The Daze.
The astrology of
Barack Obama.
The year 2009
In 2009 Barack Obama enters the last year of thirty of his progressed Sun being in Virgo. His progressed Sun ingresses Libra on Aug. 24th 2010. His role then. and for the following 30 years, symbolises the 'world diplomat' hopefully 'the peacemaker' and 'world statesman'. Barack Obama's life story is approaching a climax which is very close. He has a progressed Full Moon in 2011. 2009 is a very climatic year in itself. Barack Obama's progressed horoscope is alive with dynamic activity transformational in nature.
In January 2009 he has his 4th Jupiter return on Jan 9th. The Full Moon on Jan 11th is sextile natal Mars. Jupiter immediately opposes his natal Mercury on Jan 15th the same day as Pluto opposes his natal Venus. Four days later Jupiter trines his natal Moon.
Jupiter opposes his natal Sun on Feb 28th. An immediate challenge. His progressed Mars squares his progressed Saturn on March 3rd, serious interference at that time can be expected. The Full Moon on March 11th is conjunct natal Mars and curiously at that very time Uranus makes the third of 3 passes opposite his natal Mars on March 12th, the dominant transit in 2008. These first few weeks of his presidency are astrologically very challenging
His progressed Moon in late Aquarius trines progressed Mars April 27th 2009. and trines progressed Mercury on May 10th. The Full Moon on May 9th squares his ascendant. The New Moon on May 24th is conjunct his natal Moon.
The 'Summer Solstice New Moon on June 22nd applies to a conjunction with natal Venus. Pluto opposes natal Venus (for the 2nd of 3 times) on June 30th, this is the most difficult transit of 2009 for President Obama and it symbolises and suggests serious life changing experiences. At this same time progressed Venus is conjunct progressed Uranus on July 10th.
The powerful Total Solar Eclipse on Jul 22nd is trine natal MC stamping a much needed supporting hallmark on the character and destiny of his high office.
In August progressed Moon opposes the progressed conjunction of Venus and Uranus, becoming void on Aug. 28th. Saturn makes a single conjunction with natal Mars on Aug. 29th. These are very interesting and significant trends, and a very important time, I will have to send the great man an Astrotext at that time.
The Full Moon on September 4th is in tight fateful quincunx to his natal Sun, Jupiter is conjunct Obama's ascendant on 19th Sept, on the same day the New Moon is trine natal Saturn.
His progressed waxing gibbous Moon ingresses Pisces on Oct 7th 2009. The New Moon on 18th Oct squares natal Saturn. Saturn sextiles natal MC on Oct 19th.
Saturn moves into Libra and together with Pluto hit his natal Venus very hard on 16th-18th Nov 2009. The New Moon on Nov 16th squares his natal Uranus. Saturn sextiles natal Mercury Nov 22nd. This is another significant time for President Obama.
Saturn makes a trine aspect to his natal Moon on Dec 6th, and the New Moon trines natal Uranus Dec 16th evoke a calm end to a tumultuous year.
The Year 2008
Barack Obama was elected on Nov 4th 2008 during the first of 5 oppositions of Saturn and Uranus. In fact it was Uranus in Pisces opposing his natal Mars in Virgo which seems to have galvanised his route to power. The preceding Total Solar Eclipse on August 1st 2008 was 3 days before his 47th birthday. This eclipse was identified here as 'The Obama Eclipse' and it now seems to have been the single most important astrological event for Barack Obama in 2008. In addition as has already been mentioned his progressed Moon hit waxing gibbous phase mid August 2008.
The Natal Horoscope.
Barack Obama was born shortly after a Leo sunset, with a slow Last Quarter Moon in Gemini approaching lower culmination. At heart he is the leader, the Lion, the brave, fearless, loyal. generous and true. With Aquarius rising he deals with the world in a rational, logical, scientific, and altruistic manner. His high quality oratory is explained by his Moon in Gemini, trine Jupiter in Aquarius, sextile Mercury in Leo. His domesticity, his all important home life and his 'family orientated energy' is explained here by Venus in Cancer. His practical dexterity, his 'common touch' and his grip on 'reality' is shown by Mars in Virgo in trine aspect to Saturn in Capricorn.
Mercury and Venus are both morning stars. Here is a man whose very being is geared to the future. His is the vision and the hope.
The difficult aspect in Obama's horoscope is Mercury in Leo in opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius. This suggests a need for great care in all estimations and judgements and a dependence on sound advice. Also his Gemini Moon is applying to a mutable T-square with Pluto and Chiron conferring enforced adaptations and unwelcome changes at times in his life. This is however a balanced chart (by element) with a little extra Fire and Earth added.
Astrocartography and Local Space.
At the time of Barack Obama's birth at Honolulu, the Sun was aligned to Harare and Hong Kong. The Harare connection is especially pertinent as his presidency begins. The Moon was aligned in the direction of Moscow and Ankara, this is a welcome influence and suggests a possible easing of tension in the USA Russian relationship.
Saturn is aligned to Santiago, Pluto to Lima in Peru and to Rio de Janeiro. The Moon's Node was aligned to Manila.
As the infant Barack took his first breath the Sun was setting at Wellington New Zealand and at lower culmination at Panama. The Moon was rising (significantly) at Washington DC and was setting at Manila and over Korea (where Pluto was culminating), Venus was culminating over Iran (another good sign perhaps) and Minsk, and at lower culmination at San Francisco. Mars was rising just east of Baghdad,
culminating at Tokyo and at Adelaide. Jupiter was culminating at Calcutta, the Sun at Bangkok, the planets Saturn and Neptune made a 'paran' at Dallas Texas, Uranus rose at Bern, Neptune was at lower culmination at Paris, Pluto rose at Zagreb and Bremen.
Obama's 'eclipse season' birth.
Barack Obama was born in an eclipse season some 7 days before an Annular Solar Eclipse in Leo (visible at the time in the southern hemisphere, the central path passing through Rio de Jeneiro). This occurred in his secondary progressed horoscope in 1967. Some 15 years later by this measure, in 1982, he underwent his first progressed Full Moon which was actually a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. By this time Barack Obama had completed the eclipse season he was born into, his high destiny and his future pathway had been irrevocably 'set up'.
In 1997 his 2nd progressed New Moon occurred in Virgo. Now in January 2009 as he takes up the mantle of President of the United States he is just two and a half years from another progressed Full Moon. This occurs in June 2011. We await with high hope and expectation the coming years.