About TheDaze

This site provides daily astrological commentary on current affairs and on people in the news. It provides a wealth of astrological and astronomical data pertinent to an understanding of the ‘cosmic flavour’ of the days we are living in.

The Daze is possibly the oldest astrology blog on the web. The archives here go back to the Winter Solstice in 1999. The Daze is created and maintained by UK based teacher and astrologer Michael Harwood (M.Ed,B.A)

Welcome to my site. Here you can read about political astrology, New Moons, Full Moons, Eclipses, Occultations, Ingresses and planetary alignments. Find horoscope interpretations of famous people, predictions and forecasts.

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Michael Harwood

Welcome to The Daze


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EMAIL:- harwood790@gmail.com

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