1.36 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 29 Leo JU trn SA 1.71 Mar 05 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.47 Jup 18 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 2.59 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 2water 4cardinal 5fixed 2mutable 4positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .16 Me Ma/Ne .06 Pl Sa/Ne .17 Ve Sa/Ur .14 Ve Sa/Ur .24 Pl Sa/Ne .16 Ve Sa/Ur .17 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Me Ma/Ne .38 Ve Sa/Ur .2 Me Ma/Ne .27 Me Ma/Ne .59 Ve Su/Ne .54 Ve Su/Ne .63 Ne Ve/Ur .69 Ne Ve/Ur .71 Ne Ve/Ur .65 Ne Ve/Ur .67 Ve Su/Ne .71 Ve Su/Ne .8 Ur Mo/Ve 1.09 Pl Su/Ve 1.26 Ma Me/Ju 1.3 Ma Me/Ju 1.24 Pl Su/Ve 1.12 Ma Me/Ju 1.35 Pl Su/Ve 1.4 Pl Su/Ve 1.54FULL MOON in Gemini unaspected becoming void
Today's Full Moon is the second Full Moon following the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on October 18th 2013 and the 4th Full Moon before the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15th 2014. This Full Moon makes no major planetary aspects so its energy is largely without focus. Nevertheless the Jupiter Saturn trine is wholly positive and this dominates the map. Mars is the fly in the ointment. He is now applying in violent opposition to Uranus and in sinister square to Pluto which colours the two weeks ahead. There is only one planet in a fixed sign, (Saturn in Scorpio), so things right now are in a state of flux and lack concentration. This is however a Full Moon to enjoy and not be afraid of. There is vivaciousness and versatility in the ether. At the moment of Full moon today (09:29 GMT), the Moon rises at Manila and at Darwin. It is sunrise at Santiago and high noon at Moscow and at Nairobi. Saturn culminates over the UK, Pluto rises over Scotland and Ireland. Uranus culminates over Tokyo. Mercury culminates at Istanbul and at Alexandria. Mars culminates at Rio De Janeiro. Today's Full moon directly hits the natal Mercury of the Dalai Lama, the natal Venus of Julian Assange, Cher and Cat Stevens,the natal Saturn of Roger Walters, the natal Uranus of India, and of Pakistan, the natal lunar node of Edward Snowden and the ascendant of the UK Labour party. Today is the birthday of Tommy Steele, Milla Jovovich, Paula Radcliffe, and Paul Rodgers. The day that follows drifts rudderless but fairly safely. The 'hung over' Moon enters Cancer 18:18, joining Jupiter in that sign and immediately applying in watery trine to Neptune.
Wednesday 18 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 26 Sagittarius EA 26 Gemini UR sqr PL .13 Mon 03 Cancer ME 7 Sagittarius VE sex UR .24 Mer 20 Sagittarius VE 12 Gemini JU trn SA 1.66 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 29 Leo ME sqr NE 1.86 Mar 05 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.54 Jup 18 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 2.67 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sex MA 3.12 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME opp VE 5.07 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA opp NE 5.3 Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .11 Ve Sa/Ur .09 Ve Sa/Ur .07 Ve Sa/Ur .05 Pl Sa/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne .19 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Pl Sa/Ne .2 Ne Ve/Ur .72 Ur Mo/Pl .29 Ne Ve/Ur .75 Ne Ve/Ur .76 Ve Su/Ne .89 Ne Ve/Ur .74 Pl Me/Ve 1.06 Pl Me/Ve .86 Me Ma/Ne .92 Ve Su/Ne .98 Ma Me/Ju 1.06 Ma Me/Ju 1.01 Ma Me/Ju 1.18 Mo Ma/Ur 1.08 Ve Su/Ne 1.07 Ma Su/Mo 1.08 Pl Me/Ve 1.47 Ma Me/Ju 1.12 Ur Mo/Pl 1.21 Ve Su/Ne 1.17 The Moon, her node and Neptune form a loose watery grand trine midnight to 05:00 This slowly waning 'hung over' full Moon in Cancer water trines Neptune 00:09 Mercury semi square the lunar node 01:18 The Moon trines her node 04:20 Moon square Mars 04:43 The Moon, Uranus ans Pluto form a cardinal T-square 11:00 to 15:00 Moon square Uranus 11:34 Mercury waning quintile Neptune 15:25 Moon opposition Pluto 15:00Thursday 19 December 2013 Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 27 Sagittarius EA 27 Gemini UR sqr PL .13 Mon 15 Cancer ME 9 Sagittarius JU trn SA 1.61 Mer 21 Sagittarius VE 13 Gemini VE sex UR 1.84 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 30 Leo ME trn UR 2.09 Mar 06 Libra JU 14 Cancer EA sex MA 2.54 Jup 18 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU sqr UR 2.61 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU opp PL 2.75 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME opp VE 3.92 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA opp NE 4.87 Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio
fire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .03 Ve Sa/Ur .02 Ve Sa/Ur 0 Ve Sa/Ur .01 Pl Sa/Ne .21 Pl Sa/Ne .22 Pl Sa/Ne .22 Pl Me/Ve .06 Ma Su/Mo .42 Pl Me/Ve .45 Pl Me/Ve .26 Pl Sa/Ne .23 Pl Me/Ve .66 Ne Ve/Ur .78 Ma Mo/Me .66 Ma Me/Ju .77 Ne Ve/Ur .77 Ma Me/Ju .89 Ne Ve/Ur .79 Ne Ve/Ur .79 Ma Me/Ju .95 Ma Mo/Me .9 Ma Me/Ju .83 Ve Me/Ne 1.09 Ve Su/Ne 1.27 Ve Su/Ne 1.37 Ve Me/Ne 1.26 Me Ve/Sa 1.38 Venus almost stationary today hovers on the Saturn/Uranus midpoint. Tensions in the money markets? Stresses in love life? The very slowly waxing 'hung over' full Moon in Cancer is conjunct Jupiter 06:03. Everything 'over-inflates'. The Moon 'water trines' Saturn 08:50 The day that follows sees people emotionally 'touchy' and potentially 'worrisome'.Moon apogee, slowest all month and furthest from the Earth 23:48 The Moon applies in opposition to Venus as the (GMT) day ends.Friday 20 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 28 Sagittarius EA 28 Gemini UR sqr PL .14 Mon 27 Cancer ME 12 Sagittarius ME trn UR .65 Mer 23 Sagittarius VE 15 Gemini JU trn SA 1.56 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 0 Virgo EA sex MA 1.96 Mar 06 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.69 Jup 18 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio ME opp VE 2.78 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU opp PL 2.83 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE sex UR 3.44 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn MA opp NE 4.44 Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 32 earth air 1water 5cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .01 Ve Sa/Ur .02 Ve Sa/Ur .02 Ve Sa/Ur .02 Pl Me/Ve .14 Pl Sa/Ne .24 Pl Sa/Ne .25 Me Ve/Sa .11 Pl Sa/Ne .24 Pl Me/Ve .34 Me Ve/Sa .27 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Ma Me/Ju .71 Me Ve/Sa .64 Pl Me/Ve .53 Ve Me/Ne .36 Ne Ve/Ur .8 Ma Me/Ju .65 Ve Me/Ne .55 Ma Me/Ju .53 Ve Me/Ne .91 Ve Me/Ne .73 Ma Me/Ju .59 Pl Me/Ve .72 Me Ve/Sa 1.01 Ne Ve/Ur .8 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Yesterday's highly visible Moon Jupiter conjunction coincided with the world's financial markets rising by about 1%. As the aspect subsided the gains receded somewhat. Today is the last full day of the astrological month of Sagittarius. The Solstice is tomorrow. The very slowly waning 'hung over' full Moon in Cancer opposes Venus becoming void 04:38 The Moon enters Leo 06:49, setting a resplendent backdrop for the solstice. The Moon squares her nodal axis 16:40 The Moon sextiles Mars 19:54 An inspiring night follows as the Moon makes a 'fire trine' to Uranus shortly after midnight (GMT).Saturday 21 December 2013 An uncompromising solstice.Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 29 Sagittarius EA 29 Gemini UR sqr PL .14 Mon 08 Leo ME 15 Sagittarius EA sex MA 1.38 Mer 25 Sagittarius VE 16 Gemini JU trn SA 1.5 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 1 Virgo ME opp VE 1.65 Mar 07 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.76 Jup 18 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 2.9 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn UR 3.39 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces MA opp NE 4.01 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio'The Daze' website, possibly Solstice greetings to all Daze followers.
the oldest astrology blog in
the world, is 14 today!fire 42 earth air 1water 4cardinal 5fixed 3mutable 3positive 5negative 6 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .02 Ve Sa/Ur .01 Ve Sa/Ur .01 Ve Sa/Ur 0 Ve Me/Ne .17 Ve Me/Ne .02 Ve Me/Ne .21 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Pl Sa/Ne .26 Pl Sa/Ne .27 Pl Sa/Ne .28 Ma Me/Ju .29 Ma Me/Ju .47 No Mo/Ve .38 Ma Me/Ju .35 Ve Me/Ne .41 Me Ve/Sa .48 Ma Me/Ju .41 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Ne Ve/Ur .8 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Ne Ve/Ur .81 Sa Su/Ma 1.07 Sa Su/Ma .91 Pl Me/Ve .92 Me Ve/Sa .85 Me Ve/Sa 1.23 Pl Me/Ve 1.49 Moon trine Uranus 00:12Moon reaches disseminating phase 12:47 Thee Sun enters Capricorn 17:11 Winter Solstice 17:11 GMT. An excellent Moonrise to observe mid evening, around 20:30 local time. A colourful event.
The Sun enters Capricorn and the moment of Solstice occurs. At the height of the darkness the light is born. This magical time sets the scene for the year ahead. The Capricorn Sun sextiles Neptune invoking vision, art, music and mathematics. The Moon in Leo applies in fixed square to Saturn symbolising manifestation of creativity but inhibiting growth and testing of all systems to the limit. We have a year of colour, self expression, no compromise. Mars in Libra applies in extremely challenging T-square with Uranus and Pluto. Violence, terrorism and fanaticism reach new heights. Venus hovers, apparently motionless, in Capricorn about to turn retrograde. Orientation and affinity will change. Jupiter in Cancer rises at London and at Paris at the moment of Solstice. It is Moonrise at Tehran. Uranus rises at Montreal and Neptune rises at Dallas. Venus culminates at Brasilia, Mars culminates at Santiago. Pluto sets over Ireland. Neptune sets at Kabul and at Mumbai. Venus turns retrograde at 29 degrees Capricorn 21:52 Moon square Saturn 22:01 After 22:01 GMT the Moon, released from the testy square of Saturn applies in a lengthy fire trine to Mercury. The clouds clear.
Sunday 22 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 00 Capricorn EA 0 Cancer UR sqr PL .15 Mon 20 Leo ME 18 Sagittarius ME opp VE .52 Mer 26 Sagittarius VE 18 Gemini EA sex MA .8 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 1 Virgo JU trn SA 1.45 Mar 07 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.83 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 2.98 Sat 19 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA opp NE 3.58 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn NE 4.38 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 33 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 3mutable 2positive 4negative 7 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .02 Ve Sa/Ur .03 Ve Sa/Ur .05 Ma Me/Ju .04 Ma Me/Ju .23 Ma Me/Ju .17 Ma Me/Ju .11 Ve Sa/Ur .07 Pl Sa/Ne .29 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Pl Sa/Ne .3 Sa Su/Ma .26 Ve Me/Ne .6 Sa Su/Ma .58 Sa Su/Ma .42 Pl Sa/Ne .31 Sa Su/Ma .74 Ma Mo/Sa .76 Ma Mo/Sa .63 No Mo/Pl .38 Ne Ve/Ur .8 Ne Ve/Ur .79 Ne Ve/Ur .78 Ne Ve/Ur .78 Pl Me/Ve 1.68 Ve Me/Ne .81 Mo Ma/Ju .97 Ve Me/Ne 1.22Well another Winter Solstice has passed. Great joy and celebration! We are now on the way back up to summer here in the northern hemisphere. Next year's Winter Solstice occurs two and a half hours before a New Moon, both occurring either side of midnight GMT. It will be the darkest night of the year with only Jupiter's starlight in Leo to show the way. Today day starts with a positive vibration. Places to go, people to play with. The slowly accelerating disseminating Moon in Leo 'fire trines' Mercury becoming void 13:26 Significant geocentric harmonic 9 around 18:00 GMT The Moon enters Virgo 19:20 Moon trine Sun 21:45 Time now to 'gird the loins' for the firecracker of Mars Uranus and Pluto tightening in Cardinal T-square as the Christmas period ensues.Monday 23 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 01 Capricorn EA 1 Cancer UR sqr PL .16 Mon 02 Virgo ME 20 Sagittarius EA sex MA .22 Mer 28 Sagittarius VE 20 Gemini ME opp VE .62 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 2 Virgo JU trn SA 1.4 Mar 08 Libra JU 14 Cancer JU sqr UR 2.9 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU opp PL 3.06 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries MA opp NE 3.14 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA trn NE 3.37 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 24 earth air 1water 4cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ma Me/Ju .02 Sa Su/Ma .07 Ma Me/Ju .14 Ve Sa/Ur .18 Ve Sa/Ur .09 Ma Me/Ju .08 Ve Sa/Ur .15 Ma Mo/No .19 Sa Su/Ma .1 Ve Sa/Ur .12 Sa Su/Ma .23 Ma Me/Ju .21 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Pl Sa/Ne .32 Pl Sa/Ne .33 Pl Sa/Ne .34 Ne Ve/Ur .77 Ne Ve/Ur .76 No Su/Mo .37 Sa Su/Ma .39 Ve Me/Ne 1.42 No Su/Mo 1.28 Ne Ve/Ur .74 Mo Ju/No .44 Ma Su/Ju 1.8 Sa Me/Ma 1.64 Sa Mo/Ve .91 No Mo/Me .46 The accelerating disseminating Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune 01:21 The Moon sextiles her node 04:47 The Moon 'earth trines' Pluto 17:10State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 2 degrees Capricorn today and is sextile Neptune tomorrow. There are 89 days to the vernal Equinox. Saturn and the lunar node are in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto are also in Capricorn. We are now well clear of the recent eclipse season. Mars is tightening in cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto. This difficult wave crashes as the month ends. Mercury is now a direct morning 'star' in Sagittarius. He enters Capricorn on Dec 24th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun on 29th Dec at 8 Capricorn. Mercury next turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th March 2014. Venus is a retrograding evening star in Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra. Mars is opposite Uranus on Christmas day, Mars enters 'repeatable territory on Dec 27th and Mars squares Pluto and squares Mercury on New Years Eve. Mars squares Jupiter on Jan 8th. Mars turns stationary at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. Tuesday 24 December 2013![]()
Mars Uranus and Pluto,are in cardinal T-square up to Jan 5th. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 02 Capricorn EA 2 Cancer UR sqr PL .16 Mon 14 Virgo ME 23 Sagittarius EA sex MA .36 Mer 29 Sagittarius VE 21 Gemini JU trn SA 1.35 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 2 Virgo ME opp VE 1.75 Mar 08 Libra JU 14 Cancer EA trn NE 2.35 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio MA opp NE 2.71 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU sqr UR 2.98 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU opp PL 3.14 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio
fire 24 earth air 1water 4Significant helio harmonic 10cardinal 6fixed 2mutable 3active now. positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ve Sa/Ur .21 Ve Sa/Ur .25 Ve Sa/Ur .28 Sa Me/Ma .25 Ma Me/Ju .27 Ma Me/Ju .33 Pl Sa/Ne .35 Ve Sa/Ur .33 Pl Sa/Ne .34 Pl Sa/Ne .35 Ma Me/Ju .4 Pl Sa/Ne .36 Sa Su/Ma .55 Ne Ve/Ur .7 Sa Me/Ma .48 Ma Me/Ju .46 Ne Ve/Ur .71 Sa Su/Ma .71 Ne Ve/Ur .68 Ne Ve/Ur .66 Sa Me/Ma .95 Sa Me/Ma .72 Sa Su/Ma .87 Su Ne/No .76 Su Ne/No 1.54 Mo Ju/Sa .9 Su Ne/No 1.02 Sa Su/Ma 1.04 The Mars, Uranus Pluto T-square tightens, the Sun sextiles Neptune, the Moon wanes in Virgo and Mercury slam hammers into Capricorn on this unsettling day. The Moon in Virgo, accelerating to last quarter, sextiles Jupiter 05:20 GMT. Mercury enters Capricorn 10:13 joining the Sun, Venus and Pluto. Mercury resides in Capricorn for just 19 days but has a very busy hard hitting schedule. Mercury sextiles Neptune on December 26th, sextiles the lunar node on Dec 28th. Mercury is at Superior Conjunction with the Sun and squares Uranus on 29th Dec at 8 Capricorn. As the year ends Mercury hooks into a 'maniac T-square' with Pluto and Jupiter. Mercury is conjunct Pluto at 11 Capricorn on Dec 31st. Mercury opposes Jupiter on 3rd Jan. He sextiles Saturn on Jan 6th, and is conjunct retrograde Venus at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 11th 2014. This particular residence of Saturn in Capricorn will be an eventful 'tough talking time'. Mercury next turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th March 2014. The Moon sextiles Saturn 10:14 The Sun sextiles Neptune 17:06Wednesday 25 December 2013Happy Christmas to all Daze readers. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 03 Capricorn EA 3 Cancer UR sqr PL .17 Mon 27 Virgo ME 26 Sagittarius EA sex MA .94 Mer 01 Capricorn VE 23 Gemini JU trn SA 1.3 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 2 Virgo EA trn NE 1.34 Mar 08 Libra JU 14 Cancer MA opp NE 2.28 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio ME opp VE 2.9 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU sqr UR 3.05 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU opp PL 3.22 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpio
fire 15 earth air 1water 4cardinal 7fixed 2mutable 2positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Sa Me/Ma .02 Sa Me/Ma .21 Su Ne/No .01 Su Ne/No .27 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Su Ne/No .25 Pl Sa/Ne .38 Sa Su/Mo .35 Ve Sa/Ur .37 Pl Sa/Ne .37 Sa Me/Ma .44 Pl Sa/Ne .39 Su Ne/No .5 Ve Sa/Ur .42 Ve Sa/Ur .46 Ve Sa/Ur .52 Ma Me/Ju .53 Ma Me/Ju .59 Ne Ve/Ur .6 Ne Ve/Ur .57 Ne Ve/Ur .64 Ne Ve/Ur .62 Ma Me/Ju .66 Sa Mo/Me .66 Sa Mo/Pl .83 Sa Mo/Pl .71 Sa Su/Mo 1.33 Sa Me/Ma .67 The accelerating 'almost last quarter' Moon in Virgo 'earth- trines' Venus and becomes void 03:55 The Moon enters Libra 06:18, joining Mars in that sign. The Moon is now totally besieged in Libra over the next couple of days. The Moon is really not having an easy time. Mars opposition Uranus 08:34. The Christmas Cracker! Moon square Mercury 09:12Moon at last quarter 13:49 Moon opposition Uranus 22:41 Moon conjunction Mars 23:13Thursday 26 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 04 Capricorn EA 4 Cancer UR sqr PL .17 Mon 09 Libra ME 29 Sagittarius EA trn NE .33 Mer 02 Capricorn VE 24 Gemini JU trn SA 1.24 Ven 29 Capricorn MA 3 Virgo EA sex MA 1.53 Mar 09 Libra JU 15 Cancer MA opp NE 1.85 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio JU sqr UR 3.12 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU opp PL 3.29 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces ME opp VE 4.06 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME trn MA 4.31 Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 2water 4cardinal 8fixed 2mutable 1positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Pl Sa/Ne .39 Pl Sa/Ne .4 Pl Sa/Ne .4 No Mo/Sa .12 Mo Me/Ju .39 Pl Mo/Ur .49 Ne Ve/Ur .49 Me Ne/No .14 Su Ne/No .53 Ne Ve/Ur .52 Me Ne/No .54 Pl Sa/Ne .41 Ne Ve/Ur .55 Ve Sa/Ur .63 Ve Sa/Ur .68 Ne Ve/Ur .46 Ve Sa/Ur .57 Su Ne/No .79 Ma Me/Ju .92 Ve Sa/Ur .75 Ma Me/Ju .79 Ma Me/Ju .85 Su Ne/No 1.05 Ma Me/Ju .98 Sa Me/Ma .91 Me Ne/No .94 Pl Mo/Ur 1.12 Su Ne/No 1.3 The harsh planetary situation over Christmas coincided globally with grave news from the world's newest country South Sudan. International efforts are intensifying to end the bloodshed in South Sudan, where thousands of people are believed to have died in the past 10 days.You can see the cardinal cross in the inception chart for South Sudan. Never was there a worse time for a new country to begin. Transiting Pluto was square South Sudan Saturn on Christmas eve. In the UK planetary tensions manifested in extreme weather and consequential power cuts. About 50,000 homes are without electricity in the east and south-east of England after rain and wind lashed the UK in the run-up to Christmas. A tense planetary situation remains in force. Mars is opposing Uranus and square Pluto. Today the accelerating last quarter besieged libran Moon squares Pluto 03:16 The Sun sextiles the lunar node 05:00 Mars waning biquintile Neptune 09:02 Mercury waning sextile Neptune 09:04 Sun waxing semi square Saturn 11:16 The Moon squares Jupiter 14:02
Friday 27 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 05 Capricorn EA 5 Cancer UR sqr PL .18 Mon 22 Libra ME 1 Capricorn EA trn NE .69 Mer 04 Capricorn VE 26 Gemini JU trn SA 1.19 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 3 Virgo MA opp NE 1.42 Mar 09 Libra JU 15 Cancer ME trn MA 1.96 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA sex MA 2.11 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries JU sqr UR 3.19 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces JU opp PL 3.37 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME sex NE 3.38 Plu 11 Capricorn No 05 Scorpiofire 14 earth air 2water 4cardinal 8fixed 2mutable 1positive 3negative 8 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Ne/No .26 Ne Ve/Ur .4 Ne Ve/Ur .37 Ne Ve/Ur .33 Mo Ma/No .3 Pl Sa/Ne .42 Pl Sa/Ne .43 Pl Sa/Ne .44 Pl Sa/Ne .42 Me Ne/No .66 Mo Ma/Sa .88 Ve Sa/Ur 1.02 Ne Ve/Ur .43 Ve Sa/Ur .88 Ve Sa/Ur .95 Ma Me/Ju 1.25 Ve Sa/Ur .81 Ma Me/Ju 1.12 Me Ne/No 1.06 Me Ne/No 1.46 Ma Me/Ju 1.05 Ma Su/Ju 1.7 Ma Me/Ju 1.19 Ma Su/Ju 1.69 No Mo/Sa 1.54 Su Ne/No 1.82 Ma Su/Ju 1.69 Pl Ma/Ur 1.93 We are now leaving behind the 10 darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere. The Sun and Mercury are rapidly approaching the ongoing planetary T-square of Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Much is bubbling under and about to boil over.harmonic 15 as the day starts. This wave involves 15th harmonic Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon in Virgo. A brief discerning adjustment manifests, an easy flow of exacting creative energy. Mercury approaching Superior Conjunction sextiles the lunar node 06:40 The rapidly waning last quarter Moon in Libra squares Venus becoming void 11:01 Mercury waxing semi-square Saturn 13:05 The Moon enters Scorpio 13:59 The Moon water trines Neptune 19:32 Moon conjunction her node 21:57
Significant geocentricSaturday 28 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 06 Capricorn EA 6 Cancer UR sqr PL .18 Mon 06 Scorpio ME 4 Capricorn ME trn MA .41 Mer 06 Capricorn VE 28 Gemini ME sex NE .58 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 4 Virgo MA opp NE .99 Mar 10 Libra JU 15 Cancer JU trn SA 1.14 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA trn NE 1.7 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA opp ME 2.28 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sex MA 2.69 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU sqr UR 3.27 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 ScorpioThe Sun and Mercury are joining Pluto and Uranus in Cardinal T-square. fire 14 earth air 1water 5cardinal 7fixed 3mutable 1positive 2negative 9 Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ve/Ur .3 Me Mo/Ne .03 Ne Ve/Ur .22 Ne Ve/Ur .18 Pl Sa/Ne .44 Ne Ve/Ur .26 Mo Sa/No .27 Pl Sa/Ne .46 Ve Sa/Ur 1.09 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Pl Sa/Ne .45 Ve Mo/Ur .7 Me Mo/Ne 1.28 Su Mo/Ne .56 Su Mo/Ne .91 Ve Sa/Ur 1.33 Ma Me/Ju 1.32 Ve Sa/Ur 1.17 Ve Sa/Ur 1.25 Ma Me/Ju 1.53 Ma Su/Ju 1.69 Ma Me/Ju 1.39 Me Mo/Ne 1.36 Pl Mo/Ne 1.57 Me Ne/No 1.86 Ma Su/Ju 1.68 Ma Me/Ju 1.46 Ma Su/Ju 1.68 A close, dark and old Scorpio Moon casts an intense 'moon glow' on this day, as Mercury and the Sun apply in dynamic T-square with Pluto, Mars and Uranus. The rapidly waning old Moon in Scorpio sextiles Mercury 00:03 The Moon sextiles the Sun 01:26 The Moon sextiles Pluto 09:36 The Moon trines Jupiter 18:57 This 'old Moon situation' colours today and the remaining three days of 2013. An important New Moon occurs on New Year's Day. Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 07 Capricorn EA 7 Cancer UR sqr PL .19 Mon 20 Scorpio ME 7 Capricorn EA opp ME .47 Mer 07 Capricorn VE 29 Gemini MA opp NE .56 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 4 Virgo JU trn SA 1.09 Mar 10 Libra JU 15 Cancer ME sex NE 2.24 Jup 17 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA trn NE 2.71 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries ME trn MA 2.8 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sex MA 3.27 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU sqr UR 3.34 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ve/Ur .14 Ne Ve/Ur .1 Ne Ve/Ur .06 Ne Ve/Ur .01 Pl Mo/Ne .18 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Pl Sa/Ne .48 Pl Sa/Ne .48 Pl Sa/Ne .47 Mo Me/Ma .99 Mo Ma/Pl .77 No Mo/Ma 1.04 Ve Mo/Ur 1.13 Mo Su/Ma 1 No Mo/Ma .83 Me Ma/Ur 1.18 Ve Sa/Ur 1.42 Ve Sa/Ur 1.5 Me Su/Pl 1.49 Me Su/Pl 1.22 Ma Me/Ju 1.6 Pl Ma/Ur 1.63 Me Ma/Ur 1.52 Su Ma/Ur 1.46 Ma Su/Ju 1.67 Ma Me/Ju 1.67 Pl Ma/Ur 1.58 Pl Ma/Ur 1.53 Yesterday a student died in Cairo as supporters of Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood clashed with police and university buildings were set on fire. Transiting Jupiter squared Egyptian Jupiter yesterday. Transiting Uranus opposes Egyptian Moon 2014 to 2015 so very severe disturbances in the population can be expected in the near future. Thousands of youths loyal to South Sudanese rebel leader Riek Machar marched on the town of Bor, putting earlier hopes of a cease fire in doubt. The very difficult nature of the South Sudan horoscope is well documented. In the UK forecasters warned of a fresh burst of heavy rain and wind across the UK on Monday. This will coincide with the challenging astrology of the next few days. Today the old Scorpio Moon is conjunct Saturn 01:00. This is a lunar occultation of Saturn in Scorpio. The 2nd of 14
The Moon reaches her balsamic phase 05:20 and the procession to the New Year's Day New Moon begins. Strong geocentric harmonic 8 around 06:00 GMT involving the balsamic Moon, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus all with 8th harmonic positions in early Gemini. Eureka moments.Superior Conjunction of Mercury 06:28. A 'Full Mercury', the 'illuminated mind. Both the Sun and Mercury are square Uranus, shattering revelation and disruption possible. The Moon sextiles Venus 13:56 becoming void of course. The Moon enters Sagittarius 17:38 Mercury square Uranus 20:49 The Moon squares Neptune 22:53, on the Venus/Uranus midpoint. Very strong geocentric harmonic 20 as midnight (GMT) approaches. Boats rocking.Monday 30 December 2013The Sun and Mercury square Uranus. Mars is
square Pluto. Mercury is conjunct Pluto.
Helio Mars opposes Neptune. Extreme Care is Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 08 Capricorn EA 8 Cancer MA opp NE .13 Mon 04 Sagittarius ME 10 Capricorn UR sqr PL .19 Mer 09 Capricorn VE 1 Cancer JU trn SA 1.03 Ven 28 Capricorn MA 5 Virgo EA opp ME 1.36 Mar 11 Libra JU 15 Cancer ME con PL 1.47 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio ME sqr UR 1.66 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA opp PL 2.84 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces EA sqr UR 3.03 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn JU sqr UR 3.41 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Ne Ve/Ur .03 Ne Ve/Ur .08 Ne Ve/Ur .13 Me Su/Pl .14 Mo Ve/Ma .34 Mo Pl/No .27 Me Ma/Ur .15 Ne Ve/Ur .18 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Pl Sa/Ne .49 Me Su/Pl .41 Me Ma/Ur .19 Me Ma/Ur .84 Me Ma/Ur .49 Pl Sa/Ne .5 Mo Su/Sa .19 Me Su/Pl .95 Me Su/Pl .68 Su Ma/Ur .87 Mo Me/Sa .24 Sa Mo/No 1.06 Mo Me/No .7 Pl Ma/Ur 1.39 Pl Sa/Ne .51 Su Ma/Ur 1.26 Sa Mo/No .74 Su Me/Pl 1.49 Su Ma/Ur .67
Very strong geocentric harmonic 20 around 00:00 GMT. A huge 20th harmonic stellium in Virgo/libra. The Sun squares Uranus 05:05 The rapidly moving balsamic Moon in Sagittarius trines Uranus 07:52 The Moon sextiles Mars 11:37 becoming void. State of the sky:-The Sun reaches 9 degrees Capricorn today. There are 82 days to the vernal Equinox. The Sun, Mercury Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars is in a tight cardinal T-square with Uranus and Pluto. This difficult wave crashes as the month ends. Then Mercury hooks into a 'maniac T-square' with Pluto and Jupiter. Mercury is now an evening 'star' in Capricorn. Mercury 'Hesperus' is conjunct Pluto at 11 Capricorn on Dec 31st. Mercury opposes Jupiter on 3rd Jan. He sextiles Saturn on Jan 6th, and is conjunct retrograde Venus at 23 Capricorn on Jan 7th. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 11th 2014. This particular residence of Mercury in Capricorn will be an eventful 'tough talking time'. Mercury next turns retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces on 6th March 2014. Venus is a retrograding evening star in Capricorn. On Jan 11th 2014 Venus sextiles Saturn a 2nd time and is at inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 21 Capricorn. Venus as a morning star is squared by Mars on Jan 16th. Venus turns direct on Jan 31st. On Feb 16th Venus is at greatest brilliancy in the morning sky. Venus sextiles Saturn a final time on Feb 25th, squares Mars a 2nd and final time on March 2nd and squares the lunar node on March 4th. Venus enters new territory on March 4th and enters Aquarius on March 5th. Venus is back up to speed of a degree per day by March 24th. Mars is now in Libra and in 'repeatable territory' prior to his retrograde phase. Mars squares Pluto and Mercury on New Year's Eve. Mars squares Jupiter on Jan 8th. Mars turns retrograde at 27 degrees Libra on March 1st, and is opposite the Sun on April 8th. Mars turning direct on May 20th at 9 degree Libra. Mars remains in Libra till July 26th. We are now well past the half way mark in the 3 year long series of 7 square aspects between Uranus and Pluto. The 5th square will occur on April 21st 2014. The single Heliocentric square was on November 23rd 2013. The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15th 2014. The next Solar Eclipse is a rare 'non-central Annular Eclipse' in tropical Taurus on April 29th 2014. The next Total Solar Eclipse occurs on Friday March 20th 2015 at 29 Pisces and has a shadow zone that passes north of the UK through the Faroe islands. We are caught in an astrological spell right now. As this day ends Mars tightens on a square to Pluto. The 'fag end' Moon is dangerously burning void of course in Sagittarius. Mercury is conjunct Pluto. Hold steady in your inner world as we approach the New Moon now 48 hours away.Tuesday 31 December 2013Geocentric Heliocentric Helio aspects Sun 09 Capricorn EA 9 Cancer UR sqr PL .2 Mon 19 Sagittarius ME 13 Capricorn MA opp NE .3 Mer 10 Capricorn VE 3 Cancer JU trn SA .98 Ven 27 Capricorn MA 5 Virgo ME sqr UR 1.21 Mar 11 Libra JU 15 Cancer ME con PL 1.41 Jup 16 Cancer SA 16 Scorpio EA opp PL 1.82 Sat 20 Scorpio UR 11 Aries EA sqr UR 2.02 Ura 09 Aries NE 5 Pisces VE trn NE 2.17 Nep 03 Pisces PL 11 Capricorn ME opp JU 2.28 Plu 11 Capricorn No 04 Scorpio Geocentric Midpoints sorted by orb 00:00 GMT 06:00 GMT 12:00 GMT 18:00 GMT Me Su/Pl .13 Su Mo/Ve .08 Su Ma/Ur .08 Me Sa/Ne .1 Ne Ve/Ur .23 Mo Ma/Ne .15 Ne Ve/Ur .33 Su Ma/Ur .12 Su Ma/Ur .47 Su Ma/Ur .27 Me Mo/Ve .36 Pl Su/Me .3 Pl Sa/Ne .51 Ne Ve/Ur .28 Pl Mo/Ve .4 Ne Ve/Ur .38 Me Ma/Ur .54 Me Su/Pl .4 Me Sa/Ne .49 Sa Mo/Ma .42 Pl Su/Me 1.26 Pl Sa/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .52 Pl Sa/Ne .53 Me Sa/Ne 1.26 Ve Mo/Ne .61 Pl Su/Me .62 Me Su/Pl .94 The ancient Moon starts the day void of course in Sagittarius. Mars square Pluto 01:13. Disaster prone.Significant geocentric harmonic 20 around 06:00 GMT Mercury conjunct Pluto 11:24 Mercury square Mars 14:59 The Moon enters Capricorn 18:02 joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in that sign. The Moon sextiles Neptune 23:07 And so the old year ends. The New Year starts with a New Moon